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1967 Annual Budget
BU D G.- -E T 1967 VILLAGE OF EDI A .J TABLE T? SCM'9,7&G UP NIMBEUDS SUMALUESO MMIROGE, SMAMOS Schedule of Kaximum Salaries I-T-1-111 Budgez Ordinance I Ity - V &vmmwn I - Revenues by FE: =,d Sourec, UT AFT T SUIW,Pxy 11 -- Batportdi'w=es by Fund and Funatioa VIII-IN DMIXELS OF EXPEWDITURES C-Onezral Governmeat Village Ccuncil 1 2 PI'arming 3 4 A6ainistration 5 6 Finanoe 7 8 Meation 9 iz 10 Assessing 11- 12 .Legal and Court Servtaas 13 �Fa :Ubrary 15- -1-6 Public Waxks Administration 17- 18 ZzgSna2King i9- 20 Supewvision and Ove2h?ad- 21- 22 23 Calplrak CUIFIC'y 24- 25 street Ma into mance 26- 27- 28 St-emet Men ting 29- 30 Street Hame Sig- 's 31- 32 TEO f ic Control 33- 3A Dzidges 35- 36 Storm Drainage 37- 38 Village Propertlos 39- 4.0 PTOteation. of Fereens al,23 pa:opeirty � ollce Protection 41- 42- 43 Lim Froteation 41,,,- 45 Civilian D09(mse 46- 47 Public Health 48-1 111;9 Animzl Coutgol 59 znsspacctiovs 51- 52 8;--.Peadituroa Ckmaingencies 53 Cettlement 09 stlits 54 Syc Lai Assessments on Village Fzoparty i5 Cantx•al Sexy iees-cnpif�0.1 Outlay 56- 57 Capital IrDrwermant 58 lark and Recreati.on Adrdnilstracio-n 59- Clio Program 61- 62- 63 Maintenance 64- 65- 66 Pa- Capital Outlay 68= 69 Relief area Public Rursing FAgk : onstruction- Ca- pity -I Improvements Bonds and Interest. 1"Um protection Ti;:u c. °s Relief Association Hennepin County Park Resezve DIstrict e nt "r,l Services Gmeral Village Hall Ca ages Equipment Gperation 70 71 72 73 74 75 76= 77- 78 79- 80- 81 $2- 83 Dace".1aber 29, 1966 SCUIDULE r-14- ��MAMTES RN110 FOR Y11,NP, 1967 OBOMAL I-ONTH I STRIVE WIP'l PEZ NORM of n9wo S'zoQSS:dg 975 45C 575 (A� 375 cleT-ical Ix 5 430 490 545 Planning rechnician 650 550 (A) PUBLIC SITZtT ROLTCE� M. T:7e7taz of PISCOUC safal'y polica Chief 1,200 Ceptains 800 , , - V, S -rBF-an �s 7 i Detectives 666 Patrolmen 3 y-e.i-ws sei,,-vice yea.70 sarvioc-, 637 yeav Geri,,-ica 617 FiTst yeav 56? Clerks (Moni,My) 432 73.2 3 660 2 yezas-s 6W 1, Y.C-.-LF sice 61i Fii,�Gp yeaz 567 �SXO pag- Call up to 2 11,-rara, 't av"d tht—meaiztar. 52.65 par cermipeasazl(ya, 1-For Of the POHG!" $3'0oac a I L ' i Z. iwa'h shak c- payment If3v 9-,akias at 30 bGura Gi2-duty fzem �h.n PiA,:e Ropwctmeat in Ar t r, a, k"; a ir? A T, e hi. r.,) i qu, f I i - n,13 ft, the a4' Yft¢�-es and fog A,Gg Red 1�730.00 pow C-,," the -)ald sHirel-R'n shZ11 brz Co-,Wideged aS nnt for Such dut""'es r"u-,slide no�cmal d-'uLies ae way be, aussignarl by the VMage Nozagex% policae and Paid ftoe-mac! W ctalls -qr,,d dril2a shealt be p aid. the salle- as P..;ATZ-0,15-arf, ftxorr#�T- (A� - 112 of 1 ; 1/2 *,I_ 1- p;:;,LRKS AND ?001- Manager ) sissiGn-fl";: Pool 'Kamser (SI GOncession. Ma-"usp;cm- (S) 'P00A casbier (D) Coc..C.assion. Att�engeinmt i,'s� Suim-nir"g (S) anaebaix ava suwlxv."�SOK5 (W) (02) AM '& pal-k Kee-PeT 11 FSO Golk Cf"rag-sc GeRf CouF,-sa Arene "YAGva""c�,�- clewks -Part, t1mv, ME.A.17XIill Fealtb Of fi,;er IN 2.15 pew hv 2.05 ba . I.GG hr. 1-11's Pez, 1C.60 lt%Xo L90 hic" L50 pe7 hse 2.00 .? bw . 5 " OG znPesi�-. Class 567 pav month 5,62. mowlz 62,5 per 005inh, 2"GO rC-F hv,. 650, 0A0 s � 11 aia 0 6W 6 2a TO b7z" 2,,3& -- ---� -- Dec ember 29, 1966 5cheett a of Salaries mad V'2g s amtlu eeR ,, PUBLIC WORKS MrO T.NBM.NG PER MWA El Director of Fish Le .brK Tad Earg8neezing 01 "225 Civil Engineer 950 Grief Engineering tai &3 - 775 (A) zngifte riug Aide 1V 665 Engineering Aide Z11 610 Engip -eering Aide 11 555 Eagineering ride 1 455 Superintendent, Public Works 950 Superintendent, Water 615 Foreman - (Street, zee ., water, parykn and raechanfc) 700 office Clark 535 Heavy Equip-at-'at Opexa ea s 637 'Light Equlpm nt Opa ators 567 Maintenance Man 512 The follo-ging miniMur. vales shall be- palda Leavy Zquip ng Opaxatogs - $)575 monfebly forr not more tham the fivot aia mon has ® seez- vice. Ught Equipment Ope at:ors m $525 Monthly for sot more than the flg a, six months' soxvice. Maintenance Nap - 020 tucnthly fox not moge, than the figs t service, and $445 moazhly during t faisyth, fifth, aad sinth months of mica. 6 3 F Nechaoic helper 567 janitor 525 5 M-WM41Yate y Utility PAM 567 StaTTIn?g rates may bk-.., 207. le" for the first thrao me nths of sogvice and 10% less fog they seeesid i.hree worths. (A� - 1ty2 oa i=Taas+Q--JfiMz ary 1 V2 of Inzveaso -- July to GIMIVPW r 110. 16-10 I?CM--IW-CR ADOEITING BUDG.�'-.X TH-0, VTILLAGII. (TF 3DIDTA �iNlllllk THE IM! 1967, NND EST"ABLISFiNX2 TEX LEVY FoR 'e ME YMm, '196G J."Al-YABLE IN 1967 11,11Y." VILI!,�AGE GGIRMCIL UF THITE 'VILLAGE Or, EIARIA, -MM-NESOTA, DOE"; OP1,D2,10, AS soctic-a 1" T"he Budget; for tract VM. Ze of Edinn for the calemd"%T yo-m 1967 is adopted aD lhexelcafZer. set -Forth; and fti•dn n hereby app-ropxia,-.c.,d GENERAL FUND M NERAL G&ERNNEIR! Admint!strau, Lon 61,975 Fircauce 55,143 .4-ssessing 55,039 Legal and Gervices 32,680 Mbraa-y 5, 28a M-c-tion 4,032 PUSLIC WORKS A&iinistzatiorl 0 191967 E-agiateerOng . 114,773 15 "319 In F0TA*;il P�jBillf., PRUXLCTION OF FRUGOY-S R4D PROMIRY polic<' Fire. Civilian Dafen-se Publi.c. Zealth 21,343 Aaimal Contvol 14,700 TzGpeatian OF IPEIRSQNS AND pRlU'j?kMffiFZ C, 2 1 , 9 -It,; it"s 15,0-00 Settlement cf SvTAts 50c, on Village PzOpezt• 'UmIlleacted %Cpapil.�.xal ( J- U i; 18. 'y w 3. TULAIL TUFAL VUYITO PARK FUIN"D supn-evisicz an-d 0 El A'•p 7 9 Capital cuziay TOTAL PAPM. PU MD NO, 16-10 Cantinued,, Section 2,: Estimated Receipts other theti General Tax Levy are la: relay est- al)lishe d as he aia n of ter set; forth: GdrNEI',AJ, FIRM Village Sh-sra -tax e Liquor and Cigarette to saxes i�311.9, s 39 1Liaeuses and E'aTmits - i2,8I'8 Municipal Court t 45.,000 Departmental 8eivice Charges 140,034 0 t her 43,000 Transfer from Liquor.. Fund 81,283 State Appoi :ti o-4imP- nts-itigb.igays ...422_ OO TOTAL Gdl ?MUaL FUND $543,984. : ral sfer unappropriated ecd surplus 6,000 Registratiom Fees 22,00D Other )"009 Trarc.sfe.r fwoui Geneva]. Fund 63,717 T(A.'AL PIUM FUND 92,911, Transfer fram %enera.l Fund 80r0an TOTAL ESTI t D RMIMPT Section 3a `hat;: there he a,nd h-e eby is levied tipon. all t'a:,5arsblo, zea'2: aad per°svna.l property in the Village of Ed: ,na, a tax rate. suggi.ci.ent: to prorluee the atuount..s howeinaftne., set; f'os;tiis Por the Gene.•�al Fund For the park Yund Foz the Poor Fund the Fir wen's ae1ief For 1'fte r1'vo4CL:C,'tio For Bonds and Ines -w- eat For Hennnpfrt Gouwo y Park Reserve District Section on 4. `gh.i;s a d tta nce shall be in eH-act.: irron: and raLr Gt. its adoption p: �kptecy this 1.9th day of September, 3.966,. U,096,326 86,900 14,980 � ?" 350 13 ,.000 62„ %,00 4, 31Y 6y3.,:%8�a�tbA (Si ;s erf,) Arthur C. Brea s�:µrc!mss:...._... VtL G OF gDlWA ANNUAL PEFORT PAGE V BY FIND AND SOU Actual 8 Olseted- Estimated Bu!b fed 1966 1965 1966 1966 1.967 GENUAL FUND Real and personal proper„ t:y taxes $768,,099 $850,110 $9349372 $9298670 $10096,326 Other Taxes Interest;, penalties and forfeited tax sales $ 13,642 $ 22,693 15,000 " 21,822 $ 17,000 t NOTCgage registry 17,569 20,976 1.6,000 19,433 1.5,000 Batik excise 2,269 3,629 29600 2,500 3510_ $ 33,880 $ 47,298 $ 33,600 $ 43,755 $ 35,500 Mefmses and permits: Bicycle? $ 8,594 $ 29387 $ 2,000 $ 1,959 $ 2$000 Beer and liquor 1,555 le,655 1,570 1,380 1,325 Cigarette 850 937 735 1,031 11,032 z Dog and impounding feces 6,245 5,244 5,400 5,432 6,000 Food and drinks 3,310 3,733 3,150 4,010 3,945 Gas pumps. Tanis, huraAt;z pewits; etc.. 420 967 700 765 715 Bmulin88 taxi. a pinball, etc- 0 2,863 3,187 2,745 3,044 2,760 Plumbing 3,000 2,800 2,325 Scavenger and garbage collectors 495 $01 405 743 595 Building 29,651 53,313 28,000 339685 30,000 Oesspool and sewar 41191 3,702 3,300 2,728 2x500 Pluwbing 13,842 17,850 10,000 16,674 12a000- Signs 3,787 3,491 3,400 3,661 3,500 Street openings 1,120 1,21:.0 350 1,030 900 Heating and ventilating 10079 7,000 3,044 5,000 Other licenses 606 $ 49,923 4101.,384 $ 71,2730 $ _ 39,188 :l 72,878 Engineering, clerical and searches 1309058 157,828 110,000 131,311 115, 000 Police and fire sw4vice 4,990 10x,560 10,600 7,950 7 "Ist., Ejuipment rental 7,053 8,963 2, 500 21,339 2,500 Xuuic£ pal court fines 59,882 37,725 50,000 42,713 65,4100 State highway tax 24,995 28,1.70 30,670 38,146 42,000 State Liquor and cigarette F tam 85,218 99,057 112,348 112,777 119,739 Plaming fees 1,291 19022 750 1,632 3°000 Charges to other fund 10,320 125420 14,400 14,40.0 14,400 Ccnitribtation from active funds $2359500 -WOa4l ate} 0222,000. $222,000 $ 225,000 Less transf'er to Parts Fund 49,069 58,066 64 a 300 64,300 63,717 Less transfer to Park Construction Fund 110 = 500 93000_ 87,000 97,00 80,000 $ 15,931 $ 76,93't $ 70,700 $ 70,700 _ $ 81,283 17 A I 1-AGS 1E�j� i�la 1kri iU9aL a i 0 r�' PAGE X111 STMOM I continued Actual Mated 8st ted 83 eted 1964 1965 1966 1966 1967 Gi � �P��9..a.sraat�t�ss�d� Sale and rental of property 930 $ 29485 $ 500 g 2"917 $ 500 Other miscellaneous wvweaue 9,618 179985 5,000 13,.872 7,000 Resevve for emumbrames 7 0 500 A-8, 00 4350 TOTAL GENERAL P£ $1,299,688 $13500,843 $1,446,120 $1,4959870 $19640,310 PARK PUS Real and par®aa @j pwapegq s tax $ 68,433 $ 71,290 $ 75,300 74,550 86,900 Registration feesmswimmiug and activities 19,767 210873 22,000 21:,724 22,000 'T -wan,: err from active fund 49,069 58..066 643300 6.9340 63,,717 Transfer frem unappropriated surplus 5,200 .3x000 1,000 10006 6,000 Unclassified 582 l "532 750 1,818 1"000 Transfer from reserve for ene -umbt a aces 3 � 500 TOTAL PARS FUND 5151 $ 153J61 $ 163,350 $ 1630402 179,617 POM M= Reams d p6asonal propeity d tau $ 12,233 12, 30 $ X2,125 $ 12;'qqq--"L 4,980 TOTAL POOR RMB 4 12,233 $ 32,130 12,125 12,000 $ 14,980 PARX CONSTRUCTION FM reazf from active fund $ 1108,500 $ 95 000 $ 87�0fEt3� 67 000 $ 80.1000 TOTAL PARK CONSTRUCTiM MAD $ 110,500 $ 9x3 5,000 $ 87,000 4 87DO O $ 80,000 USEEM Rli L AND PE RSOM (PROP Y T-AX-REMUES i s Re. Ile f $ 9,198 $ 39.6%, $ 3,800 $ 3,75,0 4,350 Five protection 1.0,534 26,696 11,306 li'm .13,000 He*wepin County Park. # Reserve District 4,275 '41 , 273 4,305 I Bezid aimed interest ___66,380 66��,�b 67w 700 67 6b2_ 62.600 AL GT _ MAL M0 PMWAL MPEBTY TAX REVEM `� 86911 $ 80.706 $ 87 075 $ 86,125 84,235 TOTAL US- ALL ERAS $1 n655�084 $� 842,,.e�dd �$i .12'9;5,6`® $1�8{- .397 .9°39,162 - VIM-AGE. 0V EMMA GEMAL FUND Gewzal GxaverYffient: ;aayor and Council Planning ,administration Finances Election j Assessing gral and court services Ubx ary Public Works ��ixaf�s��asr ioz� j gaginee -ring Supervision a-49.c1 overhead. Street Nainte► ance. Street Lighting Street Ma me. Signs Traffic Control Buldges E Star= Drainage Village 1goperties Capital Outlay Tom PUBLICIFORKS c T3 ie3n of persons aid ftapey tys Police Fire civixian. Oeiense j Public Health Animal. Control !'aspection TOTAL PROTECTION OF FERSMIS BBD PROPERTs 9 s I Alkqlqiyf,"� 11MCF-2 PAGE V111 M -Phw 1z MMMMEM5 BY FUND AND YL1=111 Actual _ -kq4seta,.d mYMati ted ® �... 9,963 $. 9,9O6 $ 9,800 $ 10,642 $ 10,340 12,965 12,16 16,630 17,567 17,852 60,892 57,897 59,500 59,354 61,975 38,045 38,479 51,780 52,978 55,143 6,921 2,857 9,244 8,629 6,082 39,516 4.2,209 53,675 51,,413 55,089 56,833 25,932 33,503 33,214 32,680 2.208 2,853 5,025 - - 3,646 ---- 5 --.28O $$ 2276343$ 192,297 $ D -0,157 4 237,443 $ 242,fAl $ 154,448 $ 16,520 $ 16,862 $ 19,967 139,3201 118,469 108"700 125,758 114,773 52,682 64,151 56,401 60,382 63,236 170,660 181,732 218,026 209,252 242,516. 44 634 50,574. 49,480 49,466 56,060 7,152 79381 8,520 7,919 1O,140 16.,394-1 18 8 576 22,292 21 716 23,400 2,970 15,427 11,016 9,234 9,720 13;1% 25"2319 19,760 .26,2093 218000 12,220 120305 25,520 21,990 32,200 28 ,_120 p � � �5�� 3 24,000 X 36__ � A _ 22z,400 .s! 473,397 $ 555,292 $ 560,235 $ Sg aW $ 615,390 $ 263,308 $ 289,588 $ 313,757 $ 3379785 $ 368,979 139,3201 1479345 159,126 162,227 174,691 36312 16541 3,516 2.716 38070 14,744• 17,324 17,718 175667 31,343 138513 13,218 13,154 130406 14,700 23x643 27a149 36 550 r 389959 39, 196 4 457,84.0 $ 496,165 0 547,821 $ 552,690 0 6216979 PARK FUND . AdvAnd.strat ion Recreation wntenavae Capital Omv lsay 'DOTAL PARK F LMD POOR 1 1$ PARK (IOWST1RUCTiON 3 UBM i f ORM ".SAX .''SUPPORTED EXPEIMITURES supr�;eme-at Fund Park Sinking Fund Fiffe Protection rixerm's Relief Assoclatima fir, County Park Resew-v District TOTAL MER TAX Slrk'F931r.. M) MP =1111DIES ALL FUNDS $ 37,725 $ 41,865 $ 43,183 $ 42o993 $ 50,419 35,,653 37,826 �:I90e "5 39j,552 42,,8(W 58,856 589633 <..,,. utY>... Bii •P=t �C'~s. ... Zstlu, �r;Ytseh .