HomeMy WebLinkAboutBY-LAWS AND ORDINANCES 1888-1907By -Laws and Ordinances 1888 -1907
That all of said plot, have been duly filed in the Irrioc Or
the Register Of Deeds in add for said peon-pin County according to
the 1— of this State and all the remaining portion of the said
land included within the boundaries first herein designated and
da.Oribed,lies adjacent to the lots and block, so platted as afore-
That all the undersigned petitioners are legal voters or and
residents on said territory desired to be incorporated.
WHEREFORE the undersigned petitioners pray Your Honorable
Body to appoint a time and place vihen end where the electors
actually residing on said lands may vote for or against said
incorporation under the previsions of said dot or the Legislature,
and acts amendatory thereof.
James A.Bull, F.G.Greenburg, William Fuller,
George ;7.Baird, Peter Johnson, T.J,,f orearty,
Patrick W.RYan, H.B.NTiblett, P.11cGr.th,
F.J.Will—, The s. M. Ttyt a, J.A.Roberts,
Dennis McCauley, Charles IIcCabe, Michael Delaney,
Andres C-ik, Danil Gallagher, James Carey,
Job. Rutledge, TT..P.Br.,-,n, John Corey,
John Wood., P.A.Ryan, James Delaney,
George ITillou, John Myte, Gregory Tracy,
Job. Ijarri.tt James Ryan, Wm.DUE an,
B.C.Yancey, Michael Gleason, Frank R.C.da,
M.J.Lucos, Art-- Kyto, J.D.Greenberg,
George FOrtwingler, Th.... Self, Walter S.Joy,
A.P.Stio.ffic1d, Fran�,H,i—, E.C.Lyton
Charles Many, George F,rtwingle,,Sr.
1, 11 nry
Preston Cooper, We. Cornelius,
George U.Blild,Patrick W.Ryon and J-1 A.
Bull came before me personally and being Mrst duly sworn do
depose d say that they are three or the pctitiouera above named,
ti apt n
accurately t1ken,that they were at that time and now are residents
of said territory desired to be incorporated' and that all the
facts w ntainla in said petition are true.
Subscribed and rn to be Cora me
On this Vth day I r October 1888, James A.BU11,
J.R.C.r,igiin, Geor,-e '!,Baird,
Not cry Publkc,Hem,p,n C.unty,MidO...t.. PatricA Ryan,
. (Exhibit B.)
Pur—nz to a resolution passed by the Board of County
Commissioners in and for said Hennepin County and State of Minne-
sota at the regular session thereof held at the Court House in the
City of Minneapolis in laid County and State oh Friday the 9th day
of November 1868
Notice is hereby given that on the/j*daY Of December 1888
between the hours of nine O'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock
in the afternoon of said day in Grange Hall at Edina mills in the
to— of Richfield in Hennepin C.-ty,ilionesota,tbe qualified
electors residing ithin:th, limit, of the territory desired
in the petition hereto attached and proposed to be incorporated
under the name or -Edina-,pursuant to an act of the Legislature or
the State of Minnesota Opp,.,,d March 10,1685,,nd all acts =end,-
tort' th,reof,,,ill vote for or against such incorporation ) posting
in five of the most public place, in said territory desired to be
fncorper,ted,thi-ea copies of said petition Vfith I copy If this
notice attached to each or said copies of said petiti—,daid notices
to be posted on or before November �K1888.
Dated NOvemb," 1868.
Ch.aiman,B,ard County Commissi-eu-sil
of Hennepin Count y,ifinne,ot,.
Hennepin CountYMinnesota,
County Auditor.
Mi—eapol i s, p1i .... ct a,
F-O.b.' 9,1388,
RESOLVED: Teat the Petition Of J—s. A.Bull and other, for the
in or Oration of th.�,illage of "Edina" Othp
be acep
—,t,g,ther 111th the p—olilo notice be ';Q
of ' =d,
corda"'a with 1h, provisions c f Section 01... fiva (5) Chapter one
h—OI.d five , 1 05) Of the General Le'l- Of 1885 and all acts anno.do-
torY thereof,
RESOLVED: That Do—b—/-Id,1811 be fixed as the tie for holding
she election On the question of incorporating 'Edina' and that the
election be held in Grange Hall at Edina Jqills in the TO- of
Richrield,Honnopin County'state of Minnesota and that
Patrick A.F.Y,n and George W.Ram'd be appointed inspectors of
said election.
County Auditor,
( Exhibit r)
Jas— A. J-111 —11 b-r-1 11-1-11A-ily
and boln' duly s—la An his oath lots depo— and Say:
lot. That h is on, or thu tiLloaal'-A 1d.0 s iC;n,d the potitind
the L, of o,.un,.✓ ,—lissionor, for t.hu in. ,,,—ation or the
'%d1n," ,, more 1--cularly is ab•rlbod and al 1—n-,
in Lhc• :which is hoot- atla,h.d mark— Exhibit A.,,Ind
m'do ",art Or t:— affidavit.
That vald petition was duly i scn.od t, +,—rd or County
at olio n4h1✓ —Lbin_ tl,e—r,at .1., ocrito
of earn 6•rd OL -, !,,,-t house in Minnoapolis on wriday th, 0th
Guy or llov—b- 1-6.
•,a.. T—L by re-l—ion or said f—ra of County
d.l✓ passed on 61A, 0th coy of 'T.—b— IJ3,3 it mdolod th.t
nit-A tell YS t-reftom th— be —,t �rivd Of trio most
public pla—s in onia in F.,hibit 'A' described three
Of stl n1tlL-n K—lbit 'A' to,-,--th-- ,ith notices or
biLd ti:-- —t—A.. Atoll., A t— And pi,ce vlithin the Limit, or
la— p-1,08od villf_ ;, ,,!:an Ann "hale the .1—t-l•s tr—O,r should
,— f— or za—t such Limo be At
1-nut tluil',✓ (;:O) Asia C,'s,.i t1:o- N -stin., of s,x, notices a,cordid-,
to t— nt,tut. in slacl: cu A —d,, and l,r video.
3rd. Thu-- Lr—o,rt— sold B—I'd of County Catnis,ion,,— dn1j
int _d the ti., and place when and Ill— said chould
-te for or agains+aia ine—pl—tion ae nor, fully appears by the
notice of election hereto ettachud I—RIA Exhibit 'B' And also
Made a part or,tnis Affidavit.
4ib. Th., tharoo'rt-1 'aid u..nra If '7.,—Y I—A—i'ne"
oraeron this aCl'—ut to 1—L tl:e O—d th..o pi— if ,aid petition
-th C111-1 Of the said noti- Or ei-ti—,Exjllrit %. th—t' to
each atachod,jo riV, (5) of the --t 1111bilc places •.,ithin the
a territory -thin ton d-, file, said ULh day if novvib— 1j,u3.
5th. Tt th—arLo, and In the 10&-day or 1--b"l
tais afC,,nt aid 1—c—ally post throe -pi— of oi, petition
-th a copy or &aid a—ce of election att.ch,d tL och. copy of
petition at V, (b) or the most public places to said
territory described in said petition as r,11-,,, to it: Three
cop— of aaid ;—ition with a copy or old --c, of election at-
tochoo to each on the bulletin board at Rdina Mille.
1hrL. O.,-OC said petition I'lith a copy or ,aid notice of .1.ati-
ut-1ked to loct at C—sen's .,-ne,.
thrso —,—a of said petition with , copy of said attic. of
Iloc-In Ittuch,d to each on corn., ass, Catholic Church.
three c0pl— If Sold petition oitt., a copy or said n ..... or
clac—. att. -o. 10 each a.,, residence or llichael tjal—y,at
three If said potililn 1,111: 1 copy 11 said notice of
election -It—hou to —ch n ear old motor t,ti,n,called 'Gri-- on
old —to, line.
That said places — rive (5) or the most public places in
said territory in ..;.lid petition described and further Eaith net.
ubscribod or. — to
d F D'a. br l
�T. t -A eobli a he �"' I I Y, r.li—, to.
3TATF. ( F
'0"Ty or
1, P.J.71laon,do sole aly O.ionr that I will
1—folm Lh, Intl— or in,,.—t— of Lhia ,Auction a,.cc,-,in,, to the
law and -,hQ L—t 1,C mi Ibilily,,na thaV I All ltodioaalY end—v-
y 1 vent Nuta,—,— and It— in --mctin,-, the
h 1p - God.
Subscribed and —.— to bar-
b— 1-;,d.
Lary p 1—I11,17-a—ta,
STAT,i Od 7MM.S02A.1,13.
"Cip"TZ 0'.1 101TIEPI'l.)
I' Patrick A.Izyan,do —1—aly B—al that I Will potful" LhI datill If in'Pu ct —
Or 6M., ncl.ol'din; to lw
and ;h, bent or Iv abllitY,I-,d that I ':;ill ntudi,aialy Indenvor to
pi-evIn', f,:a—,de—it and ,:buss in coadactin� the -.,,aw,so hb)ip
— God.
Subscribed ana to b.•.10
;.1;-rd,do sol--ly c.,enr that I
will j—C— the ati— or ip,pIct.r or thin election a,coldi— to
I" Ina thl beet or c,y ,Liiity ,no that I will It"dioully alld—ol,
to prevent fraae, deceit -I obo in concac. the
L,lill MI God
Subscribed 'at 11oln to before
tIi 9 -dn f IT iovemb1r 1318,
2i - onncy.}iinn�sx t`:�,
arni'e: cv',1711re:aoin.)
