HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-21 W. 65th St. from RYAN TO PARNELL AVE.i 5532 County Road 18 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 January 16, 1969 Mrs, Florence B, Hallberg Edina Village Clerk 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs. Hallberg: This is to rescind my request for a permanent easement on West 65th Street between Parnell Avenue and Ryan Avenue as stated in my letter of May 2, 1.967. 3 83s 1 5532 County Road 18 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 May 2, 1967 1 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY IOWA-MINNESOTA-NEBRASKA-NORTH DAKOTA-SOUTH DAKOTA i' . Mr, Raymond B, Drake Edina Village Engineer 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr, Drake: This is to acknowledge your notice of April 24, 1967 relative to the proposed street vacation as indicated on the attached sketch. As you will note on the enclosed sketch, we do encumber this proposed vacation With one pole and aerial cable. -Please be advised that we have no objection to this +acation provided the petitioner will grant us a permanent easement for the re- Bention of our facilities. Yours truly, District Engineer Attach. UEST 65vM W W > 2 a a STRE:ET --- I hOf?THt^lESTERM BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY SKEXH OF PROPOSED STREFT VACAT103 MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 May 1, 1967 Mrs Florence B Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 48OlWest 50 Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs Hallberg In regard to the proposed vacation of West 65 Street between Ryan Avenue and Parnell Avenue, we have no plant in this area and do not object to this vacation. Sincerely Warner P Blake Operations Planning Engineer WPB: j t FORM 115-E4143 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY COPQ November 25, 1968 Florence 13. Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55il24 Dear Mrs, 13allberg: This is in f’urther reference to the copy of the petition we received from you for the vacation of W. 65th St. from Ryan Ave, to Parnell Aver Please be advised that we have obeahed the necessary easements for the retention of our facilities, therefore we have no objection to this vacationp Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Yours truly, E.P, Robertson Distribution Superintendent Minneapolis Division BY George UC, Lewis Senior Right of Way Agent EPR/GCL/p r I NSP NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY May 8, 1967 Florence B. Hallberg, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mrs. Hallberg: This.is to acknowledge receipt of your letter relative to a petition received by the Village of Edina for the vacation of W. 65th Street from Ryan Avenue to Parnell Avenue. We have indicated on the attached sket-c-h the location of our facilities in this area and wish to advise that we have no objection to this vacation provided we are granted a permanent easement for the retention of our facilities or are reimbursed for rerouting them. We will notify you when satisfactory arrangements have been made with the petitioner. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours truly, E.P. Robertson Distribution Superintendent Minneapolis Division By As c, -LA George OC. Lewis Senior Right of Way Agent EPR GCL:pr m-T-# N f . f' ,I' I. \/-- b \. . :. .$ 7 , **' 1 ',* f IC L I .. kl L OT 15 ! i I ! 'I I I i I I 4 .. I 1 k- ‘C Q LOT / .I Y J i I. . . .. -., -. . . . --. . .. August 30, 1962. EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL To whom it may concern: It has been called to my attention that the Edina Village Planning Commission will in the near future consider the vacating of that portion of West 65th Street between Ryan Ave. and Parnell Ave. .This street abuts my p%operty( Lot 5- Block 13, Normandale Addition) on the south side for a distance of approximately 245 ft. My family and I have resided on this property - Street address, 6433 Ryan Ave., since August 1933 and have some knowledge of the past condition and usage of tMs portion of 65th Street. This particular block of 65th Street has a very steep grade, with fine sand and clay soil, and has had no practical usage since 1936. Heavy brush, weeds and deep erosion ruts mad-e it quite impassible to automobile traffic, and since it led to no particular point, has never been maintafned by the Village of Edina. In the summer of 1960, bulldozers cleared the road for the 4nstallation of the storm sever. Vhen this installation vas ~ .