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1958 Annual Budget
VILLAGE 1958 OF EDINA BUDGET .01 % 71 VILLAGE OF EDINA BUDGET FOR 1958 D26 D -?,- 028 D3 0 D'3 1. D32 D, 341 5 al `3 D41 D42 D43 ,Mli, D45 D46 D47 D48 D49 D50 D 3- 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY E OF REVEN URS 11e 'Need G-ontlol .i 4 t St, r4-Ct 1111'� me Signs, SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Briap-S and CU)F-"-'eftG Tcmpora-zv D ESrA IL 15. C'upinl 0.'tlay A. Gener.31 Governm*nt °, 6. Rzwr 1. Mwo-i, C'u-Ind Coumi-I D I 04 2. E. Po-k Fund 4. D 4 2 ZP "aOg D 5 no 14--- n 5. Couyt D 6 b. D ay 'f i c- F-lettion 9. Harming D 9 e. B. of persons p>opez'ty, k 1. Police Depa; tm nt D 41 0 Firle D11 J. Cl veil i8n D12 R •i on 4. PLibi-I c Hea' M 0113 8, Una 1 -iv 81 Contxol D14 b. B- �seball and Soflball inspee-tion of Ridp. I Plumb. D15 Tennis C. Pjblit Works. 6. Skating 8nd Hw.key 1. Engineering D16 41. Playar.: und 2. Super - vision and 0�-arhead D1 " w i. -nat, t 1 on I J. Street P16intenan;;a D18 5. 3"vims-iling Pool Opeaation 4. Boulevards & Turnsrounds D19 6. payroll'sumvvlry 5. Street iigh-11--ino D2e 6. TT-affir, ContToj D21 -I G 0 n. G Y, 7. '."raffic Marking D22 2 !.',`J,Hage HE-11 8. Traf-f1c Sz�frvty D23 3, Ga�-cjqz 9. st:� Z'-,t Cleaning D24 4. Equipment Op-E?r8tlon 10. Sno-w and 1--Z;- Removal D25 5. S,' . Po at and m-- 11 To5ls D26 D -?,- 028 D3 0 D'3 1. D32 D, 341 5 al `3 D41 D42 D43 ,Mli, D45 D46 D47 D48 D49 D50 D 3- 4 sW 1101 0 POPULAT*W OUNDED MINA45CHOOL :IS 3 1854 956 IqS7 COM Pl-\ F AT I V" T E D VALUNTION ROPUILATION - BONDED INIDFS 'DNES5 -S� F S' E I .s t h�- s Q: . 't OP SMU-Iff OF REVMS ALL FUNDS Actm]. Actual Budgeted Actual Receipts Estimated Estimated Budgeted 1955 1956 Revenues roar First Six Revenues Revenuee 1958 1957 Months .3957 1957 1958 OEI+IERAL FZTIVD 0298.9076.00 $359,9502.00 $!023.96810.00 01888943o00 $$4189000000 FeTd X personal, property taxes $$5009934.00 $ 455,828.00 Other taxes Z 29092.00 198810.00 19300.00 1907300 1,9800.00 Interests penalties & forfeited 19700000 tax sales 88603000 898130-00 58000000 24,438000 59500;00 Mortgage registry 79500.00 i 22.00 392000 500000 4000 200000 Bank excise 200000 Os9 X00 80 a o0i�' e . ,00 Total Other faxes a 00.00 $ 9,400.00 Licenses and Permits: 19369000 460000 300000. -3:54000 .250000 Bicycle 400000 725.00 19125000 181000-00 19255.,00 1'300000 Beer and liquor 19200;00 3580oo 135000 -35o.00 .531000 550000 Cigarette .500000 Ig679000 2p4U000 89300000 1,9601..60 294WOOO Dog & impounding fees 2,9000000 3,000.00 216000 636;00 400,00 720000 750000 Food and soft drinks 700000 305000 605000 400.00 570000 600;oo Gas pumps 600000 51,5000 720000 620000 19585000 19600000 Bowling, taxi8 pinba3.l, etc, 19600000 3.9 1..00 28762.00 2.5000000 2e2250-00 283000'00 Plumbing 29200,00 225;00 90.00 1000,00 Scavenger & garbage collectors 100000 139000 269000 250m 100.00 Other business & professional 100.00 17 288.00 189,838,00 16,9000000 98 303000 179000.00 Building 3.74000.2.„7 28527000 19009000 2 ,9000000 18392,00 19500;00 Cesspool and eaver 1.9700.00 49231000 58921000 3a50o000 38209.00 54000000 Plumbing 4,9000.00 2,512000 348000 19000000 2 ,9722000 49000.00 Signs 24000.00 738000 717000 300.00 228.00 500.00 Street opening fees 500.00 Heating 14.9000.00 ,�$, Electrical 000000 � -3 4 a 9 .OS 5 .0 0-57v-950. 00 Tol Li Total Licenses and Permits .90000 $43,600.00 $$1308273.00 8 96930600 $110j,300..00 6 298295.00 $$1109000.00 Enginsering5 Cleriaal4 &. Searches $$ 908000000 $ 90,000.00 $ 19750.00 $ 55000.o0 $$ 59000;00 $$ 29500609 S 59080.00 Police and Five Servi.cea 0 68000.00 $ 5,000.00 9 25078.00 $ 24820.00 $ 39000.00 0 3s,4.44o00 9 3D5oo.00 Repairs steer Construction or $ 3,9000000 $ 3,000.00 Damge Sheet '#I Actual 1955 49020.00 258299.00 8 290.00 198293.00 .$ 7 ,9800.00 F3 319291.00 $ 260.00 $j 2,,783.00 MUMM 19317000 207000 279255.00 X79 Actual Budgeted 1956 Revenues 1957 $ 20000 - 10,00 148821.00$ 28750.00 298830000 $ 27.400.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200365.00 0 4 ,,155,00 0 5o ,9000.00 $ 2 ,9358.00 $ 2,9021,00 3,171.00 219618.00 1,511000 319694.o0 p Actual Receipts For First Six Months 1957 29000.00 25AM.00 0 19,0000.00 $ u,,o86.00 S 50000.00 $ 3,9000.00 $ 5090oo.00 .$ 3 .1825000 8 .469.00 0 200,00 $ 454.00 �.. s:f 24,975000 MOO yo 3 3169000.00 8•a1✓. 39W.00 .438000 6 Vj,533000 0 SUMMARY OF REVENUES ALL FUNDS Estimated Revenues 1957 " 10.00 Registration Fees 5 ,, 000,00 Equipment Rental $ 459000.00 Mianiclpal Court Fines Rents and Concessions Board and Roon Prisoners State Apportionments- Higbaays 8 208000.00 State .Tax Apportionments 6,9 000,00 Charges to Other Fund. $ 509000.00 Contributions from Active Funds $ '1 ,9000.00 Sale of Properties $ 600.00 Other Miscel2meoua Revenues 98 .0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND e Sig pool fees 38200.00 Regista*ation .fees Income from concessions 24 ,,975000 Transfer from General Fund -� Unclassified 35,9500.0- Real & personal property taxes 6 8 .Oa TOTAL PARK FUND Estimted Revenues 3.958 0 10.00 $ 5.,000..00 459000.0o $ 700,00 0 209000A $ 3.98000.00 0 79506.00. 6 - 75j'000o0 $ 18000000 $ 500.00 $ 00 26 ,9407.00 1.,200.00 39000,00 33p099o00 day 7ubouu 43,9230.00 W MTO- Budgeted :.958 $ 62,500.00 $7689038.00 22,4077.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 21,223.00 $ 471,830.00 .43,230.00 $ 91,060.00 Shest, #2 SUMMARY 01 REVENUES ALL r U7,'iS Actual Actual Budgeted Actual. Receipts Estimated Estimated Budgeted 1955 1956 Revenues For First Six Revenues Revenues IS58 1957 Monthe 1957 1957 1958 REAL PERSONAL PROPERTY TES; 79529.00 $ 7,760.00 $ 7,600.00 743.00 7,500.00 Poor 1 -iund Acim3nir-trative & $ 7a600.00 $ 7,600.00 - Pub3 c Nursing) 3 1,363.00 $ 4.9582.00 $ 59600.00 537,,00 9; 5,0500.00 Firemen9s Relief $ 69400.00 6,400.00 6.0801.00 hs691,00 $. 6.600 -,00 623000 6,,500.00 Fire ?rctection (fyy ant Rants) 6 6k400o00 6,400.00 6 31:9180.00 319080,,00 5 36,9600.06 8 .3;,609,,00 365000.0n Bonds and Interest 709500.00 $70,500.00 $6460296.00 $743.825.00 $803 2i4.o0. 8,323 X5.00 8829n235.00 TOTAL �9 ALL FUNDS 023 480000 $ 949,998.00 /}peirf¢!.'.a4� WWI Sheet #3 SWIRIIA23P or, ISIXPED7.11-1-1 lip S Al 79200000 36S,743LGOO 259i6lo'co 1990,72000 71,5ooll,00 115M-550-00 61.- - oo 1 Ell 0 00, 00 ,400 e 00 '99" Oo 79S;5)83 0 ao 6oci o co 2,633 0'00 1-2�371,:,00 'A", M69TT)-� CvU Cr RAL PUTYM Go-neral Gover,.1mentg F,jS�-';-nd Council Assessing Legal oemices X cipa). -ib r, Total Gane-a,:L Gatrem, of Per: Bons & Civi, -141.ara Pe--Pemsa Fub]—'! c Hec.-_-16,q Ardnal Control Inspect-1 ton c.f Pldgs. 9- PI.-,-nbg, Total P�,,Q sect ion of Pe.-c-r-ons a . , rd Pror us 'P 66o.00 42,000.00 3595655 oo 0 0 0, 1,01 435 -CC, P :? P. 95:5 . r ", 1D 3 .11 P,J,00,m n' k0—,)004C0 - 8135t,642�T'00 221;9-30100 CO A $ 10,460.00 41,900.00 28,925.00 28,305-00 11,535.00 19,355.00 31 14 ®.00 7,500.00 -i, 800.00 $158,920.00 $134,299.00 74,155.00 .650-00 1,800.00 4,500-00 16,387.00 $231,791.00 L I -1.3propz1ated Actual 56 x S-i-m Vlont-h3 1957 7 53 v 37 00 851 8 , - ..00 7044ocloo $ 3 747,00 5-361 c; 00 3-)a34 -, 0 3 C .379215.00 1894 000 25, 09-0 -,,0, 24 97110-00 25 ®2` 70'00 12 .13 46" 125832000 1519,620-00 22,488,-co 0-- 6'478,,00 .9 9r265-00 9 750 '00 91,24 5 c. o 9 4, 5 �' , .0 1-09-30 00 5 5L--.00 " 11 T 2 5 0' 0`0 oo- '746,00 I ogn 00 5,9 cL 8 oo ZZ 65.,03.00 .94p4,33oOO '3112 7 0 7 00 55,,9960oo 45 000 -10 51;069�r' 4 -12.OL-- . 00 Cf 7 0 7 2 1 GO 3slGOXG � 2 Of - C, 0 a1, a. 00 1.- 0 11,00 30011DO 1985q-00 � 2 2 15 . W-1. 