HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances & Bylaws-Black Book 1RULE 1.
The President — and in his absence the Rea-d- — of the Village shall call the
,mb,m of the council to order at the appointed han, for the vesting, whether in
regular or special sessions, at which time the roll of members of the council shall be
called by the Record—, and if , quorum is present and answer to their =so, the
minutes of the pr—dig session be read, corrected, and approved.
In —se the Recorder and President are both absent, any member of the coonail
may -11 the meeting to .,de,, and if a quorum be present, the council shall forth-
with sleet one of its motors to preside, and the meeting shall proceed as above.
ME 3.
Every member present shall vote on all questions pat by the presiding officer,
unless excused by the council for special reasons given.
Every motion —pt for adjournment or postponement shall be reduced to xkiting,
and if seconded, shall be fairly stated by the presiding officer.
When a member desire, to bring any natter before the council, he shall rise,
add—, the presiding office,, and proceed no further unless recognized.
RuLF. 6.
No —be, shall speak more than once on the same question without Is-e of the
- until their ___ elected and qualified.
They also _ appoint —ton -~—._~ and fire Warden han—
they—_. ry, whose _' office hall ._~~' until their --
The president ' the council hall see that the ~' the state and ordinances
. the village —doly observed and -forced within the _.- shall take cars
appropriate action against _ delinquent village officer.
All ���_�__._��_'_~'
�~~��� and ~.~__.' hall sign the —, and ..
-- approve _~' hall return the _' village trustees within five ~
days, _ his objections thereto, ~ depositing the, With—_~''_~
.~~~—~'~__~__Upon such_--~
,hi,h the __ passed hall -__^and the question again pet upon—
~~~~a=,, and upoa.two-thid, vote ~ the ambers ^ said village _-
. shall stand ' approved _ the president.
The treasurer hall give —_' the village council shall require; hall
keep .���'~—.~~—�~_.~~~��
_'_—_.— disbursed, ..book procured for that ~~and
,hall exhibit such account together with his voucher, . the village =oil .it,
annual meting, -' any _called for ~ resolution - aid _._~—
balance ' all _' such ... —' his successor '--
Provided ~~that the treasurer ~~frocc tica.ti—, dra, f—_~
^ ____'�'—~—_'_—'—~� .
and an receipt of said alloys, give proper vouchers therefor:
me week prelim, to the —1 election If village officers make a
W' 'hall'
detailed statement in writing of the moneys received by him and the cource, from which
the same were received and their respective amounts, and also the amounts paid out by
him, and the purpose for which they were paid mt; and the statement thereof shall be
filed by him in his office for the inspection of any tax paper residing within the
corporate limit, of said village.
The re—de, of said village may administer oaths and take acknowledgement,, and
he shall give a bond similar in form to that required of town clerks.
1. It shall be his duty to perform the duties of clerk election and keep
record of all proceedings at the anoul and special elections of the village; to give
notice of such elections as required by law, and to notify persons elected or appointed
to offices thereof.
2. To transmit to the clerk of the district court within ten (10) day, after
election and qualification a certified statement of the name and term for which elected,
of all offi...s elected at each elections, and in case of the appointment or election
of any justice of the peace, —table, treasurer, or recorder of said village to fill
vacancy, , like notice shall be filed within ten (10) day, after such election or
3. To attend all meeting, of the village board, to record and sign the proceedings
thereof, and all ordinances, role,; by -laws, —solutions, and regulations adopted, and
to countersign and keep a record of all licenses, comi-i-, and permits granted or
authorized by them, and for such purpose, to keep the book, as follows:
A minute book, in which shall be recorded in chronological order full minutes of
all elections, general or special, and the statements of the judges thereof, fell
minutes of the proceedings of the village council, the title of all ordinances, rules,
regulations, and by-laws.
An ordinance book, in which shall be recorded at length in chronological order,
-6 -
same fccs for their services as justices of the peace .1—h-c in the state are
09 allowed under the gme-1 statute, of the state, now or hereafter in force.
The —table of said village shall have and may exercise, in addition to the
powers granted by the statute, under which the village was organized, all the power
and authority in any case possessed by , —stable elected in the county in which
the village is situated.
And he shall take the — oath, and execute, before entering upon the discharge
of his duties, the — bond as township constable and file his bond with the same
officers -constable elected elsewhere in the state are now or hereafter my be re-
quired to do.
It shall be his duty to obey all written orders of the vIllage council if lawful,
to attest, with or without process and with reasonable diligence to take before the
village justice every person found in such village in a state of intoxication; or en-
gaged in any disturbance of the peace, or violating any Is, of the state or ordinance
of such village. He =7 command all persons present in such case to assist hi, therein,
and if any person being so commanded shall refuse or neglect to render such assistance,
he shall forfeit not exceeding ten (10) dollar,. He shall be entitled to the — fee,
allowed to —table, for similar service,; for other service rendered the village, such
compensation as the council may fix.
The village council shall have the p— to elect an attorney for the village who
shall perform all professional services indi,ent, to the office, and when required, shall
furnish opinions up= my subject submitted to hi, by the village or its co-ittees. He
,hall also advise with the counsel all village officer, in respect to their official
duties when so requested, said village attorney shall hold his office for one (1) year
and until his successor is elected and qualified.
The village council shall, at their first —sting in the month of April of each
year, elect an assess r, . ho shall be styled the village assessor, who shall perform
all the duties ~ relation —_.' property for purpose ~ levying '
. village, __ and state _. and upon the cusple_ the __~
- hall return the _' the village _~__---~ and equalize '
they my — .just and proper. Said village —_ shall held his office for one
~ year and until his successor . elected and qualified.
~~—~the village having charge . any village property hall.~
close ' each fiscal year, sake and --' the village __.~��~
~~~_~'__-_~—~_ Such inventories hall'
presented and filed . the ~— .... — and kept open ' inspection - all parties
The president, ... and the _—' said village hall constitute.
council designated the village council . the village .~~.which hall.
Every ~~—_license ' other written --. hall '—
__~ and -__ only 'authority there~~~~~_.
The ~-' the president ahell'—
Th. —_' each trustee shall .._
~ salary - the ...... hall '—
The salary the Justice ' peace hall ..—
— salary the _~ shall '_
_~-' the attorney hall -_
All rdi_.-~and by-laws hall '--_.~o,ity' all the
_—' the village council and hall signed ~ the p ... idnt, attested ~.
recorder and published uses '. newspaper published ~ the county . which aid
village ' situated; _' there — paper published ~ said _~than _ post-
ing —__.'~—~'---blic~—~~~~_
All crrlrulcr ^aT.TIM TN ma -z:,r- •rn
C'M ra:.c a Or "TIr.3 nna. ;.c: of r ITA AS
nio:T:.p CIi Tllr 4T11 MY OF F^MIUIP.Y. 1939
The Vi lance C.usoil of the Villarc of talon do ordain
ao fall
o..I -
'rection 1. The D, -Znvo and Crdlnanceo of the Viiloge of
rdlnn 11"pted on the 4th day of Febr.ary.. 1930, rendinc as
f.1 ..at
^Tho vlll "ce council ohrllihave the power to elect
an attorney for the villarc who shall perform all the
profesolonal services Incident to the office. and when
required$ shell furnish opinions upon any cub teat
submi Ltea to him by the vlllnre or Its oommItLsea. Ile
shall also advice with arse oounncl all vill.rc erflcern
In reopect to their official dutien'ahan to requcrted.
Laid attorney shall help his office for ono(1) year
and until his sus. so our Iv elected and qualified-
be hereby amended to re+d ss follovet
-The villars count ll shall have power to oleot
attorney far the sl ilrce who shall edvlee and furnl sh
.pinion upon any subject submitted to him by Cho vill!ce
or it. cormitteen, lie shell alto advise with and counsel
n11 vlllnce officers in reepeat t their o"iol.1 duties
then oo requ.6oted. 0,1d vilinl;o attorney shall hold
h10 offlco for ona -(1) yeart'anfl until his oscacasor !ssl
elected and qualified. In addition, the v111are council
.ball have power to coplay other or area'. e.unrol t0
prosecute or defend actions or proceedings at la in which
the villaC0 may be Interact ed. •
This ordinsnee shell take effect andbe in force from and
after Ito publication.
The Village Council If the Tillers of Edina, Hennepin County, llinnesota, do ordain
as itllnwa:
Section 1, 1,. person shall ride o a bicycle, motor bicycle, 11 motor -
ootsr which I. .—Id by x resident ofrthe villege o ustomarily kept o stores
at a place within this villa €s upon any public street, highway, or boulevardrI. this
villa 's unless the sane shall be licerecd and registered as herein provided,
Section 2, very o of a bicycle, motor bicycle, o motor s Doter referred
to in Section 1 hereof shall list and register y'th the Clerk of this Village his
and address, the I— of the manufacturer of the vehicle, its number, style, and
€eneral description.
Section 3. The Clerk of this Village shall provide each three (3) year period
metallic license plates and seals, together with registration cards and i m lass
holders therefor, said metallic license plates and registration cards having numbers
stamped thereon i cal order, beginnie with number 1, and the word "Edina"
stempeIt thereon. n uch rietallic license plates shall be suitable for attachment upon
the frames of said ,vehicles and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to is uch
metallic license plate which shall be attached to the frame of each vehicle and to
i_a eapondin€ re €istration card to the licensee upon the payment If the
license fee herein provided for, Such metallic license plate shall remadi n attached
durine the existence a£ such license. The Clerk shall also keep a record or the date
If issue of each license, to whom issued, and the nvnb er thereof.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of every person who sells or transfers o -
ship to any vehicle covered by this Ordinan ^e to report such sale or transfer by r -
tarninp to the Clerk the registration card i ued to such person, as licensee thereof,
together xith the n and address of the person to whom said vehicle . sold or
transferred, and suchereport shall be made ,within five (5) days of the data cf said
sale or transfer. It shall be the duty of the :purchaser or transferee of such
vehicle to apply for a transfer of registration thereof within five (5) days of said
sale or transfer if said purchaser is subject to the terms of this ordinance,
ection 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully or maliciously re
e Jdestroy, mutilate, or alter the number of any vehicle ame licensed pursuant
to vthin Ordinance, It shall also be unlawful for any person to remove, destroy,
mutilate, or alter any license plate, seal o reeistrati on card during the time in
which said license plate, seal, or registration card i operated, provided, however,
that not king in this Ordinance shall prohibit the Clerk from stamping numbers on the
frames or vehicles on which no s ial number can be found or on which said number is
illegible or rneurficient for iddotification purposes.
y; Section 6, The license fee to be paid for each vehicle shall be one dollar
(w1,00 for a three (3) year period and shall be paid i advance. Pursuant to
Section 4 of this Ordinance, such license may be transferred when the o rship of
y,at vehicle ie transferred, and a fee of s enty -fire cents (75x) for ewe (2)
ear period or fifty cents ( =,02) for n e (I)�Year shall be paid for the registration
of such transfer. Upon the loss of any tag or tlupli cote and upon application and
satisfactory evidence of such loss, a new tag or a n_v duplicate shall be issued
An ORDxnnra- AS^1D11:a AJ: c¢Ttt ACC 9f nJr. VITJA •: OF
CONvmUCrlc11. T:C:CTIC1., ITAnI. ^i MARar, 1IJ9, T F 9TDrrr, rolor CAn DI ;:nucTUt ^,
FROV ^'rt7T, f9n Tn� f'U[RO, ^.i: OF tTiM'OTIJ'a Tit,'; JC:ALTJI, OM1Fi:'TY
Ordrlt. OCIIVFmirnim, FF,00ImITY, A"D C.T:R AL M—PARr Ir TIM
OF rAY, 1931.
The Villare Counoil of the Vilinge of rdine, Vannepin
County, r'ioncoota, . do ordain n0 follovst
That certain Ordinance entitled "Ah Ordinance rerulatIme
the DulldinG. CO..Srustlon, Erection, rotnblieTment.
Alternt ion, I:nlnreaent, rovinG, D ®olit3on, of any
building, structure. Improvement for the purpono of
promoting the health, eefety, orJier, convenience, pros"
purity, and General welfare Sn the VIllsce of rdinn"
DDnneed t9 the CoJnatl on the 28th day of ray. 1931, Is
horeby. mended in the fallowine roopectot
TM eocond pesngr1Fh is minded to read ao ny
. fell.".. A
perooa, fin or can ntion violntinc any of the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be Guilty of m3od®eenor and shall
upon conviction thereof be punished by n fine of not norm
than One .Hundred (100.00) Dollnro or by imprloemenS in
_jail for a torsi of not mere then ninety.(00) dnyo.
