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1962 Annual Budget
IV I L L AGE OF EDINA 14 TA-131E OF CONTENTS SALARY RESOLIPTIMi, ORDINANCE, Sti ARIES Salary Resolution I- I1-III Budget Ordinance 1V_V Summary I d Revenues by Fund and Source VI-Vil Summary II - Expenditures by Fund and Function viii -IX DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Government Village Council 1-2 Planning 3 -4 Administration 5.6 Finance 7-8 Municipal Court 9-10 Election 11 -12 Assessing 13 -14 Legal Services 35 -16 Libsa:.ry 17-18 Public Works Engineering 19-20 Supervision and Overhead 21-22 Payroll -Star y"Di. stribut ion. 23 Street Maintenance 24 -25 Street Lighting 26-27 Street Dame Signs 28 -29 Traffic Control 30 -31 Bridges 32-33 Stoxm Drainage 34-35 Village Properties 36 -37 Noxious Need Control 38 ®39 Capital Outlay 40 -41 Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection 42 -43 Fire Pgotection 44 -45 Civilian Defense 46 -47 Public Health 48 -49 Animal Control 50 Inspections 51 -52 Kon- Depart= ental Expenditures Contingencies 53 Settlement of Suits 54 Special Assessments on Village Property 55 Central Services - Capital Outlay 5657 Capital Improvement 58 Park and Recreation Ministration 59 -60 Recreation Program 61-62 -63 Park Maintenance 64 -65 -66 Payroll-Summary-Distribution 67 Capital Outlay 6869 TABLE OF CCTENTS CONT ° D o Other Tan SuppGrted Expenditures Relief and Public Nursing 70 Park Contraction- Capital Improvements 71 Bonds al ad Interest 72 Firemen's Relief Association 73 Fire Protection 74 Hennepin County Park Reserve District 75 Central Serviced General 76-77 Village Hall 78 -79 .Garage 80-81 Equipment Operation 82 -83 -84 PAGE I VILLAGE OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF F3A.`�WK RAGES AND SALARIES FOR YEAR 1962 ADOPTED OCTOBER 2, 1961. Pa Kg POLICE RECOMMD. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION $ 757 Finance Director $ 900 Assessor 750 Deputy Assessor 350 Deputy Assessor -Part Time 1650 Hr. Clerk-Treasurer 600 Administrative Asst. 425 Office Clericalmfiscal-searetarial 463 Clerical I (3) 315 Clerical iii (6) 350 Clerical 1II(4) 420 Clerical IV (2) 455 Legal-. fire, fighting techniques, Prose cutin .Attorney 500 Planning Director 650 PUBLIC SAF=Y POLICE Chief $ 757 Lieutenants 628 Sergeants (5) 587 Patrolmen 1 W 3 yrs. Service: 537 11 - 2 yrs. Service 515 III - 1 yr. Service 494 IV .- Lees than 1 year Service 463 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks 357 Dispatchers d Desk Clerks. - hourly 1.75 Hr. Of the total compensation for members of the Police Depasrtmeut, $20 a nth shall be considered as payment for taking at lease 30 hours off -duty trainina from the Fire Department in fire, fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires, and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates. CTVJ1 DEFENSE - Director - Fart Time 60 FIRE Chief' 690 Asst. Chief 598 Firemen 1 a 3 yrs. Service 537 II - 2 yra. Service 515 III m I yr. ser-aice 494 IV - less than 1 yar. Service 463 Volunteers 2.65 ft. 2.25 Ea. Drill $20 per mmth of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside nomal firesmen.`s duties as may be assigned, by the Village Manager. PAGE II - Schedule of Wages and Salaries (ccatinued) INSPECTORS Plumbing $ 525 Building 525 HEALTH Health Officers 25 Sanitarian 600 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering 1050.(1) (Asst. Village Managers) Engineer 850 Assistant Engineer 650 (1) Instrument Ilan 580 Inspector -Sr, 550 Senior Draftsman 550 Draftsman 485 Rodman - Chairman 455 Supt. ® Publfc Works 725 Supt. - Hates. 660 Foreman m (Sty., Sewer, Parks, Water) 575 Electrician L Electrical Inspector 500 Office Clark 427 Heavy Equipment Operators g36* Light Equipment Operators 471* Maintenance Phan 420* * The following minimum rates shall be paid: Heavy Equipment Operators - $4-80 monthly for not more than the first six months' service. Light Ec aaipment Operators n $4-20 monthly for not more than the first six mmth8° service. - Maiutemmce men m $360 mmthly for not =re than the first threes months' service. $380 monthly during the fourth, fifth, and sixth MOnthe of employment, mechanic 556 Mechanic Helper 456 Janitor 385 SerrarmWater Utility Yin 465 ► I-P6 Judge 525 Special .Fudges 25 pez diem Clerk of Court 290 Deputy Clerk 320 (1) - $25 Jammary let and $25 July let. PAGE III Schedule of gages and Salaries (continued) LLECTIOUS Judges and Clerks 1.25 Hr, Chaftwen 2000 Addl. PAM AND HHCRMION Director 775 Pool Managet (s) 445 Asst. Pool Manager (s) 400 Concession Manager (s) 1.75 ice. Pool Cashier(s) 1.25 Hr. Bathhouse - Concession Attce-ndsnt(s) 1.00 Hr. SWiMMing Iuatructor'3) 2.15 Hr. Life Guard(G) 2.05 Hr. klaintenance (s) 1.60 Hr. Baseball Supervisor (s) 400 Mo. Baseball Assistants (s) 1.60 Hr. Hockey Coaches (s) 1090 Hr. Rink Attendants (s) 1.50 Hr. Program Supervisor S00 No. Playgromd Leaders (s) 2.00 Hr. Skating, Skiing Instructors (s) 5.00 Hr. Park Keeper w 111 490 NO. II 460 I 420 UgMOR STONES Manager 775 Asst. Managers (2) 515 Clerks - Regular 2.30 Hr. Clerks - Paxt Time 1.35 Hr. All work perforrmd by ether than heads of departments in excess of 40 hours Per weed: constitutes ovqr-time and shall be compensated by caMenssatory ti-me riff or cash payment as the basis of time and one half iu either: instance. Cmpen,sa t spry time small be taken within 90 days of time earned. Compensatory tima jra any one calendar nth shall be Iidted to 16 hours mrked (for which the eawlc ee receives 24 hmws off) and any ever -time in excess thereof shall be paid in cash payments. The Village Mang work which shall be coWensated by paymmt for over-time. Manager (s) - seasnal shall designate th6sa classes of ccupen.satory time off, or cash ORDINANCE NO. 16 -5 PAGE IV ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1962, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1961 PAYABLE IN 1962 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MIMiESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section to The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1962 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor; GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 9,760 Administration 54,510 Finance 35,463 Assessing 40,202 Legal Services 16,390 Municipal Court 25,740 Library 3,403 Election 7,240 Planning 12,595 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS Engineering $123,132 Highways 352,579 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $213,630 Fire 96,656 Civilian Defense 2,175 Public Health 10,000 Animal Control 4,500 Inspection _ 19,768 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NON- DEPARTHEN4TAL MENDITURES Contingencies $ 11,049 Settlement of Suits 1,000 Special Assessments can Village Property 17,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 6,500 Capital Improvements 50,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENCIES PARK FUND Supervision and Overhead Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND $ 205,303 475,711 346,729 85,449 $1,113,192 $ 31,727 39,335 48,846 7,225 1 127,133 Ordinance No. 16 »5 (continued) PAGE 7 Section 2. Estimated Receipts ether than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND Village Share-State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $ 71,000 Licenses and permits 48,335 Municipal Court 45,000 Departmental Service Charges 127,320 Other 29,775 Transfer from Liquor Fund 85,526 State Apportfozamera s- Highways 19. 000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 425,956 PARK FUND Transfer unappropriated surplus $ 11,239 Registration Fees 18,970 Other 450 Transfer from General Fund 39X474 TOTAL PARR FUND 70,133 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund 80,000 TOTAL (ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 576.089 Section 3, That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina, a tan rate sufficient to produce the am mints hereinafter set forth: For the General Fund For the Park Fund For the Poor Fund For the Fi.remen9s Relief For Fine Protection For Bonds and Interest For Hennepin County Park Reserve District $ 687,236 57,000 10,926 8,300 8,300 44,100 5,106 TOTAL 820,968 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publication according to law. Adopted this 25th day of September 1961. (Signed) Arthur Ca Bredesen, Jr, MAYOR ATTEST: (Signed) GRETCHEN S, ALDER VILLAGE CLERK GENERAL FUND Real and personal property taxes Other Taxes: Interest, penalties, and forfeited tax sale Mortgage registry Bank excise 0 SWUM I i REVEWS { BY FUND AND SOURCES Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1959 1960 1961 1961 1962 $5389499 $582,501 $657,959 $656,643 0687,236 0 3,956 $ 9,939 $ 3,500 $ 91,200 0 8,000 10,105 8,954 9,000 8,885 9,000 1,644 1,_582 11500 1,56: 1.500 $ 15,705 $ 20,475 $ 14.000 $ 19,649 0 18,500 Licenses and permits: Bicycle $ 574+ $ 494 $ 2,000 $ 2,868 $ 600 Beer and liquor 1,385 1,693 1,370 1,355 1,355 Cigarette 699 704 720 714 612 Dog and impounding fees 4,179 4,756 3,500 3,585 4,000 Food and soft drinks 984 942 1,900 1,971 1,555 Gas Pumps 740 695 670 695 665 Bowling, taxi, pinball, etc., 2,486 2,655 2,155 30209 2,538 Plumbing 2,585 2,750 2,250 2,200 2,200 Scavenger and garbage collectors 265 352 190 175 410 Building 21,802 16,909 18,000 162933 18,000 Cesspool and sewer 4,284 4,311 3,500 3,654 3,500 Plumbing 10,024 89490 8,000 7,665 8,000 Signs 3,443 3,687 3,200 31,086 3,200 Street opening 790 502 300 400 400 Electrical and beating 7,500 Milk plants _ 1,300 1,300 i $ 54,240 $ 48,940 $ 55,255 $ 49,810 $ 48,335 Engineering, clerical and searches 76,229 141,322 100,000 115,580 115,000 Police and fire service 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Equipment rental 7,252 9,195 2,000 20100 2,000 j Municipal Court fines 57,2445 46,741 45,000 48,588 45,000 Board and room prigmags 1,598 118 250 100 100 State Highway tax 24,391 279,602 27,000 31,170 19,000 State liquor and cigarette tax 21,961 244,956 21,000 671,906 71,000 Planning fees 1,018 1,000 1,200 SMWARY I continued SUMMARY I Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted _ 1959 1960 1961 1961 1962 GENERAL FUND (continued) Charges to other funds $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 9,000 $ 90000 $ 10,320 s Contributions from active funds Less transfer to Park Fund Less transfer to Park Can - structien Fund Net Sale of property $ 759000 $ 75,000 $ 205,000 $ 2059000 $ 205,000 31,610 42,450 40,007 40,007 39,474 i 80,000 80,000 80,000 < $ 43,390 $ 32,550 $ 84,993 $ 849993 0 85,526 t 75 150 100 100 100 Other miscellaneous revenue 6,214 5,672 4,000 4,266 4,875 Surplus 55,395 TOTAL GENUAL POD 859,299 $1,009,135 $1,025,557 UsO95,905 $1,113,192 PARK FUND -0- $ 80,000 $ 7,622 7,622 11,239 Real and personal property 132 369 150 150 150 ' tax $ 47,772 $ 50,644 $ 54,000 $ 52,920 $ 57,000 Registration fear 1,991 2,184 5,620 40,259 5,620 Transfer from Liquor Fund 31,610 42,450 40,007 40,007 39,474 Transfer from Suluming Pool $ 7,904 7,824 $ 70500 $ 7,350 $ 100926 Fund 4,935 Co stribution from other sources 300 300 Sing registrations 70506 9,972 130350 12,532 13,350 Transfer from anapprepriated .surplus -0- $ 80,000 $ 7,622 7,622 11,239 Unclassified 132 369 150 150 150 ' TONAL PARR FUND $ 93,946 $ 105,619 $ 121,049 $ 1170490 $ 1270133 POOR L?UND Real personal property # tag 71,904 7a824 7.500 7 350 10,926 TOTAL POOR YU $ 7,904 7,824 $ 70500 $ 7,350 $ 100926 PARK CONSTRUCTION FOND 1 ! Transfer from active fund TOTAL FAQ CCNSTBtiT 109 i LV OTHER REAL. MD PERSON PROPMITY TAX REVERM Firemen's relief Fire protection Hennepin County Park Reserve District Bonds and interest TOTAL OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVMWS TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS $ 80„000„$ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ mQa $ -0- $ 80,000 $ 800000 $ 80,000 $ 6,929 $ 7,554 $ 70900 $ 7,742 $ 8,300 6,939 79556 7,900 7,742 8,300 1,754 1,754 5,106 $ 71,268 1 6111535 $ 60,754 $ 59,574 4 65,806 0,012 1,417 $1,1844113 113294,860,11J604319 21,397,057 GEREUL FUN General Goverrmwt s Mayor and Goumcil Planning Administration Finance Municipal court Election Assessing Legal services Library Total General Gavenment Public Works: Engineering Supervision and Overhead Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Pillage Properties Noxious Need Control Capital Outlay Total Public Works Protection of Persons and Property: Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control