HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2012-088 Appointing Primary Election Judges 0
WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Law 2046.21 requires that persons serving as election judges be
appointed by the Council at least 25 days before the election.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the individuals named on Exhibit A, and on file in
the office of the City Clerk be appointed as the City of Edina Primary Election Judges for the August 14,
2012 Primary Election; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Edina City Council also appoints other individuals and all members
appointed to the Hennepin County Absentee Ballot Board as authorized under Minn. Stat. 2046.21,
subd. 2 under the direction of the Election Manager to serve as members of the Edina Absentee Ballot
Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is with this, authorized to make any substitutions or
additions as deemed necessary.
Passed and adopted by the Edina City Council this 19th d f J e, 2012.
Debra A. Ma gen, City derk James B. Hovland, Mayor
I,the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and
foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its
regular meeting of June 19, 2012, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting.
WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this day of 120
Debra A. Mangen,City Clerk
4801 West 50th Street•Edina,Minnesota 55424
www.EdinaMN.gov•952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390
AUGUST 14, 2012
Stacy Abena Laurie Fetterman Mary Landberg Judith Rodgers
Katherine Aby Bob Fiedler Paul Lane William Rodgers
Rita Acker Paul Fink Karen Lanz Robert Rohlf
Carolyn Anderson Lisa Flint Gertrude Lappin Luann Rosenthal-
Mary Louise Anderson John Fossum Kristine Larsen Erickson
Lavonne Andres Rebecca Frederick Barbara Larson Carol Rothe
Terrill Arnst Ginny Frey Patricia Leefeldt Milagros Rush
Marsha Bard Marcia Friedman Bonnie Leer Mary E. Ryan
Lisa Batdorf Suzanne Fuluvaka Kelsey Lemmer Mike Samuels
Chris Bauleke Valerie Geurts Karen Leon Randy Sawatzky
Mary Becker Daniel Gieseke Susan Lindsay Avelina Schneider
Carol Bertelson Devorah Goldstein Ellen Loewenberg Connie Schramm
Cynthia Beuerlein George Griffiths Cynthia Loveland Aundria Schreiner
Juliet Boemer Doris Grimes William Lucas Sara Schwiebert
Mary Book Muza Habeck Mark Lumry Marilyn Sedoff
Raymond Book Eugene Haman Karen Lundholm Marion Selid
Holly Borgen Judith Hansen Barbara Maeder Katherine Sewell
Katherine Bradbury Joan Hanson Linda Maetzold Lincoln Shea
ZoeAnne Brandberg Paige Harmon Connie Mase Michael Skelly
Adele Brellenthin Mary Hartupee Boyd Mast Margaret Skibbe
Kathy Bronner Buddy Hasnudeen Patti Mazzara Mary Skoy
James Burnett Mary Jo Hasnudeen Mariette McBurney Ruth Smith
Mary Calgren Sharon Hed Barb McFarlane Susan Smith
Christine Campion Jackie Heinen Rosemary McGlynn Cathy Snyder
John Cardle Cheryl Heley Frank McGoldrick Gail Stalpes
John Carlson Bethel Hoaglund Joy S McHenry Vivian Steblay
Sandra Carlson William Holden Susan McKusick Lee Strang
Jane Carpenter Alan Holst Joan McMillan Robert Sundquist
Pauline Carroll Nancy Hopf Carol Melichar Ann Swanson
Cathy Cella Judy Hoppe Jane Meller Philothea Sweet
Yvonne Christensen Rosalene Horner Luana Metil Diana Thompson
Marilyn Christiansen Annette Horton Karen Miller Andrea Tiggas
Eileen Cooke Terri Hudoba Nancy Miller Donna Tilsner
Jack Cracraft Marion Hurley Janet Moberg Janet Ulvin
Marian Cracraft Myra Hykes Pat Montez Patricia Vander Wall
Colleen Crew Rosemary Jellen Beth Montgomery Mary Vanek
Deborah Croker Shirley Johnson Linda Murdock Patricia Vaurio
Spencer Crum Allen Johnson Susan Niefeld Ray Voss
Judie Dale Kate Johnson Wallace Norlander Lou Ann Waddick
Marjorie Dale Mary Kachan Patti Olander Deb Waldin
Byron Dale Ann R Kapaun Marde Olson Donna Wallander
Gloria Danielson Patriciz Kattleman Ordell O'Neill Jini Washburn
Donna D'Aquila Dalia Katz Norman Owens Jenny Weber
Gloria DeBerg Ann Keenan Mary Pate Deanna Weeks
Amy Demarest Joan Keiner Jean Pearce Paul Wehrmeister
Delpha DeZellar Louise Kellams Wain Pearce Mary Jean Weigel
Patricia Dill Katherine Ketchum Edward Petersen Mike Welbaum
John Dimmock Jessica Kingston John Peterson Donald Wenger
Lisa Domke Mavis Klefsaas Betty Pollitt Ardis Wexler
Wendy Donovan Marcia Koester Linda Presthus Elizabeth Wolff
Sheila Duhn Janet Kopp Joyce Quinn Kathryn Woxland
Sontrud Duke Julia Kosters Robert Reed Mary Yee
Emma Eberlein Martha Kouatli Eric Rehm Deborah Zierden
Erika Eberlein Hana Koudsi Jennifer Roach
William Ehrich James Landberg Lois Robertson