HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-01 RUTLEDGE & CLARK AVENUES - HIGH STREETIUGE Mil b13TOR STREETS ,.. ~ '. i' ' kIKEiUAS, two week's published notice and aiailed'notice of a hearing - . to be held on l4arch I, 1965, at 7:OO P.'&, on $he proposed vacation of the streets hereinafter described has been given and made unci a hearing has bean , I held thereon by tho Village Council: MOW, THEREFOI&, be ir resolved by tho Village Council of the Village of Edina; Hannepin County, BUnnesota, that those portions of the streets described as Eollows be and beraby are vacated, effective @rill, unless on or bcfoxe said dare rhis Rasolution is amwuhd, annulled 00 rescfnded by the' Village Counci3.t , . "RutLedge Avgnua from the northern lin~ of Section twenty-eight (281, Township one hundred seventeeb (U7), Range twenty-oqe (21) southward' ' to the northern line of tho vacated right-of-way of the Minaeapolic- . I. Ste Pa~3, Md Suburban Railmad; ' . . " I ! I t. ? I . Clark Avenue from tho'northern Line of Section twenty-eight (281, , ' Tomshfp OAQ hundred mventeen (1L7), Range twenty-one (21) souWiward to the northern Line of the vacated right-of-way of the Hinncapolis- St. Paul ernd Subur?ban itailroad; High Stroat * froin ita intersection with the easterly rigbe-of-way fino of Rutledge Avenue extended santward to the westerly right-of- way line of BrooksEde Avanue extended$ .. That portion oE Eilotor 5treet Lying north of the vacated right-of- way of the MinneapoLis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad Erom a line formed by an extension of the westerly line of Block 19 of Emma Abbott Park, extended southerly to the northern line of the wacated * right-of-way of the Minneapolis-St . Paul and Suburban Kdlroad, eaoterly to tho west right-of-way line af Brookside Avenue extended" ATTEST: I (signed) ARTiiUR (1, BFZDESEB, JR. MayeP (signed) FLOREXCE B. HALLBERG Village Clerk ', 1 I, the undkrsignod, duly appointed Village Clerk for tho Village of Edina, County of Iiennepin, Minnesota, do hemby certify that Q true and comect copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Edina VilLlage the kffnutss of anid Regular Meeting, and that said Resolution has not been mended, annulled or rescinded since that .data by the Village Council. I have compared the attached z$d foregoing Resolution and that the same is i ll I. 1. .. Council at its Regular Neeoing held Monday, Narc11 1, 1965, and as recorded in I 2 WITNESS my hand and seal of said ViZlage this 7th day of May, 1965:r I' 1 . _.(_.. .I ,. . . . . . . ., I.. ., . t. ,. . I. *I ... q. I < + 3 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 February 26, 1965 Florence B. Hallberg, Village Clerk Village of,Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minn. 55424 Dea.r Mrs. Hallberg: This is to acknowledge receipt of notice of the proposed vaca.tion of that portion of Motor St. lying north of the vacated right of way of the Mpls., St. Paul and Suburban R.R., from a. line formed by an extension of the Westerly line of Block 19, of Emma Abbott Park extended Southerly to the North line of vacated right of way of the Mpls., St. Paul and Suburba.n R.R., Easterly to the West line of Brookside Ave., extended. Please be advised that our present electric distribution facilities extend West from Brookside Ave. along the Southerly line of Motor St. for a distance of approx. 200 feet. We have no objection to this vacation provided we are granted a permanent easement by the petitioners for the retention of our facilities here or are reimbursed for rerouting them. Thank you for your kind consideration in this ma.tter. Yours truly, T.S. Jepson Electric Distribution Superintendent Minnea.polis Division SenioYRight of Way Agent TSJ JC P RHA:sh f' I -7 4 1 5 . . . . . . . . __ . , __. , . , . , . _. , .. ., ._. . . , . . . ... 16 . (=Ei 13 8 -- ST PAUL - -- ---e- - --&+& 12 0 i I u' T . - . . . . __ . - JAMES E.DORSEY i~ees-~ssni DORSEY, OWEN, MARQUART, WINDHORST DAVID E.0RONSON KENNETH LOWEN DONALD WEST WALDO F.MAR0UART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY HAUDAY JULE KHANWFORD ARTHUR 0.WHlTNEY JOHN G.0ORSEY RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST DAVID R.BRINK HORACE LHITCH VIRGIL H.HILL ROBERT V.TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER ROBERT J.JOHNSON MAYNARD 0. HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY GEORGE P. FLANLiERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E.WEIS0ERG DUANE LJOSEPH FREDERICK E.LANGE JOHN W.JONES JAMES