OCUil`(t', i +tiFH3u11111,
,// ��egpC' /y tlu sc:lonnly s r t};,yt 7
P"-f- t..o tluties uC r.lerk of ti:is slur. lion n. ru,a n- to
l n," antl t! ;1 bust . -f my abtli:.y .:.',d tt.at I v ll e.nteavo,
ea i:r ,ant rraatl, tlon�it ,na nu„e� in e�n�net ., cy:o sn o telp
;unecrib�d any x..:u,a tc
GI.J /�� z Doti
Plot:;ty 1" �li�ennoi�in :;cunt /,!!inn esc•t n, _
c, nma oP
:O1T 1•f( 0+
�A"""� •�/G[ do :;ol,:tnlr :::,oar tr.,,t l
will 1-f "m thv du4i-s eC olerk oC this election aacordin,, to
lave and the bost oC c,y ability and tt:at I , "ill studiously endanvor
to yrevent f. uud, daccit end abuse in -d -tin,, the sa
5.b-ibed .antl eve rn to by fore / /j�/
thiix riay :, [• ,ruvamb�t 1G.i3. p��l�u -yA ✓ IJ L
—L of ltichri,ld --hl2,jjcmc.,xd jc—tY,5,:',tu o.
in_ —,—;,t,d undo, the 1•c add ns the
LIST Oil Q7111,11ILtZ U87•CRI.-
el-- dlltlll.t 'unp.— or tr.. pF"'t of UW I. r
llie,fiold in tj:e :.udtj Ir or :Ilnn,eot, ror an
,j_Lj,a 1, 1, held in .:i+ „e fall at Ocirta !tills in thu t— of
Rjcj:fj. Ij
i,,,anc,,in O"Inty"'la"us"' Ihc/-lAldaY of
Jj In, all or I— rcciciinr; in
sold t,,In or p.jcd:rj. du,—d L, b, inc-,—,:td as 11 vlil:17c
under or aE.iru u..ich is I,— palt-oulat-ly due'i'b" and
_t out an
c:,,d clu,Ii— is to 1,12 hold purallent to a Peti-
tion f,,,u ,u jun,ty jaceciec--l's,licanepin loiottY,t!inlus(lt2
on ITIV,lb-l' 1,th 1-1 and solution and —tiou of "Iection,then
und ti].,-. Ij pa sad by said B_,.d of County —iosi.n-1 and
copy up and n,t,c,j bo-7 ho—to lttnched
and cedde u p— h--r,th- •d:ul. numb., or the F.11—im. n—ed
,--n, 1101" pi sent aae —t-7 e=t the above n—o el,cti-
,The list 11 the nac— I all the
i n I, 'Totrict ac aso—taincd by us:
•,,A , .POLL 'LIST..
1, : Patrick mcflrnth,
. G Ocor „' mill -,
3 Mohocl Dclanvy,
4 : .Oilehael Oleca n.
0 : J -.a A.RUllp
7 : P.A.RYen,
tl ; G.M.Ba1rd,
0 ?..J.TTLli;en,•
10 ,I.R'.Uel aneY,
11 : A.P. Stancnfi.?id,
3.J.lmri -ty
13 Richard Oassin,
Ky.., .
lti : Daniel Olueson,
1” Dunni r. 1f ^Dnuleyr'
17 Sohn Reburas,
l:f : t.tic'::ncl ltalon�y,
15 Jan.. ti. RUllr
20 Christ Oo ,
21 ,john ;SOrriott;
Le : Andrav Cralt,
2'h John Rutledge,
24 ; John KYtu,
23 : Rogcr Iloc -uloy,
20 John Darcy,
27 1 1unary Davis
' 34 � Sc}:r� ,7. Trn CY,
33� Greo,Y TraCY,
84 Jam @e early,
3 1(oa Darcy,
37 ' Hen, Shltz,
-31i C.C. aIntyr.,
39 ' H.C. an-y'
40 gmbTde Byte,_
41 ' Soh RatledZa,.
44 Drni�l Ga13igher,
43 F..7.Rotcr -,-ld.
44 viilt Dp Cooper.
45 peter�,iohns-en,
46 Thomas;Byte,
47 D.H.H -kes,
4i5 Frank
4D Samoa Robots,
50 Frank Davis,
51 yank G,eanb -g,
54 ' .7amaa Craik,
54 Donn Richardson,
55 John Craik,
ou Silas. Horst,
�� �
�-, j��
�` c7�Y6�
��-� G
In the matt— Or thd lat"i— to -,he nonrd
Or ',-6Y
or ljonnd,,in r— the
or or -Eoind-.
U,.t,,,n of tl;c Inspectors or the Ole-ion held It or— 7. 11,111
uC F_da 115 in t,.e -,d,.,d or !.nnLy,T!i,n1d--ta
an the or Dudb.r 11-,,oal the h, dr., of •Tin,. (U)
,Ici,ck ad the ro—O— and 111a (1) 0,Glook in the amerm— Ach
.oil .11-n ,— held It 11 --t1-0 Or the auallhied """" in
zh, t•t c od.--d or that pait or the t—n or Riahri-ld
in floon,.— -oudtj,:[infosdtR,d.,ii-,d to be i.,-,,r,1,ad as I
vjijv:,;, uno,.1 th.e n-11 Or ^F.dind• fui-sd—t to th, i-lyei• Of the
,otitian pi-asent,d to tOd Board or C,,,,ntj Or H-71—
pin Ly,11inn—ta on ,.iy the Uth daj Of NO,—b,:, 1,i ;j and
�--dn.nt 1. Or —1- 'o"'d ' r �".dtj jema—i(n,n a "'Iy
,u at ,Oid and n—ce Or —id ,i—ion then ono :he-
doad and tho-ar'— duiY Pustvd in dOo—d—cu with. the ltl,t - in
oh on .,-e and il—ioOd,.11 if Wiioh aid fact, 'ore folly
bi thu e-pi— Or ,aid - -e of ei—i.n add arCid—it, Or
&h—W hereto -talked.
Tpil-n, pItrilk A.Ry;,d and ;e—_. 'I.B!,,d
b,r ,adlly —I Onah bein„ sevenally ,,,,n —h do
... ... say ... ,iry that they :.- the tt— inly—t—,,
,• ,inL,d by the —olutiOn or tr.0 B."ra Of 11-Ity 1111--l'.—
Of jjenduP— C—ty,11---a 01 th. eth day ur -0,,aAD- I— nr;711;-,'
on,t1tlti,L7. On, dppuint—;; thcr.i —,—t—a to Preside and let n'
Ins,—tors at th, elleoli- to be hold at (1,-Od,;, peii•at edina !U11,
in tre Lown of eictriala,pannapin Coanty,;.riondaota thu of
Oasembar 1u;" -
Poa saan� to notice lhareor .:nd haratofore post.:d,pu anent to
11.alnti- or tale ho +ire or C+:ant,y Coc,na.,sacnets pn.sad at
tl:a +,. �ulur se..,.aon tt. reef, help at the Caart Ncene in ann ;olio,
Hinna.a La on aaa:+y ti 'Jth y of 'I.va�nbar, liJS,
In ac caivuoce ,'aLth the p,,tlti,n tthd.l :_nd the- pro:, tod to
..aid bo eta + r lolonLy ti: the
.to'. to in a+aa,. case mach end pre ,d.d,.+h�i ch mere rally n: >p ears
by tha suia petition ana notifies tr-ereto attic Lad mnrknd respect-
avaly "A" Ano "B" Ina meal a part of thi+. -tirieate. Ttat the
Baia alacti.n ane moatine or tro electors ri.aa n., oict:in the .aid
propa.ad val l+a',;e ryas Pala pu scan. to said notices of the aloction
et Lta tame uI, pinee tt:eroi.n s aifiad..
T..at tboY I:uva en --d the ballot. clst at said election.
T:.,L Ina ballets cast at aaia election had the o, d, theroon
°fur. ancoa or ++tian�yee,° r,ad "For in.norporation,no." Slut the
viola nembar or ballot. enst it sold al ec tl+n ,vas
one tra n bey of ballot, hlvin, the .ro rd. °for incorporatira,yms°
.vas � ana "for inc 'nt ion.no," nos kl'7tl
To- ..a olaetion 'aaa h.ala,:,oa eord,ataa reirly no im- _
paatlelly n a..00rd.nea vatr. the .tatnta in aaeh cast , ;,de and
pro-ad,that all the at„tamanta in thin a,rtiriente contained
Ito true to th eipr onn kno•.ilad, e.
Dried trio: �a, tlay cf �R� -+f- 6- •2- ✓1�QSS:i.-�''�e
LI'is c /Zd _a r 2n to b�Fore
Mel�tn �a unt �,�iann,sot n.
of the inhabitants residing upon.Seetions Eighteen (18),Nineteen
(19), Thirty (30),Thirty -one (31) and the West half of sections
Twenty (20), Twenty -nine (29} and Thirty -two (32) in Township
Twenty -eight (28), Range Twenty -four (24); also Sections
Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8) and the fractional sections
and Nine (9) in Township One hundred sixteen (116), Range
one (21), also Sections Twenty-nine (29), Thirty (30), Thirty
one (31) and Thirty -two (32) and the fractional sections
eight (26) and Thirty -three (33) in Township One hundred
tee n (117), Range Twenty -one (21), in Hennepin Connty,Atinnosota.
Rive (5),
Pour (4)
Twenty -
P roily Total
No, in
IL, ,71 1aa
p ±o, in
l Al: {P„ SE %TI Oid._9 T, A, F miil'y Tutul.
o, in
a1AIIR• SERTICIa, T, F, n +it�tilY Tetnl,
z// -�
c. to
Z y lY
" --'VVry �NLl/L ovV
WI -rlI
-2 0
�rl IA /I
_ yNrn. xn.tn
C" �3
"CU11= OP TOWEem. )
... „ '.In.ird. F"Quk 141 and J— A.
uall ond. ber—d no —dundlly no boin;; first duly vurorn do
and that tK.Y ... .hldl Ir Wve pdLiti-- b— n—dd,
.—e. adn., ..,Ihu' LI:.3 „.id udn.,no -.
—. �!— ut Oid. tir,d en. .— nru --dents
of laid tdr,IL-y d—I.ed to be and t};,' .11 the
r-- c,ntdInIuJ In —d pst,I.-Icii did wrud.
Sdbnt!r,b.d und um to to La rur. be
en t1mi. 4!7th .11, or Odtdbdr,l.: .
11.. l-0.1 M. ol 5;,? gcruilal to :l:u gtcrtw•_, _tar fl
.,a�tinn .1-11 ;:fora' ^,.:'wit: ^eo h,ndrvd bl:l Pty <, -'tn) f�5et;thrm as I'na-
nt,n- one and at or
tn nn
c lxn,; parul lc•1 to ,.aid tine nix i;an,ir.:d
minimµ itortlr Pill a:tndrud niirty (G.,o) f,ot
,,:,int u� b�•;lnnin h;:2 b.ren 'eut t ^•yrd rnd ;,lf-.t. ¢d into late
.. .. ...:.. .... .:n c: ,:r n.si.. of - 1farrict r„irt r.nd :hU �.l::t L::-v r
... -.. r!:.1/ ,,rci MQ and "in In naat rdanno. +». to a. Im. or
:t• t+, in n:nr.
d- e:nd ; Ill, aloud.
