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Mrs.-James D. Mcllyars 5112 Abercrombie Drives Edina 249 ,Minnesote.. DBar FA- Ilyar a Your comments concerning your dislike of being billed every fihree.months for.wator are quite,.surprisings'inasmuch ao:they are the first such comments I have ever had .in some'thirteen years of administering a winter department vrhere.quarteriy billing vies used. , i.iko- the vast majority of all municipalitiese Edina has billed water on a quarterly basis over since the Village took over the private system. Because of the low'rates on water,ire comparis6n nth other utilitiess:.it Is uneconomical to bill monthly. To eliminate peak billing period'as we did 6o to "staggered" billing whereby the Village Is-divided into three distri.cts3,with 2,000 of the customers Billed each month. With nearly 69000 accqunts9 this staggered. billing has allawed us to even out the flow of worts in the.office and,eliminates the necessity for.paact time help. I regret that your particular district happens to receive its bills in September, December, March - and.June. I am sure that.peopld In other dlstrIcts, who get their bills at other times, could also figure they had- bad• peaks an their family budget, too. As one who has lived in Minnesote.most of his life's but having also lived in Illinois# Wisconsin# Ohio, Oregon, -N" Jersey9 Florida and New York, I cannot quite understand your description of MUnnesota as'being - back -ward and as a public servant, I particularly challenge your count, "graft filled state ". Statements of this kind should not be made unless you have evidence. As far as the Village of Edina is concerned, I would be happy to give you a copy of-the State Examiners' report and I am enclosing a copy of the Courier write--4p of the report. F4ptember 17, 1958 If I am not mistaken# you have lived in Edina approximately three years and I am very happy to have you now inquire as .to where and hone you register to vote. .1 ace enclosing a copy of a report which was sent to all home owners this spring, which gives on the back pages-under the heading of "Are you a citizen gust class ", tho basic qualifica- tion for eligibility to vote, - y Ve will be happy to have you come in to the Village Fall between 8 A.M. and 4930 P.M.- Monday thru Fridays until October 14thx'if you wish to vote at the general election. Starting October 6s you may register at,the Village Hall until 9 P.M.,; Monday thru Friday.and .all day Saturdays October 11th. The School Board is having an election on October lst to vote on a new $49650x000.00 high school bond.issue. You do not need to be registered to vote on this and voting is done at the schools. We do not control this. I regret that we cannot change our billing schedule to meet your pleasure. Very truly yours® I'39A Darren C. Hydex Village Manager. i < oi G I vt V r L BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 8 4 8 UNIVERSITY A V E N U E ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 August 6, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Edina Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: RE: WELL NO':' 9 This letter follows our discussion in your office on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 5, 1958, relative to the contract and bond for the well for which the contractor was the Keys Well Drilling Company of.St. Paul, Minnesota. You are familiar with the problems which have been encountered with the pump as originally installed by the Layne -- Minnesota Company. After Layne pulled the pump and re- installed it no apparent difficulties appear to be present. However, the Keys Company did make some modifications in'the top of the well casing. Whether these modifications corrected the situation as far as the pump was concerned or whether other matters entered into the picture is some- thing which is extremely hard to determine. Nevertheless, after running alignment tests of the well after the pump was pulled it appears to me that there is some question as to whether or not the Keys Company fully complied with the specifications. Without going into all of the details, which would require several pages.'of correspondence, I believe we can safely say that there is some question as to the compliance. In order that the Village may be protected on this matter in the future,should difficulties arise, we are calling this matter to your attention. We further ask you to advise us whether you desire us to make an official communication to the Keys Well Drilling Company or whether you should handle as Village Manager or have your Attorney do it. It is our opinion that any notification to the .Keys Well Drilling Company should be made within one year after the acceptance of the well. The bond would cover this as well as the contract for a period of one year. It is further our opinion that serving notice on the Keys Well Drilling Company of possible deficiencies or failure to comply with the specifications would,establish the matter for a. possible claim:at -.some time in the future should such become necessary. We shall await hearing from you before engaging in any further correspondence on the matter. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY By . W, stet AWB /ga s� L-. ASK THE MAN INVOICE FROM L -AYNE LAYNE- MINNESOTA COO AFFILIATES LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 Village of Edina DATE 8 -8 -58 Edina, Minnesota COST. NO. OUR ORDER NO. 258P3 OUR INV. NO. 4385 TERMS NET F.O.B. WATER WELLS •PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT � /a��� WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS -EXTRA: WORK ON DEEP. WELL TURBINE PUMP 7x14 -58 Move Rig to job site,, Set-up, Remove Motor, base & 1751 of Pump Rig and '3 Men @$21.50 Hr. .8 Hrs. 172 00 1 Hr. Overtime @$27.50 Hr. 27 50 7- •15 -58 Finished Pulling Pump -Rig & 3Men @$21. 50Hr. 8 Hrs. 172 00 1 Hr. Overtime @ $27.50 Hr. V. 50 7- 16• -58. Reassemble Pump Bowl, Check all Shafts Rig & 2 Men 7 Hrs. @ $21. 50 Hr. 150 50 7 -21 -58 Started to .reset Pump - ..Work stopped 401 Pump in. Rig & 3 Men 3- Hrs. @$21. 50 Hr. 64 50 7- 23 -58. Pulled Pump Back out - installed 101 additional suction pipe and installed 1501 pump. Rig & 3 Men 8 Hrs. @ $21.5.0 Hr. 1724 00 7 -2458 Finished installing Pump -Rig & 3 Men 8 Hrs. @$21.50Hr 172 00 . 2 Hrs. Overtime @ $27.50 Hr. .55 00 7 -25 »58 Tear Down Rig,Clean up job site-return to shop Rig & 2: Men 4 Hrs. @ $18. 50 Hr. 74 00 Hook up pump discharge, adjusted pump and.startup. 1 Man 7 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. 42 00 7- 29-58 Check pump lateral, greased pump 1 Man 3 -1/2 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. 21 00 Extra Material Installed. 1 51 Column and shaft in .exhhange for 101 column and shaft to shorten pump.setting. No Charge 1 101 Additonal Suction Pipe 57 75 Electrician Cost to Disconnect Pump 22 86 Total Due this Invoice 1, 230. 61 Note: We believe the pump is still touching the well casing, even with .the shorter 'pump setting. WATER WELLS •PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT � /a��� WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS ASK TNt MAN, INVOICE FROM LAYNE LAYN1•MINN1S0TA CO. �� ge of Edina • Minna sota TrdtM$ NET AFFILIATES • LAYNE A BOWLER. INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. L • MINNEAPOLIS 10. MINN. • STERLING 1.935.{' DATE 8 -8 -58 COST. NO. OUR ORDER NO. 258P3 OUR INV. NO. 4385 F.O.B. 172 00 27 50 172 00 27 50 150 50 644 50 172 00 172 00 55 00 74 00 42 00 ZIJ 00 57J 75 22 86 1,2 WATER WILLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT / WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS ti 61 EXTRA WORK ON DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP 7r 14 -58 Move Rig to job site, Set up, Remove Motor, base & 1751 of Pump Rig and 3 Men @$21.50 Hr. 8 Hrs. 1 Hr. Overtime @$27.50 Hr. 7 »15.58 Finished Pulling Pump -Rig& 3Men @21.50Hr.8 Hrs. 1 Hr. Overtime @ $27.50 Hr. 7 -16 -58 Reassemble Pump Bowl, Check all Shafts Rig & 2 Men 7 Hrs. @ $21. 50 Hr. 7 -21 -58 Started to reset Pump - Work stopped 401 Pump in. Rig & 3 Men 3 Hrs. @$21. 50 Hr. 7 -23 -58 pulled Pump Back out. - installed 101 additional auction pipe and installed 1501 pump. Rig & 3 Men 8 Hrs. @ $2L5AHr. 7 -24 -58 Finished installing Pump -Rig & 3 Men 8 Hra. @$Z 1.50H 2 Hrs. Overtime @ $27.50 Hr. 7 -2558 Tear Down Rig Clean up job site - return to shop Rig & 2 Men 4 Hrs. @ $18. 50 Hr. Hook up pump discharge, adjusted pump and startup I Man 7 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. 7 -29 -58 Check pump lateral, greased pump 1 Man 3-1/2 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. Extra Material Installed. 1 51 Column and shaft in ezhhange for 101 column and shaft to shorten pump setting. No Charge 1 101 Additonal Suction Pipe Electrician Cost to Disconnect Pump Total Due this Invoice Note: We believe the pump is still touching the well casing, even with the shorter pump setting. 172 00 27 50 172 00 27 50 150 50 644 50 172 00 172 00 55 00 74 00 42 00 ZIJ 00 57J 75 22 86 1,2 WATER WILLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT / WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS ti 61 I , ASK THE MAN; INVOICE FROM LAYNE LAYNE- MINNESOTA CO. Vi- ilage of Edina Edina, Minnesota AFFILIATES • LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 DATE 8 -8 -58 COST. NO. OUR ORDER NO. 258P3 OUR INV. NO. 4385 TERMS NET F.O.B. WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT pqgg, � WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS EXTRA WORK ON DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP 7.14 -58 Move Rig to job site Set up, Remove Motor, base & 175' of Pump Rig and 3 Men @$21.50 Hr. 8 Hrs: 172i 00 1 Hr. Overtime @$27.50 Hr. 27 50 7•'15 -58 Finished Pulling Pump -Rig & 3Men @$21.50Hr. 8 Hrs. 172 00 1 Hr. Overtime @ $27.50_ Hr. 27. 50 7 -16 -58 Reassemble Pump Bowl, Check all Shafts Rig & 2 Men 7 Hrs. @ $21. 50 Hr. 150. 50 7-21 -58 Started to reset Pump - Work stn -_ ped 40' Pump in. Rig & 3 -Men 3 Hrs. @$21.50 Hr. 64. 50 7 -2358 Pulled Pump Back out - installed 10' additional suction pipe and installed 150' pump. Rig & 3 Men 8 Hrs. @ ' $2I.5.O Hr. 172. 00 7 -24 -58 Finished installing Pump -Rig & 3 Men 8 Hrs. @$21.50Hr 172. 00 2 Hrs. Overtirr-a @ $27.50 Hr. 55. 00 7 -25 -58 Tear Down Rig Clean up job site- return to shop Rig & 2 Men 4 Hrs. @ $18.50 Hr. 74. 00 Hook up pump discharge, adjusted pump and startup ' I Man 7 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. 42. 00 7 -29 -58 Check pump lateral, - greased pump 1 Man 3-1/2 Hrs. @ $6.00 Hr. 21. 00 E. tra Material Installed., 1 5' Column and shaft in exhhange for 10' column and shaft to shorten pump setting. No Charge 1 10' Additonal Suction Pipe 57. 75 Electrician Cost to Disconnect Pump 22. 86 Total Due this Invoice 1,2300 61 Note: We believe the pump is still touching the well casing, even with the shorter pump setting. WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT pqgg, � WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS e 48 YEA -RS< OF *ELL!'D'RIL,LING X I r A-SAWK R Maw 11 . MP / EPERIENCE 13120 Wayzata Boulevard . Minneapolis 26, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON THOMAS B. CASWELL Uberty 5 -8834 June 3rd 1958 Mr.' Warren Hyde Village Manager 4801 W. 50th St. Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: To review the work done on Weal #4 by us.in January and February 1957. This well was constructed by'us in`1950. The pump was a 100 HP turbine designed to produce approximately 850 GPM; however the well was pumping a considerable amount. of sand.. It was decided to pull the pump and check the well to see if the sandrock had .sloughed. The estimated cost of pulling the pump, checking the well and reinstalling the pump was estimated at from $400.00 to $450.00. We ran a line down and found the well had filled .up approximately 30 feet. It was therefore decided to. pull the pump and bail the well. We. submitted our standard charges for hourly work in a letter on November 12th, 1956. After considerable discussion involving Mr. Woehler, your Engineer, Mr. Banister, a member-of the Council, and yourself We submitted a revised proposal of a guarantee not to exceed a maxi- mum price of $6000,00 with;a guarantee of a well capable of producing 900 GPM with a maximum of 5 ppm of sand. In the final proposal we also reduced from the $19.00 per hour which was being bid on all contractors., to $17.50 per ;hour. This reduction wa was originally drilled . by us and we knew the actual be.ceuse we felt some obligation to try to make this wells in the City's system. our hourly charge such work by well s made because it construction and one of the best You.had also checked and found that well contractors do not submit guarantees of final performance on underground formations when doing work on an hourly basis. I trust the above is, the information desired.. Yours sincerely, BERG ON -CA ELL INC. R.K.Bergerson -cc BY; J� ��-. WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALL ON AND SERVICE May 2, 1958 memo to: Joseph xikan, Adam Batko, , Ben Woehlers Please call the attached to the attention of all Village personnel who may have occasion to work in manholes. !+fiat equipment_ do we have. for introducing oxygen in to the manholes? . I have written for a copy of the Minneapolis Health Depart - ment memorandum referred to in the article and will make it available as soon as it is . received. Warr n . Hyde, Village Manager. sB ; 400� t 110 Y I c )pen ted b; e. Thy :ish -bon )y Cana ancouve tes immi took hin ing _him ou Calif. xs which ac. Vivian Fuchi ty will go tc y for use It Jl�eoe sledges an d district 'In don were Win ban Ant. 'new saw he leolrsio. loptad as psis. .MERICA iwred the Unit - t It would not s. r to Russia in restrictions of strategic ma- Mmuaist cotm- and I up their d`fer :d by the recent the Paraguayan ronel Dogado by and aftedly us- Ina for a base. elati4ons - between ons have been re- OIL -SAND IS CULPRIT Secret of the `Killer' Manhole Revealed By ARE ALTAOWITZ MinneapoUs Stu staff writer THE M n� S Tues. �l� 9A lagar of "o11-sand" about Ift inches below the bottom of the manhole, remnant of some old street - oiling pro. gram, and it was absorbing oxygen faster than average soils. A subsequent study of 44 In the street you note an open manhole other water department man - guarded by holes showed that 25 on high an encircling pipe -fence and red flags. You alao note a ground w e r e oxygen -safe, "chug- chugger" sending fresh air down into the opening, but six of the 19 on low The air delivery could make the difference between ground contained less than ' v 15 life and death for anyone working below. per cent o x y g e n. Two Proper oxygen content in were found so low in oxy- m a n h o 1 e s is one of the mice were lowered is a cage. gen that they were death things on which the Minne- They died. g traps. apolis h e a I t h department Another test showed ox by The emorandum winds up keeps an official eye. gem content of the air in the " Normal air contains about manhole was only 2 per cent. It appears that extra cau 10 per cent oxygen. It's nos- In a final test the manhole lion is necessary. particular. title to live in 16 per cent. was blown full of fresh air ly when a manhole is local- 3elow that figure —look out and covered. In three hours led in rnw or swampy ground In Minneapolis health de- the Oxygen where decaying vegetation p mrtment records today s a Y e e n again had other substances may use up nemorandum to Dr. Karl R. dropped below per cent, the oxygen. .undeberg, health commis- The mystery deepened. "Any manhole should be ioner, from Dr. W. E. Park, What stole the oxygen? blown out with fresh air, or hief of the department's oc- Health sleuths f i n a 1 l the air tested for adequacy upational health service. found the y of oxygen before a workmar e cut It tells the story of a death- culprit It was a enters it." lealing manhole. A water de. artment employee w e a t _ lows to close a valve and vas brought up dead. Ouse f death was asphyxiation. "ON O N TH E An Initial test showed 17 er cent oxygen, which was dequate. But -then the man- GO" ole was sealed for a couple Kay J r Fashion F weeks and a couple of VILLAGE OF EDINA- 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota March 218s 1958 Roto Rooter Sewer Service Go*'*' 1819 Nicollet Avenue* Minneapolis 39 Minnesota, Gentlement From time to time wo receive requests from residents to pay bills from you for dodd-ing out sewers. ;Je have uniformly denied payment on theso and I am writing to advise you of our policy on the matter and to solicit your cooperation. Gb attempt to have our- residentsknow- that if they have sev,,ier block ups they may call the Police department after offices are closed or' the Sewer depart went during the day and our sewer crew will immediately check to see if the main line Is open. If the main line Is cloggod# we then clear it* if it is not clogged, we then refer the residents to a commercial servlce,. Apparentlys, In some Instances some of the private services have been called and bave first sodded the private line. Then they find that the main sawer is clogged and we are called at that point* It seems to me it would be much better If* when your men are called, they would either suggest to the caller that they get in touch with us firsts or If you Insist on answering ihecallp then your men should lehock the ;main Ewer first. The immediate request Is- on a bill from & L* O'Brieng 5804 Ewing Avenue Sputhe in the amuht of $15* We are returning1the bill' to Mr* O'Brien with.a copy of this letter and I am enclosing a copy of the letter we are writing to Mr.. O'Brien. Please understand that we are not liable for bills incurred by residents with you unless our Sewer foreman has ordered the work done.. We will not pay any bills which we have-not authorized in advance of the work .being done. vivi 1B CCt O'Brien Very truly yours# Parren Ce Hyde* Village Manager. 110to Rooter Samr Seavace OD., =9 N3rolle �W 4` _ ,Mnrwa;o1ie* 3* & s Frm tim to t2m m zec&iva reams frog residents' to pay Mils frsm yew for 4odding out, sue. 10 hievo anLiforay to pa3� a .c - r usil�itig.. to se -m of n= plicy seta the matter and to W11clIt- your cocotmation, U attc4d to haver ---W,.dmtt kt= t If they Atve 'ear block upt thw MW CC" the %11100, .depeatment`.fte . off lees .aro clomd or tho 'Scw -m' extme-ft, dbrimg the tray aid cm m= "crm r411 11awdiately. w k- to ma If the -main l ne 'is �. If the cm�in�,� line �.� clQrggee3tp� '"a�' rii e'� -.Y�Oi if-it la r clogged* We' p:ls refer thh- aosidents- to : a cmwrcial ,service., Appwmtlyf in ; inatemas s=e of 'tho priv to services havo been called and have firA roSded the private line. TMh they fiW that "tho MO � is c1 a 4i ate - called at that point.. It seem to mo it vould be amb batter, lf r r on called , Vi &ro call, they vowd either oat to : e, caller that, thW get in tone. with ; us first, or �f you insist an anemring the call, tbom yoga tin should Mieck the-; malts sewor first. The ism$diato reWe at- Is on Sr bill from- S. L.-O°trient -SOD4 rving AVGMO SPM9,2 In the a miunt of 515. rb are roturnUV;the bill 'to ' Mr. O "Drien with a copy of this letter and 1 am enclosing a copy of the letter -tom we uwiting to Ur. C9Orle5ne Please understand,- that we aro not liable for bills incurredi by oer residents with g tmleas our er foremen, has ordered' the work done. Ego will of pay any bills which we have n6t vithorizod its aftame of , tbo work. boing done. Vary t=ly gist 'UerTecn C. i ydep V111601D Manager. �F.arch 280 1%8. L. O'Brien,' 3804 Ewing Avenue South, Edina 109 Minnesotae Bear,Mro O *Brient Thank you for your letter enclosing a bill in the amount of Siva from Roto Footer Sewer Service for work done. on Decker 18. 1 have checked this natter with the seiner department and have also checked the general policy of the Village and I re- _gret to inform you that we carrot pay this bill-to Roto Rooter. I act, ' therefore 9 returning it to you together with . a copy of a letter we are sending to Roto Rooter today. I deeply regret the fact that you had considerable.difficulty and inconvenience. C:e- do stand ready to ansraor calls for clogged sewers at any time and our ,procedure is as outlined in the letter to Roto Rooter, namely, we check the train - surer ' and if it is clogged, we then cpen it. If the main sa-wer is open, we advise � the householder to calla a commercial service for taking -care of the private -line. - Ir'some instances® we find that after commercial services rod private lines.,the roots or other matter which has caused' the clogging aro, pushed into the main line and eventually create a stoppage there. I an sorry I cannot authorize payment: ,,-of - the bill by the Village and I hope that you will have no more edditional difficulty,with your seer. If you clog however-, please call the Village first for a check on the mainline before going ahead with private service. AS you may .note from my l 'ettor to. Roto Rooter, I think that sometimes private services rod the private line without first checking the main line.- = Vera truly. yours9 Pftrren Co- Hyde s , Village Manager. _ - Encl. I ,_ >- 4 . ,4416w WAlnut 7 -8861 f M_ F= Roto Rooter Sewer service Co.* 1819 Nicellet Avenue, Minneapolis 3s tftmesota. Gentlemens VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street .Edina 24, Minnesota ,larch 280 1958 lean time t* time vie receive requests from residents to pals bills from you for dodding out sewers. J'e have uniformly denied payment on these and x am writing tu. ad vise you of our policy on they matter and + - to solicit your cooperation. re attempt to have our= residents kmi that If they have sewer black . ups they may call the Police department after offices are closed or the 8 e depsrtme t - duringi the day and our sewor. crew will Immediately check to see if the main line is open. If the main line is clogge#t we then clear it. . If it is not cloggeds we then refer thCresidents to a Co mercial. service. Apparently, in some Instances some of the private services have been called and have first nodded the private line. Then they find that they rain sower Is clog4ed and we are called at that .point. It seems to me It would be much better if, when your men are calledip . they would either suggest: to the-caller that they get in touch with us first, or if you insist can answering the callp then your men should leheck the i main swer first. The immediate request 1s on a bill from S. L O'Brien, 5W Ining Avenue Sputhq in the amount of. $15. E6 are returninglthe bill to Mr. O'Brien with a copy of this letter and I am unclosing'a copy of the letter .wee are writing to Mr. O'Hrlen. Please understand that we are not liable for bills incurred by residents .with you unless out Sewer'foreman has ordered the work done. We will.not pay any bills which we have not authorized in advance of the work being done. Viol08 CCa GOBVIen. Very truly yourst Marren C. Ike t Village Manager. March 4, 1958 MEMO TO: Adam.Batko, Ben Woehler Larry Wilson The attached letter from S. L. O'Brien, 5804 Ewing Avenue S. is self explanatory. Please let me have the facts on this and whether you feel we are liable for the Roto Rooter bill of $15.. What do we know about Roto Rooter's general practise when they get a call? Do they check the main line first and then, if it is plugged, do they go ahead and rod the house line anyway? What contacts have we,had with Roto Rooter? Maybe we should sit-down with them and try to work out some understandings as to when we will be liable and when we will not be. Let me have your answers.to whether we should pay the present bill promptly and return the letter from Mr. O'Brie . Warren C. yde, Village Manager. WCH:B .-- rcl�fi=t �..b � 0w e ,0 0�, LU_A_�. •. Y t, March 4, 1958 MEMO TO: Adam.Batko, Ben Woehler Larry Wilson The attached letter from S. L. O'Brien, 5804 Ewing Avenue S. is self explanatory. Please let me have the facts on this and whether you feel we are liable for the Roto Rooter bill of $15.. What do we know about Roto Rooter's general practise when they get a call? Do they check the main line first and then, if it is plugged, do they go ahead and rod the house line anyway? What contacts have we,had with Roto Rooter? Maybe we should sit-down with them and try to work out some understandings as to when we will be liable and when we will not be. Let me have your answers.to whether we should pay the present bill promptly and return the letter from Mr. O'Brie . Warren C. yde, Village Manager. WCH:B .-- rcl�fi=t �..b � 0w e ,0 0�, LU_A_�. Minneapolis, Minnesota March 3, 1958 Village of Edina 5801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen: The enclosed statement, in the amount of $15-is enclosed for servicing the main sewer at 5804 Ewing Av. So. Early in November we noticed water backing up from the floor drain in our basement and called Roto - Rooter for service. On December 18, we discovered during the evening, we could not use our plumbing and a large area in our basement was flooded. We called Roto - Rooter and they responded about 9:30 P.M. After checking our line and found it to be clear they checked the sewer in the street and found the trouble to be there in the main line. We called the Village Hall and within a short time we could see men working in the street and when there was no water standing on the basement floor the next morning, December 19, we proceed- ed to use the plumbing thinking the trouble had been corrected. However, this was not the case, as by 8:60 A.M. it was discovered to be flooded worse than ever. The laundry room had about 4" of foul smelling dirty water - which quickly spread into the amuse- ment room which has a tile floor and wood paneled walls. We again reported to the Village Hall and the service men worked in the street, after several hours the trouble was correcred. In the meantime, however, we tried to keep the water from spreading by using what materials we had and later one of the men came in with a couple sand bags and placed over the drain - but by that time the main sewer was beginning to function. I am sure you can appreciate the unpleasant task it was to clean that basement and to rid the house of odors and since it was no fault of ours we feel we are entitled to be reembursed for the Roto- Rooter charges - at least for the call .of December 18, though it appears the call made in November, in the amount of $10.80, was due to the main sewer and not our line. Would appreciate your consideration of this claim. Ve ry fu',y , o� t� 5804 Ewing Av. S. Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS 30 days DATE ORDERED JOPERATOR Clem 701 of b" Vain sewer serviced IF PAYMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE.. PLEASE FORGET THIS REMINDER. I!NOT, WON'T YOU PLEASE SEND YOUR REMITTANCE TODAY? ��-7 8 &6 DATE OF INVOICE I5.Off? MEMBER- BE MUD �CREOITBUAEAU GOOD R DR ROTO- ROOTER %( OfMINNEAPOUS °PAY PROMPTCI ` SEWER SERVICE CO. YELLOWD ' CREMT Gutty. \ ie d l• ie d d l FR SEWER s upleF co. 1 8 1 8 N I CO L L E T A V E N U E FEDERAL 6 -6641 • MINNEAPOLIS 3, MINNESOTA 4 RESIDENTIAL • MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL SEWER CLEANING SPECIALISTS CESSPOOLS • SEPTIC TANKS • DRAIN FIELDS: INSTALLED • PUMPED • REPAIRED THE ONLY LICENSED ROTO- ROOTER OPERATOR. SERVING MINNEAPOLIS AND VICINITY. S. L. OtBrien 5604 Ewing, Ave.. So.. M$nneap of l s ,*, M4nn. PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMENT r , i WATER RESERVOIR CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 8th day e 19_, between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and PHELPS DRAKE CO., INC. of 5440 DOUGLAS DRIVE, MINNEAPOLIS 229 MINNESOTA hereinafter called the Contractor, Party .of'the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article . The Contractor, for and,in consideration of the payment or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equipment, and to do and perform all the work and labor ne,essary for the rYi�X CONSTRUCTION OF A 490009000 - GALLON WATER RESERVOIR AND PUMP- HOUSE COMPLETE, ON LOT 5, PROSPECT HILLS (7000 DUBLIN ROAD) W in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made apart of this contract to the same extent as if. herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event.not later than TEN WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN ORDER FROM THE VILLAGE and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and.approval of the engineer, ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 15, 1959 Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTYwTHREE AND SOpollars $275r473i,00 ) - for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to 'I '4 r secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec..4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor', which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipal- ity of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipal- ity's attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITNESSED BY: WITNESSED BY: i r � VILLAGE DINA, BY llage Manager // G /S • �it� � .fir O ' ��t/ CONTRACTOR 0 We/ Z No. 1636 —Road of Public Contractor muter -uavIs w., mmneapous v ria1U all grit by PP t1resettla. That we, ....PHELPS -DRAKE CO. a INC ....... D .............. E........... 5.44Q ... DP .glas... P rive No: x...Minneapolis.x...Miruiesota ......................................... ............................... ........... .............. as principal...... and...... RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY .............................................._.............................................................................................. ............................... as sureties, hereby acknowledge and rmoinvre ourselves held and firmly bound to.! ................... ............................... VILLAGE OF .EDINA.MINNESOTA ............. .. .................. ...... ... ... ............................................................. ..................... ............................... � ................................................................................................................. ..............................I State of Minnesota, obligee, in the sum o f 1 ($275, 473.00; Two hundred seventy -five thousand four hundred seventy-three and no /100 -- Dollars, ........... .......... ............................... ................................................................................ ....y.- ........................ ............................. lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, ........... its .... .........................heirs, legal representatives, succes8om ' and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS .OF THIS OBLIG.4TIOX .1RE.SUCH, That whereas said principal ...::. has.::....... entered into a contract with said obligee for .... constructinn of a 4 million gallon water... .... ..... ...................... .... ............................ Reservoir and Pumphouse complete, on Lot 5, Prospect Hills (7000 Dublin. Road) Village of Edina, Minnesota NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained for feeding and keeping of men and animals for the performance of said contract; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for enforcing the terms of this bond. in all actions which may be brought thereon and successfully maintained, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees; shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shall, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an additional bond in the sum at least of such, increase within ten days after demand therefor in writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be successfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shall be and remain of full force ;and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this ............... 8th ......................... day of ......................December Y9 _58 PHELP6) DRAKE .CO., INC. In presence of: i / / CE COMPANY Attorney -in -fact i. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Otate of 01inntoota, Countyof ............................................................................. Onthis .............................................................................. "y of ........................................................................ ...... 119 ............. before 7" personallyappeared ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. to me known to be the person...... described in and who executed the forefoinj bond,'dnd acknowledged that ......lie..... executed the same as .................................... free act and deed. ............................................................................................................................. Notary Public, .............................. ..................:.....County, Minn. My commission expires .................................................................. JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONAL SURETIES Otate of Annvgota, Countyof .............................................................................. ............. : ............................. ........................................................................................................................................... being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says; that he 18 a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he justifies on the foregoing bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he is worth said sum above his -debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution to-wit: Said.................................................. : .................................... in the sum of .............. .................................................................................... Dollars Said....................................................................................... in the gum Of ... ............................................................................................... Dollars Subscribed and Sworn to Before He this ........................ dayof ........................................................................................ 19............ ................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. Notary Public, ..................................................................... counk. Minnesota. .................................................................................................................. MYcommission expires ..................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATE SURETY gotateOt .......... .................. on this ............ ..................... d'ay of ....... ................... SS. J. D. Chandler County of......... . Hennepin ................. before me appeared................ . .. . .................................... to me personally known, who, being by me duty sworn, did say that ............ he ................. i.s ....................................... the ...... ................................................................................................ At ... t.o. ... r . ... n ... e.y ....... in....-f 4.gt .................. I .............. : ...................................................................... . of............... .... C.Q.MP.Any .......................................................................... ................. : ................. a.corporation, that the seat affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seat of . said corporation, ..... ............................... and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority ,of its Board of .. Directors .......... ................ ; and that said .......................... ...... Cham.dlcr ... ; ................................................................. ..... ............. .. acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ........... ..................................................................... ......... . ..... .............. .. . ............... ................... NotaryPublic ......................................................... Counity . ....................................... ........... Mary Lane Lively, Notary Public 'MY 06mmi,13firim expires; .................................................... Hennepin County, Minn. N(yAugust 111 1959 commission Expires 0 0 Q 04 it o 0 3 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEGMENT FOR P'iINCIPAL STATE OF MINNESOTA so :"COUNTY OF HENNEPIN On this 8th day of December, 1959 a ',efore me appeared G. A.. Drake and J. C. Hazlett to me personally knovvn, who being be me duly sworii, did say that they are respecti -rely President and Treasurer of Phelps -Drake Co., Inc. a corporation that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and they acknc avledged said in "strument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. Mary Lane Lively, Lary ' ublit Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires Auaust 12. 1959 xo... 303 -. rowan or nrnoAncv RELIANCE INSURANCE PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA CERTIFIED COPY COMPANY Know all men by these Presents, That the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, does hereby make, constitute and appoint M. D. Chandler,, J. Do Chandler and John B. Lang, Individually., Minnetapolis3, Minnesota, its true and lawful agent and attorney -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of per- sons holding places of public or private trust, and in the performance of contracts other than insurance policies, and executing and guaranteeing bonds or other undertak- ings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law.required or permitted, and to bind the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and under- takings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the RELIANCE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney (s) -in -fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of Article VII of the By -Laws of RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY which became effective January 1, 1938, reading as follows: ARTICLE VII Execution of Bonds and Undertakings SECTION 1. The Board of Directors, the President, any Vice President or Assistant Vice President shall have power and authority to: (a) appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (b) to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 2. Attorneys -in -Fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recog- nizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. In Witness Whereof, the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed. This lst day of January 19 58. RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY (SEAL) J. V. Gosline ................................................................................... ............................... Vice- President STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Ss: COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, On this .............. ..... ..... 1st....... .............................da of... .......................J.>�,ta. , A.D. 19..... 8, before the subscriber, a y uuaxy ..... ............................... Notary Public of the State of Pennsylvania, in and for the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified, came .............................................. Ja....�.o....f GS11 -ne.$................... Vice - President of the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and, being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the officer of the Com- pany aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Article VII, Section 1 and 2 of the By -Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ........... ........................Thelma E. Torbett ................................................................ ............................... Notary Public STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, My Commission Expires COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. August 7, 1861 Charles A. Simpson Resident Assistant Secretary of the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, I . ........................... ,. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Coln any at the City of Philadelphia this......... ............. 8th ........... ............................day of.........December ......................., A.D. 1958 ... ...................... ... FORM BD 1009 -A Charles A. Simpson, esident Assistant cretary M . a IG THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, COMPANY • ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: VILLAGE OF EDINA ADDRESS: Edina, Mirim Sota , THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY, SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS, " CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW. NAME AND ADDRESS PHELPS DRAKE COMPANY, INC. - OFINSURED 5440. Douglas Drive, Minneapolis 22, Minnesota INSURANCE IN FORCE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION _ STATUTORY EACH PERSON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH PERSON CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY) - EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH ACCIDENT CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH PERSON PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY EACH ACCIDENT OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH ACCIDENT PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE - EACH PERSON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (BODILY INJURY) _ _ EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE PRODUCTS EACH ACCIDENT . - AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL ' OPERATIONS AGGREGATE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL AUTOMOBILE 100 000 EACH PERSON (BODILY INJURY 2910 O [ 8 -26- L1 lJ U 8 -26- AIM. EACH ACCIDENT 300.000 AUTOMOBILE �1'71�7PiLL AUTO (PROPERTY DAMAGED K--2192910 Q R V -26- V Q V -26- INS. CO. O 0� EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OWNED, NON -OWNED AM HIRED AUTOS IN THE EVENT OFCANCELLATION OFORANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS SHOWN HEREIN THE ISSUING . COMPANY WILL GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM THISCERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN, THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHALL BE SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE, DATE 1 -2A -59 99051 -7 -57 Tv A & MC : � i NXALIV 1NCO8YORATED 511 , 1 '.1 �G THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY • ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: 4JP- n'•• �ylyayal♦1_;B_1.VM yaa, ADDRESS: �A' ina. sot,& THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY. SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS, - - CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. HAS BEEN BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW, T /ISSUED NAME AND ADDRESS PHE" DR= COMPA i,')�,i�,,u . I�f� *�,�,,,� y OF INSURED _5IJ40 Doualm �0e,. Idnneapolis 22a.. N�esota INSURANCE IN FORCE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRA71ON DATE COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY EACH PERSON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT - MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH PERSON CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY) EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH ACCIDENT CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH PERSON PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY) EACH ACCIDENT OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH ACCIDENT PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE EACH PERSON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (BODILY INJURY) EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE - PRODUCTS EACH ACCIDENT ' AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL OPERATIONS AGGREGATE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL AUTOMOBILE EACH PERSON _ (BODILY INJURY) �. EACH ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE AUTO (PROPERTY DAMAGE) _ X-219 - EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED A%L D i W- mm m HIRED ADTcs IN THE EVENT OFCANCELLATION OFORANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS SHOWN HEREIN THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN, THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHALL BE SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE. DATE � 1- 2®-59 BY- 99051 -7 -57 J[,& ly SIB e, JVIC JLe . N IN A 1 IN C0"0ZLATRl) THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE • ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: Y•TwiU{Sy�\JF EDIalYtt. ADDRESS:; THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT, THE FOLLOWING POLICY, SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. BEEN ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW. �H�A�SS NAME AND ADDRESS Pis 1JiS21l(Si.7 VVi3CtSlSii S, ]=. . O F INSURED 5� Iouglim. �ve5 Ba pvUs 22'. ;, MQ nm t 8 INSURANCE IN FORCE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE. DATE DATE EXPIRATION COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION - STATUTORY EACH PERSON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY - EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH PERSON CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH ACCIDENT CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH PERSON PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY) - - EACH ACCIDENT OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH ACCIDENT PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) AGGREGATE EACH PERSON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL (BODILY INJURY) - EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL OPERATIONS AGGREGATE - (PROPERTY DAMAGE) _ PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL - AUTOMOBILE - 1�iV EACH PERSON (BODILY INJURY) K -2U MO Q-2&* 8- V- A1TwE�CR1i QAj�`yi 00 0 - EACH ACCIDENT L/V AUTOMOBILEjyi Oja (PROPERTY DAMAGE) Z� 10 6 4 Q , Co. o m EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED e OWD5, NON -M &D AIM }In D AUM IN THE EVENT OF CANCELLATION OF OR ANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS SHOWN HEREIN THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN. THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHALL BE SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE. DATE 1289 J % BY '4. G yyuai —i -ai Ilr� ®io1�3iL -(If 1Y -t 4.i - "11 ":v "_Y IN001iP0H/iTliD EUINGS LIMITED, 25 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO 1, CANADA CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London and/or Companies have covered the assured named below under Policy No ......... 57/16.0.4 ....... ............................................. which is in force as of the date hereof. ASSURED: ..... PRTW;�J?R. M' ... QMRAU-s ... TNq* ................................................................................. LOCATION:..-5b40..D.9uglas ... Dr.ive.-Mi.nneapolis 22. Hinnesotm .. .. .. . ...... .... ...... . .... ...... **--'***-******'--'-* ......... PERIOD: ......... Three..Yes,m ..!m.lebr.uary..17.....3,9,5.7...to..Februar,Y..17,..196.0 ..................... PARTICULARS OF INSURANCE: Type 'of Insurance ExcesszCornprehensive General and Automobile Liability Limit-. S1.,000.,00O.Combined Bodily Injury and Property Damage Eye e s & of. Primary Insurancer. X100,000/300,000 Bodily Injury Liability $50,000 Property Damage. Liability Construction of 4.,000,,000 Gallon Water-Reseroir and Pump House In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said insurance Euings Limited will expect to notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancellation, but Euings Limited assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure to do so. DATED THIS.......... ?.Oth ..................:..DAY OF..........: Jan Y .............................................. 19.59 ... ISSUEDTO........... VILLAGE. OF ... IMINA ................................................................................................. ADDRESS ............ ��M;=,....esot&, .................................................................................. ........... .......... EUINGS LIMITED By Subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy EUINGS LIMITED, 25 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO 1, CANADA CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London and /or Companies have covered the assured named below under Policy No .......... 57'/ 2tQ4 ..................... ............................... which is in force as of the date hereof.' ASSURED: ..... PIIl�LI'.. P.. C?! X*... I« .................................................. ............................... LOCATION:..5W.4Q..WugUo ..i?J"ive,1 J1VXMp0UG ..220 ... I,l sota ...... ............................... PERIOD: ......... ThMg. • .'X .......Ve wy... , s .. ' ?• • to - Vebruo- ry....1 % ... 3960 ..................... PARTICULARS OF INSURANCE: Type of Insurance L=eais CtmprehensIve General erd AutomobIle tiabiUty I;imcts U #000.tO 0 Combined. BodUy Injury and Property Damege Excess of Prlmixvy Insurances w4'=i % 00st00 Eon Injury Liability $50:000 Property D=age I- UU3ity Construntion of 4s000s000 Galion Water Resevc4r and Furp House In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said insurance Euings Limited will expect to notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancellation, but Euings Limited assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure to do so. DATEDTHIS......... 2Mh .....................DAY OF ........... James -V .............................................. 195... ISSUEDTO ....... : ... IrIT" ss..W ...= JIM ................................................................ ............................... ADDRESS...... ....... F� ax.Yd nneaota..................................................................... ............................... EUINGS LIMITED By �1 Subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy e EUINGS LIMITED, 25 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO 1, CANADA CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London and /or Companies have covered the assured named below under Policy No .......... 5. 7/y604 ..................... ............................... which is in force as of the date hereof. ASSURED:..... PHELPS.. DRMM..C.QVA1 . S... IDIC,. .................................................. ............................... LOCATION:.. 5440.. Do ugLw ..Ar1ir4..MJ.neap:nlis .. 22s ... Minnesota ...... ............................... PERIOD: ......... T hr. ee • - Years .'.._.. Yebmary..17s...145? • .to • •F'ebruery..17 ;...x,960 ..................... PARTICULARS OF INSURANCE: Type of Insurance Excess Comprehensive General and Automobile Liability Limiitt, 04000000 Combined Bodily Injury and Property Damage Excess of Pr xy Trsvrciiec: - odily Injury Liability $50x000 Property Damage Liability Construction of 4,1000y000 Gallon Water Resevoir and Pump house In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said insurance Euings Limited will expect to notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancellation, but Euings Limited assumes no responsibility by reason of any failure to do so. DATED THIS........ .. .....................DAY OF ........... .unary .............................................. 1959... ISSUEDTO............. LACE..�'..fi�INA ................................................................ ............................... ADDRESS............aR ..................................................................... ............................... EUINGS LIMITED By Subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy �r w �� Sit s4�r�, —!!� THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY • ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: VILLAGE OF ED INA ADDRESS: ED INA, MINN. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY, SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS, • CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW. PHELPS DRAKE COMPANY, INC. NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED 5440 DOUGLAS DRIVE, MP.LS . 22, MINN. INSURANCE IN FORCE - TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION - STATUTORY EACH PERSON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY) MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY ) OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) EACH PERSON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL EACH ACCIDENT (BODILY INJURY) AGGREGATE PRODUCTS _ EACH ACCIDENT ' AGGREGATE OPERATIONS COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL AGGREGATE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL AUTOMOBILE 100,000 EACH PERSON _ (BODILY INJURY l -220 7214 8 -26 -59 }^� V -26 -60 AMER. 300 ,000 EACH ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE (PROPERTY DAMAGE -220 7214 A V -26 -59 8 -26 -60 CO. 50,000 EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OWNED, NON -OWNED AND HIRED AUTOS WATER RESERVOIR IN THE EVENT OFCANCELLATION OFORANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS SHOWN HEREIN THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN. THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHALL BE SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE. DATE 8 BY -6-59 99051 -7 -57 RjApsH 8c Ac LENNAN INCORPORATED � , M,041ml�., THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE -if ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO: VILLAGE OF ED INA ADDRESS: EO INA, MINN. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY. SUBJECT TO ITS TERMS. CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE COMPANY INDICATED BELOW. NAME AND ADDRESS F"ELPS DRAKE COMPANY, INC. OF INSURED 5440 DOUGLAS DRIVE, MPLS. 229 MINN. INSURANCE IN FORCE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE COMPANY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY EACH PERSON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT CONTRACTORS' (BODILY INJURY) MANUFACTURERS' AND EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE CONTRACTORS' (PROPERTY DAMAGE) OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT PROTECTIVE (BODILY INJURY) OWNERS' AND CONTRACTORS' EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE PROTECTIVE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) EACH PERSON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL EACH ACCIDENT (BODILY INJURY ) AGGREGATE PRODUCTS EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE OPERATIONS COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL AGGREGATE (PROPERTY DAMAGE) PROTECTIVE AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AGGREGATE CONTRACTUAL AUTOMOBILE EACH PERSON (BODILY INJURY (� 1 -220 7214 4 8- 26-59 8 -26 -60 AMER. AMER EACH ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE (PROPERTY DAMAGE -220 7214 8 -26-59 8 -26 -60 CO. INS • C So nno EACH ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OWNED, NON -OWNED AND HIRED AUTOS WATER RESERVOIR IN THE EVENT OF CANCELLATION OF OR ANY REDUCTION OF LIMITS IN THE INSURANCE AS SHOWN HEREIN THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL GIVE TEN DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE BY MAIL TO THE PARTY TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AND AT THE ADDRESS STATED HEREIN. THE MAILING OF SUCH NOTICE AS AFORESAID SHALL BE SUFFICIENT PROOF OF NOTICE. DATE � ' B 8 -6 -59 99051 -7 -57 1tIrJLARSH &�111C I,ENIVA -N iNCOEPO$ASED KELLOGG 7 -8881 MAIL REPLY TO POST OFFICE BOX 7439 ROBBINSDALE BRANCH PHELPS- DRAKE CO., Inc. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 5440 DOUGLAS DRIVE MINNEAPOLIS 22. MINNESOTA January 21, 1959 Village of Edina 4801 West Fiftieth Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Re: Contract for Water Reservoir Gentlemen: We are enclosing herewith one copy of the above contract along with our performance bond all executed by us. We also enclose certificate of insurance fram The American Insurance Company covering automobile liability and Euings Limited coverage of excess comprehensive General and automobile liability. Workments compensation as covered by Employers Mutual of Wausau is being mailed directly to you from their office. JCH:dm encl. Yours very truly, VPHELP DRAKE CO., Inc. J. C. H ett MINNESOTA -NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON, BRANCH OFFICES MANAGER ST. PAUL. MINN. C. H. MITCHELL, DULUTH. MINN. O. A. BERGERSON. GENERAL OFFICES FARGO. NO. DAK. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING • MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINN. SIOUX FALLS. SO. DAK. TELEPHONE FEDERAL 2 -7401 February 7, 1958 Mr. Warren Co Hyde, Village Manager Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Sir: Fire Protection Edina, Minnesota.:, . I The construction of a two million gallon reservoir as a storage supply facility for'the Edina waterworks system would not have any immediate influence upon the fire insurance classification for the municipality. Our 1956 grading indicates that the water system itself has a Class 5 grading and further improvement of this classification as compared with the 7th Class grading of the fire department would have little over -all effect at the present time. Construction of a large-.reservoir of this kind, however, would be of considerable importance as the waterworks system develops in a westward direction. As has been pointed out pre- viously, the Class 7 grading has been established for the area only under Water protection and the western and southern areas of the munici- pality have poorer classifications. As the system extends -west and south, it will be possible to.incorporate more of these new areas into the area graded under the waterworks section and with the increased consumption, fire protection requirements, and so on, elevated storage of this nature can be of substantial value. A substantial step.in the direction of Class 6 would be accomplished by this construction provided mains are installed to assure its effect on water flow in other portions of the system. Insofar as an improvement in the fire insurance classification for the area under waterworks protection is concerned, one of the principal items which will have to be borne in mind is the provision of another fire sta- tion. This matter, as you know, has been discussed with you previously and it was understood that negotiations had been started for the purchase of land. The lack of a fire station in the southwest central portion of the mu- nicipality will also have a bearing on the ability of new areas provided with water protection to obtain Class 7. At the present time, the travel distance limitations shown on our map revised in April 1, 1956 indicate the positions of Classes 7, 9 and 10. It is considerably likely that the area lying south of 66th Street (extended) and west of the Northfield and Southern tracks will continue to receive Class 10 even though the area is provided with water protection such as you have mentioned in your February 3 letter. The area lying north of 66th Street (extended) and west of the Northfield and Southern tracks to Tracy Avenue could possibly qualify for Class 7 on the basis of the existing fire station location and the com- pletion,of the waterworks installations in that area. • . . '1 Mr. Warren C. Hyde - 2 - We should like to point out that simply the installation of the trunk main will not qualify areas for a better classification and, of course, you understand that the residential developments you have mentioned must be provided with Water mains and hydrants pre- sumably supplied from this trunk main in the attainment of a better class. Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU WCF:LM Engineer (/ FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU MINNESOTA -NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON. MANAGER C. H. MITCHELL. GENERAL OFFICES O. A. BERGERSON. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING • MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINN. o March 30, 1956 Mrs. Gretchen Alden, Village Clerk 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota BRANCH OFFICES _ ST. PAUL. MINN. DULUTH. MINN. FARGO, NO. DAK. SIOUX FALLS. SO. OAK. Dear Madam: Attached is a report of the municipal fire protection facilities for Edina which has been prepared from data obtained during -the recent survey. This report can be considered a summary of the features considered in the establishment of the fire insurance classification. Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Engineer WCF: 124 enc. • FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU M. B. RYON, Manager MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL FIRE PROTECTION REPORT Population: 20, 000 (Est.) rM EDINA, MINNESOTA INSPECTED OCTOBER 1955 *Fire Insurance Class: 7 -9 -10 *Refer. to attached map for boundaries of classification districts. Waterworks system protects only a, portion of the municipality. .GENERAL . I This is a largely residential suburban village adjacent the southwestern boundary of the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota in the southeast central portion of the state. Its population has increased at a rapid rate, the 1948 report indicated 8, 000. The principal mercantile district (P :`M. D. ) is located in the northeast sec- tion where only the width of a street separates the district from the City of Minnea- polis;iseveral other smalle.r.mercantile districts (shopping centers) plus a large mercantile center under construction. Topography varies from level in the .P. M. D. to hilly in outlying residential sections. The railroads, buses and airlines of the adjoining city of Minneapolis also serve this municipality. Streets are generally paved, concrete or bituminous surface with some graded and graveled in outlying sections; widths vary from narrow to good; several paved state and federal highways extend through the village. Fuels mainly are electricity, natural gas; oil and liquefied petroleum gas; electricity and natural gas being supplied by the distribution systems of the public utility companies serving the adjacent city. WATER SUPPLY Waterworks are municipally owned and operated but do not cover the entire municipality. Water supply is obtained from eight wells by high lift pumps which dis- charge direct into the water distribution system against gravity pressure furnished by a 500, 000 - gallon elevated tank. Source, of Supply: Eight wells varying in age from twenty years to the present. Sizes range from twelve inches to twenty inches in diameter and 400 to 500 feet deep, the five most recent wells all being 16 inches in diameter and 500 feet in depth. Capacity of older wells has diminished somewhat but later wells have been tested to capacities greater than the present pumpage rate. (Over.) i y '2 - 2 - Pumping Stations: Well houses. Mainly ordinary masonry and fire- resistive con - struction with one (No. 3) frame residential type structure and one (No. 7) without a building as yet. Slight to no exposure, intermittent attendance, no telephones, good maintenance. Pumps: No. 1. (50th Street near Wooddale Avenue). One Pomona turbine type pump operated by a 27 H. P. , 220 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 200 G. P. M. Operated during summer months only. No. 2 (50th Street near Wooddale Avenue). One Pomona turbine type pump operated by a 100 H. P. , 220. volt electric motor; capacity approximately 600 G. P. M. Operated during summer months only. No. 3 (53rd Street and Halifax Avenue). One Layne turbine type pump, operated by a 100 H. P., 220 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 500 G. P -. M. automatic and manual control. No. 4 (Southview Lane and Concord Avenue). One Fairbanks -Morse turbine type pump operated by a 100 H. P. , 220 volt electric motor; capacity 650 G. P. M. through meter. Automatic and manual control. No. 5 (69th Street and France Avenue). One Smith turbine type pump operated by a 100 H. P., 220 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 800 G. P. M. , meter to be installed. Automatic and manual control. No.. 6 (Near 59th Street and Dalrymple Avenue). One Layne turbine type pump operated by a 200 H. P. , 440 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 1200 G. P. M. , to be metered. Automatic and manual control. No.- 7 (Downing Avenue and Sherwood Road). One Layne turbine type pump, operated by a 100 H. P. , 220 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 900 G. P. M. , to be metered. Completion expected in spring of 1956. No. 8 (66th Street and Ridgeview Drive). One Layne turbine type pump operated by a 100 H. P., 220 volt electric motor; capacity approximately 900 G. P. M. , to be metered. Completion expected in spring of 1956. Note: Electric motor operation for pumps is limited by "off- peak ". rates which do not permit operation (except in emergencies) between 4:30 P. M. and 7 :00 P. M. Power: Electric current is provided for pumping stations by means of a 230.0 volt overhead distribution system of the public utility company serving the municipality. Feeders are so arranged that about three circuits are available. Banks of three transformers on poles are generally provided for each pumping station. Reservoir Capacity: None. h. - 3 - Elevated Storage Capacity: A 500, 000- gallon steel elevated tank erected in 1954 is located adjacent Pumping Station No. .6 and normally floats on the water distribution system. The old 75, 000 - gallon elevated tank formerly at No. 1 and No, 2 Pumping Stations has been removed. A new 500, 000 - gallon steel "Water Sphere" elevated tank is on order for installation adjacent the No. 5 Pumping Station in the summer of 1956, Underground System: Cast iron pipe. Arterial mains in the northeast (older) section are 8 inches in size and supply well looped 6 --inch and 4 -inch distributors, The pre- sent elevated storage is centrally located in the system and together with the inter- spersed wells and pumps supply an irregular grid of mainly 12-inch with some 10` inch and 8 -inch arteries. Portions of the arterial system are as yet incomplete but the 6 -inch distributors are fairly well looped. The proposed new tank in the south- east section together with new wells and pumps in that vicinity and in the southwest on the south 12 -inch arteries should substantially reinforce the more irregular system in the south half of the community. The system contains a very small amount of 4 -inch pipe and about 10% of 6 -inch dead -ended mains., Gate Valves: Fair to good spacing. Some older valves operate in a direction opposite to that of others. Inspections are made when necessary, and all are reported in satis- factory condition. Fair records of locations. Hydrants: Spacing varies, from fair to poor in older sections to good in areas where installations are of more. recent .date and a large portion. of the village is without hydrant protection. All are uniform in operation and are frequently inspected. All recently installed hydrants are provided with individual gate valves on hydrant branches; All hydrants have 6 -inch and larger connections to mains and 5 -inch and larger valves. H} drants generally have two 2 1 /2 -inch and one 4 1 /2 =inch outlets. Hydrant threads (2 1 /2 -inch) are national standard, (Over) • r - 4 - WATER FLOW TESTS District Location Static Pressure Residual. Pressure Discharge Available for Fire Dept. >at 2.Q Lb.. P. M. * 50th & Halifax '80 Lb. 45 Lb, 1340 G. P. M. 1800 G. P. M. P. M. & Res. * `:50th & Bruce 80 50 890 1300 Res, *Casco between 46th & Sunnyside 75 25 670 700 Res, 50th & W. Sunnyslope ' 65 25 1440 1530 M. M. & Res. Edenmoor & Sherwood Rd, 53 32 2110 2690 Res, 54th & Wooddale 75 64 890 2120 Inst, Dalrymple & 1 Southview 78 68 1090 2820 Res. 62nd &. Valley View Rd. 61 49 11:20 2180 Res. Duggan Plaza & Meadow Ridge 103 70 1080 1780 M. M, & Res. 69th &.Southdale Rd; 90 53 2550 3600 Res. 61st & Kellogg 81 75 650 2880 Res, Beard between 58th & 59th 80 40 1890. 2350 NOTE: P. M; = Principal Mercantile, Res, = Residential, M. M. = Minor Mercantile, Inst, = Institutional *Five gate valves temporarily closed in this area.. FIRE DEPARTMENT Personnel: A total of 32 members., including 7 full -time paid men (January 1, 1956) and 25 "call "inen, The chief, first assistant chief, and five drivers are paid and the " call" group .includes an assistant chief and three captains. Organization:. The department is established on a single company basis but normally operates as three companies; The paid group was established January 1;, 1955 and operates on a two-.platoon basis (72 hours per week) except that the chief does not work any particular shift. Average shift strength is three to four men. No Civil Service but ordinance governing paid village employees is practically its equivalent. Good volunteer organization established which includes paid men in its membership. Off -shift response by paid men is generally good; response of "call'! men days is poor, - 5 - good at night, average "call" response is eleven men. Apparatus: Qne 1947 American LaFrance pumper equipped with a 750 G. P. M, pump, 300 - gallon water tank, 650 feet of 2 1/2 -inch hose, 700 feet of 1 1/2 -inch hose, 14- foot and 28 -foot ladders and other minor equipment. One 1941 International- Northern pumper equipped with a 500 G. P. M. pump, 250 - gallon water tank, 1300 feet 2 1/2-inch hose, 150 feet of 1 1/2-inch hose, 12' -foot and 24 -foot ladders and other minor equipment. One 1948 Willys "Jeep" equipped with a 300 G. P. M. pump, 200 - gallon trailer, 50 feet of 2 1 /2 -inch hose, 150 feet of booster hose, 12 -foot and 24 -foot ladders and other minor equipment. One 1951 Ford- Vanette rescue truck equipped with a 300 watt generator,' floodlights, public address system, oxygen masks, first aid materials, forcible entry tools, heavy duty jacks, etc. Not mounted on apparatus but stored in the fire station basement is a complete emergency and rescue kit supplied by the State Civil Defense Administration. A 36 -foot extension ladder has also been obtained. Fire Station: Built in 1953, . modern village hall and fire station. Two story fire - resistive construction, located a short distance west of the P. M. D. on 50th Street. Good access and egress facilities, six 12 -foot doors. Dormitory for six men. Short stairway to apparatus floor from dormitory. Well maintained. Drills and Training: Drills twice monthly, outdoors summer and indoors winter. Some use made of drill tower in adjoining suburb. Drill program planned and super- vised by the chief, and assistant chief. Building Inspections: Made twice yearly by officer or paid fireman with deputy state fire marshal of mercantile, industrial and public buildings. No company inspections. Response: All apparatus is used in response to alarms in the P. M. D.. and other busi- ness and public properties. One pumper is used for response to residential fires. Individual circumstances determine response to grass and car fires. The department responded to 164 alarms in 1954 but of these, 79 were grass fires. Outside Aid: The department is a member of a mutual aid group known as the . "Southwest Fire League ", which is made up of fire departments of the communities on the south and west sides of the City of Minneapolis. All the departments in the League are fairly well equipped but manpower, except for two communities, is volunteer. Travel distances between the various communities is not excessive. Hose: A total of 2, 000 feet of 2 1 /2 -inch hose on hand plus 300 feet on order. In addition, hose is tested twice annually and age varies from 8 to 14 years. Hose racks and a tower are provided at the fire station. A fair to good supply of 1 1/2-inch hose is also available. Hose threads (2 1/2-inch) are national standard. (Over) r"r 9F FIRE ALARM No modern telegraph fire alarm system. Fires reported by automatic dial telephone to a reserved fire telephone at the fire station and general alarms are sounded by electric siren on the roof. of the former fire station (village tool house) several blocks - ,west. In addition, a "pyramid!! system for calling volunteer and off - shift, paid men by telephone is in effect. No fire department radio but good use is made of police department radio. POLICE Department comprises 13 full -time paid men, including the chief and 3 sergeants, . Three 8 -hour shifts per day. Three two -way radio equipped automobiles. Good cooperation with fire department. ORDINANCES Building Construction: No fire limits area established but fair to good regulations. cove.ring heights, areas, protection of openings, wall thickness, fire stopping, exits and parapets. Wood shingles permitted. Permit for construction required and inspection.by village building inspector._ If alterations or repairs in excess of 50% . of the building value are required to be made at any one time within a period of one year, the entire building must be. made to conform with the ordinance provisions or must be demolished. Electricity: Permit and inspection by building inspector required. State law enacts National. Electrical Code. Fire Prevention: Ordinance requires inspections of buildings twice yearly. , Flammable liquids ordinance is incomplete. Fair state regulations concern liquefied petroleum gas, flammable liquids, fireworks, motion pictures, matches, dry cleaners, and flammable finish. Other local ordinances concern fireworks, combustible fibers, bonfires, rubbish and trash, grass and brush burning. STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS In the P. M. D. construction is principally ordinary masonry, 1276 frame, 276 fire - resistive. No automatic sprinkler installations. Average height one story. , All block interiors are accessible to the fire department. Average block area built upon in the P. M. D. 287o; street areas comprise 1876 of the district. Few exterior and fire walls are deficient in thickness but. many parapets are too low or lacking.. Exposed horizontal wall.and vertical floor openings are generally unprotected, Of the built -on area in the P. M. D. , 1816 is occupied by ordinary masonry structures exceeding 20, 000 square feet in area, 35% exceeds 10, 000 square feet, and_6$76 exceeds 5, 000 square feet. Wood shingle roof coverings in the P. M. D. are MM negligible and the district is mildly to moderately exposed by mercantile and dwell- ing properties of ordinary and frame construction. Now under construction in the southeastern portion of the village is a large area shopping center structure, a por- tion of which is to be provided with automatic sprinklers, W. C. Freitag., Engineer _. _.A T At r j n ge MINNESOTA -NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON, BRANCH OFFICES MANAGER ST. PAUL. MINN. C.'H. MITCHELL, GENERAL OFFICES DULUTH, MINN. _ O. A. BERGERSON, - - FARGO. NO. DAK. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING • MINNEAPOLIS 3, MINN. SIOUX FALLS. SO. DAK. March 29, 1956 Mr. Warren Hyde, Village Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, .Minnesota Dear Sir- Fire Protection Edina., Minnesota Attached is a copy of a letter of recommendations prepared, as a result of the survey of the municipal fire protection facilities. Other copies of.the letter have been sent to the village clerk for distribution to the mayor and in- terested councilmen. Separate copies of the letter are also being sent'to City Engineer Zikan, Fire Chief Mitzel, and Utilities Superintendent Woehler. Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Engineer WCF:I�+1 enc. MINNESOTA - NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON, BRANCH OFFICES MANAGER ST. PAUL. MINN. C. H. MITCHELL. DULUTH. MINN. GENERAL OFFICES O. A. BERGERSON, FARGO, NO. DAK. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING • MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINN. SIOUX FALLS, SO. DAK. March 29, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: Fire-Protection- Edina, Minnesota In response'to your request of early last fall, a survey of the municipal.fire protection facilities in your municipality has-been made. From data obtained during the survey and that which was obtained subsequent to that time up to the present date; the fire insurance classification has.been determined. As you may know, the fire insurance classification of municipalities is established through an evaluation or grading of the features which comprise the public.fire protection including the waterworks system, fire depart- ment..-fire alarm facilities, police, building construction and fire prevention ordinances, and general structural conditions. Classifi- cations of municipalities determined in this fashion range from Classes 1 through 10., a Class 10 municipality being without public fire protection. For a number of years, a rather.unusual situation has existed in Edina in.that three classifications have been established: This procedure has been carried :forward` since the earliest waterworks installations, credit for the water protection then being made available to the small area under water protection and the services provided by the Minneapolis fire department. Class 8 was established for this area-under water protection,. Classes 9 and 10 established for outlying areas, the distances from the fire station being the governing factor in the Class 9 and Class 10 situations. Since those earlier times, the area serviced by the waterworks system has very materially expanded and, of course, the fire department ser- vice is.how provided by your own municipality, the latest improvement in that.re.gard being the employment of a number of full -time paid men in addition to volunteers:. Credit for the area under water protection and that within reasonable proximity. of the fire station has been given on almost an annual basis in accordance with these developments to the point where a little more than one -third of the munici ality has been entitled to protected or Class 8 rates. A small area lying ong the far south side of the municipality has been in Class 10 while the fairly large northwest area has been in Cla� classificationifor�ar'eabe graded as a whole, it is likely a po orer under water protection would exist and it has been made apparent to us that we should continue to treat these areas independently in order that Honorable Mayor and City Council Edina, Minnesota the maximum credit for fire protection can be obtained. The results of this most recent survey indicate that the area now under water protection grades Class 70 -This is one classification more favorable than that previously'in effect and although no further fire insurance rate credit is available for dwelling properties under this classification (Classes 7 and.8 having the same rates), some re- ductions:for properties of other than the residential class will now beiin order. With,-the expansion of the area underwater protection, this last survey also indicated Class .7 could be applied to a fairly large number of blocks which previously..were.in the Class 9 and Class 10 sections. Those persons having residences in those areas, of course - mill be eligible for the rate reductions accomparVing a- change of class from Class 10.or Class 9 to Class 7. - As a means of identifying properties which are eligible for treatment under the protected or Class 7 districts, we have prepared street directories which concern dwellings.only and have identified by limit- ing.street numbers the boundaries of the Class 7 area:. The Class 9 and Class 10 areas are also identified in the directory, g similar procedure-has been followed in past years where classifications were Classes 8, 9 and 10. These directories are being furnished to in- terested insurance agents and companiesi.a copy is being sent to the village building inspector and fire chief. Other copies of these directories can.be obtained by municipal officials if they so desire. In'the course of the survey, it was indicated that interest exists in obtaining a classification more favorable than Class 7, that is, Class 6. In the attainment of this classification a further reduction for mercantile, business and - public properties would result and in addition . residential properties would also receive fire insurance rate reductions. In accordance_with.this interest; we have prepared below a list of public fire protection recommendations which if completed would bring about Class 6 for the.present area that is now receiving Class 7 pro- tection. 1. Improve waterworks records. ..It is.-strongly urged that detailed, duplicate and safely filed records be maintained regarding all waterworks structures and operations. 20' Provide auxiliary .power for waterworks pumping equipment.' .It is suggested that either auxiliary prime movers be provided at at least one- third.of the- present well pumping stations,or two or more portable motor generator units be`provided for emergency power for.waterworks equipment in the event of interruption,of electric service. 30: Complete the grid of 12 -inch water mains in the existing waterworks system. It is realized this work is actually-contemplated and in all likelihood much of this water main construction will be completed in the next season or so.'' 4.. Provide for the regular and periodic inspection of fire hydrants and gate -valves$. 50 millebe on dduttywith each shifteand improve the responsesof volunteer FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Honorable Mayor and City Council Edina, Minnesota members so records will indicate an average response of -at least twenty men: As an alternate, and particularly in light of the difficult y.which has,been encountered in obtaining volunteers for daytime service, it is recommended the paid membership of the fire- dep"ent be increased so six men will be available.per shift and that.the present average volunteer response of eleven or twelve men .be maintained:- 6 Install a combination pumper ladder truck in the fire department: This unit should be provided.with..a_,f.all -complement of ground ladders plus preferably a power',raised ladder of the type commonly known as_a "Junior Aerial ": Such a ladder is 55 to 65 feet in length 'This apparatus should also.be equipped with a pump having a capacity of 750..G.P.M: or more. 7: Provide the following items of equipment: Aladder: pipe for the aerial ladder on the new truck; a semi - portable turret nozzle or .deluge set in addition to that now in service; an increase in the supply.of_mechanical foam and the provision of at.least one 2 1/2- inch- mechanical foam nozzle; an additional hose clamp; two "hose jackets;.a hose roller; one battering ram;.one.sledge;_and one large spray type nozzle:' 8: Although the present fire department training program is of con - siderable.value, it is..recommended the program be established on a basis which will be'of a.continuing-type, that is, one similar to a recognized training course leading to a predetermined level of proficiency; Such a course should be established for both paid men and volunteers and we suggest use of the trainer outlines and program material prepared by the.Oklahoma A & M College at Stillwater, Oklahoma. -This institution has prepared firemanship training ma- terial: which is recognized as authoritative throughout the United states: 9: Provide for the response of two pieces of'- apparatus to all residen- tial fires, the apparatus to be of the pumper type at least one of which will be equipped with a ladder 32 feet or- longer -in length: 10: Establish a program of fire department company inspections:_ This.' is- accomplished in other 6unicip4ities with the use of two -way radio.equipment wherein on- duty- companies and their apparatus use the apparatus in their transport to buildings or areas where in spections are made. The driver remains at--the truck with the radio in constant communication with headquarters and firemen actually making inspections in any particular building are summoned by the apparatus - siren: Of course the.use made of two -way radio in this work may be considered as.,only:.incidental to its more vital use in connection with fire.departmeni'response and actual operations: Fire department use of radio . has be-en ,termed one of the most out- standing advances made in fire protection in recent years. 11: Relocate the present electric siren used for summoning volunteer and off -duty paid men to the village hall from -the present site at the village -tool house: FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Honorable Mayor and City Council Edina, Minnesota - 4 - 120 Existing ordinances concerning building construction and fire prevention are almost entirely concerned with residential con- struction and they contain no provision for the establishment of a fire limits area or areas. It is recommended that mer- cantile areas be included in a designation for a fire limits area or areas in the adoption -of the National Building Code recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 13. Establish a fire prevention bureau in the fire department and enact a fire prevention code equal'to or similar to the National Board of Fire Underwriters "Fire Prevention Code ". The fire pre - ventidn bureau initially should consist of at-least one or two inspectors under the direction of the chief of the fire department. With the expansion of the. waterworks system expected beyond the present Class 7. district, there will be increased concern for the attainment of more favorable classifications for these additional areas as well. We are obliged to advise, however, that travel distances from the present fire station have reached such a point that much of the Class 9 and Class 10 areas are now considerably beyond a three mile travel distance and if more favorable classifications than Classes 9 and 10 are to be expected,regardless of the,extension of the waterworks system one or more new fire stations to serve these new districts with lesser travel distances must be provided. The situation with respect to the provision of additional fire stations has been studied with the following resulting comments: (a) Much discussion has taken place regarding the possibility of a fire station in the Southdale area near the intersection of 69th and France Avenues. The construction of, manning and equipment of a fire station at this location would provide good fire protection for this new high value section but it would leave a fairly large area on the west and southwest sides of the village beyond the three mile travel distance from the fire station. (b) If a station were constructed at the intersection of Belt Line Highway and 66th Street, the fire department protection resulting would be generally good for the south and west areas as a whole,but it would leave the Southdale area about 1 1/2 miles from the fire station and also two negligible areas on the south and west sides would be over three miles distant* (c) If considerations at the present time center well around the con- struction of a station in the Southdale district, then it is sug- gested a No. 3 fire station be provided near the intersection of Highway No. 169 and Gleason Road. This would provide a fire sta- tion location centrally within the western area and barring the development of any high value sections comparable to the Southdale district or that at the intersection of 50th and France Avenues would provide acceptable fire department service for this western area. Of course it must be expected that suitable apparatus and manpower would have to be provided for a new station or stations and the should be considered on the basis of not less than four men for each pumper company. FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Honorable Mayor. and City Council Edina, Minnesota Regarding the prospect of an improvement in classification for the present outlying areas, the further development of-the waterworks system is also important. The results of studies by consulting engineers and others should be followed as closely as. practicable and we will be pleased to work with representatives of these firms and of your municipality whenever you'so desire.' Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU Engineer WCF LK FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU M1 1- - BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 4 9 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6 -2612 March 6, 1958 Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: RE: WATERMAIN RESERVOIR Our file: #5804 Attached find our engineer's report for a waterworks improvement con- sisting of a new surface reservoir, pumping station, and connecting watermains as prepared at your direction. The report contains a recommendation together with costs and a brief discussion. We shall be pleased to discuss this with you at a time and place you might suggest. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I -am a -duly Registered Pro- fessional Engineer under the laws of the State of M esota. DATE March 6,1958 REG. NO. 2439 Respectfully submitted, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY B (il ` y A. W. anist PRELIMINARY REPORT OF ENGINEER Watermain Improvement No. Village of Edina., Minnesota March 6, 1958 RE: EDINA RESERVOIR Our File: #5804 Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: You have referred to us the matter of a watermain improvement in Edina consisting of a smrface reservoir and the necessary connecting watermain. The reservoir is proposed to be as large as reasonable and feasible to fit the property recently purchased by the Village at the southwest corner of the intersection of West 70th Street and Dublin Road. A large connecting watermain is required.to be constructed on West 70th Street from An- trim Road west to Dublin Road; thence south on Dublin Road a short distance to the pro- posed reservoir and pumping station. We hereby report that this said improvement is feasible and further recommend that it should be made as proposed. The overall cost of the reservoir, booster station, pumps, and all necessary controls including. "telemetering" from the existing elevated storage tanks to the reservoir is estimated to cost $215,635.00. The connecting watermain is estimated to cost $10,714.00, bringing the total cost of both projects to $226,349.00. Further discussion is warranted relative to the costs and certain other features. These are given in the following para- graphs. The proposed reservoir will have a capacity of approximately 3.75 million gallons. It is proposed that the reservoir be constructed entirely below ground and out of sight. How- ever, a building to house booster pumps will be required. It is proposed that this build- ing be located on top of the reservoir. Two "turbine" type pumps will be installed in the building. Necessary valves will be installed so that the reservoir fills only at such times as sufficient water is in the elevated storage tanks. This will require the installation of remote control devices in the form of "telemetering" for which leased - 1 - r telephone wires will be used. The proposed reservoir is proposed to be constructed of concrete. The building will be brick. It is proposed that this watermain serve not only as a "feeder' but as a lateral for the abutting property. We have computed that five services should be constructed although some of the property on the north side of West 70th Street and west of Antrim Road is currently unplatted. We have further computed that there will be approximately 960 feet of abutting property which would benefit from this watermain, to the extent of a lateral watermain. Accordingly, using the average assessment in the Village for a lateral water- main for the year of 1957, of $6.00 per foot, a total assessment of $5,760.00 can be made against the abutting property. With the total cost of the connecting watermain estimated to cost $10,714.00 and deducting therefrom the sum of $5,760.00 to be assessed against the abutting property a net cost to the Village will remain of $4,954.00. We believe that the surface reservoir.and the connecting watermain from Antrim Road will benefit the entire Village. Accordingly, we do not recommend that this be included in any area assessment. A detailed estimate of cost for the entire project is attached hereto. It will be noted thereon that the total cost to the Village for both the reservoir and pump station is es- timated to be $220-,589.00. In .addition to this the sum of $5,760.00 would be assessed against the abutting or benefitted property. We shall be pleased to discuss this with you further in detail at such time as you might select. - 2 - Respectfully submitted, BANISTER ENGINEER NG COMPANY By A. W. B nister .V ESTIMATE OF COST Reservoir Concrete $ 108,750.00 Water proofing of roof 6,000.00 Interior paint (Hardener) 2,680.00 Ladder & Entrance Hatches 2,000.00 Piping 1,200.00 $120,630.OU Pump Station Concrete 1,550.00 Brick & the 1,420.00 Doors & Windows 1,610.00 Pumps 7,200.00 Float valve 1,250.00 Float control 350.00 Motorized valve 3,200.00 Wiring 1,800.00 Telemetering 6,000.00 _ Piping & Miscellaneous valves 2,500.00 $ 25,880.00 Excavation & Backfill 30,000.00 Grading & Landscaping 5,000.00 Miscellaneous 6,000.00 Sub total $187,510.00 Contingencies - 5% 9,375.00 Legal & Misc. - 4% 7,500.00 Engineering - 6% 11,250.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 215,635.00 Connecting Watermain 720 lin.ft. 12" C.I.P. in place @ $ 8.00 /l.f. $.5,760.00 1 each Hydrant & valve in .place 350.00 /ea. 350.00 1 each 12" Valve & M.H. in place 475.00/ea. 475.00 15 lin.ft. 6" C.I.P. in place 3.60/l.f. 54.00 3000 lbs. fittings in place 0.35/lb. 1.,050.00 Resurfacing - Lump Sum 1,500.00 5 each Services in place @ 75.00 /ea. 375:00 Sub Total $ 9;564.00 Legal & Miscellaneous 6% 575.00 Engineering 6% 575.00 Total $10,714.00 Assessable Footage - 960° - Assessment - 960° @ $6.00 $ 5,760.00 Net Cost to Village - Watermain - $ 4,954.00 Net Cost to Village - Both Projects $220,589.00 -Telepbone: MIdwHy 8 -7798 r r T KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractors and Engineers 1 2 1 5 0 Go6DRIC'H A V E N U F ST. PAUL 5, MINNESOTA February 12,1n53 Baniot'er Envineering Co. 1549 Unizrer sity , Ave . St.Paul 4,.'° nnesota Re: Edina Pui- r Hous � 1 9 Gentlemen: We would like to subrit the follcmin,-; prices .3rd conditions according to your request. 1.Yor o..ittizo the windo,4a as specified,, deduct 2. For fur? 'ishinj: aluminum windows ard se_-eens,,fo-r l;wer portion of window which will be ver.ti-lnted,5 pcs. � '' -8 r/6 x deduct from the nB in bid C175.00. ?.For furnishing steel sash and screens,5Tcs.3f 7/ "" x 2' -9" ir.eluding -Inc rain-.i.n„ of& sash and screens,deduct '• 27`.�','i fro: the base bid. 4.If t'.ic pu;rp house is ciessired ea.rli �r than 9f a- tau J--.. our proposal, we could fznish it by tho 20th o, ' -by,1 }r8. S-,!.(-,e: ely yours FAaL D "F OL ..i C01':.,TRUC' !ON CO. ` KARL DEDOLPH C-ONSTRUCTION. .CO. . - Coietrartors. ir�t+d Bxgia'eers 2190 LidoD$t:�#.'J1YEf3.tsE ST..'PAU.i. s,, MINN,ES0T.A r Yebrtory 1;?., 1958 Banirser �ngineerin Co. 1541 University Rve. St-Paul 4.. �-I eeota Re i §4 iM Fi r. xoun a iZ 9 Fie would like to svab, if the following prices ana conditions according to your roquest. { I.�'or. oi:itt .the, in�;oxs 8rec1 f3od, . daduat U25.00.* 2.ior I 'tiixrUshing aluminum Windows and .aereons,for lover portion ..of window which will bo' ventilmted, 5 Pro. $X a1-8 r /f" x 2' -9" deduct frao the main bid Ct75.00 . ?.For fUrnishing steel sash and screens, 5res .3'-€3 7 /C" x 2' -9" ineluaing, the painting oPs -sash arid screens, deduet X75.0 froi: the base bid. 4-If the pm4.p house is desired earlier than stated in our proposal, ve could furnish it by the 20th o° Vby,1956. Sir,ce''ely ;ours KARL DEDOL? H CQi'STRUC' "ION CO. el �I BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 4 9 UNIVERSITY A V E N U E ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 6 -2612 February 18, 1958 RE: EDINA WATERWORKS Our files 05531 Karl Dedolph Construction Co. 2150 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul % Minnesota Dear Mr. Dedolphs This letter is written following the writer's converse an with you in our office on Monday, FebruaVY 17, 1958, relative to certain cha s necessary for the pump house for well No. 9 relative to the above subject pro ct. Because the pump bids which were .received by ere different from that which was originally anticipated, it is necessary that ditional power venti- lating unit be furnished with fresh air and the wi for the power ventilator and it is also necessary that the wiri e c ged. We ask that you write us a letter uE the adjustment in price, from your contract, in the form of an additio de d on, for the following items: 1. The electric starter f e dee 11 turbine pump and the motor therefor are "part win ding ". req that the number of conduetoco from the starter to the p motor 11 b nereased from 3 to 6. This may also require incre Lug the si a of the conduit between the starter and the motor. Please tate the p i for this change, if any. 2. There shall be fern d and tailed one power roof ventilator similar and aqua es th a 12" X 12" duct with register at the bottom reof extending dorlmard from the ventilator to a point 24" above a floor. re shall also be furnished and installed three (3) 14" X i " air rota at least 6' -8" above the floor. These units shall have a egister bo on the inside and outside, complete with chain and lover, we 11 damper, and shall be similar to the air intake called for on t o be located in the chlorine room. It will also be necessary that the electrical service, 110 volt, be run to this p(Afer ventilator and that a switch be provided therefor. Three copies of the plans showing the proposed changes are enclosed. The changes are outlined in red. Will you please give this matter your early attention and submit Icy a letter at the earliest practical moment in order that we may prepare the necessary change order. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY, AWB /lm B cc: W.C. Hyde A. W. Banister Village Manager 1 encl. in triplicate BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 910 NORTH SNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 8.2612 December 3, 1958. Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: Re: Edina Reservoir Our file: #5804 This letter constitutes our formal recommendation relative to the award of a contract for construction of the water reservoir in accordance with the bids received at 11:30 A.M. on November 24, 1958. At that time it was agreed that no action would be taken .in the awarding of a contract until final agreement. with all of the adjoining property owners had been reached. 'In accordance with your telephone -- conversation of this date you advised that all matters are now cleared. We recommend making award of the contract to Phelps- Drake, Inc. in accordance with their low total bid of $275.473.00. You have raised certain questions that the bid of Gunnar I. Johnson & Sons might be the lowest bid on the basis of the lump sum, exclusive of the earth moving. To review this Phelps -Drake Company's bid provided a lump sum for the construction of$274,573.00 with an addition of $900.00 for the additional earth moving. The bid of Gunnar I. Johnson and Sons for the construction portion of the project was $273,578.00 with an addition of $2,700.00 for the earth mov- ing. You will recall that the earth - moving received serious consideration by the. Village employees and officials and by us. It was then felt that the majority of the excess dirt would be needed in the Village Park, although some of it might be hauled elsewhere. You further.stipulated the exact route which must be followed in transporting the excess dirt from the reservoir site to the Park. I do not believe -that there is any question but what the low bidder must be determined in accordance with the quantities stated in the proposal form. Ad- mittedly, the Village reserves the right to award the contract to its best in- terests If a different point of disposition of the excess dirt is found it is conceivable that the final price between the two prospective bidders would -come more closely into balance. However,'it is probable that minor adjustments in the construction of the reservoir, at the southwest corner thereof, wsll..be required. Such adjustments would reduce the quantities of concrete. The proposal form provided for unit prices for various items for any changes which might be required. The unit price.for concrete in the Phelps -Drake bid is higher than the unit price for same in the bid of Gunnar I. Johnson and Sons. Therefore, Any Page 2 of letter to: Mr. Warren C, Hyde reduction in quantities.:of concrete will work to the advantage of the Village. It is my carefully considered opinion that the basic purpose of sealed bids is to determine the low bidder. I further do not believe that a project should be opened to public auction after bids are received. Questions'as to the in- terpretation should be raised prior to.the submittal of the bid. We therefore recommend that the project be awarded to the low bidder as determined by the quantities stated in the proposal form. This, in this instance, is Phelps -Drake Company, Inc. and we therefore respectfully recommend that the contract for the construction of the reservoir be awarded to Phelps -Drake Company, Inc. as they are the lowest responsible bidder. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY By A. W. Banister AWB:lm iA ettU dgeties� Inspecti�o _ue:au MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON, BRANCH OFFICES MANAGER ST. PAUL. MINN. C. H. MITCHELL. DULUTH, MINN. O. A. BERGERSON. GENERAL OFFICES FARGO. NO. DAK. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING - MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINN. SIOUX FALLS, SO. DAK. TELEPHONE FEDERAL 2 -7401 December 8, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager Village Hall . 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Sir: Fire Protection Edina, Minnesota While, as mentioned in previous correspondence with you, the provision of additional water storage capacity would not immediately influence the fire insurance classification, in view of the considerably increased rate of domestic consumption together with the growth of the municipality to the west, we strongly urge the construction of the proposed 4,000,000- gallon elevated reservoir. In our 1955 survey, a fire flow requirement of 3,000 gallons per minute was established. -lt.is expected- that.no major increase in the required fire.flow` would be warranted at -the present time at Edina, but in our comparison of the storage and pumping capacities available with the fire flow plus domestic consumption, it is likely that,today a somewhat different result would be attained. Consumption-has substantially increased since 1955 and it is our procedure to compare the available facilities with the fire flow required plus the maximum consumption and then to make another comparison on the basis'of the existing facilities with the average con - sumption plus fire flow. If, then, a new grading were to-be made today of this particular feature of.the water - "system, a wider differential would exist than in 1955 by reason of the increased consumption. Therefore, even under Class 7 conditions at Edina we would strongly urge the provision of the larger elevated reservoir as a means of offsetting this increased dif- ferential in the waterworks grading. As pointed out above, the expansion of the water system to the western por- tion of the municipality will require increasing demands for fire protection water supply in addition to increased consumption. More individuals will be served by municipal water and require additional water for fire protection. These matters of consumption and fire fighting water supply are linked and further indicate the need for the development of additional supply facilities such as elevated.storage. The attainment of a more favorable fire insurance classification is an ob- jective which understandably has been sought for some time along with the development of the over -all public fire protection in Edina. There is no question but that the provision of this additional water supply facility will aid in the attainment of this more favorable classification. It is, however, one of just several items which will have to be accomplished in the attainment of Class 6 but, of course, its importance should not be di- minished in that sense. Mr. Warren C. Hyde - 2 - In summary, we can recommend the provision of the new 4,000,000 - gallon reservoir as a means of aiding in the retention of the present classi- fication and as one of the items needed for the attainment of the next more favorable fire insurance classification. WCF:IM Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU �01 Chief Fire Pr ction Engineer g FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. General Contractors GUNNAR I. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT IVER L. JOHNSON, VICE - PRESIDENT Edina Village Hall Edina, Minnesota SKILL � � G[Nf �r INTEGRITY J �o November 25th, 1958 Re: Edina Water Reservoir Att: Mr. W. C. Hyde Gentlemen: 848 WEST 79TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 20, MINN. Phone: TUxedo 1.5885 Reference is made to our letter of November 24th, 1958. Since writing that letter some additional facts have become apparent and we respectfully submit them for your consideration. As you know, there is a route from the site to the end of Dewey Hill Road which is within the Free Haul limits; namely, Dublin Road, Kerry Road, Down Road, Lee Valley Road and Shannon Drive to Dewey Hill Road. This route avoids the school and has no STOP intersections. If we are awarded this contract, it is our intention to do the hauling of excess excavation during the months of December, January and February; hauling in of backfill and topsoil would be done during May and June; no hauling of earth would be done during spring breakup. Thus we would avoid excessive damage to road surfaces. There is another It is noted that haul units inste on this item, it to determine the making an award. matter which should be considered here also. another bidder stated that there were 50,000 ad of 90,000. In view of the unbalanced bidding would be to the best interest of the village exact number of haul units involved before If this contract is awarded on the basis of the lowest TOTAL ($275,473.00) the specified haul route would be used (and main- tained by the Village under the terms of the specification). If the shorter route is approved, there would be no ADDITIONAL HAULING and the contract should be awarded on the basis of the lowest LUMP SUM ($2739578.00). Please note that the Village saves $1,895.00 by awarding on the basis of the LUMP SUM and approving the shorter route. This Page Two November 25th, 1958 should many times cover the difference in cost of maintaining the routes. These comments are respectfully submitted and Council's considera- tion thereof will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. ia , . - 6, Q,D Iver Z. Johnson ` BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. r CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 4 6 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 March 6, 1958 Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: 0 RE: WATERMAIN RESERVOIR Our file: #5804 Attached find our engineer's report for a waterworks improvement con- sisting of a new surface reservoir, pumping station, and connecting watermains as prepared at your direction. The report contains a recommendation together with costs and a brief discussion. We shall be pleased to discuss this with you at a time and place you might suggest. Respectfully submitted, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY B lil ` Y A. W. anist I Hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I-am a -duly Registered Pro- fessional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DATE March 6 L 1958 IREG. N0. 2439 PRELIMINARY REPORT OF ENGINEER Watermain Improvement No. Village of Edina, Minnesota March 6, 1958 RE, EDINA RESERVOIR Our File: #5804 Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: You have referred to us the matter of a watermain improvement in Edina consisting of a smrface reservoir and the necessary connecting watermain. The reservoir is proposed to be as large as reasonable and feasible to fit the property recently purchased by the Village at the southwest corner of the intersection of West 70th Street and Dublin Road. A large connecting watermain is required to be constructed on West 70th Street from An- trim Road west to Dublin Road; thence south on Dublin Road a short distance to the pro- posed reservoir and pumping station. We hereby report that this said improvement is feasible and further recommend that it should be made as proposed. The overall cost of the reservoir, booster station, pumps, and all necessary controls - including "telemetering" from the existing. elevated storage tanks to the reservoir is estimated to cost $215,635.00. The connecting watermain is estimated to cost $10,714.00, bringing the total cost of both projects to $226,349.00. Further discussion is warranted relative to the costs and certain other features. These are given in the following para- graphs. The proposed reservoir will have a capacity of approximately 3.75 million gallons. It is proposed that the reservoir be constructed entirely below ground and out of sight. How- ever, a building to house booster pumps will be required. It is proposed that this build- ing be located on top of the reservoir. Two "'turbine" type pumps will be installed in the building. Necessary valves will be installed so that the reservoir fills only at such times as sufficient water is in the elevated storage tanks, This will require the installation of remote control devices in the form of "telemetering" for which leased - 1 - 4. telephone wires will be used. The proposed reservoir is proposed to be constructed of concrete. The building will be brick. It is proposed that this watermain serve not only as a "feeder" but as a lateral for the abutting property. We have computed that five services should be constructed although some of the property on the north side of West 70th Street and west of Antrim Road is currently unplatted. We have further computed that there will be approximately 960 feet of abutting property which would benefit from this watermain, to the extent of a lateral watermain. Accordingly, using the average assessment in the Village for a lateral water - main for the year of 1957, of $6.00 per foot, a total assessment of $5,760.00 can be made against the abutting property. With the total cost of the connecting watermain estimated to cost $10,714.00 and deducting therefrom the sum of $5,760.00 to be assessed against the abutting property a net cost to the Village will remain of $4,954.00. We believe that the surface reservoir and the connecting watermain from Antrim Road will benefit the entire Village. Accordingly, we do not recommend that this be included in any area assessment A detailed estimate of cost for the entire project is attached hereto. It will be noted thereon that the total cost to the Village for both the reservoir and pump station is es- timated to be $220,589.00. In addition to this the sum of $5,760.00 would be assessed against the abutting or benefitted property. We shall be pleased to discuss this-with you further in detail at such time as you might select. 2 Respectfully submitted, BANISTER ENGINEER NG COMPANY By A. W. B nister ESTIMATE OF COST Reservoir Concrete $ 108,750.00 Water proofing of roof 6,000.00 Interior paint (Hardener) 2,680.00 Ladder & Entrance Hatches 2,000.00 Piping _ 1,200.00 $120,630.00 Pump Station Concrete 1,550.00 Brick & the 1,420.00 Doors & Windows 1,610.00 Pumps 7,200.00 Float valve 1,250.00 Float control 350.00 Motorized valve 3,200.00 Wiring 1,800.00 Telemetering 6,000.00 Piping & Miscellaneous valves 2,500.00 $ 25,880.00 Excavation & Backfill Grading & Landscaping Miscellaneous Sub total Contingencies - 5% Legal & Misc. - 4% Engineering - 6% Total Estimated Cost 30,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 $187,510.00 9,375.00 7,500.00 11,250.00 $ 215,635.00 . Connecting Watermain 720 lin.ft. 12" C.I.P. in place @ $ 8000 /l.f. $.5,760.00 1 each Hydrant & valve in place 350.00 /ea. 350.00 1 each 12" Valve.& M.H. in place 475.00/ea. 475.00 15 lin.ft. 6" C.I.P. in place 3.60/l.f. 54.00 3000 lbs. fittings in place 0.35/lb.. 1,050.00 Resurfacing - Lump Sum 1,500.00 5 each Services in place @ 75.00 /ea. 375:00 Sub Total $ 92564.00 Legal & Miscellaneous 6% 575.00 Engineering 6% 575.00 Total $10,714.00 Assessable Footage m 9609 Assessment - 960° @ $6.00 $ 5,760.00 Net Cost to Village - Watermain $ 4,954.00 Net Cost to Village - Both Projects $220,589.00 GUNNAR I. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT IVER L. JOHNSON, VICE - PRESIDENT GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. General Contractors SR ILL `4PpN511 /,' IN,SOYI • SENI `o s1 November 24th,-1958 Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota. Gentlemen: 848 WEST 79TH STREET . MINNEAPOLIS 20, MINN. Phone: Tuxedo 1.5885 At the Bid Opening for the Edina Water Reservoir, the Village Council requested a brief summary of our work experience. lie are plea.ucd to supply this information. . Our company was organized in 1951 as a partnership consisting of Gunnar I. Johnson and Iver L. Johnson. In the years of 1955, 1956 and 1957 we have had an annual volume of approxi mately two million dollars per year. The following is a brief list of some.of the larger projects we have completed. DATE OF DE'& CiZIs'TION O'.'INE i- ARCH. CONTRACT AWARD A:IOUNT May, 1954 DJune 1955 March, 1957 May 1956_ to Present St. Cloud .Veterans hospital APRTC Facilities Mills Airport Vet Science Building University of Minn. Veterans Administratton Corse- of Engineers U. of Minn. $4989804.00 x,5539764.50 96304,'268.00 Infirmary, Ammo Sturage, Officers Club, Parachute & Ding Building, Club Service, Chapel, Fuel Storage, Aircraft Washrack, Central Heating Plant Duluth, ginn. ( approx GAR Bulk Storage Corps of Eng. $1,500,000..00 August 1956 Hospital Village of Uity 3166,f300.00 Rush City, Minnesota . Rush June 1956 Municipal Office Bldg. El'lerbe & Assoc. New Brighton, Minnesota 596074.38 November 1956 Administration Hospital State of Minn. $7439760.85 Brainerd, Minnesota October 1957 St. Mark's Sunday Swanson and 961109000.00 School Addn. Mpls, Mints degleitner Page 2 . November 240 1958 We are currently working on the following projects. . DATE OF DESCRIPTION OWNER- -ARCH. CONTRACT AAOUNT A,dARD Jan, 1958 Coutt House Addition Hammel "& Green $4469490.00 Glencoe, Minnesota April, 1958 School Addition Ames.& $1619731.00 Chisago City, Minn. Crommett April, 1958 School Add&ttion Louis Pinault $5479088.00 Foley,.Minnesota St. C1oud,Minn. May, 1958 Power Plant Max & Gerald $1089246.00 Faribault, Minnesota Buetow April', 1958 Warehouse, Headquarters Corps of $1289197.55 Building & Gatehouse Engineers Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota Sept 1958 Scienee & Math Bldg. Traynor & $900.630.00 St. Cloud Teachers Hermanson D College, St. Cloud, . Minnesota Respectfully submitted, GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. I Iver L. Johnson . GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. General Contractors GUNNAR 1. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT s.i� •�pO `°���� INrIoam IVER L JOHNSON, VICE - PRESIDENT ° 4FNFgq�`O November 24, 1958 Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Re: 4 Million Gallon Reservoir Gentlemen: 848 WEST 79TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 20, MINN. Phone: TUxedo 1.5885 Reference is made to the proposals for the above project which were opened this morning at the Village Hall. As you know, our firm had the lowest LUMP SUM price, but another bidder had a much lower price for the ADDITIONAL HAULING thus giving him the lowest TOTAL proposal. We respectfully submit that it may be to the best interest of the Village to consider the LUMP 'SUM rather than the TOTAL amount. In the event that no overhaul occured, our price would be approximately $1000.00 lower that the next bidder. Very truly yours, GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. J Iver L. ohnson, V. Pres. GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. General Contractors GUNNAR I. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT IVER L. JOHNSON, VICE- PRESIDENT ;p TAKfq��` jig November 24, 1928 848 WEST 79TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 20, MINN. Phone: Tuxedo 1.5885 Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Re: 4 Million Gallon iieservoir Gentleman: Rof erenee is made to the proposals for. the above tiro ject which were opened this morning at the Village Hall. As you Know, our firm had the lowest MIP SIDI price, but another bidder had a much lower price for the ADDITIONAL 11AULING thus giving hire the lowost TOTAL proposal. Ile respectfully submit that it may be to. the' best interest of the Village to consider the LWIP SWI rather than the TOTAL-amount. In the event that no overhaul occured, our'price would be -approximately D$1000.00 lower that the next bidder. Very truly yours, GUILTAR I. - JOirL?.I: CN & GON' INC. Iver L. Johnoon, V. Pros. a' GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. General Contractors GUNNAR 1. JOHNSON, PRESIDENT .r„i Aso° ej , Nl10Rltt IVER L JOHNSON, VICE - PRESIDENT •` 6ENCgq�`o November 24th, 1958 Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: 848 WEST 79TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 20, MINN. Phone: Tuxedo 1 -5885 At the Bid Opening for the Edina Water Reservoir, the Village Council requested a brief summary of our work experience. We are pleased to supply this information. Our company was organized in 1951 as a partnership consisting of Gunnar I: Johnson and Iver -L. Johnson. In'the years of 1955, 1956 d 1957 we have had an annual.volume of approxi an - mately two million dollars per year. The following is a brief list of some of the larger projects we.have completed: DATE OF DESCRIPTION OWNER -ARCH. CONTRACT AWARD AMOUNT May, 1954 St. Cloud Veterans Veterans $4989804.00 Hospital Administration June, 1955 AFRTC Facilities Corps of $553,764.50 Mpls Airport Engineers March, 1957 Vet Science Building U. of Minn. $304,268.00 University of Minn. May,1956 to Infirmary, Ammo Storage, Officers Club, Present Parachute & Ding Building, Club Service, Chapel, Fuel Storage, Aircraft Washrack, Central Heating Plant Duluth, Minn. (approx GAR Bulk Storage JCorps of Eng. $1,500000.00 August 1956 Hospital Village of $166,800.00 Rush City, Minnesota Rush City June 1956 Municipal Office Bldg. Ellerbe & Assoc. New Brighton, Minnesota $969874.38 November 1956 Administration Hospital State of Minn. $743,760.85 Brglnerd, Minnesota October 1957 St. Mark's Sunday Swanson and $110,000.00 School Addn. Mpls, Minn Wegleitner Page 2 November 24, 1958 We are currently working on the following projects. DATE OF DESCRIPTION OWNER -ARCH. CONTRACT AMOUNT AWARD Jan, 1958 Coutt House Addition Hammel & Green $446,490.00 Glencoe, Minnesota April, 1958 School Addition Ames & $1619731.00 Chisago City, Minn., Crommett April, 1958 School Addition Louis Pinault $5479088.00 Foley, Minnesota St. Cloud,Minn. May, 1958 Power Plant Max & Gerald $1089246.00 Faribault, Minnesota Buetow April, 1958 Warehouse, Headquarters Corps of $128,197.55 Building & Gatehouse Engineers Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota Sept 1958 Scienee & Math Bldg. Traynor & $900.630.00 St. Cloud Teachers Hermanson College, St. Cloud, Minnesota Respectfully submitted, GUNNAR I. JOHNSON & SON, INC. Iver'L. ohnson PAVED' SEP 191958,-. BANISI ER STATE OF MINNESOTA ENGINEERING co. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14 September 18, 1958 Banister Engineering Company 310 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota. Re: Water Supply Reservoir Gentlement Edina, Minnesota We have received the preliminary plot plan for the subject reservoir. As you know, our standards require at least a fifty foot separation between the walls of the reservoir and any buried storm or sanitary sewer laid at an elevation higher than the reservoir bottom floor elevation. To prevent encroachment of future sewers within the Zone of protection established for a reservoir we have recommended that the walls of new buried reservoirs be set back at least fifty feet from property lines. We feel that this separation is especially necessary between the reservoir and street property lines as common practice is to locate sewers within the street right -of -way. A fifty foot radius described around the southwest comer of the proposed reservoir intercepts comer of the existing residence. The plans do not indicate whether or not there are sewers in this portion of the residence. Information should be provided regarding this possibility_,._ The remaining sections of the south wa and west wall appear satsifactorily protected against existing or future sources of contamination. The, north and east walls are located less than 50 feet from street property lines. Although the future finished grade of West 70th Street (extended) and the existing grade of Dublin Road are not indicated on the plan, it would appear that the bottom floor elevation of the reservoir would be below such street grades. At the time of the field survey of the reservoir site, it was pointed out that there are no existing storm or sanitary sewers in Dublin Road and that no sewers would be necessary in this right-of-way in that all existing residences.and lots would be served by sewers routed outside of this street. We assume West 70th Street is to be cut through parallel to the north wall of the reservoir as described on the plans. From a sanitary viewpoint., the most desirable modifications of the plans would be to relocate the north and east walls of the reservoir fifty feet back of the street right -of -way lines or to raise the bottom floor level above street grades. If a portion of the street right-of-way is to be included Banister Engineering Company —2— September 18, 1958 in the 50 foot zone of protection, the village officials should send this office a letter indicating that no future storm or sanitary sewers are planned'in this area. If you have any questions on the above information, please let us know. Yours very truly, E. A. Huset, Chief Section of Water Supply and General Engineering EAH:hlo - xdmr 23 Ift CUM of'tom11 gay l� °1 alt ng` Staw of M"WE4011 DOPU or Health mmeopolle lop. MM000tia. Dom . e'.. Uiet D 3 S a e CMln�.