EITJUTESt July 26, 1933.
Book of 1/12/29 to 12/12/33
pace 200 -
cIJDIrArcr ml9rt
.21st recorded
Pub lished.
R**=d41n County Revise
.August 24, 1933
Continued ffmm n.ua 1. ,
r tires unless the person or authorities -I g or having control of the same shall
neglect or refuse to do so after having been netlfiad sa regnired is Section 9{ then,
only competent and experienced workmen or 13nemea shall be employed in such work,
and the rork .ball be done 1. a careful sad rorinoanlika -1. end the said pole. and
vires shell be promptly replaced end the daaagee thereto promptly repaired. _
Section 8. Ntr .f ibe Hnildln+ Inc iatt .. That .it shall be the do y'of -the building
Snapeetor -from time to time to lnepeet the proogrese of the moving of W building,
bousa or other structure and sae that said house, building or other structure to being
moved in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Seetien 9. Bed Lnntemale M ydenlared. That It ahallb. the duty of amp person,
fixm, or eerporatdon roving amy of the' - Structural -timed in Section 1 of this
rdinemoc. upon, aeroen, er over any street. alley or other public place. to display
red lanterae thereon in such a mencer'a; to show the vxtrene height and width
thereof from thirty minutes after -set to thirty minutes before sunrise.
Seetien -ie: Pen.ltr.
Any person violating the provision of tbis'ordinaace shall to
danced gulityof a mdefleneaner and hall ho p -(shed by a fine of or more then
one Roamed Dollarr ($100.00) or by imprisonment Sn the county jail for a period cot
toezceed ninety days.. _
Sestten 11: &ifeetdre. That this ardianee shall take affect and be in force from
and ntEer -its pesssw end publication according to I- _
,S,etien 12. Raned: All erdineaeea and parts of ardinsaees im conflict herewith
era hereby repealed.
peassd'_by the village Council this 24th day of July. 1950
Read- y. &rietuea,
president of the C-11
6ttostw Serer 8avthor s.
Mlege Clark.
Village Of
eam., a .ewt.
omry aeaen
Hop4ms, mmnmob
1. pl f n, CODE
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ANOMM SM-MUM 71, 1976. D:'BADDIUC Tm ..
P=LATIBC OF TIU X=10, COl� 1I;CaIL'1. I$-
a1) I&'=a'..Uf, ALTULAT ION. =An, hW=, P.°J' WAL,
Tim.. p
- �.'Th. Village Council at 74- do ordain r follow,
j { Seaton I. That Sections 6, 7. 8, and 9 of that certain ordinance adopted m
Oeptwber 21, 1936. ere hereby mended to read y toll-3
:Section 6. P.-It Banirai. It shall be anlseful to erect or eonatruet amp building
or structuret or add to, enlarge, more, improves repair, alter, camertr eitwd or
dmolisb say building or stmctmre or emse the ear to be does, or to locate any
building or st.,turs which has base cwetrueted,mt.1da of the Village can land within
the Village or to install r pert of am banding or atrueturw an elevator, fire coups,
flashing. V. fitting, air conditioning,- eleutrio xirlag or hearing or beat producing
appliance without tint obtaining a -p it therefor frog the Banding Inspector.
Any building or directors erected or constructed, or hereafter located In the
Village without a permit, or net In conformity with thin ordinance, shall be removed.
1 Vo Wilding *hall be rysd until a permit has beat obtained few the Building
Ioep*etori sand he ,bell not. I.— -.b permit It 1. his Judgment the proposed new
locatim of the Wilding would seriously Increase the fin hazard of the Burr .dier
Under - unditions shall sop building be started -until formal Appliutim has
been made to the Wilding Inspector . at least fcrty=eigbt_ hours before work Is can-
templated to be started, and a permit duly grimed.. All yareits issued shall e.Pl-
ninety (90) days after the date thereof. unless the work contemplated and authorised
thereby 1. In actual progress, su`fee -.to be forfeited.
In the sass of building, structures, of major asetions thereof, constmcted outside
of the Village to be located m lead idthln the Villages an application far a permit
most also be made at least forty -eight bours before It In Intended that work &ball
coon. thsram ad m work ,ball eoamones until a permit ban been. Issued. In addition.
In all ncb eaves the applicant swat C— to mtify th. Building Ioapactor +Aare the.. .
Ironwork of the banding, atruetura:or seutiom:i*, t>pleted, who -the famLtim bas
been completed an the land located within the: Vinagee and at such other tines as the
Boilding Inspector shall designate. :The .Binding Inspector at his discretion my '.
—pt the flml las ection eertiIicate of the Federal. Housing_ Administration In yin
of making such Inspection as would othmd -e'bs .0. of the construction .coved by this
paragraph. ..
Seutim 7. Amli -Lion for- Pam1t. Amp - .person desiring a peralt.as required by this
Cads *lull file with the Building Impactor an application therefor in writing an
blank fora to be furnished for that tarpose. go Application for a peralt for construction
outside of the Village of op banding, structure,: or major: section theresf.to be -
located an land within the Village ,ball be accepted solve, the wmtroctim shall be
performod within a distaace of fifties oil. from the Village Ball.
Erery such application for a permit .bell describe the lend upon a&I& the
proposed building or work is to be dome, either by lot, block and/or tract, or ed.11-
description that rill readily identify the Bits and definitely locate the Proposed
building er Murk. The Wilding Inspector W at bla Option regaira a .area, of the
lot nPm rbich the rMPwed building or writ Se to be does which anrrey shall be
prepared and attested by a registered eurmforl said surrey shall indicate the di—
.ions of the property, and shall definitely establish the location of all buildings
on the property, if W, and of all lot lines by wane of iron monuments firmly
..bedded In the gtsumd, or othoralse as the Building Inspector W require.
Every each application shall shoe the proposed me or occupancy of all parts of
the building and such other reasonable iafornation w my be rsgulrod by the Building
I- Pentor.
CoP'en of Won mad &Peelfiatfos and a plot plea by a registered surveyor
shoring tb location of the proposed building and the locations and dimensions of every
smisting baildinC which 1s to remain therein, shall attompany every application for a
pernit and shall be filed In duplicate with the Wilding Inspector! F—Ided , hoverer.
that the Bnildin6 InePecWr Only aatbrirs Lb Lauan —ce of a permit without plane, _
epeeifladiens, or plan for email or unteportant work or for work where place.
epeciticatiom or let plan are obvionely unnecessary.
Plans ,ball be drew to seal. rpm substantial paper or cloth, or they may b
blue prints or other prints, and the essential pasta shall be draw to a scale of net
I... than ore- eighth (1/8) Inch in ens font. ernapting the lot plan.
pram and sP..ificatlams $bail be .efficient 1. na.br and s.fficimtly eI.- to .
illustrate the mature and character of the wort Proposed and to stow, that the lee will
be complied with. Engineering and otbr data seonesasy to ahw cmfomlty to the pro-
♦lei=s of this Coda shall aetonpaq the plans red specifications who an required by
the Building Inspector.
Any epeeitfatime 1. which faneral aqueseioce Mrs need to the effect that ewrk
shall be done In accordance with the Building Ceder or "to the ntisfaaim of the
Building Impsetor• *hall be deseed iaperfact and Incomplete and every reference to
this Code shall be to the sentirn or ads -aactlm applicable to the material to be
need or to the methods of construction proposed.
All Plans shall bear the cam of the Omer, architect, structural englneu or
d..Ivm r. I .
Nothing In this Bastion &hall prohibit the fill" of memdmmts to an application
or to a plan or other record aceo;aylng the application at any tlm before the
- Mantles* of the work for vbd h the pnndt wes ought. Such amendments, afcer approval, .
shall be filed with and be denied a part of the -1 -1 application, and face for
sack umdsents shall be required upon the arse bale as for the original perolt.
;Section 8. Pesdte. The application, plan and specifications filed y an applicant
for & P—It shall be checked y the Building Inspector and If found to be In conformity
with the requlrments of this Code, the .-Ing ordi. con . of ,Aim. and all other leas
and/or Ordlamem applicable thereto, the Building Inspector .hall. upon receipt of
tb rWFIred fee, 'zone A Penult therefor, within & reaaanable ties, together with a
suitable card shmdng that permit has base leaned# to be Placed In evidence on the
when the Bnildimg Inspector Issues the Pemit he shall endorse In writiog or stump
both sets of Plans end aPectflcations •Approved.• Co. such approved at Of place ad
epecificatlom .ball be retalnad by the Wilding Inspector as a public record, and
The Village Council of Edina do ordain as fallow,:
Section 1. Permit Rea fired. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, a corporation
tom e, haul or transport, any house, building, derrick, o other structure of the
height of sixteen feet o of a gidth of fifteen feet or r which cannot be
ved at speed of four miles per hour or upon, a or street or alley
without first obtaining a permit therefor en berelnafteroprovided.
Section 2. Manner of Obtaining Permits. That all aupllcatlons for permits to move
houses, buildings, derricks or !that strut tures mentioned in Section 1, shall be made
In writing to the village clerk, specifying the date and hour said moving is to
end the street route 0v r which said building or structure shall be moved.
And Sf it shall benecessary to cut down, m raise or Sn uuy ther way ante rfare
with any wires or poles, the application shall �e tote the n of' the owe r o£ said
wires and poles, the time and place when and where r novel of said poles Band /or tatting,
raising or other interference with said wires will be me esary. A permit to move shall
I. all c a Issue upon an appropriate resolution of the village a until; provided
however,athat iv all cas s involving the moving of newly constructed houses or buildings,
the building inspector shall be authorized to issue the necessary permit when the
village council theretofore by resolution shall have approved the manufacturer,
contractor or mower therlf.
Section for Permit. That beYore a permit to move any house, building, derrick
other structure fie granted under the provisions of this ordinance, the applicant for
said permit shall pay to the village clerk the sum of $10.00 therefor, which shall be
deposited to the credit of the general fund of the village.
Section 4. Surety Hond Respired, Tbat St shall be the duty of any person, firm or
.0rporat ion at the time of making application for a permit ae provided 1. Section 2 of
this ordinance to axe cu Le in favor o£ the village a good end sufficient surety bond
to be approved by the president of the council, indemnifying the village against any
lose by re a of damage to streets or other village property and saving the village
harmless from any damage to private property or damage suit resulting from the failure
of such parson, firm or corporation t! comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or
from their negligence.
S set ion 5. Notice to Owners o£ Wires end Poles. The village clerk shall, upon filing
of such appllcat ion, give not less than twenty -£our hours written notice to the person,
firm or corporation owning or operating such wlrea and poles or to their agents, of
the time sad place, when andwhere, the removal 0Y said poles, or the cutting, raising
or othervise interfering with said wires shell be necessary.
Section 6. Duty of Wire Owners. That it shall be the duty of any pare on, firm, or
corporation owning or operating sold pales o wires after a rvi ce of not it. , as required
In Section 3. to furnish competent wlrkoan or lineman to re ueh poles, or raise
cut wires, a will be n awry to facilitate the moving of such house, building,
derrick, or other etruc' -.. The necessary expense which Ss incurred thereby shall be
paid by the holder of the moving permit.
Section y. Duty of Aonas Movers.. No person engaged in moving any house, building,
derrick, or other structure shall raise, cut or is any way interfere with any such pales
a 11 wires unless the persons o authorities ownivg or having control of the s shell
ooglect o refuse to do so after having been notified as required in Section 3e then,
only competent end experienced workmen or linemen shall be employed in such work,
end the work shall be done in a careful end workmanlike nonner, end the said poles end
wires shall be promptly replaced end the damages thereto promptly repaired.
Sectl on 8. Duty aY the Boil dine Insaector. That it shell be the duty of the building
Slupect or from Lime to time to inspect the progress of the moving of any building,
house c other structure ands a that said house, building or other structure is being
moved Sn accordance with the provisions of this ordinor-
Section q. Red Lanterns to be 11-1 ved. That it eholl -be the duty of any person,
firm. o corporation moving " of the structure. mentioned Sn Section 1 of this
ordinance, upon, n eny street, alley or other public place, to display
red lehterns there — in such aemanner as to show the extreme height and width
thereof from thirty minutes after sunset to thirty minutes before emrlse.