Inspections Total Protection of Persons and Property SF 2my 11 EXPENDITURES BY FUN AND FU14CTION $ 7,972 $ 8,956 4 10,430 $ 9,836 8,156 14,167 13,412 13,110 43,462 47,445 52,857 53,265 33,417 32,648 33,547 34,129 22,803 22,833 25,354 28,226 1,262 47,211 2,915 21,852 31,143 34,973 40,139 38,662 14,355 21,242 15,670 21,114 3,420 2,707 3,603 3„601 $165,990 4232,182 $197,927 $2049795 $ 97,095 34 +,930 112,931 32,447 3,667 12,732 1,285 14,286 8,114 1,462 9.705 a $6,286 42,436 156,758 36,586 5,227 11,74+1 900 23,064 9,340 935 s $104,314 43,928 146,978 40,065 4,635 15,965 4,760 17,965 12,590 2,105 24 100 $119,678 42,979 145,100 39,214 5,452 16,799 4,451 17,194 12,021 2,030 23.327 m $ 9,760 12,595 54,510 35,463 25,740 7,240 40,202 16,390 3,403 $205,303 $123,132 48,010 168,666 42,930 5,361 18,500 4,870 19,410 IA,048 2,169 28 615 ta7S,711 450,929 $174,105 $198,140 $197,747 $213,630 81,321 85,579 93,204 92,967 96,656 10007 900 2,330 2,040 2,175 1,800 3,202 5,447 5,439 10,000 3,733 3,596 4,550 4,366 4,500 - 16,088 19,862 26,242 20,256 19,768 $254,878 0287,21:4 $329,333 $322,815 $346,729 $ St1MARY II ( continued) Smog= II GENERAL FUND (continued) $ 27,630 '28,363 _4 29,278 $ 29,257 $ 31,727 on- epartmenta enditures: 7,555 --38,731 34,595 39,335 Contingencies $ 1,876 $ 4,379 $ 9,458 $ 2,882 Settlement of Suits 14,433 1,213 10,000 500 Special Assessments an Villages Property 26,947 27,048 17,000 16,632 Unallocated Capital Outlay 1,782 1,196 2,854 2,815 Capital Improvement 50,000 50,000 Central Services - Unallocated _17,481 26,646 111J92 Total Non - Departmental Expenditures X48,086 $ 59,882 $ 80,312 x,84,621 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $797.606 8975-SRS SI.025_557 ST -Mn.L" PARR FUND Administration Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUN POOR FUND PARR CONSTRUCTION OTHER TAY SUPPORTED EXPENDITU S Bonds and interest: Improvement Fund Park Sinking Fund Firemen's Relief Association Fire Protection Hennepin County Park Reserve District TOTAL OTHER TAY SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS $ 11,049 1,000 17,000 6,400 50,000 $ 19,841% $ 27,630 '28,363 _4 29,278 $ 29,257 $ 31,727 27,689 7,555 --38,731 34,595 39,335 31,018 29,793 42,740 42,570 48,846 7,072 14,433 10,_300 10.182 7,225 $ 85,623 $100,219 $121,049 $116,604 $127,133 8,579 8,250 7,500 11,326 10,926 80,000 80,000 80,000 $ 14,000 $ 13,700 $ 9,600 $ 9,800 $ 9,800 22,935 3_2,777 33,600 26,131 34.300 $ 36,935 $ 46,477 $ 43,200 $ 35,931 $ 44,100 6,929 7,555 7,900 7,742 8,300 6,939 7,556 7,900 7,742 8,300 5 2 50$803 2 61,588 $ 60,754 $ 56,521 0 65,806 8942,611 $1,145,742 $1,294,860 $1,304,917$1,397.057 PAGE U -, u z i i o. .3 F.STMATEEC $ 7,200 L GENERAL G(REPUTPIZANT PVWOR AND COVOCIL 21.100 1961 BUDGETED F.STMATEEC $ 7,200 $7,200 156, 7 1,000 553 2,076 2,076 L3 0 FUNCTIMI SUMNUILEW () 2 " El C 7 2. Mi,,'JTRACTUAL SMViCES Lem CROTLIAL SEWIMBS 5. CAIH—HAL OUTIAY TOM1111P.S C01016FINTARIII, 1962 RE'C, 0-1 A 4 W� N 01' LO B 1ITMI-9 ET12 V $7,200 7,200 130 1,000 .i,560 '-12.89-0- 1,000 1,560 9.760 _ The Village Council constILtues the legislative or policy-making division of Edina Village Government. Th-e Council is couposed of the Y-layor and 'Lour Trustees, all elected at large for overiapping terms of two and three years, respectively, The Mayor is the official head of Village G.,,)vernment and is the presiding Officer qIp at Council Meetings. The Council weets on the second and fourth Monday of each nonth at the Village Hall. Sunimary of items contributiag to the decrease in are presented belo-ua Conferences and schQols Central services Total Amount I�eraer.- $ 516,,00 95.56 CO 10MOV7. ViLLASE OF 'EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2 F u -.; Ci (GENEIRUM-L Fus-intion lu 191i'YOR AND COUNCIL EXPENDBTURE OE M& Acct. No. 21 100 Dew;, S:l��,;�k_i�T6'ir c, .�l.'.d�V' I �. .�C/�+lr , f 7,200 7,200—1 2� Conferences and Schools 130 -0- 3. kxmyual :,-oporgl 500 16ews le;,ters 500 1 ! -x--j q 1,000 4. �1-eneral 360 hTillage Hall 200 1,560 si 1,560 5 9,760 i f ` TOTAL 1,12&YOR AND COUNCIL y 2q=9zoL9 1. t T, PAGE Aca. b"10. IG --' -Y. PLANJOIN - 21 1 0 19 fol 1 Percent 240 I- ND D I P 'CON I'M ;D 1962 PUDGERTED Goo 9 '-,:D SEEM '�S 9,840 9,750 6 -6 1�? -%UAL E I I` 0 IN, j , Ic I E V E 205 1,205 20C. , 75 200 200 0 X19 1 , 6 0 6: 2,685 595 'CO 171 111 11.1111 1 'C'N ",r,he function 0�%, i7k�e K-1-Amming Deparq-mw--t is to -provide staff se-rvice to the VV 1.2-e Council 2, 'co 00-AeK Village depnrtments, an-d the Village end. tp, a I`Lmizeel degree tc,, ap"oucies, both public and private, whose U"Le phvoica-2. dewelopii,-.elf- of the Villa,,,e of Edina. Staf �, 'c;ervAce iac ktu,".'s raMca- opezat.1-c-as, the zi- dmini strat ion oi-' the va-rious I) and nse and suib)miosion c-%f recommendations cnmat�ers of zuniug ane, beforo thin Couno,,U and lKe-niving CC. =,Ission, and tbe preparat•m overcxll pT.ems. AkE Suli:am- -:-u af J-'.Ze,-qs cont:i-Abut-Eng, to, �-,he dcrzci�e.ase i!.3 appropr iat ions ar presented �Ilklla,,lAos mcld -,.Jagp�� sezvi,.was cQnfeTeuces and Gch!'Ols Yot-al A-mutant Percent 240 !" "300 137�35 3.30 727 100.001/1 VILLAGE OFEMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 i - -_ Fund �i'i3�4��tiD50 Area Accg. 6�'o. —_ CEVERAL GENERAL I ct& — A.caavaty 05- jiC DOWN Recommended i Mgeaed 1. Director $6GOW650 � $ 7,800 $ 7,800 90C!Mtaly(�) 330 -3410 11950 $ 9'mo 2. C'onfeyences and schools $ 250 C's and subscriptions 255 Professional service 500 1ilca2,e 204 1,205 $ 1,205 3._ BoOks and pamphlets $ 50 i Printing , / es Photographic supplies 53? 200 I ; 200 E 4� Genera $ 1,200 i illage Hall 2&0 _ .440 I . i ! TOTAL PLANNING $12 G -2 659. Y 659 i I x,265 SUNIIAAkY 2 1 I'D 38, $39,560 GZPNEMBAL -"()V-R,1E'VRNENT ADMINISTRATION 230 21,200 x,265 SUNIIAAkY 2 1 I'D 38, $39,560 5,037 5,306 230 153 8,076 6,076 Soo 668 x,265 SUNIIAAkY 0 T."TALS ""-'UNCTION Tbe managen-sall- o:E tbe Villa-ge's a-.-IvAndst-rative affairs, Lhe pucper e-xecution. of ti-he policies adnpteri by I-Aia Counir-ij., and the, enfcncament ol'-- lacal 'I'laws m-id ordinances, are all the direct Tespransibility ci the VJq--U,-.&a lnlamacer. This accou-at provides his office witil 6 1te necesse-'ey 'Ind -FlAnds 'cc pproperl- y maua�e the argan-ination needed to implewienl- his responsibility. Appropriatims C-ar i1 is acccual- have incren'sed. seven pere-ent. -Ute Principal- factor, being. salavies and -wagen. A mummm-uzy of items- con-fribufAng to tJhe �ncrease are p-.,femnted below. S--1=4e2 and wages (A vanderc-inces Scho'01S Dues aad subsc-liptions Filing supplies and uuclassi f ied centaal Services Cap-."'Cal G; tlay .A T Oca I 1. PERWIMIAL 4 1 , 2 G 6 c, 39,316 2. CUNTRACrUAIL SERIACH, 5,306 5,306 4. A I 376 373 �t. CM0 IRAL S'ERvil CIES 8,136 8,136 ' i L 0 U 71 LA Y I 374., 1,374 0 T."TALS ""-'UNCTION Tbe managen-sall- o:E tbe Villa-ge's a-.-IvAndst-rative affairs, Lhe pucper e-xecution. of ti-he policies adnpteri by I-Aia Counir-ij., and the, enfcncament ol'-- lacal 'I'laws m-id ordinances, are all the direct Tespransibility ci the VJq--U,-.&a lnlamacer. This accou-at provides his office witil 6 1te necesse-'ey 'Ind -FlAnds 'cc pproperl- y maua�e the argan-ination needed to implewienl- his responsibility. Appropriatims C-ar i1 is acccual- have incren'sed. seven pere-ent. -Ute Principal- factor, being. salavies and -wagen. A mummm-uzy of items- con-fribufAng to tJhe �ncrease are p-.,femnted below. S--1=4e2 and wages (A vanderc-inces Scho'01S Dues aad subsc-liptions Filing supplies and uuclassi f ied centaal Services Cap-."'Cal G; tlay .A T Oca I dT 2.00 147 4. CC 148 4. A I 6() L c 691 574 15.92 VILLAGs OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 6 6 }.FSFfld -- --- g` €a�C5EE1E--- I Amfd Aieo. Me. GENERAL GRIERAL G0V R�11 Mk. I! I ADNI iIST RATIC i 21.200 - EXPENDITURR DETA9 . Code - -- � Activity - - - -� abica � Detail Recommended � Budgeted - le manager $1400 ) Administrative toss " t � F ,. } $16,800 $16,800 Village Glens- :575 -600 6,000 7,200 4,800 7,200 PBX Operator $275 -2€4 3A-08 3,408 1 Secretary $375 -381 4,572 4,572 Olerk(k) $150 -153 1'.336 1,836 sumni er Help $1.50 per bcur e.. 1�E:.S� 700 $41,266 $39,316 2. Conferences and schools $ 895 rmes and subscriptions: 661 Legal adven ring 3,7'50 I $ 5,306 $ 5,306 3. Licenses $ l00 Books and panvhlets s® iling Supplies 153 racl.assifted _75_ 378 378 4. .general. $ 4,800 Village %Il.l 2,928 Equipment Operation 408 _ 8,136 $ 8,136 5. Electric typewiter $ 450 Metal table 25 "Ear dex file 50 Binding machine 349 Auto replacement 500 374 $ 1,374 TOTAL AMMINIS`1 WC1.10N . $56.6 460 A 25-4, 51.0 SUMIMIARY ate__ p e ceiat ,1,806 89,76% CEWERAL - 0 ? i�sy1 Criv ZURIE- 'r' -��_� E'?IdANCE 21.210 SUMIMIARY ate__ p e ceiat ,1,806 89,76% 1962 25,440 $ 26,190 1. PERSONAL SERVECES $27,246 $ 27,150 3,233 3,115 2. CNI u RAC UAL. SEMMES 3,163 3,163 50 3. SO 5® 4,524 4. C'- NT'CZAL SEEW ES 5, 800 5,100 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY .$_33 k547 $3°,129 - 35,559_ x_35.4.63 — - -- 707A LS - - -- - — CONWRITAIRY FUH MOA The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affaive of the Village. All revenue and extpendi.tuTe transact Bono are co trelled by the Finance Department. A centrali2ed system of purchasing is wintained. Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance Ocpavtmento Appropriations for this account have increased ,ix percent (6%), the principal factor being salaries and wages. A summary of items contributing to the increase are presented be "le-w. SaL- -ies and gages Conferences, schools, dues and subscriptions Central services Total khmount p e ceiat ,1,806 89,76% 0 3148 276 13072 y ®-2 _1.00400170 ViLLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE s FuM Function Area Aca. No. GENERA GENERAL GOUEr- albi0T KFMCE 21 .21.0 EAPENOCTURE EaETAUL cago activity i ob —eta Recowelerided Budgeted 1e Finance Director $850-900 $10,800 $10,800 Bookkeeper 400-406 .4,372 4,872 Secretary 390 -396 4,752 4,752 Cashier 390396 4,752 4,752 Payroll Clerk(2g) 300 -305 1,830 1,830 Sumner belp _ 240 144 =27,24 5 $27,150 �m 2e Conferences and schools $ 377 Dues and subscTZ- ipglons 36 Annual audai.t 2 7�50 _- T 3,1163 $ 3,163 3. Books and parphlets $ 50 $ 50 pro General $ 4,260 Village Hall 841.0 If 5„14;£? 5,1Q0 $35,463 f i I TOTAL FINANCE i $3� 559 1 SLPMMAFY Fercent. 1962 GEIME,RAL GENERAL GOVERMENT f MUNICIPAL L CO3, T 21,300 SLPMMAFY 2S 35L' $ 08, 226 TOp AIII's 120 FUNCTION FUNCTION The Hun.i.cip al Court is presided over by an elected fudge uho sewe:s a:or a six year term. The Caa= iG charged with the responsibility of hearing all cases of persons with violating a Village ordinance. The largest number of t3ucu violations aye violations of the traffic ordinances, A special Traffic Violations Bureau was established to handle these cases. CORIE TS ..� Appropriations for this account have increased thirty,—four perceat (34%). A summary of items contributing to the increase axe presented below. Salaries and wages Boazd and room —p' ia,oners Wi.:ness fees c quit rE:porte'r General supplies Central services capital O'It .ay 'Yo ta.? Amount Fercent. 1962 29728% UDGETE,0 ESTIMATED OiUECT aEC, 0 -A. E.,NDEO BUDGE` O s3 15,930 $15,847 E k EIRSOMAL SEI'R ES $ 20,100 S 16,020 4,200 7,155 1 CO PLIAt" UAL SEIRVEICES 9 , d OO 5,500 500 500 600 200 4,524 4.'52E,. Ct M RAL SEi?IMES 4,020 4,020, 200 200 S. CIANI 'IAL UIUP .Aff 300 2S 35L' $ 08, 226 TOp AIII's 120 FUNCTION FUNCTION The Hun.i.cip al Court is presided over by an elected fudge uho sewe:s a:or a six year term. The Caa= iG charged with the responsibility of hearing all cases of persons with violating a Village ordinance. The largest number of t3ucu violations aye violations of the traffic ordinances, A special Traffic Violations Bureau was established to handle these cases. CORIE TS ..� Appropriations for this account have increased thirty,—four perceat (34%). A summary of items contributing to the increase axe presented below. Salaries and wages Boazd and room —p' ia,oners Wi.:ness fees c quit rE:porte'r General supplies Central services capital O'It .ay 'Yo ta.? Amount Fercent. $4,320 29728% 1,500 11011 200 2028 2,090 22,,82 1,050 11,98 100 1 > it" 504. 