�r* . � erv� to 'u$ � letter o' Caput . l ira. glvIng y Mods, on the p=X!*Ir=V pct, p4an which had . n . xd tour, h ho Nast- isontc= of the €orb poragrghs you stoto "we eaa cat 7 s'teat .le to. btu ct� rcac h pa • 3e1 to- Vii ®n well . of thb t' *,Sdrldje' BM Of the - GtCV45rQft Weet. Of the JVCeruoIr. ; elte9 , wo ao dr©ppl 'padns to. have - 5 t 7M at mt, extgWed ' W66t Of :X1440 ROW* 4 *4tvallvo 191 we iAIII 'two Is a wxvIco dr."ve to the rewa�lr S Plea on tho no lino af our alto. onsc3- " ntly„ .wo too no ,��IImv q6 � L� +�to�a �,� €aralt Camrs. alp not 11no of h artyyo �yVe�lthor do via m c p/o�}ssll�- biyLalGA3��1o3. om o !11 asy `mu, on Wi/8 lIn road on the t o idle, r V urA+w.lg0 . InEftMation r 411 Oab10 YCO to IvPMO to ,pXOIO ary fVI det Village r- Imagere CCe ionletoa fbMeon Man • r:o�lvr - • BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 910 NORTH SNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 6.2612 - November 18, 1958 Re: Edina Watermain Our file. 5749 Mr. J. Zikan Village Engineer Edina, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Zikan: On November 18, 1958, tor. Kelly and Mr, er. in this'.o €lice to sign ehange ftders No. 2,3,4 for your watermain ect. Please review the change orders an is satisfact ry please have them processed, a very truly, ISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY. By oward A. Kuusii o HAIL: lm Gc: Mr en Hyde Vi 1 ge Managmr Mr. I Smith BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - 810 NORTH SNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 6.2618 - October 22,, 1958 RE: EDINA TRUNK WATERMAIN Our filet #5709 Beaton & Kelly 10.4 California Ave. We St. Paul, Minnesota Montgomery Construction Company St., Croix Falls, Wisconsin Gentlemen: On Saturday, October 18,, 1958, there were several defici es in the work on the Edina Project which required correc action. On sday afternoon October 21, 1958-, the majority of these ll were not corrected. Please be advised that this office not ce fy any more payments or estimates for payment to you on thi oject i1'all of the deficiencies, in their entirety, are corrected. A eficiencies which existed on Saturday, October 18 are as follows: 1. A hydrdstatic test fed�nesday, he cre )test. rps� must be made. It was agreed that you would not r.-P.'W ith n you were ready to do this. As -of 9tO5 A.M. on 0 ober 22, he had still not been notified that you were read make th 2. The corerycabies ver eek crossing an Valieyview Road still re- ...quires ._ .3. The ba st be brought to the surface and secured to timbers as the g i completed. 4. All pipe ted at the creek crossing must be backfilled with suitable mater al each that 7 foot of cover is provided. 5. k cleanup on Mrs. Jensen's property adjoining the creek crossing is not completed nor is it satisfactory. 6. A hydrant at 70th Street and Limerick Lane leaks. This had been reported to you prior to October 18th and on Tuesday afternoon, October 21, no one in your organisation seemed to know anything $bout this. Please correct this hydrant immediately. 7. The cleanup of a vacant lot at Tracy - Street and Arbor Lane, where you deposited excess material, has not been cleaned up in a satisfactory manner. This -has previously been called to your attention on many occasions aid it still is not completed. 8. Suitable material has not been placed as fill around a new curb box Page 2 of. letter to: Dated- October 22, 1958 $eatson & Kelly and Montgomery Construction Co. 8. (continued) on the south side of Grove Street to provide proper cover over the service. "9. Hollows and settlements still exist over seven different new water - services. 10. Operating nuts on,14 gate valves still-have not been placed. You agreed to do this.. Your progress of cleanup is unsatisfactory. Certain of your personnel seem to be of the opinion that instructions from the project engineer are sort of a joke and that you can do these as you desire. Please be advised that we still retain the opinion that the engineer runs the job -and that it is reasonable to expect the contractor to comply with'the engineer's directions. We are extremely dis -. atisfied with the attitude expressed by some of your personnel. a Yours very truly, DBANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY By A. Banist r AWB:1m cc: Mr. Warren Hyde. - Village Mgr. W, -Phi l.lip: Smith a BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 8 4 9 UNIVERSITY A V E N U E ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 May 29, 1950 RE= EDVA TMW WA►TRMAN Our Eliot #5709 "I"WAP01,10II. Northfield & Smthern Ry. oil amnepin ®VS. Vinnempolie, Minnesota Attt+anum: Ensimerin8 Department Ge ntlem at On behalf of thee V1114P of Edina' we ere ak application for a perrmit to cross the rteapolle, Northfield Ilroad tracks with the construction of a lal, trunk Watermain at where nest 70th Street crosses your railroad tr _ �� t the point re Grove Street crosses your railroad tracks. Enclosed find two copies of the , tto6ether with ow coplos each of circletd, in red pencil, the part p $, for which the permit_ a-v Bids have o.1ready beeen LIn Village Vi ll. presur�sb1 The writer bas p: Ems Deparrl�t and it is be Qoirnts i�or t cry and a ;� ati Vertdfaain,8 to the hark 5 6 09 the plans. We bove of ' the work, on each of the tr�Qrs for th,�tt work etnd the I t8ct at it:? rrreelG of Jemc: 2, 1958. e "attar with your EnatuderLaS specifications stipulet<te the re• accord with the requiremente of your I with standard practice procedt ees. Your =40 Attention this wilt. be greatly appreciated. if you have any q or cmwut#1 JP16460 'cetil this office and ask for the writer. When the t is raa lease recall it to Otte Village of Edina to cane of 90c. By408-1 ge . APB/to cc: W. Jos Zit= Etngin+aer Mr. Dan Voahlara. W. Supt. W.G. XY&V V111480 Mr. Vows very truly" BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 910 NORTH KNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 6.2611 September 16, 1958. State of Minnesota - Section Environmental Sanitation Department of Health Bldg, University Campus Minneapolis 14, Minnesota Attention: Elmer A. Husett Dear We Husett! RE: EDINA9 MINNESOTA RESERVOIR Our. File #5804 Enclosed find two (2) copies of the plot plan -of the pr d 4 000.000 gallon underground reservoir for the Villa f Edina. ThbNzqcation of this is substantially in accordance with which we Wreed when reviewing the matter on the site at_Ed comet ago. We are forced to make certain chang . rom th iginal intended design because of local conditions. These c ea stantially constitute plac- ing the reservoir somewhat lower in el than originally discussed. These two plans a4 submit per o elep conversation'of this day. They are preliminary only we wool pprec to your review and concur - rence.-in the proposed lay before c eting the.detailed piano• If you have any questions comments would be most happy to discuss them with you. by AWB /ed ence cc: `We C.Nyde Village Manager Edina Yours very truly. BANISTER nM E ING CMeANY BY A. Banister A BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 4 8 UNIVERSITY A V E N U E ST. PAUL 4, MINN.. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 July too 1958 Lay"-Ktunesotat Company 3147 N,E, Califoraft Mizm apolie, Minnesota Gentlemen; This will confirm the miter's discussion with Ur. lathari of your office, at a: +conference . -in our office on the -aft of FridayII Italy y l8, 1958, relative to the Pump in Well No. 9 In the llagc of EdInA. At that tame tU writer called both Mr, IT* . , age onager of Edina. and Mr Woeblor, Waterworks Supt. It was afire t the Village =st get this Well back into service earliest po is moment. Accorcdiuly, you Are instructed to r t to tba Wall at once. 'you brougbt up the question of It be sufficiently at V ariancey from ,a str4$ght tine that tbsrre d be I light funding at one point. There seem to , be an honest differ opinion about tUs but we aco, knowledge the possibility ist. ith this in mind it would appear that layac pHinnesota>; Co _ no held respamible for Gray failure of the puap s d such re . caused by mis4igament of the Well. AUBt1m cc: Mr. W. C. Hyde Manager Vic. fan Woehler,. Waterworka Supt. Fours very truly, ZAMTER ENa=MM COMPAW ,.. Ay A,W, ban ear BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 6 4 8 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 June 62 1958 RE: EDINA RESERVOIR Our file: #5804 Mr. Warren C. Hyde 4801 W -50th St. Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: This will confirm and make a matter of record our telephone conversation of two days ago in which you advised that we should proceed with detailed working plans and specifications for the construction of the new reservoir on the property recently purchased for this purpose on the south,side of West 70th Street. Accordingly, we shall proceed per your instructions. You asked us for some rough sketched dimensions to determine whether certain, parts of the property that the Village purchased could be sold to the adjacent property owner. We will look into this and advise you on this. One other though occurs to me which might receive your consideration at this time. The watermain on West 70th Street west of Antrim Road to the reservoir site must be constructed and this was,not included in the watermain project recently award- ed to Beatson and Kelley and the Montgomery Construction Company. One possibility which might arise would be to add this watermain to Beatson and Kelly Contract. Perhaps this would be difficult to do because .a portion of the cost therefore could be assessed against the abutting property. We offer, as a suggestion, that you give some thoughtto this matter. Presumably a public,, hearing would have to be held for the assessed portion. I am not sure about the legality of adding this.to Beatson and Kelley's Project. On the other hand, the quantity of watermain involved would be relatively small and whether you would get a lower bid'on this or as low a bid as that received from Beatson and Kelley is conjecture. At least it.warrants some consideration and for this reason we are writing you'this letter. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY, By A.W. Banister AWB / lm BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - 1 8 4 9 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - ST. PAUL 4, MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 August 220 1958 RE s EDUA WATERMAIN Our file :' #$749 Deatson & Kelly. Inc. 1034 California St. Paul 4.Itinnesota Montgomery Construction Company St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin �entlersrna This will confirm and make a matter of re er's telephone conversation with fir. Dave Beatson shortly after 6 :0 M. on the evening of Thursday. August 210 1958 At that time we discussed the ma of cl up and completion of the . watermaim project you are cans ting fo he Village of Edina. We realize that you have run out o pe a lay in the constructing of the watermain was not a point of asideration in our discussion. The point which wd dis s eta a the matter of clean up. While the crews are not lay pipe cer ly should be able to work as hard to complete the can up as ey were in Setting the pigs into the ground. The Village d ourselve o not feel the clean up is progressing as rapid l as It sho be. Accordingly a di complete your clean up in all due and reasonabl ste and to complete it to the satisfaction of all parties concern;ttk If there a excessive delays in clean up or if.the clean up does progress th satisfactory speed and neatness we might find oursely the Poe on of having.to order the clean, up completed for, all of rtion the w atermain constructed before permitting further construc We trust that you will cooperate to your utmost in this respect. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY AWB • 101 cc: Mr. Phillip Smith By ,...�. ._.._.,, 5828.St. Johns Avenue A.W. Banister M =eapolis 24, Minnesota Mr, W.C. Hyde,. Village Manager Edina I f •� BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. ICONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 8 4 9 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. / PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 February 13, 1938 RE: EDIM WATERWOM - PUMP SOUSE FOR Mu 140. 9 Our file: #5531 Rr. Warren C. Hy' Village Manager 4801 West 50th S t 19ftna, Minneso Deer W. Hyde; In a telephone ersation betwteen you and the writer of Tuesday, February 11, 1958, You made Lain comments relative to statements a by one of the bidders, who was not the bidder, for the pump house f . 9. You also stated that certain too cilmn had raised particular ques ou asked us to answer these. will attempt to answer the questions in a tantially the order they were put us. One of the qua ions pertaining to the ject, s you stated it, was that of cost. You will re (that there was oaten die cus n with the Villages Council per - tainifts to to house for Well No. d cost thereof. It is my raeollec- tion that ire $cussed this matter quite ghly with both jou and the Council and that it * dscidod and apjr n, a t tide, that the proposed pump house was in a re�dsntial area d ressombly ,attractive. We discussed reducing the,sice of the p house as It as educing the cost. We mentioned t*uat the bulidintg could be nstructed ordinary concrete block, thereby reducing the cost. The Council indi ted that s type of building would be entirely un- satisfactory in that areas cordingly, the Council directed that the building be constructad of br nd it de As attractive as reason wobldt permit. 1'0 also discuss ter o rate doorway and room for the inclusion of the chlo:iriatio nd fluoridation equipment. You have determined that chlorination equipment stroul be provide <#t each [dell. Minnesota Department of Health regula- tions stipulate t the ch ination equipment be located in a separate room for net; ljistallatio This r xis an additional inside partition and exterior door. Providing at rem' a ent ce on one end of the building for access to the Well and Pump, should i eseary to work on this equipment, was also considered. It was furtier reviewed that certain of the existing structures in the Village were not designate with this thought in mind. The matter of providing ventilation equipment vats also reviewed and discussed. Your Waterworks Superintendent has advised that the Village has experienced considerable difficulty during the summer months in some of the buildings due to overba4ting of the electrical controls. This can only be prevented by providing forced air ventilation if a conventional type turbine pump is used with the motor- above the ground. I relieve that considerably over an hour was consumed at a meeting with several of the Cuuncilmea reviewinr, the plans for the other pump house at which time they reached the conclusion that not much could be done to reduce the cost it the size of the building was maintained and if' tha various features were to be provided. The size of the building was also re- viewed and it was determined that no substantial reduction in alse could be obtained. iu reviewing the functionability of the building with your Waterworks Superintendent he has advised that no reduction in size could be accomplished. � 1 Page 2 of letter t Plc. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Edina, Minnesota Dated: February 13, 1958 With further re£e a to the coat of they building we point out that the final completed cost of pump house for Well No. 7, as constructed by the Adams Construction C , was $90602.59. The low bid for the pump house for t=ell NO* 9 is $9,343. r approximately $260.00 below the other building. More work is required on t building than the other building because the electrical contractor must ish more electrical controls. The Village already had electrical controls which AO not have for this project.and'whicb the contractor must furnish, On a comparison between the two buildings the one for Well No. 9 should be saver u'ndreu dollars higher. I believe that the bids are proper and that the only to reduce the cost of the building would be to either make it of concrete blo or to provide less of the features, which your Waterworks Super- lntendent has rosined absolutely essential for satisfactory operation. You further ra d a question as to the Engineering costs Involved in the pump house. Actually, our 1 invoice to the Village, including other work and conferences regarding the Ill, final estimates therefor, etc. was $1184.11. We have not broken down our. time 44.ets between the Ulell,the puoap,and the building. Because of the rather Complicated 're of the work, which applied largely to the electrical pudp and because of t extensiveness to which we had to investigate the pump :natter I would estimate tha he total engineering costs involved for the building itself are approximates seventy five to eighty five dollars. I believe everyone would consi der that th is not excessive and is probably a lesser cost than -;On would have Dexperienced 'd the work been done by your own engineering forr:es. You Furth 'stated. that a contractor. had made a statement at the Council meeting that five hundrgA dollars could have been saved by using a cheaper window. While I do not questidn that a less expensive window could have been used I any at a complete loss do to how the sum of five hundred dollars could be saved. I have verified the actual quotations on the windows. The total quotation for the furnishing of the windows, including eis storm sash and screens, and the glazing of the storm sash, amounted to $425.00. 1 have discussed this matter with the Karl Dedolph Construction Company and they have advised that they would give the Village a full credit of $425.00 for omitting the windows completely. The labor of installing a window would be the 9a0 regardless of the type used. We have further requested Mr. Dedolph to submit statements for alternate windows, which statements are attached. A deduction of $175.00 will be given for the furnishing of &.different aluminum window with screens only for the lower portion of the windows and without storm adst:. Mr. Dedolph also advises that he would furnish steel windows with screens, but without storm sash, for a total deduction of $275.006- You will realize that steel windows require painting. The painting of steel windows oust be stone not less often than about once every two years in a 'building of this type. Because of the overheating of the electrical controls in the summer months it is necessary for the Waterworks Superintendent to open the windows during the summer. The opening of windows permits the entry of mosquitoes and flies. A Waterworks system is intended to be maintained i. Page 3 of letter to: Dated: February 13, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager 90in4, Minnesota at the highest standard of sanitation possible. With this in mind it appears that the use of window screens is desirable. There is probably a little more argument relative to the use of storm sash. However, the building must be kept sufficiently wares to prevent freezing and this requires heat. Certainly the additions of storm sash will reduce the meat loss and should therefor probably be used. .To summarise the scatter on the windows I fail to see bow a reduction of $500.0() could be given when the total cost of the windows in their entirety was only $425.04 to begin with, I believe this type of "Loose" statement must be challenged. You advised that certain comments had been made relative to the building, especially as to the footings. The building has been designed with a poured concrete footing, below 121' of concrete block. We do not ,believe that any appreciable saving could be accomplished by reducing the size of the footing. It is frequently a common practice for the pump to be removed from the well by placing; a heavy beam across the top of the building with the ends-of the beam resting on the w4119 of the building. The pump to then removed by use of a chain block fastened to this beam. With the weight of the pump in this case being 24,000 pounds (12 toms) and this weight being concentrated at two points if it were removed by this described method 1 believe you can see that reducing the strength of the footings does not appear warranted. The total amount of concrete in the footings themselves is probably Dless ttias a $50.00 item. You further indicated comments by one of the contractors relative to the electrical requirements. I believe any criticise here is given without any justifications whatsoever. While we have not attempted to burden you with all of the details of the electrical requirements on this project you are familiar with some of the re- quirenents of the power company. Firstly, the Northern States Power Company could not furnish the standard 440 volt electric current which would provide the-most economical installation. They could furnish 220 volt current or 460 volt current. 220 volt current would increase the cost of the starters and the motor. While_ the 460 volt current would also increase the cost of these items somewhat the in- crease for 460 volt current was not as great as 220 volt. however, a 460 volt hookup, as required in this instance, is not commons and it is entirely conceivable that some of the electrical contractors who might figlure the job had no experience for this type of installation. The engineering for the electrical work on this project required more time than the building and pump combined. The plans were done by our electrical engineer and were referred to two electrical equipment manu- facturers for their advise, to keep the electrical work and cost of installation to a minimum.. Several conferences were hold with the Northern States Power Company in this matter. It to to be noted that an inside type transformer for lighting is required. I believe any statements made regarding this were entirely without foundation and with complete lack of knowledge of the detailed facts and requirements. To,.the beat of the writer's recollection no attempt was made by the particular contractor named to discuss this project with any personnel in this office. I may Page 4 of letter to: tic. Warren C. H Dated February 13s 1958 yde Village Manager - Edinas Minnesota be wrong oil this but in questioning our personnel they do not recall any cocunents or questions raised by this bidder prior to submitting a bid. tie have been most happy to discuss the.project and its peculiar requirements with anyone interested, especially as it pertains to the electrical work. I would be pleased to review this with you and the Council at any time you. might suggest.if this is desired. Yours very truly, BANISTER SNCENEERM COOANY� - By C AWB /lm A• W• Saai ®tea Telephone: MIdaay 8-7788 KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION CO. Contractors and Engineers 2 15 0 .rs O O D R i C H A v E N [r F. ST. PAUL S, MINNESOTA February 12,1 ?58 ' � r Bani$ter Engineering; Co. 1549 University Ave. st . Ps ul 40 unnesota ' Re: EC ins Fu:. r Hous 1 9 Gentlamen: We would like to aab::it the followint; or_ces -ird conditigns according to your request. _ 1.2or o'.ittlnC the wiadovs :, specifled,.deduai 2.For furnishing aluminum windrnJ9 card se. eens,for l.,wer portion of window which will be psi. g$ . " -8 718n x 21 -011 deduct from the main bid 0175.0C. -.For furnishing steel sash and screens, `res .3' - =' 7 / "If x 2' -9" including the pain' .inL; ofa sash and screens, deduc ". :271.rG fro: the base bid. 4.If the pu.ap house is desire(' carl-1-r than s'.3t :c: our proposal, we could furnish ii by the 20th of 1,by.1958. S: r ce: ely ct:^s KARL DzZOL: H C;j;'.') R'," SON CO. .S • 9 IL February 19, 1958 To; Mayor Bredesen, Evald Bank, Frank Tupa, W. N. Dickson, -John Kohler, Councilmen Subject: Pumphousesi Although pumphouses are built primarily to enclose pumps which bring water from wells, the Village's last two ventures into this field seem to have generated more heat in proportion to the costs involved then anything else we have done. A brief review of the recent history of pumphouses in Edina follows: Nov. 11, 1936 - Bids authorized on Sherwood well house. Previously, consideration given to larger structure which would house a vehicle and some parts storage. Considerable discussion on-brick vs. frame. Brick favored. Nov. 26,'1956.- Low bid, $11,172 for brick; $100030 for frame - bids rejected. Feb. 11, 1957 - New bids, contract awarded at $9,853 for brick (frame alternate was $89865). Completed'cost, $99,602.59. Jan. 27, 1958 - Bids authorized for Hansen Road well pumphouse after Council was advised plans called for Sherwood type. Plans and specs were on Council table at that meeting. Feb. 109 1958 - Bids received, low bidder - Dedolph at $9,343.00 Much comment from Council and audience ons A. High cost B. Engineering - why necessary, cost of, quality of, etc. C. Cost of windows - too much by $5001 Much silence, comparatively, from me because ofs A. Astonishment that matters previously discussed and decided were being raised again -B. Not having all past history readily available C. Ulcers. Decision by Council - awarded to Dedolph, subject to May 15 completion, cheaper windows, plus extra of not over $500 be- cause conventional type . pump requires ventilation, whereas building was. designed for submersible pump. Before going ahead with contract with Dedolph, you really should read Banister's explanation (four pages attached) and Dedolph statement (also attached) of deducts and ads for change in windows, and perhaps make new decision on what you want to do about windows. (Banister advised me since he wrote his letter that six similar windows for pumphouse at North St. Paul bid February 17 were quoted at about $775. Price increase had not been effective for our job.) Mayor and Council - page 2 2 -19 -1958 Please note in Banister's letter, total costs of engineering and supervision for well, pump and house, approximating $651,000 in construction costs, of less than $12000 of which only a small fraction is for the pump house. We did not, then, pay double engineering by any means for the- pumphouse, as was insinuated. This, I strongly feel, is very economical service. Please note, also, his comments on footings and electrical features, which points were criticized by second low bidder. Same second low bidder had no comments that I know of for economy when he was low on lift station for approximately $17500001 He may have been disturbed because (a) he wanted to bid on basement partitioning; which we are doing and /or (b) he wanted payment of portion of holdback percentage on lift station prior to satisfactory completion and Man rightly refused to consent. Seriously, after reviewing the attachments and this memo, I trust you will agree with me that the administration and the engineering were unjustly taken over the coals at the last meeting because of the off - the -cuff remarks. I'm resigned (hope the use of that word isn't misinterpreted!) to accepting just criticism when we make a bull, but I have a hard time digesting unjustified carping which has no factual basis. Some of you will recall, I trust, that we had quite a discussion some time ago on the need for over -all engineering on the water system and we then engaged Banister. With a continuing need to keep the Village engineering staff on other projects, I feel we must continue to hire outside consultants on at least the preliminary planning for water projects, and I am convinced of Banister's competency, thoroughness, reasonableness in charges, and excellent service. Now, what shall we do on the windows? Save $173, or $2759 or leave as specified? WCH:B Faicl. Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager. BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 8 4 6 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. .,. PHONE: MIDWAY 6 -2612 February 28, 1958 Mr. W.C. Hyde Village Manager 4801 W. 50th St. Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde: RE: WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9 Our file #5531 Find five copies of Change Order No. 1 on behalf of the Karl Dedolph Construc- tion Company pertaining to the addition of a power ventilator, fresh air in- takes, change in the electrical wiring, all being required because the contract for the pump calls for a conventional turbine pump rather than the submersible pump originally anticipated. We would appreciate it if you would cause these to be signed by the proper parties and either mail two copies directly to the contractor or return three copies to us and retain two for your files. If you send three copies to us we will forward two copies to the contractor for his files. Yours very truly, BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY, By .W..Banister AWB / lm 1 encl. - 5 copies x 1 N BANISTER ENGINEERING dO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1549 U N I V E R 8 1 T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4.-MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 8.2612 March 11, 1958 RE: EDINA WATERNMUM (well 49) Our file: 45531 Mr. San Woehler Mater Supt. Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Woehler: This letter will cafifZm and mqP.e a matter of record discussion between you and the writer today relative to the fuel for th s fired unit heater In the Well house for Well Mo. 9. It was agreed tha he unit heater should be ordered for.LP gas. Accorclinglq, we are advising the Karl�Constructio mpany of thieg fact. �\ AWB /lm cc: Warren Hyde V, Gb very truly, SISTER ENGIMERM COMPANY, A. W. Banister PHBLP5�-DRAKE CO.. INC., MINNEAPOLIS' - $275,473.00 r PROPOSAL FOR 4 MILLION GALLON RESERVOIR EDINA, MINNESOTA it A0 ✓CM /L ,1958 (DATE) BIDS TO BE OPENED 11 :00 A. M. C.S.T. MONDAY~, NOVEMBER 24, 1958 v Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions, having made all necessary field investigations; being familiar with all other factors affecting the conditions and costs for the project, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment, tools, skills, and all else necessary to completely construct the 4 million gallon Reservoir in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated October 22 , 1958, and on file in the office of your Village En- gineer as follows: LUMP SUM One complete Rese� oir•and Pump House com lete; for the lum sum of /a. d `iis,,�c��• Q- �ey�vl ��cx rov�o �v e Se ve n r e e & m /100 OLLARS ADDITIONA HAULING 90,000 cu. yds. quarter mile (a cubic yard of earth hauled one quarter mile) in excess of the one mile "free haul" @ ®� /YO & 0 /7 /100 DOLLARS $ . 0 /c.y. ' mi. TOTAL $ In preparing my /our bid for the.project the following unit prices have been used, and shall apply for any changes encountered Rock Excavation (solid rock or boulders over 1 cubic yard) $ %Y0. 00. . /cu.yd. Dry Excavation $ /cu.yd. Cast Iron Pipe & Fittings (inc. material) $ rJ0 /lb. Class "B" Concrete fill (no forming) $ �. O O /cu.yd. Footing Concrete (inc. forms) $ 0.00 /cu.yd. Wall & slab concrete (inc. forms) $ .I! 00 /cu.yd. Reinforcing Steel $ ./ /lb. o The final amount of the contract shall be adjusted by multiplying the final measured quan- tities of earth hauled more than one mile by the unit prices therefor, in the manner pre- scribed in the specifications. Accompanying this bid s a (bidder's bond) k) o t) in the amount of /O % _ DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at,least 10% of the maximum amount of my /our bid made payable to the Village of Edina, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the P - 1 undersigned or failure on the part of the undersigned to execute-.the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the cerfified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the payments will be by cash or check. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village council retain the right to re- ject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to�the best interests of the Village. I /we will complete the project on or before �%�9%�s �� 1959. REMARKS hL Respectfully submitted, (A_ Corporation) (An Indivisual ) Na of B' er (A Partnership) By Title P - 2 v" undersigned or failure on the part of the undersigned to execute-.the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the cerfified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the payments will be by cash or check. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village council retain the right to re- ject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to�the best interests of the Village. I /we will complete the project on or before �%�9%�s �� 1959. REMARKS hL Respectfully submitted, (A_ Corporation) (An Indivisual ) Na of B' er (A Partnership) By Title P - 2 NO. 229 POWER OF ATTORNEY CERTIFIED COPY RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Know all men by these Presents, That the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, does hereby make, constitute and appoint M. D. Chandler, J. D. Chandler and John B. Lang, Individually, Minneapolis, Minnesota, its true and lawful agent and attorney -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust, and in the perfoxnance of con- tracts other than insurance policies, and executing and guaranteeing bonds or other undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by laer required and to bind the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and under- takings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the RELIANCE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s) -in -fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of Article VII Of the By -Laws of RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY which became effective January 1, 1958, reading as follows: ARTICLE VII Execution of Bonds and Undertakings SECTION 1. The Board of Directors, the President, any Vice President or Assistant Vice President shall have power and authority to: (a) appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (b) to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 2. Attorneys -in -Fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recog- nizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. In Witness Whereof, the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed. This lst day of January 19 58 RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY (SEAL) ........................ .J,....V......Go aline............................................ Vice- President STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, On this .... ...............lst............. ............................day of ....................... ..Js ,; Mxy......... ............................... A.D. 19...5.8.., before the subscriber, a Notary Publi of the Sta� of Pennsylvania, in and for the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified, �. V, Go81P3nes ........... ............................... Vice - President of. the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, to came ............................. .................. e. me personally known to be the individual and officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and, being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the officer of the Com- pany aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said 'corporation, and that Article VII, Section 1 and 2 of the By -Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia the day, and year first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ...........................Th lma E. ....` .O Yob tt................ ............................... Notary Public STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, My commission expires August' 7, 1961 ss. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, I .............. `'.....E. To'r bet',................................ Resident Assistant Secretary of the RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, I . hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. IN WIT_ NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Congry at the City of Philadelphia this ...........24tYi ..........................day of .............November _......... .........., A.D. 19............. .......................... ............................... p ....:... ........ . FORM BD 1009 -A T. E. Torbett, Resident Assistant Secretary +- ti Proposal or Bid Bond Bond No...... RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - ii &nom all men by tbeoe Prezentz, Tbat bne, PHELPS - DRAKE. CO. , INC. 5440 Douglas Drive, Minneapolis 22, Minn. as principal, and the Reliance Insurance Company. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, having its principal place of business at Philadelphia, Pa., as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA as obligee, in the penal sum of Ten per cent of amount bid in --- - - - - -- (10°16 of bid)--- - DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 24th day of November A. D. 19 58 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting proposal for construction of a 4 million gallon reservoir and pump station at the Southwest Corner of West 70th Street and Dublin Road, Village of Edina. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract, the said principal will within ( ) days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and the surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the surety's liability exceed-the penal sum hereof. Witness: FORM BD- 2009 -A .........NL.1' 0i. R ...._......._.., INC .P ........................... ....F ............. .... ...................................................... ........................................................................................................ ............................... RELIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY BY................. ......... . - ... ............................... J . Chandler Attorney -in -Fact OF CORPORAITE S-URETV -E 0— IN ES OT A. T-- On t!'!! -S24th 0' day : m6OV November, 1958 before me appeameed Chandler to Me Dersonally w3ho beiyig by me I y s -,-v 6 x a -I-i r-I G a _j th t 11 S 0A P- 0� the -RE—T."FANCE Al-ICE '01vIPAINTY that the --ep-I a�` xe d to the -F .-Oiles-1-as -'Ilstru-xient Uo-1, -d c o I -P orate s, ea 1 of a-I 1 c a a:j. o an that Sa d hast•ument CfLec';zte'd in coaid cc)z-Tpoi:w'-ir-n-a by o-7 As Boaxid of a:s; and he sa inst-rarrie-n't", to be the free act and ci saild col-pporat'ioa. , Mary Lane ve y y, Notary Public Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires August 12, 1959 WATER RESERVOIR CONTRAST AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION AWARDED TO PHELPS -DRAKE .................................................... ......................... . ..... CO. 12/8/58 - $275,473.00 Edina- 1Vlorningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningslde Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement_fQr_B ds_ -_ 4 �ilJ.i�a Ga119n_i tet________- Re.&ermir_T _ 111.1. aga _mf__Ed,iaa.___C-Qhatm- jotioa_af_-a 4 - i,llion gallon xassr�oir_�ndr pump- statlaa -at - # -soast -.... . hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary fua,_rfal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINOSIDE COURIER has had in Zz .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of iute. -w; to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said kaowr place of pittiication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate (natter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beeen entered as second class mall matter in local post office of Its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor nf said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with -the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed ------------ "mer-tiaigma +_fnr__11Usa_____ ._.7;tU -NZE- 7s- --- -------ereo ---------------------- --- --------------- --- °------ --- °------------- hereto at *ached as a part hereof was cut from the columns oY said newspaper; was published therein In the English language once a week for ----- i!!<Q --------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -------- 6th _____day of ------ NOY.--------------------- 19_0 and thereafter on ------ 9hu1T$jday -------- of each week to and including the ------ 33t,11 ------ day of -____- jQY-.______________- 19-5a; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size am kind of type used in the publim- tion of said -------------------- - --------- abcdefgAijklmnop tuvwxyz Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me thi -- ----- 33.-t- h -- -day of___ ------ NQQ!--- - - - -_, 19-98 - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- RZ /-tt* --- - - Corinne E. Williams, Nota y Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1- 58 -2]l p "O mow°' -a 11 ZOOM ro "o t9 �`7trp� Gel p." yon not 000rZ4 5.•°00 -.G Zm pew LHk e°i ebe as mGCD Witt =GP Ct4 t.>1 t9 ,0.4n0. C tea° 4yYO G,b�Gi Z,`lge n F°° x Hx xti -9.cr@ °ap at- aR7O",' E�°y ;; n ni op OaUa$,.�sigm go�:QO P. y'=7k�Pi y� W0WPam,oppo Fl 100 - n a. cf as0 p b�a C � O p t7T .1� p0"ma O . gw zzv.* ' o <ao y ZA "w 13 C,!en b moots C7� OP n n tr MA p: t:. m Cr ?°ram �tiq on :. per EO4 -0- i n 4 ° r ° 4. @ way=�o !A 'drown FF ��yy oq Q� } }1 n °o rb 4 aA ti AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................... ............................... Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed __ _AdV0r_t9SAMejai> --- - - - - -- ----------- a�4&A a- *9- -erA--vd311oz - ►148- apste - e - -& ea -S•t -- -sera hereto attached, said newspaper was printe an published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on 'Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mawrial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in .',a .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interes. to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pi?tlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicator any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and tnat its publishers have comp +:ea with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed------- - - - -t' ' pj�$]-��- ♦ -- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------ --- --- ----- ----- -- --- - - -- was- atrached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for____ --------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- 46tU ------ day of ------ NO$y--------------------- 19_,-Q and thereafter on ------ akun&w -------- of each week to and including the ------ u4b,----- day of ------ N*Vt ---------------- 19_.0; and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said ------- -- ------- ---- fox ---------- - - - - -- abcdei uvwxyz -L - --- ----- ---- - - - -- -- --- - Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me thi ___ __3.3th-__day of_ Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1 -5d -2M Cmen mt9 cam <�ao pcmro - -. W0_omca�5c_oCHOww"5z 0 g O�0-: m -1HEr -600 0 mw`mtiwE�]m °Cst4owe; 9 -,ot `U Oosa�m °•�° �coi � C�Om �,=� ,w' I ppH�-Cmag "avm DOE mtdr- m m.C+x� eat Ox a~ "P crp g.om to rn�' -tn. a r'gAym �`c�omm�po5m` `..m`.ywPGg�CM ' Nm m 00 k x °Qa?P o �P__P � go ��Oppxa z'502 'HLQLi' c au~mim w -am xQc °o5m H� C -PP °' t9 a N'sf In f N00 e�i`, ,yu"°swis atitt�++'�i' �m�O ,d.R... OEiO O��,p� .,tea Opo: a xp x9 -w°� $m4; �x�o a "TW A. P� mm�ap at]Wn`A0°pw di,p Q� :e mg.-g- w 2i4mag pop 'W'0 E204 �] crNFriyCv° Zt HOaPmo� Qa0 0� er*OPG�0 WO 011 �4 Di Om fro O`8�tad ZB�,Qt s p @ao� =O3tiw gxm Hb..�g�,:,} FORM 2DS6�/z— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. - Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis [� `Tffi`y e pp .2- ----------------------------------------------------------......--------------- --------------- --------- . --...--.--------- ...........-- -- --........... - --- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in tits said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -----Aftertisement....fGr---bids------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- ti. W. O .............................. ........... .................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------------ 6th ................................. day of - - -- November., 19 ---- 78nd thereafter on .... Th 11T' R- aclY................................ 13th November -------------- 19._58 - - -; of each week to and including the .............. ...... y of____:____........__._ -. and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said..__Adverti3eiIlen t.-f.Or -- -bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. s' - -- ------ - ----- ------------- -- ------------ ------- -- -- - - - - -- <1 ......--- -- - - - - -- -- --- -- Subscribed and sworn to be Ce me this ....... 13th ..... day of ..............�OYeIRber - ..... 19..•358... ---- ---- ------------------ --- - -- -------- ------- -- --�: -- �.. . �cr1.------------- - -.... Notary Public ...... .._._ R _...Count , Minnesota. - --- i,cz ' :..:_ CGUntyJ,J , llflinv_ My commission expires.___.___....................................... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4 MILLION GALLON WATER RESER -I VOIR —BIDS CLOSE NOV. 24 � +�� ii//Lµ tale Oi 01innezotat - Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, sealed bids will be received and opened Hennepin County of_-_---_..._-___- """ "' " " " " " "' "' "' " " " " "' " " " " " " "" in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., MONDAY, j, IlI1 3---- being duly sworn, % y NOVEMBER 24, 1958, and that the --`-`------------ -------------------- ------- ..... ........................_.... -. Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M:, on Monday,, November 24, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the tames herein stated has been .... ............ ........ ....... .... 1958, at the Village Hall to consider said bids, 'being for the following: CONSTRUCTIONOF A 4 MILLION -------------------- Advertising --- Clerk. -------------------------------- ........................................................ GALLON RESERVOIR AND PUMP STATION AT . THE SOUTHWEST the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ....................:...... ...... .................. . ...... CORNER OF WEST 70TH STREET AND DUBLIN ROAD. n, Con3tir c tion ..3aMe't-Jn ............ ........I and has full • knowledge of the Work must be as described in plans °' -- and specifications on file and available facts herein stated. in the office of the Banister. Engineer - I ing Company, 310 North Snelling Ave- That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed nue, St. Paul, Minnesota and /or the Edina Village Engineer, 4801 W. 50th Adnerti ement for bids Street, Edina, for a deposit of $25.00, which deposit will be refunded to - -- -- ............................................ ............ ................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its actual bidders upon return of said plans and speci fications. No bids, will be considered unless known office of publication within the ..._. . . .. .... .............................. .....- ......................... ' sealed and filed with the undersigned 11:00 A.M., Monday, November City of...._____.._H inneapo- li s-- .................................. n the County of before 24, 1958, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to ----------- ---------- Hemepi . -_. --------------------------------------------- ............................ State of Minnesota, on the Village Clerk in the amount of at least -ten (10 %) per cent of the Thnrada--------------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in amount of the bid. The Council re- serves the right to reject any or all space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known bids. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Villagg_Clerk_ material for preparing and printing the same__________________ ____ __________________________, --------------------- Construction --- Bulletin .......................................... .................................. ----------------------------------------------------------......--------------- --------------- --------- . --...--.--------- ...........-- -- --........... - --- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in tits said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -----Aftertisement....fGr---bids------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- ti. W. O .............................. ........... .................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------------ 6th ................................. day of - - -- November., 19 ---- 78nd thereafter on .... Th 11T' R- aclY................................ 13th November -------------- 19._58 - - -; of each week to and including the .............. ...... y of____:____........__._ -. and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said..__Adverti3eiIlen t.-f.Or -- -bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. s' - -- ------ - ----- ------------- -- ------------ ------- -- -- - - - - -- <1 ......--- -- - - - - -- -- --- -- Subscribed and sworn to be Ce me this ....... 13th ..... day of ..............�OYeIRber - ..... 19..•358... ---- ---- ------------------ --- - -- -------- ------- -- --�: -- �.. . �cr1.------------- - -.... Notary Public ...... .._._ R _...Count , Minnesota. - --- i,cz ' :..:_ CGUntyJ,J , llflinv_ My commission expires.___.___....................................... Affidavit of Publication OF C T r .a. t7 , K rP MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS 46. RORM' 2956%— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4 MILLION GALLON WATER RESER- VOIR —BIDS CLOSE NOV. 24 Edina, Minn. Mate of Annezota, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ss. sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager Count y o f --------------------------------------------------- in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., MONDAY, - -- NOVEMBER 24, 1958, and that the Edina Village Council will meet at ______________t�_ !____.. ._.____.........__.._____.________..__._......._ ...____...___._..___-- ...__. - -- being duly sworn, 7:00 P.M., on Monday, November 24, 1958, at the Village Hall to consider said bids, being for the following: on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... CONSTRUCTION OF A 4 MILLION GALLON RESERVOIR AND PUMP _,,y,,. Q ----...------------ AdVer tiairW-- 0181-k --------------------------------------------------- -.................................... STATION AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WEST 70TH STREET the publisher -------- and printer. ------- of the newspaper known as ........................ AND DUBLIN ROAD. Work must be as described in plans ��t��n� and has full-knowledge of the and specifications on file and available - - - - - -- ...................I in the office of the Banister Engineer- facts herein stated. ing Company, 310 North Snelling Ave- nue, St. Paul, Minnesota and /or the That or more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein o the rimed f y p p f p Edina Village Engineer, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, for a deposit of $25.00, tely gd�p�6en�i Or_.msa� +4 which deposit will be refunded to -- ------ ------ ------ .. ................... - ............................................ actual bidders upon return of said hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned known office of publication within the ................................................................. ......................... . ..... before 11:00 A.M., Monday, November 24, 1958, accompanied by cash deposit, .. ................... ay..------.. ...of____..._.__J4[JLJMaF!L}1Q1 ................................... in the County of bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of rft--------------------------------------- ---------------- °'"--"......... State of Minnesota, on at least ten (10 %) per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council re- T110m, cl - of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in �v serves the right to reject any or all a bids. - space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk material for preparing and printing the same; .................. --------- ..................................................... ------ ----- - - - - -- -- -coAetr tlQn - -- Bull tin------------ - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- ....._.._....-------------------.....-----------...._...------- ._....-------------- - - - - -• has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - - -- Advertisement ... br---bido------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- tWQ ............................. ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .................. A th .............. .----------------- day of �OV8Tb9T ----- ----------------- 19- - - -And thereafter on.... . P.. ' _d4Y -- -- .... ............................... of each week to and including the ----------- !b ----- day of_______________ vibQr...___......__19..74t..; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said.... ALZ9B7."tiamenti- Sor- • -bid8 abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said Issues was filed immediately igter publication with the State Historical Society. r .r, . ... .............................. - - -- --- ................. J-- -.._.. ° °......---- --... - °- ``............ .... f m .13th 5� Subscribed and sworn to be ore'me this_.__... y of ........ .....�Q- YD$1]@i'-- .�.��19- - -• � . Notary Public---- ---- - - - - --- .:::. ......................... -...... County, Minnesota. My commission expires...: ............................................. ......... ::........................ 1 Affidavit of Publication OF i i MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS ASK THE MAN FROM LAYNE LATNEmMINNESOTA. CO. AFFILIATES . LAYNE 8 BOWLER,. INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 5147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18. MINN. • STERLING 1-9558 November 24, 1958 Honorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Edina, Minnesota Subj: Layne Vertical Turbine Pumps for Reservoir Installation Consulting Engineer: Banister Engineering Co. Gentlemen: Please find enclosed the pump curves and descriptive literature for the above subject pumps. We have quoted all contractors on two Layne Ver- tical Turbine pumps. for this installation. We will be pleased to furnish these units for this project. If there are questions. on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours very truly, LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. Verne Luther Asst. to the President VL:dj Enc : WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT 4Z'QWORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS ASK THB MAN FA'OM LAYNB LAYNE'- MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES • LAYNE A BOWLER, INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 9147 -CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. MINNEAPOLIS 18. MINN. STERLING 1 -9558 November 24, 1958 ficynorable Mayor and Village Council Village of Edina, Minnesota Subj: Layne Verti; al Turbine F-umps for Reservoir Installation Consulting Engineer; Banister Engineering Co. . �ir @At��TT1P.II' Please find enclosed the p"ap curves and descr ptw;� lite:ratuxv for 4.0 above subject pump:. nave quoted all on `,wu 1;14ayn.a ^..- tical Turbine pump., for ib.i.s luttallatlo a. 1r:: will be plea54d to furripA. these units fox Ldils prGj�ct. If there ars- ;:as' ow.-- ou Lthovu, pleas dc _ ct hezitaiti to contact pis. Y©ur� very truly, LAYN-` INN y'SG _ 1 vim, E Verne Luther Ass'x. to the Presiu,;;nt VL:dj Enc: WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT Q ��54 WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS y LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP CURVE SHEET NO. / 4S� t MEMPHIS. TENN. PERFORMANCE CHART DATE 11/19/38 I THES CUf'2VEo SHCIW TAE GtNEFAL SNAPS OF Ttf£ - FM -BtTM�t�G?it4ftA6�-ER�F�T-FC-� L+-- I--- if -��1�. - ✓/ - _�/-J 1__. 1 i $HDPI TESTS jr THE C4PNSt pdT'SPEED CATEP. A LTOL RANCE CEF P S R MINUS 2% - A'DDRES6 ' � / /V r / / /' //lJ /C✓ clf�; • � U'4T: b'L '}R'tttFilV t'LT'YR -T'f7 C',�tl CD crrl �- r- --�- -- - 1 PACITY. MEAR A�D EFFICIENCY IAT 'THE. k• 1 �~`_ �..- AATEb POINT !WNEri PgMPId11G NON•GASEPUS TYPE PF P,UMPI r1G4 R. W M. ATF�'IfFREEt�cr0M -IYE 0M- ATwT'!EMP A-- -. - -I - -- - y� 1 1 I ' TUREi NC'f' OVi<R E36' FjAHR�. APID N/�(TH E 4za �F P�.1MP /� 1N5, Sf A(Be� 7,eA PELL�R C7�T7 LOWEST I-A-E $ LER' SUHMEP.GED: YYY I !II - I ✓l Lit THE FIELq PE FOFip1ANCE /t5 SHOWEN BELOW, MAKES Ok.S rV- -_ /YNC_EPFOR ALA_ T HE HYp_RAWLIC_AN MECHAt+11CAL L0�6E9_IN � 1 ODD N AT7U FIAFT O�j THTE ras ATi -044 aCCOIipING Y6) I 1 THE TA AR S F THE FiYDRAULIG IN6TITUTE. THE FIELD _ LIF FROM WELL PLUS TH y,- -- -' - —�� —' NAR E EADIMEAISURfjD Ai TH' p16GHARGE, CONNEC, ION AT E ' E URFACE* iG OOLUMN I LENGYH # 1 FT. iSHAFT DNA. 1f��� /41 6 i— -- -• - -'- - - —.... _�. i I 1 r- .:6.F�Y � � I`/'�Q i j -� `.'.ri.''T6'- +FE.h® 66'J� Is, FIELD B -F -P. 146: -- _ -_ -. -- - -, I FIELD_EFFIC(ENCY 81' 1 MOTOR EFF• 92' WIRE TO WATER EFFICIENCY 14, NOT ES. 15O '� "�•�u'Z motor - - --- ! o-:94'3 swA$r -a. per: 10DO oallo a� lw La LL Item - 1 �-1 - - �'1�� - ;-- -t:''` �"�T'/� Y` ' tom►° �"- %� -- -- - - -- - -- -- - -- .--t -- W --- z,-rg- , J-- --- - - ±. ___._ -_ __ _r - _ _ Iv•; i I __- I - I— U. ;S. GAL'L014S ER MIN ; -- } F LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP CURVE SHEET NO. MEMPHIS, TENN. PERFORMANCE CHART DATE 11/19/58 ' THES� CURVES SHOW T14E GtNEPAL SHAPd OF THE -9t)WL CFrACTERtll T-iC-Si - UNDER -r -- -AR' �_ ���_� Ay41 , C✓ (� N/f I i PUMi SrHOP' TESTS IT TF{E CQNSTANVSPEED INDI- GATED. _ �l OL RANGE OF PLUS OR MINUSI 2C` _I i ADDRESS - - - FIACITY. FHEAq, A54dD EFFICIENCY IAT 'THE' RATED POINT HE` PQMPII,IG NON - GASEOUS -DETRITUS. -AT TYPE OF P,UMPI FIG4 �± /y� �— - R.R.M. `�•'-I r" _• WATER. FREE Rom A T£MP RA_ - TUREI NOT OVER E' FW R,. WITH NE ' - " -- , �'/� E(IZEf— 1!— IN8 7 57AGe¢ 7�/y1MpELLER C7? 1 -i - -�— - S LOWEST I'M E'LER' SUl9 •MEP.GED� � I D-a P�1MP/ I i ,-, .,, ,- ; � ( ✓�Gli T}IE FIELq PEOQFO MANGE SHOWN BELOW MAKES ALL�VI/- - TEST YS�O �O q5 a�_N�G_E_ FOIZ ALL, TH HYp_RAULIC MECHAIpIC_At L066E IN ' ` ! _ANLf �j0 0tH4 A17D NAFt OFjrN IN5IAC_ATIbri ACCO�f iN T51 HE TA AR S F THE H: DRAULIt IN6TITUTE. TH F! LD ; MUMPING Hie, THE WELL PLUS bIS- IiHF c3HARr.E HEAD,MEAjiURED AT THE DISCHARGE CONNECTION AT i 7'NE $URFACE., 1 • 6u;' MN 12 INS. f LENGYH 15 FT, (SHAFT DFA. 1 1 I 225 -20 , U.. . - +FiEk� F?IELD 6.H.P.. 146' FIELD EFFICCENCY _ 81, -� - + - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -7 t MOTOR 6FF. 92, W' IRE TO WA7�R EFFICIENCY / 4. u 11 NOTES. - - - - - - -; -0 : 94.9 KW- Hrs . per. 1000 gallons __ - - 'nom -,-- �- 1--------l-------- =--- -- ---' 200 07� - ; �/- >^9 :W ' G u;o T � � ru e;j�o Y Cif K.T r ul -/. {{// ` -71' W: W` z W. wj V 14.1or 4v NI f �. /17t/ ; 1 I U. 'IS'. ($AL'LONS ER MIN E� —, T-- ` J— SHORT VERTICAL SERVICE - - - - -- - - -- PUMPS __.. ryry N a - rE �'� �'• - - it _ ��-®_ s -. _ r" - fteent L yae Close Coupled Rivet �Pnmps provide an ample' ` water p [y far a large, all tan n� Winery. Qabined pumping capsc- �� - : �`- � _ •� '^ ,tty is �# gallons a minute. Connected *or over 75W • vy �c�.c,.rx -L+_ _ Sr�� 6 _ _•..� _ ,. _`._,.: _ 4=... r- _ ., _ u -gem. ____ —_— _ Sectional view of typical two stage pump bowl for water lubricated line shaft, showing ar- rangement of bowl castings, impellers, shaft and bowl bearings. Zayre Engineered For Top Performance Vertical short coupled service pumps are similar to the conven- tional vertical turbine pump, except that they are equipped with little, if any, discharge column. Ordinarily, they are made up of the pump drive head and the driver, the pump bowl section with or without suction nipple and strainer, and a short section of discharge column. Frequently the bowl is attached directly to the pump drive head. The demand for this type of service pump is increasing rapidly. They have many advantages, including lower overall cost, reduced floor space, no priming, no danger of flooding, low maintenance and power cost, simplicity of design and ease of operation. Layne Short Coupled Vertical Pumps are used by industries which require booster and service pumps, by off refineries, pipe lines, mu- nicipal and private waterworks systems and wherever liquids are to be pumped. The applications are varied, including BOOSTER SERV- ICE— PUMPING FROM RIVER OR LAKE —LINE BOOSTING— RECIR- CULATION —AIR CONDITIONING —HIGH PRESSURE PUMPING — COOLING CONDENSORS OR DIESEL ENGINE JACKETS— PROCESS PUMPING—PIT, SUMP OR CAISSON DRAINAGE —FIRE PUMPING SERVICE— DEWATERING— FILTER WASHING — TRANSFER PUMPING —and many other applications. The standard line of Layne Vertical Short Coupled Pumps has a capacity range from 50 gallons to 20,000 gallons a minute deliv- ered against any head. Pump drive heads are available in all sizes and for all kinds of power application. Combination types can be furnished for all dual elec- tric motor - engine drive which provides insurance if electric power should fail. Special pumps for unusual conditions often can be supplied, depending upon feasibility of ap- plication and availability of spe- cial materials. All unusual pump- ing problems involving other than standard equipment must be sub- mitted to the factory. LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. GENERAL OFFICES, MEMPHIS 8, TENN. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World _ 77_ K7_ 1 �b Standard arrangement of tower catch basin and Layne short coupled pump for circulating cooling water. AV • V • • • • • • • • ;a WV a.vu I ".- ,..o pump using small wet well and inlet- outlet pump head. A& Engine driven Layne river pump — a practical method for pumping from river, lake or reservoir. (� ".Y 'gam � gyp �� °•� i�' mod, -..�,i - •se..a „u j % � Gila_ � � i t� Four Layne service pumps serving a municipal filter plant. Two of five Layne pumps furnishing cooling wafer Installation layout for Layne short coupled pump for a pipe line compressor station. in a siphon fed wet well on bank above high water. o Fervice pumps are faew for circutat- �ing water. Duplicate 10 -inch Layne cooling tower circulating pumps installed in a pipe line gas booster station. For smaller municipalities a Layne booster pumping unit may be installed on the reservoir. and Layne Builf and Sustained High Efficiency Sugggested layout consisting of a Layne short coupled lurbine pump and tower for cooling condensor coils. The same organization which manu- factures Layne Vertical Turbine Pumps produces Layne Short Coupled Pumps. One class of product only is manufactured. Each pump has the same inherent quali- ties which for over fifty years have made Layne Pumps the world wide standard of comparison. Drainage problems are easily solved with a Layne pumping unit with au- tomatic control, installed in a sump. y`. Motor driven Layne vertical e ing diesel engine jacket cool Three Layne units pumping water supply. Wet well layout using Layne short coupled pump equipped with automatic control. Front -2100 GPM Layne pump boosting' through 6 mile mu- nicipal pipe line. Rear -1250 GPM Layne pump in deep well. Ample water for pipe line station requirements is provided by two 1000 GPM pumps. ed arrangement for Layne short coupled pump installed sump for line boosting. �0�h c'�a �sv7 0 '_I40 -46 SNELLING AVE. P. O. 13OX 347 MINNEAPOLIS 6. MINN. BILLINGS. MONTANA PHONE PARKER 6666 PHONE 8.82177 Short Coupled For cooling towers, circulating or process pumping, lake and river intakes, boosters, fire pumps, drainage, pipe line boosters and de- watering. v I < "AMONT �, .'. , "WW Mills a maw ' It, joy Short Coupled Service Pumps (1) 1AYN1 VERTICAL IURBINI• • The use of vertical type service pumps is increasing rapidly as pump users become familiar with their advantages. Layne Vertical Turbine Type, Short Coupled Pumps are designed to meet this demand. They are Layne en- gineered throughout and are comparable in every way to the regular line of Layne Vertical Turbine Pumps. Ordinarily a close coupled pump is made up of the drive head including the driver, the pump bowl with or without short suction nipple and strainer, and a short section of discharge column consisting of eduction pipe and line shaft. Often the pump does not require any column, the bowls being attached directly to the drive head. Short coupled service pumps are used by all industries requiring booster pumps, oil refineries, pipe lines, municipal and private waterworks systems and wherever liquids are to be handled. They have many advantages including lower initial overall cost, reduced floor space, no priming, no expensive dry pump pits, motor or driver always above water ensuring no flooding, low maintenance and power cost, simplicity of design and ease of operation. Layne Short Coupled Pumps are available in capacities ranging from 50 gallons to 20,000 gallons a minute delivered against any head. Pump drive heads are furnished in all sizes and for all types of drive or power. These include combination types providing standby engine units for use in event of electrical power failure. They are easily adapted to any piping layout. The discharge outlet may be located either above or below the baseplate of the drive head. APPLICATIONS Layne Short Coupled Service Pumps are used for all of the following: BOOSTER SERVICE — PUMPING FROM RIVER OR LAKE — LINE BOOSTING — RE- CIRCULATION —AIR CONDI- TIONING — HIGH SERVICE PUMPING — CONDENSORS OR DIESEL ENGINE JACKETS — PROCESS PUMPING —PTT, SUMP OR CAISSON DRAINAGE —FIRE PUMPS — DEWATERING — FIL- TER WASHING — TRANSFER PUMPING —and many other ap- plications. The impellers for all Layne Pumps are sand blasted and carefully machined. All outside and inside surfaces are hand filed and finished. . __.. 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sectional view of typical two stage pump bowl for water lubricated line shaft, showing ar- rangement of bowl castings, Impellers, shaft and bowl bearings. (2) CLOSE COUPLED p U M P SERVICE PERFORMANCE of Layne Pumps is characterized by sustained highly efficient serv- ice over a wide range. This is attained by correct design of all bowl parts, plus special- ized and controlled factory processes. CASTINGS for bowl bodies are finest grey iron and are cast in Layne foundries. All bowl castings are cleaned and rough polished in a wheela- brator, precision machined and hand worked until all walls are smooth and free from all irregularities. IMPELLERS are phosphor gear bronze, fully enclosed, non- overloading type. The rough castings are cleaned, sand blasted and machined o a spe- cial lathes by expert wo en. Following machining MR wa- ter passages are hand r med, filed and polished. IMPELLER SHAFTS size stainless steel. sition and hold the in place. No keys or are used. BEARINGS are sleevt plastic bronze, finished smooth. All bearings a: fly replaceable. WEAR RINGS of bron, standard equipment t Layne Pump Bowls. Th easily replaced if ii they should become The pump perforr can be maintained a efficiency with min maintenance cost. aranuare impeders are gear aronie, fully enclosed, non• overloading type, for high, low and medium capacities. SPECIAL PUMPS fc usual conditions ofte be furnished. Dil pumping problems be submitted to the ft If possible to furnish ing equipment, d a t i cost estimates will F nished. An experie sales engineer can I nished by the factc nearest associate con to make a study o pumping problem. H work with the consuls plant engineer. over - ts po- ellers :yews type, nirror I eas- e are n all y are time worn. ance peak mum r un- a can ficult hould ctory. lump- and L- fur - nced e fur- ry or 1pany any L. will inct or Cutaway view of standard flanged type two stage pump bowl for use with oil lubricated column. (3) Flanged connections on Layne Oil Lubricated Pumps are Ieavy and rugged enough fo maintain correct alignment under any operating condition. Screw Coupled Type Column connection using combination coupling• spider is used extensively for oil lubricated column. (4) DISCHARGI COLUMN Short Coupled Service Pumps usu- ally are equipped with no discharge column or only a short section of column. For these water lubricated type is recommended. When column is 10 -feet or more in length either water or oil lubricated column is recommended. WATER LUBRICATED COLUMN consists of discharge or eduction pipe and line shafting. Shaft bear- ings are Cutless rubber securely anchored in the hollow hub of a spider. Alignment is automatically maintained. The line shafting has a Monet Metal Sleeve opposite the rubber shaft bearing. OIL LUBRICATED COLUMN is made up of discharge or eduction pipe, line shaft and shaft cover pipe or tubing. The shaft bearings are plas- tic bronze. Aligning spiders are placed at each column joint. Oil fed into the shaft tubing at the pump drive head lubricates the shaft bear- ings. For water lubricated column a heavy duty, screw coupling with integral spider and hollow holds the rubber shaft bearing in correct align. ment. Details of heavy flanged connection for water lubricated line shaft. All parallel faces are ma- chined for butt fit. Alignment is automatic and permanent. PUMP OR-:-V--[ NERDS -1 1 -1 Head assemblies for Layne Pumps are furnished in many sizes and [7-- for all working conditions and power applications. They have low center of gravity and proper distribution of metal, resulting in great strength and rigidity. This, with simplicity of design, assures smooth, vibrationless performance. Shown on this page are a few of the most ii commonly used drive heads. Type TF for vertical, hollow shaft mo- tor ' The thrust Is carried by ball bear- ing in the motor. Type TF•00 for direct drive by engine or horizontal motor through right angle gears. TYpe MA for vertical solid shaft motor with flexible coupling. Ball bearing in drive head carries the thrust load. Type BF for quarter turn flat or V belt drive. Both vertical and lateral thrust is carried by ball bearings. Type TF•00 combination electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. Affords protection during power failure. Type MA-TD for direct connected ver• tical steam turbine drive using flexible couplin r. Thrust is carried by ball bear• Ing In drive head. (5) SERVICE PUMPSID 00 10• -� The demand for vertical short coupled turbine pumps by municipalities and in- dustries is steadily increasing. The ease of installation almost anywhere and the economical and dependable service ren- dered has brought full recognition of the worth of this type of pump. The same outstanding qualities which have made Layne Vertical Turbine Pumps world famous are incorporated in Layne Short Coupled Pumps. (6) Dual Drive _Short Coupled Pumps, furnishing viater for a Canadian Aerodrome. 0 • 0 • 0 0 • • • CL) •sinew aoleJas All* 01 ZAJOsaJ Wa; OOW 000`000'09 JeMlap 081d 94JOMJOIUM A +10 ul pellelsul sdwnd euAe1 xlg plat► ile Aje1!Ilw e jo+ jaleM Llddns sjlun uaelJp 8ul9u3•Joiopl inoj • %Dg io Aoue!ollia Ilejeeo gjIm Wd0 000'91 payslujn+ ysa+ lelol + +o uo sdwnd mlj ledlolunw oMl 0 0 i RIVER ANO B[-11 [I PUMPS* Layne Short Coupled Pumps are particularly desirable for pumping from rivers, lakes or reservoirs. The impellers or bowls can be set below low water mark. This eliminates priming and troublesome foot - valves. The drive head and prime mover can be installed well above high water mark. Fluctuations in stream level cannot interfere with normal operation of the pumping unit. Four Layne Pumps serving a municipal filter plant. Typical River Pumping PlantI'caisson type, with three Layne Pumps providing water for a city. A large power plant uses this Layne Pump unit for pumping cooling water from a river. Pump houses are expensive. Layne Vertical Short Coupled Pumps re- quire very limited floor space. This reduces building costs materially. Electric motor driven pumps require no housing except in cold climates. Equipped with weatherproof motors, they operate satisfactorily in the open. Three Layne Units pumping water from river for a city water supply. Heavy duty siphon river pump for large refinery. An ample water supply is provided for an oil refinery br these fifteen Layne River Pumps. Combined capacity 165,000 GPM. Connected horsepower 1500. (9) CIRCULR TING PUMPS Layne Short Coupled Pumps are economical to operate. First they are consistently highly. efficient throughout long performance periods. Then there is the minimum amount of attention required. Motor driven pumps may be equipped with automatic or remote control for starting and stopping and with automatic solenoid actuated lubrication. Only one adjustment is necessary and it is made at the surface when the pump is installed and requires no further attention. Three of five identical circulating pumps furnishing cooling water for a petroleum company repressuring plant. This 400 horsepower river pump delivers 5000 GPM against 250 foot head for an electric plant. (10) Two of five Layne Pumps furnishing cooling water for a compressor station. Cooling tower circulation for a large pipe line is supplied by these Layne Pumps. Two Layne Pumps furnish cooling water for a gas transmission pipe line station. Ample water for pipe line station requirements is provided by two 1000 gallon a an Layne service pumps. (11) GENERRL PURPOSE PUMPS• 0 Flexibility is an important feature of Layne short coupled pumps. They may be furnished with no pump column at all, the bowl being attached directly to the pump drive head, or, with any length of pump column necessary to place the pump bowls at the proper depth. The bowls can be staged to deliver the re- quired amount of water against any pumping head. Layne Pumps operate perfectly against any combined above and below base pumping head. Impellers are non - overloading type which avoids any considerable variation in horsepower demand due to widely fluctuating water level. A Layne Short Coupled Pump supplies each o} these Diesel engines with jacket cooling water. Pumps are driven from engine shafts by belt and angle gears. (12) A pressure filter system and Layne Pump ensures an adequate supply of pure water for a small city. oil refinery is by ten high s. Total ca- 1, 100, et. Four Layne pumps furnish cooling water for the 1000 horsepower Diesel engines in this pipe line pumping station. (13) GASOLINE AND FUEL OIL PUMPS A complete line of vertical transfer and refueling pumps is offered by Layne for the safe and efficient handling of gaso- line, distillate and fuel oils. Capacities and pumping heads cover a wide range. De- sign of bowl castings and impellers elim- inates tendency to vapor lock. Size and overall dimensions depend upon capacity and pumping head. (14) PUMPS FOR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS Often special pumps for unusual service are required. For example a pipe line company needed a fixed pumping ca- pacity for handling two kinds of pump - age, yet had room for only one set of pumps. Layne solved the problems by designing pumps with dual bowls oper- ating on the same line shaft yet keeping the two kinds of pumpage entirely sep- arate. Four identical units were furnished UNDERWRITERS FIRE PUMPS Motor Drive Head with Underwriters Fittings for 1000 GPM Fire Pump. Fittings are furnished at extra cost. Layne Short Coupled Underwrit- ers Pumps are designed to pump from reservoirs, streams or lakes. Do not require priming, require minimum floor space and can be furnished for any pumping head. All Layne Fire Pumps bear the Underwriters label. s MIM {trti � Fire nozzle discharge of 1000 GPM Layne Fire Pump on actual field test. Layne Underwriters Pump affords protection for a large factory. r (15) E/q,€ T he Layne Organization Provides a Complete Service The final test of almost any organization is the service it renders. The Layne Associated Com- panies offer water users a complete service both exploratory and advisory. This covers well water services from preliminary survey to completed turn -key jobs — precision built vertical turbine pumps —water well screens —gear drives —water treatment equipment. Our Research Division is constantly engaged in seeking better materials, working out improved methods and ways to ef- fect savings for users of Layne equipment. The above services are available to all Layne purchasers. They do not replace but coordinate with the services of consulting engineers, plant engineers and plant superintendents. Layne & Bowler, Inc. General Offices, Memphis 8, Tenn. LAYNE- ARKANSAS COMPANY Stuttgart, Arkansas LAYNE - ATLANTIC COMPANY Norfolk, Virginia LAYNE- CENTRAL COMPANY Memphis, Tennessee LAYNE- LOUISIANA COMPANY Lake Charles, Louisiana LAYNE - MINNESOTA COMPANY Minneapolis, Minnesota LAYNE- NORTHERN COMPANY Mishawaka, Indiana Layne Companies LAYNE- NORTHWEST COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin LAYNE -NEW YORK COMPANY Long Island, New York LAYNE -OHIO COMPANY Columbus, Ohio LAYNE PUMPS, INC. Lubbock, Texas LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY Houston, Texas LAYNE- WESTERN COMPANY Kansas City, Missouri r BULLETIN SCP -54 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Tom" � le ��-, r .1 CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PUMPHOUSE - WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 24th day of February 9 19559 between the Village of Edinas, a municipal corporations, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesotas, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Parts, and KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION 00. of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA hereinafter called the Contractors, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETHs' Article 1. The.Contractorg.for.and in consideration of the payment or . payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all labors, material, equipments, tools, skillss, and all else necessrry to completely construct a PUMP HOUSE FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9 all in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forths, and the.same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2a The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in. any event not later than TEN DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN ORDER FROM THE MUNICIPALITY , and to prosecute the same diligently and without delays, and to have the.work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer NOT LATER THAN MAY 20. 1255 s ,. pay—the ''' i�l'!' ��' iS L' ��7. i' f' �, �. f. T4.:.= .v�r'l�l'J- 111��1- 5,��.'.•1:f� _ _ _ _ _ � _ __, • •. _ _ _ of eew:rti-aet as hereldbe€ege set-feeth. 7VI.P Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a.bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipalitys, in the sum of NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY- .THREE AND NO /100 Dollars ($99343.00), for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose'of this contracts, to secure the faithful performance of this.contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended9 and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the.covenants and agreements stated above,; the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractors which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. ,Installment payments9,if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor'under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of'the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall.be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council-of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work ha &. been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the n 'On "Of `the'l ni i aliit �� Yi 9 attorney`'that. the ` iuniCtpa itjr is en obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF9 First.Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign name in its behalf. WITNESSED BYs WITNESSED BYa VILLAGE / EDINA9 BY Mayor BY V i l l age Valk ler CO ACTOR BY ►' 896 —Bond of Pnhlle Canmemr Knot all An bu_ , 4rsr rrsmts; That we..... L..DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION CO.„ 2150 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota -. -- HARTFORD�,ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY. COMPANY a corporation dul as prinaipol...:.. and..: ................................................................................. ............................... p.............................. ........................... ............................... organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, with principal .......................................................... ............................... -V .................................................................................................................. ............................... office at Hartford, Connecticut as sureties, hereby acknowledge and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ..................... ............................... VILLAGE OF EDINA, a Municipal Corporation ............. :.. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Edina, Minnesota .......................................................................................................... ............................... ....., State of Afinnesota, obligee, in the sum of NINE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED FORTY -THREE AND N01100 ($9,343.00) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... Dollars, lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any • camp -maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, ....... itS .............................. heirs, legal representatives, successors and assi ffns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIG.4TION ✓IRE SUCH; That whereas said p461pal...... ha......% entered 'into a contract with said obligee for..furnishing all labors materials equipment„ tools, skills and all else necessary to completely construct a PUMP HOUSE - "FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9, -for the Village of Edina, Minnesota, Pursuant to contract dated February 24th, 1958. ,(It is understood that this bond does not include liquidated damages-) NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained for feeding and keeping of men and animals for the performance of said contract.; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for enforcing the terms of this bond in all actions which may be brought thereon and successfully maintained, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees; shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; eha.11, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an additional bond in the sum at least of such increase within ten days after demand therefor in writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be successfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shalt be and remain of full force and effect. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this ............ 2.......4th ............................... ...........................::.: day of .......... F eb9:9@: Y ... ............................... .. 1958..... KARL DEDOL H CONSTRUCTION CO. In presence of: BY =.... ... .. .................... �i�, HART ACCIDENT IND ITY COMPANY Oil in c pa 1 � ....................._....... y , (J /ts%z : .. 2�: ._.... . mil. �ria> A. M. Angvilc Attorney -in-F c ... .. �.As _.o et _ . _ ... ....:..................:.. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT to me known. to be the person ...... described in andwho executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that JUSTIFICATION, FOR PERSONAL SURETIES btate of Ainnes;otav 88. bein g duty sworn, on oath each for himself says; that he, 18 a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he ju8t!&8 on the foregoing bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he is worth said suab above his debts and "bilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATE SURETY that the seal'afjSx ed to the foregoijiff instrument is , the corporate 8eal of 8ai4 corporation . ..... : ............................... and that'8aid instrument was executed in- behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of acknowledled said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ad eel Cb � = ' w^ = ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual or Co-Partnership STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , came before me personally to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn. My commission expires SURETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, as. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 24th day of February , 19 58 ,before me appeared A. M. Angvik to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said A. M. Angvik acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, n. My commission expires EMMA M. FARGEMAN Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Mar.24, 1964, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 24th day of February , 19 58, before me personally came Karl Dedolph, Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides St. Paul, Minnesota that he is the President of the Karl Dedolph Construction Co. the corporation described in and which. executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the -Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expireibtanr P,o,,; , My Commission Expi Mater 2�4 ing, Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT �11 0 POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint A. M. ANGVIK, T. C. FIELD, III, and LITTON E. S. FIELD, of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, its true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s) -in -fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private - trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed. in penalties not exceeding the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) each, and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s) -in -fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of the following By -Law adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of February, 1943. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8. The President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice - Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice - President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney -in -fact, and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 11. Attorneys -in -fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company thereto any and all bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT. AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 13th day of March, 1956. RESOLVED, that, whereas the President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, has the power and authority to appoint by a power of attorney, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice - Presidents, Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -fact; Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 22nd day of April, 1957. Attest: HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY n • Secretary Vice- President STATE OF CONNECTICUT, 1 ss. COUNTY OF HARTFORD, On this 22nd day of April, A. D. 1957, before me personally came Wm. H. Wallace, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Vice - President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. iNOtp RY. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, I ss. Notary Public COUNTY OF HARTFORD, CERTIFICATE My commission expires March 31, 1962 I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Connecticut Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that Article IV, Sections 8 and 11, of the By -Laws of the Com- pany, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the I Form S -3507 2nd Rev. Printed in U. S. A. 3257 24th day of Pebruar y 19 58 �G Assistant Secretary r a r w- Pte:' .Nei 1 B8B —Bond of PuhHc OmmwW 1 Miller -Dais Co.. Minneapolif' - =ttiatU all.japtt h1l Ghrsp rrSM S. That we, ... KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION CO. ,, 2150 Goodrich Avenue.. St:. Paul, Minnesota ................................................................................................... ............................... HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEhgVITY COMPANY, a corporation dul as prinaipal.:.... and ............................................. ................................. .. ................... ........................................... :............................................................ organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, with principal office at Hartford, Connecticut as sureties, hereby acknowledfe and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ..................... ............................... VILLAGE Or MINA, a Municipal Corporation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... Edina, Minnesota .................. .............................................. ................ ...................... I State of Minnesota, obligee, in the sum of NINE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED FORTY - THREE. AND N01100 ($9,343.00) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................:. Dollars, lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, ....... is .............................. heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIG.4TION .IRE SUCK; That whereas said principal...... ha....s.... entered into a contract with said obligee for..fatlfsh.ng, all labor'., material.' equipment, tools, skills and all else necessary to completely construct a PUMP .HOUSE FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9, for the-Village of Edina, Minnesota, Pursuant-to.contract dated February 24th, 1958, (It is understood that this bond ;does not include liquidated damages) Now THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become. due, all just claim's for such work, tools, maohinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained, for feeding and keeping of 7nen and animals for the performance of said contract,; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for enforcing the terms of this bond yin all actions which may be brought thereon and successfully maintained, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees; shall comply uri•th• all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shall, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an .additional bond in the sum at least of. such increase within ten days after demand therefor. in writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be successfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shall be and remain of full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We, have hereunto set our hands this............* h ........................ ............................... day of........... ebruar. ! ................. ..............................1 1958... i KARL DEDU PH CONSTRUCTI O. In preserve of: Hp.=....�s ... .............. HARTFORDACC, IDENT IND ITY COMPS ......� .�A�to� Pri - cipai 7 ..................._....... By. � /��.�...... �_::... ......:.......... � ........�.._./j.......`,\...... .. ` g Z. 7 : -25__ _ Attorney -in- INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Otate of Ainnegota, ss. Countyof .......................................... .............................._ onthis ................... ............................... ............................day of................................................ ............................... 19............, before nm personallyappeared ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... ... .. ..... . ... . .. ... . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . to me known to be the person ...... described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that ...... he..... executed the same as ..... ............................... f ree act and deed. .............................................................................................. ............................... Notary Public, .............................. ........................County, Minn. My commission expires .................................. ............................... JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONAL SURETIES btate of Iffinnegota,, s8. Countyof .............................................. ............................... .......................... ............................... being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says; that he is a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he justifies on the foregoing bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he is worth said suin above his debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution to-wit: Said.......................................................... .............................in the su m of ............................................ ............................... ........................Dollars Said.......................................................... .............................in the sum of .......................................... ............................... ........................Dollars Subscribed and Sworn to Before. Me this ........................ dayof ......................................................... ............................... 1e) ............ .................................................................................. ............................... ............................................................................................... ............................... .................................................................................. ............................... Notary Public, . ........ . .......... , ...,..................... ........................County, Minnesota. ................................................................................... ............................... My commission expires ...................................... ............................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATE SURETY 6tateof .......................... ............................... On this .......................................... day of ......................................................... 19............ ss. Countyof ...................... ............................... before me appeared ............................................................................ _.................................... to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that ............. he ....... ............................... ......................the...... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... Of.................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... a corporation, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, ..... ............................... and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of ......................... ................. ..............................; and that said.............................................................................................................. ............................... j acknowledged said instrument M be the free act and deed of said corporation. . .................................................................................................................................. ............................... NotaryPublic .. ............................... ........................County, .................... ............................... My commission expires ......................................................... ........... .................................... is i dw O o a p 0 0 Q � s , �-► o � G ti z is i dw i� ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual or Co- Partnership STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF )} On this day of 19 —_, came before me personally to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. . Notary Public, County, Minn. My commission, expires SURETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, � ss. COUNTY OF RAMS BY On this 24th day of Feb ruary , 19 58 , before me appea.re A. M. AnRyik -- to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said' j ,..I instrument was , signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and' 'said A. M• A wig acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said. corporation., Notary Public, .Ramsey County, Min My commission expir 'EMMA 1Df- FARGEMAnr *dam Public, Ramsey Coun MY Commission Expires ty• Minn Mar. 24 t %t. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Corporation STATE OF M"'N"SOTA ss. . COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 24th day of February _'.19 58 , before me personally came Karl Dedolph. Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in St. Patxl, Minnesota that he is the President . of the Karl Dedolph Construction Co. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) . Notary Public My commission expires Notary Pubfic, Ran-,cey County, Mlnn, My Commission Expires Mar. 24, 1964. . Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint A. M. ANGVIK, T. C. FIELD, III, and LITTON E. S. FIELD, of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, its true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s) -in -fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed. in penalties not.exceeding,the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200;000.00) each, and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. thereby as fully and, to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s) -in -fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of the following By -Law adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of February, 1943. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8. The President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice - Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice - President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney -in -fact, and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 11. Attorneys -in -fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the. seal of the Company thereto any and all bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 13th day, of March, 1956. RESOLVED, that, whereas the President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, has the power and authority to appoint by a power of attorney, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice- Presidents, Assistant Secretaries and'Attorneys -in -fact; Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its. Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 22nd day of April, 1957. Attest: HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Secretary Vice- President STATE OF CONNECTICUT, l COUNTY OF HARTFORD, JJJ On this 22nd day of April, A. D. 1957, before me personally came Wm. H. Wallace, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Vice - President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, l t ss• Notary Public COUNTY OF HARTFORD, J CERTIFICATE My commission expires March 31, 1962 I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Connecticut Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that Article IV,'Sections 8 and 11, of the By -Laws of the Com- pany, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the N. . Form S -3507 2nd Rev. Printed in U.S.A. 3257 24th day of February 1958, Assistant Secretary I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am .a duly Registered Pro- fessional Engineer under the laws of-the State of Minnesota. w DATE January 7, 1958 REG. N0. 2439 ADVERTISEMENT FCR BIDS Pump House for Water Supply Well No. 9 EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th. Street, at P.M., , ,1958. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7:30 P. M., on , 1958, (or at an earlier date, upon proper notification) to consider said bide, being for the following: ONE Pump House to house the Water Supply Pump for Well No. 9. Work must be done as described.in the plans and specifications on file in'' the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available from the Village'Engineer or office of the Banister Engineering Company of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded to actual ,bidders upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be con. sidered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before F.M;, 1958, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount of at least ten (10 7.) per cent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. i r, PROPOSAL FOR PUMP HOUSE for WELL NO, 9 EDINA, MINNESOTA Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: 1958 (Date) The undersigned, being-familiar with your local conditfoiis; having made all necessary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the condi- tions and costs for the project, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equip- ment, tools, skills, and all else necessary to completely construct a Pump House for Water Supply Well No. 9 in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota, and on file in the office of your Village Manager, dated January 7, 1958, as follows: ONE complete Pump House - for the lump sum of DOLLARS CENTS In preparing my /our bid the following unit prices have been used and shall apply for any changes encountered: Excavation $ /cu,. yd. Footing Concrete (Incl. forms) $ /cu.' yd. Slab Concrete (Incl. forms) $ /cu. yd.. Reinforcing Steel $ /lb. If awarded this contract, I /we agree to complete the work on or before , 1958. Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) (certified check) ( cash deposit) in the amount of. DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at least 10% of the amount of my /our bid made payable to the Village of Edina, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the undersigned or failure on the part of the under- signed to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will be by cash, or check. P - 1 r It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the certified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Village. REMARKS: By Title P - 2 Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) (An Individual) (A Partnership) SPECIAL PROVISIONS PUMP HOUSE Y FOR WELL N0, 9 EDNA, MINNESOTA SCOPE: The pump, motor, large piping, valves, fittings, etc. are not a part of this contract except for painting. All chlorinators, fluoridators, copper piping, hose bibs, and other small piping, etc. will be furnished and installed by the Owner, except the gas lines for the unit heaters, which are a -part of the pump house contract. The rough grading of area to a point 6' -0" outside of pump house wall and uniform 6" sand fill under pump house floor slab will be done by the pump house Contractor. All black dirt, seeding and the balance -of grading beyond the 6' -0" point and all land- scaping will be done by the Owner. All electrical controls shall be furnished and installed by the pump house Contractor," except that the Owner shall furnish the automatic pump control for installation by the pump house Contractor. The ventilating unit and all electric wiring,conduit, light fixtures, and light switches as shown on the plans including conduit down service pole and underground to and in the pump house will be done by the pump house Contractor. The pump house Contractor shall furnish and install the exhaust fan, which shall be sim- ilar or equal to that manufactured by Loren Cook Company as sold by E. J. Baker, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, and shall include ductwork,.exhaust fan or blow - er, switches, grilles, electric services and registers. Concrete: All concrete shall be Class "B" as specified elsewhere herein. (See Section 21000) Masonry: Concrete block shall be of the dimensions shown on the plans. Mortar shall be one part mortar mix cement and three parts screened mortar sand. Mortar shall be water repellent by adding '"Mortar Proof" or 2% by weight of calcium stearate powder. The mortar sand shall have a maximum size of 1/8" and shall be clean,, sharp, and free from deleterious matter. All vertical joints shall be cut flush. Alternate horizontal joints shall be cut flush and full rodded. Block shall be layed running bond. All block shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor °s attention is directed to the paragraph of these "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" headed "Brickwork'% (See Section 12000 also) Lumber and Carpentry: Lumber shall be as specified elsewhere in these specifications. (See Section 10000) 1" and.1/2" "Celotex" shall be placed as shown on the plans. Doors and Windows: Windows shall be aluminum as shown on the plans, complete with glass. Screens and storm sash are required. Glass shall be D.S. Doors shall be hollow metal steel type of the size shown on the plans. Doors shall have an aluminum threshold. Single doors shall have 1'k pr. butts Lawrence BB 5101 A DCHR 4k x 4k or equal. Lock sets shall be Schlage C 70 PD CAM AL RHRB, or equal, Type "C ". No storm or screen doors to be furnished. Double doors shall be similar and equal to Trusscore internally reinforced metal doors. Double doors shall have 4 pr. butts Lawrence BB 5101 A DCHR 4� x 4k or equal. Hardware shall include 2 bolts top and 2 bolts bottom. SP -1 Soil Pipe and Floor Drain: 4" floor drains shall be placed where shown and connect- ed with 4" standard S.H. soil pipe and fittings. Floor drains shall be equal to Neenah R-4931 D 1 with bell trap. Drain shall be to a seepage pit as shown and des - cribed on the plans. Roofing: Specific and General Requirements, Section 11000 apply except I" "Celotex" shall be used for insulation. Roofing shall be a 3 -ply pitch and gravel roof equal to Rubberoid Specifications #152. Painting: Painting of all piping and equipment -shall be done by the pump house Con- tractor. The doors and door frames, both interior and exterior, shall be painted with one coat of primer and two coats of Inertol Glamortex, light grey #306, or equal, or color to be selected by Owner to match trim. Building Heat: For building heat the Contractor shall furnish and install two gas -fired unit heaters. At this time it is not known whether natural gas will be available or whether bottle gas will be required. Accordingly, the final ordering of the unit heaters shall be withheld until this is verified and the Contractor notified by the Engineer as to whether the unit heater shall be for bottle gas or natural gas. The Contractor shall install two unit heaters and all necessary 3/4" topper tubing therefor, together with gas shutoff cocks and shall run this tubing through the wall to the point shown on the plans for the stand for "gas bottle ". In the event that natural gas is to be used this will be the point where the Gas Company shall locate the gas meter. The unit heater for the chlorine room shall be similar and equal to Reznor LU 25 F fan type unit heater with 110 volt fan motor and 24 volt control circuit with Minneapolis - Honeywell T 86 thermostat and fan and limit control. For the main part of the building the Contractor shall furnish and install a gas -fired unit heater similar and equal to Reznor Model LUS 50 -F, with fan type motor, etc. and controls as for the unit heater in the chlorine room. Each unit heater shall be complete with the necessary and proper safety devices, solenoid valves, etc. Each unit heater shall have a metalbestos stack and weatherhood. Brickwork: In submitting proposal on brick pump house the pump house Contractor shall allow $90.00 per thousand F.O.B. site for "Malvern" 1 -1/4" x 4" x 11 -5/8" face brick as sold by the Twin City Brick Company, 1407 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, or equal.' The color and texture to be selected by Owner. (See Section 12000) Electrical: Attention is directed to the Specific Requirements for Section 19000. SP - 2 V REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE: The following "GENERAL CONDITIONS" shall govern the work of all persons engaged in the performance of the Contract and shall form a part of the Contract. 2. OWNER: By the term "Owner" is meant the party or parties employing the Contractor or Contractors. 3. ENGINEER: By the term "Engineer" is meant Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, who have been appointed by the 'Owner" to take charge of the work contemplated by these specifications and the accompanying draw- ings and is designated and referred to in these specifications as the "Engineer ". The Engineer or Owner may appoint an authorized representative or inspector, limited in authority, assigned to make inspection of the work performed and materials furnished by the Contractor. Such a representative has no authority to order or permit deviation from plans and specifications. 4. CONTRACTOR: The person or persons making a contract with the Owner to under- take work under these specifications and drawings are hereinafter designated and referred to as the "Contractor ". 5. SUB - CONTRACTOR: The person or persons making a contract with the Contractor to undertake the furnishing of labor and material, or labor or material speci- ally made for the job is designated as the "Sub- Contractor ". 6. WORK AT SITE OF OR ON PROJECT: Work to be performed, including work normally done at the location of the project. 7. PROJECT- The entire public improvement proposed by the Owner to be constructed in part or in whole pursuant to the within Contract. 8. SURETY: Any person, firm or corporation that has executed, as surety, the Contractor performance bond securing the performance of the within Contract. 9. WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide all labor, trans- portation, materials, water, power, light, apparatus, scaffolding and utensils of whatever kind necessary for the complete and substantial execution of every- thing shown, described or reasonably implied in the plans and specifications as belonging to the work. 10. DRAWINGS: All drawings and specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Engineer are his property. They are not to be used on other work, and with the exception of the signed contract set, are to be returned to him on request at the completion of the work. G - 1 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 11. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS CO- OPERATIVE: The drawings and specifications are complementary. Work shown on the drawings and not described herein and work described herein and not shown on the drawings, shall be executed "in the most thorough manner and with the best materials, the same as though fully described by both, drawings and specifications. 12. DETAIL DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS: The Engineer.will furnish with reasonable promptnes §,additional instructions by means_ of drawings, or otherwise necessary for the proper execution of the work. All,drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the plans and specifications, true developments thereof, and reasonably inferable therefrom. The Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions. In giving such additional instructions the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the purpose of the work. 13. INTERPRETATION: Where there is any doubt upon any point, the decision of the Engineer as to the true intent and meaning of these drawings and specifications shall be final. 14. ADJUSTMENTS OF DISCREPANCIES: In all cases. of discrepancies between the various dimensions shown on these drawings, or between drawings and these specifications, the more expensive construction shall be estimated, but before construction is started, the matter shall be submitted to the Engineer for his decision. Without such decision, discrepancies shall not be adjusted by the Contractor, save and only at his own risk, and in settlement of any complications arising from such adjustment the Contractor shall bear all the extra expense involved. 15. PRINTS OF PLANS: The Engineer will furnish the Contractor five (5) sets of prints, on paper, for his use during the prosecution of the work. Any addition- al prints required shall be paid for by the Contractor at cost. 16. SHOP DRAWINGS: The Contractor shall submit, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, at least three (3) copies of all shop or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades and the Engineer shall pass upon them with reasonable prompt- ness. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the.Engineer, file with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The Engineer's approval of such drawings oz schedules shall not relieve the Con- tractor from responsibility for deviation from drawings or specifications, unless he has, in writing, called the Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. 17. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE PROJECT: The Contractor shall keep, on the project site, one (1) copy of all drawings and specifications for the work, in good order, available to the Engineer and to his representatives. G - 2 18o CHANGES: The Engineer, without invalidating the contract, may order extra . work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work, the contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract except that any claim for ex- tension of time on account of such changes shall be made and adjusted at the time such work is ordered. No claim whatever shall be allowed for extra work unless the same shall have been ordered in writing by the Engineer,'stipulating the amount of the remun- eration. The accounts for all such work shall be rendered monthly to.the Engineer. 19. EXAMINATION OF SITE: Bidders.shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed, concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered and all other.rele- vant matters concerning the work to be performed and if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of other matter or things concerning which such bidder might have fully informed himself prior to the bidding,. and the successful contractor must employ, so far as possible, such methods and means in carrying out his work, as will not cause any interruption or interference with any other contractor. M RIGHT -OF -WAY: Wherever the Owner has unoccupied right -of -way which can be placed at the Contractor's disposal, no charge will be made therefor, but any additional ground, sidetracks, land places, pier privileges, wharves or yard space that the Contractor may require for his operations shall be provided by the Contractor unless otherwise specifically provided in these specifications or the contract. 21, SUPERINTENDENCE: Inspection will be done by the Engineer or his accredited representative. His decision shall be final as to the interpretation of all plans and specifications, and as to the quality and quantity of all material and workmanship furnished. Engineering superintendence will be furnished by the Engineer without expense to the Contractor for the construction period contemplated by the contract. In case the work shall not be completed until after the date stated in the contract and further superintendence is, in the judgment of the Engineer, necessary, the Contractor shall pay the Owner, as liquidated damages, the actual wages and necessary expenses of the superintendent for the additional period or periods required. In case extra work is ordered or changes made which will,¢elay the completion of the work, it shall be the duty of the Contractor. to file claim for such necessary extension of time, which when approved, the Engineer shall duly extend the period of superintendence. 22. -CONDEMNED WORD: The Engineer or his representative may direct the removal from the premises of any work or materials which he may reject as unsound, improper, or not in accordance with the specifications, and such work shall be replaced to his satisfaction. G - 3 .REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 23. RATE OF PROGRESS* The work shall be carried forward at a rate that will, in the opinion of the Engineer, insure the completion of the work according to the Contract. The Contractor shall submit at such times as may be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shall show the order in ',which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work with dates at which the Contractor proposes to start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. If, in the opin- ion of the Engineer, the work is not progressing at a rate which will insure the completion in the time specified in the Contract, then the Contractor shall employ such additional means as may be directed by the Engineer or as may be required to insure the completion of the work within the time agreed upon. 24. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENTS* The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, before any payment becomes due, an itemized schedule of quantities and values of the various classes of work involved and aggregating the total sum of the Contract; and supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may require, except in the case of unit price work, for which the unit prices apply. Application for each payment shall be made to the Engineer at least ten days before such payment falls due. Application shall be in such form and supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct. Vouchers and receipts and payments by the Contractor for the work involved shall be furnished before payment is made to the Contractor, if required. 25. CERTIFICATES: If the Contractor has made application as.above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when such payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. No certificate issued or payment made to the Contractor nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Owner shall be an acceptance of any work or mater- ial not in accordance with this Contract. 26. PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT* Not later than the 15th day of each calendar month the Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified ap- proved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor, but the Owner will retain fifteen (15 %) per cent of the amount of each such estimate until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by this Contract. The Contractor shall pay (1) for all transportation and utility services not later than the 20th day of the calendar month following that in which such services are rendered; (2) for all materials, tools and other expendable equipment to the extent of eighty -five (85 %) per cent of the cost thereof, not later than the 20th day of the calendar month following that in which such materials, tools and equipment are delivered at the site of the subject project, and the balance of the cost thereof not later than the 30th day following the completion of that.part of the work in or on which such materials, tools, and equipment are incorporated or used; and (3) to each of his sub - contractors, not later than the fifth day following each payment to the Contractor, the respective amount allowed the Contractor on account of the work performed by his sub - contractors to the extent of each sub- contractor's inter- est therein. G - 4 27. FINAL PAYMENT: Final payment for the completed work will be made within thirty (30) days after the approval and acceptance of the entire work by the Engineer and the Owner. 28. ERRORS IN PAYMENT: No error or oversight in the making of estimates or certificates shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation to do and complete the work according to'the true intent of these specifications and drawings. 29. PAYMENT WITHHELD- The Engineer may withhold,:or on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any certificate for payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss on account of it. (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments promptly to sub - contractor or for material or labor. (d) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (e) Damage to another contractor. (f) Failure to complete the contract within the time specified. When all the above grounds are removed, certificates shall at once be issued for amounts withheld because of.them. 30. DEDUCTIONS FOR UNCORRECTED WORK: If the Engineer and the Owner deem it inex- pedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the Contract shall be made therefor. 31. LIENS: Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in lieu thereof and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge or information the release and receipts include all the labor and material for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any sub- contractor refuses =to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactory to the;,Owner, to indemnify him against any claim by lien or otherwise, if any lien or claim remains unsatisfied after all pay - ments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien or claim, including all costs and attorneys. 32. ASSIGNMENTS. Neither party to the Contract shall assign the:Contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to him hereunder, without the previous written consent of the Owner. 33. EXTENSION OF TIME: All time limits stated in the Contract documents are of the essence of the Contract. Upon receipt of written notice from the Contractor of the existence of causes over which said Contractor has no G - 5 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 control and which must delay the completion of work, the Engineer may at his discre- tion extend the date specified for the completion of the work. No allowance will be made to the Contractor for stoppage or suspension of the work by the Engineer un- less stoppage or suspension is due to the fault of the Owner, then extension of time corresponding to the duration of stoppage or,suspension will be allowed for the com- pletion of the work. 34. GUARANTEE: The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace at his own expense any defective work caused by faulty workmanship or materials of which he is notified during the construction period or within one year after the date of final acceptance of the work, regardless.of the previous approval and acceptance of the work. 35. CONTRACT SECURITY: The Contractor shall, at the time of the execution of the Contract and before commencing the work, furnish a bond in the full amount of this Contract in the form attached to the specifications as a security for the faithful performance of this Contract and for.the payment of all liabilities arising under or on account of this Contract. 