HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-21 BROOKSIDE AVE.,
Please publtah in tb Edi~~~-t4~mi~~p&de Coua%ear February IO and 17.
Please send us two (2) Aicfidavifs of Publication.
Pleacc aend us ten (10) clfppfnga.
February 23, 1966
Daar Hr, Parlow:
Enclosed is a copy of a Resolulrion adopted UP: the %dina Council
Meeting of February 21 relative to ithe vacatim of a portLon of
BIXYO~W€~G Av~ e
Unless tie hear from you prior to Iliarch 25, 1946, the vacation wiXE be
in effect,
i ,
February 23, 19Gb
Hr. Ilamer P. Blake, Cla&&f Engineer
t4inneapolls Gas Company
739 Rarquetta Ave,
Minueapolis , Minn.
Daar ESr. Blake:
Enclosed is a copy or’ Chc Besolution adopted -ad the Ediaa Council
E-Ieeting of February 21,
Unless vie hear Eran you prior to March 25, 1966, the vacation vi11
be @a effect,
YQUPS very truly,
Village Clerk
ancl I
Village of
WALNUT 7-8861
February 23, 1966
Mr. Warner P. Blake, ChMf Engineer
Minneapolis Gas Company
739 Marquette Ave. ,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Dear Mr. Blake:
Enclosed is a copy of the Resolution adopted at the Edina Council
Meeting of February 21.
Unless we hear from you prior to March 25, 1966, the vacation will
be hn effect.
Yours very truly,
Village Clerk
6875 Sighmay Z. 65 X!. 6
Jfliweapolis, airmesofa 55432
January 18, 1966
Cui! & auaicipal €agiaeeriag
&ad Surveyots
Laad glartaiag
Soil Testiaq
The Honorable Mayor and Village Council
% Village Planner
Village of Edina
4801 West 50th St'.
Minneapolis , Minnesota 55424
Re: Request for Vacation -
Proposed Dietrich's Brookside Court
Gentlemen :
The Dietrich Company, as owner- of the above-referenced parcel
of land in the Village of Edina, Minnesota, does hereby apply for a
vacation of certain portions of streets in the above property, said
portions of streets being more particularly described towit:
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of
the South line of Lot 13, Block 21 Emma Abbott Park
extended Easterly and lying North of the North line
of Lot 12, Block 21 Emma Abbott Park extended Easterly;
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of
the South line of Lot 9, Block 21 Emma Abbott Park
extended easterly and North of the South line of
vacated Minneapolis-St . Paul and Suburban Railway
right-of -way extended Easterly.
The Dietrich Company further states that the aforementioned
portions of streets are useless for the purpose for which they were
laid out and, in fact, have never been physically surfaced.
As it is the contention of the Dietrich Company that it was the
intent of the Village of Edina to vacate these portions of streets at
the time the 3 foot strip of Brookside Avenue was vacated, and that,
in fact, these portions were omitted inadvertantly from that vacation,
the Dietrich Company respectfully submits this application for a
EL?-=-- (zcb=-.-
Bruce A. Paterson
January 18, 1966
Village of Edina
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424
48oi West 50th st.
Attn: Village Planner
Re: Request for Vacation -
Proposed Dietrich’s Brookside Court
Dear Dick:
Enclosed are two copies of a request for vacation of certain
portions of Brookside Avenue in and adjacent to the above-referenced
By way of explanation, I am enclosing some prints showing what
we feel was the chronological order of prior vacations adjacent to this
property and how each vacation affected the property in question.
Plate No. 1 shows the property as it existed prior to vacations.
Plate No. 2 shows the effect of a vacation of the westerly 3 feet
of Brookside Avenue.
strip along the easterly edge of Lots 9 through 12 and 13 through 16,
Block 21, Emma Abbott Park and had no effect on the property then known
as High Street, Motor Street and the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban
Notice that this vacation only vacated this 3 foot
Plate No. 3 shows the effect of the vacation of High Street, Motor
Street and the Minneapolis-St . Paul and Suburban Railroad properties.
This vacation only vacates these streets easterly to the east line of
Block 21, Emma Abbott Park and not to the west line of Brookside Avenue,
thereby leaving as a remainder two small rectangles of property which
legally are joined to Brookside Avenue.
To clear up this matter, we are formally requesting a vacation of
these two parcels, legal descriptions of which are given in the letter
to the council.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not
hesitate to call on us.
