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1964 Annual Budget
k � , E ° YD VILLAGE OF EDMA TABLE OF CONTENTS SPIARY RESOLUTION, ORDINANCE, SUMAR3ES Salary Resolution I -11011 Budget O dir._ence IV-V Summary F Revenues by Fund and Source VI -VII Summary II ENpendi Lures by Fund and Function VIII-IX DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Governmeat Village Council 1 °2 Planning 30% Administration 5-6 Finance 7-8 Nunici.pal Cou t 9 -10 Election 31.12 Assessing 13 -11.: Legal Services 3516 Library 17-18 Public Wbrks Engineering 19 --20 Supervision and Gvexhead 21-22 Payroll-SunmzyylDistr ibution 23 Street Nzintenance 24 -25 Street Lighting 26 -27 Street Name Signs 28-29 Traffic Control 30-31 Bridges 32-33 Storm Drainage 34-35 Village Properties 36-33 Noxious Weed Control 38 -39 Capital Outlay 4001 Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection 42-43 Fire Protection 44-65 Civilian Defense 46-47 Public Health 48-19 Animal Control 50 inspections 51-52 Non- Departmental ENpendituLes Contingencies 53 Settl.eowt of Suits 54• Special Assessments on Village Frope -^ty 55 Central Services-Capital Oulay 56-57 Capital Improvement 58 Park and Recreation Administ a <tiron 59 -60 Recreation Pro,gwm 61-62 -63 Park Maintenance 64-65-66 Payroll- Summery"Distribution 67 Capital Outlay 68 -69 TABLE OF CONTENTS CUNT 0. . Other 'fax Supported Expenditures Relief and Public Pursing 70 Park Construction - Capital Improvements 71 Sands and Interest 72 Firemen's Relief Association 73 Fire Protection 7G Idennepin County Park Deserve Distract 75 Central Services General 7677 Village mall 78 -79 Garage 80 -81 Equipment. Operation MUM, VILLAGE OF SUM SCHEDULE Cr' MAXT-WH SALARIES AND MACES FOR YMM 1964 GENERAL ADMI MTSTRX910 Finance Director Assessor Deputy Assessor Clerk -T egsu er Adudnistrative Assistant Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial: Clerical a (5) Clerical 11 (u) Clerical III (11) Clerical W (2) Legal Prosecuting Attoxney Plannit n Technici PUBLIC SA m . POLICE Director of PUb is Safety & Police Chief Lieutenants (2) Sergeants (4) Patrolmen 3 yews service 2 years service I year service First Year Wepatcher s -Deak Cle�:ks l Fin_� Chid Assistant. Chief Lieutenants Firemen 3 years se_'vica 2 years se vice I year sex-vice First year Volunteers ...... PAGE I $ 1,025 (A) 850 (A) 580 635 500 335 385 4.35 4.95 500 650 1,025 667 627 575 555 535 495 (Monthly) 396 (A) (Howly) $1.90 735 667 627 575 555 535 495 $5.00 per Call up to 2 horse and $3.0y0 per {Ma, thereafter. $2.65 per Diz ill :01: J. the total cofz a� Gaat i flip foe' members of fi he Police D.epa"a"�:auE.nt, $3Q.00 a mantis shall be ccnsidexed as payment for tGking at least 30 hoes off -duty trai 'iatg from the F?! _e 3Departne Ea in � 'Ta fts'ating techt2i.CfE:'es' f &!ding ill the eztitgr *.'':Sshin- of ftTe, and s:or qw4'ifying for Red �`._oso £'irst aid $30.00 peg- --n-ath of the ca,npensation paid firemen shall he considered as Payment for Such dut: cs outside --U's duties as may be aGaigned by the Village Ha."ippev. :� p_eiL3ty p431'ics T,-Td pa..3 F?�'f'ii:C''. aeapaneir t -0 calls and dz111S Shall b3a Schedule of Salnxies and gages (contlaued) BLECT107N Judges and Clerks Chairmen PAY= AND ?ECREATITH Di::ecto: Program Supervistor Pool manage: (s) Assistant Pool Manages (s) Concession Manager (s) Pool Cashier (e) Bathhouse a Co cession Attendant Swimming Instructors (s) Life Guards (a) Maintenance (s) Baseball a-ad Craft Supezvisors (a) Baseball Assistants (s) Hockey Coaches (a) Rink Attendants (a) Playground Leaders (s) Skating- Skiing Instructors (s) Park Keeper -,III 1� I (s) Golf N-anager-Efto Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rauge;:s9 Statte-s, Cashiers, Lunch Counte_ Clerks LIQUOR STORES PACE 1I $1.25 per Hr. 2.00 addl. 725 600 465 415 1.75 per H. 1.25 re 1.00 rf 2.15 2.05 rf 1.60 " 415 per loo. 1.60 per Hr. 1,90 fr 1.A50 ro 2.00 9f 5.00 insL' . class 520 per No. 500 it 447 to 625 of 600 it 2.00 per Hr. Manager $875 (A) Assistant NanageXs (2) 555 Clerks d Regular 2.50 per . Clerks -- Pzm aim 1.90 rf (s) - seasonal (A) First 112 of increase January 1; Second 1 12, July 1. SPECTORS Plumbing 550 Building 600 H=TH Health. Off iccx 25 Snnita:. i= 725 PUBLIC WORKS MD RIGINEEBIPG Director of Public Vlorks and Engineering 950 (A) Civil Engineer 725 (A) Chief Engiiee^ ing Aide 625, Ei�gireering Aide IV 6101 Engineering Ai4e III_ 550f Engineerin , bide 11 500 Engineering Aide 1 400.4. PAGE 11 r Schedule of Salaries and gages (Continued) PUBLIC WORKS VRD ENGINEERING CONT'D Superintendent,: Public Works $795 Superintendent;; Water 725 Foreman � (Street, sewer, water & parks) 620 Office Clerk 4+55 Heavy Equlpment Operators 565 Eight Equipment Opdratoxs 500 Haintenance Man 447 The following minimem rates shall be paid: Hea i men2 eratox s d $515 monthly for not more that the first six oonths' service. Lit Equipment (iorators - $460 monthly for not more than the first six upnthss service. Maintenance Man a 4380 monthly for not more than the first tbree months' service, and 0:00 monthly during the fourth; fifth and sixth months of service. tlechan:ic 565 Mechanic Helper 485 Janitor 405 Sewer -Water Utility Elan 540 COURT Judge 600 Special Judge 25 per diem Clerk of Court 315:: Deputy Cleric 355 3/4• time Starting rates may be 20% less for the first 3 mnnths of service and 10% less for the second 3 month,. Opl)j— CE jjo. 16,7 .5 IWAU, I PMM IV W10611 �NIIEUE ADO,�,TIRG UUOGTI--T FOR TMF VILLAGE [W EDINA ?CrR THZE YSAR 1.964, Pa-4D RSTABL: 151,11IOrt. T4E'-,% LEVY M3 THE YE.A.R M3 PAYALLE XH i96k, W-5 I --l-AGE C-10,10CIL OY 'KNE VI'LUAGL i, R)MOvAr, )f.,S OW-IM AS FULL Sectioa 1. Ta"a Budget dine Village of Kd.kna for the calendar year -6,01-64 Ui I- heEeeby adopted as 111- i.,ei1T.@fter GOt fOST61' and funds are heceby cipp--op Iattad OMMMIL FUND ZML GMEMMW �49yor and ccumS 11 Administvat1-ort - 7 y 5a Finaace M,658 Assessi2-g 43,114 Legal. sew-'r4ces 17,999 Municipal courv. -n,694 Libragy 30781 -91ectio-L, 8,325 pla'arims —EA-01— TOTAY, GEW-jIBRAL GOMIRMNT -MBLIC Ww"'s Engiu.ce�rin.g Highways ___269_1436_ TWAM, PLML-1c WORM."I 4s -z- 8 PROTECT"'T.W� 0:1 AEA ST's ir-RD PROPIMIen, Police Fi. -O Givilia-a Dcfrunsn 3,94.3 ftebie-lc Health 1,5,473 AniuuI C-onvi"oi 13, M laspection, 22,072 TOTAL PRIO-111YSTION OB, VERS(plis M N ft 0 14 435,94-9, -M1P-,--_ PY NO-DEPAR-Th TAL EX.17?.KY,51Q1TuWZ-Q SemAt--,-,:aat Of Special. Ascessments on VJAMnge ftoperty 27 0(?;0 unzile-at-ed (S'apizo.1 Outlay 41 538 Capital 5MM TUTAL c OF T I 111'. 0 MR- C* -Z R s 0 7 20 A 2 I Supez-vis-imn and Cve-eheiad I I e cr e a ou AM a n i i a ra c c 5iy626 �?OTAL� PARN4 1FLNZ-0 I . �, "I - - - L111 Oh'dima,ace To- '26-7 f2ontinue& PACE v Section R Estimated Re.-eipts, othev Oman Gez.,s-xal. Tun Lev-y amp hereby astablished as bexei�na--aer set G-EXNERAL RUND Village Sh re-State Liquoy and C.'Igazette 'uses � 83,935 I�f.ccrse� and peen is Municipal Cower DepaV-16-11-eP-ta'l Se-&ViCe ChMtSeS 1,27P820 Other 4,1,830 Transfe-z frem- Liquor Fund 751931 State Appovciomavents-Hi�Ibwaya 231,670 TURAL GYMMIUM., MD 4456,224 PARK FUND Tvansfep, Other, 750 Transfz�� frcm Geneval fund 49,069 TOTA/L FARM MA 76"019 PARK C"ST',m'Uf'XT1MI FUND Transfey frow. Gzrteral. Pumd 1101,500 WTEi7iIL ESTIFMA-TRD IM-UPTS 16k2�743 Section 3� That there be. and heareby ie, lemi- A upon all tn-,3abie rea'a and perso mal ly property, in. th.(..n VIlKage of LdJina, -- tila ewa ;;uffticient to pzmduce the amejunts 'herzinafter set ftegO.1-2 For the Gene nI Fwd For the Fazk Ftm-d For the Poop, Fqzd rT 0 r the Fir =—cm-119 Relief Foy P-ire Flvo€-Cction For Bmads a;�-W Inn -ex -es For Hennepin County Favic- Resexve Distvict T OTA L 0771,325 681,600 1 a, la) 5 9,000 10,300 66"900 $943080 Section 4. Ibis shell. be in effect frara and wftrwr k's a-doptlam and Publ-d-I.Cation acf.ovdiv- to Wa-w. Q; Adopted this 27th da.- of' Septembe, , 19-6,L a Jr � VILLAGE OF EOINA A°r]`AL SPORT PAGE 61 GENERAL FMTD Real and personal property Lanes Other Tastes: Interest, penalties and forfeited tax sale Mortgage registry Rant{ excise Licenses and permits: Bicycle Seer and liquor Cigarette Dog And impounding fees Flood and soft drinks Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits, etc. Bowling, taxi, pinball, etc, Plumbing Scavenger and garbage collectors Building Cesspool and sewer Plumbing Signs Street opening Milk plant Renting and ventilating Engineezing, clerical and SY I REVMUES BY FUDM AND SOURCE $664,440 $68t:•,014 $735,344 Es $731,122 $771,325- S 17,440 $139789 $ 14,000 $ 12,425 $ 131500 7,196 14,556 8,000 15,234 12,000 1,666 Z3.70 1,600 1,975 1,750 26,262 $31,092 $ 23,600 S 29,634 $ 27,250 $ 3,367 $ _783 $ 4.00 $ 600 $ 4,000 1,355 1,570 1,455 1,455 1,455 627 621 600 700 720 5,309 4,931 4,500 4,950 8,078 2,481 2,570 1,995 2,245 2,400 755 750 705 200 620 3,466 3,155 2,790 3,000 25,905 2,750 2,425 2,100 29300 2,200 600 521 410 470 360 17,459 25,912 18,000 17,550 16,000 3,839 4,006 3,500 3,650 3,500 7,391 7,261 7,400 79060 7,000 3,256 3,316 3,20® 3,327 3,200 692 820 500 520 600 1,300 2,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 7,000 $ 54,247 $40,841 $ 48,755 $ 48,827 $ 61,038 searches 162,332 116,205 110,OGO 1150169 115,000 Police and fire service 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Equipnentc rental 6,585 4,482 2,000 22750 2,500 Municipal court fines 60,829 40,651 45,000 40,838 42,000 State Highway tax 31,170 31,x.70 19,000 22,487 23,670 State liquor and cigarette tan 75,542 32,653 74,000 82,746 83,935 Planning frees 1,64.9 792 1,000 650 2,000 Charges to other fuads 9,00€3 10,32-0 10,320 .10,320 10,320 Contributions from active - funds 205,000 325,0430 211,915 211,915 235,500 ILLWE OF EDINA PAGE Vsg �3UMARY 1 continued. Actual Budgeted Estimated Budgeted 1963 1962 1963 1963 19R% GENERAL FUND (continued Less transfer to Park Fund $ 40,007 S 39,474 $ 37,660 ^ 37,660 $ 49,069 Less transfer to Park construction Fund _ 80,000 86,915 86,915 110;500 _ $ 84,993 $ 85,526 $ 87,340 $ 87,340 $ 7.5,931 Sale and rental of pi:operty 20 6,751 780 Other miscellaneous revenue 5,529 30,278 7,375 71074 50,800 Reserve from encumbrances 3,210 4,1 2 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,191,808 $1,163,877 $1,169,734 $1,184•2957 $1,227,549 PARK FUND Real and personal property tw? $ 54•,732 $ 57,512 $ 66,000 $ 65,M0 $ 68,600 Registration fees - Swimming and activities 18,928 20,057 20,000 21,508 21,000 Transfer _from Liquor Fund 4.0,007 39,474 37,660 373660 49,069 Transfer from unappropriated surplus 7,622 11,239 12,000 122000 5,200 Unclassified 1,577 1 x:36 500 800 750 TO'T'AL PARK MIM $ 123,166 $ 129,718 $ 1365,160 137,308 $ 1440,619 POOR FUND Peal and personal property tax $ 7,722$ 10,977 $ 10,526 $ 10,420 $ 12,125 TOTAL POOR POD $ 7,722 $ 10,977 $ 10,526 $ 10,420 $ 12,125 PARK CONSTRUCTION PUblD Transfer from active fund $ 80,000 -0- 86 915 4 86 915 $ 1101,500 TOTAL PARR CONSTRUCTION FUND $ 80,000 $ -0- $ 86,915 $ 86,915 $ 110,500 OTHER EAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RZVHNUES Firemen's Relief $ 7,981 $ 8,1:23 $ 9,000 $ 89920 $ 9,000 Five Protection 7,981 8,421 9,000 82920 10,300 8en:!epin County park - Reserve District 5,130 5,130 5,130 Bonds and interest;, 43,919 44,254 t5 ,000 4:2500 66,900 TOTAL OTHER. REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVEMS $ 59,681 $ 61,101 $ 68,130 : 67m470 $ 91,330 TOTAL REVENUES- ALL FUNDS $1_,462p577__$j,365,673 $1 471,4_65 $1,487,070 $1,586.123 VILLAGE OF ED NA AI -�FUaL REPORT PACE VIII Si:y sx EXPE"ITURES . BY FOND AND FUNCTION Public Works: Engineering Actual 120,600 $ Budgeted Estimated Budgeted__ GENERAL FUND 1961 1962 1963 2963 1964 General Government: W,,312 382,815 174,909 175,635 191,745 mayor and'Council $ 9,641 $ 9,367 $ 9,770 $ 9,506 $ 9,990 Planning 14,754 14,499 10,835 7,167 12,401 Administration 53,029 52,866 59,032 570973 57,548 Finance 33,096 . 