B.VESSEY WILLIAM A.WHITLOCK CHARLES 0.HOWARD EDWARD .JSCHWARRBAUER THOMAS n~mw~ CORNELIUS D.MAHONEY THOMAS SERICKSON MICHAEL E. ERE55 PAUL G.2ERBY RAYMOND A REISTER JOHN J.TAYLOR BERNARD G.HEINZEN WILLIAM J. HEMPEL JOHN S.HIBBS ROBERT 0.FLOllEN MORTON LSHAPIRO JAMES F. MEEKER JOHN 0.LEVINE ROBERT J. STRUYK MICHAEL LOLSON URRY W. JOHNSON ROBERT AJENSEN THOMAS S.HAY CURTIS D.FORSLUN0 G~ARRY GRIFFITH CRAIG A.BECK DAVID LMcCUSKEY THOMAS 0. MOE JAMES H.O'HAGAN JOHN n MASON LAW OFFICES 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING .M I N N EAPO LIS, M 1 N N. 6 640 2 Mrs. Florence B. Hallberg Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street TELEPHONE 332-3351 AREA CODE 612 September 7, 1965 & WEST OF COUNSEL LEhVliT RBARKER LELAND WSCOTT HUGH ~EAREER Edina, Minnesota Dear Mrs. Hallberg: I enclose Motor Street, This of the Registrar of herewith a Resolution vacating a portion resolution has been duly recorded in the Titles as Document No. 814855. Also enclosed is a Resolution vacating portions of CABLE ADDRESS: DOROW of office Rut ledge and Clark Avenues and High and Motor Streets. filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles as Document No. 808390. This instrument has been I send these to you to be kept in your files. Very truly yours, 8 Thbmas S. Erickson TSE:ca Enclosures NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MI N NEAPOIIS, MINNESOTA 55402 Narch 16, 1965 Florence B. Rallberg, Village Clerk VilLage a9 Edina 4801 F&st 50th Street Minneapolis, Minn, 55424 Dear Mrs, HaLLberg: This is to acknowledge your Letter of March 2, 1965, relative to the proposed vacation of portions of Rutledge and Clark Avesp, and- High and Motor Sts, Please be advised that; satisfactory arrangements have been made with the petitioners, granted us an easement covering our facilities here. Therefore,, we have no further objection -bo the pro- posed vacat'ion, They have Thank you for your kTnd consideration in t his matter, Yours truly, . T, So Jepson Electric Distribution Superintendent Minneapo lis D Svis ion B TSJ JCP RHA:'b p VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street: Edina, Ninnesota 55424 February 16, 1965 NOTICE OF PU3LIC HEARIhTG ON PROPOSED STREET VACATION The Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina ViL,age IIall, v.2 s t 50th Street on PIonday, Narch I, 1965, at: 7:OQ P.N. to consider the proposed sacation of the following streets: U! Rutlcrlge Avenu?. from th3 northern line of Section twenty-clght (23), Township om hunclrtd seventcen (117), Range twenty-one (21) southward St. Paul and Suburban Railroad; Clark Avenue from the northern line of Section twenty-eight (28), Town-. ship one hundred seventeen (117), Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad; - - - to the northern line of the vacated right of way o€ the Kinneapolis- . e - High Street Erom its intersection with the easterly right of way line of Rutledge Avenue extended eastward to the westerly right of way line of Brookside ~l;venrrs extended; Thae &ortion 02 Ik~tor Street l@ng north of the vacated right of .tray of the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad from a line formed by an extension of the westerly line of Block 19 of Emma Abbott Park, extended southerly to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Ninncapolis-St. Paul and Suburban Railroad, easterly to the west right of way line of Brookside Avenue extended,' % All objections and recommendations will be heard at said Hearing. . FLORENCE B. HALLSERI Notary Public, Henntp h'lRY, nl- Commission Explr6i a&. 31. 1d7L ! i High Street from its intersec- tlon with the easterly right of Wny line of Rutledge Avenue extended eastward tq ttte wester;y ' right of way hne of Broolcside Avenue extended; That portion of Motor Street Isinf north , of the vacated righ of way of the Minne- apolifl St. Paul and Suburban , 1 All ob ections and recommenda. kw wd1 bo heard at said Hear- Inp S*f' ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B, HALLBERG, Village Clerk i (Fob. 18.25, 1905)-~-2A-lOC i L -I * i 'Rutledge Avenue from the northern line of Section twen-l ty-eight (28) Toivnship one; hundred 'seventeen (117) 1 Ranee twentv-one 111 1 All ob ections and recommenda- tions wdl be heard at said Hear- ing. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIIn LAGE COUNCIL. Village clerl; FLORENCE B. HALLBERG- (Feb. 18-25, 1965)4-2A.I0C -_ Suburban Railroad; Clark .Avenue from the Nortl ern lute of Section twenty eight (28), Township one hui dred seventeen (117 Rang twenty-one (21) soutkward t the northern line of the vaca' ed right of way of the Minnc Minneaxohs St. Paul an Suburban Riilroad; High Street from its intersec tlon with the easterly right o way line of Rutled e Avenu extended, eastwarf to tr-h westerly right of way liner0 Brookside Avenue extended; That portion of Motor Stree lying north of the vacatec right of way of the Minne apolis St. Paul and Suburbar Railrdad from a line formec by an extension of the wester. 1 lme of Block 19 of Emma Zbbott Park, extended south. erF Y to the northern line of the +ated rjght of way of- the Minneapols St Paul and Suburban Rhilrdad easterly ta the west right of 'way line, of Brookside Avenue extended. 'Rutledge Avenue from the northern line of Section twen- ty-eight (28) Township one h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117) Range twenty-one (21) south: ward to the northern hne of the-vacated right of way of the Minneapolis,. St. Paul and Suburban Ra~oad, Clark Avenue from the North. ern line of Section twenty- eight (28) Township one hun- dred sev&teen. (117). Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern lute of the vacat- ed right of wa of the Minne- Minneanohs &. Paul and Suburb= Rhroad; ern line of Section twenty- eight (28) Township one hun- dred sev&teen. (117). Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern lute of the vacat- We- Minneanolis St. Paul and Suburb= Rhroad; High Street from its intersec- tion w$h the easterly right of wav line of Rutledge Avenue ~end.e.d. .- eastward to &e wester!y'right of way line of Brookside Avenue extended; 1 All objections and recommenda- tions will be heard at said Hear- ing. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- PAGE COUNCIL. I FLORENCE E. HALLBERG, Village Clerk (Feb. 18-25, 1965)4-2A-l0C __ - -_ Clark Avenue from the North- ern line of Section twenty- elflht (20) Tolvnship one bun- drcd cev$nteen (117k Range twcnty-one (21) sout ward to we northcrn line of the vacat- ed right of way of the MzE; Minnoap_olls St. Paul Suburban Rhilroad; , HIC~ Street from its intersec- \ tion with'the easterly right of I way line of Rutled e Avenue extended eastwart to the! westerly ' rlnht of way line of Broolrslde Avenue extended; All ob eetions and recommenda- 1 t tlonn ~1h be heard at said Hear- % ORDER OF THE EDINA. VIL- LAGE COUNCIL Village Clerk FLORENC~ B. HALTAERG, (Fob. 18-26, 1966)4*2A-lOC -- , 'Rutledge' Avenue from the northern line of Section twen- ty-eight (28) Township one h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117) Range twenty-one (21) south! ward to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis St. Paul and Suburban Rhoad; Clark Avenue from the North. ern line of Section twenty- eight (28) Township one hun- dred sevinteen (1171, Range twenty-one (21) southward to the northern line of the vaeat. ed right of way of the Minne- Minneanolls St. Paul and Suburb56 Rhoad; , High Street from its intersec. i tion w;th the easterly right of ' way line of Rutled e Avenue extended, eastwarcf to the westerly right of way hne of Brookside Avenue extended; FLORENCE B. HALLBERG I Village clerl; Web. 18-25, 1965)-~!-2A-l&C- 1 (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 west 50th Street 1 Edma Minnesota55424 , Feiruary 16 1965 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1 ON PROPOSED STREET VACATION The Edina Village Council will neet at the Edina Village Hall, ,801 West 50th Street. on Monday, darch 1, 1965, at 7:OO p.m., to :onsider the proposed vacation If the following street vacabon: 'Rutledge Avenue @om the northern line of Sechon twen- ty-eight (28) Township one h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117), Range twenty-one (21) south- ward to the northern line of thG-vadated right of Way of the Minneapolis St. Paul and Suburban Rgilroad: Clark Avenue from the North- ern line of Section twenty- eight (28), Township, one hun- dred seventeen. (117) Range twenty-one (21) soutgward to the northern lute of the vacat- ed right of way of the Minne- MinneaDolis St. Paul and Saburbz Riilroad: High Street from its intersec- tion Vth the easterly right of wav he of Rutledee Avenue .. -" - extended eastwar& tq the westerly'right of way hne of Brookside Avenue extended; All ob ections and recommenda- ions 4 be heard at said Hear- E ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- (Feb. 18-25, 1965)4-2A-lOC ,AGE COUNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG. Village Clerk , Suburbgn Railroad; Clark Avenue from the, No+%' I ern line of Sectlon twenw- eieht (28), Township_ one hun- Ranee dri?d seventeen (117). Gentpone (2:) southWGd TO the northern lme of the vacat-1 ed right of way of the Minne- MinneaKoUs St. Paul and Suburban Rbilroad; High Street from its intersec-\ tion with-the easterly right of way line of Rutled e Avenue extended westerly'right eastwar$ of way to lute the' of Brookside Avenue extended: I All ob ections and recommenda- .ions 4 be heard at said Hear- $??ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG village Clerl; JAGE COUNCIL. 1Feb. 18-25. 1965)4-2A-lOC .I_ -- - STRPET VACATION The Ddina Village Council wm meet at the Edna Villa e Hall 4EOl West 60th Street on %onday: Morch 1 1865 at '/:OD p.m., to consider ' the 'proposed vacation of the following street vacation: All ob'ections and recommenda- fions wh be heard at said Hear- mg. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- LAGE COUNCTL. FLORENCE B. HALEBERG Village clerl; (Feb. 18-25, 1965)4-2A~C- .- 'Rutlodge Avenue from the northern line of Section twen. tyeeight (28) Township one h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117), Bonae twentpone (21) south- tvnrd to the northern line Of the vncatcd right of wn of the MlnnQRpOliS, St, Pad and Suburban Railroad; 1 Nlgh Street from its interaec- tlon with the ensterly right of Way line of Rutled e Avenue extended eostwarf to the westerly' rlght of way line of f3raokside Avenue extended; All, ob ectlons pnd recommenda- I tlons wlh bo heard at said Hear- 'Rutledge Avenue from tl northern line of Section twei ty-eight (28) Township or h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117 Range twenty-one (21) soutl ward to the northern hne the vacated right of way of th Minneapolis St. Paul an Suburban Rhroad: Clark .Avenue from the Nortl ern line of Sectiom twentj eight (28). Township one hur dred seventeen (117) Rang twenty-one (21) soutdward t the northern line of the vacal ed right of way of the Minne Minneap_lis St. Paul an Suburban Rhroacl; That portion of Motor Streei lyin north of the vacated righf of way of the Minne. apolis St, Paul and Suburban Railrdad from a line formed by an extension of the wester- 2 line of Block 19 of Emma bbott Park extended south. erly to the n6rthern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis St. Paul and Suburban Rhoad easterly to the west right of 'way line, of Brookside Avenue extended. All ob ectlons and recommenda- be Beard at said Hear- tions ing. LAGE COUNCIL. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIL- FLORENCE B. HALLBERG, Village Clerk (Feb. 18-25, 1965)-C-u44QC- __ 'Rutledge Avenue from the northern line of Section twen- ty-eight (28) Township one h u n d r e d 'seventeen (117) Range twenty-one (21) sbuth: ward to the northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis St. Paul and Suburban Rhroad; Clark Avenue from the North- ern line of Section twenty- eight (281, Townshiu one hun- dred seventeen (1171. Range SubgrbZn Railroad; westerly right of way line of Brookside Avenue extended; Suburban Railroad. easterlv to the west right of 'way ling, of Brookside Avenue extended. Clnrk Avenue from the North- &ion twenty- High Street from its intersec: ti05 with the easterly right of way line of Rutledge Avenue exten--- westerly'right- of way line of Brookside Avenue extended: &Pa. -eastward to the .- _.-A I' dL1.. * . - -- - - (official IsuGation) VILLAGEI OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina Minnesota 55424 i Feiruary 16 1965 NOTICE OF PUBLI'C HEARING' STREET VACATION ON PROPOSED 7 Suburbh Railroad; Clark Avenue from the North-' ern line of Section tyenty-1 eight (28) Township one hun-' dred sevinteen. (ll?), Rangei twenty-one (21) southward to the northern line of the vacat-: ed right of way of the We- Minneaoolis st. Paul and Suburb= Rhilroad; High Street from its in;ersec-; tion with the easterly right of) way line, of Rutledge Avenue1 extended eastward to the wester!y'right of way line of1 Brookside Avenue extended; ; That portion of Motor Street north of the vacated igf of way of the Minne-i apolis St. Paul and Suburban1 Railrdad from a line formed! by an extension of the wester- I 1 line of Block 19 of Emma 1 As bbott Park extended south- erly to the n6rthern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis St. .Paul and Suburban R'ailroad easterly to the west right of 'way line, of Brookside Avenue extended. All ob ections and recommenda- ions wdl be heard at said Hear- R ORDER OF THE EDMA VIL. ,AGE CCWNCIL. FLORENCE B. HALLBERG.' Village Clerk (Feb. 18-25, 1965)-C-2A-lOC . -- -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Minneapohs St Paul and Suburban Rgilroid; Clark Avenue from the North. ern line of Section twenty- eight (28), Township one hun- dred seventeen (117) Range twenty.one (21) soutdward to the northern line of the vacat. Edina-Morningside Courier 12 Suburban Square Hopkins, Minnesota }ss. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin , in stated has been JOHN E. T3LToN, the publisher and printer ... .,of the newspaper JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here- as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has.full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed , , , ........................... .no.t;ic.e.. of. hear : .%. .......................................... .,, I,..,.,...,.,.........,......................'.. ................................................... ...................................................................................................... hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its lrnOW offlce of' publication within the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota on Thursday Of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space t'o 450 runqing inches'of single column two inches wide: has been lssued from a known office.estabhshed q~ said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary. materlal for preparing and pmting. the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of Its news column devoted ta local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; h.as contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duphcated any other publication; has not been entire- ly mnde up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been cwculated at and ne? its said glace of publication to the extent.of 240 copies regularly delivered .to paylng subscribers; has been entered as second class mall matter in local post office of its said place of pub- Ucntion; that there has been.on file in the office of the County Auditar .of said. county the affidavlt of a person having fmst hand knowledge of the.facts const~tuting its qua4ficahqns as a news aper for publication .of legal notices; and that its publishers have comphed. wth all demon& of said County Auditor for .proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been flled with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed.. ........... ..notice. .o$..hea.y&j.. ..................................... ................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published ! therein in the English language once a week for ... 2 ........ successive weeks; thereafter on ..... I$h%?sd.ax ........ of each week to and including the .................... day of ,::. Peb ,:, that it was ........................ ........ Feb. 65 . ...................... 18th first so published on the day of 19 and rc. -_.- - 25th .... ...Az.. ... .. ........... ........ 19 65 : and that the following is a copy of the lower case nlphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used M the publica- notice of hearing tion of said ..................................................................................... abcdefghi~klmnomrshvWXYz _. -~ ......................................................... Uf* 15- Publisher v ob ections and recommenda- tions wd be heyd at said Hear. ! LAGE FLORENCE COUNCIL. B. I+LLBERG, - Web. 18-25. 1965)-C-2A-IOC VUage Clerk I ORDER OF THE EDmA VIL. --- - ~-~ ./ ' My Commission Expires December 26, 1966 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Edina-Morningside Courier 12 Suburban Square Hopkins, Minnesota * State of Minnesota County of Hennepin . 3OHN E. TIhTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time here- in stated has been JOHN E. TILTON the publisher and printer.. ..of the newspaper as The Ddina-Morningside Courier, and ha's.full knowledge of the facts herem stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .......................................... ............................ ..na%ics .rsf:. hear!.ag.. ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of'publication within the County of Hennepin State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space io 450 running inches'of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established i?