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Ordinances_Black Book 2
4J rAN ORDINAN ✓ :E A4EJDING THE TBr-LAWS LTDINANE✓ jpX ?N ORDINANCE LICENSING ADD REGULATING TIED RETAIL SALE OF CIGARETTES )/ '� ^ ORDIPI.INID LICENSING APiII] RGULATING 1. SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR/ I - NN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'AN ORDISANC LICENSING AND REGULATING TIM SALE OF IPTTOXICATING LIQUOR" A/ T.c'4DTCPIT TO INTOXICATING LIQUOR ORDINANCE Jy. ✓N ORDINANCr CONCERNING, INTOXICATING LIQUOR �O `(,LIQUOR ORDINANCE ,//AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND RGULATING TEE SALE OF NOT? - INTOXICATING HALT LIQUORS +�e2, - .:- v-/]N ORDINANCE 9M' ING AN.ORDINANCE. LICENSING AIM REGULATING THE SALE OF %:G - /7W- ` NON- IPTTOXICATING, HALT LIQUORS ✓�4T1 ORDIN.MJCE LICENSING A'JD REGUL.7TING THE SALE OF MON- INTOXICATING NALT LIQUOR %L3 y ✓ nT7 ORDINANCE F7'CJSDING AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING TIC SALE OF Ay NON- INTC.XIC.ATING HALT LIQUORS QjPD- NoO.QS eF� RF ORA /JYANG, AMENOINd/14 - ap/[,&S -� KAN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF HIGH'AAYS 30 ���qqj,, I AN ORDINANCE JCCULATING. TRAF^j�'SC Ste/ ,`� �J• • AMGNN� /R9 / /CRDIN:ANCE REGULATLDG THE USE OF HIGHWAYSff&- j ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF TAXICABS37-' / RSOLUTION FLUNG NUNCER OF LICENSES AND NA.YIM4 RATES UNDER TAXI -CAB ORDINANCE40 ✓jGASJ ORDINANCE LI IIJNG SPEED OF ELECTRIC CARS 4-IJ✓ / y"1 �/�N.^AN ORDINANCE TO I ICENSE BICYCLES 42 - 4. ✓ ,"'RULES & REGULATIONS. FOR OPERATION. OF BICYCLES ✓y',P/N ORDINANCE REGULATING I. STORAGE AND HANDLINGS OF DANGEROUS LIQUIDS Al " Y M1N" ORDINANCE AYENDING "AN ORDINANCE'R:;GULATING THE STORAGE OF DANGEROUS LIQUIDS..* - -i' •✓' h4N ORDINANCE LICENSING AN➢ RECUTATING BOWLING ALLEY3,5-41 lAN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE (v0 -{ J l ORDINANCE VENDING AN ORDINANCE OF TED; VILLAGE OF EDINA ( 2 �A,A /N %09DIN>'T10E PROHIBITING ANILILS RUNNING AT LARGE O.T9D/IJANOF RELATIVE TO MI DEMEANORS. BREECHES OF THE PEACE, 6y,. i OADINANCE FLATIVF TO IISD:TWvORS BREACHES OF TkC; PEAVEY I•PRCFER DIVERSION & DISORDERLY CONDUCT �jyQ/r'j.p /NAN�E �F ✓ENr //YG I. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING CERTAIN MISDEMEANORS AND PRESCRIBING PENALTY AN ORDINANCE FORT HE PROTECTION, PRESERVATION OF WEALTH, SAFETY, - i �'l� p�e� FEACE, GOOD ORDER AND WELFO F TIN INHABITANTS l% ¢ �dC ' / ORDINANCE CREATING A BOARD OF HEALTH 7�-� - %rE XAN ORDINANCE DEFINING NUSANCES %3 � �I Z_ ND ORDINANCE REGULATING A LICENSING RESTAURANTS, CAFES, DINING R00143 A/ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE BETA BLISHMENT OF A VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTM3.MP %1- ✓. A/KAN ORDINANCE REGULATING & LICENnSING TRAdSIE/N�T MERCHANTS, HAWKERS AND 7L ✓ ' PEDDLERS -(N1/ a, / q�%� iy�-i - 769. A/ AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND REGULATING PUBLIC DANCING PLACES i){-� { AN ORDINANCE (REQUIRING THE F040VAL OF ACCUMULATIONS OF SNOW & ICE FROM SIDEWALKS �eCUSSION OF RUBBISH, PAPERS, CONTAINERS I I Vl�AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BURNING OF TRASH 5.0 ORDINANCES FRANCHISE----GAS LIGHT kd -�L Iii ✓/ lJATER '/AN 0?20INANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE & REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF FIREIdORKS . AN ORDINANCE PROHIBING THE USE OR SALE OF CERTAIN FL'REWMS c/J 1� WI AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS 9A, AN ORDINANCE 114EIDING ZONING ORDINANCE ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE 9��-9�iA 9 ?%7 • { AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE6,p� `rt � --ice JAN i /1. -9b , �4' ZONING oRDINANCE &- 9- �_ PLUMBING ORDINANCE OIPD. .!/e.c/: =i N� f�.�,aRs- 9v -Av,b� - 4•?v.Fsr..�3.e�. PERNir �.. SFdER ORDINANCE /a QRD.�4dccN<E XP /�aSAj•�I AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING CONNECTION WITH THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM /N ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA 0'2' "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, ESTABLISHMENT, ALTERATION, ENIAlMEKENT, MOVING, DEMOLITION OF ANY 'BUILDING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOVING OF HOUSES, BUILDINGS, & OTHER STRUCTURES THE BUILDING CODE /ay ` ctm o oaf,/ CURFEW ORDINANCE ORDINANCE RELATING TO AIR RAID 'IQ .y;N PM D.�£G'UI,/fr /NG' %EcNANIcAA f1^1useMENT "//'E/�jcc"� .� BLACKOUT ORDINANCE ./07 �AN CADINANCE NAMING AND RENAMING CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS & AVENUES /o/OPry J ASE✓DI USSION ON ACQUIRING MIRROR LAKE /o J / THEATRE LICENSE FEE AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CUTTING OF PAVEMENT /// / C E AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS /1� ✓ �� �, YbP T��SPOSyL d� G�HT�'AA GE ANO fJ��r �•`+/� >E/YT 007 s oa A „ t/ME/YD /NG pp�VrDO�Oi7e f10 ✓�J" f N �RO /%✓9NCF_ /°���/3�• '' ti n . �i`/E'NAN✓G 6//A/` I- CDE— �G.S>vsi.�/a//i:,/c %�Bi,! ���5"�.,,�. p Ga'TfJ,�/✓S// /NS' / /(/N %C/PF3.{ �� o/Q /�% P NSARY I��o'�Yd,'� _ /y N /i /CEN�i//G J�Y�/CEfufhT /��o 9. sip /yl -•, �1 n / r / /ROM /q /r N[/. �Eh / ✓ERY D/�'�is UOZ. � �j � I5O, II (yf'ts,�/�EgUf9rio/✓S fo/2 AvrE�Nin /� . /Ss/✓s� q A GRANT /Ny -- �/2ANC/flS4� /�'O/j N/iN. ✓�EWE1Z /Np'NA /� D /T8 - /() O . I 1, yA/MfNP..GSOA'NG 07� 7i. �JI n9O.cisNiN �FR4ER .�ar /fE ?s �6 160.r , /IMGGND. dEI/A /PE ORU'lEsra &b /sN /N /YEI/ /F<dS /6�0. I EQi4iP, A r N I V /y �- 1 Y MISD�MPp NOIt �0(t l'�INO/�$ /o �EGU/C�'�EEI�A/�'�j /POD/ /E ,off ✓� ee; 3 �a :. 1 - -- VILLAGE BY-LAIM -__ of the 'lIILY,'C ON - DIT•1, !W * * +: i'Ilt C7SR:lY, 'AMNL:01A ✓� .MLL' 1, Pho Fresident - and in his absenca the shall call the me:obere of the cuu%eil to order hour for the maeting, H.hether Ln regular or time the roll of n-bar. of the ..,,nail shall corder, and if a quo_- I. pre senL ,.nd ansner minutes of the precedinG suoslon ohs11 be rend, Rll:Z. ,.. In case the :recorder and Yreeident are the council tiny call the la -tinT to order, and the cuuncll etiall forthnith elect one of its meeting shall prsecud as abe,.. RMY.. 3, :'very .saber pre.+eni ahall vo La on all ing officer, unleuo c..cueed ley the council for L 4. !:very rotiun e.eept :or - idjeus ent or duoed to and if uc sanded, shall be aldinR u1'ficer, �W.S u. a ::hen a member desire- to erin, any .attar ahall rise, add -sue the presidinG officer, and less .-ecoRnizod. :iULL� C. iio mcciber 0.11 o1-1, more tt- once on nut leave of the council. A motion to ed j.,,- ah:sll c,Ir y. be in order wlth-t dabite. V. Every ordinance ::hall receive tc+o several- 1eo.raa - of t1is Village It tlic appolutod opecial uessi ons at nhich be called by the Re- to Ua it awes, the corrected, and approved, both absent, any member of if s r;;eri,_.� bA p * went, t-bero to preside, and the .; autio- pat by the presid- al,cial re..eona given. peatpone!-nt ohall be re- fairly st ted by the pre - before the council, he p ^oceed no farther un- tba =ens ertion ulth .ad shall be decided ' readinC.s previous to its r=w Win. Zw=M,=",fT 4- .. ... .. -, --- , . .. -2- .... . .... AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE BALE OF NTOATI LIQUOR, RE- PEALING INCOUSISTENT ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING A PENA17T FOR THE VIOLATION, Edina does o d.ln: the ground floor and -hi- a service. and which maintains establishment and has as an for .eating not less than th consideration of payment the (h) "Restaurants^ as under the control of a singl the s.:qz of meals to not regularly Yuuniahedat table to provide the usual and sui business of which is the se (i) °Ew1us1w liquor elusively for the sale of in (�) The term -Club- a hall mean y place where drug. are kept° compounded and sold and which shall at all ti-e-' ! be in charge f'a registered pharmacist^ or of a registered assistant pharmacist during they temporary be of such registered ph. —cist. The fact that dancing 1. conducted in a hotel or restaurant shall not make such place j ineligible to receive a license hereunder if such dance is incidental to the regular service of the hotel.' or restaurant. I 3. Section 2. License Required,, No person shall: directly or, indirectly, upon any pretense or by arry device, manufacture, import, sell, exchange, barter, dispose ;ale any istoxicating liquor without first having obtained a license therefor provided, Licenses shall be of two kinds: "Cn Sale" and "Off Salo -, "Off sale" licenses shall be granted to permit the sale of liquor sale in the original package issued only to proprietors of Drag stores J liquor stores. "On sale" licenses shall be granted only to hotels, .clubs, and exclusive and aha1T permit the consumption of liquor on the premises only. Her each licensee shall be granted at any one time. Section 3. _ rp neatim for License, Every persm desiring a license for either "on" or "off sales" shall applicatim therefor in writing with the clerk of the municipality in scribed by the commissioner and with such additional information as the municipality may require. A surety bond shall accompany each application ' of or keep for as hereinafter at retail or whole -. and exclusive liquor stores, more than fear (4) ! file a verified, the form to be pre- council of the for a license. Ea the ease of an application for an "on sale" license, the application by a corporate the bond in as am f E to be approved. as to legal y sufficiency by the council; or in lieu cash or bonds of the. United States of,a market value of 33,000 may be of an application for an "off sale" license a similar surety bond or cash bond equivalent - shallbe required, but the amount of such bond shall be also be approved by the cassission r.: All such bond; hall be conditioned () That the lieeneee will obey the Iaw relating to such licensed `'- (b)- That the lieenees wlll,pay to the municipality when due all penalties and other charges provided by law. (e) That in the event of any violation or the provisions of any retail off sale" d retail "m sale ".of into i ting 11quo h bond f it dto the village of Edina, (d) That the licensee will pay to the extent of the p is ipal amount ,my damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violatim �- of law relating thereto, and in such cases mcovery-der this sub - division bad from the earety on his bond. The amount - specified in such ,bondis penalty, the amount recoverable to be measured by the actual damages; that in no was shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of of the bond.' It shall be unlawful to make any false statements in an application. shall be accmpanied form by the of such bond,. t posted. In the 'mse or United Statue;!, $1,000 and shall as follows: basinass, r, taxes, license fees - - t•' law "Ming to the shall be for - _. 1 of such bond of e r provi i (d) nay be declared to be a' ' provided, however,', �e the penal amount Section 4. (Nate: this ordinance section amended Mar. 23, 1936; Jan, Fee All applications for licenses shall be accompanied by a receipt treasurer for the required annual fee for the respective license, All paid into the general fund of the municipality. Upon refection of any license, the treasurer shall refund the amount paid and the bond of said be returned to him. The annual fee for an "on sale" licenss shall be $100,00. The annual fee for an "off sale" license shall be $30.00. ALI icen,es shall expire at nom on April let in each year. For licenses prior to nom April let, 1934, the fee shall be pro-rata share of the Sedtion 5. Granting of Licenses: The village eoneil' shall cause an investigation to be made of all 21, 1937; Nov, 30 191 from the village such fee. shall be application for a [[ applicant shall; ? "l issued hereunder 1 annual license fee,,;" - ',.:. the represent tiopa set forth In the application, Opportunity shall be given n regular or the council to any person to be heard for or against the granting of any such invettigation and approval of the required bond the village council retvse such license in its discretim; provided that no "off sale" license nffeetive until it, together with the bond has the approval of the liquor he_ All licensed preed- ban tram the license posted in a conspicuous placd �-' Lives. No license shall -be transferable either as to license. or premise. approval of. the council and also of the Liquor Control Commissioner in ;ale" licenses, - - Section 6. Conditions of Lteensei All licenses . granted hereunder shall be granted subject to the following special meeting of 1 license. After .i' shall grant shall become control ea:missioni:. the at all ` without the the case of "off . conditions and all other conditions of this ordinance, and subject to all other ordinances of the _. village applicable thereto and to all regulations promulgated by the liquor control commissioner applicable thereto. Every license shall be responsible for the conduct of his place of business and the cmdStims of sobriety and order therein. No "m Sales" dealer shall sell liquor by the bottle or container for removal from the premises. No dealer licensed for "off sales" only shall permit the consumption of any liquor on such licensed premises. No "off -sale" license shall be issued for any place where non - intoxicating malt bever ages shall be Bold for consumption on the premises. No liquor shall be sold to any minor. No license shall be granted to a minor; and no minor shall be employed in any rooms crostituting the place in which intoxicating liquors are sold retail at "m sale ". - --No pool or billiard tables shall be kept or used in any ^on a 0 1 a" premises except a club as defined hereunder. No licensee shall keep, possessor operate, or permit the keeping possession or operation of an the premises, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises cmtmlled by him, any slot machine, dice or other gambling device or apparatus,. or pernsit any gambling therein, nor permit the licensed premises or any row in the same or in any adjoining building, directly or indirectly under his control, to be used as a resort i for prostitutes or other disorderly persons. No license shall be issued to a" person not a citizen of the United States and who shall be of good moral character and repute, n t to any person who shall hereafter be con, . victed of any wilful violation of any law of the United States or the state of Minnesota r of any local ordinance with . regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution of intoxicating liquor, nor to any person whose license under this ordinance shall be revoked for any wilful violation of my such laws or ordinances. No lieenseahall be granted to any manufacturer or distiller of intoxicating liquor, or to my me Interested in the ownership or operation of any such place, nor to a persm operating a licensed place owned by a mamrf,eturer, distiller, or exclusive wholesale dis- tributing agent unless such - interest. was acquired at least six months prior to Jmmry 1, 1934) and no equipment or fixture in any licensed place shall be owned in whole or in part by any manufacturer or distiller. No license shall be issued in conjunction with any business, either for -m sale" or "off sales until such business has been in continued operation is the premises proposed to ' be licensed for at least six months immediately preceeding the date of application for such license, Net more . then on me license of either class shall be granted to one pers nor to ma management except in the 'case of exclusive liquor stores, as defined herein. No license shall be granted for operation on any premises upon which taxes or assess- ments or other financial claims of the village are delinquent and unpaid. - All premises where any license hereunder is granted hall be open to inspection by any police or health officer or other properly disigoated officer or employs, of the village at any time during which the place so licensed shall be open to the public for business. No license shall be granted within 250 feet of any school . or within 250 feet of say church. - xam�x Yrt ' Section - . Noun of Operation. No axle of intoxicating liquor shall be made an Sunday nor before 3-clock P. M. on any memorial day nor before 8 O'clock P. M. an any Election Day in the village. No "on sale- shall be made before 8 o-elock A. M. or after 12 o'clock midnight of my day. No "Off sale" shell be made before 8 o'clock A. M. or after 8 o'clock P. N. of any day except', Saturday on 'which day "off sale." may be made until 10 o'clock P. M. Section 8. lltes This Section Amended February 28, 1934, _ ReatrletSas m Consumption. In any place for "m sales" the liquor sold shall be served and eonsrmed at tables equipped with chairs at which mstomers meet sit to be served in the dining room of the restaurant, hotel, or club. Liquor shall not be consumed or served at bars or counters, but may be served at counters where food Ss regularly served and may be served and con- ,' /6 sumed and which counters are equipped with chairs or stools for seating of customers. All windows in the front of any such place shall be of clear glass, and the view of the whole interior shall be unobstructed by scrsens, curtains or partitions. There shall be no partition, box, stall, .screen, curtain or other device shall obstruct the view of any part of said cc; provided, however, that partitions, subdivisions or panels not higher than 48 inches from the floor shall not be construed as in conflict with the fore- ! going; and provided, however, such license shall entitle the holder thereof operating a restaurant or hotel to serve liquors in a separate rooma part of such raataurant or din- ing room at banquets or dinners at which a- present not less than six persons or in hotel romps to 'ats in connection with meals. ,t shall be unlawful for any person or persons to mix or prepare liquor for con - sumption in any public place or place of busi re ness whe no - on sale" license is held or to consume liquor in .-h places. No liquor shall be sold or consumed on a public high•• way or in an autonobile. Section 9. Revocation. Any license issued hereunder may be- revoked by the council for any violation of any provision or condition of this ordinance or the state licensing law or any falsification of any statement in the application; provided that -off sale" licenses may be so revoked also by the liquor Control Counissioner.. Any such license shall be revoked autonatically upon the conviction of the licensee of a felony. No portion of the license fee paid into the Village Treasury shall be tetumed upon revocation of license. Section 10. - Repeal. .. All ordinances of this village, including specifically, but not exclusively, ordinanc .ber 32, adopted February 28th, 1926, ar any provisions of all ordi --. in conflict' with this ordinance or any of its provisions, . are hereby repealed. No provisions hereof shall affect the ordinance adopted by the Village Council April 6th, 1933, published April 13, 1933, licensing and regulating the sale of non – intoxicating malt liquor adopted i, pursuant to Chapter 116, laws of Minnesota 1933, or any license granted thereunder. Section 11, Provisions Separable. Every section provision or part of this ordinance is declared separable from every other section, provision or part hereof shall be declared invalid, it shall not affect any other section, provision se part. Section 12. Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a middemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by .a fine of not gore than one hundred dollars (6100.00) or in default of such payment shall be imprisoned in the county jail for not to exceed ninety (90) days plus the cost of prosecution in any case. Section 13. Elfeet. Shis ordinance shall take effect and be in force frcea and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council this 29th day of January 1934. D. F. Mcby,ire, Approved, (President of Council) 7. f APENTIIIEPT TO INTCIICATIPIG LIQUOR; ORDINANCE The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Sention 4, Fees, reading as follows: The annual fee for an "on -sale" license shall be 5100.00, is hereby changed to read as follows: The Annual fee for an "on -sale" license to private and incorporated clubs in accordauce with state regulations for private clubs shall be the sum of $100.00. The annual fee for an "off -sale" license, reading, The annual feef for an "oft -sale" license shall be the sum of $100.00. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force fron and after its publication. IMTUTDS: I'arch 23, 1936 Book 1/8/34 to 6/28/37 ,age 153 WIN CE BOOK, Not Recorded FUMSNED: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF MALT AND INTOXICATING LIQUORS, FIXING THE FEED THEREFOR, REPEALING AND ERfr:NDING ✓ / /// EXISTING ORD11hNCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROIIOTII4G AND SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS, ORDER, CONVEIJIENCE, PROSPERiETY AND GENERAL llELFARE IN SAID VILLAGE The Council of the Villa -c of Edina does ordain. Section 1. The sale of non - intoxicating, malt liquor, containing not more than 3.2 per cent by voloca of alcohol, far consumption on the premises, is hereby limited to private golf clubs owainP, and operating club houses for their members in which refreashments are served as incidental to the regular buslness of the club, and net more. than threes(,) regularly established restaurants. No dancing shall be psfmittdd in any re stavrant so lic ansed, the sale of intoxicating liquor, containing over 3.2 per cent of alcohol by volume, for consumption en the premi sesshall be Licensed only at private golf clubs eligible For "On -szle" non - intoxicating Halt liquor license under this ordinance The�ls e� t tino liauor��� herein fined in the or, anal cka es for r val from Lhe lace o£ sale smell be licensed onl,. at on 1 exclusive liquor store. Section 2. The fees far license for the sale of non- intaxicating, malt liquor and int exicating liquor shall be se follows and shall be payable in advance: "Ce -sale^ - intoxicating malt liquor (restaurants) - 450.00 -sale^ -intoxicating malt liquor (golf club) 50 00 "Off -sale" non - intoxicating malt liquor 100.00 "On -sA1e" Intoxicating ,liquor (golf club) 'orr -sax . Intexieating liquor (exclusive liquor store) 750.00 Lw(�lo� yy, nvm Any fees far license herein provided which exceed "$500.00 per an may be payable in two equal sevu-annual installments. Section 3. Every section, provision or part of this ordinance is declared sep- arable Prom every other section, provision or part; and if any section, provision or part hereof shall be declared invalid, it shall not affect any other section, provision or part. Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication, and the fees herein fixed shall apply to licenses hereafter I. sued. It shall repeal, ameed' and supersede those portions of the two ordinances of this Village entitled "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Repealing Inconsistant Ordiaan and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof" adopted April 6,.1933, as amended, and "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof," adopted January 29, 1934, and any other ordinances or parts thereof of this Village that are inconsistent herewith. The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by Trustee Prescott and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and the resolution was declared duly adopted. Passed January 11, 1937. Published January 14, 1937. VAN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF MALT AND INTOXICATING k�...... LIQUORS, FIXING THE FEES THEREFOR, REPEALING AND EMENDING l/ EXISTING ORDINANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING AND SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS, ORDER, CONVENIENCE, PROSPERIETI AND GENERAL WELFARE IN SAID VILLAGE i The Council of the Villaee of Edina does ordain. �Sectim 1. Th. Sala of non - intoxicating malt liquor, containing not more than 3.2 - per cent by volume of alcohol, for con - tion on the premises, is hereby limited to private golf Clubs awning and operating club houses Por their members in which mfreashmnts are served as incidental to the regular business of the club, and not more than three (3) regularly established a— ts.iNo dancing shall be - p9Pmittdd in any reatauraat ao. licensed the sale of imrt at liquor, containing ever 3.2 per cent of alcohol by volme, for consumption co the premises shall be licensed only at private golf clubs eligible for an "On -sale" non- intmctcating malt liquor license under this ordinance :The Bale on 4ntozieatin &Xv r' a herein defined, in the om3glnal clrages fpr removal Irmo the place of-sale, shall blli��a. o ly ai w Zl) «alnai a um er store. _ Section 2. The fees for license for the sale of non- intoxicating malt liquor and intoxicating liquor shall be as follows and shall be payable in advance, "On-sale" non - intoxicating malt liquor (restaurants) .050.00 "on_ sale" non - intoxicating malt liquor (golf club) 50.00 ^Off -ea7e^ non - intoxicating volt liquor 5.00 "Gm -nale" Intmdeating ugaar (golf club) -.GG "Off -sale^ Intoxicating liquor (exclusive liquor at-) 750.00 Any fees for license herein provided which exceed 0500.00 per annum may be payable in two equal semi - annual installment,. {I Section 3• Every section, provision or part of this ordinance is datlared ep- arable from every other section, provision or part; and if my section, provision - orPart hereof shall be declared invalid, it shall not affect any other section, prcrision or part. Section 4. This ordinance shell become effective immediately upon it, passage and publication, and the fees herein fixed shall apply . to licenses hereafter ..issued. It ehall repeal, mend and supersede those portions of the two ordinances of this Village entitled "An Ordinance Licensing amend Regulatdng the Sale of Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Repealing Inconei.=t Ordinances, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof ^adapted -April 1, 1933, ass mended, and "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof," adopted January 29, -1934, and any other ordinances or parts thereof or this Village that are inconsistent herewith. The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was seconded by Trustee Prescott and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein theme x five eyes and no maysand the resolution was declared duly adopted. Passed January 11, 1937. Published January 14, 1937. LIQUOR ORDINANCE Village of Edina, Minnesota wti AMM kM ,o�o- _I 021)11'1%3:' LI L =GUL1 I:0 TI— SALE OF ICi- -I TOXIC TI LTrLI,UC`:S, : ^.',LIU! 11 C07SIS11r,,T '. C$LII :A: :C S, AiTi T_iC PiD Il'G A =-"ALTY FOR TIZ VICLATICI' Tll2=0F• The Conroe Council of the VillaCe cf Edina, i:ennepin County, .newt., do ordain. section 1. Definition of terns. (a) As used in this o , the t- "_ shall r. ncluds a r:at Ural Ier eonnof ceitk :er s _ otns, co- partnerships, arpo r2tione a - of t:a ll include the aC ent or n. of an o£ot :J.c aforeeaid. The sinrUlor n. u•tber shall include, the plural, and tLe nasculihe p.rcnoun shall inclued the feminine are ester. (b) "1, n- IntaAicatinE :alt Liquor" 111,11 Wean any Actable c +alt f pith an alcholic c ent of r; re than o e half of one p er cent a "oey volim-�e and not rore tl.an 3.2 centr by w iCht. n (c) A "Zone fide club- ^ d herein shell 'o club drCan- is ed far sociel or businecsrr see, or for intellectual intro vent, be for the Aron of ion at'usj•. ort s, wl.ere the s vinC of suchve liquors is incidental to and not thertajor purpose of the club. (d) "OriCinal I- a',Ce" a sed herein. shall be he battle o j wiled cant aiu er in +hichJt he liquor is placed at the rlece of rranufacture. (e) "Cafe" ar "Restaurant" a in this ordinance shall mean pines abet e.Preb ar inE an Vservinp lunches or eels to thee3 Y;utilic to be ca c-od on th ec pram ises canstitutesrr the major business thereof. Section 2. License Required. Y. parson shall sell, v , deal i isFose of, by Gift, sale othe-iro, or Leen a roffer fora sale, a - futon -tiI'L malt liquor Ilithin thisrvillace ti'+ithout fir stnhavinG received a 1 licence therefore as hereinafter provided. Licons ea shall no of two Linos "On Sale" and. Off Sale ". "0, Seale" licenses shall -ue Eranted only t� d,., stores, caf �•s, restaurants Lnd hetels r+ e f ad is pr eFairea e. sold for c ur..pti:;n on the prenise:.t ono in bona fide clubs, sand shall Hit tl:e sale of such liquor forcunsudi3tic n o;j the premises only. "Off Sale" licenses o all be E,anted to permit the sale at retail and uloblesold of s n liquor in the oriCino I: aclofel for removal frama:d c_nlumpti�n off the preniees only. cction 3. Ai,lication for Licenses. i All a plications for any license to sell non- tnta ::icatibL salt liquor shall be made on fares to be suplied by the Vi 11 a[e sett- x, forth the naxre of the er son ast is far suoh license, his aEe rep as to his charr.cter c,ith such references ne r'^ be required, kris citiz -hil, the location where such business�i to be carrrea on, Yhether such al : plicatien is for "On Sale or "Off 11 -,UOR -2 Sale', the tthat place, require fro tltc.c.t i ectian All applica fes for ,hii All such fe: Up ca , .hall ref.., The ..n..al The consul All license, ,.d ad that the xrplia, the regular o, 93 49. 4 4P D, cation. Or] against ' No "On 5,11" li,,p- shall be gr.,.tel f,,,a I's in ...... ti" with - aly-bine", or ". -11hars such h b. si . c a . ., club .a net been in operation at that place for at least six (6) months ineadistely preceding such application. Iio license 11,111 be granted £or sale or any premises where a li coca has been convicted Of the violation of this ordinance Or Where any license hereunder has been revokedfor cause for at least one (1) year after the said convf ct ion Or revocation. �_. No sale of non- intoxicating malt 2i quor shall be made .to any per - urderg.ardianship, nor to any person order twenty -One (21) Years o£ a All premises where any license hereunder is granted shall be open to inspection by any police or health officer or otherprcperly designated officer mr, employee of the I.Tge at any time during which the place so licensed is open to the public for business. No gambling, nor any gambling device prohibited by law, shall be permitted in any licensed premises. All licenses granted under this ordinanc, shall be issued to the applicant only and shall be issued for the. premises described in the application. Such license shall not be transferred to nother plece without the approval of the village Council. No license shall be granted to any manufacturer of non -I n tlxicating .al t,liquer not to anyone interected in the control any such place and no equipment or fixture in any licensed place shall be owned i in whole or in part by any such manufacturer. N.o license shall be granted within two hundred and fifty (250) feet of any public school. Licenses shall be granted only to persons who are citizens of the United States and to persons Of good moral character. 