HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-06-24 PORTION OF EWING AVENUE (TURN-AROUND),---
I, Gretchen So Alden, being the dBLy qualified and acting Village Clerk 05 the
Village of Edina, Hemepin Countys 14ianesota, d~ hereby ce~tify that I have
ewmined the attached snd fopegorizlg z-esolution, entitled PPR€SOLU'r'LOIJ VACATING
STREET9' with the orighal themof
and correct copy of such ressLutio9 as duly passed and adopted by the Edha
VLLkage Council at its Reguh~ klecting held €-ionday, June 24, 1963,
file in my office; and $lie same is a true,
I /
I, the undersigned, Police Patrolman for the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, posted copies of
TURN-AROUND" PORTION OF EWING AVENUE on. Official Village Bulletin Boards at
1. Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St. 2. Bulletin Board at W.54th St. and France
Ave ,
Signed and sworn to before me, a
Notary Public in and for Hennepin
County, Minnesota, this ,7 day
ofhune, 1963.
My Commission Expires 1/12/67
4801 W. 50th St,
-Edina 24, ESZnn.
June 4, 1963
NOTUX IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina VU.rsge COURC~~ wflL meet
at the ViLLage Hal. on Mondayo dune 24, 1963, at 7:QO pornag and wilk at
said glace and time CQXIS~~~P the Petition of he R, Eo Engelhwt for the
Vacation of that porkion of Ewing Avenue desor&ed as %ol&wds:
O'Beginning at a point on the South Zhe of the North L65 Eeet
of the South 263 feet of the Southwest Quaeer OZ the Southwest
Quatea, of Section 20, Tomship 28, Range 2Q9 a distance of 270
feet East from the N9st Line thez?eo%; thence North pewallel to
the West line thereof a distance 0E 100 feet; thence East pi&allell
to the South Line the~of a dktance of 30 feet; thence South
pardle1 to She #est Pine themof a distance of 100 feet to
the South line of said North 165 feet of the South 263 feet;
thence Hesl almg said South line a distance 0%: 30 feet eo the
point of beginhing,*? and
%eginning at a point OA the South line 0f the North 165 Eeet
of the South 263 feet of the Soutl~west Quarter of the Southwest
Qua~ter of Section 20, Township 28, Rmge 24, a distance of 370
beet East from the West line thepeor"; thence No~th pmallel QO
the West kine thereof ~l distance of 90 feet; thence West paY?alEel
to the South Line thereof a distance of PO feet; thence South
pwal&el to the West line -th~.~i~f a distace of 90 Eeet to the
South line of said Morth 165 fee0 of the South 263 feet: thence
East along said South line a dfstmce o€ 10 feet to the point of
Beginnhg, ep
Village Clerk
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ........................................................................................
Edina-Morningside Courier .
Edina, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of
JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during1 all the (time herein-
as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facta herein stated.
. stated has been JOHN .E. TILTON, the publisher.. ... and printer ... .of the newspaper known
That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
Notice of public hearing ........................................................................................................
.,..., ..................................................................................................
hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language fr& its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on *Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of smgk column two inches .wide: has been issued from a known office-established in said place .of publication equipped wth skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and pnntmg the same: "Em EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in its makeup not Ips than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said commwty Lt purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of ublication. has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any der publicition; has not been enwe- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly dehvered to paylng subscribers; has been entered as second class mall matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of .the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal. notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auctor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed wth the State Historical Society, St. Paul.
That Ithe printed Notice of public hearing ..............................................................................
....................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper: was published
therein in the English language once a week for ............. successive weeks; that it was 2
6th JU!le 63 first so published on the. ......................... day of ......................... 19.. ....... and
thereafter on., ............................... Thursday um *a0 . ..................
day of ........................... 19.63. .; and that the following is a copy of the lower case JunS
alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica-
tion of said Notice of 'public hearing ......................................................................................... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwyz
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .
, Hennepin County, Minn.'
Ny Commission Expires June 16,1969
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ........................................................................................
Edina-Morningside Courier
Edina, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of
JOHN E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the fie herein-
stated has been JOHN .E. TILTON, the publisher.. ... and printer ... .of the newspaper known as The Edina-Morningside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated.
That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
Notice of public hearing .................................................................. ......................... .......... ..
hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of sin&? column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office. established + said place .of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary. material for preparmg and pnntmg the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had m its makeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it uuruorts to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany: has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire-
ly made uu of uatents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said dace of Dublic~tlon to the extent of 240 couies repularly delivered to oas?ins subscribers: has been kntered a‘s second class mail matter in loca post-office of its said pl& of-publication; -that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge 04 the facts constituting its.qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that.+ qubhhers have comphed wth all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said quahfication. A COPY of each issue has been filed wth the State Historical Society, St. Paul.
That the printed .......... .Notice. .of. .E?.b1ic .he.???-. ............... :. ........
....................................................................................................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published
therein in the English language once a week for 2 successive weeks: that it was .............
first so published on the ......................... 6th day of ......................... June 1963 ..... and
thereafter on.. Thursday 13th
JUne 63
............................... .of each week to and including the ..................
day of ........................... 19 ...... : and that the following is a copy of the lower case
alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publica-
tion of said ....... Notice. of. .!?b1iC. hear%. ........................................ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Subscribed and sworn to before me this . 3
lic, Hennepin County, Minn.’
My Commission Expires June 16,1969
“Bkginning at a Doint on the South line of the North 165 feet of the South 263 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the South- west Quarter of Section 20. Townshi 28 Range 24. a dis- tance oP370’feet East from the West line thereof: thence North paralle! to the VJcst line there- of a distance of 9D feet: thcncc West parallel to thc Siwth line thereof a distancc GI IO feet: thence South ptrnllel to thc West line thereof .& distance of 90 feet tu the South Inw zlf said North 165 feet of the bmth 263 feet. thence East aImg said South line rt distane of 10 fect to the point Of Beuinnmg.” The above legal clescripttons rep- resent land dedcated. irr escess of a sixty - foot righi a[ . wav. for a temporary turn - around in Ewing Avenue abutting NE.. 612L and 6125 Ewing ’Avenue, and which tempo- rary turn - around IS no ionger ,needed because of &he extension of Ewing Avenue Io the south. AI1 objections dnd recoinmendn- tions will be heard at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINR VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (June 6. 13, 1863)-EC-ZA-5C _-