HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances_Red Book 1r t,R rRRL, ; x rI�E rtr ryLLA�E xaaRrA, We ma,or,tn Co­ �x ar x re. ao a h.- aear b— hod b, m th< <e nI t. 1 L IdRrkltam__ eemg M". oxv, aepous c°xaex oe me vutege tb cmva, a pr "a <aWm pt the ". -I` a<- era chat he n°awi� u anatms an ne ranee ie m<cmn a a a,m m <` e�"''p Pcowintstaie o[Pmi�ne5o� �imu<saaer a w ne y' `ou6 en ow Fnonw"tiv xhat he nas mows <age oI me Eaees ava wows P <rsavauy Enat the - ana aealgnatea ov the p+ai etas the rors 6uhatvamn -b<r hazE U cm, e<et of LI -M UN) prwtea _Po_tlee_ of_Ue_eti_ng oY 9111.�_Qovnejl___ -- of said wnmwra avbmv�vvv xnmber a: neaw attuh <a, cot [rom the secona -wn those parts o[ ttiat __________________________ �6ingatnp o[ mna (on�oN� gat wme wlnmrs oI sam yews '°serf a, Prinwee¢i9endvthat all o[ cafe desertRl w<st�W�i os teollowine u�eu t aam a ,_ 'w°� rrea, Prmt<agava h<a n cnu<a- to i -11P ahi(",I pum,s o xoeen oI aavge zt 22nd scorn of me son ° IO31,�s om Tewv°iaMesiiWO ° >ascoaa+y`:n°a �� cis mm - ofn'e a .1 11A aLe�awMgllF�e by SCWOeBea Paeew"ret �eLO as teBVed lnresa d Meb q�l ag4 wtmE. TTaE sox m e�,hen one y ar av caWOns as xe9 -' V[ll He�+tE wFl<h °b vot m tl tl'° xhnvesota, 19 sovEn Ime of rlghE of way w aE consGtufe ReYway Company, wmeh ere not !n hue as mw feat P.t -b the date oe the aye publlcat- oI sale_. ___ ---- - - - - -- tlearrlbetl u Lot 29 0l A°Ntor'e __ ___< e waap€ a @ Pe r hoas w De P co .owAl on t ie e _. ____s t_o__ _ _ P.___ e ____ _ __e__ >,ne oi avarot(hId l. 6N0V 0P6t i ueh° et - < j -------------- e„w st.. r BS miR ev?PM " " vP a ena e n - vy manex� Irforx¢parm& and Prm BeL%m emP°Ifshetl a�cntl - °w t ra say °o h <ngn P w,. aamment n� a> e ; w ov n�ayd<°nn oe Pafenta, Pate mattex ox a w°ii'eme°,'w�or °nnyeo� ngoi g_ fe °ziaN m'"P hip m'at <a m <na ntax Iw nucs< °r v t th< e.t <vt so uexty :< m ae "n- - "eraa m Payu,g bg e:+'a�n< p m,cLZn- - nt oe`wa "ra one a :° > ° aI ai'ie.n. wp �a a ana arty c m< g x Rahway s.- Mbexa, .na roar PWm m me sate ae the twat PnmmaW °n pe aa,a ame ana mmn<tan.a - �{n iSOtloe' any: --w -- on a curve w __________ _ &ed Nine _____ _ . ___ _ __wsp�Per ht "s a <ouniY a e le realus ou? p<e I v a elg�ffew radius of u %e�DE <O n�tb t forth In section SBR WnuNa oT�hatwlreF�y 484;6 ton�3nw�' Qe'z<oiP�l9aleamw4r <cesetah.te ° tett wla $. —. a; D..W °v n a as "nt� meet - n f't mP�E; a 46 .min .Ef. nenno raDhahar by °n °pie oxn snba <WD<a ana awo'n to a <e mtl - »vary 4s 3; a x e cavntY oe x <vn <" ana sra nesvta 1 be hem at eeavg sots street ana waoaaa�e wv m I -_ m e n<sota ars ' t e g i ar £uD II sot a tsy Ooarmi, ysl �.w •• ' ' _ -.. i eoxd Fmin, en _s NOTICE OF MEETING OF PILLAGE COUNCIL G A petition subscribed by a majority of the owners of lands abutting upon the streets hereinafter described, hav- G ing beenflled '1a tae office of the Recorder of the Pillage of Edina,; praying for the vacation of the following described streets, or parts of street., within the corporate limits of said village, to-wit. First - That part of Laura Avenue as formerly laid out and - established in the said village which Is now known and designated on the plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 176 as the East Forty (40) feet of Lot Thirty $30) of said Auditor's Subdivision 1 Number 176, Second - All those parts of that certain strip of land forty (40) feet wide lying neat to and adjoining on tha south end Nest, a line which' begins at a point 175 feet Nest of the East line of Section 28, In Township 117 North of Raage 21 West, and 211.5 feet South of the South line of right of way of Minneapolis, Lyndale and Minnetonka Railway Company and runathence Feet 275.4 feet•. thence North 20 BON East 61.5 feet, thence on a curve to tDe right witb a radius of 187.6 feet a distance of 77.8 teat; theme oa a tangent to the last named curve 7.6 feet• thenceoa r. f7- =curve to the left with a red us of ;T€C'C'n / dietmce of 64.2 feet to the South line of right of way of said Railwsy.Compan7, .which are not included wethia-th.-limita "of" _ -- Moore Avenue as now laid out and traveled In said Pillage, and - .which r� not included within the limits of tract of land des- aribed as Lot 24 of Auditor's Subdivision Number 176, and,tha Easterly 5 feet measured at right angles to the Feat tin. of said Lot 24, of Lots 20, 21, 22 mad 23, and the We eterly 5 feet, measured at right angles to the East line of Lot 24, of Lots 25, 26, 31 and 32, all in said Auditor's Subdivision Number 176, Third - All of that strip of land heretofore deeded to the Pillage of Edina for street purposes, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the East line of Section 28, in Township 117 ' North of Range 21, which point to 595.8 feet South from the Southerly right 'of way line of Minneapolis, Lyndale and Minne- tooka Railway Company; thence Westerly on a curve to the left j with s radius of 291.1 feet a dletame of 104.8 feet; theme j on n curve to the right with aradius of 527.8 feet a distance of 152.9 feet; thence South 850 581 West a distance of 72 feet; to a point 323.6 feet West of the East line of said section; theme North 40.2 feet; thence North 850 58- East 69.02 feet; theme on a curve to the ZRF'-q' with a radius of 487.6 feet a diet... of 140.9 feet; thence .on a curve to the right with s radiu. of 331.1 feet a distance of 119.2 feet to the East line of said section; theme South along the east line of said Section 40 feet to the point of beginning. HON, THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the 4111 age Conned of the Pillage of Edina Sn the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota will be held at Orange Hal on 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue in said Pillage on oN the day of 1931 na t eight o'clock P.M. or e purpoe o eoting npo such, yetlt So. Dated at Edina, Hena In County, Minnesota, January /0�; 1931. li r Recorder o P111aga of Edina, IN Hennepin County, Mire sate. (Zti #� of �innrtt�nlis OFFICE OF CITY CLERK e o'tp1 `via 'aa�> c $ C ;eL. n� a February 9, 1931. Village Recorder, villaSe of Edina, 'Finn - Ge ntleme n: Aaap1ed •aa -.,e -a Attached you v+ill find copy of CouRO it L 1re� action o£'lanus Ty 30, 1931, authorizing the Village of Edina to connect its sanitary sewer system with the Minneapolis sewer system during the period of twenty years. Very truly yours, CARS. C. SNANSO ?d City Clex& ED .) Cornices and eaves may project not to exceed thirty inches into a required open space, provided tbat no such projection shall extend over any lot line. .) An open porch one story in height or a bay window may project into the rear yard or side yard a dis- -tonce of not to exceed three feet. �) No building shall be erected to exceed two and one - half storied in height in the Open Development District provided that for institutions on large grounds thetbe Village Council may in their discretion permit build- ings which conform to other district regulations to a heightebeyond the height limit of this section. Church spires, belfries, chimneys, architectural finale may be permitted to exceed the maximum provision of this section when erected in accordance with the ordinances of this Village. �) For the purpose of maintaining the Open Developement character of this district, no public, semi - public or inatitutional buildings shall be located except as follows: Upon premises facing or adjoining a public park, i playground, school ground college grounds, public institutions, church, socal center, railway station or other institutional buildings or on land entirely surrounded by streets and alleys or on and at least three sides of which abut on public streets or upon premises facing adjoining or across an alley or atxeet from a railway right -of -way and provided that if the public semi - public or institutional bui r ldings o use, occupy not to exceed 30% of the area of the 1otor premises and do not extend nearer than 30' to an ad- joining ownership used for dwelling the above restric- tion shall not apply. o) Recognizing the necessity for hospitals, sanitariums. and cemeteries and at the aame time the fact that they may he inimical to the health, safety and general welfare of the community if located without due consideration of the conditions and s r xoundings, no hospital, sanitarium or cemetery shall be permitted except after a public hearing and upon the unanimous vote of the Council, The Council shall on request of the applicant fix a date which shall not be less than ten day, or more than thirty days away for a hearing on the nace aslty and Convenience to the community and whether it will be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare. Notice of such hearing shall be posted in at lesat three conapicuoueapublic places in the Village of Edina. SECTION 4. COMMODITY STORE DISTRICT Community ato re districta are established as follows! (a) In the northeast corner of the village a square area measuring ^125, on France Avenue and 125' on the north village limit line. (b) On France Avenue at 50th Street a strip of land 125' deep and extending from 50th Street north 330' and south 330' and a strip of land 125' deep on each aide of 50th Street and extending west from France Avenue a distance of 480'. (c) Three squ or' a of land at France Avenue and 54th Street be- ing'the three c rners in the Village of Edina measuring 125' on France Avenue and 125' on 54th Street. (d) The triangular piece of ground at the intersection of Interlachen Soulevard�land Bain Street measuring 125?. on each street. (e) Block X29 Fairfax Addition anddthesmisc ellaneous 13, triangular piece of land c staining approximately V8 acres lying e.uth of Nest 62nd Street and East Nooddale Avenue extended. (f) .Ths-,Iand on the northeast corner of Highway Do. 5 and Poor Farm Road measured 150 ft. on Highway Ho. 5 and 150 ft. on the Poor Farm Road. (g) In °the Community Store District no buildings or premises shall be used and no building shall be ere - ted or altered except for purpcase customarily nec -c e a_ry to serve a residential community having access to the larger market of an adjoining city. The Following uses are permitted, if and when a building per- mit shall have been issued by the PS llage Recorder, and it �I shall b unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, alter, enlarge, move, demolish, use, necupy or maintain any building, sturcture, improvement or premises without first having . obtained such permit. 1. All used permitten in the Open Developement District. 2. Amusement Places. 3. Bakeries. 4. Barber Shope and or beauty parlor. 5. Catering Eatabllehment s. 6. Comfort Stations. 7. Conservator! es. 8. Dressmaking Establish ent e. 9. Electric Repair Shops. 10. Financial Insor police 11. Fire Station or police station. 12. Furniture Store. 13. Gasoline Filling Station. 14. Hotels. 15. Lodge Halls. 16. Messenger or Telegraph Service Stations. 17. Millinery Shops. 18 Office.. 19. . Painting. and Decorating Shope. 20. Photograph Galleries. 21. Plumbing Shops. 22 . Post Office. 23. Printin6 Shops. 24. Public Garage. 25. Recreation Buildings and St nuctures. 26. Restaurants. 27. Sales or Show Rooms. 28. Shoe Repairing Shops. 29. Skating Rinks. 30: Storssand Shops for the conduct of retail business with or without flats above. 31. Studios and Theatres. 32. Tailor Shops employing not more than five (5) persons. (h) No Building shall be lected to a height greater than 40' and each building shall be so arranged on its ground a to permit of all loading and unloading on its own preme Sees and not from the street. (i) Hf premises oNy "terlal dhatsoeverreic ept there the materi Al. are stored in a building and where the• character of such building conforms with the general development of a community store diectrtct. (j) No building or premises shall be used far any kind of manufacture, repairing, alteration, converting, or finlehing� which uses mechanical power aggregating more than (5) Bores Power per 2000 sq. ft, of ground area. SECTION 5. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Commerlial Districts are established as follows: The west one -half of Block 2, Grand View Heights; the miecell- aneous tract of land immediately south of the west one half of said Block 2 and north of the Eden Prairie Road. _ A strip d' land 600 ft. wide extending.£rom the Eden Prairie Road to the southern line of Section 28, the center line of said strip being the main line track of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway. No building shall be erected to a greater height than 40' along State Trunk Highway No. 5 and the Hopkins Road for a distance of 100' back thereof, otherwise there are no height restriction in the comme -al district. All buildings shall be so placed and arranged on their grounds as to permit of all leading and unloading on their own premises and not from the street. (a) The following uses are permitted, if and when a building permit shall have 'osea taaacl by the village Recorder and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, alter, enlarge, move, demolish., use, occupy or maintain any bnfidinO ;iatrndture; lmprotement or premises without first having obtained such permit. 1. All use. permitted in the Open Development District.' 2. All uses permitted in the Community Store District. 3. Coal tipples and storage under cover. 4. Lumber yard in buildings. 5. Building material yard. 6. Public garages fox repairing and storing cars. 7. Battsry and the service. 8. Gasoline filling station. 9. Blacksmithirepair, machine shop or tinsmith. 10. Carting, express or moving van with stroage yard con- nected therewith: 11. Ice plant. 12. Steam laundry. 13. Milk distributing station. 14. Storage warehouse. 15. Loading facilities for stock. 16. Feed mills. „ 17. Freight atatai.n.. 18. Gasoline and o11 storage subject to approval of the Village Council as to location, to and quantity. 19. Dry cleaning establishment. subject to approval of vil- lags council subject to location and arrangement. Or other enterprise a or businesses which in the opinion of the Village Council are no mare obnoxious or detrimental to the wel- fare of the c m unity than the enterprises or businesses unu- , merated in thessection. SECTION 6. CIVIC CENTER A Civic Center 1. hereby established being all that part of the Northeast yl oY the Southwest }, of Section 18 lying south of 50th St., west of Wooddal. Ave. and north and east of Minnehaha Creek as it now runs. In the Civic Center, no buildings or premises shall be used and no buildings shall be erected or altered except for the follow - in= uses, and then only after plane and specifications for such building, atructure, improvement premises or use have been ap- proved by the Village Council at a public meeting. /3 t he r aame sfront yard ass i.prequired inethe OpeniDevelopmente District. district - bell retained in tin ha constructionpoftbuildi any buildings and shall not be reversed. (f) No change shall be made in the b,udary line of the die- t ricts or in the use, height or rea regulation f any district except after a public bearing and upon the two - thirds vote of the Counc1 1. The Council may, or upon a petition of ten per cent by number of the property owners within 200 feet of the property to be affected by the proposed change shall, fix, a date shich shall not be less than ten days or more than tirty days away for a bearing upon the subject of such change. Notice of such meeting and proposed change shall be posted in at least three conspicuous public places in the Village of Edina. At the time and place fixed in the published notice and the Council shall bear all objections and recommendations relative to such amendment, supplement, change or repeal of the existing provision. (g) It shall be the duty of the Village Council to see that the provisions of this ordinance are enforded through the 'proper legal channels, but they may delegate the duty o£ administering it to any employee as they may deem proper. Any person object- ing to the ruling of any official on the administering of the previsions of this law shall have the right to appealito the Council at any regular meeting. (h) The owner of a building or premises In or upon which a violation of any provision of this ordinance has been committed or shall exist; cr the leeaee of entire building or entire premise' in or peon which violation has been c o mmitted or shall exist; or the owner, lessee of any part of the building or premise in or upon which such violation has been committed or shall exist, shall be guilty of a i;demeaner punishable by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars (100.00) for each and every day that such violation continues. Any such person, who having been served with an order to remove any such ¢i.latien shall fail to comply with said order within ten days after such service, or shall continue to violate any provision of the regulstiona made under authority of this ordinance in the respect named in such order, shall also be bject to a civil penalty of not to exceed One Hundred also ($100.00). (1) `In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordin- ance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety, health, convenience, omfort, prosperity and general welfare. It is net the intentiocn of this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate o nul any easements, ovenants or other agreement between partiesn provided, however, that where this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the use of building or premises or upon height of building cr requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordinanc so, rules, regulations, or permits, or by easements, covenant. or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. any section, sub - section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, Such decision Shall not affeot the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. This act shall take effect and be in. "force from and after its adoption. President Chi #� of �idinnrtt}�n1is 'I �.' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C. i'w:i<meco:es,aoee ammiue° . e... e�nk May 18, 1931. 11r. 3. B. Moore, 4605 :Ioodale avenue, City. cha De- Sir: Attached you vill find copy of Council action of i:ay B 1931• relative to the supplying of -ter the Tillage of i;dina a at a rate of j25.00 per Willi.. gallons. .. IN,.. n m­ s &. 4vEgreeU wievvg dmhdate. m `�`�: u 9 I oDe �e � � o® oe ad_ e t�,t w 9PP� w ee mor P�.wmb:.dwneoD.u�' `� `off' nnedre nma�iou�ea°t� � ie: baiimu°PB mow'eh. u �atwPw`u e. �eNUey or .tma to�'➢wa�"�' aod��y"reery°dem �➢� Weep eeWm Min er da w nP ea°�t° mhiumtka �ap;W teer moh aer°m:`,do i ane vk aPy Pm➢tam of °'°a° °coon. mane waer aem- i opts° tee° �a oee m me r.eceet a tPP aeau mbe a�w- t °noP°u°'.trya iit�daoa. Pq he Dell totbe �II �w mM1e EI4PUb ort, pe�tt Dee,ip ee, v�a Jt Y [Le NkvEWV Petro � vice mvt]vteWae �thvoe �ProNdeq ho�wevmer�tvat�w�e � {�v rsNNmm tmpasa . Etm uPVn tDe use of pullNng m = '=da Lrger php Oeu[WDWILInB ar jm0� or D othm wdln� - -. �9�PIaG� �mWbv vofN oMlvaveee C) It uu o D v - PWBU eP thly orNU- 'mvaOt�ooD+LmY�h 4eGa10 WeY mt v - t➢ v meJVWg of rMW�IB31. R7 �O�IN]NGi ncO A TTBST , memai B. 3so �BBN. bml[t d 9dn W- gtmve� a Y. BBL whmm' J. Be e M HeMeP�n Comty� AB6 IN THC OF fMey399. 10911 - `� �V➢o AOE �h OF " COCNCIL [tl)AIN A9 FVI.P.OWS �- ( No perwv, firm or empvretlov ahe6 -- areot, eakhlleh, elkr, eNaree, more. 1` dmbllah th bWl t , ak C a premisee MEDOUE first aecurloy a per - m1t � W ttl�o from Nu VWage Couvcil �( try ➢ateeVWe6e4[aPCPmI�eNUreav�- (, ti O�v �y me v vrN EtVllI DePlie 3 m�D�dme�Ea�;P�e�e ll�y Ne vet° 1 �\ 1 e 5. ore. Lva ove_ `'. m� �Ykrdetlty eP�r9evdr, �vedeor r the k� er MEhvthevd v � •1 `••... tNm Evti �e d aI eh_._b. lG a tx m em t a be tee eel ' Permi nom ��mtve d tlomv I9.C91 mtl ahe6 De ➢etd ,. mtler tDa 1n[o Ehe Oen W Fmyof MVISa9e. tDa mmr7. , 11 '-}cJ Miff AM ll gaumbpvty oaf : ➢mlmnve- �7 tumor be PPD�eDedp➢ c fiva oI vo5 Nm me emdrel �y P�iaem Ehe coune6 thle fSEh dey of \V � �eNaevt v D°[OUk� BEBL Attert. Vlllege SieemE<r. �Allagr x1f �rtxr HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA COPY OF A PART OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, HELD ON THE TNESITY— SECO13D DAY OF JUNE, 1931 Motion by Moore, seconded by Prescott - -Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina that petition having been received from George Vessey and others, dated Ju3e 1, 1931, for vocation of a highway running through a town and an unplatted portion of the Village of Edina, beginning at City of Minneapolis, East � corner V Section 18, Township 28, North Range 24 Cleat: Than- westerly and known a. CountyhRO^�d Nohe2Vieaidepetitionapraying forrvocatlond all that portion of said above described highway which runs ac follows: Beginning at a point on Trunk Highway No. 5 in the east z of S E } of Section 31, Township 117., North Range 21 Vest: Thence southerly and westerly through the S t of ea id sa tion 31 to Trunk Highway No. 5 in the Kest � of 3 E }, of said section 31. Be and the same is hereby approved. D. F. McGuire President Village Recorder I, Beb B Moore, Recorder of the Village f Edina, Ceunty of Hennepin, and State of Yinnesota, do hereby certify that the forego- is a t pus ofgthe Villageaof copy of a apmpetingrthere ofoheldoonethe 22nd day of l Ip June, 1931. 