000 9.9 9000 0 13971600 12;586�00 93J . C)o IP TrTG-61-9 --G—O SWIRIIA23P or, ISIXPED7.11-1-1 lip S Al 79200000 36S,743LGOO 259i6lo'co 1990,72000 71,5ooll,00 115M-550-00 61.- - oo 1 Ell 0 00, 00 ,400 e 00 '99" Oo 79S;5)83 0 ao 6oci o co 2,633 0'00 1-2�371,:,00 'A", M69TT)-� CvU Cr RAL PUTYM Go-neral Gover,.1mentg F,jS�-';-nd Council Assessing Legal oemices X cipa). -ib r, Total Gane-a,:L Gatrem, of Per: Bons & Civi, -141.ara Pe--Pemsa Fub]—'! c Hec.-_-16,q Ardnal Control Inspect-1 ton c.f Pldgs. 9- PI.-,-nbg, Total P�,,Q sect ion of Pe.-c-r-ons a . , rd Pror us 'P 66o.00 42,000.00 3595655 oo 0 0 0, 1,01 435 -CC, P :? P. 95:5 . r ", 1D 3 .11 P,J,00,m n' k0—,)004C0 - 8135t,642�T'00 221;9-30100 CO A $ 10,460.00 41,900.00 28,925.00 28,305-00 11,535.00 19,355.00 31 14 ®.00 7,500.00 -i, 800.00 $158,920.00 $134,299.00 74,155.00 .650-00 1,800.00 4,500-00 16,387.00 $231,791.00 Actual Actual. Appropriated 1955 1956 1957 $ 64£359.00 0 8op943.00 $1017255.00 749120000 78.1, W6 1,0 869625.0 0 139570,00 17 .1003'e00 209000000 6,169,00 59o99.oe 69855.o0 11;,688.00 1,062000 19343000 199S9,00 b 7 9 33 0..00 �r 450,00 69428.00 3,340.00 13p752.00 359420.00 99855000 19546,00 29176.00 6,9 964.00. 53,547,-Oo 89 i5.,6350o0 2.,260,00 39555000 39615.00 24 ®800,00 Actual First Six Months 1057 419067.00 129462000 25,864.00 1.09319000 hp2.39.00 39.00000 1,9383:00 2,899000 295o5.00 $2.,436 ,,00 .o SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS Estimated Recommended 1957 1958 GENERAL FUO $ Pi b:Ue Works 4 S 87,9250.00 ..�nel -ng 259547.00 Supervision & Overhead 729864.00 Street Maintenance $ 48000600 Boulevards & Turnarounds 248144000 Street Lighting 6923900 Traffic Control. Settlement of Suits Traff_lc Hark-Lag 8,50o.00 Traffic Swfetyr 8D500.00 Street Cleaning 494001-00 Sno-a .and Ice Removal 2 ,9000000 need Control. 38700,,00 Street, Name Signs 38505.00 Bridges and Culverts 59672000 Temporary Drs,l.mge 24,o00000 Capital Outlay 9..00 Total, Public Works $ Miscellaneous and Conting2noiest 38239000 6 5,000,00 1,212 ®00 $ 48000600 ont enciea 1 ,9580000 2„000.00 29500000 Settlement of Suits 79177000 8,50o.00 48148000 8D500.00 Special Assmts0 on dill. Property 21,618000 24,975000 24,975000 Grants to Other Funds 59415000 5,200000 29772000 59672000 E16rkmenas Compensation 33.691,.00 2} 9990000 79237600 26,2370'00 Villra& Hall 19.9327000 19,021000 68818000 99318.00 Garage $601 r 00 82.330 9,00 $287,,398,00_ fi662.i'20L„00 T�I� GENERAL FUND - ��3_'` 780 — $1039130.00 33,9129.00 65p450,0o 9.18201,00 29,800,00 89250.00 292751,00 5 .,775.00 10a000�U0 18,550000 2.300,00 4,,5oo.00 199250,00 36.,000.00 ;x'9000 9$ 5,000.00 2'500,00 10,000.00 33,099000 28950000 $82 644® 00 Approved 1958 $ 101,330.00 33,129.00 61,450.00 9o820.00 29, 300.00 7,950.00 2,275.00 4.775.00 9,500.00 17,550.00 2,300.00 4,250.00 4,650.00 17,250.00 30,375.00 $ 335,904.00 $ 5, 000. OD 2,000.00 10,000.00 22,223.00, 2,200.00 $ 768,038.00 Sheet #2 Actual, 1955 $ .89995000 (59060.00 1405.00 .69916000 .4o272,00 o 0 19770.00 3y338.00 4 ,,9o10o0 6 048.00 _ 1x070 Actual 1956 89182000 (119082,00) 1.9355000 191x7.00 48387.00 3 9 813600 V21., � 0 119068000 1,337.00 18868000 502y51000 ' 12 +.00 1 9 1000 Appropriated 1957 8,700.00 ((149325.00 19300.00 5,150000 4 OOOo00 Z407750-00 9x000.00 3D000.o0 rff.11 Actual First Six Months 1957 $ 6,004.00 ip428000 3823,9000 19346.00 952000 18011o.00 2.976200 300100 1397 0®00 79!100.00 396900 3,8477.00 2.,2111,00 28523.00 10200:00 9837.00 96 429405.00 $ 569585.00 649475.00 34a991.00 8 69133000 $ 19363.00 $ 598711 ®00 C 49582.00 $ 7s600.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 68801.00 $ 11,691.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 29601,.00 $ 537000 $ 623.00 i SW21ARY OF EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS Estimated 1957 0 63,860000 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 5,700.00 POOR . $ 59500.00 FIREM °S RELIEF ASSOCIATION $ 68500.00 FIRE PROTECTION Recommended 1950 $ 18,026,00 1x700,00 7/000000 7,300000 75200 29280.00, 445.00 9949b.00.. 28,03.00- 3,0,910000 29850000 39 820000 500000 69099000 ns,798.00 4000.00 /0 .00 199960.00 .". �:1 $ 69400000 $ 69400.00 Approved 1958 $ 189027.00 1,400.00 5,500.00 69000.00 750.00 2,045.00 400.00 8,800.00 $ 24,895.00 4,940.00 2,850.00 3,000.00 500.00 4,990.00 11,798.00 4.000.00 $ 279138.00 16,060.00 $91,060.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 6, 400. OO $ 6,400.00 Sheet #3' PARK FUND neral: 8 12,800000 Supervision & Overhead Maintenances 18650000 Small Park Areas 59150000 Neighborhood Playgrounds 39750.00 Playfields Large Parks 19300000 Pai?k bAldings 29000000 Park Equipment 98=00 Skating rinks 4 400.' 00 0238 000 Tree trinmiin Total Mainterance 89 200.00 Capital Outlay Recreations - 450000 Unallocated 29400000 - Baseball & Softball 60000 Tennis 38500000 Skating & Hockey 6,1100.00 Playgrounds 7 11 OW 000 198 3,00 ®M Instruction . Total Recreation n Swimming Pool Operation 0 63,860000 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 5,700.00 POOR . $ 59500.00 FIREM °S RELIEF ASSOCIATION $ 68500.00 FIRE PROTECTION Recommended 1950 $ 18,026,00 1x700,00 7/000000 7,300000 75200 29280.00, 445.00 9949b.00.. 28,03.00- 3,0,910000 29850000 39 820000 500000 69099000 ns,798.00 4000.00 /0 .00 199960.00 .". �:1 $ 69400000 $ 69400.00 Approved 1958 $ 189027.00 1,400.00 5,500.00 69000.00 750.00 2,045.00 400.00 8,800.00 $ 24,895.00 4,940.00 2,850.00 3,000.00 500.00 4,990.00 11,798.00 4.000.00 $ 279138.00 16,060.00 $91,060.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 6, 400. OO $ 6,400.00 Sheet #3' Sii =R% OF E%POWITURES ALL FUNDS Actual 1955 Actual 1956 Appropriated 1957 Actual First Six Estimated 1957 Recommended Approved Months 1957 1958 1958 34,io8 .,00 31,,o80.00 6 369600,00 ' 3 .,609000 369000000 BONDS AND INTEREST Improvement . s $� 28 500 ®00 $ 28,500.00 Park Fund 429000eco 421,000.00 �0 9a a� s 000 3 'r609.00 6,9600 , 0., TH 00 $ 709500.00 :+ 5ial��?29:500 `�OlaR390,00803o2].9d,002��75g i..9C ®'A.ei/ 00b8 M1 ,760,00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES and ALL FUNS10230�80, $ 9499998.00 Sheet #4 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL Actual Appropriated Recommended 1956 1957 1958 $ 6190000 $ 6240000 Personal Servicesi $ 6300000 $ 6190o00 $ 6240.00 Total Personal Services $ 6300000 ,-ontr ctual Services: $ 414000 $ 1000.00 Legal publications $ 750000 Conferences and travel 100.00 Codification of ordinances 2500000 $ 414000 $ 1000000 Total Contractual Services $ 3350000 Commoditiess $ 247000 $ 200000 Supplies $ 200000 Annual report 9000000 $ 247000 $ 200.00 Total Commodities $ 1200000 Fixed Chan ess Cefttrre�! Sel,ri.se9: Village Hall $ 810000 $ -0- $ -0- Total Fixed Charges $ 810.00 $ 6851000 L.7440.00 TOTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL 11660000 Summary of Personal Servicess Mayor - $125000 $1800000 Trustees o 4 - $100 4800000 TOTAL $6300.00 'Approved 1958 $ 6300.00 750.00 0.00 2000.00 $ 2750.00 200.00 400.00 $ 600.00 $ 810.00 $ 10460.00 eDy® Actual 1956 $27606.00 Z2760K._00 880.00 339.00 2056.00 $ 3275.00 1-35000 30000 189,900 354.00 $ 1931000 $ 1931�a00 $ U5342.29-0 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVEMR40T ADMINISTRATION N Appropriated 1957 Recommended 1958 $b30840.00 Personal Services: $3264o.00 930840000 Total Personal Services Contractual Services: $ . 35000 Travels mileage, and trainirg $ 600000 30000 Dues and subscrL It ions 350,,00 1500.00 and public advertising 1500,00 $ 2150.00 Total Contractual Services Commodities: $ 250,,00 Licenses $ 200"00 2000 Books and pamphlets 50000 100 Miscellaneous 2,,00. 