... ,.: t.. ..r....r f. F..'i') of ,:,tet inn tl;irty (:SO)
.- it ... n_.. :.o r...,entonn Ii17 ), rceni e•nenta -un,: (.;1) c,.P
•..' ...,;;' r: ri ,1 :'.LUd : -, c,; lute end Cloako
. ; c rie. .d .1i.t r n= 1: "Illy a..
or ti- .,.ra.,, 'Ile Lra �..,..t,.l
('.r ), ,.. irr hlli u v hcr: r +l'ad. er. nt - (117),
" -Y.'d e.. .lnttli 'Into lot<: ,.nd
11 i .. f ". �:.3 Y'ti, G-d
l ..t L. .. ... •tY oert:ri JI,
+nto 11 t , !.te et'..:+ ...r.�• of - rn „e�t. k
n .
i, IT: ., .._ I:,. =..: n..:/ 11'..,, c.: rl...� ..e tr.,: :. i, r, I in-
..._ :.: t,.c •a :..: .... ... . .....l,,n .. 1., c, r: n,.-.tn- ^',�1.�,:° � Id t +: o:t
".t:,; T,:,,n
6 s.9)or "'d P,::ot quart rr (m.C, x) oar hrtl r rllo,nore or 2vse
to tho paptum bounowy lint, ar rid m- ,oticn swan (7)jthcndc Gantb
itlO»;; tho Cal-it bhuncrry lina pr enld naCtlon pnadn (T).thrcO-
r.urth.o oC n silo rx•ra Or lrrpp. to t ^o point
or 1.1„1TtnknC.
T:li4t LLe quantity or lrnd oStbrap d In mild terra ?n,:,•,'„
•va;;4 ai -1e0' a:rep^ dcordln to ll.., s'ntlea . ^,.ntce Cm er,,,ont
c.tporibnd 2e:ndp or any IT th[. nu fnroln-
ury lPi::o F'yia:Plitpd Rlllrq�3 or City.
nts+.o OC ouid VmZ,00ud Rillo, , p.hpll. he "P.Qinh.-
PCat too w"a"r or p.m.- aotuallz i•o old in^ !n -Id torr!-
-+..j n!.o•ru dl -ribod in •2:5l;- nhioh o iC rart ,,o Uuly aednrtolnod
b, ...0 n�nt�l4 or t) "4: y,p ittjrti O:1 or tl,l: Tc4lidchtC l`. ^. e•,tSd nt%_
_•)net'14vtl to: Ti tr:r9 tna.:n on tho ,(ath 1 kl %t: dayo at OitalFnr 1s3:
,4::i:d,rrtri ^h. '7.6J>:n rind ,i:c+su. r. p,;:u11 LL-ruu rf yon,
+a :i„ity, a, -t..n nnU tt: ero altin undar th. dirtaticn or tho
liner unid ntx,vu d- crlbud l,maa ok•C bounead
.. .. ,..... r.:,lr f5.•y) or thu sauLC };njr (5,h) or Chu geuth h1.r
p"', yu,v t -:r (n.n.•) or xallf,u nilvt -n (1D).
(_::a),rrn:::: s�nty -n ;,,r (::a.).11hl,i: t.rant 1;r,,
into lot" and b.lochn un,iai• tb, nr ur
n L ;unnc:palie•
one Lbo,jac tr.ar•or r. ,a n.,:n
.. .,, c_.. .. .... �., ..rt inn oCCl'da,. '.ri41, :.hu li: a rr tP:ln
.. .. -. .:.lf (•.' '';) [;C ^.t !T t, tair ( •') c,C
( i�
JPAU l:P Mlts'11'.50TA. )
r,. !. Cc,! •.! tYa . ut' xtfe *r rT"'tl,
i:netty 1)- "'.i; u: . c7'.�� :n:!•a xe4 :t:r f •.: ,n.: ::.t'u tv;t R:.: ^t..re
.: C _a_iu .u. ,t i.. s,y �cia!•.a 2� 6u >.n rn r: �:,ec <'. ,: ;ni °.,.,.v +?3 L.....
p:st rf sfk F:Y,us,
.... r.•.p'l ;4.-rAIQ, .I�n:l�,�et �uGn:j,:;inn.:5u::,,
l � /
STATE 11 11IN11E111A.)
George W.Bair,patriek W.Ryan and J es A.
cull came before me pees holly and being
F o ng first duly I-rn do
deydse d say tk:at they a three of the petitioners bove n�etl,
•ct c , r7uv fl L //�
nameds�-at the ben s
d Eas
accurately taken, that they v,are at that time and now arc r esidents
Of said territ -V desired to be incorporated and that all
facts contained in said petition are true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. James A. Bull, j
on this i7th day of 9ctober,1333t George *i.Baird,
J. R.Corx'iganr I,, Patrick Ryan,
Notary Publie,hennepin County,Ninnesota.
l7(JtTt.'�t,l %;Ll'1 �tU al �,,:t,7t,
1.•,i.,� -
$ o
. n
s S
Official Publication,
a a °.
/�° �.
.bereas, an the 7th day of January, 1913, at and in the Village of
:'dins, .:ennopin County, :Annenota, a special election was duly hold tinder
and pursuant to the provisions of "motion 699 of the 7eviued Laws of
Vinneeota :1905, for the purpose of determining whether said Village
should reinoorpmrate under and pursuant to the provisions of said section
and'tberoaftar be governed by the provisions of Chapter Rine (9) of said
T.evieed`�swo nod acts amendatory thereof, said election being held at the
time 4'n8 spin.e named in the posted ..times thereof, at whi.h election
nixtaen (16) ballots rare cast as follows; For reincorporation fifteen
(15) and sgainst reincorporation one (1).
A07' T3CS,1TOP.E:
^I. Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:-
; A majority of said voters being in favor of reinoorporation,tbat
from and after the data of the filing of certified copies of this
resolution with the County Auditor of said County and with the Secretary
Of State Of said Fiats, said Village of Edina shall be and Is reincorpor-
ated under nod .p¢raaent to the prov4 eloas of Chapter Piinm(9( 04 the
F.evisod L.-a of 111nnesote, 1905, nad ..to amendatory thereof.
"TdTE -OF 1A11MESOTd;)
County of Hennepin.)ss.
Village of Edina. ))
I, C.B.Yancsy, a duly elected, qualified and acting Village Recorder .
of the Village of Edina, said County and State, do hereby certify that
I have dill gently compared the annexed and foregoing copy of a certain -
resolution, now on file in my office, with the original paper writing
thereof, and that „the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy
of said resolution, and of the whole thereof.
-In Teatlmony Pihereof, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the
seal of .said Village, this 27th day of January a. ,D .1913.
Yllage eco of the lage of
Edin¢, IIan epic Co., Eiin
on the 7th day of January, 1913, at and in the Village of
Edina, Fannspin County. I.Annesota, a special election was duly held ender
and pursuant to the provisions of Section 699 Of the Revised laws of
Rinuesota, 1905, for the purpose of determining whether said Village
should reincorporate under and pursuant to the provisions of said section
and thereafter be governed by the provisions of Chapter Nine (9) of said
Revised Imss and acts amendatory thereof, said election being held at the
time and place named in the posted notices thereof, at which election
sixteen (16) ballots were cast as follow; For reincorporation fifteen
(IS) and against reincorporation one (1).
N07' 7=7ZIOEB:
Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edin-
A majority of said voters being in favor of reincorporation,tbat
from and after the date of the filing of certified copies of this
resolution with the County Auditor of said County and with the Secretary
Of State of said State, said Village of Edina shall be and is reincorpor-
ated under and pa—ant to the provisions of Chapter Nine(91 of the
Revised Laws of I!irnesota, 1905, and acts amendatory thereof.
passed this 11th day of Z .... ry, 1913.
4�_ -
President Of Village Council.
That at a special village election hereinafter called the q,
question whether or not the Village of Edina shall continue to ea
i.t and operate under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
145 of the General Laws of Minnesota of 1685 and acts amendatory
thereof, or will reincorporate under the provisions of Chapter 9
of the Revised Laws of 11inuccota of 1905 and acts amendatory
thereof shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said Village
of Edina.
That such special election be hold at the Village Fall in
slide of Edina on the day
qlj� beginning and the polls being opened at 'clock I. the
forenoon, and to remain open until � .'clock in the afternoon
of said day.
That the vote cast at said special election be by ballot, the
ballots to read,
�For reincorporation, Yes_ No_"
with a square after each of the last two words in one of which the
voter my insert a cross to Indicate his choice.
This resolution shall take offset ¢ad be in force from and
after its adoption and publication.
Adopted 1912,1
eaid.nt village �C-
if � Recorder.
b � �
3 �
At the 6peaial Ell -iion of the Village of__- ------------------------------------ _
iu the County of__ -- end State of Dfinnesote, held at___ ----------
------- -"- tbe Place where it w,s directed tobebeld by
the Village Counci�ving due notice tbereoE eeProyided p691ew, on "tbx °�-- �- �_ _______ ______
day of- __ -lfJa4 ____/� _ _�19p /.Y_...__..._.X:_t�.__!V.c ryas- r_____________________________
.nd___ -____ ----------- -- two qualified voters of said Village,
to -act ea dge. of eveh'Eleciion, an one gvulitied voter aE said Village to act as Clerk of such Electiou, each
of -wham had withi¢ twenty day, before each time been designated and appointed by the Vilb,. Ceuneil to act
es Judges end Clerk respectively of evchElectio¢
--- .- .- _..____
-- - - -- — -...-...-.....- ...............-.-------__..___..__........_-.............._.__. ....--------------------- - - - - -.
_______ _ _ -_- — __ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.who, being pre,e¢y at ib, boor of ---- /.Q. ____o'clockLC.M., each of them duly took.ud.ubscribed au oath
-------------------------- b, faithf.11y discharge the duties required of them at each Election, end the .aid
Judges and Clerk being duly qualified, forthwith opened the poll. by proclamation, end the Election proceeded
by ballot without adjournment or fnter hi i.n until closed.
The ..bject. voted on st snch Election, ae ,rated in the N,tice thereof, were:
To____ _____ _ __
6 A
The Eollowivg is a true statement of the reevlt of the —tiag and canvas. of vote. by ballot at the
Special Election of the Village of ------- --------------
________ Convty of
----- ---
- -_ _ __ _ _____ ____ evd State of Mivveaote, held ___- _- ._ -__- 3,
ae proclaimed to td, votore by the Clexk of Eleotiov:
-______________________________ ____ _____ _- �eceived_______votge far____- _____________- ____. ____
---------------------- __ ___ ___ ______ ____ _ _ _re eived _______ vo es for- _ .________- __________
xe/ elected ---------------------------- ____
--------- ___ ,!- __ --------------------------- _ __— _ .._- .__- - - -__.
