HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-21 RYAN AVE. between W. 66th St. & point S. of N. Line of L. 3, B1. 18, N'dale.i Please make check payable to City of Ed- dnd direct: za Cashier, 1.50 f $3.430 NoA 19198 ln the Hattar of the Petition of tg~y~(3 J, CARE and CATHERINE A. 1 1 PARR t ) ) AMENDED and yp THE RPRORABtE JUDCES OF THE DISTRICT CCURT OP HENNEPIIQ CoUVHTPt 1, That on the 30th day of July, 1973, the Registrar of Titlta entered Certific8te of Tftle No. 494843 to Irving S. Csrr and Catherine 4. Carr, hu8band and wife as joint tenlnts for the following deecribed land: That part of Lot 3 lpfng West of the East 123 feet thereof; Lots 4 and 5; a11 in Block 18, "Normandale", according to tho recorded plat thereof. 2. That, among others, there is regfetered upon raid Cettificare Of Titlo the memorial oE the follovfng documcats: Document No. 2005233.a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina on the 2lst dag of June, 1971., where- in the said Village Council resolved that: "the followin3 described portion 0" Ryan Avenue, all as platted and of recod in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for' Bennepin County, Minneeota, be and is hereby vacated effective July 20, 1971, unless on or before said date this resolution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Co unc i 1 : That part of Ryan Avenue lying between W. 66th Street end Q pain:: 45 feet South of the North line of Lot 3, Block 18, Normandale Document No. 1297500, a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Village Council of the Villaurr of Rdina on the ZOrh da9 of January, 1969, wherein the Village Council reRolvcd that2 lithe €011 .)wing deecrlbed portion of Parnell Avcl:.~. nl1 as platted and of record in the olr'tca f the Reffigtar of Deeds In and for 1Ictnnepln <:ounty, Pfinno- enta, be and Is her&y vacated aEfectivo 4 4 J I February 25, 1969, vnters on or bQfOm said date thio rcsolution is amended, annulled or rarcinded by the Pillage All that part of Psrnell Avenue lying between a line parallel with and three feet North of the Westerly extension oE the South 1Lne of Lot 5. Block 19. "Norman- dale" and a circular line (concave to the North and having a radius ' of 53 feet) the center of said circle being 10 feet West of the West line of Lot 4. 3lock '19, "Normandale" and SO feet South of the Westerly extension of the North line of said Lot 4.'' 3. That the Certificate of the Village Clerk which is a part of v; *? I\ 9 ,p >A' iY eaid Document No. 1005233 state8 that said resolution "has not been amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Council". That said Certificate is dated the 27th day of June, 1971. That by the terms of the resolution adopted by said Village Council the rt8olution oE vacation was to be effective July 20, I97l5 "Unless on or before said date thie roeofution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village co unc i 1". 4. That the Certificate of the City Clerk which is a part of said Document No. 1297500 does not contain a statement that the said resolu- tion w88 not amended, annullad or rescinded by the Village Council prior to its effective date of February 25, 1969, 5. That the plattors of y'Blormrada~e'~ did donate and dedicate to the public uae forever "all the streets, avenues ... a& shown on the annexed that the said plat shows Ryan Ave. adjoining the land described tn Ffndfng No. 1 hereln on the West and ehows Parnell Av~. adjoining the said land deccribod in/Findiag on the East. 6. That by statute the Village bf Edit18 ir now known a8 City of Ed Lna. 7. !I 66surne there will be evidence at the heariag to seppozt 8 I 1 < ffndfng in the Order to be entered herein) that the vscationsof that portton of Ryan Avo. and that portion of Parnell Ave. as hereinafter described were v'alld and that the ,88Ld Xasolutions Document Norc 1005233 and l297SQQ were not amended, annilled or rescinded by the said Village Council; that the portiana of eaid avenues an hereinafter described should be added ky/& '&(;A&-- c. 7 d3! %J-'-'-L \ to thc land description contained Ln said CertifLcete of Tittle No. 494843~ \ 'I I. . -* V I 1 8. That notice of these prococdfngs should bo gfven to the City of Edlna.which it3 to be by service upon it of un Order to Show Cauae returnable before this Tourt at Room A 702 of the Hennepln County Govbrnment Center at 2:OO P:. of a Tuesday to be therein desigaated and which must advise it that ft show cause, if any it has, why the Order as hereinafter recommended should not: be entered. I. therefore recommend, upon return of said Order to Show Cause and upon due proof of the Poregoing matters at the hearing herein, no valid objection to the contrarythen appearing, that this Court enter an crder at3 followa: That the Registrar of Titles, upon the filing with him of a certtfied copy of this Order, show by memorial that the following portions of vacated avenues are to be added to the lrnd description contained in said Certificate of Titla 80. 494843: That part of the adfointng vacated Ryan Avc. lying Easterly of the center line thereof and between the Westerly ' extensions across ft of the South line of said Lot 5 and the South fine of the North 45 feet of said tot 3. That part of the adjoining ,ypcated Parnell Ave. lying blesterly/ the center line thereof and between the Easterly extension across it. of the Worth line of -tne South 3 feet of safd Lot 5, and Southerly of a line corn- mencing at the Northeast corner u€ . said tot 4; thence Southerly along the Easterly line thereof 50 feet to the point of beginning and thence Southeasterly along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast having a rsdtus of SO feet to said center line; and chat upon the issuance of future Certificates of Title lssucd for said land he carry forward the added land description into the body of the Certificate of Title and that he omit from said future Certificates of Title the memorials of Document N<;a 1005233, 1297500 and of this Order. Reapccefullg submitted this 2nd day of November, 1978. RICHARD U. EDBLOH, Examiner of Titlea EMW / d JC 4EOl WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 61 2-927-8861 RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF RYAN AVENUE WHEREAS, two weeks' published, posted and mailed notice of a hearing to be held on June 21, 1971, at 7:OO p.m., on the proposed street vacation here- inafter. described has been given and made and a hearing has been held thereon by the Village Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of Ryan Avenue, all as platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, be and is hereby vacated effective July 20, 1971, unless on or before said date this resolution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Council: That part of Ryan Avenue lying between Id. 66th Street and a point 45 feet South of the North line of Lot 3, Block 18, Normandale Addition. ADOPTED this 21st day of June 1971. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF IIENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA 1 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina Village Council at its regular meeting of June 21, 1971, and as recorded in the minutes of said regular meeting, and that said.resolution has not been amended, annulled or rescinded by tile Village/City Council, said resolution having been filed on August 15, 1971, as Document No. 3899153, Book 71, in the office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for Hennepin County. .WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 17th day of November, 1978. City Clerk t. f .^ I * I_ . RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF RYAN AmNUP, FfHZREAS, two weeks' published, posted and mailed notice of a Hearing to be held on June 21, 1971, at 7:OO p.m., on the proposed street vacation hereinafter described has been given and made and a Hearing has been held thereon by the Village Council: NOIJ, TJBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described portion of Ryan Avenue, all as platted and of record in ghe office 05 the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County,i.i Elinnesota, be arid is hereby vacated effective July 20, 1971, unless on or before said date this resolution is amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Cobncil: Dated That part of Ryan Avenue lying between 17. 66th Street and a point 45 feet South of the North line of Lot 3, Block 18, Normandale Addition. this 21st. day of June, 1971, ATTEST : (signed) ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR, Mayor (signed) FLORENCE 8, HALLBERG Village Clerk STATE OF I4I"ESOTA ) COWTY OF €EX?"NPIN ) SS VILLAGE OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF VILLAGE CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting Village Clerk for the Vil- lage of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolu- tion v7as duly adopted by the Edina Village Council at its Regular Heeb in8 of June 21, 1971, and as recorded in the Blinutes of said Regular tleeting and that this resolution has not been amended, annulled or rescinded by the Village Council. TJITNESS. my haad and seal of said Village th-ks 22nd day of July, 1971. Village Clerk Wm7togg@ ai-7 q&ggma 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 85424 wn7llag@ @.P q&gflma 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 65424 Dared 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927-8862 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MlNNES 927-886 I , NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY SOUTH DIVISION 5309 WEST 7OTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 June 7, 1971 Mrs. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs. Hallberg: This is in answer to the Notice of Public Hearing of the proposed vacation of a portion of Ryan Avenue, which portion is described as follows : That part of Ryan Avenue lying between W. 66th Street and a point 45 feet South of the North line of Lot 3, Block 18, Normandale Addition. Please be advised that we have no objection-to this vacation. Sincerely, H!IR:mc H. T. Ryan Distribution Superintendent r ..,._ . .