375.00 Total Commodities Fixed Charles• 2050000 Central services: General $ 3120000 Equipment Cpexetion 600000 .vUlage Hal! 2940 QD $ 2050,00 'Dotal Fir•d Charges Capital Outl File cabinets and bD okcases $ 200.00 Trade in automobd.3e 500000 $$ 1800,00 Total Capital outlay _ $37215 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION .� Summary of Personal Servicess Manager $15000.00 Administrative Assistant $275.4325. 3900.00 Clerk – Treasurer 6485-4500. 6000000 Secretary 4285.4300„ 3600.00 SAtchboard operator $220.4235. 2820.00 Part –time Clerk $110. 1220,00 TOTAL $32640000 �32E40a00 245000 450000 $ 576$ 576 00 00 A- pproved 1958 $ 32640.00 $ 2450. 100. $ 5760.00 $ 700.00 $ 41900.00 _D2® GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE Actual, Appropriated Recommended Approved 1956 1951 1958 1958 $20602.00 Personal Se?rvicess $23440.00 $20200.00 $20602.00 Total Personal Services $23440.00 $ 21900.00 Co" ntpactuI Servicess $ 200.00 $ 150 °00 Travels mileage and training $ 250.00 100.00 Dues and subscriptions 100.00 2590.00 2500.00 .audit 2500.00 $ 2790.00 $ 2750.002750.00 Total Contractual Services $ 2850.00 $ 2850.00 Commodities] $ 27.00 $ 25.00 Books and pamphlets $ 50.00 150.00 100.00 Unclassified 100.00 Printed Forms 200.00 100.00 $ 177.00 $ 125.00 Total Commodities $ 350.00 $ 250000 Fixed Chargess $ 1544.00 $ 1800.00 Central services: General $ 2700.00 Village MW 600.00 $ 1544.00 $ 1800.00 'total Fixed Charges _ $ 3300.00 $ 3300.00 Ca ital. Outlays Electric typewriter - Purchasing $ 500.00 Cash register - cashier 4500.00 0.00 ' 0° �0- Card files and file cabinets 125.00 Total Capital Outlay $ 5625.00 $ 625.00 $24711_00 $25277.00 TOTAL FINANCE �35565-00 $ 28925.00 Summary of Personal Services$ Finance Director $585 -$625 $ 7500.00 Bookkeeper $345 -$350 4200.00 Payroll and audit clerk $270 -$290 3480.00 Purchasing -clerk $270 -$290 3480.00 Cashier $235 -$270 3240.00 Machine operator (Start ,tune 1) - $'2 C ._��� ° (0) -D3- �� 'D 302. � Summary of Personal Servicess Assessor $7620.00 Assessment Clerk $4102.00 Clerk- Stenographer $230 -$255 Part -time deputies 4000 Hrs. @ $1.75 Part -time clerical Recommended 1958 $24380.00 $ 1500.00 800.00 100.00 $ 500.00 100.00 $ 1320.00 180.00 $ 600.00 500.00 75000 50.00 $24380.00 $ 2400.00 $$ 600.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1225.00 $30105.00 F-$7620.00 $4200.00 $3060.00 $7000.00 (6000.00) $$2500.00 (2000.00) $24380.00 Approved 1958 $22880.00 1400.00 700.00 $ 2200.00 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1225.00 $28305.00. J s 3�� z 3 64 .may 6y �v -D4- 666 a , � GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT ASSESSING Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 $13941.00 $19080.00 Personal Services° $13941.00 $19080.00 Total Personal Services Contractual'Servicess $ 718.00 $ 1200.00 Tab rental- Special Assessments 600.00 Travels mileage and training Equipment rental $ 718.00 $ 1800.00 Total Contractual Services Commodities: $ 345.00 $ 500.00 Printed forms 500.00 Miscellaneous $ 345.00 $ 1000.00 Total Commodities Fixed a $ 757.00 $ 250.00 _ChgL .Les Central services: General Village Hall $ 757.00 $ 250.00 Total Fixed Charges Capital Outlay: Calculator Electric typewriter- Assessment Clerk -File for IM Cards New maps $ 201.00 $ 550.00 Total Capital Outlay $15962.00 $22680.00 TOTAL ASSESSING Summary of Personal Servicess Assessor $7620.00 Assessment Clerk $4102.00 Clerk- Stenographer $230 -$255 Part -time deputies 4000 Hrs. @ $1.75 Part -time clerical Recommended 1958 $24380.00 $ 1500.00 800.00 100.00 $ 500.00 100.00 $ 1320.00 180.00 $ 600.00 500.00 75000 50.00 $24380.00 $ 2400.00 $$ 600.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1225.00 $30105.00 F-$7620.00 $4200.00 $3060.00 $7000.00 (6000.00) $$2500.00 (2000.00) $24380.00 Approved 1958 $22880.00 1400.00 700.00 $ 2200.00 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1225.00 $28305.00. J s 3�� z 3 64 .may 6y �v -D4- 666 GLI NERAL FUND =311,L .0bVM* ._--K T LEGAL SERVICES Actua11 1956 Appropriated 1957 Recommended xppm ved 1958 19.% $3190000 $3190.00 Personal Services: $ 42600o $3190 °3190000 Total Personal Services 42 EO 000 $ 5460.00 Contractual Services- 65240 ,,00 $6000,00 Professional fees $ WOO, O 48,00 75,00 Dues and subscriptions 75.c .gym 65288,,00. $6075,00 Total Contractual. Services 73F75.00 $ 6075.00 Commodities: Supplies $ 100,00 Total Commodities 100,00 $ 0.00 129k&0_0 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES ' 10 ' 00 $11,535.00 Summary of Personal Services: Village Attormy . ;155000 X1860,00 Prosecuting Attorney (2) '$`100000 2400.00 (3600.00) J260,00 Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 $ 6060.00 $ 8650.00 $ 6060.00 $ 8650.00 150.00 +, 1892.00 1000.00 388.00 200.00 2280.00 $ 1350.00 $ 220.00 S 100.00 161.00 130.00 58.00 390.00 $ 439.00 $ 620.00 $ 105.00 $ 110.00 $ 105.00 $ 110.00 582.00 $ -0- $ 9466.00 ;;'_0730.00 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT Personal Services: Total Personal Services Contractual Services: Travel Board of prisoners Witness fees Psychiatric consultation Total Contractual Services Commodities: Printing and publications Supplies sce11P- neous Total Commodities Fixed Charges: Central services Building rental. Total Fixed Charges Capital Outlay: Cash register Total Capital Outlay TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT Summary of Personal Services: Municipal Judge $250 -$450 Special Judge $30 -$40 per session Cleric of Court $265 -$350 Clerk- Trafffi6�ig�86�ons Bureau Recommended Approved 1958 1958 $15200.00 $ 150.00 2000.00 800.00 300.00 S 100.00 200.00 '25.00 $ 1080.00 1200.00 1800.00 $15200.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 3250.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 425.00 $ 425.00 $ 2280.00 $ 2,260.00 $ 1800.00 0.00 $22955.00 $192355.00 $5400.00 (4200.00) 3200.00 4200.00 (3600.00) 2400.00 $15200.00 M : GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT LIBRARY Actual Appropriated Recommended Approved 1956 1057 1958 1958 $ 639.00 $ 1500.00 Personal, Services: $ 1000.00 $ 639.00 $ 1500.00 Total Personal Services $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 Contractual Servicesa $ 228.00 $ 350.00 Heat $ 300.00 182.00 200.00 Light and Power 200.00 20,00 25.00 Water and Sewer Service 40.00 $J4?0.00 $ 575.00 Total Contractual Services $ 540000 $ 540.00 Comm_o_ditie_s s - $ 17.00 Supplies 100.00 Cleaning supplies $ 100.00 78.00 3150.00 Repair matorials 300.00 90.00 200.00 Seed, sod p etc.. $ 185.00 S 650.00 Total Crmmmudities $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Cgpi al Outlays New roof $ 1000.00 $ 175.00 $ -0- Total Capital Outlay $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 429.00 $ 2725.00 TOTAL LIBRARY $ 3140.00 $ 31,'A.00 Summary of Personal Servicess Janitorial $ .600.00 Labor 400.00 $ '1000.00 Actual 1956 $5115.00 $5115.00 $ 103.00 $ 103.00 $ 136.00 181.00 240.00 $ 557.00 Appropriated 1957 $1600.00 $1600.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 150.00 100.00 $ 300.00 45 $1950.00 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION Personal Services Total Personal Services Contractual Services: Rent Total Contractual Services Commodities: Printing of Ballots Supplies Postage and other expenses Total Commodities Capital Outlay Voting Machine TOTAL ELECTION Summary of Personal Servicess Judges $1500.00 Labor -- Setting up and transporting machines 500.00 Custodian 150.00 TOTAL $2150.00 Recommended Approved 1958 1958 $2150.00 $2150.00 $2150.