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1960 Annual Budget
� ' >s/< a. J FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING POLICE PROTECTION PLANNING STREET ' MAINTENANCE 0 E0iiEAT10N PUIL,DIN6 IN8PEOTION I TIIAfflC CONTROL 1 �oo12v 7o ,no13 `0 , 13 � TABIZ OF CWMTS BUDGET MESSAGE, CRDIWMC90 SURVIRIES Nanage.Lels Budget Nacm8e gudgu".t Ordinance S 1 ww"!-.wy 1 - Revetwebs By Fund and SeUrC.T. Emenditures By FVAd and Dmatfrz DETAILS M? M-MBITURES It, 'eltt L4' of ftrGulms aud pTaperty Piro protecUan UVlliaa Deimme Health 'whn cant• al a'iate 7 (forks '13 apv.xvf.,;ion aftd Overhead 'ry-Dibrributim kuiptM&MCe -t Lighting Street Fame Signs Control VUltage Proporties tic-ad Control of Suits Assessments an Village Property w` ;uat.ral Services-Capital Outlay Capital ftfraverAmt Fark and Recreation i;4'Xinistration wacreittica Program C""�'Iplltal (Alutlay 2® "(1-22 27=28 29-30 "'I .0.-32 33 34-35 36 37 )9 40-41 42.43 44-45 "-47 48-49 50-51 52 53 54 55-56 57 58-59 60 61-62-63 64-63-66 67-68 711 re Hall V rago 69 70 71 72-73 74-75 76-77 73-79 BUDGET ME8SAGF August 31, 1 To the licnorab e Mayor and ► rusteeo From the Village Nanager A Proposed Municipal Financial arosram for Edina for 1960 G4nticman: It is our duty and pFi.vii.egc to present to you, once again, a. detailed fin-oncial plan for operating the Village of Edina's tax- nupported activities for a cal-end_nr year, from January 1, 1960, to December 31, 1960. The figures in the nearly 100 following pages unfortunately cannot speak for themselves. And by themselves, and whcn lumped altogether, they certainly call for a formidable _=,bun t of -honey to be :raised by tti3i Lion of one form and another. They do, however, repre.^,ent the best thinking of your a6ainist ative officials as. to uhat should be Spent if the riany activities arc to be operated at levels Sufficient to moot in a zcasonable and acceptable manner the needs, new ands, arid wishes of the some 27,000 residents of kc wlzlla c. It is your prerogative to determine wehethee they result in too high a tn;: rate. In the summaries, hi `h- Lights, and Justifications included With the finures, uC have aCteamted to explain the various needs. tin tinc::cese of 2.6 mills in the mill rate is indicated by the proposed total eNpenditures of $1,112,167.00. Even this = rcresce, Fdir.4's,municipal mill rate of 30.46 rii lls would still be under rest con - parable cormiu ^cities in this area. A very large portion of the total c .penditures is devoted to salaries and ?iFlges, as can be c` pected of any organization which primarily provides services and iaci litics. provision its made for about a 3;0 general increase in salary and wage levels, with some additional increases for a few positrons vhcre our present rates are lowi or v;hcre individual responsibility and capability deserves recognition. The general incrcase 9S in line 47ith what we unde'r'stand other suburbs are planning, and is rauch lower than requested by the anion representing public =fonts and engineering personnel.: :Ro provision is mace for any additional "hcalth and Teelfere" fringe benefits., althou& one citizen bas requested that consideration be given to providing $5,000 to $10,000 to secure additional benefits on a group basis for policemen and firemen killed in line of duty. This is a subject which deserves thorough study and in a separate memo we will furnish full information as to what benefits present Workmen's Cormensation insurance and the reti?- €mart system provide. A total of -$. -,399 as included for salary end wag a increases. Included also are ;requests for additional employees uhich we feel are essential in every instance. The volume of c,ortc acing done by the present force inc11 co*mare very favorably with any similar orgcnization. During a typical week this suwrneer, a daily average of 256 phone cults were made to the Village Offices, and an average of 68 persons caire into the upstei,:s general offices. A complete tabulation of personnel increases by departments for the cast s^veral years is included. If the additional position requested for the general offices is authorized, the total number of persons eaoloyed in administrative and finance work will increase for the first time since 19k. cl total of X45,288 is represented by the 12 new positions requested. PAGE II . One item, over w-bicb we have no control otheK than by reducing the total compensation paid employees, is the Village's share of the cost of pensions. The 1957 session of the State l,egi- Glature finally required mmici.paliti.es to start making regtal.a: contri1xitions to the Pnblic Employees' Rettremea *t Association, in order to put the Fund on a sound basis. r--or mny yenra the Village paid nothing for this purpose. in 1958, the Minge paid 14%, in 1959,57, and in 19600 8k% of payroll, This will aean an increase of $21,000, or nearly one will, over 1959 The continued rapid nowth of the Village is the major cause of Increased expenditures. In 1958, 538 new dwelling m ai.ts v-aere started, while the a.ssesaed . valuation increase fx" day 1, 1958 to May 1, 1959, was 41,5M,000-00 to a total of 425,446,632.00. Dur. ing the first eight months of 1959, 391 new dwelling ng units were started. As a commnity grows, not Gnly are there imre requests and need for service by established activities, but also for next and different services. Credit for the massy of detailed wark necessary to prepare this budget is again due to Jo 0. Dalen, Finance 'Director, and George Hite, Planning Engineer. I Your decisions after your deliberations on the propoGals, will, of course, be cowletel.y acceptable to the adrainistrati.ve staff cacao will iwke the moat: economical use possible of Mnatevere funds, personnel, equipment, and material you feel are 'required to operate the. Village during 19600 Respectfully submitted, Warren C, Hyde, Village Nanager: a `F i i 6 3 PACE In f ORDINANCE NO. 16-3 t ORDINMCE ADQ'EwE11N1G 6UDGET FOR THE `d11 .AGE Or, L" DINA FOR °M ZAF. 1960, MD ESTABLISHING `FAR LEVY FOR THE YEAR _ __ 1.959 FAYASLE IN 1960 - _ ` 'cy a VILLAGE CCURCIL f� TU,. `� ILLc?GE OF EDI1M, 111 ;IESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS-, Section 1. The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1960 is hereby adopted as hcrcinefter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: GE0011,nL r UND CEN�uiL GOVEE.M-1-ri4T Hjayci and Council 8,694 Adnini stra t ion. 48,950 Finance 325516 Aosessing 38,01 Legal. Services 14,985 lilu _icipa7l Court 23,615 Librdry 2,373 Election. 11,075 PArmning 12.689 T09AL GMERAL GOVEP.ik M"r $192,907_ PROTECTION OF PERS -ON'S AND PROPERTY Police � $173,789 Fire 84,177 Civilian Defense 2,355 fuvl.ic Health A,800 &-.i* rye l Cmtrol 4; 550 Inspectica TMAL PROTECTION OF MSMI SS ..22,675 M D �MLIC WO `a�eJ Engineering - $ 93,262 Highways 216,936 TOM PUBLIC WORKS $350,198 MUCCELLf11M 7S AWD �,`.OMML'IES Contingencies �� 5 5,000 Settle=nt of Suits 500 Special Assessments an tillage Froparty 28,000 Unallocated C- Inital outlay 1,741, TOTAL IMAISC LLIMMUS AND M.- IMEGENCIES k 35, 241 TOTAL GUIERAL FUND 5872,692 PP 'FUND e Supervision and Overhead $ 26,995 Maintenance 36,735 Capital Outlay 10,205 Recreation. 31�g1y______m__ TOTAL Ph= FMID �Z05,$S0 Section 2. Estimate6l Receipts other than Gen -oral TAU Lary ere hereby eotablished as hereinafter set fotthm GEMAL FMTD Village Share-State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $ 21,000 Licenses and parmi.ts 46,3 =1 Municipal Court 55,000 Departrmntal. Service Charges 87,500 other 18,810 Transfer freo Liquor Fund 32,550 State Apportionment-Highways 24,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $285,171 Csa$rwce loo. 13 -3 (Cc tisraed) SARK FAD sOmD T" Registration Fees other Tramsfer ft't9€t'e General Fund TOTAL PARK FMD TOTAL ESTUM -TED 111RCEIPTS S 21,000 400 42,1, 50 Page PUGS IV $ 54,850 X3400021 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set fortb: For the Genera. Fund For the Park Fund For the Poor Fund Fab the Firemcn-1 m Relief For the Fire Protection Fe€ Bonds and Interest $587,521 51,000 7,800 7,650 7,650 46,200 TOTAL 9707,821 Section 4. This ordinFante shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publie€t ion according to lvzu. :adopted this 5th day of October, 1959. SiU OIARY I continued GENERAL FUND (continued) Changes 'Co other funds Contributions from active funds Less transfer to Park Fund Sale of Property Contributions- outer sources Other miscellaneous revenues FALL: VI Actual Actual Budgeted Estimated Approved 1957 1958 1959 1959 1960 $ 25,025 $ 4.1,27` $ 43,390 3? 43,390 $ 32,550 $ 6,000 7,500 $ 7,500 7,500 $ 7,500 4 50,000 $ 62,5<%D 75,000 r 75,000 $ 75,000 24,2.275 21,2 4'_ 31,61-0 31,610 4,•2,4.50 $ 25,025 $ 4.1,27` $ 43,390 3? 43,390 $ 32,550 ;,300 19C 500 100 100 257 .00 3,720 900 TOTAL PARK FUM 1x,250 7,233 2,500 2,300 2,000 POW! URIDURID TOTAL G40-.AL FUND $727,440 $779,393 $803,803 $809,271, $872,692 ,Mt FUND �.Real F- Personal Property Tar S 36,105 42,806 4! 47,000 $ 44,672 $ 51,000 L?egistration fees 3,197 1,397 1,500 1,801 2,000 'transfer from Li Quo_ Fund 28,1:75 21,223 31,610 31,610 1x2,450 Transfer from Swimming Pool Fund 9,34-7 ;,935 4,935 Contributicns-other sources 350 350 300 Swimming registrations. 11,718 ;,300 7,.395 10,000 Unclassified 590 �. 257 .00 120 10® i TOTAL PARK FUM $ 68,352 $ 79,716 $ 90,:95 $ 90,883 $105,850 f POW! URIDURID (j Real & Personal Property `daiN 7,1:41 $ 7,523 $ 7,80 $ 7,600 7,800 'EOTAL, FtJOi Fti yD $ 7,441 $ 7:523 7,800 $ 7,6019 i $ 7,800 j SUMMARY I continued OTHEP REAL f: PE Sf9I? M Fire Pro_ection Bonds r: Interest TO—DAL GT R TATS R VENNUES TOTAL ALL REMNIUBS PAGE V11 Actual Actual Budgeted Estimated approved 1957 1958 1959 1959 1960' $ 5,53€ S 6,420 $ 6,900 $ 6,700 $ 7,650 6,464 6,446 6,900 6,700 7,650 37,028 56,445 4<<,200 4-3,000 46,200 S 49,020 S 69,311 $ 58,000 $ 56,400 5 61,500 $852,263_ _$935,973 $959,898 $964,157 $1,047,842 SU14MLIRY 11 3SM's'M)3S BY PLM AND FM CTION Actual Actual Budgeted Estimated Approved 1957 1958 1959 1959 1960 Gene;.a? Goverment: 033,923 450,039 068,524 $173,789 80,153 Village Council $ 6,285 9,813 $ 8,656 $ 8;206 $ 8,094 Planning 3,340 7,625 10,354 9,488 - 12,689 Administration 37,111 44,740 47,004 45 "937 48,950 Finance 24,242 30,380 32,929 32,978 32,516, Yuar_icipal Court- 13,159 18,798 20,384 21,334` 23,615 Election 6,209 4,300 31,672 1,.672 11,075 Assessing 20,300 251,571' 32,153 30,851. 