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1959 Annual Budget
11 '1� - 11151 ANN V L' BVA6fT As adopted by the Edina Village Council September 29,, 1958 EDINA, MINNESOTA TABLE OF COFI";'F-!V.TS Br).,GEI' ORDINANCE, Wv-i!%IARIES Village ncelget I'lessage Budget Q:rdinence Summavy I G Revenue:; By Fund and Souxycn Suirniay-y' H a Expond"UCures By Fund and Fun.=Aion, Addenda -, Sr--ija.xy and IvJage "Retc Ordinance DETA-IT.S OF EXPENDII'URES, Plonning Administ-k7aBien Finance hPasnici(3al, Court EIPG-H.on Assessing Legil. Servi.,,:�es L -ibrary I-rotection of Fe.rsons @ndIPEOPcIkItY Police Protet.tion Fire Protection Civi-,I�in Defense b1 ie He,Ith Animal Cont-ro! -Engineering Supc-,r-vi- ,ion ,ind Ovei-he;-:id capit';'t C-Utlay PzyzCll Surin.ary ind Di-,triilbution Street iMaintenance Street Lighting Street Name Slqns Traffic Control 3ridges BE Storm Drainage village properties NaxiOUG I'Veed Contrcl Non-Departimenta). Expenditures Contingene.les Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Propertty Unalio'-'ated Capital outlay Caoit.a., Improvements Park nand Recreation Admjnisb ation Capital outlay Park P.Iainten4nue Payroji Summary Park Wiintenan�;e Recreation Program Swimmino Pool 10 12 !9 21 23 25 27 29 -31. 33 35 37 39 40 IA I 4�. 45 47 49 50 52 �A 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 68 69 711 72 74 76 78 79 81 Other Tax Supported Expenditures 81 Fireman's Relief Association 83 Fire Protection (Hydrant Rental) 84 Bonds and Interest 85 Central Services Summary 86 General 87 Village Hall 89 Garage 91 Equipment Operation 93 Small Tools 95 BUDGET MESSAGEy ORDIMANCE, SUMMARIES VILLAGE OF ED.I NA ANIxIU A7 W E +GET T)Ar- z BUDGET tMSAGE SEPTFJABER 8, 1958 Financing Edina's Itkinicipal Needs in 1959 OF Hove Few Mills Tax Can the Village Levy on Property and Still Provide Essential Services to the Citizens? To the Honorable Mayor and Trustees Village Council Village of Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The following proposed Budget for Edina's property -tax supported municipal activities during 1959, required by statute, and necessary for an orderly operation, represents a great deal of thought, time, work and consideration by the principle administrative officials of the Village organization. These persons, concerned with providing various segments of the Village services, are constantly aware of the needs, requ ests9 and even demands sometimes, of the continually increasing population. This budget translates into dollars and cents their'best thinking as to what the Village requires in manpower, materials, and machines to adequately meet at least the major requirements. Although the Village will receive only some 15% of the total general property tax money paid by owners of property within Edina, the administrative staff shares your concern about the level of the total taxes required by all governmental units levying on property within the Village. It is unfortunate that the budgets of the other units do not receive the public notice and attention that the Village's finances do. Because of the antiquated school district boundaries which prevail in this area and which result in Edina being divided into four school districts, and because school budgets are not publicized, it is impossible to present data which would shout the proposed trend of the total property tax rate for all of Edina for next year. Added together, the dollars and cents total in excess of one million dollars - -- a very significant sum, indeed, ever, in these days of inflation. The total represents ah increase of.$99,087 over this year's appropriations, again a significant amount. Major increases in comparison with 1956 are: Salaries and wages Additional personnel W6,066 (3 police, 1 fireman, deputy assessor, electrician, half- time clerk, civilian defense) Increase pension payment 6,630 Allowance for increases in present salaries and wages 11.195 Total $539891 Maintenance 8,475 Street Li0hUrIg 2. ^or" Insurance 4,060 I e salary and t:jage •ncrsases proposed generally related to the increased cost of living. They aire coinparable to what other suburbs are proposing and to the pattern in indusit-I.-cy in t-his a%$a. They would keep Edina's salaries and .1jages in line L--4141-h other Suburbs. Some consideration ?Tdght be given -Co slightly more increases fot departmen' :heads khan are proposed. Tbn large volume of high quality construction in Edina from Mayq 1957, to Allay, 1958-9 lias again Fesulted in a signi-ficant increase of I-Wo or nearly $2,700,000 in the 1. llctlal assessed Valuation of taxable property, bringing the total assessed valuation to $24,310,500. This is almost double the assessed value in 1953 (five short years ace.) -mhen it tiaras $12,290;711. If it not for anticipated marked decrease I n revenue accruing to the Village for :'..-Qinoerinq or soecial assess.,ment improvement projects, the increase in assessed value have Provided Olmost enough funds at- the prosen-L tax r2tle to finance the proposed c---pand-JAures. Because of the change in policy ti-vhereby new subdivision, are required to -install sewer and water mains toithout resorting to Village financ-ing, it is probable tAi:-)t zone stAbdividers rpay rent-ain their o,"Tn engineering service, with the Village providing only a normal amount of tuns on such projects. Revenue frorl, this SOLIC t.-All drop 'from approximately $95,000 this year to $60,000 next year. This d`fference,. $35,000, is about 36,000 more then the proposed mill rate will produce on the present assessed value. The point is that the level of proposed expenditures has increased in proportion to the increase in assessed value. For many reasons, Edina's village r.iAll -,.-ate is .Lots' corapal.ed to they near-by, similar stiburbs- and even tu•.,ith -the SUggested increance oi j.18 mills, it would still bs one o-C the lowest rates. The pxoposed rate would be under the 1954 :rate, %4han police sc ;'!rvice uch more limit-ed, whcn the-re was no paid. fire d1opart-Ment, t-Aien there was ncl- full time park and recrevation ecti vity, and �,ehen soia:,.-Itas and materials irjer3 less° in dollars and cents, the proposed increase in 11-ax rate vfould amount to $3.05 more in taxes for a house with mark-et value of $25,000, and -to $4.-54 more for a $359000 lhome. Total Village tax or) homes of these va-lues, viould ba $73,.48 and $I09.70, ;7cspectivelv. !"Ihile cutting the 'Cax, rate, as Edina has 'if:Cr -the Past tWO, YoMrS, 2LG a CCmmandsble achievement, and one t,,lhich should be eriulated by ipost othez• governmental units, in a -i-abidly growing corimiunity of -firia residences and modern :.nai;ail e stab! i shments, a. continuance of that .rent: could r••sult in the Village 'falling behind •ln ►ria5iritonance and davelopment. The calls for less service or to stop an ac"Civity va_ryy v0EY fauj and e,itremelv 'Jer betivaen. The vast majorilty of requests a:re -kor the -Villags to do more, not only in the activities it is already concerned with, but to assulne additional :functions- Fo--,,- eyampic, this year ilh8-ee 'vjGre requests Icha-l; the M12V M ?c,rks and Recreat-i-o-n 39 C" " t _"t Maintenance 8,475 Street Li0hUrIg 2. ^or" Insurance 4,060 I e salary and t:jage •ncrsases proposed generally related to the increased cost of living. They aire coinparable to what other suburbs are proposing and to the pattern in indusit-I.-cy in t-his a%$a. They would keep Edina's salaries and .1jages in line L--4141-h other Suburbs. Some consideration ?Tdght be given -Co slightly more increases fot departmen' :heads khan are proposed. Tbn large volume of high quality construction in Edina from Mayq 1957, to Allay, 1958-9 lias again Fesulted in a signi-ficant increase of I-Wo or nearly $2,700,000 in the 1. llctlal assessed Valuation of taxable property, bringing the total assessed valuation to $24,310,500. This is almost double the assessed value in 1953 (five short years ace.) -mhen it tiaras $12,290;711. If it not for anticipated marked decrease I n revenue accruing to the Village for :'..-Qinoerinq or soecial assess.,ment improvement projects, the increase in assessed value have Provided Olmost enough funds at- the prosen-L tax r2tle to finance the proposed c---pand-JAures. Because of the change in policy ti-vhereby new subdivision, are required to -install sewer and water mains toithout resorting to Village financ-ing, it is probable tAi:-)t zone stAbdividers rpay rent-ain their o,"Tn engineering service, with the Village providing only a normal amount of tuns on such projects. Revenue frorl, this SOLIC t.-All drop 'from approximately $95,000 this year to $60,000 next year. This d`fference,. $35,000, is about 36,000 more then the proposed mill rate will produce on the present assessed value. The point is that the level of proposed expenditures has increased in proportion to the increase in assessed value. For many reasons, Edina's village r.iAll -,.-ate is .Lots' corapal.ed to they near-by, similar stiburbs- and even tu•.,ith -the SUggested increance oi j.18 mills, it would still bs one o-C the lowest rates. The pxoposed rate would be under the 1954 :rate, %4han police sc ;'!rvice uch more limit-ed, whcn the-re was no paid. fire d1opart-Ment, t-Aien there was ncl- full time park and recrevation ecti vity, and �,ehen soia:,.-Itas and materials irjer3 less° in dollars and cents, the proposed increase in 11-ax rate vfould amount to $3.05 more in taxes for a house with mark-et value of $25,000, and -to $4.-54 more for a $359000 lhome. Total Village tax or) homes of these va-lues, viould ba $73,.48 and $I09.70, ;7cspectivelv. !"Ihile cutting the 'Cax, rate, as Edina has 'if:Cr -the Past tWO, YoMrS, 2LG a CCmmandsble achievement, and one t,,lhich should be eriulated by ipost othez• governmental units, in a -i-abidly growing corimiunity of -firia residences and modern :.nai;ail e stab! i shments, a. continuance of that .rent: could r••sult in the Village 'falling behind •ln ►ria5iritonance and davelopment. The calls for less service or to stop an ac"Civity va_ryy v0EY fauj and e,itremelv 'Jer betivaen. The vast majorilty of requests a:re -kor the -Villags to do more, not only in the activities it is already concerned with, but to assulne additional :functions- Fo--,,- eyampic, this year ilh8-ee 'vjGre requests Icha-l; the M12V M VILLAGE OF ED1'PA all assume the task of keeping all the ponds, practically /of which are on private property, free of green scum. The proposed increase, as such, is neither high nor unnecessary. The fact that this budget calls for such an increase should not put it in a bad light at the outset. Rather, the financial requirements of each activity should be looked at carefully and decisions reached on each department by itself. Then, if reductions are necessary, the tax rate will be decreased accordingly. It is not sound to look at the total rate first and reacts an arbitrary.figure as to what it should be and then tailor the budget to that rate. The recommendations for each department are detailed and justified throughout the budget, so far as operations during 1959 are concerned. The budged is lacking In that we do not have a formal long term capital improvement budget and I should like to mention a few facilities which the Village is faced with providing in the near future. A new fire station in the southern portior of the corrnunity is a must in the very near future. With the continuing pace of development in that area and the installation of public water in a large portion of it., and the proposed 440001,000 gallon reservoir, property owners in several large areas will be able to save considerable sums on insurance premiums if the Village can provide a station. The site has been secured. Assurance must be obtained from the Stei;e Highway Deportment that access to the proposed improved Highway 100 will be possible. The lack of definite planning by the Highway Department hinders the securing of this guarantee. At a rough guess, such a structure would cost about $755000. Off hand I feel that the could equip the station with our present vehicles. Without having had an opportunity to do too much research on the matter, I believe it could be staffed by a miniinum crew, of perhaps two man on duty. Such a force would require hiring three to five new firemen at a beginning cost of $155000 to ,*5,000 a year, based on present salaries. Consider- ation wrould be given to reducing the number on duty at the present pillage Hall location. Provision, might be made at a nets fire station for another branch library. Consideration mist be given to adding to and improving our present garage and ware- house facilities. Sanitary and working conditions in the present structure are very poor and we long ago ran out of storage space. This improvement might cost up to $100,000. Eventually we Vr111 be faced ivith the problem of providing shelter and sanitary facilities at some of the parks. The ;pond issue provided no funds for such purposes. The Village wi11 end the current fiscal year on December 31 in good financial condition, with an estimated unappropriated surplus in the General Fund of $144,416, and in the Liquor Fund of $61,000. For a Village of this size this is not an unreasonable emount_to continue. I hesitate to suggest dipping into it too heavily. To finance the new Fire Station and the garage addition some of this could bas used, supplementing a one or two mill levy for two or three years. The issuance of bonds for these purposes should be considered only as a last -resort. The proposed budget contemplates using $75,000 of liquor control activity profits for operating purposes. With the $75,000 pledged from the liquor•fund in 1958 and in 1959 to make up for the $]50,000 part; development bonds authorized but not issued, little is .left from tha'anticipated profits during 1959. Some thinking should be given as to how sufficient funds could be secured without resorting to the property tax or additional bonds to start developing the proposed VILi.Aa OF MINA AKNUAL 13t>L?0` T PAGE 4 Village go 0 f -.nurse In The , urge park Droipa:Mtyo sore surveying might bez, drrne at to hcw merry gsmil ies would he interested in Indira ping a fig desire to take three ti five year family membox -sh ipr, at from $ 150 to $2750 Pax. yc-3r. J. the "Vilaar�A`;; present pct s! :y r,$ assuming perpet; �5 m; in• isnance and rebuilding nrcA a street racpives a zt- QMd -);0 asphalt surface Is conikewad, we are faced ri•th an erg r inareaeing coos-t.., can- idertAtion should be given to a policy svexy soon of de - iemirsing a maximYSm 1:1fe of ci -ThVit of perhapo 'ben grad then, If the surface hat= dt,teriorated beyond the poL,•t rf economical and requires new surfaciniy a major rAirtior; of the cost k%nuld ha assessed to vh�L- = butting propertyo in presenting the foll.!ming h% -Agot. I have not been 9_inrn1ndfca1 of seme advice given, many years ago in a place fa-. arerbi ved _from a botming suburb in a metropolitan area rtiburb in the -Space Age o 4b. Nh ;aeo as fol l o4as r, ,.;ar- ai.nly those who ccur±,e t. prince-. and .republics ar.