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 50.00 50.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $5100.00 $ 2400.00 $7500.00 -GAP . Actual Appropriated 1955 1957 O.b� o ,4 o00 eJ 000 4.0 O. 00 0 0 maP5a 748 a 00 00 000 am�va•�s ao GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERIIIP4ENT PLANNING Recomranded 1958 Personal Services _.._ _ ..........078100000 Total Personal Services Contractual Servicos Y 200000 Dues and Subscriptions 1000.00 Printing 100.00 Total Contractual Services 00.00 V V1�R'I�Ino dities a "$'L' e s y{{� 2500,00 S! Books and Pamphlets 50.00 Total Conanocl ties 3 000 Cs ice]. Os B 9 bookcases 200000 Total Capital Outley Odo�O TOTAL PLANNING 8 000,00 Approved 9.958 $7,100.00 $ 400.00 $ 300.00 $ -0.00 $7,800.00 mDQ e OENERAL FUIM PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY POLICE DEPARTVWT Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 8 73964o0W $ 969287000 Personal Services p 39 EaooOa # 0 Total Personal Services Contractual Servicess 11L 52520r,00 Lo,,n 'eren c e s ` {2.010 50 0.00 n rainina achoo l s 1,9050-00 191Ofl 000 Radio and radar service 230 000 200 000 Drunkometer. :a 000 1sundX7 Dues and subscriptions t r,-zlt Total Contractual, Services C4?:i1TROda.'°Gf3.08 8 432.00 180.00 'Supplies and printing 18000, Cape and leather gam 30 -4000 450000 snition aupplies 60000 pail and pry loner ezq)enae 76,00 100.06 Ph ®i;ographic supplies Lumber for cabinets 30000 50000 First Aid supplies 32600 Una3assif3eel I.J68.00 U TOME Total. Cioiii nediti.es 766000 I 900600 entri-a-� servicec :General 4P918,00 99200600 Eauipwnt CPexatlon 6,100,65 'Pow Fixed Charges $ 82,o6o00o $105,807000 T0'IAL .OPERATING EXPENSE Recommended 1958 91%,0049000 45o.00 970000 1.9500,100. . 300 �rJCi. go 78900 00 1.90 � Go- 75 .c4 550060. 340000 120;00. 75000 50.00 8 5A40.0o. 9,9500;00 29100;00 Sheet #1 Approved 1958 0 ,049000 $ 104,381.00 n 600 $ 3,378.00 at 000 $ 19400.00 T_9 MOW IM?.067 600 $ 179240.00 $ 126,399.00 -D10 -° Actual 1956 cs �...� � oC }0 8443 :,00 GENERAL FUND PROTECTION OF PERS014S AND PROPERTY POLICE DEPAR..Ti4ENT Summary of Personal Services x 7 01.0 ($621. August 1) Sergeants -5 X465 ® $50. Patrolmen -- 35445. ® $94680. Patrolmen- -1 $425 - $44 '0 (,$9468 0 July 8 ) Patrolmen -4- $$400;, - $423; ($4680 June 15 and march 22) Patrolmen -2 - x$3800 $423 a . ($443 � Septa 1 and July 1) Patrolmen-4$380. $406 ($423 Ju-ly 19 March 22, & April 7 ) Dispatchers-.2 $2750 -,$2980 Part -tuns D s5,patchera- -2 8$1G25 u $1.40 Appropriated. 1957 Flier P.,epl.acement, .of cars na 3 Additional cmr Used car 'for radar ;� i_°ear:nsmm2.. pistons 8 1 cawed -off. ahotg T pe�-r:iter Fingerprint equipment Measuring tapes- - traffic accidents Other fi,, 00 Total Capital Outlay ;42 17100,00 TOTAL POLICE DEr�,;,Rr1 &4T TOTAL 9 79312.00 309180.00 1.6D848 ,,00 59496.00 10$442000 108312000 14,978.00 7,152'X 00 2;.329XIO $10&0419,00 Recommended :L958 1.00.,03 5500.00 2,100,00 20000 300,00 175.00 80000 20.0^0 i00.00 Sheet aa135 $ 7,300.00 30,000.00 16,740.00 5,460.00 10,370.00 10,240.00 14,870.00 7,080.00 2,321.80 $104,381.00 Appi ved 1958 $ 100.00 5,000.00 2,100.00 200.00 300.00 0.00 80.00 20.00 100.00 $ 7,900.00 $134,299.00 Actual 1956 $43042.00 $43042.00 $ 445.00 27.00 230.00 164.00 $ 866.00 $ 1251. /00 237.00 10.00 $ 1498.00 $ 640.00 3388600 $ 4028.00 $49434.00 Appropriated 1957 $51841.00 $51841.00 $ 350.00 50.00 250.00 165.00 $ 815.00 $ 1400.00 225.00 $ 1625.00 $ 712.00 2885.00 $ 3597.00 $97878. u" T- _. P GENERAL FUND PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Persona] Servicelss Total Personal Services Contractual Sgirvice a Travel, conferences3 training Dues and subscriptions Laundry sbrvice Insurance Total Contractual Service Commoditiess. General supplioc Clothing Photos Total Connodities Fixed Charoess Central services; Cade n . Ectuipment Ope.4ation rz 11 age +.ai.l Total Fiked.Charges TOTAL OPERATING -EXPENSE $uirimary of Personal Services s Chief $565°$585 Assistant 'hief $465$500 Firemen ° 4 _ $445-$468 Firemen $40U-'I"';448 Fireman $380 ®$423 Firemen Volunteers ($448 July) $380m 09 ($493 Feb.) Recommended 1958 $57142.00 $ 641.00 I00.00 350.00. 200.00 $ . 1400.00 300.00 50.00 $ 3000.00 240000 1800.00 $7020.00 60.00.00 22464.00 5376.00 5056.00 600 ,00 $57142.00 $ 1297.00 $ 1750.00 $-7200.00 $67389.00 $ 7020.00 5940.00 22320.00 5340.00 5190.00 5020.00 �tM42,QO 6000.00 Sheet 1 Approved 1958 $ 56830.00 300.00 300.00 $ 900.00 $ 1750.00 $ 7200.00 $ 66680.00 vD.• GENERAL FUND PROTECTION. OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Sheet 2 Actual Appropriated Recommended Approved 1956 1954 .1958 1958 Capital Outlays Pumper $ 7000.00 $ 5000.00 Car, radio, siren Inspections 2500.00 , -0.00 Radio for rescue truck 225.00 225.bO Arm chairs ° 5 256.00 250.00 Nozzles 500.00 500.00 Fire Hose 2000.00 1500.00 $ 2535.00 $17000.00 Total Capital Outlay $12475a00, $ 7475.00 I51969.00 074878.00 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT $79864.00 $74155.00 Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 3,00 019000 $7072000 "00 GENEEI L FUND PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY CIVILIAN DEFENSE Cwmwditiese Wa a"g ds Publications Total Commodities ties Capital Outlavt' Three idTos- - Two Police - One Dine ltao sirens Total Capital Outlay TOTAL CIVILIAN DEFENSE Rec�►mzended 1958 $ 5oo"oo 400000 S 675400 945000 91720"00 $25 Approved 1958 0.00 200.00 $ 200.00 450.00 0.00 $ 450.00 $ 650,00 aEbT,, RAL FMM PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY PUBLIC PXALTH Actual Appropriated Reco emended Approved ' Q. Q� lLJ J 73 500,,00 Ferson ' Sex-viccs �._.. ��c700oQJ -i 01M ` ota- a Personal Service, �;�ti00ov0 $ 1800.00 + x!91 X0 uc�_ - esaz -a x00.00 ,�'rrax•� -.v�y 'srAL PUBLIC MUTH ��G'0U000 � i800.00 -t)t 4m — -- -- - -- — --- -- - GENERAL FUND -- -- - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY ANIMAL CONTROL Actual Appropriated Recomendad Approved 1956 1957 1958 1958 Cont–ractual Services i �;,2�5,00 �F90�00 Se�v��:e C®nt.�act795CO,Oo NE 21 o00 607.00 Total Contractual Services W500-00 $4,500.00 $2 15e 0, o ¢- 2�00 o TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL ZT,5coxo $4,500.00 -t)t 4m Actual 1956 812 & 861.00 2 y93 .Ot� r6 220.00 I 0® 120000 44.00 28°1:,00 192.00 0.00 OOOD 0000 �b13 1.10. oo Appropriated 1.957 $119361.00 9 a"v $ 300.00 i5o.00 8 325000 45Q000 0000 rp FUND PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY INSPECTION OI BUILDINGS & PLUMBING Recvmaended 1958 Personal Services Mo60.o0 Total Personal. Service® Contractual Services: mv0 p ages an training 870.00 Dues and subscriptions 80000 Total Contractual Services Co�im moditt e s s Qsnera T Plies. 6 150.00 Unclassified 5 ®000 Total commodities Fixed. Char Rest MUM Ser�cos: _General 1 D080o00 EQuip*cerit • k:pe r a t ion 1.9000000 . Village Lala 180.o0. Total. Fixed Charges _08� Ou�a a s - 1,60000 .Used Car I�Q00.00 Total. Capital Out:2sy TOTAL INSPECTION OF BUILDING & PLT24BING Su mnary. of Persona. Services: Building. Inspector'®- Unallo cation 82200000 Asst. Building Ins. $4000 $4500 5400000 Plumbing Inspector $445. m $10800. 