Section 10. Pea =1". Any person violating the provisions of this ardi,oro, shell be
deemed guilty o£ a misdemeanor end shall be punished by a fine of or more then
One Roodred ➢Dilate ($100,00) or by imprisonment in the county joll for a period not
to exceed ninety day,.
Section 11. ➢ffectdve. That this ordinmce shall take effect and be in force Prom
and .£ter its passage and publication according to law.
Section 12. Aeneal. All ordinances end parts of ordinances in co ,flict herewith
ere hereby repealed.
Passed by the village Couacll this 74th day of July, 19$0
T.he Pillaps Council of Ddina do ordain as fellaws:
ection 1. Definitions. The followinF terms a used in the ordinance shall be
e.-id eretl to bare the n ing set opposite then as follows:
(a) "dan €erous liquids" include: Class 1, ether, carbon bisulphide, gasoline, n,,tl,,
benzol, collodion, hydrocarbon, and liquefied petroleum Cas. CL... LI, acetone, alcohol,
anylacetatc, toluole, Class III, ker -en„ a^tylacghl, turpentine distillate,
(b) "gar,Fe" i a building of any sort, such as barns, stables or buildings o
portions of buildinCS wherein are housed for rent, d^monstrati on, atc ra €e o sale, rf
private or public use, one or e self - propelled vehicles or other wh.oledrmachinesor
containing in the tank thers.fmany dangerous liquid,
(c) " at at ion" a ueh places a ns tructed and maintained solely
for the purposecof retailingrdangerous liquidsaandcoils.
(d) "retail ,tgra €e" i uch places a e equipped for the retailin€ of dangerous
liquids whether i connectionswith any It a, line of merchandise or enterprise or not.
(e) "generalnst.r ,e" includes all places where dan €erour liquids are stored,
and sold only in quantities of 50 € allgns or pore,
Section 2. Remits Required, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation
to transport, have or keep n, ore than qne Callon of Class I liquids i any dwelling, six
Fallon, i other building and ten Callons outside of any building or to store o I
handle .... than five €allons of any Class II liquids in any dwelling, or tan Fallon.
in arty oth buildine or twenty -five gallons outside of any LuildinC or to handle o
e than twenty -five Callons or Class III liquids i n side of any building or
fifty Fallon, outside any building edthout first obyaininra permit from the village
recorder ao to do.
Section 3. Issuance f Pemits. Any person, firs, o orporaticn desirinC a pemit
shall Hake application therefor to the recorder on arfar, provided for that purpose,
Said Application shall be approved by the chief of the fire department if, upon inspection,
he shall determine that the FrantinC of the pemit will not materially incre e the
hazard to public safety frnm £ eeple,i,a. Upon receipt of a approved aapplication
and a Tee of five dollars the r order shall i a permit to the ^applicant for the
purpose stated in the application. Said pdzmits shall be valid for one year from the date
of its issuance subject to r cation by the c cil upon thirty days' notice and
hearing if aty -any tima the chief of the fire department deteraines that the continuance
of the pemit would endanger public safety.
Section 4. P,ecentacles, It shall be a awful for any person, firm o oopgration to
sell oP ca e Lo be sold, place o e,to to +laced any gasoline orrbenzine in quantities
If more than one pint and less thancsux €allons in any receptacle ercepto of a bright
red color and to €Bed and labelled in large plain - letters xith the none of the contents or
to sell or placd any other liquid in such a receptacle.
Section 5. Genera Storage, Rzcept a otherwise provided in this ordinance, the
storage of dangeroul s liquids shall be outside buildings, f underground o abcve ground
tanks, except that the storage of eu eh liquids above ground is hereby prohibited within
the fire limits.
Section 6. Above C-und Tanks. It shall be unlawful to construct or maiot,in any above
ground tanks except as hereinafter set° forth:
(a) No tank may be c nstructed o intained cl.... to the line of adjgining
property or to any other tank than shownmin the following table:
Capacity Distance 1, ,,, " Distance to any
of Tank Ad l'inig, ,.— ,,Y other tank
300 Cal-- or 1--o 5 Ft. 2 Ft,
30 to 500 G-1-. 10 Ft. 2 Ft.
0 . 0 , t
500 t 1000 Gals. 2 Ft. , :
. . 10 000 Gals. 3 Ft Ft
Over 000 1 , 1 1 15 Ft.
1p 000 le. 100 Ft.
(b) TT. above gr ... d tank oh.11 be constructed or nai.tlilld ClIaIr to the oll"It
'ail of a ailcad or street car track carrying poacce,e, traffic than shown in the
following table,:
Capacity in G111111 Mini—, Dietance from tract.
Under 18,000 G.1a 3 Ft.
18,000 60 Ft.
50:... In 100,000 Gals. 80 Ft.
Over 100,000 Cals. 100 Ft.
(c) All t-1, of more than 1,000 0 gal,. capacity
shall have all openings ing, l
may Y
contain inflammable vapor provided with a 4DY40 —h, --e ... cd i, le . !,_ _o- _ A
safety _Jot be preided and manhole M -', — :t be kept closed bye"Vht only.
(d) All ..h tanks = ,t be provided covers danger signs p a int , conspicuously -on
their sides hearing the ec,da "Infl—able, Keep fire and lights I'. in letter
least three inch- high.
(e) All such tacks hall be protected b-; t such protection
to have a capacity of not 1,ea than Ttnd one -half c f the tank
and be not more than four feet high. Such embankments shall "' " '.f at least � to 1 't— t1eted of .. all 1:
d il— shall be compactly built with a three feet c,c— and a slope on
both sides. N. openings may be mode
through any such embankment and all brush
and weeds
must be kept cleared a"ay t "of.. , .
(f) All such tanks shall be ,,at -,t,d on a firm foundation and sh 11 be
electrically grounded. Tanks Here than one
foot above the Around —at h— non - combustible
( g) I cuhulati.n ,f rdbiah or other combustible material hall be pmitt,d
upon the premises of such tanks and no per lights or plan. hall be pe—itt.d in the
vicinity of tanks or piping.
'o sY'h tank —Y be .,stm,t,d or maintained within 300 feet of any depot,
-h-11 h'-h, or other public building.
( i) The pr_i.cs open which such tanks ... c—t—etcd —at be b,,,.,bdcd by a
substantial fence adequate to keep out all intruders. ( j ) A l such tanks must be protected af.in.t corrosion by coating the outside
with . ,liable -at r - iatieg paint.
(k) All empty ad filli,F of
h tanks shall be by p—pa,e. The motor and
pump must be located in separate building, —y from the tanks, —h—, and g
or entirely _ ... cded by
fireproof walls.
(1) All such tanks hall be of material of efficient thickness caftly to hold the
on tents Q -hcll h— a factor of safety at all Joints of at 12. 5. All iitcd
j.1etc shall have an ef,i . icecy of at least 60 Per cent. N, vertical tanks hall
exceed 20 feet in height.
Section 7. Underground tanks. All underground tanks oholl conform to the f.11.1,ihg
A1 such tml¢ shall be buried with the top at least 3 feet under the surfaces
el the ..... I and bole, any piping to •,hich they may be e.n ,td
(b ,
g 1. —th , building, "ch t"" a op
_.. located underneath hall be buried with the t
of the tank net 1— than 2 feet b.1— the 1-1 of the I.-n—t floor. The floor abo-
the tank shall be reinforced concrete 9 inches thick extending 12 inches beyond the
outline of the tenk in all directions.
(c) qo such tank may be installed in any street, alley or public ground or under
any sidewalk.
s (d) Tanks shall be set on a firm. fonndoet ion and surrounded with soft earth or
and e11 tamped into place o nclosed i c rete.
(e) The storage pemitted in under €round tanks shall be as follows when the top of
tank is lower than all floors, baements, cellars or pits of all buildings, and ally
s ewe , catch basins and man holes:
(A) Within a radius dT 50Ft. . . . . . . . Unlimited
(B) 'iithin a radius n£ 40 Ft. 50,000 Cals.
(c) ',it bin a radius of 30 Ft. . . . . . . a0,0oo CaL.
(D) llithin a radius of 25 Ft. . . . . . . . 15,000 Cal'.
(F) Within a radius of 20 Ft. . . . . . . . 5,000 Gals.
(F) within a radius of 10 Ft. . . . . . . . 1, 500.G-Js.
(f) %hen such tank is not lower than such Easements o cellars of all buildin €s I
and all s and appurtenances thereto, the storaPe is hereby limited to 500 Cale, and
the tank shall be entirely encased in 6 inches of concrete.
ecti on E. e Gtations. All tanks used £or the sto11II of dangerous liquids at
ser stations shall be vnderFround to 4s installed as Provided i ection 7 thereof.
w (a) Delivery of d_,orone liquids of class 1 and Class II shall ee nede direct to
the storage tank through the fill's€ pipe of the receptacle from with the liquid is being
(b) No tank wagon nay make sn],, delivery e:ith its en Fine or motor runnin €.
(c) Delivery of dangerous liquids from the sto rage tank shall be Wade through pumps,
mechanically perfect and so onstzvcted as to Prevent leaking o splashing.
(d) EuildinFS used at scry ce stations shall be fireproof and heated by steam or
hot water, the Y,e ating plant torbe encloaed within a fireproof roo , provided that this
regal repent skull apply only to future c etruction, but no sto_. ,ill he permitted
under any circumstances.
(e) 11, dangerous liquids may be kept i r dispensed from said buildin €s i open
containers and no open light or flar..e shall be permitted within a. such premises.
(f) It shall be unlawful for any attendant or other person Doming or employed at
any service station to dispense any dangerous liquids to a motor vehicle while the motor
of said vehicle is xu -ino.
(g) No person may sm ke while on duty at my s rvi ce station.
(h) The m unt of ato rage of dangerous liquids permitted in any service
station is 10,000ngallons.
Section 9. Carafes. The store €e of dan €erous liquids in and n r Pare €es for use
therein or to be dispensed therefrom shall confom to the requirement hereinbef -I set
forth. and further:
(a) The m unt of gasoline pemitt ed above € raund in the wo of a
garage i auamrt unless the same be in the tanY, of motor vehicle andse curely capped.
(b)s tloaopen stoves nr light may be used in any garage.
(c) All €erages shay_ he equipped with sand "are and grease traps o,hi,, shall be
e leaned with suificicnt frequency to keep and.eand or dangerous liquid or Freaae fr, .
entering the s_N
Se ct fan 10, cell aneous pmvisionr.
It shall be unlawful far app For son to Flacc or a110 -w to be Places in any sewer
any dangerous liquid.
a- (b) Uo person shall snoks within 50 feet of any place vrh: dangerous liquids are
be in" dispensed c used in open containers.
(c) The a of dan €drous liquids in starting or feeding any open £jre is prohibited
I_cpt ' sped el designed burnors.
(d)nIt .pall be uIl,.f l to ain, store or handle any dangerous liquids in any
building housing more than one fv.iily.
(I) Supply to stationary internal —b—ti.' "Fine, shall he by p—Pap' from under-
f—ad tanks, no gravity fl.. ,ill be permitted.
( ) IT.—I inflammable liquids are -ed - fuel, they —t be fed to t],, b,--T,a f,—
the supply tank by an approved prpilr, d1lile.
110 g .. go hall be be pt 1—od !thin 50 felt If any h,ildl " c or
age P1.e
used at o. school " ""I' — T,hli, b,ildi,E —d - , place of a .... I'll or "t-ti.r
(h) Ueo of benzine or go. III— as a thir—, in fuel III far h,,ti,r p—p—o is he-by
( I) Fuel oil at .... e tanke fee d— shall �ha be located outside If bildin,e
ea' under ground 111�t under , building the above F—d
shall , "
It '. '�heu used in _no
Italle, 1h d 5 .1 d . tart direction of
'tt'nI It, fuel oil tarare in ordinary buildings shall not e,;:—d 5,000 gallons, and
in . fir, resistant building 10,000 Eall-
Seotih, 11, !,ep,cti— It sha11 be the dth If the Chief of the Fir, Department to
inspect all installations of tanks
and other equipment doti,a�d to handle
liquids bef... the a — are pla'od I. operation and it ir hereby r.da un lawful
person, f— —p—tian to . any installation I I to I -y neh
installation. to be co red from view before the sane has bI,h
inspected• It shall
by the duty the
the lln 17ra,t,,nt to make a nouthly inspection a If
a I 1 PI, i_ which — under permit and ta require compliance with the terms of this
ordinance in all ea es by written order which shall state the time within "bi an such
,.nplia,I, must
be —.
