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1966 Annual Budget
I w ssv Ij t � t TABLE Or& GLK-IEENICS SCUMULF", OF Y XNIHIMU SALARIES, SIP ams Schedule oi Mia-Ifivu-Iff" 1 Budzeir, Ordinance Su-iz. m,ary "I m Revenues by -Pund and Source V 1w -VII sul-im= ry 17r. Expenditures by Fund and 71'141-ix DRITAILS e. ti. e r n e,:, n r; % C., r E Village Coulac."I rg zz & 6 Fin.anea Blecuilan 9-10 Assessing '11-12 Legal and Court SeKvices 13-1.4 Library 15-16 Pub lia 'Voykz Administration 1-1-18 Z-ngiazserir-� 19-20 Supervisio-a atnd C'Nva: olhead 21-22 Stveez Street Street dame Sivas Traffic Qov-t-rol 31-32 BrLdses 33, -34 Storm Draivage 35-36 Village lftopaztiles 37-38 Capital Outlay 31". -4 0 Proi.eation o:Z -Persons and Property Fi,;Ce Protection 46-45 Civilian Tye£cnse Public Flea -0 t'll 48.14,69 Anim! Go-atzo-c 50 lnspeatio-).-�s 51-52 Conzim-eacias 53 settlemer-t. of Suits Specia! on Villaoe Pi'opfarty 55 %-,,eatral c5c—'a, viees P. i !"a I Cuthly J 56-57 (,lapir.al 58 Park and Admiaistration Recreatie'a Program :Pprh Mainzen-ranne 64-65-66 Capital Gutlay TABLE (F' CONT S .COOT' D o Other Tai: Supported Expenditures, Relief and Public Nursing 70 Park Construction- Capital Improvements 71 Bonds sad Interest 72 Fire Protection 73 Firemen's Relief dissociation. 74 Hennepin County Park Reserve District' 75 Central Services General 76-77 Village Hall 78 -79 -80 Garage 81-82 8quipmaut Ope?ation 83 -84 -85 (A) -1/2 of increase-- January 1; 1/2 of increase --July 1. PAGE I VILLAGR OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF X XIMI SALARIES AND WAGES FOR S YEAR 1966 GENERAL AD INISTRAT.ION PER MTH Director of Finance and Treasurer $10125 Assessor 923 Deputy Assessor 625 Clerk 425 Administrative Assistant 650 (A) Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial: Clerical 1 (5) 365 Clerical 11 (6) 415 Clerical 111 (3) 465 Clerical IV (2) 515 Legal Prosec4ting Attorney Soo Planning Technician. 650 Accountant-auditor Soo PUBLIC &WETY POLIC FP- Director of Public Safety & Police Chief 1,125 Captains (2) 727 ' Srwgeants (5) 677 Detectives (3) 652 Pattrolmn 3 years service 627 2 years service 607 1 year service 587 t First Year 537 Dispatchers -Desk Clerks (Monthly) 430 Dispetebers -Desk Clerks (Hourly) 2+ VU- DIRE Chief 772 Assistant Chiefs 727 Lieutenants 677 _ Firemen 3 years service 627-- 2 years service 6 -1- 30' 1 year service 7 First Year 537• Volunteers $5.00 per call up to 2 hours, and $3000 per Dro thereafter. $2,65 per drills *Of the total compensation for members of the Police Depart:mant: $30.00 a month shall be considered as payme at for taking at least 30 hours off -duty training from the Fire Departr =t in fine fighting techniques, for aiding in the extingaishing of Scares atad for qualifying foi Red Cross first aid certificates. **$30.00 per mouth of the comp@ncation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for suc*a cuties outside nr:orwal firemn's duties as may be assigned by the village Manager. y **' Oft -duty police and paid firemen arespondiug t o calls and drills shall be paid the sam as volunteers. (A) -1/2 of increase-- January 1; 1/2 of increase --July 1. PAGE 11 Schedule of Salaries and Wages (continued) ELECTION PER XONTH Judges and Clerks $1.25 per Hr. Chairmen 2.00 addl. PARRS AND RECREPMON Director $ 840 (A) Program Supervisor 710 (A) Pool Manager (s) 465 Assistant Pool Manager (s) 415 Concession Manager (s) 1.73 per Hr. Pool Cashier (a) 1.35 °0 Bathhouse - Concession Attendant (s) 1.00 swimming instructor (s) 2.15 11 Life Guards (s) 2.05 " Maintenance (s) 1.60 Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) 415 pet mouth Baseball Assistants (a) 1.60 per Hr. Hockey Coaches (s) 1.90 t1 Rink Attendants (s) 1050 Playground Leaders (s) 2.00 17 Skating - Skiing Instructors (s) 5.00 Inst. Class Park Keeper - It 538 per month Park Keeper - 1 487 Golf Manager -Pro 625 Golf Course Superintendent 650 Golf Course Rangers, Starters, shiers, Lunch Counter Clarks 2.00 per Hr. LIQUOR STOUS Manager $950 Assistant Managers 625 Clerks - Regular 2.60 per Clacks ® Part Tfte 2.20 11 (s) W Seasonal (A) - First 1/2 of increase January 1; Second 1/2 July 1. INSPECTORS Plumbing n g $650 Building 675 (A) HEALTH Health Officer 25 Sanitarian. 8 ®0 PUBLIC WORKS AND WGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering. 1,125 Civil Engineer 850 (A) Chief Eaginetwing Aide 725 Fagiianeering Aide IV 640 Engineering- Aide .III- — - - -- - - -- — - - - — - - - -575- -- - - - -- Engineering-Aide II 525 Engineering Aide 1 425# PAGE III Schedule of Salaries aad wages (Continued) PUBLIC WORKS AND MWIIQEEBj.KG CEI:v"iIffifflU. PER MOUTH Superintendent, Public Works $850 Superinteudent, dater 775 Foreman, - (Street, sewer, Eater, parks and mechanic) 675 Office Clerk 505 Heavy Equipment Operators 605 Light Equipment Opt--ators 538 maintenance Man 487 The following minimum rates shall .be paid: Heavy Equ£psmt Operators - $555 mnthly for Utot 3F.ors than the first si.r Months' service. Light Equipwmt Operators - 0505 monthly for not more than the first sin months' service. Maintenance Was - $400 monthly for not more than the fb :at three months' service, and $425 monthly during the fourth, fifth and sixth zDnths of service. Mechanic 605 Mechanic Helper Janitor 500 (A) Saar -Water Utility Nan 538 - Starting rates may be 20% less for the first three months of service aa4 10% less for the second three months. I trxE IF! ra'�L 1 "y /VG �A;�J :y:�S:�+SrASy�dl� .�.�.�RG.R Lk. #� -S UYLA-+E�.0J.?? �,Sei�� n�,��yyslb -] a:'�L- liat�°'.t yd71':� ."...✓66, 1IN' D di�7 �ti?S7 n•: .S.L�.ti.iu r }.""ti's LEVY r0a EE 11% 1965 PAt-6BLL XF 1966 9 MLLE CWNUL G "anH3 u3 Ej ERIN -A, l NNES"A, II0n GIMAIS AS POLLGiS a .ctlon 10 The Budget for the Village of Efflza for the calendar year 1966 is hereby A4Wkad as he'elaaf€= ae4. .Coxf:h,- and :Ftmds Lave hawa by approp�ial4ed therefarg Mayor and Ccu =J1 Aamins strati ®n Pinaace Assessing . Legal and CaaLTI: Sevvices Library Election Planning PURUC WORKS Administration Enginesvig8 Highways TOTAL C-CUERTI.-KHT TOTAL PUBLIC WMES PROIT ACTION OF FERSONa AND P OREIr y P�lQao� Fire Public Health Animal caatwol Inspection TOTAL.. PROTECTION f�'-' PE (RiS AND PrIerlil-my imimp -o n-u-ES Contingencies settlerwat of Suits Special Anse -sment s on Village prora ty Unallocated capital Outlay. Capital Improvemmks TOTAL NISCELIT 1WROUS 6w- r.- CGUT a L:GRE'CIES P. Saar - vision cn8 Gvmhead Rezre a- ela a Naintenanaa Capital outlay TOTAL P&MR -7 p � 9BS00 51,�8Cm 53,G75 33, "O3 3,0 9 ®2a 162630 16,520 108,700 435 s (SRS 015,751 159,126 36516 17,718 13915; 38¢550 — 9,29' Soo 30'0,0 9,114 N? A 000 6 239,157 560, 235 5{,7,821 98 907 _ 0,,446,120 A 4'3,183 41,075 70,042 �n�5® 163„350 7 .:ioaa 2. . Estimated Fc ceipts other than General Teti Levy are hereby established as C0wWL EMEND Village hare -State Liquor and Cigarati : W'azes 0112s 3W Licenses and pets 71,280 9unicipal Cart SO,m Departmental 8evvice Cha::ges .1370650 Other 39,100 Transfer t-tem Liquor Fund 70,700 State Appertiommmats-Righways 300670 TOTAL GENERAL i UM 511.748 PARK FUND ?ran s €et Unapptoptiated surplus 1,000 Regis+tr'ation Fees 22,000 Other 750 Transfer ftam Gev=al Fuad 6-e TOTAL PAnK F 9 88 fl 0)50 PAB,R CCUSIMOTIOM Ell T ranafer fxam "ne ral Fund 87,03Qt3 07AAL ESTINAT&D ARMpTS _j686 Swtlon 3. That, $hate be aad hereby is lamed upon all tanable real asxad personal ,vcpsrt in the Village of 3dim, a tam rate sufficient, to produce the amp s 'Oreina €t:er set forth, For the Gent al Fumd For the Park Fund For the Poor lid For the Firm's Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and laterest: For Hennepin County Park Reserve District ` UTAL _ect;ion 4. This ur&nance shall be in effext Zzma and after its adeptio- -n and publicatien aaamed£ng to law. adapted this 29th day of Septembe.x, 1965 .MST: .,�.�.�Si edl Flogeace B. Hallberg _ 934,372 75,300 12,125 3,800 11,300 67,700 4.275 41,1038 2,872 (Sigezc�d� th Od 0redesent Jre _ MAYOR a f M, RIM IL FUZD Real and peroGnal pZopewty Other Tames: 1ztarest, penalties and fozfcited ?an ^ales DIWrtgag -s B.e8isf;TV Bank (=cise Licenses and pexe.tss Bicycle Seer and licta= ! Cigarette Dog and i€tpmmding :Secs Food and soft drinks Gas pins, tanlsz, burning ` permits, etc. Bowling, tani, pinball., etc. i Plumbing Wollecto?;s Building 4 Cesspool and tower P1umbieg Signs Street Opeal Milk plant Heating ead ventilating Engineering, clerical and oea2ahes Police card fire ae^&Vice Equipment Tenta4 3 M %n icipax co-art {.ST.-Cs' Stage Highway Tan State Liquo- as d eigrwette P'sainning fees Charges to £1i E"Ger' guz-as e Contributions f-:em active f Winds LN-IGIE, VI %?Y -31W x 347 FWD PAM M0' $731 ©097 $768,099 $855,100 43536668 $9349372 I4 j982 $ 13^2 $ -15,000 16,816 15,53530 20,163 17,569 1500530 15,762 16,000 x,627 2.669 21250 2. 2.600 37,772 A. 330880 ` 32,250 36998 33,600 483 tit 8,5916 $ 1,250 i 2,220 $ 2,000 1,555 1$555 1,555 1,Sao 1,570 720 Vs0 780 737 735 4,745 6,255 4,804➢ 5,692 5,400 2,4-05 3,310 2,905 39395 3,150 M 410 775 765 700 2,932 2,863 2,810 2oS82 2,745 2,750 3,000 2,475 295co 2,525 470 495 390 655 405 $5,311 29,671 16,000 28,263 28,000 3,269 e6,191 3,500 3,310 3,300 7,905 13,542 7L500 13®1S8 10,000 3D449 3®787 3,200 3,.,481 3© 766 1,120 E00 350 350 1, 100 - 7^0 - - 7,1000 $ 43,365 $ 79,923 0 55,540 � 63,a�8 4 71,280 96,24A, 1301058 100,= 1343,79 110,000 6,009 e;a990 10,()r9 10,5Wa 10'GOO Fs, ,7gr 7,053 2,5€ 0 20800 2,500 41,117 59,882 26,0GO 289b,75 50"000 22,4688 25,995 23,800 26,900 10,670 86,638 85,218 91,997 92 ®357 112"34-8 7673 10291 750 938 750 10,320 1 ®,320 123470 12,420 14,.00 211,9Z5 23a;500 230,000 230yQW 222,000 rsr,t. r� V 11 P. Other miscellanwas revenue Reserve for aneutbrwraes TransfeTsmunapprcpriated swzgle s TOM GEMEAL MD P ARK FUND Baal and paTsonal rpramcrty tats Registration fags- wing and activ.tias Transfer from active fund Transfer fry+ uvappropsiated sITPlUS Unclassified Transfer foram e$m far encuipbramas TOTAL PARK FUND 90919 9,618 4,300 60211 5,000 5 36 7,50 2m 41,517,137 01,299,688 01,295,491, $1,3530832 0 446,120 659614 68,433 72,NO :3 710712 ? 75,300 19 a 2 19,767 239000 210816 22,000, 37,663 196 3 58,066 196" -A 1065 1965 log GENERAL lo we 1,000 1021 582 75€3 186 Less t;Waa fed €© Yzaaid 3 tGA.0 10,609 49,069 58,066 $ 58,066 K� ,31,9 Loss t axisfa to Park Reserve District � Ocnstruation F= .d 86,915 a 4,275 1 z€�, 509 95,000 63 2979 871000 - - 613 S00 I 67,340 R, 75 ?5,93. 7609M, $ 76,934 70,700 PROPERTY TAX MUMES 63,361 $ 86 112 $ 86,3.x€3 0 $ Sale and rep:lal of P=Pert,y $ 530 934 $ $00 7r,035 $ 5o9 Other miscellanwas revenue Reserve for aneutbrwraes TransfeTsmunapprcpriated swzgle s TOM GEMEAL MD P ARK FUND Baal and paTsonal rpramcrty tats Registration fags- wing and activ.tias Transfer from active fund Transfer fry+ uvappropsiated sITPlUS Unclassified Transfer foram e$m far encuipbramas TOTAL PARK FUND 90919 9,618 4,300 60211 5,000 5 36 7,50 2m 41,517,137 01,299,688 01,295,491, $1,3530832 0 446,120 659614 68,433 72,NO :3 710712 ? 75,300 19 a 2 19,767 239000 210816 22,000, 37,663 496069 58,066 58v@66 66,306 129000 5,,200 3,0 €3 lo we 1,000 1021 582 75€3 186 750 3,500 135,950 1 166,531 $ 156,816 S 1"56,078 S 153,350 POOR FWD Real and personal proyert7 an _ -- 536 12,233 12 125,2- II &8,82 4 121,125 - TOTAL POOP F $ ZO 10,536 12,233 $ 12,125 $ 11,862 r 12,125 PARK CMSTRUMIK s ON FUM Transfer fran active fund ���9x5 � 11�#A50�D � 95n09a � 95n63Q0 $ BZ'n00� _ TOTAL CONASTMGXIMI FWD $ 86,915 $ 110,500 $ 95,,000 $ 95,000 $ 87,000 OTHER REAL JAIM FEMMALS PROPERTY TAX M-ME U 8 Firemen's 9,€3:1 9,198 $ 3,600 $ 3,528 $ 3,8GG Fire protection 9,061 103534 10,609 100,368 11,300 Hennepin- County Park Reserve District � 5,130 5,130 4,275 Bonds and interests _ 63 2979 66 380 613 S00 e55ats66 67.700 TOTAL GrKM MAL L-A17D PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MUMES 63,361 $ 86 112 $ 86,3.x€3 0 $ 873075 ALL FLUDS $1 313,-99 £`1F655 0- vl 643 152 al 6w $fl, 9566a3 ._. - - �( 3�..�1�. u'Sx ',`,�.ftii� ��Ai i� 3 f: =T':: �'��+`"tK;! L'+`uF.7F.•'r� �?