5760000 Electrical. Ins. Part.,time $2500 3000000 (0) Heating Ins. Part -time 82506 3000.00 (o) TORL ' X1:8 60.00 1 93 0,00 � .00 22 30.00 Ay -proved 3.958 %28360o00 461.00 $ 567.00 $ 2VO. 00 $ �926®.Q0 A Vr $ 1,WZ.00 $ 16,387.00 aM5 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC !,VORKS Actual Appropriated - - _ -- ENGINEER.IN- - Re-commended -- - Appro -ed �`5b 1957 1956 1951., ;,62230000 $85555.00 Personal Services $77000.00 5 76,500.00 _ Professional Services 3000.00 ,x`'230,00 $85555.00 Total Personal Services $80000000 $ 79,500.00 Con- rraCtual Services: 1:.87.00 $ 600X0 Travel, mileage anj training S 500.00 ''; -00 4.00000 Engineering equipment and eraintenance 500.00 "UG00 5000.00 Aerial survey 6000.00 _ ____ !Ties and subscriptions 1_50.001 600000 'a'o:.a1 Cont:, ac-Lua.i. Services S 7150.00 $ 7,150.00 Commoditiesi i -c-ing clad edvel ~rising J ...62,00 �)G0 00 .'hoto and bluep'inting S ?.200,00 $ 1,000.00 C' '.9 OG 1000a00 Tools . and lum -beg 1200.00 1,000.00 00.00 General suppi ies 215.00 200.00 Unclassified _ Books and pamphlets 150,00 i;% GC , 2800000 ipYi1 C;o�inloCii ties _ a >765a00 $ 2,365.00 Fi ed Charges 0 S X0 ; 1850.00 Cer, 'I sere i cep: a General ,; 3780.00 592,00 1.000M Eql,&Iprrent Operation 5400.00 Vii tags Hall 81.0.00 ;; 177, 00 $ 285 ^00 Total Fixed Charges 5 9990.00 $ 9,990.00 s ^'� .ice -.. .S A� C'1 J 600.00 Y.evea Tod; fo: dip na3dies 300.017 Ca3•syall .Cap. (Replace old passenger) 2200.00 1,900.00 File cabinet and bookcase 125.00 X65800() X 050000 Total. Capital Outlay ___ $ 3225.00 $ 2,325.00 01.255.00 I OT �.,� E'.I,TC ?VE!=R ?RG - - $103130.00 $101,330.00 Sil?i':It'AMI V PERSONAL, S_E_RVICESaf__ `JE 'i�i--1'�i c� 725"$ 750 - - $9000.00 �;:2 s,IaiI iii :, ^3�• -'T460 � S5520.00 {OGTI�iI $355-$400 � �D�43[)GoGG E.r.cr" Mee:: 4530$555 - 6660.00 as isman 1 $;;75 -$400 - 4800.00 yudman 37.:t 450000 U�s sisran tndinee ;550 66CO.00 �soecc �lY � 6_0 5520.00 _ r etagy S; G 330 .OU 0 s rrt ae n L man C 80 a Y-� �r ' 3L3��5 1_-.$L4 5 1)G�VO 6050.00. Tom ,t help "r ''' ( ) 6000. 4800.00 �39-6_ _ Ar-,;)sovL-d CO $ 12 -5 " o C, $10,080.00 $33.t129.00 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD Recommended i9,58 Pe�csona! S,:Drvices $22724.00 Total Pe--i-sonal Se�vices F,2 PR2 Z. 0-0 Travel� milevge q-nd $ 100.00 and ..cta). Cumi.---ractuz), Sexvicos 1 P5. 00 Gemmo d i es g Supplies and publication8 $ 400.00 S:ma1? ofd el oqLipmant 3.00.00 yot-a-',. 0-6 Ccntv-, al ooi-vices: Gene2!el $ 6780.00 "vi1IZ90 Ga=ge 1000100 Power and W11 Tc.-Is 1200000 Cha.?gas ej F) —I o� .7ro TOTIAL OPERATING EXPENSE-9 SUPERVISION ARID GIERHEAD S'umma!�-v Parson'?'I ss� Vices.- Superintendent ;550-$575 $6900.00 cle:,:Ic $300-$350 4200.00 Paid leave - 1 mon• -h of payroll 8624.00 vniTd cind shop 3000.00 Total �.—O 0 Ar-,;)sovL-d CO $ 12 -5 " o C, $10,080.00 $33.t129.00 suriaiarr of Sax -Tice Regulae Nain,an��e 3259000000 Sealing Px-ogram (19 dad Season) 5,000,00 Cta, b and Gut tsxw .Rsplacemsn- i� 9000000 `! C -A-L ,,W, ; C!00.00 GENERAL FUND - PUBLIC WORKS -- — - - - -- STREET MAINs'EMANCE lse ;zal 1956 Appropriated 195? Recorun -andad Appxa��� 1958 1958 s? 71�55�000 S6�a 5000 Pei: -som- I Services 6349000000 20 s9 a00 TataZ Personal Sarvices 5�� 000080 $ 34,000.00 Cow raotzxal Services. �> _ti X608000 500000uii� I ®� outside 50Do0o 000 ° ortsal Contractual Sarvic3ns ?j�aJQo O $ 500.00 ®Yr�vtlsiC'h��_ ^� gip, {] c�� ry li;�C�! �o�d c� / ��'o I tl rv500.00 ,?1�.�, �a ( �1 !� Yi �l ri �J6l,Qi°h:ln- matsz3ia �Jn1.0 '�s`S�n 1.+�' 5.4o) y t1 �1P� 3,000.00 c ,f"; ste joint. saa_u ez' (6 ton @ 65(,00) 400.00 �y'J ll ME"tarials (1 000 yards 05 080) 800"CO t u o U q � `2 UZ2 ..00 - 3,,CODo00 _ - - -Road Crave? (CLOD yards 000) nOtYDoOO z o 59104.00 1000,,00 -RQ -ad 0-il (2000 gallons @ o15 300000 q u o 50,00 100 o QO 00„10"S v o Sealing program rrmterials 10 25o.0o 9,250-00 `12'( 0 Ci&b �eplaceTvar±•i materials 3�OOD.CD 1 So o 2,500.00 l io o C11,110ride (10 iron @ 050.00) 600.oc 600 0�5 000 650 000 1 soellanzo^ ,Lpa simplies :=,co , oo 50,,00 250X0 dfn.3ll Tools � �05� 0 � y ✓5 5 0 ��)! b 000 Total Comwdl-uieo 50,00 $ 18,250.00 Cent v-1 -SEfs �iciksb Eq -Apwnt Operation 161x200000 1.00 tArb95Ub9o00 dotal .TMU?aii Charges � - `���,��o�000 $ 8,700.00 8,,8 5,00 86 6 5 00 TOTAL STPEEa P1A7 TaTANCE 7 (?-00 $ 61, 450.00 suriaiarr of Sax -Tice Regulae Nain,an��e 3259000000 Sealing Px-ogram (19 dad Season) 5,000,00 Cta, b and Gut tsxw .Rsplacemsn- i� 9000000 `! C -A-L ,,W, ; C!00.00 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS BOULEVARDS AND TURN A ROUNDS - TREES Rscarraveruded App- =oven 1958 1958 Personal Say-vices Total Personal Sevvices Conti--ac'u -pal Serxyices 11oi -fl-g (600 hwmg ati 04.50) (rI-00®ssa7--Y 0 y J f & ah07: is not sppz-wed) Toil Contractual Sex-vices COMmo;ditie88 FlozEers,, olhy3 abv,, eto o Spr-ay s -ata ials (Trans - 1730 gallons at 3.65) Teual Corimcditieo Serv3 ^es: Equipment Operation Total Fixed Chavgas TOTAL BOUILEVARDS AND TURN A ROUNDS G TREES $7400.00 82700.00 200009 M5 31100000 S!i%lTtR_` X7 of �Farsonal sarvicag g 1401 -y .ng �ft5W 000 Rego -Iar tree say-vice 800000 Lab-1650.00 01 hers Park laho- 3'L"30XIO' T0TAY• <, i° 000x0 >i 060000 $ 7400.00 5A000000 �n2-3--00 $ 1325.00 MEW 0,00 $ 1100.00 $9820000 $ 9820..W DIM I , � 010i GENE HAL MD PUBMC WORKS STREET LIMING $ 500.00 1500.00 $28,500.00 $ 150.00 $ 150-00 $29A300.00 - _ Reco mitarAsd PezSaTi-al Sez=Ticag- 4 haor par? t -xekl 0 5oo.00 0.00 Soz-�,icc- 2�CGO.00 [J.00 Cot 00 L Q.co Q Centrai SeRviges: Equipment Operation 13 �5D.00 P'lzed TOTAL SIM&& LIMITM $ 500.00 1500.00 $28,500.00 $ 150.00 $ 150-00 $29A300.00 - _ GI;MFUL FUIM HE C WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL ( SIGNS AND SIGNALS) Appropriated Fxco anended 4- )ro -v°ed 956 1957 1958 A.958 1`-1425.00 $2255,,000 Personal Services- 2500.00 .�0 Tota5 Personal Services � U� $ 2500.00 Conntract al Services -o $200-01,00 0 iy E Eet LI7Q� 2000 . Gs�e.QJ ^0 T!h-Lrxb-ns -nce ol" Sio is 1000100 dv: �� 110 o e $ 3000.00 Corn, adities.- Signs .$OO 00 1500.00 101.00 2O�l ,00 Sly UbS 150.00 @ + f9t�e''o'o F e:°khrical Farts 2.50c.C'0 ti SoU Total CorlmodUt eo ���3�� $$ 1900.00 o Ooi?i� 1� 5 Central 5eraAces: Equipment Opagation iw 550oUU oli0 Fixced G22xaz�g 41 �ilJOCJ� ' $ 550.00 6855 -0 TPGIT.,IL SEFFICES =' SRAE-71 -C C-f iUROTL $821-x100 $ M0.00 a:+xrnaary o-. Pe }`•soi l Services,, W3- Regular eal _, S-i Is �� I II1&s.'1 3- time $x.000 ,cru ii -gulas ° Si s `= I day peg week 050u00 - .Ei 450.00 TOTAL 82500 -G0 GL- IERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC MARKING Recon-rended 1958 Persoral serviceas 8 900.00 Total Personal Senrices 001-awdit-Los 8 Pair 600.00 affic Cones 125.00 Brushes 25CM Spray Gun 2511co MisceUaneous Material ?5.00 Total Conmedities Fixed fllharwes.- Central Services: Equipment 575-00 Operation Total Fixed Charges TOTAL TRUITTIC YhkRKING I 4-9-00-266 n"415-0 . -00 P 822 75,,00 Approved 1958 $ $ 800.00 S 575. 