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1961 Annual Budget
BUDGET 1961 VILLAGE OF EDINA TABLE OF CCUTWTS BUDGET HESSAGRv ORDINANCE, SAES Village Manager's Budget Message 1 -11 Budget Ordinance 111-1V Summary I Revenues By Fund and Source I4 -Vii Summary 11 Expenditures By Fund and Function VIE -vill DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Government Village Council Planning 1 1-2 304 Admisaistration 5 -6 FIMMce 7 -8 municipal Court 9 -10 Election 11-12 Assessing 13 -14 Legal Services 15 -16 Library 17 -18 Public Works Engineering 1920 Supervision and Overhead 21 -22 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 23 Street Maintenance 24-25 Street Lighting 26-27 Street Lame Signs 2829 Traffic Central 30 -31 Bridges 32-33 Stem Drainage 34 -35 Village Properties 3637 Wozieus Weed Control 3839 Capital Outlay 40 -41 PrOtectica of Persons and Fmperty Police Protectim 42 -43 Fire Protection 44 -45 Civillan Defense 46 -47 Public Health 48 -49 Animal Control 50 Inspections 51 -52 Ban- Departmental Zxpenditureg Contingencies. S3----- Settlement Of Suite 54 Special Assessmznts can Village Property 55 - Central Services - Capital C3atlay 56 -57 Capital Improvement 58 Park and Recreation Administration 59-60 Recreation Pregram 6162 -63 Park Maintenance 64 -65 -66 Psy OU- Summary -Disto ibution 67 Capital Outlay . 68 -69 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D, Other aem Supported Expenditures Relief and Public IIursing 70 Land -Park Construction 71 Bonds and Interest 72, Firemen °s Relief Association 73 ' Fire Protection 74 Rewepin County Parr Reserve District 75 Centwal Services General 7877 Village Hall 7879 Garage €6881 Equipment Operation 82 -83-84 BUDGET MESSAGE AUGUST 22, 1960. Proposed 1961 Budget fOT Tax- Supported Mmicipal Services Honorable Mayor and Council: For seven years -1954 through 1960 -the Village of Edina has maintained a very stable municipal tax rate, ranging from a high of 28.60 mills to a low of 27.30 mills. During the same -period, population increased from some 15,000 to 28,000, assessed valuation nearly doubled and municipal activities increased, while the costs of material, equipment, and personal services purchased by the Village were constantly rising. The tax rate for education more than doubled in the seven years. Because of the rapidity of the growth, and the desire to maintain a relatively low tax rate, primary attention had to be given to providing basic services for developing areas. As a result, relatively little has been expended on some of the housekeeping and behind -tuhei-scene functions canon to older and slower growing communities.. unities.. Despite the limitations of a tax rate which is lcw in comparison with all other similar suburbs in the Twin City Metropolitan area, the services offered to Edina residents are noticeably deficient in only one area -- -that- of street maintenance. In preparing the Proposed 1961 Budget, your administrative officials reviewed present activities, considered citizen requests for new and expaaided services, and on the basis of their day -to -day contact xAth the functions for which they are responsible presented their proposals as to shat the Village should do iu 1961. In several in- stances, the department: head's recommendations were reduced in order that the total budget could be justified. While the proposals call for an increase in the mill rate from 27.88 to 31.10, or 3.22 mills additional, this increase is necessary if the municipal services and facilities are to be maintained in a degree which is relative to the fine homes of which Edina primarily consists. Assessed valuation of taxable property In the Village tyLll be $27,123,915, according to the Village Assessor °s bcdcs. One mill of tax sate will produce $27,123. While the proposed expenditures are $293,617 wave than for 1960, $130,000 of this increase is actually due to a change in accomting. This amount represents $80,000 for park land purchases and $50,000 for general capital Improvements (public works garage and fire station) derived from net Liquor Fund income which is being transferred to the General Fund as both a revenue and an expense item. Previously, such contributions from the Liquor Fund were made direct to the eapenditure account. The net increase of the total budget is $163,617. Provision is made in the budget for the following additional positions: Police - -1 civilian desk dispatcher $ 4,164 his will provide civilian manuing of the desk an all shifts except an the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift an Saturdays and Sundays, and is in lido of an additional patrolman at a starting wage of approulmately $5500.) Streets - -2 laborers Engineering--I Inspector, l clerk $ 8,640 $10,260 BUDGET nESSAGE C(IT'D. PAGE Ix Health --?1 half -time Sanitarian $ 3,500 (Employed in mid -year, 1960 a not in 1960 budget) In addition, the proposed budget reflects the full yearly salary for a new fireman authorized as of duly 1, 1960, but not yet employed, and a new policeman employed in Daly, 1960, resulting in a total increase in the 1961 budget of $31,397 for new personnel. Requested salary and wage increments for present employees of the Village total $39,624. Police and firefighter's salaries have been increased to the present Minneapolis scale. Office clerical rates have been adjusted to more nearly meet wages paid for similar work in other suburbs and private businesses and to bring crier schedule up to what we 'nave to pay for qualified new people when we have vacancies. Public works salaries and wages have been increased to keep in lime with whet the other suburbs are planning to do. Street maintenance expenditures are proposed at $35,000 more than in the 1960 budget, but only $17,400 more than is estimated gill be spent this year. A total of $147,478, of about 5k mills, is projected. Of this amount, $39,000 is requested for patching (which includes see base rebuilding and skin - coating), and $27,385 is for sealing of good blacktop to prolong its life. A definite policy should be adapted by the Council which would clearly define the life of asphalt and place a limit an how many times a street: can be oiled before a longer life surface is required. Also, effects should be made to interest several neighboncced areas and self - contained subdivisimas in paving with concrete on an overall basis as was done in Brockview Heights, rather than proceeding with single block improvements. Park fund expenditures as paopased represent an increase of $26,000. Provision is made to operate one additional all day playground at the new Cornelia School-Park and to operate skating rinks 10 .reeks rather than 9 creeks. These two items account for most of the increase in the skating and hockey account of $2196, and in playgrounds of $1700. Principal increase in the recreation budget is $5175 In swimming instruction, of which $3,000 is bus cast. In 1960, it was necessary to provide an additional two week period of instruction for those who were unable to be accommodated in the regular program. Park maintenance is increased $6,000, and capital outlay for parks, $8,300, primarily to provide equipment needed for proper Maintenance. While the budget itself contains a great deal of detail and justification, your administrative officials are prepared to answer any questions you may have and to furnish as r ch informatian as you need, in order that yew way again arrive at a decision as to the level of services to be furnished to the citizenry. Respect fftu ly submitted.-I, Warrea C. Hyde Village tanager. PA0E 11, t ORDTNAXCS NO. 16- ORDINANCE ADOnING BLtDWZ FOR THE VILLAGE CF EDINA FOR TSH YEAR 19619 AND M- ABLISHING TAX LEVL POR THE YEAR 1960 PAYABLE IN 1961 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THEVILUM OF EDI1NJA, KLMMOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOILLOUSR Sectiam 1. The Budget for the 'Village of Edim for the calendar pear 1961 Le. hereby adopted as hereimafter set ftwth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: G=ZR,AL FUND GMURAG @OfIERNMENP Contingmeies Mayor and Council 10,430 Administration 52,857 Finance 33,547 Assessing 4091.39 Legal Services 15,670 municipal Court 23,354 Library 3,603 Election 2.915 Planning 13,,412 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERRMT _ 1PROTWn0N OF PIMSONS AND PROPERTY Police $198,140 Fine 93,204 Civilian. Defense 2,330 Public Health 5,447 Animal control 4,550 Inspection 26a,, 42 TOTAL PROT1=14m OF rn' 'S4'm3 Ate. PROPF=1 329,913 PUBLIC WOE Engineering $104,314 Higinmys 313091 TOTAL PUBLIC EdaRES 417,405 MON-DEPAaTHMAL M1PZ9Dr1W.S Contingmeies $ 9,458 Sett.lemest of Suits 1,000 Spacial Assessments on village Property 17,000 Akallocated capital outlay 2,854 Capital ImprovemAnts 50,E TOTAL HISCgL1MEO11S AND CONTLICENCIES 80,312 1 a25 �5� PARK FUND Supervleion and Overhead 29,278 maintevAnce 42,740 Capital Outlay 10,300 Recreation 38,731 TOTAL PARR t UND 121. 049 Ordinance No. 16 -4 (Continued) PAGE IV Section 2. Estimated receipts Other than General Tau Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENWAL FUND Village Share -State Liquor and Cigarette Tames $ 21,000 Licenses and permits 52,255 ldunicipal Court 45,000 Departmental Service Charges 109,000 Other 25,350 Transfer from Liquor Fund 84,993. State Apportionments- Highways 27,000 TOTAL GEWML FUND $ 367,598 PARK FUND Transfer unappropriated surplus $ 7,622 Registration Fees 18,970 Other 450 Transfer from General Fund 40,007 TOTAL PARK FUND �, 67.9049 y TOTAL ESTMATSD RECEIPTS 434.647 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all tamable real and peramal propGrty in the Village of Edina, a tan rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: For the General Fund For the Park Fund For the Poor Fund For the Fireman" s Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and Interest For Hennepin County Park Reserve District $ 657,959 54,000 7,500 7,900 7,900 43,200 1,754 TOTAL ,$ 7'80, 213 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect: ft em and after its adoption and publication according to law. Adopted this 3rd Day of October, 1960. (Signed) MTMM C. BRLDESEN,. JR. ATTEST: MAYOR (Signed) ALLEN B. LOCKS _ ACTING VILLAGE CLERK A V,ILLAGY� OF EDINA ANNUAL, REFURT PAGE V SUMAsY I REVENUES BY FUND AND SOURCE Actual Budgeted Estimated Approved 1958 1959 1960 1960 1961 GENERAL FUND Real and personal property taxes $452,462 $538,499 $587,521 $586,623 $657,959 Other taxes: 2,135 $ 574 $ 250 $ 263 $ 2,000 Interest, penalties, and 1,470 13385 1,325 1,370 1;370 forfeited tax sale $ 2,707 $ 3,956 $ 2,500 $ 3,400 $ 3,500 Mrtgage registry 122340 10,858 8,000 9,200 9,000 Bask excise 1,067 891 500 1,400 1,500 Gas pumps $ 16,114 $ 15,705 $ 11,000 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 Licenses and permits: Bicycle $ 2,135 $ 574 $ 250 $ 263 $ 2,000 Beer and liquor 1,470 13385 1,325 1,370 1;370 Cigarette 654 699 696 720 720 Dog and impounding fees 4,158 4,179 3,500 3,526 3,500 Food and soft drinks 840 984 900 914 1,900 Gas pumps 695 740 630 685 670 Bawling,, taxi, pinball,etca 1,527 2,486 1,695 2,053 2,155 Plumbing 2,275 2,585 2,250 2,250 2,250 Scaveager and garbage 7,500 7.500 7,500 7,500 9,000 collectors 535 265 265 122 190 Building 20,801 21,802 18,000 18,163 18,000 Cesspool and sewer 4,,602 4,284 2,500 3,662 3,500 Plumbing 8,171 16,024 5,000 8,044 8,000 Signs 3,339 3,443 3.000 3,390 3,200 Street openings 764 790 300 350 300 Electrical and heating 6,000 74500 $ 51,966 $ 54,240 $ 46,311 S 45,512 $ 55,255 j Engineering, clerical and searches 88,656 - 76,229 80,000 105,000 100,000 Police and fine service 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 Damage repair 267 Equipment rental 13,126 7,252 2,000 2,000 Htmicipal Court fines 53,565 "57,245 55,000 45,343 45,000 Board acs d room-prisoners 735 1,598 700 267 250 State Highway sax 20,300 24,391 24,000 27,602 27,000 Stage liquor & cigarette tax 20,996 21,961 21,000 21,259 21,000 Charges to other funds 7,500 7.500 7,500 7,500 9,000 Wi M SMOSARY I continued GENERAL FUND (continued) Contributions from active funds Less transfer to Park Fund Less transfer to Park Construction Fund Net Sale of property Other miscellaneous revenue Reserve for improvements TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Real and personal property tax Registration fees Transfer from Liquor Fund Transfer_ from Swimming Pool Fund Contributions from other sources Swimming registrations Transfer from unappropriated surplus Unclassified TOTAL PARK FUND POOR FUND Beal and Personal property tax TOTAL POOR FUND PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer frcm active fund OrM REAL AND PERSOML PROPERTY TAX REVENUES Fireman's relief Fire Protection Hennepin County Park Reserve District Bonds and interest TOTAL OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REWMW :S TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS VI $ 62,500 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $205,000 21,223 31,610 42,450 42,450 40,007 80,000 $ 41,277 $ 43,390 $ 32,550 $ 32,550 $ 84,993 190 75 100 100 100 7,269 6,214 4,460 4,"0 4,000 $779,423 $859,299 $ 42,804 $ 47,772 1,397 1,991 21,223 31,610 9,347 4,935 4,718 7,506 257 132 $ 79,746 $ 93,946 $879,142 $901,096 $1,025,557 $ 51,000 $ 51,300 $ 54,000 2,000 2.280 5,620 42,450 42,450 40,007 300 300 300 10,000 9,330 13,350 7,622 100 300 150 $105,850 $105,960 $ 121,049 $ 7,,523 $ 7,904 $ 7,800 $ 7,850 7,500 $ 7,523 $ 7,904 $ 7,800 $ 7,850 ,$ 70500 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 6,420 $ 6,929 $ 7,650 $ 7,740 $ 7,900 6,446 6$939 7,650 7,740 7,900 1,754 56.445 57.400 46.200 45.300 43.200 X935,973401,032,417 $1,054,292 $1,075,686 $1,294,860 I Vil,Y.lM OF ED114A ,ANNUAL H-EPMT PAGE X121 ,MQ1AFrY 11 MENDITURES By FUND MO FUNCTi 4XI Public Vcrzkse Engineering Actual Budgeted Estimated S2yed $104,314 1958 1959 1960 1960 1961 43,928, Street Maintenance 81,478 11.2,9"1 .1.12,378 130,019 General Goverrment: Street Lighting; 31.,151 32,447 ! 