35,163 36,714 36,637 38,658 municipal Court 281,216 25,096 27,090 27,025 27,894 Election- 1,679 4,601 2,390 22370 8,325 Assessing 371,669 412260 41,681, All 455 43,114 Legal Services 25,975 985,169 17,963 17,660 17,999 Library 3,736 3,414 3,763 3,743 3,781 TOTAL GEN0AL G(3°3SR MENT $: ' 207 , 795 $ 204,435 $ 209,241 $ 203,536 $ 219,710 Public Works: Engineering $ 118,728 $ 120,600 $ 111,473 $ 112,018 $ 111,742 Supervision and overhead 43,949 50,4,fa 47,815 4.80383 51,265 Street Maintenance W,,312 382,815 174,909 175,635 191,745 Street Lighting 35,072 38,678 42,190 41,589 42,644 Street Name Signs 5,350 4,766 5,874 52790 5,958 Traffic Control `75386 15,436 19,085 182755. 20,196 Bridges 713 461 4,930 4,762 4,941 Stowm D-rair_age 8,298 12,801 15,250 14,831 14,030 Village Properties 9,805 11,110 14x,600 14,656 13,270 Noxious Weed Control 13,259 13053 2,259 232m 2,4,12 Capital Outlay 22,652 26„2850 21,900 22,886 22,975 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 427,522 $ 1265,011 $ 4.60,285 $ 4,61,509 $ 481,178 Protection of Persons end .. Property: Police $ 198,036 $ 213,988 $ 232,343 $ 231,44.6 $ 258,64.6 Fire 92,319 99,462 118,832 3182497 122,653 Civilian Defense 1,582 977 6,351 5,951 3,943 Public Health 5,522 10,519 33,859. 137596 15,473 Animal Control 4,675 .4,632 5,400 5,374 13,154 inspection 24,326 20,302 21,986 21,754 22,,072 $ 326,260 $ 34.9,880 $ 398,771 $ 396,618 $ 435,941 VILLAGE O€' EDINA SGIN-MY II Continued CE07 -M . FUND (continued) YJon-Departmental &- .pendi.tu es: Contingencies $ Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village -Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvemnts Central Services- Un3ilocated $ TOTIAL GENERALi FUND PAR FUND Administration .Recreation Maintenance Capita7! Outlay T'OT'AL PARK E MID ANNUAL MPORT .o Actual Sudaeted 1961 1962 1963 11652 $ 2,315 $ 20,605 $ 500 17,280 16,799 27,000 2,372 3,612 3,332 50,000 PAGE 7x 15,565 $ 556 26,372 2,tz, 1 6,162 1,000 27,000 4;558 50,000 $ 29,474% 3 301,433 $ 32,1 +7 $ 31,853 $ 36,723 33914.2 35.,880 40,250 39,512 4 1,050 391,735 50,791 52,518 $3,331 57,626 7,295 7,923 1.,245 11,258 9,220 $ 1092646 $ 1250027 $ 136,160 0 1353934• 0 144,619 PGCiiI FUND 10,577 8,817 10,526 132819 12,125 PARK CMISTMUCTIGH 80,000 -0- 86,915 OC4915 110,500 vSHE °ESL► SUPPMT D EXPLMITUcRES Bonds and terest: Improvement Fund Park Sinking Fund Firemenss Relief Association Fire Protection Hennepin County Paxic Reserve District TOTAL. EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS $ 9,400 $ 25,107 9,700 $ ?_4 749 10,000 $ 35,000 91 920 $ 34-2580 10,200 56,700 34.,567-S 34t449 $ 45,000 $ 442500 $ 66,900 71,981 8,423 9,000 89920 9,000 7,981 804224 9,000 8,920 10,300 5_106 5.130 5.130 5,130 $1,256,529 $1,241,061 $1,471,465,0t410,537 $1,566,123 V11"LLAGE7, C-3 GENEFAL GFRERAL GOJTEa' N,,F-IvT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 1963 B U D, E TE 5 11-S VNI!1,171D 57,200 $7,200 950 1,620 9,770 686 1,620 9.506 S- 61 6`141, IIVLA� R, v S' 5. CAF,;1Tj',AL 0, U-71 L'Wi IF T qZ CIDMIII, PAGE A�-!,.t. N,% 21 o 1-00 19 R c"C-, S"Y'! ,All F '11� B) F-'!)): B J B -C, T E D 7,200 1,050 1,7•0 UNCTION The Village Council constitutes ttie oi: no ing divi sio-a of Edina Village Government. The Council is composed o""' the- 1Mayo--,- a-ad foul - Tru3t`eS, all elected at large c-,7orla-pping to ---mr, OF I.-A-jo and three yeaz-s. --ces-paci--ively,, The r is the officsdf head Oj,L VJ 11.,:,,ge Goveria-ment cnd is the pre, 3iding oEHCer at Council -meetings, The Council meet's on triie seco-,Ad and fourth r:ioneays of each month at the Village Hall. -,rctloffiNTS Summary of ite-t-tis contributing to the increase in appropriation is presented below. !moan' News Lettel- . 00 Cent-ral Se--- Viices 120 TOTAL $220 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDSET PASS 2 Fund GENERAL Funefriao GENERAL GOVERNMENT Ama MAYOR PED COUNCIL EXPIE Nod TURT DETAEL Aca tic. 21.100 Code I Activity Objea Dchii Recommended Budgeted 1. Mayor 21400 Trustees 41800 7,200 3. Annual report News letters $ 650 400 1,055---- 4. General 420 Villaye Hall C A 1 320 1,740 ,TGTAL MAYOR AND CCUVCIL 9,990 $91990= G EIN E R*' A L A"' B'4_ � y' G P A 3 CN-MERAL GOVER01MEN I PLANNiNG i 21. 110 19653 BUD GETO E'S7�jN"iAlTO G E., h"' E'D D U E T' E DI 8,625 S /-..,717 (jo' 667 10,000 630 295 2. CONTRIA"C' ulll�'ItL SIEWME 528 528 200 125 325 3 2 5 1,380 1, -3oo 1, 5!:.8 1,548 650 $_III - 8 35 ;5_ 62 xJ2:,• 01 -j, -- CO, iv it N14; E. M, ' 11 A R F UNCT I gill The function of -l'-lic -Plann-mv De;)a-L-tunent' its -L-o P-ovide staff se-_--vice -to the Vi lase Coullcil, Planni'ag to Othey Villaore departm.ents, ariet to the Villagc a n av e r , G3 —,ei -L 0 Li 1 4 .u-ed dogree to other ��Soncies, lboth -public ann,:, p-,va-te, w2lo3c L al 1. - activitics influence the pli-y-sic-IJ, deve.lopment: of tile V'illaae OjL7 Edri-na. sulrf se-'-ViCeG itaclulde ol"LUce cpe-.-ations, the or 'tile varions lied use and development or&inances, sub-mission o� on natters of zolling a-ld subdivisions before Che Council Lind Coy m.nw'_ssian,; and' , the phepezation and U G" ove:_'all development plans. C. 17,111i T F, LhiS account have increased twenty percent (20%). 'Ihe n: _pal reason fo---,- t C'. C p "inci i "ne Jn--ase is a alloc- a-i-Jo-n 0�_: -the plal-n-L-ling Diroctor's h sala:-y -for the yrz.,ar 196e. During 1963,1 cy-ne--�_:curth waj IHOC' one Fou',.; -Co 1-vispectiono �nid onc-11-:2H to The 1_96A alloca-L.-Ion is t!i-_'ce.kourtJl,,; t Pla - Surnmary o-f itenis cor_-I'-rJ.bu-iAr,,-:' to tlic o -nllina mid One-ly-m2l.-L-11 to SucFeasc is 't? seated below. L Auiou- Sala-::.7.cs and 6 5 o salarJ_er anc, 'OnEerances and Schools Dues and subsc int ions C o-.T!z.,o d ic J. e s 125 3.68 caJk sel:vicas 7C OT A ALLASE- OF- EDHr4",,A ISUIIDS-T 4. Act Psi'. GENORAI, GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING 21.110 i. Pni--cctor, HOWSON) $ 7,875 7,200 hocretmy, 150-375(113) 1,500 1,500 i 'Typist 667 $10,000 2. Confere0downd schocis 1 223 Dues and Obscriptions 170 Mileage 135 520 -q-, 528 Books and p��.,f!iphlots Frintin 3 265 1 325 325-- 4. General 1,284 Sillage HAW 26,.,. TOTAL FIANNIEG Avon- --;12 k 2901 � i, J � s i ► ! i I � ! , I s I 1 � + 1 s VILLAGE OF EDNA AINNUA5_ BUDGE` ° PA GE 5 FUITd GENERAL vuwaca GENERAL GOVERINKENT A6L� ADMINISTRATION Aca. N0. 21.200 Salaries and wagesaoe her 1963 Conferences and schools FIN MON The management of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides his ' office with the necessary staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to implement his responsibility. CUMENTS Appropriations dor this account have increased two percent (2 %). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Am t oun SUMMARY tl .i-91325* Salaries and wagesaoe her 1963 Conferences and schools 1964 1,174 BUDGETED ESTUAIATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $46,350 45,601' T. PERSONAL SERVICES $45,129 $ 42,516 4,584 4,320 e. CONTRACTUAL SERVOCE5 5,380 5,380 150 104 1 C®MMODOTHES i50 150 7,88 7,8�$ �. MES CENTRAL SER 99-252 9,252 I 100 300 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY 250 250 $59-2 _ $- 57.973 _ IIIA ? $_5 7 . S48_ TOTALS COMMEN MY FIN MON The management of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides his ' office with the necessary staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to implement his responsibility. CUMENTS Appropriations dor this account have increased two percent (2 %). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Am t oun Salaries and wages- Classification .i-91325* Salaries and wagesaoe her 1,104:• Conferences and schools 378 Dues and subscriptions 1,174 Central services 1,404• Capital Outlay 150 TOTAL $1,129 Fur-d rVgINUAL ANHWAL BUDi27' 0 -,-= ee PAGE 6 k Ga Acct. eta. . - it-1 STRir 1 HAW EXPENDITURE U-TAIL Cole A.etv cu ;ect I 0ei'�ag R.coarmende --d d:-,, 1 Ijl 10 Me?wger $1493 Assistao wallager it 417,916 2,625 417,916 °0° Assistant 44 3 -,500 (A) 5,850 5,850 Village Clerk 0613-625 7,500 78500 3e0reta" $368 -380 40560 4„560 PBX Opexatar 0305 °315 3,780 ! 3,780 cleft 4323 =333( &) 1,998 2,010 MSumwr belp and overtime 900 900 44,5,1.29 $42,516 2. Oonfegeaes and wools $ 335 Dubs and subscriptions 1L845 ?regal advertising � 3 a,200 j 4 5C,380 4 58380 3. Pr3ntius i 100 Books and paWhlees 5o 4 150 G $ 150 4. General 4 585 4-,f4 Village Hall 3,240 Equipment operactica 468 9,252 $ 9,252 i S, Duplicating MaGhl a 250 2. 0 TOTAL Z M ISTRAT3,05 660i,161 9 57 (A)) e32 Jamary 1., C and X25 July to } P a 9 ` a V�SLUL= IGE CAP E-D!,,NA IiBU-GET A GERNIERAL 4 GENERAL GO',JFPNMNT F 1WANCE. 21.210 S j M iNA A R, Y of D E 'k, M A, 1, 'D J U REX., .1"VIME'sIPMED �B71JIBAGE"Lf--D 2, 208 890 $28,890 u. E�Mi,�!AL SE-rev ICES 29,0 31, $) 291,700 2,794 2,0637 2. 2,836 2,836 50 20 3. 50 50 14. CEMYRAIL 5,04.0 5,0eAO 5,892 5,892 S. C-11,00TAL ClUTLAY 1130 ISO n-16 , 7 6.17 $__18 58 FUNCTION The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Village. 1,11 revenue and eNpenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Bepartment 2- - L. A centralized system oZ oux-chasing is maint fined. Financial statezaonts and reports are prepared and i8sued by the Finance Department., C Q-21E DI T S Approprlation3 for this account have iacreased four percent (4%). Summary of the i'items contributing to 0ze fe.-ticrease is presented below. Amount Salaries and --aBcs 254 Conferences and schools 52 ?dies and subscriptions io* Central SeT-t7jCaS 652 Capital Outlay 180 T CIE A 11, t�, ilN Or K- !`,—AGE m ' ction GE-31IIIIII, 'GOERVI-IM-74T EXPENDATORE ID7 .4!L Avcu ,z', 11 It N C E r, A I G C' a 21,210 i ly Finance Di-reato-- $968 $11,618 $12,150 Doolkkeepe. Ir. 2 -1-35 5,196 5,220 Secretar 4:..8.430 5:, 136 5,160 Cashier 418-b-30 5,136 3,160 Payroll- C".C-,-k 3233-335(1/2 :.,998 2.010 $29,081.,. $29,700 2. Confer-ences and' schools 296 'Dues and Sub43c:-iptilons f.•0 Annual nlad:! t L 2,816 3. Books and pamphlets 0 50 4. General . i ,�, t., s2 E Village Him".,t 1 960 s 5,892 5,892 5r p C w r i t- . jj ._ i i i T(.VE;.%L Vil".71UNCE, S38,01t2 I j A G E 0 F EUD, i PA 1963 8 U DGETE DI $ 16,260 5:,750 400 4, 380 300 27,090 16,250 5,7414. 376 4,380 273 27,025 I? I S UP k I ARY 3. C 0 INA IMI 13 T)" E5 5. CC N-9 AL COMAY C ON i.M. 121, M 72a(111 Y 196A 19,043 a 16,756 7,015 5,900 270 270 4,966 4,968 �7 .8 LAL FUNCTION The Municipal Court is presided over by an elected Judge who serves for a six vear term. The Court is charged wilth the -responsilbility of hearinlgr all cases of persons Ath violating a Village ordinance. The largest number of such violations are violations of the t-.