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No. 30 ON THE. FIRST DAY OF @ SEPTEMBER,' -1962. $ 13.75 the Villagge of Edina, Minnesota, yy(y, II pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Mtnnespolfs, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Slnldng andipterest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEENAND 0¢ ' DOLLARS for interest then due on its WaW rlv6r7 NO. - Revenue Ifond.dated July 1, 1947.1 NO. 27 . 9N,THES FIRST DAY OF - $13.75 MARCH, 1961 the VWagge of Edina, Minn�t�� jjj�II pay to bearer at the main office of first NationalBanil- 4- Heapolfs, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of th&Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of. - THIRTEEN: -AND 75= 100 DOLLARS interest then due on its WatidWorks NO. evenue Bond -dated July. 1, 1947,, NO. 24 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 S inn"t 1959 the Village of Edina, Mlnnoadta u pay to bearer��aat the main office of First National Bank Of neapolle, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Slaking and _ tprest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN WID 75 -I00 DOLLARS for interest then due on its WAatlOrks NO. Revenue Bond bated July 1, 1947. 1 No. 21 ON, THE.-FIRST DAY of $13.75 the Villagge of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of Flrat National Bat_ df Alimeapolls, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sink[pg an terest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 73-100 DOLLARS intereatthen due on its Wat"orks NO. evenue Bond dated July. 1, 1947, 7_D _1' $ p ON THE FIRST DAY OF No. 18 SEPTEMBER, 1956 13.75 the Village of Ediria; Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Mollneapolls, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinldngand711ternat Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of - THIRTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Wpte avgrim NO. Revenue B9nd dated July 1, "47., No. 15 °N MARCH. 1955Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of i iipnespolls, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking an atereax Account of its Water works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS Interest then due on its Waterworks NO. evenue Bond daat-edd JJuully 1, 1947, TA r'�1 _ NO. 12 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 SEPTEMBER . 1953 the VilZ.Toth. f Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office oet ational Bank of Minnot of the Sinking anworks sum of THIRTEEN AND 75400 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterwo?ks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947., No. 9 ON MARCH, DAY OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of •Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND *,,100 DOLLARS interest then due on its WaterAtlsa NO. evenue Bond dated July 1, 1917, No. 6 ON THE 1955111 °F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, W111 pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking dtVilutereat Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN A14131M_100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its W4terirOka NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1,- 1947., No. 3 ON MARICH, 1 49 Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Mapolls, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinldng fi Merest Account of its Water- works Fund the gum of , T THIRTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on Its Wa olks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1 —761, NO. 29 ON THE FIRST-DAY OF 13.75 MARCH: 196 $ 2 w the Village of Edina, Minnesota; will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking apd Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of TH El A1§D 73 -1j00 DOLLA for interest then d on its Wa Arks' Revenue Bond da July 1 18¢7 A� No. 26 ON:ME- FIkST-DAY OF , _ $13,75 SEPTEMBER 1960 the Villapa of Edina, Mlnnee�ta, sill pay to bearer at the main office of First Natipnal Bank& Mfrtneapolis, i gi_Minneapolls, Minnesota, out he Sinking and interest Arco of its Water- works Fund the sum of g THIRTEEN 466,714100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks , NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1. 1947. ' " NO. 23 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 MARCH, 1959 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office.of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out he Sinking and Interest Aeof its Water- works Fund the an of = co* T THIRTEEN AND, 74-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its" Waterwdrkir , NO Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, NO. 2O ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 SEPTEMBER; 1957 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First Natl al Bank of Migneapoliab n Minneapolis, Minnesota, out ofMb Sinking and Interest Ac@rant of its Water- works Fund the sum of ' THIRTEEN. AND 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on Ita Waterworks . NO. Revenue Bond dated July uly 1,1947. U No. 17 ON MARCH, 1956 the $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of,T41rioeapoile, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinlgng'and'Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of ' TI�on it Afitt 75-100 DOLNA for interest then ue on its Waterworks Revenue Bond dated July 11 1947. IT� No. 14 °NSEHPTEMBER,D19540F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking andInterest Account of its Water - works Fund the sum of Ti tTEEN'AND�75 -100 DO LAW for interest then ue on its Waterworks Revenue Bond dated July '1,1947.., ' 1 - ' 1�1 ON THE FIRST, DAY OF No. 11 - MARCH, 1953 13.7 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the m of T�TEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLAO for interest then due on its Waterworks- NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1,1947, ' NO. 8 1 SEPPTEMBER,I19 1 °F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis. Minnesota, out he Sinking and 1pterest Ac Water- works of its Wate works Fund the s� of THIRTEEN - AND 75-100 DOLARS for interest then due on its Waterwor is NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1;'194?. q No. 5 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 MARCH; 1950 the Village of Edina; Minnesota, pay t6 bearer at the main office of First National Bank.oUNIVneapolis, In Minneapolis. Minnesota, out�f the Sinking ancUiLterest A unt of its Water -. works Fund th of THIRTEEN AND�75 ]00 DOLL for interest then due on its, Waterwp`ke NO. Revenue Bgnd dated July 1 .19¢ (,',, � NO. 2 ON SEPTEMBER,D19 8 OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking,and Iitergt Account of its Water- works Fund t of VIum RTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLA* for interest then due on its Waterworks NO. Revenue Bond dated July It 1947. NO. 2H ON THE FIRST_ DAY OF $13.75 SEPTEMBER 1961 ' the Village of Edina, Minnesota, wAll pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of yy�� - THIRTEEN AND47.100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Water" NO Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947 , � . - ON OF THE FIRST, DAY No. 25 ,.,... MARCH, „1960 - $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, v :wAttl pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank (Ap, anespolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Slulft MM Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of - THIRTEEN AN l)) ,� ' 00 DOLLARS for interest then due on its WatsYVyorke NQ. - Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, THE FIRST DAY OF No. 22 SEPTEON MBER,'1958 $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnea�@tt�p,,� will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bartle falllnpeapolla, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking d Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its-Waterworks NO. Revenue Bond dated Jul NO. 19 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 MARCH, 1957 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Batik of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking "d Innterest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 15400 DOLLARS for interest then due on its W4terw7 rks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1,'1947.' ., No. 16 1 SEPTEMBER, 19550F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinkin *d Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks. NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. No. 13 ON MARS l954 OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinldn nd Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN Al 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, No. 10 °NCRPTRMRR.R_D19 2 °F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinkin 'ad Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN Al 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. No. 7 ON TMARFICH 1951Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN- APQ 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its W. terworks Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, ' Nor NO. 4 ON THE FIRST DAY OF $13.75 SEPTEMBER" -1949 the Village of Edina, Minnesotd, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bauk,of. Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinkinpp��nd Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of S� THIRTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks . NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. No. 1 ON MARCH, 948Y OF $10.33 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of EIGHTEEN 33 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks NO. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, KE VI � � '�i� � �j `�� J• ...ice _ r �� Wt �` 4 + � -_ , "�. �i Al r Hl R. ry`• �� ram-.", �.F,y- S I\ �� ' � `Lf�� .cam' �L -�e/ _ "'� •1 / 1 H IR J it 7.f. } jai f�•S' 4ii \55.� _,1,i a, i S'� .`.. hS. x7 \ N'h-- t,T`� +� t✓r. _` � �,1.1� —t � -, if Sir„•' i ,}. � , �TpAgmq, PM �. fir'- I \'I��' •k-t `r 4:. �aa .. : � - -- - =�' �+ g6A 7�l� (y %y%(,,1/ %/�����( /�/ss ,�`i ni`_'n\ F �- `•�'3 -�� /[` ,� 1 ..� i5'}f l'��yA��"Y'b�,� 7�'�+..r� �/. , i r r , \1?k. { -..yy� t rj� �.v /( /� /' S ✓w z r xh; , sqC&&T F� let f- �, y r a� f J , VI � � '�i� � �j `�� J• ...ice _ r �� Wt �` 4 + � -_ , "�. �i Al r Hl R. ry`• �� ram-.", �.F,y- S I\ �� ' � `Lf�� .cam' �L -�e/ _ "'� •1 / 1 H IR J it 7.f. } jai f�•S' 4ii \55.� _,1,i a, i S'� .`.. hS. x7 \ N'h-- t,T`� +� t✓r. _` � �,1.1� —t � -, if Sir„•' i ,}. � , �TpAgmq, PM �. fir'- I \'I��' •k-t `r 4:. �aa .. : � - -- - =�' �+ g6A 7�l� (y %y%(,,1/ %/�����( /�/ss ,�`i ni`_'n\ F �- `•�'3 -�� /[` ,� 1 ..� i5'}f l'��yA��"Y'b�,� 7�'�+..r� �/. , i r r , \1?k. { -..yy� t rj� �.v /( /� /' S ✓w z r xh; , sqC&&T F� let f- �, y r No. 39 ON THE FIRST MARCH, 1 67Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking 4ndinterest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS interest then due on its Waterworks NO. evenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, No. 36 °N THE Dl9 S OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking andtilnterest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of 4F THIRTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks N0. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947.., / o,--, No. 33 °N TMARCH,19164Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND -100 DOLLARS interest then due on its Wate arks No avenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, No. 38 ON THE FIRSR,DA 6OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of TOWTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLAW for interest thenWhe on its Waterworks lra Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. No. 35 ON TMARFCH, ID5Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of TEUATEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then We on its Waterworks Revenue Bond dated July 1. 1947. No. 32 °NSEPTEMBER, DAY 1963OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THWEEN AND 75-100 DOL RS for interest then a on its Waterworks Io. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. d'� No. 40 °NSEPPTEMB R,D196 °F $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75-100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks No. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 199 No. 37 ON THE MARCH, 1 66Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, .will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN ANS75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Wat rworks No. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, No. 34 SEPTEMBER, DAY $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water - works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AN .075 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Waterworks No. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947. No. 31 ON THE MARCH, 1963 Y OF $13.75 the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, In Minneapolis, Minnesota, out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Water- works Fund the sum of THIRTEEN AND 75 -100 DOLLARS for interest then due on its Works N0. Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1 a-W , ffil e iFl� TT E:l v.R gk"' Z7 41 h A .:1 > ti .. = i �" t< A STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN VILLAGE OF EDINA Waterworks Revenue Bond of 1947 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, certifies that it will pay to bearer hereof but only out of the net revenues in the Sinking and Interest Account of the Waterworks Fund, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the 1st day of September, 1967, and will pay interest thereon from said Account from the date hereof until said principal sum is paid at the rate of two and three - quarters per cent (2y4%) per annum, interest to maturity payable March 1, 1948, and semi - annually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 in each year in accordance with and upon presenta- tion and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at the main office of First National Bank of Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $150,000, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity and redemption privileges, all issued for the purpose of providing money for the purchase and improvement of the waterworks plant and system of the village and is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, including Chapter 94, Session Laws of 1941, and resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council of said village and is payable solely from revenues of the waterworks plant and system, being the gross revenues after deducting the cost of operation, >, which are to be deposited in the Sinking and Interest Account of the Waterworks Fund of the village and the village shall be relieved from any duty to levy, collect, use or apply any moneys received or to be received from taxation for the payment of either principal or interest except for the payment of charges for services rendered to or received by the village. This bond is subject to redemption and prior payment at the option of the village on September 1, 1957, and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, provided thirty days prior notice of call has been mailed to the bank at which this bond is payable and to the holder, if known, at his last known address. Holders desiring to receive such notice must register their names and addresses with the Village Clerk. It Is Hereby Certified and Recited that in and by said authorizing resolution the village has covenanted and agreed that it will continue to own and operate the waterworks plant and system of the village free from competition by other like utilities and free from all liens thereon; that adequate insurance on said waterworks plant and system and suitable fidelity bonds on its employees will be carried; that proper and adequate books of account will be kept showing all receipts and disbursements relating to the waterworks plant and system; that it will maintain a Waterworks Fund and a Sinking and Interest Account there- under into which it will pay monthly out of the net revenue of the waterworks plant and 1 system a sum sufficient to pay principal and interest on the bonds payable from said account as the same fall due and will impose and collect rates and charges for services furnished by the said system adequate for the above payments; that no additional or other obligations will be incurred or permitted to be incurred payable from the said net revenues except as specified in the authorizing resolution; that the holders of twenty percent or more in principal amount of the revenue bonds of this issue at any time outstanding may enforce the rights of the holders of all of such outstanding bonds, all as more fully set forth in the said authorizing resolution. It Is Further Certified and Recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be per- formed in order to make this bond a valid and binding special obligation of the village, according to its terms, have been done, have happened and have been performed as so required and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness, general or special, - of the village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Edina, Minnesota, by its Village Council, >r has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of the President of the Village Council. and attested by the Village Clerk and sealed with the village seal and the attached interest _coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures. of . said ;offices;_ all as of this 1st ,day of Jul arlF. ♦ " 1" IY a,"fw I'f w .t.zyir:CVxlp rcy ,t` a! r tia x �Yxj - icy rw' " vw� , �,� �\�y~ t t a'ilf /A'... ,`\ +n l 1~�n qty `t• Yi +,,d¢R '�ly� •j� = \..��i �::. �.,'�.:�— ��:�.:<• ...gin wl, Y w w ij�LI�j:. 'a z= a F 713 T70, IN I i 41 JAMES E. DORS EY JOSEPH H. COI MAN DAVID E. BRONSON, KENNETH M.OWEN LELAND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER , LELAND S. DUXBU RY CHARLES F. NOONAN CHARLES B. HOWARD WILLIAM L.PROSSER .DONALD WEST HARRY A. BLACKMUN WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY JOHN T. Mc CULLEN JULE M. HANNAFORD ARTHUR B.WHITNEY EDWIN F. RINGER . DORSEY. COLMAN, BARKER. SCOTT & BARBER ATTORNEYS AT LAW FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA 3 July 194T Mr. Bower Hawthorne 1801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Re: $150,000 Waterworks Revenue Bonds, Village of Edina I Dear Sir: We are enclosing copies of the resolution and circular which we mailed to all investment dealers. The writer will be out of town on Thursday but we believe that Mr. Windhorst will arrange to be present at the meet- ing. Yours very truly, CBH :ie &closures I ;e A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE !,0 WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OFIPROVIDING MONEY FOR THE PURCHASE AND ILU'ROVEMENT OF THE WATER- WORKS PLANT AND SYSTEM. I . WHEREAS, the Village of Edina is organized under the General Laws of the State and has a population of more than 5000 inhabitants and an assessed valuation of all tamable property of aa ss than $6,000.,000, and WHEREAS, there is a public water supply system owned by Country Club District Service Company which upon acquisiti.cn will be part of the pub.iic water supply system of the village, and I'dO AS, the village has entered into a contract with the said Country Club District Service. Compar-W for the pvrub3se !of wells, pumps and equipment for the operation thereof,"storagc :ands; water mains, hydrants and lands and buildings for housing the Game and incidental or necessary equipment in connection therewith, and WHEREAS, the village is authorized u:,Ce._• azd 'Ipursuant to the provisions of Chapter.94. Laws of Minnesota 194?, to issue revenue bonds to, finance such purchase and the construction of ae.ditional facilities, i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby determined that it is necessary to proceed with the purchase and improvement of the waterworks plant and system from Country Club District.Service Company at an estimated cost of $150,000 to be provided by the issuance of waterworks revenue bonds in said amount. i 2. For the purpose of providing money for purchasing and improving said waterworks plant and system, the village shall issue, negotiate and sell its waterworks revenue bonds in the total principal amount of $150,000, consisting of 150 bonds numbered 1 to 150,,inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 ea.ch,,to be dated July 1, 1947, to'bear interest at the rate to be hereafter determined,payable March 1, 1948 and semi - annually thereafter on the 1st -days of March and September in each year and to mature serially on September 1st in the years and amounts as follows: $5,000 in each of the years 1949 to 1952, inclusive, $7,000 in each of the years 1953 to 1956, inclusive, $8,000 in each of the years 1957 to 1960, inclusive, and $10,000 in each of the years 1961 to 1967, inclusive, all of said bonds maturing after September 1, 1957, being subject to redemption and prior payment at.par and accrued interest at the option of the village on said date and any interest payment date there- after. 3. The said bonds.and the interest.coupons to be thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF;MINNESOTA COUNTY-OF HENNEPIN VILIA GE OF EDINA No. X1,000 WATERWORKS REVENUE BOND OF 19470 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Village of Edina,, in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, certifies that it will pay to bearer hereof but only out of the net revenues in the Sinking and Interest kccount of the Waterworks Fund, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLTA RS on the lat day of September, 19 , and will pay interest thereon from said Account from the date hereof until said principalsum is paid at the rate of percent ( %) per annum, interest to maturit -y payable March 1, 1948, and semi - annually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 in each year in accordance with and upon presentation_ and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally i r �C"J i become due: Both principal and interest are payable at in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. This: :bond is one of an,.issue in the aggregate principal amount Of $1503000, ail of like date and tenor except as to maturity and redemption privileges, all issued for the purpose of providing money for the purchase and improvement of the waterworks plant and system of the village and is issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the ConstiLl..ticn and Laws of the State of Minnesota, including Chapter 94, Session Laws of 19111, and resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council of said village and is payable solely from revenues of the waterworks. plant and system, being the gross revenues after deducting the cost of operation, which are to be deposited in the Sinking and Interest Account of the Waterworks Fund of the village and the village shall be relieved from any duty to levy,'collect,use or apply any moneysjreceived or to be received from taxation for the payment of either -principal or interest except for the payment of charges for services rendered to or received by the village. (To be inserted in bonds Nos. 1-to-56, incl.) This bond is payable at its stated maturity date without option of prior payment. (To be inserted in bonds Nos. 57 to 150, incl.) This bond is subject to redemption and prior payment at the option of the village on September 1, 1957, and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, provided thirty days prior notice of call has been mailed to the bank at which this bond is payable and to the holder, if known, at his last known address. Holders desiring to receive such notice must register their names and addresses with the Village Clerk. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AIM RECITED that in and by said authorizing resolution the village has covenanted and agreed that it will continue to own and operate the waterworks plant and system of the village free from competition by other like utilities and free from all liens thereon; that adequate insurance on said waterworks plant and system and suitable fidelity bonds on its employees will be carried; that proper and adequate books cf account will be kept showing all receipts and disbursements relating to the waterworks plant and system; that it will maintain a Waterworks Fund and a Sinking and Interest Account thereunderinto which it will pW monthly out of the net revenue of the waterworks plant and system a sum sufficient to pay principal and interest on the bonds payable from said account as the same fall due and will impose and collect rates and charges for services furnished by the said system adequate for the above payments; that no additional or other obligations will be incurred or permitted to be incurred payable from the said net revenues except as specified in the authorizing resolution,• that the holders of twenty percent or more in principal amount of the revenue bonds of this issue at any time outstanding may enforce the rights of the holders of all of such out- standing bonds, all as more fully set forth in the said authorizing resolution. IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed inlorder to make this bond a valid and binding special obligation of the village, according to its terms, have been done,have happened and have been performed as so required and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebted- ness, general or special, of the village to exceed any1constituti.ona.l nr statutory limitation. IN WITNESS b'JHEREOF, the Village of Edina, Minnesota,by itL, Village Council has caused this bond to be executed in'its behal: by the signature of the President of the Village Council and attested . F I { by the Village Clerk and - sealed with the village seal and the attached interest - coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers,.all as of this 1st day of1July, 1947. Attest: Villa ge Clerk (Seal) President of Village Council (Form of Coupon) No. $ _ On the lst day of March (September), J_° , the Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at r— iV g i out of the Sinking and Interest Account of its Waterworks Fund the sum of DOLLARS forlinterest then due on its Waterworks Revenue Bond dated July 1, 1947, No.! • or. Village Clerk 4. The bonds shall be prepgred under the direction of the Village Clerk and shall be executed on behalf of the village by the signature of the President of the Village Council and attested by the Village Clerk and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers and the seal of the village shall.be affixed to each of said bonds. 5. The bonds herein authorized shall be sold in such manner as the Council shall hereafter direct and the purchase price thereof shall be paid over to the Village Treasurer and used for the purchase of said waterworks plant and system and for improvements thereof. Said money shall.be deposited in a special account within the Waterworks Fund and used solely for such purpose but the purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the proper application of said purchase price. 6. There is hereby created a special fund to be� called the Waterworks Fund which shall be continued until the payment- of all bonds issued hereunder. There shall be paid into said fund all of the income and receipts of the village from the operation of the waterworks plant and system except that proceeds of special assess- ments for extensions of water mains may be paid into al special fund to finance such extensions as hereinafter provided. There shall be set up under said Waterworks Fund the following separate accounts: (a) A Capital Expenditure Account into which shall be paid all moneys received from the sale of bonds (excepting premium, if any, and accrued interest shall be paid into the Sinking and Interest Account) and from the sale of any'property acquired for or used "in connection with such utility and no longer necessary for such purpose. Out of such account shall be paid the following estimated expenditures in connection with the acquisition and improvement of the waterworks plant and system: e Al Purchase of property from Country Club District Service Company 1 $ 133 .,500.00 Reconditioning of hydrants and valves 1500.00 Reconditioning of 50th Street main 500.00 Construction of pump house and landscaping 5000.00 Safety ladder on tank and miscellaneous expex -se l 1 ,9000.00 ,pprr.isal and acquisition expense 3 ,P500.00 Working capital 5 ,9000000 Total I. $ 150 .9000.00 The amount herein above set aside for working capital and any other unexpended balance shall be credited to the Unappropriated Earnings Account. (b) An Unappropriated Earnings Account to which shall be credited all income and revenue from the operations of the waterworks system. Out of said account shall be paid all but only such items as by accepted accounting practices constitute normal. reasonable and_ci eennt co s or o erationn,�inoluding necessary.repairs and replacements. rrom said_account t ere shall be paid into the general fund of the village an amount equivalent to the local taxes for village and'school purposes on the property of the system to be used to offset such loss in taxation by the village and school district respectively. Such payments shall be made only when and if there are sufficient funds in such account for such purpose over and above the amount required to be paid into the Sinking and Interest Account under the provisions of subsection (c) hereof, but such payments shall be a charge upon said account to the extent that 'there are funds available to make such payments in any year and to the extent said charge is unpaid in any year it shall remain upon the books of the village to be paid when there are sufficient funds in the account for such purpose. (c) A Sinking and Interest Account to which shall be credited quarterly on or before the first days of March,_June; September and December in each year,from the net revenue at least one- quarter of the amount required to pay principal and interest on the bonds issued hereunder and any other obligations which shall be made payable out of said account as hereinafter provided during the ensuing twelve months. No money shall be paid out of the Sinking and Interest Account except to pay such principal and interest as the same shall become due provided that the balance therein may be used to prepay and retire such' bonds in accordance with the provisions thereof, provided that all bonds are then due and have been properly palled for payment and funds are available for the prepayment of!jall such bonds. (d) A Reserve Account to which shall be credited quarterly on the first days of march,. June, September and December in each year ali earnings in the Operation Account in excess of the amount required for current operations and for the payments herein required to the Sinking and Interez3t.Account until there shall have been credited to said Reserve Account an amount equal to the full principal and interest requirements of all bonds payable hereunder during the ensuing twelve months. Said account shall be used to replace any deficiency in the Sinking and Interest Account and shall be maintained asla reserve in the amount herein above set forth until all the bonds issued hereunder sh--_J_1_ }:a ve been paid or properly called for prepayment as herein provided and in event that the said reserve shall be depleted, it shall - be restored out of the ensuing net revenue of tho wateilvvorks syste.n prcvided that nothing herein shall prevent the use of any excess money.- ii-i said Res,�rvc- Accc-xit to prepay bonds on their cailab];e date. i I i'�� N / a t (e) A Surplus count to which shall be credit d all the u--.,� C.m net revenue of the wate orks system in excess of the am is required I" Account. " to be paid into the S' ing and Interest Account and the Reserve account. The funds ' said account may be used to pay!,for extensions, 0 improvements, and, ditions - to the waterworks plant and system or may be used to preps borxis. No distribution shall be made from said account to the general nd of the village until bonds issued reunder shall have been pai out of moneys provided in the Sinking �d Interest hccount and reserve 'ccount for such purposes The money "in the waterworks Fund may be deposited in one or re bank accounts - s parate, from a� other bank accounts of the village provided that any f�iids therein may be invested under direction of the Village Council�in /government onds obligations of the Village_ of Edina. - 7. The bonds issued hereunder maturing after September 11 1957, shall be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the village on said date and any interest payment date thereafter' provided that thirty days prior notice of such redemption shall be given to the bank at which the bonds are payable and to the last known holder. Holders desiring to receive such notice must register their names and addresses with the Village Clerk. Said bonds may be prepayed out of the Sinking and Interest "ccount or out of any other funds of the village provided that no such bonds shall be.prepaid out of the Sinking and Interest Account unless there shall be sufficient therein to pay principal and interest payable therefrom during the ensuing twelve months. $. Until payment of the bonds herein authorized no additional bonds or other obligations payable from the revenues of the waterworks, plant and system shall be issued except as provided in this paragraph. The village may at any time issue additional revenue bonds or other obligations payable as to principal and interest from the Sinking and Interest Account and on.a parity with but not superior to the lien and charge in favor of the outstanding revenue bonds of this issue provided, first, such additional, obligations arelto pay for necessary improvements to or extensions of the waterworks plant and system and, second, that the net revenue as herein defined for the period of twelve months next preceding the issuance of such additional obligations shall have been in an amount at least one and one - quarter times the average of the annual principal and in.terest1requirements for the remainder of the term of the revenue bonds issued hereunder upon all-such obligations then outstanding plus, those so to be issued and thereafter to be payable from the said net revenue I In addition to the powers above granted, the village may at azy time issue additional obligations payable from said net revenue provided said additional obligations are expressly made a junior or inferior charge against said net revenue or provided said obligations are usedsolely to refund and extend the maturity date of the maturing bonds of this issue. 9. For the protection of the security of the bonds herein authorized the Village Council covenants and agrees to and with theholders thereof from time to time as follows: (a) It will cause the purchase and improvement to the waterworks plant and system to be completed in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved and will use the proceeds of these bonds to pay for said purchase and improvement. i (b) It will continue to operate the waterworks plant and system of the village as a revenue producing utility and will cause the same to be maintained in good and efficient operating condition and will not sell or otherwise dispose of any part thereof unless tn( same be replaced with some other part of equal utility,; -5- (c) Until the principal of and interest on the bonds of this issue shall have been paid, the village shall maintain rates and charges for water service sufficient in amount to pay such principal and interest and will give no free service and in event the charges for service to other users shall be insufficient to pay principal and interest on all out- standing bonds, the village agrees to pay not les: than the sum of $300 per year for Al services furnished to the village". (d) It will cause all income and revenues from the operation of the :waterworks plant and system .of the village to be lcredited to the Waterwcr•K:. rand and will permit no payments to b:: made therefrom except as here;L provided. (e) It will cause proper books of record and account to be kept in which true and correct entries will be mace of all water charges imposed or required to be imposed and of all collections' and receipts therefrom and showing the application thereof and all expenditures from the Waterworks Fund. Such books shall be audited annuall y by the public examiner or other competent public accountant. Said books of account shall be open to inspection and copying by any bond holder,his agent,or attorney and the Village Clerk shall upon request furnish certified copies of any portion thereof upon payment of a reasonable fee 'therefore (f). It.will procure and keep in force insurance upon the waterworks plant and the machinery and equipment therein against loss or damage by fire, to#•nado, windstorm, customarily insured or other causes cust against, with an insurer or insurers in good standing in such amounts as the Village Council shall determine will be required adequately to protect the village and the holders of the bonds from loss due to any such casualty and that it will keep in full force and effect fidelity bonds on its employees in charge of the waterworks plant and system. „ In event of any loss, the proceeds from such insurance or bonds shall be used to make good such loss or to repair or restore the plant. 10. The Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds'and the attorneys approving the same, certified copies of all ordinances and resolutions of the village relating to the waterworks plant and system and the issuance of the bonds and all other proceedings or records showing the right,power and authority of the village to issue the same, and to provide funds for the payment thereof and such certified copies and certificates shall be deemed representations of the village as to all facts stated therein. 11. Additions and extensions of water mains may be installed by the village and the cost thereof may be provided out of the unappropriated earnings account or said extensions may be made by appropriate special improvement proceedings and the cost assessed against property benefited thereby. In such case the pro ceeds of all such special assessments may be used to pay for such improvement or to retire certificates or warrants issued for such purpose• 1 12. Each and all of the terms and provisions of -this resolution shall be and constitute,a covenant on the part of the village -to and with each and every holder from time to time of the bonds issued hereunder. Nod3n s Co. �,�2 Thwoz cauRding CATALOG `�Rp'. SUPERSEDES CATALOG H NEENAH NEENAH, FOUNDRY CO. WISCON8IN 0/i MANHOLE COVERS AND STEPS CATCH BASIN INLETS AND TRAPS ROOF AND FLOOR DRAINS DISPOSAL PLANT CASTINGS WHEEL GUARDS - STREET SIGNS DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND GRATES PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES - SHEAR GATES TRENCH COVERS - FLOOR PLATES COALHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE CASTINGS Adler Steel Products Co, 402 Thorpe 9ulld1ng Minneapolis 2, Minnesota 111 NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. XFFM Ix. WISCOx91F Service Fast'Railway; and Tmck.Delivery, to Representative Points in All Sections of the United States. Normal, Delivery Service indicated in Days. from Neenah C Central location and excellent transportation facilities contribute toward rapid delivery of orders. Plant capacity is sufficient for prompt manufacture of special castings. Substantial stock always available on standard items. NEENAH Castings are in transit 24 hours every day in the year for delivery to customers who look to us for prompt service. Write for delivered prices. i� _ Copyright 1942 By NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY, INC. NEENAH, WISCONSIN All rights reserved. This catalog or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright owners. _ Copyright 1942 By NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY, INC. NEENAH, WISCONSIN All rights reserved. This catalog or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright owners. Muni :ipal Castings for Public Works City Highway, Bridge, Grade Crossing; Waterway, Power and Power Dams, Flood Control, Irrigation, Drainage, Sewers, Paving, Housing and other works. Airports, Army -Navy Camps, Schools, Hospitals, Rural Electrification, Public Health Sys tems, Parks and Recreational -Facilities. This catalog, prepared for Engineers, Contractors, Municipalities, and Architects, presents, a complete line of standard and special types of Municipal Castings. All castings shown are approved and recommended by leading engineers because of Strong Construction, Uniform Quality and Finished Appearance. We specialize in the manufacture of Municipal Castings and carry a large stock to assure prompt deliveries. Our central location, long experience and manufacturing facilities furthers the service we are able to offer. Your inquiries are solicited ... Let us help work out your construction problems. Manhole and Catch Basin Covers Manufactured according to the following requirements which may be used in your specifications to assure highest quality. 1— General - Castings shall be of uniform quality, free from blow holes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage defects, cracks or other injurious defects. They shall be smooth and well cleaned by shot blasting and then, unless otherwise specified, shall be coated with coal tar pitch varnish of specification which will make a smooth coating, tough and jtenacious when cold, not tacky and not brittle. 2— Quality - Material used in the manufacture of the castings shall conform to A. S. T. M. specifications A48 -36 for Class 30, or of United States Government specification QQI -652 for gray iron castings. 3— Finish - AJ castings are manufactured true to pattern and with satisfactory fit of com- ponent parts. Round Frames and Covers are furnished of non- rocking.'design or with machined bearing surfaces so lid will not rattle or rock in manhole frame. 4— Weight - Catalog weights as given are approximate and average. Variation will not exceed specified weight limits in accordance with A. S. T. M. Standards. The above may be used in specifying your requirements assuring highest quality. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Non- Rocking Manhole Covers Manufactured Under U. S. Patent No. 1859739 FIG.1 Fig. 1 —is a top plan (44' ® B The three bearing of manhole f r a m e oints to the tooth showing side bear- Q ®® © rack f ature which s l i s A, B, and r- receives and adjusts g g © © © the pointed lug is a Lug A is pointed and adjustable t o i t s A © ©© © sure gean y of pre - proper "V" slot due ventin an move - t o graduation o f 0 0 0 lent of the led. The teeth in the rack © © © lid always rests en thereby preventing © ® © proper seating and all movement or rock ® © is n e the frame and of lid in frame. is never suspended © ® C on lugs A, B, and C. Fig. 2 —is a sectional view of Fig. 1 with FIG. 2 lid removed above Adaptable to any its proper place in size, weight or de- frame. Construction VA s i g n Man hole or of rack A and slots B Catch Basin Cover and C can be noted. listed in this catalog. !M Note simplicity of S design. Fig. 3 —is a framen- tary perspective view FIG. 3 of portion "A" show- ing the pointed lug PRA and rack adjusting ME Furnished at no extra and retaining means. cost. Note graduation of teeth in rack, each A LSD inch variation on full size casting. ALL CASTINGS ASPHALT COATED Page 4 L Adler Steel Products Co. 402 Thorpe Building N E E N A MlHeapolls-2.„ MinneWa I S C O N S I N Non - Rocking Manhole Covers Manufactured under U. S. Patent No. 1859739 Illustrating Non - Rocking design as applied to Standard Manhole Cover R -1040 with type B lid. NO NOISE -- NO DISPLACED LIDS -- NO EXTRA COST Developed in 1927 and introduced to the trade in 1930. The non - rocking manhole has proved over a long period of time to meet all requirements of noiseless constructions. A survey by a leading trade publication relative to noisy manhole frames and covers, received comments from engineers in all sections of the country, many stating that even when castings were straight and true when placed in service, subsequent internal casting warpage or pavement pressure on the sides of the casting resulted in distortion and noisy manhole covers. The NON - ROCKING feature makes this easy to eliminate because further adjustment can be made at any time needed due to the variations of diameter in the tooth rack. Simplicity of design and construction are features in themselves -- they add no cost nor do they make the manhole cover complicated to adjust. Any one man can make a manhole frame and lid a silent unit in a few seconds. The NON - ROCKING MANHOLE COVER is strong and durable -- lugs of lid and slots in the frame are integral cast and will not break nor wear. To adjust, the lid is placed in a loose position in the frame and then by means of an ordinary hook, placed in the pick hole, is made snug by rotating the lid in relation to the frame until pointed lug "A" is selectively engaged with the appropriate slot in the rack cast in the frame. The teeth in this rack are graduated, each changing the diameter A inches, so it is simple to fit the lid snug in the frame to prevent any movement. The lid always remains in its proper seating position in the manhole frame and is never suspended on lugs A, B, and C. Removal is effected with ease. Neither varying temperatures nor other factors make the lid difficult to remove. In addition, the necessity of placing asphalt or other filling around a manhole cover is eliminated. NO LOCKS -- NO KEYS -- NO GASKETS -- NO FILLING A comparison of non - rocking with old style covers will convince you of the decided advantages of the silent, modem non - rocking construction. Noisy Old Style Cover Silent Non - Rocking Cover SPECIFY NON - ROCKING MANHOLE COVERS Page 5 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Manhole Covers Note Type A Non - rocking Lid Illustrating R -1020 Note Type B Lid Illustrating R -1030 Designed and Manufactured for Modern Street Traffic Heavy construction and improved designs make these manhole covers serviceable for any traffic. TYPE "A" LID KNOBS I "DIA. X iz HIGH O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O 00 O O 0 TYPE "B" LID INDENTED TOP DESIGN ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Type of lid optional, see schedule page 7. CHECKERED TOP DESIGN L LL SEE CHART FOR SIZES TYPE "D" LID KNOBS I /ZDIA. X%HIGH O O O O OO 00 0 0 ��� HOLES TYPE "E" LID • • • • :0:0�' • • • • • Any type lid furnished in non - rocking style. Bearing surfaces of frames and lids machined when specified. Use cast iron manhole steps. See page 26 for sizes and types. FOR SPECIAL LOCKS, HANDLES AND PICK HOLES -- SEE PAGES 83 - 85. Write For Qpotations. Page 6 N E E N A H - W I S IC O 'N S I N Note Type C Lid Manhole Gov rs Note Type D Non - rocldng Lid Illustrating R -1040 I Illustrating R -1070 For reference, manhole castings have been listed in this index in the order of their clear openings. TABLE OF SIZES AND DESIGNS. Dimensions inIinches. Weight in pounds. STANDARD SIZE MANHOLE COVERS SPECIAL SIZE MANHOLE COVERS (Continued) Cat. No A B C D E F Wt. Type Lid Refer to Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. Type Lid, Refeeto R -1010 23 13/4 201/2 25 36 9 540 A- B -C -D -E R -1421 23 11/4 22 24 331/2 7 360 Special R -1015 223/4 13/4 21 24 36 9 540 A -B -C R -1712 R -1422 251%2 11/4 .22 251/2 371/2 91/2 575 Special R =1790 R -1020 23 13/4 201 /2 251/2 36 9 470 A- B =C -D -E page 6 R -1423 24 1 3/4 211/2 211/2 261/2 11/4 140 Special R- 1797 -B R -1030 23 13/4 201/2 26 36 9 450 A- B -C -D -E page 6 R -1424 261 1 211/2 26 38 4 525 Special 11040 23 11 /2 201/2 251/2 36 9 . 400 B -D -E page 7 R -1429 223/4 13/4 21 23 311/_8 141/2 400 A -B -C -E R -1672 R -1050 23 11/2 201/2 251/2 36 9 360 B -D -E _ R -1432 23 1 13/4 21 25 36 9 460 B -C -D -E R -1060 22 11 /2 20 241/2 36 61 /2 350 B -D -E R -1700 R -1433 231%4 7/8 21 251/2 35 6 460 B -C -D -E R -1070 23 11 /2 201/2 251/2 36 9 335 B -D -E page 7 R -1434 223/4 13/4 21 21 301/2 7 460 A -B -C R -1674 R -1077 223/4 13/4 21 241/2 36 7 325 B -C -D -E R -1436 23 13/8 21 26 35 83/4 400 A- B -C -D -E R -1080 221/2 13/4 201/2 241/2 36 6 320 A -B -D R -2540 R -1437 23 13/4 21 221/2 321/2 4 400 A- B -C -D -E R -1647 R -1090 22 11 /2 20 241/2 35 9 300 B -C -D -E R -1439 223/4 13/4 21 23 25 6 350 A -B -C R -1960 R -1100 22 11 /2 20 24 33 8 275 B -C -D -E R -1449 231 13/4 21 24 31 51/2 320 A- B -C -D -E 8-1110 22 11 /2 20 231/2 32 6 250 B -C -D -E R -1453 233/4 11/2 203/4 25 331/4 7 500 Special R -1713 R -1120 22 11 /2 20 23 28 4 200 B -C -D -E R- 1690 -A R -1457 231/4 11 /2 201/2 26 36 9 525 A -B -C -D R -1130 22 11 /2 20 23 28 4 150 B -C -D -E R -1690 R -1458 231/4 11/4 201/2_ 251/2 38 10 450 Special R -1660 R -1461 241 17/8 201/2 201 /2 36 71/2 500 Special SPECIAL SIZE MANHOLE COVERS R- 1462 22 2 201/2 241/2 36 71/2 475 B -C -D -E R -1731 R -1230 501 /2 2 48 52 62 10 1300 1 with R- 1740 -F R -1463 23 11 /2 201/2 251/2 36 9 330 B -C -D -E R -1070 R -1240 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 1075 f dbl. lid R- 1740 -E R -1465 223/4 1 201/4 23 361/2 91/2 500 Special R -1724 R -1250 38 11 /2 36 40 50 10 850 Special R- 1740 -C R -1466 23 1 13/8 201/4 201/4 321/4 7 420 Special R -1722 R -1251 39 1/2 36 36 39 6 380 Special R- 1950 -1 R -1467 23 11 /2 20 26 38 10 450 Special R -1660 R -1252 351/2 11/2 33 33 42 7 675 B R -1468 23 11/2 20 26 38 10 500 Special R -1660 R -1253 34 1/2 31 31 34 5 275 Special R- 1950 -A R -1471 223/4 11 /2 20 261/4 38 10 550 Special R -1660 R -1254 321/2 11/2 301/2 36 48 10 800 Special R- 1740 -B1 R -1255 32 13/8 30 41 49 10 800 Special R- 1750 -C 8-1260 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 10 750 Special R- 1740 -A R -1270 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 7 675 Special R- 1740 -B R -1285 30 1 271/2 271/2 33 13/4 230 Special R- 1797 -C R -1290 29 13/8 27 38 46 10 675 Special R- 1750 -B R -1291 28 '/2 11/2 26 31 42 9 525 R -1293 28 1 26 28 34 4 300 R -1295 251/2 11/2 241/4 241/4 301/2 6 220 R -1300 26 13/8 24 35 43 10 550 R -1370 261/4 11/2 24 281/2 39 7 400 R -1390 271/2 1 24 24 301/2 7 400 R -1392 26 11/2 24 24 36 71/2 420 R -1395 27 1/2 24 24 27 51/2 200 R -1398 26 7/8 237/8 237/8 33 8 400 R -1401 26 17/8 231/2 26 1/4 36 9 450 R -1405 25 11/2 23 27 38 9 435 R -1407 25 3/4 23 23 34 4 215 R -1410 24 11/2 23 251/2 35 71/2 350 R -1412 241/2 11/2 221/2 27 36 83/4 450 R -1415 24 2 22 25 35 7 360 R -1417 233/4 13/4 22 233/4 34 71/2 410 R -1418 233/4.A 22 24 38 9 485 R -1419 251/2 • 11/4 22 22 34 9 580 Any standard manhole frame and B4 R- 1472 221 1 20 20 36 81/2 410 Special 3-1721 R -1474 221 13/8 20 23% 341/2 81/2 360 A R -1475 221 11 /2 20 241/2 36 61/2 350 B -C -D -E R -170 R -1481 221 11 /2 20 241/2 35 9 300 Special R -192 0 R -1482 221 11/2 20 23 28 4 150 B -C -D R -169 0 R -1483 221 11/2 193/4 24 321/2 81/2 400 D B R -1484 211/2 C R -1773 R =1485, 213/4 Special R -1486 22 Special R- 1750 -A R -1487 22 A R -1488 22 Special R -1489 201/2 Special R- 1915 -G R -1491 201/2 Special R- 1950 -B R -1492 20 Special R -1728 R -1493 21 Special R -1723 R -1494 191/2 A R -1760 R -1496 18 C R- 6150 -1 R -1497 18 Special R -1670 R -1498 161 /4 D R -1499 18 Special R -1780 R -1503 16 Special R -1732 R -1507 151/2 Special R -1727 R -1508 15 Special R- 1915 -E R -1509 12 f can be equipped with non -roc Page 7 I r 0 :x 11/4 191/2 191/2 36 71/2 400 C R -1725 11/2 191/2 24 34 8 400 A 1 191/2 25 311/2 8 375 P. 11/2 191/2 24 32 6 350 D 11/4 19 24 32 83/4 325 Special R -1920 3/4 183/4 183/4 23 11/4 100 Special R- 1797 -A 3/4 18 21 30 5 210 Special R -1791F 11/8 18 20 28 3 160 Special R -1734 1/2 18 18 21 41/2 160 Flat R- 1950 -C 11/2 173/4 211/2 29 51/2 225 C 1 17 19 25 41/2 140 C R- 1910 -A 11/4 161 /2 201/2 30 8 275 Special R- 1900 -A 11/2 15 15 23 43/4 100 C R- 1910 -B 3/8 15 15 19 4 135 Special R- 1950 -D 11/2 15 153/4 22 3 75 C R- 1910 -D 3/8 141/2 16 201/4 41/4 60 C R- 1910 -E 3/8- 12 12 1 15 .4 90 Special R- 1950 -E 11/8 11 123/4 i 19 4 80 C R- 1791 -A Icing features described on pages 4 and 5. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Manhole Covers War Department and U. S. Government Standard Designs R -1640 Series Standard for Underground Electric or Telephone Construction. Machined bearing surfaces. Frame ribs have hook holes for easy handling - also for anchorage. Vt,�Z Specify if two drop handles or regular pickhole required. V TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat No. A B C D E F Wt. R- 1640 -A 253/4 13/8 24 35 43 10 550 R- 1640 -B 283/4 13/8 27 38 46 10 675 R- 1640 -C 311/9. 13/8 30 41 49 10 800 R- 1640 -D 38 11 /2 36 40 50 10 850 Illustrating R- 1640 -C For other large manholes see page 14. � 22- R -1644 Total weight 20. m 300 pounds. Also made in 450 pound 24 weight with 23 "x13/4" lid, f` 35" 21" opening, and 36" flange. Insignia or lettering placed on center of lid when specified. P� tis=- asp wit u —12 "X 12 ri r FAQ 44D c7 n 4 4 � 2 � Holes in base flange for anchor bolts. R-1645 _22%' Total weight 7111F 325 pounds. Also furnished with bottom flange like R -1674. R -1646 Total weight 60 pounds. Sump Frame and Grate. R -1647 1� - I f Total weight zi a 425 pounds. L L i2 4•- 22 1- _ I Castings R -1645, 1647 and 1650 are designed to sus- tain 100,000 pounds live load of uniform distribution. Page8 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Manhole Covers War Department and U. S. Government Standard Designs m R -1650 Series J L C -� K TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. Cat.No. A B C E F J K Wt. R- 1650 -A 21 21/2 18 271/2 5 27/8 1 335 R- 1650 -C 23 11/4 20 291/2 4 21/2 1 340 R- 1650 -D 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 21/4 3/4 255 R- 1650 -E 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 21/4 3/4 300 R- 1650 -F 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 27/8 1 41_5 R- 1650 -G 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 27/8 1 4 95 R- 1650 -H R- 1650 -1 29 33 13/4 2 27 30 35 391/2 6 6 27/8 27/8 1 1 575 600 R -1651 Series r. - -r. L 1-1Y l'LU -�, MENNEN--- Special lid insignia if ordered. R -1652 Series For same frame with grate see casting R -2565. Center of lid lettered as specified. Signal Corps Type Note lid fits over flange on frame to retard water seepage. A HANDLE 'ONCRETE. / SLAO -. LOCKING DEVICE �� r 2 - STEEL Specify for heavy or medium traffic TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds Cat. No. A C E F Wt. R- 1651 -A 21 x33 18x30 27x39 31/� 250 R- 1651 -B 221/2x30 21x29 27x35 43/4 240 R- 1651 -C 241/2x42!