•e" placed bot -seers two dangers,, .&C they do not advice vdiat _rr evrs to them for the, gooe, of the republic a?• the prince, egardle5s of the to then `;�tvy fell of their dti tyl and if tl±ey do adviee its; than it M the risk of their position and - heir lives; fof• all p.►eri are blind in this,, that -�-,hey Judge of good sir: evil eoun6ele only by the result,, „"in reflecting as to the mC3ois xor z-volding this dile-mlln of ether disgrace or dangeti,, uee no other couxne than �te teke -things woderetely,, and not to undertake to advocate C. inn entex•prise with to rraich �Cax9 but to give hne° >d�fee calmly and ra0destli+�� If thong either the republic or the px-into decides tro - follow it, they may do en" as It worep of their earn veilIy one not as thr,ugh they were drvirn into It by your importunity. Tn adopting thio course It io riot reasonable to suppc; . that either prince hr republic AM raanifont any ill will f- (Jwards you on account o,. o resolution not taken contrary tr! the wishes of the masnyo F6r the danger arisen when your advice has caused th.e many to be contravened. In th t c.ze, when the result 5s unfortunate, they ail cantut In your de-,•tyvc•tian- tW alth!)i h by following the which I advise you may fail to obtain that glory whicd•s is Msquired by having beet ons against many in counselling an enteapx•ise which auccess hzic Jus•tifiedy yet -this is cos „pnnsated fn:° by •try advantages. The first isy that you atiold iffl danger; and the second con:;ists in the great ere--iS.t which yo.a will horse ify aftcr haying modestly rdv se:3' a certain course, your counsel Is rojected, and #•.he adoption of a di£forent cour o tesullG unforturratelya o e o "Far. to advise teen to be sl'cea�t a3 ?.o to Withhold tkio Pypiee!.%sion of any opinion, wool l reAder thmm useless to a rrepliblit.” The above was TaTi•tten by thu itel.i,an :3tudcnt of rev sramenty ,diccolo Machievel A11 , come 3501 years ago.) 3.n "she Disuncui•s,,,% Chapter :�XW. This budget is presented In a Mann k Afittlrt4 h1f, counsel. t4jor credit for the detailed preparation of thlw bueget is due to J. A,, Oaien9 F Uirectar, and Gecirge C•ii.te. Administrative A.ssistanto Respectfully awibaiitted3 Waxrpn C. Hyde, Viiiage VC, 16-2 Page 5 ORDINANCE ADOPTING DJDGET FUR THr VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1959, AND ESTABL U514ING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1958 PAYABLE 1N 1959 _ THE VILUGE (MUlt -CIL. OF THE VILLAGE Or EDINA, ?411,11:FSOTA; DOES ORDAIN' AS FOUCYNS: Section I. The Budget for the Village of Edina for tha calendar year 1959 a.s hereby adoptod ae bere4nafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: Gl:NEIP AL FMID GE ,EPAJ. GDVERI IAF:S�T I,,.ayoS and Count l $ 81656.00 Administration 47,004.00 Finance 32,92.9.00 As5Gssing 32,153-00 Legal ServicAs 139985.40 Minicipal Court 2109384.00 Library 29390.00 Election 1,672.00 Planning 10.354.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOV'cliNIMEpnT _ $1699527.00 PROTECT' -0 . OF PERSONS APID PROPEPn? - - $ I.5t3 y �r39.00 Fire 789565.00 Civil Defense 524A,5.00 F'uhti is Health 12"-,00.00 Animal Cont.-ol 5,450.00 Inspect 1mn 22.,.. -215.00 - - - TOTAL. PROTFC f ION C) P-M. -I ()NS A; .zD PRC.r'iRTY $263,624-00 LUPLIC VIO.Ris Highways . .7 256.1010 TOTAL PUBLIC $313,04A.,00 i ' C:__L.i'.,t��'i3WUS AIM COuT'i'NK ic,''.`l 12S Costincenc-Ins 5,500.00 Settlement ,) F-Ui.ts 1,cv).00 Specla) Awtn-,wer:ts on Village Property :31;500.00 Capital Ovt,iay Onalloc-:4tf -zd . 1,750.00 p;ita2 Oath y M'.1.1din 1s TOT:,,T. '11SCP..LI,r1f'MUS A --MD COETINIG%I-'Ci P-S A 570OGE.00' PA RIK F` E1,11) 5upervislon and C,rancca d $ 20954:3.00 a ntenanre :309512.00 Capital Outlay 11,140.00 ( ;acren�i crZ 319600.00 SLZ� .�rrirr, Pool op evat:ion 3 55500 TC) -f.' L PAPX FUt -,D 117.s 360... L'J .2'.;'i°� imat- d i:?CQl.� Y J tbr-- ' then Gznnc -� al T:�:: L ov are }�G�Yc?131� e 1 r.. r c- A° _ re ..stab ished G;:i'J F.itf Z:uf,D Gourt t' i ,ii sae Sh::rF��tat�� i.1E^ 3� "tF.l� iit• �� SG ?ViC^� 11cp?;or. and +gig -nroW? Taxes Charge.; x.�'�1� gear. �f'�•nr I.•`t3l1Qx �^t;i�a '.lsil.E? r. pJiwirt� %I;�,�ricoEl�.- �ltvays TCTfL C- fIEPA1. 1a];:L 5 20,'CICO.00 40,1;5.00 •45, ow. 00 67, 500.00 `5N; 4 9 M5. 0 -11 �rKO., Z h4 -' r .tr =�1fi.tJ P * -'ti st..ratinn lees Incom from Conegssions Transfer from Cy-neral Func: Other TOTAL PAPK FUND TOTAL ESTIMATED ! C-37'1PTS 6,300.00 a s 000. ( )ri 31f630.00 A .5 Page 6 70.,,'6,- '134 s7.') 5;nctiuln 3; That th, ° -re be and is levied topor. -ill taxable :real and personal oiler Vin :he Viliag� of Edir�a e t�,:h ratce t«ffi -cient :�� �Seacit►ca the ar.iounts iFernirc- Eortht For ihn General Fvred 439,7GS.O0 Fnr the P2Tk Fund .47,C .00 Far the Poor Fund 75800.O0 For P•isenen's Raliei` 69900.00 Fo7 Fire Y1. otQc'tion 6y9v;}.00, x :i - FSr7ods and Intersat 400.QC TOTAL .� �L-- ,r ' 'r 4� This ordinance lxmS in of €ec•t Urc,- n:i ., €r.,tys ats _,dap't.ion and ub3 ic i,3o- - according to law. t"(1,0'tt:.nd .this =29th day of SePtrmb:sr, 1058. TTEOI 3 R zTC_N -':!. _ S. ALDER! . �,�....�, . � - � -- - =N Mayor - - - �..�.,- ti 1.erk - 'uh i Lb, d in rdi.ns�t,arn ln,�;ide Courier October 15 and 23, n" -S. a VILLAGE 017 EDI A - LaLRIUAOI REMIT I PAGE i SM+ 4MT I MVEWES BY FM AND SOURCE Actual Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1956 1957 1958 1958 1959 GENERAL FUND Real & Personal Property Tax$359,502 $418,220 $455,828 $454,000 $539,788 Other Taxes Interest, penalties and forfeited tax sales $ 1,884 $ 2,406 $ 1,700 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Mortgage registry 8,813 6,065 7,500 81,000 79500 Bank excises 392 318 200 _ 437 300 Total Other Taxes $ 11,089 $ 8i89 $ 9,400 $ 10,437 $ 9,800 Licenses and Permits Bicycle S 460 $ 249 $ 400 $ 1,800 $ 400 Beer and liquor - 1,125 1,385 1,200 1,470 1,350 Cigarette 435 551 500 630 600 Dog & impounding fees 2,414, 2,741 3,000 3,000 3,000 Food & soft drinks 636 780 700 800 780 Gas pumps 605 570 600 565 565 Bow ing,taxi,pinball,etc. 720 1,775 1,600 1,445 1,400 Plumbing 2,762. 2,475 2,200 2,100 20000 Scavenger and Sarbage collectors 276 100 460 400 Other business and professional 269 12 100 Building 18,818 19,223 17,000` 17,500 17,000 Cesspool & suer 4,009 3,989 1,700 2,200 2,000 5,921 71,850 4,000 4,200 4,000 Sigma 348 4,803 2,000 3,000 20500 Street opening 717 550 500 200 200 Heating 4,000 Electrical Total Licenses &Permits $ 39,239 47,229 4.000 $ 43,600 $ 39,370 4.000 0,195 Engineering,clericel and searches 96,304 .115,286 90,000 95,000 60,000 Police & fire services 5,000 5,000 51000 51000 5,000 Damage repairs 2,814 3,688 3,000 200 200 Registration fees 20 8 10 10 10 Equipment rental 14,821 10,108 5,000 51500 5,g00 Municipal Court Pines 29,830 62,123 45,000 55,000 45,000 Rents & Ccaaesslons 200 VILLAGE CF FDIC ANNUAL UPORT pAaz a SU OMY I continued Actual ,Actual 1956 1937 GENERAL FUND (continued) Board & room of prisoners State highway ti= State liquor & cigarette tax 20,365 Charges to other funds 4,155 Contributions from active rounds 50,000 Less transfer to Farts Fund 21 Net 28,382 Sales of property 2,358 Contributions -other sources Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1958 .1958 1959 I 418 700 300 3,000 20,000 20,000 21,296 19,000 21,000 6,000 71500 7,500 50,000 62,500 62,500 24,975 22y223 221223 25,025 40,277 40,277 1,00,0 600 Other miscellaneous revenue 2,021, 42250 ' 500 3,000 TMAL GOAL FUND 616 100 727 440 $745,815 2757 3, 394 PPS Real 6 Personal property tax$ 31,694 Registration fees 3,171 Inco m from ccMcessions Transfer from active funds 21,618 Contributions- other sources Swimming pool fees swimnum $egistrations $ 36,100 3,197 28,475 $ 42,230 1,200 3,000 21,223 22,407 Unclassified 11511 590 TOTAL PARK MW 57,994 68I352 .°91 $ 42,900 1,200 600 21,223 350 30,000 4,700 IGO 101 153 700 20,000 20,000 7,500 75,000 31,610 43,390 500. 3,720 2,500 803 803 47,000 1,500 3,000 31,610 350 29,000 4,800 100 117 360 POOR FUND Real & personal property t _71760 $ 1&1 7,600 7,450 7,800 SAL POOR FUND 7 760 1_12441 7 600 7,450 7,800 SMWAR11 I continued I 9 Actual Actual Budpted Estimated Bude'ated 1956 1957 1958 3956 1959 O'TEM MAL & PM6MTAL PROPHUY TAX REVENUES Fizelmn°s Relief $. 4,582 $ 5,538 $ 6,400 $ 61,250 60,900 Vivo Protection 4,691 6, 464 6,400 6,260 63,900 Bonds & Interest 31,080 3 7 018 70 692800 TOTAL ( DER TAX RBMUS Iq 40,353 '. 49 020 83,300 82 310 91 200 TOTA3I. ALL RNMES 722 207 as,..�.,,_,..._. 28522263 ..o.,..�� 0927,775. ter.,._..._. 94:8 307 �....._....., 1 000 163 I 9 VILL&GE. OF 7019A AlIffib-O., UBPORT ?AGE 10 MOM 11 BY MID AD M1.,bI(M Actual Actual Budgeted Eatimted Budgeted 1956 1957 1958 1958 1959 GLNMAL MD General Government Village Cwincii 6,851 6,285 $ 10,460 $ 90775 $ 8,656 plennills 5,748 3,340 7,800 7,625 10,354 Administration 35,343 37,111 410900 42,768 471%004 Finance 24,711 24,242 213,925 29,925 32,929 Municipal Court 9,466 13,159 19,355 19,355 209384 Election 5,775 6,259 7,500 8,140 1,672 Assessing 15,962 20,800 28,305 26,329 32,153 Legal Smevicas 8,478 7,189 11,535 13,860 13,985 Library '£otal General Goverment 1,429 113,763 2,665 120,980 3.140 15 ,920 2.891 160,668 Fl- 2 390 169,527 Protection of Persons Property Police Protectic $ 841433 $111,602 $134,299 $134,031 $150,039 Fire Protection, 51,969 80,153 74,155 73,530 78,565 Civilian Defense 7,072 1,116 650 650 5,445 Public Health 491 600 1,800 1,700 1,800 Animal Control 2,215 21765 42500 3,050 .5,450 Tncpections Total Protection of 132714 , $159,1394 12,085 203,321 16,387 $231,791 15.879 02283840 22.325 0263o624 Persona Ls- Property Public Works R agineering ; : 80,943 1 663,385 $101..330 $' 92,328 $ 86,388 Supervision & 'Overhead 25, 654• 33,129 33,30S 32,806 street maintenance 88,671 72,418 88,500 75,300 97,060 Street Lighting 173,008 25,878 29,300 30,350 320580 Street so= SIB= 2,176 4,358 4,250 4,450 4,350 Tz -affic Control 5,099 8,619 34,990 13,414 14,080 Bridges 6,964 4,.293 4,650 3,950 35.925 Stot°m Drainage 83030 17,250 9,250 12,000 VSllage Properties 9,820 9,820 11,140 Noxious Weed Camtrol 1,546 12,881 2,300 2,311 1,915 Ep-pital outlay Total Public Works 53,547 255,954 22.793 $260,311 303375 29,000 17 400 $335,904 $303,478 313,644 VMAGE Cr EMMA AMIUAL RE Ma :SAGE sil MAY 11: continued Actual. Actual Budgeted Estimeted. Budiset 1956 ?951. 1958 1958 1959 G�+ai�l�� ��c�tftaued) Nou- Dapartrwntal E;spendituras conti anc3eu 3,239 3,482 5,000 3,000 3,SM 8ettlemat of suits 1,580 2,000 19000 12000 Spacial Assesar"Mts on Village pmpabrty 7,177 7,821 10,000 14,000 31,"D Unallocated Capital Cutla, 19,327 32,313 2,200 2,000 1,750 Capital Impronemauts 171,238 & orkmea °a Coavensation 5,415 6,757 Village- Mall 13,611. p 232532 Total Von- Departmental $ 50,349 732905 1? 19200 20,000 F 57,008 134enditures TOTAL. GMEM LAM .1-5792960 2663,517 743.313 q712,986 003.803 PARK FUND Parke and Recreation Adminiatration 8,182 $ 14,107 38,027 19,060 20,243 partz ifslate=ce 21,754 259980 249895 249895 30,812 tiearraation Program 15,581 20,455 27,138 30,313 31,600 Sawing fool 16,060 219686 23,565 Capital Outlay Total Pawks & Recreation 11,068 56,585 81051 689593 4.940 911,0 4,940 100,89 11 140 s 117, I'MAL PARR FM S_§j L�S5 .6_.S_ 593 91 Od0 IML894 117,3W p 5 874 3 754 %600 6 400 dTt'lM51 TAX SUPPMED EXPENDIYUf= Bands and Interest laprover,ent Funds 4 31,080 37,018 $ 28,500 28,300 13,400 Park Sinking IFemd 42000 41 500 4 4 Total DrAMe & Interest 31,t3S0 37,615 $ '�i,500 69,8 57,400 Fir ms °8 Relief twoociatir,!� ;i 4,582 0 5,3638 6 6,400 $ 6,260 60900 Viva P"tectlan $ 4,691 i 6,464 0 60408 $ 69250 $ 69900 TvfAL M 0 INDI3'MW ` 4�__,0 3,33 49,120 120 83 300 0.822110 71 2(60 TOTAL ALL R ENDITURES • ? 712 784 884 027x775 902 590 81A000,163 ADDENDA R ESO .v NMNT s'rABTJ. - i t. iCi 01= � r 1L.�:; ��P,? Page 12 SALARY R,5,TES Fn.-( L953 Building 'ire Village Council of the Village of Ediz a ih-6reby r so..lve:; that 'the ftil.owing maximum rates of pay are apprnLjNd Eor paym ant t._Village employees during the year 1959, effective January 1. 1359% 11959. 195 31 PE R_?1MTH Mr _ MITH Gq,+_'RAL At]MIt.IS RATION Finance Director- $675 $625 Assessor 650 (12 mo.) 660 (11 mo.) Deputy Assessor 50C - Deputy Assessors-Part 'rime 1.85. Fh . 1. 85 fir. Clerk-Treasurer 525 500 Administrative Asst. 400 330 Office Cleri.cai- fascai- seeretarials Senior., Clerk- Stenos (Secy's) (5) 343 330 Senior Account Clerks (2) 375 350 Account Clerks (3) 302 290 Clerk-stenos (2) 250 235 Village Attorney 155 155 Preseouting Attorneys 200 20Q P1IBL. C sA:crTY u75 623 Sergeants (5) 517 503 Patrolman - I W 3 Y.-s: Service 462 465 11 - 2 Yrs. Service 462 445 III - f Yr. SE:rvice 442 425 IV .. Less than 1 yr. Service- 412 400 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks 312 295 Diapatchers -= Der4k Clerics -hrly 1.45 Hr. 1=40 Hr. Of the total compensation for nenebers of the Police Department, $20 month shall be considered as payr,ent for taking at least 30 hours off -duty t-raining from the Fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires, and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid r.ort.ificates. FIREPPEI' f "h l e f 607 590 Chief �. ri5 La Chief 517 gil Firemen I - 3 Yrs. Service 482 41,65 11 N 2 Yrs. Service 445 :1:16 - 1 Yr. 'Soxvice 442 425 IV _ Less than 1 Yr. Service 4+12 4.00 Volunteers 2.50 houS 2.50 hour 2,00 each drill 2.60 each drill $20 per month of the compensal ion paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside normal f'_rerann °s duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager. 1i %G*PE('T0R ' - Plumoi.ng 485 465 Building 450 450 Electrical 475 a HEALTH OFFICER 150 150 }?ICPDA 650 Page 13 Pool Manager 1959 L9 N-1 P'U13LIC WORKS: - PFR 1,14ON 11 PER korrH E1,G7t'EERIrG - 1 Hx•. Engineer-Diree•toa� of Public, Rorizs .