-afftc ordinance. A special Tra-i" fig: Violations Bureau was established to handle these cases. II CON240TS App Topriat ions for chis account have increased siyteen percent (16%). Suurniary of items contributing to the increase is presented below, Amount Salaries and -wages $2,788 I-SMNELIAL Gh-N EPA Y, GOVERNMENT MUNIC.-IFAL COU111T 21 a 300 1963 8 U DGETE DI $ 16,260 5:,750 400 4, 380 300 27,090 16,250 5,7414. 376 4,380 273 27,025 I? I S UP k I ARY 3. C 0 INA IMI 13 T)" E5 5. CC N-9 AL COMAY C ON i.M. 121, M 72a(111 Y 196A 19,043 a 16,756 7,015 5,900 270 270 4,966 4,968 �7 .8 LAL FUNCTION The Municipal Court is presided over by an elected Judge who serves for a six vear term. The Court is charged wilth the -responsilbility of hearinlgr all cases of persons Ath violating a Village ordinance. The largest number of such violations are violations of the t-.-afftc ordinance. A special Tra-i" fig: Violations Bureau was established to handle these cases. II CON240TS App Topriat ions for chis account have increased siyteen percent (16%). Suurniary of items contributing to the increase is presented below, Amount Salaries and -wages $2,788 Con.,Eerentcas and schools 305 1 P-isoners and offenders so-fvices 650 ✓ ,?,itness fees 30 jury trims and court reporte-i: 260 C ommo d i -L i es icy. Gentral Services 338 Capital outlay Al, TOU -i4-7 9-1H OLLP"GE OF EMIIINA ACINOY BUDGET v0pd tMi doeted NO. r f '° ! 1 ?:j .i G M! ,^'-t." N T N 'OU- IIUI ' 1 i 2-.300 EXPEND 5-19:,URE Gad e ACINOY Re-o.mmm dtei.31 tMi doeted - _i.Obin% I iMunic4pal Jud-' c X593 3 7 :, I ' �s q 7,116 15pecial jud-C. I $25 per dti.eyrc 3:1.000 1,500 4!18 Clerk of Cow:i- .2. 8�,,313 Z 176 3,780 Peputy 323-355 f 656 4,260 Vacation hebi) 100 100 �19, OA8 $16,756 2, Conference,; f•nd schools A 405 200 Dues and st bscri.p-E-Jons 50 50 PrisonerG MIU Offelilde 'S scxvices 3,150 2,500 Uitress 17ces 550 550 jur y trials 2'mo 2,200 "oust repos,;,Or 660 400 7,015 5,900 30 Frofc-s4 'onal bocNs Forms and 92L_ 270 q 270 4. General Villase Hall 68 4,968 IM T A L hNNICIPAL COIPRT !-�31,30 S27 894 � I 4 , 196_ cV "1 "t6�i i� GI',1J. C G' 114b. -O $'1,430 L.PEERSOIiAlL S'yDIVeEXI 625 i GENIEPAL GENII-LRAL GOVLPMEEM ELEC IM 21.400 i 196_ cV "1 "t6�i i� GI',1J. C G' 114b. -O $'1,430 L.PEERSOIiAlL S'yDIVeEXI 625 625 2. 325 315 �. QNIV AO9-MRS �. CEgg7 R AL Cw'RXECVI5 5 2 , 390 $2� 370 ` O a LI S COMMENTARY 196A H -COc .'j'AtENM�D, DUDS E 8E'D 5,450 f 580 525 I 1,770 $_8,325 s 325 FUNCTION ION 1 The Village Clerk is responsible for conducting all National, State, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Edina. I COMMENTS Fcar .��g 1964•, t ee?e will be Zt o c ectiorzs, a p; �nia:v and general during September and NoveTdber, respectively. Appropriations nor this account have increased tzao hundred forty percent (240 %). Su, -=.?Yy of i -eais contributing to decrease in appropriations is as follows, Amount Salaries and wages $4,010 ^ jStorage- rental and custodians 60 1-4.0ving chi.:; ges 240 ` Co:;u::.oditr_es 200 Capital Outlay 1,710 e UTAL $5,935 VILU,,GE- OF EMNA ANINUAL BUDGET ^6 B'e3eaLiEG€3 GAERAL GOVERYMENT EXPENINSWIE DaTML keg ELECTION PAGE 12 21.400 objen DeWH aded BE-dg eted 1. Election judges $31250 Set•up time 1,800 Registration 11-00 5 450 2. Storage-rental $ 150 Custodians 90 Moving charges 340 1 580 W Ballots $ 250 Printed forms 11-275 $ 525 5, 10 Voting machines-Krst paynant of ten install- ments i i i I � TOTAL ELECTIM I ` FiLLAGE OF ED eA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 13 c'uad F= r_ a Aye,, I yep . No. y GINERAL GDME. AL GOVERYS >Y�MN, ASSESSING I 21.500 SUMMARY - - - 1963_ r- 0 - R,viEM7A: I FUNCTION OBJECT I - - he assessing iF&?s"2cf:ion lf2E xudef3 Lhe of- the 33,960 i 533,860 a. €'E RS01IM-142- SERVECE $ 35,911.0 $ 35,040 i 2v354, 2,233 a CONTRACaa L SERVICE'; 2,361 2,311 330 322 3. CONA�l�3E�MES 315 315 \ 5,040 5,060 4. CENTRAL SERVICES' 5,448 Oases ratio Gel -vice j con' - modifies 5. C AI RAL OUTLAY Central sett ces 4-08 TOTAL TAL TOTALS r- 0 - R,viEM7A: I FUNCTION I - - he assessing iF&?s"2cf:ion lf2E xudef3 Lhe of- the assessed values and i p;eg3g,eat on and maintenance of tan zecords o:E all propaz'€ ies .-Athin the LVillege. Special assessments levied for improvements are also cc- mputed and spread on the nu golfs by personnel of the assessing Department. �J�k:T'lixe"Sl�i *J I � Appropriations for this account. have ie=e;ased cis, pe_ce nt (6%). Sea aa:y of items coxit�cibutins; to the is presented bL'Pow. Amount Sa a ieis and u gee, $1,980 Gonferences.and schools 107 ' Du LS and subs" i pea,. k3i 2>D Oases ratio Gel -vice con' - modifies Central sett ces 4-08 TOTAL TAL . VILLAGE OF ENNA GENE: R AL ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT -ASSESSING EXPENDITURE DETA0,11, PAGE A 2-1.5oo code I Activity objea Recommended "Udgetled ._R> Assessor .1;793•850 ;10,500 s1.0,200 Deputy Assessors- (2) 558-•580 13,920 13,920 Assessment Clerk 673• 495., 5,320 5,940 SecretaTy : 36.8 -365 5,100 4,380 Clevical(Pt.) $1.50/h r. 600 600 $35:.9,',.0 55,044 2. Conferences an. schools 513 463 Dues a-ad subscriptions 98 98 IBM preparing assessments 1,000 1,000 Tax books and owdership records 250 250 Mileage 500 500 —97-2,36.1 4-2,311 3. Photographic SUP P $ 100 Printing 215 345 315 4. General $ 4,320 Village Hall 660 Equipment ope-ation 468 5 448 i TOTAL ASSESSING $4•,064 I 0'F MENA f' C g � S- P, S€ M,"4;APsT 1963 GLaG 196E GE .ERR GENERAL GOVERN EIN I LEGAL Ss.IxVICES 21.600 S€ M,"4;APsT 1963 196E BUDGETED ES-13M TED OBJEM* E ECOMMI£NDED BUDGETED zp 6�00Q 5,9 ® 3. P�:s���d�' L SERVOIS S 6,000 11 oz,83 11,250 2. rS i CTUAL SERES 11,463 t 3. d;; iO ODA T9ES 4.80 •$ 4. CENTRAL S�� UCES 516 S. UANTAL OUTLAY T&ALS $11 It MR, a 7o999 COMiMFWAV The Qil?age re iFea i the profesoiona3 sexva »rev of attorneys who a e cqn� acted C-O an ate. anu�anl bas -18. They provide legal counsel and prepaTe the necessary c sce:, and eso u a s a?.cazi% ed 1-® implement the wishes of the CCU —cll. In addition, they defend the Vi gage iin all claims s and snits and prosecute all eases arising out of violation Lion. o€ Village osMinances, PA S,"E� 1 C, VILAV:�',:7, Of R-MiMA . Fur.d I Am@ I SA-ccrT. �Nqc. GENERAL GENIZRt", GOVEMKINLENT I 3.:. " +., SE . ! I-IRViCIVIS 1 21.600 Cor-le, I Activity i t } �+e>;6 �cSd`i2 --- i :� v�sa.So?i, 3L?' t JFIQ bF��iw6 °. i 1. Prosecut-ing ax".tarney 000 I 1 2 e Conferences and schools $ 95 ; Dues and subscr ions Professional fees ii General 5i, TOCIAL L5C-AL SERVICES 11 � i ; f ' i o ALLAGEN OF EDINMI a ANNUAL SUDGEET PAGE 17 ' Vu-,. :d �s�@itiEaSe -- 4 wca ECG . o. GENERAL GENEPAL C-- u1JERrMENT LIMM I 21.700d i $ 1,900 $ 1,886 1. PERSONAL SMV CES $ 2,000 $ SUMMARY 1963_ — -- _ i964 BUDGE-TED, ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMIMIE€ DED BUDGETED i $ 1,900 $ 1,886 1. PERSONAL SMV CES $ 2,000 $ 828 829 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,056 1,035 1,028 3. COMMODITIES 325 i 34 -J 63� 4. CiENTRA L SERM -C, 3 5. IRAs iA.L OUT'LVI TOTALS i81 3.181 The building and guounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Librazy are 9 1shed and maintained by the Village of gdlc-m�o Hennepin County supplies Cbe books and librarians. Lk' GE13PHIIALT CC i-E.R.NMENIT 19 L F" PAIISIE Is Acciv. No. 21.700 %A .,000 Payroll. (Public I-Yorks) 900 S,2,000 � a H ca .1 2 0 � IyAlght and L-Owc- 330 lbater and o. i: c e f, 2 Uoptract wo'nl- 056 I'l-aning lupliess SL 2' 7 5 200 725 IM-PAL LIBI'duftlY fi PUBLIC WORMS 22.100 vUMMAp Y —p rc r�^ _ 1963 Eli. DGE 9 �D R� q�- -! -A�- ES B QPii!'� y ED j Salaries M-16 t 2Ses 9 0SJ EC I.* a�pA �g - �Ai�hdNO 6.:`�'��a is �� _y �u0 +r,`..' ,�!'ocI' 862840 s 87,830 Z. PERSONAL SERVICES � $ 87.,006 $ € 7,030 690 818 2. CONT tAM d!AL SERIMES 870 6700 i 6,455 5,93.1 3. CONVAODITIE5 5;,06 4,860 14,460 4. CENTRAL SERVICE'S 16,032 16, 032 3,028 2,979 S. C '9 AL OJ d`LA 3,453 3,150 011 127 3 S- x.2,028 TOTALS "IU -12 -ILI— �g311,742 CONA i1IMT A Py 90N V, IM The SaginceT ng 3epco uent p5re:pares plans, specifications,, and eseimatea for p4bl c coast:uction projects. hiss Jncludcs 3tL:, el; gE'.itC3ing and suv'&Qdcing, sa'Sizary ser,;eers, SL'i3rm seLgers, 'fYU`LeL z.aLis,, an-d other.' sn:uf_ =ure8 and 1f %T?zovcmeFnts. It aupexvises the cogs d c n of hese pro jec' s and p ov ties the necessa.vy inspeeZien needed to lasin :e malt u ic,19 and =aorkman.sh p are 411 d?CE.or canoe with Pa;e]ecg pe-'°Sif:? cation" The department € mina' s 'dezo"ds and files on alb. _above mentioned act iviLies and f3pwates and maintains copywg equirpment,. COMMITS x_Appx opn'a atio ns for this account have Rxe- y' sed one peg; cea ( fie) U Sz rrias:y of the items contributing to the i nc ease is p est-nt;ed below. j j Salaries M-16 t 2Ses x.66 Contractual services 180 L lCI�S�i1. :O CBit -i e Cent---a! Sexvmc:s 1572 Capital GUS ay ! 22 I j VILLAV]: OF EMNA ANNUAL BUMSET PAGE 20 Fund Activity Function Ape® Acct. No. — � Budgeted PUBLIC WoRr's ETGIFEERIN3G I 22.100 EXPENDITURE DETAGL Code Activity I OL�jeca OeMH Recommended � Budgeted 1... Director X993 11,916 11,916 Assistant 623667 8,004. 8,GCA- Survey Chief 603633 7,596 7;,596 Instrument man 598 ®613 -7,356 7,356 Draftsman 558573 6,876 6,876 Draftsman 493 -508 6,096 6x096 Inspector 473 -508 6,096 6,096 Inspector 478 -503 6,036 6,036 Rodman 458-468 5,616 5, 61.6 Rottman (2) k -48 -458 10,992 10,992- Secretary 466 - -k 9 5 5D916 5,940 Overtime and sura er help 4 506 87;606 117,030 2, Conferences and schools $ 330 330 Dues and subsc-eiptions 40 40 Equipment ms— intanance 500 300 870 „� 670 .� 3o Blueprinting Lumber and tools 1,500 1,000 a 1,500 � 1,000 Aerial contour maps 1.1000 1,000 Section maps 300 300 Photographic supplies 60 60 General. supplies 1,2 00 1,000 $ 4,660 _ $ 5,060 4� General Village 12811 $ 9:,,432 1.,,260 Equipment Operation 5.340 36,032 16,032 50 Two -way radio 600 600 Auto replacement 9410 900 Surveying equipment. 800 800 Calculator 850 850 Adding machine 300 -0- �' 3 .� E.50 3 .,1.50 TOT, AL EFI07r RI1,T0 $11LI 8 X111$742 I �- i f,LLAG I; OF EDNA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 21 rc�cc� Function Area �— I Aca. No. � aV- mAL I PUBLIC ET= SUPE VISION MIM O ERHEN.T3 I 23.100 SUMINIARY 1963 -19-6L. BUD'SZETED ESTIMATED ®BJE C T RECO b M- EINDED BUDGETED 30,629 I 31,001 1. PERMHAL SERVICES 31 x 52ti• 290 336 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 385 300 150 3. COMMODITIES 300 16, 596 16, 596 19x056 5. CANTAL OU TLAY �t 7 815 %_L,-M3_ TOTALS � 265 &51265 _ COMMENTARY FT. ON. All Public Works persannel (other than Mngince -zing) are under the supevvision of the Public VowkEs Supezintendezt, He, through this account, plays and coo--dinnt:es his aceivities, maintains. cost end work mecoxds, and provides the training an-6 in.8tzuetlon necessary to ensure his men do their job most erfeati ely and efficiently. "Paid Lewrei0 represents all vo.catioa, sack, Tune ;a'l, etc, leave used by all Public Vomks employees Appropriations for this account have iancwe.-Esed seven. percent (7%). Summary of I i items contzibi.4ting to incizease is p: esented Eiekc- . I �L•'i6fi iZ�' I Sa.laa ies and rages j 895 i Gon.fe -ences and schools l00 Dues and subscriptions 5" Cent ra 1 services .2,1,50_ M- $3 4-50 I N VILLAC7,E; OF EDNA ANH WAi BUDS-E'T 22 CI---Pd GENERAL F Lme c C.- i 0 n. PUBLIC T• ORKS SUMMUST-LUIN", ANDI OiBaItIE"'U-) 23o100 'EXPEPIMITUIRE O)�4& Co 6 0 Activity Ree=mme-zdcd Budgeted, 101 I Supervis1 on Superintendent $743-793 Cost -'Iev-k 43b -x:561 i 9, 4 516 �� '.72 _ X14,950_.: 4, 9 8 8 2. Physical enaminat ions 50 1 3, Printed corms 300 4 General A,15 540 raae Ge0 2,88 it Equipment operation 636 819,056 $34,394 TO71 AI SUPERVI-Sim 102 Training 1. Payvoll 1,000 2. Conferences and schools I $ 300 Dues and subscrivtion.s 35 TUYAL 6.PABAN1,19 T Sz 1,335 103 ;paid Leave I 1. Payroll TOTP,L PAID LEALVE 5 536 ____j,15,533',6 TOTAj, AND � i 1 i � � OVERNMD ! � �51 265 X51,26 I I y1mLACE OF EDMA. 10NUsAL BUDGET PACS 23 PUBLIC I-I0 PAYROil ur" * D1STRIBUTIM Title Employges 1963 1964 Nontkly 1963 Salory 196A. Appropriations 1963 1964 Paid lazvee 15 S36 Street NaInts-e es 300 Generalmaintenance 330250 Pat:6hing Foreman 1 11 $594 $607 $ 7,V;8 $ 7a2K, Leavy Equipment Operator 7 7' 551 565 46,284 47,460 20 New Sign, l t:. -flat ion 1,200 Traffic Control: Si 2 @500 Light Squipmen . Operator i -11 10/ ; f , //486 560 6� 9152 600 Utility Mn 3,400 Stogy Drainage 5"950 500 6,00 9 Maintenance M= 4 $a,:- . c40 447 21032® 21,456 Temporary Sam Help and Overtime 10 692 1 2.3 23 23 ; - $:'9,376 $152$739 Park Hamintewm.ce Payroll. (page ) 7,042 i Public Works; f Supervision and Overhead: 4,000 I I 1,000 Paid lazvee 15 S36 Street NaInts-e es 300 Generalmaintenance 330250 Pat:6hing ? 9; 532 Street cleaning 183 196 I Sealing 9;668 Curb wepalE 2,500 Sraniv and Ice r egal 17 s Ciao Street LiSh4lpq 4,000 Street 0=2 Signv o 1,260 General, Pia: "mince 20 New Sign, l t:. -flat ion 1,200 Traffic Control: Si 2 @500 Signals 1�,000 v 43ynaTd Rail MoInte€ mee 12400 Bridges 3,400 Stogy Drainage 5"950 TOTALS a3S�P��S'1 Village Propertlest Eurf6aTe 4,000 Fla Class 500 Tree TrIzAng 2,000 Tree Spraying 300 Honicus Weed Control 1,026 MAL 1MLXC WO $1439756 Library 900 Charged to Assessed Projects 62000 Charged to otfier Farads 4, Central Services: Village mall 900 Garage 1,260 E44�i8:l.�9T3 at Op..`�'sat.1io 2s800 TOTAL $139,556 6IL LAG52 g 'EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 24 I Feud : tas � e a Amm ficca. Me. $ LIC WORKS 5'�'?�g MAINTEVMIC� 23.200 4,232 SUMMARY 1963 1964 BUDGETED ESTIN TE® OBJECT RECOMMENDED D.UDGETED 9 ®9eSEr 89,512 1: PE MAL SERVICES $ 9822%4 98�;244 1,000 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,500 g, 519073 32,052 0 53$253 3. Cf3NUMODITIES 60,569 32, 052 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 33,432 332432 S. CCHTAL 00` A "l ,g75.535 TOTALS COMMENTARY The mainte- nan.ee of Mla a streets constitutes zhe greatest: portion of Ebe Public I WOL?ks endeavor. As the coed ° 1�msinteneuce°" implies, the purpose of 411.8 account is to preserve and not necessa$ily to impxa -Ve, the streets within the Village, impuavements such as blecktopping, euvbing, oiling, and installation of drainage fncf Rci.es, are i normally financed through an assessment proceduRe and Ease, t;hezefore, not Included in this accou -%jta Etais account doses ptov de for such maineenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing dad snow plot3ing. CM��TS Appropriations for this account have increased eighteen percent (18%). Swumary of items contribut ing to increase is P esented belm7. Account SaIa le: and wages General maintenaace $ 1,250 Street cleaai`g 4,232 7,,=63 Cobtz -pact f oz k-ew b Ep�aete:at 12,500 General and patching supplies 5,280 lam ac as 900 i Sealing martez ia:1s 2, 3F I Ot heB ce�ditieo 94.15 Central sex-vices l,? 0 3ID _836 Otz EMHMA i v i t i (i bj 7 M---MNi`JAL MUM ET B c d 'o, e 6 PAG�--' 25 Gene-aj. Majontati.ance "a y -Z 0 11 31 2 5C) $ 31,250 A-as 2. 7P P-11ME21ic �:-f-GRKS 1,000 STREET RvZAINZMNANCE 2 -33. 20 0 F.1111 Ili OU END571URE DETAR. Co , a d i v i t i (i bj 7 CT z rj-m ! 2 ri e B c d 'o, e 6 201 Gene-aj. Majontati.ance "a y -Z 0 11 31 2 5C) $ 31,250 2. 'E"ciO,pinent re-tal Coo 1,000 ?, Sk-ee-m grav-el 2,500 al 0 1,250 am��.Ci%m C-1,110%-iete 7,37a 1, 373 S. a I t 1, -:180 1,360 11,505 10,505 6,600 TGEWL GMYER-A.L WZAT- wNTENANC Z' 50;355 49,355 A 202 Fatc€?itz 1 — # payrol 1 19.532 19,532 3. Patching rtiaLezials i 0 11) 19,200 Equipralant ope"-ati'on L,;>136 3 C-88 3 BLOOM 1 2 ,906 -FciAA-o-t"e-ai: Operation I i ifj TOTAL 3TR32T -, 3 28,012 204 Sea na I . payrol 1 9,668 3. 9 a A. q -qui -practit- r, p l t 1. o I o —�73 T 1 7. ,c �R, , I 5—v 4-6 61 205 !curt-, Rcnaii 1. "Payroll 2,500 2,500 2. i vontrzeted Cu 'b ard gutter Is 2 15-100 3 coo 3,000 4: j F" q-Ll j. P n.!L- -ft t 0 -,'J -C at L 0" 304 I 111 TOTAI' CU-5i" Y!EEPAT CA.- i y 6, 304 2 ON-) 15n o,7 and -C-3 Renl6vr. -0 , I I -, DDO 3 10I.-nd. s i oo a � i. t 3 1 G- Calcium opeTat'i an --OIOTAL SEXIIN 1'11ND -A.-Gl� '7ET OT AL. SrERE INTINNU-.1,10F, 1 745 fl LAGS OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 GIRT–P PUBLIC WORM STREET LIGHTING � 23 � 300 SUMMARY 1963 0Ua3G a E® ESTIMATED $ 1,000 613 40x450 40,576 i Soo 400 250 OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C0.1,CV1OQI`fIES. 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CA71 AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY - -- 966- — RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1,000 $ 40,880 5910 264 ,E, $ - k U—NCTX N The overhead street li,ghti.zig system throughout the Village, 02.th the euceptioa of ot-nam=tal and special type units, is installed =d maintained by Novehern States Pow= Company. The Village's obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electrical pmaem to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special waits. C I Appropriations for this account have increased one percent (1 %)a Si aary of ftegn contributing to increase is presented below. Power Centrai services Account $4.30 24 TOTAL 1454 I ED? ,ULAGE OF a --A k: A,'-%iNUAL BRUDGET PAGE'.' 2-7 F u rid M Nnciwn Area Me. G PN S RA L LIC U -,P EXPENDITURE BAIL k-jode Act ivity C'Nect I Recomm-, .I Bmiqeted 1. Payroll 1,000 ''Ontracted -repalls 2 X00 3. Repai-t, pa t, 5 0 ID, ji 4,. Equipment open, tioe 264 II T OT A 1, T f k E f T L I C- HT NZ G 2 544 Ii 1 � Q.LLA�� �� �� A6��91�AL BUDGET PACE 28 -- -- - =ssd ( P c s Arco Acct. Rio. i I PUBLIC WORKS STRM LIME SIMS 2304.00 SUMMARY 1263 AWA .. SUDGCTED MATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 3at= $ 3,406 1. PERSONAL SERVICE $ 3,400 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,716 1,626 3. COMMODITIES 1,915 756 756 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 840 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS.5� S, 956 CO11/11V ENTolvl4 n C UNMC The Ville�;e installs and siainta�ins all street a signs. This acmant provides I£or installation and maintenance. Appvopriatlous for this account have increased Q:w® percent (n), paused by an Waresse in Central. Services. ViLLAtak:! 0',F EMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 II Fund AMU Acm 140. R 4c c o r,. a 3 en e. C-d I PUBLIC WOMIKS I STRUT NXIE SICSS I 23,400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Delwi R 4c c o r,. a 3 en e. C-d I Budgeted 401 General Nainterance 1. Payroil ;25200 3. Painto parts aM ocuporary SiPIG 10218 4. squipmelt Operation 28 TCTAL GENERAL MAPTENANCE 03,346 1 402 New Sign installati'm 1. Payr^11 01,200 Signs and posts 300 4. Equipment opeTation TOTAL NEW SIG-1-1 MaTAMATION-1 --d Ir I � I l � l i � MAL STREET MNAE SIGMS i i ____$52958 i I 1' i i � i � � � i l i fiLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 30 =ssd I Functicsa -- Asap - - -- Acct. No. GMIMA L I Ft MIC `iORZS I TRaFIC CONTROL 23,500 1ZUNjNLA.RY 1963 196L. QIlOGaTE® ESTIMATED OBJECT _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 6"900 7 , 684 la PERSONAL SERVICES a 6,900 $ 3,650 3,027 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,600 6 0,399 5,908 3. COMMODITIES _ 7,,392 29136 2,136 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,304, 5. CAPITAL OUTL %Y 19 0085 a8-115S TOTALS gz 20.196 2 � �� 196 COMMENTARY Although the determination of need fov, and the location of all traffic control i devices, such as signs, signals© pavement masking, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Departments it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Department to install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installation and maintenance, COMMMS Appropriations for this account have Increased six perceut (6 %). Summagy of items contributing to increase is presented below, Equipment rental Signs Repair material Paint Gird rail material Cent.rai services Amount I S SG S'o0 150 4404 61 168 TOTES 19111 VELLAG OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 Fu,-3d Actibidy Amu Aca. No. u_ Budgeted pK Ts t�M• Fame B c �,�C�' TROD 23 50 V3o �Cfi® _ EXPENDITURE URE ®E AIL Code Actibidy objeck -- Detail Recea: me.ided Budgeted 30 ¢ ITrS�f_c Sign �gn Maintenance 10 Pay'r®11 , 2,500 30 SiSns 3,984 4. Equipment operation 516 ®!_ CfflA.1, TRAMC SIM) 111AINTENG ACE $ 7,000 502 Traffic Signal Kaintenance 1. t ayroI I s 1,000 2. Power $ 29500 Contracted repairs _ x.,000 3,500 3. Repair materials .850 4:• a Equipment operation 254 'ry 5,614 I503 -avement Marking 1 FaygoI 1 2,000 2. Equipment rental 100 3 u mint 1,308 4. Equipment operation 708 TOTAL FAMIENT MUIRKING �. 4,116 504 "hard Rai: Maintenance 1� pay-6011 11400 3. Guard rail matevials 3.;250 4. Equipment operation 816 TV PAL GUARD RAM M.AMMl NCE 9_3,.466._ I f III TOM, CONTROL $20, 396 $20,196 IN LAGE (OF EN"'Oh PWLIC WOMS la.6z.S'ri,UAL BUDGET PA.m=. Arcwn NO. BRIDGES I 230600 s 1963 1954 ' BUDGETED Era RATED� 1610JECT €1ECOMN!2vMD,.D BUDGMD $ 3,, X 31250 1. PEPSONAL SEMMES $3,400 $ a. CONTUC.TUAL SERVICE 1,032 3. C,OiV'cAMODITIES 480 4. C�� KAL SERVI% �- 516 i S. CAPITAL OUIMAY 4. 93Q—_ -� 70-1 ALS 94 4.9Gs1 Mf: M Me- purpose of this Paccounib is t.q provide mai& te-zi Ace foar € he jiinte -e- a b--, Ldges { WAIn the Village., I i e VP LAGE OF EMNA Ai'4iNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 Fund, PUBLIC fi-MIMS EXPENDITURE DE7,11L 2"i-ao BRIDGES Aca. No. 23.600 Q)de AcTiA4, object Rmom mcnded. Budgeted I o Payroll 3,4.©0 30 Paint 450 Cmard rail posts 325 Lumber, cable,. bolts,etc. 250 1,'! 025 •. Equipment operation- 516 I� I �I I T99AL r ! $4.941 $4.11941 I 1 � A 8963 C 1) PUB-7MT VTORK's OUDLG""?TED ESTE;."ItATEFF) 2 �;IAO 2,40 STIMM-4 DRAYTI-1,611fiE U O.M z AL S JAC-V 3. C01,111UMOMT272, cc NUVI LF Mll T 11-k Ry 7 23.?GO 1964 Cn iv--N BUDMMED 5,500 2,560 S I - i�� IL3 —0 s14,030 The Village 1-il""intairs fncllftios vmo 3lw-2:nisl1es ce-ctaill Soxvices In. an- e'tfcxl--- to keep ft-mo-C cCl pxzOperty b . Y Storo we'LOL, r."; a D-Ininum. Zvi i:hose carved by StQLa SaC-erFj,. Cl,-4�-;-750 pelei--dicaliisy clm-clb iand cle'l-n these zu nXeMs zee -ved, ehncv-geacy zfeasui�co JUv the gong --):g puwl?ing, ter-m-pornzy drains --;?e dul:iug o'zomms. AppFopriation s gc--' this accccuiA Uw?e decreased eight pa-l-c-ea-at (8%). Swm-mozy to cicc;�ease is r,Yesantcel belo�,'O A�-um lit t;;ei�!