4 Recorder of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minn. 11 (Seal) _ fall owing resolution was duly moved by J. Emil Reim"" seconded by George Nilson end carried by the affirmative lots If all am"'I's present: T EZR-.AS, certain oloot,ja I-s oparet.d through the VIII,N, of Ilion in trio County of E­pja wad State of gJar-ota by the bin,sap,li, Suburban Railway Company are Vipped with . typo If whistle which, ,am blown, emits a very lmd, pane trating and shrieking mail,, sod said whistle is blown at several plane. in ,, ,aid ills in camnection with the opelatiOn of said cars therein, which noise ere tly disturbs people vs,idI19 in said village and is especially dietabing to ,.I.... residing in the vicinity of the talabe on whim said III. are operated and is inimical to the health and peace of such residents, and MI MS, numerous complaints If such noise have been ads to this Coamcil by r..id..ts of the v111sel, N07, TBENZYCRE, RESOLVED: That such whl-tlial in a pblic nsi.sar e; FURTHER RESOLVED: That said public ul —no. be abated and discontinued within two (2) days after the service of the =tjoa hereinafter provided for; that the Clark of the Village be and he hereby in di—tad to slow me, laid Mimo,,palia Svb=bm Railway CMPasy a CIPY If this sal0la"O" with diN,ti=s that said nei—sa be abated. Dated at the Village, If Edina, jedy 27th, 1931. Att.. • VILLAGE OV EDINA, BY Its President. NOTICE TO MIN•ELPOLIS SDBJRBAN RAILWAY C01PANY: Not ice in hereby give, that 11 JO1Y 27th, 1931, the Village C'mcil Of the Village of Edina, H-.-Pd- County, Lima sets, duly passed- the resolution, of which thol 1.rag.i., is . true copy. You are hereby notified to b,t, the ,f,=Id to in -il resolution within two (2) day, after the eervlo� of this -till 11101 Y11- r. 1SSiM32 nT 00 a1dES TO m EARARD. 1. aonalderation of TDYee HmQreM1 eed no/300 Dollars OW0.00). III to m paid by Mrs. J. E. IIalson, I hereby analfpt treaaler, affi aet over to her all eaCee, salary effi comp ®eafim, to De earned hy, and .a- doe to ere for thB period of dzty (80) days from tha date "ease, free Country 0.b Calf 0.b - F eaployezi a A do heaety mthonas a7 said eaployer to pqy the aem to 09 said anslp,ee and C7 aaid aseiCno to x,eal a sad aolleet the enne and reaelptAhsrefar. " Dated We let day of Jaly, 1951- - I, TO CC ®T8S CL71H cur 0= Mm EL:..OIE3 AD= mmm. DOTICE IS =Ff cl=, That Iaeiraoe C. IIelaon Sae aseisaad to Em. IIeleee all ea,.. salary ead com eneetion to hsama das him free yaa fez dirty (60) dsr. after the data of sash aaeld a,entj n tht the "Moue is a tree und aerinot aag of the L�tt t assiminO the acne. Dated Wa at - of Jnly. 1951. i I. tha crdenicmd t Tloyer of 7c- rse+�4a C. P.glaon do Mrby ooneant to tha l_G.I C neel6meat of hie enCee. III grplayer. III a2 , v GZ��e.,�u/ ne to C1' So oo D. TC AC 8t 91 1, IN rmiloye :. coxsgTION vw.`ae°d x°er aaarae<a m tn< — - eewai' ma ie no„�e wimi °P Wes° me vwaae we Kok a :ya w nab „ r � < IT a xn t<a°' et➢ef °n°r.n,.amnem, `s°<° < <_ �., .. a aaP eanl=11=<r PfP:u - Pcwri � ^. aro�e.<ry flkmra eaPlmar fk�� :�xw� "` •" dal IIe�E" 6 ^40 � �mlleec�l� - '�feetY °- 'trDn'Pke' ;'t� e. cen, o < ea ere b1l 11 ppaa�BIDiem Wtkal con- _ n Ntlom°O:Pm`mDWel mvsdearattov. en: u� ns. nnanea o� Redd cL�ek me4eo[H <V1ClIg oI ee �nnea ¢v�o1 me �tlereme ° E°60'obtelued ,. «< .a« a ��MWndespte.IecaElo H1ar.• barn I ecc eE dED ° ca re:leWea ae ie < m'r.t ewnnainamePC of d in vk . by of E°alnw�a m1° : ®n ° eie °:oeci o-art a enw ✓oast. rl I b, plw <C of tn< V° Wvg° aPoW MWneb��ia wvenue, - I._.,........( &Pt. Gxc19Y19 i PS�EO .?��a���Y3_ l��/iiSN o �2�F�'N% .� \E ✓icA! _. 3/ 9/ y�Eucoyofio�s �, �IN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPKINS, MINN. p in Trop eT ec�ec m�e a a.muaPVame oo.�r. `i� ,. { ;i m C' RULE OF 1 Tnnine { a ..goo nv rove 3; „ wll.oa dl ni 1 27 LI GER$ES ZSSDED M 44 ASCH 11. 19 Steason Liquor LSCense - Off Sale Cigarette Wooddale Grocery Cigarette - Wooddale Grocery j.2 Beer - Off Sale H yt. Theatre Corp. Theatre Hoyt'. Cale Cigarette Country Club, Inc. Liquor - On Sale Country Club, Inc. 3.2 Beer - On Sale Gauntry Club, Znc. Cigarette Country Club, Inc. Pinball Machine village Inn 3.2 Beer - 0. Sale villag. Ina Cigarette village I— 3.2 Beer - Off Sale 4111-3. I— Pinball Machine Cahill Store Cigarette Coaatry Club, Inc. Golf Ball venting Machin Gregg' Pharmacy Cigarette MCClellan'e Grocery Cigazett. Sational Tea Co. Cigarette Edina Grocery CSgare tte Carl Olson Grocery Cigarette Interlachea Country Club Cigarette Interlachea O—try Club Liquor - On Sale Interlachea Country Club 3.2 Beer - On Sale Hove O"Pany, Inc. Cigarette Edina Auto Livery Taxicab Golan's Golf Terrace CT Cigarette 3.z Beer - on Sale " 3.2 Beer - Off Sall South Harriet Dairy Cigarette Brown Derby Cafe (Delayed Pendi� - Order to clean Pren.) Cigarette Pinball Machlne Beer - On Sale " Beer - Off Sale Trusler's Grocery ' " ' Cigarette Trlsl er's Grocery " Beer - Off Sale Cipoy's Grocery CSgare tte ➢ocken'. Orocery Cigarette j Edina village Bowling Center, Inc. Bolling Alley Pinball LSC ease Cigarette Hay & St.asoa 4/24/44 3.2 Beer - Off Sale Edina village Bowling Center 5/8/44 Pinball Machin. 8I3BRII%t':1�8% XXAA %R�Yvrvr %XY.CC%%XxXKGiN% Sophia B. St..... 6/12/44 Cigarette 7 /jl /44 Beer - Off Sale j Soath Harriet Dairy Store 8/14/44 Cigarette aoha B. cage... 12/11/44 Cigar.tt. 0. Weetvig (see 1945) cigarette AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Ho>4i.. Mi- ll State of Minnesota County of Hearlepin sesb�lor va nc mvnrix"wnv roe � wee. ° ". w..°a .... o.sa° .., s` n .J.. L.._ Fearktvam o:.aa °eF:c.we xeas.a. wx° . ....... rum' nape ao�ccser�on ..A. reps oIutlan orzaniziny_a.Amtn1ariu),.Dou:,. nnii. m f r Lh VS sau°m ze. •° 11nee of Fdlna -- A�ce..�on onnl> iinr,.. LEe.. arda�.ona_eic_....._........... ._. 09 pm �aThea. Hanneipia..CnuntX.Aexien�':w ........ ..... . ... ._.... - _....----------- p .1.111.111 uwa- a -. _A_resojMtion_ grganlzing_n-_ouniclAel �I coati �n and for the Village of Edina eto. wn_�17thf...a .e... wm°.uma 4Vat m...- ---A4 . n °m e.y oe .n ------ ;. °<we I, °� ...a A_ resolution-- organl_ _ _a ©unioipal _oourt eto. i. lCl— 44. SYI. t "A CfINo -- .. MrC..m°.�..o FE.w.w A "au•.5N 11951. L AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I The Hennepin County Review Honkin., Minn. state oe aunnesota (� 4 county of Hen Pe r.xrrvc .ere um. .xa nnn eexxrronv oe sew. � J. _ L. 4farhhan en n.s :rvrcr .. =.e vacsn "cn on' .0 te. ew. a «.m.rew m. e..e J L. 1[..r}.] -am eam.. m rv<..eom eWee,. w..<„°•.' an.a m. re >.. we .o. r.m �.ai.tmy mm. m m. n.vwu°. ae<Km .r m. w+otea Fln o: llnanr_.e rrPa'in[r e ^'nh +_1.. ^.h'n!' ::.nrl.. ft-d,, -ha v oe m� �a aue.a. or eaa.. u uum� ry eeioa u:a°.<. I' 'HTnn E1pS': n;:.:_`_"_ a_--..--- _...Sa'i;- "- " " ".Yn " "�3i "A: "._ ` ^^ "" "- "_17e. Na " ee° =v`.°.°4 :m nn�aw`uo: - '"ha H nnr n Cmin•.v Rn,riew - e. �` " ° °�w ='= a ° =e=�� m m nc re r •�mv °m a «. �m ' . P .n=i t Np1to i ^ r'Sa'Lra r. r, �.°au�<. or -r- al _r1 nPjr_" " " " "�.!r.::L ".r�.n:.l.._.._ emx ° °`a.`o nr^ 11 Y •rea' a« . n.re ne «r ....l�a�'mm'J;: �� or «.a .<..vo <,, ,,.. w.mun.a - i s° °.a .m= °boo sh =sv«ewnm =�a.. m�...•o ree m -- —'--- bli;,h,1.n^ nn3" flx - -- one ° mna� -re . r.. :e«..owa� ' s..... nt. .... �! --- v s " mra..mre.t .au u= nre. ,,.; n rte. �_. >• a. LICESSE ISSUED JASNARY 8 1945 - FOR YEAR APRIL 1, 1945 - APRIL 1, 1946 Hay & St erso C Liquor - 0£f Sele LICEFSES ISSUED hI,1ROR 26 1945 FOR YEAR APRIL 1, 194§ - APRIL 1, 1946 Lars Enutson for Edina Grocery Cigarette 21poy's Grocery Cigarette Country Club, Inc L1 quor - Oa Sale Cc�tr Clu Coun try Club, Iae. 3.2�Be sr - On Sale CoCeuntk Club, Inc. Cigarette T. Shilson, Prop. � Village I� Pinball hfachine ��'.�,1reo;,T. Shilson, Prop. Pillage Inn Beer to '.I Ge o,1�, Shilson, Prop. Village Im Beer - Off Sale Gel. T. Shilson, Prop. Pill Beer - Oa Sale W:a.=d.' Olson, Pro Brown Derb Pinball Machine Wa. A. 01 son. Prop. Brown Derby Cigarette Ilm. A. Olson, Prop. Brower Derby Pinball ldachlae Y Beer - On Sale na— Wm. T Olson, Prop. Brown Derby Beer - 0££ Sale Emma Tedmen Woo ddale Grocery Cigarette E.,na Tedman Wooddale Grocery Beer - Off Sale Greg's Pharmacy Cigarette Edira Pillage Bowling Center, I¢c. Cigarette Edina Pillage Bowling Center, Iae. Bowling Alley, Edina Pill 2-ll ng Center, Inc. Pinball Machine LICENSES I1-11 APRIL 9 1945 FOR YEAR APRIL 1, 1945 - APRIL 1, 1946 Edina Groceteria Cigarette Solan's Gol£ Terrace Cafe Cigarette Solen's Gol£ Terrace Cafe Beer - 0£f Sale Sol en's Golf Terrace Cafe Beer - On Sele Edina Auto Livery-Ruth S. Braun, Owner Taxicab Edina Theatre Corporation Theatre Carl Olson, Prop, Cerl Olson Grocery Beer - Off Sale Rare Coamey Cigarette S . H . S. B. Stens on Bear - Off Sale St enson Cigarette McClel iY Trlaler's Grocery Cigarette Trisler's Grocery Cigarette South Harriet Dairy Beer - Of Sale LICE:SSE ISSUED APRIL 2 1945 FOR YcAR APRIL 1 0"' ette Hoyt', cafe , 1945 - APRIL 1, 1946 li LICENSES ISSUED SEPTE.I9LR 24 1945 Cigarette Maz�arette Hanson - Edina Grocery Cigarette - 4/1/45 - 4/1/46 Sohn R. Ceneron, Prop. Cahill Groeery Cigarette - 9/18/45- 4/1/46 p ° -1945 AFFIDAVIT Of PUBLICATION 'v1L' F ANA Hennepin County Review Hopkim, Mina. State oY Minnesota County o} }Iennep3n 1} 11 11 A 11 '� T<_L <- _OGx;�ishgm__.. -. emee aw..., °•°. as «m do =: m+. e. °•. w, .,a a°•m¢ I a mau m.°eammm.uwmmum I'� 0a ec auu vm�m • a.0u. `� III e - ._0r�llnsnce c ^?�ttl n2.._e _3 t +1St i_3h!R�-- 3R3- .?1.X1A� - "'I° o�aei o "re �a'i m a�Oo °mi n. 1lmits an3 to ^rito^V of in the ,a Home^ _ district ew °.. m a.•°rnm cma<v. wm°a° <•, mrew MEaFd$�i'�:o�� a{ a�< 2' Sa$ L1��B7k9��n�� 'S7n�n'k''&3:.'epon weu<.•wa •nmvvm.rm .cm.a.00•sm®.m m. oe«...n m.urw m<yuvnae aaa p.mme mama• m. unm•y •m «nu Mme w. "" «�a vuu.• •r aal a. -. m• ..m.: ..._.. Thy_ HP. nneAln.- 9nv- 2': r.. Resleys .. ... .. ... .... .... .... .. . . .. .•�ro<a •• mu«.,. w -.:<: ----------------------------------------------------------- " ----------------- - -_ - -- i - Et I° •.a •d n... mmvu.a wrm •u e.� a oT`: `e c°uon navw< m. nc•re •r w wa awur�. 0^ilnance creatln¢, -_P Stabl i shln -_+nil P1X- xc.. m. mm.. a ...._..--- .- _.. -...- .. .. .... .....__P P, Lne��111�mm,it a 3 t� ^St P 1jr trio - " "e s.L•.n:a.Y.LlL. n�.,:' �.i.,.��iPo9i e lyai_a�n o r S3n2�nta er or<w"no:oa: °ws•ne`oo <wi`or%` m„•m em. ea¢a.e m °¢a•r m« ..«. r « - -.ea° s••«••„• .>==a=:m.e m m- em•tis. °a u.•m• wean. a° rm3--rum.meg--- --- ----- m m• «nr •r m• mw-- ----- « _- - - . ------ .a me • a .. °v - u '• vs•e ..uwe u m w c u a s a r e w e m <n• p nu w N wa 0 n rilnnn c ^satl n[ ;�-- R:4.'.aJ31.yh1 q_3nli- fiX_An._the .. 11m1t3 a.n3 terri?RS?¢,`f°1 ^ istrlrt in t VllIeFe If T -iina„ He yn n V'Qi3n'y�„ 9.11 °sota ...•m <�•°. . °a ° w.�•P:�e ram. °.« .aa rm° m «amn••. n «oum °. °r •em °w•.aa. i "ea mm .oa ..•m m e.r «• m, mu- .13Lh as L -RV b ^ . rAfi ' .. $YIViA el'NDEPSnN N°n•y I' °bl�•. Grv�ry A °¢.. 9rh 1954 M¢C•ow�W°° III 1 85 i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I The Hennepin County Review Hook'ng, Minn • 1 scaae oe nnlnnesoea t ss ~ co�nev oe•xzarlepm ` P I 61 kham _. n.mg ami ..�.�. ao «m ..n amn s. �. e. •oa a,wg '; J. L. Ma ^kham y or91n noe eMin _.- "".: "of BASna, MSnn, .rc orco;+,, `ng°re`rco�NC zoerco dw. <m,um wmv mo ma., we..uo...a ..m .xm.a wo.emeo .Da m. o.a...n �ww u. e.•w.me .= o m.sa<a m u...es .m.aa.a e; .aalee Review . ".. ". ".._. "_. - "_ "._ iEl o" a`.ros im-- i- - - n.. - -- -- o� id Dame wi g. n..oue . ue pn.°:`e;:. <o �An NOrA Snnnce`amen3ln a,w oninml <or9lnanceg : ow Villsge of ESSn. Mien m a a.r m - -- ------- _.___ .IVC.e.e .w<e � a�leaem w s... u.®ine u.a aoa .lea of I,o. � m m: v�uliau® amen3ln onln ------ ce, etc, mu.35Th....... r ember_ " ".. wee .xcl.m._SYLVin "t� ", M�no ,y Publ,a Y.m =elm ,y 1951: v Cemmuvan EaP�e Aug 9 en oAOrc I •� o b iim e ' d e I �m Md gg AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hookm., Mm. state of muanesota l County of Henuepin ` emansza un°nsx� "nx s,xA sxa�x m __.._...__.,.......<� nvenve. xs"a nn�`n wmexxcOa si .0 w rmo n<rewuua m. n<® J. _:2 ------------- -------------- _- airz"e cc a nvemoe xnos rm more am° mo r... Imm<uome mlo. w rn< cauvwam° m<.<m or am mm«a - <..om<vw..n<..m r - - -gr an ti �- franchise for tructlanQY o.re «. m <oe.ama .o A Ordinance - _ -. - - -. mi.'°nee n` Isl wm<. m amoo ° °«w.a <. «vc «yen TflE_ Hurl: SEY7SL-. G4tINTY .- HEYSEN[-- _.-- ._.- -._. -- Axdinanae_gcaating--fxanchi.se..Inr...nnnsix- xu mm ------------ <o=o..n. May— ----------------- re 46- a nmeaE 9sa1HQn CG' BpoS'-@ ai�7. C1�. S_tkACili�.sry_g4PeGQnatrUCk`OR- - r euelunu. w.... -_30th _ y os -../^� ------------ as_46- <•: LVIA CVNV�n'� M95 µeGm.um L.a.0 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I The Hennepin County Review GE OF Hop�m., Minn. sxaxe oe mtnnesoxa e rn County pe } ccepin ee e"n°oaomdac "' To rseamae a�eePeiaem ononnev J L rvx ^khnra... a.w am .w•A. � oam ..r.:.a,.t e° am. w. eee a,wwn I' oro„ aeor ao aeoapEae. V aecve.I_ ammo .a: ..._J, -L, 1? arkham_._.___ -_ I� oeEa..amn i�aeoe a+u nxo. eau m•wuar° w a om wm.aww r ape am°e .� wa. m• r� °r mw vuwee a. °.�eww w� :Di "weave` °wimme•ae 'v Bicycle Ordinance no,u. „a •:%vies° 'a wn. q` aver�raem °egwpveaw'�^"'THE wHENilEP2PIwC0l7P !TYwAEVIENp „�.oa ce[wa ��v." °• °aN� •.we oe em we.w•v:,,..c •r ee me °•m ................._._.__.___.... - ae"ageo rz. m.cx ox mw vm.si 11 TI EI�11 ------­--------------------_- _.. -- - --- -- -------------------------------------- Bicycle Ordinance xe.t uw °wm_ m., twee peep °m ,o..ewe. ew .e.a me m- earew....._... a w... ne.e[ ..° mt aem m i ..ua e•w•wp°n we. p•e[waw m `p me . eerew ..menm °° . w �° a .sa e e :c. n. One na ee waa me°w w.n. n.en•n t.aa+.n pae....e: [p..._.._...___.._.mau.�.• w ° °..: w°t a I p °..•>, .n° .e. i ,.nww v "nme.a uaL..._.. . > &.. o vo oa w ..ppn °em e. ke _ ... ever w •. m._.._`�2nd._.._.._a.r •[_._.AA[�' _.__. re. or .x,�me omt ` �v me • p.cwa e .. no.o=ev uo�.. �wa.vewr ie<m,a .•a eea Yee <e• -------- .---------------- ------------------ me te°t w [mewme u a wpr w tm wwe ux m..ee, �ae.vice `a` °i•`eo.. a.w�a a em wwe u e a been tee ewe .ea ewe oe trn uoea m w. wmimum e•ie:u. oc came r ape° o w mom aam w e. � .wee vewe. w .ep o r roc . etc ee .cewennoo see.ee mw,• .. o n° , . rAUne __.._BS.cyq],e._Oo 3�inr .....�.._.._ ........... .....__.._.._._._.._ - w.. o.aw.•e =. p..ao w,uwv o< mww�:i <ar i° ..rreps�`r a`ryee ec a ear. o,•en °w. p. v�pi. ug wxxoase aow ..e _ wewm.. epu°meee °°a .,.vim w em•.v mo w.__._22n3 ..mr a u 46. n a n.. t. . mu •.we m. a ,rB.w w m -a m..t .. _ _ i�vin e a cu . [•. .n. • .m we mu o me wn e• ..e e ••w o °wn° e n� ms°3.o�c we<. p ene.na mom s: n er � ee° nm. e•a° p u m.t mm. wm v •° n== ee n E n� AN ANC E ' CR SANITARY SFc;II ➢I CLRICT # . 19 .The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: 5action 1. Thereis hereby created and established a sanitary sewer diattrdet in the Village of Edina to be known as sanitary Sewer District No: 19, the boundaries of which shall be ae follows: \'. Beginning at the Southeast outh in a AuditwIs the ! Subdivision 2 172, thence Sou East line of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision 2172 and across West 49th Street to the Northeast comer of Lot 20, Auditor's , Subdivision 2 1721 thence5outh in a straight line along the Best line of Lot20, Auditor's Subdivision 172.a dlstanca: of 137.5 feaL1 thence in a straight line West across late 20, 31, 32,.:3$, 36 & 37, Auditor's Subdivision 172 to a point in the Nest line of Lot 379 Auditor's Sbdivision 172 which 1s 137.5 feet South of the Northwest comer of said Lot 371 then. North in a ! straight line a distance of 137.5 feet to the Northwest corn er of Lot 37, Auditor's Subdivision 172; thence West along the South line of W. 49th Streit to the Nest line of Nagle ikoadl thence North along the West line of Haple Road to its point of intersection section with the North line of W. 49th Street extendedi thence East along the North line of W. 49th Street extended to the Southwest comer of Lot 19, Auditor's Sebdivialcn 1721, thence North in s straight line along the West line of Lot 19, Auditor's S bdivision'172 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 19;� thence Be t along the North line of Lot 19, Auditoria Subdivision 172 to the Nort£.lt comer of Lot 50, Auditor's Sub divieion 1723, thence South along the West line of Lot 50, Auditor's Subdivision 172 to the Southwest corner of said'Lot 54, thence " East along the South line of Lot 50, Auditors Subdivision 172 li to the point of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall take'effect from and after its publication. Notion to adopt the Ordinance was seuonded by Hawthorne, and on Rolleell there were four eyes and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, ayes and Christopher, aye; and the Ordiceno. dopted. ATTEST: Pre Sd L of th Vdllnge Council BEER HAWTHORNE •....Village Clerk •. .' q/6 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hepkia¢, Minn. - i State of Minnesota 55. County of H-Pln J. L. Na ^kham __... e.�ae a., :. «..a. w a.w w•: m.t o. aa. u,.m aw:a¢ .a m. �. nVe �t,t.a e.. J. L. 1lnxrkham ------------- --------------- _ .ta. . t ° ° "a .. = e. ..... Pm An_ �rdlnance _rimgn3ing_zoning_Ordingn�e -nF- _ Edina ._._ ". THE IMMPIN _COUNTY "A __ "- ___ " " "- u�°iaw ndln..t ne1n :a.eofoEalnac� aucewn... EN ame-- - -z-n-1- - -r---- An 03 - --------------------------------- - - - - -- - One ..___ "_.._ m._..._..... Q5 Aran: .. 28th November Ira �e "sin' , aa. e�vesert we�m V acaavw,ea¢ea w e.ve eeea tee eue ana t:aa vt rive uee¢ :a we weeun.a ' AnOrdinance_ymendi_ zo "n�,ng_Or�.__ .Duet i�mo.P _ --------------- ---- ____----- 28th_ e.w..ie.a ..a ...a t. b.— m. to S'LVIA GIINDEN�` n. taa� Ymm�.,�e. E.wrc• Ate¢` c 9� X9,1. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review HOpkim, Minn. ,, AN ORDINANCE CREATING SANITARY ShWR. DISTRICT iJ 20 THE village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follower Seetionl. There is hereby created and established a sanitary newer district in the village of Edina to be known as Sanitary Sewer District No. 20, the boundaries, of which shall be as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection with the center line of Ninnehaha Creek and France Avenue; thence South along the center line of France Avenue to its point of intersection with the center line of W.57th Street; thence East on the center line of W.57th li Street to its point f lntersectlen with the East line of Lot Three (3) Block Ono (1) Brookline Second Addition extended lost thence North along the East lines of Lots Three (3) and Four (4 Block One (1) Brookline S and Addition a E and Eight the most Fourteen (14) inclusive, Block Ona (1), Edina Easterly corner of Lot Fourteen (14) Block One (1) Edina Hills; Thence in a Northwesterly direction on the Northeasterly lino of aid Lot Fourteen (14) a diatence of Seventy -Nine and Five- Tenths Feet (79.5) to the Most Northerly corner of said Lot Fourteen (14); thence in a Northwesterly direction across Choaea Avenue on a straight line to the Southeast corner of Lot Six (6) Block Two (2) Edina Hills; thence in Northwesterly direction on the Easterly line of Said Lot Six (6) to the Northeast a er of said Let SSx (6) and continuing on this Easterly line of said Lots Six (6) to its point of intersection 'with the center line of Ninnehahe Creek; thence in eandering course South and 'West alone the center, line of Fdnnehaha Creek to the point of beginning. - �I Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its publleatlon.t Notion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by Willson, and on Fwlleall there ware five ayes and no nays, as Yollowst Willson, aye; tonne, ayes Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and tha Ordinance w as adopted. AT1EST1 C.J. """TOPifER President of the Village Bc.,.ER AhTiORIE /' r a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hopkim, Minn. mte d nvpnas°sa° ss. °ant9 °[Hewepl J.._Lx_markhgm- cei °e ewr .. °.°. °° °.m w•: m.e >° e•. v..°e e°.� °e ,7 L Mnrkheim ------------- >n.<�o•m•.•en.co _ •_ ' ��_ .. ....>.e..ne of °PSSeHrme. - stole °e•e> �� =a i:om i .mw s.ie:`i:�`ic: v�eo�.�ea eau onnn °e _ - - vveSSu�) ' . , ••.a..�...:w °•:T oHENNEPIN_ICOOpTY__AE4I£W_ .. ... .... .. .... .. I � °�`n .• °� a na n"n`ocmcv`�°i•s ------------- - °OS •m.. x• v...•o w.a n. I.._._._._..__ "_ .- v. tie °. .r °... ••• °moe e•.•n° .vi. °. •in.. „awe m . °r v . �• °romv' .�w a >rohlbStle CO----the a3lac ----- eof aflrenrme •m• •• t'.`® <m w.,i v °r mn•= m �.. •.m n°.°m°c ;i . ems. n:.w. m °"%...v w c•••v n.a�w. m we . °° ..n.o as °° u ° >° :..mn a.m. of n.0 .• °.en.me �u .a unve� m•v.°>. °...a m °. ® °ewn.n _._ ......_.._....___...off- >..:ai ar a�a n.m iea °m°me. •• tso.00 >. wm.•em•oe °. m..° .n•.• .eu•nm v • vn•a .r °.e ..aew =a °ei •. °w. °° Rat .. .._._..>e•_NOVamber._..__..__.. I'll -1 11 mu•.. ° °i--- -•om------- - - -- -m .•m ¢' °�`°m. mom >mee • --- m.m - - _ _ _ ° �. ° ' mss' mmreovrz a.v ------ ......_..__.. -- e�eiun°e m m. x. vui •:v..n•i ..°n u .a.•.•.eem w m....•° m• °�� •,e ume •. nv °•m „ a.. w.n•.n °° �a•.�•. °° ren,,,.e.>. x_._® �_ __- the 31_e_h -ge tv__Ylrearme.._ An Ora. prohib it I ­- - > °..•.�e.e .tee °.a° a - <_� H9nv1A GVNDEReaN ' py • mm ion a :vn••�n - "F'aklb. H.oue�e CouuH• Mio�. A1>Gm��e•Fia.0 Aos.K9�i1f31� - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hopkins, Mina. I State o4 Mln m—p- County oY Heeln L. Markham " _ °,�.. aw, .,.c.a..o ..an d..: <n.e n..•. a..aa e,.�e J L Markham . ---------- canwoeeoepvtioot _... . m. w °�xa•• - - -} ^a e.meR "._m u a a ea a.axwcx n.. nu u..u°n as m• a• =u n...m .v <m. ax°xm rev�ex v xa,t >e m.re w.a ... a =.. i�,.amuea va.. <. m. vaau..n.. xn...m a. m= vn.em noononw °� °OOUCmwaoe cvnen ... "_ ".. -.._ _.. _ S__ . t_�1._. ".. -_ ^n Or3lnance- creatln 9t rm Sewer DSatric .n. vm.:. .. cab. to ° =t ^•^^ ••_ w..n t ,� ,F... HE NEriNEPIN COUNTY _".".