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1968 Annual Budget
TABLE (6 MTEMS AUD SI1"J= Schedule of Haximm Salaries Budget Ordinance. Spry 3 - Revenue by Puna and Source Sumarey Il o Expenditures by Fund and ETu=t%cn DETAILS C- ERMIMITURES General Goverrwmt Village Council Planning Admikti -suet .on, Finance Election Assessing Legal and 6ocurt Se micas Library Public Works Adminictratior. Engineering Supervision and Overhead Payroll -S: mp—ary °Distribution Capital Outlay Streets Haintema=6 Street LightimS Street Name Signs Traffic Control Bridges Steam" Drainage Village Properties Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection Pine Protection Civilian Fefmset Public health. Anisad. Coatsol Inspections Son-Departmental Expendituree 'Contingencies Set~tlewesnt of ,nits Special Aasesawmts on Village Property Central Sezvices- Capital Outlay Capitol laprove mt Park and Recreation Administration Recreation Programs Park Naiutenauzae Payroll -Sa ry -Dist ribut ioen Capital Outlay 1- 11®gII IT-V VI°VIX vxxl -xx I - a 3� 7 - a 9 •° 1® 11 - 12 13 a 14 15 16 17 4 ES 19 -24 21 - 22 23 24 - 25 26 " 27 - 29 - 30 31 - 32 33 « "A. 3.5 - 36 37 - 33 31� ®k-0 41 -42 43 44 m 45 46 - 4? 48 - 49 50 51 - 52 53 M% 55 55 - 57 58 Mac 61 -62 -63 66- X55 -66 67 6g °69 TABLE E GP cenmrs CW a YD o Other Tax Supported Expenditures Relief and Public Nursing 70 Paris Construction- Capital Iet rovemmts 71 Bonds and Interest 72 Fire Protection 73 Pire=nls Relief Association 74 Hennepin County Pars Reserve District 75 Central Services General 76 a 77 - 78 Village Hall 79 ® 80 a 81 Garage 82 ® 83 Equipment Operation 84 0 85 m 86 PAGE 9 October 2, 196' VILL ZZ OP EDINA SCHEDULE (F MLiUH SALLIES ACID WAGES FOR YEAR 1965. OE5ERAL AU_41M1STaKk'1M1 PER MCWH Director of Finance and Treasurer $1,325 Asseseor 1p050 Deputy Assessors 700 Village Clerk 500 (A) Administrgtive Assistant 625 (A) Office Clerical- fiscal-s ecretarLal o Clerical 1 (6) 395 Clerical 11 (5) 430 Clerical Ill (5) 520 Clerical IV (1) 550 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 500 Planning Technician 775 Accountant-auditor 600 (A) PUBLIC SAFETY P0LXCE' Director of Public Safety 6 Police Chief 1,325 Captains 550 Sergeants 767 Detectives 742 Patrolssem 44 years sexvice 704 3 years sei-mice 662 (5) 2 years service 640 (b) 1 year service 615 (i3) First year 565 (B) Dispatchers-Desk Clegks (Konthly) 500 DiepstchSTS- Desk Clarks (Hourly) 2.50 P3REIWH& Chief 569 Assistant Chlet° 781 Li cotenants 742 FiLrman 4 years service 704 3 years segvi,c.e 662 (B) 2 years service 6440 (lB) 1 year sere9fv% 61€3 (B) First year 565 (B) Part -time $5050 per mall up to 2 hours and $3.25 peY ka'. thereaftezo $2x80 per drill. '20f the total compensation for gibers of the Police Department $30000 a nth shall be coYasidered as paymnt fog raak€ag at least 30 hours off-duty tTainimg from the Piro Departtwnt in fire fighting techniques, for siding in ehe eastinguishlag of fires and for gwalifying for Red Cr®ss first aid c�;rtificates &��$301 00 per mouth of the ewpensratrion palm firmebn shall be considered as payaaeat for such diati,es outside norml fire's duties as may be assisr", by the Village Manager. -IF *Off- daaty police and paid firemes_n responding to calls and drills shaaLl, be paid the same as paavt -tom figemen. A 1/2 of increase--January 1, 1 12 of increase--July I. �}� 4 $20.00 per month will be added to each step fot present mpl ®yeas until waAftm= i� ate is reached. i F { PAGE II Schedule og Salaries and Wages Continued-. October 2, 1967 WECTION PER NOMH Assistant ganageirs - stores Judges and Clocks $1.50 per hour Chairmen 2,50 additional PASS AND VXREATION - Director $19000 Program Supervisor 825 Pool Hanger (a) 465 Assistant Fool Nmager (s) 415 Concession manager (s) 2600 per hour Pool Cashier :3) 1,45 per hour gatiihouse - Concession Attendants (s) 1010 per hour Swimming instructor (a) 2.25 per hour Life Guards (a) 2015 per hour Pool Nalnterance (s) 1075 per hour Baseball and Craft Suporvisors (s) 415 per month Baseball Assistants (s) 1.73 per hour Hockey Coaches ('a) 2 -.00 per hour Rink Attendants (s) 1060 per hour Playground Leaders (a) 2,10 per hour Skating-Skiing Instraactors (s) So00 Isnst� Class Park Keeper III 675 per month Park keeper IE 605 per month Park Keeper I 542 per amntb Golf N.Qaager - Pro 625 per month Golf Course Supexinten&ant 825 per mouth Golf Course Ravgees9 Sterters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks 2,25 per honer Arena - Manager 685 gev month Arena - Assistant Mnageg 605 per month Arena - taintenance s upeyvisor 605 per Month Arena - Concescion Wmwgere 500 per ?Waanth Arena - Guards, Cashiere, Concession Attendants 2.00 per hour Manager $1,075 Assistant Hmmager 72 5 Assistant ganageirs - stores 700 Clerks - Regular M5 per houx' Clerks - Pam -tIM2 2.40 PaT houg INSPLSsio b aAS Plambing $ 775 Building 83,0 Deputy Inspector ago (A) Health Officer 25 Sanitarian 925 (a) seasonal (A) 1 ®2 of 1r 112 of Increase -- J elm, 1 FA,CN 11 schedule of Salaries and wages Continue. OetabL�r 2a 1967 PUBLIC WORKS MD EMINEERING- PM 14010 Director of Public Yorks and Engiuem - $1,350 Village Engineer 10025 Chief Engineering Aide 825 Engineering Aide IV 720 Engineering Aide 111 660 Engineering Aida 11 575 Engineering Aide 1 500 Superintendent,, Public Works: 1,0251 Superintendent, Water 865 Foreman e (Street, sewer, %later, parks and mechanic) 745 Office Clerk 565 Heavy Equipment Operators 675 Light Equipment Operators 605 maintenance Hann 542 The following m1nimom rates shall be paid: Heavy Equipmwt Operators m $595 monthly for not more than the first six Months service, Lights Equipr=t Operators - $545 monthly for not move than the first six months sarviceo Maintenance Man - 30 for not more than the first three months sarwice, and $465 monthly during the fourth, fifth, and sixth months of service. Nechanic $ 675 mechanic's helper 605 Janitor 560 Sewer -water ,Utility Man 605 v Starting rates may be 20% less for the finest three months of service and 107. less for the second three months. PAGE IV ORDINAME U00, 16p 11 ORDMI M= A *PTIW- BEET FOR M (PILLAGE OF? EDINA FOR THE 10-43. 1968, AND ES`1'AMSMUS TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1467 PATABLE is 1968 TO VX1MGE COUNCIL OF TM MUGE OF EDINA,, HI SCEA " WES ORDAIW AS P® Sa Sectio+, 10 The Budget for the Village of Edi" for. the calendar year 1568 is hereby adoptdd as hereinafter set foT�h;' and funds are hereby appropriated thereforra GE AL FUND GEURRAL GOMMUM mayor and Cou=ll $ 11,226 Planning 21, 196 Administration 67,968 Flake 62,835 Election 7,785 Assessing 59,826 Legal and Court Services 33,520 Library 7,180 TOTAL GENERAL GOVEMMT $ 271,530 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 24,721 Engineering 125,705 Highways 570.620 TOTAL PUBLIC WOMS 721,046 PEOTEMON W PESOS MM MOPEW.Ky Police $4478017 Fire 209,131 Civilian Defense 3,627 Public Health 25,417 Animal Control 15,000 Inspection 43x,892 TMAL PROTECTION PERSONS - - Contingencies $ 13,097 Settlement of Suits 50® Special Assesmaumts en Village Property 358000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 11,750 Capital 1r*TVVEWMts 10 02000 TOTAL WISCELLPMEGUS A CONTINGENCIES Z60,,344 TOTAL 6KIRML R OD 1 ,897 X(W 9-AM—MM, NMI A&LBistration $ 65,707 Recreation- 65,190 maintenance 88,828 Capital Outlay 22 7/00 WEAL PARCH M0 M „425 PA &Z v ONMAWE NO ASAA COW.Un& Samon.2. Estimated Receipts other On Geowal Tau My ace bare by Wablished ae see QnK WIRA Village 08ye-make Uquay and Clgnwvg- O T sc Wcawas and varmits wtaaf? SarvNe C.O. nquo Transfer Aw LQUOW PUN 51,394 Hate Stata Tay TUY'AlL, CMNTPOIZ14:�' 11AX pulp Toil, WK WISHED, -YA ; RZ COPIMMICA Flow, W w'8°"° 4 0) WOTAL MQUATED ASHUrs 1_501,511 Awtism A. That theys be v•d horeby to W&A UPOA