___ ____ __ _ ____ votes -for - _ _____
____________ _____ _____ __ ________ ____ ___ _ _ __ xceived___-. __votes fox__,________._____________ - -----------------------------
_______________________ __. receiv ld__ -_ __votes fox_ ________-- -------- ------------
------------------ -- ---- ----- receive ___ _votes fox- - -_
-------------------- _---- _____ we declared elected _
------------------------------------------------- wee eclexed elected
_ ___ ----------------------------- _- __ _ --------------------------
----------- -------- -------------- ------ xacemea --- -- vntae ear------------ ------- -------- --
___________ __ ___________ _______ __ ____ _ ____ __received /__ votes fox_- _____________.. _.
---- ___ _----- --- --- __ _ ______ ee declared elected---------------- _ - -_ -- _________
_ ___-'____-____ ________________________ ___rec� ed_______ vo for ________- ___- _________________
__ ____ ________________________ ee
ved____- ___vote eor _________________ _______ _._ - -__
,__________ballol s were cedf_- _�.�- El+iJ.. - .�..e- l�-- ""'_�_ _ -- —
_ballot. were cssE__�,s.,�`i- -- -_.
___---------- ---- ____-/_- .------- - -___-
ballots �....
------------ lVdd ere ast__________________________-_____-____ _______- __- _____________._.__
ball.we ______________----- _________________------ ___ __ _____ ________ ___ ____
----------- ballots were cast '_--------------- _--- _--------------- _.._______-----------
- - - - -' __ ----- - - - \- --- - — ------- -- -------- ___- - -.- ----- _ ___ _ ---------------- _ ___ _ _____ -- ..---- - - - - --
__. - :::::b Ilot. were cast__ ___ __________ -------------- l--- __- ._____-- ________.____- - ___-- __ - -__-
___._ _____ ballots cast_ _____ _______ __ ___ ____ __ _ ___-------------------- ____ ____
- - -_- _ - _11 --------- - - - - -- -_ _ _ —
_— _ -- _____bell, were cast_______ ______ _ _ _ _ __ __ ____________ ____ ____ ______
............ xe cast __. - -_ -- -_ --
- -_— _ _ ..- - -_ - -_ _ -__- __
_ballots w xe et _________ _______.____ -- ____ -_ _______-- ___________--
flax. ces __ ____ _ __
--_--_----_. __ _ ---------- ___ — __. - -_ _- - - -___ — /_�_-- ./_�-- y_m /- l______- - ----- --- _ — __ - ------------_ — ------------- _
------ - - - - -" — — - Jvdgee ,f Elecliov
______________ Clexk of Election
•tovr.h:,� v,1: ,
Lf:r-: 6._nai Ll.,i:; f .r.�
010 . .
• �f�ii -rns� Q�l�u.(.f�
L,:aW,V,T: .. 14: 1b•. 2g'l be V- 1: ..e L .. .ill ,' 1, 1,'. in„
Ln A;. ... i„n Lf l:r.,., :: 1!:- .:.in' ":.c in.. r..:u LP-
a 1..•ct i,, t. 1 ;— in ,,. ,:, .!: 11 r:.. F.oinc ;;ills'. t '.1: T. .n ,•P
state' or
..d,t,_ �1 „c.i.n. Q�j �Ll�j2q vltiyi cbu��
1 k.
In: A I- I tIL I LL I. I I, I t.- r.;IL LJ;I ;I IL :P.r
dli- -f
cculITt 111
ri It i
—Y Wm4 thr, t-
zt!"t-J r•.ttd d `bnt ,tj t!,,
Introduced by Recorder Moore
Resolution >
Be it Resolved by the Village Cannon of the village GPI m of Edina
TUT the question of noth -1.1c, and establishing a board of
Park '— i-ion— Sm and far the village of BdiM be submitted to the
voters of the village at�regalardMMLe election to be held in
this village' Tteeday, BiYYeMi; -1030. She vote -- shall -be by ballot in
- tae rena.ing -roava -
Tor o park end parkway eyet-eend the election
TILT manes of persons eligible therefor and properly filed be
plated on the ballot for electivn we members of the Board of *Park -
such election to be conducted in ueordenee with the
general election law and under ...tlom 1255, paeon.. Binneseta St.tote.,
and shall Us— affective If a majority of the vote. on the proposition
stated above are In favor thereof.
TUT it 1e the intention of this ouomdl to entertain a petition
of the property holders to divide the territory of the village Into park _
districts as provided by Chepter 358, Lan of 1927. -
Passed tb. Village C-11 this 13th day of September 1930.
(Village Seal) president of She Council.
Ben R. Moore
Village Recorder.
ge Roc
' orde r.
. I AelloluSlon
Be it Aasolvad by the Ill .6. a 11 of the Village-O..." of Man:
TUT the quad. of Mthorlsing sad aetabllsbim a board of
park eo ®issionere Sa e4 for No village of Fdlm be submitted to tb.
voters of the village a tla Ixt regale: village election to be held in
this Ill logs Toasdey ambar�,`1930, Tie vote abell be by ballot In
the fall wiug forma
For o park ant park -y syet- and the eleotloa
- oi- a -no.ra �. r..+. ni. SlSOaerat -
fes ........ . .... . —1
so ..... .. .. .. .. . =1
TAST asses of pereooe alilble therefor and properly filed be
placed on the ballot for election s nerbers of the Board of Par k,
Ccaalasioners, surh election to be eeducted in socordance vith the
general election Is sad under eset. 1255, Uldmis kienecota Atatates.
.ad ebell became sffeoti- if a eeyrity of the votes on the proposition
stated abore ars 1. favor thereof.
TART It is the Intention d this Connell to satertato e. petition
of the proparty holders to divide tie territory of the village into Park'.
dlstrlat9 as provided by Chapter 381, is. of 1927.
Passed the Pillage Coaactl tbls day of • 1930.
(Tillage Aril) Presidsnt of She Caaoil.
Mr. 2— B. Moore
1W Mird awe. North
Deer Mr. Moore:
Por—t to onr cowers,tion w,r the telephone
a fee .. :,t, e,o I = ending herewith oopio,
of the resolution drawa for the Village of Edina
to reference to the park board election.
I think - : TI`timIs noces,ary beyond shat
I -d. -rbtelephone.
If there i.. I would
be glad to b.. you -11 me.
Yours ery tray,
a—f— W—a'
A.bro.e I'oll.r
Staff Attorney
ee it Resolved by the Village Council of the Village dam K of Ed'— _
THAT the question of authorizSng end eatebliahieS a board of
park eocti -i ... - in sad for the village of Edina be submitted to the
voter. of the village at t at regnlar village election to be held in
this vSl3ageTueeday. �1930. The vote _,hall be by ballot in
the following form:
Por a park and parkway ,yet- end the .1-
tin-ofe beard. of ,perk co®SSeionere:
Yee . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ho . . . . . .
TRAT name a'of persona eligible therefor end properly filed be
placed an the ballot for election . a, membere of the Board of Park
Conciasdoners, such electice to be conducted in accordance with the
general election lax end under section 1255. Mesons Einnesota Statutes.
end ,ball become effective if a majority of the vote. on the pelpo,ition
stated above are in favor thereof.
THAT it to the intention of thin council to entertain petition
of the property holder, to divide the territory of the village into park
districts ae provided by Chapter Mo. I e. of 1927. -
Passed the Village Council Shis9 of. 1930.
(Village Seat) President of theXOUaeil.
O �
�G U
ten• 110).deye.ettar ' nCob elu.tfo, eppatntme.I.
-•' •S: So ettw!d : loll. eeetlrigr.etttie -vftlyv :buesdy: to rcooW erd.
•Ofgm tbe:proceodfrg.�tteraoI rd nll, ordirsocee.: rules,• by.1 -S.'
rfmolcttene: MAI11galationti^adopted,.erd LO.couuterslgt�.erd�keeM'a
r" Ord'.. d: all, tl serpes, ioCmt ssf ora �arE .permlta;grontc- d;oreuLtar-
± sod- Gy.tt[c,erd:fet:nuct:pnrpogea. to.4api tta: beeln:ee.[ollOxe:
� _:A�el onto,► oot,-. fn: abjeL: NN1cM +.weNelxtn:ebroeologlcel ;orde
" u11�n7nates :cf:ell "eleetlo »,:yeaeta3-et: apaelal,re0a<Lte: staL�enia
a of+ tl..,Jvdgss: U.-Of,- .fal3;mi utes:et. rte preceedlrga of the:v!!1 t
mail,, the: tftl ..of• ell, ordlrrrcv. •:folee,-regoletlor wa. by "rlai
_.At+Crdlrwes :brut,- . It, :etfct-toll,be, recorded. et: lengtt: it
�ebrotoldgf Cal retdar,1wI, Ord Irmnees,, rut e.+ reguletlorn+ eedebilaaa.
:i- A:tlnmoe:bmt, ft: abintr Stall :be:tept•. e. tullr erd: Coup leter to old
cf.t /rttcea: Cti Lte. Mlllege,+vowing: tbe.taelptn, +ile�aeL. cenount
erd:obprct:fnr oldct:pefd cut ete:tttvVit t t- SOW ether+ natters
- 9
os; thei conrcflrstell <preeetlb rad :.terp;ant�sttarrtnOta-ea•tte
I "tcll+dIr"t.
• +Q.:Sc: CCCate[ rtgaoad• aaoee +to•.be+poblfahedror•poatee %suety
ovary otdf»re. +byrlea- or, rseolutieq ea requtr.e by laa,, aM, tol
I Cve. proper. procfc Lteteof neda:eN:tflEd. - '�', j
- i6 So be- Lts.enaladlm nl:lha. oorporsts a e1,:aM:to+f lle, "ee {1�
- ngWrea by lea`s ard, to; "fall,", oll•r«o"&,MOOts,• pMers or
. repartybe to nglre.- to.ffled.w. dspalettW irtfe office,C,,d, tode- t
7vsr tt .'some ta.l is- soO_,eor s.ten quo3 ff ied; to prrrft ety per•
.aon, e.vltb praperr, Care.' Cal examits' "d COPY any.ot: the aen.•ed4LO i
1; ate.sMsecttlfy:a; eopy:or+ery +tte[SOf,: aten'rSgOlted: oo:leyeest
�ot:tte:eeee•.Leea +elloaadr loan. elette +- there[cr..
. :B:.:So: drewtsM�ooOrter/fgn: alieerderecon: thecvlllege: treuurer-
ordered: bj^ tter oome ll1 W i wno OUW.'
' , 7:.? fa+ t lla,:abs�preeentq,cellaotetiel. nortgegen•erd�ef[fie '
- - cile: relStlr�.ttsrsto,:W:to:auter;ab +dba: tfae.et.:lllleg,•1n -a ,
oot; preperll ruled: "d Xmvti curator,. Lhe.renen, of, ell +partlee,•. or.