S-tien 12. Time for Compliance, All installations which do net -nfe- to the
1eq--tt of this ordinance s4.11 be made to do s within ninety days after this
ordinance ca b,I-- effective. It shall be the duty If the Fire Chief to report to the
-ai at the ad of —I ninety Inyu peeled all p ...... I fi— , corporations ,hieh have
failed - —ply herewith and the location If said a-cp'yi E i-tall.ti.- and the
I—Vltwijl take —h tep, a, III, --y to nore ee.pli.her herewith.
Section Penalty. Any per—, firm, corporation who shell violate any provision
of ,,1 oany order 1—f.11y ..do hereunder shall,
pan e.—jetil, tl ... f, be
than deemed 1 d . ..... d hall be punished by a fir, or not I-o t
"i t�h" 'th=he d dollars I, by im ris,meat in the —ent in the village
dollars her p
or connty jail for net 1— than s days no I than three .. t'han' in I'ont of
roa_pl��It of line ad costs, by irp,i.o—nt. far a. add tonal time until such fine and
I.oth satisfied not en—di.g , total imprisonment If ninety day,, for any one offense.
III ordinances and part, If in conflict herewith are
hereby I,; .
Section I - Effective.
Thie ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after
its .d publication
according to I—
F.eeed by ill.,e council this 27th day of February, 1926.
(SEAL) Attest:
- - RD DY T112 CO =011, 01; TIC 27TH DAY OF
FEDRUARY,: 1920.•
The Village Council of the Villnee of Mina, Hennepin
County. Hinneeota. do ordain no- follosot
That certain Ordinance Ho. 7. entitled -An Ordinance
- Regulating the 'Storage and Handling of Dangerous
Liquids -, passed by the Cc"noil of the Village of _
"8d1na. He-spin - .County. P.Snneeota'.on the 27th day
of February. 1928p is hereby emanfladln the following
aeotion 6, paragraph -a- I. -ended to read as
follove. ..
Capacity of tank Distance to '.Ina of Diet— to any -
adjoining property other..t.nk
300 gale, or lees 5'feat _ 2 fast
300 -600 gals. 10 feat -2 feet
600 -1000 gale. - 20 feet 2 feet
1000 -10000 gels. 30 feel 3 feet
- over 10.000 gals - EO feet - 3 feet -
-T'".9 -
Every such application for a permit shall describe the land upon which the
proposed building or work is to be done, either by lot, block and /or tract, or similar
description that will readily identify the site and definitely locate the proposed
building or work. The Building Inspector may at his option require a survey of the
lot upon which the proposed building or work is to be done which survey shall be
prepared and attested by a registered surveyor. said survey shall indicate the dimev-
s of the property, and shall definitely establish the location of all buildings
on the property, if any, and of all lot lines by means of iron mom�ments firmly
embedded in the ground, or otherwise 'as the Building Inspector may require.
Ebert' such application shall show the proposed use or occupancy oI all parts of
the building and such other reasonable information as may be required by the Building
Copies of plans and specifications and a plot plan by a registered surveyor
shoving the location of the proposed building and the locations and dimensions of every
existing building which is to remain there,,, shall accompany every application for a-
permit and shall be filed in duplicate with the Building Inspector; provided, however,
that the Building Inspector may authorize the issuance of a permit without .plans,
specifications, r lot plan for small or unimportant work or for work where plane,
specifications and /or lot plan are obviously unnecessary.
Plana shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth, or they may be
blue prints or other prints, and the essential parts shall be drawn'to a scale of not
less than one - eighth (1 /8) inch to one foot, excepting the lot plan.
Plane and specifications shall be sufficient in number and sufficiently clear to
illustrate the nature and character of the work proposed and to show that the law will
be complied with. Engineering and other data necessary to show conformity to the pro-
visions of this Code shall accompany the plans and specifications when so required by
the Building Inspector.
Any specifications in which general expressions are used to the effect that ^work
shall be done in accordance with the Building Codes or -to the satisfaction of the
Building Inspectors shall be deamed imperfect and incomplete and every reference to
this Code shall be to the section or sub- section applicable to the material to be
used or to the methods of construction proposed.
All plans shall bear the name of the owner, architect, structural engineer or.
Nothing in this Section a'all prohibit the filing of amendments to an application
or to a plan or other record accompanying the application at any time before the
completion of the work for which the permit was sought. Such smendments, after approval,
shall be filed with and be deemed a part of the original application, and fees for
such amendments shall be required upon the same basis as for the original permit.
Section 8. Permits. The application, plans and specifications filed by an applicant
for a permit shall be checked by the Building Inspector and if found to be in conformity
with the requirements of thin Code, the zoning ordinance of Edina, and all other laws
and /or ordinances applicable thereto, the Building Inspector shall, upon receipt of
the required fee, issue a permit therefor, within 'a reasonable time, together with a
suitable card showing that permit has been issued, to be placed in evidence on the
When the Building Inspector issues the permit he shall endorse in writing or stamp
both seta of plans and specifications "Approved." Cne such approved set of plans and
specifications shall be retained by the Building Inspector as a public record, and
Legal No4ic� � ° ° ° "a '
R e�R N °� PER °oTq`�,DERE: �a
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If $5.00 ah HOR
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—P Pit,
[ar w c e`partcwar perm�[rrii
A[: QtuJ10E T V' Q.
" R1
PASSM JLTD; 131 1914
The Village Council of the Village of r m do ordsin as fell —;
Section 1. That certain Ordinance, entitledi "An Oidi —e ReLlilating the Speed
oY Electric and Street Railtray Cars and Railroad Care,^ pssse3 June 13th, 191.1 and
Published Jim- 16th, 1914, be and the cam is hereby repealed.
SO Lien 2. This Crdlnanes shall take effect and be in force frm and after its
psssage and publieatim.
Passed by the Village Council this 6th day oY August, 1914.
ATTEST, Delnni___
C.B. Yaneev Yresident of the Village Comical
V111nga Clerk
The Village Council of the Village of Edi.a do ordain as
fo Ilowe ,
1, That Section 33 entitled -Animals, K_pjrG of,, of that
to d�t 'An Oddirsous defining—otain
.or sin n ordinance entitled
.i.dam and prescribing a penalty of violation thereof",
no February, 1926, be
passed by the Council %,th. 27th daytof
and the I hereby ended so the so id Section 33 hall
read .
-Suction 33. 'Animals, Peeping of. -very person mho o keep
C,ine. cattle, horses, goat a or mor. thej tu. dogs in the
Village nearer than EOO feet to any I—an h lbi t , i c n 'it"I
P-oi. .in from t eDo-d of i salth, oni thon t " rm . I. e
. f Lha Board of shall keep the animals above described
ithin EOO feet of real - estate platted into lots find design I ated
as an Addition, shall be guilty of . mi.d-cancr.
Section 2. Effective, This ordinance shall take effect and
bo in in roe from and after its pan —Ge and publication .... rd
in,tD 1—
t 6, 1P39 ITIgUT �
.."oI: ?/IU2 ;5 7 6/4/40
rage 185
IT.t Recorded
Nil ae as oa o =sz oogi
oen iPpape ove cfore tee
por�in n
-.1- ctnu z of
lry vo ,ce �g
ex ..._ Anpmxe
xoaceis heceey. givon that wens said dog es Caevea ma
oNmavice - the ea k_d or p ovweda,
Sibcd_ ...............
. t unl
p p
tto 11 Oil x xhatl re����
ea,e a l Q
e reef -a° give emae
a'ay o a' r eee °,e k h€ P
a br' 'Pegs o I. °'sa
m °s a at
doe an,e„ .. ,,.,.,,....,.. _..___..e r °ta y p ma wd ao
All awlunrcn i«ohlnlTiim TIM SILV: Ann nrccx.%Tlrc Tlr:
Daxav2dit or Flit!, t,XR :n 411D I ROVID:rn i I-MALTY FOR .
V1C,f.A.Tlor. Tif: -cr.
Tho V111a;c Council of Edina Cc ordain no folloce,
CCOti cn 1. Definition. Th. tom "firun,rke• an applied
to explo.ivea. the Cale of which is prohibited within thin -
Vllllec .hall Include toy pictol.. toy Cars, toy a nnono,
detonating canes. blank eartrip`eCg firecracker. cranny afao
and kind, a ^.fl a,y oubatancc ofsn ax;rlaoloa nature n::d 6ovf ooC ;.
for CS nch�tC4r tt:c ciao; provided, thin orCinonoa .hall noS
apply to aLuniticn and fire nmc or to dynam, lt. and device.
for exrlodirg the o-r.C.
'*Oct an 2. Gale FrolSbitcd. All G.tlo. roon.nolon. or
CS.; lay for Cale of, firework..Sth:n Lhc 7111a;-a :f ::dine
Sa hereby entirely prohibited.
ruction 3. Di.charge Cg we rrohibited. Tt .hall
be unl¢wtal for nny peraon to net off or d1.clurCO My fire-
worka within thin v11laCe at aiW tr,e except between thohoura
of cI- (d) itnA midrlCht of July 4th, exeapt when .uoh
day tall. on GuACayt tl:cA upon thafolloaftV; CAyf pravlCed,
that thCa nw Tlrowarko c1ui11 be dlooharred no an to 1r.,Juro
or threaten. the Cafety of n- poroon or lasaperty; pro vICwe
¢low. El �t kyrotcclL�l cal fliapiny. my be rutlLnrl eefl try ronol-
ution of th,e council, when under the c.ntral 'of r. ex!petont:
person or porcons and tl:o council In entlefied that proper
precautlono will b. taken 10 pro teat lire and property. -
rcotlon 4, Repeal. Orel nonce fie. 69 entitled 'An
Crdpnav" rrObibitira the Coe or Said of Certain fire -
vorke and ;- rovldine 'enaltlea for the Violation Thereof -
we all other OrdiAATIC CC 0! partn of ordi nano.. IACa10 .tent
her.wlti are hereby. re;..aled.
.^Cetlon L', ^enalty. .tny percon. firm or corporation
vinlatinC any of the provi.lor.. of thin ordinance .hall be
Cal Ity of n ri.doaernor, cad up on convi orlon thereof ohn11 be
p.nlehod by a fine ofnotleec than one dollar nor more then
one hundred Collar. bealdad the ovoto of cult. and in default
Of each payment .hall be comitted to the county Jail until
paynent In node not to exceed ninety (pd) day. in any cce,,
Ccction d, Effect. Thin ordin -co ehnll take affect nr.A
be In force from And after Ito pnn.;4;e and pablioetion aacor-
Alva to lnw,
1111MUTP: "t July 13. 1931
peak 1 /12 /E0 to 12/12/33 -
pace 116
dimisnrc-: rncr,
Book 1/31/ to -
Fare 4'
The Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
WHEREAS, there has bean filed with the Csanell a petition signed by a majority
of the propert !,war owners in the district involved. asking for the eatabllahment
of a lateral ae ar district and the construction of a connecting e,war
their property.
AND WBEOIA$, it appeare In the interest of public health and welfere that auch
eawer district be established..
AND WHEREAS, the cost of constructing such eawer sy,tem may be a sled againat
the benefited property and paid for out of special funds to be obtained by
special ea se asment against the benefited property. -
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that there hereby be established Lateral Sewer
District No. 1 of the Village of Edina which District shall embrace all that
portion of the Village of Edina comprising specifically lots m:mbered 11 -12-
13-14 6 1$ in Block 2 Falruay section COD, Lots membered ll -12 -13-14 6 15 in
Block 3 Fairway Section COD, Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-7-8- & 9 In Black 11, Fairway
Section COD,, lot, 1- 2- 3- 4- $ -6-7 -8 d 9 in Block 10, in Fairway Section CCD.
There eha11 be employed to prepare plans and ep.ciflcatioa, for the count —tion
of lateral ewers to serve said property am engineer who will enbmit his plena
sad ,pacification,. together with ah estimate of coat of said lateral save .
nedessAty approval.
The east of said -war eoastruotlon project shall be paid for by special
msaL agalnot the property herein specified and the Council I. hereby
anthoriaed to issue warrants do anticipation of the collection of such special
meets to be known sa aSewer Warrants" the principal on which and the
interest an which shall be paid out of monies do the special fund hereby created
to be known d "Fond of Lateral Sever District No. 1" of the Village of Edina.