36. "HOLD HARMLESS" CLAUSE: The Contractor shall assume all liability and save the Owner harmless and indemnify him from every claim, action, cause of action, liabil- ity, damages, expense or payment by reason of any injury to person or persons in- cluding death suffered through any act or omission of the Contractor or any sub - contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them in the prose- cution of the work or any portion thereof included in this Contract. 37. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required herein.and such insurance has been ap- proved by the Owner, nor shall the Contractor allow any sub - contractor to commence work on his sub - contract until all similar insurance required of the sub- constractor has been so obtained and approved. All such insurance contracts shall be maintained throughout the life of this Contract and shall be evidenced by carrier's certificates filed with the Engineer. (a) Compensation.Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case any work is sublet the Contractor shall require the sub - contractor simi- larly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter °s employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Contract at the site of the project is not protected under the Workmen's Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and shall cause each sub - contractor to provide adequate insurance coverage for the protection of his employees not otherwise protected. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, including Contractor's Contingent or Protective insurance to protect the Contractor from damage claims arising from operations under this Contract, as shall protect him and any sub - contractor perform- ing work covered by this Contract, from claims for damages for personal injury, M7 Revised OCTOBER, 1956 including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any sub- contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $50.,000°00 for injuries including accidental death to any one person; and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000.00 on account of one accident, and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $5,000.00. The Contractor shall require sub - contractors, if any, not protected under the Contractor's Insurance Policies to take out and maintain like insurance in like amounts. (c) Automobile Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Automobile Public Liability Insurance in the amount of not less than $50,000°00 and $100,000.00 and Property Damage Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than $5,000.00 if any,motor vehicles are engaged in operations within the terms of this Contract on the site of the work to be performed thereunder, covering the use of all such motor vehicles, unless such coverage is included in the in- surance required hereinbeforeo (d) Fire Insurance The Contractor shall carry fire insurance from the beginning of the work to acceptance of the completed structure. The policies shall cover all work incorporated in the buildin& and all materials for.:the same on or about the premises and shall. be made.,payable to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear. (e) Hail and Tornado Insurance ThLe Contractor shall provide hail and tornado insurance as described under (d). 38. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall have charge of the site and shall be responsible for the protection of his work during the execution of the Contract. He shall take charge of, and be responsible for, any loss or in- jury from any cause, to any materials delivered on.or in the vicinity of the work to be used thereon in connection with this Contract. The Contrac- tor shall protect his work from injury due to weather, frost, accident or other causes and shall immediately, after written notice is given him by the Engineer, repair any damaged work or replace such work with new work. All work shall be perfect upon completion of the Contract and shall be protect- ed by the Contractor until its final acceptance. The Contractor shall erect substantial barricades, fences, walks, shelters, provide and maintain danger signals and warnings where necessary and do G - 7 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 whatever else may be necessary and shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances relating thereto, 39. ACCIDENT PREVENTION. Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the protection of persons (including employees and property). The safety provisions of applicable laws, and building and construction nodes, shall be observed. Machinery, equipment, and all hazards thereof shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safe -' ty provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention. in Construction, published by the Association of General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provi- sions are not contravention of applicable law. 40, LAWS AND ORDINANCES: The Contractor shall comply with all the laws, ordinances and regulations of the State, corporation or regularly constituted authorities ipso- far as such laws and ordinances apply to the work contemplated by this Contract. 41. BUILDING CODE. The building code of the municipality where the work is to be done shall be considered a part of these specifications and shall be complied with by the Contractor., 42. NOTICES AND PERMITS. The Contractor shall give all necessary notices and obtain all permits, municipal and otherwise necessary for carrying on the work, and shall pay all charges for permits,- water used for all purposes, sewer and plumbing con- nections, repaving of streets, surveyor's fees and all expenses incidental thereto, as may be required for his work. Easements for crossing pavements and railroad tracks shall be obtained 6y the Owner, or the Engineer. 43. PATENTS. The Contractor shall, for all time, secure to the Owner the free and un- disputed right to the use of any and all. patented articles or methods used in the work and shall defend at his own expense, an3 and all suits for infringement of any such patents, and in the event of adverse awards under patent suits the Con- tractor shall pay the awards. 44, SUB- CONTRACTORS. Sub- Contractors or any kind of agents of the Contractor shall be considered as employees of the Contractor and shall be governed as such. No portion of the work shall be sublet without the approval of the Engineer. Bidders are requested to submit with their proposal the name of the sub- contractors whose estimates were used in making up the bid and whom they propose to employ on the work. It is required that sub - contractors be approved by the Engineer, 45. OTHER CONTRACTORS. This Contractor, at an early date, shall confer with the other Contractor whose work may affect his so as to promote harmony of work, any dif- ference of opinion being arbitrated by the Engineer, The Contractor shall allow other Contractors access to the site at all times as may be necessary for the proper ,carrying out of their contracts. The Engineer shall determine the order in which the various contracts shall be carried on, G - 8 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 ' 46. CONTRACTOR'S FOREMAN: The Coiit,rar.tor shall, give his personal supervision to the work of the Contract. When not personally present at the site he shall be represented at the site by a competent foreman who shall be given full authority to receive instructions from the Engineer and to act thereon with reference to the Contractor. 47. INC_OMPETE_NT MEN: The Contrac.tor, shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. 48. METHOD Of` PROCEDURE: All work shall. proceed in the manner and sequence desig- nated by the Engineer, and under his direction and superintendence. 49. MFK,SUREMENTS: The Contractor shall lay out all work from dimensions given on plans. The Contractor shall take measurements and verify dimensions of exist- ing (old) work, if any, that affect his work or to which his work is to be fitted. He alone shall be responsible for the correctness of all measurements. 50. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP: Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials, 51. MATERIALS AND SUBSTITUTION: When more.than one kind of manufacturer of a material is specified the option shall.be with the Contractor. Articles and materials specified by name shall be considered as standard, but it is not the intent to bar other makes of equal value and workmanship. However, no such substitution shall be mare either before or after the taking of bids without the written consent of the Engineer. 52. SAMPLES: The Contractor shall furnish for approval samples as may be directed by the Engineer. The work shall be in accordance with approved samples. 53. ORAL MODIFICATION: No oral statement of any person, whomsoever he may be, shall in any manner or degree modify or otherwise affect the terms of these specifica- tions or the Contract for the work. Any changes shall, before being made, be stipulated and agreed to in writing by the parties to the Contract. 54. CUTTING, DIGGING, AND PATCHING: The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, or patching of this work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of other Contrac- tors shown upon, or reasonably implied by, the drawings and specifications for the completed structure.. The Contractor shall not endanger any work by cutting, digging or otherwise and shall not cut or alter the work of any other Contractor save with the consent of the Engineer. REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 55. OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of this Contract, the Owner, after three days' written notice to the Contractor, shall without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from any payment then or thereafter due the Contractor pro- vided, however, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor, 56, OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT: If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors; or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he iauouid persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to supply properly skilled workmen or proper materials, in the judgment of the Engineer, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to sub - contractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws, ordinances of the instructions of the Engineer, or otherwise be guilty of'a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract; then the Owner, upon written certificate of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any other rights or remedy, and after giving the Contractor and sureties seven (7) days' written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take pos- session of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract price shall exceed the expense of finish- ing the work, including compensation to the Engineer for his additional services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner, The ex- pense incurred by the Owner as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor's default shall be certified by the Engineers 57. WRITTEN NOTICE: Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an of- ficer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. 58. PROPOSALS: Bids will be received in accordance with the notice given. Proposals shall be made in the form of the blanks attached to the specifications. Each bidder shall be prepared to submit, when required, a written statement showing the plant and machinery he has available for this work and citing work of similar character and proportions which have been accomplished by the Contractor making the bid and which may be examined by the Owner or the Engineer. This statement shall also contain evidence of the bidder's financial ability to execute the work and of his ability to provide the necessary bond. The Owner reserves the .right to reject any or all proposals. 59. "OR EQUAL" CLAUSE: Whenever, in any of the Contract Documents, any article, appliance, device or material is designated by the name of the manufacturer or vendor or by any propriety name and such name is not followed by the words "or equal ", it shall be deemed that such words do follow such designation, un- less the context clearly requires a contrary designation or construction. Any article or materials equaling the standards fixed may be used in place of that G - 10 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 specifically mentic)rned by the provided that the material proposed is first submitted to anc_ approved by the Cwr!er or its authorized representative. 60, CLEANING UP; T�te Contractor keep t:r.e. rf:7ork, ,streets, alleys, and grounds at all times f`'ree fr:mm rubbish„ Surplus and a; , ;te inat.erials caused by any opera- tions under his charge, cl.e.:an up the building, gourds and streets and leave the work perfect in every respect. 610 EXTRA WORK DONE Rid FORCZ ACoC.C, +OR-1 If toe value of extra work can not be determined by methods outlined in lt'em 1.8 "dhanges" tlie. Owner may order the work to proceed by force Account. In :auch case. the C ontrac,ter shall keep and present a correct amount of the net cosi of labor and mate.r.ialo together with vouchers, in such form as the Engineer may direct. The Engineer shall certify to the amount of labor and materials only plus t ietraty 4f:60%) per ce-.t for overhead, profit and incidentals. If equipment rental car- equipment operating r.-.osts are involved in the matter, the Contractor shall zu mit to the Owner and the Engineer before beginning work a list showing hourly cost of operation. n of such equipment. Extra work shall be done at this hourly rate pl-as fifteen. (1.5% pe.r ! .sent: for overhead, profit, and incidentals 620 LINES AND L'F,"VE1.S. T.lr,e Engineer shall furnish all 'nenessary lines, levels, bench marks and dr, tli instrument work n.er_^.essa.ry for the proper location of the various parts; of the work. `Ihe. Contractor s .s 1. make and be responsible for all measure - ments from the ad.J acent established. li.ns:s, levels or bench marks. Such lines, levels or bench mar.k^, will, in general,' be given above grade. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with uc.h co.,Cp: tent assistants as the Engineer may require for any and all survey work in co- ane.ction with this Contract, 63. INSTRUMENTS The Contractor shall provide and keep constantly upon the work such first class instruments as are required in ve ;rifying and establishing lines, levels, etc., and shall, see to it that the foremarn on the work is thoroughly conversant with their use. 64. SCREEDS AND TE?ORARY HEAT:: The Contractor shall. furnish all equipment, fuel, and labor necessary for prcperly heating the required, buildings during construction and shall keep such buildings heated as may be :-necessary for the proper execution of the work, The Contractor-shall, also furnish and maintain such temporary closures as may be necessary *'or the proper heating ,a.nd protection of the work. 65, CONVENIENCES FOR WORKMW o the Contractor shall .furnish and maintain a temporary water closet: or privy of the type and location approved by the Engineer, and allow the same to be u;aed by every person doing anything relative to such build - ing and carry Gut c.ire:ctions relative to such water closet or privy and shall remove same when directed by the Engineer. A screen shall be placed in front of the door of the rater closet. 66. CUENT SHED Whe�rr� re•.quired. by the "SPEC'IAI PRO`J'ISIONS ", the Contractor shall provide and erect, an absolutely weather -tight cement shed with double floor raised off the ,ground, and of such dimensions that there shall be ample room for the storage of fall t.on. ignmen_t.= of cement, in such quantities as may be required to curry the work on expedit.io:.asiyo See also Specifications on "Concrete Construction". C - 11 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 67. CONTRACTOR'S AND SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE: Except where otherwise directed the Contractor shall provide and erect a suitable weather -tight house or office of approved size and sufficiently lighted. The house shall consist of two rooms (one for Contractor's office and one for Superintendent in charge) with inter- communicating door and wicket window with shelf for telephone set in dividing partition. The Superintendent's office shall have a double floor raised above the ground. It shall be properly fitted with a large table for filing of drawings, specifications, etc.; the Contractor shall provide telephone service, heat and light, G - 12 n FORM OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and signed this day of 19 , by and between the of hereinafter called the "OWNER" and hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR ". THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, that the Owner and the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, agree as follows: ARTICLE I. The Contractor hereby covenants and agrees to perform and execute all the provisions of the plans and specifications as prepared by the Banister Engineering Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, and indicated below under Article IV, as approved by the Owner for: and to do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents. ARTICLE II. The Contractor agrees that the work contemplated by this contract shall be fully and satisfactorily completed on, or before , 19 ARTICLE III. The Owner agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to receive and accept payment in accordance with the prices bid for the unit.or lump sum items as set forth in the conformed copy of Proposal Form hereto attached, which prices shall conform to those in the accepted Contractor's proposal on file in the office of the Clerk of the aggregate of which prices, based on the approximate schedule of quantities, is estimated to be $ Monthly and final payment shall be made as provided in the "GENERAL CONDITIONS ". ARTICLE IV. The Contract Documents shall consist of the following component parts: 1. The Proposal Form ( conformed copy) 2. General Conditions of the Specifications for Public Improvements 3. Special Provisions, (if any) 4. Specifications 5. Plans and drawings which are attached to the Specifications or which are identified as Sheets 1 to for: 6. Addenda No. through 7. Contract Bond 8. This Agreement This Agreement, together with the documents hereinbefore mentioned, form the Contract, and all documents are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached hereto or herein repeated. G - 13 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of this agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. (Seal) THE OF By , Mayor By Attest: Clerk (Seal) Contractor By (Title) In the presence of: G - 14 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that We, as Principal and (a corporation certified by the Minnesota Commissioner of Insurance and authorized to act as a surety as provided in Minnesota Statutes Section 71.31 and 574015), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the of , a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "Obligee ", for the use of the Obligee and of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials or insurance premiums, or equipment or supplies, for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract described below, in the amount of DOLLARS ($ - ), for the payment of which well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us, and our, and each of our, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.- WHEREAS the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee dated 19 for: the regularity and validity of which is hereby affirmed and for which a bond is re- quired by Minnesota Statutes Section 574.26; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform and complete said contract in accord- ance with its terms and shall pay, as they may become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, and shall save the Obligee harmless from all costs and charges that may occur on account of the doing of the work specified and for the enforcing of the terms of this bond if action is brought hereon, including reasonable attorney's fees, in any case where such action is successfully maintained and for the compliance with the laws appertaining thereto, then this bond shall be void, but otherwise shall remain in full force and effect. No assignment, modification, or change in the contract, or change in the work covered thereby, nor any extension of time for completion of the contract, shall re- lease the Surety on this bond. Sealed with our seals and dated this day of Witnesses to Contractor's signature: (Seal of Contractor) ( if a Corporation) Witnesses to Surety's signature: By and Principal (Name of Contractor) Its Its Surety by G - 15 Its ,19 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL (For use where Contractor is Individual or Partnership) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 , before me personally appeared to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that he executed the same as free act and deed. (Notarial Seal) Notary Public CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (For use where Contractor is a Corporation) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 before me personally appeared and to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the of ; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corpora- tion, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the.corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said and acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. (Notarial Seal) Full Name of Surety Company Notary Public Home Office Address 9 Name of Attorney -in -fact Name of Local Agency Address of.. Local iAgency If this bond is executed outside of the State of Minnesota, it must be countersigned on the Performance Bond by a Minnesota resident agent of the Surety Company. 9 Name of Agent affixing countersignature Address MEMORANDUM: Affix here Power of Attorney and Acknowledgement of Corporate Surety. G - 16 2000. EXCAVATION, BACK - FILLING AND GRADING General Requirements 2001. CONDITION OF SITE„ The Contractor shall accept the site in its present condition and shall do all clearing, grubbing, excavation, filling and grading necessary for the completion of the contract. 2002. MASS EXCAVATION: the surface loam shall be stripped from the site of the excavation and piled separately for use as top soil when finished grading is done. All other excavated material shall be piled separately and out of the way of other construction work, until back - filling and grading is to be done. Excavation shall be large enough to allow the construction of walls and form work and inspection of same on all sides. Mass excavation shall extend only to the bottom surfaces of tank and floor slabs. Foundations and footings shall be placed on solid, unfrozen, undisturbed earth. If excavations are made too deep, the Contractor shall start the foundations at the extra depth without extra charge. Excess material not to be used for grading or filling at the site, shall be removed to a location desig- nated by the Engineer and within a distance of 1000 feet at no additional cost to the Owner. 2003. ROCK EXCAVATION: Where 5 or more cubic yards of solid rock, or individual boulders each over 1 cubic yard and aggregating 5 cubic yards total, are encountered it shall be construed as rock excavation unless modified by the Specific Requirements. Rock and boulders are defined as rocks which are not decomposed, weathered, or shattered, and which will require blast- ing, boring, wedging, or use of air tools for removal. Where a unit price for rock excavation is stated in the proposal form said unit price shall apply for determining payment for this item. The unit price for rock unless stated otherwise in the Specific Requirements shall be construed as the price in addition to the equal volume of earth excavation. 2004. BLASTING: Where rock is encountered, drilling and blasting may be resorted to. Such work shall be done only by experienced skilled operators so that no damage will result and state laws and local ordinances shall be adhered to. 2005. INSPECTION: Each excavation shall, before any foundation work is placed therein, be examined and approved by the Engineer who will decide whether or not foundations shall be carried to a greater depth than shown. Extra work on this account, if any, will be paid for as provided for "extra work" except that where the proposal form states a unit price for exca- vation this price shall apply to any changes so required by this section. 2000 - 1 2006. SHEET PILING AND SHORING: Where necessary, to restrict the size of excavation or to protect property, the sides of excavations shall be temporarily supported and maintained secure until permanent support is provided. Shoring and sheet piling shall be removed as back - filling progresses, except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. No extra payment shall be made for this work. 2007. WATER: The Contractor shall keep excavations free from water as required by the execution of the work. The Contractor shall furnish all power, pumps and other apparatus necessary for the rapid and proper execution of the work. 2008. BACKFILLING: The Contractor shall backfill around the several parts of the work to the elevation shown. No backfilling shall be done without the permission of the Engineer, nor until the forms and sheet piling have been removed and such surface treatments as are necessary or specified have been applied. Filling shall be done with earth free from perishable materials or materials which would cause or permit settlement. Filling shall be placed in layers not more than six (0) inches thick and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped. Any load bearing fill, (excavation under structures, pipes, etc.) shall be backfilled from the bottom of the excavation to the bottom side of the footings or floors of such structures with ten parts of clean pitrun gravel mixed with one part of cement. Mixing shall be done in a concrete mixer with sufficient water 'to permit proper mixing. No construction will be permitted on top of loose fill. Same shall apply to piping.placed under floors, or at points where a pipe enters a-building or tank. Extreme precaution shall be taken to prevent shear- ing of pipe due to load of.backfill. j It is assumed that no extra payment, over and above the bid price, shall be made unless the plans and /or specifications fail to properly show the location of existing grade. If such is improperly shown extra payment will be made'as provided in the 11GENERAL CONDITIONS ". 2009. GRADING: It is assumed that all soil removed -from excavation can be used on the plant site.' The final.grading shall be carried to grade lines as shown on elevations of buildings and sloped to drain away from the buildings in every direction, in such a manner ' that free drainage from all parts of :the site is maintained. Top soil saved from the site of excavation shall be spread over graded surfaces adjacent to and in front of the buildings. The finished work shall be smooth, true and sightly. The top 6 inches throughout shall be of black soil suitable for growing purposes and shall be raked and rolled unless stated otherwise in the Specific Requirements. i t 2000 - 2 6000 a METAL WINDOW SASE Specific and General Reguiremeanta The Contractor shall furnish and install windows as sbmwoa the plans and as listed in the window schedule® shown on the plams o Windows are to be aluminuw as manufactured by the Sunlight fttal products Company or approved equal. Projected Sawa are to be equipped at the sides with stay bares pivoted securely to the sash end pivots mounted in adjustable non-friction type shoes to slide in groove provided in window frame. The stays and pivots are to be entirely concealed when the sash are closed. Sash in excess of 41-6 11 wide are to have tuo locking devices. When the sash lock is not easily accessible, provide a suitable locking device for pole opera - Lion. Inswinging sill vents are to be equipped with two concealed friction type side stays and lever handle type latch with beveled bolt and keeper. Hardware. Hardware shall.be manufactured of anon- ferrous metal, finished to match the via--dove. Casement sash shall have a combination offset hinge at the top and bottom. Onderscreen operators shall be.cam action locking handles. Hard- ware shall be by the window manufacturer. Finish. The windows are to be finished in satin etch finish. A protective coat- ing of lacquer shall be applied to all exposed surfaces before shipment from the factory. An additional protective coating over lacquer which enables 6000 -1 cleaning of windows with only soap and water. Portions of the aluminum frame which will come in contact with masonry, 6hall, before shipment from factory, be protected with extra heavy coat of lac4der, resistant to alkaline mortar, plaster, etc. All steel construction cotiRg in contact with non - ferrous materials shall be insulated by a heavy coatitig of zinc chromate paint. Erection: Window frames and sash shall be erected into walls, after o0enings are completed, firmly anchored into place, true, plumb, and square, by experienced workmen. All mortar and plaster shall be cleaned off sash by General Contractor. 6000 - 2 7000. DOORS General Reouirements 7001. METAL DOORS AND FRAMES:. Tyne A Hollow metal doors shall be Trussbilt, Type 29, or equal manufacture. The door edge shall not be recessed. Frames shall be similar to design CF201.as made by the Trussbilt Steel Doors, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, and shall. be made of #16 gauge cold rolled steel. All ,joints shall be continuously welded with the exposed portions ground smooth. Angle clips, concrete rails, and shields for fastening to concrete floor shall be furnished. Provide three T- shaped anchors for each leg of frame for anchoring into mortar joints. Frames shall be erected before walls are erected. Type B All Control House exterior doors shall be of the reinforced type similar to Trusscore as made by Trussbilt, or equal manufacturer. 7002. HARDWARE FOR ALL DOORS: All hardware shall be as shown in 16000. 7003, WOOD DOORS: Wood doors shall be of the size shown on the plans and con- structed in accordance with "Millwork" 900ne 70040 GARAGE DOOR: Supply one 121 by 12" horizontal roll, three section, lights as shown on plans. Lock shall be morticed cylinder lock, with keys as specified in "Hardware ", Section 16000. Hardware shall be as made by Richards- Wilcox supplied by F.O.K. Door shall be 211 wood and constructed as specified herein under "Millwork ", Section 90004 Thresholds shall be made of 211 round heavy galvanized pipe. Supply one 8' x89 garage door 2" stock wood without lights; hardware for two section door horizontal roll and thumb latch lock. 7005. All doors shall be reinforced for hardware. Doors and frames shall be primed by manufacturer using red lead, black iron oxide, or a combination of both in synthetic resin -tung oil varnish vehicle applied according to the directions of the paint manufacturer. 9000 MILLWORK 9001. EXTERIOR MILLWORK: Where the plans indicate door frames to be made of wood they shall be cut from genuine white pine or cypress, shall have rabbeted stops and shall be toxic dipped in all parts (including brick molds). Brick molds shall be provided with caulking rabbets for all openings. A similar mold complete with caulking rabbets shall be used as interior trim for frames set in exterior concrete walls. Doors shall be of size and thickness as indicated on the plans. Plans shall indicate glazed doors which will have cross panel type of size and thickness indicated, with solid rails, stiled; and panels, and solid panel molds. Wood for all doors shall be genuine white pine or cypress and shall be toxic dipped or water- proofed with approved material. Glazed doors shall have wood glazing stops. Where wood sash is indicated on the plans it shall be one and three - quarters inch (1 -3/4 ") thick, white pine or cypress. Plans shall in- dicate method of opening. 9003, INTERIOR MILLWORK: Interior millwork as indicated on plans shall be of white pine. Interior trim for use on partitions shall be of standard one piece casing type (mitred or coped at corners). Simple rectangular moulding with slightly rounded corner will serve as trim except as specified else- where. Wood base board will be 3/4" x 4 -1/4" casing type with standard base shoe and base cap. 9004. QUALITY OF LUMBER: All lumber for exposed finished work shall be sound, kiln and air dried, selected, clear and free from blemishes that will show after finish is applied. All lumber for concealed work shall be sound, dry and.free from large or loose knots and.defects. . 9005: STORAGE AND PROTECTION: Millwork shall be kept dry and at all times protected from moisture until it has received its first coat of paint, stain, or varnish. 9006. INSECT SCREENS: Insect screens shall be provided for all wood sash that are arranged to open. Screens shall be wired with 18 mesh copper or bronze screen cloth. 10000. LUMBER AND CARPENTRY 10001. SCOPE: Under this heading shall be furnished all lumber, rough hardware, miscellaneous materials and labor necessary for all carpenter work shown or called for on the plans or specified hereinafter. The Contractor shall also furnish all rough hard - ware, blocking, framing and labor for the complete erection of all millwork and cabinet work and he shall install all trim hardware. 10002. BUCK FRAMES: Buck frames shall be 1 -5/16" thick, of sound well seasoned fir, pine or spruce. They shall be made to the dimen- sions and details shown. Buck frames shall be accurately located and then plumbed and braced securely in position and masonry built around them. Buck frames shall be secured in masonry work by metal anchors, three on each jamb, located when erecting frames to come in the mortar joints in the masonry. Anchors shall be 3 -1/2" deep lag screws. Each anchor shall be secured with two No. 10 x 1 -1/2" wood. screws. 1.0003. FINISHED HARDWARE: Finished hardware is specified separately under "hardware" but shall be applied by the carpentry contractor who shall cut mortises and recesses for locks, butts, etc. in a neat and workmanlike manner. All hardware shall be fitted before final coats of paint are applied but shall be put on after painting is completed. Hardware shall set plumb and true in good and workmanlike manner and to operate properly. Hard - ware shall be properly boxed and labeled as to location and contents and shall be so kept until installed. 1�oQ4,. PRIMING: No window.or door frames, or mill work shall be erected -until such work has received a thorough priming coat on all sides as specified under ".Painting ". 10005 ERECTION OF MILIKORK: All this work shall be erected in a neat, substantial and workmanlike manner and all shall be left smooth, free from hammer marks or other tool marks, slivers, open joints, etc. All joints shall be absolutely tights All work shall be plumb, square, level and true. Window frames shall be set accurately in place, then plumbed and blocked out from concrete and nailing strips and securely nailed to the nailing strips. Door frames shall be set in place before trim is applied and shall be blocked out from buck frames and nailed permanently in place. Blocking and fastening shall be not more than 18" O.C. 10000 - 1 i 10006° CREOSOTINGs Creosoted Noe 1 common pine shall be used for. nailing strips on roofs, stop logs, baffles and other work exposed to water or to the weathers Creosote treatment may be 8# pressure vacuum treatment or two brush coats of Carbasota, Avenerious Carbolineum or equal. 100070 -PLANK COVERS: Plank covers shall be provided where indicated on the plans. These shall be made of 211 x 8P0 S2S or S4S with 211 x 411 battens. Creosote treatment may be 8# pressure vacuum treatment or two brush coats of Carbosota, or equal. 10008, CAULKINGs All frames in exterior walls shall be caulked weather - tight to surrounding construction with Pecora, Trem .co, Sterlastic or equal caulking compound applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations in an effective neat and workmanlike manners 10009, CONCEALED LUMBER-. All lumber for roof joists, rough bucks, etc. skull be #2 or better fir. Roof sheathing shall be #2 or better pine shiplap. 10010. PLANK FOR SAND BEDS-. Plank walls for the sludge drying beds shall be #2 or better Douglas Fir, nominal 211 x 1210 and shall be creosoted as stated in Section 100060 10000 - 2 • 11000. ROOFING, ROOF INSULATION AND SHEET METAL . e Specific and General Requirements 11001. GENERAL: The General Contractor shall furnish and install roofing for the size of building shown on the plans. The roofing shall be applied to the top of the rigid insulation. 11002. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Insulation- Over the concrete slab of the building the Contractor shall furnish and install insulation and vapor seal. All surfaces to receive roof insulation shall be dry, smooth, clean and free from holes, cracks, or projections. Mop con- crete roof decks with continuous moppings of hot pitch approx -. imately two feet wide. Apply over vapor seal another coating of hot pitch into which while hot imbed the insulation in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Provide water cutoffs as required. Over vapor seal, when completed_, the Contractor shall apply 1" of insulation. This shall be 11° of "Celotex ", or equal. The method of applying and installing the insulation shall be that recommended by the manufacturer, but the insulation shall be cemented to the concrete slab with an asphaltic material fur- nished by the manufacturer. The insulating material shall be especially made for roof in- sulation. Roof ing - The roof and flashing shall be of the following types: Rubberoid Specification 152 Carey Specs. 4 -A Barrett Type A This roofing is to be laid over I" of "Celotex ", or equal, insu- lation. 11003. GRAVEL STOP AND FACIA: The Contractor shall furnish an aluminum gravel stop and facia on the building in the manner indicated on the detail of the plans, of Alcoa 63S -T42 alloy at minimum of 1.768 lbs. per foot. 11004. SHEET METAL ITEMS: In addition to the gravel stop and facia the Contractor shall install necessary cap flashings, etc. of aluminum of the same weight as the gravel stop. 11005. ROOF VENTILATOR: Roof ventilator shall be installed where shown and called for -on the.plans. 12000. MASONRY - Specific and General Requirements WORK INCLUDED.* This work includes the furnishing of all material and the complete erection of brick and concrete block. BUILDING IN THE WORK OF OTHERS.* The Contractor shall build in properly all anchors, ties, plates, joists, beams, lintels, flashing, inserts, etc., which come in con- tact with masonry work. OPENINGS„ CHASES AND RECESSES: The Contractor shall examine the drawings and specifications of all branches of the work. Check sizes of all openings, frames- and work built in connection with masonry and report all discrepancies. Provide openings, chases and recesses in masonry walls as necessary for pipes, ducts, con- duits, etc., as shown on the general and mechanical drawings, as directed by the Contractor whose work is to be installed or as required. PROTECTION.* Masonry shall be kept at a temperature above freezing until mortar has attained sufficient strength and set so that it will not be damaged by freez- ing. Warm all materials in freezing weather. Protect the work by appropriate covering, from damage by weather. MATERIALS.* Materials shall conform to the latest Standard Specifications of the ASTM as follows: Sand - C144 - 100% of sand shall pass a ,#8.sieve. Portland cement - C150 Masonry cement - C91 Quick lime - C5 Hydrated lime - C207 Type S Common brick - C62 Grade NW Face brick - C216 Grade SW, Type FBS Back -up tile - 5 B.U. Exposed surfaces shall have a standard smooth machine finish. The Contractor shall allow $90.00 per thousand face brick F.O.B. nearest railhead and shall provide transportation from railhead to building site. Color and texture of brick shall be selected by the Owner. If the actual cost of the brick differs from the stipulated amount, ad- justment shall be made by adding to or deducting from the contract price, the actual net difference. Water - shall''be clean and free from oil; 'acid and organic matter. Brick - Face brick shall be used for the facing of all walls as shown on the drawings. Common brick shall be used for all unexposed brick work. Lay'brick with shoved joints in a full bed of mortar with vertical spaces between brick slushed full to leave no voids. Parge the back of all face brick immediately before laying the backup. Exposed joints shall be compressed with a round jointing tool to a smooth concave surface. Face brick shall be laid up in common bond 12000 - 1 Tie face brick to concrete surfaces with dovetail anchors of non - corrodible metal every third joint. CLEANING AND POINTING: At the completion of the building, the mason shall clean and wash all exposed masonry and point up all mortar joints as required. Such work shall be done in accordance with-best current practices. MORTAR: Mortar for masonry shall be mixed as follows: 1 part Portland cement, 1 part lime putty and 6 parts sand; or 1 part masonry cement of an approved brand: and not more than 3 parts sand. Color for all mortar shall be approved by the Engineer. Mortar for bedding and grouting structural steel shall be composed of 1 part Portland cement and 2 parts sand. LAYING BRICK AND BLOCK: All brick and block shall be laid plumb, true to line, with level and accurately spaced courses, with corners plumb and true and with each course breaking joints with the course below. Wet all brick and block just before laying. Bond shall be kept plumb throughout. Plates, beams, lintels, anchors, ties, etc., shall be set in a full bed of mortar and all.metals shall be properly anchored and grouted. Structural steel lintels shall extend 611 on each side of opening. Unless otherwise shown the space around built -in items shall be filled solid with mortar and masonry. Brick work shall be cleaned using a weak muriatic acid solution. 12000 - 2 14000. PAINTING, DAMPPROOFING, AND WATER - PROOFING . General Requirements 14001. SCOPE OF WORK: This specification covers all painting of all woodwork, steel, windows, equipment, piping, valves, etc. as described in detail hereinafter, except for prime coats and finish painting, which are speci- fically required under other headings of these specifications. Every ex- posed material except concrete and roofing shall be given some protective coating, whether specifically noted or not, the responsibility in each case being determined as described in the previous sentence. 14002. MATERIALS: Paints andfinishes shall be of approved brands and shall be delivered at the building in origlna3, unbroken packages, bearing the manu- facturer's label. No painting material shall be used except such as has been approved by the Engineer as to manufacture, brand and quality. The paints and paint products of Inertol Company, Inc., Newark 5, N. J., and San Francisco 7, California, mentioned in the following specifications are set up as standards of quality. The usual "or equal'.' clause shall apply. Products of other manufacturers comparable in quality and type to those specified shall be acceptable if said paints are accepted by the Contractor with satisfactory data of past performance under similar conditions, direc- tions for use and any other information required, and if approved by the Engineer. Colors herein specified shall be as stated by the Engineer. Where thinner is necessary, only the products of the manufacturer fur- nishing the paint for that particular job shall be allowed. All such thin- ning shall be done directly in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions as well as with the full knowledge and approval of the Engineer. 14003. WORKMANSHIP: All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner by skilled mechanics. All materials shall be evenly spread and smoothly flowed on and shall be free from runs and sags, and no paint, varnish or enamel shall be applied until preceding coat is thoroughly dry and hard. Sufficient time, not less than forty -eight (48) hours shall be given to allow each coat to become hard before next coat is applied, and the work shall not be hurried by_the use of dryers. Canvas and building paper shall be spread as necessary to protect finished or unfinished work. All woodwork shall be carefully hand smoothed, and nail holes puttied before any finish is applied. The painting sub - contractor shall be wholly responsible for the finish of his work, and, therefore, shall not commence any part of it until the sur- face is in proper condition. All knots and sappy spots shall be given one coat of shellac at least ten hours before painting. 14000 - 1 •I Puttying of nail holes, cracks and blemishes shall be done after the priming coat has become hard and dry and before the second coat is applied, and the putty shall match the shade of the finish coat. When the work is completed, the painting contractor shall remove all surplus materials, scaffolds etc. and he shall clean off all misplaced paint, varnish, etc, so as to leave the premises in perfect condition, acceptable to the Engineer. All paint and finish shall be applied with brushes except as otherwise speci- fied. All surfaces shall be cleaned and properly prepared, 14004, PAINT ON WOOD: All woodwork, unless otherwise noted, shall receive the follow- ing protection by painting. As previously noted in the specifications, all mill work shall be given a dip or brush coat of Penta WR wood preservative as manufactured by the Chapman Chemical Co. or equal before installation. Wood surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and free of all foreign matter, with cracks and nail holes and other defects properly filled and smoothed. Wood trim shall. be sand papered to a fine finish and wiped clean of dust. Priming coat shall consist of a special primer for wood, Inertol Primer Undercoater #623 or approved equal. Two coats of Inertol Glamortex Enamel or Inertol Ramuc Utility Enamel as required by these specifications shall follows 14005, PAINT ON METAL: A; Normal Conditions - All metal not covered by "Special Conditions" of this section shall receive the following treatment by painting,. This shall in- clude piping, motors, and equipment, railings, heating and ventilating equipment, metal doors and frames, etc. Rust, dust, and scale, as well as other loose foreign substances shall be removed by cleaning, wire - brushing, or chipping. Priming coat shall consist of a special primer for metal painting, Inertol Quick Drying Primer #626, or approved equal. Following the primer, two coats of Inertol Glamortex Enamel or approved equal. Colors shall be according to the following schedule except where small piping and heat piping must match adjacent walls or ceilings, Item, Location Equipment, machinery, railings, plates, doors frames, etc, - Piping - Exterior, exposed Piping Interior in control house & digester room Sludge lines Gas Line Potable water line Sewage lines Water lines for heating building Lines for water lines following water break 14000 - 2 Color Medium Gray Black (Inertol Std,) Brown Red Blue Gray Blue with 6" red band every 3010 apart Blue and red - Alternate 12P4 bands B.. Special Conditions - All metals subject to excess corrosive con- ditions shall receive the following treatment by painting. This shall include • such items as distributor equipment, scum pipes, all submerged metal, metal in the wet wells metal and piping.in the digester, and metal,•'piping and °.equipment which is'. subject to continuous moisture. All bare and galvanized metal shall be prepared with a wash coat of Inertol Passivator #33. After the wash coat, all steel and iron shall receive a priming coat of Inertol rust inhibitive primer applied on a rust -free, clean, dry surface. All piping and fittings as well as all structural steel and machinery below sewage level shall receive two finish coats of Inertol Standard thick black. All metal surfaces not previously covered in foregoing Paragraph (A) shall receive two coats of Inertol Standard. 14006. PAINT ON INSULATING BOARD: For interior painting, all insulating board unless specified differently shall be given two coats of aluminum paint in a synthetic resintung oil varnish vehicle. 14007. PAINT ON CONCRETE: All concrete surfaces shall be cleaned of all dust, from oil, curing compound, or other foreign matter. Floor areas walked on during construc- tion must be scrubbed clean with soap and water before painting. Ramuc Enamel, Torex Enamel, and Inertol Alkali Resistant Primer require etching of concrete surfaces which will be submerged or walked on. A 15% to 207. muriatic acid solu- tion is effective on most concrete surfaces. A stronger concentration of the acid shall be used if necessary to obtain the slightly granular surface required for satisfactory adherence of the enamel to the concrete. At all interior loca- tions where painting of concrete walks or ceilings is required, the walks or ceilings shall receive one coat of Inertol Ramuc Utility Undercoater followed by two coats of Ramuc Utility Enamel or approved equal in the colors specified. 14008. FLOOR HARDENER: Those floors listed in the "SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS" to receive a floor hardener or those floors listed in the Painting Schedule to receive a floor hardener shall be treated accordingly. The hardener shall be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations and the material used shall be similar and equal to Stonehard or One Coat surface hardener as manufactured by F.J. Morse & Company of St. Paul, Minnesota. 14009. DAMP - PROOFING: The walls shall be clean and free from soil, scale, pits, etc. before applying damp - proofing. Damp - proofing shall be thoroughly mopped on and shall be applied according to the manufacturer's directions. Coat all exterior concrete below grade required to be dry on inside but having direct contact with earth, soil, or water as follows: Use two coats of Inertol Standard (1 gal. 150 sq. ft. per coat) or one coat of Inertol Standard and one coat of Inertol Standard Thick (see Painting Schedule on the plans) for severe conditions. 14010.' WATER - PROOFING: Conditions shall be the same as 14009 previous and shall be ap- plied as follows: Use one coat of Inertol concrete primer (1 gal. 150 sq. ft. per coat) and a layer of Inertol Hotmastic Tank lining 1/8 inches thick (1 lb. 1 -1/2 sq. ft. 1/8" thick.) For especially severe conditions, two layers of Inertol Hotmastic Tank lining 1/8" thick each, with 15 lbs. asphalt saturated water - proofing fabric sandwiched between. (Water- proofing in this manner will be considered as an extra if so ordered by the Engineer, and will be paid for as specified in GENERAL CONDITIONS of the specs.) 14000 - 3 15000. GLASS, GLAZING, AND CAULKING Specific and General Requirements 15001. SCOPE: Under this heading shall be included all glass and glazing throughout the work, and all caulking. 15002. GLASS: The Contractor shall refer to the:SPECIAL PROVISIONS�for: glass required. Thickness of glass shall be as required by the sizes of all openings. Plate Glass - 1/4" polished of`best quality. Tempered Glass - 1/4" polished of best quality. Crystal Sheet Glass - 7/32" thick,.plain sheet glass, "A" quality. All glass shall be graded according to Fed. Specs. DD -G-451 and U.S. Government Master Specs. #123. Each glass shall bear manu- facturer's label denoting quality. .. 15003." GLAZING COMPOUND: Putty shall be Tremco, or equal, glazing compound. 15004. GLAZING :_ Glass shall be.bedded in putty,.secured with zinc glazing points and face puttied. Both face and back puttying shall be neatly finished. 15005. CAULKING: Caulking compound shall be of best quality elastic caulking compound made especially for this purpose, approved by the Engineer as to quality and color. After painting and cleaning of the exterior of the building has been completed all joints between the frames and the concrete or masonry shall be cleaned and filled full on all four sides with caulking compound so that they are air and water- tight. Any large space shall be filled with stainless oakum before caulk- ing. 15006. GLAZING FOR ALUMINUM SASH: Glass shall be clipped in place as specified by the manufacturer of the sash. f 19000. ELECTRICAL Specific Requirements The electrical Contractor shall furnish all electrical controls, starters and disconnects except that the 200 HP auto - transformer starter, the starter for the 5 HP chlorinator pump, the automatic control, and the small transformer between the 5 HP starter and the fluoridation pump. These units shall be fur- nished by others. The Contractor shall connect to the service pole where shown, thence down the pole and underground to the building. All conduit work and wiring shall be as stated in Section 19000, General Re- quirements, except that no outlets, fixtures, etc. need be'vaporproof. No receptacles etc. are considered as being in wet locations... Attention is directed to the fact that the automatic control, which is furnished by the Owner, must control the well pump, the chlorinator pump, and the fluori- dator simultaneously. The Contractor shall install all the controls furnished by others and shall furnish and install the following: 1 - Cutler - Hammer 3 -pole 4105 H 316 fused safety switch 1 - Cutler- Hammer 3 -pole 4131 H 311 disconnect 1 - Cutler - Hammer 2 -pole 4105 H 211 disconnect 1 - Cutler- Hammer 4330 H 104 lighting panel 1 - Dry type inside insulated 2 to 1 transformer to convert 460 volt current to 110 volt. The electric service shall be 3 wire 460 volt, 3 phase A.C. The power control installation shall be as stated in Section 19017 and not as stated in Section 19016. The equipment may be mounted directly on the wall, except for the floor mounted starter, and no panel board is required. 19000. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Requirements_ Revised 1/18/1955 19001. SCOPE OF WORK-. These specifications =and the accompanying plans contemplate, the furnishing of all apparatus, materials, equipment and labor for a complete system of electric light and power wiring, including feeders, switchboards, panel boards, cabinets, wire ducts, conduits, junction boxes, wires, switches, control equipment, fixtures, fuses, lamps, and all apparatus shown on plans, or specified herein, to make the system complete and operative throughout from the service company's feeder to the imost remote outlet. 19002. OPENINGS, CUTTING AND PATCHING-.. Chases and openings in building walls and floors will be permitted, but. -this Contractor shall be responsible for the location and size of same, and:,shalL provide for such openings at the proper time so as to avoid unnecessar-y . cutting -or drilling. All necessary cutting of walls and floors for the installation of his work, will be done by this Contractor, with the approval of the Engineer. This Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the building structure re- sulting from his work. This Contractor shall, at his own expense, do all patching necessary as a result • of his cutting and drilling, the correction of faulty work, or delay on his part. All such patching shall be done in a neat and substantial manner. 19003. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP-. All materials and equipment furnished shall be new and in accordance to the standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and shall bear the label of approval -of Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. All workmanship and the installation of all materials and equipment, shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, and the rules and requirements of the City Electrical Inspection Department. Workmanship to be in accordance with best electrical and mechanical practice. 19004. ELECTRIC SERVICE-. Electric supply will be three- phase, 4 -wire, delta, 60 cycle, with 230 volts, three -phase delta, 6,0 cycles for power, and 115/230 volts, three - wire, single phase, 60 cycles with grounded neutral, unless otherwise specified.. 19005. SERVICE.ENTRANCE-. Service entrance shall be of the size conduit and number and size of wires called for on plans, and shall be run substantially as shown. Conduit shall run from main cabinet or control center to a point on the outside of the building wall and terminate in a weatherhead type conduit fitting not. less than 12 feet above grade. Service entrance leads shall project three feet beyond end of fitting. Where underground service is called for on the plans or in the specifica- tions, size conduit, and size, type and number of conductors shall be as called for, and shall be run substantially as shown. Conduit shall run from main cabinet or control center to a Type LB condulet on the inside of the basement wall, and from the condulet, the conduit shall run underground. to the base of the service pole and up the pole to a point not less than 12 19000 - 1 • feet above ground, and there terminating in a weatherhead type conduit fit- ting, with service entrance leads projecting not less than three feet beyond the end of the weatherhead. Conduit shall slope uniformly toward the build- ing. 19006. CONDUIT AND CONDUIT WORK: All conduit shall be heavy wall rigid steel conduit, hot- dipped galvanized, equal in all respects to General Electric White rigid conduit. Size conduit shall be as noted on plans, and where the size is not noted, the size is to be 1/2" conduit. All conduit, unless otherwise specified in the "Special Provisions ", shall run exposed on ceilings and walls, and all conduit shall be firmly secured to same at intervals not to exceed five feet with malleable clamps, machine screws and expansion shields of corrosion - resistant materials. In wet locations conduit shall be supported one - quarter inch from the surface wired over. Conduit shall be run straight and plumb, with all bends neatly made. Where it is necessary to run conduit on machinery or equipment, it shall be securely bolted to the equipment. Conduit shall be smooth and free from.burrs, and ends shall butt into couplings and fittings, and all threaded joints made up tight with at least five full threads engaged and no threads exposed. No threadless coup- lings or connections will be permitted. Conduits entering boxes or cabinets shall be firmly fastened to same by locknuts and bushings. The necessary pull boxes or conduit fittings can be inserted as desired in long runs of conduit to facilitate the pulling of wires. Rigid conduit shall be run to within one foot of motor connection boxes, and the connection from the rigid conduit to the motor connection box to be made with approved hot - dipped galvanized flexi- ble conduit. Where underground conduit runs are shown on the plans or called for in these specifications, conduit shall be heavy, rigid steel conduit, hot - dipped galvan- ized. Conduit underground shall be painted with Inertol. Conduit shall be layed in a trench approximately 2 feet deep and shall slope uniformly toward the building. Trenches shall be backfilled, thoroughly compacted, and the surplus dirt leveled off. Inertol material shall be Inertol Standard Thick. 19007. WIRE DUCTS. PULL BOXES, JUNCTION BOXES AND CONDUIT FITTINGS: Junction boxes and wire ducts shall be substantially as shown on plans. Junction boxes, wire ducts and covers for same shall be made of No. 16 gauge galvanized steel with riveted or welded corners. Edges of boxes and duct to.be turned back 1/2" and covers fastened to same with machine screws. Wire ducts and junc- tion boxes shall be fastened to the building structure with machine screws and expansion shields. In locations calling for vapor -proof wiring, pull boxes and junction boxes shall be cast iron conduit fittings with gasket and iron covers. 19008. LOCATION OF OUTLETS: Wiring plans are diagramatic, and the outlets are shown in their approximate locations only. Before installing outlets, the contract- or shall make his own measurements and secure definite information as to the exact location of outlets. The Engineer reserves the right to change the location of any outlet to suit unforseen conditions, without extra charge by the contractor. Such change in location shall be made before outlets are installed, and shall not exceed 6 feet. 19000 - 2 Before installing motor outlets or other outlets on equipment, the Contract- or shall determine the exact location of�same and then place outlets accord - ingly. Outlets shown on plans shall be located at the following heights, unless otherwise directed: Wall switches 4' - 0" above floor Bracket outlets As noted or shown on plans Plug receptacles 4' - 0" above floor unless otherwise noted Cabinets 7' - 0" top of cabinet to finished floor Motor controls 4' - 6" above floor unless otherwise noted, or unless on control panel 19009. OUTLET BOXES AND FITTINGS: All outlets shall be equipped with approved stand- ard galvanized pressed steel outlet boxes. Outlet boxes shall be surface mounted and set plumb and true. If any outlet boxes are set incorrectly, the Contractor shall reset such boxes at his own expense. Where a number of switches and receptacles, are located at one point, gang boxes shall be used and switches and /or receptacles placed under one cover place. Switch and receptacle outlet boxes shall be utility boxes and surface mounted. Outlet equipment in rooms where excessive moisture conditions prevail, shall be of the vapor -proof type. These locations will be designated under "SPECIAL • PROVISIONS" or shown on the plans. Such vapor. -proof outlets shall be cast metal boxes for threaded conduit equal in all respects to Series "FS" Fittings as made by the Ki.11ark Electric Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Missouri. 19010. WALL SWITCHES AND COVERS: Wall switches shall be 10 amp. flush tumbler switches with brown handle, equal to G. E. 2842 for single -pole and G.E. 2593 for three - way. Switches mounted in utility boxes shall have stamped aluminum or cadmium plated steel covers. Switches mounted in vapor -proof fittings shall have cast metal vapor -tight cover of the rocker type for operating a tubler switch, equal to G. E. Dsl81. Plunger type will not be permitted. 19011. PLUG RECEPTACLES AND COVERS: Plug receptacles, as shown on plans, shall be NEMA standard grounding outlets equal to G. E. 3588, with the ground connect - ion made in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Receptacles mounted in utility boxes shall have stamped aluminum or cadmium plated steel covers. Receptacles in wet locations, as designated in the "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" shall be Appleton "AE" Series circuit breaking receptacles, 30 -amp., Style 2, in Type "AEE" unilet with threaded cap. Furnish four circuit breaking plugs for same. Make all grounding connections in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. 19012. GROUNDING: All conduits, ducts, cabinets, motors, control equipment, and the neutral conductor of the lighting feeder in each building shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code.. On each power and lighting cabinet and control center structure, provide a grounding lug of the solder- 19000 - 3 less type. Ground each cabinet and the neutral of the lighting feeder with a No. 2 copper wire run in 1/2 -inch conduit to the street side of the water meter and securely ground same to the water service pipe with an approved ground clamp. At buildings where no water pipe is available for grounding purposes, drive a 3/4" x 10' long ground'rod equal to "Copperw"eld ". Connect conduit and neutral of lighting circuits with the ground wire and run same through the building wall in conduit and connect to-ground rod with a "Copperweld" ground clamp. 19013. WIRES AND WIRING: Wire used in this installation shall be tinned copper of 98 %.conductivity having a Type RH -RW insulation. Wires No. 6 or larger shall be stranded. All wire shall be delivered to the job in the original packages bearing the name of the,,-manufacturing company.and the Underwriter's labels. All branch circuit wiring.for lighting shall be No. 12 B. & S. gauge. Branch circuit wiring for power shall be as .shown on plans. All power control wiring shall be No. 12 wire. Service and feeders shall be size wire shown on plans. Wiring for lighting circuits shall be polarized and, color coded throughout the system. Each phase of power circuits shall be color coded, as well as the identity of the control circuit conductors. Wires at all outlets, connection boxes and cabinets shall have sufficient length to make connections without putting a strain on the wires, and to per- mit reconnecting if necessary. All connections and taps of No. 8 wire or larger shall ba made with solderless connectors. For wires smaller than No. 8, all connections and taps shall be soldered. All connections shall be covered with two layers of approved rubber insulating tape followed by one layer of friction tape. Wires installed in wire ducts, troughs and cabinets shall be neatly cabled and banded at one -foot intervals with friction tape and fanned out opposite the proper terminals. 19014. LIGHTING PANEL BOARD: Lighting panel board is to be mounted as a unit in the power control center with all wiring within the control cabinet. Front shall be provided with' a code gauge steel door fitted with a ring catch. On the inside of the door provide a directory of circuits in a metal frame with a cellophane cover. Lighting panel board to be made up of hakelite sections for the number of . branch circuits shown on the plans. Bus bars shall be of the capacity shown on the drawings. Branch circuit shall have 30- ampere single -pole tumbler switches with NEC plug type fuses. Fuses shall be timelag fuses equal to "Fusestats ". Branch circuits and the neutral bar of same shall have stamped identifying numbers. Lighting panel shall be equal in all respects to those manufactured by Frank Adam Electric Company. 19015. LIGHTING FIXTURES: The Contractor shall furnish and install, complete with lamps, all lighting fixtures shown on plans and schedules or called for in the "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" of these specifications. The make of fixtures specified 19000 - 4 herein are taken as standard. Other makes than those specified which are of equal quality will be acceptable. Where vapor -proof lighting fixtures are called for on the plans and schedules or called for in the. "SPECM PROVISIONS:" of these specifications, such vapor- -proof lighting fixtures shall be of the Type "V" or Series "V" as manufactured by Rillark Electric Manufacturing Co., Appleton.Electric Co., or the Crouse - Hinds Co. 19016. POWER CONTROL CENTER: (This section will apply when required in "Specific Requirements ", but will not apply when Power Control Installation, Section 19017, is required). Power control centers, as called for on the plans and in these specifications, shall be self - standing enclosed cubicles consisting of a steel frame, standarized motor starter units, bus bars, load and control wiring, terminal boards, and steel enclosure plating. Provision shall be made in the control center for the service entrance switch, watthour meter and neces- sary current and potential transformers, indicating instruments, selector switches or such other auxiliary equipment called'for on the drawings or in the specifica- tions. The lighting panel board is to be included as a unit in the control center, as hereinbefore specified. Power control centers made by the following manufactur- ers will be acceptable: General Electric, Westinghouse, Square "D ", Cutler - Hammer or Allen- Bradley. Motor control centers shall have Type "B" wiring arrangement. Horizontal bus bars for inter - connecting the various sections shall be at the top of the cubicle, and vertical wiring troughs in each section for load and control wiring. Wiring troughs shall have cross bars for holding wires in place, and shall have access plates and concentric knockouts. The back of cubicles shall have removable access plates. The one -line diagram on the drawing outlines the basic motor power and control requirements to be met by the assembly of standardized units complete with main switch, control panels, fused motor circuit switches, magnetic across - the -line type starters, reduced voltage type starters, and the necessary push button and pilot lights. 19017. POWER CONTROL INSTALLATION: (This section will apply when required in "Specific Requirements ", but will not apply when Power Control Center; Section 19016, is required). When the plans and "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" call for an installation of individual motor starters, such equipment shall be a motor starter of the type specified and a fused motor disconnect switch combined in a single enclosing Type I case and completely wired. The motor disconnect switch shall have an external operating handle capable of being locked in the open position. The .necessary push buttons, selector switches and pilot lights called for shall be installed in the front of the starter case. Wiring between motor starters, and from service switch, to be in wiring duct as specified in Paragraph 19007. Service entrance switch shall be a fused switch of the capacity called for on plans and enclosed in a Type I case. Provision for metering shall be as speci- fied in the "SPECIAL PROVISIONS ". Lighting panel shall be as specified in Para- graph 19014 of these specifications enclosed in a cabinet of the surface type, of code gauge galvanized steel with door fitted with ring catch. All equipment in this installation-shall be mounted on a 3/4" thick exterior 19000 - 5 grade plywood panel with corrosion - resistant screws. Plywood panel to be given one coat of Inertol Primer Underwater No. 623 followed by two coats of Glamortex Inertol Gray Enamel, and securely fastened to building wall with machine screws and expansion shields. 19018. MOTOR CONTROL EQUIPMENT: Contractor shall, furnish and install all motor control equipment shown on plans and specified herein making all connections complete between motors and controls so that correct motor operation is obtain- ed. Push button stations and pilot lights located at motors shall be mounted at the proper height on a substantial angle iron frame securely bolted to the motor base. Motor disconnect switches shall have external operating handles capable of being padlocked in the open position, and shall be of the fused type having time -lag fuses equal to "Fusetrons ". Contractor shall furnish a complete set of fuses. Motor control equipment made by the following manufacturers will be acceptable: General Electric, Westinghouse, Square "D ", Cutler - Hammer or Allen- Bradley. Starters for motors 7j HP and less shall be combination magnetic across -the- line starters equal in all respects to-Cutler- Hammer Bulletin 9589 starter. Starters for motors 10 HP and larger shall be combination magnetic reduced voltage primary resistor type starters,equal.in all respects to Cutler - Hammer, Bulletin 9605 starter. Each starter shall have thermal overload.elements with a carrying capacity of 125% full load current rating of the motor, with reset button in the door. Push buttons, selector switches, and pilot lights shall be installed in the doors of starters and at motor control stations as shown on plans. Push buttons and selector switches shall be of the heavy duty type in NEMA Type I enclosure, except push buttons in locations where vapor -proof requirements are called for shall have Type IV enclosures. Pilot lights shall be connected so as to be lighted when the motor is in operation. Pilot lights shall be Type S 6 lamps with candlebra screw base for 115 volts A.C. and shall have red color caps. Lamp and color cap shall be removable from the front. Provide a nameplate for each control unit and each starter giving the name of the equipment controlled and the operation of each push button and switch. Nameplates to be laminated phenolic material with black background and engraved white letters. There shall be fastened to the interior side.of the door of each motor control- ler a complete wiring diagram and a complete .'schematic diagram of the circuits of that particular controller and connections to the source of power and to the motor controlled. Within thirty days after signing the contract, the Contractor shall submit, in triplicate, detailed shop drawings for.all switchboards, panel boards, cabinets and control center assemblies for the Engineer's approval prior to fabrication. Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Engineer, and file cor- 19000 - 6 rected copies of drawings. The Engineer's,approval of such drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications. 19019. TESTS- Contractor shall conduct such preliminary tests as to make sure that all equipment is working properly prior to official inspection and acceptance. On the final inspection the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the system is complete and in operating order. r 19000 - 7 21000. CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS TYPE "B" CONCRETE (GENERAL USE) 21001. CEMENT: Portland cement shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement (ASTM Serial Designations: C150 -47) and shall be Type I, Standard, or IA, Air - Entraining. 21002. FINE AGGREGATE: Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, well - graded natural sand or manufactured sand made from hard, tough, crushed rock. All fine aggregate shall pass a one - quarter (1/4 ") inch screen and ninety -five (95 %) per cent shall be retained on a one - hundred (100) mesh screen. 21003. COARSE AGGREGATE: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, durable, uncoated, well - graded, pebbles, gravel, crushed rock or stone. All coarse aggregate shall pass a one (1 ") screen and ninety -five (95 %) per cent shall be retained on a one - quarter (1/4 ") inch screen. 21004. WATER: Water used in mixing concrete shall be clear and free from dele- terious amounts of acids, alkalis, or organic materials. 21005.. PROPORTIONS: Concrete shall be mixed in the approximate proportions of 1 part cement, 2 -1/2 parts fine aggregate and 3 -1/2 parts coarse aggregate. The Engineer may direct that these proportions be changed in order to increase the quality of the concrete; however, the following requirements will be met. Concrete shall have a maximum water content of six and one - half (6 -1/2) gallons per sack of cement including the water contained in the aggregates. The final adjustment of the proportions shall be such as to produce a plastic mixture which will work readily into the corners and angles of the form with the method of placement employed on the work but without permitting the materials to segregate or allow excess free water to collect on the surface. Should job conditions require the use of more than six (6) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete the Contractor shall be paid for the cost of the additional cement in addition to the unit price bid for the work. 21006. MEASURING MATERIALS: The method of measuring concrete shall be such that the proportions can be accurately controlled and easily checked at any time during the work. Each batch shall be of such size as will require some number of whole sacks of cement.. Measuring of aggregate shall be done by weight or with permission of the Engineer by volume using a bottom- less box made to contain one or more cubic feet of material when filled level. The box may be used for measuring each batch or for determining the capacity of the wheelbarrows used. A mark should be painted around the inside of the pan of the wheelbarrow to indicate the height to which it is to be filled. Water shall be measured in a container marked to indicate the level for each gallon. 21000 - 1 i. 21007. MIXING CONCRETE: The Contractor shall furnish a motor powered mixer of sufficient rated capacity to handle a batch of the specified proportions using at least one sack of cement. The concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and in no case for less than one (1) minute. After all the materials are in the mixer, each batch shall be completely discharged before the mixer is recharged. 21008. TRANSPORTING AND DEPOSITING: Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the forms and deposited immediately after mixing. It shall be trans- ported and deposited by a method which will prevent separation of the materials. It will be deposited as near as practicable to its final posi- tion to prevent segregation caused by rehandling or flowing. No concrete that has partially hardened or been contaminated by foreign materials shall be deposited, nor shall retempered concrete be used. 21009. CURING: The method and Length of time of curing will be specified for each particular project; however, all concrete shall be kept wet for a minimum period of seventy -two (72) hours. 21010. DEPOSITING IN COLD WEATHER: Concrete when deposited shall have a temperature not below fifty (50) degrees F. nor above eighty (80) degrees F. In freezing weather suitable means shall be provided for maintaining the concrete at a temperature of seventy (70) degrees F. for three (3) days or fifty (50) degrees F. for five (5) days after placing. The methods used to heat the materials and protect the concrete shall be approved by the Engineer. Salt, chemicals or other ad- mixtures shall not be used. 21000 - 2 A -1 PROPOSAL FOR PUMP HOUSE for WELL NO, 9 EDINA, MINNESOTA Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: 1,g- /y 1958 (Date) The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions -; having made all necessary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the condi- tions-and costs for the project, hereby oposes to furnish all labor, material, equip- ment, tools, skills, and all else necessy to completely construct a.Pump House for Water Supply Well No. 9 in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota, and on file in the office of your Village Manager, dated January 7, 1958, as follows: ONE complete Pump House - for the lump.sum of DOLLARS 00 CENTS `- In preparing my /our bid the following unit prices have been used and shall apply for any changes encountered: Excavation $ /cu. yd. Footing Concrete (Incl. forms) $ -50 — /cu. yd. Slab Concrete (Incl. forms) $� o °� /cu. yd. Reinforcing Steel $ D,> y /lb. If awarded.this contract, I /we agree to complete the work on or before 1958. Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) ( k) ( s-& ��') in the amount of. DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at least 1070 of the amount of my /our bid made payable to the Village of Edina, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the undersigned or failure on the part of the under- signed to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us.. In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will be by cash" or check. P - 1 It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right t6-retain the certified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council.for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Villages REMARKS: Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) - �� l/ �/Cc1 �7it C�o�sf�a(An Individual) (A Partnership) By , Title �d'Es�cO�., / -- P - 2 -) I SURETY DEPARTMENT BOND NO. 3010137A HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut (A Stock Company) PROPOSAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY St. Paul, Minnesota as Principal (hereinafter called the Principal), and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, whose principal office is in Hartford, Connecticut, as Surety (hereinafter called the Surety), are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA Edina, Minnesota. (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the full and just sum of TEN .PER. CENT (10 %) OF AMOUNT OF BID. ------------------------.. r w—MMM— 7— Dollars good and lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 10th day of. February 1958 Whereas, the Principal has submitted a bid for Pump House Now, Therefore, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with such bid and give bond with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract, or, in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference, not to exceed the penalty hereof, between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the Obligee may contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Provided and subject to the condition precedent': That any suits at law or proceedings in equity brought or to be brought against the Surety to recover any claim here - under must be instituted and service had upon the Surety within ninety (90) days after the acceptance of said bid of the Principal by the Obligees` -� Witness .................................. ............................... ........................... KARL DEDOLPH CD NSTRUGTI:Q;N...C. A_��+�Y ............................... . (If Individual) _ .BY . (SEAL) Attest.............................................................. ............................... . (if Corporation) .... ............................... _........... ............................:.. (SEAL) , `.... .. (SEAL) HARTFO ACCIDENT DEMN_ ITY COMPANY Attest B `.. /!G.(... ' �.C,. ' "�"`"J A. M. Angvik, At torn y -in -fact i PROPOSAL BOND E E r t BOND NO. I f EFFECTIVE E r I f f HARTFORD ACCIDENT f AND r INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut 1 I t t f f r f f I I f ON BEHALF OF r t r..................................................................... ............................... r Principal I r r t r IN FAVOR OF r � t t r Obligee r f ft AMOUNT, $ ............................................ ............................... s r f I f ! f Date Issued ................................................ ............................... f r r f f Form S -3266 Printed in U. S. A. r r r f ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual or Co-Partnership STATE OF MINNESOTA, � as. COUNTY OF On this day of 19, came before me personally to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn. My commission expires SURETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF_ RAMSEY On this 10th day of _ February , 1958 , before me appeared A. M . Angvi k to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said A. M. Angvik acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey Count�,\Minn. F-MMA M. ARGEMAN My commission expir- ta!v Public, Ramsey County, Minn- My Commission Expires Mar. £1964, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAM SEY On this 10th day of Febru— _ , 1958 , before me personally came Karl Dedolph, Jr. . to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in St. Paul, Minnesota that he is the President of the Karl Dedolph Construction Company the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public Rotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expireSdy f oMmiccinn Fxpire- Mar. 24 1964: Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint A. M. ANGVIK, T. C. FIELD, III, and LITTON E. S. FIELD, of ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, its true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s) -in -fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed. in Penalties not exceeding the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) each, and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s) -in -fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of the following By -Law adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of February, 1943. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8. The President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice - Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice - President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney -in -fact, and revoke the power and authority given to him. SECTION 11. Attorneys -in -fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company and to attach the seal of the Company thereto any and all bonds and undertakings, and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such instrument executed by any such Attorney -in -fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by an Executive Officer and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 13th day of March, 1956. RESOLVED, that, whereas the President or any Vice - President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, has the power and authority to appoint by a power of attorney, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice - Presidents, Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys -in -fact; Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 22nd day of April, 1957. Attest: HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY �1 r Secretary Vice- President STATE OF CONNECTICUT, I ss. COUNTY OF HARTFORD, On this 22nd day of April, A. D. 1957, before me personally came Wm. H. Wallace, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Vice - President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in -and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, vueifc �/ ss. Notary Public COUNTY OF HARTFORD, CERTIFICATE My commission expires March 31, 1962 1, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Connecticut Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that Article IV, Sections 8 and 11, of the By -Laws of the Com- pany, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, is now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the 10th day of February 1958 Form S -3507 2nd Rev. Printed in U.S. A. 3257 Assistant Secretary ROBERTSON' INSURANCE AGENCY WEST FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA TELEPHONE CA 23721 March 11, 1958 Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota A Tr: CITY MANAGER$ WARREN HYDE Dear Sir: Re: Karl Dedolph Construction Company, Inc. Attached is a certificate of Insurance for the Builder's Risk covering fire and extended coverage insurance issued by this Agency applying to the Karl Dedolph Construction Company, Inc. who are building the pumphouse for well ##9, Hanson Road, Edina, Minnesota at DT att. Copy to: Karl Dedolph 2150 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota ••a*JRINE ixsuR�M 4�Q� fFrp y� f i Awcu• n = � a! RP IN Sol, l the approximate cost of $9,300.000 Y t gnE• L. Robe Agent This is not'a policy of insurance. It is a memorandum of the policy described herein at the date of issue hereof, and-is furnished as a matter of information only with the understanding that the rights and liabilities of the parties will be governed by the original pol- icy as it may be lawfully amended by endorsement from time to time. MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE No ........... SPF 74.613 . ..................... INSURANCE IS PROVIDED AGAINST ONLY THOSE PERILS AND FOIL ONLY THOSE COVERAGES INDICATED BELOW BY A PREMIUM; CHARGE AND AGAINST OTHER PERILS AND FOR OTHER COVERAGES ONLY WHEN ENDORSED HEREON OR ADDED HERETO. 0 0 . . . . . PERIL(S) Insured Against and Cover- AMOUNT RATE PREMIUM age(s) Provided (Insert Name of Each) FIRE AND LIGHTNING $ 9, 300.00 $ $ COV red EXTENDED COVERAGE X X X X X X X X X X$ S $ $ TOTAL PREMIUM IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PROVISIONS AND STIPULATIONS AND OF the premium above specified this company, for a term of One Yea April 1st, 1957 (At Noon Standard Time) to April 1St, 1 at location of property involved, to an amount not exceeding theAmo e $ covered $ $ A \T OR ADDED HERETO from (At Noon Standard Time) above specified does insure KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Lk —Nlor— and legal representatives. The insurance effected above is granted against all LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FI ORIGINATING FROM ANY CAUSE, EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, ALSO ANY DAMAGE BY LIGHTNING AND REMOVAL FROM PREMISES ENDANGERED BY THE PERILS INSURED AGAINST IN THIS POLICY, to the pro rty described hereinafter while located or contained as described in this policy, or pro rata for five days at each proper place to which any roperty shall necessarily be removed for preservation from the perils insured against in this policy, but not elsewhere. The amount of loss or damage, except in case of total loss on buildings, to be estimated according to the actual value of the insured proper at th ime when such loss or damage happens. If the insured property shall be exposed to loss or damage fro perils insured against, the insured shall make all reasonable exertions to save and protect same. 1 Item No. 2 Amount Fire or Fire Per Cent of and Extended Cov Co-insurance erage, or Other Peril Applicable 3 Amount Other Per Cent of Peril if Different Co•Ineur Than Fire Applicab 4 DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY COVERED Show construction, type of roof and occupancy of building(s) covered or containing the property covered. If occupied as a dwelling state No. of families. 1. $9,300.00 nil nil nil Pumphouse for well #9, Hanson Road, Edina, Minnesot The insurable value(s) of the above described building(s) are hereby stated to be: Item No. 1.$ 9,300.00 Item No. $ Item No. $ Item No. $ Subject to Form No( s.) ..........................._....._................... ........................_...... .INSERT FORM NUMBERS) AND EDITION DATE(s) .. .._. ---- .------- .------- ..----- ... ------------------ .------------ attached hereto. Subject to the stipulations, provisions, and conditions contained in this policy, the loss, if any, on building items, is payable to: .............................................................................................................................................. ............................... ....................... ........................................... ............................... .... ............................... ............ ..................._........... ................................ ............................._. ...............................--.............:..................................................... ............................... ......-......_.......mortgagee, as his, lie r s r their interest may appear. Assignment of this policy shall not be valid except with the written consent of this comp This policy is made and accepted' subject to the foregoing provisions and stipulations a) tho e e einafter st a which are hereby made a part of this policy, together with such provisions, stipulations and agreements as may e .!Ac /bere , as r v'ded itd this policy. Agency at St. Paul, Minnesota Countersignature Date March 11, 1958 E. L. Robertson a MEMORANDUM OF INSURANCE See Inside of Policy for Argount(s) of Insurance and Peril(s) Insured Against No. Expires - April 1. 1958 Basic Amount $ 9-9300.00 Premium $ Property Pumphouse Insureds name and mailing address r- --I Pumphouse for Well #9 Hanson Road Edina, Minnesota L J It is important that the written portions of all policies covering the same property read exactly alike. If they do not, they should be made uniform at once. � v a � m" C s >.O O. 0 O w v.� IL VOW Q O ^ co :7 'vo ..ce • _.� +y O Q' c b0a� N . A 1c.. a �'•V y. Qy T'C C o - CL O0n r7 sEz >.e W w O U bo >b Ovi•be0ie av a, • —boy Dxb?� cc N ..4' Cd a+y„� Fo�-:5a.n � v a � msu w ADMINISTRATIVE 8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK 39, N.Y. 1 °o 3 1� w C IL 0. v .r °J Z. N � A o C o CL b x msu w ADMINISTRATIVE 8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: 150 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK 39, N.Y. 1 °o 3 1� w r I ROBERTSON INSURANCE AGENCY WEST FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA TELEPHONE CA. 2-3721 March 7, 1958 Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota ATT: CITY MANAGER, WARREN HYDE Dear Sir: Re: Karl Dedolph Construction Company, Inc. Attached is a certificate of insurance for the Workmen's Compensation and Liability insurance issued by this Agency applying to the Karl Dedolph Construction Company, Inc., who are building the pumphouse for well #9, Hanson Road, Edina, Minnesota at the approximate cost of $9,300.00. X s 1 , E. L. obertson Agent ELR:dt att. Copy to: Karl Dedolph Constr. Co., Inc. 2150 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota t••a a ►YIN[ INSV4'prf a 4 &Hsu a = . �ele ��9a•sm ns° • �0t ~!9 «4Y INSYPYptt CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following policies, subject to their terms, conditions and exclusions, have been issued by-this Company: The ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY will mail to the said address a record of any material change in or cancellation of the said policy or policies but takes no responsibility for the failure to do so. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PARTY TO WHOM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED Karl Dedolph Construction Co 2150 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY Workmen's Compensation 766JA7806 4/1/57 4/1/58 Statutory In conformance with the Compen- sation Law of the State of ....................................... Public Liability Bodily Injury 577JAI636 4/1/57 4/1/58 $ 100,000.00 Each Person $ 200, 000 .00 Each Accident $ 200,000.00 Aggregate Products Public Liability Property Damage 577JA1636 4/1/57 4/1/58 $ 50,000 .00 Each Accident $ 100,000.00 Aggregate Operations $ 100,000.00 Aggregate Protective $ 100,000.00 Aggregate Products $ 100, 000 .00 Aggregate Contractual Automobile (Bodily Injury) 577JAI636 4/l/57 4/l/58 $ 100,000.00 Each Person $ 200,000.00 Each Accident Automobile (Property Damage) 577JAI636 4/1/57 4/1/58 $ 50,000.00 Each Accident $ $ Remarks: Att; City Manager, Warren Hyde ............................................................................................ ....................................••.••...... ------ .. . .. .. ......... .. .................................... ST. PAUL I E COMPANY L Dated..... MuAh ... ----------- ROBERTSON INSURANCE ADENK -- -- ---- 10753 Ed. 1-56 _____ _ _ _ ___ __ROBERTSON National Bank Bldg- --------- -- ----------- - - . ..... St. Paul 1, Minnesota E. L. Robertson February 19, 1958 Tot Mayor Bredesen, Evald Bank, Frank Tupa; W. N. Dickson, '. ..John Kohler, Councilmen %ubj;ect: Pumphouses! Although pumphouses are built primarily to enclose pumps which bring water from wells, the Village °s last two ventures into this field seem to have generated more heat in proportion to the costs involved than anything else we have done. A brief review of. the recent history of pumphouses in Edina follows: Nov. 11, 1956 - Bids authorized on Sherwood well house. Previously, consideration given to larger structure which would house a vehicle and some parts storage. Considerable discussion on brick vs. frame. Brick favored. Nov. 26, 1956 - Low bid, $11,172 for brick; $10,030 for frame - bids rejected. Feb. 11, 1957 - New bids, contract awarded at $9,853 for brick (frame alternate was $89865). Completed cost, $9,602.59. Jan. 27, 1958 - Bids authorized for Hansen Road well pumphouse after Council was advised plans called for Sherwood type. Plans and specs were on Council table at that meeting. Feb. 10, 1958 - Bids received, low bidder - Dedolph at $9,343.00 Much comment from Council and audience on: A. High cost B. Engineering - why necessary, cost of, quality of, etc. C. Cost of windows - too much by $500! Much silence, comparatively, from me because of: A. Astonishment that matters previously discussed and decided were being raised again B. Not having all past history readily available C. Ulcers. Decision by-Council - awarded to Dedolph, subject to May 15 completion, cheaper windows, plus extra of not over $500 be- cause conventional type pump requires ventilation, whereas building was designed for submersible pump. Before going ahead with contract with Dedolph, you really should read Banister's explanation (four pages attached) and Dedolph statement (also attached) of deducts and ads for change in windows, and perhaps make new decision on what you want to do about windows. (Banister advised me since he wrote his letter that six similar windows for pumphouse at North St. Paul bid February 17 were quoted at about $775. Price increase had not been effective for our job.) Mayor and Council - page 2 2 -19 -1958 Please note in Banister's letter, total costs of engineering and supervision for well, pump and house, approximating $55,000 in construction costs, of less than $1200, of which only a small'fraction is for the pump house. We did not, then, pay double engineering by any means for the - pumphouse, as was insinuated. This, I strongly feel, is very economical service. Please note, also, his comments on footings and electrical features, which points were criticized by second low bidder. Same second low bidder had no comments that I know of'for economy when he was low on lift station for approximately $175,0001 He may have been disturbed because (a) he' wanted to bid on basement partitioning, which we are doing and /or (b) he wanted payment of portion of holdback percentage on lift station prior to satisfactory completion and Zikan rightly refused to consent. Seriously, aftOr reviewing the attachments and this memo, I trust you will agree with me that the administration and the engineering were unjustly taken over the coals at the last meeting because-of the off - the -cuff remarks. I'm resigned (hope the use of that word isn't misinterpreted!) to accepting just criticism when we make a bull, but I have a hard time digesting unjustified carping Which has no factual basis. Some of you will recall, I trust, that we had quite a discussion some time ago on the need for over -all engineering on the water system and we then engaged Banister. With a continuing need to keep the Village engineering staff on other projects, I feel we must continue to hire outside consultants on at least the preliminary planning for water projects, and I am convinced of Banister's competency, thoroughness, reasonableness in charges, and excellent service. Now, what shall we do on the windows? Save $1759 or $2759 or leave as specified? WCHsB FJicl. Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager. qqm BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 8 4 9 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 8.2612 Ict sunk VAX=FM - Im r. fft WUL 30.1 It Ow fill*: Mu tltr. %wirm G. fillifts weadew 4401 Wst 5kh .5ttmt 84LP40 Nis""" Nor or, I In a tto,aaolrra NSipe>t botbwatl you aw�E t wit" '�sMdrgr� iib�rl�utry l i$ 1"10 so" o+cartatttxa ooltllllsl�tts volative is stibttataattiss* by � of tbo bi4dwa+ o'bo taa thee" tip: ttto pally► . fas at" stst*d oat: owtoin C.twn m" a. va sod pattaft1re : "times t" + dged us t o �r the". will ott t to t ire rweti lly tl bo oardw tt ey Pat to us* tw of the gm"ttow pawrtt L=rwt 0 jftt *ar ty tto tut o! amt. low will so�rit tit t w dt toy► with dw 'fibs tComfiLl post» ttalIJIL44 to 0e "w be"* fft 11oll cAot tWw0f. It it or ralastloc., t1 ft that we diwllomwA OU itlrutt r qWi ly with 'both yea "d ttt& Cogel it MIA that At too dtoaoidoA +lard � tttwrt %I=* CUt tka pnomied VW la at ar+su►id"tf" am ti:110 rovwisbty aetnOttvsd, taut 4Lsews" yraldaciaS ter *180 of the bolo ti 1e lus aft amt. Wi ufttiomw that 41* boitdias +otal u arc"rt atCadt Atrdiartoy eftwe" Macs:%, t ogiby aradatal"s the amt. l ue *mmsil 048 t M st bVltid 1 ftU %I aatir ly Va., "Itlofastawy to tot ,IN, a do c0aw;t`t diacstt+ed that Obs b udus b* qtr as sabre tIvs aria IONWO WWII pwrAt. 4 o aum d Q:t _ ►, delOMY 40d Icoallrt 6W the thltts�tt40 of 06 cbxls� lsa t � sailripaalc t. To* bet d o Ord t abUwrtt%A alp► > s t at a►altr lin t. iiidlaoeQ#ta tt tt t 1Ctt Uons ae %I" inott rr t bo lalraauW iu a sspllllotto > SW aim 1"A"llot itraa as atddi 1011th inside psrttt aid 4Kts+rUW -dMC. �lCghrWas awa • On ataa* 46d of tb* b 1ldLr4 true aitswl os tri tht �41i a f**, shielllMley to WWI ato tkis ovapowts, we * uo aftwidersd, It rite ilwrtllewW atofitVAd that +aWtesin of 0* O iot:eg OtMtooll in ebe V111W Vgro net 4WtSMW Whitt tkhle tkb t is SW. I" we"M of edicts +rMCII CUM atatreipmt tws ahu artrlwt set" Glad disho um vatatnttra u ftowintalndlllet ww *"tow Batt "a Tiliar" i,w mgwj CJw M0148n6to dilfic"ty 4mbe 00 Swum aalatb a to atioft of the buildiap An to owemating of tttbo o11u1ettal jeal Blau. This am only bo pairatnntattald by pf"NuIs ftee" +tit *vnulation it a oommtt "al tips fttbl" V=# tt* usad with dw tl Dtw 611000 tt1 Xremd* t botle +s t betC +isluaestdaoably *Va an bow .wo +rows od at s tt mottax teub saawrarrali of 00 Comciun m1woo the *Uwe for a* othw vow boo at which tue ttww tractrard to I" tbrtt *diet aoth avid bo 4M to raft am +ttoatt it do st" of tttl' 0 bultdinS tam mintrliaatM ftd It Oti► tratptiae" #6MOM WWO t u be ptt &ftd. Th4 o#.* of the beltdh* taut also ro V1004 fta it am dttomiastld tut ao aeo 0tmttt a aeod"Zi t4 S144 6"Id be 96ttalvAfd. to r*VSW %be trtttaem*i►lttlty of the boUdi ft wish yew W ►twwdw ttotowl"t ha► W atitristld 6114t is v&4Wtkft 1ta situ- *said be 60=011SU& WO, warm C. i�►de vilis " utgO, ufth fW later to . Of post of rho b0lu eg ve poin out tdwt the fuAt srao 16ts,d Wt of SOW'suaft bovest f ue11 tie. is to cauttvWteNd try CA AdOW Cowtmettfou Cw"W` vas 49960.39* The UW bt4- 6W Ow VsW too" 00r Well No. 9 to $90343300 at W1Wly $260.00 below the other bull". No" wtWk to yraep t red as OU builder 4bao this othss %witting bea+wos this, ele,at ricot contraeft r most !'Wanted► store eloorlost eoatcols+ The 1l1114W already t ad oleaatrical conuols t tab they de not be" for this project and oUtb the eavArsctr sit twolob, On is true compottan bet won the tairw buildltW tree one for W1 No* 4 sbould be etam*1 hiaetdte�A doAlan ham, t bottom, tUt the We we orepor and Rat the only my to v a Row, +s of the building %valet be to either at*& it of owicrate black tw to pmwvUk loss e t Oa fugue,O, obteb yow aleatww� A SvW- intendoot bas datovalued Absolutoly► 000satW fair sotivft400 opeoWle ns, Toe, ftrther rat a quessioe al to the ustn,sring rsts tuwived it tho pmp hore. Actwllys aw tml texvatese to this Villages, iechWL -4 astir wak sad csntwenaeet %"ardim the belle, !last esttmsatest therefore east. Vft 11184.11. Ve bM sst b q do= our tim others bad tho W611. too p mp,eandt the baildu g. Saa wise of the irealb r etooptlefte d vatere of the work, %blo ► aapplted X rSely to the oloctrioU p uW and mss of the 4aatw*Lvwtess for Ala wa hid to Uwasttgster As pwtp wttm t vmtd e OU11ratS tba►it Vie tetiat OnStn&Wine eaastst lovived tae, the battldtag its elf Wre appt+o,cUstelp et~y f1 w to aatgtaty fsvA dolla=., t belf ova, ova 7m wed Const- 4or tMt this is not mcssairw and is pv"iy * losaiw tit Oft you woold bm D.opps�rlom*d ltd *het vo rk boon doss by yaw am aminsoartew forces. 'You fvrt%W a utod tut ea Ofttua foe'had averts it stat~t at the Coverall Maalox dot give bundred 4ol3aarst asuld tyre bean craved by Wring a ebset W windm. Vbtis t do Cwt: air,etstey that a Irrea ex}ortsetwo ,nrrpr could 8sa bsect weed 1 eas at a ssarrpleais 1e" eve to boar tbs saw of f4vo bwWW" dellara, a,aeld be . t buvs vorifisd the oct of qw uatteas are the winekertt. vts- to"I gvoteatum laic the fornishiag of the t -dovol inclodlag t st+settt swab and st:retawws„ "4 the gltsias of the oo= aw'h# awaW to $W.90. x ban die mused tbts oattw with the Start Sodslpb Contraction Coop"y and Rhoy► b &*doad that dey► old give Ow Soilage a i'ttU c%edit of $425.00 for eitttag th�e,,twirmfow oe�lttely. tits Ubot9r, of 3, w a`lltiagp a wLadw wwwld be rhea sew �regaa $law of � tr . us boa T t" wo Deftiph to s+sbodt state, outs for alwrnatx stdos , '"btcb sesttstmm" a" atbt,abed. A dadsac #Lon of $17$4,00 will be Oven for slue lwtn4sh! of & dixfttwt alvatro t vinda v0b sueow only COW UO bow portioe of too window and wi tbout ewe sash. Ibro ibwtalph aloe sd+vises fts be wetd fornt&b etrsl wUWWW wlt% semis, bet writbott stem *sacra, fee, a $seat ds&wtiov of 1233.00. 'twit +sill ratitse - %b eat &lost wriwkm vsgabo pstntboo 'rivet psiot% of swnel window seek be does, wt Use ottsa t alit once +may Vw yows to a bfA11d1r$ at, this tM. Socoaww, of the o+verb"tiug at tt* etsaftlewal a viat"Is to 00 sWOW 86000 tt is nowmeatry f+p►+t as Skur" 0 SapartatimadWat to epou the window elwiag !be swI o '. lbs, opentaS of vlai tM, pea aft , the ontry of rll0e"tWes end pilaf, A t+41sivor1w syston to tptpeuMd, to be vatolatued ftgs 3 of laRt4r tot Wo Uafts" C. va XJinre,, Wit* tattrde iikwry 13r. 1936 st the hfosat surd of aiaittat U% VNWIble. With %W to Mind it SMWNV grit the We oe w1adw scr6trw . #,s &Wtn*l*. ThW& iS Miably s little Me. WPOMS T*Uttv* to 06 100 Of ■trews . Novo rsr, do bn3ldtat arwte: to t ourfitiefttly aam so prove" lyereto aerd 010 WSOAr" bsstt. Cm airetly do swum of Otr+v>rs sash W'U *rdess 00 lust kws srftU OAMfaur qty be raid. U somwift as matter as the virAm i tail to sit goer et ssdestlft ot* 45"'000 wild bs z1vto +eta dw toast asst of the vladow to tmir at *9x*ty ma 'aeely OM.00 tO b ftia wit ho' 1 b*U*" this t pt o9 M1&*W statumt oerist be etfusllee pad. !cute &4WLS" tit +eWtaft its bad beset cards roUtivo to the batLili "Sm, eeslwelally as ft tbs OSSUMp. rft balldint bas boss dsatpnsd vim► a PNW" soanertat #aewki"• b*Uw Ir of emobalge blaalr* 14 lbast beltawt dst +osy +t 'ratrbls gyring *Mld b# sossoltsW by #ems the seism ibr Statue. it ii lxa�tly s pftttiaa fat fire Pmp to be removed tam the mil by PUCE & may► bat r me so of %be b sildiaat with the iadrt of the bus Owttiem on me +er IU of to brt UUW. ?be PaW to r� by "a of a tbsip b"4 l ansd t o this 'mss u vow VIM .tbo "Uht Of tit POP is this *000 baiertg 240000 pow" (12 genii) and this b*104 gomoc --- � •tt WO .its u it s� s�+rnrur.d by We doMlbod +rastebad 1 bslme ym � WW "Wt t iag e0 stt+sOVh Ot tea USURP 4006 Wt see esarrerntsd. t"" MoMt Of aeotorrwkNt is t b* bOtiap dM"1wK IS fly Dless Oft a 130.00 :item. 'tor 90arih«ar it ta*ad ftWORGO by oraa at 00 t tltatrers W4 0i" to tbs 61ect riosil WW PtW4mlbtts* l batiks OW eti ULM boto to giv t titer asjr i#teasi" + twer"* ukils fret Iwft not aCMNPN d to bwdam Ym with ill *9 the dawls of to artmetariwa v t tw is this PM14et Yas Aft ferotiifW Weft start *f the V*_ at 00 PMW OMRQW* TisoUyt tbor Nwdmm Stataiet ftwW CAMpaq 0"14 aot t'mrsish the st&Wktr4 40 volt *10oftic cornat. AU& vmU pwift do OW Wiest t+astarl3 Lift. ?bay 00 4 Ain 324 wit: OWL, ere% or 40 wilt sa�rated,t. 934 volt Owgw * vrmU In eetrasoa tbn +that of feint stfttwo "d the NOW, Wbile dart 460 "'t save" , a d MUO SuOr"WO 00 aest tad' OSIM It OW +reow A*t tb* W. er'S tart tw 40 '"It Owvw* um not ao WOM # M V*Xt. fro # 460 volt bmsbWr as to ibis Uwtsnwer is 04 it its teestirwely Oonmi%vbii WW* soft of the •laetsLosl artnireseWs S+ sight tip" do job WW as scarf sw t " at irwtal,utian. Tlts *aimamors8 aw su aumtriat seireelr etft t us PmJoft r04WWeal era firs -ddm tuts b%Ute Md !esP atabino8* Tbo plo a !roar* doaa6 by aw rlestgic#1 min A" rw o "g6czsd is tags *UAt Ual *Wjp�t Sam,. Uct wqw fW Owtr 4#40e0 is► b60 tdtr Alfttgtaal sta* and seet ter# ;,ts tw► as siniars. Saratrc'41 mss MWO IOTA with 6a tsrttbwn St"" l is this mttt+w* 1t to to be now dat 4n Awids tm � crrrt, for loath ""two I bou"O SIP statomts -S►iveIy **bmt fooftutisn am with COWSese of Ieoamn►ls of tws dstailsd Etta OW twr+tsr`e►trr� To for best sE tk6s rrtttar • aewsaollrratioaa es O"W#% oarar r"s by, do �esls�r rtsaa ►e asmd to d;ise"s this Pesjaat ulth OW pterrrotnnsl in WAS #tiex. 1 way r 4 Of 1"Ut *09 Vitus* ww*s 441, Mid Dated% pity 1% 3951 be vtmp n this but is "tIonial ow pwoomist tbey do art roWl toy oommts oar queselo w into" by tits 'bidder` prim to aabeiRtice * btd.. W! bem hoop most bmW to dL*cmo The Wojmt md tto► pemlOw v pL r o.sts wift oil)'@" Vitae* oopwim1p as it pstts►bs V006 stratricol waft. t vmld be plasssd to r4vuv this with ym OW the � u at ow tim Yew eight assoot it this to dsri R ; 00 A09/16 TWA" voy tu1ya SAUBM t� colow* � :a 4ACp- Tetepbone: Midw" 8-77M KARL DEDOLPH CONSTRUCTION CO. . Contractors and Engineers 2150 GOODRICH AVENIYE ST. PAUL S, MINNESOTA February 12,1''58 Banister Enpineerinr Go. 1549 University Ave. St . Ph ul 4,!Annesots Res E_ c ins Fw.:r House ;? , Gentlemen: ' We would like to sebi.it the following prices and conditions according to your request. 1.5or o%itting.the ,vi►dafts as...sRecif'ieda- •ded=i- 4 2:.00.# '.._. _ .. . 2eFbr furrishing aluminum wi.ndous and screens,for lover• portion of'window which.tti21 be ventilited,5 pce. R$ "-8 7/ x ?.' -9" deduct fr= the main bid x+175.00. .For fuariiishing steel sash and screens,5pcs.31 -8 7 /C" x 2' -9" inbluding the Tmintin- ofs'aash s screens,deduct 9275.00' ' fro, the base bid. 4-If the ymnp house is desired earlier then stated in our• proposal, we.epuld furnish it by the 20th -o° May,1958. • S °.z.ce ;•ely yours • KARL DMOLFH CONSTRUCTIQ�I.CQ, fj r; • e r COINTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROIJBIENT DEEP WELL TURBINE PU1iP-- 11EELL PTO. 9 THIS AGREEMENT$, entered into this 10th I day of FEBRUARY . 9. 19589 between the Village of Edinaz,.a municipal corporations existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Parts and LAYNE- MINNESOTA CO. of --- ___3147_Cal-iforeaia St. N.Eo9 Minneaoolis 189 Minnesota. - hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Parts WITNESSETH3 Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment or payments9 herein specifieds and by the Municipality to be blades hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equipment, and to do all perform all the work and labor necessary to completely furnish and install a DEEP WELL PUMP FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9, as follows: ONE - LAYNE CONVgUIONAL TYPE DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP WITH A GUARANTEED K.W.H. ,c OONSUMPTION OF 2.147 KM PER 1800 GALLONS PUMPED $119368.00 LESS DEDUCT FOR PART MINDING MOTOR AFTER $ - 840.00 X10.528.00 in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and,general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made apart of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the sames together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article ?. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than FIVE WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN ORDER FROM THE MUNICIPALITYg and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay,, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineQr not later than April 159 1958; and further agrees that he will pay the &5inicipality liquidated damages in amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per calendar day each calendar day between April 16 and April 309 1958.9 and liquidated damages in amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per calendar day after April 309 1958, for non-completion of contract as hereinbe£ ore set forth. Article 3., The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the a Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTYOEIGiT AND RO /100 Dollars ($109528.00), for the use of said Uunicipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, toolss machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said v. Contractor and to be conditioned as.required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as Mended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality, Article 4. Ira consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay-the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the-provisions of the general contract conditions and fignal payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipality's-attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS.WHEREOF, First Party,hereto. has caused.these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITNESSED VI BY f J � BY CAL. at. —POUes Knatu. all Mpn hg C, 4rop rroMt$1j, That we, ........ .._..LA YNE MINNESOTA COMPANY, ........................ ............................... ............................... 3147 CALIFORNIA STREET N.E. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA ....................: ........................................................................................ L ...... ...................................... ...................................................................... .................... . UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as principal...... and ......................... ............................... as sureties, hereby acknowledge and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ..................... ............................... VILLAGE OF EDINA, ...................................................................................................................... .. %............................ ................................................................................................................. ............................... State of Minnesota, obligee, in the sum of TEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY -EIGHT & N01100 ($10,528.00) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................... Dollars, lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men. and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, .......T..H..E.L.R ........................heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIG.4TION dRE SUCH; That whereas said principal...... ha............ entered into. a contract with said obligee for-, ........... I ........... I ...................................... .................................................... ....................... LAYNE DEEP WELL TURBINE 'PUMP AND ACCESSORIES, FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN WATER WELL #9, AS PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED BY BANISTER ENGINEERING COMPANY NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they become due, all just, claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill,. materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with'its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained, for feeding and keeping of -men and animals for the performance of said contract.; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charges that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for enforcing the terms of this bond in all actions which may be brought thereon. and successfully maintained, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees; shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shall, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an additional bond in the sum at least of such increase within ten days after demand therefor in writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be successfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shalt be and remain of full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this .................... TH MARCH day of ...................................... ............................... 8.. ••••••••••••�•••••, 19••••�•• LAYNE MINNESOTA OAPANY In presence o ' �J _. _....... _. _ ...................................... ............................................. ......... . _ ... _ _... .. O -1 TED PAC I FI.0 l S�RANC IMP S_NY� ' ....�..............._......._ . ......�._...�........ }..... Jam..........._.......... AJ �'..._ D T. I LLER ATT.-IN-FACT i . INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT' 6tate of Alinne0talp Countyof .............................. . ........................................... . On. this .............................................................................. day of ............................................................................... 19............, before "'W personallyappeared .............................................................................................................. . ................ ................................. a ........... ; ............................. . ............... .............. i ................... ............................................. . ...... . .. .................................. ....................................................................................... to me to be person...... described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that ......he..... executed the same as .................................... free act and deed. ...................................................... ........................ ............... ............................. .. tZ Notary Public, ...................................................... County, Minn. My commission expires ................................................................. JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONAL SURETIES Mate of Anneolotal, Countyof ............................................................................. being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says; chat he is a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he justifles on the foregoing bond in the sum below set opposite his name; that he Is worth said suin above his debts and liabilities and exclusive of, his property exempt from execution to-wit: Said....................................................................................... in the 8LM Of ................................................................................................... Doll.. ^.rg Said....................................................................................... in the sum of ................................................................................................... Dollq-!.re, Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this ................. : ...... dayof ........................................................................................ 19............ ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................. I ........................................... ................................................................................................................. Notary Public, ..................................................................... County, Minnesota. .......... ...................................................................................... ................ My commission expires ..................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATE SURETY &tate lDf ....... M.I .IVYE.SQTA ................... on this .........4 4..T!tt ...................... day of..................... ............................... Al A R C H ..... ... .. ... ... .. .. .. 33. County of ....... HENNEPIN ............. before me appeared ......... JERROLD T. MILLER . .................................... .................................. ................................................................... to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that ............ he ................ Ls ....................................... the ...... ATTORNEY -IN -FACT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of ....... I ........ ............ ............. ................................... ............................................................................... I a corporation, that the seat affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, .................................... and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of .................. ...................... ; and that said ....................... .4ER R. ... p4L .... T., .... ALLuEf .......................................................... acknowledged said instrument to be the free, act and deed o said corporation. .............. ...................................................... .. . ....... ... . ....... z . . . ....... .......... NotaryPublic ........... ........ ................. . ............... ................................. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My00nunissim expires ................. My?xcLmWi-q*nn--Expiws--Fzja.. , a,.4965 . . ............ ed 4C* 0 0 C2 04 k 0 z 0 r AV qo4k UNITED PACIFIC No. �,naurance �osa�baar/ , FIDELITYEAND ES URETY DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice- Presi- dent may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be sighed by its ... ........................ .........Vice- President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this--------------------------------- - - - - -- - day of------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -, 19 ......... UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Attest----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- By ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SEAL) Assistant Secretary Vice - President STATE OF.. ss. Countyof ---------- ---- ------ - - - - -- •--------- -- .....i On this .............................. ..................day of ............................................ ....................... 19............. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of ......................................................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared........... --...-•--- ................................................................................... and----------------------------------------------- -- ---- --- ---------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to me known to be the .-- ----................. - ---.. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ----------------------•- ----..................-------- .......-----------------........................ ..........--................... Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ............................... STATEOF ............... ..............................I ss. residing at ...............................•--...---•------.........---•--....................... ...----- -........----- --....... Countyof ...................... ............. .................. I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixQd the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this. ............................... day of .........--•---•--..........----•------- •-- -•-- -•-- ---- .............. 19--- ...... ......... ......•--•--.......---...........----...................... ....----- -••-•- -•--......