7 Closine ftcurs. No sales of any nun - intoxicating malt + / liquor shall be made on any primary, general or special election day. Section 8. Clubs. m No club shall sell liquor except to menbers and to guests of members. Section 9. No Bar, Partition. Box or Screen Permitted In any place licensed for "on sales" the liquor dold shall be served and consumed at tables in the dining or refreshment room of the oafs, .restaurant, hotel o club, and shall act be consumed a served at bars; provided the same may be sreved at counters where food is Is gularly s ved and consumed. All windows in the front Of any such placer shall be clear glass, and the view oY the whole interim .hall unobstructed by screens, curtains or partitions. There shall be no partition, box,stall, screen, curtain o other device Which shall obstruct the v of any part of said r Oom ,from the general observation of persons i said room; provieee, however, 'the partitions, subdivisions or panels not higher than forty- { eight '(48) inches from the floor shall not be construed as.in .Onf li c t' ni th.the foregoing; and provided, however such license shall entitle the holder thereof to serve o intoxicating malt lfgcOrs i separate roc of such restaurantnto banquestc Or dinners atawhich are present not less than s x (6) persons. Section 10. Revocation. Any license granted hereunder may be revoked by the council with out notice to Ehe grantee o a ing may first be held by the council and the revocationrta hear- for made or Cause. Any violation of any provision or condition of this di nonce or any falsification of any statement in the application .hail be ground for revocation, pto portion of the license fee pad into the village treasury shall be returned upon revocation. Section 11. Repe 1 d Fr h'b't d S 1 All ordinances o provisions thereof of the village in conflict with any of the provisions hereof (or Ordinance P?o. 12 of this village adopted February 27th, 1926) a e hereby repealed. Sething hereunder shall permit the manufacture,, sale or transportation; or keeping or having in posoession for sale or transportation of, cr taking or receibing or soliciting, any order for any liquor of a greayer alcoholic content than three and trvc- tenths (3.2) by weight except for, medicial, sacramental, pharmaceutical or scientific purposes, and any such act is hereby unlawful. Any violation of this pro- vision upon any premises licensed hereunder shall also constituee grounds for revocation of the license, and the same shall be aut)lomatically revoked upon a cenvicticu of the viclat ion cf this provision. S"'ion 129 Fen It v. Any person violating any prevision of this .rdi. hall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon c nviction thereof eo£ hall be punished by a fineofnot more than Ime hundred dollars ($100.00), r in default f Such payment shall be inpri coned in the village lockup (or county jail) for not to e eed ninety (90) days, plusthe costs of prosecution in. any case. I Section 13. Constitutionality. If any section, sub - section, sentence clause or phras of this ordinancF is for. held to be unconstit ut is Hal, each decision shall not aa£f ectsthe valikity of the remaining portion of this ordinance. Section ld. Effect. Thia .ordinance shall take effect and be in Force from nd after its public. tion (but not be £ore April 7, 1933,, in any case). _ Village of Edina AN O SING AND INGCTH BALK OP NON - ALINGMIN ONSi3TRn 7100063, LANCES, AND PROVmINO A TWN Pi ALTY F B TID: VIOLA ® BY TBE COIINCd OF TZ YDA.A OR OF RO IL R lAi3 M� PohWhed b T a emepin Comty , Thore BAmO 13, 1939 ' erE by eny sorb menufar[wetlr, �vs;a less Nan slaty osovs. ar 25 Np . W b Hm w m n peen an . R oa aRad �ce a b,tp tl berewtler ma9 cer E � ed by NenchwGt wtmout no- nH maY enerawpaia�oos'oe °`so° at �neiaebr9H°u,�cam;m ana lne ra. cEaaw R �um`ua � H°atoon men m �eor aaoaaa. � ioo - �ioxipatmH ia>sw�gwon au °ce maa �n eons a y club ssEUll xupE W th, hallttbep etuxueL Gov v 9atbnHlL oR peal avd 1'roWbi4d 6ln�ny plac'allcevsetllfor ' bn selea� �LhedwVillgee oxllvro conficeic Eb wltT t pvox so shpb th. e NnenE roomlo Ehe h(saxestnwce- oP eeopted mryE� meyservbeMS ba I mb mite' at covsroumea. aarVv ne to aI aiov to pgsgo w ena the vd�ce ts�Eh cewMi1e� ¢filar' I�c'gWUg anmor vmgp rEaEion 0 69 seeeexae cw- b two- tevl%M1eG en9 bpvox o1 E � o b k E� �s.�'1REere stroll a vo awe �e .-pt LLI r Qew�exwLicbaha wwobstruttvme �Eh rmsl and otehw altl xcom f. b� Heov tlon ._ p N y a.g 10 heseke L eu9r� obaa nPwe e— Un kEi u meb9oor abaI _E be wmRroetl asn e Nola WOV oI Lnb provdsmn. °�otl 2a�"n�iaW" °'"'°°° o �ti� �iw., o+a ao�u 'v�iuEHS °.sect �a ce.m m =oo o-om nna muc i� n�tan� nt n °t ceio:e awn v, i�'YU, .t�� �3the ownEU tats cra aer �sz�t mreva ®i o°t�ecow °u atv..t: son s: ai000 ' vu�oao seceao.. ivaew °on°awm+nia; tsC°°`am comer AH ORDWAACE AmSmING MX MINANCE LICENSING AND V REGULATING THE SALE OF HALT AND INTGCICATING LTgUMS, FIXING TIC FEES THEREFOR, REPEALING AND - AACNDHIG LUSTING ORDINANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRQIGfING AHD SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS. ORDER' COdVEHL"NCE, PROSPERITY AND C::lCRAL IJ'LFAAE W SAID VILLS(z°. The Council of the Village of Edina does ordain: That Section 2 of said ordinance, passed by the Council on January I1,, 1937, and published in the Hennepin County Review on January 14, 1937, entitled "Fe's" reading as follows: --Off Sale" Intoxicating liquor (exclusive liquor store) '. —, be and the save hereby is amended to read as follow': "Off — Sale" intexicating liquor (axclusiva liquor store) $150,00. Passed by the Council this 30th day of November, 1942. Esrl C. Sharpe, President of the Village Council. Attest: Den B. Moore, Village Recorder. Published in the Hennepin County Review on Thursday, Dec. 10, 1942. AM ORMANCZ AMMING -A)q MDINAITCZ LICIWISM AND IMGULATIIG SALT OF ION-tr=ICATING XG? LIqUORS. 113MMING ITm TrM ORDINAIM . AXD MVIDrTG A NCONSIS MALTfPCR TIM VIOLATION TMRIU.• AS AK9M=I AM MM 'Al MDINANOX LIOMING AND R=LATING TO OXIGATIMO LIQM. UPIKALINO INCONSIS T SAIS 07 111 OTZ MDIXAXM. AND PROVIDISIG A PM[AlTr FM = VIOLATION,- AS AKMMI AND AMMING OAN ORD— ESTAMISMG A MOSICIPAZ ll(�= DISPERSARr.- A3 AM=. Tb. Cousail of the Villeg. at ", Xiant., do orddn ae f.Ums $.it- 1. That $..tt.. 7 (entitled .101c.ing Bours•) of an Oldl Ll.mnmi" and Rglakig the Sale of NXatLn&tI.0 Malt Liqpar.. Up.sling hood.tent Orkinam. , and prarldIng . P"t r the Violation thereof, as me.."a. U and the anon. herely I., ad .. do& to follow) Smatlan 7. R— of Oparatica. No *.I. of X.-Int-So.ting ■4t liquors .hall be -As on my Sunday bete.. the b of .. .'.look A.M. end .:ZIrs 1.1 no Z -r leiteson the hours of — '.look A.M. and eight l..kqP.M!t ;al.`tI- day I. U. dl.trlet I: ehth the .1.01.a hall an U held. No 2. h�111.. mad. bet" the hours of not 0.1"k I A.M. and ateit of olo* A.M. on my webdW. Monday through Saturday. bastion z. lbat rotl,. 7 entiti.0•9� of Operation') of A. Ordinance, she ,an �� Sensing anti I.Ndntlag h* Sale ; 'r.l.tolosting Liquor, al. I the Violation. as -ended, be a d the so. ;b.,07 i., amended brand tv follows 5,,ki— 7. Roar. of Operation. No gal. of liquor bell U ." after Xcl.k A.M. I =,th,.=t"*f.*- .1.1ock A.M. and b oldock the . k he boar. of ons Odo A.M. and eight .1olock P.M. ear 311.0tion Day. In the district to ehL.h h election shall U held. Is -an *.I.- Shan be weids ut-. ` the hoors of — .1olock A.M. and eight .1olock P.M. - nor _dAv,dey tM-6 Saturday 1.4-ire. Soatt- 3. "That Settle. 3 (entitled -a— of Operation•) of A. OrU—o *.d.1p.1 Llqur DI.pameary.-,U. "A hraW A., amended to rend ax 5 (a) We 0.1. of I-to-Inat gh.31 U after vas .$.look lng 11"a A.M. .. B-Awl ", %ateate. the houre of one .9.1ok A.M. wA three .. dlook P.M. an z XrW DWI ear Utw- the hours "of ana 0-l"k tA. gh .J.. 1m. and at t . k P.M. to any Zlectim DW, In the di.triat 1m h an& ol..ti.. bell be held. No 'Off ..I.• shall be made Were J 11 look XM. eight o'clook P.M. of my day, t an `ht. ft_.. . mey be made until ton 0 =.ILI P_1Ad. "M that - -W-1.10 ■bell U a." Nev U-4 DW, J...7. llbX@mrlal Day. May 301 InAyeadon" DW. July 41 MmUgivimg DW, or. Chrlotmas Day. D.—*.r 251 but an IM WMIM9 Pftc-ai-9 -A If ab�. 11. prohibited arani-P. ea, I. -do jtil It- Onto* P.M. srspt' that no 'W-1.10 ahu u ..do on De Ur 24 after eight ol.l.dk P.M. so.iiam 4. Repeal. All pr—Wons of tbt vertA. 6,dftancodpiol April 6, 1933, -A. Ordinano. U.-d.g and R.Vltig the Sol. of Wo-I.tariq.ting Melt LIF.r., Mtetnc Inc-datent'Ordinence.. and Providing Penalty for the Violation Thereaft � a"- rdinano. adopted January 29. 1934, -titled -An Ordi—ce Li.endng and of ltort..ting Zilmor. Repealing Inoon.istoot Ordinances and t eav an adopted April 5. 1946� !It" far - he v1!!.tl . ... -11 _t. of t ATTpt*A thl. 77th Q7 01 J-.. 19". SSTt TSlifto c-al 1111sp CLtt AN ORDINAiiCE REGULATIt :G TiC USE OF V 3a ? HIGi WAYS '�UTHIN TIM VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND IT POSI :.'G PEiALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION T=EOF. The Council of the Vi loge of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Speed Regulations: No person shall operate or halt any vehicle upon a street or highway within. the Village of Edina, l'inne"to c relessly o heedlessly i the oregrd of the rights or safety of others ors in a manner so as to endanger or to be likely to endanger any person or property. Yo person driving a echicle within said Village of Edina shall drive the same at a speed greater than is reasonable and pudent, having due regard to the traffic, the surface and the width of the highway, and of any other cardit ions then eri sting. IIntil the streets of said Village of Edina ha-e been zoned a authorized by Chapter 464, Laws of rinneso to, 1937. n. vehicle shall be driven thereon at a speed i cese of Thirty (30) "i1es Per Hour. After the streets ofn said Villa�c have been zonec, different speed zones established thereon, and signs posted pursuant thereto; ro vehi cle ,shall be driven u any street i aid Village at a speed grI ter than. that indieate3so uch signs n and driving at any gre ter speed shall be prine facie evi denet that the speed o dr fv i noble nor prudent art that it fn l. arc person rchalle a vehicle at each a slsw rate of speec or in a manner so -to willfull, impede thenormal flow of i traffic. Section 2. Opersting and Turning Vehicles: wn all highways within the Village of Edina of sufficient idth, a capt upon one- "' etreet s,, or cept upon these with four o more traffic lanes established and plainly marked the them e traffic lanes established and plainly marked there- on, the driver of a vehicle shall drive the same upon. the right half of the travele:i portion of the highway and shall drive slow moving the vehicle. a c,Lcsely as possible to the right hand edge or the curb of such high,iay, unless it is im_ acticable to travle o uch side of the highway and except when overtaking or pa ssin,: another vehicle. he person shall stepor turnvehi vehicle change form cne traffic lane to another unless the came cox: or be done with safety and s',ithout interfering with the normal flow of pedestrian. and vehicle traffic, and such stop., change of position or turn shall always be indicated by the on by extending his 'left arm horizontally to the left from and beyond the vehicle I by using an approved and efficient device to give I. such warni. ^.g and by giving a audible warning by sounding the horn if the saris is necessary to tnarn pedestrians at c sings. ectisa 3. Forking Regulations: rote ect where there i Every vehicle etenped or par`:ed upon any ked A- therefi ght an adjacent curb, shall be no stopped or par hand wheels of such vehicle parallel with and within twelve inches i sf the right -hard curb, and facing between the painted or other arki ng on. the curb to indicate the parking space thereon. On ' Lot her streets a vehicle shall be stopped or parked to the right of them n. traveled portion thereof andparrallel thereto, anal 4 in such a manner that is shall net interfere with the free flow RJJ 11 28 49 The Village Council If the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. That all previously enacted ordinances relating to the establishment of parking time limits and the ..t.bli.doo-t of --parking are.. are hereby repealed. Section 2. That no person shall park any vehicle or permit It to -tend open any street of the Village in violation of parking time limits as such time limit, shall be established from time to time by resolution o£ the Village C-11. Section 3. That no person shall park any vehicle or permit it to stand upon —1 street of the Village in violation of the prohibition against parking in no- parking areas as such no-p—kin, ....s shall be es- tablished from tine to time by —soltion of the Village Council. Section 4. That no —hi.le shall be t—& .o as to reveres it. direction If travel on any Village treat by, mean. of using any driveway opening upon -oh treat when doing 6 .. 0 11, i—.1— the ba .kig of the vehicle —t op- such tre,t—W� " " -Cf- Section 2. Any per.— violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of , misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of net more than One Hundred Dollar, ($100) or by imprisonment in the county Jail for , period net to I—Id ninety (90) days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after It, passage and publication ac—dl eg to Is,. Passed by the Village Cooneil thin 28th day of November , 1949• ATTEST: I 1111D G2� COI — Village Clerk '.a, d It the "JI.. PUBLISHED IN SUB=AN pUS S, HO 7,INS, PLUAXXMXL= JANUARY 26, 1950 ....... ..: he I ORDINANCE . Regulating The Use ; of HIGHWAYS. , Wllhin the Village OF Edina; -; Minnesota P.—d June 13,1938 � {����� -».my- «, � »�� 7: � ƒJ\ v r m 2 ii N7 yam\ a 3 . MIT us kk 7\ } - ! /! :_ %��\ AF ORDINAUCE PROVIDING FOR TFELICENSIYG OF TAXICABS ASIDREGULATING THEIR OFERATIOH IN TEE VILLAGE OF EDIFA. The Village of Edina do ordain: Section 1. Definitions. Unless other wise expressly stated, whenever used in. this ordinance, the following words shall have the meaning given them by this section: The word "taxicab" shall mean and include any motor vehicle engaged in the carrying of persons for hire, whethm. over a fixed route o not, and whether the same be operated from a street atand or subject to calls from a garage,,sr st hernise operated for hire: but theterm shall not include vehicles subject to central and regulation by the Railroad and warehouse Commission or vehicles regularly used by under- takers in. carrying onthier business. b. The word "street" shall mean and include any street alley, avenue, court, bridge, land or public place in the Village of Edina. c. The words "tax v i d shall mean and include any person who drives ,t- i.ab, whether such person be the owner of such taxicab or be employee by a taxicab owner eroperater. d. The word -operator- shall m and include any person w ing orhavi.ng control ofthe use cfone or mere taxicabs used for hire upon thestreeta or engaged in the busine as o£ operating a taxicab within the Uillage. e. The ward " person° shall mean andinclude one or more persons sex, 'mat or al persons, corporations, partner- ships and associations. I. Section 2. License Required. No eperatcr shall operate a taxicab within the Village limits without first having obtained a taxicab license therefor under theprovi s ions of this ordinance Ii Each applicant for a taxicab license shall apply to the Village Council forcuch license upon a farm to be provided by �I the Village and must comply with the followingprovisiens to the aatisfactfen 0 the Village Council. a. Be a citisen of the United States. b. Be of the age oftwenty -one (21) years or over if .a °. natural person, and ir. the case ofany co- partnership, firm ar o erparat is n, must be cut h ad to ap crate taxicabs and carry on business in accordance with the laws of the State ofYinnescta c. gust fill out a stst ement covering each vehicle to be se licensed, giving thefull name and address of theowner; the class ana asserg er- carrying capacity of each vehicle for which a license is desired; the length of time the vehicle has been j used th'make of car; the engine number; theserial number and the state license n-ber; whether the same is mortgaged; also the ..,I holder cf legal title to said motor vehicle if other than the k application;or whether said vehicle is leased, licensed, or under any form ofcontract permitted to be used and or "t el by some other person that the one holding legal title thereto, and u� ,helpersan, form a orperetion collects therevenues from the cperati an ofsaid 'a CC ab and pays the expenses a£ operating the same. If said application is cads by an individual owner, it s shall be signed andslvorn to by such o if it is bya part ership, then it shlal be signed and s n to by o of the partners; and if by a copra rat ion, then by one of the duly elected officials of said corporation. Section 3. Taxicab Operator's Fee. The applicant for a taxi cap operator's license shall, before being issued said license pay into the Village treasury the s of five dollars (5.00) far each and every vehicle to be so licensed; provided, that if the said license id denied for any reason, the afore said fee or he shall forthwith be returned tc the applicant. The licenses hereunder shall expire on the 31st day of March in. each year. An license may be transferred during any year only upon, the additional payment of a proportional part of thefee by the transferee i addition to thereg -ular fee paid by the transferor when the license was issued and upon approval of the Village Council of such transfer. Section4. Grantinr, Licenee. If the Village Council is sat- isfied that the public convenience and good order will be served thereby, it may grant a license to any such applicant, provided, the number of licenses issued and the taxicabs operating therex under shall be fixed by resolution of the Village Council. Each license granted shall be given a number and shall give the umber and an adequate description of the taxicabs licensed thereunder. Secticn I. Each taxicab which shall solicit or accept business on the stleetT of this Village, or at o wait for hire shall have score designation of thecharauter of theV9vehicle appear in plain visible letters thereon. Section 6. Taxicab Cards. The operator of any taxicab shall cause to be printed in plain, legible letters displayed i side the taxicab a card giving the number ofthe license, the maxi.— rates of fare to be charged. l.aximum rates charged for convey- ance in taxicabs in this Village shall be fixed by resolution of. the village Council from time to time. Ns operator o taxicab driver shall charge any passenger a rate i cess of such fix receive, rate. Every passenger shall r , on request a receipt therefor when he pays his fore showing speedometer read- ing at starting point and end of trip and amount paid. Section 7. Taxicab Drivers. No person, either theoperator or the employee of such operstor shall drive a taxicab in the Village without first having been licensed a chauffeur under Section 2712 General Statutes of Yinnesets, 1923; and every driver shall display such chauffeur's license badge conspicuous upon his coat or cap as tkcrein provided. Section 8. Insurance policies. Before any taxicab i operated under the license herein mentioned the operator shallsdeposit w ithe the Village Clerk a p1licy or policies of a insurance company or companies duly licensed to transact such business in this state, insuring the operator of any taxicab against RESOLUTI011 FIXING MIME?, OF LICENSES U AND I:AXMS`! RATES [RIDER TAXI -CAB ORDINAF.CE. WIR:AS, the Village Council of Edina, has adopted an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance rl.viding fsrtb.Licen.ing of Taxicabs and Regulating their operatic. in the Villue. of Edina ", and - WHERBAS, said ordinance pr ovidea in Secticn 4'that the Village Council shall, by resolution, fSx the number of lie eases issued and the taxicabs operating thereunder, and provides in Section 6 the t.the Village Council, by resolution, shall determine the maximum taxicab rates to be charged, Mow, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Village Council of Edina does hereby detemins that public convenience and necess- ity vi 11 be served by fixing the number of licenses,to be Sesued under said ordinance as one (1) license, and that the ausubor of t --Cabe to be operated by the licenses to whom such license may be issued shall be, and hereby So, limited to tyro (2). M IT FU1TlEn RESOLVED, that the .-I.- rates to be charged by the licenses to whom ouch taxi cab license may hereafter issue shall be twenty five (259) cents for the first vile and sad log ten cents for each half mile thereafter, plus a sur- charge of five (5¢) cents for each stop In excess of one, or an hcurly rate of 02.50 for the first hour and .1. 50 por he ur there- after. The mcti.n to adopt the resolution was seconded by Recorder '--core and the tote van upon the question of the adoption of the resol- ution wherein there were five eyes and no nay. as follows, i7yatt aye, '.7111son aye, Irgeno aye, Moore aye, and West erbere aye and so the resection was declared duly passed and adopted. XT CPDI. :fu' :C ". LTI =11 "% " D..➢ OI 2L9;TRIC �✓ Cf"., li.T. GFi�J4 AM J Cab33i Thpou I h:s VILLAGE OS MIi:A, A'L 1 i:G :ROVIDI ATw'ALTY FOR lH2 VIOLATI :is TiliTEOF. The Village Cc unc_1 din of the 7ilTage of 3 , Hennepin County, Lire -ta, do or es follo ws ectior. 1. I;c street c oper, ted i r thrcugh the Vi l late of Edina, Hennepin County, E :i�nnesut a, shall Pass any public highway r treet c ing therein at a speed exceeding fifteen (15) wiles ^ rV]io ur, unless such hight'tay o street crossing i .rotecteC by a £1 aE :tan or adequate safety device. Section 2. Ahy so P. violating the rrcvisions of this shall berguilty o£ deeano r, anL h 11 be punished by a fine of act to ere ad Twenty -five (N25.00) Dollars. This ordiranoe sho" ta?.-e effect and be in force fen.., and after its passa.e and nublicaticr. TO LICEnr &-I) PRO-= Pal vri re%urm tCDI:'-.UTIC"I OF Dicycm-, rom mn=F-, AM MOTOR SCOCIMV, AND TO rMILM THE PMVIG &IM MMMM TIrML, AID PROVID- VM PMALTr FOR TIE MIAMI TIMMOF. The Village Council the Village 6f'Edj�,, Hennepin County, Minnesota, fol-I do ordain a : S. M2* -an 11* ,shall rid. or use . bicycle, -to, bicycle, or motor scooter Mich is -ad by . -Admtlf thi. Village or is custacerily kept or stared at a place within this Villvo ulxm any public st-t, hick. way, or b-l-.4 in thi. Village =1.. the — shell be licensed and registered as herein provided. Sea. 2. L-7 — of a, bicycle, Hater bicycle, or not.r accoteu, referred to in Sactim I homof shall list and mrAst.er with the Clark of this Village his -�. and address, the ner, of the a-ft-r of the vahl.l., Ste rooberp styles and general description. See. 3. The Clark of this Village ebell proide each three (3) year period not.111c license plate. and -1., together with registration cards and isinglass hold- therefor, add metallic license plt.. and reglatratico cords liivJAr, a-ben etxewd thereon in coaa,rieal orderj betio- ing with -2,ar 1, and the word -Zdim- st&,,md therein. Such -to=c license plate, shall be suitable for tt..h.-t upon the f— of said whi.1- and it eMll be the duty of the Clark to I-a one such Mt.MO license plate which shall be attached to the f-ex, of each vehicle and to Issee a co—pooding, registration cr ed to the licence upon the payocot of the license fee herein provided for. Such mt-114. 11-0 plate nholl attached during the C=i,t-e of such licenco. The Male- h-11 also L,.p a record of the data of issue of each licans.p to whin issued, and the =bar thereof. Sea. ". It s.NmU be the duty of rjary person who sells or trans - fare owacrehip of any vehicle covered by this Ordicenco to mparb ouch tale or transfer by returning to the Clark the registration .%,rd 11-d to each parson, an licences thereof, together with the name and add— of the person to who. said vehicle was cold or transferred, and ouch report aEall be made within five (5) &" of the date of e,Id sale or transfer. It shall be the duty Of the parchnser or transferes of such vehicle to apply for a tme- far of replatratim thereof within five (5) day. of &-dd sale or t—far At the expiration of si%ty (60) days after acid loge ding, each vehicle which has not boon elsin:ed dial! be sold at public auction. Hotiee con - talninr the description of the Schiele to be cold shall be published in The Hennepin County Havisw, Hopkins, lltmesWa at least two weary prior to said sAs. Sc--. R. All licenses shall expire the first day of July, 1949 and the first day of July of arch th.-eo (3) year period, thereafter. See. 9. Oorrliticns of ideenecr Svory license issued hereunder .hall be ded to be fanntad subject to the folloudZ conditionst u e_m (a) No person shall ride or propel any vehicle lie -ood hermsder upon any sidewalk in such a x.nnor as to interfere with any pedestrian thcreonp '.. (b) Ho person shall ride or propel said vchiclo upon a public street, highway or sidewalk except in a prudent and cars - ful uamor and unless such perean shall be capable of efficient control cud operation of such vehicle; nor shall any person pro- palling or operating such vehicle upcn a public street, highway, or sidewalk carry or per--It to to carried any other person upon such _ vehieloi (e) iio vehicle chill be ridden faster than is reasonable ead proper, but shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and other persons upon the streets and other public hi&.7. of the Villages (d) Peroans riding said vehicle shell ab,mve all traffic oigns a A atop at all atop aignsl (o) N. vehicle licensed har—der mall be remitted «r arp street or other public highway of the Village between thirty (30) ainute. after —.at and thirty (30) .1=t- before ar=ise without a headlight visible frog the front thereof for net lees thus 200 fort, indicating the approach or ercaonee of the vohiclo, firxa7 attached to such vehicle cad properly lifyted, nee without a rod taillight, or in lie. thereof, n reflector attached to and visible frna the rear of such vehicle for a distance of not lees than 200 feet! - Rules & Regulations for operation of BICYCLES Village of Edina ORDINANCE N0. Y AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STORAGE ' AND HANDLING OF DANGEROUS LIQUIQS The Yil3age Coudcil of Edina do ordain ae foll -: Sectionll. DEFINITIONS. Tha following terms as used in the sidered to have the meaning set opposite than as follows: (a) Manger- liquid." include: Class 1, ether, carbon naptha, benzol, collodion, hgdrocarbon, and liquified petroleum alcohol, any lac tat., toluole. Class III, kerosene, amylacohol, (b) "garage" is a building of any sort, such as barns, portions of buildings wherein are housed for rent, demonstration, private public use, on mor self- propelled vehicles containing in the tank thereof any dangerous liquid. (c) "service station" are such places as are constructed for the purpose of retailing dangerous liquids and oils. (d) retail storage" is Such places as equipped for us liquids whether in connection with any other line of merchandiae not. (e) "general storage" includes all place, where dangerous and sold only in quantities of 50 gallons or more. Section 2. PERMITS REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any ordinance shall be con- bisulphide, gasoline, gee. Class II, acetone, turpentine distillate. j stables or buildings or storage or sale, for or other wheeled - .nine. I and maintained solely ill the retailing of danger- or enterprise or liquids are stored, ,I person, firm, o corporation to transport, have or keep more than one gallon of Class I gallons Ln any other building and ten gallons outside of any handle more than five gallons of any Class li liquids in any I airy other building or twenty -five gallons. outside of any store more than twenty -five gallons of Class III liquids inside gallons outside any building without first obtain a permit so to do. Section 3. ISSUANCE OF PERFMTS. Any person, firm or corporation shall make application therefor to the recorder on a form provided Said application shall be approved by-the chief of the fire spection, he shall determine that the granting oY the permit crease the hazard to public safety from fir explosion. application and a fee of five dollars the recorder shall issue for the purpose stated in the application. Said permit shall the date oY its issuance subject to revocation by the council and hearing if at any time the chief of the fire department uance of the permit would endanger public safety. Section 1.. RECEPTACLES. It shall be unlawful for any person, sell or cause to be sold, place or cause to be placed any gasoline quantities o£ more than one pint andaless than six gallons of a bright red color and tagged and labelled in large plain the contents or to sell or place any other liquid in such a Section 5. GENERAL STORAGE. Except as otherwise provided storage of dangerous liquids shall be outside buildings, in, tank., except that the storage of such liquids above ground in the fire limit.. liquids in any dwe , six" building or to storegor dwelling, or ten gallons building or to handle or of any building of fifty from the village recorder desiring a permit !