�P C:- EIZ-4ZF.hL FUND General covey= *ntt Mayor and Council Planning Adaini3rc.aatioa a i =aze Election Assessing Legal and OcuTt sez"Ices Library TOTAL GMT-RIAL GOVEM MEN Public Works Admi ni s u7atioa Engineering Supervision and Overhead Street Fdainzaaance Sheet Lighting Street Name Signs n affic Control Bridges Storm Drainage Village 1�?--oge'zties Capital Outl=ay TOIL PUB3 -0 WiOM Protection of perseas and Property: police b ire Civilian OeVen- 82 Public Health Animal Control Inspection TOTAL FROTECTMI op MI-SONS AiD 2 IM1' 'X 7 SMOV %V F-I F41199 VIM $ 10,093 9,963 14130177 9,930 153,116 9,730 3,312 9,800 77,833 12,965 14,168 12,755 160231 129531 17,7 "s8 16,630 57"gm 60,892 13,138 5901 " *. 21- n716 57,592 -1A T � 590500 36,598 38,m 38,744, 384'4'13 51,7643 4,494 9,24-40 81,809 41,211 {6�,92l!1 35,516 ,p1,04602 ` 3,,7!4 43*059 539675 45,923 56,833 17,675 23.,5 3 33,503 3 036 2 208 3 A 781 3.560 5,1025 , $ 204,397 $ 227,34.3 $ 190,257 r 1300862 $ 239,157 $ 13,058) 125,409 $ 15,071 $ 13,861 $ 10,52, 91,9x5) 92,181 110,296 108,7co 47,360 52,682 54•,915 56,554 56,401 179,756 870,660 217,301 2219W'1 218,026 40,570 44,634 44,480 46,757 49,4 5,703 7,6.52 8,020 75, 365 8,520 16,891 16,394 22,992 21,074-, 22,292 763 2,970 4,4330 6,4'At 11,016 13,578 13,956 04,810 26,072 19,7643 13.y 60[3 3 3 2, 2213 5E0+� 180w 2p5� 0 5�f20 r1��, 22 -86 120 �2s0, p3� 22,43543 25 .8 24•a000 _ 453,930 $ 473,397 $ 517,000 $ 556,553 $ 560,235 $ 230,663 $ 263,303 $ 287,037 $ 291,380 $ 315,757 118;,48€1 139,320 14130177 m,7oM1 153,116 4,859 3,312 2,261 1$728. 3,57,6 14,168 14 ,t 744 160231 16.,119 17,7 "s8 5,752 13,513 13,1%, 13,138 13,154 21- n716 23.643 -1A T � g(,i 086 38,550 $ 395,629 $ 457 98eaf3 S 483,629 $ 495,492 $ 547,821 I °s t ���?�a a�€3�i63 ��nts�Ld� .m ��63� 19�s X465 19�i5 1966 Oontinaencies $ 17,743 8061$ 10,000 S 119390 $ 9,297 Settlement of suits 558 42 5 ®0 450 500 Special Aasess%,cnts on Village ftepaty 2;.,$50 29,851• 29,000 289802 30y000 Unallocated Capital Cut Iay :-;,Co8 5,170 1447€15 14,541 9,110 Capital i.��roveman�s 330,333 t -3995i 50,000 50 :@80 50,0,00 Central Services- UP- ad located 2, 94- 12,:53 8„684 TOTAL W-DEPAMMUL a MEN DI �i S 5 379 10 00+ 1 1 1Q�:•�205 � �?3�867�S 98r,9L DOTAL 0."IMNE�01, a`MMI $1,433,132 X1,264,581 $1,295,091 S193560M $1,446,120 2121M FUND Administration $ 32,661 tiro 339725 40,713 419677 $ 43,183 Recreation 37,660 350653 a,no 390375 41,075 Ua intenanee 51,703 58,856 63,278 62.7266 70,842 Capital Outlay 11,886 13,8 9.475 a�a12 C 3n250 TUJIM PaR% MU $ 133,910 14,6:068 154,816 1520595 $ 163,350 PM FUMD 11,952 12,141 12,125 11,882 1-4,125 R E PAM O :STRUCIlOT-1 w. 96,915 110,500 95,069 959000 87,000 a GTOR TAX SUPPM&D ExpWD1TURTIES Da-r1 s and In ;exast s Improvement. M_snd $ Leaf A ?.Q,.123 $ 10"wo $ 10 ®392 $ 10,600 Park Sinking Fume, .$ 35�218 5-6,,,257 56,400 ,55, 272 57�3�b0 45,279 66c380 $ 66,800 $ 650464 $ 670700 Fire Protestien 9s0£l 100534 10,600 109m 11,:00 Firem=18 Relief Association 9,v i 90198 3,600 39528 3,800 Hennepin Gomgy Part; Reserver- District 5.130 5,83- 4.275 TOTAL CUM TAX SUPPORTED LXP MiTms b35361 p 86,?i2 Y 85,,30 8�P,5163 S? 075 MAL ALL PUMPS S'y 7 29e ? ? ®_$1. - -- 619,1.02 $1,61�3p3.62_ - 14�€076fl $ir795�,67� s I °s t �;Ind I F, 1,7, 12 P., -� L I GMNIMA:,� € s! I '. P, "'ARIUAL BUDGE"I" SUA,41AAFN Acci. No. 21.100 106 U DGI MD EST, I MATE D 0 9j X-C RE-CO MWEN DED 26,66 IUDGITED 7:,20rj 7, 260 1. PERSONAL SE-11DIECES 1? 71200 2. CONTRACTUAL SUMCES 850 3. COMMODITIES 800 4. CEME .\.L SEPMUS M 1.,800 S.- CANTALOUT Y 9 11 9 9800 CCAANA.E-NTARY W The Village Council ae-inatitutes, the legisla�Ave or pollay-rdaung division of Edina Village Govexemmag. The Ccuaail is composed of the Mayor a-ad Rvaz ��steear, all elected at large for overlapping terms og x.14® c-vzd three yea e, IIS X Or ia Lhe ofjEicial head of Village Govarum—.;mot and is the presid-IMS officee at Council wieetingG. The a-uncil meets On the ;Hxot, C.-ad thiza Mondays of eazah ,m;on-th at the Vil?-age Halt° summagy oi: -Stems ccms,-;t*Ibutinn to the 6ecresse In app�:cpziatiazs is pimaented � ) Al G' FE, u Eli ?E� i � "u ?id?'S�e� ! .r o`;.st^� I t�d�`. Z4✓'. G el Fl-li PE *-I'- e-VE MID C-10-0-17ML 21. Ma EXPENONUIRE. pli-E'll'AHL Aoihvi —F myor 200 X7,2oo 3. 00 i 400 Na-via lotteKs I 4. I g-mora 1 3(50 360 !Wllage Ila 11 MAYM, Ai-fo { i j + I I 9 3�0 I 1 I f s cil`SEAiY A i 0 BUDGETED 1965 ESTIMIA75F OBJECT 4C:.,Zi'7�..... I G241x4MAL G °Z'Yal t.Z NY'ME, I Fi La: E1Fd�Y �eii�rT i G� O Lai cil`SEAiY A i 0 BUDGETED 1965 ESTIMIA75F OBJECT PIECOY"AME�N DED 1966 BUDGETED d %S 10,0$0 90895 1. PERSMMIAL SERVICES 10,3509 1 852 860 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I 3.,930 (! 215 168 3. COMMODITIES 325 1,608 1, 608 4. CEIvc ;€FAQ SEMCES 1' 9809 5. CAMAQ Oil' UVY 63 12,755 q 12.532, .. OTAtLS 6c,630 16.630 COMNAEMITAU Mr=I(M The function of the Plnzning Departmdnt is to provide staff service to the Village Council, Planning Comission,, to other Village departments, and nee the Village Nanager, and to a limited degree to othex agencies both public; and pxlvate, whose activities influeace the physical development of the Village of 1idina o Staff services include office operations, the a dm.intat nation of the various land use and devalopmeat ozdInanaes, submission of reccmandations an tmatt ers of zonong and subdivisions beZo e the Council and FlamAng Canmis ion; and the pmparation and revim? of overall development plans. MM -w-'s ftuposed expeitdituZer for this aceount ale thirty percent (30 %) hiejaaw than. ! ete 1965 bzdget,o 8um.,maxy of the items contrabut ing to the inereaise ie preseated �i,^ac2so Amount; SaInvies and wages $ � 270 con4'ercnces a:ad schools Due.- and subscriptions 109 iieage W5 Frogesssional service-9 2 ©75g-' Weeit r ng expense 420 Books and pamphlets 40 FrIneing 1:0 Central services 372 Capital Outlay 65 TOT-41, . 3 _8�- 75 Special studies of thzez areas, Northeast cobaer of Village; Tracy and ftosstoon Enterchange; and o-AgIP"al business dwst:rlcQ. RMENENTUM-F D"ErAl, Au!pu PL , .40-MUNG A Ho 21. UO vllbje.a Di $ Seareeey (113) I 1,600 lypist (1/3) SWING — $ I 0:� 50 j i I � 2" Cangerence znuiO schoo, �l 3 7 MG DvieG a-ad subscrip-t-10A 1,7,0 130 -m i I e e 75 ► 250 3,000 i ivieetiag expense 852 & " :PS910 3. I Books aiZd pzmphlets I $ 115 $ 75 FIr inting 100 I 250 A 215 $ 325 o Cnera 13 ,a 1,500 Villaae H a 11 5q lFile cabinet 6 1 I I I , j i I � i I f � � I � 1 TOTAL KPLAHNING i i � I I I � � 1 I � $16,630 , i i Fund f arms -ka Area Accf. Wo. GERM" GEN RA'L. GOVERF14 NT AWN1STRATION 21.200 SUMMARY I WAFTED 1965 ESTIi TED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1966 BUDGETED $ 45,030 $42,823 9. PERSONAL SERVICES 44,1460 $ 439860 49545 5,282 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,810 50810 ISO 146 3• COMMODITIES 150 1S0 9,1216 9,216 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 9,180 9,180 197 125 S. OAPITAL OUTLAY 500 500 S90 138 $57,592 TOTALS COMMENTARY The managenent of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local lams and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the 0illage Manager. This account provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to properly image the administrative organization needed to implamnt his responsibility. CAS Proposed expenditures for this account are two percent (2%) higher than the 1965 budget. Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. W LADE OF EDINA ANNUAL QUDSE T PAgE 6 Fund Faraction i Area Act. No. GESERAL GWOUIT, GO EPMEN I ADMINISTRATION 21.200 EXPENDITURE DERAIL Cade Activity Object Detail Pres en � Recommended � Budgeted 1. Ranager $18,000 $19,200 $190200 Administrative Assistant 79200 7,650(3* ) 7,650(A) illage Clock 7,800 5, 1010 5,010 ecretary 4,800 5,010 50010 BX Operator 3,960 4,260 40260 Jerk (�) 2,070 2,110 2,130 -ummer help and overtirm 1 20Q 1,200 600 $45,030 $44,460 $430860 2. �anferences atd f schools 495 $ 560 I I aces and subsawlption3 850 I 25050 ega? advertising 3,200 3.200 $ 4,545 $ 5,81(4 $ 5,810 3. Printing i $ 100 100 oalss and pamphlets 50 50 $ 150 $ 1563 $ 150 4., General $ 5,436 $ 5,.580 Village Fall 3,300 3x120 quipment operation 4€30 480 $ 98216 $ 9,180 $ 9,180 5. File cabinets $ 197 Auto replacelnant 500 5680 MEAL AF>MIS3XAT101.4 $59,138 $60,100, -59,500 (A) $25 January liand $ 5 July 3 ! FmCaN c CE F—RAL C."MIE ,iEN"T Arc FINANCE 2 .210 BUDGETED _ r C MER AL 430,034 FmCaN c CE F—RAL C."MIE ,iEN"T Arc FINANCE 2 .210 BUDGETED ESTIPATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED SUDGr. ED 430,034 $29,917 E. PERSONAL SERIMCES $ 33,270 $ 32,670 2e,656 2,693 2. WNTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,000 3,000 50 25 :1. �� y #gRi��Y�"$ "rid so 5,808 5,808 CENTPAL 6,060 6."060 i � . C'U" AL OUP LAY 10,000 10,000 CONUIAMINITAKY "YUi T I4N `i'he Finance Depart at is responsible fcm- the fi:awucial affairs of the Village„ Al .Tevenue and enpandituym, transactions are controlled by the Firm ee Dapen ent. A centralized eysmm or pmrchasinz is maintsinetL Financial statements and mports are prep€ Ted and ismsued by the Finance epsz ta. ng o Proposed e-apendlitioee„ ger this account aze thirty -five pmmment (35 %) higher them the 1965 bmdgee. The principal reason uor the increase is the pvavi.oion 90,x a new accounting 3,ystem. S8l=les and wages 3,240* Coafe :eaobs and sc:: ools 144 Centrak services 2�v5p2 Capleol6. Outlay AIL 000 MAL `One_fo,,arth of east of InteTual auditor, tke balance to be charged equaUy to Liquor stores., Park operzating departments and Public Works. V KLL a G s, QJ; SDIi,IA ANNUAL BUBSEs PAGE 8 r Fmnd Fuse an ®�'exb 3 Act. No. i i t-. FEM & L CL�OA GOVE Ct'MT �Il���iC�— 21.210 -- EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Active' ®�'exb 3 Detail Present Recoaa mended andoetad 1. 3:inauce Direator $12,750 $13,M $13,200 Bookkeeper '_ 5,400 56580 5,580 Secretary 53400 b6580. 5,580 Cashier 4,230 4,640 4,lw/0 ! Payroll Clerk (Zg 20250 2, 370 23370 Internal Auditor ��� x,503 � 1.5 I $300030 $33a270 432,67E ! 2. Can-fereences and ( schools $ 316 $ 460 dazes and subscrip- tions Annual audit 215430 2.50 4 2,856 $ 3,000 _ $ 3rOGO 3. Books and pamphlets 50 I 50 50 4. General $ 4,788 $ 4,860 Village Hall 1.020 2€30 $ 5,808 $ 6a060 ,$ 6,060 5. Accounting System with various means of imput and high speed Computation (1 /3) ?£3,4 10 ( I TOTAL FINANCE,* j $38 4 52 380 $51 780 I ! V'H7' } V- , - v `- i1!".° t 1. >Fa ° x B� FD Sir' Wi",a�:�E'hti -va'. 3�i'S E�.�d96�7i� ���i�tiC��AS 5� �'y:9 $ { Fuil, -': - -Ii c�Qe^Sa !SCg0.. MG. Glkl�.'.SRALe ��.+�ff .yp� 7�'i��?au��y?.^n 17 �� r:; � "F MMIR IT _ I ELECTION SR.a M4ll AIRY 1965 -- - 1966 _ b, 600 ➢. ® K PERSONAL SERVICES �> 5, 350 325 325 2. CONTRACTUAL 5EMi' IEFS 765 400 400 B. CO @�+€:� O�E� ES 1,050 e L�° a°° 2 9135 2, 135 S. CA"WAL OUTLAY 2,079 T 0 TA US 9.244 COPAME I AIM' �° F.lg SCE The Village CleTk is wwponsible for conducting all National, Seetea and Village elections that occ= it the Village of Edina. CC WNTS Proposed expendituree far this account have lacaeased because of a primary and general election wing 1966. Only a local election v;as held &ring 1963. Spry of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Salovies and vases StOL-age- Ternta 1 Custodians Having charges Ad&ass cards Ballots Printed zo :as Amount 03,750 150 65 150 75 500 150 V 11 ILL A G, H, 0, r- E U'll �'� �, A Aljli5NlWllU. PAGE-. 3.0 IF v il fft r-MPEDIDITURC Dk-�TUOL Amu Act.. ELECTION 1 211.411M Cc Activity 6 J aG u'd g 0 E I e C- t i 'on judges 950 $30 1250 Set-up alue 450 1,800 Reryistration. 20 0 300 LA,600 150 309 custcdia-as i 25 q;0 Movilag ahavges I 150 Address cards 75 3 25 765 3. �Ramllots $ 200 700 Printed forms 200 35.0 $ 460 S. Installment paym-sut 10 voting uiachlnes 2.135 2.079 f ,i i � I TOTAL ELIECTUMN 4,460 $9,24-11 I $9,24-4 I � I i , 6, ¢LL E CF, WAgV_f.