( complete, the road of course vas passable to automobilest However, the clearing away of brush etc. has also hastened the erosion of the road- way. Cars and trucks which have used the road since that time have only adddto the eroded condition. The village of course has not maintained, this portion of street since it has never had- any practical usage, and vas barricaded for reason of a. dangerous portion of street = In conclusion, our property lies within "AEF? -Ari of the recent storm sewer assessment map sent to all property owners. Vith thfs heavy assessment of ( $.08014/ sq.ft.) already a burden, the grading and improvement of this 245 ft. of 65th Street would add even more to our hlghly taxed property For these reasons I am fully in aggreement with any proposal to vacate this portion of road. Llo& fie Lunddl .. ’ / I 7 ” ,-- R * 7 1- 1 1 I 7 1 7 - -2- -- To tihorn it may concern: We the undersigned are of a deflnite opinion that %he portion of West 65th Street, between Ryan Ave. and Parnell Ave, should be vacated and barricaded from further tzaf fie. This portion of road in question is very steep ad dangerous; thus making it a traffic hazard. Both construction veucles arid automobile drivers use excessPve speed when traversing this portion of road above mentioned. Now days there are many cU%dren playing around here and %here, also on thfs road fn question; where so little drfv5ng caution seems to be used. Before some one fs injured or killed, we feel that it is of a very urgent and important issue that this portion of West 65th Street should be closed fmm further t~affic. We the undersigned om property abutting this por'clora of lest 65th Streef, and ape s.t&Ll acquainted with the hazardous conditions and heavy mafntenetnce problems exllsting in this poption of road in questfon. We would apprecfa%e a eonsidemtfon of vaca%ing the portion of Yest 65th Stree'l;, as above mentioned; when the approach of Virginia Ave. to lest 66th Street fs completed and put in se~~vfce~ I // Respect fuZP y ; 1 Warren R. Thompson 6501 Ryan Ave. EdSna Lloyd E. Lmdaha 6433 Ryan Ave, Edina \ . . i .. . Village of dina 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 I 3 Z Z v) W 3 0 't m ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST65TH STREET EDINA VILLAGE COLWCIL will meet hfondav April 7. 1969. at 7:W p.m. in the Edlna Gillage Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and will at said place and time consider the fol- lowing streetvacation: West 65th Street between R.van Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease- ment describedasfollows: A 30 foot strip of land lving 15 feet North and South of the c&ter 3ne of West 65th Street as platted and lving between the Southerlv extension of'the East line of Lot 5, Block 13, Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the Westlineof saidLot5. All obiections and recommendations will be heard dsald meeting. COL?ICIL. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE FLORENCE B.HALLBERG Village Clerk I hht. 20 & 27.19691-EC-2A-IOC AI1 objections and recommendations will be 1 BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE1 I FLORENCE B.HALLBERG village Clerk( heard at said meeting. COLncIL. I hkr. 20&27.1969)--EC-zA-1Oc lowing street'iacation. West 65th Street between Ryan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease-\ mentdescribed as follows: A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as olatted and lvinrr, EDINA. hIINNESOTA 554Z NOTICEOF PLBLICHEAWG ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST65TH STREET EDNA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet Monday. April 7. 1969. at 7:w pm in the Epina Vil!age Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and mll at sard place and time consider the foi- lowing streetvacation: ' West 65th Street between Rvan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease- mentdescribed as follows: A 30 foot strip of land l~ng '15 feet North and South of the center tine of West 65th Street as platted and ving between the Southerly extension o/.the East tine of Lot 5. Block 13 Normandale Addition. and the Southerli extension of the West line of said Lot5 All objections and recommendations will be BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE FLORENCE B. HALLBERG 1 Mar. 20 & 27.1969)-EC-ZA-IOC Village Clerk heardatsaidmeeting. co LWCIL. 1 between the Southerly' extension of' th7! I East tine 9f Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of/ WEST65TH STREET EDmA VILLAGE COLWCIL will meet hfonday. April 7. 1969 at 7:~ pm. in the Epina Vil!age Hall. 41 W. 50th street. and v wI1 at said place and time consider the fol- lowing streef vacation: West 65th Street between Ryan Avenue and ' Pame11 Avenue except the utility ease- ment described asfollows. A 30 foot sttip of Iind l.ving 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted .and lying between fie Southeriv extenson of the East line Of Lot 5. Black 13 Normandale I the West tine of said Lot 5. All obiections and recommendations will bel ment described as follows: A 30 foot strip of land lving 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted .and Isin$ between the Wtherlv extenson of the East line of Lot 5, Block 13. Normandale Addition and the Southerly extension Of thewesilineof saidlot5. All objections and recommendations Will be heard at said meeting. heard aisaid meeting. I BY ORDER OF THE FDINA VILLAGE! FLORENCEB. HALLBERG VillageClerk I COLmclL. I hhr. 20 & 27,1969)--EC-ZA-IOC I IOffidd Pcbllcatioa) VILLAGEOF EDNA 4801 W.53TH STREET EDINA. hlNNESOTA 55424 1 I ~. .. .. NOTiCEOF PL'BLICHEARINC WEST CTH STRFFT ON STREET VACATIOY OF PORTION OF . . __ - - - - __ - - - - E'IINA VILLAGE COLWCIL will meet hIonday. April 7. 1969. at 7:OO p.m. in the Edlna Village Hall. A901 W. 50th Street. and will at said place and time consider the fol- lowine street vacation: 'Wes'r 65thSGeetbetween Ryan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease-I A 30 foot strip of land lving 15 feet ment described as follows: North and South of the c&ter line of I I West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerlv extension of the WestlineoTsaidLot5. . All obiections and recommendations will bel BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE I heardaisaid meeting. COLNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG ' Village Clerk ! I hhr. 20 &27.1969)-EC-ZA-IOC I Wect 65th Street between Rvan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease- mentdescribed as follows. A 30 foot strip of land lving 15 feet North and South of the c&ter tine of W@t 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. All objections and recommendations will be BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE heardatsaidmeeting i COLWCIL. I , FLORENCEB.HALl I -- IOIfidd Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 5OTH STREET EDINA. bUVNESOTA55424 NOTICE OF PLBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 65TH STREET EDINA VILLAGE COLWCIL will. meet hlonday. Apnl 7. 1969. at 7:W pm. in the Edlna Village Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and will at said place and time consider the fol- lowing street vacation: West 65th Street between Ryan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease- ment described as follows: A 30 foot strip of land lving 15 feet North and South of the chter line of West 65th Street as platted and lving between the Southerlv extension of'the East tine of Lot 5. Block 13, Normandale' Addition. and the Southerly extension of the Westlineof saidlot5. All objections and recornmendations will bet , heard at said meeting. ' BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE I COLNCIL. FLORENCE B.HALLBERG Villageclerk 1 I hkr. 20&27.1969)--EC-ZA-10C -_c ---- _c 2_ -- I *---- . FLORENCE B.HALLBERG Ihkr. 20&27.1969)--EC-2A-10C Village Clerk _I ------ IOffidd Publication) VILLAGEOF EDNA ' 4801 W. 5OTH STREET EDINA. hIINNESOTA 55424 NOTICEOFPLBLICHEARING - ' ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF, WESTBBTH STREET Mondav. April 7. 1969 at 7:M p.m. in the' Edlna Village Hall. &I W. 50th Street and will at said place and time consider the fol-' lowingstreet vacation: West 65th Street between Rvan Avenue and Parneli Avenue except the utility ease- ment described as follows: A 30 foot strip of land 'lying 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted and lving I between the Southerly extension of' the 1 East line of Lot 5 Block 13 Normandale Addition and Ute'Southerly' extension of 1 the Wesiline of said Lot 5. All objections and recommendations will'be ' EDNA VILLAGE COUNCIL wiii meet' ' 1 heardat said meeting COLNCIL. BY ORDER OF +HE ED~A VILLAGE* FLORENCE B.HALLBERG~ I 1 hbr. 20&27.1969l-EG2A-i0C J- - ---- ----cc - _" COLWCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk 1 ' 1 hbr. 20 & 27.1969)--EC-2A-IOC ' SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota } ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepm W. JOHN BERTRAM, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly! and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly dwlicate any other publication and is not made up. entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regutarly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to Eerve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the Citp of Bloomington said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and main- tained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and con- trol during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business relate& thereto. (6) Said news- paper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said news- paper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1. 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. NO'fICE OF PUBLIC HEARLEG He further states on oath that the printed ................................................... .hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed '2 and published therein in the Englis6 language, once each week, for ......... successive weeks: P P Thurs 20 March 69 that it was first so published on ............. the .............. day of ................. 19 ..... Thurs a and was thereafter printed and published on eyery ............................ to and including Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .27 day of ... '. (Notarial Seal) , /3 (Official Publication) VILLAGEOFEDINA 4801 W. NTH STREET EDINA. hfI"ESOTASW24 NOTICEOF PUBLICHEARING ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 65TH STREET EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet Monday. April I. 1969. at 1:OO p.m. in the Edina Village.Hal1. 4801 W. 50th Street. and will at said olace and time wnsider the fol- I lowing streefvacation: West 65th Street between R.wn Avedue and Pamell Avenue except the utility ease- ment dexribedasfollows: A 30 foot strip of land lving IS feet North and South of the center tine of West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerlv extension of the East line if Gt%Zii&i 13. N&Gdale Addition, and the Southerly extension of the Westlineof sdidlotl. All objections and recommendations will be . . heard atsaid meeting. COLWCIL. = BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk ' I hfar. 20 & 27.1969)-EC-2A-10C 1 * Barbara Samuelson, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires November 8, 1971 SUN NEWSPAPERS ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 65TH STREET EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet hlondav. April 7. 1969. at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina 'Village Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and Will at said blace and time consider the fol- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION lowing street vacation: West 65th Street between Rvan Avenue and Pamell Avenue except &e utility ease ment describedasfollows: A 30 foot strip of land lying I5 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerly extension of the Fast line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the WestlineofsaidLotS. All objections and recommendations will be BY ORDER OF THE EDNA VILLAGE FU)RENCEB.HALLBERG Village Clerk 1 ' heardat saidmeeting. co LNCIL. 1 InIar.20&27.1969)-EC-2A-lOC c-___--- ~ - __, ____- I EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota } ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin W. JOHN BERTRAM, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly! and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertlsements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 15% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to wewe the City Oe Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the CitP of Bloomington @I said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and main- tained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and con- trol during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business relate& thereto. (6) Said news- paper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said news- paper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and. signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. NUL FCL GV PUiLTC ki.&$.bIijG He further states on oath that the printed ................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ......... 2 successive weeks: r? that it was first so published on ......... 'I'hurs ..?. the and was thereafter printed and published on eyery ........................... Thurs. to and including 20 Karch ............. day of ................. 19 6?. rz ........ the ... .27 day of .. i-'arcki9 6Eland that the following is a printed copy lnurs. of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, 'bo!h inclusive, and. is hereby acpowledged as bemg the size and kind of type used in the composition and pubhcation of said notice, to wit: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -, 7 t ......... - ._I_--.-- ZF&- .................................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of (Notarial Seal) )I My Commission Expires November 8, 1971 . .. VILLAGE OF EDINA 4301 W. 5OTH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAPJNG ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF %EST G5TH STREET EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet lfonday, April 7, 1969, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 59th Street, and will at said place and time consider the following street vacation: Uest 65th Street between Ryan Avenue and Parnell Avenue except the utility easement described as fo~~ov7s: A 30 faot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center line oflkst 65th Street as platked and lying between the Southerly extension of the East: line of Lat .5, Block 13, No-mandale Addition, and the Southerly extension of the Mest lineoof said Lot 5. All objections and recommendations will be heard at said meeting, BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk llarch 21, 1969 ! i 1 . . i ._ .. .. .. Elia~~h 22, 3969 -E f, the undersigned, behg the duly quakfgied sct%ng Wllage Clerk of the * February 7 , 19 69 ,, acting on behalf of se%d Village X deposited V%flcage of Ed%na, Minnesota, hereby ce~kify &hag QZI the f~Ilow9ag date in tho UnllteB States nail copPes of the attached (Exh%bit A), enclosed iu sealed envedopea, wfth postage the~seon duly prepaid, addresoad to the perrsons cat the addresses 435 aham on eke nnz&!.hg, liee (E~:lttflb%t a31 attached to the orLg8nd hereof, whJleh list is on ffle in my offa~e, eagd pcgsms befng those s;rgpeaame$ng on the racohdea of the County Audiks'9p as mmers of the prior to the date of the hearing; and tho'c f also sent safd not%ce to the following corporations at the indicated addresses whose property is exempt from taxatfan and 8s therefore not carrPed on the recardo of said County rhuditor. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON W. 65TH STREET VACATION property listed opposite their respestltve as of a data 17 day&? WXTNESS my hand and the sea9 of sagd Village this February 19 69 7th day of 'I/ .-.------ _- HYDE PARK Developer - Ed Johnston - ---.