� for that purpose. I1 department if, upon in- will not materially in- Upon receipt of an approved a permit to the applicant be valid for one year from upon thirty days' notice determines that the contin- firm or corporation to or benzine in in any receptacle except on letters with the name of e receptacle. rdina a, in this o c the underground orabove ground is hereby prohibited with- '[d Ordinance No. No. 7 (continued) Section 6. ABOVE GROUND TANKS. It shall be unlawful to above ground tanks except as hereinafter set forth. (a) No tank may be conatructed or maintained closer property or to any other tank than shown in the following Capacity of tank Distance to line of ad.loi:ing property 300 gals. or less 5 ft, 300 -500 gala, 10 ft. 0 gal 500 -100s. 20 ft. 1000- 10,OOO gala. 30 ft. Over 10,000 gala. 100 ft. (b) No above ground tank shall be constructed or maintained eat rail of a railroad or street car track carrying passenger the following tables: Capacity in Gallons Minimum distance from construct or maintain any u to the line of adjoining table: Distance to any 9 other tank 2 ft, 2 ft, 2 ft. 3 ft. 15 ft. closer to the near - traffic than shown in j track - { have all openings which 1, non - corrodible wire screen. be kept closed by weight only, painted conspicuously on I!i Lights Awaye, in letters or dike, such protection the capacity of the tank and be constructed of earthwork and a elope of at least two to such embankment aid all brush foundation and shall be elect- most have non - combustible material shall be permitted shall be permitted in the within 300 feet of any depot, must be surrounded by a by coating the outside pu,mpage. The motor and pump wershousenand garage, or 1 Under 18,000 gals, 30 ft, 18,000 - 50,000 gals, 60 ft. 50,000 - 100,000 gals 80 ft. Over 100,000 gals, 100 ft. (c) All tanks of more than 1,000 gals. capacity shall may contain inflammable vapor provided with a 40x40 mesh, A safety valvemmuat be provided and manhola covers must (d) All such tanks must be provided with danger signs their sides bearing the words "Inflammable, Keep Fire and at least three inches high. (e) All such tanks shall be protected by an embankment to have a capacity of not less than on and one -half times be not more than four feet high. Such embanlmenta shall dike., shall be compactly built with a three foot crown on both aides. No openings may be made through any and weeds must be kept cleared away therefrom. (f) All such tanks shall be constructed on a firm rically grounded. Tanks more than one foot above the ground foundation and supports. (g) No accumulation of rubbish or other combustible upon the premises of such tanks and no open lights or flame vicinity of tanks or piping. (h) No such tank may be constructed or maintained school, church, or other public building. (1) The premises upon which such tanks are conatructed substantial fence adagate to keep out all intruders. (j) All such tanks must be protected against corrosion with a suitable rust resisting paint, (k) All empty and filling of such tanks shall be by must be located in a separate building, away from the tanks, entirely our ended by fireproof walls. • Ordinance No. 7 (continued) (1) All such tanks shall be of mate sa rial of sufficient thickness fely to hold the contents and shall have a factor of safety at all joints of at least 2.5.' All - ' riveted joints shall have an efficiency of at least 60 per cent. No vertical tanks shall exceed 20 feet in height. Section 7. UNDERGROUND TANKS. all underground tanks shall conform to the following regulations. (a) All such tanks shall be buried with the top at least 3 feet under the surface { {{ of the ground and below any piping to which they may be connected. (b) When located underneath a building, such tanks shall be buried with the top of the tank not less than 2 feet below the level of the basement floor. The floor above the tack shall be reinforced concrete 9 inches thick extending 12 inches beyond the out - 11ne of the tank in all directions. (c) No such tank may be installed in any streets alley or public ground or under 1 any sidewalk. (d) Tanks shall be at on a firm foundation and surrounded with soft earth or and well tamped into place or enclosed in concrete. (e) The storage permitted in underg -and tanks shall be as follows when the top of tank is lower than all floors, basements, cellars or pits of all buildings, and all s , catch basins and man holes; (a) Within a radius of 50 ft. Unlimited (B) Within a radius of 40 ft. - -- 50,000 gals. (C) Within a radius of 30 ft. 20,000 gals. (0) Within a radius of 25 ft. 15,000 gale. (E) Within a radius of 20 ft. -- 5,000 gals. I' (F) Within a radius of 10 ft. 1:500 galls. j! (f) When such tank is not lower than such basements or cellars of all buildings it and all buildings and all sewer s and appurtenances thereto, the storage is hereby limited to 500 gals, and the tank shall be entirely encased in 6 inches of concrete. ' Section 8. SERVICE STATIONS. All tanks used for the storage of dangerous liquids at I stations shall be underground tanks installed as provided in Section 7 thereof. (a) -Delivery of dangerous liquids of Class I and Class II shall be made direct to the storage tank through the filling pipe of the receptacle from which the liquid is being drawn. (b) No tank wagon may make such delivery with its engine or motor running. (c) Delivery of dangerous liquids from the storage tank shall be made through pumps, mechanically perfect and so constructed as to prevent leaking or splashing. (d) Buildings used at service stations shall be fireproof and heated by steam or hot water, the heating plant to be enclosed within a fireproof r om, provided that this requirement shall apply only to future construction, but no stoves will be per- mitted under any circumstances. (e) No dangerous liquids ma be kept 'in or dispensed from said buildings in open y ke p pence containers and no open light or flame shall be permitted within any such premises. (f) It shall be unlawful for any attendant or other person owning or employed at any service station to dispense any dangerous liquids to a motor vehicle while the Drdinance No. 7 (continued) motor of said vehicle is running. (g) No person may woke while on duty at any service (h) The maximum amount of storage of dangerous liquids station is 10,000 gallon.. Section 9. GARAGES. The storage of dangerous liquid, in therein or to be dispensed therefrom shall conform to the set forth and further; (a) The maximum amount of gasoline permitted above garage is we quart —less the same be in the tank of a motor Capped. (b) No open stoves or light may be used in any garage. (c) All garage, shall be equipped with sand trope and be cleaned with sufficient frequency to keep any sand or from entering the sewer. Section 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to place or sewer any dangerous liquid. an (b) No person shall woke ithi 50 feet of y place ers. being dispensed or used in open containers.' (c) The s of dangerous liquids in starting or feeding except in specially designed burners. (d) It shall be unlawful to mix store or handle any building housing more than one family: (d) Supply to stationary internal combustion engines under ground tanks, no gravity flow will be permitted. (f) Where inflammable liquids are used as fuel, they from the supply tank by an approved pumping deirieg. (g) No garage shall be kept or allowed within 50 feet used as a school or hotel, or public building used as , place tention. (h) Use of benzine or gasoline as a thinner in fuel hereby prohibited. (i) Fuel oil storage tanks for domestic we shall be and underground where practicable, when located inside storage shall not _�:d 275 gallons. When used under the attendant, fuel oil storage in ordinary building, shall not in . fire resistant building 10,000 gall-.. Section 11. INSPECTION. It shall be the duty of the Chief inspect all installations of tanks and other equipment designed liquids before the same are placed in operation and it is person firm or corporation to use any installation or to stallation to be cred from view before the same has been wise be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to make station. permitted in any service and me, garages for use requirements h-einbefore ground in the work room of a vehicle and securely grease traps which hall dangerous liquid or grease allow to be placed in any her, dangerous liquids am any open fire is prohibited danger-, liquids in any shall be by pumpage from must be fed to the bummers of any building or place of usemblte or de- oil for heating purpose is located outside of buildings a building the above ground constant direction of an exceed 5,000 gallons, and of the Fir, Department to to handle dangerous hereby made unlawful for any cover or cause any such in- inspected. It shall like- a monthly inspection of All AN ORDINANCE AIMDIXG ORDINANCE NO. 7 OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STORAGE AND HANDLING OF DANGEROUS LIQUIDS", PASSED By THE COUNCIL ON THE 27TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 19261-. The Village Council of the Village of Mine, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: That certain Ordinance No. 7, entitled "An Ordinance Regulating E — the Storage Handling of Dangerous Liquids ", passed by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on the 27th day o f February, 1926, is hereby =ended in the following re- spects: Section 6, paragraph is amended to read as*foll- Capacity of tank Distance to line of Distance to any adjoining property other tank 300 gale. or Is.. 5 fast 2 Peet 300-500 gals. 10 fast 2 feet 500-1,000 gal.. 20 feet 2 feet 1,000 - 10,000 gals. 30 fast 3 feet over 10,000 gal.. 50 feet 3 feet Section 6, paragraph 11111 is =ended to read as follows: All such tanks shall be of material of sufficient thickness safely to held the contents and shall have a factor of safety at all joints of at least 2-5. All riveted joint, shall have an efficiamby of at least 60 percent. No vertical tank shall exceed 30 feet in height." This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after its passage and publication. MINUTES- Hay 22, 1933 Book 1/12/29 to 12/12/33 Page 251 ORDINANCE BOOK: Not Recorded PUBLISHED: Hennepin County Review May 25, 1933. AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AM REGULATING BOWLING ALMS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOIATIOW _THEREOF. T Village Conseil of the Village If Edina, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, does I'ded, as follows: Section 1. An,licatler. This ordinance shall apply to any place where, one r ore bowling alley, are ,,rated or maintained except for pri- vate frwily ..., Whether such place is . -Ii.1 club or . b—in- operated for profit. Section 2 Definitions. Except go otherwise indicated by the con- text, the following definition, shall apply thenn,,hat this ordi,se- vB.wli.g Alley' shall i-Inde any elate to which this ordinance applies, as set cat in Section 1. hall joel,,de persons, fire, partnerships, corporations and .— Citiors. Section 3 Permission If Council Required. No bowling alley shall be maintained Cr operated without permission granted therefor by the Council, either in the for, of a permit or c license. Section 4. Permits for Clubs. pe—iJI, of the Council to oper- ate and ..i,thin b,,Ii,_, alley, in an establishment Which is not , business enterprise operated for 1111fit. but is a bona fide club restricting its privileges to the,, paying , stated membership fee and making no charge pro- p,rtio,,l to the use of the bowling alleys, cry be granted in the for, of a pewit for , fee of $5.00 par year for each such club. Every provision of this ordinance shall be d,,,,d to apply equally to such be— fide IiIbs as to . c.—e-i.1 bowling alley, I.,Wrt es herein .xpr ... ly provided otherwise. Section 5. Ties—, - Fla. in .11 cases other than th.e described in the preceding section, a license sbellbe necessary. The fee for such license shall be $10.00 per year for each bmjj s_ alley. Section 69 Application,. Applications for each license or permit shall be filed With the Clerk or R.—d— The 0 of the bowling alley, re in case of a partnership, all the partner', or in case of a corporation And Regulating /�ouelurgA/,leyd '� And Providing a Penney Fe, t vieladea Vdl-" 14 -64— Passed by The Village Ceuneil February 26,1940 0 VILLAGE OF EDINA - -- IMNESOTA ORDINANCE NO, 16 ✓ AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ANINLS RUNNING AT LARGE, ESTABLISHING A POUND FOR THE It4'ODNDING OF SUCH ANIMALS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The village council of EDINA do ordain hs follows; SEC. 1 WHAT ANIMALS SRALL NOT BE LOOSE UPON 7'N: STRy'ETS. It shall be unlawful or any person or persons to nllow cry. uses, mules, a cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, kids, dogs or domestic Yawls to run at large, or to ar picket such animals on the public streets, alleys ar grounds of this city, SEC, 2 PROVIDING FOR A VILLAGE POUND. Village pounds are hereby established for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordinance. SEC, ; VILLAGE IIIRIHAL S'MLL IIJPOUND. Anv poundmaster may take up and impovvd in a village pound any animal found running at large, i violation of this ordi- nae, and shall provide proper sustenance for all animals so impounded, SEC. Th�GDNDIAG NOTICE. It shall be the duty of any poundeaster within twenty. four (24) hours after any It has been impounded. to post written or printed notices iv three (j) o nspicuous public places in the village, o of ,rhea in the pound describing'scid animal and stating that the same has been Im- pounded and shall deliver to the o or keeper thereof all animals that � be redeemed as hereinafter provided fors SEC. 5 MARSHAL TO COLLECT COST OF IMPOUNDING The- paundmnster is hereby directed to collect from the aw or persons desiring to redeem any animal mentioned in Section 1 o£ this ordinance, which has been - impounded, the sues of one dollar 041.00) per head, together with 75 cents per day as the cost of feeding the same, or in case of fowls, 25 cents per head and the coat of feeding, SEC. SELLING OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS. If any person owning or claiming any anal . taken up and impavnded, shall neglect or refuse to redeem any such animal far sin (6) days, the poundmaster shall give an additional three (j) days notice of time and place where said animal shall be sold by posting notices in three (j) onspi coons public places in the village, posting on of them on the Pound, provided, the day of such sale shall bMe ninth after the animal o aviaals therein mentioned have been impounded, unless such data falls o a legal holiday. Provided, that should the paundmacter, for went of bidders, or,from - any other c , be unable to sell said animal on the day stated, it shall be lawful Yor him to sell such animal o animals on the succeeding day, or as soon thereafter ne passible, without further notice. BEG, 7 DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS OF SALE. The pound -ter after paying the expense of Smpovndivg, keeping and sale of such animal, shall pay the balance of the pro- to of such sale to the Recorder £or the u of the ow ofthe a anal o anal., and said recorder shall turn any money sa collected by him over t or 'Treasurer. a aided, that the Treasurer shall Pay the s out only upon order o the noun if not claimed within one (1) year, thesame shall be forfeited` to the us of the village, AN ORDIRAITC7, 9T!-.DlYG AY ORDl!-'AYC7, OF TI-- VILLAGE OF ZDIrA, AS FOLLUUS. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain he f.11-c 1 1. That 5eclioh 11 entitled "Animals, Keeping of- of that certain ordinance entitled "An Ovdist;1I defining certain .i.demca— c abd prescribing a pens of re s f" ' passed by the as'a. ,on the 27th day of February, 1926, be. and the - - - is hereby emended .o that said Section 33 shall read an fell...• "Section te,Animae.s: Keeping of. Every person ho keeps —c' - tt he'. goats than toe dcce i,� the habit.' Village nearer than,500 feet to any hum.a. -"ich j thcut permission from the Board of Health, G-4-th .f-the- "' Bo-d-of-Health h.l�k��pthe,a�i.aIiF- v.Ie.-in b .d .ithin 500 feet of r so, so to te platted into to a.d designated as an Addition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. Effective: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and. after passage and publication accurd- ingt. I.- M!'UTES : July 6.'1939 Book , /12 37 to 6/4AO Page 18 5 CELINA E BOOK: rat Recorded PUBLISHED: u 0Rn1: _.CS TLILATIVE o xan s of P A..r., 11TROP'2 DI`M IOI N� DI 0 L _2L1 OC mI1JT. The Village Council of the Village Of 1odiso do O f raazn as falls". Sectic nl. 1-y n sa r. I'll shall hereai'ter be feund lying in 17ait or concealed in any house .1 other building, or any yard, preaioes, street, a arh Or P111may, within the lir:its Of the Village of Edina, uui th intent to do any misch¢f or Tonpilfer Or to caxnit any cri r disdeneanar shat s0 ever, ar rz ing an aonnor s vant ,rya er:plOyes ar rai laay OmpanY, shall get off the cars or 1000110tives of railway I?", ny, operating its oars rand locomotives withinysaid limits irhi le the sane a r e in motion O standing still, or tres- pass upon the yards, Orpr —isea of such railway company, with the intent to obtain a ride un uch c r la comOtives, O s"eel the Same, or for any other purpose, swithout the consent of sick railway c r emplcycec, shall Ompany, its agents c c 'ctian thereof, ) punished by a fine at a ing one han- ged dopers )100.00) ar by J, :priscrr:ent not eac ing ninety (90) days. eea Section 2. Any person or persons, r:he shall c knit, d m ' aid, countenance Or assS st in cOscitting, doing or malting a any enoi"' riot, disturbance, iraprOpedrd r disorderly and all Persons v�he shall cO llect ein1Usdies o said Village, far unlawful purposes ar to the a r c r,as di at- banas of the citizens or travelers, shall, far oeach eOffend,, ar convicti ca before the ",atice Court 0£ the Village of Ldina, be liable Lc ti:e s e fine and punislanent provided far in section one Of this ordinance. ^ecticr. 3. Any person r perseas who shall eppedr in any street, avenue, park or parkriay and -or pui,lic place and -or exposed ilace in said Village, in state or nudity, or i ' not belonging lto his or her s in an + d entn011 lend sdress, O shall crake any indecent exposure c£nhis ar her police, or berguilty of any obscene, lascivicOS ar filthy avt, language, or behavicer, Or shall exhibit, sell ar O££er to sell any indecent, cbseeene, Or lead bcaL-, picture a other thing, rallexhibit or n a ewd rlay, a uther representation, shall Pu- ictici then ea f', e the ustice Curt of the Village of '-died, be liableeto the pu ish- 1.ent a _ nalties provided in secti ar one Of this on dinan0 . Section. 4. Any person -a, hall be fauna i tate of or no Or iO US dr unl,Or sos for Ent o::icat ion, iraary street, Avenue, public and -or e: posed glace Ieithin the limits Of the Village of 2d shall o vi 0t1 n: thereof, before the Tuatioe Court lIf the Villrlgea of Edina, be liable to She puriah- ent and penalties n_vided in section one of thic Ordinance. ecti. : 5 This ordinance shall td]:e effect and be in farce '0." and aft ;,r •its Nblia _.tion. Jicticn 1. :,11 e harts of ordinance.. in con flicther"ith Ire hereby repealed. 1`I LPi'3: list did CI'DI1 lu CC! .. 18&41 to 1 31 4th fro, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 10/16/30 ordince relative to Mode.—t-, Breaches of the Peace, Improper DiversMode.—t-, and Disorderly Conduct. V \' The Village Council of the Village o£ Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Any person who shall hereafter be found lurking, lying in wait o c Baled in any house o other building or in any - - - yard, premSSes,rst rest, a , park or parkway, within the limits of the Village of Edina, with intent to do any mischief, or to pilfer or to commit any crime or misdemeanor whatever, or who, not being " agent, s rvavt, and /or employee of a ailway company, shall get On Off the cars or locomotives of any ailway company operating its and locomotives within said limits while the s " in motion o! standing still, or trespass upon the yards, or premises of such rail- way company, with the intent to obtain a ride upon such c locomitives o eep the s r for any Other purpose, without the ant of suchs railway companyo its agents o emelayeea, shall, upon consiction thereof, be punished by a five 'It rexc "ding o hundred dollars ($100.00) or by. imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days. Sect lOn 2. 'AU, person or persons, who shall commit, do, make aid, cOunter,ance or assist in co®itting, doing or making any noise, riot, disturbance, improper diversion or disorderly conductq and all persons who shall collect in bodies or crowds in said Village, i for unlawful purposes or to the annoyance or disturbance of the citizens or travelers, shall, for each offense, o conviction before the Justice Court of the Village of Edina, be liabl Into the some fine and punishment provided for in section one of this. ordinance. Section 3. Any person or persons who shall appear in any street, a , park or parkway and /Or public place and /or exposed P in said "Village, in a state of nudity, o a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in any indecent of lewd dress, or shall make any indecent expp,,=e of acs or heer person, or be guilty offlay Obscene, lascivious r filthy t, Or f y lewd, indecent, i 1 or insulting conduct, language, or behavior, or shall exhibit, sell, offer to sell any indecent. obscene or lewd book, picture or other thing, or shall ON or perform any indecent or lewd play, other representation, shall upon conviction thereof, before the Justice Court of the village of Edina, be liable to the punish- ment and penalties provided in section one Of this ordinance, Section 4. Any person nno shall be found in a state of Open o notorious drunkeaness or intoxication, is any street, a nue public rand/ or exposed place wlthln the limits of the Village Of e Edina, shall on c nvictl on thereof, before the Justice Court Of the Village of Ed ine,obe liable to the punishment and' penalties provided _ in section one of this ordinance. on adn S. This ordlnance shall take effect an / tl force fromanda£t er its publication. J 1 Z�/, i p � '� � n I I 14. r I� '� �' y� .III lily + ,� ' q�i i� k �e A N AL9CMIT TO ORDINANCE 170. 17 ✓% OF Ti„-' VILLAGE OF EDIidA, TO BE (// IaO.lr? AS SECTICT 74 -a OF SAID ORDINANCE It shall be unl -ful for any person or persons tto ccllect, r move o eul any garbage, ashes, or zsfuse within theeoorporate limits cf the Village of Edina, where charge £orsuch services i L , without first s curing . a license to do so from the t'OIplil of said Village r:hich shall have au the rity to grant such liceuseir. such free; 116 1 umbers a its d retion it de erts ad Isable. Lic erse fee shall be 11.10 per annum. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its fubli c�ti en and acceptance. D. F. McGuire President of Village Council ATTEST: Ben B. i'.o ore, Village Recorder. Dated January G, 1533. published in The Hennepin County Reviev, Thursday, January 25. Ltj y,. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PROTECTION, PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, SAFETY, PEACE, GOOD ORDER AIM WELFARE OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE VILLAGE, THE PROTECTION OF PUB- LIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY, BY REGULATING THE EXCA- VATIED, DIGGING AND MINTAINING OF OPEN PITS AND EX- CAVATIONS, REQUIRING PERS1ITS BEFORE CONAENOING TO DIG, EXCAVATE OR ENLP.RGE ANY FIT OR EXCAVATION' FENCING OF SUCH PITS, PROVIDING FOR HAULING OF EX- CAVATED MATERIAL, REPAIRING PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, STREETS AND WAYS, AND PAYFENT OF THE COST THEREOF, DRAIN- ING OR FILLING IN AND LEVELLING SUCH PITS, TAXING FID COLLECTING COSTS THEREOF, ES£ABLISAND PENALTIES FACIE RULE OF EVIDENCE OF PJEGLIGENCE, AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Open pits or excavations, as used in this ordinance, shall mean: (a) Any artificial excavation of the earth, within the Village, dug, excavated or made by the removal from the natural surface of the earth aT sod, soil, sand, gravel, stone or other matter, creating a depression or depressions, exceeding in any one place 200 square feet If surface area, the bott®a or lowest point of which shall be two feet \ (� or re below, or lower than, the level of the adjoining un avated v land in which depression, pit or avation water may fall ,xgather, collect and remain stagnant, putrid or polluted, or which depression may be or become dangerous, Prom the standpoint of public safety or health, or to children playing therein or thereby; or which depression may become a public n or deteriorate the value of adjacent property Depressions spits, o avation? made for the purpose of the foundation, cellar or basementxof some immediately pending super- structure to be erected, built or placed thereon contemporaneously with, or immediately following such ex avating,. and c eying or to cover such avated pit or depression when caapletsd, are excepted, if a building permit has been issued. Section 2. Person, or persons, a used in this ordinance shall, be understood to me very natural Person and every copartnership, corporation and association, and Coancil shall mean Village Council. Section 3. No person shall hereafter dig, ex avate, make o maintain, within the Village, any open pit or excavation, as herein defined, or enlarge the sam without first making an application for, and obtaining from the Village Council a permit therefor. Section 4. Application for such permit shall be made in such DO-, and the applicant shall furnish such information as shall be required by the Council and among other things shall state the full and true n and address of the applicant. the description of the location of the land where such pit o vation is, o s to be dug, a avated, made o intaine d; what the purpose,. ar and depth of such pit or excavation is or is to be, the estimated premises; the highway, street or streets, or other public ways in the Village upon and along which such material for removal is to be hauled or ried; and the time, a a s may be, when such new excavating will commence, and be finished. Such application shall be filed with the Village Recorder. at least five days before being acted upon bythe Village Ccvncil, un- less the Council shall unanimously consent to act thereon within a shorter tim in which case action may be taken whenever the Council may see fit.p The Council may require a map or plat of said proposed pit or ovation to be made and filed with the application, before acting {f �q on the same shooing the confines of limits thereof, together with the proposed depth thereof,at different parts thereof. The Pee for I permit shall be two ($2.00) dollars which shall accompany the application thereof. V a\\ Section 5. 5. The Council, a a preregaisite to the granting of a permit, of after a permit has been granted, may require the ap- plicant to whom such permit issues, to- 4� _ (a) Prop erty fence any pit or excavation; (b) Slope the banks, and otherwise properly guard and keep in to be dangerous (^y any pit o r avation such condition as not from caving rsliding banks; (c) Property drain, fill in or level any pit or excavation, after created, so as to make the same safe and healthful, as the Village Council shall determine; (d) Heep any pit or'excovation within the limits for which the particular permit is granted; d (E) Remove excavated material from any such pit or excavation, R away from the premise n s, upon and along such highways, streets, or other public c -ways as the Coucil shall order and direct. Section 6 1 a The Council may require th'e applicant to post a bond, in such form and sum as the Council shall determine, with sufficient Zursty running to the Village, conditioned to pay the Village extraordinary cost and expense of repairing, from time to time, such highways, streets a other public ways along such designated route of travel, caused by the special burden resulting from such 'Y hauling and travel, in removing material for any pit or ovation, amount of such cost and expense to be determined by the Village En- gineer; and conditioned further to comply with all the requirements. of this ordinance, and the particular permit, and to pay such expense as the Viliege may incur by reason of doing anything required to be done by aryapplicant to whom a permit issues. (b) Any applicant to whom such permit is granted, or the own of any premises upon which such a pit or avation i or is hers— after dug, made o maintained, who shall refuse, neglect or fail to fence, guard, properly drain or fill in, and so level, any such pit or avation when ordered or required by the Village Council so to do, e as promptly as s reasonably be done, shall be guilty of violation of this ordinan nand in addition thereto, the failure tout apply with such an order, �after notice, and the continuance and maintaining thereafter of such a pit or excavation, shall be prima the . (c) The Village Council, after making such order, requiring the fencing, guarding, draining or filling in and leveling of any such pit or excavation, as stated in the next preceding sub -para- graph (b) of this applicant fad after notice in iting of such or- der given to the applicant For such permit, and/or to the own of each .prep see whereas such pit or excavation is, may, if sucheap- plicant er does not, promptly and 'thin reasonable time co mein with the requirements of such older, proceed to cause such fencing, guarding, draining and/or Pilling in and leveling of such pit or excavation to be done, the cost of such wcrk shall be taxed against the property whereon such pitor carat ion is situate, o y the 'Village may at its option proceed to collect such by an a - against the applicant for such permit, and his sureties if a" bond Section 7. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions (f this ordinance uha11 be punished by a fine F not less than One \ e 01.00) Dollar and not more than one Hundred ($100.00) Dollar., beeidas v . the costs, and in default of payment, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail until payment is made, not exceeding ninety days in all. ' Each day of violation shall,constitute a separate offense and be punished accordingly. I Section 8. If any section or part of this ordinance shall be held by any court having jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining valid portions thereof shall be and remain in full force and effect. Section 9. This ordinance shall take affect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed the Village Council this 24th day of May , 1943 EARLE C. SHARPS ATTEST: President of the Village Council POIJER HAINHORNE Village Recorder 74.041 r ems. E ND EX-All-S, ROM- a' "` ✓ 1 �� iuCU WING TIM &%JOATRiO, ➢1GOi£.G ;J111 64IGTAP110 CT OIiIN YT S nT.. F;.°.C1valo ^S, 1 AND Tit': IL. O 1:7110 OF'A',m -', i' 4UIPJ110 A P£P'IT, WD g£P':ALINO AN ORGI't"M 01 UT 2L, 1943, R7LATINO TO 0"1 11TO AND gaCA- VATION9 The tillage Council of the Villaca of Edina do ordain as fol- lorse Section 1. (a) Open pit, or axo.vatious, as tined in this ordinance, shall mean any artificial orcavation of the earth, rithln the Village, der, oxoavated or wade by the -.val from tM natural -face of the earth of sod, soil, send, Pavel, storm or other matter, creating a depression or dap -d.... ex ... ding do any ono place 200 square feet of aurfaco area, the bottom or lowst point of Which sham be tvo feet or more bolm,�.r Issas then, the level of the cdj.ining mmreavated land; in rdch depression, pit or excavation rater may fell, gather, collect and remain et., -.t, putrid or p.11ntod; or rhieh depression ray be or became dangerous, from the standpoint of pubLc safety or health, or to children playing therein or then:byl or vYdch depression nay became a pnbllc nuisenee, or dateriorat, the valor of adjacent property. Depressions, pits or excavations node for the pun pone of the fmmdation, collar or baserent of some immediately pending superstructure to be erected, wilt or placed theroon contmparaneoualy sith, or immediately folloring arch excavating, and covering or to cover avoh nxesvated pit or dupro.sim rh.. eonpl.ted, am excepted, ir a building permit has been issued. (b) Impmesded raters, ae used in thin ordinance, shall mean any ,rater, kept on public or private property Ithin the tillage in sir h nn.r that core than 500 gallons of rotor are above the natural a- face of the surre -ling gmmd. The sons " rater" or "enters ", as used in the preceding- sent -c., shall bo domed to inalxio any an1 all liquid asbstanc.a. ;ect±.n 2. Porron, or persons, .s used in this ordinance, shall be umforstood to mean every natural person and wary co- part-ship, corporation and ....elation, zad Cassell shall Wean 4111a,o Cooncll. AN MMDMVCE FMmly = C=AIN F=- .. TnEs Cr SCLICITOSB,pSMVTIS, 17AR&Eiyi, II'1RCR#8P 1PRCIiAAt<fS A!D TSA1GSBbT YEppCP9 The 4111age Coem11 of the OSllage of Edina do ardaia as follows Saotdm 1 - The Preotio of 9.149 1n end apes prirata re-m —. is the village by wollcitarg, peddlate, bavkare, itinerant w=heoto and tre -lent ♦endure Of mxdb dl-e, mt barlag bum req�tsd or lavited .o to do by the gear or ..wars, .eeapeot - - C.pante of eaeb privet. reel- dame., for Use porpoee or .olielting ordsre for the Dale of goods, varee 11 end - rcheadi-a wad /- for Vary... of dl.po.ing of ewd/.r p.adling or _ hawking the -es 1e hereby dealored to be a nuisence. Sactlm 2 Any persm vbe abell n.iate the p,-ovl.lom of thl. Csdl— .ball, wpm eomlotlon thereof, be puelehed by a flm not to exceed $loo or by iayrl.a -Dent �ln thw e.mty Jail for a period wt to a oed nlmtJ drys. 9.atlm 3 - Thee orwmme &hall take affect and be in forao f— and after rte pablloetim. %awed by the 9SLLga Cocil m 23rd —1e _ Cny of Ja17 Pr+.laent of V 17 Caam11 Attest• 111-91 Clerk PUR MHM IN SURURIM PRESS JULY 26, 1951. euE " WE BEIM 11 An s u ^�P ORDINANCE N0. 