The resolution was $ am"d by Moore and the vote being upon the adoption of the
roe olutics, wherein there were five eyes and ao nay" and so ordered.
After the adoption of Ordinance establishing Lateral Sewer District No. 1,
Trite tea Reiman, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
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e licensee r,6 as ntl�- enlaeewea ac d in to tbis franchiaeo t'
The village council of Edina do ordain as follows:
Sectlon 1. Intoxicating Liquor Defined. Whenever used in this ordinance, the terms
"intoxicating liquor" and "liquor" shall include ethyl alcohol and any distilled, fermented
spirituous., vincur, or malt liquor or liquid of any kind, potable as a beverage whenever any
of said liquors or liquids contain one -half of one per cast= or more of alcohol by volmse
and shall also include and mean any liquor or liquid of any kind, potable as a beverage
which is in fact intoxicating.
Section 2, Unlawful lots, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation
to manufacture, sell, give away, dispose of, furnish, posses., or transport or have in
for Bale, giving away „disposition, furnishing or transportation of or solicit-
ing, receiving, or taking any order for intoxicating liquor except for chemical, mechanical,
medicinal, pharmaceutical, scientific, industrial, or sacramental purposes.
Section 3. License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, o corporation
to manufacture, sell, give away, dispose of, furnish, pose —, transport , keep or have in
possession for sale, giving away, disposition, furnishing or transportation of, or to solicit'.
receive, or take any order for any intoxicating liquor for chemical, mechanical, medicinal,
pharmaceutical, scientific, or sa ramental purposes without first securing from
the village recorder a license sotto do.
Section 4. Kenner o£ Securing License. Any person, firm or corporation desiring s
=') lieense for any or all the purposes set forth in Section 3, thereof, .hall make application
-1 therefor to the village recorder on a form provided by that officer. Said application .hall
be accompanied by a fee of $5.00, and, if approved by the council and the village ma-hall,
the village recorder shall issue a license to the applicant for the purpose stated in said
Section 5. Tern of homes. No such license may be issued for a longer term than on
year and in no case shall the term of any license extend beyond the data of the next aueceed -';j
ing village election following its issuance.
Section 6. Penalties. Any person, firm, o corporation violating any of the provisions
of Sections 2 or 3 of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and sbell be punished by a fine of not less than twenty -five dollar. n
than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, or by imprieorment in the villageror re
county Jail for not less than thirty days n re than ninety days, and any parson who
fails to pay such fire and costs shall be confined in the village or county jail until each
fine and costs are satisfactory.
Sectlon 7. Conflictive Ordinances Rerealed- All ordinances aril Parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are herepy repealed,
it 8. Effective. This ordinance .hall take affect and be in force from and after
s passage and according to law.
'Passed the village council this 27th day of February, 1926.
E. T. Edson, Recorder President. P
NOTE: This ordinance was repealed January 29th, 193”
The Connon Council.0f the Village of Edina, Rennepin County,
II=-ota, do ordaiat
SecLian 1._ Definition of terns. '
(a) As uded In this ordinance, the tam "Peru..- shall mean ad "
Include a natural ,person of either eax,'per.une, co- partnerships,
cotpar.tloss and neoocintiuno of- fersonat and shall include the
.agent or "manager of say of the folaeaid. "' The - singular number':'
shall include the plural, and .the .....lies pronoun shall inched
the feminine•and neuter.
(b) -' Run- Zntozi cnting P.It Liquor- shall mean any potable malt .,
beve -j,,s nith"an alcholic content of mare the- one half of'an.
percent bey 1.1mas and at more then 3.2 percent by Weight.
(o) A "Bonaflde club ". na used herein shall be any club organ
i.edforaooiel at business purposes, or for Intellectual inpr.ve-
went, or for the promotion of sPart., Where the serving of such
liquur. Se incidental to and not themajor purpose of the club.
(d). "Original Package" no uded herein shall be the bottle or
sealed container in Which the liquor Se_piaced at the place•of
(a) -Cafe- or -Restaurant- as used in this ordinance sbell mean
any place where; preparing and serving lunches or msale to the
public tube consumed an the premi.ee constitutes the major
Section 2. License Re -1-d.
Ro . person shall sell$ . vend, deal In of dispose of, by gift, ale
orotherelse, or keep or offer far le, arty non- intoxicating
malt. liquor vilthin this village without first having received 1
license therefore no hereinafter pravided. Licenses shall be of
two kind. "On Sale' and Off Sale ".
•On - Sale "liceneeS shall be Eranted only to drug . store a� cafes,
restaurants and hotel. Where f =od I. prepaired and sold far can-
. e- Ption.as the pr ®isee and in bona fide clubs, and .hall permit
the eels of such liquor forcanatmption ot) the promises and
�Otf Sala" lice. a -shall be granted to P-it the .ale at
etail end whoU aloof such liquor in the original pnck¢Ces for
\ \ \���SSSremoval fromand a eumption off the pr Sees only.
ectia. 3. APnl3cai ion far LI-e.. ..
All applicatlona• far any Ilse... to sell non- intoxlcetine malt
liquor Shall be made on forme., to be supplied '. by the Village .ettt
Wing forth -.the name of the I.ereon asking for such license. his age
- representation. a. to his h -..t.r with such references. ae may
be required, his citiaen.hip, the loontion where such buelness is
to be carried on, whether such arplication Ie for "On Sale: ar •Off
❑ale ", the burinese in cBacocti wi'h which the �ropaaed lie en.ee
'will oi,er zt e, whether ara licant in owner and .per =.tor ofcB.h
business, the time ouch pp licsrt has been in that bu.lnees at
that place, and a..1, other information a. the governing body may
r 'quire from tine to Lime. It shall be unlawful to mace any false
st.temont in an npplloatj on.
ectl.n 4, keen.
.111 apnlic:,tl all far licenses .hall be a anted by the required
foe for which the VS, Inge p^ea.r der ahallcgi's ^pplisont a receipt
All such fees .11.11 us paid into thegeneral fund of the municlpal-
Sty. Upon rejection of By npplicati on Tor license. the 'r Boost-
shall refund the amount paid. ,
The annaual fee for an "On Sn Ie" license skull be `25.00.
The annual fee for an "Off Gale" license shall be 4 "b.00.
All lie .cv shall expire at noon April first In each year, pro-
vided that if eight ".". of anl- li cenainE year have elapued when
the ai�p licaticn is made, the fee shall be reduced to one half of
the regular amount thereof.
Section 6. GrantSnc .f License.. ThB village Council shall cause 1
n inveatigati,n to be mane o£ all fast® art forth in the appli-
cation. Ciportunity shall be given to any person to be heard for
or against the granting' .f any lice nee. After such inve oti gat ion
the Village Council .hail Grant or Pefuee any each appllent ion in
its discretion. All licensed premised ch.11 have the license there
far posted in n .epic.... place at all tine.. r
Section 0. Conditions of LSceneee. All 1lcensec granted hereunder
.hall be �r art ed subject to the followin(, conditions, and all at her
.Bndl ti.n. of this ordinance, end subject to all other ardinances
of the lill.t'.e applicable thereto.
IIo license .hall be granted to any person under twenty -one year.
NI 111-11 shall granted to any par aan chi has been convicted
of a felony or of vie luting the national prohibltian act o any
I.. of this .Late or local ordinanc.- relating to manufacture or
transportation of int..ic ting 1l quote.
Ito licence .hall give permission to sell non- int- ionting malt
liquor in any theatre, recreational hnll .r center, dance hall,
ball park or at its r place of p.bllac Fathering far. thep errs.. of
entertainment, amusement, or playing of games, and no such liquor
shall be coneumad there.
170 "On Gale" licence shall be granted for sales in connection ci th
any - bar i.e.. or club where Bush business or club has not been in
.Perot law at that place for at least .1. (d) month. Snnediatoly
preceding ouch ¢ppli.ati.n.
ro license all be granted for sale o any Tremivec where a lic-
ense has been convicted of the violation of this rdinaace or
where any license hereunder- has been revoked for cause for at
least one (1) year after the said conviction or revocati:.n.
IIO cane of non- ianship, nor malt liquor shall be made to any per-
' son under guardianship, nor to any person under twenty -sae (21)
yo are of age.
All p-docc where any license hereunder is granted shall be open
to 1nepecticn b; any police or health officer or otherproporly
designated officer or employee of the village at any time during
which the place ao licensed is ope-to the public for business.
ro Gambling, nor any €ambling, device prohibited b;; la•.v, shall be
permitted in any ii-cod premises.
All licensea Granted under this ordinc.c shall be issued to the
applicant only and shall be i Old for the premises described in
the ppiication. Each lice.sesoh¢11 not be transferred to
another place without the epproval'of the village Council. No
license shall be granted to any manufacturer of non-intoxicating
malt li quor.not to anyone into - tad in the control any n..h place
and n equipment or fixture i any licensed puce shall be owned i
I. whole or in part by any such manufacturer.
I:o license shall be granted within two hundred and fifty (250)
feet of say public school.
b 1,l ctoneea shall be granted only is persons who are citizens of the
IP.'tited Mates and to per non. of gaud moral character.
cetf on 7. Closing Ilo ur e. 11. .'ale. of any n - intcxiccting malt
liquor shall T, made on any, primory, general or special election
Sacticn 6. Clubs. 110 club shall all liquor except to menbers
axtd to Guests oi' members.
ectlon 9. Iio BZr. Partition. Bnx or n n F2emiIted. In any
place lie enesfl for sales^ the liquorrdold .hall be served and
consumed at tables In the dining or refreshment rnom of the cafe,
eetaurant, hotel or club, and shall not be consumed or served at
bare; provided the same may be areved at counters where food Se re
gular ly a ved and on ed. All windows in the front of any
each placere1,11 be cle¢r Glass, and the view of the whale lnteriv
01.11 un.b.trua t ed by sarcane, Curtains or partitions. There
.hall be ' partition, bex, stall, screen, curtain o at device
.hich shall obstruct the view of any part of said room from the
general bservition of persona in said room; provlede, however,
the par title.., eubdi,I.Ic.. or panels not higher than forty -
- eight (46) inehee from the floor shall not be construed a Fin
COnfil.t with the foregoing; and 'ruvided, however each 11cen.e
shall entitle the holder thereof to nerve -- intoxicating malt
liquor. inn cep -rate room of eu ch rent aurent to ban,us.te or
10 dinners at which are Present not leea than nix (6) persons.
� 1
Section 10, Revo Cntio n. Any license granted hereunder may be
revoked by the Council with cut *ties to the grant ee of a hear-
ing nay first beheld by the council -and the r cation the made
for cause. Any violati_n of any provision or condition of thin
ordinance or any fnlslficatide of any at atement in the ¢PP 1l cat ion
.hall be gr 0 and for re vv catio n. Sic ports on of the license fee pn4
into the village treasury shall be r6turned upon revocation.
ec Sian 11. Ise cal and Proltf bited C¢le. All .rdinanc.. .r
previ.ivn. thereof of the v llagu in conflict with any of the {
prcvieions hereof (or Ordinance i:a. 12 0£ this village adopted
February 27th, 19 1) or,, hereby repealed. l;othing hereunder . shall
p etr:it the manufacture, sale cr tr ..sport ntlo n, or keeping or
having in poeseasion i'er sale or transportation of, or taking or
recdIVI g or soliciting, any order. far any liquor cf a greater
alcoholic content than three and two- tenth. (3.2) by weight except
far ncdici -1, sacr,ueental, pharmaceutical or scientific purnese.,
and any each out 1. hereby unla.vful. Any vIclation of thin pre-
vision upon any prn^tise. li -onsed hereunder shall ale. c ..tit "Is
grounds for revocation of the license, and the e e eh 11 be
nut hcmatically revoked upon a c.nvi.tion of the viclatiaa of this
Section 12. lenalty. Any per eon violating say provision of this
or din shall be guilty cf a ni.dem eanor, a ui an conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred
dollars ('„100,00), or in default f such payment ahsll Is 'I
imprisoned Ss the village lockup (or county Jail) for not to
ex..do ninety (90) says, plu.the Ccvta of prosecution in any case.
Section 13. Can.tlt utionali tv. If any .ection, cub- eectlon,
.,.tense, Clause of phrase of this ordinsnCF 1.'£or any reason
held to be u nstitutivnal, such decision shall not affect the
Valikity of the remaining, portion of this ordinance.