381010 Legal Services 7,189 13,543 13,985 13,90 3.4.,985 Library 2,645 3,131 2,390 3,077 2,373 Total General Goverpment 5120,980 $157,901 5169,527 $1167,483 $192,907 Protection of Pekson, Property: Police Fire Civilian Oefenae Pub3' is ReaFth Animal Control Inspecti*ns $111,602 033,923 450,039 068,524 $173,789 80,153 90,769 78,565 78,565 89,177 1,116 525 5,445 1,900 2,355 600 1,602 1,800 1, €00 1,800 2,765 3,033 5,450 4.,,100 4,550 12,085_ 15,789 22,325 18,208 22,675 Total ]Protection ,ox Persons & Property $208,321 $245,64€5 $263,624 $253,097 $294,346 Public Works: ZnSineering Supervision %- Overhead Street Maintewnce Street Lighting Street Name 51-0-fts Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Village Properties Roxicus Deed Control Capital Nutley Total Public Works 86,385 $ 89,768 $.86,388 $ 82,37€ $ 93,262 25,654 37,770 32,806 3<<,655 40,778 72,43.8 81,478 97,060 94-i 2set, 112,378 25,878 a1,Z53! 32.,58€1 34,730 35,680 4,358 4,401 4,350 3,981 4,570 8,619 30,351 14,080 13,775 151,215 4,295 4,812 3,925 3,614- 3,825 8,030 7,231 12,000 13.,415 11,730 9,425 11,140 10; 242 101960 1,881 1,962 1,915 1;682 1,800 _22,793 _ _31,296 17,400 15,81.1 20,000 $260,311 $308,845 4313,60• $306,789 050,198 AAA4f '1'tl. 1, .L �/�b'aV� Yid L/Jlilrii �:iM1:�ViiV NWJ.iWLA 20,173 S- l"6i7M �.fi RMMARY 11 Continued Plaintenance 25,80 25,528 30,832 302,812 36,735 Actual Aictua3. Budgeted Estimated Approved 31,915 1957 1958 1959 1959 1960 GMERAL FUND f cor ti nued) r..�. 1;on -•Depa tmantal Expenditures: $ 68,593 $ 74,426 $ 90,295 $ 90,295 Contingencies 3,482 S 1,250 5,500 -4,000 ; 5,000 8ett.lament of Suits OT14ER AX SUPPORTED 1,000 500 500 Special Assessments on EXPENDITURES Village Property 7,821 13,966 31,500 3019.12 28,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 32,323 960 1,750 10,668 1,741 Capital,Imp`ovements Park Sicking Fund 3;1x8 17,258 17,258 30,0130 Workman's ConapcnsaLion G , -37,018 y i 56,41.5 F `s' 44,200--.$ 43,000 Village Ralf 30,289 5,538 6,1i-20 6,900 6.,700 ceTnt5ml Services- Fire Protection 6,164 6,446 6,900 - - 6,7130 unallocated Total Other Tait Supported 14, 34:9 Total Pion-- Departm-antal ENp@L-ditures $ 49,020 $ 69,311 $ 59,000 $ 56 400 Ehgancitures -� 73,905 r 33,713 $ 57,008 5e.,,.338 $ 35,241: TMAL GMERAL FMIM $663,517 V46,099 8,FG03,803 $781,707 $872,692 Amin stzation $ 14ilO7 20,173 y 26,243 $ 201,243 $ 26,995 Plaintenance 25,80 25,528 30,832 302,812 36,735 Recreation 20,1.55 22,723 31,600 31,600 31,915 Capital Outlay 8,051 52997 7,640 7,640 10 205 � TOTAL PARK MM $ 68,593 $ 74,426 $ 90,295 $ 90,295 $105,850 FO C P" r, UNil D 3,751.,; 6,863 7,800 7,800 7,€300.. OT14ER AX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bands s lntebest: Imr oveu:en,t Funds $ 37,028 $ 35,,232 13,400 13,000 $ It."000 Park Sicking Fund 21,213 3118860 30,0130 3222GO , -37,018 y i 56,41.5 F `s' 44,200--.$ 43,000 $ 46,200 Firerr'n's Relief Association 5,538 6,1i-20 6,900 6.,700 7,650 Fire Protection 6,164 6,446 6,900 - - 6,7130 Total Other Tait Supported ENp@L-ditures $ 49,020 $ 69,311 $ 59,000 $ 56 400 5 61,10 D .EXPET ITURES ALL sUlq 6 _699 $959,9 _ 36,202___fi2 COL %, 8 i2 l� DETiAM EF EXPE -E iITURES OF EDMA ANNUAL BUYSERY � I, k C--- rl."; I Fva� r; S—d 1 S,4 t-,T�D Area Amt. No. C E Iq TE-RIAL GENERAL GOVERNMEUT VILLAGE COUNCIL .21.100 . Ifty -- 1959 DUDEYETED r; S—d 1 S,4 t-,T�D OBJECT 1960 R " OM M Z i E D BUDGETE, D 5 6,240 $ 6,240 1. PERSONAL SE-RIVICES 6,240 6,240 200 50 2. COMMACTURAL SEWMES 150 ISO 800 500 900 600 r:16 -1. 16 SERVECES 1, 1,704 T. kY 8..;.656 8 06 I�A i C, 11 or pol-O'Lcy-raak-in�- 0.1' he V--;Iia,,e Counc-i -Stitutes the let,;isi 1. s:� 6 1 ,,'co na it '.Ac cot.-mcil is co-imposed of the Mzyo:,- and ).our Tril0tees, 223.1 elect-ed at lwi:ge foi ov el: !app ing it-ems of. two and three years, re!:'Poct'-Jxelv. The Mayor ?.s the afficia, be- o'.cl of Village Government and is the p�:esiding off , icer "It. Council mcetltngs. The Councl I meets on tb.c . soc6nd and fourth Monday of cacti month at the -Village Ila!-.,.. CCI-WITSHTS Appropriation kcr Central. -ervices incrensed because of larger cont: :ibution .i;o retirement. fund. V!U-..�..E'vK'. OF RDN!A ANNWI�L WDSEF PIAEI,Fr 2 AI 0 4-Fqj PIE' DEIFIIE I 4.-�,, i -- �asx•s,r�;� - -I �k,'�G:r:E � Dem.,! GIVINERAL GOVERP•ENT Mayor - $120 1,440 VILLLGE CIMUNCIL 2"1. 100 AI 0 4-Fqj PIE' DEIFIIE I 4.-�,, i -- �asx•s,r�;� - -I �k,'�G:r:E � Dem.,! L Mayor - $120 1,440 6,240 2. Conferences and schools $ 150 150 3. I Annual raport $ 300 300 News letters 300 S) 0 0 i S 600 ii 4. General 4. 720 Village Hall 98"!- f'i'�,il. z , t;� tt T:f,C :: %1;;0'}€;.� $ MAN— , 8g694, Ii i � E, D i $;j A 1959 7,713 18 2 0 i. , 2 DFF r RS --7-7 -------- -S E.. 3 1960 $ 9,150 -S 9,150 .1 399 0 - .,? 1,899 1 0 200 40 , � l3 - "T % in S, Ef 0 r t -11 c 1,1;::., C' s Lc� ;(c 'I '17i ,-,a C. r) t I c 1. 1. P a w. e, n -i C zf;cic an.d 4+ O is i'mi-i-'ec. a. b b.o 'I i. gic =-,Lx r- uc C., - -ac:n the D' a ev e 0,.- t.j,C, `y4 13 iRf 0C? v cc :;U!C 1-Z.,Ves' Opei7,100n--, 'Lil- sa suad devolopni-s,'-,I— sst-b-,-i !J.ssion of ec tin. s on 01. and subdiv.; C,;.On 5:--X t Council. C� � -I tle s i CE? . ancl 0 -t 0. 11. e ,i i c 7 c 'P a -% 7 c- i: i e, 7 c o i a t i t r, 1 a i i s: Pc,a-,Sollul sevvices inc',�. , Oe in addil'-.inn tp i:lsie i 0, Sec---etary and the oervice-s Z or L -Ian lit"I s I D7*,j).L').0 s v t. Such ass.-!-G;-apce will. needod -in- of a devc�.owmoni-, -icon tlh:c 11. ZI, 1,- 0 VUUAGIE'OF EMNA ANINLIAL I.- GENERAL GENERAL Ck'WEERIETIENT -;— A cili v; ty - -- tU �.. ; I`+Y recL� Sf�t'�U..�50 - - -- �� 6,300 S'Cc5c C- tary 350 2,100 Payroll IliJ,c Nln'ks') 750 9,150 9,150 tools S 21016 286 Dues and .1 113 LOP- 1,500 -L, <,- 31 ID99 110, 200 200 960 Villar-c Hall. .8 Do 306 11440 TOTAL PLANPING $12,689 IS' u 11,41 fv*! W� �.Y 1959 5 Fund 51 U To G i" E D E-'S'TU";'vlAT ED Nc,. 2 1 2 0 IS' u 11,41 fv*! W� �.Y Oe ".7-Z-7.1ase's the pllf'OP", C-1.1�.'-.C1C",--,.f-11A oi* t':'nc, wwcics .`-,fa Counc-lUl. cull -ii-.c locnil OXIG are ille el:;----cc-L'- S �-..Ccounvl_ p7muide"; IIJ-,; cji-'�"Lco the Z31--a' ::m'd ,L:undf, i-lo nzo-pacly 'ma-ulanc, needed tO CL OMEET,, T S cw,�c ;:ddizt--ioncd zi1?6 the ;ci-)!,.icemeut ol an out ditto michi-ne ai:c the 1959 1960 51 U To G i" E D E-'S'TU";'vlAT ED k; C . 'S SEWC-iEf' 35,C 36 (-1•?-,:, 2. SF1 4,773 II %25 i 5 01 co!Am NP7, b is 225 "95 X0.2 5 rv. pjy 1.035 T� 'Rj ' %L' Oe ".7-Z-7.1ase's the pllf'OP", C-1.1�.'-.C1C",--,.f-11A oi* t':'nc, wwcics .`-,fa Counc-lUl. cull -ii-.c locnil OXIG are ille el:;----cc-L'- S �-..Ccounvl_ p7muide"; IIJ-,; cji-'�"Lco the Z31--a' ::m'd ,L:undf, i-lo nzo-pacly 'ma-ulanc, needed tO CL OMEET,, T S cw,�c ;:ddizt--ioncd zi1?6 the ;ci-)!,.icemeut ol an out ditto michi-ne ai:c the WLIILAG'Ili UNNA 4.441 JAL Fcmd lxv� �v el a Z-Idnlf n C, t Vii. L-Ise G'-.,c-.'k$.525 P Op,: r o: 2 5, 0 - 250 2 7 41, 475 Coixf-crences and schools Dues n-nd Le al Licenscs ciad pa Hats I if "eneval. LkAlf Car re. lac" li.,umm; 843,950 PAGE 6 9 ,$16,200 6.,800, 6,600 3,120 1,620 3,300 $ 770 508 3,500 4,776 100 50 75_ 81 225 4-200 2 , 4, 12 660 7:.272 500 35 500 1,035 843,950 PAGE 6 9 vii-Li,GE or- F"ind Func—N,%. a 21.210 2 ,,956 3 7 02', 32.- I -9 1950, r- ST 1 MAT E D 2 3, 36.0 2,925 25 3,708 2,980 t I SUNAMARY C. Pli ECT 2. CONYRACTUMI. SERVU7`1:i 707 A, LS -1960 24,8840 2,908 350 32 516 The F in e Depor"i. nimt J; ,,, c o sp. ous ib le for Ill-, c, i.-.) io I a Egg is S of the V i I A.!..-. revenue o-ad c-.-pcndli,-ure i--122llf-lz2czinr--1 are -0y -6le. Finance systom, olF p-u-_,-chcLGlrlry is vnamltaillcd� zt.ateinanto a- id zepoxts and issu--d by the Finance Dep"21:1-nen-L- ("I IN 19 S K.- •in LI'm ZL,70unt r�f 1500, die nmly matc-ial obem-p- O�mE last yem:ls C!PPTODTint:�Ou, ViLLAGE OF F--D]NA Z- k iNl NI U A L. B U, D 6 E 7 PAG7E, 3 L!, -i t1.___.i_.._.._ Aca Nio. GENER81 GENERAL GOVEM-LUMM14T 21.210 EM'ESMWFURE DETIUL Code itdiv,-y DowH 14 Finance DIrecwQ67577 25 3,700 I Bcohkeeper 0364-370 4,440 rayroll clerk $302025 3,900 Secretnry ?302-325 3,900 Cashier $302-05 WOO 24: U.-D 2. Conferences and schools I 375 Aues and subscriptions 33 Lnnunl audit —20502— 3. Book, and-Pamphleta 50 4. General 3,720 Village Hall 643 ? 40368 5. Adding machine i 8 350 f W i TUAL FIVANCE $32t516 VILUZE OF E-Dvi-NA P AK� F 9 Rind 1959 2.8 15,544 Acc5'. No. GENTML 600 500 21-300 suill'AWARY 03.E IX h. 19613 R L. IC Cal I VII I.el IP- 1;1\i D; E ED 1959 2.8 15,544 5,900 3,300 600 500 400 3,2•-0 .3,2.40 suill'AWARY 03.E IX h. 19613 R L. IC Cal I VII I.el IP- 1;1\i D; E ED 2140OL-M) 2.8 15,544 5,900 3,300 600 3,876 170 295 -3 R. 99 A. S I,iie nillaicipal, Cotla:t ;.s pl:,Osli.eleet ove�,: by tu.1 elkecLed kluaialpal- jtldga. wilp li oix yeany -",arm. The Cuu-i-L is wii:b {hp- ibility pf. of PCTGCV.G chazged. -uzith a, Villoge m,:,diinanca, !];y larGest nvurber of -a-fe vi. . alavionz 4i,7 -L'.'ric A sped ol V-1.0la-tiGns Buwbani bns establ;sIned to ba-adl-k MLAGE OF ENNA ANNUAm BUDGET 'SE 10 EX�IMNDI F DEfiIML ! ode Eictivitlj Object I:co. M®. MORAL L GENERAL GOVERMENT i� UD"ICIPAL CORT � 21.300 EX�IMNDI F DEfiIML ! ode Eictivitlj Object 1. Municipal Judge $400 -525 = 6,300 6,300 ! Special Judges ',25 /di.en, 4,200 2,800 Clark og Court $:312-350 4,200 3, 744 Clerk TN.B.(49 5225 -235 2,520 2,400 Court Reporter 300 300 Bailiff 520 -00 18,340 $15,544 2. Conferences and schools $ 400 $ 200 Board 6: room- prisoner=s 4,000 2,500 Witness 5: Psychiatrist fees 1,500 s$ 600 5,900 $ 3,300 3. Printing 6: Publications S 700 $ 500 Miscellaneous 100 100 $$ S00 $ 600 4. General S 2,280 Vill.aaa Hall 1,596 3,876 $ 3,876 5. Tape Recorder $ 250 $ -0- Bookcase 1"itdr lock 150 150 money Chest 100 25 Adding machine 250 100 Electric clock 20 20 f$ _ 770 i $ 295 I TGiAL I1TJUCIM -1 COURT 529,686 i i f $23,615 19 5✓ B U ID (� EYE P. El '.7 IM 1., 325 325 1;-s 45 278 273 2,',• 1.672 2b, 1,;72 "m, 03I.;NX,�T 2. 0 zNT RACX�UiRgl 1, Vk Gw'-� I A ct. EL i � l e�iLV , 21,400 ti E. C-10MI'VI! Fmb? , C, 5,975 450 625 4,025 11,075 FUN' G, T I OA s _c ,; n 0 rl s -1 S e 0 c 0 -n & -u!, I I '-Ekl t i 0 11 L'. I t,�- L e , -0 -n C-1 V e O-f-cur i.11 •-he ViA-1-age Of -Ek"i Du--- in g 196-u e I be. -,.mns '. 0 n -- of I. .1l.ch will be- thC. Novembc ' Tais Z&Ict, i-a a"I'dit'LO-LI i:r.-, the 0'"' I.-Oz.1"LIg Tuach-Ine p.-.