$730 $ 50 Planning Engineer 1600 600 Assistant Engineer 577 555 Instrument Mpn 525 ;;015 Inspector 4CO 470 Senior Draftsma1 =89 470 7rar.tsman 447 430 Rodmiari-Chainn, ar 416 aru•i.• DO Sunt.•Public :'' ks 1050 505 ;trot ; •�atrater 1605 r�00 5Q'^ F�: emPr, •� (S I;.c. s SebiGi T ��G�If ; !� +F tsr) 500 490 I ectrici.an 504 - Of:ice- Olsrk; 365 g5f_s Neavy Fqui it zr'it 01pari3kars Q4 !615 Light rgv il" Leo t Operators 425- q),C, Mainttel."ancc vier; 390 375 484 v155 ;.,mac :Fear ft i� glue* 390 375 Utility t.i8rr 410 39G aCh.0 'T c Judge 400 n0 Sceci.al Judges 40 per d"am 40 nsr d,iam., . C, e-:4. _ Court 312 30^ 17 =muty "Lerk 112.50 (1/2 time) 2V0 'L.rCTIC?1 ..•.Judger and Clerks 20 Day 1.35 Hr. Chai. -.en 2 Addl, 2.00 Addl. : t! 'S r: ? Ii:x'lEAT10�' Dirz?v for 650 62.5 Pool Manager 400 400 Asst. Pool Mar,agor 375 275 (,ran; �SsIon 14gr, 1.75 Hr, 1 Hx•. Pool !cashier 1,25 !,25 Ba•ti• case„ Concession Attendants 1100 i,€0 "OVA.I• Icing Instructors 2.00 2.00 j,111' fit,, -;rGS Sol >� ! • $(i fr jnence 1.,.5Q 1.50 i}�.:.�c•l1 Supervisor ,OC+ 300 ASeistants l.. 60 HT..0 1050 Hr.. 1.1 O ey cnaches -I :8o 1.80 F r-k Attendants 1050 1.50 ' ), Ayg•round Supervisors 325 300 Leaders 2.00 Mr. 2.00 ;'katin s. Skiing Instructors 5.00 5.00 Park Keeper - 1 445 1:1 425 -• ITT. 390 i,1;CA, TCP.ES sss 1.:,an3ger 625 610 &r.arch Narager 550 525 Asst. F:lranagers 425 pp ;175 ..•�.+ark3WFieCjUlaZ 1�F5 111'• at -c i,"'1 zks -Part Time 1.50 ' 1, / 1� t Page 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, on a trial basis for this year of 19591, all work per- formed by other than heads of depastments in excess of 40 hours per week constitutes over -time and shall be compensated by compensatory time off or cash payment on the basis of time and one half in either instance. Compensatory time shall be taken within 90 days of time earned. Compensatory time in any one calendar month shall be limited to 16 hours worked'(for which the employee receives 24 hours off) and any over -time in excess thereof shall be paid in cash payments. The Village Manager shall designate those classes of work which shall be compensated by compensatory time offs or cash payment for over - titre. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each permanent employee in the Village service six months but less than one year shall. be entitled to five working days of vacation. Each employee in the village service one year but less than ten years shall be entitled to ten working days annual vacation. Each employee in the Village service ten years or more shall be :ntitled to fifteen working days annual vacation. Adopted this 12th day of Januarys 1959. ATTEST: _ Signed) ARTHUR C. BREDESEN, JR. (Signed) GRETCHEN S. ALDER Mayor Village Clerk TDETJAI� OF EXPENDITURES VILLAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 15 Fund Panc$ion Area Acct. Age. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT VILLAGE COUNCIL 21.100 SUMMARY ' BUDGETED D9SB ESTIMATED 0BJECT D959 nECflMMENDE® BUDGMD $ 69300 $ 69240 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 69240 $ 69240 2e750 2,400 2. CONTRACTUPAL SERVICES 200 200 600 214 3. COMMODITIES 800 800 810 810 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,416 1,416 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY &I0.460 a 9 775 8.656 8o65�S 'I � TAI�S COMMENTARY FUNCTO The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division of Edina Village Governmento The Council is composed of the Mayor and four Trusteese all elected at large for overlapping teams of two and three years, srespectivelyo The Mayor is the official head of Village Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council usually meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Village Hall. Cam The deerease in this appropriation results from transfer of legal publication costs to another account (Administration) and the fact that the 1958 appropriation contained a $20500 item for codification of ordinances. There is an increase in the appropriation for public relation material such as an annual report and quarter- ly newsletters. VILLAGE OF EDINA . AN14UAL BUDGET PAGE 16 Fond aFundeo AM ACCL No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT VILLAGE COUNCIL 21,100 EXPEMMURE MAIL Coda ActMty Object OeW Recommended Bedgeud le M2 /or 0 $120 $ 19440 $19440 Trustees, 4 0 $100 4.800 $ 68240 $69240 2, Conferences and schools $ 160 $ 160 Equipment rental X40 _..... 0 $ 200 $ 200 30 Annual report $ 300 $ 300 News letters OM , 30 $ 800 $ 800 4o General $ 480 $ 480 --236� $.19416 $19416 TOTAL VILLAGE COUNCIL 8 6 $8 6 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 17 Fund fe ncgiom Area 1959 RECOMMENDED Aect. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOi/i =RT gENT PLANNING $ 89 850 21.110 SUMMARY BUDGETED 9956 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 7,100 $ 79200 9. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 89 850 $89550 400 300 1 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 422 122 300 125 3., COMMODITIES 182 182 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 115-:n 1 0500 19500 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,800 7,625 10,954 1 d— TOTALS COMMENTARY P CTION The function of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the Village Councils Planning Commission, to other village departments and the Village Manager and to a limited degree to other agencies both public and private whose activities-influence the physical development of the Village of Edina. Staff service includes office uperationso the administration of the various land use and development ordinancess submission of recommendations on matters of coning and subdivision before the Council and Planning Commission, and the prepara- tion and review of overall development plans. COMM The $ls500 Central Service charge not previously allocated to this department along with the addition of a part time secretary are responsible for the increase in this account. Fund Function AMC • :Acce. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING 210110 EXPENDITURE ®E's`t,iE Code Activity Object Detail I Recommended Budgeted le Planning Director $ 7,500 $ 79200 Secretary - $ 8,850 $ 84550 2. Conferences & Schools $ 325 $ 52 Dues B subscriptions 70 70 $ 422 $ 152 30 Unclas-sified $ 182 18 $ 182 $ 162 4m General $ 660 $ 660 Village Hall 180 180 Equipment Operation 660 660 _ $ 19500 $ 14500 TOTAL PLANNING $I0„9_54 UQa354 IDA, 9 GAJE� N--,- P, ,AL GENERAL G VERMMENT "AD'Y'AINISTRATION 21.200 SUPAMA1,11Y EU_=11.MQN The ef"ficient and offec-Live management of the Village's administrative affair's, the proper execution of the policies adopted by IChe Council, and the enfo_rcement Of local lav;; and ordinances ,-,,2e all the dixect responsibility of the Edina Village D ,&,anager. This account provides his c-LFfi�e with theLne6essancy staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to ininlemen-411- this responsi- bility. MIMENTS Transfer of legal etdvortising costs "co thi!; acccunt and increases in salarles of, existing personnel make Lie the total �nccount- � i SUPAMA1,11Y 1959 BUDGETED E-5111"AMF OBJECT D 355GL-7-25 ,$329640 $32vG54 Y. PERSONAL SERVECES $34,284 $ 34,0,44 2,450 3,300 2. CONTRACTURAL SEMCES 4,436 4v736 350 200 225 225 5,760 5:,760 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 6,636 6.,504 700 654 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 595 595 $. 1 -1 _030 0 x-,42 t7611 469176 7 9 0 i i-4 T MES COMIME-14TARY EU_=11.MQN The ef"ficient and offec-Live management of the Village's administrative affair's, the proper execution of the policies adopted by IChe Council, and the enfo_rcement Of local lav;; and ordinances ,-,,2e all the dixect responsibility of the Edina Village D ,&,anager. This account provides his c-LFfi�e with theLne6essancy staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to ininlemen-411- this responsi- bility. MIMENTS Transfer of legal etdvortising costs "co thi!; acccunt and increases in salarles of, existing personnel make Lie the total �nccount- � i VILLAGE OF MIA ANNUAL BUDGE` PAGE 20 Fund FuncCon Arm Acct. NO. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION 21.200 EXPEND11URE DETAIL Code Activity Obj ct E \4ai9 Recommended Budgeted 1. Manages 159000 $ 159600 Admin. Ass-t. $330 -400 49800 49800 Village Clej•tt$500 -525 69240 6,300 Secretary $300 -312 3,744 3v744 Switehb.Opera$235 -250 39000 3,000 Clerk ( ) $235 -250 0 2500 $34, 284 $ 340944 2.. Conferer:: es 4. Schools $ 495 $ 795 Dues & Et ibscz iptions 441 441 Legal Ad\,ertising .3.2-500 y 7�00� $ 49436 $ 49736 3. Licens,::- $ 100 $ 100 Books ?: Pamphlets 50 50 Unclas�ified 75 $ 225 $ 225 40 Generd' $ 39540 $ 3,540 Villaq Hell 29436 2A304 Equipwnt Operation X660 $ 69636 $ 69504 5. Filiei Cabinet $ 75 $ 75 Chair 20 20 Car r! placement _r0 500 $ 595 $ 595 TOT.T. i0MINISTRATION i I a 46x176_ $ 47 „004 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 21 Fond Funri%on Area Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GWERIMENT FINANCE 21 0210 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1955 ESTIMATED . OBJECT 1959 ftECOMMENDED BUDWED $ 21y900 $ 21,900 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $23,040 $239340 29850 4,000 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 29856 22856 250 100 3. COMMODES 25 25 39300 39300 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 313 31,756 39708 625 625 E. CAPITAL OUTLAY 3x000 30000 4 28, 925 $ 29, 925 _32&77 TOTALS COMMENTARY MUM YO The Finance Department is responsible for the financial transactions of all Village operations. All revenues and expenditures aro cleared thru this depart- ment and all purchasing is centralized here. Financial reports stating the finan- cial conditions of all Village funds are prepared monthly. CCMM2 § The increase in appropriation for this account is made up almost entirely by the $3,000 Remittance Control Machine included in Capital Outlay. This unit . will permit us to establish more efficient and effective cash control procedures. Cash receipts amount to approximately $1,000;000 annually. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 22 Feed Functiva Amu AW. No. GENERAL GENERAL GJVERMTENT FINANCE 21.210 EXFENMURE DETAIL Code Activky' Object Detail Recommended Pudgoted to Finance Director$625-675 $ 79000 $ 89100 Bookkeeper $350 -364 49368 49368 o Payroll Clerk $290 -302 39624 39624 Secretary $290 -302 39624 39624 Cashier $270 -302 3,624 3.6 4 $ 239040 $239340 20 Conferences & Schools $ 318 $ 318 Dues & SubscriptioM, 38 38 Annual Audit ,2,500 0 $ 2,856 $ 298y16 3. Books & pamphlets ° 25 $ 25 $ 25 4„ General $ 39120 $ 3,120 Village Hall 6 , 688 $ 3„756 S 39708 5. Remittance Control Machi e $-3..000 $ 39000 $ 39000 =AL FINANCE $ VILLAGE OF EDINA Fund GENERAL' ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 23 Function Aria Acct. No. GENERAL GOVERMIENT MUNICIPAL COURT 21.300 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1953 ESTIMATED OBJEcr 1959 RECOMMEN5ED BUDGETED $13,400 $139225 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 16,400 $ 12,494 3,250 39200 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 49150 49150 425 400 3. COMMODITIES 625 500 29280 29280 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1790— 3,336 39240 250 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $19p,355 %121355 $ 25,111 $209384 TOTALS COMMENTARY ,F�t R�C1'I The Edina Municipal Court is presided over by an elected Municipal Judge who serves for a six year term. The Court is charged vaith the responsibility of hearing all cases of persons charged with violating a Village ordinance. As by for the largest number of such violations are violations of the traffic ordinance, a special Traffic Violations Bureau was established in 1957 to handle these caseso C�O�AE�S The recommended 1959 appropriation was prepared by the Municipal Judge. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET . PAGE 24 food Arm Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL COVERI IFiT MUNICIPAL COURT 219300 EXPENDITURE OffAIL Coda Activity O 4cra 0otoi0 Recommand d audgaftd I Municipal Judge $350.400 $ 6,600 $ 49800 Spsecial Judges $40 /diera 29600 29600 lerk of Court $300.312 4,200 31744 Clerk, T.V.B.(j)$200 -2 ?5 00 1. 50 $169400 12,494 2. Conferences 8 schools $ 150 $ 150 oard 8, Room - prisoners 39000 3,000 Witness psychiatrist fee X000 I. 000 S 49150 S 4,150 3. Printed forms S 300 S 300 Supplies 200 200 Unclassified $ 625 $ 500 4. JGeneral $ 1,680 $ 19680 Village Hall - 90__ $ 3,336 $ 39240 5. Unclassified 600 $ 600 IOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 Fund Ftas Sen BUDGETED Afea Aat. No. GENERAL; GENBRa =EW&W 50 ELECTION 21.400 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1959 1938 BUDGETED ESTIMATED .s.2,150 $ 28150 50, 50 200 200 5,100 58500 7,500 Q8,I40 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1959 RECOMMENDED . BUDGETED $19325 .$19325 45 45 278 278 24 24 $1,672 S_11672 F.10� The Village Clerk is responsible for conducting all national, state and village elections that occur in the Village of Edina. This account provides the necessary funds for holding such elections. There will be only one election during 1959. This fact, along with an end to the voting machine payments, accounts for the substantial decrease in this eccounto VILLAGE OF EDINA, ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 26 Fond Function Arm Aeee. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT ELECTION 21.400 EXPENDITURE MAIL Codo Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 1. Election judges @$1.25/hr $ 820 $. 