5.75 100 58766 100007. ANNIQUAL 0NUDGET A, a `E_ 10 Ame Acak. GEE, _R1111 GENERAL GWERVMENT MUNICIPAL C151YORT Hunicipal Judge 1525-700 0 d d DudgQtod Hunicipal Judge 1525-700 8,400 6,300 SPecial Judge 125 per. diet 3,600 2,400 Clerk of Court 4280-325 3,900 3,480 Deputy Clerk ��310350 i20,100 _3,040 $16,020 2. conferonces and schools 300 i 100 Board and woom-prisoners 3,500 I 2,500 witneos fees WOO 300 Jury trial expense 3,000 2,000 Court reporter 4 9,100 t 5,500 3. General supplies 600 200 1,900 I 4k 4,010 Y1 Z. , 0C.0 5. Docket Eacl: 200 unclansified too — 1 TOTAL MUNICIPAL CWT 13l,120 QW740 OF EDWA "U1011,11MAIL BUDISIME-61 PAGE n FE-11'A F i-,,L i i a -s I Awe� Aca Me. GENES L GENERA-L GONYMMENT ELIECTIGIN 1 21.400 -------- la6l FSTWATED SUNAVIRY 1962 0 B jr L It"' T P E C OMMAAI� N', M'D BUBGn-M $ 1,800 1,792 IL PERSONAL SEHRVOCZ 5,975 795 760 2. CUGM .C' UAL SERMMMS 440 320 300 1 CONYVICBMES 625 4. CENTRA L SEX, V;Es 5. CANTAL ORMI'lly 2,93.5 2,852_ 7,24-0 7.9-40 TOTA LS CO INAINAR-11111`Altr? MICTICH The Village Clerk is responsible gor cond-iscLing all National, State, and Village elections that occur in tile Village of Edina. CCMAMTS During 1962, there will be two elections-a primary and general during September and November, respectively. Appropriai:ions for this account have increased one , hundred fifty percent. (1507.). A su=L-a.-y of it-c-ans contributing to the increase are Dresented below. salaTies and wases 73-1-5 Storage rental 120 1ACYqAn.8 charge 160 Insurance "395 Supplies, ballots and formus, 505 Total $4,325 Percent 96.57/. 2.77 3.70 9.'3 11.67 100.00% VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE IP_ � -- - - Fl��;,n{ctsonyy -}{��- -�� .�v,�g -� Arycy: z�. No. ` ��Fund ee��— e- yyii�� RL�pfr�v �7deSev.LiEkAL GOVER VFP'66i1SS �7 JiX.Z "CT_U GN ( BTEWDITURE DETIAEL Cole Adivki _ -6�;.j fi Detail Recommended � €:atas7geted 1. Election Judges $1.25/Hr $3,800 Set-up time 1,225 Registration 700 Police service 2250 1 �D storage-zental ISO Custodians 100 Moving charges , 160 _ 3. Ballots S 375 � rotes forms 250 � General supplies 200 $ . 825 7.2-40__ s If I I VRILAG'Ez EV)H(11"VLI�� 13 Fund 1 Fa-caca PI'j G' E i %7 EI it"I'll GENERAL G OV E F', i'RII �-� N's-' 2.4.,.500 ' STI NO MA"H"f Q2 n 195 40 � 2D2 UNCTION The ossessing function includes the determinzKon of the asoess& values, and preparation and maintenance of tan records of all properties VOW the village Spe&& assessmeats levied for improvcmeats are al co computed and spread on the tax =110 by peysoanel of W Assessing Department. Appropriatious for this account have increased five percent (5%). A suimnary of items contributing to the Weresse are prea•nt& below. 1962 I 5 o ConfNences and schools 256 r6l-'CO LVII 11,11, 11'16 i-a r) U 32,600 31.275 1. WEERSUil,!AL, 32, OS 31,950 2,914 2,896 2. 2, 7 -13 2,713 255 35 i '?, C' (";'Ot N i 0 "L9 �" V S, 738 253 4, In 4; 140 MY& 4,536 4536 , 150 r-AHFACL (1,1�111U11"UX 1,500 750 Q2 n 195 40 � 2D2 UNCTION The ossessing function includes the determinzKon of the asoess& values, and preparation and maintenance of tan records of all properties VOW the village Spe&& assessmeats levied for improvcmeats are al co computed and spread on the tax =110 by peysoanel of W Assessing Department. Appropriatious for this account have increased five percent (5%). A suimnary of items contributing to the Weresse are prea•nt& below. SelayinG and wage�' I 5 o ConfNences and schools 256 0.45 Dues and subscriptiong 55 247 Aerial MPPS 485 23.59 Books, pawphlets and printing io Aq Phwograpbic and other suppileg 12 .58 Gentval services 396 0•26 Capital outlay V�LLAG� OF EDNA ANNUAL BW)GET d GENERAL GENEW WERNM11T WITAHL ATCC ASSESSING PAGE 1"., AC, 140. 21.500 `�sJL�3W I ��G.C3 °iiSg' -__� �P dA�b• � LIbC.(l e`tl�°�- i I \Q'.4�C5 LTA 3. SC&:H'�.xa I �vie�.� - -- Assessor $725-747 S,964 _Y:'fdW . - -- S 8,964 Deputy Assessors 1525-533 12,792 12,792 Assessment Clerk $440-447 5,364 5,361.,. Secretary 4335-340 4,OSO 4,OSO Clerical(W) 1.501W 1.,508 750 032,708 2. Conferences and schools 464 Dues and zubscriptions 129 Mileage 750 IEK-Prepariug assessments 1,000 Tax Wok and ownership records 250 Sales ratio se' vica 120 2,713 3. Aerial maps 463 Printing 115 115 Photographic supplies 120 120 metalli C ta, 18 738 4 253 4. Geneva) 3,960 Village Hall 576 f 4,06-- $ I V Automobile -U0502-- 750 TCTAL ASSESSING VRJ-P,,1-G1WE or- EDINA PAGE. 115 N e- Amu face. No. GENERAL CONOVAL GOVERMIEUT LEGAL SERVICES il SUNUIV42AEZY 1961 BUDGETED E 5 T P. M Ar L D 0 3. 3 E CT 1962 - RECOMWN DvD BUDGETED S 6,000 $ 6,000 IL PEMSONIAL SEPRWCE5 $ 6,000 9,670 15,114 2. CONTRA 'UAL SEPWICES 9,970 3. COMMODME 6. CENTrIA/L SERMCES 420 5. CAP FOAL OUTLAY ,S- 1-5.610 21,214 j, 6 390 FUNCTION The Village requives the professional services of attorneys who are contracted for on an araival basis, They p-4ovide legal acre set and prepare -;he necessary oEdinancek aced resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council, In addition, they defend the Village in all claims and suits, and prosecuLe all cases arising ca-,t of violation of Village or-di-nances. CUJIMENTS Appropriatioas for this account have increased four peTeent (4%) . A summ-ary of items contributing to the increase are presented below. Amount Percent .ftofessional fees 360 411067% CM-tral service 420 58.33 Total 720 1000001% Wl-LAS-7- OF EDINA Fmd C.2 j, i"'NINUAL 1-BUDGET Rmciian C-TRUMAL GOVERMENT 4FOU LEGAL SERUCES EXTENIXTUR' NMI PA 0-1- 16 Amt. NO. 21.600 Object 1. F�rCSCGti - , AttoKney 6,000 2. Conferermes and schools $ 95 Dues and subscriptions V� Professional i-ces M, go S) "970 4. General 420 - T0191.1,1, LEGAL SERTICES 16J�9(�_ II ILLE. iI iii PAG4P, SUIVINIARY T 1 0 W. M E tNi D, E D B U 1, 300 S 1 415- L PERS-ON"AL SIEHRMCES 1,600 1,953 G Z N. F, R-A L GENTER-41, GOVER7MENT COWMACT UAL SMViCES 853 350 21.700 SUIVINIARY T 1 0 W. M E tNi D, E D B U 1, 300 S 1 415- L PERS-ON"AL SIEHRMCES 1,600 1,953 1,862 2. COWMACT UAL SMViCES 853 350 304 3. COIANWMT�Es 950 4, CENTRAL S. CAPFFFAL 3,403 —P— LS CONAAMEN17, RI, PUNCTION The building a-pad CiXomado of the Mira B-.ranch o - the Henn.epin County MbrzarP:7 Pre gurnished and maim -aired by the Village of EcIATm. Hennepin Coup pplies the books Hbzra-rians. Summary of ite-ems to decrease in. appropriations are precented below. Amount ?e--;"Cent Salavies and wages 300 150.0,07, 'Paiat Ax-S 800 fl-00 o 00 Rep "ka, " c m. c; n to 300 150.00 Tav-m Seed, and Sedgy 100 SI G , � () 0 Coun-Lagencies 500 230.00 Tote! S 2 0 No, 100. 00% Vi.LLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 18 MTENDITURE DETAIL CC& Ame Acet. NO. GENEML GIN M MEN T M ZRAL GMERN LIBREMY 21.700 MTENDITURE DETAIL CC& Janitor 600 Payroll (Public Works) 900 Floor polishina 100 IQ 2. Beat $ 400 Light and power 350 W7ater and newer service 22 $ 853 3. CInaning supplies $ -00 Repair material 2100 Latin seed and sad 150 Coatingencies 500 9-50 TOTAL LIBRARY _3 a4Q3 0.403 VNJ-?%r-..P'0r- PM14A AHV�11141UAIL BUDGET, PAGE 19 Goad Vrmc&n Sweo Ara. NO. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS r3NIGINEZRING 22.100 1961 BUDGETED EST MA7P7M 83,880 3,071 2,916 12,300 2,147 SUMA-11kF1,11 1.962 032'Ec 7 MX 0, M Nt ENI 0 '1- D BUDGETED $91,263 1. PERSONAL MMACES $ 103,560 11,612 2. CONMMCTUAL ORMCES 7,584 2, 1.16 31 col"UMODIMES 3, 680 12,300 4. CENTRAL SM VOCES 14,340 2,387 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAW 2,524 16 ZA— 150 131,688 2:'01,0 _gyp 377 col"ANAIMTARY 100,098 4,490 3,680 14, 34.0 524 1.132 The Engineeking Department prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for pT -eet grading and surfacing, sanitary _,blic construction projects. This includes Gtx c' swgers, storm sewers, water ins, and other StEuctures and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordance v-1th project specifica- tians> The Department rwkatains records and files on all above nentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. Appropriations for t1liS ojCcaunt 11j;.ve increased Menty-five percent (25"?,,), tile, principal items being salaries and wages and professional services�, A suawl-Y of itew- contributing to the increase mice presented below. I Salaries and wages conferences and schools Professional seTvices Frini.ing and blue printing Lumbev and tools Aerial photographs General supplies Books-design and tables %central Peyvices capital outlay Total Amount Percent 9,680 71.89% 263 .9.6 4,250 15.53 4-25 1.55 75 .27 485 11.77 71 .26 150 55 2:'01,0 7.46 377 1.38 $27,374. 100.00% VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 20 Fund --- - - - - -- _ -6 ��a�ca�a I Ame tics. iN ©. ` GENERAL ]PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22-1100 UPE NW T URE DETAIL Code i C��46Y �.� s�.-. —. �'.D Ei�a°.�q Ffii >��E87 I RecoaluslaeM(4d, � C3udoc-.ied l ! ? Director .110€30- 105000 _ � 12,11-50 412,450 Engineer 840" 850, 10,200 10,200 i Field EnsineerG00 -650 (A ) 7,€1-50 7,650 ` Instrument men564 -573 (2) 13,752 13,752 ` Draftsman 530 -�38 6,456 6,456 Draftsman. 515-523 6,276 65,276 Engineering Aide 465-1,72 5,664.• 5,664 nglneering vide 44.2-44.9 5,383 5,388 I aa•�.a1.a 4.42 -449 5:,300 5,388 � � nspecto 500 -550 (A) 6,e.50 6,450 Inspector 430-450 q,?!' 5,1,,00 5,400 Draft s I. 4,15 -420 5, ? 0 S,OG.O Secretary 425-432 5,1w.% 5,154, Typ, <_ t 300 -305 3,660 3,300 � Overtime and summer help 4,602 L500 500 . $103,560 $100, 695 j 2, Conferences and schools 4 691.- 350 Dues and subscriptions 40 40 Professional services 6,2.50 3,500 Equipment maintenance 600_ 600 7,584 4,490 3. FrlintinR 125 Blue p?r -1.2ting 1.,900 Lumber and tools 815 Aerial pht?t+x_ar aphs A85 photographic supplies 55 General supplies _ 240 - 3650 3,650 4. General 8,520 Village Hall 1,16,0 4quipment operation 4,, §gO5 `"E` 9�0'� p p p Stir, y4—c . Drafting 'equipwartt 190 $ 190 Surveying e0ilipment 3X- 334 Automobile 2,000 .. .�, 52: 524: TOM ENGINEERING �3.� 688 �. 0.1233 132 .� Note i g25.00 per n onth .1� nisary 1; and $25.00 per +th july I. F" VN-A-MSE OF ENNIA PA& Fund E-S-H P-MATED 0 b, IF Ew C 7 R L IC 0 !, VA!� • D El D C E F E W-� L '411MUC w(YRICS SUPEIRVISION AND GIVEIT411SAD 23.100 IWILWAAW B 13 PID G ET LIP D E-S-H P-MATED 0 b, IF Ew C 7 R L IC 0 !, VA!� • D El D 1.962 0 1 :Y PDO G?I 7 E D $26,396. $ 25,535 L P�"RSOWATL SERVIECIES $29,828 290 i 225 2. CON'FIMCTUAL SIRRIOCES 290 300 275 3. 30 6 9 ,44 16, 944 N 4. �,,,NTRAL SEMMES S. CAPE TAL R. 0 UY L A V 5;4.3e928 - $?•2 12-7 —9 $ @�q 1-0 T OTALS COINILMENTAIRIV All Public WorkG personnel (other than Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public llorks Superintendent. He, thxcueh this account, pians and coordinates his activities, maintains cost and u=k recoyds, and provides t-he training and Lnstxuction necessary to insure his izaen do thei-s job most effecid.vety and efficiently, "Paid Leave" represenn all vacat-Ion., sick, feneral, etc, leave -usc.di by all Public Works emplay6es. M-2ONTS Appropriations for this account have izczeased nine percent (9%), principal item being salaries and wages (StapeTvisicna and paid leave) , A smeary of items contzibuting,to ineveas-e are presented below, Amount Percent SalaxLes and wages; Sume*4vision $ 828 M29% Training 52 Paid leave 22554. $3,434 84.130 Cent al services 64.8 15.87 Total 14. IM00% VILL,%Gi-'- OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2.2 -' Furid Faln.--fian Area Acct. No. Recomma.-id;pd PUBLIC 74011*15 SUPEr, A14D UVERJiF 'AD 23.100 e 0 ;XPENDiTURE DETAIL Dotafl Recomma.-id;pd I BlAge"lled 101 supeyvi6ion 1. uperintendent $670-725 4 8,700 #ost Clerk 413-427 — 5,124 13, 2. Physical exam inaticns so 3. Printed forms 300 •. General 14 640 arage 2,400 3quipment operation 552 917 592 TOTAL SUPERVIS1011,11 $31,766 102 Tlraftxin � ay-roll 1,500 2� onferences and schools -900 Duns and subsea :iptions 40 240 TMAL TRAINING 1,740 103 Paid lauWz; 1. Payroll $14 504 TOTAL PAID LEAVE TMAL SUPERVISION AFD 1 0"TUMMAD i OP EDIT PiPB?.IC �OEKS PA�tiI,L SONY �' D1S�E.IFUTIOId PAGE 23 ll 7�tlel Emplmyees i9G1 b�62 �athly 1�Gg SalAZy 19G� e�ppraprfati,en 1961 Appr�priatias� 1962 Fc�re�aa Tree Trf�img 1 1 $55S $S63 $ 6,452 $ 6,7SG Hes�ry Ea�u3pt Operates � 6 6� 525 533 3G,93G 41,574 i,i�.t 8cgtaipaaeat I Opera�r 10 9� X60 467 53,880 _ 53,238 i- �aints�.ance �?aa S 6 4iS X521 24, 780 30, 312 i T���a�q Steer help and ` ®vezCiate 5, 200 9 , 9 i8 I T ®tale 22 23 $127,288 $141,798 .� Perk I�i3ntea�is�cE Payroll Page ) 6,000 7,300 T�A]LS $133,288 $149,098 Public wor�ss S�spervisiesxa a8d Overheac�o �raftaiag � �, Pafd Leave Street �i�tea�cea General �afr�tearaace Pat�ciaing Street C�earafng Sealing I 6o'Eti'b � @pt3f8' �itt�FaF BY�C ��6."4' re�781 Street Lig�tiag S��eL't �t3�f� Si�82 Ge�.eral &iai�.