HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-16 JACKSON AVE. BETWEEN BELMORE LANE AND TROLLY LINE ADDITIONt I JAMES EDORSEY 11889-19591 I DAVID E.BRONS0N 1 KENNETH M.OWEN 3 DONALDWEST WALDO F.MARDUART JOHN W.WINDHORST HENRY HALWAY JULE M.HANhUFORD ARTHUR 0.WHITNEY JOHN G.DORSFI RUSSELL W.LINDOUIST DAVID R.BRINK VIRGIL H.HILL ROBERT V.TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER I ROBERT J.JOHNSON MAYNARD 0.HASSELOUIST PETER DORSEY GEORGE P.F!ANNERY CURTIS L.ROY ARTHUR E.WEISBERG DUANE €JOSEPH JOHN W.JONES JAMES B.VESSEY ' HORACE E.HITCH WILLIAM A.WHITlOCK CHARLES 0.HOWARD EDWARD J.SCHWARL!EAUER~ THOMAS M.BROWN CORNELIUS D.HAHONEI THOMAS SSRICKSON MICHAEL E.ERESS DORSEY, OWEN, MARQUART, WINDHORST . .._. . RAYMOND LREISTER JOHN J.TAYL0R BERNARD G.HEIN2EN WILLIAM J.HEMPEL JOHN S.HIBBS ROBERT 0.FLOTTEN MORTON L.SHAPIR0 JAMES F.MEEKER JOHN D.LEVINE ROBERT J.STRUYK DANIEL W.COHEN JAMES M.CORUM MICHAEL A-OLSON LARRY W.JOHNSON ROBERT A.JENSEN Mr. George Hite Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Dear George: LAW OFFICES 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA FEDERAL 2-3351 April 15, 8, WEST LEAWIT OF COUNSEL R.BARKER LELAND WSCOV HUGH H.0ARBER I enclose herewith the following: 1. North of Benton Avenue. duly. recorded as Document No. 3469189. A resolution vacating unnamed 30-foot street lying You will note this instrument has been /A resolution vacating street, Jackson Avenue between Belmore Lane and Trolley Line Addition. has also been dulr recorded as Document No. 3469187. You will note this instrument Very truly yours, Tho as S. Erickson TSE : ca Enclosures , I I, tlhe undersigned, duly appointed and authg VIUage Clesk for the Villaae of Edina, County of Hemep%nc Urinesota, do hereby cet?ti@ that 5 have compared the attached and foregoing t8RESOCUFiCO13 VACATIBG JACKSON AVEQUE BETHEUS BELWRE WJE AHD TROLLEY LINE ADDITIOW, and that the same is a Eul3, true and comeot transcript of a Resolution duly adopted by tho Edna Vihllaga Counefl at gts Regular Ueethg heEd Monday, I.lmch 16, 1964, and QL~ mcordad in Xho klinutes of said Regular tleeting. ' I - __r -. -_ - +- - _- _- (Official Publication) . VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ‘ON PROPOSED VACATION OF JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN I3ELRIORE LANE AND TROL- LEY LINE ‘ADDITION + I .EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 7:OO ‘p.m., Mon-! day. March 16, 1964, and. will at said time and place consider the: lday. March 16, 1964 ind wa--at [said time and place’ consider the pro osed Vacation of that part of jJ ac i son Avenue lying between Blocks Three (3) and Four (4) Westt Minneapolis Heights Addi: tion and between Belmore Lane and Trolley Line Addition. All objections and recommenda- {fys will be heard at said met- ORDER OF THE EDINA GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Villa e Clerls , VILLAGE COUNCIL. (Pel). 27.Mar, 5, 1964)-E&ZA-5C ”..-. ! BY ORDER OF THE EDINA GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk 1 (Feb. 27-Mar. 5, 1984)-EC.ZA.5C ’ VILLAGE COUNCIL. . I . - BY ORDER OF THE EDINA’ Villa e Clerk0 (Feb. 27-Mar. 5, 1964)-E&ZA-5C VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN, ._ ,J AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~ ~- ~- .......................................................................... ".........,., Edina-Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of JOHN E, TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the !time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher.. ... and printer ... .of the newspaper known as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publicahion therein of. the printed ............................. ,8!2%.k9 . .Qf . .~.U!?~h. . ke?-.T.%ng.. ............................... ........................................................................................................ , . - ....................................................................................................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office.established in said place of publication equlpped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THN EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of ublication. has contained general news comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any ozer publlcdtion; has not been entire- ly &de up of patents, plate matter and advertisements: has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered a6 second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication. that there has been on file in the office of ,the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a berson hav- bg first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publlcation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Sooiety, St. Paul. That Ithe printed Not ice of public hearing .............................................................................. ...................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein b the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks: that it was ........................ 19 ......... and 2 first 60 published on the ......................... 27 day of February day of .... Mvch ,-, thereafter on., ... Thur?daY.. ............ .of each week to and including the .................. 5 ..................... 19.64.; and that the followlng is a copy of the lower case I alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz ........ ........................................ tion of said ,?%%i.ce. .OR. .P.ubLi.c..he?T%ng ' (Official publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA 1 HENNEPIN MINNEQoTA COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN IlELBlORE LANE AND TROL- LEY LINE 'ADDITION 43DINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 tw. 50th St., at 7:OO p.m., Mon- :dav March 16 1964. and will at .said time and 'place consider the pro osed Vacation of that part Of Jac!son Avenue lying between .Blocks Three (3) and Four (4). .West Minneapolis Heights Addi- tion and between Belmore Lane and Trolley Line Addition. All ob ections and recommenda- tions dl be heard at said *Meet. Y ORDER OF THE EDINA GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Villa e Clerk * in% ' VILLAGE COUNCIL. 1 (Yb. 27.: I;r 8, 1964bE82A-5C - ................. Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this . .... ennepm County, ~lnn.. MY Commission Expires June 16,1969 '9 t b AFFIDAWT OF PUBLICATION ........................................................................................ Edina-Morningside Courier .. Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin JOHN E, TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during! all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher.. ... and printer ... .of the newspaper known a4 The Edlna-Morningside Coutier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. Thnt for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .............................. !~9?&?,?,, Df . avbl,!s. .h.??ri.?g.. ............................. ........................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its IcnoJvp office of publfcatlon within the County of Hennepin. State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skllled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA.MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-flve percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said commuty Lt purports to serve, the press worb of which has been done in its said known place of publlcation; has contained general news comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly mhde up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication 60 the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered a5 second class mail matter in local post office 0f.it.s said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Ayditpr of said co-unty the affidavit of a person hav- ihg first hand knowledge of the facts constitutmg its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of, legal notices; and that its pyblishers have complied with all demands pf said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed unth the State Historical fioclety, St. Paul. Hot ice of publtc hearing That sthe printed .............................................................................. )...............~ ..................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published 2 therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks: that it was first BO publlshed on the., ....................... .day of.. ..................... ., 19.. ....... and thereafter on.. ............................... .of each week to and including the day of ..................... ....., 19..64; and that the following is a copy of the Iower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- 27 F&ruJxry Thursday 5 .................. kwch Nvbico of public heqring tion Of said ......................................................................................... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Publisher F- ............................................... %$/A Publisher U - -- 5 Earch My Commission Expires June 16,1969 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS DUMP TRUCK SEALED BIDS wlll be ,received and opened in the Council Cham. bers Edina Village Hall, e801 w. 5Uth'St., at 1l:OU am Friday. March 13, 1964, and ihe Edina Village Councll will meet at 7.0~ p.iii.. Monday March 16 1964 'at Village Hall, io coi?sider ;aid 6ids. belng for the following: ONE DUMP TRUCK AND the rlght to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (Feb. 27, Mar. 5, 1964j-EC-2A-5C --__ __ - _- The Village. Council reserves the rlght to reject any or all bids BY ORDER OF THE EDINA GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk rFeb. 27, Mar. 5, 1964)-EC-ZA-5C VILLAGE COUNCIL i -- -. - (Official Publicalion) '-. VILLAGE 01.' EDINA .' HENNEPIN COUNTY, nlINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS UUrlP TRUCK SEALED-BIDS WiIi -Lg received And opened in the Council Cham. bers. Edina Village Hall. 4801 W. 511th. St.. at 11:06 am... Fridav. March 13, 19.64, .and the Edirki Village Council will meet at 7:UU p.m., Monday, March 16, 1964,. at Village Hall. to consider said blds. being for the following: ONE DUMP TRUCK AND BOX, with trade-in of one dump truck. Bids must be in conformance with specifications which are available at Edina Village Hall. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the under- siened before 11:OO a.m.. Frldau. Mkch 13. 1964. accomuanied tis cash deposit, bid bond; cashierL OK certified check payable t0 the Village of Edma in an amount of ut least ten oercent of the ne1 '* b My Commission AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Expires June 16,1969 ........................................................................................ State of Minnesota County of Edina-Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota JOHN 1. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein- stated has been JOHN E, TILTON, the publisher, .... and printer .... of the newspaper known as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facta herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ....................... .kdkerk isamant. .f.or.. bids.. ........................................ .....,..*...l.............~. ............................................................................ ....................................................................................................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of pubUcation within the County of Hennepin, State of Mbesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skllled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: TISF, BDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of it;s news columns devoted to local news of interest to said commmty it purports to serve, the press wwk of which has been done in its said known place of ubllcation- has contained general news comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any otter publication; has not been entire. ly &de up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mall matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of $the County Auditor of said c0.unt.y the affidavit of a person hav- ihg first hand Ifflowledge of the facts constitutmg its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Soalety, St, Paul. That Ithe printed .............................................................................. Advertisement for bids ...................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published 2 therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks; that it was first 80 published on the ......................... day of ......................... 19 and 27 February ......... SL, thereafter on., Thursday 5 .............................. .of each week to and including the .................. day of ... @?$ .(?h....,..,,. ..... 19,6.4..: and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet Which fs acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- * tion of said Advertisement for bids ......................................................................................... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ................. Publisher Village Clerk It Feb. 27, Mar. 5. 1964j-EC-2A-5C _- - AFFIDAVIT OF ............................................ State of Minnesota County of Hennepin Edina-Mornin Edina, M JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and di stated has been J0HN.E. TILTON, the publisher ..... and printer .... as Tho Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts \ That for more than one year immediately prior to the publicatioi ...................... .hdbecti~sm~nt. for. .bids.. .I.. .......... ' ............................................................................... ............................................................................. herotn attached. sald newsDaaer was minted and Dublished in the Er IKnaivn office of publication-within the -County of. H&nepin, State of Mi each week in colpmn and sheet form equivalent m space to 450 runnmg two inches wide: has been issued from a known office established in I equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing THn EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said commumty That tthe printed ............. kdvc.rt imk.&. .h. .b.%ds ...... ............................................................................ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said nc m BO B h I CAT1 ON ........................................... ;side Courier nnesota in5 all the tie herein- ! the newspaper known erein stated. therein of the printed ....................... ......................... ......................... lish language from its nesota, on .Thursday of inches of smgle column id place of publication and printing the same: han twenty-five percent t purports to serve, the [as contained general I; has not been-entire- ed at and near its said E subscribers: has been -Dublication: -that there ........................ ......................... rspaper; was published k therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks: that it was .......................... day of ......................... 19 ......... and first so published on the 27 Tebrunry & thereafter on., Thursday 5 .............................. .of each week to and including the .................. 9 day of ... 133',Ch ............... 19.&.; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- 4dvertfeexenk for bids tion of said ...................................................................................... :.. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Publisher MY Commission Expires June 16,1969 4 'i, BY ORDER OP THE EDINA VLLLAGE CQMHCHL, STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS VILLAGE OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned, Police Patrolman for the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, posted copies of the attached and foregoing "Notice of Public Hearing" on Official Village Bulletin Boards at - 1. Village Hall. 2. W.50th St. E Indi . 