820 Set up labor 215 215 Registration M $ls325 $1,325 2. Custodians at schools $ 45 $ 45 $ 45 $ 45 3. Supplies $ 228 $ 228 Postage �- 52 so $ 278 $ 278 5. File cabinets $ 24 $ 24 TOTAL ELECTIONS LL47a 72 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEY PAGE 21 fe.ad FEmetiae Aron 1959 Acct No GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ASSESSING RECOMMENDED 21.500 SUMMARY r ,$ 28x305 26,329 X32,519 02,153 TOTAL COMMENTARY E .LON The Assessing function is the responsibility of the Village Assessor. fle assesses and records the taxable value of all property. within the Village of Edina. Special Assessmen;:a levied for improvement projects are also computed and recorded by personnel of the Assessing Department. con The 1959 budget contemplates the addition of a deputy assessor to the staffo �9aS 1959 ®UDGUED ESTIMATED ODJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 22,880 $ 209741 E. PERSONAL. SERVICES $227,350 $279350 29200 29040 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICE 1,648 19648 500 400 3. COMMODITIES 300 300 10500 19500 4. CENTRAL. SERVICES 213 _ 2,676 29640 19225 1,648 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 545 215 r ,$ 28x305 26,329 X32,519 02,153 TOTAL COMMENTARY E .LON The Assessing function is the responsibility of the Village Assessor. fle assesses and records the taxable value of all property. within the Village of Edina. Special Assessmen;:a levied for improvement projects are also computed and recorded by personnel of the Assessing Department. con The 1959 budget contemplates the addition of a deputy assessor to the staffo VILLAGE OF ED @NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 Fund Funcwon Amu Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVIEcRW1IlENT ASSESSING 21.500 EXPENDME DETAIL Code Activity (Neck a1 Recommended Budgeted to Assessor $ 79590 $ 7,590 Deputy Assessor $490 59880 51,880 Assmt. Clerk $350 -375 49500 49500 Secretary $255 -290 3,480 39480 Deputies, P.Ta $1.75/hr. 39500 30500 Clerical, P.T. $1.50j1ir. _,_2,400 „rte $279350 $279350 2. Conferences & Schools $ 140 $ 140 Dues 8 Subscriptions 23 23 IBM- Preparing Assessments 19000 19000 Equipment Rental 135 135 Mileage _ _0 $19 648 $ 19648 3. Printed Forms 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 4. General $ 29200 $ 29200 Village Hall 450- 429 $ 29676 $ 29640 5. File Cabinet $ 130 $ -0- Desk 8 Chair 215 215 Adding Machine �00„ , -0- $ 545 $ 215 TCrAL ASSESSING $ 2f519 3 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 29 I+and Funcelm Amu Aat. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES 21.600 SUMMARY 9936 1939 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 061ECT RECOMMENDEJ) BUDGETED $ 58460 $ 6,360 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 60660 $69660 65075 71500 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 71325 79325 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $1 X535 $13.860 TOTALS COMMENTARY flw-axoN The Village requires the professional services of attorneys both salaried and on contract in properly handling its day to day operations. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition they defend the Village in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violations of Village ordinances. Salary adjustments granted during 1958 for prosecuting attorneys are responsible for most of the increase'3nthis account. Professional fees reflect the increasing need of the Village Attorney °s services. VILLAGE- OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 30 ka¢ Activity Mica Acct. LSO. GERIERAL GENERAL GOVERNMEDYr LEGAL SERVICES 21.600 EXPENDITURE" DETAIL Codo Activity Mica Detail Recommended Budgof d I: Prosecuting Atty(2)$200 $ 4,600 $ 49800 Village Attorney $155 159„60 ]0 $ 6,660 $ 61,660 20 Conferences 8 schools $ . 250 $ 250 Dues & subscriptions 75 75 Professional fees $ 71,325 $ 71,325 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES MAIL S 3 8 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET, PAGE 31 Fund Function Area 1939 Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMNT LIBRARY RECOMMENDED 21.700 SUMMARY _ ,140 $2x891 $ afl840 $ 2L390 TOTALS COMMENTARY F YON The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina, Hennepin County supplies the books and librarians° CO.� During 1959 the library will be repainted, 1931 1939 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $19000 $ 900 1. PERSONAE. SERVICES. $ 19000 $ 19000 540 570 1 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 19490 12040 600 300 3. COMMODITIES 350 350 4, CENTRAL SERVICES 19000 19121 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY _ ,140 $2x891 $ afl840 $ 2L390 TOTALS COMMENTARY F YON The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina, Hennepin County supplies the books and librarians° CO.� During 1959 the library will be repainted, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3D, EVENDITURE ®E1' L Code . Fu-ictiam Amu Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMIEWT LIBRARY 21.700 EVENDITURE ®E1' L Code . Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted I. Janitor $ 400 $ 400 Village Labor ,- 600 — O $19 000 $ 19000 2. Heat $ 300 $ 300 Power 200 200 Water & sewer service 40 40 Painting outside 350 350 Insurance, fire �00 $ 19490 $ 19040 3. Janitorial supplies $ 100 $ 100 Repair materials 200 200 Lawn seed ®„L0 __,_�0 $ 1 330 $ 330 I I TOTAL LIBRARY I oor ---- F t. 004 000, 1 iE OOE 2 00C otl� Ow'! t 001 2p X. OCE Z -22L.�U OC) ANI.— oorj 00f, ON. oez 00,11 OQI.- L � 01S V "S. � - I CI t. CI VILLAGE OF E®INA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 Fused Function Amu Aces No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION! 24.100 PROPERTY SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1049381 $ 104,381 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $1259474 $1209651 3,378 29310 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 29453 29453 19400 1,200 3. COMMODITIES 19802 11752 171,240 17, 240 4. CEHY"64AL SERVICES I (v S3\ 19,836 19,404 79900 8, 900 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 89928 5v779 134,299 $_1349031 &1589493 501,039 TOTALS =° COMMENTARY FLMION The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigations of major crimes and public morals offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace.and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is granted to a large extent through.criminal and civil codes and village, state and federal legislation affecting the public in general. C The 1959 appropriation pxovides for the addition of three new patrolmen to the force. These additional men are needed to enable us to continue giving immediate and effective service while at the same time experiencing a substantial increase in'the number of service requests. In order for the police departments to operate efficiently, it must have time to handle the requests for service and sufficient time for-preventive patrol. Due to the increase in requests for service in 1958, we found that more and more of our available manpower was being utilized for actual handling of these requests resulting in a cut back in time spent on preventive patrol. During 1958 the five police patrol vehicles were driven a total of approxi- mately 250,,000 miles. Our experience in vehicle operation indicates that it is most economical to trade in existing units on new units when they have been driven 60,000 miles, and the vehicle replacement item in this budget is based on that experience. VILLAGE ®F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 34 Gewd ' Function Amy Acd. No. GENERAL ROTECTION OF PERSONS AID POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 1® PROPERTY $ 7;744 $ 79925 EXPENDITURE DETAIL code. Aciivifiy object X91 Recomineaded Sedget" 1® Chief $620 -675 $ 7;744 $ 79925 Sergeants -5 .$500 -517 31,020 31,020 Patrolmen -3 $465 -482 179352 179352 Patrolmen -4 $445 -482 22,646 22,646 Patrolmen -4 $425 - 462 21,716 219716 Dispatcher -2 $295 -312 79488 70488 Dispatcher P.T. @$1.50 %hr. 29496 29496 Patrolmen- 3(New)$417 _15.012 10 $1259474 ,® $1209651 2. Conferences & schools S 10673 $ 1,673 Dues & subscriptions 100 100 Laundry 80 S0 Radar & drunkometer servi e MO $ 29453 $ 29453 3. Caps9leather goods,badge $ 136 $ 136 Ammunition supplies 550 500 .Jail & prisoner expense 340 340 Photographic supplies 120 120 Fire extinguisher supplies 120 120 Printed forms 436 436 Unclassified 199 100 1,802 $ 19752 4. General $ 79080 . $ 79080 Village Hall 29556 29424 Equipment Operation _102200 9.900_ $ 19,836 $ 195404 5. Vehicle replacement -6 $ 40950 $ 4,950 Pistols & shotgun 410 410 Fire extinguishers -2 134 60 Desk 120 120 Files 150 75 Camera 60 60 Display case 50 50 New uniforms 3,000 Unclassified 54 54 $ 89928 $ 59719 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION $158093 Slg .039 1 ��'aiiaDl.� '_......_..!).'?+3' f�j�'�,.et.,,._'� .__._.._,.. .• _.. __ � ..�.�..�........,,.-'• _(. k-a �� _...,�__.. -y�4�.��'.�...�._—.�'.v_� r�3�'+ BDO-0 Ida ,008 ¢ sib lot V 0,113 pool? Ar v" VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 35 Ford FuncClan Arev Aca. Ede. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS PROPERTYFIRE PROTECTION 24.200 SLIMMARY BUDGETED 1958 _ ESTIMATED OBJECT X959 RECOMMENDED BUS® $ 568830 $56z830 1. PERSONAL SERVOCES $ 659100 $ 65,100 900 17100 1 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 19199 18199 19750 1,200 3. COMMODITIES 19 569 19 291 79200 71200 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 103 8,436 89328 79475 79200 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 49872 2,647 S2L155 41L.530 $ 819176 ,$ 789565 TOTALS COMMENTARY FWCTJO Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting, (2) prevent loss of life and property in case a =ire does starts (3) confine a fire to the place of origin and (4) extinguish all fuzes. In general, this involves the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. COR�NiS This appropriation provides for the eddition of one full time firemang making a total of 10 full time men* This additional man will enable us to both relieve a more experienced man for fire prevention work and also assure a full cress in the event of sickness or paid leave on the part of any firemen. The capital outlay appropriation is less this year due to the fact that no money is being set aside for the purchase of fire trucks. A new pumper was purchased in 1958. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 36 Fund Funcion /� M&ECTION Acct. No. GENERAL- PROTECTION OF PERSONS AM FIRE 24°200 1. PROPERTY $ 79284 $ .7$1284 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity abject Detail Recommended Budgeted 1. ief $590 -607 $ 79284 $ .7$1284 ssto Chief $500 -517 6,204 69204 Firemen-4 $465 -482 239136 239136 Firemen -2 $445 -482 119448 119448 Fireman -1 $425 -462 5,524 59524 Fireman -1 (New) $417 59004 59004 Volunteers00, S 659100 $659100 2. onferences 8 schools $ 533 $ 533 Dues A.suhscriptions 116 116 Laundry 350 350 insurance am 299 $ 1,199 $ 19199 30 Clothing replacements $ 268 $ 200 Canisters 360 300 Photographic supplies 66 66 Gas masks -3 75 75 First old supplies 200 150 General supplies 600 $ 19569 $ 11,291 4„ General $ 3,780 $ 39780 Village Hall 2,256 29148 Equipment Operation 2,400 2 $ 89436 $ 89328 5. Float strainer $ 125 $ 125 Smoke extractor 400 400 Folding ladder 72 72 Belt radio 200. Vehicle 18,900 Siren 125 Hose 29,050 2,030 $ 4,872 $ 2„647 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION $ 81,176 X78, �fi5 VILLAGE OF EDINA AMNUAL BUDGE PAGE V7 Fend Function RECOMMENDED Acet. Na. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPE TY CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24.300 1958 BUDGETED Le 450 X650 ESTIMATED 110 540 S 650 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 39000 $ 39000 320 320 900 900 1y425 19225 $ 58645 59445 FiIId . I01� The Edina Civil Defense organization maintains liaison with local9 State and Federal agencies in order to provide the needed resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and,volunteex emergency personnel. COMME,RTS A new Federal Civil Defense Law now makes it passible for municipalities to be reimbursed for one-half of their-expenditure, in operating a civil defense organization. Thus one -half of the above appropriation will be paid for the Village and one -half by the Federal Government. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGMT PAGE 33 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL ROTECTION OF PERSONS 8 PROPER Y CIVILIAN DEFENSE 240300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL. Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted lv Director $ 600 $ 600 teno -clerk 29AOQ _ s400 $39000 $39000 20 onferences 8 schools $ 75 $ 75 es 8 subscriptions 5 5 Lease lines for sirens $ 320 $ 320 3. amphlets 8 books $ 400 $ 400 Training aids $ 900 $ 900 5. Typeyrriter $ 200 $ 200 esk 8 chair 225 225 adio $1,425 $19225 TOTAL CIVILIAN DEFENSE 5 X55„ Vtl.l AGE: OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDWS E PAGE 39 Fund runc$8aaa Area Acct. Rio. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS 8 PROPS Y PUBLIC HEALTH 240400 99is BUDGETED ESTIMATED $19800 $19700 $19800 $ 19 700 SUMMARY OBJECT 2. PERSONAL SERVICES a. CONTRACTBRAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1939 RECOMMENM OUDGETED $19800 $19800 $11,800 $i00 FifiiCTION The Village relies mostly upon the health services furnished by Hennepin County and the State of 19innesotan Our only expenditure is for a part time health officer whose primary duties are the inspection of eating establishments and the investigation of complaints arising from unsanitary nuisances within the Village. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE40 cane Function Am Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPE ANIMAL CONTROL 24.500 SUMMARY 1958 3959 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 3. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 4,500 3400 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3,600 5,9400 50 3. COMMODITIES 50 50 4 CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $_ 50 $.5O , 5,450 TOTALS COMMENTARY Animal Control is a function of Village government designed to protect life and property from the injurious activities of animals both wild and domesticated. The Village Council has by ordinance regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs, and the patrol and pickup services needed to enforce this ordinance are provided through a contractual agreement with the Animal Rescue League. gmNIS The contemplated increased emphasis on stricter enforcement of the dog leashing and licensing ordinance is reflected in the substantial increase in the cost of the contract with the Animal Rescue League. The $50 commodity item is for cyanide gas. This is to be used for the killing of rats.. VILLAGE C2r EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 41 Fond Funalop. Arco Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION, OF PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS 24.600 $15,840 PROPERTY 567 504 SUMMARY BUDGETED 19511 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 129360 $ 119440 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $15,840 $ 159840 567 504 1 COAITRACI URAL SERVICES 9 19155 755 200 - 175 +. COMMODITIES 220 220 29260 2460 4. CEMTRAL SERVICES 2,640 28640 1,000 10000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,250 19250 �16n387 $ is48i'9 Qili05 x,705 TOTALS COM.YMTARY FUNCTION The functions of the Inspection Department" axe to issue and revoke building and sign permits; to administer the building ordinances; to cause to be inspected all plumbing and electrical, wiring of all buildings and structures within the Village ;.to enforce the zoning ordinances; to issue and collect the fees for building, plumbing, serer, electeicalg street obstrubtien9 sign and all other permits relating to the construction, maintenance and repair of buildings and structures; to propose and revise all building and consttuc•tion codes; to recom- mend condemnation and aba°tement.of unsafe buildings and st ?uctures; and to regulate and establish house numbering. GO.MMLNTS The Chief Building Inspectur is also the Water Department Superintendent and. only a portion ($1200) of his total salary is changed to this account. This appropriation contains the necessary funds to establish electrical inspection as a function of Village Government. The new electrical inspector is expected to devote appro --imately 60% of his time to electrical inspecting and 40% of his time to serving asVillage electrician. Inspection fees should be approxi- mately $49000 annually. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BU0 ET PAGE 42 Fend Fuxtion Object .00taii � Recommended ®ndgew Ar= Acct. Rio. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND r+WECTIONS 24.600 PROPERTY Asst. Build.Insp.$430-450 EXPENDITURE DETAM Code Activity Object .00taii � Recommended ®ndgew I. Chief Building Inspector $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Asst. Build.Insp.$430-450 5v400 59400 Plumbing Insp. $465 -485 59820 59820 Electrical Insp.(60%).%475 3 3 $ 15,840 $159840 2a Conferences & schools $ 135 $ 135 Dares 8 subscriptions 60 60 Mileage-8000 miles G 7� 560 560 Professional Fees 400 $ 19155 $ 755 3., Printed Forms $ 200 $ 200 Cole Beaks 20 $ 220 $ 220_ 4. General $ 19800 $ 19800 Village-Hall. 180 180 Equipment Operation 660 ,�9 $ 23640 $ 29640 5. Car replacement $ 1,200 $ 19200.. Table N gp $ 1,250 $ 19290 TOTAL INSPECTIONS $ 21,105 e $209705 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET _ PAGE 43 Fund Function - -- --- - A-.m -- Acct. Flo. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ERGI NEE RIW _ 22.100 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTiMAT0 OBJECT 1959 AECOMRMENDEED BUDGETED 79,500 $ 71,588 1. PERSONAL SECIVICES $ 639528 $ 639528 7,150 69950 2. C.UNTRACTURAL SERVICES 103,121 9s,521 29365 19600 3. COMMODITIES 2,420 29420 97990 90,990 4. CENTRAL SERVICE 53 10,236 109164 2,325 2,200 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,768 755 101030 $ 92, 328 $ 9073 $ 861388 'FOTALS COMMENTARY F09ION The Engineering Dept, prepares plena, specifications and estimates for public construction projects, including street grading and qurrfacing, sanitary sewers,, storm drains, watexmains and other structures and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure that matesriald and workmanship are in accordance with project specifications. The Department maintains records and files on all the above mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. 9.0WIENTS Although the volume of major projects will not be as great as in previous years, the Engineering Dept* will, nevertheless, experience no decrease in work- load during 1959, as this decline in major project planning and construction will be offset by an increase in Wnicipal State Aid StrE�ct Construction, The decrease in personal services is a'Aributed to the non�inclusion in this budget of positions budgeted but not filled in 1958. Also contracted engineering services have been transferred, from Personal Services to Contractual Services. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEV PAGE 44 Fund Activity t.reo k4. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WRKS :NGINEERING 22.100 EKPENDrMRE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detaip Recommended Budgeted 1. Village Engineer $750 -780 $ 99360 $ 99360 Field Engineer $555-577 6,924 69924 Instrument Man $505525 69300 69300 Seniors Draftsman $470 -489 5,868 59868 Junior Draftsman $43N -447 59364 59364 Junior Draftsman $41.5 -432 53,184 55,184 Inspector $470 -489 59868 51,868 Chairman $400 -416 49992 49992 Rodman $390 -406 49872 49872 Rodman $315-390 49680 49680 Secretary $330 -343 4.116 4.lib - $ 639528 $ 639528 2. Conferences schools $ 431 $ 231 Dues & subscriptions 40 40 Aerial survey 69000 6,000 Professional services 39000 3,000 Equipment Maint. Contract X50 $ 109121 $ 99521 3. Printed forms $ 100 $ 100 Blue printing 19100 19100 Lumber & tools 800 800 Books 150 150 P "otographic supplies 55 55. Unclassified 215- 219 $ 29420 $ 29420 4. General $ 49500 $ 45,500 Village Hall 936 864 Equipment Operation -4 80D 4��800� $ 109336 $ 109164 5. Rods dip needles $ 300 S Tuburlar Lok files 480 480 Calculator 475 File cabinets 240 240 Electric eraser 35 35 Drafting stool 100 Storage cabinet 120 Unclassified 18 $ 1,768 $ 755 TOTAL ENGINEERING S 88.073 $ 86.388 1 VILLAGE OF EDi.NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 45 Pond Function Am Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23,100 SUMMARY BUDGETED 193$ ESTIMATED' OBJECT 1939 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 22,724 $ 239000 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 229640 � 291,640 125 125 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 266 266 200 100 3. COMMODITIES 100 100 10,080 101,080 4.' CENTRAL SERVICES S l ` .6 109300 99800 b 6 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY mac- .5_ 33,129 $33,305 $ 33x306 02.9806 TOTALS COMMENTARY FURiCTION All Public Works personnel (other than those in Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public Works Supt. He, through this account, plans and co- ordinates their activities, maintains accurate cost and work . records and provides the training and instruction necessary to insure that his men do their job most effectively and efficiently. 9011..... NTS Supervision and Overhead includes the one supervision account, "Supervision",, and the two overhead accounts "Training" and "Paid Leave ". Paid Leave represents all vacation, sick, funeral, etc., leave used by Public Works employees. FL Activity Detail Recommended � Budgeted GENERAL Supervision, uUSLIC WORKS 5uperintendent $585605 SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23.100 EXPENDMURE NMI Colo Activity Detail Recommended � Budgeted 101 Supervision, l. 5uperintendent $585605 $ 7,260 7,260 ost Cleric $350 -365 49380 4,,380 2. hysical Examinations 50 50 30 rinte foams j 100 100 4e 3eneral 75,500 7.9500n ar age 19600 15100-,- quipment Operation _ 1,200 �O0 y- Total Supervision $229090 $219590 102 Training 1® rPayroll $ 29000 $29000 2. 3onferences & schools 180 180 Dues & subscriptions 36 36_ Total Training $ 2,216 $ 2,216 103 Paid Leave ? e ayrall' - 1At000 $ 9, 000 Total Paid Leave $ 94000 $ 99000 TOTAL SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD �33.,30� $32806 I e'S��ttB L °Gf F i L^ i�r Acct. No. GE1,0RAL '-,UBLic ,F -r :S C /- _IH•! AL (:a:t AY 23.100-5 SUMMARY 1958 BUDGETED EST0 MATED 00 i r CT 1959 R ECOM kh E 1\1 ME D BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SE-MACES $ $ 3. t 9ES . °Co'CVt�".EV�lj �Caao77M,1ppim o'•�ii�o ��Z� {n�� 30,375 299000 S. C APOMA L 0Ur d a,s? bF 199200 179400 30,375 ,_29_000 $_19920,0 �179400 — TOTALS C0(3I M, Eh,T.111 Y F i i�(11T ION Expenditures for items, of equipment fvhic.h have a useful life of more than one ye i2- a"re classified as capital outlay. Because such exp;ondituses a)re not actually current uperating expensed they are not included in the Public s.rorks operating accounts such as street maintenance9 etc. COMPIENTS -- Patrol Grader ° The Council hay, over the pGasr. two years, appropriated a total of $139000 towwrds the purchase of a new grader to replace the unit which -the Village has operated since 1939. The additional $5,500 app_'r p Aated in this budget will enable the Village to purchase ry new unit °chi., year , Street Sweeper 6' We now have approximately 30 miles of paved street within the Village, and it has consequently become almost impossible for our one street sweeper to do a satisfactory job. of keeping our streets cle_in. The 549000 appropriated in this budget will enable us to eithsr purchase Outright a ua� ed sweeper car, if it seems more advisable,, make initial payment on a new unit. Sprayea; - This new unit will replace the makeuhift unit the Village now uses for weed and tree spraying. Unlike the old unit, this sXe*iyep- will have both the pump capacity and discharge pressure necess�iry to do an adequate jeb. Patching Unit - The inoreasing aimount or pa,chinq that has to be done has necess- itated -the purchase of equipment which will enable ,uz, to do a .bettes patching on a year airovnd basis. An important part of this equipraerrt etAll be a unit ,P.hich will produce hot, mixed patching mate�•ial at the job site. Lowboy - The addition of hea- ier maintenance equipment, has made ousc present lowboy obsolete os it does not hai.re the capacity to transpoxt this new equipment. It will be � t Taded in on a heaafi e_r unit,, Gravel Pit Building - This building will be used to Score our gravel pit eoyipme'nt.l \'loader, �;at,, tools and fuel), protecting it against the weather and vandalism. � Yobile Radios - To facilitate better cotmunication between foremen and crews, -we will extend our p2resent radio system to include i"he street foreman ° s pickup & the gax-a a l o Triplex Mlower - This addition to: our mowing equipment is a zimply desighed and heavily const%- ut;ted piece of. equipment which can t�- an!;port itGelf from job to job quick uy' Contr'ollev ® This traffic signal ccntacollei� will. be a spare unit which can be used to quickly ,replace a defective unitfl thereby eliminating the traffic, congestion crea•tet by signals being out of operaticn. ANMMA:49i9�r�t1 EXPENDO URE WMIL �Qda ct6�asy �� tlec2 Detail GSNEkAL P,UBL IC 44,`ORKS — CAPITAL OUTLAY I 23. 100 -5 EXPENDO URE WMIL �Qda ct6�asy �� tlec2 Detail Recommended ovidgeted 50 Patrol Grader $ 5,500 I $ 5,500 Street Sweeper 4,000 4,000 Liquid Sprayer 1,400 19400 Patching Truck 19500 1,500 Lowboy 1,500 1,500 Gravel Pit Building 19000 1,000 Triplex Nower 900 900 Mobile Radian (2) 1,000 1.,000 Signal Activator Pads 1 &800 Traffic Signal Con•trolle: _ 600 600 TOTAL I CAPITAL OUTLAY 400 Village of Edina ANNUAL BUDGET Page 49 PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION Employees. Salary / Month Appropriation Appropriation Title 1958 1999 1 1958 1959 1958 1959" Street:Foreman 1 1 490 500 $ 5,880 S' Heavy Equipment Operator 5 5 465 475 279900 289500 Light Equipment Operator 9 9 410 425 449280 459900 Maintenance Men 3 3 375 385 139500 139860 Temporary Summer Help 19800 19800 Electrician �� 475 Totals 18 19 $93 s60 $989340 Park Mainto Payroll (Page °6 $102,960 DISTRIBUTION Public Works Supervision & Overhead Noxious Weeds $ 700 Training' $ 29000 Storm Drainage Paid Leave 91,000 Storm Sewer Mainto 600 Street Maintenance Tempo Drainage 30000 General Maintenance 209000 Pumping 500 Patching 10Q000 Village Properties Street Cleaning 49600 Turf Care 4;,050 Sealing 39960 Plantings 320 Curb Repair 39000 Tree Trimming 29500 Blacktop Replacement Tree Spraying DSO Snore 8 Ice 109000 Street Lighting 700 Total Public Works $840020 Traffic Control Traffic Signs 19470 Library 600 Traffic Signals. 570 Central Services 31,437 Pavement Marking 750 Charged to Assessed Guard Rail Maintenance 19000 Projects 111,000 Street Name Signs Charged to Other General Maintenance 19700 Funds 222M, New Sign Installation 900 Bridges TOTAL DISTRIBUTION $ 02 960 General Maintenance 600 Repair Program 12500 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 Fraud function Ammo Acct. No. GENERAL- PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 23.200 SUMMARY .BUDGETED 1938 ESTIMATED OBJECT 9959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $49,,250 $ 38, 600 1. PERSOMAL SERVICES $ 51,560 $ 519 560 500 Soo 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 500 500 229750 20,200 3. COMMODITIES 279090 279090 169000 16 *000 dv CENTRAL SERVICES 189210 .179910 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $.51D0 $ 758300 9760 TOTALS COMMENTARY mum The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the-greatest portion of the entire Public EVorks endeavor. As the word "maintenance" implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve and not necessarily to improve the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blacktopping,.curbing, oiling and installation of drainage facilities are normally financed through an assessment procedure and are. therefore not included in this account. This account does provide for such main- tenance activities as patching* cleaning, sealing and snow plowing. gogmu The increases in this appropriation result from fa step up in the planned operations of three particular street maintenance activities. Patching operations should be more effective through the incorporation of new methods and equipment. Previously only a warm weather activity, patching will this year become a year around operation because of new equipment enabling us to produce hot patching material at the job site. Street cleaning operations will be doubled with the addition of a second street sweeping machine. The continuing expansion of our paved street system necessitated this addition. the street sealing program, which is a major factor in preventing the premature deterioration of blacktopped streets, will again this year receive special emphasis. Approximately seven miles of street are scheduled to be sealed. VILLAGE OF EDINA . . ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 51 dun. Function Area Ace. No. GENERAL, PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 239200 EKPEMDffURE DETAIL Cede testy Object Obi Recommended BudgeBed 201 General Maintenance to Payroll $209000 $209000 2Q Equ`ipment Rental 250 250 3. Screened gravel 19650 19650 Fill material 19250 19250 Road oil R tar 19050 19050 Calcium chloride 600 600 Unclassified 100 100 4. Equipment Operation 5„500 59300 Small Tools$ �g•� 51Q Total neral Maintenake $ 30,910 $30,710 202 Patching to Payroll $ 10,000. $ 109000 ,;° Patching materials jog," 3 10,800 109800 4a Equipment Operation X0.8.3 7 — ..2&0-0 2„500 Total latching $ 23 $ 23,300 203 Street Cleaning to Payroll $ 49600 $ 4,600 3. Brooms 19725 19725 4. Equipment Operation lyS u, 2,700 2 Total street Cleaning $ 99025 $ 9,025 204 Sealing la Payroll $ 39960 $ 39960 20 Equipment rental 250 250 3o. Materials $3.3 4D915 49915 4. Equipment Operation $3.3 1.000' 1.000 :Total Sealing $ 109125 $ 10 125 205 Curti Repair 1. Payroll $ 39000 $ 3,000 3. Materials .6 29500 29500 4. Equipment Operation 6 500 500 1'otaY larb Repair $ 69000 $ 69000 206 Blackt=Replace�me t (No Appropriation) 207 Snow 8 Ice Removal to Payroll $ 10,000 $ 109000 3o Salt 19000 19000 Sand 19500 19500 4o Equipment Operation `1Sn 52400 5 °40,0 Total Snow & Ice Removal $ 17,900 $ 17,900 TOTAL 6TREE7 MAINTENAWCE $ 9-72360 $ 970060 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 femd Feactaon Area Aca No. GENERAL PUBLIC hORKS STREET LIGHTIDG 23.300 SUMMARY Y r 29,300 309500 OL9580 x,580 TOTALS COMMENTARY The overhead street lighting system throughout the Village with the exception of ornamental and special type units9 is installed and maintained by Northern States Power Coo The Village's obligation.is to provide funds for furnishing electrical power to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special units. 9E S Continuing expansion of the overhead system into newer areas of the Village is responsible for the increased power costs. 1958 1 1959 BUDGETED E ESTIMATED O OBJECT R RECOMMENDED B BUDGETED $ 500 $ $ 200 1 1. PERSOWAL SERVICES 7 700 $ $ 700 289500 3 309000 I I CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3 319200 3 319200 150 1 150 3 3. COMMODITIES 5 500 5 500 150 " 1 150 4 4. CEHML SERVICES I 1 180 1 180 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY OL9580 x,580 TOTALS COMMENTARY The overhead street lighting system throughout the Village with the exception of ornamental and special type units9 is installed and maintained by Northern States Power Coo The Village's obligation.is to provide funds for furnishing electrical power to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special units. 9E S Continuing expansion of the overhead system into newer areas of the Village is responsible for the increased power costs. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Fund Function Arm Acct No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 1. Electrician $ 570 $ 570 Payroll 130 $ 700 $ 700 2. Power 0�( $ 319200 $31,200 3. Repair parts 90 $ 500 $ 500 4.. Equipment Operation iS �O 80 A M8_0 $ 180 $ 180 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING �� 80 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGWET PAGE 54 Fund function Afea - Aca. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NWE SIMS 23.400 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT _ 99'59 RECOMMENDED BUDGM $ 2,600 2,600 9. PERSONAL SERVICES ; 28600 $ 29600 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 12350 1,550 3. COMMODITIES 19490 19450 300 300 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 300 300 . S. CAPITAL OUTLAY S 49350 48350 70TALS COMMENTARY Fi�'yQA1 The Village at this time installs and maintains all street name signs. The average cost to the Village of a new sign installed is approximately $25. Each winter Village crews remove, rehabilitate and replace approximately 100 defective signs. QENTS A study will be made during 1959 as to the advisability of requiring land developers to pay for the installation of new street signs in their development. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE sS Find ionetia® Avw Acct, No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET N41E SIGNS 23.400 EXPENOITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Mtail Recommended Dudgated 401 General Maintenance 1.- Payroll $ 1.0700 $ 19700 3. Paint, parts & tempo siggn 550 550 4. Equipment Operation 16 7 7_0o 00 Total neral ittaintenance %h-/lo, 3 $ 29450 $ 29450 402 New Sign Installati n 1. Payroll $ 900 $ 900 3. Signs $ posts g.3 900 900 4. Equipment Operation $ 3 1000 Total Mew Sign Installation $ 1;900 $ 19900 TOTAL STREET NAME SIGNS VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 56 Fund Funsiion Arm Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23.500 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 49400 3,500 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 39790 $ 39790 3000 29924 2. COMTRACTURAL SERVICES 29750 29750 59900 59290 3. COMMODITIES 69600 69100 10700 1,700 4. C,ENTRAL, SERVICES 19440 19440 S. CAPITAL. OUTLAY ,59000 $139414 1„ 49580 X1490$0 TOTALS COMMENTARY F[, 0 Although the determination of need for and the location of all traffic control devices such as signs, sigralsv pavement markings and guard rails is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is nevertheless the function of the Public Works Department to install and maintain such devices. This account then provides for such installation and maintenance. Comm There is a substantial increase in the appropriation for new traffic signs. This results from a recent traffic sign survey conducted by the Police Department which disclosed a serious shortage of such signs in the newer areas of the Village. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 57 Fund Function Arco Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC 41ORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23.500 EXPEMDITURE DEWL Code Activity Objoc� Detail R©commonded Budgeted I 501 Traffic Sign Maint. l...~ Payroll $ 19,470 $ 1,470 3. Signs 29000 29000 Re-:)air Materials 33. 3 500 500 4. Equipment Operation 33 3 400 _ 02— Total Traffic Sign maintenance $ 49370 $ 4,370 502 Traffic Signal Main le 1. Payroll $ 570 $ 570 2. Power 29400. 29400 Contracted Repair 200 200 3. Repair Parts 6 "6 950 550 ne Equipment Operation 6 "6 Total Signal Maintenance $ 30800 $ 3 503 Pavement Marking to Payroll $ 750 $ ?50 2. Equipment Rental 150 150 3. Paint 500 500 Plastic Striping 200 200 Unclassified 150 190 4. quipment Operation 40-0- 480 Tota.1 t nvamen iAaa':'ing $ •'r alf) $ . "..: o 504 Guard Rail Maint. 1. I Payroll $ 19000 $ 1j,000- 3. Guard Rail [Materials 29500 29000 Paint 200 200 4o Equipment Operation • 480 480 Total -card Rail Maintenance $ 49180 $ 3,680 TOTAL . TRAFF.'AX CONTROL I 080 t VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 59 Fund INS ESTIMATED Function Area BUDOrTED Acct. 6x0. GENERAL V. PERSONAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 500 23.600 SU6d WRY BUDG =1 INS ESTIMATED 09jWT 19 H OMMENDED BUDOrTED 6 29150 $ 2,150 V. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 29100 $ 2s100 500 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 19700 19500 3. COMMODITIES 19525 19525 300 300 4 CEO SERVICES 300 300 3. C'APITALOUM AY 48690 3x950 131925 53,925 TOTALS ----- COMMENTARY The purpose of this account is to provida general maintenance for the 16 bridges within the Village. In addition, each year one bridge is selected to receive special attention. During 19589 for instance, the footbridge across Minnehahe Creek at 54th Street and Abbott Avenue was completely rebuilt. During 19599 the Village will .rebuild the bridge across Minnehaha Creek at 44th Street. This will cost approximately $39100. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 5q Farad Funcdon Amu Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 23.600 EVENDBTURE DETAIL Ode Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 601 General Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 600 $ 600 3. Materials %.3 125 125 125 4. Equipment Operation 4' 00 Total neral Maintenance $ 825 $ 825 602 Repair Program 1. Payroll $ 12500 $ 19500 3. Materials IL G7 1,400 19400 4. Equipment Operation 2M - 200 Total lepair Program $ 3 .9100 $ 39100 TOTAL BR ES 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE tin Fund s ancflun Ate, Acct. No GENERAL PUBLIC TDRKS STORM DRAINAGE 23.700 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 49000 $ 3,000 1. PE- NAL SERVICES $ 49100 $ 44100 3,500 1 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 500 500 7j,500 4v000 3. COMMODITIES 79300 5000 29250 29250 R. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,100 2,100 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY %lv250 9 fl 0 ,$1.4j000 T®TA6$ COMMENTARY The Village maintains certain facilities and effort to keep damage to property by storm waters served by storm servers, Village.crews periodicall,, In areas not so served, emergency measures in the drains are provided during storms. furnishes certain services in an at a minimum, In those areas i check and clean these sewors. foam of pumping and temporary Expenditures in this account depend a great deal on the amount of rainfall during the year. The 1959 appropriation is based upon an average years rainfall, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ' 61 r Fund Functim Arm Acet No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STOMA DRAINAGE 23.700 EKPENDffURE DETAIL we Activity Object Q it Recommended cadgow 701 Storm Sewer Maintena ce 1. Payroll $ 600 $ 600 3. inlets9 lids, etc. loom 750 4. Equipment Operation So. a...... -600 fim. Total Storm Sewer Maintenance $ 29200 $ 1 0950 502 Temporary Drainage 1. Payroll $ 3,000 $ 39000 2. Equipment Rental 250 250 3. Culvert 29,400 10500 Asphalt 2,000 10500 Concrete 1,000 750 F111 materials $ 33 1 19000 500 49 Equipment Operation 93.31 11,099 Total Temporary Drainage $109250 $ 89500 703 Pumping 1. Payroll $ 500 $ 500 2. Equipment rental 250 250 3. Hose (used) ��,� 300 300 4. Equipment Operation 41,4 ....... 2 Total Pumping $ 1,550 $ 19590 TOTAL STORM I DRAINAGE 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 62 Fund Function Area Acct. Me. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 SUMMARY BUDGETED 19SS EMMATED OBJECT 1939 rIECOMMENDED BUD66TED 7,400 $7,400 I. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 79470 $ 7,470 2. COMMCTURAL SERVICES 1020 10320 S, COMMODMES 1,969 1,960 1,100 1,100 4. CANTRAL SERVICES 1,710 1,710 5. CAWAL 0U7LAV 01820 9' ®20 t 2820 .112140 t11 % 140 COMMENTARY F IO The function of the Village Properties account is to properly care'for all Village owned properties other than those used for Pa:?--k and Recreation purposeso These Village properties are principally boulevardst triangles, public building sites and sites used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and morning of the turf, spra;,Ying and trimming of trees, establishment and carp of plantings, and the e►eryday housekeeping necessary to keep these Village propertAes in aesthetic accord with our many fine privately owned residential properties* The 1959 appropriation for Village Properties includes both the manpower and equipment necessary to place into operation an organized program of property maintenance. In the intarest of economy and effectiveness, the program financed by this appropriation is clo8ely coordinated with -the park property maintenance program. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 Fund Function Amu Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Objc Dowil Recommended budsoted 801 Turf Care 1. Payroll S 49050 $ 49050 3. Sod 8 dirt 500 500 4. Equipment Operation 47"S10 300 300 Small Tools 510 519 Total rurf Care $ 5,360 $ 59360 802 Plantings 1. Payroll $ 320 $ 320 3. Flowers 6 shrubs 33 200 200 4. Equipment Operation 3 X00 100 Tonal Plantings $ 620 $ 620 803 Tree Trimming 1. Payroll $3 3 $ 29500 $ 2,,500 - 4. Equipment Operation 33' 400 Total rree Trimming S 2,900 $ 29900 804 Tree Spraying 1. Payroll $ 600 $ 600 30 Spray 3 19260 19260 4. Equipment Operation 400 �0 Total rree Spraying 33' 1 $ 2,260 $ 2,260 TOTAL VILLAGE PROPERTIES $11.140 $110140 1 VILLAGE OF ED1NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Fund. Furtalon As*a AccL too. GENERAL - PUBLIC WORKS NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL 23.900 SUMMARY BUDGETED 195A ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDC,EYED. 15000 1,000 1. PERSONAE. SERVICES 700 $ 700 2. 0014 RACTURAL SERVICES 600 611 3, COMMODITIES 735 735 700 700 4, COITRAL SERVICES IfU.0' 480 480 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1_2L300 2$311 S, 12915 SI, M `d0'PA9�S COMMENTARY( The provisions of the Minnesota Noxious Weed Act charge the Village with the responsibility of seeing that all noxious weeds within the Village limits are destroyed. T'he Village must, of course, absorb the cost of weed eradication on public propertyt but may at its own discretion, assess the cost of eradication on private property, Our present policy is to assess or bill for all eradication on private property, A new spraying unit to be purchased in 1959 will enable us to anticipate the decrease in the personal services appropriation, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 65 Pod F; e9actioo Ace® Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS NOXICY.15 WEED CONTROL 23°900 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Wo Activity Object DetaiI Recommeadod Badgered le Payroll 700 $ 700 $ 700 30 2°-4 -D Ester weed spray $ 660 $ 660 D. Bo Granular �75 75 $ 735 $ 735 4. Equipment Operation 1 -02 $� Am $ 480 $ 480 TOTAL NOXIWS I WEED CONTROL $ lea9155 m gr I VILLAGE OF EDINA : ANNUAL. BUDGET FAGS 66 Fund . 1938 ESTIMATED Function 1999 RECOMMENDED Asp Acct. Into. GENERAL 1. PERSONAL SERVICES NON - DEPARTMENTAL EXPEXITURES $ CONTINI- NI;IES 26.100 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1938 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1999 RECOMMENDED BUDGMD $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2- CONTRACTTIRAL SERVICES 3. COMMODMES. 