/2 22x40 31x49 4 375 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Illustrating R- 1652 -B Cat. No. A C E F Wt. Notes Cat. No. A C E F Wt. Notes R- 1652 -1 25 221/2 28 4 215 33" dia. bottom flange R- 1652 -E 273/4 24 293/4 14 360 R- 1652 -A 273/4 24 293/4 6 230 11- 1652 -B 273/4 24 293/4 8 250 R- 1652 -G 271/2 24 271/2 7 230 30" dia. bottom flange R- 1652 -C 273/4 24 293/4 10 275 R- 1652 -H 34 30 36 91/2 410 R- 1652 -D 273/4 24 293/4 12 320 R- 1652 -J 45 42 48 11 660 � - R -1653 zs' �- Total weight 400 lbs. I � — 201; Also furnished in pressure types. See page 26. For Manhole Steps, see page 24. Page 9 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Manhole Covers Total weight 350 pounds. R- 1660 Milwaukee �— zo• —� v° Standard 38' 2614 Total weight 450 pounds. v R -1670 Note diamond top design. Also furnished with grate R -1672 - Standard Type 5 Frame The Manhole Cover is shown in a concrete pavement. A feature is the rim, around upper edge of the curb. This prevents settlement below the grade of the pavement. Of equal importance is the sleeve -ring construction. Note curb is of greater length than maximum thickness of the slab, and is arranged to telescope within the base. This leaves the curb and pavement free of support from- the rigid masonry wall of the Manhole. Elsy patent 1751194 Frame & flange 270 pounds iz „ ; o o. X01 31,x_ Lid ------------ 150 pounds Total weight __420 pounds Furnished with one or three slot design as specified. During pavement construction, the curb is temporarily held in place by bolting to the ring. Curb or vertical part is manufactured with either single or triple notch. When the paving is complete, bolts are removed and the curb section becomes an integral part of the pavement free to move under loading, heaving or settling with the rest of the slab. R -1674 - Three Piece Manhole Cover Made in three parts, han- dled by one man. Can be removed without breaking pavement. Frame 200 pounds Flange --------- 105 pounds Lid __ ___________160 pounds Total _________465 pounds Page 10 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Manhole Covers R -1690 Total weight 150 pounds. i' - -20�I i R- 1690 -A For Heavy Traffic. �E 28- Total weight 200 pounds. Cemetery or park Manhole Cover. Fits in bell of 24" sewer pipe. Also furnished with grate. R -1710 Ir �;:ti. R -1700 11 Also furnished with grate, 'r'� Total 350 •. R -1710 R -1712 Standard Type 1 Frame R -1712 2ftit—L Lid furnished solid ,or with perforations Heavy as shown. Construction. Total weight Total weight _ 300 pounds. 540 pounds. .. 24' '� 36 F R -1713 Standard Type A Lid Removed. Same as R -1715. 23;;j^� FURNISHED WITH OR WITHOUT TOP ANCHOR RING R -1713 NOTE SLOTS BEHIND SEATING SURFACE ^t Total weight 20q I� 530 pounds. -533►I R -1715 Standard Type 4 Total weight 500 pounds. Note openings back of seat in Frame providing ventila- tion and eliminating dirt accumulating around lid. Four 1" holes in lid unless otherwise specified. Page 11 Also supplied with Cast Iron Bearing Plate. -- _~� 'IV 4, � N E E N A H r VII I S C O N S I N Manhole R -1727 4 z334 -� R -1727 Note perforations rFm---Jl in lid. Also Anchor ring below base I,a- flange. -'I �• Total weight 485 pounds. Illustrating R -1050 with type A lid. R -1729 !4 R -1729 t Furnished with anchor 11 lugs below base flange. C This construction can be applied when specified ME- casting n —,j on any standard type shown on page 7. .- 2334 - I R -1732 22" Total weight 410 pounds. - 2 3 34" 11 Covers r R -1728 R -1728 Also furnished with top lid design like R -1790 zs^ either solid or with 18 3/4" holes. Standard with vent holes \ or solid if specified. Total weight 400 pounds. �- 238 Lid lettered as specified. Anchor bolts /L C o - furnished only c when ordered. R -1731 Note holes for anchor bolts. Deep ribs on underside of lid. 20 Total weigh � 500 pounds. 1. Page 13 R -1734 Note 1" perforations in lid. R -1734 Will fit in bell of � � 20" 24" sewer pipe. �— For light traffic. ie i zo" Total weight ze" 160 pounds. t1) N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Large Manhole Covers== R -1740 Series Concealed type pickhole furnished when specified as illustrated on page 15. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. Notes R- 1740 -A 321/2 11 /2 30 36 48 10 750 R- 1740 -B 321/2 11 /2 30 36 48 7 675 R- 1740 -B1 321/2 11/2 301/2 36 48 10 800 R- 1740 -C 38 11/2 36 40 50 91/2 800 R- 1740 -D 38 11/2 36 40 50 10 850 R- 1740 -E 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 1075 With 22" denter lid if specified. R- 1740 -F 501/2 2 48 52 62 10 1300 With 22" center lid if specified. R- 1750 -A 26 13/8 24 35 43 10 550 R- 1750 -B 29 13/8 27 38 46 10 675 Bell Telephone s stem Standard Manhole covers. R- 1750 -C 32 13/8 30 41 49 10 800 1 1 R -1750 Series - Bell Telephone Design 1♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦� • Can be furnished with lid like R -1740 or R -1640. Also with lid as illustrated having other center insignia. Ribs have hook holes for easy handling and anchorage. R- 1740 -E and R- 1740 -F WHEN SPECIFIED For covering large opening. Center lid can be used for easy access and large diameter lid for placement or removal of equipment. Outer lid bolted to frame if required. The use of this frame with double cover will allow easy access to large size valves, water meters, transformers, and conduit lines in street manholes. N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I 1N Frost & Water Proof Frame With Inner Lids` R -1755 Series With Locldng Bar TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Uat.No. A B C E F Wt. Notes R- 1755 -A 18 11/2 15 25 5 225 R- 1755 -B 23 11/2 18 36 9 575 R- 1755 -C 24 11/2 20 35 71/2 550 All manholes furnished R- 1755 -D 25 11/2 21 38 9 625 with bb rubber gasket. R- 1755 -E 261/2 11 /2 22 39 7 575 bronze tightening wheel. R- 1755 -F 281/2 11/2 24 42 9 700 machined bearing sur- R- 1755 -G 321/2 11/2 28 - 46 7 800 faces and channel iron. R- 1755 -H 321/2 11/2 28 48 10 950 R- 1755 -1 38 11 /Z 34 50 10 1000 / Low pressure gas, water / and steam tight Lettering on lid for identification furnished when and as specified. Pickhole oil Detail Illustrating con- cealed water- tight pickhole. R- 1755 -K 441/2 13/4 40 56 10 1200 l also with 22" center R- 1755 -L 501/2 2 46 62 10 1450 1 top lid when specified Also adapted to other sizes of standard Manhole Covers. Easy access, removed without wrenches or other tools. Gas, Water and Steam Tight. 1c,— R -1757 Series A —� This type can also be furnished with — cA ---,� ' - special locking de- vices as shown on page 85. E �_ II TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C CA E F Wt. - -- - Bronze hex. head R- 1757 -A 23 13/8 17 193/4 321/4 7 525 R- 1757 -B 22 11 17 193 1 /8 /4 36 8 /z 550 r — \ ca screws, rubber P n gasket and ma- R- 1757 -C 24 /4 18 20 36 71 11 /2 575 R- 1757 -D 25 1 19 211/2 281/2 6 375 i chined bearing g surfaces. R- 1757 -E 251/7 11/4 19 211 /2 34 9 675 R- 1757 -F 26 1 21 231/2 33 8 525 R- 1757 -G 29 13/4 24 261/2 35 6 575 Illustrating R- 1757 -C R-1757-11 351/2 11/2 30 321/2 42 7 775 R- 1757 -1 44 1 39 411/2 50 7 925 m A —T R -1758 Series - Frost Proof Cover. CA 4 Also bolted like c ° like R -1757. o TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C CA E F Wt. Notes R- 1758 -A 18 11/2 15 17 25 5 210 R- 1758 -B 23 11/2 18 201/2 36 9 550 R- 1758 -C 24 11 /2 20 221/2 35 71 /2 525 R- 1758 -D 25 11/2 21 23 38 9 600 R- 1758 -E 261/2 11/2 22 24 39 7 550 R- 1758 -F 281/2 11/2 24 26 42 9 675 - R- 1758 -G 321/2 11/2 28 301 /2 46 7 800 - ii- 1758 -H 321/2 11/2 28 301/2 48 10 900 R- 1758 -1 38 11/2 34 _ 36 50 10 1000 Illustrating R- 1758 -E R- 1758 -K 441/2 13/4 40 42 56 10 1200 Double top lid For Pressure Frames and Covers See Page 24 R- 1758 -L 501 /2 2 46 48 62 10 1450 Double top lid Page 15 Mill{ Q N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Manhole Covers k v v WO +o' R -1760 .1 ��� \(♦111■ \fir /�, _ R -1780 R -1780 Also with lugs at 24 —� base like R -1729. —_� 38 - 3/4" ventilating holes in lid. Also R-1-35" 2 furnished solid. 2e' --.i Total weight 4. V1 1 360 pounds. R -1773 Has large diameter clear opening. Total weight 300 pounds. R -1773 28" r � v When used for street traffic, lid is re- inforced. Total weight 350 pounds. R -1790 R -1791 Series S Small size manhole covers. Illustrating R- 1791 -A TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Illustrating R- 1791 -F Cat.No. A B C D E F Wt. R- 1791 -A 12 11 /8 11 123/4 19 4 80 A R- 1791 -B 151/2 3/s 141/2 16 201/2 41/4 60 7— R- 1791 -C 153/4 11/4 15 15 21 43/4 80 1L R- 1791 -D 161/4 11/2 15 15 23 43/4 100 C - R- 1791 -E 18 11/2 17 19 25 41/2 140 D E R- 1791 -F 201/2 3/4 18 21 30 5 200 20 11 18 211/ z 29 51/ 225 r1_1 791 -G /z z For meter, lamphole and monument covers see pages 23 and 25. Page 16 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Manhole Covers A Round Manhole for t pit covers with square flange. Holes in flange for D anchor bolts if E specified. Frames with lids for concrete, terrazzo or asphalt fill. This type of cover is used where invisible center is required. The lid provides a well in which surface material is poured flush with grade. Pick - holes are provided for easy removal. R -1795 Series - with Square Flange TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. Dimensions TABLE in inches. Weight in pounds. D E Cart. No. A B C D E F Wt. R- 1796 -A 16 11/2 15 15 23 5 80 R- 1796 -B 20 11/2 18 211/2 29 51/2 200 R- 1796 -C 22 1!/2 20 24 32 6 225 R- 1796 -D 24 11/2 22 251/2 35 71/2 300 R- 1796 -E 26 11/2 24 281/2 38 7 375 R- 1796 -F 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 7 575 R- 1796 -G 38 11/2 36 40 50 10 700 Frames with lids for concrete, terrazzo or asphalt fill. This type of cover is used where invisible center is required. The lid provides a well in which surface material is poured flush with grade. Pick - holes are provided for easy removal. R -1795 Series - with Square Flange TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. Notes R- 1795 -A 12 11/8 11 123/4 19 4 100 R- 1795 -B 16 11/2 15 15 23 5 150 R- 1795 -C 201/2 3/4 18 21 30 5 250 R- 1795 -D 22 d1/2 20 24 32 6 300 R- 1795 -E 22 11/2 20 24 33 8 _ 325 N- 1795 -F 24 11/, 22 251/2 35 71/2 400 R- 1795 -G 251/2 11/4 22 251/2 37 91/2 650 R- 1795 -H 26 11/2 24 281/2 38 7 475 R- 1795 -J 281/2 11/2 26 31 42 9 550 R- 1795 -K 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 7 750 R- 1795 -L 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 10 850 R- 1795 -M 38 11/2 36 40 50 10 925 R- 1795 -N 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 1225 With double lid R- 1795 -0 501/2 2 48 54 64 10 1350 With double lid Also Square flanges on any other standard Manhole Covers. R -1796 Series - for Lid Fill Only frames and lids furnished. Material for center supplied only when specified. This construction also applies on slab type covers as shown - on page 78. R -1797 Series - Cast Iron Angle Frames with Lids TABLE g Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Illustrating R -1797 A Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 1798 -A 26 -1797 141/2 3/4 13 16 11/2 50 13/4 33/4 R- 1797 -A 201/2 3/4 183/4 23 11/4 100 21/2 233/4 R- 1797 -B 24 3/4 211/2 261/2 11/4 140 E� R- 1797 -B1 27 7/s 24 30 13/4 190 R- 1798 -F R- 1797 -C 30 1 271/2 33 13/4 230 Shallow rings and solid R- 1797 -D 32 1 30 361/2 2 370 covers. Also furnished R- 1797 -E 39 11/2 36 41 21/4 475 with grates like R -2585. R- 1797 -F 51 13/4 48 53 21/2 625 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B F M N Wt. R- 1798 -A 26 13/4 31/4 21/2 253/4 150 R- 1798 -B 26 13/4 33/4 3 253/4 170 R- 1798 -C 24 13/4 31/4 21/2 233/4 130 R- 1798 -D . 24 13/4 33/4 3 233/4 150 R- 1798 -E 23 13/4 31/4 21/2 223/4 115 R- 1798 -F 23 13/4 33/4 3 223/4 130 R- 1798 -G 22 11/2 31/4 21/2 213/4 100 R- 1798 -H 22 11/2 33/4 3 213/4 110 Standard sizes shown - variations arranged to meet special requirements. Furnish complete dimensions when ordering special sizes. R -1798 Series - Manhole Adjusting Rings Illustrating Type B Used where pavement is re- surfaced and conditions r e q u i r e raising cover flush with new grade. A A N SETTING ON M.H. FRAME Page 17 Type A Type B N E E N A Y3 F O O M P A N Y Square Manhole Covers For Street Traffic Illustrating R -1800 with Round Flange Illustrating R -1810 with Square Base Flange Specify round or square base flange. All castings with square base unless otherwise ordered. /�� N6vN NL1\ — o E All castings asphalt coated. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. R -1800 20x20 13/4 18x18 221/2x221/2 3101 5 320* R -1802 20x20 13/4 18x18 221/2x221/2 3101 10 420* R -1804 24x24 11/2 22x22 24 x24 28x28 4 400* R -1810 24x24 2 22x22 26 x26 35x35 6 420* R -1816 24x24 2 22x22 251/2x251/2 35x35 51/2 500 R -1818 26x26 13/4 Z4xZ4 '24 x'24 3Ux3U 1/1/2 44U R -1822 27x27 2 25x25 271/,x271/9 36x36 6 450 R -1828 32x32 11/2 3000 30 x30 36x36 6 700 R -1832 32x32 13/4 30x30 321/2x321/2 42x42 6 600 R -1840 36x36 13/4 3404 36 x36 45x45 7 825 R -1844 50x50 13/4 48x48 52 x52 62x62 8 1300 48x48 * Furnished with round base flange if specified. Also furnished with grates like R -1866. Large Square Manholes with Double Lid TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A AA B C D - E F Wt R -1856 3202 20x20 13/4 3000 321/2x321/2 42x42 6 675 R -1858 36x36 24x24 13/4 34x34 36 x36 45x45 7 950 R -1860 50x50 30x30 13/4 48x48 52 x52 62x62 8 1400 Lids furnished with removable center section for easy handling by one man. This frame with double cover will allow easy access to large size valves, water meters, transformers or conduit lines in street manholes. R -1866 Series Square Frames and Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R- 1866 -A 20x20 13/4 18x18 221/2x221/2 31x31 5 13/8x31/2 11/4 320 R- 1866 -B 24x24 2 22x22 26 x26 35x35 6 13/4x6 11/4 425 1 R- 1866 -C 27x27 2 25x25 271/2x271/2 36x36 6 21/2x71/2 1 450 R- 1866 -D 32x32 13/4 3000 321/2x321/2 42x42 6 2 x8 1 650 R- 1866 -E 36x36 13/4 3404 36 x36 45x45 7 2 x4 13/4 820 R- 1866 -F 50x50 13/4 48x48 52 x52 62x62 8 11/2x6 11/8 1300 Grated covers can be furnished on any manholes shown on pages 18 and 19. Page 18 Adler MOM Pmduc N, Co. 4 ®� $b ®Ppo [��rB�i N E E N AM �c ��Rp . G�Ainn b2a I S C O N S I N Illustrating Type A Frame Rectangular Manhole Covers For Street Tran Illustrating Type B Frame Manholes on this page are satisfactory for utility or equip- ment covers. Variation of sizes to accommodate many needs. R -1865 Frame and Lid 28" X 32" TYPE OF LIFT HOLE OPTIONAL - 29" % 33" 38" X 42" Special lettering on lid at no extra cost. For heavy traffic. Total weight 850 pounds. R -1867 - Combination Lamphole Cover and Ventilator. Type A Dimensions TABLE in inches. Weight in Type B pounds. Base Flange --------------------------------------- 28x43 inches Height overal l------------ ------------------------ - - - - -7 inches Cat.No. - - - - -- -475 pounds A B C D E F Wt. Type Notes R -1803 141/2x211/2 2 121/2x20 15 x22 23 x30 6 300 A R -1805 15 x20 2 121/2x171/2 161/2x21y2 251/2x301/2 9 350 A R -1809 16 x49 11/4 14 x47 14 x47 24 x57 8 850 B R -1813 17 x22 11/2 15 x20 17 x22 26 x36 7 320 A R -1815 18 x30 2 16 x28 18 x30 26 x38 81/2 500 A R -1817 18 x36 2 16 x34 19 x37 28 x46 7 475 A R -1820 20 x42 13/4 18 x40 21 x43 30 x52 9 600 A 2 pc. lid R -1823 211/4x34 3 191/2x321/4 221/4x35 31 x43 6 525 A R -1825 23 x58 1 21 x56 24 x59 35 x70 81/2 1000 A R -1827 24 x25 1 22 x23 22 x23 32 x33 9 425 B R -1830 24 x35 2 22 x33 25 x36 35 x46 6 525 A R -1833 24 x36 13/4 22 x34 24 x36 38 x50 9 700 A R -1837 27 x30 11/4 25 x28 25 x28 35 x38 8 800 B R -1839 ";8 x32 11/2 26 x30 29 x33 38 x42 81/2 850 A R- 1841 33 x33 11/4 30 x36 31 x37 36 x42 6 400 A R -1849 36 x60 2 34 x58 36 x60 48 x72 6 600 B 2 pc. lid R -1855 42 x48 11/2 40 x46 42 x48 46 x52 4 600 A 2 pc. lid R -1865 Frame and Lid 28" X 32" TYPE OF LIFT HOLE OPTIONAL - 29" % 33" 38" X 42" Special lettering on lid at no extra cost. For heavy traffic. Total weight 850 pounds. R -1867 - Combination Lamphole Cover and Ventilator. Top opening_____ __________ _________ ________ 16x31 inches Base opening ----------------------------------- 17x321/2 inches Base Flange --------------------------------------- 28x43 inches Height overal l------------ ------------------------ - - - - -7 inches Total weight ------ ------ ------------------- - - - - -- -475 pounds Cover cast in two parts. ;re 19 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Special Square & Rectangular Manhole Covers R -1871 Series with Inner Lid and Locking Bar uun-cmnu OG.C- With bronze tightening screw and channel iron bar. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. r• Type A Type B TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. Cat.No. A B C CA E F Wt. Notes 16 x16 R- 1871 -A 20x20 13/4 16x16 18x18 31x31 10 550 R- 1872 -C R- 1671 -B 27x27 2 23x23 25x25 36x36 7 600 Manhole Frames with inner lids for watertight R- 1871 -C 32x32 13/4 28x28 30x30 • 42x42 7 800 construction and low steam and gas pressure. 39 x39 36 x36 42 x42 6 350 6 525 A R- 1873 -E Bearing surfaces can be machined if specified. R- 1871 -D 36x36 13/4 32x32 34x34 45x45 7 1000 Round rubber gaskets furnished unless otherwise R- 1871 -E 50x50 13/4 46x46 48x48 62x62 8 1575 specified. Special lettering on lid at no extra cost. x26 * 2 - channel irons - and tightening wheels. 30x30 r• Type A Type B TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. A C . E F Wt. R- 1872 -A 141 /2x141/2 12 x12 16 x16 4 85 R- 1872 -B 21 x21 181 /2x181 /2 24 x24 4 125 R- 1872 -C 24 x24 211 /2x211/2 281/2x281/2 5 150 R- 1872 -D 27 x27 24 x24 30 x30 5 175 R- 1872 -E 33 x33 30 x30 36 x36 5 250 R- 1872 -F 39 x39 36 x36 42 x42 6 350 i- - -- - cludes bronze bolts and rubber gasket. Specify if type A or type B required. R -1872 Series - Watertight For reservoir or tank manholes. Lid fits over top and outside of frame making the manhole watertight. Top of frame should extend several inches above slab to prevent surface water from entering pit. Cover can be secured to frame with four bronze bolts when specified. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Type Cat.No. A B C CA E F Wt. Type R- 1873 -A 20 x20 13/4 16x16 18x18 31x31 5 400 A R- 1873-B 21 x33 3/4 16x28 18x30 27x39 4 350 B R- 1873 -C 221/2x30 3/4 19x27 21x29 27x35 5 375 B R- 1873 -D 24 x24 2 20x20 22x22 35x35 6 525 A R- 1873 -E 25 x25 1 20x20 22x22 34x34 6 400 B R- 1873 -F 24 x42 3/4 20x38 22x40 31x49 4 450 B R- 1873 -G 26 x26 1 22x22 24x24 30x30 9 475 B R- 1873 -H 27 x27 2 23x23 25x25 36x36 6 525 A ,3 Series - Frost Proof Manhole with Inner Lid io used as pressure type when furnished with rubber gaskets and bolted down lid. KI1 A Type B Specify if Gasket and Bolts are required. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C CA E F Wt. Type R- 1873 -1 27 x30 1 23x26 25x28 35x38 8 800 B R- 1873 -K 32 x32 11/2 28x28 30x30 42x42 6 700 A R- 1873 -L 32 x32 13/4 28x28 3000 36x36 6 800 B R- 1873 -M 33 x39 1 2804 3006 36x42 6 525 B R- 1873 -0 36 x36 13/4 32x32 34x34 45x45 7 950 A R- 1873 -P 36 x60 1 31x55 34x58 4802 6 750 B R- 1873 -Q 50 x50 13/4 45x45 48x48 62x62 8 1500 A Manholes on this page furnished with concealed type pickhole as illustrated on page 15. Page 20 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Square & Rectangular Manhole Covers R -1880 Series - Government Standard TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat.No. A C E F Wt. R- 1880 -1 16 x49 14x47 24x59 8 950 R- 1880 -A 21 x33 18x30 27x39 31/2 250 R- 1880 -B 221/2x30 21x29 27x35 43/4 240 R- 1880 -B1 25 x25 22x22 34x34 6 300 R- 1880 -B2 24 x25 22x23 32x33 9 425 R- 1880 -C 241/2x421/2 22x40 31x49 4 375 R- 1880 -C1 26 x26 24x24. 28x28 91/2 360 R- 1880 -D 27 x30 25x28 35x38 8 875 R- 1880 -E 33 x39 30x36 36x42 6 400 R- 1880 -F 36 x60 34x58 4802 6 600 Can be supported in slab or used over built -up manhole. For cleanouts, electric manholes. transform- er pits, etc. Can be furnished extra heavy for street traffic. Special lettering on lid if specified. R -1881 Series - C. I. Angle Frames and Covers TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds E Specify if anchors are required on frame For type see page 75. Also furnished with open grate like R -3477, page 67. R -1882 Series Large rectangular frames with double lids. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. R- 1882 -A 12x48 2 9x45 9x46 19x55 4 500 R- 1882 -B 16x49 11/4 14x47 14x47 24x57 8 900 R- 1882 -C 18x36 11/4 17x30 19x32 28x45 7 500 R- 1882 -D 20x42 1% 18x40 21x46 30x49 9 625 R- 1882 -E 23x58 1 21x56 24x59 3500 81/2 900 R- 1882 -F 36x60 2 34x58 34x58 4802 4 600 The use of this frame with double cover will allow easy access to large size valves, water meters, transformers, and conduit lines in street manholes. Cat.No. A B C E F Wt. R- 1881 -A 10x10 1 8x 8 111/4x111/4 11/2 35 R- 1881 -A1 10x20 1 8x18 111/4x211/4 11/2 70 R- 1881 -B 12x12 1 10x10 131/4x131/4 11/2 40 R- 1881 -B1 12x24 1 10x22 131/4x251/4 11/2 80 R- 1881 -C R- 1881 -C1 14x14 14x28 1 1 12x12 12x26 151/4x151/4 151/4x291/4 11/2 11/2 45 90 R- 1881 -D 18x18 11/2 16x16 191/2x191/2 2 95 R- 1881 -D1 18x36 11/2 16x34 191/2x371/2 2 190 R- 1881 -E 20x20 13/4 18x18 211/2x211/2 21/4 160 R- 1881 -E1 20x40* 13/4 18x38 211/2x411/2 21/4 320 R- 1881 -F 22x22 13/4 20x20 231/2x231/2 21/4 180 R- 1881 -F1 22x44* 13/4 20x42 231/2x451/2 21/4 360 R- 1681 -G 24x24 2 22x22 251/2x251/2 21/2 210 R- 1881 -G1 24x48* 2 22x46 251/2x491/2 21/2 420 R- 1881 -H 27x27 2 25x25 281/2x281/2 21/2 225 R- 1881 -H1 27x54* 2 25x52 281/2x551/2 21/2 450 R- 1881 -J 3000 2 28x28 311/2x311/2 21/2 250 R- 1881 -J1 30x60* 2 28x58 311/2x611/2 21/2 500 R- 1881 -K 36x36* 2 34x34 38 x38 21/2 450 R- 1881 -K1 36x72 ** 2 3400 38 x74 21/2 900 * 2 piece lid. Specify ** 3 for piece lid. medium or heavy traffic. Page 21 Illustrating N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Conduit - Junction Boxes Type B TABLE. Type A Solid Box Types for bridge 6 street lighting Satisfactory for under- ground electrical work. Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. H L M N Type R- 1884 -A 6 6 6 A R- 1884 -B 8 8 8 A R- 1884 -C 10 12 12 A R- 1884 -D 10 12 18 _ A_ R- 1884 -E 16 12 8 5 B R- 1884 -F 24 14 10 6 B R- 1884 -G 26 18 12 8 B R- 1884 -H 18 8 8 C R- 1884 -J 20 12 18 __ C R -1888 Series - Manhole Lids for Pipe Bell TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. For Pipe A B C Wt. R- 1888 -A 4" 71/8 1/2 11/4 8 R- 1888 -B 6" 91/2 1/2 11 /2 12 R- 1888 -C 8" 121/4 1/2 2 22 R- 1888 -D 10" 143/4 1/2 21/4 30 R- 1888 -E 12" 171/4 5/8 21/4 55 R- 1888 -F 15" 211/4 5/8 21/4 75 R- 1888 -G 181' 251/2 5/8 21/2 105 R- 1888 -H 20 " 27 5/8 21/2 125 R- 1888 -J 21 " 291/2 3/4 21/2 135 R- 1888 -K 24" 331/2 3/4 21/2 180 R- 1888 -L 30" 42 1/8 23/4 300 R- 1888 -M 36" 491/4 7/8 23/4 400 Specify for light or heavy traffic. Total weight 300 pounds. Protect your fire hydrants. Note hydrant is sealed into frame. �- : a PIPE TAP o = TYPE C OPEN BOTTOM Cored or tapped conduit connections as specified. Furnished with rubber gaskets and bronze cap screws. Type C Switch box for flood light poles, with open bottom. Other special sizes on request. Lids for water and SUMP covers. Lettering on lid as required. R -1890 -- Hydrant Manhole Cover Set screw Packing around 1 /2 "xl" used hydrant composed t o tighten of lead compound TOP PLAN h y d r a n t and yarn is shown barrel. black. Note: "A" is a C 1. segment °'e.•. .._. ;f.: fitted in the �. manhole frame a �•a.•..a.:: and providing for part of seat Pd B" and providing a means of occur- in ghydrantbar- "C" secTrou r\ -r, rel when "C" is pushed 41-4 against it by , meaas of screw 'a. .... +.sra ..Xr, ` 1 SECT \ON WK M•a.r-. r • aa.ac •.aa -- �Page '22, Adaptable to any size hydrant. Provides access to the hydrant drain. Obstructions can be removed and freeze -ups lhut; avoided. Easy to repair or replace hydrants. N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Illustrating Valve & Meter :'Manhole Covers R- 1900 -B R -1900 Series -- Valve Manhole Covers Illustrating Note center lid. Used when man- hole is installed over valve; pro- vides access to faulty valve and removal of defects. Allows use of hose during construc- tion, eliminating 'necessity of open cover. Economical, safe. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A AA B C CC D E F Wt. R- 1900 -A 18 71/4 11/4 161 /2 6 201/2 30 8 275 R- 1900 -B 23 6 11/2 201/2 5 251/2 36 9 350 R- 1900 -C 261/4 10 lye 24 81/2 281/2 39 7 425 R- 1900 -D 321/2 12 11 /2 30 10 36 48 7 750 R- 1900 -E 38 12 11/2 36 10 40 50 91/2 850 Water Meter Covers I I \\����� niiiq i \u�t� Type R -1910 ..� -vi Type R -1911 I\ �_.� _ �p wq�W n ryi�y /r r a R -1910 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 1910 -A 18 11/4 17 25 41/2 140 R -1910- B 16 11/4 15 23 43/4 100 ii- 1910 -C 16 11/4 15 21 43/4 80 R- 1910 -D 16 11/4 15 22 3 65 R- 1910 -E 151/2 3/8 141/2 20 4 55 R- 191 1 -A 241/2 11/2 21 301/2 5 150 R- 191 1 -B 15 1 113/4 271/4 41/2 105 R- 1911 -C 15 1 113/4 223/4 41/2 75 - Type R -1913 Cover with special lettering to order. R -1911 R -1912 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 1912 -A 38 x38 3/4 36x36 43 x43 4 400 R- 1912 -B 32 x32 3/4 30x30 37 x37 4 275 R- 1912 -C 30 x30 3/4 28x28 34 x34 4 215 R- 1912 -D 251/2x251/2 3/4 24x24 30 x30 4 150 R- 1912 -E 20 x20 3/4 18x18 24 x24 4 135 R- 1913 -A 38 x38 3/4 36x36 43 x43 4 400 R- 1913 -B 38 x32 3/4 36x30 42 x36 4 350 R- 1913 -C 33 x27 3/4 31x25 37 x31 4 325 R- 1913 -D 32 x32 3/4 30x30 37 x37 4 300 R- 1913 -E 32 x26 3/4 30x24 36 x30 4 300 R- 1913 -F 30 x30 3/4 28x28 34 x34 4 250 R- 1913 -G 26 x26 3/4 24x24 30 x30 4 175 R- 1913 -H 24 x19 3/4 22x17 28 x23 4 160 R- 1913 -J 20 x20 3/4 18x18 24 x24 4 150 Specify if subject to heavy traffic. Type R -1912 GROUND LEVEL . q. Showing Service Manhole and valve at delivery end of service line. This is a safe and convenient means of meter setting. Eliminates necessity of meter in dwelling basements. Provides meter readings when no basements exist. Eliminates meter freezeups in house basements. Gives better check on water consumption. Setting is economical. Locking lids can be provided on these covers if specified. Page 23 Illustrating R- 1915 -D Ty N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Pressure Manhole Covers Series R -1916 Series Frames and Covers for pit or pressure Manholes. Provided with round or flat rubber gaskets and bronze countersunk hex. head cap screws. Heavy construction and improved design makes a very satisfactory cast- ing for pressure purpose. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 1915 -A 211/2 11/4 191 /2 36 7112 400 R- 1915 -B 22 11/8 20 36 81/2 400 R- 1915 -C 23 13/8 201/4 34 7 400 R- 1915 -D 24 11/4 201/4 36 71/2 475 R- 1915 -E 25 1 22 281/2 6 300 R- 1915 -F 251/2 11/4 22 34 9 525 R- 1915 -G 26 11/2 24 36 71/2 400 R- 1915 -H 26 1 24 33 8 400 R- 1915 -J 29 13/4 27 35 6 550 R- 1915 -K 351/2 11/2 30 42 7 825 R- 1915 -L 44 1 42 50 7 775 80LT DETAIL V ti " Illustrating R- 1916 -F with Type A lid. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. R- 1916 -A 121/4 11/8 11 13 19 4 125 R- 1916 -B 18 11,12 17 19 25 5 140 R- 1916 -C 23 11/2 201 /2 251/2 36 9 350 R- 1916 -D 24 11/2 221/2 251/2 35 71/2 350 R- 1916 -E 25 11/2 23 27 36 9 435 R- 1916 -F 261/2 11/2 24 281/2 39 7 400 R- 1916 -G 281/2 11/2 26 31 42 9 500 R- 1916 -H 321/2 11/2 301/2 36 46 7 675 R- 1916 -J 321/2 11/2 301/2 36 48 10 800 R- 1916 -K 38 11/2 36 40 50 10 850 R- 1916 -L 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 1075* R- 1916 -M 501/2 2 48 54 64 10 1300* Lids with concealed pickholes as shown on page 15. Anchor bolts and bolt holes only when specified. *Double lid. R -1917 - with Outside Bolts Furnished with Jute or round rubber gasket in ma- chined groove. Total weight 500 pounds - A R -1918 Series with Bolted Covers TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. _T Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. ,IIIII1 R- 1918 -A 15 3/4 12 19 10 180 III R- 1918 -B 22 7/8 18 25 12 275 R- 1918 -C 28 1 24 32 12 450 — c -i R- 1918 -D 36 11/8 30 383/4 12 750 E R- 1918 -E 42 11/4 36 46 12 1000 Heavy pressure type for manhole or slab. Capable of withstanding strong pressure and especially suitable for steam or gas purposes. Bottom flange can be machined and drilled for bolting to Standard cast iron pipe. Bronze bolts. Rubber gasket. R-919 iki Pressure • Locng Bar' FLUSN LADLE ? Z' l w BAON2E TI Supplied with special wrench for locking bolt. GASH Lid easily removed. Cast- ing A17 is watertight and is used in many locations LO KINO BAN ZO� including railway and _ zz subway construction. 22f Total weight 450 pounds. For other types of locldng and pressure manholes see pages 15, 20, 80, 81, 84 and 85. Page 24 BOLT N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Manhole Covers R -1920 - lies Moines Standard =WN 2211 Note locking lugs on bottom of lid that hook under manhole M seat. Locks in place 20" by turning lid. I= 25" .i Total weight 35.1 300 pounds. R -1950 Series - Reservoir or Tank Manhole Cover Lid fits over the top and outside of frame making the manhole watertight. Top of frame extends 2 inches above slab to pre - vent surface water from entering pit. Cover can be secured to frame with three bronze stud bolts when specified. Dust proof when bearing machine finished. For similar castings in square construction see R -1872 Series. R -1960 For Slab TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A C E F Wt. R- 1950 -1 39 36 39 6 380 R- 1950 -A 34 31 34 5 275 R- 1950 -B 27 24 27 5 200 R- 1950 -C 21 18 21 4 160 R- 1950 -D 18 15 18 4 135 R- 1950 -E 15 12 15 4 90 Note anchor ring cast integral around frame. '4. Also furnished rr- with grate. �ii Frame 200 pounds 21' Lid 150 pounds Total pounds R- 1960 -A supplied with 24" clear opening in 450 pound weight. Manufactured like a Manhole but reduced in size. Construc- ted to carry heavy street traffic. Sometimes placed on riser be- tween manholes to provide in- spection cover. Also used as monument or meter covers. Illustrating R -1978 Lamphole Covers & Monument Boxes TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds 6 a o rn z 1 ° o G _m rn° s X_ U : CA UO coo i;o 1'. o v x 3 R -1970 7 53/4 9 131/4 7 60 R -1971 8 61/2 61/2 93/4 10 55 R -1972 81/2 63/4 5 13 7 40 R -1973 71/2 63/4 91/2 131/4 7 50 R -1974 91/2 8 8 16 61/2 90 R -1975 91/2 81/2 111/2 20 11 115 R -1976 W/4 10 13 20 8 115 R -1978* 7x7 5x5 7x7 13x13 10 100 * Square Page 25 Mustrating R -1976 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Cast Iron Manhole Steps For Manholes and Catch Basins, Sewerage Disposal and Water Treatment Plants, Concrete and Brick Tanks, Pits and Exposed Walls, Chimney and Silo Ladders, etc. R- 1980 -A All A +Ana Aanhalt Coated For All Construction o. R- 1980 -D For Concrete Block R- 1980 -F 'QM Detail 6113 - 122 r4 For All Construction Similar To R -1980 E For Circular Walls I— CO 10- R- 1980 -G Heavy Type Specify Cast Iron Steps Note Wfde Tread R- 1980 -S For Round or Square Wall T -___/___0_ R 1980- P Flush With Concrete Wall R- 1980 -K Note Anchorage ,a Cast Iron Manhole Steps are manufactured from Hi -Test Metal having minimum tensile ° strength of 35,000 pounds per square inch. Actual sustained load on the castings shows a very high safety factor. Cast Iron Steps permanently re- main in service because they will resist rust and °. corrosion. STAGGERED Cast Iron Steps are designed for and easily Steps can be set Vertical, Stag - installed in concrete, brick or block Manholes. gered or other variations to pro - Tread gives maximum safety and protection. vide convenient access. SAFE - PERMANENT - ECONOMICAL Page 26 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N Manhole Dirt Pans Dirt Pans can be furn- ished with any stand- ard Manhole shown in catalog. Note lid has perforations in center area allowing surface water to drain into cast iron dirt pan. Bottom of dirt pan can be manufactured with or without drain holes. The removable basin hangs on lugs on the man- hole frame and retains all solids, while allowing water to overflow basin into sewer. MANHOLE ANCHORS Anchors are cast integral to the manhole frame, three of any type furnished on each manhole. Their purpose is to hold the manhole firmly in the concrete roadway so the top of the casting al- ways remains flush with the road surface. Type "R" Anchor Page 27 Type "S" Anchor Showing type "S" anchor on a stand- ard manhole. The anchor is 1 inch thick and extends 11 /2 inches out and around the top of the manhole frame. These anchors furnished on any manhole in catalog, when specified. Type "T" Anchor Type "W" Anchor N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Covers Note Type A Note Type B Grate Grate Illustrating R -2050 Convex or flat Illustrating R -2090 Heavy construction and improved design for Modern Street Traffic. All castings asphalt coated. TYPE "A" GRATE C CD D EXTRA HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. USED ON STANDARD FRAMES. SEE CHART FOR SIZES. TYPE "C" GRATE ono � ono 00000a °a HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. USED ON STANDARD FRAMES. SEE CHART FOR SIZES. SIZE OPENINGS t•� \\ \I\ TYPE "B" GRATE HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. CONVEX TOP. SEE CHART FOR SIZES. TYPE "®" GRATE C�O 0 LL EXTRA HEAVY CONSTRUCTION. USED ON STANDARD FRAMES. SEE CHART FOR SIZES. Any type grate furnished in non - rocking style. Bearing surfaces of Catch Basin Frames and Grates machined when specified. Page 28 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N Note Type C Catch Basin Covers Grate Illustrating R -2110 Note Type D Grate Illustrating R -2010 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. STANDARD SIZE - CATCH BASIN COVERS Cat. No. A B C D E F G Wt. Type Refer to R -2010 23 13/4 201/2 25 36 9 1 540 D p.29 R -2015 223/4 13/4 21 24 36 9 1 540 D R -2505 R -2020 23 13/4 201/2 251/2 36 9 1 470 D R -2030 23 13/4 201/2 26 36 9 1 450 D R -2040 23 11 /2 201/2 251/2 36 9 11/4 400 A -C* R -2050 23 11/2 201/2 251/2 36 9 11/4 350 A -C P. 28 R -2060 22 11 /2 20 241/2 36 61/2 11/4 350 A -B -C R -2075 23 11/2 201/2 251/2 36 9 13/4x21/2 350 B. H. R -2560 R -2077 223/4 13/4 21 241/2 36 7 -11/,325 11/4 D R -2080 221/2 13/4 201/2 241/2 36 6 11/8 320 D R -2540 R -2090 22 11 /2 20 241/2 35 9 11/4 310 A -B -C p.28 R -2100 22 11/2 20 24 33 8 11/4 275 A -B -C* 13-2110 22 11 /2 20 231/2 32 6 11/4 260 A -B -C p.29 R -2120 22 11/2 20 23 28 4 11/4 200 A -B -C R -2510 R -2130 22 13/8 20 23 28 4 13/4 150 C* 233/4 11/2 203/4 SPECIAL SIZE CATCH BASIN COVERS R -2230 501/2 2 48 52 62 10 11/2 1300 B, fl. R- 2580 -E R -2240 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 11 /2 1075 B, fl. R- 2580 -D R -2250 38 11 /2 36 40 50 10 1 800 Spe. R- 2580 -C R -2252 351/2 11/2 33 33 42 7 1 675 Special R -2254 321/2 11 /2 301/2 36 48 10 1 800 Special R -2255 32 13/8 30 41 49 7 0 1 800 Special 8-2260 321/2 11 /2 30 36 48 10 1 750 Spe. R- 2580 -B R -2270 321/2 11 /2 30 36 48 7 1 675 Spe. R- 2580 -A R -2285 30 1 271/2 271/2 33 13/4 21/8x4 230 Special R -2290 29 13/8 27 38 46 10 3/4x5 675 Special R 72291 281/2 11 /2 26 31 42 9 3/4x5 500 Special R -2293 28 1 26 28 34 4 21/8x4 300 Special R -2300 26 13/8 24 35 43 10 11 /8 550 Snecial R -2370 261/4 11 /2 24 281/2 39 7 1 400 D R -2392 26 11 /2 24 24 36 71/2 1 420 Special 8-2398 26 7/8 237/8 237/8 33 8 1 400 Conc. R -2590 R -2401 26 17/8 231/2 261/4 36 9 11 /8 450 Special 8-2405 25 11/2 23 27 38 9 11/4 435 A -C R -2407 25 3/4 23 23 34 4 11/8 215 Special R -2410 24 11 /2 23 251/2 35 71/2 21/4 350 Spe. R -2500 R -2415 24 2 22 25 35 7 21/4 360 Special STEPS Use cast iron Catch Basin Steps. ` See Page 26 for Types and Sizes. SPECIAL SIZE CATCH BASIN COVERS (Continued) Cat. No. A B C D E F G Wt. Type Refer to R -2417 233/4 13/4 22 233/4 34 71/2 1 410 D R -2418 233/4 1 22 24 38 9 1 485 Special R -2419 251/2 11/4 22 22 34 9 11/4 580 B Flat R -2422 251/2 11/4 22 251/2 371/2 '91/2 B 575 Flat R -2423 24 3/4 211/2 211/2 261/2 11/4 1 140 Spe. R -2585 R -2424 26 1 211/2 26 38 4 1 525 B Flat R -2426 231/4 11/4 21 251/4 35 81/2 1 450 A -D R -2427 23 13/4 21 25 34 8 1 450 A -D R -2429 223/4 13/4 21 23 311/8 141/2 1 400 A -D- R -1672 R -2432 23 13/4 21 25 36 9 1 460 A -C -D* R -2433 231/4 7/8 21 251/2 35 6 1 462 A -C -D* R -2434 223/4 13/4 21 21 301/2 7 1 460 A -C -D R -1674 R -2437 23 13/4 21 221/2 321/2 4 11/4 375 A -C* R -2438 223/4 13/4 21 23 25 6 1 350 A -C -D R -1960 R -2449 23 13/4 21 24 31 51/2 1 320 A -C -D* R -2453 233/4 11/2 203/4 25 331/4 7 11 /2 500 Spe. R -2551 R -2457 231/4 11 /2 201/2 26 36 9 11 /4 525 A -C* R -2458 231/4 11/4 201/2 251/2 38 10 1114 450 Special R -2461 24 17/8 201/2 201/2 36 71/2 11/4 500 Special R -2462 22 2 201/9 241/9 36 71/9 1 450 SnPrirrl A -C R -2530 22 R -2466 23 13/8 201/4 201/4 321/4 7 1 400 D R -2467 23 11/2 20 26 38 10 1 450 D R -2468 23 11/2 20 26 38 10 11/4 500 A -C* R -2471 223/4 11/2 20 26 38 10 11/4 550 A -B -C* R -2472 22 1 20 20 36 81/2 1 410 D R -2474 22 13/8 20 233/8 341/2 81/2 13/4 360 A- B -C -D* R -2475 22 11/2 20 241/2 36 61 /2 11/4 350 A- B -C -D* R -2477 22 11/2 20 241/2 35 9 11/4 300 R -2520 R -2482 22 11 /2 20 23 28 4 11/4 150 R -2510 R -2483 22 11/2 193/4 24 321/2 81/2 11/2 400 A -B -C* R -2484 211/2 1 191/2 191/2 36 71/2 1 400 D R -2485 213/4 11/2 191/2 24 34 8 11 /8 400 Special R -2486 22 1 191 /2 25 311/2 8 11/8 375 Special R -2487 22 11 /2 191/2 24 32 6 11/4 350 A -B -C* R -2488 22 11/8 19 24 32 83/4 11 /8 350 A R -2489 201/2 3/4 183/4 183/4 23 11/4 1x8 100 Spe. R -2585 R -2491 201 /2 3/4 18 21 30 5 1x8 210 Spe. R -2570 R -2492 20 11 /8 18 20 28 3 3/4 160 Special R -2494 191/2 11/2 173/4 211/2 29 51/2 3/4 225 Special ** R -2496 18 1 17 19 25 41/2 1x141 /2 140 Snecial R -2497 18 11/4 161 /2 201/2 30 8 7/8 275 Special R -2498 161/4 11 /2 15 15 21 43/4 3/4 80 Snecial R -2499 12 11 /8 11 123/4 19 4 11/2x4 80 Spe. R- 2525 -A * C, flat or convex. ** Flat slotted grate. Any Standard Catch Basin Frames and Grates can be equipped with non- rocldng feature described on pages 4 & 5. Page 29 N E E N A H F 0 U N D R Y C 0 M P A N Y Catch Basin Covers R-2505 Standard Type 1 Frame 14 21L" Heavy Constructi'm Total weight 24 525 pounds. 3 �6 R-2500 Grate of extra heavy construction. Note square drain openings. Total weight 350 pounds. R-2510 Cemetery or Park Catch Basin Cover Fits in bell of 24" pipe. 40 '41owi, —4 Also furnished with lid. See R-1690. 7 wh mb Flat or convex grate, 23' BELL OF 24'SEWER PIPE Total weight 150 pounds. R-2520 22" For heavy traffic. 20" Total weight 24f 310 pounds. Illustrating R-2525A R-2525 Series Small Catch Basin Frames and Grates. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R-2525-A 12 11,/8 11 123/4 19 4 1 1 80 R-2525-C 153/4 11/4 15 15 21 43/4 3/4 1 80 R-2525-D 161/4 11/2 15 15 23 43/4 11/8 1 100 R-2525-E 18 11/2 17 19 25 41/2 1 11/4 140 R-2525-F 201/2 3/4 18 21 30 5 1 1 200 R-2525-G 20 11/2 18 211/2 29 51/2 3/4 3/4 225 Page 30 All castings asphalt coated. N E E N A H — W I S C O NS I N Catch Basin Covers R -2530 with Convex Grate 23 -. 21 • Total weight 350 pounds. I+ 26 36 �' Also furnished with flat grate. R -2540 Suburban Type Diameter of base ---------- 36inches Diameter of base opening 241/2 inches Diameter of grate -------- 221/2 inches Height overall _______ _______6 inches Total weight _ _______ __ ___320 pounds Also made in 7" height when speci- fied; refer to R -2077, page 29. Showing grated and solid lid. Grate R -2535 r zz "� Grate type may be - �- varied - see page 28 <— zo• Total weight I 260 pounds. 32" Note 6" height. Also supplied in 4" and 9" heights when specified. p G furnished unless otherwise specified. R -2551 Standard Type 4 '-NN ;' � � • {`I� 23 3- ALSO FURNISHED WITH TOP ANCHOR RING r zo�34 �- I� 25 �I 334 Specify top anchor ring if required. R -2550 with Convex Type "B" Grate ff4iT Also furnished with -flat grate. Total weight 310 pounds. 25 ---.� MAIL Mill low "Ift Val MM _. Total weight - with top ring - 520 pounds. without top ring - 490 pounds Page 31 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Covers R -2560 - Series with Beehive Grate Designed for drain- age when condi- tions tend towards clogging of flat grating. Excellent for roadside or earth ditch Catch Basins. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F G Wt. R- 2560 -A 12 11/4 11 13 19 4 4 80 R- 2560 -B 151/2 11/4 15 15 21 5 3 100 R- 2560 -C 18 11/4 161/2 201/2 30 8 4 290 R- 2560 -D 22 11/2 20 241/2 35 9 41/2 325 R- 2560 -E 23 11/2 201/2 251/2 36 9 8 350 R- 2560 -F 29 11/2 27 38 46 10 6 650 R -2565 - Series with Top Flange Heavy construc- tion oryfor g slab satisfactory for V A � slab or built up Manhole. Capable m of sustaining mini- mum load of 100,000 pounds uni- ? C formly distributed. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F G H J K Wt. Cat. No. A B C E F G H J K Wt. R- 2565 -A 21 21/2 18 271/2 5 13/8 1 27/8 1 335 R- 2565 -G 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 11/2 1 27/8 1 455 R- 2565 -C 23 11/4 20 291/2 4 13/8 1 21/2 1 340 R- 2565 -H 29 13/4 27 35 6 11/2 1 27/8 1 550 R- 2565 -E 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 11/2 1 21/4 3/4 300 R- 2565 -J 33 2 30 391/2 6 11/2 1 27/8 1 600 R- 2565 -F 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 11/2 1 27/8 1 400 Approved for Airport runway drainage. X570 Board of Education Type Note water -tight flush lift handle. Solid cover can be bolted to frame with three counter - Total weight sunk bronze bolts. 210 pounds. 1ol r L dill k 6 E TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Conc. Wt. R- 2571 -A 22 11/2 20 23 28 4 1% 1 5/8 200 R- 2571 -B 22 11/2 20 231/2 32 6 13/8 1 5/8 .250 R- 2571 -C 22 11/2 20 241/2 35 9 13/8 1 5/8 300 R- 2571 -D 23 11/2 201/2 251/2 36 9 13/8 1 5/8 350 R- 2571 -E 26 11/2 24 281/2 39 7 11 /8 1 5/8 400 R- 2571 -F 281/2 11/2 26 31 42 9 3/4 3/4 3/4 475 ^i 20 nip --•� "' 21- 30' Showing Frame only. Lid removed. R -2571 Series with Concave Grate Illustrating R- 2571 -C R -2575 Special Drain Storm Sewer inlet for tile pipe. Grate removable. Fits t ' either bell or spigot end of pipe. Also used on con- crete box. For asphalt; drives especially effective as yard or drive- way drain. Opening in outer diameter allows leaves or other debris to wash through and eliminates clogging of orate surface. Total weight 180 pounds. Page 32 FOR BELL OR SPIGOT OF 18" V.C. PIPE N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Covers R -2580 Series - Large Frames and Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. 1�2 Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R- 2580 -A 321/2 11/2 30 36 _ 48 7 1 x6 1 675 R- 2580 -B 321/2 11/2 30 36 48 10 1 x6 1 750 R- 2.580 -C 38 11/2 36 40 50 10 1 x6 1 800 R- 2580 -D 441/2 13/4 42 46 56 10 11 /4x7 11A 1075 R- 2580 -E 501/2 2 48 52 62 10 11/40 11/8 1300 R -2585 Series y Illustrating R- 2585 -B 37" 24" Illustrating R- 2580 -A For large drainage areas. For heavy traffic. - Cast Iron Angle Frames and Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F G H Wt. � R- 2585 -A 14 ?/2 3/4 13 16 11/2 3/4 1 50 A R- 2585 -B 201 /2 3/4 183/4 23 11 /4 1 1 100 m LJ M M kJ KJ R- 2585 -C 24 3/4 211 /2 261 /2 11 /4 1 1 140 T R- 2585 -D 27 1/8 24 30 13/4 11 /4 1 190 R- 2585 -E 30 1 271/2 33 13/4 11 /4 1 230 R- 2585 -F 32 1 30 361/2 2 11 /4 1 370 R- 2585 -G 39 11/2 36 42 21/4 11 /4 1 475 R- 2585 -H 51 13/4 48 54 21/2 11 /4 1 625 R -2588 Special Catch Basin Cover Total weight 460 pounds. k E Round grates with cast iron angle frames. Also supplied with anchors on frame if specified. Note heavy construction and large drainage area. Fits in bell of 24 -inch sewer pipe. R -2590 With Concave Grate Total weight 400 pounds. Page 33 Standard size A = 8 ". Other special heights when ordered. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Inlets R -3010 Curb box, straight or radius for corners. Also furnished with barred curb box like R -3140. Special lettering in Curb box panel if specified. 24� *►I GRATE NEENAH FOUNDRY CO• 16 "x23" 2 5" I 36" CURB BOX 51't= ADJUSTABLE TO 10" Q7 36" R -3020 For "D" shaped curb. Also furnished with barred box like R -3120 Types of Curb Face The templates shown below illustrate some of the many types of curb sections which can be properly matched with the Catch Basin Inlets shown on pages 34 to 59 inclusive. .O; E° m o Io •.''a'• - °. tee; i; f_e' ..'o' 'oti .o . • P ?. SQUARE TAPER •v'�a�o- o` ,RADIUS - ILI SEMI ROLL "D. ROLL All Catch Basin Inlets on this page have interchangeable parts. Curb box patterns to fit any style concrete curb. Curb boxes straight or radius to fit comer curb. R -3030 Curb box cast in one piece and adjustable to any height. Curb opening. 8 "x22 ". Two 5" bolts cast solid in the box and hold curb casting in the concrete curb. Frame Grate Total R -3040 Showing 21/2" base flange. Also made with base pan having opening for 8 ", 10" or 12" pipe like No. R -3050. Any type curb box, straight or radius. Page 34 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Inlets GRA BOX ADJUSTABLE DOWNERS -• CID Frame 275 S / /uaiurrai�riauiarr� �ioinaavi�ivaavia� pounds. - 125 pounds. . . 11 pounds. Furnished with name of any city on curb .. the frame R -3060 R -3070 Standard Furnished with any style open or barred curb box. GRATE 16 "x23" — 24" 4H FOUNDRY CO. R -3050 CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE �• 4" TO 9" 5 /2 3•R 1S\111 1R,1��\f' Frame pounds. • - 125 pounds. . • 11 Designed to fit a roll type curb. Frame 250 pounds Grate 100 pounds Total 350 pounds 1— -21" - I GRATE NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. GRATE 17 "x 20" OPENINGS IY"AGI —> Z2 36" Page 35 R -3071 Same as R -3070 except 2" greater slope from outside of Inlet to Curb box. CURB BOA ADJUSTABLE 5 "T010" " RAID.4- �( "� T Z r N �- N f` �0 Lf— 2'.. —36" R -3080 Furnished with any style open or barred box. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Inlets Frame 220 pounds Total 300 pounds NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. GRATE CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 1J, PIPE OPENING -E R -3090 ,. 1 • Same as R -3080 except flat curb plate instead of adjustable curb box. Used for temporary construction or conversion for private driveway. CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 5 4 TO 10" 2 R. 1r ,o + 24" � I• 34" Grate Removed Note pan for 8 ", 10" or 12" pipe connection. Any style open or barred box. Frame 220 pounds Grate 80 pounds Total 300 pounds Straight or radius curb box. Designed for high curbs. Also made with pan like No. R -3090 and flange like No. R -308x. Frame 220 pounds. Grate 80 pounds. Total 300 pounds. R -3100 Note reinforcing bar across center of curb box opening. 21. 000nn GRATE" 17 X 20" 16" 23- 2 "R. —ill CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 8 TO 14" V INJ 2 — 4 "OPENINGS - FOR DRAINAGE m WHILE GRADING j+ - ►�3'lZ �'-- 2 I h, 2 8 i l 3 ��'1 r 2 Page 36 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Inlets . R -3110 Square Type Curb Furnished open or be curb bo. CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE f`-5 470 9" IS" 4� Sid+l Dili.' i Q " 3120 ,.D.. taped ,urb 24 CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 4TO9" J ' 0%-22-22,72-,, i All Catch Basin Inlets on this page have interchangeable parts. Curb box patterns to fit any style concrete curb. Send us a templet and we will supply a casting to fit the curb. R -3140 Grate Removed Frame 240 pounds Grate 60 pounds Total 300 pounds Curb box cast in one piece and adjustable to any height. ._ Curb opening 8 "x22 ". Two bolts cast solid in the box hold curb casting in the concrete curb. Note pan for 8 ", 10" or 12" pipe connection. Any style curb box. I- 24i R -3141 - Two -piece Inlet _f- � Ike 2%i i Page 37 Two -piece Inlets are adaptable to any radius of "D" or roll curb. Illus- tration on page 46 shows a casting in place. The concrete curb over the top of the box is rein- forced to prevent break- ing of the curb. Two -piece Inlets have been used successfully for years. N E E N A H F O U."14 -D- R Y 'C O M P A N Y / Catch Basin Inlets R -3150 R -3151 Also furnished with open curb box. Note curb box anchors. CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE �---- 2 3% -- I 4 TO 10 " 6 4 1 y2 NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. Frame 260 pounds Grate 90 pounds 10 z N W z1�4 Total 350 pounds ULjLjm Fes- 2 3" 5 3 5„ Any Curb Inlet furnished �with l open or barred curb box and with lug anchors at curb section when specified. R -3165 CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 6 FR01 917 +� �J T' "O 4 I — L t7e Note rear pipe outlet furnished in 8 ", 10" or 12" size. Curb box straight or any radius. This is an excellent Inlet for conditions which prohibit use of catch basin under the Inlet. Drainage to catch basin behind curb. R -3170 i-\rj NT T For 12 -inch gutter. Also furnished with open curb box. Frame 215 pounds Grate 60 pounds Total 275 pounds Page 38, CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE I Adler Steel Products Co. 402 Thorpe Building N E E N A Mhn®epolls 2, Mlnnta I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Inlets Showing Type R -3175 Note Grate slots are parallel with curb face. Furnished when specified on standard catch basin inlets. R -3180 Showing Type R -3176 Curb type Inlets can be furnished with sloping bar grates when ordered. Particularly effective when properly placed on grade which requires maximum disposition of storm water. Refer to similar gutter inlet R -3475, page 57. Frame 240 pounds Grate 80 pounds Total 320 pounds Curb box Adjustable 6" to 10 ". R -3190 Also furnished with open curb box for straight or radius curb. Also made with pan like R -3200 5" % 2 - Cast -in Anchor Bolts as. P10. 121 5"-� OD tom-- 22" --' I 1— 22" 36 22" 36" I 36" �i f �'I -'1 R -3180 to R -3200 have interchangeable parts. Curb box patterns to fit any style concrete curb. Send us a templet and we will supply a casting to fit the curb. 00 rN ®iC� %mauoairit=��� BOX SECURED CURB AND AN BY CONCRET Also made with 36 -inch diameter base flange like R -3180. Page 39 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Inlets War Department and U. S. Government Standard Designs Illustrating R- 3201 -G R -3201 Series TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E F G H J K Wt. R- 3201 -A 21 21/2 18 271/2 5 13/8 1 27/8 1 335 R- 3201 -C 23 11 /4 20 291/2 4 13/8 1 21/2 1 340 R- 3201 -E 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 11 /2 1 21/4 3/4 300 R- 3201 -F 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 11 /2 1 27/8 1 400 R- 3201 -G 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 11/2 1 27/8 1 455 R- 3201 -H 29 13/4 27 35 6 11 /2 1 27/8 1 550 R- 3201 -1 33 2 30 391/2 6 11 /2 1 27/8 1 600 Heavy construction satisfactory for slab or built up Manhole. Capable of sustaining minimum load of 100,000 pounds uniformly distributed. Approved for Airport runway drainage. R -3202 - Concave Drain Frame and Grate Total weight 375 pounds. MW �� ��` �► 7 v NW AW AW ��4_ ��� Illustrated with 27 "x27" top R -3203 - Flat Drain Frame and Grate R- 3203 -A Total weight Standard 275 pounds R- 3203 -B with top 27 "x27" 350 pounds R- 3203 -C with flange 35 "05" 425 pounds R -3205 - Concave Inlet Frame and Grate ilk Total weight 300 pounds. For Slab or Street manhole. Also furnished with solid lid like R -1645. Suitable for extra heavy traffic. Total weight 400 pounds. Page 40 �•--- fe "X Is "o 22'X 22 A SO MADE WITH 33'X 33" FLANGE Is =� 6 For other Concave Types see pages 52. 58 and 59. R -3206 F, AF hqks1�i / N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Inlets, Bowls & Elbows R -3210 -- Milwaukee Standard Also made with flat grate. Can be furnished with solid cover. R -3220 -- Milwaukee Standard Also made with flat grate. Note: Curb Box furnished in 51 /2", 6" or 7" width and having curb face square, or with 1", 2" or 3" radius. Catch Basin Assembly Frame 250 lbs. Grate 170 lbs. Box 115 lbs: Total 535 lbs. ffiw'� tttii � � m i o 27" L • � • R -3223 - Milwaukee Standard Sub -basin For Pipe Connection Section showing one method of assembly including the Catch Basin Frame, Grate, Curb Box, Catch Basin Bowl and Elbow. Also note Catch Basin Trap Detailed on page 61. Page 41, Cast iron Sub Basin Bowl for use with the above inlets. Cast Iron Catch Basin Elbow R -3226 Cat. No. Height "A" R- 3226 -A 12/2" R- 3226 -B 20 " R- 3226 -C 113/4 /i \ ■ \■ ■ \ ■ \ ■ \ ■ \7 \��i 22" 1 Total weigh 11 pounds. //� t Grate t . Total 4201 R -3210 -- Milwaukee Standard Also made with flat grate. Can be furnished with solid cover. R -3220 -- Milwaukee Standard Also made with flat grate. Note: Curb Box furnished in 51 /2", 6" or 7" width and having curb face square, or with 1", 2" or 3" radius. Catch Basin Assembly Frame 250 lbs. Grate 170 lbs. Box 115 lbs: Total 535 lbs. ffiw'� tttii � � m i o 27" L • � • R -3223 - Milwaukee Standard Sub -basin For Pipe Connection Section showing one method of assembly including the Catch Basin Frame, Grate, Curb Box, Catch Basin Bowl and Elbow. Also note Catch Basin Trap Detailed on page 61. Page 41, Cast iron Sub Basin Bowl for use with the above inlets. Cast Iron Catch Basin Elbow R -3226 Cat. No. Height "A" R- 3226 -A 12/2" R- 3226 -B 20 " R- 3226 -C 113/4 * Elbow square instead of radius Can be used as a bridge Scupper furnished as shown or straight 8" pipe section. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Note adjustable hood providing opening in con- crete curb. r°.` Catch Basin Inlets Curb box and frame cast in one piece for use on straight face curb. Can also be used in higher curb with concrete over top of cast iron box. I` 23372 ►1 J�r5i2j n�_ � 17 f 18� 24' � I— r �I R -3230 Weight frame 220 pounds. Weight grate 80 pounds. Total 300 pounds. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F J K Wt. R- 3231 -A 131/4x263/9 11/4 113/4x27 16x311 /2 7 4 11 240 R- 3231 -B 10!/2x24 3/4 101/2x24 15 x32 4 4 11 200 Inlets with Adjustable ,k) Mil. I 1-ikki � I - ••• — C E — Total weight 475 pounds. Illustrating R- 3231 -B R -3232 - Type B Two Piece Inlet 28" I- �e �tX ----- 25 " =I 30" Also manufactured with 3" base flange. Total weight 650 pounds. Large Drainage area. R -3234 - Standard Type A CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE �- 21 !� 4" TO 9" 6". 3 "R 20 = 22 KM KM MI/13 t 2 4- 1 18 12 -� iI 23 30 e. Total weight 470 pounds. Page 42 N E E N A H W I S C 0 N S I N_ Catch Basin Ini R-3235 - Standard Type CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 4" TO 9" 't" a —► Total weight 450 pounds. Heavy construction, well designed. R-3236 - Type B R-3237 - Type C Same as R-3236 ex- cept curb box for gut- ter or roll type curb. Total weight 460 pounds. R-3238 Type D Concave Inlet CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE ADJUSTAS 1" 7 TO ICL 2 Total weight 470 pounds. Note Pavement Anchors. IL 20 a 36 R-3239 Frame 275 pounds. Grate 125 pounds. Total 400 pounds. Note pavement anchors on curb box. Also grate openings parallel with curb face. Page 43 Total weight frame and grate 455 pounds. IN V Heavy construction, well designed. R-3236 - Type B R-3237 - Type C Same as R-3236 ex- cept curb box for gut- ter or roll type curb. Total weight 460 pounds. R-3238 Type D Concave Inlet CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE ADJUSTAS 1" 7 TO ICL 2 Total weight 470 pounds. Note Pavement Anchors. IL 20 a 36 R-3239 Frame 275 pounds. Grate 125 pounds. Total 400 pounds. Note pavement anchors on curb box. Also grate openings parallel with curb face. Page 43 Total weight frame and grate 455 pounds. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -3241 Catch Basin Inlets CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 7 4" TO 9" �« 3' — 24" 22 CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 4" TO 10" 2" R O 20" 2 23 — Is-- 22" 36" — 36" For heavy street and highway traffic. O 11111M . 3 % —231, 33" Total weight 375 pounds. For Roll Curb. R -3242 Standard Type 3 Frame Total weight 480 pounds. Grates and Plates. Standard Detail 1793 - 1796 R -3243 Installed in Curb. R- 3243 -A A = 18 in. R- 3243 -B A = 12 in. Curb Plate manufactured for single, double or more grate lengths. Grate furnished in 12" and 18" width. b R -3244 6%¢ URB BOX ADJUSTABLE� Standard 4 k To 9" g. Type 11 �n3e�Total weight T- o —T 470 pounds. 29" ■ {.-- 23" R -3245 L Note special t oval flange construction. Total weight 375 pounds Page 44 CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 6" TO 10" 1.