- etglrg •actigegas;alptebetfaelly, "iLe, det-f eeot:porLgage,
dicer:ec. cfsect village. Ee•mey connard; elI- persoca•pr,lf nt�it. ��'
Sereb .caae•Lo:asafat:Elb }t6ereiry sad•!f• eay:pereer +Dehg ;wean edr
YI '
-. ahs11, refoae:or:negieat: fort.1
cote:ee¢/ log: tecadl0) dellers..a6e:eLalla ► a : entltltd <tot ti¢i sae
Iff6 C1IC¢eds CoLectetebloss for[ adnilerl6 rel<al:f<rr' cuerr sereice
'reidered:.tDe;ydilrge,�nuobc ecmpenaeLSOC: ee. tte.ao<aail riey:[is. � _ �.
'�: Ste. °lliaga�eoabofls sDaplxDare.,'tterpoverr fo�eleef�on- attorney
tor: tteavfilegeceDO. atelicpeKorni el lap-fcnetonal: elrems inbldfr.t
to:tLe ffice,:ardneLem ragnlreQfbhsllffarnlnha op4loaa�apon: any
eubleet. scDeiLiedc to�hlncbyf ibe:y!liaga.orcits : ooam /ttees.f Eecnnnl
.. eleo_ndvlseaaf Ch: nedeeobcaellell <slllege:oftloarsrin�rf ¢ptctctc: tl Sr
<tffo�nli dotfee:.sben: eocrequeetfd. 'cgeldcvtliegetaLterrey. eYellcboid , ,I, -
Dlecatffoe:[orcoce+Ql7: ye e7;aM: uetlle blY: seeoeeaorc4a:eleated; erd
plllsgoclaaoaaar .. I
1 Ibe 11llie6e1eeccilc abolt, sat: th¢4r.t !tats aaetlrga lwtbesbaala _
: olcdprllcotrsaeDrpeat ,+electaena asaeaeor fi0!. stellr Des 6LylfdiTf it `_ {
•Mega';easeeaos,i mDO'eY:allePertorerall +tD autfea�le- releLten;W
i 'l ngi !;property for. Lte: pbrpose<otslevyfat of rtlilag¢,: ootlntye -
c,entteil, ^De k
x. tnt�. Lases, !. and ngeri•..the.cn p3.t<nantcf LY asec�s f
�shell- retornthe+name••to•tte. ^IY 16egaocsofle -sDo: eebeSt¢r. •.reef � ;,,.
ed ognU tee as LLay nay dos It Seat ..A proper. grail .afltege ;,
&as¢seor 0o11 bold bib office !tf •oLe: -ll•) yea! esd entll Die enc
o Nor be elaoted .4 quel if fed.
tll citiears, of the 7illege beque sDerge or any village property
$tel Y, at 00 ila/b of saeb [ISSa1•year, bear end return to the
vill¢4e eounNl a tail: lbaaotory of eli vllleg¢ prcperty In trAl _
pad or:oont:oy na *Nti selY• Babb favabteri" ntell: Lo- praleotM f
ad f 1�
filed. by the village recerdcr ardk¢pt open Lo lzspfctlot. o
�pIIarti -D 1-ter--tad. s.
pp SLe prealdent, recorder "A at. tru1w o[ sold village stall
coretitute a council dfafgreted tie village council ct it- 'III ¢
Cormor. prutftatr. ,)be_vllisge: acurs /1 of• itn.vttt%*• at,[d Im d
s -+ ENt/ on '1.�6o- pmoncor :peritoas:sLnll� keep: Mtbla• Wesltaf is �
cot ttr. anilcHllato.'a dlkot4ely+- uslll./eretaeAsDoaae ^ot +Fleaa.,
:'oEe. betsnr�clll.feae,•.or: ptMe:taaottActo:[ot:potpoNacot ^.prop
i ' !j tltatlagswl @wtloncor•Lr: tbaseNOet :.ot+ @rNmsofcili•:gae+rll �� '
[nN.:or�llasLorasl aaavuaatloq utsoorea•peonlltateel em..rc•pItI
' sea shall protote:ors after, tosbe• oorlttM ln_euoL-,Le>•r°r�ptNSJII
4 cry: fpoorpl. ors tav/,clesalvlons,, Sncodeht or,olLir�drproper
r. r.bekevlor,s or enystlppllrg,srpveling,stiotlra cr+dfetorperes. �.
� P of onyx eons r .ter, + +•�oio I ,
idoy poraonrsloiatf as roll•+••' _P -,
eNtlou, pkallt Roneeoastdtlon them t,b+4or . W,e.vtll g noglptr.f:
�•Jior, irifabMrDius== r.mLcNeaNtatsancDaritsE: /oilua
aoatf;:Da�9 t _
��orsla Nsttanslnulyitlass�' 7stolfus ,ot:tyttaoonant�tnsfkef eer )
'. �jntl'lot.a pprfod .iot ezaaaping ninty dnyp, or botk: eaek fine.exd
' mprisora•ot. .. , • t
Etc. P. lrp person 4- e1a12
him a. mile)s �ltrttn, re it f.
'= to, fregnert'ar p (ourA fo a dinor/atly DOaN of piNO,. u.DovN
+'. t fit tre, ar @1Na raaottN fo for the vVgme or .proetttatlot"
Tsom of•Sll.feae,
es •�'
�•�aefgnatfoq•fotafeatlon ot•[or it- rort of
aear e P toetttatN,- aLalb,
or dtsbonest 00 r4aet oteometNtlon -or
••`, upon oonfottor.. tleteot' ►due. Us o111agei°/Bar Mart, ►s.4a°' j� .
,'be' by n flan tot esceedirg ten ,•1f0)dollnre, vd tkE`cCet6 of
xoeacatlrt or by fytfawaent- ttAbe. Nuty �nll. tog a parlo0 no
. psoeedtN thirty (so) days, or both fir an/ tePrlsocattt.
Nsy'pn so rbe Vital knorltgly let.. or bbie, of lreee,
temfeee rftkit the ,If, of aald- v111nge
t; or drfaa. ea7
>w"an. or P 'ua.tnorn
'' raon. or.petM°p of:111 as. or 111 tw,aT. pDO
or kee ete, or Pi°Pt -
i yb Ntltatsr, P � �
VV y ewon repetetton to be Boren N
cee Nnef
to for :.tbe..porpope
@tors c! tccsee of ill for. of pinM/
ei psoptltotlN,Ntlgnatior,� fertlNtlN Or'Srof►yi pey'tesofvl ca•s _s
,`. •�, 1, �. �_s
i-,�wtf« 3. dsabblrg alto saMq dt,,, grdbl be te".r or otter �
4' .kbltrg d.rf «.or dtvl«..b*tV -r..M Cho ke.ptrg of {11asLg 4.
( i ,kept or.oeeOpt" any U— or plses OEM$ by bi.; er 2,r, or y
L or b.! 1. .ay ms,Osr .sntieltM:yn.seU vlll.ye, +er the keeps r -i F
i or tb Ntttrg y of ..y'ppltrg dsrle. to be u.ed for gerbltngor, .71
1. rrld vfiiege; 1..1,1 l.W;j p,.Llblted, —d .try p wF � � p
ato bbQi• bat ery aorsy or otter property et or tpon Dry gwlrg LobiIto
4 gr.e:or d,vfo, prollblt,d ty .rdtsaoeetor..rryp,rren aka owl
I? I
I.L. an pratLfon of tbL.wls.«., atkil, q.a ...rNtf4..tbt.N 7a;"
"fera.tb..vfltrp ja.tba -« .00rt� b. ft.N tat rr4eedlr` eme '
\ adrsl .x(10.). wius w..004 of p"O"att.i-{ W Wuprlso.4 k :.
•untll ..a tics .rd oostr,.re fuify P-4. _ut w ww- slky =lb)
w.L._Tkfa wl.r«. st011 tski�Hf «fod'b. t.r.r «•.lrr f
-� .,d otter Its 1p bli -tfon.
rdMd Fbr-n 4U. IPM-
Attest-, ! Fr.tid«t K �113.p Cn.r t3.
yfll.p lw.N.r,
,., tppre"d F.ebranry dlk, 111Fd. t i ,�
As ftdlsssss
To Form vmmtr. The vfll4p &emmell -K Us it IM
4. w.f... follow.
ar✓rvrr rnNwr wtfd■ 1. AV, P,r..n fetid ■lttfn w s_I
11a11..1- ttsrtrg Nett .01-4016 t.arr.r.. drd.okrp. 0r+k.twr K . -1
111 fs.e, or serletlrg abort tb .tr„te eftLet by on t1.a cf tC, >,-
,',w n.t bntrg "I kt.sc pl... of feMder.., or in vfslbls kierre f
' y r1 r7pet, .al - «t ►ef>; rbl. or .11111& S- g1F..
t! •�sIIos.t K k1..Ir wl faelf, -.a.b Fsrw. in b..rnrt" w brotgkt� i 1
before tt, HIiOg, jartlu or proper vllird, rattcrity, .rd upet
_ioreletton tlMr4f «1 b.- ptnls3E8 by s firs J" «oe.df•d YfrIP7
`✓ = �lb0) dour, rat oem H F►.swti« , w m d,t.tft 4r prpenth {
r'4.ljtber//s�tre�E; trF1= ,11J� //jl� °�ti±lidrY "IF17��sfl�✓ .r^q /p) t rt
' 6es,{, yy: pereee�t ��detlR'mY'.oh.We'ebuaeprovbsfo s of.,'_4 `Rif
).LleoMfeew�eDedd Ee tlme9`iwt:.stwllet til xy ��(6R) �oilare en3
.�. G
p�y�p(;pMMeitoq ut.lu feprlsoLed untfi�sucb�f�lna or costa
�pN, mt eaeee�lu` ef:ty- 260);Atye.
6ec. t. 'RAIe crE lranae.sAe13 ,Lelce �.effEetarcl be Sn force fro
tlr pate ct �tte�pub3 feation. �;
.iPeeart.yMewy.�u'• iMp. ., � ,'.`.
� `
�f..i. 111LB0A.
yLWt� :. pteWentH�Yf13e�:.NW11. q
��'1YIC6. "4 ,B14L. HYye�lWeeW.,..
fi'." ��" �����l���l�" �fj�a�iitr�, ���)��i��T °i'�l�n�rET;1���,h��_ �f
M ONfttaroa..