-y-ments, acciuunts for -t*--!ie sulbstantlal --Increcase -i-a accoict-n-L. — u�.':!.`!!� � ",!_� -- - -- ��1j��.i��L ��5r�.�ila1•Z�,1'a I�_ + ��_ s Qt'..;. 0.11 s Cl ar s h 0 C) j. G TCYT Ear Rvo om -t MR LIP 1,225 250 700 5,975 300 150 •-;.. 5 0 275 253 625 .•,Ooo 2-5 i 1 07 5 $11,075 VhIL ^A02 '-W ED 13 $27,350 S24,497 2,3141 It 300 2, 215 700 2,640 700 "WN, ARY 02JECT 0 F, 5 Z, '11.1,11 2:"rWICES 2. COK`5 CACMRAI-I ---1.960 --- MECOMiMENDED B U -4 4C"E TE D $31,150 $ 31,150 2,726 2,726 r() 3,684 800 ti 38,1, 10 50 .3-,684 400 ._38:, 010 cic� funcb-011 J.-aclud"C' tile Laimid.11an'o-L 01 tile --osessed va-itles anc, Owd -m-nintenance o-- ui- record-, cf all pror�er`y the Village. 33: a:ntian L spcci.aj levied for 1"Allp-ovements are ilsno c cmpvitcd amd c;pYcad on the ta- 11:011s bv',,rarsonnel Of th• As�sCo't;'ing Dlepa-':t mmat. The a6dition. of t-m full t- me, 'l-,litled dePjjt-7C X-jill a .7 IJOT f-C)r C�:v 1 review C-- . In. OV .I joY prope-.,.-ty on is schedule geare6 to the growdi o-f the Village, and Lo Changes 4.11 Iva-luat-IoU.s. due to changes in the miarket value of property. Du---ing 1.959-60 sev.son the !rolicwiriS w-J-11 be main! -r chit leted. 1. Ve-u -filing system established. 2. New property record c4:irds co-,,P)Ieted. 3. Review- o�F all land as tr') value and -use classcif:LcaiAon. 4. Re-u-iew a-'-. improvebients -.,..n npp----oximm�.elv Onem, Ouri--!- of Mi.ne. GENERAL GBNE-RitL GOV, EIRF."PIF11T 21-500 $27,350 S24,497 2,3141 It 300 2, 215 700 2,640 700 "WN, ARY 02JECT 0 F, 5 Z, '11.1,11 2:"rWICES 2. COK`5 CACMRAI-I ---1.960 --- MECOMiMENDED B U -4 4C"E TE D $31,150 $ 31,150 2,726 2,726 r() 3,684 800 ti 38,1, 10 50 .3-,684 400 ._38:, 010 cic� funcb-011 J.-aclud"C' tile Laimid.11an'o-L 01 tile --osessed va-itles anc, Owd -m-nintenance o-- ui- record-, cf all pror�er`y the Village. 33: a:ntian L spcci.aj levied for 1"Allp-ovements are ilsno c cmpvitcd amd c;pYcad on the ta- 11:011s bv',,rarsonnel Of th• As�sCo't;'ing Dlepa-':t mmat. The a6dition. of t-m full t- me, 'l-,litled dePjjt-7C X-jill a .7 IJOT f-C)r C�:v 1 review C-- . In. OV .I joY prope-.,.-ty on is schedule geare6 to the growdi o-f the Village, and Lo Changes 4.11 Iva-luat-IoU.s. due to changes in the miarket value of property. Du---ing 1.959-60 sev.son the !rolicwiriS w-J-11 be main! -r chit leted. 1. Ve-u -filing system established. 2. New property record c4:irds co-,,P)Ieted. 3. Review- o�F all land as tr') value and -use classcif:LcaiAon. 4. Re-u-iew a-'-. improvebients -.,..n npp----oximm�.elv Onem, Ouri--!- of Mi.ne. VIIAGU OF D'AiNA ANP..WAL 1311JEDGE-T 141- GENERAL GOVERVENT ASSESSING HOW EICIIEN DOW12r; PT�Ml. ce6o AcOnT,, "0 b Zo " F, rj-4 im C; I eiadf OlUeE8.icd 7-go 7J'6 1. 0650-700 8n250 .T? a n, 6� Deputy Issess.'. vd-s- ors 1490-500 12,000 As,�!Ytit. Clerk 0375-400 4,000 ISO Secretary qY0025 1 3,900 Tepvties:?.T� IN&V 1,500 �Clewlca!,P.Z ,3 ho i 700 $31,150 31, 1/10 { b N'02. 1confewercas and S00010 600 I i -02 "' Duos a7d subscolpticn-.3 76- ; 7 M-Preparing Assesz=M6 1,00a 7 17' Quipment rental 50 --!,coon $ 2,726 $ 2,726 3. Boohs.cnd pamphlets 50 $ 50 4. , Vacua! 3,240 Millage Hall •44, 3,686 $ 3,604 al SID 5. Boo x•00 �� i� i- I - I I I 1 I--,' VIDAGPI-, 1959 BUDS-37L'ID 6,660 s 7,260 7,325 1960 RK:Coi,41.11A ENN-M 13O UE TE'D 7 860 7,860 7,325 7,125 C, 1 u 5 <it M. 985 2h i1e. Vi lk.gp-e 170ciu.-�rc�; the ei7 ":I. C,.!, -VIY itS CL -Y to ecaY Tll,-.y p v oa in. 1)3-cpc L J ro ific! I.Csal -0 1 ew-,en. - counsel. ;;,.ncl- 1--he , "('.;;O lut-; ' on::, rc--qO-h.-ed to im L thO T'.7-i-ShcS Of i.-he C'Otincil. lil ne-d-ii:1-on, L'Aiey dc.ZcnO, zi-,hci VI".11-ase in all civims an . d CiAts -a-tic! rn vsecutc all C-'-Scs out oJ,'- of Village Ordinances. Increased Ovuarrics fo:- -L,-'Ic nzosccuLing attorne-us "31011" 1-7I.tL1 t1he con"Anually 9--c0-ging -need fo-Y7 tbc soi7viccz. r,-f "the Vil 1O.Sa maItc up tim appropriatIon incrcases in- t'in.-is -,Iccount. 0 " -- , Es:�[Y!'�Rt�L E1�r3F�:;r;I, C0�?.�I.i:!:��,jT LFGZ' S17?,Tj-K',"2G 21-.600 1959 BUDS-37L'ID 6,660 s 7,260 7,325 1960 RK:Coi,41.11A ENN-M 13O UE TE'D 7 860 7,860 7,325 7,125 C, 1 u 5 <it M. 985 2h i1e. Vi lk.gp-e 170ciu.-�rc�; the ei7 ":I. C,.!, -VIY itS CL -Y to ecaY Tll,-.y p v oa in. 1)3-cpc L J ro ific! I.Csal -0 1 ew-,en. - counsel. ;;,.ncl- 1--he , "('.;;O lut-; ' on::, rc--qO-h.-ed to im L thO T'.7-i-ShcS Of i.-he C'Otincil. lil ne-d-ii:1-on, L'Aiey dc.ZcnO, zi-,hci VI".11-ase in all civims an . d CiAts -a-tic! rn vsecutc all C-'-Scs out oJ,'- of Village Ordinances. Increased Ovuarrics fo:- -L,-'Ic nzosccuLing attorne-us "31011" 1-7I.tL1 t1he con"Anually 9--c0-ging -need fo-Y7 tbc soi7viccz. r,-f "the Vil 1O.Sa maItc up tim appropriatIon incrcases in- t'in.-is -,Iccount. 0 Vh'LLAGE OF EDHMA Ail--INMUS-111L BUDGET PAGE 16 r- �EiOFRIREI METAN1. tecar-ane'. ded, GTT,EW.,-L GOVErMHEI-IT LEGAL SERVICES .21.600 r- �EiOFRIREI METAN1. tecar-ane'. ded, I B L, dg c te , Prosecuting ,,t cg. 11�500 - $ 6,000 Villago ",-,ttolmey 860 $ 7,860 7,860 I. 2, Confcre-inces and sch�aols S 250 50 and subs c-z ip ono 75 75. —L000 7,000 7,325 $ 7,125 i � T � �i!5,285,– � 9;141985 f sz, Pez—, "L L I Bl' Any 878 350 9 39 3;077 -73 rg n Z-1. :3 'o a C,:,: ;,c; !"calle-'r) ni shed 'a-,6, mn ills.lo -0.ee, by tin 0. v-;. 'i'. og,-_ v E d 1 -0. N—no- .-LI. C'.0 and. COTE'l-:1 73 1960 17 1959 j. coo 0&0 1,222 350 878 350 9 39 3;077 -73 rg n Z-1. :3 'o a C,:,: ;,c; !"calle-'r) ni shed 'a-,6, mn ills.lo -0.ee, by tin 0. v-;. 'i'. og,-_ v E d 1 -0. N—no- .-LI. C'.0 and. COTE'l-:1 73 1960 17 VIA AGE-_ OF EDRIA I4;NA\IUAL P UAFFAEL Co-& I Activity Anao Aw". Nlo. GEOEMAL GENERAL CGITERWRIKENT TM B R I t"I R i 21.700 P UAFFAEL Co-& I Activity PO .,Village labQr 665 2. IA1ca.f y 420 268 Wntc'. 'met ocuc;: 40 T_nsu3:z1ncc- f ire 130 $ , 878 a. crial Supplies $ 100 ='ZOI:ials 200 Latrm. oeed and nod 50 $ 350 1 TOTAL MBRARY �27 31 12,373- V n 9r. A G� LE" _ EU� .1 '.. i �j I k , "A_�,'T P A �'l &L 0� r NA U, � U , i D- g 19•9 B", J D 21 7.1i ED. 2:,-;,5jn 7 q, A 5, 79 5, 0 101 31 9 2E 0 0 G 5,32.0 S "U.Ml A. F.".! 0101jElf"T P 1E R; ID UNVIL SE"C"VCES 'S CMNIM i%lllll.Q,;lMl.T i ES IWOYU'�Ls M() aL 'e"MNAT ll` 'l DUD vi 1...o, &96 cAa. EQ-4 M�L Orl 73 I C U PaUPECTION, 1,497 24 .,8Gk- 24,864 6,220 5,870 19•9 B", J D 21 7.1i ED. 2:,-;,5jn 7 q, A 5, 79 5, 0 101 31 9 2E 0 0 G 5,32.0 S "U.Ml A. F.".! 0101jElf"T P 1E R; ID UNVIL SE"C"VCES 'S CMNIM i%lllll.Q,;lMl.T i ES IWOYU'�Ls M() aL 'e"MNAT ll` 'l DUD Bltl Df?l`_;Tt:T 1...o, &96 138,084 , 7 •1�, 3,474 1,497 24 .,8Gk- 24,864 6,220 5,870 7 of 7)To.�Cctloll in 0 lif O..'t m!. - t, - - - 011C, PZOP��hty 't-Fillell waich to do lonit-111 -L'Oe malintevlic�e o.11": p2nce and OIL: traf-E-ic vivioutions. The to �,`io tins and civil 'coeles _fMcl .1 c va generas.. One allei a 1960 r-or tijec addit-ion of Co the -,.poiice deMil"C'Mcilt. The P,21trolinart be useel LO, i..-,Cllrk rc'lief` ,.; -k or oil vacal-_ioll, The Cplacim, rn�en who al:c! eiti,el: S the ('E.;,HCe dut:*ess bcliS! Pev-Z02mind by pol.-I.-Ce 0;-*-.E_-,CC17G, such as repor.- P.�-Cpa-z-; oil, i-i ling , zmd taltiill- si:ntczenz. s Oinn! suspec` s c, i; alGo be urecl ii-o assl $t ;z ("i'viliVi: D `cnsc 1-in 4'-1.i e og j-j-'s I, neuded ' 'el C c Cont-- 1,aCturzi is an per --rear unii:orim allxatzce 17C)E- each .to continue Ou7_ '00-icy 02 7.7aplacing police -vehic-,.er, y .L - -be have been driven EICD,000 -0 ies , it w.-Ul be -neces,,e-_�_r i:o -1 -ace all �:lve vehicles du):-inG 1960. PAG F-' 20 ViL,ukG&r- OF ENNA AW.NU-A""9- BUNSIE.6' IV- C-'u GENERAL GN CT PEED INS Z�FID 1 PRUTECTI i FOLICE PRGTECTION 1.00 omi;!) I ��p�'iG�i�i� -- �ifEic I — �fr^.�r'W��� —� i — I `z.a kl 6 7 5-710 6, 280 8,280 3 ew go Z -L-"-- S (5) f;517---qb-7 32,320 32,820 Pat o 1-man (5) <ii,- -0 2 -!,.-9 7 29,620 29,820 233, 365 23,365 Patrolman (1) $64-2-477 5,504 5,504 Ratrol-nion (6) !;412-457 215590 21,590 Diopatcber,,; (2). f;31 2`-327 7, 848 7,848 KM sp � P � 2, (2) ��'1.65jzhr.l 2, 74.5 2,745 K �m t r 0 1 Tin 11 (New) 2,512 Secr--tary A,300 _L, LOL 3,600 696 $138,084 2, Congeye-aces and schools f 951 951 Dues CV-6 Subscl:iDticv-3 105 105 Teletype 5t: -3 54-3 550 550 Y,aunetry 65 65 Miiform a-Ho; --nce �2O 1,260 6 734. S -3,474 3. Caps, loathe--i-goods,bcdoes Q. 113 550 jail FS- PrIsCrIC-A:3 Gyatem 34•0 Photographic supplies 80 120 aid supplics 75 Unclassified 7, 9- 7 Goneral li.,580 Village Rall 21AI Lrui t Gpel:atian 10,80G - 24864.-- I $ 2•,864 5. Veb-24-cle replacement (5) A b.,600 $ 4,600 Pistols .nd shotguns 300 300 -Gecre- :&rial desk 1-20 120 F -.;. le S 150 150 Locke-Kr, 112) 180 Tear as 300 I 300 Typesviter 150 250 Resuscitator (2) 1 70 70 350 -0� 6,220 5,870 MAL POLICE PRUMMON" X,172,011 $173,789 VILLAG-E OF EDRNA ANNUA"L PAGF 21 Fuvaj ____ men Acct N9. U, GEIER. V -ROTECTIUN-1 OV PERSU1,19 AND FIPUE F'ROTIZO 0 W 24.200 !.,291 r, G V, E I I T Y 1,108 SIAMAIPIW 959 3 L, i m, Ell E. D E 57 f IMA75 ED F65 11.00 106, ROO -:99 899 !.,291 "091 1,108 c -j a 7(35_ SIAMAIPIW % -7 — to -xreve-at 'H-ces 2jrcn (2 Icss o Z� W D l:Ip v7 2m cnae ft-e doar; smt, a fjye '-O 11 n i) L 11 , Ca 0 zz' ncis all r e s. I'n enaral, ...T."ia Ivivolves m.-ovid.:Ung ol` G -.. �VvlccS -for boo and 'Lire Ugh-c-ing. p.: -Ovidev; 4W-.c the zd6j.-tion Of -c-1c, full !Airae T-::Xciluchaa, -making Lotn". 01 3.1 full tkae mcn, Capital fiutlay items --lincLide -.t Vehicle for fire and stiff- iciest tfi re-. Inm-.t 100 fnni. of :` talker OLIL 0": se-17.1ce. ;Zelt i960 55, IWDYZ,J ;T__ L $73:710 $ 71,098 r�'.` 2,450 1,730- 1,108 V i ICII E, 3 C A p 71 0 IUT�, 11-Y .1,325 4,825 n;9 177 12-L9 % -7 — to -xreve-at 'H-ces 2jrcn (2 Icss o Z� W D l:Ip v7 2m cnae ft-e doar; smt, a fjye '-O 11 n i) L 11 , Ca 0 zz' ncis all r e s. I'n enaral, ...T."ia Ivivolves m.-ovid.:Ung ol` G -.. �VvlccS -for boo and 'Lire Ugh-c-ing. p.: -Ovidev; 4W-.c the zd6j.-tion Of -c-1c, full !Airae T-::Xciluchaa, -making Lotn". 01 3.1 full tkae mcn, Capital fiutlay items --lincLide -.t Vehicle for fire and stiff- iciest tfi re-. Inm-.t 100 fnni. of :` talker OLIL 0": se-17.1ce. ;Zelt VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET DEIVAf�-Y. Auill c - ?j( c; LCmIta, Elf-tUTECTION Or, 'QPPM'iS AND I 1, PROPEPI-PY 27 DEIVAf�-Y. Auill c v IT ?j( c; 1%) "1 6 5 G 1 j,UOv Y 7,800 AwL %.;Got. chicE 61564 r cmea (7s- 4,3 2, y 0 41,7M 41,738 5,484 (1,R-1-7) k-27 5,121, 2,512 Tj 0 J. unt c 0 .