90 $2275. W GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC SAFETI Reco,- Lmended 1958 Personal Services $1000000 Toval Personal Services _ vvriviodi " ss 3 400 ee C 600 $200 00 Gu a rt4` + rafi�r� a? s— - 200„00 r'eruo ^ary $arr catl€ :n z rial.s 500000 Fetrn, --na-n carr-isrZ.s ,r iteria1 3600X0 `.Co¢al Cwmocyities Fixed Charges s Cp t I Seavl,es: Ecuipment Opeyation $ 575000 Total Fixed Charges TOTAL TPA IC SAFETY Sumanrlrjr of Persorml Services: Regular. -250 homrs @ 2.50 $ 60M0 Emergency time 400,00 TOTAL, $1000C.00 "i =�° 00.000 �N' 0. o0 -2 1 57;15,.e0 A- =roved X953 $ 1000.00 1500.00 10010.00 $ 3200.00 $ 575.00 $ 4775-00 Personal Service GENERAL FUM PUBLIC WORKS STREET CLEANING Recom e-ended 1958 5.9200.00 Total Personal Service 9 00,00 Commoditi.bs s moon a rials $ 29000000 Total Commodities gy' Fixed Chargesa Centeal Services_ Equipment Operation p 29800.00 Total Fixed Charges 5afl TOTAL STREET CLEANING 6101000.00 Summary of Personal Servicesi Regular -2 operators for 4 months $3400000 Picking up sweepings 800,Q0 Broom filling labor 1000000 TOTAL $5200.00 A proved 1958 $ 5200.00 . $ 2000.00 $ 2300.00 $ 9500.00 Actual 19556 $6103900 $6103:07 $ 0.00 `?11�G0 999,00 174 „00 $1884.00 $1868-,00 $1868,,00 $98551M Appropriated 195` $12,035.00 $1'2, 035.00 $1,€10000 19 200.00 $2,200.00 $1,400,,00 $19400,00 $15 &35� 00 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL Pereonal Ser icess Total Personal Services Contractural Services: Total Contractural Services Commodi Bless Salt Sand Unclassified total Commodities Fixed Charges: Central Seririces: Equipment Operation i Total Fixed charges TOTAL SNOW' Alin ICE REN,OVAL Recommended Ap jVroved 1:958 1958 $10,050:00 $10,050.0,0 $10,050.00 Y earn $ 19 000 00 1,500.00 $ 29 500., 00 $2,500,00 $ 6,000.00 $ 69000.00 $5,000.00 $189550.00 $17,550.00 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS WEED COW'ROL Actual Appropriated Recommended Apj,roved 1956 195' 1958 1.956 599 ,,00 61200000 Persona. Services: 0100000 599000 61200,00 Total Personal Services 31000.00 $ 1000.00 Contractual, Services* d.00OO Travel, mileage„ and training 45200 250.00 Howing 45200 , 266,.00 Total Contractual Services Commmo iti e s s v 458.00 350,,00 Cameral Supplies 600.00 53,,00 350 ,100 Total. Comcd i-des T600000 $ 600.00 Fixed CnM &es o d� 37.00 450.00 Equipment.Opeeration 700000 37.0-0 o0 Total Fixed Charges r 700 $ 700.00 2 TEAL SERVICES =WEED CONTROL 19M.0-0 $ 2300.00 Summary of Personal Service- Regular 800,100 Extra Help 200"00 TOTAL IM-0-00-2-00 Fixed uharzes g 6 0.,00 04C0 Central Services: Equipment 300.00 0.00 0.60 'dotal. Fixed Charges V 00.00 $ 300.00 �"2A1.76a00 4$3.6 5o00 TOTAL SERVICES STREET NAIL SIGNS $4,,500.00 $ 4250.00 °ii�itIIt? T°y :? Personal 2- -nice- Regul.ar $19 0,001 00 Replacement. P- z,,-ram 1x000400 TOTAL, L?- 6';0.00 -D27- GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIC-14S ERECTION & MINTENANCE- Actual Appropriated Recor vended A. .,,proved 1956 1957 1958 1958 "I., 38.00 42x.255,,00 Personal Services $29600000 �1r.2�005�00 Total Personal Services 2 800.00 $ 2600.00 0.00 4v 0400 Contractual Son -,ices 0.00 T- 70 oC0 C.CO Total Contractual Services 0.,00 - CorLmodi.ties g 41 ��yy r� '1% if0O 00 .31 5.00 ;71 0 CO. Si �s. "37ML^I 500.00 62:5000 500.,00 General Supplies 600400 0.00 0.00 Tee porar7 signs m v ood., cardboard. etc. 150,00 tin , . o e 7 r..^m,— .r14 i-i on Fixed uharzes g 6 0.,00 04C0 Central Services: Equipment 300.00 0.00 0.60 'dotal. Fixed Charges V 00.00 $ 300.00 �"2A1.76a00 4$3.6 5o00 TOTAL SERVICES STREET NAIL SIGNS $4,,500.00 $ 4250.00 °ii�itIIt? T°y :? Personal 2- -nice- Regul.ar $19 0,001 00 Replacement. P- z,,-ram 1x000400 TOTAL, L?- 6';0.00 -D27- Summary of Personal Services: Regular $19150000 Rebuilding 19000000 TOTAL X2,150.00 S GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES AND, CULVERTS Actual Appropriated Recommended kpproved 1956 1957 1958 1958 4P4,,223.00 $29255.00 Personal Services 62915o.00 �v 92 ao00 000 Total Personal Services 291 0.00 $2, 150.00 Conuractual Services% $19680.00 Contracted Service Equipment Rental $ 500000 w1 Total Contractual Services T— 00,00 $ 500.00 Commodities s Culverts $ 500000 888,00 500oOO Repair & Rebuilding Materials. 19500000 1,000.00 Pajint 00 20O X0 10500 Unclassified & 9 3000 00000 Total Commodities t 20200oOO $1,100.00 Fixed Charges: a 68.00 $ 86o.0o ,ventral Service%: Equipmen•, 300.00 _ Total Fixed Charges _. ;� 00.00 $ 300.00 $6964.00 3 6 n0 TOTAL BRIDGES ADM CULVERTS 85150.00 $4.650.00 Summary of Personal Services: Regular $19150000 Rebuilding 19000000 TOTAL X2,150.00 aENERA•L FUND PUBLIC WORKS TEMPORARY. DRAINAGE Personal Services Total Personal Services Contractual Services_: qq girent Rental iota! Contractual Services Cor�modb•czes i Nita Led i.s.ls washout Asohal Concrete. Total Commodities ��odities Fixed Charges a Ces:tz�1 Sehw cesc Equipment Operation Total fixed Charges TOTAL TEMPORARY DRAINAGE Recommended 1958 v 1149000.00 5 ,,0oo.00 2g5000dd 1„OOO'QO 6 2 sZO.00 Sumac -r of Personal Services s Regular $2.9000,00 Su_mrper Extra. Help 29000,00 TOTAL Approved 1958 FI OOOo00 $ 4000.00 x500,00 $ $ W5 U8 000Ch $ 7500-00 a7 p2 0.00 ¢ �.��(�. Ni $192250.00 �1• �.I Y I Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 GENERAL FUND . PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTIAY Cani.tal. Outla -v r --Ai.r compressor Small tractor —mover Blade grader-.one-half —Screening pant ,ruck-box and stt iplow Pickup—replacement Broom filler maw Barricade light sets (10) Skil -sate 10 inch Hand tamper 1fic striping machine 1114-scel3Aneaus small tools Equipment for sign shop mf fic si:gnaU J 54th and Fran Iii. 'hand Sohool, 49e Street and France 50th and Wooddale— replace situation pads TWAAL CAPITAL OUTIAY r V Recommended 1958 $� 39500000 29100"00 8850o.00 79000000 4,000000 19500000 850000 300000 .75000. 75000 .500000 . 1.00000 500000 19200000 38000000 1D200000 18600000 Approved 1958 $ 3,500.00 2,100.00 4,250.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 1,500-00 850.00 300.00 °75.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 500.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 800.00 $ 309375.00 4D30- aMMRAL FM PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL SUMMARY Present o Permanent Stre'el foremen $490o $ 508oxo Five machine operators $44")0 = $1560 279480000 Six truck drivers $390. m $4020 280944.00 One laborer $350. m $360 4 20,00 ov l� Pry e t ® Terorary S 3�a I d'oo, o0 17o aborers $350., for 4 months 29800000 Three laborers 0200, for 3 months 10 800.00 6 4.600.00, 1 '7 Sd Total Present Pall m v $a71„224.00 30. Additional 700. truClc CdY'iv ®7.'S 8390,-- $11j700000 - - Three laborers 3500 $24 00.00 �3 G-° TOTAL RECOMMEMED PAYROLL a $954424.00 $ 95, 424.00 Allocated to Operat�epa tments B S e . . nance $31a9000000 301aua Boulevards and turn- a�roiands 2,3150.00 Street lighting 5000'00 Street signs 29600000 Traffic control —signs and signals 28500000 Traffic marking 900000 Traffic Safety IDO00:00 Street cleaning 59200000 SneaJ and ice removal 109 050-00. Weed control 1,000000 Bridges and culverts 2,150000 `Gnporary drainage 19000,00 Supervision and over—heads Yazd- and shop $ 3,,000000 Paid leave R 8624.00 11 624.00 Equipment operation 300,0 0,0 Pourer and small tools 750000 Assessed on charges labor 149000000 TOTAL REI C01 -MIMIM PAYROLL m m m $950 .00 GENERAL FU14D MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENCIES VILLAGE GARAGE Recommended 1958 Capital Outlava Approved 1958 Grease dispenser and gun (Power) $400000 Tire spreader 50.00 Brake shop buffer and drum grinder 400.00 Fuller.- cam plete m for all ecruipment 400.00 Bashing and pin press 750000 Tune-up machine ° complete 950000 Total Capital Outlay $2950000 � $ 2200.00 TOTAL VILLAGE GARAGE $2950000 $ 2200.00 -D32- Actual 1956 8 7.9295.00 y . ro 283,00 252000 128.00 6930 4 186000 38,00 P 2 c O $ 0.00 08.182.00 Appropriated 795oo.00 9 0. 42o,00 135000 3,50'00 5050,000 GUUoUU 4 145,00 PARK FUND MMML SUPEWISION AND OVEMMAD $ 189027.00 -D35- Reaomended Akpproved 1,958 1958 Personal'Services $128001.00 Total Personal services 01,00 12,002.00 Contractual Services 9 ve a sage 4200 Dues and subscriptions 75000 Employee training 530000 Unclassified 180.00 Total Contmetual Services, �( $ 1,205.00 Coinmodi.ties s pub3icatione 0 5o oo Booif611 PamP1].ets9.. etc. 75,00 Total Con-nodities ,0 $ 125.00 Fixed Char ess ® ces't Gener'81 6 2,964o.'00 gge;ah 730000 Equip. 006tation 150000 Poi.ep 8 Small Tools 875.00 Total Fixed Chu -gee t� $ 41695.