Section 14. Effect. Thin ordinance shall take effect and be in
ibrce fram a after it a public- tic. (but net before April 7, 1933,
In any a...).
i'IHUTO: April G, 1933
Book 1/12/29 to 12/12/33
F.go 240 -243
ORDIHnhDB Boor.:
Net Recorded
Stennepin County Review
April 13, 1933
f �'
T \"
The Council of the Village of Edina doe. ordain,
Section 1. Definition of Terms. - -ae used in this ordinance.
(s) The terms "intoxicating liquor" and "liquor^ when-
ever used in this ordinance shall m and include ethyl aloo-
hol and include distilled, fermented, nspirituous, vino.. and
malt bever.,les containing in excess of 3.2 per cent of alco-
hol by eight.
(b) The Lerme "Sale" and -Sell." ehal mean and include
all barters, and all manners or means of furnishing intoxicating
liquor or liquor. ns above described in violation of evasion _
of law.
(c) "On Sale" .hall mean the sale of liquor by the Claw
for cc naumpti an an the Ir an Ste. only.
(d) "Off Sale" Shall Mean the sale of lignor in original
pack.u.n in retail etcr.. for consumption off or ¢way from the
premise. where Sold.
(e) The term "person^ shall mean and include Iereons,
corporations, partner ships and other unlncorpornted associations.
(f) The term "package^ or receptacle he ding neap and in-
clude any cents i nor or receptacle holding liquor, which container
or receppt'scle Se corked or sealed.
(g) "Hotel" as herein used shall ream and include any
estsbll shmeat having a resident proprietor or manager, where
I. c.nelderstI on of payment theref.r, feed and l.CUSing are
regularly furnished to transients, and which naintaina not
less than ten guest r oms (fifty in titles of the fir et .lace,
twenty -five In cities of the second class) with bedding and other
suitable and necess,ry furnishinge in each r. -M, and which I.
provided with a as table lobby, desk and office for tl.e reCis-
trution of its guest., at the main entrance, and on the ground
floor and Which employee and adequate tuff to pravied enit-
able and usual aervfce, and which maintains 1 r the Man-
se an and ocutrol as tLe rest of the establishment and has n
an integral part thereof a dining room with appropriate fncilitico
for seating at less thus thirty guests at one tine, where the
general public is, i onsiderntioh of payment therfo r,ereved
with meal's ,t tables a
(h) "R_tourants" as herein u cis ll n air: establi.h-
ent, other then a hotel, under the central ofma� in Is proprie-
for ar m sager havI., appropriate facilities for Llie errving of
sale toanot less than thirty guests at one time andwhere meals
m e reg ulnrly furnished A table. t�: ti,, ,on .. I public nod wliich
employe n adequate Staff to provide the sun1 and suitable ser-
vice to its guests, and the prisalp.l part of the busines. of
which 1s the serving of foods.
(1) "Exclusive liquor store" no herein used shall be an
establishment used exclusively for the sale of Intoxicating
liquor at retai ly either a n or lff sale or both.
(�) The term "Club" Shall ?'lean erd include any corraration
duly organized under the laws of the State of I'Snneeotltfsr
civic, fraternal, social or business purpose. of for intellectal
Smprovemente 'r for the 1'r.na ti an of sports, which shall have
more than fifty member., and whichshsll far are than ¢ ye r
Seoti-n 1 continued p2
have owned, hired or leaned a building or .apace ih a building
of each extent and character as nay be suitable and adequate far h
the reasonable d comfortable ...om.dati.n of it. member. and
whose affairs n n manager ant are conducted by a board of direc-
tors, executive committee, or other simital body chosen by the
members at a meeting held for the purpo Be none of whose "embers
officers gents oremployees are paid direutl; or indirectly ¢ g
comp ansati.n by way of profit from the distribution or Bale f
beverage. to the member of the club or to its guests beyond the
amount 0f such reasonable salary or wages as ma.' be fixed and
voted a each year by the directors or, other governing body.
(k) The tam "Drug store" as uded in c.nJanet l -n wigh
licensing under thin ordinance shall mean any place where drugs
are kept, compounded and Bald pd which shall nt ¢11 times be in
charge of a registered pharmacist, or of a registered an BIDtant
pharmacist during the temporary absence of such regiet Bred
The fact that dancing is conducted in ¢ hotel or restaurant shall
not mak e such Place ineligible to receive a licence hereunder If
each dance is incidental to the regular service of the hotel or
Section 2. License Required,- -IPo person -hall, directly or
indirectly, upon any pretense .r by any device, manufacture, in-
port, dell, exchange, barter, dispose of or keep for call any
Intoxicating liquor without first having obt aired a license there-
for a. hereinagter provided. Licenses ahall be of two kinds; "On
.ale-and "Off sale-.
"Off Bale• licenses Bhall be granted to permit the sale of
liquor at retail or whale .ale in the oriC,inal package issued
only to proprietors of ➢guC stores and Exclusive Liquor stare..
"On sale" licensee shall be Created only t0 hotels, clubs,
and Exc lualve liquor stores, and shall permit the consonption
of liquor an the premises only. Uor more than. four (4) such
license. shall be granted at any one time.
Sectl:n 3. App lie�:�.ti.n for Liven Be.- -Every person desiring a lie-
ns. for either "on" or ".SI .ale." shall file a verified applies -
ties therefor Sn writing with the clerk f the m unicipality in
the farm to be pre- cribed by the commissioner and with ouch addit-
ional information a. the council of Lhe "unic ipallty may require.
A surety bond .hall accompany each application far a li,�en.e. In
the case of an appli Doti on for an -on ecle•li c ens e, the - pplicatin
.ball be coo omp ¢nied by a corporate surety bon'. in the r.am of -
^3,000 to be approved a to legal form by the attorney far the
village and as to sufficiency by the council; or in ,lieu of .uch
bond, cash er bond. of the United State. .£ o m, ket value of
$3,000 may be poet ed. In the case of ¢ npplicat ion for an off
sale" liBenee n slm liar cur sty band a cash ar Unit ed State. band
equivalent shall be required, but theramount of bond shall be
^1,000 and shall also be uppre- by the commissioner. All ouch
bond. Bhall be conditioned as fall,",
(a) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such
licensed bu- 'ease.
.(b) That the licensee will pay, to the municipality when
due all tax ea, license face, penal ti ee and other Charges prov-
ided by 1 -w.
(c) That Sn the event of any vi.lotion or the revisions
of any law relating to the retail "off sole" and retail "on sale ^' -
of intoxicating liquor, such bond .hall be forfeited to the 'Grll
village of Edina. a
Section 3 continued p 3
(d] That the licensee will pay to the extent of the Zin-
cipal mount of such bond any damages for denth or injury ca..ed
by or resulting from the vlalstion of ney provision of law a -.
Sating thereto. and in each cases recovery under this sub - division
(d) may be had fr- the curet;; on his bond. The mount specified
n ouch bend I. declared to be a penalty, the —cunt recosse blc b
to be measured b the actual d_1( -; provided, however, t11,t in
- ohnll such surety be liable for a mount in exce.a of
penal amount of the bend r . -
It shall be unlawful to make any Yalae ot.ntemeate in an
�'�"�""" Section 4 Peen. -- All applies Lions fur licenses s 11 be scan
pawl ed by a receipt from the village trensur or far the required
annual fee for the respective license. All such fees shall br
paid into the general fund of tie municipality. Upon rejection
of any applScatI -n for license. the hreasurer, aR 11 refund the
mount paid -:nd the bond of said npPif cant eh. be returned to
The annual fee for an "off nlle "llieense ahallbbe ^°'30.00.
All li senses shall expirer ^.tonoon naon April let I. e:+ch ye.,r.
the fedsnhallibeued hirtan sharer of the ¢nnnalp line... e pro_ noun
'. Section B. Granting of Licensee.- -The village council ehsll
muse n Snvestlgati to i,a made of ill the rope esentnt i an set
forth in the application. Opportunity shall be given a a
regular or special meeting of the Council to any peroan to be.
�'..' he rd for or ogafnat to granting of any lie enee. After such
investigation and approval of the required bond the village councl
shall Grant 4r refuse such license Sn Sts diecret i en; provided thA
^off sale" license shall become effective until St, together
with the bond has the approval of the liquor control o en1 i.eer.
All lie ensed premises aria 11 have the license Fasted inC con -
Bpecicuous place therein at all tines. i.a license shall be
transferable bather as ;C licensee or F.remioes wit hnut the ppravd
of the council and also of the Liquor Control Cer +miseiener in the
case of "off sale" licenses.
Section 6. Conditions of License.- -All licensee granted hereunder
shall be grante,l subject to Lhe Yollowing conditions and nil other
conditions of this rdinance, and -bjeet to all other ordinances
of the village applicable the ate and to all regulatlan. Pr
Cuts by the liquor control conmiseioner app tScable thereto.
Every license shall be re.posiblc for the conduct of his
place of business and the conditions of sobriety and order there -
Sn. P +a "a sale. ".des le£ ah,ll ell liquor by the bottle or Can-
. toffesalee "r onlyashallm —It theeBco consumption anyeliquoroon
par + o n
such licensednpremioea.
So "off sale" license shall be issued for any place where
non -int exicating. malt beverages shall be sold for consumption
n the premise.. miner. lio lac es ae Chnll be
o No liquor shall be Cold to n'
gr noted to a minor, and n ,yin r ah¢11 be employed Sn any rooms
constituting the place in which intoxicating 1lquoro s. sold
retail at "o sale." c
o pools or billard tells. eholl. be kept or no d f any
an Bale" premises except a club a defined hereunder. n Sle
" e
licensee shall keci:, I ... eccor operate, or permit the keeping
posaese ivn or peratian of on the premises, or i any room
adjo ining: the lecensed practises controlled by him, an, slot machitq
'ice or'ot her Gambling device o apparat so, or permit say gambl-
ing therein, nor permit the licensed pr mice o any room in
the came o in any djoinirg building, directiyror indirectly
under his control, to be used as a resort for pr..t it utes or other
disorderly persona.
Ho license shall be issued to ¢ person not n eiti z an
of the gnited CtateB a vdhe shall be of good moral charest er
and repute, not to any Person who shall hereafter be convicted
of any wilful violation of any law of the United States or the
state .f gionesate or of any local ordinance with regard to the
nufacture, sale, distribution of intoxicating liquor, nor to
any person whose licence under this ordinance shall be revoked
for any wilful violation .f any such laws or ordinances.
270 license shall be granted to any manufacturer or distiller
of intoxicating liquor, n,tts any o n e interested in the . t� rehip
.r :, peration o£ any such place, nor to a person operatingaelic-
...ed place o ned by a manufacturer, distiller, or exclusive
wholesale distributing agent un.eoe such into' Br act w acquired at
least six menthes prior to January 1, 1934{ and n equipment or
fixture in any licensed place shall be owned in whole or in part
by any manufacturer or distiller.
No license shall be issued in conjunction with any business,
either for n sale" or "off pale" until such business has been
in continued operation in the : amides proposed to be licensed for
at least six months immediatelyrproceeding the date of applicati?a
for such license.
i..t m e than one license of either class shall be granted -
to o arson nor to one management except in the care of ex-
cluoive liquor et are., no deficed herein.
Us license shall be granted for operation on any premises
upon which taxes or casesements r other financial claims of
the village are deliquent and unpaid.
All premises where any licence hereunder is granted shall
be c,en to inapecti ^n by any police or health officer or other
properly designated officer or employe of the village at any
time our lag which the place ea licensed shall be open to the
public is' buein.ea.
No license shall be granted within 250 feet of any school
or within 250 feet of any church.
Section 7. Hours of Dperat%n. -- H. sale of intoxicating liquor
shall be made a Sunday nor before 3 .,.,cell F. ht, vn any
memorial Day or before 8 o'clook r.i'. o any lectian Dgy I'
the village. I!. " all shall be madenbefore II o�clock A. re
or after 12 .'.look midnight of day day. No "off sale shall be
made before 8 08' .'.look A. IT. ¢ after 8 o'clock P. I'. c any
ady except Saturday an which day "off sales" may be made until
10 .tole ck p. li.