36,834 DZWyor and Council 9,813 $ 7,972 8,694 $ 8,953 10,430 Planning 7,625 8,156 15,139 13,890 13,412 A4minfstPation 44,740 43,462 48,950 48,262 52,857 Finance 30,380 33,417 32,516 32,707 33,347 municipal Court 18,798 22,803 23,615 23,225 25,154 Election 4,300 1,262 11,475 10,735 1,915 Assessing 25,571 31,143 38,010 33,682 40,139 1; -eaa1 services 13,543 14,355 14,985 18,330 15,670 Library 3,:31, 3 A2® 2 373 2,097 33603 Total. General G©verawnt $157,901, i165,990 X1.95,357 `►191,8844 $197,927 Public Vcrzkse Engineering $ 89,768 97, 1995 ' 93,262 90,371 $104,314 Supervision and Overhea4 37.,770 314;,930 40,778 40,830 43,928, Street Maintenance 81,478 11.2,9"1 .1.12,378 130,019 146,978 Street Lighting; 31.,151 32,447 35,680 36,834 40,065 Street Name sires 4,401 3,667 4,570 5,026 4,635 Traffic ContToll, 10,351 12,732 15,215 12,809 15,965 Bridged 4-,012 1,285 3,825 3,135 4,760 Storxk Drainage 7,231 149284• 11,730 18,942 17,965 C1.11age Rropct�txes 9,425 8,114 10,960 10,371 12,590 Noni.ous Weed Control 1,962 1,462 1,800 1,653 2,105 Capital Ckalay 31 2% _ 92705 24,000 23 249100 Total Public Works 430€x.,845 X32€1,652 $354,191 ,123 X373,1.13 $417,405 Protection of PerGans Property: Pol.fce $133,923 $150,929 $173,789 $173,292 $198,140 Fire 90,768 81,321 89,177 88,237 93,204 Civilian Defense 525 1,007 2,355 1,494 2,330 Puhli.c. Health 1,602 1,800 1,800 3,405 5,447 <<,ni =1 Cant of 3,033 3,733 41550 3,921 4,550 Inspections 15,789 16,08E 22,675 20,114 26,2et•2 Total Protection of $245,640 $254,€378 X294,346 $290,463�329,933 _ parcons and prcxpeaty SIDEMY II CONTINUED 1 GENERAL FUND (continued) 1960 Ion - Departmental Expenditures: $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Contingencies $ 12250 $ 1,876 Settlement of Suits 1,741 1,708 Special Assessments on 9,465 Village Property 13,966 26,947 Unallocated Capital Outlay 960 1,782 Capital Improvement 3,188 Central Services. unallocated 14,349 17,481 Total Non-Departmental $ 33,713 $ 48,086 Expenditures TOTAL GAL FUND $746.099 8797.606 PARK FUND Administration. Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK SURD POOR 1FIIP3D PARK CONSTRWTIM 01= TAR SUPPOWED EXPEN ITMES Benda and Interest: Improvement Farads Park Sinking Fund Firemen's Relietf Association Fire Protection spin Catty Park Reserve District TOTAL OTC TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPEPdDYTURI S ALL FUNDS $ 20,178 $ 19,844 22,723 27,689 25,528 31,018 $ 74,426 $ 85,623 6,863 8,579 Budseted Estimated 1960 1960 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 500 1,585 28,000 27,779 1,741 1,708 9,465 $ 35,241 $ 45,537 $ 26,995 31,915 36,735 $ 27,019 $ 31,767 35,452 $ 9,458 1,000 17,000 2,854 50,000 ,312 025,557 29,278 38,731 42,740 $105,850 $104,265 $ 121,049 7,800 70980 7,500 80,000 $ 35,232 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ 13,700 $ 9,600 v,wvJ y JV,7JJ 6,420 6,929 6,446 6,939 7,650 7,650 292 1 .w 9 W. y -rrr, a.wr 7, ?40 7,900 7,740 7,900 NLILAGE CIF EINNIA, 1 E 7. � d PAG� 3 SUIMMIARY 1960 1961 ob,"I"GIETUD LS 7 1.-, � A T 177 D L N, 0. GISFJE3AI, GENERPIL GOVERMIIIE-NIN 11-i"ANIUR, /I.IND COUNCIL 21.100 SUIMMIARY 6,694 - 8,953 j.0, 0 c10,4.30 The Village Couucil Hae legiol;ntive o%- polIcy-making divisiona of Edina, 'UMA-ge The Ccunc..-Al is composed of the 'NaycnF- avid foxw i7rus6.ees, all clectee, at large foit o-vrsqtlapping terras of two and thwee yea =�s, respeat vely. Thra !,,,,,Syor is the 011.1,1"Cial head of Village and is the presiding Officer at Council meetings, The Council onets on the aecvnd and fourth Monday ai each Manth at the village RqIL CO-MEITS Salay-y incrense of $30M per m•nth has been pravided for the tuo tzustees will be elected duzinG 1960, and uIll. take of:?ice on January 1, 1.961. Sunwary of gactoT-s c(antvibu,;,ing a in approwriat ions are as follows: Salaries and 1,200 Conferences and schools 4 tt,n-a-tual Fepar,,: 200 I'le'as 200 Cent-val Services 372 TOTAL ti 1 976 1960 1961 ob,"I"GIETUD LS 7 1.-, � A T 177 D Ca Nli NI-7- 1) D BZRISETO 6,240 6.,240 K LPELRISGNALI $ 7 ZA.D $7,200 150 2. CONMACTUAL KEMICES 154 154 603 i'009 "000 1,000 I , a0:• ),704 2,076 2,076 PI OUTLAY 6,694 - 8,953 j.0, 0 c10,4.30 The Village Couucil Hae legiol;ntive o%- polIcy-making divisiona of Edina, 'UMA-ge The Ccunc..-Al is composed of the 'NaycnF- avid foxw i7rus6.ees, all clectee, at large foit o-vrsqtlapping terras of two and thwee yea =�s, respeat vely. Thra !,,,,,Syor is the 011.1,1"Cial head of Village and is the presiding Officer at Council meetings, The Council onets on the aecvnd and fourth Monday ai each Manth at the village RqIL CO-MEITS Salay-y incrense of $30M per m•nth has been pravided for the tuo tzustees will be elected duzinG 1960, and uIll. take of:?ice on January 1, 1.961. Sunwary of gactoT-s c(antvibu,;,ing a in approwriat ions are as follows: Salaries and 1,200 Conferences and schools 4 tt,n-a-tual Fepar,,: 200 I'le'as 200 Cent-val Services 372 TOTAL ti 1 976 VILLIAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2 Fund Raction Aven Acct. No. G-10717NUIL GEMAL GOVEM-02 NT MAYOR ARD CMUCIL 21.100 EXPENDOTURE MAIL Code Activity I Object Detail Recon. mended i Budgeted I.. 14aycr -$120 !,440 $ 2,400 Trustees, 2 @ $160 -4/100. 2,400 4,800 Trustees, 2 0 $150 3,600 7,440 -$ 7,200 2� Conferences and schaois 1q, I.M• t 154 3. Annual repert 500 News letters 500 1,000 $ 1.,000 4.. General 840 Village Hall 1.236 $_g.076 2,076 TOTAL NAYMT AtDID COUML J1&.=6'7=0 $100430 VFLLAGAE. OF 1- -'M 9A AIMIUAL BUDGE`' PAGE 3 ?u °E9S ?�4�iIF: Amu N®. GEMME &L GERNERAL G(3i.IF:E?Hi• EN 1�` P'? ANNING 210110 J 9,15fl F 9,0 0 4 349 3, ` 200 I t6 0 1,410 ssf � i r ; '�- 5. 1-39 13.890/ SUMMARY OBJECT Z. t -ERSO tiAL SERVO 'E5 2. CON d Q.AMAL "RENMU'ES 3. COMMODMES f 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5. CAPO AL OUTLAY J 07AUS 1961 RECD .-NA E51 BLO3GETED $ 9,600 $ 2,196 200 1,416 13,412 T,13,412 FIiI1CTINa N The £unctioa of the Planning Departuent is to provide st.a *ff service to the Village Ccianci 1, Planning Con-mission, to other Village departments, and the Village MenaveT, anti to a limited degree to other agencies both public and private, whose ct-1vitier, influcnce the pthysica.l d�eve'lopment of tY!e Vial a of Edina. Staff cefvice inciudes office operations, the administration of the various land use and development ordinances, sub mi ssicu of recommendations on matters of 2nning nand subdivision_ before the Council and Flavaing Comiaission, and the puepa ation :2nd ;rev:iew of overall development plans. The principal reason for' dccrease in appropriations is a reductic -n. in professional services, Summary of faCtOrs contributing to decrease in appropeiations are as follows: Salaries and wages $ e.150:': Conge°reases and schools 45 Dues and subscriptions 142 Professional services 2,4.5 3 Mileage �00� Central sere aces 24. $1 727 n asii: tea red HV-xe VILLAGE OF IMMA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 4 EXPENDITURE DETA6L Codrl- Fullaiva Area Acct. No. Recommended Fhqdqated 21.110 EXPENDITURE DETA6L Codrl- 'Activity Object Detail Recommended Fhqdqated 1. Director $550-600 7,050 Secretaryl,l 1300-325 1,950 -11) Part time 600 9,600 2. Clonfoyen-ces and Seb.cola 241 Dues and subscriptions 255 Professional cczevicea 1,500 •ileage 200 21,96 30 �coks and pamphlets 50 priw:ing 100 Photographic supplies 501, 200 4. eneral p 1,114.0 illage Hall 276 1,416 TOTAL PLAM]ING Fw1d :960 Amu No. OE-0 RAL GENERAL GOVEP,i1 E"ItI L Ak NIVI$TRATION 21.200 SUMMARY COMMENiTARY FOCT ICN The manlagemo nt of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, 3-,3 thyt enforceinent of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct re.sponsibility -of the Edina Village Manager. This account Provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to nroperly manage the ad-tiAnistrative organization needed c-o implement this responsibility. C06%! NTS �a Summary of factors coi!f:zibut: ng to increase in appropriat ions. are as follows: Salaries and I ng eG aonsej: ences and schools Dues and Gleascripti.en.s Legal a&erttisir$ unclasaiiied Central services Capital outlay .?OT AL * Inn:d.7c rtes :red ligure. $3,021, 53 6 2.50 5 804 35 :960 1961 $35,66.0 $35,246 F- ERSO1AL SEA%fK,E-5 $ 3$,664 $3$,664 4,77$ 4,619 2. JN' MC,7UAL ` EIRV5CES 5,067 5,0$7 225 173 3. COMMODITEIE5 230 230 e,272 7,272 4. CENTRAL MIMPM $;076 $,076 5. CAPOT L OUTLAY 1,035 952 1,000 $00 f,;,LG,950 $ 1a,2Ei $ 53,057 TOTALS COMMENiTARY FOCT ICN The manlagemo nt of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, 3-,3 thyt enforceinent of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct re.sponsibility -of the Edina Village Manager. This account Provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to nroperly manage the ad-tiAnistrative organization needed c-o implement this responsibility. C06%! NTS �a Summary of factors coi!f:zibut: ng to increase in appropriat ions. are as follows: Salaries and I ng eG aonsej: ences and schools Dues and Gleascripti.en.s Legal a&erttisir$ unclasaiiied Central services Capital outlay .?OT AL * Inn:d.7c rtes :red ligure. $3,021, 53 6 2.50 5 804 35 OF Ofl-miA ANNUAL BUDGEET Ame EXPFNMURE. DETAIL PAGE 22 . 200 Cod- AcHifty y ---- Objoct Recomirmadod I a f i—d q 155 16, 200 s $600• 4.150 �T, 4.00 Village X550- 575 6,900 PEN Qpetatav $263- 290 3,480 Secretary $300- 350 200 er Cd '�t 1 $270-, 294 1�764 Sumar help 1.50 per br., 720 66-4 2. C7af eremes and sdheols 823 Dues and subscxipti�ins 514 Legn! advertising 3.1750 5C 087 3.09 Y 3. 1 Licenses q 1100 Books i2nd pawphists a0 Unclassified so ic7 2,70 VII-lage BOA 3,096 sqmipm ant Gperation 720 8,076 I Tape .500 300 leas �'i replace—meat 500 500 TDOK I - 800 1�1 TGNML AMINYSTRA:11,10IR ZO dig ID r A2 UMJU� 6t' EDNA PAGE kcci� No, i3IRJ' L 7p s1 7 L ST` V�C'Es 1,961 NXI-ON11.11IT-:1111 911D, D t.i' 7 �-' D $25,440 3 12.33 3,2331 30 21 -3-50 7p s1 7 L ST` V�C'Es 1,961 NXI-ON11.11IT-:1111 911D, D t.i' 7 �-' D $25,440 3 12.33 3,2331 50 50 4,824 FLII 2 -1, The Fi IaEcc 19 e ftnancial aEfdirs C.)f the Village- -I�eu'e-aue aasd en'3:.a.aditujfe by tbe Firaaym-arz )Do-pa j: a me t, is and pnpa%�ed ard �'.csucni lyy Ssxnmary uAl fact cors In are, as 7.5 Annual av-gdIt 2, a capitai tui'lay 350 "j, I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 i4G t1 LdFlr t :Uid Ana � S�gC$. No. G11IM11 -- >al, MOM GravEriffl ,5'IT F XNAKU 21.210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code ! Activity Object Dataii Recommended ( Budgeted 14 Finnnee Diieetw: $725-600 $ 9,600 t$ 9,600 `r_• Ok beeper $375 -385 4,620 4•,800 Payroll Clerk $335 -360 4,320 1,740 Ser- rattmy 5335 -•360 4,320 4,620 Cashier $335-360 _Ira 320 42620._ `; 27,180 $25,440 20 Conferences and Ecbi is wn 4.50 Du,-^s and Subscriptions 33 Annual audit __ 29750 3,233 3,233 3. Banks and pamphlets 50 SU 4. Gene22al Y 3,960 ill.age Hall 864. 5 4",824 7624 i '4�E'LY , MENCE, qa3 7 833.547 "P„ v�.yL A � OF E'DI M A PAGrE 9 1960 0, UM -3ETED EST' MATED $1.5,5444 ? 16,333 3,300 2,107 600 3,876 295 $K-) -, 61.5 617 .3,376 G95 2312Z.8 SUiVeitl ARY OBji7C T �?. PERSONAL SERVIC"FS 2. CONTRACTUAL SEERYMES I CO vOD gES 41,. /�aj�es:���9pp��'pt�/�/p�.q SpERVp EVES TOT lU cCOPAa9EN ARY 1961. RPCIQIAIV2IE�:4WD mic it' e.n Am Acs. No. GF."NEAY, CI',R3EML GWERMENT HUNICIPAL COURT 21.300 1960 0, UM -3ETED EST' MATED $1.5,5444 ? 