- .EelaLfmg Lo_aortraols ard,COCtreciora.rlth �tba. village cf'!di m .
fhe villale cotaoll- :oC..Lb!- .v111sp.!(:F/fha lv -. erdnir. ea.tollors: «,I
EN.: 1.- Ten- an(oontract fs'orderad to be We.:ar.Ut.tor. any 'tr
�yllelaptovmeniae elL1lT.on. tde. attaeUap►1fo:grouads; +poolta .�
inllllsp ,or oLbmr:. ati>mtares: • or;lot repafte tberolo� .. enen- contra ,�'
Cartel.,*- apeolsl.provfition tor'1Le. .pact: GC: re and
.LoseslatnfaDla`:NtKlalo . tK soob <mrk;.or, loprovenent cut cf. the .�
amount'. dtle:. 6al fl': eontnctota= of +tbe:aNl'.v/31age'_be[on y p t�ls -
paid to Nil: wstrwtotar:tDllriheln:: ylnta:or: anslgna, BE tere -``
,f tar ptovlded.
.: W. ?E.=:IYn: sontroetaara; rude•: ecaordfy:to. ssatiaal_of:Lh a -
oNlnacoe�: tLe: ottfoen.havlag':oberde of. meking -stab co trects `in, •:i
oahel}Sc(:Lte.n111ale.sslll : fSF <llm: enounL:.of;Card9- requfred'.ot: the f1
contrectoraf erd'resn:proposele.ete' act me", upon" -for. ymh contract •*
upon sr- ifid.tfor" ee3d speofllsatfon abal31atete•Lbe *sou t at
beads ao giver. Wffi tfe cantreotor sballe ultb sacl contract a A .
a:boN mIth-XEsvTIt1a'.'tO be: ptoved'by' the of(feer
counteralgr.iag, sefl•eorttsot in: they etm. its*"" storesatd:.,coxutf i
N•( sr> .ib,plyMCLotrlaborars•anpioysd. atd-ellneteriel tarntahea
or:tbe rock anfl•fnQrovements wo"I'TMtal tor, aM..:to tad 1ty
aa6'eave tAe -afltd vllielic Den1aM'tK alt itane or'olaina tar.s� •�j
labor of NLetfmisa 1wsnp:etlet'e3afma selalneL tall contr tor
.�1N ptarr: tir- :tfllye-Lys1eN los.eli damages +enas d by the s
regl !gene* ot•safd.00ntrutora, en:ntry respaetrHUtfot to. Ehe.aYr '"
t'. isprovtmeots. ao N made- oridea. by them. r1';
..W..1S..TIEMB"ltaane.abe11,. &ate'sMet."A M.fa tone fro
sfter. the data of It. pualfitetloo.
;.res"d pswmaty 4""1881.
Ltteata pessldert'et yfllsge. Council.
r"mss {;
t '" =MIKlet.1e- 14aeamew— Tke_villege:occult• of the 1111ege.ct
Paine U:oepaln.se:follow,
-- Eee._e._go- ..pereoa'.or: persons+ owl,'&IQ. la: the. !!alts of�soid
village, .arereltet i Or.oerryor,rtollo—Dr.eerepe At br :xork'at any
.�ptafm;a trail calf tng or. onoapet lory <xhleT ahall<oe.aengerous,
!1F•+*+ n�rcn.YOC -ne. urremt tiv: to. the:.raf¢hborhood.
trade, •eeiilmg�ot =onoapatfoacwtt6in. tbe: opeee'ot�iarty -sight (g87
15 ourg:tlereafter4rom ti- llem•
eaem,s wcb=pera n-
yy '1
.',+' ,•r:�wraoaM. upon =eom�atdon: tboreotxbnfora: the�vfllegsjuatloe or -
f� ieert,i"allM:flW. "t_-eweWlag- 00:5911844 (IM) dollwre,.or:i ,
- "� � Haeersotefor[c sem aoi.esoeeding. ttirtyl3Wdepe, �.or 4ntb, at: the ;K
.'{ disoret to. f: said jotga os;. 4Vutt,•_- .._
sec. R. .go- .person or•pareone Italia of cold
�',.: tl tij. elttepe,�petett, >.or rntter: to.Ce
or rrstn,: ofgsttt0v�,•iweeome, ..
•(,t ••� orttnle�;degerone,nnheai Elgcor�aDSOSfortaate Jto. or, tor, tl—mig
?—�"= otkoW.,•wy.outhouse,ipr3wy� +v of t,'sexer,:prlvate. dram, sick ar
:fioab "-1kt, flab, skim, bete ►se - et• alter umwbolesone +or •-
"' : 1 /srivesubatanee, laquid`.r -Qj1g wkatovcr,. or:apon�Lia or tt ir. .Y,
,7 •L;� emtaes -or ler/,,:wprc-nlses ov,IWA oec%Ied.Or naed.by.or mailer. ,w
':If•;'Fwoairol=ot+mlO, ,.or. tar. tAoyperwn <.or+'petacns= vioLting�tte• prove m
' "� Y �- ono. of =tWs reetSoa ,•.ftelll +eponseoueteEioa: tlsreot.,eefo— the +vYl
t ! Lt lees: tbM�ttift +- 180]<dollsra, :=G
'`y� r� iege� jua U or.eert,•M:fIW re R
�" : t fyellapmeat:aot: eeeeedtag: tbirtyvd60).datysr.be"" w tb.t die
oretim- e[_ea" jmetMe,.ot +- eeest,.
eI' :� .�• i•/r pereoa•oerpe►eome: ahaidi-etEbin•the • limlto ct aid e
_;�� vfl /tp,:.Y�p,oF ;moe�-soy,siwyater louse, •.ror, si y kill or srtob
Or• •:
f •aneeel,..mr•.melt fry"OUt amy tougb�ts31 att -t p nor toy
try. btaL,, pakrll or stlskiWfay gra"a of Seat It eonaectfon
rltb said Haekteet -kyr.. as ryr "r. or par►onm 041 keep llthln' . 4w
,Old vilisye try v1dre -1 or.ity btdss, or other offellve, neus ` -
wee Settle- or lagbii st ary pie" from wbonae tte. aten.b th-
nay reach It. strait, ev¢nus, lane, mllty- or pmblie leod. or to ..3 h4 !
i"11fn61 and no'ssmer or seoup"t H.aey.psary,'. "liar, ta11oN;
"kiry Lana, .1461, skepe -"sp l"tery, :taosery,- brewery, dletillc y
dye to.". stable .1 t1wr plea.. of bus mint., st.11•suffer
wwt cry litter of garbage to be t1i mr, or- swept- ttarefrom.. upc ,0
.W. street, aeanar'.lOwe or Hiey, mar-safer --permit any foul,
salaam;': oaoeeolu or offenaiva. ilgatd or- sast"am, to pass It ... tr o;F
r fro, any prep lses�: urd¢r tnelr oartrol� Or'"jacent. thereto, into,
Ref er'.a par '. say,261wete °arentW,-- . SO" -.Or allsy..Of'.Par OWN yutte
or sewer, or, ever or Wet try prlvito •. iroaia af, try other pare.".
Arp person or =persona- viOlst1"A We prowll:9ou1811 upon corvi .a?
ti.n hereto bafort Its villode Intl" or setts be fired not exc a
ird fifty (50) 4*11"s -ard .oats of p"aeaatfes. *W-m" be lmprle
?8 -emit c "t'.f 1. ard*oosts no palar not seaasilsi. tarty (40)�de sq
. k".a., 71,18 adlrmrct sbsm take ,¢[feet .4 be in fora. from
udafteraate: otpNlieatfon.-
jaPaal I*mary,4t1y -1880.
Meet. psdiHamt of - 9tllap Caimaeli. _
a&= A. -BILL,
9111ske Iweorssr. i+
..Y d®IkiiCt. mat"41"S - S
7o p"Veat tsar itsaea"U40 acesrtais.4 ts"a.es irto.tte will
,f Utsa, iha.vWap sons 011, et, ti,, v111aio at Juba do ordafn,'es
Ma. 1: -pa, person ste11 briog eltbim silcvllleye an torte or ` F?
Mbar- .aalmsl Lavink ary soNgaas Or, istaou- dt "wee. An par.
set (10) dolt {
ebgi -roofers of pool aN plgeon•fioletablet, for enctV�
INia, live (6) dollerat4eopen of mite or tot }fa.diieye, twenty V!
310 42b) lellarf.for eaob Mass 11"pere of mtootfrg galleries, c
ibinese bell, lames. tbrovlrrgr" an all - trial game at:peKetmmce, 4 �:
reps tire or ten pin elleys, .vfiere -they. call ,- tlmge, shoot or mfeela,
rt. sty. kill to get, thro, - or�e
wn ry bdbwr, propelled against.e mark,
Image or obstacle- efiatever• and -tor abteb On price: is Otarged,. te 17"
ge{. 6. :113:110ennes- 1- Crafter granted -for "), of tie calling ;
rocatioaa or say$,bd of bsaitwss Section" It WS. Wceeding toot on
tell emplm otr-m-ysar fro. r tie- date-ttereof. 'f ?,
foe. 4. ^. /ny patron; - firm," oorporottotor -aeeaoiaticnuiabing. t .b.:
obtait 0 lfoerM to- ,emereise any of ts- vIlirge , vocations, f or ki
I bvaSneae menLloned -Sr^ section 2 of-use ordfrerce 0.11 pay tte ^3 }-
Iage.traastrer Me amount of the moray: W aud.by shim.ordinenae ^ft. ;
!Or. MCI, 11esmm"Ord-pot: preaentfng to US y1119ae recorder the
ttaasarer•a. reoetpt shebofor .1.11 be omtltled to reoelw frot said f'•
recorder 'a':sHttemelioenee•signed•by the prte Wrt ct the village
emwNi<attfo"C by- satd'- village recorder and aealed'01, rte =vil3ag
iealb' Milertting-. stch- permone, samNtstfan: I.
ierry0t tbe. btltlmosaliamad In saab'llfogm �a{ waWseriatb': FIM. n .
wit v1 33oget- fY- pmdsNOn4rot •.t�e-vltlsp.saveflsey taraatterwar
.Wane ot.{he -.back df.sOtA- :IMemaa WOt.W of Plate :'.ot.businesa;-
DO buab..shaw.,III et -me .Opstaslve:mtil.:Me Mae -mbe11•be reoor -
Id: by Me vilaage tecorser in tie: bcbk.