3. N.Village Limits and Washington Ave. Dated /&, =,% . Signed and sworn to before me, a , 1964 d etchen S. Alden) C +- f. V L .. I. m. I .. .. .. - I- .". . 1.- . .. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS 2 MINNESOTA February 26, 1964 Gretchen S, Alden, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 - W. 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Minn, Dear Mrs. Alden: This is to acknowledge receipt of notice of the proposed vacation of Jackson Avenue between Belmore Lane and Trolley Line Addition. Please be advised that we have no facilities in the area within this proposed vacation, therefore we have no objection to said vacation. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours truly, T. S. Jepson Electric Distribution Superintendent Minneapolis Division JCP TXJ REI&: jmh t 4- I t DORSLY, OWEN, MAWQUART, WINDHORST 8 WEST LAW OPPlCEB 2400 FIRST NATIONAL DANK BUlLDlNO MINNEAPOLIS 8. MIN MESOTA FEDERAL z-33~1 JEAC~SSOK~ Avenue between I Bwk and BXock 3, Replag of kt 6 and South 1/2 L& 5, Black lS Code95 Highview Park; Eonton Avenue, hElo boas &iven ad mado, md a hearing ha:: been had thoreoa by tho .. .. ._ . Y Y I NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS 2 MINNESOTA February 25, 1964 Gretchen X. Alden, Village Clerk Village of Edina 4801 - IT. 50th Street Minneapolis 24, Ninn Dear Mrs. Alden: This is to acknowledge your letter of .February 13, 1964, relative to the proposed vacation of the unnamed 30 foot public right-of-way in Block 1, Code's Hi&view Park, Please be advised that satisfactory arrangements have been made with Mr. Sampsell, owner of the property adjacent to the proposed vacationo He has granted us an easement for the retention of our facilities as now in place here. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours truly, To S. Jepson Electric Distribution Superintendent Minneapolis Division B Senvor Right-of -Way Agent JCP TXJ RHA: jmh ! i I NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS 2 MINNESOTA r January 30, 19611 Gretchen S. Alden, Village Clerk Village of Edna 4801 - $1. 50th Street Pfinne apo 1 i s 24, Minne sot a Dear Mrs. Alden: This is to acknowledge receipt of notice of the proposed vacation of the unnamed 30 foot public right-of-way in Block 1, Code's Highview Park As you will note from the attached sketch OUT overhead electric distribution facilities are presently occupying this 30 foot public right-of-way proposed to be vacated. We are using this pole Line jointly with the Telephone Company, Pxease be advised that we have no objection to this proposed vacstion provided we are granted a permanent easement for the retention of our facilities or are reimbursed for rerouting them. Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Yours truly, J, C. Pearce Superintendent of Overhead Ninne apo 1 i s Divi si on B Senior !kight -of-Way Agent JCP BE& jmh c 1p-G 21 i Adopted this 3ad day of Februmy, 496% ATTEST : ATTEST: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ........................................................................................ Edina-Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota 1 State of Minnesota County of Hennepin JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the (time herein- stated has been J0HN.E. TILTON, the publisher ..... and printer .... of the newspaper known as The Edina-Mornmgside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facta herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ..................... .?J!m.Ce.. .9r. .PMbLi.C. .bem.%ng.. ....................................... ........................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches .wide; has been issued from a known office .established i?~ said place .of publication equipped wth skilled workmen and the necessary.materia1 for preparmg and printmg the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had m its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it pupports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publlcation; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not dupliFated any other publication; has not been enhre- ly made up of patents, plate matter and adyertlsements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication ko the extent of 240 copies regularly dehvered to paymg subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter m local post office of.its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of 'the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its.qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that.+ pbhhers have complied with all demands pf said County Auditor for proofs of its said quahhcabon. A copy of each issue has been filed wth the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That !the printed ........ .Ng$h.e.. OB.. Bublic.. hearing.. .......................... .. ................................................. ................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks; that it was 2 first so published on the. ........................ 16 .day of. .. J%nga.rx. ........ , 19 64.. ... and thereafter on. ... ThmSd%? .............. .of each week to and including the .................. 23 day of .. .&mmqr.. ........ ., 19.64. .; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- ................ .......... tion of said ................. .NO%%c.e. . &. .public.. hearing.. :. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ................. Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this . ...... T ennepin County, ~vrtnn.' sota. ns and rebommenda- tions wd-eibeard at said Meet- All 09 e ing. VILLAGE COUNCIL. ' I BY ORDER OF THE EDINA GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk ' (Jan. &, 23,1964)-EC-ZA-5rJ _I ._ . MY Commission Expires June 16,1969 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ........................................................................................ Edina-Morningside Courier Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota ss. County of Hennepin i JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during! all the !time herein- stated has been JOHN .E. TILTON, the publisher.. ... and printer as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. ... .of the newspaper known That for more than one year immediately prior to the publicahion therein of the printed Ijotice of public hearfng ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office oi publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches .wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place pf publication equipped wth skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparlng and pnntmg the same: THE: EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not less than twentyfive percent of its news columns devoted to local news .of interest to said commumty it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of ublicahon: has contained general news, comments and mlscellany; has not duplicated any otter publication; has not been enwe- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication ho the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said co.unty the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constitutmg its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of it; said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul. That Ithe printed fbtfce OB gubljlc hearing .............................................................................. ...................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks; that it was ......................... 19 and ....... , ....................... .of each week to and including the .................. 2 first so published on the ......................... 16 day of January thereafter on.. Thursday 23 64 ......... day of ........................... Janwry 19 64 ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case ...... alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica- Mo.P;lco of publie heariw ............................. tion of said ......................................................... .c?. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwmyz ................. .. Publisher sota Ail objections and recommenda- , tions’ will be heard Pt said Meet-(, , Subscribed and sworn to before me this . My Commission Expires ,J”e 16,1969 . n January 20, 3964 klonday, Febmwy 31 L964, and will at said eima and place consider of the North line 02 Benton Avenue, all as platted and of record in STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN VILLAGE OF EDINA I, the undersigned, Police Patrolman for the Village of Edina, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, posted copies of the attached and foregoing NOTICE OF,PUBLIC HEARING on Official Village Bulletin Boards at - 1, Dated ( Signed ) Signet and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for Hennepin County, Minn., this, the Village day of January, 1964. - . (Gretchen S, Alden) My Commission Expires 1/12/67 'I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARXMG ON PROPOSED VACATION OF Ul\INWB 3O-E'OOT PUBLIC lUGH'E-QF-HAY EDLNA VICLLAGE COUNCHL will meet at the VillLage Mall, at 7:OO Po~jioo Monday, February 3, 1964, and will .said time and place consideH? the proposed Vacation of that Unnaaed 30-fo~t Pubbic Right-of-l.Jay Lying Betweera Lots 19 ad 209 Block 1, Code*s Highview Pmk and Block 3, Replat of Lot 6 and South 1/2 Lot: 50 BLock l3 Code's of the North line of Benton Avenue, all as platted ad of reco~d in the ogfice of the Registek of he& fn*and for Merampin County, k~innesotao All objections and recommendations wiLB be head at said kieeting, BY 0BDE;R OF THE EDIkJA VILLAGE COUNCIL, 4 J J1 43 34 ? d L C 'I I , 143.37 I 43J3 I r) 'I MI ,.I' r\ I a 1- I . c , 8 t c of the Morth line of Benton Avenue, all as platted and of record in the o%Sce of tho Registea? of Beds in and fop Henneein County, iiliaanesota, All objections 'and kecomendations wiLL be hewd at mid Meetingo BY ORDER OF THE; EIDINA VXLLAGE COUNCIL, GXETCHEX So ALDXM ViUage Clerk . 5 F January 31, 5964 TOE Village Council SUBJEeFs i3ezoning Request 2-63-26 80 unit apartment building Valley View and C'dooddale The attached material may be sf some assista~ce to you in your consideration of the above described remiling. The mateerial is, 1 believe (or hops 1, selS-oxplanaPory. was sent to all those pzrsons receiving notice oil the public hearing. The "Daax Residents" letter dated Jenwary 22, 9964, IE%ie Yezoning is to );e grantedt I would suggeat that Gretchen be directed not to pcklish the oxdinance amndrnents thus implementing the action, until plans almilar to those noyi proposed be actually submitted for a building permit. This procedure gives the camunity some guarantee that the "icing doesn't slide off the cake be%ween the xecipe and the Oable," Geoxge C. Hfte GCH z kv CCP Hyde I