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CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROIThENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this $�'�' day' of -�- , 1960 between the Village of Edina'. a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; hereinafter referred to as .the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and BLACK TOP SERVICE COMPANY of 7400 W. CAMBRIDGE ST8, ST, LOUIS PARK, TIINP hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article to The Contractor, for and in of the payment or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be madey hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equipment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the improvement of the following streets: PROJECT 1 - INTERLACHEN BLVD. FROM COOPER AVE. TO MIRROR LAKES DR, MIRROR LAKES DR. FROM 1NTERLACHEN BLVD, TO AYRSHIRE BLVD, PROJECT 3 - BROOKSIDE AVE* FROM HWY. #169 TO &)TEST 49TH STREET PROJECT 4 - SUNNYSIDE RD. FROM M Y, #100 TO 420 FEET EASTERLY PROJECT 5 - WEST 52ND ST,, ?=ROM ARDEN AVE. TO JUANITA AVE PROJECT 6 - VALLEY VIEW RD, FROM HANSEN RD, TO WYMA.PJ AVE, SS.� il3,PROJECT 7 14IGHLAND RD, FROM CRESCENT DR, . TO 340 FEET WESTERLY PROJECTS - NEST 56TH ST, POP YORK AVE, TO XERXES AVE. PROJECT 9 - WEST 56TH ST, FROM PARK PLACE TO 165 FEET EASTERLY J S oS� i��l PROJECT 10 - WESTRIDGE BLVD,. FROM VALLEY VIEW RD, TO NORTH LINE OF VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION CRESCENT DRIVE FROM HILLSIDE ROAD TO t1JESTRIDGE BLVD. CREST LANE AND ARBOUR LADE HILLSIDE RD. FROM VALLEY VIEW RD, TO TRACY AVE, VALLEY VIEaz J RD, FROM 111. 66TH ST, TO M,N.& S. RAILROAD CRESCENT DR. FROM WESTRIDGE BLVD, TO N. eINE OF VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDN, PROJECT 11 DUBLIN RD, FROM WEST 70TH ST, TO 150 FEET SOUTH WEST 70TH ST, FROM ANTRIM RD, TO DUBLIN RD, TOTAL BY CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT REPLACEPJENT THEREIN A $319002.00 $ 2,669.50 $ 2,815050 $ 2,675.00 $ 1,401000 $ 11,317050 $ 2,502.50 $ 10575.00, $27.774060 $$ 4. 24k&O $78,078.40 in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor y which are now on file in the osfice of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred-to as the Contract Documents„ Article 2. The Contractor agrees.to comme =nce said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than TEN WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN ORDER FROM THE VILLAGE ENGINEER, and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to-have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer WITHIN NINETY CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER, V 11i Article 3o, The Contractor further agrees to make$, execute and deliver to the Wmicipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality in the sum of SEVERITY -EIGHT THOUSAND SEVENTY -EIOT DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS ($78'078.40)9 for the use of said Municipality and of 411 persons doing work or furnishing skill9 toolso machinery or materials under or for -the purpose of this contracts to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by.Sec, 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905' as amendedg, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality, Article 4, In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above9 the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor., which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto, Installment payments, if any,, on account of work done and the materials furnished. by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvements shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the Mork has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipality's attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for hereino IN WI-17 ESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate sea? to be hereunto affixedg and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalfo VILLAGE OF EDINA WITNESSED BYs BY Mayor WITNESSED Bars BY Village Manager CONT'RAC IOR BY BY BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 910 NORTH KNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 6.2612 June 10, 1960 RE: EDINA, MINNESOTA WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS Our File: #5531 Village Council and Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minneapolis Gentlemen: Recently the City of Minneapolis proposed to sell "surplus" water to the Village of Bloomington under terms and conditions considerably different from those anti- cipated at the time we prepared a report for you in December. of 1959. Your Village Manager subsequently inquired of Minneapolis whether a similar program would be available to the Village of Edina, for which the answer was affirmative. In.view of this we were directed to cease work on the preparation of plans and specifications for proposed iron removal plants and to reevaluate the over -all program based upon the new conditions. The attached report is a reevaluation of these conditions. Following the prepar- ation of our report of December 11, 1959, the Council determined that the program which the Village should adopt was "continuation of present program" plus iron removal. The accompanying report outlines the capital expenditures necessgry for obtaining water from Minneapolis and compares the costs therefor with the .program adopted by the Village Council. We recommend that this be reviewed by the Council and that a complete discussion of the problem be had prior to making further determinations. AWB : aw I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State f a June 10, 1960 Reg. No. 2439 Respectfully submitted, BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. By A. W. B nister INTRODUCTION In the report dated December 11, 1959, hereinafter referred to as the "previous" report, seven different programs were considered, evaluated, and compared, as follows: 1. Continue with present program. 2. Modify all but one of the existing wells to obtain all water from the Hinckley sandrock formation. 3. Provide iron removal facilities for all water which will be obtained from wells. 4. Provide iron removal and Zeolite softening for all water to be received from wells. 5. Provide lime - soda -ash treatment for all of the water received from wells. 6. Purchase water wholesale from the City of Minneapolis. 7. Modify all but one of the existing wells to obtain all water from the Hinckley sandrock formation plus providing iron removal facilities for all wells. After carefully reviewing the matter and comparing the costs for the various programs the Council elected to proceed with providing iron removal immediately for four of the exist- ing wells through the construction of three separate iron removal plants. One of the iron removal plants was intended to serve two wells. The Council further determined,-that all future wells should be constructed by drilling to the Hinckley sandrock and obtaining water therefrom. Such a program was started and plans are currently completed for one of the iron removal plants and partially completed for another one. At the time the previous report was prepared certain conditions suggested by the City of Minneapolis were the basis of cost estimates for the purchase of Minneapolis water. The basic limitation for the use of Minneapolis water was that the water must be taken "off peak" from 8 :00 P.M. to 12:00 noon and that no water could be drawn from Minneapolis between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 P.M. Further, if Minneapolis water was to be used, all water must come from Minneapolis, and Village well water could not be intro- duced into the system. A "step" rate for the purchase of Minneapolis water was to apply, with the lowest "step" being $.17 per 100 cubic feet. In -.the analysis in the previous - 1 - report a "flat" rate of $.17 per 100 cubic feet was used, although this was, admittedly, not mathematically correct. However, it was then suggested that the volumes of water for which higher rates would apply would be so small, from a practical standpoint, the rate of $.17 would largely apply. The conditions under which Minneapolis currently proposes to furnish water to Bloomington are outlined in detail in the proposed contract between the City of Minneapolis and the Village of Bloomington of which a copy has been obtained by the Edina Village Manager. These conditions are substantially different from the conditions used in the analysis in the previous report. The basic differences are: 1. Minneapolis will now permit water to be taken "on demand" for the first three years of purchase. 2. Minneapolis water can be supplemented by water from the Village wells providing adequate protection is provided to prevent this water from "feeding back" into the Minneapolis system. 3. The "off peak" period during which water can be obtained from Minneapolis is from 9:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M. 4. The "step" rate for the purchase of water for the first three years, which is "on demand ", will now drop as low as $.12 per 100 cubic feet for consumption of all water over 13 million cubic feet per month in comparison with the $.17 per 100 cubic feet used in the previous report. Lakewise, a further rate reduction is proposed for the lowest "step" for obtaining water during "off peak" based upon a percentage of the Minneapolis rate charged to users within the City of Minneapolis. This lowest "step" for all water in excess of 13 mil- lion cubic feet per month (97,500,000 gallons per month) computes to be $.08 per 100 cubic feet based on present rates. It is probable that Edina water consumption will be sufficiently large to obtain this lower rate for only two months per year now, 6 months in 1970, and every month in 1980. This is depend- ent, in the immediate future, on the amount of lawn sprinkling. IWAE A summary of the rates to be charged by Minneapolis, in the Bloomington contract, follows- "s tep" 1st 400,000 cu.ft. next 2,100,000 cu.ft. next 4,500,000 cu.ft. next 6,000,000 cu.ft. All over 13,000,000 cu.ft. 1st 3 years 0.25/100 cu.ft. 0.20/100 cu.ft. 0.15 /100 cu.ft. 0.14/100 cu.ft. 0.12 /100 cu.ft. Pff Peak 0.25/100 cu.ft. 0.20/100 cu.ft. 0.11 /100 cu.ft. 0.10 /100 cu.ft. 0.08/100 cu.ft. On Demand After 1st 3 yrs. 0.25/100 cu.ft. 0.20 /100 cu.ft. 0.15/100 cu.ft. 0.14/100 cu.ft. 0.12/100 cu.ft. It is to be noted that the contract stipulates a fixed rate for the first three years. After the first three years the rate is a percentage of the rates charged by the City of Minneapolis to users within the City. The foregoing has been computed on the basis of the present rates. If rates within the City of Minneapolis are raised the rates outlined _herein will also increase. DESIGN CRITERIA WATER CONSUMPTION The actual water production in Edina for 1959 was 787 million gallons. It will be recalled that the water consumption used in the previous report, for 1960, was estimated-to be 800 million gallons. Future water consumption has been estimated for each month of the years 1970, 1975, and 1980 by projecting the water use,for 1959 to the anticipated population in each of these years. A detailed estimate of anticipated water consumption,is given in Table 1. These are the same water consumption figures used in the previous report. PURCHASING WATER FROM MINNEAPOLIS: In purchasing water from Minneapolis several things must be considered. Firstly, the pressure available in the larger feeder main within Minneapolis, but adjacent to Edina, ..3_ is sufficient to fill any surface reservoir in Edina by gravity, unless it is located on exceedingly high ground. The pressure in the Minneapolis mains is not, however, sufficient to meet the pressure requirements of the Village of Edina. Therefore, booster pumps must be installed either to boost the water pressure from the Minneapolis mains to the Edina pressure or to pump the water from surface reservoirs to the pressures'of the Edina mains. It must be realized, to use Minneapolis water "off peak ", that sufficient water must be stored to meet all of the demands within Edina for the twelve hour period from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. By 1970 it is estimated that 17 million gallons will be consumed in Edina during this twelve hour period on the maximum day. There are presently S million gallons of storage available. If all of the water is to be obtained from Minneapolis a minimum of 17 million gallons of storage must be provided, or 12 million gallons in addition to existing storage. If the present wells are used to supplement the storage during the twelve hour period, then 12 million gallons of storage need be provided, or 8 million gallons in addition to existing storage. By 1980, if the water consumption continues to increase as anticipated, a total of 24 million gallons is estimated to be consumed during the twelve hour period from 9:00 A.M. to.9:00 P.M. on the maximum day. To meet this condition,storage of an additional 7 million gallons over that needed to meet the 1970 condition, will be needed. It must be considered that the future rate of growth might not continue as rapidly as these estimates indicate. Should this occur the 1980 condition might not be reached until considerably later. Therefore, it is considered that reservoirs must be constructed to meet the 1970 condition with additions thereto, or another reservoir in another loca- tion, being constructed when the need arises. In addition to the storage considerations it must be realized that any water main from the Minneapolis "feeder" main to the Village of Edina must be of sufficient size to fill the reservoir during the twelve hour period from 9:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M. plus having capacity to supply the demand of the Village during this twelve hour "off peak" period. - 4 - In computing the capacity of the wells, to supplement Minneapolis water, a twelve hour pumping period for each well has been assumed. The reasons for this are numerous. One interesting consideration is that the maximum hour consumption of water in Edina, based upon 1958 and 1959 pumping figures, occurs from 9:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., which falls within the "off peak" time when water can be obtained from Minneapolis. It is possible that the wells might have to supplement Minneapolis water during this maximum hour. If a 10 million gallon reservoir is constructed to meet the 1970 condition, a total of 15 million gallons of water must be taken from Minneapolis to fill the new reservoir and the existing reservoirs and tanks. This requires a rate of 21,000 gallons per minute. The average consumption during the twelve hour "off peak" period for 1970 is estimated to be 4,280,000 gallons. Therefore, the total rate of draw -off from Minneapolis, for which the water main must be sized, is 26,800,000 gallons per minute. In addition to this, fire flow must be added. If the maximum hour demand were to be met from Minneapolis an additional 13,000 gallons per minute would be needed. It is not felt reasonable to attempt to meet this condition. It is anticipated that the maximum hour of usage will not increase in the same proportion as the total daily consumption. It is further anticipated that the existing wells could be used to meet a part of this, although this would occur outside the twelve hour pumping time anticipated for the wells, and used in the computations herein. The water main from Minneapolis to any reservoir in Edina must be sized to carry at least 26,800 gallons per minute of such size to permit the reservoir to fill by gravity. Addi- tional large mains from the reservoir must be constructed. This is required because the present distribution system was constructed for supplying water at dispersed locations and not from a single point. CONTINUATION OF PRESENT PROGRAM PLUS IRON REMOVAL: The design criteria for this program was given in the previous report. This was given in some detail, including cost estimates in Table 3 of the previous report, which is - 5 - reproduced herein as Table 2. It is given solely for illustration and ease of comparison. No detailed discussion is given. It must be realized that the entire water system in Edina was originally designed on the basis of dispersed wells. Accordingly, the distribution system requires a minimum of modifications for a continuation of the present program whereas large feeder mains are required if water is purchased from Minneapolis. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION - PURCHASED FROM MINNEAPOLIS DESCRIPTION: For purchasing water from Minneapolis it is currently proposed that a 10 million gallon reservoir be constructed near the intersection of the proposed "cross town highway" and Highway 100. This would require the purchasing of land. It is further proposed that two 24 inch water mains be constructed from the existing Minneapolis water main, along the right of way of the proposed "cross town highway" to the site of the new reservoir. In addition thereto, another 24 inch water main must be constructed from the reservoir westerly to connect to the existing 12 inch water main on Warren Avenue, thence a 20 inch water main to Valley.View Road. Further, a 24 inch water main must be run easterly from the reservoir to Concord Street and thence continue as a 20 inch to Brookview, thence reduced to a 12 inch to run easterly to the existing -8 inch main on France Avenue. The size of the reservoir is dependent on whether well supply will be used to supplement Minneapolis water or not. At the reservoir a pumping station must be constructed to pump the water from the reservoir into the Village water system. It is possible that construction of the reservoir could be eliminated and water taken from Minneapolis "on demand ". This would require a pumping station located near France Avenue and the "cross town highway ", with a large feeder running westerly. However, in discussions with Minneapolis representatives such a program does not appear desirable from their viewpoint and has not been considered in detail, other than in a computation of payments to Minneapolis. Table 4 of this report, discussed later herein, shows the annual costs for 1980 estimated consumption. The payments to Minneapolis for "on demand" will be $118,700 more than for "off peak ". This is more than the amount necessary to amortize the capital costs for "off peak" use. CAPITAL COSTS: The capital costs necessary to purchase water from Minneapolis for "off peak" use for 1970 conditions are estimated to be: 22,200 lin.ft. 24" feeder main F @ $ 21.00 /l.f. $ 466,200 3,950 lin.ft. 24" trunk main @ 21.00 /l.f. 82,950 80 lin.ft. 24" trunk main jacked @ 90.00 /l.f. 7,200 5,000 lin.ft. 20" trunk main @ 18.00 /l.f. 90,000 50 lin.ft. 20" trunk main jacked @ 70.00 /l.f. 3,500 12 each 24" gate valves and manholes @ 1,700.00 /ea. 20,400 2 each 20" gate valves and manholes @ 1,500.00 /ea. 3,000 2 each 48" gate valves and manholes @ 16,000.00 /ea. 32,000 1,600 lin.ft. 12" trunk main @ 9.00 /l.f. 14,400 2 each 8" gate valves @ 150.00 /ea. 300 6 each 12" gate valves and manholes @ 475.00/ea. 2,850 7 each 6" gate valves @ 110.00 /ea. 770 10 M -Gal. Surface reservoir @ 550,000.00 /ea. 550,000 1 each Meter station @ 40,000.00 /ea. 40,000 1 each Pumping station @ 100,000.00 /ea. 100,000 Cut -ins and connections 20,000 Automatic controls 10,000 $ 1,443,600 Engineering and Miscellaneous - 107. 144,700 1,588,000 Contingencies - 5% 79,400 Grand Total $ 1,667,400 - 7 - The foregoing costs are based on a 10 million gallon reservoir, assuming supplementing Minneapolis water with well water. If all water is obtained from Minneapolis the reservoir must be increased to 12 million gallons, resulting in an increase in capital cost of approximately $87,000, providing an estimated total cost of $1,754,400. In the future, to meet 1980 estimated consumption, more feeder mains and an additional reservoir will be needed, which are estimated to cost approximately $635,300, based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. (This results in a total capital cost of $2,390,000 which is substantially that used in the previous report). The unit cost per 100 cubic feet or per thousand gallons is entirely a function of the volume of consumption. Table 1 gives the estimated water consumption. The annual amortization costs are estimated to be: Principal Interest @ 5% (23?/./yr.)' Total 1970 1980 conditions conditions (supplementing (all from from wells) Minneapolis) $ 83,370 $ 119,500 41,685 59,250 $ 125,055 $ 178,750 The cost per 100 cubic feet and per 1000 gallons, based on the estimated consumption is estimated to be: 1970 conditions 1970 conditions 1980 (1960 consumption) (1970 consumption) (1980 consumption) Cost per 100 cu.ft. $0.1172 $0.0586 $0.0559 Cost per 1000 gals. 0.1563 PAYMENTS TO MINNEAPOLIS: Off Peak lowly N 0.0745 Estimated payments to Minneapolis for the total consumption are given in Table 3. These figures are based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. The supplementing with well - 8 - supply -has not been deducted because this supplement is assumed to satisfy "peak" conditions. The average payment to Minneapolis per 100 cubic feet and per 1000 gallons is also given in Table 3. Any variation is consumption is not directly proportional to the total pay- ment or payment per 100 cubic feet because of the "step" rate. Lower consumption will result in a higher unit cost, and conversely, higher consumption will provide a lower unit cost. On Demand The "on demand" payments to Minneapolis for 1960 are given in Table 3, previously dis- cussed. Table 4 gives the payments "on demand" for 1980. In addition, the annual saving for purchasing "off peak" compared to "on demand" is also given. It is evident that "on demand" purchase is not attractive.. SUMMARY: .Purchasing from Minneapolis requires the following costs: 1. Amortization of capital costs. 2. Payment to Minneapolis for water purchased. 3. Power for pumping from reservoir and power for pumping from wells for supple- mental supply. 4. Administration of system, such as billing, meter reading, repairs, etc. This will be the same regardless of whether Minneapolis water is used or well supply is used. The total estimated cost for purchasing water from Minneapolis is: (1) (1) 1960 Capital 1960 Capital Costs for 1970 Costs for 1970 Conditions Conditions (1960 Consumption) (1970 Consumption) Amortization $125,000 $125,000 Payment to Minneapolis 170,000 236,000 (2) 1980 Costs for 1980 Conditions (1980 Consumption; $179,000 326,000 Power Costs $ 29,000 $ 58,000 $ 87,000 Administration 104,000 139,000 175,000 $ 428,000 $ 558,000 $ 767,000 Cost per 100 cu.ft. $0.4002 $0.2609 $0.2391' Cost per 1000 gals. 0.5350 0.3488 0.3196 NOTE: (1) Based on supplementing water from Minneapolis with well supply. (2) Based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. COMPARISON Table 5 illustrates a comparison in cost between purchasing water from Minneapolis and providing a well supply with iron removal. It will be noted that the total annual costs are higher, in each instance, for purchasing water from Minneapolis, whether well supply is used to supplement Minneapolis water or not. For 1970 conditions, and 1960 consumption, the annual cost of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" is estimated to be $196,915 compared to $428,000 for "Purchasing Water from Minneapolis ", providing a saving of $232,000 per year. For 1970 consumption a direct comparison is not given. For 1980 conditions, and 1980 consumption, the annual cost of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" is estimated to be $488,838 compared to $767,000 for "Purchasing Water from Minneapolis ", providing a saving of $278,000 per year. From solely an economic standpoint the previously adopted program of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" should be followed. There are other features which must be considered. The Village Council and an appointed committee determined that such a program of Well Supply and Iron Removal was desirable. If such feeling regarding water quality still exists, then a recommendation for proceeding with the previously adopted program is made. - 10 - Water quality is somewhat a matter of choice and policy. The figures given herein apply to Edina only. A comparison with other suburbs not having an existing system cannot be made. Purchase of water from Minneapolis requires expenditures which would not be required if a fully new system were to be constructed. Certain matters affecting a decision are as much or more policy matters than engineering matters and are outlined herein to assist in reaching a decision. COMPARISON OF SUPPLY To assist the Village authorities in policy determination, certain advantages of Minneapolis water and a Well Supply are given. The matter of relative hardness, or softness, must be considered. The previous report contained an error concerning the cost of home softening. This has previously been dis- cussed with the Village Council. The corrected cost should have been $0.41 rather thane: $0.041 per 1000 gallons. ADVANTAGES OF MINNEAPOLIS WATER: 1. Dependability of supply. Some people feel that well supply is not dependable, while others feel that it is. The majority of authorities feel that a well supply in the vicinity of Edina is dependable. 2. Minneapolis water is not as hard, or is softer, than well water. Minneapolis water has a hardness of 4.5 to 5 grains. Water from wells terminating in the Jordan formation has a hardness of 18 to 20 grains, and terminating in the Hinckley formation has a hardness of about 10 grains. (Only one Edina well now takes water from the Hinckley). 3. Maintenance of wells, purchase of chlorine and fluorine, and frequent inspections of dispersed equipment is eliminated. 4. Water is iron free. - 11 - 5. Requires no further treatment by the Village. ADVANTAGES OF WELL SUPPLY AND IRON REMOVAL: 1. Lower capital and annual costs. 2. Fits present water distribution system and can be increased in increments as the need occurs. 3. Can be iron free. 4. Cooler Temperature. On June 10, 1960, the temperature of Minneapolis water at 54th Street and France, Avenue was 610 F. Across the street Edina water tempera- ture was 500 F. and at the Village Hall was 540 F. The effect of this must be considered. 5. Less water main corrosion. Minneapolis has had a problem of tuberculation in water mains, has undertaken a program of cleaning and cement lining. Cement lined mains in Edina have only been used very recently and few exist. This is a maintenance item. 6. Independence from another city. This is not an engineering problem. Howe-ver-__, some Village officials have mentioned this. This is certainly true in the case:, of water rates because Edina would pay a higher rate if Minneapolis rates are increased. 7. Taste. This again is not an engineering decision but one of personal preference. However, most people feel that well water in Edina has a better taste than Minneapolis water. - 12 - TABLE 1 TAB LE 1 MONTHLY WATER CONSUMPTION (cu. ft. x 100) 1959 1970 1975 1980 January 49,167 100,000 125,000 150,000 February 43,410 88,000 110,000 132,000 March 45,537 92,000 115,000 139,000 April 122,580 249,000 311,000 374,000 May 90,525 184,000 230,000 276,000 June 139,873 283,000 355,000 427,000 July 217,072 437,000 550,000 662,000 August 89,124 182,000 227,000 272,000 September 97,745 198,000 248,000 298,000 October 57,410 118,000 141,000 175,000 November 49,297 102,000 126,000 150,000 December 50,532 104,000 129,000 154,000 Totals 1,052,300 cu.ft. 2,137,000 cu.ft. 2,667,000 cu.ft. 3,209,000 cu.ft. TAB LE 1 TABLE 2 IRON REMOVAL PLANTS AND EXTENSION OF PRESENT PROGRAM TABLE' 2 1960 1980 Conditions Conditions CAPITAL COSTS (1) New Wells - 1 in 1960 $ 75,000.00 $ 900,000.00 12 by 1980 (2) 1 - 6 M. G. Reservoir - 370,000.00 (5) Iron Removal Plants $ 475,000.00 955,000.00 Feeder Mains 38.000.00 238,000.00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 588,000.00 $2,463,000.00 Legal, Engineer, & Miscellaneous - 10% 58,800.00 246,300.00 Contingenciesi - 5% 29,400.00 123,200.00 Total $ 676,200.00 $ 2,832,500.00 (1) Based on "Hinckley" wells, but exclusive of land costs. (2) Land costs not included (5) Based on 7 plants for 8 existing wells (Concord and school wells to use 1 plant). On all future wells use 1 plant for 2 wells. 1960 1960 1980 -,- (800 M.G.) (800 M.G.) (2400 M. G.) ANNUAL COSTS 1960 Costs 1980 Costs 1980 Costs (3) Amortization $ 50,715.00 $ 212,438,000 $ 212,438.00 Power 30,800.00 30,800.00 84,200.00 (4) Adminstrstion 110,000.00 110,000.00 176,000.00 (6) Treatment 5,400.00 ^5,400.00 16,200.00 Total $ 196,915.00 $ 358,638.00 $ 488,838.00 Cost per 1000 gals. $0.2461 $0.4483 $0.2037 Cost per 100 cu. ft. 0.1848 0.3362 0.1528 (3) Based on amortizing "Capital Costs" shown on this estimate only. (4) Includes "Debt Service'! and depreciation for all existing facilities, distribution and balance of Operating Expense (1958 Debt Service was $8,227.00 and for 7 montns of 1959 was $9,111.00) (6) Only chlorination and fluoridation required. Polyphosphate treatment to be discontinued. TABLE' 2 TABLE 3 i TABLE 3 MONTHLY CHARGES BY MINNEAPOLIS (Wells not used) 1960 (1959 Consumption) "On Demand" 'off Peak" Charges Charges 1965 1970 1975 1980 January $ 8,800 $ 7,840 $ 10,650 $ 13,150 $ 15,650 $ 17,750 February 7,900 7,180 9,700 11,950 14,150 16,310 March 8,350 7,510 10,150 12,350 14,650 16,870 April 19,370 15,450 20,630 25,670 30,630 35,650 May 14,750 12,150 16,630 20,470 24,150 27,830 June 21,550 16,950 22,710 28,390 34,150 39,910 July 30,790 23,110 31,910 40,710 49,750 58,710 August 14,610 12,050 16,630 20,310 23,910 27,510 September 15,870 12,950 17,590 21,590 25,590 29,590 October 10,000 8,720 11,850 14,950 17,030 19,750 November 8,800 7,840 10,750 13,350 15,750 17,750 December 9,100 8,060 10,850 13,550 16,050 18,070 Total $ 169,890 $ 139,810 $ 190,050 $ 236,440 $ 281,460 $ 325,700 Cost per 1000 gals. .2158 .1776 .1571 .1480 .1411 .1357 Cost per 100 cu. ft. .1614 .1328 .1175 .1107 .1055 .1015 i TABLE 3 I TABLE 4 . MONTHLY CHARGES BY MINNEAPOLIS IN 1980 FOR PURCHASING WATER "ON DEMAND" Avg. Cost per 1000 gal._= $0.1852 Avg. Cost per 100 cu-ft.= 0.1385 1980 charges "on demand" $ 444,400 1980 charges "off peak" 325,700 (See Table 3) $ 118,700 per year $118,000 per year will amortize $1,570,000 Capital Expenditure.in 20 years at 5% interest. TABLE 4 Consumption (x 100 cu.ft.) Charges January 150,000 $ 22,750 February 132,000 20,590 March 139,000 21,430 April 374,000 49,630 May 276,000 37,870 June 427,000 55,990 July 662,000 86,590 August 272,000 37,390 September 298,000 40,510 October 175,000 25,750 November 150,000 22,750 December 154,000 23,150 Totals 2,400,000 Gallons $ 444,400 Avg. Cost per 1000 gal._= $0.1852 Avg. Cost per 100 cu-ft.= 0.1385 1980 charges "on demand" $ 444,400 1980 charges "off peak" 325,700 (See Table 3) $ 118,700 per year $118,000 per year will amortize $1,570,000 Capital Expenditure.in 20 years at 5% interest. TABLE 4 1960 (1960 Costs) 1970 (1970 Costs) 1970 (1980 Costs) 1980 (1980 Costs) Water Use 800 M.G. Water Use 1600 M.G. Water Use 1600 M.G. 2400 M.G. Description Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annul Cost Cost Cost. Cost per per Cost Cost per per Cost Cost per per Cost Cost per per 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 c.f. gal. c.f. gal c.f. gal c.f. gal *Iron Removal 626,200 196,915 .1848 .2461 and Extension — - of Present Pro- gram Purchase Water from Mpls. "Off - Peak" and Supple - ment.High Peak Periods with 2,234,000 606,000 .2833.3788 Present Well Supply 1,667,400 428,000 .4002 .5350 1,667,400 558,000 .2609.3488 2;832,000 488,838 .1528.2037 2,303,000 761,000.2372.3171 Purchase All Water from 1,754,000 434,500 .4062 .5431 1,754,000 564,500 .2640.3528 Minneapolis 2,390,000 612,000 .2861 .3825 2,390,000 767,000.2391 .3196 *For 1960 (1980 Costs) See Table 8_.of December 1959 Report TABLE 5 - SUMMARY OF COSTS BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 310 NORTH SNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4. MINN. PHONE: MIDWAY 8.2612 June 10, 1960 RE: EDINA, MINNESOTA WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS Our File: #5531 Village Council and Village Manager Village of Edina 4801 West 50th. Street Minneapolis 24, Minnesota Gentlemen: Recently the City of Minneapolis proposed to sell "surplus" water to the Village of Bloomington under terms and conditions considerably different fromx-those'anti- cipated at the time we prepared a report for you in December of 1959.: Your'Village Manager subsequently inquired of Minneapolis whether a similar program would be available to the Village of Edina, for which the answer was affirmative. In view of this we were directed to cease work on the preparation of plans and specifications for proposed iron removal plants and to revaluate the over -all program based upon the new conditions. The attached report is a revaluation of these conditions.. Following the prepar- ation of our report of December 11, 1959, the Council determined that-the program which the Village should adopt was "continuation of present program" peas iron_:.. removal. The accompanying report outlines the capital expenditures necessary for. obtaining water from Minneapolis and compares the costs therefor with the programs ;_„ adopted by the Village Council. We recommend that this be reviewed by the Council and that a complete discussion of the problem be had prior to making farther determinations. AWB:aw I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the :State of a June 10, 1960 Reg. No. 2439 Respectfully submitted, BANISTER.ENGINEERING CO. INTRODUCTION In the report dated December 11, 1959, hereinafter referred to as the "previous" report, seven different programs were considered, evaluated, and compared, as follows: 1. Continue with present program. 2. Modify alk but one of the existing wells to obtain all water from the Hinckley sandrock formation. 3. Provide iron removal facilities for all water which will be obtained from wells. 4. Provide iron removal and Zeolite softening for all water to be received from wells. 