— 11" — 174 29" N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Inlets CURB BOY ADJUSTABLE 9� R -3246 TO 9' HIGH 3�. lye 2� 18 24 31 Showing 3" curb face. Also manufactured in 1" and 2" radius, "D" and square face at curb. Excellent design. Used extensively where maximum drain- age is required. Adopted as a standard by many cities where hillside surface drainage has been a problem. R -3247 For Catch Basin construction behind the curb. For other types see page 49. �� k: Frame 325 lbs. Grate 175 lbs. Total 500 lbs. "A R -3248 - For Pipe Connection Used as a bridge or walk- way drain or scupper inlet. Also for 8 ", 10 ", or 12" pipe. Total weight E 300 pounds. R -3249 Made in weights from 350 pounds to 540 lbs. a ae" Total weight 225 pounds. �W R -3252 - Manufactured for 6, 8 and 10" curb. Also made with 31/2" rectangular base flange. Total weight 525 pounds. Page 45 IL N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Inlets I . 23.E 33" 1 i.n � Straight or radius curb. Total weight 440 pounds. R -3260 Three -piece Catch Basin Inlet, frame, grate and curb box. Often used without curb box. Note large drainage area. u_ m,. 1 inn ,,.,,, A, R -3270 - Two piece Curb Inlet. Total weight 325 pounds. or Also with 5" curb face radius. Similar type shown at bot- tom of page 37. �1 11 \t ■ \\ ■nth \ \■ \ \t ■ \ \ ■ NNE \ \ ■ \ \INN rieo i in Place in Curb C FXl! Two -piece Catch Basin Inlets are for use with a "D" or roll curb. The castings are ideal for residential streets. They offer a pleasing appearance and give satisfactory service. Used extensively in better suburban developments. Page 46 Also furnished with convex grate. CURB,�?X ADJUSTABLE 7 7 TO I Total GRATE •0 .. 1, r t5" vla 281, 33" 1 i.n � Straight or radius curb. Total weight 440 pounds. R -3260 Three -piece Catch Basin Inlet, frame, grate and curb box. Often used without curb box. Note large drainage area. u_ m,. 1 inn ,,.,,, A, R -3270 - Two piece Curb Inlet. Total weight 325 pounds. or Also with 5" curb face radius. Similar type shown at bot- tom of page 37. �1 11 \t ■ \\ ■nth \ \■ \ \t ■ \ \ ■ NNE \ \ ■ \ \INN rieo i in Place in Curb C FXl! Two -piece Catch Basin Inlets are for use with a "D" or roll curb. The castings are ideal for residential streets. They offer a pleasing appearance and give satisfactory service. Used extensively in better suburban developments. Page 46 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N Large Catch Basin Inlets :. VVII ADJUSTABLE TO 9" HIGH 1 " %t \I -'ill► i� -- 24" �-- 234 4 24" ,. R- 3290 -A with grate over curb box area as shown. R -3290 Frame 325 pounds Grate 175 pounds Total 500 pounds Showing square type curb box. Also made to fit "D" shaped curb and to fit curb having 1 -inch, 2 -inch or 3 -inch radius. Used extensively where maximum drainage is required. Adopted as a standard by many cities where surface drainage has been a problem on hilly streets. R -3300 Frame 390 pounds Grate 160 pounds Total 550 pounds — 42" CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 6 TO 10" Imo- 6 "- J Also furnished with curb LgNq -- box having 2 -inch or 3- T inch radius at face of curb. Used where maximum drain- ® age is required. The projections on back portion of grate are • — 18" �It "!t 4%2+1 under the curb and hold debris �< 34' from entering sewers. Hood Type Inlets - Peoria Standard Page 47 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. A AA C D E Wt. R -3301 18x36 37 16x34 18x36 24x46 550 B -3302 19x19 20 17x17 19x19 26x30 450 Note adjustable hoods to provide opening in concrete curb. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Catch Basin Inlets R -3304 - Standard Type 1 R -3305 - Standard Type 3 2 K—U E- "32. Total weight 425 pounds. For behind the curb construction. I i R -3308 - Eureka Type CURB BOX ADJUSTABLE 6" TO 10" — 22 "� 34" gs��wl! tsIRNIIN o Total weight 575 pounds. R -3306 - Standard Type C -1 CURB BOX AODJIUUS' iH TABLE 6" I 'n 1 IH IH3�al 6' TI' 15 9 47 34 22 34" Total weight 825 pounds. Similar to A -3304 except provides larger drainage area. Total weight 380 pounds. Inlet for behind the curb construction. t pQ p 7 R -3309 - Standard Type 2 AN-1" r�21 4• ` - 20" .— 20" . If_ 34 34 Total weight 500 pounds. Page 48 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Also with radius front for comer curb. CURB I LINE Catch Basin Inlets For Behind the Curb Construction -42" CHECKERED----- FRONT VIEW ANCHOR GUTTER LU LINE ' BRICKdR CONCRETE CATCHBASIN AND �URB 3 212 TOP CHECKERED CURB _ LINE - - - - -- ---- - -_yrr - �r GUTTER FRONT VIEW LINE BRICK OR CONCRETE CATCHBASIN AND CU CURB 34" LID 22" DIA. , LINE • e'. TERRA( Ln CATCHBASIN SIDE SECTION oql' 1 T INTAKE a =.•p, GUTTER LINE 04 o WEIGHT COMPLETE 225 R -3310 Casting forms top of curb over catch basin. 41" _ CURB 10" LID 22" DIA.� 9" —; "N`D LINE o , o� CATCHBASIN SIDE SECTION 0.40 p° INTAKE + D.' 4 GUTTER LINE o o °++ .e sQoa WEIGHT COMPLETE 350 Q- " R -3320 Note the front part of casting supports the reinforced curb. Drainage opening is under the curb and of any size desired. R -3330 -- Catch Basin R -3333 -- Standard Type 15 GUTTER LINE Note casting forms top of curb over catch basin. Cleanout cov- er locks in place. BASIN INTAKE Page 49 TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F Wt. R -3330 341/2 30 34 231/2 4 1 250 8-3333 34 30 .313/4 223/4 4 7/8 325 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -3338 Series Sanitary Catch Basins AYLWARD TYPE R- 3338 -A -- Corner Inlet Radius 21" Height 12" Openings _____2 "x13" Diameter of bottom overall _________40 " Width of bottom yy flange 31/4" Used where maximum drainage is required at curb area. Clean- ?' out cover is locked in place but easily removed. R- 3338 -E -- Corner Inlet Radius ----------------------- - - - - -4 ft. Height 12" Openings _ 2t /2x9" Diameter of bottom, overall 29" Width of bottom flange 3" R- 3338 -D -- Straight Inlet Height _ 9" Openings _ 3 "x6 " Length of front 26" For curb ----------- -- - - - - -- ---6" or 8" R -3338 These Catch Basin Inlets form a part of the side- walk as well as the curb. The vertical portion around the front below the sloping bars allows for anchorage in paving material. Cup Joints for asphalt seal. R- 3338 -C -- Straight Inlet Radius at base 6 ft. Height----------- ---------------- - - -12„ Diameter of bottom overall ---------- 36" Width of bottom flange 4" Size of bottom opening ___ ___30" Extra heavy bars in front. R- 3338 -E -- Corner Inlet Radius ---------------------------- 6 ft. Height---------------- - - - - -- --- - - - -9„ Openings - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- -3x6„ Length of front 26" For curb ------------------------ 6 or 8" All castings asphalt coated. Inlets shown on this page can be used with the cast iron catch basin rings and basins on page 51. Also used with any other type of catch basin construction. Write for details. Page 50 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N R -3339 Series Sanitary Catch Basins AYLWARD TYPE R- 3339 -A Ring Standard Sections are 24" diameter and are made in various heights to accommodate catch basin grade. Furnished with one or two holes on 90 or 180 degrees to receive 6" or 8" pipe. Rings are straight as shown or with cup joints for asphalt seal like drawing on opposite page. R- 3339 -B with Bottom Outlet and B Inlet Top. R- 3339 -D Ring with Solid Bottom Section Sectional view of drop inlet and trap and Trap. with B Inlet top. Page 51 Aylward Sanitary Iron Basins have been used for many years by munici- palities because of low installation cost, sanitary features and perma- nence. Iron Catch Basin Rings will not rust out. Permanence plus ability to reset if necessary when streets are repaired. Desirable catch basin construction. R- 3339 -F Adjusting Rings. Manu- factured in 6 ", 8 ", 10" and 12" height. Used to raise basin when grade is revised. I N E E N ' H F • Concave Cutter Inlets Illustrating C O M P A N Y Illustrating R -3342 �\\_11i�i \/ TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A AA B D DD E EF. F J Wt. Notes R -3341 71/2 111/2 11 /2 8 111/2 151/2 19 6 3/4 80 R -3342 111/2 15 1 10 15 18 23 91/2 1 160 also with 30" dia. base R -3343 121/2 131/2 1 13 14 15 18 4 13/4 100 also with flat grate R -3344 13 24 11/2 13 24 23 38 91/2 1 300 R -3345 15 26 11/2 12 26 20 34 6 11/2 360 R -3346 15 381/2 1 16 40 23 47 71/2 1 360 Heavy construction R -3347 221/4 221/4 21/2 201/8 201/8 36 dia. 8 1/2 500 Standard Detail D R -3348 24 24 2 26 26 35 35 7 1 475 R -3350 28 28 11/2 25 29 35 35 6 13/4 475 Extra heavy construction R -3352 32 32 13/4 321/2 321/2 42 42 73/4 13/4 750 R -3355 36 36 13/4 361/2 361/2 441/2 441/2 83/4 13/4 950 Concave Inlet Frames and Grates can be used for many adaptable as drains in driveways and purposes and are especially gutters. R -3381 - Heavy Construction i 26- 12 Total weight 350 pounds. IPA /,,,,,,. Used as concave drain in either street or slab catch basin construction. R -3393 - Standard D -6 Total weight Frame & Grate 285 pounds Extra for pan_____ _____ ______ 60 pounds The section shows the frame and grate assembled with pan. Recom- mended practice for connecting to sewer pipe. The 4 -inch pipe should extend upward through pan opening about 21/2 inches and be calked tight or sealed in place with cement. Total weight 330 pounds. For Parks, Cemeteries, and Housing Projects. Furnished with when A. SEE PAGES 40 - 59 FOR OTHER CONCAVE INLETS. Page 52 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Rectangular Cutter and Track Drains TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R -3410 12x30 2 9x27 14x32 18x36 6 11 /4x4 1 300 R -3411 12x48 2 9x45 9x46 19x55 4 1 x41 /2 1 500 R -3412 16x49 11/4 14x47 14x47 24x57 8 13/8x51/4 13/8 800 R -3413 1806 11/8 17x30 1902 28x45 7 13/4x61/2 11/8 475 R -3414 20x42 13/4 18x40 21x46 30x49 9 11/8x51/2 11/8 57b R -3415 23x58 1 21x56 24x59 35x70 81/2 1 x8 1 900 R -3416 2405 2 22x33 25x36 35x46 6 2 x91/2 11/4 525 R -3417 36x60 2 34x58 34x58 4802 6 2 x8 1 600 R -3420 - Track Drain Long Gutter Inlets & Grates Illustrating R -3410 STANDARD GAUGE TRACK GR, DES One method of installing shown on section. Frame 350 pounds. Grate 150 pounds. Total 500 pounds. For use between rails. Grate cast in two parts. Note opening at each end of frame for drainage at rails. A N _� A _� Rectangular Bridge and Gutter Inlets G TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No A B C E F G* H Wt. R -3422 101/4x33 11/2 8x31 17i &351/2 31/2 15/8x73/4 11/4 350 R -3423 111/4x48 2 9x45 19 x501 /2 4 11/2x9 11/8 550 Furnished with or without bolts as specified. Illustrating R -3423 Illustrating R -3425 Slab Type Frames and Grates with Anchor Flange Bridge Drains also furnished with bolted down grates or with solid lid if specified. RR 'NOMM■R■MR) TABLE. Dimensions in inches Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R -3424 171/4x233/4 2 151/8x22 171/2x24 231/2x30 5 2 x6 11/8 300 R -3425 191/4X223/4 2 171/2x21 191/2x23 251/2x29 5 2 x41/4 15 /8 335 R -3426 20 x25 2 18 x23 20 x25 26 x31 5 11/2x43/4 15 /8 375 Page 53 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Square Cutter Inlets Illustrating R -3430 with Square Base R -3433 with Round Base Flange Specify Square or Round Base when C ordering. 0 Type A Type B Type C TABLE Dimensions in inches. !Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C D F F G H Wt. R -3429 19x19 1 U 16x16 19 x19 31 x31 8 1 x41/2 1 320* R -3430 20x20 13/4 18x18 221/2x221/2 31 x31 5 13/8x31/2 11/4 320* R -3431 20x20 13/4 18x18 221/2x221/2 31 x31 10 13/8x31/2 11/4 400' R -3432 24x24 1 22x22 24 x24 35 x35 6 11/2x31/2 1 300* R -3433 24x24 2 22x22 26 x26 35 x35 6 13/4x6 11/4 425* R -3434 26x26 13/4 24x24 24 x24 28 x28 91/2 1 x41 /2 1 440* R -3435 27x27 2 25x25 271/2x271/2 36 x36 6 21/201/2 1 450* R -3436 32x32 13/4 30x30 321/2x321/2 411/2x411/2 6 2 x8 1 650 R -3437 36x36 13/4 3404 36 x36 45 x45 7 2 x4 13/4 820 R -3438 50x50 13/4 48x48 52 x52 62 x62 8 1300 All castings Type "A" with square base unless otherwise specified. Type "B" base pan with pipe opening 'Y supplied special to requirements. ' Also furnished with round base flange 30 to 36" diameter. FOR HEAVY TRAFFIC Illustrating R -3433 With Convex Grate. Also furnished with flat grate. £4 fir] ' .a-r Illustrating R -3438 For use where large, drainage area is required. Also made with solid two -piece lid for use over a large square manhole. FOR SIMILAR CASTINGS WITH SOLID LIDS SEE PAGES 18 and 19 Page 54 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N Rectangular Cutter Inlets Illustrating R -3447 with Rect. Base Flange Illustrating R- 3447 -A with Round Flange pr i X TABLE Dimensions in inches. (See Drawing page 54) Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C D E F G h Wt. R- 3440 -A 101/2x24 3/4 9 x221/2 101/2x24 181/2x32 4 11/2x5 1 150 R- 3440 -B 12 x18 11/2 Type C 12 x18 16 x22 5 1 x7 1 150 R -3441 12 x30 2 9 x27 14 x32 18 x36 6 11/4x4 1 300 R -3442 12 x48 2 9 x45 9 x46 19 x55 4 1 x41/2 1 500 R -3443 141/2x211/2 2 13 x20 15 x22 23 x3C 51/2 11/2x5 2 325* R- 3443 -A R- 3443 -B 141/2x211/2 143/4x213/4 2 2 Type C 13 x20 141/2x211/2 14 x22 35 Dia. 20 x30 51/2 101/2 11/2x51/4 15 /8x51 /8 11/4 11/4 290* 440 R- 3444 -A 15 x20 11/4 121/2x171/2 161/2x211/2 25!/2x301/2 9 11/2x121/2 1 330* R- 3444 -B 15 x20 2 121/2x171/2 161/2x211/2 251/2001/2 9 21/4x5 2 350* R- 3446 -A R- 3446 -B 16 x23 16 x31 2 13/4 13 x20 131/2x291/2 17 x24 17 x32 24 x31 28 x43 71/2 7 11/2x13 21/4x4 1 1 375 450 R- 3446 -C 16 x49 11/4 14 x47 14 x47 24 x57 S 13/8x51/4 13/8 825_ R -3447 17 x20 2 Type C 19 x22 24 x27 61/2 11/2x61/2 1 260* R- 3447 -A 17 x22 11/2 15 x20 17 x22 26 x36 7 11/2x5 11/2 425' R- 3447 -B 17 x23 11/2 15 x20 17 x23 26 x36 7 11/2x5 11/2 350* R- 3448 -A 171/2x201/2 1 Type C 19 x22 24 x27 8 11/20 1 300* R- 3448 -B 173/4x223/4 13/4 Type C 18 x23 233/4x32 63/4 15/8x31/4 11 /8 300 R -3449 16 x23 2 Type C 18 x23 24 x29 5 11/4x7 11 /8 280 R -3450 18 x30 2 16 x28 18 x30 26 x38 81/2 11/20 11 /8 525 R -3451 18 x36 11 /8 17 x30 19 x32 28 x45 7 13/4x61/2 11 /8 475 R -3452 20 x42 13/4 18 x40 21 x46 30 x49 9 11/8x51/2 11 /8 575 R -3453 211/4x34 3 191/2021/4 221/405 31 x43 6 2 x9 1 475 R -3454 23 x58 1 21 x56 24 x59 35 x70 81/2 1 x8 1 900 R- 3455 -A 24 x35 2 22 x33 25 x36 35 x46 6 2 x.91/2 11/4 525 R- 3455 -B 24 x36 13/4 22 x34 24 x36 40 x50 9 13/4x6 1 650_ R -3456 27 x30 11/4 25 x28 25 x28 35 x38 8 11/2x5 1 800 R- 3456 -A 28 x32 11/2 26 x30 29 x33 38 x42 81/2 13/4x6 1 800 R -3457 33 x39 11/4 30 x36 31 x37 36 x42 6 2 x8 1 400 R -3458 36 x60 2 34 x58 34 x58 48 x72 6 2 x8 1 600 R -3459 42 x46 11/2 40 x46 42 x48 46 x52 4 11/20 11 /8 650 All castings type "A" with rectangular base unless specified otherwise. * Furnished with round base flanges 30 to 36" diameter. Type "C" Base pan, with pipe opening "P" supplied special according to requirements. Illustrating R- 3444 -B Gutter Box Inlet Illustrating R- 3448 -B iii �� Page 55 Illustrating R -3549 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Special Cutter Inlets R -3460 Series Illustrating R- 3460 -D - Standard Type 4 "C 1A c Cat. No. A B C D E F G H Wt. R- 3460 -A 141/2x211/2 2 13x20 15x22 23x30 51/2 15 /8x5 11/4 300 R- 3460 -B* 141/2x211/2 2 13x20 14x22 20x30 51/2 15/8x51/8 11/4 300 R- 3460 -C 141/2x211/2 2 13x20 15x22 35 dia. 51/2 15 /sx5 11/4 325 R- 3460 -D* 143/4x213/4 2 13x20 14x22 20x30 101/2 15/8x51/8 11/4 440 R- 3460 -E 141/2x211/2 2 13x20 15x22 30x30 51/2 15 /8x5 11/4 340 ` Flange "X" removed making 3 flange inlet. R•3465 Spigot 11/2 inch long for connecting Inlet Bend or 6 inch sewer pipe. R- 3465 -6 - Inlet Boxes The above shows one method of installing the three - flange gutter inlet. L ■\V■\\\■\\\' \ \ ■\ j /�i/ -' /, R -3466 Can be used as a scup- per when bottom spigot is extended as shown. Total weight 300 pounds. R -3470 - Gutter Box Inlet Also furnished without pan and having base flange 21/2 inches wide around outside of frame. Total weight 210 pounds. R -3474 Total weight Frame and Grate 265 pounds. Page 56 Ur P� u-1 -1 Note bottom opening for pipe. N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Drainage Inlets R -3475 . RNs,,` �ri,re��,```,...�����``,�'I' rnai�fir-\ � ��nooie Frame 285 pounds Grate 250 pounds Total 535 pounds Inlet can be furnished with straight bars or without base flange as shown above. Tests show the design to create least resistance when .water passes through grate openings. R -3476 - Type E Note sloping bars in grate. Used where maximum drainage is required. An excellent casting for hilly streets. When excess drainage is required two or more inlets are placed end to end in combination over large basin or trench drain. R -3478 - Gutter Inlet es.,el.NN .V_.. a,.,,.,.,i Section shows proper placing of Inlet to grade. This type of casting will receive a large volume of storm water. One method of installing as combination intake and manhole. INTAKE For Grates with cast iron angle frames, see page 67. For light traffic Total weight 150 pounds. Storm Water Curb Openings This is a low cost in- stallation and elimi- ates deep storm water laterals. Manufactured for any type curb section and width. Specify. width at face, curb depth and height or send detail giving cross section. CURB CASTING Installed in curb Curb opening castings are used as shown where it is advantageous to transmit stormwater from downspout in shallow drains and discharge through the curb to the street gutter. Page 57 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Inlets For Roll Type Curb R- 3501 -A - Standard Type 2 Frame v TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. _ Cat. No. Pat. No A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Wt. R- 3501 -A Type 2 221/4 13/4 20 221/2 291/2 105 /8 13/4 15 /8 91/8 71/8 41/2 21/4 11/2 161/2 261/4 123/e 390 R- 3501 -B Type A 221/4 13/4 20 221/2 303/4 9 17/8 1 91/2 81/4 4 1 3 18 28 14 450 R- 3502 -A - Standard Type 6 Frame Inlets shown on this and the following page are some- times used in combination 4 773 as double or triple inlets in for maximum drainage. W_ —0—W TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. Pat. No. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Wt. R- 3502 -A Type 6 22 13/4 201/4 221/4 36 10 17/8 1 137/8 87/8 4 13/4 3 23 36 155 /e 510 R- 3502 -B Type 6 sp. 22 13/4 201/4 211/2 36 10 17/8 1 14 8 4 23/4 3 22 36 135/8 475 R -3503 - Standard Type 12 Frame R -3504 - Standard Type 13 Frame o��/ awe`, 29" Total weight 500 pounds. Inlets are of modem design suitable for roll type curb. R- 3504 -A - Standard Type 14 same as above except curb face radius 1" at top, 1/2" at bottom. Page 58 N E E N A H W I S C O N S I N Inlets For Roll Type Curb Illustrating R-3508 -A - Type 9 Frame Illustrating R- 3506 -A - Type 10 Frame AWW 4,JJVIW� AQ"W Aw A A B—� A AB AL �- o-a,n G E A E —HI TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat.No. A AB AA B D DA E EA F G H i i K L M Wt. R- 3505 -A 191/4 141/4 81 /s 111/8 195/8 145/8 30 Dia. 101/4 41/2 13/4 93/4 2 11/2 13/4 13/4 400 R- 3505 -B 191/4 141/4 81/8 111/8 191/4 141/4 30 Dia. 121/4 41/2 13/4 93/4 2 11/2 13/4 13/4 420 R- 3506 -A 191/4 191/4 81/8 111/8 191/2 191/2 281/4 30 121/2 43/4 1 10 11/2 11/2 17/8 1 360 R- 3506 -B 191/4 191/4 81/8 111 /8 191/2 191/2 281/4 30 11 43/4 1 10 11/2 11/2 17/B 1 350 R -3507 171 /4 221/4 77/8 93/8 171/2 221/2 271/2 301/2 10 4 11 /8 10 13/4 1 17/8 1 380 R- 3508 -A 223/4 223/4 113/8 11% 23 23 35 Dia. 12 6 1 10 13/4 2 2 1 420 R- 3508 -B 223/4 223/4 113/8 113/8 23 23 35 Dia. 10 6 1 10 13/4 2 2 1 400 R -3509 171/4 221/4 85/8 85/8 171/2 221/2 25 30 51/4 11/4 13/8 51/4 13/4 1 63/4 13/8 300 R -3511 19 30 81/8 107/8 191/2 301/2 27 38 8 81/2 11/8 7 2 11/4 17/8 11/8 425 R -3513 24 24 171/2 61/2 24 24 35 35 7 11/4 1 7 17/8 21/2 4 13/4 500 R3514 • • 141/2 27 53/4 83/4 12 251/2 211/2 34 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 375 R -3515 28 191/2 15 13 241/2 201/2 35 261/2 6 2 11/2 33/4 13/4 2 113/8 13/4 350 See R -3205, page 40. ' ' See R -3202, page 40. Illustrating R -3513 Illustrating R- 3505 -B a! �����'' - - Also furnished with base pan and opening for 12" V. C. Pipe. Weight approximately 600 lbs. zz R -3516 Type A Inlet 0 0 o D o 0 o O P, VIM FTIA 47 %z --- LI n Note Two Piece Grate Total weight 775 pounds. For other similar types see pages 40. 43 and 52. Page 59 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Flap & Flush Valves R -3600 Ari.mc Flap and Fluslf Valves have a variety of uses in manholes Valves furnished with solid bronze hinge pins. and Inlets. Below are shown standard types. Permanent installation. L 0 PLAIN Showing a flush valve installed. The Manhole is filled with water and the valve then opened flushing sewer. Chain furnished only when ordered. I. D. L Cat. No. Pipe Lenght R -3610 10 20 R -3612 12 14 R -3618 18 14 R -3624 24 15 Plain end furnished unless specified otherwise. • With lead valve mounting. R -3650 Cleanout Pipe Outside diameter of pipe ------ 8 inches Metal thickness --------------- 1/2 inch Cleanout hole diameter_______ 4 inches R -3675 - Cast Iron Sanitary Grease Traps - Garage Basins With solid bolted covers. Grease traps are designed to keep waste lines free from grease and to eliminate the expense in cleaning. Many cities require the use of a trap in connection with drainage from kitchen, restaurant, barber and beau- ty shops, to intercept the grease in waste water before it enters the sewers. The most satisfactory method of sep- arating grease from warm water is to expose it to a sudden change of tem- perature. This is accomplished by water cooling. The waste water en- ters the trap, is cooled, and the water precipitates the grease so it floats. VENT -._y 1 20* DIA. I. D. L Cat. No. Pipe Lenght R -3600 4 131/2 R -3604 4 20 R -3606 6 20 R -3608 20 R- 3608 -A* _8 8 _ 20 I. D. L Cat. No. Pipe Lenght R -3610 10 20 R -3612 12 14 R -3618 18 14 R -3624 24 15 Plain end furnished unless specified otherwise. • With lead valve mounting. R -3650 Cleanout Pipe Outside diameter of pipe ------ 8 inches Metal thickness --------------- 1/2 inch Cleanout hole diameter_______ 4 inches R -3675 - Cast Iron Sanitary Grease Traps - Garage Basins With solid bolted covers. Grease traps are designed to keep waste lines free from grease and to eliminate the expense in cleaning. Many cities require the use of a trap in connection with drainage from kitchen, restaurant, barber and beau- ty shops, to intercept the grease in waste water before it enters the sewers. The most satisfactory method of sep- arating grease from warm water is to expose it to a sudden change of tem- perature. This is accomplished by water cooling. The waste water en- ters the trap, is cooled, and the water precipitates the grease so it floats. VENT -._y 1 20* DIA. Also made in 30" depth. The basin is of heavy cast iron con- struction. It is fitted with a remov- able cover with gasket fastened to the basin flange with brass bolts, making the basin gas tight. The inlet has cleanout seal which can be read- ily opened for rodding purposes. The traps are used in garages or basements. De- signed to separate semi -solid floating material. gasoline and oil from drainage water and there- by eliminate the danger of explosion or clogging of sewers. Can also be used in a series of several traps. See page 76 for pressure relief valves and shear gates. Page 60 I `` ^�•7 4- CLEANOUT •'•. 'e: HOLE Also made in 30" depth. The basin is of heavy cast iron con- struction. It is fitted with a remov- able cover with gasket fastened to the basin flange with brass bolts, making the basin gas tight. The inlet has cleanout seal which can be read- ily opened for rodding purposes. The traps are used in garages or basements. De- signed to separate semi -solid floating material. gasoline and oil from drainage water and there- by eliminate the danger of explosion or clogging of sewers. Can also be used in a series of several traps. See page 76 for pressure relief valves and shear gates. Page 60 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Catch Basin Traps & Hoods R- 3701 -B 18 12 61 /2 8" on 2 hooks IBottom of trap 6" min. below flow line R- 3701 -C pr a0eae R -3700 R- 3701 -A also hinged R- 3703 -B 10" TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Vertical Cat. No. Overall Overall De th p For Pipe toward Setting Dia. Notes Height Width C B Wall Size R -3700 18 16 7 To 12" on 2 hooks R- 3701 -A 16 12 61/2 4 6 6" on 2 hooks Cast Iron Handle 1 R- 3701 -B 18 12 61 /2 8" on 2 hooks IBottom of trap 6" min. below flow line R- 3701 -C 20 12 61/2 10" on 2 hooks Bottom of trap 16" min. below flow line R- 3703 -A 19 17 81/2 To 12" In Wall 5" Cleanout opening R- 3703 -B 22 17 11 15" In Wall 5" Cleanout opening R -3704 151/2 16 91/2 To 12" Bolted Note Vent holes R- 3705 -A 19 14 285/8 12" In Wall 12" 8" Cleanout opening_ R- 3705 -B 201/2 17 311/2 15" In Wall 15" 8" Cleanout opening 11- 3705 -C 22 20 34 18" In Wall 18" 8" Cleanout opening R- 3706 22 193/4 113/8 To 15" on 2 hooks 4" Cleanout opening. lNote radius to fit Wall. R- 3707 -A 22 11 111/2 8" In Wall 8" S5" Cleanout opening R- 3707 -B 24 13 111/2 10" In Wall 10" tsets flush with Wall. Showing typical installations. All types are of approved design. I I ' PIPE I ar.;. CLEANOUT war ER LINE �e.el R -3704 R -3705 Standard Detail E- 4- A -27 -T r I R -3703 R -3701 R -3707 R -3705 Catch Basin Traps are used extensively on sewer Catch Basins or Manholes. On sani- tary systems they provide a waterseal against escaping gases. Traps with drop type Catch Basins provide effective means of keeping the pipe lines entirely clean. The drop portion of the inlet retains all solid material and the trap prevents all floating debris from entering the outlet pipe. Use Cast Iron Cast Basin Traps - Keep Your Sewers Clean Page 61 R -3706 R -3707 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Drainage Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. Width Length Thickness Openings Bars Wt. R- 4010 -A 8 14 1 13/8x2 1/2 25 R- 4010 -B 10 18 1 13/8x7 11/4 45 R- 4010 -B1 10 211/2 1 13/8x81/2 11 /8 50 R- 4010 -B2 12 17 1 13/8x6 1 50 R- 4010 -B3 12 23 1 13/8x9 1 115 R- 4010 -C 153/4 24 1 15/8x51/2 1 90 R- 4010 -D 16 24 1 15 /8x10 11/4 100 R- 4010 -D1 161/2 24 1 13/4X97/8 11 /8 100 R- 4010 -E 22 28 1 2 x61/2 11/2 150 If cast iron frames required, send complete detail. For other grates with angle frames see page 67 Convex for Heavy Traffic TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Size of Pipe Dia. Grate Thickness grate Weight 4 53/4 11/2 6 6 8 2 12 8 101/2 21/4 20 10 123/4 21/2 33 12 143/4 21/2 42 15 181/4 21/2 62 18 22 3 120 20 23 3 160 21 24 3 175 24 29 3 215 27 323/4 31/2 275 30 36 31/2 325 SHOWINC GRATE 51/2 13/4 5 6 71/4 21/4 —_ PLACED .N BELL 10 21/4 12 10 121/2 21/4 17 12 OF STANDARD 21/2 35 15 171/2 21/2 50 18 o: VITRIFIED SEWER 75 20 231/2 21/2 88 21 PIPE — ,+ 95 �• 27 21/2 115 27 31 3 160 30 341/2 3 200 R -4010 Series Bridge Drain Grates Wisconsin Highway Department Specifications Grate shown in cast iron bridge drain frame. C.1. R -4020 Frame and Special Grate WEIGHT OF GRATE- 165 LBS. Also furnished with flat grate. Grates To Fit In Bell of Standard Sewer Pipe s e R -4040 Series Flat for Light Traffic TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Size of Pipe Dia. Grate Thickness at legs Weight 4 51/2 13/4 5 6 71/4 21/4 8 8 10 21/4 12 10 121/2 21/4 17 12 141/2 21/2 35 15 171/2 21/2 50 18 21 21/2 75 20 231/2 21/2 88 21 241/2 21/2 95 24 27 21/2 115 27 31 3 160 30 341/2 3 200 Page 62 Also supplied without legs when specified. N E E N -A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Drains R -4050 Series - Soil Pipe Grates R- 4050 -A To fit flush with top in bell of 4" soil pipe. R- 4050 -B To fit flush with top in bell of 6" soil pipe. -- Grate in soil Used as floor drains in resident and industrial installations. care oia. pipe bell. Casting designed so will not tip in bell. R -4060 Series - Roadway Drains TABLE Dimensions in inches. Grate p e D .: _ ■ TABLE Cat. Dia. A M N Open'gs • °. = ,..:..<-o•.:�•:e:: : ��b:;. °< :ti;;o; . R- 4064- 4 -A 4" 9x11 73/e 51/8 1 x7 Threaded outlet 41/2 16 114064 -B 4" 9x11 73/8 51/8 11/2x4 Plain outlet 5 20 6 Illustrating R -4064 Illustrating R -4066 R- 4066 -A 6" 12x17 7 51/2 1 x10 o. 0 .,; ..: :.:, DIA. :: o.•b'. i °;::: o:;• For bridge or viaduct construction. R- 4066 -B 6" 12x17 7 51/2 11/4x41/4 Grates bolted to frames when specified. Grates in two styles as shown. When ordering specify size of drains by sched- ule or send blue print. "C " dimensions is stand- ard in 3x6" and 4x6" size with "D " being 3/8 ". Send complete informa- tion when ordering. See Detail. Also special variations as ordered. R -4070 - Bridge Drains Newels and other special bridge castings furnished on inquiry. When specified dis- charge end of scupper can be threaded or tapped to accommodate drain fittings. Illustrating R -4080 R -4080 Series - Scuppers TABLE Dimensions in inches. Cat No. A Rad. Dia. R- 4080 -A Plain outlet 41/2 16 8 R- 4080 -B Threaded outlet 41/2 16 8 R- 4080 -C Tapped outlet 41/2 16 8 R- 4081 -A Plain outlet 5 20 6 R- 4081 -B Threaded outlet 5 20 6 R- 4081 -C Tapped outlet 5 20 6 Illustrating R -4081 For deck drainage, bridge or overhead construction. Page 63 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Round Drainage Grates & Lids B C o Wt. Notes Thick- Number Diameter a To tit over R -4101 51/2 Round Grates 1/2 a o o TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. R -4102 a o 0 0 2 Slotted Cat. No. A B C D Wt. Notes R -4103 � A 11/4 a000 1/2 9 18 R -4190 22 11/4 aaaE7 1 115 R -4104 91/2 21/2 Heavy Type D 5/8 12 Q R -4210 22 Light - Slotted 13/4x21/4 3/4 80 Light weight R -4105 101 /2 1/2 91 /2x 1/2 1/2_6 5/8 (0 R -4220 22 11 /2 11/4 TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. T I_ A Cat. No. A B C D Wt. Notes Thick- Number Diameter To tit over R -4101 51/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2 Slotted TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. R -4102 53/4 3/8 3/g 5/8 2 Slotted Cat. No. A B C D Wt. Notes R -4103 6% 11/4 1 xl 1/2 9 18 R -4190 22 11/4 11 /8 1 115 R -4104 91/2 21/2 11 /2x31 /2 5/8 12 Heavy R -4210 22 11/4 13/4x21/4 3/4 80 Light weight R -4105 101 /2 1/2 91 /2x 1/2 1/2_6 5/8 Slotted R -4220 22 11 /2 11/4 1 120 R -4106 101 /2 3/4 3! /2x11 /2 .3/4 11 Light weight R -4230 22 11/4 13/8x43/4 1 130 R -4110 113/4 1 11 /2x4 1 20 36 R -4231 22 11 /2 13/8x5 1 120 Concave R -4120 121/2 1 1 1 21 R R -4240 22 11 /2 21/2x8 11/4 110 Large openings R -4125 141/4 3/4 1 1 23 48 R -4250 221/2 13/4 11/8 1 120 Heavy R -4129 15 5/8 3/4 3/8 10 Light weight R -4251 221/2 11 /2 3/4 13/8 105 R -4130 15 11/4 3/4 1 35 R -4260 223/4 13/4 11 /2 1 130 R -4131 15 11/4 3/4x21/4 3/4 44 R -4270 23 11/2 13/4x41/4 1 125 R -4140 16 1 11/8 1 45 R -4280 23 11 /2 13/4x41/4 1 125 Convex R -4145 18 3/4. 7/8 3/4 44 R -4290 23 11/2 11/4 1 140 R -4146 18 11 /2 41/2x1 11/4 '66 R -4300 23 13/4 1 11/8 155 R -4150 19 1/2 3/4 1 25 Light weight R -4309 24 . 5/8 11/4 5/8 80 Convex R -4151 19 1 3/4 1/2 40 R -4310 24 11 /2 21/4x21/4 11 /2 160 R -4159 191/2 1 1 3/4 50 Slotted R -4314 28 1 21/8x4 2 137 R -4160 191/2 11 /2 3/4x51/4 3/4 60 8-4316 29 31/2• .3/4 1 225 Hvy. construction R -4170 20 1 2 x2 11/4 45 R -4318 29 3 3/4 1 230 Hvy. construction R -4171 20 13/8 2 x2 1 70 R -4321 33 2 11 /2 1 300 Hvy. construction R -4181 21 11/4 11/2 3/4 100 R -4323 38 2 11 /2 1 375 Hvy. construction Any grate listed can be furnished with lightweight cast iron angle frame when specified. Frame to be of 1/2 inch metal as shown on casting •R -2585, page. 33. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. TABLE Thick- Number Diameter To tit over Perforated Lids for Drain Vent -Cat. No. Dia. ness of Holes Holes Wt. pipe, bell or R- 4325 -A 71 /8 1/2 12 'A 8 4 8 101 /2 1/2 R- 4330 -H 24 R- 4325 -B 91/2 1/2 12 3/4 12 6 12 143/4 3/4 R- 4330 -K 30 R=4325 -C 121/4 1/2 18 3/4 22 8 R- 4325 -D 143/4 1/2 18 3/4 30 10 R- 4325 -E 171/4 5/8 18 3/4 55 12 R- 4325 -F 211/4 5/8 24 3/4 75 .15 R -4325 G 251/2 5/e 24 3/4 105 18 R- 4325 -H 27 .5/8 24 1 125 20 R- 4325 -J 29?/2 3/4 36 1 135 21 R- 4325 -K 331/2 3/4 36 1 180 24 R R- 4325 -L 42 1/8 48, 1 300 30 -4325 R- 4325 -M 491/4 2/8 48 1 400 36 Can be set similar to R -1888, page 22. Hole3 standard as. shown - variations as specified. R -4330 Series -'Lightweight Bar Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches.. Size Diameter Thickness Size Diameter Thickness Cat. No. Pipe Grate Grate Cat. No. Pipe Grate Grate r. R- 4330 -A 4 53/4 3/8 R- 4330 -F 15 181/4 '/g R- 4330 -B 6 8 1/z R- 4330 -G 18 22 1 R- 4330 -C 8 101 /2 1/2 R- 4330 -H 24 29 11/4 R- 4330 -D 10 123/4 5/8 R- 4330 -J 27 323/4 11 /2_ R- 4330 -E 12 143/4 3/4 R- 4330 -K 30 341/2 11 /2 These grates are recommended for use on tile or soil pipe where not subject to heavy loads. For heavy traffic grates see R -4030. Bar grates with legs to fit in pipe bell see page 62. Page 64 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Beehive Drainage Grates R -4340 Series - Round Beehive Grates /A/o Illustrating R- 4340 -A, Type E With Adjusting Cams Illustrating R- 4340 -B Illustrating R- 4340 -D Standard Type 8 TABLE Ail! \ \ra BASIN Used on concrete basin, Pipe Bell or in cast iron frames as shown above. Installed where debris may interfere with drainage such as roadside construction. �f /ll�lllr Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Catol. O. O.D. Dia. Ht. No. Size Size Pipe No. Dia. Lugs Bhv Bhv Lgs Brs Op. Wt. Size R4340 -A 34 261/4 237/8 6 3 1 11 /2 215 24 R- 4340 -B 33 23 23 3 6 11 /2 2 200 24 R- 4340 -C 33 29 23 7 4 11/4 1 225 24 R- 4340 -D 33 29 25 7 4 1 1 175 24 R- 4340 -E 33 23 27 4 2 2 2 200 24 R- 4340 -F 33 28 25 5 4 1 1 160 24 R- 4340 -G 28 18 19 3 3 2 13/4 80 15 R- 4340 -H 25 15 17 3 3 13/4 15 /8 75 12 Square Beehive Grates fl[GfG6f1 R -4347 Grate GRATE -' <• WITH FRAME IN CONCRETE ; ^�' el�d�• 5 'o. Beehive Grates To Fit Sewer Pipe Bells C3.❑ I--' ❑ TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. b. 0 Thickness Overall Cat. No. Size Pipe Diameter at Rim Height Wt. P g R- 4350 -A 10 12 11/4 4 35 IN PIPE BELL R- 4350 -B 12 143/4 21/2 51/2 50 R- 4350 -C 15 181/4 21/2 61/4 75 R- 4350 -D 18 22 3 71/2 120 R -4350 Series R- 4350 -E 24 29 3 9 170 Grate bolted to frame when specified. R -4360 - R -4345 Grate Only R -4346 Frame and Grate TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Grate Grate Frame Height Height Cat. No. Overall top size Overall Grate Frame Wt. Notes R -4345 26x26 12x12 61/4 100 Grate only R -4346 26x26 12x12 30x30 61/4 4 185 Grate & Frame R -4347 42x42 29x29 51 /2 250 Grate only R -4348 38x38 29x29 49x49 51 /2 4 475 Grate & Frame These castings are suitable for use at low point of large graded areas and will pipe bell drain a substantial volume of surface water from all sides. fl[GfG6f1 R -4347 Grate GRATE -' <• WITH FRAME IN CONCRETE ; ^�' el�d�• 5 'o. Beehive Grates To Fit Sewer Pipe Bells C3.❑ I--' ❑ TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. b. 0 Thickness Overall Cat. No. Size Pipe Diameter at Rim Height Wt. P g R- 4350 -A 10 12 11/4 4 35 IN PIPE BELL R- 4350 -B 12 143/4 21/2 51/2 50 R- 4350 -C 15 181/4 21/2 61/4 75 R- 4350 -D 18 22 3 71/2 120 R -4350 Series R- 4350 -E 24 29 3 9 170 Grate bolted to frame when specified. R -4360 - Turtle Back Type Frames and Grates TABLE Dimensions in inches. Height Height To fit Cat. No. Diameter overall Crown pipe bell R- 4360 -A 181/4 21/2 2 15 a:: FOR CONCRETE OR PIPE R- 4360 -B 22 23/4 21/4 18 R- 4360 -C 231/4 3 21/4 20 Furnished with or without cast iron R- 4360 -D 281/2 3 21/2 24 Frames. For drainage of park, play - R- 4360 -E 321/2 31/2 3 27 ground or suburban areas. Page 65 N E E N A H F O �U N D R Y .0 O M P A N Y Square A Rectangular Drainage Grates Illustrating R -4710 All grates designed for strength and service. Order by number. Any grate listed can be furn- ished with cast iron angle frame when specified and as illustrated at top of page 67. SQUARE TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B G H Wt. R -4400 8 x 8 11/4 1 X5 1 17 R -4725 21 x21 2 3 x 3 1 114 R -4760 22 x22 13/4 3 x 53/4. 1 130 N -4810 24 x24 2 13/4x 6 11/4 150 R -4812 24 x24 2 3 x 3 11/4 196 R -4820' 24 x24 2 2 x 6 11/4 170 R -4830' 24 x24 2 1 x 5 2 175 R -4832 24 x24 15 /8 1 x 41/2 1 176 R -4834 24 x24 1 15 /ex 35/8 1 90 R -4848 251/ x2511 -/2 1 1 /2x 51/4 5/8 80 R -4850 27 x27 2 21/2x 71/2 1 150 R -4851 27 x27 2 2 x101/2 11/2x2 190 R -4852 27 x27 2 11/2x 5 1 190 R -4870 271/2x271/2 1 21/4x25 1 90 R -4880 28 x28 2 2 x 8 1 170 R -4300 34 x34 2 2 x141/2 11 /8 250 R -4607 161/2x193/4 RECTANGULAR 11 /4x 61/4 ' 1 R -4390. 6 ` x24 1 3/4x 41/2 1 26 R -4403 8 x14 1 11 /2x 21/8 1 /2x11 /2 33 R -4405 8 x20 3/4 1 /2x 61/2 1/2 19 R -4407 91/4x171/4 1 11/4 1 44 R -4409 10 x173/4 11/2 31/2x 1 1 115 R -4410 10 x29 11/2 2 x 8 1 65 R -4420 10 AC 1' /8 1 x 8 1 70 R -4421 10 x40 11/8 11 /2x 81/2 1 77 R -4422 101/4x33 11/2 15 /8x 73/4 11/4 92 R -4423 101/4x511/2 1 3/4x 43/4 1/2 85 R -4425, 10 ?/4x193/4 1 V 2 x 2 1 60 R =9430 11 x20 2 11 /4x 9 1 55 R -4524 14 x24 1 21/2x 43/4 1 50 R -4525 14 x24 2 13/8x101/2 1 90 R -4527 141/8x305/8 1 13 %8x 121/8 7/8 52 R -4530 141,'2x22 2. 11/2x 51/2 11/4 90 R -4540 141/2x261/2 2 21/4x 4 1 90 R -4544 141/2x373/4 13/4 2 x 53/8 11/4 138 Convex 151/4x23 .15 /8 13 /8x 51/4 13/8 137 ■o■■ ■ RECTANGULAR (Continued) TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B G H Wt. R -4548 15 x201/2 lye 2 x 2 3/4 70 R -4560 15 x22 2 11/2x13 1 80 R -4570 15 x23 2 11/4x 5 13/8 100 R -4573 15 x30 21/2 11 /ex 51/2 1 210 R -4575 15 x36 1 }'gx 6�lu 3/4 80 R -4579 151/4x23 .15 /8 13 /8x 51/4 13/8 137 R -4580 151/2x19 2_ 11/2x12 1 100 R -4590 16 x20 2 11/4x12 1 105 R -4600 16 x23 2 11/4x 33/4 1 100 R -4601 16 x23 2 11/2x 43/g 1 120 R -4602 16 x23 2 11/2x 4 1 154 R -4603 16 x24. 1 15 /ex 51/2 1 90 R -4604 16 x24 11/2 2 x 4 7/8 88 R -4606 161/4x341/4 1 13/4x 51/2, 1 105 R -4607 161/2x193/4 1 11 /4x 61/4 ' 1 106 R -4609 161/,x21 2 11hx- 4 1 120 R -4681 18 x25 11/2 23/4x 7 11/4 80 R -4683 18 x25 2 2 x 4 1 132 R -4689 18 x271/4 2 2 x 63/4 1 158 R -4690 18 x271 /2 2 1 x14 11/2 175 R -4698 18 x36 13/4 2 x 4 11/2 185 R -4700 18 x36 13/4 2 x 4 11/2 185 R -4780 22 x37 2 2 x 8 1 185 R -4790 221/2x281/i 11/2 11/4x17 1 140 R -4800 23 x29 1 1 x17 1 125 R -4840 24 x36 2 2 x 43/4 1 190 R -4841 24 x36 2 21/8x.41/2 1 205 R -4842 24 x36 2 2 x 43/4 1 268 R -4843 24 X36 13/4; 13/4x 6 . 1 220 R -4860 27 x44 21/2 13/4x 8 11/2. 630 R -4890 28. x37' 2 2 x 8 1 210 Other special sizes quoted on request. In ordering replacement grates to be used in existing catch basins, be sure to. specify the exact size of opening in which' grates will be used. Combination of two or more grates of any certain size is often used to cover drainage area. Page 6.6 � ODF . MOM Prodmc N Co. 102 `U hwpo 30ding Wnfleapo us 2, M j N E E N A H — ° 1 S C O N S I N Special Drainage Grates R -4911 Series - Angle Frames For Drainage Grates p%\ 1HQM ,1111111.&N �'UNIN IE1�1Q1��, Angle Frame as shown can be furnished on any grates on page 66 in single or in combination. If specified the angle frame can be supplied with cast iron anchors. For anchor detail see page 75. 7!%7 �%�** Large Drainage Capacity Illustrating R- 4916 -C R -4915 Series - Rectangular Convex Grates OOF TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A F G H Wt. R- 4915 -A 24 x30 41/4 15 /8 11/2 175 R- 4915 -B 24 x48 41/4 13/4 11 /2 250 R- 4915 -C 341/2x341/2 6 11 /2 11/4 190 R -4916 Series - Earth Ditch Type Grates Illustrating R- 4916 -B \y Illustrating R- 4916 -A 1911 -F TABLE •4,6 'a Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B F G H R Wt. R- 4916 -A 34 23 10 11 /2x 6 1 141/2 165 R- 4916 -B 24 25 71/4 2 x111/2 1 93/4 100 R- 4916 -C 191 /2 24 9 11 /2x 7 1 141 /2 100 R -4917 - Basket Grate iin i • • i . • • • i i rein. For maximum .. • •• •• • 1 .• Page 67 Standard Type 7 Grate N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Building R- 4920 -1 Castings - Roof Drains IULK LONG SPIGOT r,OUTSIOE CAULK R-4920 Manufactured with tap for threaded downspouts or for caulking inside or or outside as shown. R -4921 Narrow grate openings to prevent refuse entering drain. connection. R -4930 - Floor Drain 12X12" PERFORATED LID Cat. No. Size R- 4930 -A to fit 4" soil pipe. 77- R- 4930 -B to fit 5" soil pipe. R- 4930 -C to fit 6" soil pipe. For other Floor drains see pages 78, 83, 88, and 92. We manufacture many miscellaneous building castings not shown including sill plates, chimney tops, door jambs, post plates, etc. Areaway Gratings Illustrating R -4942 Illustrating R -4946 Semi - circular or rectangular. Specified size and type. BUILDING a:s yj VA A °- TYPE A o: :1 BASEMENT WINDOW' Other special sizes on request. Send detail. Maximum strength and light penetration. Type A with lip to set on top of areaway wall. Type B to set in recess of areaway wall. Specify whether Type A or Type B is required. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. Design A B Table of sizes -- specify type required. CF 12x24 1 11/4 1/4 R -4941 , Conductor Notes R -4942 Half Round 20x40 11/4 11/4 R -4943 Cat. No. pipe size 11/4 R -4944 Halt Round R- 4920 -A 2" Specify if to be tapped for R -4945 Rectangular 12x24 1 R- 4920 -B 3" R -4946 Rectangular ;. 11/4 R- 4920 -C 4" threaded W. I. Pipe; if for in- 20x40 11/4 � a' 15 T�s R- 4920 -D 6" side or outside caulk; 4" stan- 11/4 R -4949 dard or 12" long spigot. Removable grated top that locks R- 4921 -A 2" Furnished for inside caulk in place. Large drainage capacity. R -4921- B 3" as shown unless otherwise Furnished with copper apron that R- 4921 -C 4" can be caulked into sump. R- 4921 -D 5" specified. For flat built -up roof construction. Provides sealed watertight R -4921 Narrow grate openings to prevent refuse entering drain. connection. R -4930 - Floor Drain 12X12" PERFORATED LID Cat. No. Size R- 4930 -A to fit 4" soil pipe. 77- R- 4930 -B to fit 5" soil pipe. R- 4930 -C to fit 6" soil pipe. For other Floor drains see pages 78, 83, 88, and 92. We manufacture many miscellaneous building castings not shown including sill plates, chimney tops, door jambs, post plates, etc. Areaway Gratings Illustrating R -4942 Illustrating R -4946 Semi - circular or rectangular. Specified size and type. BUILDING a:s yj VA A °- TYPE A o: :1 BASEMENT WINDOW' Other special sizes on request. Send detail. Maximum strength and light penetration. Page 68 Also used as ventilating, and shaft gratings. Type A with lip to set on top of areaway wall. Type B to set in recess of areaway wall. Specify whether Type A or Type B is required. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. Design A B Openings Bars R -4940 Half Round 12x24 1 11/4 1/4 R -4941 Half Round 1500 1 11/4 1/4 R -4942 Half Round 20x40 11/4 11/4 R -4943 Half Round 24x48 11/4 11/4 R -4944 Halt Round 30x60 11/4 11/4s R -4945 Rectangular 12x24 1 11/4 1/4 R -4946 Rectangular 1500 1 11/4 1/4 R -4947 Rectangular 20x40 11/4 11/4 T�s R -4948 Rectangular 24x48 11/4 11/4 R -4949 Rectangular 30x60 11/4 11/4 A Page 68 Also used as ventilating, and shaft gratings. N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N FLUTED PLAIN DESIGN DESIGN Cast Iron Down Spout Shoes (Rainwater Leaders) Specify if straight or offset required "O" = 21/2 ". R- 4957 -B C 4 Inside diameter 4 Inside diameter 30, 36, 42 & 48 Fastening lugs drilled %" as R- 4957 -C C 5 Inside diameter 5 Inside diameter 36, 42, 48 & 54 standard. Panel design furnished Building Castings 48, 54 & 60 if not specified otherwise. M M O SECTION SiRpI0N7 SECTION PANEL OFFSET DESIGN The schedule shows de- signs of cast iron down - shown. Casting a '" spout shoes which can tersunk for wood I ' be furnished from stand- .m quote special Standard width - 3 ", 31/2 ", 4 ", 41/2" and 5 ". types on inquiry. and patterns. These are Also other special sizes and designs as required. adaptable to various TYPE A TYPE B I TYPE C special requirements and if the castings shown do i not meet your specifica- ^ o tions send a sketch with dimensions and we will quote prices. r� 0 pa l:r TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. Type Bell Spigot "H" Laying Length R- 4955 -A A 3x4 3x4 24, 30, 36 & 42 R- 4955 -B A 4x5 3x4 30, 36, 42 & 48 R- 4955 -C A 4x5 4x5 30, 36, 42 & 48 R- 4955 -D A 5x6 4x5 36, 42, 48 & 54 R- 4955 -E A 5x6 5x6 36, 42, 48 & 54 R- 4955 -F A 6x7 5x6 42, 48, 54 & 60 R- 4955 -G A 60 60 42, 48, 54 & 60 R- 4956 -A B 2x3 2 Inside diameter 24, 30, 36 & 42 R- 4956 -B B 3x4 3 Inside diameter 24, 30, 36 & 42 R- 4956 -C B 4x5 4 Inside diameter 30, 36, 42 & 48 R- 4956 -D B 5x6 5 Inside diameter 36, 42, 48 & 54 R- 4956 -E B 5x6 6 Inside diameter 36, 42, 48 & 54 R- 4956 -F B 60 6 Inside diameter 42, 48, 54 & 60 R- 4957 -A C 3 Inside diameter 3 Inside diameter 24, 30, 36 & 42 FLUTED PLAIN DESIGN DESIGN Cast Iron Down Spout Shoes (Rainwater Leaders) Specify if straight or offset required "O" = 21/2 ". R- 4957 -B C 4 Inside diameter 4 Inside diameter 30, 36, 42 & 48 Fastening lugs drilled %" as R- 4957 -C C 5 Inside diameter 5 Inside diameter 36, 42, 48 & 54 standard. Panel design furnished R- 4957 -D C 6 Inside diameter 6 Inside diameter 42, 48, 54 & 60 if not specified otherwise. 2 x16 R -4965 Series C. I. Threshold & Standard sections Sill Plates shown. Casting R- 4980 -C drilled and coun- 10 tersunk for wood al screws if speci- fied. Can also TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D .m quote special Standard width - 3 ", 31/2 ", 4 ", 41/2" and 5 ". types on inquiry. Any length specified. Also other special sizes and designs as required. R -4970 Series Cess Pools With & Without Bell Trap TABLE. Dimensions in inches. ' Top Strainer Outlet Type A TypeB Size Dia. Dia. =- = R- 4970 -AA R- 4970 -AB 6x 6 41/2 2 R- 4970 -BA R- 4970 -BB 8x 8 61 /2 3 R- 4970 -CA R- 4970 -CB 12x12 10 3 TYPE A R- 4970 -DA R- 4970 -DB 16x16 13 4 WITH BELL TRAP TYPE B - PLAIN INSIDE OR OUTSIDE CAULK AS SPECIFIED R- 4970 -EA R- 4970 -EB 20x20 16 4 R- 4970 -FA R- 4970 -FB 24x24 20 6 Specify for inside or outside caulk. Also tapped for pipe if specified. R -4980 Series Swimming Pool Overflow Drains TABLE. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. Opening Depth R- 4980 -A 2 x16 10 R- 4980 -B 21/2x18 10 R- 4980 -C 21/2x20 10 R- 4980 -D 3 x24 10 Pool overflow drains are made in sizes to meet individual require- ments. Special sizes on inquiry. Page 69 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -4985 Mud Jack Sleeves The MUD JACK SLEEVE is a device embedded in the concrete high way to establish a permanent contact with the subgrade througl the pavement. It is used for pumping filler into voids occurring be tween the under- surface of the pavement and the surface of the sub grate and to prevent settling of the pavement. Filler may also be pumped under pressure for the purpose of elevat ing a slab that has settled below the plane of the road. The sleeve also offers a convenient method of inspecting the subgrade. The Sleeve which is in- Core plug used to phantom view of SLEEVE stalled on the subgrade close ends of showing how core or at the time the road is Sleeve. plug fits down into it under construction before when not in use. paving. Mud Jack Sleeves should be installed at the time the pavement is under construction wherever the nature of the soil or subgrade gives evidence of future trouble. They form a permanent part of the road- way, capable of withstanding road load and action of the elements. The Mud Jack Sleeve is designed to bond to the pavement slab per- manently once it is cast into the roadway. It also resists the vi- bration of the mud jack during the filling process, as well as the up- ward pressure of the filler during the jacking operation. Because Mud Jack Sleeves are manufactured in varying lengths ac- cording to the thickness of the roadway, they can be set rigidly and supported wherever located on the subgrade. An easily removable core or plug is provided which closes both the upper and lower ends of the sleeve. a� ry The special design of the plug makes it impossible for the filler in the subgrade below to back up into the sleeve. The sleeve is provided with a connection to which a hose nozzle may be attached in such a manner as to make a posi- tive connection to the Mud Jack or Pump. Inside diameter of sleeve is 25 /9". Length furnished to fit specified slab thickness. The Mud Jack Sleeve provides a smooth pavement - has pleas- ing appearance - will not de- teriorate - prevents necessity of damaging pavement for repair purposes - provides means of filling subgrades or raising pavements if necessary. Used on many prominent pro- jects thruout the United States including the approaches to the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. Wrench for use in locking or unlocking the closure plug. Also used for removing stake pin after installation. Stake Pin for anchoring the Sleeve in place during installation. When the slab is set, the tool can be removed and the regular cover placed in the Mud Jack Sleeve. This setting tool is of strong con- struction and can be used on many jobs. Hose nozzle which fits into the sleeve and provides a pressure - resisting connec- tion for pumping filler through the sleeve. Page 70 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Pipe Fittings Tees, Crosses, Bends, Reducers, Wye Branches, Sleeves, Offsets, Plugs, Caps, Specials. a Sizes 4" to 12" Inclusive, Class D Also radius and connecting ends for special purposes in Sewerage Disposal and Water Plant construction. In general, the specials follow the A. W. W. A. Standard requirements for dimensions, drilling templates, and pressure ratings. Special cast iron pipe fittings for industrial and municipal use. Includes special radius and inside bell diameters. ij R -4989 - Cast Iron Risers �� PIPE ORAIN FROM STORY WATER SOURCE SPECIAL C.1. RISER For drop connection - showing one method of installation. SEWER LINE IN STREET Can be used on either storm or sanitary sewers. Page 71 Low cost installation - elimi- nates deep sewer laterals. Asphalt Coated. R- 4989- A -------- 4 to 6" size R- 4989- B -------- 6 to 8" size N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Transverse Drainage Structures Illustrating flat type surface with curb box. Showing L Type Frame. R -4990 RECT. M.H. COVER i Note Anchor and Tie Lugs. C. 1. CURB BOX y All Castings r Asphalt Coated. The combination of cast iron grates and supports with or without curb inlets at each end is used successfully to drain a wide surface when water flows from both ways and converges on the low area where the drainage structure is located. For example this is used in the roadway in subway construction, on highways passing under railroad lines or on intersecting elevated highways. Castings are also furnished as a drain placed directly in front of loading doors and to rapidly drain airport runways, etc. FLAT DRAIN GRATES AND SUPPORT PF' SECTIONAL C.I. SUPPORTS P� BOLTED AT ADJACENT TIE =a POE INTEGRAL CAST ANCHOR LUGS -RIGID SSENBLY j o `yOPP LUGS SPACED ON R a O APPROX. 2' -O CTR'S. v: �'. SHOWING CONSTRUCTION WITH CATCH BASIN BACK OF CURB FLAT TYPE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE GRATE SUPPORT ORAIN GRATES a • o •o._ CATCH BASIN o : �• DISCHARGE PIPE ".L1. DISCHARGE END OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURE WITHOUT INLET OR CURB BOX Showing method of construction when no box or inlet is used at end of assembly. ANCHOR LUGS .l'v� L 1 WITH TWO BOLT JOINT TRANSVERSE GRATE OPENINGS Type of grate opening optional, furnished ac- cording to drainage requirements. A d v i s e requirements and we will furnish special shop drawings. Page .72 i I i I 0. \()° v O� SECTION Drainage struc- - -:o. SHOWING tares can he ANCHOR LUGS B C. 1. supplied flat or °L' SUPPORT to conform to o: any road crown specified. O O - O\N ` Bronze Bolts. TIE LUGS B BOLT ■ � v t� tlltt;• ■ ■ ■ ■ tttlttllttl_ ttttttttttttttttt;tt• ttttttttl■ ■ 'i � tttltt_ ;lt• ltttttttt■ ttttttlt• tttttttttttttttttttttttl0 tat• l. • ■ n L" SUPPORT) if WITH SINGLE BOLT JOINT B SPECIAL WASHER LONGITUDINAL GRATE OPENINGS i WITH TWO BOLT JOINT TRANSVERSE GRATE OPENINGS Type of grate opening optional, furnished ac- cording to drainage requirements. A d v i s e requirements and we will furnish special shop drawings. Page .72 i I i I 0. \()° v O� SECTION Drainage struc- - -:o. SHOWING tares can he ANCHOR LUGS B C. 1. supplied flat or °L' SUPPORT to conform to o: any road crown specified. O O - O\N ` Bronze Bolts. TIE LUGS B BOLT ■ � v t� tlltt;• ■ ■ ■ ■ tttlttllttl_ ttttttttttttttttt;tt• ttttttttl■ ■ 'i � tttltt_ ;lt• ltttttttt■ ttttttlt• tttttttttttttttttttttttl0 tat• l. • ■ n L" SUPPORT) if WITH SINGLE BOLT JOINT B SPECIAL WASHER LONGITUDINAL GRATE OPENINGS N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Transverse Drainage Structures Illustrating crowned roadway surface and Z type frame. Also curb inlet with adjustable box. Note Anchor Lugs. DRAIN GRATES AND CONVEX D: TYPICAL ' •? °:: SECTION OF .P : I C. 1. TYPE "r" e SUPPORT tl:: J 0 SHOWING BOLTS .p.'.:• Unless specified otherwise joint bolts are Bronze Hex. Head. The assembly is adapted for many purposes and is built in any width, weight or length and can be used on any drain- age area large enough to require a trench type catch basin cover. Write us giving requirements and we will be glad to offer suggestions. WITH C.B. INLET AND ADJUSTABLE CURB BOX CROWN TO COINCIDE WITH ROAD SURFACE %NOTE -BREAK IN SUPPORT AT GRATE JOINTS .1 PROVIDES FLAT SEATING SURFACE, ASSURING SATISFACTORY BEARING OF GRATE ON SUPPORT. y CATCH b X 2- STRIP LEAD GASKET FURNISHED WHEN SPECIFIED T .T--o --.•'. J -�� '. � moo •: . CROWN TYPE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE Type of Frames furnished on Standard Drainage Structures -- order type wanted. JOINT pill', o I l0� JOINT LUG I TYPE "Z" I TYPE "L" Ic-- - - - - -� I, Illustrating standard integral cast anchors on frame A is GRATE J , -o: C When ordering advise: - Design for medium or heavy traffic. Type of frame and grate: also data on curb construction. Size and length of drainage structure, flat or crowned. With or without bolts - if bolts required give type of joint, single or double. With or without gasket. Fiat type assemblies can be machined on bearing surfaces when specified. Grates are usually furnished bolted to eliminate rattle or displacement. They can also be furnished with lead gaskets if required. For light traffic or inside building use it is often unnecessary to bolt grates to the frame. Standard grate sizes shown. Also supplied with other special grates listed on page 66. For solid covers, see page 75. Page 73 I I o I I / I/ I ' I I / I ANCHOR TYPE "H" -- other types furnished if specified. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. A B C Length Overall R- 4990 -A 8 13/4 6 R- 4990 -B 10 13/4 8 N- 4990 -C 12 2 10 'd R- 4990 -D 14 2 12 R- 4990 -E 171/2 2 15 0 R- 4990 -F 201/2 21/2 18 R- 4990 -G 231/2 21/2 21 0 R- 4990 -H 261/2 21/2 24 a R- 4990 -j 291/2 21/2 27 R- 4990 -K 321/2 3 30 IV R- 4990 -L 351/2 3 33 U) R- 4990 -M 39 3 36 N R- 4990 -N 45 3 42 R- 4990 -0 51 3 48 * Made in approximate 4 ft. to 6 ft. lengths and bolted together at the lugs as shown. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -4992 Cast Iron Curb Guard View from street showing curb guard. Cast iron for this type of construction is approved and has been used for many years with success. Used for protection of concrete curb, traffic islands, column or wheel guards, loading platforms, driveways, etc. Showing heavy con- struction. Rear section imbedded in concrete at corner. Curb material will become damaged through excessive Design of casting requires no preliminary setting. Anchors abrasion or impact and logical prevention is to provide provide double security in concrete and are strongly braced, protective cast iron facing. eliminating breakage in handling during construction. The properties of cast iron curb guard allows resistance to Anchors are of correct base angle to provide proper setting impact, abrasion, and corrosion. In combination with the con - of curb face without tipping or adjusting. Bolts at joints pro- crete it presents a pleasing appearance. Forming labor in vide rigid assembly. construction is reduced. Note holes in anchor lugs - can be used for insertion of anchor rods DESIGN FEATURES AND VARIATIONS OF CAST IRON CURB GUARD w x R. A 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 ". =P .