"o�°action 8. Rastridtopms pb Comsumption. -- In any place for
the liquor sold shall be served and consumed at
table. equipped with ch,ir. -t which customers must sit to be
served !n the dining room of the restaurant, hotel o. club
Liquor shall not be one used or nerved at bars or c ant er., but
may be served at soon ter. wh a,a food -I. regularly s ..d ned
may be served and c med and which 0... ter. a equipped with
consumed e
ch¢1 re or stool, f. aea'ing of cost owe s. All window. in the
Section 8 continued p8
front If any such place ehall be of clear Blase, and the view
of the whole interior shall be unobstructed by screens, curtains
or partitions. There shall be m partition, box, stall, -creep,
curtain or other device shall obstruct the view of any part of
said rooms provided, however, that partitions, subdivisions
or panel. not higher Shan 48 inches from the floor shall not
be construed an 1n conflict with the foregoing; and provided,
however, such license shall entitle tie holder thereof oper-
a e taurant Ir hotel to serve liquor- in a.aeparate
rasa a
part of such restaurant ar dining roam at bonqueta
r dinners at which are present not less than six persons or
in hotel rooms .. to guests i n
epneetion with meals.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to mix or
Prepare liquor for consumption in any public place or place If
business where no " n sale" license is held or to oo s me liquor
in such places. Eo liquor e. shall be sold or consumed on e. public
highway. or in an automobile
Secti --n 9. Revocation. -- Any license issued hereunder may be re-
voked bythe council for I•ny violation of ary provision or con-
dition of this .ordinance Ir.the state li censix:9 law or any fals-
ification of any stet ement in the applicatisa; provided that "off
sale "lsc sass may be so revoked also by the Liquor Contra Como -
ieeioner. Any Inch lecense .shall be .revoked automatically uron
the conviction of the licensee of a felony. is portion of the
license fee paid Into LheV111age Treasury shall be returned
upon revocation of license.
Section 10. Repael. -- Allordi -n.,,I If this village, including
apeei£Sc•<lly, but not exclusively, ordinance number 12, adopted
February 27th, 1920,0 any provision- of all .ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance a ay of it. provisions, are hereby
repealed. Ho provisIona r
hereof shall affect the ordinance adopted
by the Village Council April Gth, 1933, published April 13, 1933,
licensing and regulating the sale of non- intcxicating malt liquor
adopted pursuant to Chapter 116, Le I of 11irnesota 1933, or any
license granted thereunder.
Section 11. provisions Separable.- -Every section provision Ir
part of this rdinance I. declared separable Pram every other
c t1 on, provi.IIn ar part, hereof ha 11 be declare invalid, it
shall not affect any other section, provision or part.
Section 12. Penalty. - -Any person violating any provision If
this - rdinance shall be Guilty of a. miodemeanor, and upon c -
viation thereof shall be Published by a fine of net more than one
hundred dollars (L100.00) or in default of each payrent.ehall be
imprisoned in the county ,{ ail .for net to exceed ninety (90) days ,
plus tits coat of pro Recut l an in any case.
Suction 13. Effect. - -Thin ordinance -hall take effect and be in
force from and after its passae and publication.
Passed by the Council this 29th day of 7.1..ry 1934.
Approved: B. F, 1. -Guirs
(president of Council)
Ben B. 1loore, _
Village Recorder.
Al" "Ali CRDIitAr,^.i;
Or I?[bR,
The Council do ordain an 170110..,
{legtl.n B. ReeEtiotf one on 'C n r t1 - In rcotnurnnto -
ann hotels hn vinC. nn ^on sale^ 1 Deno. liquor .hall Do
served and eonoumed In dln1nC room. at tnU1a. cqulppbe
With 0.1 rs, at which ouata.erl must sit to be oorvcd, 'l,
.11 liquor eholl not be oon.rated or nerved at bar. or
countele, but nay Lo oervea nt oO.nl.,. wher, luod In
raGUlntly Dervca nrd eonoumrd and which mintoru, nre
aqulp,so vl th 0hnir. or .toole for oaotlaC of ouaton.rn.
All window. In the front of cry cuoh pinen ..hall Do of j
clear (;lnoo, and the vi ow of the Wool. interior rhnlo
be an,Dotruotod Dy Or can curtni h- nt nteriornh
There s�nll be no partll,.n� box, Dtnll, artIt Io curS.ln
or other device onion W1¢il obntruct rho view of car
pert of oeld r.om from the Cenaral obnetvntlnn of par -
..n. In .old r.07, provided, however, that partitlonn, - }
.ubdlI of no or -110 not hIfher tFan 40 inchco from
the !loot .lu,ll not be Oon.Lrucd na 7n conflict With the
enteCOlnCi ana provldod, ha.aver, .uch license ahn11
entitle the holder thereof oparatine a reotaurnnt or
I hotel Lo oerva liquors do n aepernto room, a E.rt of ouch
renLnurant or dinlaG roan at bunquot. or din�arr et
vole. are preaent not loon than .1x peraon. or In hotel
rnoma t0 Cuenta in oonnectlon .111, meals.
It .hall be unl -ful for nay person or perrono to mix
or propere liquor for conarmptlon In Iny T.ublIs place
or ploop of buolnce. Where no "on role` llocno� 10 hold
or L0 aonorane liquors In Itch pincec. ro liquor ahnll
be cold or conormod on n public hlChnoti or In nn auto-
VIDUTT.IIt February 20, 1934. '.
Dock of 1/0. d to 6/20/37
. raCc 10
CRDIRA'Icr p4Cr.
Dot Recorded
The Council of the Village of Edina does ordain.
Section 1. The sale of non - intoxicating malt liquor, containing not more than 3.2
per cent by volume of alcohol, for con umpt ion on the premises, is hereby limited
to provats golf clubs owning and operating club house. for their member. in which
refreshments are served as incidental to the regular business of the club, and
not mars thm three (3) mgularly established restaurants. No dancing aha11 be
permitted in any restaurant as licensed, the sale of intoxicating liquor, containing
er 3.2 per cent of alcohol by volume, for co .umptlon on tpa premises shall be
licensed only at private golf clubs eligible for an "On -sale" non - intoxicating
malt liquor license under this ordais- . The sale on intoxicating liquor, as
herein defined, in the original packages for removal from the place of sale, shall
be licensed only at one (1) exclusive liquor store.
Section 2. The fees for license for the Bale of non -intoxicating malt liquor and
intoxicating liquor shall be as follows and shall be payable in advance:
"On ale- non intoxicating malt liquor (restaurant.). . ..$ 50.00
"0n - sa1e" non - intoxicating malt liquor (gold club) . . . . 50.00
"Off -sale "non - intoxicating malt liquor. . . . . . . 5.00
"0n-sale" Intoxicating liquor (gold club) . 100.00
"Off -sale" Intoxicating liquor (exclusive liquor store) .. 750.00
DJ Any fees for license heroin provided which exceed $500.00 per annum may be payable
In two equal semi - annual installments.
Section 3. Every section. provision or part of this ordinance is declared aep-
arable from every other section, provision or part; and if any section, provision
or part hereof shall be declared invalid, it shall not affect any other section,
provision or part.
Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective ian.diately upon its p. e.g.
and publication, and the fees herein fixed shall apply to licenses hereafter
issued. It shall repeal, amend and supersede those portions of the two ordinances
of this Village entieled "An Ordinance Linens ing and .Regulating the Sale of
Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances, and Providing a
Penalty for the Violation Hereof" adopted April 6, 1933, a amended and I'm
Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor, Repealing
Inconsistent Ordinances and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof,"
adopted January 29, 1934, and any other ordin- ces,or parts thereof of this
Village that are inconsistent herewith.
The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was sedmded by Trustee Prescott
and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein them
were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was declared duly adopted.
i Passed January 11, 1937.
g -.{ Published January 14, 1937.
LgGAL- m&ncES
eo.ei<l.l ra �.ttanl.
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The Village Conneil of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Ruin an c es Defined, A nuisance is a thing, act, occupation, or use of
Property whleh -
�- 1, Shall annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comford, or repose
of the public
2. Shall offend public decency{
3, Shall u�awfLlly interfere with, obstruct, or tend to obstruct or render
dangerous for passage, , lake, stream, canal, or basin or a public parl, square,
street, alley, or highway,
4. Shall in any way render the public insecure in life or in use of property.
Section 2. Nuisances Affecting Health. The following are hereby declared to be
nuisances affecting health:
1. All decayed or unwholea nee food offered for sale to the public.
2. All diseased animals running at IarP•e,
3. All ponds or pools Of stagnant watat.
4. Milk which is produced by cows which Have not been tested and Pound free
of tuberculosis within the year previous to the offer lnF, of such milk for Bale with-
in this village,
j, Carcasses of animals not buried or destroyed within 24 hours after death.
6. Accumulatl ons of manure or rubbish which are breading places for flies,
mosquitos or vermin.
7. Privy vault. and garbage ca s which are net Ry- tight.
8. The pollution of any public well or cietarn, stream, canal, or lake or
body of water by sewage, c emery, or industrial wastes or to other aub,t -C e,
9, All Hate Sous weedsrend other and growths of vegetation upon public or
private property.
10. Dena. oke, neMious fumes, gas end soot, or cinders in ouch quantltlea
as to render the oe<upancy oP property uncomfortable to a pe reon oP ordinary
11. Offensive trades and businesse$ as defined by statute not licensed by the
village board of health ea provided�by law.
12. All public exposure of persons having contagious disease,
13. The use oP a co„son public drinking cup or roller towel.
14. The distribution of esuples of medicines or drug, unless such samples are
placed in the hands of ..adult Fars on.
V. All other act,, emissions of acts, occupations, and uses of property
i� which are a menace to the public health.
5 t1 3 N Ssances Affecting Morale and Decency. The following are hereby de-
claredtto ba nuisances affecting pub lie morale and da ceneyl
1. All gambling device$, clot sachlnee and punch boards.
2, All house, kept for the purpose of proet
restitution or prasiscuwa sezvsl
inter cour.a, gambling houses, houses of 111 fame, and bawdy house$.
3. All domestic ani—le in the act of copulation exposed to public view,
4. All places where intoxicating.liquors ¢re manufactured, Gold, bartvrnd,
or given away, in violation of law or where persons are permitted to resort Por the
purpose of drinking intoxicating liquors ao a beverage, or where intoxicating
/ liquors are ke sale, bartbars,rand Othert ion rtyike tl can efdu,;d and for main -
qu ors, gs, pumps, property pt an
taining such a place.
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as followm
Section 1. Ay ph= who shall hereafter be feud Iurking, lying In
rail or concealed in nrp hou�e'or other building, . or in any yard, premises, street,
avenue, part or parkway, within the limit. of the Village of Edina, with intent to
do any mischief, or to pilfer or to cis®it any crime or misdemeanor whatever, or
who, not being an agent, servant, and/or employee of a railway company, shall get
sm or, off the care or locomotives of any railway company operating its cars and
locomotives within said limit. while the -same are in motion cr standing still, or
trespass up. the yard., or premise. of .snhrailway company with the Intent to
obtain a ride upon sash cars or locomotivesar sweep the same, or for any other.
without the consent of such railway company, its agent. or employaes,
hall, npp��n eowietI- thereof, be Punished by s fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars FIN.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days.
Section 2. Any per.- or person., who shall commit, do, made aid,
'-eountmance mr assist I..- itting, doing or making any noise, riot, disturb -,
Improper diversion or disorderly conduct, and all persona oho shall collect In
bodies or crowds iu said village, for unlawful purposes or to the annoyance or
diaturbanca of the citizens or travelers, shall, for each offense, on conviction
before the Justice Court of the Village of Edina, be liable to the e.se fine arA
punish ant provided for in section one of this ordinance.
Section 3. Ay person or persons who shall appear in any street, avenue,
park or parkway ens /ar public platt cad /or exposed pia.. in said .village, In a
state of nudity, or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in any indecent
or loud dress, or shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person, or be
' f any oba<me, lascivious or filthy act, or of any lewd, indecent, imsoral
or a.,...rting,r�ducE, language, or behavior, or shall exhibit, all or offerer to
sell any Andecent, obscene or lard book, picture or other thing, or shall exhibit
or perform any indecent or lewd play, or other representation, shall upon convlo-
tion thereof, before the Justice Court of the Village of Edina, be liable to the
ponisbment and pmaltias provided In section ono of this ordlmamm.
Section 4. Any person who shall be found in a state of open or notorious
dnudceoaeea or intoxication, in any street, avenge, public and/. exposed place
within the limits of the Village of Edina, shell on conviction thereof, before the
Justice Court of the Village of Edina, be liable to the punishment and penalties
provided in section one of this ordinance.
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in farce from and after
it. publication.