5. Provide lime- soda -ash treatment for all of the water received from wells. 6. Purchase water wholesale from the City of Minneapolis. 7. Modify all but one of the existing wells to obtain all water from the Hinckley- sandrock formation plus providing iron removal facilities for all wells. After carefully reviewing the matter and comparing the costs for the various programs the Council elected to proceed with providing iron removal immediately for four of the exist- ing wells through the construction of three separate iron removal plants. One of the iron removal plants was intended to serve two wells. The Council further determined that all future wells should be constructed by drilling.to the - Hinckley sandrock and obtaining water therefrom. Such a program was started and plans are currently completed for one of the iron removal plants and partially completed for another one. At the time the previous report was prepared certain conditions suggested by the City of Minneapolis were the basis of cost estimates for the purchase of Minneapolis water. The basic limitation for the use of Minneapolis water was that the water must be taken "off peak" from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 noon and that no water could be drawn from Minneapolis between the hours of 12 :00 noon and 8 :00 P.M. Further, if Minneapolis water was to be used, all water must come from Minneapolis, and Village well water could not be intro- duce d into the system. A "step" rate for the ` purchase of Minneapolis water was to apply, with the lowest "step" being $.17 per 100 cubic feet. `In-.the analysis in the previous �n report a "flat" rate of $.17 per 100 cubic feet was used, although this was, admittedly, not mathematically correct. However, it was then suggested that the volumes of water for which higher rates would apply would be so small, from a practical standpoint, the rate of $.17 would largely apply. The conditions under which Minneapolis currently proposes to furnish water to Bloomington are outlined in detail in the proposed contract between the City of Minneapolis and the Village of Bloomington of which a copy has been obtained by the Edina Village Manager. ,These conditions are substantially different from the conditions used in the analysis in the previous report. The basic differences are: 1. Minneapolis will now permit water to be taken "on demand" for the first three years of purchase. 2. Minneapolis water can be supplemented by water from the Village wells providing adequate protection is provided to prevent this water from "feeding back" into the Minneapolis system. 3. The "off peak" period during which water can be obtained from Minneapolis is from 9 :00 P.M. to 9:001A.M. 4. The "step" rate for the purchase of water for the first three years, which is "on demand ", will now drop as low as $.12 per 100 cubic feet for consumption of all water over 13 million cubic feet per month in comparison with the $.17 per 100 cubic feet used in the previous report. Likewise, a further rate reduction is proposed for the lowest "step" for obtaining water during "off peak" based upon a percentage of the Minneapolis rate charged to users within the City of Minneapolis. This lowest "step" for all water in excess of 13 mil- lion cubic feet per month (97,500,000 gallons per month) computes to be $.08 per 100 cubic feet based on present rates. It is probable that Edina water consumption will be sufficiently large to obtain this lower rate for only two months per year now, 6 months in 1970, and every month in 1980. This is depend- ent, in the immediate future, on the amount of lawn sprinkling. - 2 - A summary of the rates to be charged by Minneapolis, in the Bloomington contract, follows- It is to be noted that the contract stipulates a fixed rate for the first three years. After the first three years the'rate is a percentage of the rates charged by the City of Minneapolis to users within the,City. The foregoing has been computed on the basis of the present rates. If rates within the City of Minneapolis are raised the rates outlined herein will also increase. DESIGN CRITERIA WATER CONSUMPTION- The actual water production in Edina for 1959 was 787 million gallons. It will be recalled that the water consumption used in the previous report, for 1960, was estimated to be 800 million gallons. Future water consumption has been estimated for each month of the years 1970, 1975, and 1980 by projecting the water use for 1959 to the anticipated population in each of these years. A detailed estimate of anticipated water consumption is given in Table 1. These are the same water consumption figures used in the previous report. PURCHASING WATER FROM MINNEAPOLIS- In purchasing water from Minneapolis severs l. things must be,considered. Firstly, the pressure available in the larger feeder main within Minneapolis, but adjacent to Edina, 3 On Demand "Step" 1st 3 Years ff Peak After 1st 3 Yrs. lst 400,000 cu.ft. 0.25/100 cu.ft. 0.25/100 cu.ft. 0.25/100 cu.ft. next 2,100,000 cu.ft. 0.20/100 cu.ft. 0.20/100 cu.ft. 0.20 /100 cu.ft. next 4,500,000 cu.ft. 0.15/100 cu.ft. 0.11 /100 cu.ft. 0.15/100 cu.ft. next 6,000,000 cu.ft. 0.14/100 cu.ft. 0.10 /100 cu.ft. 0.14/100 cu.ft. All over 13,000,000 cu.ft. 0.12/100 cu.ft. 0.08/100 cu.ft. 0.12/100 cu.ft. It is to be noted that the contract stipulates a fixed rate for the first three years. After the first three years the'rate is a percentage of the rates charged by the City of Minneapolis to users within the,City. The foregoing has been computed on the basis of the present rates. If rates within the City of Minneapolis are raised the rates outlined herein will also increase. DESIGN CRITERIA WATER CONSUMPTION- The actual water production in Edina for 1959 was 787 million gallons. It will be recalled that the water consumption used in the previous report, for 1960, was estimated to be 800 million gallons. Future water consumption has been estimated for each month of the years 1970, 1975, and 1980 by projecting the water use for 1959 to the anticipated population in each of these years. A detailed estimate of anticipated water consumption is given in Table 1. These are the same water consumption figures used in the previous report. PURCHASING WATER FROM MINNEAPOLIS- In purchasing water from Minneapolis severs l. things must be,considered. Firstly, the pressure available in the larger feeder main within Minneapolis, but adjacent to Edina, 3 is sufficient to fill any surface reservoir in Edina by gravity, unless it is located on exceedingly high ground. The pressure in the Minneapolis mains is not, however, sufficient to meet the pressure requirements of the Village of Edina. Therefore, booster pumps must be installed either to boost the water pressure from the Minneapolis mains to the Edina pressure or to pump the water from surface reservoirs to the pressures of the Edina mains. It must be realized, to use Minneapolis water "off peak ", that sufficient water must be stored to meet all of the demands within Edina for the twelve hour period from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. By 1970 it is estimated that 17 million gallons will be consumed in Edina during this twelve hour period on the maximum day. There are presently S million gallons of storage available. If all of the water is to be obtained from Minneapolis a minimum of 17 million gallons of storage must be provided, or.12 million gallons in addition to existing storage. If the present wells are used to supplement the storage during the twelve hour period, then 12 million gallons of storage need be provided, or 8 million gallons in addition to existing storage. By 1980, if the water consumption continues to increase as anticipated, a total of 24 million gallons is estimated to be consumed during the twelve hour period from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. on "the maximum day. To meet this condition,storage of an additional 7 million gallons over that needed to meet the 1970 condition, will be needed. It must be considered that the future rate of growth might not continue as rapidly as these estimates indicate. Should this occur the 1980 condition might not be reached until considerably later. Therefore, it is considered that reservoirs must be constructed to meet the 1970 condition with additions thereto, or another reservoir in another loca- tion, being constructed when the need arises. In addition to the storage considerations it must be realized that any water main from the Minneapolis "feeder" main to the Village of Edina must be of sufficient size to fill the reservoir during the twelve hour period from 9:00 P.M. to 9:00 A.M. plus having capacity to supply the demand of the Village during this twelve hour "off peak" period: - 4 - In computing the capacity of the wells, to supplement Minneapolis water, a twelve hour pumping period for each well has been assumed. The reasons for this are numerous. One interesting consideration is that the maximum hour consumption of water in Edina, based upon 1958 and 1959 pumping figures, occurs from 9:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., which falls within the "off peak" time when water can be obtained from Minneapolis. It is possible that the wells might have to supplement Minneapolis water during this maximum hour. If a 10 million gallon reservoir is constructed to meet the 1970 condition, a total of i 15 million gallons of water must be taken from Minneapolis to fill the new reservoir and the existing reservoirs and tanks. This requires a rate of 21,000 gallons per minute. The average consumption during the twelve hour "off peak" period for 1970 is estimated to be 4,280,000 gallons. Therefore, the total rate of draw -off from Minneapolis, for which the water main must be sized, is 26,800 gallons.per minute. In addition to this, fire flow',must be added. If the maximum hour demand were to be met from Minneapolis an additional 13,000 gallons per minute would be needed. It is not felt reasonable to attempt to meet this condition. It is anticipated that the maximum hour of usage will not increase in the same proportion as the total daily consumption. It is further anticipated that the existing"wel.ls could be used to meet a part of this, although this would occur outside the twelve hour pumping time anticipated for the wells; and used in the computations herein. The water main from Minneapolis to any reservoir in Edina must be sized to carry at least 26,800 gallons per minute of such size to permit the reservoir to fill by gravity. Addi- tional large mains from the reservoir must be constructed. This is required because the present distribution system was constructed for supplying water at dispersed locations and not from a single point. CONTINUATION OF PRESENT PROGRAM PLUS IRON REMOVAL: The design criteria for this program was given in the previous report. This was given in some detail, including cost estimates in Table 3 of the previous report, which is - 5 - reproduced herein as Table 2. It is given solely for illustration and ease of comparison. No detailed discussion is given. It,must be realized that the entire water system in Edina was originally designed on the basis of dispersed wells. Accordingly, the distribution system requires a minimum of modifications for a continuation of the present program whereas large feeder mains are required if water is purchased from Minneapolis. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION - PURCHASED FROM MINNEAPOLIS DESCRIPTION: For purchasing water from Minneapolis it is currently proposed that a 10 million gallon reservoir be constructed near the intersection of the proposed "cross town highway" and Highway 100. This would require the purchasing of land. It is further proposed that two 24 inch water mains be constructed from the existing Minneapolis water main, along the right of way of the proposed "cross town highway" to the site of the new reservoir. In addition thereto, another 24 inch water main must be constructed from the reservoir westerly to connect to the existing 12 inch water main on Warren Avenue, thence a 20 inch water main to Valley.View Road. Further, a 24 inch water main must be run easterly from the reservoir to Concord Street and thence continue as a 20 inch to Brookview, thence reduced to a 12 inch to run easterly to the existing 8 inch main on France Avenue. The size of the reservoir is dependent on whether well supply will be used to supplement Minneapolis water or not. At the reservoir a pumping station must be constructed to pump the water from the reservoir into the Village water system. It is possible that construction of the reservoir could be eliminated and water taken from Minneapolis "on demand ". This would require a pumping station located near France Avenue and the "cross town highway ", with a large feeder running westerly. However, in 'discussions with Minneapolis representatives such a program does not appear desirable from their viewpoint and has not been considered in detail, other than in a computation - 6 - of payments to Minneapolis. Table 4 of this report, discussed later herein, shows the annual costs for 1980 estimated consumption. The payments to Minneapolis for "on demand" will be $118,700 more than for "off peak ". This is more than the amount necessary to amortize the capital costs for "off peak" use. CAPITAL COSTS: The capital costs necessary to purchase water from Minneapolis for "off peak" use for 1970 conditions are estimated to be: 22,200 lin.ft. 24" feeder main @ 3,950 lin.ft 24" trunk main @ 80 lin.ft. 24" trunk main jacked @ 5,000 lin.ft. 20" trunk main @ 50 lin.ft. 20" trunk main jacked @ 12 each 24" gate valves and manholes @ 2 each 20" gate valves and manholes @ 2 each 48" gate valves and manholes @ 1,600 lin.ft. 12" trunk main @ 2 each 8" gate valves @ 6 each 12" gate valves and manholes @ 7 each 6" gate valves @ 10 M.G... Surface reservoir @ 1 each Meter station @ 1 each Pumping station @ Cut -ins and connections Automatic controls $ 21.00 /l.f. $ 466,200 21.00 /1.f. 90.00 /1.f. 18.00 /1.f. 70.00 /1.f. 1,700.00 /ea. 1,500.00 /ea. 16,000.00 /ea. 9.00 /l.f. 150.00 /ea. 475.00/ea. 110.00 /ea. 550,000.00 /ea. 40,000.00 /ea. 100,000.00 /ea. Engineering and Miscellaneous - 10% Contingencies - 5% - 7 - Grand Total 82,950 7,200 90,000 3,500 20,400 3,000 32,000 14,400 300 2,850 770 550,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 10,000 $ 1,443,600 144.700 1,588,000 79.400 $ 1,667,400 The foregoing costs are based on a 10 million gallon reservoir, assuming supplementing Minneapolis water with well water. If all water is obtained from Minneapolis the reservoir must be increased to 12 million gallons, resulting in an increase in capital cost of approximately $87,000, providing an estimated total cost of $1,754,400. In the future, to meet 1980 estimated consumption, more feeder mains and an additional reservoir will be needed, which are estimated to cost approximately $635,300, based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. (This results in a total capital cost of $2,390,000 which is substantially that used in the previous report). The unit cost per 100 cubic feet or per thousand gallons is entirely a function of the volume of consumption. Table 1 gives the estimated water consumption. The annual amortization costs are estimated to be: 1970 1980 conditions conditions (supplementing (all.from from wells) Minneapolis) Principal $ 83,370 $ 119,500 Interest @ 5% (2k% /yr,. ) 41,685 59,250 Total $ 125,055 $ 178,750 The cost per 100 cubic feet and per 1000 gallons, based on the estimated consumption is estimated to be: 1970 conditions 1970 conditions (1960 consumption) (1970 consumption) Cost per 100 cu.ft. $0.1172 $0.0586 Cost per 1000 gals. 0.1563 PAYMENTS TO MINNEAPOLIS: 0.0782 MI-H (1980 consumption) $0.0559 0.0745 Off Peak Estimated payments to Minneapolis for the total consumption are given in Table 3. These figures are based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. The supplementing with well - 8 - supply -has not been deducted because this supplement is assumed to satisfy "peak" conditions. The average payment to Minneapolis per 100 cubic feet and per 1000 gallons is also given in Table 3. Any variation is consumption is not directly proportional to the total pay- ment or payment per 100 cubic feet because of the "step" rate. Lower consumption will result in a higher unit cost, and conversely, higher consumption will provide a lower it cost. The "on demand" payments to Minneapolis for 1960 are given in Table 3, previously dis- cussed. Table 4 gives the payments "on demand" for 1980. In addition, the annual saving for purchasing "off peak" compared to "on demand" is also given. It is evident that "on demand" purchase is not attractive. SUMMARY: Purchasing from Minneapolis requires the following costs: 1. Amortization of capital costs. 2. Payment to Minneapolis,for water purchased. 3. Power for pumping from reservoir and power for pumping from wells for supple - mental supply. 4. Administration of system, such as billing, meter reading, repairs, etc. This will be the same regardless of whether Minneapolis water is used.or well supply is used. The total estimated cost for purchasing water from Minneapolis is: (1) (1) Amortization Payment.to Minneapolis. 1960 Capital Costs for 1970 Conditions (1960 Consumption) $125,000 170,000 1960 Capital Costs for 1970 Conditions (1970 Consumption) $125,000 236,000 (2) 1980 Costs for 1980 Conditions (1980 Consumption $179,000 326,000 Power Costs Administration Cost per 100 cu-ft. Cost per 1000 gals. $ 29,000 104,000 $ 428,000 $0.4002 0.5350 $ 58,000 139,000 $ 558,000 $0.2609 0.3488 $ 87,000 17000 $ 767,000 $0.2391 0.3196 NOTE: (1) Based on supplementing water from Minneapolis with well supply. (2) Based on purchasing all water from Minneapolis. COMPARISON Table 5 illustrates a comparison in cost between purchasing water from Minneapolis and providing a well supply with iron removal. It will be'noted that the total annual costs are higher, in each instance, for purchasing water from Minneapolis, whether well supply is used to supplement Minneapolis water or not. For 1970 conditions, and 1960 consumption, the annual cost of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" is estimated to be $196,915 compared to $428,000 for "Purchasing Water from Minneapolis ", providing a saving of $232,000 per year. For 1970 consumption a direct comparison is not given. For 1980 conditions, and 1980 consumption, the annual cost of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" is estimated to be $488,838 compared to $767,000 for "Purchasing Water from Minneapolis ", providing a saving of $278,000 per year. From solely an economic standpoint the previously adopted program of "Well Supply and Iron Removal" should be followed. There are other features which must be considered. The Village Council and an appointed committee determined that such a program of Well Supply and Iron Removal was desirable. If such feeling regarding water quality still exists, then a recommendation for proceeding with the previously adopted program is made. mul E Water quality is somewhat a matter of choice and policy. The figures given herein apply -to Edina only. A comparison with other suburbs not having an existing system cannot be made. Purchase of water from Minneapolis requires expenditures which would not be required if a fully new system were to be constructed. Certain matters affecting a decision are as much or more policy matters than engineering matters and are outlined herein to assist in reaching a decision. COMPARISON OF SUPPLY To assist the Village authorities in policy determination, certain advantages of Minneapolis water and a Well Supply are given. The matter of relative hardness, or softness, must be considered. The previous report contained an error concerning the cost of home softening. This has previously been dis- cussed with the Village Council. The corrected cost should have been $0.41 rather than $0.041 per 1000 gallons. ADVANTAGES OF MINNEAPOLIS WATER: 1. Dependability of supply. Some people feel that well supply is not dependable, while others feel that it is. The majority of authorities feel that a well supply in the vicinity of Edina is dependable. 2. Minneapolis water is not as hard, or is softer, than well water. Minneapolis water has a hardness of 4.5 to 5 grains. Water from wells terminating in the. Jordan formation has a hardness of 18 to 20 grains, and terminating in the Hinckley formation has,a hardness of about 10 grains. (Only one Edina well now takes water from the Hinckley). 3. Maintenance of wells, purchase of chlorine and fluorine, and frequent inspections of dispersed equipment is eliminated. 4. Water is iron free. - 11 - 5. Requires no further treatment by the Village. ADVANTAGES OF WELL SUPPLY AND IRON REMOVAL: 1. Lower capital and annual costs. 2. Fits present water distribution system and can be increased in increments as the need occurs. 3. Can be iron free. 4. Cooler Temperature. On June 10,'1960, the temperature of Minneapolis water at 54th Street and France Avenue was 610 F. Across the street Edina water tempera- ture was 50 F. and at the Village Hall was 540 F. The effect of this must be considered. 5. Less water main corrosion. Minneapolis has had a problem of tuberculation in water mains, has undertaken a program of cleaning and cement lining. Cement lined mains in Edina have only been used very recently and few exist. This is a maintenance item. 6. Independence from another city. This is not an engineering problem.`'However, some Village officials have mentioned this. This is certainly true in the,case of water rates because Edina would pay a higher rate if Minneapolis rates are increased. 7. Taste. This again is not an engineering decision but one of personal preference. However, most people feel that well water in Edina has a better taste than Minneapolis water. 12 - Totals 1,052,300 cu.ft. 2,137,000 cu.ft. 2,667,000 cu.ft. 3,209,000 cu.ft. TAB LE 1 TABLE 1 MONTHLY WATER CONSUMPTION (cu. ft. x 100) 1959 1970 1975 1980 January 49,167 100,000 125,000 150,000 February 43,410 88,000 110,000 132,000 March 45,537 92,000 115,000 139,000 April 122,580 249,000 311,000 374,000 May 90,525 184,000 230,000 276,000 June 139,873 283,000 355,000 427,000 July 217,072 j 437,000 550,000 662,000 August 89,124 182,000 227,000 272,000 September 97,745 198,000 248,000 298,000 October 57,410 118,000 141,000 175,000 November 49,297 102,000 126,000 150,000 December 50,532 104,000 129,000 154,000 Totals 1,052,300 cu.ft. 2,137,000 cu.ft. 2,667,000 cu.ft. 3,209,000 cu.ft. TAB LE 1 TABLE 2 IRON REMOVAL PLANTS AND EXTENSION OF PRESENT PROGRAM TABLE 2 1960 1980 Conditions Conditions CAPITAL COSTS (1) New Wells - 1 in 1960 $ 75,000.00 $ 900,000.00 12 by 1980 (2) 1 - 6 M.G. Reservoir, - 370,000.00 (5) Iron Removal Plants 475,000.00 955,000.00 Feeder Mains 38,000.00 238,000.00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 588,000.00 $-1,463,000.00 Legal, Engineering, & Miscellaneous - 107. 58,800.00 246,300.00 Contingencies - 5% 29,400.00 123,200.00 Total $ 676,200.00 $ 2,832,500.00 (1) Based on "Hinckley" wells, but exclusive of land costs. (2) Land costs not included (5) Based on 7 plants for 8 existing wells (Concord and school wells to use 1 plant). On all future wells use 1 plant for 2 wells. r=' 1960 1960 1980 (800 M.G.) (800 M.G.) (2400 M.G.), ANNUAL COSTS 1960 Costs 1980 Costs 1980 Costs (3) Amortization $ 50,715.00 $ 212,438.00 $ 212,438:00; Power 30,800.00 30,800.00 84,200:00,.'. (4) Administration 110,000.00 110,000.00 176,000.00 (6) Treatment 5,400.00 5,400.00 16,200.00 Total $ 196,915.00 $ 358,638.00 $.488,838.00 Cost per 1000 gals. $0.2461 $0.4483 $0.2037 Cost per 100 cu.ft. 0.1848 0.3362 0.1528 (3) Based on amortizing "Capital Costs" shown on this estimate only. (4) Includes "Debt Service" and depreciation for all existing facilities, distribution and balance of Operating Expense (1958 Debt Service was $8,227.00 and for 7 months of 1959 was $9,111.00). (6) Only chlorination and fluoridation required. Polyphosphate treatment to be discontinued. TABLE 2 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total TABLE 3 MONTHLY CHARGES BY MINNEAPOLIS (Wells not used) 1960 (1959 Consumption) "On Demand" 'Off Peak" Charges Charges 1965 1970 1975 1980 $ 8,800 $ 7,840 $ 10,650 $ 13,150 $ 15,650 $ 17,750 7,900 7,180 I 9,700 11,950 14,150 16,310 8,350 7,510 10,150 12,350 14,650 16,870 19,370 15,450 20,630 25,670 30,630 35,650 14,750 12,;150 16,630 20,470 24,150 27,830 21,550 16,950 22,710 28,390 34,150 39,910 30,790 23,,110 31,910 40,710 49,750 58,710 14,610 12,050 16,630 20,310 23,910 27,510 15,870 12,950 17,590 21,590 25,590 29,590 10,000 8,720 11,850 14,950 17,030 19,750 8,800 7,840 10,750 13,350 15,750 17,750 9,100 8,060 10,850 13,550 16,050 18,070 $ 169,890 $ 139,810 $ 190,050 $ 236,440 $ 281,460 $ 325,700,_ Cost per 1000 gals. .2158 .1776 .1571 .1480 .1411 Cost per 100 cu. ft. .1614 .1328 .1175 .1107 .1055 TABLE 3 .1357 :1015 r i I TABLE 4 i MONTHLY CHARGES BY MINNEAPOLIS IN 1980 FOR PURCHASING WATER "ON DEMAND" Consumption (x 100 cu.ft.) January 150,000 February 132,000 March 139,000 April 374,000 May 276,000 June 427,000 July 662,000 August 272,000 September 298,000 October 175,000 November 150,000 December 154,000 Totals 2,400,000,000 Gallons Avg. Cost per 1000 gal. _ .$0.1852 Avg. Cost per 100 cu.ft.= 0.1385 1980 charges "on demand" $ 444,400 1980 charges "off peak" 325,700 (See Table 3) $ 118,700 per year Charges $ 22,750 20,590 21,430 49,630 37,870 55,990 86,590 37,390 40,510 25,750 22,750 23,150 $ 444,400 $118,000 per year will amortize $1,570,000 Capital Expenditure in 20 years at 5% interest. TABLE 4 1960 (1960 Costs) 1970 (1970 Costs) 1970 (1980 Costs) 1980 (1980 Costs) Water Use 800 M.G. Water Use 1600 M.G. Water Use 1600 M.G. 2400 M.G. Description Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annul. Cost Cost Cap. Annu'l Cost Cost Cost. Cost per per Cost Cost per per Cost Cost per per Cost Cost per per 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 c.f. gal. c.f. gal c f gal c.f. gal *Iron Removal 626,200 196,915 .1848 .2461 2,832,000 488,838 .1528.2037 and Extension -- of Present Pro - gram - Purchase Water from Mpls. "Off _.Pea_ and - Supple - - ment.High Peak Periods with 2,234,000 606,000 .2833.3788 Present Well Supply 1,667,400 428,000 .4002 .5350 1,667,400 558,000 .2609.3488 2,303,000.761,000.2372.3171 Purchase All Water from 1,754,000 434,500 .4062 .5431 1,754,000 564,500 .2640.3528 Minneapolis 2,390,000 612,000 .2861 .3825 2,390,000 767,000.2391 .3196 *For 1960 (1980,Costs) See Table 8 of December 1959 Report TABLE 5 - SUMMARY OF COSTS i FLUSHINGS FOR NOVEMBER 1960 Address Date Complaint 5509 Dever Drive 11 -15 -60 Brown 5509 Dever Drive 11 -3 -60 Brown 5521 Dever Drive 11 -3 -60 Low pressure 4433 Dunham Five 11 -15 -60 Brown -odor 6219 Halifax Ave. 11 -15-60 Brown- odor -rusty 5117 Juanita 11 -15-60 Brown 5020 Normandale Court 11 -15 -60 Brown 5108 Skyline Drive 11 -8 -60 Black 6602 Southcrest Drive 11 -2 -60 Brown 6602 Southcrest Drive 11 -22-60 Odor, greasy, dirty 4917 E1 Sunnyslope Rd. .11 -22-60 Brown 4809 Trillium Lane 11 -8 -60 Like sewage 6632 West Shore Drive 11 -2-60 Brown - again 7212 West Shore Drive 11 -2-60 Odor -rust 4800 Wilford Way 11 -22-60 Brown -odor 7300 Wooddale Ave. 11 -22 -60 Brown -odor 5019 Wooddale Lane 11 -8 -60 Brown 3932 W. 49th St. 11 -3 -60 Brown 5804 W. 70th St. 11 -3 -60 Rusty Address Date Condition of water Arden & 52nd 11 -23-60 Brown Arden & Sunnyside 11 -10-60 Rusty Arden & Sunnyside 11 -23-60 Gray Balfanz & Creston 11 -2 -60 Red Bridge Lane & Moorland 11 -23 -60 Clear Brittany & 66th 11 -2-60 Black Bruce & Sunnyside 11 -23-60 Yellow Casco & Sunnyside 11 -23 -60 Yellow Drexel & Sunnyside 11 -23 -60 Yellow Edgebrook 11 -10-60 Rusty Edgebrook 11 -23 -60 . Yellow Gorgas & 51st 11 -23 -60 Brown (& black Larkspur & 48th 11 -22-60 Green, yellow, smelly Meadow Road & 48th 11 -23-60 Yellow, gray Moorland & Bridge 11 -10-60 Rusty, gray, sandy Phlox Lane 11 -2 -60 Brown Rolf and Dead end 11 -17 -60 Very dirty Skyline Drive 11 -23-60 Brown Sunnyside Rd. & Hgwy, 100 11 -23-60 Black, red Townes Circle 11 -23-60 Red, rotten White Oaks 11 -3 -60 Red White Oaks 11 -23 -60 Gray White Oaks & 48th 11 -3 -60 Red Wooddale & Sunnyside 11 -23 -60 Yellow Zenith & 55th 11 -18-60 Rusty Zenith & 62nd 11- 18-60 Rusty 75th & Highway 100 11 -8 -60 Yellow, smelly FLUSHINGS FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1960 Address Date Abbott & 62nd 10 -5-60 Abbott & 62nd 10 -28 -60 Arden & Sunnyside 10 -28-60 Beard &56th 10 -5-60 Beard & 56th 10 -28 -60 Beard & 62nd 10 -5-60 Beard Place 10 -5-60 Beard Place 10 -28 -60 Bruce & Sunnyside 10 -28-60 Casco & Sunnyside 10 -28 -60 Drexel & Sunnyside 10 -28 -60 Edgebrook Place 10 -28-60 Wooddale & Sunnysidb 10228 -60 Wooddale & Valley View 10 -28-60 Zenity & 55th 10 -5-60 Zenith & 55th 10 -28 -60 Zenith & 62nd 10 -5-60 Zenith & 62nd 10 -21 -60 Zenith & 62nd 10 -28-60 Condition of water Grey & rusty Rusty OK Rusty Rusty Grey & rusty Rusty Rusty Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Clear Smelly Grey & smelly Very Dirty Grey & smelly Brown & smelly Very Dirty Complaint Brown water Yellow & smelly Very dirty Brown Brown Odor Odor Brown Odor Brown Brown ` Brown Brown -Odo Brown Odor -like sewage Brown -Odor Rusty Brown Odor Odor Brown Address Date 5724 Abbott Ave. 10 -28-60 4808 Aspasia Lane 10 -20 -60 4808 Aspasia Lane 10 -26 -60 6105 Chowen Ave. 10 -28 -60 6821 Creston Rd. 10 -26 -60 4444 Fondell Drive 10 -20-60 4444 Fondell Drive 10 -26 -60 7121 Glouchester 10 -21 -60 6219 Halifax 10 -14-60 7117 Heatherton Trail 10 -5 -60 6117 Parnell Ave. 10 -26 -60 6356 Rolf 10 -14 -60 4706 Sunnyside 10 -26 -60 6445 Tingdale Ave. 10 -20 -60 4809 Trillium Lane 10 -3 -60 6721 West Shore Dr. 10 -27 -60 7209 West Shore Dr. 10 -3 -60 4816 Wilford Way 10 -27 -60 6413 Wilrvan Ave. .10 -3 -60 Condition of water Grey & rusty Rusty OK Rusty Rusty Grey & rusty Rusty Rusty Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Clear Smelly Grey & smelly Very Dirty Grey & smelly Brown & smelly Very Dirty Complaint Brown water Yellow & smelly Very dirty Brown Brown Odor Odor Brown Odor Brown Brown ` Brown Brown -Odo Brown Odor -like sewage Brown -Odor Rusty Brown Odor Odor Brown ADDRESS '6112 Abbott Ave. So. 6216 Ashcroft Lane 5613 Beard Ave. 4421 Claremore Drive 4421 Claremore Drive 4425 Claremore Drive 4504 Dunham Drive 6430 Mildred 5905 Oaklawn Ave. 6117 Oaklawn 6117 Parnell Ave. 7205 Wooddale Ave. 7312 Wooddale Ave. 5705 Zenith 5509 Zenith 6012 Zenith 3200 W. 56th St. ADDRESS Abbott & 62nd Arden and Sunnyside Beard Ave. Beard Place Bruce & Sunnyside Casco & Sunnyside Edgebrook Place G'orgas & 51st 6219 Halifax Juanita & 52nd Sherwood & 63rd Townes Circle Wooddale 4 Sunnyside York & 61st Zenith & 55th Zenith & 62nd FLUSHINGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1960 DATE 9 -21-60 9 -12-60 9 -14-60 9 -28 -60 9 -22-60 9 -21-60 9 -30 -60 9 -20-60 9 -9 -60 9 -9 -60 9 -20 -60 9 -7 -60 9 -25 -60 9 =20 -60 9 -20-60 9 -22-60 9 -21 -60 COMPLAINT Brown Odor Odor Odor Odor Odor and brown Odor -like sewage Odor Brown -air Air Brown Odor Brown- sediment Brown Brown Brown Odor -like sewage CONDITION OF WATER Rusty Yellow Slightly Rusty Rusty Rusty Yellow Very rusty Brown Light brown Brown Brown -odor Very rusty Rusty yellow Rusty Rusty Rusty Address 6608 Brittany 6620 Cornelia Drive 4445 Ellsworth Drive 4700 Golf Terrace 5525 Halifax Lane 5137 Juanita 4917 Maple Road 6356 Rolf 6429 Tingdale Ave. 7204 Wooddale 6101 York Ave. So. 6116 York 6037 Zenith Ave. Address Abbott & 62nd (5 =5-60 Abbott & 62nd (5- 20-60) Arden &,Sunnyside (5- 12-60) Arden & Sunnyside (5- 26 -60) Ashcroft & 64th Bruce & Sunnyside (5- 12-60) Bruce & Sunnyside (5- 26-60) Casco & Sunnyside (5- 12 -60) Casco & Sunnyside (5-26-60) Cross Town & Beard Place Drexel & Sunnyside (5- 12 -60) Drexel & Sunnyside (5- 26-60) .'dgebrook Place (5- 12 -60) Edgebrook Place (5- 26-60) Erring & 63rd France & 49th Gorgas & Limits Halifax & 54th Hibiscus & West Shore (5- 18-60) Hibiscus & West Shore (5- 25 -60) Meadow Road & 48th (5- 12-60) Meadow Road & 48th (5- 26-60) Parnell & 61st Phlox Lane & West Shore Sherwood & 63rd Townes Circle White Oaks Road Zenith & 55th (5 -6-60) Zenith & 55th (5- 20-60) Zenith & 62nd (5 -6-60) Zenith &.62nd (5- 20-60) FLUSHING RECORD FOR MAT 1960 Complaint Filthy Smelly Odor Brown, black Brown, iron Chunky Brown Brown, yellow Brown, odor Brown Brown Brown, sandy Brown C'onditionof Water Colored Rusty Rusty Rusty Brown Rusty Rusty Rusty Rusty Colored Rusty Rusty Rusty Rusty Colored Yellow Black Red Rusty Very dirty Rusty Rusty Black Brown Black Very rusty Rusty Rusty, brown Rusty Brown Rusty M-ELL . iEP:>:S —RIDS CLOSE APRIL 4 Edina, 311nn. NOTICIE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed bids for: REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 at Concord Avenue and South View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., .Monday, April 4, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall , 5:00 P.M. Monday, April 4, 1960, to consider said bids. Work must be done as described in the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, dated March 18, 1960. Specifications for the above fa- cility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or the Banis- ter Engineering Company of St. Paul, for a deposit of $10.00 each, which de- posit will be refunded to actual bid- ders upon return of said specifications. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 4, 1960, accompanied by cash deposit, .bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Cleric in an amount of at least ten (10 %) per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the Village Council GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice first appeared 'User. 24) Construction Bulletin 1022 Upper 311dwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction 'news. It is closely read every week, by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of your work in an Index of. Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. < INDUSTRIAL DIVISION NALCO CHEMICAL 6216 W. 66th PLACE • CHICAGO 38, ILLINOIS • POrtsmouth 7 -7240 COMPANY June 14, 19610 Vi l lage of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Ed.ina 24, Minnesota Attention; Miss Gretchan.S,. Alden Vil.lage.Clerk Gentlemen.: We regret the delay in supplying you with a bond to cover your recent contract for Nalco 918 »Y. Unfortunately the bond ,was made out for "Edina, 11.4shington,1t, and it was necessary for us to return it to the bonding company fora replacement. This replacement ought to be forthcoming within the next ten days.or two weeks. Very truly yours, H. A.. Gust in Distribution Manager - maf WELL REPAIRS (TIME AND MATL. BASIS) —BIDS CLOSE FEB. 211 Edina, Minn. Sealed Bids for the REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 (on time and materials basis) at Concord Avenue and South View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Monday, Febru- ary 29, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 29, 1960 to consider said bids. Work must be done as described in the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Specifications for the above facility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or the Banister Engineering Company of St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be refunded to ac- tual bidders upon, return of said speci- fications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before 11:00 a.m., Monday, Feb- ruary 29, 1960, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount of at least ten percent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the Village Council. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (This notice first appeared Feb. 18) Construction Bulletin 1022 Upper 1111dwest Building Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It -is closely read every week, by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents .per line each insertion. This Includes 1. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date of your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use. (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS REPAIR TO WELL NO. 4 (TIME & MATLS. BASIS) Sealed Bids for the REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 (on time and materials basis) at Concord Avenue and South View Lane will be received and open- ed In the office of the Village Mana- ger in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Monday, February 29, 1960, and the Edina Vil- lage Council will meet at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 29, 1960 to consider said bids. Work must be done as described In the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Specifica- tions for the above facility are avail- i able from the Village Water Superin- tendent or the Banister Engineering Company of St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be re- funded to actual bidders upon return of said specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:00 a.m., Monday, February 29, 1960, ac- companied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Clerk in an amount of at least ten percent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Feb. 18, 25)— EC -2A -50 .k NaL.,o Chemical Company 6216 W.66th Place Chicago 30, Illinois 0 215.00 January 11, 1961 CHMUCALS FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 559 April 11, 1960 INDUSTRIAL DIVISION NALCO CHEMICAL 6216 W. 66th PLACE • CHICAGO 38, ILLINOIS • POrtsmouth 7 -7240 COMPAM►NY January 6, 1961 Vi l lage. of,; ..Ed ina 4801 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Attention: Miss. Gretchen S. Alden ,Vi l.lage, Clerk Gentlemen In April of last year we -submitted a bid to you covering Na -lco 918 Ba.l.i treatment and we enclosed a certified` check for $215.00 to support our bid. - This. check,.never,:has been returned to us and we are Wondering when. we may expect it. information from you on. this will be appreciated. Very truly - yours, H A. Gust in Distribution Manager maf J Village of Edina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA 24, MINNESOTA 0 CERTIFIED CHECKS FILED APRIL 11,1950, WITH BIDS ON CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUPPLY S STEK ��awkins Chemical, Inc. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Nalso Chemical Co. $700.80 700.80 215.00 t .1 1 t ^ ass va3o aSVITTA - - aATnxa Asap sxnox •puoq pazgnbax . an oa Xosq puss pus uBTs oa noA aTgena TTTn Ado;) peaoasioo lvgi adoq any '20210 TeoTgdexg -odf.a sTga 7no 8<aT:3uTod .4 E 6vM jo sa2:jaj 'sn0d xoj noA Xuv%a 'sTTsS 8161 s0; a3913uoa paaPaazoo.gTVF aaq SuTsotoua oxv am ma:3sAS Ajddng .2939M lo3 sTVoT.mago 10; 3013sauoo sal : uamaT3ua;) STOUTTTI BE ogv*Tga aoeTd g399 014 9TZ9 Aueduca TgoTmoIo ooTpH 0961 4ZT AWN INDUSTRIAL DIVISION MAOLLCO CHEMICAL 6216 W. 66th PLACE • CHICAGO 38, ILLINOIS • POrtsmouili 7 -7240 ` COMPANY - May 3 , 1960 Village of Edina 1801 _West Fifieth Street Edina 24, . Minnesota Attention: Gretchen S..Alden Village Clerk Subject - Your Letter of April 23, 1960 Nalco Chemical Company's Bid. of April 11, 1960 Dear Miss Alden: Mode are in receipt of your three copies of contract for your years supply of Nalco Y -918, Ball, which you have awarded us at your recent meeting. In reviewing the copies of your contract,. which you for- warded to us, I have noted a discrepancy, under article No. 1, that being the price of the. material. In acc.ordanc.e with our Bid, the price for the 918 Ball was $.45/lb, with minimum deliveries of 2,000 #. Under article No. 1 of your contract ' dated April 11, ,1960 you have listed 10,000# of 918 Ball at $.125/lb. Therefore, we are returning your copies of this contract requesting that you make your correcting notes under article No. ,l to fall in line with our Bid of $.215/lb. Upon the return of your contract corrected in accordance with our original Bid we will expedite the return of our bond and contract to you as soon as possible. If I may be of further service to you, please feel free to contact me. Very rul ours, J W. ButXer, Supervisor dustrial Order,Department cgs. EcKno, Minn, May 239 1960 Hawkiue. Ohodcsl, Inc. 3100 S. Hsrnepin Ave. Mimyespolia, Blinn. r. Gen- Limm-nm s 0 1j. :: t:'.! wei:• :'t -_:- . C' _:. L'!', ;'Gt. :::'7" 1 •�.c r: + 't; �•: .....1 .�..... ; t° „April 11 1960 ,.,,. '. ..•_. �'....'.� .'� l: ;X 1 +!: ICJ!, ?Y rt3't' fib!;.''! ,fcv1. t. _.r.n.Yq �...� w.— nr• tir.....•. COOC�Y feW�.�C.YA.�Aiiffifi�...4.� ...,e.....w•.�r,....+�....r �.a...r�........ ...— `' G�--��''-�! Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIPM FOR FINAL PAYMENT October 24, 1960 VILLA-GE OF EDINA, , MNNESOTA BITUAYINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT PROJECT #11 LOCATION: DUBLIN ROAD FROM ANTRIM ROAD TO 728 FEET WESTERLY CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 4,345.80 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION NATERIAL 2TANTITY QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL - - tea® C/Y of Excavation 373 428.25 @ 1.50 $ 642.38 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 378 467.89 @ 2.80 $ 1,310.09 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 2267 2282.1 @ 1.20 $ 2,738.52 BLinholes Adjusted 0 1 @ 25.00 $ 25.00 SUB- -TOTAL: $ 4,715.99 Prepared by: Checked by: Recow -ended for Payment by: LESS PARTIAL PAS'MIT NO. 1 $ 4,221.89 AME UNT Or' FINAL PAYMENT ----- - - - - -- $ 494.10 i 6 Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR FINAL PAYMENT October 24, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP RgPLACEkZNT PROJECT 8 LOCATION: WEST 56TH STREET FROM YORK AVENUE TO XERXES AVENUE CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 2,502.50 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 SUB - TOTAL: $ 2,456.87 LESS PARTIAL PAYMNTI NO. 1 $ 773.59 LESS PARTIAL PAT"D ENT NO. 2 $ 1x415.09 _$ 2;1x3.68 $ 2 Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: AMUNT OF FIE15L PAYMIT ------------ - - - - -- $ 268.19 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL QUANTITY QUANTITY UNYT PRICE TOTAL C/Y of Excavation 175 218 @ 2.00 $ 436.00 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel 175 197.07 @ 3.00 $ 591.21 S/Y 2 11 Bituminous Sur-face 1035 936.44 @ 1.50 $ 1,404.66 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 1 @ 25.00 $ 25.00 Manholes Adjusted 1 - @ 25.00 $ - SUB - TOTAL: $ 2,456.87 LESS PARTIAL PAYMNTI NO. 1 $ 773.59 LESS PARTIAL PAT"D ENT NO. 2 $ 1x415.09 _$ 2;1x3.68 $ 2 Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: AMUNT OF FIE15L PAYMIT ------------ - - - - -- $ 268.19 Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR FINAL PAYMNT October 24, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATNiM 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEWN3'i PROJECT 5 LOCATION: WEST 52ND STREET FROM ARDEN AVENUE TO JWITA AVENUE CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 2,675.00 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 SUB - TOTAL: $ 3,030.75 LESS PARTIAL PAYME14T RHO. 1 $ 857.32 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 1,780.35 2.637.6 AW- MiT OF FINAL PAYMNT: ---------- - - - - -- $ 393.08 Prepared by: Checked by: s Recommended for Payment by: Villa Engineer CONTRACT COESTRUCTION MATERIAL QUANTITY QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL •- C/Y of Excavation 185 190 @ 2.00 $ 380.00 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 185 286 @ 3.00 $ 858.00 S/Y 201 Bituminous Surface 1100 1128.5 @ 1.50 $ 1,692.73 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 2 @ 25.00 $ SO.00 Manholes Adjusted 2 2 @ 25.00 $ 50.00 SUB - TOTAL: $ 3,030.75 LESS PARTIAL PAYME14T RHO. 1 $ 857.32 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 1,780.35 2.637.6 AW- MiT OF FINAL PAYMNT: ---------- - - - - -- $ 393.08 Prepared by: Checked by: s Recommended for Payment by: Villa Engineer '1, Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR FINAL PAYMENT October 24, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, Hn=SOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT PROJECT 9 LOCATION: WEST 56TH STREET FROM PARR PLACE TO 165 FEET EASTERLY CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 1,575.00 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 LESS PARTIAL PAY11,;NT NO. 2 $ 1.241.06 1.583.13 AMUNT OF FINIAL PAYMENT ------------ - - - - -- $ 175.90 Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: ineer CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL QUAWTITY QUPIJTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL C/Y of Excavation 90 71.88 @ 2.00 $ 143.76 - C/Y of- Stabilized Base Gravel 90 150.02 @ 3.50 $ 525.07 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 515 545.1 @ 2.00 $ 1,090.20 Gate Valves Adjusted 1 0 @ 25.00 $ - Manholes Adjusted 1 0 @ 25.00 $ - SUB- TOTAL:' $ 1,759. 03 LESS PARTIAL-PAYNENT NO. 1 $ 34.2.07 LESS PARTIAL PAY11,;NT NO. 2 $ 1.241.06 1.583.13 AMUNT OF FINIAL PAYMENT ------------ - - - - -- $ 175.90 Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: ineer y� September 22, 1960 Memo To: /Tarren Hyde From.: George Hite Joe Zikan RE: St. Patricks Church Last Tuesday evening I met with Father Byrne, Mr. J. C. Connelly, Mr. Ratelle and Mr. E. V. Garrison of St. Patricks Parish to dis- cuss their proposed building program. Mr. Edward W. Hanson, their architect, was also present. In the course of this discussion, I gave them every assurance that sewer and water facilities would be available to -the property by August, 1961. They are proceeding on this basis and will open their school that September. There is apparently no problem with sewer as this will merely in- volve the extension of the lateral now terminated at Valley View Road and Chapel Lane. The water, however, is a more difficult pro- blem in that it involves the extension of the 12 inch trunk from Valley View and Antrim Road. If, for some reason, it is decided that it would be inadvisable to construct the Gleeson Road trunk water - main before next Fall, we will then have to devise another means of providing water to the St. Patricks property. We also discussed the extension of Gleeson Road south to Highway ##5, and tentatively agreed on a possible alignment across their property. _This alignment would go diagonally across the property on the steep side hill about half way .back on the property. As soon as I get this pinned down, I'll draw up a plan. GCH/jh li�_i d .............. ------------ NORTH CENTFRAL BR�..E-ZE-�'., AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION Vol. - 0 No. 4 August 10, 1960 Egad! Where has July gone? and here comes August rolling in just like it always has for x number of years. Seems that it was only last week I was digging around for a bit of news for the last issue of the Breeze -- believe me, that takes some bit of digging! Makes me wonder as I sit here in this uncomfortable, clean, air- conditioned office with the outside temperature 910 F, humidity 100 %, just how those rich people digging ditches are getting along, The Board of Trustees called a special meeting on July 7 to correlate the activities of various committees on conference arrangements. Once the boys got into the back room, things really began to hum. Mel Bischoff reported that his committee has been hard at work, and final details would be ironed out by the first week in August. I suspect he has a few surprises up his sleeve, because he would not disclose the preliminary details. Leighton Geo. Lloyd, that go- getter from Owatonna, presented his tentative program for Board approval; outside of a few changes in scheduling, the Board was very much impressed with the subjects he has selected. As this is the year the Section will honor Mr. Leonard N. Thompson, an invitation has been extended by his assistant, Mr. C. W. Hamblin, to the members to visit the filtration plant, the extension and enlargement of which has just been completed under Mr. Thompson's direction.. An outline of the proposed program follows: WEDNESDAY, September 21, 1960 - 9:00 a.m.. Registration 10:15 a.m. Opening of Conference Reports of State Health Departments Aims and objectives of AWWA by Director 12:00 noon Get - together Luncheon Introduction of guests Welcome by mayor of Saint Paul Response by chairman (A talk by Mr. C. F. Wertz, President, American Water Works Assoc.) 1:30 P.M. And rest of afternoon Technical papers 6:00 p.m. Social gathering - (included in registration). ?_ _: Page 2 THURSDAY, September 22, 1960 - a.m. Technical papers 12:00 noon Special Luncheon Address by Representative Blatnik Subject: Water Conservation Measures in Congress Ballroom of Hotel St. Pat;-1_ We are very fortunate to have this speaker, who will talk on a subject'of great importance to all water works men, and to other professional engineers; 'tickets will be on sale up.to 9:30 a.m. Thursday at $2.50 per plate. 2:00 p.m. Honoring lL: N. Thompson - Inspection trip through the Saint Paul Purification And Filtration Plant 6:30 p.m. Annual Banquet Awards and Entertainment FRIDAY, September 23, 1960 - a.m. Technical papers 12:00 n00% Business Luncheon Reports of committees Awards It is with deep sorrow that every now and then we must record the passing of a good friend and fellow member of the Section. I have just been informed of the death of William P. Tarbell, city engineer of Fargo, North Dakota. "Parkes ", as he was better known to his friends, was born April 11, 1894, in Fargo. He attended public schools in Fargo, graduated from the North Dakota Agriculture College and the University of Minnesota. He was also a veteran of World War I. Starting with the city in 1914, he was made city engineer in 1927 and has held that position since. Last February he was given a certificate as the man.with the longest service record in the city. In 1959 he was honored as the outstanding engineer in Fargo, and was the recipient of the Samuel Greely Award of the American Public Works Association in 1958. Parkes joined the AWVIA in 1928, and served as chairman of the Minnesota Section in 1941 -42. In 1958 he became a life member of the association. The Section will miss his companionship and his willingness to enter into the activities of the organization. FROM THE Things were blue in Saint Paul when it was known that Mr. Leonard N. FIELD Thompson had been taken to St. Johns Hospital on June 1 with a heart condition. Mrs. Thompson is in the same hospital with a similar ailment. He had a rather bad time the first couple of weeks, but thanks to that go- getter spirit of his, he was discharged on July 18. He has to take it easy for a while, but he is improving each day. We all hope Mrs. Thompson will soon be able to return home too. Page 3 Just heard that Floyd Sellers of Northfield had a close bout with a ditch cave -in; hope there were no serious results outside of a few bruises and aches. I'll bet the big hurt is the black smear on his safety record, which I know we all strive to uphold. Diner: "Waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup ?" Waiter: "I'm not sure, sirl but it looks like a backstroke." Mr. William Lloyd, who has been at Hoyt Lakes for some time, is to take over the new Bloomington system. Welcome to the metropolitan area! where headaches are in proportion to the population, and work is never ended - -but don't worry, Bill, you have good neighbors! Also, in our gr -r -r -eat metropolitan area, news comes that St. Louis Park is sporting a new city manager as of July 15. The fellow's name is Camille D. Andre, who comes from Oak Lawn, Illinois. From the grapevine we hear that Cam was so well liked he left a mess of broken hearts behind, but we welcome him to our area. (Ira, be sure you sign him up with us.) Botanical note: Every time you give a dandelion an inch, it will take a yard! Marinus Jensen of Albert Lea is one of those proud fathers who for years has been telling us about his wonderful kids. We just let it ride as some of that father talk. It seems that it was not just father talk, for we have been informed that his children are sending Mother, Dad and one son on an extended visit to Denmark. This is something he has wanted to do for a long time. We wish him Bon Voyagel and many pleasant memories on his return. From newspaper articles, we read that our friend Clarence Nelson at Detroit Lakes is trying to sell more water than can be produced. We in Saint Paul know just what he is going through, and believe me, Clarence, when the situation is corrected, it is one heck of a good feeling. Man is just a worm in the dust. He comes along, wiggles around for a while, and finally, some chicken gets him. HELP At the date of this writing, Willison is still in the market for a WANTED young man to grow up with the new plant which is just starting, or is under construction at this time, Fred Thielman at St. Cloud, too, is looking for an assistant to take some of the load off his broad shoulders. These are two real nice cities, so those of you who are interested, get out the old pen and state your qualifications. Page 4 The state of South Dakota has sent out a notice to help the city of Sioux Falls find a manager for their department. Sioux. Falls is the largest city in South Dakota, and should be quite a plum fo_• some good man. MISCELLANEOUS Spew: -ink of South Da.l:o`n., 1 truly hope that some of our old friends fend it possible to attend our meeting ".Q:: cia.rned well you are all welcome, and if you are not here, ti .,e Vi.11 r ,Lss I asked the old -master storyteller :Earl Stahl if he had a few jokes for this issue. Earl says the heck with them - -if they ,ant food stories; tell them to come on down and hear them in person. I think that is a good idea - -make every effort to come to the SAINT PAUL CONFERENCE! Please, Mr. Member, bring your Ma to the meeting - -she will enjoy herself immensely. My Ma and her Ladies Committee are planning something different for their entertain- ment this year and Mel Bischoff (Ladies' Man Mel) has a few goodies for Thursday night, which I am sure they will like. The membership drive has slowed up a bit, but since the last issue the following new members are to be welcomed to the Section: Jack Frederick Lake Lester Chesney James Caldwell Donald E. Hagstrom T. B. Corlett Duane D. Nowlin John Moede Donald George Harris Clarence L. Knudson Lawrence Elmer Samstad There are 3 more applications in process. Austin, Minnesota Fridley, Minnesota. Minneapolis, M.L"nesota Minneapolis, ',,Lnr,esota Minneapol _s, Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota Windom, Minnesota Minneapolis, MiMnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota (in process) R E M E M B E R Conference Dates September 21 -23, 1960 Hotel Lowry - St. Paul, Minnesota Hope to see you all there! Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 1 September 26, 1960 VILTAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMOUS SURFACE THEATNENT 1960 BLACHTOP REPLACEMENT PROJECT 011 LOCATION: DUBLIN ROAD FROM ANTRIM ROAD TO 728 FEET WESTERLY CONTRACTOR: BLACI{ TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 4,345.80 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 FOR WORK CO1ffi 8D TBRB SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION 1�9TERIAL .., .- ,.. ROME _QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL C/Y of Excavation 378 428.25 @ 1.50 $ 642.38 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 378 467.89 S/Y 211 Bituminous Surface 2267 2282.1 Prepared by: c6d.61 Checked by: , Reeomended for Payment by: 0 @ 2.80 $ 1,310.09• @ 1.20 $ 2,738.52 SUB- TOTAL: $ 4,690.99 LESS 10.0% BRIM RETAMED $ 469.10 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMM NO. 1 $ 4,221.89 /, o �. Page 1 of 1 Page ESTIMTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 September 26, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MDWSO'rA BITLOWOUS SPACE TREATMENT .1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEEENT PROJECT 9 LOCATION: HEST 56TH STREET FROM PARK PLACE, TO 165 FELT EASTERLY C0NTRACT0R: BLACK SHOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 1,575.00 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 FOR WORK CO METED T'HRU SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 Prepared. by: Checked by: n Recommended for Payment by: SUB- TOTAL: $ 1,759.03 LESS 10.0% BE11M RETAINED $ 175.90 $ 1,583.13 LESS PARTaL PAYS NO. 1 $ 342.07 &VUHT OF PARTIAL PAYkM NO. 2 - -- $ 1,241.06 CO3TRACT CONSTRUCTION F9=RIAL QUANTITY. JILANTIITTY MUT PRICE TOTAL a ®.�. C/Y of Excavation 90 71.85 @ 2.00 $ 143.76 C/Y of Stabilised.Base Gravel 90 150.02 @ 3.50 $ 525.07 S/Y 291 Bituminous Surface 515 545.1 @ 2.00 $ 1,090.20 Cate Valves Adjusted 1 0 @ 25.00 $ - IMnholes Adjusted 1 0 @ 25.00 $ - Prepared. by: Checked by: n Recommended for Payment by: SUB- TOTAL: $ 1,759.03 LESS 10.0% BE11M RETAINED $ 175.90 $ 1,583.13 LESS PARTaL PAYS NO. 1 $ 342.07 &VUHT OF PARTIAL PAYkM NO. 2 - -- $ 1,241.06 �DOF. Page I of 1 Page ESTU4ATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 2 September 26, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, HINNESOTA BITUMOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACBMT PROJECT 8 LOCATION: TIEST 56TH STREET FROM YORA AVENUE TO KERXES AVENUE COT3TR .CTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 2,502.50 CORMACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 FOR WORK C011PLETED TFUU SEPTEMER 9, 1960 Prepared by: 94 Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: SUBTOTAL $ 2,431.87 LESS 10.07. BEING RETAINED S 243.19 $ 2,188.68 LESS PARTIAL PAYHENT NO. 1 $ 773.59 AMOUNT Or PARTIAL. PAY11M NO. .2 - - - -- $ 1,415.09 CONTRACT CONSTRUCT -ION .. MATERIAL QUANTITY 4tUMTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL C/Y of Excavation 175 218 @ 2.00 $ 436.00 C/Y of Stabilized Base Gravel 175 197.07 @ 3.00 $ 591.21 S/Y 200 Bituminous Surface 1035 936.44 @ 1.50 $ 1,404.66 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 - @ 25.00 $ - Manholes Adjusted 1 - @ 25.00 $ - Prepared by: 94 Checked by: Recommended for Payment by: SUBTOTAL $ 2,431.87 LESS 10.07. BEING RETAINED S 243.19 $ 2,188.68 LESS PARTIAL PAYHENT NO. 1 $ 773.59 AMOUNT Or PARTIAL. PAY11M NO. .2 - - - -- $ 1,415.09 X0 0 r . Page 1 of 1 Page ESTI14ATE FOR PARTIAL PAYPENT NO. 2 September 26, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MMiSW -A BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT PROJECT 5 LOCATION: WEST 52ND STREET FROM ARDEN AVENUE TO JUANITA AVENUE CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT PRICE: $ 2,675.00 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 5, 1960 FOR WORK COMPLETED THRU SEAR 9, 1960 Prepared by: Checked by: A-2 V Recommended fog Payment by: SUB- TOTAL: $ 2,930.75 LESS 10.07. BEING RETAINED $ 293.08 $ 2,637.67 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT ADO. 1 $ 857.32 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT LID. 2 - - - -- $ 1,780.33 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION MATEBiAL QUANTITY QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TO _ C/Y of Excavation 185 190 @ 2.00 $ 380.00. C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 185 286 @ 3.00 $ 858.00 S/Y 211 Bituminous Surface 1100 1128.5 @ 1.50 $ 1,692.75 Gate Valves Adjusted 2 - @ M;00 $ - Manholes Adjusted 2 - @ 25.00 $ . - Prepared by: Checked by: A-2 V Recommended fog Payment by: SUB- TOTAL: $ 2,930.75 LESS 10.07. BEING RETAINED $ 293.08 $ 2,637.67 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT ADO. 1 $ 857.32 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT LID. 2 - - - -- $ 1,780.33 ,D 1 �w JODI Page 1 of I Page ESTIMA'%E FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT NO* ; August 229, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEIVENT PROJECT 8 LOCATION& WEST 56TH STREET FRMI YORK AVENUE TO XEMS AVENUE. CONTRACTOR: BLACK TOP SERVICE C0® CONTRACT PRICE: $ 29502050 CONTRACT DATES JULY 52 1960 FOR %ORIC COVETED THRU AUGUST % 1960 Prepared bye Checked by a Recow &,ndedd for Payment by: SUB- TOTAL.: $ 859054 LESS 1060% BEING RE RIEp � 85c25 APWNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT W o 1 - - - -- $ 773059 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL. .,- C 1AN s ITY OU�I3 ITY 011 .0 _ MTAL-„�, — C/Y of Excavation 175 218 @ ZOO $ 436000 C/Y of Stabilized Base Cave! 175 141018 @ 3800 $ 423054 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 1035 - @ 1o50 $ - Gate Valves Adjusted 2 - @ 25000 $ - !Manholes Adjusted 1 - @ 25600 Prepared bye Checked by a Recow &,ndedd for Payment by: SUB- TOTAL.: $ 859054 LESS 1060% BEING RE RIEp � 85c25 APWNT OF PARTIAL PAYMENT W o 1 - - - -- $ 773059 IVP - i0o t - Page 1 of 1 Page ESTnum FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT N00 1 August 22, 1960 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATUM 1960 BL ACKrOP REPLACEMENT P OJECT 5 LOCATIONt VEST 52nD STREET FROM ARDEN AVENUE TO JUANITA AVENUE CONTRACTOR; BLACK MP SERVICE CO. CONTRACT FPRICEt $ 29,675000 CONTRACT DATE: JULY 59, 1960 FOR WORK COMPLETED THRU AUGUST 59 3960 Manholes Adjusted 2 - @ 25 ®00 $ - Prepared by: It Checked by: V Recommended for Payment by: SUB - TOTAL: $ 952658 LE §S_40 XNG RBTTA1NED $ 95,26 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYAENT #1 .; ------- $ 857032 CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION TERI& A T3TH WANT I AL C/Y of Excavation 485 190 @ 2000 $ 380000 C/Y Stabilized Base Gravel 185 190686 @ 3000 $ 572058 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 1100 -. @ 1650 $ - Gate Valves Adjusted 2 - ® 25000 $ - Manholes Adjusted 2 - @ 25 ®00 $ - Prepared by: It Checked by: V Recommended for Payment by: SUB - TOTAL: $ 952658 LE §S_40 XNG RBTTA1NED $ 95,26 AMOUNT OF PARTIAL PAYAENT #1 .; ------- $ 857032 O� G Page I of l Page ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAY11ENT Wo 1 August 22, 1960 VILIAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATAENT 1960 BLACKTOP REPLACEAENT PROJECT 9 LOCATIONa WEST 56TH STREET FROM PARK PLACE TO 165 FEET EASTERLY CONTRACTOR= BLACK MP SERVICE CO, CONTRACT PRICE: j$ 19,575000 CONTRACT DATES JULY 58 1960 FOR r-MRK COMPLETED THRU AUGUST 59 1960 RUXTERIA i CONTRACT .I CONSTRUCTION A F g RICE AL C/Y of Excavation 90 71 ®88 0 2000 $ 143076 C /Y of Stabilized Base Gravel 90 67,52 @ 3.50 $ 236*32 S/Y 2" Bituminous Surface 515 - 0 2000 $ - Gate Valves Adjusted 1 - 0 25000 $ - Manholes Adjusted 1 - 0 25,00 $ _ Prepared by: SUB - TOTAL:. $ 380008 i.E5 050 _LINO RETATNE D $ 38j& ANDUNT OF PARTIAL PAYAENT NOo 1 - - - -- $ 342007 Checked by: i . Recommanded for Payment by: r iii 9 Engin r 4 V4��� i� 7293.00 Total Conumoeities Fixed Charceso 1083.00 S 1350.00 Central services Genera. 692.00 3000.00 Ey-wipment Operation _ Viliage Hall n 1775.00 $ 2850.00 Total Fixed Charges Capital Outlay=. Radio set for car Level rods for dip needlE Carryall Car (Replace olc File cabinet and bookcasE S 3656.00 S 4050.00 Total. Capital Outlay S80943,00 $101255.00 TOTAL ENGINEER ING- __ SUMMAPY OF PERSOI Engineer $725 -$750 - $9000.00, Draftsman III $435 - .,,460 m Field Engineer 4530 -$555 6660.00 Draftsman I $375 -$400 Assistant L- nc�ineer$550 - 6600.00 Inspector I11 $435 -$460 - instrument man 5430 --,505 - 6060.00.. Inspector lI $390--:$425 - Instrument man 6000.00 Chainn ?an $375 -$400 - TELEPHONE X3SSkGE ate For \j From ?z �-Oea- t� a ,7 Their No. &/Z 2 Time Recd d Rem arks'P— ,,<1,40--U Septembe:7 239 1.!050, P.Es WIATER POLUTIM FROM CESSPOOLS (TESTING FOR) TO: ALL VILLAGE PERSONNEL The State Department of Health will test for Nitrate in private t:eils9 under six months is there is- an infant /in the -4-w.i y, or if the wife is ''expecting °;a d.rw'n' from cold hater. To make. Stich a 'i Cist the He@ -h Dept. needs r a ij'r ILL Of may be mailed in to the Department, in ethich case the name, address, tolephone nunber, and .age of infant or date of expected birth should accompany the request for' they test. This will take a racek ox ten days. lmyono- wanting to have a test made 1mnediately- may ba-ing the wat"Z)f to the State Vioalth Department and strait for the test. It will take about a hal.' hour. Tests arc: mado at the STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH, UNIVERS IT)f OF MJIIYT�. CAMPUS, lAINNEAiPOLISp NI NN. For eddl.infoa, tail r S-in;'der at FE 9 -77510 . Broadcasts- wie being made by Toti. and Radio announcers cuncer.ning this matter, and Via eve rv)eU- J,ving many cells for information. These-tests are FREE. G.SoA:m 6� Q 5/5/60 RE: WATER TESTS FOR INTERLACHEN CIRCLE TO: BEN WOEHLER Mr. Hyde called to ask me to tell you-to -10get ahold of VanArsdale, who is working out of his home somewhere in Hopkins, and have him take water samples from four houses on Interlachen Circle; the Dr. W. Duryea house, #5641, and the Bryngelson house at #6637, one other_ house in the Circle., and one house there where we are furnishing -the water•(city water). He said that you are to either take the samples yourself and deliver them to VanArsdale, or, if it can be worked out, he is to take them. This water is to- receive the $7.50.test, for "Bacteria" and "Nitrates ". These people have been after the Village Massager for a month- -and the time has come: GSA Lyon Chemicals, Inc. 2305 Hampden Ave. St.Paul,14, Minn. Gentleir.ens VILL�Gf: OF EDJ'1,t1 Edina 244 Minn,. May 6, 1960 YGUT Certified Ch- -A m74--.9 aivoz)nt JN-DQ— I s - 'L�Ith US t0geJ�r w it h yo bid of Aprl 4th on____ I FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM "'h8nk YO�' f0T SUbTIJt'-'-IPq your bid:. you. r. very truly, Village cie.-•, 75j LYON C H E 2305 HAMPDEN AVE. Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina 24, Minnesota MICA L Inc. SAINT PAUL 14. MINN. TELEPHONE MIDWAY 6 -1351 May 4, 1960 Attention: Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk Gentlemen: Attached find two completed copies of our - contract and a performance bond covering our ability to supply the village with Hydrofluosilicic Acid, Chlorine and Ammonium Sulfate for a six month period commencing May 1, 1960. The third copy of the contract is being held in our files. We appreciate your consideration and trust that you will return the check substantiating our bid at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, HLJohnson LYO CHEMICALS INC. sh 1885 OUR DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY 1960 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED PRICES OUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WfTHOUT NOTICE Pum GL1 comany S®vd Beep Rock OI.1 Co. TO :, Inc. 89.nC1SI$ M32LDIMS CO. 89 Ra1�m ar $.178299 Cal. .17525 .105791 98 MDUA TAW $.20579 W. .20150 .215791 VIES&L M365 Cal. .11175 .11414 cp .121 9 Mal & bl ,6 M . �• ��i� LV�4L'� a'.NSTPllI �XFDSI�'S� . / MR 0 1 FsY1`ma SIMC3C CTA.MDER SULPHM Y 918 - .. DAU—,. ime. 1~ Ct�sa18, �. gyp. Cwt 10.10 mt. OAMLM c .. ,� ss . CaGfs evch cals, Inc. ft qq14. s2-5 14.25 ® o EcKeemm b Robbl.wo Inc. 14.25 .0523 a Malt® Chemical Coopany Pum GL1 comany S®vd Beep Rock OI.1 Co. TO :, Inc. 89.nC1SI$ M32LDIMS CO. 89 Ra1�m ar $.178299 Cal. .17525 .105791 98 MDUA TAW $.20579 W. .20150 .215791 VIES&L M365 Cal. .11175 .11414 cp .121 9 • ar .oa �r ++> ma rs ary —a ow ra• mac+ ••+a r•n to. �zr on c u rsr .r-. .er. .a a. N G 26090374' 1-0 US Y�iXS.,F CID 2NU MK fl.:�r,'�P.�'3 �;ti'+ ��!�3 lar��!3R�ii�� 1':l��r *.r. i'•, �'• eJi'; X tLk. /L .- .L.S1��1LfaI• . tit!•i .Y•� ylT 3L•:._3Lrit• -�_- �:.esyf �• �.i- -�..GO ��yy �JM.�4 Sd�.� s� r•r•n.. �+�`n'a`�`�a.�.V�•41 �'�.�. L'L.tL �:h i= 11.��, r��n_ st)S1�3 * %!r�R � e 12 •��94Y 1 C Ovall. ^ 4 Yu'y:i1�J l ^•;+�6 9F ':1 l�^Ya n trn S' C 4.f..t r.?7dT ,..,r.• r _� e ..S �p� r� .•K a MEX-i :1�rt:Ms _ 5. 922 S'Cd.}arat�'.all, .:raeY 9 , .w . �14.t2�5oaft.. •1 %t] C::.f." . 7(mlcalo. a-ina.4 Z .SV 4%L u5 S ' Ct�J3�": :i:i E`rs�d:•:'��°i: L+�+1 inc. .0•il No? co 10"Aarmical cnw"L • ar .oa �r ++> ma rs ary —a ow ra• mac+ ••+a r•n to. �zr on c u rsr .r-. .er. .a a. N G 26090374' 1-0 US Y�iXS.,F CID 2NU MK eJi'; X tLk. /L .- .L.S1��1LfaI• . tit!•i .Y•� ylT 3L•:._3Lrit• -�_- �:.esyf �• �.i- -�..GO ��yy �JM.�4 Sd�.� s� r•r•n.. w , ,. e 12 •��94Y 1 C Ovall. ^ 4 Yu'y:i1�J l ^•;+�6 9F ':1 l�^Ya n trn S' C 4.f..t r.?7dT ,..,r.• r _� e ..S �p� r� .•K AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin S. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher - - - -- -and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement -1 or Bids Re Repairs to Well No. 4.