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $18,026,00 Swaa -r of Personal Serei.ces s Director ,1660, 6-9720000 Seoretary 39o16000 Paid leave 29265,00 Tow, $12,;UOio00 $ 189027.00 -D35- PARK FUND GENERAL MAINTENANCE o SMALL PARK AREAS Recomnended 1958 Personal Services $1000000 Total Person Services 1000 Q0 Commeditiosa Sod9 seeds fertilizer, etc $h 200000 Total Commodities r200.00 t� Ixed Chas Centr6l SeZvkces: Equipment Operation 500000 Total. Fixed Charges TOTAL NAINTEMANCE SMALL PARK AREAS -00-.00 $1700,00 <: )roved `1958 $ ,750.00 $ 150.00 $ 500.00 $1400.00 -r13r. PART{ FUND GENERAL MAINTENANCE = - NEIGHBORHOOD PLAYGROUNDS Recommended 1958 Personal Services 65000,00 Total Personal Services U 000.00 Comod -sties 9 Sod9 seed, fertilizer9 eteo Total Commodities Fixed Cis Central Seri lcesa Egt:icmcnt Operation Total Fixed. Charges TOTAL MAINTENANCE-- NEIGiBORHOOD PLAYGROUNDS 500000 00000 $1500.00 00000 $7000000 ispproved 1958 $3600.00 $ 400.00 $1500.00 $5500.00 -Dw35- PARK FUND GEUE-WIL MINTEMANCE PLAY FIELDS Recommended 10156 Personal Ser-Acea 84220t,00 Total Persona! Services Cont-,actual Sery-Ices.- Equip-ment Rent-al $12.C.C.0"00 Total. Contractual Serrvice�; gal? cans @ 650 8 450.00 Soil - St oA-ilants--55 gallons @ 6c,00 2�.4-D for in,'roved ��L-aas p 10 11) 0 0 Total CO.-rumodit"tP13. F-Ixed Charges-, ?.,es: Equipment Operation $1200.00 Total Fixed Charges TOTAL 1,TAINTE1NAkC)-,,---PJAY FIELDS 4 P4 2 TOK 0-0 M-000.00 0=0 -0 $7300.00 App: )-med $ 800-00 360.00 .2't".010 70.00 $1200.00 $6000.00 PAP//UM GE IM RAL L lallZMMAKA - IARM PARAS 2 C, z ƒ D -?"J", sq�ioao Ue3d spyray Ncsqui20 spy-ay Tj,c-pl com-lice'a" " 5 10 a TO� EGA $Z• -- IARGE PAIUCS �52 oco 6,1100,00 iloolloo c"Tial-andazi A»px--OvG�l :5,85 9 \S $ 550-00 200.00 3?52000 $ 750.00 PARK FUND GE I-TML NAINTWNCE—PARK BUIIDDIGS Appropriated R3coviypanded Apin-u-'To 6 - �956 1957 1958 mq'18 3 359.00 900.00 Personal Seyvices 0 885-00 Total Persoml Savvices $ 800.00 50000 50.00 cesspool 50.00 50.00 65 ,,00 pouog, 65-00 1001,00 0.00 Tod I Ccnt, acVjal Sae -rites $ 165-00 20 @ 10,,00 n 200,,00 200-00 aal., 565 904 540.00 Haxrdwara L&O.Go 30.00 shevo�- M'Stal 50000 40-00 ft- 25.00 20.00 Total Corimodities �rWb---(cd $ 830.00 Fixed charaes E 01,00 bentM �Se�vices: Equipment Operations 6 250400 3—(rodd U-0145 Total Fixed Charges $ 250.00 5 5 . co 'TOTAL 114INTEDIANCE - PARK BUIMUNGS o -Of) -� — $2045.03 PAIM FUND, PARES EQUIPI- ENT Recommended. 1958 Com &iodi c.s Traim". c. L:unbe Hardware Total Commodities TOTAL MAIPri'ENANCE PARK EQUIPIENT �6 25900 0 :; OU J-1 -C10 0�0Jo 0 00 �r Approve . :1950) $ 300.00 $ 100.00 $ Actual 1956 0486000 �p 0.00 .L69.00 r1�9.00 32000 4 0000 E-4187. 00 Appropriated ].957 5oo0oo $ 0700 00x0 425 o0C 2 x00 ¢ 225,00 T 2" 6000 ® MG0 PPM FM GENERAL MUN:1`MUNCE 4 m SKATING RnZS Recommuded 3.958 Personal Serwiees $6696000 Total Personal Services C 1mactaal. Servioebs era. houoe $ 8500-100 Power _ 500000 Total. Contrsotu l Semicses CoTw.odi vies e ne : 'plies $ 200,00 Total. Camoditi.ea Fixed 0harges: ..Central Se vices: Equipment Operation 01250000 Total Fixed Chuges TOTAL MAINTEMME n S'BATIHG RINGS d Personal Service® s Setting up - warming houses 7 ® 0100,. 700000 . Wood - cutting and: carrying 200000 Cleanings, spraying,, etc. 5796,00 (5100.00) TOTAL 36696,0o im �pr�ed 3958 $ 6000.00 $ 1350.00 $ 200.00 $ 1250. .$ E. 800 00 I PARK FUIM GENMRAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Actual Appropriated Recommended: Approved .1956 1957 1958 1958 Capital Oatiay2 Station wagon (trade-in 1947 pickup) 19700.00 $ 1700-00 Canoe and rowboat-.-water safety instruction 550000. 0.00 Mist blojer-- insecticides and fungicides 3 ,,5oo.00 0.00 Refuse containers - =15 at $25 375000 250.00 Mr-tension ladders 3.45 ,00 145.00 Bsnches .- 25 at $25 625.,00 300.00 Picnic tables -3.5 at $351&- 15 at $50 ig275JOa.. 875.00 File cabinets --two 1W 000 (1) 70.00 Hockey rink--lumber and installation 1.600000 1500.00 sim2 tools 100.00 100.00 One -half inch--heavy duty drill a5Uo00 0.00 Portable power plant (3000 watt) °150,00 0.00 T. D a M. U $ Total Capital OutUy $ 49940.00 °i/4- PARK FUND RECREATION UNALLOCATED Personal Servicess eo` a Person IA Se?iaices FL,�irrting Summer Bulletin . 3 otal ContrQct 8l Services Commodi-ities s GeneTal Supplies X0`•;.1 Commodities Fined ihg-t s C,7ntral SeYvIc.ess Equipment Operation To: iI . Fixod Charges T AL UNALLOCATED Summary of Personal Servicess Regular Program - mointenance $ 1000 Outside recreation® maintenance .1000 Total $ 2000 Recommended 1958 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 160 $$ 100 $ 250 $ 250 $ 2850 .'r'.Ppx -o ved 1959 $ 2(30.-00 $ 500.00 $ 100.00 $205.00 S 2,� 850.00 Actual Appropriated 1956 1957 $ 903.00 $1475.00 $ 903.00 $1475.00 $ 424.00 $1350.00 10.00 175.00 $ 4® 34.00 $1525.00 $133 ?.00 30� 00.00 s PARK FUND RECREATION BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL Recommended 1958 Personal Servicess $2310.00 Total Personal Services $2310.00 Commoditiess (Bats and balls $ 900.00 (Catcher's equipment 225.00 (Batting T's 60.00 (Plates and bases 200.00 Unclassified 125.00 Total Commodities TOTAL BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL Summar, of Personal Servicesa Supervision $1m0.00V 4 Assistants n 840 hrs. @ $1.50 1260.00 2310.00 /gyp $15 $3820.00 Approved 1958 $ 1680.00 800.00 200.00 60.00 160.00 100.00 $ 1320.001320.00 $ 3000.00 °0437 PARK FUND RECREATION TENNIS Recoamnended Approved. 1958 1958 Personal Ser7ices $ 450000 Total Personal Seg°ices TWO -.00 $ 450.00 Commodities General Supplies 8 50,00 Total Commodities b 0o07 $ 50.00 TWAx. TENNIS � QOo00 500.00 a}-44 I PARK FUND RECREATION SKATING AND HOCKEY Actual Appropriated Recommended- Approved 1956 1957 1958 !95a $1864.00 $3500.00 Perso Al Services a $5349000 $1864o00 $3500,00 Total Personal Services X5349000 $ 4860 pp Commodit$es8 Duo amplifiers with outdoor speakers and turn tables $ 600.00 00.00 Records 40.00 20.00 Nets 501.00 50.00 Goalie equipment 60.00 60.00 $� 4000 $ 5J0,00 Total Commodities — Op $ 7500 $ 130.00 -si.868"00 $_111000.00 TOTAL SKATING AND HOCKEY I6099�00 $ 4990.00 Summary of Personal Servicese Rink supervision a 3326 hours at $1.30 - $4989,00 (4500) Hockey coaching 200 hours at $1080 - 360,00 MTAL $539 0 N Actual Appropriated J.956 1957 $1864.00 $3500.00 $1864.00 $3500.00 4.00 ILg68. C0 $40OO o OO PARK FUND RECREATION SKATING AND HOCKEY Personal Services: Total Personal Services Recommended 1958 $5349.00 $:.349.00 Cannnoditl ea s TWO ampl ifiors- Faith outdoor speakers and turn, tables $ 600.00 Records 40.06 Goalie equipment 60.00 Total, Commodities TOTAL SKATING ADD HOCkTY $6099,00 Summary of Personal Serviceas Rink supervision - 3326 scours at $1.50 - $4989000 (4500) Hockoy coaching 200 hours at $1 080 - 360 :00 "TOTAL 55 Approved 1958 $ 4860.00 0.00 20.00 50.00 60.00 $ 130.00 $ 4990.00 - -- r L, PARK FUND RECREATION PLAYGROUND Actual Appropriated Recommended Approved 1956 1957 1958 1958 $4741.00 15150.00 Peraonal Service a $8998000 $47`11.00 $5150.00 Total Personal Services $8998.00 •$ 8998.00 Commodities a Supplies for four now playgrounds $1300.00 Craft supplies - mine playgrounds 1200.00 Replacements and renewals 300.00 $ 510.00 $ 850.00 Total. Commodities $2800.00 $ 2800.00 5' S1 OO 0A.00 TOTAL PLAYGIROU105 $1A798.00 $11798.00 Summary of Personal Servicesa Supervisors - 350 hours et $2.50 $ 875,00 Eight leaders - 1960 hours at X2.00 3iZO,00 Eight leaders - 1960 hours at $1.80 3528.10 1Vao leaders - 500 hours at $1.35 675.Ot, TOTAL $8998.00 Actual 1956 $3059.00 v U 9.Oo Appro riated t50oo.00 M $7125000 X9000 00 PARK F mID RE101M TION SM-URG INSTRUCTION Personal Serrices Total Personal Serv3=res Ca�mmr�.t9.es s General Supplies - `Pran por $ior Total. G %moditiea TOTAL SirJltMING TUTS T'RUCTION Recomer ed Approved 1958 1958 $384o.00 Lt o0� $ 3840.00 16o.00 PARK FUND SW IMP . ING POOL OPERATION Personal Services: Total Personal Services Contractual Services: Telephone Heat--water Power Ova er Sever charge Laundry Total Contractual cervices Commodities: Cleaning supplies Filter materials and chemicals Pool equipment Towels Signs Total Commodities Fixed Charges: insurance- liability Other charges- contingencies Total Fixed Charges MAL SWIPRAING POOL OPERATION Recommended Approv(d 1958 1958 $11900.00 511906.OU 5 50.00 150.00 1650.00 2000.00 60.00 50.00 100.00 1300.