16,333 3,300 2,107 600 3,876 295 $K-) -, 61.5 617 .3,376 G95 2312Z.8 SUiVeitl ARY OBji7C T �?. PERSONAL SERVIC"FS 2. CONTRACTUAL SEERYMES I CO vOD gES 41,. /�aj�es:���9pp��'pt�/�/p�.q SpERVp EVES TOT lU cCOPAa9EN ARY 1961. RPCIQIAIV2IE�:4WD BUDIGETIL2D $19,060 $15,930 7,100 4,200 800 500 49524' 4,524+ 2.62 200 3i 746 '%q n '� psi Capital mitlay ti)= . FUNCTION The Municipal Court is presided ovei by an elected Fudge who serves for a aix yeast term. The Court: is charged TAth the respvoaa ibi.l ity of hearing all cases of personas charred - th. viclati ng a Village ordinance. By far the largest lumber of such violations are violations o` the traffic ord:inancead A special Traffic Vicaations Bureau was estFabli.. iced tol h.ay.Wl.e these cases C.edi�i4r�'S N..p Savmrary of factors centabibutin;;, to increase in approprinta ions are as follows; Salaries and rages 3,516 Congerences and schaol.s 400 3oa,i�cd and rc=5 -pri soner s 500 WItn.ess and psychiaterei.st:. fees 900 jury trial expense 2,000 pri.ntiag and supplies 200 Centzal Services 64$ Capital mitlay 331. &, 1.31 .Iezdicai e3 red figure ViLLAGE, OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 10 Fund Actift objea Detail Recommended 9 m C; 9 0,41 - ed, G Z N Ea A L Gr'NERAL G017MMENT 1. MUNICIPAL CCUEVr 6,900 21.300 EXPENDITURE MAIL Code Actift objea Detail Recommended 9 m C; 9 0,41 - ed, 1. Municipal Judge $525-575 6,900 6,300 Special Judgeu $25/cliem 3,600 2'k-00 Clerk of Court- Qt) -M0 -295 3,5 •0 3,420 Deputy Clerk, f$285-325 3x900 3,660 Court Reporter 606 150 Bailiff 520 x.00 _ 19,060 $15,930 2,. Conferen'ces and schools $ 600 $ 300 Board and ieaom-prisonex-s 3,000 2,0()0 Fitness and IDSYChiatriSt fees 1,500 900 J u, y Ve: i a I enpon-se . 2 000 $ 7,100 30 Printing and publications 0' 700 500 Unclassified 100 800 500 Gene .8l 4 -2,400 Vi I loge Hall 2,121.• $ 4,524 $ 4,524 vlaoital outl 5. $ 72 Glass door bmkcase 65, Type its table 25 Unclassified 100 262 200 TOTAL MICIPAL C WIRT 131.b_746 $25J54 VtILLAGE- OF EMNA NUAL DUDG-r PAGF- n ftmd... Fwaai ®n 'Ama Acct. Wo. GMEMMI OPERA',( GOVERM11MITY ZLEC�PICN 21.400 SUMMARY 1960 BUDS F® FISTMAM'D OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1961 BUDGETE—D $ 5,975 5,675 1. PERSMAL SERVICES 1,800 $ 450 450 2. CONS PACTUAL M-WOCES 795 625 625 3. CO-IMMOMMIS 320 4. CENTRAL SERMES x:,025 3,0185 1 CAPOTAL GUTLAV FUNCTION The VillaSe Clerk is responsible E027 conducting all National, State, and Village elections that occur in the Village o:[ Fdina., cGralIENTS During 1961 there Ti-111-be one local election, Somary of factors contributing to do-crease in appropriations are as 2ollows, Salaries and wages 44,175 Insurance 395 Custodians 50 Supplies., ballots, etc. 305 Pa3mment ma voting machine I."000 Card 911es 25 18.2.L60 *Indicates red f isuTe IVILL.AGE OF WINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE u FL,r,d Activity Am Aca No. GONERRAL GENER-Alz GOVIMMNER'. E-LECTIM RAM EXPIMMURE DEMAIL Coda Activity Dotaii Rocam, mci.-ded fidgeted L Election judges 600 Set-up time. 500 700 1. 800 2. Rental-storage $ 300 Custodians i 0 Insurance 395 795 34 Ballots 300 Supplies 20 320 TOTAL EIECTICE 2.aI% Fund Fuaciiop Avea ko. No. GE 2 N F-1 GENERAL C-C1VESFsMSEME ' ASSESSING 21,500 $.381010 .33,682 OBJECT �. NERSOMAL SERMCU °5 2. WRMRIACTUtr'.p SERVICES 3. COMM®DMES 4. CENTRAL SERViCU-S 5,5. CAUB'B'°AL OUTLAY TO a ALS KjDG -D ESTENIATED $31,150 $27,254 2,726 2,488 50 256 3,634 3,684 - 400 150 $.381010 .33,682 OBJECT �. NERSOMAL SERMCU °5 2. WRMRIACTUtr'.p SERVICES 3. COMM®DMES 4. CENTRAL SERViCU-S 5,5. CAUB'B'°AL OUTLAY TO a ALS COs1s6 M01 d s IY FUNCTION The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all properties wi -this_ the Village, Special assessments levied for improvements are also computed and spread on the tax rolls by personnel of the Assessing Department. Suzoary of the-factors centr•ibuting to increase in approp: iatioas are as fo 1 lows: Salaries an'd wages ,1$530 Conferences and scraaols 120 Tax books, wmership .records,etc. , 370 Mileraga . 250` Other 52- Printing and photographic supplies 205 . Central Services - 1.156 Capital. Outlay 175* $2,204 *Indicates red figure $32,680 $32,680 2,914 2,914 255 255 4,140 4,140 225 150 y40,2i4 34®_139 COs1s6 M01 d s IY FUNCTION The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all properties wi -this_ the Village, Special assessments levied for improvements are also computed and spread on the tax rolls by personnel of the Assessing Department. Suzoary of the-factors centr•ibuting to increase in approp: iatioas are as fo 1 lows: Salaries an'd wages ,1$530 Conferences and scraaols 120 Tax books, wmership .records,etc. , 370 Mileraga . 250` Other 52- Printing and photographic supplies 205 . Central Services - 1.156 Capital. Outlay 175* $2,204 *Indicates red figure L L A G 'r". 0 F 1, U fl\ A ANNUAL BUDGFIJ' PAGE M, EXPENDITURE DETAUL :'Code ACNOty Object Detafl i1w.011-mlefided Budgetecl GENERAL OWE RNMENT A&SESSING 8,700 I 21.5010 EXPENDITURE DETAUL :'Code ACNOty Object Detafl i1w.011-mlefided Budgetecl `M-725 8,700 y 8,700 Deputy Alsswcors- (2) 500-525 12,600 12,600 .assessment Clark 400.4-25 5"J00 5.,280 Secretory 315-340 4-,080 4,080 Deputies(PT) I . 50AW'. 4,500 1.,320 clerical(FT-) Lsolhr. 700 500 $3 , 680 M,680 Conferences and Schools 720 Dues and subscripticas 74 750 ISM-preparing assessments 1,000 Twc boc�k and ow-nership 250 Sales ratio ce-z-vice 120 3. Books avd parffphlets so Printing 55 Photographic applies 150 4, Genexal $ 3,540 Village Hall 600 4," 1 -ko 5. Folding table 3 50 so Polaroid Game-..-a 175 100 225 1 s TO-PAL ASSESSING $40,214 �440, 139 F - VUZ"A GI: D� T. I" i L T, G&U,211AL LEMZS�L 7 y 125 '11111,190 ONE-MI, 2. 'S"EP0,AVE-S I (IGAA6. InAL OUTLAY • Z.,cc-e.. [xio" 22-6100 RYCIVI�ii%AKENI DO pi u P. r3l F- _9 E 71) 6,000 6,000 9,970 9,61-0 TKU h 0 n t L- a c t e d �es ci attorneys -,ho are c zc)-" on annuun]. To'ns-10. s(_4,'""'!, y le-g-ni u:7 mc-Q. and prepare the necess.-r-y- laceo and �Cwll ..Zcno woquiTed im.plemue-in-I 'One -w-.1shes of the GouaciL 1n they din:�Cnd �.j qj' claii-no c.,iid ou1(-s aind I?LrcGecute all cnses COP: J.!. jLj&FjCC o,:aln'%7 02: 'i,`Uuagc. Atzn.-,ney har. b-2,cm. -eclassikied to ;,320-1-essiomal fear, Fay -t'--he flzm lie repi.-esents. —L, -".-mcuat Z ,, c,-' '8ctm:,; to the inwceac,2 -ln� npl, -Ocpriat ions is es klows: J.. & t---b .1. - - Vi LAGE.OF EDINA I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 16 Fmid Purefiaa - - - - -- - - -- — Area I Amt. aka. MI'VCfWN1, GEMERM, MMIMENT LEGAL SFF.VICES I 21 � 600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade - Activity — I objeca Detail Recommended Rsdgated -- + 1, Prosecutin Attorney $500 6,000 $ 6,000 i 2, ^nr_ferences and Gehoals 95 95 Dues and subscriptions 75 75 Professi nal. fees 9,800 9 500 94970 93670 TOTAL LWAL SERVICES i $15 970 y. 15 670 I 1,145 ) 894 878 703 3i() 500 SUP A? RY OB31 :C B P. CONtIACTUAL SERMONS S. COMMODMES %. CEO u PAL SE VGr. ES 5. CAPOT11A OUTLAY 70uAshS CG utA M dAp. 4 �pp D 1961 'EC D 1,300 1,953 350 y 3_€03 - 3 603 The building mad Uou- ds of the Edina Branch of the Henr.epi.n County Library are fuYn.-i— Shed vn.d manintained by the tillage of Edine. Hennepin County supplies the books and librarians. C61\Ta.ENTS Sa;wnary of -factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as foll.oras: Salaries a-.d wages $ 155 Light and pox. °r 2,'A 'Leis. uravace- f 9'ra . //19* Painting 800 Sidewalk replacevient 100 Electrical -eplr ceiaeai t 200 . ;rXntl:LcateS teed fi.gu e ['Fie vi6Q7� -- -- -- - -.._ %.6ez � Amy. Ma. GSNER.0 , GTZI3ERAL GOVEEIMMENA LIBRARY 21<700 1,145 ) 894 878 703 3i() 500 SUP A? RY OB31 :C B P. CONtIACTUAL SERMONS S. COMMODMES %. CEO u PAL SE VGr. ES 5. CAPOT11A OUTLAY 70uAshS CG utA M dAp. 4 �pp D 1961 'EC D 1,300 1,953 350 y 3_€03 - 3 603 The building mad Uou- ds of the Edina Branch of the Henr.epi.n County Library are fuYn.-i— Shed vn.d manintained by the tillage of Edine. Hennepin County supplies the books and librarians. C61\Ta.ENTS Sa;wnary of -factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as foll.oras: Salaries a-.d wages $ 155 Light and pox. °r 2,'A 'Leis. uravace- f 9'ra . //19* Painting 800 Sidewalk replacevient 100 Electrical -eplr ceiaeai t 200 . ;rXntl:LcateS teed fi.gu e VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE 18 Fund - -- Functioa object Area Acct. No. GENE ML L GENL'IIA1, GOf/E�xbTMT LlB% 21.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity object Detail � Recommended i Budgeted 1, Jaritor ,� 600 Village labor 700 $1,300 2> Beat. 6,20 Light and power 312 Giatex; and sa wer service 4-0 Insurance-fire 31 Painting 800 Sidewalk replacement 190 Electrical replacement 200 $1,933 3. Cleaning supplies $ 100 Repair materials 200 Lawn seed and cod 30 $ 3.30 I( i MAL LIBMY $3, 603 , ��3,603 ,\ SMAMARY eUDGETED Function Arms 4aca oho. � i itA� PUBLIC WOM(S ENGINEERING 22100 I SMAMARY eUDGETED 1960 :6961 $74,940 $ 72,577 1. PL`RSONAL SERVICES 83,880 $ 83,880 3,221 2,920 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVECES 4,371 3,071 2,820 2,798 S. CON161JsW9MES 2,916 2,916 11,376 11,376 A. CENTRAL SERVICES 12,300 32,300 5. CANTAL OUTLAY 905 7011 2,,147 2,147 Y, 3.262 $-90-J71- _ 0,5 ?O 42 314 - -- - - -- TOTAG S CGINAA/tENTARY - The Engineering Department prepares plans, specifications, and estimates fax public, cc?nstruct; ion projects, including street grading and surfacing,, sanitary severs, stexm Sauess, watermins,, and other structures and improvements. It supervises the cornstructiorn. of these projects and provides the necessary i nspecti.enn neeeded to insure that materials and warkmnghip ege in accordance -with project specifications. The Department maintains records and files on all ebove wantioned activities aitd operates and Maintains copying equipment. 6 ! �3�5 _a Because of the increased •c oyk keel, the 1961 appropriations provide for an additional in- spectov and " engineering aide. S ry of factor s cantributi ng to Increace in appropriatioa6, ave as follo4gs- Salaries and c ages Aerial:, stgxc rey maps 1 iZO�t Profecvional services 1,000 %gna1ipn,&.-nt Mai:- ten.ance 250 Repair.'paTtG- survey equipr.teant 96 Central services 924 Capital ovztlay 19242 TOTAL >12,352 i *1ndicates :red figure ViLinr GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE •%0 _.. F63Sid '-- ---- -- Flie9itlUii — Ari;`Q_ - Aw. Ni.4. __— Gi�i MAL P'�.BMG NOP4�9 I ENG:� E711I dG 22. 1.013 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code I_ Activity � Object Mail Recommended �oudgeted 1P �— - Village Engineer $810-840 $ Lo1080 -- Field Engi'neeJr 600 -636 7,532 Instrument ir_en(2) 542 -564 13,536 Inspeir t ar: 507-527 6,324 Instrument aian 495 -515 6,180 Draftsman 495-515 6,180 Engineering Aa.de 432-450 5,400 Engineering Aide 425-442 5,304-, Rodman 420-442 5 9 304 secretaxy 375090 11, 680 InspecteY. (Merki ) 1!80 5,760 Engineering Clerk(New)375 L ', S0os Overtime and summer halp 3.LL00 � L conforencee and SchwIs 431 � 431 Dues and saubso ;- iptioas 40 40 ?Xof+essional Services 3,000 2,000 Equipment maintenance 900 600 $ 4,371 .v 3,071 3,� PLeintin8, 100 Blue pr ina t ing 1,300 Lumber and tools 1300 General Supplies :�15 Books-design and tables 150 Phetogra,phic. supplies 55 Repair pa.T: sus- auyvey equipment _ 96 2,916 _ 2,916 4o Gene -rat. 6,000 Village Hall 1,200 12,300 12,300 5, 4xome-Clad add chains (4) !.15 4 section-Chicago tads 102 Metallic. topes-.4 79 Tviped 51 Ca?.ryFfall( eplace 1956 F-ord.) 11800 2 % 14 -7� � d $ X1447 i i Ti ➢A.GA B,: ,Ni{s Y L1 M .LNt7 Q . � 14 4e X4 g 3S�i} PAGE 21 3.960 25, 224 $25,394. 340 250 24,964 ,'Qn778 202 270 14,964 $4.0,830 SUe. <tMARY OB EI CT d. E ERSONA L S' EMCMS 2. U—MYPA MMAL SERVECES �. COMMOD tl ES �s. C- M u RAL SERVECES S. CA v TAL OUVEAY TOTALS C.01MUEN UARY 1961 26,394 290 300 16,9414 �>- 43,928 ,$ ��y *2 M, Ci"(XI All Public Warks personnel (other: theta Engi.nenring) are ender the supervision of the Public Works Super inten.dcat. die, th-cough this account, pens and Coordinates his activities, mariut;.ains cost and vm k recoyde, and provides the training and instructions taecesssary to insure that his men deg their ,deb Lost effectively and efficiently, 7APaaid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, xunwfaa , atc. leave, used by all Public Wnrks employees, CG201.11dLs -- Summary of factors contributing to increase In appropriations are as fold. (niss SUPS---vision Paid Leave rZEt4ERA1, PiYBLYI� 14OR�S SUPERVISI AVD LVLib�E/�D ! 23> 100 3.960 25, 224 $25,394. 340 250 24,964 ,'Qn778 202 270 14,964 $4.0,830 SUe. <tMARY OB EI CT d. E ERSONA L S' EMCMS 2. U—MYPA MMAL SERVECES �. COMMOD tl ES �s. C- M u RAL SERVECES S. CA v TAL OUVEAY TOTALS C.01MUEN UARY 1961 26,394 290 300 16,9414 �>- 43,928 ,$ ��y *2 M, Ci"(XI All Public Warks personnel (other: theta Engi.nenring) are ender the supervision of the Public Works Super inten.dcat. die, th-cough this account, pens and Coordinates his activities, mariut;.ains cost and vm k recoyde, and provides the training and instructions taecesssary to insure that his men deg their ,deb Lost effectively and efficiently, 7APaaid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, xunwfaa , atc. leave, used by all Public Wnrks employees, CG201.11dLs -- Summary of factors contributing to increase In appropriations are as fold. (niss SUPS---vision Paid Leave Salaries and wages 936 $786 Printed : mm-n 50 Conferences and scl!G016 5W., Equipment operation 19 310 TUVAL _IL 66 $60 - - -- - $786 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE z2 Fund Funciian Ases Aca. No. GIMERIA, PUBLIC WORKS, 5UPISMIS1011, AND OVERMAD 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity 015ject Detail Recommunded -Budgeted 1. SupeTintendeut $630-670 14" €,040 Cost Clezk 380-4-131 .512,996 2. Phystcal etan, iimt ions 50 3. Printed fom-s 300 4. Genetal 413,920 Garage 1,524 Equipment operation 11500 � 16. 