} "h d1'x`'43u.-d 8,333 ��..wAct 1:'r36 '1963 1966 1.961► 1967 ,t+ �'L�3ND t,c3'Ri.I.pued) gIvI04 $ 163,350 $� 1.92t?lo 0 179,617 12,141 son-- Bepaze:efi�''s tal Expeadiguras o 12,125 120931)0 1,4,980+ 11,0 ,500 95,000 Contingencies $ 8,631 10,122 9,297 4,315 15 „000 SOU16=5t of Suits 42 '409 Soo 160 5 0 1) Special Asses„sfi -ents on Village Property 29,850 31,100 30,000 31 ®620 '35;,+ 00 Unallocated Capital. Outlay 5J70 16,933 1,110 9,062 10)000 empit al Tmprovemmts 49,951 75940& 50a,m 50tow 1.0". ,000 �wP> a3,loar ,s d r _ 12. 353 -••, ,• �.}��gR, �...,.. 079 .,......_,_. �.....r... 1016o ,�•�•e+r... .w LF aL 9a��3p'p7 fey 'sq-,Bia iSrW'lV °'liS1S 69.962.CT 9 EXPENDITIMES 106,001 _ 15-1 047 `' 92 9 07 1 wF337 1.6@ 7 4)0 `TOTAL GE MW $1,264,581 $1x3939801 $,1,446DI20 $1,467e588 41,,640,310 PARK FUND . AdvAnd.strat ion Recreation wntenavae Capital Omv lsay 'DOTAL PARK F LMD POOR 1 1$ PARK (IOWST1RUCTiON 3 UBM i f ORM ".SAX .''SUPPORTED EXPEIMITURES supr�;eme-at Fund Park Sinking Fund Fiffe Protection rixerm's Relief Assoclatima fir, County Park Resew-v District TOTAL MER TAX Slrk'F931r.. M) MP =1111DIES ALL FUNDS $ 37,725 $ 41,865 $ 43,183 $ 42o993 $ 50,419 35,,653 37,826 �:I90e "5 39j,552 42,,8(W 58,856 589633 f O,K,2 71941.2 8,333 - 1: ,,83 ;; 8...®.800 _F3� X50 253 7 500 16.6.,068 $ gIvI04 $ 163,350 $� 1.92t?lo 0 179,617 12,141 121,1.30 12,125 120931)0 1,4,980+ 11,0 ,500 95,000 87,,000 a7,000 80,000 191'81.7.3 3MO �.DY' 10, 6N w 10,500 10,800 56 -1.57 55199' 57.100 56 . o 51 Soo 66,330 $ 66 ,, 316 $ 67,700 $ 67 9000 600 1-0,514 10,696 11,300 110100 13,000 9,198 3:,694 3,800 3,750 4,3.50 `1�1.6 1 &40 7 `LJ28.741 U.5793 6-,To L ,8aj� sy1� 3, g996 i 1 , 1s1 11 E VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1 ctaaad Irc ao� - -- - - -- Ai Acct. No. � GMTERAL GEC 1. GOVER THOT NAYOR AND OOib XL 21.100 .= SUMMARY _ 1966 BUDC -ZTEO ESTIMATED OOBJECF RECOMMENDED 1967 _ SUDGCTED $ 7,200 7, 200 B. PERSONAL SERVICES s 7,200 $ 7,200 2. CONTRAC"WAL SERVICES 800 1,642 3. C=1 ODITIES 1,000 800 1,800 1,800 4. CENTWL SaRVIVES 2p ^�;4D 2,340 S. CANVAS OUTLAY ® 642 'g' rALS X10„ 540 $L OS 340 COMMENTARY Cfi1(a The Village Cotuici; constitutes the legislative or policy-making viva slen of Edina Village Goverumeut„ 'the. Council is cougosed of the Mayor and four trustees, aall elected at large for overlapping tex= of two and three years, wesTmec tivelyo The Kayor is the official head of Village Gove�rmet?t. aLid is the puesiding officer at 4ouveil. meatingo. The Counccil meets on. the first and third Hondays of each month at the Village Ha .3.1. OCXKEW9S Proposed ezrpea�d£tures are eight pe c: ent (8%' higher than last yen-e ° s appropriation. she helau listed aeLall coat zibutes to the increase, AHOUN. Amual reports ` 100 fillews letter 100 Central services 540 TOTAL $740 VILLAGE EMMA ANNUAL t D0 -r— E ' PAGE: 2- EXPEN 3 FURS DETAIL cede( 'Fs,etvia^a Aacu Glvfr. r�la. �I GSAa� PUAL GOVEt"tl�.%lr N MAYOR AND O�3iSNCI 211. Iqv , EXPEN 3 FURS DETAIL cede( eieiiivai Object OWu3 + 9 —.- o. »c.aded Be nfred to Mayor $2,400 $2,400 Trustees 4x800 4 800 -- $ 7,200 $7,200 $70200 3. Anneal reports -er S 400 500 $ 400 1 News letz 400 500 400 I I $ 800 I I, O $ 800 I t 1 4� I !Genaval Village Hall $ 360 L l IA 0 I I 360 1.980 I I ! i I t3E3t3 !0 _ $ 2,340 f I � I I OTAL 'MYOR AND I GOY}%O I I t I„ 800 j I $10,540 { $10,,340 I I i I I I VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL 1RUDGET PAGE 3 ,�qf{�ry�- "gayyyyad nppsspp����;.pp��yy�q�t�sr�7ey� F g�� �kq�mu I Accc1. No. GL:� E R.UI GLYJ.VA-.Iio . GOVE��L�Y1' ' CLeC'�1INING I n 0 1l0 SUCt+'elJARY _ 1966 BUDGETED _ C-�S 0 cme �✓ _ OBJECT 19- 67 CFCd WINDED BUDGETED - 10,350 8,565 9, PERSONAL SyRV6LE 10,470 10,500 3A910 6 346 r CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,665 40665 325 206 .3. C{"iF;uNAOeDITI6S 2175 275 1,9861 1,980 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,412 65 70 5. CAN A e WJTLAY ! 16„630 $ i�567 TO 1 U 2299— r 17 ,832 COIWAIENTARX FUNCTION The funct;i.oxa of P.he Planning OepaTtmaut; Is to provide staff ac-xvic;e to the Village Cc =cil, Pl.a raing Commission, to other Village departments,, and to the Village Manager, and to a limited degree to other agencies.. both public and private, -w%ose aotivitiec Influence the physicai development of the- Village of Edina. Staff services include office opexaations, the adrAniastrawi.on of the various land use and develop`:amt ordinances, sulmAssion of rero =iandations on matters of zoning and subdivisious befove the Council and Planning Commission; and the preparation and review of overall development: pl.auso COIM'T S ! Proposed e—spenditures are thirteen percent (713 %� higher than bast year's appropriation. : ofessional fees for special studies is the main reason for 1 the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. ANa UNT Salaries and wages $ 124 Confe- eenc-.es aad schools 245 l tofessi.ranal sevvices 2„ FAUting 50 Central Services 432 Capital. Outlay 6�z TOT" 192 VILLAGE 0"": EKAWA A,N,NR-J4AL BRANSl;iT PA G E i '- FUN 0[PFHJDVFUtz DRYAiL Ac`- No. Activiiy objccy Prese-lit 1, esaded hudgeted, 1. Director 7,800 7'800 Secretary _ -___L559 L 2,,700_ ts 10, 350 $10,470 $10,500, 20 lconf ermizes and sabools 5 iio i 5 65 $ 65 Dues and uubsoTiptious 1po i ISO t 180 ILragession.al ocr vit;ca 3 00 0 5,000 imeeting =pwse 420 442_;__1_ - 420 3,910 1 v" 5,663 I 4 4,663 i - cots L pomphleW�o I i5 I a 75 1 P r i ii t, i r.,-g 250 i 200 ___ 275 4. Geneeal 1,500 (t13Daneoa3 I - 430 1"980 552 2,26.5 —27,412 5 lFile cablaot 65 TU 822 $"7.852 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL DUD G-7E PAGE', 3 �r asna$ Area Aca. No, GENWAL. GETIMAL, GOVEP LAM? ArAlKSTRA X014 21.200 UM Mi 1ARY BUDGETED 190 LWiMATED OBJEC.r RICOMflkENDE0 1967 BUOGETC5 - 43,860 $ 43 ;164 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 45,6,80 $ 4%180 5,810 69730 2. CONTRACTUAL SWIM 61,280 68280 j 150 so 3. CC:: MC0i iES 175 175 1 9 rs 180 RAL SRVIC.5 Z. CENT 9,840 9 n 840 a 5. CA?I TAl.0U LAY g00 200 500 590 j ,.! 59 P 500 59 9 3<� _ �C° a Y5 PUM � M The management of the Village °c admi istvati e affai.rsg the proper 0--sPcution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the engorcement of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Hmmaer. This account provides his office with the necaLssa ry staff a od funds to property manage the administrative organization needed to implement his responsibility. CWHENTS Proposed expenditures are five percent (5k higher than. last year's a apgropri.at.ion. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. M2MT Salaries and wages $1,620 Conferences and schools 0 Dues and subscgipa ions 135 Legal advertising 285 mileage i0o Goumodities 25 Central services 660 TOTAL. — 1 n M3 EXPE.KU'a URE D TAIFL Ccd-Ie t e�a�i + -- AF'Ce"! - -- ACft. Ni". GOEF?Ei. % CI?NEIRAL GOVERM14 _AIMI IS52.11TI Oil 21.200 EXPE.KU'a URE D TAIFL Ccd-Ie t e�a�i + -- �bcclr ��e i Present Budget Rcsamnead_'ed Budgeted 1. Manager 519'200 $191.800 19,800 Administrative Assistant 7,650 6,750 ( 6,750(A C1ezk i 5,010 5,340 5,400 ,Village Y 5,x 1.0 5,340 5,400• lnx operator 4,260 4,, 50th 4,080 i I lG1_ert; (a) 2,130 , 256250 2,250- 1 I :Summer help and aver time 600 i 11500 1"500 I i I i j $43,860 $45,480 I $45, 180 2n Iconferences arLd I I schools $ 560 !+ 520 i I Dues and satosc . p>bacu! 2x050 ' s185 i Legal advc t'ji sang 3.200 3..475 1 Mileage 1 110 5 5°820 q 6,280 $ 6,280 i 3. Printing 100 ! 5 150 Books and Dtmphle €:s 5o i 25 $ 350 I $ W5 $ 175 Ii.. General $ 5,580 5 3,760 Village Ha11 36120 3,54 Equipment Ope'r at on I �S� 80 � 5470_._. $ 9'j80 99840 i $ 9,840 I �. 5 c :- �>Lt® �°cp�.nbe,�.e�x� 500 S .�,�._!30 500 TOTAL, AMMINISTRATIO111 $59,500 _L_�62 5� $61,975 i i (P) 425.00 January 11 and 1 r 25.00 July 1. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAi.. B DsF -,i PAGE 7 +s7d €�ts�aedi�se -- -- Area lteefi. Na -- GE70RA , CS ERAL GOVF.RbD N'T 111NA iCE — 21.210 SUMMARY 1266 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1967 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 329670 $ 343037 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 35v350 352100 3,000 2,646 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,995 2,745 50 31 3. COMMODITIES SO 50 6,060 69060 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 7„248 7,248 10,000 100204 5. CAPI'T'AL OUTLAY 10,000 10"000 $51,780 $ 523978 TOTALS � 5S,843 $ 35 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Finance Department .is responsible for the financial affairs of than Village. All veveuue and expenditure transactions are controlled by the Finaeaoe Department. A centralized system of purchasing is maintained. Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Vina nce Aepartmaat. CaIMUTS . — Proposed e=pevAitures are eight percent (8%) higher than last year's appropriation. The bRlow listed detail contributes to the increase. AHOUNT Salaries and wages $29880 A LAGE OF EDNA BUD " "ET PAGEE 8 VwW Ve. y���� I Arw j fact, �+m GENERAL 11GIR ERAL GG- VERNi�MM I � l.�iI�TTC�? I 2!. � 2? ® � i "i o Finance Director: $13,200 $15,000 $14,110 ookkeepex 5;,560 5y820 5,880 Secretagy 5,580 50320 5"680 Cashier 4,44, 0 40740 4, 740; I ! payroll, Clenk 2,370 29520 2n55 ®; j Accountant 1.500 X32,670 11650 1 650 . i $35,100 ,35,, 20 Ponfe eases and � schools Dues and subscription $ 460 40 i $ 1*45 50 $ 445 50 ! Aunual mzdit 2,560 3,000 2 SO .. $ ? 995 2 250 2,745 30 oaks anal pamphlets 50 i 50 50 I ft. 2rle�'Ei,� � p pC(q $ 4-,666 Y Q � $9850 ' Tillage Ski I1 1;2200 1 ®366. , 6,060 ,2's $ 7,248 A 5, rcco"a"'inv sys�em C?s,th vfa :, sus me ins � of input ruild -ligh ! speed eamrsu ation(If3) 163,000 10"000 10,000 i I I I ! WeLL 84,3 $55,143 I , VILLAGE OF EMN.A AN,'NIUAL' BUDGET GENERAL GTE IRRA% G4j°VERNRiMUff LFICTION I �1 � 6100 i —_ —_ —_ L SE,1MINZ; RY _ 1966_ 6u :) r--m rei3 BT SAINTED CR Z.CT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED ..y 5.5350 4, 95 9 1. PERSONAL SERIV IM 1,250 665 650 _1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 435 1,050 950 3. CO MES 375 d(z{I 4. L,.EKNU SER iM.oZE S 2,Od9 0iry IV 0&'.., I L "OairSNiENTAPY FHiOW . he Village Clwk is responsible for c:mst.ductins all Sat- coral ", Scateo and Village el.ectioas tbat occuA. in. the Village of Zdina Proposed arpeza.d itures are Imfo ° t hang lass: year's appropri's; ias.a4 iSn3.y a local election Will !x� held during 11567, -wh le durivig 1966 a j1 °tc.m3n• y mid gemv al alection were held. VILLAG.-E OF EDINA, ANNUAL B"URGE'T PAGE; 3.0 Fund Function Object Dea;l Ac t. Vic. GEREPAL GRITER&L GOVERROMAiT RIEWITIMN 21 A-00 L KPE N. D ff i J R 1- D LET A � L Cedi Activity Object Dea;l Pres=T Budget Recona,90,14101 Oudge-Ma" 1. Election judges $3,250 f� $50 Set,-Up timxe Regismation 1'800 300 300 100 $5,350 t yy 2. IStorage-7-.ental 300 $ 210 Custodians i 90. 25 iXayiug Charges 300 2GD, I lAddress eazds 75. 765 3. Sallots i 700 50 TrInted forms 350 323 $1 050 375 yment .50 I'lanvallment Pao- 110 voting machines 2.,022 1 TOItAL MEQUON 'qq 08 $4.082 V ILAG OF r.-P) NA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE ll SUMMARY _ 1,966 BUDGETED E,STI9,ATEO. Am® Acct. No. GEY MAL GEM-31AL DOVE INi T ASSESSXFG , 21.500 SUMMARY _ 1,966 BUDGETED E,STI9,ATEO. OBJECT 1967 RECOMMENDED _. BUDGETED $41-2 "9930 $ 40e714 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 46o830 43,710 2,655 2:)582 2, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,821 2,821 450 480 3. CiDKMODITIES 350 350 6,240 6, 240 4.