-.- .. "_..- ..-- _- ..- ___".._.._a . _p ._ nt u i n °e lel. aw..e maa Im au.... xuse u G �,�•� °• °ea.eaAn.aOrd °creating °storm sewero(Dist Y)/11�' a e w. I u ._._.." - -.._ _ °j. a •• aman as w. car x.e lal .. as—iiwe Imo. .... w... a. sun - x,...b as ----- One ----------- _ xe. o.. aune..a<es ems. as.sal 21st November 46 Al, It..' oo: a ..m .,..e <...a m.wame m. _-------- -------"°° f eaie:.:i ..a m.....- "..._.. ".. " ".._. _ . ". _ w.... mi •�aa.ae k­ .. am. a.w m m. e.euvna. s..u.aom. xnb nawaupendw An Ora, oreating- a s ewer DSetrict $11 e•.,a `nb u�a ca ciM " °1° - "." ....aew.ren m. w so rc /November SYLVIA CUNDEr6CN Noun r.Ll�c. tl.w.eia Ceoary. Muu. Mx C.m:.iaa ExEu.. Agwt 9.61951. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hopklm, Micn. state of m 880ta 1 ss. C_tY of Hennepin y u. wu m.= r<, mo =, m.o ,p, r = == ��• °vuir v =. =. w m= v°mm =ew° an<.<m °r au= n =m<.e An Ordinnnoe- _oienting_Storm_eewee District_ - X13- .. -__. �, - - ------------ - ---- -- - HENNEPI ---- NTYwREVIEW---- .___--- -.. -_- &pl ="ure°" . � uxTR or xexxee.x. ._. _ "". s °awes nssTaic�xTV�'°m°eaia w. - -.__ ._- ..- _. - -.__ _._ . -_. Tn. vuve= c =,u•a� or .n. vums= __ °'• < = =a vAn WOrd. °ecreating oetormweewet `DSetMN13_ -_ � =wart ➢_�� wce�� vu _ F. I "ern = °v awvi��;°v`�m`dnww o.._.. -. -... r. cxi.�eioees 28th November . -°., _._...- ._._.._..- ._- .... -..- ..946. ii %o�`arw,aoaxe An Ord, Greating storm sewer District /j13 28th /, ; _� N v� ember -_ -_, „$6_ Sttv1A G�"+C°rsGrl am bM 1.1.=, om lbl a �e �a y -� 121 kil w. ,. THE SUBURBA'X PRESS FndaY,Auell t 22,19 yf ° stat< so mo %r Dte c i n�Wenorcunetre o c a�141 b0d wm< Ds�hat w k LEGAL NO , nee°« o `w ae'w — bl 11 D „yal Pr , odo° my o FD£ a w °ta �^ " tah I�� NEE paD O oN t del andr[eerwaterl�auPPIY ab ehibe ode- t N^ AR CENS�t TfU�NOSM EOOU lug I operated In vle w h d of a safe, sam Y 9 fyermlta a rl oLixu� o ee —d t IaWwntaine; p nrorhodnow�- e — erina`asoaa °4 "y'� R vtotaxaox xtrEx.£oe? meat an m< r to a:vnmh .7_1=1 „. iagtnmiaanamd ea n'nga t'temr g `ona+ve b. a oaayn ae touowe Vf the Umal ECD� AYYLtCAxiON - mktoafte t'rte re rI oftOIN wC£P w.NCUt i• `signed by +them matbe N- 1. tp V�ilageao OayaeMng �f a <�oitt taM1aypb P[oea n e ee dUect<d by I.Itd pt-id-it th' ea wltM1. E evetsry ge, tla w[!-Ah •m ° eYaLLtm _ Pector. ul­ id se therefor h°^ as ahelleaan SE"OxtON 11 g. P ylvagawl[hatba Fwau Bone oe '4 d b d ed °gull[' �E roabeLL VOt be`Uana[eaeble.. et Premlaea.N lmperviouStc erlag, o sath¢`s - 9ELTiONY.DEF�Tt01�& W Wa m zeaPa� eta in cco mencamtlth to wttlN [h TM toga �g „ bwNg th vexing such Prem- ° real¢ to mdY a end snallabe`kePt m Uuniahed �b rtaafine afan°tmore than eve tb keP na.P6°n. d r NN o {°100.00 evd costa o� YtY ]afl4or mt m(e1�4 LL�evd "9Watt” aD£OUWE ONS FDtft to en 111 c1 inches eh ¢etas w th a ^"°° f^ re tbvn 90 says. ua xhe fumisNng ° P h� DeNDLINO NP waemevt�vuW a ^s mmuNCable form or la a <ret'r'ter °f SECpfON 12. ft£PEAI,. P� dfooa eoraapttmlaeaa wFe�e g 6TAB dh1 lv Boring of wNCrthlsaat jomtbglge ttstaurm Osman 4'nllabpedaAPr11 tarts wlu th` £N oe eREUm�;nml� ionrtempnar „nMatabn'e °me a C eamn d bit-tt (aa] r'a�r rva 9 11. 1926 eras ••seMee: Brat ne`nt¢aaua an egWpm<nt. e " e °bemag aaDe<L z nlTplev rnisDWg on or` about et ePrema,a accinyae to a wr, ebewalk or Pave. — eivg a cerrlemr Col., tbg m bb wrap the b nn r or a De vNaw[WP kn `seal Y ` ][tNa re b abet Exg lidi, r c y_a,ghtP(961 P rm or o s saran i�aaWerbeM '.. pr�'h�T'ood" rP Period than Ivrt W mph m Nda a emPloYee a to �mvlvona btendea for pr •ee eaaa 1n a cow- a tr`pru ed e P ho eeball be tNUro agh. ¢ tr a,IWLL ea Issued vt, wlehou[ timltatien meat�bpoultry. sea IYB� antl P e`ekau mtery en N full [occe sta nah`alCanbkang We`e n.-A h all mn uel 1948. tla1tY av card c - MmtON�11 tEFFECxiVE DATE �°nar'r= cr eras vo ° rcmadaintapi ed lb tmg¢P e - ed DeOPOS[eab c aha➢be iv fWl [ozre' b. dl DevdSg s l 4ryconNUOn. °aPh' Whenlsus `n av after fta lueeage ^ °^ picbrn�erlaiw f to ea accordblg to law. ••psoa ens yon of m. a I Baton UNCOxsTpTUTaO # -. mAnY^buildivg, e[ or ae e-1`be PymeM4 ¢mPIaoYaee 6 O base or la U t( o)r ee`d]acM10 P P Y ear ea�preP `e111°� wing A 6hoWaC anYaeECtbq Pv'agraPh, erw� -'� atAa'm gwit� ° gis alien to Ond�yfrarJe Y.(1)'th or aPhr� a[ W� aware. W prbveaWb °I^'' he em y mtalrl� vv asetremaluder n n`ga dlaaa ry RESTAURANTS O rym6� Y ahallmbe ^ e t (�) "the Imm A orynaWnce eba0 not De atfecL .iAnh ^m ea nr .,I.Y e:a e ti g� a nets f n aaa ale if ymtvav or Yive °r tlen er °P^ to �hPB'lN YpAOV T CE1tIST00 —th for vg or dh b' la U'° VNage i,aLLb skeet nl<an .na sera r e °� ^ oil a employee eaamf eases �` DAYwxitoRrrE eras a o[Mr as o4 Ne e yng p¢ s g alert N story a ATCE6T LLh_Ipeiwlihf the epOa E,n wm wed Por W s[or. ultwtlo�clxM Death naHoneEWOr em are Nna apidt. it o aeMCe oat food p ducts condemn ma eorb,althe aUesl oP .phm ordinance ah� �eoenfe � Y - Vihage at ekg and 1n weh aPPltca a ht d Y en Wry T walls anm food or`drink aamchrls uvwhofe- rat tteepre4tionsithereo4 onI=- �tlo of [he ragahWl —d. 3 oil- of Ne ftU. S. Yub. prv[p0[he W a[ aLL [braes free a om mvutmeead — Dealth Semla ode egubtmg. eaetavbrW he P�t b`D. Ebod ymLL not be menWacturea least anceaeve WB4movthe theestaury Pr lac Sivgle- E°tfng and Wch iehWy Debora f �enat. NereMh n red, sole or serve b eaY_stebfe, of er a the Village ^E Via- ee D °DP^rhaU b ` blit"I g urpaseueed fNYede � o he heath oetlder an °drydP c< S£dt'ItY �O.kRFA a-0- FOR P MtL es wlcetlon with a a P �mitaUO a ahe11 m e MEATO11tAREF"� U oodmbe eotdaor served. wtrtaeWtabi atRWe. Pa W� tt Mee er ahEce Pary fora the Bea — ameemwk�w- at;dt rytw "`{yu ¢stablu liUb��A ON er W be gremeafeb avd [he'sec. Bed a1s 4e PPea �th`meet Provided o t Pectlon she a uxA N maw °QSbhall b (¢hks t. uwpremfaa e _ mehmv ¢ re with N Y htlt i BOO ye _Md m a 11 bte con hee W] f gas orw011eY. WU� o1eUNn ° ° pee[ uin YFtem lM1.aR — WtrYs^ a saW. tb� gees ra, rafrg or eN WPensfon tell ba plea c wNdow oa c�¢r - aop<lrme1 f [e; [haaCailgxMYOn ah PeCalth r` ear g atbv ooa, t e It. ihip�ih' ugoLLn th a Drell of Na b p° h[er P NaPecUOn repo plasm aPPtica ° P gibber. ae tr`tio yaeLLD pr`lheahetla�laUa o`Eat, er _ ore eoW ticmaew [arKrcotlnW[aon. g pectbana rep�R y Iltlfree mep�e w wa[ored,eofeerea tngeratnm `r. dAl,rauch roomae sml ° P ace rem u d fnaae�rbgaPO wn�P[:ona tto bed w r`ns u ued to the aPeh- In `BIla2e wm Uenc wbu anT eDapitpu asDau be tl.y e e a desert+ aervea end an [Dart edhtbe Vlebge CI hViRege f reena least ono - `eem tan pioau shalt be aervea 1n re oa ha]I Wll malt recwda of 4 c WenE BCE) E ct a ev cuPYkW gl e£pOie"D%NT eta P Na hmwt N t[Mle, diehee P ear brae . th Per tfov mg a a¢� ° Pb bE arm° b P anY o market aareateurent or azDr& ¢ to d k Pt a< ` e d„ the oamex or proPriet°r. there. a ah ymll DC aM1all 1. moon. TDe floo a °rtgt m vets chop. Oat` m with ro PO reddor inbawN h ^ °rb[rom a dupenaerhaPP w•- b d. a11 betweah- 'It O `rm P • °gip ° cteanea ` mdemueaye`shell De from[ aP- e e a pIdi— df°atn via s aaC' a `shay e k d sbaR o ur t2ks1 h t�.d Pit net u Ne gWey co Nf° Wan and amn�goo attPar.l b ere P ea a 9E F'E£e. that eq men[ eor e[o g and SRr0'1 4. MI­ ais. biteaag m shall M k.Pt e1e.n — PmY�^➢ mp t4 OpoWt d se dtery evd i. 11 PpY to [he Vdlege xreeaut evNe c ryp9oNS ab¢g p be it ° d6.00e a ALL °u¢h. MNbe eDall weary a le fyl a� ae eP ef°v en we oe eaMrvd., T. b. O•i`ajhkse. avd ahW1 was Ne bmd a th. store M6DWng work end e1- re P ash - aNectdon, w rh° eL pyoy w b—Almg a WIeR rev6levtaa Aft, tM be ° elate perwn wbo bee taaYM 1neeMCtr,,- D s shWlebe ktP[aor alt p r be chmgea bb I,= jem le taaalnY�o ,b e e s cerCpared o At st°tlnse ea ra t° P ant a arose wlu [te ti th. hi. e It. nGewd fl _ ea. Ireotlon ue+.aPe N �Wlcate, <en ieareed- w are w e wiry Pit I 'Pt th t_tI mbblth` p welt' Ilgh[¢allar - at °liretlon for the hid tl1C iw P °a' t abaD Dee It tt 11tledeuaarefwd b ANOfALSenlasNe idtbl I - _ bio ae6eQ`Pary a ae4.,pm °�(Lc £ on"Phh" 'misea p 11`ry rm ^ w P h�"dloa o. p it th. t°`. �[et a I[eml 6EA(:TION & plea angFoom a` ncyeen oP a ell ughL ° CWa Wo1 >. w - anja eP �<nsa btr ti_ d neaj proviaea [o tNSeECTtON — nY b+N - rants ahe,tvbeaco .. road oNNtal I t_ It tNc ab 0£be th a in a ^a re ww tagged _ to m P ete.l from tee PlamawM1e a P"t It fo°48nev I, e o ea t, a bil glq, I IggIRl Illh, 1147 Keller Covrya 195 Cigarette 3/1/47- 3/31/47 4/1/47- 4/1/48 196 _ $12.00 H.7 & St...- 191 "1 %7�4/�41 - '." - Cigarette 4774/ . 12.. south Harriet Dairy St-- 193 Off-..I- P— 4/1/47- 4/1/4e 147 41/47 $2.00 194 Off—l. B— 197 ",:"Ito 2/1/47 - 4/1/47 /0 �� cigarette 198 c 1/47 $..00 �Din,tte 199 Cigarette 3/l/47:4 47 01.00 47 4�1 200 cigarette 4/1/ 1�48 $12.00 IJ_ IMg I _ II_X_ D KIRII 24TH, 1947 Td� h.It Tl,:Ir 4/1/47- 4/1/48 1�41 � !71.10 01, ml, Pinar Foods 202 C, t t. 4/1/�7, /, $12.00 Country Cash a.- 203 Cigarette (off —sale) 4/I/47/I/�48 ... 204 3.2 _ �y T/S47-A/48 $5.- Cigarette /,/47�4 , �4 G-,gl. Ph —7 205 1/� i $12.00 National Z/4 .t I T:. Co 206 Cigarette /x/1/47-4 /1/48 8 12.00 zipoy Or 207 Cigarette 1200 ... ry $12.00 �_ t,: 1 : I .dd.l. Gr ... ry 208 Cigarette 4 474 209 3.2 I:ttr.IO/lf -14�,/1/1/f-4/1/48 - 15.00 village Inn 210 Cigarette 1�47_ . $..00 2 3�2 Poor (Off—l.) 4 4 ' '8 5:10 4/'/ 0 23.2 3.2 B.- 4/1 17!�/l - -7J5 213 Pi.b.1.1 /47-4/l/48 $50.00 Hasty 4/1/47 -4/1 Y4- : $1.12:0.1 4 15 Cigarette l y T"'T s 14 N.l..l. Golf T— 2 Cig.-tt- 4 7 448 216 Pinball Machine (1) 4/l/47-4/l/48 $50.00 217 3.2 Beer (Cn-S,1,) 4/1 -?50:1 2118 3.2 B11, (Off —sale) �/4 /1 48 $5.00 235 3.2 111'r (Off -sale) 4/�4,61/47 - 4/1/48 - $5 00 (off Hay & st—on Cmp,,y 237 UV­ 17 48 $150:00 4/1/47 Edina Recreation 238 Bowling Alley (16) _4 1/48 — 3160.0 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review III Hovkina, Minn. State of nnnes¢ta ( � County of ­P in ( f[ xn aocs oN�rerzi k .. ._J...L.fdar- khau_...___. A'+n.x� . °n. arrrr,.cn m «wuua e.. e..w S.LxMafkham-- ______. _ -- ee°scnr or Hoe even °rss oe eM e� �' 11 ..so_, x w ° °vwacPew:o 0 vn—l— me.<m oe m. n.:aua aore TNe.s n c , I�I� ths__tocef- igna-- stzex- -u_s -e ras and height of bldgs. on lots xa avmxnen ! ndoore a •° ° •" ° ° m mn�eoRSO<us °. m. w sam. unm •as sasbo. ___ unsn, ur<. a.r ma name sr nnua- m..b.: ._--_._._._.._,._.._.._.__..__.__.._--_._ _____- .-- _.___.._._.___.__..__- ma. em .....e<n,.na ae esuama. °. HENJEPIN COUNTY REVIEW nawm« e a 8,: ,ewe mr wmua Ord. to am¢nd g. th¢ Ioeaf ion. ---- ..____-nd - height of bldg,. g - -on lots------ - - - - -- ^' e a i `10eev w `.ni io :i'mPtl:°e`w soa: ..__.._.._ ___.. _._.._. .._ s°sva «g wew� -.-- - mw -.bu awai`m's ._........_ z r -_�? e- L...... height rw�ms. nr, ww n..we<a. esm ssno. mw . on e to <._...___.__.___._..._.w «:ad.. .«e.: m.e �s °n ®.e°°isa ' •xm4 u mm.n<.�aa en< 12 -------- ._...s y s° -4fl- wn: i'�em rwrmm mu vuua °. -a snm.�k. °° pr rm weer m .se mmaaise m. __.___._..__.__.__._ sue jai . wy..emar u ®e w.t. c:.sea av ae _ ------------------- .------------ .°__ ma mae m. toua.nna �.. «e> m me bwar rw n°`or°1mi a Imm` s nub:bw > <p� tea. «e iwi: i° a <v� va•:a ri .°m _.Oed__.So..amzad�_ar enn<eneeu ma.ra.m , m dg s-_o_1as----------- r _.----- ------- MX eu bm.. ._ -------- ----449 3 . 1111 ten Uur e.ese, e . , 1 nae..i weuu n®s.do couon snsn .^^ �. ur «b 4'el inl. Hennev n Cvuny Minn. . _ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �IBtP of luinneBUfA } „ Couetr h-_ Fi{' - . -.. toenaal euesu<lon) I RJH 'iT H _HRL _ __ .. ee�g amy sworn an.r.nce on ROtNw on oa a no gal rein states eas been nER.vePIN co[m"1'x, eGNN. AF mOtxA I erzott MG ...__ _........_..._.. ....... .... ........... ..... - - . lh. 6en[IN6 OF r ee ji... at ewe known as Tft65!^iyJl`A'NrtF RT•TT @ox� °R� o� oR a ys a< a atatea�r THE .^,IBITBAN ": TF ... �.p o ens has fuv knowl< ge o e t harem ffiAGx. 1 �YICAxING llgllOR Ttit for more teen °ne year M1nmediately pri°r to ens puelica[lon herein of ens eNn erzovmlNG.PexALxr troll CrdinanCe ........................... ..._..........._......._....... v�owxtoN xxcrzeor Prmtea..._....._.....___....... the Vn figs t tl`op ma�ml[ee week mNOlumn wa w de; Wu[ Publlcatien equlp- r(altf' Pad ewi[h akileed wom known Pf aesaeerymatebal tot Preparing ma b—,, p­ f gooY' mean dirtilled, vlvoua and Sen ......_...._. _..._.......__........... me same:..._ _. _..........._............ .. th— >amfed eeveragrs contemme more _ ...._.... M) t" P Cevrpo .1 to` IDlmd 1° r a[[ee e d adver[iaemeelnt''eae beam`tir<ula[edtil s[or near Its said Piace Ic) °, mtlon [o reeutar PaymB s - ere) bee Been evtered ns second elaesemafl m¢tter mn[eeflocat Peet o[tlu of e person lrevmg I— bane Watng eor the bandliag g w h all aemanda regulation of food cation oP legal nottcea; and that Its pube'lrem bave mmphed p�mbit'nruents and providing pen- of said —ty wvaitor for Proo[s of its said quatificatlon. pmea mr ,ddlamn merenr• aanptea M st u, ass'!, and That .......... r ................ ............................... am amens- me hereto a cne a part M1ereo was cut Srom tae columns oe a p . mmte tnerecf. "Restaurant" 'ban tta a s a t ea newsy have tee messing proviaea eor aaia fxmr m the ordimnca dea<rieed N wee Publutea ­.j. in me Evglisb language once sate weeklZt..._... _........ .r.r. —g—b; eucceasfve weeW; tea[ it was firs[ eo ,bl.— on tbe ........................ _-aaY o[ "Person". mean' s t—Y .NN ra=m- . hit. tr d- "e tae ..... . .......... . secnon z. Nn aerann abaa mk< ne cam week ro ens m<tnams tae.._ ......._....der ot._._�._rch___..._._, is _4._: er carry any mtoxr<awg kquor ro and mat tee tmmwmg m a coma °kma tower ease alphabet wbmb m aekam.i- er into any M1unafng br place Por tae ¢ages to have been me size os type rues in see pueucation ee said purPnee o[ conamaptmn therein or SUbURBwN PRESS maume any mmxicatmg liquor fn _._....___. .......... .....__........._.__........... sn> euuamg or place weere'sunM1 i burwng or piece m operates u a .eraer reatnaran[ under a too' hanNmg ticenee. _ __ ........,. ._'_ ........._. .............._._.._ .... ' 3 person or snarl mix n Na me purpwe o[ mixing any bynka nr rznbaerreea nd awnrn �, P.... 8 „qma °�neverage by adding ta � Pf .... nr mtnxmatmg fb a° Y bndamg ar Plaeaa a reatanrant nnaer � oa Natary Pab _ �, aura. 9 'ball auteer 'd t me co`�uumPtion oP m- zaY Com P1rea._ R'LS :F� ... -- l�cat n611euoror any -r ems, nn11 , bl`r ag cy `�': "fir er t. t a eons � .— ,- •- . -�.- -� - --r f .r•.._....,- �--- ,•---- �; -t„ "'t f i Al ;w` er. - - mg b Rio .a In ae m —..nod n n cetaos P"Pp "0e`g�9 - -_. i emee A c a�Y. Mesoea wx oNDxxwxcE EO AroD"NO o ANCE ADOPT. RDIN D aAN EY Il, IETI, ENTITEEO •AN ORDINANCE F.EGDLAT3N0 ...ICAS NO >ADQDOES. pLxIN�G S. ExD, sAEx�, exosw s, ort- DxYRE coxvE. nvtERvE- -: AND ENE 4 - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otatr Af MinmiAfA, l i county uf_....... NEN NEr mI ........__...._.___..........J as ............. ROHE2T. A.:. B.' iGhD__.........___..........._. __........_, teing aulr sworn, on oath a y Nat he now ss, and d g 1 the Hmes roerem ata a as been, a s. � t a fi tM1e ............ ............ ' -... of Ne newspaper known as'tPdAffiMT�641✓A�% puroltsfier.. an u owe e o a< era n tea. TFC EUEUHHeN FRE.,E aafor moe an sneY arfnwed�atelYP P lean a I. [eaDrdinzace A .ndi+io Nointo G kzu LaJ..4 Lx9 __ Rsdin c {{ aaia n tr eaof r eucati �twitaroin mebviage u x <oasa +[em nown o s P on P7iaa� otleacfi week m column ana Y P Slat f to chew umn and rn- kn use aof qmp. ';I men ary Preps nng u' orti re adoptetl roy Ne Co _ M rte Village of ENna'on Tanuvy 11, �gula[- d g aa.8der Pwm vie antl generfi rebl- fa ve n o- mg <mb houses aor weir.memro<m m _h aereahmenea are serves as mementw Io Ne regwar. bua�eaa ue ua club ana vur it +i regwanY es ants «ns<a.:xhe as aulleuv w <r s.z per r <n[ a cufiol brwi. " e, foi coNamption on Ne prem- c r -. to g h e H, semen - � ...._..._.___....._.______; hae M1ad in ifs makeup not leu than twenty.Plve. s Bald hnow� [Y r�egulail{tlet[ ­Id to --it., of — I, ds knowle _tion g ata E. roar L 1 berero tt hea as a ear heave wea m Nu co umna u a,a n e Pe waa Punuahea Nere;n m Ne Evguw language once each week fur_.......1_......... aucceaaiv< weeks: [roar it was eo-a[ ao pnmmhen un ua........H_____........day of - AFri1- Ie ld ana there ..___ . -- g ­_.JS AAFril. s 48.: 1 e e a kma a tyP<>m ub eag a m m a- an u ea m N P ,canon of :am ._TEE_SMURDAN 11FZ5 ._ . .. . ............. -_- .... ...... meta /xyYeu /�� //JJ / Nd 1948 t sO OP of / fY/ ii-1.0 -1.0 and sworn to rosy .. of� HAR"PHOANE Notary Publi _ � ....0 pta. p atY Comm ........... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hopklm, Minn. state of Minnesota County of Hex uln w m. eve............ w n..e S. L. i- nkhxm .m mo.ime• ° �.. e...0 .wue. • `ee.e .. m. s.eem:e ceee.r sn.., .se 0..31 nxnce xmenil -: s;_�3lnnnce l.lq o� -dl nj.ensnt!g- - - - - -_ +evunee .w o°m. , °sTHE �HF.NNEPINDDCOUNTY °�AEVIEv-7` oe-- -- — 0o so vn °e. ° °e.nn °e m m. eae.e..n tvn n31n O..d 11 -uor dis enexT a.anue .ne n.m .a.e .: a.e m. ,esae �r3...... e...._.. E........_.... 4 _...._...._P.._.__..Y...___. - -- °e........a.. _One.......--- ..__.e....i.. ..m: ee.. ra nrrsev: mss "wraoass w.. m.n m._._.._ -------------- .c.__48 wen.uw m m. n.anmr . u ene­ u — °av m..:...ee .me .1 no. e..e m m. wa�anoe e. ui° - 0- r- 'S�zttA_.a9en31iL... nMC.e._.11AUa^_31Sn-C.n gar9- r... •� 171 h 'i ..e.. m.... aY_.__.._.... ra.`.1_ roe`e`i.�ee..nim.....;. A. e'BR.EN..__._...._ my mm�ssi°�� E.p s m.r. B, 195e� Y re C° AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review HopLim, Mien. Siete ox bunnesota 1} �Al Count9 of HemeP>n ) �� J L. Myrkham oan.nn.ce =o eaox.exx ae.s -' 'w m. ume tea�oau[m er ett 1. L. Mxrkhem an. vm.en ca °n<o w em °= an °.n.m xnnt tm ma. wn tte .... ,mmea�.tev Pna w [ „: eeM�at� °° tee.eit °x me mom... Iw . nnu. teta=a tt _ �. Oiglnenee PrgagnU_g-- noy9E_uvaking. -------------- :e:.`.`ien = °sense.• tee amm.[. .same, --------------------- __ _ _ _ _ e--- _ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ entevu °° .an�PPea wm .ewes .m.men .na m. ne.ae.n mnteri.x mr m.P..�ne .ne Pnnaw ettere. nwem the a =ems am emn.e .t..me: ------------ THE_ HF. NNEPIH_._ GOUSLTX..REYIEg_._.___ -------- _. :.P.oxea� °° m ee:.:[� a °• � ae me a m° ,m[ wnwwr :er mw. w xu wa n.Ptx w nova 31n ° ventin txnoiae� °Sn 9nce p6� R mak eaneneemau: ° e.ant °t xw mes�ne m re rnav �n. ev ee, een�ve mv�a resw°ry eer men[ °r m°cn�ne, wwee �°na, ee we �xu voet °tt vee oxna a o. unueuc� onus qaa e�•[vee te�eom. see morn wue� �e°Yn xeaae nt tee tmv, awe[ °. • e n v Hess amv�tvun a nna tes[ �u 'I ne m ue v�ewi y. w n etw ree[ ua m eu o• v�ave, m ttem ¢ .. _ nvy no-mctt. °r �n m°n[ °t °r outa�ae ....... ......._._..._.._..__.._..__� nt nor ew�a�ne. wnce °. Prem�ae. a. -e.:a n...wn'...ee... t m � nMUtea m.meke1 e wt ie apper:[n: er m.w„�, °si "t° m unry �a...eex ra une.um, ` ��• eM __ .,. r.m[ a enee.eee nn t ....... 24th a n n.a ,. re, r.w.a. e n e.r e nmns mn =en r ..nnnna a - ma e .. m .' Mwtet .wet u .[.tn.�ea :w a ss.. tan me .�.e.na Mm m nee naa a tee anmo-twn ,,;�� �� y ens °e'�t °ny Pere °n .n g- ---- ..___.__.__.__ a�,0y._ginence._pravenSi i nmakln��nV�, °r ... twee it n° eo: °mi e' �eaoate ou�na °a�g bees.. unn wep v ae snteai „n .ne .more w eem.. me mr__. June xn_.4._8 __ �.eenXufy �P . ettlrvr.vne � e . n nk„en.`. .e°. i. a im n ne `e° ; n . ...._..._ 2 Lh ._ m� m e , n.` . •nv n en °tatmn „gym .n,. P°enee nr eerm:. e „eo to e.nee ror we .ae° >tmn we.r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Hennepin County Review Hepk�m, Mmn. state of hnnnesata � Ss. County of Pex pin m. mu mo.,.eee o, w. un: -nnem ..ua. m`•" •• ee�e coven ae.�.., ..a .r ,. mo« m.a oo. ic,se.auver v . me oe «uoo m.eem or m. cn.«a r 4sdinance-- ameIl3ing-- par] cing_ ne8ulns-- ------------------------- �leomao,"eoem,�o�i _ - -- ---- rv,nn.ae a. ea ----------------------------------------- o� oenn «.,.o mo «a .. ..o , --,,.w THE-_ HENNEP- IN-. WIINTY- AEYSE:4.--- ..__- __----- __ - - - -. re.. ene ve.«a�C31PM w.e, Ca_A4ftt'i1Rg_PS ^ hiPR,- TCqule- tiDIls`iu xee wm.ie. n.a «ee.esu. svc aueee ro rarer reee xwen mi "e- o<-------------------- vewi.eee `un w. aiiastiu eiaeac ° - «off n «. xe.w off, �. e e - :ne w.ea eia. er r..ec. n .oe_One----------------- w:x�a`�iN s me: a n�ii` oe f.u° me_24Lh.- _---- -_ -a.r m ---------- ,7Ilne_ ----------- . ,e_48 �pnone..n�m u .nao.,wam w e.e n... em .�...se .ma er „w e.m i v eowEa xnwrxorexe vn�es. x«oee.. or ...a r.7 -- ---.- - -_ -__ �� n ----- __ - - -_. -------------- wnu.n.e. 24th-.- a%..�� - -'_ /J=e........... _.48 c MY`tomm�asion Ex i i Ordinate Ao. An O,oa Amending the Fealetjog the Us- of Highways within the Village of =m, Miaoss,to,' by IddiI, restricted perking loass to Section 3 - "P—'� The Cooscil If the Village of Edina do ordain as f-11—a: The .,djoe,eas Regulating the Use of High—Y- within the Village of Eii—, Missa..." S..ti- 3, "Parking Regulation" is ho-by amended by the addition Of the f,11mio, =mber,d paragraph, to Sabsectim 13. 110 par.- shall park sey vehicle in the folletg restricted seass ­pt as each —stliltioal P1111t: it The South aid, of Market Street for , distance If I—ItY fast West of F-0 A-- is restricted to s "no parking 24 h.--" --- The West aide of , Ave_ from west 50th Street to fifty fast ),_,, is restricted to a I'a, parking - 24 hours - St—test Stop' 'oes The West Bide of F­Is A— f­ fifty fast North of West 50th Street to Sixty -seven fast North of West 50th Street 1. -striated to - "Polio- -- esiy" eons. The West aid- of Freae. A— from Sixty --even feet North of West 50t], Street to ninety -two feet North of West 50th Street is restricted toe -- parking - truck a— 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.