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mac,.rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :ta nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intermt, . co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in Its said known place of pittlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of Its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, at. Paul. Advertisement for Bids Re Repair to Well No. 4.... That the printed ------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein In the English language once a week for ______ t_'Kq -------- successive weeks; that It was first so published on the ------ AN! ----- day of_________ ____ March , 19- and thereafter on- - - - ±hl =944$ ---------- LLof each week to and including the ---------- 31st day of - - -- March _ 19 - -v ; and that the following Is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publics - Advertisement for Bids Re Repair to Well No. 4.... tfonof said -------- --------- - - - - -- ------------------------- -------------------- - - - - -- NOTICE I aealed bldg, REPAIR 4 Concord Avetpiar few Lane will be rece d in ?he office of the Vltl11W or in ,he Edina Village Hail, 480fWast 50th 13treet, at 11.00 a.m., MONDAY, 4PR1L 4, 1960. and the Edina Village ounpll Will meet at the Village Hull C 5:00 p.m. Monday April 4, 1960, o cc"r said bids. Work Rust be done as described jn thq,-),peclficatione on file In the ftfice the Village Clerk, dated dArch 18, 1960. Specifications for the Above facility are available from the 7111ege Water Superintendent or the Banister. Engineering - CoInDanv of St. 4 ul. i deposit of $10.00, each, ?, will be refunded. to :00 ,Clerk in an amount of at least ten (10%) per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or 911 bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLA,QZ f POUNCIL GRETCHMN S. ALD16N t Villa" clerk (Mar. 24, 31) —EC— A r <b abode Aijklmaopgrstuvwsyz L - -- - ���=-- -lam= C-- �' /��"'- -- ----- --- - -- - -- Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------ 318t ----- day of ------- March .19-60 QMAS D. WMLIAMS Notnrg Public. Hennepin County, Mina, NJ eenmrtssieft "N"ftes June Der ColowAssiaa ices Jose 16.1865 8- 1 -58 -2M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ................................................. ...................... ......... Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .- Advertism at- for- Bade 40 --- Roaln _ Ro Vsli 80* _ 4* - 99 •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary math real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in ::s .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interec,. 'co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pi?*_lication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has beeen entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor nf said county the affidavit of a person bav- Ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication Auditor of for proofs oofs of its said qualification. Ae copy of each +Issue �phas beedemands t dwiths ♦thhe State Historical Society, St. Paul. A �la�t- for Rise Ro Repair vV -4-2, Nor alit o s t- That the printed ------ ° °.----- °------ °---- -- --------- -- --- --- -- --- -----------------------------°----------°-------- hereto at +ached as a part hereof was cut from the columns oY said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once p a week for ------ --------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ______!*-- I�! ------ day of____________ - 1ftr& 194 and thereafter on___ __________of each week to and including the ---------- day of -------- Ha ----------- 19_ W and that the following is a copy of the lower case (Offlctel Publication) VILLAOE OF EDINA H ADVERTISEMENT FOR N IDS A REPAIRS TO WELL NO. 4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT — sealed bids for: REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 at Concord Avenve and South View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village Msuager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11.00 a.m., MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1980, and the Edina Village Counctl will meet at the Village Hall i at 5:00 p.m. Monday Aorti, 4. 1950, . to consider said bids. Work must be done as demcribed In the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, dated March 18. 1980. Specifications for the above facility are avallabl/ from the Village Water Supertnteildnent or the Ran1at#_ .gld^neaitg of !10.0.00. Of each, by cutI - dwoe* via na w - fied check payable tht 111age Clerk in an agtount of at least ten (lo%) per cent.of.the amount of the bid. The Cojtnfdk sery ea the tight to reject ,any ,- tiLll bide. BY ORD OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL S, ALDEN Village Clerk (Mat. 24, 31)— &C--2A alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size am kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Advertiesamt for Hide Re Repair to Y1911 abcdetg klmnopgrstuvwxyz - - -- - --- Publisher Subscribed Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------ 334 _____day of______ -Varc-- --- -- -h ------ __._ „19_60 o i'". ^. "IA' D. WILLIAMS fJ _ cc.ry Public, Hennepin County, Minn. MY Commission Yxpixes June 16,1962, 8- 1 -5Q -2M FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. ---------------- .......................... . _. _--------- ---------- - - - - -- - ---------------------------------------- 3ist Mash 60 Subscribed and sworn to be bre me this ........................ day o 19.......... Notary Public ......................................................................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires..G:. _RS>:ibl----------------------------------------------------------- 1:�;2; County, Minn. MY ComraLsion ::.;fires June 5, 1966 Mate of ,littitegota, Ss. Countyof- ------- 9-------------------- ---- ------ ---- ---- - - - - -- �.R Lum -------- -------------------------- ----------- --- -- ---- -- --- --- ----- ----- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ---------------- _---------------- --------------------------- "us- .- iI**---------- -------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------- the publisher - - - -- -..and printer :--- - - - -of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- WELL REPAIRSL BIDS CLOSE APRIL 4 ^_,� iOa OUP ----- --- ---------------' -- -- - -- - - - -_- ------ ... ------------ and has full • knowledge of the Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT facts herein stated. sealed bids for: REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed at Concord Avenue and South View Lane will be received and opened inq p l the office of the Village Manager in - - ' -- - -- -------- ---------------------- _ ------------------------ the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 50tl Street, at 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 4, 1960, and the Edina Village known office of publication within the------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Council will meet at the Village Hall at 5:00 P.M. Monday, April 4, 1960, l���*.�yy y}�y� ^"!'.�!' $R:..� in County to consider said bids. -- ------------- - - - -`............. Of-- .----- ..- ...- . _ the of Work must be done as described in the specifications on file in the office' 1f� --------------------- � .. ---------------- .. -.., State of Minnesota, on of the Village Clerk, dated March 18, 1960. Specifications for the above fa- each week in column and sheet form equivalent in cility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or the Banis- ..... _,.-- .... - - -of space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been isued from a known ter ]Engineering Company of St. Paul, office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary for a deposit of $10.00 each, which de- posit will be refunded to actual bid- ders upon return of said specifications. material for preparing and printing the same;.- _.. ........... ._ -. -_ - - - - - -. ------------------------------------------------- No bid will be considered unless sealed before �w� s,. v.y' D�i►: i� � and filed with the undersigned 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 4, 1960, ----------------- - - - - -- - -+ ,--------------------------------------------------------- --------- accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond - or certified check payable to the Vil- rage Clerk in an amount of at least has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news ten (10 %) per cent of the amount of of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its the bid. The Council reserves the right to said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not reiect any or all bids. By Order of the Village Council duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and GRETCHEN S. ALDEN advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 Village Clerk copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all -dgmands of said County Auditor or proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed --------- 3Ifti!--- ------------------- -- ------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published Wo therein in the English language once each week for ------------------------ --------------- _--- ..----- .- .-------- .._ - - - - -. successive eks; hat it was first so'gublished on the ------- - - - - - - y of ou------------------------------------------ - - - - -, 19.. - - - - -- and thereafter on------------- -- - - - --- ------------------------------ .. ' -- - !-- Ma�pl-------------------- oJeach week to and including the-- - - -. -- - - - - -- -day of--------- ------- -19----- - - - - -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said__ ................... ------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------- --- 4�l t d111a ... r_ r --- utb------------------------------ -- ---- - - - - -- abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. ---------------- .......................... . _. _--------- ---------- - - - - -- - ---------------------------------------- 3ist Mash 60 Subscribed and sworn to be bre me this ........................ day o 19.......... Notary Public ......................................................................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires..G:. _RS>:ibl----------------------------------------------------------- 1:�;2; County, Minn. MY ComraLsion ::.;fires June 5, 1966 MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after, publication with the State Historical Society. �� y Subscribed and )swor y of -------------------- n to b'e ore me ihis.......3� St da March 19 (. .0 f_... i Notary Publ ic .......................... ................ .------------------------------ County, Minnesota. My commission expires. G• LARSON ---------------------------------------------- tiuticiy I �iblic, Lcnnocin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 5, 1966 tate of Iflinuegotat ss. Hennepin Countyof-- ------- - - - - -- --------------------- ------ --- ---- -- - --- - -- ----- --- - -- ------------------------- so - - - -i ink ----------------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - -, :being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein slated has been ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ Adverti<s-ing -- Clerk ------------------------------------ ----------------------- - - - - -- . WELL REPAIRS —RIDS CLOSE the publisher - ____and printer ------ :_o( the newspaper known as-._.__._- _- ._-- __ ______ ___------------------------------ APRIL 4 Edina.Minn. Construction Bulletin and has full knowledge of the --------------------------------------....--.....------------------------- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed bids for: facts herein stated. REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 at Concord Avenue and South View' That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Lane will .be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in Advertisement for bids __-----------------------------------_..---------------------------------- e Edina Village Hall, 480 West, et, at 11:00e A.M., Monday, hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its April 4tr a i a ,Council will mean at the Village H1 known office of publication within the. ------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, P at 5:00 to consider Isa said April '4, 1900,, City------ - - - - -o -._... p .- _ - - -.in the Count o - -- -- ._._._ -- f Minnea olis- -- - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- y f Work must be done as described in the specifications on file ' in the office x -------- ---- --- - - - - -' enne�----------- ------ - - - - -- ---"-------------------------------------- - - - - -- Stale of Minnesota, on of the Village Clerk, dated' March 18, Specifications for the above fa- 1ilit Spe cility are, available from the Village Thursday --- --- - - - - -- -- - - - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in -- - -- ----- -- - - ......... -- - Water Superintendent or the Banis- space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been isued from a known ter Engineering Company of St. Paul„ for a deposit of $10.00 each, which de- office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary :posit be refunded to actual -I bid - �dersupon return of said specifications. material for preparing and printing the same ;__--__-________ ------ ___________________--.._. _.---- _- _______- _.- _.-- __.._.__ ,No bid will be considered unless sealed ,and filed with Construction bulletin the undersigned before 1 11:00 A.M., Monday, April 4, 1960, }accompanied by cash deposit, -bid bond ----------------------------- -- -" +or certified check payable to the Vil -' --- -- ------------- --- -- ------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------- --------- ------------------------ .----------------------- Cleric in an amount of at least; has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news I•rage ten (10 %) per cent of the amount of the bid. of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. � said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not ,By Order of the Village Council duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk advertisements,- has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in " the local post office of its said place of publication, that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for puyyblication legal notices; and that its pub- jof lishers have complied with all dAr VdsAti Coen A OP rbor Qrrocfs of, ts said qualification. Thatilia printed - ----------------------------------------- -- ---- --- ------------- - - - - --- --------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- .---------- _ -- -- --------------- - .twO successive�3 eeks; that it was first so published on the .___...24th___--------------------------- day of 1L1rC ------------ _March --------------------------------- 19_ . and thereafter on --------------------------------------------------------------- of each week to and including the ...... 31st- _. - - - --- --day of------- March .----------- _----------- - -19 -- 60. -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------- ._._.-___-__- .....................--___---_:..___-- --------------------- - - - - -- ---------------- - - - - -- Advert sement-. for ---- ids---------------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Ighijklmnop(irstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after, publication with the State Historical Society. �� y Subscribed and )swor y of -------------------- n to b'e ore me ihis.......3� St da March 19 (. .0 f_... i Notary Publ ic .......................... ................ .------------------------------ County, Minnesota. My commission expires. G• LARSON ---------------------------------------------- tiuticiy I �iblic, Lcnnocin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 5, 1966 Affidavit of Publication OF --------- ------------- --------------------------------- -- ------------------- ------ -- ----------------------- _ -------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------------------------ ---------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR OF WELL N0, 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA _ .,19 60 ATE) TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS, ,., Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The - undersigned, being familiar with local conditions, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment and tools, to repair ,-Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared for „the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, and,on file with your Village Clerk.as follows: Transporting to and erecting on L equipment, materials alhd,too ls for the/ lump sum of Rem ov ompl t creen assembly the job site all necessary and 'nst 11 existing pump i ` /100 OLLARS for the lump sum of /100 DOLLARS $ 1400 04P Replace, ld screen assembly in well (zes�tima-ted 126 lineal Ft.) @ A_V_c_ & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in well, to place section of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ d� Remove.a d wash- a d replace gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ 0 0 & /loo DOLLARS $ ¢( �' /c.y• $ /20-0. Furnish a ns all new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds.) @ & /100 DOLLARS $ c >y . $ Fur h and instill p kgr att top of ave1 for the-lump sum v of' s !' & /100 DOLLARS $ S� TOTAL 7 In lieu of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachm nts using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estim ted 115 ineal feet) @" o & /100 DOLLARS . $ �— /1. f . P - 1 The final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured quantities by the foregoing unit prices. A (sash depest*) ( (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 10% of the bid is enclosed, which will be forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. w. It is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to- reject any or all bids, -to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the - contract to the best interests of the Village. In submitting this bid the completion date and liquidated damages stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. REMARK e Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) (An 4adTv11kra44 NAME OF DDER By Title P - 2 �k S1 PAU L FIRE and MARINE ox &"a row" SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BID BOND Approved by The American Institute of Architects, A. I. A. Document No. A -310 (1958 Edition) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, .. ............BERGERSON- CASWELL_. INC. a _ Minnesota - Corporation, _ of Minneapolis :_ Minnesota ...(hereinafter called the "Principal'), as Principal, and the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (Hereinafter called the "Surety "), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ................... VILLAGE OF EDINA,:MINNESOTA ------------••---•-•-•--......-•-•-------------------••---------•-....----...---•--••---.....---------•--------------•-•--•----•---------------..........--•------•---------•-•---•-------------- •-- •-- ..... - - - - -- ----•---•--•-------------•-•---•----.........---••--•-•-------------•-•---------...,-----...................---------.........------•-••--••--•---------•--------•--•---------•----------- ...--- •------- .......... ............................••---------•-------...--------•---------•-----------•--------•-•---•-----------•-------•-••--------•--------- •--------- •----- - - - - -. (Hereinafter called the "Obligee "), in the sum of----. - - N i1�Cr T. ..(.100--- 0Z..TOM... MOM-- -ON... BID ----- --- - -- - -- -... 10� ($ - - - - - - -), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for ..... REPAIR OF WELL N0. 4,_— EDINA. MINNESOTA. -------- ••---- - - -_.. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this- - - - - -- 4th --------- _----- - - - -da of------------------•------- y GPs pxil .................................... -A. x.19.- -Q - - -- In the presence of: BERGERSON- CASWELL INC . ___(Seal) i r' cpal) t By. 1h� r (Tie - St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Seal) fl , (urety) By•• - - -•. -- - ._.._... _ ------- •- ••- . .. ................. 13250 9-59 10M Ed. 6-59 Eugene F. Gr WO d3(Att,mey -in -fact) Class 1 CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL FIRE and MARINE C/w"Ime, Fm" HOME OFFICE: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA v a r 1 (A Capital Stock Company) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Eugene F. Griswold and T. J. Marron, individually 1254 Baker Bldg.,. Minneapolis; Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal of-ace. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company at a meeting called and held on the 17th day of January, 1952, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attomey -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 20th t v- day of August to �S GO STATE OF MINNESOTA ���/itj�m11111 County of Ramsey ss. A. D. 19 59 ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Vice President. On this 20th day of pu 19 rq before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, bet y St ne duly sworn, said V.; he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company-, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and /r . affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATION C. L. JAEGER Notary P •blic, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2,1960. I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of *Unlimited as to character and amount. 10870 Ed. 1-36 April 19 60 PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA ,1960 ATE) TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with local conditions, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment and tools, to repair .-Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared for ._the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, and on file with your Village Clerk as follows: Transporting to and erecting on the job.site all necessary equipment, materials a tool'11 existing pump for tbe. lump sum of • /106r DOLLA RS $ (2l%�'— Rem e c let screen assembly for the lump sum of�G� o 0 & /100 DOLLARS $ a Replace ,o d screen assembly in well (estimated 126 lineal Ft.) @ o yy�<. & /100 DOLLARS $ ��' /1.f Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in w�j,l, t re acP sept,of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ o� & ly1,d /100 DOLLARS $ 1 /1. f Remove nd wash and replace gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ v & /100 DOLLARS $ q- /c . y . $ Furnish an in tall new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds.) & -9zD /100 DOLLARS Furnish a i to 1 packer at top of gravel for the lump sum of / &� /100 DOLLARS @ b I $ c = / c Y. $ 70.— TOTAL $ a til y CFO 4i Vj In lieu of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachments using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estim ted 115 lineal feet) @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /1. f . P - 1 $ The final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured quantities by the foregoing unit prices. A ( ) (cPrt•ifJP4 —G+o 1s) (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 107 of the bid is enclosed, which will be forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that.the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. It is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash.: It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to. reject any or all'bids,-to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the..contract to the best interests of the Village. In submitting this bid the completion date and liquidated damages stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. Respectfully. submitted, (A Corporation) NAME OF BIDDER By Title P - 2 :r _ PROPOSAL FOR ' REPAIR OF WELL N0. 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA M A ri 1 7 31960 (DATE) TO BE.SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with local conditions,-hereby proposes to furnish all labor,., material, equipment and tools, to repair,-Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared for -the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, and-on file with your Village Clerk as follows: Transporting to and erecting on the job site all necessary equipment, materials and tools, and install existing pump for the lump sum of One thousand, five hundred & no /100 DOLLARS $ 1 t„ino.0O Remove complete screen assembly for the lump sum of N_6 thousand, five hundsred and no /100 DOLLARS $ 1 snn _ on Replace old screen assembly in well (estimated 126 lineal Ft.) @ F1Ve & no /100 DOLLARS $ S_ nn —/l-f- $ 630-CJO Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in well, to replace section of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ Eighteen & no /100 DOLLARS $ 1 A _ nn —/l-f- $ � 522 00 s Remove and wash and replace gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ . Forty & no /100 DOLLARS $ 4()-()o /c •Y• $ i o- -r--0— 0 Furnish and install new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds,.) @ Thirty & no /100 DOLLARS $ 30_n0 / c.,y. Furnish and install packer at top of gravel for the lump sum of one hondred & no /100 DOLLARS $. 10n, 00 TOTAL $ 59722.00 In lieu of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachments using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estimated 115 lineal feet) @.. Thirty five & no /100 DOLLARS $ 35.00 —/l-f- $-3-545-00 P - 1 'The final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured quantities by the foregoing unit prices. A (cash deposit) (certified check) (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 107 of the bid is enclosed, which will be forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. It is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all'_bids, -to waive irregularities and informalities therein.and to award the.1contract to the best interests of the Village. In submitting this bid the completion date tf*44 9. **#L k,i s stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. However, our bid takes exception to the Liquidated Damages clause. REMARKS: Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) TR I *STATE DRILLING CO. "* t*1rdua 1) NAME OF BIDDER (A *P*AC41 *_t,4hip) By Title SECY. -TREAS. P - 2 PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA -,1960 TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen:. The undersigned, being familiar with local conditions,-.hereby proposes to furnish all labor,, material, equipment and tools, to repair.Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared for,.the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, and..on file with your Village Clerk as follows: Transporting to' and erecting on the job site all necessary equipment, materials and tools, and install existing pump for the lump sum of one thousand, five hundred & no /100 DOLLARS $ 1.500.00 Remove complete screen assembly for the lump sum of one thousand five hundred & no /100 DOLLARS $ 1s500-00 Replace old screen assembly in well (estimated 126 lineal Ft.) @ - Five & no /100 DOLLARS $ 5.00 /1. f. $ 630.00 Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in well, to replace section of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ Eighteen & no /100 DOLLARS $ 18.001.f. $ 522.00 Remove and wash and replace gravel-_?!" _(estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ Forty __ -- .__� - no - -- 0 DOLLARS $ 40.00 /c.y. $19200.00 Furnish and install new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds.) @ Thirty & no /100 DOLLARS $ 30.00 / c .,:y- $ 270.00 Furnish and install packer at top of gravel_for,_the lump sum of one hundred & no /100 DOLLARS $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 59722.00 In lieu of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachments using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estimated 115 lineal feet) @ Thirty -five & no /100 DOLLARS $ 35.00 /l.f. $ 3,545.00 P - 1 i The, final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured ;quantities by the foregoing, unit prices. I A ( cask- d %p"!t }-(a&r.LL &d1 the k) (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 107 of the .bid is enclosed, which willibe forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidderslas determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. o. It-is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to .reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and informalitie's therein and to award the contract to the bestlinterests of the Village, { In submitting this bid the completion date **4 *1Viq**da1ftd*ages stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. However, our bid takes exception to the Liquidated Damages clause. REMARKS: Respectfully submitted, (A Corporation) TRI_STATE DRILLING CO_ (&tk *dual) NAME OF BIDD R (A 'iCi *iWhip) By 2 Title SECY._TREAS_ P - 2 a Form S. D. 152 BID OR PROPOSAL BOND s; a: ORO cA«ag,�, ALoij., know all Aen by tbege J9 etant!g, That we, Tri -State Drilling Company of Highway 55 .West, Wayzata, Minnesota, (hereinafter called the Principal), as Principal, and CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY (hereinafter callcd the. Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Village of Edina, Minnesota, (hereinafter. called the Obligee) in the penal sum of ten percent ( 10%) of the amount bid Dollars ($ ) for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED and SEALED this 31st day of March 19 60�. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas the Principal has sub- mitted or is about to submit a- proposal-to the Obligee on--a- contract for repairing of Well #4. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said contract be awarded to the Principal and the Principal' shall, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing, and give bond, with surety accept-, able to the Obligee for the faithful performance of -the said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Tri —Sta e Drilling Company B/ y'' � (L. S.) CONTINENTAL CASUALTY— COMPANY ................................... J ................................................. . K. G. Kaufmann, Attorney(s) -in -fact m Bid or Proposal Bond PLEASE READ THIS BOND No OF THE ON BEHALF OF IN FAVOR OF Form S. D. 1S2 -493�b�548 SD 1157 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS COPARTNERSHIP STATE OF ?SS: COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me personally appeared to me known and known to me to be one of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he thereupon acknowledged to me that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of said firm. CORPORATE STATE OF Minnesota Hennepin )SS: COUNTY OF On this 31st day of March 19 60. before me personally appeared Al lc l' , , to me known, .who, being by me first duly:: sworn.. did depose and say that he resides in y° �"� ° "" 7 ; that he is the of Tri —State Drilling Company the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the cot- porate seal of said corporation; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order and authority of the Board. of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order and authority. BERM nvnrvrDUAL STATE OF SS COUNTY OF On this day of 19 , before me personally appeared . to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same. Foam S. D. 21A ~ '[ STATE OFMinnesotdj COUNTY OF Ramsey ; ss. B N G aball I.......................... .............y ......... - -- . .. - - -.. ....................... 'I�amse Minnesota Notary Public of ............ ..........................Count , in the State of........ ............................... do i K. G. Kaufmann Ii hereby certify that ........................._.........._.................................................... ......................... - -.... Attorneys -in -fact, of the Continental Casualty Company, who ........................ personally known to me to be the same person whose name ..... J..S .......... subscribed to the fore- going instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, for and on behalf of the Continental Casualty Company, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal at my office in the City of ... s t_.. Paul is said County, this ...... .... 31 S t _.........day of... ....14 �Y' Ch A. D. 19......6 0 B. N. GA3ALL��1'�Y.G_ ................. l.., i.....: _. Notary Public, Ramsay County, Minn. Notary Public. My Commission Expires Feb. 15, 1964, CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION Power of Attorney Appointing Individual Attorney -in -Fact. knoln Z111 lien by tbege ]Pregentg, That CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, a cor- poration duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, does hereby make, constitute and appoint .................. �{.. �.,..KAiJ>MANN aid ,INKY L , ORME ............ . . of $o. -FAUN} �o,Pa�tY........ . its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature as follows: THQU..> 1MITATzQNS ................... ............................... and to bind CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. . This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By- Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. "Article IX— Execution of Documents Section 3. Appointment of Attorney -in -fact. _ The President or a Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys -in -fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys -in -fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Vice President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney -in- fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 3rd day of April, 1957. "RESOLVED, that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by fao- simile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 3 of Article IX of the By -Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." Jn Mtnegg lftreof, CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this........ 8th ....... day of ............. J31 1Y ............, 19..5$. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY 1897•••• =i�oavoR4re; STATE OF ILLINOIS �p�. �EAI. !