+2 ANNUAL BUDGE 21.500 j SUMMARY COMMENTARM nze assessing fu=- 0.ma Includee, the detev-ainatiou of t €.a assessed values and p =paration and maintemace of tan records og all pzopertles wi halm. the Maage. Special assessvwents levied ao$ are also corgut;ed and spmad an the tau volts by personnel of t- e Assessing Dep€xWwat. PVQposed expendlt=cs for this account are tweni y =eight !percent (28%) Talsher than the 1965 budget. SmmmLry of items co-- atributing to increase is o rw:� ted belov. Amount Salaries and wages 6-8 84.00 V. Cu:x9excmces and schools 693 Central services 1,009 Capital outlay 2.100 2. MAL f ApprzaiseT auditor and a ddl -tioaai clerical rae ar deda $ 33vSSO 35,518 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 4rr, 280 $ 42,930 2,2.2 IsM Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,905 2,655 450 371 3. COTY PAODMELS 450 450 5,232 r a,Qa 32 4. CENTRAL SEA MES s s 6,� 5,240 a S. CANTAL OLD ¢ LAY 2,100 1,400 c 4s3,77 2. 39 TOTALS r 5 ,9S 53,6°,,5 COMMENTARM nze assessing fu=- 0.ma Includee, the detev-ainatiou of t €.a assessed values and p =paration and maintemace of tan records og all pzopertles wi halm. the Maage. Special assessvwents levied ao$ are also corgut;ed and spmad an the tau volts by personnel of t- e Assessing Dep€xWwat. PVQposed expendlt=cs for this account are tweni y =eight !percent (28%) Talsher than the 1965 budget. SmmmLry of items co-- atributing to increase is o rw:� ted belov. Amount Salaries and wages 6-8 84.00 V. Cu:x9excmces and schools 693 Central services 1,009 Capital outlay 2.100 2. MAL f ApprzaiseT auditor and a ddl -tioaai clerical rae ar deda ! K'i f? �9 �ee�Ei ! re- i life'. e' e 9*P171ERAL O.GcUBF t_EENT cmda � ctivhy. i Object Detcii — — u �h I p:;ce�;� a �a.�c Buia;�;c2md .____.�._..Y.._�- assessor .- -�f0: 5 ©0 $11, 1_"';D (A) I o $10,980 � eputy Assecso% €� 0 77,500 ` e,pT, ty Assesm-irs'(`2 ' y /�p� 14,4'idt✓ 6 .,750(Afl j p 6,7501(A) aSSeSSZten clerk I 6,000 6', 6,,180 es� e>M Tay 4,380 4,620 4..620 6©4 i 2 100 900 �lppr alsea: Auditer v�o:!•,2� 6.��Ol0 65 ""35,88 0 I;2,93tD ! i 2, Conferences alld I I I sciaools 313 ! 1o066 816 I i ues and I I Subscriptions 89 89 ! 89 T131i preparing i � assessments i 3,000 `i ,04 ' 11000 'k ax books and o«C :•- e?sip FeCm I 2 2a0 250 L4ilea a 500 .e. .. We Soo 2,212 ! 24905�ffi -i.�; 2.655 I 1 I I �:, ene�a3 x,212 I 560 ! `gillase Fall- 720 9 200 300 �,_ 480 i I I i I 5 , 7..32 5, 2(,.0 I � 6,240 f replvC.°.,:`.1.n..r°'.t �a.n Gy.a..i.O Jam: -3X774 !� _ I POT&Y, 17SSi:,SS3ar;i 1 I I I � f i I I I I I i I I I i I i c Z 0 11 IINT I'Mix"KI-M, C-0'7431UMNIT TEGAL AID GOIN"O' SERU 1 /-V 3 21.600 - 3AW gca�,�'d and -uccm-priso--.ie�-s 2,3W wit-stess :Eees T) Elem'-lepLr, County Cc;-urt- chaTae .372 TMi-,L RE c 0 M IIA rz N D 1. PERS-501-41AL SERVICES G'OGO - 11,183 7-5,051 2. MNI-RACC7U.M. SELMI!CES 27,383 4-192 41. CENTRAL, SERWMES 120, 5. TCA"ITA-L OUTLAY 171 67 3 3 COMNIENIT ARY The Village zlErzaiTes the --e-?vices 0-1%- contracted 90T on. an annual basis, Thev pz(yv4 6.e 'lega! coLu-Isel end the net�esaazy ox6dnances Tesoluz",;aoijs rciLpLFed to JiMpir ent the w-'Lshez of the Counc-U. in ackiftion, they Ac�t: -ocd the Vill-age in ail t<.' to a?Id Slaits and Poose-cute all aaa f al:j.sius out OE 1-101,00011 of "Filla8e G71&2a= es. !CWMMTS Proposed cupe-addivaocs fax t_'^ -is eccount are a-L-4-teicy pe.-e: the 1965 budget. The p.--inci-pal renaon oh ihe increase., is Q2 - - fienncPiu Count-,?, Cour'.21. SyGtcm Oze ificluded iv tLi,"Ls account, to the 4aVVr'=O,Se iG preserxed. k'-e�wr3' �"eat ('902') M� er than "�.Alat costs of samal'-Iny 0--' items Amoz-31W pgofessioael fo-as - 3AW gca�,�'d and -uccm-priso--.ie�-s 2,3W wit-stess :Eees T) Elem'-lepLr, County Cc;-urt- chaTae .372 TMi-,L �"eat ('902') M� er than "�.Alat costs of samal'-Iny 0--' items VFLILLAGRE. CFF[N"I',,MjA ZN-NUAL BIUNGIOF , i. FL F i 1 h� t iNi" I Avea GENEML. --;IIENGAIL AND coul"ITI SERIVIC&IS EXPIENDFURE, D'MML A, c t. N0. Acriv;lay Devi] Bud L Vdiciaed, o- -ftosecuting a-utoTuelf 6,000 $ 6,000 6onferences and i Schools j 95 95 I'llues and fees 11, fjoo lit Coo ;Professional Dazd and goomr I Prisoners In tue-SS '-Fees goo enuepin Count,7 Ccu.. , se%vico charge 9 a 560 — ereral 492 ICT&L LEGAL MHD COURT SERYTI GE-83 11?17,675 rW` $33 .503 9 9 1 a ""• E v, r 7• y F 2 S f w� .. F P" I„ 15 FURL' G 4 Sv 0'. AVR RECOMMENDED C Y. Gtif. -_ P $ 1,900 $ 2, 183 e. PERSONAL SERVICES S2,800 SUN'ttdAP.Y 1965 SUDICCGETEO ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1966 OUI)GETEF $ 1,900 $ 2, 183 e. PERSONAL SERVICES S2,800 10156 1,910 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11550 125 367 22. COMMODITIES 675 4. CEPS U 1 SERVIC'SS S. CAPITAL GUTLkY 3,781 _ $3x550 TOTALS 5,025 COMMIENTABI FbTiCTION The building and grcunds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin Oozmty Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina. Hennepin C(nmty supplies the books and librarians. CC'S posed a :tpenditures foT this account Pro thirty-three percent (33%) highew than the 1965 budget. S=ruat-y of items ca nt- ibuting to the knerwse is presented belcriv. Amauut Salexies and wages 9 900: Utilities 340 i lase a e, 4 Contract OR"k 50 i Contingencies TOTAL RP-M *Additional janitorial service -s for new library last quarter of 19660 t I ��,`AeE -1 6 VINJIELA�GK' OF EDI,'MA A 'N: NN 414-J6 �,,, U-i D G; F" Y, FICHENNTOPME DETML Code U '-f C OU A reo Act. Na. ' --! Budget GE'N-TR&L GOVERRIENTI, L I B 7RLI PIZ 21.700 FICHENNTOPME DETML Code Actilvity Budget OL-age-ted 1. janitor $1,000 $2,200 Pay roil Public 'Works 900 600 ! S:f r� ®�i ! $2 'RIDO 2; E623 -$ 580 li igiiz and power 375 - 550 -ate7 and Sewer. Services I 25 30 InsuFanae-Fire i 86 i 90 2.75 0 '.550 191eaning supplies 01 175 175 epairr mat xn*,Cllsp 150 iso 2aintips and 100 100 ontiagenclas II_ 300 250 25 675 TOTAL LIBRUALFI.Y, K $5,025 i I � f I i 1 I � f i "s�..LAGE OF EDINA �.NNUA3. SUD E1 PAGE 17 Cta �d i P�aa4siiaM Area Acct. No. GENSM P PUBLIC WORKS AD.MMSTRATION 22.050 SI1MWARY i�3E�S BUDGETED ESTWATED . OBJECT 1966 RCCOMMENDED - DUDSETED $ 14,040 14,040 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 15,345 $140745 571 561 P. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 615 615 S. COMMODITIES 960 960 4. CENTRAL SERVIM 960 960 300 300 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 200* 200 152871 $ 115,861 TOTALS �c ' 7 g 16�,520r. COMMENTARY FUNCTION The supervision and guidance required by vsriouo departments, such as engineering, street, sewer and water, is furnished by Director of Public Works. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. COMNTS Proposed expendi tures for this account are eight percent (8 %) higher than 1965 Budget. Summary of items contributing to increase is presented below. Salaries and usages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Capital outlay Amount 1,305 9 35 . OD 1 Act il,30. GENT. rAf--,L PUBLIC `Jr�a���L. - -- � - -- - -- �'t?:s?�!3w� fFSli`�`.���? - - -- i 2 050 DETHAN. f, E "s, rs Art, 1. Di-ector . 13, 2010 Isec�:Cta?.-y (7 '4' i 500 1,545 — 1 1,545 2. !Conkerezces and Schools IDuc-s amd subacrip- I - tions 30 90 57 1 r a 1 960 3 0 G 15, -Q, 71 615 960 200 615 $ 960 S16 EDINA ANNUAL b T• 6 • 19 RMUC tM "VV-q I MOVE -10 22,100 1965 _ �6 I'll Dc -12 TED ESTIMATED $ 71,434 $ 88,558 1,751 3,700 13, 29 6 2,000 1.679 4,847 1-1 , 296 1,913 �r.,r9 ?aludl� �47.1J,2�a- SUMMA R D ODIECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CON'Ii IR CTUAL SERVI-A-1 a 3. COMMODITSES 4. CENTRAL SERVIC as "-I'rAa OU-j I1,,y TOW COMMENTARY 1966 °IeC WANr"NDED BUDGETED 84,280 81,210 6, Z45 6,345 4.,600 4,600 13,620 13,620 2,925 2,925 117 ,1708 , G3 FUNCTUON Y Engineering Department prepares nla-aa, specifications, and estimates for public construction. projects. 'Rhib includes street grading and surfazcintg, sanitary sewers, storm sewars, waatermains, and other structures and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and worImianshi.p are in accordance with project specifications. The depaartfont maintaatus records and files on all above - mentioned activities and operates and maintain copying equipmanta COMMENTS I Proposed expenditures for this account are twenty -one percent (21 %) higher than 1.965 Budget. Surdaary of items contributing to decrease is presented below, .� Provides for additional tempoi.nry help used ove°;t.Lma during construction season. r.L Provides for storm sewar study for Highland and H raos IWre� area and �s�thaan Hills, Amount Salaries and wages � 2,846j- Conferences and 6choo s IA4 Equipment ma-I atenance 100 ftofessaonal fees 4325 C'7��- --a ]::=ber and tools 500 General supplies 400 Central seffivi.cas 324 Capital cu +;..ay ate. Z-OT L $ 19n_589 .� Provides for additional tempoi.nry help used ove°;t.Lma during construction season. r.L Provides for storm sewar study for Highland and H raos IWre� area and �s�thaan Hills, V _" E iDP E01?4.4 ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 20 Fund Funaiga Air ea Act, Igo. � GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGi!IFEBLNG 22.100 IXPENDt F URE D:7,.AIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget t Budge Recommended Budgeted 1. Engineer $ 9,300 $ 10,050 $ 10,050 Survey Chief 8,400 8,700 8,700 instrument.Man 7,500 7,680 7,680 Draftsman 7,320 7,500 7,500 Draftsman- inspector .6,840 7,260 7,260 Draftsman- inspector 6,720 6,900 68900 Inspector 6,720 6,900 6,900 S, 000 6,450 69450 (Rodmm Secretary 4,500 4,635 4,635 Overtime and summer i kelp 8.1134 71,434 III 205 84,280 1S,135 I $ 51,21® � - I 2. Conferences and schools $ 441 $ 885 Dues and subscrip- I tions 35 35 Equipment m ainten c 300. 200 Professional fees 750 5,000 Mileage 225 1,751 i 225 ,$ 6,345 6,345 3. Blueprinting $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Lumber and tools 500 1,000 Aerial contour maps 1,000 1,000 General supplies ,�00 $ 3,700 1 100 4,600 $ 4,600 4. General $ 86016 $ 7,740 Village Hall 1,320 1,440 Garage 120 240 Equipment operation 3.840 13,296 �$ 4 2 200 13,620 4 13,624 5. Replacement trucks ' $ 2,000 I $ 2,600 ! Radio (1/2) I 2 000 i X325 =$2- i $ 2.g2yg I 'Tar AL Emn-a I':(� f L 922 8 i � $1 .1,.730 1108,17 i � A'R,U%'1.A': Gc E!'ss•0�`IA i 9N?'~ti7U AL h> U 0 �E-Y e F�v�k -3'�, 21 rE E :e= �iE ii OBJECT Awcv Aca. Na. GM,,ZW,L PUBUC L102AS 1. PERSONAL SERtIiHO S SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23.1,00 SUMMA y _ 19165 BUIDGETED ESTUATED OBJECT RECOWAEND D 1966 BUDGETED $ 341641 $36,544 1. PERSONAL SERtIiHO S 35,422 S 34E,762 714 450 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 495 493 { 344. COMMODMES 19,560 19,560 A. CENTRAL SERVICZ -5 21, 144 21,144 S. 0A.P e 6 � L OUT I -JkY S5'r TOTAB COMMENTA FMC97.0 All Public Works personnel (o fmm - than Suglnee in) are under the supexvision of the Public Works Supwintendeat-. He„ through this account, playas and @eotbdLnatas his activities, maintains cost: and work records, and peovides the training and instifuction necessary to ersuve his u a do their ,fob Est effectively and of ii.ciant;ay. "Paid Leave°i represents all vacation.. sick, funeralo etc,, leave used by aid. Public Works employees. ftoposed expenditures for this account; are forul percent (4) higher than - the 1963 budget. Staxamry of items contributing -Co inazeasa is pies =vt"d below, � c 1,0Y:vunt Salauies and wages 781.; ConfeRences and schools 204 rhysical enaminativns ? a CCM- Vral sgrvic as 1,584 TWAT, q2,14 Oue -half the salary of cost clexk has been char. °ged to c quipv,-rst opcm- mciono (hie-fourth the cost of account ant- auditor is included therein. +t ug [ms s C:tr . " � a `� M r• 2� ..G� 6 �� 4�!:�,..a� f f' @ A." 2,2 Ala e` �., f, K.-O. ;;��,,,,�� 9 ,,/f i TAG y- {,�y p2 PjT `, i a°Y ti'i itrfif i POE -03t i� i �91J= E'iEii�Je ►�/L! F: Lill E�;7�iY'�1t�,00 I 2-3r1f16' �teviij objeG Dc N rf T]v ChCode rk "Coi er"ded - sgdgft- +d _I � 1143 110 Supervision 1. .v f r [PmIe r 9 s ,0: $101200 R0D 203 f�fost Clerk 51700 3,030 3,030 Merk W31" 1,, 200 It3vert a •me X40 iAccountant 1 3,985 y1,325 y��GpQ3�5�I ! I I I 7 IP'hysc 1 t2' �nI 40 .-�a ; �.?.L �: ci-� C`�C &S...LS?E �..�iSS,.uT i �5 25 i j I I i t;, j eneral 17,860 i 1 $19, V�,k i I!I I w�a$�18i'• Ea �V I 1,32-0 operation, I�c 42,0 I 4-80 I_ IEquipment � � .ryry _I TOTAL TAL 6UHM 1131•t sF ��37 A 240 I $37.81Mc I I $37,22/4 1120 TrainingI 1. Payroll $ i1700 a � $ ? J 750 I i 2. �Cionferenc.e$ and !! j 639 Ducts and 1 $ 670 67 _ j TMA? TRA_ IRMI:2374 !� v � � 2y��� 8 2y220 � 140 PL: 'V.d Leave ( I payroll A) W, -=�..