19 . / �) AN ORDIITATCE GRANTLPG TO T E I`Ii^TEATOLIS VV" GAS LIGHT COTTANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND A33IGITS, TIM RIGHT 1 TO YA:7UFAG TURE, SHELL A ?2 /OR DISTRIBUTE GAC FOR HEATII'G, T ILLS'.IITATIPG AIM OTi,T.R TURMH33 IN TIM LILLACE OF EEDINA, A!D TO UCE THE STRT.ETS, AVENUES A7D ALL.T.YS THrREOF FOR THAT PURPOSE. The Village Council of Edina do ordain as fcllews: Se c+: 1. That permission is hereby given and granted to the liinneapolis Gas Light Company, its successors ana signs, for the period of trienty (20) years from and after the publication of this Ordfnanoe, to manufacture, shell and/ - or di strmbuts gas for heating, it l u-:i mating and other purposes within the Village of Edina and for the purpose to lac and maintain gas ei ins a d pipes, and any other appurtenances necessary to the m a fnt enance of service i and along the etree� avenues and alleys of said Village. Provided however that be- fore the said Company shall establish any plant i said Village far the manufacture of gas, the ap^roval By the Village Coun- cil of the location thereof, in the maercice of a reasonable discr eti or. b;• said Council, shall be first obtained by the said Company. Provided further that be fare laying said rains the Company shall sulmit a plan shewing the proposed location thereof to the Village Council, and obtain its approval of such plan. Section. 2. That the said Finneapolis Gas Light Company, its successors a signs, in laying or repairing its afore- ' said gas mains and pipes, shall not unnecessarily or unreasea- ably obstruct o injure any street, a and alley of the aid Village a d shall restore all streets, a enues and alleys of the said Village, which shall be opened by it, its agents am employes, for the purpose of laying, placing or maintaining its afar can fd gas mains o pipes, to a nearly the sa_^:e order and condition. a is r sonably possible, and shall main tai n, repair and 1:eepGi71 good end proper condition far a Period of three (3) months that portion of said streets, lanes alleys highways, disturbed by it in. laying, plac lacing or main- and of it, laid gas mains and pipes therein ar theresn, the tku•ee (3) months period shall commence when the frost leaves the ground. Section 3. That t -.e said Yinneapolis Gas Light Company, its successors and a signs, shall lay such of its mains and pipes as come wit hin�ite recluir -onto far suburban s vice as soon as t..a Company sh ^11 find it reasonably posriblerto do so. That the said Vinneapolis Gas Light Company, its succes:-- s,les- ees or a signs, shall with in thirty (30) days from the publication of this Ordinance file with the Reworded of the Villed its acceptance of the s citing, signed by ,,to proper officers, and attested bs y its corporate seal. Section 4. That the said nneapo lis Gas Light Company, its successors or a signs shall hold the Said Village harm- less from any and all damages and costs to vihich it may be put by reason of the coast operation a maintenance of the said gas mains ou d pipes, one. the furnirhing of gas to the said Villa, _a and its n inhabitants thereof byiit. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COiPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE, IMPORT, TRANSPORT, SELL, AND DISTRIBUTE GAS FOR HEATING, ILLUMINATING AND OTHER PURPOSES IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND TO USE THE STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS THEREOF FOR THAT PURPOSE. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Great of Authority. There is hereby granted to Minnespolis Gas Light Company, hereinafter called the "Company," its successors end easigis, for s period of twenty (20) years after the adoption hereof, the right to manufacture, import, transport, sell, and distribute gas for heating, illuminating, and other purposes within the limits of this Village, hereinafter called the "Village," He the same now exist or es they may be extended in the future, and for that purpose to establish the necessary fsailitie, and equipment, and to maintain a manufacturing plant, gas man , servace pipes, and any other appurtenances necessary to the manufacture, sale, and distribution of gas in and along the streets, alleys, avenv , an d other public places of said municipality, and to do all things which are reasonable, necessary, or customary in the accomplishment of this objective, subject, however, to the further provi- sions of this franchise, provided, hawever, that before the said company shall establish any plant in said Village for the manufacture of gas the approval of the Village Council of the location thereof, in the exercise of a reasonable discretion by said Council, shall be first obtained by said Company. Section 2. Obstry ting Street.. The Company shall exercise its privileges hereunder anbject at all time to the police power of the Village and shall not urine cessarlly or unreasonably obstruct the use of or injure any street, even , or'slley, and shall, upon the completion of any con ,traction or repair, restore all streets, avenv , and alleys of the municipality which shall be opened by it or its agents or employees Par the ~~'~ing,~~' ,p,i~ it, for _~--' —~ pipe, —~~ the __ and to,dition' they _ ���������������~ _--~~' old _~—_ end —__~' '~~~_~_~_—~~~h.11.... P~_ ~ti,,~~,Ing~--tim,—~—._~—~_ ���������������� pork, bo,l~ bridge, ' other ~~~~'~~—properly ~~end mit,i ...~~_ .... ~~_proper ~~ de�rnn~_~--.' the —=y be, th,11't,k,n—. _ the ~~ end the ...t. the ... bell ~~~_in.t the ~~ end ~.dedo--~pey —_.fr.. the ~~. __'.et.. The —_ prior ' the ~~'— _~-d.r thi. fr—ohi.'h..~..t~ the ~~.~~plot ~ing the ~tion.—. end .tim~~~~—~mine. ~—.~~~.~~pm thl, pr—i,i- bell net '-- ''1,er th ..~ —_-~—g. Cl.i... Th. —_ bell _~keep, end held the ~l,g, free ~—~'frm��'—~.~~ '~~'~—'—~~~—'~--tion,~~_. —~'per,ti on. it, Property end . ... tht —it bell~~~ ~— the ~~. either independently 'jointly ith the ~~' _~ thereof, the ~,,y, open ~~..~ the ~~holldefend ~~~~on, ..It. the toot . the ~ery, end . the _.. _~~ being ~in,d ~~ the ~~ either ~~~~' Jointly �ith the C,.pmy, the Co~hll~s,,h J,d�,00t. ith~ \ —'--------- / provide end ~~'~—.—...d ot~—_~.~' the � I iI President Attes Clerk (Official Publication) PILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN Colpay, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE GRA14TMG 00 =IIEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS. AND ASSIGNS, THE .RIGHT TO HANUFAC'U,,,E, IITORT, TRANSPORT, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE GAS FOR EGAI]IM, ILLUSENATBIG AND OTr,1 PURPOSES IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND TO USE THE STREETS. AVENUES', AND AIlEYS THEREOF FOR THAT PURPOSE a THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLDAIS, SECTION 1. That Section 5 of the ordinance entitled: ' -AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT CCHPANY, I ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE, IiUORT, TRANSPORT, SELL, AIM DISTRIBUTE GAS FOR HEATING, ILLUMINATING AND OTHER PURPOSES IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ' AND TO USE THE STESSETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS THEREOF FOR ,(fir THAT PURPDSE,a being an ordinance adopted October 14, 1946, in hereby emended to read a. 'II follows' •Section 5. STANDARDS OF SERVICE. The Company shall at all time. provide d furnish an adequate, safe and continuous supply of gas to the village and its inhabitants, .ubjeft, however, to the further provisions of this section. The C-pany sells and distributes straight natural gas throughout its entire ae distribution system, which In located in the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota, d in a number of suburban communities and in the territory adjacent to and near the said city. The natural gas distributed by the Company is furnished "by,the pipe line ay.tem owned and operated by Northern Natural Gas Company, !".natural gas company," under the Federal Natural Gas Act, which subject. '1 said Northern Natural Gas Company to the jurisdiction of the Federal Power Commission. 1.. 'The Company shall not be liable to the Village or its inhabitants, nor hall the Village, or any inhabitant who 1s a customer of the Company, be 1/ liable to the Company hereunder by reason of the failure of the Company to 'delifer,.or of the Village or a customer to receive, natural gas as a result of .eta of God, or the public enemy, inability of pipe line supplier to i lYn iah an adequate supply due to m emergenry, an order or decision of a iF public regulatory body, or other acts beyond the control of the party affected. 'Nhenever any of the occurrence. named above take place, the Company stlea have the right and authority and it shall be its duty to adopt r o'mble rules and regulations in connection with limiting, curtailing for allocating extensions of service or supplying of gas to any customer or ,� prsgpective customer, and withholding the supplying of gas to new customers, )prsoided' that such rules and regulations shall be uniform as applied to each class of customers, and shall be nandincriminatory as between communities. p ^The Company shall have the right to contract for the sale of gas for Industrial use on an interruptible basis, requiring the customer to have ptandby equipment for we upon notice by the Company. The Company'. rules, regulations, schedule. or contract, for curtailing interruptible fan service ,shall be uniform as applied to each class of Interruptible customers. �f -If aenice is temporarily suspended because of any of the reasons set forth above, occurring through no fault or negligent act on the part of the Company, such suspension shall not be made the basis of any action or pro— needing to terminate this franchise. The quality of the gas sold in the V Yege .hall be the came as that sold to the Company's' customers in the GStj of Him ... poll.. _ ,I .SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after St.`paecage end publication. Passed by the Village Council of Edina this 23rd day of April, 1951.. ATTFSTt' (Signed) 'REUBEN F. ERICKSON (Signed) DOWER HAWTHORNE ILIYOR VILLAGE CLERK Please Publish in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Hay 5, 1951. Plea a send w 25 Copiea. Fla a..and as 2 Affidavit. of Publication. AN (IRDIVAICE V/ Granting . franchise for constmo tion of ..In at and H.Iif_ Awnu:�,prm!adCjet, S4j!h.&St4`Zh Street to Francs A-- and the,. South alms Franc. Avenue ,57th Street The Village Council of rdj_ do ordain a : f Ilose, section 1. A franchise I. hereby Erent, t: podor isaft., sometime. referred to as the ll.eneae, to construct water main eight (a) lombea In diameter, oce-truct0d In specifications approved by the Village E.,j, commencing and H.1ifes A—-, pro... ding along 64th Street to r"nof south alms Francs "$me to 67th Street. Section 9. Said star -in bell be connected at 64th Street and EeUf- and shell not be dj.,mcmt.d I-..t of the Council. Section 3. The entire coat Or said water ..Im said It...... Section 4. Said lic-am shall Permit the Village hydrants wo to said main at such places to it Moms proper the Village but without sharp by li .... a.. Section S. Said been... shall permit any person therefor and paying the censcation fee homimfter authorized the water min authorized hereby. Said licensee shall charge from any and all person. monecting ..,to the wstar hereby or to any extension of said water main, whether made by the Village or by privet. par.—. The amount charge shall be . front foot charge for the property to with the f.11-i.g schedule, ") If the property to r _d by the proposed it.. front. on j4rrtim f Z;e street@ in main authorized hereby I- I..td,7,h pr.prt(yg..b.,1)1pa.,y .11 goo,stion..h.re, of Three and 16 r set feet (b) If the property to be served by the proposed tj I dose net front on the portion of the :tre.t the water d I. located, "In -th .hall pay . I I6/100 Dollars preventoimpaeiti.nnct Bush connection charge of such Other 11 the C small may authorize. a water to hazw- and Plam moordmoe with at 64tb Strect A---, end the-- to the Tillage --I- pt with the shall be home by to `-t fire at the cost Of metine Ppli-tLon to moreat On to collect R connection, main authorized said extensions are If said --a-t"' be ..road I. accordance a,=- which the we r so I.- in which rush property ($0.26 ) per shall net a AN OBDINANCB AXENDING THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE ADOPTED JANUARY 24, 1949, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE , PBESCRIBBgi BATES, CHARGES AND REOOIATIONS FOB THE VII.IACE CF E07NA NATERW0tIC4 SISTER The Vill". Council of Edina do ordain as fall -. I'^ Mat=Secttoe 3, Paragraph (a) of that Ordinance adopted by the Village .� Coune21 January 24, -1949 and entitled "An Ordinance prescribing ._,- charges and reguLtism for the Village of Edina Naterworho Syetee,w ere hereby mended to read as fall-.• "Section 3, (a). Water consumed will be charged an the basis of eater readings at the following ratees NET'- (If paid rlthis . .. GR099 _ Oiamwt Period Presented) Par 200 Cu. Ft. - For First 3,000 CU. Ft. . X198 .18 u. Per 100 06 - For Nezt ,3,500 Cu. Ft; .187 .17 Par 100 Cu: Ft: - For Nerd; 4,500 C- Ft. - .176 .16 Per 100 Cs. Ft. - For Eaeee - 21,000 Cu.Ft. 165 .15 except Shat water conewed Sa the dietriet described u the East aide of Beard Avanus from 54th Street to Fuller and both sides of Abbott Place free 54th Street to Beard Avenue will be charged at the rate of 23.3 par 100 e.his test gross, or 21# per 100 his feet if paid within the discount period presented. The aformentioned excepted district is serriced with water pureheaed by the Village frost the City of Nimes- spells and the Village has h dnly oomidered all pertinent fasts and finds that the high- rate is fair and reusable. ESECTION 2. This Ordinance hall k. effect and be in fares after its paseags d pmlicatioa acceNing to Lw. ATTESTS - - - (SSmad) FRED S. CIOID (Signed) N(AiS6 HAWTHORNE Acting Neyor VS1LNo Clerk Adopted by the Village Council this 22nd Day of 9eptesber, 1952. Published in Edina- Momingeide Carrier Netober2, 1952. /° g TI I° ». \ - //\ . ( (k ° /\ Z/� AN ORDP.:AITC:: IROHIBITING. TF5 SALE _1?'D REGULATILG THE ✓ DISCH:LRGB OF FIRIN10FE3 AYD PROVIDING A 1'M.ALTY FOR VICLATIOIT THE _'.30F. The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Definition. The term "fireworks" as applied to explosives, the sale of r:hich is prohibited within. this Village, shall include toy pistols, toy guns, tcy c nnons, detonating canes, blank cartridge @, firecrackers ofaany size and kind, and any substance efan expleoive nature and devices £on discharging the same; provided, this crdisuse, shall net apply to ammunition and fire ams or to dynamite and devices for exploding the same. Section 2. Sale Prohibited. All SAle, possession, or display for sale of fireworks 1vithin the Village cf Edina is hereby entirely prohibited. Section 3. Discharge Regulated and Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to set off or discharge any fire - -orks w't hln this vi llsge at any time e dept beta eenn thehn urn of six (6) A.K. and midnight of July 4th, except when such day falls on Sunday; then upon thefoll -ing day; provided, that then. no firer�0 Ion shall be discharged ea as. to injure or threaten the slfety of ary person or property; provided clod, that pyrotechnical displays nay be authorized by resol- ution of the council, when under the be of a ompetent person. or persons and the council is satisfied that proper 1, precautions ',ill be taken to protect life and property. Section 4. Repeal. Ordinance I". ', entitled "An - Crdinance Fro hi biting the Use or Sale of Certain. Fire - works anal P viding Penalties for the Violation Thereof" and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent her -ith are hereby repealed. Section 5. .Penalty. Any person, fim o corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be gnilty of a misdemeanor., andupon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine ofnotle no than one dollar nor are than one hundred dollars besided the cents of suit, and in default of such payment shall be corm tted to the county jail until payment is made not to exceed ninety (90) day in s ^.y case. Section G. Effect. This u shall take affect and Is in. force fee. and after its passaaecand publicaties ased - ding to law. 2'Itit1TE3: July 13, 1931 Book 1/12/29 to 12/12/33 Page 116 OFcD II7A17CE BODY Book 1 /31/ to - Page 4 be 1.� RILL 40s OF ED P,iA, HE'.?2"..P Ili COUNTY, i_rISTI:E SOYA The Villa+. Council of the Village of Edina does ordain as fo11 "d: Section 1. That Section ZV of the zoning Ordinance of the Village at Edina, passed by the Vi lla-e Council an 1 - ay 25th, 1931, a a amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto the 1, following Spot- to be knaen: as Section (f -1): "Lots 2a, 29, 30, 31, and 32, 31ock 3, Grand View Hcith4 or ding to the map or plat thereof on file and ar - ad recodd in the office of the Register of Deeds in and ff.r Hennepin County, S"inresata. Section 2. This Ordinance -L,11 be in fall fare, and effecf .. from and after its p s -�ge a dp ublication, according to law. The motion to adopt w seoonded by Recorder Years and the vote w upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, whereinsthere r+ e five ayes and no nays, and so the resol- ution r,as adspted. A1MrXMrT TO 20ITIE0 ORDIBArCDt \C \/V ✓ The VSllnea Counoil of the Village of EdIce does ordain as follo.ss feat ion 1. That Section N of the 2onir„ Ordimnoo of the li a of Edinn, passed by the Village Coanei1 on Bqy 2Gth.- 1931, no amended. in hereby .ended by adding theroto Sho ; followi.g Section to be known as Section (f -1)s -Lot. 28. 29. 30, 31. and 32. Block 3, Grand VS en I[aigbta. according to the I.+ap or plat thereof on file and of record In She ofitso of the Begiter of Deed. in and for Hennepin County, L'inneoot n.° Section 2. Thin Ordinance skull be In full force and affooS ran an after its 1aa.aGo and publication, according to law, v Aa O"IMNCr. AM== A17 OrDlrnnCE OF TIM VILLACD 0r !:DITA, 117 .71' °PIP CO1171'Y, 17I1TiOOTA. LrTITLIM "'II,* ^O'.7•3C O:iPIAPO.. ^.Or r.D71fA, PAACED BY TI01 OO-01T, OF ^AID. VILLACI: OP TIM 25TII DAY OF RAY, 1931. T,1o. Coonoll of the V111o,e of Pdina, do ordoini On otion 111, that nParaeraph °n^ of anld Cootion bo and in hereby n.ndod no no tolnelodo in tho ..oc Pre.w1bod in the Open Dovelornent 1,1 t,lct of the ZOO inc Ordinance of Ddina, that of ^Oren,. hall.• 1!IN17TD0, 7l%mber 28, 1934. - Book of 1/0/34 to (1,728/,37 Po,e 66 = DO or, .. Not Pecorded rDDm.ICiaa, tN O -'= sI c n2._ : rc TI'.:: zcalr.0 CrDI Ar.Cr, cr THE . VILI.AC o =:A, r `= IE CCU -MY, : *... ^,era, AICrTED I'.AY 20, 1937, 'AZ A! "r IMS The Council of the Village of Zdina, Hennepin County, Dirnccota, d.ca ordain . no follow., An Ordinance anendlrC the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of rdina, llenncpin County, lUnnesota, regulating the location# cizo, veo and holrht of'bnlldi Wr, the arraneenant of bu11CSnCC .n late and.tho density of p.pul:tion in the Village of Edina and for the purpone of the hevlth, eifety, order, convenience, rroorcrity and Caneral welfare in cold Village, adopted l.ry 20, 1 .,7, an n: ,.cnCod, be end the cone In hereby mended an folloeas - TI-at that part or parcel of land which lien Eorth of State IliChaay Q169 and botveon cold Utatc I1incooy elrV and the OIL' road kmcn an rden prairie 1 Read and Mat of Make road extended to Ito Intcrcectlon with raid State nlghvay ti160, In nnid Village of 7dirm,. be ' and the oeao herolri in changed from the Open Bovolopmont District, to the Comunity Store Dintriot, permitting of ouch deniCnated once and cond1tiona no proscribed in the cnid ZonlrL Ordinance for G=tmlty Store District. ZIIIUTEO, I'nrch C, 1937 Boak of 1/0 /34 to 0/20/d7 pate .234 CRDI°A.CP. MM b rot RccorCed I'UIL.ICI79f BOTrt THIS IOEZ R7SII2 TO LOUIS TCII -O pP.OrMTY. t AR ORD1RARCE Ataamlra ZOVIEG CRDIRARCE, VILLAGE or ISSM, I*11U---CTA The Village Council of the Village. of Edina do ordain or follawat Section 1.' That Section 3, Parneraph . a -16 of the Soninr - :..Ordinance of the VillWa. of ,,-W eta, pa.aad by the Village C ounc3l or. I'zy 28th', 1031,, De and the meets hereby Is eacndod to read to follorot "10. Aocmboarj buildirro, including private garage or private mt.blc, -hon loo stud on not loco than thirty feet fro the . front .lot lime or plot e 6 at Iano the' rive feet fr- say aids lirbl end one b•sildi n0 to be uaefl ae a:dncllin ^,for sCrv=t e, provided the agrcrate grcand this cover' nhcli not � oxooed rifteor. porcont .r the total area of the lot or. plott no part of the cnln lwildinl or aceeseory . buildin, shall be ncaror time Thirty foot .fro:. the front lot line of ouch lot or. plot. Ptww the eidth of"thc thorouChfrzo or oaq or road is not eatnbliched of rec�' d, the Cscroll, by a four- fifthe vote, rsy.. dctemSno, for the piu•poos of the Interpretation of the provision of this .ordinance, the location of raid front line. - "Tn the event no public street, no thorc1rhfaro no way or '.no Lravclod ro.:d, abuts n. trnoL on rhich it is Intended to .erect a 6`0111¢; and acccx. -y buildinSo, sold treat jot beina . s lot or plot am doflned in this ordlranco,,thon and L that event 'no part of the chin buildirv_ and. no part of ray aeconcory buildIM chn 11 be scorer than sixty foot to the boundary line of maid trust tanard Mich the said rain bu Sldine -fcoeo or Is intended 'to face ". .Section 2. ''That Section 8 of said 2oning�Otdiranco of the ' Viliarc of Edinaw passed by the Villaro Council ray 28th9 1031, ] bs. ontnded U, and the etme hereby In arended by addlM# at the and of said Section 0, the follonirst. "38. *Plot* A tract other than one unit of a recorded plat of mubdivl Ion rnd occupied and ua od or int ondod to be occupied anfl us ad as a htocita and lrprcved. or intended to be Sriproved by the emotion thereon of a dvellinS and accessory bui ldSnO: and havime t frontage .upon a public street or upon a thorouCh- fare or upon n say; or; upon a traveled or wed.rond and includ- SnS, no a 43n1naa ouch open spaces no am required under this section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and affect from and after Ito poona0o and publication accordivE to law. - ITIRUfESt- March 20, 1038 Book of 7/12/37 to 6 /4/40 rage 03 Ifg3`� li ORD2EAIIDE MC8t Sot Recorded pU8L2GI�Dt �Y i AI: OPMI::A:TCE r-- , :.ALII O A=ILMIT TO ZOEIIC O:IEI:1 Wit: CI` TIC: VILLACA Or - 7II7A, 1;110U.COTA• The Vi11nC0 CosnaiIL of the `JS 11aCO of Edina, do drdain a�fo llrvet Ceation 1. Thateartain ordinance entitled "An Ordinaioe AaaadSnC Zo11rC Ordt wnao, Vill -CC of Ldira,^ I1,1ch cold ordiranco co a ___ o.�'I Zoninr Ordialnco ran pnooed bj the V11LaCO Co�noll of the VIlingo of Sdira an the 28th day of ^rah, 1930, and -p obllched on the 31ct day of ..'roh, 1a3O, bo and the .cane hereby Is reraaled. Section 2. Tula ordinance rhall be in '=oa raid effect from and after its panraro aid publlmtioa nocar GIM to law. L;ILE.01Z or 7/11: /371LO 0%4/40 race d' Inert rot I:eoorded _ T AN ORD1:•ALCr AEi^DIE:c:rONIM 011rarvRCr VIII.AOr OF DDIE A.. ESSIIEt'...aTA. The Vilinrc Council of tho.Vlllago of Mile do ordain follero: Ocatlon 1. That raraCraNl le or . ^.cation 111 -a of the ConirQ Ordtnnnoe of the Village of Ulna, paoaod by the VillaCO. Council en ray 25th. 1031, be and the eano hereby 1. -endoe to read an fo11o:..1 •10. Accccaory buildi.To. Snclndice, private �araco or nrivato otabla, char. lcoatee not loco -ttan thirty foot tr:m the front 11no of lot or plot and not U. then five feet fray am•. nida pt and one bulldtr to be -coed no a dcellilU lbr narvanto. . pre^idcdthe aUGre,;otc Crnund t:iia cev ernchnll not croccd 7lftecn yor cent of L1c tctal area of the lot or plot; no part of the unin buildinG or ecoarnory building ehall be hero than Thirty feet to the front line of cuoh lot ar plot. °1hon the nidth of the thoroaCjifare or vicy or reed 1. not ectcblichod of record, the Council, by n four - fifth. vote, any dot. -Ine for the purpose of the irtcrrretatlon of the proviciono of thin codlnonco. U. l.c.ti.n cf ucld free lire. win tha event no public otrcet, no thoroughfare no =y or no trnvaled.or need road, nbuto a treat on. nhich 1� in intended to oreot a dnell,2 and ac.co -ary. buildin;-c., -Id tract net `. boinc a lot or plot ou der ir.ed in thin ordinance, then and in trot event no part of tho x:nin build, and no part of any .00000ary I+IldSnC chall b'a marer than nL -.ty feet ^to :he .boundary line of cold treat tanard ahIch'tho rain bnlldtrC facco or in intended to Face-. - - Section 2. Tint Ccation VSI of paid 7.on1R^ OrQiranon of the Villace of ":dim entitled "Dofinitlona•, iatacC by..the V111nco Council Tay ^5th, 1931. be and the c-o heroby ie -c:ded by aC DG. at the end of cald So ion VII+ tho follominC1.. •30. +:lot +. A tract other than. one Emit of a recorder plat or eubdivinian'anE aac.plod end coed or intended to be aocupled .and ca ed no n hono.nito end Snptovefl erSntondcd to be itryroved by. the, orcotion thorem of a dnollirc and accenuary ta11d1 c and havllla a frontace upon a public otreat or ulron a thorot4,h fare or upon a my or upon a traveled or need road and Snaludini as n ainly= ouch open apnoea no are rejilrod under:%hia ordln- once. 0eetlml 3. ThIC ordinance cha11 be in force and effect from and after Ito pannaCo and publication accordlnG to lac. 111.iU=01 April 11, 1930 Book of 7/12/37 to 0/4/40 Pace G'7 ORPMA7.'CP. DOOEI Lot Recorded PUEA,ISNEDI All CRDEIANCE AEPID= ZOSIEO OnDIDAECE, VIM.. GE OF'E.DICA ITIEDP.. ^,OTA The Village Council of the V11laro of Edina do ordain an follonss Beot3on 1. That Section 3 of the Zoning - Ordinance of the Village of Edina, passed by the Council on l.sy 26th, 1931, wad dod g - nated In said Zoning Ordinance as "Op on Dovolopr_ont District ". bo and the soon hereby 10 anended by adding to said Section 3,- paragraph (p) reading as follon01 ".(p):The following deacrlbod real ontato located In said Village, to -nits - DeeSnnine,at the intersection of the North line of vent COth .street and the East line of wooddale Avenue, as the said otreot and avenue are laid out In said Village, and running thence East along .the Eorth Sine of said vent COth Street to the Southwest corner of Lot One (1),. Block Fourteen (14)s Country Club I' latriat, Fuirvay Sections according to the plat thereof an file and of record in the offioa of Cho ne,I a t er of Deeda . of said Hannepin Countyy thence to the Southwest corner of Lot Six (0) In said Dloc js k Fourteen (14 then.. vent to the Southwest corner of Lot To onty (2 0) Sn said IIlock Fourteen (14)p thence,.South along the East lino of cold woodda�le Avenue to the point of beeinnings Is hereby aamsi zoned,to permit the erratic n 'only of ono or ono and two family dwellings as defined in cold Zoning Orflinano. and the erection and construction upon cold promises, or any part thereofs of any building erected and constructed for or Intended for occupancy by more than one or two fan111ea respectfully In . 1.crcby prohibited. Beetle. 2. That Section 6 of sold. Zoning Ordl nano, entitled "Civic Center" Shall be onitted and that upon the land and promicou '. Sn saki Section.b deaorlbeds located In the cold V1llnCe of Edinas Hennepin County, 1lnnesota0 to -with All that part of the Dorthenot quarter of the Southwest quarter (lEJSw¢) of Scotian Eighteen (18)g lying South of want. COth Street, vest of wooddale Avenue and North and East of L'Inne- babe Creek as I now runs and no said streets ore laid out and used in said Village, there ohall be created only one of one d th0 o family truc doll- . 1nC0 as defined in sold Zoninlg Ordinances and Lho construe t3on and erection thereon of any building conattuatad and erected for or intended for occupancy by more than one or two families respect- fully Sohereby prohibited. Section 3. Thin Ordinance shell be In force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. MNUTESn ATust S, 1930 rMLIMISDI Book of 7/12/39 to 6/4/40 rage 100 OnDII:ATTBE DooEs ' Est ne..r.ed knaru ,T TO unlirr. O,DIDAMIS . The Village Council of the Village of Edina folloual ^eotion 1. TML Ibragraph (b) of "Won of tTo VS11age Of- LdS110.:.paecedby. Lire VS 13eti.;oCoimoll as -ended by an 'ordinsnoo priced by the Village Il,- 1939p -be and the oeao in hereby, anonded (b). On Franoe Avenue at 00th Streets a strip - and extending from 50th Street Horth 330 ft. a atrip of land 125 ft. deep on each aide Ing Uoot. from Franco Avenue a distance of ground described as follows, no ginning at a point on the South lino of ft. tlo.t of the Enoterly aid. line of Franco 60 .ft., or. more -or loco, to the Motorly aide does ordain ao IV, of the 2onirM Ordlnanoo on L'ny 25. 1933. Council on Dcembor to read as folloo01 of land 125 ft. deep and South 330 ft.1 of 50th.Stro.t and extend - 520 ft. and a plot of - LOth Street d3 otant b2O Avenue, thenco Woot lino of Halifax Avonuei thenoo Couth along the aide line of 0 fk.1 thenoo -n an EacterlV direction of 10 i line of 50th St roet a distance of 80 ft., -. 520 ft. Seat of the Easterly sideline of to the place of boginningt and a plot er ground South 25 ft. of the r.rth 150 ft. of the East _ ft. of Iat 431 Auditor's SubdSvS Dion 172, thereof on file and of record in the offico In and for Hennepin County, rInrecota, .7lthin and said otri pa of land fronting on the IIorth of Loth Street no bulldiree shall be created the conker lino of mid. 50th Street. Section 2. This Ordinoneeohall be in full and after its passage and publicat ion, according iiIBtH":C, Larch 24 1941 Halifax Avenue a distance parallel with the South nor. or less, to a point Franco Avenue= thence Berth described an followai 95 ft. of the Went 160 according to the plat of the Register of Belo cold plots of ground and Ccuth aide lines ncr er then 40 ft. to force and offset from to law. Boos of G/10 /40 to 10/13/41 Page 125 ORDIIIAEOD DOOEt Bot Recorded : UMISImt AI^,..ICA.7T TO SECTIC.1 N. ZOITIIG OADIYAMS The Vi11aCo Council of the ViDAGO of rdina does ordain no follower �ecti on 1 That Section IV of the ^oniry; Ordinance of the VS1IaCa Sniru t pan sed by the Villnec Council on My 20th. 1931. as - anded, Is hcretrr -ended by addinC thereto the followlnC section, to be known an Section (b•1)1 .The South 170 feet of the South IIalf of Lot 30, except the Oast 13 feet thereof, Auditor's sub- division Ilo. 172, Hennepin County, 171nncootn." ^cation 2. Thin Ordinanoc aball be in full force and effect Pmn and nfter its paeaaec and publlcntlon, acaordinC to law. AN ORDINANCE AIMING ZUMING ORDINANCE VILLAGE CP EDINA, IMUTLSOTA Adopted Det.ber 28th, 1946. P- of the 1Llage (;—oil Ivill.g. lerk AN 0RDWANCE / Ai ENDING Aii OIDINAISCE ADOPTED - 23, 1931 REGULATING THE LOQATIOH, SIZE, USE, ANDI"ICHT OF BUILDINGS, TIM AJERANGOM 1=3 T OF DUILUINOS ON 13 AND TUi DENSITY OF POFULATIal IN. THE VILLAGE OF EDI11%, AND FOR ME PURPOSE OF MCE=nD TIE HEALTR, SAFELY, MDER, COl1VZ:!M: E, PROSPERITY AND G::l=Ul sILFARE IN SAID VILLAGE, A11D FOR SAID "MR O= TO DIVIDE THE VILLAGE I11TO DISTRICTS. The Village Council . of the Village of Edina do ordain ae follows, Be.. 1. Section VII of that certain ordinance passed by the Village Council of this Villago on 14 25, 1931, and published in the 1k,-pin County Review on MY 2£,'1931, entitled -An Ordinance regulating the location, sine, =a, and height of buildings, the arrsagenent of buildings on lots and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of proeoting the health, safety, order, convenience, ITceperity and General welfare in paid Village and for said purpose to divide the Village into districts,* is hereby a-,d d by inserting between Subdivisions 15 and 16 thereof a new Subdivision designated 39a to read as follows, et'Farmi.g,- The cultivation of the soil and nil netivitics incident,therato, except that said tens shall not _ include the mi.sing and feeding of hoes by feeding Garbage' thereto other than garbage produced by the residents or occupants, of the faro," Sec, 2.. Thin ordinance shall be in full force and effect true and after January 1, 1943. .Adopted,thie 20th :day of April, 1947, ' ATTEST, C. J. Christopher President of Village Counsil B_r Hawthorne Village Clerk Ar ORDINAITCE AIMIDTIM THE "OHSNG ORDINAITCE VILLAGE OF EDINA, }fPNl Fli. ,'C0 'ITTY, T`11-7-OTA The Village Counoil of the Village of Edina doge ordain as fol- lo}vs. ` Section. 