� Vice President. OJ•••. -•- .••' COUNTY OF COOK On this...... 8th .. day of .......... ...TVIY ................ 19..58, before me personally came ROBERT T. SCHALLER to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that he is a Vice - President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COM- PANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pur- suant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. " owlts ,••� yN MyAf,, /-91. ij NOTA A/ POAI% Notary Public. - = °oo �•.....•••'f.�c' My Commission Expires Nov. 18, 1959 CERTIFICATE I, R. J. WALKER, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that Section 3 of Article IX of the By -Laws of the. Company and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in said Power of Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said Company this .. 3ISt ... day of ............... 19..6.0.. I sE .A ••1897 �: io iaPOR•t�� v SEA Assistant Secretary. Form S. D. 3A (Rev. 4 -3 -57) s4a iw - PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR OF WELL N0, 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA ::g. . .,19.60 (DATE) TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The - undersigned, being familiar with local conditions, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment and tools, to repair7Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared fox" the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, and on file with your Village Clerk as follows: Transporting to and erecting on the job site all necessary equipment, materials and tools, and install existing pump'. for the lump sum of 0,Vk & /100 DOLLARS Rove mLlete screen assembly for the lump sum of //l'e -(ye kd & /100 DOLLARS $ �� • C� 0 Replace old screen assembly in well .(estimated 126 lineal Ft.) @ p_.e, & /100 DOLLARS $ /d `--- A. f ..$ Q c aG Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in well, to replace section of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ QG ER/TY %G T & /100 DOLLARS $� Remove and wash and replace gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ &e_ 6 Ef T /100 DOLLARS $_t!�F� e /c . y . $ , O� Furnish and install new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds.) @ c�c / cz y & /100 DOLLARS $ c ,y . $ Furnish and instaI �1 packer at top of gravel for the-lump sum 41e- & ` of Lb`r4 E iE f�GruDR �1� /100 DOLLARS $ 30 TOTAL In lieu of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachments using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estimated 115 lineal feet) @ 77Y ICI 1,66 & /100 DOLLARS $ - S ___. /l. f, P - 1 i $ _ The final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured quantities by the foregoing unit prices. A lash dep____' 4 ( k) (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 10' of the .bid is enclosed, which will be forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. It is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash., It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interests of the Village. In submitting this bid the completion date and liquidated damages stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. REMARKS . 0 4 E �P '¢ %iN16 OC OOMAW7dAl OB E ���C��iG�.��z�,crS , (OUR Q /1G1' �� E7? p,() U) i T 14 o UT' '%,I G,� u DA 7*,0 �� aAs Respectfully submitted, $y_ Tit P - 2 (A Corporation) (A PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 EDINA, MINNESOTA ,1960 (DATE) TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN BOTH IN WORDS AND NUMBERS Honorable Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The - undersigned, being familiar with local conditions, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment and tools, to repair:Well No. 4 in accordance with specifications prepared for.-the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, dated March 18, 1960, And-on file with your Village Clerk as follows: Transporting to and erecting on the job site all necessary equipment, materials and tools, and install existing pump for the lump sum of & /100 DOLLARS $ z oegd , 06 Remoj e complete screen assembly for the lump sum aO� ' Q .u19R F '0 & /1/C� /100 DOLLARS $__ _ Replace old screen assembly in well (estimated 126 lineal Ft.) @ do � A) & o /100 DOLLARS $� %die /1. f ..$ `— Furnish, install and place new Armco iron screen assembly in well to replace section of old screen (estimated 29 lin.ft.) @ a Qe /GU��cJTY �iG llT & �L�� /100 DOLLARS $ �8 " /1. f. $ Remove and wash and replace gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds.) @ oe � oe A/ T & /;VU /100 DOLLARS $ D —' /c . y . $ Furnish and install new gravel (estimated 9 cu. yds.) @ 'ow oe & i(iCJ /100 DOLLARS $ / c Y. $ Furnish and install� pJp cker at top of gravel for the-lump sum of Ax"E h`6/.U,DRFD & /100 DOLLARS TOTAL $ ADD dG In lieu'of reinstalling present screen and replacing a section of same with Armco iron screen, furnish and install new Everdur screen and attachments using the 40 foot existing bottom section of 8" pipe (estimated 115 lineal feet) @ pe oe & /100 DOLLARS $ .,5f-5— "" /1. f . $ P - 1 The final amount of the contract shall be determined by multiplying the final actual measured' quantities by the foregoing unit prices. A ) (c v444 - '- -L--'-) (bidder's bond) in an amount equal to at least 10' of the . bid is enclosed, which will be forfeited if the undersigned fails to enter into a contract within one (1) week after receipt of Notice of Award. It is understood that the Village reserves the right to retain the deposits, checks, or bonds of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Village for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. It is understood that no bids may be withdrawn after the start of the opening of bids. It is understood that payment for the work will be made in cash. It is understood that the Village Council reserves the right to .reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the._contract to the best interests,, of the Village. In submitting this bid the completion date and liquidated damages stated in the specifications are to be fully complied with. REMARK e -- ,E /�XC���i7G•li / G �96/� � 1l, If '. � �i� J�.FC �.G /C'�4 � �o•�is; Qu/� , �© Jul PAS _17-1674-) Respectfully submitted, 14 � — �/�/1�� OT/� �Q� (A Corporation) OF,8TDPER r ) FMO VOWTA P - 2 I BID BOND Form No. S618 A STOCK COMPANY TRmTy UNIVERSAI C' Dm I.AS. TEAS Xnatu all Mtn big 6U74PSP Wrorntu, LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY: ------------------------------------------ ------ - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- __-- __ -_ -- 3147 CALIFORNIA STREET N.E.V MINNEAPOLISV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- MINNESOTA Of -- - -- - - -- -- -- - -- (hereinafter called the Principal), as Principal, and TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, (hereinafter called the Surety), as Surety are held and firmly bound unto-THE VILLAGE ____CL_ERK,___y /L_LAGE__OF ED/NAP MINNESOTA (hereinafter called the Obligee) in the penal sum of TEN PER__CEN-_1 Qf BID - ------------------------------ - - - - -- DOLLARS ------------ .-° for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED and SEALED this ----- 4T(-L ------------------ day of----- - - -APR /---------------------------------- 195- 0 - - - -- THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH That, whereas the Principal has submitted or is about to submit a proposal to the Obligee on a contract for ----------- ------ REPA_ /R--- 0E- WE4L--- #4 -. - -- NOW, THEREFORE, if the said contract be awarded to the Principal and the Principal shall, • within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing and give bond with surety acceptable to the Obligee, for the faithful performance of the said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY l 1 y (L. S.) , U ' TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSU CE CO,, - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- Attorney m -Fail. - JERROLD, T. 'M %L-ER _ - STATE OF MINNESOTA ISS.- COUNTY OF HENNEPIk Onthis_..... 4 TH .... ............ day of ........................ .P.R..I.L ............ ............................... 109 ......... 0 before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared ........................ ..... ............................... J.E.R.R.CIL.D ..... 7......M.I.L.L.E.R ................................................................... . .................................. . ..... to me personally known, who being duly sworn, upon oath, did say that he is the Agent and Attorney -in -fact of and for the TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the -laws of the State of Texas; that the Corporate seal affixed to the foregoing within instrument is the seal of said Company; that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by authority of its Board of Directors; and the said JERROLD T.MILLER . ..... ................................................................................................ I ........................................................................................... did acknowledge that he executed the said instwment as the free act and deed of said Company. ................. ......................... (SEAL) Notary Public My Commission expires ........... : ........... ROBERT D. STUDT N df5; -V P Minn Form No. B-761 My commission Expires Fab. 4, . 1955- s32ev:�fen- rf�d =11 -s1 r UINITY IRC O11TERSAL twsuwAwco to v• w v r , POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Texas Corporation, in pursuance of authority granted by that certain resolution adopted at a regular meeting of its Board of Directors, held at the office of the Company, in the City of Dallas, Texas, on the twenty -third day of January, 1937 and of which the following is a true, full and complete copy: "Resolved. That the President, any Vice - President, or any Secretary of this Company be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to make, execute and deliver in behalf of the Company unto such person or persons residing within the United States of America, as they may select, its Power of Attorney con- stituting and appointing each such person its Attorney -in -Fact, with full power and authority to make, execute and deliver, for it, in its name and in its behalf, as surety, any particular bond or undertaking that may be required in the specified territory, under such limitations and restrictions, both as to nature of such bonds or undertakings and as to limits of liability to be undertaken by the Company, as said officers may deem proper, the nature of such bonds or undertakings and the limits of liability to which such powers of attorney may be restricted, to be in each instance specified in such Power of Attorney." amended at a regular meeting of its Board of Directors held at the office of the Company, in the City of Dallas, Texas, on the thirty -first day of January, 1951, and of which the following is a true, full and complete copy: "Resolved, That any and all Attorneys -in -Fact of this Company be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to certify to a copy of any of the By- Laws of the Company as well as any resolution of the Directors, having to do with the execution of bonds, recegnizonces, contracts of indemnity, and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, or with regard to the powers of any of the officers of the Company or of Attorneys -in- Fact." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: J.T. MILLER Or JE.RROLD To MILLER or CALVIN A. OPSAUL or JOHN C. BACHMAN-T, all of 1IINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, or ROBERT H. MILLER or JOHN Ye 4EDPATH of ST PUL MINNEGOTA -_ _� _ m _ _ -_ - -- m_ ®____ --_o_ its true and olaw I At�orney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety in The United States of America: Any and all bonds and undertakings of suretysnip- - m -- - _ m _ m _ m m _ _ - - m o And the execution of such bonds or undertakings, in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the said Company at its office in Dallas, Texas, in their own proper persons. In witness whereof, TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be duly executed by its proper officer this 2fth day . EPhIMAM 19 59 - Attest: TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY Don La Chapman, SecretaryTitle (SEAL) State of Texas County of Dallas sr. On this day personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Dallas, the above named officer of TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, who, being duly sworn. by me, did depose and say that he is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of the said Company, and that the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company. Witness my hand and seal, this 20th day of February (SEAL) My commission expires June 19 1959 � .E. Cason, Jr. Notary Public I, the undersigned, Attorney -in -Fact of TRINITY UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, was signed by the Officers and Notary Public whose names are shown above and that it is in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Attorney -in -Fact, and affixed the corporate seal of the Company, this 4TH day of APRIL 19 60 (Seal), T KFN Attorney -in -Fact CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY - - — SEE CERTIFICATION ESTIMATE PRICE' UNITI TOTAL - . ' 0 Z s Q CL LLI o Z dmmo i z w W W Cf C3 a- -- .l.f a Z M. PROPOSAL ITEM QUANTITY NITS NAME / s , s e r2 an el o P< ' a ) f_ ESTIMATE PRICE' UNITI TOTAL i ui r cr - 4.10 � Ao � memo -Z . Z w • cn • cc- co -PROPOSAL ITEM$ EST I MATE - -. MA ®- IV P _ rl�a� i� ii � II Irma i I� 41P ®eO ►� II ►. �i�3 �� I� ► II � i II BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 810 NORTH SNELLING AVENUE ST. PAUL 4, MINN. PHONE. MIDWAY 6 -2612 March 22 1960. RE t . LDINA, MINNESOTA RgPAIR OF WZU NO. 4 Our File: 06004 Mr. Bernard Woehler Water Works Superinteadent Village Hall 4801 Ueet 50th Street Edina ?d►, 1�3 Aftesota Dear Ben: Enclosed find three f 3)copies of the specifications for tell No. 4. We have previously scut copi the Ad for Alden for publication. repair of 4s to Gretchen I would suggest that you look these o r aad see your ccm ants if you want anything changed. Please note, that this mat be subiltte duplicate, We are ash that the age wi de provision for advertising iI this In the proper publi ions. I suggest you keep one co and per give two copies to the Village Clerk or store them in r you want. Threes copies should be on file in tile. R ii aff� 0 AWB saw eteCl. cc: Warren Hyde Village manager s iuGexal ly,, BANISTER SNGINSERING CO. By Jr. W. Banister $eptornber 23%11 IM9 RE.- IMATER 1-70LUTIQIJ FROIJI CESSPOOLS (TEST!"ING FOR) TO-. ALL VILLAGE PERSONTNEL The State Departmont of Health will test for Nitrate in private ti!ellsq under si. months if there is- an ihifantjin the x'amilyy o." if the wifo is 'Iexpezting". era-v,n froyll cold Ivater, IS U mo a -` G To make such a test the ",Mealt-h —a n, ftgn d rnay be mailed in to the Dopart-merit, Jin case -Che namie,, address, telephone numbers, and 'a ' ge of infant or date of e.%rpectee birth, should accoapany the request for the test. This will take a c— 'k or ton days. Amyone, wanting to have a tcst, ynedp i-rin",ediately may b37ing the watC. °r to the SILI-Ate Health Depaxtment and tvaiiil- fo-r .thee test, It iglu ll take about .6 half-hour. Tests arc made at -%'-,he STATE DEPT. O.-tZ HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF IlUINN. CAMPUS. LAINNEAPOLIS9 MINN. For eddI*in-_Fo;,, call INIi,, Snyder at FE 9-7751, Broadca.&-(';.s -are ding made by T.V. andil 111adio announcers conc . ern ;'qiv this matter, and 1?v a sikolVing many calls for Inforift6tion. These tests ake FRU# I G*S*A'o aptanbehr �?R$ ;tiA '." Pu ,U; �;; � r -R- 1 CESS' C 04.E: "!-�, ';Sr. . . • ;��"1 �: li +�, °�� 3s1. "fix: • Fiz,'"�,�.i��dxa. : �, . - • . -of - Health- JI.E., ses ' -for Nitrate In iivatc `ZS4th3 - • 3 �. tt1E3e •i$' ,8t'1 lt;'s" #r . ;ii1. 'Lfi�- 'ail: q �3.s a ..1`En'. She u; 1111'. Y!o 'Swanc l tNriv �_g �t.�:./:��`q y y.�S.:• ■. +k ;�`. �� Apr n_y� j yy `�•r�vyf�1.���J • -1 lei YRl'��• .�.MV•T 9'• 4Opt he. +a � -rC1 il��.li V6••fT 'CJa �'a .+�' Zia ��� �, �� S �. #1 5.0 ��qq}} iG; •... may. be- mailey3.1n•'tb Gcte &.a Mmia, ed&%,,:d $fi.°~e 7i�cr.Ci nusriibsrg and •age. af' infant DoT date of gx,p:•:tod.birth- should t1hp, 4igi eet for 'the test: "'This will -take z zt- k spa °:ten iiayr�. Anane' v!�aiog to •teVe- a test math It diately` may bring tka i xt= �o' .tbe: -gta H Wl h, Do" epaartmeiit and wMt f the ta�st., It uJill ta[c4 . Usts - -Ante- .'m d at:- th STATE, �Ei�ti .OF HgAt�T#,. UNfiV�si'ia Da� P. J - - -''t N mac' adds tinft' 4 Oatl *.. • at -F E, 'g =y � B readrag '#Y4- b.."',made by T::V:. 'arfO; jR %o -salt noufterd- condrxanv this - k matter., .04.16,: e`: -tee 'v3ng• many . .11s• �� i ';ihtar"f.3'ena' lbgs* •tests• .are FREE. - ' March 309 1 %0 , tmo Too, Ben Woehler , l r"O Warren C@ Hyde I have a lotter from mrs. riewclls i, mississippio in which sho states. one of her neighbors tells her that the drivemi at the Nowall,residencoo 4920 5unnyside, is being ruinad by the flushing of they new,hydsant, Mat is the situation hero? If damage hes,been done to the arivewayg see that It is'aepaired promptly and see that future flushing is handled'in a proper manner. Marren Ce Hyde VVWdf r cc a . Matk - i `4, G P.7E N 0 R A N D U M TO: The Mayor and Council. FROh1s Warren C. Hyde, Village i~tianager. REPAIR OF JUNIOR HIGH VELL This is the viell which was gravel - packed and equipped with a screen in (+arch, 19579 at a cost of $49959.98. Last fall it started to pump a consider- able amount of sand and at that time we had Bergerson - Caswell, who did the gravel- packing, come in to pull the pump, check the viell, and replace the pump at a cost of $484.00. After checking the conditions, Bergerson - Caswell recommended an acid treatment, based on their impression that the screen was not broken and that the screen was clogged because of iron bacteria growth. Pie worked out a tentative agreement whereby they world furnish labor and equipment at hourly rates and vie would purchase the necessary chemicals and gravel, at a total cost of about $15300 to $1,400, not more than $1,000 of which would be for labor and equipment rates. This proposal was presented to you and at that time•the.suggestion was made that %ve should attempt to get a guarantee of at least two years satis factory operation from any treatment. As a result, the sollowing bids were received on February 8: Tri -State Drillers $4,500.00 (no Guarantee) Bergerson - Caswell $79300.00 Keys $7,995.00 It is apparent that the bids which agree to a guarantee provide ample charges for pulling the entire casing and replacing the screen if the acid-, izzng or air treatment proposed does not work. Since the bids were received, we have had further discussions of the matter with Banister, Bergerson- Casvi211, and Layne. Bergerson- Caswell have increased their hourly charge for one man and the rig from $12.50 to $14.50 and proposed to use only one of their men, with the Village furnishing two men. In addition, the Village would have to send a truck to Eau Claire to secure approximately 5 yards of the type of gravel needed to replace that which was apparently washed out. Bergerson- Casviall believes the work can be done in 5 days, but it is not too positive and is not willing -to guarantee the charges would be less than $1900r?,a Five days of their one -man crew and rig would cost $580.001 Layne, on'the other hand, would furnish a rig and crew at $20.00 per hour working a ten hour day or $200.00 a day. No personnel would be required from the Village. They state they could tell quite definitely whether the screen was broken in the first day's operation. If it is, then we world have to re- advertise for a complete overhaul and screen replacement. If it it not, they are quite certain they can acidize and replace the gravel - in five days work, with their forces handling 'all of the job. We would buy the materials separately, at the cost of about $300. Layne would also agree that if the job did take more than five days, they would charge us only for five, in order to be under the $1,000 bidding requirement. From information received from Bergerson- Castjell and Layne, it is our impress- ion that Layne has done more work in acid treating of wells. My recommendation, therefore is to reject the bids, and we will them give Layne a purchase order for not more than $1,000 of time, and buy the materials directK Layne can do the work during the week of March 7. VJe need to get this well in production before the spring demand for water occurso Warren C. Hyde March 40 1960 Bergerson- Caswello Inc,, 13120 Wayzata Bl%rd,► Wnneapolis-26,' Minnesotan Gentlement SUBJECTS Well No, 4 This will confirm Wire Woeh%er °s conversation.with you on Wednesdays March 29 1960, during which he a6iced you that we had made other arrangements for 1, ' 9602 No. 4; I regret that it.was necessary for us to do this,, but as pointed out'to your Aire Caswell and Mr: Hart in the meeting here on February 24, your financial proposal was lose attractive tows than another which was submitted,' I regret that your decision to raise the hourly rate for one man from $12,509 as quoted,in your letter of January,l2d 1960, to $14.50 was - necessary and that you 41d not have sufficient faith in -your ability to complete the work within the limits of total expenditure for labor and equipment by us of $19000 or less* «.e Woehler and I have. both checked your invoice No, 14371 dated Ph.l,. 1960; in the amount of $4949509_ We have further checked it with your-letter of September 109 19599.in which you "agree to furnish the necessary labor and equipment to pull.the pump from the-wall, check and explore the well for. .cause of difficulties, and reinstall the puinpr at the hourly rates quoted In odr letter'of January 16th, 19579 with the cost to not exceed $494,50,," Inasmuch as you did not reinstall the pump'and inasmuch as we requested you verbally to withdraw from the work at the, present time without reinstalling the pump, We I' ooehler.has-estimated that -we should deducted $105,00, rep - Resenting 6 hours at $17e50 per hour,.,from the bill* I-am personally quite unhappy that, this has turned out as, it`has. ,I think, however9 that when we accept a proposal to do a j ob at a'cost of $49959698 in the belief that, based on previous experience, the proposer knows, what he im talking about.and then after only 2�2- years are faced with'the same problems - that we had$ that we have a right to expect more than we have been given in this instance, We accepted your proposal of September 10, 195991n the belief that you would get us some definite information as to what had happened and why the difficulties had occured, I do not recall any definite, positive. statements from you as to Page 2 Bergerson- Caswell - , Whether the screen is broken or any provable data as to the exact current situationw I believe you have stated that-you do not think that the screen is'brokens and that you felt that the basic trouble was the iron bacteria action. ?his# of couersea, is a guess.:_ We could have dond that without having the pump pulled. I still feel that you ahould have kin able to corms up with a more positive statement as to what- is.the present situation than you 'have to date.; Very truly your$ - Marren Ce_ HYdep Village Arlanager*_ WHjdF March 2, 1960 Mr. Norman Viken 5201 . Duicraig Rd. Edina 24, Minn. Dear Sirs Your inquiry about a water test ha ®:been referred to me. The State Dept. 'of "Health,'.university of Minnesota Campus-, Mple., will test for Nitrate in private welle, if there is an infant under six months in the family, or if "the wife is "expecting ". To make such a test the Health Dept. needs a pint of water, drawn from cold water (yneoftened).. This may be mailed in to the Dept., in which case the name, address, telephone number and age of infant'or date of expected birth should accompany the request for the test. -This will take a week or ten days. Anyone wanting to have a test made immediately may bring the water to the State Health Dept. and wait for the test. It will,.take about a half -hour. These tests are free. Mr. Snyder at FE9 -7751 (Health Dept.) will be glad to answer any questions you might have. Youie.very_truly, Village Clerk gea September 23, 1959 RED WATER P(N.UTION FROM CESSPOOLS (TESTING FOR) TO: ALL VILLAGE PERSONNEL The State Department of Health will %1.est for Nitrate in private yells, undor six mcr the if there is- an infant/in the family, or if the wife is "exgectingcl . dr a •an from cold water, To make., such a test the Health Debi needs - want, of raat�r T��s isrrsef�gneti tai may be mailed in to the Department, in which pease the name, address,, telephone number, and age.of infant or date of expected birth should accompany the kdquest for the test. This will take a neak or ten days. A nyone wanting to have a test made irmnediately may Ming the water to the State Health Department and wait for the test. It uai?.l take about -� half -houro Tests are made at the STATE DEPT. ,OF HEALTH, MNIVERSITY OF MMTJ. CiWP::JS. MDJNEAPOLIS, °!IINN. For addl.info,, call fLr,. Snyder at FE 9-7751, Jroadcat.ts aee being made by T.u. and Radio announcers nonce ,, : .q7.no this matter, and x.140 re many calls for information. These tests are FREE. G.S.A.. Data For `their Rio TELEPHONE KESSAGE Date //— /.a - � fC — .From Their No. tl(la — 0 �✓� Time Rec' d/ /42.',0 2 Remark % •Ajaadoad pus 93ij 'gljsaq 2ulpasn2 'jasss js9j89a3 s,Ajto 8 sI It Ing •p9jusa2 ao3 ua -4sa sI 'Rilvaq pool axlj 'aalem poo0 - sj9ans3 anoA of jg3za paaanljap aalvm 3o uol s 192 noA saiuuad 6 103 •uTS12 ut a93um O NvIvTad 'a3as jo sasseIg Ogg sAnq II ; ;;; pjaom aqj uI Auuad js932Iq aqy 31EISSOd SZ1W 1S3MO'I 3HZ Zd 3g91SSOd EZIVM 1S39 3HZ HSINXf13 OZ sxosaunm 49UTPH .20ft N rC47O aPAH •9 usixem 'IR $SS 'ON ;iuuad 9-0u(111 •u'613 GIVd 20VISOd 'S Y1 M :sxaoM aalsM paumo AjtsdlolunN ano)L to mIy aqj :OZ SIOU111I 'U121a 3O Sj!a hldd77 S AYrIYO\ A110fL /l l/ HOW YOUR I�M-Tt&930 HAS GROWN Water was always plentiful in Elgin, but could not be obtained by just opening a faucet. In 1887 the City Council passed an ordinance appropriating $190,000 for a water system to be operated by the city. As a resident of Elgin, you own a share of the 3 Million Dollars worth of property and equipment which has been invested in your water supply system through the past 70 years. _ Before Elgin had a public water supply, people drew water from private wells and natural springs which abounded in the area. Today, each Elgin family uses an average of 1k tons daily. How would you like to carry 100 pailfuls, -each weighing 25 lbs., from a pump to your house each day? $' Years ago, water for fire protection was drawn from the mill race with horse -drawn steam fire engines. It would take more than 300 pailfuls a minute to equal the thousand gallons a minute one fire pumper can furnish from any of the 954 hydrants which stand guard at our street corners. j . YOUR WATER WORKS HAS GROWN IN THE LAST TEN YEARS 9,029 1948 V� We pump 35% more water. 1948 1,043,133,000 gallons # # #I1# 19,% 11,488 We have 27% more customers. 1,413,080,000 gallons 1 WATER IS FREE - - - -- YOU PAY FOR PRESSURE, PURITY, AND CONVENIENCE // ,� ll The source of Elgin's water supply is 8 deep and 4 'shallow wells I J with a total capacity over 8 million gallons per'day. Most of / our water comes from sandstone strata at a depth of 1200 to 2000 feet, which crops to the surface in the Minnesota Lake Region. Water from deep wells is very hard from seeping slowly through sandstone for many miles before it is pumped to the surface. To provide clear, sparkling, soft water we have constructed two treatment plants. Last year 97% of the water pumped for Elgin was softened, eliminating unpleasant odor and color; saving people thousands of dollars in soap and washing compounds, reducing fuel bills and cutting plumbing repairs. RUM W. To so.f,ten and chlorinate our water 20,460.1bs. of catalyzer 1,335 All water is treated with Chlorine before it is pumped into the mains to kill all disease carrying. bacteria. Each month, over 50 samples of water from all over the city are tested in our city laboratories. Tests are also made by the State Health Department, which rates our Water Department as one of the best in Illinois. The dental health of every boy and girl in Elgin is protected as Fluorine is a natural element in our water. Test made by the United States Public Health Service show an average slightly under .7 parts per million of Fluorine content. supply for 1957 required: 20,448 lbs. of alum tons of lime 15,898 lbs. of Chlorine The annual revenue of $456,000 is used to operate the system and retire its bonded debt. Capital improvements are being constructed without increasing the bonded debt, which is now $400,000, or 19% less than three years ago. By neglecting their Water Departments, many cities have failed to meet the demands placed upon them by increased population. Elgin has shown foresight in planning ahead for future improvements to meet these needs. We are now drilling a deep well, to be completed in the summer of 1958. A 500,000 gallon overhead storage tank is included in the 1958 budget. When completed, we will have a 5- million gallon storage capacity. Call SH 2 -7730 for service calls or questions about your water bills. To report a water leak, to ask for a final meter reading when you move, to have water turned on or off, call this number from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Call your plumber to repair leaking faucets and fixtures. WATER IS PRECIOUS - USE IT BUT DO NOT WASTE IT. A slow drip wastes 15 gallons per day! ...... And you pay for it! Pay for what 4-2" -2 LEAK 6 It' "STREAM 45- STREAM WASTES A WASTES WASTES 25 GALLONS 6 100 GALLONS 400 GALLONS IN 24 HOURS IN 24 HOURS IN 24 14OURS you use, not for what you lose. If- your -home -is -in-an old - section of the city, -you .may -have- an - old small service — line which has become corroded so that only a small volume of water is delivered. Ask to have your service "blown" with an air and water pressure tank. This special service costs $10. Or you may have your water service replaced with a larger line to give you an ample supply for current needs. 24 men are on the Water Division payroll, with a total of 189 years of experience, covering every phase of water operation. These men are on duty 24 hours a day, and are dedicated to their job of supplying plenty of water of good quality. This is your invitation to visit the treatment plants at Slade Avenue and St Charles Street, and the Meter Shop on Ann Street. Picnic grounds are located along Fox River at Slade Avenue. Reservations for groups may be made by calling SH 1 -1035. Carl A. Jepson, Director of the Water Department Class AA Operator State Department of Public Health Raymond P. Botch, City Manager FEDERAL HOUSING ADNINI,STRATION 3jo PRODUCE BANK BUILDING HINNE:.r'OL13 3, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR CIRCULAR LETTER NO. ?9 MINNEAPOLIS, tMOMOTA February 25, 1960 TO: FHA EMPLOYEES AND PERSONS HAVING BUSINESS WITH F A SUBJECT: INFORMATION REGARDING FHA PROCEDURES PROCESSING TIME - HOME MORTGAGES IN MINNESOTA _ Percent Distribution of Cases Processed Within ? Days 14 Darts 21_Dav, s 22 Days or More February 10/20 51% 40% 2 7% During this period of 8 working days we processed 125 cases with an average pro- cessing time of.8 days. REVISION TO CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 78 _ R QUIWMNTS ON EXISTING PROPERTIES SERVED_BY. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLYi�" ` (a) Well -log not required. (b) A currently dated report from a competent independent laboratory that the water (sample eollected.by laboratory) shows no evidence of bacterial or chemical pollution of domestic or, industrial origin. EFFECTIVE DATE OF LUMBER GRADE - MARKING It is desired to have grade -marke 1d ber in general use in all FHA construction on and after April 1. To accomplish this objective, a special procedure for the application of this revision has been established which differs somewhat from the normal application of 11PS revisions. In this instance the following procedure shall be used: 1. All proposed construction to be built under comuatments issued on and after April 1, 1960 shall include grade- marked framing and board lumber. 2. All commitments for proposed construction issued after receipt of this letter shall contain the following commitment condition: "If construction is started on or after April 1, 1960, all framing and board lumber shall be identified by the grade -mark of a recog- nized association or independent inspection agency certified by the American Lumber Standards Committee, Washington, D. C. to grade the species." The start of construction is interpreted as the placement of permanent con- struction; such as pouring of footings or any work beyond the stage of ex- cavation. 3. The grade - marking requirements do not apply to construction under commitments now outstanding, any extension thereof, or to those commitments now outstand- ing'whieh expire and are reopened during the sixty -day reeonsideration period. 