�. v„ Q S ! I - � —I i ?tZi P1 i.s�:� �a.`� '� �r Y z6,957� 16 957 1 i T '� " s P' "7, ;f3i= I i i I I I I i I I i i I I I i j i I I IRNM GVERMAD 54 915 j i i i I I I I � l f I I i ! i $57106 i i i � i I cl f L7�1 D 1,17.7A A MUDIN, tY M--99 PAWN-PUt 16:: MR-MME'.151M 0 Lp em r m 7oM Meav-1 Squipment 582 635 x868 50,no Usht Equipment opeoagor 3. 515 538 6-1 600 71,016 Utility klar. 2 2 515 538 12,369 12., 312 aaiumcwmce man 3 4-60 487 2.6"560 11,688 'RempGlary Suname Help 5, e�; 0 -L) 16.,883 23 2:3 816.-S,171. Ywuk Dhalvnmavc�e P a y F. 0.3, (Page 67 i 4� „�i�� a�059 17- EFI-� L WIM Pub'Up, V'SAIage. 11-a•opezC105: Supcomf Sim -Sad avesrhcact€ Turx, and plant mauhtep-ance 5,000 Italair's $ � Tree. mir.-Temmf e psaie leave 16,957 !"ate cm,& pond Stuce” Gorm—ral -maintel-zace 4,9, 500 TOTIAL F-DRIJAR2, TEMY.-S q33%651) 307 stzwt Cglennin's 7 7 000 e a at o z ri .GOP Ub--'o 9 GO 4-web and sidewalk z a zz, ChcrSed zo asGease-d pz,7ojcw:,s el,000 ftm and Ice ge-=ml- :,Gco Cha--Scd to othe�7 ftva& f", 500 -US-m.ing 1,080 ccn-mal Se vicezz st.,mss "Milm Sign's 5,M, 0 Villase, Hal". 900 eg ic Gigas 3,500 Signal wa-Logev.apace 500 TOTAL 45 Ccard rails and bam�ia,,o,.das 2, Soo 000 Stvn-m Soueg MGIntL—,-,I=e "� - LAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAG2, 24 FC1n d Fur - iimi Asca Acct. NO. GERMAL PUBLIC WORKS STRW YAMFAI MCE 23.200 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1962.-- ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $106,000 $1089354 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 108.000 $ 1089000 16500 49426 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,000 4x000 68,161 66,621 S• COMMODITIES 649450 619950 410640 4lo640 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 44,076 ",076 5. WITAL OI1TL4Y 217, J01 TOTALS 2-20-,526 18 ; COMMENTARY 10H The cainteuence of Village streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public Works endeavor. As the word "maintenance!' implies, the purpose of this account is to preserve and.not necessarily to improve, the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blacktoppings curbing, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally financed through an asfsessmat procedure anal arse, therefore, not Secluded in this account;,, This account does provide for such maintenance activitles as patching, cleaning, sealing and snow plowing. CDi'£S Proposed expenditures for this account are two pescent (2To) 3aighsr than the 1965 budget. Sumary of items contributing to increase is pres(mted below. Salaries and wages: General Maintenance Street Cleaning Street renovation Curb and sidawalk ma €nteaance Sam and Lee rewtial Equipment rental materials-general maintenance Brooms, wearing sago Materials-street renovation Materials -curb and sidewalk Hatwials -svom and ace removal 1,370 CeIItra.S I "4) iti" Amount $5,500 4v000 2,000 1,000 6 $2,000 2 o 500* 5,125 156 700 500 TOTAL Fund Frauciaoa � Area Act. No. EEH 1, PUBLIC woluc STREET KAINTENANCE 23.200 EVEN®ITURE DETAIL Coda! Activity Object Detail prosaut � Budget Recom.meoded � Budgeted i0 General Hainteaauce 1. Payroll $55,000 $49,500 $49,50.0 2. Equipment rental 1,360 1,'000 1,000 - 3. . Screen, $,:avel $ 211300_ $ 35000 2,500 Fill mateaial 1,250 1,330 1,350 Calcium Chloride 1,375 559 550 Selected materials 3,500 Salt 1,600 609 600 sphalt nd.x 13,500 10� 000 92000 1 oil 1,650 19200 1,200 Concrete 750 1,000 10000 i Jacking material 1,250 11250 1 p2:t� -Taint material 500 500 500 General supplies 700 50.0 500 25,075 %91950 $18,450 4. Fqui.pmen -t operation 122100D 132476 13 476 3VrAL GENERAL HarIl'IMANCS $93,575 i $8:0926 $82,426 220 Street Cleaning is Payroll $130000 $57,1300 3, Brooms 3,150 31,400 Vat water additive 206 250 Wearing shoes 800 750 $ 4,156 $ Z-"000 4. Equipment operation 8 400 9,600 705Al, S?'S CIZANIES $25,556 $300600 $30,600 240 Streat Renovation X Pay ®13 $17pt?130 $i5,fe00 i $35,t3 3. Asphalt mix $12,100 $120900 11,900 031 rauular materiel 9,300 WOO 9,300 I 71800 ; 9,300 7 800 $29,300 $300000 i $29,000 4a Equipment aperation i0.1800 S 400 I 804 00 TOTAL STREET M10VATION I $57.,100 $53,400 $52,400 250 C ssh and Sidewalk 1. Payroll $ 29500 $ 1,500 Maintenance 3. Cmtet�ials � 2,,500 2,000 4a i E3^ ut tl Squip operam i 840 ._ 60 � TOTAL CURB A# �"�® GUrnR. HiN` MMET $ 5,840 $ 4,100 $ 4, 100 I i 'VILLAGE" Off- EDINA AWMAL BUDGET . P,AGF: 26 Fund Function Area Act Rio. GM93ma . MBLIG WORKS STREET HAIN `ENMCE 23.200 001-CIDITURE DETAIL Colo Activity Object Dowil _ Present Quc�t Recomanended Budgeted � 270 Snow and lee 1. Payrol i $ 181,500 $ 25840€3 Removal 2. Equipment rental 30006 3. Salt 2,430 $ 3,000 ! alcium Chloride 2,500 3,000 Sand 2.200 1 2,500. $ 7,130 $ 8esoo 4. Equipment operation 9 600 12,000 TOTAL SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL 33,230, 48 500 48 500 TOTAL STREET i METEaRMC3 I 217 30Z 022Oa526 H _ $218,,626 I i iLLAGE OP EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 Fund Function Area Acct. No: PBft""bAL PMLIC WORKS STRUT LIGHTING 23.300 SUMMARY 1965 SUDGE'['ED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGED $ 1,000 $ 300 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1,000 $ 1,000 42,500 45a554 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 48,800 47,000 §00 423 3. COMMODITIES 1,000 1,000 480 480 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 480 480 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY �*480 $_±6,757 TOTALS $ 51, i80 X49 x480 COMMENTARY F[tN=09 The overhead street lighting system throughout the pillage, with the exception of ornamental and special type units, is £nstallad and maintained by Northerm States Power Company. The pillage °s obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electrical pages to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special units. CAS Proposed expenditures for this account are fifteen percent (15 %) higher than the 1965 budget. Summary of items contributing to increases is presented below. Amount $6,800 VILLAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2a Fund Fenction Arcs Act elm. G RAL PUBLIC 1wmtKS STRM LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object 0a ®ii Bad�t re Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll $ 1,060 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 20. Power $410,000 $46,800 45,000 Contracted repairs 22500 2.000 2a000 $42,509 $48,800 $47,000 3. Repair parts 500 1,000 1. 000 4. Equipment operation 480 4801 480 TOTAL STRUT ► I I -� ggqp^gqT M i ► t pn @ 480 ( I i 1 i y' LLAGE OF MINA !'U72d GENMtAL Function PUBLIC WOOS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Area SnM NAME SIGNS PAGE 29 Acct. No. 23.400 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OB.lECT 1966 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 50000 $49728 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5,000 $ 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10700 1,917 3. COMMODITIES 28200 1 s 320 1 s 320 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,320 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY a 8,020 $_65_ TOTALS $ 8520 $ OwSZO COWAENTARY FI�CTIG6� , The Village installs and maintains all street nam signs. This account provides for installation, aisd maintenance. CAS Proposed expenditures for this account are sir percent (6%) higher than the 1965 budget. Summary of items contributing to increase is presented below, Amount Sirens and posts $ 200 I VEL ,Gr OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 30 t:c�d Erg aa`on Am a Act No. IGi MRAL PUBLIC WORKS S m, nm SIBS 23.400 MENDITUREP DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail I'cesso Budget Recommandel Bud efed � General Maintenance 1. Payroll $5,O00 $5,000 3. Suns and posts $1,300 $1,500 Paint supplies 400 SQO Cloves and brushes i 201 $1,700 $2,200 4. Equipment operation 1,320 1 320 TOTAL STREET E I i SIGHS B 020 $8,520 $84,520 I i I 1-y"aLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. RUDGET PALL 31 Fund haction Aeea Acct. No. OZVEBAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAITIC C0NTR0L 23.500 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMEN€1ED BUDGETED $ 79900 $ 7,524 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 8,000 $ 4,650 4,002 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 4,300 . 7,250 6,356 3. COMMODITIES 7,200 39192 3,192 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2v592 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2�2 o99e T_ 1 074. TOTALS s22 COMMENTARY FIiNCTYO�i Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guard rail$® is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Depart=t to install and maintain such devices. This account provides fo* Installation and maintenance. CHHWS Proposed expenditures for this account are three percent (372) lower than the 1965 budget. Summary of itsms contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and Wages 3- ? 00 Bquipmeat rental 150 Signs S00 Paint 450 Central Services 600 TOTAL 700 VI`! AGE OF EDIN , ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 Fund Finaction Area Act, No. GEMUL PUBLIC TJORKS 1 LAIC CONTROL 23.500 EXPENDITUrIE Di -ETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommendad Budgeted 5i0 Traffic Sign i. Payroll 2,600 $ 30000 Maintenance 3. Signs 4,000 3,500 4. Equipment Operation .12200 1 200 .. - TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGN MAINTENANCE $ 7,800 $ 7c,700 520 Traffic Signal 1. Payroll � 500 °� 500 Maintenance 2. Power $ 3,000 $ 30,001 Contracted repairs l"1560 I 1,500 $-4,500 $ 4,500 3. Repair materials S00 500 4. Equipment operation I 72 72 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE $ 5,572 $ 5,572 540 Pavement; Marking i. Payroll � $ 2.800 $ 3,000 2. Equipment rental 150 3. Paint 1,250 1$ 700 4. Equipment operation 960 660 TOTAL PAVEMENT HAEKIM $ 5,160 ^ 5,360 570 Guard Rails and Barricades 1. Payroll $ 2,000 $ 19500 3. Guard rail materials 1,500 1,500 4. Equipment operation 960 660 TOTAL GURU R&ILS AND SAMICADEa 4.460 $ 3 660 TOTAL TRAFFIC I I COST-ROL I i $22 99: 2220292 $22,292 I I i I I I i I i V,RlIaE OF EDINA I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 Gund I Moction Area Acct. No. G&13B8AI. PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 23.600 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMM¢NDED BUDGETED $2,500 $ 3,527 .1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 4,000 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 18050 2,431 3. COMMODITIES 1,500 480 480 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 516 S. CAPffAL OUTLAY � ;+1 p 0.10 $ TOTALS $112016 COMMENTARY FUe cnom The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the sixteen budges within the Village. CAS Proposed expenditures for this account are two hundred seventy percent (2707 ®) higher than the 1965 budget. Su mary of items contributing to decrease is pros ated below. Amount Salaries and wages $1,500 Contracted repairs 5,0001 Supplies and materials 450 Central services 36 TOTE 6 986 ftajar repairs for Fifty ammd Fifty - fourth Street bridges, ,iit GE OP EDINA ANNUAL BUDISVET PAGE 34 — Crtt�:d ^- F s,r�ct "ease Aren Act. No. GMEMAL PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 23.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 1. Payroll $2,500 $4,600 2. Contracted repair 5,008 3. Paint $ 425 $ Soo Guard rani posts 325 Soo Lumber,, cable, bolts ete-v 300 500 $1,050 $1,500 4. Equipment operation 460 516 I I I i I ' iI i TOTAL BRIDGES $4.030 11 016 I I I I 1 fJ I f r VP AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 35 Fund Function Area Acct. No. i�Fiil�AL PUBLIC WORKS STORN DMINAGE 23.700 SUMMARY 1965 BUDSETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 69500 16,577 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 9,000 90000 1,9401 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50550 5,334 3. COMMODITIES 8,750 8,000 20760 2D760 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,760 2,769 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY .$14810 X26, 072 TCTAIS 20,510 Q19, COMMENTARY FUH@T1OH The Village maintains eextein facilities and fuwalshes certain se8vices in an effort: to keep damage to property by storm water at a minima. In those areas served by store .sa ►verso Village crews periodically check and clean these sewers. In areas not so servedp emergency measures its the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided during storms. COMMMS Proposed expenditures for this account are thirty - nine percent (39 %) higher than the 1965 budget. Sumnary of items contributing to increase is presented below. Salaries and wages Culverts and pipes Steel grates Cemmt Dose Asphalt Conte and fill Strutatures Amount $2,500 750 500 200 500 91,000 1 .000 N' INIUAL BUDGEY P A V N � AG F--.- 0'F � 0 1 M A M %-, �, 4 G,E" 3 5 Coda Actiyity 71W Storm Sewer I Maintenance 720 Teapor-ary Drainage and Culver, .s Object 3. 44. ENVENDITURE Payroll culverts aad pipe Steel grates Cement Equipmcllnt operatici TOTAL STGWI 3017i.?-q MAILITE174AZCI-K Fa-yeoll Moses cuivev.ts Asphalt Concrete and till. stouctux,es Gmeral supplies Equipment opa-rat'ion Torl"AL YCIVOTUIP111, DaAIHIAGE AVID CULVMV,PS TOWAL VEORM BUN-1. 7NAGE Budget 1,000 750 —1,7 TO 960 $ 5,210 300 1,500 1,000 I-- 3,800 1,600 s -&§00 al -.81 Recommended sLidgex 'd Act. No. GRIEWIL 703LIC 1-i-YOR10 I STORM DBAINAGUI: Sao 7010 Coda Actiyity 71W Storm Sewer I Maintenance 720 Teapor-ary Drainage and Culver, .s Object 3. 44. ENVENDITURE Payroll culverts aad pipe Steel grates Cement Equipmcllnt operatici TOTAL STGWI 3017i.?-q MAILITE174AZCI-K Fa-yeoll Moses cuivev.ts Asphalt Concrete and till. stouctux,es Gmeral supplies Equipment opa-rat'ion Torl"AL YCIVOTUIP111, DaAIHIAGE AVID CULVMV,PS TOWAL VEORM BUN-1. 7NAGE Budget 1,000 750 —1,7 TO 960 $ 5,210 300 1,500 1,000 I-- 3,800 1,600 s -&§00 al -.81 Recommended sLidgex 'd 1� 5,,GG0 S 5,000 3,00 2,250 1,500 1.500 Soo Soo To OW 4,250 1 380 11380 $11,380 $10,630 � .2, -- �20 $20-57-0 9.,760 VL -;L"" 'uGE OF FE'DoNfa ANNUAL SUDGm1 PAGE; 33 Ymid �U'aq--Han Area I A ccE•. No. 8 � ]?UBLXC FORKS 'VILLAGE FROPEBi2'PIES 23.800 I SUMMARY _ E U.G :r E3 1965 ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1966 __`-- - ----I OUDGETEB) 1 @� 9,15 {= b. PERSONAL SERVICES $11,500 1,400 750 2, CONTRACTUAL SETVMCES 1,000 4.,80 j 5,143 3. COMMODiTBES 9 D 200 3,600 3,600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3,320 S. C<!1PITAL OUTLAY ,r209330 g 1Se6�3 TOTALS g2S�52i3 �2SoS„ Op, COMMENTARY X36 The function of the Village Properties acz aunt is to properly cage for all Village owned properties; other then those used for Park and Recreation purposes. These Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, ar.d sites used for utility facilities, The ri- mintensanc.e of these properties laeludes the vult ivati.on and motidng of the tuzf, spraying and trising ofs trees, establishment and care of plantings, And a 7eryday housekeeping necessary to keep these Village properties In aesthetes accord with our may fine privately ovned veside-atia1 properties, C�a°TS oposed expenditures for this accocant, have increasAd twenty-five percent (257.) higher than the 1965 budget. St��aary of items, Contributing to increase is pre+seated below. "'Amount Salem es and wages: ' f and plant, maintenance r- 0 Twee wainten ance 600 Weed control goo Lakes and ponds maintenance _1,500 $1,050 Fertilizer and chemicals 260 Contract work and equiXent rental Chemicals and spt'ay CbAmicals4 -Lakes and ponds Othex sappliesv- E.akkes and Ponds 1,000 Central services 120 30� 3, SOW- TOTS 51160 ':- 'Chemicals to cont -r-ol, aquatic grauth on various Races, creeks and poudz VILAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 38 Fu.id Farmflon Area Act. No. GEi7=" >; 132 LIC WORKS V Y.rd+s4GE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code A,ctivitg Object Datad Brod9et' Recommeaded Budgeted 810 Turf and Plant 1. Payroll $ 5,250 $ 5C'Goo Haiuienance 2. Contracted work 10009 3. Fertilizer 4 400 S 300 Tool replacement 200 200 Plantings 5GO 5A4 Sod and black dirt 10000 10000 Chemicals 306 $ 2,100 $ 2,300 4, 2quipment operation 12320 1 320 TOTAL TOW AND PLOT MINTERANCE $ 8,670 $ 9,620 � 820 Tres Maintenance 1. Poll $ 30000 $ 336W 2. Equipmemt rental 200 3. Hand tools, ropes and saws $ 200 $ 200 Spray I,200 1200 I 1,400 19400 4o Equipment operation, 1.,200 1.= TOTAL TREE MAINTENMCE $ 5,800 $ 60 200 850 Weed Control 1. Payroll 800 2. Contract mowing 200 3. Chemicals, spray. 300 4. Equipment operation 380 1,480 TOTAL WEED CONROL ST® Lakes and Ponds Maintenance 1. Payroll a 1 '.500 $ 3 ®000 - 2. Contract work 1,000 3. Chemicals $ 1,000 $ 4,500 headwalls, and special I B 1:lCuct e3Pe, l � $ 1,000 $ 59504 4. Equipment operation I 900 1,2200 I j TOTAL LAKES AND I d. HS9iI� 873aJ,fgsL' 1gALY4t'iII �t r 4 400 �l 9 27-0-0- i TOTAL MILL GE PROPERTIES gOM350 252,520_1 1255,520 I I Cow EFAN -,e CwMIUAI. BUDGET PAGE 39 urld ESTIMATED Area RECOMMENDED G.w°'�a OLL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OWLAY 23. 100 JU0'AM A R tl _ 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1966 0666 -�T'Eq f 1. PERSONAL S01YWES $ � 2. CONTRACTUAL UAL SERVICES 3. COWA'+ DIT5ES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 22x,050 25,x68 S. CAP AL OUTLAY 31,,800 24,000 ' 22p�5€D 2S, 24-nOD i CO AftEN ARY FORC�0 Expenditures for leGm, of equiipgw.-at Which have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. The amount requested for the grader talus accumulated reserve will provides the fu ads required to purchase a ataw grader w1th vdng plcra and sum-- gate. The old 19 6 goad= will be retained for snow ploapin,go Two a P-p trucks rare to replace uuits purchased in 1956 and 1957, b"h of which will have been Cuivea in e=ess of 80,000 milezo hs a s � �� rga s inh c11 includco a mere flexible and frastw pavement stZipiU.0 M30hiUe, a pint or chemical spTayew, an air empressor, a sign cleantug machinefl an aaugey E, a Post driver, a pozrtable lighting systeme sign storage rack,, and other devices. In addition ion to assisting In the tgaffice contrail umrk5 the unit could be used for snow plowing and emrgeaey utility repairs. The radio and tall gate Wider will be used to equip another snmialCa•r =it. These units are proving to be especially effective in combating coa3d leing pToblems� One of the plows is fcrp, the new flusher and the ot;hex is a replace to The pickup is to z place as 1957 unit which has been &iven about 5€ ,000 vdleso V iLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 40 !Fund Function Area Act. No. GENRIAL PDBUO WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100. EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Bud Bud get Recommended Budgeted _ 50 Motor grader 3,000 $ 3,2fl+tQ Keplacemant -dam truck conplete (2) 50000 lO'coo 10,000 Vaffic- Ceatral unit 120000 6,000 Mobile radio 600 I 600 600 Tall gage sandez 1,000 1,00O 19000 Replacement-roller 10200 19200 Snow plows, pis and hitches 550 2,400 2,400 Replacement-pickup 10600 �! ' , 600 TOTAL CAPITAL OM-AY i 22 050 $31J60 $24,000 i .._..��F- [.1144 e. � »....m.. �= _att".�Fi3;: r Ck AA: PROTE(�' IOL, NS AND Of ^PmISO SUMMARY PAGE Arco CC11 -. N0. POLICE PR91ECTION ! 24, .goo _ 1965 BUDGETED U Ia'�' -AW _ OBJECT x`,_22, 295 226,942 3 • PERSOINAL SERMES 4,622 4,542 2. CONT&ACTUAL SERVICES 1,710 1, 707 3'. �i';4�PA6v ODMES 46,980 46,980 A. CENTRAL SEP'ViCES 11,430 11,209 5. ��`�t',L ��i:'L.A „2.87, 037 291,380 Ca3KNEIN AIRl 326,403 315757 The primary function of police prOtecticn is to Protect life and property which � includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance, of peace, and enforcoment of traffic violations. � `gghe authoz ty to do this is granted to a large extent through criminal and. civil codes, and village, state, and federal. legislation affecting the public in general. 4,'O alffirl:S Proposed expenditures for this account are fourteen percent (14h) higher than the 9965 Budget. Summary of ite -ms to the increase is presented he2op -7o j 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGE` EIS $255,188 $ 248, 23&, 5,288 4, 788 1,713 1.713 t'9p680 49,680 14,734 11,342 326,403 315757 The primary function of police prOtecticn is to Protect life and property which � includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance, of peace, and enforcoment of traffic violations. � `gghe authoz ty to do this is granted to a large extent through criminal and. civil codes, and village, state, and federal. legislation affecting the public in general. 4,'O alffirl:S Proposed expenditures for this account are fourteen percent (14h) higher than the 9965 Budget. Summary of ite -ms to the increase is presented he2op -7o j kmauut Salaries and Wages $fl,_B :- insurance 1,240 Uniform allo -v &acs 600 Other Contractual. Services 66 Comodities 3 Central Se::v ices 2,700 Capital Outlay �3 MA L $39.,,566 ..mIu�s ®e OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAC,1; Feisd Function Ares Act. No. G F PROTECTION O ER'PF SONS MD P0LICE PROTECTION 24.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detui9 Present otadget Recommended Budgeted 1. Chief $ 11,475 •' 11,730 $ 11,220 I Lieutenants (2) 16,848 17,448 17,448 Sergeants (5) 31,296 40,620 40,620 Patro'.men (11) 500460 82,364 g2, 364 Patrolmen (3) 41.,904 21,652 21 0652 Patrolman (3) 13,488 20,432 20.,432 (3) 21,780 23,472 23,472 dDetectives ispatchers (3) 141P628 15,270 15,270 2atrolmen (2) 12,528 12,888 6 444 Dispatchers (p6.) 3,328 4,192 4 ®192 Secretary 4,560 3,880 3,880 Insurance ..... 1� 1.240 ,222,295 i $255,L88 $2482234 2 a Conferences and schools 1,260 I $ 1,288 $ 1,288 Dues and subscrip. - tions i 172 170 170 Teletype 540 540 540 (Radar and drunkometer 200 250 250 Laundry 50 40 40 Uniform. allowance 2 400 3, 000 2 500 .. �. $ 4,622 .. � a... v....., $ 5,288 $ 4,788 3, Ammznition $ 500 ; 400 Jail ound ,prisoner expense 300 400 Caps, leatherg©ods, badges 175 76 Photographic suppliesi 300 350 First aid supplies 50 50 Fire eNtinguisher supplies 110 160 General supplies I 275 .� � 277 $ 1,710 $ 1,713 4 3,733 4o General Village Hall $ 25,620 x,360 $ 25,200 3,480 Equipment operation 185000 21,000 i fi ' I I ( � $ 46,980 $ 49,660 I $ 49,530 � - -- ���e - - -- - - -- s=ee w•is:� - __-_- _ - -- Area _ -- �--- G:etaM ©. PTROT Ci:1ON ' RMSONS AIM d { E� /'u �P gyp; �T,C� ':FeP�Y [i a�:.� �-, n• � 6.:..A.��f r,HC 3.Oi. 10dl VEo<3N' URE DETAIL code� AcNviij object Dami3 Recommeaded Budgeted 5. Vehicles (8) 10,,600 a 11,300 99100 Pistols and shotguns 60 120 120 1 Si�ea,s a8;1 improvement s 450 ! bther I 140 hV ile Oabaimetr 80 80 adio 500 600 ! I I ube -x achy hits 250 250 j �Gene:rator I 2� 384 1 192 ! J- j30 1j- 7Y4 � j :3 3Y 32 TO�AL -M?,10F. a0'a'EMK01' 287,03a $326,603 i X3159757 C II i i i I I i I I � I i I I I I i ! I I i � i � I t I i I � I E fir EDNA _ Aat'NUA BUDGET Salaries and gages PAGE 44 f{(I F"3flCtt07 Uniform allowance APeLi ' 6°tCa. i'i0. 6 FMIECTION OF FERS011S Commodities 70 GENERAL AND FM Y FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 L192.799 SUMMARY 1965 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $1093188 $116,380 L PERSONAL SERVICES $ 124,976 $ 124,976 2,566 2;433 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,672 2,572 2,376 2,183 3. COMMODITIES 3,301 2,551 182,960 18,960 d. CENTRAL SERVICES 21,540 219540 7,,087 7,085 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,483 7.9487 177 1,041. TOTALS ,126 GOMIMENTARY FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case a± fire does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extinguish all fires. In general!, this involves the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. COx Proposed expenditure for this account is fourteen percent (14%) higher than 1965 Budget. Summazy of items contributing to the increase is presented below. *While no additional personnel are-recommended, the increase is due partially because a new firesan was employed in mid 1965, and because of additional funds for off-duty personwi response. kwunt Salaries and gages $15,228* Insurance 560 Uniform allowance 100 Other Contractual Services 6 Hose replacement .995 Commodities 70 Central services 2,580 Capital outlay 400 TOTS L192.799 *While no additional personnel are-recommended, the increase is due partially because a new firesan was employed in mid 1965, and because of additional funds for off-duty personwi response. VNI -LAVE— OF IEDIVV� ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 9:_5 Fund — tunic ;ou Area Actk. 6`0. 