-.: s 7,000 7,000 $71,098— t I Con :Crcnce-, and och.00,; 394 a-od 66 i 66 v d y 3- �50 350 P- s v ra n c e 200 720 2,1;50 a. Clot-la-i.ioq, zeplaccill"Ielli, C -a n �x .�- c r s 200 Mnotc—al-!)1lic suppllicn (5 70 -i7j-'st ad u-'nlies, 200 e s 5 0 1,108 11108 5,-u 20 illaga Holl 2 -196 Ail .1-:1 0 , . 10,4167 5. c u -0 IC", 1800 1,800 575 575 I-ur-at noz. c 525 I 525 Air pack. Mr,iC 230 230 il slal Saw 145 Rese 2,050 1,550 5,325 4,825 TUL&L FIRE 189�,.177. VILUISEOF EDHMA ANINUAL BUD ll, PAGE 23 1959 00,DGETED 320 900 I 225 750 2- 0 0 200 7'50 S lu P-411.1, 'Lly Oases cl, L VERS,,GNIAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACT UIR-Al Sr*,:RIV!CIIf--S COMMODMES CA OUTLAY 600 t 600 405 750 550 Goo 800 35k 707A q's N TAPP, r. ul"TrIl T I* ON, The Man Civil Defense C-de-.- ni. 'I'geucier, ill Oroe,,-e "Clo -z-:vv-.;-d-- tie needed ---;CLgvr C s -ig o n V"- C-. Par, -ml beii placed. u.) a ell-Ccri; tc- bette7 Intearlte ��.nd coox.-64-unte the act.-*Lvities o - paid ancl voi- i---c peg: smnnel. C -4 steno-cler-IC budgeted in 1959 -ms -L-Lot hired and is not Yncluciccl :En is 1960 Defe.nGs buCgec- A 8200 itp-m uni)-ozmus I-c?r the. 13-11--ice rece-r�,Ve is x4rcluded --;P- this These l.-e-ue5:vns assis-L ki-d'. -A-I emergencies, spocsol eventG and act as second men i-:..t 1pai.roi cars Clusing rou-t-ine duty. Their services 67e volun',--eered. ii GEIITMAP� FROTECY10H OF PEaSONS AND I C I V 1 L I Iffl D 2, -Y r-I IS fl: C, 24. "100 I p Pl. 0? Fle R T y 1959 00,DGETED 320 900 I 225 750 2- 0 0 200 7'50 S lu P-411.1, 'Lly Oases cl, L VERS,,GNIAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACT UIR-Al Sr*,:RIV!CIIf--S COMMODMES CA OUTLAY 600 t 600 405 750 550 Goo 800 35k 707A q's N TAPP, r. ul"TrIl T I* ON, The Man Civil Defense C-de-.- ni. 'I'geucier, ill Oroe,,-e "Clo -z-:vv-.;-d-- tie needed ---;CLgvr C s -ig o n V"- C-. Par, -ml beii placed. u.) a ell-Ccri; tc- bette7 Intearlte ��.nd coox.-64-unte the act.-*Lvities o - paid ancl voi- i---c peg: smnnel. C -4 steno-cler-IC budgeted in 1959 -ms -L-Lot hired and is not Yncluciccl :En is 1960 Defe.nGs buCgec- A 8200 itp-m uni)-ozmus I-c?r the. 13-11--ice rece-r�,Ve is x4rcluded --;P- this These l.-e-ue5:vns assis-L ki-d'. -A-I emergencies, spocsol eventG and act as second men i-:..t 1pai.roi cars Clusing rou-t-ine duty. Their services 67e volun',--eered. ii VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNWA'L BUDSET PAG;R 26. Ck� el 0 Ackiv*� Sy A Aco. GlEMItAL PROTECTION OF PERMILTS ilet]D DZYBUSE S r; Ck� el 0 Ackiv*� Sy c 1: o I m om. e e d 600 600 Conference-- and selhools Dues V.:id Subscrilltions 15 249 405 405 3. ?loos and pa mph icts 350 350 200 750 550 100 UniZ01:1-oo-police rose t'v - CS 200 noti: )3:7- 500 �j Boo 800 f � $2,35L j 1) V I'L LA C � E 0 F A ANNI[ilk"L BUDGIMF 2.5 d G SN 2--ft AL Furcf-hn PROTECTIUM 01� PERSM-IS ZUND I — PRO PRTV — A Tca PUBLic HEAJITU I- 11 Aca. L--�'O. 24. -400 ,�-Jr :3p O:? cc-,:vicc�-. �ulvinj-sbed by Hemu-pin C iuni C. the S"t-at'-e CE 7.,li title "; u,".a, , Gux c.—ly r;:-.-,p2r.du:uvc is 't-ox a pa-ef" Ise etutie; a-re t"na `-nspccZi-o-n of catlAic, and t1he invcoti;--atiou c."nts ra-IM t-1 u wzl "A- rc..I AciaiS �ascrdtary nisc.ttc-cs ih-vthc l- ac e, 1959 0 u 11 ME' T E 9 Es"CiNLATED 0 U 3 E c BUDGETED SETMCES 00 2. I" MliTp IZPP cgs S j. 800 8 00 'i"'07ALS ,�-Jr :3p O:? cc-,:vicc�-. �ulvinj-sbed by Hemu-pin C iuni C. the S"t-at'-e CE 7.,li title "; u,".a, , Gux c.—ly r;:-.-,p2r.du:uvc is 't-ox a pa-ef" Ise etutie; a-re t"na `-nspccZi-o-n of catlAic, and t1he invcoti;--atiou c."nts ra-IM t-1 u wzl "A- rc..I AciaiS �ascrdtary nisc.ttc-cs ih-vthc l- ac e, VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BLUSET PAS� 26 Fmzd Fomfia.-, keu Ac c . 6a.0. GEOEFLAL PRUNICIE1911 U1.1. PEIRSWIS SIND A1 V40, MATROL 24• X00 1959 BUDGIO-ITED EST 93VIA-0 ED SU11.0MAWY OMCIT 1960 RECO.MiNU "ND -9D Bunn. ED 1 L PERSONAL SERMES 5,400 y, 41055 2. tICONPL'RACTURDAL SEFIIF+VES 4, 500 50 45 3. 50 i 5, OURAY TOTALS Aaimzz Centa:ol iz; a Zvmct-.;On -4f: Village Cover p-rotect Ii.-Ee CLIO :.property ?Wont �_L.e ALT.Ijurions of ani-mals ba-h aud dozeGt.icatcd. The. Villa se Council has by w:dipcn-ce ulated the leaslAng and iiconsing o drg�j, --nd the patrol md pickup sexvice-s t.a ea:zcrce MeUllauce ora mmvidael tN."Ough a con-L.Tactual with _:tee haimal Rescue Lenfue. L'S il �. "� CIF ANNU.IM. e--IUD�*K-T P AS E 27 CGHHENITS The Chief Duilding inspector -.;-s also 'Aie 1,jatc-: ✓iiiiP :': +.Ili: G' 7CC iT1. and only a por"a-Ion '`Y1200) 4o% his toral salary in charoed to this accomit. 1 0 The -.-I-0 rlk 10--d of this dcPar-4-ment va--ri2o- throughout the year and reachec its ninximum, 6uTing the sui-imer rwnths. The 1960 nppropriation includeG the services of a temporary inspector during -this pericd� 1959 Ac-c!.. General PPICJEBI� ."' -1 OF PERSO'NS M,':'!) 1101 -iSI)ECTICOS 2A. 6 00 $15,8-160 PROPERTY *19,500 $ 18,300 CGHHENITS The Chief Duilding inspector -.;-s also 'Aie 1,jatc-: ✓iiiiP :': +.Ili: G' 7CC iT1. and only a por"a-Ion '`Y1200) 4o% his toral salary in charoed to this accomit. 1 0 The -.-I-0 rlk 10--d of this dcPar-4-ment va--ri2o- throughout the year and reachec its ninximum, 6uTing the sui-imer rwnths. The 1960 nppropriation includeG the services of a temporary inspector during -this pericd� 1959 i960 BUDGETED ESTR-.V I- .0 $15,8-160 $1-3) 1 .-21. *19,500 $ 18,300 155 497 695 220 150 E 220 220 2 2,640 -4,360 3,360 ;i i'!W j7u%y 2,870 1,500 i00 100 2,325 3,375 22 ,q7 5 'f u i i CIf I The f-1.1tictions of the lnsp:.c'-Aon are to ssule aud a r. d sign per.Mits: to admi-mi-s-te'K, the Orainances., to cz:,use to be inspect ed all plumbin'r, &Ind building.-3 and st-ructureo; zo enfoz-ce ic'be noning : +'.ssue . and collect Zhe fees for buildirg, jAumbing, sexier, -.t--,cet obstruction; sign and Lill otile- lat-irg to tile cons":ruction, ra-Antenance. and repair of buildings and t'-:U SrtLI*--4e:3; to propuse ind revice all building and const.Kuction codes; to recarm"Ond co �rlerll�.at zc�z cats! -nionter-ent of unsrw"e buildin"s and &ttttc'--'-ures; c.nd to ;:egulate and astablisit hot--se -mudbering 0. CGHHENITS The Chief Duilding inspector -.;-s also 'Aie 1,jatc-: ✓iiiiP :': +.Ili: G' 7CC iT1. and only a por"a-Ion '`Y1200) 4o% his toral salary in charoed to this accomit. 1 0 The -.-I-0 rlk 10--d of this dcPar-4-ment va--ri2o- throughout the year and reachec its ninximum, 6uTing the sui-imer rwnths. The 1960 nppropriation includeG the services of a temporary inspector during -this pericd� ViLUkGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Fund G Z N L MR t;L PROTEICTI-ON or, PEIRSMIS AND iNSPECTIONS 606 i. P—MOT-31U, 3L 3 1,200 I EiNtIORTME M-9ML i. Chie-Ar: Inspector 3 1,200 1,200 Bldg. I-xispector '%400-1,50 5,400 PIS. inspector '1465-5-00 6,000 6,000 Temporary illspectc%-s 1,200 1,200 lleatirlIv, Gild electrical inspectar 5,700 f.., S00 519,500 G18,300 2. C Lind schools 75 Does and subscript-ion,- 60 560 695 695 J. V -4-1.-A.-ted forms Code books IUD 220 220 lGen , era! $ 2,520' age He 11 660 3;360 3,360 5. Desk and chair 100 100 TOTAL ONSPECTIONS 22 675 VILLAGE OF EDNA AMN---,..P�AL BUD G-JET PAGE 29 1959 -?ED ESTENIA776 ED 63,523 59,526 9,521 to'mo 2.1.20 1,725 10, 10 753 755 010 S U ,VI i"A A R V A Accr-: N�). GENERAL 2. CICHNITACTIPTIA,"L SERVEC'ES PUBLIC 1.".-ORM ENGIME-MRING 220100 1 1959 -?ED ESTENIA776 ED 63,523 59,526 9,521 to'mo 2.1.20 1,725 10, 10 753 755 010 S U ,VI i"A A R V 117UNCT-1.011 The En-in-ecKing Do partv. a �11-- p:--epnwef�' 7-A Ins, !,,roe c ii", c- at ions , n cstiuvi:aG public co-azt-nxi--io-a pi7o -;c a Lo Zurling stz!eet a n d su I: f a C I ug" Sari' t a a, J Sto7*7".1 S riC fy, watermains, •nd cyther 2res asind 1"u-Pervises 0,10 ccustzuction of the-se projects cnd pi:ovides the ac--cs4,a----v -inr,-&cct.--,Gn needed to Imure that -'-'ateTinIG Ind uorkminsh-J.p -zvc in accordanec iri t'n pi.'aject specifications. The Hies on all above mentiLie-J activities a--d operaten I'lep-n-el"TrIent T.1-2-11--VtainG recox*du el-1;6 and ZiginLaimS copying. equip-men-L'. CC; M. H N +'S in ad6iz-.Rjn to the co-nt'.nuotion of r;;'--65:m cev.-Yer, P--,:z,,de and -i:---offic semdies, st'arted in 1959, and t-1.1c novir-al C.C- -��'.71Pk:4f;7,70.17ient i;:Ctit.1-c-as, the ens-ir.eez-1mg, ey.-pects that 't.-he wuw�or-r o:E projects 'racfuestc.d Toy land developers will incrdase in 1960. To Ii eei; tillis de-mand, one z!dditiomsl. instm-n.ent raon, and one additiblu"I &aitsman' aad sua,,.-mor mem, are- irmcludcd -in the -personal Services app40priation. SEF 7 � 74,1940 2. CICHNITACTIPTIA,"L SERVEC'ES 4 1221 3,221 2,820 2,820 11,376 12,376 y OUT AC." 1:305 905 662 117UNCT-1.011 The En-in-ecKing Do partv. a �11-- p:--epnwef�' 7-A Ins, !,,roe c ii", c- at ions , n cstiuvi:aG public co-azt-nxi--io-a pi7o -;c a Lo Zurling stz!eet a n d su I: f a C I ug" Sari' t a a, J Sto7*7".1 S riC fy, watermains, •nd cyther 2res asind 1"u-Pervises 0,10 ccustzuction of the-se projects cnd pi:ovides the ac--cs4,a----v -inr,-&cct.--,Gn needed to Imure that -'-'ateTinIG Ind uorkminsh-J.p -zvc in accordanec iri t'n pi.'aject specifications. The Hies on all above mentiLie-J activities a--d operaten I'lep-n-el"TrIent T.1-2-11--VtainG recox*du el-1;6 and ZiginLaimS copying. equip-men-L'. CC; M. H N +'S in ad6iz-.Rjn to the co-nt'.nuotion of r;;'--65:m cev.-Yer, P--,:z,,de and -i:---offic semdies, st'arted in 1959, and t-1.1c novir-al C.C- -��'.71Pk:4f;7,70.17ient i;:Ctit.1-c-as, the ens-ir.eez-1mg, ey.-pects that 't.-he wuw�or-r o:E projects 'racfuestc.d Toy land developers will incrdase in 1960. To Ii eei; tillis de-mand, one z!dditiomsl. instm-n.ent raon, and one additiblu"I &aitsman' aad sua,,.-mor mem, are- irmcludcd -in the -personal Services app40priation. VILLAGE OF EDINA MvIN DIAL OU' SET ,i 30 FEit3da - - -- v t�RCi7:a - -- fr�..� _ , fiGCs. H^. GENERAL PUBLIC UORKS ENGMEERING ( 22.100 _j (Cede I J• oivity a:?. °�''J.ria I �.�Y9:� 5�!;: •'o �? �Sa I CJ�: ka3 1. I `3 Inge Engineer ;;780 -800 '� 9,600 ! Field 5571 -595 7,140 i Ins,,tiumen.L- man(2)' 525 -51:.0 12,960 instrume-at man $1,39-505 6.060 inspector $489-505- 6,060 vaxzsn�an $1;60 -1:15 5,700 Draftsnwnn x!:50. 5, t"00 Engineering aide P,4 16 .