944 $30,290 TOTAL SUPF.RV1,910-11 102 TTaining 1� Payroll V 1,448 24 Conferences and sahsols 200 Dues and subscriptions 40 240 TOThL TRAINMG 1,688 % 103 Paid Leave 2. pay vnli 11-,950 TOTAL SUPERVISION AUD OVERHUB $43 z 928 943,928 PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL SUMMY * DES!nIBUrIOW 1 Apptapriatioa I 1 1 $530 $541 $ 6,180 $ 6,492 6 6 503 513 35,640 36,936 10 10 440 "9 52,200 53,880 3 5 395 413 14,220 24,780 Totals 20 22 Park Maintenance Payroll (Page ) Public Works: Supervisica & Overhead: Training $ 780 Paid Leave 21,950 Street Maintenance: 1,155 General Maintenance 26,220 Patching 17,400 Street Cleaning 7,190 Sealing 99090 Curb Repair 1,930 Sum & lee Bemval 11,060 Street Lighting 925 Street Wane Signss $114,388 Ceaezal Hainteamee 29090 new Sign Installation 1,125 Traffic Centrol: Charged to other Funde Traffic Sigas 1,925 Traffic Signals 765 Pavement Harking 18,015 Guard Bail Maintenance 1,310 Bridges: Ceseral Maintenance 2,090 Repair Program 1,125 $110,740 $127,288 5.000 6.000 TOTALS DISTRIBUTION Stcmm Drainage: Storm Sewer Maintenance $ 780 Teqwary Drainage 2,930 Pmcpitag 1,155 Sty Sewer Replacement 1,900 Village Properties: Turf Care 4,930 Plantinis 415 Tree Trimming 1,915 Tree Spiaying 780 Msmiaus Weeds 925 Total Public Works $114,388 Library $ 700 Central Services 6,000 Charged to Assessed projects 8,000 Charged to other Funde 6,200 TOTAL r _$1338288 _____a6D__ B U9 F31 SEE 7 ED E' ST MATED $ 62,063 65,152 300 31,815 18,000 37L 265 46,602 18,000 $j-3Q.03.9 SUMMA UMMARY 03SECT *d. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERV6.09S 3, cobvil"1110-DONES 4. GENMAL SEA CES 3. CAPPJAL OUTLAY 707ALS COINAMENTARY 72,890 $72,890 1,500 50,()6,8 23,040 -1,500 49,548 23,040 $,L46.!t78 The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public Wanks eadeavori As the word "mainte7n.ance" implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streelts t-nthia the V111age. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing,, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally financed though an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provide for such w-nintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing, and snow pletying. Me 1961 aqipropviatian anticipates P stopped-up program in all a-teas of street maintenance, Sum-Mary of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as fe I I ows General Street. GENER&L PUBLIC Worm STREET ")YWDT_rENAUCE 23.200 _____a6D__ B U9 F31 SEE 7 ED E' ST MATED $ 62,063 65,152 300 31,815 18,000 37L 265 46,602 18,000 $j-3Q.03.9 SUMMA UMMARY 03SECT *d. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERV6.09S 3, cobvil"1110-DONES 4. GENMAL SEA CES 3. CAPPJAL OUTLAY 707ALS COINAMENTARY 72,890 $72,890 1,500 50,()6,8 23,040 -1,500 49,548 23,040 $,L46.!t78 The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public Wanks eadeavori As the word "mainte7n.ance" implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streelts t-nthia the V111age. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing,, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally financed though an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provide for such w-nintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing, and snow pletying. Me 1961 aqipropviatian anticipates P stopped-up program in all a-teas of street maintenance, Sum-Mary of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as fe I I ows * Indicates red figure General Street. Curb Snow and lee HaIntenance Pat Cleanin Sealin Repair Removal Salaries and wases $3,620 $2,400 $ 992 $4,615 $1,460* $ 660 Equ-kpme-at Rental. 750 250 Sexeened gravel 350 Fill materials 750 Road 0-11 and tar 450 C'alciumr-. Chloride 500 saln: 1,700 Materials 2,800 11,083 500 Broor-as 100 Zqaipmnat Operat•iuna. �,200 900 1,020 600 120 1s200 TOTALS �$05320 $6�100_ $29112 .1,116,548 PA-.O* $1,860 * Indicates red figure VILIAGE: OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 Fu.n d Functao.a Area Acct. Lido. GB'DTER #1L PUBLIC t ORKS STREET NAINTEI1ANCE 23.200 EXPENDITURE ®EWL csd'o �— Activity object Rpcoa: mcaaded Rudgvied 201 Goner al Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 26,220 2. Equipment rental 1,000 3. Screened gravel 2,000 Lill. material 2,000 Road oil and taws 1,500 Calcium chloride 11500 Salt 1,700 Unclassified 140 $ 8,800 4. Equipment operation 69300 Total General Maintenance 0 42, 320 � � 42,320 202 Patching i Payroll $ 17,400 3,, Patching materials 18,000 4. Bquipment Operation 3,;600 Total Latcbing $ 33,000 39,400 m 203 Street Cleaning- L Payroll $ 7,190 3. Blooms 1,250 4.. Equipment operation I�� 320 Total Street Cleaning $ 12,760 12,760 201, Sewing 1. Payroll $ 9,090 2,. Equipment rental � 500 3. Materials 15,998 4d Equipment operati(M. 1,800 Total Sealing 4 27,388 $ 27,388 205 Curb Repairs I.; 3. 4, Payroll aieterials Equipment operation. Total Curb Repair $ 1,930 2,500 724 $ 1,930 2,000 $ 5,150, .. 650 207 Ssacicy ap.d Ice. Remaval 1„ Payroll $3.1,060 3. Salt 1,500 Sand 2,000 60 m.... 560 4. Egraipment Operation, 6,300 Total Snow and tee �..._._.._ r 20 JM0 20,860 i TOTAL STREET HAIAITEDTLECE $147,47 1469978 SUMMARY 19 -_ Fwldaon Ayea Aca. No. GTINLMAL PUBLIC EfORKS STREET LIMITING 23.300 SUMMARY 19 -_ 1961 800 $ 300 0. C of AL SrftvE' ,aS 925 34,200 36,011 2. GGHTRACTU L SE[% W'5 38,400 500 343 3. GGIV-11 ODIC` IM 500 1S0 1.80 24.0 5. CAN JAL GUTLAV $15 � 80 $36M X4404065 x;. 0,065 TOTALS COaAM6iMr, RY Die overhead street lighting system tb oulfhaut the Village, Vith the emeept:i on of orn;araental xnd special type unats, is installed and maintained by Northern States Powe Company. The VVll.egals Uhlagatiumn is to pzovide funds for furnishing electrical paler to all lights and to maintain the ornaameatal and special unites. 00FIZ TATS - Continuing expanGi.on of the overhead s-yTsteea and greater amount nt ©f maintenance required of oraamenta3 and special units, rye responsible for the increased costs. gurz -w,zy of factors ccnt,Y.tbn anb to increase in appropriations are as follows. Salaries and wages $ 125 P'awcr 3,000 Contracted repairs 1,200 Nquipmentr operation. 60 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUALBUDGET P A G E 2,, Fund runction Area Aca. No. I G KPI H R A L PUBLIC T+OWS STRUET LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity objea Detail Recomn"ended oudgated 1. Payroll 925 2. Power $37,200 Contracted Zeoairs 200_ $38,400 3. Repal-r parts 300 4 Squipment eperation 240 1 MEAL STREff LIGHTUIG 001065 065 •065 v L M, -ty E C, F Iii i D I N A ANINUAL BUD&E-T PAGE 28 SUMMARY 19fig RUDGET0 ESTUMATED Am Aca. No. G? RAL PUBLIC TIORKS STREET MAKE SIGNS 23.4.00 SUMMARY 19fig RUDGET0 ESTUMATED OBJECT 1961 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $2,770 $3,166 PERSONAL SERVICES $3,215 $ Swa-mary of 2. COMMACTUAL SEWCES are as follox-ma: 1,500 1,560 3. COMMOMMES 1,000 General Maintenance 300 300 Z3. CINTRAL SEA MES 420 signs and posts 5001-14, CANTAL OUTLAY Equipmant operttion --96 24 $5.026 X386321' S 635 $4,635 IYOTA LS C011AMENTARY * Indicates red figu2m The Village installe and maintains all sat reet name signs. Cori "INTS Swa-mary of f4ctora contributing to increase in appropriations are as follox-ma: New Sign General Maintenance Installation Salaries and wages $290 X155 signs and posts 5001-14, Equipmant operttion --96 24 X386321' * Indicates red figu2m VILLAGE C(F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 Fund Fuaction Aree Acct. Mo. I recommended PUBLIC MI MS STREET Ph-HE SIMS 23.400 EXPENDOTURE DEWL Code Activsity Object Mail I recommended Budgeted 401. Gme-ral Ma-interm-nece 1 PaY7.013. !�2,090 3. Paint, panto and temporaq signs 600 4. Equipm.c.ail- ope-ration 300 VA2,990 Total General Maintenance 402 Rew Sint Installatio 1. Payroll X11125 3, Signs and poets 400 4, Equipment capm—ation 120 Total New Sign Install- ation 1,645 TMAL SIT MET HAMS SIGNS $48635 635 r� pp pp /� {�a 1 1 v PAGE 3o a✓! ���75�5"'� fo�vl'J�.lT,sa°. BUDGET n Yt"ciu;7 If [.ik3i. �k'i Awe G0Ri U PUBLIC WCERKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23.504 SUMMARY , 1960 196? 0 UDc7EO ESTai / o E® O�JE CT BOGEY E® $4,325 %'817 1. C3d.'RS0bN AL SERVICES $5,015 $ 5,015 2,750 2,392 2. CONTRAMAL MRVOCES 4,450 3,650 6,700 4,160 3. COMPAOMMES 7,200 5,500 1,440 1,440 4. CLIMTRAL SERVOCES 1,840 1,800 ,,15,215 $12,809 o 1.8,465 :c ;+ 707A� 4- - ? -- C0lIMEV TAR V FMICTICI Although the dete&�inatricn of weed for and the location of all traffic con -trot devices, such as signs, signals, pavements marking, and & -jard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is nevertheless, the function of the public monks Department to insteil and maintain such devices. his account provides for instal.l,atioa and vaintananceo Summaa,r of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as follo rsz Traffic Sign Traffic. Signal. Pavement Guard Rail 132iatenance lai it- enance Markim Maintenance SalZries and Wlges $265 X1®5 X140 $180 po e . 100 Signs 500 Contracted repairs 1600 Equipm- nzat operation 96- 24 �@ 120 ._.�,.r 120 `TEALS $861 $L829 �$260� $300 VILLAGE pia EDINA ato14NUAL BUD SET PAGE 31 hs!d —� Activity AM Aca. Wo. GE's 911I.ST. -FOLIC IIMMS TRAXFIC COOT ROL, 23.500 IDAPENDITURE DETAIL Code —� Activity Gbject Detail V — - ` Reeomme,xded � Bedgelad 501 Traffic Sign Main- tenance } , 3. Paysail Sign Repair araterial s r 1,925 5 3,000 500 � 1,925 0 25000 .5Q0 $ 3,500 [-80 4. Equipment operation �$ 2,500 480 'fatal Traffic Sign TflainteamnCe $ 5,905 $ 4,905 502 TKaffic: Signal IqRi.rtuIV.nce 7. Payroll 765 6v 765 2. Power C'onti=t:ed repPi.ms $ 2,500 1,800 `s' 2:,500 1„00p $ 0.,_300 350 � 120 3. 4 Repair materials Equipment operation Total Traffic Signal $ 3,500 550 1_20 ��,935 'a4 t?t:enaa.ce 52735 503 rPoviag R3av,k'ing l Payroll 1,015 I 2. Equipment rental 150 3. Va !rat $ 440 Plastic st -Iliping 400 Unclacsifi.ecl 150 950 ._._ 4. 'Equipment operation Total Paving Mazz.Iting, 2,7"!5 20715 r-04 ua,rd Rail Maintenan c 1. 3. pay -011 Canard rail umterials Paint: q 1,310 4. 2,000 200 $ 1,310 0 1,300 200 L� 9cp3.pment operation. ,,q 2,200 600 $ 1,500 600 Total Guard Rail. Maintenance 3.410 I i i � + I i I i I f TOTAL TP-AFMIC CONTROL x$8 A6.7- 15.965 5939° - ANNUAL AL BUDGE `F PAGE 32 G ai 1, Sumi"AAIy II 1960 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1961 R E C 0 M Me 11 D 1-'D ' G U D G E T E D PUBLIC (3om BRIDGES 23.600 Sumi"AAIy II 1960 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1961 R E C 0 M Me 11 D 1-'D ' G U D G E T E D 4100 $ 2,028 'd. PERSONAL SERVECES $ 3,215 2. C'ONTfLFaCTUAL SERAIICES 1,125 807 3. CnC3MMODMES 1,125 25 300 31 00 4. CENTRAL SERVOC ES [ 2a 5. QPI AL OUTLAY $ 4,760 $ C O� +`� � t �'i E N T r� i. R Y "�`alT3G�F.ffs�I The purpose of this account is to provide gene..al, maintenance for the sinteen bvidge.s vithin he Vil'lagca A definite program of p•Eeven *wive maintenance uas started in 1960, ik.icb will be continued in 1961 and in Ole future. his is she reason for the increase in general i- atenance end the geductim in the repair program. Sua by of factors contributing to infzrease y n app cap:: 3.ati o*a are as t=oa l ows a General Repair - Maintenance Salaries a-ad ragas $1,415 Equipment oppe.atloaa TOTALS . -Iu ?icsates red f i ;use VILLAGER OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 ,ode Funds un. Nrm Acci. Me. ! GBRIM L PUBLIC . Z-�-L {S DRIP5 .L'S 23.600 ' ,ode I+ vit I''x�- objece Wail I Recum.- acuded Budgeted 601. I General KaintenancC' ! =. _ Payroll � $2,090 ` 3. Mztc ri als 625 4. ?qui.proeni: opeka.t.io 240 Total Geaeral Ymi.atenance 52,955 Gat Repair Program 1. e?'ayroll $1,125 3. UatcrialG 500 4. Equipment operation X1.40 fatal Repair Program �� s i I TOTAL T�t} ppt�gqqqC�pS spy ] � q W hA.LAG?E u" EC..dINA G'a $141;_ L9..iD E P 34 -- V-2111i3 ��pp T esporary G MMr.i PUBLIC T11ORKS STORM F1MIDTAGE � 23.700 `� gg �r a :960 ��pp T esporary Stem Sewer x. 961 $ 4,6:30 $10,801 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 6,765 6,765 460: 732 2. CDINT�RACTLJA SERVEC' S 5,000 5,305 3. COMM, E, £x,900 8,500 2,1.00 2,100 4. GENT AL SEPMCES 2,700 2,700 pALu 165 _ 5.0",?OwA OUTLAY .'7:30 $ 1.8942 c_3.8,365 5 27,965 If OTALS lb� 4rE:b�i�C �1 tl��ier The m ain.tain t certain fac.1.1'a tics and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by store grater at a. minimum. In those gees served by storm sewers, Village crews periodically check and clean.. these sewers. In areas not i so served, emergency measures in she form of pumpi-ag and tempo ary drains are provided during 3-11orms. GC"I 11TS The 1961 appropmiations paovlde for a staxri server replacement program. Thlr.s pro -gram involves replacing ©:' tiles, catch basins, and in -lets as necessary. The tie principal areas to be cove ed during 1961, are 11--he 0ountry Club and Sunnyslope areas. UMT-Ky '-g faC OTS CCi3tr!,e`7UtLrn tO inCrEOSe— in appr0P3:i&ti0n are ag L0iRrv7W °l'lndicates red izgufe Sturm ssc- ex T esporary Stem Sewer KlaiY3 6.'L,ance Drainage palFE7 ing 132.. e �.a0eMent Salaries and wages 0105 460: $590 $1,900 Culvert n.d asphalt MGte :dals � s500 Equi;9mant operation 60 1.20x? i20 540 pALu 165 _ S 1 180y J'a 0 °l'lndicates red izgufe Vii AiGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGE 'T PAGE 35 lrusad l=usctiau Area Aca. No. GERERAL POLl0 WORKS STOR14 tDRAIEiAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activil -I Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 1 701. Storm Seven 1. Payroll 780 Maintenance 3. 