- I !I NATIONAL 4730 W. 66TH STREET / .MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 66436 / 61 2-922-8838 ~ :i, ?I J. I .' .- 1, I. april 13th#' '1971 I .' Village Clerk, -1 ! I1 I I' 1 Re : Lots 3 4 & 5 Block 18 Normandale Addnr I I* 1. I ,! Regarding the W&t side of lots 3 '4 and 5 of block . 11 $1 I 18 Normandale Addition and the cul-de-sac which has terminated Ryan '&venue at 65th St. It'is hereby requested that the area eLending South on Ryan between 65&th St to 66th St be vacated. If this already has been done please advise me of this action. It is my understanding that the area vacated is usually divided equally between the con- cerned property owners #'.however, should either of the other prqperty owners not want to acquire this land it is further requested that theix half be also asq&&aed to lots 3 4 and 5 block 18 NormahdaLeAddition,' 4- I . 'L I. .. I -1 - f“ 11 < at part d Avenue’lyinZ be tweenw.e&hSreetanda lnt45f-t South of the N& be of Et 3. Block 18. Nonuadak Addition AU objecticc3 ad raommeudations wiilbelieardd midmeetin BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FJJXWCE B. HAL~BERG Village Clert . (Maya0 Q si. 197ll--ED2A-1Oc wiubehL;ardzt&meetin. BY 'ORDER OF THt VILLAGE 5 wfi~ bebhardzt said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE . L . witibe a nli dp. COUNCIL BY ORDER OF TEE VILLAGE FUMENCEB HAGhERG Vige Clerk . (Ea3yB)B z?. 19n)--ED2A-lw: 431 W.Silli SRIEET EDINA. IlIIwNEsoTA55(24 KOTICE OF PUXLIC BEARING To EDMA \IILLAGE COUNCIL will meet VACATEW~~~.YOFRYANAVENUE COUNCIL FLORENCEB. HALbERG Village Clerk ~May20tz7.1mbE3l-2A-1oc SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 6601 W. 78th St. EDINA SUN Bloomington, Minnesota State of Minnesota ss. County of Hennepin J. R. RITCHAY, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington in said county, established and open during its regular business hours €or the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned 'below. (8) Said newspgper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. Notice of Hearingto Vacate He further states on oath that the printed Portion of Ryan Avenue hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English languag8, once each week, for successive weeks: that it was &st so published on Thurs the 20th iay of Play , 19.E and was thereafter printed and published on every Thurs to and including Thurs 27th day ,,f.IhY ~ 19x and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: abcdefghi jklmnopqmtuvwxyz abcdeIplhijklmnoplrstuvwxy2 Subscribed and morn to before me this 27th day of Has ,192 nf (Notarial Seal) I) Alice J. Nelson, Notary Public,+fennepin County, Minn. cI_ (Olllelal PDYldiOJ) YILLkCEOPIIDINA 4631 F;. STR SFRCET EDINA ETIXNESOTA 554U VACATE PORTION OF RYAN AVENUE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet Monday June 7 19n at 7:O p.m. in the and Wia will. jnbge atsaid G~u tank ie01 sad W. phce ~ath conside; Street theproplsedvacalronof Uiatp3;toIRjan Avenuedescnbd asfollow ?hat part d Ryan Avqnuc lying be tween W. 68U1 Street and a int I feet South of tht nonh Lmr of Et 3, Block All objections and recommendations BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE NOTICE OF'PUBLIC HEARING TO i 18.Normardalc Addrtzoa willbe heardat saidmeeting. COUNCIL. FLORENCEB.HALLBERG i Village Clerk , (Maya& n,1971)-m2A-1oc - My Commission Expires December ZS, 1973 .. SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota } ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin J. R. RITCHAY, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington in said county, established and open during its regular business hours €or the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. No%5ue of Hearagto Vat?a% He further states on oath that the printed Po&ion of Ryan Avenue hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English languagh, once each week, for *o successive that it was first so published on Tkru~s ‘*” day of &;lP weeks; 19- 71 and was thereafter printed and published on every Tkwa to and including ThWG thp 27‘bh day op , 19- and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqntvwxyz Subscribed and mom to before me.this 2?th day of Hay , 19- 71 (Notarial Seal) My Commission Expires December 26, 1973 'Y I / & 9 4730 W. 66TH STREET / MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 / 61 2-922-8838 - / 4-3- Pipril 13th, 1971 Village of Edina Edina, NN. 55424 Village Clerk, Re : Lots 3 4 & 5 Block 18 Normandale Addn. Regarding the West side of lots 3 4 and 5 of block 18 Normandale Addition and the cul-de-sac which has terminated Ryan Avenue at 65th St. It is hereby requested that the area ekending South on Ryan between 65ath St to 66th St be vacated. 4- If this already has been done please advise me of this action. It is my understanding that the area vacated is usually divided equally between the con- cerned property owners,?however, should either of the other property owmers not want to acquire this land it is further requested that their half be also as&@aed to lots 3 4 and 5 block 18 NormandaleAddition.