- - -- 1 I i I HALLQUIST ADDITION -- Developer -- C. R. HALLQUIST VI1 A 1 c P I i c Dated SBgned c Dated SBgned I.lg'THE88 my hand and the net38 of sagd VlPfage this 21st day of March , 19 69 Edha Village Clark ... . -. . . -I. I I".. Mailing List - Notice of Public Hearing Vacation of portion of W. 65th St. Normandale Addition Lot 5, Block 13 West 1/2 - L. E. Lundahl, Jr. East 1/2 - Ralph Johnson 6433 Ryan Ave. 8350 Fremont Ave. S., Apt. 202 Lot 1, Block 18 West 1/2 - W. R. Thompson ' 6501 Ryan Ave. F. C. Thomson 650& Ryan Ave. No S. Po Minneapolis Gas Co. N. W.. Bell Telephone Co. Z tmsb: rhar ch%s delay will not cause any inconvenience to you. February 13, 3969 Bebmary 13, 11969 Febmaxy 23, 2969 I ]3eeauoc OB an error in the legal description of the portion of Ucst 65th Street proposed to be vacated, the hearing scheduled for Februai77 24, 1969, \rill not be held. Betr noticcs vi11 be scnl: to nffcctcd property otmers adsising the datc of the ncv hcaring. hald on Ilztrcli 17, 1969. It is anticipated that titis hnaring -trill nov ba I trust that this delay will nofr cause any inconvenicnce to you. FLORENCE B,‘ HAUBERG Edina Village Clerk February 13, 1969 : 2; ,. -I ..... -..-..*I..-. ........... .._.--I- , * .i .. .- ,. , I ’ _I .. ’ ....... ... -__ . = -.. ..... .,. -* . I. .. ”. .... ... . ._ .. : .. . - ... .. # -. . -.._ . ._.' I. .. .. 1 .. , e-. ., . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OH STRZET VACATION OF PORTIOP? OF \?EST 65TH STXET EDIRA VI3224GE COUt?CIL vi11 ~ilzet I-Tonday, February 24, 1969, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edlna Village Hall, 4501 11. 50th Street, and Trill, at said place and tim? consider the fol~owing street vacation: *. .. * .? ' .' A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of -- 6. tho center line of Uest 65th Street as platted and lying . A betmcn the Southerly extcnsion of the EacC line of Lot 5, Block 13, lbimandale Addition, and the Southcrly ex- tcnsion of the Ilest line ot said Lot 5. All objections and recornendations will be heard at said meeting . BY OPXER 02 TIE VILL4GE COUECIL. I FLOP31!GE B. €JALLEERG Villzgc Clerk Februar,y 7, 1969 c I (Official Poblication) VILLAGEOF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA. hIHNESOTA55424 NOTICEOFPUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 65TH STREW EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL Will meet Monday February 24. 1969. at 7:W p.m. in the 'Edina Village Hall. 4801 W. 50th Sweet. and will at said place and time con- sider the following street vacation :. A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted and lving between the Southerlv extension of'the East line of Lot 5 Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the' Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. All obiections and recommendations will be heardit saidmeeting. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk Village Clerkj I tFeb. 61 13.1969i--Ec-2a-1Oc __ -- - L _. - . c (Feb. 6 8; 13.1S69)--EC-2a-1oC~ -. t I- i i r ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 65TH STREET ' EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet hlonday February 24 1969. at 7:W p.m. In the' 'Edina Village' Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and will at said place and time con- sider the following street vacation: A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted and lving between the Southerly extension of' the East line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale' Addition. and the, Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. c -- ._ I ---_ --- (Official Pnblkation) VILLAGE OF EDINA , 4891 W. 50TH STREET EDNA, MNNESOTA 55424 NOTICEOF PUBLICHEARNG ' ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION EDWA VILLAGE COUNCIL wlll meet' Monday Februarv 24 1969 at 1:W p.m. in the 'Fdina Vfilage' Hall.. 4801 W. 50th Sweet. and will at said place and fime con- sider the following street vacation: A 30 foot strip of land lying 15. feet North and South of the cenfer line of West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. All objections and recommendations will BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk OFWFST65THSTREET., I I be heard at said meeting. tFeb. 6& 13.1969b-EC-2a-IOc (Official Pnblieation) VILLAGEOF EDINA 4801 W. SOTHSTREET EDINA MINNESOTA55424 ON STREEX VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST 6STH STREm ED~A VILLAGE COUNCIL will meel Monday. February 24. 1969. at 7:W in the Edina Village Hall. 4801 .w. pg Street. and will at said place. and time con sider the following street vacation:, A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 fee North and South of the center line 0 West 65th Street as platted ,and Win, between the Southerly extenslon Of th &st line of Lot 5. Blbck 13. Normandal Addition. and the Southerly extension ( the West line of said Lot 5. AI^ objections and recommendations Will By ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. Village HALLBERG Clerk NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING beheardat saidmeeting. (Feb. 6.82 13.1969k-EC-2a-10c~. J -. .. (Official Publication) VILLAGEOF EDNA ' 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA55424 NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF WEST65THSTREET EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet hlonday February 24 1969 at 7:W p.m. in the 'E!dina Village' Hall." 4801 W. 54th Street, and will at said place and time con- sider the following street vacation:. A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center he of West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Southerly extension of'the East line of Lot 5. Block 13, Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. Ail obiections and recommendations will be heard& said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Villaee Clerk Village Clerk IFeb. 6&13. lp69kEc-za-loC . -1 Village Clerk (Feb. 6 & 13.1S691-EC-Za-10c (Feb. 6& 13.1969l-FC-2a-lOc- . "1 . .