1. That Section IV of "The Z n irg Ordinance of Edina ", a. ended is hereby amended b;' adding thereto the follow'ng as section to be known as Section (b -3) to cii t: land lying ,a ' eth linkte�t ractroP i rtri line f., a line 13'7,5 Feet South, and g et�v €emtt� ,7e st line of France A Av ue . a line 630.0 feet fard parrallel p to t e Hest line o£ France Avenue:'l" Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full £o roe and effect frpm and aftsr?_its publication according to lam. `V Passed this day of November, 1945. An ODDIVAxGR AIT-TOP G Z6114 VG ORDIVAr.0, VII VIIS.AG£ OF EDIDA, I'I2I17GOTA ItIoo n October ok/ au B or c/ Pete 218. ORDIVAROU Door. VoL Recorded POII.IORSDI V t ZONING ORDINANCE Tr Village OF Edina, Minnesota Tr PI-ed By Th. H....& C. R.- H,pktm, Minne�or ZONING ORDINANCE. Village of Edina, Minnesota P.t.xd By .....Pi' County Rw1— H.,kin, Mi.. .. Ta G w.cAo OF we- Ce ce .agmawg m. l«a ev iohlth� denya o -a foc the purpose p. romotivg the he „thy sty. ortlerf ' Unetor U, tllvlade f`he Village Into t1Tie Dowell oI the VNage oI Fd1na dces ortlaln as follows: CTION t. We by which thS Zo nga Obtllnance e I PAlvall be N SECTION IL oVelllege of Ee bdivWed lnthe llowlvg d6tslcts. The uses of atrpe- ana lamas. the height pe bwm- fvgssand the bmamga are pn°uo :mfm °`un aiatn i eyaop.nent e E 0LDSGkt. t. n6trlct. artabusbed.en oobuSNng Il be erectetl ox used tl- vot mmpq bowldlugtoz preMSes Is located. eegv cn ' VE OgEME P D OPEN of he to oat d oce Iv C. of HeMe� pment vD ULatrlct'enL H °fvodv a g d. Opev ne- / ` po ih.a o ei"ata fo: a ey me N / Men o °aae�;nalt' ', ihe _fm Sw aayyecem orpmvum w ( )., N Wv ab- .. aaav°Stl � aln avy.bWldlvg, atruc- 1 I e less premiws wlEhvvf B °fdl 1 evLe d haN Eels pair �ta N the aanmo re '(a).. _ ach INS .shell he a lot`� p o b, Clts.arand b 0 fs9 _pdbh _ it. for two fomWee lhouseU ]Uti OUOe C ° hifpd0 hd,l to M. tth. LI o fam- ° bllL b weuog m� i °emit: ° or <°r sDana¢ rma ana aem- °Pr a a a :s io Fretamit➢`Hb gug� <u2o GClvFSg�eev s: rawmlwro < ana wfiaine a °wi oaol atlghi.—Dee -ld fo -aa co <a lints as i °iia°= np eyie�oinnfama -- thintn 1k. P arl 01 s, Cmmell e o n e eaa a h`ft av➢ pagimobaua- baud' ag a w;�ma eo r <drcas ow I be ` .- orgN- emorenEa °mwara ea uai r° n:epti:ea er :`e`L°. ' mar< aor -tr- Ie. o �eaIt b - th.° m' io —It cayman an hee3rt vine;, °so'ad °i ieh- t, i eoinreya am°fo°`ia re oa One seae�a 17. 1.1 PlIt' ° Lase aua`fra'e a ao m; °ai ^a amesn`ineteier e ets Sobdiweo prnlect nevo�d a 'b the c ° L°(m`thewarst aailazevI b,lldldh ov each wry n I. eera�`u`e °f - n'nuam P-ing of au harm iem°mer bwmmgs om the tarred Ime reel° P. d signed d ee e a r l seed ay ine eeLP°h of the i t Tara a`�m oa acomer mL Lhe wfam or a. a d. aanwelllsar EOfeer- be tlya less theegtQeom imree shaE th, minl¢p r�ensh Ene Lt iet 1 inlv6 or PlEt h n Lne s 1 <dl W eethe a °PIZELi 1 Pir corgi cr ss th a h - wo teeL of Sher grwnd ble --d -d hod b m nes ( °erectead agry Hvetwh I InEepolvEs an9 lot e6 a �- o mn ➢ N streets �ine`lolving Fnaweenee buum va oPma�`w.ieaeti d �ane a mill P o tuuat q��� :pr anau b. IEahell be uNawlulgfor any cett of wratlecE. e1 Q. (aa `v mal¢EGn rev e. afrm �._ �'i area. ms`o umm s :e a rmlime t , n�st�n no a �e.euaeaa r aBFwsaaentl e- hmevts. s Ghee mLSCSeIh n� tTe wevEE ar°a nweF oe eblWments. 1. 6teEW eormpollce afatlov. fern 1f .1d Se tiff '28, a cev� asolfne�ylnlne'Statlan. Fnelt, k�o `tealu neaP h � NOrtW e erase Y N e Ease edo a 10 Ih ShoPS. g g r tl let roef PYel d I arodinl6 n earn a g <wd' av town premleu en not Srom "t' y ®ceFOps �� -t. INQlle Omae T So wine Wmrea are ➢ermt'- AcRavre ee. Wltlin6 wd SEruc { ted vedb en`IVUed Uy Ne VV Wege yyo tler eva.�N� be wletlwW f� e &s � IEPY coorpwa F, aal�tWi avy^bu11N �. o t e w�thouE tl st Fev o a e the �5 p¢e nee of more t'� d¢e ce c`n Oncen e g an`uie- th:1 m °n.`a era n %.'C n�Ni�yp doer D ativl ae a waer �i�Wna of ea. smiu� `r'o� yea nFlns .�a y r m p t amr.se of :or " sty °rms =:r . E Se r med«e° M«"ta,Pn. kma��rfbP,ng,EaE,oP. �P�s h nr wfE�n�E RaEa 'or', the ��P he�li_ aeb,j- ss �P h <th n.e Pb—t," o o BPP +oo�loaoczE on �eR�en ement '1 dN.r;menth 1 to the welPeraS i th<ebom- g. my 4....... ' a :rebmhmenca quo-_ I! enii �o� uunmiv as °h ^St_ w� It, 1 eecE W ePProvat of '" wd aubJecE o loratbn - unNthe oP ' t dhe 1G d abthtt Net ett t. beeaeeted iy° gt_th P,D Pd nessea en rahted tniM1�ls�aeclton. named thorooghiare. o e a ova thr �SNCTCN N. CT�ONN w Ctv CMC F.'NTEReNtemtheesE { or the'rn"' o[Othb or ErePned ~°strap hereby. ortls ace t eg south tl` 50th St.. E of Wood- followaT s din the PwosE E leave o a east of wa- btll ri aei`ee ine °rni g fd�" tn< wve :: i °now r,ma. cm. c—,, Po bmfa or n t e e mina ceen b< avm nna no meta- °o a ,hair m ae' in e w �o- ga a hat °v` oaadotte okay a u` tt� wuetosfa` °Ve Kir. amtamg " —w e - Prem mete nmiantg or P�rtmn�oi Ehe m�ao mse vt oen <t aE o PPbuo hmiame w e„e 0. tl1 a lneen..< e�nai i "�� � ma io e< .eOe1t o o ora oPSn 67 ea ha w ae° uorr i an of yew a t�:n � ells i oPe O ^^ Ph sin m NE be�1o�[ ¢this E' t bP a a. 'vmwixai ° m ee.. tbe::iunau°'°Pa`� i. ar:�ntma oo a — eab¢G;bra" Y aR� -.. ,naeing . war�sarage: °Qae n�aresie<ao °m °ataePie. (ee ;°iPa `st°`ras =om are acroP�[r'nri Mn ve. of m ,1 -� uuxb 1e petl for o e Iron1MO[It a buudWg m u[tled aE fh� 8. hmd�PVC- bhetl�the h 1 b gN g tt tbE�'r -fha me nmhortt ai�waha.11 EeA� bvt� f eheEwean fha m er Pxonte a hlPTlea Ne xwms ere meuple6 1oE 1 Ts LtePETf entl Its 1 sso( or hire I 1ES wt1dET. e b. ndlstnnce bk%we . the eV an d the cen- - p�devde�r N olav aeeoE al ve. the va- E the regwati. govern- a ee �nanr, of nmab,g¢ t woe ae e me ¢nme. °noe —1 .1 ra fo be if bwitllvg Pleunor alv � ' aina Ifvs` t esa t.� ne ew,n�nkya u g d o' d xc ueivelY fo EI�� °either i a bvuating deu� Q'osOn a 1rtlg? ag a by oby one tams' " i �r 111vg"tl —MOxe tbavka -d or Dwa re tbeu two [aaPar meet L�otYlvterlorWe A o o`ne[ than nby Ee rtm T [ve�GRtTTro o 'a'veev�l�y' e Y numner - �t 6oT 1T�IN dwdiv` llvlMWUSekeePp e�uo t as ''� lln eanw tlon n ¢treet� ¢xcePEeev aeley tlf o asbed Irom a [upylve othe publle pro g nnouse,MloU lvg Touse or 1 s 11 a9 a st E 1, tend w�ce ee t abuts onf anxal- ecglty olotfmmeo hannlour ,s a 45 aids beEween the }ea <llnes of the Lu INna j ode A r< TMaEions. sh na a rear M� a h �o.n.sf s s° l o'ttorhe ee <u v xn e . afrr>aw a• •i : nP v �nm eh a w<I oet P l<mfn ar hn son <r hm s ,eh e e , e z, „se e C -< tgh tt'. h N� s or f t, t 8 a t h" l e rhe e y ae t i "j AN ORDINANCE ANiNDING THAT CERTAIN TI OLOCATION ADOPTED MAT 25, 1931, AS BUILDINGS, S, THE ING Tiu: LOCATION, SIZES O USE AIR7 HEIGHT OF OUTGOINGS, POP LATIONEIN T OF VILLAGE ON NA A AfO THE DENSIIT OF POPULATION IN THE VILLAGE OF IDIAA AND FOR THE i PURPOSE OF PP.O1tOfINC THE IP•.ALTH, SAPLTf, ORDER, CCANENIEIICF., ` PPAFRIL"TT AND G`WMAL WELFARE IN M SAID VILLAGE, AND FOR SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THE VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLIMU, Sac. 1. Section IV of that certain ordinance adopted on Hay 25, 1931, as heretofore amended entitled "An ordinance regulating the location, size and we and Might of buildings, the arrangement of• buildings on lots, and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of pr000ting the health, safety, order, convenionce, propriety and general welfare in the said Village, and for said purpose toy, divide the Village into district.," is hereby further rmanded by inserting iamediately after para- graph (f -1) a new paragraph to be designated as (f -2), which paragraph shall read as foll- ' 2�frHr. "(f -2) lot. 1, 2, 4, 5. 6, 25, 26 and 27. Block 3 And Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, all in Grandview Heifbt. Addition to the Village of Edina Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and M in force frog and after its passage and publication according to law. Adopted this 10th day of April, 1950. AT'fFSTt _ R?UD£IF F. ERICICSON DrI R. Mayor Village e C Clark lerk Published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Flinn. on Thursday, April 13, 1950. Act DHDmiEDE ! A4MLING THAT CMTA29 =IN;rrg ADOPTED ISAY 25, 1931, AE` AtlI➢&D,'HHOSLATING Tn LOCATION. SIZE AND USE AND HEIOHT'OF HOILDINOS „THE AHHANGEIVIST 02 HDILDINOS OE LOTS, AND TIM j DOSITf OF 'POPULATION IN'THH VILLAGE OF EDINA AND 170E THE I pu=31.OF FHONOTIHO TH3 HEALTH,._SAFAT2, CHOMR. CODURIENCd, yAOPHid ..ANC GEti."RAL WZLTAHE IN'THH SAID PILLAGE, AND HIM SAID pVMSE T0. DIVSDE THE VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS.. THE 4ILLAU OODEOIL O1' 4'Hn .Y,WLAGtI OF`EDIBA DO OHDAIE AS IOLLONst See. 1. Seotlon If'Of that grtalncsdineriee rAapted on Nq 23, 1931, heretofore asended enElLle6 ” An ordinance rsgalating the- locaLiOa, vise end nee Sad height - of'belldiage,'the erreiigoaent af, bui161nge oa lote...and the daceity of yaps - letioa is tbe Y11IW,of�Edim and for the `Snproee, of Promatiag the health, Safety. order, ooarenlena:,prapriety end.,g4..r.1' relfere la the 'o14 Vill, -, end for Said purpose to divide the Village into. dlatt1.t -, 'le en hereby further ®ded by inserting 1— diate17 otter,parepeph (f -2)'aw pa grapba.E6 ba deelg0ated se (f -3) end UAL ehioh pnregraphe Shall read ae 'tollorot 14, eloak 22, yairtnz'AddikiOA. ", -(j-4)--All that part ef.,th. 8-nth-set Qsssier (Syk) of the Scuthveat tipster 5q),bf Heetioa Ninetoea (19), ToimShip _ Treaty -eight M), 8ah9e Teentywycor (21i). Hennepla Oomnty. Nimaeseta, focing'Eaet oa N- Odd.le Aveane sad South on 9.1147. View Hocd, sna'rumming Ncrth a dietmce of. Throe Handred.Feet (300-) fnm'the —er of ea1d Va11e7 Viev.Eoed esd Yooddale AVwae „and ax%.ding Neet;n dietence of Three Hundred I..% (NOi)from Noeddale Aveaae:” Seo:12. Mde ordinamcs $hall take affect amd be in force from sad after its peeeegs esd publicatioa e,swrding to leW' Adopted this 9th dey of October, 1950. ATMTt dl FfJHEH F Ejj70A5IN (S' d) &ONEH HA1u51i01dVE Hay$r Tillege Clerk Published in Suburban Press October 72, 1950. AN MUMM LIMO THAT CARAIN ORMAGg ADORED MY 25, 1931, AS 6 ANWID, RZWLATlf6 TSE LOCATIOf. U= AND UM AND AEIOAT Or AOILLIfOS. TU ARUM OM Or fOIMOS OR UZ , Ago THi, Dina OP POPOLATIOD If THE VIU" or RUM ADO FOR Td r0803 Q MMM MC. TIM AFAM, Umr. ODR. C ,4 PROM TT A M CR®AL WffAAE Ef T6 SAID VIUAOA. AM FOR $ SAID FWMS TO MVIOK TAE 9IUAGE IWO D=MCIS. TAE TILL309 CM=L Cr THE TELLAOE R EOIfA DO MVAIf AS POL)4Sa Sa. 1. Saba IF or that -uu 0,0- a&Pw aA Nq 25. 1934 u bra.tararo ateeW .&titled •AA ordta nsg&lats&g the I ..U., U. ad aae ed W&L or baildsap, th. arre&g e.&t or bdldi&go ® sac&, ad the deustT of pep&latiw In the Tillage or Was and for the popw or p» ■ U" the Malth. as An ardor. aQwmd M, PTWIet9 and gem"VI altar. IA tb. edd T113eg* ud tar aril papa* to dirido th. TSllage We dieLrleu0 1. Mnt7 ratbar aaeaded M lKs"tiAg LAedatay arar PW-Vs b 0-4) a e puagraph to bo dodgaated u (r- 3),'*Wh p..pwb Mall road u roller, - a(r3) Lk 17. Dla.k 1, In Woobdd. OdshL.e Additlw: Sec. 2. Md. ordiw ohall tabs orreat ad b. 1A rota rraa we an- ISS pa.aga ad pabliaatim arwrdi&g to Uv. Ad ptod this 25th dq or Jar, 1951. ATWTt (Speed) WM= P. M=WC 1.J ®m) a%= NI'JM43E . "lug. Claab AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE ADOPTED MAY 25, 1931, AS AMENDED, REGULATING THE LOCATION, SIZE AND USE AND HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, THE ARRANGEMENT OF BUILDINGS ON LOTS, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, ORDER, CONVENIENCE, PROPRIETY AND DENERAL WELFARE IN THE SAID VILLAGE, AND FOR SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THE VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLCWSt See. 1. Section IV of that certain ordinance adopted on May 25, 1931, ae heretofore amended entitled aM - dinance regulating the I ... ticn, size and use and height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots, and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, c- anienae, propriety and general welfare in the .aid Village and for said pup... to divide the Village into districts,^ is hereby further amended by inserting iamediately after paragraph (f -5) t new paragraphs to be designated ae (f -6) and (f -7), which paragraphs shall read as follows, a(f-6) That part of Govermsmnd Lot Sewn (7), Section Twenty- Eight. (28), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twenty -One (21) West, lying North of Old Eden Prairie Road and East of State Higbway One Hundred Sixty -Nine - Two Hundred. Twelw (169 -212) (A. -.61) s(f -7)' The-West One Hundred Fifty -five (155) Feet of Gwenment Lot Eight, (8),•Section Twenty -Eight (28), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twenty -ne (21) West S measured along the North line thereof and lying North of road. `A.-1.39)w See. 2.. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publicatio on�naccording to law. Adopted this day of �///, , 1952. ATTEST, Village Clerk T Mayor AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE ADOPTED HU 25, 1931, AS AIMED, DATING THE IODATION, SIZE, AND USE AND MUM OF BUILDINGS, THE ARRANGE- . GENT OF HUILDING3 ON LOTS, AND THE DEMSITI OF POPULATION IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AND PON THE .. PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE HEALTH, SAFM, OMER, - : CONVENIENCE, PROPHiErr AND GENERAL - WELFARE'IN' $ 'am vnum, AND FOR SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THE VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS: )N THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO'wTJi SEC. 1.. Section IV of that certain ordinance adopted on May 25, 1931, . as heretofore mended entitled "An ordinance regulating the location, vise and um P ad height of buildings, the arrangmentof buildings on lota,end the density of j population 1. the Village of Edina and for the purpose of prouoting the health, . safety, order, eenvenimce, propriety and general welfare in the said Village and { .said purpose to divide the Village into dintrictn,e is hereby further emended by Luaeting imediately after paragraph (f -5) a new paragraphs to be designated oe (f-6) and (f -7), which paragrnphe -bell read an follows, - e(f-6) That part of Governeent Lot Seven (7), Section Twenty -Eight (28). Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North, Range Twahty -On- (21) West 271ag North of Old Edon Prairie Rol and Fast ' of State HighwV One Hundred sixty -nine -Two Hundred Twelva (169 - 212). A.-.61 "(f-7) It. Want One Hundred Fifty - five -(155) Feet of G- vermeent It Night, (8), Section Twenty -eight (28), Tormship One Hundred Sevoteen (117) North, Range Tlmnty a (21) West, mes-ed along the North line thereof aed lying North of road. A. -1.39 SEC. 2, This ordinance shalt take effect. and Le in force from and after and d publication according to law. Adopted this 26th day' of May,. 1952. ATTEST::. (Signed) RWMW F. ERICFSON Hay-r (Signed) BOWER HAWTHORNE Village Clerk Published in Edina- 11orningside Courier June 19. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE EONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILIAGE OF EDINA, H@tRFPIN COUNTS MINNESOTA The Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, does ordain as followsv Sae. I. Section IF of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as passed by the Village Council on the 25th day of May, 1931, as thereafter emended, is hereby further amended by ad the follmdng additional Paragraphs imediately following paragraph (f-7): (r -e) nhi8tRath So�4(E) c mnhe Township 28N, 24W Northeast Southeast B thereof 554459 Feet North (11) and South (S) by 500 Feet East (F.) and Meat (W). - (f -9) Section 30,,)Toenship 28N,thRange 24W.at Quarter (SH1/4) of (r -10) The Neat (M) Seem and one -half (7D acres of lot One (1), CassWs Outlots. (f -11) Towwship Part Rangee2Southres� Quarter t part 4reof included in .. of in Iork Terrace. ) (f -�) Lots Nice((9)tt �Siztse(n1(16)ninclusive, Block Two (2),end Turk Terrace. (f -13) The West (W) Seventy (70) Feet of the Rest (3) One Hundred -- Feet and thefSouthN(S( Seventy FF va (75)SFeet ofttheeKorth) (N) Two Hundred and Forty -eight (248) Feet of the East One - Eighth (E1/8) of the Northeast Quarter (NM/4) of the Southeat Quarter (SWl/4) of Section 29, Township 2911, Range 24W. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force hum and .after its adoption according to law. Passed by the Village Council this 34th day or July, 1952. ATTEST: (Sirned) RE0BFd1 F. ERICRiQi (Sunned) BOVW HAWTHORNE Hayor Village Clark AB ORDINANCE kf',,. TO AMEND TBg ZCNING ORDINANCE OF THE t VIIIAGE OF EDINA, HINWIN CODNTI ML07PSOTA TIM COUNCIL OF THE VIILAGE OF EDINA, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DOM ORDAIN AS s. S.C. 1. Soution IT of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Edina. Hennepin Coonty, Ninas mme-to as paused by the Village Council on the 25th day of Mey, 1931, I{, u thereafter nded, is hereby further amended by edding the following additional p.ragrph immediately following paragraph (f -13)s .........., (f -14) That tract of lead aitoated in Section 19, Townahip28N, Range 24W, described ao foil —. "Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEL/4) of the'Sonthwest Quarter (SWI/4); thence Went along the '.South line thereof 400.0 feet; thence North and parallel to the But Iron of said southeast Quarter (581/4) of Southwest Quarter,(SW1/4) 411.0 feet to the Center of Valley View Road an travelled; - thence Southeasterly: along the paid Center line of Ve11e7 View Road 422.0 fast to the Sant line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl /4) of Sonthweat Quarter (SW1/4); thenos.. " South 282.0 fast to the place of begin ing. . So.. 2. Section V'of the Zoning Ordinance of the .Village of Mine, Hennepin County, MSnwacta, an passed by the Village Connell on the 25th day of Me,,; 1931, as thereafter uasded, is hereby further an ndsd by adding thereto the following' That Traet of Land it—td In Seetlon 28, Township 117N, Range 21W, deserlbad'as f.11 -1 C®eneing at the Southeast onrner of Govsrmment Iut Sight; thenea North 925 Ft. to Conterl.im'of !Eden Prairie Road; thence Northeasterly along said Centerline 246 Ft. to a point 221.8 Feet Seat at right angles fro West Line of lot Eight; then South 259.4 Ft, parallel with West Sine of let Eight; than Southerly 796.4 rest to a point in the South line of lot. Eight distant 246.9 Fast East from beginning; then West 246.8 rest to beginning, ..Copt mood. S". 3. This Ordinance -shall be in offset from and after its passage Rod publication according to law. ATTEST: . -.. (Signed) RBUBER F.'ERICKSON (Signed) BONER HAWTHDRNE Mayor Village Clerk ✓f Kellogg- Mackay Plumbing Ordinance Company ' Relating to Created MANUFACTURERS Sewer Districts JOBBERS BOILERS, RADIATORS, PIPE, I lathe Village of FITTINGS• 1 Edina PLUMBING FIXTURES Plumbing Ordinance Yard Ph Walnut 2161 W321 —I 'EH, SU- Tingdale Bros, Inc. Real Estate LUSHEH R Co. UMBE Lumber, Millwork, Paint and 8uildiwg � p Nelson's Pharmacy O. 31. NELSON Your —,hb.-.d Driat M--P.Iia, mi. 50th and Er.— Ave. Minneapolis Geo. Eartzell Geo. Luodblad HENNEPIN COUNTY EDINA GARAGE ENTERPRISE --t GEORGE Do It" !,It t I P— I. The . Gdj—'. .0-1 R—i I- Er Ph... W.1- 2425 \V w Ph.P. W 2800 Minneapolis H.Pki.., Minn. EDINA GROCERY �. The pmmb „� extnres a material I Enrxett, crop. � were snrnianea m ene following real - d 3833 W�59[h St denres in the Thorpe Country- Club .-nit'cn by Crane CO.: not ovrall rash and err o era o.�$1.00 - xelepno e, wamnt �. R. K. B.- Edina Meat Market c. Nelsen E. Eau H. E. Colb F'ret t4 Re Handlbee . W. A. ` tha call, Wal.r20430 CalldbutehY Ilenry E.ncx he phone, von are sore of sans- i. Dietz Hanson cn faction. "People woo buy the best ool t are not extravagant.” H. K, Hccle.:ax 3831 W. 50th St., near France H. J. Noais Tack I- EDINA BAKERY Home -d. PIES, BRE.4H, DOUGHNUTS, CAKE Crane Co. Chn- Droner E.orr snnaay W. 2002 Lynches 4951 Fra 450 31d 'Are. N,.Nlinne Gl. A v✓ AW 6R61RARCD ' �feguleting the Licensing of plvmbare. ih the village of Rdiaa{ kinheaota The Oeaahii of the pillage of peinA do hidain as ieiiawa7 Sactien 1. Ro person or persons, firm or corporation, shall carry on the buei.e.s Of plumbing within the Village of Edina, making any ..-a.- tio.e whatever with the water - pipes, water mains, branch sewers, main sewers, main drains or other service pipes of said Village, or making any repairs, additions or alterations of any pipe, tap, stop -cock, water closet or any _ other fixture connected with or designed to be connected with the water work. or sewer system of said Village without first having obtained a license so to do In the manner prescribed as followst Section 2.. Any person or persons desiring to engage in the occu- pation of plumbing or making connections or repairs as specified in the foregoing section, shall first submit an application to the Council of said Village, which application shall be signed by at least two practical plumbers, recommending the applicant as a person regularly educated to the business, of good reputation and thoroughly qualified to carry on the business of a 11 ...sad plumber, and except In those case. in which the applicant holds a license as a mater plumber under the laws of this state, shall, in addition, furnish such other evidence or pass such examination or both as the Council shall from time to time require regarding the experience and qualificatisne of applicants to engage in said business. - Section 1. Before a license shall be granted to eny person or par...,, be or they shall execute and deposit with the Village Clerk a bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, with two or more sureties thereon, to be approved by the Council, which bond shall be esaditioasd that the eppli- cant shall im all respects well and faithfully perform all things by him undertaken in the making of connections, repair. or tap. of arty kind with the water mains or pipes eonnectadwith the water works system of the Village, and shall save the Village harmle.. of and from all accidents and damages consequent thereto or by reason of any opening In any street, lame or avenue made by him or by any person in his employ, for the purpose of putting down service pipes connecting with the water Works of said village, and that he will restore all streets excavated by him to their former good condition, and will keep and maintain the street and sidewalk In good condition, to the satisfaction of the Council for the period of one year next thereafter, and that he will pay .11 penalties imposed upoa,h3m by the Council for the violation of any rule or regulation of the Water Works Department, and shall .tricUY comply with and do all things required by the ordinance of said Village, Such applicant shall, before being granted a license, also execute and deposit with the Vill.. Clark a like bond Sn a Ilk. amount and upon the .am. co ad I. as the one above specified, covering his acts in making coanectiona with or repairs on any service pipe connecting with the sewer system of the Village. Provided, that no licensed plumber shall .become a surety on the bonds furnished by any applicant under this.- ordinance, Provided, also, that the prie3oha of this ...ties shall not apply E ov s, nor shalI any bond be required, of any Journaymen plumber who is employed only .1n h, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Water Work. and Registrar of Water Works of said Village to notify the Council of any vin- latio. of the provision. of W oY Ehe ordiaaneee of .Ehe pillage touchy the dutia. of plumbers, that shall 'come under their Observation, j Se tie• b_ 'Whenever the -er men'pev.das are to be engaged in the bwimee. of plumbing as s'oo�pnrtnerehlp or'eM.rmti -, the license shall issue 1. the nsne of the firm; eo- partnership or corporation obtaining the same, and a revocation or forfeiture of such license shall be deemed to q effent each individual composing said firm, copartnership or corporation. 9 Section 5. All license. granted purauent to the provisions of this ord"-ce shall be issued by the Village Clerk from books prepared by him for that purpose, and on the stub of which shall be kept the name of the licensee, his business location, and date of granting and the date of Issuing the licenses, and such other detail as may be necessary to form a complete reference end memoranda of the license. - All said licenses shall terminate and expire on the Piret Monday q9 in Jaeunry, next succeeding the issuance of the same, unless sooner revoked or forfeited as herein provided. And said licenses shall not be transfer.. - '1 ij�II able or assignable. {" 'The li...... fee for said liceae..hall be end is haraby fixed at ^� $2$.DO for the first license and $12.00 per .mum thereafter, which liceae. fee shall be paid to the Village Clerk before the issuance of such licame. On receiving his license the licensee shall have ro yl,, corded in these Village Clerk's office, his actual place of business, giving XP the street and number,. and ln.cme of.removal therefrom, shall immediately aetlfy said offices of the rime. 'Section 7. The Council may revoke any license obtained through error of ". or if the licensee is shown to be incompetent. or for a wilful violation of my erdimmee. of the Village of Ddim relating V plumbing,. or for aiding sr abetting one to do plumbing work wku 1.1n 4. properly ll.ens.d. 'The lleenaee shall have notice Sn. writing, -.v 41 the charges, sad %.,g titl.d to a hearing by the Counell, upon at least y.i five da. notice, with the right to produce testimony. The Council n W appoint acv competent person Lp take testimony and to submit to the 0-11 a written recommendation, but final decision a. to the revocation a hall rest in the Cassell. ,SppjSp`,8. Lty person or peraome .violasisg nay of the "ps.AH.N of this orKlnemee shall. upon eoavdetion thereof, be punished tt. of f not less than Ton nor Wore then One Hundred Dollars, and mmy M lq.i woo until such fine is paid. not exceeding mleety days. §..Sion 9. "This rdinence shall t K ake offset and be Saoay from end after its publication.. Passed the Village Counnf.l �hia 23rd day of May, 1949. ATT25Tr (Signed)_ CBNH -'Ole VSllegs Ma►e11 Village Clark 99� (Official Pabliootioa) VILLAOM OF EDINA IiF. TLMpxu C01=, NIMMSOTA Im CDDIIUdC& A)=DTnm 41 opmnwr ' PDORLATIM TIfl LI=.SnT5 OF PLLR^..i'cES ID TM VILLA® of EIRlTA, NR7LMOTA The 0.11 of the Vill --- of Edina do ordaia as felle"' Se . 1. P,,,r—ph 2 of Scetlaa 5 of An Ord' —O' Z'G'a tiM the LioenalaC o. pimbera is tho VIlls, of Tdina. Niraaata, adopted N� 23. 1949. ohall bo and 11r is, a.oadod to road as fo21ovs1 aP,.. Snatioa ± An said lieeases shall t —bate and ec i- oa the First day of April, anet --ding, the issoaaea nand. aid lieeae*- ®shall aot bo traneferaSlo orda."&"abl,,��6ed. Secti- 2. ,IA% o dinasoo shall taho effect ead be is force fro. sad niter its peblinatioa, ATTESTf nnopp� Oon a �a�e RnWTMA1D.' Pro -ideal of the Pillage 4311ege C1esY ' Pleaso I blish is Sab-lb Press, Aedest 25,. Send vs 50 C1lppinCS. Seed m 2 Affidavit- of %blieatioa, AN ORDINANCE 11WDINO SECTION TNREC CT T0: - PLDMSING ORDINANCE OE TM TILLAGE OP EDINA OF JPPE 25, 1925 The Council of the Pillage of Edina do ordain as follow-: Section 1. Secti.cn 3 of the Planbi.g Ord' --- of June 25, 1925, 1s amended to read as f011owae ,,It,- 3• Eery plumber, before eoonacting any Fixture or constructing soy plunbing work with ....spool or ttw senerago system, emept as herein prordded, shall make appiirstion et the office of the Pillage Clerk for a permit for the g rpase, aui shall pay to =aid clerk fee oY SO cents for oath parnit gr.tad. The fee L� to bo retained by the Pillage .Clerk fcr the expanse of i.sculag the permit, Tha plumber shall also pay to the clerk at t time Of Sssvance rf said permit, a lies... fee of 25 coats per fixture for each fixture to be installed. The definition of the word fixtur. includes the following items: closet. bath, 1 lavatory. sink, laundry tub, slop III', drinkd.g fountain, urinal, built -in shower, floor drain. water heitel. wasting in eewaose (bottle or main)., ga.. clothes dryer, or sny recep Permits. will not be required for repairing leaks in drain, soil, want set pipes, or for resetting fixtures, or repairs of faucets, valves or'water supply pipes. Pasead the Edina Tiling. Council this 23rd day of 11sY, 1949. ATTEST: (Signed) GFt•T_t COOPER. EOAER Rq�RCR� President £the Pillage Council Pillage Clerk I V/ D 1 Sewage Ordinance Village of Edina, Minnesota �t a o.ati !