�a� ace dew sig�a ;insi�allatfcan `�rafffc C€�tr ®ls Sites Signals Pavet °icing Gaiagd rail s3aix�te�aa�e fridges Stt�� Elrrafaa�;eo Staa�. seer �s�rt�sacc Sty serer iepgec� i �� �I II i ��s��a��ca� �iillage I'r�pegtiese $ 1,500 � 'Fisrf Case 14,500 Plantings Tree Trf�img 27,000 Tree Spraying 18,500 �i�sialae &deed Ccsntrcal 12,953 10,019 IOTA& PO�LIC � 2,500 12,000 1,000 2,2Q0 �. D 200 2,500 1,000 2,000 1,400 3,400 5,950 2,400 $ 5,000 500 28000 800 972 $131,298 g,ibrary 900 C��gl sereicese ®�.ilage 8gli 900 Garage 1,300 Equfpt asperatfcaa 2,500 Charged t® assessed pr ®jests 8,000 Ciaarged tc� ®t&aeac €ids 4, 200 T ®tal $149,098 N VI2"L'.[j-AI(;'�)r7- C- )F 'A S; FUDIMCIN The maintenance o. Villa-e sweets c=Gtitutes the greatest Voyniaz-i of t1he Public Count -1,0 tn- Works endeavor., 1 As the e%76ord "mairzten-ance" implies, the purpose of thii ac p-xeserve and inot necessm- :ail y to ir..,prove., the streets iAthin the VillageG loptovemento suet. as blackujpping, cmu-bing, oiUng, aadd ins 112. of dzainage facilities, are aoxmially financed through 6111 assessm-ent pxoceft.-e and are, therefore, raot in- eluded in this acccunt. This, account does provide ffxz such rpa-inkenance ac-ubjim�es as patching, Cleaning, Sea liens, and S-�Urvg plov'lmgn GTYxM-"!,7iTS ApPrOPKI'At ions fGr this account h.ave increased tvanty-'Chree U ki N-1 A - �R' Y pginciopl items are i "r, -az 9,f; i'i"'V •yea Ij 1962 I EYOBLYC �JIOIIKS STREET 'NAINTEINPECE 23.200 FUDIMCIN The maintenance o. Villa-e sweets c=Gtitutes the greatest Voyniaz-i of t1he Public Count -1,0 tn- Works endeavor., 1 As the e%76ord "mairzten-ance" implies, the purpose of thii ac p-xeserve and inot necessm- :ail y to ir..,prove., the streets iAthin the VillageG loptovemento suet. as blackujpping, cmu-bing, oiUng, aadd ins 112. of dzainage facilities, are aoxmially financed through 6111 assessm-ent pxoceft.-e and are, therefore, raot in- eluded in this acccunt. This, account does provide ffxz such rpa-inkenance ac-ubjim�es as patching, Cleaning, Sea liens, and S-�Urvg plov'lmgn GTYxM-"!,7iTS ApPrOPKI'At ions fGr this account h.ave increased tvanty-'Chree U ki N-1 A - �R' Y pginciopl items are i ax Wages. ' replaccinan-4 of cu�fb and gutter, and equipment operation costs"! A S1:,TruW%-y C;--E iteRIS 1962 wbf e. 'pyesentec.'I below, 19 U D G E- 7 E D EST 2MATED P 6. C e wL Dt 72,990 72,2511• 1, PERS",01MAL S'HRVICES, 9 82;9712 82,972 1,500 1,570 2. GONTRIMCM AL SERIACES 13,51.8 7,000 49,548 43,236 NM cc 49,306 48,106 23.040 !Z 3, w'.O AL S`ERVO�IES 30'.503 30,588 17,51.8 50.91 Eq,niLM-ent x-'ental '500 3s Supplies and L'?aterials 21:•2 0 .13 Central GeTvices til'�IITA ARNI 21.94 FUDIMCIN The maintenance o. Villa-e sweets c=Gtitutes the greatest Voyniaz-i of t1he Public Count -1,0 tn- Works endeavor., 1 As the e%76ord "mairzten-ance" implies, the purpose of thii ac p-xeserve and inot necessm- :ail y to ir..,prove., the streets iAthin the VillageG loptovemento suet. as blackujpping, cmu-bing, oiUng, aadd ins 112. of dzainage facilities, are aoxmially financed through 6111 assessm-ent pxoceft.-e and are, therefore, raot in- eluded in this acccunt. This, account does provide ffxz such rpa-inkenance ac-ubjim�es as patching, Cleaning, Sea liens, and S-�Urvg plov'lmgn GTYxM-"!,7iTS ApPrOPKI'At ions fGr this account h.ave increased tvanty-'Chree peycent u237,). The pginciopl items are i ax Wages. ' replaccinan-4 of cu�fb and gutter, and equipment operation costs"! A S1:,TruW%-y C;--E iteRIS to increase wbf e. 'pyesentec.'I below, P 6. C e wL sala-z'i'--S and wages,-' C lea"'ling 5,763 16 �, 75% 0012er activities Z,' �19 12-1.55 8?iO,082 29 . 3 M. Contzacted curb �nd guttey, 17,51.8 50.91 Eq,niLM-ent x-'ental '500 Supplies and L'?aterials 21:•2 0 .13 Central GeTvices 21.94 T vu*� a'.!. VILU%GE or- Fund Faar-Non GENEPAL. PUBLIC td iMS AMINUAcl'- BWDSET PAGE 25 re 3 No. STREET TMINTEMANCE Ell".PENDMiRE DETAPL Code ACH-v I __ � ObjFct ( Recoi-nnumded Budgeted 201 Gene-al 14'altntellance 17 Payroll 27,000 27,000 2, Equiprilent -vental 1,000 1,000 3. Screen.gravel 0 2,500 Fill Materials 1,250 1,250 Calcium Chloride 1,500 1"5483 Salt 1,650 L,630 Select matex-ials 2,200 10,300 S 9,100 Eqsuiprsler�t or=ation 4,860 MIAL GENERAL U4111IT-7111ACE 5 3,160 41,960 202 Patchisig 1. Payroll 18,500 3. Patching umterl.als 18,000 Equipment o"arati ',,n TOTAL rATCHING 410,496 40,496 203, Street 1. Payroll 12,953 3. Bvo=3 118-05 Equipme-nt opc'•atzon A 6 T(YEP-71 SITZMeT CLr"&MfHG c 21,020 21:020 2U... i. Fayzoll 10,019 3. llatcyials- 12,555 k Equipment operation 7,728 30,302 TOTAL SEAM# NG 30,302 205 Cti rb Re.-Paiv 1. payroil 2,500 2,500 2> Cont-,acted curb anc gutte" replaceir-tenit 17,518 6,000 3. Nlaterialn 3,000 3,000 4 Equipincnt- loperation 8()/.. 604- 12,304 TCRIAL CURB 'REPAIR $ 23,322 206 Snow and Ice Rem-D-VOL 1. Payroll 12,000 3. Land salt 1,296 Calcium ChIc.,ride 411-0 3: 376 4. EquipweLnt opezation 7.008 TOTAL "INVOW AWD ME TUT-A.I. STP.E.RT MINTENANCE C'3p 1[13)�JIVN PA GF E 2 6 1963. 13 -U D 01 EY E, D HSTHAA-biK) 925 525 38 , 400 500 240 40.065 37,939 •60 q ) U '2. L111-IE-5130dNAL SONWES 2- GQNTRbPACTUAL S-ER"V�GES 4. C E N, T r"A I- S I W � C E -5 5. C'AINTAL C'Wt."'LAY "FO MULTI 1962 B U LQ G T E D 1,000 42,250 41,250 500 500 1.80 180 3 a 9 30 .12 T-1UNCTION The overhead szL-eet lighting system throughout the Village, with the excepticn oq urnamental and special type units, is i-astalled and Maintained by Northern States Power Company. The 11:�Hagels obligation is to provide funds fov fuEnishing electrical to all lights and to naintain c;---he orneme-tital and special. unitc-. ORVI-AETITS kapproprint tons for thils account -?,-.avo A.ncreased ten percent (2.0%). The pxincipal aye power, cont•acZed repaivs rand survey. A stm-mmm-uy of items cantributing to the increase aie presented below. Salat--',-es and -uages pmje: Contracted repai% s Engineering ccntzal services Total Amount Percent Ac'a. N"O, 1,250 PUBLIC 14ORKS STRE U,-P L.WRTING, 23300 1963. 13 -U D 01 EY E, D HSTHAA-biK) 925 525 38 , 400 500 240 40.065 37,939 •60 q ) U '2. L111-IE-5130dNAL SONWES 2- GQNTRbPACTUAL S-ER"V�GES 4. C E N, T r"A I- S I W � C E -5 5. C'AINTAL C'Wt."'LAY "FO MULTI 1962 B U LQ G T E D 1,000 42,250 41,250 500 500 1.80 180 3 a 9 30 .12 T-1UNCTION The overhead szL-eet lighting system throughout the Village, with the excepticn oq urnamental and special type units, is i-astalled and Maintained by Northern States Power Company. The 11:�Hagels obligation is to provide funds fov fuEnishing electrical to all lights and to naintain c;---he orneme-tital and special. unitc-. ORVI-AETITS kapproprint tons for thils account -?,-.avo A.ncreased ten percent (2.0%). The pxincipal aye power, cont•acZed repaivs rand survey. A stm-mmm-uy of items cantributing to the increase aie presented below. Salat--',-es and -uages pmje: Contracted repai% s Engineering ccntzal services Total Amount Percent 1,250 32.34. Boo 20.70 .1,800 4-6.57 1. 55 $ 3 .,v ±5 1.00.00° /0 VII_Lf-%- E OF EDINAI ANNUAL BUDGE16' PAGE 27 o","PENorrion bFTAFL Code Ac . tivi Ily Amu AGCY. N.D. Recomrmmzded Budgetcd PUBLIC WaRgs STREET LIGHTING 23�300 o","PENorrion bFTAFL Code Ac . tivi Ily Recomrmmzded Budgetcd I. Payroll iI _j I 1,000 $1,000 2. Fot,.Ter 38:,450 38,450 Contracted repairs 2,000 2,000 Engineerirg survey - 82.0 -( ) 600 .542,250 $41,250 3. Repaft- parts 500 Soo 4. E-quipment operation ISO TMAL STREET LIGHTIM S1,, 3 930 1,42,930 Vote A- i Because of constant failure of the Ornamental ptreet lighting system, an addiLicnal subi is included for a coawletl engineering Bilzvey- study of � he under Mound wiring and electrical condli-oA s l - YflteM, '0 provide prjelizmiriarj� cost and a program for impr QV in , the system in � an.orderly, iranner. I Fres'ently, Z'ielpotiations are underway i-Ath Northern States Pow- r Company to I have tit m assume the responsibility of s pplyingthe Vi lage with the above surley. f successful, the $1,800 will be put in fI reserve f>Ji repair" and c eplacement. '0 111\1 B ..Lj t1- r? %GE 28 U I I U E) - �C� . Fund Percent 14 Yea zka. NO. GMMERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NANE SXGNTS 1 3 At 00 1961, r5 U METE RD I—ST —91-1, � �TN-1 3,215 $ 3,276 1,000 1,756 4.20 420 6 3 5 SUNIWARY !1. I'PERSONAL SEPM9CFES Z W\17, AACTUAL SEWCES CE M 1 c3,1L Sr 9 kV 61 CC 15 5 CAINTAL 0 u-Tu%1T 119TARLS UMAINAENTIAP1,101, 1962 3,400 1,301 660 FUNCT ION Village installs and maintains all street name signs. This account provides for installation avid maintenance. COMENTS App—ropriations ')or this account have increased o-i2iteen percent (16%). A summary of items ec-ntribut'inig to increase are presented below. I Salaries and wages Paint, Parts and temporary signs Signs and posts ventral services Total Amount Percent $185 25.48% 201 27.69 100 13-77 28.0 33,06 $726 100.007. ViLLAGE OF EDINAi ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 EXPENDITURE DETAOL Code I Activi-ey I Amu AW. No. GENERAL — Budgeted PUBLIC WOMS STREET ITMIE SIGNS 23.400 EXPENDITURE DETAOL Code I Activi-ey I I Object Detail 1nommended — Budgeted 1 401 I General. Maintenance 1. Payroll $2,200 3. Faint, parts and temporary signs 801 4. Equipment operation 408 TOTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE $3,409 402 New Sign InstallatiO 1. Payroll y1'200 3. Signs and posts 500 4. Equipment operation 252 TOTAL MO SYGM WSTALUITION 952 TOTAL STRMT NAME SIGNS $5,361 --54 361 PM M A P?k2';E- 30 SU �"'VHVIARY t'),UDGETED ov, 013.`' CT N Gill NICJEL5.11 PUBLIC WORKS Fat'FF IC CGNT)IOL 23.500 SU �"'VHVIARY t'),UDGETED E T �'.M 147 r D 013.`' CT N D P, Ll DORTE D S 5,:15 6,059 1. me. 6,900 ti 3,650 3..550 3,650 5,500 5,390 C Q V, W I (D GN T S 6,042 1,800 1,600 4. EN-INITCMIL SLRIV.."I"Ns 1,908 CANY.AL ODOLAV 15.965 $_1-6,799 C'Oe NI f" 'JI I- IN TA Mull FUNCTION Although the dete-z--tunation ®f need for, and the location of all traffic con-LT01 devices such as. SigrlS, Giglla!S, PnVe-M,-nc vi-M:'Alu'ag, and guard, raiis, is prepe-zly Within. the juxisdicu'-Lor of the T."olice Department, it is, neveytl-ieless, the function of the I Public Nforks Depaytment to install and -mni2taizn such devjxes� This accounz provides fav installation and maintenance. C Q, R, A Erl I T S A?,PFGpr iaz ions for this saccolint have increased si).'-teen Percent (16%), the principal (term being. sali.-cies and waaes� A, summ--,Ah:y of items contributing to the inczease are presented below, Sal azies and wages. T-caffic sign mainteriance Pavement mar-king Other activities S 8g-,.,g S Nlatey'als' Paint, plastic striping, and L 'Pruard centzal- services T 0 t a 756 1119.812) 108 4 26 *2 535 100. ff/. 22.68% SO 5 38�86 325 i2.32 88 x,85 71-.--. 3 W1. 1,298 51020 756 1119.812) 108 4 26 *2 535 100. ff/. VY.'LAG'6-- OF EDHN ANNUA31- BUDGET PAGE 31 Fund Activi4l Function Ama Aca. Na. ME AT. G -B. Budgeted PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23,500 EXPENDITURE DETAOL Cc& Activi4l Detail Recom-ancilded Budgeted 501 Traffic Si "n Maiutenance 1., "Fayroll 2,500 3. signs 3,298 •. Equipment operation 408 TOTAL TRVEYM, MGM 6,206 502 Traffic Signal ha ilnteaance I., ayro 11 4i J.,000 2. PovTer 2,500 ".ontracted repairs I , 0 0 3, 500 3e epair uteri als 700 4. , quipment 204. TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL its i94`.1! �ttA71GU 5,404 503 Pavement Hdriking 1. Payroll S 2,000 2. Equipment rental ISO 3. Paint $ 590 Plastic and strelping zoo 4 790 4 quipment operation 600 TOTAL PAVIRG HARKING 3 , 540 504 Guard Rail Mailptenance 1. Payroll 1,6,00 3, uard rail materiais 1,108 pint 146 1,254 4. Equipment operation 696 TMAL GUA." RAIL MINTEDIMiCE $ _3,3LC�_ TOTAL T1,WF7-C CONTROL 8 500 PA G-E- 32 -R:F.'wRA L 'EPUBLIC ItMRKS ?,Rl DGES 23-600 STU'Vi�11VIP.1111Y e3j, EXI-2 4. CEEN"I'd—r(Ull"L. SIENRIVII-C"E's L";. CAPMAL 1962 R E c 101, "E" N 3,400 ➢50 420 s A,870 Lea �f3 FUNCTIOU The pui�pose of thl's necount is to provide mminte-nance fire t1 he si�,,,,teen bzrlaldges the Vil'gsge. A summ-a-K-Y cif. itsm',3 4,o the increase. nre -p--:-esented belcru. Amount Derceni, SaAaw:�Cs nad wages $185 i6c. M supplies a-11.6 matcx.�als 4 1 0 ROO. 00% LF D Tg', D, E SY DM-1 ATIE',D) •,215 3,100 1j.25 931 1.,20 420 STU'Vi�11VIP.1111Y e3j, EXI-2 4. CEEN"I'd—r(Ull"L. SIENRIVII-C"E's L";. CAPMAL 1962 R E c 101, "E" N 3,400 ➢50 420 s A,870 Lea �f3 FUNCTIOU The pui�pose of thl's necount is to provide mminte-nance fire t1 he si�,,,,teen bzrlaldges the Vil'gsge. A summ-a-K-Y cif. itsm',3 4,o the increase. nre -p--:-esented belcru. Amount Derceni, SaAaw:�Cs nad wages $185 i6c. M supplies a-11.6 matcx.