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 5� ,000 X3,000 $ 9,000 X59500 TOTALS COMMENTARY EWCT-ION During the year unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur for which there has been no previous appropriation. This account9 then, is a reserve for such emergencies. VILLAGE F EDINA .. ANNUAL BUDGET. PAGE 67 Farad Tordion : Ae. Ate: No, GENERAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL. EXPENDITums SETTLBIENT OF SUITS 26,200 SUMMARY 1958 19S'9 BUDGETED ESTIMATED ODJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 2. C®MMODMES 4. CEN THAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $, 2fl000 $ Y &00 $L a OOO TOTALS COMMENTARY VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 Fund FuncHan Acm No. .GENERAL N- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON 26.300 VILLAGE PROPERTY SUMMARY 193$ 1957 BUDGETED ESTIMATED ORIECT HCOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $. 1. PERSONAL' SERVICES $ $ 2. C0NTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S CAPITAL OUTLAY 5000 8142000 1$ 0,000 MR-500 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUWX ION Village owned properties are subject to special assessments for various improve- ment projects. This account provides funds to pay these assessments. COMMENTS The additional $21,500 appropriated is for pre- payment on certain assessments. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 Fend Function Are a Acct. Al GENERAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES UNALLOCATED CAPITAL OUTLAY- 2+60500 SUMMARY 1958 1959 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ I CONMCTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 20200 29000 & CAPITAL OUTLAY 19730 18750 2 &200 t2.9000 1,750 TOTALS COMMENTARY F crio Certain items of equipment which have a useful life of more than one year cannot be allocated to any particular function. The items contained in this budget are all to be used at the Village Garage for ruaintenance of equipments but are not current operating expenses and can9 therefores not be charged to those accounts. VILLAGE- OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 70 Fund Function Amu Acet. duo. GENERAL N- tDEPARDIENTAL EXPENDITURES UR!ALLCCATED CAPITAL OUTLAY 26.500 EXPEND1'1'URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recon. mended Bodgetod 5. 'Melding booth fan $ 150 S 150 Power Press (rebuild) 450 450 Lube Oiler 75 75 Power Drill 50 50 Pipe Threader 200 200 Floor .Tack 65 65 Portable Hoist 350 350 Tire Balancer 45 45 Barrel Pumps 75 75 Heavy -Duty Vise 100 100 Power Wrench 100 100 Chain Binders 40 40 Trickle Battery Charger 50 50 TOTAL MALLOMATED I CAPITAL OUTLAY LIA7§0 L VI1AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET' PAGE71 Fund Function Area Acct No. GENERAL NON -DEPARWENTAL.EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 26.600 SUMMARY 1938 1959 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRAC`6'URAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES I CAPITAL OUTLAY `T 258 . TOTALS COMMENTARY EMION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for capital improvements such as new fire stations and sIiap facilities* ooa.n eV.,Mr-,'t5VV;ITR JA Mly Vo �_�__. y ° 0-1 fyy VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 farad funcNorn Ama Ac& No. PARK PARK & RECREATION AWINISTRATION 47.100 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1938 ESTIMATED 00j XT 199 RECOMMENDED BUDt�ETE® $129002 $139065.. �. PERSONAL. SERVICES $15,9265 $149145 1 s 205 1, 200 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 19075 1 D075 125 100 3. COMMODITIES 125 125 49695 4,695 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 419$: I 49898 49898 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY _ 184_027 19, 060 $ 363 g20�24� TOTALS --- COMMENTARY Fog The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for all park activities, including both the operation and maintenance of park facilities and the conduct of a recreation program. The administration of these activities through planning9 programming and supervision is the purpose of this account. An advisory Park Board assists in these functions. The implementation of the park improvement program during the past few months has contributed greatly to the task of administrating the Park and Recreation Depart- ment. Not only are there now more facilities to maintain, but as these facilities become more, readily availables they attract a continually increasing number of people necessitating a.corresponding increase in the recreation program* VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE find Function Amu PARK PARK 8 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 47100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL code Activity Object Recommended- Qudgeted . /00 to Director $625-650 $ 89700 $ 79800 Secretary $250 -265 39400 32180 Training Payroll 379 379 Paid Leave 2 786 -,,:b= $ 15,265 $ 113 S� 20 Conferences & schools $ 650 $ '650 Danes & subscriptions 75 75 Audit ' 250 290 Unclassified 199 100 $ 19075 $ 19075 30 Printing $ 50 $ 50 Books 8 pamphlets -.75 75 $ 125 $ 125 4. General $ 3,360 $ 39360r- Village Hall 528 528 - Garage 350 350 Equipment Operation MO �.. ig $ 49898 $ 49898 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 103 P -7 6 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET. PAGE 74 Fund Function. Am Aeeb No. PARK' PARK 8 RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY -5 SUMMARY 9933 1959 8U6GMW ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ .2. C®NTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4, CENTRAL SERVICES 4.9940. 49940 S. CAWAL OUTLAY 17, 775 119140 4,940 4,940 ,17,775 $ 1L140 TOTALS COMMENTARY FMION Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more than one ye are classified as capital eutlay. Because such expenditures are not actually current operating expense, they are not included in the Park operating accounts Park Maintene and Recreation. Tractor and 5 gang Monier - About 70 acres of park mowing will be added in 1959, making a total of 100 acres to mow. About 35 acres of this total can most economicalll be mowed by a mower of this type. With this equipment, no additional personnel will be needed to properly handle our mowing tasks, even with the substantial increase in acre- age. 18 inch Rotary, 4 Cycle Molver - More park. acres mean more corners, edges, trees, slopes, etc., which in.turn require more hand mowing. Hand trimming is largely elimin- ated in recent park planning% but topography and surface conditions will always require hand. movers. Spray Equipment for Broad Leaf Weeds - Weeds are unsightly and create a nuisance to neighbors. They can also require mowing hours (and dollars) when the grass does not actually require mowing. Spraying operations are relatively inexpensive and limited to twice, or three times at the most, per season.. Seeder - Spreader. Good turf requires annual fertilization, top dressing, and less frequent re- seeding. Present equipment is hand operated and covers 'a width of 18 ". The equipment proposed would be trr►ctor mounted for mobility and economy of operation. Bleachers, Portable - There will be four new baseball fields at Pamela Park requir ing'bleachers for seating similar to those at present'ball fields. Also at the swimming pool some bleacher seating is necessary. Soft Ice Cream Machine - A soft ice cream machine was included in the basic equipm recommended by the Park Board for complete operation of the Pool Concession. A possible leasing arrangement with the Edina School Board for winter use should be pursued. Litter Scooter - A temporary summer empleyee'could do a good ,fob of policing heavi: used park areas, such as the pool site, and around scheduled ball fields at Pamela and Highlands. The Minneapolis Park Board solution of small scooters and stick- men seems ti be a goods ecomical_tolution. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75, Mind rmninicn Aga Acct. No. PARK PARK & RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.100 -5 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 5e Tractor & 5 gang mower $ 4,300 $ 49300 Rotary mower - 18 inch 90 90 Broad leaf weed sprayer 300 300 Seeder- spreader 350 350 Posthole auger for tractor 335 Truck, 2J ton 3,900 Tractor modification 200 Portable bleachers 600 600 Soft ice cream machine 39500 39500 Soft drink dispenser 19700 Electric typewriter 500 Litter scooter 800 800 Picnic tables8 benches _•400 _1 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 110 140 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 Fund FQrtiion Aar Acct. No. PARK PARK S RECREATION PARK h4AINTENANCE 47.300 i SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMAI—ED OBJECT 1959 ECOMy1ENDED QUDGMD $ 15x300 $ 16,000 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 209060 $209060 2,315 19715 .1 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES '.9600 19600 21,580 2,480 3. COMMODITIES 39740 39,740 49700 4,700 4. CEWML SERVICES 59412 59412 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY igAS95 $ 24,895 $309812 312 ,& 0,8 TOTALS COMMENTARY F09M Park Maintenance involves the care of all park sites and facilities. Included are only those properties actually used for park purposes and not other properties such as boulevards, triangles, etc., which are maintained through the Village Properties account in Public Works., The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and morning of turf, establishment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal and the maintenance of facilities such as buildings, parking areas and skating rinks. mmm The increased appropriation for park maintenance reflects an increase in regularly maintained park acreage of about 235 %. Greater emphasis will be given to such activities as.mowing, planting care and litter removal. The addition of new facilities as parking areas, buildings and skating rinks will also add to the overall maintenance task. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fund , Function Area Acct. No. PARK. PARK $ RECREATION I PARK. MAINTENANCE 47.300 EVENDYTURE' OETABL Code Activity Obeact ®ef. ai! Rezommended Dudomd i 301 Mowing la Payroll $ 39950 $ 39950 2. Contracted repair 100 100 3. Repair parts 100 100 4. Equipment. Operation 10 1,356 1,356 Small Tools ZS Total Mowing $ 5,806 $ 59806 302 Special Turf Care 1. Payroll $ 29550 V 29950 -2. Equipment rental 600 600 3. Seed & sod 400 400 Fertilizer R black dirt 500 500 Geed spray so 100 100 4. Equipment Operation , 699 , 600 Total Special Turf Care $ 49750 $ 48750 303 Plantings & Trees. 1. Payroll $ 19500 $ 19500 2. Equipment rental 100 100 3. Seed, plantings, etc. ` W 500 _ 500 4. Equipment Operation 480 Total Plantings 8 Trees $ 29580 $ 29580 304 Litter Removal to Payroll- $ 39110 $ 39110 3. Trash barrels 90 90 4o Equipment Operation 409 _ 480_ Total Litter Removal $ 31,680 $ ,680 305 Parking Area Maint. 1. Payroll $ 950 S 950 3. Road oil 700 700 Sand 150 150 Unclassified 100 100 4. Equipment Operation �° 0 Total Parking Area Maint. $ 2,260 $ 28260 306 Building is Equipmen 1. Payroll S 19500 $ 18500 Maintenance d. Utilities - 125 125 Contracted repair 75 75 3. Lumber 775 775 Repair material: 125 125 4. Equipment Operation. 40-- ggp $ 3,080 $ 30080. 307 Skating Rink Maint. 1. Payroll S 60500 $ 69500 2. Electrical hookup 8: power 600 600 3. Lamps 200 200 4. Equipment Operation- I� 156 Total Skating Rink Maintenance $ 89655 $ 89656 TOTAL PARK rINTENANCE 0,822 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET Page 78 PARK MAIATTENANCE PAYROLL SL -T-1,ARY & DISTRIBUTTION Employees I Salary / month I Appropriation AppropriationI Title 1958 1959 1958 1959 1958 1959 Park Foreman 1 1 430 475 $ 59160 $ 59700 Park Keeper III 1 1 410 445 29850 59340 Park Keeper II 2 2 410 425 99840 109200 Park Keeper 1 1 1 375 390 49500 49680 Temporary Laborer 425 Total Park & Recreation $_249900 1132-4. 00 Totals 5 5 $ 239746 $ 299520 ■� Park & Recreation Administration Tgaining $ 379 Paid Leave 29786 Recreation Disco & Special 10250 Maintenance Mowing 3,950 .Special Turf Care 2,550 Plantings & Trees 10500 Litter Removal 39110 Park Area Mainto 950 Bldgs. & Equip. Maint. .1,500 Skating Rink Maint.' 69500 Swimming Pool 425 Total Park & Recreation $_249900 DISTRIBUTION Total Park & Recreation $ 249900 Charged to Public Works Payroll 4. TOTAL DISTRIBUTION VILLAGE OF EDINA . ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK PARK & RECREATION RECREATION PROMAM 47.200 SUMMARY BUDGETED 19� ESTIMATED OBJECT i9S9 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 21,828 $ 21,485 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 24,139 $ 21,440 500 49400 2. CONTRAC'TURAL SERVICES 49400 49400 49560 49178 3. COMMODITIES 69510 59760 250 250 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 279138 $309313 352049 � 31,600 TOTALS COMPAIENTARY EyErION The Village of Edina in addition to providing park facilities conducts a year around recreational program'as a function of Village government. This program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department and includes such activities as organized baseball and hockey9 swimming and tennis instruction and a summer playground program for small children. acme of these activities receive financial support from various service organizations and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. 90m Almost 59000 participants are expected in the recreational programs during 1959. Additional playing facilities for the baseball and hockey seasons are expected to result in even greater participation in these sports. With the new swimming pool in full operation this summery the swimming instruction program should also attract more than the 1600 enrolled last summer. The summer playground programs will be conducted on a half day@ rather than a full day, basis this year at all but our two largest playgrounds in order that we might begin programs in areas not previously served. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 80 Fund Function Arm boos. No. PARK PARK & RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL code ActMty► Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 201 Baseball & Softball I. Supervision $ 19200 $ 19200 Coaching assistants 960 600 3. Plates & bases 320 180 Bats & balls 19020 19020 Catchers equipment 300 300 Unclassified Total Baseball & Softball $$ 3� 9 $ 3$ 3 300 202 Skating & Hockey I. Rink supervision $ 59616 $ 4,600 Hockey coaching 540 540 3.' Goalie equipment 300 300 Nets ..�..