BAP *kr
Bruce A. Paterson
I -3
A- ----I - -- -
- ----- --. ---
--.-- --- -- --
20' Roadway to be dedicated - - in record plat - -- -. -
E?! L
\. e
FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Village Cle k (Feb. 10 - 17, 1966)-C-2A-1&2
I Easterly. All objections and recommenda- tions will be heard at said Hear- I
1 ’
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of the South line of Lot 9 Block 21 Emma Abbott Pard. extnederi easterly and North. of .the 1
I South line of vacated Mmne- apolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railway right-of-way extended Easterly.
“ions W be heard at said Hear- \ All objections and recomrnenda.
FLORENCE B. HALLBERG 1 Vflage Cle k (Feb. 10 - 17, 1966)-C-2A-dC
Vflage Cle d (Feb. 10 - 17, 1966)-C-2A-lffC
L- - - - -1
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of the South line of Lot 9 Block 21 Emma Abbott Pard extnede; easterly and North’ of .t h el South line of vacated &ne- apqlk.St. Paul and Suburban Railway right-of-way extended Easterly. I All objections and recomrnenda. ,eons will be heard at said Hear- ing. ; BY ORDER OF THE EDINA \VILLAGE COUNCIL FLORENCE B. HALLBERG Vflage Cle k (Feb. 10 - 17. 1966)4.2A-l$C
-- Le.- ’ f,-.
-- \ I
FLORENCE B. HALLBER~. Village Cle L (Feb, 10 - 17, 199-C-2A-14 .~ -
Edina-Morningside Courier
12 Suburban Square Hopkins, Minnesota
)SS. State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin ,
JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here-
in stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher and printer ... .,of the newspaper as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has.full knowledge of the facts herein stated.
That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
..... H.(?.t$.ce. .I! f . .E????&.%C.. .tle.a.??.ing. .w. . .F?XEQ.~ ed.. S$re.e..fi.. ......
Vacation ......................................................................................................
hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of'publication within the County of Hemepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches*of single column two inches wide. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with shed workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing.the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news column devoted t3 local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication: has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made u1) of patents plate matter and advertisements: has been circulated at and near its said place-of publica& to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class .ma? matter ~II local post office of-its said place of pub. 'lication: that there has been on file in the office of the County Au&tar of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the-facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notates' and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs Gf its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul.
That the printed ...~. otice..o~..p~~.b~ic..~.~.~.~.~.~,~ .............................
................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published
therein in the English language once a week for. ............. successive weeks: that it was
first so published on the ... .....Lo.. ........ day of.. ........ F.qb e. ...... 19 . .86.. and
thereafter on.. . .ThUP.S. e.. .......... of each week to and including the ... .I?. ..........
day of ..... F!3b,*. ......... 19 .. .66. ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case
alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used XI the publica-
tion of said .... Notice!...4,9..R~?.b)-.flC H.e.ar.1ng .....................................
...... ..........
Bubnoribed and aworn to before me this .............. .*. , 10 6.6
Village Cle k (Feb. 10 - 17, 1966)-C-2A-ltC
Alice J. Nelson, @(ary Public, Hennepin County, Minn.
My Commission Expires December 26,1986
Edina-Morningside Courier
12 Suburban Square Hopkins, Minnesota
}SS. State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin .
in stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher and printer ... ..of the newspaper
JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here-
as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has.full knowledge of the facts herem stated.
That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
L ..... B@.kh@. . .Q fi .. pub1 la.. 8&m.%ng. . -on. . .Fyco,po E e d .. &+.me.$. .......
.. .:. Yan.El.O;.ion ................................................................................
hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of'publication within the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space t'o 450 running inches'of single column two inches wide: has been issued from- a known office established insaid dace of Publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and- printing -the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news column devoted W local news of interest to said community it purports to serve. the press work of which has baen done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news comments and miscellany. has not duplicated any other- publication- has not been-entire- ly m'ade up of pstents plate m'atter and advertisements: has been circdated at and near its said glace of publicatiin to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers: has been entered as second class ma? matter m local post office of .its said place of pub- lication: that there has been on file m the office of the Countv Auditar of said countv the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts cphstitutfng its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices. and that its ubhshers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs if its sad audcation. A COPY of each issue has __ been filed with the State-Historical Socisty, St. Paul.
That the printed. . .M.a.*.f.C.@. . .O. f . .E,,bL$.C . .Be apgng.. ............................