- ----- ................. ---(SEAL) Assistant Secretary STATEOF ................ ..............................J ss. Countyof ...................... ............... ................ I . .................................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............. ................. ............................... this............. 4.TH........ day of .................................................................... 41 AR CH19.5.8. � .............. :....... .... \t.. ( SEAL) Form B -1027 —Rev. 6- 52— General —Power of Attorney Assi nt Secretary << PROPOSAL FOR DEEP WELL PUMP EDINA, MINNESOTA February 10. 1958 (Date) Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions, having made all necessary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the condi- tions and costs for the project, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equip- ment, tools, skills,_and all else necessary to completely furnish and install a Deep Well Pump for Water Supply Well No. 9 in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota, and on file in the office of your Village Manager, dated January 7, 1958, as follows: One conventional type deep well turbine pump with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of 2.147 KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY EIGHT DOLLARS-_____ CENTS $ 11. 368, 00 OR One submersible type deep well pump with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of 2.305 KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS---------------------------------- - - - - -- -- -CENTS $ 1,387.00 If awarded this contract, I /we agree to complete the work on or before 4 -15 -58 , 1958. On Submersible5 -30 -58 Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) (eerrrfivd- check) (esstrdepesie} in the amount of 10 of Bid DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at least 107. of the amount of my /our bid made pay- able to the Village of Edina, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the undersigned or failure on the part of the under- signed to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. - In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will be by.cash or check. P - 1 `Q. It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids., It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the certified check 'or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and'informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Village. REMARKS: Alternate Bid: Alternate Data.Sheet Enclosed. Should You desire 1 -15 /1611 line shaft on Turbine Pump add $509. 00 to base bid. Should you desire a Part winding motor -and starter Deduct $840. 00 from base bid. Should you desire 10' Eduction pipe lengths instead of 20' lengths :on submersible Add .$140. 00 to base submersible bid. Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. (An- Rtdi- v4dda1-) Name of Bidd (A.Paxtnershipl f By Verne Luther Title Assistant .to the President P - 2 %8K THE MAN. FROM LAYNE LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES . LAYNE 8 BOWLER. INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 8147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18. MINN. • STERLING 1 -9558 February 10, 1958. DATA SHEET TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER 13. Starter manufa -cturer--- Westinghouse, G.E. , Cutler- Hammer. 14. Meter manufacturer ------ ---- 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condition stated 76.3. 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 92.0 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to water) 70. 2 18. Guaranteed maximum K.W.H. input per 1000 gals. water -pumped at condi- tions stated .in specifications 2. 147 KWH/ 1000 Gals. 19. Total weight of pump (excluding motor), - column, shaft, bowls, impellers and tail pipe 20. 21$ #s WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT Q f WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS y BASE BID 1. Name of'Manufacturer of Pump Layne 2. Size of bowls 12" 3. Number of Stages 8 4, Typeof Thrust bearing Ball Bearing in motor 5.. Material of bowl construction Cast Iron 6. Type and L material of wearing rings if any Phosphor Bronze (renewable) 7. Material of impellers Phospho.r Bronze 8. Size and- Material of Columns _.._. - -. - -- 8" steel 9. Type of bearings in Columns Cutless Rubber 10. Size and material of Shaft 1 -11 / 16" #1045 Turned ground polished 11. Material of shaft sleeves Monet 12. Motor manufacturer and size Westinghouse, G. E., U.S. 200 HP 13. Starter manufa -cturer--- Westinghouse, G.E. , Cutler- Hammer. 14. Meter manufacturer ------ ---- 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condition stated 76.3. 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 92.0 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to water) 70. 2 18. Guaranteed maximum K.W.H. input per 1000 gals. water -pumped at condi- tions stated .in specifications 2. 147 KWH/ 1000 Gals. 19. Total weight of pump (excluding motor), - column, shaft, bowls, impellers and tail pipe 20. 21$ #s WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT Q f WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS y 468K THE MAR FROM LAYNB LATNE- MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES . LAYNE 8 BOWLER. INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 8147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18. MINN. • STERLING 1 -9559 February 10, 1958 D A T A SHEET TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER STANDARD TURBINE ALTERNATE BID 1. Name of Manufacturer of Pump LAYNE 2. Size of bowls 12" 3. Number of Stages 8 .4. Type of Thrust bearing Ball bearing in motor 5. Material of bowl construction Cast Iron 6. Type and material of wearing rings if any Phosphor Bronze (renewable) 7. Material of impellers. Phosphor Bronze. 8. Size and Material of Columns 8" steel 9. Type of bearings in Columns Cutles.s Rubber 10. Sise and mate rial of Shaft 1- 15 /1611 ¢# 1045 Turned. Ground Polished 11. Material of shaft sleeves Monel 12. Motor manufacturer and .size Westinghouse, G. E., U.S. 200 HP 13. Starter manufacturer We st - inghouse, G. . E E. . , Cutler- Hammer 14. Meter manufacturer -- - - -� -- 15. Guaranteed. Pump efficiency at condition stated 75.1 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 92.0 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to Water) 69-.0 18, Guaranteed maximum K. W. H. input per 1000 gals. water pumped at condiw tions stated in specifications Z. 184 KWH 10.00 Gals. 19. Total weight of pump (excluding motor), column, shaft, bowls, impellers and tail pipe 22. 318. #s WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT Q f WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS y ASK THE MAN FROM LAYNE LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES . LAYNE I! BOWLER. INC. . GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 9147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18. MINN. • STERLING 1 -9559 February 10, 1958 D A T A- S H E E T TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER SUBMERSIBLE TURBINE 1. Name of Manufacturer of Pump Layne Z. Size of Bowls 12" 3. Number of Stages 8 4. Type of Thrust bearing Ball bearing in motor 5. . Material of bowl construction Cast Iron 6. Type and material of wearing rings if any Phosphor Bronze(renewable) ---------- 7. Material of impellers Phosphor Bronze .8. Size and Material of Columns 811 steel ....... 9. Type of bearings in Columns - •.--- -r «..« 10. Size and material of Shaft ---- - -„ - -- 11. Material of shaft sleeves - « - -. --- - -« 12. Motor manufacturer and size Pleuger 200 HP 13. Starter manufacturer Westinghouse, G. E. , Cutler- Hammer 14. Meter manufacturer ---- - -_- -- 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condition stated 7 6.2 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 86.0' 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to water) 65.4 1.8 Guaranteed maximum K. W. H..input per 1000 gals. water pumped at condi- tions stated in specifications Z. 305 KWH /1000 Gals. 19. Total weight of pump (excluding motor), column, shaft, bowls, impellers and tail pipe. 12. 250# plus cable 1. 155 #s. WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT C) WORLD'S LARGEST WATER DEVELOPERS -LAYN BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUP PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET' -�V-xg Feb. I-05B .4 Ae MEN ION" ion owls 1 NMI assom 199- ON M M Nil M. w F. 9 No & 8-9, R. MEN 0 Ion 0 i1-mom on MEN E. I'm-OEM ME No womms 0 K-,,.Gimm m m ME Bpi 0 u ME RIM Rm smog ONE I all MGM P.m. odwsaw.., AMUSE 0 ME NEA.1111 M m no.orA Ow, No 0 wil", Fin 6ka 0 i m" .4 Ae WATER LUBRICATED i VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS FOR WATER WELLS Serving Cities, Factories, and all kinds of Industries �yy � l _ VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP J • ELECTRIC MOTOR, vertical hollow shaft type of any standard make. • DISCHARGE OUTLET, above - ground type, fitted with standard companion flange. Underground dis- charge outlet can be fur- nished if required. • STUFFING BOX or PACKING GLAND designed for vertical shaft operating at relatively high speed. • PUMP DRIVE HEAD of heavy cast iron, rugged design with low center of gravity. Drive OK A heads are available for any kind of power application. • BASE PLATE, separate from pump drive head, made of heavy cast Iron. Separate base plates are not standard equip- ment but are furnished on spe- cial order. PUMP DRIVE HEADS A TYPE FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT The most commonly used pump drive heads are those shown on this page and the head shown on the large illustration on the inside of this folder. All Layne Pump Drive Heads have low center of gravity and plenty of iron for rugged strength. The design is simple and all adjustments are made easily and quickly. Only minimum care and attention is required after the pump is installed. Construction details of Type TF drive head. This Is the head shown on the °full length Illustration ,Inside this folder. It is the basic part of all standard drive heads. Type BF drive head has pulley and thrust bearing assembly for belt drive. Either flat or grooved pulleys furnished. Type TF -GD combination drive head for electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. SPECIAL DRIVE HEADS Supplementing the complete line of standard pump drive heads is a line of special heads. These are for unusual con- ditions or power applications. Available are heads for Underwriters' Fire Pumps, combination electric motor and direct connected engine drive, vertical steam turbine drive, combination electric motor and belt drive, heads for exceed- ingly heavy duty and others. Usually it is possible to design and furnish heads for any condition. Type MA head with thrust �t Type TF -GI) head for direct en- bearing assembly, motor sup- Wet t8M Ifid t gine drive through right angle port and flexible coupling for gears. mounting solid shaft motor. #r Il8tt8N .1�erace » • BOWL STAGES or SECTIONS make up the complete bowl. The size and num- ber of stages required depend upon the amount of water, the pumping head and pump speed. • IMPELLERS are fully enclosed, bottom suction, non - overloading type. They are made of phosphor bronze, hand fin- ished, and accurately balanced. • WEAR RINGS are fitted in each stage. They are made of phosphor bronze and are removable so new rings may be in- stalled when required. *SUCTION NOZZLE BUSHING is plastic bronze, sleeve type and extra long and rugged. • SUCTION STRAINER is steel and de- signed for use with vertical turbine pumps. The cone type is standard but flat or basket type is available for spe- cial 'conditions. WATER • DIFFUSER VANES are designed in con- formance with the most modern prac- tices in hydro- dynamics. The propor- tions are accurately calculated for min- imum loss of applied energy. • SUCTION NOZZLE is venturi type with streamline vanes. It conducts the water from the suction pipe to the eye or suc- tion of the lowest impeller and delivers It without swirls or eddies. • SUCTION PIPE for standard pumps consists of 10 -feet of standard weight steel pipe. L U B R ICAT • LINE SHAFT is highest grade carbon • COLUMN or DISCHARGE PIPE supports steel stock, turned, ground and pol- the pump bowls and conducts the water ished. Standard lengths are 10 -feet, to the surface of the ground. It also and both ends are faced and threaded centers and supports the line shaft. It in lathes. Size of shaft is determined by is STANDARD WEIGHT STEEL PIPE, fabri- the horsepower and pump speed. Shaft cated in 10 -foot lengths with ends made of special alloys for severe or threaded and faced. Column pipe is fur - unusual conditions furnished at extra nished in sizes giving proper velocity cost. of water without excess friction loss. • DISCHARGE PIPE COUPLINGS are extra • ALIGNING SPIDERS are cast in the heavy semi - steel, with aligning spider combination column coupling, are full cast integrally. All pipe connections are streamlined and are spaced at 10 -foot butt joint ensuring proper alignment. intervals. The rubber shaft bearing is mounted in the spider hub. • RUBBER BEARINGS are extra length, made of highest grade cutless rubber, with inside bearing surface fluted to • SHAFT SLEEVES are MONEL METAL af- insure maximum lubrication by the fixed to the line shaft opposite the water. They are retained in the spider rubber bearings. hub by a positive screw lock. • SHAFT COUPLINGS are made from solid steel shafting stock, bored, • IMPELLER SHAFT is over -size, made of threaded and finished all over on spe- selected stainless steel shaft stock. It cial lathes. Each is carefully balanced. connects with the line shaft and extends No set screws, bolts or pins are used. through the pump bowl. The impellers are affixed with collets. No keyways or keys are necessary. • ADAPTER CASTING connects the top stage of the pump bowl with the dis- charge pipe. It is designed with vanes which straighten the flow of water from i • SLEEVE BEARINGS in adapter and the pump bowl, delivering it to the dis- throughout the entire pump bowl are charge column with minimum turbu- N, made of plastic bronze, extra long for lence. added wearing life. L -A, *Y *s, 1 u! pe4u!id 55-M-d1A plaoM a44 4no46nojg1 sang ;o4uasa.4dab pun se3l ; ;0 'NN31 '8 SIHdW3W 'MIdd0 1Vb3N30 'DNI '1131MOS V 3NJld1 'Jawo4DgM uol4o3llgo oN '4uas eq IIIM sa4owl4se puo suol4opuewuio3aa '9uol4lpuo2 Bugo.1ado BulA1B AJ000; eq4 94I.1A► 'walgoid 6uldwnd D 9wo4 nod 11 •edld uo! }ons 10 4001 -01 44lA peddlnbe s! Allensn lA`o9 941 •ppe4 6uldwnd le401 044 put? pedwnd Je4eAk 10 41,11101U9 'u01+e40J 1O peeds 1(ie 4ew9lp) ez!s lA`o9 dwnd 044 uodn spuadep (slmo9) se6v4s 10 Jegwnu 041 •}legs Jelledwi pup s6ulJ but 00m 's6u14sn9 l"�09 'sielledw! 6ulpnlau! 1se69 45 Jo simo9 e4p!pewie4u! 'selzzou uo! }ons Pup 96J040s!P 10 do spew 'lmo9 dwnd 041 (a) •lane! Je4eAOk 6uldwnd 04+ 04 peey GA!Jp dwnd 044 woJ1 eau94s1P 0y4 A9 POUJOA06 s1 uwnloa 96J040S!P 10 4 +6ue1 041 'sie9wew 6u!4Joddns put? s6uliee9 's6u11dnoo 4 +.1m 6u1094s Gull et'} 'suOj4aeuuoo pup wild uo14 -ons 10 6u14s!suoo uwnloo e6Jpyos!p 041 (9) '}lays Jo 110JA ey4 u1 pepuedsns sl yo!yrA dwnd GJ14ue e4+ s4Joddns P904 0AIJp 041 'AJ9SSeaeu sl euo u84m 'A19w0ssp 6ulie09 4sniy4 et'} pup Puel6 6ul:lovd Jo xo9 6ul1}n }s et'} '491 }no pull Ile 06J040S!P 944 Jo s4s!suoa 4a!4m peey GA!Jp dwnd 041 (0) :dwnd ejeldwor, e do e:lew s4iod 4usuodwoo 6ulM01101 e4+ 'dwnd e44 10 do} 04+ JO eov ;ins 0y4 4e 6uluul608 'leAGI Je }eM 6uldwnd 04+ o} eoue4s!P e4+ uodn spuadep ( uwnloo e6Jp40s!p) 6u144es 10 4unow9 041 '4091 PGJpun4 44610 Jo ueAes o4 do Aluo +1041 Jo llem e4+ ul 41!I e44 w0J1 AJeA spe04 6uldwnd le4o1 •e4nu!w v °suoll °6 'S 11 0000£ o4 ° do 04nu!w 9 suolle6 .S Yl 05 woJ1 e6u9i se14!oed -e0 'sez!s e}e!pewJe }u! Auew GJe eJe41 *dwnd 4506Jel 9y4 Jot se4au! -Z4 o} do dwnd 4sellms 044 Jot se42u!1 woJ1 ebueJ sJ e 4 e w e! P Hem ep!su! peJ!nbell 'peat' 6uldwnd et'} pup dwnd 10 peeds 'J049m 10 A+1}uenb uodn puedep sdwnd euA9l 1O sezls e4l— S31110VdV0 CNV SUIS - }no uA+OJP 40uuea s }tun bul -dwnd et'} 'IGAel J0491A 4614 SA090 eoujins et'} }e Pell94su! s! JeA!Jp 0y4 Gau!S 'e69ul9JP eovlins -ons pup 06eulvip eu!w Jot pesn eie osle A941 -dwnd et'} 10 uo!}viedo 4 +1A` GJGJJe4u! 40u OP JOAel Je 49M ;O Su014en4an11 esne009 4np 6uldwnd 10 puM sly} Jot 0191?ilsep Alivino14i9d em? Ae41 'swe6J4s JO SJIOAJGSGJ 'se:lel woJ1 Je4om 6uldwnd •elgo1lDAD sl jemod ali }sale eiegm 4lun pjapuD4s e41 'JO&Ow 10314Jaw 4;D4s AA01104 441Ah u01401104sul IDaldAl I ANP E W V,-,. Jot pesn eie osle sdwnd peldno0 }Joys ouAel -!lows io e6Jel 'A +14uvnb u! esodind Aue Jot Je4wA esn 04M lie A9 '4091 u!- sdoJo but +96lJJl Jot sie4ueld pup s411llein4jnop6p 'siewiel A9 !swe4sAs peoJl!vJ A9 !spunl pug sez!s lie 1O SG!J4snpu! A9 !se6e11!A pue MAN '50910 J01 J0491A 6uldwnd Jot pesn uee9 OA94 sdwnd 9uAv-I Ain4UGa 11 °4 a JOd— SNOI1V01lddV pljoM a.Il;u3.eg4 ;noy6no.iyjL pesn sdwnd ;o au!l ;uaPl1 ;3 pun algnpuaded d SdWnd 3NIGH01 lV31113A 3NAV1 'IIJOA► uoI4o5IAAI IDJn4InaIJ8D ul OA1Jp iolndod V 'aA1Jp 41eq u.1n4 io4ionb -euo Bulsn dwnd uaAIJp eulBu3 'JeA►od 3li4aela ou °sl oieq+ o.1e4m Alo^lsuo4xe pasn sl sioa6 elBuo +461.1 46noi44 aAIJp ODIBuO pe4280002 4a9Jlp 9141 rj STATE OF .....MI,NNES.OTA County of ........HENNEPI N ss. On this 5TH FEBRUARY 58 day of .................... ............................... 19......, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared V l - . , personally known ............ CA....... L .........N........ A .............. OPSAHL ...... ............................... to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ......... ............................... M l N N E A r "0L l S 1'Al NNESO TA ........................ f............................................. ............................... the day and year last above written. My Commission expires ...... ............ ....... 19...... Notary Public B-1015 DALE M. ROLSTAD met%"Public, Hennepin County, Minn. MY wig, iesian Expires May 24, 196 , s 'sue ® ,NI:•n [ .[rt[S jitn rtEe unrt� ���o ; 11 I pp O i�surc�r� ce �ompan HOME OFFICE -TACOMA, WASHINGTON =s FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT Bond No. r� I BID BOND I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of MI NNESOTA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the VILLAGE OF EDI NA, MINNESOTA I as obligee, in the sum of TEN PER CENT 10%) OF BASE BID DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. i THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for: DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP (' according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as a Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- " ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. s� Signed, Sealed and Dated this 5TH day of FEBRUARY lc�$ fig; LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY Principal(s) By: k. \ UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY. _ l I� B C rt V I N A. 098"AHLqJ A ttorney -in -Pact - B- 1312 - Contract - Bid Bond - M,. i. W V. UNITED PACIFIC No. 111�8urance rompa&q , FIDELITVEAND ESURETV DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: r That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The signature of the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary to certified copies of such powers of attorney may be original or facsimile, and when the corporate seal is affixed thereto, any third party may rely on said certified copies of powers of attorney as the act and deed of this Corporation. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its *act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its------------- - - - - -- -Vice- President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this-------------- - - - - -- -day of-------------------------------- - - - - -, 19- - - - - -- UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Attest:-------------------------------------- - - - - -- B y---------------------------------------- - - - - -- (SEAL) Assistant Secretary Vice - President STATEOF .............. ............................... Countyof ...................... ............................... I ss. On this ........ ............................... .........day of ............................................ ....................... 19............. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of .......................... ............................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ........................................................................................................ - and....................................... _ .............................................................. .. .............................................................. to me known to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ...................................................................... ..- -•-•- •---•--.......---•---•- .................................. Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ............................... STATEOF ............... ..............................I SS. residing at ...........................................•--..........................._............ ...---......................... Countyof ...................... ............................... I . ..................................................................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ...... this. ............................... day of ...------............................- -••-•.......................... 19 ......... Assistant Secretary STATEOF .............. ............................... SS. Countyof ...................... ............................... (SEAL) I . .................................................................................... ........... ................. . .. Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the al of said Company at the City of ............................... ............................... this .... ..... 5TH FEBRUARY .. .........................195` .. ....................... day of ....... ............................... D . . . . .. ... ...... .:!-' (SEAL) B -1027A —Rev. 5.57 -- General —Power of Attorney is i t Secretary ii1 MI NNESOTA STATE OF ....................... ............................... 1 V11 l HENNEP11N ss Countyof ......................... ............................... On this 10TH FEBRUARY 58 ........ ............................... day of .................... ............................... 19......, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared ...............CALVIN A L V IN ....A..... . .. ...O .. .P .. .S .. .A .. .H ... .L . ........... ............................... ............................... Personally known to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the'UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a torpor poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and, the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ......... ............................... MINNEAPOLIS., MINNESOTA the day and year last above written. ............. .......... My Commission expires ........................... ............................... 19...... i7jotary Public DALE M.KOLSTAD. B-1015 Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minna (� My Commission Expires May 24, 1963. wi *t rt. uxirti w�.0 w nx criE imrix iArt`u _ _ I . �s�surc�nce �ompant�_, ��`` ` ;i HOME OFFICE -TAC OMA, WASHINGTON FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT Bond No BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of M I NNESO TA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the VILLAGE O F ED I N A, M, I N N E S 0 7- A �a as obligee, in the sum of TEN PER CENT 10% OF BASE BI D DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States �§ of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal arid.Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the j Principal for: e SUBMERGIBLE TYPE DEEP WELL PUMP according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure ' so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. .. I:§ Signed, Sealed and Dated this 10TH day of FEBRUARY 1958 1 LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY- - ET. N. F_. ~- Principal( §) By: del �r - UNITED PACIFIC INSURANC -E COMPANY C A L V l N A. O P SA H L A_ ttorney -in -Fact ' (34 B- 1312- Contract - Bid Bond UNITED PACIFIC No. �,sisu�asice C'om�fiant� , FIDELITYEAND ESURETY DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The signature of the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary to certified copies of such powers of attorney may be original or facsimile, - and when the corporate seal is affixed thereto, any third party may rely on said certified copies of powers of attorney as the act and deed of this Corporation. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its 'act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings- in pursuance of these presents, -shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its------------- - - - --- -Vice- President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this-------------- - - - - -- -day of-------------------------------- - - - - -, 19- - - - - -- Attest:-------------------------------------------- Assistant Secretary STATE OF .....:........ ..........:.................... ss. Countyof ....................... .............................. UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY B y--------------------------------------- - - - - -- (SEAL) Vice- President On this .................... ............................day of.................... ............................... .,19............, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of .......................... ............................... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared.........---............................................................... ...........-- .................. and....................................... - .............................................................. - ............................................................. to me ]mown to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. STATE OF County of ........-- • - °...I SS. Notary Public in and for the State of residingat .................. ............................... I . ......................:..................................:.......................... ............................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............................ this. ......................... . . .... day of ...................................... ............................... 19......... Assistant Secretary STATE OF ................ ..............................� Countyof ...................... ............................... SS. (SEAL) I . ....................................:............................................. ... ........:..................... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the al of said Company at the City of .............................. ............................... 10TH FEBRUARY 58 this................ ................ day of ...................................... ............................... 19......... . ........ ......� -. (SEAL) B -1027A —Rev. 5-57--Genera l —Power of Attorney ssi5 t Secretary V 1 , PROPOSAL FOR �•` - ' ' �'�; DEEP WELL PUMP EDINA, MMESOTA — Eebmtxary 10 , 1958 (Date) Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions, having made all necessary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the condi- tions and costs for the project, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equip- ment, tools, skills, and all else necessary to completely furnish and install a Deep Well Pump for Water Supply Well No. 9-in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota, and on file in the office of your Village Manager, dated January 7, 1958, as follows: One conventional type deep well turbine pump with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of--2. 147 KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of ELEVEN THOUS Tin THUE.E HIINlIgET, "'XTY EIGHT OR - DOLLARS --- ------- - - - -__ ----------------------- $ 11. 368.00 One submersible type deep well pump.with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of 2.305 KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of TWELVE THOUSAND T BE 1Mmnu ET) EIGHTY SEVEN DOLLARS---------------- - - - - -- --------------------- -CENTS $ 12,_387.00 If awarded this contract, I /we agree to complete the work on or before -4-15 -58 1958. On Submersibles -30 -58 ' Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) (eerrtf e!d- ckeicc) (eas}r�epesi } in the amount of_ 10% of Bid DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at least 10% of the amount of my /our bid made pay- able to the Village of Edina, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the undersigned or failure on the part of the under- signed to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will be by cash or check. P - 1 It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening'of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the certified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to ,exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Village. REMARKS Alternate Bid: Alternate Data Sheet Enclosed. Should You desire 1- 15/16" line shaft on Turbine Pump add $509.00 to base bid. Should you desire a Part winding motor and starter Deduct $840. OQ from base bid. Should you desire 10' Eduction pipe lengths instead of 20' lengths on submersible Add 1140. 00 to base submersible bid. Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. (An - R►dlir4dual.) Name of Bidder (A.Partnersh.i� By r� Verne Luther Title Assistant to the President P - 2 ,ASK THE MAN FROM LAYNE LAYNIm MINNESOTA C.O. AFFILIATES • LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 9147 CALIFORNIA ST_ N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1.9553 February 10. 1958 DATA, SHEET TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER BASE BID 1. Name of Mama laeiurer of Pump Z. Siva of bowls IZ14 3,. Number of Stages 8 4. Typeof Thrust bearing Ball .Bea*Ing i4 motor 5• 34ateriial of bowl construction- Cast Ir9 6. Types and material of wearing rings if any Phosp !r Bronze (renewable) 7. Material of impellers Phoghor Bronze S. Sine and Material of Columns all steel 9. Type of beal.ring& in. Columns Cotless Rubber 10. Size and n aterial of Shaft i 11/16" #1045 Turned ground polished 11. Material of shalt. sleeves Mosel 12. Moter rlaav afactwftsr aud size Westinghouse, Go E., ' U. S. 200 HP 13. Starter rnanufactorer Westinghouse, G. E., Cutler - Hammer, 14. Meter manufacturer -- --- - - - -•. 1S. Guaranteed Pwnp efficiency at condition stated 76.3 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 92.0 17. Guaranteed oveewiLU pomp and motor field efficiency (wire to water) 70.2 16. Guaranteed maximum K. W. H. inplat per 1000 gala. water pumped at condi- tions stated in specifications 2. 147 KWHf 1000 Gals. 19. 'Total weight of-pump lexcluding motor), column. shaft, bowls, impeller's and tail pipe 20.216 s WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT ,ASK THE MA FROM LAYNE LAYNE- MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES • LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 February 10, .1958 1) A T A SHEET TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER STANDARD TURBINE ALTERNATE BID 1. Name of Manufacturer of Plaeznp LAY1�E Z. Sise of bowls' JZ11 3. Numn ier of Stages $ INrl .rsl�r rw, -rFwlw rw,.jrr �- lnelir.r rs r Irr�wllr— ■rrrs 4. Type of Thrust bearing _ Ball bearing in motor - . ►rrFww��l�srl r— .�wrFq,.wwr I I rrrr�irrd /4 Vii. So Material of bovd construction - Cast 1rou b. Type and material of wearing rings if any Phosphor. Bronze (renewable) III r W r.rlw �,r......,,�,^,— 7, Material of impellers Phosphor Broute 8, Size and Material of Columns 8" steel i 1!r✓1— rwwwsarlrw�S•Mkk 9. Type of bearings in Columns Cutlelas Rubber M ! 111-w I.I.r�r'rl lrwrwwl ew lrrrrr..rryrl„wT I i . �w�o 10. Size and material of Shaft 1-15/16" #1045 Turned Groupnd Polished 11. Material of shaft ale -eves Monel 12. Motor manufacturer and site Westinghouse, G. E. m U, S. 200 HP 13. Starter malsufact>arer - Westi>zghoase, G. E. , Cutler- Hammer . r��.rw y '.if�r�,lr,i —Ilwll rl .Ir�+lir Irw�sI..iIiT 14. Meter manufacturer - - -- 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condition stated 75.1 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 92..0 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to Wat>ei) 69.0 18a Gua:raateed maximum X. W.H. input per 1000 gala'. water pumped at condi- tions stated in specifications Z. 184 XWH 1006 Gals. .wl.. w ■! - rr ^,Iww� -rWw .r .�1ilw 19• Total weigbt of pump (excluding motor), column, shaft, bowler, un' pollers and tail pipe 22.318 ifs WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT . y f� S.� .✓ V11- i�. Yr �r �LL�FFs ` Pr• • s k' I _ r - .AY► 'HOWLER, INC. t5tEP WELL `J CURVE SHEETAP. R 't Ft� �° �$yt$ th TENN. DATE 1 4 s■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i� w •• '�-�i. i•7,•i. - "► i Ram • _ �• 01 r1� f' •` •. g— • r1■■ • i_aac19: r �iC.r NO L ,�� •fi•,��rrr ISM • �Y� r�' _ w� rr /a�. au :yr• r ", rg / 1}M: Me "�^rl r 4 P. •i�iW� rwy������ �Ma i r. ■�Nri��i6G •:/ .21 logo ���f __ _ Mw ,.{ ■ fir' ! ° ` ' _! . frig Vol ra {ems{ r'r —PI _ ■,i •■• MEN' e ■ w ■ ■�� %; rZ 11 rim iii rs■r quo No M No art MEN!. r Purr rl6nrw{! r r.:•�i . .� ; rIa r■ u i ___.w�Rr��1 ■ N ills 01 0 1 �i i w, K EL) FFEL 7 G rt 7 C? A K i ASK THE MAN FROM LAYNE LA'YNE- MINNESOTA CO. AFFILIATES LAYNE & BOWLER. INC. • GENERAL FILTER COMPANY 3147 CALIFORNIA ST. N. E. • MINNEAPOLIS 18, MINN. • STERLING 1 -9553 Febroary 10, 1958 D A T A. S H E E T TO BIC FILLED IN BY BIDDER 'SWWERSISLE TURBINE I. Dame of Manufacturer of Pump Lane 2. Size of Bowls 12" - 3. Number of Stages 8 4. Type of Thrust beari3ng� I3aII bearing in motor 5. Material of bowl construction Cast Irou 6. Type and material of wearing rings if any Phosphor Brouze (renewable) 7. Material of .impellers Phflsthor Bronze -iY eV �w,l, S. Size and Material of Columns a" steel 1. .Type of bearings in Columns - - - - - -- 10. Size and material of Shaft ----- � - - - -- - - 11. Material of shaft sleeves 12. Motor manufacturer and size Pleuser 200 HP 13." Starter manufacturer Westimhouse, G. E., Cutler- Hammer 14. Meter manufacturer �_..-- - - - -.. . R I,. 1 ■ YI W rrs-r��. 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condiitiou stated . 7 6.2 16.. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 86.0 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (shire to water) 65.4 1$. Guaranteed maximum K. W. H. input per 1000 gals. water pumped at condi- t one stated in specifications 2.305 KWH11000 Gala. Tota1 wkiight of pump jexcluding aaotor), column, shaft, bowls, impellers and fall pipe. 12 250# pigs cable 1. 155is WATER WELLS • PUMPS • WATER TREATMENT �LAYK,"BqWLER, INC. OtEP WELL TURBINE PUk,� . PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET I KEUFFF,L Illar—iSSER C2. N. y T .4 ble- I TENN. - DATE F e b 1950 1,14 K C F. R. + Lt t 34 T 7N c _FA F c. Zda 4 f �7 w A biRESS' id I-,` +1+ _7 _y��pi�SK I J I G.' + 4 Tl oi 4_ SI Zt-. c Fm Pt 64 P Ile fp STAFHtS J: 77t7 -ij Al !I T 4'' - 4. A —T T(p li Ir srANIFI& FOR , xv ALL -T E O. HY TH VAU ' H i4� TEA �Np �r 94 — I 4 AIN jcDf, JUEU CAi. AG I T'k L6 ; o a IED) IES. I I NN qcax T .T 1 to +L_ M - , t -::2-; 4_1 1. j� : .-�- - t V P impf IF 'JRF, t 12�_] LAC 'AD C IS- 4 UV_ E 1 FT L FRC THi 6 E HA� 'ELL IG 11-L -TH FC CT v 0 to_; - A _t, r JJ t. r v M SHAF VIA + 14 4 FIRLD S. W. F. 3, Ewl 'Icl "C' cy M17T.91f # �A '&I .+4- 1 I . . w A Tdi! jrl �yj "JI J-� T_ r, I r�j +: T, t 4 14 ter .4 1 4 `j j14 -4 141 "F _-T L t 'IT It 4.; 1.4 t L 7. -H -L'. 4. L 4" —17 .4 1+ Y_ J, /7 7- 4 "o :4 L:Lt4- 4¢ it 7t t :.4 Cj, )f 4 -4 4 H, -j I LJL 4- . 17 I., L .7 :_�_l L ;-- t� FA I ti. J4_ �o7 117 + L-L IV f 4— t . . . . . Y +: l4tl;.. fJ. -4':4; 7 1+ 4 - 7 . - - 4 L I # TR _4 L �7 I L 1-11-1 1. t+jy� � --- - 1 4: + ol. li 6 t 1, r L I v +T 4. 7TJ J±n- 4-17 L I KEUFFF,L Illar—iSSER C2. N. y T .4 ble- WATER LUBRICATED 13 VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS FOR WATER WELLS Serving Cities, Factories, and all kinds of Industries LAYNE IV:;- VERTICAL • ELECTRIC MOTOR, vertical hollow shaft type of any standard make. • DISCHARGE OUTLET, above- ground type, fitted with standard companion flange. Underground dis- charge outlet can be fur- nished if required. TURBINE PUMP • STUFFING BOX or PACKING GLAND designed for vertical shaft operating at relatively high speed.. • PUMP DRIVE HEAD of heavy cast iron, rugged design with low center of gravity. Drive heads are available for any kind of power application. '00/ • BASE PLATE, separate from pump drive head, made of heavy cast iron. Separate base plates are not standard equip- ment but are furnished on spe- cial order. PUMP DRIVE HEADS A TYPE FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT The most commonly used pump drive heads are those shown on this page and the head shown on the large illustration on the inside of this folder. All Layne Pump Drive Heads have low center of gravity and plenty of iron for rugged strength. The design is simple and all adjustments are made easily and quickly. Only minimum care and attention is required after the pump is installed. Construction details of Type TF drive head. This Is the head shown on the °full length Illustration Inside this folder. It Is the basic part of all standard drive heads. Type BF drive head has pulley and thrust bearing assembly for belt drive. Either flat or grooved pulleys furnished. Type MA head with thrust rr y bearing assembly, motor sup- �e6 s �eI �i� %S port and flexible coupling for mounting solid shaft motor. � ►► 101, ifetter hem ce Type TF -GD combination drive head for electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. SPECIAL DRIVE HEADS Supplementing the complete line of standard pump drive heads is a line of special heads. These are for unusual con- ditions or power applications. Available are heads for Underwriters' Fire Pumps, combination electric motor and direct connected °engine drive, vertical steam turbine drive, combination electric motor and belt drive, heads for exceed- ingly "heavy duty and others. Usually it is possible to design and furnish heads for any condition. Type TF -GD head for direct en. gine drive through right angle gears. r•cfiS' • .. ����� ��...��� ������������� j rte/ � MW L J Construction details of Type TF drive head. This Is the head shown on the °full length Illustration Inside this folder. It Is the basic part of all standard drive heads. Type BF drive head has pulley and thrust bearing assembly for belt drive. Either flat or grooved pulleys furnished. Type MA head with thrust rr y bearing assembly, motor sup- �e6 s �eI �i� %S port and flexible coupling for mounting solid shaft motor. � ►► 101, ifetter hem ce Type TF -GD combination drive head for electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. SPECIAL DRIVE HEADS Supplementing the complete line of standard pump drive heads is a line of special heads. These are for unusual con- ditions or power applications. Available are heads for Underwriters' Fire Pumps, combination electric motor and direct connected °engine drive, vertical steam turbine drive, combination electric motor and belt drive, heads for exceed- ingly "heavy duty and others. Usually it is possible to design and furnish heads for any condition. Type TF -GD head for direct en. gine drive through right angle gears. • BOWL STAGES or SECTIONS make up the complete bowl. The size and num- ber of stages required depend upon the amount of water, the pumping head and pump speed. • IMPELLERS are fully enclosed, bottom suction, non - overloading type. They are made of phosphor bronze, hand fin- ished, and accurately balanced. • WEAR RINGS are fitted in each stage. They are made of phosphor bronze and are removable so new rings may be in- stalled when required. • SUCTION NOZZLE BUSHING is plastic bronze, sleeve type and extra long and rugged. • SUCTION STRAINER is steel and de- signed for use with vertical turbine pumps. The cone type is standard but flat or basket type is available for spe- cial conditions. • DIFFUSER VANES are designed in con- formance with the most modern prac- tices in hydro - dynamics. The propor- tions are accurately calculated for min- imum loss of applied energy. • SUCTION NOZZLE is venturi type with streamline vanes. It conducts the water from the suction pipe to the eye or suc- tion of the lowest impeller and delivers It without swirls or eddies. • SUCTION PIPE for standard pumps consists of 10 -feet of standard weight steel pipe. • LINE SHAFT is highest grade carbon steel stock, turned, ground and pol- ished. Standard lengths are 10 -feet, and both ends are faced and threaded in lathes. Size of shaft is determined by the horsepower and pump speed. Shaft made of special alloys for severe or unusual conditions furnished at extra cost. • DISCHARGE PIPE COUPLINGS are extra heavy semi - steel, with aligning spider cast integrally. All pipe connections are butt joint ensuring proper alignment. • RUBBER BEARINGS are extra length, made of highest grade Gutless rubber, with inside bearing surface fluted to insure maximum lubrication by the water. They are retained in the spider hub by a positive screw lock. • SHAFT COUPLINGS are made from solid steel shafting stock, bored, threaded and finished all over on spe- cial lathes. Each is carefully balanced. No set screws, bolts or pins are used. • ADAPTER CASTING connects the top stage of the pump bowl with the dis- charge pipe. It is designed with vanes which straighten the flow of water from the pump bowl, delivering it to the dis- charge column with minimum turbu- lence. A • COLUMN or DISCHARGE PIPE supports the pump bowls and conducts the water to the surface of the ground. It also centers and supports the line shaft. It Is STANDARD WEIGHT STEEL PIPE, fabri- cated in 10 -foot lengths with ends threaded and faced. Column pipe is fur- nished in sizes giving proper velocity of water without excess friction loss. • ALIGNING SPIDERS are cast in the combination column coupling, are full streamlined and are spaced at 10 -foot intervals. The rubber shaft bearing is mounted in the spider hub. • SHAFT SLEEVES are MONEL METAL af- fixed to the line shaft opposite the rubber bearings. • IMPELLER SHAFT is over -size, made of selected stainless steel shaft stock. It connects with the line shaft and extends through the pump bowl. The impellers are affixed with collets. No keyways or keys are necessary. j • SLEEVE BEARINGS in adapter and throughout the entire pump bowl are made of plastic bronze, extra long for added wearing life. This direct connected engine drive through right angle gears Is used extensively where there Is no electric power. Engine driven pump using one - quarter turn belt drive. A popular drive in agricultural irrigation work. LAYNE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS A Dependable and Efficient Line of Pumps Used Throughout the Entire World APPLICATIONS —For a half century Layne Pumps have been used for pumping water for cities, towns and villages; by industries of all sizes and kinds; by railroad systems; by farmers, agriculturalists and planters for irrigating crops —in fact, by all who use water for any purpose in quantity, large or small. Layne Short Coupled Pumps also are used for EM E d f r L 14 A, ` Typical installation with hollow shaft vertical motor. ` The standard unit where electric power Is available. pumping water from lakes, reservoirs or streams. They are particularly desirable for this kind of pumping duty because fluctuations of water level do not interfere with operation of the pump. They also are used for mine drainage and sub- surface drainage. Since the driver is installed at the surface above high wafer level, the pump- ing units cannot drown out. SIZES AND CAPACITIES —The sizes of Layne Pumps depend upon quantity of wafer, speed of pump and the pumping head. Required inside well diameters range from 4- inches for the smallest pump up to 42- inches for the largest pump. There are many intermediate sizes. Ca- pacities range from 50 U. S. gallons a minute up to 30,000 U. S. gallons.a minute. Total pumping heads vary from the lift in the well or shaft only up to seven or eight hundred feet. The amount of setting (discharge column) depends upon the distance to the pumping water level. Beginning at the surface or the top of the pump, the following component parts make up a complete pump: (a) The pump drive head which consists of the discharge ell and outlet, the stuffing box or packing gland and the thrust bearing assembly, when one is necessary. The drive head supports the entire pump which is suspended in the well or shaft. (b) The discharge column consisting of suc- fion pipe and connections, the line shafting with couplings, bearings and supporting members. The length of discharge column is governed by the distance from the pump drive head to the pumping wafer level. (c) The pump bowl, made up of discharge and suction nozzles, intermediate bowls or stages, including impellers, bowl bushings, wearing rings and 'impeller shaft. The number of stages (bowls) depends upon the pump bowl size (diameter), speed of rotation, amount of water pumped and the total pumping head. The bowl usually is equipped with 10 -feef of suction pipe. • If you have a pumping problem, write the factory giving operating conditions. Recommendations and estimates will be sent. No obligation whatever. LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. GENERAL OFFICES, MEMPHIS 8, TENN. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World VTP -W -55 Printed in U.S.A. (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DEEP WELL PUMP AND PUMPHOUSE FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that separate sealed 61ds for 1. One deep well pump for Water Supply Well. No. 9 2. One pump house to house above pump will be received and opened in the office of the '11age Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at :00 a.m., Monday, Feb- ruary 10, 1958. Bids on the two facilities are t fed.. The Edina Village Council will meet at a age Hall at 7:30 p.m., on February 10, 1958, 'to consider said i . Work must be done as described i lans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. epa plans and specifications for each of the above facilities are availa e f the Village Engineer or offices of the . Banister Engineering ,y of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit % '1 r funded to actual bidders upon re- turn of said plans and specifi ti ns. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the unde ned before 11:00 a.m., Monday. Febru- ary 10, 1958, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount of at least ten per cent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Jan. 30, Feb. 8) —EC 2br$1 Boys black leather belts in sizes 20 to 30. Stock up now and save $1 on each belt. Southdale, Upper Level Wonderful, washable son - forized cotton flannel in bright plaids and checks. Sizes 3 to 6X. Southdale, Upper Level Ar a T TtR R (Official Publication) OF EDINA HENNEPIN VILLAGE MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DEEP FOR WELL PUMP AND PUMPHOUSE WATER D at aNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN h separate sealed bids for I. One deep well pump for Water Supply Well No. 9 2. One pump house to house above Will be received and opened in the office of P the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:00 a.m., Monday, Feb- ruary 10, 1958. Bids on the two facilities are not tied. The Edina Village Council will meet' at the Village Hall at 7:30 p.m., on February 10, 1958, to consider said bids. h the office of the V 1 age ClerkcSeparate Plans lans and specficationssfor file of the above facilities are available from the Village Engineer or offices Of $10-00 Banister each tewhi which will Company refunded St actual bidders a upon deposit, turn of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and. filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., Monday, Febru- ary 10, 195, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond" or certified check / payable to. the Village Clerk in an amount of at leas amount of the bid. t ten per cent of The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S! ALDEN Village Clerk (Jan. 30,, Feb. 6) —EC DEEP WELL AND PUMPHOUSE FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 0— BIDS CLOSE FEB. 10 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that separate sealed bids for l.One deep well pump for Water Supply Well No. 9. 2. One pump house to house above pump. will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 Nest 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., Monday, February 10, 1958. Bids on the two facilities are not tied. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall at 7:30 P.M., on February 10, 1958, to consider, said bids. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Separate p l a n s a n d specifications f o r each of the above facilities are available from the Village Engineer or offices of the Banister Engineering Company, of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit, will be refunded to actual bidders upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will- be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., on day, February 10, 1958, ac- compa Mnied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Clerk in an amount of at least ten (10 %) per cent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN 'S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice ilrst appeared Jan. 30) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bo, A buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing ,date of your work In an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS' JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed __Ad_e_ertieem-ent_lO -r_ Bide__— _ heap- Wall-Pump_and- Pumphauae- -far - -. _s_R13�- 5dall�n, - -9 --------------- - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on 'Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent In space to 450 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been issued from a known ofllce established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINOSIDE COURIER has had in Its makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplica'ced any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has bleed entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- +" Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that Its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. ACOPY of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paula That the printed ---- �d98r�iaemeniS�r_a_,�_Deep --ell Pump -and_ Pamphonse _for _�1�te_E' _$ ups -- e11- IZQ�-- 9t-------------------------- - - - - -d hereto attached as a part hereof was cut rrom the columns oI said newspaper; was puollehed i therein in the English language once a week for -------- Z!Q- _-- _Iuccesslve weeks; that it was 1 2 first so published on the ---- 3Oth ------- day of ------- _ ___________ _ _L -, 19- and n thereafter on____ , Sdtliy_________of each week to and including the ----- Slth________ day of_________Fe- hrll8Xy ____- 19_0; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publics- tion of said ----------- &ftarti6A1l1 t-10-r--3JA1L-------------------------------- abcdef nopglstuvwxyz Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this -1_6th ----- day of __t 2F-41 ]2 X'M]7 -------- - - -- 6 ci0_ - - -- - - -- a - - -- 9.1 -96.2M 11 --- . - COR' "•'N° E. WILLIAMS 1 -.Iic, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 a .n YS�m <opYQ all CA >�j D X777 V!2! � a Ya n n! ,-��• ?'n Z c .mzz- a fe - = Y = 0 ac o" yv w �0mo °0 o . > >0 b o M ' , r- - d. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed gdvor����t�aL_�ar_AiBa_- _ neso _�cill_P�mp_�uctFnmphnua��nr__. urntee -------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published In the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINOSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of Interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that these has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiles with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. IM That the printed - - -- Advertisement, _f or- D ®tip well PUt� - ---- PumQhonss 9----------------------------- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for -------- NO _____successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_--- _Vih ------- day of ------- arnUslT---------------- 19_,%.d aa��., thereafter on---- 1j----- - - - -of each week to and including the ----- flNa -------- day of --------- re—kru '- __ -_, 19_.7W; and that the following is a copy of the lower case A alphabet which Is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used In the publics- tion of said ---------- Afte Uesmat- ar-IlAf<----------------------------- abcdefghkjklmnopqrstuvwxyz Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this']__fth ----- day of___'_T_@bM3$ ----- :_, 1958 COTN,NE E. WILLIAMS 1 . blic, Hennepin County, Mink*. My Commission Expires June 1$ 188, +f S I w n n °•O Ty R � a= 7an�-S yi3r O S' y S z m O COQ= � � =''n • - n Sv+ 7n ymn.nA.. r m y e,= C— CC r 7 hCij C C 7y �f0 N 'io.y t�ir 0. c y s O aq P- IM T °9%� y � O ^yoar CL C C 0 0 3 w.. . CONTRACTORS' BID PRICES a fell 110 ■ I � I• f ZOOM r f m/ rJEJ. Men WA sm MAMM u I ' I A ` M1 \ II� i IMP owl I' =L/ , WWI PROPOSAL ITEMS i. < ':if QUANTITY UNITS: NAME LLJ cr UJ Cf) ;LL ........... Z -------------- - -- Ld Ld W —J LLj F �-j uiZ ------- < cn m -e-evW ESTIMATE PRICE UNITI TOTAL CONTRACTORS' BID PRICES U_N_ITI TOTAL UNIT! TOTA U TOTAL NIT! UNiT; TOTAL. il liT TOTAL UN(T, TOTAL UNIT! TOTAL UNITS TOTAL jam' ' , - 00 — 4 - - -- _ d p to — 0e�— av - -- — = — -- -- - - -- i - -- - - - - - -� - - ve- �- -*, ✓mac .--7 - -- -- - -- -- - --- - ,_ — - - -- - _.__ -'.- -- Lam_. - - -- I - -- - - -- - - -- -_�- �_� ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - ! - I — -- - -- - - -1- i -- - -- - - -- — -- -- 1 s • . � } I I _ - — - -- — -- - L _-_-j r �_— —_ —L_ - - -- - - - -- _- - -- — ~ -1 — BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1 5 4 8 U N I V E R S I T Y AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 Marren C. Hyde, Village Manager Village of Edina;, Edina, Minnesota,. Re: Water Works Improvements Dear Sir: February 10, 1958 This letter constitutes a report following the receipt and opening of bids for a deep well pump and pump house for water supply well ##99 which is the new well on Hansen Road. Seven bids were received for.' -the pump house, varying from a low bid by the Karl Dedolph Construction Company of $9,343 to a high bid by Lyell C. Halvorson Company of $10,990. The time of completion in the Dedolph bid was August 15, 1958, but upon questioning, he stated that he could make this completion date much earlier and cer- tainly by June 15, 1958. The only issue on completion would be the delivery of windows and Dedolph would be in the same position as the others. Accordingly, we recommend the award of the contract for the construction of this building to the Karl Dedolph Construction Company. 'With further reference to this, it will be necessary to negotiate with the contractor for the addition of a ventilating fan. This ventilating fan was not called for on the plans as it was anticipated that a "submersible"' pump would be used. With a submersible pump this ventilating unit would not be required. However, the low bid for the pump was for a conventional pump and the ventilating unit is required. It is believed that the maximum adjustment here should not exceed $500. Five bids were received for the deep well pump. Four of the five bidders submitted bids on both the conventional type turbine pump and on the submersible pump. One bidder submitted a bid only on the conventional pump. The bids range from a net low of $10,528 by the Layne Minnesota Company to a high of $14,374 by McCarthy Well Company. The low bid was that submitted by the Layne Minnesota Company in the amount of $11,368 with a deduct of $840 for a part winding starter, making a net bid of $10,528 (a part winding starter can only be used with a conventional pump.) The guaranteed electrical current consumption for this unit was 2.147 KWH per 1000 gallons pumped. The next low bid was by Bergerson Caswell Company in the amount of $12,720 with a $900 deduct for a part winding starter, making a resultant bid of $11,820. The guaranteed efficiency of this unit was such that a KWH consumption per 1000 gallons pumped was 2.07. 'While -the low bid was $1292 less than the second low bid, the efficiency was not as great.- In attempting to evaluate the overall comparative -cost, we determined that, on the basis of 2¢ per KWH electrical costs, almost 5 years would be required to make up the difference in cost at the rate of 500,000 gallons per day and almost 22 years at the rate of 1,000,000 gallons per day. This is on the basis of no decrease in efficiency because of wear. Under the circumstances, we recommend the award to -the low bidder, the Layne Minnesota Company. Yours very truly,. BANISTER ENGINEE COMPANY,:" `. By A. W. Ban ter %61 lot A"raw It,'t V . " l Inoftlk Wk lsau Z19Z•9 AVMOIW :3NOHd 'NNIW 'v -invci '1.S 3 n N 3 A V A 1 I S M 3 A 1 N n 6 V 9 1 SM33NIDN3 °JN111fISNOD '00 JN1H33NIJN3 NM- LSINbe 9 � FORM 253616— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FOR DEWY WELL AND PUi•1LL Mate �,� nnaota, NO. WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 0— of BIDS CLOSE. FEB. 10 ss. Edina, - Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County Of___._. separate sealed bids for 1. One deen well pump for Water Supply Well No. 9. 2. One pump house to house above ...... ° - --- . ------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- ---- --- -- -- ------ -...._., being duly sworn, pump. will be received onager in the office of the Village ge Manager in the on oath says; t e now s, and durin g all the times herein stated has been----------------------------------- Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th February' ,ate �iug_�Ttij.9�g C,,e'-r Street. at 11:00 A.M., Monday, 10, 1958. Bids on the two facilities,, - --......-- °------- ----------°-•------......---°---°----------------.........--- are not tied. the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... The Edina Village Council will meet3 at the Village Hall at 7:30 P.M., on February 10, 1958, to consider said •�,��-i,., 33..,,, GQntx�aei��a.._yM.aLtd7tiJl�. """""" "'-' "' --- --------- - - - - -- and has full,knowledge of the bids. facts herein stated. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed office of the Village Clerk. Separate p l a n s and specifications for each Ad"itim ment_. for.__bi&. of the above facilities are available ------- .------- ..- - - - -- - °° from the Village Engineer or offices hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its of the Banister Engineering Company, of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be refunded known office of publication within the .,_,_,,.._____________,_. ...._..._...__................. to actual bidders upon return of said No bids a_.......................__......._....... Cit Minne3.8 the County of p.04---------------- plans and specifications. will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 .......................... ------Y............. -- - -•- - - -- ----- -- -----...............in v� ��e S f --- - - - - - -- ---------------------•-------- .............................., State o Minnesota, on A.M., Monday, February 10, 1958, ac- companied by cash deposit, bid bond ' =.& ------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Clerk in an amount of at least space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known tag (10 %) per cent of amount of th office established in said place o f p ublication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary bid. The Council reserves the right reject any or all bids. material for preparing and printing the same; ...................................... ........................................... 113Y ORDER OF THE Contraction Bulletin VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHENS. ALD ...... °-- -- °-- °--- ---- ----------------------- --......._......-- °---..... °--- ..................... Village C,. .....---- --- °--- --- ° ....... ..... .............- ......- °---...... ..................... .............................................. ................ -- - has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .... JILdwerti9.ement-f r..bids...--------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- te .............................. ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ..............................3 th..__.... - -- __-day of ..................... J.411 17-- - - -._, 19.5$. and thereafter on. Thu rsda -------------------------------------------- of each week to and including the ----------- 6th ........ day of- ---------- ---- --F@braa�--- ---- _-1!6fl ..... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of saidA dvertisementi --- f- P__bldS.......... ------ --------- ------- ---- --------------------- ........................- --•--. = ...--------•------•-•--•--•------ -- ---- -- ----........ ........... abcdpfghij klmnopclrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. :i Subscribed and sworn to afore me this ._....6th da n . ............................. ,l'11Yy_._...___19 - - -, ------ -- ----------- - -- --- -- - ---- ........... '7 Notary Publ ic,...... ..1'__ti :.:............:...::... . .. . ..• ••-- •. - -.- County, Minnesota. My commission expires ........................................... I Affidavit of Publication OF --------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------- - - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 25366— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION That a copy of each of said issuer was filed immediately after publication with Me State Historical Society. 9 ---......---•---• ........ ....................... •---•--- .U:....... ............... and sworn to re me this ...... 6t'.h ........ day o ... .....'_F.ebm.al ........19. $... Notary Public County, Minnesota. -_.._. My commission expires ..... .............. ..:c_ -_ ... ." �,- �-•---.__....^.-•- ---•---------._.....---- ------ Mate of Ainneotat ss. DEEP WELL AND PUMPHOUSE FOR County of..... ................... ...... ......................... WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 0— BIDS CLOSE FEB. 10 Edina, Minn.. -------------- ---- --- ----------------------------------------------------- -----................._......., being duly sworn, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that separate sealed bids for 1. One deep well pump for Water on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... ........ .............. ... . ..... Supply Well No. 9. 2. One pump house to house above `�,. 1n, Bing y, rk pump. will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the --°-----°.° •----...- °-- °-- ° ............. .. ...°----°-........°---°°---°-°-------°°..........--° - °.....- - ° °- °- °- °......- - --- °-• the publisher- - - -. -- -and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., Monday, February n/�_�M�{, MAIM ��q a.,� ....................... 1116T.J�RM�es[ AI - --I . R. - ��M�F..................., and has full-knowledge of the 10, 1958. Bids on the two facilities are not tied. facts herein stated. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall at 7:30 P.M., on That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed February 10, 1958, to consider said bids. i 1Vork must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the °-•-�_- -ifi�`i-- - -- ....-.. °-------- ° °-° -- - °°°--------------- --- -----°----...-------° �--------°°---- ---.....------- -•--- ° °--------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its office of the Village Clerk. Separate plans and specifications f o r each known Office of publication within the.— ........... ° ° °- of the above facilities are available from the Village Engineer or offices of----------- '- '--- the County of ............................... ....i1- of of the Banister Engineering Company, of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00 �-- -- •- ---- -g .................. each, which deposit will be refunded a „'*�: °------ .............. ........ ------- -----..............--- ....----° -------- - - - - -- . - -, State of Minnesota, on to actual bidders upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will ......................... .... ..... _. ..................... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in with considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 S to 450 runnier inches o single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known �e 8 .� g f A.M., Monday, February 10, 1958, ac- office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary companied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Clerk in an amount of at least for p g � g ,.................................................................................. material or preparing and printing the same; bed (10 %) per cent of amount of the f►.stkq�111p9 The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ; BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. °• ° ° - ...... ° ° °- °° has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news GRETCHEN S. ALDEN -� of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its Village Clerk said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ___ 1ilQi"ii $A0*"n4-. -- ti"... Taft----------------------- ------------- -- ---- --- --- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ....... t.. WQ .............................. ......................... ...... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .............................. 3.Oth.................. day of ---- ---•- ------- ---- -JamuLr ....... 19. "58. and thereafter on.2bUrHdBy....------•-- ---------------•--------•----- of each week to and including the ...... :.... 6th ........ day of----------- ------ -Fekt xy............168.....; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said.A&*A1#�tt.- ;rkV -.. bid.8 .- ........ ------------------------ ------- -------------------- ---- ........................... -................................................................... ....... abcdefghijklmnoligrstuvwaya That a copy of each of said issuer was filed immediately after publication with Me State Historical Society. 9 ---......---•---• ........ ....................... •---•--- .U:....... ............... and sworn to re me this ...... 6t'.h ........ day o ... .....'_F.ebm.al ........19. $... Notary Public County, Minnesota. -_.._. My commission expires ..... .............. ..:c_ -_ ... ." �,- �-•---.__....^.-•- ---•---------._.....---- ------ Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS L a tk:4 } «x .a t t t }y y t' w rn 3 X i 3' t 3 ,r I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or.report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Pro- fessional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. DATE January 7, 1958 REG. N0. 2439 N January 15, 1958 ADDENDUM N0, 1 Deep Well Pump for Water Supply Well No. 9 Edina, Minnesota The pump Contractor shall include in his bid the furnishing only, for installation by others, one 200 hp. 460 volt, size 5, reduced voltage auto - transformer type magnetic starter, similar and equal to Cutler - Hammer Bulletin 9621, H561, and one 3- position selector switch, heavy duty, similar and equal to Cutler - Hammer. No. 10 -250 H1027. The pump Contractor shall cut two feet off both the 24" casing and 16" liner of the well. The annular space between these two casings for this distance is not filled with cement grout. 0 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Deep Well Pump ± a,-1C for d 7 Water Supply Well No. 9 EDINA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatAsealed bidspwill be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at // A P.M.,— /0 1958. The Edina Village Council will meet at 7030 P. M., one /n , 1958,, to consider said bids, being for the following.. to One deep well pump for--°"°' - Water'.Supply Well No. 9 Work must be done as a I in p ans and- 5p�c'ifrcaations— on— f-i-iea -fn ttie office of the Village Clerk. lans and specifications are available from the Village Engineer or of ces of the Banister Engine ing Company of St. Paul, for a deposit of $1 .00 which deposit will be re unded to.actual bidders upon return of s d l.ans and specifications. N bids will be con- sidered nless sealed a d fi ed with the undersigned befo a 44:M., 1958, accompanied y cash deposit, bid bond of, certifi check a3Fable to the Village Clerk in an amount of at least ten (10 %) pe cent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the r ght to reject any or all bids. BY THE ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN., VILLAGE CLERK % J � i J � r PROPOSAL FOR DEEP WELL PUMP EDINA, MINNESOTA Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: (Date) 1958 The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions, having made all necessary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the condi- tions and costs for the project, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equip- ment, tools, skills, and all else necessary to completely furnish and install a Deep Well Pump for Water Supply Well No. 9 in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota, and on file in the office of your Village Manager, dated January 7, 1958, as follows: One conventional type deep well turbine pump with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of DOLLARS CENTS OR One submersible type deep well pump with a guaranteed K.W.H. consumption of KWH per 1000 gallons pumped for the lump sum of DOLLARS CENTS If awarded this contract, I /we agree to complete the work on or before , 1958. Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) (certified check) (cash deposit) in the amount of DOLLARS CENTS ($ ) which is at least 10% of the amount of my /our bid made pay- able to the Village of Edina,,Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the undersigned or failure on the part of the under- signed to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me /us. In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will,be by cash or check. P - 1 j i It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to retain the certified check or' bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village Council for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date-set for the opening of bids: In submitting this bid it is understood that the Village retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Village. REMARKS: By Title Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) (An Individual) Name of Bidder (A Partnership). P - 2 D AT A S HE E T TO BE FILLED IN BY BIDDER 1. Name of Manufacturer of Pump 2. Size of bowls 3. Number of Stages 4. Type of thrust bearing 5. Material of bowl construction 6. Type and material of wearing rings if any 7. Material of impellers 8. Size and material of Columns 9. Type of bearings in columns 10. Size and material of Shaft 11. Material of shaft sleeves 12. Motor manufacturer and size 13. Starter manufacturer 14. Meter manufacturer 15. Guaranteed Pump efficiency at condition stated 16. Guaranteed Motor efficiency at demand load 17. Guaranteed overall pump and motor field efficiency (wire to water) 18. Guaranteed maximum K.W.H. input per 1000 gals. water pumped at conditions stated in specifications 19. Total weight of pump (excluding motor), column, shaft, bowls, impellers and tall pipe SPECIFICATIONS Deep Well Pump Well No. 9 EDINA, MINNESOTA 1. SCOPE: These specifications cover the furnishing of all labor and materials necessary for the furnishing and installing complete a deep well pump and motor for Water Supply Well No. 9, Edina, Minnesota. The pump house is to be con- structed by others as is the pipin& to be done by others. 2. GENERAL: It is the intent of the specifications to permit the bidding -of both a conventional deep well turbine pump and a submersible pump. If a conventional pump is bid the bidder shall submit detailed specifications of the unit he pro- poses to furnish as well as completing.the Data Sheet included herein. If a submersible pump is bid the bidder shall submit detailed specifications of the unit he proposes to furnish. For either type pump the bidder shall include, with his data, a performance curve of the unit. This performance curve shall show a: head- capacity curve, horse- power curve, and wire to water efficiency_ Horsepower and efficiency curves shall show the conditions at the discharge elbow or head on the building floor level. In other words, all friction loss and shaft loss in the column or drop pipe shall be included. Efficiency as well as price shall be considered in making the award. 3. GUARANTEE: The pump contractor shall guarantee the maximum number of kilowatt- - hours required to pump one thousand (1000) gallons under the conditions stated The failure of the equipment to meet this guarantee shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. However, the Village shall have the option to keep the equipment and deduct from the bid price a sum equal. to the difference between the guaranteed kilowatt hours per gallon pumped and the actual kilowatt hours per gallon pumped, multiplied by two (2c) cents per kilowatt hour, multiplied by one million gallons per day, multiplied by five years. 4. WELL INFORMATION: The well was completed in 1957. It was drilled as a 24" hole (124' cased and 439° open) to the bottom of the Jordan sandrock or a depth of 563' measured from the top of casing. The well was continued as a 15" open hole to the bottom of the Hinckley sandrock or a depth of 1116'. A 16" liner was placed from the top of the 24" casing to a depth of 567 feet and the annular space between the walls of the 16" liner -and 24" hole and casing was grouted full. Sub- sequently a 10" liner was placed from a depth of.533' to a depth of 1010', with the outside annular space grouted full, and with all water coming from the Hinckley sandrock. The static water level, at the time of test, was 215' with drawdown of 73' at 750 G.P.M. and a drawdown of 90' at 900 G.P.M. (limit of testing equipment). It is anticipated that the drawdown will be 100' to 110' at 1000 G.P.M. 5. PUMP: (Conventional turbine pump) A. General - The pump to be furnished under these specifications shall have a capacity of 1000 G.P.M. against a .total head, exclusive of column friction loss, pump friction loss and line shaft bearing loss of 480'. To this 4$0' head the bidder must add all losses.. These losses shall.be computed as stated SP - 1 in the Standards of the Hydraulic Institute, NEMA and AIEE. The speed of the pump and motor shall not exceed 1800 r.p.m. B. Pump Proper - The bowls shall be of a sufficient number . and size as recom- mended by the pump manufacturer. They shall be constructed of a close - grained cast iron or equal. The impellers are to be bronze and dynamically balanced. The impellers may be of the open or enclosed type. The bowls may or may not be fitted with renewable bronze wearing ,rings or equal, as is standard with the bidder's equipment. C. Column - The pump column shall be at least 8" I.D. of standard weight black steel pipe. Joints shall be screwed or flanged according to the manufacturer's standards. Column lengths shall be 10' in length except that the top and bot- tom section may be 5' in length. There shall be a total of 350' of column.re- quired. This will mean that the top of the top bowl of the pump is placed at a setting 350' below the top of the inner casing. D. Shaft and Bearing - The pump shaft and the line shaft shall be of the size prescribed as standard for the maximum rating of the motor furnished, and shall not be based on-the horsepower or demand of the pump at the conditions stated. The line shaft shall be turned and ground precision steel line shaft and shall be provided with Monel metal or equal wearing sleeves at each point where the shaft passes through the rubber bearings. The bearings within the pump column shall be Goodrich Cutless rubber water lubricated. One of these bearings shall be installed at each joint within the column pipe.' In other words, there shall be one rubber bearing for each length of pump column. The rubber bearings shall be suitably mounted in a bronze spider, or equal, to center the bearings. . E. Pump Head - The pump head shall be of close - grained cast iron, or equal, and shall be made for open shaft construction. The pump head shall be provided with a flanged discharge opening of at least 8" in diameter. The -pump head shall be so designed that the well casing can project at least I" into the pump head from the bottom. If this arrangement is not an integral part of the pump head, a separate cast iron base plate shall be furnished and installed. Suitable and required bearing and packing glands shall be provided in the pump head. F. Suction or Tail Pipe - There shall be furnished and installed a suction pipe of the same size and material as the pump column and shall be 10' in length. G. Strainer - At the bottom of the suction pipe there shall be furnished and in- stalled a suitable galvanized strainer, Keystone, or equal. H. 'Motor - With the pump there shall be furnished and installed a vertical hollow shaft electric motor with thrust bearing in the top. It shall be General Elec- tric, U. S., Westinghouse, Fairbanks, Morse & Company, or approved equal. The motor shall be furnished for three phase, 60 cycle, 460 volt electric current and shall have a maximum no load speed of 1800 r.p.m. The motor shall be of such size that the horsepower requirements of the pump at the conditions stated (1000 G.P.M. at 480' head plus:column friction loss, line shaft bear- ing loss and pump head loss) shall not demand more than 85% of the rated capa- city of the motor. The motor shall be for a "part winding" starter. 6. PUMP: ( Submersible type) The pump shall consist of a bowl assembly of the proper size and number of cast bowls with bronze impellers to supply 1000 G.P.M. against a T.D.H. of 480' mea- SP - 2 sured from a pumping level of 325'. To the 480 ft. T.D.H. the, manufacturer must add the friction loss in the line or drop pipe. The line pipe shall be at least 8" in diameter of standard size "line" pipe with heavy deep "drive type" screwed couplings. A support plate shall be furnished and installed to support the pump, motor, and line pipe. This support plate shall be so designed that the well column can pro- ject into the plate a distance of 1" when the plate is resting on a concrete base and such that a seal is provided. The plate shall be provided with an 8" flange C.I. elbow for horizontal discharge, a well vent, and electrical connection here- inafter specified. The well vent shall be at least 2" in size and shall terminate at least 2' above the floor, fitted with a suitable screen. The motor which is fastened to the bowls shall be at least 200 H.P., and shall have a maximum no load speed of 1800 r.p.m. The motor shall be for 3 phase, 460 volt, 60 cycle current, of a size (minimum of 200 H.P.)such that it will not be overloaded at the pumping capacity of 1000 G.P.M. at 480' head. The motor shall be of a type especially made for operation under water, either water cooled or running in an oil bath. A suitable seal, if an oil bath is used, other than a mercury seal, to prevent the oil from escaping. The oil and seal shall be of a type approved by the M-nnesota Department of Health. There shall also be furnished suitable electrical cable, armored, and insulated for underwater use, running from the motor through a waterproof "weather head" mounted on the support plate to a suitable "code" junction box also mounted on the support plate. The junction box shall be furnished by the pump supplier and mounted on the support plate. The electrical conductor shall be of suitable size for the maximum "locked rotor" amperage of the motor, at 460 volts. At the bottom of the pump there shall be furnished and installed a vertical check valve of the same size as the "line" or " drop" pipe plus a suitable strainer. 7. PRELUBRICATION: For a conventional turbine type pump only, the bidder shall in- clude a 3/4" solenoid valve to be operated by the automatic control (the auto- matic control shall be furnished by others.) This solenoid valve shall be in- stalled by others. 8. AIR RELIEF: The Contractor shall furnish and install a suitable air relief which shall consist of a 3" pipe tapped or welded into the first length of pipe beyond the pump and fitted with a 3" check valve, elbows, and strainer. There shall be two 90 degree elbows in the line so that the opening into the atmosphere is in a downward position. The open end of the pipe shall be fitted with a strainer or screen which shall terminate at least 2' above the floor. 9. WELL VENT: For a conventional turbine pump the bidder shall include a 1" well vent tapped into the discharge head of the pump. The vent shall consist of 1" galvanized pipe, shall terminate 2' above the floor and shall have a suitable screen thereon. 10. DRAWDOWN EQUIPMENT: The bidder shall furnish and install suitable drawdown equip- ment consisting of either an air line or an electrical tape to accurately measure the water level in the well and the drawdown. If an electrical tape type is furnished the pump head or support plate shall be provided with a suitable opening with a screwed cover for entering the well. If an air line is used the head or support plate shall have the proper openings SP - 3 provided therefor. The air line unit shall be complete with air pump, altitude gauge, air valve and 1/4" galvanized steel or copper tubing extending to the 350' setting. The line shall be banded to the column or drop pipe and care shall be exercised to prevent binding, bending, or crimping during installation. 11. PRESSURE GAUGE: There shall be furnished and installed in the discharge piping within the pump house, at a point selected by the Engineer, a suitable altitude gauge which shall show the head of water at all times. It shall read in feet of head. There shall be a suitable shut -off or petcock such that the gauge can be removed without the leakage of water. 12. PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS: The pump contractor shall furnish and install, on the discharge of the pump, an 8" diameter by 2' long flanged pipe of genuine wrought iron black pipe into which shall be tapped the air relief. The pump contractor shall also furnish and install an 8" flanged, AWWA, non - rising stem gate valve and an 8" flanged, tilting disc, horizontal swing check valve, Chapman 423, or equal. In addition the pump contractor shall furnish and install an 8" diameter x 8' long flange and plain end genuine wrought iron black pipe into which shall be tapped the pressure gauge. This pipe shall connect to the "away from the pump" side of the 8" gate valve and the plain end of the pipe shall have fastened thereon, to be supplied and installed by others, a Dresser coupling. 13. DISINFECTION: After installation of the pump the entire equipment shall be dis- infected with H.T.H. or equal solution.. 14. TESTING: After installation the pump contractor shall conduct the necessary..tests to determine the characteristics of the pump. The contractor shall furnish.all meters and equipment required.for this test,,1 and 'the test shall be so conducted as to check at least three points on the performance curve of the pump. Necessary measurements of the electrical consumption shall be made to determine whether or not the pump is operating at the condition stated by the pump contractor. In the event that the test shows the equipment does not comply with the guarantee of the pump contractor, there shall be sufficient cause to reject the pump and require the contractor to remove it.at no cost to the Village. All tests shall be super- vised by the Engineer. The testing shall be subject to the completion of the building, pipe, and electri- cal work. However, should the underground piping not be complete, the pump con- tractor may, at-his option and.cost, provide-the necessary temporary pipe and orifice meter for the test. 15. PAYMENT: Seventy -five (75 %) Per Cent of the price shall be paid to the Contractor at the first regular meeting of the Village Council after the completion of the installation, and tentative approval by the Engineer. The balance of the money due the Contractor shall be paid one month later after the pump has operated for ' one month providing a satisfactory performance is obtained, and providing the Engineer has given final acceptance, and upon completion of the test. 16. TIME OF COMPLETION: The bidder shall state, in the proposal form, the date he will complete the installation. SP - 4 M GENERAL CONDITIONS REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 1. SCOPE: The following "GENERAL CONDITIONS ".shall govern the work of all persons engaged in the performance of the Contract and shall form a part of the Contract. 2. OWNER: By the term "Owner" is meant the party or parties employing the Contractor or Contractors. 3. ENGINEER: By the term "Engineer" is meant Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Ninnesota, who have been appointed by the 'Owner" to take charge of the work contemplated by these specifications and the accompanying draw- ings and is designated and referred to in these specifications as the "Engineer ". The Engineer or Owner may appoint an authorized representative or inspector, limited in authority, assigned to make inspection of the work performed and materials furnished by the Contractor. Such a representative has no authority to order or permit deviation from plans and specifications. 4. CONTRACTOR: The person or persons making a contract with the Owner to under- take work under these specifications "and drawings are hereinafter designated and referred to as the "Contractor ". 5. SUB- CONTRACTOR.- The person or persons making a contract with the Contractor to undertake the furnishing of labor and material, or labor or material speci- ally made for the job is designated as the "Sub- Contractor ". 6. WORK AT SITE OF OR ON PROJECT. Work to be performed, including work normally done at the location of the project. 7. PROJECT: The entire public improvement proposed by the Owner to be constructed in part or in whole pursuant to the within Contract. 8. SURETY: Any person, firm or corporation that has executed, as surety, the Contractor performance bond securing the performance of the within Contract. 9. WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide all labor, trans- portation, materials, water, power, light, apparatus, scaffolding and utensils of whatever kind necessary for the complete and substantial execution of- every- thing shown, described or reasonably implied in the plans and specifications as belonging to the work. 10. DRAWINGS: All drawings and specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Engineer are his property. They are not to be used on other work, and with the exception of the signed contract set, are to be returned to him on request at the completion of the work. G - 1 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 11. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS CO- OPERATIVE: The drawings and specifications are complementary. Work shown on the drawings and not described herein and work, described herein and not shown on the drawings, shall be executed in the most thorough manner and with the best materiala, the same as though fully described by both drawings and specifications. 12. DETAIL DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS: The Engineer will furnish with reasonable' promptnes §,additional instructions by means. of drawings, or otherwise necessary for the proper execution of the work. All drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the plans and specifications, true developments thereof, and reasonably inferable therefrom. The Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions. In giving such additional instructions the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the purpose of the work. 13. INTERPRETATION: Where there is any doubt upon any point, the decision of the Engineer as to the true intent and meaning of these drawings and specifications shall be final. 14. ADJUSTMENTS OF DISCREPANCIES: In all cases of discrepancies between the various dimensions shown on these drawings, or between drawings and these specifications, the more expensive construction shall be estimated, but before construction is started, the matter shall be submitted to the Engineer for his decision. Without such decision, discrepancies shall not be adjusted by the Contractor, save and only at his own risk, and in settlement of any complications arising from such adjustment the Contractor shall bear all the extra expense involved. 15. PRINTS OF PLANS: The Engineer will furnish the Contractor five (5) sets of prints, on paper, for his use during the prosecution of the work. Any addition- al prints required shall be paid for by the Contractor at cost. 16. SHOP DRAWINGS: The Contractor shall submit, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, at least three (3) copies of all shop or setting drawings and- schedules required for the work of the various trades and the Engineer shall pass upon them with reasonable prompt- ness. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the-.Engineer, file with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The Engineer's approval of such drawings or. schedules shall not relieve the Con- tractor from responsibility for deviation from drawings or specifications, unless he has, in writing, called the Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. _ 17. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE PROJECT: The Contractor shall keep, on the project site, one (1) copy of all drawings and specifications for the work, in good order, available to the Engineer and to his representatives. G - 2 M. CHANGES: The Engineer, without invalidating the contract, may order extra :work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work, the contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract except that any claim for ex- tension of time on account of such changes shall be made and adjusted at the time such work is ordered. No claim whatever shall be allowed for extra work unless the same shall have been ordered in writing by the Engineer, stipulating the amount of the remun- eration. The accounts for all such work shall be rendered monthly to.the Engineer, M EXAMINATION OF SITE: Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions -under which the work is to be performed, concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered and all other rele- vant matters concerning the work to be performed and if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of other matter or things concerning which such bidder might have fully informed himself prior to the bidding,. and the successful contractor must employ, so far as possible, such methods and means in carrying out his work; as will not cause any interruption or interference with any other contractor. 20. RIGHT -OF -WAY: Wherever the Owner has unoccupied right -of -way which can be placed at the Contractor's disposal, no charge will be made therefor, but any additional ground, sidetracks, land places, pier privileges, wharves or yard space that the Contractor may require for ..his operations shall be provided by the Contractor unless otherwise specifically provided in these specifications or the contract, 21, SUPERINTENDENCE: Inspection will be done by the Engineer or his accredited representative. His decision shall be final as to the interpretation of all plans and specifications, and as to the quality and quantity of all material and workmanship furnished. Engineering superintendence will be furnished by the Engineer without expense to the Contractor for the construction period contemplated by the contracts In case the work shall not be completed until after the date stated in the contract and further superintendence is, in the judgment of the Engineer, necessary, the: Contractor shall pay the Owner, as liquidated damages, the actual wages and necessary expenses of the superintendent for the additional period or periods required. In case extra work is ordered or changes made which . will_ delay the completion of the work, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to file claim for such necessary extension of time, which when approved, the Engineer shall duly extend the period of superintendence. 22, COWDEMNED WORK: The Engineer or his representative may direct the remova, from the premises of any work or materials which he may reject as unsound,, improper, or not in accordance with the specifications, and such work shall be replaced to his satisfaction. G - 3 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 23. RATE OF PROGRESS. The work shall be carried forward at a rate that will, in the opinion of the Engineer, insure the completion of the work according to the Contract. The Contractor shall submit at such times as may be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work with dates at which the Contractor proposes to start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. If, in the opin- ion of the Engineer, the work is not progressing at a rate which will insure the completion in the time specified in the Contract, then the Contractor shall employ such additional means as may be directed by the Engineer or as may be required to insure the completion of the work within the time agreed upon. 24. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENTS. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, before any payment becomes"due, an itemized schedule of quantities and values of the various classes of work involved and aggregating the total sum of the Contract; and supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may require, except in the case of unit price work, for which the unit prices apply. Application for each payment shall be made to the Engineer at least ten days before such payment falls due. Application shall.be in such form and supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct. Vouchers and receipts and payments by the Contractor for the work involved shall be furnished before payment is made to the Contractor, if required. 25. CERTIFICATES: If the Contractor has made application as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when such payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. No certificate issued or payment made to the Contractor nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Owner shall be'an acceptance of any work or mater- ial not in accordance with this Contract. 26. PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT: Not later than the 15th day of each calendar month the Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly..certified ap- proved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor, but the Owner will retain fifteen (15 %) per cent of the amount of each such estimate until final completion and acceptance of all work covered by this Contract. The Contractor shall pay (1) for all transportation and utility services not later than the 20th day of the calendar month foLlowing that in which such services are rendered; (2) for all materials, tools and other expendable equipment to the extent of eighty -five (85 %) per cent of the cost thereof, not later than the 20th day of the calendar month following that in which such materials, tools and equipment are delivered at the site of the subject project, and the balance of the cost thereof not later than the 30th day following the completion of that part of the work in or on which such materials, tools, and equipment are incorporated or used; and (3) to each of his sub - contractors, not later than the fifth day following each payment to the Contractor, the respective amount allowed the Contractor on account of the work performed by his sub - contractors to the extent of each sub - contractor's inter- est therein. G - 4 27. FINAL PAYMENT: Final payment for the completed work will be made within thirty (30) days after the approval and acceptance of the entire work by the Engineer and the Owner. 28. ERRORS.IN PAYMENT- No error or oversight in the making of estimates or certificates shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation to do and complete the work according to the true intent of these specifications and drawings.- 29. PAYMENT WITHHELD: The Engineer may withhold, or on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any certificate for payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss on account of it. (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments promptly to sub - contractor or for material or labor. (d) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance-then unpaid. (e) Damage to another contractor. (f) Failure to complete the contract within the time specified. When all the above grounds are removed, certificates shall at once be issued for amounts withheld because of them. 30. DEDUCTIONS FOR UNCORRECTED WORK- If the Engineer and the Owner deem it inex- pedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable deduction from the Contract shall be made therefor. 31. LIENS: Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in lieu thereof and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge or information the release and receipts include all the labor and material for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any sub- contractor refuses:to furnish a release or receipt in full, - furnish a bond satisfactory to the,Owner, to indemnify him against any claim by lien or otherwise, if any lien or claim remains unsatisfied after all pay- ments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien or claim, including all costs and attorneys. 32. ASSIGNMENTS: Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to him hereunder, without the previous written consent of the Owner. 33. EXTENSION OF TIME: All time limits stated in the Contract documents are of the essence of the Contract. Upon receipt of written notice from the Contractor of the existence of causes over which said Contractor has no G - 5 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 control and which must delay the completion of work, the Engineer may at his discre- tion extend the date specified for the completion of the work. No allowance will be made to the Contractor for stoppage or suspension of the work by the Engineer un- less stoppage or suspension is due to the fault of the Owner, then extension of time corresponding to the duration of stoppage or suspension will be allowed for the com- pletion of the work. 34. GUARANTEE: The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace at his own expense any defective work caused by faulty workmanship or materials of which he is notified during the construction period or within one year after the date of final acceptance of the work, regardless of the previous approval and acceptaace of the work. 35. CONTRACT SECURITY: The Contractor shall, at the time of the execution of the Contract and before commencing the work, furnish a bond in the full amount of this' Contract in the form attached to the specifications as a security for the faithful performance of this Contract and for the payment of all liabilities arising under or on account of this Contract. 36. "HOLD HARMLESS" CLAUSE: The Contractor shall assume all liability and save the Owner harmless and indemnify him from every claim, action, cause of action, liabil- ity, damages, expense or payment by reason of any injury to person or persons in- cluding death suffered through any act or omission of the Contractor or any sub- contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them in the prose- cution of the work or any portion thereof included in this Contract. 37. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required herein and such insurance has been ap- proved by the Owner, nor shall the Contractor allow any sub - contractor to commence work on his sub - contract until all similar insurance required of the sub- constractor has been so obtained and approved. All such insurance contracts shall be maintained throughout the life of this Contract and shall be evidenced by carrier's certificates filed with the Engineer. (a) Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed at the site of the project, and in case any work is sublet the Contractor shall require the sub - contractor simi- larly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter °s employees unless such employees are covered by the Protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Contract at, the site of the project is not protected under the Workmen's Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and shall cause each.sub- contractor to provide adequate insurance coverage for the protection of his employees not otherwise protected. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, including Contractor's Contingent or Protective insurance to protect the Contractor from damage claims arising from operations under this Contract, as shall protect him and any sub - contractor perform- ing work covered by this Contract, from claims for damages for personal injury, G- 6 Revised OCTOBER, 1956 including accidental .death, as well as from claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any sub - contractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $50,000.00 for injuries., including accidental death to any one person; and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000.00 on account of one accident, and Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $5,000.00. The Contractor shall require sub - contractors, if any, not protected under the Contractor's Insurance Policies to take out and maintain like insurance in like amounts. (c) Automobile Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Automobile Public Liability Insurance in the amount of not less than $50,000.00 and $100,000.00 and Property Damage Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than $59000.00 if any motor vehicles are engaged in operations within the terms of this Contract on the site of the work to be performed thereunder, covering the use of all such motor vehicles, unless such coverage is included in the in- surance required hereinbefore. (d) Fire Insurance The Contractor shall carry fire insurance from the beginning of the work to acceptance of the completed structure. The policies shall cover all work incorporated in the building and all materials for,the same on or about the ;. premises and shall be made._.payable to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear. (e) Hail and Tornado Insurance The Contractor shall provide hail and tornado insurance as described under (d). 38. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall have charge of the site and shall be responsible for the protection of his work during the execution of the Contract. He shall take charge of, and be responsible for, any loss or in- jury from any cause, to any materials delivered on or in the vicinity of the work to be used thereon in connection with this Contract. The Contrac- tor shall protect-his work from injury due to weather, frost, accident or other causes and shall immediately, after written notice is given him by the Engineer, repair any damaged work or replace such work with new work. All work shall be perfect upon completion of the Contract and shall be protect- ed by the Contractor until its final acceptance. The Contractor shall erect substantial barricades, fences, walks, shelters, provide and maintain danger signals and warnings where necessary and do G - 7 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 whatever else may be necessary anA shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances relating thereto. 39. ACCIDENT PREVENTION- Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the protection of persons (including employees and property). The safety provisions of applicable laws, and building and construction codes, shall be observed. Machinery, equipment, and all hazards thereof shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safe- ty provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Association of General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provi- sions are not contravention of applicable law, 40, LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The Contractor shall comply with all the laws, ordinances and regulations of the State, corporation or regularly constituted authorities inso- far as such laws and ordinances apply to the work contemplated by this Contract, 41. BUILDING CODE- The building code of the municipality where the work i6 to be done shall be considered a part of these specifications and shall be complied with by the Contractor.. 42. NOTICES AND PERMIT'S- The Contractor shall give all necessary notices and obtain all permits, municipal and otherwise necessary for carrying on the work, and shall pay all charges for permits, water used for all purposes, sewer and plumbing con- nections, repaving of streets, surveyor's tees and all expenses incidental thereto, as may be required for his work. Easements for crossing pavements and railroad tracks .shall be obtained by the Owner, or the Engineer. 43. PATENTS.. The Contractor shall, for all time, secure to the Owner the free and un- disputed right to the use of any and all patented articles or methods used in the work and shall defend at his own expense, any and all suits for infringement of any such patents, and in the event of adverse awards under patent suits the Con- tractor shall pay the awards. 44. SUB- CONTRACTORS - Sub- Contractors or any kind of agents of the Contractor shall be considered as employees of the Contractor and shall be governed as.suche No portion of the work shall be sublet without the approval of the Engineer. Bidders are requested to submit with their proposal the name of the sub - contractors whose estimates were used in making up the bid and whom they propose to employ on the work, It is required that sub- contractors be approved by the Engineer. 45. OTHER CONTRACTORS.- This Contractor, at an early date, shall confer with the other Contractor whose work may affect his so as to promote harmony of work, any dif- ference of opinion being arbitrated by the Engineer, The Contractor shall allow other Contractors access to the site at all times as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of their contracts. The Engineer shall determine the order in which the various contracts shall. be carried ono G - 8 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 46. CONTRACTOR'S FOREMAN The Contractor shall. give his personal supervision to the work of the Contract. When not personally present at the site he shall be represented at the site by a competent foreman who shall be given full authority to receive instructions from the Engineer and to act thereon with reference to the Contractor. 47. INCOMPETENT MEN* The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. 48. METHOD OF.PROCEDUREo Ail, work shall, proceed in the manner and sequence desig- nated by the Engineer, and under his direction and superintendence. 49. MFJASUR.EMENTS� The Contractor shall lay out all work from dimensions given on plans. The Contractor shall take measurements and verify dimensions of exist- ing (old) work, if any, that affect his work or to which his work is to be fitted. He alone shall be responsible for the correctness of all measurements. 50. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP, Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. 51. MATERIALS AND SUBSTITUTION: When more than one kind of manufacturer of a material is specified the option shall be with the Contractor. Articles and materials specified by name shall be considered as standard, but it is not the intent to bar other makes of equal value and workmanship. However, no such substitution shall be made either before or after the taking of bids without the written consent of the Engineer. 52. SAMPLES: The Contractor shall furnish for approval samples as may be directed by the Engineer.. The work shall be in accordance with approved samples. 53. ORAL MODIFICATION° No oral statement of any person, whomsoever he may be, shall in any manner or degree modify or otherwise affect the terms of these specifica- tions or the Contract for the work. Any changes shall, before being made, be stipulated and agreed to in writing by the parties to the Contract. 54. CUTTING, DIGGING, AND PATCHING- The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, or patching of this work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of other Contrac- tors shown upon, or reasonably implied by, the drawings and specifications for the completed structure. The Contractor shall. not endanger any work by cutting, digging or otherwise and shall not cut or alter the work of any other Contractor save with the consent of the Engineer. G - 9 REVISED OCTOBER 41938 55. OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK: If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work . properly or fail to perform any provision of this Contract, the Owner, after threa'days' written notice to the'Contractor, shall without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from any payment then or thereafter due the Contractor pro- - vided, however, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor, 56, OWNERS RIGI'T TQ TERMINATE CON &C2,: If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors; or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to supply properly stilled workmen or proper materials, in the judgment of the Engineer, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to sub- contractore or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws, ordinances of the instructions of the Engine:er, or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract; then the Owner, upon written certificate of the Engineer that suffi` tent cause exists to justify such action, may without prejudice to any athesrrights or remedy, and after giving the Contractor and euretiee seven (7) days' written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take pos- session of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient, In such case the Contractor shall not receive any further payment until the work is finished, if the unpaid balance of the Contract price shall exceed the expense of finisk- i.ng;t=the work., including compensation to the Engineer for his additional services, xch excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the differences to the Owner, The ex- penseincurred by the Owner as heroin provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractors default shall be certified by the Engineer, 57. WMTEN- NOT'IC3: Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered In person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an of- ficer of the. corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the�last business address known to him who Sivas the notice. 58. PROMALS.a Sids. will be received in accordance with the notice given. Propasale shel.l.be made in the form of the blanks attached to the specifications. Each bidder shall be prepared to submit, when required, a written etatement showing the plant and machinery he has available for this work and citing work of similar character and proportions which have been accomplished by the Contractor making thebl.d. and .which may be examined by the Owner or the Engineer. This statement shall also conta €n evidence of the bidder's financial ability to execute the woak.amd of: hiss ability to provide the necessary bond. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. 59- "OR EQUAL "CLAUSE: Whenever, in any of the Contract Documents, any article, appliance.,. device or material is designated by the name of the manufacturer or vendor or by any propriety name and such name is not followed by the words "'ar equal. " ",, it shall be deemed that such words do follow ouch designation, un- less thecontext clearly requires a contrary designation or construction. Any articl.eor materials equaling the standards fixed may be used in place of that G - 10 REVISEb OCTOBER, 1956 specifically mentioned by the spsci.fica.ti,ene,,, provid.sd that the material proposed is first submitted to and approved by .t:hF, Caner or its authorized representative. 60. CLEANING UP. The Contr.actc.r shall kee-P th.e work,, Wtreets, alleys, and grounds at all times free fram rubbish, ,-urp.lus and watee materials caused by any opera- tions under finis charge, cleark up the 'building,, ground- and streets and leave the work perfect in every respect. 61. EXTRA WORK. DONE RV' FORE ACWUNT If-, the ,4 extra work can not be determined by methods outlined in lt.en( '18 "Chardge.s" the Owner may order the work to proceed by force Accou.nu . In- �uCUh case. the Corntr-ac t cYr shall keep and present a correct amount of the net c;rasr of labor and a).ate.rials together with vouchers, in such form as the Engineer may dir& -Ct. The Engineer shall certify to the amount of labor and materials only plus twizincy (20 %) per cent f'or overhead, profit anal incidentals. If equipment rental or, equipment operating costs are involved in the matter, the Contractor shall. :submit to the Owner ,!.:ind the En ine.e.r before beginning work a list sho,.uing hourly cost of c-s era.tion of such equipment. Extra work shall be done at this hourly rate plus fifteen (15%) per, cent for oi;er'h.ead., profit, and incidentals. 62. LINES AND LEVELS. The Engineer shall. _.`u.rn.ish ;E 11 ner-.essary lines, levels, bench marlx.-.° and do all instrument rcrk necessary for the proper location of the various parts of the work.. the Contractor s; Lal.1 make and be responsible for all. measure- ments from the a6 a� :Gexit e-tablisherl lines, levels or bench marks. Such lines, levels or beach marks, w -ill., in general, be given above grade. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with ;uch competent assistants as the Engineer may require for any and all, �;ur.vey work in co- n.nection. witin this. Contract. 63. INSTRUMENTS she Contractor shall provide aad kes.p cornetantly upon the work such first class instruments as are requirea iriFrer.if;yi.ng and establishing lines, levels, etc.., and shall. see to it that the foreman on the work is thoroughly conversant with their. use. 64. SCREENS AND TEIMYORARY HEAT: The Cori. *ratter elall furnish all equipment, fuel, and labor necessary for pr,:)per.ly heating the re, ui,r.ed buildings during construction and shall keep such buildings heated as may be - irecessary for the proper execution of the work. The Contractor shall also furnish and maintain such temporary closures as may be necessary for the proper heating and protection of the work. 65. CONVENIENCES FOR WORKMEN, The Contractor shall furnish and maintain a temporary water closet or privy cf the type and location, approved by the Engineer, and allow the same to be used by every person doing anything relative to such build- ing and carry out directions relative to such water closet or privy and shall remove same when directed by the. Engineer. A rscreen shall be placed in front of the door of the water closet. 66. CEMENT SHED-, Where required by the "SPECIAL PROVISIONS ", the Contractor shall provide and erect am absolutely weather-tight cement shed with double floor raised off the ground, and of such dimes- si.on.,s that there shall be ample room for the storage of full consignments of c.e.inent, in such quantities as may be required to starry the work on e;.pe.ditiou.sly. See. also Specif:ic.ations on "Concrete Const ructicn ". G - 1'i REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 67, CONTRACTOR'S AND SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE: Except where otherwise directed the Contractor shall provide and erect a suitable weather -tight house or office of approved size and sufficiently lighted. The house shall consist of two rooms (one for Contractor's office and one for Superintendent in charge) with inter- communicating door and wicket window with shelf for telephone set in dividing partition. The Superintendent's office shall have a double floor raised above the ground. It shall be properly fitted with a large table for filing of drawings, specifications, etc.; the Contractor shall provide telephone service, heat and lights G - 12 FORM OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and signed this day of 19 , by and between the of hereinafter called the "OWNER" and hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR ". THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, that the Owner and the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, agree as follows: ARTICLE I. The Contractor hereby covenants and agrees to perform and execute all. the provisions of the plans and specifications as prepared by the Banister Engineering Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, and indicated below under Article IV, as approved by the Owner for: and to do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents. ARTICLE II. The Contractor agrees that the work contemplated by this contract shall be fully and satisfactorily completed on, or before , 19 ARTICLE III. The Owner agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to receive and accept payment in accordance with the prices bid for the unit or lump sum items as set forth in the conformed copy of Proposal Form hereto attached, which prices shall conform to those in the accepted Contractor's proposal on file in the office of the Clerk of the aggregate of which prices, based on the approximate schedule of quantities, is estimated to be $ Monthly and final payment shall be made as provided in the "GENERAL CONDITIONS ". ARTICLE IV. The Contract Documents shall consist of the following component parts: 1. The Proposal Form ( conformed copy) 2. General Conditions of the Specifications for Public Improvements 3. Special Provisions, (if any) 4. Specifications 5. Plans and drawings which are attached to the Specifications or which are identified as Sheets 1 to for: 6. Addenda No. through 7. Contract Bond 8. This Agreement This Agreement, together with the documents hereinbefore mentioned, form the,Contract, and all documents are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached hereto or herein repeated. G - 13 .` . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of this agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. (Seal) THE OF (Seal) By , Mayor By , Attest: Clerk Contractor By (Title) In the presence of: G - 14 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that We, as Principal and (a corporation certified by the Minnesota Commissioner of Insurance and authorized to- act as a surety as provided in Minnesota Statutes Section 71.31 and 574.15), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the of , a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "Obligee ", for the use of the Obligee and of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials or insurance premiums, or equipment or supplies, for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract described below, in the amount of DOLLARS ($ ), for the payment of which well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us, and our, and each of our, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee dated ,- 19 , for: the regularity and validity of which is hereby affirmed and for which a bond is re- quired by Minnesota Statutes Section 5744.26; NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform and complete said contract in accord - ance with its terms and shall pay, as they may become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums; equipment and supplies, and shall save the Obligee harmless from all costs and charges that may occur on account of the doing of the work specified and for the enforcing of the terms of this bond if action is brought hereon, including reasonable attorney's fees, in any case where such action is successfully maintained and for the compliance with the laws appertaining thereto, then this bond shall be void, but otherwise shall remain in full force and effect. No assignment, modification, or change in the contract, or change in the work covered thereby, nor any extension of time for completion of the contract, shall re- lease the Surety on this bond. Sealed with our seals and dated this day of Witnesses to Contractor's signature: (Seal of Contractor) ( if a Corporation) Witnesses to Surety's signature: By and Principal (Name of Contractor) Its Its Surety by G - 15 Its ,19 op CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PRINCIPAL (For use where Contractor is Individual or Partnership) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 , before me personally appeared to me known to be the person_ described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and acknowledged that he executed the same as free act and deed, (Notarial Seal) Notary Public CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (For use where Contractor is a Corporation). STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 before me personally appeared and to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corpora- tion, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of the corporation.by authority of its Board of Directors, and said and acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation, Notary Public (Notarial Seal) Full Name of Surety Company Home Office Address 9 f Name of Attorney -in -fact Name of Local Agency Addresd.of.:LoealtAgency If this bond is executed outside of the State of Minnesota, it must be countersigned on the Performance Bond by a Minnesota resident agent of the Surety Company. 9 Name of Agent affixing countersignature Address MEMORANDUM: Affix here Power of Attorney and Acknowledgement of Corporate Surety. G - 16