- $# SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLlCATlON EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota } ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin W. JOHN BERTRAM, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly! and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to (serve the City af Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the Cit9 of Bloomington said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and main- tained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and con- trol during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business relate6 thereto. (6) Said news- paper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said news- paper has complied with all the foregoing condition$ for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING He further states on oath that the printed ................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed 2 and published therein in the English language, once each week, for ......... successive weeks: Thurs, 6 Feb. 69 that it was first so published on ............. the ............... day of ................. 19 ..... Thurs. and was thereafter printed and published on epery ........................... to and including and that the following is a printed copy ........... ...... 19 of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, 'both inclusive and is 'hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and pGblication of said notice, to wt: Feb. 69 ThurS 13 the day of .. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... A. day of ........ (Notarial Seal) arbara Samuelson, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires November 8, 1971 SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 6601 W. 78th St. Bloomington, Minnesota } ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin W. JOHN BERTRAM, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and chving all tlmes here stated has been the vice president and printer of the newspaper known as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly! and is distributed at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to thR community which it purports to serve and does not wholly dwlicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertlsements. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 Copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City cd Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Bloomington @ said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and main- tained by the managing officer or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and con- trol during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto. (6) Said news- paper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Sadety. (7) Said news- paper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form presbribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the publisher of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. rnTIO$ QF 3?UBL&rB H,IE;ARItSG He further states on oath that the printed ................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newgpawr, and was printed 2 and published therein in the English language, once each week. for ......... successive weeks: "rure. Feb. 69 that it was first so published on ............. the .............. day of ................. 19 ..... .1 Thurr;. and was thereafter printed and published on eyery ............................ to and including and that the following is a printed copy ........ the ...... day of .. of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, 'both inclusive, and. is 'hereby acFowledged as bemg the size and kind of type used in the com sition and publicaaon of said nobce, to wit: abcdefg jklmnopqrstuvwxyz Peb. 69 ' 19 !€hUSS a IS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -I LI' ,' , LcA*a_ . - E- ........................... + 3 p. ... Subscribed and. sworn to before mc this day of .............................. 19.. (Notarial Seal) -_ /3 A I, f dkPY Barbara Samuelson, Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. 1 My Commission Expires November 8, 1971 (OffiZial hblication) VILLAGE OF EDlNA 4801 W.5OTH STREET EDNA. IMlNNESOTA55424 NOTICEoFPURI.IC HkARlNG ON STREET V~CAF~ON~~OF~-WRTION OF WFST65THSTREET EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet! Monday. February 24. 1969. at 7:W pm., in the Edina Village Hall. 4801 W. 50th Street. and will at said place and time con- sider the following street vacation: A 30 foot strip of land lying 15 feet North and South of the center line of West 65th Street as platted and lying between the Soumerly extension of the East line of Lot 5. Block 13. Normandale Addition. and the Southerly extension of the West line of said Lot 5. All objections and recommendations will BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG be heardatsaidmeeting. Village Clerk (Feb. 6&13.1969l-EC-Za-lOc _^___., - -. L c my 22, 2969 , .. s T Q I i i . L