- Tbi. Ordlnab.e shall be 1n f_c, end effect from and after its passage and pblimtim. Passed this day of ANON. INANCE TO FRaWn NMSE3 37URB][NG THE PUBLIC PEACE The Village Council Of Miss do ordain as followat Section 1, U—.-..— Nei... Gone,111Z �It shall be unlawful for my person to asks continue. or ­ to be -do or continued my unnecessary Or —coal cI.c _between the hours of 6 A. M. and 8 P. M. which either annoys, injures Or endangers the comfort, repose, health Or safety of others, Or to make, cotim, or cause to be no,do or continued hot-,n the hours of 8 P. H. and 6 A. H., whether in the Operation of .7 -Ohio. or the ­i.e of my trade or selling w otharise any noise hich either annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of Others, ­1.s the making and continuing of the am, be necessary for the protection or preservation. Of property or of the health, safety-, life or limb Of a— per-. Section 2, No person owning,occopying or having charge of my building or premise.. Or any part thereof, shall 0-,., suffer or .3-1- any loud, excessive et unusual noise in the operation or use of any radio, phonograph, or Other mechanical or electrical sound =kW or reproducing d,,ie,, instroont or machine, which loud, sxc­dve Or =usual noise shall disturb the comfort, quiet or repose of persons therein or in the vicinity. Section 3. No parson shall use or operate, or ...a to be used Or Operated in any public street or plane, or from any aircraft, or in front of or Outside Of any building, place or pronises, or in or through any window, doorway or opening of such building, place or ple-i—, abutting on Or cdj..mt to any public street or place, any device, apparatus or instrument for the amplification of the human voice or ­7 sound Or noise, or Other sand– making or sound reproducing device, without a written p.-it frac the Village Council. Section 4. No person owning, operating, having charge of, or occupying any building or premises shall keep or Ulw to be kept any animal or bird which shall by, i any noise disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinity thereof. Section S. No par,- shell sake Or cause to be rado for the purpose of d_rt,,,,g or announcing 11, oc,tIIn or presence, or In Icon"t'no with the buying or selling of my &code, were,, merhendis,, services, or anything whotace"r, or with the carrying On of any trade, occupation, location, or profit coking: activity, so isnod.rt. or ­Icaive =6 Of the Voice, or of my bell, gong, horn, instrument, article or device. The violation of this section in,,canc.tion with any'li. Is or P. r.it shall be .-so for the revocation thereof. Section 6. It shell be unla,,ful to operate or eauae to be operated any noise creating bl— or p— fan, internal embustim engine, air conpressur or at— engine, the operation of which .— ..i..s d.e to the .Pl..I- of operating pa.. or fluids —3— the ..is. from ouch bl—r or f- is nsefled and such engine or —p—or 1. equipped with . zadfIcr device affii.A to deaden such noises so that the — shall not cause annoyance to the public or disturb the rest and quiet of p-- rsaidig - occupying property — ...Sh thane- to to be —.yd thereby. Section 7. No p— shall carry - or persit, to be carried - any Wei - nee. or occupation in such s --cr as to create --ary -i—. Section 9. Any person, firm or —perstion who in his — par.-, or through any agent or employs, sh,11 violate any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be ubj..t.d to s fine of not — than !Inv for each day during Mich add licletion shall ctl—, together with the costs of prosecution, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs of pres—tion shall be imprisoned in the comAy Jail for a period not axe.edinr 9n days. Section 9. If any sectim, =ymctim, sentence, elapse, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, hold to be invalid, such &cisim shall not affect the validity of the renting portion of this ordins... Pk— Section 10, This ordinance shall take effect Upon passage and publication. P—edby this Council this _2:y_dy of '9e--C 1948. (SEAL) Me— of the vlllazvuou.eil AL village Glens AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �'0 ♦ - " ;�LF11C Uf �IllltlleRptM, clnnlr Ic.. xeMapin_._ . ....... ........ ._._._._......} ee. ........... . ............................... being ear s th.t bI now la, .na a¢rb,g all ill- limes herein el.ted lwa been, on Inih ny.' T. ditO C .......... ................................. .._............._....._........... 9uhurbao_P... ......... , EGt$Yc$pB!Xj(X% xX14tlIXfj'IC.......of ll,e newePnPee knownm x]WaDW1XSx= nd hog NV Imowledg... the Incl. here;. elated. TI iet fm' morn Nan In. year Immedln[ely prler t¢ III P.blle.tlmi thercln of the `*��• prineea_. Ardinartca.. SrMtiag. lxmehinn_. ete .............. ............................... a etl¢eb¢a, ems now.pnPrr was p,­ ..d pill -d m we s gllah I .- v m III known otnca of publlentlon within the Villogo of }lopldna, m the .nty If Henn , Itntl of MI¢nee.l¢, on Prld.y .e each weelr I. colmnn .ntl - III-g I,,t- Ie emgm Ia.mn I— mchne wwe; c. .heel or�n eqa. ant m _ h.d been lae.ra cr.m ¢ k..wn oma¢ r.t¢miehea In.nia Pme. oe tli , I I IqIlp I pea with ekmea worbme. nna lhI neee.enry m.tena for Preparing nnu nrmung 1 _ ......................... ..............................: h.a had m P. ma,e.p not Ices mm, twe.tr.0 r I /� per Iene Ie Pa.rw. ¢m..ma arrotm e¢ mein mw. If mmreal en e.m I I,. It purports to ecrve; lh¢ prase worlr of whl.h A been do.o In 11 eatl known oe- o puhlic.tlon; ha. con' lnod gencr¢I .mve, commen[e, and miscellany; M1ne of a.plle.ted any other pItIttdlon; hne not been entirely mndm up of pnld nlenle, a ¢t or near Its ePlace ofnpbubllc¢tlon to e [ nteIee 240 SWPI.e �rema.iy aeu..ree to ..ring e.b. Don't talcs chances with ecr hm b Initmela na a .na a nee m niter m m. loll Po.t ¢fns¢ ¢P Its a _ p.,I I, p.blle.tlon ee Watl they. nh.. bean on fll¢ In th, of[ICI of y..y r xeeu`eceable 11, a IauO¢yot `alto, II eaa c¢mty th, affidavit Ie . person having final baud n¢ting Its qualllenll.n na n now.P.Pm eor p.bll- ehpks — e Per'!enced g legal .Illcee; nId that Its publi,h have compiles —l' all It— orlcm n have the .mod• o as . ly A.dt- for pr.ota of Its I- q 11flc.tlon, 'frn equipment to Produce Thnt lnI Idmt ...p .................f w.. ¢ Mae. ................................... - Ild.................t'; i er herllo .uam.a ¢e ¢part hereof win I¢t from eh. Illmn.a of enia plwennPer; ,he best PO able Prints` w%+ publlahed therein In tho ll.glleb langungo Inca —I weok eor......1 ............... pm eimry ro!I of film. ,..e..mv. wears; tint It win met eI -it— on um....14........ ..a.y It PromPt service s9 nsoal. Auely t ..................... ­48 and thIr.IltI. on..................... •, If eneh week to and Inclutlh,g the.................. ..... tl 1 of .......1 .......... - ........ ,.., }0........; r and that the following le ¢ copy of — I.wer .nee apb¢bet whlcl, In ¢clmowl- Smetana's aged m h¢vI ne ma trnl m u,e Pnhbrnu.. If .ma � ........................ DrdinMCa.. FSMtiuE... Prsnchie. e... eEC......... ............................... Drug & Gilt Shop � tIOPKI',5 aeed�t.W ;nwvw.yx i 4 THOMAS MASSIFS A eab.enbea ana sworn t. be t .....19 r'a 4H!! t P.....48 HAIR STUDIO ,. roc ntrn oar .. .......................... ...... I, ef.acaring Notary P¢ ens.... xennepi............. ................... ...... c ty. nnn�ea.ln. F¢clele ease mreatmema My clmmia.11..ePtre...,Anp,ItsE 6 1y54 sot rc nulcu}va Iry pbe99 f (O(Oe onlTM�l u COt Yx�,�ro , lege� etea at AK a I" r tPOI the rigntbot N I ConnN llNrsY Perasovctb e Y em ATTeVTtAe! 04 t o�. N AW bte�1 -. 4(e„seeas cajion v. '`oneee anel�l tre overtaneamoan' q�m wma re e� a eereo4 e �. bi b 'CCtba�:a v cenae rasa can1� n �o t a�a , gee IId er r Ym Tb. n P e r °atl by n g r = tw l g kn thi ew hargever cred p amia maae aga 0., n ebce ma�btran alb [�.ieaeon co u tb im a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Ian <ni ennu n ) vlcucH oe HotnA : `: -` �SBYP Df flQlpllPSpYA, xevrveety roorvxY, navry Ary onotvarvce 69' enolwtrv0 eox ausrecptou county a[_..l iaru, ef} H .........._....__........... __. A.w neatoven-oe pYne xA:AAaF ..aotors..,:..nroya _.........__....._.. >;a,xA He nnoA N: nn eam says, mat ne n w ia, a dm ng me t m a b F «Hen . tn,p«noa et a m„ Aamen —.'tt is b<rebr mad< ma raio ............................._. ........ .... __......_..._...s�> ants or m< rni<t eP me ore aepmt. I me n wapap <r kn< as x mxsM1mx:axsa#xa�ssrzA� —a�a er =gasim ed-( -0rEnlldn .as pre,.Ia inter <..ne emLyaeti aenxsalE?f shire has t. :Hance or m L I vnm akrlletl workmen and me necea ery a[eriai Por Prep Pk 9 d eq a 9 jbe ot-atente pa, regvlafl o p eyin6au d p.. . it, p111r, o pa rmat or aerd Co y ua:tor t a o[ i[e as d q 8.cenon. wrtn vi demv:ds iPOreaeld anY electric wiring ao de- unt A or Proof 1 vat 'P<cnva ea [o conanmt< a nr< naz- ara nr am a<P<air< b <atmg aeeira :Hat me p„ntea..._.__ oral n,: ae e_...._._._.__..._.......__ ............- ___ ............... nr ,art m<r<nt, incinaing noes .nd n «« atmrned as , part brr<oP w,a <at Pram ma <ainm„, oe said n<wapaper, rrn�mn<ra oe that mabane<r. A .Han was pabu :hea tnerein m< Hngiiah language en« earn w«k Pe<.....1.__......... as b aN w ai t< aa< er to p<rnit ro :slat .nr premises, bwiamg or au< «salve we<ka; that it was arse .... .......... ... aar oP stn, <mr<, ur.ny purunn mer<ne, wn¢n br reason qr want oe repatrr, ..d ,}iut 19!,5.. ana mereaerer on ... .............. ._............... __....._... age, ronaiuon or aamage or each week to ma �nciva�ne me .............._,.....aaY oP_.___.............._...._, oreeer c wn'ch v a - o ave «n a ... an n of type oases m me pvbiicanoncof say ere eo situated or ere in eucn ron- edged [ n b to d ki a d anion n. to <naangrr ua «cupama _Qra.t., -p ; ycetSnne_rcw.val_8Q_f4ir hoards na me «m nr tb g c .:miis...for._�.s ar p<r.a a en <ra( °. Pnnuc. s «Hen aer m< pnrpoa< ns mawng snap «t. _ 'maa m< nr< r er itn<r proper�y a<mgnarea oam<r shoo nave ante .... ._. .. ority t< enter any aweibng or omen bmwmg ana open anv premises m snha«mea and aware -. 2T� t: 45. the anag< netw < <n m< Hoare ue . p.m, n ,a mass, m< ants oP any <urn onm<r ae. eror:aam m Aoutr eamic,.liea�o^ ..............county, annn<aom. br nenr< in wrinng pereen, .doiat- rvotary >L ........................... mg me pro.�amna oe s <cuon z nere- ee w - <arrenc anv aura «naivan nir cumm:amnn «pirea...u> Gus. 4. k ...145L..__. ... ................_ 11,111 b, nna m �o r -d • panoa oes«t ono 5. pining <ta card as gueR e1 !H Clllaee00oundt sent (FEAL) HONEA HAWiHOwvE� (Avg. sa) er (onleml eaml.annnt - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION nwcarsrs v nfxi-Il esittenD1{ttttt¢DD1tt, jas. e'x�oenry cwlrxT J !, xne nss oe rso. +n-, erso n 0- lage Eal a tln xa t -�_aTa n being any a nraan a, fnanwa: era to obey nraman nn nath no g a,i a,a t�maa Prre,n a, i pemm. nr parann bbd&u noon ana.ge. os any .ems. need e - _- _- - . _ .._. __ _.. ....... d s d Ed loe xe33u5zyUe.SSS�FaT?ater` & -ae a stem as r nn as ryrf Dk mint °h ncA�� Z';iep an Tha or mn.e ano f me �atevp of matron ehe.en nl it, e t �n t he pnm pan prmtetl z beam d and enmmhaa n -ao,w oapwnas o wan skated workmen antl the neces dry a[erwl fo g a p mg m t Y( ____- _ _- nciudng 1 t ibgWS-Ybn�'.I. 1n P want i l u t 4I d 1:11 hail pbe ha[ Its p ibb x�th sit demands t noam of dine C. y .di­ t amd 9 ,sca n t e sh �rli n, negP. I'. hp th. h p hereto a ace as a s m fbe --.I of Dera ear tt h a pct -- r m nce each w ek ft, ], am was pu Fg 1ei an «eaa it fi.t p 26 fnpt it, p aipDnDee w ,a ang. mm the m lows g ra py P the 1 we i . edged to Pave been the mze and kind of typ pu �d () P a QSfilfwllCfl SCGIIS1t!u� ll5e GS S da. tC.- ..... ..... t ^g 4 p cr +hst1' ro a � e el p bacr.bedandawo.ntab yte.... B >: . °go. iaY nbl. _Ca id li­d .. o "Pit Do . - ta. nata ma.a at ea; and mar mr enmm apirea..AuEUat G 17SG. ............ It— die ms rtlas. o` '. e Ad, p e Ii nonce pbstea ­,d, may fo.na. <he nee of the road by bin- -- - ..- u -trees aP vemclea a. hmaPer- .. � a1<ate ai iasUg a Sail : eY b. Jen aa,d Fne anbec.o4 peed n dnvivg afl ' ogai tity -.d Jm If tb n.d Llpn id ethe p at ...id bhyetbweo Mit I.- by Nis go op sate I ...... Ga by this T" diiii. dj­ III a„,, ` roe`.ta roe.Yte t, net e nt e abl� o tPl f sneer =d=' by i anion b.abaht ec eryi �3 oP m mi Alt tt. csaww e and vov+s xamTtoxrve 4toe °nqt '°.Inc. e <ie, p.nn<ae tba.wxE eF Extx i wx oev4vwxcE w >tEx�4xn' ­T pnxq, x „tE gxx. x ee yxx x,txexANCE p,tE 4qr,' E ov Emxw bnncx. xE.'., c °m�ty -T vexes' ro xxE '� wxv ucexsRVe oe otrrvouxi _.. s4cxs vst.89,. °„ caanm at u> 1•h< v;uage � oe Eatna mianeay(1 as ama;n s«nan 1, se <uon re oe vv a emenamIII w ua aanmg amin�ne< k ae u< vm:g< of Eama, pu >ea may 24, 194e to m.<naea ae prar;am m e tmtow;�g <mt;ov ae rm. aw ro m - eg r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION a Oete of minustn, ftu u a ot_— Henne:.'Sn ............. . .. _..._.__ 1 amv BoDent... A.._. BnoaG-..___ ...... .........._............._..__., eemg <wa.n. oau that b< "ow i >. :.a aar;.g wt tn< omen berei„ at arm na. eeen, ear °: Eau e u <w>pap k ass .n t<a ca t ra t t a hill "' g e n xh to t r avatar prto t the pant a ar more cban on< <ear,ma`J xe svao aeax panoa m <ra oe the m i m«ag tew i<a aname . r >t e< a -re v aa b 4ig1'I o.l ;ado p .e..g < a . onin.Ihnt. 'Id htd of p"etat;o. wathn n Itiag< ..,,b anatg e s- ac. ,agear t'r pw a o ee Rx g O aen_d _ p .. . ..�m.° .. t.., t . nnwooem rnk amo akeetn t.a < .. t , °s erm x<q n"n ; w id ,ba " — e trne .. ..Auam ka.r nat ed; <aa oem tWbn<<dn e a b«at,.Id m _ a .;gi ;r Pddp nwaN - > e ° I ° k.owtmge -... eonow :: �• o ag ". anwt Betio. �' oe p;eyea o" any pvnuc >treet i sati °v s. w " <w paragrap n4 ❑i, � ;> caeca ro pamgrepn 4 so rasa ea' rocowa: •it;1 xo >b..b< '. nmraa w;uin so e< et oe ear ao-eet n <r<ro ar nigewar aig., oe ear [reeve ar w� gn or >;gnat, ar oe ar er a or cro» wan.. < : <ept wee. cerwt >.cc< • enereea.e a aeera.ea ny _ ui> mw- pm,nu'wm he to <a<a nmer ..._._SanturP......__....._• tu;a wragrepn 1;) onir u oe f it - an y eagea 'eetriav to a<e any street or hign- 'way >�gn or nay o-.enc sign o. _Qy$Snantle..nmenddng mgna, crone roan non�- IRI fhe e;gn vent not dtatrac[ tlri -� it �watk, ena any tret� vere or otter anY oonNaion t° street or higeway e;gn or oe ue taa.a co.amm�ng va gawuiceuon as e oe kgw .otie < >: e . wih, < d> .a cant , a pvh �an<ra as.> co wt w or p o m vats earn m natter t ro to ae ka as r q prmcea._..._...'er." id..............p..... net tk< . auerem ea a part .area[ wan cat cram m< cmam.a ae aa,a n<wapeper, p.mi >eea u <r<u u u< mgnae �ang.eg< anc< <ace we<k eor.} arat ao p.ith— .. III _..... >ai�< w <ew: teat it wan ...ear oe 1v..49 ena uereaa<r a......._._. _. _..__........._..._...__.. eece week to ena mauaing the..........._. 1. o eve .n e e ma e I. hetpab i atio. o[�aa t n b to a< king oI typ a ua a n t is soaing__ordiasnRe._. _._........_......... enca <tgmlw ... tuvwxyz / ��. SecaO. '( P.: "Ib5 e 1 ementd [o read. 'le) Exu:tingl Subscr.em manta of paragraph 3 ena paragraph id—if ..Mph 3 to the .Mp, f (g1 oe tma aect;on ahen he re. ena awarn [o a .�� -�-" ""'-'� -- maea an ar Mare a. t „ba. Existing Signs not conmrm;ng o �d Notary pubtt. �'.•!'/ :._ ...............county. Mkmeaota lelerte P9`3gra hwyi d.dily by h. a on wh e[ea born or E the;r tlu move eel d s1 an . I' uevtallndto _ r . a� qLe sec4ons °canoe 96 fo> i t'(c) rth per b1 tt (<xv 5 ekproviei LVea �q' Being aetrtm v� I WVra pabkcetbn ahi a:y bid, ta.n„ar g`i v onEx < g xk(�ry�l co un< I _ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION xem,erm coaotypea Mmarex AN oxo.xwxce sas �itlfP AF A�IItUPSDiA, awras, exa t_ wxn a x[.w- rzoxs rort rxe v¢wae emxw wwrertwortxa srsrane comrtr ot....._Benne 1 rbe vnmse coan<n a same ao P n' ............................... ronow>: .......................R b— t...A -, Broad -_ bains amr awo�,, secnon t. rm water service xes- ___._..........._. a � tali. n on oam >ara, that be no ,s, an ti e ; me nme> berm .taxed ba> b<-, oxen °� aat<. an erem w a a rmP w aetpr' >et roan era oP a.>ame otn<ba .......... _............ _............ ...__..._ ................................. ._....__........... ..........____.___........_.^.. w srst<�oi m< ° xe saxax as a n rva viiz l ¢i ',. cre Ik d Or94 ncewox- ratasA �6har�e ey0 to °tens�i.atg" w;m >mlma wormnen ana me ne<ea err material [ P P s a p , ion w xopx;n n m- cna > <aaehe wa gortm E— ly— [,om eonntY of x >nnePm, state oe nwnemta on -f ihlarot ea a <wees m <om,nn ana a mr tm t-L. a me t. 1111 1, Imbillty Dot °Se° set °ire nez er aP�ba[ionenhw _ lah nal ecogmzetlwLL bs,ncomd 1-Yr near i, . o— bs r�egulazlY salivated [o P P ee u j "Iega1 vo[icees a w�[h all tlemanas y war Y P of a saw gam�[(cah°n. mrNC< tines eo bWlt. s<cmn a. same w permanent rest the ermma........ br94ttence___ .. ................ .._ ___............... __._____..... eambti °nee >erv; <ea, wberoer enbue beraro attached as a part hereof was <at [nom the -1— oe >aia oiwr ap, risveaetn e , wrn ae au new . nwe b, metrd na chaitb,a wPubbs— mrem m me tansua "e once each weex mr. ..... } at me eonowms rates — th. >nu< >alve we<h >: teat it was nrst >o Pubuabea on the....27...... reptioa o[ the are <um cmrse, n <rwnaner set oat. ........Sanua:ry_ .............. as..49 ana mmeatter nn..__.._.. ._ ............. ..._._._._...... fal Water bill, etl win be cearset oa ehe ea>m oe m<t<r read. of <t a week eo ana madams me .................... __aar m....._._._........... Nw have neea tee a;ae ana was of me used m t e Pabhcatmn of saw nmc roet "rose, or ec.ac per aoo eases t h oum< set I[ Id, witnm me amcom:t eenoa Pmaentea, ith-t ramt wamr - Mdiaanne -rxe- rases - - charges- eta -.- of- wxterororlce '. <on >amea mme auv; <t aaaerihea u ab <ae[sh;ra ", tne. east aide oe sears wvenne erom q amvw =n cam svraet m wuer -d bom oz wbbou Pla« erom sate lit- to aeara wvenae wtu b< cbta.r"ea at ........ ......— ... _- ......... .._... tee rate f za.ac per IN onbm [eat >w, ornr m u < m e p ear aa<oo < nm< e oro a <pt reie - saroamrom ana awom m bemr< me thi >.....3p 9, th S...a.. n !azY_ 1, _ht >tri< la -Mred o-% P a repnap ih� >ena itb wtr p i- 9 (l _.w...A_ :... aaa�ateV mae conty xotarr pnbac - Hermepin__... cl naa amr <onmaarea mt. Perti�eat - ..county, mm�eaota teas ana tine that the bi"ber rate my commission enpir<s- November 1B 19$1 vfwr ana reem�m.ble .... ......... t....... _........._._...._ lb) A um ^i, °_ "e or Sa.00 °ratter cT to lam. by Wii, b. ub t at(tl Sewernn arY om meal Bark ne " a_ ealintet soeN b. secdi 1, ¢n[r aerv;°ee .bled - eaM g and laming. erlA) ID hee ewlll Ee mme, p[ rest 1> - - - -- �YHYt of ti{innrnnYHe rze „ =;at r na<.em f vew,c.: oe eocvw cooaty oe...._Nenne Sn_....._._ nm�ePm eoe�er. eraa<e.a,. P ._..._.........__. a . wn uruenwn-ce crtvanno w Robert tans t., remc,.t-nr sysre:af ov rzec. ..__._....A....Braad.. .... ............ a.ore, n',eaOY�deirn ene efo'r- nerm.,Ne�e aeme °n eearNo eE^ :otln6 ly 1. A. �aq ' m amnia aorxm<n e.d roe .-t —U mat<..s 1, P P s A P s 240 -pl- nu eswai it .eaiY: Rna an a<mama r 11- aat< oe te< V._ a cm,oa oe meat eon «., aoa teat as Panaan<.a eae< c < f retfo„ a.. =t mren m s«ma a oe If aria eolatr -It,, 1, Pro oe fv ema aaa;e;ca�m�. ems orae�anc< m< commmama=r oe R=6�atreuoo anan fmm <afat <er ere. rn,e m< Pr mma.__ Ordinenae--__. ................................. ...... ... ___.__._... ner<b attacnaa m aerw oaa cu erom tae cmumoa oe ama =.e ro <atannan m= . «mt<at�oa a Part e e e PaP r. yaa..a a <eoraaa« wen mm�<>ow stamba ,ots, cnaPter zo,. I Panaea mrm m m< ....... ... 1._.__- t"', —I.; mat rt aaa feat so P.mmeea oa me_.......lrJ......__.. _AV oe mac oot m:er bay �mr es, ,sas, :n =i comm;aa;on <. or rz «abauoa anau� ___lferoh -_____ _., esgg a.a m«<aebr oa ............... . noun u= m =ex m< amer;n ___ _... ....... _._. oe coert oe x<n.em� comer oe m. ccn;earax g < b o oa� m o< e eaa «a am b<mms _ P t P < auar .1 _..t...._._...e..._O...n , o' - I t n a wa a e a f n uEliHe a e e11am1k on e <=et= rt j .o em v; met oe xa�„a as P <o. � Ordinenoe - -for- perm. egaLem- of regle. -- eating _.. __._. —1y til .1 < mate r e c� smbt <a t 0.1' rz�na <r.n <a a.a aao�a to ne � .e ���Y�9 9. ,a t ar se<t,oa s At ,<.at e.<rr ., asY. �t...� �_...__. recma oe ue vmae< oe Hama .nmf ..t., of c.Hennepfn co r, nnaa<aoea aeport b me Com,.asebaer o[ Res- MY Commiaatow exPmea.. -. _.... _ mtreHOn saa aadreae oe � � ������� � ������� � ...............� No.. 19, Y051 thlr 4eo-s _'. m R «mt�a a vim th u'vP ne AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION i �wn oavwwn-ee. E. eoa nteot,.v:1AIP Bf it{tI1ttPSUiFI. T. vwaee coo aa. s:cuon e. u <v Cowry oe_.._...- llernre in ;ae�r n,esoa oee _., eems amy awon,. AobaE• t... A,_DroeA- _.._. ................. Ifs oam vs, roar t< ta, ana a e ;the twe. nerem <t.tea na. n< n, eone�nea at an omen seenou z. uen _._......_. ........................................__._.........__._.........___._ .......... _.__............... ....._.._........ < r o < n as xe svesoaawx sa . analna eon u`eEa� ow oe a ec nere�n a eteq T ., Tnea.a�dinano ee. cr- Limenela e `�A i� um n1. tit, ttgEmarounGin Print Dog rP usr w�tn nn aemwaa e aata co r l.r a r m oe u.. as y �flmuon. roa. <rea .na maeeu. me county wm;to. or aam cowry tn< aeema.;t oe any aog weoae owu m tn.e< o. more co xhat m< n «ero arm <nea as a rant eereoe was eut zaom ehu eotmnna oz aa.a newnrare�, xo canon, ;t m. wa. runeaeea tn<.em m me enshan .nmge ei`_te1:. au «eaa:.e w<eea; teat A wan float au rum. <nea on the eonowmg aeace1 ..._.__._._P ........._..49 a --t- Al .__ _ .............._.____......__.. o�.nnan «. <agea ro nave e<nn mn av< ana xma oe trre vase m th< wreteanun oe aa.a Dliinanae fnn LSOanainge Regulating;-- Inpoundirg Do t - an ,iht xv= e� s «t.nn e aces, one own« wawn m saea «m <a ana nwoan to ca t et.ek e tohe e x sa <a e<nnnt< n before mtna__14 _aay oe A r11. Ea4@ . tme. - " of sesame. a te< ao, �7 It. ume tt v mkeu ..._._..... e.. ai ..........nt- .✓- .a•x7......... ten<e <mu not ne vi rse <t,on a aron xota.r __.Aen.nBPin........... -cowry, mmneaom < <urtent rea..n, , tea <e ro am once. mr enreo<taa;on eaweea eyEt°i °�; °° ._.._...._.....- NOV; -18w ._19aY- P }� ftplu f, rr'or oe�Ere II °'sore r- .tro°rnc eesa w re..scrx ° t 1 W iiY lh. eoraa e < ae e'ootnet the oe me o« CC. e s ne auk r n< om er m�e came ear is n� eeaa1, gi aPi:` 11 Ol eeen _ r r —y be neei e III u ,e eo e e t r _ eyxe o wmuneem n ,. < w< ePa n�e r w e <tmaerx � : m, xone oe a nrrotNoxxnc az <r...o_ c ,t mme r a e eea t a..... 1. .....w .... .... ts._..... e m r tree .1— >.a mg I rmimea ,ea oe .._._..._.... rs........, he eeme wm e< eta or xmea ., r�.aaea ey i mamee «. nog a wn <n ce et —1i e oe or arras t P (NS e-d Ne cu.re�t year `Eeeenm ........ m - 4ne noe . der w.me� r�<e aare cater P_e oe tnen—ii. "� �r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OIL& Bf OnaeBafH. )7 ce —ty oe......Hen"pin- _ _.. ...__..../ aa. .............:........8 ._, bung -Y aw °rn, i obcrt —A;- -Bread.__......_._.......... II �I - r ree�nt ruhur eon) I on oath sets, tnet ee now au [ n st hem. 4I .4eLr op cxfua a[ate knowledge oe tee sacra herein a, ITH Sop meat to l Pee g w.m 8 arm d ia n wonrw enen _r saena aml e ntaaeea- .marey m r sotehaim D f l tp �p ra x fl , r nen n th - ll. b a -id. me vne o 1111 50 e mg p —9 "a a m re a it tlpa li burn a °Y n'eeas, grass, leaves ruh er s wt E .__.___._- ... ; hae had m its makeup not Iesa teen twenty.elvn biI p aae9. e� n aIy a toe eY n m s cej fkebaefidavltaafeatsper`.. tha wt[h au demenaa III knowledge oP [he facto con IIy oat.on oe legal notices end dut oe sad —ty Aoa.tor far a m[ That roe pantea Ordinanoc- - III ditI Wt ""U to ­a. attaceea ae a part h { was pueewed tbarem m the cvghah nee ace w for 1 .. t he recoraea and tnrnea over gn ge ° I tee village clerk. succesalve weeks; teat A was I— so pohtiahea on the__.........rZa,_,.___..day a Sec. 9, Any person who well vYo- date am prove =inn °e this ormna °ra __ April.. Is 49 _........., °n aon.,atmn rnmeoe he pnn- mnea hr a fma not eaceeamg- am ne each week to ana metnamg tM1e..__.. .......... _.aar �..— ................__..., is._.....: e o nave been a sme an m o ea m metpub kanon ads -d —I ages t m a laid f typ ma tIlI Grill- regulate -&- prohibit— grae -a fire, — bonfire aid tt R % I i .1d f I i iE Ed_ I r i a k wmxOR— snoscrihea ana aw °re to be me th.+__ gg y a April 1149 C w twp 2.1 , x °earn rnm:c genn.eR.1B ........... _ ... anon my ctaia -pi,-.— Rov,- -la -r- 1951., i Qs r^: s— --i^ —= J �goicom nu ruMt..o AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �g,a mg �'v "nom g � �fttfe of lfiiuuennfR. Pxmnhe., � tn, a•Nage °e I l rn< cow<n of m< vmtige of emna m oraam .s emiov s: .� .____...__...._Ram t..A_ Brash........... rormg amr .aom, se <uoa c. ivo pe.,oa °. pmsom.. __..I.._._._..... novn<agr oc a n er < nb. sera tine sobuasnrr Pa , a «s m f - anm-0r3lnana a µ.. -n 9ulatilig the 11. -i3o ens. nngE.oS- ooI�mbern i. ea <m <e w m a. b, the comae. I? pea.v kmm th. eery reps t g Si­ z wnr per <on o. p<mo 'ae.W.g m eng N the «m .......................... naa nsa xa rte makeup not xee. tnan tw<nty -nv. pl—id In it co Ir t111 P-1111*1; 11, ne. M.I. 4u ne .a I r*xeam rt'a «I coo °< ra <e< < .a <vPt m r nave w.m au a,maaaa oe ama county wu m oc rm aa,a y°a,ncauon. n.sa o g« repo . °, ere e gh;r gnmv.<a m omrr m<eo a are on a wnraae hmm ti nrense c pmmner una it me cows anav ,o aaaiemn eavn gnat e e pane ._°.,Sconce__. „Ph s «n omen ev;ame° or pa.s a°rn _..... _. �.a m< com,<u nerem titmrnm a. a Pan hereoc .vas m� erns, me cowm °, oe Baia nevapapan :nan rim °nme m tuna teyao-e punbahea merein m m. Eiigb,n iaag„ag< «ce corn ' 'g�rmag the eapeneq« anA suann- an«esa;ve .week,: mat b .vas Brat « Pumi <nea oa m <_ ?6__...._aay o: ieot aPPhraata to engage 1n - -- ma.mess. may -_. e1.4D tine mere -d I s!ae , l he ...... _.__. ......... `grantee to ear p«<on or P<r.o°s, he oe a Ih t i ek m aaa mcmmag me____.._......._a r m ..................... 1 o nave em < < m co o < e m e , oa o say -nth me vs:age clvk : boas m me eag<a t b k' a c trp va a 1ph -ill 11 111111- m pvm'ean a 'a a mms oc awn anon.ma ohnar., see Ordinance,._regu1&ung....t^ LS eas l.ntr _of__nlunh.ern. .e... e aareue, thereon t by ne cwncu ­.1, m a It uonea mat m< a �iklmaoP wvara r,n .n tnmgs er ms Q i- n«t;ana, repti;r, nr taw at any - ��,�, •e/y(� _ /" " kma vite m< .eater mtims or p;pes <onnataa vub m, vtit« work, snhacrroea anti.vorn to b<mr< m< tma.....2G,,,.,._,.aay oc __A?A4. i vniage, aaa envi save me vmage narmxe.s oe .na emm au ._ -- .ct;.ty anti atim.o% eoa.eaumt - : mer.to or br retison oc my opening ivotary P+mir...._......_.....ttcnneaia __..._.............comer, avan<aoe. to mr - b, 1tin< or b, man. _ by eim or br enY Person m nis em- ASY m (� i eatr1e�ktlewY= nP fr� n, t°. th by 1h. ai. nervy iea ;25.00 a $sz.ao n Qiou o� t.m - �VQ �i 1, Ih, a - t1l P-11111 3 w.n °.<. r..A .°a ..... t n °, m. S •' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION y Mate of Mullpnnfa, j to ' coantr of ........Hennepin . ............ ... roc;ns amy awom m,�wom on oa.h r . mac be now ta, n a a ¢ t me timed ne=em orated naa roe n, v<M A' oo a n mm at ww ow rtam f.OpdSnn�nceYnmendi pgMYae a 3- f anion b1 s bo1•d, Fa nero gains rm - -- 5" me anm z fees e °: 9` e� piMb I torte, as peahe ode eewlhe -deal were rrtpanda i1nk1R� k of a y ad or paoofa of¢hsgea q i[�cat�on. 91 weF, t en n oe resat nonce, a=a a c 11,a em "a coder w ,ce= a to .t ..coy 6' f ott [ne panted Opdin9n6 I'saa cbtnea arye=, or enr teceptacte westing [o eewee. hereto attached as a part n t from cotwana of a apex; nermlta wltt eat na =egmred I., wad pnm;ehea menu, In me amshm tansnase on<e earn week m=_....._..1. .spa ng tenha m d� an,,, deers h t it wa, e=at as pabhabed nn me_: 2s........._..aar of and �t ¢.pee, a= ea, reaeteng eu. weehe; tare., o=.—ly oeeancem,.ea�.ea' is A9 and mereaere= o= waear anppir ¢lase. ._ ..............HaY "" " ".__ -_ ow.............. ...__......................_... ne v oancu ems oe sacs weep m and mnnams tea - d �tsEwet a have been ma awe and am o e .canon am g p ed¢ea t m ¢nor' of -­d- tl Iv 1na141Fl6- 111, 3 of vl+vebin9 -crdlFlanoe- 1 t wtvt [sw oxvo ax j '' o 1 snmcrmed and awo- tom me m., ....28 r ...... aaY e.49 W___ —d.._ a .................. xota=y >? oboe .............. Henne pl. ....- .....- ...........county, m>nneaota i azy eommWit. ­i, . .... .......... ........... ............ — AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ° ;' Ratny ere .ar <t� ° ^,ng tnu w ° °* !&fttfe of ii{iuueppftt, `• rf nmcarom noa grwaaa ^sa,ty sn <� m ana aamr°o. roere. a R °xow of eona'ao \.< ' _........Jo M -W,— Burke way arom. ng .r mm< m a, �a eo roe .m of e< The S frxro eaprdlaano ® -- axonvating -! dlj�fging pdta eta. b ana:ea w °r wm tb<ne<a<aa mater's, f p p p e r° aasb<en ar, ° " � , pea k P 6 (stayer �. exon nag 0^bt�°aticm 6 based t pat PItt' 1 N< a rtesaar, °paymgpau n ®�� wan an demand t 20 NEW AYR .1-d t o ty m od.mr for f° of as ama w po °r< aammb�< m come m ..... t %p w °an<ra »iin'rn° xbat tn< __prdlnanao...__......._.. __......___..._.._ < rat<nt nerem aemrnm <a n part n<rwf was cnt tram me con,mna of <a.a ne »apae<r, wpro.- em<ntm »e.mng ma<nm a. —vo r\nsreuc —xo rwrvc rn weea tor ................I >� <ipai in:` <mfn<, ef.ean- q w.a p ^buanea umem m the p>,gnan ,nngnas< w« <a <, n�rn tw.mme. [Drams <i nn the p� r:otne° —LF.ss e.1aRfC \i'eA <ucceavve aeelm; teat it w°e lira[ s° punl:saed __......_3Q_....... _nay of .. _.... 8 — mreat. p ......... . _.......__......._._. �grR.acpons upao.tpr cf °are me ....... _._.....__aar °f_..........__.. ............. .e....._.: <� RI vfR end u<t tn< fm:°». g py a °f typ< lea m me p^bu<ao °n °f cola t: <asaa Self -Sery m na.< b<en tn< a�a< a»a am ^ THE t1' . Drdlnsnoe r-- rua egating- exoevating l digging- of - -pits ' Phone: PL 9100 = n^ " °p9r y° Park Avenue C11 as 4g a s --d and acorn m b<mr< me ua.._ 2......... oar of July......... Minnesota'sCHIRO n rno ^< or »r�t< mr wppmntm xornrr n, ear ........._..._ Hennepin - ...__. r BB 'ey —I— exptree........._.HO4.....18. °....1951...._..__ i 2328 PARK AVENUE f Dr- Rober xeq � � ceoncR .... ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION n�nAe x<nneeia cavotr,nD�neaota ' V Da °frvA "� "°'�rv°�' °any 3tttfe of �intteaaftt. ecu .Iva T ) xolfcwxfNG mALT u. county oc..........t7esmef .._____.____.._.... e.Dxs. xNr� L rvA ,ry DrvsES- y,, ..__...___., b <i g only NDeS. AND rxo. d to T - FAaI.{ -- -- TINT ALTr To{ Txe on oaeh now a<, erew a I— gW oftG AN TIO exeoe; As Am- !, exVCVD''%N oxDf .___... .__ '.IervocD, __...... __._ . ervsnLI o x1 e n w own a n BAN Rrs , a Haa zu t uDCDx. no.,. a of < a< her< a a < , ess an cwxma x�A +LErvo x , <ag m E v m t e a 11CDNSfSTCrvr AND """N' D A PCrvALT T DrtD1N'ArvCe 1 THa[ for morc than one year immealate,y prior to me punilca[ion Herein of me r D x _Txe D MIE IDtN w5 printea.Or3i S,lICC..{1eC.3SIIg.AEpti ttdC6..4P_HRh -d m ..— I:O.i{ f 11 5wRTCEeA L£@co fsre - !I '! er°�n� wr[h workmen and the necea ry amnal E p p �' d p nng That Section ped akruea a m Regulatiab! ' aihan<e Licensing and n+a t Dr d retards w,1 er ..... opu�bticea on;nhr bcw sp de, ff rye � afl p.t .g `o ­t bl ry v mti- k hauafcraa bet�e t aas a m dm of aaia Cou y uartor fo fa °f its saw q .Ei<anon. cotton 1. That _ -- -a newapnp< ela. No sale -1 be made he Hereto attacnea ae a part hereef was cat rrom o,amns of +. tweenthe noura. of one o'cioaac '.. and eight ° <inrk am: °n w pnbhah a [Here N the rog,iah a gage m <e ea <M1 wrek fur _......___y__ am w<ekday. h,°ndar mrnngn nn the 1 ' sai�raay, vaire. an «e,air a waeka; tnat ;t wad Brat an pnb,iaHea _..........zl..........day of j�ii p Fa — .Jnlg — 451 I a e o haw< b<en a a.aa o n o saga wingm 1e a <oapyaok.- . a aged t ma a ems na<a , mew n z 1 1 non. as amemea. be am the same: _ OrdSnrnra _ —ding - Ardinaaea_.f axle ee.. 11 liq{Ar{___ „.. i n ­d i r< m-i � kimnapq rw>xva e or ° 23 mree o rm <k pm on arr bxem m<rro ad av of 42 rlai nay nnr between me Hnma __.� .� . � / e one °<m<k a.m and sighs _ 7d ......... . �I see p.m. nn am Rd'li h No h nor. afHmeaom m n aistri<t m i wHi< an<h xotary comity, Tnhu Nennepn ................_. __. ateono mso Ha He '•on - aau< ­1 be v mm< hetw<en ma hay comet trea...IJ b r 18, _ 1951 . m r I _....__ ltl- b ten - P. w b r AaoTE<a mat zrm day °f dnnea s'.3 (sign <ai C ­ rt Rr< vi o eaa.fgro,;k,m�oP9�s�a �xrs ......ldr. s�rose.m.a a�a :wom m m�o�. me ... ........ mr ....................row ur comma :pox exPtre......._Na4. ...18..3951 ...... ....... ......_ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Fitt #e sf A'dianess#a. 1 s n art ...J ..Lead Ndler .._... _torn- • . nan • . ......... _._ _ ....., Hems amr &° - a.h r . me. h. "ow j., ..d a,., s a,, m. ti.. n<am I' 's ow ° . "a< he.e� ° "e,� x� sUBVaswN r a na. Ml Poe nor .x "i . ". "< <°Mm.di .. < .<a.�.. th—in se.h< "E "..M o. xn e. .h r . ..ar Pnn . en wh. e ". ". "T "sn.w,�" ". e° .e onq an, coNVe ".e"ce� ............... ..kE 76- :.cends1�tTM.ioa.Craln:.ae ".t:: llt ahss. L < - aV B� tr °s a xtZ. ; pt eE e° '•� co„,.r Ild-, co. 1- ., os 11 "1 E h.. h< P w a -- Pali— tm.«, m v. Eng, "h m.g — nn <...<h w« o.._,....... ... w «h.:.h.. it w.. P;- .a P.hh. it L th- _- ....._a.r .. adg<a <n h.... h «" ,he ,m -._ ................_--__ _......_�:.^.eadcnni..La..ixd +s oven....._.... ........._..................... 9 -.oPQ�a/z� i sm ib<a and awo<..o h..o.. m. t­ _'.4th.....d.r . %.....sxl1............ ae50. ........._*1 1__ 11-11_� .............. - co. 1... <xP.a.a......:.:ou...33, _k451_.___.._...._..__. . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION S "Lu ^Ni9. •iAtP Pf A�S11riBBASA, 0 x x { n is xova Henep ` nor «exor. - -} I �' "eP1N oaxo�o or .xxxoxx '.. :Nx ex.xeex J hn W __....___.. bs amr swoex. v. - e exxaea.e wxaee ', __ . B k_. ._ an xcexeaunxxox`s" j o oc'w"'�:`�°`�n' a ea P b11caS1 n AY Qidlnan e�� � < tff - n nxxr, mma <gm.aexe stt. .... s <a w;en snuma wocw^ x -- ` x xy ^or. a we ^erne. I 'ME "t., n__...__....__..._._. os mrerese m ax;a wmm+xnt na _ w •'• ° ^` xixor„ <ase ^e na. axe .xas es n m x. b pn �.�„ x. , >ea comer wxae -- Axdln ^.. ewa a mn <a<m mexcn< ase m ^ < I' enx w .<m snsn max¢ o i m ume ae wxs n.se ao pxbemn<a ox an. I rro J 0 ... _.......... _ .. 4 ` wm wEx o ai c . xaa«gn;�e�x exexerx exns«;b<a —d awxa� m< enu z7 r xe suLr ".50 r� w AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION „� �iHie of A3mnesniB, l ,a °O tmantyee- _- Hennepin J M,.... BUnka ..... _ ..... _.......___.......__, hemp amy awa.n. t<a or _ .__.......___.......... _......... _....... ......_.... _-......_..._.......__ ...._.....__._.......__........ _....... v p emi , e aper known es THe BURURBAN PRE d ha< euh P.mm.'° na e s That t r re <re an sn< ,mmeaaa r ro the w canon merem oe me Sts-R-1 o m rear xetr pr,o m � m a.v P.sshllrxtl a romm<m° ermtea....... on... oP_ Drdlnanoa_._..__ ._.._..........____...._....... 7 natty amnea wormnen ana the neaeaserr axer�at eo prepaPk� and pdvxmg .ma m<mo.me. ...__......._........__........ __........ has p a seta ttm w - roeen en a za pi �e regwaLiea panne - ow>e a oe we fact c d't[tu�.' la p- to au aemanae a oe sa+a co�mty oe .ta seta q scenon. w mr 'Oe adsmr <r [ preo ea m i,.°or Denny Twat me prmtea Didiaanee.. attackea as a par[ hereof wee r'.t trom a cmamne o eats newspaper, na:mmamc.m.. _ ................ was sh n<rem e t e nee sac week mr.. 1 pnnu sass mn.. eat m m n< .nug< n.rm- Evsaan e an n p " °•� n.w- - ma[ tt was prat as pnhhakea en me..._22..._. _....... r resmw�.zram aneceaair<w<eka, - "`:,m "" `< is 50 stye tnareaeter zram JU1Y....._......_... .ageao en a a,aa <na kma at [re ea m mexpueu�mn oe aa�a mgr m�ra� .rat- u m e m >va, arm a< ror- eve a a°l6 --- ---- ..... ordinance. or .m.rea.. pnr/n/ (.l. ___,......__ __......__..._.....___......... ­—d stye swath m r ne . 9 - �0— b. ...._2.7 Jul A, 6 a`, rvotwrr Pnchc .Hennepin c tr, zsk+n<aata .. ow<� ar��,a.` -' xv cammtespa sepses.... Hos...._1H 1951........... . a. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4tatp of Minlivoilta, ... .. . ...... -y -1 - hit, f.11 w�owtmg< of the eaeta herein orated. ' :hat P4-t t- .......... .......... th<reN of m< tt-h.l. .=P— .1 pl—,.ti.- guage tram Ira known ct ... . ...... p"" -f p"bli""' ­ b­ 1s1.,ed from p".,itt, -d the necessary ateria -d ........ ...... . ....... ....... nr the same it tii f iit --y p- " ­ —t, � I —h pbl- P-" 10;444 FO? . ...... -tid ""t I Ild mnaa pbl— -.—h I.— lhl ..d —.1- ....... ..... d.y ,I "=till th. 29th d.y f --Y �'. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION rv4 9tnte of Minnesota. ,:aunty o=...__He pi n- _........____...........__ —� s .._SOhnl__HUxke_..... ......... ___.. ....___. ,line acy sworn. ow oe o e acs teremn ated xxa>: svavnsnry isx a to Ttat for Yea ypno prntea. din ce _ _ w.w a�cnea wocrtmsn ana ma nsoessary atec+at eor p p s a p t g T,oN i °or man e�umnwe J"', steer torm equ;oarsnt m +s° rwn�ng mcto oe smg s co u.nn wo u,c a w. "oF a�`vr°..s ? "ss: ws "wm =°vnen° ran rose" iaanea nom a w�own oee =e astanasnea m saga p;a=e oe pntticavonregmp ev onmrvarva wooeaeo mar psa '" 1 re ar+n an .n n it m t s9 3 e: �erralloh m .1 o ;a "nk i von 6 manna w all ae w. ca ion. unt Aumtor f r�8 Co r e1tidp= a� a, me woeaes cta ea.a t we Coup a as a knawleag a p. canon oe f sa;a Y aver to pr , ........ - - I roan =a m °r'�.„.°.�C s. r4e.";�w wan pnrvtatea were�n w we xngtat tan a na - .— ... —.. - ga ge ° e eaw wane :or_ 72th R. -July $1 at W e ter. wn w= to n ws ­ typ s put eta ppfu.,iyl_ pwai.c tion _ __.... �E i I 1 3th July 51 rva =r,ta na sworn to t n ° H n to xotary eum.c P - - ° 7,1111 I N 18 ,151. _. -. - _. My comm=ss� n p.res AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �itttr of �{innennttt. l ,<. m9n..zu. ....... _ ..............J s °rat r,, au _..___.... _. nitres any ewe __...... - ...... ... .... - _ ....__. -... .te-z„ na;t °. oe n<w,aa,« kn "wre as rKE s��nAx Y xretw. wteag< nt N< :a< nae<m aNt<d. Eta , ,t rerea °,a Tow Nan" reeraaet mm< a�at< trP.tnetot °<,repp <at,onN <.<�nem< ° °re,re.w Ee xtrew.raaw °a.ai E7215 ....... .. ........ :: e.xa rv:t<m. =,i..� uuaee and�one. in k t to s Nan twenty nv. ....._._ 't _ : nae naa . a xockaof °wnicp nas Eeen d "tiaNt<dta said 1 �ympte J �regwa�yt;a I p1bliltill 11 11 wt =ag r� "tn mt a<maaa. :RS a.a c°Wtr rea,t•.°mp "anent _ w e c <ae emm Na <mremna o f aal Eagnan tan�ag< nn« <a<p w«k ear....._ one...... Iztn .mat tt r `"< =1vm °=" ^• ° , °; enr<ea<w< we<ke waa tvet ao w -' JPY..._...___ � - 91v.�,.a �uaeri r. m.re. area mat Ne mnowmg n< t p< .t. - "<m'a°were w,wrxoxerz mgea m pa.< noire m a ° N< pn ti �r lz, sssi`i ff 1._.bl,_ _- lndendmeat o _ �. 7 t ._ _....... mm=awau.m "aarsm.wro= i..... _ ..... /r ar °e __........_. ...., vs...._. snnesr�n<a area awo.n m;.,.. 134 - -x° war., re ......... --_......_. ..____. .............___......_. // �7EAaar of ails ?. No a m, sy� 1 u? Ccli:r e` sumeaioea ena .o,.� I. nem�e me Ili ........ ... ...:._..aar oe ......... .......... _........ ea....._ ....... _...ter,._....... N.e, .er. e� .1 ............... c ......._ _._.__._._ MrCommeavon exPleea ............._"_:_..._ ._......_..._._...... ....... .... _ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONaga a. '2Elie of OnnroDia, ......... Norrso.pp Hill Ta..._......__. ..__..... bang amr I __._ .. m ._. ta _ w a° me maMa�a�ag a a I� teoa�o °.o�a`y�3"i da antt2aeKaa,i�alCeD Pec P.. SdinSgf _ I.v ma�e°gse ete. a atr ° heat eo has haea wa ped wl[h m P ar� P Te Ed .n. .... v a orgular paring pat .e..�er.on w .AUe.. eem the °4eidavtt of`a P *a°^a qa� au aem da a ostnma cotr nw ae c ^ . ,aa `8r81� °no e9'�mae° s °tieeaOrdlnenna LICAns1 �.o „P .oa �Aaoitio a ae:n.° A'f"" av m P' - and- .Regu3eLlag..Dogae- ��romwroN a at a rmtm._ . aommaa oe aala n " " "'" 'M ""` �•`° Harem atcaenea as a Part t.reot wen eat erom m awepaPar •,' ^ ^ °'n° "• a oaea aaet waax eo:...._�18..._._ _ • "".otl °` .. mA�.�a ..a wan Pmnanea tnarain m me evguan taagaag em.�.. ;.;..ao..... m... o.. rro..m ..°a.w....<,n.....o..t a..m. that .t wan eirat ao Pae,;anw as tne ..... zala_ ...... ....aa.. °f .wa a.a <. rt ,aeeeaa. ae. i2 .aa mareat _ _......._ I h t. ddd a g ne _. -aar of _. na ;a w a tY Pa aia t. 8 �dddd . trr e M Drd7 m A -pd ,g th O # LI Sng d R.,gulgiti •� � '. DogeY P Sd1ne for Ivp undln6 Dogs, t f I� "� saeaarrom aaa awo.a m Hamra ma env... 26th _.aar oe _ ......... __, .a 52.. rvot u comm>sama : July u 1956 xpo-a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION fptatr of ii{tnnrsnta. 1 ___ ...............__ Nosna n_ 9 ......ktilleran____..........., bans awy aw <ro, ...... _.__.............. . ....._.____......._...__...___. r . <w < N rn< eam.- rrt <r.maaiae courtxea, a.a n [wt w, [eag<.e m [net f �.._�•- '.,,1.-- -"' "1' �,.efbrro.rb�N e<ar a p� fe a. ._.Q.nena$e`esame:a_e;.e_a_ as ,r.`f.a'�se xM-4 u. �y.b _ reBw tfer a �`D f rgPa i or fPubt catlon� f �eNe et al e[Pu Ya r wsth all aema.a. fill!! ^a u;e o��rv•+ a e�.wo ma v.n..• .f awa Comty Auatfor for proo[a of Its wia q.sla'tcaf�on. e.f.;ni' ...........w....o.::a. a .. v;a:... u.:.w m. eon�:•v: ab.e Ita Prmfra..._Ord , n3AGe__ Amending._that... Certain _Ordic mgb.n m It- wbu.nea merem m me .. it ea5za�u w< e .5t1x .... ` •,';.•. " "u;.. .r e.<b M. m �a mcmams fn<.._._......__....aar <e....__ ..................... . ..,�_ u<M •.. �"�� . _ _, _ ..a fnef m< mn <w..g It a < <Py .* fbe mw<r e.a< wpmbef wbmn m . <wmwt- S <a f e„ me me dig .r fr . P. �a .__ An Ordinance Amending That Certain Ordinance Adopt I::ay�25� 1931a As Amended Regal ting the -- oca ions �,b.aeeanusuM °e,rn..w.Y: s.menbea axa x.mry nnuc...__...... HenaePin ......_............ _cmmey. nrw�<acra _ aft Commbaton exPlre......_......__........_.... .._._ ...................._._._. DORALD e, aLtRRt4 n.xaii- :1115X: Nn II H �`y,i l F AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION tote of Minnesota. __......gehmepl�.... _..._.........._... roe;vs au;y sworn, _. . _ _ _.� _�.. ,,q ufuEa na A. Ctdlaeace Mae., that t C Ne- Ordinan a Ad plod o4C eY> �d�asl�# Tufl��eei' 40.4�tR $ad�4P.f'}9d�atill @nF2S$R�PRn -etc. � pe MN akllled woxkmev end [ne necessary eterlei eor p parivg endo, 9 the „ ,a+ae �xnea opdat xegvl a P [nvB PBU j - ir,:aErvn« i:�iww.a . xien..r xnna.e+ s.atro�o> nnuaa in.. :tawstxl w..et. r" �c +i riu w..t o.. x.oa.et e+re- .e. ' xaai rat er co.•m..o<+at e�vnt. iia. x„naaa nt,r x..�n.- a.�aa. t t r ­ Ne aPlidavit vfev fiavinSee iattcnba owl -t 9vL u +� wiN nu aemnnda t, se ;emotion. or Pox to oe I 9 oP ae+d CvuvtY Autl+t P ` aaaaetna�"a +PUroi`" tbatluem�i:aa iavie a aeDrdlnene e'�Aaeadu�ee w �Pa1 p}C$t. ',�� fiereta ettashea as a Pert the Evgueh I evefi week fox. I wes Punlianea therein b evgoage once - 040"'" -"' ..........aeY weeks: that it we, at eo Pumiahea on tne..... __1t of '-' xeu Al­ vam R °$k 19 i2 ana [hereee earn weer m ava rnamams the - r - -....... - . _.: at the emmwms la a ee neawaa sow oaae mpnmat w t. eases m me a;ae a a a -d m me Pun a I� A4 fhdl4e4ea 1-alm ttat- Certain- Cx- ]metes A3 pted. Eqv 25� 1931. Ae A�,?b1i the IAC6tlo4a eta. t : J i s�roarr;roea axa awnxa m n ,..�.. ,,6 n� Qj' Notary Pvnuc s00piff _..Co xr comet HUNALD BURRIR yty Comm;avw E'xP +e' JWY Ca, 13x5 i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �Infe of fd{innesnfu, } ........_.__..__....._.: no=_ o__riller�a..__.____._......._. he�g 7—y$ owe a far ere ht ld xa -M° g (70tnt>Ea, axa Tnet{Lor Tn° nne°nce en.'eri`�ing °,f a�E�i�narPce tn�op " "tneeo°vy °t e pnnma dine�Yi31:a- Ce- 1.1T'i2 _I,Md'7 -x'935 r -eke.v ....__ .................. .'.xce x..�xc xex..,xc, me acme ..... ......._._.__._........_....... ra.ra�x xo.°'Pee.aeere nrvol ............_.....__..... ..... aatmt., .... read a ParmsP�I, _. • Y1rcry. <A �„�� P ax`h W gefiet to a ��.e..e: xvuuex c emrusux 1 asm -ty Aad[t°r foe are°ta °f R. ea:d quart -j.. .s.. "<e� sower x.wavoxrve � � Teat me Prm[ ea........_ p4..( trdinaaee- Araend�in¢¢�tha�tr� &Pdin¢vee -�� , hereto st cnea ea nere° wu cu fmm me colxmna ° ae� n wa was Punllsnea tneeem m ma Eagt- langxege once each aorreaei�e week; — it waa ant ao port m— oo m ........... .lnth........aay of _._. .... ............. is 52. aoa manse[-, os...__ ............. ....... _ ....... ..._.._--- - OSdine_ce- i.:e x P � cam e gea m ae: reo e a e ex o yPe me m rte Pxn rxuox ae .An. n Amend'r�..Lhat..0 d'eeneeRdo tedb tkae ._........ Edina Village Coano�lael.�m olol���rMetc. P x nerr,nea x °a aw °r. t° nefore me m„_.....lo. L, H °tary P h; ° ............ ....Ee epim .............. ....... __—ty, afm ea°te Mr C°mmtaalon exptrea..M�y�. be l'Am:m'.ai.�n�t�krpuee JWy -Y 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONngs state of fainnespta. a. < tya4_.:_....._tra=+nen -- .....___......_.... . xor, an.. a.- xtaiesan- _....._....__._...... beh.g -Y awora, on oam soya, mat he now fa, end dnri.9 ...... ....... ... __......__..._..__......._. e ne o n e .na- k(oroh.g ae eor>asEe, ana naa enn knowmdge oe me sa he ante . .ana o. e.... ov rem a x...+eao,.. t xoan.x.eoaan.�..+"as That r nre.men one .ame m a.a raa aoY.,a an.aa. �R 8r•e�:,aaae �,orda,en�"#,l:ep2a5aao °8i• mot tRa ° codxrr, a+.a.:asnra pantedV5. 11a�e -ofPedinay- E:eenepin- Eo.ent - i?inneso Ee -- a°., p�Krah a of Pnbh'chet ovi. e9 Pa mth ek;tt workmen end me neeaseary meterfat 4or p p Kn& ens Pr.vHV6 orn. guege erom la known oeHCe of pu .ca s' y .n. z,. "me (booty oe He.me� � Sta[e oP kplrmeea[a on ThwadeYO1 ea sheet torn equfv en[ to 95o rmmivg inNea of s;ngle cot hea keen issues Prom a Imvwn o4efce ee[abuahed U- eefd plar ro "re.n.• •m•"a.o. .• pert re a m tcPUrPOK.s ai eomd � °i a o ... c.. ttguiaK P [Y;nlr eac dish. b .. a a.x .e o[ the facts s o Mth au aem a at eats County udator for s of iv emd q fcat.ay. Weer m i eN no here o at ac ea v v Knheoe was cut f em the cat t� a 04 said Few�aP Pez, t the p n pa bshad mereln m m age f t - _. ° .e weeks mat ft w ;ah m . _ lath 4 n52. - Th ay. E. M'e "' °e each week m ana mctnafng me. 12th -TU1y- - e j2: .owe¢ xnwrxoaxe - ana mat tea mnowms fa a copy et me tower aaa¢ atphahet wwrh a mknowi- , sa... edged [o have been me sae end kind oe type uses N me puhllraUOn of said J.b .a • "a tt..snzi ,pp_.prBi.Hance...tn..Waend... the.. Zonis, g -0sdlnanea.o£ the �. Village of Edinaa Ppnng�inmEountdy�F�.�itmesota eabae�bea d ¢worn to be are me mm Iti �t. pa __._..........___..._c.ty. �hme m AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ftlte of A{inulinfn, Y —pio_ ... .......... ........_.... - -� ••. _ . no:. �fl _n....xulesan- ........_.___.... _..__. n <ms antr awo.n. oia ,ante < to nmena the zon ng O�da ' nar;een`of the < `• ^ ° ^ °• °r ` ". " "` ^, `• ^•. ". ^- n<.<ro oem<n<�. <ta new<P.eef a << P ma <na to. saum tw. so Twos +� <n<s aese �o wtn <xnma ..n<wn<. ana tn<n<w .r <c<am < P aa,+ns.. pl.tWg 2d ­ ""'.',y �... aiv m a w ee aaienv. Poi „P b--e io :.awu `a gel A— attn <u a<m.na, —tv auatt- for P.- o[ tt< < n _.........__............. _... w <P.P «. .�..� �� • "":t. � , ":.` "�,• :T"..` `"� •..••` ­ Pnmt<nea to <.em m the msum —ns< °`^ """ '� ".° r ^` `" °"' " ", "`. •'. .:.«<aarve we <w; tmt tt wu n..e eo Punn <n<a nn tn<_......_}7th- ._._a <y ne _ ia.. nna to <.<art<. on ......... ......................._..._... ... _._.....ding.._.........._..._. � Sb n<en < <�« w <.iPn • e1 as<a w m m a t trP< w Pnnu An- .Dcdinance..3.o.Araeod tbe- wni- ng (S dinenee o &- the -Vi} }age Of Mina, Heeitepin C° au A: Ct'nnesota s<ro «emm wa <ao.n m b.f— m< t—.—FA a i!"fi.P :. My Commla <lon exPUee._ �. 01NPALD _;,'.,.�U.R_R.I.9_i;'C'.ii.: y; roan: Mr Comml„I.ncl slot Yl. w. m��afae �t�n AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION fptate of MianesI' a< aa- ac °ee.0 "c owev ve._. ...Hennepin__ _. __....._ ca. " " "`ocr r`::yx" e"'aas'v " "rcaa "u =I °ems auty awom, v. zeta. _..._._... xn ...... ..... _. _... ...... _ - - _- . covaae& wa i _ or e .—p—, as the v e s ow t e eac exe s ated � xa�leaaf a 12e [e t n imy t utrhe abg ncatma m beget iteaPnea, a the Grdinenpl ais a y &u °bed Net -a A - tc. w° mvate�t wtasoprwamaamcnea of e � t I It. asme Ilea workmen wa - - - e - p a� m egma�s am s �1 m t pvrporte y-Pi-- �esat `a a p [y,agfpav oa24 em mmt a t t�twuewm b °e aota �wvameksssfm�t oeea p<rew wzm au ae cawt'v atfu`i�a . of `ospt�t� 1 a° g.'n a mw . l me .' me panted j <zvea ea <a zn meamz aw ft enea ".z me _lztk ww pa abu gunk ease e Hobo . me .... e< anla. .. s52, wa _ ......_.. wa mewa ap t W b ,a aakaewt =°pr ae me fwer cave afpbihe w < a m leave oeea me aae aaa kma oft ea m < P,bk�npa °e em �a mew An ..Drdinsnce..Relatiszg...to... the- Rvrning..hl-Tresk -and Earbaget Repealing the Ordi >$Ac <,en oan$a,Httrping� ate• phl < I Lr � n avacrmea ava awvra m b ..n xotary pabtm_ - h ennepl. . - o sma pip � afua a l I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION iI t— Yot__._....x e:.nepin_.._ ........ . ...... ... ..... beets amy .worn. snrex' inx n n.s.r reaco.ne. . .............. _. ... _ .......... ... ... ... ...T o't .Hasa n. ., °� nw a eenn r ac , a n a a[cd aNa.Mn g e aonrsiere..m rnarnae °r aan�.ae�e ,,,etc PrmreaPlant...e..Ganpen.:ati .... �.,�m< .arms .••�.�o =; o<,w. mth ek.uea warkmev ana the necea ry atertsl Sp prepving —d p mtm�gYa�. a the acme - - - \.; :eawafl oeem,ek�no� - •: "� eme`r<a net m ;<..<..o^ otP°bucatlon er —d with ell aempend, '� oe eald Cowty Auditor fo fa of 11. -d q uice4ov, < a edge of the Sacra conat.tutmg it+ gnabt waP s 'not legal notices, and that ire pnbluner a P <� e nova :. ros�noes cnveasv ex -� wea pubhebM Nereln in Ne Etgkeh Iengna6e once each week tor.._. enB- ------- . ras oep;Nnnrn F m... �an "ma, ..a o.•„• ", e• n«e <. , rust a wea tire[ e° ppmiabea on the.__. 2lst ,.; <mr�•.: " "� <,�.�� ". ". anceeaaroa week,. ._ _.......say a..,. "w� " <•a. <,<.o..e..: �. __......._.August .............. ve_52 av _..........__......_. eack week to ana mcteamg eta........._..... _...aar nt__..... _........_� te...._..: "r °°< uc "e;.<. �•.� ga..pxB,lbaaiw,e_kc..^,�stabli —ae.F. sliiion- Ela ^ti£icatim.Ylaar p I Cem, sation Pleat > °ranewtkta�.00n wJ.:: 0 oen m 1 ^ •," snbacr�baa ene ,worn m b say °t .... _.... Peb1 k..... ..._ ..... ;eaae�>n.._......_.... ........ as LEGAL NOTICES NOR AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Flat, of Minalmda, e:nnnty oe_ .___Her!negin........_.___..._. -............... .. Aioxman.. 9..... HS7. lez . ..... .._.__.......... ... __., rotas amr awnrn, nraw t e a a acts ne.e �te ,seams mnrnagsme comers. a s -- -': `. xnet for mare ran nne rear —atdy pnnr to the pabneaean teen. oe tnt rt An Ordinance To Amend the Zonin Ordinance of the :. ..._mieee�snia eEPalTar 3'p=pa n�aovn syee aMti Tmee�ua an - Vin— n we per was p nt an pu e e ng' n Ike ae t p Tnw ek a a 950 of two S { - a own a ub / ma ag P ___- .. _- ____ 7. m a ,sasses. ,= e t: aar o ymee o o n a a e rnm lf �oe of fast nwa a w,m >u aem.me Id C.— y -��— m a tacnea a atAnc9xdinance4t.Amendt CthenZnninga.0 dinance are e u t ,coin me ru umns as n w xnat It. print t � ewseaper� p was pvbusnm tberea a me mngusn iangnage once earn weak fo................. ancc-- weeks: tat a was ehst an pain;— nn . ..... _znd .... ......... .. ear ne ... ......._4n5.Rhex___............ fa52.. and tit —Iter nn..... __....... ._ ......... _ .............. nz eacn week m ana aatnak� me ............ ........ aal I ....... __.............._.. tx.......: ana enae ue mnnwag m n mpr ee me rower case alphatt waon a .— -- m nae roeen the s'•- ana kaa ne erpe Hats a the pnbucetmn oe tam n.4sd nanca.. t.R. Amend_ the. 2salne... Qxdi nanca...RX._tn0 ___.__...... { Village o£ Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota .bcatrewk�m�oa,n�.wxr. Subscribed and awnrn to before _52. xntary enbue,....._.. Hennepin ................. ....._minty, manesote, � t a mr mmmt�an ekpaes . ry - -... .T mn��N� I ea nn�Gl alrM . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �1UIP of MiunrsBYu, aa. eonnry oc.._..._..._ Hennepin ............................. _......_......._ Normen._ Oe_ HillereP__ ............................. ...... ....................... ..... beets axq ewom. . • xr o twat hf ne tec axe nn �y Edi. neprnb - CNee�elmi: , the .w nmvax.a wuaxurxe rxwa ' t[or more then one Y. lmmealete +nx..rx oxorx.x "' .xo.rer• - Notice oY Reer1 —Pr + +x n.xe a+.:a+a. rxar.exx •wx ng oposed Watermein Improvement e= b wltn awd an woekmm d the neeea+bery materlaltltorePreprNg ma Prumn .. ee been Neeed lmm eknawn atnce ea pea ne _ ............. .. —.. eeme:......_......._...._.._.__.__._...._......._..._. .._....__._ ...._. . ' nea n m Ira m eep not less nen twmty.n� t. uvfy _......rya been en uP O P. p—t, e regal `[1`d o%- V peat oStce at [ _i_ ro °'� panda seta cx Y ar Pn o a e m neenm. .��. «e • rnr....r r.nw+ un f f . 14 w 9ueh .. Printed._.__ .......... ....__......................... h e4 .—Md m P i nxnvaviceznu owe ue"'ar.r: eonx.' the Etslleh 1 cry eons nee'rxxnex' wed publlaned tnerein N angxege once each week [ u. t +t wee re eo pxbrmnm on rhe.__2nd. __... ae enxn a. rxnn eaaar.a w a� n t - y s obi' Ie52... .na romaumr ov ,.,,.e o.... mn a a :a en a tn. P.b-ua •a n.+. ¢aged m r a was of tme xa a m - Wote ,.e...o.(...gesxine- Piepcsed._W to retain .imprors•_menL......_.._._.. - .era ^trou.rxx,aaa..n,.w.re �r snmcrmed end ¢worn to hems ma _` .......... - _._..._...... ..._..._........_. rvo4ry Pebue........... Hennepin.. .... ..... _ .............. _ ... Cowry. mhmew4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION j �YuYP DE 9C{illI1PSDYU, j N 0 _. ASlleren � -�. � n Date says that nc now te, ana during all t n. Editor oP the newspaper knowv m [be E owngsideCOLIRIER, ana � ' _ � knowledge of 0e Po d. ' '�� ^ or more than one ye no [herein of fee —'j' Village of Edi Oidinen N 2y1 —} - wtte swuea wo:kmsn ana me nacaa rr ater�at eor prepaning an ups pea m N ... m. it etr��eyta a eptl [b' x[dminof on knowledge of the facts Iona tli p —d ` cation of legal n04ces ana ande d wi aka �' of sale County Autlitor for— ' re. a.a. m.e u.. n. :a....� That the Prmma 0 di __n_ No, z41 y _..... ... - �eevci59'ealcesott was publiebed tnexein in the Enghsb language cn week e _ ._r_of e. sane a ss, teat zo mh a 22nd la�...m svano anccessrve w el - f o-st Pml x:��.. cn.. aa>Pta , ks.ss. ana tbereatter s waa -�; of each week m ana mcwmng tba .................__aay or r.e arobcaeon oz :ass � gee m n me s kind os typ m me p ' V111pg P Ediae_ - 0 di- N 241- 1_ - -__ - -_- .bea.r ¢ wkmmvaeBm..w . r• f 22nd Jenufl snoxarib aware m be h., _... Hatn� Enbroe nm,ty �d,nneaata _ kav Commis DO fI U Isxt dn1y y'tl na �V W nes N. l9oh' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION mute of minnrssio. l .orr.e - � cowry E nvepin __ ) eexxE�:x are _e reo a re Norman 0.R ll n_ . _.. amy wed':. t on oath Y , that be now i,. ana a s a t tna t<o<a neeem atat<a na, b«o. rax :;ov w.a..:x�mu "u v oi. "vnxnn aonrn .......................... arrexea. avanxo.No xmma ........ ...................__..._.__.._ _M...._..__....__. •• ... uw,;. sa "� i xnat roa owe e<no <ra< <we � ue0. ana mommE ;ae covE.tzn. u< , °T' the vmt e u Napa s ` ha wt ma tag t u n. x —: r more mm ova r< <�r en man rem t R p—d Ordinance N 243 — _VSllag Y Ed1m Mim. - ue aam _ ___ - ;ty ane <..ia i <o ��. .l naymgy.� oe << om <auona <o w�< yaYOe n'e ­a<t. =gNS y w,m au a<mava, °" < ••,° os aam county wna:m. mr I,-- or na aa,a yvatm<wton. r..... ^ .... ^a ..i ..,.. ^... ^ ^<.v.e .. e m. ...a ..�.. ..i.. ^aim .�.<. <.. "41M No <.�..m...r xbat the_.. ........._.........___......... .. ...wa. ^... <° mim.� ^. ka<o- 12th d., o is.53. ana m<reane. ..a.`m:;'.` :ai.:":<:<. °` ° "• or as <b we<n ro ava mutua:ns u .... ...... _._........aar or......_..... rs_......: <........�„e m.a <agw a h. b« u a was : I— va< m u< pubb<auov oe aa,a v....< .., .a,.. a. a..�a.a a, '°'°1h::`.rt wp :.Pcera a.rv..,�, ._Oxdinance..EO 243.— Vi 7inge...of_FAAnar._Dlfanaeafa. _. .r re i� "` suba<rib <a vm ,worn to X ^12th 9.. 53 w a .e; n u.. n..xny a Notary 1' ubtic..._ ... ....... daY.CCrmra,�onE.yvae ium i[�'YtlPo ^^ .a n acorn e.�in`..:�.me ^ • "a ...e...;m.m^ ;.<.. MY eommmaton eaW <a......__...._ ............. _ ae �rnnEk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mute of 01neuatu. :..ty n ........ FOlnan 0. N311— hemp -Y ,wo pp. _ .................. - .._ _ ....- .... .. o one awn a a M me c n9axett, ana owe o o it, [at. I,—. tale tli - a kn tap 4o�rdlaeaca�aatat�t.Y Pp�o. tnn'ate��cae{6vtOxSeiltvinee fo�o0 12 rePar- N�Iatc9eae- rv�raq �. ® tle11n 1� m�e�m t t. 9teteoeM'umeeotaon Thuxstlayo[ ¢ich weekm 'a columnd .mm�ovm.�r. m wv eerenm.�e a. �vo�um. ,beet lorm exuty e w n....no a=ir a hes been ea P ped wth an ry m armg S S _.. ... it rtegutarl PaYinS au placeeo[ puUPCntion9efw emv�m+ cne .one ever .° e�m oP�a County utl ma[tan. wtth etl demenda w. mai�w.. mug vn- ' A t[or for proofs o4 t[e a�tl u sa. .a ,a xa. ,m. eFw��o pydlvynce pa. 12-1 That ..mw = =n emo�meer ............. °1` ° "e` w.nn wr' m�.me. ed cut £rom the to umne o4 ae{ wap Fereta at[acb as > Part e „ niw'P Pnhhah tl ¢rem to M. mphah tap.bll ante o h w sie ,>a ha ... t Itereh 5 n mgr ca,�sak rh ,vain _ 12th __. - c. ha w 3 eero °aa., a t nh a �.w.a. " "` "` " "• r,om F 12-1 An Ordin . .... �p r ea a awnm to metre ma '.t'�`...aar oe .- Nn`'.'h_........_ 19.._53 suhatrm an rvttarr w but......... aarrrrnxcewi0 ,asxn----- .cowtr..Mkma >tta AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MM.. Nate of f#{innesnfn. i . F. e, eo e. ere a ee me .e owe ee i =aEa,ne.mor°ms a. covniza, .�a - T""r 45�S��i�4° RY3:"' �l $= ��1 °l3�'a35S�ntFd °GP'�41�E4Hg L°7i�@fiE�S45e o x�d_DperaYfaa_.g�I ater a a S iU k. �n � —tl.�� mq' re�ileriytt e ael verea m payngn e ' of seta cowty womtor for Proore oe tta eeta go.11-U n. qn.t the Prceeen4rdinanae._ No..... 2L4 .................... .._........___..........._._... mreto atm<nea u . perc nere°e w.. cot eron, m< <omo,o. oe .eta mw.+wnon wee pum;.n<a tnnem m the sum mego.ge oo<e e.<n wee¢ mr...._2.___...... so«eseroe ..eek.: —1 k w.. eo-at .° ponnenea °� me.._7.26h_..._... _.aey or __........._MerPh .............. isk3... eoe tnereetter on......lb—d<w....._ _ ......... ee e.<n week t. em m<wamg me._l.jkh.._...aer or_I'.w.rch .............._, .s53...: d _t .Dea «.wku,e,engnt<••. >. QnI - sone<ri —.oa °worn to netor/<me mu.._l9th_-aey oe ._ kLrch ...... ..... .s. Sj Notary Punit <.._.. _...----- _._......_. _.._......_....__..._ --- cowtY. u�nnes°u azr con,mmmon .apn.o..._.__ ............. _......_. _.... tar aw.,.o° .n im zz. t sa 5 .n.� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ��� _•. wi. a..au�.,�aa m=om,- . ar w..e.ra..n.n se .u.a.m e ,.xaa �, gym• e�a ,_ ,,... "�1ttfe of A3innesnftt. .�...a «. Benna in a <. B v�aa. a.ve.v .n�. ra„a ._ .._.. ..,:.. m..a.: v.r v. m.:a mm Serowe 0 Bj ke __. ____. o <mg ,.. c..n - Imowv as the E me tttag fide COilRiEn, a e EN[or o a a awe t e a s er :n s sled w e =< euasnms reaaircm.emey h e 4WI m. l a ge o c e ..e.� omaea.ee .new ._: That P [hen owe Year Immewla[elY Prtor to a publication [n aieeM. m eve .mm um. or mare [b erem of Ne ,:gem �ammmaae .im Oyainence No 82 W mg amt ea rmaen t w ens m< neeeaaa ma[ p g e wan o sr e t a safe <tnnow it P. pub regularly wetive ew [o payingpeube al p„at of'ice o[ t� Y mtn all aemenas yen wm en.em� waawu enen d e county Auditor Po f ea, aLOn :e..eoeevmm. ens wew� r proo a of ifs 'w ual e. o.�m. mi. Ord inane No.98Pn , 're °saw .ovaai zam av xbat the Prtared..._._ .. ........ ncnsan e. Evteaaox Harem atta<n <a as a part nereot was ant trom a <mvmaa oe asm a.r.. ___tw......._. c. a.xa vm pnbuanea tberem .n m< mguan iaagvag< onee ea <n weea eor it way Ptrat av Pvbnabea on tn<_....3Qth...........aar ve .. pr1.__ 1953. w mae aa......TYRsday. ................. i __...war ar......_._.11-Y ......... fs_53.: tVy —d tMt I at eaan wean to ana muv.nng tne__...2th. eag <a to nave b<en fine ame and avw at tree naea m fn< p eatwa at aa,a vnu .......__..........__ QrdSuauce... Ho.._# i2 ............. . .............. _....... ................... _________.... snnarrmea aaa sworn ro b<e/o/re me rnu. 7th -1 oz Mme,... . fe.53 ............. Notary i' ubllc,._........... _..._cO:]SiANCE "vri've��'countY, 1afm,esau Notary ' My commieslon evpUBbr.. ��a . .. ....o. ... .. ae ��ER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (mate of Onnnwita i E .. om,tr P .. j am "' �'a,�,menoe'nn .,, nan,.an.m aaaanrn sore_ o riestie.... M1e;ns an�r awaro. ...... _......._...._ _...._............__....__..... ................._.t......__ s E_ ow a nP manes na,e "� nd w ha e'ng ten m e,n ae the -,.a, �= oe�•.< cm.n� m., �n,at eaa mnre man a it 191-1— , ospiso...._e...... P„nma...._......_ _....__....._......_.._tii�ti.a m attarkea, seta nawapaPa, was pr+„ma ana a ne vmh a oe x N eeanae _ eaebem fesu d from a known oPm ce atebl shed mss adfPtace o[ Publiee[lon egWP- w;m akulea workmen -d ma necea ry aterlel or P Pa S a P,Intmg nee u ee`rmeienm ,e mmm� ant as bas v. 1ta makeup m[ lees an wev ne e, sum ewmv�k en.em wic- h o eal�aa�mmiit[ �.. .r sum ni. muP eufapalen� I� lex < rre%nt i d PaYlvBpeu at f 210 ' of aeia Co vP mefacta rnd cnin& p k9 ale enatiol aeon w �mgll defPnb s m a e c<un== scrbev ha f11 naaao ,V sa[d P ,ca o _ the ('uwtr ea on knowledge co ne mend cf[l of legal nos — an M1 a beve comphea w wtY Avd,tor ID 9 16 4 - � xhat ma w+ntea.Ord1....._......M 191-1 .. be,a a a ar ea u a Brea was rut era,n ma w umna n ea, nZ ap e t earn week eor was pubhahm eherem m me mguan ;anguaee 23?e _...__...say of anr<eaawa weeks; that a was ekat ao pnm�abaa m, me ............. Apr 11 .3 eat - - - T] ,q 30th_„ Apr31„ a53- n earn ue M1 ; ana tba `9e ub sages t "n .o <a sa kma� <va.,m.w.r. snmrrmea ana ewn d t- been,e ma m;a...3otn.....aay nP ...A.711............ �enyoalsaP asuo eu e9io uau�s8ou� _e 1° � 1 PxluZ �seme xive anu t.y uoyQ Pue zu1P3 IIPe oa ° n ulxg 86 'v H 'Rr x f'.ayy pue'ayv to aa�eavap, SmuadO OT n t �Pld Vu eyarveH aule.3 au u laa9T. AoT PIO .. peaty sspxOd nAr vays- vunuasveAuFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION fpfnfe of ffitnnrRafa. I Relllapia } °'' I .mav _.._.. .. _.__. ........... ... _............ beets amr .wav,. e r e v vawv a na -xio i s sae eovx>Ea, ava nec ay w ca I The n ov sly p Pblicatbn tberem of tee p,tvt 0+'driei ee„ Am nd1_g_Z ving Ordin e _ot, litEe,of Fdi m .km.a wo.mvev m,a me nee., save a eel N� P mtme e . awv o .e a ce �av w� my the vnm cauvty of xennePm, stag oe rv.mneaota on a2uraaerot sec a a hoses earn eyervvevt m aso rmmms m<ees ae amsm cm <nes wme: jesa hav iasvea tram a wmwn anise esmnnahea m seta Pete. nav eym g P,d tee sa me ............ .._...__ ......... ... _..__............... :.__......_ ............ . _ ............ ...... ........ ... 1 _._......_.. ........_._..._..._._......___. ; bas - m It. mak net ... I— ewemr.n.. It n '�; reP... vP: N. F---- e��al,re a vua,t Vitro Aw of ava y e a w th v, hem rld tee rivad1Oh'd1 d q M. arf4 4v 'r It.i , roe.1 the Ipa it. ce oe ' roe wvmm may seems e kvp ewe a vewapePer e I� ceuan a lesal vat ph.a tint w par[ hereof wee cat from tee cmumne at se: ewapaper: i av waa Publlahed III— m see > g,me lavgunee aa<a sew week - e.messi a weeks: that it wee drat .. re 1; a on we_Zeth ..... ........ ... aey o! I'. ........... .......Map._................._. as_53ava merean ov ._..._.T..hP.T.Mu- ... . ... ...... et saw week to ana i.<IaamP I. ...............4txaar af......_a�a.._..._..., .a..S3.: .. ava roar we emmwms v e capv of them bet kvaw�- easm to b.� ba m a kma vt we Oxdlnama 9me>�Sag. Zaaiq; Oxsllnanco _t_VS} lay t Ed1na_. .bah.... set. <vroea ava .wore h y Iime 1,51, bl aty cammia:;a„ es:b.. iay. z':: type............ ..................... i � -1C iE A Eve Usk S. TQ wz A FEW ree �... o MVZ =1 Aw AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONnga _ Fi � fpittfe of 9C{innesnYtt i a Ili at4n� yeas � a. -ew�e� me9uiv h mow wtth awded woalm�en and [lie necea ary ate'lat Ild waowa nr one m Tarato at ee� vosyspa wrecav oe mur linage fie pi", -tfice t T Wane zsox (,ounty o4 _ tmrs ape rasa) hea been �e Imoxm ... - ... m [rim of leas th + tl fa m um[y ` asi� wntpa nPext one aw a emends oe aa�a -ty - Harem atmenea as a Pa-t t -1-f waa mt s�om to iumxa o4 a ' newaPaeer waa Pnm o enguw tangnage s SHa ._ aeaa,t 4i.t an Pne„an . - Imo. - iP53 and w- Th day - a4 aaan week m and mcmmng -. 4 h aay e - .- �3__: 1 tt.t ed ro n tee a.a P a Pnn aa�a orainaewa t7_ 86x 3 __.... _- ......_ _...__._. dasg� oa to 19 .33 ' Notary Pncuc. __ -x nry n aaata I G Fa AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION s 9-late of Onugotn. a,axa.�x a`uxa.,.,��xxa,aaa caxxb Hennepin .xaxa�xx ax eax.xaxca aax. . Sera®. C.. 31. eelte ............ ..... .. ......... II/ e e<a a h. Ed- 11 ms a< eoua>Ea, .-d ,. tc ., aa,. c. ea oNw:�l aa.t� ai neaxl:o el�C- i.ateyp man o. e+ a maam .... _ ..... a m �t p teas b ive_... vd o i Pdeter t. v''44ublla of Baia County Avaitoe toe proofs of eta aa.a queut�cano¢ ,net roe P0. 164-7, ...... _ ...... _....._._......._...__.... h «eta a� aattaha a pa. h«tof -at ra ro em px- e <a�a xewapap<., thl- m roe >„agtmk maaxasa xxe< each w«k ta.....tw...... -... ameeaa��e „.e roar it raa n.at ao bli -d xx roe___26t6 ... - -- ...ear xt __..........May _ ...... ..... t153- axe of ea<h .reek t, axe m <mamg me...... ;th.......cdar w...._..S . <ag<a m have he<x me am< axe kma of type a«a m th, panhcatmx at .am aemm - amw`opgrswr..r: . ........... s-- „mecio <a axe era oeeojj,n,< rou4th...........aar xe ..S�mn....._.... _, 1 Edina- morningside COUAIEA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - -- State of Minnesota,) f ,s. •• - county of —..__ oPoopin —..._. .._. .. _ __ Jexom 0. Bjerke being aulr n oath a ra; that he now .s, and anring an the nines baein stated has been, L C 1 N t - - _ _- - — __— fhe Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina rnsngsme COURIER, end full knowledg f h is he t d Tha! for more h no= to t bl n therein cf [he Ordinanno N 2f7g4 Oxdia°m° Amending th Zoning 0rdinevoa printed°f>jt°. Yil1.$, QeF- - d - 1 th English ten hereto ttached d e of hin th V' 1 f Edina the guage from its k t p P bl conntr of xenneem, state of mmneaota on Thmaday l f each week .n rowmn and et form uival nt to 450 r ing inches of sin c lumen o i s wid^ cued fm aokno Meshed Sl aid placwof pvbinicatio us with killed w rkmen andrthesnec s a matec'al for Preps i g and s a un tl t g the ­e; h h d k P 1 fir twenty five i of lea Wawa eowmna de�Ptea th local news of ratereat tP dam eo ity, ren ork of which boa been done in its cola known of- V m`•a cpurpo=ublica[ionehas pcontained general news, comments, and miscellany; has li e Fla of duplicated a o r public on; bas not b en edhaelo made saidatelace r- r^i•'"e� °°m plate matter and adveztisementstrhas een circular t r near rits a P oewrei oc pubnca n to !rte alert! of 240 c ig arty tleliv red !o p! ing suoe- ae ° ss been a tered as saco d crass mm matters fhe local Pos r dote f �1 ^"" ° "` t ace of publication; that there has been on Id. sn the offrce of the County add courtly the aIlid vlt of a n havaPgrifor hand u'(,• a dgu oif the fa onl„f4 titrg its a[itieatiov um snots �', ow of legal notices;sand publishe s have co abed with alt dem ei�7„ - cftsa d County Audi or t s f d qualification. p o Amend tho Zoning , That me tea p ref Y'. t��Yl3lag�aolY kAio�— �" a- '1 attached as r d� as bl hed therein sn the English language once h 1-1 . � he o t st so Published onttt- - d I;giat _ I S3 and thareafter ff . f9- C�j��% t k ,, s d p the T h A t have I, e l 1 h h the size k f IyPe th °� Ordin°non (fx ii ammo lb.261 -4, codinn ° An°nding - - °f'thrl - Ea ottdia� - m e -day of - 4V�Lf.L____— , 1953_ ublie, - NR!fsGPn— County, k4innesata Notary P -- -TCUS�Iionn +vin casmv.+diw. corvs Noiaiti n [.ynee tan. 5R see° _..___ anv commi aemn «pir ane c.mm; _ - -- ,.ter_- .e".- •- �...�•H - e COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota,) f aa. convtr of .x nav�.wxa wnaxn,.n v�uwre. r.na�. namxa.rn - Jemm 0. UJ _ _ h-i, amy awom, .xx aaxo.�.n e.a,o•x anon... -_ __........__....._..._- ._..____ er'� v oath ..1, mat ne now i, ana axrm, aR me times herein stated has bee , a..vo. ,. n.a�..... x. ... _- __ ........... ___— ___._.._ —__ the Editor pf then r known as me E sna Rlvxningside COURIER, antl u .. s u owledge of mep c s herein ­tld. That tar mare than on ye ti a tely prior tote publication herein v[ me reA.e enxroN wvsrvuv. • a e ar m ,a h a ••••`• Oaylan t No. 164-2 aa�reax r. an,n.ao�" hereto -shed, said newspaper was prmtea -d cobhanea h, the English lao- ge from i[s known o(tiee of publication w min the Village of Edina, in the Cou tale a Min ursaay of each w rw.mn as, s.sa� )(for alevt V, ' in, am ingle ne two ii,l- sabeennls nvffice a hetl in said place o publican- s n, a w� -1- workmen ana me notes rr matarml mr preparing ana ins me a 4 naa ,v Rs --p t l ma a tp%n•'e i of its news the pr —it, m coral news of d— i to aaia aii —ii, serve; me press work of winch has been done m ha aaia know,; oa t +eepoi p�n��ion; naa eontamsa general news, --t" ana marsnap.t bas t anphrmea ppblis n; nos 1 nee entire made of p . pl_ nae.e ent5�nas tea at io aaiaacla� e "t o g'Irly `ive- h, yin, sub ed— man m.-r m cal w office of aaia p �m��ano�; st t mere h s been s e home n of me c000ty Aga - o said c athe .1lid -it of a . nova knowledge of the facts c ualificativn a or publi- legal —h..; a pub) shun have c -plied -1h elltdemavds v s d County Auditor fvdr i, oafs of its saltl qua]ification. t a T, the Printed ____0?"71M."I;Ilw_16l _2......__....__.� -- hereto attached es a part hereof was cut from me co limn 0 aaia —­per - was published herein hi the English language once each suaess've weeks; that it was fimt so published on the 2it11.......... day of _I l9. 53ava mereanar nn __ --- __ ___ of each weak to ova 1 -Mama me__ __._say of 19__ d that the fallowing is a t.p, of the lower ease alphabet winch is owl. edged to have been the si and kind o yp used sn the publication cat said OrdiraviceZelb. 164-2t t Sind antl swum to before me Ibis_day of An,^,_t_ 19 53 - mo,a,,.`E;t ^.�prxc coomr. Minnesota No[ary Public, My commission -piles Edina- naprnmgsiae couR>ER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION `- - - State of Minnesota) � J as. Legal N t � ctamy to __ A Rne P_. Glerin N. _Partridge ... being duly sworn, a on oath says, that he now h, and during all the times herein stated has been, n rn a the i of then r know ,na- MOmi —ide COCKIER, and as talltkvowledge of the facts heretnastated.Ed h That far more than one year immediately prior to the pabl1-1— therein of the ICI httat e�uoa ,. omp,nu xa. ae, oe tee vn- s..e�iapa Dere°v vmem.e ns Ordinari�e- Nn. 164 -3 .....- printoa ......_._. -_- -_ __- attachetl, said ne sw paper was printed std pthe Ved ge the English ]av� +� Cadge from is known office ll pablteation within [he Village of Edina, in the Couvty o4 Hennepi. , Slate If Miimesota on Thuxstlay o[ each week to column and III slice! form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two itches wide; as been is d from a known offi a established to said pace publication h akinea work ,anaame ntteraarr mataiial lmr preparing and xraanx r txaox. ....a. as f enaippaa wit man w::,ra of tad,. mxo °R ia. ,cam - - -_, printing the acme; has had ,n its makeup not less than twenty hue er cent of it 1 devoted to local news of interest to said commuvaty it pare to th ork of which has been done in its said known of me of public t t ea general news, romments, an y, has not duplicated oily other publication; has not been entirely mad. prof patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been rircalatea at or n,a i said place '•- publication to Ne ex[ nt of 240 copses regularly aaliveredrto paying sub - cribers; has been entereaass second class mail matter in the local port office If Its said place pf publication; that there has b v n file in the office of the Coanty Auditor pf said cvst to the affidavit aof a ps rasone hanng first hand _� knowledge of [he facts coo hug its q iiiie Paper far Pabli and that its publishers h pl with all demands olio. of legal nphces li of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qa f ! o •..., ,I That the printed Ordinance er to attached as a part hereof was cat from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English lavguage once each weekl$th n6 — sueeessiv weeks; that it was first so published on She____ _ _____day of e October, D-53 and thereafter pe eaah waek ro and in-amt the._ ..__day — t— the following is of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the s ie and kind of type asetl m the publication of said --ibea and sworn to before a this _19t4t, of __.._o"t"b - -. la= octoter 53 ¢�`�`"� Notary Public. __._�NZCm.ninaien -:. jptStishKinn glide C011 ER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION .n.�..ux a,xxxanr. aaxxxe:x o-:ox :.. xa...xrn .,ran State of Minnesota,) xmx. na .mx a a,. T ..... aa.;x ^ ar ati.x, an.m. °nntr of P.ennepin . «::era ° _._..........___— __- I�a,.a Pr nmx. nom+an nr raa __ _ Gleen H. Partridge being amr .eui. n< on oath sa mat he now is, and au ing all the [ mes berely stated has tiern, ....... _ —__d u ...m, Editor of the w er know s the Etlina- Mornsngside CORR[ER, and has full knowled not s ted. w . a.a a, o w <. , . ao. mat epr more than pne Year immeaiatelr prior m me Pnmieatipn mereln °f me .arenar axnarx n emnxaon prmtea Ordinance No,_16/i -4 x reW attached, said newspaper was printed and publishes in me English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village ti Edina, in the - - - - -- County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and e form ­i-knt . nso running mrhea i single no inn two mmea wtae: has been issued from a known office established in Sala place pf publication pruspped with skilled workmen and the necessary materul for preparing and inting the sa e, • .................. ....__m......................_: has had in its makeup no! less man twenbnve :.f. ent of its news columns devoted to tacit news of interest o said comsvunity. itepurports to serve; me press work of which hoe been done in its said knowv of- :� It" ' publication; has contained general news, co and miacellanT. ]w • of duplicated any Omer publication; has not been Whitely made up If patevb,• i ana aa�ertiaementa, naa b n rirrmatra a aid probe ,.. publ ctet on So the extent o regularly delive edrto p sub ra: naa been entered as sero arm :� mail -- m me local Poat fw, pf place of p ication: th t there has been on file to the off a of me County A of said c ya the afild -it a n having fist hand knowledge osf the facts co ication as er for publi- n of legal notices; and I- Itsgpubl ihelrs have complied with all demands oftsaia County Auditor for proofs of its said qualiflra[ion. mat the printed er o att:_d as a part hereof was rut f— the rp1 Pe aaia n n h e! ew p was publishetl therein in the English language once each week far_ tiro_...._ successive weeks; that it was firet so published on me__12tb. ........... _day of No -veste r. 99_.53ana mereaner Pn Tln?SS4�.4R —.._— ...__.___._— ..... p[ each week m ana Incmdng mr__.._1Q_LtLaar °: ..__NoYavher___. —, 1953-, ana that the following is a co o! the lower case alphabe! which is aeknowl- pr eaged to have been me size and kind of type used in t he publication of saltl Ordinance No, 161,= 4....._ Subseribea and sworn to be me[� th�is._.Z_�_tYaY of __- _. 19ij N tary Public, c yL,u -, J .t•r/,81 rove tso a bfY Commission expires -y_. _. - -- I — na- Mvrningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ,a. county oe __._$9tmep3n__._._...... Ole= F, id uly swam, _ P _ —. _.._..... rt ?'. fie d e_.. _ .— being on oath says; that he now is, and during all the limes herein stated has been, ._.— ........ _.._ ......... _— _..._— _____— the Edi or d the newspaper known as Ne Edina- MOrningsitle COURIER, and has f 1 knowledge of the facts h¢eiv stated. That for one ye d'ately t, le publ,li,, therein of the :veuu a.:arx: - Pr,nlea _Ordl _ e Noa 241 _ _ Herein auarhea, said newspaper was a iea and e�nl� M1ea in the dm.,i Wn- ge from its known office of publication within the Village of Etlina, in the Cvuv[y o£ Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday oe each week in column and heet form e9vivalent to 450 ru mg inenes of single column tw inches wide; has been sued from a km noffire tablished place of public e us ped with skilled workmen and thesnecessarysm -hd for preparing end ix..n .meeae ie s pr;tng the sa e, �.e, u r a .ua • , � m naa in its --p not leas than twenty -eye su aem per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ,t purports to serve; the press work of which has been tlone in its said know; of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, antl miscellany; has of duplicated any otM1er publication; has p of p a lots, after and adve has bee la ea at o aidplac ofapublica n !o the xt 240 c gula ly Ml —1.g, cub- e is been enteredea second c oss mail matte n loco post off ee oef aid place of publication tha here h s been vsfile n the office kuntyy Auditor of said c unty t att —it of a n Having f A Viand w dge oe the fze onstitutinh is qualsfication a ap or bli. cation egal once antl that its ublishe s have liedwwith allfdemands of said Coun y Auditors f its said 9valificabon. sin x .i e xee eta..m.m enee w «e�ea a a e wnee .w wni« w�ses+a emm ine et mi.a.aro ee`ea�eu camr «oeaae e6 omP a, san...e�ime. ucr. h t d r o attached es a part hereof was cut from [he columns of sand newspaper, III .eere e9M s � avvv's o.a o.em a eu ine: f wn mco,. bushed therein in the Englssh language week WO.-- eye eu e.y es rvw=Aeee r unsex r xmcxsox live —k, that it was Srst so pubhshe h 12th _ _day o[ "• x N be - vs 53 h fte Th d y e k m wa t 19th _a f ..N ovember 1p 53 � that the f 1 of the love wh eh is ackvowl- edged to have been mess ze and kind of tree used i. the Publication of said j r a subaermea ..d a tp bet thi.27th day of Npoember _ _. 1&53_ Notary Publi, es Co t Mr to MY Comm,ssion exp �I�,t� -sue Jj -.. FF1i >yyfFFJ'� M v . III Edl- of the n e Edina- nmrnmgside CO—, ana as xml knowledge of the facts heremaA-d. n TTa[ for more than one year immediately prier I. the pvblication therein of the xaacv. •gin wr ae vmnana, r Svence No. anted _ -_4 d_ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published Iv 111 English tan - vaIt from Ito known office of publtuatian within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State o! Mismeso[a on TTmsday of each week in rnlumn entl sheet form equivalent to 454 running Inches of single co wo itches wide; as been issued fr stabliahed in said pn Of publtmHOn e ui ped with skilled workmen andc the necessary material lfor preparing avd printing [he sa e, - - -- m" Tad in its makeup vat less thaw twenty -five era aysee __......._—..........____ - rent of iH sews columns devoted to local news of I1— 1 it said community purports to serve; [he press work of which has been done in its sold known of- pvblicatton; has contained general news, comments, an y; Fos Ot duplteatetl any ether publication; I, not been entirely made up ol[ patents, matter and advertisements, bas been circulated d o ar I. said place O4apublicalien w the ext nL o4 290 copies regularly delivered to pavdif sub - re; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local p�st Of[ieeio itsssatd place of publication; that there has been an file in the o ice rd Ue C-Ity ki,—Il Auditor If said county the af[davit of a person having fi d knowledge If the Sacts cOns[ttuttng its qualt[icatton as a newspaper [ori ' . _ n of legal notices; and tM1at its publishers M1ave complied with ell d 'hhFhhFuuuuuuvvvvvvde aattl Cvvn[y Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. �a r. in ca ..�.. °r .u.° Ordirauca No. _ prin[ed — . 2Ps$ • in,eo hereto attached as a part Texevf was "cu[ from the mlumna of said newspaper; was ubhshed therein to the English Language once each week for "" one p that it was first s0 Published on the aid daY of successive weeks; - -' - -- ' ne n.m•= of _ _ 19D¢Cebe Sj and tbereatter on - -- of each week to and Including the day of I. d that the following is i copy ox the lower case alphabet wblch is ac f Lid edged to hav 'u and kind f used to tM1e publtntton of said e been Oadina a No. 245 pe subscribes ana sworn I. before me ent :7 4th say o4 Raeemter___— xot rr Evbl'r, —_ ecw e - v— _:== ^,a_— cea�ir, minneaota nlr comm,aa.on e,pitof 5_.._ - -_— I �m i.... . .... Tlp��Ilzllll Z. ti a- kforningside COURIER � AFFIDAVIT OF 1lPUBLICATION Hennepin State of Minnesota, County of . . Clem H Partridge hemg —Y swpm, th tty, thtt he ,s, ana during aR the times herein stated ha: bee., I� ' the E t oft P k EdffitM g d COIIRtER, and h f i k wl 4 taletl I Ptitr - i)-iltth,. Herein of the 261-7 t tl - Ordinance Ho t ah a d i me Evghsh tan. vmx c on -� gouge from' is known office o b th h V ll k 1- t aumnn and Cvun[y of Hennepin State of M' t h­t-, glf 1 inches wide, heat farm epuivalent to 450 g has been issued from a know bl d d Pl ce publication u e ii pld w t I1 d woxkm he Y t 1 o ring an the __ n s has had ,n its makeup no[ less Nan twenty Eve s contatlineoted tp Ivcal news of ierest til said community the work of wNCh has been tlone m ids said known of li- f o anon ha d general news, comma is and miscellany; has of tluPlicated any other publication; has not been entirely ma ar sf patpents plate matter avd advertisements, has been vIt1.1tt.d at pr its aitl lace 'i of pbubliration [o [he extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - wp bee entered as second class mail matter in the local posf office of �''° i^ its said place of publtration; that there has been ov fne iv Nenonire of the CountyAUditor not said c only the affitlavi! of a g first hand j ° " 1p1v10 knowledge of the facts constituting its pualification a onewspaper for publi- 1'�i s� .°o oafion of Legal notices; avd [hat its publishers have complied with all demands cs of It id County Autlitor for p oats of its said 4ualification. r a so x i � I d a —H 261 That Nap Ordlnanc o. 7 news ae r ne rum Ne emu mns o f said P p . rofw diet h ereto tta rhea as a a rt he e publisbetl lhereinPn Ne Engiish language o h week fo SIDD -- -- i ns i, issi e weeks, t i st so published th 28th daY of y`�Si$iy h t s¢ Thor day teach wee a inrma ng mad °1F�hf ed f F Tiro rY ,a54 and that the following is i co Y of me lower case alphabet which Is at—i- -._, edged tt have. been the size a d kintl of type u e ;n [he publiation of eaitl d 0r0i ace -Kii 261- 7 Subscribed and sworn tv be thi _ Y f r i (/ County, Minnesota Notary Public, __-- ..._- :.1tN[RE MY Cammiryion expires...ts nilr.Yxn °nia Edtna-MOrningslde COUA[ER j AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota,) J aa. ( C t of H. P__ r x� Hl m H P trSdg n _ being aaly sworn a ' !h say t t h n d d g all the times herein stated has been, evt o��m vow a the Edit- of then er k— as the Edina - iO gstae C­, and as full knowledge of [hef acts herein stated. h That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication merein pe the eamc. .e ame.a.a, ie a�.eer t Prhtied _ u elishetl in the Engas n 1 eea�guage frotm tits k ownnofficpe of publi a withinp[h Village t Edina, the I Hennepin, State of Miimesota on Thursday of each week in columv and oxm a 'rm m 450 running inches of sivgle cowmn tw inches wide; qm 0 ° ( Issued from a kn f estabhshed m said place of for Publlcal�odd n� d with dulled work d the necessary material pxePaztng rtm...nu, or :..aua o. Dare ro, t g the same: __._ _ v h.. in its makeup not less than twenty five h ! os tts news coiunu, a tat 1 cal news of interest tit sata —titty it purports to serve; [he press work of which has been done in as said known of- ;,;lace o pubnca n; onas ontain a era) n ws co mentr, a a tseenany; his xe C tluplica edt- her publicatioo�vhas o! �beev entirely made up of pateveei(- g;g nj ^ to soya %s is has bee ecmI or near its amgpla I o the a ante of 240 copies ar gma W aeIt d to pan su b ai: been entexetleas second class mau matter in tee local ws! oface of '' i it. said plate of publication; mat there has been o n the office pf the ^•county Auditor o said r untY the affidavit oe a g first hand• - +I ..•oei xn - owledge of the facts constituting M qual'Sication as er far publi- tidn of legat notices; and that ifs publishers have complied with all demands said Covvty Auditor [ox proofs of its said 4uatification. aeeew • new s A� a •saer[ox f m ry ¢ rile inn Cea.a.n.. es 'AU Pwu nietn¢i a biiinn, see n.temoeus eenies f fir..... 261-5 asiat me printed erero atearhea as a wrt Hereof was cue from the commas of said newspaper: i IkIk llsh d t in the English language w ek t� F ve k th t it daY of Fsbranry _ 1 �+ a th A 0. t.af h w k k a ud S h llt_b. d y I Febivary yp 1 °a that the following is a copy of the lower ease alphabet winch fs ackvow - �dgetl [o ha been the size a kind of type used in the pv 1 cohort of said Sran a 62Lf h fn,..mon,mt annm .h.n o. s=•mnua'Ib il,ed and sworn to be this...l� day 4 nmei•a mi. t.in der of v.amee.. vssa. _ / vi .se pv. ass) Notary Publ' o RNU�'C Y. Mirmesota kes Yn: 7, 19fi1. -.• Wepmm sssn FSy - MY Etlina- Idorningside COURU:A AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, 1a. Cpnntr pt ..._H9NNNRIIi--- _..__._ ) —_. .....a1gN..A.- RAATAID68-- - - - - -• being only swum, on ­d, s y , th.t he xow is, and during all the times here n stated has been, ___. __ ...... . ........ . he Ediloc of the n er known as the Ed!.. id—l—id. COUA[Eli, and as full knowledge of the facts herein st . nanznnna xa. zar.s Thal for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the �, oodv.xwnce wwexvm, rxe zon- r nnnsxnxce vrznncz nr xnrxw nr e.. °.;d �d:m� wnn.- panted _prdlriafwe -- -xo. -261 -8 —_— _ -- herem auameakda.a n wspa er d pamea ana wbhVili i- the.^gush ldn- x x eorw a fro office of publics w t he VillaWe If E a , the Coun Y of Henne in, sla oe FIir, Shur o aceek ineolumn an sheettit. equivalent to 450 ry ofssingte col tw .nches aide; ued from aoknow sn [aeelish did plac ei publication • ^�^ �^ •• _� quipped , kinea w rkmen ana<ihedn reddarr ma < ml fog pep ;ng an e w th 1vtl �° printing the __ _- h a a makegp l as thtd t new oe .n�eas< tit as a I' t s e the press work f has been done In .ls d ob . If rr.ti- has tontdmea general newd <dmmertd, ana n fjtd of dupl.ca[ed anY otber pubhcahon has not been entirely made f matter do ea. had been ar<malea al or near its ddid pldlle ofapublication lv Ihee extent of 240 copies cegulaay delivered [o paying su cribers; has been entered as seccnd class mail matter in the local poet office of - aid p^lare of pv ca there hdas b n n file n the office o[ th¢d voitor of saidl,c unt at affi avit eoi a p son hav g first han wleoge he `acts c n"'tutinsgetb 4ualifica ion as a ith all demands enf d thdt Si Ild erd Yew mp>•.aw.a.• a con rta�auor car dti pi its is It uetaupn. f "` •" • of an th t h.tea ..Pptyyf� f W�allo. nt2614 -- of said --t'; .... . m `... ... Tha e t e r «.....Ap ..a .m. ,..xn..a < veeu°.ua..�„emz ro i °.. hereto attached as a a t weopr.a vn. ere as were, .ass. was published therein in the English language once each week for_.._— .__...._- weeks; Nat it was first so published on the_ 11th....__._._ day of .....a ...r 14— dnd Neredaer on -1•h— goy__ —_— lbth___aay of . of each week to and includ.ng the.. --d� pith Is dcknod - nd that the following is i top, of the lower ca a alphabe edged to have een [he size sod kind et type used In Ne pvbllcaHOn of said - - - ._______.—Ordinencrltfo- 267.•8--- _.._ - -- �z subscribed and swory to befo 7-11hisyBth-aay of, - )W —h.._ 1q�_ Etlm AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICf State of Minnesota,) ... county of _FNvF.M__ . Warn aara; uaL be now ia, and during all me times .. _ . the Edito of then er known as the Edina -Man Was full knowledge of the facts Herein stated. Thal for more than one year immediately prior t. fhe p Panted — OrdittIM1 No4_g3�1___ here[. aft —,,d, aaia n—P.— w Pvbh: uage from its known office of publi a[ione w thin the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of e et form equivalent to 450 running i.ehes of single c has b d from a known office established 1. vipp d w [h skilled workmen and the necessary mat e4 printing the same; _ .... _— .... — ....... .... _ - _ ; has had in its makeup t o: +ia new. oolmm�. de-- b, meal news of in �t p�rnorea to aerYe; the pre.. work of which has bee. d. see of enbhcatton; has contained general newa, oomme not duplicated any other publication; has not been ends plate maser a.d adYert .,.b,, has been circmated a ppbiieation t. the extent of — copies regularly as been entered as second class mail matter u e of publication; that there has been o ey Auditor of said c anti the a davi! o owldge o£ the facts constituting ilsf qualification a etiti of legal notices; and that its publishers have coy of said Cou.[y Auditor for proofs of its said 9valificati That the Printed _._021NANCE_NO-33-2__-- hereto attached as a rt hereof was cut from the cols was published t 'bi n the English language once each s weeks; that it was first so published on the... uccessive A ..___.— ',5L and thereafter on TAI __...pail —. of each week to and including the..._28?11... daY of _ and that the f_llo g is .copy of the lower ca a alp edged to have been [he size and kind of type used in .a�a.�aauaim.ew.am...n x.tary Ppbuc ��, uxfrte l oak n c tv M ota �Mn-12 -C -ty M My C.mm.snon Edl —,,r mgside C—= ill arrmgrrr or rraerurr "x— namamnrxr or reap. " AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesotai aa. GLEEiN H PARTRIDGE _, being duly sworn, ov a[hs ev,zn ev s T oz- Nth w rs ndo.@ all h time in stated h bn, ♦v rnnr ivartv s rice vsrucz eovnma ov mnn, msmxv ne Editor of then er known as the Edina MVrnlvgsMe COU —Pt, and Mull knowledge of the facts herein stated. i o�., ,en nu= Anne a! iv tan one ye d ately prier tP the Pubhcatsvn therein of the tea . ORDINANCE NP-- 1b1 J_p rr1 .r her attached, aaia n r s a hd ulbl hed rn [°he English lan- e ee from n office of publi atmn wit m a Village t Edina, m the County of Hennep nv5tate Pf Minnesota vn ThursdaytPf each week In column and 1 column two rncM1es wide; n aso rwnrn mines of am@ e heet form equi oaten[ t @ ro,.: see zie..o x,.eeweu,", " rom en and then cet— matenal for Preps v@ and re, u rr ., e<smmev: xane ..ne• .ee m,nne.e,Rb eu. an' has a oknv taeelish ssad Plac of pubnrahvn xe.mee.«.q p..nx �'i xsne r "" a ,d wr skilled w rkm e .n .eF re ti d — ling t i. iU k s than t--i- it it ns devoted tP local news ° t to said omm oe sw or er. v. % urpvrts tosserve; the press work . 'which has been done in its said known af- .ne. a of publication; h etl general news, cv nd m'scellapy; has r P tlupticated anY other Publication; has not .been entirely made up Pf stems, ..' aT u n eer or an a matter and ativertisements, has been <ircvlatetl aL or near its aaid(pLre r asox plat icalivn to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying q 'b s: M1as been entered as second class mad matter sn the 1 1 pv pore of 'd place of Pu ieation Nat there has t n f,te rn N H rt - CeuntY Au of hvf said county the af[,tlavit eoE a n h knowledge a facts constituting its gvafificativn as ra ewmaPer for pub31 -` •" n of legaltnotices; and that its publishers have complied with ail demands 0 of said County Auditor f°r proofs of its said 4vanficalion. Tna! Ne Printed . OND LN9NCE _??G, 261_ .__ -- hereto attached as a Part hereof was -t from Ne columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for___wQ successive weeks; that it was first aP published on the__._? -- _.__._day of 1s 54and thereafter an — ._Thursday - --- d each week to and including the._ _64:1 —day v[ _..._ WM1irh is kvowb f the lower case alpha ac and that Ne tollPwing is a copy a used in the Publialivn Of laid ¢aged to I,— been the v :e and kind of tree Ill — ORDTNANCE_?]Q._?.G1.:3__ —.._.— ._ —.._ .e�ae,rnoa,meem.ern...r. - ... 6 Subscribed and swain t° be ore me this_aay - a�n toanry. ta'!��. tY Minnesota II xa:an Puou , Xenne SSCL Notary P ' . Hr- GIaIn49lOrt'flglvim. }: Edina- MOrningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota,l v ty pt Ken coin 1 n Glenn H< Partridge _ _ being duly sworn, on oath sa thA h now d d vg aLL the times hexem stated has been, the Edit. Of lh kn na MO gside COURIER, ova - has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the nt. _.hW,l.ie._or�di,e t,INANLBNf1101 -1 - n.in, eerero t. ita, ama newseaper was Prmtea a.a P- Vu 11 Lr the English lan- guage from its known office .f publication within the Village of County of Hennepin, State of Miimesota on Thursday of each week in column antl sheet form „i�f[em a aso re mg m h i single em�mm inrha wine; eras Peen uea n aow est^nlis>seryi aid pla�w o'Pntairaeion .. Pea w, kilted w en ana me ores a mate al mr p e ;ng ana printivB thensa - - -- __ had in its makeup vt less Nan twenty -five evt of it co umvs ­­d to local n of inter s[ . ommunity ilepurports t. t_,; the press work of which has been done in t ssaidcknown of- fice of publication; has contained general yews, comments, avdsmiscellanY; has no! dup sate dne other cation; bas t been n made of P tents, u of ! ublica n to Thee cote .tf n Os a regnul txly del v re t ayi BPS bf P as bee. e.tee d as raass'mail otter m the lodcal post v Ice o i!s said place of publication; that there has been o file in the ottice of the the M—it vif a n hav g first hand knowledge oif - facaidc cnstit ting its ua [eica ion aso P P r [ormubli- a, s of lenm its p.bl9ane haae rompRea with au ae ands of said Cou Auditor for proofs of its s �d qualification. That [he prmtea n.re <a,<na.a re °e hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the colmmis oP sa news Per, was ubtished therein in the English language once each week for_ la kR0 P__ su weeks; that ik was first so published on the_ Frei °�«en< ee < °oe. era o�n,e 54 __ owre<ee .,w oo areoe m °� _ _M_ 49 9 ft _ __ _ tl _yr dam 31a d f TJttce _ Ie54 d that f tg f n -'Ph -It h o t' u „ u. d <s' edged t. Lave been he size and ki d of type sod in the Publi .- f said ear acvac. p. nai Pillag_ of Ed 1n� ORDINANCE NOoI —L - - -- .< i smarxmea ana awora m befp r-� ima.-3—day o�.JUna__.____ -.__. is 34 � I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minn'd'sdfaA ,.f Hennepin G l.— H. P.1t,,idg. beivg nuts awpm, I'" on oath i­ - be now is n durixg all the ti- -- -.d has L-1 Nat-e- the Editor of the --p-t c.--, -d h.. --d�. d - It- hi,- At-. y- i-di-ll pii.� t. - P.blit.t- ffiii- f A of No 261-10 h-W tt-,d dd =P�y,- pti- - blithtd In English it� _ -[d th,, vill.9, --, m Ne C- t, .1 S - d Mi-tod. - -1-Y �f i-h � it i. tod.. -d sheet fo q­d­t 450 g 1- of ii.gl,, i.th. has - 1-d it- k.- established 1s said id.i. 4 P.bli.tw. -i-d i,ill.d ­k­ ..d p,.p.tmg ..d p-mg had 1. its ..k..p not less Nan twenty -five i ­ ttid f it� tod... d-ld to 1-1 f ffit-,d to id t.- ty m iU .id P th. P-- - f -hith d .7 se ;;h p lit. f=� _ has tt.t.i-d 9-1.1 news, mmmenis, -d miscellany; paten I Ild"i�Y171' itp� j of duplicated ..y .- p-it.ti., h. - b� id. t- - - b... ti- t p.b-ti.. to ..-t f 240 i.id- t.g.lttly dtli,t,d t. pp.g -b- it�;=; h.. - d .� .� ... d td- -1 ..it . - 1- -t ffi- .1 place " pub lil,di­ thtt .,, ht. b- stile m tle -, f the County Auditor l .id lt-ty the .1fid-t otitis p,t.. h.vi.g t,,t hand knowledge f 1, constituting its q.,191,ttio. t . .­.­ - p-i- i._ of 1_1 _d that its p-i-ts I- -plild 11 d-- .f a.id County -di- _ pro- d ils filers ­ ­ Panted ORDINANCE-NO . 261-.1.0 -r- tll.-d .� � part - -t I- the tod . . . sot ew published therein i. the E.g­ ­­ ... e each ­k ft.-.,tWQ was su ­k, - it - first . published - -27th- -d.y f ccessive ---- ' L 54..d -titittr .1 -th -. 1� and li,l-mg -jid.- &Y pe and that the following is a coy of the lower ease alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the and kind f type used in the P-1.1io. of Itid PILLPGE OF' EDINA ORDINANCE NO 7b1 -10 __ Sub -i.d and lh d., .1 54 ZZ., Edina- mornmgaide CooRlER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota,! aa. awry of HENNEPIN ) ._ GIENN _H._PARTRIDCE. _ ,being duly swam, -Legal Notices — on oath saYS; that he now is, and d-9 all the times herein stated has been, a _— the Ed— of then er known as N na- MOmingside COMM, COURI and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated.Em xnm ear mo =e man one rear immediately Wr m the enminatson therein of the m n - �rinted __ _�IN�� N0. 261 -11 _ __ mtaehetl said n a printed and pub m the En nsh ]an- a guage from its kvown oHtcpe of publication within therV llage of I a, in me w, minxes CPwty of Hen in, Slat of bliw of u=sday of e c eek in column an sheet form e9nivalen t. 45G xunningainches of single column two Inc es wide; has been issued fr m a known office established m said p ace of publication .aann�nr a„ - Ped w, s Ilea workmen and me necessary materiallfor preparing and a..enaea or .�aus .r. ue end w x..pre.°." e4mp th k. . ae um aeai.n s, n <rv�. a. me.w•: r.ermm< tse� o.. Printing _ __; has had in its ma ek p not less than twenty E,ve ent of its news rolmws devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to e; hhe of whirls has bee aid -- o - fice o publics as ontbair�ed gen rat new mine ts, ds ll-y; not d¢plicatedtanY otheppv lioa on; has not ,beano entirely maaamvPC Of pate Es, plate matter and adverlisements.rhaa been circulated at or near its said place publication to the extent of — copies regularly delivered to paying sub - of as beev evterea as sewnd class mail matter m the local poet office of itsssaid place of pfublicatiw; that there bas been on file in the office of me _ kCOw[y Auditor aid c unu the —davit of vmgg firrt hand owl dge o the fac o tiit s 4va1'SSica Von a pap r far puntis n n of legal notices;sand at its wisher h e compliedwwith all acme d _ aftsaid CowtY Auditor for proofs of its said 9¢alifica[ion. Thal the printed _�R11T*1dNf'F'.J$D...ib1 -71 o a Hereto attached as a part hereof was from the c lumps of s id newspaper; <nmee none vm.s ..�. va an.. . aincnee ae sso ae.; um.. ew�n wm.nr ,e • wpm .n u. a.uean- .nv lino or ..ia x.. ai.nn. s+s o.< woes published therein in the English language once each week fox xanne..�..�r ram ue s..uw.er. eo. ... �a.nor: m..=. eo�m...o-�r rso s¢rresswe weeks; published on the _.__17th .._. _aav of .pony . that if was first so rcn: �n.e xenn. b u wue 19_5(a and !hereafter on _.Th1F3d4Y.— of earn weer m and immaing me.__2yth_d, of ___ T, ____' Is_54 nrn�. e x nd that the following is a copy of he lower ca a alphabet which m ackn I ev'nip c. sane edged to have been me size and kind of lyPI used In the publication of said ORDINANCE N0. 261 -ll Subs -,l and sworn is before this_ M_day o ___�Tsy9a..- 19_$( _ybryllenceaain'��. MOwlY. ➢tin Notary Publi .._ nesota NIy Commission expires _.._ � ��� faP�4 - -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, w r of 8ennflpin 1 — Glefxt- 8.— );rSr }dge - -- emg awr awom, Pa nom rs, that he now is, ana anrmg an the times Here stucco has peen, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina MOrningside COURIER, and nos full knowledge of the facts herein staled. That for more than one year immediately Prior m the publication therefn of the nea rela auar ;3Tsacr3 : far mica ana nanllsned m me a sh lan- guage from fts known office of publication within the Village of Eairna In m County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on TTursday of each week in column and N form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been issued from a established in said p icafion e ur a with dulled workmen antic the necess ry material [or pep ng antl p bn%d rrn me has had in its makeup not lea than twenty -five per of i[ s Lev ted to local n est h, unit, is toseerve; lM1e pea work of which has beenraone En ftsssaidck on wn of- publication; has contained general news, co and m scellany; has nrof duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter ana aavereisementa, has been aromated at said place ox P natmn tP me «tent of 240 r larlr ­i­ .erto ring son - icrib has been entered as second rla a' 1 matter in the local post office of ts s.id place of publication; that there has -been on file in the office of the County A of said ­' am affudavit of a n having firs£ hand knowledge of the facts con tPgeit uahfication a or pabll- n of legal notices; and that its publs here have compliedww m anfdema- ottaafd County Auditor for proofs ox its said qualification. That the printed _Qrdj I'kiRC9_G'o... »� nerem Mtanhea as a Part hereox was rat ]rum me rommns ex said new a was p.li -d therein In [he English language once each week for,_�o sP . r wee s; mat it was first so published on the 29th oar of as ve k — _- JaZg - - --• 1954 and thereafter on - Thursday - - - -- of each week tP ana mrludmg me_5th.__ eay ofAnE— t__— ____ -, 1954 d that the fallowing n a co of me lower ca a alpbabel which is owl - 2 ackn edged to have been the size and kind of type used In me publication of said • /e•a.rsaua��o,an...,.. Subse d P. fore a this. /da Notary pPhlu ANR1E �_ ANDERSON Counly, Minnesota Pi[t;c. Henneo�n [aunty. Minn. MY Communion exp'ves Ms [szLaJ_c _ V Sabsmibed and sworn tv before lhis_3 0 Jay of Notary P bbc,�__fWt� � o en. T�61�tY' MincesoEe ma -MO[ i¢ td. COCKIER .� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota a A Glcm^F'P�ttSri'e ,tbelg tlulY awq n� wnc ve ,xa�en >. oens NNaesstl on oath says; that he now Is, and during all the time. he(p'ty{HWdJldy . h the Editor of the newspaper known as the na M.- invide COURIER, eared has full knowledge of the facts herein statedE� That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Q!t!!r,•�en r". 7"I — hereto altachetl, said newspaper waa printed and published In the English a guage trom its known office of Mmpuesolca a toiv o n T hwuxshtln ay tohf e eVach weeok f iEn my oHnn em t. 50 athne d equivalent 9 run .nchee of single column two i¢chea wide; as been issued from a known otE1 established m p ace ublicatlo¢ ip d w h a 1a we :kmen a¢daue nece..arr amtlal lfor preparing a¢d p rl' mi, t e Same, h � _- ......_ — ._....; has had in makeup not less lad twe¢ly-five t o! Its news columns devoted to local news of interest tit said community i6 puxporls to serve; [he press work of whirl. has been done In its said known of- fice of publication; has containetl gevera] ¢ews, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has ¢ot been entirely made up of tents, plate matter an dvertisements, has been mrculaled at o ea .place of publication to th re a y deliverearlo paying sub - rs; has been entered ae second class mail matter in the local past office of its 'said place of publication; that there has been o file 1 the office of the County Auditor of said a u¢lY Ilse a vit of anI__ having first hand knowledge of the facts covstitutmg its q iifi„ave cos Redwunth eaLLitlemand's n of legal notices; and that its publishers mp ollsaia CovntY Auditor for proof. of its said qualification. chat ue prd hll.tln nerelo attached sa a part hereof was cut from Ne columns of said ¢e Paws per; was published therein in the English language once each week for._. t^tl__..._ successive weeks; that it was first so published an the_....._ _ ......._day 0 =tier ]s_5 and F4 uereaner oe each weer a ana inrlaing d that the following is a copy of the lower ca phabet which is acknowl- edged to have I, n the size and kind of type ¢sedaM [he pu Lcahon of sa 12 spbSeribea ana awgm m b ym„s3o a f� Notary Pvb _ G — C y M vesota i. MY Cgmmisvo¢ exp s¢a sCu�c_ l - - -- n i. .m u.. .e �, s the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Mamingside COURIER, and has NR knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for mare than one year immetlia[ely prior ko the publication therein of the .� tea Orainarr 11p.261�1 ;..— _— ere,,to attamea, 'a newspaper wan Pr;ntea ana pnbushea m the Enguaniam gunge from its known o td of poblicaton w;tsin the village of Edina, ;¢ the Coun ty o[ Hennepin, State of Mirmesota on Thursday of each week in co and sheet corn, equivalent ro dsp conning mfhea i smile rmnmn tw caches wti e as been ;s d from a known o stablished ;n sail 1 ­ of publication ped with skilled workmen node [he ¢ecess ry materia lfor pxepar;ng and printing the acme, _ ..... _. _ as had m its makeup no Nan twenty -five itcent of 1U news columns devoted to local news of interest to mid community purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miseedia has of duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, a or matter and adv tile i, s, has been ci ated at said B oPpublication to the extent of 241 a gidarly d,livesd[to paydng aub- opies re been entered as second class mail matter ili the local post 'office of Csaid place of publication; th t there has n the ;n the office of the County Autl;tor of said c untya [h -id-it I—i a avipg first hand knowledge of the fa osttutit, P- quallf ;cat ;on a wspaper for pubU- cation of legal hot it., and that its publishes have complied with ad demands of min cowtrAna;ar for proofs of ;ta aaia spmitraton. anal the Prmtea _... .Oaditm»ra.- $o__261--- 3 ;- _ —__ —_ Hereto attached as a part hereof was cu! from the columns oP said news a r PPe, �) w s publi hed [here n i. Ne English language once each week far__ gip__ su cess;ve weeks; [hat it was first SO pubtshed on the_.__}n}h___.._ day of _ 'I ",4 and thereafter on ___Ip�g o[ each weer m and g iw. is tha_19.th..._aay nf — Nartmter. Ip$L, that the following ;s i co a alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and k;ndeof type cased in [he publication d amd S—ii ea ana sworn t. t e me mi Notary P � es C ty, Min¢esoW My Com na- MOrningsitle COURIER ® AFFIDAVIT OF )PUBLICATION ' State of Minnesota, } � -' cowry .f �jGn nG�7 /N .x. ,..•�,.. e, ,�.,. - __� n n e 7K _ C c[- d-r d S ....... -- n dmy swot", .n .am oars; mat he now 1s, ana anring ml the es here awtetl has been. he Editor of the er known a na- ld-mgside COURIER, and r • ea • row as toll knowledge of me [acts herein etatea.Em oue TTat far more than one year immetliately prior ro the publication theretn of me .....n... oun�me see mxe. xur.m.e na ee soa eu.� enm prmma D r d i-dv- published m me English lan- e from wvn.ffi a publicaho tb Village of Edina n the y of Hen naState n Thursday of ea eek in -d- and •' • of !form equt Alen[ to 450 rv�nning inch's o[ single column two inchessvd hs bee n sued f It, l.id plac of publication e skilled workmen and the necessary material far preps rig and ce�n..•n� rz.leenilei "aev.�ieroei� ana etnnuine eoenuen. In �n� vi, egmpp d wim r� �e Iu =•mroi e.ininp anen�u.ne, en the _ _ _ "brig h M1 d i. sts makeup not less than twenty five r cen f pl d I h news of mteres! to said co- d- .t purports to serve; me press work of -1 has been done .n its sa.d known of- ue fine .f publication; has contained general news, comments, antl miscellany; has of duphcatetl an Omer publication; bas not b en en re p of paten`s, plate matter a `a ad is ha culatedt'.1 said pia e of publtca[ion o lheeex[ me of 240s cop'¢screeularly de]iveredrt. paying cub b rs, has been enteredeas secontl class mast matter m me local post nffine of 1 id place of pubhcaho"; that there has been on file In the oftme of Ne i c Aumtor of tt. county me a f id- it of a sonewzpapgrhrst .. x a wiadn knowledge of the facts constituting s[s j, al capon as a d. d. . e eeeli TNe. xwy et cation oflegal ".tic's; and that its publishers have complied wim allidemands t C t tl't f d 1[ t "I prm- xey �•n af, rv.a.np ss, nere[o attachetl asap ­­1 was <uf it.. the columns of sa,d newspaper, a was published therein in the English language once each week f �W D _ rid ' success that it was fsmt so pub! h d me ,. 4n'.% day of anh a I nr .Lan e 07 7 ]AYt� ana mat ef.u.wmg .a ' finea t—wi- tb, a caged t been be size and kmd f t u a e snbacrmea ana swam m bemr' m' this / 7 oar or ° �� ui•a My C Pves ___ + a =a.=z.,en u 1.r. -