• CENTRAL SERVICLS 8,208 8,208 1,,400 2, 397 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 225 °0° #� 53 675 - 51 X413 TO AL.S 434 55.089 j COM.MIENT.ARY The assessing fan -tion inpludes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance, of tan records of all properties within the Tillage. Special assessments levied for improvements awe also computed and spread on the tan rolls by personnel of the Assessing Bapartwnant„ CWgE TS Proposed a peaaditures are nine pereent (9%) higher than lasts year's approprlation� The below listed detail eantributes to the increase. Sala and gages °38900 Ccnferences and schools 166 VU AGE OF [-MILAN 4 P''NNI?Uo' OI IOC-. E PAS x2 0-Gl a Actjv; +i-f I object AaF.aJ �f •� AP CVee "� . -_ �6yEiiL'aS1+'.C.Ja i7Gih`lliRAL GGJYESlA: ENT I A SSd's,,an'lOJ ' :12V'000 $118700. 0-Gl a Actjv; +i-f I object iz-WH ]5eSzmded Oild jets d — J� is $10,980 ' :12V'000 $118700. OOP" y Assessor a�3S0;3 7,600 7,920, Deputy Assessor 6.,750 76,200 7,260 Assessment Clerk(PV) 6,x.80 39900 900 ;seorcecary 4,62.0 5,160 59160, ! j I Mericai (P) 900 j iA paise.,: Auditor 6,000 654-50 6,450(A Issessment Clerk 4,320 1 4,320 $$42,930 44-6,.830 1 943,710 110 � 2. !Conferences anal � sahools I $ 816 982 I iQues and subacr2ptaon;s 89 ': 89 I Ij �M Preparing I s: ! aSSe3GiI:a3?tS I 1,000 I 1,,000 ;Kan books and mvner° n 1 ! I ship records 250 250 pia leage 500 Soo 2,655 T 2.9821 $ 2,821 i I 3. Privitiflg 450 3-5-0 I 350 f I 4. General 42560 69300 I 1 villa e sell 8 1,200 8.9369 1 Equipment Operation 480 54 1 I I $ 6,240 T $ 8,208 $ 8,208 1 1 5. Auto seplacerwnx 1,400 1 Desk and c jai." 225 -0- TOTAL ASS -P&M G (A,) $25.00 at ietyaw.:y I. a d $25.00 az July 1. - 53,675 X5-3 34_ 355,089 11 I j V@ ,GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 13 - Fund - Par et;ss - Areu /teed. No. GITMERAL GENERAL GOVERMff1rT LEGAL tMD COURT SERVICES 21.600 SUMMARY 1966 BUDGETED ESTWA'T'EED OBJECT _ 1967 RECOMMENDED 8U6G- ETED $ 6,000 $ 68000 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 6,000 $ 27,,383 279094 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVlCE5 26,500 3. COMMODITIES 120 120 4. CENTRAL'SERVICES 380 5. C.t.roiTAL OU TLkY 33&503 $ 33 23& TOTALS 32,680 $ 32 fl 680 COMMENTARY FUNCTIOW The Village requires the professional services of attorneys who are contracted for on an annual basis. They provide legal counsel and pvepare the meessary ordina=es and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition, they defend the Village in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violation of Village ordinances, CiTS Proposed en-perditures are two peocest C2 %, loner than last.,yenx ®e appropriation. The below listed detail coratraibutes eo the decrease, Conferences and schools Doses and subscriptions Professional fees Board and room-prison=s Helmepin County Court service charge Central services TOTAL A AMOUNT 95 12 3,000 300 3,500 60 .8 823 V,'U"J-'%GE-: OF MiNNA Ama GONEDIAL GENM14L GOVERFINEII-R AND CM,?J. SERTY'l-CIES E,KPENM7URE DETAIL Asa. No 21-600 Budget io prosecliting attorney 6,009 6.,000 2. Coafemicas and S-hools 95 Dues and subsariptic ' s 89 100 Professional. fees 14,000 1,7,000 Board and i pxlsoners "'Fitness ices 900 1 9010 11--naepin Go-unty Co-o-zir service charge 91500 _&,001D $27 , .383 383 $26-,500 1.20 180 TOML TE9AL ANIA) COURT SEMAGMS __133, 50:L __n322680_.r_1 $32,680 I i I i � j I � i j SUI"iARY 1_966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED Area � Ace . PFo. - - - - -i CEI►i�.F1�11, GENERAL GOVERFUME L1BRMY - - -- I 21.700 SUI"iARY 1_966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT _ 1967 RECD dig' EENDED BUDGETED $ 2,800 $ 2e224 1. PERSONAL SE RVICES $ 3,150 � 1,550 1,019 2. CONTRACTUAL SWIM—) 1,430 67-4 403 3. COMMODITIES 700 .4. CENTRAL SERVICZ3 :. CA, NTAL OUTLAY �-5 ,➢0225 '�.a!fi �6 _, TOTALS 2$® x „280 _. COINAME TARP The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina. Hennepin County supplies the boolts and librarians. Proposed expenditure are five percent (5 %) higher than Last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to tb,is increase. Salaries and wages $350 Millm,es 30 Insuralle-e-Fire 40 Contract work 50 Codities 25 TOTAL 255 _ V 1, L 1. A C-. � F. C) F- 'ED i N A I ANINUAL "GUMG7E.T PAG�F '16 F I., n d GENERAL FetIMNoz) C-MM-PIAL GOVEIRNIM7, EXPENNTURE DETAIL Areu LKEW&RY Ao. No. 2170,01 4-odo AcG -ivity Object Bmdaet 6 C I hdgctod 1. lustodian ?ay-toll-Publia Works 600 I 750 _.} S 00 7 $5 15 0 2. .580 P I 600 * h Pig r amal pox-mar 550 'Far ;r and Sewer I azz-vice 1i L 50 'nsurance-F ixe I 90 50 �ontir -act 000ks 300 j 230 3. rVleaning supplies 175 200 'Repaftr matewials I 150 i 100 !Palatiaa and ec-arating 100 IOU onk:iagancies 250 360 + 700 I i TOTAT, un-Wrl —.L5 A2 5_1 , ,L5,- 0 $5,,2-GO ANNUAL BUDGET FAGS 17 Fund raamfio-2 � OBJECT Acck. No* GM —TERAL PUBLIC WORKS tZHINISTRATION i 22.0,50 SUNVO RY 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED � OBJECT — RECOMMENDED ``� 3967 _ BUDGETED � 14, 745 $ 15, 348 1. PERSONAL SERVEC 16,920 $ 16,320 � 615 554 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 740 7940 3. COMM, ODITIES 25 25 960 960 4. CE44TRAL SEi:' iCES 2e532 2,532 200 5. CAFITAL ®UTLW 350 350 X20 16862 TOTAL 2 X39 -�96�. COMMENTAPY i%e superrvisioa and giidance requived by various departments, such as engineering Street, sewer and eater, is yu niched by Dk edam of Public Works. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account, CCM4ENTg Proposed expendituves ti-ienty - four grement (247vp' higher than lash: year's appropriation. The mal:n reeasons for the increase are salary adjustments and reclassification of eeatral services from the engineering budget. The belcny listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $2,175 Coaaferences and schools 135 Dues and subscriptions 50 Com,oditie.,s 25 0cmtral servicas 1, 572 Capital. outlay 150 Rm'd %C M. -71 71 r,- D I NNI, A. 'ANSMIU,11:10- 'St'z"T 'is Area I A& xia, ADMINISTWIT1011, i 22. 050 PAPENWTUPSE DETAIL C060 Activity I Objea D Z f �_fl. 9 piesme Budget 815,306 $14, -too Secretary 11545 gm,,74•5 $16,920 $16 320 2. IConiereaces and s;zhoola 8 460 $ 635 IDues and svibscriptian."S 65 1 15 !mileage i 90 61.5 14 i $ 740 Y'IAGE OF EDtNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAIGE 19 di Y=10W The Engineering Dep7nment prepares plans, opea.ificaeions, and estates for public coiistruct7 ion projects. This is cIddes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers, Storm sewers, Wa:tecTmains, and 0'4.h--T structures and improve=atao It supesvisec the ccriLaructzon of these projects and provides the u@ceEasary inspection needed to insure materials --od workmanship are in accordance with pro jext specifications. The depzmtment mai V', a ,mar. 'E'DI4b IB OD KE tid '°` E d - - -- S a:8€;` -- -- -- - --- �Z36�LGe6Si7 -- - - -. -- � -' -- - - - - -` A -se u - --- •--- ._ -- - - -- -- � <�:,a. e�O:. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22010§ I ��$Vp� � �? N�^�� C fi ci , OZid 7ekcd i L Engineer $ 10,050 $ 11,400 $11,400 Survey Chief 8,700 9;,150 9,150((, InstrErnen; Man 75680 Aide TV (2) 14,760 15.,72E 15;,720, Aide 11 (3) 13,800 21x960 21,960, I I Aide 11 (2) 6,450 10,920 ?0x920 ' i I ;Secretary 4,635 4,860 4,€360 . 1 I IOvertime eL�d sumn ' 13,000 /y q�.8f p4P10 j Y t9 �.963.� i .�,il ✓�9pI .iY i 2. and aehaols S 885 $ 210 I I Iuee and subacrl' -ias I EquiplMen ; :� e c{,�I I PrQte$s i©nal fE'.ev 35 i 35 200 200 1 5, 000 I 5,000 149 iea�; L 225 I 250 1 S 6,345 i $ 5,635 $ 5o595 I I I i I 3� Blueprinting $ 1,500 i $ 1,500 Lumber and t �IG 1,000 1,500 Aerial C(Mr tots . HL:�fi 1,000 General sZippAiQs I , � 70" � s ' 4,600 $ 4"500 $ 4� � 500 1 I 7',7%,.® $ 7'A' O village Ma11. I 1,440 1,092 Garage I 240 276 i Equipment Operation 13,620 R 13,668 I 1 $13,668 I 5. Replac'.e slat ttrucks $ 2,600 Radio 1966) 325 6QI Blueprint r..ta3hine 2;,100 PlI gh or deg level 700 Partitioning 500 �S 21925 MOO _ TOTAl, i1 1�353�� I'tG I I 1„ $100,700 $125,773, ?114,J73 I °urad EST IMA Eta —� FtarW3iaa .. —_. - -- - - - -- - - -- eic+aes i . Heck. No t SHERAL 1. PERSONA. SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS 37,O60 SUPER' ION AND Oil MA 23.100 SUWAARY 1966 wBUDGETED EST IMA Eta OBJECT 1967 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $; 34,762 $ 380888 1. PERSONA. SERVICES $ 38,560 37,O60 495 3501 ;. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 950 950 31,114 21s164 3. COMMODITIES 25;,,224 4. CEtdT€ AL SERVICES 25,224 S. CAPITAL CULL, %Y i- 56,401 $ t0��2 TOTALS -74 COMMENTARY All Public Works pe sovnel rot her than Engineering?, are under the supervision of the Public Works Supe is tendent. Tie, through this aecouixt, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cost ay.d ;pork records, and provides the training and instruction neeessazr y to ensure his men do their; job most effectively and efficiently. "Paid Leave" Teprc sento all vacation, side, fuaies al, etc, leave used by All Publics Works ewpiayees� Proposed e:cpenditwzes aye fifteen pt—me (15 %) higher than last: year's appropriation. The below listed detail. contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Sol"i,e-s and eases o I Sup Wsion ;32,305 T am 250 Paid leave 12743 t)3,798 confegea:€tes and schools 430 Physical aacau±iiwtion 25 Central senvic,es 4p08O TOTAL 48,333 r VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE.- 22 Fwd Amu Aci. No, GE' -E' PuBlac WORKS — SbP.a:RVIS UIN AND OITFRF --' I%D 1.00 i EXt- :M06 fUftE DETAIL I Cede— A Acaivi. — o6'e_a D Datuil P Pre.._ S Secs � �ae�ade� B Budgegee� 1.10 S —� o 1. S Superintendent 0 010,2{30 $ $11,400 0 01A00 Cost .Olerlf (2-) 3 3,030 3 3,24.0 3 3,240 u Accontant Q) 1 1,500 1 1,620 1 1,620 OX.'ertime 1 1,325 - 21100—j— 6 600 I 5 - - 2 $18,360 4 416,860 _ I a a, I C Conferences and � i i j I I � Schools i i 4 A35 ? ? 365 !Dues a and embscrfptloAs 3 35 3 35 Physical examinal: tc::s 2 25 + 5 50 s- 9S - 4� I I $ X54 i I 4. G General i I $23!60 ' I I I E Gwrage 1 1, no � 1 1,5m, � 4 .. C C� S I i i T TOT'11I. SUPERVISION I I $37,694. 5 5��.,03 -? 542,534 120 T T ofping i i 2. P Payroll S ?,x'50 1 Sow ? i 2, O Oon.fevenceca any sch�a:�s 5 5 Soo T TOXAL TRPHIMG 5 5 1.,,350 -� 2 2;,000 S S 2,000 1401 P Paid leave, t t P Pwyvo11 ` aMEAI PAID TLE.I ,., � 87OG;Ob 1:� P YSOL& ,» IISSARbUNW, Title 23 a F :;G D£ X565 $698 7„980 $ 8,376 Heavy Equipment op=ator d c 605 63e SObB�fd 53,508 �. j t Light Equipment Operator It 12 538 566 71 016 81,504 j i utility Teas 2 2 5,38 566 128912 13,584 � J Nai?tea-ance Xai2 2 2 48? 512 119688 12,?-88 Termorary Spa mey help Temparaz-y drainage MIA Ica 1.�i s t 5,603 6,000 Grvr(Z im _ __ 15 , & *1 _ 19 � 220 ' w 2 2 �i 353 57 Park 14aficaten —ance Pay--01$ S, ®5® 8 50 0 TOTAL 1183 507 5208 980 I j 1 ' Public Works.- Village a eop aeso Supegvisfon and GveTheadg and plaut a u^ 5$500 Traiuieg $ 1�533Q Uenance ZS� �i�a re mcaintens�ss.�ry��ay�, 3,000 { �Ppa�iid �Leays(��9� y�/�/yp si✓LT Vi�36 8�L6iLLQabLYtL`.�OYiO $ Lake and pond GiLL:.iin. Generai wainLeT3iTme, 55,00 000 Street cleaning 17,000 �Yp Street Yenbv&oAan 0,00 0 TOTAL MB LIC 9 Y LX S y/�1 �) y■py� �ieW:V .IJO �vV C-urb and side -oalk - alyalt, F :;G D£ Snw area ice aem.mray. 28,000 Library Street Lighting. 500 Charged to assessed sr'eet Blame Sises 6t)000 pro je--c$ . } Traffic comtTO18 Charged to ethw ids `v'raffie signs 2,500 cash -31 serviemss Signal 3daisatel2awe S00 Village Nall ti Pavement 2,0@0 Garage Guard wails and ber ieaees 1,500 Equipment opezation a S� l ea 39000 neorm Drainage,. S2o s�ever 6,000 Temparaz-y drainage MIA Ica 1.�i s t 6,000 q�7 p �R.iY fl , 03i3i 1,200 62900_ i I VILLMSE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 24 1: QI ��, ci4ai: J 6@rac Acct. No GENES PUBTAIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,100 1 SUWAARY 1966 1967 QUOGE r E ESTIMATED p �p nOBJE`I! nC.q qS � ryRECOjM; ENDED BUDGETED 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL AL SERVICES 24,000 22,836 5. CAP IT AL OUTLAY 27,400 22fl400 ;249000 2 83 TOTALS 7,400 22,400 COMMENTARY TIGIN Expenditures for iFems of equipment which have a useful life of note than one year are classified as Capital Outlay. Two dump trucks are to - eplac,e units purchased in 1958 and 1960, mileage on theme units -All be 63,000 and 85,000 miles respectively. Toaffle control unit is track =unted mild- purpose unit. One half of cost wmu provided in 1966 budget. Radios are for the oil distributor and flushes:. These units ave used on a variety of projects each day and prougz routing s essential, One sncru plc*; is a replaeemcent and the second will be used on the €Lusher. Truck loader unit is a replacement for a unit purchased in 1959, One-third of the cost of a front-ea.d loadea- is requested Co replace a 1952 tractor, which is sommz hat limited in its use, he new unit is much more kle.ible and better .for avow removal. VRI/kGE OF EFDR11b" A N N 4_1 A L 0 U DWS ET j— �"r.�fi:�,i i - ---- - °--- �'a;�'�:i3�,y3 ------- - -I --- - - - -_ ref °t� -- -- .. —__I . — Act. Ne. C, vmp:., E P� A L i PUBUC WORKS I CAPITAL OUXIM 23.100 EXPENDITURE DEVIAL So Noe o r 200 Replecement On= truck ccmip lot'e 10:,000 $10,000 $10,000 Traffia-cautral unit 6,000 6A00 3,000 M obile radio 600 111$200 1,200 Tail, gate sauce Z 1,000 Replacemelit roller, I 1,260 Replacemeat pickup trualt I l "GOD isnow plows (2) 1.400 i 1,400 lTrucak loaday unit I 3,800 I 3,800 !Front--end laader(113p, 5,000 3,00❑ isnow plows, pumps i avd hitches I 2 I fl TOTIL WITAL OTMAY ,24X00 $2-7,,4,00 $22. )0 � f j I I I � i� � r r � VU GE OF EDINA ANRWA E[IDGEe AGE 26 Fund E=L%"-tl0a Ama Aect. WC. GUERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 23.200 SUM.MQ-4 RY 196 BUDGETED - _ ESTIMATED OURECT 196 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 108,000 101,517 B. PERSONAL SERVICES 125,000 $ 119,000 4,000 3,641 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 120500 9,500 i 61,950 60 „018 3. COMMODITIES 68,600 60,100 44 9076 44,076 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 53,916 53,916 $1-1990 5. CAI=I'I AL OUTLAY 218n026 02 CS 260,016 ,6 COMMEWARY YNC AON The maint;enaauce of Village streets co:asti.tutes the greatest; portion of the Public Works endeavor. As the word "maintenance” implies, the purpose of this aecount is to preserve and aot necessarily to improve, the streets within the Village. lmprova nts m:ch as blaacktopping, curbing, oiling, and installation of drainage facilities, are normally fi,neaz ae4 through an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provides for such maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealing and snow plozdngo Co}3i�EISPS Proposed expenditure, are nineteen pexceat (19%y) higher than last yeav"s a appz-opraat;iono The below listed detail cantTibutes to the increase. Salaries and wages: AMOUNT General mai74tn-nair..Pe $10,500 Sheet renovation 4,000 Curb and sidewalk maintenance 500 Saw and ice removal 38000 $2,7,000 General Maintenance: Contracted repairs 5,000 .Asphalt min 6,000 Other commodities 1,900 Street cleaning- commodi.taea 250 Streets renovation- comodlt.ses 4,500 Curb and si.ftwalk mai.ntemances Contracted service 1, 5o'0 Hateriaals i3500 Snot, and ice re=val o Equipment rental 2,000 Salt and sand 4,500 Central services 9 TOTAL $1-1990 F w3t - - -- f.��iiC�9 ©�] -- - - - - - - -- ef12'eL -._ - J$CY. No. -- 3 _ 5° IU`: ET HA:l.DYIEEdFsivO�? I 23,200 EX-Pr-NDiTWIE E_ 2 r'A.1 pwsent 8 @Rd�C- r _ i 210 General. Maintenance _ l,. Payroll _ $ 49,500, $ 60,000 $550000 i 2� Equipments zrenta3 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 1,000 i Oonzracred eepaiW s 5: 0 00 2000 -$-1,0-070-1---$ -- 6e41110 $ 3,000 3$ , Fill mie:erial $ 3,350 $ 2,000 2,000 calcium chloride I 550 1.9000 1,000 Salt. I 600 6005 600 I !Asphalt mku 90000 15,00L 12,000 IZn01 oi1 I 11,200 20000 2,000 � i Gonarete 500 S00 j j Jacking material i !:,250 1,250 I 10 250 1 I Joint mate "',3 81 I 500 500 i 500 i i General supml,iias Soo ! 500 500 Class V vztet ial. I --22 so j 31.000 2,000 18,450 $ 26,350 $22 350 j 9 4 Equipment operation 13 F,i6 I 16,,480 16 480 i TOTAL s � 1 ` � A� r9fa&�TA�FAI►��� S 82,426 i P1�8„8 ® $96,830 220 Street Cleaning 1. payroll brooms ;; 31,000 I $ 17,000 3. $ 3,000 j $ 30000 I Ivat eater addli kve 2S0 I 5.00 Wearing shoes 750 750 I.mr� 4A I! Equipment operation. 9 600 I ii. 9 _ I� S 30,600 $ 33,010 $339040 TOTAL jS'.'P,9s`7 -j Oi,r..A;NIFiG 240 Sheet. Renovation I 1„ Payroll � $ e- 5,003 $ 19,000 $18 "000 j 3� Asphalt :six '19900 S 8;000 $ 7,000 oil I 9,300 9D000 8,000 Granulae material 7,800 7500 7,500 j $22,500 29,000 2z', 500 ' 4. Equipment operation 8 400 � 10,,560 310,560 70TAL ^SMERT FRr- KOFATIOR I $ 52,400 54%5060 $51,060 I 250 Curb and. Sidevrtalk Maintenance 14 Payroll 1,500 I $ 10000 Contracted se,--.,vice I 1,500 3 Natte= ials 2,000 500 FAO quip-ment, opovva ;iovk I 600 2 a0 5.16T AL iCURB A0 STD-T•:►,3'ALK Ii I I f� Ii114TENANOE i $ 4,100 4 � 3,840 . ; 39840 VILLAGE OF d'.DINA AMNUAL BUDGET p'!kGE 2� E'EiG?•^�u "d!i3v<�L`r� _ - -- - AgEC3 Act e40. GELI \M : L PUBUG '001-IRS STREET MINTEPTANCE• 23.200 EXPEng€ ITURE D7E AIL cede Ac vilit cbjcch ��$�B� fee -�c�b f ii W' iCCCr;d�9�P;C�i? °' ge OWE E'2�.� i 70 Snow and Ice Removal I. Payroll S 25,000 S 28,000 $ 2Ea0C0 I I 20 Equipment retit al 3,000 5,000 5,000 30 1Salt 3,000 70000 5,500 ,Calcium. Chloride 1 3,000 3,000 2,500 1 !Sand 2„500 3, ®00 2a50c r $ 8;,500 $ A,,000 $ 10,500 � i 4,•m :Ecrulipment vpezatmon 12 00(; ,¢ 14,276 1 1.4 ,,276 i 'AMNA L 3E.V7 AND ICE MOVAI I $ 40,500 1 $ Ga 276 51,376 � l 26 226©066 23 WEAL YTRMT "MAI ?,1aEIt`ANGF. i 9242.5th . i i VILLAGE OF EMMA AMNU Vuiad Function A?= Aco. No. GHY L PUBLIC Miffs 5 �� �1GY�E4[iG 23.300 SUPS WIRY BUDGETED 1966 ESTIMAW—D OBJECT 1947 RECOMMENDED _. BUDGETED s 10000 $ 166 If PERSONAL SERVICES $ 500 500 i 47,Ot30 47,820 2. CONTRACTUAL SERM"63 58,000 54,,000 15000 1,000 S. COMMODITIES 1,000 1,000 480 480 4. CENTRAL SWIM 540 54.0 5. CAPI AL OUTLAY �49 484 49x"6 'i ®SAPS 60 040 �56n040 COMMEWARY FLNGTION The oveghead street lighting system throughout the Village, with the e=eption of ornamental and special type units, is installed and maintained by Northern States Pmier Company. The Village's obligation. is to provide funds for furnishing electrical poaya -v to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special units. CMMfw.S Proposed eupendi.tuaes are twenty -one perecut (21 %) higher than bast year's appropriation. The below listed detail co tributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Pend Central services M-01 MT 500 11,000 60 %Of 10 .x560 _ VIMJ%G� Oq; EDINA ANKNIUAL "BUDGET PAGE m Furd Fumciion ; Oudgoted $ 1,000 GENMAL PUBTic WORKS STREET LIGHTING 23"�'300 cade EXPENDITURE DETAIL Aclivicy Objact Mail 1. Payx,oll 2. Power Contracted nepaivs TOTAL 3. lRepair parts 4, Equipmew; operacion RPM' s-OHit RzIdget I Recol-m3mdeu -1 ; Oudgoted $ 1,000 P, 500 500 $45,000 $56.000 52;000 2 000 2 000 2 000 $54.000 .$-4,7,000 08,000 1,000 1,060 1,000 480 1 540 I 5410 S5%6 M-0 VILLAGE OF EINNA ANNUAL tBUDGET Faud - j - - -- s urx;iaa') - -------- - - - - -- --- - ---- t`zg�€s !,:zee 6'du. -- GMML PUBLIC FaiORMS SMIET ACME SIGNS 23,400 S(ddtkviAR 9 BUDGETED 1966 E3TWATE® OBJECT 196: _ RECOM3��4'EENDE0 BUDGETED $ 5,000 p 4.876 1. PERSONAL SERVICES ; 6,000 $ .� 2. CONTRACT UAL SERVICES 2.200 1t,723 3. CQhAMODITM( 2,700 15320 320 1, 320 4. CENTRAL SERVICE'S 1, 44.0 5. CAMA L OUTLAY TOTALS 4, 10 110 COMMIMTtlaky E' •���Iri The Village installs and maintains all street u, si!,nso 'ftis acoo=t_. pvm-ides for installation "a nainteeanc."e" Proposes{ expen.diture..3 are aivetPPr, pexoe-at (19%` bighOT th.R M IZGt Y.ea ° a appTopriatiara., The beAcw listed detail cosaaributes to the inczease. Salaries and wages 3.,t�if0 Signs and posts 500 Central segvic es 120 T0nAL $1 „620 0,F EDHIA AMN!'UAL BUDGET RAGE EXPENDITURE DETA6 C &� AOMQy Object De?szA Pmsene Mgat Am NO' MIMIIRAL PUBLIC 'Ly74;R S — i — S'1REaNAME SIGNS — ___-- Payroll 23o400 - -- EXPENDITURE DETA6 C &� AOMQy Object De?szA Pmsene Mgat �tedae��:eszced Budgeted -- a — ___-- Payroll $ 5,000 d 6,000 T� 3. Signs and pasts $ 1,500 g 2,00+ Paint supplies S00 500 Gloves and brushes 200 200 21200 2,700 4 Equipment. operratiou I .20 I ,440 1i I I T T `0TAL i I "£t��ET EQUAL; SIGNS I i $ 6,520 S�0 � 140 $10,140 I I ! � VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDSET PAGE r Fc11;9 Furtc�sa Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC; COMMOL 23.500 SUMMARY 1966 SUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJEcr RECOMMENDED BJi7CEm $ 80000 $ 70692 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 6,500 $ . 6,500 S0197 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,900 7,200 6,235 3. C01'A40DITQES 7,000 2,592 2,592 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 33000 S. CAPITAL OUTLf1V TOTALS 23,E $ 23p400 COMIMENTARY rB'i10'%'ZON Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs0 si.gnal,s., pavement marking, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the police Depa xtwnt, it is, nevertheless, the function of the public Works Deprarta t; to install and maintain such devices,,. Thio account provides for installation and maintenance. CCHRMS Proposed en-pendi &urea are five perceot (5 %) higher than last ye -ar's appropriation. The below listed detail con-tributes to the increase ANO t3NT Salaries and wages: Traffie, sign maint en.. a S00 Paaveamt marking 11,000 Po�a A 0000 contracted repairs S00 Contt;acted service. 900 Faint 200 Central services 408 TOTAL 51 08 VILAGE OF EIN10.1 A['VqUAL PUDGET PAGE EXHINDITURE DETAIL Codle A6vky Aica Act. No P5,esea PUB WORKS TRAFFIC G L 23.506 EXHINDITURE DETAIL Codle A6vky objeci Dctail P5,esea Reca-mi-tiendA Dvdgeted 510 Tvafo.c. sign Maintenance 1. $ 3,000 $ 21,500 3o Signs 33500 35500 4 � Equipment opcxationn ?..,200 1 , 200 7500 is 7�wo TMSjL TH.A.rEjC S! MAI. -TEDIANCE 520 Tzafftc Signal 1-1--intenance L Payroll 500 q, Soo 2., Power 33000 contracind 1,50G 29600 Con.trnated service 900 $ 4,5GO 6o900 3. Repair materials 500 500 Equipment opex-en.tion 72 480 m $ 5,572 TOTIAL TRAFFIC S. 1-1 UNTENANCE 540 Pavement Narking Payroll 33000 2,000 3,, Palm C, 700 J. ,Soo 4. Equipment operation 660 660 53360 $ 4.0160 T MA 1, PAMER !�MUFHC; 570 Guard Rails and Barricades 1. Payroll 10500 Goa-,d rail ziateRials 1,500 1,500 o Equipmpnlf- operatiou 660 660 3.660 3 660 IMYTAL GUARD PAU S ffirij ARRIM-DES- T UT 1L T&OFFIC COMMIL X22 $23,400 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAI E-UDGE PAGE 35 Fund Function Aseq Acct Boo. IERAL . PUBLIC IfORKS BRIDGES 23.600 SUMMARY 1966 1196 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETEP9 43000 5 2,,615 1, PERSONAL SERVICES 33008 5,000 5,080 Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 1,500 19103 3. COMMODITIES 1,000 516 516 d. CENTRAL SERVICES 720 5. CA?ItAL OUTLW CL 11.016 9n23 TOTALS d COMMENTARY The purpose of this acccru t is to provide mainteram-e for the sixtee vithin the Village. commms "Proposed expeudieures are twelve percent (12'x,) lower that last year. appropriation. The belmi listed detail ooutrabutes to the increase. A14OldNT Salarie© and wages $13000 Cmmodities S00 Central sexviees 204. 7O59AL _g0296 U R U rev N�q 'PUBUC WORKS EXPENDITUIRT. DEMIL. d -M, Budge';PT-I 4 l 2., Con-ratted Tc-pairs 5,006 x,000 IrI Faint 54-00 500 Gllaecl -�zafl, p(me""s 500 Luri.bpr, ccbbe, bolts 500 1,000 zcuilpme3.-It onca-a2lon 516 720 2.Kl t "Zo p� ����i??h�t_t: ?4t T!��r! -?^ 44 ��s'aE�S9�uTb,ry, y S MMMARY _ _._..._ 19 ^�._- B U -D GRE T ED E s3UMTEO s o ea STEORN DID^ IWAGE _ 1967 23.700 9,000 16,372 1. PERSONA, SERVirM 12,000 � 454 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,000 61,617 3. MANiOD IES 6,000 2,760 2e,760 4. CENTRAL SER:' CES 3 O00 5. CAPITAL O M'UX 9,10 26 203 21,000 Z1 000 CONWIL, 141E,RY ,.. The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain seyvicLas in an effort to keep den?age to property by storm €pater at a minimum. In those areas sewved by stor-hi sewers,, Village crews periodically check and clean these ummarsa In aveas uot- so sezvad, evj. ;ency measures In tho form of pumping and temporary drains are provided darlia.,g storms. eMORY S _�. Proposed ea peadituras cane sic percent (6%) higher than last year's appTopriationa The belovi basted detail contributes to the increz.se, ANOUNT Salaries and watgeso Storm sewer mapnfi;t'za c'.e $1,000 Zmapcwa3zy 6-ra9 nape -md Culvert's __&,000 $3,000 0ulvens and papa 750 Steel &rates 7410 Cement 250 Gmeeral supplies U0 cent -ra l 240 'c:C' A L . �l , 24,0 V�,1JL.1A'!02,F,Or- EMINA PA%G!4W Fumd GET.5ERX-1 F "! i 1;.-, ton PUBLYC' WOPKS fn:XPFNN"T?JRK;' D7-LTAPL Avarg I Afm No,' STORM DRAINAGE 1 23. 70c, %ica Dew , lie e C Fa i '3' 10 Storm Sever Maintenance I Payroll 5,000 6,000 3. culvexts a-ad vioa $ 2,250 1,500 Steed graLes I E.500 750 Cement 500 250 I s 4-, 250 2, Equipm-ant operation 1. 1 'XIMM, STORM SINUEM 720 Temvoi-ary D-ebdiv.ge. I I pay?�01 I S 4,,QGO 6,000 and Culverts i 3'. 'Hose 500 500 culve7ts 1,000 lAsphalt 11,2�000 i'000 Struc-ures i�000 1L,000 Geacral supplies 250 3,7510 1>1500 E,;qu:Lpm-,..n-c opim-awon 1-; 500 1 TOTAL TEP_PcrjMU1Y_. u.n-am"�Grrv, mo CULvEF,_TS Go- I I T i 'a AL (STORM DRAKE AGE ` $211000 $2L000 E a", EDINA A KI N, U A L B U r Zlz - ET PAGZ 39 SUMMARY .1,966 I S U. D G.1': T E D ESTIMATED Am Batts. 6 °�0 I "O-B r—%K S VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.600' ',3 —L" —c"-o 1,000 750 SUMMARY .1,966 I S U. D G.1': T E D ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1�96 Z BUDGETE D 10,220 Z. PEEMSONAL SERNICES ',3 1,000 750 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 9, 00 2 7, - 40 0 3. COMMODITIES 9,200 3t,720 3,720 4. CEDNIMIL SERVIC"S 4,560 S. CAS' TAL OUTUOf 7 MAUS CL L2,200 5ti5TA . RY YNOT101-13 The gunction of the Village Propel ties, account is to pToperly care for all Village mmed p7soperitiest other than those used for Park and Recreat1cm purposes. Thase Village properties are princtp411y, bo;Ae-vasdo, triangles, public bul'-I ding sites and sites used foT utility facilities. T'he maintenance of these properties includes the cuIRIvatien and mcming of the turfr cp-myi-ag and of trees, establishm-ent and care og pl=tings, and everyday housekeeping neeesam-y to keep theae Village pxapeztlea in aesthetic accord with our many vine pri-vately (nmed vesidential prop ties. COMMITS Proposed expenditures are twouty-six pc:,,.-cent (26%) higher than Met year's appropriation- The belaw listed detail cant rlbazes to the increase.. L Me W3 N T Salaxles aiad umges Turf mid plant mainterAnce 500 Tree vnintenauce 600 Y,:ak--s anal ponds mal-weiaamee - 000 $2,900 Contzacted woxk 4,000 Cemxv.ra-e,y saimrices 780 IXGT6�71 vUAG'.A_'_ or- �E'ILINIINMIAI A,�,,1MU/�L R"�JDGET PP\G'F 4.0 Nn] GENEWIL Function PUBIAG WURKS A I a.- 1 VILLAGE PROPERTIES An W. 2W800 Cede /kciFn1'.7 G, �v'; L-; Budge ludgoad. 310 Tuxf ead FlanZ Payroll 5,000 Maintenance f a f Coarract vozk 1,000 % Fertilizer 130 300 Tool replacement 201", 200 Plantings 500 I Soo Sod and black dirt 1,000 1,000 Chemicals 300--. 1 0 2000 f i K Equipment operation 1,320 _G20 10TAL TOW "00 ANT MAINTENANCE 9 620 $ 9,4ZO NO Trao Maintenance 1. Payroll 3,600 3, Hand tools, Topes. and saws 200 Spray -L—JA290-0 1,400 4 EquipNent operations TOTEL I&W WWI 6,200 S'no 370 Lakes and Ponds Maintenance Y Payroll q 3,000 woo Contract work 5a000 Chemicals 4,SCO 4,500 Rip-Tap, headwalls, I! I i. and special coo S,500 _11000 5,500 4� !Equipment operation 1,200 1040 �_l TUAL 1ANKS AND !�ONPS ^16,asO _ _J! 6, IQ j TOTAL VILLAG PROPERTUS $25x520 3122 200 �32 i l urrt i; PM9NV2rP'P1PV ANHNUAL BUDGET SUMNl,AR G� a Avau I Aeee. N'a. POLICE PR ECUOi1r, 1 24.100 _ 1966 DIUDGE ED CSTIMATED OBJECT REC0 MUM ENIOvD 1967 BUD%ETE0 s 2z i3 ®2 $ 24?,185 1. PERSION;k . SEWIMES � $ 289,246 �.... _. $2E9,614 1>J'788 4,823 2. CONTRACTUAL S,EMMES 5,479 58179 ¢ 1,713 1,809 3. CONAIISIVIODITUS 2,022 2,022 f�q :'680 4.9,680 Y. UNTML SEA.&° C S 63,960 60,960 i� 11,34 ?, 14a218 S. CAN a L C3UT_ AY 17,674, 31a174 TOT 'AILS $ATL i2i $3611 I'M FUNCTUN The primax -y fuuction of police protection iG to protest life anal rpropevty 14hidh inrludes investigation of major crimes and p-ablic moral offenses, offeases Aiiah have to do with the €eaintawnee of peace„ and enfoTcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this Is ,gran':ecd to a 1& ge aztent th ough c:;.: veinal and civil codes, and village, stare, and federal legislation affecting the public in ge -neral. OLl�M NTS Proposes: expenditures axe me4fenteen petc.21141t (17%) higher than last year's appropriation. `.three ar3di iozal patrolman are- %equested to =intain the present level of aervLceo Also a clevit-typist Is requested to parform steno and clerical. dutieG.. '!%a below listed detail contributes to the increase. i i Salaries and wages �•1$OIm Conferences and Schools 35 Dues and subscTiptions 6 R ada:; 2116 50 uni.fo' allowance 600 Pmmun R.1 c:? - 350 Jail as"r.a pr,isoILea enF?onse 50 Caps, e eathf -m.: ;sous, badges 64 Photographic supplies 50 First Aid. supplies, 26 Lire :�acw3�3�E',i8�."aFI�1' supplies 40 General. supplies 9 Central services 11,280 Capft a1 outlay p 332 TOTAL $53 6M. i ViLLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 412 rand r e r.mts0.'3 - - - - -- - -- !- oYC?'f No, MERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FROPERTir POLIO, :t RUTECTM-1 Cae^ Activity i I object Detail E i?Qiy�`i@7 Budget Recu»;�a nded ke-@4sed I 19 Chief y 31.,220 $ n'750 _I 12,,240 Captains (2) 17e448 i9, 200 19,200 � Se;; ;car��sn5 40..620 42.,420 42,720 Patrolmen. (i2;'� 82,364• 9494,,9 94,891 Patrolman (4y 21,652 30,167 30,167 Patrolmen '2 ) 20,432 I 14,558 14,556 ! I detectives '(3) 239472 24 552 24,696 IX116 �09fl19F� 6,44.4 1 i ;yy atrolm n ((3 20412 120t,��j >/1�2 IDiepatchers (3l 15,2704 16,272 i 16, 344 iDispatchers APT 4,192 4,376 i 4;,376 I ! Seeze Lary 3e,880 4,8610 i 4,860 Merk�- typist 3,90x0 ' 3,900 insurance 1,240 1 3320 .� 1,280 - j I I � 5248,2:3: $259,246 i. $289,6"- 29 Co- ageif'( noes and ! schools 1,285 j $ 1,323 , $ 1,323 and su>bscripti -oha 170 I 176 I 176 I ! IDues ` oledype I 5 0 540 11%ddar and €i :acakonletei! 250 300 300 Laund?y I 40 40 I 40 Uniform allowance 2 WO � 3,100 2 500 5,479 r 5,179 3o F13ttl3�*..'ti!i4aiOn- 400 y 750 Jail and p.Kisouer I j expense i 400 350 ` Caps, leatheraoodsf badges 76 140 Photographic suppli" 350 300 First aid supplies I� 50 Y6 supplies ' 160 120 General supplies J 277 286 11,113 r �h 7 2,022 25 ®22 I 4; General i i $ 25,200 32,34-0. Village Hail I 3, "•$Egg 4,0220 Equipment operation 21.,000 24,600 4.95680 I $ 60,960 $ 60,960. I' I VILLA E, Or EMNA AMNUAL BUDGE' PAGRE 43 Fund � i�Z3 f:l�CO:� — — ^ -- ' Area .- - ^_ dive. N3. E ERH� PRUT CTIORN OF PERSONS AND i'OT.I 0E PROT .CTIM 24. 100 5. Vehicles !7� —$ 9,100 EXPENDIy URE OEir' L Code Activity Object oakaY3 - - - -_I Present Biud��fr Reco 8:9 ne;addad - I BLAgeted -- 5. Vehicles !7� —$ 9,100 9,300 $ 3,800 Pistols and sho€.gms i 120 270 270 rv_le cabinet 80 100 100 �adio 600 700 700 tube- radar unit 250 enerator 1,192 i os;ke s i 254 254 �kQCta,t�'3r-squad roc3?2 I �� �0 i dding viachi ne i 250 250 { J i { .dating machine 250 I 250 ( ! mprovements- ange 25th yi 250 S� �.l,w '2 3I ;BJ�Y_ 11 2174 x'315,757 $369,381 ( 368,,919 1 TOTA,L DoTIcE P o o IM i i I f i { { I VILLAGE OF MINA Aa43N -VA? BUDGET PAGE 44- Fund Ptv"i2C4'e�o! ACua Acci. Wo. O t. PROTE"M OF PERSONS AN FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 $ 134,628 € ROPERTY 21,572 28323 SukWAPY DIUDGM- D ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED_ $ 124097'6 $ 128,188 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 134,628 $ 134,700 21,572 28323 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,913 2,663 2,351 2 ®416 3. COMMODITIES. 38136 2,786 216 So 21D5" 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 25, 320 251,320 70°x'87 7,360 S. CAPITAL OUTLkY 151,972 9,222 1590126 162,22? TO A-S 181,969 �, 174691 COMMENTARY FMCTION Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in ease a fire does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4) extisnguish all fires. In general, this involves the providing of services for bath fire prevartion and fire fighting. CM49MIS Proposed antpenditures are fourteen percent (14%) higher than last year's appropriation. The principal reason for the increase is a request for additional funds for off -duty personnel responses and amount to set,a3side for a new pumper. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, W-107M. T Saalavies and rages 11 9,652 Conferences and schools 331 Dues and subscriptions 10 Clothing replacement 100 Liquid foam. 110 Rose xeplacemeat 425 General supplies 1,0 Ceniraal Services 3,780 Capital Outlay TOTAL sa2g8�s3 PAG.6E 45 EXPENDITURE KDETAR. h;yWl Activity O Object D Datoid II GENERAL PROTECTION, Or P4's S 10j) i7IRE PROTECTION ( 24 200 d_ ��:�.�w - - - -- ------ -- - - -_ ___ - - -- — - - -- - - - -- EXPENDITURE KDETAR. h;yWl Activity O Object D Datoid — R Recoairncadcd ' 9 9s,dg tea 1. c chief $ $ 9;,264 $ $ 9,720 $ $ 9,720 � Assistant Chief 8 8,724 I 9 9,600 9 9,300 �ieutenaxit;s (3) 1 16:248 2 25"152 2 25,272 �Iirevan (6) 6 67,536 I 4 47304 4 47,556 1 I I � iit eman 6 6,644 7 , 484 7 7,484 rixeman ;2 � I 1 14,808 1 14,808 �en 1 16s0aQ 2 2f,3t I P 20,000 1 1 � 560 ! 1 5 560 $124,976 i _ $136,628 0 0134,700 j I 1 1 2 2� ' 'Goafei.ences and I I 1 j j s schools $ $ 622 � 9 953 $ 703 I ; ;Dues and subsc:°i.nttora; 1 150 2 2oQ 1 160 i,asu,n.dry ' ':'00 I I 4.0® � �a00 ,ULZbi�orm allot. -an e 1 1,400 j j _1., 0 � fl 400 '� 2 2,572 1 1 20913 $ _2,6631 ! 1 3. ' 'Clothing replace -men.t j $ $ 366 1 1 ^� 466 � $ $ 366 fonia � 1 110 1 220 { 2 220 Inose Ieol.acemmzz 8 825 I I 3,230 I I 1,000 Phozoaraphic suptg7:ic s 1 125 1 1.25 1 1 125 j First aid supplies . . 450 4 450 1 1 450 General supplies 6 675 _ _ 6251 6 625 2,551 $ $� 3, &36 2 2,786 4. I -ta9 $ $ i2,360 s 14"760 760 Ivene - I 3,180 j j 3,660 1 ^C¢Lll'.�3T+'.R.�.►.i'. m39£:'�'L?a'�di�. E E9.,Oii4% _ _I _ _6.,���iyl 1 1 1 e ei 21.,.5 40 I I $ 25,320 $ $ 25,324 5, R I $ 5,000 1 1 J }4,000 ' ' 4 7,5110 ' j I I S Scott ai_: caaks �6 3 358 358 Portable Kadlo � � 750 6 650 4 400 i D Desk aQd (A-Lai:' 2 225 2 225 iattgess CSC) 2 200 1 150 1 150 Power hack saw^ I I 125 1 125 Portable inegaphone 1 100 1 100 Curtin nozzie 1 119 1 119 ' H Humidifier 7 75 7 75 Tool cabinet 5 50 5 50 I E Electric Keel and tVr��� 6 60 6 60 File cabinet (1) 6 60 6 60 Various ! ! 1 537 8 .48 l l 972 9.222 e. � 9 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL A$ 5'UDGE t PAGE 46 FLmd i unwion Area Aca. No. GENERAL PROTECTIM PERSOIRS AND IPPOPERTy CIVILIAN DW -EUSE 24. 300 SUKKARY 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OWECT 1967 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 2,630 $ 1,980 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,250 $ 2,160 436 436 1 CONTRACTUAL SERYICE3 415 415 450 300 3. COMMODITIES 495 495 d. CENTRAL SERVICE VICS S. Os A*1TA OUTLAY 3, 51.6 $ 2A716 TOTALS X3€160 � 38 COMMENTARY The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet agency situations of catastwophic nature. Particular emphasis is being placed capon an effort to beeter,intagrate and coordinate the activities of paid and vvolunCecx emergency personnel. ' CD-XMNTS i Proposed expenditures are ten percent (10 %) lotser than last year's appropriations. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. I MST Salaries and gages X380 Conference: and schools 21 Amu:aition- reserves 50 I Sign replacement. 50 Sirens 150 Tenn ral s - nnlies 195 � W- AGE Or- X 94 4A A',,\H i AL BUDGIL"- g Pj -\GL 47 $M01F-RA% I PROTEC.TION OF PE SMS MID CIVIZ,UUM DEFENSE Activity € bjacs I 1. 1hrecto 1,980 $2;250 022160 650 _ S2,2S® �2�160 ``$2,630�� 2. I� Conferences and � 90 (Dues and subscviptioc.s 25 ; 25 '-eased lines fog: sirens 300 300 I I j -� �$ 436 $ 415 � X515 33 �Unif- arms -reser es $ ISO $ 100 � � Amunit on- reserves so 100 I I I Radiological sur ie � � I i 'Sign mater supplies I - Caplacemenr ?00 100 ad j i I Sirens 150 'General supplies ( I 195 I $ 50 495 i 495 i To m. 01F1 Lytl%v DF-rI 11 3.536 S3 „160 $3,O70 i � v I� I i 1 I I i I � I I I I � I I I I i I I i I VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 43 `"und Pu —mfion Avaci , Acct. No. OEW ERAL — PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPFIRTV PUBLIC HF.= -H I I 24.400 — SUWAARY _ BUDGETED 1966 EST6WkTED 003ECT RECOMMENDED 1967 BUDGETED $ 13,000 $ 12,993 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 17,309 $ 168280 1,108 1,065 2. CONTPACTUAL SERVICES 1,135 1,135 1,500' 1,499 3. COMMODITIES 400 400 2,04-0 280' 0 `. CENTRAL SERVICES 2,746 2p748 70 710 5. CAINTAL OU TLW 780 780 $_1_7__L7 18 $_ x 667 TOTALS 22,2363 � 21�. i COMMENTARY EMOTION The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing lave to preswve and promote the public health and safety, aad to protect the life and health of all persons wi�hiu the c;omsunity. CAMS Proposed expenditures are Wenty -site percent (26%) higher than last year's appropriation. One-third of the cost of laboratory technician and extra part- time help ere requested to better protect the health of the commnity. The below listed detail contributes to the incgease. TOTAL jAt645 ANOT Salaries and sages $4,300 Conferences and sdhools 113 Dues and subscriptions 10 mileage 120 Electrical and plwnbing at laboratory 250 `Pest; equipment and supplies 1,100 Central services; 708 Capital Outlay 710 TOTAL jAt645 VM2/-%G�v- OF EDINA M,,11'&AAA. OUDSMIf t' � A G _] 4 9 Fa P 3 Full Sion I Area Aa. No. GENERAL MOT ION - OF PERSONS AND PUBLIC MA=, H PROPERTY Code Activity Object Da'-C-fl Recommvided r,', i d,,w e t c d 1. Sanitarian $ 9,450 $10,200 $10,200 Medical officer Secretary 300 2"550 300 I 2,670 300 2,700 F."stra help . 700 2,130 1,080 !Laboratogy technicial /3 2,000 210000 5000 $17,300 i $16,280 Gonferences and S Cho s: 01 q, 34.8 239 IDues and subscriptiols 4-'0 so i i Mleage 1 720 600 Electrical and plumb- in- at laboratory 250 1 108 I,X35 2 1,135 �Test 3,, eayipment and supplies (113); I I 1,500 i 400 kl 400 4 General 1,320 I 1,920 trillage Hall 480 I 552 lGarage 2.4 0 276 2,040 2,748 $ 2,748 5 Table and stool 70 Wall cabi-nets(2)) I/ 160 Dravmr units (6)'-(1/1) 330 Sink-unit (4013)) 190 Counter taps(5)-(1f3' 70 100 780- 760 20TEAL PUBLIC HBAKKEI $17,718 $22,363 $21,343 note A represents equally with oner-third of the cost, the Sai�t Laois Park and Blocmington bal-katice to be f3hared VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 Vested �a� c�aoy -- —� Area Acct. Ne. GENERAL PROTECTION or PERSONS APD I AEd1gAL =iTROL 24.500 p T SUMMU 1966 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 13.154 $ 23,406 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 14,700 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. C0 1MMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OU TLJkY y 13 1 TOTALS 4,a00 1'°Sn700 COMMENTARY FUNCTION - Animal Control is a function of Village Government designed to protect LUG anal property from the injurious activities of animals, both wild and domesticated. The Village Council has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. MOMS Proposed expenditures are helve percent (12%) higher than lasts year's appropriation. The additional funds are requested to cover any increase in contract costs. Estimated revenue is $6000; net cost of animal control $5700. VILLAGE CAE EDINA A!'lNUAL BUDS ET PAGE 51 end Funct;on Area ,�tcc�. Bye. G E�l�, PROTECTION OF PER.S014S AND PROP Phi — 11gSP=1OHS 24.600 SUMMARY _ 3966 0U DG- LETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1967 BUDGETED 30,670 $ 31,201 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 330 103 301,664 640 1,819 2, CONTPAC`I•UAL SERVICES 2,480 2,280 850 895 3. COMMODITIES 625 425 4 ,740 4,740 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5,052 53052 1,650 304 5. CCN AL OUTLAY 775 775 959_ . TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCT1O The functions of the Inspection Depaa; tme -a are to issue and ravoke building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing And zoning ordixnsuces and codes; propose and reprise building, plumbing and construction codes; establish house numbering; recommend condevmctian and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building consufuction. CCHMEMS Proposed expendituoes are nine percent (9%) higher than last year's appropriation, The below listed detail contributes to the. increase. j Salaries and wages $2,433 Conferences and schools 15O Dues and subs iptions 10 mileage, 13 680 Commodities 225 Central services 312 Capital outlay (3 5 TOTAL k3 :485 c ��,ridv -- ' ?�cOv3 � Object. a 0etGi! i C'ERERAL PROTECTIO14 OF PM�3SONS AVD INSPECTIONS I 24 600 — ---- c1aaM_ - — - - -- — -- -- c ��,ridv -- ' ?�cOv3 � Object. a 0etGi! Budget - -- 6a:ds3e� Recommm -nded BiA eted 5 to Building inspector $ 73950 $ 9n000 y 9,000 Y Plumbing and [heating inspector 7.650 8,700 8,700 Assistant inspector 7,200 6,300 6,450M Clerk 3,960 4,500 4,500 lovertime 1,410 1,500 500 gmtza help i 2'500 1 3,103 1,514 { _ ! $30,670 $30,664 Cornferen.ces anc, sebools ! $ 197 $ 34 ?y i $ 34,7 i Duet and subsar,iptifl�,s 123 133 133 Pia. F cage i 320 2 000 i 1 800 $ 640 ' $ 2,480 $ 2,280 � i 3. ' Fwa nted fo ms i 5 750 ! 5 350 I $ 150 (Code gooks I 75 100 ! 100 I General supplies -� 25 I ?75 i 175 ! 850 I I S 625 $ 425 4. Geneva) I $ 3,300 S 4"500 Village Hall 480 552 Zquaipm2 at opegation i 960 $ 4 740 $ 5,052 $ 5,052 , i � � 5. Desk and chair $ 200 File cabinets 300 Addiaag machine 275+ Va:-.- a ous 5 ? 650 I ., 650 775 $ 775 TOTAL XISPECTIo m $381550 X42,035 $39.196 �I i i I(A)- $25.00 January 1 and $25.00 July 10 I !;S6(I FQY�C�C ?b3 ANA 4: I i:CCt. Mtn. — — Gh'NERAL NON- DEPAE?ti'I's MA'L EXPENDITURES I _ OONTINGEy?OIE5 � 26.100 1966 1961-- BUDGETED ESTI9dlf-,TM 00jEC 1 EEMAMENDED BUDGETED 5 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,297 4,315 2, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1.5,000 3. C01MIYCODMES 4. CENTLZ&L SERVICEiS 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY � OTALS t-15 a-0 . COMMENTARY FUNCTION During the year, unanticipated bu n.ecessary expe.ndituves may occur, for which there has been no previous appropriation. This iaccnuaat a.s m reserve for such contingecci.es o . ViLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL PUDGET PASS .V" SUMMAIrl 1966 _ 1967 €11:1D E't ED ESTWATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PE6tS HAL SCRViCES Soo 169- 1 CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 500 f 3. COMMODITIES i 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 500 169 TES T ALS 500 X00 -- r -- - r - COMM D- IYARY GENERAL NON-DEPARTNWAL EXPENDITURES SErTiLM OF SUITS 26.200 SUMMAIrl 1966 _ 1967 €11:1D E't ED ESTWATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PE6tS HAL SCRViCES Soo 169- 1 CONTRACTUAL SERViCES 500 f 3. COMMODITIES i 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 500 169 TES T ALS 500 X00 -- r -- - r - COMM D- IYARY Fond Fur. uon SPECIAL Arw ASSESS Drls Accr No. GMUMAL WON-DEPARIMMAL EXPENDITURES MH VI1LAOg PROPERTY 26.300 SUMMARY 1966 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 'BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODIT0 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 30,000 31,620 a. CAPITAL Ol TLI%Y 35,000 3i-o 3 .620 TOTALS Q .35,9000 GOO COMMENTARY The Pillage ow-ned properties are sub jest to spacial assessments for vaxious improve at projects. his account pgovides funds to pay these assessments, VILL46E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE l' PAGE . 56 rUnd Furcoson Am OAPITAL Aca.140. 0WERAL HON - DEPART `STAL EXPENDITURES O iTRiAL SERVICES- OUTLAY 26.300 SUM tARY 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED I BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. CVlii MdDI 1 ASS 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 9,110 9,062 5• CAPITAL OUTLAY 119693 10,000 9,110 90062 TOTALS 113693 X10,000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Certain items of equipmont or impr®veamnts which have a useful life of more than one year, which cannot be allocated to any particular functicm, are classified in this account. VILAGE OFF ENNA Afv,NRJ,AL DLJIDCI;�OET P A 6 -;; EVEND1TURE DETA1 Area cAp:E,.rAy. PCz- • NO, fir - IL NOK-DEPARUMKTAY, F-YPF.!qD1TLff4E SERI VIC-P15- 01 TUAY 26. !3500 EVEND1TURE DETA1 �Cdc AdfivH7 object 103,01,JH sudgmt vi l Sage Ha 11. afl Improvements- Manager's office a F50 $ I.,000 750 conference rocni and U brary 750 Filing S;Steal 700 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL $2,200 750 Carage I ake up aft unft 6,090 6,000 Storage loft. 2,000 j 800 Lights and ou-&I-ts 400 400 Storage weak ISO 150 Extend watem 'Sne. air lime 50 150 Various 350 7,0TAL. mRAGE $3,350 CFO D -9 0-0 Equipment, Operation, i Tool storage and chasts 375. Band saw i 800 Valve stern veamrs 173 Body tools j 175 Set ftill bits i -too Gas weld."kvs tolreb. a CB Work bon--&ches (2) Various L TOTAL EqUIMENT 9 750 $9,110 4H,69;� SIO..000 VfLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUM37ET PAGE 58 rand GTMERAL INON-DEPART.TAL EYPZND7,T1PES i CAPITAL INFROVEENK TS — 26.600 _ SUMeMAV 1966 196 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S. COWAOD@'Y'dES 4. CENTFLAL Sn, V&CE.S 505000 50 ®000 S. C-01TAL OUTLAY 50,000 100,000 so, coo $--5-0-X 000 IM IA @S a COMMENTARY Fum, ION This account was established for the pumpo; a of accumulating funds for Capital Improve-meats. He propose a transfer fram the Liquor Dispensary Fund of $508000 into a reserve account for purposa of constructing and equipping a seccnd fire station and new public; library. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 59 U;id 5" ciaG57 Aw, Acct. NCB. Pfm PARK AND a ,'loN tMINISTg.lIMS 47.100 SUMMARY 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT _ R E C 0 MI EINDEG 1967 BU6f —E.7ED a 28, 582 $ 28,430 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 34,402 34,102 10336 1,328 2- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,435 1,360 125 gg 3. CObUMODITIES 125 125 13:,140 13, 140 �. �,ES CENTRAL SERVl 14,892 14,892 S. CAPMAL OUTLAY 43,183 93 TOTALS SO 8 4 s 50 COMMENTARY The Park and I+?eewastion Department is responsible for the acquisition, development, operation and waintenancae of the Village parks and ee: reation fw$lities, and the conduct of the recreation pro0am. Providing for the administration of the p=k and recreation fua?ctlon 3s the object of this aacounto The Edina Paarlc Board, as an advisory body to the Edina Village Cou=il, assists in the pJ.a&w and operation of the paabk and recreation imagione CQWHTS Proposed eupendi es are eighteen percent (18%) higher then last yecax s appropriaati6n. The pt'i=11paal Pteason for the inaregase is personnel cost, which is sonde up mainly of a more accurate allocation of paid leave. Experience shores that holidays, vacation, sick leave, represents about thirteen parcemt (13%) of payroll, instead of aabcut tan percent (10%) as used in the past. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. lN0W'T Salaries and wages 755-180 Confereeces and schools 99 Central snVicas J J52 TOTAL "4°iLLAGE OF ENNIA ANNUAL BUDGET PAG, EXPENDITURE DMiL �.-Y mar I ctivity I ���¢ii3 6' SEJ@10i1 f3a:�8Q4 PAM AWD N -M—RE TION AlrMNIS. RA ! (fir, 100 EXPENDITURE DMiL �.-Y mar I ctivity obgark ���¢ii3 6' SEJ@10i1 f3a:�8Q4 ' II -- i - -- - -- to Director 9,870 $11,100 � I $10,800 P-a-08 a--3b supervisor 8,310 9,000 9,000 1 Secretary 3,870 4,200 4,200 Clerical (1 /3) 1,200 1,260 1,260 T airiing 200 200 20t3 Paid Pen,P 5,132 1 8,662 8„642 $28,582 - x34, ,02 i I $34,102 i I 2o 1 idni�Y?le�eii:�e,�s E!n,�p,, I I � � : 11001's , 576 1 i 67.E 1 $ 600 1 I IDUes and I I subsevipr.ionsi. I a 00 100 100 Audit 660 � 660 1 660 j f• - � •� 19336 1,035 g 360 � $ 3 I� i 3. Ift-anti.g I S 50 Books and pamphlets I 75 75 $ 125 125 g 125 i { 4, IGeteexal 1111age � •' 9,420 $10,680 1 I Hall Garages 1,200 1,368 ; 1,320 1,52w" IE- quip-mant opeeat:ian I 12eo i3 140 1,320 $1 &11892 •lit 892 1 I I I I 1 i II 1 IIj 1 I I VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL, PM ! PM& MD RECUAT'IGN SUMA -Ry Area ep"TION PROGRM 'AGE 61 Acct. No. 457.200 1966 BUDGETED ESTIMAT OBJECT 1967 RECOMMENDED I _ BUDGETED $268000 g 26,249 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 30,300 $291,400 � 78250 78267 2, CONTRAMWL SERVICES 78250 7,250 5 0625 69136 3• C ®M MOWTIES 6olSO 68150 T( AL 2 625 B. CENTIRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $41,,075 !