4. In cases involving partially completed construct4on the grade marking require- ments will not apply,where the commitment bears a date prior to April 1, 1960. If the commitment bears a subsequent date the grade marking requirements shall apply in the same manner as other specific requirements in the 11PS apply to cases submitted as 'partially completed" construction. MPS GENERAL REVISION NO. 1 - Paragranh 602 -6.4 Exterior Storage This revision requires at lcasc N percent of the required total volume shall be located for convenient storage of items and equipment used out - doors. This space may be located in garage, storage lockers or within dwelling if readily accessible to the exterior. A further interpretation is as follows: "While acceptable storage provisions may be within a dwelling if readily accessible to the exterior, it must be made clear that access from the exterior to a basement stairway across a habitable room is not acceptable . when the basement provides part of the required exterior storage." .Circular Letter No. 79 Page 2 WATER SOFTENER RFC�UIREAIEPITS - Mechanical. Engineering Bulletin No. ME-14. Water softeners proposed for use in cases involving new construction for which com- mitments are issued on or after September 1, 1960, shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the subject bulletin or with the Water Conditioning Foundation's "Water Conditioning Standards 5- 100.11 Compliance with the subject bulletin will be indicated by issuance of a Materials Release for the specific water softener. Required tests may be made by a recog- nized testing laboratory or by the manufacturer. Tests made by the manufacturer must be witnessed by a qualified registered engineer who is not normally associated with the manufacturer and who must certify to the proper performance of the tests and to the test results. A report of all tests shall be submitted to the Archi- tectural Standards Division, Washington, D. C. Compliance with the Water Conditioning Foundation's "Water Conditioning Standard S -100" shall be indicated by the Water Conditioning Foundation seal. appearing on the conditioner. r_ TRADE- IN'HOUSING We have issued our first Commitment on trade -in- housing to the First National Bank of Minneapolis, for the Town Realty Company. CIRCULAR. LETTER MAILING LIST It is essential that we have your request to remain on our Circular Letter Mailing List if you wish to receive our next Circular Letter. Formal request form was mailed with our last Circular Letter. `If you have not completed it and returned to us, please do so at once. This is in accordance with the statutory provisions governing matter mailed free under the penalty. privilege. Very truly yours, Wallace E. Berg Director AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................... ....................... ........ Edina -A lorningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Qh.emicals._fos__ Idatar_ �sigg] �:-- S�. nd>_ �. itaamina�._Nla�.t].e:__Ra��.lsa t�.• hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mar real for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA - MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in 'Its .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interes„ cc said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of inktlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicatbL any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. Advertisement for Bids Re Gasoline Diesel Thatthe priated--------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuels.. • _--- __ -_ -_- --_- °--_'___'-- -- ---__ --- -. hereto atraehed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; wes published therein is the English language once a week for - - -- tn_- _______successive weeks; that it was first so Dublished on the - ____- _A®t ----- day of ---- March -------------- 19 -60 and thereafter on____ 2hi R4Y— ______ -___of each week to and including the ----- th day of ---------- APrA--------- 19-69; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size, ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Adv_ertisement_for Bids_ ReGasoline & Diesel Fuel.... ------------------------ abcdeigAij klmnopgrstuvwxyz Publisher (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ApVERTISEMENT Fp R BIDS GASOLINE & DIESEL IPUEL: CHEMICALS F WATER SUPPLY: SAND, BITUM _OUS 11�ATLS: ROCK SEALED BID will be received an d Managernin the the office of Village Edina Village Hal 4801 W. 50th Street, at 11:00 Monday, April 11, 1980, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Ott Monday, pr consider said bids, being for the fol- lowing: 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL A. Gasoline -- Regular" — 115,000 Gals., more or less High Test- 10,000 Gals., more or less B mseI Fuel — No. 2- 10,000 I al_ more or less CHEMICAL9 FOR WATER SUP - PLY SYSTEM Hydrofluosilicic Acid 251,0- 31,000 lbs., more or less Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid — 22,000 lbs., more or less — 12,000 Amonium Sulphate, 25:0 lbs., more or less Y 918 Balls, or equal — 10,000 lbs., more or less I3, SAND: ROCK: BITUMINQUS MA. TERIALS A. Torpedo Sand -3,000 Ton, more or less B. Buckshot -2,000 Ton, more or , less C. Binder Rock -2,000 'Ion, more I or less D. Coarse Aggregate —%o00 Ton, more or less E. Bituminous Aggregate —1.000 Ton, more 6r less F. Ready Mix Bituminous Mat_r. ials- -MC 2,3 —AC 1,2 -5,000 Ton, more or lesspp halts—MC G. RC 1,2,3_100,000 GaIs rnor 3 or less H. Emulsified Asphalt— 25,000 Ton; more or less Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with ` s c fication which re available at t di le M "t W E'onsi ur�esg� a vtth "A`i%AV rc a.m., onday. i% AV panied by cash depot, btd or certified cbep ab 0 lage Treasrlr?1M ►moot C,lltrai r ten percent of the base Id. The Village Council reserves the right to re' art or all bids. BY ORDOF THE- EDINA VIL- LAGE CO CIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Mar. 31, Apr. 7, 1960)—EC-4A-IOC Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------- i____ay of___ aril___ ------ �19_ 6twian,a c �xrtttt.,,.,� NCI _O Pt htt�-'v- - t r... r �•t..•. TROT D. VdILLIA:An County, Min n. Notary public, Hennes �� 196. Dag Clama'a°n a- 1 -5a -2M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................... Edina- Alorningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known gENNg =_=pun'XX1 19111l�n.7- as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. ADVERTI T FOR BIDS IRVICO INE�SEL FUEL: CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUPPLY: That for more than one year Immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed SAND, BITUMINOUS MAILS: ROCK SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office 91 tbq Village -------- --- - - - - -• Manager in the ectna Village 11:0 hall, YdiEii 1 !�- tiA_ 4801 W. 50th Street, at 11:00 a.m., Monday. April 11, 1980, add the Edina Village Council will maiS AC` 7:00 � - -_ yt�yS �- Q��d *� - ya,�� �a p.m., on Monday, April 11, the to Wii1� - Nta1iW� sli0 consider said bids, being for the fol- lowing: 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL. ------ -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- A. Gasoline — "Regular" -- 11,1,000 - - -- Gais., more or less hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from Its High Tc5t- 10,000 Gals-.; more known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of or less each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column B. Diesel Fuel — No. 2- 10,000 two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Gals., more or less equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary niac,.rlal for preparing and printing the same: 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP - THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in : FORM 25361/:— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION _ btate Of GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL; ,linneota, SS. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP- k� PLY; SAND; Bi,ruiIINOUS County of.___...._ -_._:_ -------------- --_- --- ------- °-- - ----- MATERIALS; ROCK— BIDS CLOSE APRIL 11 B, Lima Edina, Minn. -------------- ------ -- --- -- --- ------ . _------------------ ------------ ----------- -------, being duly sworn, SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------------------------------- 4801 W. 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., Mon- day, April 11, 1960, and the Edina d &Q � ���� Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., - ---- ---- - ----- - -- --- ---- -- -- -- - - - on lTonday, April 11, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: the publisher ._...._and printer -------- of the newspaper known as__________________...._.._.....___._._._____..___.- 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FULL ��� A. Gasoline - "Regular" - 115,000 ------------------------------...---------------....----...---..--- ------- .------ --------- ...._, and has full •knowledge of the Gals., more or less High Test - 10,000 Gals., more facts herein stated. or less B. Diesel Fuel - No. 2 - 10,000 That for more titan one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Gals., more or less 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP - {, tI� � V A&mft for PLY SYSTEM Hydrofiuosilieie Acid 25% — 31,- -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 000##, more or less Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid - 22,- 000##, more or less known office of ublication within the.___..____.__..________________________.___.._ ______.___..__...._..___.___.---------------- Amonium Sulphate, 25% - 12,000#x, city .ialp the County of moreor less Y 918 Balls, or equal - 10,000##, ------------------------ __ ....... of-- --------- ------ --- - -- ------------------------------------------------ - - --in Tiltl--------------- State Minnesota, more or less -- _.._.: - --- -- - --- -- -------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------- of on 3. SAND: ROCK: BITUMINOUS MA- TERIALS ........... .....................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in A. Torpedo Sand - 3,000 Ton, more space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; hos been isued from a known or less B. Buckshot - 2,000 Ton, more or office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary less C. Binder Rock - 2,000 Ton, more material for preparing and printing the same; .__.__....___ .. ........................._.___. -------------------------- or less D. Coarse Aggregate - 3,000 Ton, more or less --- ------------ - -------- _ E. Bituminous Aggregate - 1,000 Ton, more or less ------------------------------------------- F. Ready Mix Bituminous Materi- als - MC 2, 3 - AC 1, 2 - 5,000 has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent o its news columns devoted to local news p y fi p f Ton, more or less of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its G. Cut Back Asphalt - MC 1, 2, 3, 4; RC 1, 2, 3 - 100,000 Gals., ° said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not more or less duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and H. Emulsified Asphalt - 25,000 more or less advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 Bidder may bid on any or all items. Bids must be in conformance with copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in p g Y p y g specifications which are available at the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the the Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts with the undersigned before m constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - A.M., Monday, April 11, 1960, accocom- panied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for roofs of its said qualification. y� Treasurer in amount of at least ten (yam That the printed --- ......_______ __ ______ _.%. __� bu -------------------------------- .--------- percent of the base bid. hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the therein in the English language once each week for_______________ WO -------------------------------------- --------------- Edina Village Council GRETCHEN S. ALDEN successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------- 31st--------------- _ _ _ __ _________ ___day of Village Clerk — — - - - - Max'ch -------------- --- 1 1 9 19 - -- 60 and thereafter on...... T1'111rSd8,-------------------------------- - - -.... of each week to and including the--- - - - - -- 7th--- - - - - -- -day of ----- Ap;7il -------------------------------- 19- 69 ---- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said __________________________..._._..____._ ___..__...------ _.________._.__ AdvertUSMett for bidd abed efghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------ 7th ---------- day of_ APY'a.l___ ___.__.__....__.....___19._.60.. -.i vSc .y - 1 !� Notary Public----- ---------- -- - - - - -- ------------------------- ------------------ - -- - -- County, Minnesota. Mycommission expires...__. rO. S. ON_.......— .............................................. "u" !Y ; : i I-Tenncpin County, Minn. MY Commission Expires June 5, 1966 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536'/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of ,Hinticlota, ss. County of-- ----- -- --- - --Hem epia -------------------------- ...... ..._.- GASOLINE AND llIES1 L FUEL; S• iii= ------- being duly sworn, ....---- °-- -__...- _._..... _ .............----------------------------------------------------------- CIIH'.�ilCAf.S FOIL WATER SUP- , PLY; SAND; BITUMINOUS MATERIALS; ROCK— on oath says, that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .............. BIDS CLOSE APRIL 11 Edina. Minn. --------------------- - - ��ftw�up -- a &.......................................................................... SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, the publisher- -_ -__- -and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... 4801 W. 50th Street, at 11:00 A.M., Mon- Construation Bfi i etin day, April 11, 1960, and the Edina __... ------- and has full knowledge of the Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., facts herein stated. on \Monday, April 11, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1. GASOLINE: DIESEL FUEL That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed A. Gasoline - "Regular" - 115,000 Gals., more or less �q ----------------------------------------------- oveY'- �i�.8$L'I�11t..f1W...1 � ............................... .- -- -- ---- --- - -- High Test - 10,000 Gals., more or less hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its B. Diesel Fuel - No. 2 - 10,000 Gals., more or less known office of publication within the ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUP- FLY SYSTEM 2 - - -... .. `--o --' °' ------------------------------ - - - -xn the Count o �iiti -------- - fJ� i3A$ai8 y f 1- Iydrofiuosilicie Acid 25% — 31,- 000#, more or less --- --- --- ---- - -- - -Hennepin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- State of Minnesota, on Chlorine, Cylinder Liquid - 22,- 000 #, more or less Amonium sulphate, 25% - 12,000#,-------------------- - 1ix"8 - - - -- -- .------- ..- .- . ------- oJ each week in column and sheet form equivalent in more or less space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known Y 918 Balls, or equal - 10,000#, more or less office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary 3. SAND: ROCK: BITUMINOUS MA- TERIALS material for preparing and printing the same;.-- ------------------------------------------------- ----- - ---------------------- A. Torpedo Sand - 3,000 Ton, more or less Gonet ruatioll Bunetin B. Buckshot - 2,000 Ton, more or - --- ----- -- - - -- -- ---- ----- ------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ------------- ---- --.. less C. Binder Rock - 2,000 Ton, more ------------------------------------ or less has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news D. Coarse Aggregate - 3,000 Ton, more or less of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its E. Bituminous Aggregate - 1,000 Ton, more or less said known office of publication, has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not F. Ready Mix Bituminous Materi- duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and als - MC 2, 3 - AC 1, 2 - 5,000 Ton, more or less advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 G. Cut Back Asphalt - M 1, 2, 3, 4; RC 1, 2, 3 - 100,000 0 Gals., copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in more or less the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the H. Emulsified Asphalt - 25,000 more or less Count Auditor o said county the affidavit o ¢ person having first hand knowledge o the acts - y f .� f p gfi 8 f f Bidder may bid on any or all items. constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - Bids must be in conformance with specifications which are available at the Edina Village Hall. No bids will lishers have complied with all demands o said County pAuditor for proofs of its said qualification. tI j(,,�A� Adw_t-. and filed That the printed ----------- _ - - -�i 0--i-------------- be considered unless sealed with the undersigned before 11:00 hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published A.M., Monday, April 11, 1960, accom- bid bond, panied by cash deposit, or therein in the English language once each week for ______ __ __ _ _____ ___two ., .-.- ...- ........._-- __- ___..__ - - -__ --- certified check payable to the i age in amount of at least ten ,Treasurer percent of the base bid. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the__..._.__._____ .__3._sf- ..__ ................ .. .....day of The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. y, L^ --------- MarC- h--------- .. .... .. .....19..- 60andthereafter on-.---Thur-SLay---.------------------------------•---- By Order of the Edina Village Council 7th A ___-- _.19.60...; of each week to and including the___.___ -_ _________ - -..__ -day oJ.- ___ -_ -p2 ],� ....................... .. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..................................... ................... ...... . . . . .. ..... Advertisement for bids -------------- - -- -- - ----------- -_ - - -- -- -- -------- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ........ ......................................... abedefghijklinnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. �..7th ......... day of_ .... April ........................ 19 ...... 60 i ---,✓�:� -z z� .......... ..r.:_ .:. - - - Notary Public---------- --- - -- - -- .-- ........................ .............-..........County, Minnesota. G. rrr� My commission expires °h ;tc -. ,........._..°-- ------------------------------------------------------ °?y wo.- Ccunty, Minn. ' ^� =son ] xpi cs June 5, 1966 Affidavit of Publication OF -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ----- -- - -- --------------- ----------------------- ------ --------------------- - --------------------- - ------ -------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS mawwo- GEW'sluz, Ang cut 014.25 mt. $.0515 160 Lyon chwAcala' lime. 10050 14.23 .0515 Dbnes'da Chemi- Cale , Inc. M 14.25 WeReawn & Rabbinev Inc. a 14025 .0525 Nalco Chemical corpany O a X0215 160 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Oil 9. 98 =DITM Fame OIL CoWany 1303 G41. Ford Deep Each Oil Co. �b 805 ub. a. McCoy c o 17829 Cal. P.0579 Cal. Tme-wo .17525 .20150 sincLar .185791 0215791 ®R AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- lorningside Courier i��` -— Edina, Minnesota. State of Minnesota ` County P of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed _ Advertisement_ for Bids _Re_ H9 Well -No. _4..._...__ _ ---------------------------------=--------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running Inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established In said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mat mal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in Ita makeup. not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intererk to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said knov+n place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicator any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near Its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has bleep entered as second class mail matter In local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person, hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed__ Advertisement f or Bids_ Re _ air of Well No. 4:..,. __-'---°-----Wd--°------------------------ -------- °------------ ---- - - °--e -- °---- ---a hereto at +a:hed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ---- f0---------- successive weeks; that Git, was J� first so published on the ------ Z ------ day of ---------- _____- __-- _,119_ wand thereafter on -------- � ______of each week to and including the ------- 4th ------ 'day of ----- Fsbruai7- __- ___ -_, 19AQ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of _ said Advertisement _f or Bide Re _Repair of _ Well No. 4.... abcde kklmnopq vwxyz Publisher 4th Subscribed and: swam to before me t is_ _________day of_�' 1960 ----- --- - -- -- -- - - ---- --- - -- - -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- - --- Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 A W State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. Edina- 1orningside Courier Edina, Minnesota JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- .stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ------- - - - - -- z --=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in` column. and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running Inches of single column two inches .wide; `,has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with:'skilled workmen and the necessary macsial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in as .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interet- co said community it purports to serve, the presswork of which has been done in its said knowD place of publication; has contained general news; comments and'miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire - ly-inade up of, patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place,,: of< publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have comp+ied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed_ r� �y 8_�A �ti _1d 1U1lri_ wa ai p,6 hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ___�- ---------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the______" _____day of_________-j ------------- 19_40 and thereafter on -------- dg ______of each week to and including the______ _ day of_ _______ 19_�; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to 'have been the size, ant kind of type used In the publica- tion of said �t%sx9a$ii� -_ �g_i0111iTlt3a_aaao_ abcdefgAl lmnopgrstuvwx z„ ' c�,cK_ �C_---- ---- -� ------------ Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before met 8 1_- - - - - -- say of- "7 ------------ 19_ Corinne E. Williams, No ary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 fficialT TUblication) _ VILLAG_ ',+`-�OF.�;iEDINA HEN I EPIN, C NTY- MINNESOTA AD�!ER�I NT Fri i BIDS_ R PAIR t Sep teysea _ -T' the, RE P F° NO 4 ', uYbncord "Ave a ri� dkllh_be received: unili:�opene * ojfida�of tVtllag 1nWav Oth Str ea1lat will meet at 7:00 p.m.. MOndaV ruiir -' � . o cl ansicer said Sb1lis. Work. must be 21onp� dfibddriin ihe'�speclftcatlon orf Ill a ,gffice of lcatibns for ;; vallable C 4 0.', ftl6mtP d 0 any Lh 'e efUiid ed. ;, �tU.i ofr+i8.1i1 , .' ?side �i B a#1�12<2lled with .tilgx Utz;'befoAq 35 71 00 WM., Monday,l 87,x1060cc0 m P led Yt bq s F,ik+�d`or r 'tifiedf 't'1� ;Ulllase. Clem¢'a case ten' percent' Th@@„�,Cou�??c11 #tie�YS o, rejec."an`y --Q, ally BY ;ORDER yOF e ! COUNCIL.' it GRETOH Village dibt (Jan +28. Fgb�r z)r L J: . FORM 2535%2- Affidavit of Publication- Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION That a copy of each of said issues was fled immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. 4,�� - l ......................................... p tD February and sworn to befor m this ..... . . ._day of ._....__.......19.......... Notary Public----- ----- ---- -------------------- - ----- ------------- -- ----- --- - - -- -- County, Minnesota. My commission expires ..... G', r r� r._... -------- nn. my June 5, 1966 E Mare of Ainneotaq ss. County of RommPft .... ......... ... ....... .-------------------------- ........................................... ---------------------- ----- ........................................... I being duly sworn, nEPAIR OF WELL NO. 9 —BIDS CLOSE FEB. S on oath says; that he now is, and during al times herein stated has been .... ............................... � ft$ 0 Edina, Minn. ------------ ------ ----------- -- ---------- -- ----------- ---....-.......... ... ....... ----------------------------------------------------------- - ----- -- Separate sealed bids for the REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 at Concord Avenue the publisher -------- and printer ....... of the newspaper known as .............. and South View Lane will be received in the office of the Village c�a ................... .. _.._.,.. .. .. ......... and has full-knowledge of the and opened Manager in the Edina Village Hall, West 50th 'Street, to 11:00 Me facts herein stated. 4801 hat Monday, February 8 Village CounFebruarym8,et1960 That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Edina 7:00 P.M., Monday, fj "` for y„ it if toconsider said bids. Work must be done as describe �n on file in the office --- - - ---- ------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its the specifications of the Village Clerk. Specifications for facility are available from known office of publicat'io'n within the--------------------------------- - - - - -- ....................................................... the above the Village Water Superintendent or Engineering Company of City ftmapo „ �.lda f in the County of the Banister St. Paul, for a deposit of refunded each, be refunded -.-----_---------- _----------- _---- .-- .. -' - -_. _n .._._._ - -. -' �py How" which deposit will id actual bidders upon return of said No bids will be con- , State o Minnesota, on specifications. unless sealed and filed with _.._. of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in sidered the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., February 8, 1960, aeeoinpanied space to 450 running inches o single p g f g column two inches wide; Iz�s been isued from a known Monday, by cash deposit, bid bond or certified office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent material, for preparing and printing the same; ----------------------------------------------------------- ...................... (lo%) of the amount of the bid. the right to The Council reserves any or all bids. -- ............ _..._------------ ----- - -- ------------- reject BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCI GRETCHEN ALDEN Clerk Clerk - - - had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent o its news columns devoted to local news p y_fi p f Village l of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for of legal notices; and that its pub- �publication lishers have complied with ass iR4�Ci6iatT.Qd 43�� proof s of its said qualification. That. the printed ............................................... .. . .-------------- ---------- - - -- -- .................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published two therein in the English language once each week for ................... .......... ------------- ------ ............ successive weeks; _ _ _ _ _ _ weeks; that it was first published on the_ . ..... ............................day of . . January Ttiara d a�y -----------.... ..._ ------- -------------------- 19.. ---.. and thereafter on.. --- - - - - -- . - -- ---------°---...................--------- 4..J............... February of each week to and including the_ ..... day oJ______ . .................... 19 ... ..W and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the ____________________ ___________________ ____________ size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AftV1rtA0 t for bide ............................................................ - -- ----------------- abedefghi j klmnopgrstuvwayz That a copy of each of said issues was fled immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. 4,�� - l ......................................... p tD February and sworn to befor m this ..... . . ._day of ._....__.......19.......... Notary Public----- ----- ---- -------------------- - ----- ------------- -- ----- --- - - -- -- County, Minnesota. My commission expires ..... G', r r� r._... -------- nn. my June 5, 1966 E MILLER- OA'JIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536''/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION tate of Anne0Ota, ss. Hen . County of - ._ ...._._ . ................. -....... ------------------ ...................... . -- ----- - - - ---- -- --- -- - - - --- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ................................... REPAIROF WELL NO. 4— BIDS., . ----------------------------------- Adurertising... Clerk--------------------------------------- -----------....------------------- CLOSE FEB. 8 ,Edina, Minn. . , the publisher -------- and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ------------------- ....... ............................... Separate sealed bids for the REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 at Concord Avenue � Constr��t� _pn_..Eull- et�.� and has full -knowledge of the and South View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village facts herein stated. Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 1 4801. Rest 50th 'Street, at 11:00 'A.M., That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Monday, February 8, 1960, and that the Edina Village Council will meet at- . Advertisement for bids 7:00 P.M., Monday, February 8, 1960 ' to consider said bids. I - --------- I ....... .. . ° ° - -° - -------- --- ......-------- ...... ---- --- -- ----- --- --- - -- ......... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its Work must be done as described in / the specifications on file in the office known office of publication within the. ......................... ................ ------------------------------------- .............. of the Village Clerk. Specifications for the above facility are available from . ._- ------- ----- - - - - -- It o �`Tinne_a_ olis_... ....._ y- f ............. ...... .. ........in the County of the Village Water Superintendent or the Banister' Engineering Company of St. Paul. for a deposit of $10.00 ,each, ------ ----------------- - -. -He aepin..........-........--.-------.---------------------- .------ -._._, State of Minnesota, on which deposit will be refunded to actual bidders upon return of said ------------------------------ Thuz',,diyr..____._._.of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in I sneeifieations. No bids will ' be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with space to 450 running inches u single column two inches wide; lz�s been isued from a known p % f 8 f the undersigned before 11:00 A.M., office established in said place of Publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary Monday, February 8, 1960, accompanied M cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the" Village Clerk material for preparing grid printing the same; ----------- --------------- ...................................................... the amount of at le p of the amount of the bid. (10 %) of the - --- -.....__... --------- --- -- -------`---------�-M -st.M- o - on- -Bull eta— n------------- ----------- ----- ---- ----- -- ---- The reserves the right to Irejectany or all bids. -- - -- --- ---------------------------------------------------...---------..__...._. ..__......................_.... °- -- . -- -- .--- ................: ; '. ORDER OF THE VI LLAGE COUNCIL. .VI has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news GRETCHEN S. ALDEN of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in.its Village Clerk said known office of publication; lias contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - lisheis have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...__._.:._____AavertlSeMerit for b1d-s ....... _... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ......................... t► T�TO._..__. ------------------------------ successive weeks that it was first so published on the ....... ..... ' 2.41i..._`'' ..... .........................day of JS TIl181"j/---------------- ...- - - - - -1 19�... and thereafter on......TZ111TS� - ................................... of each week to and including the .......Wi ............. day of___ - - -Feb : aryC_ ____.._ ..............19._..60.; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said— ....................................................................... - - -- ------------------------------------------- Advertisexaant... far ^.. bids - - -_: ;------------------------------------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz- - ..i That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with Nie State Historical Society. .J F Subscribed and sworn to before a this.._... __. 4th day f Feb! 2'11$- I -------- ------- ----19.6Q._ -..... .. 7.. " t/ - - -- --------------------------- Notary Public, ---- ------ •----- --- - ----- - ----- --------- ......... - -----............. County, Minnesota. G. L AR ^O;1 Mycommission expires__�:,;_;t::. _::. -,::, ... .... .. .................... County, P4inn. �':ioa R:cPires ,tun_ 5, 1966 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin S. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein - stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer ------ of the newspaper known as The Edina - Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisement for Bids . Re Repair to Well No.. 40000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mare rial for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in 'ts .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of intere�„ cc said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of pittlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicate4 any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beea circulated at and- near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed Advertisement f or Bide_ Re Repadr_ to Well_ No._ 49... hereto.atrsched as a part hereof was cut from -t- h__e columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for_______ r�QO ------- ssuuccessive weeks; that LLi�,t,�was first so published on the ----- lv!