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1965 Annual Budget
r 11 B, 965 Vi LLAGE OF EDINA TABLE OF C09 EiT S SWARM RESOLUTEON, OF3 MANCE, SM RIES Salary Resolution 1- 110111 Budget Ordinance My Summary I Revenues by Fund aad Source Q1011 Summary 11 a Expenditures by Fund and Function V111 -1Z DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Government, Village Council 1 -2 Planning 3-4. Administration 5 -6 Finance 7-8 Election 9-10 Assessing 1112 Legal Services 13 -g4: Library 15 -16 Public forks Administration 17-18 Engineering 19 -20 Supervision and Overhead 2122 Payroll-Summary-Distribution 23 Street Nainten.an.ce 24 -25 -26 Street Lighting 27-28 Street We Signs 29 -30 Traffic Control __ 31-32 Bridges 33.0 Storm Drainage 35-36 Village Mpertles 37-32 Capital outlay 39 -40 Protection og Persons and Property Police Protection 41 -2 -:3 Fire Protection -45 Civilieu Defense 46 -47 Public Health 48-49 Animal Control 5o Xnapect:iaaa 51-52 Von-Departmental Expenditures Contingencies 53\ Settlement of Suits 54: ~ Special Assessments on Village Property 55 Central Services- CFapita? Outlay 5657 Capital Improvement 58 Park and Raereation Administration 59 -60 Recreation Program 61-62 -63 Park Nalatemance 64-65-66 Payroll-Summary-Distribution 63 Capital Outlay 68-69 TABLE OF CM `S COOT ° D o Other Tax Supported Expenditures Relief and Public Nursing 70 Park Construction- Capital Improvements 71 Bonds and Interest 72 Fire Protection 73 Fires °a Relief Association 74 Hennepin County Park Reserve District 75 Central Services General 76-77 Village Hall 78 -79 -90 Garage 81-82 Equipment Operation 83 -84-85 r� Por.F T VULAZE OF EDINA SCU LE SDP MAMMA SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEAR 1965 GENERAL Ae3 1- 6119!RATION PER MONTH Mwector of Fin ance and Treasurer $1,075 (A) Assessor 890 (A) Deputy Assessor 600 Clerk 450 Administrative Assistant 600 Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial: Clerical 1 (6) 350 Clerical bl (5) 400 Clerical ,Ill (3) 450 Clerical IV (2) 500 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 515 Planning Technician 600 (A) MLIC SAFETY POLICE * Dirtactms of Public Safety g Police Chief 1,075 (A) Lieutei�ts (2) 705 Sergeant=s (4) 655 Patrolman 3 years sez -vice 605 2 years segvice 505 1 year service 565 First year 525 Dispatchers -Desk Clerks(Monthly) 418 (Hourly) $2.00 F Chief 750 Assistant Chief 705 Lieutenants 655 Firara 3 years service 605 2 years sevvice 585 1 year sezvice 565 First Year 525 Volunteers 05.00 Fex Call app to 2 hours, and $3.00 per Hr. thereafter. $2.65 per Will *Of the total compensation for gibers of the Police Departmentp $30.00 a month shall be considered as payment for taking at ?east 30 hours off-duty training ftam the Fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for 8mdicng in the extinguishing of fires and for qualifying for Iced Cress first aid certificates. *$30003 per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment foT such duties outside normal firemen's duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager. �°' Off�e3sty police and paid firemen responding to culls and drills shall be paid the same as volunteers. (A) - -% of increase--January 13 IIS of increase--July to Schedule of Salaries and wages (continued) ELEC iou Judges, and Clerics Chairmen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Program Supervisor Pool Manager (s) Assistant Pool Manager (s) Concession Nanager (s) Pool C;ashfez (s) Bathhousa - Concession Attendant Swisoning Instructors (s) Life Guards (s) Maintenance (s) Baseball and Craft Supervisors Baseball Assistants (s) Hockey Coaches (s) Rink Atteadants (s) Playground Leaders (s)) Skating - Skiing Instructors (s) Park Keeper - III ag (s) (s) Golf N ger -Pro Golf Couzse Superintendent Golf C<ous:se Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Imnch Ranter Clerks LIgUOR SMUS Eger Assistant Managers Clerks - Regular Clerks - Part Time PACE 11 $1.25 per Eiro 2,00 addl. $765 (A) 640 (A) 465 415 1.75 per Hr. 1.25 e, 1.0 2015 " 2.OS 1,60 ,• *15 per month 1,60 per Hr o 1090 „ lei 2.00 5.00 last. Class 535 per month 518 467 625 625 2.00 per Hr. $925 (A) (3 600 2.60 2.00 (s) pe—V FIr. o 2000 ,1 (s) d Seasonal (A) o First of increase January 1e Second ' July to INSPECTORS Plumbing Building HEALTH Health Officer Sanitarian PUBLIC 140M AED ENIGINEERING Direceez of Public Works and Engineering Civil Engineer Chief Engineering Aide. Engineeving Aide 1V Engineering Aide III Engineering Aide 11 Engineering Aide I 575 640 (A) 25 7'50 1,075 800 700# 630 56£# 505 400. (Q (A) Schedule of Salaries and wages (Continued) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERM GOWD Superintoadent, Public Wd-rks $825 Supezintendent, Water 759 Foreman - (Street, sewer, Crater, parks, and mechmic) 665 Office Ole-ek 483 Heavy Equipment Operators 535 Light Equipuant Operators 518 Maintenance Man ` 467 The following minimum rates shall be paid: Heavy Equipment Operators - 0525 monthly for not more than the first six months' service. Light Egtaipment Operators - 070 monthly for not mere than the first siz months' service. Maintenance Man - $380 monthly for not more than the first three months' service, and $4.00 amthly during the famtsh, fifth and sixth months of service. mechanic 585 Mechanic Helper 5o@ - Janitor 460 Sewer -Water Utility Man 5+18 1Mwnn VVV (A) - Starting rates may be 2O% less for the first 3 months of service and 10% less for the second 3 maths. PAGE IV ORDINANCE 1130. 16 -8 ORDRIA3`IGZ ADOPTING BUDGE-T FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDWA FOR THE YZAa 1965, AM ESTPBLISHIEG Ta- - LEVY PEKE THE, YEAR 1961-- PAT"ABLE IN 1465 m THE VILLAGE COM7CIL OF THE VILLAGE LP EDINA, XINNES®TA, DOES 03DnEN AS FOLWTSa Section 1. he Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1965 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and finds are hereby appropriated. therefor; GEUERAL FUND GIMERAL GOVEWr "T Mayor and Council $ 9,930 Administration 59,138 Finance 38,744 Assessing 43;,774 Legal Services 17;,675 Library 3,781 Election 4,460 Planning 12,175-5 WI AL GENERAL GMdM ffW' $ 190,257 141jA1 Af+ Pj1 j 4. Administration $ 15,871 Engineering 93,181 Highways 408 ,,943 TOTAL PUBLIC WOaKS 517,000 PROTECTION W PEESWIS AND PEAPERiY Police $2878037 Fire 140, 177 Civilian Defense 2,261 Public. Health 16,231 Animal Control. 13,M, Inspection 244 369 TOTAL PR99ECTION OF PERSC114s S14D PR,01'Mly 483,629 66VLV "'DE Y'A4ESM118 A WM.L.rs'vlRES Contingencies n $ 10,000 Settlemnt of Suits 510 Special. Asses6ments on Village Property 29,000 unallocated Capital Outlay 14,705 Capital. Improvements � ` 50 001) TOTAL 111SCELU010US C COWT NGJWC1ES 10 4 2 x®5 �1�295,:091 r s � :t - jI Supervision and Overhead $ 40,713 Recreation 418350 maintenance 63,278 Capital Outlay 9 84715 '90TAL PW.. FUND 1 Min 816 WaE V 4Jf�II- 111UTME i -;30o 116-8 WAMMID, S^- -tior. 2., Estimated Receipts other titan Gewra'l `dam l.,avy are hereby estcW taped as ae e1 wafter set: forth: GENUM01, FUND Village Share -State Liquor and Cftai�ette Twne s S 91,997 Licenses and permits 55.,540 Ikkinicipai Court 26,000 Departmental Service Charges 125,670 Other 37,050 Transfers frcm Liquor Fund 76,934 State AgmPortai,onmenta- Hishways 23 :480 TOT.M. GEZERAL HED 436,991 72AM FUMD Transfer Bal: appr opr iatL°d surpiu6 g 1,000 Registration ?gees 23,4300 Other 7506 Trensfer from Gene-.al Fund 58„066 TOTIAL PARY, Fla S?3 B2,8 .6 PARK GO3STRUMPGO FOB Transfer from General Fund 94,€ 00 TOTAL FJSTI -A TED RE! PTS $ 614007 Sedtion 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal q oparty in the Miage of Fdima, a tam rate zuffzicieut to groduoe t.hw aE€�11 e hereinafter set forgo For the General. fted For the Park FIMd For the Poor yund For the Firemen's Relief For Fire Fsotection For Bonds and Interest For Hennepin County Park Reserve Distrtct T M AL Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publication accordin8 to 1ww Adopaed this 23rd day of 5eptesabew, 1966., N!, �.", 9S L °a (Signed)a� Gretchen- S. Aldeag VIUAGEV CIM 85a9a�Q x'2,000 1;2,125 3,600 10, 600 66,300 -5z 130 P120 8 355 (Signed) mArthur C. By;edeseaa., VILLAGE OF EDINA VE`-63 OF EMA ANNUAL WORT A- 963,246 115,000 PAGE ]?AM VI 100,000 Bicycle $ 783 $ 483 $ 4,000 4 7,000 MmmS B1YF9MDMDS9=CE Beer and ligmor 1,570 1,555 1,455 ASWa 3 go. R 720 720 750 780 ---WRAIZOA G To 2,AL FUND 4,745 8,078 5,250 4,800 .deal and personal property 2,570 2, * >05 2,1:00 2,K0 taxes $684,014 $731,097 $771,325 4767,325 $858,100 Other taxes: 85 0218 91,997 permits, etc. 750 Interest, penalties amd 620 775 775 Bowling, tags, pinhall, etc. forfeited tax sales $ 13,789 $ 149982 $ 13,50@ $ 14,500 $ 15,000 Mortgage registry 14,556 202163 12,000 14,500 15,000 Bank excise 2,747 2,627 12750 2,6iW 2„250 $ 31,092 $ 37,772 $ 27,250 $ 31200 $ 32,23® Licenses and pests: 116,205 963,246 115,000 1140508 100,000 Bicycle $ 783 $ 483 $ 4,000 4 7,000 $ 1,250 Beer and ligmor 1,570 1,555 1,455 1,555 1,555 Cigarette 621 720 720 750 780 4 Dog and impounding fees 4,931 4,745 8,078 5,250 4,800 Fond and soft drinks 2,570 2, * >05 2,1:00 2,K0 2,905 Gas pumps, tanks9 b=aing 82,653 88,633 83,935 85 0218 91,997 permits, etc. 750 505 620 775 775 Bowling, tags, pinhall, etc. 3,155 2,932 2,905 20725 20810 Plain 2,425 2,7543 2,200 20500 2,475 i Scavenger and garbage colleetors 521 470 360 339.5 390 Building 15,912 15,311 16,000 18,856 16,000 Cesspool and sGuer 4,006 03,269 3,500 3of,84 3,500 Plumbing 7,261 7,9€ 5 7,000 8,41: 7,500 Signs 3,316 304M 3,200 3 ® 27'0 3,200 Street opening 820 766 600 S00 680 milk plant 1:,200 1,100 1,E100 Heating and ventilating 7r" 43w 7110W 4 49,841 $ 43,365 $ 61,038 $ 58,454 , $ 55,540 Engineering, cl.exical and searcher; 116,205 963,246 115,000 1140508 100,000 Police and fire service 6,009 60000 6,6300 60500 10,000 Equipment rental 4,482 4,474 2,500 2,700 2,500 Municipal aa=t Rees 400651 4i o l l? 420000 44.4745 26,000 State highway tabu 31,170 220488 23 0670 23,745 23,800 State liquor MW cigaget to tax 82,653 88,633 83,935 85 0218 91,997 Plarning fees 792 763 2,000 842 750 Charges to other ftmds 100320 10,320 10,320 10,320 12,420 Contributions from active fLmds 125,000 211,915 235,500 235,500 230,0030 VILLAGE OF EDINA VILLAGE OL EDINA S:UNMYr Z. aontiauerdl ANAN4UUALT RtsEOP�yO/RTM PAGE PAGE Vil GENERAL MR11D contiaedl � ! I4ss transf(rz to Park Fund $ 390474 $ 37,660 49,€69 490@69 0 58,066 Less transfer to P.-x Consewaction tuna 136,915 110,500 1101 95,000' 850526 5 87,340 S 75,931 $ 75o931 $ 76, Sale and rental of property 6,751 53,000 780 %000 500 Othex miscellaneous revenue 10,273 9,919 5"800 6,431 4,300 Reserve for earcusbrrawes 41102 5 "300 - Trans fer- unsppropviated surplus 27'. 300 TOTAL GENER& MD 0,,163o877 $1,517 "137 $1,227,549 U,232,Q9 $1,295,091p PARK FUND Read and personal nal p-.o vy ReSistwratlon fees�e�g and activieie-9 Transfer from active f=. d TFrensfex from anapp opulated sumius E2cl.assified TOTAL PMR PUS 57,512 4 65,674 $ 68 "600 0 67o22€3 $ 72,000 20057 19,e ,02 21,000 22,224, 2 oGGO 39,474 37,660 49 "069 49 "069 56,066 11,239 12,000 5,2013 5, 2w 1,020 12436 1,21 + 750 523 750 $ 129,718 135,950 $ 144,619 $ E8"a4*04,4 $ 154,816 POOR MMD Real and personal propeiAt y fit233 � s9 O535 2 s �L3 . A T&M.T. PM P M, 1 ®,971 10,536 $ 12,125 115,883 6 12,125 PAW GOMSTPUOTIM r- MM Trans-far from active fund TOTAL PAS GO�STRUGTl0� F GTHER REAR, " MMML PRO-PEM TAX Rg1ffM Fiiremn's Relief ylre prate- CItiOn M- =epin County Pa: k Resevve Dlst3let Bonds and Inze es€ TOTAL MMM REAL AM FERSMIA1 PROS TAX 'AEMES TOTAL REMUZS- = UMMS -0- 86.915A 110 "520 $ 110 51 S 95 000 _ ` -4- $ 86,915 $ 110,5 Oa501) g 95 "00 $ 3,423 A 9 9014;1 $ 9,000 $ € 0820 $ 39600 8,42�s 9,1141 10,300 1O009z� 10,600 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL REPORT PAGE V114 AGE OF EDIJA GENE FIND General GoveTnmwt s Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance municipal Court Election Assessing Legal Spices Library TOTAL GERMIAL MEAT Public Works: Administration Eagineering Supervision and overhead, Street Haintename Street Lighting Street Sarre Sys Traffic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Fillmge PrOP0 ties Capital Outlay Protection ®£ Persons and Property: SUMMARY II SE94M 8% FADE VYYY $ 99367 $ 10,003 $ 9,990 $ 9,740 $ 99930 149499 79833 12,401 129369 12,755 52,866 57,984 57,548 57040 59,138 359,163 360598 38,658 38,083 38,744 250096 26,020 27,894 270894 8,020 4,601 10809 89325 8,129 44460 419260 41,211 430114 41 ®310 43,774 18,169 19,903 179999 179904 17,675 3.414 3.036 3,781 34589 3.781 $ 204,435 $ 204,397 $ 219,710 $ 216,358 $ 190,257 $ 122665 $ 13,058 $ 14,601 $ 139875 $ 15,871 107,935 91,975 97,141 101,597 92,181 50,441 47 ®360 51,265 52,493 54,915 182,81S 179,756 191,745 1909140 217,301 38,678 40,570 .42,644 429641 44,480 4,766 50703 50958 69709 8,020 15,436 16,891 20,196 192280 229992 "1 760 40941 4 ®493 4,030 129801 13,758 14,030 12920, 149810 12,163 11,613 15,682 140072 20,350 26,850 32.486 22,975 22,887 22.050 $ 465,011 $ 453,930 $ 4-81,978 3 480,01 $ 517,000 $ 213,988 0 230,663 $ 258,646 0 258 ®334 $ 287,037 99,462 118,480 122,653 1350054 140,177 977 4,850 3,953 3,614 29261 109519 14,168 15,473 155292 169231 4,632 5,752 139154 139653 13,154 20„302 21.716 22,072 MISS 24,769 OF PERSONS $ 34 +9,880 $ 395, 629 $ 435,951 $ 449a102 0 4839629 'tV�I1IiIM (OF ]EDINA • "Mu! cnE�B GM]MM FUND (continued) - Non- Departmental Expenditures: Contingencies $ Settlement of Suits . Special Assessments. do Tillage Property Unallocated Capital Outlay j Capital Improvements Central Services- uriallocated TOTAL ROW-DEPAR70MAL � MENDITURES tMM& IR$PIO T 22315 17,743 $ 5,162 $ 555 1,000 16,799 24,550 27,000 3,612 3,498 49553 330,333 56,000 IX 5,672 $ 100000 192 500 27 ®563 29,000 4,571 14,705 25m000 50,000 TOTAL GE AR FUND $1,0502,515 41,433,132 $1,227,549 01,222,567 $1,2958,091 PARK FUND Administration Recreation i aintenance f Capital Outlay TMAL PARK FWD POM FUND PARR CONSTRUCTION FUND Fire ftQtection Firemn °s Relief Association Remnepla County Pant Reserve District TOTA�3pq���DgM TAX S01 ED EX �iNDI&F9C7liS AW d q '- $ 30,433 $ 32,661 $ 36,723 $ 369589 6 40,713 35,880 37,660 41,050 369223 41,350 50,791 51,703 57,626 590888 63,278 7Q923 11,686 9,220 9 195 9475 $ 125,027 $ 133,910 4 14.4,639 $ 1442195 $ 154,816 89837 11,952 12,125 129526 12,125 a0- 86,915 110,500 110,500 95,00® $ 9,700 $ 10,061 $ 10,200 $ 9,996 $ 10,400 24„769 35m218 56,700 55.566 502 4.00 $ 34+,449 $ 45,279 $ 66,900 $ 65v,562 $ 669800 8.423 9,041 10,300 106®94 10,600 3,423 94041 9,000 83820 396OO 52,107 5,13Q SJ30 5P130 56,,402-1 ..63,,361 $ 91 , 330. 