-A 5,160 Lz,ineeri-na "(2) Yt ;.lp-G.25 :10,200 Sec eta ;y 53.43• -355 4,260 Te a;)orary summer ` !yelp $74,940 { $74,91.;0 2, Co�:r.e_erees ,rr�r scl.ae�.s ' X31 � G $ r•31 Dues and subc�c's 7.ptioas 40 .40 Aerial survey Prints 100 100 . P rofessign�al ,e_vices 3,000 2,000 Eq- , pmcnt maintenance _650 _ 650 t� 4,221 $ 3,221 3. Printed xo--- ms $ 100 Blue printing 1,500 I;dn.be_ and tools 800 Sc6ks- dot.1.,gn and tab es 150 ZVhotographic suipplies 55 General Supplies 215 _ 2,320 $ 2,820 4o General 5 5,640 Village Hn11 936 Equipm,e.nt Operation , 800 $11,376 $11,376 5a . Levels, - od-- is dip needles $ 300 $ 100 CalcuLator-trade 490 390 Drafting st col 100 $0 storzge. cabinet 120 90 Planime t e r 100 100 Birders (4) 120 � 100 I j Steel tapes 1001 (3) 75 _ 75 L` l,i05 I $ 905 'y9J , 662 I TOTAL EUGINEERINC I� I ViLLAIGE OF rEM�lk�j% l.'-lllNlNucJ`ll PA f E 33'. .1959 F c as t 2 /.-. 6,". 0 A 7,- v 150 100 9 80-0 9 GOO 11:0,51- MII UMI.r.'011 2 3. 00' .1959 PER. ONIAL SEMRMES $25,224- I F 340 cz 250 SHMU"s 14,964. L QUYLAlif 0 7 8 T"IDT!"LLS r _teal... 'Pub'Aic -W-IC).-,.:,tZs nz-c un(7-.er, the Peb I -t-c S e-_--.-. ic e S -ape-.. n-. onCieii- 17C "AI roug I i n G jaad c at; I: nates, car2. n-nd li-ork -ecorcis, and tx-C! • 'accoosaa.-Y th".-tt. 11, n". ;.i Co Zhe-,`- e-�fect:,,�y d 0-a '"0 account and jj_ ' 'j.c'!Vcts 0 cl - ti:tulerai etc— lc-avc vs-od all Pub- c Tion emplo-joes. 2 2 . C, 6... Cl 2 /.-. 6,". 0 150 100 9 80-0 9 GOO PER. ONIAL SEMRMES $25,224- I F 340 cz 250 SHMU"s 14,964. L QUYLAlif 0 7 8 T"IDT!"LLS r _teal... 'Pub'Aic -W-IC).-,.:,tZs nz-c un(7-.er, the Peb I -t-c S e-_--.-. ic e S -ape-.. n-. onCieii- 17C "AI roug I i n G jaad c at; I: nates, car2. n-nd li-ork -ecorcis, and tx-C! • 'accoosaa.-Y th".-tt. 11, n". ;.i Co Zhe-,`- e-�fect:,,�y d 0-a '"0 account and jj_ ' 'j.c'!Vcts 0 cl - ti:tulerai etc— lc-avc vs-od all Pub- c Tion emplo-joes. Fund :rev GzEM ' ZQ�B� AL PUBLIC NRMS SUPORIV SMY." AMID OVERHEAD EXiRQ57ti M DRT -A €L PAGE 32 kct. No 23..T.00 I 101 Supervision 1. Superintendent 5605••650 S 7,800 $ 7,500 Cost Gle,:k $365 -380 Z',560 4 560 J12,360 r $12"060— 2. Physical emamination 50 $ 50 i 3. ` rl.nted forma $ 250 $ 250 ':. Genes al $12,020 i eq;± patent Operation 1200 $14,,,64 714 990 OTAL SUVERV7.+_SIOY _ ;)27,624- $27,321, 102 Txaroitir& 1, Payroll $ 2,000 2. Conferences and schcol., 250 13ues and subsc_intrions 1:0 `1'OTA TRAIM>:IG $ 2,290 $ 2,290 133 Paid Leave 1. 't!1,766 11,164; ` O''AL SUPIE 1VISIC 7 A.i D I G' 3RHEAD 1,078 $4fl,778 I VILUi.GE OF EDINZ-'. ZXTRIUt�L BUDGET PAGE 33 PUBLic WORKS IN) N R 0 13, 1, .*: DISTRI11UTIV-1 Title -L-,ip I o y r-, e r. 1959. . 1960 NM'onthly Sale--vy 19"-9 1960 ',41pp%*o77•iation 1959 Appropriation 1960.' Street Foreman 1 $500 $515 6,000 180 Neavy Equi-ROCTIt operator 5 6 475 6.95 28,500 35,640 Light Equipment 9 1-0 4-25 1,35 45.1900 52,200 Haint-C-0 nce Man 2) 3 335 395 13,860 14,226 Tormporary Summer Help 1,800 2,500 Electrician 2,280 Totals T T 1 —0 $110,740 Pa--i-le. m-aing-,. Payroll (Page 5,000 TOTALS 015,76.0 D I S T 1 B U T I ICN! Public Wo-k-1,S: Supervision 6- (Ivai:hend: Ilow-inus "t-Jeeds r,i 800 Tr .i.,Ji 2,000 stwm rivainase: Paid Leave i1,: +.64 Staxm Se:•.ez 675 Street Man in t enanec: Te".,ca:ary Drainage 3,390 General Hair-tenence 22,600 Pumping 565 llatchin- 0 15,000 se P"Opeties: Villa r Street Cleaning 6,196 Turf Cara •,520 Sealing -jle,475 Plantings 360 Curb Pepair 3,390 Tree Tri-miing 1,855 Black-top Replaceiiaent Tree sp-ayina 675 Snow and ice ?0,1:00 Street Lighting 600 Total Public I,,7o-,-'ks f ;96,362 Trnfr'-ic CcC ntrvl: Traffic Signs 1,660 Libra; y 665 TriJfic Signals 660 Central 'S e r r, r i:. e 3,57-K r-avarsent. Marking 30-15 Charged to ,.,Nssessed Gnard Rail Maintenaace 1;130 Projects 9,000 Street Name Signs: Charged to OtLer Genes l Mai ntencaice 1;800 Funds _142 New Sign Installation .970 Bridges: TOTAL DISTRIBUTICH General Maintenance 675 Repair program 1,725 VILLAAE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDUE, PAGE 34 SUMAtAfty _ 1959 _ 1960 GENERK U POL C UOIRKS 8'3'RSEEL 14hINTMI ACE 23.200 SUMAtAfty _ 1959 _ 1960 l �� 51,1560 ` X49 194. 2. PERSONAL 5P�3ViCE5 c � 62,063 � 62, 063 500 400 2. CONTEIACTURAL SFNRVBK;cS 500 500 27,090 27,000 3: 33315 �1 ,88.5 A. C�:NffRAa SFERIACES .. ? ?,91 Z7,�310 t0 diOQ , pp ��iAA 18 1000 50C., $213_376_ i ` 0TA Tf:a Y'willt.eilai: ce of Vi'llase su7ee:ts conor t':ii:'t tes tile' g eaterrt: portion. of 0-h-e Public Works C:cndeavo't, As the x-mz { ` iam t e:vnrlilcell :tltiplies, the purpose of this account ' ±s to. preserve and not necesea ily to inn ove, tLe sU:eet:s err . llin the tii_sage. limp xovc:aa.1_;; such as lacktopping, curbing. oiling, and ins'tall.?tion o*' drainage faciiit i.es ea. -e - normally financed through an aosessme-nt proceduze a-Lid a?.7e therefore rzot '.included iu this account. This account does p3_ovide for ouch r.•aintenz -ace oct i vit:ies as patching,, �cleening, seal. ng, and snw.e7 psocritls. COMMERNTS The 1960 apptop_iet:ioE-1 st:,:eet maintenance in addition coo continuing the nortral maintenance activities, steps up the sheet Z atchilig opf':t'a ions. Now bandl.ed by a one truck crew, r.bia activity will becoze a t:c,o tLuch operation in 1960. VILLAGE OF "ENNA L 9 'A L 8 U 0 9 E T PAGE 35 LTIIIENDNIVRE DEW,; 1� Codo A c c iv itj GENERAL PUBLIC I-TOX.T.S STREET W1110TENANCE 23.200 LTIIIENDNIVRE DEW,; 1� Codo A c c iv itj f- Om ra e R 6 e ej -7 si"u-4,get"A 201 Maintcnanc-e 1. Pnyyoj ' I 22;'600-1 !Geuerea 2. BquipmenL Rental 250 3. Screened 1,650 Fill —u-Iterill 1,250 oil and tar 1,050 C31cium Chloride i'm unclossifi-ed 100 5,050 Equip-ment OperatI.Qn 10-neva'3. 5 100 - 33,005— 1,1aintenance y 33,00f3 2092 lFai.:c�-t:ng �I 15, 0.30 15,000 3. I'-I'atchi-a m--terin-1:G " 16,200 15,200 1 . 7 P -Pc� 1, n oil ,quipmont Iq , '1 7 00 2.700 32,900 o I t cbing 33;900 203 steCct k-'J.cani., 1- 1. 1 P L YI:017 6,193 3. I 3'. ooms. 1,150 Eqluiprmcnt Gpezatioii 10,668 lota2. treet Cleaning 10,646 204. 1. Payroll $ 4,t IS ! 2. ri qu i p m e n. i: vantal 250 3. Materials t,.,915 4. Equipmer.-i- Up e --,- a z 5. 0 ii 1,200 Ii 0tv". Se;A.;%Ads i0,840 � 10,840 205 Curb 'neDzir Payro I 1 3,390 0 3,395 3. 1.1 -a t e 5: ia 1 s 2,500 i 2,000 I-. , Equilp-ment 0?a-ai:4.on 600 600 10 t a I 'urb Pep--i> (),6-90- 5,990 206 Blacktop Replace-ment 207 Snow C-4 ice Pemoval 1. Payrol iolbloo 3, d 2,000 4. Eauinmenl'. Operation rotal ro':y & Removal 9'000 $'. 1,9 "000 ['Ip .Nj. STREET ?113 $112,378 VILLAGE OF EVINA ANNUAL BUDU4��Tj G F 3 6 Fund Fen-cilan keu A c c 0. GENERAL PUBLIC UTGRIKS STMEET LIGHTING 23. 300 SJIM."'AARV 1959 1-960 Durk"ll"JEM 0 75's' Ef, T z EC 0 h 4. F N! D 3 U D G 2—c V., D 700 200 IN-MISONAL SERVICES Boo $ 31,200 _36 2C0 SER.'VICES 34! , 200 500 150 3• C f3 k, I Mi 0 EAll T I E. 9 500 too 180 6. CN iNi �t` Oi'_P%L SERV5CES 1-80 CA�_T',_AL vNiTAY 3' 3-5: 680 S 0 7 30 wv c.Vymmcm'FA,L FUNCTI-01-1 Vic oveihcad street light-ing- tsy`;UclC,,i tLi-roughout the Village 'vAth the enccption of cr ins- miental and 61;ccial type unii:s, is i-asLallcd and -maintnined by Northern States Fet:m., con',parLy. The Villace's obi!Cnti. on is to pro-7ic2p. bamds -Par 1-mmishing electrical po-we- E-0 I.-slits anel to -maint-lin the ornamentai Ond special Ullits. CjowcrVuincy e:Mzt1sion of the ovorhead system Into ne-vier areas of T he 'llage is A. p6v.s4b!e the i-nereased power ccsts. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 37 HTML Avg- a GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS. MEFZi. IGUTING 23.301 HTML 1. Payroll S Boo 2 Faucr 34,200 3. Reps! ir partG 500 4. Egyipment Operation 380 I I I i TOTAL STREET LIGL'£IA I I 135,600 35 680 i MLPiGr,-. OF A \ I U A 1. OUD S'K-T PE�GE 33 Acc- 23. 400 STRES'" NOIE SIGNS p1mi ic [;OS Ei ST i M A77 C- D 2,600 i 2,331 1,450 1,350 300 300 1960 P, E ell, I J- iv, I 'A"E Ell D B u D G o"T _9 10 SEIMPUS $ 1;500 300 C.,"HYAP GUE"Or e'. L7. 0 -t'-_4 AZO The Village installs and ra-a-intiaills all Stree- aaw.c., O"Ils. ileeclec! L.0 s-ifgll streets in subdivisions ?1roady accepted by the Vil g I �, VILLAGE OFERDINA ANNUAL BUDGET' 'PA -i" Code Astsv4y AMC Acck. No. GE14ERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGHS 23.400 Code Astsv4y Object f! e�'s9 I Recommm -Med aud@eked 401 General Maintenance 1. Payroll 1,800 ` 3. Paint, Parts c: tolloorary signs 600 f 4. Egai pment Operation 201, To.:al General Maintenance $ 2,606 402 New Sign Installaticu 1, pay_o?i. S 970 3. Sign3 and posts 900 4, Equipment Cperation 96 To'i:ai Yew Sign installation 1,966 MT yL STREET !tiT['MN SIGHS $ t-,570 1,570 I VILLAGE OF EMNA A'NNUAL BUDG:w'F_T PAGII� An Fwd . NsI 41325 ca. Mo. GENIMAL PUBLIC 11011LIM T11AF-u-tz 23-500 1,440 1,40 1959 BOOTED $ 3,790 2,750 6,100 EsTi HATED 3:650 2,610 6,075 1'4v'--O SUNNARY L. PERSONAL SERVICE-5 2- m-avices, I 4. IQU41E�L SERVECES a'. C-Al"ITALOUTPAY TOTALS COhWON TeARV 1-960 RECOjMM:ND2D D'U'DrETED 41325 4s,325 2,750 2,750 7,200 60,700 1,440 1,40 F M, F C T i QN, Althougi, -L'-L7.e dete-,nmination of --need for and the locztion o�_: ij! tza:.C,-'ic Control y wilt'hin devices such as signs, signalo, pave-mient mewl -hiss and. guard ir, Propar.L the 'urisdiction og Cite-Police Department, it i3 nevaTthelesa the fmIct;On of the Public Works.Depar-truent to install and maintain such devices. This account Provides, kor ;sttch j.-actalletion- and m-,intcnance. C0NI-21ENNTS Me Village iS sti-11 seriousiy &I'Ozt Of trklffic cOrktrDI s4-,,-Zs- This appropriation vAll continue the sin installati-oix pzograui begun in 19.59. ViLLAGL-' ANNUAL 'BUED46-F-7 IPAG'17,; 41 IRE. DI-1-711W. e l Activity -Imeiuded i Dudqee�d GENERAL j PUBLIC I-JORKS 1. CONTROL 1,660 IRE. DI-1-711W. e l Activity -Imeiuded i Dudqee�d 50i { Trn ffic Si g n 1. $ 1,660 1,660 Maintenance 3. sip's $ 3,000 2,500 Re pa i .. materials 500 500 3,500 3aOOD D3U.-Ap-ment Operatiou. 1381., 384 Traific Sign 3-JaIntonance, S 5 5 02 1'-- TA a . 1: c 1). 1 o C 3 1 S 660 2. �!.00 200 2, 600 3. P. e P, 0. i r r, a is 550 EcU.'i-mmut Operation i 96 SiguaJ 3,906 3,906 503 pa-vo-mant ITotal 1 875 2. Eq ipm ent rental 150 3. jai 4,00 !-astic stripirls 1.100 unclassif i.ea, 1.50 950 ElqVIIIP-Font Opera-E—Alon 430 Tol:a]. IPaving Ilarking 2,455 i� 2 s,455 50it Guard llnil laintenance P ny r e, I 1 S 1,130 31 G-,;Prd :--.7-cil 2,000 200 S 2; 200 �k Squ.J.pment Gperai:r ;oz i Total GU ard Rail D.-lainte-nance $ 3,810 $i, 3, 810 TOTAL IP-9M."gic CONTROL $.15.,,7.1.5 q 5 �21 5 VILLAZE OF EDINA AN'NUAL 'BUDE7.