� ` } a °•:o. R.R. .o. .tl :. °. •, B 3/4 to 1 inch. 4' '. -•...�' ,:tip: -!i''� - _'s:- _-' °_'_'1aa P as ordered. - :.o- - is - R 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ". RR 1, I1/2, 2, 21/2 or 3 ". VIEW OF CAST IRON CURB GUARD VERTICAL CURB TAPER CURB ROLL CURB (FROM STREET) W 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 ". X° Furnished as JOINT AND BOLT specified to fit �P n curb. A �--- APPROX. IB- C. TO I APPROX. 6'-O"LENOTHS / Prices on request. INTERMEDIATE ANCHORS PLAN AT STRAIGHT SECTION OF CURB PLAN AT CORNER RADIUS Cast iron curb guards can be manufactured in various shapes and in convenient installation lengths. w00D BUMPER CORNER. ELEVATION ANCHORS C. I. GUARD ANCHORS C. 1. SECTION - FOR CORNER SECTION - FOR COLUMN CAST IRON BUMPER PLATES CAST IRON WHEEL & COLUMN GUARDS FOR CONCRETE FILL (FOR LOADING PLATFORM) Wheel Guards Column Guards* Specify if to be tapped for wood bumper bolts. Diameter 12, 15 or 18 inches 15, 18, 24, or 30 inches Height 15, 18 or 24 inches 10, 15, or 20 inches For other wheel guards see page 91. • Mode in 2 or more pieces for convenient installation. Bolted at joint lugs. Page 74 N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N _,a R -4995 solid & Crated Trench Covers Illustrating trench cover with Type L frame. Note anchor and tie lugs. When ordering give type of frame wanted and. if lid is to be solid, grated or for fill. D'."�'c' TRANSVERSE SECTIONS FRAME B COVERS MADE IN APPROX. 3'-C LENGTHS BOLTED AT JOINTS Illustrating trench cover with Type M frame. 4" pipe outlet. The trench covers are used over areas which require long drainage or cover assemblies. Supplied in various sizes and lengths to meet individual needs. When trench is not straight arrangement- can be made to supply any special requirements. TABLE. Dimensions in inches Dimensions Type H Type L A 8 to 50 8 to 50 " B 11/2 to 31/2' 11/2 to 31/2„ C 6 to 48 " 6 to 48 " D------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Length As ordered As ordered * Outlet pipe 4" I. D. unless otherwise ordered. 1Z�301t��1l�tC� �elf3YZN1xR11�i ;� SEE SECT SECTIONS APPR X. '-O"LONG For medium or heavy traffic. Specify requirements. .: .. ,.. ..a .-:o. TYPE 'Z' FRAME WITH GRATED COVER WITH COVER FOR ASPHALT, CONCRETE OR TERRAZZO FILL Type M* Type Z 111/4 8 to 50 1/2 to 3/4 11/2 to 31/2 10 6 to 48 " 6 ------ - - - - -- As ordered As ordered _ A A LONGITUDINAL SECTION AT END OF TRENCH WITH SOLID COVER SECTIONS THRU DRAINS TYPE L SECTIONS THRU DRAINS TYPE M i i I� SOLID GRATED Illustrating `type M with grated cover. - TYPE 'N' FRAME Specify if solid, grated or cover for fill re- ALTERNATE FRAME TYPES quired. Advise if castings are for heavy or DIMENSION SCHEDULE SAME AS TYPE L B M medium traffic. In ordering give required Page 75 sizes, also length. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -5001 Type A Pressure Valves & Gates R- 5001 -2 - Pressure Relief Valves For Sewerage disposal or concrete tanks. The water pressure forces the relief valve open and allows the water to enter the tank equalizing inside and outside pressure and thereby pre- venting tanks from floating. Pressure relief valves are furn- ished lead mounted or with solid bronze covers. They are manufactured with grate to prevent solids from entering the valve body. Note Type B valve for tank side can be removed from wall section for repair or remounting. This type requires less excavation during construction. TABLE Dimensions in inches. I. Flange Lid Cat. No. Type Dia. Dia. Dia. Length R -5001 A 4 6 63/4 1 Variable to fit R -5002 B 4 9 5 r slab thickness Manufactured in cast iron or solid bronze. Used as a discharge valve at bottom of tank, usually for flushing pur- poses. Released with hook. TYPE 8 TYPE R -5002 Type B ;,0' "•0. ;: 4'. °•, :x'40° :�.1' -•. •1: C: r UNDERDRAIN R -5003 - Dump Valve TABLE Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. I. D. E H R_- 5003 -A 4 9 6 R- 5003 -B 4 9 8 R- 5003 -C 4 9 10 R- 5003 -D 4 9 12 R- 5003 -E 4 9 14 Shear Gates - R-5OO5 Series - QQ R GAT J:SH:EA=E ZBELL ZFLAN(-;-E- Note various types. Order by number. E TABLE Lifting handle furnished Dimensions in inches. in lengths as ordered. Cat. No. I. D. L Seat R- 5005 -A 6 10 Standard p" R- 5005 -B 6 4 Bell R- 5005 -C 6 10 Spigot R- 5005 -D 6 4 Flanged R- 5005 -E 8 12 Standard R- 5005 -F 8 5 Bell R- 5005 -G 8 12 Spigot R- 5005 -H 8 5 Flanged R- 5005 -J 12 15 Standard R- 5005 -K 12 6 Bell R- 5005 -L 12 15 Spigot R- 5005 -M 12 6 Flanged Specify by number. Page 76 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Automatic Drainage Cates R -5050 Series TYPE SF TYPE CF TYPE FF Attached to concrete wall. Attached to corrugated iron pipe. Attached to flanged metal pipe. STANDARD GATES are furnished with vertical closure for maximum ease of operation. SPECIAL GATES are furnished off - vertical on any degree specified, the regular off- vertical being 1" to each 6" diameter. *(See Sectional Drawing) GATES are made of cast iron including the arms. All moving parts operate on bronze hinge pins. Bearing surfaces are machined assuring true fit. The cover is hung with cast iron arms located at the outer edge near the center of gravity resulting in sensitive operation and accurate seating. This construction produces a durable gate with maximum resistance to corrosion and a continued efficient operation reducing loss of head to a minimum. GATES can be supplied in small diameters with spigot end for caulking. Aluminum covers can be furnished for special requirements. � - N O z T LL m O � F m 0 N g N ycdllyyFF Size and dimension details. Attached to corrugated iron pipe Designed for efficient operation under severe conditions. R -5050 Automatic Drainage Gates TABLE. Dimensions in inches NAGE OUTLET N OF FLOW Off - vertical Gate attached to concrete head wall.* Diameter A B C D E F N S 6 91/4 11 13 11 11 /8 91/4 4 5/8 8 91/4 11 13 11 11 /8 91/4 4 5/8 10 111/4 131 /2 151 /2 131/2 11/8 111/4 4 5/8 12 131/4 157/8 18 153/4 11/8 131/4 4 5/8 15 161/4 19 21 183/4 11/8 161/4 4 5/8 18 191/4 221/8 241/4 221/8 11/4 191/4 4 3/4 20 221/4 251/8 271/4 251/8 11/4 221/4 4 3/4 21 221/4 251/8 271/4 251/8 11/4 221/4 4 3/4 24 251/4 281/4 301/4 281/4 11/4 251/4 6 3/4 27 281/4 311/4 331/4 311/4 11/4 281/4 6 1/8 30 311/4 341/4 361/2 341/4 11/4 311/4 6 7/8 36 371/, 411/2 431/2 411/2 13 /g 371/2 6 7/8 42 431/2 471/2 491/2 471/2 13/8 431/2 6 7/8 48 491/2 54 561/2 54 11/2 491/2 6 1 Asphalt Coated -- Prompt Shipment -- Write for Delivered Prices USED on drainage outlets where automatic stoppage of backwater pressure is necessary such as flood control, outfall gates, by -pass sewers, etc. Page 77 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Round Manhole Covers For Slab Illustrating R -6030 Heavy Grated Type Specify for heavy or medium traffic. Unless otherwise specified all frames will be furnished with solid lid. Bearing surfaces machined when specified. SOLID OR GRATED COVER For Lift handles see page 83. Locking lugs to prevent easy removal. Order if wanted. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C DD E F Wt. Cat. No. A B C DD E F Wt. R -6001 6 1 5 6 10 31/2 25 R -6040 24 3/4 22 231/4 30 31/2 160 R -6002 61/2 11/4 51/2 63/4 10 21/2 25 R -6041 24 15 /8 22 251/4 30 4 325 R -6003 9 1 8 9 12 21/2 30 R -6044 25 1 22 231/4 28 6 300 R -6005 123/4 1 11 12 143/4 21/2 40 R -6045 26 3/4 24 25 32 4 150 R -6006 13 3/4 113/4 14 17 21/2 40 R -6050 27 11/4 24 251/2 331/2 4 300 B -6007 14 3/4 12 15 20 21/2 60 R -6060 26 1% 24 27 36 51/4 375 R -6008 16 3/4 15 16 201/4 21/2 60 R -6065 26 13/4 24 26 30 6 375 14-6009 18 3/s 161/2 181/4 211/4 3/4 30 R -6070 27 314 25 261/4 31 31/2 175 R -6010 18 1/2 161/2 20 221/2 4 80 R -6074 29 11/4 261/2 271/2 35 31/2 200 R -6011 18 1/2 17 18 221/2 21/2 65 R -6075 29 13/4 27 29 35 6 475 R -6012 201/2 5/8 18 21 24 21/2 65 R -6077 32 3/4 30 311/2 361/2 6 300 R -6015 223/4 13/4 20 23 25 41/2 325 R -6078 33 2 30 311/2 391/2 6 600 R -6020 211/2 1 20 231/2 27 4 130 R -6080 331/2 3/4 32 343/4 37 4 350 R -6021 23 11/4 20 22 30 4 340 R -6090 371/2 3/4 36 381/2 421/2 41/2 375 R -6030 23 13/4 21 223/4 30 4 275 R -6095 381/2 11/2 36 38 49 41/2 650 R -6033 23 13/4 21 223/4 30 4 350 R -6097 44 1 42 431/2 48 6 600 R -6034 24 1/2 22 231/2 261/2 3 125 R -6099 50 1 48 491/2 54 6 850 Variations in dimensions "F" arranged on request. Specify for medium or heavy traffic. When ordering slab frames and covers, give number and state whether the medium or extra heavy weight is wanted. Unless otherwise ordered, we will ship the medium weight. over with special lettering to order. Illustrating R -6020 Coal Hole Cover Note concave slotted grates furnished on R -6050 R -6052 Series Page 78 Type R -6051 Cast Iron Ring and Cover for concrete, asphalt or terrazo fill. Furnished special only. For very heavy traffic. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F J K Wt. e R- 6052 -A 21 21/2 18 271/2 5 27/8 1 335 R- 6052 -C 23 11/4 20 291/2 4 21/2 1 340 �---44�-- R- 6052 -D 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 21/4 3/4 255 Tj _ H- 6052 -E 27 11/4 24 331/2 4 21/4 3/4 300 �- c R - 6052 -F 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 27/8 1 300 R- 6052 -G 27 21/2 24 331/2 5 27/8 1 495 R- 6052 -H 29 13/4 27 35 6 27/8 1 Also with grates -- see page 32 575 R- 6052 -J 33 2 30 391/2 6 27/s 1 600 Page 78 Type R -6051 Cast Iron Ring and Cover for concrete, asphalt or terrazo fill. Furnished special only. For very heavy traffic. Pi E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Round Manhole Covers For Slab Reservoir and Pit Frames and Covers U. S. Government Standard R -6150 Series Illustrating R- 6150 -B TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A C E F Wt. Notes R- 6150 -1 25 221/2 28 4 215 With 33" dia. bottom flange R- 6150 -A 273/4 24 293/4 6 230 R- 6150 -B 273/4 24 293/4 8 250 R- 6150 -C 273/4 24 293/4 10 275 R- 6150 -D 273/4 24 293/4 12 320 R- 6150 -E 273/4 24 293/4 14 360 R- 6150 -G 271/2 24 271/2 7 230 With 30" dia. bottom flange R- 6150 -H 34 30 36 91/2 410 R- 6150 -1 45 42 48 11 660 Note lid fits over flange on frame to prevent water seepage. Locking Device Furnished Only When Specified. R -6300 Series �— " Illustrating R- 6300 -A � � E Also supplied with checkered top lid surface. v R -6400 Series TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A C E F Wt. R- 6400 -A 113/4 10 171/4 4 90 R- 6400 -B 193/4 18 251/4 4-190 R- 6300 -A R- 6400 -C 27 24 331/2 4 300 R- 6400 -D 29 27 35 6 475 Also special -17' dimensions as required. Heavy construction. For special lift handles see page 83 o..:.. CONCRETE SLAB 6 2 -STEEL BARS IN Solid type furnished unless LIFT HAND Dimensions TABLE in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R -6300 141/2 3/4 13 16 11/2 50 R- 6300 -A 201/2 3/4 183/4 23 11/4 100 R- 6300 -B 24 3/4 211/2 261/2 11/4 140 R- 6300 -B1 27 7/8 24 30 13/4 190 R- 6300 -C 30 1 271/2 33 13/4 230 R- 6300 -D 32 1 30 361/2 _ 2 370 R- 6300 -E 39 11/2 36 42 21/4 475 R- 6300 -F 51 13/4 48 54 21/2 625 Also with grate ''/ R -6450 Series Light weight Frames and Covers, solid or grated to fit bell of vitrified clay pipe. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C DD E F For pipe Wt. size R- 6450 -A 9 1 8 9 12 21/4 30 8 R- 6450 -B 123/4 1 11 12 143/4 21/2 40 10 R -6450C 13 3/4 113/4 141/2 17 21/2 50 12 R- 6450 -D 16 3/4 143/4 173/4 20 21/2 60 15 R- 6450 -E 201/2 3/4 18 21 24 21/2 100 18 R- 6450 - F 211/2 1 20 231/2 27 31/4 130 20 R- 6450 -G 24 1 22 241/2 28 31/4 150 21 R- 6450 -H 27 1 25 281/2 31 31/2 175 24_ R- 6450 -J 32 3/4 30 311/2 361/2 4 300 27 R- 6450 -K 331/2 3/4 32 343/4 40 4 350 30 specs to wit gra e. Page 79 N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Round Slab Manholes - Pressure Type �✓ I I Also with anchor ringlike R -6475 if specified TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6460 -A 21 11 /2 18 271/2 5 275 R- 6460 -B 23 13/4 21 30 5 275 Pressure Frames and Covers for installation over pits and reser- voirs. Water. gas and steam tight. Furnished with rubber gaskets. Bearing surfaces and grooves for round rub- ber gaskets are ma- chine finished. BRONZE CAP R- 6460 -C 27 11 /4 24 331/2 4 300 Wt. R- 6460 -D 29 11 /2 27 35 6 475 325 R- 6460 -E 32 1 30 361/2 6 350 R- 6460 -F 331/2 3/4 32 37 4 350 R- 6460 -G 371/2 3/4 36 421/2 41/2 375 ROUND RUBBER OABNEi IN R- 6460 -H 44 1 42 48 6 600 MACHINED GROOVE R- 6460 -J 50 1 48 54 6 850 Specify for medium 27 or heavy traffic. Bolt R -6465 Series - Pressure Frames & Covers - Clamp Type Furnished with round rubber gaskets in machined groove. To remove lid, loosen clamps and make 1/4 turn. Note water tight lift handle in center of lid. TIGHTENING Gas Tight Frame and Cover. Quick access. For digester tank or pit construction. Bearing on gasket exerted from center of lid. For other pressure covers see pages 15, 20, 24 and 85 Page 80 C I \\\\\\\\��`J�� Note concealed water tight pickholes. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E EE* F Wt. R- 6464 -A 211/2 11/4 191/2 24 24 71/2 325 R- 6464 -B 22 11/8 20 24 241/2 81/2 350 R- 6464 -C 23 13/8 201/4 261/4 25 7 325 R- 6464 -D 25 1 22 261/2 25 6 300 R- 6464 -E 251/2 11/4 22 28 26 9 450 R- 6464 -F 26 1 24 273/4 27 8 350 R- 6464 -G 29 13/4 27 31 31 6 450 R- 6464 -H 351/2 11/2 33 371/2 37 7 525 R- 6464 -1 44 1 42 46 45 6 600 R- 6464 -K 50 1 48 54 52 6 875 Bottom Flange S TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat, No. A B C E F Wt. Number Clamps R- 6465 -A 14 3/4 12 20 21/2 70 4 R- 6465 -B 18 1/2 16 221/2 4 90 4 R- 6465 -C 211/2 3/4 20 27 4 135 4 R- 6465 -D 26 3/4 24 32 4 150 4 R- 6465 -E 32 3/4 30 361/2 6 300 6 R- 6465 -F 371/2 3/4 36 421/2 41/2 375 6 R -6470 Series - Pressure Frames & Covers - Bar Type TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in lbs Cat. No. A C D E F R- 6470 -A 21 18 20 25 5 R- 6470 -B 27 24 26 31 6 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Special Round Slab Manhole Covers R -6475 Series - Water, Gas, Steam Tight Covers with Inner Lid Water, gas, and steam tight manhole Covers with inner lid. Can also furnish without locking bar for frost pro- tection only. Also equipped with hasp for padlock, see page 85., Inner and outer lids and frames have machined bear- ing surfaces. Concealed water tight pickhole, bronze tightening screw, rubber gasket and channel iron bar. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6475 -A 16 3/4 12 20 6 125 Asphalt Coated R- 6475 -B 24 3/4 18 30 6 250 E R- 6475 -B1 25 1 20 28 6 400 R- 6480 -B R- 6475 -C 29 13/4 24 35 7 650 50 R- 6475 -D 32 3/4 27 361/2 7 500 m LL - -- - R- 6475 -E 371/2 3/4 33 421/2 8 625 48 R- 6475 -F 44 1 39 48 8 850 ANCHOR Anchor ring "A" for waterproof slab furnished R- 6475 -G 50 1 45 54 8 1200 ° RINO -A" ONLY when specified. R -6480 Series - Seal Frame & Bolted Lids Seal Frame and bolted lid with machined bearing surfaces and rubber gaskets. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds C GASKET For Sewage Disposal and Subway construction. Also bolted to bottom flange of manhole frames to create inner lid, water tight construction - seal groove for asphalt fill. R -6485 Series - Slab Manhole Frame and Lid with Inside Trough WATERPROOF - EASY ACCESS. Lid removed E A SECTION AT GRAIN OUTLET PIPE DRAIN SCREEN � TD REweR cAP Note trough and connecting drain for water seepage. Trough is tapped for drain pipe to connect with sewer. This construction keeps the pit dry. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. A B C bolt number Cat. No. A B C E F circle bolts Wt. R- 6480 -A 20 1/2 17 36 1 32 6 225 R- 6480 -B 26 3/4 23 42 11 /2 37 8 450 R- 6480 -C 35 1 32 50 13/4 45 8 575 C GASKET For Sewage Disposal and Subway construction. Also bolted to bottom flange of manhole frames to create inner lid, water tight construction - seal groove for asphalt fill. R -6485 Series - Slab Manhole Frame and Lid with Inside Trough WATERPROOF - EASY ACCESS. Lid removed E A SECTION AT GRAIN OUTLET PIPE DRAIN SCREEN � TD REweR cAP Note trough and connecting drain for water seepage. Trough is tapped for drain pipe to connect with sewer. This construction keeps the pit dry. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat.No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6485 -A 16 3/4 13 20 4 100 R- 6485 -B 24 3/4 19 30 4 200 R- 6485 -D 32 3/4 25 361/2 6 400 R- 6485 -E 371/2 3/4 31 421/2 6 500 R- 6485 -F 44 1 37 48 6 750 R- 6485 -G 50 1 43 54 6 975 No Bolts - No Gaskets Light Slab Frames and Covers for Grease Trap, Cess Pools R -6490- Series Lightweight Frames and Lids - solid or grated for coal hole, grease trap or drain purposes. For Lift Handles see page 83. A � SOLID /l GRATED TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. DRY TYPE Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6490 -A 13 1/2 12 17 11 /2 30 R- 6490 -B 18 1/2 16 22 11 /2 40 R- 6490 -C 20 5/8 18 24 11 /2 65 R- 6490 -D 22 13/8 20 27 23/4 170 R- 6490 -E 24 3/4 21 29 13/4 150 Page 81 Specify type of lid required. N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Square &. Rectangular Manhole Covers For Slab Square and rectangular slab type Frames and Covers for all purposes. For special locks see page 85. Illustrating R- 6660 -1 R -6660 Series - Square TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A A B C C E E F Wt. R- 6660 -A 12 x12 1/2 10 x10 181/2x181/2 4 75 R- 6660 -B 121/4xl2?/4 1 111/2x111/2 15 x15 6 110 R- 6660 -C 13 x13 1/2 12 x12 15 x15 3 60 R- 6660 -D 15 x15 5/8 13 x13 19 x19 4 85 R- 6660 -E 18 x18 11/2 16 x16 24 x24 41/2 130 R- 6660 -F 181/2x181/2 1/2 17 x17 23 x23 3 100 R- 6660 -G 20. x20 5/8 181/2x181/2 24 x24 4 125 R- 6660 -H 211/2x211/2 1/2 191/2x191/2 241/2x241/2 4 125 R- 6660 -J 24 x24 3/4 211/2x211/2 281/2x281/2 4 135 R- 6660 -K 251/2x251/2 3/4 24 x24 30 x30 4 150 R- 6660 -L 27 x27 13/4 25 x25 331/2x331/2 4 300 R- 6660 -M 30 x30 3/4 28 x28 34 x34 4 215 R- 6660 -N 32 x32 3/4 30 x30 37 x37 4 275 R- 6660 -0 138 x38 2 34 x34 42 x42 4 600 R- 6660 -P 38 x38 3/4 36 x36 43 x43 4 400 R- 6660 -Q 39 x.39 3/4 37 x37 44 x44 4 425 R- 6660 -R 44 x44 1 42 x42 49 x49 4 525 R- 6660 -S 50 x50 11/2 48 x48 56 x56 4 650 R- 6660 -T * 57 x57 11/2 54 x54 64 x64 41/2 800 "Frame in 4 pieces - Ud in two pieces. Cover with special lettering to order. Cover can be bolted to frame with bronze bolts. Also furnished with rubber or jute gasket. See pages 84 -85 for details of bolted down lids. All coatings listed are for light and medium traffic. Heavy weight furnished on special order. P p Type S - Hinged Streamlined Slab Cover. Furnished when ordered on most standard sizes shown above. Illustrating R- 6661 -L Hinges furnished only when specified. Extra charge for solid brass hinges. Also furnished with hasp for locking. State if ratchet is wanted. See lift handles on opposite page. Order type wanted. ALL CASTING ON THIS �- ADJUSTABLE PAGE CAN BE FURNISHED WITH RATCHET --> R -6661 Series - Rectangular TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B 13/4 C x31 E F Wt. R- 6661 -A 121/4x401/2 1/2 103/9x381/2 161/4x441/2 4 150 R- 6661 -B 14 x26 1/2 12 x24 15 x27 43/4 75 R- 6661 -C 18 x32 3/4 16 x30 20 x34 4 125 R- 6661 -D 20 x50 1/2 18 x48 22 x52 4 225 R- 6661 -E 211/2x241/2. 1/2 20 x23 26 x29 6 160 R- 6661 -F 241/2x341/2 7/8 20 x30 26 x36 51/4 350 R- 6661 -F1 26 x30 11/2 233/4X273/4 343/4x383/4 6 600 R- 6661 -G 251/2x281/2 5/8 24 x27 30 x33 4 225 R- 6661 -H 26 x32 5/8 24 x30 30 x36 4 250 R- 6661 -J 26 x38 5/8 24 x36 30 x42 4 300 R- 6661 -K 26 x44 5/8 24 x42 30 x48 4 325 R- 6661 -L 26 x50 5/8 24 x48 30 x54 4 350 R- 6661 -M 26 x62 1/2 24 x60 34 x70 4 800 R- 6661 -N 27 x63 5/8 24 x60 31 x67 6 475 R- 6661 -0 26 x32 13/4 25 x31 30 x36 4 300 R- 6661 -P 29 x32 5/8 27 x30 34 x37 4 325 R- 6661 -Q 29 x38 5/8 27 x36 34 x43 4 350 R- 6661 -R 29 x44 % 27 x42 34 x49 4 360 R- 6661 -S 32 x35 5/8 30 x33 37 x40 4 300 R- 6661 -T 32 x38 5/8 30 x36 37 x43 4 325 R- 6661 -U 32 x44 5/e 30, x42 37 x49 4 375 R- 6661 -V 32 x50 5/8 30 x48 36 x54 4 400 R- 6661 -W* 36 x60 11/4 34 x58 40 x64 6 600 R- 6661 -X 38 x44 5/8 36 x42 44 x50 4 440 R- 6661 -Y ** 44 x110 5/8 42 x108 52 x118 4 750 *' Frame in 6 pieces - Lid in 3 pieces. Modern - Practical - Safe. Note both lift ring and solid hinges are flush with top surface providing smooth walking. Hinges self clean- ing and concealed to prevent dam- age or removal when installed. STREAMLINED CLOSING POSITION ; UNINTERUPTED SMOOTH, NON-SKID TOP SURFACE Page 82 i / WHEN OPEN LID / REMAINS IN POSITION AS SHOWN WITHOUT USE, OF RATCHET OR I OTHER DEVISES OR STEEL HINGE PINS N E E N A H - W I S C O N S I N R- 6670 -1 Series Frames & Grates For Slab �i �` Illustrating R- 6670 -A Illustrating R- 6670 -B Illustrating R- 6671 -D Note small slotted openings satisfactory for vent or drain. Small openings pro- vide satisfactory walking surface. If for sidewalk specify small opening like R- 6671 -D. SQUARE TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E F G H Wt. R- 6670 -A 12 x12 1/2 10 x10 181/2x181/2 4 1 1 60 R- 6670 -B 13 x13 1/2 12 x12 15 x15 3 1 5/8 60 R- 6670 -C 20 x20 5/8 181/2x181 /2 24 x24 4 1 1 115 R- 6670 -D 24 x24 3/4 211/2411/2 281/2x281/2 4 1 1 125 R- 6670 -E 251/2x251/2 3/4 24 x24 30 x30 4 1/2 5/8 140 R- 6670 -F 32 x32 3/4 30 x30 37 x37 4 1 1 240 R- 6670 -G 38 x38 3/4 36 x36 43 x43 4 1 1 350 Grates also furnished special on other sizes. ALL APPROVED DESIGNS - RECTANGULAR TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F G H Wt. R -6671 A 14x26 1/2 12x24 15x27 43/4 21/2x43/4 1 70 R- 6671 -B 20x50 1/2 18x48 22x52 4 7/8x51/2 5/8 200 R- 6671 -C 26x32 5/8 2400 30x36 4 5 /8x5 1 210 R- 6671 -D 29x32 "/8 2700 34x37 4 5 /8x5 1 290 R- 6671 -E 2908 5/8 2706 34x43 4 5 /8x5 1 310 R- 6671 -F 32x35 5/8 3003 37x40 4 5 /8x5 1 310 R- 6671 -G 3208 5/8 3006 37x43 4 5 /8x5 1 350 Specify whether subject to light or heavy traffic. STREAMLINED BUTT HINGE - TYPE "R' HINGES- STEEL OR SOLID BRONZE HINGE PINS - � STEEL OR BRONZE Standard slab type frames and covers shown on pages 78 to 85 inclusive can be equipped with any of the above handles or hinges. Page 83 ORDER TYPE WANTED LIFT HANDLES — HINGES FURNISHED ON • LE FRAMES AND COVERS SPECIFY TYPE WANTED TYPE"A't-ROUND HOLE CONCEALED TOP SECTION TOP SECTION] TOP SECTION ♦,.� „� )IA HOLE STEEL OTR N�BRONZE WATERTIGHT RING DROP HANDLE DLE TYPE D BAR HANDLE TOP SECTION TOP SECTION STREAMLINED BUTT HINGE - TYPE "R' HINGES- STEEL OR SOLID BRONZE HINGE PINS - � STEEL OR BRONZE Standard slab type frames and covers shown on pages 78 to 85 inclusive can be equipped with any of the above handles or hinges. Page 83 ORDER TYPE WANTED N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Square & Rectangular Manhole Covers For Slab For slab or can be used as street type casting. R -6675 Series - Heavy Slab Manhole Covers TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E EE F Wt. R- 6675 -A 16 x49 1 14 x47 18 x51 24x59 8 950 R- 6675 -B 21 x33 3/4 18 x30 27 x39 2709 31/2 250 R- 6675 -C 221/2x30 5/8 21 x29 26 x34 27x35 43/4 240 R- 6675 -D 25 x25 7/8 22 x22 30 x30 34x34 6 300 R- 6675 -E 24 x25 1 22 x23 261/2x271/2 32x33 9 425 R- 6675 -F 241/2x421/2 3/4 22 x40 26 x44 31x49 4 375 R- 6675 -F1 26 x30 11/2 233/4x273/4 343/4x383/4 35x39 6 650 R- 6675 -G 26 x26 2 24 x24 27 x27 28x28 91/2 360 R- 6675 -H 27 x30 1 25 x28 29 x32 35x38 8 875 R- 6675 -J 33 x39 7/8 30 x36 34 x40 36x42 6 475 R- 6675 -K 36 x60 13/4 34 x58 42 x66 4802 6 600 R -6680 Series - Slab Manhole Covers with Bronze Bolts EXPOSED CTSK. Furnished as shown with countersunk or exposed bolts. With rubber or jute gasket when specified. Also with 8 or 12 Bolts. Supplied on any standard frames and covers shown on page 82 R -6685 Series - Machined bearing surfaces when specified. Slab Manhole Frame & Lid with Inner Trough .7 Waterproof -- Easy Access Illustrating R- 6685 -D with lid removed. E A� SECTION AT DRAIN OUTLET m LL N scneeN C LIVE oRAIK l:A. TO SE.'ER This casting provides watertight setting without use of bolts or gaskets. Easy access. Casting is watertight. Bottom trough is tapped for drain which can be extended for discharge into sewer. When specified furn- ished with bronze screen to prevent solids from entering drain. See Detail. TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6685 -A 15x15 5/8 10x10 19 x19 4 100 R- 6685 -B 20x20 5/8 15x15 24 x24 4 140 R- 6685 -C 24x24 3/4 18x18 281/2x281/2 4 150 R- 6685 -D 30x30 3/4 24x24 34 x34 4 250 R- 6685 -E 38x38 3/4 1 31x31 43 x43 4 500 R- 6685 -F 44x44 1 37x37 49 x49 4 600 An Excellent Casting for the Purpose. R -6688 - Special Slab Manhole with Double Lid 48 "X 48" 36" X 38' �— 24 "X24" viaroaagl\\\\\\\\\\� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'C� rrrrrrrari WEIGHT COMPLETE .• Special lettering if ordered. Note double lid. Center can be removed by one man. Fumished with vent holes as shown if specified. Page 84 i N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Square & Rectangular Manhole Covers For. Slab R -6690 Series - Watertight - Frost Proof Construction Illustrating Type A with Frost Pr( Anchor Ring furnished only when TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B C E F Wt. R- 6690 -A 20 x20 5/8 16x16 24 'x24 6 200 R- 6690 -B 24 x24 3/4 19x19 281/2x281/2 7 225 R- 6690 -C 251/2x281/2 3/4 21x24 30 'x33 7 325 R- 6690 -D 29 x32 3/4 24x27 34 x37 7 375 R- 6690 -E 30 x30 3/4 25x25 34 'x34 7 300 R- 6690 -F 32 x32 3/4 27x27 37 'x37 8 400 R- 6690 -G 32 x35 3/4 27x30 37 x40 8 450 R- 6690 -H 38 x38 3/4 3242 43 'x43 8 550 R- 6690 -1 38 x44 3/4 32x38 44 'x50 8 600 R- 6690 -K 44 x44 1 38x38 49 x49 8 700 Inner Lids can be supplied shown on special on page 82. additional sizes Illustrating Type B with Inner Lid and Locking Bar. For pit, tank or reservoir covers. Satisfactory for low steam and gas pressure. Bearing surfaces machined when specified. Type B furnished with Bronze tightening. wheel, rubber gasket, channel iron, and concealed type pickhole. ti��rxu�..e�jli C "ANCHOR Specify if anchor ring is required. For other square and rectangular manhole covers for slab see pages 19, 20, 21 i Slab manhole frames and covers can be fitted with locking device when required. We will assist in working out any problem for locking manhole covers to meet your particular needs. Above we show a few of the locking devices furnished with standard frames and covers. Page 85 TYPE A -TOP HASP TOP TYPE B - LIN DERSIDE HASP BOTTOM HINGES HASP HI NOES TSECTIONI' r TYPE E- COUNTERSUNK :, HOOKS STOP TOP F.H.OR HEX.BRONZE CAP SCREWS :. TO REMOVE -ROTATE To SLOT) r OM PENTAGON OR HEX.BOLT V :. SU—TION NOTE: HEXBOLTS NOT FURNISHED CTSK. ON LIGHT M. I i Slab manhole frames and covers can be fitted with locking device when required. We will assist in working out any problem for locking manhole covers to meet your particular needs. Above we show a few of the locking devices furnished with standard frames and covers. Page 85 N E E N A H F 0 U N D R Y C 0 M P A N Y Sewage Disposal Castings R-7500 Series - Cast Iron Stop Plank Grooves Stop log and stop plate grooves are used for a y variety of purposes and we have many stand- ard and special patterns covering a wide range of uses. When ordering give type of groove, size and length or diagram of channel construction. SECTION SECTIONS OF STANDARD Ek SOME SPECIAL TYPES o V. 0 Typical Channel 10:cWgj IN-- ON TABLE "Y" = 11/2, 13/4, 2, 21/4, 21/2, 3, 31/2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8". "Z" = 1, 11/4, 11/2, 13/4, 2, 21/2, 3, 4, and 5". Length -- Grooves cut to sizes as ordered. Type -- Order by type as shown - Type A supplied unless otherwise specified. OF CAST IRON STOP LOG GROOVES ANCHOR EARS ON APPROX. 18"CTR'S 0 2 a, 0 HOLES ON APPROX. ANCHORS ON APPROXAC C.TO C. 4 18'C. TO C. STANDARD STANDARD BOLT ANCHOR TYPE A TYPE B TYPE 'C TYPE D TYPE E V < -0 CORNER FLANGES ON APPROX. 12' CTRS. TYPE F TYPE G TYPE H TYPE J TYPE K TYPE M TYPE N TYPE 0 TYPE P TYPICAL VARIATIONS IN STOP LOG CHANNEL CONST. NOTE- FINISH ON CONNECTING SURFACES DETAIL AT JOINT- TYPE G R-7501 - Cast Iron Grooves and Stop Plates Cast Aluminum and Steel Plates Also Supplied. S GROOVE TABLE Dimensions in inches. O PLATE T — _IT Type V Type W 1! A Cat. No. A* B* S T Cat. No. A R S T CAST IRON OR 1; R-7501-AV '/4 '/8 R-7501-AW 15 71/2 1/4 1/8 SLOT TYPE LIF 1% R-7501-BV 1/4 R-7501-BW 18 9 3/8 1/4 HANDLES ARE OPTIONAL SECTION ALSO FURNISHED WITH CAST IN ANCHORS SQUARE - TYPE V ROUND-TYPE W SHEAR GATE & STOP PLATES WITH C.L GROOVES R-7501-CV 1/2 % R-7501-CW 24 12 1/2 3/8 R-7501-DV 5/8 1/2 R-7501-DW 30 15 1/2 3/8 R-7501-EV 3/4 '/8 R-7501-EW 36 18 5/8 1/2 R-7501-FV '/8 3/4 R-7501-FW 48 24 5/, 1/2 * Any size ordered. B - Any size ordered. Specify if plate to be cast iron, cast aluminum or steel. Give size and type required. Also indicate plate material and thickness. Page 86 N E E N A H W I S C 0 N S I N Sewage Disposal Castings R-7502 Series - Cast Iron & Cast Aluminum Wier Plates and Lips WEIR PLATE WEIR PLATE Cat. No. A B C D ADJUSTING 0 OLTS7 R-7508-A 123/4 31/4 41/4 7 2 R-7508-B 7 3 Design speeds oxidation. E ------ Uff PIPE TAP EIR To LIP MANHOLE C.I. MANHOLE STEPS WEIR PLATE WEIR PLATE Cat. No. A B C D ADJUSTING 0 OLTS7 R-7508-A 123/4 31/4 41/4 7 2 R-7508-B 123/4 31/4 41/4 7 3 Design speeds oxidation. E ------ Uff PIPE TAP EIR To LIP MANHOLE Showing standard method of installing adjustable wier plates. R-7503 Series - Areation Plate Holders The Plate holders are & used as an air outlet or water opening on acti- vated sludge systems. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. A B C D Pipe tap R-7508-A 123/4 31/4 41/4 7 2 R-7508-B 123/4 31/4 41/4 7 3 Design speeds oxidation. E ------ Uff PIPE TAP C= C=:, ------------ r �C�2 -4" C - I MI O .4- TABLE. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. 'A **B C R R-7502-A 12 9 R-7502-B 15 9 R-7502-C le 12 R-7502-D 24 12 R-7502-E 30 15 R-7502-F 36 15 *A Any size from 24 to 48" as ordered. **B Any size as specified. Other special sizes on request. R-7504 - Cast Iron r- A Baffle Plates Note rod hole for clean out. MORTAR Ae TOP SECTION L A r II INLET 11 II CLEANOUT T "O WATER 30" LINE L W011W U T_ SECTION IN UP C. 1. BAFFLE CATCH BASIN Asphalt Typical Coated Installation R-7505 Series - Diversion Dams . Cast Iron or Cast Aluminum TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. - -T A Cat. No. R-7505-A R-7505-B R-7505-C R-7505-D R-75 -E CM SECTION Dimension "A" 18 24 30 36 42 4. THRU CHANNEL : -F Other special sizes on request. construction some- Trench P LAN THRU times requires regulation of CHANNEL flow. This is accomplished cEE by use of diversion dams as V. illustrated. Specify size. 40 ;.6 Page 87 I N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y Sewage Disposal Castings R -7506 Series - Floor Boxes Floor boxes are placed in slab to provide access to extension stems which oper- ate gate valves, plug valves or sluice gates at a lower level. 6 "■ II % l 1% - C. 1. PIPE — R- 7507 -A TABLE Dimensions in inches. Cat. No. A B C E F" R- 7506 -A 51/1 1/2 4 7 Variable R- 7506 -B 61/2 1/2 5 8 Variable R- 7506 -C 71/2 1/2 6 9 Variable R- 7506 -D 91/2 1 /a. 8 11 Variable R- 7506 -E 111/2 1/2 10 13 Variable * Manufactured to dimension required. Specify slab thickness when ordering. R -7507 - Cast Iron Floor Drains C.1. PIPE R- 7507 -B E x'.07. eg •; D. 70 NUT PERATED VALVE OR IEOUIPMENT, Made in any length to fit slab thickness. Removable lid. R- 7507 -A Round and Rec- tangular types for inside or outside caulk. Specify type wanted. Grate removed. R -7508 - Cast Iron Funnel Diameter at top -- 12 inches Height overall -- 9 inches Bottom furnished for caulking or with inside tap for 2" or 3" W. I. Pipe. R- 7507 -B Used over discharge pipe or drip outlets. Cast iron construc- tion prevents rusting. R -7509 - Hinged Roadway Frames and Grates R -7510 Series - Cast Iron Pipe Supports When ordering pipe supports be sure to specify the size and Class of pipe to be used. On double pipe supports give the distance from center to center of the two pipes. Indicate Type and Sizes from chart shown below. e/ III- IUD E Castings furnished Q only for pipe supports. Pipe columns not included. I I TYPE F F I I Base Flanges cored for anchor bolts. � F % e Ill. Ill. �I TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D TYPE E (TYPE D Page 88 TABLE. Dimensions in inches. For light traffic. Cat. No. R- 7509 -A R- 7509 -B R- 7509 -C Size Outside 6x6 9x9 13x13 Suitable for building use fn Grate Diameter 5 7 101/2 roadway or garage. Clear Opening 41/2 61/2 10 Grate Thickness 1/2 1/2 1/2 R -7510 Series - Cast Iron Pipe Supports When ordering pipe supports be sure to specify the size and Class of pipe to be used. On double pipe supports give the distance from center to center of the two pipes. Indicate Type and Sizes from chart shown below. e/ III- IUD E Castings furnished Q only for pipe supports. Pipe columns not included. I I TYPE F F I I Base Flanges cored for anchor bolts. � F % e Ill. Ill. �I TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D TYPE E (TYPE D Page 88 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Typical Setting Use cast iron sump basins for durability and sanitation. Sewage Disposal Castings R -7511 - Dome Type Drainage Frame and Grate For disposal or .f ti 1 subway venti- lating shafts or I base drains. \ \� R -7512 - Cast Iron Pipe Screen FOR OVERFLOW PIPE Height ---------- 16 inches Width ---------- 16 inches Length 18 inches Openings -1 inch 6 - 3/4., holes for anchor bolts R -7515 - Cast Iron Sludge Shoes TABLE. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. R -7513 - Cast Iron Sump R- 7515 -C 22" 4 6 20 a.c. R- 7513 -.A A = 18" 11 13 15 Dia. at Base 14 R- 7513 -B A = 20" 16 R- 7513 -C A = 22' R- 7513 -D A = 24" G h o. �•" The sump may be used for either 'e•' bilge pump or single or double sew - age ejector pumps. For Grease Traps see page 60 `4 _ d. R -7515 - Cast Iron Sludge Shoes TABLE. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. R- 7515 -A R- 7515 -B R- 7515 -C Size Pipe 4 6 8 Laid Height 11 13 15 Dia. at Base 14 14 16 Specify if bell or flanged type wanted. These improved Sludge Shoes are extra strong, have maximum sludge opening, and the flare design reduces entrance losses to a minimum. Furnished with flange faced and drilled when specified or with bell of A. W. W. A. Standard. For Pressure Relief Valves see page 76 Page 89 IN E E N A H F 0 U N D R Y C 0 M P A N Y Cast Iron Underdrains For Trickling Filters R-7520 Channel Type 12"— jj3' j 3�2� �- 2 R-7525 Leg Type - t H 0 0 H _F C I COVER SECTION C-C CHANNEL TYPE Cast iron construction provides permanence. strength and maxi- mum clear opening into underdrain. A ENLARGED VIEW No obstructive area. Free openings and circulation. Strength and permanence. No replacement. Illustrating typical installations. Write for additional information. A C LEG TYPE— CHANNEL DETAIL OF FILTER BED GRATING C. I. COVER D SECTION D-D LEG TYPE Filter can be readily cleaned without dam- aging the bed. Free circulation of both liquid and air through filters. Adequate ca- pacity either her log or aci I B \,\: c el type. MEN a- MEMO _Mvmuw,�-O, Oranggaggg il SECTION A-A CHANNEL TYPE VIEW COLLECTION CHANNEL—/ V-6" WITNAW-O" OF CENTEn 9EYOYD 12*-Or CIA SECTION 0-8 LEG TYPE Construction view showing collection channel and opening. Close up of channel type grates, installed. Page 90 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Cast Iron Cleanout Frames & Doors Bearing surfaces of frame and door may be machined if required. Note one piece hinge pin and substantial bearings. Positive latch construction as shown. m i I / TYPE A TYPE e Specify type required. Note: Drilled holes for anchor bolts supplied only when specified. TABLE Dimensions in inches. R -7530 - TYPE A - MEDIUM Size A B F M N 10x10 10 10 2 2 2 12x12 12 12 2 2 2 12x16 12 16 3 3 3 16x16 16 16 3 3 3 16x20 16 20 4 3 3 20x20 20 20 4 3 3 20x24 20 24 4 3 3 24x24 24 24 4 3 3 24x30 24 30 4 3 3 R -7531 - TYPE B - HEAVY Size A B F M N 16x20 16 20 4 31/2 31/2 20x24 20 24 4 31/2 31/2 24x30 24 30 4 4 4 30x36 30 36 4 4 4 Cast Iron Wheel Guards Castings asphalt coated or if specified painted red lead. Specify by catalog number when ordering. Heavy construction modem design. Metal thickness to 1 ". Usually placed 1" below concrete for anchorage at base. R- 7530 -1 Series Illustrating Type B TABLE. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. A AA B C D E F G R- 7540 -A 12 18 6 2 2 R- 7540 -B 12 20 6 2 2 R- 7540 -C 12 24 6 2 2 R- 7541 -A 10 15 15 5 11/2 11/2 10 R- 7541 -B 12 17 17 6 2 2 12 R- 7541 -C 12 171/2 11/2 6 2 2 R- 7542 -A 10 12 15 __ R- 7542 -B 12 14 20 R- 7542 -C 12 14 24 R- 7543 -A 10 15 3 5 11/2 11/2 _ R- 7543 -B 12 18 4 6 2 2 _ R- 7543 -C 12 20 4 6 2 2 R- 7544 -A 10 12 15 3 _ 11/2 11/2 _ R- 7544 -B 12 14 18 4 _ 2 2 _ R- 7544 -C 12 14 20 4 _ 2 2 R- 7545 -A 10 20 4 5 2 2 R- 7545 -B 12 24 4 6 2 2 R- 7545 -C 15 28 4 6 2 2 Grout Holes supplied when specified. Anchor Holes 7 /g ", Intermediate variations in B 6 C dimensions furnished cored straight or countersunk as standard. arranged if requested. I i 0 �W _r F W F p A F� u I 1u j ' 1 `I O 1 1 m � I � iL 1 1 1 I I I I I i I I I 1 I 11 1 A A �--- A-A -+t A A-A 'I A R -7540 R -7541 R -7542 R -7543 R -7544 R -7545 Page 91 `.I N E E N A H F O U N D R Y C O M P A N Y R -7600 Sidewalk, Cutter & Trench Plates Illustrating sidewalk type plate. TABLE. Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds Cat. No. A B W R- 7600 -A 8 3/8 to 1/2 6 R-7600-B 10 3/8 to 1/2 8 R- 7600 -C 12 3/8 to 1/2 10 R- 7600 -D 14 3/8 to 5/8 12 R- 7600 -E 16 1/2 to 3/4 14 R- 7600 -F 18 1/2 to 3/4 16 R- 7600 -G 22 1/2 to 1 20 R- 7600 -H 26 _ 1/2 to 11/8 24 R- 7600 -J 32 3/4 to 11/4 30 R- 7600 -K 38 3/4 to 11/4 36 Length: Standard sizes 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 & 72 inches Specify if frame required. For additional detail of anchors, see page 73. A I W e, '�•' '•n:,. .. PLATE ONLY Illustrating street type plate. Note heavy reinforcing. In ordering advise if for heavy street When ordering indicate width, thickness, and gutter or medium traffic. opening plus overall length required. For other plate assemblies see page 75. R -7670 Series - Diamond Floor and Trench Gratings Table. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. Size Thickness R- 7670 -A 12x 12 1/2 R- 7670 -B 15x15 % R- 7670 -C. 18x18 3/4 R- 7670 -D 24x24 1 FOR DRAIN FOR FLOOR PROTECTION Diamond plates are laid in floor areas that are subject to heavy trucking and are invaluable in protecting the floor from excess wear. Concrete is poured flush with the top of the castings and the exposed iron protects the concrete. Can also be used as a drain over gutter. R -8000 Series - No. R- 8000 -A _ ________ ______ ___for 5 "x 5" pile No. R- 8000 -B __ _____ ___ __ _ _ ___ _for 6"x 6" pile No. R- 8000 -C ------------------ for 7 "x 7" pile No. R- 8000 -D _ ____ _____ ________for 8 "x 8" pile No. R- 8000 -E _________ ___ __ ____for 10 "x10" pile No. R- 8000 -F ___ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___for WITH =E No. In ordering advise if for heavy street When ordering indicate width, thickness, and gutter or medium traffic. opening plus overall length required. For other plate assemblies see page 75. R -7670 Series - Diamond Floor and Trench Gratings Table. Dimensions in inches Cat. No. Size Thickness R- 7670 -A 12x 12 1/2 R- 7670 -B 15x15 % R- 7670 -C. 18x18 3/4 R- 7670 -D 24x24 1 FOR DRAIN FOR FLOOR PROTECTION Diamond plates are laid in floor areas that are subject to heavy trucking and are invaluable in protecting the floor from excess wear. Concrete is poured flush with the top of the castings and the exposed iron protects the concrete. Can also be used as a drain over gutter. R -8000 Series - No. R- 8000 -A _ ________ ______ ___for 5 "x 5" pile No. R- 8000 -B __ _____ ___ __ _ _ ___ _for 6"x 6" pile No. R- 8000 -C ------------------ for 7 "x 7" pile No. R- 8000 -D _ ____ _____ ________for 8 "x 8" pile No. R- 8000 -E _________ ___ __ ____for 10 "x10" pile No. R- 8000 -F ___ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___for 6" round pile No. R- 8000 -G -- ---- ---- ---- - -- -for 8" round pile Prompt shipment of any requirements. Illustrating R- 8010 -A Semi Steel Pile Points Protect wood piles while driving. Band iron straps cast solid in semi -steel points. Straps drilled on 6 -inch centers for nailing to pile. Band iron straps of varying sizes for each point. Standard straps 18 inches to 24 inches long. R -8010 - Cast Iron Lids - 18 Inch TABLE Dimensions in inches. Weight in pounds. Also furnished with light weight frame. Cat. No. B Wt. R- 8010 -A* 1/4 20 R- 8010 -B* 1/2 40 R- 8010 -C ** 1/4 20 R- 8010 -D ** 1/2 40 * Solid type. ** With 6" grated center. For detail of typical manhole see page 87. Illustrating R- 8010 -C Customer's name cast on plates without extra charge in lots of 100 or more. Page 92 N E E N A H — W I S C O N S I N Cast Iron & Cast Aluminum Street Signs Double -Faced Signs R -9000 Series Quotations on request. COLORS Two coats weather- resist- ing enamel. Federal yel- low background, black let- ters. Black back - ground, white letters. Black back- ground, aluminum letters. _ Aluminum background, black letters. Any other c o l o r combination t of order. STANDARD POST " Redrawn seamless steel tubing; 9 gauge; 10 feet . It long; 214 inches outside t diameter. Corrugated or plain. Illustration shows corrugated post. BRACKETS Cast brackets to fit any size post. Send for drawings. —Ti 5"T AVE Illustrating f o u r- way sign at right angles. Also furn- ished in single plate and triple plate signs. Specifications Raised letters 3 inches high, -,- inches wide and inches thick. Plates fit one into the other by means of octagon inter- locking members, secured with hollow -head set screws. Octagon interlocking member makes rigid assembly for setting sign plates at any intersecting street angle. Post cap cast solid with bottom plate and fits over the upright post or bracket and secured with hollow -head set screws. Also furnished with block numbers. We Also Manufacture Cast Iron and Cast Aluminum Parldng and Arterial Signs. BEAUTIFUL - SUBSTANTIAL - DURABLE - ECONOMICAL Page 93 N E E N A H F O U N DRY C O M P A N Y Grate Bars— Stoker Repair Parts Grates For Any Type of Boiler or Stoker r �►rr► �If 'II YII '1 s F� R t • -oil a"i N/ ` et! 41. • 1�r � I. We specialize in Grate Bar castings and have patterns for many different sizes and types of boilers and stokers. These castings are made from a special metal analysis which gives maximum service under operating conditions. Our grates will last much longer than the usual type of grate bar made from cheap scrap iron. Also special fire place grates, andirons, etc. AYLCO HEAT RESISTING IRON SPECIAL ANALYSIS INSURES UNIFORM HIGH QUALITY Page 94 •., • sai . • A# _• ., .. • t • -oil a"i N/ ` et! 41. • 1�r � I. We specialize in Grate Bar castings and have patterns for many different sizes and types of boilers and stokers. These castings are made from a special metal analysis which gives maximum service under operating conditions. Our grates will last much longer than the usual type of grate bar made from cheap scrap iron. Also special fire place grates, andirons, etc. AYLCO HEAT RESISTING IRON SPECIAL ANALYSIS INSURES UNIFORM HIGH QUALITY Page 94 N E E, N A H - W I S C O N S I N' Page A Adjustable Inlets ------ 34 to 51 inclusive Anchors ___________ __ 27 Angle Frames, Cast Iron -------- 17 -21 -67 Areaway Gratings __________68 Grease Traps ______ _________________60 Automatic Drainage Gates____ ------ 77 B Gutter Inlets-- ___52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57 -58 -59 Baffle Plates ------------------------ 87 Basket Type Grates ----------------- 67 Beehive Drainage Grates ---------- 65 -89 Beehive Frames and Grates ---------- 32 Bell Telephone Manholes ------------- 14 Bridge Drains ----------------- 53-62-63 Bumper Plates ______________________74 13-24-26 C 76 Cast Iron Manhole Steps 26 Catch Basin Covers ___28- 29- 30- 31 -32 -33 Catch Basin Covers, Beehive -------- 32 Catch Basin Covers, Concave 32 Catch Basin Covers, Convex ----- 31-32 Catch Basin Covers, Large ---------- 33 Catch Basin Hoods _____- -___61 Catch Basin Inlets ---- 34 to 59 inclusive Inlets - Catch Basin ---- 34 to 59 inclusive Catch Basin Inlets, Milwaukee Stand. 41 Catch Basin, Sanitary Type ------- 50 -51 Catch Basin Traps _________________61 58 -59 Cemetery Manhole and 25 Catch Basin Covers _________11, 30, 52 Cess Pool --------------------------- 69 Chicago Castings 10- 16- 23- 56- 58- 59 =60 -92 Chicago Board of Education Castings 32 Cleanout Frames and Doors__ _91 Cleanout Pipe _________ __ ___________60 Leaders, Rainwater ----------------- Coal Hole Frames 6 Covers_______ 78 -85 Columbus Inlet ________ ____________46 Lids, Perforated _____________ ________64 Column Guards _____________________74 Lift Handles __________________ Concave Inlets ------------------- 40-52 Conduit Boxes ----------------------- 22 Covers with Angle Frames________ 17 -21 Curb Guards ______ _______________ __74 Curb Openings --------------------- 57 D Manhole Covers -------------- 6-7 to 27 Detroit Standard Manhole ------------ 12 Dirt Pans _________ __________________27 Diversion Dam ______ _______________87 Dome Type Frames and Grates ------ 89 Doors, Ash Pit ----------------------- 91 Double Lid Frames and Covers ------ 15 Downspouts ________________________69 Manhole Covers, Reservoir -------- Drainage Gates ________________ ____77 Drainage Grates ----------- 64-65-66-67 Drainage Structures -------------- 72-73 Dump Valve ___ _____________________76 E _ ____93 Earth Ditch Grates ------------------- 67 F 80-81 Filter Bed Drains_ ------------------- 90 Flap Valve _________________________60 for Slab ------------------ 82-83-84-85 Flint Manhole ______________________12 Floor Boxes _______________ ____ ______88 Floor Drains ---------------------- 68-88 Floor Grates _______________________ _92 Floor Plates _________________ _______ _92 Flush Valves ________________________60 Manholes, War Dept. Castings ------ Frames and Covers, Slab Type ---- 78 -83 Frost Proof Covers ------------- 15 -20 -85 Funnel ------------------------- - - - -88 G Milwaukee Castings -------------- Garage Basins --------------------- 60 Gates, Automatic Drainage ---------- 77 Gates, Shear _______________ _________76 Monument Boxes _______ ____________25 .Grates with Angle Frames ------------ 67 Grate Bars ---------------------- - - - -94 Grates, Basket Type ----------------- 67 Grates for Bell of Sewer Pipe ---- 62 -64 -65 Grates, Earth Ditch Type ------------ 67 Grates, Round ________ ______________64 Pavement Anchors _____ _____ ________27 INDEX Page 95 Page Grates, Square and Rectangular ------ 66 Grease Traps ______ _________________60 Pipe Screens ___ ________ ____________89 Grooves, Stop Plank ----------------- 86 Gutter Inlets-- ___52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57 -58 -59 Gutter Inlets, Concave ---------- 40-52-59 Gutter Inlets, Rectangular ------------ 55 Gutter Inlets, Special ------------- 56-57 Gutter Inlets, Square ---------------- 54 Gutter Plates ____________________ ___92 H Hammond Standard ----------- 13-24-26 Handles, Lift ________________________83 76 Hinges----------------------------- 83 Hoods, Catch Basin ------------------ 61 Hydrant. Manhole Covers ------------ 22 I 20 -24 -25 Illinois State Castings-- 10-11-26-30-44-45 47- 49- 53- 56- 57- 58- 59- 63- 65 -66 -67 Indiana State Castings 63-87 __ 11- 25- 26- 31- 48- 52- 61- 63 -65 =67 Indianapolis Castings 11- 31- 26- 61 -63 -65 Inlet Bowls ._ _____________________ _ __41 Inlets - Catch Basin ---- 34 to 59 inclusive Inlet Elbows ------------------------ 41 Inlets Rectangular ---------- 53-54-56-57 Inlets for Roll Curb ---------------- 58 -59 Inspection Frames and Covers_______ 25 Iowa State Castings 16- 26- 42- 59- 65 -67 -78 L 50 -51 Lamphole Covers _______ ____________25 __ -___89 Large Catch.Basin Inlets______ --- 47-49 Large Frames and Covers --------- 14 -15 Leaders, Rainwater ----------------- 69 Lids, 18" ---=-------=------------ - - - -92 Lids, Perforated _____________ ________64 62 -64 -65 Lift Handles __________________ ______83 Locking Devices ________ ____________85 Locking Frames and Covers_______ 15 -20 M Slab Frames and Covers, Manhole. Anchors __ _______27 Special -------------------- 80-81-84-85 Manholes for Concrete Fill -------- 17 -78 Manhole Covers -------------- 6-7 to 27 Manhole Covers with Grates ---- 19 -28 -33 Manhole Covers, Hydrant ------------ 22 Manhole Covers, Pressure Type --- 24 -80 Manhole Covers, Rectangular ----- 19 -21 Manhole Covers, Rectangular ____ ________ ______ 17- 18- 20- 21- for Slab --------------------- 82-84-85 Manhole Covers, Reservoir -------- 25 -79 Manhole Covers, Round Steps, Manhole and Catch Basin ----- 26 for Slab ------------------ 78-79-80-81 86 Manhole Covers, for Slab, Light Weight _____________________79 _ ____93 Manhole Covers for Slab, Pressure Type ------------------ 80-81 Manhole Covers for Slab, Trough--81-84 Manhole Covers, Square T for Slab ------------------ 82-83-84-85 Thimbles, Manhole ______ Manhole Covers, Small Size_________ 16 Manhole Covers, Square-- 18-20-23-82-85 Track Drains ----------------------- Manhole Dirt Pans ------------------- 27 Manhole Lids _____ ________ __ ________22 Manhole Steps __ ___________________ _26 Manholes, War Dept. Castings ------ 8 -9 Meter Covers __________________ ____23 Michigan State Castings Turtle Back Frames and Grates ____________________ 12- 25- 26- 43 -61 -65 Milwaukee Castings -------------- 10-41 Minneapolis Castings _ __13 -33 -45 Minnesota State Castings ---- 13- 26 -33 -45 Monument Boxes _______ ____________25 V Mud Jack Sleeves___- _______ _________70 Valve Covers __________________ N Valves, Dump ------------------- Non - Rocking Manhole Covers ------- 4 -5 P Ventilated Manhole Covers ---- Park Frames and Covers ---------- 11 -30 Pavement Anchors _____ _____ ________27 War Department Castings -------- Perforated Lids _________ ____________64 Water Fittings ___________ Page 95 Page Pile Points -------------------------- 92 Pipe Fittings, Special __ ___71 Pipe Screens ___ ________ ____________89 Pipe Supports ------------------- - - - -88 Plate Holders _____________ __________88 Plates - Sidewalk, Street, Floor, Gutter ____________ ------ 75-92 Pool Drains ________________ _________69 Pressure Frames and Covers ------- 15 -24 Pressure Frames and Covers for Slab _____________ 80 -81 -85 Pressure Relief Valves --------------- 76 R Rainwater Leaders __________________69 Rectangular Drainage Grates ----- 66 -67 Reservoir Covers _____ 20 -24 -25 Risers ------------------------------ 71 Roadway Drains ----------------- 63-87 Roll Type Inlets ------------------- 58 -59 Roof Drains ------------------------- 68 Round Drainage Grates ---------- 64 -65 S Saint Louis_ Castings ---------- 13-16-79 Saint Paul Castings ------------ 13 -33 -45 Sanitary Catch Basins --- _-------- 50 -51 Screens ______________ __ -___89 Scuppers --------------------------- 63 Seal Frames and Covers 81 Sewage Disposal Castings _____ _______ _ ___ ____ 86- 87- 88- 89 -90 -91 Sewer Pipe Grates ------------- 62 -64 -65 Shear Gates '_____________ ________ ___76 Sidewalk Plates --------------------- 92 Sill Plates __ ________________________69 Slab Frames and Covers, Special -------------------- 80-81-84-85 Sludge Shoes ___ ____________________89 Soil Pipe. Grates --------------------- 63 Square Drainage Grates ------------- 66 Square Gutter Inlets, Rectangular-54-55 Square Manhole Covers ____ ________ ______ 17- 18- 20- 21- 23 -82 -85 Standard Catch Basin Covers ------ 28 -29 Standard Manhole Covers ----------- 6 -7 Steps, Manhole and Catch Basin ----- 26 Stop Plank Grooves ------------------ 86 Street Plates _______________ _________92 Street Signs _________________ __ _ ____93 Sump, Cast Iron ____________________89 Supports, Pipe ------------------ - - - -88 Swimming Pool Overflow Drains ------ 69 T Thimbles, Manhole ______ 78 -85 Thresholds _____________ _____ _______69 Track Drains ----------------------- 53 Transverse Pavement Drains ------ 72 -73 Traps, Bell Floor -------------------- 69 Traps, Catch Basin __________________61 Trench Covers_______________ 72- 73 -75 -92 Turtle Back Frames and Grates ------ 65 U Under Drains ________ ______90 U. S. Government Inlets _____________40 U. S. Government Manholes --------- 8 -9 V Valve Covers __________________ ____23 Valves, Dump ------------------- - - - -76 Valves, Pressure Relief -------------- 76 Ventilated Manhole Covers ---- 13 -16 -64 W War Department Castings -------- 8 -9 -40 Water Fittings ___________ -___71 Water Meter Covers ____________ ___23 Well Covers --------------------- 78-85 Wheel Guards ------------------- 74-91 Wier Plates --------------------- - - - -87 Wisconsin State Castings ____ 7- 21- 26- 42- 43- 52- 54= 57- 59- 61 -62 -65 Adler Steel Products Co. 402 Thorpe Building Minneapolis 2, Minnesota NOTE WE have patterns for most types of iron castings used in general construction work, including Threshold and Blast Plates Column and Flue Bases Railing and Floor Flanges Angles and Wedges Circles and Squares Anchors, Bars and Blocks Pulleys and Pipe Flanges Crucibles and Concrete Breakers Lead Pots and Chimney Tops Ball Tops and Spear Tops for Posts IF YOU have not found a casting in this catalog that conforms to your specifications, send us a drawing and we will quote delivered prices. GREY IRON - ALUMINUM - SEMI -STEEL 2 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS C-OMPILK&A of Rental for CONSIMUCTION E To Be Used For INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY FOURTH EDITION 1947 v �wMF v ti� F y _ rs►•_5t10L PROARM BY i RENTAL COMMITTEE ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS Price, $3.00 Per Copy - Copyright (1947) Associated Equipment Distributors PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT . PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT FOREWORD We publish this Associated Equipment., Distributors Rental Schedule for the information and convenience 'of Equipment Distributors and others who may have need for such information. Rental rates vary greatly throughout the United States, de- pending upon local practices and conditions.. The following, schedule of prevailing rental rates represents as nearly as could be determined an over -all average of the . rental' rates through- out the United States for specific pieces of equipment. Most ' of the information incorporated in this schedule was obtained from individual distributors, but where such information was not easily obtainable, reliance was placed upon the rental schedules adopted by the Office of Price Administration for the- construc- tion equipment industry and those fixed by Quartermaster General's Office of the War Department. In both of these latter cases some of the rates were adjusted where a substantial num- ber of , distributors indicated that 'due to changes in economic conditions such adjustments were in fact made. The need for such a rental schedule has been recognized throughout the industry for many years and will. prove to be of immeasurable benefit, not only to, distributors, but to con- tractors and others engaged in construction work. It should be emphasized that this schedule is being published for informational purposes only and not to suggest or to influence the rates or' terms of rental of any item of equipment, as this is a matter which must be determined by the lessee and the lessor of the equipment involved. This schedule will be revised or supplemented from time to time on the basis of representative samplings made, among various distributors in different parts of the United States, in order to reflect. changes in rental rates and ' terms that have taken place. We wish to take this opportunity to thank each of the mem- bers of the industry who have contributed to this schedule. Printed to U. S. A. ELDON M. FARNUM, ; Chairman, Rental Committee, Associated Equipment Distributors. VON HOFFMANN PRESS PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. R MEMBER —3— CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT EXPLANATORY KEY 70 SCHEDULE The rates in the schedule are based upon one shift of 8 hours per day, 56 hours per week, or 240 hours per month of a 30 consecutive day period. If the equipment is rented by the day, the rate for overtime is one - eighth of the daily rate for each hour in excess' of eight; if it is rented by.the week, the rate for overtime is 1 /56th of the weekly rate for each hour in excess of 56; and if it, is rented by the month the overtime rate is 1 /240th of the monthly rate for each hour in excess of 240 hours in any one 30 consecutive day period. The lessor bears the cost of repairs due to normal wear and tear on non- tractor equipment, while the lessee bears the cost of repairing such equipment due to care- less operation. Whether repair is necessary because of ' normal wear and tear or because of careless operation is decided by mutual agreement between the lessee and lessor. As for tractor equipment the lessee bears all cost of maintenance and repair. These principles are applied at all times when the equipment — tractor or non- tractor —is delivered to - the job in first -class operating condition. The equipment rented is to be delivered to lessee in good repair, clean, and in good operating condition... Equipment rented is to be returned to lessor in as nearly as possible the same condition as delivered. Where excess cleaning or repairs are necessary, many lessors have made additional charges for this cleaning and repairs.. The rates in the schedule are all f.o.b. the lessor's warehouse or shipping point, the lessee paying the freight from shipping point to destination and the return freight at the expiration of the rental period. When loading or unloading charges are nec- essary for loading on a car, or unloading from a car, the lessee pays this additional charge. When equipment is rented locally, the lessee pays drayage from the ware- house to the job and return drayage from the job to the warehouse, as well as all loading and unloading charges on the job. On local rentals the rate starts when the equipment leaves the lessor's ware- house and stops when'it is returned -to such warehouse. On out -of -town shipments the rental starts on the date of the bill of lading of shipment and stops on the date of return to lessor's siding or receiving ,point. All costs of operation, except when particularly noted, are paid by the lessee. Rentals are payable in advance and subject to the terms and conditions of the lessor's rental contract. The above is for informational purposes only to explain what the normal terms of rental are and is not to suggest or to influence the rates or terms of rental of any item of equipment, as this is a matter which must be determined between the, lessee and lessor of the equipment involved. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER IWI'M CONSTRUCT 'BY - CONTRACT THE FUNCTIONS OF A CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR THE FUNCTIONS OF A CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR are many and . varied, and all contribute to the successful and uninterrupted operation of the gigantic construction industry which builds the highways, airports, dams, railroads, factories and homes of our nation. In most cases the Equipment Distributor is a local man who sperids a lifetime building up his business. The Equipment Distributor is a business specialist, having an extensive knowledge of business conditions, approved construction methods and time- saving machinery. His knowledge speeds production and reduces construc- tion costs. The successful Equipment Distributor carries a complete inventory of new, used and rebuilt machines, accessories, and a well balanced stock of repair parts with which to adequately serve his customers. He also maintains a force of trained mechanics and a well equipped, fully tooled service department for handling emergency repairs and making periodic overhauls of construction equipment. -These experienced service men also train the operators of new machines, and educate mechanics in proper maintenance methods and assist owners to make their equipment last longer and pro- duce more at. a cheaper cost. Various types of machines and different job applications require special engineer- ing services' which the Construction Equipment Distributor can and does willingly pro- vide. The introduction of new machine developments revolutionizing operations in the construction field has been a responsibility of the Equipment Distributor who must promote, demonstrate and educate, in advance of actual adoption and use. The Equipment Distributor provides a bureau of statistical information, not only on construction equipment, but also on jobs let, jobs being figured, jobs contemplated and jobs completed. His storehouse of technical and practical information which is readily. available to contractors and others, is made possible by his continuous contact with numerous and varied jobs. The well - founded Equipment Distributor provides a source of financial assistance to both manufacturer and consumer which would be less easily obtainable from any other source. In a vast majority of cases he stocks machines, buying from the manu- facturer and leveling out the peaks and hollows of seasonable requirements. Then in turn he finances the sale of equipment to users, extending terms of payment and carry- ing time paper. These are only a few of the regular functions of the Construction Equipment Dis- tributor and are those which make it possible for manufacturers to market their equip- ment on an efficient, economical basis; and users to obtain service from a reputable, local institution which could not be made available to them through any- other method of distribution. The Equipment Distributor is a strong link in the chain of construction equipment designing, manufacturing, merchandising and operating, which has suc- cessfully stood the test of time. RENTAL COMOTTEE, A. E. D. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER _5� I When ordering additional copies of this Schedule, send order to ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS, 360 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 1, Illinois PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER —6 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Page AcetyleneTorches .... ............................... 12 Air Compressors — Portable .................. 9 Stationary, high pressure, electric ................ 11 Stationary, high pressure, gasoline ............... 12 Stationary, low pressure, electric ................ 12 Air Tools and Accessories .. ...........................9 -11 Angledozers............ ............................... 61 Backfiller attachments for Crawler Tractors.......... 61 Backfillers ........................................... 61 Back Hoes .. ............................... .........50,51 Batchers ............... .......................:....... 12 BinGates ............................................ 12 Bins................... ............................... 12 Black top equipment complete plants ................. 13 Boilers, horizontal ..................................... 14 Boilers, vertical ........................... .........14 Brooms —road towed ... ............................... 14 Buckets — Clamshell . 14 Concrete bottom dump :....::..................... 15 Dragline...... ............................... 15 OrangePeel ....... ............................... 15 Quarry........... ............................... 15 Tipover........................................... 15 Tower............................................ 16 Building Equipment Section ...........................8 -58 Bulldozers............. ............................... 61 Cable — electric ........................................ 16 Cages — material ....... ............................... 16 Carts — Concrete ....... ............................... 16 CementPlants ...... ............................... 16 Chisels, Air ............................................ 10 Chutes......................... 16 Cleaners — Portable .. ............................... 16 Column Clamps ...... ........... .................. 16 Converters — Rotary .... ............................... 16 Crane Rental Information . ..........................18,19 Cranes - Crawler— Diesel .............................. 18 -- Crawler -Gasoline . ............................... 18 Crawler —Steam . ............................... 18 Locomotive = Diesel ............................... 19 Locomotive — Gasoline ..........:................. 19 Locomotive -Steam 19 Truck............... .......................... 18 Crushers —Jaw ........ ............................... 20 Derricks- - Circle swing ....... ............................... 21 Guy............................................... 21 Pole .............................................. 21 Setter ... ................. 21 Stiffleg —steel ..... ............:.................. 22 Stiffleg —wood ................. 23 Tower............. .............'................. 23 Tripod............ ............................... 23 Draglines— ' Diesel Engine driven .............................. 24 Gasoline Engine driven .......... .......... 24 Steam Engine driven ............................... 24 Drills, Rotating — CloseQuarter, air ................................ 26 Drifters, air ........... ...........................9,26 Electric ......................... 26 Gasoline......... ... ...................... 26 Metal, air ....... ...:........................... 26 Rock.......... ..........................:9,26 Wood, air ......... ............................... 26 Drill Steels- - Jackhammer ...... ............................... 10 Rock....... ............................... 10 Wagon Drill ........ ........................... 10 Drills, abrasive core — Electric........... ............................... 10 Gasoline.......... ............................... 10 DumpCars .............. .... ............ Elevating Graders — GearDriven .................................... Power..................... ...................... Takeoff........... ............................... Engines — Diesel.......... ............................... Gasoline............................... Steam — vertical ... ............................... Steamswing ...................... .... _ ... Extractors, Pile � ...... ............................... Finegra7ders........... ............................... Finishing Machines — Bituminous.. .... ... ...................... Concretefloor ..................................... Road.......... ............................... Rodding.......... ............................... Page . 27 Floats................................................. Formgraders.......... ............................... Forms — sidewalk and road .............................. Generators............ ............................... Graders - Self- Propelled Diesel— pneumatic tired............ Self- Propelled Gasoline— Pneumatic tired......... Towed, manually operated ....................... Towed, power operated ........................... Grinders, Air ......... ............................... 61 61 27, 27 28 28 28 62 30 30 30 30 31 31 62 62 62 62 10, 31 Hammers — Air................ ..........................11,31 Electric........... ............................... 32 Gasoline......................................... 32 Pile, drop ......... 31 Pile. steam ....................................... 32 Heaters — Concrete.......................................... 33 Tank Car ........................................ 33,52 Hoists — Air ..............11,33 Chain 33 Electric, single, drum.. 33 Electric, double drum ............................ 33 Electric, three drum ............ 34 Gasoline, single drum ............... ............ 34 Gasoline, double drum ............... 34 Gasoline, three drum ................... 34 Steam, with boiler, single drum ................... 34 Steam, with boiler, double drum.. ................ 35 Steam, with boiler, three drum .................... 35 Steam, no boiler, single drum ..................... 35 Steam, no boiler, double drum .................... 35 Steam, no boiler, three drum ...................... 35 Hoppers — Floor, single gate, with legs ....................... 35 Floor, single gate, without legs .................... 35 Floor, double gate, with legs ...................... 35 Floor, double gate, without legs ................... 35 Tower........ .. ............ 35 Truckmixer, with legs ............................. 35 Hose — Air .......................... ........11,36 Discharge......... ............................... 36 Jetting............ ............................... 36 Steam...................... ...... .......... 36 Suction.......................................... 36 Whip.............. ............................... 11 Jacks — Bridge.........: ................:.............. 37 Hydraulic ........... .... 37 Journal........... .. .............................. 37 Ratchet .......... 37 Road —Mud ................... 37 Screw............................ ............. `.37 Track............................................ 37 Trench............ ............................... 37 Kettles — Oil Burning, stationary ........................... 38 Oil Burning, portable . ............ 38 Wood Burning, stationary or portable...... .... 38 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN AM D. MEMBER - 6 -A - CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Page Lighting Plants, Diesel or Gasoline.................... 38 Lights, Carbide ........ ............................... 38 Loaders Bucket ............. 38 ... ... ... ... Front End .......... . " ....:........................ 62 Portable, Belt ..... ............................... 39 Mixers— Asphaltic, Mat and Stabilized Base ............... 39 Bituminous — Central plant .......: ........... : :: 39 Bituminous — Traveling plant ..................... 39 Cold Asphaltic Mix . ............................... 39 Concrete — Portable ......................... :..... 40 Hot Asphaltic Mix .. ............................... 39 Mortar .......... 40 Paving............. ............................... 40. Plaster............ ............................... 40 Truckmixer ....... ............................... 41 Moll Points, Air ........ ............................... 10 Motors, Electric— . Slip Ring .......... ............................... 43 Squirrel Cage ...... ............................... 43 Pipelayer Attachments . ............................... 63 Pumperetes- Electric, motor driven .............................. 43 Gasoline, engine driven ............................ 43 Pipe for Pumperetes................................ 44 Pumps, General Information ............................ 44 Pumps — Caisson............................. 44 Centrifugal, Gasoline ......................... 44 Centrifugal, no power .. .. ........................... 44 Diaphragm — ggasoline engine ...................... 45 Diaphragm hand ............................. 45 Jetting —self- priming ... ....................... 45 Plunger........... ............................... 45 Road......... .............................. 45 Sump— pneumatic ................... .........11, 45 Wellpoint .......... ......... ............ ... 46 Pumps for tractor accessories.., .... .................63 Pushdozers............ ..........................::... 63 Quarry Skip Bucket Carrier....... ........... .. 46 Rivet Busters .......... ............................... 11 Rock Crushing and Pulverizing Plants, Portable ...... 20. 43 Roller, Road — Diesel engine, two -wheel tandem .................. 47 Diesel engine, three -wheel 47 Gasoline engine, two pneumatic tires .............. 47 Gasoline engine, two -wheel tandem ...............13, 47 Gasoline engine, three -wheel tandem .............. 47 Gasoline engine, three - wheel ...................... 47 Rubber Tired ..... .........:..................... 63 SteamEngine ............................... ....... 47 Tamping.......... ............................... 63 Rooters................ ............................... 64 Sand Blast Outfits.......... ..................... 47 Sanders, Electric —, Belt............................................... 47 Disc............... ............................... 47 Saws — Air... ... .. ... ..........................11,48 Chain Gasoline ........ ...... 48 Electslc, hand ..... ......:........................ 48 Electric, swing ..... ............. 48 ........ . ... Electric, fixed or tilting table ...................... 48 Gasoline, fixed or tilting table .................... 48 Scales — Wheelbarrow .. ............................... 48 Scariflers............. 1. ................0.............. 64 Scrapers— Bottomless, coal ....................... 49 Bottomless, heavy duty ........................... .................... 49 Carriers...:....... ............................... 49 Without Power Units ................... . ......... 64 Screeds - Vibrating .... ............................... 50 Shears.................. ............................... 50 Sheaves..... ...... ..................... ..... 50 Page Shores................ ..........::..:...............: b0 Shovel, Rental Information ...........................50, 51 Shovels — Diesel.............. ...':.......................... 51 Gasoline.......... ..............:................ 50 Hand.............. ............................... 51 Steam............. ............................... 51 Skip Bucket Carriers, Quarry............ I .............. 51 Spades, Clay, air ........... ..:.......:...:...........11,51 Spreaders— Asphalt ........... ....:................ 52 Bituminous Pressure Distributor .......:......... 52 Bituminous Spreader and Finisher:. .. 52 Concrete. .................................. 52 Stopers, air .......................................... 11,52 Surfacers — Highway........... ............................... 52 Wall.............. ............................... 52 Surveying Instruments= Levels..... ......... .................:............. 52 Transits........... ............................... 52 Tampers; Air ............... .........................11,52 TowerEquipment, Wood .............................. 53 Towers, steel, portable ......................... ........ 55 Towers, steel, tubular ...... .......................:..53 -55 TractorSection ...... ............... ..............59 -73 Tractors — Crawler, horsepower, information — Allis-Chalmers .......... 67 Caterpillar . ...... ............................... 68 rp ... Cleveland ..:............... International ........... 70 Tractors— Crawler, Diesel .................................... 71 Crawler, Gasoline .................................. 71 Four-wheel, rrubber tired, Diiesel ................ 71 Four - wheel, rubber tired, Gasoline ............... .71 Tractor Trailer Units- Two-wheel with two -wheel ,cable scraper......... Four - wheel, with .cable scraper ... ..... ... . 72 72 Four - wheel, with hydraulic scraper ... ......... Two dump 71 -wheel trailer.. ... ............... Four - wheel, dump trailer, Gasoline .............. 72 72 Four- wheel, dump trailer, Diesel ................. 72 Trenching Machines — Ladder and vertical boom type, Diesel ......... 55 Ladder and vertical boom type, Gasoline 55 Wheel type, Diesel ............. ........ 55 Wheel type, Gasoline ....................... 55 Vibrators — Electric and hydraulic :........................... 56 Finishing machine . ............................... 56 Gasoline .... .56 Pneumatic, flexible .... ...................:......11,56 Pneumatic, rigid .. il, 56 WagonDrills .......................................... 9 Wagons, Crawler — Direct hitch, bottom dump ........................ 73 Direct hitch, hydraulic side dump ................. 73 Direct hitch, manual side dump ......:............ 73 Welding Machines — Diesel............. ............................... 57 Electric............. .............................. 57 Gasoline 57 Wheelbarrows ........ ............................... 58 Winches— Towing ........ . ............................... 73 Tractor, Accessory . ............................... 73 Wrenches, air .............. ..........................11,58 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -6-B- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT CAUTION 'THE RENTAL RATES AND TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS SCHEDULE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- POSES., ONLY AND NOT TO SUGGEST OR TO INFLUENCE THE RATES. OR CONDITIONS OF RENTAL OF ANY ITEM OF EQUIPMENT, AS THIS IS A MATTER WHICH MUST ' BE DETERMINED BY THE LESSEE AND THE LESSOR OF THE EQUIPMENT INVOLVED. ' THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT ANY DISTRIBUTOR FROM CHARGING MORE OR LESS THAN THE RATES, SET FORTH IN THE SCHEDULE, TT WOULD- CONSTITUTE AN UNFAIR TRADES PRACTICE FOR ANY DISTRIBUTOR, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, TO I ENTER INTO ANY AGREEMENT, UN- DERSTANDING, COMBINATION OR CONCERTED ACTION WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER DISTRIB- UTORS, OR WITH ONE. OR MORE OTHER PERSONS, TO ADHERE TO THE RENTAL RATES FI(ED IN THIS SCHEDULE, OR TO REFRAIN FROM CHARGING LESS THAN SUCH RENTAL RATES. I PRESENT YOUR, EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. ®. ' MEMBER _ 7_- CONSTRUCT. BY CONTRACT PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER -8 -- , CONSTRUCT- BY CONTRACT Air., Compressors, Portable The following rental rates are based on equipment, with or without any one or more of the follow- ing: Idler, Unloader, Automatic Oiler, Hour Meter and Starter of any kind. Per week Per day Two -stage and single- stage, water - cooled or, air - cooled. $72.00 $24.00' $ 8.00 HIGH- PRESSURE, GASOLINE Free air delivered at iii lbs. �� 19.00 7.00 2.50 From and not Including (cubic feet)- To and including (cubic feet) - Per month Per week Per day -- - 60 $103.00 $ 35.00 $ 12.00 60 65 110.00 37.00 12.50 65 85 130.00 44.00 15.00 11/4 -inch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 28.00 162.00 .54.00 18.00 _ 105 0 209.00 70.00 23.50 160 210 285.00 95.00 32.00 210 315 390.00 130.00 44.00 (inches) (inches) HIGH- PRESSURE, DIESEL ------------------------------------ - - - - -- 14.00 105 $181.00 $ 61.00 $ 20.50 105 160 252.00 84.00 28.00 160 210 334.00 112.00 37.50 210 315 461.00 154.00 51.50 315 365 495.00 165.00 55.00 365 425 545.00 182.00 61.00 425 500 678.00 226.00 75.50 500 600 803.00 268.00 89.50 Air Tools and Accessories DRILLS - ROTATING Drifters, Air Per month Per week Per day Drifters ------ ----------------------- ---- -- - ---------------------------- = - - - -= --------------- - - -- $72.00 $24.00' $ 8.00 Air, Close- Quarter 78-inch --=----------------------------- ------------------------------ • -------------------------------- - - - - -_ �� 19.00 7.00 2.50 11/4 -inch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 29.00 10.00 3.50 2 -inch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---- - - - - -- 39.00 13.00 4.50 Air, Metal 1/2-inch ----------------------------------------------------- I -------------------------------------------------- 3/8-inch =- 15.00 5.00 1.75 - ------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- •-------------------- - - - - -- 18.00 6.00 2.00 11/4 -inch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 28.00 10.00 3.50 2 -inch -=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 40.00 14.00 4.75, 3 ' -inch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 45.00 15.00 5.00 Air, Wood From and not including To and including (inches) (inches) ------------------------------------ - - - - -- 14.00 5.00. 1.75 11%2 32 ------------------------------- - - - - -- 24.00 8.00 3.00 3 5 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- 35:00 12.00 4.00 Rock, Rotating, Air Rock Drill, 1 to 50 pounds, inclusive ---- :-------------------------------------------------- 35.00. -12.00 4.00 Rock Drill, 51 to 68 pounds, inclusive____________________________ _______ __ __________ __ _____ 40.00 14.00 4.75 Rock Drill, 69 to 80 pounds, hiclusive_______________________ ____ ___ _________ _______________ 45.00 15.00 5.00 MountedRock Drill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- . 67.00 23.00' 8.00 Wagon Drills (with air hoist) ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 181.00 61.00 20.50 Wagon Drills (hand hoist)------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 165.00 55.00 19.00 The above rates are based on the inclusion of equipment with baring chuck mandrel or plate for attaching or holding these items. Drill bits, drill steels, augers or grinding wheels are not included' in the above rates. PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -9- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Air Tools and Accessories - Continued PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -10- Per month Per week Per day Drills, Core Abrasive Electric From and including 1/2 -incli to 11/2- inch------------------ - - - --- --------------------------------------- - - - - -- $100.00 $35.00 $12.00 13/4 -inch to 4 - inch------------------------------------=----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 132.00. 44.00 15.00 41/4 -inch to 63/4- inch------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - = - - -- 165.00 55.00 19.00 Gasoline 31/2 -inch to 68/8- inch ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 165.00 55.00 19.00 Rock Drill Steels From and not Diameter.. including To and including (inches) (feet) (feet) 7/s - 3 -------------------- - - - - -- - -- 1.25 .65 -- - - - - -- % 3 5 ------------------------ - - - - -- 1.75 .85 -- - - - - -- 7/8 5 7 -------------------- - - - - -- - -- 2.25 1.15 7/s 7 9 ------------------------ = - - - -- 2.75 1.40 -- - - - - -- 7/8 9 11 ------------------------ - - - - -- 3.25 1.65 -- - - - - -- Rock Drill Steels Diameter (Inches) (Feet) 1 2 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1.55 .80 .40 1 4 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2.15 1.15 .58 1 6 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2.75 1.40 .70 1 8 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3.35 1.70 .85 1 10 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3.95 2.00 1.00 1 12 --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4.65 2.35 1.20 Threaded only, no detachable bits furnished. In the event any repairs are necessary to drill steels when returned to the lessor, an -extra charge for these repairs is generally made to the lessee. Wagon Drill Steels Diameter (Inches) (Feet) 11/4 2 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 2.05 $ 105 $ 0.55 .. 11/4 4 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2.95 1.50. .75 11/4 6 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3.80 1.90 .95 11/4 8 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4.70 2.35 1.20 11/4 10 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 5.60 , . 2.80 1.40 11/4 12 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 6.45 3.25 1.65 11/4 .. 14 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 7.35. 3.70 - 1.85 11/4 16 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 8.20 4.10 2.05 11/4 18 ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 9.10 4.55 2.30 11/4 20 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 10.00 5.00 2.50 11/4 22 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 10.85 5.45 2.75 11/4 24 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11.75 5.90 2.95 11/4 26 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 12.60 .6.30 3.15 11/4 28 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 13.50 6.75 3.40 11/4 30 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 14.35 7.20 3.60 Threaded only, no detachable bits furnished. In the event any repairs are necessary to drill steels when returned.to the lessor, an extra charge for these repairs is generally made to the lessee. Moil Points 11/8 -inch x 18- inch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 2.50 $ 1.25 $ 0.65 11/8 -inch x 24-inch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.00 1.50 .75 Chisels---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 4.00 2.00 1.00 Grinders, Air Grinders----=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 34.00 12.00 4.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -10- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Air Tools and Accessories ® Continued Hammers, Air Per month Per week Per day Chippers----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ - - - - -- • . $23.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 Pave ent Breakers, 1 to' 69 ounda inclusive_____ _______________________________ 3 ,Q0 JUQ 4.00 avement rea ers, o poun s, me usive----- ------- --------- ---- ----- - - - - -- 41.00 14.00 g75 0 Rivet Hammers -Rivet Busters--------------------------------- ----- ------------ ---- ---- --- - -- 29.00 10.00. 3.50 Sheeting Drivers--Air --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60.00 20.00 7.00 Hoists, Air 1 to 1,500 pounds, inclusive, single drum ______ _____ __ ___ ________ _______ _____ 56.00 19.00 6.50 1,501 to 2,500 pounds, inclusive, single drum -------------- ------------ ------ - - - -- 71.00 24.00 8.00 1,500 to 2,500 pounds, inclusive, double drum ------ ---- -------------- --- -- - - - -- 90.00 30.00 -10.00 Air Hoist rates do not include hose. Hose, Air Hose -air, up to and including 5/8 inch, per 50 ft----- --- ---- ----- ---- -------- ---- -- 5.50 2.75 1.38 Hose air, over 5/8 inch to 1 inch, per 50 ft-------------- --------- --- ------- --- --- -- - - -- 6.60 3.30 1.65 Hose, Whip -not to exceed 10 feet____________________________________ _____ _______ _____ ___ ____ ____ __ 2.50 1.25 .65 Pumps, Pneumatic Sump Small---------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- • 100.00 34.00 11.50 Medium- ------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 125.00 42.00 14.00 Tandem-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 250.00 83.50 28:00 Saws, Air, Rotary -All size blades---------------------------------- ----- ---------- --------- - - - --- 55.00 19.00 6.50 Spades, Clay Clay Spades (1 scoop), small ------------------------------------ ------------- ------- -- - -- - -- 23.00 8.00 3.00 Clay Spades (1 scoop), large ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 29.00 10.00 3.50 Stopers -All sizes ----------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------- - - - - -- 65.00 22.00 7.50 Tampers -All sizes.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 28.00 10.00 3.50 Vibrators Pneumatic Powered - Flexible Type From and not including To and including (pounds) (pounds) 14.00 5.00 20 35 ------------------ - _ ------- _-- - - --- - 40.00 35 65 -------=--------------------------- - - - - -. 53.00 18.00 6.00 .65 115 ----------------- =---- ............. - .... 67.00 23.00 8.00 Pneumatic Powered -Rigid Type Allsizes -------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 67.00 23.00 8.00 Above rental rates include unit with- vibrator head. Wrenches -Air, Impact Type, without sockets Capacity- - ----------------------- - - - - -- - -- 5/3 -inch bolt size-------------==---------------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- 55.00 19.00 6.50 3/4 -inch bolt size---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 60.00 20.00 7.00 11/4 -inch bolt size ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.00 24.00 8.00 13/4 -inch bolt size---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 100.00 34.00 12.00 Air Compressors, Stationary The following rental rates are based on the equipment, with or without any one or more of the following: Idler, Unloader, Automatic Oiler, Dour Meter and Starter of any kind. HIGH - PRESSURE, WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR AND BELT OR COUPLING Piston displacement - From and not To and including Including (cubic feet)- (cubic feet) - Per month Per week Per day ---------- 46 $ 51.00 $17.00, $ 6.00 46 55 56.00 19.00 6.50 55 72 67.00 23.00 8.00 72 95 89.00 30.00 10.00 95 125 101.00 34.00 11.50 .125 160 140.00 47.00 16.00 160 215 168.00 56.00 19.00 215 270 207.00 69.00 23.00 270 370 242.00 81.00 27.00 370 470 277.00 93.00 31.00 470 570 311.00 104.00 .35.00 PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER QOM CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Air Compressor:, Stationary -Con' tinued HIGH - PRESSURE, WITH GASOLINE ENGINE AND BELT OR COUPLING LOW - PRESSURE, WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR AND BELT OR COUPLING _ . (40 pounds-and under) Piston- displacement - From and not To and including Including (cable feet)- (cubic feet)- Per month -Per week Per day ---------- 900 $276.00 $ 92.00 $31.00 'goo 1,200 402.00 134.00 45.00 ACETYLENE TORCHES Rental rate °per month is 15 per cent per month of the new selling price for the complete working unit. The weekly rate is one - third of the monthly rate. The daily rate is one -third of the weekly rate. BINS, BATCHERS WEIGHING AND VOLUME AND 'BIN GATES Bins and Batchers and Bin Gates, both volumetric and weighing, are so varied in size and capacities that it is impossible to provide information on the specific rental rates on the various types and sizes. Many lessors, however, charge a rental rate per month of 12 per cent of the new selling price, one -third of this monthly rate as the weekly rental rate, and one -third of the weekly rental rate as the daily rental rate. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -12- Mton displacement - From and not To and including Including (cubic feet)- (cubic feet)- Per month Per week Per day __________ 30 $ 45.00 $15.00, $ 5.00 30 46 .67.00 23.00 8.00 46 55 86.00 29.00 10.00 55 72' 96.00 32.00 11.00 72 95 112.00 38.00 13.00 95 125 147.00 49.00 16.50 125 160 176.00 59.00 20.00 160 215 245.00 82.00 27.50 215 270 305.00 102.00 34.00 270 370 386.00 129.00 43.00 370 470 496.00 166.00 55.50 470 570 607.00 203.00 68.00 LOW - PRESSURE, WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR AND BELT OR COUPLING _ . (40 pounds-and under) Piston- displacement - From and not To and including Including (cable feet)- (cubic feet)- Per month -Per week Per day ---------- 900 $276.00 $ 92.00 $31.00 'goo 1,200 402.00 134.00 45.00 ACETYLENE TORCHES Rental rate °per month is 15 per cent per month of the new selling price for the complete working unit. The weekly rate is one - third of the monthly rate. The daily rate is one -third of the weekly rate. BINS, BATCHERS WEIGHING AND VOLUME AND 'BIN GATES Bins and Batchers and Bin Gates, both volumetric and weighing, are so varied in size and capacities that it is impossible to provide information on the specific rental rates on the various types and sizes. Many lessors, however, charge a rental rate per month of 12 per cent of the new selling price, one -third of this monthly rate as the weekly rental rate, and one -third of the weekly rental rate as the daily rental rate. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -12- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Black Top Equipment Couplets plant Per month Per week Brooms, towed, engine driven ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- $ 94.00 $ 32.00 Brooms, traction driven-=-------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 74.00 25.00 Distributors, with pump capacity of 350 GPM and over, and circulating . spray bar, not mounted, to and including 1,000 -gal. capacity-------- - - - - -- Distributors, with pump capacity over 225 GPM and less than 350 GPM, to and including- 800 gal---- ------- ---- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 800 -1,400 gal------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,400-2,100 gal. --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaters, tank car (portable on 2 -4 wheels), one -car capacity-------------- -- - - -- Two or 3-car capacity--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combination circulating heater and steam tank car heater on trailer ortrack mounting-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- MIXERS, DITUMINOUS 333.00 111.00 275.00 92.00 306.00 102.00 333.00 111.00 167.00 56.00 234.00 78.00 388.00 130.00 Per day $11.00 8.50 37.00 31.00 34.00 37.00 19.00 26.00 43.50 Mixers, bituminous, batch type, without power loading equipment, port- able, capacity under 10 cu. M ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $112.00 $ 38.00 $13.00 10 -13 cu. ft. capacity------- - - - - ------=-------------•---------------------------------------- 142.00. 48.00 16.00 14-17 cu. ft. capacity---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 223.00 75.00 25.00 Mixers, bituminous, batch type, portable, with power loading equipment, asphalt measuring equipment, complete operating unit- 10 -13 cu. ft. capacity ------------- -- ----- ------------------ - - - - -- . .178:00 60.00 20.00 14-17 cu. ft. capacity------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- 279.00 93.00 31.00 Spreaders and Finishers, gasoline engine driven, all sizes-------------------- - --- - -. 835.00 279.00 93.00 Spreaders, aggregate or sand, up to 9 ft. width---------------------------------- - - - - -- 45.00 15.00 5.00 9 -11 ft. width--=-------------------------------------=------------------------------------- - - - - -- 67.00 23.00 8.00 11 -13 ft. width----------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------=------------- - - - - -- 78.00 26.00 9.00 ROLLERS, GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN, TWO - WHEEL TANDEM From and not including (tons) To and including (tons) Per month. Per week Per day - - -- 3Y ---------------------- - - - - -- $140.00. $ 47.00 $16.00 31/2 5 ---------------------- - - - - -- 225.00. 75.00 25.00 5 91/2 ' ---------------------- - - - - -- 282.00 94.00. 31.50 91/2 121/2 ---------------------- - - - - -- 340.00 114.00 38.00 12Y2 171/ --- __------------ ---------- 364.00 122.00 41.00 171/2 221/2 - -- 580.00 194.00 65.00 We have been requested to insert a page in the Rental Schedule, which listed the rental rates of all. equipment necessary to do a ' complete Black Top job. The Rental Committee has attempted to do this in this page. PRESENT YOUR. EQUIPMENT, PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER -13- 1 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Brooms,. Road, Towed Brush wear may be invoiced in addition•to rental rate. Per month Per week Engine- driven------------------------------------------------- - - - - -" $92.00 $31.00 Traction- driven------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.00 24.00 Brackets CLAMSHELL Ycubic yard-- - - - - -- -=--------------------------------------------------------------- 3/8 cubic yard------------ - - - - -- -- - ----------------------------------------- Y2cubic yard--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- %s cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 cubic yard-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Y cubic yards ----- - - - - - -- 11/ cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 % cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Ycubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2Y2cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- '---------- - - - - -- Per month $ 70.00 75.00 86.00 90.00 103.00 119.00 141.00 157.00 164.00 174.00 235.00 250.00, 305.00 384.00 Per week $ 24.00 25.00 29.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 47.00 53.00 55.00 58.00 79.00 84.00 102.00 128.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -14- Per day $11A0 8.00 Per 'day $ 8.00 8.50 9.50 10.00 12.00 13.50 16.00 18.00 18.50 19.50 26.50 28.00 34.00 43.00 HORIZONTAL, LOCOMOTIVE TYPE Boilers. 55 $110.00 $37.00 VERTICAL 55 70' 121.00 From and not including To and including 70 90. 141.00 47.00 (boll-or horsepower)- (boiler horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day .__. 18 $ 46.00 $16.00 $ 5.50 18 24 85.00 29.00 - 10.00 " 24 32 97.00 33.00 11.00 32 55 110.00 37.00 12.50 55 90 140.00 47.00 16.00 Brooms,. Road, Towed Brush wear may be invoiced in addition•to rental rate. Per month Per week Engine- driven------------------------------------------------- - - - - -" $92.00 $31.00 Traction- driven------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.00 24.00 Brackets CLAMSHELL Ycubic yard-- - - - - -- -=--------------------------------------------------------------- 3/8 cubic yard------------ - - - - -- -- - ----------------------------------------- Y2cubic yard--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- %s cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 cubic yard-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Y cubic yards ----- - - - - - -- 11/ cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 % cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Ycubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2Y2cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- '---------- - - - - -- Per month $ 70.00 75.00 86.00 90.00 103.00 119.00 141.00 157.00 164.00 174.00 235.00 250.00, 305.00 384.00 Per week $ 24.00 25.00 29.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 47.00 53.00 55.00 58.00 79.00 84.00 102.00 128.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -14- Per day $11A0 8.00 Per 'day $ 8.00 8.50 9.50 10.00 12.00 13.50 16.00 18.00 18.50 19.50 26.50 28.00 34.00 43.00 HORIZONTAL, LOCOMOTIVE TYPE 55 $110.00 $37.00 $12.50 55 70' 121.00 41.00 14.00 70 90. 141.00 47.00 16.00 90, 125 196.00 66.00 22.00 125 175 220.00 74.00 25.00 Brooms,. Road, Towed Brush wear may be invoiced in addition•to rental rate. Per month Per week Engine- driven------------------------------------------------- - - - - -" $92.00 $31.00 Traction- driven------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.00 24.00 Brackets CLAMSHELL Ycubic yard-- - - - - -- -=--------------------------------------------------------------- 3/8 cubic yard------------ - - - - -- -- - ----------------------------------------- Y2cubic yard--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- %s cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 cubic yard-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 cubic yard------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Y cubic yards ----- - - - - - -- 11/ cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 % cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Ycubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2Y2cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- '---------- - - - - -- Per month $ 70.00 75.00 86.00 90.00 103.00 119.00 141.00 157.00 164.00 174.00 235.00 250.00, 305.00 384.00 Per week $ 24.00 25.00 29.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 47.00 53.00 55.00 58.00 79.00 84.00 102.00 128.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -14- Per day $11A0 8.00 Per 'day $ 8.00 8.50 9.50 10.00 12.00 13.50 16.00 18.00 18.50 19.50 26.50 28.00 34.00 43.00 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Buckets - Continued CONCRETE, BOTTOM -DUMP QUARRY Per month Per week Per day Under 1/2 cubic yard --------------- =------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $ 12.00 $ 4.00 .. $ 1.50 1/2 cubic yard----------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 23.00 8.00 3.00 3/4 cubic yard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28.00 10.00 3.50 1 cubic yard ------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ - - - - -- 42.00 14.00 5.00 11/2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 47.00 16.00 5.50 2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 58.00 20.00 7.00 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 81.00 27.00 9.00 4 cubic yards---------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- 118.00 40.00 13.50 Per month DRAGLINE Per day 16 Per month Per week Per day 3/8 cubic yard-------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 55.00 $ 19.00 $ 6.50 cubic and 61.00 21.00 7.00 scu is yard---------- - - - - -- --- ----------------------------------------------- - - - - - -- 74.00 .25:00 8.50 3/ cubic yard---- - - - - -- ) -----------=------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 85.00 29.00 10.00 , 1 cubic yard_ --------------- - - - - -- 3.00 97:00 33.00 11.00 1Y cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 108.00 36.00 12.00 11/ cubic yards----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 120.00 40.00 13.50 13/4 cubic yards - - - -- -- - - - - -- ----------------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- 132.00 44.00 15.00 2 cubic yards-------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 142.00 48.00 16.00 21/ cubic ' yar ds------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 146.00 49.00. 16.50 21/2 cubic yards----------------------------=------------------------------------- - - - - -- 155.00. 52.00 17.50 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 167.00 56.00 19.00 31/2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 176.00 59.00 20.00 4 cubic yards-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- =------- - - - - -- 183.00 61.00. 20.50 ORANGE PEEL From and not including To and including (cubic feet) - (cubic feet) - Per month Per week Per day 6 $ 85.00 $ 29.00 -$10.00 6 16 " 111.00 37.00 12.50 16 22 140.00 47.00 16.00 22 33 165.00 55.00 18.50 Per month Per week Perday' 1% cubic yards ------ ==---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $195.00 $ 65.00 $22.00 11/2 cubic yards ----------- --------------=--------------------------------------- - - - - -- 220.00 74.00 25:00 2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 249.00 83.00 28.00 21/ cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 276.00 92.00 31.00 3 cubic yards-----------------------------------------------=------------------ - - - - -- 306.00 102.00 34.00 QUARRY PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -15- Per month Per week Per day 11/2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $ 14.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.75 2 , cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 18.00 6.00 2.00 2% cubic yards----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 21.00 7.00 2.50 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 25.00 9.00 3.00 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 36.00 12.00 _ 4.00 TIP -OVER From and not including (cubic .feet)- To and including (cubic feet) - Per month Per week Per day 16 $17.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 16 26 20.00. 7.00 2.50 26 38. 22.00 8.00 2.75 38 53 25.00 9.00 3.00 53 70 35.00 12.00 4.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -15- From and not including (cubic feet)- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Budkets ®Continued WOOD TOWER To and including (enbic fe6t)- Per month Per week Per 11 $ 18.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 11 19 29.00 10.00 3.50 19 36 35.00 12.00 4.00 The rates on above buckets are `either with, or without bottom switches. CABLE Electric for Saws and Sanders -per 100 ft. Size Per month, Per week Per day 12 $11.00 $4.00 $2.00 10 13.00 4.50 2.25 Cages - material NO SHEAVES Per month Per week Per day All sizes -single ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $22.00 $ 8.00. $3.00 Allsizes - double ------------------------------- - - - - -- -----=------------------ - - - - -- 34.00 12.00 4.00 Carts-Concrete Per month Per week Per day 6 cubic feet, with legs, steel wheels --------------------------------------- $ 8.00 $3.00 $1.00 6 cubic feet, with rubber -tired wheels--------- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- - - -- -- 14.00 5.00 105 9 -11 cubic feet, inclusive, with rubber -tired wheels-------- - - - - -. 18.00 6.00 2.00 Cement Flants Cement plants are so varied in size and capacity that it is practically impossible to provide infor- mation on the specific rental rates on individual units. Many lessors, however, charge a rental rate per month of 15 per cent of the new selling price, one -third of the monthly rate as. the weekly rate, and one -third of the weekly rate as the daily rental rate. Chutes CONCRETE, SWIVEL -HEAD From and not To and including (feet) including (feet) Per month Per week Per day $ 6.00 $2.00 $1.00 15 25 12.00 4.00 1.50 25 35 17.00 6.00 2.00 Cleavers Per month Per week Per day Portable Steam - $105.00 $35.00 $12.00 Column Clamps ,Size of clamp From and not To and including (inches) including (inches) Per month Per week Per day 40 $0.27 $0.09 $6.03 40 50 .33 .11 .04 50 60 .3.8 .13 .05 Converters ®Rotary, 1,000 -watt, 110 D.C. Per month or 110 A. C------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ $17.00 Per week $6.00 Per day $2.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -16- 1 1 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT For information regarding Rental Rates,' contact— Eldon M. Farnum Chairman, Rental Committee Care. Allied Construction Equipment Co. 4015 Forest Park Ave. St. Louis, Mo. When. ordering additional copies of this Schedule, send order, to.---, Associated Equipment Distributors 360 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 1, Illinois 1 \ 1 i PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E. D. MEMBER i —17— CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT'' Cranes-Gas, Diesel and Steam (N® Bucket) CRAWLER, GASOLINE - ENGINE - POWERED From and not To and 20 1,362.00 454.00 151.50 including including Radius 1,582.00 528.00 176.00 (tone) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week Per day -_ 5 10 $ 396.00- $ 132.00 $ 44.00 5 6% 10 456.00 152.00 51.00 43/ 73/8 12. 523.00 175.00 59.00 7% 83/ 12 575.00 192.00 64.00 83/4 141/2 12 702.00 • 234.00 78.00 143/ 191y2 12, 782.00 261.00 87.00 19Y2 241/2 12 882.00 294.00 98.00 241/2 MI/ 12 1,141.00 381.00 127.00 15 18Y2 20 1,362.00 454.00 151.50 18% 26 20 1,582.00 528.00 176.00 8 91/2 45 1,868.00 623.00 208.00 91/ 143/2 45 2,258.00 753.00 251.00 CRAWLER, DIESEL - ENGINE- POWERED (No Bucket) From "d not To and 10 $ 556.00 $186.00 $ 62.00 Including Including Radius 614.00 205.00 68.50 (tons) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week Per day -- - - - - -: 5 10 $ 403.00 $ 135.00 $ 45.00 5 6% 10 516.00 172.00 57.50 43/ 73/8 12 584.00 195.00 65.00 i %8 ass /4 1: 083.00 228.00 76.00 83/ 143/2 12 812.00 271.00 90.50 141/2 - 19Y2 12 918.00 306.00 102.00 15 12 1,235.00 412.00 137.50 20 1,684.00. 562.00 187.50 8 93/2 45 747.00 249.00 20 45 3,117.00 1,039.00 346.50 CRANE CRAWLER, STEAM - ENGINE- POWERED (No Bucket) From and not To and 10 $ 556.00 $186.00 $ 62.00 including including Radius 614.00 205.00 68.50 (tons) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week. Per day -------- 9 10 $ 442.00 $ 148.00 $ 49.50 9 13Y2 10 527.00 176.00 59.00 131/ 181/2 12 ' 663.00 221.00 74.00 ` From and not 303/2 12 1,060.00 354.00 118.00 401/2 12 1,547.00 516.00 172.00 TRUCK, GASOLINE OR DIESEL - ENGINE- POWERED (Complete with boom and mounted on truck but. not including bucket) To and Per,month Per week including Radius (equipment ent (eq ipment (pounds) only) Per day (equipment 51000 9,500 10 $ 556.00 $186.00 $ 62.00 9,500 14,000 10 614.00 205.00 68.50 14,000 18,000 10 777.00 259A0 86.50 18,000 24,000 10 870.00 290.00 97.00 24,000 29,000 10 1,028.00 343.00 114.50 29,000 40,000 10 11337.00 446.00 149.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN'A.E.D. MEMBER -18- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Cranes - Continued LOCOMOTIVE, GASOLINE- ENGINE - POWERED (No Bucket) From and not To and _ including including. Radius (tons) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week Per day 17 10 $ 997.00 $ 333.00 $111.00 ' . 17 22 10 1,165.00. 389.00 130.00 22 27 12 1,219.00 407.00 136.00". 27 32 12 1,440.00 480.00 160.00 32 37 12 1,661.00 554.00 185.00 37 42 12 1,894.00 632.00 211.00 LOCOMOTIVE, DIESEL- ENGINE - POWERED (No Bucket) From and not To and including including Radius (tons) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week Per day ________ 17 10 .$1,087.00' $ 363.00 $121.00 .17 22 10 1,219.00 407.00 136.00 22 27 12 1,329.00 443.00 - 148.00 27 32 12 1,550.00 517.00 172.50, 32 37 12 1,772.00 591.00 197.00 37 42. 12 1,912.00 638.00 213.00 LOCOMOTIVE, STEAM- ENGINE - POWERED (No Bucket) From and not To and including, Including Radius (tons) (tons) (feet) Per month Per week Per day ________ 17 12 $ 942.00 $ .314.00 17 22 12, 1,082.00 361.00 120.50 22 27 12 1,133.00 378.00 126.00: 27, 32 12 1,361.00 454.00 151.50 32 37 12 1,455.00 485.00 162.00 37 .42 12 1,661.00 554.00 185.00 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Crashers - Jaw NO ACCESSORIES- WITHOUT POWER The above rates on crushers are based . on crushers being furnished with good serviceable man-. ganese jaws. Lessor frequently requires lessee to return the equipment with jaws in the same condition as when. received. In the event it is necessary to replace jaws while on the job, same are replaced at the expense of the lessee. These crusher rates do not include such equipment as elevator, screens or motive power. -Elevators and screens are not generally rented. When they are rented, many. lessors charge a rate of 15 per cent per month of the new. selling .price, . one -third of the monthly rate for, the weekly rate, and one - third, of the weekly rate for the daily rate. If Screens and'Elevators are rented, they are furnished in good, serviceable condition and repairs to them are at the expense- of the lessee. ROCK CRUSHERS AND PULVERIZERS (Portable) - A -Because of the different sizes and different types of accessories which comprise a complete port- able rock crushing and pulverizing plant, no information can be provided as to rates on Rock Crushers and Pulverizers. Many lessors, however, charge a rate of 15 per cent per . month of the new selling price on com- plete Portable Crushing and Pulverizing Plants and rent these plants on a minimum monthly basis only. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. DER - 20 Per month Per week Per day Opening 6 x 12------------------------------=----------------------- - - - - -- =------ - - - - -- $ 61.00 $ 21.00- $ 7.00 Opening 8 x 15------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 76.00 26.00 9.00 Opening 9 x 16------------------------------------------------------------------- - -7 - -- 97.00 35.00 11.00 Opening 8 x 24-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -: 126.00 42.00 14.00 Opening 9 x 24-----------------------------------------------------------=-------- - - - - -- 186.00 62.00 21.00 Opening 9 x 36-------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 209.00 70.00 23.50 Opening 10 x 16------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 150.00 50.00 17.00 Opening 10 x 20-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 180.00 60.00 20.00 Opening 10 x 30------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 214.00 72.00 24.00 Opening 10 x 36--=--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 244.00 82.00 27.50 Opening 10 x 40------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- - - - -- 250.00 84.00 28.00 Opening 12 x 24-------- - - - - -= ----------------------------------------=--------- - - - - -- 250.00 84.00 28.00 Opening 12 x 36-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 299.00 100.00 33.50 Opening 14 x 38-----------------------------------------=----------------------- - - - - -- 404.00 135.00 45.00 Opening 18 x 36------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 485.00 162.00 54.00 The above rates on crushers are based . on crushers being furnished with good serviceable man-. ganese jaws. Lessor frequently requires lessee to return the equipment with jaws in the same condition as when. received. In the event it is necessary to replace jaws while on the job, same are replaced at the expense of the lessee. These crusher rates do not include such equipment as elevator, screens or motive power. -Elevators and screens are not generally rented. When they are rented, many. lessors charge a rate of 15 per cent per month of the new. selling .price, . one -third of the monthly rate for, the weekly rate, and one - third, of the weekly rate for the daily rate. If Screens and'Elevators are rented, they are furnished in good, serviceable condition and repairs to them are at the expense- of the lessee. ROCK CRUSHERS AND PULVERIZERS (Portable) - A -Because of the different sizes and different types of accessories which comprise a complete port- able rock crushing and pulverizing plant, no information can be provided as to rates on Rock Crushers and Pulverizers. Many lessors, however, charge a rate of 15 per cent per . month of the new selling price on com- plete Portable Crushing and Pulverizing Plants and rent these plants on a minimum monthly basis only. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. DER - 20 CONSTRUCT- BY CONTRACT Derricks CIRCLE SWING From and not including. To and including Per month Per week Perysy 4 x 6-22 foot -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- (pounds)- $4.00 (pounds)- Per month Per week 5.00 Per day 6 x 8-22 foot-------------------------------------------------------------------=-- - - - - -- 17.00 1,400 $17.00 $ 6.00 20.00 $ 2.00 1,400 2,200 19.00 7.00 2.50 -2,200 3,000 23.00 8.00 3.00 GUY From and not To and including including Boom length (tons)- (tons)- (feet) Xwt height (feet) Per, month Per week Per day -------- 51 50- 80 Under 90 $128.00 $ 43.00 $14.50 70 -100 90 and over 189.00 63.00 21.00 5Y2 8% 50- 80 Under 90 153.00 51.00 17.00 70 -100 90 and over 209.00 , 70.00 23.50 8Y2 10Y2 50- 80 Under 90 175.00 59.00 20.00 70-100 90 and over ' 219.00 73.00 24.50 10Y2 13 50= 80 Under 90 200.00 67.00 22.50 - 70 -100 90 and over 244.00 82.00 27.50 13 17 .50- 80 Under 90 220.00. 74.00 25.00 70 -110 90 and over 274.00 92.00 31.00 17 22 .50- 80 Under 90 261.00 87.00 29.00 70 -110 90 and over 311.00 104.00 35.00 22 27 50- 80 Under 95 326.00 109.00 36.50 70 -110 95 and over 381.00 127.00- ' 42.50 27 35 50- 90. Under 105 382.00 128.00 43.00 80-110 105 and over 428.00 143.00 48.00 35 45 50- 90 Under 105 449.00 150.00 50.00 100 -120 105 and over 503.00 168.00 '56.00 45 55 50- 90 Under 105 532.00 178.00 59.50 90 -120 105 and over 582.00 194.00 65.00 6 POLE SETTER Per month Per week Per 22 -foot regular -----------------------------------------------=-=-------------- - - - - -- 17.00 6.00. 2.00 The derrick rental rates set forth above are . figured on the derricks being complete with operat- ing cables and load blocks, except where specifically noted. In the event of the rental of guy derricks, guy cables are not considered operating cable and are furnished as an extra at the expense of the lessee. Where derricks are furnished as hand derricks, hand winches are included in the specific rates set out in this schedule. Where derricks are operated by power, all power operating machinery is furnished as an extra. PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D.° MEMBER _21- Per month Per week Perysy 4 x 6-22 foot -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- $12.00 $4.00 $1.50 6 x 6-22 foot-- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 15.00 5.00 1.75 6 x 8-22 foot-------------------------------------------------------------------=-- - - - - -- 17.00 6.00 2.00 8 x 8-22 foot----------------------7---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 20.00 7.00 - 2.50 SETTER Per month Per week Per 22 -foot regular -----------------------------------------------=-=-------------- - - - - -- 17.00 6.00. 2.00 The derrick rental rates set forth above are . figured on the derricks being complete with operat- ing cables and load blocks, except where specifically noted. In the event of the rental of guy derricks, guy cables are not considered operating cable and are furnished as an extra at the expense of the lessee. Where derricks are furnished as hand derricks, hand winches are included in the specific rates set out in this schedule. Where derricks are operated by power, all power operating machinery is furnished as an extra. PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D.° MEMBER _21- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Derricks -Continued STITT LEG STEEL, WITH SILLS From and not To and Including including Boom length (tons)- (tons)- (feet) Mast height .(feet) Per month Per week Per day .__ 4 30- 60 38 and under $111.00 $ 37.00 $12.50 4 6 50- 80 38 and under 241.00 81.00 27.00 70 -100.. Over 38 317.00 106.00 35.50 6 9 - 50- 80 38 and under 253.00 85.00 28.50 70-100- Over 38 332.00 111.00 37.00 9 11 50- 80 38 and under 284.00 95.00 32.00 70 -100 Over 38 373.00 125.00 42.00 11 13 50- 80 38 and under 330.00 110.00 37.00 70 -100 Over 38 352.00 .118.00 39.50 13 17 50- 80 38 and under 339.00 113.00 38.00 70 -100 Over 38 434.00 145.00 48.50 17 22 50- 80 38 and under 395.00 132.00 .44.00 70 -100 Over 38 456.00 152.00.. 51.00 22 27 50- 80 38 and under 451.00 151.00 50.50 70 -100 Over 38 503.00 168.00 56.00 27 32 50- 80 38 and under 507.00 169.00 56.50 70 -100 Over 38 546.00 182.00 60.50 32 42 50- 80 38 and under 591.00 197.00 66.00 70 -100 Over 38 613.00 205.00 68.50 42 52 - 50- 80 38 and under 656.00 219.00 73.00 - 70 -100 Over 38 695.00 - 232.00 77.50 STHFF LEG - STEEL, WITHOUT SILLS From and not To and including (tons)- including (tons_ )- Boom length (feet) Mast height (feet) Per month Per week Per day 4 30- 60 38 and under $101.00 $ 34.00 $11.50 4 6 50- 80 38 and under 201.00 67.00 22.50 - 70 -100 Over 38 256.00 86.00 29.00 6 9 50- 80 38 and under 206.00 69.00 23.00 70 -100 Over 38 267.00 89.00 30.00 9 11 50- 80 38 and under 237.00 79.00 26.50 70 -100 Over 38 302.00 101.00 34.00 11 13 50- 80 ' 38 and under 267.00 89.00 30.00 70 -100 Over 38 331.00 111.00 - 37.00 13_ 17 50- 80 38 and under 287.00 96.00 32.00 70 -100 Over 38 360.00 120.00 40.00 17 22 50- 80 38 and under '335.00 112.00 37.50 70 -100 Over 38 403.00 135.00 45.00 22 27 50- 80 38 and under 403.00 135.00 45.00 70 -100 Over 38 448.00 150.00 50.00 27 32 50- 80 38 and under 450.00 150.00 50.00 70 -100 Over 38 _ 489.00 163.00 54.50 32 42 50- 80 38 and under. 528.00 176.00 59.00 70 -100 Over 38 554.00 185.00 62.00 42 53 50-80 38 and under 589.00 197.00 66.00 70-100 Over 38 619.00 207.00 69.00 The derrick rental rates set forth above are figured on the derricks being complete with operat- ing cables and load blocks, except where specifically noted. - In the. event of the rental of guy derricks, guy cables 'are not considered operating cable and are, furnished as an extra at the expense of the lessee. Where derricks are furnished as hand derricks, hand winches are included in the specific rates set out in this schedule. Where derricks are operated by power, all power operating machinery is furnished as an extra. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -22- CONSTRUCT 'BY CONTRACT De s - Continded STW LEG —WOOD From and not including, To and including (tons)— (tons) —: Per month Per week Per day ----- - -_ - -- 1Y2 $ 39.00 '$13.00, $ 4.50 1]i2 21/2 56.00 19.00 6.50 23/z _ 31/2 83.00 28.00 9.50 31/2 41/ 111.00 37.00 12.50 4Y 51/2 i 141.00., 47.00 16.00 53/2 123/2 166.00. 56.00 19.00 123/2 30 222.00., 74.00 25.00 TOWER Cable not included. Per month Per week _ Per day Any size - - - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- - - -- $ 28.00 $10.00 $ 3.50 TRIPOD Width Capacity Per month Per week Per day 12 feet 2 -4,000 pounds $122.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 '14 feet 2- 4,000'ponnds 28.00 10.00 3.50 The derrick rental rates -set forth above are figured on the derricks being complete with operat- ing ,cables and load blocks, except where specifically noted. In the event of the rental of guy derricks, guy cables are not considered operating cable and are furnished as an extra at the expense of the lessee. Where derricks are furnished as hand derricks, hand winches are included in the specific rates set out in this schedule. . Where derricks are operated by, power, all power operating machinery is, furnished as an extra. PRESENT, YOUR .EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN :A.E.D. MEMBER --23 _ . CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT, Dragline Excavators GASOLINE- ENGINE - DRIVEN -NO BUCKET Capacity of machine when used as a power shovel Per month Per week Per day Vs cubic yar(L ------- ---------- - ------- ------------------ - - - ----------- ----- $ 458.00 $ 153.00 51.00 3/2 cubic yard ..... - -------------------------------- - --------- - -------------- ------- -567.00 189.00 63.00 9/s cubic Yard---- - - - - -- ---------- - ------ - ------ -- - --- -------------- ........... 600.00 200.00 67.00 V4 cubic yard --- - ---------------------- - -------------- - -------- --------------------- 702.00 234.00 78.00 I cubic yard--------=-----=------------- - - - - -- --------------------------------- ------ 849.00 283.00 94.50 IY4 -cubic yards -------------------- ----------------------- - ----------------- ....... . 993.00 331.00 110.50 1Y2 cubic yards ----------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------ 1,294.00 431.50 144.00 13/4 cubic. yards..----------------------=------------------= - = - - -- -------------------- 1,496.00 499.00 166.50 2 cubic yards -------------------------- 7 -------- ----------- --------------- - --- ---- 1,670.00 557.00 186.00 2Y2 cubic yards--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------- - --- 2,324.00 776.00 258.50 DIESEL,ENGINEDRIVEN-NO BUCKET Vs cubic yard ---------------------------------------------------- - --------------------- $ 567.00 $ 189.00 $ 63.00 Y2 cubic yard ------------------------------------ - --- - --------- ---------------------- 634.00 212.00 71.00 Vs cubic yard -------------------------------------------- - -------- ---------------------- 684.00 228.00 76.00 :Y4 cubic yard--- - - - -------------- ----------------- - ---------- --------- - ------- 783.00. 261.00 87.00 1 cubic yard ------------------------------ 0 ------------------------------------ ------ 1,002.00 334.00 111.50 114 cubic yards ------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------- 1,128.00 376.00 125.50 13/2 cubic yards-------------------------------------=---- - - - - -- -------- - --------- - 1,338.00 446.00 149.00 13/ cubic yards------------------------------------- - - - - -- • ------------------------ 1,757.00 586.00 195.50 2 cubic yards ----------------------------------- -- - ------- ------------- - --------- 1,988.00 -663.00 221.00 2Y2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------ 7 - --------------------------- 2,580.00 860.00 287.00 3 cubic yards --------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------- 3,153.00 •1,051.00 350.50 3112 cubic yards ----------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- .3,509.00 1,170.00 390.00 STEAM-ENGINE-DRIVEN-NO BUCKET Per month Per week Per day Y2 cubic yard ----------- ------------------------ - ---- - ------------------------ $ 537.00 $ 179.00 $ 60.00 V4 cubic yar(L ---------------------------------- - ------------------- ----------------- 603.00 201.00 67.00 1 , cubic, yard --- * ----------------------- * ----------------------------------------------- 662.00 221.00 74.00 1 Y4 cubic yards--------------- - - - - -- ------------ ------------------ - - - - -- 949.00 317.00 106.00 ------------------ ' 11/2 cubic yards ------------------------------------ - ------ 7 -- ------------------------ 1,105.00 369.00 123.00 2 cubic yards ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- 1,548.00 516.00 172.00 I PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT ' PROBLEMS TO AN - A.E.D. MEMBER CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Drift, Rotating AIR Per month Per week Per day Drifters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $72.00 $24.00 $8.00 AIR, CLOSE-QUARTER AM WOOD From and not Including Per month Per week Per day Ys-inch -------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------------- ---- $19.00 $ 7.00 $2.50 11/4-inch ----------------------- - -- - -------------- - - - -------------------------------------- 29.00 10.00 3.50 2 -inch ------------- - - --------------- - ------ - ---------- --------- ----------------- 39.00 13.00 4.50. AM 24.00 8.00 3.00 3 Per, month Per week Per day %-inch ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - $15.00 $ 5.00 $1.75 %-Inch ----- -- 18.00 6.00 2.00 1Y- inch 28.00 10.00 3.50 2 -inch_ ---------- - ----------- ---- - ---- - --------------------------------------- 40.00 14.00 4.75 3 - inch--------------------------- - - - - -- - -- --------------------- - --- - -------- - 45.00 •5.00 5.00 AM WOOD From and not Including To and Including Per week Per day 1/44nch ----------- (inches)- (Inches)- Per month Per week Per day ' 4.00 ]L r W A u $14.00 $ 5.00 $1.75 1.75 3 24.00 8.00 3.00 3 5 35.00 12.00 4.00 The above rates are based on the inclusion of equipment with boring chuck mandrel or plate for attaching or holding these items. Drill bits, .drill steels, augers or grinding wheels are not included in the above rates. DRILLS, ELECTRIC DRILLS, ROM ROTATING, AIR Per month Per week Per day 1/44nch ----------- $ 8.00 $ 3.00 $ 1.00 %-inch ----- ------- - ----- r ---------- - ------------ --------------------- - - ----------- 10.00 ' 4.00 ]L r W A u %-Inch ------- - - - ------ - - ------- - ------------------ ------------ ------------ 14.00 5.00 1.75 Y4-inch ------- --- ------ ---- 15.00 5.00 1.75 %-inch. ---- - ----- - ---- -------- - ------------------ - 16.00 6.00 2.00 The above rates do not include Air 20.00 7.00 2.50 The above rates ;i��&r length of cable. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. -MEMBER DRILLS, GASOLINE, `HAND- ROTATED 26 Per month Per week Per day AllSizes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 82.00 $28.00 $ 9.50 DRILLS, ROM ROTATING, AIR Per month Per week Per day Rock Drill, I to 50 lbs., inclusive --------------- --- 35.00 $12.00 $-4.00 Rock Drill, 51 to 68 lbs., inclusive ---- ------ 40.00 14.00 4.75 Rock Drill, 69 to 80 lbs., inclusive- 45.00 15.00 5.00 Mounted Rock Drill. .. . ...... ....... 67.00 23.00 8.00 Wagon drills (with air hoist)----------- :---------------------- - - - - -- 181.00 61.00 20.50 Wagon Drills, hand, hoist------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 165.00 -55.00 19.00 The above rates do not include Air Hose, Drill Steels or Jackbits. These items are furnished as an extra. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. -MEMBER 26 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT 'Dump-Cars 24- TO 36 -INCH GAGE From and not incsluding To and including (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Per month Per week Per day (horsepower)- %s $ 22.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 %8 1� 28.00 10.00 3.50 13/4 . _ 13/ 39.00 .. 13.00 .4.50 i3/ 21/ 51.00 1100 6.00 Engines. DIESEL, WITH CLUTCH From and not including To and including continuous rating -continuous mating (horsepower)- (horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day . 19 $ 41.00 $ 14.00 $ 5.00 13 22 j 67.00 23.00_ . 8.00 22 30 84.00 28.00 9.50 30 40 102.00 34.00 11.50 40 55 118.00 .40.00 13.50 55 70 153.00 51.00 17.00 70 90 234.00 78.00 26.00 90 115 278.00 93.00 31.00 115 140 ' 333.00 111.00 37.00 140 165 498.00 166.00 55.50 165 185 578.00 193.00 61.00 185 210 749.00 250.00 83.50 210 235 880.00 294.00 98.00 0 GASOLINE SINGLE - CYLINDER From and not including To and including continuous rating continuous rating (horsenowerl- ( horsepower)- Per month Per week Per 11/2 f7 T 11.VV v a. Yr -.-- 15.00 5.00 1.75 2% 31/2 16.00 6.00 2.00 `i 51/2 22.00 ' 8.00 2.75 51 61/9 25.00 9.00 3.00 GASOLINE 2-, 4-, OR 64)YLINDER, WITH CLUTCH From and not, including To and including - continuous rating continuous rating (horsepower)- (horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day 13 $ 30.00 $ 10.00 $ 3.50 13 22 46.00 16.00 5.50 22 30 57.00 19.00 6.50 30 40 71.00 24.00 8.00 40 55 80.00 27.00 9.00 55 70 105.00 35.00 12.00 70 90; 147.00 49.00 16.50 90 115 205.00 69.00 23.00 115 140 276.00 92.00 31.00 140 165 362.00 121.00 40.50 .PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Etsinos— Contlnuoa STEAM, VEBTICAL Per month Per week Per day � ' 5 to 20 horsepower, inclusive_____ _____ ______ ___ ...... - $ 23.00 $ 8.00 $ .3.00 STEAM; SWING} - Per month Per week Per day 5-inch bore by 6 -inch stroke---------_-- ........___._— --------- - ---- µ $ 39.00 $13.00 $ 4.50 6% -inch bore by 8 -inch stroke ----------------------------- - ----------- :_ - - -- 56.00 19.00 6.50 Extractors PILE Manufacturer Model, - Per month Per week Per day McKiernan Terry Corporation ........... - ------- E2 $143.00 $48.00 $16.00 E4 223.00 75.00 25.00 .Vulcan ___ _______ _ _ _ ___ 111.00. _ _ . 37.00 12.50 400A 145.00 49.00 16.50 '800A 245.00 82.00 2150 Trade names are mentioned to indicate size. Extractors -of manufacturers not mentioned are sub- ject to the same rates as similar sizes and types of trade names mentioned. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. _ MEMBER 0 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT o A U T 1 O.N THE RENTAL' RATES AND TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS SCHEDULE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- POSES ONLY AND NOT TO SUGGEST, OR TO INFLUENCE THE RATES OR CONDITIONS OF RENTAL OF ANY ITEM OF EQUIPMENT, AS THIS IS A MATTER WHICH MUST BE DETERMINED BY THE LESSEE AND THE LESSOR OF THE EQUIPMENT INVOLVED. THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT ANY DISTRIBUTOR FROM CHARGING MORE OR LESS THAN THE RATES SET FORTH IN THE. SCHEDULE. IT WOULD CONSTITUTE AN UNFAIR TRADES PRACTICE FOR ANY DISTRIBUTOR, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, TO ENTER .' NTO ;ANY AGREEMENT, UNDERSTANDING, COMBINATION OR CONCERTED ACTION WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER DISTRIB- UTORS, OR WITH ONE OR MORE , OTHER PERSONS, TO .ADHERE TO THE RENTAL. RATES FDA IN THIS SCHEDULE, OR TO REFRAIN FROM CHARGING LESS THAN SUCH . RENTAL RATES. G - CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT r inishing Machines BITUMINOUS .SPREADER AND FINISHER MACHINE, GASOLINE - ENGINE- DRIVEN Per month Per week Per day All sizes --- ---- ---- _..- ------ - --------------------------------------- $831.00 - $277.00 $92.50 CONCRETE FLOOR TROWEL, GASOLINE OR ELECTRIC " Allsizes -------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - -= --=--------- - - - -_- $ 67.00 $ 23.00 $ 8.00 Above rates include machine being furnished with one good set of trowels. Any additional trowels that may be necessary are furnished by the lessee at an additional cost. ROAD CONCRETE MACHIINE (ENGINES, TAMPING ATTACHMENT) From and not including To and including (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 9 12 $463.00 $155.00 $52.00 12 18 490.00 164.00 55.00 18 24 500.00 167.00 56.00 24 30 544.00 182.00 61.00 30 35 570.00 190.00 63.50 (FINISHING (RODDING) .MACHINES Per month Per week Per day Gasoline Engine- Driven, hand - propelled ------------- ---- ------- - - - - -- $ 85.06 $ 29.00 $10.00 The above rates on finishing (rodding) machine do not include wooden screeds or angle edgers, which are furnished as an extra by the lessee. ri®ats CONCRETE FLOOR Compactor size From and not including To and including (inches)- (inches)- Per month Per week Per day ------ - - - - -- 18 $45.00 $15.00 $5.00 18 22 71.00 24.00 8.00 22 36 84.00 28.00 9.50 Above rates on floats include machine furnishd with one good floating disc or one good, set float - ing trowels. Any additional discs or trowels are furnished by lessee at additional cost. rormgraders Per month Per week Per day All sizes------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -7 $385.00 $129.00 $43.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -30= CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT ror s 12Y2 17.3/2 55.00 19.00 6.50 173 221/2 61.00 21.00 7.00 22% 323/2. 67.00 23.00 8.00 32Y2 423/2 78.00 26.00 '9.00 423,0 621/2 96.00 32.00 11.00 When ' generators are rented with Gasoline Diesel or Electric Power Units, the rental price of, the complete unit is the sum of the rentals of the separate units. An additional charge is frequently made for any necessary assembling or dismantling in an amount agreed upon -by Mutual consent between lessor and lessee. Grinders AIR SIDEWALK AND ROAD Per week Per day Price per .foot Depth Base Length per month 4 inches--------------------------- - - - - -- 6 inches or less----------------- - - --10 feet ----------------------- --- ------ - --- $0.08 5 inches---------------------------- - - - - -- 6 inches or less----------------- - - --10 feet-------------------------------- - - - - -- .10 6 inches----------------------------- - - - - -- 6 inches or less----------------- - - - -10 feet--------------------------------- - - - - -- .11 7 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- - 6 inches or less----------------- - - - -10 feet----------=----------------------- - - - - -- .11 8 inches-----------------------------= - - - - -- 6 inches or leas---------------- - - - -10 feet-------------------------------- - - - - -- .12 9 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- 6 inches or less-------------- - - - -10 feet --------------------------------------- .13 10 inches---------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- 6 inches or less-------- - - - - -- --- - - - -10 feet ---------------------------------- - -- .14 12 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- 6 inches' or less------------------ - - - -10 feet ----------------------------------- - - .17 7 inches-------------------------- - - - - -- 7 inches-------------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - -10 feet ------------------------ --- ------- - --- .13 7 inches ------------------------ ---- 8 - inches----- - - - - -- =------------------- - - - -10 feet --------------------------- ----- - - - - -- .14 8 inches--------- - - - - -- - - - - -- 8 inches------- - - - - -- ------------------ -- --10 feet ----------------------------------- ____ ------ - - - - -- .15 9 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- 8 inches------------------------------- - - - -10 feet --------------------------------------- .16 9 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- 9 inches------------- - - - - -- =----------- - - - -10 feet-------------------------------- - - - - -- .17 10 inches------------------------------ - - - - -- 8 inches-------------------------------- - - - -10 feet -------------------------- ------------ - .17 10 inches -------------------------------- - - -_10 inches-------------------------------- - - - -10 feet ---------------- - - - - -- - -- -- .18 4 -inch cross plates for sidewalk divisions __________________________________________________ _______- ___- _.___________ - - - - -- .05 PILE, DROP Generators ELECTRIC -NO POWER OR SWITCHBOARD From and not including To and including (kilowatt)- (kilowatt)- Per month Per week Per day ------------ 13/2 $17.00 $ 6.00 $2.00 1Y2 3% ' 21:00 7.00 2.50 3% 6 28.00 10.00 3.50 6 8 36.00 12.00 4.00 8 121/ 45.00 15.00 5.00 12Y2 17.3/2 55.00 19.00 6.50 173 221/2 61.00 21.00 7.00 22% 323/2. 67.00 23.00 8.00 32Y2 423/2 78.00 26.00 '9.00 423,0 621/2 96.00 32.00 11.00 When ' generators are rented with Gasoline Diesel or Electric Power Units, the rental price of, the complete unit is the sum of the rentals of the separate units. An additional charge is frequently made for any necessary assembling or dismantling in an amount agreed upon -by Mutual consent between lessor and lessee. Grinders AIR PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D.. MEMB= -31- Per month Per week Per day GRINDERS -.$34.00 $12.00 $4.00 cmMers AIR Per month Per week Per day ChiPPeTS - - - - - - - ---------=------------- - - - - -- $23.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 Pavement Breakers, 1 to 69 lbs., inclusive ------------------- - ------ -- 35.00 12.00, . 4.00 Pavement Breakers, 70 to 901bs., inclusive ----------- - ----- :-------- 41.00 14.00. 5.00 Rivet Hammers -Rivet Busters ---------------------------------------------- -. 29.00 10.00 3.50 Sheeting Drivers -Air --=-------------------- --------------- - - - - -- ------------------ 60.00 20.00 7.00 PILE, DROP From and not Including To and including (pounds)- (pounds) -' Per month Per week Per day ________ 1,500 $17.00 $ 6.00 $2.00 1,500 2,250 22.00 8.00 3.00 2,250 3,000 28.00 10.00 3.50 Cap for above -= -: - - -- 8.00. 3.00 1.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D.. MEMB= -31- CONSTRUCT BY .CONTRACT Ka ers - Continued PILE, STEAM . Manufacturer Model Per month Per week Per day McHiernan Terry Corporation _ ___ __ __ __ ____ ___r__ 0 $ 50.00 $ 17.00 $ 6.00 1 59.00 20.00 7.00. 2 67.00 23.00 8.00 3 7400. 25.00 8.50 5\ 98.00 33.00 11.00 6 118.00 40.00 13.50 - 7 157.00 53.00 18.00 9112 or 3 233.00 78.00 26.00 10 B 2 or 3 303.00 101.00 34.00 11 B 2 or 3 363.00 121.00 40.50 Union Iron Works___________ _________ ________ ____ __________ 9 40.00 14.00' 5.00 8 60.00 20.00 7.00 7 A 83.00 28.00 9.50 6 93.00 31.00 10.50' 5 11'3.00 38.00 13.00 4 127.00 43.00 14.50 3 146.00 49.00 16.50 3 A 166.00 5600. 19.00 2 181.00 61.00 20.50 11/2 A 226.00 76.00 25.50 .1 A 271.00 91.00 30.50 1 257.00 86.00 29.00 OA 699.60 ' 233.00 78.00 Vulcan ------------------------------------------------ :- - - - - -, 3 209.00 70.00 23.50 2 243.00 81.00 27.00 1 308.00 103.00 34.50 0 441.00 147.00 49.00 00 445.00 149.00 50.00 OR 482.00 161.00 54.00 4 75.00 25.00 8.50 18 C 196.00 66.00 22.00 30 C 267.00 89.00 30.00 150 C 347.00 116.00 39.00 80 C 469.00 157.00 52.50: 140 C 745.00 249.00 83.00 200 C 965.00 322.00 107.50 1800 259.00 87.00 29.00 3000 330.00 110.00 37.00 5000 450.00 150.00 50.00 8000 664.00 222.00 74.00 14000 1,053.00 351.00 117.00 20000 1,143.00 381.00 127.00 Trade names are mentioned to indicate size. Hammers of manufacturers not mentioned are subject to the same rates as similar sizes and types of names mentioned. ELECTRIC From and not Including To and including (inches)- (inches)- Per month Per week Per day V $46.00 $16.00 $ 5.50 1% 66.00 22.00 7.50 1V 1V 80.00 27.00 9.00 1� 2% 95.00 32.00 11.00 GASOLINE Per month Per week Per day Allsizes..._._....... r ..... _----................... _.-- ......... --=------------ - - - - -- $84.00 $28.00.. $9.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT. PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -32" CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT ELECTRIC, SINGLE- DRUM Electric hoist rates include grid resistor and drum -type controller and are based on normal range Routers CONCRETE $ 55.00 $ 19.00 $ 6.50 12, For mixer - 65.00 22.00 7.50 17 27 From and not including To and including 28.00 9.50 27 37 110.00 (cubic feet)- (cubic feet)- Per month Per week 47 Per day 44.00. 7 $28.00 $10.00 '143.00 $ 3.50 16.00 7- 21 40.00 14.00 56.00 5.00 67 92 TANS CAR 59.00 20.00 92 112 [Portable, on 2 to 4 wheels] 74.00 _ 25.00 112. '137 330.00 Per month Per week 137 Per day 1 -car capacity-------------------------- - - - --- =---------------------------------- - - - - -- $168.00 $56.00 177 $19.00 2-car or 3 -car capacity_____________________________ _______________ __________ _ _ _ _ __ 232.00 78.00 .26.00 Hoists Electric hoist rates include grid resistor and drum -type controller and are. based on normal range of line speeds. AIR - 12 $ 65.00 $ 22.00 Size L2 Per month Per week' Per day 1 to 1,500 pounds, inclusive, single drum- ---------------------------------- _- - - - - -- $56.00 $19.00 34.00 $ 6.50 1,501 pounds to 2,500 pounds, inclusive, single drum_ ------------------- _'_ 71.00 24.00 15.00 8.00 1,500 pounds to 2,500 pounds; inclusive, double drum-- ------------- - - - - -- 90.00 30.00 52.00 10.00 Air -hoist rates do not include hose. CHAIN 173.00 58.00 19.50 57 From and' not including To and including 187.00. 63.00 21.00 67 92 (tons)- (tons)- Per month Per week 92 Per day .265.00 1/2 $17.00 $ 6.00 137 $2.00 128.00 13/2 2Y2 22.00 8.00 •495.00 3.00 55.00 2Y2 4 28.00 10.00 194.00 3.50 4 6% 35.00 12.00 '4.00 6% 9 55:00 19.00 6.50 9 12 65.00 22.00- ° ` 7.50 ELECTRIC, SINGLE- DRUM Electric hoist rates include grid resistor and drum -type controller and are based on normal range of line speeds. 12, $ 55.00 $ 19.00 $ 6.50 12, 17 65.00 22.00 7.50 17 27 83.00 28.00 9.50 27 37 110.00 38.00 13.00 37 47 130.00 44.00. 15.00 " 47 :57 '143.00 48.00 16.00 57 67 166.00 56.00 19.00 67 92 177.00 59.00 20.00 92 112 221.00 74.00 _ 25.00 112. '137 330.00 110.00 37.00 137 177 421.00 141.00 47.00 177 222 485.00 162.00 54.00 ELECTRIC, DOUBLE -DRUM Electric hoist rates include grid resistor and drum -type controller and are. based on normal range of line speeds. - 12 $ 65.00 $ 22.00 $ . 7.50 L2 17 80.00 27.00 17 27 100.00 34.00 11.50 27 37 135.00 45.00 15.00 37 47 155.00 52.00 17.50 47 57 173.00 58.00 19.50 57 67 187.00. 63.00 21.00 67 92 215.00 72.00. 24.00 92 112 .265.00 89.00 30,00 112 , 137 383.00 128.00 43.00 137 177 •495.00 165.00 55.00 177 222 58100 194.00 65.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D..MEMBER -33- , CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT, GASOLINE, SINGLE DRUM - Hoists -Continued $ 41.00 $ 14:00 ELECTRIC, THREE-DRUM 8 14 Electric hoist rates include grid resistor and drum -type controller and are based. on. normal range of line speeds. 7.00 14 22 From and not including To and including .8.00 212.. (horsepower)- (horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day 29 37 $137.00 $ 46.00 .$15.50 37 47 186.00 62:00 21.00 47 57 209.00 70.00 23.50 57 67 268.00 90:00 30.00 67 82 315.00 105.00 35.00 82 112 .395.00 132.00 , 44.00 112 137 532.00 178.00 59.50 137 177 601.00 201.00 67.00 177 222 686.00 229.00 76:50 GASOLINE, SINGLE DRUM - 8 $ 41.00 $ 14:00 $ 5.00 8 14 _ 61.00 21.00 7.00 14 22 69.00 23.00 .8.00 212.. 29 85.00. .29..00 10.00 29 42 109.00 37.00 12.50 42 55 144.00. 48.00 16.00 55 65 159.00 , 53.00 18.00 .67 78 179.00 8600 20.00 78 92 212.00 71.00 24.00 92 112 274.00 92.00 31.00 GASOLINE, DOUBLE-DRUM _ 22 $ 92.00 - $ 31.00 $10.50 22 28 113.00 38.00 13.00 28 45 141.00 47.00 16.00 45 ... .... _ . 55 175.00 59.00 . '42.00 55 65 195.00 65.00 22.00 65 75 207.00 69.00 23.00 75 90 245.00- 82.00 27.50- 90 110 301.00 101.00 34.00 GASOLINE, THREE DRUM - - -- 42 57* 42 57 72 $149.00 214.00. 256.00 $ 50.00 72.00 86.00 $17.00 24.00 29.00 72 87 327.00 109.00 36.50 87 112 375.00 , 125.00 . '42.00 112 127 446.00 149.00 50.00 STEAM, WITH . BOILERS, SINGLE -DRUM Per month Per week Per day 4% s 6- inch------ ----- --------------------- -- --------- ------- ------- - $ 66.00 $22.00 $ 7.50 7 z 10 -Inc ----- --------------- ----- -- --------------------------- -------------------- 110.00 37.00 _ 12.50 8% s 10- inch - -- -------------- - - - - -- =- - - - - -- ---------------------------------- - - - - -• 140.00 47.00 16.00 9 z � 10- inch---------------------- - -- --------- - - - - -- ------------------ --- - - - - -- - - - 151.00 51.00 17.00 10 s 12- inch -------------=----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 195.00- 65.00 22.00 PRESENT YOUR, EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 34 =CONSTRUCT BY ' CONTRACT Hoists- Continued STEAM; WITH BOILERS, DOUBLE -DRUM 7 x 10- inch--------------------------------------------------=-------------- - - - - -- Per month $140.00 Per week $47.00 Per day $16.00 8� x 10- inch --------------------------- - - - - ----------------------------------------------- - - - - -• 165.00 55.00 18.50 9 x 10- inch--------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 181.00 61.00 20.50 10 x 12- inch ------ ------------------------------ - --------- - - - - -- - - -- 220.00 74.00 25.00 FLOOR, 30 cubic feet and under ---------- ----------- Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic feet, GATE, WITHOUT LEGS ------ -------------- 22.00 --------- - - - - -, ------- - - - - -- 28.00 FLOOR, DOUBLE GATE, WITH LEGS 30 cubic feet and under--------------------------------------- ---- -- - i _____ _ Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic fee 1 ___________ ______' 27.00 t, inclusive - --- - - - - -, ----- -___ -- 36.00 TRUCK MEXER, WITH LEGS Special, double -gate, 2- to 4-yard ------- ------------ ------------- - - - - -- 67.00 30 cubic feet and under--- ----------- - - - - -. Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic feet, PRESENT YOUR EQ TOWER 18.00 24.00 $56.00 66.00 69.00 84.00 $15.00 19.00 27.00 29.00 30.00 .42.00 $23.00 32.00 36.00 47.00 $30.00 37:00 40.00 52.00 Per week $ 6.00 8.00 7.50 10.00 7.50 10.00 9.00 12.00 23.00 6.00 8.00 I' PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER - 35- $19.00 22.00- 23.00 28.00 $ 5.00 6.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 14.00 $ 8.00 11.00 12.00 16.00 $10.00 12.50 13.50 17.50 Per day $2.00 3.00 2.50 3.50 2.50 3.50. 3.00 4.00 8.00 2.00 • 3.00 STEAM, WITH BOILERS, THREE -DRUM 7 - x 10- inch------------------------------------------------------- 8% x 10- inch -------------- - - - - -• $166.00 ------------------------------------- - ------------ ------------------------- 196.00 9 x 10- inch ---- --- - -------------------------------- =-------------- ------------------- 206.00 10 x 12-inch ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 251.00 STEAM, NO BOILERS, SINGLE -DRUM 4% x 6- inch--------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- $45.00 7 x 10- inch --- -- ---- -- ------------------- ------- - - -- = - -- - 55.00 8% x 10- inch -------------------------=-----------=-------------- - - - - -- 80.00 9 x 10- inch--------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 85.00 ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 90.00 10 x 12- inch--------------- I 7 -------------------- =- - -- - -._ 125.00 STEAM, NO BOILERS, DOUBLE -DRUM ------------ - - - - -- $ 67.00 8� x 10- inch -------------------------------------------------------- --------- - - - - -- 96.00 9 x 10- inch-------- - - - --- 106.00 10 x 12- inch------------------------------- - - - - -- - - _--------- - - - - -- 141.00 STEAM, NO BOILERS, THREE -DRUM 7 x 10- inch --- ----------------------- --------- -- - - -- $ 90.00 81/ x l0- inch----------------------------- - - - - -- - ! 110.00 9 x 10- inch - - - - -- ------------------ -------------- - - - - -- 120.00 10 x 12- inch----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I-------------- - - - - -• 154.00 ®ers FLOOR, SINGLE GATE, . WITHOUT LEGS . 30 cubic feet and under ------------------------- ------- Per month - -. _ - -- - - - - -- - _ -_ $17.00 Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic fee [------------------ t, inclusive --- __ -- 24.00 ,--------- FLOOR, SINGLE GATE, WITH LEGS 30 cubic'feet and under---------------------------------- -- - - -I -- ----------- - 22.00 -71 ---- - - - - -- - Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic fee 1_____________________________- 28.00 t, inclusive - -- FLOOR, 30 cubic feet and under ---------- ----------- Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic feet, GATE, WITHOUT LEGS ------ -------------- 22.00 --------- - - - - -, ------- - - - - -- 28.00 FLOOR, DOUBLE GATE, WITH LEGS 30 cubic feet and under--------------------------------------- ---- -- - i _____ _ Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic fee 1 ___________ ______' 27.00 t, inclusive - --- - - - - -, ----- -___ -- 36.00 TRUCK MEXER, WITH LEGS Special, double -gate, 2- to 4-yard ------- ------------ ------------- - - - - -- 67.00 30 cubic feet and under--- ----------- - - - - -. Over 30 cubic feet to 60 cubic feet, PRESENT YOUR EQ TOWER 18.00 24.00 $56.00 66.00 69.00 84.00 $15.00 19.00 27.00 29.00 30.00 .42.00 $23.00 32.00 36.00 47.00 $30.00 37:00 40.00 52.00 Per week $ 6.00 8.00 7.50 10.00 7.50 10.00 9.00 12.00 23.00 6.00 8.00 I' PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER - 35- $19.00 22.00- 23.00 28.00 $ 5.00 6.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 14.00 $ 8.00 11.00 12.00 16.00 $10.00 12.50 13.50 17.50 Per day $2.00 3.00 2.50 3.50 2.50 3.50. 3.00 4.00 8.00 2.00 • 3.00 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Rose AIR 1 I 1 Per day Per month Hose -Air, up to and including s/8 -inch, per 50 -foot length ----------- $5.50 Hose. -Air, over % -inch to 1-inch, per 50 -foot length__________ ____ ____ __ 6.60 Hose -Whip, not to exceed 10 feet --------------------------------------------------------- 2.50 DISCHARGE- COUPLINGS ATTACHED Diameter (inches) n (teeter) Per month Per week 1% 10 $2.20 $1.10 15 3.30 1.65 20 4.40 2.20 2 10. 2.70 1.35., 15 4.05 2.00 20 5.40 2.70 3 10 3.85 1.90 15 5.80 2.90 ` 20 _ 7.65 3.80 4 10 7.00 3.50 15 10.50 5.25 20 14.00 7.00 16 10 23.75 '11.87 . 15 33.15 16.58 20 42.50 21.25 JETTING- COUPLINGS ATTACHED --- - .- ----------- ---- Per foot ........... $ 0.40 , $ 0.20 ---------------------------- -Per foot ----------- 1.00 .50 SUCTION- COUPLINGS ATTACHED Diameter (inches) Length (feet) Per month Per Week 1Y2 10 $ 4.00 $ 2.00 15 6.00 3.00 "20 8.00 4.00 2 10 6.00. 3.00 15 9.00 4.50 20 12.00 6.00 3 10 10.50 5.25 -15 15.75 7.85 20 21.00 10.50 4 10 15.50 7.75 .15 23.25 11.60 20 31.00 15.50 g. .10 30.00 , 15.00 15 45.00 22.50 20 60.00 30.00 8 10 129.00 64.50 15, 168.94 84.50 20 227.00 113.50 10 10 184.50 92.25 , 15 255.55 127.50 20 325.80 162.90 Rental rates include nipples and foot valve. HOSE. -STEAM 11 50 $42.00 $21.00 1% 50 ' 50.00 25.00 2 50 67.50 33.75 1 I 1 Per day Per week $2.75 $1.38 3.30 1.65 .65 1.25 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO, AN A.E.D. MEMBER -36- Per day $ 0.55 -.85 1.10 .70 1.00 1.35 .95 1.45 1.90 1.75 2.65 3.50 5.95 8.30. 10.65 $0.10 .25 Per day $ 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.25 3.00 2.65 3.95. 5.25 3.90 5.80 7.75 - 7.50 11.25 15.00 82.25 42.50 56.75 46.15 63.75 81.45 $10.50 12.50. 17.00 CONSTRUCT ' BY.. CONTRACT ----- - - - - -- 12 I $ 5.00 $ 1.70 $0.60 12 Jacks 2.40 .80 17 BRIDGE- (GEARED, I`SCREW OR HEAVY HYDRAULIC) 3.00 From and not including To and including SCREW . (tons)- (tons)- Per month Per week Per day ------ - - - - -- 20 i $15.00 $ 5.00 $1.70 20 30 20.00 '' . 7.00 2.35 30 42 28.00 10.00 3.35 42 62 32.00 11.00 3.70 62 87 41.00 14.00 4.70 87 115 I 60.00 20.00 6.75 do 9.00 HYDRAULIC 1.00 2x18 ------ - - - - -- 10 $ 3.00 $ 1.00 $0.35 10 16 4.00 1.35 .45 16 35 10.00 4.00 1.35 35 60 17.00 6.00 2.00 JOURNAL Per week Per day --- - ------ 12 $ 4.00 $ $0.60 12 20 5.00 1.70 4 -Wheel Mounting --4- Cylinder Gasoline Engine Driven 20 30 8.00 2.70 15) .90 30 42 11.00 3.70 1.25 42 60 19.00 6.35 2.15 ----- - - - - -- 12 I $ 5.00 $ 1.70 $0.60 12 17 7.00 2.40 .80 17 22 9.00 3.00 1.00 SCREW . ._ - = - -- -- 25 $ 2.00 $ .0.70 $0.25 TRACK - SINGLE ACTING 12 17 $ 5.00 $ 1.70 $0.60 TRENCH (WITH: OR WITHOUT FILLERS) Size (inches) Per month Per week Per day 11/ x12 Per dozen $ 7.00 $ 2.40 11/2x18 do 8.00 2.70 .90 1Y2x24 do 9.00 3.00 1.00 2x18 do 15.00 5.00 1.70 . ROAD -MUD (One Cylinder Pump) 2 -Wheel Mounting - Single Cylinder Gasoline Engine Driven Size bore Stroke (inches)- (inches) - H. P. Per month Per week Per day 5 6% 11/4 $125.00, $42.00 $14.00 (Two- Cylinder Pump) 4 -Wheel Mounting --4- Cylinder Gasoline Engine Driven 77/8 10 28 350.00 117.00 59.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -37- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Kettles, Tar and Asphalt Keating OIL BURNING, STATIONARY From and not including (gallons)-. To and including (gallons)- Per month Per week Per day _ - 45 $21.00 $ 7.00 $2.50 45 85. 25.00 8.50 3.00 85 135 28.00 9.50 3.25 135 185 30.00 10.00 3.50 185 255 35.00 12.00 4.00 255 355 50.00 17.00 103.00 35.00 OIL BURNING, PORTABLE 6,000 9,000 ------ - - - - -- 45 $22.00 $ 8.00. $3.00 45 85 31.00 11.00 4.00 85 135 36.00 12.00 4.00 135 185 41.00 14.00 . 5.00 '185 255 46.00 16.00 - 5:50 255 355 60.00 20.00 7.00 WOOD PORTABLE OR STATIONARY Per month Per week ------ - - - - -- 45 $17.00 $ 6.00 $2.00 45 85 22.00 7.50 2.50 85 135 25.00 8.50 3.00 135 185 27.00 9.00 3.00- Lighting Flants, GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, A. C. OR D. C. From and not including (watts)- To and including (watts)- Per month Per week Per day ------ 1,100 $ 46.00 .$16.00 $ 5.50 1,100 1,750 56.00 19.00 6.50 1,750 2,900 69.00 23.00 8.00 2,900 4,500 86.00 29.00. 10.00 4,500 6,000 103.00 35.00 12.00 6,000 9,000 125.00 42.00 14.00 91000 12,000 167.00 56.00 .19.00 12,000 17,000 196.00 66.00 22.00 17,000 _ 22,000 224.00 75.00 25.00 CARBIDE LIGHTS Per month Per week Per day No. 2 Carbide or equivalent_____________________ _____ _______ ______ __ __ __ _ ___ ___ $11.00 $4.00 $1.50 L ®a ers, . Bucket From and not including To and including (cu. yds. per minnte)- (cu. yds. per minute)- Per month Per week Per day _ 13/4 $273.00 $91.00 $30.50 1% 21 369.00 123.00 41.00 2Y 3Y 535.00 179.00 60.00 3Y 4 615.00 205.00 6850 4 6 854.00 285.00 95.00 6 8 894.00 298.00 99.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 4 -38- CONSTRfJC V BY CONTRACT Mixers', Bituminous CENTRAL. BITUMINOUS PLANT, GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE From and not including (tons per hour)- ( WITH GRADATION CONTROL UNff ) To and including (tons per hour)- Per month Per week Per day Loaders, Portable Belt 30 50 GAS OR ELECTRIC POWERED, LENGTH OF BELT 16 TO 62 FEET 192.50. 50 width of bel•.r 2,245.00 .748.00 249.50 70 From and not including To and including 2,524.00 842.00 281.00 90 (inches)= (inches)- Per month Per week Per day CENTRAL BITUMINOUS PLANT, 15 $138.00 $46.00 $15.50 15 19 177.00 59.00 20.00 19 23 180.00 60.00 20.00 23 27 192.00 64.00 21.50 27 32 200.00 67.00 22.50 Mixers', Bituminous CENTRAL. BITUMINOUS PLANT, GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE From and not including (tons per hour)- ( WITH GRADATION CONTROL UNff ) To and including (tons per hour)- Per month Per week Per day 'RAVELING BITUMINOUS PLANT (SELF - PROPELLING), GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE (WITHOUT DRYER AND GRADATION CONTROL UNITS) 1Y $ 841.00 $ 281.00 $ 94.00 1V 1%4 1,196.00 399.00 133.00 1Y 4 1,319.00 440.00 147.00 TRAVELING_ BITUMINOUS PLANT, NON - SELF - PROPELLING, GASOLINE OR' DIESEL ENGINE - ( WITHOUT DRYER AND GRADATION CONTROL UNITS) . Per month Per week Per day .-.. -- 11 14 $ 523.00 $ 175.00 $ 58.50 11 /a 1F 741.00 247.00 82.50 2% 966.00 322.00 107.50 The capacities of the plants are figured for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete using aggregate weighing 90 pounds per cubic foot, the aggregate being nixed 1Y2 minutes. HOT .ASPHALTIC M [X Maximum rental 28c per ton produced. COLS ASPHALTIC MIX Maxhnum rental, 15c per ton produced. BITUMINOUS SPREADER AND FINISHER MACHINE, GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN Per month Per week Per day All sizes --------------- ----------._.--------------------------------------------- ---- -- $832.00 $278.00 $93.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO:AN A.R.D. MEMBER _39- 30 $1,233.00 $ 413.00 $104.50 30 50 1,731.00 577.00 192.50. 50 70 2,245.00 .748.00 249.50 70 90 2,524.00 842.00 281.00 90 110 3,679.00 1,227.00 409.00 CENTRAL BITUMINOUS PLANT, GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE (WITHOUT GRADATION CONTROL UNIT) 30 $ 652.00 $ 218.00 $ 73.00 30 50 992.00 331.00 110.50 50 70 1,563.00 521.00 174.00 'RAVELING BITUMINOUS PLANT (SELF - PROPELLING), GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE (WITHOUT DRYER AND GRADATION CONTROL UNITS) 1Y $ 841.00 $ 281.00 $ 94.00 1V 1%4 1,196.00 399.00 133.00 1Y 4 1,319.00 440.00 147.00 TRAVELING_ BITUMINOUS PLANT, NON - SELF - PROPELLING, GASOLINE OR' DIESEL ENGINE - ( WITHOUT DRYER AND GRADATION CONTROL UNITS) . Per month Per week Per day .-.. -- 11 14 $ 523.00 $ 175.00 $ 58.50 11 /a 1F 741.00 247.00 82.50 2% 966.00 322.00 107.50 The capacities of the plants are figured for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete using aggregate weighing 90 pounds per cubic foot, the aggregate being nixed 1Y2 minutes. HOT .ASPHALTIC M [X Maximum rental 28c per ton produced. COLS ASPHALTIC MIX Maxhnum rental, 15c per ton produced. BITUMINOUS SPREADER AND FINISHER MACHINE, GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN Per month Per week Per day All sizes --------------- ----------._.--------------------------------------------- ---- -- $832.00 $278.00 $93.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO:AN A.R.D. MEMBER _39- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Mixers - Continued Faving Mixers GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE size Per month Per week 21 -E ------------------------ - - - - -- •------- - - - - -: ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 334.00 $112.00 27 -E (Old style) -- - - -- -- ---=------------ - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- 582.00 194.00 27-E single and dual drum_ --------------------------------- --------------------- 1,023.00 341.00 34-E single drum---------------- - - - - -= - ----------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,469.00 490.00 34-E dual drum--------------------------------------------- - - - - -: ---------------- - - - - -- 1,747.00 583.00 First Serial No. of new 27 -E. Rex- G9554. Hoehring- 15574. Ransome -9673. , Foote -4334. Mortar. or Plaster Per month Per week 1 bag - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $70.00 $24.00 2 bags ---------------------=------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 91.00 31.00 ROAD'PORTABLE ASPHALTIC MAT AND STABILIZED BASE Per day $ 37.50 65.00 114.00 163.50 194.50 Per day $ 8.00 10.50 From and not including To and including (tons per hour)- (tons per hour)- Per month Per week Per day - - - - -- 200 $1,210.00 $404.00 $135.00 200. 250 1,375.00 459.00 153.00 The above mixers are sometimes rented on a production basis. In this event the production rental is 3/ cents per square yard per inch of thickness. , . ' , PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO.. AN A.E.D. MEMBER -40- Concrete PORTABLE Size (cubic feet) Per month Per week Per day 41/2 and under, low charger --- _------------------------------------------------- $43.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 43/2 and under, power charger -------------------- - __------ _-- _- _--- _------- 55.00 19.00 6.50 Over 41/2 to 6, inclusive, low charger - - - -_ - --- ------ ---- -- --------- - - - - -- 63.00 21.00 -7.00 Over 432 to 6, inclusive, power charger-- -- -------------- --- ---- - - ---- 80.00 27.00 9.00 Over 6 to 81/2, inclusive, low charger------ -------------- ---------- - -- - -- 85.00 29.00 10.00 Over 6 to 83/2, inclusive, power charger- ------------ --- ---- -- -- -- - - ---- 94.00 32.00 11.00 Over 83/2 to 12, inclusive, low charger --- ------------------------------ 110.00 37.00 12.50 Over 81/2 to 12, inclusive, power charger-- -- --- ----------------- --- - -- 138.00 46.00 15.50 Over 12 to 16, inclusive, power charger- -------- -------- ---- ----- - - - - -- 179.00 60.00 20.00 .Over 25 to 30, inclusive, ,batch hopper------- ------ ----- ---------- - - - - -- . 243.00 81.00 27.00 Add for batchmeter* ....... ------------------------------------------------------- 7.50 2.50 1.00 Addfor P»P' P ------------------------------------ =---------------------------- - - - - -- 6.00 2.00 .75 . • Rates include measuring tank but do not include batchmeter or pump. Faving Mixers GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE size Per month Per week 21 -E ------------------------ - - - - -- •------- - - - - -: ---------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 334.00 $112.00 27 -E (Old style) -- - - -- -- ---=------------ - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- 582.00 194.00 27-E single and dual drum_ --------------------------------- --------------------- 1,023.00 341.00 34-E single drum---------------- - - - - -= - ----------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,469.00 490.00 34-E dual drum--------------------------------------------- - - - - -: ---------------- - - - - -- 1,747.00 583.00 First Serial No. of new 27 -E. Rex- G9554. Hoehring- 15574. Ransome -9673. , Foote -4334. Mortar. or Plaster Per month Per week 1 bag - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $70.00 $24.00 2 bags ---------------------=------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 91.00 31.00 ROAD'PORTABLE ASPHALTIC MAT AND STABILIZED BASE Per day $ 37.50 65.00 114.00 163.50 194.50 Per day $ 8.00 10.50 From and not including To and including (tons per hour)- (tons per hour)- Per month Per week Per day - - - - -- 200 $1,210.00 $404.00 $135.00 200. 250 1,375.00 459.00 153.00 The above mixers are sometimes rented on a production basis. In this event the production rental is 3/ cents per square yard per inch of thickness. , . ' , PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO.. AN A.E.D. MEMBER -40- 3 cubic yards -------------------------------- ------- 7 -------------- --------- 3Y2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------ --------- 4 cubic yards---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I --------- 43/ cubic yards -------------------------------------------------------- ,---- - - - - -. 358.00 373.00. 399.00 444.00 120.00 125.00 133.00 148.00. 5 cubic yards------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I ---- L -------- 483.00 161.00 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT 503.00 1 8.00 6 6 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------ 'I Mixers - Continued 172.00 HOPPER TRUCK MIXER, WITH. LEGS Mixers or Riffitators-Truck Special, double gate, 2 to 4- yard---------------- --- - - - --- - .---- :_.___- - - - - -- $65.00 SEPARATE GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVE, NO TRUCKS INCLUDED MOIL POINTS (Lessee does own mounting) 1y8x18-inch ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- $2.50 Capacity Per month Per week Per day 11 cubic yard------------------------------- - - - - -- $196.00 $ 66.00 $22.00, 11Y2 cubic yards--------------------------- - - - - -- - ! - - - - - -. 222.00 74.00,' 25.00 2 cubic yards ----------------------- ------------------- . 1 282.00 ----------- --------- 94.00 31 .50, 23/ cubic yards----------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------- --------- 312.00 104.00 35.00 3 cubic yards -------------------------------- ------- 7 -------------- --------- 3Y2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------ --------- 4 cubic yards---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I --------- 43/ cubic yards -------------------------------------------------------- ,---- - - - - -. 358.00 373.00. 399.00 444.00 120.00 125.00 133.00 148.00. 5 cubic yards------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I ---- L -------- 483.00 161.00 '53/2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------ I ! ------------ 503.00 1 8.00 6 6 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------ 'I 526.00 172.00 HOPPER TRUCK MIXER, WITH. LEGS Special, double gate, 2 to 4- yard---------------- --- - - - --- - .---- :_.___- - - - - -- $65.00 $22.00 MOIL POINTS 1y8x18-inch ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- $2.50 $1.25 - I lysx24-inch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.00 1.50 PROBLEMS, TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 40.00 42.00 44.50 50.00 54.00 56.00 58.00 $7.50 $0.65 .75 For, information regarding Rental Rates, contact— Eldon M. Farnum; Chairman, Rental Committee, Care Allied Construction Equipment'Co., 4015 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. When ordering additional copies of this Schedule, send order to Associated Equipment Distributors. 360 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 1, Illinois. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS To AN A. E. D. MEMBER —42:— CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Moto' rs ®Electric SQUIRREL. CAGE From and not including To and including Per month Per week Per day •------------------------------- - - - - -- 6 hP- ---------------- - - - --- $ 11.00, $ 4.00 $ 1.50 .. 6 hp- ----------- -___ 9 hP- -------------------- 17.00 6.00 2.00 9 hp - --------------- - - - - -- -171/2 hp- ----------------- - - - - -- 25.00 9.00 3.00 171/2 hP- --------------- - - -_27Y2 hP- ------- - ------ -------- , 45.00 15.00 5.00 271Y2 hP- -------------------- - - - -45 hP- ----------------- - - - - -- 55.00 19.00 6.50 45 hP- -=---------------- - - - -55 hP- ----------------- - - - - -- 65.00 22.00 7.50 55 h _ P__ - 85.00 29.00 10.00 For motors over 75 h p .7 rate P• per r h --------- -- - - - - - I 1.10 .40 .15 CONSTANT OR VARIABLE SPEED, WOUND MOTOR (slip ring type) From and not including To and including Per month Per week Per day =- E - -- -- -- ------ 171/2 hp- ------------------ - - - - -- $ 30.00 $10.00 $ 3.50 171, hP- ----------------- - - - - -- -271/2 hp- ------------------ - - - - -- 55.00 19.00 6.50 271/2 hP- ------------------------ 45 hp- ----------------- - - - - -- 75.00 25.00 8.50 45 hp- -------------------- - - --55 hp- ----=------------- - - - - -- 85.00 29.00 10.00 55 hP• - -- --- - - -- -w75 hp- ------------------ - - - - -- 105.00 35.00 12.00 For motors over 75 hp., rate per hp_________________ 1.40 .50 .20 The -above. rates on electric motors do not include motor starting equipment. When motor start- ing equipment is included in the motor rental, many lessors charge 10 per cent per month of the new selling price, one -third of the monthly rate as the weekly rate, and one -third of the weekly rate as the daily rate. PULVERIZERS AND ROCK CRUSHERS- PORTABLE Because of the different sizes and different types of accessories which comprise a complete portable rock crushing and pulverizing plant, no information can be provided as to rates on Rock Crushers and Pulverizers. Many lessors, however, charge a rate of 15 per cent per month of the new selling price on complete Portable Crushing and Pulverizing Plants and (rent these plants on a minimum monthly basis only. 1pumperefes GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN Per month Per week Per day Model 160, single cylinder without remixer ------- 1------------------- $ 518.00 $173.00 $ 58.00 Model 160, single cylinder with remixer -------------- _------------------ 589.00 197.00 66.00 Model 160, double cylinder without remixer ----- l------------------ 946.00 316.00 105.50 Model 160, double cylinder with remixer ----------- _ ------------------ 1,147.00 383.00 128.00 Model 200, single cylinder with remixer_____________ I____________ Model 200, double cylinder without remixer ----- ___________________ Model 200, double cylinder with remixer___________ ___________ _______ DRIVEN Model 160, single cylinder without remixer Model 160, single cylinder with remixer_____________ Model 160, double cylinder without remixer_____ Model 160. double cvlinder with remixer___________ 684.00 228.00 76.00 862.00 288.00 96.00 1,249.00 417.00 139.00 1,467.00 489.00 163.00 $ 549.00 $183.00 $ 61.00 619.00 207.00 69.00 1,010.00 337.00 112.50 1.215.00 405.00 135.00 Model 200, single cylinder with remixer -------------- ! _________________ 950.00 317.00 106.00 - Model 200, double cylinder without remixer ------ ', _________________ 1,348.00 450.00 150.00 Model 200, double cylinder with remixer ------------ 1----------------- 1,560.00 520.00 173.