=goe. e. -gt rq.persot,. oorpo »{IM, <fia, or aawolasien Mall n
Violate sty of�the ptevls lone of, Us a. srdtmomae, ^be or -It .TalI or
c.- setiom Wen tte,Hllsge eoort or any justice, be puntebed
ei 11M."t 1.00 u uab (d). lolls"+ sad trot sore Umn one btrdrepd
1100),dal3ataeM' cotta^ Ol %plmaesatlary ":erd..De LprirorM.vnLtl ~muc l ='
ins or eoaLa.ara.paid , r -0t'. esceHlog tmltty (EO) days
^eN e. ±1 LeoH lmanee stall take !tact aM^be'1n fa f y d -
iJe*a- we,t -L /Jlte. /��lia/x -,t
-,,� �,-mqwai5i
v E 49+
1 0)
f M1q�e4i - T x -th HI M1 TI
98.. 89
S- nvlc �a
rtt 6 q
t s y ak...
na dare oe vna.. .ue
.. _._ •n j
h�h vVflly.- Im.a-d'illw.
t. n8 gm.mla¢. oI^1. Sal �
� thth.D 9.etle �!
��ahed D
{A144d June Ilk itw
-ice" .... .... G
O/9f. C7/-.mod
(' {.� fa �,;a �ofrftlzarL
t from t
I Do sey, Ow Marquart Wmdhorst & West
mw�r orn i
t H nP
f.r Mr. Ce •ge C. Hite j
�. - + Planning hector /t
V111age o dins
t 4801 Weat� Street
The Frealdvat - and in
members of the aouocil to order
regular or special sessions,
be called by the Recorder,
mLmtes of the presiding session
In ease the Raeerd•r and
` efthe
his abe-. the Roe -der - of the Village shall call the
at the appointed hour for the meeting, whether in
at whlehtima the roll of members of the council shall
and if a quorum is present and anamer to their names, the
shall be read, oorreeted, and approved.,
president are both absent, .7 -bar of the council
,. may call the meting to radar,
. witheleet one of its mambera
Evcry member pre ... t shall
,.leas -ad by the .-il
�. Every motion except for
and if seconded, ah n be fairly
When a member desires
4 address the presiding officer,
No member shall speak
and if o quorum be presents the council ahall forth -
to preaide, and the meeting sha11 proceed ae above.
WE 3.
vote on all question. pot by the presiding offi -,
for epa.ial ,earns given«
BUIS 4. .
adjournment or postpon•mant shall be reduced to writing,
stated by the presiding officer.
to bring asp. matter before the councla, he shell rise,
and proceed no further miles recogl.ed.
more than once on the same question xithout leave of the
A motion to adjourn shall
Every ordinance ehall
each shall not be had at the
third. of the council may
always b. in order and shall be decided without
receive ro'several- readings previous to It. pa..age,
cam salon, unless is ease of urgency, -less two-
di.pacs- iih this rule. -
In ordinary transaction of business the folloving order .ball be observed,
(. 1. Pre— tatior of petitions and other co®mwioations. .
2. Reports fron officers of the Village.
3. Presentation of peeoente and other claim against the Village.
4e unfinished business.
50 Resolutions, motion, ordinaneea, and'other natters.
MIS 10.
No role of the council shall be suspended, altered or amended, amaept by a two.
thirds veto of the whole cecmil.
The inhabitants of said village having the qualification of elector. of member
of the legislature of the state of Nirmeaota nay elect a'presld.ct of the council,
three'(3) trusts., a treasurer, and a moorder, who shall hold their respective
offices for one (1) year, or until their --or. are elected and qualified; also
two (2) Justices of the pease and a constable, who shall hold-their respective offices
two (2) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified; and before enter
ing upon the duties of their respective offices they each shall take an oath of
affirmation to support the constitution and laws of the state of Minnesota dud faith.
fully discharge the duties of his office.
The village council shall at its first •m sting in the month of April, in each
year, elect an aa ..... r, who shall be styled the village as s
They also appoint a village attorney, a poaad-maeter and one (1) a treat'commissiorer
at their first meeting in the month of April, whose term of office atoll be one (1)
year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
Thsy also may appoint a sexton or keeper of sanatoria s and a fire warden when
ever they deem necessary, whose tenn of office shall be one (1) year, or until their
are elected and qualified.
Th. president of the .—il .ban see that the lane of the state and ordinances
of the village are duly observed and enforced within the village, he shall take care -
that all other village officer. perform their duties and to that end may maintain any
appropriate action against any delinquent village officer,
All - diseases and resolutions, shall, before they take effect be presented to
village . to fill a raeancy, alike notice shall be filed within tan (10) days after
eveh election er appointment.
�3, To attend all meetings of the village board, . to record and sign the pro-
caedinge thereof, end all ordinane.., rules, by -Imes, resolutions, and regulations
adopted, and to countersign end keep a record of all licensee, cm.JaBion, end, per-
mite granted or authorized by them, and for such purposes to keep the books as follows
A minute book, In xhich shall be recorded in chronological order full minutes 'of
'ell elections, general or special, and the statements of the judg.s thareof,ffl+ll
f minutes of the proeeedinge of the village . council, the title of all ordinances, rules,
regulations, and by -lawae
An ordinance book, in which shall be recorded at length in obronoligieal order,
-a11 ordinance., rules, regulations, and,by -law.
A finance book, in which shall be kept a full and complete record of finance.
of the v11]aga,' showing the receipts, Bud the date, amount and object for blibb paid
cut,. and enter in it such other matters as the council shall prescribe. And keep
Bush other books Be the council directs
�4e To countersign and cane to be published or postid every ordinance, "w
or reaclution, as required by lame and to have proof thereof made and filed. .
-.5e To be the custodian of the corporate Beal, and to file; am required by lax,
Bud to safely keep all records, books, papers, w property belonging to, filed or
deposited in bis'offiee,,and to'deUwr the�ease to his successor when quallfiedi to
permit any peveon,,with proper care, to examine Bud copy ary of the same, and to make
and certify a copy of any thereof, when required w payment of the came Me allowed
town clerks therefor.
:6. To dram and countersign all orders on the village treasurer ordered by the
—11 am none other. '
7. To file, .hen presented, all ehattel mortgage. 'and . affidavits relating
thereto, and to ender at the time of filing, in beck properly ruled, and kept there-
for, the name, of all parties, errmnging mortgagee alphabetically, the date of cash
'mortgage and the date of filing the same Bud of each affidavit relating to itj fns
mhieh he shall -..I- the sea fees allowed towm �clerkB:
gv To perform all other duties required by lac, or by any ordinance er other
direetim of the village. —oils -
fln M'Ttr9.
The Pr..idnnt of the council uIllill nee that the Is— of the state
W . rdinancem of th,I il, duly Cbzerved and enforced .within
th. he tho11 talc. .-. thut, all other village officer. Perform
the it duties A to thzt end r,,y j.t,jn n y a;p,o,,J:,to notion .�Joat
,ill ord ltancaa and resolut taus, .1.11, they L.k. QCS..t to
to th, p—Lds.t. ..d if he approved U—n.f. no alall
sign th%—. n. IV - -- not thereof, hO -111 r.%— the
Mo to illaf;c truotaeo eithin file (5) C.Y., -'Ath, hi. th-Se.-
., y 4 o2o,lti,U thoi •it• the records.-, to 1,1 prcto,j to the vijj±<gc
"linail at UIS nest thurcufter. Fins, inch raturn tho vote 1:y
the -I. V,—d 0,,", `n n.e th, "Cris
put UPOn too P—nage of U, sans, and upon m t,..-thlrOe vets or the
Mea"rs of o,ld Villozo council, it ,b,11 otand -,u o;proj by the
The t—aurcr chill Cl such Londe on the YLII,_-c council shall
revoiro; Otall lteca a true c",nt of nil ronc,, �:, I'l, renewed by
Vinton of 'I. offi.n, _j tht nr
're d'.zt-ned.
in a book procured for that purpoze, rnd shall —Mblt tush account to-
anth- ,I-.b hi. --ho- to th. '11I.3. council %t Ito 'a.-I —tI.3,
or at any ti— -11.d for I; runnlutior. or c-ld for -Ajto,t—st,
and eh.11 d.11-r n11 .nun ppors end bn,1,n belcoinZ to h%. nflice, and
the of Ill ----Y, — su ch, tr ... ol- to hic ----r I. office.
1-ti—, t•--er f— ti m. to Lice, dray
from co-ty tre— rtr rtyj en mly bn j Into c urtj, f.r
th, on receipt or rite -mere, w Proper
11 an. Ve" pre,j... to the a,j einott. or eill—,
rtlt--.t In —Ittl7 If ., s� 1—:1. 1-li,ed by
),-In e.so t1le, ----o ;'- -. -1,10 L!!r 11—. .hllr
tine ale. th-" --t,, , ^.ld —t by hi7, .10 the p rrnee for
,,Mch they -r. -Oid out; e tho chit -f.st thereof nh -n11 he filed by
111r, In bl- Ofrl- for the i—rection of Amy tar. payor resIdLng, within
the corporate 1L-.ite o.l n,ij
The recorder of -,lid lill'Co y adlilt.tco .,,the and take ackm-
ledgerents, and he rhall rtva a baud o1milar in forn to that required
of to.. clerk..
1. it Mull be Ilia duty to perform the drtles of clerk election
and r at t"o u'l I �,I� -tiono
of the village; to hire tjoo of such olecti,no no requil.4 %, 1• "" and
to ."lly el-te., to offices t4crcf.
Ta trunu,it to the clock oC the aint-rict urt -Ithin tors (10)
0% P nft<r abatis. r.rd 'JuIlM "tIon a certified abutment 0: t4c same
rn,J terc, !'Or waiah tlected, OF all aClicors alerted •t o?: elections,
and 111 else of the Ipjpointnent or elcO.ttou a: usy Juqtl: a' ' hu peace,
t,cror. or, ocur-le, c: ld
a like 14,tioe z11 IE Aled within tan (10) dayu after SLCII cicc'.JOD or
.f'2.t.tnt. .
To attend n1l nertir of the villa ,e Lonri, to record and
th,:, a.e. all lco, T7 -lava ,
rucalution,, and rc,al,,tIouu _,do;?tcd, and to couataral,;n and keep a
record of all iOULOTI-a end YItv GrteJ or authcriacj
by th-, Intl for s.ah parpoaea to 1,-;, ti,,O Ikc _z foll_c.
A=lnutr book, in wl'Lcl, 4r.113 be dcd in chronclaJ I order
full vicatIm Of all elections, general or special, cad th. atatarcata
of the jud-jeu thereof, full minutes of the pr"Oudings of the village
council, Cio title If M Ordinances, rules, and by-I.
ku .111ibIc bulk, is vlAc`l •i�M be recorded. at length in chrun-
.lt:ical order, all. ordinances, rules, rulatjocr, and by-laus.
A finance book, In vhIch 61-.111 be kept 4 full and corpletc record
Of finon8 Of tk,n oilla . ohc-_'Ir;,4 the receipts, tLe Onto, amount and
object for ALch 1,,Ld out, and enter in!it such Other ..utter- .a the
cowiell sh.,11 prescribe. -d ka" t,.cb tl,.r b.okc ae the council direct.
4. To countersign and Ice to be pbhliaI,,I or patted evpr. v
ordiennoo, hY-law or resolution, iu re-Ai-ed 1• l, d to h--c pv"f•
thara.r —d. and filed.
5. To be the custodian of its ,to coal, nd to ;,,. a.
11 1-1 and to -o—y -.1 — r.-or-. .:.paper-. as
gnited property lalonginC, to, filed or depacited in hie office, and to deliver
the sane to hie ajjaowor yiiii.jod; to permit any person, with
proper care, to c—ilna �snd copy any : MC —no, and tz —Rr and certis
a copy of any thereof, *:hen - e%tl-cd or paycent of the — four: allowed
town Clarke tLosex r.
d. To dro, .J ovani,cre1:4ir "Ii arlore or, trcu--wrer
ordered by the —well —1 none other.
7. - '11" when per ... led, all chattel mortg¢gea and affidavits
relating th—t., oad to cuter nt tile ti— of fill-, D, . book properly
ruled and L.9t the—'-, the --, of ell port Ire. ermn.-Inz; szortg.g.s
alphateticqllyo the dAc v. each —rtoe, 4ud thl date of fililc& the
— and of 0-1, -ZI(I:;Vit rel,'t-,; to lit for which he -hall receive the
2— fee. .11-Ld L.-
g. .7a perform all other duties required by Inc, or by any ordinance
or OL11- direction of th, villa4c council.
11.1% ju—ld:; C", 11;.11:
The ju.tice of the peace of baid villa,;o shall have —d my exercise
In addition to 0— sC.0 eio trana by 6cnor,l 1— under sgoie), said
y111,l4o — ar;;ani-d# ell powers, autho"tyo and jurisdiction in any
O—C by a justi- or the peace elected in the county in rhich
cuth lrtll.;c " situated. The village justices ,ball take the masse
—th of ..d .-at., bar.,. 1.t.rioF upon the dl.cgt•- c or their
Untie. .. each officer,. th, sun. bond - towc.h1p J..ti"a of the
peace Cleated el"llcere in the state are nos or ray hereafter be re-
qulred to do, -nd eboll receive the usew, feet for their nersicas an
Justices of the peace elsewhere In the otote are allowed under the
tat.t.. or the U.tc, a.. or hereafter I. fares.
Zbo couLt,,bla Of maid vLlla;e zh%11 I—C and may exer?lue, In
addition to the poser, granted by the ctp.twt— under the YL11—
so. all the power and authority in any once posseaced by a
constable elected IL the county in l2hiall the rillai-c to ottoated.
lild he shall tck, the -- cath, and e.xecute, 1:afore ent,li— npeII
the diacharge Of his dutien$ the .—c bond as t—thip constable and
file his bond with the same officers no constable elected clsorherc in
r the state are now or hereafter may be required to do. -
It shall be hie duty to obey all written orders of the vilSagt
council if lawful, to attest, with or without proaeca and with reasonable
diligence to take before tue village ,iuutice -very person found in much
Village in a otstc of intoxication; or engaged in any dinturbnree of the
peace, or violating any ion of the atate or ordinince of rush village,
Us any c -tu d s11 person. present in ouch care to auolot hint therein,
and if iaV pe+•ocn boing no en—nded rhill rerane or neglect to render
ouch a- almtanoc, he shell forfeit not e- ,ccedinr ten (10) dollar -. He shall
he entitled to the -ace feeo alloned to conatobltu for elwilar cervices;
for other oarv.le rendered the villagc, much cocpeasation as the council
ray fix.
1`am village council cr111 aavc the loner to claot on attorney for
the vtllage .•ha 11 Perfor, all prafsa la-1 aerrieew incident to the
office, end ',hen required, e1,111 rural-): optniora upon way subject s-b-
mitted to hir! by tt:a village or its eo'raLttse -. ..e mt.all alms. advise
with the ccun-el all villa;n office- in respect to their official duties
when so re.ueoted, chid vilingc attorney chill hold Mn office for one
(1) Year end antil tats Le cleated ,sad qualified.
21, v ^r _._
Ths v.Vlacc acuncil E2n11, a- fir.; .r mtln,; La tixc n -nth of
"pril of each yea:, elect En asoeaacr, who shall be styled the village -
-ree sear, - - -ho si;n11 parforn al.l the dutira to relation to auceaeinZ of
property for the purpose of icvyia<; of a villaor.o county., and state
poxes, and upon thn conpletceosnt of the anruu assent roll, he chili return
the a.anm to tL•a villaya Co snail, v:l:o way altar, revive And eq -aline na
they n y do- it jest and Proper. ::aid as aenaor .1.11 hold bin
office for one (1) year and until tats. ourceaeor be elected and qualified,
011 offisoro o. the villnZ; 1—ing ctarge of village property
-1n11 It tha close a: each f+_soal }•car, r.k, and return to the village
council a full invcutory of all vU lqr,- roparty in their hind or control
re aPectivaly. Such inventories -hall be p Dented and filed by the Village'_
recorder and kept open to inapection of all partlea interested.
rules cnd by_,wr
, are .�y decL,,cd to haie the force
tusy or- not repugr—t to tl,e o—intitetion and I— of tl,, UnLted mtctCg
ou t- .-. of Woc-% -
,:c .—be. of tlla VI ' r.::, 'o"" It eua 11 t!m...e interested directly
or 11,jicetly, in ,, otr—t —,10 'Iy 11-m Y111".0 council. And any
—A'-L or ��Y'm _ voted for, or ce.t,c,y to the jyjalonz there-
.S " void" -,I�Limpo 0; the provIS-0110 of thta 0-ti—, :ere-
,:-m -ILtl.. be 1'. office, +hi.:, uboll .-Je.t
the, orri— Im Orrcudi.k; to --I rr." CIfl.c. ".11 cuntrwctc for
except _rpjtom of rc nr po:l tl,, e11111 , b-
mj,,�, ti— —d
lot t. L� 1 ..
'l— u. rdeoYery bid. t;icre.f.
lycLiject d cacli tr—tce UF_-jjj re." officrr u, and —y upp
r-. In �,ry _ j. rLmm, 11 .1..rdcrlY c--d-t lu Lu. --,tracts of
,.Ccr much jumlity y ma prtscrlb- by Los Ity-l..s
end om---.
m. .
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11) A :u"
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F iday. April 23, 1926
sw..,a. v.r..",.. rs.. °a °:; "ate.. °.....;sea...
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° to s;a
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v,slxlNC w EErc EADOeD
Auto Repairing on All Dukes of Cars
o °j
PEl— ° • �'
F o
w.e° fict V.itilb,
C.A t•t Age s,g'11re,day
hS'�o h IR,
g.t thei
ember bv4 t abv, "lobs enardy
i<a ai aAtn
oii rri i boiaab
Simpler Nam a Wanted Earl Uaa pf Saa
n 1. repbed uatro.
_ I
xn l r<ab -ti
b b
tore °cae:ea'srea�rr
Cau of Eleph t
H d fo flaw Th f S
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d Ivw •a4 ri
h will
ahvrtly av tsn$9,25a,e
beenb r•Pert
W Fai ved
debthas teed
eel nm usthe t
t r„ [h aodme
h b
hd b d b b
b hb d ro£_
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cold'of the tprorb•4reea the —"It-
afa'Herrnepin'•Cvvnry, told of
w Yar
s't'ar -
ehbv a °'f
4'A fe yb re
v le rnmbe•
rm b . v v divg
r V
D-1-i.9 GbT Ia
m a be eve
- a Amkitio
t Iva
e. U / t Child
aaa emar .l
Re a Creat Neat
re vt He
ate wa
e. '
a9 °.Y
s sia
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I d-1111
era m
the Frenrh m
ceb nn wed
"e fro cted
y p .wNCh n S¢
ed bntCon
UGH YS are
MAl'tlxehs, Seceet�ny
g ebAOVt 4vr a
aar..f% f
d ` n e b weal Head a
M °e na p °ran a
bib til. _Rill Rt
ntm awwV'°
t. se
=mama ;:ae�
v tan ps fie N1 a GEORGE HARDIN fatM1
£. a br• h
er day when 5eneb
d h
S k J h
b b
-hit. hhb. shm,s'n h�nr•ea °tte° a
ibt d d
N. Credit Coming t°
a (M ne) w
Ivly n�unllentehkl°g•...
e 11tec to-
ea ba4usvmanc
, TYwela .1 Dueka
v . tour
ff P d
uv es°ml rettvv a b
wny a user la str
,nl ➢ea because tt
I. ',tc ac. l.
- Wh D h da A Pat
T.7-111-1111. v my Ell,
Odd S 6 k 8 C
Unf°. a Fact
Mme ek
G pe Nain p Flow
.r,ara a ,teean teat
r' -
- _
Guardian of the Night
Fire breaks t and the la must
b g ven. A child takes sick and a doe
t _It be called. A thief enters your
{ R
thb n
RS a Senaror h a
T. Or def th
C hk�dedathdhr f
e b
e stn a�apio•a uch °f
gt h k de f1l•
n hf World
t °taa a
Strength pf Hyen eJaw
o it Ri
-home end. the police must be notified.
-The telaephon ne er 1 eps�It is the
Ol et w tcclunaan Which gu ds you
h m n the "d d Of night".
m "Mm ..m "drit. vo..
< ••
" ".° �: - "
Bf k D k
d 'far
° N
{ S bd l
Cp ogreeasmev .1. ertiisp
ed by ono
o r':a nvhx=a-
t, Gevr-
g9' j ow
s Ft. v —
We avnscien[ivvsly teel that we area i_ lhng a gvhd tcahovli Th
red, t
Hit ht-
t4eOur'`graa�etaapbetome baaiveas execv a
11 s .a a a e
M h.E h L - at - C T Oywium
Psvnm Bmld
t kert st W 8IN TOt�N 1 wnet
K 1
di- w'��
rA dOA N Th. N F d d f M
71.1. thil
_Motor na> " d ;e Le aoa r. ' er�iart ieey ne = =°Hato ive� ori's�e= ° e at a..
as roar ° as wa
are ar as g
Ni.olleaata Nrn h 5