-R-7 PAGE 4? Fard I Fi3w-,21373 Asw AccT. Ewa. POIJAC WORKS DOME B G E S 23.600 SUINOAARY 1959 BuDaua. ESTEMAT ED 2,100 2.,030 2. CCiI0fTv'M' I URAL SFR 'Mr,"EZ 1,525 1.234 300 300 5, C. AL F , FA IL 0 iij A y r 3_92 3 a.o 1s— -0- t YPILS � ��SVIOMEMTPIRY 1960 PECONIMENDED B "IF D G ET E D zv 15125 300 '325 Tho pu�,Poqe of. this account. is f: C,. pzuviece gencral ma-intenaince. for the 16 by-idges wit - A z -h; Ex the Vi` la-grec. 0 0_•31•]L' NT S During 1960 the Village plans to z-ep.,Ar and repoi-o; the bridges at ,56th Street and 1,Hinnehaha C-Leek, and 56.-th St--veet mid id-innebaha C-L-eel-k. 11 ViLLIAG"El OF EEA.NiA Alx�,MUAL BUDGET PAGE. Filqc-, Fur�c'i;up I Aww I Am him PUBLIC WKS BRIDGES I 23,600 ----T --. 601 Adneral Nuintenedce 1. pay•1 675 S. 125 4 Equipment Opeption TotAl COPY# Maintenance 896 602 jV;pQT, Fygram i. -PEI 1,72.5 3. 1 e^051,15 1,000 4. julpfent Cperation 204 ToW Reppif Program f .TGTAL BRIDGES $ 2zSjj 32825 � VILLAGE EY"INA ANNJUAL BjUDGE7 PZAG�:10. 11i... 1959 - BUD EYED- $ 4.1100 $ 4,215 500 S, 00 5 1 -2-1 p Q 10- r. U -,- N 5,1.00 , 1J,.-15 SOUPAMARY OWEll."I'lil, 1. SEERIACES 2. SEMMES 3. 6, S. `F O TA I'S 0,141 - MENTARY 1960 q u 4.,630 5,000 2,100 ,.j -i , 7 31 0 01, ef fort 'Lo keCp da-m'-Oge to prope4::-,'-.y by wate-z -it -. mainivITUm. in those. ar0q.s Sm:Vcd by Village cre-us pe.-,:J.odlic,Ily chec-L and clecn tilese cewc-es. -in a-reas uot so sezwed:, emergency rLeasuvO's 1�7clrm olf" P'•-mly)-i-va 'ji'd temporary drains are p--ovided &Uri.nOl COMMENTS Z-10 Cliann'se J.-I appropziatio-is are --i-equiested im- 1960. Acc�-. M�a. G EIN 2 R AL PUBLIG STOR DRAT 23.700 1959 - BUD EYED- $ 4.1100 $ 4,215 500 S, 00 5 1 -2-1 p Q 10- r. U -,- N 5,1.00 , 1J,.-15 SOUPAMARY OWEll."I'lil, 1. SEERIACES 2. SEMMES 3. 6, S. `F O TA I'S 0,141 - MENTARY 1960 q u 4.,630 5,000 2,100 ,.j -i , 7 31 0 01, ef fort 'Lo keCp da-m'-Oge to prope4::-,'-.y by wate-z -it -. mainivITUm. in those. ar0q.s Sm:Vcd by Village cre-us pe.-,:J.odlic,Ily chec-L and clecn tilese cewc-es. -in a-reas uot so sezwed:, emergency rLeasuvO's 1�7clrm olf" P'•-mly)-i-va 'ji'd temporary drains are p--ovided &Uri.nOl COMMENTS Z-10 Cliann'se J.-I appropziatio-is are --i-equiested im- 1960. V , %GL- Ig'O NA AVONWAL RUD'i'*ET RKS FU"LIC VTOT STURM DRNINAG" 23.700 GEME. Ra I701 Gtol:-Ift '4zlilitonallce 1 702 1 Drninage 703 I Payroll 3. 'Inlets, lid-r, etc Total Sewer 3. Culve'ri: A''iPlialt Eqw'.pment Gparatioi! Total ":Iotnpol as:Y DraiElacurc! Equ-praerti- G-Pcz-aVi0o TOTAL STOPM DRAH'AGE 675 750 600 2,025 $ 3,390 $ 1,500 750 500 4,250 ,020 8,660 $ 565 so $ 1,045 VULAGE 05-'E-DiMA, AIOINM -iUl. L-,AGO 46 Fand hnc�'!EO-p Avel" Aca N,,C-. PUBLIC WOUS VULAGE PROPEMES 23.800 - p u D. G ru D 1959 ES i1 AA � E ` I 0 13 F Cr ' 19 60 2 ECOMIMVN DIE D $ 7,470 6:690 1. JPERSOI'-�'A4- SErs-WMES 7,4io . j150 11 MITI '600 1 710 1,710 ICEK'MA S- ZVMES -At. OOLAY F5111 —MO i �t 2 10 90 _,960 -0 T h c- of, the V:k1l.n-c .-o -rop -1y 11for 1111 Vi I I a j, ov9i,?e6 p-mpe-:cties otber than I's-ed ft.l.- Paxii: nad Recr-a�L-Z.on Tbcso. V7, D r. prope3ctias- nre princi-pczlly i)ou*levo.:i'da, triangles, public bul-ld-m-, Site-., O.T113 Giit".00 S^d for uti Hty .-"-acJ:.1--.!er'. Tila of- these i.Ucludes t1le iva t '.m.d Cull- ind 7mc-aing oil t-.hc--, zallrf' rip-aym 'r---J-Tcn,,inr6 of tTees, eatablish-ineerij; and care of -plantiagi3, '-nd eve5:Y-Jhay lkeep theze Village Prope.,:ties in.- alest-he-CiAc accorct -vitil Our asn�'7 -Una pxivatccly 'O.'mme'd propextleso C CHRM E NN T S Ill 1959 a stepped LIP PF . 0-7all 0s-' p--'-Ope1`v ra..'aintenance -was ivaugurated. This 0- successful program will be co-nL-.!Ui.uc6 !n 1960. ALUAGE.- OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDS-E.T Pz.!kG'Z 4-7 Fmid ActhKy FmIcti-ap Amm, Arm ilcm. GENERAL 801 PUBLIC WMIRKS VMLAGE PROPEWIES 23.800 EXI)EWDETURE DETAHL "Code ActhKy Pecom rzvc,2d d ,;-; 801 Turf fare L -J. Payro ' 11 $ 4,520 3. Sod and dirt 500 Equipment Operation 480 rr ota 1. +ur{ Care 5,500 802 'Plantings 1. Payroll 360 3. and shrubs 200 4. Equipment Operation 120 Total �Iantinss 680 1 8031 Tree Trizmmag 1. Payroll s 1,855 2. Equip-me-mc 11cate.1 750 4. Ec'u,iPmen"; Operation 300 Tot.. I -rc -ng 2,905 804 Tv e e Spi:ay` ng l., P,�Yroil $ 675 3. Spray 900 •. 1 Equipment Operation 300 rotal �,�ren Spraying $ 1-,875 TOTA'AL VILLAGE PROPERTIES 'a10,960 119,960 ' f � ANNWAL BUDGET 4; Aga AccT. 0r®. RK BED CONTROL 230900 GOMM, PUBLIC, I-J,01 S NOXMIS N SUJIVINAARY 2. V-ONILTRACTUPYAL SERIVM�-S MPT LAY I-C SAL L 6 IS . 1960 800 520 480 ti 11800 rga the Vii Inge luith the 0i the Igece, zw,- ca" TIJ.P. ...7eads �-Yithli Lie V:Lllagc c at, -cspp, a-b-orb die o weed- eyad-cation on ?,Ublic but may iai its o-,,n C-isc%,etion, assess tile. cost oi-: eradication bill for all eradicati-en 01, Our pyeE;ejjt po,ie.y is to Gssess c on -,�ivatee COMMENTS lic) (:hjnges are -included in this approP-i'ia 1959 580 735 i�2 1 .1,682 SUJIVINAARY 2. V-ONILTRACTUPYAL SERIVM�-S MPT LAY I-C SAL L 6 IS . 1960 800 520 480 ti 11800 rga the Vii Inge luith the 0i the Igece, zw,- ca" TIJ.P. ...7eads �-Yithli Lie V:Lllagc c at, -cspp, a-b-orb die o weed- eyad-cation on ?,Ublic but may iai its o-,,n C-isc%,etion, assess tile. cost oi-: eradication bill for all eradicati-en 01, Our pyeE;ejjt po,ie.y is to Gssess c on -,�ivatee COMMENTS lic) (:hjnges are -included in this approP-i'ia VILA 017-EEDNA ANNUAL OUDGE7 PACE 49 EXPENIDITUFM DETAI Code AcOvi"Ni A Fea Ac a. No. GEmmAL Budgeted NOXIOUS UEED CONTROL 23.900 EXPENIDITUFM DETAI Code AcOvi"Ni Object RE.,coalmelided Budgeted L. 7P'. ayro.1 1 800 3. 2-4-D Ezi�cr weed spray' 450 D. B. Granular 70 520 4. Equiptient Operatiozi 4.80 &800 1 Ic,2 80 0 V I L LA Gr I F 0 F ED HM A Ai,INUAL PUDGE-V PAGE 56 ATw Acct. m"). GENERAL Pi BLTC WORKS CAPITAL GUYLAY 23.100 1959 ' ' SUM!"'AAC01 033 N'T 2. SERIVICIES 5. CI -N-*h--PJ9L OUTLAY TOT-ALIS AA: ROTARY 11A 1960 vi �;22'400 20,000 'sCz itercs Q-, --Cj i71LCjj jjjV(' C, C- 4�7u :a a - I-E, - ory than 0 P ie Yea-- are cla6cificu as C'npiul-i fn':Ttlny The tt5o rfmjor itemr. includeCt in this approprintion a t-ae street sweeper :inlrl the dump truck with its The sweeper ve-Present's ad!01--itional C'mr2unt necessawy to pw-"cliose a inow sweoper in 1960, An ad&.( -ional !,,41100 alpm:op.-inted in 1919, The miles o-2: Der--manently paved streat Sin faces the VII- age vii l-I in 1960 total. al-most ininety. To adequately c lean thib amount o:E street, a. Second, s-vmeper is ui:gently needed. The ',-?.-uck apj,::opr-.,.a-L-1on includes ,A 'Yont end lwder at'Lachmeat and a 'Elie 16ar9ler .!--Cach-aient will enable the t:5:uck i:o be uScd dual purpose of- nauling and loading, and vy.-D-1 minke Jit umieceGsnry 2c)? thn Vil!@,ge to purchase -Ache additional t5:aeZor loader now needed LQ handle our loG6in--� cfemann,. 1.5 �i°.tGc^, i — _-� - -�� �.� §56: €� -- FL --- - -..�.. I� �li�%v " "'e':?e:;Ct:�=G�� G nR " E", R A L PUBLIC U7,ORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.'._00 �i°.tGc^, i — _-� - -�� �.� §56: €� -- v7jG'�.� --- - -..�.. I� �li�%v " "'e':?e:;Ct:�=G�� , ea��.aQ3e�! 5. .__��:ic� sm-cet. 'suceper a,000 — 8,000 Front end loader c-or JL Li 3,100 I 3,100 Truett v! th duri....) bo:- 6,4,00 1.1-1000 Uing p►o!-; for truck 1,000 1,000 Build Dazchin- runit 1,800 1,800 inch 1,500 1,500 600 600 T(Y-PAL -;�JHTAL C-IJ5.1-W 'r 000 VILASE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGE-7 Pk'C-bz- 52 Fund FarC:Von � J Arco --— Acct. No. G2I4F—R AL V014- DEPL'RTHT`iMIL f"'.,-7pi.�lli l- 'lUPES Q'..{aiSTINGE1l ES 2 e � . _aa 1959 WOMMARY G. Cf'Y }'T iZAC U U- LV SERVIC-S 3. _ 1960 RECOPAMEIINDE® BuDS.=�Eri g ,io _ _L_sa00 —7.SOG 5,000 p sae -e tins veea no c:�eUUc *�c cs Si ` *i� M,.I 9 AR 9 ViLi-AGE OF EU,"NA PAGE 3 Am,% No. GEINEML EITTEDIDITMI ES SETTLE1.2MIT ir.. sui± 26.200 1960 Gi 1. 1119 c Soo T.-If Lq ca i oil -o pay cnall clainn, FUC-6 CP�;,;I-nst T L ViLIAG E OF EW NA ANI-SUAL BUDGET P,/-\C-gE 51-, C'O'k AAA A rltr I D UDI G FTE D ESSTO M 6 ED 01JECT $ L PERSONAL SERWCES 2. CON TIACTURIALL 5M ?IC 121S 3. COMMON TIES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES S. CIRCOMWIDIDEPP-) BUDGETED 3i ,50( S� 3 I . 28,0 0 , 912 32,900 00 TOTAIS CON11.1111APEN7A. PlY F UNCTION Village cumed properties vre uubject special asso.a3ments for various irupzo-,.7eip--n-L p.-ojecm This account provides -Minds ':-o pay these assessments. Ams Ara No. GE-11MAL IMB-DEPAMMENTAL EXPENDITIMES I SPECIAL P49SESSMENTS ON I 26.300 VILL-1-GE PROPERTY I C'O'k AAA A rltr I D UDI G FTE D ESSTO M 6 ED 01JECT $ L PERSONAL SERWCES 2. CON TIACTURIALL 5M ?IC 121S 3. COMMON TIES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES S. CIRCOMWIDIDEPP-) BUDGETED 3i ,50( S� 3 I . 28,0 0 , 912 32,900 00 TOTAIS CON11.1111APEN7A. PlY F UNCTION Village cumed properties vre uubject special asso.a3ments for various irupzo-,.7eip--n-L p.-ojecm This account provides -Minds ':-o pay these assessments. VILLAGE o;,: r.-owA A NNNI U A L B U D G E T PAGE 55 Fuv-d A.eu Acct. No. GENTRIAL sr"PlVirm- NON-DEPARTIM1,714TAL EXPENDITurm CAPITAL C 26.500 1 0 U T LAY SUIMIMARY 1959 BuDarTED $ L SERVICES 2. COENITIRA'ICT URAL SRAfRCES 3. ISOM, ik!'Ilo D M -95 C NEI' " L SEPIvir, .13 1,750 1,669 5. cf,".NYALOUTLAY 1,750 C,'t.f*,,MENTAV.Y 1960 PIOCOMME"41DED, fo ,q 2,241 1,742 r, UNCT 1 G] ccrtn471 i-terrts of -uhich h—cme auseful Of -..io-.-e than one year' uihich carmo-t be allt-ca-zed to any function aye clasoified in this acccunt. ViLiAGE OF:r-.P)iNA EXPIEM,DiYURPE D`1704 1 Adi,�; object GENERAL NON -DEPARTI-ENT AL EXPENDITURES Cfq--4 TRhL SERVICE - I 5. Comiprecsor, li-P.C, .-CM11TAL OUTYWY EXPIEM,DiYURPE D`1704 1 Adi,�; object Ru, mrvneodled f sudgaeiad 5. Comiprecsor, li-P.C, jAir viltcTs, attach•"onits, and installation S 9i1 411 unit 100 loo Heavy 6uty bencli Cgr-l.n.der and stand 307 307 jI Weld- Cart 5 I 53 T,.-ihocl hand Lruck 35 35 I la der (3) 60 60 ► L .1 T-M ICT t.i:-Chmcnts 275 I 275 80 80 V c rx t zi t" 3- n s f o G 34-5 3•5 i: s i.(: e =Iaod i i: e s 75 TUIVA-L. CENTRAL 3ER-'VT-C!K,- I i C4-?--,TAL GITTLAY Y 2,24•: :. 1,76-1. II ! i � . r I i s I 1 VILLAGE OF EDH\!!A ANIN.UAL BUMSE1 FAME 57 Fund hiriction Aran A ellca. No. GMIMIMAL I'MR-DEMPMUR-i-ENTAL m7MMIDITURES I C AMMA L Ti 0-i R OV I'l,'M E-;%.;T S 26.600 059 B U D IS k--c ED E, ST Wl A T FS D SIBNOAARY 1960 PERSONAL SOT49CEES 2. CONTRACTURAL SERViCHIS 3. 11. 