8�+���g Sys r�7� g SROTE I"T1 AND I ��+ A —_ � X15 �a^� yam'1S�sp917�y+ti�d�b7_3+SONS L't1�,.�L`'M 3 Fins ;yyet� E ry- ow I -- 5t9l9ELi &e a.JBV 0 i —:�io � — -- E"4PE DI 8 UM D72 AIL Code Activity Object Decal 8�+���g Rec®m, -ended BLdeg dod 1, Chief $ 8,820 9,264 Assistant Chief I 8,424 8,724 Lieutenants (2) ( 15,648 16,248 "1 ire wil C9 43., 344 67,536 Fireman 7,10/4 Fireman 6, 984 ! Fires 6,8U ireman (1) i 6, 6`.4 Tax -ttize firmer. 12,,000 16,000 I nsu once I 560 ! 1 y 099, I $124,976 $124,976 I I2. � G-a b ! schoole �Ducs 7 666 $ 622 $ 622 and subscriv - +t iotns 150 150 150 F,aLa'ilta'ry 350 I 400 400 UP-iform allowance 2,'400 1,500 1,400 j 2,56b ,?,672 $ 2,572- 3� �clotbing re- placemev-t $ 380 ; 366 366 117,11quid 0annisters 200 I foam 100 i10 Ito replacement, 330 1,,325 825 (Hose Photographic supp61FWs 116 125 125 First aid supp1 =ee 4 0 450 Gamma as Supplies 700 9 5 I 675 Refilling tanks 150 w, w �3a 30 4. General $ 10,740 � e? 12,360 I'v+,1.f abe Hall 3,060 3,180 � I Squflr n►' oparatir.:n I 160 I� 6,0010 ®5 960 21,540 5Q &l�'�S�;w88 (2) 200 I I Scott fresh air ! � I artaskn (2) 7:7 i I l Foa-m applicator i 290 ! 1�artab7 e radia? ; i 750 Zaire 2) 220 !Dm la na fe °ant a In ! 250 Reserve for pupper $ x,000 5,000 v8r l G'49's`i � 3gN��D E I - _7,08I I � ! $ 7 87 9 ^j'� p71 gg q7(gg - -_— {l0�ti 1 $140r17 7 a. 15 1a.9 L6 I $159.,126 tea.. .�,.�. -- I:orci Function '°--• Arco Acct. No. CMRAI. s ROTECT101I IM OF SONS .ANED j O� VILIPY. DEFENSE 24.300 -- (91PERTY I SUMMARY 196.5 1966 I3IfDUTED ' ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 3x275 f $ 1,275 I. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,720 $ 2,630 436 175 2. CON TP.ACTIIAL SERVICES 436 436 550 278 3. COMMODITIES 650 450 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2 261 7i8 ''C'I'.4LS 3,806 � �6 COBt MENTARY FUNCTION The Edina Civilian Defeiase organization maintains liaison with locale state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet em rgency si.tuations.of catastrophic natures Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency personnel. CAS Proposed expenditures for this account are sixty -seven percent (67%) higher than 1965 Budget. The Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, provides for a matching funds program called "personnel Administration Expense" a7hich provides for payment to the comminity of one-half of the cast. We estimate fifteen percent of the time of the. Director of Public Safety and police secretary will be spent on Civil Defense business. Summary of item: contributing to the increase is presented below. F-M L Salaries rind wages $1,762 Book8, p blets and training a 'ds 100 S i.rer. 206 rA AL 21,545 s� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 Fund Function Area Act. Ito. GENERAL FRO!,MMON OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DESPISE 24.300 PROPERTY Director 1,275 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cods Activity Object . Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Director 1,275 S 2,070 $10980 Clerical 650 650 10275 2,720 $20630 2. Conferences and schools $ ill ill and subscrip- (Dues tions 25 25 Leased lines for i sirens 300 300 $ 436 I T-436 4 $ 436 3, Books, pamphlets ' and training aids $ 100 $ Uniform-reserves ISO $ 150 100 Ammunition- reserves 50 50 50 Radiological- survey meter supplies 100 100 100" Sign reglacecmnts 50 50 50 Siren 100 300 15® 550 650 $ 450 TOTAL CIVILIAN I � I I DEFENSE I i 2 261 � 3,806 $31,51 6 "Y"ILAGE OF Ez31NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGF- 48 Faced F'- Function Area Acct. No. CETMAI� PROTECTION OF PMSONS Atala PUBLIC HEALTH 24°400 SUMMARY _ - 1965_ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 _ RECOMMENDER BUDGETED $ 12,480. $ 12,472 3• PERSONAL SERVICES $ 13,000 $ 1,108 960 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,108 750 789 3. COMMODITIES 1,500 1,668 12,668 A. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,040 225 230 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 70 16,2 31 $L 16,119 TOTALS $ 17,718 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persona within the community. COMMS Proposed expenditures for this account are nine Percent (9`) higher than 1965 Budget. Summary of items contributing to the Increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages $ 520 ; Test equipment and I supplies 750 Cerntra? services 372 Capital outlay 155 1 487 v' OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 49 Fund Function Area Act. No. G1�71};3A�►a PE0TEC-Z'10N OF PnEONS ANO PUH%i0 HEAi,Tii 24.400 �izo���e Sanitarian $ 8,700. EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Acuity object Present Budget Recon, mended Budgeted 9 1. Sanitarian $ 8,700. $ 9,450(A Medical Of €ice,. 300 300 Secretary 1,606 2`550 Typist 2,280 Suter help 600 700 $ 12,480 $ 33,000 20 Conferences and sebools $ 343 $ 348 Dues and subscrip- tions 45 40 Mileage 720 ! 720 1,108 ! 1@108 3. Test equipment and supplies $ 750 $ 10500 4. General $ 1,308 $ 1,320 Village Hall 240 480 Garage 120 240 1,668 5. Electric typewriter (112) $ 225 Table and stool 70 TOTAL. HEALTH $ 16,231 $ 17, 718 1T 728 ( m $25 January 1 an $25 � my 1 I� ! I I Ii VILLAGE OF ENNA ANNUAL DUB SFT PAC e SD Fund Faintios Arm Acct. No.. GI A PRQD','RMON OF PEBSDNS AIiD , CONTROL 24.500 _F l3fD1"�F`�t y -- SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 13,154 13,138 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COWAODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL, OUTLAY $13,154 s13,138 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 13,154 13,154 13.154 FUNCTION Animal Control is a function of Village Government designed to protect life and property from the injurious activities of aalmalm, both wild and dowAsticated. The Village Council has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. CGMS 1966 is the last year of a three -guar contract. Estimated revenue is $5,400; net cost of animal control $7,754. Exploring possibility of cooperating with Bloomington nand Richfield on different patrol basic. VILLAGE 01� EDHW , ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 51 .@�.�.Fead i Pa��e ion Area I Acct. No. GEMMAL P'ILOTECT10N OF ?BRSONS AFB i PR 32 mSi i 1NSFE ONS I 24.600 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 19,430 $20,766 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 30,670 $ 30,670 503 647 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 650 640 300 207 3. COMMODITIES 850 850 4,236 4,236 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,740 40740 300 230 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,350 1,650 242769 $ 26,086 TOTALS 39250 $, 38,550 COMMENTARY FUNCTION . The functions of the luspection Departmmt are to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign permits, enforce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing and c4notruction aides; establish house numbering; recommend condemnation and abatemut of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building construction. Cd1NAMS Proposed expenditures for this account are fifty -eight percent (58%) higher than 1965 Budget. Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages 11,240`. Conferences and schools 63 Mileage 74 Pr1uted fo=s 650 Other commdities 100 Central services 504 Capital outlay 2,,050 � 14Q481 e One additional full-time inspector provided and more Part -time inspection because of volume of new building. VI -AGE LSE= EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 Fang Function Area Act. -No. GAL PRMECTION OF PE ONS AND INSPECTIONS 24, 600 1, Director (Sanitarian) $ 600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recostimended Bud `ted 9 1, Director (Sanitarian) $ 600 Building inspector 7,500 $ 7,950EA Plumbing inspector 6,900 7,200 Plumbing and heating Inspector 7.650 Typist (1/3) 1,280 3,960 Secretary 1"600 Overtime 200 1,410 Summer help $ 19,430 2 500 30,670 $30,670 2, Conferences and schools $ 134 $ 197 Dues and subscrip- tions 123 123 Mileage I 246 503 320 640 $ 640 3. Printed forms I $ 100 $ 750 Code books 100 1 75 General sup ties 100 25 $ 300 $ 850 $ 850 4. General $ 3,036 $ 3,300 Village dull 240 480 Equipment operation 960 4,236 960 -4,740- $ 4.750 S. Electric typewriter (1/2) $ 225 (Desk File and chair 75 $ 200 $ 200 Calculator ( 700 Plan holder 150 150 Truck replacement 300 1,300 ,350 _ 1,300 $ 1,650 TOTAL INSPECTIONS I 24 769 39;250 38.550 I (A) - $25 .Banuary I umd $21 July 1 � I � n..�.. Fund � Fuse. :an GSQMn NOW-DAPARTHEMAL MENDVEW'ES SUMMARY _ 1965 m BUDGETED ESTIMATED is ®t3DD I1�39'fl lc?i30 X �39t1 11 OBJECT PAGE 53 Area Acct. No. col IKGEMUS 26.100 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S. CQlV MODMES 4. CEN 9 RAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OiITWI TOTALS COMMI -NTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Z`�sdQQ 9,297 � 15efl� FUNCTION Dvxing the year, a-0antielpat:ed but necessary expeo.ditures may sic , for which there h&s bean no previous appropriation. This aecouat is a reserve $or such contingencies. VILLAGE OF IOWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGEss Fated : Fmcfien Area Acct. No. GENE AL' , W -WPA3 4: TAM LNTEUDZ SS SPECIAL ASSLS sN ° TS ON 26. 3300 VILLAGE iii 0PHM- SUMMARY ?965 9966 BUDGETED EST5A_k D OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2c3sQ�Da 28,802 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 302m 29.000 4 $ 281802 TOTALS 3x1000 COMMENTARY The Village coned pro-parties are subject to special assessments fm various I�pzsove�teu� projects. This account provides fauds to pay these assezments I I M, "AL FvJC11GL':;'T SE 01--' r�" el'31�11 S...u��__...����}�J.,>..�..... ! �-.._,_.._.. _._..,....._.._!'t6:ICi'�c7�'�i ..,..•V..�._..s i __.�_��_.�_...� him ®.._____– __._— ° --_.. (JIMITRAT., S UIM tvi A RY -TUDGSTED 1965 ESTIMM -ED OBJ ECT 3. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S. COMMODMES ' CENT RA-Z. SERVICES 1 ,5705 S. CAPIYAL OUT!AY n' 0-05 'TOTA, LS A-gy PAGE 56 Aect. No. 26.5,10 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Z'I 4aM 360 FUMT101? certailt items of eqca ITmenT. or iq;m'o-.amM:,s '«n-kch have a Use:Ful life of more than one yearv, IflIjeh Gpjjn04 be alla-ated to any pavitiazsla-r fuinc- on, a-ATa alassifted in this account. VI U'.GE Oi�r' E031MA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 57 Fund Function Area Acs. No. GEMERAL NOH- - DEpAMMAL iiMMITU S CHNIM SERVICES- CAPIT&L 26.500 Village W1 5. Impaove=ntss EXPENDi URE DETAIL Cone Activity Object Detail Present Budges , Recommended Budgeted H Village W1 5. Impaove=ntss ?awge is offtee 10000 $ 750 Conference room and library 18000 750 veetical open fill and foldars 950 700 Heating system 71 500 TOTAL VILLAGE MLL $ 71500 $ 20954 $20200 Garage improa, emmM to ventilating system 10000 Storage loft 850 I Lights and outlets 400 gates and air system e ;tensions 150 Sprinkling system Soo Salt storage hoppew 1s20fl Various 9 4 350 � TOTAL GARM $ 4,350 ew' 4,1 0 43,350 Equipment Operation TNJO ton hoist $ 530 Trolley 208 Overheard oil dis -. penser p Fool board and stMage 230 � � Hy&raulic 157.stem elleckvz- 450 FOash stak! egaip- 4W Nechaniees stand,, 300 egtu Tube $ se test tank 60 Valve stem reamers I 175 50 tan ram fee ports p I 75 Chain hoist as tail 175 Parts storage, bolt buss, tom?