~ said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news column devoted ta local news of rnterest to sad community it purports to serve. the press work Of which has been done in its said known place of publication- has contained general news, comments and miscellany: has not duplicated any other publicatioh; has not been entire- ly made Up of patents plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said .place of publicatdn to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter m local post office of its said place of pub- lication: that there has been.on file in the office of the County Aud?tar of said. county the affidavit Of a person having fmt hand knowledge of the facts consth~ting its quaMications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied. with all demands Of said County Auditor for .proofs of its said qualificahon. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That the printed. ............. ~bjiiae. .&. .ha.% ....................................... ................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published therein in the English language once a week for ..z......... successive weeks; that it was and first so pnblished on the ..,.?-.&h ........... day of ......... .??!?? ........ 19 ........ 65 thorcafter on.. .. ThWsdw.. ....... of each week to and including the .... ..?%.h. ..... h day ot . ,. .k.akw.. ........... 19 .6$. ... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet Wch is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- tion of sttie .................. .n~.$i~. .~f . k~3.~. ......................................... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ............................................................ gz lr- Publisher U Gubscribed and sworn to before me this ...... .?%b ....... , 19 ..?. 6' f - My Commission Expires December 26. 1966 EXHIBIT A (OFE'ZCLAL PUBLICATION) Please publish in the Edina-Morningaide Courier on February 18 and 251, 1965. Pleaee send us two (2) AffLdavits of Publication, Please send os ten (10) cltppings. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) , I I. i I,', Please publish in the Edina-Morningside Courier on February 18 and 25, 1965. Please send us two (2) Aefidavits of Publication, $1 1) Please send us ten (10) clippings. j 5, r I L RICHARD M. VOGEL RAYMOND L. LEMMONS ROGER R. LENZMEIER WILLIAM A. BIERMAN VOGEL, LEMMONS & LENZMEIER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 318 DEGREE OF HONOR BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101 TELEPHONE 227-6661 February 12, 1965 The Honorable Mayor and Village Council c/o Pillage Clerk Edina, Minnesota + MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE 7710 COMPUTER AVE. EDINA. MINN. 55424 PHONE 927-7178 I Re: Block 20 and 21, Emma Abbott Park Gentlemen : The Dietrich Company as owner of the above described parcel of land in the Village of Edina, Minnesota, does hereby apply for siacation of the streets adjoining the above described property, said streets being more particu- larly described to wit: Rutledge Avenue from the N-orthern line of Section twenty-eight (28), Township one hundred seventeen (117), Range twenty-one (21) southward to the Northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis- St. Paul and Suburban Railroad; Clark Avenue from the Northern line of Section twenty-eight (28), Township one hundred seventeen (117), Range twenty-one . (21) southward to the Northern line of the vacated right of way of the Minneapolis- St. Paul and Suburban Railroad; High Street from its intersection with the direction tb-~e-vac_a~&gh&.&E-w~y of the Minneapolis St. Paulp5&-ySuburban Railroad, said line line of Brookside Avenue ; /- ,,- /i/:di,- I, ,Pji Motor Street 7 from a line forme,d by an extension of the Westerly line of Block”% of Emma Abbott Park, extended Southerly to the Northern line of St. Paul and Suburban RaiZroad,Easterly tof* of Emma Abbott Park in a Southerly direction to the vacated right of way af- The Minneapolis, St. Paul and,Suburban Railroad, said line being the Western line of Brookside Avenue. -. the vacated right of way of The Minneapolis,_- --?I 1,. lz,tz. /9,: !L ,c f orre Eastern4-i.nL- 21 .. !* i Ld -.> “ I The Dietrich Company further states that the aforementioned platted streets are useless for the purpose for which they were laid out and in fact have never been physically surfaced. As it is the desire of The Dietrich Company to make sub- stantial improvements on the above mentioned property, such improvements, necessitating the vacation of the aforementioned streets, The Dietrich Company respectfully submits this application for vacation. Yours very truly, VOGEL ~ LEMONS/& LENZMEIER R. Me Voge Attorney for The Dietrich Company w:ps