'Cir-N-Vi-IAL SEMVIQ'S S. AS� GUT LAY ±7,52 5. %7,523 5,000 TOMAU I Thiv. account txas established the purpose o-.f accumulating funds lZor imi)TOvements Such as , n-aw Hro. a-nd shon IIAG., r 20, 20 01.21--3 F-an pd ID a r, R s:,Tz T. ori* D lq.2 S Ell A T I C IN .......... VI P.L O'.t S _7 T b 'Ren-ecation De c- X95,9 1960 n D-;-Ogrc-.m, Tilc� Cj'!' 17 o C. s C, cj a u 7, c v I s 1 0 11. G 'C'no o Av, llazk Boat& DED, 13 ij 0-1-M El TS ini.960 the P=cl-e•-;-ion. _i1 C[ t-, -Cj1j- j 19,505 19,205 1,075 0715 s m. in bzevi 9 5 1,425 3.25 125 jr,-) :'.at??.;? alssxsi the Cionvirunent. •eac �-1 a �u oil o th c 1 2- 5 125' RAL SMI, V, -S 6 26.0 6,260 13. -d Li 20, 20 01.21--3 -9 .......... VI P.L O'.t S _7 T b 'Ren-ecation De c- 1) rl". act -jjc'3 U 6 a-L-A the C0171cluct; n D-;-Ogrc-.m, Tilc� Cj'!' 17 o C. s C, cj a u 7, c v I s 1 0 11. G 'C'no o Av, llazk Boat& I those u n c o P. 0 0-1-M El TS ini.960 the P=cl-e•-;-ion. _i1 C[ t-, -Cj1j- j ioa,6 Z. n 6 0,I)C-1-ati.oll has 26 h:nc. n d,-,- o-'r S r,:P. t �11 ce i S 11coeted -a p -Per-v- . 6ry Standpoinit" c c .`:porn u is ;.VK c.. oz�� 2- -vear s m. in bzevi ow.,--.).koyad al a wxt ti-I'ne be contil-n-e-0 Julle f:irst --ilep T n a o jr,-) :'.at??.;? alssxsi the Cionvirunent. •eac �-1 a �u oil o th c de-,) -d .. ..... s sgneS o.1,61 Vi .AGE OSF MINA A;NNUAL OUDGEY PAkSE 59 Fz-md vanah)-n AFc-u PARK K AIM RECREATION V AMT-.- I RE ST R LT ION A7. 100 EXMIM'OffURK METAiL Director $650-725 r, 8,700 8,400 Pro,-Zlm Supe--i'visor /,,•,500 Secretary 3,420 3,420 Training 4. 0 0 40 v Paid Lea'e 1 8 5 2X85 $19,505 2. ences and scl-tools IDues fs 650 and subseviptions 75 Aue---;t 600 Urc22ssz ::yea 100 1,425 1,425 3, Printing S 50 Books and par.niphlets 75 .q 125 125 4 Genera. $ 4,560 I i U `M1 a-e Nall 600 420 Equiprfient Operation 660 $ t _�)j 240 6,240 TO Ail, AMINISTRATION $27,295 lib 995 } VILLAGE OF EDINA A10TUAL BUBGST RAGE 60 PARK 11AIHTMgANCE PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION * SUHiL ItY DISTRIBUTION Park & Recreation: Title Employees 1959 1460 Monthly 1959 Salary 1960 Appropriation 1959 Appropriati 1960 Park Foreman i 1 M75 $500 $ 5,700 $ 6,000 Park Keeper 111 1 Special ru::f care 445 Plantings fic trees 5,340 Litter removal Park Keeper 11 2 2 425 450 10,200 10,800 Park Keeper 1 1 3 390 405 4,680 13,020 Temporary laborer. 3,600 4,800 5 6 A29,520 034,,620 DISTRIBUTION Park & Recreation: Administration: Training $ 4.00 Paid Leave 2,485 Recreation: Miscellaneous &- Special Activities 1,600 Maintenance: Houing $ 4,800 Special ru::f care 3,400 Plantings fic trees 2,200 Litter removal 3,800 Parking awes kkantn'ce. 1,300 Buildings & Equipment Maintenance 1,900 Skating Rink Haintn'ce. 6,935 $24.335 TOTAL PARK & BECMTl0N $28,820 Balance Carried Ponmrd $28,820 Charged to other Bands: General - Public Works 5,000 Swimming pool futad 800 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION $34.620 VILLPiGE OIF EMMA ANIR-,UAL BUDSE7 PAGE 61 SiUMHMARY BUDMTED 1959 ?:J T � MAT E D 1'eu NG. PARK PArd", AUD REtRWHOU PARD. Mai' JUITENUI.PCE 1.,.7 . 300 SiUMHMARY BUDMTED 1959 ?:J T � MAT E D R 11121C T 1960 _P1 � C 0 MPOE : N D E13 B kU VD, kG E, 7 E D 520,060 !3 2 0, 0 6 0 1. Pr_18iMIL qmvius $24•,335 24,335 1,600 1,600 2. C0 N-TR A . CTURAL SER"VieCES 1,900 1,900 3,740 3,740 S. C011ViM0_D'aT1ES 5,400 5,400 5,4,12 5,6.12 CIF-MT-RAL S'EIRINUCEIS, 5,100 5,100 C � C ou 1-11 4-Ali, 310, 8 12 31 7.'] :R-20 -5 TOTALS 7A -11 F UTEIGIT -1O Pa -,:k u,--JMtow.-..7.ce imml-ties ill-lie cwlre o:L ali pork site.,; &irtj i-acilities -. tic. A. 1.1 d e el are crAy -_�-hcse 7-4-onerties actua-Dy uc;edi ,:Or p,-jj:, x Purposes and ualr, othe-v propertier, .31,11 -m a - -.-I e d h o u, h h e V 1 a - 12 Such as Lriangles, ote, nz-e PI ropcztier. account in Pub is Woif%,_s Depamt-ment. The i-mi-i.-Ltenance of these -.�KG).)auties ..,_ncludes the C-;,At-lvation and imow,4111Z of tuz.�, eotablishri.,ent and ca-,-e of trees ana .-.0"r -.0"ral, 'and the m.-O.Vtenom.ce 0-f ',1cHJ-0eS, as bui-Idings, parking ireas, , and shating The continued improvemant o-l: park sites brings -.he co--responding inczesse of ma4fntennnce services, u 1-960 ii-ve new.!yin-rpZrved azrcas will requ.-Ire regular mai"T"Cen.- a n c ea - ., these are 52nd and ATden, jackson and De -amore Laue, 62nd gild Ben--i'd, ,ddixiaual acres, al *'. H- ;,- �.,hlmds Park and 691:1 and :NcGuire. Furtiic-_n%-Ipre, inereased use of the Hoys Farm -uill zequire mare in -mAntenance sezvices. Y_n add4zion to these newly-improved ax-eaG, it is necessary to keep on i:-Ath t1he Present P_70-1,Uam of upgrading -park vaintenance in eizi-sting a='eas. To accomplii sb - Ili' will requJi-,:e adding a full-time pai:ikkeeper to the part. -.....-Sintenonce cre.w on April 1, 1960, and increasing the ammount WE temyoz-a7_y help in -he suriomer. WINS'E' OF ENNA ANINiUAL [JIUDGE-71, u ", PENINTURR DEWL ll Amu Ace. Ma. pilal( I PARK :AVI D lRECRUM-TIONA VARF, MATMENANCE 47. 3OU u ", PENINTURR DEWL ll 1. ayl:011 ,.8o0 2. "lorLtractcd Fcpairs 400 Aepnif parts 5(11)0 4. EcuiDmeat cDev;:,tion 1,500 T A-7, 1'19.MiG 7,200 $7,200 - 302 Special Tur� C,.?.ze 1. Pinyroll $ 3,400 2 Equipmmit Zental 600 3. 'cod and sod GOD lcrtilfter cnd blacl,-- d i t 800 ':Iced spray ^00 1,700 quirm-m-at 0 p a - z,.'L- -1. o n 600 TCYAL SPEC: 4. TURV C'6Ri? <,, 6,300 $6,300 303 aand trees 1. pzvroll 2,200 2. Equipment- -en tal 100 3. ced, pla-ating, etc. 500 operntio'll 430 T E,'-\L -P-1--ffl4TING C.. TPMES $ 3,230 $3,280 30�-, ll'itter ilct'!w2l 1. gyro I-zash 3,800 3 batrels i0o 4. l4kimip-moro; Operation. 360 TC-PAL TATTER RDTIUVAL 1:-,26-67 $4,260 305 Paa:king Area 1� P&Yroll $ 1,300 3, acad ail 1,000 Slnd 200 U 100 7 1,300 0 Mipmeat operetion 300 + � T ii 'A.L P1,RKING A-REA MAIN T. 22900 $2,900 306 BuiAdiva & Eq7ulipmen-,L ! ��i 1- I 2. UL-ilities 125 Contracted 75 200- 3. Lumber 900 epair materials 200 4 1 Equipment Operation 350 1 5 3,560 TCTAJ, BUILDING EqUI-THE15T 3,560 MLAG',"; OF EMMA 63 Fared Pid"K AUD RECRE& ICIT, PAIIIII, i�IAINIINIIVICB CONTID. 47.300 FDOMMMITURS: 'w'l-RLIAU. E2 i n -L'- on a nc e i . Pa-,roll 6,935 2. Eicct�:ical hookup C". nowar i 600 3. 9. ma_ ad 200 4". Operation A:"AL RM R-111,1117- INAH"l- SEAN' i T E; AV-, C E 'S 9,235 9,235 NOVA, HiCIOTEOMYCE _�1735 $36 13=5 _i i { I i j I MUSE OF ENNA ANINUAL B-W SE T PAGE 64 Fund FF 91cNell APee AcLe. KID. PARK I T -M AND RECREATION L aRC 47.200 SUMMARY BUDGETED .1959 ESTWATED 6' 33E%.T 1960 r,EEC0N:MEND. © t3UQGE`tED $21,40 21,440 _ a. PERSONAL SIERV9CES 21,515 20,815 4,400 2. C0iMT A CTU.RA°. SERVO�Eg 5,500 5, 500 5,760 5.760 3. COMMOKIIES 5,600 5,600 1 �3. CEM 8 PLII CP. SIERViCES 5. CA P 9 u'AL 40U T LA V 43?,600 jG00 32,015 -31,915 I ry( FURL I The Vi la. qe of Edina in additic:i to p ov dime Pari; fees lit es couducts a -ear around recreational- program gs a function of Village gover-ame17t. ''!his program is the responsibility of i:he Park and Recrec Lion Depa3:trment; :Lid includes such activities as f55'frg, nni zed baseball and hockey, sG i- aff!iing and tennis instruction, and a summer playground Program for small children. Same of those activities receive financial SLtppOrt fi:0M ;70 ious service o1'ganizat:•iors and in others the psrticipants themselves pay a portion of the cost:, COMMILINTS it is co; temp aced that in 1960 in keeping with the budget policy of 1959 that emphasis -,Ali be placed on upgrading and Improving maintenance rather than e- andiag zecrea._ion activities. However, ench year there 4;.----e mioxe banilies in Edina :.,hi ch means more children., hence greater i?i?ffit}C'rs part icapat;ing in the e.-{,sting recreation activities. Conseglienoy the budget a.i'qaeSt ZeflectG only a no1:mal increase to talte care of anticipated "larger participation. only one item can be termed a large increase and that is in bus expense for the sL irwiing ?nst^ucticr. progyar.. it �- ll be necessary to add a, fifth bus. Ule almost: Egad it this grew, but managed without it:, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 65 Fund Function Ame Aca. No. Pi3RiC P,%RK AND RECTMATION RECREATION 47.200 EX?ENNTURE DETAIL Cone Mail r ReLomme�ded aedge?ad 201 Baseball & Softball to Supervision $ -1,200 Coaching Assistants 750 $ 1,950 3. Plates & bases $ 175 Bats & balls 1,200 Catchers equipment 300 Ea,uipment• repair 50 X725 Toga Baseball & 5oftball. $ 3,675 $3,675 202 Skating d. Hockey 1. Rin1c supervision $ 4,600 Hockey coaching 540 $ 5,.140 3. Gcalie equipment $ 400 Rets _ 100 $$ 500 Totan i Skating Z: Hockey $ 5,640 $5,640 203 Tennis Instructson 1. Instruction $ 4.50 Assistant 250 I 700 3e Tennis Balls $ 75 Unclassified 25. $ 100 TotaL tennis Instruction $ 800 $ 800 204 Playgrounds 1. Leaders $ 7,700 $7,000 3, Crafts $ 1,300 Replacements & renewals 500 $22300- 3 2,300 Tota Playgrounds 00,000 $9,300 205 Swimming In.structio Supervisor $ 200 instructors 3,400 Atter -dants 225 $ 3,825 20 Bus rental 5,000 3. Flutter boards $ 100 Pool rental 750 Unclassified 25 $ 875 TotaL Swimming Instruction $ 3,700 It I $9,700 I VILLAGE OF ED114 'a AWPHUAL bUDS11-: y PAGE 66 DETIML Cc-do A dive+#, Gbjrna �� A� Re�ctYr�e,�dod �'�P.�� l +Y3B EC f�ta 4 a&�I PrCRr:��aTIGH CO V D, 4,7 .200 I DETIML Cc-do A dive+#, Gbjrna �� A� Re�ctYr�e,�dod Esad�oter� Ii 206 Eliscellcncous 3: _ _�� � 1 soccial Activities 1. payroll. I'.6f?0 Leaders 600 $ 2,200 2, Pr int:ing(5 «rarer bullet.-in) 500 3. Unclussa'-ied _a 100 �. '10tal Miscellaneous Special Activities y 2,8flo $ 2,800 I 'i'MY —Ar I rEC REATION x32,615 3! 915 VILV,G'E OF EMMA ANNUAL SUD'SEET PJAGE- 67 BUDGET ED 7,640 1959 ESTIMATED 7,&,.0 640 SUjMk►jAIly (301JECT 1. PERSONAL HOMES 2. CONTRACTURAL S'&'RViC%" :5 3. C010MODMES 4. CL70TRAL SERVICES 5. CAMY IUTLAY WWALS C Ibi M;, S z!1",z M 7A RY 1960 PLECO-MMENDED BUDGETED 1-6,205 10,205 205 9UNCHIMI % Expendii--ureG for items of equi-pirient viaich have a useful wire of more than one year are classified as capital outlay. mo Aca No. F PARK PPRK & RECREATION I GAPT OUTLWZ 47.100-5 BUDGET ED 7,640 1959 ESTIMATED 7,&,.0 640 SUjMk►jAIly (301JECT 1. PERSONAL HOMES 2. CONTRACTURAL S'&'RViC%" :5 3. C010MODMES 4. CL70TRAL SERVICES 5. CAMY IUTLAY WWALS C Ibi M;, S z!1",z M 7A RY 1960 PLECO-MMENDED BUDGETED 1-6,205 10,205 205 9UNCHIMI % Expendii--ureG for items of equi-pirient viaich have a useful wire of more than one year are classified as capital outlay. VI .AGE 04E EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Ilia Fund Func�iqq Amm Acrn.. 09. PARK PARK RECREi\T. ICIN CAPITAL CUTIV 47.100-.5 EXIPR-�EYFTUME DFTAK. r--- 1--nd'v A C, i v �Iv Mail I nom -mei- ded "otar y rn j -;er C 90 90 ?ow-ing un:;.'