& bch 600 Steam jaj Compressor wheels 125 Various I 20355 TMAL EQUIP OPERMON $ 2 855 4 310 53 S60 TOTAL CMU SERBI S- CAPITAL GMAY __g!4.705 31 360 _ $9Q110 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE T PAGE 58 7- al, Friction Are® A-Ca. No. GmimLAL NON-DEPARTIMTAL EXPUDITURES VITAL DWRDVIMS 26.600 SUW ARY BUDGETED ES i BMATED ABJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. VERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE; 3. +COWUM DITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 509,cw 500000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 50,000 50Q SO,O#�!3 TOTALS 50.000 $ S 000 COMMENTARY .Mika i This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements3o C S We propose a transfer from the Liquor Dispensary Fund of $50,000 Into a reserve account for purpose of constructing and equipping a second fire station f and new public library. I ` iLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 59 Fund Pusction Amu Acct. No. PARS PARS AND REGMTION ANUMISTRM Wi 47.100 SUMMARY i$65 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 27,875 $ 28,628 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 28,582 $ 10085 1,381 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19336 125 40 3. C0.1440DITIES 1225 11,628 11,628 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 13,140 S. CAMTAL OUTLAY 4.0.713 TOTALS $ 43 ®183 COMMENTARY FOCTION The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of the Village parks and - recreation facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program. Providing for the administration of the park and recreation function is the object of this account. The Edina Park Boards as an advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. CONKEWS Proposed expenditures for thf.s account are six percent (67.) higher than the 1965 budget. Summary of items contributing to increase is preseatad belmi. Amounts Salaries and wages $ 707 Conferences and schools 226 Dues and subscriptions 23 Central Services 1,512 Tt3TAJ. 02,470 'MLAGE W EDINA . ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 60 Fund Function Aeea Act. No. PARK PAM MD RECREATION AM41HI STRATICH 47 0108 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object Detail Pruent Budget Recommended Budgeted I 10 Director $ 9,300 $ 908700 Program supervisor 8,100 S0,3100 Secretary 4 ®380 30870 Clerical (113) 1,200 10201 Training 200 200 Paid leave 4,695 132. $27,875 $280-582 2. 'Coafereneas and Schools g 350 I_ $ 576 Dues and subscriptions 75 ! 160 � Audit 660 660 V-1-'085 10336 3. Printing $ 510 50 Books and ptimphlets 75 75 125 125 40 General 8,088 $ 9,420 Village Hall 1,020 1:,200 Garage 1,320 1;320 Equipment operation 1.200 1 200 111,628 $13.140 TOT ADMI-MISMATIOa $10713 3,183, $43,183 January 1 aad $35 July i 1 B-435 January l almd *35 � July 1 i I I ! I ALrAGE Or EWHA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 Fund Function Area Acct. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED v ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 27 n 600 $ 269712 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $28,000 $ 8,250 89081 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,250 5,500 49584 3. COMMODITIES 59825 TOTAL 275 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Y 41,350 $-11%277 TOTALS $1.QLS S1.075 .. COWAENTARY FUNCTION The Village, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a year around ,recreational program as a function of Village goveraTeut. This program Is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department. It includes such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, swisming and tennis instruction; and a sum playground program for small children. Son of these activities rec®fva financial support from various service organizations, and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. C46TS i Proposed expenditures for this account are one percent (1%) lower than the 1965 budget. Sumary of items contributing to increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and wages: Tennis instruction $ 150 Playground 250 400 Bus rental 1,500 Pool rental Soo Caamodities 325 TOTAL 275 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEEV PAGE 62 FtaAd EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code. Function, Area Act. No. PARK PAK MW RECREAT1011 RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code. Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 201 Baseball and 1. Supervision $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Softball Coaching Assistant 1 350 1,350 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 3. Plates and bases $ 325 $ 375 Batts and balls 300 300 Catcher's equipment 300 '300 lEquipmernt repair SO 100 973 1,075 TOTAL, BASLBAU AND SOIriBALL S 30525 $ 30625 202 Skating and Hockey to Rink supervision $ 6,460 $ 6o460 Hockey coaching 540 540 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 & Goalie equipment: 400 400 Goals 200 200 600 600 TOTAL, SKATIM Alm HOCKEY $ 7,600 $ ?..Goo 203 Tennis Instruction 1. Instructor $ 500 $ S00 Assistant instructor 300 450 $ 800 950 3. Tennis balls $ 125 $ 125 Nets 100 i85 Unclassified 25 25 250 27S TOTAL TENNIS $ 11050 $ io225 2W. Playground 1. Leaders $ 7,850 $ 88,100 3. Grafts $ 2,000 $ 2,009 Replacements and renewals 600 650 21,600 $ 20,650 TOILAL PLAWROMW $10,450 $10,750 205 SwiUming Instructio l� �Sapery sor I $ SOt3 $ 508 (Instruction 5,100 50100 Attendants Registration I 400 I 200 I 4W 200 $ 68200 $ 6,200 20 Sus rental $ 7,500 $ 6,000 (Pool rental 750 1,1250 88250 $ 100 $ 7,250 $ 100 3. Flutter boards Unclassified _ 25 125 •• $ 125 $ 225 TOTAL Sim i INSTRUCTION $140575 $130675 f {� 'AIL AGE 04 EDINA ANNUAL HUDS P /4GE 63 Fund Function Area Act No. PARE PARK AiM RECREATION RECREATION PROGRA4 47.200 EJ(PENDITUREF DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 206 Miscellaneous and le Payroll 1,800 $ 10,800 Special activities Leaders 1,400 1,400 $ 3,200 30200 3. Printing sumur bulletin $ 550 $ 600 Children's awmew theatre 200 200 Soccer 100 100 Unclassified 100 100 950 12000 TOTAL MISCZLL.AF?ECOS AND SPECI" ACTI©ITISSS 4,150 42200, TOTAL RECRE&TIC3 PROGRAM $41,350 11075 $41,075 I I I I I ° .LLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL 6U©GEI PAGE 64 Fend Fmiction Area Acct. Igo. PARK PARK ARID RECREATION MAINTENANCE 47.300 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGE'T'ED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 39,948 $ 381,523 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 04,852 $ 39150 39882 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,850 10,340 10,021 3. COMMODITIES 10,340 9 0 840 91,840 4. CENTRAL SERViC£ S 10 800 D Electrical wiring 30D 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 300, ,63 Z78 _ 52, 268 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUMMOP w Park maintenance involves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget account are only those properties designated as parks. Other Village properti es such as boulevards, island., triangles, lift and pua.i 08 stations, etc., are maintained through other budget accounts, although the grotnad work is done by the park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks includes turf cage, establish - ment and earn of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures for this account are twelve percent (120) higher than the 1965 budget. Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented below. Amount Salaries and gages: mooing 880 Special turf care 400 Building and equipment maintenance 3,024 Skating rink maintenance 6n0�0 YET, D Q� Special turf care- contract work 800 Electrical wiring 30D POWW 300, meat 1,500 Central services 960 TO $7.564 VILLAGE 0e 011,E AN-&DUAL 01092 -`i' PAGE- 65 Fund Function Area A =t. No. PARR PARK RKREATION MAINTENANCE 47.300 E"ENDIT ARE DETAIL Code Activity Object Datail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 301 Sowing 1. Payroll 81000 80880 Contracted repa2rs 450 450 3. Repairs, parts and hand mowers 750 750 $. Equipment operation 2 724 2844" $11,924 12,924 TOTAL HOWL= 302 Special Turf Care 1e Payroll $ 6,848 $ 70248 2. Contracted wank Soo 10600 3. Seed 1,200 11200 Sod -540 R40 Fertilizer 1,300 10300 Black. dirt 1,000 10000 Weed spray 100 100 $ 4,140 40240 4. Equipment operation 1,320 1 440 TOTAL SPECIAL TURF CAR& $13,108 $14,428 30.•71 Plantings and Trees 1. Payroll 2,800 $ 2,800 2. Equipment Remul 100 100 3. Plant materials 500 Soo 4. Equipment operation 960 964 TOTAL PLANTYMS AND TREES $ 4,360 $ 4,360 304 Litter Removal 1. Payroll 4 4,900 4,900 3. Trash Containers 200 200 4. Equipmeat operation 660 660 TOTAL LITTZ REMOVAL $ 5,760 5,760 305 IParking urea 1. Payroll $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Maintenance 3. Road oil 1,200 1,� Sand 250 I Unclassified 100 10000 j I 4. Equipment; op=ation 1,550 600 $ l0S50 600 TOTAL PAULWG ARRA i HAINTENA*M $ 3,550 $ 3,650 i 306 Building and Equip- I - mast Hainteuanee 1. Payroll $ 5,200 ' :$ 8,2M 2. Utilities I 200 200 3. Lumber $ 9,800 $ 1,800 Repair materlals 1 000 1,000 $ 22800 $ 29800 4. Equipment opexation 660 1,140 TOTAL SUILDIM AND � V iLLAGE OFF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET.. PAGE 66 a Fund Function Area Acct. Flo. PMK FMK 90 REMEATION MINTENMCE 47.300 EXPEWi'G'URE DETAIL Erode Activity ®bjcct Detail Prosent Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 307 Ek ting Rink 1, Payroll $10,700 $11,300 Maintenance 20 Electrical Wiring 900 600 Powele 700 400 Beat 1, S00 $ 1,600 $ 2Z500 36 Lamps and fixtures 400 400 4, Equipment operation L 2,916 3 156 TOTAL 3KATIM EEM M.AINTEM -9CH 215,616 2l&356 TOTAL MAIAM&MME $63.278 $709842 4702842 f � f _ 'I 1LAGE OF EDINA Ai JAL BUMET PACE 67 PARK VAINTERAW4 PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION lb SMUM Park Foreman 1 1 $625 $645 7,350 Park Keeper 1: S S SIB 540 30,240 Park Recker 1 2 3 467 490 10,470 Temporary Laborers ._ 9JOG TOTAsl JaZa.360 Park and Recreation: Administration: Training 200 Paid leave 5,132 Rem eat ion: Macellaaeous and special activities 1,860 Nal ateaance s Howing $ 8,880 Special turf care 7,246 Plantings and trees 2,808 Litter removal 4,,900 Parking area maintemmee 1,500 Building and ecuapsmt maintenance 8,224, Skating rink maiutenance it 300 $44.852, TOTAL PARK AM RECREATION �. $51,984 C'ammsged to Other Funds., feral- Public Works 8,050 Sulwains Pool 2,000 Vate"orks 750 Seer Aeutal 450 golf Course 750 lee Arena 50 ... 9122750.- TO��L $642134 7,740 32,400 15,294 9.300 'ALLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68. Fund Function I Area Acct. No. Pty PARK AND RECREATION CAPITAL' OUai.AY 47.100 ®5 SUXWAPY 1965 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $. 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES TES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 90475 9„275 5. CAPITAL 6UTLAY 9,300 8,250 �. .......sue. S 9A47-5 9 2 � TOTALS e. 9J00 8, COMMENTARY V9=0W F,apenditureo for ttws of equipment which have a useful life of core than one year are classified as capital outlay, CATS Truckster is to be used for litter aremovala ball field maientenawe, and transportation for summar help. Riding Rotary is to be used for high grass and Breeds, that the shall rotaries cannot handle. Two panel trucks are for the director and recreation supervisor. The director's pickup will be given to the foreman, thus relieving the jeep from high mileage. The present recreation supezvisorra vehicle will be used for fools and equipment of the carpenter. — Fed d _T - - - -- — , -- - - — -- Area _ _ Act. Rio. FARK MIZ AND a}aS.°TMAT I GN CAPITA.T., OUTLAY 47.100-5 I Code Activity object Detail Budget MCCmr ended Sedgeted � _— S. T—zaekste• ° UaM $1,200 Four Bet's of bleachers 899 809 I?i --nie tables. S9a Soo Chaim sass 303 300 !Riding Rotary 1,209 19290 IR adial saw i iso 150 ! IWater tank I M 299 Snon,7 bl(n.7eT- ! 599 500 i Aluminum beat I I 259 ! 259 Two el truzks � p��ani i ��,��i� I 3,150 i ► {� Va i ous ✓ .475 ! TOTAL CAP1TM, J� � � i i� 'i ! i I ! i I i 9M.&Y I 1 ! I i i I $8.259 I Ft ; LAGE OF E DHNA ANNUAL BUD627 PAGE 7a Fimd Fuintio:. Am Acct, No. �tQ RBUY& AND PUBLIC MSM 90.500 1 1965 _ BUDGETER ESTIMATED 12,125 11�8u $12.125 B82_ SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL. SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED . 32e125 32,125 $12_125 FUMMON Represents Village cost of relief and administration, a" shared cost of Beal Hwmepin Cemmty Mwsiag. OP ANNUAL 'IL:&IDG-"Lz.T PAGE �.. .�.��FE!Vd•v.....�_. ' Function _- ,_....r._..._..w.