�als 4 1 0 ROO. 00% VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 33 Furld Furxiiol I Avw- 1 Acca. 1,40. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS I BRIDGES 1 VON code, Aad idy Object DOMH eecoiE8wenda� sudgeEed 1. Payroll 3, Paint $ 125 Guard rail. posts 325 lunbe , cable, bolts 300 $1,®50 4, Equipment operation .� 420 TMAL BRI DGES E I I� E � OF EMMA AC61N'U,",NJ- FlYkeE, 34 1ru C C GENERAL PUBL,-'_C WORKS, STOR2A DGRAIINAGE 23,700 6,765 6, 278 8,500 2,700 $_ )7 '194% SUP.11A M AIEW G 7,r E. C 7 AML, SE ME 41. CENTRAL F—PIVECES 5. CAIPPTa'U. OU T LANY 7 4-S . MAL 1962 M Er" BUDGETED .01M IMA M DE FE $ 8,350 8,900 2,160 $ I i FUNCTION The Vil age !maim ain's Sevtnizu facilities and furnishes certain services In an cf,f-Ort 'to 'Ixeop &Jm1nre to pmperty by stoKyr, water at, a mininum. Xn those areas served by stom sawers, Village crews pe-iod`;.cE,,,,11y check and cleaxi -these sewers. In areas not so served, e-teergency reansures in th-e fcrm of pumping ar.d temporary drains are pzevided Oaring sto-Mo, Appropriations fm thio account have inaxeased eight percent (8%), the principal .&Lem baing salrnies and ;uoges. A summar- C) y cfr i-tees cointributing -to the incrca)se are presented below. Saln;-2i:,IeG and wages suppl; en. I. - Total P�mount Percent 56-0 3 7 13 7 VILLAGER F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3.5 rune Function Amu Aca. Noe ` GENERAL 1 B19E�gb$EB"i -- PUBLIC WGIRKS STOMM DRAINAGE 23.700 PENDI T URE DETAIL - Code I A6�aiViQ�j - -- t���t &a ��$t3:� - — - ' RG'LC+79iP@3ePid`.'d 1 B19E�gb$EB"i -- 701 Storm Sewer Manna arz .nce I. Payroll 5,950 3. Culverts And pipe 1,200 Asphalt 1,200 Concrete 750 Steed. &neaten 750 Fill aa-tea ials 500 4,400 4. gLvipment ope.4ation 12080 z 4'i'AL STOKt3 SEWER MAINTIMMAME �13:430 702 Storm Sewe� Replacement 1. Payroll 2,400 3,. Inpe, castings, manholes 4,500 C quipment operation. 12080 TCTUL, STORM SEFTER � REF OMAEN1 $ 7 9 980 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE 4 $19,41® $19,410 G E 0 F i". D I, N! � P FAGJ& 36 l_ � _._ �E3� —.—_ - _ —A� — 1962 RE UNIM 111. #N� D-D D Ile IED GENERAL PUB1,1C VILUGE FRUERTIES 23.800 l_ � _._ �E3� —.—_ - _ —A� — 1962 RE UNIM 111. #N� D-D D Ile IED 8,040 7,820 160 8,300 750 652 z SEIMCES goo 2,300 2 s 0:x. 9 .3. 2,360 1,500 1,500 4.. a. L SIEIR V C' 2,088 b. CAPN'TAI (DUITLAY 12,590 2 3. P;; -! 211 RY The ftmetioi- aE tha, Vil,Iage Propet-t! Go ar-c'n-Unt is to pi.roperly caxce f o-,e all VJ' 11age Q- 8.Aed propari;ies' Other tbrall those used icy Paidac and Rracre�,.ticjn purpoaes These, U-Ma pToperties &E :e Daivncipally, boulavai.,ds, triangles, public Oites, ai.7,d sites used for ulMity fill -Olities. T"he -vaintenance Of thase PI�Cpefz:ies ircludes tIze Cultivatica and mowl'nt, of the tu-&f, spraying and trimming of- trees, establishment C. and aaze of plantirms:, and evezyday housekeeping vtecessaTy to keep these Village 0 P-Operties -In aesthetic accord witin ouy many -r.-IMite privctely awmed residential App-sopria'_,ions is this accamrzz have .1-ru'-w.-Casee, tvciva r,)ercent cm.)q the pvincipa� ii"_ems -U&III.CUS GUPPIUCS and CCRtIC,21 Se!:ViCCS� A. 1311ma-z"y ok items con,tributinz to +e.ae inc:rease rz-esented below ajjCI 1.-.7F,'SeS Hand toolo, i7epe-4- and saw, 'Oatal 260, 17. a Y4 50 3.43 400 27.63 160 1C: 97 583 6•0 o 34 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 37 acrid F11-kiction Awaa taw. Ne. 'PUBLIC WORKS VILL&GE PROPERTUM 23.800 EXPENNTURE DETAIL Code Adwiav Object 90.tail ReCOMF-L6CMed Budgeted 801 -Purf Care 1. 51000 3. god and dirt 1,200 Fertilizer 4.00 Toot replacement 60 1,660 4. Equipment operation 11080 DWAL MIT? CARE 7,740 802 Plantings A. Payroll 5010 3. Flc-oero and shvubs 200 4.. Equipment operaticia 192 TV-Pk,L 72UNTINGS 892 803 free Triwiing 1. Payroll 2,000 2. Equipiment rental Soo 3R Hand too3s., ropes, and sall, 100 4. Equipment operation 408 TOTAL TRES TRIMIUM 3,308 804 Free spraying 1. Pa5rrcll 800 3. Spray 900 Equipment eperation 408 TOTAL TREE SPRAYS EG 21 108 TOT, 1, VILKAGE FROMMIES $14,048 V 11- LAGE 00, F 'i :- D, i N A AVIHIUAI- BUDGET PAGE qR Fund 'GENERAL PUBLIC WORMIS mmous WEED COMMOL 23.900 1961 B U 9 G 12; TED EsThMATUD. 925 .5 898 520 660 472 660 2 ,030 _ S U M MA RY 1962 3. PERSONAL SMVICES 972 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S. CONAUNIOMMS 537 4. CRENTRAL SERVICES 660 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY 2,169 o, 2,169 TOTALS — UFLM MON The provisions of the Hinnesota Noxious Weed Act charge the Village with the responsibility of seeing that all noxious weeds within the Village 11mits are destroyed, The Village must, of course, absorb the cost of weed eradication an pxivate property, but at its otm discretion, assess the cost of eradication on private property. Our policy is to assess or bill for all eradication on private property. CU-MENTS A summry of items contributing to increase are presented bole-vy,. Amount Fencent Salayies and wages 47 73.44% Spray materials 17 26.56 Total 64 100.00% VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 Fund Function Am Aca. No. Recommended -PUBLIC WORKS ous WEED CON KOM TROL 23.900 EXPENDITURE DETAIL —Code Activii7i Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll 972 3. D B. Granular 4 150 2-4-D Ester weed spray M Copper sulphate 170- 537 4. EWipment operation. 660 TOM, NOXIOUS WEED C OVIT RG L $2,169-- f?2,169 V i 44"1 1.: OF EDNA AlIN(UA-L BU DISH PAGE 40 SUA. a10Apff 1961 BkJ06ETED Eli aa2%4.4 ED 1962 P,EC01AIVE 0 0 BUDGETED an s ��ac�oc�sv 5���� ����. No. t'::ENMAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY I 23.100 SUA. a10Apff 1961 BkJ06ETED Eli aa2%4.4 ED 1962 P,EC01AIVE 0 0 BUDGETED `j er�� ��0753E617Ty G. L"l'�.:AAAsyyOb'gAb'rLL c9Eg4`�nV E"IES �r tCb, aV CES 3. ���sr AOD n DES /do-. CENTRAL SERVECES 24,100 23,327 5. CANTALGUTUff 28,615 24,101) 23.,,32Z a �615 — TOTALS — CG?HMM'," ARY FMXTIGN gxirendituree for items of equipment which 'have a easeful life of more than one year are classified as Capital. Outlay. 0C124ENTS The operating costs of the grader to be replaced are twice that of the newer machines. Besides, z'epairs of Ea onjor nature are required to peep this grader operating. We propose to budget far one half this year and the rea"ainder in 1963. The 1955 Roscoe pull type packer is badly it need of costly repairs and tire replacement, along vAth it being ineffective for intersection and dead Said street cork. This year proved e --tremely difficult and expensive to rent: a packer and if this policy should continue, the rental appzo=,riation should he increased. . The proposed dump, truck is the start of a repl.aceralent program for the fleet of ten champ trucks ranging furera 1950 models through 1961. Roto beam lights are to he added to five trucks used for snow plow and ice control operations and for night: emergency woyke The portable 200 amp. Electric Arc Welder is badly .weeded for Field epeP.ations- si.gn posts, catch hasins, bridge repair, lift: stations, etc.. The two additional sncnq plows will give the Village a total of eight trucks and one Michigan for snow plcawAng purposes, Traffic Signals & e weeded at Valley View and Wooddale Avenue and a pedestrian signal crossing. at West 70th Street and Cornelia Drive. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 Fwd Activity hac'tign APw, Acct. No. � GmER L PUBLIC W(MffS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 EXPE NDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity Object Detail � Recomnes:ded Budgeted 5. I 7otor grader Q,-) 'f � giJQV Self propelled pneumatic � tire roller, 12 for 6,000 Replacement dump -truck complete 5,000 to beam Lights (5) 325 tl.ect:xic are welder 1,000 Snow plows (2) 2,200 Creeping nozzle (2) 90 Traffic signals; School signal for 0th &' Cornelia. 1,000 Regular signal for Valley 'View Road, and Wooddale 5 O®O TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 428.,615 615 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE T PAGE 4,2 Fe mid FIS""ZOOP Ame Aca. NO. GMERAL PROTECTURI (W PCH-60NIS AND POLICE PROTECTION 2•.100 . 12 PROPERTY 267 1.26 SUDME TED ESTIMXrED 1541,121 g 154, 008 3,402 3,,149 1,477 29,520 8,620 1,350 29,520 9,720 SUMMARY OBJECT L. PERSOWAL SERVICES 2. CONMIACTOAL SERIfPCES 3. COMMODITIVES 4. CEWRAL SERMES S. CAPOTAL OUTLAY 1962 R E C 0 PI4 PIII I-- M In Z D 0 1 J D '05 R T E D $171,491 $165,935 3,377 3,317 1,210 1,150 33,108 33,408 9,880 9,820 198,140 q,, X97147 219,366 139630, 366 FUNCTION The primary function of police . protection. is to protect life and property x4hich includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is granted to as large emtent through criminal and civil codes, and village, state, and federal legislation affecting the public in general. COWMENTS Appropria"lUons for this account have increased eleven percent (1.1%), the principal item beiTag salaries and wages. A summary of items contributing to the increase are presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and Wages $16,370 77.12011. Conferences and schools 25 . 12 Various supplies 267 1.26 Contra! services 3,868 28032 Capital outlay 1 260 3.9?"' Total $21,226 i0o.007. VILLAGE OF EDIN'+ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 43 Fupd - -- Function Assay � Acet. No. GENERAL FROUCTION1 OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code --- AcNv -q A — - Object I— Mai " I Recomr�acs�.ed �SagQta o' - 1a Chief $735.757 I ° 9,084 5. 9,084 Lieutenants (2) 610 -623 :5,072. ;:.:.. 15,072 Sergeants (4) .570-587 28,176 28,176 oI Ratrmen (�►�`` 522 -537 5a,cv'%8 51,648 1'arr�lcsa (2) 500 -537 12,774, 12,774 Pantrrolmer4 (3) . 4.50 -515 '18,162 185ab2 Patrolman (1); 485.0.1494 5,835 5,835 05is+patcb.e s(3), 3.7-351 12,852 12,852 D$spat::cb--rs(2� PT.$1.75MC 2,912 2,912 Secretary 312 -322 3.864 3,8W, Patrolmen (2.) sell 463 11,1112 51156 g171,491 $165,935 20 Conferences and schools $ 842 $ 842 Dues and subscripticne '15.0 110 Teletype 56.0 %0 Radar and dTunkcmetier. 500 500 Laundry 65 65 Uniform allauance 1, 3� 2,20 1,260 0 3,317 3y377 3, Caps, leather8csods, badgesi ; 120 60 Armiui2ition supplies 500 500 Jail and prisoner expense 300 300 Photographic supplies 120 120 Krat aid supplies 70 70 Piro extinguisher supplies 75 75 Unclaassified 25 25 1,210 1,1519 4. General $ 15, 3,;,3 Village Hall 3,060 %quipment open tion 159000 33,403 33,408 5. Vehicles (7) 8,600 ? 8,600 Pistols (2) 7G 35 Lockers (2) 50 25 l'mpwovaements 300 300 File. 61D 60 Radar enit° 800 800 9,880 ; 99820 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION $219,36b $213z630 i V01 _AGE; OF EMMA ANNWM& OUDG 9 PAGE 4-A. 1961 BUDG,--.T[- D ESTIMATFE $77,176 $77,018 1,976 1,504 2,120 428 93.204 1,955 1,,44.9 1 2,1.20 425 $ 92,967 oBj ECG" 1. PMSOMAL MWICe S 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. COMMOW ES 6. CFNTRAL SE VECES 5. CAPO AL OUTLAW TWALS COMMENTAKY 1962 LIECOLV1i 41-MMI0 BUDGETED $ 80,362 $ 1,593 1,301 13,200 450 96,906 $__26 - 656 FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires f±-on, starting; (2,) prevent loss of life and prope rty in case a Sire does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. In general, this involves the providing of services fmr both fire prevention and fare fighting. OC WENTi S Appropriations for this account havd increased four percent (47.), the principal item being salaries and gages. A simmary of items contributing to the increase are presented belovy. Saaarle6 and gages Conferences and schools Dues and subseziptio- -ss Clothing allowance Insuvw -ce Various supplies Central services Capital Outlay Total. AM01W.t Pere�ent 53,186 _ 86.06`0 GEMERkL FRO ECTIM OF 'PERS O5 MND FIRE PRLTEG"IJON 24.200 60 PROPERTY 150 x;..05 1961 BUDG,--.T[- D ESTIMATFE $77,176 $77,018 1,976 1,504 2,120 428 93.204 1,955 1,,44.9 1 2,1.20 425 $ 92,967 oBj ECG" 1. PMSOMAL MWICe S 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. COMMOW ES 6. CFNTRAL SE VECES 5. CAPO AL OUTLAW TWALS COMMENTAKY 1962 LIECOLV1i 41-MMI0 BUDGETED $ 80,362 $ 1,593 1,301 13,200 450 96,906 $__26 - 656 FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires f±-on, starting; (2,) prevent loss of life and prope rty in case a Sire does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. In general, this involves the providing of services fmr both fire prevention and fare fighting. OC WENTi S Appropriations for this account havd increased four percent (47.), the principal item being salaries and gages. A simmary of items contributing to the increase are presented belovy. Saaarle6 and gages Conferences and schools Dues and subseziptio- -ss Clothing allowance Insuvw -ce Various supplies Central services Capital Outlay Total. AM01W.t Pere�ent 53,186 _ 86.06`0 L75 4.73 2 .05 60 1.62 150 x;..05 203 5. 