%:r. --r-or 1,065 Toro ,065 1,065 . ick-up T-ii.th 6. whoeled drive.-stake body 2,800 1,400 �silrayer =1!iGt bin-,,;er 3,500 kain sav, 260 260 3rusli cliwe'r 160 160 pear--able Senerator 600 600 500 Soo _cpic tables 1,000 1,000 ortable bleachers 600 I 600 5" &. 20" augers V10 7.1ectric typewritier I 500 pumbering machine 40 40 Snou-blouer- attachment E 200 200 1,100 -0- � eavy duty power drill 150 150 TOT L CAPITAL CUTLh67 $10,205 qj6 205 ViUAGE OF EMWA ANNUAL BUDSH PASS 69 i::59 ESTEVIATED j - 7'0i0 SUNAAARY 17 L PERSONAL SEIVICES 2. CONTPACTIMIAL SEEMCES 'P COMM110;DMES 4. CENTERAL SERVUNCES 5• CA P FA � G li TLAY TD YALS tCM E, MITA VlY 650 1960 'S) 1 Fauaim. Aca. No. FIREMEN ° S RELIEF ASSCOWItri los 20.230 -9 i::59 ESTEVIATED j - 7'0i0 SUNAAARY 17 L PERSONAL SEIVICES 2. CONTPACTIMIAL SEEMCES 'P COMM110;DMES 4. CENTERAL SERVUNCES 5• CA P FA � G li TLAY TD YALS tCM E, MITA VlY 650 1960 'S) 1 VILLAGE' OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAS -r. 70 SWAAAAR"n' Br UDOETED ESTIMATE D 0WIECT $ -01. PERSONAL SIr-HPIVECES 2. COWRACTURA' L SERV!CES 3. COMeMODLITM-5 CAPRAL -DUTLAY 900 $_6,700 713FAILS Cl 0 IIIIAI ! VII R., i � TA R Y �—Z,65() -,q, 7 650 payTjaut is -made each year to the Water Fund fO f fire hvdrantra. Area Aca Wo. FIRE PROTECTION SWAAAAR"n' Br UDOETED ESTIMATE D 0WIECT $ -01. PERSONAL SIr-HPIVECES 2. COWRACTURA' L SERV!CES 3. COMeMODLITM-5 CAPRAL -DUTLAY 900 $_6,700 713FAILS Cl 0 IIIIAI ! VII R., i � TA R Y �—Z,65() -,q, 7 650 payTjaut is -made each year to the Water Fund fO f fire hvdrantra. 7 D CrN .13 T 91 MIT 13,000 iii E c 30,000 32:, .9-00 I'Le--6, 200 T 91 V6@ -i—i' EAE] O'k.' L-Di4"'I.441's A I IV Ui-'. r1i 72 IFn.ri4 Function ihiw Ac-a. f,,Io. I PI-EVOLVO, CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 1 I MWAARY 1959 BUDGETED ESTMATM 02JECT 43,840 S 44,750 1. P E 11 SQMAL - SERVICES 4,400 P— CONTRACTUML SERViCr;S 4,000 3. Wjvi.,MQ ' D11TIES 4. CENTRAL SEVIVICES 5 C. ?1 EARL OUTLAY Tx_ _48240 < <a,750 1960 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 66,540 66,540 4,200 4,200 R FUNCTI-09. RCI)x-msents -M ove-chead e,-.pcnsas off -ice, =pp'.-Uds; telephone, Pension paynzents, 'Lind -.Umsunmnce premiums,alloc-atod zo departmen!:G'-.'Vicntfily. COTONT'S' Principal reason for ine-Yease in -ticiis' account result's from an additional 3T3-% in. the Public &.Pployees Retirement Association, Eirgloyer contribution of $20,610, and Giight inc----ease in liability insurance coot of $800. Quantity purchasing is responsible for the continuing declane in cost of office supplies. 73 CENTRM- SERITMES 25. i00 71TE. "Ili -�16il U RE DETAR 2. Telephone. 6,000 se-nrice cont-acts-c ypiprmc t 1,100 rublic EynDloyees Retii-cme t Ass'n. on 4-1,740 T. 0 s tczy c 3,10-0 Mab-I lity 0 Workmen is Oofnpens 6.200 x-66,540 'muDplIcs I —2 $70,740 TOTAL "70 740 , Y) -f Sl 113ITTION Al cc t a d t o 0: e re t i -n 0e a t r". c i: s Mayo- nn'Ci Coil-acIA '.4,200 720 AC-saim strzition rinance 3,720 Assessing 21, 240 MU-nicipaj. Court 2,260 P a a tilli ne, I 960 PcFlicc H,580 F 5,8620 inspection 2,520 Public Forks -12,420 Village Hall Gsn r an ge 600 Ecruipmeni: Operation :;55,620 Al 10C tea to Othez- Funds paz-k 4,560 3,780 Sewer Rental 2,460 Liquor Store-50th S 1'* 0 e 2,340 Liquor Store-Scuthd le Swl-Tmins Pool Fund 240 TUAL LO j $70,740 j T'. ViLLA'tG!'2- O�r' EDNIA AtNINUAL BIUM�,; DAGZ-F; 76-- 1-91 59 5,1:3 5,095 6,296 6,075 325 11,050 120 120 2 T-LO_ SUMMIARY . I op'yCIMF --7 I MOAZIMIODNIES 1. C EN TR ' SH ZA7 "IMES OiJTLW. :7(37 A LS .,NSF A "A E MI TA RY 1960 RE c 0 IM, M E N D F"T'D 5,045 6,025 1,1,10 460 n U D- -- L,, D � UK, � 6..025 1,410 480 1. Y 12,160 U N, CT I UO THLS account provides ior tlde operati.on and rmi-ni�.cnnncc of the- Vill.age Hall, Oricrati-A.'IF, Costa arc allocai:cd to depar-i-xieni s on the Of GDacc OCCUDied. '7 C M-3- 1 F Pq T 8 During *1959 P.-,PC-A- s-ervicn. i -k-'sta 1' ed in 1..cu o c-lotb. ti-;ue.ks nr. n 501%, saving, We reptace- all. covey ;--h�n-;!,- years, is i--hc rels-On �:ha incz-case the approprinticn NO. CENTRAL SLIR-VICES VY LIAGE HU L 25.209 1-91 59 5,1:3 5,095 6,296 6,075 325 11,050 120 120 2 T-LO_ SUMMIARY . I op'yCIMF --7 I MOAZIMIODNIES 1. C EN TR ' SH ZA7 "IMES OiJTLW. :7(37 A LS .,NSF A "A E MI TA RY 1960 RE c 0 IM, M E N D F"T'D 5,045 6,025 1,1,10 460 n U D- -- L,, D � UK, � 6..025 1,410 480 1. Y 12,160 U N, CT I UO THLS account provides ior tlde operati.on and rmi-ni�.cnnncc of the- Vill.age Hall, Oricrati-A.'IF, Costa arc allocai:cd to depar-i-xieni s on the Of GDacc OCCUDied. '7 C M-3- 1 F Pq T 8 During *1959 P.-,PC-A- s-ervicn. i -k-'sta 1' ed in 1..cu o c-lotb. ti-;ue.ks nr. n 501%, saving, We reptace- all. covey ;--h�n-;!,- years, is i--hc rels-On �:ha incz-case the approprinticn VNWAIA.1—VE OF, EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET Pui-.d REVOLVING CENTRA-L 313RIViCES EXPENWTURF UETAEL 7 5 Ace. Wo. 25.200 ksAdl=- Aoiviky 02�ii Budgeted i. janic--or $MG-35-2 $ 4,224 Payrol.1 (Public Works) 82i 5,045 7_, f Heat Ligihi: and po--lei: 3,1.80 Water and Bewer sez vice 150 iii surance 225 Rmbbi�h set-Vice 90 i0o 6,025 3. -mvpplies 510 paper towels 150 MQht buIbs-roo1ccm O 11 S ' 400 paztz aind ha &m-ve 350 TCRIAL VTLLA:!E HAL -q12 960 JI2 960 D 7 SoT R 1 B U T i 91i Village Council fi 984- Mmin i- s :. a o i i 2,412 r, inance G4-8 AS S G s G 1-1i Platining 180 'Mm ni c -u*- -p al Cow-v-t 1,596 Police 2,484 F i r e 2,196 inspection leio Zagiaeerinm 936 AAministrati-On 600 Water Ork's f7und -80 Sewer Pten'Zol and 120 960 $12,. TOTIAL D'.T STE"'T DUE-11 =2 S) m. 5 'M M"' UAL G C, PI E'C�110P_J t".1 F73 E D 250 J,150 . 2 2 600 'Zile o.(.* a shaltez- oc.'. c.-Lu' 0 Y..x- '-'CV. 1"0'%' V)UbI`!_c 2c--_s C"C;f"C. 02: m �- --vitenz-otc ante Os z ..r: c a s 1- s n a Ii. MEL C, 3 IRAGr�; 76 2.5.300 1; 250 3,150 i':: 2.24, 224 1959, 0 H 230 250 .2 600 2. 540 U R Yx 200 200 2. 600 600 Es C, PI E'C�110P_J t".1 F73 E D 250 J,150 . 2 2 600 'Zile o.(.* a shaltez- oc.'. c.-Lu' 0 Y..x- '-'CV. 1"0'%' V)UbI`!_c 2c--_s C"C;f"C. 02: m �- --vitenz-otc ante Os z ..r: c a s 1- s n a Ii. MEL C, 3 IRAGr�; 76 2.5.300 1; 250 3,150 i':: 2.24, 224 %'II a a,-C nC r.ngtai® ANINU L BUDGET PAGE 77 V ®foisd'46.d C.. `QOi c.wa• vu a - - ___ _�._ pp ..+_ No. REVOLVING CEi32P.e3d. SERVICES � GAPAGE 25.300 i EX-M.N OaTURE DETAIL Code ! f�Cgi�iiil flbjC'i$ I ReCCiltmalidad Budgeted 1. ^Detail Payroll(Publie Wcrc :s) 250 F 2. Uti? iti es $2,400 Insuran'Ce 600 Unclassified _,� 150 $3,150 3. Repair materials 224 Z,. General .._ 600 TG AL GARAGE 14-122-4 i3IS`i'iiTULiTIGPi Gen ral Fund: ub-01C Works 1 X1,34.4• Par _Fund: � Administration 420 Rc.vc lving Fund: Equipment Operation 1,620 fiat: v ox%s Puna. 420 Seti, Y Renta3 Fund 420 TOTAL DISTRISUTIQ1 �j( , 224 j4,224 ANNUAL BUDGE76 PAG[- 78 - -Ford Funcoos �, �i�a Aw. !No. E REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES � EQUi €'? ENT OPERNE100 25.4.00 , SUMIMARY BUDGETED 1959 -..EM MATED - - -- OMtr;Ti --- _ 1960 — r,KQN4sMEND2D ,OUIXGE 'E0y 17,580 �' 17 , 600 1. ['�7mISGMAa SENWES 19,300 19, 300 8,732 8,270 2. 8,428 8,428 25,600 27,218 3. COMI.h4 'DiTIMS 28,360 28,360 2,520 2,520 3,060 3,060 S. $ 5 32 5 X538 R s M8 i� TOTALS . 1 UNCT. ZO i f This account: pyovides for opeiF2t ion and rpaiR%er vice of?' al! vehicles, lnninte -n nce i equipment, and pow7ar tools. Costs of equipment operaa oa is +:.haroea ope at Xn- depazi —Mon :s and other funds or, time balsis of use, MOTS The coat of operating and maintaining rno numerous vehicles and maiv.t:erlance macbines assigned to var -ions Village departments represents nearly 5% of the total Village budget. As the demand for govetnmesnt Ql services continues to i.ncre ;se with the physical. growth of the Village, the reed for effective and efficient: equipment umi- w:enence p-rccedw-es wid policies becomes evert. more i.mpc.rt cn.t o Maintenance and operating no ici.es fi-mly established in 1953 t -rill be further 1 augmented in 3960. All of r..he ol. °ti EJCirn .-ous: "police h -nv_ei ejowns" £c my.cz ly assigned to various deparrmeratts have been J°eplacerd by either Eton P'c.cuAS or 5 cylinder economy cars. Specifications fvz police vebic:jes have been carefully rcvi.ewed and standardized, and a specified 'r•epla ememt Policy estab= is -bed,: All equipmnant is receiving mora frequent. servici'e_g and operat:o_ds are bair_g hald responsible fo— the day to clay maintenance of their equipment. Cost records are being established For ali equipment: and starting Jan., 1, 1960 all departments will be charged for the equipment they use at a rental rate designed to defray= all operating and maintenance costs. Adequate storage and stop facilities are still woefully lacking, We a--:-e now unable to provide indoor parking space, through the x-2-inter months, for any of the cats and station fv- ?.gams and *a ?y for a limited number of trucks.. P.v~ovidi.rg ndequate Shop facilities and enciceed parking areas is the most: ivmR c rant step in establ.isb.ing a sound ;=craipment i.ratenar -ce prog arm. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNWAL BUDGU PAGE 79 emd Fscen� — ��sea il REVOLVING CENTRPJ. SERVICES � EQUII<1._Is "A T OPERA`t'F£3)~: 25.4 -GO Allocated to operating d Administration Pt .n.ning Police Pike in1'pection Eniynee ring Puihlie Notl•:s: supervisioin &- Overhe 3 xeeL Maintenance S�zeet Lighting 5�:reet; Ivame signs T •affic Control B -id;es 5 orm drainage 4V llage Properties xious weed control TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EX"41ENWTURR DETAIL Object 1> `+;ccazani_cst;23 �4.S�rw�:•99 Serviceman MG - -402 s ayroll(Public borks) 2. ad•io service Lau_Zdry ;service "c-ntracted repairs 3. ep?acement: 03 tools Stock materials :Tel.ding supplies Gasoline & fuel oil Lubricants a,.es and tubes ,Accessories and parts 6. General Garage $ 660 300 10,800 2,400 660 e� Jaw r 1,203 18. 00 1,---0 300 2,100 1,200 Ro c e± sirmided krdgs�ed $11,976 4,324 2,500 .$19,300 r, 2,[400 360 2,500 3 168 $ 7.50 1,500 750 a.0, 200 900 3,960 10,800 $28,360 M.[;.p I 1,620 5 3.060 $592148 DT STRIBUTION General Fund oral carried Allocated to Itber funds: Park Fund Admini.str Lion Maintenan e TO-TALI PAM FUND Water Lund Sewer Renta Fund Swi=4ng fool Fu-,d . TOTAL WHIM FUNDS Assessed pr:oj cts TOTAL DISTRIBUTION d $4.4,8 5,120 5,760 2-1.)0 1,2)0 4-9,58