�-X�es anel timas Central se-,micco VRLAGEZE OFF' MiNA AN;NXil-10- WJIDG"E�T, PAGE--. 3,5! EXPENDJURE WAV A-cc,?. No. PUBLIC T-10��KS STURM DRAWK 2& 703 EXPENDJURE WAV a y r 0 5050 K Culverts and pipe Asphalt conwate 1,000 Weel grates 750 Fill onterials span Equipment opezation a. i ! ; XOTAL STORM DRAINAGE j 14 03 0 „'14,030 � { � i � I � I s f I W UMM1 nRY 0 UO3a C E ESTIP4 04TED Amo -- Aco. W G I JS G 3M �p��� US 23,500 i W UMM1 nRY 0 UO3a C E ESTIP4 04TED OWECT RECOMiNUNIMcn BUDGL s E0 o 8,300 5 8,938 3, PERSONAS. SERVICES 7 o 306 � 800 400 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200 3;220 3,,035 3. CCMmODITI S 3,370 i 2Q280 2 250 4. CENTRAL BERM ES 2,400 5. CAPMAL ®UTLnY - $ 4,656 ��`�A a E3,270 13.270 - - C®WMENTA.12 The functions of the Ville8e Properties acco at is to property ewe for all ViLleage owned properties; other than those used for pars and aec$eat ion purposeze These Village properties are pvincipal y, boulevards-,, txiaugles, public builai g sites® and sites used for utwilizy facilities. The maintenance of these p5op6rties includes the cultivation and mcm-A. g of the turf,, ,praying and trimnti W. traesp establishment and cave of planaa;ings, and everyday hGusekeeptng necesoary to -keep these Village propel ties wn ee®thet is accord rfi th cur a-zany fine privately ossn—ed resi .tial P'doperties. CMEs Appbopriations for �zhiz account have deco eased ziae percent: (9%). . Su -mmary of items afr''r tTibF8tingv to de-cue�nse is p- .-essC'n-- -'-ed belcC 7a Amount syli� "J-es +he'd eases 81331100 Equipment F4E-at3l 600 Sod and black dx;wt 200 ?arty liter .400 Hand tools, Topes anal saw 350 Spray i o* Cantzal services i 21111 TOE 31330 �, VILLAGF OF EDNA AiNINUPI- BUDGET CAGE 2.7 i�C "F9F9F �GClh3 A?oo No. 1 �?VEPU4 PUZLIC T,jOM5 VILLAGE 1'ROPYBUI7ES j 21,600 EXPENDITURE DETML Cod: ��eiEd a`'y' f yF i �'$F3 §a Recommended, Bridgeted 801 Turf Care 1 payroll 4 ;000 ?b Sod and black dirt Fertilizer 1,000 � 300 Too! replacement ! �. 120 ,4.20 4. Equipment operation 1,2W '1'UNVi, TtrRF CF'AIRE 9 6,620 802 Plantings y bG / j �'C°:y?l�uS pA�S $ 500 30 Flower s and sh; ubs � 200 4. Equ? pmei nt ope -a Lion 240 TUTAL PLAN1'I°IM 91;.0 803 Tee Trimming t o Payroll 2,000 2, Equipment rental � 200 3. Hand tools, scopes and saws 4 50 4. Equipment operatic I 1: -56 s� 3,!06 ` OTTAL E 54 E ` RI-1�y1$.NG 804 Tree Spraying 16 Payroll q 800 3. Spray � 1,300 40 Equipment operation TOTAL '.FREE SPRj,.Y j NG 504 2,6 - s I TOTAL MiJUGE PROPERTIES 1 i i _ 134270 $13,270 VU AGiPE OF EDINA P. ,k -'a SUPA Es RY X963 �b�. BUDGETED ESTIM e ED OBJET RECD IMIZIN0I0 BUDGETED $1,026 $ 968 1. PERSONAL SE -11MMS 026 � I CONTRACTUAL SEPMCE: 537 540 3. CCMUMIIODITIES 696 696 696 4. CEMTRAL SERVeCAS 780 5. QA%')3 TAB, OUTLAY ,! 29359 2,206 T� 'E� 2-Al2 4 .,�._ COMMENTARY FUNCTION The provisions of the Weed Act chaige the vIR age with the responsibility of seeing that all no« jous t eels within Zhe Village ki� t s aTe destroyed, The Village must, of course, absorb the cos- of weed eradication on private poopexty9 but at its oLm discretion, assess the cost of eradication on private prapew'Uy. Our policy is to assess or bill for aij e:.adieat =ore cu privalte property. _0 ..: = Appropriations for this acc unt hake iuc eased seveia percent (7%). Susmm:y of j 'e teras coSxtribu ing to increa a is pLmsei ted below. Amount Cooumdities $ 69 Centwok sei- hies 8 I I _ __ —er t�s,-u I A�cc� . G� e. �.c�*��[s99svAn�agg 7.�t�Fis'EaF ��l:EC�7, Ts P'0?1mc 1 "JORKS �e ;ry g� :7 q�e :q �iio�yl.�+� OUS NEED 4�i'.�d'i3OL I _ 23. 00 SUPA Es RY X963 �b�. BUDGETED ESTIM e ED OBJET RECD IMIZIN0I0 BUDGETED $1,026 $ 968 1. PERSONAL SE -11MMS 026 � I CONTRACTUAL SEPMCE: 537 540 3. CCMUMIIODITIES 696 696 696 4. CEMTRAL SERVeCAS 780 5. QA%')3 TAB, OUTLAY ,! 29359 2,206 T� 'E� 2-Al2 4 .,�._ COMMENTARY FUNCTION The provisions of the Weed Act chaige the vIR age with the responsibility of seeing that all no« jous t eels within Zhe Village ki� t s aTe destroyed, The Village must, of course, absorb the cos- of weed eradication on private poopexty9 but at its oLm discretion, assess the cost of eradication on private prapew'Uy. Our policy is to assess or bill for aij e:.adieat =ore cu privalte property. _0 ..: = Appropriations for this acc unt hake iuc eased seveia percent (7%). Susmm:y of j 'e teras coSxtribu ing to increa a is pLmsei ted below. Amount Cooumdities $ 69 Centwok sei- hies 8 I VILLA m OF MENU\ ANNNUAL UDGE T PAGE 39 Fund Function Amu 'Ac c t. N 0. GIUMT-MIAL -YUBLY.0 WOMMS NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL 23.900 PENDIu RE DET'AOL Acflvi�v Budgeted i— Payroll - $1,026 3. yp B G 150 2 -4 -D ;aster i -med spray 276 Copper sulphate i ISO $ 606 4, i(Lipmeab®pe?atior_ ..w .r �. �J TOTAL NIGICIOUS WEED I� f f � GMIT?G , 1 i i � $2,�R12 $2,412 i � i i i f i ii i 1 f i I I I I i 1 I j i i f i I I VILLASE Or" MHM4A ANINUAL .BUDGES' PAaG-r 40 Fund Fe,nctiaa Ares Acc$. No. GENEML PUBLIC 'd• GRKS CAPITAL OUTLAY I 23.100 SUMNLARY 1963 1966 1 Y. PERSONAL SERVISM'S S �r 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTOAL SERA /6i, "S 21$900 22,506 S. 0"'liTAL OUTLAY 22,975 l 11900 $ TOTALS COMty :NTARY FUNCTION Eapeadletizes for Items of equipien uhich have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. The I i dump truck replacement 18 part of tho progran, started two years rage. The snn a plow, Rusting batch and electric paw ace for the new twuck to replace obsolete and worn out cquipn=t . Pick-up trick as a replacezernc for a 1947 lvord, Vatch as completely worn vat.I Sprey bay: and burners are replacement pars for Etosco Distributor,, The mount proposed for the motme grader represents one -half the cost, the balance to be provided during 1965. VILU -kCE OF EDINA ' ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL Ot TILAY 23.100 I EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Recommended Budgeted 5. Hotor Grader $12,000 Replacement, dump twuck Complete 5,000 Snow plow 1,200 Panel truck Q ton) 2,000 Rose and creeping noozie 400 Replacement -spray bars and burners, 011 distributor 1,500 Rusting hatch 275 Electric pump 300 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $224975 $22,975 I VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGE PROTECK-lei or, PMSGNS AM 19_63 _ BUDGE a E.® ESTM ATE® 179 ®896 $ 178,748 E 4 ®013 3,975 10500 1,476 37,104 37,104 9,830 10,149 232,343 $-Z21,§&6 MARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES ?. CONTIAC'8'UAL SERVICES 3. CON;M(?DMES e. CENTRAL SE VICES S. CAPiTAL OUTLW TOTALS GUARMEM FARM PP'GE- ".2 214.100 1963 s14. 100 1964 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGIFTE0 196,877 198,274 ."126 4,126 1,693 43,905 43,908 10,645 10,645 $—aK 249 $ a PIOAi The primary function of police protection is to protect life and prsopexty which. Includes investigation of major crams and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the_ maintenance of peace, and enforeer�t of traffic violations. The authority to do this is granted to a large entteent through criminal and civil codee, and village, state, and federal legislatiou affecting the public in general. COMMWS Appropriations for this account hFav6 increased eleven percent (11 %) . Summary of itesm cmtributing to the increase is presented below. Pmount Salaries and usages 016,981 Conferences and schools 243 Dues and subscriptions 76 Radar and druukoaetex 300 Laundry 10 Uniform allowance 515 Comodities 193 Central services 6,8W,, Capital Outlay 815 TOTAL 24 906 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGES pAGE 43 FL:nd Fuc[is:a Arm Acct. N©. i PROMCMIN OF PERSONS AND Caps, leathergoods,badges 8`, jERyq$, PA POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 A EXPENDITURE DZTAIL Object Detail to Chief $968 (314) Lieutemants(2) 663 -657 Sergeants (4) 603-617 Patrolmen (9) 551 -565 Patrolman (1) 531565 Patrolman (1) 511-54.5 Patron (6) 473 «505 Dispatchers(2) 360 -374 Dispatcher (1) 347 -363 Dispatchess(2)Pt.1.80 /hr. Secretary 353 -365 Patrolma (2) 485 iDispatcher pt. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Teletype Radev and drunkomte= Laundry Unifam allowmee Recommes-dad 80712 15,696 290472 680696 60686 6,444 35, 3830 8,983 49320 301`x5 4o356 1b0568 1,580 i $196o877 $ 870 lob 540 I 200 75 2� 00 4o,126 $ 10.645 TOTAL POLIO PROTECTION � $257,249 Budgeted 9,113 15,768 29,616 61,020 6,720 6,x:80 35,516 8,976 4,356 3,109 4,380 110640 1,580 $198,275 9 $ 1,693 ,sail and prisoner expense i 300 Caps, leathergoods,badges &50 Photographic supplies 300 First Aid supplies 75 Fire entinguiaher supplie 140 General supplies 178 5 1,693 Geraerarl $ 22,668 Village Hull 303083 Equipmmit operation �.,.� 1 � 1 g 430908 Vehicles (7) , 90500 Pistols and shotguns 200 Two -gamy Ea3dio 625 Sirens (2) 120 1MPTG 0M tS 200 $ 10.645 TOTAL POLIO PROTECTION � $257,249 Budgeted 9,113 15,768 29,616 61,020 6,720 6,x:80 35,516 8,976 4,356 3,109 4,380 110640 1,580 $198,275 9 $ 1,693 "Al BULGET AM S UIMM -1A Q, Y -JEC T d. 2. CONIIZAC—i UAL, AER.MES 5. CA"N i•AL ski! � �,A TOTALS TLS 00-WISr ENTARr' 19,6 4 919922 S 91,638 8,658 1,633 2,658 2,656 1-6,496 14,496 2,.699 S,d.90 F0 -p{`7� S UIMM -1A Q, Y -JEC T d. 2. CONIIZAC—i UAL, AER.MES 5. CA"N i•AL ski! � �,A TOTALS TLS 00-WISr ENTARr' 19,6 Baoically the ob jectsvac of PA a 'aection are. (1) to p7eveni -- gives fTGm- 5:, -Sn- s; (2) prevent ROG@ 041 WIG and P-�70tpezty to case a gilm does azare:. (3) conf 6 fare to the place G9 Qxggia; and (4) a atfmgjinh all 91r ea. X-C f°yins°:ra , this €s:S1@i'alvery the p7ovieg'i5 og a&L- vices t". z both 91(s'F'i pmv a;s.:k.C3u S442 give `gahtgma. CM MES? 90V this r'AGaG —U I; hm -me n+; rersei thzae p =memi: (3%). SL—m — 09 l`.'.>3ms �;�C�'>e�ES` 7aear323 to the --imwe se is p- TeGem -wed bale-a. aad schools EmC 5 C.Ild sup+ Ev o::a�� ions 15 r r%3�F:C4i3c�n s l-IC* :, -a ce fig 425 S;99,0A 2,329 2,329 2,658 2,656 16,428 169428 2,.699 2,204 Baoically the ob jectsvac of PA a 'aection are. (1) to p7eveni -- gives fTGm- 5:, -Sn- s; (2) prevent ROG@ 041 WIG and P-�70tpezty to case a gilm does azare:. (3) conf 6 fare to the place G9 Qxggia; and (4) a atfmgjinh all 91r ea. X-C f°yins°:ra , this €s:S1@i'alvery the p7ovieg'i5 og a&L- vices t". z both 91(s'F'i pmv a;s.:k.C3u S442 give `gahtgma. CM MES? 90V this r'AGaG —U I; hm -me n+; rersei thzae p =memi: (3%). SL—m — 09 l`.'.>3ms �;�C�'>e�ES` 7aear323 to the --imwe se is p- TeGem -wed bale-a. aad schools EmC 5 C.Ild sup+ Ev o::a�� ions 15 r r%3�F:C4i3c�n s l-IC* :, -a ce fig 425 VILLAGE OF 'EDI'MA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE t, Tan FMC.9C' n Await NO. 64:3 -657 PROTECT Z0 OF PERSONS D FIRE P OTECTIOP 24 °200 Fire (5) 551 -565 Fireman Code I Adift Object L° 2e 3. 4e 50 EXPENDITURE' DMIL Detail Chief � 200 $708 -725 Assistant Chief 64:3 -657 Lieutenants (2) 578 -617 Fire (5) 551 -565 Fireman (1) 531 -565 Fired (1) 518 -545 Fared (2) 473-505 Volunteers Foam applieat©r 74 Congercaces and schools Dues and subscriptions Laundry Unifosm mllomuce Ynsur*we Clothing replacement Cannisters Liquid foam Rose aaplacemmt Phot®graphic supplies First aid supplies Genera. supplies Refilling tanks General Village Hall Equipmemt operation Recor�nei2ded 4 8,700 7,848 14,736 33,720 61744 6,426 11,928 8500 98,602 Budge $ 8,700 7,884 14,808 33,900 6,780 , 6,462 12,000 82500 99,03+ 6a � 2,E 150 350 78® 425 I $ 2,329 1 22329 200 100 590 ' 116 400 I 770 l50 2 ®658 9 8888 3,Q�i0 9 $ 16,428 1 Ladder � 200 200 Rose washew 130 � 130 Life net 495 -Om Tarpaulin 80 80 pertahld turzat nozzle 660 660 Smoke enteactor 350 350 File so 86 Foam applieat©r 74 74. Fa^epieces 153 153 Flexible hose MY 187 Speakers-air masks 290 X290 TOTAL FM i OREC?'l�a �1a2,653 Vil Uq E 01F E09NA i- U,-INUIAL 6 -Mld MPSCINAL SERMIMS A%36 256 Arzj I Nla, IM GED 3. COMM.MO-DI iES PRol., Toy, S ...n OF P A- , -5we, - -INT 'A F E SE UVILI&I BE 2-M 360 360 OUTU-N TOTAU) tz. UP Y., Yvlk Ry RECONINIMNIM2.) P3 t I D- GETE . D S3,037 606 606 500 300 a 111101� carte'® igdiaa Civilian. Defeamue- azw�izatkaa ruaintaias lialion with sLata Mal agawieo, fm order, to pwovide zae aeeded gessmwaez to -m-at cm-azegency aftua-4--,Ilens of nratn,�Q., parklau'Am emphasia ia being" placed upoll -sr- e-ffort to bevater- I-Ategraile ams cor.-Laimatee the ccatvltiao 01E said ac-d vaZu'.1tew C,5 w D-', 7 s App�,;,apRjQZjGRS C,' --n ht We deczeased Ev--tj 407.). Slurmwey Of thIS a- �eeju. t -7 2.c&ms can=, ibutiag to th-er, dea—mmarm is preseateds Ivelow." a n t Ca-'Me-scs"g-es cad schooZs r. 150 100 30 CLutlamy I R PAX-, E 0 OBJECT S 4�iM 4:,635 MPSCINAL SERMIMS A%36 256 2. CONITRkTURL SERIMCCE5 830 700 3. COMM.MO-DI iES 4. CrNITRAL SERMCES 360 360 OUTU-N TOTAU) RECONINIMNIM2.) P3 t I D- GETE . D S3,037 606 606 500 300 a 111101� carte'® igdiaa Civilian. Defeamue- azw�izatkaa ruaintaias lialion with sLata Mal agawieo, fm order, to pwovide zae aeeded gessmwaez to -m-at cm-azegency aftua-4--,Ilens of nratn,�Q., parklau'Am emphasia ia being" placed upoll -sr- e-ffort to bevater- I-Ategraile ams cor.-Laimatee the ccatvltiao 01E said ac-d vaZu'.1tew C,5 w D-', 7 s App�,;,apRjQZjGRS C,' --n ht We deczeased Ev--tj 407.). Slurmwey Of thIS a- �eeju. t -7 2.c&ms can=, ibutiag to th-er, dea—mmarm is preseateds Ivelow." a n t Ca-'Me-scs"g-es cad schooZs r. 150 100 30 CLutlamy rJ 2- §1'01 Al?�;3i'E' 47 ..�. �`C•I.� �_.._�._._e.._��. _�.�'�.iSi'«C.YI,`i`__ —____. ; _._..__�__.___ a'-iv t:':i? __.., ,.s.�........,..._........._.�_ 1 ACCt. No.. $�.. EN.-MUH, MG I EIG-T -PREU30310 AIRD M11HIM)"Ill DI SE Flifisr- 3 6 $3,03? 2" lcarafelmm'ftes and scllf.2*16 28 1 ;Dues and ar"i'miariptiona, j 25 IL-ansed lir�es Rosc SiTeas 300 606 606 3. 'Boeias nami pw.n.phlets 50 il.rair-l-ag aids :-mseeves 200 50 no 1 300 1TOOIL A.-TT LF.k®R DUR'.11-5,202 �3,943, os AIMNUAL BUDGET PAGE 48 :-eaiiv 6 �ia��i ( ..§- I Acts. No. ':ENIMM, P0?0TMI`MA, OF PERSMAS M PUBLIC M4LTH 240409 _ 1 - _ 0 T - - -- - -- - - -- SMARY IUOMED ESTIMATED CS C >Ew+W ' RECOe1FdV'UENDED BUDGETED 10,920 $ 10,736 1. PERSONAL SEERV ICES $ 3.2,002 $ 12,010 I'm 1,210 2. CONTRAMA . SERVICES 16055 1,055 .,=9 5 5�6 3 �. CO.�i�lii�aDITIcS 519 614 900 904 4. CENTRAL SERVES 1,596 1,595 S. Q, N �r.s. OUTL: Y 255 �g3 193 193 TOTALS 5473 _ %C40MMENTARY FUMM m The funci,i ous of the Public Zealth Departmnt are to provide fev the general welfare of tha conmuaaty by mahLag and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the public health zmci safety, and to protest the life and health of all persona within the COMMMIty. COMMINTS Pruryrlation s f©r this accOu at hall-- Increased twelve percent Sum2wy of item cantzibutiag to the ip-c ease is ptezented below, j Salwies aud wages $1,082 Canfer es eaz%d schools 31.8 Dues and subscriptions 13 Ni leage 120 i.�t�d�+ties 70 Centual services 696 V LADE- OF ANNUAL SUDIE PAGE GENERAL, s4'. 0'50 �"� Ei��L:s 2sa� u_ W --A EXPENDFURE DETAIL Objsrt 1 � Sanitarian $668-725(A) edical officer 8earetar► -1/3- 350 -375 Typist. 300 -32d SUMUar help 20 IC04fey-eaves and schools Dues and subscriptians i 3. IReat equipment and supplies 4, 10a�aega�l I Village Hall I 5 icw®scope XaLrlp el.e- thermometer T0FA PUBLIC RF.MPIH i $15.461 $151473 ; $ 8,550 $ 8,550 300 300 18500 18500 1,292 1,300 360 �- 360 $128002 $128010 $ 295 40 720 $ 18055 f $ 1,055 619 I 619 1 $ 1,452 14 -4 4 1,536 $ 1,596 68 1.25 93 I $ 193 $15.461 $151473 ; "VI7.AG" OF EINN A ANNUAL BUDGE 50 r� X-1 f�p�'ij Acct. DVS. �y I PROPERTY � o ��� a &963 BUDGETED D N 5,400 S,4Q0 4 5,374 $ 5,371. S Uhl Ih R a� o 1. PERSONAL SERVICES I CONTRACTUAL SERV €�E S 3. COWOOWTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVIt "IS 5. G;ANTAL OUTLAY 'a ®I AAS C 0 �,41.-NA E N a A R 7 BG4 €,IEC0Im M, EN 0U0CE J E® 13,154 tnimil ContFol Is a fuac loa of Village Governmsat designed to protect life aad p wap=ty fem tho -injurious r cel-ki tees of w1mals, both wild and do esticated, The Village C 1a has, by ordiamee, weg4lated the leaebing and Licensing of dagao App oTeiati ns fog: thir, accm _t have i:!egeased one hum &ued forty four g Beat (344%.)o hia is to provide ` forty hoer Patrol tmek inetead of the ftiteea hmar Friel' pzeoently provided. J £7 nS Yi •!�f 24�:� E�ng�7�Ca. 24.60 9 BUDGETED tyM!k°_J'IiEID 01 JI'iA PIEClf!'M5aiEntiiD ED BU D't::E 15 17,625 17,505 L KFISM$° AL SnE.MCES 4 W,312 $ 17,320 G �� 1; 73 2, P ida6 t��6y§ !�� 5sp.'�fVic;;; 3g3 36D� I 0 300 20 :. �A=f�;: �7�� 5 340 34.0 i 3,576 3,5576 d. CEEB d "1AX- S`E giCzS �3 9104 E s :8. Qk'Pi d rtL 'OUT AY i C.O N11 N QRY The Cunations of ehe lzspefyic—n Dcpa2 :Myinc wee to issae --�. d rvjohe building, plflkTm`b.dpg and slVx. pezi .ics; en- ,force building, p-S 3mbia— and i av—tnS virdia nn- cas arl codes, propose and Fevise bul "dIn3., pRuut iag., and eons€zuetion codes, establish 11"ruse zimas3eiiing; re-c..cMMKII -ad moo? de-i7maz m. a -Lid aba EFRent of unsafe bZ;'li£iings; and �' OM m_ ASppro3riations for this acco! unt "?:l:o increased slightly. 9ee�aT:II7ary of item S contributing Ling to the incL,ease is p�:esoc'ted beaer7� i .4 -mount Saluz, a.es and 2,012 I Dues and subsc: Ips -.ie s 63 y Mad �:.r€ �� Area Acct. No. GEMAL PROTECTION i3P �iiS1L31� ADD INSPECTIONS 24.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �i Code Aaakk obiect I Oeteii + -- Rocernmerided audgated 1. Buildietg inspector $568-600 $ 7,200 7,200 Plumbing inspector 518 -550 6,600 6,600 Secretary -1,3 350 -375 1,500 16500 Typist 41/2 300 -325 1;292 1,300 Summer help 720 720 $11,312 $17,320 2. Conf®ae t6d and sche6le $ 185 i Does and subsdriptioaaa 123 ' ( $ 308 1 $ 308 3. Printod fozms I $ 190 Code books. 150 I � $ 3fo0 ; $ 340 n ®®.. ..9 i f Q 2 Ion i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE 53 rurcl Function Area Acct. No. GENSUL NOS- DSPAZZMENTAL MUMMITURES CONTINGENCIES 26.100 SUMMARY i 1963 1964 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OWECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 20v6O5 15,565 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,000 89162 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTPAL SERVICES S. WIT AL OUTLW y, 2oa60 $ 15;5�� TOTALS X1..162 COMMENTARY FUNCTION During the year, unanticipated but necessary eupenditures may occur, for which there has been no previous appropriation. This account is to reserve for such contingencies. %S)63 _ BUDGETED <S8 ` \j�0'S as §° `e S 6° e 54 .`- t .7 "L!A,. '�t.��. E5E J L���, iY = D ! C."J y , _ v _ib NT �F SL D, . -t I _ Lr o 20 , �BrJ�a• r'ap. 1. PRSSNWAL SHMM ES 2. COMYRACT UAL SRRWCFE5 3. 4. CENTRAL SERVICIRS, 3. C. , ITAL OUTLAY LAY 9 6A x,0%0 _�� Represents ar. app op?iation to pay small c aimms filed against the Village. OF 'ROMNA A N i\ 1 U A L B UM %115' E T PAGE 55 Amv I I Accr. N- SPECIAL ASSES Se-ENT S (RI HXFM 'T .Up 67R. LL 'K VILLNGRI pallys"ImIlly 26.300 SUNWILAPit 1963 A 9 64 3 U PO ;13% 105 7 D ESTIMAAT�M) GBRECT a E 0 M IV, E M D I-F D $ Ii, PHMISONAL SERVICES 2. CONTR-ACITAL SERVR�'Es 3. COMMODITIES W ES 4. CENTRAL SEM 27,M 26,172 5. CAMS CAL O'UM.AY 27,000 27 OW ,--27�0 QQL �-IA.12?— TOTIALS 00 COMIN14 --f- KEA RY F U NMMI IC The Village ouned propertles eve subject to spe%;ial assessm-ents for VaKimas irmpzovement projects., This account provides funds to pay ehese VIUASH' O.F. ;EDIFIIA ANN' AL 5G Amu Acct. No. MORAL YON - DEPM-11 PIKENT 21, EMPRINDIIEVRESI CENT3.L14-7. SEPLVICES. N 26.500 I I I. CA-I-3t6TIkY I C MIMEWARY FUNCTION Certain itens of equipmzat m- irimovenvants uhich hobo a usefu"'. life of wwm than. one year, xkzich cannot be allocated to any pazticular fmiction, are classified in this account. '21.)GETED R U DG-, Z T D ESTIMATED OR-SECT RECOMMENDED $ S I. PERSONAL ERVIXES 2. CONTRACT UAL SEW CIES 3. CONUAGDMES 4. CENTRAL SERVIC'E.-, 3,332 2,441 S. CATITAS" OUTL-�Y 9,758 3,332 T 0 TALS 15 8 $L�58 C MIMEWARY FUNCTION Certain itens of equipmzat m- irimovenvants uhich hobo a usefu"'. life of wwm than. one year, xkzich cannot be allocated to any pazticular fmiction, are classified in this account. V'il.LA R OF E.D.16A ANNUAL SUD ET PAGE- 57 Fused Arco Acct. No. GMUMAL KON-DEPARTMMAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SHRV1CBS -9fJ j 26.500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity abject I+ NMI Recommended Budgeted Village Hall S. � Airs CondLtioning- Police and Park offices _$5,200 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL $5,200 -o- Garage Office furniture $1,000 Paste bins; and shelves 575 Hydraulic Pine tester 275 Jack stacde 8S ' Bench visa 70 Torque wrench 95 { Tacomester ( 90 press-50 ton with i � { kydraulic f 900 Drills and bits (2) 190 i Steam cleaner 400 f I Bedy .grfaadar i 175 1 ! i Tap and die set 50 i !' Cylinder gauge 38 Floor jack -10 ton 350 I i Rebuild-Valve machine 200 File 75 TOTAL GA.EGE � .14L558 SSS I TOTAL CENRAL SERTMES- I CAPITAL OUTLAY � —L21758 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 58 Fund Function Am Aect. No. GE FaAL ON-PD&F TAL MORWI S CAPITAL DIMUNEMS 26.600 SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 50,0€0 502000 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,000 _O,OUO 50,000 TOTALS COMMENTARY Fumm This account was established for the purpose of accumulating fug for Capital Impsovemuts o CATS . propose a wansfer from the L$guoa Dispensary Fund of $50,= Into a reserve secotme for puzpose of constructing god equipping a second fire statle a and spew public library. M LAGS OF MINA A'514NUAL BUDGET Pp�Gi� 59 Fund Fs�te`aFm ; AMC cet. No. � I PARK pAWr AA REC -713A NL I IMMIBiR.AsiGN 47.100 � SUMM ARV BIUDGE3'C0 2963 EST9 Ti-ED OBJECT P:ECOIAL ENIDwD - BLIDGM- D 22,186 2� ,92� L PERSONAL AL SEA VIM a 2 , 535 � 2' 0+085 1,134 1,110 2. COMI3 e.A UAL SMIC25 3, g85 18185 125 119 3. CC.:IMODIT123 125 125 80700 8,700 Q. CMATiAL SERVIC -rS 11,328 118328 0'PMMI. OUTLAY OTAL 37.17 3 . _ 36,723 4d b7AYMAD-ITAR Y FUNCTION The pazk and Recreation Deparement, is zesponsible for the acquisition. development, operation and waiatene-ace of the Village parks and aecreation facilities, and the conduct od the E!ecweat =on prcgr=,o Firaaviding for the administration of the park and Tec; eatioa fand-mion is the object of this account. The Edina Far!: Board, as as advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assises in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. COMMITS Appropriations for this account have increased sixteen pezeent (16%). enrmry I of items contz buting to increase is presented below. i I Salaries and cages 72,3€7 i Confevences and schools 51 Centwal services 2,628 ToTfil .2 5,026 VILLAGE OF EDI A ANNUAL, BUDGET PAGE 60 s€ ad kaa I Acct. Pao. 1 PA K AND R Ul�Tl�az3 1 SIM- 1MSTRX11 1 47. i00 � MENDITURE MUM bireater $66$ ®7215(P) 1. 9,000 $ 8,550 Program supervision - 517-600 7,200 8 0200 Secretary 298 -329 3,860 3,800 raining 200 200 Paid leave 4+295 4,295 926,535 $24,085 s 2. Conferences and schools 450 des and subscriptions 75 Audit 660 1 ,j185 $ 1,185 3e ftfntiug $ 50 Books Bid pamphlets 75 � $ 125 $ 125 j 4, General $ 8,124 Village Hall 966 Garage 1,140 Egaipmezit operation I'm 11 328 ®, 119328- afTALxSWILaci ==jMj173 $36,723 i I VILLAGE OF 1-DWRA ANNUAI.. BUDGET PAGE 61 =Mid Area l cci. 64e. Pfd FART? AND TT-CM. RE0PEATIMI PRGGRM 47.200 SUAMARY 1963 0L'DGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT $26,400 $ 26,039 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 8,750 8,675 2. CONTRACTUAL L SERVI ES 5,100 4,798 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVIC23 5. CA ?ITAL OUTL-%Y n4o1250 $315..x,_ TOTALS COMMENTARY 19 -- RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $27,008 $ 8,750 5"300 11-a 050 $ -0511 FUNCTION The Tillage, in addition to providing park facilities, cGnducts a year around recreatioaal program as a function of Village: govavram ato This, program is the responsibility of the Park and aecreatioo. Departmeiat. It Includes such activities as organized baseball, softball. hockey, swimming and tennis Instruction; and a sum=r playground program for small children. Some of these activities receive: financial support from various service organizations. and in others the participants themselves pay s portion of the cosh CAS Appropriations for this account Have increased tua percent (2%). Summary of items contributing to increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Cam odities Amount 600 200 VILLAGE: OF MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 62 I Ged a 201 Am Acet. Mo. P PARK AND RWRMI . RECR &MON PaCGR Y, 47.200 AeQM4, Baseball and Softball 202 IShatiug and Hockey 203 I Ts 2m 1 K aygr:nd 205 ,Swimming Instruct EXPENDITURE ®EETAlL Object I DrawII 1. Supesvision Coaching assistants 3. Plates and bases Bate and balls Catcher's equipment Equipment repairs TOTAL BASBBAL,L. ea 3W8ALrL: 1. 118n h supervision Hockey coaching 20 Goalie equipment ITOTAL 5KATr9G AND HOC= 1. 11nakructor Assistant instructoT j 30 Tennis balls Bets Unclassified !� TOT�� TMIS I 1. Leaders 3. Crafts Ileplacemamts and reneuair. l� MEAL PLAYGROUNDS 1. Supervisor i Instruction Attendants �egistgataOra I 2„ Bus wental I Pool rental 3. Flutt -er boards UnclasGified Re-con-marded Mooted $ 1 1,200 � 350 2,550 275 250 300 50 fi 8 875 I 3,525 I 17 6 69460 540 I 7,000 400 200 600 j jI 7,600 I I 500 300 1,050 $ 7,850 $ 2,000 600 2,,600 $10,450 500 5,100 400 200 $ 6,200 8,000 750 8,750 $ z00 0 $10,450 500 5,100 400 200 $ 6,200 8,000 750 8,750 $ z00 0 VILLAGE OF EDINA AINNWAL BUD149-WET PA'GE: 63 Area No. POIR Alm RECaMT10H RE1G*nAT1%1 PROGRM 1 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL object Davfl Recom'manded Budgeted 206 Miscellaneous and to Payroll 1,800 Special activities Leaders Soo 2,600 3. ftinting-summa bulletin S, 550 Children's sm-n er tkentre 200 Unclassified 100 j 850 TOTAL HISCSLIA.MOUS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 3. 450 TOTAL RECUATIEW Fa0GRAm I 41,050 I 1,050 VILLAGE OF EDINIA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 64 i Cuiia � FBinc9't`.Zgd — - - -- ArCo I !$CCt. cio. Nouing F101T. 0D RH EATIMi NALUTERANCE I 47.300 OUDG`- a ED ESTIMATED $ 30,300 $ 30,304 4,150 10,040 8,028 v S2 5�8 FUNCTION 3,838 lb,l��l 8,028 53 � su "'12Y OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. CONEV.ODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERViCEs 5. U.PITAL OUTLAY TOTS LS COMMENTARY ARY 19r.6 RECOAMENDED BUDGETED $ 34,200 $ 4,150 10,540 5,735 Park maintenance involves the case of all Village pawke and recreation facilitieso ln.cluded in this budget account are cmly those properties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, We and Pumping stations, etc., are maiutaiued through other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the park m.inteuance cre-+o The maintenance of parks includes turf cafe, establish- ment and care of trees and plantings, litter re=val, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. CWMTS Appropriations for this account have increased ten. percent (10%). Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below;. � Amount Salaries and waages a Nouing $ 600 Special turf care 600 Plantings and trees 300 Building and equipmo nt malaten nee 900 Skating rink mainten=ce 1,500 $3,900 Lumber and Tepair materials 300 Spray materials 200 Central services 708 TOTAL i-0-8— Fund 302 1 ANNUAL B`4,J%SET 1 ?K MD RUCMUM'10 Astivsly 1 Turf Care Object 10 2a 3 9 4 3a 24 30 i 4� 303 kantings and Trees I Yo �I 3 o 1 i f i c �Ittcw By a 3MA Removal 10 ?P30 4u 305 Parkin ; Awr ea Maintema ce �o 30 4. �► n uilding and Equip - ment Maintenance 10 2. 3, 4. EKPENDi 'URE DEETAI . AMC rTmua Detail Recommended Payroll — ..— � 6,800 �- ContTacted repairs 450 Repairs, parts, and wand morers 750 Equipment operation 2A.340 TOTAL NOWING $10,,340 Payroll 5,100 Contracted. ,oak 800 Seed 1,200 god 540 Fertilizer � 1,300 Black dirt 1,000 Weed spray ; 100 4,140 Squipm—nt operation � 11, "Ov TOTAL SPEC TORT C ! �, $21,180 kayroll t 2,400 Equipment rental 100 � Plant materials I 500 � � 9gUipment operation 900 i AL PLANTINGS AND TREES 3,900 Payroll Trash containera Equipment operation TOTAL LITTRR RM0MAL Payroll Roach oil Sand Unclassified Equipment operation 1NTEAaCE Payroll Utilities ber Repair materinls Equipment operation TOTAL BUXIDYNG AND MUM M19 NAMIMMIMM I 4,700 200 i 600 I 5,00 1 1,500 1,,200 250 100 1,550 600 3,650 4,000 200 1,580 800 v 2,300 7,100 PAGE 6S !'_cep. No. 47.300 ®wad0ea� 8 i �I I (J-P, EC -SSE c :"n AIN.-H UrAd. BUI-13,12T P A Frund C wi o I 0b; u': Acct. No. Recd m.an6ec: Piffuvl AND RECREAT ICIN 47000 EXPEND"ITUfli"Eu DE" Alk. C wi o I 0b; u': Recd m.an6ec: 'Slecating 307 Rink 1. IPayroI 1 9 9,500 Hainterancc 2.. wiving 0,00 700 e j T jI 3. Uinips and f-'Latures 4. Eq ipimert op'erstion. MEAL SKATING REDIR �13,912 MIS !Aquatic I-ICQ13 Can-L- of 1 Psy'Koll q 200 � 4 2. Ccatracted work 1g000 3. Spxly m&tcriols 700 operatiun unn A-nUA-IIC If,-EED $ 2 044- VILLAGE OF EDINA r'MMAI BUDGET PA;R. A7 PARK MAIN MARIdCE PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION SIW-MY . DISTRIBUTION Park and Pee= eation: Title Employees 1963 1964. Monthly 1963 Salary 1964 A gTo 1963 riation,s 1964 I Park Foreman 1 1 0577 $570 $ 6,924= 6,840 Park Keeper 141 1 1 501 515 6 ,1012 6,180 Park Keener 11 2 2 486 500 11,664. 122000 1 Park Keeper 1 3 3 440 447 15'sw 16,092 Temporary Laborer 5 64-0 9,_,300 TOTALS 7 7 � 250,412 . DISTRIBUTION Park and Pee= eation: Administration: T- rai alilg $ 200 Paid Leave x:,295 Recreat 5 cn.: Miscellaneous and Special Activities es 1,800 Maintenance.- Mowing $ 6,,800 Specie. Turf Care 5,100 Pzaatings and frees 2,400 Litter Removal 4,700 Parking Area Mai- atenaace 1,500 Building and Rquip-ment �Ziaintenal ?ce [. 000 Skat na Rink Mintanaace 9,500 Aquatic geed Gentxo! 200 X36,200 TOTAL PARM AND RECREA 1 44: ®,1.� g �Charged to Other F�uads.- Genera! - ?u. c oio hs X59 r 1aLmri nz pool Sewe- Rental TOTAL 6,817 2,200 600 300 S x,9917 90,,1. VILLAGE 012 CHININA ANMUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 F, u n a' PARK PARUIC AND 1332CIRIELVE i Ara, CAHTAY, OUTPLPIff NO !:: i ° 00-1 5 S SUMM.krly. X963 B u DG ETE D E-STIMATED 0 B. ; Ec R E CO M M, E M D ED BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SERVECCES 2. CONTRACTUAL SEIMCF3 D'vrms- ,4 PAL 9 11,245 H,258 5. QUA, i% L A %I Ay 720 21 - �-Ap- TOTALS 7 20 t,_1-220 CONMENTARY &menditures ior itews of equipment uhich have a us eft -.! life of mre 'than cue yew: a-.-:e classified as capitaZ out-lay. I A t1,n:ee- Saag mot-m—Z i-z heeded' because of PaKk aTeas aind c2her p7molpeFties L-equired to be m-ozzed flu r-2-is the V.Gruing seaso-n. The cp!�)rGoTintiov fros-, the Seve11-gang 1 4 s-f -it fen- a to pwEchcGed esuving B66. mowez rcp-xeSczt--s the. Gecozd yea - lo - �--t The proposed outomobile is to be use -ur- —ise. T h t tie is requx ed to v e pKesen" fol.- his SuFnm:� "all. -ad -7,0— �S. rink-s dur-n- the ��Awcc�� znnnthsa I - a by -Li-,he Dii�ectoi, to cove�: the onny aveas vehicl-1- i-c- used by 0he R-ecz-eation Supervism,-, Also, the crev LSO-S it for e P71 d at Gal.�deu azl-y The dkSmk i8710. Sht tj � jp S re to b 1:IFe P -o v. at n i m -' P, F-ighland Pon1k. rn i D a Y 0 r i s v.eD I a c cmiz n f c r w c --, n c. t- t y'' e-e e of c c a i D rne at ° It will be luoeel t)uilding!s and It T.A.F11 allso be -nEied fo-r lining basebali and VILLAGE 05 I-DINA ANNUAL BVW% -VF PAGE Fund � ��H9�-^�_.__.____ -� a`o3w Acct. 6VQ'. 1EXPENDiTURE DETAIL Colo 1 AriiJ!v I 10 hiree -gang F%Ouer seven -gang w0wer-: Rose Autom®b i I G now b? oi;;2 r Dwap Di:4- Ukinig ga2'i�tain powe„i poll 6 Light pil�-Z.UTC-G j Paint SpzGy0-l. ei3.0 I 441 eld lister aLAI. CAPITAL GUITUR Flecrm-mm'dep." Budgeted A. nnea 3,50t) 600 2,100 25® 150 ISO �2e 950 300 I � X9,220 MLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 70 i`und Function Aeec Acct. No. F002 RELIEF M-D PUBLIC NURSING 90.500 1963 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1964 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES � $ 1 ®,526 13,819 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,125 3. COWPAODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CA?ITAL OUTLW TOTALS 2.laS X12 -�2i COMMENTARY FUNCTIC0 aepresents Village east of relief and adiainistration, aid shared cost of Rural TleuneFip City 13ursiug. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 71 FUrLd Famfio;a Are® Acct. No. PARK CAPITAL Ip RO MENTS CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY l1963 1964 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 6UDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES a $ Z. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 80,000 86,915 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 110,500 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY ti, 80,000 86, 915 TOTALS 110, 500 COMMENTARY F Represents amount allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Caplial ImprBvemmtsa CAS Repreamts ammut as proposed by Park Board during 1962 to set up improvement schedule approved by Council during the s=e year. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 72 Fand Function a Acct. No. p� qe 6PONDS , D IWS+ 8 BONDS SUMMARY -- 1963 296 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED RUDGETE+O p 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 456000 44®500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66,900 3. CC ViMODITIES k. CENTRAL SERVIC "S 5. CA ?1TAL OUTLAY 415»000 ?s ,S00 . TOTALS 6� 6,900 X66.900 COMMENTARY FUNCTION These funds are used to make annual payments is ova outstanding bonds. C S Increase in appropriation for this account is represented by the requirement for bonds and interest of Park bond issue during 1962. I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOWENDE0 BUDGETED $ 9. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,wo 8,920 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,300 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVirES S. CANT TAL OUTLAY 5 9,000 $ 82920 TOTALS , 99300 COMMENTARY FUNCTIM Represents the amount the Village contributes for retirement of volunteer f1r o Fund Function Area Acct. Na. FIRE14EXIS BELIEF ASSOCIATION 20.230 -9 SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOWENDE0 BUDGETED $ 9. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,wo 8,920 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,300 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVirES S. CANT TAL OUTLAY 5 9,000 $ 82920 TOTALS , 99300 COMMENTARY FUNCTIM Represents the amount the Village contributes for retirement of volunteer f1r o VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 74 �°ess�d Function Are® /acct. No. FIRE PAMECTION 20,160 -9 SUMMARY 3963 1964 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED SUD3 ME D $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 91,000 8,920 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,300 3. CO6`a1MODITIES 4. CEN`PP. 1 SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,000 %2O TOTALS 10, 300 -W.300 COlb MEWARY FUNCTION Represents aatmnt of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to waterworks frond, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75 Fund Function Area Aca N . $ $ HMEPEEI COUNTY PARE I 5,130 5, 130 RESERVE DISTRICT 59130 SUMMARY 1963 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 4A RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5,130 5, 130 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59130 3. CO��i, "%40DITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICE S 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 5 p 130 $_L130 130 TOTALS 5 3130 5,130 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Rep9reseats Village sImTe of cost of County Park System computed can the basis of eighteen cents per capita, OF EDNA ANNIUAL DUDGET y6 SUMNYURY 1963 0 Lf DG "IT r'. D ESTIMATED 00)"XI, i964 1-111'-"- C 0 M M EM -D El: D, BUDGETED 1, PERSONAL SERVICES 86,092 86,3m 2. CONTRACTUAL SE.M`01 105,024 5p60➢ 5,556 3. CCIVENIODMES 6, GOO 4. CIENTRW. SERViC25 S. Cr':? TAL 0jTLW 870 TOTALS 24 M CO, -/i'aNTA'5',Y These expendittwes ee-proser."t ecsts vuhlah are incuiffeed p%siodically, such as office suppiles, ',-elephoao, pension payment postep e C n yaces,�. ga, equipment servic o t and 1-disurance premluw,-S� These costs �e allocated -io oper-azing deportroents and other funds meathly, based on usager ccwwiffs Appropriations for this acco-ant have increased ti,-Featy-o;ze percent (21%). Sum-Lary of Items contributing to the i=5:ease is presented below. Amurt 208 Equipme-at service contracts 60 Pension Cant ributior. 2, J,00 zals=ance-Mability and posiftoza bond 5,200 140ekMn's Cowpe-azation ",: Go HospltalftatiC6 12,864 Office supplies 400 $19,332 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 Fuizd A ,ay Brea Aca. Na. REVOINIRG CENTRAL S IM EKES GENERAL 25.100 EXPENDITURE METML Code A ,ay Object Det6i! Recommended Budge 2, Telephone 7,640 Rquipuzent service contmac s 1,320 Public Employees Retirem W Association - contribution 58,600 Postage 4,200 Insu c e: Liability and position band 8,(,00 Workmen's Compensation 12,000 Fpl©yeOs share® bespitalizati 12,864 I I $105,024 I 3. 1Office Supplies I 6 000 I 111 024 111 02 I DISTRIBUTION ,fit,,, rated to ftexatin �'C' El�.a • Y.S: �ima Annual I Monthly ! and Council f x.20 , �} 35 I ming 1,2 86 107 nlstTation 5, 5" X662 nce 4,932 x-11 alpal Court i 2, 74.8 229 lAis aesein8 I 4,320 360 gal 516 43 +. gin exim8 9,432 786 Public Harks I 15,54-0 1,295 Police 22,668 1 "889 Fire 9,888 824 blic filth 1,t ;52 12i 1 spections 3„180 265 V1110ge Bell I 936 78 Garage 600 50 Scuipmemt operation 1 728 .1" 7,099 85,188 A? 1axated to 0ebeT Funds: St ns pool x.0 45 Ft. rk 8,12J. 677 �9 a t=, 6,300 525 Mquor n 50th st0 3,240 270 Li quaw - thdale 2,568 214 8 ut metal 5,064--j 422 25_836 _ S 2-153 TOTAL VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUEDGET PAGE 78 Fund Function Area 1"Ca. Ma. R- EVOLVING CM-TRAL SERVICES VILLAGE Mu., 25.200 SUMfIWAPY 6LI0^272D ESTIMATE ® OBJECT REC®dylR ENDED BUDGETED $ . 69930 $7,0,08 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 7,160 $ 7,01 ,,5 7,429 2. CONTMCTUAL SERA CE-3) 8,331 2,009 1,670 3. CO.W.'10DITIES 1,813 600 600 4. CENTRAL SERM =S 936 S. U.H T AL OUTLAY $ 16- —70-Z— TOTALS $ �6 � 2�•Q $ 6 -240 COMMENTARY Mi CTIM1 This account pwavides for the operation and maiutenanco of the Village cello Operatin costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied, COMMTS I Appropriations for this acctouatc have Inexeseed ton percent (107, ). Samar. I of ite= contributing to the iocsease 19 presented barlow Salaries and wages Heat I EAght and power j Water and sewer sexvice j Rubbish service Insurance i l:aunda -y sezvlce Air conditioning service Contracted repairs Commodities Central services Amount 230 356 100 60 80 e. 20 200 1,100 196 336 MAL - $9,656 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 79 Fund Area Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL C6do I I i • 1 Act+ i Allocated to Operating i or and Council r Administration ine municipal Court �asa3casing 42gineer olies iv e blic Health iIIEip &���tS`'9s t Allocated to Other Funds: Rental Object to 2, i 30 I I i � o iBe eB Recommer d Budgeted Custodian $393 -405 _ � 4'0860 Extra help and overtime 1,400 Public Works - - -- 900 _ 7,160 Heat I $ 1,900 Light and power 3,900 Water and sewer service 120 Insurance 246 Rubbish service 200 Laundry spice 34-0 Pumdee service 175 1A1r conditioning segvice 200 i i Contraact service 1 i 1.250. 8,331 Cleaning supplies $ 600 Raper towels i 220 j lRepair General supplies` j 150 parts and hardware I 150 CarpestaT materials and paint j 350 Replacement-light bulbs 343 1,813 General I 936 � TOTAL VILLAGE I $1 $18.240 � I DISTMUTION I tat Annual Monthly. � $ 1,320 { 110 264- ` 22 3,240 ! i 210 I 960 80 � 2,220 185 660 55 1,260 105 3,300 275 j 3,W9 144 0.r I -e a, $ 960 $ 80 420 35 276 23 TOTS 118,240 . . $ 1 1520 VILLAGE OF EDHM!A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8® 1963 SUMMARY 5`�3S ➢C4'�t2Ya a:CC$. fib. � a,�f ►' Ma , SEM S -- GAGE I 25.300 — 1963 SUMMARY TOTALS 672 — aA72 WhWENTAW The function of the garage Is to provide a shelte® for equipmait malateaame operations. stockraam.„ and office area for public woo s pevsoanei, COMMS Appw ®pri€ttiGns for this account have IncFeased thirty -seven percent (37%). Spy of items contributing to the increase is pzesented below. seat Light and Psx er Insurance Contract work j one' w tedrit es I Central. services I9_ .200 950 1. YEPSONAL SERVICES $1,200 $ 4,M 3,320 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVIC -U5 6,575 I,200 170 3. W- 4i,.40DITIES 1,297 540 540 4. CENTRAL SERMES 600 5. C `• PITAs OU e LNY TOTALS 672 — aA72 WhWENTAW The function of the garage Is to provide a shelte® for equipmait malateaame operations. stockraam.„ and office area for public woo s pevsoanei, COMMS Appw ®pri€ttiGns for this account have IncFeased thirty -seven percent (37%). Spy of items contributing to the increase is pzesented below. seat Light and Psx er Insurance Contract work j one' w tedrit es I Central. services VILAG E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8: —E:una - - -- -- Area Payroll I ACet. Sao. Beat f3 ®�at30 CMTM SMICES (�A g Insurance 25.300 Activity Object 1. 2° 3. I I � I � � � I A11 ®I ted to Operating 0i' a r I (Public Works � -Squipmnt operation ! Allcx2ted to Other Funds-.[ _ I Pawk �Pa�:e��►g� 1 �Gi.�e� tat ! i EXPENDITURE IDr-IAQL QrvaP9 Rec®:nsaended Payroll $1,200 Beat f3 ®�at30 Lighe and per 1 "700 Insurance 475 Cants ct -work ,�..m.� 2,000 $6,575 Cleaning supplies $ 297 General supplies, harawas and repraie parts 1,000 1,297 General I 600 TOTAL GAR-08 $9.672 $1,140 1,140 1 .14.0 281 $ 95 95 TOTAL 69.672 1 8 606 BudpeW VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 82 =sand Ares Acct. No. ME �; OL 4 CENTRAL SEMMES EqUZF1WiT GPEDIATIOW 25o4OD SUMMARY 1�6 Appropriations for this accomt have increased eight 1964 BUDGE 9 ED ESTBMAM - OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $22,454 s 24,525 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 23,752 $ 15,382 15:349 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15 p 3d.G� 45,600 53,043 3. COMMODITIES 50,100 3 W 3,866 4. CENTRAL SERWLS 5,100 Accessories and parts 2,,600 5. CA NTA L 01ITLAY 8,236 TOTALS CO�,'�tEMTARP X94 ,.296 4 206 This acmomc provides fazz operation maid maintenance of all. vehiclas® mslaaten=ae equip t, and pate tools. Casts of equipment operation are charged to operating aepartm=ts and other funds on the basis of useo Appropriations for this accomt have increased eight percent (8%) o SLumary of items contzibutiug to the ine - -ense Is preseuted below. Amount Salaries and wages $1,298 Radio service 772 X,Qundrgv service 200 Contract: repairs 700 InsuAan a 166 Gasoline and fuel oil 1,300 tubricants 100 Tires and tubes 500 Accessories and parts 2,,600 Central services 8,236 TOTAL $6,996 Vil -f -AGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE. 83 Fi3nd Fn -x >tie, Area Acct. Me. OLVIXG CENTRAL SERVICES XgUI P� 3T OPE14ATI 0�7 25.40O Code Activity 'Object 1. 20 3. I i 4. EXPENDITURE DETAIL Mull I Recorfimer'deti Mechanic $558-568 $13,632 Serviceman 475 -485 5$820 Overtime 1,500 Payroll (Public Works) 2_,800 $23,752 Radio service $ 3,310 Laundry 700 Contracted repairs 6,300 Iusuzance 5,034 $15,344 Replacement of tools i $ 950 Stock materials 1,800 ' welding supplies 750 Gasoline and fuel oil 15,500 Lubricants 2, 100 ' Tires end tubes 6,600 Accessories and parts 23 000 $50,100 General $ 1, i 28 Garage 3,,372 $ Sg100 i T0TAL EQUIPMM 0?EMAT10M i $94 r 296 d aft t i I VILLAGE OF E®1NA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 84 Fund FM -01o3- Area Acct. No. RSBav ®MG GEMAL SERVICES EQUIRMT OPiWalON 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Actift Object Allceated to Operating par is Administration Assessing Rugineering Public Works: Supervision and C enc�� Street xainteasa4 Street Lighting Street Elmo Signal. Traffic CoatroL Bridges ( i storm Drainage Village Propertie.6 Bouious Weed Gont*ol Police Fire Inspectious � I � i Allacated to ®ther Funds,; Swimming Pool Parks I Waterworks j Seater Rental Construction (Assaes lied jects) OTIALS Detail - - -•I Recommended I Budgeted 468 39 5,340 445 636 53 33,432 2,786 264 22 840 • 78 2,,30 192 5161 43 2,58®1 i 215 2 o4OO 200 780 65 ; 17,940 10495 I 3,540 295 70" 59 $72,216 $6, ®18 I 600 $ 5® � 9,8&x® 820 3, 6®0 300 2, 340 195 5.700 475