�� 6� � - �f {. : ` ! . � �� /��, }} } � ■l - \/�. � }.xl- } > : VILLAGE OF uc"a AN ORDINANC^ ASNDING AN ORDINA¢ ?CE OF THE VILLArn OF EDINA, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, EMCTION, ESTABLISHP.O �iT, ALTE";ATI N, ENLARGE- ➢E3TT, UOVING, DELOLITION OF ANY BUILDING, STRUCTURE, IM- PROVE:.'LTTT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROAIDTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY ORDER, C0 IVENIENCE, PROSPERITY, A ?vD GENERAL 'RELFARE IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA" PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON THE 25TH DAY OF MAY, 1931. - The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do ordain as fall.,,.: , That certain Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance regulating the Building, Construction, Erection, Establishment, Alteration, Enlargement, Moving, Demolition, of any building, structure, improvement, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity, and general "welfare in the Village of Edina ", passed by the Council on the 25th day of May, 1931,.is hereby amended in the f.11.wing respects: _ The second paragraph is amended t. read as follows: Any person, firm or c por. ion violating any of the provision. of this Ordinance .hall be guilty of .misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred (100.00) Dollars or by impri.aoment in Jail for a tern of not more than ninety (9 0) day.. I V� Jell A� -9 W IRDINANCE GIiAHTIl� PEDH =CP TO THE MPlEAPOid3 CE UAL SL�L(QC COHPAEI. ITS S I=SSODS AND ASSICPS, TO RTZT, MIAR M, CMATE AND HAINTAIH, IN THE VlUA E OF EDIDA, ICAILSOLA. TEAm=SIQi LIM ADD ELECLHIC DISTEIMING SISTLM. INCNDIi1G '... XBCL73AR! POLE LTEES, IEiSY3, V. AND PITTOE.4. Pot THE AMDTR1!!EG CP = ZLEIC IC EM TO TIE AND TH AND 1TS IVILU 'ANR3. AND TEANSIiTfTIl7G BLECTEIC EEEHCf INTO AND TMdWW THE PILIACE, ' AND TO CSE TM STEEEPS� A=S AND M IC M== OP SAID PILLAGE FOR SUM POEPOM. The vnug. c—c11 of the Pillage of Ulm, Hmropaa Cemt" HlmeaoW, delioMain as toning' Seetim 1. RMt these ha and benbp Se granted to The Hifa.e.p.lin Cmeral Elo.trle Campuq. a CorpaeLim. herefnalLer r.ferred W fr from m Wth.toe, iW succeeaor1 asd &to ud®u. daring the peria! of ivmt7 (20) yar• eM maintdningiin. n9 amend . prbrilege of erecting, mlarafng, oPm'atlrrg, rePalri•E &green the ,tr.st,. alley. and publle gromd. of Reid Pillage electric tren..0 -i— lima erd electric =,IWtLg eystee. inoludlnG ell noo•e,ary, vocal or comealent polo pds lfu s. amts. rdre,, lope, treufar.ers am ctber fixtures sad apPmtmmuo neuallP, ConvmieM.lp or noea.enrlly vnsd in eumeetlm tbero.rlths for the p ST— of tnvo.ltting ®d ilrr'rriahlrr6 nl.etrLc mares for light. hmt, P•••r' and other pnrposm for publle end priv,W am 1a a.d to said Pillage and Lhe Inhabitants thereof. cad other., and far th purpom of tremltting to and threug)i said Pillage meh d.ctric' ears ®. Pro•idad Wei s.an polo and trsuealsdm 17w..hall ba lomted se in .o ra,9 to intofere rdLh the safety eM emvanlence of ottlimry irevol nlmg � over ssfd - streets and allays cad p'•vldb that said Grmto, SW meoasema nod saaigu. 3n the � ereetim and saintanmcs of meh poles, s.eW. Bras. l••pa, Lra.aforeer., fixture. sod trwaisslm lime, shell be sub�ot to mesh reaaonebleregulatima na M9 ba iapo,ed by th. Pillage Couffi11. Th. Grantee agrees to mintai . and opmete efielently its .1 -trfe -•tees Lhe 9 daring the tart hereof, to Iewlda adequate service to SW mum -at,— and to mk. reaeonehla admdm, o[ its limo for Lhe purpose of eardag mI vo etomrs Am the :..anus thereoroc J..LMes tho expasea to the Grantee of raking th. p—S. r7 acts don. Thaq;ractes ague. that the rate for electric service shall be reasonable, sad becaese th. Pillage 1lalt, as nou cmvtituted are dthIm the HimoPO1W Hetsepolitao Ana. .hall not attend therein C !, standard eahedal. of rate, ft eImp Imposition os affaoLivs Io th. City of Mill n=m W Lhe evmE of the is M.N. of local Compose fees taxes av nth. rrig vo other - it.. Pillage ehargea are regnlatiou, the Coepa� siral� tbm have the right to r'evie. iW eLeErla rates to off,et W reeultmt Increase 1. the cost of doing tuaLms,. �,,e.cct�oapp Then 1. also aented to Bald Gr••Ws, SW aweesoors aW asslEns, during �.r.�hereof. per.Wdm and anohorlty to trL alt trees and shrubs in Lhe streets, alle,, and publle grao.ds of add Pfllege iute(aring rdth the proper oreeEdm and mnlrr- tarra.o of arc polo, cables, Ilse, err any other th. gm iadalled ob pm'manoe of Lhe mthorlLy Mreb9 grants, provided, andsvar, that the gratWs first rant- fall the Pillage Comdl a pmadt tberefM and pra th. furtace that mid GresEee .hail save mtd Pillage trarale„ hm aqq 1Lbi11fy 10 the prsima. SWUM A. Nothing Sn thia Ordinance cadtaLrd .hall bs eQ1.Lread as giving to Add Crardes. its meeasaore or udPA•, •r4 exelualw privl].ege I•, m,arR or across any aftM stteats. alleys or public gromde of said PSIIaGa. gt,]cq_5, CPm f7ret obtaining the riLLm can.mrt +�v+ fall r1gDt sod mLharit,P Lo asdgn to uy pof am . PuC. 1 said Gmte or corpmro- : all the rights conferred upon it by this Iadinanco, provided that the - .1gras of �1- 1d3 each rights, by excepting each seeiPlmxet, shall become ecbject be the Lanai and prevision of this Odlnece. M5e i 6 Said Ormtes, its sueoseeora or assigns, eluli, if it accepts We AI. and tM rights Mrey granted, file a written secept" of the franxhice r of pvblisted, of with the Ordinance. Recorder within nlnet7 C90J dep Iran tbs ' Lim 7.. TU. Odtanxe eha11 be fa 1h11 face W effect from end aftwr Its passegs end psbilution, as provided y law. sentleo 8. ALA ad(nenaes end parts of ordlnanoee in xclfliat hermdth ere hu+b7 =+Peeled• Earl C. Shupe, Preaideoi of the Council SUL Att-t Don Ym , Tillage Recorder'.:;. Detsd Aprll 12,'1937 KWU ROM — January 1, 1934 to dam 30, 1937 Pags 213 BUILDING CODE. OF T�j Village of ED Fam.. au.o�.wi if The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BUILDING e " "`p�ooa CODE — uu nyotm eewe.et, e�ameol OP THE wul; "a° °��aonwn Village Of EDINAam�llw xae mwamm�. am."a Ae� Owot4 Mlvo ® ". eviw"a cme. Edina, aDVneaota 9aeewwt. minomlo, Buvaina Cosa �a dement wamMw � ux Dnaemlten model Codm Al"mw, fOOS. Earn. Vulaae x ew opYma, m�nnemlo l� fen to be W Lhe I rIN[e6 ��* e tm roo�)1E Nch ¢hmglen 5 " fo6ecUOV'��_Pe pe���m earzr )3H Neh ehNglw 84S" ¢Da➢ rvLL u )54 NCh YJVeks 9%•• � pEEOh ) as a e NmiveEon o Ne bWltl- rooms ) 9. ti.. o�vPESfwv avd Elm w1Eh e- lte NCh ¢nNHlu1." EIJI NW W )3H Neh abN4 %" Nch ehlvg.lea BM° 4uar[er ) an wh- be wvuM "."'d mate vI smvtlertl gmlity. sucD uslvety an c emt tle�ale� . eem� t ! a us meL q r d a ava aEh vh 41,oroao rwevp i ukeam�wrttersr' Hbm�at b. huG ®er Al§wRE.Pb 1 ➢Ne P v�9 yyop ou���ng ea tl bwiLL be thantl (]ed) bePE Kv me�E- eL �11 orE'In part Ei ll deck. EEOO OO r� avammiv�m c'�H acw aLev 1.7 wui ce chmaetl. raN � suPtltves buutllvg wblch I'll ItlNgsfsvoE ex Brei r tDD4v -flue Lbg vt us hsmrlHNdd of (aclarlp Nanmaoe�heltal�ps W� ®E value roi be'tre alxe�ver rNebufdi4dt :eatly o�vHayoStle� de N61vh1c1L due N ae4 deterlantloq Pre or vNer reuse; bhecomro lw v�tlm'bWlE gpoalN,v �wlth ¢ccupa p= u sea �ebs'arex�W ro vmpepa alv Dls 1ade�menL tbmke �E m, am a om.. ceawgeee:tu v bea.�rd� �¢w'�� eESeEne mce a %A °eene°a°,<� OR V b Lu�mbera8tanwtle.rtl); a moral of Y h �a�ou�co'Ne�nA m °tee ., �>s��o�kuawooae�m� "abw°i e:e«a [wEy- Gx�PwxceE. °w ��o[ a �. we (asi imo`nm netgnE. m e 0� ea ui��ii x � ° ua erce rooeau® v Ne .eo[. Poi., n aror>i, .PO�°wranat >«� j+ u be. °ar.o'Sa°k o tr wa ee' agei`iw 1 ae.u°`b(e'�o�ab. tPbuam°ga.a rt°'' ka:o w.w m°w °o[wE"n°w�sao eESnx (ea r °Nni°8y i9Pi feet° tR � �)e�Pt as Nc a�w�6Ne un- �e eh4��PS[ve o[ nbix, nw atu� eh � u � (9N) ed Nnq-ave p51 Y tNety e � �°WEmx) wel4°[IS. Peca, °°r eut °r � b .It bW1E a[ bocke bete w. w omn ky WW °�PPahellen.ve pfh1c filtr �) ftt4 _ W le I15) 190 fv�es In tN�- x °PNhc tw -n[ory ID- �n°rtmn411a[ent 2PPWrEa m Entity 1901 twenty -EwP 1991 Etmea Enekntbex Iw°rcea c.v.rete w � g etres m e to an'rew :m Eomti. -ce of ttr wEwetr w PPIn °P.. foo` t°o[a°Ow.un : i `xatina a o°�'w`"f8u °oa N, °mxt nee[`"4o�nno.w sea _e amynnign.tr a tom`"° °„ wer.`°°a�°B3eaw°eraa[ W _u, notes hl m� ``oreoP mo :wrwea w n:� ece e�. °ew �a' �me�t a-oe r°SPae�a` u°rEywPaa iocEma oaer °arw�`rian �`wa`aOOfw ma f re k a . [ taa °° or Ey Ewid eg nieor`E>ma `� eto �: ao°uOW.0 fln°Ewva mgn. m.ei°rex- ° we iinumeaa m a i ce:m dlcea ny ootuane. o.e e P xEa eeaE� ®f rrotaeu°P [ mm e°°`oP'e°,euNrea. °o;emi Pr Omer ro. - eP se.ma. rne�eoea ®E :u root wNehe° r°a w.. �°reLwanU ve Bnl6 m6 Wtrg°t 9ce w.tt from aPW- Gte sltlm, shall be separated by et uatl aDOre Ne Brat Boor asE sts 18) nmhm of aPlld rPawb- mi0 � purp�a or for uupbP� uch a am e�Gm D16n. mesa H pe bes�ms, °mr t��bm�maB w�e¢ta r Nu(tareeheYeEe a Pprn mil➢ - em, but ��well ¢na p be mr' ���m ©er ether WrPo� heten col Ne wao � toted ahaB be eve �Gwe shell [o make Nem � �trv^"c[ed T Drix�o �o O➢ �e self xelem P[u�lon�of pa (4e «max NT a rty ese Nan four ) ta�� WVCk ue�v �ted, tie aGe1 welt °�ell�a Nl tloo � ° m 1 ingolneeeN'e wt°e`B �Bmlde N sme [mg sDaBlmvaa ore e[pr ea en efm T- slant °+ +ei k °1tlnt�v� NGO�- awms� o`er a alt -PcemNa �e�� am` °B Bmntk em Loom. °�:sor Ne snat[s me9 fuml npe � e N Ee�vGmed D Pmvetl hoBPw Pr we ty -e Mx on DIaPSb vot lase Nan N P'j G kl or b�foux- cenE (RB %) of a length lvPh wrod Bhd vm p mPt�Ph Wm on each a1Wn Ir�ic�ar wPO `a` l:�dn� `el` a`Da nna°aea, a�� u m e Nrae- ow�nm n�tarlw a m lets tpr a ➢two -NPn aqua memmmtin °i mCOma °uWGm`oa�ns Jana mment Pl.aeer ParW- mes�� ceework o aeod��tne erai a�rors. toi`l`°ea° u,ea `" tw,Uea fmOOSUOn cage` ma a Ir temlaios �l`iwo ww°�r`m"- � "l °l �n;e � i`ieaarNen air,`9� i seew of span operdna: �t Is +% ldnsa � Ne mme Pleve m ne lafn � b not � man No. was � GWma N not ed` wla °wie°in` N�aexea� wr ixgl�We:o' u�e8me`� m ex- xNatsror%��aPmanow ; Wmmal o° �a'�y�ceu Bieeih i� a"�Oina e � ; w�ao`o: ompenln � ma . Pr Ii u. ee°e a^ a iren;es i °a m`°'aDU .# Pon u on°`I DWINnaa close I °eperttIM m to subamvLNlal _ cP Iremels D�eedmlmn �cttPV�l'18 a aaYwa evd EleveE- wr; €M1etl u4he lml� wlitdsws ter erected. excep P vc[Ne dwhelWge, { aDall not ��f�.s_u OFMARCE TO RSGMTE ISCRAR1cAL ARRSdiRM !� _ DEVI= The village Council of the village of Edina do ordain as follower I Section 1. Definition: A owd- isal --t devine is hereby defined a a suabino; :Aieh upon the insertion of a coin or slug, opentss or ■4y hs operated for use a a Esau, aaotest w ssusseent of any descriptions or Ndeh My be used for srp such Ban, amted or axame ent and which contains no pff dada far the retma of Honor, cains� akeeks'=7Z. takes or ee eArJt provides for n such pV off bf rep other mesa a� ssmar, j ezaupf. that this providm shall not prohibit the licensee of a wsahim ehich ntuna slags edileb nary M used only io the aaohine licensed, and Ndeh in itself does net cooetiteLe a Eabling dada, Section 2. No penaoe, fin or sorponrion shall Wntafa, keep or sell rith- in the village of Edina a mchanical m ucaen6 device, as herein before defined, i without first obtAsing a 11aoae therefor fray the village Council, but - j such licamo :ball be issued for any sachlne or dada which is a gaahling device.. . Section 3. The village Recorder of the village of Edina Se hereby anthorisad to isene a license :Aso antherised by the village Coundl far, the apention of each a.b dftl --..t devise to sy person of coral character apm the Meant of an em..1 license fes of Fifty (t5C.00) Ddlars rose each aeviee, payable ammdly in advance m April let or each year. - (a) Every nmsesent dMee se licensed shell contain suitable identifiation marks and bens shish identification mute and ambers shall be written by the village.Rseoeder upon the lieeoa leaned for such a ®aeamt dwriees and each license andl be posted in dew of the a.ehine so licsased. 1 (b) Any ameeaent dudes se licensed may be transferred f roa me place to another in the village of Edina upon the issuance of a perdt so to do by the Village Connell. -Baron soah pen it. shall be iamwd, the persons, first ar I i amporati n dedring to tranefer mob nachl- shall file with the village Recaeder an application se to dos giving the nesa end address of the place fro whteb and to which the nsehloe Is to be transferred. Seetioo 6. Be psraan Abell penit ooh mechanical esueeseat dudes to be opsntmi by acv adoor under the age of 18 years, wept Nan such ad- shall than and then be aceap aW by his or bar punt or gasrdlao. Basilan 5. go Porous, n fi or aorporstim, 67 h1molf or mother, or otherwise, shall give nap prisss.•ward. msrobmdiser gift or anything of value to say player or to any operator of mob Mechanical Mice. Section 6. -No Person, fin or corporation shall keep, s.Intel., sell ar pantt to be operated in its# ble or their pima of business nap Mechanical a ®sement dMne wldeb has been omverted fete m adorn. p y -off device Moh shall disebarg. solve, ehed:a or other teka s to the operator or player of such -.him, ware pt a morir i s.eeian 1 lanaf� and m unease for say snsh Maahina shall. M issaedp and ne pram, fin or corporation shall convert any Mechanical ortimoatic arsement dada Into m authmatia pay -off chine, as herein deflmd. 3estim 7. Ay sables. apparatus, amtrlvanee as, derias tdch shall have been Mode as of in violation of the terms of this ordinance My be seined and destroyed In caMpliana+ with the tern and provideos of the statutes of the State of RSmssts relating to gambling dMsee. Section 8. Gip permm sd,o ah.lt keep, maintain, operate'oe sell rlthin the Village of Sdins e'p monk eachenior emasememt device .1ownt first paying the anal license tee ihecefor, of affi11 operate such device or permit the came to be operated for gadog, w she shall oparato or permit the op-ti- of amp clod. machine as herainbefae Mfimed, or rho sbs11 otherriee Violate the, terms of this ordiomea, ahsll he guilty of a. miadeaeanar end bell be flood Sn s am not to ameed lLe Rmdmed collate- (3100.00). . 5141- 91 it any olooea, Nntence, paragraph 01' part :f--, this oitileeune shall far 1 rose, he sdlsdgad or decreed to he inralid b� sorest of caepetent Juviedietian, each Iudgament ar de - eba11 lIt eiffeot, lmpalr or invalidate the remainder of this omdimnca, Lrt, shall he omdinad >a its operation to the clones, esotmca, paragraph or pert hereof directly involved ion the controversy in m&lch said jadgeaent or decree shall have been rendered. S etim 10. Nothing is this ardimneeehall be held to apply to mechanical wasso nt device. held or kept in storage a• for Bale, end rhieh are not actudly ion mss a• displgysd for rem. ce lowed under this license shall esplee at nom m t Section 11. All licence first day of April after en demo, providing, in the event of fallare to pay the license, d m April Firsts said license eha11 be considered as expired. Section 12. This ordinenoe aha11 take effect .4 be Sn face from mad after It. publication. Passed the Connell tbla 23rd day of Nareh, 1936. (S) Boo B. Naore. Retarder .. -- BLACKOUT. ORDINANCE Village of Edina AN ORDINAt7C7 NAMYM AND RIIT9'ING CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS AND AVENUES IN THE VILLAr -g OF EDINA. 1. Old County Road No. 2, running Sally from Vt. 50th G . t Do. 169 (Eden Prairie Road) renamed to "Eden Avenue ". 2.. Unnzmed road running N. from Interlachen Rd, to A. of Ypls. St. Paul Suburban By right of way through Cooper property,,renaned "Cooper Avenue '. 3. Ifain St., running S. from Ypls. St. Paul Suburban Ry., th. SEly in vicinity of l:irror Lake and along S. shore of Lirror Lake, th. S. - -so called Jones Road- - renemed "Blake Read ". 4. Present unnamed road, extensica of Interlachen Road, r ping W. approximately cne -half mile from . Blake Road, remaned "Interlachen Road ". 5. County Road 39, from corner of W. 62nd St. and the Be 1t Line Highway, Code's Corner and running S,Vly to oor Farm Road on W. Village limits, renamed "Valley View Read.- 6. Road often referred to as the Gleason Road running from intersecticn of Valley View Road and Ky. 169, to be known henceforth as "Gleason Road ". 7. 11 arced na, running S. from W. 70th St., Cahill So. all Corner, S. To Highway No. , named "Cahill Road ". '8. Extension of W. 70th St., W. of Cahill Read inter— at Cahill School, distance of approximately one -half mile, named "W. 70th St. ". 9. So- called Olinger Road running S. and W. from Hy. 169 to Valley View Road, to be known henceforth as "Olinger Road ".. 10. So- called Hansen Road running S. from St, Hy. (if and when extended to Valley View Road) shall hence - fort forth be known as "Hansen Road ". , 1SID Be ok 1/S/347to16/26/37, Page 97 ORDINASSCE BOOK: Not Recorded PUBLISHED: DISCUSSIOS 017 ACIUIRIFG MIRROR PROPERTY FOR PAR. PURFOS' -:3 President Sharpe read a letter addressed of January 17, 1938, by Roy *,. La: sen, Vi11aCe acquire certain lands in the1.'irrar ruhich rt- referred L= to hirt under date snCCest irg that the Lake District to the Fresident for for Park Purposes, such action as he ea1'f £i t. _s YETUTES: January 24, 1938 Hoak 7/12/37 to 6/4/40 FaCe 55 AN ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE REGULAR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE OR REFUSE, THE IMPOSITION OF AN OBLIGATION TO PAY COST THEREOF ON THE OWNSRS OF THE PROPERTY SERVED, AID THE ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY SERVED OF UNPAID CHARGES UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, 1945, SEC. 443,015 The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain xs follows: Section 1. The Engineer of this Village shall take whatever action necessary to provide for the regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse from drallings and places of business in the Village. '. Section 2. The owners of all property served by regular collet— tic, and disposal of garbage or refuse by this Village or its agents or contractors shall pay the proportionate cost of such service to their respective properties.- '.. Section 3. The amount of such proportionate charge shall be determined by the Village Engineer on the basis of estimated costs and ' shall be uniform for the class of property served. All residences served shall be treated as a single class of property. Industrial and commercial properties shall be divided into such classifications as the Village 'dngineer shall determine. Section 4. The total estimated cost shall include all costs incurmd by this Village in the collection and disposal of garbage or refuse, including a provision for the depreciation of each equipment as „ shall be required by the Village for use th ... I,, and the cost of collec- tion of all such charges. The total estimated cost for a twelve month period 11 1c, 611 .mined by the .Village Engineer prior to April l of each year and. , such total .stimatsd cost shall be used in computing charges for services during the twelve month period crummacing April 1. Section 5. The properties to be served by regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse by the Village or its agents or con- tractors shall be those properties which require such service and which may be s e rved at a r onable cost. The properties to be thus served shall be determined Village Engineer, and mitten notice thereof AB ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIM LICEMISO, INSPECTION AND REGULATION OF FOOD EANDLIA^u LSTAHLISMV.7S AID T20VIDIKO PENALTIES FOR PI�LAT�ON TID?REOF. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follow, SRCfION 1. APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE. Co perao.. fim, ..T. ration or wso.3atlon -bell oundnct or operate in the VSlinge of Edina any sst.bll.h net far tho selling or .e ing of food or drink s, horein defined sdthoat first obtaining a license therefor aid- aovplyivg with the - prorSeiene of this orduard.. Luce... issued here - mder shall not be tramsferrsble. SRCTION 2. DF.lINITIONS. ' The follovleg te,ne se used In this ordinance .hall have the r.11mlag neminE., - (a) eselle and ^sale". . The furnishing of prepared or - prepared food for a ....ideratiw. for consumption off the promisee where ..oh food 1. cold. (b) "Serra- and SerrSee °. The fornlshing of prepared foods for eomesptlea on or ebauL the premises. All prorislons intended for or capable of hvsm oonetmptlom in.lud- ing vlthout limitation meat, poultry, seafood, groceries, vegetables, fruits, dairyand bakery preduots, confectionery, lee areav and non - alcoholic drinks, (d) "Food Handling Establishments ". Any bmildSng, stand, stall, or pl.w at or In which food Is sold or serred. (e) ^Restoornnt. Any establishment. SnaludIrC without limitation hotels. fans, ..fee. tererns, dreg store. and outdoor stands, at which food la sacred. I. (f) ^Yen! Ynrkat.". Any establishment at vhieh fresh seat, poultry or seafood is sold. \ SECflON 3. TOM LICENSES. - •. \` Aq person, firm, aarporetim, or association desiring to operate a food It.. eatnbllehment within the Village of Ed.. .-I file .ltd, the Village Clerk m application for a food lieves., firing in .v.h appll..tion the full nave and address of the omor or proprietor of the proposed establish- ment, the location of the building or'buildinge, and the pert thereof intended to be need In the .onduat of wah business and under each food lieene.. The oaeupan, shall state 1. ...h application the nature of the bu.1.... to be con - duatad tend the types'of food to be sold or. rred. If a roste-ant or vent mriret 1s to be, operated within the estnblialsent the application for 11 waee shall .o Kato, end .M11 desaribc the portlm of the promisee vkere3a rash � bu.inese rill be eonduet.d. Cpm the tiling of cry anoh application, the pre - vLe. therein d:.. oe arlbed shall be inspected by the Board of Health or Ste Deputies, I SECrlo!a 9. EEGCLATLCSE FOR USTAUnrTS. A. Exn. lnaSloa and nondonnotion of n1,.1eeaao or adulterated food or 1-1 *1 of toed, drink, aid other eubatwon r�ey De tekec and aannined by the health officer a. often ae ray be n%..:.ry for the dsteetimi of uavhelcaonecoea or edulter.tion. The health officer nay con- chae end forbid the sale of. or cave. to be ronoved or deatreyed, , toed or drink ehirh 1. hole.ome or adulterated. D. I Motlon of inete- nnt..—At I ... t once every 6 m-the the health otflcer shell Me! every restaurant located within U- Village of Edin.. In .... -1. health effl -r dl.mvere tie violation of , itm of ,snitatiw, be .hall peke . second inepootioa after the.:lap.. of .vch tim v he deems noo.neery for the d.feet to be — .died, and the eeemd in.peotlw .hell be need In detorwining eoenliwee vith the regviremwte of thin erdi- nwco. 'y valet I- of the ..me Stan of thin - ein—ce on ouch second I - epeetion shell e.11 for Saaedleta .."e-ion or p.-It. One oopy of the in...otiw report -hell be posted by the health oflleer npw an meld. w.11 of the raetwrant, and --id Snapectlen report .hall net bo defaced or removed by uq person pt the health officer. Moth.r copy of t . ..... otlon raper. shall be filed a1th the records of the beslth departaeat.' Th perem opemtinC the restao-A shell upon regnest of the health officer permt, ae.es. to all pert. of the eetabllatnent end .hell pomit .npyleg ey or all records of food Pu be.ed. C. Senitatim mV1r.nwts for restevrante. —All resta.rwta eonply elth all of the fello.IeC Ste.. of ,wit.t3w. Itea 1. Floor.. —The floors of all room Sn w3:icn food or drink le stored, prep.rad, o rued, or in whioh vt.e,ila are -.eked, shall be of eneh anetMetion or to be -.ally cloned, shall be —,th, end .ball be kept eI.w sad in good repair. Iten 2. Sall- end ceilings.—ftu. and eoSl3nga of all rooms shell be kept claw end is good repair. All wall. wd ee111ng- of rome in hloh Tend or drink is ateted or prepared .hell be flelahed In light color. The tell- of .11 rome in rbieh food or drink 1. proper er vtenelia are wsshed .bell have a wooth. weehable rf.- of to the level ro.ehod by ,plaeh or .pray. /L o/ 3too s StnCe, ouIttem r 3. 71oore erd wlndoa.. —Than c flwoed arnd pdror- l swhal abll oepe1—f- vle.. other effective meas are provided to prevent the ertrence of flies. Iten 1,. Lighting. —All —. Sn whleh food or drink Ss stored or prepared or in which M-.11. are eaahed shall be well lighted. Itm..S. ventilation. --All Toms In whleb food or drink Se stored, prepnrod, o . d, or in hick utensil. ere washed. shall be wall vontil.t.d. 't" 6. Toilet faeilitle.. —Every reetenrant shall be d . proded with .degv.to wd to veelmtly located toilet faoilitiea for it. enployees. confore- Sng elth the ordlnwe.. of the VSll.ga of Edina. In re.t. -enta hereafter onstrnetad So11at rem. Abell not open diroetly let. any rem. I. which food, drink, or utensil, are bandl.d or stored. The doon of all toilet rome .hall 1 bewlf- .loving. Tel rem. -ball be kept Sn a clean e.nditiw, Se good re- pair. and wa31 lighted end - r,"'.ted. Hand- anehleg sign. shell be posted In ea h toilet roe® need by amplopeea. In .sae prlriee or earth .1 ... tn era axaniawtiona of the enplayee and of bi. ..... late.. with such laboratory .mrinations, a. soy be indicated., H. Wore cant ieterprtation. -Tnls ord3nanee shall be enfareed Tg the TeOt officer In accordance with the laterpretstSom thereof contained the Dr Drinking edition bnect , S. Public Health ell be Code a at the C toting d Dr3aking Etnblistaanta,.s espy of which .hell ba m file at the City ark+. .file.. ECPIOH 30. RzanATTORe FOR VAT 1'aREESe. A. No establish ..t atoll be granted a license as a meat m rkat -I.. the ease is equipped with properly constructed refrigerators, mat rooks, counters provided with glass front and top cover., meat block., wale., meat chopper.. and such other equipmont as is required to handle neat. seafood, and poultry in a .anitary memmer... R. All meat markets .hall be provided with tight hardwood, til. or ement floors. He Ronan used for the slaughter or picking of poultry and the elsan3ng T'fith. shall be separate from roams share Beat. seafood or poultry - ro tared, offered for solo or eald. All such rouse shall be scut-.t-d and \ � equipped in such Hammer that they can be easily cleaned and the refuse there - frou be eat33y .smeared and disposed of. D. All meat. poultry and seafood .hall be properly and sufficiently protest.. TF- flirt, dust, Ellen and beanling by -stoners. All di.pl.y. shall be -red with glass. No meat. poultry or ..food shall be bung or kept out - alde of any market for .ale or dteplap. R: All knives. sews, .1 ---rs, chopper., pans and t -sall- shall be washed wits-bet water and soap at lest once eery twenty -fear (21.) hours so u to remove .11 dirt and gnaw. All based.., blocks, counter., display., coat bock., nfrigeraten and other equipment for storing and displaying vent. poultry and ssaf -d shell be kept clean and sa.11ary and 1n good repair and ..hall be .arobbad with ht inter and a suitable cleansing agent at the close of each day'. use. �. All employee. when handling provisions sbull wear a clean linen or rubber apron, which a..t be changed and washed frequently and kept clean. G. - 11. live enlmals .ball De kept on the prosi.ee, except that with the pervis�ea and under the direct of the Heard of eItb Use p-Itry nap _ be kept for short periods for .laughter and dressing. H. No enlval. other than poultry .hall be slaughtered on the premises. I. No meat, poultry or seafood which is not fresh, wholeness and safe for home consa "" ma and no part of any anil or fish which died by accident or from disease .hall be brought onto the promises or offend or held for sale therein. Inspectors designated by the Hoard of Health way in their discretion -- place a tag on any meat or other provisims which they may hears came to believe dievaroc er•mrlb for basso eu- naptien. or cup equipment which frog dirt, Hat or say rceeon . -fit fee use or way apron or other clothing which ban ban - soiled or suitit for me. Such tog shall be marked °Pdian Hoard of Health -Told for innetfgati"' - Do person .hall anon such tag or re the article tagged from the plane where it was tagged, except we diretod by the Inspector. J. No calf or pig or the meat or aareaaff thereof leas than four (4) weeks old. and no 1 ®b lees than eight (0) weak. old Shen .langbtend and m neager, sickly, unhealthy or um,helasome bird. fish or fuel shall be brought onto the preeiees or offend for sale. i -H- N. it shall be the duty of the inap.ctar designated by the Board of Raalth; upon diaearering any meat, Coultry. or asafoad which Sa dleensad, in aga sent or for say erase unfit for hues, food at once to give the person in shrugs of rase for the tine b.tt ,sties to uses, the .. Ion dint.ly out of the Village or to such plaea Sn the to as the inspector may des- ignate, and to destroy the sane sa direatad by said inapaator. SECTION 11. PEMTIES. Any parses, firm. corporation or aa.ocistlon violating say prevision of this ardinanoa shall be dosed guilty of a ed.daaeener and upon aonrietioa of ...h snap violation shall be punished by a fine of not non then tIO0.00 and met. or by Snprisounent in the Village or 00outy Ja11 for not non than 90 days SECTION 12. REPEAL. Ordinance IImaber 4. adopted February 27, 1926 and published April 23, 1926. entitled 'An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Roetaunnte, Cafes, Dining Rooae and Eating Souses, Nequiring the Physical E.- inatlen of the Peed Randlers and Providing PenaEles for the Violation Thereof � is hereby Mauled. saes and _ospt that ell Sisensos is.ned thereunder shall matinee In full farce and .fleet until Janmry 1, 1948. SECTION 13. EMCTM DATE. This ordinance shell be In fall force and offset fry and after its Puuge and poblieatlon aoeording to lsr SECTION 34. UNCOMMOTIOnALTTT CLAUSE. Should say motion, paragraph, sentence, alense or ph-- of this erdina,oe be daelared unaonatitutioeal or invalid for any reason, the ronsigder of said —din— shall not be nff..t.d thereby. APPROVED. C. J. CHRISTOPM en age Pn ... dr August 11 , 1947. ATTEST, BOIM HAWTHCRNE Village Clerk i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE CONSTRUCTION, EXTENSION, ALTERATION AND REPAIRING OF PLUMBING WORK IN ESTABLISHED SEWER DISTRICTS, WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SANITARY INSTALLATION OF SUCH PLUMBING WORK," ADOPTED JUNE 25, 1925- The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1, Section 4 of that certain Ordinance adopted June 25, 1925, and entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the construction, extension, alteration and repairing of plumbing work in established a- districts, within the Village of Edina, and to provide for the se¢itary installation of such plumbing work," is hereby amended to read as Yol}b ®e: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE NIXING OR SPIKING OF MALT LIQUOR, SOFT DRINKS OR ANY OTHER LIQUID OR BEVERAGE {JLTH ALCOHOL OR OTHER INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF The Village Council of the Village of Mina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Definition of terms. As used in this ordinance the terms (a) -Intoxicating liquor" and "liquor" mean distilled, vinous and fermented beverages containing more than 3.2 per cent of alcohol by weight; (b) "Sale" includes all barters, gifts and other means of furnishing malt liquor, soft drinks Food h- liquid icense'" meansia license granted by the Councilrofnthis; Village under that certain ordinance entitled "An Ordinance providing for the licensing, inspection and regulation of food handling establishments and providing penalties for violation thereof" adopted August ll, 1947' and any amendments thereof. "Restaurant" shall have the meaning provided for said term in the ordinance described in this .. paragraph •t (d/ "Person" means any individual, partnership, trust, corporation or association. Section 2. No person shall take or carry any Lot oxicating liquor to or into anp building or place for the purpose of consumption therein cr consume et* to liquor in any building or place where such building or place is operated as a rest- aurant under a food handling license. Section 3. No person shall mix or sell for the purpose of mixing any malt liquor, soft drinks or other liquid or beverage by adding to or with the same any intoxicating liquor in any building or place operated as a restaurant under a food handling license. Section 4. No person shall suffer or permit the consumption of intoxicating liquor or any mixing or spiking of malt liquor, soft drinks or any other liquid or beverage by adding to the same aqy intoxicating liquor in any building or place operated as a restaurant under a food handling license. Section 5. The fact that any person in any building or place operated as a restaurant under a food handling license sold malt liquor, soft drinks or any other liquid or beverage to a person who thereupon and therein added to such liquid shall be prima facie evidence that such liquid was sold by such person for the purpose of adding intoxicating liquor thereto, and shall be prima facie evidence that such person and his employer suffered and permitted the mixing or spiking of such liquid by adding intoxicating liquor thereto. Section 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions f this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not to exceed $100 or by imprison- ment in the county jail for not to -d 90 days, and if the person so convicted shall hold a food handling license for the operation of a restaurant in which the violation of this ordinance occurred on certification of such fact to the Council by the court such food license shall be revoked and no other food license shall be issued to said defendant or to ariy corporation or partnership controlled directly or indirectly by said defendant or if said defendant is a corporation to any individual cr partnership directly or indirectly controlling said corporation at the time of said violation for a period of one year from and after the revocation of said license. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. 1 Passed by the Village Council this 8th day of March, 1948. Attest: GENE COOPER Bower Hawthorne - President of the Council. Village Clerk /� a. NOW R'S I Act h . cea�s4ee v�uaee caunou e6+" i �E .e we .o� s . � e8� I. �.o o... ... .... eel GE imm AZT .e o... eee 4 AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT M PUBLIC SAFETY BY REGULATING 1ilE PLANTING AND CARE OF SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, AND GRASS PLOTS ALONG PUBLIC . STREETS The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1, The street commissioner shall have, under the direction o£ the Village Council, control and aupervird.on over all trees bordering or overhanging all public streets, alleys and highways and all grass plots bordering such public streets, alley. and highways. The word "tree" as used herein shall be deemed to include shrubs. Section 2. Whenever the street commissioner shall find that any tree located as aforesaid needs trimming, removal, treatment or other care in order to preserve the same in geed condition or to protect the public from damage or injury, he shall, upon direct - n of the Oillage Council, see that the necessary work is done. He shall keep an account of the cost of auch work. - Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person,. firm or corporation to trim cut or re ve any .tree under the supervision of the street commissioner or any part thereof without first procuring from the council a permit so to do, or to exceed the authority conformed by such a permit. Section 4ll . Aqy person, firm corporation desiring a permit as required in Section 3 hereof sha make application therefor to the street commissioner. If, in the opinion of the street commissioner the trimming or removal of the trees mentioned in said application is for the best interest of the village, he shall so advise the council which may authorim, him to issue said permit, indicating with reasonable certainty the extent of the authority thereby conferred. If he disapproves the Sasuance of such per - Il mit, the applicant therefor may appeal from his disapproval to the council, whose action thereon shall be final. Section 5. Any person desiring to plant any tree or trees in any public ground shall .make application to the street commissioner for a permit to do so. I£ he approves the location and kind of trees, he shall iss. the permit. If he does not.approve such application, the applicant may appeal from his disapproval to the council whose action shall be final. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cause a comprehensive plan tobe made of all proposed locations for trees on public property, and the type and kind of trees to be planted at each location, provided that no boxelder or cottonwood shall be be permitted in a street or public ground. When such plan has been adopted by the Council, all future planting shall be done in accordance with such plan. Section 7. It shall be the duty of every property owner whose property abuts on • public street to notify the street commissioner at once when the condition of any tree thereon or in the grass plot adjacent thereto is in sucp condition as to be a menace to public safety. Any tree whose branches are closer than eight feet above the surface of the street is hereby declared to be a menace to public ,afaty. Section 8. It shall be the duty of every owner of property abutting on any public street or alley to cause the grass and weeds to be kept cut to the center of such platted street or a11ey. If the 9111, or weeds in such a place are twelve inches or re in height it .hall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. This section shall apply only to platted property. - Section 9. It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cut and destroy all grass and .weeds growing within the platted limits of any public ,treat or alley when the same are not cut by the property owners as required by Section 8 hereof. It shall d May 24th, 1� F \' NI ORDINANCE APffiNDWC THE .ZONING ORDINANCE `71 OF EDICE SING - AND PSIGNSI G+PGR R A LICEN APR) LICENSING OUTDOCi SIGNS, L:IPOSWG A LICENSE FEE THEREON, AMI PRESCRIBING A PENALTY. FOR THE _ VIOLATION TH12EOF _. The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: Section 1; It is hereby found and determined that it is necessary and expedient for the zoning regulations of the Village to be amended and made more specific with reference to the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising and other signs, in order to a c complish the following objectives (a) To ens , promote the health, safety, order, c e, prosperity and general welfare of the resident. of the Village. (b) ,To' prevent the erection and maintenance of signs which constitute a nuisance by Y ansightliness or the accumulation of rubbish and filth. reason a) To, prevent and eliminate driving hazards due to signs obstructing vision at intersections and distractions to drivers. (d) Toeliminate types of signs which offer places of concealment for criminal i purposes or gathering places for juvenile delinquents. (e) To prevent the depreciation of property values within the.Village. (f) To preserve the character and further the intended purpose of the Open Develop- ' went District as a primary residential District. f; section 2;.. r' The zonihg ordinance of Edina Village passed }Say 2$, 19$1, as is further r which there is now displayed a sign having an.area ox six square +ems. — +w+.= — �.._ -�•• -- P 'f such sign sball file application with the Village Clerk on or before October 1, 1946, 01 a permit for the maintenance of each such sign. The owner or occupant of any premises �rwhich there hereafter is displayed a sign having an area of s' QQ e feet or the owner of such .sign (other than signs authorized by paragraphs 3s(a), 3 (b), and 9 (c) (9) of this section) shall file application with the Village Clerk before any such sign is displayed. At the time of the filing of an application with the Clerk for permission to display Kd a ska ,hall Motion ,32 be permit h the Ppli iie.-e f . . in the op -.Id ten permit grounds permit, 3, District . (a) the prole taming (b) (e) such sign conducted or p,odoet, sold on such tract .1 parcel oY lane. ", sign shall hall hereafter be erected, looetrected, restriction, and requirements hate altered therefor: I.e. e.4 applicant for , permit 3. (a) b",' ground tat. kqj .-very --&- -g- �- SH_ order, rotten I unsafe - T'�wcs"h.rs;ftsl b ; - :. t d j..tr a to .ths —pro sions of this ordinance shall be or -th-rwia Pr c,c,y San �..crft .o with the tsr" of this ordinance by the owners thereof or by the owners of the ground on which said Sign shall stand, upon receipt of notice so to do Sailed to ther, by the Glerl'. (b �g)E�',tt,��g :.,F, at conforming to the requirements of paragraph ,3 and sub-para- gra section a4a - January 1, 1950. If any such graph .4 3_1 be --d I or bef Village "t on Sign is not d on or before January 1, 950 ' the Clerk of this Vilrlo.- or both of by nail t, r thereof or the — of the land on which Said sign '. =, e a thirty (30) of their duty to r said sign and if a said sign in at d within days or .. _=., such notice the Village may remove such sign and collect the cost of removal from the owner of the land on which such sign is located or =m the owner The collection of of the Sign by action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. imposition f.1; such cost of removal pursuant to this paragraph shall not prevent the penalties far violation of this ordinance under Section 10 hereof. of the fall of the owner of say Sign event said or he sign the by T4vnicipalitp. the or Removal 'i.. is. to to remove repair Sign within the in, a ted in any nod 0 the , vision . but not t days, the my be municipality at the expense of the owner than t" 'moved t "ip�� f this ordinance, IS: ground u,.�Ahi' h Such sin and the aru—t of h of said sign or of the '�'t in any a ourt of competent juris- expence say be collected by the Village by action brou diction. 7. Licence Fee, Except as hereinafter provided there is hereby iposed an annual lice..e fee for sachaig. exceeding six ).quar. fact in area (other than signs authorised by paragraph, 3 (a) (b) and 3 (c) (3 of this section) which fee shall be a I- ')3f.r &int, to me Sent (1� Such quer. fact of .-face of Such Sig, or the sum of .71i '11- (61.00), whichever shall be greater provided that the maximum annual license fee .,,re=de shall be a= of Tan Dollars ($10.00). Such fee hall be payable at the time of application on 1 of each year thereafter. plioati for a permit for such sign and an or before April The _I li_S.S fee provided herein shall not be payable with respect to any outdoor advertising sign painted on the roof or walle, of any building except that at the ti of 4 4. �plicztion 4or the or,=.p ermit hereunder for such sign there is hereby imposed and e ahall be paid an permit fee in the sun of Dne Dollar (01.00). er. g. Sa�%ine Clause. In event any one or more of the provisions of this ordinance shall Abe determined to be .illegals unlawful or unconstitutional the sa a shall not be construed or held to alters annul or repeal or otherwise affect any of themother .terms provdsdons, restrictions, requirements or conditions of this ordinance. n 9.- Penalty. Aqv person, firm or corporation who shall be convicted of the villation of any of the terms hereof or who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements herein specified shall upon c r o 'Rion thereof be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than Five Dollars (05.00) no re than one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned in the village or county. ,Jail not I... than five days nor more than thirty days. Village of Edina N_Pin Cooety, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AliENDING THAT FOR ION OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF HE VILLAGE OF EDINA WHICH HE TEI TO THE REGULATING AND LICENSING OF OUTDOOR SIGNS The Village Council of the Village of Ediae, Minnesota, do The collection of such cost of removal purasent, to this paragraph shall not prevent the imposition of any penalties for violation of t ,di-.o. under Section 10 hereof." .-on & A s paragraph $(,) is added t paragraph $, to read follows: "(c) F - Existing signs not to requirements of paragraph 4(h) will be rem ... d without notice as being detrimental to public safety. .. of this ordinance shall take effect bli..t... .£ this ordinans.. Section Ira. .. after sap and Passed by the Village Council th I i,,Aday .,am 5, t Vi agel% Village Clerk PSeese publish In Suburban Press, December 19, 1947. Send us 10 Copies (Official Publication) VILLAGE i ' VILLAGE OF E ➢IAA BESNEPIN Cam=, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 1976, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING, REMOVAL. DEMOLITION, CONVERSION. OCCUPANCY, EQPj1MM NT, HEIGHT, AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND /OR STAUCIDHE3 IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNEIOTA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 08 PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFORE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION TAEREOY. AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES AND /OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THH dlTH", AS AMENDED. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follow.: Section 1. Section 9.- Feee -of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the 'Village of Edina on September 21, 1936, entitled "An ordinance regulating the erection, constriction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal. demolition, conversion, occupancy, eVil -t, height, and maintenance of buildings and /or structures in the Village of Edina, Minnesota;. providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing certain ordinances and /or parts of ordinances In conflict therewith," as emended. Se further amended ae follows: Section 9. -Feee. The applicant for a building permit hereunder shall pay to the Village of Edina as fees for the expense of inspection and eraminatIn. of the building, plane and specifications . minimum fee of $5.00 for ....truotioa eo.ting lees than $5.000100, and $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet of cubical contents over and above the first 5,000 cubic feet based on the outside measurement. of first Cad second floor. o .IV, and 500 par 1;000 cubic feet of cubical contacts based the outside m --t. of baeeneats, covered porch... and attached Scraps. The above applies to private dwellings used exclusively as the home or residence of not More than two separate or distinct families. For .11 Mercantile, industrial end ether buildings, fees will be as fellow.: $2.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof in improvements. A $25.00 clean -up deposit .may be collected at the discretion of the Building Inspector, rhlch will be 1 refunded all or In part when improvements ere completed and all rubbish and unsightly material -r ed. For alterations, additions and minor improvements coating lase than $500.00, . mlot- fee of $2.00 will be charged. ' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its adoption and publication according to law. Passed the Village Council this 8th day of December, 1947. ATTEST: C. J. CHRISTOPHER President of the Village Council BOWER HAWTHORN& Tillage Clark AN ORDINANCE _ESTAB[35NING A lVRJ ... LL7Ud llyyp `,(QQy,YI, /�I, The Cowell of the Village of Edina do ordains S..tion 1. Befiitiau of tarns. A. need in thin ordinance the term -: 3 - (a) "Intoxicating ligo -r" and "liquor" asan.distilled, vinous and fermnted beverages cmtalning more than 3.2 par sent of alcohol by Vaunt. m t+ (b) "Be.,' moos env malt beverage with an alcoholic content of more than 3/2 of 1 par taut by voluse and not aura. than 3.2 par cent by weight. (o) °Off -sale" mans retail sale in the original package for - umption away from the �diepessary. (d) "sell" includes all bartera, gifts and other mans of furnish- ing intozicating liquor or beer in violation or evasion Of this Ordinance. (a) "pinor" mane aW person under 21 yens of age. Section 2. m..,a0a_gU Eatabli h.. There is hereby established a municipal liquor dispKum7 for the off -sale Of intoxicating llquarl No liquor may be sold at retail elmewhere in the village or by argme not employed in the dispauaery mrnapt in suck club. as may lawfully be authorized by the council. No person shall consum liquor In a public park, on a public street, Or in any public . place. - section 3. lunation and Ooeratim. V (a) The dispensary shall be Iocated at such suitable plats in :( the village en the comeil determines by mtim. However, no premises rupon which taxes Or other public levies are delinquent shall be leased for dispensary purposes. (b) The muagement of the dispensary shall be under the control r of an advisory eoundesion consisting of gem individuals appointed by the Council*- The members of said advisory com issim, which shall be known as the Edina liquor ' ` Control Comdaelm, small be appointed by resolution Of the Comcil and shall c si.t of the president of the C-12. and cis other individuals oho shall be resident. of this Village. All member- of the Coma --ion Shall Serve without tom- panaation. Nwerm of the Commission, Other than mrabers of the Council, -bell be t appointed for a term of three (3) years, axeept that when the Comission 1s first appointed two sure shall be appointed for a one year term, two members for a two year term, and two members for a three your tam. The tam of all members first appointed shall be deemed to have cosmoeed January 1, 1948- Said Condition -hall have conplate powers of supervision, direnti -Ind control of the diepmmarys but { -1 J Section 5. Nmam f Doer Lion -The dip"-Y shall observe the fon -lug- restrictions upon the hours of oparatim: (a) No Bale. of .intoxicating liquor .ball be made on S:mday nor on any election day in the Pillage. No "off - Bale" shall be made before 9:C0 A. N. or after 8:00 P. M. of a* day except Saturday, on wbich -ofk_.Us" My be mach j until 10:00 P. M., provided, ho:ever, that no "off -ealao atoll be made m Nee Years { Day, January 1, Memorial Days May 30; lndepegdenw py, July 43 Th-IJ-CiVW Day; d! or Christmas Day, De ... her 25, but on the evening. preceding much days, if the eaU of liquor is not othenelse prohibited on such evenings, - oft - sales" my be made unti110s00 P. li.s except that no "off-aele " Shan be made en Da"'her 24 after 5:00 P. N. (b) The dispensary shall not be open for business of any kind during the hours when Bales of intoxicating liquor are prohibited, Section 6. Conditions of Operation and Restrictions m Coneo®tion. (a) The dispensary .hall not he--- ineing dome, All mdndore in the.front of the diepamary shall be of clear gleam and the public vier of the A-U interior sball be unobstructed by screeoa, curtain -or partition. There shall be no partition, boas stall, screen, curtain or other device to obstruct the general obeervation of any part of the dip.-.7 room trl persona in the room. H-y , partitions, auhdivleiona or panels not higher than 48 inch- -from the floor hall not be construed ae each obstructions. (b) No buaineaa other than the sale of liquor abell be carried on in the dispensary Mapt the retail off -sale of beer and aoft drl:il:a. (c) No pool or billiard tabu aball be kept in any part of the �\ diepe y. 1�- - (d) No person shall keep, posmea. or operate in cry part of the, dispensary say slot machine, dice or other gambling device or permit the game to be kept or need. No parson aha11 gamble on much prsmiaas and ne gambling of any character &hall be permitted thereon. (e) No liquor . or beer shall be ecld on credit.. (f) No )rocs' shall be permitted tb rennin on the dl"penaarY premises. (g) lie liquor or bear nbell be sold to a minor, directly or in- directly. -3- (h) No minor shall ml r"rement his ace for the Purpose'of obtaining liquor or beer. '(j) No liquor, or bees shall be sold to an intosieatedpanoa. (j) No pare shall be pernitt d to loiter about the diepeneary habitually. -. �l (]s) No person of a hmoen ]amoral character and no disorderly... zil person shall be permitted an the dispensary Prasdaea.' .e. 1i (1).. The di.pensary shall be inspected by the health officer of the Village at least once a Tooth and m many other limas as he deemeaecess+nq `] to incurs thit the pramiaes arm anintained in a .unitary canditima. Section 7. Repeal, All Provlsione of that certain ordimase adopted January 29s 1934s'nntitled "An Ordineace U- laming and Regulating the Sale of Io- ti i-ting Liquar, Repealing Imoneisteut Cnddnaneee anfl Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof": and all acendamoto thereof which are inconsistent idth the ordinance ere hereby repealed. No provision hereof shall affect that certain ordinance passed April 6, 1933, entitled "An a"'con a Licensing and Regulating the �. Sale of Noniatoxieating }alt Liquors, Repealing Innonslstent Drdinanem and 1'rovid- jag a penalty for the Violation Thereof" and ordinances amendatory tbersof and asp .. lioeose granted thereunder. No lmoviaino h "reef shall affect that certain ordinance � passed January 11, 1937, entitled "An Ordincoos Regulating the Sale of Malt and r Intoxicating Ijgwm, Fixing the Fees Sherefor, Repealing and Amending Existing' - Ordinances for thm,p p.ae of Fronuting and Safe9ua1di -9 the Public Ncaltb, Safety, Noralso Order, Conveniences NeOpaeeFty"� General Welfare in said Village" or any amendment thereof, omept that the provisions of Section 2 thereof relating to the .ale of off -vale intoxicating liquor m amended m November 30s 1942, ere hereby )) ^ repealed. - 1 Section S, Worcement and penalty, it shall be the duty of all Polio* officers sad constable. of the Village to enforce the provisions of this ordi. -cs . )� and to search premises and seise avidence of law violation and preserve the sea as {ar evidence against anv person alleged to be violating this ardinance, and to prepare the necessary prosessss sad papers therefor. Azp perem violating any provUlon of this ordinance shell be gcilty of a mj domuanor and upon C- 1.ti- thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more tlmn one Hundred Dollars (4100.00) or shall be impriained in the cooty }ail. 'l V � _ AN CADUEOMI JUMMIM0 "eA9 OUIWCL SSTATLISDISO A MCdICIPAL LIt,= DSw "F%MSAtR,• ADDPPSD DY TDC SOYA 41LLM " COCDCSL A83IL 5.'1948. . The Council of the Village of 241na do ordanf S.atiea 1. Sootiss 4 (a) of that esrtaie erdiawoe ntitlod nrm -A. Ordioe Set ag atilshl s Mmieital Liquor Dispan W.0 adapted . tythda Cmmoll on A,,e11 S. 1948. is h.rety aaendsd sb as to road so follon; Dection 4 (a) A Mdolpal 114nor dtspeaeaq toad is hereby aroated to rhiah all roremea aaeei"d free the - operatlon of the dis,eme07 shall bo deposited and fros rhieh .11 ordinary a xrottnT aq+mn shell bb paid.. Station 2. This ordinmee "I take offset and W to faroe f- and after Its paeeade and pablleaties. ATTT.STi d'1SL mom Prs.iant of the Village Cnooil - Sasra MlSrfDCrars TLIl.Ce Mork . Adopted Msy 24. 1948. Pabllsh.d 1. ff-pla County Series MW 27. 1948. l� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE ADOPTED APRIL 5, 1945, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL. - LIQUOR STORE DISPENSARY The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain: Section 1, Section 3 of that certain ordinance adopted April 5, 1948, entitled --An Ordinance Establishing a Municipal Liquor Dispensary" hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3• Location and Operation. (a) The dispensary shall be located at such suitable place in the Village a, the council determines by motion. - However, no premise, upon which taxes or other public levies are delinquent ,hall be leased for dispensary purposes. (b) The manager of the dispensary shall be under the control Of the Council. The dispensary shall be in immediate charge of a liquor store manager selected by the Council and paid such compensation as is fixed by the council. The manager shall operate the dispensary under the direction of the council and shall perform such duties in connection with the dispensary as may be imposed upon him by the He ,hall be responsible to the council for the conduct the dispensary in full compliance with this ordinance with the laws relating to the sale of liquor and beer. _ (Q) The council also shall appoint such additional employees may be required for the dispensary and shall fix compensation. All employees, including the manager, hold their positions at the pleasure of the council. minor shall be employed in the dispensary. (d) Every employee required for the dispensary, including manager, shall furnish a surety bond to the Village conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties as the council shall specify. The bond premium paid by the village or by the employee in the discretion of the council. (e) There is hereby created an advisory commissiw consisting Of five individuals appointed by the council. The members said advisory commission, which shall be known as the Liquor Control Commission," shall be appointed by resolution of the council. All members of the C- cissien shall without compensation. Members of the commission shall appointed for a term of three calendar years. The first commission under this ordinance, a s amended, shall consist five of the present members of the commission who shall designated by resolution adopted by the council. As of the five members of the presort commission so designated shall expire, the council shall appoint their successors such terms up to three years so that the term of two .hall expire on each of two succeeding years and the member shall expire at the end of the third year. is council. oY and their she No the in such may be of "Edina _ serve be of be the terms for members term of one (f) Said Edina Liquor Control Commission shall consider such matters relating to the dispensary as may be referred to it by the council and shall on its own motion make such investigation of problems relating to the dispensary as may se m advisable to it from time to time and shall report on such problems referred to it or considered oa its own motion and make recommendations thereon to the council." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication. Adapted this 8th day of May, 1950. ATTEST: (SIGNED) REUBEN F. ERICKSON (SIGNED) BQJER HAWfHORNE Mayor Village Cleric Published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minn., May 11, 1950 The Vll]&g, Co_oil of the Villege of Ulna do ordel- se f-l- love. r _tloo 1. Def1ratl_ As mad in this ordi—oss "ossev* ss. ey pers—, firm or corporstIm _,U,, herbm-leg, or k-91-9 - dogs d. ".t ]ergo. _ off the res1w$ of the _r & -t miler the em- trol of the — or his -Z—tJ "prl—tl kennel" s—oe sM "'d— 'hare more then tv. doge over .1z sodtb- of -0 — leapt or bavtored, mid doge Wol owed by the —r - I"'- of the pr"dwe, and suld doge b-loS .-fined at all tje- and sot P--itt-d to mat Urge. 6ection 2. Lie—o Required. No Para- -h- Permit - dog over ulmtY d5JO Old to rm st 3.rge sithine the village after the first de, or s=, 1949, _lees a jA.-. tbo-for hen first b— ---d. Li--w $hall be j-ucA by the Tillegs clerk for - fee of $2.00 for each -I- - ."d feasts dog, —d ¢3.00 for each —payod f-1. dg. A. ppli—t for . 3,jesoea for s Mad fe-1- d-9 -ball Preesst - 'te't""t f— - qualified veterinarian isdi-tloS that the dog h- been ePaY-d and 9LIloa tbe date of the operation. Secti— 3- Eat- of P',Yoeot' It eb.0 be the duty of each ovmr of . deg to M the it.—. fee Imposed is 2 to the 111a .1.rk m or before the first day of Jmeln web leer, or opm soquirlrg asner- WV or poo.w.loo of any doe, - u1— -tabll.hig --16-- in the vSllego. Th. .1-k bell -- - -tlw of tbo --w-'ty of Ming .-h Beene. fee to be printed is the official paper one tine. before the 15th day CC kPril in mob year. Election 4. Receipts end Tate. Upon the pay—t of the 110-se fee, the clerk abell —W & re"lPt In dWllmtc- He shell deliver the rgL_l r ... ipt to the I— sh. M. the fee and r.tln the ftplimt.. He sbell el— p.— . ffi.i—t amber of suitable -t.111. tap, the Maps of vhlch shall be different for each 11cesse Y-rJ Wa he sball deliver one appropriate tag to tho — 'hen the fee Is lsi&- -/,, V I clerk the license fee far the .—t y—, - Impounding fee of $1.00, and a fee of 75 amts for each &y the dog 1. confined In the p...& as the cost or feeling. If the dog ip.—led has a 31— tag far the current year at the Use it 1. taken .2, the Iloses. fee —tionad 1. the preceding .-b—) .hall not be paid by the owner. Section 9. Upac, the presentation of s receipt for m, dog license for the --t year sad of the f.. provided 1. section 8, the clerk eb.11 release to say owner the dog claimed by him. Section 10. Duplicato Tags. In case any dog tag Is last, a duplicate may be issued by the clerk upon, presentation of a roceipt showing the payment of the license fas for the current year. A cbarp of 50 Beata shall be mda for each such dupileat, tag. Section 3.1. Disposition of Unclainad Dogs. Any dog not claimed — provided I. section 8 within five days after posting of the impounding notice or notification of the owner my be sold at a ressonable, price which shell be not leas than the aacmt of face which the owner would have to M to rd— the dog. All en® received over and above the fee. —rated In section 8 $ball be bAI& by the clerk for the benefit of the owner and If net claimed 1. one year, each foods shall be placed in the general fund of the village. Any dog which 1a not ali—& by the — or old ebell be Painlessly killed and bowled by the clerk or other I— d-Ignstad by the village a.—Al. Section 12. FstaDllabmwnC of laud. The village —il My --t—t and —Intel- - Pea d, Or may &.19-t. - the pond . ..1tabie and roPutable kennel either within or without the village liaLM. sectlon 13• Confinement of Certain Doge. No f"a" dog is hI /) A na dog of .Scions habit- or Maly to Cana- "Ja"y to cry pe:::to a6 m 5 vhi.h babitally chase. a.t- .bilsa shall be alloyed by its rJ9at largo. Eae police officers of the vi]]n{, affil1 tae up and impound any dog found at large is violation of this provision and deal with St v" A, Sa assordamee with the provisions of ...Lions 7, 8, 9, end 11. section 14. Restrictions on bola. so person shall keep as' harber a dog which habit-IL7 bark. or erlen batvaes the hours of 10,00 r.M. and 7,0o A.M. No dog -hall be permitted to rm at le"V bet"" the bears of 10,00 P.M. and 7.00 A.M. 1. acaer .ban permit hie dog to deal - -.7 keys, garden, or other property. No more than two deg. over Six maths of age may be apt or barbered at any plemsi provided, bo-ar, that sot .- mora then tea doge ever the Sge at six maths may be kept is eRy Drivnt 1a a1. Seetim 15• latsrferemea with 0fficere.- it Stall be ualavtnl for Say umethorlted perm to break open the pond ar to attempt to do So, ar t take ar let out any dog. tbarefr m, ar to tales or attempt to take frea Say offreer any dog taken up by hiss in coaplinese with this ordinance, or 1 in say ^^^ +r to Sat rforewith ar binder such afficar in the discharge of his duties 3. r this rdl-S. Section 15. offessae TnTelying Tap. It abaM be mlevful to j counterfeit or attempt to eomtrfeit the tag provided for in section 4 of We ordinance, ar to take from Say dog a tag lag 11.7 pfd upon it by it -mar with the intent to place it upon another dog, or to place such tag upon another dog. i Section 17. Tags Net Traseferable. hog tags shell not be traoefarsble and ao refunds .ball be made on Say dog dieenaa fee became a laying the vl.11ege or death of the dog before the oxpiention of the Mcansa period. .action 18. iiuraling proclamation. When the health officer -band he- detrained that a dog fauffi in the riMnga is infected with Jrabies ar hydrophobie, the president of the windage eounall may, upon written ad,,_ of the health officer that the pblia safety and general -If— require It, ardor' by pronianction, tbat an dogs be —Id eb- off the pren,08s of the c,car, and that &U unnuzzlei doge found off the prarican of the owner be leendlately taken ap and Impounded and my f=- there order the; after the yrocineation bas been PZIlshl& for fortl-Olght h—, either by poativa or by printing in . —p-p-r of general tiro I. the village, all dog. found off the prsdaoe of the — — =zled shall be taken up, Jz2aanded and killed, except that an officer my le-dit-ly kill su.h —.led dog If with —..bl. effort It cant firat be taken .9 and Impounded. Any dog cited and Ipoand" during the first forty -eight hours after the pabllhlAg of —7 each proclamation aball, if claimed within five " and if not infected vIth hydropbobla or rabic., be returned to its — vithout any fee as d .. rIb.,I I. section 8 being required, but after said five day., —.h dogs my be killed. Section 19. Objection by Oenar. Any ovner my abject to the i.p..dl.g or eb..q-.t di.1-Ition. of Me dg as being not in accord— with the provl.ions of this ordinance, by filing an objection Igwd by Ia. with the village clerk within five days after U. catina, objected to Van take.. Within t- days after the filing of the objection, the 'LLIAgge my bring an nation In the -i.1p.1 .