�,.e 0 Total Skating & Hockey $ 6,,516 . $ 5,500:: 203 Tennis*Instruction 1. Instructor $ 700 $ 700 Assistant 180 ISO 3. Tennis balls 75 75 Unclassified Total Tennis $ 800 $ 800 204 Playgrounds I. Supervisor $ 19200 $ 19200 Leaders 89123 79400 3. Supplies-5 new playground 19600 19300 Crafts ° 13 playgrounds 10900 19750 Replacements & renewals ® 359 Tota Playgrounds $139173 $129000 205 Swi mning Instructiom 1. Supervisor $ 380 $ 380 Instructors 39210 39,210 Attendants 210 210 2. Bus rental 3,900 3,900 3. Flutter boards 180 180 Utilities 100 100 Unclassified 20 20 Total Swimming Instruction $ 89000 $ 8,000 206 Misc. & Special Act vitie I. Payroll(Park Maintenance) $ 1,25O $ 19250 Leaders 750 750 2. Printing (Summer bullei;i ) 500 500 3. Unclassified l0O Total Miscellaneous & Spec. Act. $ 2,600 $ 2,000 TOTAL RECRIATION PROGRAM 35.0 9 X31.6_00 VILLAGE OF EDIN ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE gy Fund Fugction. Area Acct. No. PARK PARK & RECREATION SQ11ING POOL 47.400 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 80000 $149386 1. PERSONAL SERVICES, $ 169490 $ 159800 30960 19800 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 59465 49465 29100 49000 3. COMMODITIES 39610 39060 2x000 195 -- 4. CENTRAL SERVICES V0. o-'' 240 240 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $169060 ,219686 259805 23v965 TOTALS COMMENTARY FM ION The Edina Ntiniicipal Swirming Pooly opened in 1958, is an operation of the Park and Recreation Department. The purpose of this account is to provide funds to finance the annual pool operating costs. Our general policy is to secure sufficient swimming fees to offset these expenseso CO, ,�J11�S During 1958 approximately 132,000 admissions were recorded at the pool. Season and gate ticket sales were sufficient to pay all pool operating costs. In 19599 the pool will, for the first time, be open for the ful: three month season and opera tional. costs will be correspondently greater. However, we now have our pool water heater available and it is expected that the warmer water during the early part of the season will attract enough additional receipt;, to sufficiently offset these greater operation costs. Before opening for the 1959 season, we will paint the pool bottom a light color, making the pool both safer and more attractive,. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE m Pond Fainction Area Acct. No. PARK PARK 8 RECREATION SGVINUAI`YG POOL 47,400 WEN®ITURE DETAIL Code . Activity Object Omi9 Recommcnded' Budgeted 10 -. Manager $400 /month $ 19350 $ 19200 Assistant $350 /month 19200 19050 Life guards @ $1o80 /hour 89100 89100 Cashiers @ $1a25Aour 1,215 19215 Attendant @ $1o00/hour s 2,700 29700 Night watchman @ $1a00/hr, 900 600 Mainto Man @ $1o50 /hour 600 600 Payroll (Park Maintenance ) 425 $169490 $159800 2. Gas $ 600 600 Power. 19200 1„200 Water 8 sewer 400 400 Telephone 65.. 65 Painting 29000 1,000 -Insurance. .LL20-0— . --L290 $ 59465 $ 49465 3. Celite $ 750 g 750 Soda ash 200 200 Chlorine 19140 Cleaning supplies 150 .19140 150 Flood lamps 100 100 Signs 250 100 Printed forms.. 520 520 Pool equipment ---§(0 100 $ 3.610 $ 39060 4. Equipment Operation 249 $ 240" $. 240 $ 240 TOTAL S SWU ING POOL 525 r$D I @ ILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES 'SAGE S3 Fund Aefea Acct. loo. FIRBIEN'S REL- F ASSOCIATION 20.230 -9 SUMMARY 1�6 195 BUDGETED EST'iMA ?E®: OBJECT RMMMENDED BUDGED $ $ 1'. PERSOMAL SERVICES $ � 22. CONTRACT'URAL SERVICES 3, COMMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 69400 + �''� $ 6,900 $6.900 TOTALS COMMENTARY F a i; d Ms BUDGETED Acd. No, 'auzog FIRE PROTEC-I'Mi. 260 OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERME6 2. CONTRACTUR.4L 3. COMMOMMS 4, 09NITRAL SERMES S. CAPPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COW"IENTARY RECOMMENDED 5UDGETEFT .6,900 F, rn r �, *E BODDS 10-11 INTEREST SUMMARY Z'?, C 3 Aca. No. 4 and issues. 1950 1959 BUDGE-YED EST01VATED nECOMWENDED BUDGETED 1. Pr-OONAL SEIRVICES $ 2. CON-TRACT UMAL SEMCES 3. COMMODMES ?89500 28,300 IIIAPROVE-IIAE19 FUDDS 44,200 13,400 Im MIS 42,000 41,600 PARK SINKING Fl ii 44,000 44,,000 70950 0 699800 $ 5-,400 TOTALS and issues. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDSET .,.PAGE 86 Fund ESTIMATED Area Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL- SERVICES SLNMIARY 309900 1950 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $2$ ,95- $ 21,182 419580 54121 349065 309900 49000 - -- -------49400----, 39200 103,595 110,803 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES -4.- CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY ME COMMENTARY <1959 RECOMMEW ©E®' BUDG $ 229073.. $ 229973 641,292 611,468 30,825 319025 3:840 39240 FUNCTION Certain overhead services are common to many functions of Village government. .Two typical examples are maintenance of office facilities and operation of vehicles. As these services are common, we have chosen to collect into central accounts all the costs of proiiding these services and then allocate to each department its proportiona share on a basis having some relation to the extent the individual department uses the service. This system of centralized operation of these common overhead services keeps duplication of effort and expenditure to a minimum, enabling us to devote a larger share of funds to the more tangible operations of the various departments. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE71 PAGE 81 Fund Function Area Acct. No. 6EVOLVING CENMAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 SUMMARY 1958 .1959 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 03;ECT MCOMWMDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 31, 740 38,601 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 439840 431,840 4;800 4,500 3. COMMODITIES 4,,400 49400 4, CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $36s540 $ 432101 $48,240— s48�2ao TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION All general overhead expenses such as office supplies, pension payments and insurance premiums are included in this account* COMMENTS Increases in this account result from an additional 1% in the Public Employees Retirement Association employer contribution rate and higher insurance rateso Centralized purchasing of office supplies is responsible for the continuing decline in this appropriation item. r o � VILLAGE OF EDINA . - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 86 Fund Function Amu Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25olOO EBE:[r'ENDITURR DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 2e Telephone $ 5;700 $ 5,700 Equipment service contracts 955 955 Public Employees Retire - ment Assoce contribution -239130 239130 Postage 29255 29255 Insurances Liability 3y600 39600 Workman's Compensation ,0 8 0- $ 439840 $ 43;840 3. Office supplies $ 4,400 L-AM4 0 , $ 49400 $ 49400 TOTAL GENERAL 8 40 I x.,240 ALLOCATIONS jeneral Funds Village Council $ 480 Administration 3„540 - Finance 3,120v� Assessing 2,2201,- lhinicipal Court 1,680 Planning 660 Police 7,080 - Fire 39780- - Inspections 19800 Engineering 4,500 Public Works 7,,500."- Total General-Fund $ 369360 Park F nd s Administration $ 3360 Total Park Fund $ 39360 evoly ng Funds, Village Hall $ 120 Garage 600 Equipment Operation , 1,029 Total Revolving Funds $ 19740 Liquor Funds 50th Street Store S 1,620 Southdale Store 1e080 Total Liquor Fund $ 2,700 Water Fund: $ 2y280 Sewer Rental Fund Y $8 00� I TOTAL ALLOCATION q07-0 $ 48 «240 ViLLAW' OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 89 . Fund €u6ir ion Area Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL .25..200 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1959 RECOMMENDED - BUDGETED $ 49600 3 45400 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 49243 $ 5,143 49690 59820 2. CONT14CTURAL SERVICES 8,020 6,296 19090 19200 3. COMMODITIES 625 825 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 120 120 39200 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 10,380 - X14 „620 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hallo Janitorial services and utility costs constitute the greatest proportion of this account. Allocation of these expenses is based upon the amount of office space occupied by each department„ COUNTS During 1958 the Council appropriated an additional amount for the air conditioning recently installed. The 1959 appropriation includes funds for painting all offices. This work will be done by public works personnel during the winter season. \� i� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAAC on �cu;d Function Amu Detdil Am. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 1. 25.200 EDENOITURE DETAIL 'Code Activity Object Detdil Recommel2 ded Badge 1. Janitor $325 -328 $ 49056 $ 49056 Payroll (Public Works) - -1817' $ 49243 $ 59143 2. Painting $ 19100 $ Counter change over 500 500 Heat 1,800 19800 Power 39120 3,120 Water & sewer service 120 120 Towel Service 420 420 Insurance 800 800 Rubbish service 60 60 Unclassified 10 100 $ 89,020 $ 69296 3. Cleaning supplies $ 475 $ 475 Light bulbs 150 150 Paint ago- $ $ 825 4o General 0 TOTAL VILLA3E HALL ALLOCATIONS General Fund: Village Council $ 436.E Administration 29304-,\ Finance 588 Assessing 420,-\ Planning 180,\ Municipal Court 18560 — Police 2,424t, Fire 29148.\ Inspections 1804,\ Engineeringg Total General Fund $113,604 Park Funds Administration $ 528,,E date Fund $ 156 Sewer Rental Fund I TOTAL ALLOCATIONS VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 91 Fund FuncO-on Ama RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Acct. No. REVOLVING' CENTRAL SERVICES GARAGE $ 250 25 ^300 SUMMARY BUDGMD ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 250 $ 200 1. PERSOMAL SERVICES' $ 250 $ 250 29700 2,400 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 39700 29600 400 200 3. COMMODITIES 200 200 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 600 600 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY �, 3y350 ,$800 $4.,750 L3 $ZfiW TOTAL COMMENTARY U fI0 This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Garage. It does not include the vehicle maintenance activities located in the building as these costs are included in the Equipment Operation account. Account increases can be contributed to higher utility rates and charges for services previously used but never charged for. VIUAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 92 Fund Function Area Acct No. REVOLVIM CEWRAL SERVICES GARAGE 25A00 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Actevhy Object Detail Recommended Budgeted le Payroll (public works) $ 250 $ 250 2e utilities' $ 29200 S 29200 Laundry 100 100 Insurance( $ 39700 $ 29600 3e Repair materials, 200- $ 200 S 200 4e General S 600 $ 600 TOTAL GARA AMO ALLOCATIOidS Gener Fund: Public, Works Total Generbl Fund $ 19100 Park Fund: Administration Total Park Fund $ 350#. Revolving ng Funds s Equipment Operation $$ -1.._ 0500 Total Revolving Fund S 1,500 Water Fund S 350 Sewer ental Fund �. TOTAL ALLOCATION �,6� 001 OU 009 1? 006 iz Q �l �LA ooll � � z� 0021_1� 'Fl Ts AD VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 93 Fund Functico Area Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OAERATION 25.400 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1958 ESTIMATED OWECT 1999 RECOMMENDED BUDWED 189000 169582 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 16,980 $169980 2,300 4000 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 89592 89592 279230 25#000 3. COMMODITIES 240900 249900 4,000 49400 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 39120 29520 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $-5-1 S 50, 282 5 � 6 $ ? 99 'iA GALS COMMENTARY EtWj ION This account provides for the operation and maintenance of all Village vehicles and maintenance equipment. Mechanic's pay and fuel costs are the two largest expenditures. Department,.are charged on the besis of how much they use the equipmento COBWENIS During 1959 a great deal of study and attention will be given to equipment maintenance and operation with particular emphasis on storage and maintenance facilities. FA VILLAGE O EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 94 Fund Function Amu Acet. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIP'ENT OPERATION 25.400 EMFENDITURE DETAIL. Cade Activity Detall tircocnmended Budgeted I.. iViechanics .(2) $465' $ 11,400 $ 118400 Serviceman $325340 4,080 48080 syroll (Public Works) 1 ura 0 $ 165980 $ 169980 20 ladio Service $ 29'380 $ 293$0 Laundry Service 360 360 Contracted repair 38000 3y000 Insurance 2 $ 89592 $ 89592 3. Replacement of tools $ 100 $ 100 Stock materials 19000 19000 Welding supplies 500 500 y, 0 Ga:,oline 8 uel oil 118200 119200 Lubricants 800 800 Tires 8 Tubes 39800 39800 44D Parts 8 accessories T 0 7 I $ 249900 $ 249900 4o General $ 19020 $ 11020 Garage —2,100 1.!500 $ 38120 $ 25520 TOTAL EQUMMENT OPERATION ALLOCATION Gener 1 Sundt Park Fundt Administration $ 660 Administration $ 6601-- Planning 660 Park Maintenance 59112 Police 99900 Swimming Pool 0 .Fire 2$400 Total Park Fund $_ 6,,012 Inspection 660 Engineering 41800 Mater Fund $ 29100 Public Workss Supervision $ O °hd 1,200 Sevaer Rental Fund $ 19200 Street Maintenance 78400 Village Properties 1,20 Street Lighting 180 Street Name Signs 30 Traffic Control 1944 Weed Control a Bridges 300 Sto*m Drainage Total General Fu id $ 4 X680 I TOTAL ALLOCATION 52.99 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 95 Fend Fmcdon. Area 0UDGETED ESTIMATED Aect. No. REYOLVINGG BUDGETED CENTRAL S511110ES SiMLL TOOLS $ 600 25.500 SUMMARY 1958 _ 1959 0UDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 19100 $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 600 $ 600 150 2. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 140 140 .525 3. COMMODITIES 700 700 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLWI 1,440 Imo. e� a._1 „440 TOTALS COMMENTARY rtI�TY� This account provides for the purchases operation and maintenance of smell tools. Included are h�-+nd tools; small rrowers,, oovrer saws and pumps. .,,-,1V111.VkGr'0F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEN, PAGE 96 Acct. Na. CENTRAL SERV ICES SMALL TOOLS 95 vinn EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity obico Recommended Budg9ted I. Payroll (Public Works" 600 8 600 2. Contracted repair $ 140 $- $ 140 $ 140 3. Replacements $ 300 $ 300 Repair Parts 4gg — 492 i 705 $ 700 TOTAL SMALL TOOLS ALLOCATION Gener.1 Funds Public Works $ 1.020 t- Total General Fund S 19020 Park 1 and : Park Maintenance Total Park Fund $ 300 Water Fund $ 60 Sewer Rental Fund x,69 TOTAL ALLOCATION