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 1-43- CONSTRUCT BY. CONTRACT Per week Per day Fumperetes ®C®ntsnued $13.00.- $ 4.50 PIPE 15.00 5.00 Per month Per week Per day 6 -inch pipe per foot, including necessary ells and fittings - - -- $0.37 $0.13 $0.05, 7 -inch pipe per foot, including necessary ells and fittings_ - -- .44 .15 .05 9-inch pipe per foot, including necessary ells and fittings -_ -- .50 .17 .06 Pumps 88.00 29.50 CAISSON -STEAM Suction Discharge Per month Per week Per day 3 -inch 2 -inch $ 40.00 $14.00 $5.00 4 -inch 3 -inch 50.00 17.00 6.00 5 -inch 4 -inch' 66.00 22.00 7.50 6 -inch 5 -inch 85.00 29.00 10.00 7 -inch 6 -inch 110.00 37.00 12.50 CENTRIFUGAL- GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN (Self- priming) 1y2-inch 3 M - - -- =------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-inch 7 to 10 M ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 -inch 15 to 20 M---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-inch 30 to 40 M---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 -inch 75 to 90 M --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 -inch 125 M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 -inch 175 to 225 M--------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -= Per month Per week Per day $ 39.00 $13.00.- $ 4.50 45.00 15.00 5.00 56.00 19.00 6.50 89.00 30.00 10.00 139.00 47.00 16.00 222.00 74.00 25.00 263.00 88.00 29.50 Single stage (no power) - Standard not self- priming for belt drive or direct connection Discharge openings Per month Per week Per day U to 1- inch, inclusive ---------------------- _.._--- - - -_ -- 1? -inch to 2- inch, inclusive _:__- ----------------- - --- $17.00 28.00 $ 6.00 10.00 $2.00 3.50 N -inch . to 3- inch, inclusive ------------------- ---- --- 40.00 14.00 5.00 31/2 -inch to 4- inch, inclusive ---- - ---------------------- 59.00 20.00 7.00 5 -inch to 6- inch, inclusive --- - -------------- - __ -_ -__ 74.00 25.00 8.50 Where the above pumps are rented with either electric motors or gasoline engines and .are rented for less than three months, and where the lessor mounts the unit for the purpose of renting, many lessors make an extra charge for the mounting of the pump and the driving power. Where rental is for three or more months, no charge is usually made for mounting the driving power on the pump. For multistage pumps (no power) single stage rates plus the following are charged: For2 stage------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- --- ---------------------------------------------- 50 per cent For3 stage--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------- ---- ------ --- ----------- 75 per cent For4 stage ......... ................. ................ --_..---------- ---- _ ---------- .... _.......... 100 per cent PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER .-44- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Pumps-, Continued DIAPHRAGM Per month Per week Per day Hand power ------------------------------------------- - - - - -, ----------------==------------=--- - - - - -- $10.00 .$4.00 $1.50 Gasoline Engine Driven (Force or open top) . From and not To and size Action including 1$. P. including H- P. Per month Per week Per day 3 -inch Single ------------------ 3 -inch Double ------------ - - - - -- 4-inch Single 4Y2 ' 4Y2 4112 41/2 $41.00 9 62.00 43/2 56.00 9 81.00 4% 48.00 9 67.00 4-inch Double ------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- 41/2 68.00 414 j 9 91.00 JETTING PY MPS. (Self - Priming) 100 pounds per square inch From and not including To and, including G. P. M- G. P. M. Per month Per week $14.00 21.00 19.00 27.00 16.00 23.00 '23.00 31.00 Per day $ 5.00 7.00 6.50 9.00 5.50 8.00 8.00 10.50 350 450 $165.00 $ 55.00 $18.50 450 650 178.00 60.00 20.00 650 750 380.00 127.00 42.50 PLUNGER From and To and not including including size H. P. H- P. Per month Per week Per day . - - ------------------ ------------------------ --- 2- inch------------------------------------- - - - -- 5 - 13 73.00 25.00 8.50 - 3-inch -------------------------------------------- - - -- 5 83.00 28.00 9.50 3- inch -------------------------------------- - - - - -- 5 I11 95.00 32.00 11.00 3- inch -------------------------- ------------------ 11 20 140.00 47.00 16.00 4- inch----------------=----------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- 5 90.00 30.00 10.00 4- inch ------------------------- •------------------ 5 11 100.00 34.00 11.50 16.50 4- inch-------------------------------------- - - - - -- 11 20 145.00 49.00 PNEUMATIC .PUMP Per month Per week Per day Smaa---------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------ $100.00, $34.00 $11.50 Medium- ------------------------=----------------------- - ------- ---------- ------------ - - - - -- 125.00 42.00 14.00 Tandem- - -, -------- -- = --------------------------------------------------- ------------ - - - - -- 250.00 83.50 28.00 For any pump not listed in'the above table,_ many lessors charge as the monthly rental rate 15 per cent of the . new selling price, one -third of the monthly rate as the weekly rate, and one -third of the weekly rate as the daily rate. ROAD GASOLINE Gasoline G. P. M. Lbs. Pressure Eng. H. P. Per month Per week Per day 80 500 35 -45 1 $203.50 $ 67.90 $22.65 125 320 35 -45 203.50 67.90 22.65 100 600 55 -65 210.00 , 70.00 23.50 125 500 55 -65 214.00 71.50 24.00 .150 400 55 -65 225.00 75.00 25.00 DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN 125 500 55 -65 I $335.00 $112.00 $37.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -45- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Damps - Continued WELUPOINT SYSTEM Quarry Skip Bucket Carrier Per month Per week Per day Month $105.00 $35.00 $12.00 2 cubic yards--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 135.00 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 6-inch well-point pump---- - - - - -- $180.00 $165.00 $150.00 $135.00 $115.00 $ 95.00 $ 95.00 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 8-inch well-point pump---- - - - - -- 240.00. 220.00 200.00 170.00 130.00' 130.00 110.00 105.00 100.00 10 -inch well -point pump-- - - - - -- 310.00 285.00 260.00 220.00 165.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 Jet pump------------- --------------- - - - - -- 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 Jet hose, per foot ------------ - - - - -- .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 Suction hose, per foot -- _------- .66 .46 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 .36 Well-point with riser and swing joint connection, ea. 4.40 3.40 1.80 1.60 1.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 6 -inch discharge pipe with couplings, per foot-------- - - - - -- .22 .12 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 6 -inch header pipe, per foot, with couplings-------------- - - - - -- .40 .20 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 8 -inch discharge pipe with couplings, per foot ----------- .33 .17 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 8 -inch header pipe with couplings, per foot------ - - - - -- .61 .21 .15 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 .11 10 -inch discharge pipe with couplings, per foot --------- _ .44 .24 .12 .12 .12 ' .12 .12 .12 .12 10 -inch header pipe with couplings, per foot ------------ .81 .35 .18 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 6-inch gate valves------------ - - - - -- 7.00 4.60 3.80 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 8 -inch gate valves----- ------- - - - - -- 11.00 7.40 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 10 -inch gate valves --- - ------ - --- 17.00 11.25 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 , 8.00 6-inch and under jet dry pump (combination)-- _ - - - -.- 176.00 161.00 146.00 126.00 106.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 95.00 8 -inch jet dry pump (combi- nation) ------------- _ ---- ------ - 242.00 220.00 200.00 170.00 130.00 120.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 Well-point mop with 20 -feet of 2 -inch suction hose and - swing joint ---------- -------------- 11.00 11.00 11.00, 6.00 6.00 6.00 . 6.00 6.00 6.00 Sanding. casing -------------- W_ ----- 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00. 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Hole puncher -------------- _--------- 138.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 With the exception of gate valves, such fittings as elbows, tees, caps, and reducers necessary to fill out a complete system, are supplied with header and discharge pipe without additional charge. Quarry Skip Bucket Carrier BUCKETS (EACH) Per month Per week Per day 13/ cubic yards----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $105.00 $35.00 $12.00 2 cubic yards--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 135.00 45.00 15.00 2Y2 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 150.00 50.00. 17.00 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 165.00 55.00 18.50 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 210.00 70.00 24.00 BUCKETS (EACH) PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -46- Per month Per week Per day 11/2 cubic yards --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.00 5.00 1.75 2 cubic yards -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18.00 6.00 2.00 21/2" cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 21.00 7.00. '2.50 3 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 25.00 9.00 3.00 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 36.00 12.00 .4.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -46- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Rollers., Road GASOLINE-ENGINE DRIVEN, PORTABLE, 2 PNEUMATIC TIRES Per month Per week Per day 4 tons and under---------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ ----------------- $165.00 $55.00. $18.50 GASOLW&ENGINE DRIVEN, 2 -WHEEL TANDEM_ From and not including (tons)_ To and including (tons)- Per month Per week Per day 33/2 $140.00 $ 47.00 $16.00 33/ 5 223.00' 75.00 25.00 5 9� 280.00 94.00 31.50 9 312 121/2 335.00 112.00 37.50 19Y2 173/2 364.00 122.00 41.00 173/2 221/2 584.00 195.00 65.00 GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN, 3 -WHEEL TANDEM, 6112 91/2 $286.00. $ ' 96.00 $32.00 372.00 124.00 41.50 14� 19Y2 ' 420.00 140.00 47.00 GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN, 3 -WHEEL 51/2 $191.00 $ 64.00 $21.50 5i i2 61/2 226.00 76.00 25.50 61/2 73/2 272.00 91.00 30.50 71/2 9 302.00 101.00 34.00 9 11 423.00 141.00 .47.00 11 13 469.00 157.00 52.50 13 17 607.00 203.00 68.00 a STEAM- ENGINE DRIVEN The rental rates for steam engine driven road rollers . are normally 80% of the above applicable rates. DIESEL- ENGINE DRIVEN, 2-WHEEL TANDEM From and not including To and including (tons)- Per month Per week Per day (�3Y2 5 $292.00 $ 98.00 $33.00 5 9Y 349.00 117.00 39.00 402.00 134.00 45.00 121/2 17Y2 432.00 144.00 48.00- DIESEL- ENGINE DRIVEN, 3- WHEEL _ 5Y2 $236.00 $ 79.00 $26.50 53/2 61/2 266.00 89.00 30.00 6Y2 71/2 321.00 107.00 36.00 7% 9 351.00 117.00 39.00 9 11 478.00 160.00 53.50 11 13 519.00 173.00 .58.00 Sanders-Electric BELT Width of belt Per month Per week Per day 3 - - - - - -- - ' -------- - - - - -- $27.00 $ 9.00 $ 3.00 ------------------------------------------------ 3Y2- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------- - - - - -- 33.00 11.00 4.00 DISC Cap. �• disc. Per month Per week Per day - ------------------------------------------------------------ - -- - - - - -- $33.00. $11.00 $ 4.00 Sand Blast Outfits- Per month Per week Per day Tank and 50 feet of hose, nipples, and 1 hood, without air or sand supply ------------ $ 57.00 $ 19.00 $ 6.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -47- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Saws' AIIPv---ROTARY PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO. AN A.E.D. MEMBER -48- Per month Per week Per day -Ail size bla des-------------------------==---------------------- - - - - -- 55.00 $19.00 $ 6.50 CHAIN- GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN Length chain will cut and clear (inches) Per month Per week Per day 18. $150.00 $50.00 $17.00 24. 170.00 57.00 19.00 36 190.00 64.00 21.50 48 200.00 67.00 22.50 60 220.00 74.00 25.00 72 240.00 80.00 27.00 ELECTRIC -HAND Blade From and not including To and including (inches)- • (inches)- Per month Per week Per day - - -- 7 $ 28.00 $10.00 $ 3.50. .7 9 36.00 12.00 4.00 9 11 46.00 16.00 5.50 11 _ 13 56.00 19.00 6.50 ELECTRIC, FIXED OR TILTING TABLE - 13 $ 51.00 $17.00 $ 6.00 13 19 72.00 24.00 8.00 ELECTRIC, SWING From and not including To and including Saw diameter (horsepower)- (horsepower)- (inches)- Per month . Per week Per day - V/ 12 $ 34.00 $12.00 $ 4.00 V 1 Y 14 39.00 13.00 4.50 1-1/4 1 % 14 45.00 15.00 5.00 1V 2Y2 16 51.00 17.00 6.00 2Y 4 16 56.00 19.00 6.50 4 6 16 67.00 23.00 8.00 6 9 16 84.00 28.00 9.50 GASOLINE, FIXED OR TILTING TABLE Blade (inches) Per month Per week Per day 13 $ 52.00 $18.00 $ 6.00 13 19 74.00 25.00 8.50, Scales, Wheelbarr ®w Number of beams Number of aggregates Per month Per week - Per day 3 2 $30.00 $10.00 $ 3.50 4 3 40.00 14.00 5.00 5 _ 4 55.00 _ 19.00 6.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO. AN A.E.D. MEMBER -48- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Scraperls ®Bottomless Per month Per week Per month Per week Per day - 1/4 cubic yard --------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- $ 19.80 $ 6.60 $ 2.20 1/3 cubic yard ----------=-------=--------------- - - - - -- -------------------------- - - - - -- 33.00 11.00 3.70 1/2 cubic yard -------------------------------- =----------------------------------------- 43.00 14.50 5.00 3/4 cubic yard-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -; ------------ - - - - -- 56.00 18.75 6.25 1 cubic yard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77.00 26.00 " 8.70 11/2 cubic yards ----------- - -------------------- - ------- ----------- ------------- - - - - -- 109.00 36.40 12.15 2" cubic yards---------------------------------------------------- ;------------- - - - - -- 168.00 56.00 18.70 21/2 cubic yards-- - - - - -- --------------------------=--------------------- - - - - -- = - - - - -- 198.00 66.00 22.00 3 cubic yards ------------------------------------------ ----------- - - - -; ------- - - - - -- 226.00 75.50 25.20 4 cubic yards ----------------------------------------------------- I ------------------- 246.00 82.00 27.40 .5 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 346.00 115.50 38.50 6 cubic yards--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 412.00 137.50 45.90 8 cubic Y - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 507.00 169.00 56:40 y _____ ______________ 10 cubic ards------------------------------------------------------ I 580.00 193.50 64.50 12 cubic yards--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- 693.00 .231.00 77.00 14 cubic yards ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 948.00 316.00 105.50. The above prices are complete with one set of teeth renewable wearing blades and front and rear bridle chains with wedge sockets for attaching operating cables. One set of teeth is furnished per unit. Additional teeth are required to be furnished by lessee at his -own expense. Bottomless ®C ®al The above prices are complete with one get of teeth renewable wearing blades and front and rear bridle .chains with wedge sockets for attaching operating cables. One set of teeth is furnished per unit. Additional teeth are required to be furnished by lessee at his own expense. Carriers for Bottomless Scrapers Capacity Size of bucket Per month Per week Per day From and including 1/4 to 3/4 cu. yd_ _________________________ _ _ _ _ __ $ 6.60 $ 2.20 $0.75 From and ,including 1 to 2 cu. yd____________ __________________ 7.70 2.60 .90 From and including 21/4 to 5 cu. yd _____ __________________________ 21.00 7.00 2.35 From and including 6 cu. yd. and larger ____ -__ I�_________________. 85.00 28.50 9.50 The above carriers are for use with scrapers when installed for gravity return operation. i PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -49- Per month Per week Per day 1/3 cubic yard- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------ - - - - -- $ 25.50 $ 8.50 $ 2.85 I 1/2 cubic yard--- - - - - -- -----------------------------------------=---------------- - - - - -- 33.00 11.00 3.70 3/4 cubic yard ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 43.00 14.50 4.90 7.00 1 cubic yard----------- - - - - -- ----------------------------=- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 63.00 21.00 11/2 cubic yards----------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 90:00 30.00 10.00 2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114.00 38.00 13.00 21/2 cubic yards ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124.00 41.80 14.00 3 cubic yards---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---=--------- - - - - -- 140.00 47.00 16.00 4 cubic yards --------------------------------------------------- ------------- - - - - -- 194.00 65.00 22.00 41/2 cubic yards--------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------- -------------------- 222.00 74.00 25.00 . 5 cubic yards---------------------------------- - - - - -- - ------------ = - - - -- 238.00 80.00 27.00 6 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 264.00 88.00 29.50 7 cubic yards:------------------- ----------------------- - - - - -- -- ------------ - - - - -- 280.00 93.50 31.25 8 cubic yards---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 309.00 103.00 34.50 10 cubic yards---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 366.00 122.00 41.00 12 cubic yards - ------------------------------ - - - -- - - - - -- 445.00 149.00 50.00 The above prices are complete with one get of teeth renewable wearing blades and front and rear bridle .chains with wedge sockets for attaching operating cables. One set of teeth is furnished per unit. Additional teeth are required to be furnished by lessee at his own expense. Carriers for Bottomless Scrapers Capacity Size of bucket Per month Per week Per day From and including 1/4 to 3/4 cu. yd_ _________________________ _ _ _ _ __ $ 6.60 $ 2.20 $0.75 From and ,including 1 to 2 cu. yd____________ __________________ 7.70 2.60 .90 From and including 21/4 to 5 cu. yd _____ __________________________ 21.00 7.00 2.35 From and including 6 cu. yd. and larger ____ -__ I�_________________. 85.00 28.50 9.50 The above carriers are for use with scrapers when installed for gravity return operation. i PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -49- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Screeds - Vibrating ' GASOLINE ENGINE-DRIVEN' size, length in ft. Per month Per week Per day 6 -------------:------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 10 $51.56 $17.20 .$5.74 ---------------------------------------------------------------------=------- - - - - -- - 55.00 18.50 617 13 --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- 67.85 22.55 7.52 16 -- ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.47 24.16 8.06 ------------------------- - - - - -- 77.70 25.90 8.64 25 ----------------------------------- =----------------------------- - - - - -- - - -- 26 . 84.84 28.28 9.43 ..... - ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- 86.76 28.92 9.64 Shears BAR CUTTING Per month Per week Per day %8 -inch round and under----------- - - - - -- $ 6.00 $ 2.00 ' . $ 1.00 Over %8- inch- l]-inch round, inclusive-- - - - - -- 11.00 4.00 1.50 - Sheaves Per month Per week' Per day Bottom swiveL ---------------- --------- - -------------- - - - -- $11.00 $ 4.00 $ 1.50 Top tower sets ------------------------------------------------ 11.00 4.00 1.50 Shores Per month Per week Per day Adjustable ------------=---------=------------------------ - - - $ 0.38 $ 0.13 $ 0.05 Shovels and Back Hoes GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN-DIPPER INCLUDED . shovel capacity Per month Per week Per day 3/ cubic yard ------------------------------ - ------------------- ---------------------- $ 501.00 $ 167.00 $ 56.00 IY2 cubic yard---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 575.00 192.00 64.00 s/ cubic yard---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 591.00 197.00 66.00 3/ cubic yard-------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- 715.00 239.00 80.00 1 cubic yard----------------------------------------------=--------=---------= - - - - -- 819.00 273.00 91.00 1Y4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 997.00 333.00 111.00 1�/2 cubic yards ------------------------ L --- - ------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,308.00 436.00 145.50 13/ cubic yards--------------,-------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- 1,536.00 512.00 171.00 2 cubic . yards-------------------------------------------------=--------------- - - - - -- 1,832.00 611.00 204.00 21/4 cubic yards-------------------=---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 2,402.00 801.00 267.00 2y2 cubic yards --- - --- ------------------- -_ _ _ ------------ - 2,577.00 .859.00 286.50 . PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO • AN A.E.D. MEMBER -50- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Shovels and Back Hoes ® Continued DIESEL-ENGINE DRIVEN DIPPER INCLUDED Shovel capacity Per month Per week Per day %s cubic yard-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- $ 609.00 $ 203.00 $ 68.00 3/ cubic yard ---------- - -------------------------------------- --- --- ------------- 660.00.. 220.00 73.50 % cubic Yard----------------------------------------------=---------------- - - - - -- 780.00 260.00 87.00 Y4 cubic yard --- --- --- - ---------------------- ------------------ ---- --------- - - - - -- 818.00 273.00 91.00 1 cubic yard-------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------- - - - - -- 1,095.00 365.00 122.00 1Y cubic yards--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,271.00 424.00 141.50 1y2 cubic yards-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,450.00 483.50 161:50 1Y cubic yards ----------------- --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1,933.00 645.00 215.00 2 cable yards --------------------------- - ----------------------------- , ------ - - - - -- 2,179.00 727.00 242.50 21/ cubic yards -------- ------ ----------------------- ------------------- - ------ - -- 2,683.00 894.50 298.50 2 Y cable yards ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 2,725.00 908.50 303.00 3 cable yards---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 3,347.00 1J16.00 372.00 3% cubic yards--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --=--- - - - - -- 3,794.00 1,265.00 422.00 STEAM- DIPPER INCLUDED Shovel capacity Per month Per week Per day cubic yard----.-------- ---------------- - ------ -- ---------------- - -------- - 527.00 176.00 59.00 Y cable yard ---------- ..---- -------------------- - -------------------------------- - 634.00 212.00 71.00 1 cubic yd ------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- ------- . 702.00 234.00 78.00 1% cubic yards --- ----- - -------------- --- - --------------- -------------- - --- ---- 939.00 313.00 104.50 1% cable yards ------------ -.-------------.--.-- .______._________- ----------- 1,160.00 387.00 129.00 2 cubic yards ----------- - --------- --- --- --- ------------------------- ----------- 1,623.00 541.00 180.50 HAND Per month Per week Per day All hand shovels, long ors short handled, round or square point, up to and including No. 5 scoops (per Y2 dozen)__ $8.50 $3.00 $1.00 Skip Bucket. Carrier ®Quarry Per month Per week Per day 1 cubic �i yal" �----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 105.00 $35.00 $12.00 2 cubic yards --------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 135.00 45.00 15.00 2% cubic -------- 150.00 50.00 17.00 3 cable yards----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 165.00 55.00 18.50 4 cubic yards------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 210.00 70.00 24.00 BUCKETS (EACH) 11/2 cubic yards ------------------- --- - ---------- --- - ---------- ------------------- $ 14.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.75 2 cubic yards ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 18.00. 6.00 2.00 21/2 cubic, yards ----- - -------------------------------------------- - --- ------ - - - - -- 21.00 7.00 2.50 3 cubic yards --- -- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- 25.00 9.00 3.00 4 cubic yards----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 36.00 12.00 4.00 Spades, -Clay AIR Per Month Per Week Per Day Clay Spades (1 scoop) small -------------------------------------------- - - - --- $23.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 Clay Spades (1 scoop) large------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 29.00. 10.00 3.50 1 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -51- I CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Stopers AIR Spreaders Per week Per day All sizes --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ .... CONCRETE $22.010 $ 7.50 From and not including To and Including (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 10 12 $340.00 $114.00 $38.00 12 15 375.00 125.00 42.00 15 22' 640.00 214.00 71.50 22 26 661.00 221.00 74A0 No vibrator included. Surveying Instruments ASPHALT--STONE OR CHIP Per month From and not including To and Including All models --------- --------- - ----- - -------------------------- ---------- - '$23.00 (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 9 $ 45.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 9 11 70.00 24.00' 8.00 13 81.00 27.00 9.00 BITUMINOUS PRESSURE DISTRIBUTORS From and not Including To and including Per week Per day sizes ---- All ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- (gallons)- (gallons)- Per month Per week Per day ---- 800 $278.00 $ 93.00 $31.00 g 06 1,400 304.00 102.00 34.00 1,400 29100. 331.00 111.00 37.00 BITUMINOUS SPREADER AND FINISHER MACHINE, GASOLINE-ENGINE DRIVEN Per mouth Per week Per day.. All sizes--------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- - - - - -- 835.00 279.00 93.00 Stopers AIR Tank Car Heaters Combination Circulating Heater; and Steam Tank Car Per Month Per Week Per Day Heater on two or four wheel truck---- ------ -- ---- - - - -- ------ --- --- -- -- $385.00 $128.50 $43.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 52 Per month Per week Per day All sizes --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ .... $65.00 $22.010 $ 7.50 Surfacers WALL, ELECTRIC Per month Per week Per day Model A Berg, or equal________________ _________________________ - - - - -_ ----------- $50.00 $17.00 .$ 6.00 HIGHWAY With gasoline engine..------------ - - - - -_ --------------------------------------------- $96.00 $32.00. $11.00 Carborundum and cutting stone not included with surfacer. Surveying Instruments LEVELS Per month Per week Per day All models --------- --------- - ----- - -------------------------- ---------- - '$23.00 $ 8.00 $3.00 TRANSITS All 'models ------------------------ - -- - ------- ---------------- - ---------------------- $28.00 $10.00- $3.50 Tampers AIR Per month Per week Per day sizes ---- All ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- �$28.00. $10.00 $3.50 Tank Car Heaters Combination Circulating Heater; and Steam Tank Car Per Month Per Week Per Day Heater on two or four wheel truck---- ------ -- ---- - - - -- ------ --- --- -- -- $385.00 $128.50 $43.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER 52 CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Tower Zgnlpment,'- Wood or Steel Tabular HOPPER, VERTICAL BACK Per month Per week Per day 28 cubic feet and under------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $18.00 $6.00 $2.00 Over 28 cubic feet to 60 cubic feet, inclusive----------- --- -- - - - - -- 23.00 8.00 3.00 Top and bottom switches, when necessary, are included in above hopper and bucket rental prices. SHEAVES, TOP TOWER, SET OF 2 12- to 16- inch------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- --=--------=--- - - - - -- $11.00 $4.00 $1.50 BOTTOM SNIVEL 12- to 16- inch--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- $11.00 $4.00 $1.50, BUCKETS, TOWER From and not including To and Including (cubic feet)- (cubic feet)- Per month Per week Per day 11 $18.00 $ 6.00 $2.00 11 .19 29.00 10.00 3.50 19 36 35.00 12.00 4.00 Tower accessory rates include top and bottom switches where they are necessary. These accessory rates are based on one set only. Where double tower is used and duplicate sets of accessories are required, duplicate prices are added to double tower prices. CAGES MATERIAL -NO SHEAVES All Sizes - single ------------------------------ - - - - -- $22.00 $ 8.00' $3.00 All Sizes - double --- ------------------------- - - - - -- 34.00 12.00 4.00 Towers, Steel Tubular (NO ACCESSORIES) LIGHT TYPE - MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD 3,000 POUNDS OR 18 CUBIC FEET - CONCRETE BUCKET, 2 OR 3 WHEELBARROWS. (Single Tower) Height Per Month Per Week Per Day 39 ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- $18.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 52' ------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 25.00 1 9.00 3.00 71'6 ------------------ - 35.00 12.00 4.00 ----------------------------------------------- 84'6 - ----------------------------------------- ---------- _----- - - - - -. 40.00 14.00 5.00 104'-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 50.00 17.00 6.00 123'6 --------------- - --- - - - -_. . 53.00 18.00 6.00 ' 130 ------- - ----------------- ---------------------------- --------------- 55.00 19.00 6.50 (Double Tower) Height Per Month Per Week _ Per Day 39'-------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- --------------- - - -..: $33.00 $11.00 $ 4.00 52'- - - ----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. 45.00 1500 5.00 71,6; "------------ - - - - -- -------------------------------------- - - - - -- . 60.00 20.00 7.00 84' 6? p----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 75.00 25.00 8.50 104---------------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------- - - - - -- 85.00 29.00 10.00 123'6" ------------------------------------------------------------- -. '95.00 32.00 11.00 130 ---------- ------------- --------------------------------------------- 105.00 35.00. 12.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER _53-' CONSTRUCT -BY CONTRACT (Double Tower) Height Towers, steel Tubular-Continued Per Week Per Day (NO ACCESSORIES) .$46.00 $16.00 INTERMEDIATE TYPE -MAXIMUM LIVE LOAD. 3,500 POUNDS OR 28 CUBIC FEET- 52------------------------------=----------------------------------- - - - - -- CONCRETE BUCKET -2 OR 3 WIERELBARROWS 21.00 7.00 (Single Tower) 81.00 27.00 Height Per Month Per Week Per Day 39'--------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- $21.00 $ 7.00 $ 2.50 52 -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30.00 10.00 3.50 ------------------------ - - - - -. 40.00 14.00 5.00 84' 6"----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 46.00 16.00 5.50 - 104------ - - - - -- -- -- . -- - ----------------------- - - - - -• 55.00 ----- - - - - -- 19.00 6.50 123'6 ------------------------------- - - - - -- 65.00 22.00 7.50 136'6 --------------- 70.00 24.00 8.00 ------------ - --------------- - ------------------- 156 - - - -- -- - -- - - - = 80.00 27.00 9.00 169'------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 86.00 29.00 10.00 . 201' 6"--------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -• 101.00 34.00 . 11.50 (Double Tower) Height Per Month Per Week Per Day 39' ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- $36.00 $12.00 $ 4.00 52'----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 50.00 17.00 6.00 71'6 ........ ------ -------------------------------------------- - - - - -. 66.00. 22.00 7.50 84' 6"----------------------------------------------=------------- - - - - -- 80.00 27.00 9.00 104 --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 95.00 32.00 11.00- 123' 6 ----------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 106.00 36.00 12.00 136'6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 115.00 39.00 13.00 156 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 131.00 44.00 15.00 169' - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - ------------------------------------- 146.00 49.00 16.50 201"F -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -• 171.00 57.00 19.00 HEAVY TYPE- MAXDIUM LIVE LOAD 5,000 POUNDS OR 35 CUBIC FEET -- CONCRETE BUCKET -2 OR 3 WHEELBARROWS (Single Tower) Height Per Month Per Week Per Day 39------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- $33.00 $11.00 $ 4.00 52------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 37:00 13.00 4.50 71' 6"------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 51.00 17.00 6.00 84' 6------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 56.00 19.00 6.50 104-----=--------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 70.00 24.00 8:00 12S'6 --------------------- - ------------------------------------------- 80.00 27.00 9.00 136' 6"-------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 85.00 29.00 10.00 156---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 96.00 32.00 11.00 169--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 106.00 36.00 12.00 201'6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 126.00 42.00 14.00 234 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 146.00 49.00 16.50 266'6 --------------------------------------------------------------- --- 169.00 57.00 19.00 299---------------------------------------------------------------- T - - - - -- 186.00 62.00 21.00 (Double Tower) Height Per Month Per Week Per Day 39------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- .$46.00 $16.00 $ 5.50 52------------------------------=----------------------------------- - - - - -- 61:00 21.00 7.00 71' 6 " - - - - ---------------------------------- - - - - -- 81.00 27.00 9.00 84'6 --------------------------------------------------- '--------- - - - - -- 95.00 32.60 11.00 104------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 110.00 37.00 12.50 123' 6----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 126.00 42.00 14.00 136'6 ---------------------------------------- 7 -------------------------- 141.00 47.00 16.00 156------ - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 161.00 a 54.00 18.00 169'--------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 175.00 59.00 20.00 20116 ------- z -- ------------------------------------------------------ 206.00 69.00 23.00 Rates on tubular towers are based on bare tower only, without top sheaves, without bottom sheaves, without material cage, without concrete bucket or hopper. See rates on these accessories for complete tower rental. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER_ _ -54- CONSTRUCT.BY CONTRACT Towers, Steel Tubular-Continue d 8 42 ._ $ 750.00 (Double Tower - Continued) $ 83.50 10 234'_ --------------- - - - - -- $241.00 $ 81.00 $27.00 266' `----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- .276.00 92.00 31.00 299---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 307.00 103.00 34.50 STEEL, PORTABLE, INCLUDING HOIST AND ELEVATOR COMPLETE 14 Height Per Month Per Week Per Day Up to and including 37'__________________________ $175.00 $59.00 $20.00 Extra 10' sections ---------------------------- - - - - -- . 5.00 1.70 .60 Trenching Machines LADDER AND VERTICAL. BOOM TYPE - GASOI.INE-ENGINE DRIVEN Maximum manufacturer's Maximum manufacturer's ratings (depth) ratings (width) From and not To and From and not To and Including including including Including, (feet)- (feet)- (inches)- (Inches)- Per month Per week Per day ____ 10 8 42 ._ $ 750.00 $ 250.00 $ 83.50 10 14 10 30 917.00 306.00 102.00 10 14. 30 42 1,040.00 347.00 116.00 14 17 -18 54 1,445.00 482.00 161.00 17; 21 20 52 1,763.00 588.00 196.00 21 26 20 52 2,867.00 956.00 319.00 178.00 DIESEIiENGINE DRIVEN Maximum manufacturer's ratings (depth) Maximum manufacturer's Maximum manufacturer's From and not including To and including ratings (depth) ratings (width) - (feet) - Per month From and not To and From and not To and 5 $ 504.00 $168.00 including including including including. 743.00 248.00 83.00 (feet)- (feet)- (inches)- (inches)- Per month Per week Per day 83/2 10 8 42' $ , 861.00 $ 287.00 $ 96.00 10 14 10 30 989.00. 330.00 110.00 10 14 30 42 - 1,144.00 382.00 127.50, 14 17 18 54 1,558.00 520.00 173.50 17 21 20 52 ' 1,937.00. 646.00 215.50 21 26 20 52 3,085.00 1,029.00 343.00 WHEEL TYPE -- GASOLINE- ENGINE DRIVEN Maximum manufacturer's ratings (depth) From and not Including To and Including (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 3Y2 5 $ 423.00 $141.00 $ 47.00 5 5Y2 666.00 222.00 74.00 5Y2 63/2 1,101.00 367.00 122.50 63/ 83/2 1,597.00 533.00 178.00 WTTF.F.T. TYPE- DIESEL - ENGINE DRIVEN Maximum manufacturer's ratings (depth) From and not including To and including (feet)- (feet) - Per month Per week Per day 31h 5 $ 504.00 $168.00 $ 56.00 5 53/ 743.00 248.00 83.00 51/ 61/2 1,219.00 407.00 136.00 61/2 83/2 1,723.00 575.00 192.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -55- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Vibrators-Concrete GASOLINE POWERED From and not ELECTRIC AND HYDRAULIC POWERED From and not (horsepower) (horsepower) length (feet) Per month Per week „ Per day _____ 11/2 28 $47.00 Including To and including Shafting 11/ 23/2 32 60.00 20.00 7.00 (horsepower) (horsepower) length (feet) Per month Per week Per day 9.00 _ys 32 $33.00 $11.00 $ 4.00 s/s s/s 32 40.00 14.00 5.00 %8 1% 38 53.00 18.00 6.00 13/4 23/ 38 60.00 20.00 7.00 23/ 43/ .38 67.06 23.00 8.00 41/ 6%. 38 93.00 31.00 10.50 All above rental rates include units with .vibrator heads. .All sizes----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. $67.00 $23.00 GASOLINE POWERED From and not including To and including Shafting (horsepower) (horsepower) length (feet) Per month Per week „ Per day _____ 11/2 28 $47.00 $16.00 $ 5.50 11/ 23/2 32 60.00 20.00 7.00 23/2 31/2 38 75.00 25.00 8.50 3Y2 43/ 46 80.00 27.00 9.00 41/2 6 46 93.00 ' 31.00 10.50 All above rental rates include units with vibrator heads. PNEUMATIC POWERED-FLEXIBLE TYPE From and not including To and including (pounds)- (pounds)- _ Per month Per week Per day 20 '35 $40.00 $14.00 $.5.00 35 65 53.00 18.00 6.00 65 115 67.00 23.00 8.00 All above rental rates include units with vibrator heads. PNEUMATIC POWERED -RIGID TYPE Per month Per week Per day .All sizes----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. $67.00 $23.00 $ 8.00 Above rental rates include units with vibrator heads. VIBRATORS FOR FINISIIING MACHINE Double pan From and not including To and including (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 12 $210.00. $ 70.00 $23.50 12 18 255.00 85.00 28.50 18 24 280.00 94.00' 31.50 24 30 365.00 122.60 41.00 30 35 416.00, 139.00 46.50 Single pan, all sizes_____________ _______________________________ 176.00 59.00 20.00 J PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO, AN A.E.D. MEMBER -56- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Welding Machines GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN From and not including To and including (amperes)- (amperes) - Per month Per week Per day 250 $ 82.00 $28.00 $ 9.50 250 350 117.00 39.00 13.00 350 500 127.00 43.00 14:50 500 700 195.00 65.00 22.00 60 -CYCLE ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN From and not including To and including (amperes)- (amperes)- Per month Per week Per day. 250 $ 40.00 $14.00 $'5.00 250 350 55.00 19.00 6.50 350 500 61.00 21.00 7.00 500 700 81.00 27.00 9.00 25 -CYCLE ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN From and not Including To and including (amperes)-. (amperes)- Per month Per week Per day 250 $ 47.00- $16.00 $ 5.50 250 350 61.00 _ 21.00 7.00 ' 350 500 71.00 24.00 8.00' 500 700 96.00 32.00 11.00 D. C. ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN From and not including To and including (amperes) - (amperes)- Per month Per week Per day . 250 $ 51.00 $17.00 $ 6.00 250 350 71.00 24.00 8.00 350 500 86.00 29.00 10.00 500 700 116.00 39.00 13.00 A. C. ARC From and not including To and Including (amperes)- (amperes)- Per month Per week Per day 75 175 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 175. 275 20.00 7.00 2.50 275 450. 40.00 14.00. 5.00 450 550 50.00 1100 6.00 550 750 85.00 29.00 10.00 750 1000 130.00 44.00 15:00 DIESEL ENGINE DRIVEN Per month Per week Per day 350 amperes and under - -- ± - -------- - ---------- - ----------------------------- $181.00 $61.00 $20.50 Over 350 amperes to 500 amperes, inclusive ----------- _----------- 217.00 73.00 24.50 The above rates cover skid or wheel mountings without brakes or springs. - No additional charges to the above rates are f or helmets and holders. When cable is required, or when cable is rented separately, the rental charge per foot does not exceed 10 cents per month, 4 cents per week or 2 cents per day. Note: For mountings other than skid or wheel without.springs or brakes, the following is added: Per month Per week Per day Wheels with sp ____________ __ ___ __ _ _ - -_e __---------- _-- - - -: -- '$10.00 $4.00. $1.50 Wheels with springs and brakes---- ------------------ - - - - -- 15.00 5.00 2.00 OXY- ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING EQUIPMENT Many lessors charge. as the monthly rate 15% of the new selling price, as the weekly rate one -third of the monthly rate, and as the daily rate one -third of the weekly rate. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -57- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT i heelbarr ®WS, All She Trays Per month Per week Per day Steel wheeL_.___._.._...:.-- .__.__ ---- — . -------- ..- . -_--- $ 3.50 $1.25 Rubber tired wheel: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.50 X2.00 .75 Wrenches AM, IMPACT TYPE, WITHOUT SOCKETS Per Month Per Week Per Day Capacity. %s" bolt size ---------------------------------------------- --------- .. $ 55.00 $19.00 $ 6.50 Capacity 3/" bolt size ---------------------_--------------------------- - - - - -- 60.00 20.00 7.00 Capacity 1 %" ,bolt size -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 72.00 -24.00 8.00 Capacity 1%" bolt size -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- . 100.00 34.00 12.00 . PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER - 59 -' CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT CAUTION THE RENTAL RATES AND TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS SCHEDULE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- POSES ONLY AND NOT TO SUGGEST OR' TO INFLUENCE THE RATES OR CONDITIONS OF RENTAL OF ANY ITEM OF EQUIPMENT, AS THIS IS A MATTER WHICH MUST BE DETERMINED BY THE, LESSEE AND THE LESSOR, OF .THE EQUIPMENT INVOLVED. THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT ANY DISTRIBUTOR FROM CHARGING MORE OR LESS THAN THE RATES SET FORTH IN THE SCHEDULE. IT WOULD CONSTITUTE AN UNFAIR TRADES PRACTICE FOR ANY DISTRIBUTOR, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, TO ENTER INTO ANY AGREEMENT,. UNDERSTANDING, COMBINATION OR CONCERTED ACTION WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER DISTRIB- UTORS, OR WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER PERSONS, TO ADHERE TO THE RENTAL RATES FIXED IN THIS SCHEDULE, OR TO REFRAIN FROM CHARGING LESS THAN SUCH RENTAL RATES. PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER - 60 - CONSTRUCT "BY CONTRACT Aagled®zer For crawler tractor of- To and including 1 From and not including To and including From and not including To and Including (belt horsepower) - Per month Per week (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month Per week Per day , $121.00 42 $117.00 $ 39.00 $13.00 42 66 149.00 50.00 17.00 66 89 164.00 55.00 18.50 89 135 194.00 65.00 22.00 When angledozer' is rented with tractor, tractor and tractor winch or hydraulic pump rentals are sometimes added. - 48 inches --------- =--------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- - - - - -- 443.001 148.00 49.50 GEAR- DRIVEN Backfillers Per week Per day CRAWLER ' TRACTION, GASOLINE OR DIESEL - MOUNTED From and not including To and including 1 From and not including To and including (belt horsepower) - (belt horsepower) - Per month Per week Per day 24 38 $361.00 $121.00 $40.50 38 46 427.00 143.00 48.00 46 56 614.00 205.00 68.50 . The above rental rates on Backfillers include equipment : with scraper, tamper and necessary accessories. ackllller, Attachments for Crawler Tractors For tractor of- From and not Including To and including (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month ,Per week Per day 30 40 $331.00 $111.00 $37.00 Bulldozers For crawler tractor of- From and not including To and including (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month Per week Per day 42, $ 99.00 $ 33.00 $11.00 42 66 124.00 42.00 14.00 66 89 135.00 45.00 15.00 89 135 161.00 54.00. 18.00 When bulldozer is rented with tractor, rental rates for tractor, tractor winch or hydraulic pump are sometimes added to above rates. Elevating Graders POWER Belt width Per month Per week Per day 42 inches-=--------------------------------------------------=----- - - - - -- $388.00 ------------------ $130.00 $43.50 - 48 inches --------- =--------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- - - - - -- 443.001 148.00 49.50 GEAR- DRIVEN ' Per month Per week Per day 40 inches to 44 inches, inclusive, hand control --------- _ ----------- $111.00 $_ 37.00 $12.50 TA13E -OFF 45 inches and under, power control_________ _____ __ __ ______ ___ _____ __ __ ____ $305.00 $102.00 $34.00 Over 45 inches to 52 inches, inclusive, power control ---------- 332.00. 111.00 37.00 32 inches to 40 inches, inclusive, hand control_____ ______ _______ 247.00 83.00 28.00. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO, AN A.E.D. MEMBER -61- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT' rinegraders SELF- POWERED Maximum cutting widtl*- From and not including To and including (feet)- (feet)-. Per month Per week Per day 11 $541:00 $181.00 $ 60.50 11 16 714.00 238.00 79.50 16 26 933.00 311.00 104.00 Graders SELF - PROPELLED, .GASOLINE, PNEUMATIC -TIRED Single drive, light (8,600 to 14,000 pounds, inclusive) --- - --------- $307.00 $103.00 $34.50 Tandem drive, medium weight (18,999 pounds and under)____ 441.00 147.00 49.00 Tandem drive,p 19z000 to 21,000 pounds, inclusive 519.0 pill whee -drive 17_ 3�DQ- 58.00 and steer___-_ r_ ------------------------------------ _.._. ------- ---- 581.00 •x.00 SELF - PROPELLED, DIESEL,, PNEUMATIC -TIRED Lightweight (1 to 16,500 pounds, inclusive )_________________ __________ 381.00 127.00 ' 42.50 Medium weight (16,501 to 18,500 pounds, inclusive) ------------ 509.00 170.00 57.00 Extra, heavy duty (18,501 to 21,500 pounds, inclusive)__________ 583.00 195.00 65.00 All wheel drive and steer --------- ____________ ------- ______ ------- - ------ -____ 637.00 213.00 71.00 TOWED, MANUALLY OPERATED i From and not including To and including (feet)- (feet)- Per month Per week Per day 7 $ 55.00 $ 19.00 $ 6.50 7 9 109.00 37.00 12.50 9 11 163.00 55.00 18.50 11 13 195.00 65.00 22.00 TOWED, POWER OPERATED 9 139.00 47.00 16.00 9 11 208.00 70.00 23.50 11 13 247.00 -83.00 28.00 Loaders -Front End W EL -TYPE TRACTOR COMPLETE WITS ATTACHMENTS Size Per month Per week Per day % -1/2 cubic yard-------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ - - - - -- $327.00 $109.00 $36.50 %8 cubic yard - - - - -- - - = -- - - - -- ------------------------------------- - - - - -- 357.00 120.00 40.00 1 cubic yard--------------------------------------------------- m------------ - - - - -- 501.00 167.00 56.00 Loader Attachme ats -rront End FOR CRAWLER TRACTORS For tractor of- From and not To and in- including cluding Bucket (drawbar (drawbar capacity ' horsepower) - horsepower)- (cubic yard) Per month Per week Per day 20 30 1/2 $126.00 $ 42.00 $14.00 30 40 % or % 160.00 54.00 18.00 30 40 1% 328.00 110.00 37.00 65 85 2 or 31/2 465.00 155.00 52.00 85 135 2.7-9 678.00 226.00 75.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -62- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT llpelayer Attachments For crawler tractor of- From and not including To and including From and not including To and Including Per day 45 65 $ 64.00 $ 22.00 $ 7.50 (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month Per week Per day 20 40 $180.00 $ 60.00 $20.00 40 60 220.00 74.00 25.00 60 85 258.00 86.00 29.00 85. 135 341.00 114.00 38.00 Where pipelayer attachment is rented with tractor, tractor rates are generally added. $ 3.00 lamp f ®r Crawler Tract ®r Accessories Hollers, Tamping Per month Per week Per day 1 or 2 valve _-------------------------- -------------- --- - - - -- $ 60.00 $ 20.00 $ 7.00 3 valve---------------------------------------------------- - -- - -- 78.00 26.00 9.00 lashd®zers MOVABLE,CABLE For crawler tractor of- From and not including To and including (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month Per week Per day 45 65 $ 64.00 $ 22.00 $ 7.50 65 90 , 75.00 25.00 8.50 90 135 90.00 30.00 10.00 _ MOVABLE, HYDRAULIC For crawler tractor of- From and not Including To and including (drawbar horsepower) (drawbar horsepower) Per month Per week Per day 65 90 $127.00 $ 43.00 $14.50. 90 135 156.00 52.00 17:50 RIGID Per month Per week Per day Alltypes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 26.00 $ 9.00 $ 3.00 The monthly rate for pusher blocks for mounting on bulldozers, angledozers, blade or frame is 11% of the new selling price: The weekly rate is one -third of ,the monthly rate. The daily rate is one -third of the weekly rate. Hollers, Tamping SHEEPSFOOT, ANY NUMBER OF FEET Per month Per week Per day Single- dram------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $ 71.00 $ 24.00 $ 8.00 Double- dram--------------- -------------_-----------=--------------------------- -- ------ 99.00 33.00 11.00 ''Mple- drum------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- -----------=- - - - - -- 193.00 65.00 22.00 RUBBER -TIRED Per month Per week Per day Allsizes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $110.00 $ 37.00 $12.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. TO AN A -E.D. MEMBER -63- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT ' Rooters Per month Per week Per day %i ht, 3 500 ands and under $ 56 00 $ 19 00 , $ 6.50 g P•lm ------------------------------------------ Medium, 3,501 to 7,000 pounds, inclusive- ---- - - - --- -------------------- 112.00 38.' 00 13.00 Heavy, 7,001 to 11,000 pounds, inclusive ------------------ 165.00 55.0 18.50 Extra heavy, 11,001 to 15,000 pounds, inclusive ------- -------- 193.00 65.00 22.00 SCarifiers Medium----------------------------------------------------------- - -- - -- $35.00 $12.00 $ 4.00 Heavy----------------------------------------------------------- ___ - - - -. 40.00 14.00 5.00 Scrapers, WITHOUT POWER NITS Struck Heaped From and not To and From and not To and including including including including (cubic yards) (cubic yards) (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Per month Per week Per day _ 3 _ 5 $ 160.00 $ 54.00 $ 18.00 3 % 5 5 7 196.00 66.00 22.00 5 71/2 7 10 278.00 93.00 31.00 73/2 10 10 131/2 394.00 132.00 44.00 10 131/ 133/ 17 498.00 166.00 55.50 133/2 16 .17 22 633.00 211.00 70.50 16- 203/ 22 .29 875.00 292.00 .97.50 20Y2 27 29 37 1,134.00 378.00 126.00 27 36 37 50 1;870.00 624.00 208.00 36 _ 50 50 70 1,905.00 635.00 212.00 PRESENT HOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -64- i CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT CAUTION THE RENTAL RATES AND TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS SCHEDULE ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- POSES ONLY AND NOT TO SUGGEST OR TO INFLUENCE THE RATES OR CONDITIONS OF RENTAL OF ANY ITEM OF EQUIPMENT, AS THIS IS A MATTER WHICH MUST BE DETERMINED BY THE LESSEE AND THE LESSOR 'OF THE EQUIPMENT INVOLVED. THIS IS .NOT AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT ANY DISTRIBUTORS FROM CHARGING MORE OR LESS THAN THE, RATES SET FORTH IN THE SCHEDULE. IT WOULD CONSTITUTE AN UNFAIR TRADES , ' PRACTICE FOR ANY DISTRIBUTOR, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, TO ENTER INTO ANY AGREEMENT,' UNDERSTANDING, COMBINATION OR CONCERTED ACTION. WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER DISTRIB- UTORS, OR WITH ONE OR MORE OTHER PERSONS, o TO ADHERE TO THE RENTAL RATES FIXED IN THIS SCHEDULE, OR TO REFRAIN FROM CHARGING LESS THAN SUCH RENTAL RATES. PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -65- 0 The rental rates on Crawler Type Tractors are based on drawbar, horsepower. There has been consid- erable confusion in the industry as to what rental rate to apply to various makes and models of tractors. The A.E.D. has asked for and received the cooperation of the tractor manu- facturers in regards to the ' horse- power of their particular models of tractors and the following four pages give this information. The A.E.D. thanks the tractor manufacturers for' their splendid co- operation. e PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A. E., D. MEMBER -66- Crawler Allis- Chalmers Manufacturing Co., GASOLINE Tractor model Tractor serial number Tractor serial number number Drawbar H.P. below and not Including above and including M----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 32.77, - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- K------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 49.00 4451- -- --- - -- K------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 54.99 -- - - - - -- 4451 S------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 70.44 - - -= -- L -- .76.00 1366 L------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 91.53 -- - - 1366 DIESEL K -0 ------------------------------------------ --- - -- 53.93 -- -• - - -- �... . S -0 ------------------=---------------------- - - - - -- 64.00 - - - -- L -0 ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 79.14 -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- 60.10 HD -10 -------------------------------------------------- 86.63 -- - - - - -- - - - - -- HD -14 ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 132.19 On this Allis- Chalmers schedule the. serial numbers on gasoline tractors apply to model K and model L tractors only, and do not apply to models M or S and do not apply to Diesel tractors: i PRESENT. YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN - A.E.I. MEMBER — 67 CONSTRUCT. BY -CONTRACT Caterpillar Tracktype -Tractors GASOLINE Model number Maximum drawbar H.P. 10-ton ----------------------------------------- z ---------------------------------------------------------------- 55.30 5-ton ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ----------------------- 35.60 2-ton -- ---------------------------------- I ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- - 19.40 Seventy- -------------------- 11_1� ------------------------------------ 7 ------------------------------------------ 77.07. Sixty-five -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 73.33 Sixty----------------------------------------------------- " ------------- : ------------------------------------------ 65.60 Fifty------------------------------- I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51.96 R5- --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .54.99 Forty------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44.19 Thirty-five --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .38.6 Thirty----- - ---------------- I ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 35.6 Twenty-eight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30.49-25.00 (a) Twenty-five -------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 28.63 Twenty-two ...... 