_ ------ day of_____- Felr�-s______ ___ ___ __, 19__wand thereafter on___ T i ----------- of each week to and including the ---- 25se45-------- day of________b'9bT1]al� - - - - -- 19_ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size ant kind of type used in the publica- tion of said Adv-ertts®ment_for Bids Re_R.epair to Well No. 4.... - ------------------------------- abc ■iijkimno rstuvwxyz / - = -- __ Publisher Subscribed and swam to before me h `--- _- �S�_- -_ - -da L1V ------- - -_ - -, 196! - -- ---- ---- -- - - -- -- - - -- --- Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1984 8- 1 -58 -2M (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 'ADVERTISEMENT. FOR BIDS REPAIR TO WELL -NO. 4 .. (TIME & MATL& BASIS) "'Sealed Blds.,for the REPAIR OF WELL' NO.,4 (on'tlilie and,materials balls); at. ;Concord,:A4enue: and -South View Lane, Will be received' and open- ed In, the 'office, of the, Village Mana- ger' in the Edina Village, Hall, 4801- ' W.. 50th St., at 11:00 .a:m;, _ Moyiday.. February 297 1960,` and. .the 'Edina Vil- lage Council w111, meet, ai'ih'e:Village Hall at .,7,:00 p.m.; , Monday,- February, 29, 1960 to consider. said bids.. Work must be done :as described' ;,in the speclficatlons `on ^file- In `the �bffice of Abe Village'. dlerk: Speeifica,.. tions for the above facility are.availr able •from the Village , Water Superin.' tendent or -the Banister Engineering Company.of'St. °f.aul for -a deposit of $10.00 each; "ith,,dGpoeit will, be re funded toactuMl %blddetraiuponreturn Of w be considered 'gnleds',;ir d and filed with the upoetsigned.,- before 11:00 a.m.,- Monday,;; February • 29,; 1960., ac companied 'by cash ldeposff; +bid - bond or certified check ,,lWyable'to -the vil- lage Clerk in an - amount of at least ten' percent of amount of the bid. The_ Council reserves the right A reject any or. all bids.' BY ORDER OlP THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. I GRETCHEN S., ALDEN Village- Clerk � _Feb. 18, 25)- EC -2A -50 . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .................................................. ............................... .. Edina- Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin SS. JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher ------ and printer______ of the newspaper known as The Edina- Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two Inches wide- has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary mar-rfal for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA- MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in :ta .nakeup not less than twenty -five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of Inteie6.. co said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of prttlication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicates any other publication; has not been entire- ly made 'up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has beta circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting Its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have compiled with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the hereto at *ached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ------- ------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----- jft'�t -____ -_day of ------- F4g1J#VaW-------------- 19__60and thereafter on___ s.� ---------- of each week to and including the_____0M &1&_ day of -------- W _____, 19_-o and that the following Is a copy of the lo•wer case alphabet which is acknowledged ..toa have been tth,.e stiizee ant kind ..of type `used Ins the publica- tion of said some " - e:.i!4 3 a?! — �i�- to - V42,- NO. --16 Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me t s__ __> _____day of _ _____ __ _____ 1960 - -- - --- --- ---- - -!___ !_"l_- ---- - -- ---- --- --- ------ -- - - -- -� Corinne E. Williams, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 19, 1964 i 8- 1- 58 -21VI (O;ficial Publleation) -�- 1 6r•, 01• t,rutnA P H A�ENT TLil4 �A A Ak o WELLLL 1199$ ` ►. (,T ME & NIATLS. BASIS) Scided Bids for the REPAIR OF .WELL NO. 4 (on time' and material.; ;'nasii► Bt Concord Avenue and South, 17levv tAne will be received and open- ed the,office of the Villa,c Mana- erl •the Edina Village Hall, 4801 at 11:00 a.m., Monday. F 28. 1960, and the Edina Vil -, aemili will eet'at the Village! Ha 7:00 p.m.mMonday, F bruaryi ,29, 1960 to consider said bids. Work must be done as described; in the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Specifica -� tions for the above facility are avail -I able from the Village Water Superin -, tendent or the Banister Enxineerine( Company of St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be rc funded to actual bidders upon return; of said specifications. No bids will be considered unless, sealed and filed with the undersigned • before 11:00 a.m.. Monday. February X29, 1960, ac -'. companied by cash deposit. bid bond or certified check payable to the Vil- lage Clerk in an amount of at least ten percent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Feb. 18. 25)— EC -2A -5C i (Official Publication) - VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS REPAIR TO WELL NO. 4 (TIME b MATLS.BASIS)' Sealed Bids for the REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 (on time and.materials basis) at Concord Avenue and South View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.50th St,, at_ 11:00 a.m., Monday, February 29., .1960, and the Edina'Village Council will meet at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m:, Monday, February 29., 196.0 to consider said bids. Work must be done as described in the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Specifications for the above facility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or the Banister - Engineering Company of St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be refunded to actual bidders upon return of said specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before -11:00 a.m., Monday, February 29, 1960, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in an amount of at least ten percent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Please publish in Edina•Morningaide Courier on February 18 and 25, 1960. Please send us 2 Affidavits_of Publication. Please send us 5 Clippings. RDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE FE$.29,1960 WELL REPAIRS (TIME b MATL. BASIS) Sealed Me for tbs MAIR ( WSLL 90. 4 (an tim mid materials basis) at Coacosd AVOWS, and Sostth View _LOW will be received and opened In the office of the Village lhmader in the Edina Village Rollo 4801 n.30th St., at 11:00 i.m., MmAma v labrtaary 290 1990. and the Bdina Village Coumil will teat at the Villogo Hall at.? t00 p.m, s Maud ys Pabruary 29, 29W to consider said bids. Work mat be dam as desoribed In the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Specificatiome for tbo above facility are available from the Tillage hater everintastdsant or the Banister "givooritag Company of St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 arch, wkich deposit will be refunded to actual bidders upon return of said spsieLficativns. No bids will be considered le unss adaled. ssad filed With the wndarsigaed before AM a.*.. Nonday, iebruiary 290 1960v accowVanied by cash dsposlt, bid bmd or certified chack payable to the pillage Clerk In as opt of at least tea percent of anowt of tw bid. Tbs 'Cauacil reserves the rLSht to reject any or all bLds. DT OR= W To VILUGS Ct'up= ORMH t S. ALM Village Cleric Pleven publish In os la"t- By late b. Is, 9b0 25, 1960. Pleose send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Plea" sand ups 3 C1lppiags. 2/8/60 FIINUTES - TATaNG OF RIDS - FEBRUARY 8, 1960 Pursuant to Advertisewants for Bids in Edina- VIorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on February 3 and 10, 1960, the following sealed bide were publicly opened and read in the Council Chambers,at the Edina Village Hall at 11 :00 A.I. "Monday, February 8, with Fassrs. Locke and Woehler and Era. Alden representing the Tillage, and bidders' representatives present,: REPAIRS TO MATER TELL #4 - TRI -STATE DRILLING CO.. HWY.55 W.. WAY ZATA $4,500._00 94, Bidders take exception to $100 per day .penalty for failure to #', complete by April 15, and also to 2 -year sand -free guarantee a� BERGERSON- CMULL, xNC.. 13120 WAYZATA BLVD.. N1PL S; 26 Odd for replacement gravel - per cu. yd. rep CASH REGISTER - - per cu. yd. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Less Trade -In Allowance on Model #60$4 (1948) NET BID Gretchen S. Alden, Village Clerk a $7,300.00 30.00 $7,995.00 40.00 $1,605.00 $1,186.00 FORM 25361/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis WELL REPAIRS (TIME AND MATL. BASIS) —BIDS CLOSE. FEB. 29 �. Edina, Minn. I''' %Sealed Bids for the REPAIR OFI S ?ILLL NO. 4 (on time and materials .basis) at Concord Avenue and Southl View Lane will -be received and opened, in the office of the Village Manager, in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W: 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Monday, Febru -' ary 29, 1960, and, the Edina Village Council -will meet at .the - Village Hall' at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 29, 1960 to consider said •bids. Work must be done as described in the specifications on.[file in the office, of the Village Clerk. Specifications for the above facility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or the Banister Engineering Company ofl. St: Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each,1, which deposit; will be refunded to ac -1 tual bidders upon return of said speci -.I, fications. No bids will be considered` unless sealed and filed with the, under-' signed before 11:00 a.m., Monday,'Feb- iruary. 29, 1960, : :accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the, •Village Clerk in an amount of at least, ten percent of amount of the bid. The Council reserves the right to ,reject any or all bids. By Order of the Village Council. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION tate of , it nootA, ss. Countyof------- - - - - -- -- Aq op --------------------- ----- ---- - - - - - -- - - _ T+ 7. 11I 1$..---------------------------------------------------------------- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... Adve. tis Clerk the publisher ........ and printer ........ of the newspaper known as_--------------------------------------------------------- Construction Bulletin------ - - - - -- and has full, knowledge of the _... ----- Construction -- -- -- -- --- --- - -- ----------- -- - facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed . --- - - - - -. -- ._............ Advertisement.. for... bi, ds .......... . ..................................................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the------------------------------------- ---- --------------- - - - - -- ---- ----------------- -- - ----- - -- .........- - -- if+.-- --------- ---- ---- Of.._..I =essq:ais- - - -- ----------- - - - - - -. _..__.._...__..._..in the County of -- - - - - -- Henn ---P ------------------------- ------- --------- ---- - - - -- -, State of Minnesota, on Thllrsd8� ... .............................of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space.to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;.._ ............................................... ............. ........._....... Construction Bulletin ---- - ----- ----------- ----- -- - -- - - -- ..................................... --------------------------- - ----------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ................ ------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed . .--------- A&- er_tisement-- i -or -- bids..... _.----------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for. _____ ______________tiLiQ ------------------------- --------------------- successive weeks. that it was first so published on the______________ 1 8t.................................... day of .. FebYVar y ........................ 19(Do.. and thereafter on ------ Thurada of each week to and including the ------- 25th --------- day of._F e . ... .................._,..1 -W ------ ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which its acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .......................................................................... ---------------------------------- - - - - -- - Advei`ti.sement - -- fog'._ bids - -- - - - -- ---------------------------------------- abcdefghtjklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after publication with the State Historical Society. jJ ------------- - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... 25ti21 ------- day of ----- Fe y 19--,60.- ...� Notary Public---------------------------------------------------- - - -- - -- -------------County, Minnesota. My commission expirej& ?_T',; — --- -- - - - --- - -- - --- ------------------------- Affidavit of Publication OF -- - -- -- - - ---- -- --- --------------------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- --- -- ----------------- ---- ------ ------- --- - - - -- -- -------- --- - - - - -- --- ----- - - - - -- - ---------- ------- - - - - -- - -- ---- ----------- - - - - -- - -- -------- - - - -- ------------- ---------------------- - - - - -- ........ MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS i FORM 2536'%=— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1955. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of ,1innegotat ss. County of ------------ H@meggn ------------- ---- - - - --- Limm --------------- - ... -$ -- ------------ -------- ------------ - -- ------ -- ----- ---- - - - - -"- -...._ ..... _..., being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been___________________________________ WELL REPAIRS (TIME AND MATL. ----------------------------- Ave I' $�101$._v'I"i3��---------------------------------------------------- RASIS) -111DS CLOSE FER. 1 Edina, 'Minn. the publisher -------- and printer ----- ._ -of the newspaper known as ............ --------------------------------------------- Sealed Bids for the REPAIR. OF G0�8�h1 tf..19 �� ------------------------------ y:Yi/Q.4i� _...._._._, and has full knowledge of the WELL NO. 4 (on time and materials , basis) at Concord Avenue and South facts herein stated. View Lane will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:00 a.m., Monday, Febru- ary ----------------- - - - - -- - -- �14AP�r336�F111�S3irO�"' --------'--------------- - ------------- - - - - -' ---- - -..._ 29, 1960, and the Edina Village - ..-- -.-.-- Council will meet at the Village Hall hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 29, 1960 to consider said bids. known office of publication within the ......... ................................................................................ Work must be done as described in --- --- the specifications on file in the office �►} f BADS of the Village Clerk. Specifications for ---- - - - - -- a _.__.___.o .__ ________________ _in the County of the above facility are available from the Village Water Superintendent or ---- ...a ,. .... ..................................................... ..............................I State of Minnesota, on the Banister Engineering Company of 7d� St. Paul for a deposit of $10.00 each, which deposit will be refunded to ac- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in tual bidders upon return of said speci- space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -s been isued from a known fieations. No bids will be considered office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary unless sealed and filed with the under- signed before 11:00 a.m., Monday, Feb- ruary 29, 1960, accompanied by cash material for preparing and printing the same; ................................................... ............................... deposit, bid bond or certified check /�� p �'+� payable to the Village Clerk in an -- -- --...- ----------------- --c4lu tmoititQn__.�ik�o .............. ....................................................... amount of at least ten percent of amountof the bid. - - - -- . - °- -..... -- - - -' . ........................ ..- --..._ ..........._....._..... --- -- '---......... -- -- --- -- -- -- ------- ----........ The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news By Order of the Village Council. of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices, and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ......... AE After-U amw it-tOP-- bi ds----------------- ----------- ---- -- ---- --- -- -- --- hereto attached as ¢ part hereof was 'cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for--------------------- " : p................ .............................. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ............... loti_.... _......_....___..._. ........ day of rfktwIIJ31 �f ..................__.., 196.. and thereafter on...._.,�bursdw. ��++ -' -'" of each week to and including the ....... 25th --------- day of.._P'® ..._....___lit ...... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet whic!i is owledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .............. ...._....___.. - -- ------------------'-.... ........_--------- Advertiewwrit- ter -# _ ------------------------------------------------ abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz That a copy of each of said issues was filed immediately after p1blicatio with the State Historical Society. Subscribed and sworn to before yen,, .5tL .... 15th of.-...Ye 19.. c./z/' v� v Notary Public,---• ........ •........................................... _ -------------- County, Minnesota. My commission expires_�.�.Y _,___- ..._:_:;-- '- :.- nricpe:R Coun�tg;n> -- ---- --- -- -- My Commission Expires June 5, lead VRIVSTATE D-R 1 LL1 NS CON WATER WELL CONTRACTORS — MUNICIPAL i INDUSTRIAL NYW 55• WEST i WAYZATA, MI.NN. FRANKLIN 74740 February 6, 1960 Honorable Mayor and village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: We present helow.our proposal for the repair of the Village . Well No. 4: 1. The screen and. interconnecting pipe . would be removed from. the well and the gravel packing media bailed out. 2. we would shoot the jo.rdan sandstone to enlarge the open hole through the aquifer,.-and removed t he sand. 3. The test of the sand- .content of the. water..would t* made after installing ,the Village pump., and pumping the well t.o waste until it was sufficiently clear. 4. Addition-al.'s hooting. and .tailing. would b.e done if necessary. 5. -The area around the pump house-would be cleaned: of gravel and sand removed from t he' well, the screen and pipe would remain the property of the Village It would be our intention�to start this work within 10-days of award of a coot ra.c.t and too. work on the project continuously, We would guarantee that upon completion of the work, the well would pump 900 GPM of water containing not more than 4 parts per rmi.l li ono of Jordan � sandst one. The cost of t his work would be .FOUR: THOUSAND, .'FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($4,.500.00), to be paid within 30 days following completion_. However, we take exception to the $100.00 per day penalty for failure to complete by April 1.5th, and also to -the 2 year sand-free-guarantee.., , Respectfully su- bmitted, TRI- STATE DRILLING COMPANY `'Robert R. Melcher VRIMSTATE DRILLING. CO. WATER WELL CONTRACTORS - MUNICIPAL & INDUSTRIAL HYW. 55 WEST WAYZATA, MINN. FRANKLIN 7 -4740 F�.bruary 6, 1960 Honorable Mayor and Village Council, Edina, Minnesota' Gentlemen: We present below our proposal for the repair of the.Village Well No. 4: 1. The screen and interconnecting pipe would be removed from the well and the gravel packing media bailed out. 2. We would shoot the Jordan sandstone to enlarge the open hole through the 'aquifer, and removed the sand. 3. The test of the sand - content of the water would be made after installing the Village pump, and pumping the well.to waste until it was sufficiently clear. 4. Additional shooting and bailing. would be done if necessary. 5. The area around the pump house would be cleaned of gravel and sand removed from the well, the screen and pipe would remain the property of the Village. It would be our intention to start this work within 10 days of award of a contract and to work on the project continuously. We would guarantee that upon completion of the work, the well would pump 900 GPM of water containing not more than 4 parts. per million of Jordan sandstone. The cost of this work would be POUR THOUSAND, DIVE HUNDRED 'DOLLARS ($49500.00), to be paid within 30 days following completion. However, we take-exception to the $100.00 per day penalty for failure to complete by April 15th, and also tb the 2 year sand -free guarantee. , . Respectfully submitted, TRI- STATE �DRILLING COMPANY / R Melcher 1Robert .. . a . 48 YEARS OF WELL DRILLING MEEMEW;EXPERIENCE 13120 Wayzata Boulevard • Minneapolis 26, Minn. RAYMOND K. BERGERSON THOMAS B. CASWELL February 5, 1960 Village Council Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Subject: Repair of Well #4 Gentlemen: Liberty 5 -8834 In keeping with the information contained in your specificationsy we submit for your consideration the following proposal. We propose furnishing the necessary cable tool drilling equipment, labor and material to chemically treat the screen, replace needed gravel, seal the screen leader pipe, and re- habilitate the well so as to meet your guarantees. Lump Sum $7,300.00 Add for replacement gravel - per cu. yard 30.00 Our proposal is based on our furnishing a performance bond to cover the guarantee. We expect to receive full payment immediately upon completion of the work. Should the well fail to meet the guarantee at any time during the two (2) year period, we expect the right to pull the pump, bring the well up to guarantee, and reinstall the pump at no cust to the Village. The warranty period is to be extended for the length of time the well is out of service. We propose using a 24L Buuc rus -Erie drilling rig a Wheatley high pressure piston pump y(50 GPM @ 350##) and jetting equipment. Our proposal to chemically treat and rehabilitate the well includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the use of: 1. 1. inhibited muriatic acid - 180 2. Aqueaous .solution of chlorine (sodium base) 3. Tri- sodium phosphate 4. Pluronic 5. Gravel - Eau Claire - flint type - graded WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE BERGERSON- CASWELL INC. - 2 - February 5, 1960 In the event, in our opinion, it is necessary, in order to comply with the guarantees,to remove the screen and gravel and install a new screen and gravel, we will proceed as follows. Remove the present Armco Johnson screen and all of the gravel and install a new Johnson Brass screen with new gravel treatment. If the screen is removed in one piece without damage, we will allow $25.00 for the present Armco screen. We assume that the Village will provide the necessary sand residual tests. Yours very truly, B ERGERS ON -CAS W I NC . BY: • s ft S1 PAUL FIRE and MARINE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BID BOND Approved by The American Institute of Architects, A. I. A. Document No. A -310 (1958 Edition) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 'I.- . IF That we ---------- BERGERSON- CASWELL, ... NC.,.... a Minnesota Corporation? _ _____ of Minneapolis Minnesota » - -- -- - - - -- -- - ------ •---- - - - - - . ......... ...... _ (hereinafter called the "Principal"), as Principal, and the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (Hereinafter called the "Surety "), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto___________________ VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ----------•-•--------------------------------------------------------------•--....... .....---- •••••-------- •-- • - -• -- . ............................... ...................(Hereinafter called the "Obligee "), in the sum of ... ------•-----•-•--....---••-•----•-•-•--.....••••---•----------------•---•••-----•-•-•---•-------•---••••••----••---- .......------------------ - - - - -- -....--...-TEN PERCENT 10% OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID- - - - - - - -•_..$ ($ - - - - - - -), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for ..... REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4, - .EDINA --- - - - - - MINNESOTA 3 --------- ••----- --------- •• - - -- NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this ........... 8th In the presence of: 13250 9 -59 10M Ed. 6-59 ............ day of ...... ........ ....................................... A. D.19.60.- -• BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC . ------------------- (Seal) (Principal) .. ..... BY - ( itle) St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Seal) (Surety) By By - - - -• -- - - - - -- • -- .............. -................... Eugene F. Gri d, (Attorney -in -fact) . a v Class 1 CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL FIRE and MARINE c011!/l6r/!Zw F� HOME OFFICE: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • a (A Capital Stock Company) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Eugene F, Griswold and T. Jo Marron, individually 1254 Baker Bldg., Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal ofnce. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company at a meeting called and held on the 17th day of January, 1952, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attomeys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this �ummmlmp FIRE 6t i instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 20th J day of August A. D. 19 59 ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY S GG. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 1IANC SS. County of Ramsey a 1m Vice Pruident. On this 20th day of Ali st 19 59, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, her me duly sworn, said 1?t he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and /r affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATION C. L. JAEGER Notary P -blic, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2,1960. I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof; and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day ^0 February ,e 60 *Unlimited as to character and amount. 10870 Ed. 1-56 WESLEY C. KEYS , MIdway 6.7871 .. a STANLEY W. KEYS (Jack) • KEYS' WELL KILLING WATER PRODUCERS Village Manager & Village Council Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Fdina, Minnesota Gentlement -�r7� GO. O GEORGE H.KEYS 413 No. Lexington Pkwy. St. Paul 4, Minnesota February 82 1960 ib are pleased to quote you the following prices for repairing well No. 4 of your Village in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Banister Engineering Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota. ub will furnish all necessary equipment, labor, tools and materials (except for gravel) for repairing your well Ito. 4 to again produce 900 G.P.M. with less than 4 ppm of sand for a two (2) year period immediately upon completion of this Mork and the reinstalling of your present pump, test it and connect it into your system. We will furnish and install all the necessary gravel to fill between the screen and hole for 5140.00 a cubic yard. The method we propose to use to repair the well is as follows; �e will set up our rig and first add the additional gravel necessary to completely fill the hbip .outside the screen and pipe up to a depth of 345 'ft. Then we finish. installing the 'gravel we will attempt to clean the screen and gravel pack with air jetting and possibly some cleaning chemicals to bring the well back to its original condition. If this is unsuccessful we will pull the screen and either develop the well without a screen and put in a new screen or pipe and a new gravel packe t'e can begin this work in approximately three weeks and will work diligently to complete it as soon as possible but without a penalty after April 15. If it is necessary to pull the screen, and it cannot be used again, we will purchase it from you for a salvage price of 0100.00. We are to receive payment for this work at the end of a two year period after completion,, the sum of 07,995.00 plus six percent (6%) interest per year. Hoping to be favored with your valued order we remain, Sincerely yours, =1W—sjv PA NY Gery WESLEY C. KEYS .. Q �K S ti nom" STANLEY W. KEYS (Jack) WELL qRILLING, CO. O, WATER PRODUCERS Midway 6.7871 Village Manager & Village Council Village Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: c GEORGE H. KEYS 413 No. Lexington Pkwy. St. Paul 4, Minnesota February 8, 1960 We are pleased to quote you the following prices for repairing well No. 4,of your Village in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Banister Engineering Ccmpany, Saint Paul, Minnesota. lire will furnish all necessary equipment, labor, tools and materials (except for gravel) for repairing your well No. 4 to again produce 900 G.P.M. with less than It ppm of sand for a two (2) year period imnediately upon completion of this work and the reinstalling of your present pump, test it and connect it into your system. We will furnish and install all the necessary gravel to fill between the screen and hole for $ 0.00 a cubic yard. The method we propose to use to repair the well is as follows; We will set up our rig and first add the additional gravel necessary to completely fill the hole outside the screen and pipe up to a depth of 345 ft. When we finish installing the gravel we will attempt to clean the screen and gravel pack with air jetting and possibly some cleaning chemicals to bring the well back to its original condition. If this is unsuccessful we will pull the screen and either develop the well without a screen and put in a new screen or pipe and a new gravel pack. We can begin this work in approximately three weeks-and will work diligently to complete it as soon as pcssible but without a penalty after April 15. If it is necessary to pull the screen, and it cannot be used again, we will purchase it from you for a salvage price of $100.0.0. We are to receive payment for this work at the end of a two year period after completion, the sum of $7,995.00 plus six percent (6 %) interest per year. Hoping to be favored with',your valued order we remain, LLIN 3incerely ours YS WELL ��LI,�N CCHPANY Ge rge Ht ys, �e etary, SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. Bond No. 54218 PROPOSAL BOND Inaw all Melt by t4rap Presents: THAT WE, KEYS WELL DRILLING CO., a Minnesota corporation St. Paul, Minnesota as principal, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal place of business in the City of New York, New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota as obligee, in the sum of ten, percent (10%) of total amount of bid DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 8 day of February 1960 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting its proposal for flepairing well No. L THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract upon said proposal and shall within the required number of days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the said work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. Form 136 25M -6.59 .Ma .... WELL -- DR-ILL.M.. -C.4. Principal B. ...... . . ....... --- SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY "y - r, P e, 4 By_ ... _ .... �Att�6rne .�.�. Jack J. Ziegler PROPOSAL BOND OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual or Co-Partnership STATE OF MINNESOTA, as. COUNTY OF On this day 19—, came before me personally to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn. My commission expires SURETY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 8 day of February 19 60 , before me appeared Jack J. Ziegler to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Jack J. Ziegler acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. . w. L`_ARD G. HA:_'FY Nota Public Ramsey Coup y, Minn. Noiar %u:,lic Ramsey County, i,,iinn. Notary � My Commission Expires Dec. 27, 1950 My commission expires ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this 8 day of February , 19 60 , before me personally came G E O R G E H. K E Y S to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides Saint Paul. Minnesota that he is the Secretary of the KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) _'_ARD G. HA'_n Notary Public ido,a +. -a. t r. .. °ms °•j County, P.iinn. I Commission Lxpirv. Dec 2,01950 My commission expires . Certified Copy SEABOARD SURvir COMPAwy No. 3185 Ho7r1E OFFI(:E 100 WIiLIJAM STREET,NEWYOlt4:K W,N.Y. Power of Attarnrg X11n11t all Teri bu thror 11resput9: 'Chat SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Jack J. Ziegler,. of St. Paul, Minnesota, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute and deliver, on its behalf its Surety, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature as follows. No one instrument to exceed the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSANDAND 00100 ($250,000.00) DOLLARS.-� Such bonds. undertakings and obligatory instruments for Said purposes, when dud%• executed by the af ,re- said Attornev -in -Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the S ;tme CxtCtlt as if Stich bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company and -sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of said Attorney :in -Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By- Li 'ws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th. 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE VI, Paragraph 6.7: "Attorneys -in -Fact may be appointed by the President or'a Vice - President upon such terms and with such powers and duties as he may prescribe." ARTICLE XI, Paragraph 11.1: "All policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings shall be valid: (a) when signed by the President, or a Vice - President, or a Resident Vice- President, and by a Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary, or a Resident Assistant Secretary or other duly authorized official or agent of the Com- pany; or (b) when executed by an Attorn ey -in- Fact." In 35tturso 19herraf. SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to. be signed by' its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec - retary, this ........27- th .............day of. .............. ........ __... fln►it Y.... _ ... -- ----------- ---------------- 19...58_. Attest: SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By (Seal) -------- ....._ . - ...5.,,_.: e..... .---- .........................— F. E. Seh .9Le...._ ............... ................ Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this ........... 27th .......... day of ........................ ...................... - - - - -- January .....................- - - - - -, 19.58.., before me personally appeared ............. ........................ : .................. F-e E...... Schiele ............................................................................ Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of ............. . Neyr.-.. Jer .'aey. ...................... ; that he is Vice - President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice- President of said Company by like authority. LILLIAN- MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 41- 2711300 (Seal) Qualified in Queens County --- .......................... LilliBRl... MiU eT.................................. Cert. filed in New York County Notary Public STATE OF Commission Expires March 30, 1901 NEW YORK ss.: ' COUNTY -OF NEW YORK I , ......... __.._. J29 aa_ 1 --a . 1! er ................... - .......... --- ---•-------- .......... _ -_... - - - - -- — ..... -- ...... -- ...... - ..... _ ................. Asst. Secretary of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a trite and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. ltd Wit3 tom 394trraf. I have signed this certificate at New York, New York, this _ ........... _ .. ................. _.day of _.......... February ........... _ ................... __ ........ --- - - - - -, 19 60 p, Qg11REiryc Y W 1927>< 9�OFN� Assistant Secretary Form 147 Rev. 1958 P J tR October 2Oa "1959i, Eo A. Humete Chief Section of hater Supply B Gen'1 Engineering, State of Minnesotea Dapt..of Health, University Camoup, Minneapolis 14o Minnesota. Dear-Sire Please review this at your early convenience and advise Mr. Allan Locke; (We., "7 -6861) whether there are any technical• mis- statements. We plan to send out the 6ttached to4ll water users* _ Yours truly$ Warren C. Hyde. WCHeB Village Manager. -Encl. Same letter to: Flox Company, 1409 Willow Street, Minneapolis, Minn. W. J. Bell, Division Manager, Wallace 8 Tiernan, Inc. 3983 Zarthan Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minn. Wm; Banister, Banister Engr. Co., 310,N.-Snelling Ave., St.,Paul -4, Minnesota.. . - t - 1 Edina °s Village Water System s Problems The Solutions Why may the water which some users of the village water supply draw from their taps sometimes have a sulphurous or rotten egg odor? And why may it some- times have a red or brown color? VOre important, what is your Village doing to solve the problem? THE BASIC CAUSE - -- Like practically all cities and villages in this area which do not have direct access to large rivers or lakes for public water, Edina gets its water from Uaellss varying in depth from 400 to 1100 feet. The crater in these wells, like most other wells in this vicinity, has varying degrees of iron in it. It is the iron in the water which causes a reddish, brown, or even darker color, and stains plumbing Fixtures and clothes, and reacts with chemicals and other minerals to produce an odor. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO ELMINATE THE COLOR A10 ODOR? Softening plants or iron - removal plants can be built. Complete softening would also remove the iron, but because of the high percentage of water which is used for lown sprinkling, and air conditioning, it may be uneconomic -to soften all water supplied by the Village to its customers. Iron removal plants at most or all of the eight wells would cost about $601,000 each. They Could also require facilities to dispose of the back -wash water. Hopkins, drawing its water from generally the same strata as Edina does., feels it has solved its iron problem by the construction, within the last two years, of three iron removal plants. St. Louis Parks also getting water.from the same level, has been giving the same chemical treatment to its water as Edina has been doings and reports about the same experience as Edina has had o namely, periodic and spasmodic recurrences of colored, odiferous water. .,tea i y There are also two other possibilities of securing water with less iron than comes from seven of Edinaes eight wells. One is to buy Mississippi river water wholesale from Minneapolis. If this is done, then Edina will undoubtedly have to build considerably more storage capacity and a network of mains to transmit the water from the Minneapolis mains to the reservoirs. The third possibility is to secure all water from the Hinckley strata, from where the newest Edina well takes its mater. This strata, at about 1100 feet deep, compared with 440 to 500 feet for the more commonly used strata, does produce dater which contains less iron. There are some indications, however, that this strata may not produce enough water and that after a period of time, its iron content may approach that of the shallower strata. WHAT HAS THE VILLAGE BEEN DOING? For the last three years, all village water has been chlorinated at each well to control the iron bacteria. In addition, to keep the iron itself in suspension, polyphosphate has been added. The chlorination, however, is affected by the iron which has accumulated in the mains prior to the time chlorination was started, and recent tests show that the present applications are not effective in mains far from the wells. The water department has also been flushing mains in order to clean out accumulations of rust. The problem is particularly noticeable where there are "dead end" mains and where circulation of water is not possible. During the past year9 - dead end have been eliminated by installing connecting maims, at a cost of approximately $ . There are a few short dead ends which cannot be looped. GHAT IS BEING DONE NOW TO SECURE A PROMPT SOLUTION As a result of recent samples taken and tests made by several agencies, in- cluding the State Board of Health, the pillage will immediately start to supplement the natural ammonium nitrogen content in the well because it is not sufficient to produce an adequate, stable chloramine residual throughout the distribution system. This will permit maintaining a more uniform and slightly higher chloramine residual -- one that will be sufficient to destroy the sulphate organisms that produce the obnox- ious odor. (This would also result in clearing up present iron encrustation in the -3- older mains) ? ?? A consulting engineer-has been authorized"to present as soon as possible a detailed report on the cost and proposed location of iron removal plants and the feasibility of drilling present or additional-wells to the Hinckley strata. The City of Minneapolis is being contacted to determine whether, and under what condi- tions and at shat cost, it would be able to furnish water to the Village. Additional personnel is being employed in the water department to allow a more intensified program of main flushing. A section of an older main has been removed and is being analyzed to determine -whether a program of mechanical main cleaning is needed. There has been no evidence or suspicion that the Village water is unsafe to drink. It is regularly tested and checked with the State Board of Health to insure its constant purity. It does not have the concentration of nitrates currently being. found in some private, shallow wells in other suburbs. In some instances, part of the problem may be caused by treatment given the crater after it enters the user's premises. Certain types of water softeners, hot water heaters, and plumbing pipes can and do react unfavorably on the chemicals and minerals which are in the village water. The water department will be glad to check your equipment and advise whether there is.some possibility it may be at least partially the cause. In order that the water department may keep a more accurate check on the problem, please feel free to call and report immediately any odor or discoloration when it occurs. The department will then be able to correlate your report with its records as to which wells.are.currently providing the water, and which mains in your area have been flushed recently. Every effort will be made to ,Visit your home to inspect your particular problem. With your cooperation and understanding, your Village will's oon be able to remedy the situation satisfactorily. v Helpful Hints If you have a permanent softening unit, be sure to backwash it regularly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Skim off the crater at the top of your softener. Drain your hot water heater periodically as recommended by the maker. If you have your own iron filter, follow the directions for backwashing it regularly. When your home has been unoccupied for any length of time, when you return open all your faucets to allow the stagnant water to run off. In older homes, where galvanized pipe is used for the plumbing, an inspection of it may be advisable to determine whether it should be replaced with copper. Copper piping should not have galvanized fittings. April 28, 1900 Hawltins Chemical, Inc. - 3100 S. I�nnepin Ave.. Minnuapoli -, -Minn. Gentlemens Ries Contract for Six Monthe' Supply.of•, Chemicals for Water System 14e are enclosing herewith three copies of the above entitled contract, awarde, to you by the Edina Village Council-At its--meeting of April 11.1 One copy-og contract is for your files, one is for your bonding company", and one ehoulal he fully executed ',y yGU� eft?clais gnd retnnzed to ius together with the re"►uired performance bond. ` As soon as executed bontract, and bond; are in our office your bid• security dated April 11 will be returned to you. Yours very truly, )i Vfllnd clerk - - _ t t • . - "� "i ■�rra'R�i� isearew .i�.��_�d �,A ;�i�i..r.i�i e CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES PPVThis agreement entered into this Wlb day of April 19 6 between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, party of the First Part, and m a o of go Umegn mot ftweWliej, Wwwswa f hereinafter referred to as the Supplier, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Supplier agrees to sell, and the Municipality agrees to buy k , ` C ACIN % 15s,$Q* 15io e 0,10.5 POT zbo AWKM MOMy 254 60000 lbo. 0.4513 per 1ba AS PM ==&RIOS BID Or AML Ito 1 alas during the month period commencing $� 1964 Article 2. The Municipality agrees to make all its purchases of _ AXIAN 01011, 4i6 from the Supplier for the month period on condition that the Supplier complies with all the provisions of this contract. Article 3. 'The quality and the prices shall be as set forth in the bid. The proposal for bids, the advertisement therefor, the specifications, the instructions to bidders, and the bid are hereby made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Article.4. It shall be a condition of the liability of the Village under this contract that the supplier will furnish all supplies promptly as ordered and that the supplies will conform fully to the specifications in the advertisement and /or bid. Article 5. In the event the supplier defaults in the performance of any undertaking of this contract, the Village may at its option cancel said contract and may purchase part or all of the supplies covered by this contract elsewhere. This right to cancel the contract shall be in addition to and not in place of the right to obtain damages for breach of contract. Article 6. The Supplier further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Village a bond executed by itself and a surety company approved by the Village Council, in the sum of T. ft-W UMD M, An 801100 Dollars ($ ) for the use of the Village to secure faithful performance of this contract by the Suppliers and this Contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Village Council. -1- PFFFA'3rticle 7. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the supplier the sum stated in the proposal or bid of the supplier. Payment shall be made in full within rumn days after delivery, for the amount of the supplies delivered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and second party has caused its duly authorized represent- ative, to sign same in its behalf. BY AND Its Its i Village of Edina 4801 . W. 50th St. Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen; Irun ntlOp0�6 -, -..Oulu Liberty 5 -8834 May 4th 1960 We return herewith an executed copy of contract for repairs to Well #4 and our Performance Bond. A.R.Hart -cc Yours very truly, B ERGERS ON -C LL I NC . c A, BY c. WELL 0R.I_LLING AN -D -R -E PAIRING PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ° lith THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of April 1960 9 between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and BERGERSON -CA TELL, INC. of MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equipment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the improvement of the following: EDINA WATER WELL NO. 4 (CONCORD AVE.) BY: Transpor in o and erecting on the_job site_all necessary equipment, materials and tools, and installing existing pump $6 Removing complete screen assembly or 140 Replacing old screen assembly in well (estimated 126 L.F. @ $5.00 6 Furnishing, installing an placing new Armco iron screen assembly in well, to replace section of .old screen (estimated 29 L.F. @ $10.00 2 Removing, washing an replacing gravel pack (estimated 30 cu.yds. @ $40. 12 Furnishing and installing new gravel (estimated 9 cu.yds. @_ $30 270.00'- Furnishing and installing pac er at top of gravel 2 AND,_IF NEEDED AFTER INSPECTION OF PRESENT SCREEN, TOTAL 471 IN LIEU OF REINSTALLING PRESENT SCREEN AND REPLACING SECTION OF SAME . L7ITH_ARMCO IRON SCREEN, Furnishing and Installing new Everdur Screen and attachments using the 40 -foot existing bottom section of S" pipe imgx (estimated 115 L.F. @ $20.00 _ 8 230 in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said-plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2, The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than AS PER SPECIFICATIONS and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer, AS PER SPECIFICATTONS - Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN AND NO 1100 Dollars $4,715.00 ) for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to 75.00 ' 0.00 30.00 90.00' 00.00 � 5 50.00 � 5.00 0.00 230 in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said-plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2, The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than AS PER SPECIFICATIONS and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer, AS PER SPECIFICATTONS - Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN AND NO 1100 Dollars $4,715.00 ) for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to 1 secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipal- ity of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipal- ity's attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. VIL WITNESSED BY: WITNESSED BY: E:4`4 BY !! BY PC ' / ) ` A (/V� ' STATE OF.......... MMIEW Acknowledgment of Attorney -in -Fact COUNTYOF ................................................. ................ On this 11th day of April 19 60 , before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared Eugene F. Griswold to me personally known, and known to me to be the Attorney -in -Fact of and for the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, upon oath did say that the corporate seal affixed to the attached instrument is the seal of the said Company; that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its Board of Directors; and he did also acknowledge that he executed the said instrument as the fr ct and deed of id Company. ......_.._ ... ... ..... - -• =* ............ Public. JOYCE GRAVES My Commission expires ............. lllatargt .P.ublic,.tiennepia.CAM J=.. Minn:--- -----•- -:._......_ ... .. ........ 11072 8-59 20M Ed. 2 -56 My Commission Expires Dec. 26, 1966. President and Sec-idtarv-Treasurer that the seal afflxed to the foregoing inetruntent is the corporate seal of said corporation ........................................ ' If no seal, go state, and strike aut above as to Corporate ser.1) and that said instrument was executed in behalf of sai'd corporation by authority of its Board of acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of, 'd eorporatlon,� 2d� CYIIOYC GRAVES My. Commission Ex�ires Dec. 26, 1966. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Otate of ftlinnaota, countyof ......................................................................... Onthis .............................................................................. day of ........................................... . .................................. 119 ............, before vw personallyappeared .............................................................................. ............................... ........... I .................... . ....................................................... ............... ................ ........ -io ............................................... to "W to be t 0- n' ..... M acknowledged that w ......7.... executed the same as .................................... free act and deed. ............................................................................................................................. Notary Public, ............................. ........................County, Minn. My commission expires ................................................................. JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONAL SURETIES 6tate of Annezota,\ 88. countyOf ............................................................................. . ......................................................................................................................... . ................. I ................................................................................................ being duly sworn, on oath each for himself says,- that he is a resident and freeholder of the State of Minnesota; that he justifies -on the foregoing bond in the 87km below set opposite his name; that he 18 worth said sum . above his debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property exempt from execution to-wit: Said....................................................................................... in the gum of ................................................................................................... Dollars Said....................................................................................... in the sum, Of ................................................................................................... Dollars Subscribed and Sworn to Before. He this ........................ dayof ........................................................................................ 19............ ............................................................................................. ................... .............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. NotaryPublic, ..................................................................... county, Minnesota. .......................... ;.� ............................ ............................... ..... ............ My commission expires ..................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CORPORATE SURETY &tate of ...... MNN.E.S.O.T.A ....... .......... On this .............4th. . .............. leltv of ........... AP ....... .. ... ... .. ... ... Kil ................................. County of ..HENNEPIN ..............................................•.... before nw appeared ........ P49pnq ... 9, .... 9:rjAw.1..d .. . .................................... to nw personally known, who, being by nw duly sworn, did say that ............ he ........................ i.S .............................. the ...... • Attorney-in-Fact .................................................................. **'**........... ........... . .......................................................................................................................... I ........... ST.� PAUL .;FIRE, AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY" .................................................................................................................. INSURANCE ... . ......................................... 7 ........ : ............. q corporation, itheseal-afflxed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seat of said corporation, ................................ and that said instmment was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of Its Board .................... Directors .................... ; and that said .................. Egggag ... F., ..... G ... .. .g.v .......................................................... acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of ........................................ Notary Public .......... ........................................... JUR'Twbm ............................................... M y commission expiree .... Notary Public, Hennepin County, min-mi .766..........._............ 0: '44 Z: Rd 0 r4: : 0 4Q 40. r4: i NcS 636 —Bond of Public Contractor Miller -Dada Ca. Minne voila anal u all Men bg X4rsr 1kromts. That we, .BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC. : a ... minnesota...C.o.rporat on.,.. o.f...I inneapoi s.,... Minnesota, ................................ ............................... as principal...... and...... S'.r......PAUL... FIRE.... AND... MARINE... INSURANCE... CQWEINX..,.... a ..... ............................... Minnesota Corporations ....of...St.....Paul,..: Minnesota .............................................:.. ............................... as sureties, hereby acknowledge and recognize ourselves held and firmly bound to ..................... ............................... ...................... ............................... VILLAGE... OF... EDINA,....: MINNESO�A.................................................................... ............................... a..mun c....Pa.l... corporation., ......................... . ....... , 8ta4e_af_.3Uuwsata,, obligee, in the sum of FOUR. THOUSAND... SEVEN.... UNDRED... AND.. FIFTEEN.. AND...NO/100.- ...... ",7 .....Q'4 ,.- &l 4 .�n lawful money of the United States to be paid to said obligee for its use and the use of all persons and corporations doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials, insurance, equipment or supplies for any camp maintained for the keeping of men and animals engaged under, or for the, purpose of, the contract hereinafter referred to and described, ................ their.............. heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our respective heirs and legal representatives, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION .4RE SUCK; That, whereas said principal..:... ha: s......:. entered into a contract with said obligee for... furnishing., .all.., materials.,,.,, a.I�,....nec.e.s.aa. ry tools and equipment, and to do and perform all the work and labor ne- cessary for the improvement of Edina Water WelL'No. 4 (Concord Avenue). NOW THEREFORE, If said principal shall perform, and complete said contract according to its terms; shall pay, as they. become due, all just claims for such work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums,' equipment and supplies, for the completion of said contract in accordance with its terms, including equipment and supplies for any camp maintained for feeding'and keeping of -men and animals for the performance of said contract; shall save said obligee......... harmless from all costs and charLIes that may accrue on account of the doing of said work specified in said contract and for enforcing the terms of this bond in all actions which may be brought thereon and successfully maintained, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees,; shall comply with all laws appertaining to said contract and said work; shalt, in case the contract price specified in said contract shall for any reason be increased, furnish an additional bond in the sum at least of such increase within ten days after demand therefor in writing from said obligee......; and shall pay all costs and disbursements, - including reasonable attorneys' fees, in any and all actions which shall be successfully maintained for the enforcing of the terms of this bond; then this obligation shall decWne void} otherwise it shalt be and remain of f ull force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands this ....................... 11th .................... ............................... day of .................. Aril................... .............................., I9.60.... BERGERSO INC . In presence of " " "' B S' ......;.... - ST. PAUL FIRE AN MARINE,INSUR�I / _. _ _ ....._.... ".. .._..._.._ ..... ...._ ...... ".......... u riswoi" ' A . rney- in -Fac t Class I CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. ST. PAUL FIDELITY DEPARTMENT RETY F I R E and M A R I N E �2w4"me, lr� HOME OFFICE: ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA . .a. (A Capital Stock Company) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Eugene F. Griswold and T. J. Marron, individually Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal once. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company at a meeting called and held on the 17th day of January, 1952, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this mmnwpp g� f1RE � instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 20th J � V day of August A. D. 19 59 rn� ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY `S GG• STATE OF MINNESOTA l �m i 11 County of Ramsey 3 ss. Yiee President. On this 20th day of AUgust 19 59, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day /l and year first above written. C. L. JAEGER CERTIFICATION Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1960. I, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof; and of the whole of the said oriainals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this IIth day of *Unlimited as to character and amount. 10870 Ed. 1-36 April 28, 1960_ Bergeson- Caswell, Inc. - 13120 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis; Minn. Gentleumens Re: Contract -- for" Repairs to Well #4 - lie are enclosing herewith three •copies of the above entitled contract, awat&�d to you by the Edina Village Council.on April 4. One copy of .contract is for your files, one is for your banding company, and one should be fully executed and returned to us, together with the required performance bond. ' soon as executed c:.:nLra% and '«zd, are in our files, your bid security will be returned to -you. F 1 _ !' Yours very truly, Village Clerk gsa CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ,„day of fP`lt 196 , between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and �'•,�� of hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Contractor., for and in consideration of the payment or payments, herein,specified, and by,the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and, equipment, and to do and perform all the work and labor ne- essary for the improvement of the following* in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred,to anal made a part of',this contract to the sane extent as if herein set forth, and'the'same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2." The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein. provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and'approval of'.the engineer, As Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Councif of the Municipality, in the sum of "o; 100 • Dollars ), for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipal- ity of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipal- ity's attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITNESSED BY: WITNESSED BY: VILLAGE MR /� I BY �ZZ/ � L - - -- Village Manager CONTRACTOR 0 0 April 28, 1960 Lyon Chemicals, Inc. 2305 idea Avenue St.$aul 14, Minnesota- Gentlemen: - Re; Contri't for Six Months" Supply of Chemicals for Water System Us are enclosing herewith three copies of the above entitled contract, awarded to you by.the Edina Village Council on April 11. One copy of contract is for your files, one is for your bonding company, and one should; be -fully executed by our �� "fL.v {.? ?.� Arad returned to us, together with the required performance bond. ; As soon as executed contract, and bond, arelin this office your bid security dated April 11 -will be returned to you. _ Yours vary truly, Village Clerk, gea CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES This agreement entered into this 11th day of. ao , 19 60 . between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, party of the First Part, and 00 cumum0 • of 2303 en ftwise,0 SE. Val 149 MuwscU ' hereinafter referred to as the Supplier, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Supplier agrees to sell, and the Municipality agrees to buy A3. 25Z 194 1W--" $03 pey ]Lb. 0 21 during the 09Mmonth period commencing 9'o 19 Article 2. The Municipality agrees to make all its purchases of 8111 do, Wartwo w4 Amwauu'aul#bate from the.Supplier for the SM9month period on condition that the Supplier complies with ail'the provisions of this contract. Article 3. The quality and the prices shall be as set forth in the bid. The proposal for bids, the advertisement therefor., the specifications,,the instructions to.bidder.s, and.the bid, are hereby made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Article -4. It shall be a condition.of the.liability of:the Village.under this contract that'the supplier will furnish all supplies promptly as ordered and that'the supplies will conform fully to the specifications in the advertisement and /or bid. Article 5. In the event the supplier'defaults in the performance of any undertaking of this contract, the Village may at its option cancel said contract and may purchase part or all of the supplie's covered by this contract, elsewhere. This right to cancel the contract shall be in addition to and not in place of the right to obtain damages for breach of contract. Article 6. The Supplier further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Village a bond executed by itself and a surety company approved by the Village Council, in the sum of fix?. Dollars ($ ) for the use of the Village to secure faithful performance of this contract by the Supplier, and this Contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Village Council. -1- I Article 7. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the supplier the sum stated in the proposal or bid of the supplier. Payment shall be made in full within 1111W days after delivery, for the amount of the supplies delivered. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and second party has caused its duly authorized represent- ative, to sign same in its behalf. In the presence of VILLAGE OE--EDINA It Its MANAGER - f - April 23,, 1960 Nalco Chemical Company ` 6216 W,66th Place Chicago 38, ®11inQis Gentlemen: Re: Contract Wa are enclosing herewith three copies of contract for year's supply of Y 9 8 Ba11s, awarded to you by the Edina Village Council at its meeting of Apr3:1 11: One contract is for your. files, one is for your bonding co"y,,.end. one should be fully executed by your company and returned to us together with the requlv.d 2ekPorzao- �-�a bond. A� soon as executed.bond and contract are in our office your April 11 bid security will be returned to you. Yours very truly, Village Clerk g- )a 1A ' CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES This agreement entered into this 11th day of #OVA& 19 60 between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of;Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, party of the First Part, and of 6216 W. 66tb MOO* Mme* 38a 11MOIG hereinafter referred to'as the Supplier, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article ;l. The Supplier agrees to sell, and the Municipality agrees to buy 19. via a" 14400 lbs.. 125 1b AS VM MM82#8 W PAM APMAlt 19 during the twelve month period commencing MAY X! 1960 < Article 2. The Municipality agrees to make all its purchases of _ 910 a" from the'Supplier for the twelve month period on condition that the Supplier complies with 'all the provisions of this contract. Article 3. The quality and the prices shall be as set forth in the bid. The proposal for bids, the advertisement therefor, the specifications, the instructions to bidders, and the bid are hereby made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Article 4. It shall be a condition of the liability of.the Village under this contract that the supplier,will furnish all supplies promptly as ordered and that the supplies will conform fully to the specifications in the advertisement and /or bid.. Article 5. In the event the supplier defaults'in the performance of any undertaking of this contract, the Village may at its option cancel said contract and may purchase part or all of the supplies covered by this contract elsewhere. This right to�`cancel the contract shall be in addition to and not in place of the right to obtain damages.for breach of contract. Article 6. The Supplier further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Village a bond executed by itself and a surety company approved by the Village TO TMAM Council, in the sum of 4N& l AIG) t0/ Dollars ($ ) for the use of the Village to secure faithful performance of this contract by the Supplier, and this Contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Village Council. ma l Article 7. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees tollpay the supplier the sum stated in the proposal or bid of the supplier. Payment shall be made in full within THIRTY days after delivery, for the amp i unt of the supplies delivered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and second party has caused its duly authorized represent- ative, to sign same in its behalf. In the presence of