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 $ 1500.00 500.00 Summary of Personal Services$ Manager 3-g Months at $400 $1500.00 Bathhouse cashier - 1000 hrs at $1.35 1350.00 Bathhouse attendants -2500 hrs at $1.00 2500.00 Lifeguards - 3500 hours at $1.75 6125.00 Opening and closing - labor 425.00 -S.1.1900_..00 S 3960.00 3760 S 2100.00 0O S 2000.00 7. o 0 to $19960.00 $ 16060.00 ✓ -X14F3 ..-.4 Present - Permanent Foreman Track drivers a 2 Laborers ® 2 Present - Temaaoraa7 uwmr help PAN FUND PAYROLL SUN UM WO. - 0432 $96. b 8402 0350 a 0360 Total Present Payroll o 4350 TOTAL FECOMENDED PAYROLL AUccated to erat Degaa nts and Farads SuDervIsion and overhead Szra3l park Areas Neighborhood gil &cunds Piay�'lo�.ds Large parks. Park buildings Park equipment Skating rye RecrftU M — mallo"ted p+�2�ce�s�atiaa Genmr4 DAmd Boulevards and turnarounde Genera]. Fund m Paver and sma11 tools TOTAL REC(3MNDE PAYROLL m c. -L 396.00 24S,665,,00 $249868.00 4, 2CO.co 2,002.00 l 9 9 b 2 o6tgo $25,670.00 s,67o 6E° 0 29265000 ego ��6 O / L y � 19000000 750.00 5,0000 39600.00 4220000 3,300.00 552''00 550.00 885000 59184000 3445 '0yy0qq 300.00 9 ,o648000 8 640,00 6,oQb0VV z yio �lsoo 3D1 $23,472.00 ?3 �g p • �►�./0 22 s3 • -L 396.00 24S,665,,00 $249868.00 4, 2CO.co 2,002.00 l 9 9 b 2 o6tgo $25,670.00 s,67o 6E° 0 29265000 2,265.00 19000000 750.00 5,0000 39600.00 4220000 3,300.00 552''00 550.00 885000 600.00 3445 '0yy0qq 300.00 6,oQb0VV 6,000.00 2s o� 2, 000.100 • �►�./0 22 s3 • $199990.00 50080000 6o0•oo 5,080i 00 600:00 z 2 068o00 $25,670..00 2 3 -D49- GENERAL FUND CEATIR" SERVICES - GENERAL Actual Appropriated Recommended Approved 1956 1957 1958 1958 Contractual Services. . $ 4228.00 Telephone $ 5400.00 725.00 Service contracts-equipment 800000 1216.00 - Postage 1300.00 Public Employees Retirement Assn.- Contribution 1650000 Insurance (Liability and Workmen ®s i67.00 Compensation) 7740.00 $12796.00 Total Contractual Services $31740.00 $31,740.00 Commoditiess ,5704,00 Office Supplies $ 4800.00 5794.'00 Total Commodities _ � $ 480 � 0.00 $ 4,800.00 ��51t�3�30.f?0 Total Central Services m General J3'054 ®.00 $36,540.00 Allocated to Operating Departments: Administration $ 3120.00 Finance 2700.00 Assessing 1320.00 Municipal CC 1080.00 Police 5640.00 Fire 3000.00 Inspection 1080.00 Engineering 3780.00 Supervision and Overhead 6780.00 $28500._00 411e_+cated_ _. or Funds a Pack Fund 2640.00 Waterwoake..Fund_ 1980.00, Sewer Rental Fund 1380.00 Liquor Store -30th Street 1380.00 Liquor Store °Southdale 660oOO $ 8040.00 4 $36540.00 -D50- �i Approved 1958 $ 4600.00 $ 4690.00 $ 1090.00 $10380.00 GENERAL FUND CENTRAL SEkVICES Acival Appropriated VILLAGE HALL 1956 1957 Recommended 1958 $ 3402.00 $ 4000.00 Personal Seryi esa $ 4600600 $ 3402.003402.00 $ 4000.00 Total Personal Services $ 4600.00 Contractual Services $ 1414.00 $ 1000.00 Heat $ 1500.00 2346.00 2600.00 Light and Power 2800.00 117.00 250.00 Wainer and seder service 150.00 247.00 210.00 _ Towel service 240.00 $ 4124.00 $ 4290.00 Total Contractual Services $ 4690.00 Comm. oditiese: $ 581,.00 $ 500.00 Cleaning supplies $ 500.00 117.00 150.00 General supplies 150.00 113.00 250.00 Seed9 sodp etc. 1650.00 106.00 200,00 Repairs parts 210.00 _ 101.00 180.00 Miscellaneous 80.00 $ 1018.00 $ 1200.00 Total Commodities $1090.00 $ 8544.00 m $ 9490.00 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL $10380.00 Allocated to Ooerating paxtmentss Mayor and Council - 1044 Sq.F6i6 8.055 $ 810.00 Administration - 2642 °' - 20.376 2040600 Finance - '689 " - 5.31% 600.00 Assessing - 180 °' - 1.39% 180.00 Municipal. Court - 1422 -10.97 1200600 Police - 2720 - 20.98% . 2100.00 Fire - -2440 " - 18.82% 1800o00 Inspection - 152 °' - 1.17% 180.00 Engineering - 1000 - 7.71% 810.00 $ 9720.00 allocated to Other Funds: Pa- -nk,Fund - 512 Sq. Ft. - 3.95% $ 480.00 Waterworks Fund. - 133 - 1.03% 120600 .Sever Rental Fund - 33 °' - .25% 60,00 $ 650.00 TOTAL $10380.00 Approved 1958 $ 4600.00 $ 4690.00 $ 1090.00 $10380.00 �JGENERAi' F-JUND -, - I CENT"RUILL S . , G ri A. cz ZZ u jz" App i7ovod 1A In Cl Poracnal $ 25MO 00 $ 250.05 M. 2-000.00 Laun i 5 0. 0 0 (inc, ass if led. 50. C-0 :4071. 115 TO I,- a I ContractUal S e ry i 0 G 2 71,676. 60 $ 2700.00 Repair M;,71;eTials $ 400c00 T-ZO-6. —00 400.0 S aG75.00 TOTAL GARAGE $ 3350.00 Allocated to Opiz-a"Lan Dopaztmnts? Equipenont o-stion pe-L Pu"Ilic Works -SuPO27v i,� M4 on and Ove'Thead i000,00 —,675' all l-,xated to (Xhsn7 Fund.se Park Fund 250.00 Sawor Rental Fund 25 0 � "'A VY*a,tez-,,--302r�S '250,00 T Gr A L -- GENERAL FUND CENTRAL SERVICES Sheet 1 • EQUIPMENT OPERATION Re-,=mended '.pproved 1958 1958 Personal Services: $18000,00 Total Personal Services $18000.00 $ 18,000.00 Contractual Services Laundry $ 150,00 Contracted repairs 2000.00 Unclassified 150.00 Total Contractual Services $ 2300.00 _ $ 2,300.00 Coiw,odities8 Replacement of tools $ 100.00 Stock materials 1100,00 Welding supplies 500.00 Training materials 25o00 Fuel- gatollne and fuel oil 19000.00 _ 15,000.00 Tires and Vubes 4500.00 - Lubricants 1000.00 Parts and accessories 5025.00 Total Commodities $312;50.00 $ 27,250.00 Fixed Charaeae Central Services: Village Garage $ 1600.00 Insurance 2400.00 Total Fixed Charges $ 4000.00 $ 49000600 TOTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION 155550.00 $ 51,550.00 Summary of Personal Servicess Mechanic - $450 - $ 5400.00 Mechanic - New - $450 -- $5200.00 Training - General Motors School 200.00 5400.00 Mechanic- helper a $350 4200.00 Public Works - Labor 3000.00 TOTAL $15000.00 CENE-RAI'l FUND CENTRAL SERVICES ZEQUIPMENT 6�,EPATION TOT I.AL "QUIPiVENT OPERAICILON &�--Ughi; -Farv.,a2A fyum She-et I Ad n g i n c, e:r d'6 g 'Latffir cont.xul- 43- on s -nd at C�cmrnlna sr; and, iC4 n, d ralERM10 SI-gyIS, and culva-xtG T 0 t 1 A.-Ilocated to Gpe��atxon $ X12 ea, 0 0 "n; 5175.00 2800. 110 6000.00 3 G f) . 0 0 00 15 5001,00 2400 0 C- 5400,,00 am C, 01, 0 0 � I - S-� !-wi , Oci Sheet 2 s 51,550.00 8,700.00 2,300.00 5,000.00 T42,800.00 s 8j X50.00 Approved 1955 $1001 .00 $ ®50 00 $ 525.00 $ 3 00$ 00 $ 2075.00 GENERAL FUND CENTRAL SERVICES POWER AND SMALL TOOLS Recommended 1958 22raonal Services: $.1100000 Total Personal Services $ 1100.00 Contractual Sorvicess Contracted services $ 150.00 i Total Contractual Services $ 150000 Commoditiess �-- Handlese blades: Gtc. $ 325.00 Fuel 150.00 Repair parts 5000 Total Commodities $ 525.00 �iXed Charges: Central Services: Equfnt Operation $ 300.00 Total Fisted Charges $ 300,00 TOTAL POWER AND SMALL TOOLS 75,00 Allocated to Other Department and Funds Public Works Department $ 1200000 Park Fund 378,00 TOTAL. L_"75-00 Approved 1955 $1001 .00 $ ®50 00 $ 525.00 $ 3 00$ 00 $ 2075.00