1'nlet3, lids, etc.. 750 Equipment operratien 660 Total Storm Sewer ._ Maintenance $ 2,190 $ 2,190 702 Temporary Drainage 1. Payroll 2,930 $ 2,930 3. Culvert $ 1,200 $ 11000 Asphalt 1, 200 1,000 Concrete 750 750 Fill. materials 500 S00 3,06— 3;3;650 900 4 Equipment: operation 0 3,250 909 Total T enporary Drainage 7,480 $ 7,080 703 Ptmaping to Payroll $ 1,155 j:. Equipment Operation 600 Total Pumping e $ 1,755 1,755 704 Storm Sewer Replacement: 1. Payroll $ 1,900 3. Materials 4,500 4. EVipme nt Operation 540 Total Storm Sex7or $ 6,940 $ 6,940 Replacement i TOTAL STOWH DRAM.GE $18,365, � $17.965 � d a�cbe�s Area Aca. No. 0� p aL PUBLIC Wm�s - VILLAGE PROPERT-; gS 23.800 SUMMARY 1960 BUDGETED ESTWATED 00jECT $ 7.4.10 $ 6,460 1. PERSONAL SE€3WES 750 275 2. WNTPZACTUAL SERVICES 1,600 2,436 3• COMM®NHES 1,200 1,200 4. CENTRAL SEWMES 5. CAP HAL OUTLAY (i L0, 960_ $10,371 - - - -- - - -- TOTALS - 1961 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 8,040 $ 750 2,300 1,500 4 &2,590 X12.590 The function of the Village Properties account is to properly care for all. Village owned properties other- tba". those used for Park and Recreation purposes. TheGe Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building cites, and sites used for utility facilities. The ruaintenance of these properties includes the cultivation aad w S of the turf, spraying and trimming of trees, establishment and care of plant ings, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep. these Village properties in aesthetic accord with our wany fine privately awned residential properties, Suwmry of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as follmrse TURF Tree Tree - Care Plantings Trimming Spraying Salaries and wages 5 410 55 60 $105 Sad and dirt 700 Equipaen.t. operation 120 60 60 60 TOTAL $1,230 $115 $120 $165 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE v Fund Funcgio® Area Acct•. Sao. IRAL M PUBLIC € ORK's VILL -W-F. i'ROPSFMES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL I Code T Activity objecn Recommended I Buds ]steel 801 ITurf Care z. payroll 4,930 . sad a.nd dirt 1.,200 I k•o EquipraMt: operation 600 Total surf Care 6,730 802 Flantima0s 1. Payroll > 415 3. Plovers and abxubs 200 4. Equipmant ®pe °cation v80 Total Plantings 795 803 Tree Trimi ag to Payroll 1,915 2. Equipment rental 750 4. Equipmnt. opevatim n� 360 l ot&l Tree Triumims 3,025 804 Brae spa ayins 1. Payroll. $ 780 3.: Spray 900 . Equipment opetat ion 360 � 4 21040'�"� Total Tree Spraying i TOTAL VILLAGE 1'RO£�'i�.'��.ES S? 2L 590 I i $12,590 CjRIAGF OF EDINA A6`.9NUAL BU11SGT PAGE 38 Rind FU'DOiaZ) Area Accv. Ns. GERE AL PUBLIC FORM i� OXIGUS MO CGH -TROL 23.900 _ 1960 MJDG,wIFED ESC`M TE® coo 736 52.0 480 437 480 , l „653 SUMMARY MEC 1. PESOS9I:L SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL STERVICES 3. COMM®DMES 4. CEN7RAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OU`l7 U,.Y TOTALS 1961 RECOVINIENOM $ 925 520 660 x_2,105 The pro-lrisions of the Minnesota Nexioua Weed Act charge the Village Ifith the resprons ibilitcy of seeing that all noxious weeds w,Pithin the Village limits are destroyed. The VillLage Est, of course, absorb the cost of weed eradication on private property, but at its own discretion, assess the cost of eradication on private property. Our policy is t® assess or ball for all avadicat3 ®n on p -givate property Sum-wry of factors contributing t® increase in appropriations areas follows: Salaries and wages 4125 Equipment operation 180 _ ' OTAII 305 M i VILLAGE OF MAMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 Fund Function Am. Acct, NO. Recommended )PUB EC TLTMUS Hoxious WEED CONTROL W.ENDITURE DEETAIL Cod: Activity 05ieck Detais Recommended cudget6 I Payroll 4, 925 3Y D. B., Granulat, 2-4-D Ezter Weed spray 70 450 320 4. R-epipment eperw:ian 660 TOTAL. NOXIOUS WEED { � I 1 i I , CMITam � 103 $2.105 VIEL SAGE GIF MINA ANNUAL BUDGE 'T PAGE 40 [�a4re_r� �ari7Ca9a2a AFC0 Aced. No. 0 ti" L PUBLIC WOMS CAPITAL CUTLINY 23.100 _ 1960 1961 BUDGETED ES` IMAM OBJECT RnIc0iMMENDE0 BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. CODl MODE u @ES A. CENTRAL SERVI 2rr,00f! 23,123 5. CAPITAL ®9 LAY 29, 100 24,100 TOTALS r 29 ,100 $_14, 100 U �0 !' AdwA — . COMMENT, Afty FUNCTION _ Srgpenditurzes for items of equipment %Wch have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Oatlay. COWpTS The present mallet which.: is pulled by truck, eases not do a proper job on Tarter - sections, and is difficult to :urn around. The proposed roller is self - propelled, thus freeing a trick which ich mss needsd clamming the summer work program. The roller is used for sealing, oiling, and road rebuilding. The old roller e-A 1. be traded in en the proposed roller, appsroxim to trade-in value being $750 to $10000 A new truck -rith dump bon and wing plow is proposed because 'of increasing miles of - *ads we are required to maintain, We propose to trade off the D -4 cat for a more diversified and economical lnadera The transporting of the D -4 cat is time consuming and expensive. To move the D-4 cat, it vmest be lauded on a trailer and mauled to And from each location; also it cannot be used on surfaced streets because of the tracks. The loader we propose will be aligeatly larger than the one we presently own, and will have rubber tires for greater M-sbility. This ill give us three leaders which aTe used in all public u-arks opser atio1w from street sweeping to the gravel pit operation. The Dm&• cat was purchased in 1951, and is constantly being repaired, which costs money and time. The proposers pick-ups will be used by the garage as a service unit. The pick-up presently used as a service unit is of 1947 vintage and we. 11 be kept for transportation as the trade -in value to n1l. ViLLAGE OF- EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 Fund Fmick.an Ame 6,40. GENE?-t%L PUBLIC WRIFS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAOL —Coin AcN iiy `Object %i§ Recommended Budgeted 5. Self pvopelled peumatic tie roller, 12 gain a 5,800 $ 800 Truck.with dump aad 4,ang plow 7,500 7,500 Front end leader(Ij. yard) 11,000 11,000 Send spreader (10 fact) 1,400 1;400 Pick-up truck 1,800 1,800 Hose -500 feet-21- inch 500 500 Electrical Contzol Unit 11100 1.100 AL C:a ITAL OUTLAY � 129 100 24 ,100 PAGE SUMMARY — - 14KO- H,99GE 9 ED FS TlM1rTED 0BJECT 138,084 $ 1.35,989 1 EF€iSOMAL SERVECES 3,474 3,520 2. CONTRACTUAL S'SIRVECESS 1,497 1,669 COMMODITIES 24,864 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5,€70 7,25® 5. CAPfiii°A OUTLAY ^x.73,189 .73,292 — TOTA9,S RE- COMME:M®A D 9UM"'rTE90 ..55,121 $ 3,402 1,!477 29,520 8,€20 t_198.14¢0 ]MUCTIGN The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property c >ohi.ch includes investigations of mjar crimes and public > r:al offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enfo -reer w—e of tre@f9je violations. The authssrity to do tbis. is granted to a Large extent through criminal and civil cedes, and village, state, and federal le islation affecting the public in general. C - Ind° +'S_ _ - - -A night dispatcher is pzovi.ded for in the 1961 appropriations. The night dispatches will release a patrolman for others police duties inatead of night desk duty. tmmexy of factors contr i bu-d^.' g to X r c'zease in appropZ"va3l<::d ons are as fnllowss 8 S- ?car ies and forages Conferences and schools Dues wud subscriptions Teletype, zadsr, dvunkometer Unific -M allowance Caps, le:athe,wgoods, badges pl aan.ition Supplies j ail anal Prisoner expense Photographic supplies First Laid supplies Fire Extinguisher supplies Prinitivig and unclassified Central services CLcaAital. Outlay TOTAL � :s Aica.tes Sect figure $17,037 84• a" 5 53 60 47 50 �. 40 ., 50 30 40 97 A, 656 2.,. 50 Ate® , Abi.l,. No Cir.t3 sAL RUEECTION OF PIERS(RIS AND POLICE PROTECTIO14 24.0 100 PROPERTY SUMMARY — - 14KO- H,99GE 9 ED FS TlM1rTED 0BJECT 138,084 $ 1.35,989 1 EF€iSOMAL SERVECES 3,474 3,520 2. CONTRACTUAL S'SIRVECESS 1,497 1,669 COMMODITIES 24,864 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5,€70 7,25® 5. CAPfiii°A OUTLAY ^x.73,189 .73,292 — TOTA9,S RE- COMME:M®A D 9UM"'rTE90 ..55,121 $ 3,402 1,!477 29,520 8,€20 t_198.14¢0 ]MUCTIGN The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property c >ohi.ch includes investigations of mjar crimes and public > r:al offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enfo -reer w—e of tre@f9je violations. The authssrity to do tbis. is granted to a Large extent through criminal and civil cedes, and village, state, and federal le islation affecting the public in general. C - Ind° +'S_ _ - - -A night dispatcher is pzovi.ded for in the 1961 appropriations. The night dispatches will release a patrolman for others police duties inatead of night desk duty. tmmexy of factors contr i bu-d^.' g to X r c'zease in appropZ"va3l<::d ons are as fnllowss 8 S- ?car ies and forages Conferences and schools Dues wud subscriptions Teletype, zadsr, dvunkometer Unific -M allowance Caps, le:athe,wgoods, badges pl aan.ition Supplies j ail anal Prisoner expense Photographic supplies First Laid supplies Fire Extinguisher supplies Prinitivig and unclassified Central services CLcaAital. Outlay TOTAL � :s Aica.tes Sect figure $17,037 84• a" 5 53 60 47 50 �. 40 ., 50 30 40 97 A, 656 2.,. 50 VILL wGe� OF EDIN A ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 43 Fiifld I ""R.Inction Area POLICE P O FICTUAN EXPENDITURE DETAIM Ace "a. No. 24.100 1 Co9`� Activity objet DOGY - Recomm. 01adeu �uudga2-Cd la _ _ Chief (- 6T.7j.5 —I 8,820 Captain. (1) 630 0,560 Lieutenant (1) 600 7,200 Sergeants (4) 547- -570 27,360 Detective (1) 500-522 6,264 Pat.re lma (6) 56061522 37,584 Patzolmin (1) 480 -522 6,044. Patrolman (fir) 459 -502 23,853 patrolman. (2) 449 -481 11,288 Dispatchers (2) 327-347 8,329 U3 spat chers(pt) (2)1..75/hw 2,912 Secretary (1) 300 "312 3,744 Dicpat;cb..er (klexq) 3447 4.1 x.64 $155,121. 2. Conferences and schools $ 867 Dues and subscriptions 110 ` al.etype 560 Radar and drunks- ates: 500 Laundry 65 Uniform R3.ICA- ance -2320. 3,`02 3. Caps; l.eaat hergc:eds, bads 160 Armwnition supplies 500 Jail and pYi ones expense 300 ?h0t0g- '4aap'r C SU7yplies 130 First Aid suispl:e9 � ®5 Pine ent ir-R ar.s er supplies NO Unclassified 122 4 1,477 4, General S 23,020 Village Hall 3,300 Equipment aper4ti on 132200 29,520 S. Vebic7es.(6) ,"x 7,500 pistols and Shotrgun. 210 Radio 350 Lockers (2) 40 Deck 120 Improvements 400 $ 8,620 i TOTAL POLICE PROTECA, ION � X98 D 140 $198 � IPSO 7.960 BUMETED E 311 MA cD ti 713098 2 70, 74.6 F�z;NEP � F'PCTP.0 ON OF FKRESMcAND HERE PRU"ECT10i 24.200 10,416 1"R0PER l f 4,294 7.960 BUMETED E 311 MA cD ti 713098 2 70, 74.6 1,730 1,690 1,108 1,091 10,416 10,416 4,825 4,294 JL9 , 7.77 S£%237 i-MAR CiD, S�i� J CrUMMY UACTUAL SMACES S. C0M,111 01 D5 IV; E5 6. CENTCUL SERVICES 5. CAIN (`SAL GJY'LAY C®MMEIN u AR.V $ 93.254% c_93, 204 FUMGT X UR Basically the objectives of Fire Protection sale (1) to prevent fires fa:cm starting; (2) ptevent lass of life and p ope4cy Wn case a fire does start,* (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish call. fires. In gcaeral, this Y wolves the providing of services for bath fire prevention and fine fighting. C sfl I►_�TS ' Summary of 9actors cointr ibuting to the increase in appropriations are as follous a Salaries and gages �6 .,078 Conferences and schcols 295 Dues and subscriptions .1 Clothing replacement 41 Canisters 100 Aluminized banker suits (2) 207 Other supplies 48 Central. sezvices 1,7(M Capital Cutlay L,397 = 077 , _IL * Indicates red figure 1961 77,:76 J 77,176 2,026 1,976 1,504 1,504 12,1X20 12,120 428 428 $ 93.254% c_93, 204 FUMGT X UR Basically the objectives of Fire Protection sale (1) to prevent fires fa:cm starting; (2) ptevent lass of life and p ope4cy Wn case a fire does start,* (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish call. fires. In gcaeral, this Y wolves the providing of services for bath fire prevention and fine fighting. C sfl I►_�TS ' Summary of 9actors cointr ibuting to the increase in appropriations are as follous a Salaries and gages �6 .,078 Conferences and schcols 295 Dues and subscriptions .1 Clothing replacement 41 Canisters 100 Aluminized banker suits (2) 207 Other supplies 48 Central. sezvices 1,7(M Capital Cutlay L,397 = 077 , _IL * Indicates red figure VI UAGE Off° EDINA ANNUAL BUDGU P.AtGE 4.5 EMNDITUM OEaAOL Cando I Activity. Am , �AC;.