RE: GLACIER SAND &&L AFFIDAVIT PUBLICATION CO. PETN. FOR VACATION OF ,.........................................~............-...........-.-...----------, STREETS IN HARRIET LAWN
ON MX@H FEBR. 26 & AGAIN IE~~IKI-MoJxI~H~~Js~~~ Courier DENIED,
Edina, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
JOHN E. "&TON, being duly morn, on oath says: that he now is and during all the time herein-
stat& has been JOHN E. TILTON, the publisher __------ and printer --_-_-__ of the newspaper !mown
a8 The Edina-Morningaide Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated.
That for more than one yeear immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide. ha8 been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with &Ilea workmen and the necessaw materid for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in 2s sakeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which ha8 been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly mide up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; ,ha8 been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the exten% of 240 Copies regularly delivered to papng subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of iks said place of publication; that there has been on file in.the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issuR has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul.
MY COmmlMiiOn Expires June 16, 1962.
Edina-Morningside Courier
Edina, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
JOHN E. TILTON, being duly mom, on oath sags: that he now is and durJng all the time herein-
stated has been Jog E. TILTON, the publisher -------- and printer ________ of the newspaper known as The Edina-Mornmgside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts hereln stated.
That for more than one yeear immediately prior to the publication therein of the printad
________ ~ ~
hereto attached. said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesuta, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form eauivalent in spwe to 450 running inches of single column tws-iiich&-wide-* has been issued from-a known office established in-said place of cublication equipped with .shed workmen and the necessarg materia for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in %S sakeup not less than twenty-five percent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire- ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; ‘has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to pasing subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication: that there has been on file in %he office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the Sbte Historical Society, St. Paul.
therein in the English language once a week for-----frWQ_-----successive weeks; that it was
fk6t 80 published on the ______ let; __________ day of _________ p&saw----- ------, 19&--and
thereafter on ______ %md&? --__-__--_- Of each week to and including the ____ 8- ____________
day of--!kb-m-q--. I&; and that the following is a copy of the lower CBB~
alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the She and kind of tspe used in the publica-
Subscrlbed and sworn to before me
I, the undersigned, Police Patrolman for the Village of Edina, do hereby certify that
I have, this date, posted on Official Village Bulletin Boards at - 1. Village Hall.
2. W.5Oth St. and Indianola Ave. 3. W.56th St. and Xerxes Ave. - copie
Signed and st~orn to before me, a Notary
County, this
Gretchzn S.Alden)
My Cormnission Expires 1/12/67
4801 8. 50th St.
Edina 24, Minn.
IJOTICE 3s WP!BX GIVEN' khat the Edina Village CounciL \.rill meet on >Ionday,
February 26, 19622 kt' r:OO P.H.?. ak the Village Hall, and ~1ilZ ae said time
and place consider the petition of GLACIER SAHD &TD GFAVEL CO., for the
Vacation oE, Ehe? follovying Streets:
1. 8.72nd Street and 1.7.73rd' Street from the East right-of-way line of
Prance Avenue to th Uesr right-of-way line OE Cliov7en Avenue.
24 Ev7ing &venue, Prey, Avenue,; an4 howe en Avenue, from t~ic ~orch right-
all, ,as Fecorde6 .In fhq .o€fice, og 1"thc. Begister; oE Deeds Pn: -an& for IIenncpia
County, knnesotz.:
A1f objections knd kecommendations wilf 'be beard at said meeting.
'Village Clerk
jngside Courier
f ' ,.
I I *'+Edina, Minnesota '
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
JOHN E. "LTON, being duly sworn, on Oath sags: that he now is and during all the tlme herain-
stated has been JOF E. TILTON, the publisher- ------- and printer ________ of the newspaper known as The Edina-Mornmgside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herem stated.
That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
hereto attached said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of'publication within the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota. on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with siilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same: THE EDINA-MORNINGSIDE COURIER has had in %s sakeup not less than twenty-five percent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known place of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entire-
ly made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extenk of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said County the affidavit of a person hav- ing first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publication of legal notices. and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of l& said qualification. A copy of each issue has been filed with the State Historical Society, St. Paul.
Subscrlbed End sworn to before me thls ._. 3!?--,
2. '%%nF( Arenue. Drew Avenue. and Chown Avenue from the h'orth right-of-vov line of W. 72nd Street to the South riyht-nf.e.icy line of W. 73rG St all as recorded in ihe office OP the Regster of Deeds in and for Benne. pin Lountv Minnesota. All ob&tions and recommenda- tions will be heard :it said mcctlng. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA I'LL- LAGE COUNCIL. . GRETCHEN S. ALDEN
Thomas D. ~Publi~ He
MY Cormnisston En~ire~ June 18. 1862.
Edina, Minnesota
State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin
JO~ E. TILTON, being duly sworn, on oath says: that 'he now is and during a~ the time herein-
stated h8S been JOHy E. TILTON, the publisher --__-_-_ and printer ________ of the newspaper known as The Edina-Mornmgside Courier, and has full knowledge of the facts herem stated.
That for more than one year fmmediately prior to the publication therein of the printed
day of----‘&^$&*^ ------------, $!!--; and that the following is a copy of the lower case
alphabet whlch is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the pubUcs-
My ComIOn Expires June 18, 1962.
c .
'* ,
.. ,
.. -.
Edina 24, Mim,
4803. w. 50th St.
NOTICE: IS W3EBY GIVEl that the Edina Village Council ?trihl Bet on BIonday,
December 11, 1961, at 7:OO liP.T4.,'at the Vilblage Half, and will at said time
and place consider r;he petition of G-LP,IER SAW AI!!! GRABEL @Os, for the
Vacation of the foP8o;iing streets :
EJ. 72nd Street and W.73rd Street from she East right-of-way line of
way line of N.72nd Street to the South right-of-way Pine sf 51. 73rd St.
a11 as recorded in the office of the RegLster a2 Deeds in snd for Eennepin
County, Hinnesota.
All objections and reconsrendations will be heard at said mating,
State of Minnesota )
County of Hennepin ) SS
Village of Edina )
I, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting Police Patrolman for the Village of Edina,
Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have, this date, posted copies of .
on Official Village Bulletin Boards at - 1. Village Hall. 2..W.50th St. andJndianola Ave.
(Signed) A$$?/&& 3. W.56th St. and Xerxes Ave.
Dated fie 22, /?&/
Signed and sworn to before me, a Notary
Publi in an or Hennepin County, this
&day of @-r 196 1.
(Gretchen S. Alden)
b (Official Pvblication)
December 11, 2961, at 7:OO Bo14., at the Village Hall, and aiPk at said tim
and. place consider the petition 0% GLACIER SAIUZ, GWaaEL COOS f~r the
Vacation of the ZolPowing streets:
1. 13. ?2nd Street and W.73xd Street from the East right-of-vay line of
France Avenue to the West right-of-way Pine of Chowen Avenue.
2. Ewing Avenue, Dse~7 Avenue, and Chowen Avenue, from the Earth right-of-
way line of W.72nd Street to the South right-of-way line oE If. 73rd St.
e12 a8 recorded in the office of the EZegister 02 Deeds in and Zor Iknnepin
Please publish in Edina-Morningside Courier November 23 and 30, 1961.
Please send'us 2 Affidavits of Publication.
4801 v. 50th St.
Edina 24, Isinn.
NOTICE I8 HEEEBY GEVEN that the Edina Village Council will met on Monday,
December 18, 9961, at 7:OO F.I. I at' Che Village Hall, and mill at said tine
and place consider Che petition of GL4CEER SAND &I'D GRAVE& COOP 5or the
Vacation of the IEslluving st~eets:
1. V. 72nd Street and W.73rd Street from the Last right-of-vay tine of
France Avenue to the West right-of-way Line of Chowen Avenue.
2. .?Wing Avenue, Dr@w Avenue9 and Chowen Avenue, kxn Lhe kaorth right-of-
way line oE V.72nd Street to the South sig€zt=-ou'-~7ay line sE N. 73rd St.
all as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hemepin
County, Minnesota.
A11 objections and recamendations will be heard at safd meting.
..am.--... . .
Comes now Glacier Sand and Gravel Co. and
re spe ct fully petitions this honorable Council to, thr ough
proper procedure, vacate the following streets .located
within iihe corporate boundaries of the Village of Edinat
1) West Seventy-second ("2nd)
Street from its intersection
with France Avenue, thence easterly to its intersection with Chowen
Ave., including said intersection
at Chowen Avenue.
2) West Seventy-third (73rd) Street
from its intersection with France
Ave., thence easterly to its
intersection with Chowen Ave.,
including said intersection at
Chowen Bve..
3) $wing Avenue from its inter-
se c ti on with We s t Seven ty-thir d
(73rd) Street, thence north to its intersection with West Seventy-
second (72nd) Street, including
both said intersections.
4) Drew Avenue from its inter- section with West Seventy-third (73rd) Street, thence north to its intersection with Vest Seventy-
second (72nd) Street, incLuding
both said intersections.
5) Chowen A.venue from its inter-
section with West Seventy-third
(73rd) Street, thence north 'bo its intersection with West Seventy-
second (72nd) Street, including
both said intersections.
That the following facts are hereby alleged
and set forth in.support of this petition.
1)That Glacier Sand and Gravel Co.
and c, Uedber-q + SQNS CO~
are the only or&?ers of 'land abutting on the streets herein involved.
2) That the petitioner herein is
the owner of all additional land
or lands located within the immediate
vicinity of said streets and theref ore
no rights of ingress or egress are
3) That said streets, alt'hough
dedicated for street purposes have, in fact, never been opened, used
or maintained as streets and that,
therefore, there is no, and has
been no, public use of said streets.
4) That said streets are the
boundaries of a platted addition
called Harriet Park, all owned by
Glacier Sand and Gravel Go., and
that the plat of Harriet Park is
extremely old and now obsolete
for the reason that the terrain
therein is hilly and the said
plat and said streets are not
compatible to said terrain.
5) That if said streets are
vacated as a result of this petition it is the intention of Glacier Sand
and Gravel to also petition the
District Court of Hennepin County to vacate the plat of Harriet Park.
6) to vacate said streets for the
reason that future use and development
of the area bounded by and abutting
upon said streets can better conform
to modern building requirements if
said streets are vacated,
That it is in the public interest
That attached hereto and marked &hibit ''A"
is a plat or'map of the North $, Section 32, Township 28,
Range 24, Henaepia County, Minnesota, wherein said streets
are located, That the ownership of the parcels of land in
the immediate area of said streets is indicated thereon.
Wherefore, your petitioner herein respectfully
requests that the above designated streets be vacated by
appropriate action of this council.
Dated this 17th day of November , 1961. -
It s : President
Medbphj +-s~~vs eo, being
an abutting land owner on a portion or the streets above
described, to-wit: abutting West Xeventy-third (73rd) Street,
hereby joins Glacier Baad and Gravel Go. in this petition
and prays Chat the Village Council will take appropriate
action as set forth in said petition.