................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published
therein in the English language once a week for.. .. .2.. .... .successive weeks: that it was
first so publtshed on the ....... 20 .......... day of .......... ,febr. ...... 19 .$.6.. and
thereafter on.. .%hUps.+. .......... of each week to and including the ... x.7 ...........
day of .....Fob, .......... 19 ...66. : and that the following is a copy of the lower case
alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica-
tion of said
Suhoribed and sworn to before me this ...... 19 66.
(Official Publication) VILLAGEOFEDINA 4801 'w. 55TH ST. EDINA, MINNESOTA 'NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING' ON PROPOSED STREET VACATlON . __ _____ - -. The Edina Village CounciI wilf meet at the EWa Village Hall., 4801 West 50th Street. Edina. on Mondav. Februarv 21. 1966:--at 17:oO gm., to consider the -pxid posed vacation of the foUowd street or portion thereof: The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of the South line of Lot 13 Block 21 Emma Abbott P&k ex-! tehded Easterly and
1' The West 3 feet of Brookside1 Avenue. lying South of the? South We of Lot 9 Block 21 I Emma Abbott Pars extnede; easterly and North' of the South line of vacated Minne- apolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railway right-of-way extended '
EasterQ. All objechons and recommenda- tions will be heard at sad Hear-
My Commission Expires December 26, 1986
. -. . - ..
February 11, 1966
Florence B. Hallberg, Village Clerk
Village of Edina
4801 W. 50th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424
Dear Mrs. Hallberg:
This is to acknowledge receipt of notice of the hearing
on the proposed vacation of the following street, or portion
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South
of the South line of Lot 13, Block 21, Emma Abbott
Park extended Easterly and lying North of the North
line of Lot 12, Block 21, Emma Abbott Park, extended
The West 3 feet of Brookside Avenue lying South of
the South line of Lot 9, Block 21, Emma Abbott Park,
extended easterly and North of the South line of
vacated Minneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railway
right-of-way extended Easterly.
Please be advised that we have no overhead or underground
Therefore we have no objection to said vacation.
electric distribution facilities in the area proposed to be
Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.
.)- Yours truly,
E.P. Robertson
Distribution Superintendent
Minneapolis Division
RHA : sh
By By
.t of Way Agent
.&--- 3j .a 16 G G
\?HEREAS!, two weeks6 phlished, posted and mailed notice of a
Haaring to be held on Fobmtapy 21, 1966, at 7:OO Pei3es .on the proposed
'otreot vacation of the street horeina€ter described has been given and
made, and a-Hoaring has been held thereon by *:ha VilAago Council:
TSO?!!, THEREFORE, be ie msolved 'by the VilZage Council of tho
VfLZago of Edina, Henncpin County, Hinner;o$a, that tho folloiring desmibed
portion o€ B-raokside Ave. ilal as plaeted and of record in the of€ica of ,
tho R~~~cWP 0% Deeds in and fop Hennep%n County, Llinneoota, be and 3,s
horcby vacatcd effeckivo E4arch 25, 1966, unless on or before said date
this resolution is amended, annulxed or mscinded by the Village Council:
Tho !lost 3 feet of Brooksfda Avenue lyhg South of the South
Line of Lot 513, ISLock 21, Ema Abbatt2arEr extended Easterly
and lying Ibrth o€ the tlor2h lino of Lot 12, Block 22,' Ema
Abbott Pad: c:ttendcd Easterly;.
Tho klcot 3 foe-t of Brookside Avenue lying South of the South
lhc of Lot 9, Block 21, Emma Abbot% Par!:, extended casterly and
Horth of %he South line of vacated 14inneapolis-St6 Paul and
Suburban Rafhay right-of-way oxtcnde d Eaotc~ly I
I, tho undersimad, duly appointed and acting Vilhge Clerk €or
tho Village of Edina, County of Hennapin, IISnnesoto, do hereby certify
SQKE fe a true and corroet copy of a ResoLuZion VacxtEng a Portion of Bmol:ciido Avenue duly adopted by tho VEllago of Edha CouncS1 at its .
RoguLar ilcetfng hold Non&y,.Fcbmtary 21, 1966, and aa mcorded fn the
14inutos of oaJd Regular Neeting.
. that I have conp&?ed the attached and foregohg RecoLzatfop and that the
e 'WITHESS my hand and seal of said Village This 2nd day of
ilarch, J966,
c ..
,, I