89,606 86,130 $11241,€ 270 $1,5869323 $1,579„394 glR6Z:3l62 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE I m fF.4ad Afeu - — A.ccS. No. F C.����a� R /• 7 ^ ��,�i�.�,ml, fit!€ �`��i�P9h'I3.� � Z f�ee5ii3� a'h�D C��I��w 21.100 BU M0 - - - ESTIMATED 7,200 $ 7,200 ,050 800 1,740 ? , 7!:•0 990_ IT 9.74.0 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY I–O` A16S TA RY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 7;200 $ 7,200 1,150 1,050 11680 1,680 030 �3 9,936_ -- i F6"dCT7M. Village Couuc•F 1 constitutes the legislative o:: policyomatci diva saor� of Edina Miage Gov0 -oment.. he Council is composed of the Kaye anti four trustees, all elected at large fray overlapping teems of two and three years, respectively. The Mlayoz is the o fte al head of Village Oovcnzmaent and is the presiding officer at Council u,eetinga6 The Council aneets on the fist and thira Mondays of each month at the Village Hall. V�E7 i surmary of zitems contributing to the increase in appropriations is presented Zbelmn 1 Amount News lettev $100 Central seuvices b Total 4® VILLAGSE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PACE 2 Fum! Function � Area � Act. Edo. GERNEPAL GEREML Gommmm j MAYOR AiD Ci�b'�sICIL 21.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code � Act-6viey Object De'aii Pf d nS nt Recommeride3 Budgeted 16 Mayo? $ 2,400 Trustees ("800 _ ( 800 �80O $ 7,200 $ 7,200 $79200 30 Annual report $ 650 $ 750 $ 650 He -as letters 400 _. 400 400 S 1,050 $ 1,150 $1,050 4; Geney al 420 � i 360 Village Hall 1, 3m 20 1 71A 1,320 1 80 a 2. 1 680 TOTAL €lAYOR AND ' COMiCIL A 91.990 1.0,033 $9.930 E 1 l 1 i VILAGE ®F ED11MA ANNUAL BUDGE Salaries and wages PAGE 3 Conferences and sahcois 134 M$leage 60 Ford Ez ,Icedon Comodities Ares Acct. No. GENT E ' 1L GENERAL GOVERINMWT � PLANNING 21.110 � SUMMARY 196.5 BUDGETED ESTi A` ED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGE -TED $ 10,000 6,520 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 10,380 $ 10,080 528 3,865 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,,102 852 325 436 3. COMMODITIES 215 215 I j548 . 1,'5o 4. CEN TRAL SERVICES 1,608 1,608 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY fl O Y AB nz ad1i 12 5 COMMENTARY FUNCT10. . The funagion of the flanging Depaztmeat is to provide staff sex -vice to the Village Council, Panning Compi$sion, to other Village depaztments, and to the Village r—lanagem, and to a limited degree to other agencies,, bath public and privates whose activities influence the physical development of the Village of zdima, Staff services include office epertation.s, the administratl=- of the vardoua Land use and devel.opmen_t ordinances, submission of rer- crnmendations an matters of zoning and subi divisions before the Council and Planning g Cammission; and the preparatacra and review of overall davelopment plans.. CO3`M3 Appxopsiations for this account have increased sever p ee t: (1%)a Summary of the iterms contributing to the increase is presented belcnva Amount Salaries and wages $380 Conferences and sahcois 134 M$leage 60 Frofessianzl sezttices 500 Comodities ?10 Central services 60 ^sota? 1904 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNA UL BUDGET PAGE 4 FEW Function Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERN PLANS 21.110 WENDITURE DETAIL Code AdW* Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Diweetcrz $ 7,200 $ 7,500 $ 7,200 Secsetavy (1/3) 1,500 33,600 1,600 Typist (1/3) 11300 1,280 1,280 $10,380 $10,060 $10,080 2, Conference and schools $ 223 $ 357 $ 357 Hues and subscrip- tions 170 170 170 Mileage 135 75 75 Professional services S00 x:,102 250 $ 528 $ 852 3. Bonus and pamphlets $ 60 $ 115 Printing 265 200 $ 215 $ 325 $ 215 4. Geneval $ 1,284 $ 1,308 Tillage Hall 261,% 3GO 1 608 $ 1, 54E8 $ 12608 TOTAL PLWRIBG !$13,Zwl $13,305 $12,755 V 7LLAGE OF EDH2. A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 5 GmuRm� ( GENERAL GOVERN'i8NT ( ADMINISTMACRI 21.200 i96G BUDGEi'ED ESTIMATED $ 4 2,516 U- 9,4.69 5,354 15@ 9,252 250 57. 8- i 50j315' 91 9252 213 $fjY, 340 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES e. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENMAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS C ®MMtN- ARY �a1 FOUCT O Me P-awgement of the Villages administzaeive affairs, t'he pvorar eNecutiom of the p*Heies adopted by the Cowncili and the enforce.eut- of laical laws and ozdinanceev are all tL4 direct respaz�sibiiity of the Village a alter. This account provides his office rwith the necessary staff: and funds to pxoperly manage the acmi -miGt ratixTe organization needed to implement his respansibii iey . C: a Mil 9 BY Appropr ati a^s for this aee =ut have increased five pen-cent (5 %)'. sum, ary of items conteibuting to the increase Xs pveseated below„ Amount Salaries and wanges fti."- e' ence and schools 160 Dues and subsc&,iptions 131 C'ezat as sego *icez 36 Capital. G'atl.ay 53 Total 2,716 r 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 45,030 .. $ 45,030 5,671, 4x545 LBO 15® 197 197 �a1 FOUCT O Me P-awgement of the Villages administzaeive affairs, t'he pvorar eNecutiom of the p*Heies adopted by the Cowncili and the enforce.eut- of laical laws and ozdinanceev are all tL4 direct respaz�sibiiity of the Village a alter. This account provides his office rwith the necessary staff: and funds to pxoperly manage the acmi -miGt ratixTe organization needed to implement his respansibii iey . C: a Mil 9 BY Appropr ati a^s for this aee =ut have increased five pen-cent (5 %)'. sum, ary of items conteibuting to the increase Xs pveseated below„ Amount Salaries and wanges fti."- e' ence and schools 160 Dues and subsc&,iptions 131 C'ezat as sego *icez 36 Capital. G'atl.ay 53 Total 2,716 r VILLAGE OF EDINA I ANNAUL BUDGES PAGE 6 F0A', Activity Area Act. Nm GWERAL GEHERAL GOVERItEM ADMI-FUSTRMION 21.200 MENDITURE DETAIL Code, Activity Object Detail Present Budget I Recommended Budgeted la Manager $17,916 $166000 Administrative 49ss a�sa�� 5,850 7,200 vi?lzge Clerk 7,300 7,800 E Se:zetavy PBX Operator 4,560 3,780 k.,800 3,960 Cleft (1I2) 2,010 2,070 i Sumni m-� help and overtime 00 R 200 2,51:6 030 $4.5,030 2, Confewences and $ 335 $ 495 ^� 495 Dues !�pschaul.s .S ues =-d subsvn..li. ip- tions 1 , 5 1,976 350 Legal adve--tising 3200 3„200 34200 0 4,545 9 5,380 $ 5..673 3. Pzintin 5 100 $ 10.3 Boos and paw.ohles 50 50 i �. $ 150 $ 150 $ 110 4. Geneva! $ 5,514 $ 5,436 Village tall 3,240 350300 Equipw.ent operation 068 4980 1 $ 9,252 9'2116 $ 9,216 5. Duplicating machine � $ 250 File cabinets � 197 197 TOTAL A FB1SERATX01 .60,264 59 138 I 1 VILLAGE OF EMBNA A NNUAL BUDGET PACE 7 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. 4y4)MMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAMAL OUTLAY TC sALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $300030 30,930 3,006 2,856 50 50 5,808 5,808 The Finance Department is responsible for the financiak affairs of the Village. All Revenue and expenditsa—se transactions are contxo1led by the Finance Depe tme to A centralized systen of purchasing is maint_m. ned. Financial statemmts and reports axe prepared and issued by the Finance Sunni y of i.tevs cont;ri.buti.s.S to the Increase in agpxow iations is presented _helm. Salaries and gages Confe_euces anci schools Araual audit Central, services Capital outlay ALmount $330 20 150 �04. _11810 - Total 236 Fu octaae I .^.._._. Arm i� Acct. N0. GENERAL GWERAL GOVERNMIT FIRMCE so I 21.210�- SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. 4y4)MMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAMAL OUTLAY TC sALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $300030 30,930 3,006 2,856 50 50 5,808 5,808 The Finance Department is responsible for the financiak affairs of the Village. All Revenue and expenditsa—se transactions are contxo1led by the Finance Depe tme to A centralized systen of purchasing is maint_m. ned. Financial statemmts and reports axe prepared and issued by the Finance Sunni y of i.tevs cont;ri.buti.s.S to the Increase in agpxow iations is presented _helm. Salaries and gages Confe_euces anci schools Araual audit Central, services Capital outlay ALmount $330 20 150 �04. _11810 - Total 236 BUDGETED � ESTMOMED $29,700 ma,290 2,836 2,679 so 25 5,892 5v,892 183 197 ,382 658 $R&3 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. 4y4)MMODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAMAL OUTLAY TC sALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $300030 30,930 3,006 2,856 50 50 5,808 5,808 The Finance Department is responsible for the financiak affairs of the Village. All Revenue and expenditsa—se transactions are contxo1led by the Finance Depe tme to A centralized systen of purchasing is maint_m. ned. Financial statemmts and reports axe prepared and issued by the Finance Sunni y of i.tevs cont;ri.buti.s.S to the Increase in agpxow iations is presented _helm. Salaries and gages Confe_euces anci schools Araual audit Central, services Capital outlay ALmount $330 20 150 �04. _11810 - Total 236 VILLAGE OF EDI,NA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 8 Fend Function Ams Act. No. GENERAL GED, ERUIL GO'Di3WIM. T FIfiMICE 21.210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Codal Ac&ily Object Datai0 resent Recommended Budgeted 1, Finance imiv=tor $12,150 $12,750(A) Book ceepe'r 5,220 5,,400 Secretary 5,164 5,A00 Cashier 5 '.160 40230 Payroll Cle -e?• (1/2) 2,®1fI $29,700 2 250 30,030 $30,030 2. Gonfereaces and schools $ 296 $ 316 $ 316 Ones and subscrip- tions 40 40 40 Annual audit 2 n. Soo 2 n 50_ $ 2,836 $ 3,(906 $ 2,856 3. Books and yatmhlets 50 50 50 4. General $ 4,932 $ 4v,?88 Village Fall 960 1,020 $$ 5,892 $ 5,808 $ 5p808 50 Typwma- per 1B� 2WM. FINHkibu ! .IIO a 894 744 $38,658 E 3 i i (A' i��% Y y 'C25 —J► nuts y 1, a s� d $`25w,�u q y n o p� 1 1 ( VILIJAM OF PEDINIA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 9 FG _ ESTIMATED A,,2a _'- — � Etch. No. ERKRA.L GENE" GOVERO EM-1 I ELEC -am 400 ( 21 o Cfl£i SUMMARY BUDGETED _ ESTIMATED OBJECT S 5,450 $5 0 1. PERSONAL SERV16ES 325 325 400 580 560 2. CONTRACTUAL UAL SERVIC 525 525 3. CflMMOOMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,770 1,624 S. CAMAk OUTLAY ?ag r2fe 00-2 - TOTALS COMMENTARY `--Im i HZage Cl--Rk is responsible for conducting all ggatloacal. State, and Village elect. oias that occur in the Village of Edina. COMMIA rl, S During 1965 there WL11 be cue local election. Suxmm y ®g ftems contribute to this decease in appropriations is paese -teed below. amount Salaries and wages $3,650 Custodians 65 Moving charges 190 Gcmyaodsties 125 Capital outlay � 365 - � Total 0,3,� 665 1965 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGET ED $ 1,800 $ 10600 325 325 400 400 I 2 135 2,135 aAl 1660 `--Im i HZage Cl--Rk is responsible for conducting all ggatloacal. State, and Village elect. oias that occur in the Village of Edina. COMMIA rl, S During 1965 there WL11 be cue local election. Suxmm y ®g ftems contribute to this decease in appropriations is paese -teed below. amount Salaries and wages $3,650 Custodians 65 Moving charges 190 Gcmyaodsties 125 Capital outlay � 365 - � Total 0,3,� 665 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET Frond F unctoi? M.Muit I .8V%FFU'.iv COVEERIMM EXPENDITURE DEFE F IL Area PAGE 0 Act. No. 21.4-00 CI-Se At", ` Object _ Detrail { prex?R$ Budget Recommended Budgeted 16 Ieetlon Jfedges $3,250 _ 950 $ 950 et -up tfsae 1,600 456 450 j egistratian 400 403 200 $1,600 35,450 11800 20 coraga -gen aai. $ ISO $ 150 o�, xA� ei ail as 340 25 $ 580 325 323 3, Ballots $ 250 240 i printed fours � 275 P-Co ! $ 4100 CRS 525 $ 400 50 .ins€:FiHmCmit p,3270'eil -, otk g machines —1,770 o. & 35 2,1 35 VJ,460 I jS i i t I 3 � �'�*�✓:' � g 1 11L,� �'.,{�,51TRf w.~5:1,,}/1yyam� 1' v9325 .m.�awe�ea a :i660 f VILLAGE OF E'DINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 11 r u� ! v;.?Ct:Oa f A.- �' CC's. N0. CM —PRAL GENERAL GOVERM05T i ASSESSING I 21.500 x.96^4: .1965 BUDGETED ESTOMA $35,£8e:.0 $ 32,94 4• 2,311 2 .,243 335 6%5 5,448 5,448 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONT991ACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS $QL3 ,87 g 43,i74 .- The assessiag Eunc -tion includes the determination or the assessed values and prepa-atiosa aad mabateaence of eap Teeveds of all propewt es within the Village. Special assessments levied for ippro ements are also computed and spread on the tali rolls by perauk +te? of the Ass^s;DkaS Department. C -MEUS AppropTiat Qns rgr this acc©nnt have inc�-eased two pe2ccnt (2%). Siimmxy of items contribu -ling to increase. is pvesented below. Amount Salaries anal wages $640 Cc--,-rerences and schools 30 Hues and subscriptions 9 Car- wd:ities 135 Central services 216 .1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $35,800 $ 35,880 23312 2,212 450 4o-50 5,232 5,232 $QL3 ,87 g 43,i74 .- The assessiag Eunc -tion includes the determination or the assessed values and prepa-atiosa aad mabateaence of eap Teeveds of all propewt es within the Village. Special assessments levied for ippro ements are also computed and spread on the tali rolls by perauk +te? of the Ass^s;DkaS Department. C -MEUS AppropTiat Qns rgr this acc©nnt have inc�-eased two pe2ccnt (2%). Siimmxy of items contribu -ling to increase. is pvesented below. Amount Salaries anal wages $640 Cc--,-rerences and schools 30 Hues and subscriptions 9 Car- wd:ities 135 Central services 216 V!iJ 'r 0 F' rE DiNA ANNAUL BLOGN PAGE 3.2 Code Activity- - Area Ac.. No. MERNS. - CuLMPINL GavrEIRMOSUMI ASSESONG 21.500 -- Code Activity- - Object Mail pee.em, Recommended Budgeted 1. Assessor .510=200 $10,500 Deptaty, hsseG.%cws(2) 13,920 zr,u;,,400 Assesmew; Clc:k 5,940 6$€000 Seem; w i 4�,m e 4;,380 Clerical U5�, 880 05,,040 $35,880 2. Clonfe:ver"s and schwas <.- 463 473 373 IDues and aueswc.- I p -• i , t ions 98 99 89 IMM pv"=, ing assesses -;i s i 1,000 � 7 "GOO 1,000 Tam bou-ks and � 1 ome:;s 1p veco7ais 250 250 250 `• 500 500 ..500 2;,311 f 23312 2,212 do 100 I f 1 ii p ,315 q 45.9 ii $ 1,5+ 1 j 4. Gene--a! u l+ $ 4,320 CD 4�,.r2 Village Hall i 660 I1 9gsj -VTZC7a t QPe*'Z .on 468 300 ! � TMAL, SISESS1 ;3 ,1 - —J-141 ` 3 8��r 43,774 3,7��, i ; _ I " 1 i : � i VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGE T _ _ PAGE 13 _ Area �Amt. No. izgEdERE4L GENERAL GO'aMa'iG 1 LF.C-AL SERVICES � 21.600 BUDGETED W IM -ATED $ 6,060 $ 6,000 11,483 516 X1;386 516 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COWAODi a iES 4. CENTRAL SERVICE S. CAPF'Ao OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1963 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 6z009 $ 11,183 492 The Teuires the prefesslodal services of attorneys who are E contracted for ren as an-nual basis. They provide legal easel and prepare 1 the necessary Qw-Zleances and recob- tioaa required to implensent the -Asbce of the Councii. In addition, they defend the Village is all clams and suits and proseaute all ceases aTis£ng out of violation of Village wxdlwmceso 4 t Summary of items eoutributi.mb to the decrease is approp -iatl ans is ' presented belc.a° Auatmt. Prasessional fees d$3 Central service 24 f e Dotal $324 1 i i 1 `, IL AGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 14 FaR.d Function Area Act. Na. Present Budget GERMUL ft VERRMU LEGAL Si C11$ 21.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cedo AetMty Object WWI Present Budget Recommended ( Budgeted 10 p p prose "tg 's �agtsrnw 6,000 $ 6x,000 2, Conferences and schools 95 $ 95 Dues and subscrip- tions as 88 Professional fees 1. 1 4. General $16 1492 137,675 WrIAL ii AL WIRVICZ8 $17,999 177,16675 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE Fund _ E.STWATED Function 1965 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED _ Area R � Acct. No. GENIM Ul., $ 10900 $ GENERAL GOVERRMT 115065 JL1BEMY 21.709 SUMMARY 1964 _ BUDGETED _ E.STWATED OBJECT 1965 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 2,000 $12769 L PERSONAL SERVICES $ 10900 $ 1,056 115065 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1;156 725 775 3. COMMODITIES 725 4. CENTRAL. SERVICES 5. CAPITAL. OUTLAY i COWENTARY r- OCT1CS The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Henneplm ftmiaty Library are fur shed ead maintained by the Village of Edina. Hevmeplu qty supplies the books aad 111ntarians VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 16 i'EVA Function Area Act. No. GEMBb n 020M. GOVi8RMW I LIBRARY I 21.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code ~ Activity - r Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1, Janitor $1,000 $15j006 Payroll (Public Work) 900 900 Floor Polishing 10 $2,000 41,,900 2; Begat $ 420 $ 420 Light said poor 330 375 Water and serer services 25 25 3n.suranee-fire 81 86 Coutsact work 200 250 $1 $1,,1 -56 3. Cleaning supplies $ 175 $ 175 Repair materials 150 1S0 Peaintinz and decorating 200 100 Contingencies 200 i25 300 i2S TOTAL LIBRM $3.781 1 $3.781 132791 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET, PACE 17 Eared, Function �� Area Acct. No. PuBuc W0PAS _ ^I - - - -AVRWISTPLATION j 22.050 50 _ 1964 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED $13,401 $ 120,70+5 240 210 960 960 SUMMARY :9 , eti 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CA.HrAL OUTLAY 'O`I'L C8MME,''ARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 14,040 $ 571 960 300 FUNCTION The supervision and guidauce required by various departments, such as englneering, 1 street, sel:er and water, is furnished by Director of Public Works. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. i CGHMMS Appropriations for this account have increased nine percent (97.)a Summary of items contributing to increase is presented below. I Amount CSalaries and ranges $ 639 Conferences and schools 211 Dues and subscriptions 30 Mileage 90 CapiCsl Outlay 3 TOTAL $1270 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE is Fund Function - - - -- Area Act. No. I. MLIC WORKS —_ ADMINISTRATION f 22.050 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code A-,tariV - -� Object Detail Pm"-flt Budget Rccommended Budgeted 1. Director $11,916 $12,540(A Secretary (114) 1.485 1,500 $13,401 $149040 2. onEerences and schools $ 240 $ 451 es and subserip- t:ims 30 ieage 90 t $ 240 $ S71 4. General 960 960 50 Partitions 300 i OTAL ADMINIST1'UM $14,601 �. $35.871 15.871 1 (A. $65- January 1; nd 0C-July 10 V ti AGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 - - - - -- �LSt� ^---------- - - ---- k i`.Gf`IOI3---- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- A o'C� � !I Acct. No. Gra-IF94.AL PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEE N I 22 � 1.00 The Engineering Depawtmmt prepares puns, specifications, and estimates for epublic conetxuation projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, 6anita$y oewevs, stores sewera, watezzFi1n:4ns, and other strictures and improiTi?mGnts4 Xt snpeyvises the construction of -these projects and pzotiides the necesaary inspection needed to insure macevials and workmanship are in accordance cgith project: } spedfffcations. , The depanment maintains seeoxds and files en all above anteutioned activities and operates and maintains copying egaaipmeut„ i Appropriations for this accou -at have decreased three percent (3/,,).' Simary of 'ktems contributing to decrease is presented below Amlount SUMMARY ? 895 Conferences and schools 1964, 1200 lea leage 1965 _ BUDGETED _ ESTUAATE0 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 73,629 78,115 m. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 72734 $ 71,,434 430 789 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,201 1,751 do 0860 4,276 3. COMMODETIES 4a200 3,700 15,072 15,072! 6. CENTRAL SERVICES 13.29.6 13x296 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,150 3,345 2.000 2,000 r� 978x.41 01 .5. TMALS 98 3 The Engineering Depawtmmt prepares puns, specifications, and estimates for epublic conetxuation projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, 6anita$y oewevs, stores sewera, watezzFi1n:4ns, and other strictures and improiTi?mGnts4 Xt snpeyvises the construction of -these projects and pzotiides the necesaary inspection needed to insure macevials and workmanship are in accordance cgith project: } spedfffcations. , The depanment maintains seeoxds and files en all above anteutioned activities and operates and maintains copying egaaipmeut„ i Appropriations for this accou -at have decreased three percent (3/,,).' Simary of 'ktems contributing to decrease is presented below TOTAL 2710 r Amlount Salaries and wages ? 895 Conferences and schools -351 Fwofesslonap services 1200 lea leage 225 Rues and subscript.ioas 5 cmmoditles 660 CeatrAl services 3776 Capital Outlay 1150 TOTAL 2710 r VIL-kSE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 20 Fiay:d ` etaactiogP Am-a Act. Flo. � 073H M-L PUBLIC WORKS� - - -- ENGINEEK DIG 22.100 EXPEND MIRE DETA1 Codes Aawav Ob ecfi D'Ami3 ! Bud Qfl ReeoMeaded Budgeted 1m Engineer 8,004 9a609 (A $ 9,300 Survey Chief I 7,596 8,424 8,400 Instrument mars 7.356 7,500 7,300 Draftsman 6.,876 77,320 7,320 1 Pa €tsman- Inspector 6,096 6,840 6,840 Draftsman-1 spector 6,096 6,720 6,720 Inspector 6,036 63720 I 6,720 Rodman 5,,616 6;,000 � 6,000 Rodman (2) 10,992 j Secretary (3A.) 4,455 ',,503 4,500 10vertime and summie`: f Taelp 506 _1,110 8,134 f 1 1 , x;73,629 372,73J., $71,434 2, Conferences and j schools r 90 $ 4 ,61 $ iwai ` I Xlues 8v-d subscxlp- ( icons �Equiprwnt 40 35 35 111 maa:ntenane 300 300 300 Professional fees 1,,200 750 Milea ;e j X225 225 $ 430 1 $ 2,201 $11751 (I I 3. Blueprinting $ 1,500 I $ 10500 j $ 1,500 Lumber and tools 1,000 500 4 Soo Aerial Caatwm m..p6 1,000 � 10d011 I 3,000 Section maps I .3100 Photographic; suppile ' 60 � General supplies � l,l3�� 700 .700 � es 4,860 $ 4.,,00 $ 3,70II 4. General $ 8,472 $ 8,€336 1 Village Hall 1,260 1,326 { i1 Garage 120 Equipment operaftiox? 5,340 ,515,072 3,840_ { $13,296+ 1 $13,296 50 Truck replacement $ 2,000 �Various $ 3� 150 , _2 3,150 t 23 2aj000 2,000 i T0ML MIXX5E9MITIG $97J41 94+ ;x•31 $92 181 A -$5M0 January 1, and july 1. VNIAGE OF EDINA Fu.,Vtim PUBLIC I-170PIAS AiNNUAL BUDGET SUWAAWi Area . SUPERVISION LVID OVERHEAD BUMETED EST EMA nb-D OBJECr $31,524 $ 32,845 1. P'."51SONAL SERVOCES 385 342 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 300 250 3. COMMOM-90 19,056 19,05► S. C1k?9'Mq. OUTLAY UA933 FALS PACE 2 1 Acct. No. 2 3 a IVG' 1965 RECOMAENDED 0 U D GE TE. D $ 14 19,560 5a�5 5y915 e All Public Wovks pacammel (oz;her than Eaginees-ing) aee undee the supmvivion of the Public Works Superiiazeadcnt. Re, throv.-S-11'. this account" Plans end Coordinates his i activities, meint&ins cost and work 3:ecordsw amet pvovides the training aud imstruction aeeeasaTy to erasure his mvin do theiv job most effectively and efficieatly� "Paid Leave" represents all vacation, sick, ftmeral- etc- lenve used by all Public Wwks aiVloyees. CM-9ma Appropriations foT this ac-ecrunt have Sm-exessed seven percent (7%). Sumary of itams con-tvibutiag to incimase Is presented belcw� Amount Salaxies and wages I I -t Conforeuces and S620 01r, 339 Rhysleal cuaminations 10 Commodities 2100 Central services 504 TOWAL $3 650 VILA-GE OF EDIMA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 22 g�na Furce.0a Amu Act. No. SIGN AND FJO 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cods _ Ac*wity I.Objecs j Detail - � Budget I �ieeo��Paser�ded � � Budgeted 101 1 !� 1. Superintendent 9,516 9,900 Isupervislan Cost Clerk 5,472 5,709 / Clerk (1/3) 1,200 lOvertime 840 2J Physical ellamftat ions 50 4 I 3. P��g.nted forals 300 � 31 4v General $15,540 $17,880 Garage 2,880 1,200 JEquipmeat operation 636 480 S `,19,056 _ 019.560 E l TOTAL 5MRIVISM 3D39d ! _J37,-269 I 102 T'eainlw- 1 10 payroll I ,� 1.,000 1.,709 i 20 �C oufe„'ences &nd 1 i a � � I Schools 300 639 i+JL and sii3fyiczlp- Mona X35 35 67 ! 335 I jwona M1V.'� x,335 :x,374 i I A03 i Paid leave 1. Payroll � 5 36 � �5 �.301 J � i(iYAL PA).D L-RAVER _215 a15,.536m -51301 TOE SUP 2,RV1SM) MTO M ERB. M $51,265 A5e!..'915 i s A � 1 a 1 VI Heavy Zgaaipment Operator Light Equipment Operator utility Man Nan ary Summer Help and overtime ?Maintenance Payroll (Page 67 ) I _. ��- _..._....__ PAGE_ 23... R ' IDWIZi {OAT 11 ,,499 16583 j 23 23 $152,739 $164717 6,817 7 61 TOTALS $159,556 1719788 AlSTRIBUXION I?ublic Works: Village Properties: 5tpe vision and 0ae legd; Turf Maintenance 4,50-0 2 1 $603 $650 $ 7,236 $ 7,680 7 7 561 582 47,124 1"80888 10 10 496 515 59,520 61,800 1 2 496 515 5,952 12$360 4 3 446 460 21,408 160560 11 ,,499 16583 j 23 23 $152,739 $164717 6,817 7 61 TOTALS $159,556 1719788 aDuaw AM $ an -MA.4 �Im :0 y Bridges 2,500 Sto . Dvainagee Stom serser maintenance 2,500 Teoravy drain -gage and culverts 4.,000 AlSTRIBUXION I?ublic Works: Village Properties: 5tpe vision and 0ae legd; Turf Maintenance 4,50-0 Training $ 1,700 Plantings 750 Paid leave 15,301 Tree maintenance 3$000 Street Maintenance-. 'Need CoUtTol S00 General maintenance 55,000 Lakes and ponds maintenance 1.500 Street cleaning 13,000 Street reaovat: ion 17,000 TOTAL PUBLIC W0WKS $156,451 Curb and sidewalk repair 2,500 Sn.ori and ice rerwval 18,500 Libra-NY 900 Stireet Lighting 1,000 Charged to assessed projects 4,337 Street Name-Signs: Charged to ether funds 4,000 rkmaral maintenance 4,500 ContTal Services.- New sign installation 500 Village Hall 900 Traffic Controlo Garage 1.,200 SigUZ 2,600 sEqu ipmennt operation 4000 ISignals, 500 Pavement marking 21800 TOTAL E7& 788 1 d b ff d L 000 aDuaw AM $ an -MA.4 �Im :0 y Bridges 2,500 Sto . Dvainagee Stom serser maintenance 2,500 Teoravy drain -gage and culverts 4.,000 V9uJ--kSF_ OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 24 ��1([��T�,:� .__-- i___---------- ��._�m�.T�.�,// et7- !- 7.- r�.._(�_jj__._____ _.^ c':�cg_(E�`�a. - 1� Zrfid i`� .i 1 P-01`.1c WORKS I S- MEET i.��b�.�`j��L ;LL�ANG9 I 3.100 1 1964 _ _ a 98,244 97.111 1,000 i t 59P069 33,432 i e f S i a-I91. ,, 74S_ 1 FUHICTION 59,597 33,432 $A9q,.,1,40 SUWAARY OBJECT a. PURSON.,1.SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVBCES 3. COMMODITIES 4. WITRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL O SAY 70TAIS _ 1965 k_E'Cd3�ik fak®EDD B,UDG--'_ _ ED ,; 1.06,000 $ 106,000 2"000 1,500 72,661 � 65,161 41,640 `2m301 2 301 The wtainteazm@e of Village streets constitutes the gxea..est portiere of the Public Works endeays , As tLle word "ma ntenas?ceBQ im, lies, the pu series of this account is to preserves and aot nozessari,ly to improve, the streets Wistlaia the Village. Improvements such as bl.acktoppi ,, curb'iag'., oiling_; and installation of ftainage facilities;, are arommally financed tbzough au assesomM. t procees=e and are, thozefore, not included in this acecniato This account does provide. for such maintenance activities as patceaiug, clewaing:. acal ng and sna;e plowing. M S Appropriations for this account have increased sinteen percent (16%). Sumiary of J?tem contributing to masse is presented bel.ot9. Amount Sala l.es and wages." Gerera.l Mainterm^race 4,215 5txeet cleaning 501.91;• Street renovatciou 7,332 Suw7 and ice removal 1,400 $ 7,756 E pwent re-n ,al 1,000 &nee 3,130 Shoes 1,250 tewlalsussxeet Terzovation - 13„402 MLerials -cu.Tb and sideuslit 500 t� 1v�s aT� and Lae wewval. 2,570 ce tzal services —A.-1208 i TOTAL $31556 t i I VILLAGE OF FEDWA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 25 E1vNEND6` URE DETAIL Code AcrWy ~' �b�es� Detaii i � ( P� BUC WOMB ! STREET MAEMMAN E I 23.200 General Maintenances 1. Payroll $ 50,782 E1vNEND6` URE DETAIL Code AcrWy ~' �b�es� Detaii Budget Racoraa:4a2rded Budgeted - 201 General Maintenances 1. Payroll $ 50,782 $ 55 "000 $ 55,000 20 Equipment rental 1,000 2 "000 1,500 3. Screen naval $ 2,500 $ 2o;500 2r, 000 Fill ate sal 1,250 10250 1,250 Calcium Chloride 1,375 2,375 2,375 Selected materials if" OGO 4,M 3,500 Salt 1 ©380 1,600 18600 4 Asphalt mix 119000 10,500 MC i oil. 1x650 1,650 I Crete 750 750 4 jacking mater-S" . 1,250 1,250 i Joint Mategial 500 500 +i i �Ceiaeral supplies 700 70 patchiie8 mamria? 19.200 i !8 25,705 Mp575 { I $ 25,0 Eao "Equipment opebatica 10n836 12261610 I 12,61 ®f1 ! TOT, -I, . GENERAL i I M0,0s1° $ 92,323 ! 95,375 I $ 939575 � 203 Street Cleania + 20 Payroll $ 18,,194 $ 130000 ` 3. Cattier brooir? wive 11fain .a 12j125 ; biome $ 2,906 2,025 { 1 wee -later a ded tine 206 I ' Wearing Shoes i � i ,906 I ! 40 8quipu - tent ape ation -6 912 811400 R TOTAL SAMEET ! . f CLEAM1EryI $ 2€3,012 3 25a556 i $ 25,556 2M ! Strew: Rea wat'?02 1. Payroll ! $ 9,668 $ 1796300 $ 17,000 3. Asphalt min � ! 139,fw 12,100 Oil 9"800 i 9,300 1 t C0� 2 g V K E38�.La.l�'db: ai'x�1E:evial 8,4,00 I g, 78016 1 Rate ial tt 1r�p598 $ 13,398 �$ UeM J $ 29,300 u•� �u p �r op wadi+ 7,380 .0,800 10 "800 , TOTAL STREH'T iG- VATIC-1 $ 35,446 59,6610 $ 57,100 205 i Curb acrd Sidm -alk io Payroll � $ 2,500 $ 2,500 30 Hater als 3,000 2,S630 Q Equipment -apegatica SaL 840 Som'muc a.lmou e $ 6,30 I 5,8w $ 5,W MLAGE OF EDINA AKINAUL BUDGE PAGE 26 Ca:�� ( ���s¢c��s - -- � ------ - -• --- Area - -- Act. No. E EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code� - ArG681Pd +- C62��^ -irS 1 - ._._CJ�a4ri��___,_ - E "�4�32� ! Budget I Recommended --- Budgeted 206 1 Sr-ma and lee Rexaoval, 1., PiayroII t) 17,100 - $ 1,8,,5 1 $ 18.500 3. Send 1,1.00 20200 2,200 Sa1� 2,310 2P680 2,430 Calcium Chloz- :lde � 650 2 830 2,500 a 5,060 7,630 $ 7,130 � c i€ e a. o e 4n 9,600 9 LI O0 i TOTS MIN Mm 21CIP MO" t3 1 29 660 i - $ 35,3�?i I i TOTAL STREET i r MA1NTIMAYCH _ 1g 1 ®7f 5 I ( 229 23 L $217 301 �. i _ Il I I 1 i I � i I i s i � o t VILLAGE OF MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 )rid Function Area Acct. No. I GENERAiL, L --- PUBLIC WORKS - --.- — . - STREET LIGHTING i 23.300 I - SUMIMIl3' .-- 1964• 1965 ESTIMATED OBJECT RaCOMMENDE0 BUDGETE i s 1,000 S 4&4, 3. PERSONAL SERVICES � 1,000 $ 1,00 0 40,88O 41,613 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 43,000 42o500 e 500 300 3. CO{v4MODISJ'iES 500 S00 264, 266 4- CENTRAL SERVICES 480 480 i 5. C.APtITA -L OUTLAY COMMEWARY II FUNMON The overhead street lighting system throughout the Village, with the exception of i for am-ental and special type units., is installed and maintained by Northern States IPower Company. The Village's obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electrical i 1power to all lights and to ma'antair_ the ornamental a-ad special. units, ; fCTS T Appropriations fot- thiG account have increased five peveent: (5 %). Sum Ty of liteme contributing to increase is presented below, Amount Paver $1, 120 Contracted repairs 1,000 Central services 216 TUFAL 2 336 a OLLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGE' PAGE 28 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Ama � Act. N0. Gam, PUBLIC i OMRS STREET LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail prcw t Budget Recommended Budgeted � to Payroll $ 1,000 $ 8,000 $ l"000 2, Power $38,880 40,000 40,O 0 Contracted repairs 2,000 -' _ 3.000 2<,500 ,q4,0,880 $.43,000 $42,500 E 3o Repair parts 500 500 500 � � Coo Egtaipmert opeTaeion 264 a 480 6180 I 1 i TOTAL STREET LIGHTING y X2266, $44,,980 413,,480 1 I MAGE OF ED114A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ag i�1 Hf, i BUDGETED ESTI1MAYEO $ 31,400 $ 4x764 IV718 840 5,958 i ®g05 840 6,709 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CON !G MCTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES a. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED s 5,000 $ 1,700 1,320 8,020 8,020 , FLUCTION The Village installs and maintains all street name signs„ This account provides for installation. and maintenance. COMMTS Appropriations foF this account: have increased thirty.-five percent (35 %)0 S•mary of iteras contributing to increase is presented below, Amount Salaries and wages $1,600 Co2w.odities is Central services 4.80 T0TA'Lw $2 X062 gFund Funcfion Am Aca. No. GEWMAL PUBLIC Wma KS STREET NAME SIGNS 23,400 I i�1 Hf, i BUDGETED ESTI1MAYEO $ 31,400 $ 4x764 IV718 840 5,958 i ®g05 840 6,709 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CON !G MCTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES a. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED s 5,000 $ 1,700 1,320 8,020 8,020 , FLUCTION The Village installs and maintains all street name signs„ This account provides for installation. and maintenance. COMMTS Appropriations foF this account: have increased thirty.-five percent (35 %)0 S•mary of iteras contributing to increase is presented below, Amount Salaries and wages $1,600 Co2w.odities is Central services 4.80 T0TA'Lw $2 X062 ` iLLAGP OF MONA ANNAUL. BUDGES PACE 3€3 iR), d cs'413Cii5 @3 Ama Act. No � GENMAL PUBLIC MTORKS STREET HME SIGH ► 23a? 0G C"(PR OITURE DETAIL Cade _ Aoki;y Object Delaii pmse-o Budget Recommended Budgeted 01 Geaeral Maintenance to Payroll 520200 � $1:,;500 30 faint-, prams an& E tempos y si&is 1,218 1"200 4. Equipment operation 528 _1_,200 TOTAL GENERAL F4SaYNTEN MICE $3 i946 $6,900 40 Neu Sign Installation � 1.. Payroll. $1,200 $ Soo E 3. Signs and posts 500 500 j 4. Equipment ope -atson 312 ao I I TOTAL MEW SIGN 212 ,Q $1.120 ))��,+JyNSTJISL1pA+'y�10 pi E E I I i SF-GNS �-51958 %,,020 $$ 02® ALLAGE OF MINA Fucd Ftmction ANNUAI. BUDGET PAGE 31 Area 1 Acct. No. TRAFFIC MUM 23500 COMMENTARY Although the detexmAnation of need for, and the location of 0,11 tFaffte control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guard ralla, is properly'vrithin the jurisdiction of the Po ice Department, it is, nevertheless, the - f-unction of the Public Forks Department to Install and maintain such deviees._ This account provides foT Installation and wairmenance., CCMNTS Appropriations for this account have Levessed fourteen percent (14%). Sumwry of items con-tributti-ag to the incTease is presented belay, tmount Salaries and wages $1,000 SUM91AARY 500 Contgacted repairs 500 9quipment rental 1965 4615difEY ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUMMED $ 6,900 6,329 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 7,9GO $ 3,600 3p352 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,650 7,392 7,295 3. COMMODITIES 75250 2,304 2,304• 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3,192 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Ll 90;280 TOTALS 992 22,992 COMMENTARY Although the detexmAnation of need for, and the location of 0,11 tFaffte control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guard ralla, is properly'vrithin the jurisdiction of the Po ice Department, it is, nevertheless, the - f-unction of the Public Forks Department to Install and maintain such deviees._ This account provides foT Installation and wairmenance., CCMNTS Appropriations for this account have Levessed fourteen percent (14%). Sumwry of items con-tributti-ag to the incTease is presented belay, tmount Salaries and wages $1,000 Power 500 Contgacted repairs 500 9quipment rental 50 Co=odfties 142 Central services 888 TOTAL 96 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET !` ii°Crd `rai3 _------ - - - - -- -- Area €aEi2`�:,AL PUBLIC WORKS gRA �'IC CONTROL EYE'LNDv7URE OFT14L PAGE 32 Act. No. 23.500 Codo Acbl Object DetaH U LCrQ§t -- Recommended Budgeted '-praffic 501 Sign Maintenance 1. payroll 2,500 $ 2,600 3. Signs 3,984 4,,000 I � 4. Equipment operation 516 1,200 'ICY AL TRAFFIC SIGN A?A �Ti EP3�3�a $ 7,000 1 $ 7,800 , 502 Trafffic Signal j Haintcenance a. Payroll $ $ SS(0►o I I 2. i power x1,000 $ 2, 560 a C� 3, 000 i lContracted repairs T 2 �00Q 500 � 1 j $ 3,500 $ 4,500 30 Repair oiateriais 850 500 �: a Equipment operat io', 26 72 � 70T-AL TILW-171C ' I riLl.Sbli.2�ENAYCE � $ 5,614 i $ 5,5 72 11503 Pavement ftrking I L (Payroll $ 2.000 2,500 � I 2. Equipment rental. 100 ISO i 3„ faint 1,308 i 1,250 j i 4. Equipment operation 708 ,.o.� m i I i TO AL g A DINNT 1IMG $ 4,116 $ 5,160 504 16uavad Rails and i Barricades 1. , Payroll $ 1,400 $ 2,000 � 3� Guard rail mater a is i,250 1,500 4. Equipment operation 816 i I TOTAL GUARD 1U,0, LS 1 AUD B RI CAOES 3 ,466= a $ 4,A60 ? C4 ROY. $2. 0 196 $22 932 $22992 If f i I I P VILLAGE OF EDIN ,. ANNUAL BUDGET _ _ PAGE 33 Fuiction Area Acct. No. PUBLIC WORKS I BRIDGES + 23.600 SUMMARY i 1964 BUDGETED STUMTF.D OBJECT 3a400 $ 3,064. a. PERSONAL_SEWICES 2. CGiV'B MCTUAL SERVICES 1,025 913 3. COMMODITIES .. i 516 516 4.-CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY i 49 3 TOTALS 1965 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 2,500 $ 1,050 480 gym., .... COMMENTARY The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the aaL-zteea bridges within the Village. cmamms Appropriations for this account have decreased nineteen. percent (19%). 5ummwy of items contribzuting to decrease is presented below. Amount Salaries and gages 900 coawdities 25 o -atral services 36 iTAL 911 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINA L BUDGET PAGE 34 e d �;«cfiaor� Area Act. No. GEHERAL PUBLIC WCid. BRIDGES 23.600 EXPEMWTUBE DETAIL Code - AsNA y f Object _- - Detail I Bu get Deco aMendet I Budgeted 1. - Pay 012 ~i $3,400 $2,500 3. Paint $ 450 $ 425 Guard rail posts 325 325 Lumber, cable, boles, I i etc ... 250 340 I $1,025 $=,050 4. I Equipment opeaation 516 480 � i I ' I ' TOTAL BRIDGES J41'94-1 $x.•0„30 ,030 � � I C t i P. 4 1 1 s i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 35 " IaaFd _�. .....a_.._� FBBiYCtBffiB -- -- —i. STOMA 4 � A.xE. rig. OWS SUMMARY FUNCTION The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services in as effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a3 minimum, In th ®se areas served by storm sewa3.rs, Village crews poxiodically check and clean these sGuerso In areas not so served,, emergency measures in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided daring storms, CGNMWS Appropriations I'ZS d this account have iacre.ased sin percent (6%). Sunmry of Items contributing to increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages $ 550 Comwdities 50 Cemtral Services ISO TOTAL $ 780 1965 BUDGETED EST e3b ATED OBJECT _ RECOMMENDED __ BUDGET6 $ 5,950 $ 7,172 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 6.500 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5 0, 500 2,532 3. COMMODITIES 5,550 2,589 2,580 g. CENML SERVICES 2„760 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services in as effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a3 minimum, In th ®se areas served by storm sewa3.rs, Village crews poxiodically check and clean these sGuerso In areas not so served,, emergency measures in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided daring storms, CGNMWS Appropriations I'ZS d this account have iacre.ased sin percent (6%). Sunmry of Items contributing to increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages $ 550 Comwdities 50 Cemtral Services ISO TOTAL $ 780 V1 .GE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 36 �sd At.,adity Erection /ice© { � du en Aa Edo. GEERPRAL 701 PUBLIC "JORKS STMM DRAINAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DEMIL Code At.,adity Objeci, Betr fl { � du en ! Recommended ` Budgeted 701 Sterm Sewer Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 5,950 2,500 { ( 3. Culverts and pipe, ti 1,500 1,000 1 Aspbalt 1,500 Concrete 1,000 Steel. grates 750 750 Pi21 materials 750 � $ 5500 1,750 i J i 4. Equipment oper8tion 2,580 960 I! TOTAL STORM SEMI. i MAIN` MANCE X14,030 $ 5,210 i ,702 Temporary Drainage E and Culverts 1. Payroll $ 43000 3, Rose $ 300 Culverts 1,000 { f Asphalt j 1,500 Concrete Soo e Villmateri a? s Soo $ �(a i $ 3,800 4. Ecraipmenr Operation .� TOTAL TENFORARY DRAINAGE AND OeULVE.WTS $ v0 �.� 9 600 I 1 TOTAL STORM DRA" AGE $14,030 $144810 $1408 10 i t 1 I i i i ! 1 'V, LAGR OF EDINIA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3 SUMMARY _ 19 G�_ A.-Guilt Area_�� i Acck. No. 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMA77E0 . SUMMARY _ 19 G�_ A.-Guilt galadies and wages 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMA77E0 . OBJECT _ 6Y54si.FMdV65.A`4CJ`FED BUDGETED 8,326 $ 7,6361 a. PERSONAL SERVICES 10,550 � 200 ISO 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,400 3;,976 3,1€ 6 3. COMMODITIES 4.800 3:'180 3®18g 4. CENTRAL SWIMS 3,600 S. CAM-AL OUTLAY T WS 20,35 20.35® MMEX-IARY &he function of the Miage Properties account is to PrGperly ewes foz all Village otiaed properties; other: than those: vises for -'ark and Reare.a ' on purposes. R ese Village pTope�mies are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilieieso The maintenance of these pi- ope-eties includes the vultiEation aid my -yang of the W f, spraying and tairsming of trees, establishment and zar a of plantings, and m;eryday housekeeping neceos€av, to peep these Village properties in aesthetic acewsd trith our many fine pTivatel.y armed The provisions os the Minnesota Tvzious Weed Act charge the Village t -fth the respensibility of seeing that all n.omicus -weeds within the Village lLM-fts =e destroyed. The Villae- must, of cew.se5 absorb the cost of "7 -ed a -ea(Vcation can Public property, but at its om discretion, assess the cost of exact cation on private property. Our policy is to assess or bill for all eradication on private property, CMRZ.W$ Appropriations for this account have ina -eased tvra percent 4'2%)6 Summary of items contribaking to increase is presented b-elia:�o T=i!"AAL 4 68 A.-Guilt galadies and wages 2,2'2a Cuatraxt work 1,2€0 cwv :"W-es 824 Cei .va.11 Je^— vices 420 T=i!"AAL 4 68 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNA UL BUDGET PAGE 38 ,�_a...�F55�.� - j �r._ .. —•- itDFtCil3n-- •--- • - - - -- !! Area Area Act. No. G iERAL PUBL C WORKS VIVLACE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code� svaty � Object Detail I prese6� i �adgot ! ! Recommended 801 Turf Haiffnteaance 1. Payroll 4,000 4,500 30 Sod and black dart 1,000 I $ 1,000 Fertilizer 300 i 400 •Wool replacement 120 200 � 1 $$ 1,420 $ 1,,6€90 40 Equipment operation 1,2090 ! - -1,200 TOTAL TIMP OARS 4 6,620 $ 7,300 802 1, Payroll I $ 500 $ 750 I! 12la-atings 3. II'loweTs and sbgubs 200 500 I f i 40 Equipment. operation 240 120 ! ! TOTAL PIOaIMS .^$ 940 41 1,370 i 803 �ee Maintenance to Payeoll S 2,800 e, 3,000 20 Equipment rental 200 200 3, Mud tools, ropes I f and saws $ 450 $ 200 1, n $P{..� � $ 1,750 _ $ 1' ? "00 } 4o 1SpSay Equip= —nt opez'a3tion 960 1,209 TOTAL TREE MAINTENAMET $ 5,710 j $ 5,800 SM, deed Control 1, Payroll $ 1,026 $ 8 @0 � 4 20 Contpact rrot.ing 200 j 30 Chemicals, spray 636 300 i 1140 Equipment operation _ 780 Lao TOTAL WMED CONTROL 0 2 �; 412 $ 104180 8€95 Lakes and Ponds Maintenance 1. Payroll j $ 1,530 20 ' Contract, work I 1,000 3m Chemicals � � I'm 4� Squipmat opevation 900 TMAL LAKES AUD POMai MAINTENANCE (I -0_ Av4Q0 i I TOTAL VILLAGE PROPEW IFIS i �' 1 6 2 _$20.350 420,, 350 VILLAGE OF ED NA ANNUAL BUDGE T PAGE 39 . and IE;-M.AL Eupction PUBLIC Wo SUMMARY Area Acct. No. GAPIML OUTLAY � 23.100 BUDGETED - ES` IMA°,-E® _ OBJECT RECOMMENDED 196- BUDGETED R $ 1. PERSONAL SERViCEe $ S 2. CONT'RACT'UAL SERVICES 3. COMMODrTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 22,975 22,887 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,050 229050 22a9i5 22,gS7 T.OT.ALS 27a050 � Z CO.WAENTA RY BupeEaditures for Item of equip -many which have a useful life of more than one year are classified ass Clapital Outlay, ! CCNMTS The two clump tracks are r'eplacem nts3 fov tF,,o e:-sucks with appronimately 80,000 t miles else. One of these will be equipped with the proposed radio and ta-11 -gate steer to double our emerge =y ice control capacity, s service which has proven j highly effeet iveo The oecarad vehicle is a normal dump-plow emit necessary to i maintain our fleet withazat, mshing irregulav,, 3arge -scale purcisases of seveual E units at once. The flushes° unit is uecessary to e<ipand ouz street cleaning opexations consistent usith the 'ancTeased uO les of irurprove d streets and to aleow the three steeper units to clean the gutter areas, the function for which they are designed, rather then making tua additional passes for the center of the streets. It is also a valuable unit foe street base work, dust control gaud emergency tankem for f fire fighting. The loader unit wL11 adovble our present capacity of handling light loading Jobs such as storm clw.0 -up Saud sweeper pick-up. f The Busting hitches are truck - mounted for snotig plows and loaders. One is nee], one his a replacement. The empcudi`: ces on the pavement. m -arker and conveyor unit are necessary to allow /yl �[m iy��he �pmost complete utill.aazion of the equipment and to effect oreventive i C E E 3 VILLAGE OF EDINA AKINAUL BUDGET PAGE 40 WENDITURE DETAIL codel AcUvity I - - - Object Oewil I - Ftmd !I Fencti %n Area Act. No. GWMAL j PUBLIC., TI4 X'8 I CAPITAL OUTLAY � 230100 WENDITURE DETAIL codel AcUvity I - - - Object Oewil I - Present Budget , Recommended � 6;:dgeted -- --- -' S. -- -- Conveyor impleavee -aL 80€8 $ 800 Replacement-dump I { truck complete (2) $ 5,000 � 10"000 58000 Nonile radio 600 600 Tail -gate sander. 1,008 1 1,000 I � Street: water flusher 10,000 208000 i t Truck loader loader ra t 3,800 38800 � Busting hitch (2) 275 550 j 550 Zwprovement mpravcueat , € arker 300 i 300 Varl.coug 17-300 , 2i ( Tal-AL CAPITAL 0 L€iY ;i.22,975 $22,,050 050 � I I i I a l VILLAGE OF EM'144A ANNUAL BUDGET PAC-7E 41 Area Aca. No. PrUVECTIGN. OF FERSIGNES ANJD I POLICE PROTECTION 24. 1.00 SUMPARY OBJECT I .. PERSONAL SLEVICES 2. CON To RAC UAL SERVICES 3. COMPAODI'ICES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY IWALS COMMENTARY SUDGETED ESTIMATED $198,274 $1966500 4,126 ("m-6 1,693 :3"257 43,908 43,908 10,645 2.0,6523 SUMPARY OBJECT I .. PERSONAL SLEVICES 2. CON To RAC UAL SERVICES 3. COMPAODI'ICES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY IWALS COMMENTARY MXTXVW '71—)ePrimaiary fun-WAan of police pxotaatioz. is to protect lift., and p�operty which iacludes investigation of major criraas =d Public P-toral offenses, offenses which have to do with the m-Inter-ance of peace, w-d eaf ozcemeat of traffic violations. The authority to do thin is granted to a karge entent through. colminal C.md civil codes, and village, state, and federal legislation affecting the pubile in general. C M,CTS Appropriations for this account bave i-acreased nine percent (9%). Suwu%ary of items contributi.-ag to the .1-m-crease is px-eseuteei belou, sala-zlylea -led Nagel Cong-erences and schooln P-jes Md subscripticas Laumfty Uniform ailauance C M-miodic I a z Centzal Services Capital 0-491ay TOTAL' Amount i 77. EN 390 31 25 100 if 1,072 785 _§22-4x27 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $216,031 $222,295 4,622 4,622 1;710 1,310 46,930 46,,980 11,A30 11,430 s 73 $.L87,,237 MXTXVW '71—)ePrimaiary fun-WAan of police pxotaatioz. is to protect lift., and p�operty which iacludes investigation of major criraas =d Public P-toral offenses, offenses which have to do with the m-Inter-ance of peace, w-d eaf ozcemeat of traffic violations. The authority to do thin is granted to a karge entent through. colminal C.md civil codes, and village, state, and federal legislation affecting the pubile in general. C M,CTS Appropriations for this account bave i-acreased nine percent (9%). Suwu%ary of items contributi.-ag to the .1-m-crease is px-eseuteei belou, sala-zlylea -led Nagel Cong-erences and schooln P-jes Md subscripticas Laumfty Uniform ailauance C M-miodic I a z Centzal Services Capital 0-491ay TOTAL' Amount i 77. EN 390 31 25 100 if 1,072 785 _§22-4x27 WMASE, OF MUNA ANNAUL BUDGEI' PACE 4 -2 - � Gu:aci~ean Area Act. No. i GMERAL MOTECTIM OF PERS0119 ABID { POLICE pR43'� E 1.431 � 24.100 — ! Chief , EXPENDITURE DETAIL } C-0c6®+ kify I Object Detail I pmaent Budget Recommended Budgeted 1, Chief 9,183 _ $ 11,475(l.)$ 11,475 Lieutenants (2) 15,768 1 16.' ms 16,848 Sergeants (4) 29,,616 31,296 31,296 Patrolmen (10) 61,020 72,2440 729240 atrcl= -n (6) 6,720 41,904 41,,904 r atrolmen (2) 6,480 33,4+8$ 13,488 iatrolmen. 35,516 'atro. uen 11,64.0 Dispatchers (2) 8,976 3,912 9,922 I j l Dispatchers 4,356 ; 4,916 4,716 Dispatchers s (Pt a) 4,689 3,,328 3,328 ( Secretary 4,380 4,560 49560 Patrol G„264 12,528 $198,274 $216 0031 $2229295 d 20 10onferen^.es and I i schools $ 870 $ 1,260 Dues aad subs ip- tions f 141 1 172 Teletype Radar druneenteta I 540 540 � I and 200 200 fLawaary l 75 50 (Uniform all 2w0 —¢�126 2,400 1 i I $ 1,622 $ Z'622 3. I&aMuition $ 550 $ 50+3 !Jail and priMAC 1Caps, e perse 35 0 300 i leathergaods,, s ! bead ,of; 1543. 175 i piao� ®g raph sqppliet 300 3€ 9 I First aid supplies 75 50 Fie cxtinzaishev snap -plies j 140 x.18 j' Gener al SUPP feu i7a 275 j y t�.. i8av 3 1p71i3 � S 40 0e e rat ! 22,668 p 25,620 f I Village Hall 3,30 � .,360 j I � aipment opcwation 3.7,34_0 j 4� 4 i f i _ _ $ �� 3 9 969 •;+ 46x,980 $ 4 +6 „980 I iLLAG- E OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 43 ly..,.._..�,..,.��..^�s � a=eaneteo;a - - -- -- Area pct. Nc, � PROMMUG1, or PEXISONS AND POLICE PROTECT1900 24.100 GENERAL 11 1 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ' Code Actift objeo Detail prmat Budgo>; Recommended Budgeted 5a Vehicles (7) $ 9,500 10e,600 . Pistols and shotguns 200 Go z sirens 120 ISO I Improvements 200 Other 625 _ S 1�, "5 $ 11 .430 ( 2582646 X28® _&773 287MO37 1 i i I i I 9 t � '� i � 1f i { i f I ► I i i I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 Fund Area Acct. No. C9& F&MZCT10�3 (' PERSONS ' AND PROPERW. FIRS F$OTECTY.Ce j 24.200 SUMMARY BUDGM0 - 1964 - ESTWATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1965 BUDGETED $ 99,034 $ 1124396 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $119,452 $ 109,188 2,329 2y817' 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2o566 2,566 2,658 292:26 1 COMMODITIES 2,376 29376 16,428 16,428 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 18,960 18,960 2,204 2,187 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 8 6087 7,,087 122.653 $ 136E,054 TOTALS $151,441 14, 0,177 COMMENTARY FUNCTIO79 Basically the objective of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent flaws from starting; (2). to prevent loss of life and property in case a fire dons start; (3) confine a five to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. In general, this iavolveas the providing of services for both fire prevamtian and fire fighting. COTS Appropriations fwx this account hzve Increased t --entg «four percent (24%)0 Sum=y of tie= contributing to the increase Is presented below. Amount Sa.lar-Les and wages $20,418 Conferences and schools 42 - Uniform allowance 620 Insurance 425 Comwdities 282 Central serVices 2,532 Capital Outlay 5p883 TOTAL X28 s 7$E t OF EXHI'MA ANNAU"L BUDGET PAISFE" 45P Fan A F ea Ac V1, G. 2 U12MMI-A" PIT- MT1. bi PF—PSMS AND FIRE PRUIECTICIE 24 o 200, -20 1 1 EXPENDiTURF DETAMIL Ae Object Dow;" i Viremen '6) � `iremmn iremen arttime f iweman iremen 1- o n s Lma6 1: ry luaifozm alzotmulce Iron- -Surem.c.'a - Ucfuid foara. Rose replacz--�Qt znPPJJeE First aid srPplies General Supplies Ref:11.1-4,ing mij.-La 4. lGeueral Village Kali 1 2quipy&ent opr-:mt-;,or. Preowk i Recommerdel 8,700 .,.,608 33,900 6,780 6,462 2, coo 8,500 S 99,034 $ 624 150 356 780 425 2,329 $ 332 290 100 590 1.16 4.00 770 150 9,888 3,000 3.5t —i4 6 — �428 .s Selvage 1pavtor I 12 ",& -, 'k E" 4� 1 I -'—, Ifta- 0 , n C! 674, -k a 0 480 X75 I 175 �:t'fiUB�'�.1 �.o� ,175 80 potm� Jack t 294 294 FCe3h air C'mrwer'soy, Tarpaulins U" J CbaiTs, bedo, cabin.ei: .ReseTva for pu-Qk::)= I V P-r- 10 us 2,204 2,2CA TIOTAL F1 RE L�653 7, log, *U9,,452 ki 2,566 380 200 '16 700 1.50 24376 10, 740 3,060 oudgetcd 8,820 6 e4x 15,61"S 43,344 7,104 6,9M 6,661., 12,000 2:37'6 6e! �' wu 12 674 674, -k a 0 480 X75 I 175 I �175 ,175 80 so 294 294 II U" J VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE -F PAGE Fund Function Arca Acct. No. VENW.RAL ?ZZGr_K=W_0H 0 PERSOINS Ada CIMILIAN DEFENSE 24.390 $ 1,275 $ 1,275 .606 245 SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATFD OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1965 BUDGETED 3,037 s 3,119 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1,275 $ 1,275 .606 245 Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 436 436 300 250 3. COMMODITIES 1,050 550 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAHTAL. OUTLAY TOTALS 2 761 '261 COMMENTARY TMNCTION The Edina Civilian Defense organization ra-aintains liaison with locall, state and federal agencies, in arday to provide the needed resotrx-ces to meet emvgeucy situations of catastrophic natuze. Partic.W.ar emphs-sis is being placed upon an effort to better Integeate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer e=rgency personnel CGWMTS Appropril.ations fog this account have decreased this-ty-pa rc-ent (30%)� Summary of Items �ontributinZ to the decrease Is pveseated beim�., SaXazics and wages CcaferenQes and schools "training aid unifom.s -reserves Radl.ologlcal-survey meter supplies sigm Replacement 8L7(W TOTIA"T A-Mouat $1,762 170 5C; 200 200 50 VILL -AGE OF EDMA ANNAUL BU®GE7 PAGE 47, Fasd Function Area Acs. No. GIFEMIAL i ROTECY1 Or- MINNS AND CIVIL6M DIWEiSE 24.300 s Budget EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede; AeHvay I Object: Datail rm Recommended Budgeted s Budget I I 10 Director $3,037 $10275 g1 275 e 20 Conferences and � schools � 281 $ 1R1 Dues and subscrip- tions 25 25 I Leased lines for ' si�eafls 300 300 I 685 i $ 436 $ 436 ( 3. lBooks, p m palete i I and tnl1nin. arils $ 100 $ 150 $ 100 Uniforms- resebves 100 I 300 150 j Amm1saition- resezves 50 50 50 E Hadiological-sumvey , i I meter supplies 50 250 j 100 1 ( Sign. replacements I I so i 50 Siren I 250 100 $ 300 1 1 050 550 I !i f ! {TOTAL CIVILLI 'i f DE SK' $3 943 2�761. 2 241 i I � i f f � I i I 's s V1 .LA�-�F- OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 48 Fmwl Fu;ictiaa Area I :'1eca. No. %IR07—ECTIMN UP FERSQ<<IS ?AND ! , j I 1ROP�y �::8d3bTf� 24.400 ` SUMMARY __ 1964•_ _ __ _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT S 12,010 $ 11.391.4 L. PERSONAL. SERVICES 19055 976 2. CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 619 621 3. COMMODITIES 1,596 1,596 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 193 185 S. CAPITAL. OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY -cTuo The functions of the Public Health Repaetmem are to provide for the general. ,�ml.faae of the comnturd,ty by wing and enforcing maws to preserve € nd promote the public health and safety, axed to protect, the Life and health of all peTsaa!s within the ca=unityo CI i Appropriations for this account have ineseased nine percent (97.). Summary of item contributing to the increase is puesented below. salaries and wages ConfeAcaces and schools Sues and subscriptions Ccmwelities Central services capital outlay TOTAL Amount $1,,090 �a8 5 131 72 32 '1n378 1965 r RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 13 ,,100 $ 12,480 1,108 1,108 750 750 13668 1,668 225 2.25 166851. $16,231 COMMENTARY -cTuo The functions of the Public Health Repaetmem are to provide for the general. ,�ml.faae of the comnturd,ty by wing and enforcing maws to preserve € nd promote the public health and safety, axed to protect, the Life and health of all peTsaa!s within the ca=unityo CI i Appropriations for this account have ineseased nine percent (97.). Summary of item contributing to the increase is puesented below. salaries and wages ConfeAcaces and schools Sues and subscriptions Ccmwelities Central services capital outlay TOTAL Amount $1,,090 �a8 5 131 72 32 '1n378 VILAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL. BUDGET PAGE 49 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code) -- 'A, -deity —� Area s -- -- - - -- ! Act. iti6. _..,... GEN"RAL I'LRCSTWT10 -I 8gRSSONS MD PUBLIC WEALT H 24.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code) -- 'A, -deity —� Object � Detail B g Reeon, mended -- Budgeted 1. Sanitarian 80550 94090 $ 8.700 Medical officer 300 3@0 300 Secretary (1/3) 1,500 10600 lam Typist (1/3) 1,300 13280 1,,=0 Sum.eT help 360_ 920 6C* 1 $128010 X33., 00 $12,480 2e Conferences aad 1 � schools 295 343 1 Dues and subscrip- tions 1110 45 �1aa8e 720 720 1,055 J81 1,108 i 39 test equipment ame- r supplies 619 730 750 40 General $ 1,452 $ 1.8308 - Village Hall 144., 240 1 Garage 120 _ 1,596 1,668 1 668 I 1,668 � 50 Electric typeuritao Test equipment 193 225 ( 225 1 i i i i 1 DOTAL PUBLIC MALTH ` J-5-5, 3 �6 851 } 1: 6 231 1 I VIL LAGS OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET F Or, PE.11SONS ADD SUMMARY BUDG-01,0) ESTIMATED 13, 154 13,653 �3,,653 OBJECT PAGE 50 Area I Amt. No. JWTIMAL CONT-ROL 24.560 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMUDITIF-S 4. CENTRAL SEWMES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAIS COAWXN TARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDG' TEED 13ol54 Animal Control -26a a funs: -',on of ViHage Govex-vment designed to protect 1:ife aad peoparty from the Injtwions activities of animals, both wild mid doEaRaticated, The Village Council has, by ordllnance, regulated the leashing ead 111 s ng of dogs. ttd Vii.t.AGE OF EDNA F-'-'—Fa-P"'-d-"---" i ._ �_ 1.964 F �:;: 1 -- i"!* ( ;. I -SUDGETED, ESTMATED. 17,320 17e.5m. 308 296 340 242 4,104 41,106 22,072 $ 2121�7 55 ANNUIAL BUDGET AND Area INSHICTiows SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SEWICES 1 COWAODITES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS CO M M E N1 TA RY PAGE 5-1. Aca. No. 24.600 35!L 769. MCT10111 The functions of the Inspection Departmebt aee to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign pamEts; enluc-ece building, pluiRbing and zo-aing ordinzeces and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing a conotTuctio-a codasg establish ha-case numbering; 2=ew- a= d condemnation and abatementt of unsafe buildings; anC4. Inspect all building caustruction" COMM Irs Appropriations gov thin acczunt have Laageased fifteen pexcent (15%). Swmsary of item— conle-Iributing to tile increaGe is pxesented below., I 1965 ucomwL- TD6-- BUDGETED $20,020 $ 19,430 503 503 300 300 4,236 4,236 300 300 35!L 769. MCT10111 The functions of the Inspection Departmebt aee to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign pamEts; enluc-ece building, pluiRbing and zo-aing ordinzeces and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing a conotTuctio-a codasg establish ha-case numbering; 2=ew- a= d condemnation and abatementt of unsafe buildings; anC4. Inspect all building caustruction" COMM Irs Appropriations gov thin acczunt have Laageased fifteen pexcent (15%). Swmsary of item— conle-Iributing to tile increaGe is pxesented below., I i Amount Salaries and usages Conferences and schools 51 Hilezae 246 emmodities 40 Ceatgal services 132 Capital Outlay 3G0 TOTAL. J53Z2117 i 56 EXPE ItDiTURE DMIL I� ode ! s y I Object — Detail GENERAL PROTx3tI'lUrN OF PERSMS En I,,SPECTIONS � — Budget EXPE ItDiTURE DMIL I� ode ! s y I Object — Detail �ut �ecomrsrdsd Budgeted � — Budget 05 eo o �SZS3 F3�I�2J � -'r- f $ 600 I $ 600 Building inspector 7,200 7,500 7,500 I Plumbing inspecto 60600 66900 6,900 Secretary UM r,500 106M 1,,600 I ITypist (1 /3) 1,300 11,280 1,280 iS =Tmer help 720 1,350 1,,350 j overtime 090 200 f I � $17,320 $20 020 $19,430 ! 2 � ! Cou fc renaes and s�i oals .155 134 j I3Du.es and suboevip- I I taoas 123 123 I j Mileage i 6 1$ 305 $ 503 $ 503 3, Printed f(wms I I $ 190 $ too } I Corse books lGencral 150 100 f supplies 100 ! 1 $ 300 4. General j $ 3J80 $ 38036 f i V1.1. lage Rall 216 240 j j Equipment opeza -ion. 705 J 960 �: ,10i $ ,236 ��_- .�.$„23V ' p '! 50 ' Electric typew;: .; _i.,:t'�i;� g $ 225 1 File 75� i s 0- 3 ,_- 300 j TOTAL ]VSPFK%I;Y QI S ! .�--,22gk72 2.5 359 � 527,469 i � I � I ! i ! ViLL- GE OF EDINA 196: BUDGETED ESTIMATED 8,162_ 8c,672 ANNUAL BUDGET ��ee I!t� Arw CONTIi4GWuUM SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES � �a�n 4. CENTRAL t.AL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY PAGE 53 t1w. No. 26. 100 I _ 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Y � 1.5.,000 10,000 .w� TOTALS ,x00. COMMENTARY F'f. ION During the yeave uwmuicipsted but necessary expend! there has been no previo--as appropriation,, This account A contingencies VILLAGE OF I DIVA ANNUAL BUDGET SIETTLIMENT 0:r' SUITS SUMEIAItY PAGE 54 Accfr, No. 260200 - - -- 19M BUDGETED E.STII`,LATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ a. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 10000 192 2. COMTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 "060 500.00 3.. COMMODITIES j 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS � fDO� 0-0, 00 1 COMMENTARY Represents &a appNN uaiation to pap small claims filed against the Village. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 55 Fusa¢I�,.�� - - Fe�r�e€a� _- --Asm _�.._ � Acct. No. � GM-Mt±i: 1=1a-DEPAPdMT,AL EXPENDITURES Spli07ffil ASSESSMkS Ol�l ; i VT.1X.AGF, FROPMY _ 1 _ 26.300 SUMMARY y BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ $ 27,000 $ 27 0(RO 27,063 21,-8 6; OBJECT L PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3. CAPITAL, OUTLAY TOTAIIS CONWIENTARY __ __ 1965 RECOtd�MENDED BUDGETED 29,0w �9 ,1100 23,000 The Village awd properties are subject to special assessments for various i prove=ne projects. This account provides funds to pay these assessments. V LkGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 5E Fund Fu=tion Area I Acct. No. GEIRA 1 EXPMt ITURES CENTRAL SERV1'CES_GA %'y i 26.500 1964. BUDGETED ESTIMATED 4,558 $ ALT 55$ 4,571 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 18,455 2 1.8,455 14,7 ©5 1 F'91w Certain items of equipment or improver vs which have a useful life of more than one year, Vaich cannot be allocated to any particular fur*_stion,, are classified In this account. !MAIMS Hall - NeatiL25 Xstem. The request is based on a study perfozmed and estimates made by a reemhan4 cal enginee to eliminate heating - inadeclaaac yes The proposed work is essentially threefolda to convert oziginal constwuction defects uL ich cause estrem six. locks; to install. heating zones ca a logical basis of common stem; and to provide a minim= level of make -op air: for ,a bAalthful working envLvo nt o Gaba e - Haske -up Air Unit. With a varying number of vehicles xunniug, the exhaust of the sanitarLeana s laboratory, =d the eta ust of a water heater all emptying into the vehicle area of the Garage, plus the intake demands of the heating systerc the fresh air deficit present causes a literal vacuum when the exhaust fans are operating to clear the sir. This makeup emit will p- eovide a minimum replacez=t of tempered fresh aft and will help prevent severe icing around the doors during colas weather:. VILLAGE OF EDI_NA ANNAUL BUDGET PACE 57 Fi$iid I•bnCti ®q � Am �- -- --- -• -----• I Act. NQ. GENEE1, NON- dDEFAM $AL, EXPEHDI TEIAL SERVICES -G 1 . elr� 26.500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Acfift ( Object Detail 1 Recommended+ Budgeted Budget Village Hall S. Heating system s 0,500 7,500 Garage Make -up air ula t 0 39000 Toadies vest ream 10000 Lockers 700 i Lunch table 250 Extension of campres d air and water syst 1"000 Lights and outlets 400 4( TOTAL GAME 6,350 $ 4,350 Equipment Operation l Work benchesacabinet and shelving 1.,000 - i Overhead hose rack 400 f ` I -beast and trolley 120 Brake shoe are 300 Jack stands, machine vise, tire 9iulc84 iz I d.. i ll e� 250 Engine stand adapter 140 Import wrench and somkots 220 Brake test Uto coffin hoist, timing light 245 Overhead oil dispensers 450 End lift Jack 190 Endless blade sepi 140 Crab hook 1 ®0 Drill press speed changes 50 3605 2,j855 i TOTAL COT L S€: ICES -CAS' AL GMAY 10 X555 .14 705 "O AGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 58 Fa; vd Ar Acct. No. SUMMARY 3 gam, FUDGE TED �ESTIMATED $'0JV3dl 1965 OBjECT RECOMMENDED BUDGE HTED d. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY This accoung Qaas established for the purpose of accumulating funds for- Capital Ybprov=entai, c -QmwxS 'We aopose : transfew sfrorii the Liquor Dispen-sary Fund of $50,000 into a reserve account for purpaze of constructinS and equipping a second fie Station and new public #ibrwq,; VIL LA. E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 59 Fund Funclal'an Area Acct. No. iwm _ PARK AND MCREA ION UHISTRA 10 47.100 -- Si3?1(ieMARY $36723$ OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMN110DITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY _ 19_65 _ - RECOMMENb -E _ SUDGETE $ 28,,475. $ 27,875 1,885 1,085 125 125 1:10628 11,628 $._4Q°� ?0N0TFM The park and Recreation Departmo t is responsible for the ac .®1tlou.:, development, operation and crainte9ance of the Village pavks and geerestion facilities, aad the conduct of the recreation progzam. ProvIding for the administration of the park: and recreation function in the object of this account'. The lade Park Board, as as advisory body to the Edina Village Council, aa€aists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. 0 's Appropriaticas fa z this account have increased thirteen pe cexU (13 %). Summary of items cantributing to A.- aceesse is presented below, Amount Salexies and wages $4390 Centrals Services 300 TOTAL 690 6 0ditE® ESTWATE® $24,085 $ 24,355 1,185 lol3l 125 76 11,328 11,328 $36723$ OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMN110DITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY _ 19_65 _ - RECOMMENb -E _ SUDGETE $ 28,,475. $ 27,875 1,885 1,085 125 125 1:10628 11,628 $._4Q°� ?0N0TFM The park and Recreation Departmo t is responsible for the ac .®1tlou.:, development, operation and crainte9ance of the Village pavks and geerestion facilities, aad the conduct of the recreation progzam. ProvIding for the administration of the park: and recreation function in the object of this account'. The lade Park Board, as as advisory body to the Edina Village Council, aa€aists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. 0 's Appropriaticas fa z this account have increased thirteen pe cexU (13 %). Summary of items cantributing to A.- aceesse is presented below, Amount Salexies and wages $4390 Centrals Services 300 TOTAL 690 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BU®GE PAGE 60 r Function �-- - Ares Aen. No. I PAR ' PAHK AND RRGMT101d M. THIS' TIGN 47.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code AcHvk Object Detail ^ Budget Budgeted 1e _ Direct ®r 81550 t 93,M( A) _ $ 9,300 - Program Supervisor 7,200 a ,,K,00( ) 8,100 Secretary 3,840 4 o 380 4,380 Clerical (1/3) ' 1,200 1,200 Training 200 200 200 !Paid leave 4,�222 � — .695 �t�p4.695 gGd y ®� 5724 4 —5 aa��� Iy61Pf� schools t 450 450 � � 350 ! Dpaes and FsubsewWp- f tions 75 75 75 �Aud it 660 660 660 11185 1;93 1 1,085 3. Printing $ 50 � � 50 Soo..g and psvtaiets 75 75 1 125 i 125 I , Gen. as- 8,124 8 638 Village. Hall 960 1,020 � 1 ; 1,140 1v320 f 1Garage Equipment opexation 1,10 � � 011. 28- 1 1 328 11,61 —m E it � TOTAL b- STRTIOU X36,,7Z3 P ,613 I srr i V40 713 °m i � I � 1 ��a?;mHa1 is Jana 5 8 a in July. E f VILUX &E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 61 l Fund .,_ Fmiction Y } �. Area Acct. too. ! P ! PARK AND RECR zaIGN PuCC-UA.ffi f 47.200 SUMMARY 1964 _ BUO ETED ESTIMATED $27.000 25e.030 8,75€3 76500 5,300 S 693 3. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Tai Y ALS 1965 _ RyCO4AMENDE0 rBUDGEW_ $ 279600 $ 27,600 8750 8,250 59500 5,500 41 -350 COMMENTARY The Villag a in addition to protr.ding park facilities, conducts a year around recreational pzogram as a fuawtiaa of Village governmmt. his program is the responsibility of the .park and Recreation Fscpeartsaent.o It includes such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, swi —sag aad teralia instruction; and .s. per paayground pgagxam for sm-all children. Some of these activities race=ve fir- an.ciaj support f3or. various service orgaulzations, and in others the p=ticipantcs themselves gay a portion of the cost. Appropringions fOr this account have increased two percent (2 %). A Saaumary of It�_s G =tzibut.ing to iac2easa is presented below. -Amount nt Salaries and wages coa-'M.odities 200 TOTS X800 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET - PAGE 62 Euzd ' Function Area I Act. N:o. , PARK - ^_ Pt s R €m RECREm1CH - RECREATION FROGUAN � 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ' Code! Acne* Object Derail E st Budget � Pecommended Budgeted 201 � Easeball and to Snporvisi.on � $ 19200 *16200 Softball Coaching assistants 1-350--- 0 _.L-350 a 2,55 4 2955th 3. Plates and abases 275 325 Sato and balls 250 300 Catcher's ega1PmGnk 300 300 Egzipment repairs 50 50 X75 � �� 975° � TOTAL, SASU� MD SO -MALL - Q 3,425 � �' 30525 3,523 202 Skating and Haukey 1. Rink snpezaiaien 6,460 � � 61460 Hockey coaching 540 so I 7 ,,000 7,000 �i I 3. G®aE Eg a Cip st $ 400 400 Goals 200 200 I 600 600 i TOTAL SHAT M AND $ 7,600 I 7,600 7�600 203 Te='iS anDtructlam ( i. 11nStTUCtC,,z $ 500 Soy Assistaut iaastractor 300 300 So® �. 60 30 Tennis balls $ 125 + � 125 } Nets � 100 ! 9GO Unclassified ied 25 � 2� � ® m &nBAL TT S 1D ayNjV 1pVi 204 PlaY6 mtnd 1, Leddets 7,850 2 71850 3. Crafto g 2,000 I 28000 Replace eats and j wem-emis 600 6@0 i TOVAL r-LMGR-=D X10,450 010ASO $10,450 `205 switming Instymetia a 10 Supea"virma 500 500 Imstmeti a 5,E1�M0py � .5 1.0€9 I.'St�e�iiSrorOG 3 /0�p 490 400 Registz ation 200 � 6,200 TT, 400 6,206-' 2. Bus rental � 8,000 8, m 79500 ,mal rental 750 750 750 8,750 <, SQ750 81250 '\ 30 lFiutter b�,rdr. 100 1.00 Unclassified 25 ! �t�gr�q 125 125 p}�7pp .0 EY:r.R�.7 �Yl1pSiL''dC."i i $15,075 015"075 $14,575 ViLLAGE OF EDIN A ANNAUL BUDGET PACE 63 rru �d I Function Aeee Act. No. � I P I PACK 01) RECREATIMI RECREATION PROGRE4 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade AeOvify _ -- ®beet$ Detail Premt Budge I Re-commended Budgeted 206 Miscellaneous and L. _ Payroll $ 1,800 1,800 special activities Leaders 800 1,,400 $ 2,600 $ 30200 3, Printing -summer bulletin. $ 550 , 550 Children's summer theatre 200 200 Soccer lOg Unclassified 100 E00 850 9S® TOTAL HISCELiMEWS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $ 3B450 4A150 4 150 TOTAL RECRFATIGII I P I PRCGRAN iL050 i $41,850 I __._X%12350 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Fasd ESTIMATED Fv:l.i131 I Area $34,200 Acct. No. i 1,RK $39,914 $ PARK AND BECB.EATION I MAMTEAiMCH 3,150 47.3100 SUMMARY 1964 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $34,200 $ 35,494 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $39,914 $ 4,150 3,4 41 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,150 10,540 125217 3. COMMODITIES 10,340 8,736 8,736 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 9,840 Control 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Lumber and repair maternal 500 Spray materials TOTALS $ _63278 COMMENTARY =10H Park maintenance iurolves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget account are only those properties designated as perks, Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pumping stations, etc., are maintained through other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the pack maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks includes turf care, establish- ment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. COITS Appropriations for this account have increased ten perceat (10%)a Summary of £tems.coustributing to the increase is presented below. TOTAL S 652 Amount Salaries and wages: & m7ing $1,200 Special turf card 1,74+8 Planting and trees 400 Litter removal 200 Building and equipment maintenaneel,200 Skating rink maintenance 1,200 Aquatic deed control - -, -� � `$5,748 Contract work-Aquatic weed Control 1,000 Lumber and repair maternal 500 Spray materials 700 Central services 22104 TOTAL S 652 VQLLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGE' RAGE 65 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code _ a ; Object Detail ( pee--ent Budget Function Am Acd. No. PARK PMX A13D REC'RE,ATI0P3 NAINT 'a IANCL 47. 300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code _ a ; Object Detail ( pee--ent Budget ` Recommended i� Budgeted 01 Howing Payroll 6,800 ( , 8'.'M 2. Contracted vepa.lTs 450 450 3. Repairs, paxta, and � I Band M s 750 750 t 4. Equipment operation 2234f 29724 t TOTAL k10MG ' $10,340 � $11,924 302 Species Turd Care ?. payroll ; $ 51100 $ 6,8/48 I � 2. Contracted wank 800 ago 30 Seed ( $ 1,200 $ 1,240 }t� Sod 550 540 f ` 6reilizex 15300 1,300 � Black dirt I 1,000 1,000 I Weed spray _ 100 0 I 3 S 49140 $ 4,140 i Sao Equipment operation I 1,140 _ 1 TOTAL SP8C3. ! Ti3IRF CARE $11,180 $13,108 3613 ! Fl antisngs and Trees A. Payroll $ 2,400 $ 2,300 20 quipmeat rental i00 100 { 3, Plant materials 500 500 &o Equipment operation 900 960 ; ij MAL PIJMTXZGS I MD TREW � $ 3,900 $ 4,360 30-4 sitter Removal 1. Payroll $ t."700 $ 4;,980 f 30 Trash contaiv -eva 200 200 1 � 46 Equipmerm opevarion 600 _ 660 - - -- S TOTAL LITTER IREMOVAL $ 5,500 $ 5,760 30+5 Parking Area 1. Payroll $ 1,500 $ 1,500 f Maiutenance 36 Road oil � $ 1,200 $ 1 ®200 Sand 250 250 Unclassified 100 _ 3GO $$ 4.'550,53 ' 4, Equipment operation 600 TOTAL PARK MCA 3,650 $ 3,650 j 306 18u4 3 dimb and Rqu,p- ( i mene Maintenance a 1. Payroll. � $ 4,000 $ 5 ,,200 2. Utilities � 200 200. 1 3. Lumber I $ 1,500 $ 1,800 Repair materials 800 1.000 2,300 4 2,000 J �0 � �ipm�� operation = 60d f 1 i I i $ 7,'100 0 8;860 %AU -AGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 66 FM Function Amu I Act. Me. ' YMK AM ?�'? _ E 3 dAA,�f� I 47.300 E 2-NDMUr2E DETAIL Code icy _ ~®bjeca ^Detail -- Peeswe Budget Recommended Budgeted j 307 Skating Etic& lyaintmance to Payroll 91500 $10,700 2e Electrical wftl tg $ 900 $ 900 Power 700 700. 1°600 $ 1,600 30 Lamps and fixtures 400 400 4. Equipment operation 2x412 209916 TOTAL Sim HMX- I MAWM�AJJCE $13,912 $15,616 i 08 Aquatic teed CcatrJ to 'Payroll S 2€0 20 Contracted weer k 1,000 36 Spray materials 700 E4 Equipment operation 164 TOTAL AQUATIC WEED COMM. $ 2® 044 e ®T f i MAL MAYMT 9 J5L626 1 163 $639278 I Park Foremen j Park Keeper III Park Keeper 11 j Psark Keeper I j Temporary laborer N. PAU FTMMCZ PAYROLL DIS ELIN710 Y 1 1 $570 $625 $ 6,840 $ 7,350 1 515 6.180 4,695 2 5 500 515 12,000 30,240 3 2 4.47 460 16,092 10,470 Special turf care 6R8" 9.300 9,300 Litter removal 4,900 TOTAU 7 6 1,500 $50AU $57 4360 Skating rink maintenance DUMBUTIGH F=& and Recreatii a-z $ 7,617 Administration: 2,200 Training 200 Paid leave 4,695 Recreation: $1�ry717 Miscellaneous and special activities 1.800 Maintenance.- N49'.- ing $ 81000 Special turf care 6R8" Plantings and totes 2@800 Litter removal 4,900 PaTking Area Maintenance 1,500 Building and equip^mout rai€ tenance 5,200 Skating rink maintenance 10700 $,39,948 TOTAL PARR M ERECRnTION $At6,61.3 Charged to Other Fundae General- Public Works $ 7,617 swinning Pool 2,200 Waterworks 600 Sewer Rental _ 300 $1�ry717 TT?AL 5L,,=3 6=0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACjF rut Rand Fuuefiaon I Area AccF. No. PARK PARK AMD RECREATION , CAPITAL OURLAY I 47.100-5 1964 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 9,220 922® 9,195 5 9,195 SUMMARY OBJECT I. PEPZONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CEWML SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COWENTARY 1965 RE-COMMENDED BUDGNED 9,475 9.475 FURCTION Expenditures go-- items of equipment which have a useful life of move: than one year are classified as capital outlay, Tractor: with loadaT and power takeoff is to replace tractor uhich is completely Wora oat, Truckster is to he used for litter removal and ball field malatenmee. This type of traaspostetion is the least expensive and Best for this type of work. Truck with chap b"- is needed f©z transportation of men: aad materials for Park operations,, as Fgell as golf ezur-se. Ctie -half of the cast will be charged to Golf C®f.4: se. VILLAGE OF EDINA A.NNIAUL BUDGET PAGE 69 Fund Function Area � Act. ESQ. PARK PAS AND REMATIM CAPITAL GMXM I 47.100--5 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Ac&hy. Object Detail I Midget Be��:nrte�e�ed a �wdgeged So Office partitioning Soo Electric type-- riter Q-5 Tractor with loader snow Truckster 16,100 Ladder 200 Pumps for swecVex 300 Blades for shave � too 'truck with dmnp (�) 1,400 Hydraulic sp -myew t 400 Weed MrnMr I 330 Various 220 - - -- . I i L9,.R 220 g :- 5 A2n475 F IF a l F i � gjII VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 70 Fcad ! _ Fa Arm i Aw. No. —� POOR � f nELIEF AND PUBLIC MRSIN � 90.500 _ BUDGETED - -- ESTIMATED 12,125 12,526 LU2,125 12 ,526 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. Ct MMODOTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL. OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 12,625 12,125 FUFCTT'Olq Represents Village cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin Oouatp Nursing. VILLAGE OF EDINA ,ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 71 Fund Fs;!cii.;a _ Area � Acct. No. II � , I GiiPdix ®Its G�APITAL IMM OVEMMS SUMMARY 1964 RUDGEM ESTIMATED - OBJECT $ $ 9. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 110,500 110,500 J� a0, 500 $-L-1-0 y 500 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED 13000ITED $ $ I 105,000 95,000 FUNCTION Represeats egu wnt allocated groin Uquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Improvements GE3TS Represents amuat as proposed by Fzwk Board during 1962 to set up inp ovement schedule approved by Council during the same year, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE Es::icfiscsa Amu� i Aces. No. BODIDS AND IHITEREST SUMMARY _BU€DGiTED ESTIMATED - OBJECT 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED I 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 66,900 65,562 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66,809 3. COMMODITIES Q. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OU'T'LAY TOTALS 66�8�9D. �66A80® COMMENTARY FUNCTUM These fe ads are used to make annual payments on eutse-nnding bonds. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET Function I Area FIRL FROTECTIM _ 1964 _BUDGETED ESTIMATED 10,300 100,094+ SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COINAA410DI TES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY PACE 73 Acct. No. 2a. 160.9 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 1 ®,600 10,600 . FU M ON Represents want or hydrant wental for dire protection paid to watertoTks fund. 810,60® VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Area Aca. No. HRWMi' S RELIEF ASSOUAT10 -1 20.230 -9 SUMMARY 1964 _ 196_5_____ fUDGE 'E® ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED v 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,0€0 5,820 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9t000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES I 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 38600 9 000 5820 TOTALS COMMENTARY Represents the amount the Village contributes for retix it o-E volunteer firemen VILLAGE OF EDINA ANN L BUDGET PAGE 75 Functiaon o. — � j I+.cci. No. COO PPARK 1964 BUDGETED E5TIMA � D 5,130 3.3i sem roR3� SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICS 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY MALS COMMENTAW _ 1965 R5COMMENDED RUDGr -TE5 n 5,,133 &_5,130 5 L,130 FUNC'E! E iepresents Village share of cost of County Park System c ozpaated on the basis of eiShteLna cents per capita.,; VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 Fund Fr'=�ion Agra Acct. No. � REVOLVING CMIMAL SMVICES GUMMAL ' 25'0100 1 SUMMARY BUDGETED 196• ESTIMATED OBJECT 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGET Eta $ I. PERSONAL SERVICES $ � 105,024 107,720 2. CCINTRACTUAL SERVICES 106,108 6,000 5,320 3. C ®MA40DITiES 6,480 4. CEIN s" SERVICE'S 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 111.024.+ 11 `�•OTALS �1�5138 � &11•.888 COMMENTARY traCTION These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephones pension payments, postage, eg7,Apment service contracts, and insurance premlumsa These costs are allocated to operating departments and other fueds monthly, based on usage. CCMENTS Appropriations for this account have increased t1ree. percent (3 %)o Sumary of items contributing to the increase is presented `below. R Amount Telephone 4 460 Equipment service contracts 180 Pension contribution 5,000 M Insurance-Liability and position bond 3;720 egaawlmen's Compensation 300 Hospitalization 864.• Office supplies 4x80 TOTAL _3� 564 VILL�6E OF EDMA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fund Function Area Act. No. MOLVIOG CENi''TR" SERVICES GEMERAL 250108 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �Code Amy Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 2. Telephone $ 7,64.0 9,100 Equipment service contracts 1,320 €,500 Public Employees Retirement Associa- tion Contribution 58,600 632M Postage 4,200 4,200 Insurance: Livability 8,400 4•,680 workmen's ConTi enso- Lion 12,000 12,300 Employee's share - Hospitalization 12 n, 864, 131728 $105,024 $108,108 3. Office supplies 6,000 62480 TOTAL $111,024 '114,588 $11k X588 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATIM DEP ME TS : AA114UAL r IONT LY Mayor and Council .7 3&0- $ 30 Planning 1,308 309 Administration 5,436 4.53 Finance 4,788 399 Assessing 4,212 351 Legal 4:92 41 Public Vorke: Administration 960 6® Engineering 8,016 668 General 17,880 1,490 Police 25,620 2,135 Eire 10,740 895 Public Heulth 1,308 109 Inspections 3,036 253 Village Hall 936 78 Garage 756 63 Equipment Operatleas x.2716 143 $ 7,297 _ a 87,56r� ALLOCATED TO OTHER ODS: $ 456 y 38 Swimming Pool Golf Course 2,844 237 Park 8,088 684+ Wateri-yorks 5,280 440 Liquor -50th Street 2,712 226 Liquor- Scuthdole Server Rental 2 q 676 4,968 27'0 ,24 223 414 2 252 MLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 78 1964 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 7,160 $ 7,133 8,331 9,542 1,813 12635 936 936 4,184 0 $-246L SUMMARY ;t• a ' it '. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES d. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAP17AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGE $ 7,220 10,060 19644 936 e '�tION This account DI.Mvides, for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hall Operating costs axe allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. COMMTS Appropriations fov this account have increased nine percent '(9%).. Summary of itew contributing is the increase is presented below. Am. unt Area Acct. No. WREVOL Y06 CENTRAL SE"ICES VIDE HALL 25.200 1964 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 7,160 $ 7,133 8,331 9,542 1,813 12635 936 936 4,184 0 $-246L SUMMARY ;t• a ' it '. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES d. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAP17AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1965 RECOMMENDED BUDGE $ 7,220 10,060 19644 936 e '�tION This account DI.Mvides, for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hall Operating costs axe allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. COMMTS Appropriations fov this account have increased nine percent '(9%).. Summary of itew contributing is the increase is presented below. Am. unt Sala57ies and +gages 60 Seat 200 Light and power 500 WateE- and sewer 4 ev .7ace 120 Lamdxy 125 Furr ce service 225. Aft conditioning ser -elce 260 'Contract service 250 Other 49 Ccawd itx es i 6 9 TWAL ti 19629 M -AGE OF EDINA AP4NAUL BUDGET PAGE 79 Fir �J Function Area Act. No. MOLV PIG I GE",��T AL SERVICES VILLAGE P.14Iag,, 25.200 LEXs ENDI$'URE DZETAIL codel Ata _ Object Detdaiii Peesest Budget Recofigmended Budgeted 1. Custodian ($4.60) $ 4,860 $ 5,520 Eutra. help ,Md overtime 1,400 800 Public Works 900 900 $ 7,160 $ 7,220 2. Heat $ 139€30 $ 20100 Light and per* I 3,900 f"400 � Water and sezmr service 120 240 Insurance 246 295 Rubbish service 200 200 , Laundry se-z-vice 340 465 i Furnace service 175 400 � Air conditioning service 200 460 Contract service 1250 S 8,331 1.50® $ 10,060 3„ Cleaning supplies $ 600 $ 600 Paper towels 220 200 i General supplies 150 350 Repair parts and hvxdware 150 100 ' Carpenter materials and part 350 300 Replacement- light bulbs 343 294 $$ 1,813.3 1964,4- 4. General 936 936 TOTS $18m240 S 9�8 19 860 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGET PAGE 80 Fund Fanction Area Act. No. MOLVIgG CWNI AL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25°200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity -- - -- -- Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION . ALLOCATED TO OPERMIM DEP MTS s AMWAL NONZ.1my Mayor and Council $ 1,320 $ Platming 300 25 Administration 3,300 275 Finance 1,€ 20 85 Assessing 320 60 Engineering 1,320 110 Police 3,360 280 Fire 3,060 255 Public Health 240 20 Inspection 240 SO i Sb4,880 $ 1,240 ALLOCATED TO OTIRM EUNDS A qD AGENCIES: Park $ 1,020 $ 85 Waterworks 480 69 Sewer Rental 300 25 {�{ Hennepin County Quft 3J80 4.,980 265 415 I TOTAL _-$19,860 1655 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 81 Fund run- 2ee:1 Area Acct. No. i :2NV 0I.V1FG 010YnkAL SERVICES G,APACE 25,300 SUMMARY 1964 BUDGETED - ESTWATED OBJECT _ A965 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1,200 $ 29991 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 3,903 $ 6,575 100051 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,616 219300 4 Insuvance 265 Contract Work 1,297 1.,991 3. COMMODITIES 1x700 600 600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 756 300 Ce rtaal services 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOEAL *-9.- 6._ 2.-- j". -- - TOTALS $.972 $ 15 A972 COMMENTARY Fw=zom The function of the -gegage is to pgovide a shelter for equipmant waistenance operations, stockrocal, aad office area for public works personnel. CAS Appropriations for this account have increased sixty -five percent (65 %). Spry of items eoatrlbatIng to the increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages. $2,700 Heat 1,500 Light and power 219300 4 Insuvance 265 Contract Work 1,000 i Rubbish Handling 360 Swex and Water service 146 Cieming supplies 103 Light bulb replacement 300 Ce rtaal services 156 TOEAL 6 30A VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL. BUDGET PAGE 82 �= E:6mc�ios� Area Act. Na. Ft&�OLClIXG C S AL SERVICES GA gaF 25.300 I EXPENDITURE DETAIL Codel Ac&My Object I Detail � pment Budpt � Recommended a�dsd I Budgeted I& Custodian PT. S 1,200 $ 2 "7(30 Payroll 1,209. $ 1,200 o Heat $ 39,400 $ l"'900 Light and pate 1 "700 4,COO Insurance 475 2�1 Contract 'Rnvk 1"099 Hubbisb hauMlE g 360 Serer and water se --vice 146 6,575 9:161-6 3. Cleaning supplies $ 297 41 449 General supplies" hardware and 1 I ;repair paxta 1,000 1 "000 Light bulb veplace- meat 300 k General 600 756 TOTAL $ 9,672 15 972 °,15,972 DISTRIBUTICU i $ t3r,..c��ED TO OPEW !G DEP STS o AMUAL NOT-ELY `7 AO Health $ 120 Engineering 120 10 1 Public Works 1 ®200 100 1 Equipment Operation z 948 1 079 $14,388 $1,199 " LWATED TO MUM EDS a 1 Park $ 1.320 $ 110 ' wategwarks 120 10 Sewer Rental 144 1P. 3 132 $ 3.z584 TOTAL _15e,972 . 331 9 BSI V E OF EMNA I PANNPAL BUDGET lrasmfloaa Q-?±: .T 'wA.L Savic -e8 SUMMARY PAGE 83 Area dicer. No. EQ)VA TIMMT OFERATT 25.40-1 5 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED S 23,752 2 26o ;7Y., S S. PERSOINAL SERVICES S S 34 ®688 $ 15,34A 1 14,274 2 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 14a,400 5o, -00 4 4gyq't�3 3 3. Cf}MODMES 5 52,600 50.100 S Saw - -4.-. CENTRAL SERIMES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS I-16,352 136.352 WI9Ei ITARY --. This account prcr-ldes for operation a -ad maintenance of all vehicles, mninteaance, equipment, and pow=er tools. Gusts of equipment operation are e'a =geed to operating departments and othex funds on the basis of uscm Sapp OP iatgons for this acce-o-untc bane Ineveased twentyethrce pesce~t (23 %)o 8mm=y of items coat ibuleing to the - 1314os: ease is pzesented beta u. Amomat 8nia�" +es and :ages sm'936 Bas -ko 390 Goat meted aepa-.irs 1,300 kteplacemcnt of tools 50 BtQc�-- sultez. leis 1,,700 Welding supplies 250 Gasoline and faei oil e-"500 k1bricants 500 Ties and tubes 500 Accessories and pa- is 2,000 CAMal services TgTHY, 22 �0.5_.6...�. Vill -AGE OF F-DINA AKINAUL BUDGET PAGE 84 5• i Fuzci os� Area Act. No � Budget V Ui lla SERVlCEES EQUIPMENT d PERATICV, 25.400 EXPE lNTURE DETAIL Code - - -- = object � Detail � Budget V R`wmmeflder� Budgeted 1e echanic foxemm, I $ 6,816 7,200 °echanic 6,816 69,984 exvicamao. (Might) 5,820 6 ®3319 eavicn �o1f 6,180 aysrolttl(Publie ks) 2,8Cfi3� ®, t. "000 e+�.•i ime _ A 9.89Ji� 994 $23,752 340,688 f 2, Radio Serviac 3,310 31700 1 j Laundry 700 700 ontracted uepaius 6,300 %wa Insurance 5.034 $15,344 SAM 3., epiacemeuti: of tools ? X50 � l�� materials 1,800 3,M s Otock elding supplies 750 10000 as ®�iuv aVA fuel isi" 2.5,5€0 18 "008 , j a-abxicants j 2,130 2,600 Tires and tubes 1 6,000 5,300 j Accessories aw. panc 23,000 Ij M,100 52D600 j4. Generai $ 1,728 Garage 3,372 12 948 5.100 GipMg42116n3S2 41162352 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNAUL BUDGE' PAGE 85 I� Fund � Function Area Act. No. I PIZVOMM I �:+` fl� 5 CisS qtuI 1`� OP TIQkir9 2504� E:tri NDITURE DETAIL Cade Activay ®Kett ---- -�—�– Det ®ii - Present Budget Recommended Budgeted — - .TYfi4s6D.R D TO OPERMIP 873:[7[ ITS. - ANNUAL MONMY, Administration 480 � �0 Assessing 300 25 Engineering 3 ,.840 3240 Public Works: Supervision and Overhead 480 40 I I Street 111alutew. a 41,640 35470 ` stre" '�480 40 ida Si 1,320 110 Traffic Control � 3,192 266 � Bridges 480 40 Store: Drainage 2"760 230 village Pr :pert, es 3 "600 390 I Police 18,000 1,500 Fire 5 "160 630 Insertions 960 80 � 82,692 ,891 4 i g CATED TO OTIM z D33 l 5: -Mming Pool f $ 720 60 Golf -Course I 9,900 625 Parks 11,040 920 Waterworks 3,960 330 i Sewer Reatal 2,940 245 j Construction (Lass ssed r:ojects) 5 100 42 i j 33.660 2.� TOTAL X116,352 $9R69� i