__ � � � APgN `_•._ __ _ I �- nGGa< �(3. SUMMARY -D� GE-1 ED ESTMATED $ 5 95 tmo OBJECT i. PERSONAL SERA I'M i. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMI CDOTIES C CENTPIAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTS TOTALS COMMENTARY p �aI�6 A e Q� p_,py� 3 C)p�f3A g G D -8F —am - c . Represents olbmt allocated morn Liqi= �ispen,sayy Fund for Capltd MAIM IS Repzesan.T.s amouat as proposed by Fanch Board &,-Y4 'r,8 1962 to :set, sip Arapi ovement schedule approved try ftid .ca? ilm- ng the same yeax. I I I I j 1 i t i i I PAGE 7 I Fund Fu�c4icr� Area I Acct. No. L stems A -INTMiir T ( SUMMARY 1965 _ 1966 BUDGETED ESTIKATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ a. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 66,800 65,466 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67,700 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 66�81D �S� r64� TOTALS 67 2700 COWENTARY These funds are used to w2ke an al gWmmUs on outstanding %n&. j Ford � e:. staon - -- - - - Area t. No. � EIRE pROTrE0T10`13 120o260 -9 SUMMARY 1965 _ BUDGETED ESTIMAT-ED 10,600 10s.388 OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 11,300 'Ll 300 11°300 Represents amount of hydrant rental for give protection paid to watea vviorks fund. ET PAGE Fused. Function � Arena Acct. N FIREM s S REEF A S00=10% ( 200 230 -! SUMMARY 1965 _ -- 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 3.600 3,,52$. 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,800 3. COMMODITIES I 4. CENT. SERVICE S. CAPITAL OUTLAY i .600 ,&26528 -- TOTALS 30.800 $ 3 p 800 COMMENTARY Represents the aunt the Village coutributes E®w retirement of volunteer £$tame OF EDiNA AML BUDG� PAGE 75 Am ! Acct. No. SUMMAR'f 19.65 - BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 5,130 5®130 `. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 3. COMMODITIES Q. CEN s PAL SERVICB S. CAPITAL OUTLAY t-S 130 S�13O 'TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 4o275 �op2Y5 4,275 1UPCUOR Represeuts Village shape of cast, of Couaty Park System computed on the basis of fifteen amity per capita. C �~ C C11-- -ark ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 6 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED .� Oe-ACT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED FundT' Function Area Acct. No. REi10INFIRC CENT&AL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 SUMMARY 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED Oe-ACT 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 103,108 111x902 . CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 114 ®86• 6,480 6,572 3. CO ODI"nES 6a600 4. CEN'd Re L SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAt �. &588 !�, 18 27�s TOTALS ;, 321 a4�it� � 121,464 COMMENTARY IRMCTI These expenditures represent costs w7hich are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments,, postage, equipmeut service contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based on usage, Appropriations for this account have increased six percent (67.). Summary of the items contributing to the increase is presented below. Account Telephone $2100 Pension contributions 720 Postage 840 Workmen's Compensation 2520 j Hospitalization 576 Office supplies 120 TOTAL 6876 !fll AG`- - � 1i1A ANNUAL BUDGET PASS 77 Fdnd Faaiciioa Area Act. No. REVOLViiG MiTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Recommended Budgeted 2, Telephone $ 8,100 $ 103200 Equipment service contracts 1,500 1b500 Public Employees Retirement Associa- tion Contribution 63,600 64,320 Postage Insurance: Liability 4,200 4,680 50040 4,680 i Workmen's Campensav tion 12,300 e 14,820 p Employee =s Share - Hospitalization 13,728 14,,304 $108,108 $1143,864 3o Office supplies A 480 MOD TOTAL GEMAL $114J88 121-A64 1-0121,464 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATE � DEP THENTS: ANNUAL HOIN LY Mayor and Council $ 360 $ 30 Planning 1,500 125 Administration 5,580 465 Finance 4,860 403 Assessing 4,560 U0 Legal 120 10 Public Works: Aftinistra►tion 960 80 Engineering 7,,740 645 General I 19,344 1n612 Police 25,200 20100 Fire 32,360 7.,0341 Public Health 1,320 110 Inspections 3,300 275 Village Hall 784 65 Garage 240 20 Equipment Operations 2.280 190 $ 90,504 $ 70542 %LLOCATED TO H F ZEDS Swimming Pool. i $ 420 $ 35 Golf Course 3,000 250 Pmrk 9,420 785 Waterworks 51580 455 Sewer Rental 4,980 415 Liquor -50t Street 2,640 220 Liquor -Sout hdale 2, 100 175 Liquor - Grandview I 1,80® 150 Ice Center I _ 1.020 85 $ 30,960 2,580 OVAL $121,4V4 102122. Fur :d Function Area Acct. No. BiadOWVING MTRAL SERVICES ES VILLAGE HALL 250200 $„ 19 ,86 & 2a SUMMARY OBJECT ?. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 8 ?104 $ 10,300 1p700 780 202880 20.880 E'ibPiE�� This account provides for the opwatien and maintenance of the Villega Hallo Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space o" pied. COSIES Appropriations for this account have Increased fire percent (5 %)o Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented belov„ Amouat Salaries and wages 1965 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 7,220 $ 7b669 10,060 200582 1,644 2o176 936 936 Contracted service and repairs, 3 @986 $„ 19 ,86 & 2a SUMMARY OBJECT ?. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. 'CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 8 ?104 $ 10,300 1p700 780 202880 20.880 E'ibPiE�� This account provides for the opwatien and maintenance of the Villega Hallo Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space o" pied. COSIES Appropriations for this account have Increased fire percent (5 %)o Summary of items contributing to the increase is presented belov„ Amouat Salaries and wages $ €80 Beat 600 Light and power 100 Water and sewer 161 Rubbish hauiing 45 Laundry service 335 Contracted service and repairs, 6d0 Oleaniug supplies IGO General supplies 5® Repair parts and bardware 106 Contra! servi.ae 156 TOTAL $1,� -- Am I kl . No. J0t,Ttrlwo, I Cu"ENTRAL SERVICES I VILLA=GE HALL EXPENDITURE D'MiL 25.200 Cae Activity objecc, — Oe�x�i8 I Budget ! Retor.�€s�et,ded P.M90W 1. Custodian $ 5,520 S 51,880 Custodian 42800 Extra a help and overtime I 800 2 320 I 6,320 $13,CW I j Uiacatec3 to 0,1her Dena iftamte s 1 ' Libr a3f•.'�i I 2,200 Garage Imp 3 600 5 -0- raSoo � 6 $ 7® Public Works 900 900 3 7,220 ; 80100 I I i 2. Heat $ 2,100 2,700 I Light and pcbjer 4,00 4,300 i Water end sewer service I 24.0 1 insurance 295 295 Rubbish nervi.ce 200 245 I j Laundry service 465 6000 Electrical and Furnace sexvica 400 400 Aft canditionirg service 460 460 Contract service E ad ' repairs --L-5-00- $iD,060 900 � -Ioawo ` 3. I "leaning supplies Papea LCE.'e 3 ; I $ 600 2.00 €s Soo i e �ea�e?•a�. supplies I A� 200 I I Re�amix. pa�ts and � I 8ar&Uawe I X00 206 I i Oarpente z mterials I and paint. 300 300 � A Rep lace -ast- light wAbs � 29As X296, $ 206m.. 1,700 tic Gene :'a1 la 936 780 5 .9,860 i X20 880 TOTAL VYLUCE HAM. $2U,£80 i i A 9 E 0i- E D I N A ANW-A 813DGET PAGE 80 - Fund Furctivil Area Act. ho. REVOLVING 0IU.'8AL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL COLIC Activity Object Detuia Budget I Recommended Budgeted -DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO ® DE ARTIlL .'iTS t AMIUAL Mayor and Gounei' l o4 0 $ 123 planning 480 .40 Admi .istrat:a on 3,120 260 Finame 1,200 too i Assessing 1,200 100 Engineering 1,440 120 Police 3,480 290 Fire 30180 265 Public Health 480 40 Inspections 480 40 $16,500 4 19375 ALLOCATED TO OTMM FU14DS jM AGENCIES s Park 1,200 100 Waterworks 5" 45 Sewer Rental 420 35 Hennepin County co=t 2,220 185 l3 380 365 I I I TOTAL f I 120,880 117 4® I I I l ESA _ r>:�� BUDGET PAGE 8i, F,r. .... Fund Ares Acct. NO. � REVOWYNG QWRAT, SRRt:110E:S GARAGE 25.30( SUMMARY ICJA5 BUDSETED ESTIMAT90 $ 3,900 $ 36313 9t,616. 11,20 . 1,700 12185 736 156 $11x972 16 454 ��H41 t. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CEMML SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMMAIRY 1966 _ REC®MIMENDED BUDGETED $ a,�r0@ $ god 240 i`Iti CTION The function of the garage is to provide a shelter for equigm=t maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public works personnel. COHIWTS Summary of items contributing to the increase In appropriatiGns is preseneed below. 1 Salravies and ages $900 E Utilities 446 f Insurance 74 Rubbish hauling 60 I Central services _ 511 TOTAL JLZ2 4 I i VIM.-AGE OF ED114A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 82 Fund Pustion Area Act. No. REVOLVIM CM&AL SERVICES GARAGE 25.300 EXPENDiiURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1; Custodian 2,700 30630 Public Works - payroll 1,200 1,200 40,800 .� 3,900 20 Hest $ 4,,9089 $ 44800 Light and pmmr 4,000 3p600 Insurance 210 Rubbish Tumilag 360 420 Sewer and water sewiee 146 200 9,616 9,3 3o Cleaning supplies 0 400 Gene -al supplies, hardware and repair parts Light bulb Weplac 1,000 t i0o 10000 3Oii 1,700 1 700 `s, General 756 20 625 972 $16 i $16,04 ALLOCATED TO OP&MI M DER ,TS m AFMAL Health $ 240 $ 2O Engineering 240 U Public Vowks 1,320 110 Xquipmnt 0pe.�at1� 12,44- 1037 014,24 $ 10187 ALLOCATED TO UEM F UM,. Park 1,320 110 Waterworks 240 20 Sewer Mental I 240 20 I $ 1 *800 I 150 AL 16 w' 1 337 *A iAlf -tim parts clerk and schedules: is aecommendado Fund Area Aw. No. --iEVOLVII, M- SERVICES hwipmw OPERATION 25.400 i SUMMARY _ 1965 1966 BUDGE' 6 ESTIMATED OBJECT' RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 34,688 ; V039 I. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 38,256 � 14AGO 142805 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15:904 52;600 51.,911 3. COMMODITIES 560,300 14'v664 14,664 `. CENTRAL SERVICES 14a 5. CAPI'T'AL OUTLAY 1164352 , 629 ,184 �2- 184 _.... COMMENTARY [FUNCTION This account provides for operation amd maintenance of all vehicleas maintenance equipment, and pwd" tools, Costs of eVipment operation are charged to operating departments and othw funds on the basis of use. CS Appropriations For this account have increased eight percent (8%). Summary of Items contributing to thm increase is preaeaated below. Amount Salaries and gages $3,568* Radio services - 300 Latmdry 204 Contracted kepaiixs 1,0W Gasoline and fuel oil 2,0W lubricants 200 `fires and tubes 1,500 Accessories and pmts 3®046 Central services � 60 TOTAL $8,832 *A iAlf -tim parts clerk and schedules: is aecommendado �r'ILIL GVE 01"- :NINA AMMUAL OUDG ;7 PACE 1 Fund Fuaction Area I Act. No. Ii '(}MMG GMRAL SERVICES RQiiIPMT OPEUTI.ON 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAiL Code Activity Object Detail � Budget Recommended Budgeted to Mechanic foreman 7,200 $ 79500 Mechanic 6,984 ? ,7260 Servicemen (night) 6,330 6,480 Serviceman (Golf) 6,180 6,480 Payroll(PuTblic Works ) 4,000 6, 6Wg Overtime 3,99E 19536 ' Parts Clerk (1) MW i I $ 34-2688 $ 381,256 ' L Radio service ^ 3x700 $ 4, ' Laundry 700 ( 90.E Contracted repairs 5,000 I 60000 Insuran e 5 000 �$ f Sacco 14,4063 15l,904 3. Replacement of tools 1,0003 $ 12000 Stock materials 3,500 30500 Velding supplies 1,000 1,000 Gasoline and fuel oil 18,000 29sQW Lubricants 21,600 20800 Tires and Mabes 5,500 I 4o00Q Accessories and parr 21,000 52,600 24 000 56„308 4. General $ 1,716 $ 2328€1 Garage 12n948 12 $ 142664 $ 14.7 _ �. TOTAL EWIPMT I OPERATUM I i $1162352 $125.184 $ 125 186• I I � D HN A IRA G E A JA Ju EXPENDITURE DETA8L Code Ackiv&y IRMO Detail Act MO. RecaZIMMP112 Budgeted 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETA8L Code Ackiv&y Detail RecaZIMMP112 Budgeted AUNTUAL I NQRRM�I - 480 �41D jI i Assessing I 460 4-0 Engineeving 200 339 P-ablic works: sup WT. -AsIon and blve"Ch.&A 4 8 0 1 fA Street Maint.Car.11 a i 44,076 39673 Street Lighting 1 480 40 stueet Nlame S>Sgii1 1,320 A10 Traffic CaWerol 2-592 216 Bridge 516 A C-1 Lilly Storm LaIaxnAge 2,760 230 a' Vla 40 e propti il 'S 3,720 I 310 all 11 ice 1 21,00 0, i ,750 Fire 6,000 so 960 80 $ 89,064 7,422 G-dirmi-a-Z P00-1 7'20 GO C-019 9,900 825 Park's j 12,000 I'm 375 Sewer R, P, n t, a, 1 3,000 m Recrection Center-Nae &cdn-m I 1,200 I 160 coastruation (AsseE."Iseek 11"OjecLs�) 800 400 I i _ I i s:`�Y� � i�_�5 �8f� 10,432 j I