Section 6. All ordinances or part, of ordinance, Sn conflict herewlth
are hereby repealed.
Pa ... d the C-il of the Village of Edina, this nth day of October,'1930.
Bea B. Moore, President. i
Recorder. i,....
(Published In The Rexumpin County Review, Thursdays October 16, 1930.) :\
�I �¢
-�-. -.
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do crisis as fol-1,,.,:
Section 1. That all previously enacted ordinances relating to the
establishment of parking time limit, and the establishment of —perking areas
are hereby repealed.
Section 2* That no per.— shall park any vehicle or permit it to stand
upon any street of the Village in violation of parking time limit, as such time
limit, shall be established from time to time by resolatios, of the Village Council.
Section 3. That no person shall park asy vehicle or permit it to stand upon,
any street of the Village in violation of the prohibition against parking in
ac- parking areas as such no-parking areas shall be established from time to tin, by
resolution of the Village Council.
Section 4. That no vehicle hall be turned - as to reverse its diectin
oft ravel on my Village street by swans using any driveway opening upon —h
,treat when doing so ,ill involve the b =g of the vehicle out upon each street
or baking the vehicle Into the drive—y.
Section 5. Any person violating the provision, of this ordinance shall be
deemed gailty of a misdemeanor and shall b , punished by a fin, of not more the
One Handred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the scanty jail for a P.M
not to exceed ninety (90) day..
Section 6. This ordincose shall take effect and be in force from and
after its passage and publication according to 1—
Passed by the Village Council this 28th day of November, 1949.
(SIGNED) Gene Cooper
President of the Village Council
Bower Sloth—,
Village Clark.
dJ The v.logo council oP Edina do ordain xs follows:
Section 1. Definitions, The following terms are hereby defined as used in this
(a) "Transient merchant ". Any person, firm, or corporation who is engaged in
ho selling any goods, war s, r m rc.ndit,l either as principal or agent from a stationary
location in a bsildingeor upon a vacant lot which he occupies as a tenant at will, or
under a lease for a shorter term than six months or from a railroad car, or Prom a
truck, r Prom a vehicle statiesurily located in the street, is a transient merchant.
(D) "Hawker% Any person who shall sell any edible goods or m2bta from a
wagon, vehicle, or pack, going about from place to place carrying said goods or product
for the purpose If sale and delivers, is a hawker.
(c) "Peddler". Any person who shall sell any non- edible goods or product from
-g-,, vehicle, or pack, going about from place to place, carrying said goods or
product ar the purpose of sale and. delivery is a peddler.
Section 2, License Rewired. It shall be unlawful for any transient merchant, hawker,
or peddler to sell er offer for sale any goods, es rchandise or to do any business
or attempt tp dp art Wa"ess in this village without first having obtained from the
village recorder a license to do so.
Section 3. Anplicat ion for License, Before any license shall be issued to art person,
firm, or orporation to vend, sell, hawk, or peddle goods under this ordinance, the
person desiring said license shall file a itten application therefore with the village
Ada_ corder, Said application shall show: (1) The name of the applicant and of all
license associated
s ed; sociat nth him in his business; (2) the type of business for which the
(9) the place where the business is to be carried on incase of
transient merchants; (q) the length of time for which aid license is desired; (5) a
general description of the thing or thSngs to be sold; (6) the present place of business
of the applicant; (7) the places oY residence of the applicant for the five years Just
past. Blank applications shall be issued by the recorder on payment of $1.00, xhich
amount is credited on the license fee i£ the license is granted.
Section 4. License. Every application Sor license under this ordinance a ollb;ar the
written approval of the village me hall or president of the Council after an investigation
of the moral character of the applicant. When the applicant presents to the recorder an
application in proper form for any business not prohibited by law and pays the proper fee
hereinafter act forth, said recorder shall issue to said Applicant a license to conduct,
pursue, orcarxy on the business for which said license was requested for the period re-
quested. Said license shall be in substantially the folloing form:
To Whom It May Concern:
Know ye that there of ha
made proper application far a license to carry on the business of a
IN THIS VILLAGE, FROM o'clock, __m., 19 , to o
'clock 19 ,
and has paid the fees prescribed by ordinance therefor. Such license in hereby granted
and conferred, subject to revocation without notice as provided by ordinance.
Attest: President YY
Recorder Treasurer ,J
Seetion 5. Licenses Prohibited. No license shall be issued to hawk or peddle meat;
poultry. dry goods; cloth. clothing; fora; wearing apparel, old or new. umbrellas;
p eye — glass. a7 meddcines; watches; jewelry. plated war,; or silverware.
7 Section 6. License Fees. Fees for licenses under this ordinance shall be as follows:
Transient Merchant, per day . . . $ 5.00
Transient Merchant, per month . . . . . 25.00
Transient Merchant, six months . . 75.00
Hawkers, on Toot, per day . . . . 1.00
Hawkers, with push cart, pe rday . . . . . . 2.00
Hawkers, with xagon, par day . . . . . 2.50
Hawkers, on foot, per year. . . 10.00
Hawkers, with push cart, per year . . . . . 15.00
Hawkers, with wagon, per year . . 25.00
Hawkers, with automobile, per year. . . X1.00
Peddlers, on foot, per day. . . . . 2.50
Peddlers, with push cart, per day . 5.00
Peddlers, with wagon, per day 7.50
Peddler., with automobile, per day. . . . . . 10,00
Section 7. Duration of License. Each license shall be valid only for period specified
therein and no license may extend beyond December 31, of each year.
Section 8, License Not Transferable, Licenses issued under this ordinance shall be no, transSerable, No ra£unds shall b; made ort used portions of license except upon re,olu—
tion of the cre.ell. Each person engaged in the business of vending, hawking, or peddling
goods must secure a separate license.
! Section 9 License to be carried. All, llezz issued under this ordinance shall be
ried by the licen conspicuously posted in his place of business and such
licensee shall, enever requested, show said license to any officer or citizen who de—
sands to see that ame.
C Section 10. Practices Prohibited. No person, licensed under this ordinance shall call
attention to his busine or to his
goods , war erchandice, by crylog them cut,
by blowing a here, by ringixlg a bell, or by any loud or unusual noise,
Section 11. Revocation -
of Licenses. Licenses issued under this ordinance shall be
ocable wlthwt notice, by the council whenever 1n their opinion the good order of the
Village requires St.
Section 12. Exemptions. This ordinance shall not be held to include the licensing of
sales conducted pursuant to statute by order of any court, nor of any person conducting
a bona fide auction sale, nor of persons selling personal property at wholesale to re-
tail dealer,, nor of .,Iks n, n r of icemen, nor of any farmer or truck gardener selling
r offering the product, of his own any leased farm or stock, nor of any blind person
who is a bond fide resident of Minnesota.
Section 13. penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall b be c victed of violat-
ing the provisions oP this b, dinance shall be deemed guilty oP a misdemeanor and shall
be punished by a Tine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred Sollars
and costs, or by imprisonment in the village or ounty jail for not less than five days
ate than inety days, and in default of payment of said Tine and costs shall be
imprisoned at hard labor until said fine and cost, are satisfied, not to exceed a total
imprisonment of ninety days,
- Section 1L. Reneal. All ordinances and parts of ordinan ces in denfliet herewith are
hereby repealed.
Section 15. Effective, This ordinance sh.11 b a in full force and affect from and after
The V'U'go Council of the Village of Edina a. ordain as follows:
Section I - The p-atice of Going in and , private _id,_a
in the Village by solicitor., peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants and
transient Vendors of merchandise, not having b -1-1.d or th,11d, eo
to do by the owner of , occupant I. occupants of such private resi-
dances, for the 1—P--o of ..liaittol —d— for the adlo of goods, -,o.
and and /or for the PurP'10 If dilillih8 If dad/11 peddling or
hawking the — i, hereby dxclared to be I nujdl,do.
Section 2 - Any 1—od who shall violate the 11-vi-i— of this
Ordinance shall, 'Poo 11-1tiah thereof, be punished by , fine mat to
lo—d $lQQ or by imp,i—t in the county jail for a period not to o_od
ninety do'..
Section 3 - This 0,diahoa, shall take effect and be in force
Prom and after its publication.
P—od by th, Village Council this 23rd day of July , 1951 .
President of 'Villag, C',ho il
Vi—go Clerk
Plumbing Ordinance
Relating m Geared
Sewer Districts
In the Village of
Plumbing Ordinance
Kellogg- Mackay
R,,hting to C—L,d
MANUFACTURERS Sewer Districts 9
IntbO Village of '
818 to 028 F aurth Street So.
Plumbing Ordinance
Yara Pnpne, wmnnt etsl
3821 west lath street Tingdale Bros, Inc.
Real Estate
U HE 433 Mehopolifan Hank Bldg.
Geneva 8331
n apmia, Minn
Lumber, Millwork, Paint end Building Nelson's Pharmacy
Your Neishborhood Arassist
Aarry T. Laechez, Pres. & Treaa 50 and France Ave.
Minneapolis, Minn hDlinneapone
Geo. Aarteelt Oeo. Lundblad HENNEPIN COUNTY
—d to oar eaammera at rignr. i. "Let GEORGE Bo It It p
Entez pm s Edina'a.-Eftnewepap
4996 Fzance Ave. so. Phone Wal. -TY
- Ropk n, Dfinn.
Phone WA 2800 Riinneapolia
lohn Burkett, Prop. in$"
39 W. 50th St
eaT�rye CountrS [Glob
'Staple and fan Addit. nnby Crane Co.
nt discount o. h clash and
c ax ers ov r $t.00
e ¢Walnut 2943
K. Baker
Edina Meat Market C C 1 n
anal¢ F,rst mae, a n
t Rcasaonabia ea d
o the bb.. al c29s4 a olfesahs 1 Diet
food are not eztxevsganbuy best
393[ W. 50th St., near Franre 1i. �� ]ornr�,
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The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Definitions, A public dancing place, and a public dance, as the terms are
used in this ordinance, shall be taken to mean the same as those described in Section 1
of Chapter 139 of laws of Minnesota far 1923, and all acts amendatory thereto.
Section 2. Obsccnity and L ;W1ity Prohibited. No person or persons shell &no., m
shall any person to whom a permit is i ed permit or suffer env person or persons to
dance in any public dance hall or at ary public dance any indecent or immodest dances, o
any dance which is characterized by immodest motion of the body. No person shall in any
public dance hall or at any public dance act or speak in rude, boisterous, obscene or
indecent manner, nor shall any person to whom a --t for such dance has been issued
suffer or permit any Person to so act or speak therein,
Section 3. ...I nation. Every public dancing place shall be brightly illuminated while
an public use, and dancing therein while the lipj�ts are extinguished, dimmed or turned
lew so as to give imperfect illumination is prohibited.
Section 4. Certain n ns Prohibited. No person to when a le rmit has been issued under
this ordinance shall permit to be or main in any public dancing place or at any public -
dance any intoxicated person, any prostitute, and person of known immorality, or anv
unmarried person under the age of sixteen years u�ess such person is a companied by a
parent or legal guaraise, nor any unmarried person more than sixteen years of age and
under the age of eighteen years unless such person is ompanied by a parent or legal
guardian or presents the written consent of his parentaor legal guardian to the police
officer in charge of such dance, and every such written permit shall le retained by such
Section 5. Permits Reeuired. No place shall be used a a public dancing place and no
public dance shall be given unless a permit therefore has been granted by the village
ouneil in accordance with Chapter 139 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1923 and acts amend -
atory thereto, and the applicant shall pay $5.00 therefor.
Section 6. Hours far Dancin All public dances held on Saturday nights shall close
promptly at 12 M. Pahl ic dances shall not be held or conducted. between the hours of
1 and 6 o'clock A. M, of any day; provided that no public dames shall be held or conduct
ad on Sunday,
Section 7. Penalty. Any.,pemen, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be pamished 69 a fine or at less than
610.00 nor m re than $100.00 and the costs of prosecution, or be imprisoned in the village
aunty ,jail for not less than ten days n ore than ninety days, or unless such Sine
and costs are paid, not exceeding ninety days. m j
Section 6. Renealing. All ordinances, parts or ordinances inconsistent with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 9. Effective. This - dinance shall take effect .-I e in force from and aft -
its passage and publication.
Passed the village council this 27th day of February, 1926,
(SEAL) Attest: S. K. i S T : 1 �
E. T. Edson, Recorder Presdent, 11'/
.r J