6-8 1,080 2918 22 59 $3,702 IGO.ON. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET HAGS z.,5 Fund - -- — Function � Ana Aw. No GENERAL PRMEC^IMP W PERSONS AND FIRE PROTEC'EIM 24.200 i � Chief 070-690 4 8,280 8, 280 FXPENDITURE OtiePA& Code Activity DOOR ! ReCaleeAlY ceded Budcgc7e6 1. � Chief 070-690 4 8,280 8, 280 Asst. Chief 580 -598 7,176 7,176 Firemen (7) 522 -538 45,192 4.5,192 Fireman 480-516 6,112 6,112 Fireman 450 -496 5,952 5,952 Volunteers 7 §650 7400 $80,362 $80,112 2. Conferences and schools 514• Dues and subscriptions 69 Laundry 350 Clothing allowance 660 $ 11,593 ; 1,593 3. Clothing replacement $ 180 Canisters 200 Photographic supplies 71 First Aid supplies 200 General supplies 550 Refilling-Scott air perks 100 $ 1,301 $ 1,301 4. General $ 7,260 Village Ball 2,820 Equipment, operation 3,120 513,200 $13,200 5. Air Conditioner 4 200 Scot: air pak 250 450 �� 450 f TMAL FIRE PROTECT10H $96,906 $96,656 f VD-LAGE. OF MMIA AIN4IUA,E.. BUD"'ET PAGE 46 - 1.961 BUF)Mg r-.D EMU44TED 720 $ 720 635 675 M "— 620 ZM 300 SUMMARY OF 1. NFIIISOHI-'�L H-RMF's I CONT.RAIC-d UAL SERMFS 3. c (D m im o T B . ES 4. CENTRAL REMICFS 5a CANTAL OUTLAY TM ALS COLINJINIENTARY R I- C 0 AM4 F- M D 2 D BUDGETED $ 760 $ 445 950 -$-2, 175 FUNCTIM The Edina Civilian 'Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. CaMENTS Summary of items contributing to decrease are presented belew. Salaries and wages ConjEarences and schools Training alds Uaiforms and ammunition- reserves Radiological survey motor supplies Capital outlay Total Amount NP cj 60 '77- 33.70 GMERAL PRUTPECTICU OF PERSONS ARM CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24,. 300 PROPEUCY - 1.961 BUF)Mg r-.D EMU44TED 720 $ 720 635 675 M "— 620 ZM 300 SUMMARY OF 1. NFIIISOHI-'�L H-RMF's I CONT.RAIC-d UAL SERMFS 3. c (D m im o T B . ES 4. CENTRAL REMICFS 5a CANTAL OUTLAY TM ALS COLINJINIENTARY R I- C 0 AM4 F- M D 2 D BUDGETED $ 760 $ 445 950 -$-2, 175 FUNCTIM The Edina Civilian 'Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. CaMENTS Summary of items contributing to decrease are presented belew. Salaries and wages ConjEarences and schools Training alds Uaiforms and ammunition- reserves Radiological survey motor supplies Capital outlay Total Amount Percent cj 60 '77- 33.70 190 122.58 C;f" 32.26 150 96.77 75 418,39 300 a< 193.54 $155 100. ow/. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 Ft3aad -� - -_ Function — �--- - - - - -- A,ee -e I� Accf. 6t4o. GWI AL PPICTECTION OF PL ISMS 1 t3� 1�Ps� A�3 I �E14SE { 24.300 1. Director I 780 MPENDITURE NMI Cove Activgiiy 'abject I - - Detail � Recommended � Budgeted ` 1. Director I 780 20 € Conferences and schools 3.2o Dues and aubsc5sipt?ona 25 Leased U-nes for sirens 300 $ 445 3. Books and p.;5phlets 150 Training aids 350 Unifoxmsd_ eserves 200 Radiological-survey meter supplies 1.00 unition- reserves 150 , � 950 I (I t OINL GIVIMAN DEFEWSEJ c. 2 ' 2, 75 I VILLAGE. OF MINA fps ud WAL BUDGET PAGE &8 F- ap, d V (j I? ---- I Area Acc�. No. GEWERAL 2RIYeEMIGN OF PERSONS MD PUBLIC HEALTH 24.400 470 — PROPFRZY 231 4.27 1961 MDGEM - r-SMAA79D $4,100 4,109 385 202 360 Ann 401 180 360 389 5,439 SUMMARY OB3„CT 1,4A[L -7'r S 2. CONTRACTUAL S",7RV9CC:S 'a. COMMODMES 4. OMITRAL RaMRCIES S. CAS TAL OUTLAY 70171d.q CO3' A M E I, � I TA r% Y 1962 RIKOMWI:MD'E'D BUDGEM 81400 $ 7,500 972 972 433 600 450 - - M—)t855_ 433 600 495 1 10,000 FUNCTION The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the co.maunity by -making and enforcing laws to pxeserve and promote the public health and safety, and to pxotect the life and health of all persons within the community, Appropriations for this account have increased one'hundr-ed percent (100%). The principal factor is the employment of a sanitarian on a full time basis. A summary of items contributing to the increase are presented beiou, Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Due& and subscriptions mileage Equipment and supplies Central services Capital outlay Total Amount Percent $4,300 79.527. 98 1.31 19 .35 470 8.69 231 4.27 24.0 4.44 50 .92 L352-408 100 . ON. ViLLAGEE OF ERNA A NiN U A L �-, U 0 9 F.7' PAGE e�q O xl Fimby-00.9 i Aww GEVERAL 1PAT ECTION OF FIRSONS ARD PUBLIC HEAUH 1 24. 400 EXPENNTURE DETAN codi,. Asti v;ty C Z ta 3,�' Recommmadev Budgeted 1 Sanitarian 7,00() 1 1,200 IMedical officer 600 8,400 1 7,500 2. Confewences and schools I ii 213 Dues and oubscriptions 39 Nileage 720 M 972 30 Newbrane filters 240 Photographic supplies 60 Test equipment and suppli s 133 -7— '4133 4. General 480 Film U411 1.20 JJJ $ 6 0 0 Wok case 35 Lip"14: -malix:r 55 black light lnstrumlnts 100 microscope -----260 MAL PUBLIC HEALTH 0 JUM M92h= 1 - 000 I j ' I � 1961- BUDGETED ESTWAM 4� 4•, 500 50 4,550 4,366 4, 366 SUMMARY 033 NEXT �. PERRSOM "AL SEIhM0.1 -'s 3. 4. MURAL RAL S EIMFI DES S. CAIN AL LjU'TLI, ^, ' CYAILS C0 MMII3 ! A 7A R 1962 RFERMAMAE'411DED BUDGETED 4,500 ±, 509 $_L, 500 FUNCTION Animal Coif@ X01 is a 2-=CtiOi2 of Village Government designed to proteat life and property from the injurious activities of animals both iAld and d��sticatedo The Village Council ha € ®by o dinance,regulafceed the leashing and licensing of dogs. Patrol mad Pickup services needed to enforce this rjTginance are provided through a contractual. apreemmnt with an indeperdent cont�actoW . Area fAc .Lac. GENERAL � PROTECTION OF PERS071.9S AND LANDY'aL CONTROL. 24.500 io .a A _ 1961- BUDGETED ESTWAM 4� 4•, 500 50 4,550 4,366 4, 366 SUMMARY 033 NEXT �. PERRSOM "AL SEIhM0.1 -'s 3. 4. MURAL RAL S EIMFI DES S. CAIN AL LjU'TLI, ^, ' CYAILS C0 MMII3 ! A 7A R 1962 RFERMAMAE'411DED BUDGETED 4,500 ±, 509 $_L, 500 FUNCTION Animal Coif@ X01 is a 2-=CtiOi2 of Village Government designed to proteat life and property from the injurious activities of animals both iAld and d��sticatedo The Village Council ha € ®by o dinance,regulafceed the leashing and licensing of dogs. Patrol mad Pickup services needed to enforce this rjTginance are provided through a contractual. apreemmnt with an indeperdent cont�actoW . F'U A Vea Aces. No. 'ENERAL PROIECTIGIM OF PERSONS AND I INSPECMONS 24.600 E( PF10PEDI Y _ 2. Co Cl pjC' Uip.L LrIgV CC-S SU ",C'v MRV i'g61 !3UDGRTED E��EE^ "�'Ga0 _ sus '� 9�i? C$y11r; 061A F-'ND E. D BUDGETED ?i 21,090 1 ,i99 �. 3'i'43 Dl +.'JY'ti.Gz�.. S? a��'r�vES $ J-5,480 $14,790 501 456 2. Co Cl pjC' Uip.L LrIgV CC-S 358 358 175 125 1 C(01 ,NAI0P) W E E S 420 420 4,476 4,476 4. CENTRAL SERVECES // ,200 C.4 4,200 9 5,tea g� [��p [ . 'Fc:AN � AR. hJ't1d' U'3e Y $ 20,256 0 20, v58 i9n768 COM.,"A 5 T ARY f?LNG-F ION The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke building, plumbi -ag and sign pex.ufts; enforce buyl.Id ng, plumbing and zoning ordinances and ti des; pzopose and revise building, plumbing and construction codes; establish house num— b "ing, recommend condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildi -ags; and inspect all construction of sanitary sewer, water mains, street surfacing, and curb and gutter. COSIENTS Appropriations for this account have deevensed t7ienty -t a percent (227.), the principal reason being the elimination of the heating and electrical inspector. A summary of items contributing to the decrease are presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schrjols Form, anode bookss,etc Central services Total ArDunt Percent X5,610 96.99% 143 2.47 2L;.5 1. %.23 276 4.77 5, 7 gzp'- 100. 00°to VILLAGE OF EMN-A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 Fe r, d Ful['-Noil flfbjix' A c. c t. N' o. GENERAL PS-ClUCTIM] kr,'FP- PERS&NIS A-M, 24.600 I Building inspactor 01"PrI.KUTURE DETIML Cod-,- I ikciiv,Sllr flfbjix' I Building inspactor $4,19-510 6 12.0 6,120 Plumbing inspectoa: i 480-510 6,120 6,120 AGst. Building ins�peclu-ov(FT) 1,200 600 accretary 2,040 1.950 $15,400 fim, 790 20 Conferences and sch-cols $ 300 Dues and subscriptions 58 358 3758- 3. Printed forms $ 150 Code bocks 150 Unc I a s s i ad 120 $ 4 20 420 4. General S 3,420 village. Hall 180 Equipm-cat operation, 600 4, 200 1 TUE&L WSPECTI-9-48 Fund �E'mcTion I K, ON -- DEPARVE1,104TAL EXTEDIDITURES CONTINGENCIES 26.100 V BUDGETED ESTIMATED 9,458 2,882 1� 2„887 - SUEkA.kj'APjV 0 115 I'll El C T L PERSONAL CARRVOCES 2. CONTRACTUAL SEMMES 5. C A, P OTP. L 0 U T LAY TOTALS COMANIENTARV 10,000 1962 11,049 SUAWs tiv 1962 1,000 500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 1,000 S, 3 , 000 0 r) 5 ;; 9 00 ➢ , ®00 _ - CciM''A2N. E AX FiMM0N - - - - -- I� Represents an appropi�iaticn to pay sma,P1 clams filed a CKN RAL LIT ON- DEFAAMEN- TAL SETTLEMENT. ge' SUITS 26 , 200 SUAWs tiv 1962 1,000 500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 1,000 S, 3 , 000 0 r) 5 ;; 9 00 ➢ , ®00 _ - CciM''A2N. E AX FiMM0N - - - - -- I� Represents an appropi�iaticn to pay sma,P1 clams filed a Vy"LL I A G F C �` E. D41 A Adlli'�-JUAJV B�JV&RT PAVE 55 F d Acet. No. I S-P-113CIAL ASSESSIMENTS ON I GE-PREML EXPENDITURES VILLAGE PR➢PEMY 26.300 SUMMARY D (13 E 7 E D 'EMINIATEE) G 33P LIM,' 71 4 CENTRAL SEMN-19-S 17,000 16,632 S. CAPPYAL OMAY 71 YFA LS COAAAAE-1,11PA RV 1962 1 DRUCONIMEONIN. DI BUDGETED I 40,400 $-17,000. The Village owned properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects. This account provides funds to pay these assessments. VPUJ GE OFEUNIA A[,',,INUA;. SUD-N—T PAGE 56 sa GIRNERKI M ON -D E PAY.Ts"I'MkITAL M'P ENDITUIES1 "z?N CENT—RU SERVICES—CAPITAL A'Y 26,500 OUTL _ 3-961 BUI MIMED EST WMED 2,854k 2,815 28 3 5 SUMMARY 0 B.; E "C" 7 2. COON RAC Ur'AL MV'ECES 3. COROAGINYVES A. CENTRAL SEMQ6 5, CAPffAL OUTLAY T OTALS 6'I'm �100 1962 F UNCTIGN Certain 1-tows of equipment - or improvements which have a useful life of more than r ane year, uhich cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this account. MIMNTS After many requests, a. water cooler for the lower level is recom--aded. in order to pToperly maintain the grounds around the Village Hall, an underground Sprinkling system should be instalIC& The. Fire Department x411 install the system if the materials are approved. Fire inspection of the garage heating systen revealed that drastic it2provem-ents al(yng x-A-5th replacements for the second story are needed, The present system is very old, and is extra rely dangerous as vell as not meeting fire prevention standards. The portable lubesters used for servicing all. Village equipment are beyond repair and replacement, The drill press,pzoposed to be replaced, is used for repairing and rebuilding equipment. The pzess, is badly worn and has caused two minor accidents because of worn and loose parts. The press should be replaced before a serious accident involving a loot finger OT hand accure. YWAGE OF EDRIA ANNUAL BUDGE T PASP _57 Fuad Failc caav Amo sa�e�. No. GENERAL NON— DEPARTIMENTAL MAPENDITUBES CENTRAL. SERVICES- 26,500 50 —J— eater Cooler CAPITAL OUTLAY EXP- ENDITURE DETAIL Ii Ckide I 94dc,Nivi'ity I Object Demo Recoe�96i3erided I Bud9oced j Village Fall, 50 —J— eater Cooler � Y 180 Floor tile 125 Counter top-police 50 Hydraulic door closers 120 Folding tables 70 Watering system x:•00 TMAL VILLAGE HALL 9415 Garage Drill press replacement: 400 Electric drill and stand 120 Portable power saw 350 { Hydrauli e Jack (2) 1 ".1 Heating system- replacement 2, 545 Portable zlelding outfit. 150 Beach grinder. 55 i Portable lubesters- renl ace -ment 4.90 Wheel truck dolly 150 Ignition tester 100 Body tools MO Ladders (2) 41$ + Radiator cap tester 35 Growler 25 Intercom 200 Safety lock for hoist 4.3 Films bits 100 Additional small tools 5©Q TOTAL GARAGE ~$5.455 ' TOTA- .-C9 ` RAL URV ICES -CAPITAL OUTLAY $654 90 I x,4':.00 V [� � - f -A G. E C 'F P_ 0,1 M A AINNUAL BUDND-U 'D 1. AGrt sp, SUtA!'t4ARY 1961 1962 BUDGETED rtr� �hMjATFI_7�, 0 BJ; E - C, T IM-COMIMEN'DED a U DG E T EY PERSONAL SEAVECES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. 6. CENTRAL SE-WIV00-55 50,000 50,000 S. CAP FFAL OiMAY 50,000 TOTALS FUNCTION This account was eseablisbed for the pw-epose of accurnulating funds for Capital. Znprovemen-es. CMUMS We propose a transfer from the Mayoy Dispensary Fund of `50,000 in. each of the next three years, into a reserve account for the purpose of constructing and equipping a garage and second fire station. The garage to be built during 1.962, and second fire station during 19640 GENERAL 114014-DEPARMNEW AL EXPEUDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVZMENTS 26.600 SUtA!'t4ARY 1961 1962 BUDGETED rtr� �hMjATFI_7�, 0 BJ; E - C, T IM-COMIMEN'DED a U DG E T EY PERSONAL SEAVECES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. 6. CENTRAL SE-WIV00-55 50,000 50,000 S. CAP FFAL OiMAY 50,000 TOTALS FUNCTION This account was eseablisbed for the pw-epose of accurnulating funds for Capital. Znprovemen-es. CMUMS We propose a transfer from the Mayoy Dispensary Fund of `50,000 in. each of the next three years, into a reserve account for the purpose of constructing and equipping a garage and second fire station. The garage to be built during 1.962, and second fire station during 19640 Fu s i d. F3 G kAi A T' D ACCO Acea me. P�uq%;' PARK A-10 213CMUMON' A DIN I N I S T R- Al., K ON T. REM'ONIWR. S-IRINCES SUIMINI-41.plff 1961. F3 G kAi A T' D 0W t'X 50,35% 1962 Fr l- D 20,628 1.17410 T. REM'ONIWR. S-IRINCES 22,338 $21,888 1,485 1,41.5 2. CONTRACTUAL SFERIPaIS I, 234 1,13• 125 84 3. CGIVIIMDDI TNFS 125 125 6,8•0 6,840 8,580 8,580 5. CAN'FAL OUTLAY --�L9—, 2-97 ` 32, V, 07` LS --- The Park and Department is 7esDonsible f6v the acclaisititra, development, operation and mainteensinc,cif the Villange parks and recreation factifties, sad the cQnCmct of the recreation pzogram. Pzcvi.ding fo,-g the administrationd of the park and recreation, function is the object of this acceyunt. The Edina Park Board, as am advisory bodly to the Edina Village Council, assists �n the Plans and operation of the park surd recreation functimi- WIRN-RIWIS Appre-priationa fnnr this account luave ine-reased ten perce.lat (10%), 0-le Principal -�terms are sa-la-f-Ies and wages and central services,, A suwzary of items contKibuting tc� increase are presented below,, Sal az-ics and wages CcnEei:enees and Gaheolz Genntgal. services 'R, at a 1 $2,999, 100,1007. Or Cent -13 To- 50,35% 5 8.37 1.17410 18 02 'R, at a 1 $2,999, 100,1007. V fi. L AWG �'Z: OF 911111 � A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGIM 60 V U rid, FUEICEOY3 Avao No� PARY AjjD T"T."'WILMATION 4 EXPENDITUR, QUETAEL ,Oda i- Activihr C-P b -COMMonka, Budgeted 1 i "Direc -cL ;450-9000�) f- 9,450 $ 9,300 P3. oar 8M Supeyvisov A35-500 6,000 5,700 Secretary 315-32-4 3., 8 9 G I 3,888 llraiuing 200 200 Paid leave 2.,800 22800 q22,338 —1 $21,888 2. ConfeTences and schcols 399 399 Dues and %,,zbsc?ApftorG i5 75 Audit 660 660 Unclassified 100 Books and pamphlets $ 125 125 Village Hall 780 Garag ge 960 Equipment Operation 840 TOTAL g7.32 y277 Note A-�Mi per mon-hi Ja.,.-ary 1, and $25 Der mmnth July I. 1 9 61 ll. `i , „ >50 8s 25O 4,500 AIN Rll-,,LJ,,lD` E."T 'PSI" L. 0- " 6 i G, &I 1p, ID-,C il �,, PLPRISIMMA 11L SPRI ICIES -s i i7, 1113, P U F9 G 1E, FE D 26,50.2 S 25,410 3 7 S0 _0 LC -11 4 Fl e 8,750 5,175 39,335 Ube lvillagc in additton to p-,-.-OvidJ7.vj; parck -jc�-Cj q yoar av"Ound recy.,ent-i-orml prog-cam a�j a :[uncti-en cf Villogn 3avegament 11his p��:o,,cpnv-a io tc:he z.esronsibllikly of trLe Fauk ants Depcn;,Llitehn :. It lucluda3 such ,pct ivities aG Or-aniond bdodball., roiftball, lnclkay:, aulamine,; and temnis iunvuctlon, anid, a Symm-mer playgroum.d P-,m3ram -'or sunall chil.drem. Some- 0:1 thrive vc-til-viticas 7zecelve financial GU-PP,-Tt vaTiOUG, SC-%-,ACO, and in. olullers the 4ims--elves pay �; POK-ki on. og the cost. 470,r this �.,lcccumt `5%1 the itw. being Sel-a-zies and s A sumary c2 itews contributinS to, ir=cave are preaeuted below, salaTies ml-d Ton'-al 796 1,00 . Ow/l, VW—AGE OF EDWA I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 62 F. up ej 1 Fuoiaim MRK PARK A74D RZCREATICT4 Area R 1 EZ-3.&ITION PRM-Mv-1 EXPENDITURk W-70,31 Acet. i.` C r. da, Activirly I Obicxt 2.01 Paseball, and 80-ftbal.L 1. Supervisov 1,200 Coaching Assistants 2, 3� Plates and bases 175 1 Bats and balls 200 =' . t,akcher2-- equipmeni� 300 Equipment Eepair 50 d25��i�,n� I WCAL BI-SESALT., 4,01D �� SO MALL 0 3,185 3,185 202, ka iM 13 tS and 1-lockey 1. k ink 6 .�upeyvis ivn 7,452 6,460 Hnckey coaching 54.0 540 7- ---'g 9 2 7, 7,000 3� Goalie er'-nimmelat ��� � Goals 200 600 600 TOT.4L S-1WEING AND HEOZIM 3,592 7,600 2-03 sp enn-1. S 1'. Instructor 500 83ista t i 3t to ruc r 300 800 3. Tennis balls too unclassified 25 125 TMAL TENNIS 925 925 ?Iaysz'mjmd L Leader 6,650 Ceafts 2,000 Replacements and renewals 600 New playgraund Supplies 300 2,220M TOTAL WAYGROUVID 9,550 9,550 205 Mrmii.ng Soo InStEuction 5,100 dAttendants 400 aegi tratiov I ---200 $ 6,200 20 Bus iental 8,000 Pool rental 750 30 Flutter bcmv&. 100 Unclassified 25 1sT'tucTTT $L- $15,075 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BE, MET PAGE 63 Fund ctim AY- 1 Acd. No. PAIM". I Fun PARK AND RF�CREAAMOR itECREATION PROGRAM I 4--1V X200 DKIPENDITURF, UEMIL 206 --Aiscallaneous and 1. Payroll. 1,800 1,800 5pecial Activitie� Leaders 600 500 $T-2—,400 2,300 3. Print ing-sumier bulletin 500 500 CMI& err "B strains-v theatre 200 200 unclassifiad 1.00 700 31000 T 'j..k 'TIC, GR c L UWAL 0 rp", -Am 139,2335 P'I'M4,&IA-J!, P / � P', P r- i. BUDGETED EsmvwriD. SuNwAii'M17 MEC-Ij BUDGET ED 5 00 2,6 $25 5,78 Awcu EIIERS0911POL SCMIAIICUS ?IaRR PARK AND REGRE3ATION MAINTENANCE- 47 4 300 BUDGETED EsmvwriD. SuNwAii'M17 MEC-Ij BUDGET ED 5 00 2,6 $25 5,78 'L EIIERS0911POL SCMIAIICUS 28,100 :?, 250 1,950 Ee. COMMACTUAL SIERMCES 3,200 8,890 8,835 3. 2.46 9,390 6,000 6,()00 4. 100 726i 6 656 27,112- 5, CAN'Tj-'I,.L COM"L/W 16 106 2:L— � --E 2 —.74Q- 8 IM —6 48,846 TMALS Park maintenance involves the care of all Village parks and reezeation 'Lacilities, Included lin this budget- account are only those propert.l.eo dlesiRmted as parksn,. O-ther V-'1' 11age properties ouch as boulevards, islanft, triangles, lift and ptwqing stations, et:c�, are maintairsed through ether budget accounts, alth-ugh the gzaund wc-r-k is done by the park maintenarice crew. The maintenance cif pazks includes turf care, establish- ment and care of trees and planti-ags, litter VC-M-01 y,41, maintenan-ce of park buildings, aytd equipment and skating rin.ks. C(MMENTS APProprIationo for this account have Increased fourtecn. perceiv- Ti-ae prImej.pal items are salaries and WaSeS and CGntl�,13. 90rViCeS, A Svmm . w, , of it cc'nn7ibuting to the increase are p-eserted bell Salaries and waaes� MOT'jing Building and equipment Skating rinks Other; activities Contracted work POWGX Repair parts Spray materials Letups an.d fix-tures Central services Tote I Amount Percent Boo 13,10%' 900 14,74 500 8.19 300 •.91 T2-, 500 40.947 800 l:3 .10 150 2.46 400 6.55 Soo 8.19 100 1.64- 656 27,112- 16 106 2:L— � 1-00 11 OMI VI'fU%G[- OF EDINA ANNUAL, BUDGET PAGE, 65 EXPENDITURE DETASR- Codo Activity Area Acc' No. -M PMIN'. AND RECREATIM FIAT UNINIAZI C E M ow- Sig 4-7. IN? EXPENDITURE DETASR- Codo Activity <Abjesa UG tal i I Recommended I 031sid9ood 301 M ow- Sig 1. Payroll, 5,900 20 Con"Gracted repairs e.00 3 � Repai• -• parts 600 •. Equipment operatier. 2,160 —9 TOTAL MOWING 1 0-6 0 302 Special Turf Care 10 Payrol. 1 4 !;,300 as Equip -Merit rental 1.00 3. Seed 1,2pa0 Sod 540 If Fertilizer 1,300 Black dirt 1,000 Wned spray --- 300 Equ operation ipment operatn 960 TOTAL SPECILL TUR'F Cili.i-RE 9,700 303 Plantings and Trees I a pnyroll 11900 2 Equipment rental. 1.00 I, Plant materials 500 4. Equipment operation 720 TOTIAL PLAMINGS AFD 3,220 304 Litter Removal 1. Pay7oll $ 3,900 3. Trash containers 200 4. Equipment operation 480 MAL LITTER RIDIOVAL 4,580 305 Parking Area Nain- tenance I. Payroll $ 11500 3. Road oil 1,200 Sand 250 Unclassified 1.00 �an1,550 40 Equipment operation. 480 TCOYAL PARKING AREA 3,530 306 Building and Equip- meat. Maintenance a " Payroll, 20 900 2. Utilities 200 3,- Lumber $ 1,200 Repair materials 600 4. Equipment Operation er-80 TO--'.U. BUILDI'NiG AND 5" 3811 VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 Fund Funcfion Amu AW. W®. P.11"N M4K TASK AYRD RECRE.ATIM F.I..UNT-TINMICE 47,300 R E�XPEMWTURE DETAI Qndej Activity Reco.,r.mended Budgeted 3 a. Icka;-,I,,,F Rink M conmce payroll 71500 2. Electrical wiring 900 Power 700 a. , 600 3. Langs and fixtr-ires 400 4 Equipment operation 196 TOMI, SKATING RINK rJAILETENANG-Z $11,696 308 Aquatic Feed Centro! 1. Payroll. 200 2. Contracted -work goo 3. Spray wateria's Soo 4 Zqaipment eperatiow, 1,80 TOTAL ""quivnG I�P-,T&34 TOTAI, MIDTF0,414CE >48 846 a481 46 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 67 PARK MAINTENANCE PAYROLL. DISTRIBUTION * SUkMARY DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreation: Title Employees 1961 1962 Monthly 1961 Salary 1962 Appropriation 1961 Appropriation 1962 Park Foreman 1 1 $535 $563 $ 6,510 $ 6,756 Park Keeper III 1 1 475 490 5,700 5,880 Park Keeper 11 1 2 460 460 5,520 11,040 Park Keeper 1 3 3 420 420 15,120 14,430 Temporary Laborer A General - Public Works $ 7,300 59040 5,294 Waterworks TOTALS 66 i $10,500 ; 37,890 $43,400 DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreation: Administration: Training $ 200 Paid Leave 2,800 Recreation: Miscellaneous and Special Activities 1,800 Maintenance: Ming $ 5,900 Special Turf Care 4,300 Plantings and Trees 1;900 Fitter Reuww al 3,900 Park Area Maintenance 1,500 Building and Equipment Maintenance 2,900 Skating Rink Hiintenasee 7,500 Aquatic 'Weed Control 200 528 100 TOTAL PARK AND RECREATION $32,900 Charges to Other Funds: General - Public Works $ 7,300 Swimming Pool 2,000 Waterworks 500 Sewer Reantal 250 $10,500 TOTAL $43,400 EST U911INTED fJ i0_• A 81 ,-e s 11 j IIIIA i"A"A R)"7 CAP-�T. L OUTL410�� a B31 2. CONTRACTUAL SEHIV,�-U-s . VAA�117.4- L OU7, �-Vf of aqu TQY i',� 0 S", CC, PAC- ;, E 6 8 Acsv. 0NO, 47. 10-5 7,225 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET P A GZE 6 9 Fund ? klyX F, Fuaction Am Agcy. No. PARX AND RECR-F-ATIQN CAPM)L C-UTLAY 47 11 00-15 EXPENDITURE DETAIL CGI10 AcOvity Object DaM Recommended Budgeted 5, Obain sat; 230 Powex pyuv-c.v 225 util4tv tractor 3,000 FertilizcK spreader 300 Portable bleachers 400 Tables and benches 400 Lights 900 Power Poles 320 Rotary mowers (3) 150 ewer attachmmits MO So.1.1 shvedder Q) l 4 200 TOTAL CAFTITTAL OUTLAY L- 225 M� $7225 ,-U f �u L L A G, F- 0 F ED i bN A Mll UA' BUDGET PAG 61 3 U DGETED 19 EST i N4 A T E D 7,500 500 11,326 11,326. SUMMARY 0DOIL—C-7 b'USOMAL S11"MACES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. CONAOFENTEES 4. CENTRAL SERVEES S. CAP97AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMWIM TAMI MECOMNENDLED RUDGMTED 11,426 $11,1526 $ 10,926 FITNCTION Represents Village cost of relief and administration and sbared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing, MMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased fifty-three percent (53%), the principal item being our share of Rural Hennepin County Nursing w,11-1ch is computed on a per capita basis. Asea Aw. No. POOR RFLIEF AND PUBLIC NURSING 90.500 61 3 U DGETED 19 EST i N4 A T E D 7,500 500 11,326 11,326. SUMMARY 0DOIL—C-7 b'USOMAL S11"MACES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 3. CONAOFENTEES 4. CENTRAL SERVEES S. CAP97AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMWIM TAMI MECOMNENDLED RUDGMTED 11,426 $11,1526 $ 10,926 FITNCTION Represents Village cost of relief and administration and sbared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing, MMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased fifty-three percent (53%), the principal item being our share of Rural Hennepin County Nursing w,11-1ch is computed on a per capita basis. V R-.IL GE OF EDINA /U \11 1114U,609- WILII—VU PAGE aj. cups-adK Fig- .2gVQc,1 Arco Ac a. No. S @]R CONSTRUCTIONT CAPITAL, UITRCtir 4EN e S 1 13 PJ DG r-i ED ESTEMANTED Or) if E'1-127 1. PERSONAL SIMMES I 3. COMMOMMS 4. CENTPAL SER` OCES 80,000 80,000 d. CAP tl�1 OUTLAY i $_80,000 80,000. TOTALS C0 :BAH —H 14 80,000 80,000 -000® YdiNC T IOia Represents amount allocated from Liquor Dispensary wend for Capital Improvements. VH-LA OF 'EMNA IVIINIUAA. BUDGET PAGE 72 Fund I FuiKV2,1 BONDS MD MEREST 1-963, P) U DGERTED ESTIMATED 43,200 35,931 $—ILILk SUMMARY OpLi"HUCT IL PERSONAL SERMCIES 2. COMWE"TUAL SERVECES I COMN40 MIES 4. CENTRAL SIERRMETWI 5, a4pffptl OUTLAY TOTIhLs (COMIML-INT—A Ry -3,962 PIECOMM131,100D BUDGETED 44,100 ,p 44. 100 100 FUNCTION These funds are used to make annual payments -on outstanding bonds. k, t !, CAF ANNUAL BUDDI'S"ET P46-,Sre- .7-A 1961 7,900 7,742 $.--7.7!2 0B - 2!Z SONRvIARY 0 B J5 E, ICI 17 'L PERSONAL SEMMCES 2. COINTrZAIMAL SERVE-CES 3. COMMIODMES) 4. CENTRAL SEPIVEICIES 5. CAP HAL OUTLAY TOTALS PCON-1111M 1962 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 8,600 600 FUN T I ON Represents the amount the Village ccztributes for retirement of volunteer :Uremen. 6,300 1 Amu Aca. No. VIREMEN'S R% LIEF ASSOCIATION MUM 1961 7,900 7,742 $.--7.7!2 0B - 2!Z SONRvIARY 0 B J5 E, ICI 17 'L PERSONAL SEMMCES 2. COINTrZAIMAL SERVE-CES 3. COMMIODMES) 4. CENTRAL SEPIVEICIES 5. CAP HAL OUTLAY TOTALS PCON-1111M 1962 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 8,600 600 FUN T I ON Represents the amount the Village ccztributes for retirement of volunteer :Uremen. 6,300 1 I L L AP't. fS, 0 F E D I N A JV:11116MIUAL BIJID"G2,PERT PAGE 74 SUMMARY 1,961. gupmm EST IMATED 1962 RECOMMIENDED) BUDGETED $ IL. PERSONAL SERVICES 7,900 7,742 2. COUWRJkCTUAL SUMCES 8,600 3. COWNIOMTOES 42. C'ENTRAL SEE CES S. CAN'WiL OUTLAV 7.742 o 8 600 TOTALS $ 8,300 COMMENTARY FUN CTI ON Represerts amount of hydrant rental for fixe protection paid to Waterworks Fund, Amt. 'bqo. FIRE FROTECTIOIN 20.160-9 SUMMARY 1,961. gupmm EST IMATED 1962 RECOMMIENDED) BUDGETED $ IL. PERSONAL SERVICES 7,900 7,742 2. COUWRJkCTUAL SUMCES 8,600 3. COWNIOMTOES 42. C'ENTRAL SEE CES S. CAN'WiL OUTLAV 7.742 o 8 600 TOTALS $ 8,300 COMMENTARY FUN CTI ON Represerts amount of hydrant rental for fixe protection paid to Waterworks Fund, MLA G-F- OF EMNA 1-111""HWAL BUDGULI-'2T P A. G P,- I C; Nynd ate® Aca No. HENNEPIN COUNTY PARK RESERVE DISTRICT SUMMAFff 1961 I BUDGETED ESTLIMATED PERSDi\IAL SIE-MVPMES 1,754 5,106 2, CONT91W,TUAL SERVICES COMMODMES 3. CAM 6A.L OUTLAY -,_7 5� 6p 5,106 OTALS 6-1 0,11APA ENTA Ry 1962 RECOMMFI�NDED BUDGFr TED 5,106 5,106 FUNCTION Represents Village share of cost of County Park System computed on the basis of eighteen cents per capita. 1 4 E-E 0 F Fg D �P NNA A,"HWA '- BUDISa-l' PAGE Y6 SULMIMARV U D E 171 E D L PERSONIAL KMOES 72,720 31,4-97 I.CrUNTRACTUVAL SEM"VECES 200 4 , 7 34 S. CUMNICMMES 4. CENTRAL SERA �f�CES 76 86,231, 5. 6-141AMU- OUTLAY T CCI-�LANIIIEMT I.MZY 1962 R E, C W el.� 41� -7-- ' N� D Z DI BUDGETED 82,928 5,200 Represents zwey4ead eupenses vAbAch aim imcur%md periodically, such as o9fice supplies, tclephane, pension payments, postage, service contracts mW insmance ore-miums. These costs are allocated to aperatireg depaztments and other funds mqnthly, ' ased on usage. o(ZINEWIS Appropriations foF this account have increased fifetem percent (15%), of which oSmty seven parceint (67%) represents a caatributioo to PubHo Employees Netireirent J kPIL SUMAWIVy of itemns contriLxa�S:ng to the increace ore presented beliw-f. Service cowTact-equimpenit Pension contribution Pasta,se lmsmz'ance 131:c-mium Office supplies Total Arantint, j?err.cfiP-L Ama No, al"'V oa 71 nz q C, CENTRML SERVICIES GENERAL 25 c.].00 SULMIMARV U D E 171 E D L PERSONIAL KMOES 72,720 31,4-97 I.CrUNTRACTUVAL SEM"VECES 200 4 , 7 34 S. CUMNICMMES 4. CENTRAL SERA �f�CES 76 86,231, 5. 6-141AMU- OUTLAY T CCI-�LANIIIEMT I.MZY 1962 R E, C W el.� 41� -7-- ' N� D Z DI BUDGETED 82,928 5,200 Represents zwey4ead eupenses vAbAch aim imcur%md periodically, such as o9fice supplies, tclephane, pension payments, postage, service contracts mW insmance ore-miums. These costs are allocated to aperatireg depaztments and other funds mqnthly, ' ased on usage. o(ZINEWIS Appropriations foF this account have increased fifetem percent (15%), of which oSmty seven parceint (67%) represents a caatributioo to PubHo Employees Netireirent J kPIL SUMAWIVy of itemns contriLxa�S:ng to the increace ore presented beliw-f. Service cowTact-equimpenit Pension contribution Pasta,se lmsmz'ance 131:c-mium Office supplies Total Arantint, j?err.cfiP-L 0, 728 (1 o q -0d 20 a 18 7,500 66M 600 5.35 12A-9 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fund iREVOLVING Function CMgTR L- SERVICES EXPE DOTURE DETAM Am GENERAL Acce. No. 25.100 Cod e VI1-Y I Object �sf�i� Yp ra��raend�€� j �3�adge�cd 2. Telephone 7,928 ! Service cC5ntrac s- equip -ment, 1,200 Public Employees Retire- ment Assn. Contribution 54,500 Postage ".•,000 Insurance: s Liability 2,500 � Workmen s Gompensation n Moo I $82,928 X88,128 3. Office supplies 51200 ` I TOTAL ;88� 128 - DISTRIBUTION Allocated to Operating De artmel ts: Mayor and Council i rnual ? 360 Monthly -. S 30 F ainning 1,200 100 ' &,ini stmt. ion 4,800 400 Finance. 4,260 355 unicipal. 1,980 165 Assessing 3,960 330 Legal 420 35 Engineering 8,520 714 Public Works 14,640 1,220 Police 15,348 1,279 Fire 7.260 645 Public Health t.8® L;aj¢ Inspection& I 3,420 285 Village Hall 600 50 Garage 600 50 Equipment. operation �.. �z5e0 130 � $69,1.m $5,784 ,Allocated to Other Funds: Swimming Foul 480 $ 40 Pare. 6,000 500 watemorks 4,620 385 . Liquor -50th Street 2,463 285 Liquor-Southda le. 1,920 160 Sewer Rental 3.240 270 418,720 11 550 TOTAL $88,128 $7,34.4 i I V�LF,AG� OF ENNA P-JITINJAL BUMSM PAGE 7s 1261 BUDGMTE-D EST11MATED .1,880 $7,364 6,050 2,978 480 $-iZ.3fl3- 6,645 2,283 460 SUM, NWRY oBjECT L PBSOINAL 2. MNINAACTUAL SE-MACES 4. CFPqN1TF1 L S-smas 5. "CANITIAL OUYLAY TO AILS; 1962 RECOAAIM� -NDED onrmtib- 6,700 7,010 2,034 600 $16, 30 This account provideo for the aperation and mu-2-intenance of the Village -Hall. 01--evating costs are allocated to departments on Clio basis of space occupied, COME TS With the elimination aA' a non-recurring ftem (drainage and surface replacement of parking lot), appropKiations Kor Village Hall. have increased by eight pGreent (8%) for 1962. S-awary of factors contributing to the increase are presented below, Amount 2arcent Salar-2-cs and wages f; 270 25. 2TI. Upht and power 420 39.33 Laundry service 3440 31.84 Yurnnce service 200 16.73 Light bulb zeplacemwtt 206 18.90 Pa-E-king area Toplacement 234.08 $1,064- 100X07. Ama Aca. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE IMLL 250200 1261 BUDGMTE-D EST11MATED .1,880 $7,364 6,050 2,978 480 $-iZ.3fl3- 6,645 2,283 460 SUM, NWRY oBjECT L PBSOINAL 2. MNINAACTUAL SE-MACES 4. CFPqN1TF1 L S-smas 5. "CANITIAL OUYLAY TO AILS; 1962 RECOAAIM� -NDED onrmtib- 6,700 7,010 2,034 600 $16, 30 This account provideo for the aperation and mu-2-intenance of the Village -Hall. 01--evating costs are allocated to departments on Clio basis of space occupied, COME TS With the elimination aA' a non-recurring ftem (drainage and surface replacement of parking lot), appropKiations Kor Village Hall. have increased by eight pGreent (8%) for 1962. S-awary of factors contributing to the increase are presented below, Amount 2arcent Salar-2-cs and wages f; 270 25. 2TI. Upht and power 420 39.33 Laundry service 3440 31.84 Yurnnce service 200 16.73 Light bulb zeplacemwtt 206 18.90 Pa-E-king area Toplacement 234.08 $1,064- 100X07. VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL SUDGLE PAGE 79 a acid Finactdon I _ �rL6? � Acc'- . FN®. — — PIEV01-i7ING 0Ei MAL S P: 3 P.:S VILLAGE Hal, I 2-5,200 vile i acfre�aty�— Object —' Detcsa Recommended Budgeted - ' 1, —I Custodian $365- 1370 4,440 Extra help and overtitre 1,360 Public 'Works 900 6,700 20 Beat 1,980 Light and pow,ar 3,900 Water and sewer oca.v:ice 150 Insurance 250 Rubbish service 90 Laundry service 34.0 Furnace service 200 Unclassified 100 $ 7,010 3. Cleaning supplies $ 629 Paper towels 224 General supplies 175 aepair parts and hardware 400 Carpenter materials and paint 400 Replacement-light bulbs 206 2 d 0ZA L•o General 600 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL $16,3414+ $16,34 DIS T RIBUTI�Ei t4llrrc€ ted to Operating 0ep rtm n-s: Annual Nox ahl Tia' yo and Council 3 1,200 100 d i+ L iLLa?u 240 20 r2drainZistration 2,928 _144 t r n anc a € 40 70 iunicipal Court 2,OtR0 170 Assessing 576 48 Engineering 1,x.40 95 Police 3,060 255 P'ip'e 2,620 235 Public Health 120 10 Inspections _G I60 _ X945 All*c ted to Other I'asndn: Pak Fund � 4 780 , 65 Wstc*rescarks Fund 252 21 Sewer Rental Fund � 168 I[� 1,200 100 TOTAL V�L` AGF BUFCl :7j F EDINA 'ANNUAL PAGE 80 Fund rn,]-mien AFC-0 Aca. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GARAGE 1 25.300 SUMMARY 1961 BUMETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1962 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 3) 1,000 1,160 MSONAL SMEWCES q 1,300 3,308 3,117 2. CONTRACTUAL SEEMCES 4,822 300 570 .1. COMMOOMES 1,450 600 600 4. CENTRAL SEMCES 600 5. CAHTAL OUTLAY 5, 208 5,447 $_�_ �172 $ �9172� TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION The function of the garage is to provide a shelter for equipment maintanance operations, stockroov., and office area for' public luorks personnel. C(MIENTS Apprepriatiom for this account have increased fifty-seven percent (57%), because of major repairs which have been neglected in the past. A summary of items contributing to the increase are presented below. I Salazies and wages Utilities New roof Electrical repairs Flaterials-overhead door Materials-stairwal and windowL TOTAL MAJOR REPAIRS Tables and benches. - lunchroom Unclassified Amount Percent $ 300 10.13% 10 . .34 1,320 44054 200 6.75 600 20.24 450 15.18 52,570 86071% 100 3.37 4 .13 Total 52,964 I00,0070 Vill-LAGE- OF ENNA ANNUAL WDEMT PAGE FwA f.2 nction EXPERID16TURE" DRINAIL Code I A cc. ivity bma Rec"'Mmandel, Payroll, 'Public, ,L,.�ts) "00 2, R ea I'Aght, 84-0 Ne,L- vonc?f 3, 600 Tables and bonchso-dwric, 100 @nd 61. - .5 0 1 e General 9uppilsies 3 0 0 0 q, P.31FAL ('ZkOl'�'GE 6 It 77 1? r�8 172 Y) 1- UTIR YBUT i ON A nac- A E4 A M 2 CIO 614 1 960 80 2410 VILLAG rii OF EDINA 1VANUAL BUDGET. PAGE 82 rund, F'Lmction I Amu Aca. No. RE'NOLVING CBMIRAL SERVICES Equ-tROMIT OPEWUM 25.400 1961 Pdji IFJORTE DI E 3 7 9 MAT E D 19,768 19,727 11,410 37,606 3,504 $72,288 11,571 40,344 3, 5(X SUPAMAMF 051, K-0 1. PERSONAL S•RIME-5 Z CONTIACTUAL SEMMES N. COMIMODMES 4'. CENTRAL SERVICES S. II-"'APqTAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1962 RECOMMEN DED BUDGETED 20,656 14•,004 43,460 4, 1 . 32-572 $82.572 MMMOO This account provides for operation and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and power tools. Costs of equipment operati.an are charged to operating departments and other funds an the bash of use, CMIENTS I Appropriations for this account have increased fourteen percent (14%,). A smeary of -Items contriTmiting., to the increase are presented below. Salaries and uiages radio service Lai rdTy service Contracted repairs Insuz,ance Unclassif ied Iteplacement of tools stoc% m2terials Welding supplies Gasoline an(: fuel oil Lubricavts Ti es and tubes Accessories and parts Central services Total Amount Percent 888 T 63-7. 124 1.21 140 1.36 1,450 IA.10 840 8.17 40 .39 400 3.89 200 1.94 10 '.10 300 292 904. 8.79 1,040 10.11 3,000 29.17 94,18 0.22 $102284 100000% VILLAGE E CAF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 - -- Fupd I FC4nctim -D Area Acct. No. REVOLVING � CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIEMINT OFERMION-4 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acu'v14-ai - -- 0b. "Pa I �oa�P� Recommended Budgeted 1. llechanic(2) $515 -523 $12,552 8ervi.ceoan. 4,•75 -421 5,052 Overtime. 552 Payroll (Public Works) 2,500 $20,656 20 Radio service 2,164 Laundry service 500 Contracted repairs 5,200 Insurance 5,500 Unclassified 40 14,004 3. Replacement or tools 900 Stock materials 1,700 Welding supplies 760 Gasoline and fuel oil 14,200 Lubricants 2,900 Tires and tubes 5,000 ,accessories and parts 18,000 4m Genera; $ 1,560 Garage 2,892 $x452 82 572 I!' 1 TOTAL EQUIFb`lENT ORMATI 1 $82,512 ` iLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE &. Fnnd - - -- Funr-fiian AM I Ace't. NO. REVOLVING C EINTRNI, SERVICES EQUIME 9T OPERATIM I 25.400 � °� AENDITURE DETAIL I lAe Activity -- objea Detail Recommended � Budgeted f.J ISTRIBUTI I I Alloc• ted to Operating De artmee�a�:: _�. Annual Monthly Administration 34 Engineering 4,680 390 Public Works: I supervision and o arhead 552 16 Street maintenance 30,588 2,549 Street lighting 180 15 Street Hsme signs 660 55 Traffic control 1,908 159 Bridges 420 35 I Storm Drainage 2,160 180 Village Propertied Noxious Weed Control 2,088 660 174 55 Palace 15,000 1,250 Fire i, 3.20 260 Inspections 600 50 $63,024 55,252 Allocated to Other Funds: SrAsiming pool $ 468 39 Park 6,496 708 Waterworks 3,120 � 260 Sewer Rental 2,004 167 Construction. (Assessed projects) 5,460 455 1 629 $19,548 Total 82�.572� 36,881 _ f � I I