+:. No. C'TEri1RUL PROREC-T �.m �^' i';� sgs a',VD FIRE $f'O ECTI 'M 24.2400 - -- Pit _ S 8,06e: 6,828 EMNDITUM OEaAOL Cando I Activity. Object Detail Recampierded I Budge ed 1.. ebies ,GSO.672 Asst. chief 56-7 -569 S 8,06e: 6,828 Firemen (6) 500-•522 Fireman (01 459 -502 37,584 6,024. i 'sz "e�1e� %2) 4. 27-481 11,176 Volunteers 7 Y 500 $77,176 ®` g77,1a6'.. 2. Conferences and schools � c 689 $ 689 Dues and subscriptions 67 67 Laundry 350 350 :insweance 200 ISO Uniform. al.l.or-nee 720 7 9-0 2,026 $ 1,976 3. Clothing replacement 7.79 Canister , 300 Photographic Supplies 68 First a-l.d applies 200 F.luminized bunker suits(2� 207 General supplies 550 x,50 1,504, 4. General. $ 6,120 Village Hall 3,.000 Equipment Operation, 3, 000 $12,120 $12,120 5 � Cyr rode- s 259 - Aluminum wine cru 169 4•28 4 428 !.r'KAL P- , -LR.F. P}1OTET-Pi�MIT 9,20 I I i i i � . L__ GE Dr- EDINA ANNUAL DUD SET PAG E_- 4- 6 1960 31;D133 T E D ESTIMATED $ 600 600 405 550 800 255 289 350 1,494• SUMMARY 1. MRr SONAL SERVICES 1 r("'ONTRACTUAL SERMES COMMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5. CAN L OUTLAY TOTALS COMWENTARV 1.961 REEC 0 M N4 EM D E D 9 IIJ ID G E 7 ce D $ 720 IS 720 635 825 oil] 2.,480 635 675 300 330 F U N CIT I CIN The Edina Mvil Defence organi2ation maintairas liaison with local, state and VedaTal agencies, in ordez to provide the .needed resources to meet emergency aftuations Of catastzeophic -n.akutre, Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integilate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel, $u=ary of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as Salaries and wages $120 AMC A.Ca. KR®. GF12MIEAL FROTECTICH 0-17 PERSWS A14D CIVILIA197 DEFENSE 24.303 Books and pamphlets PROPERTY Training aids 100 1960 31;D133 T E D ESTIMATED $ 600 600 405 550 800 255 289 350 1,494• SUMMARY 1. MRr SONAL SERVICES 1 r("'ONTRACTUAL SERMES COMMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5. CAN L OUTLAY TOTALS COMWENTARV 1.961 REEC 0 M N4 EM D E D 9 IIJ ID G E 7 ce D $ 720 IS 720 635 825 oil] 2.,480 635 675 300 330 F U N CIT I CIN The Edina Mvil Defence organi2ation maintairas liaison with local, state and VedaTal agencies, in ordez to provide the .needed resources to meet emergency aftuations Of catastzeophic -n.akutre, Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integilate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel, $u=ary of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as Salaries and wages $120 Conierences and schools 160 Dues and subscriptions 10 Lease liaes, for sirens 60 Books and pamphlets ISO * Training aids 100 Ammnitian and uniforms -reserves 50 * Radiological-survey mater supplies 73 Capital Cutlay 200 * TUIRL 125 "ludicates red figure VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 Food FsncNon - - Area . I Acce. No. - ij� R 1ROTECT1ON 4 F r'M?S ONS AND G:�.Vt I7 IAN �'?rB N E 2c:• o ;300 1,^ PROR RI TY 720 � FXPEl< DOTURE DETAIL Coda ActiYity i Object Detail Recommended ' Budgoed 1,^ Directo r 720 � 720 2. �. @:! @E1Lc@31��i1 sc$dC3el s 3s��.0 � •���.�1Q,L Dues and sidbaC�y p-t iolns I 25 Leased gees gor airs as + 300 $ 635 $ 635 3. Boars and pamphlets $ 200 $ 150 e rain -Inn airs 300 200 A mauritica - resezves i0o . 100 Mii xms-b esery --s 150 150 Redio1ogical-Survey maker supplies 75 75 tt 825 $ 675 5. Sirew -10 horsepower 3G0 $ 300 TOM. C WILIM MENSE 2 k•80 $2 330 \ILLAGE-C)F" ENNA PAGE 46 SUNMMUMW 1960 PEST IgM AT E D MOM, TIP 3961 RED161 0IIV4VII_7I�_IIMI*I) Aca No. GSNI`�YIAL PROTECTION rif, PERSCINS AND K)BLIC HEALTH 2•.400 480 ____.rRGPFrjy 735 385 SUNMMUMW 1960 PEST IgM AT E D MOM, TIP 3961 RED161 0IIV4VII_7I�_IIMI*I) R 7 E 01 2,700 T. PERSONAL SEA' IC21B $ 4,,100 $4,100 480 2. CONTP CTUAL 735 385 125 3. COMINIODIMES 202 202 CIIEN-MAL SERVIOICIES 360 360 "GO 5. CAN Y11 OUTLAY 730 400 0 5 5 .447 C011111IMMIi-8ARY slvgveys, reportG, gat, n of -�.perat:Lov alld invesitj , -0 ,:m-fk for - 10 Water supply, trastment and diatvibutiaao 2. The collection, t eatme-nt, and disposal 0i cormunity -wastes, viz., sanitary sewage, ivdustrinl vnstaq, and refuse, including salvage reclatmtion of useful cGimpanenta o:2 Lmv.h Ky�2-ote, 3. The control of pollution of surface jrjatemays and ground umters, and of zurface mr-d subsurface sails 4. Milk and 'Load Ganitation. 5. Rousing and sanitation. ion. 6. Insect and Vermin control Gn. eradicatf.0-a. 7. Rugal, caujio azp.d place 8. The control of atmovphmeic Poll;Ition and ajw quality, light. V.Ojae� Vib raticm5. 'and tol_.�ic materials 9. The Prevention CI& radintion C-nposure. 10� COnticol Of cmvircm man-t factors affecting health., Respo-as-lble ieeachi-ng.eE Vublic Realth in educational inat itut ions food sevvice schools. 121. The nanitati(m. of --winmint- pools and bathing areas. 13a Epidemiological C> _=estigation and enfarcement o:E laws. Capital Outlay pzovides for the minimmon enpandftuTe for needed supplies and equipment. Smamn,M:y of inctcrG contributing to inc-,--ease in appyopriations are as SSIIGIIes and wages q2,300 Conference and schools 21.5 Dues and subscriptions 20 11ileage 500 Test Eqqui;rment and supplies 202 GanevL,.J 240 Village Hall i2o 41 Qntlay C spit L 730 VILLAGE OF EDINA : ANNUAL BUDGET . PAGE 4.9 Fund —_ _Fun'LES'vn _- I � Aiw d'icP'g. iFQ%. _— GE- 149iRAL PRGYRICTiON Or, PERSONS ""D I PUBLIC HEALTH 24.400 10 Sanitarian (F_!) $3,500 EXPENDIT LE DETAIL - -Coda �I Actoviiy Object �— — Data:l Recommeldod Budgeted 10 Sanitarian (F_!) $3,500 j NeC cal Officer 600 ,Z, y 100 $4,100 2, Conference and Schools 215 I i 11.5 Dues and subscriptions 2O 20 Mileage 500 250 735 385 30 Test Equipment sand supplies 5 202 $ 202 4. General $ 240 Village Hall. 120 $ 360 "° 360 5, 1 Desk and chair � 9-4.0 File cabinet 1.20 Book case 35 Light set er° 35 Black light instrument 100 I Psychrometer 25 Tape recorder 175 730 $ 400 i i i I j I WITAL PUBLIC HF IXTH X6 127 e I 5� . I —1960 . 1 4,500 3,881 50 40 2 11. SWANIARY a. PL 45SOagAL SERVICES 2. (CONTRAC u SQL SEGY' MES 4. CENTRAL SORVOCES _ 1963. �.C61111 fV,E "N'BE'It) BUDGETED 4,500 50 ,�4 L,:�:[tlr FUNCTION Animal Control is a iu ction of Village Government designed to protect life and Property from the injurious activities of animals both wild and domesticated, The Village Council has by ordinance regulated the leashing and licensing of dugs, Patrol iand pickup sen7ic.es needed to enio c.e this ordinance are provided through Fa contract- ual agreement With pan independent contractor. GENElI&L PROTECTION Or PERSONS AND ANIMAL CONTROL 24.500 —1960 . 1 4,500 3,881 50 40 2 11. SWANIARY a. PL 45SOagAL SERVICES 2. (CONTRAC u SQL SEGY' MES 4. CENTRAL SORVOCES _ 1963. �.C61111 fV,E "N'BE'It) BUDGETED 4,500 50 ,�4 L,:�:[tlr FUNCTION Animal Control is a iu ction of Village Government designed to protect life and Property from the injurious activities of animals both wild and domesticated, The Village Council has by ordinance regulated the leashing and licensing of dugs, Patrol iand pickup sen7ic.es needed to enio c.e this ordinance are provided through Fa contract- ual agreement With pan independent contractor. Fr=d;A I Fa31r.76drl: -- - y c�Pcm �� -- - Avm5. �ry PP,RS€ O)S AND �i3SPF��' ± �idS 2�• 0 6Q0 SUpyly'AA R.1 f 1960 —_ F nIV!AEE, onJ,ECT RIECOs�»y':9�:��itD�.$) 1961 QU ��,�faD $ �.33� $ i6 S3J '9. e"' S NL SEECVMES S , 21, 090 695 L:•75 2. C ON u RAC u A2 SERWICES 501 501 220 165 �. +��tt ^•r�3'����`�d�� .275 175 3 360 3,360 4i, CENT RAL 5'-, RV " . CAPFF1'A.?. r C CMAAfA2N T /,' I FUNCTION •" she fiamC'i -i-on£ o the Ii2SpC•ctioP_ 3ep =:'tmeat ciF,,-e to iosue and revoke building and 'z -uS per mits; to wGFii72.i1:4.ster the building ordi.i?esS?coo :.s:> Cause.. to be inspected all. JiEiYfZ ing and bui2dxings b'ud 3t; oi6`L "SP$G'S: to cn;-' rce ?.bLe ZGYrting o- rdinances, to issue an,6 collect t"he fees foi. i�3in.�.dii g, �'lomDing, .�'.G�'d�i?:, r, �Ef`.�. CL "truc4:�4iEf,; sign and all d`i:Z@C 39E LLS:3 ti�_�t'ia'! tU L ?2C drCiLiS"LiAC.'i:�G`i?, illt4iilaGs7.pl.CU t:i7U' :�C?�3n9u' of DiP?lCk?.ii�'^F2E� to #Pi:OpQse and W f--vioe all 1ZAAe?L -? nn.d con- st rur-t on codes; to �ErC:u(nd c, CG�iT� .°iwZAF?M Qs2 and abatement of t3i?saf:- bL?j i dj, ?.gG cad styuL tu-!: es; ,gnri 1:A jceSt3Iat:.e aF.iCa' Provision has been % ?uCi•s ill Lbe 1961 aPPiC47i ?'s'i.c'-t:ions ?'vs a full tire inspeztoT for heati""a &Vd Fees CI-Js red E-AH FBCy:,:e eb-a -L!. Cti"vei: the COs }:'„ sumli2£?''&jy of ir'Ficto,£3 conti'yb1.3t'R17Eg to in ,'?�57� :0}�� !pit '?G't "_ are 'as :':Oa IC.•7S: nn r CEOnfe °e1 ces and School.- .Dues and subscriptions Mileage Printed Em-mus and code books Capital 4) =ut.l U 368 2., 56rj* 55 1, -t 16 Gsj: VS'LLAGE OF ED66VA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 II � Fnaaa A � Acrir. Wo. Gb°W1`RAL PROFECT1011 OF PERISC 3S 81130 WSPEI. %Is I 24.600 ?ROFF EXPENDITURE DETAIL Acfiv *- ry _ _ I Object Oslaii RecommeAed W90ed I I, — Building inspector-0-50-480 5,760 Plumbing inspector 500 -515 6,180 Heating and electrial inspector: (new) $500 6,000 Asst. Building inspector-(PT) 11200 Secretary(k) 300»325 1,950 $21,090 021,090 20 Conferences and schools $ 1,43 Dues and subscriptions 58 $ 501 $ 501 3. Printed forms $ 150 $ ?5 Code books x.25 100 275 S lay 4, General $ 3,000 Village Hall 276 Fquipment Operation 11200 76 I TOTAL INSPECTIONS — $26 �-34.2 — -- 126 242 i VU ABV. -,! P—AGE GIF EDINA i "U'AL BUDGET PA 6G 53 1.960 B U D r- FET E 9 HSMILATED 1$ $ 5,000 5"000 000 � 5 2 000 SUMMARY OBECT RE C a Ll"i M r-1, IN i 3 E, D 0 U! D fol E T E D 1. Pt-R-SMAL $ 2. COMYRACTUAL SELTVICES 10,000 9,458 4, CRIMAL SERVECES I CARTAL OUTLAY A ^_1.0,000 9,458 TOT LS CO.MMENVARY FUNCTION During the year unanticipated, but necessary expenditures. there has beer, no previous appropriation. This account is a re contingencies. A rN 0. GETNERAL NCN-- DEPARMIE TTAL EXPEIMITUREES CONTINGENCIES 26.100 1.960 B U D r- FET E 9 HSMILATED 1$ $ 5,000 5"000 000 � 5 2 000 SUMMARY OBECT RE C a Ll"i M r-1, IN i 3 E, D 0 U! D fol E T E D 1. Pt-R-SMAL $ 2. COMYRACTUAL SELTVICES 10,000 9,458 4, CRIMAL SERVECES I CARTAL OUTLAY A ^_1.0,000 9,458 TOT LS CO.MMENVARY FUNCTION During the year unanticipated, but necessary expenditures. there has beer, no previous appropriation. This account is a re contingencies. op Soo I ; 5 a i--.i F UN, GTI cll-''i 'i . F E 3� SIONIZ111, SE,431ftf 0,ONTRAC27MAL ME11RICES ('2MMY Rj�L Sl'ZRVM;;:r 15. . 1,000 000 Tf 0 V, LT T, pil"Y PAGE,, �i.4 DEPiKl' la S- 9 T T' L E. R�l E NT GF S"U"ITS 1 31 i u R FK 13 1 op Soo I ; 5 a i--.i F UN, GTI cll-''i 'i . F E 3� SIONIZ111, SE,431ftf 0,ONTRAC27MAL ME11RICES ('2MMY Rj�L Sl'ZRVM;;:r 15. . 1,000 000 Tf 0 V, LT T, pil"Y EDINA PAGE- 55 1 60 26,000 w 28. 00(3 27,779 �; ?7•,774 SUMMARY 05SEM 2. CONTRACTUAL SEVVECES 3. CEN a` IAA SERVECES S. CAPITIML OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 36,200 r 36,200 1963 17,000 17.000 se_zi.es are subject to special assessments for vaFioua a :account provides funds to pays these assesswats. ar- 1C'Ci. No. GEFII L'I?AL, NO-- DEPAR'P'MEII�pi I9 I.. SPECIAi. AS r LSSMENTS 26.300 i'shA _iLCIJ.y 1 VLiL:eS �lA: VILLAGE P1RO EWN � 1 60 26,000 w 28. 00(3 27,779 �; ?7•,774 SUMMARY 05SEM 2. CONTRACTUAL SEVVECES 3. CEN a` IAA SERVECES S. CAPITIML OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 36,200 r 36,200 1963 17,000 17.000 se_zi.es are subject to special assessments for vaFioua a :account provides funds to pays these assesswats. FEjS'i GENERAL NON - DE;PtMis•IMITAL CE'NT'RAL SERVICES 26.500 EXPFNDITO —za C.API AL dpi' UCK 1,76.1 . _ ES aSMAb ED ?,708 1960 SUPWIMARY OBJECT 2. C CTUA,L SSg. VICE$ . CEIMMAL SERVICES a. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1961 91 MM Bl�DC ED Q 4,304 2,853 ' 2,74.1 11708 4,304• a 2,854 COMMENTARY F MILT-1 ON Certain items of equipment which have a useful life of mare than one year Which cannot be allocated to any particular C-unction are classified in z.his account. COMMTS To increase work output and to avoid constant interruptions, various offices will be enclosed. The purchase of an iaci neratur will save the Village 380 man hours per yes of the custodian's time, and Trill gay for itself v-L hin two years. Far safety and efficiency, the hydro lift -ceill ire used in place of chain falls for working on Village vahicleso VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE 57 Fund Function Ana Aceb. No. GENERAL VON-DEP 'i' MMQ' AL CMi£RAL SERVICES 26.500 5n ZZP I tl _ RE . CAPITAL C F-PI ,Y $1,400 EXPENDITURE DETML �Code Activity -- Object Detail I Recommended I Budgeted Village Hall 5n Office PaTtiltioning 's1,4W $1,400 incinsrator 950 Total Village Ball $2,350 $1,400 mane Welding Cart $ 65 Two tiheel cart 40 pe-v1_O waeher 325 iieevy awry sander 138 Michroietere set 150 Axmtwre lathe 147 IIy&O —lift 729 { Cylinder hone 85 Flywheel spanner wrench 25 Tcol bok for pick -up 250 01., 954 I Tote I GaTege S 1,654 a TOTAL CEMML SERVICES I f i I {I t f CAPITAL WILAY 306 $2,854 i i i ryr1CI,Ui F c D 1 N A PAGE 53 f 39C��J 1cD�S $ 1. PERSMWAL SEMMES $ 2. CON`➢" PACTUAL SERVMES j 3. CNAMODMES I a. CENTRAL SERVICES ` 5. CANTAL OUTLAY 50,000 50,000 GEiD EML NON-DEP AWR1,1 lTAL CAPITAL 114PRONEtENTS 26.600 $ 50.000 EXPENDITURES TOTALS f 39C��J 1cD�S $ 1. PERSMWAL SEMMES $ 2. CON`➢" PACTUAL SERVMES j 3. CNAMODMES I a. CENTRAL SERVICES ` 5. CANTAL OUTLAY 50,000 50,000 fI _ $_50,000 $ 50.000 —� TOTALS -- - -- - - -- C®MWEhiTARY r. UNCL,TION r This account uias established fesr the purpose of accumulating funds for capital. impr 'ovements, l a CHMENTS � We propose a transfer from the Liquor Dispensary Lund of $50.000 in each of the next four years, ir.ro a dedicated fund for the purpose of constructing and equipping a garage and second fine station. The garage to be built in 1962 and second fine station during 1964. j r VFLILLAC,"'E. OF i D 7 p ` y Gt, :9 I lrL € AG FL`-- 59 j L' nna .Amn Ace't No, i'ARK AND 11ECR'sM- ION A.DNINIS =:RATION 47J00 D9ile"?F � 7 E 9 EIS 71 9M ATE D 0131E. tl 19,205 19,299 1 ;425 1,381. 2. (CON b f'•_IAM'I MAI R- IRVOCES I 123 99.. Cia�a',ey�E�v 6,24-0 6 ; 24.0 5. CAHM' L OUTLAY r 2�i,99.5_ 27,019 CON IN I F 6 �'TA R 1961 �20,ii28 � 1.485 125 6 , 84.0 ;`29 Z2 7 8 cy 29,278 deveThe Recreation and Park Department iG responsible for the acquisitivnz, lopment, operation and jai tenance of the Village parks and recreatien. facilities, and the cond-act of the recreation program, providing fax: the adTa ni,stration of the paKk and recreation function is the object of this unt'•. o gE?e Edina Park Board, as an advisory body tc, the Edina Tillage Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function., l .1 Sumwry of factors contributing to increase in a; propr ati.o s are as I 0 S 1 d CA .aa e9 an v7ft6I= tie :6 3 ,Audit 60 Central services 600 TOTAL U.2-83 VILLA GE OFF LEDINA AN14UAL BUDGES PAGE 60 Fund F'asncN n Area Acct. MG. I Recommended �.�p K AND RId taEATzM EXPENDITURE MAIL CC- C f Acfivdity — objacct Detail I Recommended Budgeted l., Dftect02, $700 -750 $ 91000 { Program Supe- Svisoa 375 -450 5,k -00 Secretary 285 -300 3,600 Training 200 Paid leave 2,628 �20y828 2, Conferences and schools dues and sobscri,+ptims 650 75 Audit 660 € nc lasoi feed 100 1,435 30 Printing $ 50 Books-And pmphlets 75 '1 Av -dwey ���� $ 1 Coo Genera. S$ 4,9'86 Village hall 840 Osrage 600 Equipment operatior. 720 $ 6,840 TOTAL :AO iIII k.STRA' ION $29,278 $29,278 I f _o VNJ-J-IGEC_',`F- EMI-NA A*i�,I'MIJAL BUDG27T P A G, E 6 1. SU1,111,M21kriv EMGMAMD Skating 0 P, j E C' T iE i �-� 0 i V I A f Nq D 2:51) -,-CIU N PARK AND U EATI!, N RE C RE MR I GI PROGRAM i�,- 7 . 2 01 G SU1,111,M21kriv COMME J4TA, P;,'V FUNCTION, The Village in addlt.-icn to p7oviding park Egei'l-ij.1-es conducts a year azauF?d t,ecTeational as a functivn of Village sovernment. Thig Progre'M io the nlesponoibility of the Recveat ion Paylt Depari;ment and iacludes such activities as cyganized baseball, softball. 11--ickey, swimAng and tennis instruction., and a GUMMeZ playground pxeagram i:oK small childven. Some of these 8ctivizies receive ftrlavcialsupporn from. Various se vice Organigations and in Others the participants themselves pay a portion r3f i,*,he cosj:� COMINM-NTS As i1a the paei: two, years, tbe 1961 budget wecluest pnint.G up park ma-int a er.nce Father than fuxther develapra-ent Of vccreatiarl pregT-81n- Houlever ' COCh year there are m;kre kamilies ft. Edina vAbIch mearts moFe children, hence. sreateF numbers PaTt--?CiP&ti-09 in 'Che ezistlRiecd Tecreation act-iVities. Consequent'ly, the budget Lfee.Mest Kaflects Cnly a incresse to take care of anticipated laggeg participation, Summary of iactars contributing to increase in apprr.priati*ns are as follows: EMGMAMD Skating 0 P, j E C' T iE i �-� 0 i V I A f Nq D 2:51) 1961 BILIDGETED $20;815 s 20,781 T. VENSONAI SERVOCEII-Ii $26,681 24,831 5,500 6,750 2. CONT-5140"TUAL S'-RV 86750 8,750 5,600 4,236 Sgec,Act, Salaties and wages 6, 150 5,150 $75 $1,200 41. CC E N 7 t", A L S � R V EC �', S Go,als and nets 100 71A L 0 U TLA V C�afts 7 6 7 200 41, 58 1 38,731 Neu playground crafts 300 COMME J4TA, P;,'V FUNCTION, The Village in addlt.-icn to p7oviding park Egei'l-ij.1-es conducts a year azauF?d t,ecTeational as a functivn of Village sovernment. Thig Progre'M io the nlesponoibility of the Recveat ion Paylt Depari;ment and iacludes such activities as cyganized baseball, softball. 11--ickey, swimAng and tennis instruction., and a GUMMeZ playground pxeagram i:oK small childven. Some of these 8ctivizies receive ftrlavcialsupporn from. Various se vice Organigations and in Others the participants themselves pay a portion r3f i,*,he cosj:� COMINM-NTS As i1a the paei: two, years, tbe 1961 budget wecluest pnint.G up park ma-int a er.nce Father than fuxther develapra-ent Of vccreatiarl pregT-81n- Houlever ' COCh year there are m;kre kamilies ft. Edina vAbIch mearts moFe children, hence. sreateF numbers PaTt--?CiP&ti-09 in 'Che ezistlRiecd Tecreation act-iVities. Consequent'ly, the budget Lfee.Mest Kaflects Cnly a incresse to take care of anticipated laggeg participation, Summary of iactars contributing to increase in apprr.priati*ns are as follows: 'Baseball Skating M.3c. and . and st-lixMing & Sc� f -16ball HOEAC(�Y Ten-nis PLAMCS41d. Instruction Sgec,Act, Salaties and wages Y1120 $2,096 $75 $1,200 $2,175 $200 Go,als and nets 100 C�afts 200 Neu playground crafts 300 Bus X-e--n'tal 3,000 Childrens'Summ-er Theatre 200 TWAIL $120 $2,196 $75 $1.700 35.175 $400 °vrILL. G,E OF E®NA o6jGcJ ANN. AL SUDGE ' V PAGE 62 F bra asai I a:�c dasa 10 Asp I f Ae:m Na. 2,429. ?r'��?i� AND l.M.Riv4l�:i.%1 �>r� �nt�� ± 03'� g'ROGRAY, I I � 7.200 ! EXPENDITURE DETAIL Geed-3 Activity o6jGcJ � 0eaai! feeeass�r�ea:deal � i�g���e�e^3 201. ;�aseb -h-1 C- Softball 10 Supe-v�se�:?: � 1,200 Coaching Assistants 870 2,070 _ $2,07'0 3. Places ap d bases 175 175 Bets and bnlls 1,200 200 I Cat:cbe7s ° s equipment. 300 300 i Equipment repels so 50 •s 10725 725 I Total Baaebal.l &. Softbal1 3,795 % 2,795 202 ��'Itaasr'ina 8aw;cecry I 1� Rink supervision. Hcekey coaching 6,696 _540 5,496 540 .j II 3.. Goalie equipment 7,23E 400 $ 6,036 Goals and veto 200 600 7 ,836 Total Skating & 8aci".ey 600 6, 636 d3�b%Ab£ 4 0 �. L . U6ve. ®r a. 500 775 3. 'Tennis balls 75 unclassified 25 MO Total 'Tunis 875 875 204 7ay9f-Ccund i ? 3. Leaders 0:°afts ro^ 8:,20 2,000 7,550 Replacements & renewals 500 14mi, pl.aygrraund supplies -- 300 Total Playgmund 1800 2,800 $10,350 0.11000 205 Ste" ±razing °snstruetivor► 1. SupeWvssar 3 300 r�srG:t uctiesn. 5,100 Ater d�xa.s i 1D 0 a $`au:$ asst 290 I ir�e8isa 6,000 2. Bus Rental $ 84000 Pool Rental, 750 ! 30 Flutter Boards .8,7,0 .$ 100 i Unclassified 25 ,,,%14,875 I Total. Swimming I- astructio ,$14,875 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 Fund - - - - - -- Function ._.— _.- Area I Acct. Na. - W113 -K PARK AND R,E01iEMON ZEUR~ATI ®ii PROGRR -1 I 4-7-.-2W EXPEN41TURE DETAIL cock Activity Detail Recommende<J � Budgeted a ea7, 206 Miscellaneous and Special Activities 1, Payroll 11800 ql Leaders 600 2,400 30 . rintine =_ Y 500 0 iidvens and sumer Thea t m 200 Unclassified Soo Y O®® ` i Tcta1 Miscellaneous and Special Activitics 3,200 3,200 TOTAL FaCRZAT3:GX P?"R M $412581_ X38,731 i I I 11 �,;Uiid pairr`4-eo93 —�- - -_ Am@ Ace". N'0? PARK PARK AND FIECM -2 M 11AIMIFIR M ;r 47.,300 3 L Ml�r� R' — 19-AO— BUDGETED [.Su'WIA E® 039E a 3961. _ 5_ BUDGEaED 24,335 23,533 E €'ERSO' tF' L SERME-5 $25,600 $ 1,900 1,586 2. CON7M.CTU;AL SSI RV CE-S 2,250 5,4.00 5,233 ,:. CO►V2MODI` ES 8,890 5,100 5, 100 4. CENTRAL SERVICIES 6,000 y3 36;,735 tiC?j x+5,452_ TOTALIS 42174.0 �; 42.740 C-03%JIMFE'N T AIRY E'aiYdE,TION _.�.�park maintenance in- -elves the c nze of all Village parks and recreation. facil.yti,erad Included in this budget: account:. are only those properties designated as parks. €itbed: Village properties such as boulevazds, islands, tri.an,gles, gift and pru -npin8 stations, etc., are M.xntnined through other budget accounts, although the grounds work is d6ne by the PaFk maiyat en.ance crew. ` be vaint enance of parks includes turf care, establi.sh- raent, and care of trees a p—d plantings, Zi.tter removal;, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and aakating rinks, �. The emphasis on the 1961 budget request as in 1960 again reflects the seed to co-eti; nsae to esPgTade the mnintenance of Edluals party system. No aeditional personnel is z,�equorj :ed., However, to util -J -ze onr man- power mare efiii ciently and producti.v.B3.y will xealuire more ndequaate t:aranopor tat ion grad power eg7uiipoent. Also to improve: peek turf care sill require an in-crease in supplies such as fertilizer, black dirt for top dressing, grass seed, and sod„ `uwmarry of factors contributing to increase in appropriations are as .full wse Plantings Farkang Building Skating Special and Litter Area & Equ1pmr t o Rink s Removal aitnlae saaia.,ies & Flores $300 $ 600 $1:00 $100 Equipment rental 5001. Seed a-ad see 1,140 Fe- ti '? izer c r3lk' dirt 1., 500 !`.Taub. con.ta hers 100 Road c,;d I and sand 250 Utilities Lumber & repair materials Mtn 2Ce Mr. Ceo �100 $ 65. 25 325 Electrical wi.vi.ng x p5weT 900 lumps 1.00 Equ ipment opezations 300 180 r 60 _ 60 300 iOT!'Ai b�60 3200 gm410 � �,[�5d ID$l,365 V UAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BLIDSET PAGE Fund Fa aa;wq a reu v, ca. No. P.ecer: cress esi FARK MM -EC ._!_ 1t I IAI EIADC 47.,3 00 EXPENDITURE DETAGL cede Adivii- ~ object Detail P.ecer: cress esi �a�'�e:ed 301 ng ^ 1. Payroll $ 51100 — - 2. Contracted repairs 400 3. Repair parts 500 4. Equipment. operation 1.800 Total Nowing $ 7,800 332 Special Turf C.aL-e 1. Payroll $ 1.1,000 2. Equipment rental 100 3. Seed $ 1,200 Sacs 540 Fertilizer 1,300 Black dirt 1,000 Weed spray 300 $ `h, 35.0 4. Equipment operation 780 Total Special Turf tare r 9,220 303 P1?t:zn.g3 and Trees 1. Payroll'. $ 2,200 2. Equipments rental 100 3. Plant tratez iris 500 4, equipment: operation 51:0 Total Plantings & Trees $ 3,340 304. L- tier Rem-cval 1. Payroll $ 3,900 3. Trash containers 200 4. Equipment operat:ien 360 Total Litter Rewvel $ 4,460 305 Parking Area Main-- 1. Payroll $ 1,400 tenance 3. Rwd oil 1,200 Sand 250 Unclassified 100 1,550 4. Equipment operation 360 $ 3,310 Total Parking Area 14tnce, 305 Building ding & Equipment 1. Pa�+-011 $ 2,000 Maintenance I 2, lJcka li.ties .- 150 3. Lumber 1,200 Repair materiala 300 .�. 1,500 .y 4. Equipment Operation 360 Total Buildings & Equip- ment Main.tcnr ance $ 4,010 VILAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 Faand I.. Ae&�vi 'Object Acc ?. No. Recommended PA RX AND RECREATION HAUN$'E'3+1,ANCE 47.300 � EXPENDITURE DR—ML 1, I.. Ae&�vi 'Object � Detail Recommended Budgeted -- 307 " kat it g Rink 1 �. Payroll 7,000 - Max per sane 20 Zlectni.c -0. wiring 900 caum� r 3. Lamps and fixlc1$t es _600 300 1 4. Equipannt oneratica 11600 !10 600 I VLZE 67 PARY, PAYROLL MSTRIBUT! 0 * SUMIIARY DISTO.ZWEXODI Park acid Recreati-cm; Employee@ r4lontbly Salavj Apptopriation AppropTiation Title 1960 1961 8960 1961 B-60 1951 1,800 535- Special turi Cave 4,000 ?ark Fovejn- 11 1 i �515 $550 6,000 6,510 Pawk _Reaper 11 Ma-ultenance 2,000 450 475 5,400 5,700 Park Keeper 11 f130,228 450 4.60 5,400 5,520 Elatpk Keapor 1 3 3 405 420 13,020 15,120 rempt,i.-aTy 14bcr.-ei� ± -800 - -- T GYMS 6 6 -- 4M ,620 _137.a890 DISTO.ZWEXODI Park acid Recreati-cm; A&A—aintratian.- Trailming a 200 Paid Leave 2,623 Special Activities 1,800 5,100 Special turi Cave 4,000 PIMP-tEV.83 and tree-s! 2,200 U-tteK Removal 3,900 Park Area 'Kaintanance I ,x.00 By ding and Equipments Ma-ultenance 2,000 Skativg RMik Maintenance 71000 $25 200 TOTAI FALIX AND RECREATION, f130,228 Balance Carried For-oard $30,228 Cha--sed 'to other r,ut,.dT,.- Geaeral-Public Wewks y 6,000 swinming Pool 900 Waterw-Orks 500 Sever Rental 262 TO AL. 0 0E1 TO OTHER FUNDS _I_L662 TOTMI, ;337 890 PAGE 68 1960 i"J" 10,205 1.0,027 10 027 SIUMMAIRly OBS 0 2 Tu ONMAC 4"L S-7`�tVMES R. CUIAMMM"79ES 4, 0' -ATRAL SEMCE'S 0. cll,P?TAL OUTLAY —9 OTALS �L) Bdo MD 1 $ 18,540 10,300 $ 2 § 54 .0 $_Lq , 300 _ is of cquip mniit hove a uselval lif e of =P:�e tham one ltral cmtlay. vev t-'cca. N©. FAM VARK AND RECREATION CAPITAL QUTD Y A0 .100-5 1960 i"J" 10,205 1.0,027 10 027 SIUMMAIRly OBS 0 2 Tu ONMAC 4"L S-7`�tVMES R. CUIAMMM"79ES 4, 0' -ATRAL SEMCE'S 0. cll,P?TAL OUTLAY —9 OTALS �L) Bdo MD 1 $ 18,540 10,300 $ 2 § 54 .0 $_Lq , 300 _ is of cquip mniit hove a uselval lif e of =P:�e tham one ltral cmtlay. '09iLLA,G,r; OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 '-- E`und -- - - - - -- Ffii4li;1iQFJ Area ^� ACd. No. -- AW PARR AND RECREATICIi CAPITAL OUTLAY 47J00-5 Cude I Ackiv� t' - - -- i - - -I - — - Object Dewil 42�co sgre¢as�u�3 tadg ©e��U - � � Pick,-up truck t;att four — — — 1 Tlheel drive 1,400 mist blcuer ('�) 4,200 24; Tarot dual wheel duipp truck �. 500 $ 4t•, 500 �� gtcr 900 900 L c.• �v�t �r 900 900 Soil shredder ; 't,00 1,400 31 inch rotary mwwe;, 700 700 ?8 inch Tatavy ambers (3) 150 150 Fortable bleachers 600 600 POrt able warming £tcuse l'lm Light fixtures (12) 600 Power poles (16) 640 . Fables and benchea 600 600 Sweeper broom x.50 150 D- einking fount;air&s (1.) � 400 400 TOTAL CAPITAL WMky I _l iB 9 X40__ i I 10.300 - 1 W,11AGE OF EDINA Ai,-,PM1LJAL OWDSET PAGE 70 1960 7,800 7,800 I ,L 7.SO0 -- 7 ,800 SU MMUty OBJES-.4'r"T Ti. PERRSOMAL SERVOCES 2. COMITRACTUAL SER"IRCES 3. COMPIAGDOM$ 4. BEN SERVICES 5. CAPOTAL GMAY 70-0 A US COMMENTARY 1.261 BED B j UGETED 3,000 . 7,500 Represents Village cost of relief and administration. a-Lid shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing. a PC V an Avea Acci.. Mo. PCOR aELIEF AND PUBLIC NuasiNG - 010.500 1960 7,800 7,800 I ,L 7.SO0 -- 7 ,800 SU MMUty OBJES-.4'r"T Ti. PERRSOMAL SERVOCES 2. COMITRACTUAL SER"IRCES 3. COMPIAGDOM$ 4. BEN SERVICES 5. CAPOTAL GMAY 70-0 A US COMMENTARY 1.261 BED B j UGETED 3,000 . 7,500 Represents Village cost of relief and administration. a-Lid shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing. V � i - L -, % G- E' OP" E D I N A A1,11`�NUAL BUDG"ET PAGE 71 Fun-0 PARK COMSTRU TIGN LAW 1960 BUDGETED E-6733MATED SUMNMY 0De .; X, T 11. PERSONAL SERVECES 2. GONTERM-TUAL SERVICES 3. COM."VIODMO 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. C-APOTAL OUTLAY TOTAILS COMMENTARY 1961 r—ECIDNNNAE-M DIED 01 L, DIGIETED 80,000 so 1 000 80,000 $ 80.000 I Represents awc.unt allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for land acquisition duving 1961. 46,200 WM 1960 45,300 SUMMARY OPMECT a. PERSONAL SPERIVECES CENTRAL SERMCES OUTLAV TOTALS COMMENTARY 4.3, 200 !3,200 1961 43,200 43,200 Arica Accfr. Z©. BONDS AND INTEMST 46,200 WM 1960 45,300 SUMMARY OPMECT a. PERSONAL SPERIVECES CENTRAL SERMCES OUTLAV TOTALS COMMENTARY 4.3, 200 !3,200 1961 43,200 43,200 A,-, I U A I- BUR 3 G --- T PAGE 73 a,650 PUFM f 1960 7,740 SUMMARY OBJE-ICIT 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICS 3. 4. C':NldP.AL HERMES S. CAN'CIAL OUTLAY TOTALS COPAMENTAV 8,220 81220 1961 7,900 7.900 Function Area Ac a. No, Plao,01MIS RELIEF ASGOCIATION 20.230-9 a,650 PUFM f 1960 7,740 SUMMARY OBJE-ICIT 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICS 3. 4. C':NldP.AL HERMES S. CAN'CIAL OUTLAY TOTALS COPAMENTAV 8,220 81220 1961 7,900 7.900 •NNMAL BUDSET PAG7E 74 SUMMARY 'G' ED ,,;COW D, OW, 7 � )%W-r 9D C30JECT - IMEN02 ET S.ERVICES $ 7, 4.0 2. CO�7R."ICTUAL SIRRIJ6CES 8,220 7,900 4. CF b ITRAL SE. CAPFFAL OUTLAY 7 TOTIA Ls 9 00 ILWAMWTARY HI-ICITION aepresents amount os hydi°mntz rental foz fire PYOtection paid to Wake ;arks Fund Fhmcc A 'fee NO. FJU PRO"Lrr�.T 20.160-9 I SUMMARY 'G' ED ,,;COW D, OW, 7 � )%W-r 9D C30JECT - IMEN02 ET S.ERVICES $ 7, 4.0 2. CO�7R."ICTUAL SIRRIJ6CES 8,220 7,900 4. CF b ITRAL SE. CAPFFAL OUTLAY 7 TOTIA Ls 9 00 ILWAMWTARY HI-ICITION aepresents amount os hydi°mntz rental foz fire PYOtection paid to Wake ;arks Fund V�`�LLAGE; OF" ENNA Al,,,l V� U A � � 9 U DO E.T. PAGVE 75 1.960 IS L; D G F T ED F ST A 9 ED SUMMARY 1961 OBJECT R �- C CAM i", 4 r- i, i DES D BUDGETO—D 1. PERSONAL SERVXES 2. CONTRACTUAL SMMCES, 1,75k. 1,754 3. COMMODMES 43.. 4IN TRAL SERVICES S. CANTAL OUTLAY 1,754 TOTALS — COMMENTARY basis HENNEPIN COUNTY PARK MSERXIE I DISTRIGT 1.960 IS L; D G F T ED F ST A 9 ED SUMMARY 1961 OBJECT R �- C CAM i", 4 r- i, i DES D BUDGETO—D 1. PERSONAL SERVXES 2. CONTRACTUAL SMMCES, 1,75k. 1,754 3. COMMODMES 43.. 4IN TRAL SERVICES S. CANTAL OUTLAY 1,754 TOTALS — COMMENTARY basis ViLLA sE or, EDNA ANNUjAL eatOGE PAGE 76 1960 BUIDGETEERK) ESTIMATED $66;540 $$'6,513 'd. SONIAL SIE ACIES ,-,72,720 4,200 4•, 000 2> CON a RACTUAL E� CES 4,200 3.�a'�� g CENTML 5. CAPO J.A,L 0 U 7 L A Y 1961 _ ,$,-7D-- Z4-,Q— 3 ?0rS�3 �,76;�a20 $ 76_920 COMMENTARY Represents overhead e� -enses which are incurred pa2Aodicaa ly, such as office supplies, telephone, pension paTments, Postage, and insurance premiums. These costa arse 29.1ocated to operating departments and other funds on a monthly basis based on usage. 71ils account increased about Caine percent (9 %), a summary of items contributing to the increase are as fo1 lows a Telephone Service con.t:tiacts- equipment 120 Pension contribaition 3,260 Postage 300 insurance preen +.umis 1,300 34TAIL 6, R8O ATe11 No. IMMLIVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERM, 25..100 1960 BUIDGETEERK) ESTIMATED $66;540 $$'6,513 'd. SONIAL SIE ACIES ,-,72,720 4,200 4•, 000 2> CON a RACTUAL E� CES 4,200 3.�a'�� g CENTML 5. CAPO J.A,L 0 U 7 L A Y 1961 _ ,$,-7D-- Z4-,Q— 3 ?0rS�3 �,76;�a20 $ 76_920 COMMENTARY Represents overhead e� -enses which are incurred pa2Aodicaa ly, such as office supplies, telephone, pension paTments, Postage, and insurance premiums. These costa arse 29.1ocated to operating departments and other funds on a monthly basis based on usage. 71ils account increased about Caine percent (9 %), a summary of items contributing to the increase are as fo1 lows a Telephone Service con.t:tiacts- equipment 120 Pension contribaition 3,260 Postage 300 insurance preen +.umis 1,300 34TAIL 6, R8O ViLLAWGE OF 'EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET P A GIE. 77 Fund AoMly U-n -To A Fag Acet. 'LMo. R &I vo Uv I N G CFINTEV-%L SEYINTICES lephone GENIMAL 25. 1.00 E)"TENDITURE DETAM Code AoMly Object -To lephone 7,200 Service conve.zact.-s- equipment 1,220 Public Employees Retire- inank Ass'n. Contribution 47,000 Postage InGurance: 3,400 Liability 39000 Aso "--kwen's compensation W900 72, 72? 0 3. I Office supplics 4,200 S76, 920 WPM, 7 _P6,920 DISTRIBUTICH Z.MoGated to Operating Dcpartw.o� I'lyoE -And Crunch. Plarn-ing t tj AnTrual �7' 84,10 I, I&D Nonthly 1-75 95 Ade in, i s t zw,-a ot k 4260 355 _W lul4ruz -0 3,960 330 Municipal 2,400 200 Asseosi.aa 3,540 295 2126inee'ring 6,000 500 PUbHL WorkG 1 .3, 9 20 -4,160 Police 13,020 1,085 Fige 6;J20 510 Inapection 3,000 250 Public Health 2410 20 Village Rall. 480 40 Garage 600 50 Equipment operation. 135 $5,095 X61,140 &Ilc sted to !?thcr Funds: Swimming PGO! Park $ 360 4, 680 30 390 Waterwarks 3.960 330 Liquor- 410th Street 2,3,w 195 Liquer.-Sautb-dale 0 150 se"Jer Re-ntai 2 ., 220 TOYAL $76 X20 6 410 UP EIVINA AN1.r%',IdIAL INSD'S'ET IPA GE 70" SUMMAIRW 1960 Peg 1-40. 5,w-5 CEUTRAL SERVICES I 71 L UP,, C, E I I A U, 25 � 200 SUMMAIRW 1960 0 IE". jr E C T MEC 0 tv 1 M �'--N D E D BUDGETED 5,w-5 5,132 1. PEMMMIA , SEMICES $7,880 $ 6,025 6,250 2. C0W7LaMr,'T0JkL SERVICES 6,050 1,410 1,225 3. COMMOD"Mes 2,978 0 480 6. UUNITRAL SERVECES 430 5. '017 -3jgfz—. 17,388 607ALS CommEN'r-AnIF FUNCTIM Yiiis account provides for the operation. and m- ineenance of the Village Hall Gpe�ating cnsts are ailocatad to departments or- the basi8 of space occupied. COI Z N T S The principal reason- fog the increase in this appropriation is to provide drainage xor the parking wren and to Fapai.'c the portion that has dete?iorated. Summary of factems contributing'to incresaa in appropriations are as follaigsg Sal=ies and -wages $2,835 (A) Insurance 25 Cleaniag Guppl-!.es, paper towe-Is, general supplies 368 l:? &t bulbs;-5�eplacewent 1.•00 Rep--al— parts and hardware 50 C'ar pcnter UI-Iterials- 400 rayk 877 weplacemeint and drainage 1, 130 TOTAL *'I-adicat-es red figure Note A-Zncludes labor 0-- 1450 foz major z-epair to parking. tl iILUm'SE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �cic 1 `�c�ivf u ^Object Aw. N®. C8£ VILLAGE, I• AId, 25 � 200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �cic 1 `�c�ivf u ^Object — Dewig i L Custodian �'- 355-365 4,380 Ext re help and overtime 1,000 Public works 7,880 2. Heat y 1,980 Light and pmer 3,480 Water and €i wer %e`:•vic'e -x.50 Insurance 250 Rubbish service 90 Unclassified 100 $ 6,050 3a 1-1eaning supplies I � 629 Paper towels 224 General supplies 1.75 pepaii,r parts and hardware 4 -00 Carpenter er material 400 parking area replacement 1,��,p50 $ 2,978 4. General �f 480 TOTAL i/ILIAGE HALL _ ,;17 y 38E $17,388 DISTRIBUTI M Alloc,tcd -Co +perati.nig De artme.n Annuae. 9onth1y Paayo secs Connc l �$ 1.236 $ la3 Planning 276 23 Admro nistr at s.cn 3:X096 258 Fill -ance 864 1 72 Huni,cipa.l 0rt!-.t 2, x.24, =77 Assessing 600 { 50 EnSiuee -cing 1,200 I aGO Police 3,300 i 275 F ... re -21ub .ic Health 3,000 120 250 10 Inspections 276 23 $16,0'92 i $ 3,341 !33100 ted to rta��cs o � Fa-i k Fund $ 840 $ 70 Ww- exv4., ks Fund 276 23 Sewer 'Rental Fund $5 _ISO ...� PA L296 108 517,38E ! I $ i.,' :�:•9 VILLAGE. OF EMNA A'NNMAL BUD"'G-WET PAGE so 1960 6P U, NlGM -7ED EMWA 3 ED $ 250 $1,019 3,150 CENTRAL SERVIa11.3 GARA a 594 1960 6P U, NlGM -7ED EMWA 3 ED $ 250 $1,019 3,150 3,350 224 594 600 600 �4t,22j:• $51563 _ SUP,AEMAR, Y ®BS E CT �. PERSONAL SERM S 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMCF -5 S. CAN AL OUTUY TOTALS ALS COMMENTARY 1961 [$EC�yt`�'� "AENDEB SiDGE ED $1,000 3.308 300 600 S, 208 5,208 FUMICTION ® The function of garage is to provide a shelter for equipment maintenance operations, stock: room, and office area for public w -orks. C�Ofi�s'�EIv�B_ Summaa:y of factors contributing to inc.dease in appropriations are as foil(Ws. Salaries and gages $ 750 Utilities 300 ±n,scat.ance 13.5 Unclassified 7 <. Repair watea:iaa e 76 984. Indicates reel figure VILLAGE OF ERIN ANNUAL, BUDGET PAGE aj Fund Flip Ction Area No. I Reconimended Budgeted 25.300 EXPENDITURE, DETAIL Coda i Activity Object Detail I Reconimended Budgeted 10 Payroll,-Public Works. $1,000 20 Heat $2,220 Ment and power 460 Insurance 4.65 Unclassified 14-3 3,308 3. Repair materials 300 4. General. 600 TOYAL GAELAGE DISTRIBUTICLI c',41 cc ted to Operating -)) - art_men PC. Lnu a I Plenthly Public Vlorks :91,524 $ 127 Equipment Operation 1..884 157 $3,408 284 All or- ted to (X-her Funds: Va-,.-k $ 600 5 50 THaterwarks 600 50 Sewer Plental 600 50 —11.2800 ISO TOTAL $5,208 4'34 Vfl-Ll I"'-'I);FI rf.!.MMA NVAUAL PAG'r P'9 1960 G U D IG z I ED $19,300 $19,042 UrINUILVEW, CIENTRAL SERVICES 23,360 i 36,32.1. 1960 G U D IG z I ED $19,300 $19,042 3,428 8,951 23,360 i 36,32.1. 3;,060 3,060 $67,374 r, UNG-Ticir, I SUAIMARY PERSOMAIL R.RVOCE-5 2. CON PACTUAL SERVE-00 ,4 r'S 5. CANTAL OUTLAY 70TALS COPONENTAIRY 1961 BUDGETED $19,768 111 11,410 37,606 3,506 $ This account provides for operation arad mi-Entenance of all vehicles, maintanarce equLpmant, and power tools, Costs of equipment operation are charged to operating departments and othez funds on the basis Of use. G Mic. Iw_ S The principal reascas gar the increase in appropriations are an increased insurEmce cost, because of a rate inarense, and a Szentee number of items. Alsog an incFeased provision for parts and access--ries because our equipment is getting oldeE Sumary of 9ac-O"Mrs contributin1g, -to increaoe in appropriations are as follaws: Salaries and wages $ 4-68 Radio service 2410 Contracted revAir 1,250 insura-ace Replacemeat of tools 250 Gasoline and ibael (.):-!1 3,700 Lubricants 1,096 Accessories and parts 4•,200 Centtral services 44A. ELMR;== I VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 -- R lid A Fuactiaa"i Amu I Acci. No. �F .R"OLV GTG - C=ENTRAL SERVIC=ES _ EgUIREg "f OPEUii'100 � 25.400 EXPEND9TURE DETAIL �o�ye Activity Object Detail Recur manded Budgeted 1. Mechanic(2) $509 -x533 $12;312 Sekvic"fln' 405 -413 4,956 Payre l l (Rubl? c F•FG ks) 2 , 500 $19,768 2, Radio service $ 2,640 Laundry service 360 Contracted repa?ir s 3,750 lnsurar-ce 4,660 $11,4.0 3. Replacement of tools $ 500 Stock materials 1,500 Welding oupplies 750 --Gasoline and fusel oil 13,900 Lubricants 1,996 Yp fires and tubes 3,960 Accessories a n-d parts 15 ,1000 $37,606 4, Genezal $ 1,620 $ 3,504 TOTAL 13QUIRM51 WIZMATIJ $72,288m=_ .7 288 i VILLAGE OF €:DIANA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE, 8�. REVOMING I OFNTFUU SERVICES Area I Acc6-. No. EQUIPM-14 OPERATION 1 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede i A:cti®i87 40bjeWk � D �r�ifi "econ, me .deb PACE ro,-' 10 DISTRIBUTIM , lloc� Led to Cpezating Ike artmeut s: A3?i17.Z;:x nn l Administration $ 720 60 Engineering 5,100 425 Fvblic Wo8`ke g SirpeTVISian and enhea ,. 1,500 125 Street Wainteyft-nc 23,W,0 1:,920 Street €.,ig€ ting 240 20 Street Hame Signs 420 35 Ti,taffic Cort •ca 1,800 150 Bridges 420 35 Stcrm Drainage 2,700 225 Village Properties 1,500 125 Noxious teed Covat 01 660 55 Police 13,200 1,100 F iTe 3,000 250 Inspection. _ 1,200 100 455,500 0,625 Allec ted co Other Funds- Swimming pact 420 35 P&%P k 6,720 560 Waterworks 2,700 225 Seeger Rental 1,800 €.50 Construction (Asses ed pr ..;ject s) 5,11$ A29 $16.7.3 ?,399 TOTAL $72.288___= $6 024 I