HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-18 SUMMIT AVE. FROM VERNON AVE. SOUTHI i JAMES LDORSqll8BO-1819) DORSEY, OWEN, MARQUART, WINDHORST & WEST DAVID CBRONSON EOWM~D JSCHWARRBAUER KENNETH KOWEN THOMAS UBROWN OF COUNSEL LEAMTTRBARI(ER wNoH!$corr HUGH KWRBER LAW OFFICES DONALD WEST WALDO F.WAROUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY HAUDAY JULC M.HANNhF0RD ARTHUR aWHlTNCl JOHN G.DORSL1 RUSSELL H! UNDOUIST DAVID R.BRINK HORACE LHlTCH VlRGlLItHlLL ROBERT V. TAREOX DtFOREST SPENCER ROBERT J.JDHNSON MAYNARD B.HASSEWUlST PEER WRSEY GEORGE P. FUNNERI cums L.ROY MlIHUR E.mIsBERO DUANE CJOSEPH FREDERICK CLANGE CORNEUM 0.HA'IONEV THOIW BERICKSON MICHAEL C BRESS PAUL G. ZERBY RAYUOND LRE(SIER JOHN J.TAYLOR BERNARD G.HEINZEN WILLIAM J. HEMPEL JOHN S.HIBES ROBERT 0.FLOTTEN MORTON L.SHAPIRO JAMESF.HEEKER JOHN D.LNINE ROBERTJ.SlRUYK MICHAEL LOLSON URRY H! JOHNSON ROBERT LJENSEN 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING M IN N EA PO LIS, M I N N. 6 6 40 2 TELEPHONE 332 - 33s I AREA C0,DE 612 WE ADDRESS: DORDW 1 < .. . February 2, 1966 THOUAS S.HAY CURIE O.FORSLUND G.LARRY GRlFFIIH . CRAIG LBECI( DAVID LMcWSKn THOMAS a YOE JAMES KdNAGAN JOHN K HASON ' Mrs. F1orence.B. Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear Mrs. Hallberg: . I enclose herewith the following resolutions to be kept in your records: I 1. Resolution vacating a portion of West 67th Street. I This resolution has been filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles as Document No. 831896 and recorded in the office of the Register of . Deeds as Document No. 3580368. 1 1 2. Resolution vacating a portion of Summit Avenue. This I ' J", Deeds as Document No. 3580367. solution has been filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles as Document No. 831895 and recorded in the office of the'Register 3. :Resolution vacating a portion of Circle West. This resolution has been filed in the office of khc neglatrar of T$%Xes as Document No. 808389. Very truly yours, TSEtca Enclosures I I. I. .. .. I. ... -. .. Oc~obcr 19, 1965 .. October X9, 2965 fbh Eric%. k (Orticii publ!cat!cn AWL Wcst GOtb Street galna, l\llnncsotta EM24 t October 5 1965 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING/ ON PR$l?$?Z’)o&TREET 1 The Edinn Vfllnge Council Will mcot at tho Edin5 Village Ha,\ 4001 WCEt 50th Street on Mondav October 18 1066 at ~OO Pam., tit const&r tde prdposed vacation of! the foltorving street: “Thnt portion of Summit Ave- 1 nu0 lying South of the souther- 1 rfght.of.wn line of Vernon. VILLAGE OF ED&. I I line of Lot 20, Block l?% Grand. vlow Heights Addition. All ob. cotlone nnd recommenda- tions will bc hoard at said Henrlng BY ORDER OF THE EDINA ; ; 4801 \Yost 50th Street EdlM, nlinnesota 55424 i October 5 1965 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING\ ON PROPOSED STREET VACATION a Village Council will mgf %%e Edina Village Hall, 4801 West Goth Street, on October le, 1965, at 7:OO P.m.. consider the proposed Vacation Of the following street: “That portion of Summit Ave- nue lying South of the souther* 1 right.of-wa line of Vernon Jvenue (T.2 169.212) and North of the line formed by an extension of the southerlv 1 Uno of Lot 20, Block 3; Grand-) view Heights Addition. ob ections and recommenda-1 tions wid be heard at said Hearing BY ORDER OF THE EDINA~ VILLAGE COUNCIL FLORENCE 6.v%g.$?zt$ (Oct. ‘7.14, lQos)-C-ZA-lOC I .- >-- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICAT13N Edina-Morningside Courier 12 Suburban Square Hogkins, Minnesota }SS. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin , JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here- in stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher and printer ... ..of the newspaper as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has.full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Notice of Public Hearing .................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... hereto attached said newspa r was printed and published in the English language from its known oftice of’publication Wfteulin the County of Hennepin. State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches‘of single column two inches wide. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with sbed workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news column devoted to local news of lnterest to said community it urports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication: ]Ras contained general news comments and miscellany: has not du licated any other publication: has not been entire- ly m’ade up of patents plate matter and a&ertisements; has been circulated at and near its said *lace of publicati6n to the extent of 240 copies re g subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in locppost office of its sx lace of pub- lication: that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor .of sayd county the affidavit of a person hawng first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a news aper for publication of legal notices. and that its ublishers have complied with all demanz of said County Auditor for proofs 6f its said quadcation. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society. St. Paul. arly delivered .to pa Notice of Public Hearing That the printed.. ................................................................................. ................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published 2 therein in the English language once a week for. ............. successive weeks: that it was first so publbhed on the 7 day of oc t , 19 6.5 and ...................... ....................... ..... Thur 14 thereafter on ........................... of each week to and including the ................... Oct 65 day of ....................... 19 ........ : and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet whlch is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used m the publica- tion of said ........................................................................................ abcdefghijklmnopqrstumz Notice of Public Hearing -. ...... U..l..JGd .......... PuWher uc t 65 Y- ............ r/l ....... day of ..p .............. , 19 ..... Euimorlbod and sworn to before me this 14 I ..... &. ..O!.L-- .. I ----- ice J. Nelaon, Nota {Piblic,Hennepin County, Minn. ;t: My Commission Expires December 26, 1Bs6 a AFFIDAVIT OF PlJBLICATI3N 1 1 ; Edina-Morningside Courier ..- (official PubIJeatlon) -4GE VJF EDINA 4801 West !i&% Street October5 1965 'NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR~NG ON PROPOSED STREET VACATION The Edina Village CO.UnCu W i 11: meet at the Ed~na Vaage Hall. 4801 West 50th Street on IvIonda?f.. October 18 1985 .at i:Oa P.+. ta consider th& proposed VaCatIOn Of 33% mt?SOtd 5542.1 12 Suburban Square Hogkins, Minnesota }SS. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin , JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here- in atated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher and print er... .,of the newspaper as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has.full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one ye? immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .............................. .S..ot%o.w..af. .P.ukZ9,n..EBW.b& ..................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of'publication within the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space io 450 running inches'of single column two inches wide. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with shed workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news column devoted to local news of.interest to said commpity it urports to serve, the press work of whch has been done in its smd known place of pubhcation- {as contamed general news, comments and miscellany: has not du cated any other publicafioh: has not been entire- made uu of patents plate matter and ac&tisements; has been mculated at and near its %d qlace-of publicatiin to the extent of 240 copies re arly delivered to pa g subscribers: has been entered as second class mail matter in locppost office of its ssplace of pub- lication: that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a news aper for ublication of legal notices- and @at its ublishers have complied with all deman& of said 8ounty Audi!or for proofs 4f its sad quadcation. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the priated.. ................................................................................. ................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ..... 2 ....... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .. .7. ................. day of.. .. .&&. .......... , 19 .as... and %UP thereafter on ........................... of each week to and including the ...%ti ............ day of . .,h."k ............ ., 19 ..... .66 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used m the publica- tion of said .... N6 CMS.. %'. . !??EM0 . %a.?+~. .................................... Publisher ...... .......... Bukoribod and sworn to before me thio ..... .&?/). .... day of Oo7.. ....... , 10 ... 65 n-.. ...... ... Alice J. Nelson, MY Commission Expires December 16. 1- NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 October 11, 1965 Florence B. Hallberg, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55424 Dear Mrs. Hallberg: This is to acknowledge receipt of notice of the proposed vacation of that portion of Summit Avenue lying south of the southerly right-of-way line of Vernon Avenue (T.H. 169-212) and north of a line formed by an extension of the southerly line of Lot 20, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition. Please be advised that we have no electric distribution facilities in the area proposed to be vacated where it will be necessary for us to acquire protective easements. Therefore, we have no objection to said vacation. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter. Yours truly, T.S. Jepson Electric Distribution Superintendent Minneapolis Division 1 HOW .Anderson Shior Right of Way Agent TSJ JC P RHA : kep MAILING LIST Proposed Street Vacation - Summit Grandview Construct ion Coo . 5000 Normandale Road Hina, Minnesota 55424 Lot Grandview Asssciates, Inc. 5000 Normandale Road Hina, N%nnesota 55424 Lot Avenue throught 26 201 Block 3, Grandview Heights: . ll through 15 , . Block. 4, Grandview Heights Willard W, Qlson 5lOq Sumit Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424. c.0-owner, Lots 21 & 22, Block 3, Grandview Heights Harry Gustafson . 5000 Nohandale Road Edina, Hinnesota 55424 11 11 I1 If tl It . ,. .. .. I . * w- I1 1 PXTITION TO VACATE STRXEX To THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF VILLAGE OF EDINA The undersigned represent that they are the majority of owners of real property abutting on the line of Summit Avenue Z r- %F%ights from Highway No. 169 that said portion of said street be vacated.. The facts and reasons for this application are as follows: . In consideration of vacating the street as herein petitioned the undersigned hereby jointly and severally waive any and all claims for any damages result- ing fromthe vacating and discontinuing of said street. to South Line of Lot 20, BIO~kandu”f%!$!ion DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lots 20 to 26 inclusive Block 3, Grandview Hkights and Lots 11 to 15 inclusive Block 4, Grandview Heights This petition was circulated by M5 Mr. Warner P. Blake Ninneapolis Gas Company 739 Marquette Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Blake: Village 4801 WEST FIFTIETH / of Edina STREET EDINA 24, MINNESOTA WALNUT 7-8861 / Enclosed you,will find a copy of the Resolution passed at the Edina Village Councillfeeting last night relative to the vacation of a portion of Summit Ave. This Resolution was passed pending your ability to obtain any nec- essary easements, Unless we hear from you by November 15, ye will assume that you have no objection and the vacation will become effective on November 22, 1965. Yours very truly, fbh Encl. 1 lad- / -- V' .