25.79-25.15. (a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Twenty ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28.03 Twenty (Replaced Fifteen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23.69 Fifteen--------- ---------- - --------------- 1--l-7-11 ----------------------------------------------------------- 22.77 Fifteen (Replaced Ten) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.03 High-Clearance Fifteen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.03 Ten--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.15 High-Clearance Ten ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1&15 DIESEL DieselSeventy-five ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 83.23 DieselSeventy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ------------------ 76.00 DieselSixty-five ------------------------------------------------------- 7 --------------------------------- 70.25 Diesel(RD7) ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------- 69.41 DieselFifty -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 56703 DieselForty --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 44.00 DieselThirty-five ------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------- 40.95 D8--------------- ------------------------------ 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 113.14 D7(9G series) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 69.41 D7(new) -------- ----------- -f ------------------------------------------------- r ------- 80.44 D6 ------------------------------------------------ - -------------------------------------------------------------- 55. D4------------- 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35.68 D2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.86- PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER : CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Crawler Thee, Cleveland Tractor Company ' GASOLINE Tractor serial. Tractor model number Drawbar H.P. Years built number start Tractor serial number extent 20K ------------------ ------------------------- - - - - -- 20 1925 -1932 101 10207 30A (A30) _______ ____________________________ ___ 38 1926 -1928 6 1421 30B (B30) _______ _______________________________ 38 1929 -1930 1601, 3057 40 ------------------------- - - - - -- =--------------- - - - - -- 40 1928 -1931 101 1833 55 -40 ________________ _________ ______ ---------------- 58.94 1931 -1932 1835 1889 55 ------------------------------------------------ - - - = -- 58.94 1932 -1936 1890 3852 100 ----------------------------------------------------- 100 1927 -1930. 50 158 15 ---------------------------- - - - - -: ------------- - - - - -- 22.1 1931 -1933 76 11999 20C ------------------------- - _______________________ 24.6 1933 -1936 12000 14547 AG ---------------------------------------------------- 27 1936 -1937 14548 20201 AG --------------------------------------------------- 27 19374942 .. 2X0202 2X3398 AG -6 ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 30.6 1944 -Up 3X0000 Up 25 ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 28.69 1932 -1935 76 1372 30G -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 33.4 1935 -1936 1C00 2C79 BG Four -Speed ------------------- --------- _ 38- 1937 -1939 2C80 2C798 Big Six -Speed _ _______ _____ _______ ____________ 38 1939 -Up 3C000 Up 40.30 __________________ _____________ _________ ________ 40.66 1930 -1931 76 399 35 ------------------------ ------------------------ - - - - -- 44.2 1932 -1936 400 2835 CG ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 48.4 1936 -1942 2836 3246 15M000 5M608 DG Four -Speed _ _____________________________ 61.18 1936 -1939 1E00 5E86 DG Six -Speed _ ____ ___________________________ 61.2 1939 -Up 7E00 Up 80 -60 _________________ _______________________________ 83.53 1930 -1932 113 409 80 ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 83.5 1932 4932 420 499 80G ------------------------------- - --------------- -- 86.4. 1932 -1936 500 849 FG Four -Speed ______ ________________________ 94 1936 -1938 1CA046• 1CA054 FG Six -Speed _ _________ ______________________ 94 1938 -Up 1CA500 Up DIESEL Tractor serial Tractor serial Tractor model number Drawbar H.P. Years built number start number extent AD --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 30.5 1937 -Up 1200 Up AD2 ---------------------------------------------------- 30.5 1937 -1940 1N00 5N80 BD Four -Speed --------------------- _-------- 38 1936 -1939 1D00 4DA36 BD Six -Speed ____ ____ ____________________ ______ 38.05 1939 -Up 5D000 Up BD2 ------------------- -------- ----- ----------------- 38 1937 -1938 1P00 1P16 35D ---------------------- - _______________________:___ 61.18 1934-1935' 10000 10217 40D ___________________ _______________ ____ . 61.18 1935 -1936 10218 10831 DD Four -Speed ______________________________ 61.18 1936 -1939 110832 11581 JIL3000 1IA460 DD Six -Speed ___ _______ _____________ ___________ 61.18 .1939 -Up 1L5000 UP 80D --------------------------------- - --------------- 92.3 1933 -1936 6000 6321 FD Four -Speed ------------------------------ 92.3 1936 -1938 6322 6699 FD Six -Speed _ ___ ________________________ ____ • 96.9 1938 -Up 8Y000 Up FDLC ------------ -------------------- -------- - --- 114.3 1941 -Up 1HA000 Up PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. HOMER CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Approx. year Approx. year Introduced discontinued 1928 Crawler 1930 International Tractractors 1931 GASOLINE Model Drawbar Iffir. 10-20 - --------------------- - --------------------------------------------- 20- 20 ------------------------------------------------------ r --------------- 20 T-20 ---------- -------------- ----------------------- - --------------------- 24.44 in 2nd Gear T-40 ----- - -------------- - ------------------------------------------ -------- 46.67 in 3rd Gear TA-40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 45.58 in 2nd Gear TA-35 ----- - ---- - --------------------------------------------------------- 38.68 in 3rd Gear T-6 - - -------------- — ------------------------------------------------------ 32.92 in 2nd Gear T-9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42.98 in 2nd Gear T-14 ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- ---- 54.0 in 2nd Gear 1940 DIESEL TD-40 --------------- - --------- - ----------------------------------------- 44.68 in 3rd Gear TD-40 ----- - -------- - ---- - ----------------------------------------------- 49.55 in 3rd Gear TD- 35 --------------- - --------------------------- i ----------------------- 37.97 in 1st Gear TD-6 --------------- — ------ -------------------------------------------- 29.49 in 2nd Gear TD-9 ------- - ------------------------------------------------------------- -38.88 in 2nd Gear TD- 14---------- --------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- 54.04 in 3rd Gear TD-18 ------------------- - - ----- - ----- : --------------------------------- 74.25 in 1st Gear Approx. year Approx. year Introduced discontinued 1928 -------- 1930 -- - - - -_- 1931 1940 1937 1940 1932 1931 1936 1940 1940 Current 1941 Current 1941 Current, 1933 1937 1937 1940 1936 1940 1940 Current 1940 Current 1940 Current 1938 Current PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN- A.E.D. MEMBER. —70— CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Tractors CRAWLER, GASOLINE - ENGINE From and not including To and Including $ 70.00 $ 24.00 $ 8.00 (drawbar horsepower)- (drawbar horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day 20 33 $221.00 $ 74.00 $25.00 33 41 295.00 99.00 33.00 41 52 348.00 116.00 39.00 52, 66 434.00 145.00. 48.50 66 85 ..473.00 158.00 53.00 85 105 555.00 185.00 62.00 To and including CRAWLER, DIESEL ENGINE 20 33 $295.00' $ 99.00 $33.00 33 41 , . 359.00 120.00 40.00 41 46 399.00 133.00 44.50 46 52 452.00 151.00 50.50 52 62 527.00 176.00 59.00 62 72 599.00 200.00 67.00 72 89 713.00 238.00 79.50 89 135 859.00 287.00 96.00 4- WHEELED, RUBBER- TIRED, GASOLINE ENGINE From and not including To and including (brake horsepower)- (brake horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day 10 16 $ 70.00 $ 24.00 $ 8.00 16 24 99.00 33.00 11.00 24 33 130.00 44.00 15.00 33 .45 151.00 51.00 17.00 45 50 17100 58.00 19.50 50 60 210.00 70.00 23.50 60 75 256.00 86.00 29.00 4- WHEELED, RUBBER- TIRED, DIESEL From and not including To and including (belt horsepower)- (belt horsepower)- Per month Per week Per day 38 47 $ 195.00 $ 65.00 $ 22.00 47 50 246.00 82.00 27.50 50 60 276.00 92.00 31.00 93 103 588.00 196.00 65.50 103 115 812.00 271.00 90.50 140 160 942.00 314.00 105.00 190 210 1,323.00 441.00 147.00 2- WHEELED, RUBBER- TIRED, DIESEL-POWERED From and not including To and including (brake horsepower) - (brake horsepower) - Per month Per week Per day 80 100 $ 780.00 $260.00 $-87.00 130 145 858.00 286.00 95.50 145 160 1,418.00 473.00 . 158.00 180 195 1,523.00 508.00 169.50 195 210 1,842.00 614.00 205.00 Tract ®r Trailer Units 4- WHEELED TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC SCRAPER Tractor „crape. - Engine (horsepower) Struck (cu. yds.)' Heaped (cu. yds.) Per month Per week Per day 94 -102, Diesel- incl ------- 6-11, inel. ------- _-- _ --- 9 -13, inel. - - - - - -- $1,042.00 $348.00 $116.00 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -71- CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Tractor Trailer Units-Continued 2- WHEELED TRACTOR -DUMP TRAILER 4- WFEF.LE D TRACTOR, DUMP TRAILER, GASOLINE POWERED Wagon (struck) Wagon (struck) Wagon (heaped) From and not including To and Including From and not To and From and not To and Per month Per week Per day Tractor including including including including 11 16 1,258.00 Engine horsepower (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) Per month Per week Per day 80 -100, incl_ __________________ 7.5 11.5 10.0 14.0 $1,330.00 $444.00 $148.00 130 -150, incl_ __________________ 19.0 23.0 28.0 32.0 2585.00 862.00' 287.50 180 -200, incl. _________________ 24.0 28.0 33.0 37.0 3200.00 1067.00 356.00 4- WFEF.LE D TRACTOR, DUMP TRAILER, GASOLINE POWERED Wagon (struck) -Scraper- From and not including To and Including track- (cubic yards)- (cubic yards)- Per month Per week Per day From and not 11 $ 992.00 $ 331.00 $110.50 11 16 1,258.00 420.00 140.00 16 20 1,924.00 642.00 214.00 20 24 2,032.00. 678.00 226.00 4- WIIEELED TRACTOR, DUMP TRAILER, DIESEL POWERED Wagon (struck) 5.0 8.75 7.5 From and not including To and including 367.00 , 122.50 103 - 111 - Diesel, incl------ (cubic yards)- (cubic yards)- Per month Per week Per day .._. 83/2 ' $ 855.00 $ 285.00 $ 95.00 8Y2 11 1,120.00 374.00 125.00 11 16 1,345.00 449.00 150.00 16 20 2,145.00 .715.00 238.50 20 24 2,265.00 755.00 252.00 2- WIIEELE D TRACTOR WITH 2- WHEELED CABLE SCRAPER Tractor- -Scraper- 6.5 9.5 912.00 304.00 -Struck- - Heaped- 5.5 8.5 From, not ' To, and From, not To, and From, not To, and 358.00 119.50 including including including including including including (eng. h.p.) (eng. hp.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) 'Per month Per week Per day 85 105 6 10 9 13 $1,211.00 $404.00 $135.00 145 155 10 14 13 17 1,700.00 567.00 189.00 135 145 13 17 11 21 2,195.00 732.00 244.00 195 205 13 17 17 21 2,359.00 787.00 262.50 195 205 16 20 21 25 2,600.00 867.00 289.00 185 195 21 25 28 32 2,805.00 935.00 312.00 4-WIIEE E D TRACTOR WITH .CABLE SCRAPER PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -72- . -Scraper- track- - Heaped- From and not To and From and not To and Tractor Including including including including Engine horsepower (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) (cu. yds.) Per month Per week Per day 103 - 111 -Gas, incl--------- 5.0 8.75 7.5 11.0 1,099.00 367.00 , 122.50 103 - 111 - Diesel, incl------ , 5.0 8.75 7.5 11.0 1,208.00 403.00 134.50 94- 102 - Diesel, incl.____ 6.0 10.5 9.0 13.0 1,039.00 347.00 116.00 103 - 111 -Gas, incl ----- __ 8.75 11.0 11.0 14.0 1,242.00 414.00 138.00 103- 111 - Diesel, incl.____ 8.75 11.0 11.0 .14.0 1,398.00 466.00 155.50 70- 95 -Gas, incL________ 5.5 8.5 6.5 9.5 912.00 304.00 101.50 70- 95- Diesel, incl.____ 5.5 8.5 6.5. 9.5 1,072.00 358.00 119.50 PRESENT YOUR EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -72- . CONSTRUCT BY CONTRACT Wagons - Crawler DIRECT HITCH, BOTTOM DUMP Heaped capacity From and not including To and including (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Per month . Per week Per day ......... 61/2 -$181.00 $ 61.00 $20.50 632 92 220.00 74.00 25.00 932 123/2 264.00 88.00 29:50 121/2 1432 285.00 95.00 32.00 141/2 201/2 410.00 137.00 46.00 177.00 DIRECT HITCH, HYDRAULIC SIDE DUMP Winches, Towing Heaped capacity For crawler tractor of From and not including To and including (cubic yards) jcubic yards) Per month Per week Per day 12 $341.00 $114.00 $38.00 12 15 440.00 147.00 49.00 15 18 527.00 176.00 59.00 DIRECT HITCH, MANUAL SIDE DUMP Heaped capacity From and not including To and including (cubic yards) ' (cubic yards) Per month Per week Per day 12 $261.00 $ 87.00 $29.00 12 15 330.00 110.00 37.00 15 18 391.00 131.00 44.00 Winch Crawler Tractor Accessory Per month Per week Per day For any size tractor, single-drum --- _--------------- $ 56.00 $19.00 $ 6.50 For any size tractor, double-drum __________________ 85.00 29.00 10.00 For any size tractor, four-drum ---------------- __---- 177.00 59.00 20.00 Winches, Towing For crawler tractor of From and not including To and including 20 : 33 $ 75.00 $ 25.00 $ 8.50 33 41 90.00 30.00 10.00 41 52 95.00 32.00 11.00 52 66 89 PRESENT YO1 66 102.00 89 189.00 145 214.00 34.00 11.50 63.00 21.00 72.00 24.00 EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS TO AN A.E.D. MEMBER -73- I t Augu t s, 1947 Grinnell Com; - 240 Seventh , live. sow o kanne�.poli s- 15, Linn., MIS s to notify you than as ,of of July 1; �9�7, :he 1��3.3aue i of 3 ,, t:dnne in County, Kiy- neapolis, DJ.Pnesota, pur- chased the Water Utility of, the Counury Club District Service Co.,9 46U SSoodd ale .iwnue, Minneapolis ' 10, Minn'e, Your invoice :ice -26317 of July 180, in the amount of '69.02 • has. been rod "ems to us, by the Company for,payment, 9ecaus a it is impossible far us to . make p -ment, of any ; statemilt without our h"v:i.ng an executed Veiifi 6d Glaira we are enclosing such claim m for your signaturo before a • . Notary.' tfe w a il pp ci.ate your returi ine claim to us in order th:A payment may be node* Yours very tru:=y, VILLA , Deputy Village. Clerk i I I ` I 1 I u Atwust 8, 1947 Buffalo Neter Coo 2117 Main ' Street Buffalo" New York Gentlemen: lds is to notify you that as. of July 1, 1947, the Village of Winn, Hemepin Cainty, iii wpapolis, l nnesotu, pur- chased the � L-er Utility of the Country Club district Service' Co.,_ 4611 dooddale Avenue, FAneapolis, .10, 1,12m. Your .invoice ;t 69, of Jwie' �24,; 1947,, in the amount of X29 *45* . has been referred to us by the Company ,for pint. Because it is. impossible for . us to ,make payment of any ctateme%t. without our hcvi r an executed ITeAfied Clair., we are' enclosing ouch claim for your signature• before a Notary Cie Will uppreciate your returning a claim to us in order _ that jW -ment may bo mde"* Yours very truly., By GS :ev Deaz.uty Village Clerk i August 8, 1947 0 Badger I;eter IXg• Co.. 2357 Borth 30th 3t. . Lalwuukee, 10, ;S.sco.as n Genticien: This is to notify you, that as of Ju3y it 1947s, the Village of FAina, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, IAnnesota, purchasdd the hater Utility of the Country Club District .service Cq *4 4621 Wooddale Avenue, PUmieapolis,, 10, I3it -mesots.. Your invoice ir"262442s of July 23, ' in the aLow t of. U1340., has'been referred to us by the CompwW for payments, Bdcause it is impossible 'For u.... to cake Mx4yaer_t of any statement without our having an executed Verified Claim, ` we era enclosing such claim for your signature before A Notary.." tae will appreciate your returning a claim to us irk ardor that payMent Lay be pado.. u i Yours very t'a'uly,, VIT L"ILG3 OF LDEI 1 BY GS : ev D uty Village Clerk u�`1G• r i i • : ' ` Auwjst 6,• 1947 Aochwll tire. `Co. • . ::leash W s4va.cou aE: 6f All 1 1' 1;� ���, Lh�; Al3aca' of .w13l3:4•, i�c7::ilf♦ ::I, iCi.:; +`,i, /.�+_..;:''3 �t.�3� 4,yy7w'�jl'� ;.�_�}'w,:yr.7i� -d low •;&L it' Yt -•. : 4d C. 'Lhvclpwj *r. 4.� ub .Distmict �;a � bq Co ' 'iour is � A:;c r. '. 2, data! July 15, 1::.70 in L;;e W.mt ri. -��� f:�,� • b::i:il i:.�:♦ �'�:� -'.V au fir' L%o- •;Oi _M!W for laent • It 33 lezmauiblo zO_' tAM • / .::�,,;,;�d r. °, ":.c. Y �. iJ1J� - "O 411' :iia i O �nu�ki. �e of arA,* bill:- 4rV i: ' .J d'Z!Cn 04 b j ;an . w� • ip.,I'tO: YI "-. ..i.eL k „ c� +I' Ca`+t :: , :�fvi'a a IioL3ry, _ . C0weiz:z,; sacs. :311, i-cL mtzib rWep rot:umingm ' i for ; O{!3' .'+ : ° : t;lit'.; i::: ..�'i�3a .r.#��L �:O!!a tj is si' t: W,,u. U 'rifled :.0 :•[lLI i, r-+-CUIQ ,,t„Jr ame(.'u t.As v• L&A ewl rutI:Erd, r • :V, . t o us by- zz-,Aur..::� .'La 0 lu . '..'ti3 L4z 10us to i'AWL L74P,lmit Of B -004 - Your.; vu - j5wt, : JvCi • ' • Y 4 1U. Vil3A,j%t, of _dtku is ;.m :!o to E.,f 'ock- bUls i Lti,out poscgcssim'. of & Vurifi.., i;1.,,:::. oak � i4r off c- tl :`ids ':,I��BCls EC.f:S'r.: i•; ::, i:o' Qi Qj:2` 'v�:•fYie �i}f3Yi1 ° {w,hiah tr�ea t .do 4A-= _cr ��oz:� -d �.� ?: Li pu��� :�:i,uri+ i9� f.cs us L row f + Ci3IAG , Or DY uL •ev an p d ty � -4 :1s,,la Clurk I - Form 814 GENERAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATE NO. BUILDING_ SHEET NO. LOCATION ESTIMATOR ARCHITECTS CHECKER _ SUBJECT DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK I I NO. PIECES DIMENSIONS_ EXTENSIONS EXTENSIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE M'T'L TOTAL MATERIAL ESTIMATED COST I UNIT PRICE LABOR TOTAL LABOR ESTIMATED COST , — j i I I I it I; � I I` j- I I d ✓;r Ifir 1' Lv a of II la o — al BU - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - -i-- - -- - -- 1 I _ ua v'io; I v'I a _ 1� I . Poll -- — — U I i •V 474 I I_.__I i -j- I -I .� aI a/ 10 I I c .1 August S, 1947 1 305- 7th St, South Mi:nne polxs, 2, Ninn.. Gentlemen: pie have your invoice: of. July 22, in the ar-ount of *474.7$, covering the wiring of a;ur�p at 5235 IkUfax .Avenue. d® are unable to mke aynt of this in voice until such. time � ire .receive the attacl�ed Verified Claim, signed, by an officiU, of ycur compatV bofare a - Notaye i ey we asks tLat you return the cla= -at once in . order that payment racy be ;ny:de.. Yours very truly., ., a Ey GS':ev Peputy Village Clerk' Vic: o • r o i j VILLAGE OF ED1NA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA! August 8, 1947 ,. American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Pllymouth Bldg.' ' ' Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen: Attention: Mr. Douglas Wallace As. you know the Village of Edina has acquired the Water Utility of the Country Club- District Service Company. This aclquisition was - made as of July 1, 1947.. ; Your invoice #C- 247i4M of July 11, has been referred to us by'the Company for payment. Because it is impossible for, us • to make payment without an executed Verified Maim we are attaching a claim_for your signature before -a_Nbtary. Please-'return the claim to us by return mail in order that w e may have it for our records. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA• _ $Y • GS:ev, Deputy Vaillage Clerk Enc. - y i L4 _ eaiil�lY. S,. 1947 Trop � l ~�;:L:49ca''1:.Zi: Sti.�Tt�i';.�3'll.i .if'i'���?:i�t.'::�;hi• iiS1.'L�G[:� - , - - • Ali 704 :'Xnl tsljk,' Villa+„ t 'of 4C : h40 acqu -'ecoa tie .;ate r,- Utiiity tats the U&uitr * QWL :.•isiatict Wmica c;r*in>6r:. ::4d,.� ' 1=1 ;:::�Jii:f: r.1�" ��fa;- f:3' 'vti.f�+' 11., !as bcr&v raferred to. us by tZw Coa;.L :ca:' ;. sgtw t ► im.ur;o 1 : s' 3.:anoes3bls ' fOr MV t-0 izo yv..�:.'�a; '•.r3'auuL Can exp6vL -,3 ifivid C.�sy:� Eivj :a:.t: ^_c 4:1•:.: m. for 7mw cis,��•:twa be:orp a Loa-y Slam w Y'�/.1?:►�r1 :.C, clAalit oW�..r,i a�yy b; iAum .,u ill • IM Order ivit. we 1,44a V. -for.crar �ys c�n, � "r4• 9 , CK : ev y VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, Minnesota Mr. Oscar Gaarden, President ti Country Club District Service Co., 4611 Wooddale Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA August 7, 1947 Mr. Oscar Gaarden, President Country Club District Service Co., 4611 Wooddale Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Mr.. Gaarden: I have your letter of July 26th and have carefully considered the points that you raise. All of the points you mention in your letter, with the exception of the sewer tools, were considered and discussed at the time the contract was,signed. All of the points you raise therefore constitute a request for revision of the contract which was written and signed on the basis -of the agreement arrived.'at between the principal parties and their counsel. I might say also that the Village Council did not accept the,,contract until after considerable discussion and argument by both myself and Mr. Moore, and I am very much afraid that your request for a revision would not be _ well accepted by the Council. In addition, it would-be embarrassing to me. We did,.of course, agree that, if the settlement date were .delayed beyond August 15th,.the Village should pay you interest equal to the interest on the bonds for the delayed period; but it now appears that this will all be cleared up within this current week.. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Woehler have commented to me on the very Pine :'help you have been to them in getting them over the beginning troubles in the transfer of these operations, and I want also to express my personal app Ireciation of your fine cooperation. I am sure you will appreciate my position and carry on through on the basis outlined, i Very truly yours, BY Chairman, Public Utilities Committee VILLAGE OF EDINA HCU:M .1 r«a':ust 7, 19+7' �'r. CscLr G3arc en, 'resident C- ;entry Club District service Co„ N611 gooddale rive., ricer '•`r. Goardicn: I have your letter o'E� JulZr 28th �` nd halm ca- rofully considered the points t �A Frei, raise • All of the points you -vation in your latter, •j.tli she exception of the seer tocsls, mre _cansidered icy discussed at the t: +.roc i;�te ccrtraet was sit- 'r:Pd. 4'.11 of tto 2oints you raise t ?-,Qrefore constitute a request for rerrision of ti,-_ cmtract u4aich was written n dI siMed (m the basis of the agrec:zcnt are iva at between tea -mrties and their counsei. 1 .ht say ^1r_:� t to Villd -e Council. did :-not, accept the contract until after consideruvty discussion "znd ar&ment by both tnmeY and :Ir. Zfoere., and I am very much m-fr :.id that your request for a revision im.0d not be well accepted t y the Council. . Ln addition, it imdld be embarr,.s,'Jing; to ire. We di ,21,, of course, af!rco' thit, if the settle rent daite were delayed be; ,rond ,Iu, ust 15th, the Village should pay ,you interest equal to the interest an the bonds for the ciF;la; od period, , but it now appears that this will r-11 be cleared up within-this current i:nck. Both ."Ir' arcti.th and 1r, ',.oghler hove ccariented to ate on the vent .line help you have bean to the!-.I ir r ;ettirly the- m-er "he bee limning troubles in the transfer of these 'operations, and I want also to express,_y personal appreciatign of your fi.ie cooperation. I awe sate you will appreciate ray ppsition and carry on through bra the basis outlined. i Very truly your:, BY Cha rmm, ' Public 'Utilities Committee VITA iG: , p; MINA ICU T . ,• � it 6 71r, Oscar -'.7wrdleng --'rotldunt. C�o!untrV Cub 'District :�r'I�t'.O 9 . lie -ill, i�! ^J.e Ave. � ^off , I. rota. ' Dcar • Zit• • ►:a 7ri.Y•� •j' t.r� •�',' +..r,yt �4r'1'1.• .atLB , P "� ?f+' 'i.: } ",'j:fC1' .. , ! ..n, ..' . ... _ �".'! :''C�_...,�. 4; "�'1 r•^,� j"' Who !yAm.!z t 1'71; kb t f•t t:; % �~. +Ja ''` '�•..:+•"' �`r * .a '`.` p.a t� ;,L• CLCOa'fl:�.t�D eP 7.•�y w �= 'f ti•• :.S .7 lwr� .�3w1,.. 1 q.t' z a f,:: 46 '� �'Tle Cii_'••.t lent tl,y j/�.':w':.• �: r. .•i ;.lint; C.. .... ail'F,•. :r �:...., ....: v:.ti •3•.v :.v Y _ V• ,.. ... ; •43M- -: 01M �''�l91''.l lZr� ,3 ,*,'C.;dOSt €Or . resv` data - _. *_ try +C `.: .. i : �•� .t =? { • . ::: a �,a: W .: .. f any tho ^•ay.r•�•..�r�•. ••w•ar•' ;t^��_ 'f•y•,• :t. :a' •'�i .'�.� t. ..ipiC3iJ. I • 6./y4a�•�-�:�iy�� ? AL: .`. ', ,� •S •1If' ', ✓' f.. .. .i .. .. ::� :)Tir�s�'r� .:f• +1 .. ..LM � �a�a�/.ii r ,. aYY }}\••�a• S.• • . •mow,' •'f -A um t'• y.� � .J• .�.', ±L'.1/, i5, 1 , f1,JV,! • .«'�I' ri �. ��.,��R -V� ' • ' .a7aa7'I �: -R.�'. ,'y ..%f; �i• �.� l +J -f'i.: +.'� :I, i� .. }ter. .�i:•! .'.i •1 nob be 1113�.�. �1C(':..ii °Y •;' CiO ti! - IL.L.. I•i LO .� E'i .s of � cv pc., v 'a.'�- V, .:: •U,..:. .J►.VU y..c :•, '.i LCi\r ui`i: V + •r t l f �' • .tea ' ''• a7 rr • .�:4Yii�.ay •: un -.I t0 ��,'L��a r i •rry,. ..'� .Li3V 'r.JJ.. a J. Li ._ �+.1•.3��: [7..r7•i:ar •r :i� � t.ho l sYve:: t rr_':.r(; .�:•::�1 "or b�:,a ':' tip.', �.i „ =ut •L-0 -za,: I: .);pours'that , 'trt&-. %.rll! . t i Ine a &iev". Up i; jlff Carral.v ''•►:::1{. wlith '!ro .iiLY•th --nd i . i,'ii�t!"i' l: "i/3 CiM: t7i .[�1 1,Q !.10 4C1'tZlO ilOt'f/ f5m licin mot: I3w boon to M : tEti' t.'x,:z uvo:' the tof sntair traumas . � ttt tw -isfer o^ thoso wmnti�ns, 'acv: I aasat also to eas cq banal a 03at -&. be Your €fno c oa vra# Iv..n.. . I s.'a aura ;you gill w, iLveplate W i .. W:m and w -M on thr ' on' ttr, basis <utflinede 1 ' 'eery truce 7=u . .. � _ : ' ..:3i1, � '' � tlt3�:iltios Coci"►irtteea . . • I is •�•• � e i • COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE CO. 4611 Wooddale Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA WALT 8817 July 299 19476 Mrs H• Ce Utley, 'Councilman, j Village of Edina® *1%A1 1204 lot Nato Soo Line Bldg ®, City 2: Dear Mr. Utley: I spoke to you a few weeks ago about a fair allowance to the Country Club District Service Company to cover interest of the amount due for the period from July 1 to the date of payment®' This covers the purchase of the water utilifg by the Village* I beli e the interest rate should be the same as that called for by the r anus bondso The reasons for this payment is outlined below: la- The Company could have made good use of the funds on July on July lots In fact it has borrowed money from other sources at 5% to enter other businesso 20-The Village will collect revenue from water customers from July Yste The Company has enjoyed no revenue from water consumers since July lots` 3e Had the Company known of the descrepancy of $1552 ®00 in the two accountants reports at the time the deal was made on June .3rd a deal for a figure less than $135,00040 would never have been made® This was discovered after the auditors report was typed, after June 3rd® 4e The Company gets no revenue for a great deal of effort put forth in thoroly acquainting the Village employees in all detail of its operations and accountings As regards the sewer system a sum of $10040 has been suggested as payment thmefore I-forgot to mention at the time that the Village never has reimbursed the Company for -about $350 000 worth of sewer tools-turned over to the Village crews at the time they took over operationol I therefore believe the payment should be $450 0'00 instead of ! ti$100&O Verb=: tru3y_ °yours, Pres idente`" i Aug + 1947. Mr. Oscar Gaarden, President, Country Club District Service Co., 4611 Wooddale Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Gaarden: I have your letter of July 28th and.have carefully con- sidered the points that you raise. All of the points you mention in your letter, with the exception of the sewer tools, were considered and discussed at the time the contract was signed. _All of the points you raise therefore constitute a request for revision of the contract which was written and signed on the basis of the agreements arrived at between the principal parties.and.their counsel. I might say also that the Village Council did not accept the contract until after considerable discussion and argument by both myself and Mr. Moore, and I am very much afraid that your request for a revision would not be well accepted by the Council. In addition, it would be embarrassing to me. We did, of course, agree that, if the settlement date were delayed beyond August 15th, the Village should pay -you interest equal to the interest on.the bonds for the delayed period, but it now appears that this will all be cleared up within this current week. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Woehler have commented to me on the very fine help you have been to them in getting them over the beginning troubles in the, transfer of these operations and I want also to express my personal appreciation of your -fine cooperation. I -am sure you will appreciate my position and carry on through on the basis outlined. Very truly yours, Chairman iffiAlh Committee HCU:M. Village of Edina. Mr.- ,Oscar Gaardeny\ Country.Club Distri 4611 wooddale Ave., Minneapolis 9.; Minnes Dear Mr. Gaarden: President' et Service Co., . Aug.. 1F9 191+7. I have your letter of July 28th and have carefully con- sidered the points that�you raise. All of the points you mention in your letter, with the exception of the sewer to s9 were considered and discussed at the time the contract was igned. All of the points you raise therefore constitute a requ st for revision of the contract which was therefore and signed on th basis of the agreements arrived at between the principal partie \this eir counsel. I might say also that the Village Council did ept the contract until after considerable discussion and aby both myself and Mr. Moore, and I am very much afraid thaequest for a revision would not be well accepted by the CIn addition, it would be embarrassing to me. -We.did:9 of course.9 at, if the settlement date were delayed beyond August 15Village'should pay you interest equal to the interesbonds for the delayed period, but it now appears thwill all'be cleared up within this current week. Both Mr. S mith and Mr. Woehle have commented to me on the very fine help you have been to the in getting them over the beginning troubles in the transfer of th a operations and I want, . also to express my personal appreciation f your fine cooperation. I-am sure you will appreciate my osition and carry on through on the basis outlined. ;. Very truly y rs9 Chairman Committee HCU:M Village of Edina Aug. 1. 1947. Mr. Oscar Gaarden ,Pre ident, Country Club District SIrvice Co., 4611 Wooddale Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Gaarden: I have your lett� of July 28th and have carefully con- sidered the points that you raise. All of the points ou mentioned in your letter, with the exception of the sewer tools_ were considered and discussed at the time the contract was signed d were I thought disposed of at that time. We agreed, of cour e. that should the payment time be beyond August 15th that the Vi age was willing to allow interest from August 15th until whatever the date of payment would bey although at the moment it appear that this will all be cleared up within the next week. As to a sewer tools I do not find in the annual reports for any of a years any particular amount of tools for sewers or which would not be allowed for in the inventory at June 3rd. We haves as you probably r lizeq already run into costs and expenses incident to this, which a did not anticipate and which, if we had made a careful serve we would naturally have raised The Council accepted my recomm ndations with respect to the original purchase agreement contract fter considerable dis- cussion and selling on my part, and in vi of the spirit of cooperation between yourself and the Counc since that time I dislike very much to interject new elemen s such as you have raised. It would be embarrassing to me. Wh le the contract called of courses for your cooperation in th la and this has been freely given, it is no more han would be ex- pected. Mr.-Smtth and Mr. Woeh�le�-r�-� have both co ented to me on the very fine help you have beRj'n getting the over beginning troubles in the transfer of these operations.. I ppreciate also the cooperation you have given us. I am sure you will appreciate my position through on the basis outlined. Very truly yours, Chairman Committe Village of Edina. carry on VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST. FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA August 6, 1947 Mr. Utley: I am enclosing the following for your tcmorrow!s-meeting with Mr. Gaarden: 1. 3-Copies of certificate of Rail Schmidt!s report, signed by Hawthorne. 2. 3 Copies of Signature Certificate, signed by Christopher, Hawthorne, and Egan. 3; 3-Copies-of Treasurers Certificate, signed by Duggan. 4• Endorsement Stamp and Pad, Deposit Slip; and Bank Book for Midland Bank, - It is my understanding.that Mr. Howard has the - $150,000.00 bonds at his office, and that upon receipt of the first three items listed above he will be able to complete his legal opinion. The bonds and legal opinion will then be delivered to Allison Williams C'o., who are agreeable to giving their check to Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard will then present the check to you, and it can be deposited. (I want to be sure that Mr. Duggan is not needed, as he will not be available.). With regard to payment to Mr. Gaarden -- i Enclosed is: 1. Verified Claim, for Mr. Gaarden!s signature-. You will note that this claim is in accordance with - attached copy of his:July 16 letter to yon. This claim says nothing about payment for the Sewer Utility, which 1 - understand is now in question. -In case you wish to change the reading of this claim, I am also enclosing a couple of blanks, -2. Check on the Midland National Bank, in the amount of $133,564.90. This check has been signed by Mr. Duggan only. 1 attempted to contact both Mr, Hawthorne and Mr.- Christopher this afternoon, but Mr, Christopher is in a meeting, and Mr.-Hawthorne has not yet called me back. i Also enclosed are Mr. Gaarden!s letter of July 28, and the letter you have written in answef; :I!-ll, �be:,,at the = „office until about 9:00 P.M. this” evening. If there is. anything .. ;else you ' wil -1,need for 'the meeting, call, me. Gret I I i �r July z5,, 1947 Dorsey, Colman ,,BaxOker,,Scott & Barber First National —Soo Line, Bld.go xirineepolis 20 Y nnesota Gentlemen: Hye are attaching hereto certified copy of the Transcript of the July'100 1947 naetino of the Village Councils setting .forth several resolutions for the issuance.of $150x000 Water- works Reverme Bonds. We believe this should give-you everything we now have frith regard to the issuance of these bonds, if there is anything more you must have for your legal opinion,, we shall appreciate your letting us knoAr as soon as possible. Yours very truly* VILLAGE CP EDINA BY + - Deputy Village Clerk 98' t • � i , To the Residents of Edina: In tree annual report of the Village operations Mme ,age, you were advised as to the general status of the situation as to Village water questions. As you know, in the last several years there has been considerable litigation in this respect on various questions, all of which had been decided in favor of the Village, but at considerable expense in legal and other fees, up to the present time amounting to approximately $212000, ,de& l r to be l, _°,,p in the District Cour5t, action of the Council as to rate questions and appraisal values for purchase, both of which appeared to be headed for further controversy,with the attendant legal expense. The Village had been negotiating with the Company on the purchase question for some little time and just before the. action which was to be heard in Court on June 4th, the negotiations. as to possible purchase were concluded, and the Company agreed to sell to the Village all of its'physical properties for approximately $1339500. The Village ;Lr,.%e assumed operation of the systems July 19 �1 47. _Since the Country Club District Service Company was acquired by Mr. Gaarden from Thorpe Bros. in 1936 there has been a continual expansion of the system, and the total additions by the Company, as shown by the report of the Appraisal Board appointed to value the property, amounted to approximately $120,000. Included in those additions re the two lo "s Well and.PW at 5 . and Halifax, which o�'service The total appraised sound value at June 30, 1947 on the basis ofVvalues as of March 11 1946 (the date of the appraisal.) plus additions at cost, amounted to approximately $1741000s Arrangements have, also been concluded for the financing of the purchase and provision for' working capit�a�l�by the sale of revenue warrants in the amount of $150,000 at, ""anMA nterest rate of�•�% maturities and interest to be paid out of the future operation of the system. Based on past history of the operations of this system, the Council believes that there will be no question but that such maturities and interest can be reasonably met from such operations. In any event, these revenue warrants are payable only from water operations and do not- affect the general tax rate or tax structure of the Village. The Council feels that the purchase of the system on the., above basis was without question advisable and it had the full recommendation of tis purchase by the Village Utilities Committee, its consultant Mr. Aarl Schmidt, and counsel Mr. Perry Moore, all of whom made extensive studies of the costs, operations, rates and litigation over a considerable period of time. The Council believes that for :the present, until such time as the operations can be viewed in the light of _experience with present higher price levels, there should be no change in the existing rates. However, studies are immediately to be dertaken for the purpose of looking to a revision of rates for som une measure of benefit for the larger amounts of water used during the sprink- ling season. dl&l ) /4fv? x A. Is. 1-91M • ' +�t_�{'ic .��! .' rte • 'fi: ^rYi of &,lw lca "1 �'•1� tl' =f7�!9"7.�+_.i83i1)"iCI�, •• ''L l:Sti'C`• Cliis' ,r1°tl "iy 140 2nthp rc�,:.r .ti =° .1 ntlase of the Cainu7r' v �U� J�.• �.r'ict W-trvice 0*- ;-:xiy l s r Dy the Vil3s•_ c. Pye see cat ,7 er V •3 s let :cr •cc aftisi tion 6f 'the jkla- chase of Ei .:tF•" Sw•. ,� 3 w f na n .-Iry JO.- -d: mst'-40i service 3 e4ao of r,?T3a >>JO�d , GV n,Gtive urcluisQ date ` bates Ju%. oE . sc :.. re'de it ni3ed to tie '. ' ryv *ids !:tc. al? :.-`in ^, .;s fcal ofte_.d 2tiiX"cam-lete your i..YV�i2S•• ti � • le `r-. ,.I- to %* ,'�,'� "• rCat`trz @P `�� Y,t' r� t..F i��� 'r �.'..t. -te R� i�t` ti 7 406 a -min. tir � - ' ; Yaws var.-., t"=�3A , IV • V I- • P G. HOWARD SPAETH COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION � �dE of unesda PPuart=rd of (=afiv t I, s # Offue 3uains, "5t. ?Pmd I July 28, 19+7 Mr. C. J. `Cbristopher President of the Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Under.date of June 10, there appeared a newspaper item to the effect that the Village of Edina had purchased the water system operated by the Country Club District Service Company. For purposes of our public utility departmental records we would greatly appreciate the favor of securing the confirmation of the purchase by the Village of Edina of the above water system, giving us the effective date of purchase, together with the purchase price. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours G. HOWARD SPAETH Commissioner of Taxation Ron d V. owers RVp_b Deputy Comtnissioner r• ADDRESS YOUR REPLY TO DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION. STATE OFFICE BUILDING 3 ST. PAUL 1. MINNESOTA . Edina to Buy '. Water System The Edina village council Mon- day night unanimously approved a motion to purchase the water system in Edina, which has ;been operated by the Country Club Dis- trict Service Co. The company is owned by Oscar Gaarden, Purchase of the system, which will cost $133,500, will be financed by sale of revenue warrants. Un- der terms of the proposal, July 1 will be the effective purchase date, and payments will begin Aug. 1. The purchase engs eight years of litigation over ownership of the system and differences in ratds. A .4 father signea the cumpcam,. .ed T. P. tes ar- les 20, ng at• X• on Authority to Issue Edina Bonds Cited Attorney General J. A. A. Burn• quist ruled today that the village of Edina may issue revenue bonds to purchase a water system with- out submitting the question to a vote of the people. The ruling was in answer to a request for an opinion from John W. Windhorst, village attorney, who said that the village already has entered into a contract for purchase of the water system. NNEAPOLIS MORNING TRIBUNE' Q * Tues., June 10, 1947 NEW YOB.K, i L --TH1. MINN'EAPOI,IS ST AR— Wed., June 11, 1947 I � A • f P la in at b3 it st3 �COMING THU .r- I ARIS ISN'T THI oo August 64 19147 fir. uti�y: I am enclos3n; the following, for your tamorrrordls meeting with Mr. Gaarden: 1. 3 C6pie s, of certificate of, Karl Schmidtfs repot, signed by Ha thoraie.- .2. 3 Qapies of Sigmture Certificate, signed by Christopher, Hacts,orne, and 3. 3 Copies of Treasurerts Certificate, signed by Duggan. Endorsement Stamp and Pad,\ Deposit Slip', and Bank Bodc for I-ii.dland Bank. It, is.,EW understanding that Kra Howard has the ft54a000.00 bonds at his office, and that upon receipt of the first three items listed abme he All be able to complsto his legal opinion. The bonds and legal opinion.w l.l. ,then be .delivered to AlUsa :- YTilliams Co., who are ag�eeable to giving their check to ' Mr. Hotrard. Mr. Howard "ird ll then present the cheek to .you, rand it can be deposited. (I unat to be sure that Mr, Duggan is not neededs as he will iaoit, be available*)* With regard to paMnt to 7vir. Caaardenr -+_ Enclosed is. , 1. Verified Claim, for Mr." Caarden!s signature. You %An note th&Z this . claim 3s in accordance attached copy of his July 16 letter to you. This claim sags nothing about payment for the Sewer Utilit9i vAdch I understand is now in questim, In case you wish to change the reading of this .claims. I um also enclosing a couple of blacks. 2.- Check an the Midland National Banc$ is the amount of $1335,564.90. This cheek has been signed by Mr. Duggan only. I attempted to contact both Wr: Hawthorne and Mrrw Christopher this afternoon, but Kno. Christopher is ; in a meetings: and fir. Hawthorne. has not yet called me back. Als6 enclosed are tie Gaa.Y'den2s letter of July 28, and the bitter you have WritteA in ansimr. I +11 ba at the office until abdat 9:00 P. I. this evening. If there is anything else yQu will need Cor the meeting., cal. cea. ` Gretchen JAMES E.DORSEY JOSEPH H. COLMAN DAVID E. BRONSON KENNETH M. OWEN LELAND W. SCOTT LEAVITT R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER LELAND S. DUXBU RY CHARLES F. NOONAN CHARLES B. HOWARD WILLIAM L.PROSSER DONALD WEST - . HARRY A. aLACKMUN . WALDO F. MAROUART JOHN W:WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY JOHN T. Mc CULLEN JULE M. HANNAFORD ARTHUR B.WHITNEY EDWIN F. RINGER DORSEY, COLMAN, BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER ATTORNEYS AT LAW FIRST NATIONAL -SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA 18 July 1947 Ci Mr. Bower Hawthorne 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota , Re: $150,000 Waterworks Revenue Bonds Village of Edina Dear Sir: We enclose herewith a recommended form of minutes for =insertion..in the minutes of July 10, 1947, showing re- ceipt of bids,and awarding sale of these bonds. I believe hk. Howard previously sent you a form of minutes including the resolution authorizing the bonds, and the enclosed Pgges are designed to'be inserted at the end of this resolution. i FORM 104 - .., .. - Statement � ALLISON- WILLIAMS COMPANY N0. 0723 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BOUGHT BY US rFR0L1 jllf Investment Bankers VILLAGE OF E D I NA. MINN DATE 7/10/47 REPT, WE ACT AS PRINCIPALS AND NOT AS BROKERS IN THIS TRANSACTION AMOUNx. - D E S C R I PJ I O N _ - YIELD EXTENSION PRICE 569000a VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN I WATERWORKS REVENUE 10000 56'000 00 RATE 2 1 / . .� I NT ' 7/ 1 TO - 8/7/4? - 1 0 DUE 5M 9/1'/ 9 5M 9�1 / p 561 00 1 ,? 9/ " 7M 9/1;53 7M 91 I / _ 7M 9/15 OPT. 7M 9/1' 6 _ .. �M 91 57 PT DATED 7/1/47 1/56 IMPORTANT: PROMPT DELIVERY OF SECURITIES IN PROPER FORM FOR TRANSFER IS ESSENTIAL TO COMPLETE THIS TRANSACTION, IF NOT ALREADY IN OUR POSSESSION. IF DELIVERY IS NOT MADE ON OR PRIOR TO THE ABOVE SETTLEMENT DATE, VIE RESERVE THE RI GMT, .WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE,-TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, OR, AT OUR OPTIORi TO BUY IN;FOR_YOUR ACCOUNT THE SECURITIES COVERED HEREBY AND HOLD YOU LIABLE FOR THE RESULTING LOSS OR PAY.OVER THE EXCESS TO YOU, AS THE CASE MAY BE. • ❑ SPEED] S ETS. PATS. APPD. FOR.- COSBY-r I RTH MANIFOLD BOOK CO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN FORM 106 SL L L a emen Y ALLISON- WILLIAMS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BOUGHT BY US FROM Investment Bankers VILLAGE OF EDINA MINN WE ACT AS PRINCIPALS AND NOT AS BROKERS, IN THIS TRANSACTION No. 0724 DATE 7/10/47 REPT, AMQUNF• I D E S C R I P T I O N I YIELD I EXTENSION PRICE 94,000. ,VILLAGE OF EDINA MINNESOTA WATERWORKS REV 10000 - 94 000 00 -INT _,.. 2; 3/r� 7/1 TO 8/7/47 RATE BM 9 . 1 �§ o DUE I / 94 , 50 8M 9/ M 9' l �� Ibp 9/1/61 � IOM 9/1/62 _ OM 9/1 /63 IOM /�� 9/ 1 OPT. IOM 9/I /6 - IOM 9/ I /6 �� IOM 9/I DATED 7/1/47 I 57/150 IMPORTANT: PROMPT DELIVERY OF SECURITIES IN PROPER FORM FORTRAN SFER IS ESSENTIAL 70 COMPLETE THIS TRANSACTION, IF NOT ALREADY IN OUR POSSESSION. IF DELIVERY IS NOT MADE ON OR PRIOR TO THE ABOVE SETT' EM ENT' DATE. WE RESERVE THE • -RIGHT. WITHOUT- FURTHER NOTICE. TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, OR, AT OUR, OPTION: TO BUY IN FOR YOUR ACCOUNT;THE SECURITIES COVERED HEREBY AND HOLD YOU LIABLE FOR.TNE, RESULTING LOSS OR PAY OVER THE EXCESS TO YOU, AS THE CASE MAT BE. ' ❑ SPEEDISETS -PATS. APPD. FOR-- COSBY -WIRTH MANIFOLD BOOR CO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Village Council Edina, Minnesota Gentlement We understand that your Village is undertaking System and that you desire to finance the cos Bonds,payable solely from the net revenues of understanding that you will need approximately ,Accordingly we propose as followse Ir-. r Minneapolis, Minnesota July 10, 1947 to acquire a municipal Waterworks t thereof by the issuance of Revenue the Waterworks System. It is our $150,000 to finance this projecte We will assist in setting up a program to finance such acquisition on the basis . that the obligations issued by your Village In connection therewith will be no part of the general obligation debt of your Village* We will work with you and your Village Attorney in all matters pertaining to such financing, Ao part of our agreement with your Village we agree to purchase your $150,000 of Waterworks Revenue Bonds dated July 10 19472 at par and accrued interest, said bonds to be isr4ued in the denomination of Ov1,000 each, to bear interest at the rate hereinafter stated, to at payable semi- annually, both principal and interest to' be payable' at the Rational Bank of 0- aneapolis, Minnesota, said bonds to bec ace( due $60000 9-1.49/52, X7,000 9- lw53/58s $80000 9- 1- 57/F60, and $100000 9-1-PI/671, all bonds maturing after 3.1 »57 t4 be callable at par and ac*., orued intt er st on said date and on any interest payment date thereafter • Said bonds maturing in the. years 19 . to. 195,7 , inclusive« shall bear interest at' the rate of1 and said n s mater gin the years 19 to 19, in�- olusive, shall--bear interest at the rate of It is understood that this bid is made subject to the legality of said bonds being approved by Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber,.bond attorneys, ,Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the adoption by your Village Board of Trustees of the necessary resolutions which wili.provide sufficient funds for payment of principal, of and interest on said bonds as .same become due* Among other things the Village will covenant to establish and maintain sufficient rates and charges for services, and to adjust such rates and charges, should it become necessary, so that there will-at all times be sufficient funds available for payment of principal of and interest on said bonds.as the same respeotively become due, It is further understood that'no additional bonds payable out of net earnings of said water system shall be issued on a parity with the lien and charge in favor of the bonds -of this issue unless for the period of twelve months neat preceding the issuance of such additional obligations the net revenues of the system available for'debt service shall have been in an`amount at least one and one- fourth times (1) the average,of the annual principal and interest require- ments for- -the remainder of the term of this issue, plus (2) the average of the annual,prinoipal and interest requirements of the additional bonds proposed to be issued. It is further understood that said bonds will be delivered to us in Minneapolis, free of delivery expense, on or before August 118 1947 or at our option there+ after, You further agree to pay such service charge as the paying agent named herein may charge for handling . of interest coupons and principal payments of .the above described warrants, -1m Council 41ina, Minnesota 2.. �1M ti It is further understood that the approving opinion of _said bond attorneys and the printed bond forms •will.be,f'urnished by the Village without expense to use Respectfully submitted this. 10th day of July, 184 7• ALLISON- WILLIAMS UMPANY ASSOCIATES'' f7 The above and foregoing offer Whereby accepted for•and on behalf of the above municipality, by the undersigned duly qualified officers q,..,*V0'' 7 � VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA A - t ea r� 16► 1 +turan & D3094Y Stir $'M. 1s 141=030 9k swxwwam, Attention Hr AInn MWMW bi bave your totter of Do ber 30, with aagod �o finmetal- f tip Mina Vatev. VtU ty. 1 1® VO po alto that it - 11 not atmmr Y'OUr ingUW.( $. Vr aro pnoloafte 40OW1 A M 6 of the "Stmt,em"I of S &Ooipte, Dist ate end Palru000,01 tt� to s OeIV ta11 us to make up Sob Vw ** rsamply with Oats Just. at goon .aa, �� �a_ . _ Sty emenO covering the Watop UU1117 8 twos, wo sWal Pleasad Toward ow to vou. to Tours "ry nu AP Op EDP Doputy Village Olwk 1 ' ! JURAN & MOODY MUNICIPAL BONDS TELEPHONE CEDAR 6407 GROUND FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS NESTOR 6666 - MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE BLDG. TELETYPE ST P 160 SAINT PAUL� 152 , EAST SIXTH STREET December, 30, 1948 Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota Dear Sir; About a month ago we wrote you requesting figures from your most recent earning statement available, as outlined on the enclosed form. We are most anxious to have this information in order thatlwe can be in a position to keep our customers cur - rently informed of the'operation of municipal utilities, against which revenue bonds have been issued. We ale enclosing a stamped envelope for your convenience in rieplying and will very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, JURAN & MOODY BY AK /sls Enc 1 ; i I I I JURAN & MOODY jMUNICIPAL BONDS TELEPHONE CEDAR 8407 MINNEAPOLIS NESTOR 6886 TELETYPE ST P 160 SAI NT PAU L I, M I N N ESOTA GROUND FLOOR MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE BLDG_ 152 EAST SIXTH STREET ucc 29, 1948 VILLAGE CLERK ED NA', MI NNESOTA DEAR S -1 R: As a firm with customers holding substantial blocks of the follow- ing bonds: 2 3/14% WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS We.ar�e anxious to secure the latest available information in regard to the . operations of this utility. It is possible that this inquiry should be addressed to some other public official•in which case we ask.that you kindly refer this.letter to the proper person. I .. Will,you please be kind enough to fill_in.the answers requested be- low and return this letter to us in the stamped envelope enclosed for your convenience. We thank you very much for your cooperation. Yours very truly, JURAN d6_MOODY _ (This report covers the Fiscal Year ending__ GROSS OPERATING REVENUE (omit any..non- recurring income) LESS TOTAL OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE (Do not include payments on bond interest .or principal,..charges for depreciation. or funds spent,for capital improvements) NET_:OPERATING•PROFIT $ AMOUNT OF BONDS'(this issue) now outstanding $ R ANY OTHERS payable from these revenues CASHIBALANCE, Bond Reserve Fund, including bonds held NO. dF CUSTOMERS BEING SERVED: Water Sewer ,Electric (signed) Official.Title P.S.I If you have a printed ,statement available, please include. ' o ' ft � Ilm. 2t, Mwt*i sofa • voy�2p��'pa� r - 1.04urof fix A j voquestft i Par raw taO at' m..o aft sonasse Y&A b!r4pd%b a 00?O' of the .State of Reslp'►e, PliturWanto, Ob.. $ha'V At Is t9oosGla7 for vo to M" up 900h par '40 08MAY wtth the state AV. W'i reads• that tb4s Bost not St" t8o aoMaaU yvm d*olroo, bootar as 'It to a fir$ of -%Wb 'tra"a"Imi marg and 0 "M as " to odvti+! a AM 00VIO& W atemimt MW the tlaUr u#I%V• ow wt1l U forwaded 'to .pu.. TAW* rm fit r pur pallonm . tz this oat f. TOM vOr9 VOY, OF RDZQ • VII JYi+�sennlrr�rfnI'nn�l+N�id' rr�+nlnmw1wiu...a+� rierl�irw.agl�7rirn�w C I _ y ALLISON -WILLIAMS COMPANY 1. 1T V] S T 11 E N T 13 A N K E R. S ' NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING - �IIN NE.1ro LI S 2, INICNN. 190010/-s in,l /�ar�ici�a.L, Colpoi'alion and Government Bonds - February 4,'1949 Mr. B. Havothorne Clerk Edina, 11innesota Dear Mr: Havothorne: In the past we have handled some of your 2 1/2% - 2 3/4% Waterworks Revenue Bonds, payablelfrom the income of vour water system, and we now have them in the hands of our clients, sore bf whom are insurance companies. These companies are required to furnilsh financial information regarding operations of the utilities concerned to insurance commissioners who in turn publish the information. This is beneficial to you in that it gives you publicity and helps to create a market for your securities. We are bringing our records up to date and find that we need current information as to the operation of your utility system. We will appreciate your completing' the f orm'at the bottom of this page and forwarding it to us in the enclosed self-. addressed envelope. If it is more convenient, please feel free to send us a copy of your latest published financial statement. We thank you for your courtesy in this connection and assure you that your response will he appreciated. I Very truly yours, WPJ& Jmn I ALLISON- WILLIAMS COMPANY YEAR ENDING 19 Operating Income Operating Expenses Operating Profit Other Income I TOTAL INCOME Interest Paid Revenue Securities Paid Depreciation Other Expenses TOTAL NONO.PERATING EXPENSES NET PROFIT Number Iof Customers Balance of Revenue Fund Revenue'Bonds Outstanding Signed: " Dated: