HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-21 Library LaneI . --- , Y d . .n.d 927-886 I E33SOLUTION VACATING LIBRARY LANE I.JIIEmAS, two weeks' published, posted and mailed notice of a Hearing to be held on August 21, 1972, at 7:OO p.m. on the proposed street vacation hereinafter described has been given and made and a Hearing has been held thereon by the Village Council: NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of Library Lane, a11 as platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, be and is hereby vacated effective September 16, 1972, unless on or before said date this resolu- tion is amended,annulled or rescinded by the Village Council: All of Library Lane as shown and designated on the plat of Land Kruse Addition according to the map or plat thereon on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 21st day of August, 1972. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS VZLLAGE OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF VILLAGE ,CLERK Tr .the undersigned duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Village of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina Village Council ofi August 21, 1972, and as recorded in the minutes of said meeting and that this res been amended, annulled or rescinded by the Edina Village DATED this 2nd day of October, 1972. - 1. .. xn 5 . m . .. _. - -I ... '/ I .- I ...... ........ .. .* . .I . .. I.. ~ .. .. ..... .I . ^I . . < .-' It : ......... .I ,..I.. ,' ,,.,. . *- I> ......... ._:.:,:. :' ,.' I) I. '.._ ............. ........ L 1. 1.'. i . .I' , -. ,I !_I , ./ I, 1, Y . - *- .. - 1 . ... . ,... . -= *- I VJJRage ai7 Q@jflma ami WEST FFFTLETH STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 927-886 1 I !, . . - . -_ -. - - - . __ -__.___.--I \ J .. .. .. Yune 30, 1972 I, the undcrs&gned, baing the duly qualified acting Village Clerk of the addressed to the persons at the addresses as shoam QXI the mailing Ifst (Edhibit I$> attached to the original hereof, which list is OR file Pn my offke, said persons being those appeaping on the ~ecords of &fie County Arsds-tor a3 owiers oE the prior to the date of the hearing; and that I also sent said notice to the f,ollming cotpwathns at the indicated addresses whose property is exempt fram taxation and is therefore not carried an the records of said C~unty Auditor, property listed opposite their respective names, as of a date l@ days Name - June 30, 1972 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY NOR MAN DAL E DIVISION 5309 WEST 70TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 July 24, 1972 Mrs. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs. Hallberg: This is in answer to the Notice of Public Hearing of the proposed vacation of all of Library Lane described as follows: All of Library Lane as shown and designated on the plat of Lund &use Addition according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. Please be advised that we have no objection to this vacation. SincerelyyA Customer Service Supervisor LAG: jf ! I' June 38, 1972 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 5OTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO VACATE LIBRARY LANE EDlNA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet Monday July 17 1912 at 7:M) p.m. in the Edina Vhge Hill. aid will, at said time and place, comder the proposed street vacation described as follows: All of Library Lane as shown and desig- nated on the plat of Lund Kruse Addi- tion acmrdin to the map or plat there- of on file or ofrecord in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin Counv Miipnesota. All o jecbons and recommendations BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk will beheardatsaidmeeting. LAGE COUNCIL. (June 29 Q JUIY 6,191Z!)-EDlOC . * (Official PublicQlIon) VlLLACE OF EDINA 4801 w. 60Tn STREET NOT'IICE OF PUBLIC EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet hionda JUIY 17,1912. at 7:oO p.m. in the . Edina tillage Hall, and will. at wid the and place consider the proposed street vacation described as follows: All of Library Lane as shown anddesig- nab$ on the plat of Lund Kmse Ad&- tion accordin to the map or hL there- of on file or oFreco+in the oeiceof the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin Count hlinnesotn. ~11 otjections and recommendations BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk , EDINA MINNESOTA s.!Z4 . HEARING TU VACATE LIBRARY LANE will be heard at wld mcctinp. LAGE COUNCIL. (JuneBbr Ju)y6,IBTIkEPl~ (Of tlcinl Publlcation) VILLAGEOF EDINA 4601 'w. 50T1I STREET HEARING To VACATE LIURARY LANE , EDlNA WNNESOTA 55424 NO+iCE OFPUULIC hlonda July 17 1912. at ?:@I p.m. in the Edim tillage ilill, and will, at said time and Lce, consider thc proposed SlrCet vacnrion described as follo\vS: All ot Library Lane as shown and deska naled on the plat of Lund Kruse Addi- tion accordin to the map or lat there- of on file or of record in the oeice of the Umittpr of Deeds in and [or Hennepin EDlNA VILLAGE COUNCiL \Vi11 mCCt ~~~~~-'h~nnesota. ~ll o&?ctions and recornmendations BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE!. HALLBERG Villa eClerk (Ju~~~~&Ju)Y~,*~~,-ED-~W: will be heard at soid mecbng. LAGE COUNCIL. (Oiricid Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4601 w. 50T~ STREET NOTICE OF PUELIC HEARING M VACATE LIBRARY LANE EDINA VIU.AGE COUNCIL will meet ' Monda JUIY 17 1912. at 7:oO p.m: in the dim hrge Hill. and will. at said time and lace consider the proposed Street vaeabon described as fOllo\VS: All of Library Lane as shown and dede nated on the plat 01 Lund Kruse Addi- lionaccordin tolhema or lat there- of on file or ofrecord in t\e &ice of the Register of Deeds in and for HennCPin Cowl RIinnesota. All otjections and recommendations BY ORDER OF THE EDINA v!L- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Villa eCierk (June29br Ju)y6,19121-ED-!oC , EDINA, LIINNESTA 55i% ' will beheard at uid meetin LAGE COUNCIL. (Ollicinl Publiention) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. SOT11 STREET EDlNA MINNESOTA 55124 Nn.iiCicn0P i’UIILIC iiEirifNG To VACATE LIBRARY LANE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL Will meet hlonda July 17, IWZ. at ?1:W p.m: in the Ediw hage Hall. and will. at wid time and place, consider the proposed Street vacalion described as folloWS: AU of Library Lane as shown and desig- nated on the plat of Lund KWse Addl- Uon accordin to the map or plat there- 01 on file or ofrecord in tlie office of the Reaister of Deeds In and for Hennepin SUN NEWSPAPERS w AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. } 55. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Bloomington, Milnnesola J. R. RITCHAY, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington in said county, established and open during its regular business hours €or the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managhg officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newsp9per has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Notice of Hearing hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English languag8, once each week, forauccessive weeks; that it was 6rst so published on Thurs the 29th day of June , 19- 72 and was thereafter printed and published on every Thurs to and including Thurs tho 6th day of. , 19- 72 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnoplntuvwxyz A / Subscribed and sworn',to before me this 6th day of July I 1922- (Official P\bllcationl VILLAGE OF EDlNA 41y1 W. SOTII STREET EDINA. WESOTA .W4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To VACATE LIBRARY LWE EDINA VILLAGE COLNCIL will meet hlonday, JuIv 17.1972 at 7:W p.m. in the Edina Villaie Hgl, ark aiil, at said time and place. consider the proposed street vacation described as follows: AU of Library Lane as shoan and desig Mted on the dat of Lund Kruse Addi- tion accordini to the ma w plat there- of on file or of record in t!c affice of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepln %%$c%$%d recommendations BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk will be heard at said meeting. LAGE COUNCIL. * (June29& Ju~y6,lWZ~-EDlW G, M. Vest, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires April lath, 1979. I' SUN NEWSPAPERS w AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. } 5s. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Bloomington, Minnesota J. R. RITCHAY, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns 'devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulatedab and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly deqxered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington in said county, established and open during its regular business hours €or the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related th-ereto. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newsp9per has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 therea€ter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Notice of %mj.~ . hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for b*xo successive weeks; that it was first so published on mwa the 29th day of 'lllP8 , 19- 72 -- and was thereafter printed and published on every nurs to and including Thup(J the &h day , 19- 72 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, bo$h inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: abcdefghiiklmnopqrs~~ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /3 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6& day of July , 1932- G. M. Vest, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission Expires April 18th, 1979. (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. SOTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 5624 NOTICE OF PUBUC HEABMG To VACATE BARYLANE EDINK\-% CE C0Lb"IL wll meet lbclemwscd street vag;;hpa;= wn ad des1 nated on tbe plat d Lund Kruse Ad8 tion accordmg ut the ma w bt there- of on file or of record LE tie optice of the Register of Deeds in and fur Hennepin AU zjections and recommendations CkUn Minnesota will be heard at said meeting. JAGECOUNCIL. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG (June 29 & Ju~yG.19721-ED1M: Village Clerk .. Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Request for Vacation of Library Lane as platted in.LUND KRUSE ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof Gentlemen : First Edina National Bank hereby requests that Library Lane as platted in the plat of LUND KRUSZ ADDITION be vacated by the Village of Edina. First Edina National Bank is the fee owner of Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, LUND KRUSE ADDITION, First Edina National Bank is the buyer of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lot 6, Block 1, LUND KRUSE ADDITION and is also the buyer of Lots 5 and 9, Block 1, LUND KRUSE ADDITION. The lands now owned by First Edina National Bank together with the lands to be acquired by First Edina National Bank will be developed inaccordancewith a plan of development dated , 1972 which will be submitted to your Planning Commission at the initial hezring on this matter. plan eliminates the need for public access through Library Lane to any of the properties lying North thereof. .Since there is no necessity for public access over Library Lane, the vacation is proper. Such development Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours , FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK