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1963 Annual Budget
L)UiL) 1963 VILLAGE , j (,-)F EDINA TABLE OF CONTEKS SALARY RESOLUTION, ORDIEMCE, SM ARIES Salary Resolution I- IY -YIY Budget Ordinance ID -V Summary I - Revenues by Fund and Source VI -vil Summary II - Expenditures by Fund and Function VIII -IX DEZAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Geavermarant Village Council 1 -2 Planning 3 -4 Administration 5 -6 Finance 7 -8 Municipal Court 9 -10 Election 11 -12 AsAssessing 13 -14 Legal Services 15 -16 Library 17-18 Public Works Engineering 19 -20 Supervision and Overhead 21 -22 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 23 Street Maintenance 24 -25 Street Lighting 26 -27 Street Name Signs 28 -29 Traffic Central 30 -31 Bridges 32 -33 Storm Drainage 34 -35 Village Properties 36 -37 Noxious Weed Control 38-39 Capital Outlay 40 -41 Protection of Personas and Property Police Protection 42 -43 Fire Protection 44 -45 Civilian Defense 4647 Public Health 48 -49 Animal Control 50 Inspection$ 51 -52 Ran- Departmental Expenditures Contingencies 53 Settlement of Suits 54 Special Assessments on Village Property 55 Central Services- Capital Outlay 56 -57 Capital Improvement 58 Park and Recreation Administration 59 -60 Recreation Program 61 -62-63 Park Maintenance 64 -65 -66 Payroll - Summary- Distribution 67 Capital Outlay 68-69 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D, Other Tax Supported ftpenditures Relief and Public Nursing 70 Park Construction- Capital Improvements 71 Bonds and Interest 72 Firemen's Relief Association 73 Fire Protection 74 Hennepin County Park Reserve. District 75 Central Services General 76-77 Village Hall 78-79 Garage 8081 Equipment Operation 82 ®83 -84 4, 1963 Assessor DeDutv Assessor Deputy Assessor - P-art T-I'me Clerk-Treasuver Administrative Asst Office cleric".1 1 5 Clericn! IT 4'. Clerical T-11 (A) Clerical IV r2) T,, a,-,, al Prosecuting Ati:OZ--ley Asst. H&Ilai-ev-Planning Bi-yectav PUBLIC SAFFTY POLICE: Pu'-j!2.c Chie Lieutenants (231 3 yrs. sezv"'-Ce 2 y��ars Sazvice j, yeaj: se-2rqice 1-7 L-ess than I year SF-jvice D-4,0pntchelms - DFC-Sk Clel'o Bicz'-�atcher3 - Best, C1.ew'-,--hOzn.1Y Of the totaA, for $25 a rz.,onth shall. be consi.derad as psymant Off-dut-Y 1-rainivic],:0 Fire foo aidiirri-s t im a itd he e,tiT1C7Uir3.1iY.j Of "i PER MG-11171H R E C r�NPM E K D 975 800 5-55 1.50 per hour 620 11,50 330 .500 800 975 6 50 G 2L 0 S 553 538 5 370 1.80 per hour of the 'Pol-4.1ce Department, for at least: 30 hourna in techniques, 4z2 fo�c qualifying for Rcd FY IRE C 65P If 2)) Z F FTREMEN 1 3 9 yearo ru i c a year Service '5 2 pryz�-z-n('. gj nicd t e "fyv th Q uint--caute 01 aaiarles anc waSes � conta need) 0SPEC'►OP,S _ Plumbing Building HEALTH Health Officer Sanitarian PUBLIC WORKS EiGINEERTRO Director of Public Forks and Engineering Chief Engineering Aide Survey Party Chief Sr. Consto inspector Consta Inspector Sr. Draftsman Draftsman - Inspector g Pf--9 T1 525 575 25 675 x000 650 6 110 r 550 r �s� 5 ltW Wa Si0Y�)i' ivv 505-1 «..; 470P Supt„ Public Works 750 Sept, - Hater 685 Foreman a (Street, sewer, water &- pants) 600 Office Clerk 445 Heavy Bquipmrnt Operators 555 558 Light Equipment Operators gym;, 493 Maintenance Plan 44a 443 The following miniwam rates shall be paid: Heavy* Equipment Operators monthly for not more than the first six monthsloervicez {500 Light Equipment Operators - n-112-y monthly :for not more their the first ain months-3 sergiceo •r�SE Maintenance Man - three months' service• and sir. months of service. Mechanic Mechanic Helper Janitor Sealer -Fater Utility DL-an COURT Judge Special judge Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk .. 3 /it t3n.2 5� monthly for not more than the first �4�90 vcB5 mthly during, the fourth, fifth, 558 475 400 :2-1 493 600 25 per them 295 335 ii Starl:in3 rates -may be 20% less for ti32 first 3 monthis of service and l0% less ion the second 3 imonths. LAGS 1-11 Schedule of Salaries and Wages (conti-nued) ELEC TICH Judges and Clerks 1,25 per hour Chaixrman 2,00 Addl. PARZS A14D RECREATYON Director- 675 Program Supervisor 525 Pcol Manager (s) 465. Asst. Pool Manager (s) 415 Concession 114-anager (s) 71,,?5 per hour Pool Cashier (a) x. 25 per hoer Bathhouse w Concession Attendant (s) 1.00 per hour Swinmi.ng Instructors (s) 2A5 5 per hour Life Guards (s) 2005 per hour Maintenance (E) 1.60 per hour Baseball and Craft Supervisor (s) 40+0 Baseball Assistants (s) 1,60 per hour Hockey Coaches (s) 1.90 per hour Rink Attendants (s) 1.50 per hour Playground Leaders (8) 2000 per hour Skating-Skiiatg Instructors (s) 5000 per inst. class Park Keeper -- Its :nt: 5033 Ix / 'viii 493 1 E. 4'43 LW. UORt STORES Manager 325 Assiata nt 6kzaaagezz (2)- 540 Clerks v Regular 2040 Derr hour Clerks d fart Time 1.90 per hour (a) - Scasonaa The above. bates are base rates until such .tim as the Village begins to pay the em-ployees° share of hospitalization - and md1caal care insurance, at which time the TaLes will be radu ced by the amount paid by the Village for, insurance. , ORDIM NG-E NO. 16-6 ORDINANCE ADOPTIMG BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE GF EDINA FOR PAGE IV THE YEAR 1963, MiD ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1962 PAYABLE IFS 1963 T10 VILLAGE C0J 11, CW THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, D0Z8 O RAIN AS VOLL OWS o Section 1. The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1963 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor; GENERAL FUND GENEFJIIL GObERFMT Mayor and Council Administration Fiwmce Assessing Legal Services Municipal Court LidrArary Election Planning PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Highways TOTAL G&NEEAL GOVEMR4MT TOTAL PUBLIC WOM PRO'a'ECT M OF PERSONS AIM PROPERTY Police Fire Civilian Defense Public health Animal Control Inspection. TOTAL PROTECTI (Ku OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NON- DEPAMMENTAL MPAiDITURBS Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvements TOT-PAL HISCEL12=00 AND CONTINGENCIES PLC FM Supervision and Overhead Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND $ 9,770 59,032 36,714. 41,684 17,963 27,090 3,763 2,390 1.0,835 $111,473 348,812 $232, 343 11.8,832 6,351 13,859 5,400 21,986 $ 20,605 500 27,000 3,332 50,000 $ 2G9,241. 460,285 398,771 101,437 1 169,734 32,147 40,250 52,518 11265 $ 136,1.60 Ordinance Ezra„ 16 -6 Continued, PACE V Section 2e Estimated Receipts other than General Taxi Levy are hereby established as he?:e.iaaft:ea set forth: W4�igl a 4Ism; Village Share -State Liqut= and Cigarette Taxes 74,000 Licenses and permits 48,755 municipal Court 45,000 Departmental Service Charges 322,320 Other 37,975 Transfer from LiquGr Fund 87,340 State Apportionment:a- >Riglw- ays 19,000 TOTAL OSRMAL FUND $434, 390 Transfer unappropriated surplus . 12,000 Registration Fees 20,000 Other S00 Transfer fame General Fund 37,660 TOTAL PARK FUND 70,160 PARK CONSTIMCTUM FUND Transfer from General Fund 80,000 TOTAL 9STINATED RECEIPTS 58L550 Secticu 3e That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable weal and per>4aag property in the Village of Edina, a tax gaze sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: For the General Fund For the Park Fund For the Poor Fund For the Firemen °s Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and Interest For Hennepin County Park Reserrve District TOTAL Section 4, This ordinance shall be in effect from and (after its adoption and publication according to lane Adopted thin lst day of October, 1962. ATTEST: (SE igned) Gretchen S. Alden VILUAGE CLEAR $735,31A 66,000 10,526 9,000 9,000 45,000 5,130 •880,000 (Signed Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr. MAYOR laERAL FUND Heal and personal property taw's Other Taxp5a Interest, penalties and forf®ited tax sale X@rtgage registry Bank excise Licenses and permits: Bicycle Beer and liquor Cigarette Dog and impounding fees Fred and soft drinks Gas pumps Bowling, tau,, pinball., etc. Plumbing ng Scavenger and garbage collectors Building Cesspool and sewer Plumbing Signs Street opening Milk plant PAGE 4►Z - - -- - SWANAR ! 1. HEVERUES Bi FUND A14D SOURCES Actual. Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1960 1961 1962 '3962 1963 $582,501 $664,440 $687,236 $688,000 $735,344 9,939 17,400 8,000 13,000 14"000 8,954 7,196 9"'000 9,000 8,000 11582 1,666 1,500 1,600 1,6_00 6 20,475 $ 26,262 $ 18,500 $233600 $ 23,600 494e $ . 3, 367 $ 600 $ 650 $ 400 1,693 1,355 1,355 1,4.55 1,455 ` 7041 627 612 600 600 4,756 5,309 11'5000 4,635 4x500 r 91AZ 2,081 1,555 2,100 1,995 � 695 755 665 700 705 2,655 3,466 2,538 3"081 2,790 f 2,750 2 "750 2,200 29150 2,100 352 600 410 400 410 16,909 17,1"59 18,000 16,178 18,000 4 „311 3„839 3,500 3,558 3,500 8,490 7,391 8,000 7,191 7,400 3,687 3,256 38200 3,142 3,200 502 692 400 400 500 205,00c) ......:..�..:_..-- 1,300. 1,300 10200 1 *200 ` $ 48,940 $ 54,247 t$ 48,335 $ 47,440 $ 48,755 ( Engineering, clerical and {j searches 141,322 163,332 115,000 1019475 110,000 Police and tare service 5,000 5,000 5,000 6 "000 6,000 Equipment rental 9,195 6,5£15 2,000 295150 2,000 Municipal wart fines 46 ;741 60.,329 45,000 38,069 45,000 Beard and Tc um, pri.sones a 118 100 State, Highway tax 27,602 31,170 19,000 31,170 19,000 Sande liquor and ci.gai, et:te tar, 24,956 35,542 715,000 75,756 74,000 r Planning fees 1,015 1,64:9 1,200 929 1,000 0harges to ;ther funds 7,500 9,000 10,320 10,320 10,320 i CentT:ibutions from active 1 funds +ac-c- t�_-msew..r� • _ _ auae�wv.�..- -• 75,000 - s_:r:�e..ve.i�.�..�mo�� 2-05,000 - 205.; 000' 205,00c) ......:..�..:_..-- 205,000 r�-c= :ie_.. .. ........... .... v.. e�a��r..��.se: -a :.� Sale ®f property 150 20 100 Other a �isc;el.laue;@,us revenue 5,672 5,529 4,875 4,,457 7,375 Surplus 5.5, 395 Deserve fgm encuwb ances _ 3.210 "CTAL OMERAL D -- $2,009,7.35 $1,791,808 $1,113,192 $1,115,285 $1.169,734 PARK FWD Deal and personal property tax $ Registration fees-swimming and activities T*; arts fer from Uquw Fund Transfer frew unappropriated 50,641x- $ 54,732 $ 57',000 $! 57,000 66,000 1.2,156 18x.928 18,970 19'1,00 20,000 4.2,450 40,007 39,474 39,474 39,660 suxp`llus 7,622 11,239 11,,239 12,000 Unclassified 369 1,877 450 500 500 TOTAL PARK FUND 105,610, $ 123;,166 $ 127, 133 $ 127,613 $ 136, 160 POOR FUND Real d p €reenal property' tax _$ 7 , 824-1 fi 7.7122 $ 10 , 926 $ 10 500 $ 1M26_ TO?IAL PCORM FUND $ 7,824+ $ 7,722 $ 10,926 $ 10 ®500 $ 10„526 PARR 'CONS` RUC'aION }6 tW Transfer from active find - w,000 $ 80;'000.$ 80.000 $ 80.A00 S _0" $ 80"000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 OTHER IML AND PEDSONAL .PROPERTY TAX REMUSS 1ir=en's Relief Fire pretectiFBn Hennepin County Park Reserve District Bends and interest TOTAd, OTHER, RRAL ATM PERSONAL PRO?Erly TAX REMMS TOTAL REVEyyNZe`i911ST $ 711554 $ 7,981 $ 8,300 $ 8,250 $ 9,000 7.,556 7,981 8,300 8„250 9,000 5,106 5,106 5,130 4614 -25 43,919 4 44,100 4131,1500 45,000 $ 61 535 $$ 59,881 4 65.806$ 65.106 68,130 ._,,.,.....r.....�_- -. -- _.�_. _.Y. -�_ - - .. �.... �....... a... c�.. .. ��- ., mn.....e,.......,..�....o...�, x.... �. m,,. �..... ae,...®.... ��., �e. .c.s....�...,...m „�_,.- ...e.m.. _..._�. I S14MARY I continued. Actual B �2.esi Estisntad� _.V e d y 8u�e�:�ei 1960 1961. 1962 1962 1..96;3 G &UL FUND (g &nt�inued) w ess transfer to Park $ 'Fund c >,,,��,�p � 40,007 � 39,04 � 39,474 � 37,660 1 Less transfer tc,� Perk Construction fund 80.000 809000 80 „000 80,000, N9T $ 32,550 $ $5,993 85,526 85,526 87,340 Sale ®f property 150 20 100 Other a �isc;el.laue;@,us revenue 5,672 5,529 4,875 4,,457 7,375 Surplus 5.5, 395 Deserve fgm encuwb ances _ 3.210 "CTAL OMERAL D -- $2,009,7.35 $1,791,808 $1,113,192 $1,115,285 $1.169,734 PARK FWD Deal and personal property tax $ Registration fees-swimming and activities T*; arts fer from Uquw Fund Transfer frew unappropriated 50,641x- $ 54,732 $ 57',000 $! 57,000 66,000 1.2,156 18x.928 18,970 19'1,00 20,000 4.2,450 40,007 39,474 39,474 39,660 suxp`llus 7,622 11,239 11,,239 12,000 Unclassified 369 1,877 450 500 500 TOTAL PARK FUND 105,610, $ 123;,166 $ 127, 133 $ 127,613 $ 136, 160 POOR FUND Real d p €reenal property' tax _$ 7 , 824-1 fi 7.7122 $ 10 , 926 $ 10 500 $ 1M26_ TO?IAL PCORM FUND $ 7,824+ $ 7,722 $ 10,926 $ 10 ®500 $ 10„526 PARR 'CONS` RUC'aION }6 tW Transfer from active find - w,000 $ 80;'000.$ 80.000 $ 80.A00 S _0" $ 80"000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 OTHER IML AND PEDSONAL .PROPERTY TAX REMUSS 1ir=en's Relief Fire pretectiFBn Hennepin County Park Reserve District Bends and interest TOTAd, OTHER, RRAL ATM PERSONAL PRO?Erly TAX REMMS TOTAL REVEyyNZe`i911ST $ 711554 $ 7,981 $ 8,300 $ 8,250 $ 9,000 7.,556 7,981 8,300 8„250 9,000 5,106 5,106 5,130 4614 -25 43,919 4 44,100 4131,1500 45,000 $ 61 535 $$ 59,881 4 65.806$ 65.106 68,130 1 G �1J 1,6-6M7 39i,V5q S 81,_5, $1,14,64,550 . z General Government: Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance Municipal Court Election Assessing Legal Services Library TOTAL OEaMAL OOVr r Public Works: Engineering Supervision and overhead Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Dame Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Village Properties Noxious Feed Control Capital Outlay TGrAL PUBLIC WOM Protection of Perssus and Property: Police Fire Civilian Defense Tublic Health Animal Control Inspection AWJAL REPORT SUMMY 31 ' EXP3NDITURZS BY FUND AND FUNCTION PAGE VIII $ 8,956 $ 9,641 $ 9,760 $ 9,567 4 9,770 14,167 14,75{: 12,595 12,527 10,835 47,445 53,029 54,510 51,686 59,032 32,648 33,096 35,463 35,433 36,714 22,833 28,216 25,740 26,319 27,090 47,211 1,6179 7,240 7,220 2,390 34,973 37,669 40,202 40,198 41,684 21,242 25,975 16,390 17,370 17,963 2,707 -- 3,736 -- 3,403 3J44 _ -- 3,763- $ 232d182 $ 207,795 $ 205,303 $ 207,008 $ 209,241 $ 86,286 $ 118,728 $ 123,132 $ 122,430 $ 111,473 42,436 43,949 48,010 47,807 47,815 156,758 164,,312 168,666 171,958 174,909 36,586 35,072 42,930 619435 42,190 5,227 5,350 5,361 5,363 5,874 11,741 17,386 18,500 18,490 19,085 900 711 4,870 4,534 0,930 23,064 8,298 19,410 18,926 15,250 9,340 9,805 14,048 13,707 14,600 985 1,259 2,169 1,973 2,259 23.056 22„652 28 615 28„351 21,900 $ 396,317 $ 427,522 $ 475,711 $ 474,974 $ 460,285 $ 176,105 0 198,036 $ 213,630 $ 213,189 $ 232,343 85,579 92,119 96,633, 101,100 118,832 900 1,582 2,175 1,950 6,351 3,202 5,522 10,000 9,703 13,859 3,596 4,675 4,500 4,987 5,400 8.9.862 24,326 19.768 19.017 21„986 0 $ 287,244 $ 326,260 $ 346,729 $ 349,946 $ 3989;'71 VILLAGE OF EDINA SMARY 11 continued GENERAL FUND (continued) Son - Departmental Expenditures: Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Tillage Property Unallocated Capital Out Capital Improvements Central Services-Unxallo Total Non- Depastmental Expenditures TOTAL GERML FUND iinistration reation ntenance ital Outlay, TOTAL PARR YMM TAX SUPPORTED ®ads and Interest: Improvement Fund Park Sinking Fund ireumea °s Relief Association ire Protection ennepin County Park Reserve District ftL EXPENDITURES- - ALL MMDS A pL REPORTI GAGE IX S6MWL 11 I $ 27,630 $ 29,474 $ 31,727 $ 31,142 $ 32,147 28,363 33,142 39,335 37 ,,737 40,250 29,793 39,735 48,846 48,150 52,518 14,433 -72295 7,225 7,200 11,245 $ 100,219 $ 109,646 $ 127,133 $ 124,229 $ 136,160 8,250 10,577 10,926 102500 10,526 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 i $ 13,700 $ 9,400 $ 9,800 $ 9,700 $ 10,000 32,777 25,107 343,300 332800 35,000 $ 46,477 $ 34,507 $ 4.4,100 43,500 $ 45,000 7,555 7,981 8,300 8,250 9,000 7,556 7,981 8,300 8,250 9,000 S inn; q inr% S i'in $12145,742 $12256,529 $12397,057 $1x3468,375 $1,564,550 Actuab B Budgeted 9 93tamated S Sudseted 1960 1 1961 1 1962 1 1 1962 1 1963 $ 4 4,379 $ $ 1,652 $ $ 11,049 , ,4 10,773 8 8 2 20,605 1,213 1 1,000 S S00 5 500 27,048 1 17,280 1 17,000 1 17,225 2 27,000 1,196 2 2,372 6 6,400 6 6,114 3 3,332 50,000 5 50,000 ed 2 26,046 2 222956 $ 5 59,882 $ $ 44,260 $ $ 85,449 3 I 1012437 $ 9 975,685 $ $1,005,837 $ $1,113,192 $ i $1,169,734 $ 13,700 $ 9,400 $ 9,800 $ 9,700 $ 10,000 32,777 25,107 343,300 332800 35,000 $ 46,477 $ 34,507 $ 4.4,100 43,500 $ 45,000 7,555 7,981 8,300 8,250 9,000 7,556 7,981 8,300 8,250 9,000 S inn; q inr% S i'in $12145,742 $12256,529 $12397,057 $1x3468,375 $1,564,550 $12145,742 $12256,529 $12397,057 $1x3468,375 $1,564,550 VILLJ�G[- OF EDHIA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE i Panel Fe naiosg Awes Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERI\ZIENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 21.100 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 4$ 7,200 $ 7,200 1,000 1,560 4 -9,760 807 1,560 9,567 SUMMARY OBJECT T. PERSONAL SEWC'rrS 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C®MNOWTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CANTA.L OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 7,200 U 7,200 132 950 1,620 9,902 950 1,620 9,770 FUNCTION The Tillage Council constitutes the legislative or policy- magking division of Edina Village Government. The Council is composed of the Mayor and four Trustees, all elected at large for overlapping terms of two and three years, respectively. The Mayor is the official head of Tillage Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the Village Hall. CM24ENTS Summary of items contributing to the increase in appropriations is presented below, Amount Percent Conference and schools $132 92.96% Commodities 50 35.21. Central services 60 42.25 Total $142 i00.007. iLLAGE OF EDINA AN91,41UAL BUDGET PAGE 2 Fund Function f' mea Amt. Me. GE-19ERAL I MINERAL GOVi:,RNMEN -1 M11YOIi. AND COVIICIL 21.100 Code Activity object Detail R�curtrre�ac9ec� i �i��gs�c� 1. Mayor ;2,400 Trustees (L.) C.,$00 $7,200 $7,200 2. Conferences and schools 132 3. Annual report $ 650 News letters 300 950 $ 950 4. General $ 420 Village Hall 1 200 $19620 21,620 j � TOTAL MAYOR AND COUNCIL X9,902 S9 770 i 1962 9,750 $ 9,780 1,205 200 1,440 $12,595 1,222 85 1,40 527 SOWWWRY 61 sue. T t. eLISU 3 L S111MVrGES 3. CMAAIMOiDMES 42. U- :N a LML SERVOCES 3. CAII-OIIETAL GIMA C TOTA R „¢¢�� pp p B 1963 q Kq $10,950 $ 8,625 630 200 1,380 c;1.3„ 160 630 200 1,380 10,835 FUNCTION The function of the Planning Depart.mmt is to provide staff service to the Village Council, Planning Commission, to otihE;!”. Vill.age departments, and to the Village ?Manager, and to ad limited deg-fee to others agencies, both public and private, whose activities influence the physical development of the Village of Edina. Staff services. include office operations, the administration of the various land fuse and development ordinances, submission of recommendations on matters of zoning and subdivisions before the Council. and Planning Commission; and the preparation and review of overall development plays. CONIIENTS Appropriations for this aaccour'%: Piave increased five percent (5 %). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Mileage Professional. services Central. services Total A-Mount $1,200 _Percent 212.3970 GENERAL ! GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING I 21.110 1962 9,750 $ 9,780 1,205 200 1,440 $12,595 1,222 85 1,40 527 SOWWWRY 61 sue. T t. eLISU 3 L S111MVrGES 3. CMAAIMOiDMES 42. U- :N a LML SERVOCES 3. CAII-OIIETAL GIMA C TOTA R „¢¢�� pp p B 1963 q Kq $10,950 $ 8,625 630 200 1,380 c;1.3„ 160 630 200 1,380 10,835 FUNCTION The function of the Planning Depart.mmt is to provide staff service to the Village Council, Planning Commission, to otihE;!”. Vill.age departments, and to the Village ?Manager, and to ad limited deg-fee to others agencies, both public and private, whose activities influence the physical development of the Village of Edina. Staff services. include office operations, the administration of the various land fuse and development ordinances, submission of recommendations on matters of zoning and subdivisions before the Council. and Planning Commission; and the preparation and review of overall development plays. CONIIENTS Appropriations for this aaccour'%: Piave increased five percent (5 %). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Mileage Professional. services Central. services Total A-Mount $1,200 _Percent 212.3970 90 15.93 100 17.70 65 11..50 500 88.50 60 1.0.62 $ 565 100,00/0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE a Fund - -- Functio a I Are€a Acct. No. GENERAL — GUTERAL GGV1:.PTSft�.�NT � PlAUN NG 21.110 EXPEN0OTURE DETAIL Code I �b €aaa�y object Detafl Recommended � Budgeted 1. Director Q) $ 2,550 $ 2,325 Assistant Director $525 6,300 4,200 Secretary (•'z) G330 -350 21100 21100 $310,950 $ 3,625 2. Conferences and schools $ 34.0 Dues and subscriptions 155 141ileage 135 r 630 $ 630 3. Books and pamphlets $ 50 Printing 150 $ 200 $ 200 4. General Village Fall 1,140 r 240 $ 1,380 $ 1,380 • T'€3rbAL PL.Ar 11!NG 113 160 $1� i35 VU kGE OF EDINA ir,Nk IUAL BUDGET PACE 5 raid I rupctka _ w �m.a % ca. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ABNINI'STRATION 21.200 1962 BUDGETED $ 39,316 5,306 378 8,136 1,374 51� , 510 SUMMARY EST WA` ED OBJECT P'ECO MNIENDED 1963 Q.>DGETED 37,454 9. PERSONA SERME's 46,950 46,350 4,558 2. COINTRAC u UAL SERVICIES 4,584 4• , 584 337 3. COWU ODD 7 DES 150 150 8,136 4. CENTRAL SERt1/BCES 7,848 7 , 848 100.007. 5. 6APM g Ia OUTLAY 1,201 600 100 51,686 60,132 59,032 —_ -- T07AP S —. COMIMENTARY FUNCTION The management of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper enecution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to implement his responsibility. C%HENTS Appropriations for this account have increased ten percent (107.). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Legal advertising Filing supplies Unclassified Central services Capital Outlay Total Amount Percent _ $7,634 135.78% 182 3.2( 10 .18 550 9.78 153 2.72 75 1.33 288 5.12. 771: 13.77 $5,622 100.007. V°ILU.�GC- OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 6 Farad I Function A Two Ica. Bars. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT AD1,111DI 3 6 PA` ION 21.200 EXPE d0 TURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recom5nwided Budgeted 1. Manager - x-1450 $17,400 417,400 Assistant tanager 5,100 4,650 Administrative Asst stant $4 "00 -450 Tillage Clerk $600• -620 Secretary $390 -400 PBX Operators $290 -•305 5,400 7,440 1,.,800 3,660 5,250 7,440 4,800 3660 Clerk Q.j $158 -163 ►_,950 1,550 5unmer help and overtime 1,2x30 1. 200 46,950 A46,350 2. Conferences and schools $ 713 Dues and subscriptions 6i Legal advertising . 00 _3.,2 � 4.584 ; 4, 584 3. Li.cerses 100 Books and pamphlets 50 ®150 150 4•_. General $ 4,440 iilage Hall 2,976 Equipment operation , • 432 $ 7,848 $ 7,848 5. Used typewriter $ 100 Auto replacement 500 600 _ 100 T0 AL ADMINISTRATION Y60 ,132 $59,032 ' i 1 I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDS ET PAGE 7 Fare Nu2cn on ma Acck. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE 21.210 SUMMARY 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT [IECOMMENDED 1963 ! BUDGETED $27,150 $27,330 L PERSONAL SERVE�E 5 $ 28,830 $ 28,830 3,163 2,866 2. CONT M TUAL SEEMCES 3,044 2 , 794 50 37 3. COMMOOMES 50 50 5,100 5,100 4. C�'N`'PAL SERVICES 5,040 5,040 5. CAH AL OUTLAY $_3. -.463 X35,433 36,964 36,714 __. TOTALS S — COMMENTARY UNCTION The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Tillage. All revenue and empenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Department. centralized system of purchasing is maintained. Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance Department. COMMITS Appropriations for this account have increased four percent (4 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $1,680 111.93% Conferences and schools 133 8.86 Dues and subscriptions lea .93 Central services 60 1•.00 Total ;1,501 100.0070 VILUkGL OF MNA ANNUAL BUDGET . PAGE 8 Fund Fumaion _ _ faces Acct. No. GENERAL GEWERAL GOVEI1LKENT j FTB1AMCS � 21.210 I EXPEND0 URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail � Recommended ! 6sdgeftd 1 Finance Director $900 -975 Bookkeeper ..'.4,10-425 6-11,700 5,100 � - Secretary 405 -420 5,040 Cashier• 405 -420 5,040 Payroll Clexl- r) 315 -325 1,950 $28,830® $28,830 2. Conferences and schools $ 244 $ 244 ih:es and subscriptions 50 50 Annual audit 2,750 $ 3,044 _22500 $ 2,794 3e Books and pamphlets 50 50 4z General $ 4,200 Village mall 84.0 !:5—,'i 5,040 I TOTAL F TMANCE 136-2964, $ 35 71`F l'' "c9i9d FiBG^i� OBJECT REMM!Vlaw m GL:IdEMNL ( GENERAL GOVERNMENT MIC ± PAL COURT 21.300 SUMMARY 1962 BUDGETED ESTMAIATED OBJECT REMM!Vlaw m 3.963 90- GETED 16,020 16,613 1. PERSONA 18,400 16,260 5,500 5,371 2. CONTRACT U LL S-ERMCES 7,800 5,750 200 315 3• COMIC 008TES 600 400 4•,020 x,020 . CEmSM4L SERVECIRS 4,380 4,380 a. CAPITAL OUTLAY 550 300 ,X_25,740 26,319 $ 31,730 27,090 TOTALS COy"tr MEN 9ARY FUNCTIM The Municipal Court is presided over by an elected Judge who serves for a six year term. The Court is charged with the responsibility of hearing all cases of persons with violating a Village ordinance. The largest number of such violations are violations of the traffic ordinance. A special Traffic Violations Bureau was established to handle these cases. CG3rI1EMS Appropriations for this account have increased twenty-three percent (239x). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $2,380 39.73% Conferences and schools 200 3.34 Hues and subscriptions 100 1.67 Witness fees 800 13.36 Jury trials 1,000 16.69 Court reporter 200 3.36, Professional books 300 5.01 General supplies NO 1.67 Central services 360 6.01 Capital Outlay 550 9.18 Total $5,990 100.00 'ALL6.0E OF ED114A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE io Fund FQ9c:C$9i96i . — -- I ^ AiTC'o ` ACa. �o . GwI AL O:FlLGL COVERN EINT I MI NIfl PA COURT 23. � 300 � EXPENDiTURE DETAIL Code A00,31 Object 0aWl Reccm = nded € udgetecd le Municipal Judge $525 -708 8,500 I $7,200 Special ,fudge $25 per dies 1,800 1,500 Clerk of Court $295 -325 3,960 3,54.0 Deputy Clerk $325 -350 4,200 4020 $18,400 $16,260 2. conferences and schools $ 300 $ 100 •ues and subscriptions 100 50 Prisoners and offenders services 2,500 2,500 7itness fees l., 3.00 500 Jury trials 3,000 2,000 7,ourt reporter 800 600 $ 7,500 .� $ 5,750 3.. Professional books S 300 $ 200 Forms and printing 300 200 $� 6O0 $ 400 40 Oenerel $ 2,340 fllage hall. 22040 T$ 4,380 $ 4,380 5. Ndding machine $ 250 artitibr_s 300 $ 300 550 _ Y 300 1 ?C` AL T`MICIPAL C'MT _ $31.,730 _ $27,090 AMUI AL Bl DG %T PAGE 11 Fund € uziction Area Acct. Ns. GENERAL GENERAL. GOVERNr1ENT ELECTION 21.400 SUMMARY 1962 BUDGETED ESTMATED OBJECT 1963 RE-COe M17- M DIED BUDGETED $ 5,975 $ 6,035 1L. PERSONAL SERVICES 1,440 $ 440 420 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 625 825 765 3. COMMODITIES 325 items contributing to decrease in appropriations is as follows. 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAHTAL OUTLAY Percent $ 7,240 $ 7,220 j 2,390 $ 2.390 TOTALS — COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village Clerk is responsible for conducting all National, State, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Edina. CCM4.MTS During 1963 there will be one local election. Summary of items contributing to decrease in appropriations is as follows. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $4,535 93.5070 Insurance 345 7.1.1 Storage, moving and custodians 160 3.30 Supplies, ballots and forms 500 10.31 Total 24,850 100.007, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Fund Function I Area Acct. NO. GE TERAL GET +.ERAL G€ VERNM ELECrIOI•. 21 400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 1. Elect-ion judges 700 Set-up time 425 Registration 315 a1,k.40 2. ,Storage- rental $ 160 Custodians 20 Moving charges 100 Insurance (3 years) 345 $ 625 3. Ballots $ 300 Printed fours 25 325 a YAL ELECTION $2,390 92 390 Fund FURC&D VC;0 Aca. M©. GEI0RAL GENES L GUVEIi�r'&�lET3T ASSESSIM 21.500 S67iIMARV 1962 Percent $2,490 6'x.82% 1963 1.09 21 .55 77 2.00 31,950 $ 32,234 . PERSOMMAL SERVir -ES $ 343,440 $ 33,960 100.007. 2,713 2 , 428 2. CON TRACTUAL SERVICES 2,734 2 , 354 253 250' �a�6'�d��E'a"9S 330 330 4,536 4,536 5,040 5,040 750 750 1,500 -0- 40,202 $ 40,198 c 44,044 E 4 1,684• — TOTAL — COMMENMA RY FUNCTION The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all properties within the Village. Special assessments Levied for improvements are also computed and spread on the tax rolls by personnel of the Assessing Department. C4' 2ENTS Appropriations for this account have increased ten percent (100). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Commodities Central services Capital Outlay Total Amount Percent $2,490 6'x.82% 1;2 1.09 21 .55 77 2.00 504 13.12 750 19.52 $3,842 100.007. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE ii. - -- E =eaPa3 � Function � Am � Acct., Re. ' GEVERAL GEN AIL GOVEkNMERMT ASSESSING ( 21=500 MVENDiTURE DETAIL Code Activity I Object- -- Desaii I RecammcndeJ � Budgeted 1. _ _ Assessor $750 -825 $ 9,900 $ 9,600 Deputy Assessors (2) 550 -565 23,560 13,560 Assessment Clerk 455 -4.75 5,700 5,700 Secretary 350 -390 4,680 4,500 Clerical (pt.) 1.50ihr. 600 600 $34•,4.40 $33,960 2� Conferences and schools J 506 S 406 Dues and subscriptions 103 78 UNi preparing assessments 1,000 .13,000 Ta° books and ocmership records 250 250 Mileage 750 500 Sales ratio service 120 120 2y734 _ $ 2,354 3. Half- section maps Q -} $ 150 Photographic supplies 40 Printing 1410 $ 330 I $ 330 General Village Hall 600 $ 5,040 $ 5,040 5. Automobile 1, 500 -0- 90TAL ASSESSING $4A, ===L41,684 i PA G E 15 L�l�:k;�'.. _ IIY_ ____,_._ -. tl "a':Z�CiL''.'9 .._ � .�� d•r: G'd� 4 � m LaLr. tl�C"�. GENEVA' GEDIZ,1RAL UM77ERNMENT — LEGAL SETIViCE.S I 21.600 SIMAUVIARY 1962 percent $1,500 13 X60 1963 91,573 100.00°/. 6,000 6,000 T. 6,000 y _ 9,970 10,950 2. COINTILA«`cUAL SIMWEIIES 11,483 I CICI *A1M0D9 –HES 420 420 !i. CIL-14 7PIAL SER'I\f9rX5 :SO x,16,39(3 , 17;370 70-0 A R S' COMMENTARY 1,? 17,963 P 1.7.963 M"LIFICTl i3 The Village requires the professional serve ces of attorneys vho are contracted for on an annual basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition, they defend the Village in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violation of Village ordinances. CUN IUITS_ Appropriations for this account have increased ten percent (10 %). A summary of itemis c.ontributi n- to the -increase is presented below: Professional lees Dues and subscriptions Central services Total timount percent $1,500 13 X60 95.36% .S3 3.51 91,573 100.00°/. VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 6 Ful I "Bci a aEdYpJ ob je Moo Racommcq&d No. GENERUM, GENFRAY, GOVEM-M—li 1. LEGAL :SERVICES q 670011 � 21.600 j Codo Activity ob je Dem -fl Racommcq&d otidgstoa 1. Prosecuting attorney q 670011 2. Conferences and schools � -00 Dues and subocriptions 83 Professional gees 11 100 y1l,483 4. General 480 I i TOTAL LEM SERVICE l Sp7.96 $172963 I VILLAGE" OF ANINUAL DUDG�P__T PAVE 17 oil $ 1,600 S 1,717 853 877 950 750 $—L- 34-A SUMMARly OBJECT PEMSONAL 2. CONTRACTUAL SeaE MES 3. COMMOD m BPS 41. CPNTPAL SEpoQo6 ERE S. CAIPOTAL OiUT ''ll TOTALS COMMENDW R 3� g��� �-y1963 Ali N4 1,900 4 828 1,035 3,763 c 1.763 FUNCTION The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the 'pillage of Edina. Hennepin County supplies the books -and librarians, CM11ENTS Appropriations for this account have increased sixteen percent (16 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount percent Salaries and wages $300 83.3370 Utilities 25 6.'9(% ; Painting and decorating 175 48.60 General supplies :•J i1 -1i Outside lighting 200 55.56 Contingencies _ 250 69. 4A Total $360 10050071 CENBZUL i G:ENEP.AL GOVERMENT ', LIBRARY 21.700 oil $ 1,600 S 1,717 853 877 950 750 $—L- 34-A SUMMARly OBJECT PEMSONAL 2. CONTRACTUAL SeaE MES 3. COMMOD m BPS 41. CPNTPAL SEpoQo6 ERE S. CAIPOTAL OiUT ''ll TOTALS COMMENDW R 3� g��� �-y1963 Ali N4 1,900 4 828 1,035 3,763 c 1.763 FUNCTION The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the 'pillage of Edina. Hennepin County supplies the books -and librarians, CM11ENTS Appropriations for this account have increased sixteen percent (16 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount percent Salaries and wages $300 83.3370 Utilities 25 6.'9(% ; Painting and decorating 175 48.60 General supplies :•J i1 -1i Outside lighting 200 55.56 Contingencies _ 250 69. 4A Total $360 10050071 VlrL9 AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL 3606PET PAGE 18 F and € unction Area i Acet. € e. GHIN.. L GENERAL GOzlH;F.F. IEDT I I. 311. Ry � 21.700 EXPENDITURE Cove Activity Ob;eo � �eh�s� itecommesded kdgeted 1. Janitor 900 Payroll (rrub::[ -!: ,.`orke) 900 Floor polishin-S 160 X1,;00 2. Meat $ 400 Light and parse_ 325 Water anet sauet.° services 22 insurance -fire 81 628 3. Cleaning supp+.*e:; S 125 Repair mater alru 150 Painting; and c;c.:orating 175 Shelves and ea li. .ets 75 Rubber tread i. m. -,cr 60 Outside ligh r? 200 Contingencies 250 I I TOT M, a:..%"1.21- Y $3.363 $31763 i I i F:iM Am Fag Aca No. GENERAL PUBLIC MIi.IZS ENGINEERING 22.100 1962 The Engineering Department prepares plans, sp(�cificatiors, 1963 100,098 100,294 L PERSONAL SS-,ILM,"C` 3� $ 86,840 $ 86,840 4,490 4,479 2. C �9UL �vUFYA S.`�7e'Vcd 990 690 3,680 2,821 1 COWNAODMI-gs 8,755 6,455 14,Yf0 14,340 4. CIENTRAL SMIMCr.2. 14,460 14,460 524 496 n. C.APOTAfl, 6UITU -'OV 4,428 3,028 123,132 122,430 Aerial contour maps '; ,0300 115,473 111,473 1._.075 14.O4 Central Services TOTALS 1 _ •e Capital outlay COMMENTARY i FUNCTION The Engineering Department prepares plans, sp(�cificatiors, and estimates for public construction projects. This includes .,tree' grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers; storm sewers, waternains, and other strruct 'Tres and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and ;provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordance with project specifications The Department maintains records and files on 9.3.1 ,-iuove mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. C"21 NTS Appropriations for this account have decreacei six percent (6%). A summary of the items contributing to the decrease is presented below. count Percent Salaries and n7 Ives S? 3,258 173. i0g, Professional services 3,500 45.70 Aerial contour maps '; ,0300 52.23 Other commodities 1._.075 14.O4 Central Services 1"o 1 _ •e Capital outlay ::,906. 50.96 Total �, 7,659 1.00.00'/ VILLAGE OF FDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ?.0 Fund Function 4rea Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGTNEERING 22.100 EXPENDO URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail RecoMmesded Budgeted 1. director $ 12,000 Field Engineer $625 -650 7,800 Surveyor 580 -610 7,320 asst.Surveyor 560 6,000 Rodman (2) 455 -475 Draftsman 550 -560 11,400 6,720 s3- aftsman 4.50 -4 +75 5,700 Inspector 550 -600 7,200 Inspector (2) 475 -500 12,000 Secretary 440 -475 5,700 Overtime And summer help 5.000 86,840 $ 86,840 2. Conferences and school $ 350 $ 350 Iffiies and subscriptions 4.0 40 - quipment maintenance 600 300 $ 990 $ 690 3. Printing $ 125 $ 125 Blueprinting 1,900 1,900 Lumber and tools 1,075 1,075 Aerial. Contour maps 4,000 2,000 Section maps 300 300 Photographic supplies 55 55 General supplies 1,300 1.000 $ 8,755 $ 6,455 4. ;General $ 8,400 Village Hall 1,14.0 Equipment operation 4,920 $ 14,460 $ 14,460 5. Two-way radios (3) $ 1,500 $ 1,000 Auto replacement 2,000 1,800 Filing cabinet I 200 -0- Surveying equipment. 228 228 Improvements 500 -0- $ 4,428 $ 3,028 TOTAL ENGMEERIENG i $115,4 3 $111,473 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 2-9,828 29,728 290 237 300 250 179592 17,592 4x8,010 679807 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SEQnVWES 2. CONTRACT UAL S6E :VICE$ 3. COMMODOTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICEcl 5. -CAPITAL OUTLAY L 0 ALS CONBP ENTARV 1963 EC0MMFENOmD BUDGETED 30,629 290 300 16,596 $ 4•79815 47,815 F1AgCAI(V All Public Wo2:ks personnel (other than Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public Works Superintendent. 91e, through this account, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cast and ¢work records, and provides the training and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most of eatively and efficiently. "Paid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, funeral, eta;, leave used by all Public Forks employees. A summary of items contributing to decrease la presented below. Salaries and wages Central services Total k saunt Percent Amc Acct. Ms. G.WER f,L PUBLIC WORKS SOPERVI:3M AND OVERHEAD 23. 100 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 2-9,828 29,728 290 237 300 250 179592 17,592 4x8,010 679807 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SEQnVWES 2. CONTRACT UAL S6E :VICE$ 3. COMMODOTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICEcl 5. -CAPITAL OUTLAY L 0 ALS CONBP ENTARV 1963 EC0MMFENOmD BUDGETED 30,629 290 300 16,596 $ 4•79815 47,815 F1AgCAI(V All Public Wo2:ks personnel (other than Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public Works Superintendent. 91e, through this account, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cast and ¢work records, and provides the training and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most of eatively and efficiently. "Paid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, funeral, eta;, leave used by all Public Forks employees. A summary of items contributing to decrease la presented below. Salaries and wages Central services Total k saunt Percent w , -301. 410.77% '396 510.77 195 100.007. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 22 Fasnd Functim i Area Acet. Nm. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23.100 EXPENDITURE METAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 101 Supervision 1. Superintendent $725 -750 $ 91000 lost clerk 430 -440 1 5,280 $14,280 2. Physical examinations 50 3. Printed forms 300 4. General $13,920 Garage 2,100 Equipment operation 576 k16,596 TOTAL SUPERVISION $31,226 102 Training 1. Payroll $ 1,500 2. Conferences and school $ 200 Dues and subscriptions 40 $ 240 TOTAL TRAINING $ 1,740 103 Paid Leave 1. Payroll T0TAL PAID LEAVE $14 2849 $14 84.9 TOTAL SUPERVISIGN AND OVERHEAD 47 815 $47.0815 i BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL PAGE 13 SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION Employees Monthly Salary Appropriation Appropriation TitlO. 1962 1963 1962 1963 1962 1963 Foreman 1 1 $563 $594 $ 6,756 $ 7,128 Heavy Equipment Operator 6k 7 533 551 41,574 46,284 Light Equipment Operator 9k 11 467 486 53,238 64,152 Maintenance Man 6 4 421 440 30,312 21,120 Temporary Summer Help and Overtime 23 23 Park Maintenance Payroll 9,918 10,692 . $141,798 $149,376 (Page ) 7,300 7,042 TOTALS $149,098 $156,418 DISZRXBGTXCN Public Works: Village Properties: Supervision and Overhead: Turf Care $ 5,000 Training $ 1,500 Plantings 500 Paid Leave 14,849 Tree Trimming 2,000 Street Maintenance: Tree Spraying 800 General Maintenance 301,000. Noxious Weed Control 1,026 Patching 19,100 Street Cleaning 13,362 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $138,609 Sealing 8,722 Curb Repair 2;500 Library 900 Snow and Ice Removal 172100 Charged to Assessed Street Lighting 1,000 Projects 8,009 Street Name Signs: Charged to Other Funds 4,200 General Maintenance 2,200 Central Services: New Sign Installation 1,200 Village Hall 1,000 Traffic Control: Garage 1,200 Signs 2,500 Equipment Operation 2,500 Signals 1,000 Pavement Marking 2,000 Total $156,418 Guard Rail Maintenance 1,400 Bridges: 3,400 Storm Drainage: Storm Sewer Maintenance 5,950 Storm Sewer Replacement 1,500 ANNUAL L DGM—E PAGE 24 Fu-.Id EM►dl TE® Percent 083ECF GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 23.200 SUMMARY 1962 C-UDGz ED EM►dl TE® Percent 083ECF 1963 P,EFl- 0MSM EINeDFD B UP 9 G a, 7 EDI 82,972 5 83,571 L 3WILRViCES $ 90,784 90,784 7,000 6, 834 2. COMTtZAC 1 UAL SEH'MCES 13,500 1,000 48,106 50,965 3. COMIM009 -0 Es 53,573 51,073 30,588 30,588 4, CENTRAL SE vicEs 32,052 32,052 S. CAPOTAL OUT LAY 168,E -,g 171,958 c� 189,909 174,909 C®MMUITAR Y FUNCTION The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public Works endeavor. As the word "maintenance" implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally financed through an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provide for such maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing and snow plowing. COrlIMTS Appropriations for this account have increased thirteen percent (13 %). Summary of items contributing to increase presented below, Contract u-ork -curb ;replacement General and patching supplies Sealing materials Sand and salt Other commodities Central services Total 6,500 30.61 825 Amount Percent Salaries and wages: 1,039 4.89 General Maintenance $ 3,000 14.12% Sealing 1,297 6.11 Snow and Ice removal 5,100 24.01 Other 1,009 4.75 $ 7,812 36.77% Contract u-ork -curb ;replacement General and patching supplies Sealing materials Sand and salt Other commodities Central services Total 6,500 30.61 825 3.88 3,472 16.34 1,039 4.89 131 .62 1,464 6.89 221,243 100.00 °10 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGr- Fund T -- Fun aion I Area Aca. M,o. - G PUBLIC WORKS STRUT.' MAINTRUMICE 23.200 E-)KLFEND a UFX MA Codo Activity Object detail Recommouided I 8 €A90ed 201 General Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 30,000 30:000 2. Equipment rental 1,000 1,000 3, creened gavel $ 2,500 2,500 .ill materials 1,250 1,250 3alcium Chloride 1,375 1,375 east elect materials 1,600 3 000 1,600 2,500 4. Equipment operation $ 9,725 6,000 9,225 6,000 TOTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE fi 46,725 t` 46,225 202 patching l.. ayro3l 19,100 +9,100 3. Patching materials 18,200 16,700 4. Equipment operation _ _3,996 3L996 TOTAL FKTCHING $ 41,296 Y 39,796 203 Street Cleaning 1. Payroll $ 13,362 3. Droores. 2,006 4. 'quipment operation TOTAL 3TL•;?�ET CLEANING I 6432 $ 21,800' I $ 21,800 204• Sealing I Payroll $ 8,722 3. Eater i als 16,027 4. Equipment opez,ati.on I 7 320 TOTAL SEALIKG T $ 32,069 $ 32,069 205 Curb Repair 1. Payroll. $ 2,500 $ 2,500 2. 'antracted Curb and gutter replacement 12,500 3. gate ials 3,.000 2,500 4. Equip went operation 804 804 � 28,804 $ 5,804 TMAK. CURB REPAIR 206 $now and Ice Removal 1> Payroll $ 17,100 3. Sand $ 1, L01) alt 1,925 alcium Chloride 1,590 $ 4,615 4. quipme -,t operation 74500 _ 5292, 15�®$2915 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE $189 909 y1 $174,909 i p p^ F E- I S PAGE 6 VcSEd� PUBLIC INMI RS � STREET LIGHTING j 23.300 1962 Zf000 780 41,250 4,0, l 00 500 375 ISO 180 .;_ -2,930 41,435' sUNa.1% yA R i1 1963 U5" jI t 1:000 .du`'t� 40,450 500 C, E N ,•F9 � lyj�fi�fF�rh;.���v.1.J 62,190 FUNCTION The overhead street l•iEhting syst:eni th ouShout: the Village, .pith the except ion of ornamental and special type uzl-i :s, is installed and nw ntained by Northern States Power Company. The Vilinge's obligation is to provide funds fo_ furnishing electrical power to all lights and to waintain the ornamental and special units. Appropriations for this account have decreased t.c•To percent. (2 %),. A summary of items contributing to the de; r^a.se is presented below. Amount Percent: Engineering survey Central se- vices Total 740 100.00% VI AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE. 27 Fund Function Object No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STRMT LIGRTING 23.300 EXPENDiTURE DETAIL Codo Activity Object Detail Recommenied Budgeted 1, Payroll $ 11000 2. pow,-T $38,450 C�ontracted repairs 2 000 3. Repair parts 500 4. Equipment operation 240 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING $42 190 $42.190 ���d �e�e�: -, f-,��� � ���i•. sic. GENERAL PUBLIC f: -JORKS STREET ?SAME SIGNS ! 23.600 Su,"VI iMllly I 1962 1963 <� 3,400 3,375 �. € FRS Oa3A HVC'C'- $ 3,400 - --- 1,301 1,328 3. C'OMs1, OD @E8 1,718 660 660 4. CEZM L RMCES 756 5. bv TA ©OS9 5,361 $ 5,363 _ 5 5,874 5,871. . f FUNCTIONS The Village installs and maiilt'ains all street name signs. This account provides for installation and m.aintenaL:ce. C'UM NTS A^o7opriations for this account have increased ten percent (1070). Sunmary of items cantributin; to the increase is presented below. A.moun -t Percent Paint, parts any = empo9°a„ -y signs $417 81.29,0 Cent_al services 96 18.71 Total x513 100.00;;, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 99 Fund reaction Av a Ara. No. - -- _` GENERAL PUBIIC WORKS S'l:REZ,'T - 'gPMF. SIGHS ! 23.4G0 EXPEN0iTURE ORTAIL Code I t Act ivitty Object Mail I Recommnended Budgeted 401 General Maintenance 1. Payroll 52y2(30 j 3. Paint, pasts and temporal signs 1,218 4. Equipment operation 468 TGTA , GEHERA ., i�1INTMk ACE T3,886 402 Hew Sig. Installa.ti n I.. I:ayrol? $1,200 3. Signs and post 500 4. Equipment operation. 288 'i MAL I rE 7 SIFT S1z874 t I i TOTAL STRE?, NME SIGHS ,5,€374 a� \, mLLAGE OF EDHM% ININ U L BUDGET PAGE 30 F u3d FuEZCuml Area Aca. hLV9. GI3F I. PUBLIC WORKS TR6VF1C CONTROL, 23.500 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 6,900 ` 7,131 3,650 3,649 6,04.2 5,802 1,908 1,908 � 18,500 $-1-8--1-0-0 51,,� &AMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SEMMES 3. COMMt1DMES 4. CENTRAL SEERVICE5 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO TO ALS 1963 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 6,900 $ 6,900 3,650 3,650 6,899 6,399 2,136 2,136 19,585 Y 19085 FUNCTION Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Poldce Department, it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Department to install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installation and maintenance. COR-IM�" NTS Appropriations for this account have increased six percent (.670). A sum=ry of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Signs Paint Guard rail materials Central services Total Amount Percent 686 63.23% 32 2.95 203 18.71 228 21.01 _51,085 100.00% VILLAGE; OF EDIN A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 Fund Function Ame Aca. No. GLINERAL PUBLIC *CORKS TRAFFIC CM- TROL 23.500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detuii Recai4934 aided i'S gated 501 Traffic Sign Maintenance 1. Payroll 2,500 $ 2,500 3. 4. Signs Equipment operation 3,984 468 3,484• 468 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIAXWENANCE $ 6,952 S 6,452 502 Traffic Signal Maintenance 1. Payroll i 1,000 2. Power $ 2,500 Contracted repairs 1,000 3,500 3. Repair materials 700 4. Equipment operation 250 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIG14AL HAINTENANCS $ 5,410 $ 5,440 503 Pavement %arking 1. Payroll i 2,000 2. equipment rental 150 3. Paint 904 4. Equipment operation 660 TOTAL FAV114G NATIKI NG $ 3,714 $ 3,714 504. Guard Rail Maintenance 1. Payro11 $ 1,480 3. Guard rail materials 1,311 4. Equipment operation 768 TOTAL GUARD RAIL MAH-7 I'MMCE $ 3.479 $ 3,479 '19 585 I $19,085 TOTAL TRfr- IC CONTROL I `JE@ AGE OF MNQA BUDGET 'AGE 32 Fund r— wicia;Gn Asee Aca No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORM BRIDGES 23.600 1962 BUDGETED ESTH Ata75- $ 3,400 53,215 1,050 42O $ 4•,870 899 420 $.4,534 SUNAI ARY 'F.0 1. PERSONAL SIEd VICES 2. CON7RIAMAL SEEEMCES 3. C04,0MODMES 4. CENTRAL S� OCES ». CAP87AL OUTLAY 737. Ai is C6), Mi1V1Ei� AHV 1963 LREM 94UdEIND:1D BjDGETEO _ $ 3,4.00 $ 1,050 480 FUNCTION The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the eiuteen bridges within the Village. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 Fund Functios) Ame Aw. Me. G FM M A L PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 23.600 EXPENDITURE DR-TAIL Code Activk Object Recommended Budgeted 1. 3. 4. Payroll Paint Guard rail posts Lumber, cable, bolts.etc. .— Equipment operation ---kao TOTAL BRIDGES 53,400 425 325 300 $4,930 $4-2930 Vi' .AGE OF EDNA ANN.M. PAGE 31;. Fmid Function Avea Ac a. No. GENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS STOPM DRAINAGE 23.700 1962 $ 8,350 8,397 8,900 2,160 5_ 19,410 8,369 2,160 18,926 SWL'al AARV 0BJE"C' a 1. PHISOM/AL SERMES 2. CON RA MAL SE6 LACES CENTRAL SEMCES S. Q`&MAL OUTLAY 70TIALS COMMEM a RV 1963 RECOMNE'NDED BUDGETED $ 7,450 5,400 2,400 15,250 c 1250 FUNCTION The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by storm crater at a minimum. In those areas served by storm sewers, Village crews periodically check and clean these sewers. In areas net so served, emergency measures in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided during storms. CONTS Appropriations for this account have decreased twenty percent (20 %). A summary of the items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages: Storm Sewer replacement Pipe, castings, manholes Central services Total Amount Percent S 900 21.63% 3,500 84 .14 240 5.77 $4,160 100.00% ViL L A G E. OF ED i � � ;A k ANINUAL BUDGPEY PAGE 35 EXPENDITURE DETIA.iL Code Activit; Arco Acct. No. GENERAL FUBLK ;IJOIRYS 113T OM I DRAWAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETIA.iL Code Activit; Object Mai! Recommended Budgeted 701 'Storm Sewer Maintenance 1 1. Payro I 1 5,950 3. Culverts and pipe 1,200 Asphalt 1,200 Concrete 750 Steel Srates 750 Fill vaterials 500 Equipment operation 1 TOTIAL STOIU-0-1 SEMER 702 Storm Scw-cr Re.c51 n-ceman, 1. Payroll a 1,500 3. Pipe, castings, manholes 1,000 4, 2quipocnt operation STM,'. SEWEIZ ----1,200.— REP UYI, EDIIII�VT LEM- TOTAIL STM% DRAINAGE. `152250 VH AGu OF E NA Bi aEG"T PAGE 36 G��d � �'��at�r�s • --- I A.�so F c��. ��. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS I VILLAGE F%OIPERTIES 23.800 SUMMARY 1962 BUDGETED Es—n IA-ND QB.SECT 1963 REca.o\141110Fill,FMD 53JO�ETeD- 8,300 8, 091 1. f- ERSONM0 SERMES $ 8,300 $ 800 720 2. CONTRACTUAL SEHMCES 800 2,860 2,808 1 C'OMIefEO3MES 3,220 2,088 2,088 4'a. CFNTRA, SIERVOCES 2,280 5. CAP 6Ti AL OUTLAY �njA, 048 13 7� 14 , 600 , , . ,,,. TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION The function of the Tillage Properties account is to properly care for all Village owned properties; other than those used for Park and recreation purposes. These Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying and trimming of trees, establishment and care of plantings, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these Village properties in aesthetic Accord with our wany fine privately owned residential. properties. CMIMS Appropriations for this account have increased four percent (46/.). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Tool replacement Spray Central services Total Amount Percent $ 60 10.87% 300 Sys . 35 192 34.78 $552 100.007. _ VILLAGE OF EMIN A ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 37 Fund Function Area Ace. No. - -- GENERAL PUBLIC] WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 PEN09 T URE DETAIL Cone I Activity Object Detail Recon? mended 3 eyed 801 Turf Care 1. Pay -Coll S 5,000 3. .Sod said black dirt 1,200 Fertilizer 40 a TQa1 replacement 1220 1,720 4. Equipment operation 1 200 TOTAL TURF CARRE $ 7,920 602 Plantings 1. Payroll ri 500 3. Flowers and shrubs 200 4. Equipment operation _216 ,$ 916 803 Tree Trimming s. Payroll 4 2,000 2. Equipment rental SOD 3. Hand tools, ropes, and saws p 100 4, Equipment operation 40£3 $ 3,308 TOTAL THRE TRI232,1Ik?G 804 Tree Spraying 1, Payroll y 800 3. Spray 1,200 G. Equipment operation 456 TOTAL TME SPRAYING TOTAL VILIAGE FRO2EM!IES 14 600 1 �I� i Pena A:s:a Ac .Edo. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL 23.900 S@,RMsMARY _ 1962 1963 972 350 1. a N�L SRLj1V6CF_5 $ 1,026 $ 2. COMA RAC TUAL SEMUS 537 463 3• C06MI- I- MODMES 537 660 660 4. CENT ML SEIVBCF—S 696 S. CAPO AL MITLAY 2,169 $ 1,973 $ 2,259 2.259 — — `P �' . LS — — COMMELWARV FUNCTION The provisions of the Minnesota Noxioua Weed Act charge the Village with the responsibility of seeing that all noxious deeds within the Village limits are destroyed. The Village must, of course, absorb,the cost of weed eradication on private property, but at its own discretion, assess the cost of eradication_ on private property. Our policy is to assess or bill for all eradication can private pr. W a diALV s appropriations for this account have increased four percent (6,%). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Auount Percent Salaries and waves ; 54 60.00`/0 Central services _ 36 40.00 Total 90 100.0070 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 Fund 'ion tees Acct. No. Gh"NI%Rr�I, PUBLIC WORE IkTOXI0US 'WEED COF3ER 0a. 23.900 EXPENDITURE DETAM Code Activity Object i 0etaii i Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll $1,026 3. D. B. Granular $ 150 2-4—D ester weed spray 217 Copper sulphate 170 537 4. EgLipmea.t operation 696 TOTAL 110XICA7S WIEED _ I CONTROL _• 29,59 $2,259 I V � it G E C F P. D, HN A Ar1N,�-,1UA"- VUDSK-�Td PAGE bo F a aid Fe a C 0 3so GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 28,615 8,611 1962 C S �fi AA iN. 7 E- D In 28,351 q 28,351 S-UlkINVIRY 1963 G511P-CT DOGSTED PHISCO1 11"Ll S"EaMC-23 CONMR-AXTUAL SEMfME 41. UNVERAL SIZERMES 5. CAN ML OUTLAY TOT ALS CONUMV-071 ARY 22,•00 22,400 21,900 5 1, 1-0 —1, FUNCTION Expenditures ror items of equipment uhich have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. COMENTS The grader proposed to be traded during 19635 has been overhauled at a lower cost than expected and is needed for snow plowing. An additional grader is needed by 1964. We propose to budget one-third in 1.963 and 1964, plus amount provided during 1962, which will give us sufficient funds to acquire a grader in 1964. C.$ The dump truck is the second in our proposed replacerazent program. There is a definite need for another sweeper because of the increase in permanent surfaced streets. We feel a smaller unit vould be sufficient and less costly for maintenance. The Snow plow and hosting hitch are replacements of obsolete and worn out equipment. Panel truck is for the sign crew—a replacement of a 1951 truck completely worn out. VILLAGE OF EDINA AN14UAL BUDGET PAGE rq Fund Function Area Aca. ado. GENERAL PUBLIC VIORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23-100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity (Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 50 Motor grader (1/3) $ 3,000 7,500 Replacement, dump truck complete 5,000 5,000 Street sweeper 5,000 5,000 Snow Plow 1,200 1,200 Hurting hitch 750 750 Panel truck (102 ton) 2,000 2,000 Nose 300 300 Traffic cones 150 150 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY S22a400_ $21,900 s Fund G' action k'=au A C . WQ. GENERAL PROTECTICN OF PERS014S AND I POLICE PROTECTION 2G $ 182,686 $ 179,896 3,317 .100 1962 Bul F'GV-17ED E TMAA M 0d �r M' �R!2C0M11A71 K, 3E.D 1963 011DGz7 ? ?0 $165,935 165,066 a. PI'.. ISSIMUN11- SEMMES $ 182,686 $ 179,896 3,317 3,292 2• CGNMRAC -d UAL SERVE MS 4,013 4,013 1,150 1,210 3. COAMMMMES 1,500 1,500 33,408 33,403 �' CENTRAL R,3 ' 37,104 37,104. 9,820 10,213 5. CAPMAL OUTLAY 12,730 9,830 213,630 2 13,189 n 238,033 c 232.343 AA RR COMMENTARY FUNCTION The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is ;ranted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and village, stage, and federal legislation affecting the public in general. COMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased eleven percent (11 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $16,751 68.6470 Conferences and schools 276 1.13 Dues and subscriptions e:5 .18 Uniform allowance 465 1.91 Commodities 350 1.43 Central services 3,696 15.15 Capital outlay 2,910 11.92 Total $24,403 100.OTI. MILEAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 43 Fund -_ - Functior � Amu Aca. No. G-EMERAL I:'RO71 ECTION OF PERS09S AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 _ Pr' O.171ER.T�� I $ 8,775 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity � Object Dewil Recorranonded I ^- Budgeted 1. Chief ; 6,775 $ 8,775 Lieutenants(2)$632-642 15,4.08 15'408 Sergeants (4) 591 -601 28,848 28,848 Patrolmen (12) 541 -551 79,344 79,344 I Patrolman (1) 498 -529 6,348 6,348 Patrolmen (2) 465••508 12,192 12,192 Dispatchers(3) 361-371 13,356 13,356 Dispatchers(2)Pt.$1.80 /hr. 2,995 2,995 Secretary 34.5 -355 4,260 4,260 Patrolmen (2) Neer 465 � 119160 8,370 7182,686 $179,896 2. Conferences and schools $ 1,318 es and subscriptions 65 _eletype 540 Radar and drunkometer 500 Laundry 65 Uniform allowance 1 725 $ 4,013 $. 4,013 3. Azounition $ 500 Jail and prisoner expense 300 ooks 75 aps, leathergoods,badges 80 uses 50 hotcgraphic supplies 320 irst aid supplies 100 ire extinguisher supplies 75 $ 1,500 _ 1,500 4. •eneral 17,832 aillage hall 3,096 quipment operation 3.6 176 i 37,104 $ 37,104 5. Vehicles (7) $ 10..100 $ 90.00 Pistols (2) 70 70 ockers (2) 60 60 raffic pax unit 3,900 ..0-- rwo [Jay radio 600 600 $ 12 730 $ 9 830 $238,033 $232,343 I MAL POLICE PROTECTION AVE tet. Facia Femcti5aa Qees Ara. MO. GENERAL ROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 FF _ p Q N QM PROPERIX $ 80,112 84,744 SUMMSIVIARY - $10,020 42.85% 39 BUDGETED M l`,t;e/M .28 FF _ p Q N QM ;'+sue M _ $ 80,112 84,744 E. PZ'17tMA SERVI CES $ 90,132 91,922 1,593 1,508 2. CONT14CTUAd 5EMMES 1,758 1,658 1,301 1,238 3. COalilsotiMMES 2,976 2,576 13,200 13,200 a' CENMAL SERVICES 14,496 14,496 5. CAMAL VPMAY 450 410 10,680 8,180 �, 96,656 01,100 $120,04, A 32 COMMENTARY FUNCTIM Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) prevent loss of life and property in case a fire does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. In general, this involves the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. CO TENTS Appropriations for this account have increased twenty-four percent (24%). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Clothing allowance Clothing replacement Hose replacement Liquid foam Other supplies Central services Capital Outlay Total Amount Percent $10,020 42.85% 39 .17 66 .28 60 .26 230 �98 930 4.19 100 .43 365 1.56 1,?96 5.54 10,230 4 -3.74 X232386 "x.00.00% VILLAGE OF EDINA A114NUAL BUDGET PAGE 45 Pseud 5 Function Arm Aca. No. GMIERAL PROrECTIM ME PI�S(pNS� AND FIRE FROTECTIM 24.200 1. q 8,580 $ 8,580 EXPENDITURE DETAIL coic I Activity i obaect + _ Mil I Recommended � Budgeted 1. Chief $694-715 8,580 $ 8,580 Asst.Ghie:f 602 -642 7,704• 7,704 Captains (2) 576 13,824 13,824 Firemen 541 -551 33,060 33,060 Firemen 519 -551 6,512 6,512 Firem_cn 498 -531 6,372 6,372 Firemen New 465 5,580 8,370 Volunteers 8,500 7.500 90,132 $ 91,922 2. Conferences and schools 553 453 Dues and subscriptions 135 135 laundry 350 350 Uniform allowance ,® 720 720 S 1,75£3 $ 1,65£ 3. Clothing replacement 410 $ 410 Cannisters 200 200 Hose replace=-nt 900 680 Liquid foam 100 100 Photographic supplies 136 136 Viirst aid supplies 400 400 General supplies 650 550 Refilling -tanks 100 100 2,976 $ 2,576 4. General $ 8,340 Villager Hall. 2n880 Equipment operation 3,2276 �$ 144=96 $ 14,496 5. AlumeLnum ladder $ 450 $ 450 Sump pump 130 130 Reserve for equipment 10.,000 7,500 Rear windshield 1.00 100 _U 8 180 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTIM 5120,042 $118,832 I Vi LAGS Or' 'EMNA AMNUAL BU�' SV 3 PAGE 46 Fund 6 °arr.Uz a Aveta AC0. NO. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24.300 PERSONAL SERV ECE5 PROPERTY 445 425 SUhV kVIARY 1962 Percent $3,945 94.47% 1963 780 $ 720 T. PERSONAL SERV ECE5 $4,725 445 425 2. CONT ACMAL SIMMCE5 436 950 825 3. COMlite01091 ES 830 4. CENTPAL SE 0 ECES 5. CAHM"tL OUTLAY 360 529175 $-J,950 $64351 $ 6,351 TOITALS CVi'veMMMTARV FUNCTION The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic nature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. CMMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased one hundred - ninety two percent '19270). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Contractual services Commodities Capital outlay To4.a1 Amount Percent $3,945 94.47% 9 .22 120 2.87 360 8.62 J4,176 100.00% VM a %GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 Fund Function Am Acct. No. 01-14 T, PROTECTION OF PE DSO IS AID, CIVILIAN PST, ME 24.300 1. PROPERTY $2,925 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Da tail Recommended � Budgeted 1. Director $2,925 Secretary 1800 $4,725 2. Conferences and schools III Dues and subscriptions 25 Leased lines for sirens 300 436 3. Books and pamphlets 100 Training aids 200 OnifOTMS- reserves 300 Radiological-survey meter supplies 150 Ammunition-reserves s0 830 5. Improvements- office 300 File 60 360 TOTAL CI.VILIM DEFENSE $6,351 I $6,35 V ..AGE ON EDINA A" NiUAL BUDS"' f PAGE 48 Fu. -Id vt.flctioil Avea Ace t. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PUBLIC HEALTH 243.400 433 PROPERTY 600 600 1.962 BUDGE -T0 EST Ms TED $ 7,500 ;7,500 972 704• 433 412 600 600 495 487 1 0,000 703 SUMMARW OBJECT 1. PUMSOMAL SEZVOCWS 2. C'ONMACTUAL SERVICES 3. COfaIMMMES 4. MYRA S. CANTIAL OUMAV 'TOTALS 09 ]M M r-N ARY 55 A �p 1963 �y BUDGETED $ 10,920 $10,920 1,360 1,240 649 549 900 900 250 250 079 13y859 FUNCTION The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by malting and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persons wiithin the community. C(MIENTS Appropriations for this account have increased forty -one percent (41 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $3,420 83.8470 Conferences and schools 400 9.81 Dues and subscriptions 12 .29 Commodities 216 5.30 Central services 300 7.35 Capital Cutlay 245 6.01 Total $4,079 100.007, VILLAGE: OF E>' NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 49 F and Function Arm Aca. Flo. GENERAL 1PROTECTI 09 0r PERSONS AND PUB HEALTH 24.400 PROPERTY EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acfivi9y obiect _ Detail I Recommended Rudgeted 1. Sanitarian $600 -675 $ 8,100 Medical officer 300 Secretary () 1,800 Sumer help 720 M10, 9 20 29 Conferences and Schools $ 613 $ 613 Dues and a0scriptions 27 27 Mileage 720 600 $ �. 9 3609 $ 1,240 3. Test best equipa equipment and ao liec 649 549 4. General $ 780 Village Hall 120 Q . $ goo "� 900 5. Incubator 250 250 I TOTAL PUBLIC F -FALTH I i I ®.._ 079 0.� $13,859 I VP.L;%GE1: OF ED16NA AN"NU1110L. BUDIGI�ZT PAGE 5o Vend Funci*'-fl Amu Acct. Wo. GIZIERAL PROTECTION OF i"ERSONS AND ANIMAL 'CONTROL I 2•.500 PROPERTY - 1962 BUDGETED ES,71MATED 4,500 �i- •,500 4,987 4,987 SUMMARY OBJECT 9. PERSONAL SERMCE5 2. COWRACTUAL SCERVEICES I CONBAONTOES 4. CENTLUL SERVECES S. CAPBT.'tL OUTLAY TOTALS COMNENHARP 1963 R :1 C �10 MA P-A FE N D 2 D B il D G t"; 7 E D 5,400 400 FUNCTION Animal Control is a function of Village Government designed to protect life and property from the injurious activities of animals, both wild and domesticated. The Village Council. has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs, Avf 11'- - -:' AE PAGE 51 1962 BUEy1�TC.D ESTT,N4A701D% GENERAL I'PvOTEGTION 4?3 � 3l YAND INSPEC ION 21:..600 1962 BUEy1�TC.D ESTT,N4A701D% $ 14,790 14,250 358 217 420 350 4 , 200 4,200 19,768 19,017 003ECT 2. CONTRACTUAL SERA7 EES 3. 013 - IN" LRIES 4. C ?a, o cIaL m'ERM0 5. C!'fP8TAL OUTLAY T U AB CC,IMa'MCN h ikRy 1907,13 � q { 92 D _ M" D G E 7 E D 17,550 17,625 585 485 300 300 3,576 3,576 1,2.00 a0- �; 23,511 $-91,986 FUNCTION OAT The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke building, plumbing, and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and .revise building, plumbing and construction .odes; establish house numbering; recommend condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect al?. building construction. C01MR -MiT.S Appropriations for this account have increased nineteen percent (19 %) . A summary of items contributing to the increase, is presented below. F -:oust Percent Salaries and wages $3,060 �� 81.76 °% Con`erences and schools 225 6,01 Dues and subscriptions 2 .05 Unclassified 120 3.21 Central services 621: 16.67 Capital outlay 1 200 32.06 Total X3,743 100.00% VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 Fund FuitcOmp Area Acct. No. r= u.°}'tti?, "T�td OT Gad ;ON AND I lNSl'E0b1 S 24� 6Q0 PROPERTY PENNTURF DIUML Cade Activity Object Recoramonded i Budgeted 1. Director 4s) � -� 2,350 $ 2,325 Building inspector$525-575 Plumbing inspector 500 -52 6,900 6,300 6,900 6,300 Secretary 330-35C 2,IDO 2 100 $17,625 2. Conferences and schools 525 $ 425 Dues and subscriptions 60 60 IFrinted $ 585. S 485 3. forms $ i5o Code books 150 300 $ 300 4. General $ 2,760 Village Hall 180 gcu3pment averatior 636 $ 3,576 $ 3;576 5. Replacement-pickup 1 200 -0- TOTAL INSPECTIONS $234511- $21,986 _ V � L L Iz.,,G E, OF r- D NA ANNUAL BUDDSEFf FAGrz 53 51 1962 1963 $ PLRS, NMI-1- S'Inqv�C-2;16 11,049 10,773 2. CON71i'll"CNAL SERVE14M 26, RI 20,605 V 0 "C 4 L, 26,340 20,605 EWE - C T I ON, During the year., unt•nticipated but necessary C}pCiG?$ures may occuir, for which there has been no pravlous appropriatior, This account lis a reserve 'PEor sucli. cont-IL-ingencies . GENERAL NOMN-DEP4HIMMYEAL EXPENDITURES 26 . 100 51 1962 1963 $ PLRS, NMI-1- S'Inqv�C-2;16 11,049 10,773 2. CON71i'll"CNAL SERVE14M 26, RI 20,605 V 0 "C 4 L, 26,340 20,605 EWE - C T I ON, During the year., unt•nticipated but necessary C}pCiG?$ures may occuir, for which there has been no pravlous appropriatior, This account lis a reserve 'PEor sucli. cont-IL-ingencies . I ""MUNIA PA,\GE- 51i. QSUMMIAR'if 1962 Bijok'"17ETED EMiMV E-1-jQ. ODJECT 21. PERSOMAL ZMViCE-5 1,000 Soo 2. CAN TL�AC79UTAL SD.MV6,CES 3. COMMO i e C25 4. CENTRAL SERViCE-5 5. CAPffAL OUTLAY 000 $---59-0 70) TA LS A- CON'Ikl ENTARY FUNCTION Represents ain Appropriation to pay small clai 1963 R E. c If) �� V, Ni Z' �M -9 El 9D B J DGETE, D 1,000 500 $-2-00-. ATea Aco. Nc GEITERAL Nal-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURIIES SETTLEMENT OF SUITS 26.200 QSUMMIAR'if 1962 Bijok'"17ETED EMiMV E-1-jQ. ODJECT 21. PERSOMAL ZMViCE-5 1,000 Soo 2. CAN TL�AC79UTAL SD.MV6,CES 3. COMMO i e C25 4. CENTRAL SERViCE-5 5. CAPffAL OUTLAY 000 $---59-0 70) TA LS A- CON'Ikl ENTARY FUNCTION Represents ain Appropriation to pay small clai 1963 R E. c If) �� V, Ni Z' �M -9 El 9D B J DGETE, D 1,000 500 $-2-00-. PAGE 55 IF Asea Aecg. No. GENERAL NON- BEFART14ENTAL EXPENDITURES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON 26.300 QJTJ7.Ar.F. PRQRERTy 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJEC70 ? 'd. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODMES a. CENTRAL SERVOCES 17,000 17,225 5. CART AL OUTLAY 17,000 X17,225 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 RECOM.PAENDED BUDGETED 27,000 _27,000 272000 FUNCTION The Village ox-med properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects. This account provides funds to pay these assessments. W LAGE OF EDA,,q a PAGE x'15 1962 BUDGETED Era, 3 D 6,400 x_6,400 6,114 6,114 1. G=ERSOONA , SERVI I 2. �VNTV.CTUAL SER CCES S. CGIMMoO. D"MED 4. C-ENTRAL SEMCEPS S. CAE'HAL OUTLAY 6,332 3,332 s 6,332 3.' 32 TOTALS "- - - -- Y - - -- COMMENTARY MUM Certain its of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year, v-AAch cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this accounts GENERAL 140- N- aDEPARTMO-TAL, EXPENDITURE a ��N���. S�,PVICES- CAPI�Q����� � 26.500 1962 BUDGETED Era, 3 D 6,400 x_6,400 6,114 6,114 1. G=ERSOONA , SERVI I 2. �VNTV.CTUAL SER CCES S. CGIMMoO. D"MED 4. C-ENTRAL SEMCEPS S. CAE'HAL OUTLAY 6,332 3,332 s 6,332 3.' 32 TOTALS "- - - -- Y - - -- COMMENTARY MUM Certain its of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year, v-AAch cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this accounts VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAVE 5i Fur. d hug tival Aree �^ Aw. N8. GENIEU , NONDEPARMENTAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES- CAPITAL 26.500 5. Display board $ 100 I PENDi` URE MAIL Code Aeti4ty Object Recommended Bud Jabed Village Hall 5. Display board $ 100 Lighting Zixtures - Conference room 250 `E'O`i`&L SJ;iY,: AGE BALL $ 350 __T_ 37T Garage farts bias 400 K -beam fo,° nzono -rail hoists 1500 Utility connection 600 'fables and chairs- lunchroom 300 Gasoline tank and pump 2,000 Fountain and sink 200 Beam-eight inch 184 Hoist -one ton 116 Portable lubester 265 Heavy duty puller 590 Engine positioning stand 196 Saved blaster 425 Small tool replacement _ 556 _ T-.fjTk.,L GA WE 5,982 I $2,982 TG'iAL 'MI, SS,r VICES - 1 CAPITAL OVIJAY $6 332 �3, 332 V IL L A%'S' E 0 F I- D1 HLA BUDIGZIIET Hk G E 5 P, Fund Fwluion A. ra a Acc4 4 - ' No GENERAL N"i -DEPARTIMENTAL EXPENDITUREES CAPITAL J14FROVEHENTS 26.600 1962 BUDGSTED 50,000 50,000 S U, M WL4 PUY ESTIMATED OBJECT PERSONAL SERVE-CES 2. CONTRACTUAL SlMVICES 3. COMJMQDIT ES 4. CENT-R �L SERVILCES 50,000 5. CAPHFAL OUTLAY 6z 50,000 le- GTA LS COMIMENTAV 1963 RECO, t0MEN DED BUDGETED 50,000 511- 50,000, FU14CTION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements. CQ05ENTS We propose a transfer from thdt Liquor Dispensary Fund of $50,000 in each of the ne"t two years, into a reserve account for the purpose of constructing and equipping a garage and a second fire station. The garage to be constructed during early 1963, and the second fire station during 1965. Fend Feanadan ai�co A,ca . NI 0. PARK PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION � 47.100 SI UMMARY _ 1962 BUDGETED ESTEMATED OBI.ECu 1963 M, N13.''D E; DIGIMT &D $ 23,888 21,359 1. € E SONA? SERVECES 22,188 $ 1,134 1,103 2. COMTRACCTUAL Sr RVOCES 1,134 125 100 3. 00,1141 dGOMES 125 4. C -EMWU ' SERMES 8,580 8,580 8,700 5. CAN AL OUTLAY 32� 147 $ 32,147 -- TOTALS -- — - CO)MMaEN ARY FUNCTION The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of the Village parks and recreation facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program. Providing for the administration of the park and recreation function is the object of this account. The Edina Park Board, as an advisory body to the Edina Tillage Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. C% TS Appropriations for this account have increased one percent (170). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $300 71.437. Central services 120 28.57 Total 8420 100.0070 ViLL GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 60 Fund Function Ama, Aced. No. FE'*._Rit PARY AND MCREATIM AMITNISTRATIGN 47.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Dead I Ratomm -raided € udgeted 1. Director 0-600-675 $ 8,100 Program supervisor500 -525 6,300 Secretary 3,600 Training 200 Paid leave 3,988 $22,888 2. Conferences and schools 0- 399 Dues and subscriptions 75 Audit 660 l 0- 1,134, 3. Printing 0- 50 Books and paw - ,filets 75 �$ 125 4. General $ 6,360 Village Hall 792 Garage 84.0 Equipment operation 888 58700 I i TOTAL AMINI STRATI ON 322147 $32,147 I VILLA OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 Fund tFaration Area Aca. Edo. PARR PARK AND RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 1962 BU -- DG ESTIMATED $ 25,410 $ 24,560 8,750 5,175 39,335 8,283 4,894 37,737 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSOINAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITY -11 OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 REC0MoMENDE:D BUDGETED $ 26,400 $ 8,750 5,100 t 40,_250 FUNCTION The Village, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a year around recreational program as a function of Village government. This program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department. It includes such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, swimming and tennis instruction; and 'a summer playground program for small children. Some of these activities receive financial support from various dervice organizations, and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. CO?+�+!ENTS Appropriations for this account have increased two percent (2 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Commodities Total Amount Percent $990 108.2070 75 8.20 915 100.0070 VILLAGE OF ED114A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 62 Fund Function A.mse I Acct. No. PARK PARIS AND RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM- ` 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ®& Activity , object Detail I Recommended , Budgeted 201 Baseball and Softball 1. Supervisor � _S 1,200 Coaching Assistants 1,350 2,550. 3. Plates and basses 225 Bats and balls 200 Catcher's equipment 300 Equipment repair 50 775 TOTAL BASEBALL AND SCEETBALL 3,325 202 Skating and Hockey 1. Rink supervision 3 6,460 Hockey Coaching SILO c1 7,000 3. Goalie equipment 400 Goals 200 600 TOTAL SKATIM AND 110CM -Y 4 7,600 203 Tennis 1. Instructor 500 Assistant instructor 300 800 3. Tennis balls 125 Sets 50 Unclassified 25 200 TOTAL TENNIS 1,000 204 Playground 1. Leaders 6,850 Compensation- volunteers 400 S 7,250 3. Crafts ; 2,000 Replacements and renewals 600 $ 2,600 91850 TOTAL PLAYGIRWIMS '205' Swimming Instructio-rd 1. Supervisor 500 instruction 5,100 Attendants 400 Registration 200 6,200 2. Bus rental $ 8,000 Pool. rental 750 8,750 3� Flutter boards 100 Unclassified 25 $ 1.25 $15,075 TOTAL SWIMIING TNSTRUCTIJ i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 Fund Eunaion I Area EAca. No. PARIS PARK P -MID RECREATION � REMEATION Md;G??.AM 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity - -objea Detail Recorn- manded � Budgoited 2046 Miscellaneous and Special Activities 1. Payroll. 1,800 Leaders 800 2,600 3. Printing -sumner bulletin 500 Children's summer theatre 2O0 Unclassified 100 800 TI." M, MISCELY-AiIEOUS AMD SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 3.,400 I S AL RECREATION PRi�i�fMM $40,250 $402250 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE- 64 Fund I Function 200 Ave® 200 Acct. No. PARR i PARKK, AND RECREATION MAINTENANCE 47.300 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 28,100 $ 48,598 3,200 9,890 7,656 ,q_148,846 2,948 8,948 7,656 $___L8,150 SUMMARY 00 a MIT 1. Pr' tRSOMAL SERMES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMO®MES 4. CEMMAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 RECOMMENDEED BUDGETED $ 30,300 $ 4,150 10,040 8,028 $ _52,518 $ 52,518 FUNCTION Park maintenance involves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget account are only those properties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pumping stations, etc., are maintained through other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks includes turf care, establish- ment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. CMMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased eight percent (8%). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented beloia. Salaries and wages: Mowing Turf care Planting and trees Litter removal Buildings and equipment maintenance Skating rink maintenance Contracted work Repair parts and general Amount Percent $ 300 8.1670 200 5.45 200 5.45 800 21.79 200 5.45 500 13.62 $2,200 59.92% 950 25.87 supplies 150 4.08 Central services 372 10.13 Total $3,672 _ 100.0070 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 65 Fund Function Area Acct. ado. PARK PARK AND RECREATIMI 14AINTERANCE 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 301 Mowing 1. Payroll $ 6,200 2. Contracted repairs 450 3e Repairs, parts, and hand mowers 750 `s. Equipment operFat:ion 2°220 TOTAL HU -JING $ 9,620 302 Special. Turf Care 1. Payroll 4"500 2. Contracted work 800 3. Seed 1,200 Sod 540 Fertilizer 1,300 I Black dirt 18000 Weed spray 100 $ ,4,140 g 1.,Q20 4. Equipment operation $10,460 TONAL SPECTtAL '6' IT- CARSIT 303 Plantings and gees 1. Payroll $ 2,100 2. Equipment rental 100 3. Plant materials 500 4. Equipment operation 780 $ 3,480 TOTAL PLANTINGS AVID TREES 304 Litter Removal. 1. Payroll 4 4,700 3. Trash containers 200 4. Equipment operation. 540 1 5 IIAO TOTAL LITTER II E40VAL 305 Parking Area Maintenance 1. Payroll 1.500 3. .Road oil, 1,200 Sand 250 Unclassified 100 $ 1,550 4. Equipment operation 54.0 TOTAL PAM AREA MAN'F'EMANCE $ 3,590 306 Building and Equip- ment Maintenance 1, Payroll $ 3,:00 2. Utilities 203 3. Lumber 1,300 Repair materials 700 $ 2,000 4. Equipment operation 540 TOTAL BUILIDIHG AND EQUIMM HAMEHANCE $ 5,8tf0 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 Fund t uncvion Amu Acct. NO. 1'l�Rl� PARK AND LUCRFATION MAINTENANCE 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended I Budgeted 307 Skating Rink Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 81000 2. Electrical wiring $ 900 Power 700 $ 1,600 3. Lamps and fixtures 400 4. Equipment operation. 2,256 TOTAL SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE $12,256 308 Aquatic Weed Control 1. Payroll $ 200 2. Contracted work 1,000 3. Spray materials 500 4. Equipment operation. 132 TOTAL AQU T7:C WEED CONTRU 1.832 TOTAL WIFITI aTANCE 52,518 $52,518 I BUDGET PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION * SMHOM PAGE 67 Title Employees 1962 1963 Monthly 1962 Salary 1963 Appropriation 1962 Appropriation 1963 Park Poremn 1 1 $563 $577 $ 6,756 $ 6,924 Park Keeper III 1 1 490 501 5,880 6,012 Park Keepers II 2 2 460 486 11,040 11,664 Park Keeper I 3 3 420 440 14,430 15,840 Temporary Laborer � 52294 5,640 TOTALS 7 7 $43.400 x"46,080 DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreation: Administration: Training Paid Leave Recreation: Miscellaneous and Special Activities Maintenance: mewing Special Turf Care Plantings and Trees Litter Removal Park Area Maintenance Building and Equipment Maintenance Skating Mink Maintenance Aquatic Weed Control TOTAL PARK AND RECREATION Changed to Other Funds: General-Public Works Swimming Pool VateI% -mrks Sewer Rental Total $ 200 3,988 1,800 $ 6,200 4,500 2,100 4,700 1,500 3,100 8,000 200 $30,300 $36,286 $ 7,042 2,000 500 250 9,792 246,080 VILLA, E OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 Fead Faacties AEen Aca. No. PMM PAPS AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.100 -5 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 7,225 �� %p 25 7,200 SUMMARY 1963 9. PERSDM ,`�L SERV@CES $ 2. CONTR-ACTUAL SE RVECES 3. COMMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITA, OUTLAW 11,745 11,245 TOTALS $ X1,745 11,245 COMMMARY Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more than one year classified as capital outlay. Power poles and lights are replacements for lighting skating rinks at Arden Park. Tractor loader to be used in feeding the soil shredder, leveling and grading park areas and snow removal on skating and hockey :inks. Truck with dump box to be used for transportation and general park work. The dump box will provide for less time on unloading operations. Seven gang mower will be needed by spring of 1964 because of the increasing area to be mowed. Ile recommend that one -half of the cost be provided in each of the years 1963 and 1964. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK PARK AM0 PIEOREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,7.100 -5 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended I Budgeted 5. Are welder g i50 Small roto cultivator 250 Water tank 300 Electric drill 75 Pozger poles 320 Light fixtures 950 Dose 600 Tractor loader 3,100 Truck with dump box 2,500 Seven gang mouser M 3,500 TOTAL CAPITAL V UY $1.l 745 $11 245 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET GAGE 70 Fse$d Function Avon Acct. Mo. POOR RELIEF AND PUBLIC NURSING 90.500 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1963 OBJECT RECOMMENDIE 3 IUDGITI® $ 1. PERSONAL SEMMES 10,926 10,500 2• CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,526 3. C ®MMODMES 4. CENTRAL SE91VICIS 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 10.926 10,500 10,526 �aS26 I TOTALS — 1 C0MME,WTARY FUk=10x Represents Tillage cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing. MLAGE OF EDINA ANNUA!— BUDGE` PAGE i.o 1962 BUDGETED EM,MATE® 80,000 $--8-0-.2 000 $ 80,000 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. HR'SONAL SERVUCES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C®MMO01 OES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1963 RECOMMEMED BUDGETED 80,000 80,000 $ 80, 000 FUNCTION ELepresents amount allocated for Liquor dispensary Lund for Capital Improvements. Ame Acae. No. pA1.K C01 STRUCTION CAPITAL IMMOi EMENaS 1962 BUDGETED EM,MATE® 80,000 $--8-0-.2 000 $ 80,000 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. HR'SONAL SERVUCES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C®MMO01 OES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1963 RECOMMEMED BUDGETED 80,000 80,000 $ 80, 000 FUNCTION ELepresents amount allocated for Liquor dispensary Lund for Capital Improvements. VI LAGS 0)F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 Fund) For Han Avea Aced. Edo. IicNDS A0 INTEREST SUMMARY 1962 1963 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 09KC-0 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SFERVOCES 44,100 43,500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICCS 45,000 3. COMMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES 5. CA TAL OUTLAY g 449100 43,500 45,000 459000 TOTALS COMMENTARY exnts on outstaEndi I UGE OF EDNA AM ,MO L BUD S -2 PAGE i3 �Eo69� Qad��Y6iDiU Amu �$0. FIREMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIA 101 20.230 -9 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED S 5,300 $,300 5,250 ti , 250 SUMj AARY 05 f ECG' V. PERSONAL SERMES I lviOMITIh�AGmtlUAL SER DES 3. CONIPd'ea902` S 4. CENTRAL SERVOCCS S. CAPITAL OUTLAY tlMALS COMMENTARY 1963 PECOMMENIDED BUDGETED 9,150 9,000 9,150 $--2-000 FUNCTION Represents the amount the Village contributes for retirement of volunteer firemen. VBa U-,GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGED PAGE 74 Proud FuncTion /4Cc�. N®. FIRE PROTECTION 20.160 -9 SUMMARY 1962 1963 BUDGETED ESTIMATED q OBJECT QICOMiEpr4lBED BlUDGETE PERKSOMAL SERVECELS 8,300 8,250 2. C� NTERACTUAL SERV0CE5 9,150 9,000 COadAdlib��d� S. C POTAL OUTLAY 8,300 Q 8,250 9,150_ 9,000 I colmM7 614 b ARY V� UaG-E-. OF EDINA AN IML BUDGE i° L A GE a 5 FUM AFFe G shit. No. FENNEFIN COUNTY PARK RESERVE DISTRICT 1962 BUDGETED ESTINIATED 5 5,106 $ 5,106 5,106 $ 5, 106 SUMMARY OB PECT 1. PCES MAo SEG2MES 2. COr TPLAC➢ UAL SEMCES I COMAMDOMES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES S. CAPO SAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1,963 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 5,130 5,130 S, 1.30 FUNCTION Represents Village share of cost of County Park System computes on the basis of eighteen cents per capita. VO± LAGE OF EDNA BUDSET PAGE- °a6 vcmd L W t c,� fees �c_t ?. 6ti�. REVOLVING CE�Tt AL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 "U" �? B — 82,928 5,200 88,128 84•, 314 5,4.91 (s 89 .805 Sut13WARV 055 3 M T 2. F"NKSONAL SERVECES 3. C0IMM,0Dff0El5 701AILS CO3NAMEM 7ARV 86,092 5,600 91,692 91,692 FUPdC'TION These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment service contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based on usage. CQ RUENTS Appropriations for this account have increased four percent (4%) of which 56% represents the contribution to Public Employees Retirement Association. A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Telephone Equipment service contracts Pension contribution Postage Insurance premium Office supplies Amount Percent 60 1.68 2,000 56.12 200 5.62 1,400 39.28 4.00 11.22 Total $3,564 100.0070 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fund Function Object Area ' Aca. shim. REV€9?MUG CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL I 25.100 EXPENDOTURE DETI RL Code Activity Object Dewi@ Recommended Budgated 2. Telephone 7,432 Equipment service contracts 1,260 Public Employees Retirement b,seociation- contribution 56,500 i postage 4,200 I I nsueance: Liability 3,200 Workman e s Compensation 122500 $86,092 3. Office supplies 54600 TGTA.L $91 692 q91 X692 DISTRIBUTIMI �1located to Operating Gels irtimen Annual Month Mayor and Council 420 $ 35 Flaun Lug 1,140 95 Adman ' strat ion 4,1A0 370 Pinan a 4,200 350 kluhiic pal Court 2, 340 195 Assessing 4,440 370 Legal 4180 40 Engineering 8,400 700 Publi Works 13,920 1,160 Police 17,832 1,486 Pine 8,340 695 F.ubli° Health 780 65 Inspections 2,760 230 ail'€ a e Hall. 660 50 Gams 540 45 Equi .;e4st operation 1 4.40 120 ;72,072 $ 6,006 Allocated to Other %cerde: acs.. n.g Pool $ 00 $ .1:0 park 6,180 515 4ates:i - S 4•,980 4.15 Liqu -50th Street 2,3 -10 195 Liq r- Scuthdale 1,860 155 Srawex Rented 3,780 315 $ 1,63 $19.620 I I TOTAL $91 692 $ 76.1 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 78 Fund Percent Ama Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25.200 1'962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 6,700 6,882 7,010 6,708 2,034 2,032 I.E6 $ 16,344 M $ 16,222 SUMMARY 083'ECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMOD@T@ES 4. CENTRAL' SERVOCES 5. CAPO 'AL 0UTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 r,"_ -C 3MMfs,0',-:eD BUDGETED 6.,930 $ 7,045 2,009 600 16,584 $16,584 FUNCTION This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hall. Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. COMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased by one and one -half percent (14 %). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Contractual services Com odities Amount Percent $230 95.83% 35 14.58 25 10.4.1 Total $240 100.00. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 Fund Activity Function A eo � L-corsrraended �AC��s -Nee. REVOLVING CENT. SERVICES VILLAGE TALL $X5,680 25.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail � L-corsrraended � Budgeted 1. Custodian $380-390 $X5,680 Extra help and overtime 1,250 Public Works 19000 6,930 2. Heat $ 2,050 Light and power 3,800 Water and sewer service 180 Insurance 250 Rubbish service ?20 Laundry service 320 Furnace service 175 Contracted repairs 115.0 QQ y 7,045 3. Gleaning supplies $ 674 Paper towels 225 General supplies 160 Repair parts and hardware 200 Carpenter materials and paint 400 Replacement -light bulbs 350 $ 2,009 4. General 600 TOTTAL VILLAGE HALL ,$16 584 Y 16 584 DISTRIBUTION Allocated to Operating Departments: . Annual. Monthly Mayox and Council $ 1,200 100 F la ing 240 20 Admi istration 2,976 248 Fina, ce 840 70 Muni ipal Court 2,040 170 Asse sing 600 50 C'ftgiT eering I., 1110 95 rolf .e 3,096 258 Fite 2,880 240 Public Health 120 i0 Jason atrions 180 15 $1,276 $15,312 Ailo .ated to Others Funds. Park $ 792 $ 66 Watetworks 300 25 Seems • Mental 180 15 I 1,272 $ 106 a.sna.t�s �aa ®,.no`s � a,.JVG VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE FuM FuricHots A.ea Aaca. Rio. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GARAGE 25.300 1962 BUDGETED FST@fUb` TED $ 1,300 1,249 4,822 4,793 1,450 1,385 600 600 $_81172 $ 8,027 SUMMARY 0-DJECT 1. r-L—MO SAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODMES 4. CE -MYRAL SERMES 5. CAE TAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 RECO NslENDED BUDGETED 1,200 $ 4,104 1,200 540 7,044 $_7,044 FUNCTION The function of the garage is to provide a shelter for equipment maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public works personnel. CENTS Appropriations for this account have decreased fourteen percent (147.). A summary of items contributing to the decrease is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and wages $ 100 8.87% Utilities 150 13.30 Contract work 9.00 79.7- New Roof 1,320 117.02 Unclassified and insurance 148 13.12 Repair meterials 400 35.46 General supplies 150 '3.30, Central services 60 5.32 Total 41, 128 100.007. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE s Fund Fumctivaa Area Acct. We. REI OLVING (IFIN .'i6U SERVICES GARAGE 25.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cando Activity Nect ®etuil I Recommended Budgeted 1, Payroll (Public Works) e,;1,200 2. Heat 41,700 Light and power 8410 Insurance 464 Contract work- electrical 500 Contract work- General Bldg., 600 4,11 3. faint and calking material 550 Repair parts and hardware 200 General supplies 450 $1,200 4. General 540 TMAL GAMWE L7,04.4 $7.044 A110 °meted to Operating 0e mLtm ts: Anna? Monthly P011 c Vorks $2,100 $175 Equipment Neration 2 ?424 � 202 $4,524 377 Allcec ted. to Other Funds; Park 5 840 $ 70 Water ' rks 840 70 Sewax dental S40 70 22,520 $210 TOTAL 7,044 5587 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 82 Feed Function? Amu Aced. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICE EQUIMMENT OPERATION 25.4:00 1962 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1963 OBJECT - RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 20,656 $ 22,595 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 14,004 13,429 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 43,460 47,265 3. COMMOWTOES 4,452 4,452 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. V.P67AL OUTLAY $-11.572 $_8 7 , 741 TOTALS COMMENTARY $ 22,454 15,382 45,600 3,864 87.300 & 87,300 FUNCTION This account provides for operation and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and power tools. Costs of equipment operation are charged to operating departments and other funds on the basis of use. CGOIENTS Appropriations for this account have increased five percent (5%). A summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Percent Salaries and Wages $1,798 38.0370 Radio service 1,318, 27.88 Contracted ;repairs 400 8.46 Insurance 300 6.35 Unclassified 40 .8 General replacements - supplies 140 2.96 Lubricants 900 ?.S X4 Tires and tubes 500 10.58 Accessories and parts 2,400 50.77 Central services 588 12,°.'% Total $41,728 100.0070 MILEAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL MMET PAGE 83 Fund Funuios Area Acct. boo. RRVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES FQill cl . NT 6PERATIM 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 1. 11echanfc(2)$541.551 $13,224 Serviceman '%M60-1:70 5,640 Overtime 1,090 Payroll (Public Works) 2 500 $22,454 2. Radio service $ 4,082 Laundry service 500 Contracted repairs 5,600 Insurance 5 200 $15,382 3. Replacement of tools $ 950 Stock mtexials 1,800 Welding supplies 750 Gasoline and fuel oil 14,200 Lubricants 2,000 Tires and tubes 5,500 Accessories and parts 20 400 $45,600 4. General. $ Garage 2,424 3,864 `1MAL EQUIPMWI OPERATIM. 487,300 $87,300 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 84 Fund Function Aram Accf. No. I !�. EVOILIFI t0 CERTRAL SERVICES B.QUIWSLW OPEIZATl� 25.400 I EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted Allocated to 0perating Da artme ts: Annual Monthl Adm3 istration $ 432 $ 36 Engir eering 4,920 410 flubll c Works: Sur.ervision and overhead 576 48 St: eet maintenance 32,052 2,671 St eet lighting 240 20 St eet name signs 756 63 Traffic Control 2,x36 3:78 Bridges 480 40 Stcrm drainage 2.,400 200 Village properties 2,280 190 Ho2ious weed control 696 58 Police 16,176 1,34-8 3,276 273 lasp -ctions . 636 53 $5,588 $67,056 Allocated to Other Funds: Svium ing Pool $ 492 $ 41 Perk 8,916 7413 Wa tez works 3,276 273 Sewm Rental 2,100 175 Coos ction (Assessed projectsi projects 5,460 455 $20,.a,244 q1 687 •87 300 $79275 I