� 39 a652_ 'TOTALS , 700 2 8e COMMENTARY LION The Village, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a year aroaaaid recreational program as a function of Village g€rver=enta This program Is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department. It iacludas such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, sWmming and tennis instruction; and a summa playground program for small children. Sow of these activities receive financial support from various service orgranizationsv and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. COMMS - posed expenditures are sir. percent (6$) higher than last year's appr4riation. The belomy listed detail contriL-a;es to the Increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages a Baseball and softball $ 100 Hockey and skating 900 Tennis instruction 100 Playground 10,000 Hiseellaneou.s and special activities 200 02,300 Commodities 1 325 T( AL 2 625 Vii-LASE OF EDNA v1iN v..9Ari- 0 U D 6 'PIA GE 62 G'c�5lEs" 6 .�:G'$G9 I 6ti�iZ U��o ii PAIN � — PARK' ? 1f 9-:t;C`lc?frEe3 1T I0 �i�FsA�.�0i3 PRCSP14H ! 47 � 200 I (ILI Qs Acilvity ��ye�� �3 €�eE ae�u:�saa��ad 8�tdr�Gfrec� 201 l0aeebakl aua softball 1. Supervision t 1,200 1,200 Coachi.n0 Assistants 1-350 114,50 1 ( 2,550 i -� 2650 I 3. Plates and basses $ :375 I � 450 ! I Bans and balls 300 300 Catching equipment- 300 ! 300 i ! ; Equipment T epai.r I 100 ! D DQ 075 Ia150 ! TOTAL BASEBALL AND a0lTB-- . f � 3,625 I i 3,800 � �' 3,800 ( 202 15€s€i :asag and Hockey i Rink- stu"Dervisioxa IEloc&ey coaching i � 6,460 540 ! � $ 7 ®360 540 6,960 I 540 $ 7,000 , S 7,900 7,500 I 3. II Goalic. equipment. I � 400 200 I '` 400 250 _ i L 600 I _$ 650. 650 I NOCK Y I 7,600 I 8,550 8a1S0 20:3 Teams Ins�xuc> ion Z !Instructor Instructor ` 500 550 Assistant insta -uctax 450 300 . I —0950---,q 1,050 I i 3 n 125 125 i I I Nets 125 175 Unclassified I 25 _ 25 275 325 ! t �0•:£AL TUFRUS IV T 11225 ;r 1,375 i,3TS jpl aygt -ou d 1. I LeadeF s , 8,100 ; 9,100 8,600 3, Grafts I 'eplacer,?aFs and 2,000 2,200 550 j 2,650 700 _ - 21800 2 800 r I .I WEAL PLAN ROW") - X10,750 �3 x 6900 $110400 VIULUa E OF EEDIWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE m.- FORK PARK AND CREATION Am RPCREWS'10H PU.CIfiRAM ErER-DiTURE FIRT I. Art.. ire. 47.200 Cede Acfivcyy Object — - Press -- Budget ^Recommer'ded ofidgeted 205 'Swiltmdng Instructiom 1. Supervisor 500 S 500 Irss �uc�ion 5 � 1OC9 ' 5,100 Attendants { 400 400 Registraon ti 200 f i 200 6 ? 6,200 �;� 6,200 I { 2. j Thus rental I � 6,000 6,X00 Pool rental I X250 a 250 � � 7,250 ` 7., 250 I 3. 171utter boards 100 1 f Unclessified 125 $ 225 { $ 225 _ y INSTRId0'1 OU $13,675 �13vM I $139675 %06 3scelleneous and Special, Activities 1. Payroll j 5 1£800 2,000 Leaders �aAOO I �600 I $ 3,200 .38400 3o j Prititing suum= bullet-in $ 600 600 ch 'IL1: en, S SPSESMU iSoccer theatre i 200 200 i 100 100 100 100 —:$ L.�. 1 1 000 I A LOW �_ AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 4,200 4,4-00 A 4,400 ` URAL RECREATION I- . I PROCRARI "x.'075 43 700 I $42.800 i � VILLAGE OF GDS€ A I A!`��`���AL BUDGET VALE 64 and Funciiorr Area Acct. No. { PARK PAM AND RRMAT ON NAINTE iP. CE I 4?. 300 SUMMARY 1966 BU. DGzETE® ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOAMENDE0 1967 BUDGETEO $449852 $ 449995 .1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 50,854 $ 49,918 40850 4,193 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,500 4,800 10,340 11p424 3. COAAM:BDMES 11,340 lle340 10,800 10,800 Q. CENTP.AL SERViC13 12,780 12,780 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 70,842'432 {g TOTAL �9 a b COMME WARY Park maintenance involves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget accotmt are only those properties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pining stations, etc., are maintained through others budget accounts, although the grsouad woric Is done by this park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks imcludes turf care, establish- ment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of park buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. i CAS Proposed eupenditures are thirteen percent (13) higher, than last year°s i npproprciation. One additional map is requested to maintain the present level of maintenance. During 1967 tree additional parks will be added Maher Field- Morningside��E Lake Mica and Heights), as well as Morningside °s boulevard trees. The balora listed � !detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages: mc"wiug $1 200 Special turd case Plantings and trees Litter removal Parking area maintena nee -Building and equipment maiatenance Skating rink maintenance Contracted repairs Utilities Pleat arterials Lumber aad repair materials Central services a 652 500 200 150 2,100 200 $6,002 450 x•00 500 500 1.980 9_ %O'er 932 S'' V9HA mw"': 0 EDINA GaN ?`;UAL BUDS -E- PAGE 65 EXPENDITURE DETAIL cdc Activity obioa - - -- D- Vii P ',I Palk RER 1219, 1W. MAIM.ENMCE 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL cdc Activity obioa - - -- D- Vii I Wry err Budget tecan, mondcd Budgetcd f ? Mooing la Payroll _I $ 8,880 $100080 s $ 9,480 2, ontrac ted 450 3. Repairs, parts and hand mowers 750 750 750 I I 4. ' qu$ pment operation 2 864: 3 , 14-4 �y 3,,144 "12,924 ' $13,974 I .713,374 TOTAL MWING j2 Spec i Tur i Orw N 1. Payroll I 7248 i � a ,90fl i 20 &Cflntracted work 1,600 1 1,600 i 3. Seed 8, 1 200 $ 1,200 I Pad 540 540 I r6ZP 2t'4 ' 1,300 I 1,300 i � ac k dirt eed spray I ? ,0d0 1 100 16000 100 4 Equipment ope ration $ 4, 140 �. 1 :440 4,140 I 680 TOTAL SPEC,.I L TtiM I CAR $14,428 I $15,320 $15,9320 X30? Flaut egs and Trees 1, ayroll 21800 I 3,,300 - 2. eSquipnuieat a,ental 100 IGO I I 3, Flaw materials 500 1 000 4x �4uipment operation ' -. 960 1,4200 2 TOTAL PLAM91IdGS ARD TREES $ 4,360 $ 5,600 $ 5,600 3'M Litter Retrava1 1n j 3, �'ay�e13 ash containers � $ 4,900 200 I $ 51100 200 I I j 4. quipser. operation 660 900 $ 5,760 $ 6,200 $ 6,200 iTOTAL LITTER REMOVAL '305 parking Area 1, � Payrol i $ 11500 ; 1,650 Maintenance 30 load oil I $ 1,200 $ 11200 i Sand 250 250 100 1.00 IJnalassified $ ).,550 $ 1,550 4. u pmen opera-ion - i TOTAL PIMc.1IG AREA f I I 1 � I I I I MAIN TERAFICE $ .3,650 (Kq0 $ 4,040 I VHIAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDSEF PAGE 66 6�IgS� - -pVc: -77- Arre��ppy/��/a�+ I f Present t udgel ryry��`��yy- PARK "n �iFAa1'ISiATIO Y — �TA,61�TE VC11' CE47. p4C., /i�oo. 300 EXPE W URr D'97 ML ' Cod--I Activity ®bjeC � De{tsal f Present t udgel t ecommended Budgeted 306 IBullding and Equip- 1. Payroll 4 8,224 $10,324 ment Maintenance 2, Utilities 200 409 i 3; Lumber $ 1,800 $ 2,100 Repair materials 11000 1a200 $ 2,800 $ 3,300 ! 1 /; 4 a Equipment fDperatiou 1 140 1,440 TOaAL: BUILDIRG AND I EQUIMZ V,_f MAIDITE BARN E 412,364 1 $1 $15,464 07 ; Skating Rink, Maintenance 1. 2. ;Payroll jElec trioal x4ring j $119?00 � $ 600 $123500 1 I $ �O00 12,164 3; as 1poweg I � Heat Lamps and fty.tures Equipments operation . `DOTAL SKAKING Rxifi 400 1 q 500 I 400 1,700 I $ 2,700 400 3 , 576 2,500 400 � � � 156 � $ 2;,700 4W 3 � 576 i PSA r]��13t T li 356 $19,176 18,840 I '1 I i (AAL MAIMTE RANCITI 70 842 @79 77. 978.838 VIULiGE OF 8DINA AIQI?UAL HIPG `9 PAGE 67 ,I PAYROLL XS &BUTIMI * SUMARY Park Foreman 1 1 $645 $677 $ 7,740 8,124 Park der 11 5 5 536 566 32"400 33,960 Pa-.k Keeper 1 3 4 487 512 15p29ti. 24t,576 Terpcwary Laborer Special turf care 0 9 a 300 3,300 TOTALS 99 10 $64,734 $75,060 DISTRIBUTION Park and Reare ationg Administration: Training $ 200 Paid leave 8,642 Recreation: Miscellaneous and special "activities 2,000 e: Maintenance: moving 5 9,480 Special turf care 7,900 Plantings and trees 3,300 Litter removal 5,100 Park area maintenance 1,650 Building and equipment maintenance 10,324 Sk al�ing r -lark maintenance 12,164 ,, 918 TOTAL P"M AND RECRSAUGH $60,760 Charged to.Other Funds: General-Public Works $ 81500 Swimming Pool 2,400 Golf Course 1,000 Recreation Centex? 1,000 Waterworks 900 Set-jor Rental 500 14.,,300 TOTAL $75,,060 ViLLMSIE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE -T I 'AGE 68 SUMMARY 1966 _ SUDG —,ED EST1 S4ATE® kmcfion Dace Aca. No. PAIR K PARK ADD R MT10_q OAPITAL OU'iIAY 47.100-5 SUMMARY 1966 _ SUDG —,ED EST1 S4ATE® OBJECT 1967 RECOMMENDED RUOME® a $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S. COI'W 1C®ITIES 4. CCNTRAL SERVICE-5 .38250 8,253 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,500 7,500 �3 TOTALS 9,500 00 $ 7 e 500 COMMENTARY P1;1� ® 13apenditures for items of equipmeta` which have as useful life of more than rise year are classified as capital outlay. The two trucks are replac>events -'-a 19,1A Pozd and a 1957 Ford. 1 have bee= Weil used and are becceing hazardous to drive. I Both vehicles Tito turf groomer total cost 3s 4000 of which one -half will be charged to the Golf Course, This piece of equipment is needed to keep our parks free of leaves and also -it removes thatch vfaich is vitally importantfor good golf course turf, i 'Rhe flail mozers are needed to keep tali grass and weeds under control. Tha !old flail will be traded in and the Mott flail will be transferred to the golf je0urse i 4 i PARK , i AIM AND ru- C:.iEt#T.sa,N , 0AP T AL 47 AOG 5 EXPENDI015RE M"TAIL cu-10 ActivRy - obje4:L' fv�uc�e� CO.M.'msi,.,QC9 I Bud nkod I — So — Replacement- ( Ewa € ruc,,ks SS,000 $5,000 F 1�U movior (2� i „603 1,600 :gym f Groomez, 2;,000 Picnic; tables (20) 500 56G ,Scaffolding I 300 500 Nuzsaxy hand track i I DOfl 103 � I Various _ $0 250 ` c 250 i ' I i f s II � I I i !TOT-AL CAPITAL OTT RAY t e I i i d a SP 250 f I i i 9� 500 ,.. I $7 500 I i II I iLLA, E OF EDINA AX,�UfA%L BUDGET PAGE 70 Furl Fum im Area I i=t. No. y _POOH. B -L XFF AND PUBLIC NURSING I 90.500 SU V6/C ARY 1966 _ 1967 PUDGE a ED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 12,125 12,000 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,980 3. C®c11WODi T @ES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTUkY 12Al2-5 121000 TWA3 S if T.-L4 CO ,W',;MTAR.V Repr asents Village cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Hursi.ag., VCNffw9S Proposed expenditures ave twenty -three pereenr (2:3%) higher than last year's appropriation. The reason for the 3narease is that our ahared cost of ftral Hennepin Bounty Nursing is based on 1965 per capita figures instead of 1960, I ' WVLAVE OF EMNA PAS I ANNUAL BUMGET Amu CAPITAL INPROVEME rS SUMMARY PAGE ill Aca. No. 1960 . -. BUDGETED ES`I'IPdWED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED - $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. CCWAODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 8 ?m00i3 8TBD00 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 80,000 $-8-7-2-000 5 AT -a 0M TOTALS- �SD.�D13SD_ $8DJ000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents amount allocated £tuna LicNow Dispensary fired for Capital x0provements o CCNMNTS Represents amunt as proposed by Park Board' during 3962 to see up Lmprovew.nt schedule approved by Council aluring the sarp- yeazo Puad ANNUAL BUMGAE i SUMMARY PAG F. -12 Am ` Acct. ado. DMIDS AM INTEI°,33ST 1966 _ 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SEt MES $ $ 679704 67,000 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62,600 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES - S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 67,700 $ 63 IDO0 TOTALS $ 622600 $6 0600 COMMENTARY Ahese funds are used to make annual payments on outstanding boads, VILk,0E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 73 Elii(I Fa- utt6S� Arm. �1CCff. i�0. LIRE PROTECTIGN 20.160 -9 SUMMARY 1966 1967 BUDGETED ESTWATED 66JEC'T RECOMMENDED 6UDGErED $ $ 9. PERSONAL SERVICES Ia,300 112100 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13 ,,000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES i 5. WI a AL OUTLAY 11 � 3t1U_ l � p flQA TOTALS 13a 000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents mmount of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to watewworks fated; PA,GE 74 S03MNUY Y 1966 1967 BUDMED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES - $ 3,800 99750 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,350 3. CC :4.'� ODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,800 g 3,,750. TOTALS ¢ 4 350 4050 COMMENTARY Represents the amount the Tillage contributes for retirement of volumes° fi' n.. Ama A ca. No. F@REL ' S RELIEF ASSOCTATION 20,, 230 °9 S03MNUY Y 1966 1967 BUDMED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES - $ 3,800 99750 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,350 3. CC :4.'� ODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,800 g 3,,750. TOTALS ¢ 4 350 4050 COMMENTARY Represents the amount the Tillage contributes for retirement of volumes° fi' n.. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES PAG. E 75 Fund Area Acet. 140. HMMUM COUNry PARKI RESERVE MSTRiCK -- — SUMIARY I 1266 Ate_. BUDGETED ESTIMATE® 00jGCT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ g 1. PERSONAL SERVICIES $ $ 4,273 41275 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES) 4 , 305 3. CO1MMODITIES 4. CEMITRAL SERVICES 5. CAPQ AL OUTI..AY 4,275 _ Q� 4,275 TOTALS 44305 i COr^"ENTARY Represents Village of cost of County Park System cowuted on they basis of fifteen cento per capita. VH$ AGE OF EMMA ANMUAL BUDGE PAGE 76 F mad Fav% -iior t1e Acc�. No. UVOLIJ11IG CENTRAL SERVICES GIMERAL 25.100 SUMNURY 1.966. _ _ x 2671 BUD'OETED ESTIMATE® OBJECT RECOINAMIEN 3E0 BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 114 ,,864 119,080 . CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 140,280 6,,600 5,464 3. MMINAODI T IES 6,600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. GkiNTAL OUTLAY a 121,464 O2L544 Y ®TAB e�1�6� ��® �146�80 COMMEMTA y FiffiCTION These ez=pendi,tures represent costs t-Aich are incurred periodleally, such as ofaice supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment se�vice contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds oeouthly, based an usage. Pgopcsed expenditures are twenty -one percent ;131 %) higher than last yeas ° s appropriation. Contribution to employees pension plan represents two- thlLrd of the increase. The below listed detail contri0utes to the increase. � A�OkZ3� Telephone $ 300 Equi,pmnit service contracts 120 Pension contributions 16,680 Postage 360 Workman's Compensation 3,180 Hospitalization 2,976 Equipment rental - Copy machines (21 )11800 TOTAL"25a�76 -- puad, E�C49tlsij/ Area �-tail Act. No. >MIOLV NIG CU�'i'ML SERVICES i GENEIVIL 25.100 EXPI- NDIIJU M DE TAIL �+Ei53 E�C49tlsij/ Object �-tail 6 ;e�e�t� a BsrS�reE RC:Ae6' mek?€ cd Ba cue a -- 2e Telephone S 10,200 10,500 Equipment s'exvice contracts 11500 1,620 Public Employees Retirement Associa- tion Contvibution 5� „320 81,000 t Postage 51040 5,400 l insurance o f i � . Liability 4,680 4 680 Workmen's Compensa <' i 'Lion 14,820 � 18,0€2:3 Employee's share- I ! Hospitalization I 14,304. � 17,280 � Equipment rental �- - �.�1�1rt8Qo X114,664 81'0,280 3u 0ffice supp.lies i 6.6GC9 6,600 i W I TOTAL GENERAL �_a 121 A64 , S146,,880 $346,880 YDASTRIB iTUM i I(Di 4�ED TO o + T.%ta Dn? iaP�iE)�`'� e A=JA= I�3LIAL MONTHLY i mayor and council 360 I C 30 Planbni.ng 1,860 I 155 Admicist ation i 5,760 "0 Finance I 5,880 490 Assessing 6,300 525 Legal I80 'a.5 Public Works.. Admi,ni,st atnion 1,980 165 Engineering ng T , 500 + 625 Gemp-Ta.l I 23,160 I 1,930 Police i 32,340 20,695 Fire, II I � 14,760 1,230 Publics Health I I 1,920 I 160 Inspections °.3500- � 375 Village Hall I 900 ' 75 Garage II° 0 70 j Equipments Operatisoi.s i 2 820 235 1 I I i I I I i PAw` E a 8 clYYu I i -- iGf, WS. CLPfEi G Ca -TRAL SERVICES GL'NEKAL i 2S u 1fl0 Coda Acts-My O biect Dataii I Pee-sent Budget RccoraFand2d Seted A IRWAL MCGEHLY ALLOCATED TO GTIM F DS 3 stiii.mmiRs Pool S 360 $ 30 ' GoH Omar se 4,200 350 Recreation Oersted I 2,750 230 Park 10,680 890 Va-etecrorks 5,760 475- Sewer Rental i 4,800 400 Liquor -50th Street 2,940 243 Liquor- Southdale Liquor- Grandvaea I I 2, 34..0 2,040 195 170 1- $ 35,820 2,9.8.5 I 1 I I TOTALS � $146,880 12,240- I I I i i I I I I I 111 %%U %6E 01A € DINA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE i9 FEFnj Fc -,tki r, -- - - -- Area Axct. No 11 OIXIDIG CENTRAL SERVICES VIUAGE FALL 250200 1 10e00 1,858 3. CON;MODMES 2e287 1� - BUDGETEED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 19fi OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 8 8 100 8 8427 1. PERSONA. SERVICES 8 9440 $ 109300 10,083 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10x093 10e00 1,858 3. CON;MODMES 2e287 780 080 4. CENTRAL SERVIC"S 900 j Cleaning supplies 160 5. C.A?ITA? OUTLAY 210 20,880 2I 1 TOTAL 2 2 fl720 _ COMMENTARY £_?EMMON This account provides for the operation and maintemanco of the Village Vall. Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. CATS Proposed enpeaditurres ere four percent (4%) higher than last year's appropriation. J:he below listed detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL $840 Salaries and wages WO Utilities 100 Insurance 130 Rubbish service 155 Laundry 18 i Air Conditioning service 30 Contract service end repairs 400 j Cleaning supplies 160 Paper eae j p' pp lies 210 Oewral supplies 120 Replaecmaent -light bulbs 156 Other commodities 59 Central services 120 TOTAL $840 Vi'LLAGE OF EMNA ANNUIAL �3UDGET P A G, E. air I Fund 'jilimik"t) Amri A Act. Nrj77 CIENITIAL SEXTYCIII38 IIIH&GE HALL EXPE'MIDITURE MMIL C043 Acfivity Mimi, DaCH ftec8m,7!m&4 8 Ul C-'.' C a L Custodian 5,880 6,240 Custodian 4,800 3,160 Extra help and 1_1232L_ Overtime 2 AM 1 located Co other Library 2,200 2..t..QO Garage. 3.,600 I 30984 384 M ! Public Works 900 7 'D 11000-1 i 7F 105 8, 440 1 2. ffeaz 2,7'00 20400 Light and pc wex 4,300 4,600 Water and seuar Service 400 300 Insuvance I 295 425 Rui)bish seyvice 245 400 L&xmdry service 600 618 Electrical and fuimace seFvice Jar qon'ditio,2ins Service I 460. 450 �cntnt, ace, Gelmtce and repalzs goo Soo ?QV 05 $10,0093 3a Cleaning supplies $ 500 660 Paper SUPPIS.0s 200 I 41.0 Genw.ral supplice Kko 320 ' { epa T pa rzs and har&7ag,"-, I 206 1247 Carpantp,.r matox, and paint; 300 2w light-, inilbs i 294. 450 1,700 20287 ` General. 780 900 I ` OTAio VI GE RAUL $20�860 021,720 F.$if'Ci4M MME tDMIL Cede) ,� eFwi4y A��^� -- - - -- 1'40. M'B..__ - -, iED$,�7AA?G { CITUMA,L, SF:RVIas VY- TITIAGIE i;.�.LL 25.200 F.$if'Ci4M MME tDMIL Cede) ,� eFwi4y BaftaW3s Di STRIi7L.UGN -ALLOCATED TO 0PERft2"MqG DE tiMENTS ANNUAL 1,101TTITLY Mayor sod Council � S 1,980 $ 165 P"�LiY!L1d � I 552 I Administration 3,5w y46 295 Pan C 1.,,3613 '' 114 Assessing 1 ,368 I 1.1.4 Public Woks: Administrast:ioa- 552 406 Engineering I 1,092 91 Police ' -,020 I 3 35 Fige I 336(:0 305 Public, Health 552 46 Inspections I 46 — _552 $290236 S 3.flb 03 LLWATED TO OTI ER EtD I�So Park 1,3668 ! r 114 "1FiE;�° works 623x• 52 Seiler Eeat;al 492 �1. I $� 2,484 207 LA - i � � RCf -vAL.S _m�'.29 e�2fl � � 81fl ���_ I I C �.__t -u�d - ----- ���:e�ig�9 ---- --- - -- � ---- - - - - -- As,m -..- ------- - - - - -= ^Lief. bola, - - - -- UTOLVING CMYPR" SERVICES — I - GARAGE -- — 25,300 — subk %W �^ 1966 QUO sE T E0 FSTI MATED �3y�E€"� 1967 ._-- .._..__ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED r 4,800 .__ 4,716 � 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 5 "184 � 9,304 toa077 2. CONTRACTUAL SEPNEICE5 10,252 1,700 1,419 3. a0,1440DI IES 29252 240 240 4. S,�S��VO�q�::� 840 �CEl��°Rgq6`bggL 5. CANT LOUDLIH 16,044 15, 452 TOTALS X28 COMMENTARY The function of the Saxa6e is to pTSovide a shelter for equipment rasiatenance � ope- ations, stockroom, and office area for public works persannel. COZENTS Proposed expenditures owe fifteen percent (15%) higher than last yearla ,appTopriation, The below listed detail contributes to the increase, AiOUNT Salaries and wages Utilities 400 Insurance 28 �VEI 83 OF EDINA ANNUA' BUD": PAGE -- Fund FUCC 02 - -- I -- Arco Act,. No. � { REVO+LV I NIG GEi'i'i RAL SERVICES ( G.��AGE 25.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �codsl Activity Objecec Oa�i� Prares� fte;.o�a�saendEd Budgeted 1„ Custodian $ 3,600 $ 3,984 Public Works payroll 11,200 1.200 $ 4,800 $ 5,184 20 Heat $ 15,800 $ 4,800 { Light and power 3,600 4,00+0 Insurance , 284 I 312 Rubbish hauling 420 4 +20 jI Sewer and water ! service I 200 200 Contract work 520 { I $ 9.,304 $10,252 3. Cleaning supplies $ 400 $ 400 General supplies, hardware and mpair - parts I 1,000 1,552 Light bulb- � repla6eme-it ! 300 300 j $ 19700 $ 20,252 4' - General L 240 PW TOTAL GARAGE 16 044 $182528 jl8j528 ! i OISTRIBUT1011 ALLCCATEID TO OPEB.11TI`3G i marMIMENTS o FiMUAL Mob --THLY Health $ 276 $ 23 Engineering 276 23 Public Vorks 1,524 127 quipme t Op�'�ation 14, „376 1ni98 $16,452 $ 18371 ALLCCATEO TO OTHER n S o !aZ`rC S 1,524 $ 127 Wa€:emorks 276 23 Seear Rental 276 23 $ 2,076 $ 173 TOTALS $18 528 l ., sues i VIU .GE OF E®INA AiN QUA BUDGET PAGE 84 fond SUMMARY 12266 6111,)) 7: 0 Function A,-w Aca. Flo. Olat�r CEMERAL SERVICES EQUIR40T OPERATION 25.400 SUMMARY 12266 6111,)) 7: 0 ESTIFAATE® CB,ECT 1961 RECOMMENDED BUDGE`e'E0 Z, 38,256 38,163 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 47,720 15,904 16 ®959 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,500 56,300 620262 3. COMMODITIES 658500 14,724 149724 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 17,196 Accessories and parts 4,500 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY _ 2,472- A 125 0184 �+ 132, 108 y OTA,LS ;146 0 6 $lea COMMENTARY FUNCTION This mocouat provides for opegation and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and poziar tools. Costs of equip:ant operation are charged to operating departments and other funds on the. basis of use. C a�P TSS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent, (17 %) higher than last year's (appropriation. funds to hire an additional mechanic are requested. The below listed detail contributes to the inevease. t AMOUNT { Salaries and wages 9,464 Radio service 196 Contracted repairs 300 Insurame A00 Replacement of tools 500 Stock material, 500 Gasoline and fuel oil 2,000 i Lubricants 700 Tires and tubes 1,000 Accessories and parts 4,500 Central services _ 2,472- T0' &AL 821;732 VILAG2 CF MWA ANINIU.Ad MI M i PAGE 85 F-:r.d Acthri4ii Aron Actin 1,40.. L--- REVOLVING -- CENDIAL SE?TIMES– -- -- EQUIPHRIT 0PMITIGH_ 25.400 — EXPENOITHE DETAIL d, C, Acthri4ii objisct g DC'.Wi9 Presen fat y - © j Recein" c ndled Bedgmled — - 1. _ Hechanic £overran $ 7,500 7,860 Mechanic (2) 7,260 15,120 Service rear, (night) 6„484 6,780 -. Se t.71 e•'lii an (Golf) 6,480 6,,780, Public Works -pa n°oll 6„000 0,000 ' Overtime 1.,53E 29000 Parts Clerk (I j :3,000 3.1£0 38,256 ! a 47,720 2� Radio service S 1"000 4,196 Laundry 904 904 Contracted repains 6,GGO 6,300 Insurance 5 000 591.00 15190 $ 169500 i 3. Replacemant of tools' $ 1,000 $ 1,500 Stock mater;als 3,500 41,000 Welding supplies 190'00 12000 Gasoline and ftsel oi� 20,000 22,000 Lubxican s 2,800 3,500 Tires and tubes 4,000 Sa00o Accessories and part Goo 28500 $ 569300 $ 65,500 4. General. t) 2,280 $ 2,820 GaYAge 1294 149376 . $ 14,724 $ 17,196 ` I i TOTAL EQUIF'NEN �I f i 1 I ; I I GPERAIMCj? 5125 n I84 146 916 —$3.46M6 01F E RNA AN,'IMI'UAL BUDGET IPISIGE,' 86 EXPEMM'PURE. DE:TiMIL , kSTK&L EXPEMM'PURE. DE:TiMIL ATIGGATED TO 0EIRRATHUG DIFTIAMEENTS,., MUNUAL VIONOMY I Assessing 56•0 45 Public Workss Enginexxing 4,800 *,0.0 Supervision I 540 45 Street ILqinteraanacll laverac-TO I 53,916 4m493 Street Lighting 54,0 611.5 Street Tame Sig7 s 1,440 120 1 Traffic Cows o? 3,000 230 Bridges 720 1 60 Stomi Dzai,xaza 3,000 i 250 V111.11age Fropext ea 4,500 375 pol, ice 24,600 2,056 Fire 6 900 0 .575 105,0136 8.1753 ALLOCAMIM TO M M 1, IJ14DS - SwInmAns. Pool 780 13 65 Co? Course 1,000 Recreation Center 600 parks I 1! �., Koo 1,1175 wateruorks 5,400 450 seoe-f Rental 3,600 300 Construction lfjj(,Ass ssed F G.R-Ci-.8,7 450 .3 881_ 4P 3,490 i ii i TOTALS 6,,916 7-7 � � i i