—t of thl- village by ner'l q on the objecting owner a oaxplaint setting forth the Violation Of the ordinance - the Part of the objecting owner vhlch gave rL- to the action by the village vhlh 1s objected to. The court any then order or approve the return of the doL to the owner, vith w without the payeent of redeeptloa fee. by the owneri or tba —11x or BOA of the dog or, If tb- dog han been inproporly killed or sold, the Payment to the — of the --blo value of the dog; or, icrooitlon. on. the owner of the penalty provided In section 20 of thl. ardl—.; -, any tva or — of the foregoing. When an objection bee been filed with the vlIl.Ls clerk, the villge shad act kill or cell the dog referred to 1, the objection, if It In still in the ., but shall vitbin ten dy. after filing of a..h bj..ti-, either rat— the dog to the —r, without liability on Ia. Part for -Y fee., AN DRDlgnllcE AHBN(DING THE ORDINANCE . LICENSING ADD REGULATING DOGS, PRO- , VIDING FOR IMPOUNDING DOGS, AND RRE- SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, MUCH PASSED THE VILLAGE COUNCIL APRIL. 11, 1949 1 The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1: Seolon E of the oxdiuenue licensing and regulating dogs, providing for impounding dogs, and prescribing a penalty for violation, which passed the Village Council April ll, 1949, is hereby amended by is =seeing the fee for each day the dog is confined from 754 to $1.00. Section 2. Section 17 of said ordinance is hereby amended by the addition of the following paragraphs: t h Any dog that has bitten a parson shall be taken up and impounded and shall be locked up for at least. fourteen days separate and apart from 6ther dogs and under the supervision of a teterinarian until it is determined whether said dog had or has rabies. The coat incurred by the Village in carrying out the provisions of this paragraph shall be paid to the Village \ by the owner of .such impounded dog and such costs nay be collected by appropriate action in the Municipal Court of the Village of Edina if resort thereto becomes necessary to collect such sort. Any dog known to have been bitten or exposed to rabies shall be picked up and destroyed, provided, however, that such dog may be immediately killed if with reasonable effort it cannot first be taken up and impounded. If go picked up and impounded, the dog shall not be destroyed if the owner thereof makes provision for a suitable quarantine for a period of not less than six months or proof of immunization is furnished and booster injections are given by a licensed veterinarian at the expense of the owner of ouch dog. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and - eYer its passage and publication according to law. . Passed the Village Council this 5th day of Ray, 1952. ATTEST: - (Si-d) RMMI F. ERICKSON (Simred) BO{JER HANTHORNE Hayor 9111aga Clark T�,ssll of Edina do ordain as fo21 1 ax omlNawcE xo I=N olsES DISTCEBING THE AIALIC PEACE } owe, J , tberain or iwthe vicinity. Section 3. llo person shall use or operate, ar -a. to be used or operated in „ my public street or place, or from any aircraft, w in front of w outside of any buildings place or promisee, or in br through any idndw, doorway cr opening of such - :. building. place or promises, abutting on or adjacent to any public street or place, up device, app. -t.. or instrument for the amplification of the husan voice or app sound or noise, or other eamd- meking or sound reproducing device, sdthcat a wrlttes. perndt fro® the V113age Council. .Section A. No person owning, operating, having charge of, or occupying any building or praaieeo shall keep or allow to be kept my animal er bird which shall by my noise disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinity thereof. Section 5. No person shall make or saws. to be made for the purpose of `` \ advertising or announcing his cation or presence, or in connection with the �'buving or selling of my g od vanes, merchandise, services, or anything whatsoever, l er xith the carrying on of any trade, occupation, vocation, or profit making activity, am imsoderate or excessive wee of the voice, or of anv bell, gong, horn, instrument, y. article oe device. The violation of this section J. connection with any license or �-: peredt shall be =as for the revocation thereof. - Section 6. It shall be noise creating blower or power or et- engines the operation operating gases or fluids unless such engine or compressor Is such noises so that the came the rest and quiet of persons to to be smcyed thereby. . Section . No permm rimes er occupation in such _ nulawful to operste cause to he operated fan. Internal a mbustim engines air .oa, of which .eases niece due to the e,pl..I- the nice from such blorer or fm Is muffled wpipped with a eoffler device sufficient to aball not cause annoyance to the public or residing or occupying Property near enough shall carry m or permit to be carried on ay a Ammer as to create um cc-rp noise. ray any -- 7 of and deaden disturb there - i j buei- Ij 4estim N. Np person, tbrough any agent or employes dine. .halls upon conviction 6 l o e for each with the costa of prosomtiosr costa of prosecution shall ezoasding ,4n sect on 9. If ay aeetim# ordinance ism for any m"ms the validity of the remaining Section 10. This ordinance ?a ..d by this Council this (SEAL) ALL aG fine or corporation oho in his am person shall violate any of the prorieione of this thereofp be subjected to a fine of net more day during which said violation aha11 continue, and in default of the payment of such fins be imprisoned in the cooly, Jail for a perioi days• subsection, eentemss clauses or phroae held to be invalids such decision shall not portion of this ordinance. Slsa®nc shall take effect open passage and publication.. _Lday of 1940. President of the Vi aced, or or-. than together and not of this affect i I vi , SAM v/ ' ����==_ THL VILL01 COUNCIL OF THE TILLA(M 07 EDINA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOS' Sao. ^ For the Far~. this ~_ delivery . ...... I'm and sale .~~~~~hall'~~'_.~~—.~~.~_ —~~—~_~~~~—~~~~~~'from~ a,gsnt' employee. . the purchaser .~~~ liquor permits ~~~-- _�—'�.�~_'—~'�—~— _. the place . delivery . possession Md. sale for the purpose . this ordinance hall be de-ed to be the Place at which �?-""'On of such 'ntOX'cati._, liquor ,_ after redelivered to the purchoffier., The term "person' ex used. herein hall iald. ,������z:�������� by this -~ .' April ��~~ating liquor shall not . sold ' possession thereof ! delivered —~ this Village ~ person ~_.~—~~~.—. ~~~—.~~—.~~_~~ .My municipal liquor store, 1..Iudl.� the —1-~ store established . this council Within the Tillage 'Edina, ~—agent'~—_.—~'~~~.~~~'-- Occupied ~ the municipal liquor _.this Vill— ~^.~_ah,,Il~'~—~—~_..~' ~_accept for delivery '~' purchase ' accept delivery . possession ' IntorIcAting 'see. ^ This ordinance @hall not _~. deliveries .intoxicating ,C����:������������� _~ liquor ~—'. deliveries '~ clubs _d-in,:. liquor license _ ~ this �� Any ~_vi,la~ the —Vi_. this ordinance 'hall - |����~��^~—~~'~~---�' Sam. 6. This rdi.ano. hall tpl-. affect Md be in force from Md after its '~_. Passed by the Villap, Council of the Vill.v of Edina this j;th dy -- -- - - - - - -i - —11-1- 4/16/48 - --7--.-' VHH ORDINANCE R0._ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING ROADS, RE FES FOR ITS VIOLATION. The Village Council of Edina do oninin San. 1. Drivers to obey Ordinance. person in charge of any —hills, used, propelled, .treats of this village -ban -bear— the no"' by this ordinance while operating, propelling .sch streets. So.. 2. H.—Y traffic. (a) No vehicle of four wheel, i.sibils, Iced, I. more than 12,000 P.—de, greater weight than 8,000 pounds m one axle, Ined of over 800 pound- per lost, width of the open the —face of the street (slid width THE USE OF TIES AND 11 folinwo: The owner, operator or driven and r-gli't"" on driving the or less whose and no vehicle braving and no vehicle op— any wheal In the can, of robber V/ or upon the provided ', 8arb upon gross 'light, having I concentrated tires to be measured between the flanges Of the rim), streets{ provided that in special case, —hill's load, --da th..e herein pr ... rib.d, may permits granted as hereinafter provided. (b) No motor or traction engine -..d hook." shall be operated bpen any public vablels, or traction engine shall be operated or other hall protuberance. b,- the bearing euch manner be substantially to damage the urngrad,,,borjprsl1 'hereinafter provided. ridden an -y,b t—J.b —fall (b ) Every person in charge before taking euch engine abno.. a —1—t there— for the protection of the — and So.. 3• Special p-1. The spelial ordinance bell be I. writing and be i..-d the —,—I of the recorder. So- permit trip or for a definite period net beyond the shall'b, operated who" weight, be operated under equipped with street-; —L bIbn any street --f--- of the surface of urh _d '.e shod rbes. bpt for of a traction engine or bridge, place drive said engine permit required by the police department may be issued for date of expiration on the including special . ,-,,11,d no —tor with lug, wheel, in ffI street, withOlt, horses hall be tha,pbxRo,e shall, r..d. extra planking m the plank. by this with I single of the vFE 4/16/48 vehicle ~~~. may d.-Ignat. the ... .' used, ~~ contain auh reasonable restrictions ' the council _ provide. The applicant for aid permit hall pay ' the _~for general food ~ the city ~~ for sach permit —_ ~^~sonab~ restrictions ~ vehicle Shall .~ propelled, ' driven 'MY street 'roscl when each street ' read ' -~_the~—_~'~__'~~._ —forbid the ~' the .ad ~~ vehicle, limit type. .vehicles .limit permissible 'igbt restrictions __'_ —.—~'—.__'_~'_' the _tio,~ the village council ' they deem _~'deeir~ — ill -' full force and. affect from the —' the Posting ' signs ' each _----'~_—��_-- ��~ '—~�~~~~ �Ill_~~fall force Md. affect ' long ' such signs are _—~ and ill come only — aid signs --_ —^_~ Any —_ violating _' the sections - this ~_'_—_''_ thereof __conviction ����������c��'��� irp'i'_ the village ' county Jail for not less than three day' — — than three —~ and ' default - payment ' said fine ~c tb _ hall ' committed the ~�-_~�~�~~'~ ~___—__ An, person driving _~~ Sao. 7. Images; Liability. object '__ upon _—_Jurisdiction violation . the posted restrictions ~h—il.~this ordim_'~ violating the _~ restrictions Imposed ~ this ~_ mail ~liable for all _ag— which the road ' —ad truc~_—tain'.result '__~—'_read coul_ operating under . special permit a. —thci.cd by this Oldl—O- ball also be liable for ... h dr—geB as the read - real structure VIE 4/16/48 When each dri..r is act the owner of each vehicle, object or c,,t,ivm,o bat in a, operating, driving, or moving the sares with the express or implied permission of the —r, then the owner and driver .hall be jointly and ...e rally liable for say, each deong.. Such dasege may be recovered in . . itil action brought by the Sec. 8. Repeal. All aianoc— and part, of ordinances in conflict h ... with are hereby So.. 9. Effective. This ordinance shall take effect aad be in for.e from end after its p....ge and publication according to law. Sec. 10. Saving clas. if any ... ti.. of this rdiasn.., or any part thereof, shall be held invalid by any court of .—p.t..t jurtsd.jcti each invalidity shall et,n& only to his —tic, affected end every other section hall be continued in full force and effect. P ... d by the village council this 23rd day of A—t , 1948. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FRESCRIBING RATES, CHARGES -.� AND REGCIATICNS FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDINA WATERWORBS STSTEN . The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows. Section 1. The Water Service Regulations, Rates and Charges hereinafter set forth are adopted as the official Water Service Regula- tions, Rates and Charges of the Waterworks System of the Village of Edina. The Village of Edina reserves the right and power to amend this ordnance from time to time as the need or propriety thereof arises, and the rates and charges herein specified may thereby be increased or decreased. Section 2. The contract under which the Village of Edina pur- chased the Waterworks System from the Country Club District Service Co. pro- ��. vided for transfer of the Waterworks System to the Village free and clear �. of all liens of every description and the Village recognizes no liability said Service Company, and no refunds will be made regardless of future con - nections to any mains or service lines so built. -- -�� Section 3. Rates. All permanent established services, whether uY { public or private, as well as all new services, shall be metered and charged at the foll wine rates with the excemti0e of the suecifin annual flat char_ �.' if,paid within the discount period presented, except that water the district described as the East side of Heard Avenue from $4 Fuller and both sides of Abbott Place from 54th Street to nand be charged at the rate of 23.3p per 100 cubic feet gross, or 21 bic feet if paid within the discount period presented. The efo acepted district is serviced with watet purchased by the Villa City of Minneapolis and the Village Council has duly considered all per- tinent facts and find that the higher rate is fair and reasonable. (b) A minimum charge of $2.00 per quarter will be made where water c sumption an-te to less. (c) The following flat annual charges shall be made by the Water System, and will be subject to increase when necessary-, (1) Sewer Department for water used in flushing $200.00 -(2) park, Department for water used for sprinkling and skating. rinks $0.00 (3) Street Department for water used in flushing - streata - $0,00 Section 4. Current Services, Meter Reading and Billing. (a) Meters will be read quarterly. In the event meter readers cannot reach the meter on first call, one call back will be made. If reader is still unable to reach meter an estimated bill will be rendered.. The esti- mated consumption shall be that of the corresponding quarter in the preceding year, or of the last preceding quarter for meters installed less than one year. (b) All bills will be payable at the Edina Village Hall within 15 days of date rendered and no discount shall be allowed after said 15 days' period has elapsed, - (c) Delinquent notices will be mailed 20 days after original bills and water service will be discontinued to any accounts delinquent 60 days. A charge of $2,00 will be made and shall be payable before service is restored. (d) A flat charge of $5.00 will be made for repair and calibration of any meter injured on the customer's promises, or for test made at the in- stance of the customer If the meter is found to be accurate within the gener- ally acceptable tolerance. (e) The Water System reserves the right to remove any meter at any time for test or calibration on its own initiative and at its own ex- pense, Meter replacements will be charged for at the same rate as new meter installations and any repairs found necessary in the process of making such 11 a test, including the removal o£ lima deposits, etc., will be charged to the consumer at cost of parts and labor. 1 d (f) A servieecharge of $2.00 will be made for shutting off curb - stops or Ye- establishing aerviceat the consumer1e regaest,or if. service is discontinued for non- Payment of bills. (g) In the rase of broken or leaking service lines (between cor- perntion cock and meter) the c —some, shall be required to make necessary repairs within five (5) days -after notification by the Water System. In the event of accem,n., failure to make such repairs, as above provided, the Water,ystem is authorized and directed to discostinue service or to have such repairs made, and to chergethe costs thereof to the consumeris water account. (h) In the case of serious breaks, where loss of water may be s bstential, water scoriae may be discontinued until repairs are made. - �. Section 5. New Services, A uniform service charge will be made for all future connections, as Sollars; (a) Far Permit and Inspection $3.50 (b) For tapping main and installing corporation 9.0o1(3- p cock I r(l (c) For furnishing meter, Cost Plus 2,00 (d) For -p ing repairs (Hard Surface) 10.00 (e) All the above charges are due and payable at time application for permit la made.. provisions for proper cnnectices of meter, including shut -off valves on each side of sane, shall be made by the Plumbing Cohtractor and shall be ready at the time the -Water System is requested to set the meter. Section 6. Connections to Iota beyond the boundary of adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted upon payment of or assessment for connection charge equivalent to the assessment levied against similar front- . age in the created water district to which connected. The petition and agreement for assessment meat Provide that in ease of extensions replacing thetmporary connection permitted, additional cost over the .amounts paid or assessed may be assessed in connection with the nee district, or if such cost 1 1s -less, sumh excess may be refunded to the person whe made the paymenta. Any receipts from such payments shall be held in a special reserve and .TrJB -6-8 �drB AV OFAro= caLrTILT, A FRARC ISB MR CORSnUOTIM OF A IATEnL SEDER CO1"11CI90 AT UK= AY,']Ur- AND W16U1 ROAD, RRCCFEDDC ALODG MKD ROAD TO A V0ZT ADJAC7..T TC LOT 1, MOCK 1, GOLF TERRACE ItEIOR.TS FIR�^T AD'JITIOY Tfv PILIAGE COUGCIL OF EDL:A DO ORDAIN AS FCLLOASa Sec. 1. A franchise In hereby granted to J. LeRoy Kelly, here- inafter aomatimea mf.med to as the ^licence," to conetruet and place a lateral sewer, c--a- 1, aecordame elth apecificablovn --d by the village engineer, eomenci g at Unity Avenue and Hind Road, proceed- ing along Wind Read to a point on Hind Road adjacent to lot 1, Mock 1, Colt Terrace B Irbts Flrat Addition, appropriate to carve said lot. Sm. 2. Said lateral newer shall be connected to the village serer at Unity Avane. and Sind Read and shall not be disconnected pt with th. ecna^_at of tM -oil. S... 1. The entire .eat of oaid lateral .weer stall he bone by acid licaneaa. Sm 4. Said licensoe .ha11 permit cry person raking application thererer am paylnE the ..nzeting fee nereinaftcr anthanaed to .-at onto the lateral as.er sutharia.d hereby. Said licensee ar 11 collect a connecting charge from any and all Our— connecting onto the lateral aeeer anthorlaed herby. The, -L of said connection charge shall be the nmoent deterained by the licenme but aball not exceed an amunt equal to 50% of the coat of conaWation of said lateral aseer.- Sea. 5. Upon the -ki r of the oonnoctlon sathorlaed by 5ea. 4, the lfeenma shall give a recelpt to the penan making said connection and enloss the poser aakinE unch aonneetlon e1a11 be this eMe", the licanew, SemediatlR ah.11 file a daplicatu receipt with the clerk of this v111.Le. Fec. 6. In consideration at the permission to connect onto said _ lateral sewer the villaga apses to maintain said lateral aoeer cenatru.ted p meant W thin ardicaneo. i ' ' y 1, Sec. 14. The payment by any person of the connecting charge . provided for herein shell not relieve sash person of the naeessity of { paying'sneh other charges or assessment* therefor as this comcll may hereafter impose, bat no further charges or assessment shall be made against Lot One, Meek One, Golf Terrace Heights ylrst Addition by reason - of say extension of the lateral ■ever codetrdated persusot to this f fromehiae. - 1 a Sao. 15. This ordinamoe shall be is full forty and sffeot from - sad after Sts passage end publication. _ Pasaad by.the Village Caudell this 9th day of August, 1948. GHSS COOPSS ATTSSTt President of the Vill". Council BONSH HWHOMM J Village Mask { Ar tmaltnim =71ir:3 = SL:vMQT a°r :4rstn.L. cr 1 F1r.. trra x� "a ** 37 J1 » ia=3 tm r- a,ianx k+tMTts 1. It 10 hore -W "44 t:a dat7 of tin Chu: of tha lino dArArknont or other offlaor or =''Sw or the C&Mr,7ant daatptte3 V bin t* oats br-. Eatlons of krorcr:/ Lz tsia vilum at Latamsats of mt mom thra dc (6) D,.00,4 Wi=t amd to Imate cnl re oA to td* r=dd7 a c7mall =--h ;10" O*m S1ro hzarda eadat rnd to rcrvrt trA ntoto loci c3MMt= dxla`SV. am`-C7 to thlo V.-4110m. ba . i or tba isw of the at" - esetAan r. UQUjw tm'= _ It oha11 be tmlmd'd far the r. erns- or almfs-!�; Samt or C- earAnts or a+C talulmc !a the vellm:a to allow ) etP "he$.rvaa7e M*r. hp. stray. TACA or otter rasto *,tench of a coo - toatlbla nAtore to so_mlato in tho 4uemmt or oa 017 floor sf OW bol%Urp j or in .oV htllvt'. do.,A. nrs a: aila;adj -Lo�a. tlpbEil except thet City d st arbaa'�a in vuilain�s j here tmliod or onrnted Ir oath rortom It sta11 alto be tmlvd'et to pw:dt ii —tocL to vdvt Y'Yn eel pl'enlm no afbtosatd raj elaetrin Yir1ng so d OW" is housed as to ¢sat1we a fire b%*xd or mq datoateve tentin;, dwlao ar pact t. 11 . LsEm..i Ttau ma &*rAis of Oat oteroeter. It well aloo be . uftl � to me or-to parsi4 to exist AV ;arontaee. b: ulm or t.wt.. - '. or 9" Sarjataa ttavar. vUah M ro nm of V=t of Tom'". am. dl1mduted - ooadt4loa or da"ry:* tp XL-0. or f/'oa OT ctbrcr amaa. WO e3aee1ail7 11031* to W-9. i7 Vldoh nr0 ea aitoalad " an in on :h OwAtimt as to en&vvl w Its oEmtg,Ou or ;e7mm tborda or en Gnv.A ;abl.SE. •ra,_att... t Aoasu M r:Aaria.e. row V. StmZow d ni*d:c i' ttloss vz tiro andaf or eltmr T- 7.v d*ely^a4ed av-law *.'all lac eQUerity to omt. veto: bnlldind rttd.. wq MEndwe to . the vil2e fa betvon the btrra of nlnn 0' do-- a. et. emd i'iro 642eet p. a. St Se mEdp ehn data of c1 nfxh ottdaor q nfaoaald 4o moilfj b7 Halloo tgvrltin= vnr s violatin: the vorlaim of Eeatlm a hartof to a.Yeat -� EstT eom aowltlm road etfft slvo to thu ortiauea. ,Aq' me% o� c,"Wdn: t~se3omtibla "M.ele *ball l o xrSiol with vlthln fm t„—eitht hrro Anw sarrloo tl "f. /rp ewh order ome.mlm deactiva a;d;aant J 6p� ORDINANCE TO AMEND CEMINANCE ADOPfID MAY 25, 1931, ENTITLED "AN CRDINANCE REGULATING THE IDCATICN,.SIEE, USE AND HEIGHT OF PDIIDIHGS, THE ARRANGMM1T OF UUIIDLNGS GU LOTS AIM LL THE DENSITY OF POPULATIM IN THE PIAGE. OF EDINA AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE HEALTH, SAMj ORDER, CONVENIENCE, pROPRIElY AND GENERAL WELFARE IN THE SAID VILLAGE AND FOR SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THE VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS' AS AMENDED The Council of the Village of Edina does ordain as follows[ Section 1. Section III, paragraphs (a)1, (b), (c), (d) and (1) of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the Village of Edina on May 25, 1931, entitled - "An ordinance regulating the location, size, use and height of buildings, the arrange.. ment of buildings on lots and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, propriety and general welfare in the said Village and for said purpose to divide the Village into districts," as amended is hereby further amended as follows: Section III(a)l, "Country Estates and other single family dwellings, provided that upon application to the Council apermit may be issued for the erection of a tw family or multifamily dwelling subject to all other provisions and restrictions contained in this ordinance, No such special permit shall be issued unless approved by a majority of the members of the Council. Notice of application for such special permit shall be mailed to the owners of.all property located within 50D feet of the property on which the proposed two—family or multifamily dwelling will be located.. Such notice shall specify a time and place at which such application for special per. mit will be heard and at such hearing the Council shall consider the objections, if any, raised by owners of other property located within this Village.- (b) Where the land is platted or subdivided and the plat is r� corded, a single family home may be erected or altered and used by one family on any ' lot if such lot conforms to the requirements for platting or subdividing set forth ` -. herein; provided, however, that if the lot on which it is proposed to erect a single family home does not conform to these requirements and if it would work an unreasonable `1 hardship on the applicant to obtain the necessary property so as to conform with the requirements set forththerein, Council may waive the requirements of this ordinance ¢s; applied to said lot and permit the erection or alteration and use of a single family hone on any lot. (c) No land shall be.platted or subdivided which at the time of \\ application for approval of the plat is provided with public water and sewer connections \ or Sm which public water or sewer connections are contemplated, —1— such plat or 1 subdivision meets all of the following minimum requirements= 1. Each lot shall. haw a frontage on a public at set of not less than 50 feet On curving streets and not less than 60 feet on straight. streets. 2, The average minimum depth of all the lots in the proposed plat orsub- division shall be not less than 100 feet, 3. The area of eadh lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not leas than 7,500 square feet. No land shall be platted or subdivided' which at the time Hof application for approval of the plat is not provided with public water and sewer connections and in which public water or sewer connections ars'not contemplated unless such plat or sub. division meets all of the following minimum requirements 1. Each lot shall have a frontage, on a public street of not less than 50 - feet on curving streets and not less than 75. feet on straight streets. 2. The average minimm depth of all the lots in the proposed plat or nub- division shall be not less than 125 feet. - 3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be not less than 10,000 square feet. All lots coatedned'in land hereafter platted or subdivided shall have side lines as nearly as practical at.right angles to the street line. (d) The minimum standard of residence requirements in the open development district shall be a lot or premises of 7,500 square feet for a- one - family dwelling, 10,000 square feet for a t— family dwelling and for a multiple family dwell.. ings housing more than two families 10,000 square feet for the first two families and 2,000 square feet additional for each family in assess of two.' No two fenny or Multiple— family dwelling hereafter shall be erected esuept in accordance with the procedure eat C ? forth in paragraph (a1 of this section.' (i) 0n a corner lot the width of the side yard abutting upon a meet atallbe. not less than the miuhem hoot ya i depth requia d on ac adjei tng interior lot fronting upon the same street but this shall not reduce the buildable width of any corner lot to lass than 32 feet at the bond story laveL No land. shall 77777 be platted or subdivided hereafter so as to create any corner lot having a width less than 5 feet in excess of the minimum width of other lots in the a— block which are not corner lots: - F2.- i Seetion 2. This ordinance shall take effeet and be in force from and after its adoption. ATTESTS 'Village �Cie rk Passed this 6J/^L _ Y. of 194& 4�20/4H j /6� US OSDIBAHCB B0. V ,� 'AB ORDIBADCL A11MP6 THE SE'ttAGH OgD1BABCE CF THE VMA= Oy BDIBA PASSED JOLT 1, 1940 i The Y113age Coonnil of the Village of Mine, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, does ordain m fall -: j Section 1. That part of section om of the Seeege Ordimnce passed July 1, 1940 vhicb seta the savage rental charge for school buildings r� and read., 'School Buildingat 18000 per year oat," 1e emended to read, - () "School Buildingst a gmdmtad charge based on the enrollment of the eabocl an of the preceding first school day after January 1. The (;red- -u& rata shall be: t earolinent of 400 or over 1180.00 enrollment of 300 to 400 150.00 enrollment of 200 to 300 100.00 arrolment of 100 to 200 50.00 enrallment or leee than 100 25.00 Section 2. This ordivarce shall take effect and be In force from and after Ste passage sad publiratioc aeeording to lev; i Passed by the Village C-11 thle loth day of May 1948. i6� � AN ORDIHIROID TWICVa a r_-401M ur, ` STSTI]7 0'c ADOI5TR4TIOD Of YCTEAS oy THE . YIII,SGH Of EDINA The 4illage Conseil of the MUM of Ella, na -spin C-ty. NSnneeeSs, flo ordain el follows= Section 1. The Villa 90 of 8d1na be Of establihea a per --t, Sots of refSetration of "tars of the Yillsaa, sffeetlro July 1. 1949 , NSaneeo to Statute. 1945, Seat, -, 201.01 throuCh 201.24. As of and from July 1, 1949, the J.U.a of alectioa in any al.ctlon district is this fills, shall not .i the veto of any P reel rheas a... Is at Hdietsra6 1. aaeord.aee with the provisions of this ordinance. - Bretten 2. affective Jaly 1, 1949, the Clerk of the Yille„>o of Idi.a is. is addition Se his other dntiee, AeHby aeastltntsd Lha HeCiatratloa Cemaissioaer of -. the election distrieta located is the YSlleda. Hs shall Lsve .-,-let. ehnzCe of the he saessvithith . If provieSanerof Rinnes.talSStatutes 1945, Cihaehar 201. dnEise Sn accord- - Seatio. 7. Yr- and after tAe sffeatlH dat. of the eyetam of HCietration, ae at fortA is Section 1 of this ordlnanos, the Oosm"aioasr of RedistraLicn .hall immediately proceed to covabliah the Hfietratiou plan, is aeeardeaae ritA Mlnnuota Statutes, 1945. OAapter 201. Section 4, on or after Jnly 1, 1949. baC hot later then July 15. 1949, the Comataaioner of HedSsiratioa shill notify the Olark of the Diatrlat Caurt of } 1a.epin County, of his appoiatnmt, and shall H4neat said Clark to furnish periodic' sports of eh ads of sane of Iaraom reaidls5 1. the Tilled. of Sdiaa. ashp Coasalselonr is NSnsesoLI ststniaa 1945, Seetias 201.15, sad betwen the -sea- dates, _ .. _ . ____._ _e a . a,»,.tr of his ArWT, " PHSideat of Lhs Y111M. O_.0 ;ltgnsd) HOZSR 'f90"S e..- Tilled. Clark _ pmisHHD IS SOHORHIR MSS, HOPKINS. MACH 17. 1949. vlLiwcE o EDixA wxoc AnoPr- aNDwnvxi�llsa:, ExTraeu LAID 6 L[QU0A5,�F "'o. THE E G E SPP �G. uING �ID1E O DEA, TCONVEN NCEPAOSPEA -1 Y AND GENERAL It IN SAID j.. 'y 1 Ventitledf e regviat- 9 "An ordinanc g sale of ga Ne f tmg end safeguarding Ne pub: dlagea•,ge _ s fullows Ler gmg um 1nvgtm m -1 regulars boot more , (4)Oeeguletg et lb b. drestaurants. cing stall be permitted in g vms cryuesbanlicenserd only et¢pnva[e gmf l oi - in[vxiratlm L I9 or lice o'2. This ordinance shall take d pubii_o..en f ApO, 1948. GENE CoopERy (SEALaen of Vitag¢.CO cil BO HORNE I _.