W wablo tanz and Pavannall. ywpagty in the VS11agn of Mom, a can rau; 'itAfft*le-TA t* Pradvoo We emplato set ATM For the Senswal MY Yor the PON AS! Von kbo Post WnQd zur the wtve4.'if.'Ea9w WHO Wow Fire prw&Wtva ..wastlaa Q—ThWWWwo AM ba.1m effect frao and MW Its Mai Pa•licationa acearding to law., Adaynd thin 25A day of SOPCamber, 1960 STc 11,1500,06 930319 11,1so qywi) VILLAGE CF EDINA AM AL REPORT PAGE V1 CM29"M FM Real and personal property taxes Other Taxes: Interest, penalties and forfeited tax sales mortgage registry Book excise Licenses and permits: Bicycle Beer and liquor Cigarette Dog and Impounding fees Food and drink Gas pumps, tanks, bw"vg permits, etc. Bowling, taxi, pinball, etc. Scavenger and garbage collectors Building permits Cesspool and sever PImmbing permits Sign permits Street openings Heating and ventilating Other licenses and pests Plumbing licenses Enineering, clerical and searches Police and fire service E_- quipment_ rental Xboicipal court fives State highway tax State liquor and cigarette tax Stag sale and use tax Flaming fees Charges to other funds Coutribution from active funds Less transfer to Pczk Fund Less transfer to Park Construction Fund $850,110 $9329950 $1,0968326 $1,094,826 $19130,596 $ 22,693 $ 169000 $ 17,000 $ 140819 $ 15,000 20,976 162573 15,000 13 ®056 15,0000 3,,629 .1 .874 3,500 2.052 3,000 $ 47,,298 $ 343447 $ 35,500 $ 29.925 33,000 $ 2,367 $ 29116 $ 2,000 $ 20543 $ 2,200 1,655 10 395 18 325 1"640 l"500 937 19130 19032 10426 1,400 5,244 59912 6,000 79622 7,500 3,731 40775 3,955 4,970 4,500 967 799 715 820 700 3,187 20860 28760 4,357 4,000 501 678 595 675 600 538313 40 ®491 30,,000 500,108 45,000 3,102 20612 2,500 20236 2,000 17,750 139926 12,000 148020 12,500 3,491 3,514 3,500 30326 3,200 1,240 19980 900 1,190 900 1,079 4 ®116 5,000 30791 3,500 1,022 150 606 802 1,400 2.800 175 14,400 14 c,4OO 14,40O $101,384 $ 860631 $ 72,678 $ 999526 $ 90,900 157,828 1529108 115,000 1529716 125,000 10,560 70067 7,184 7,600 7,600 8,965 So236 2,500 4o3M 2,500 37,725 "9326 45,000 470675 45,,000 28,170 38,833 42,000 41,520 43,O00 99,057 1109142 119,739 121,89€ 127,200 194.+, 617 1,022 29657 1,000 2,197 2,000 12,42O 14940 14,400 14 c,4OO 14,40O $230,000 $2229000 0 225,000 $ 225,000 0 223,000 58,066 640300 63,717 63,717 938606 _950000 872000 800000 809000 80,000 $ 76,934 $ 70,700 $ 81,283 $ 810283 $ 51,394 V'ZU E OF EOINA AMOAL REMT SURIA it I continued GENERAL FUND ((e®ntiyued) Sale and rental of property Othee miscellaneous revenue 1&e3e ve for encumbrances XMCM on Investments TO'AL GENERAL 170-W Unclassified TONAL PARK FM PAGE V11 Actual Badgered Eatimmted BR#82eed 1965 1966 1967 1967 1968 2,4085 $ 20818 " 500 $ 100 300 17.985 188506 7,000 158680 9.500 48,900 7a400 15,864 $1.500.843 00546o685 41,640,310 $107130638 01,897,007 6 71,290 $ 75o3O7 $ 86.900 0 860850 $ 93,319 211,873 2007173 22,000 220400 23.000 58,066 64,300 63,717 630717 93.606 1,000 10ODO 6.000 6,000 L500 1,532 1t, 284 1,000 9w 1,000 $ 153,761 $ 1629664 0 179,617 0 179,867 $ 212,425 $ 12,130 6 12®435 $ 14,980 $ 14,950 9 14,980 $ 12,130 $ 120435 $ 14,980 $ 140950.. $ 14,980 $ 95, W D $ 87"000.1 80„000 $ 80 n'oo0 $ 80, 000 $ 95,000 $ 87000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 5 80,000_ $ 3,694 $ 4, 149 $ 4,350 $ 4,200 $ c"700 10,696 11,296 13,000 120800 14,000 4,305 4,200 66&316 67,817 62,600 62„300 _ - 62,500 $ _ 80 „706 $ 83„762-.$- 84,255 $ 83,500 -$ - 810,20 AL ME=-ALL VMS l,€D42V"0 $1,891 6 51,999,162 $2,071„955 $21,285 612 C ZZS,.PV,E 97 EDINA AMUAL SBA m PAGE V111 ' llr ,n k-KwA i GMUMAL FUND $ 15,448 $ 16,778 $ 19,967 $ 209185 $ 248721 General Govet o 118,469 135,467 114,7773 124,)327 125,705 Mayor and Council $ 9.,906 10,643 $ 10,,340 $ 10 ,)254 $ 11,220 Planning 12,,164 16,796 17 ©852 15 ,)102 21,196 A,uistration 57,897 59 ©810 61,975 61 ®570 67,968 I l"me 38,479 529278 35,143 56c,037 62,,835 Election 2,857 89306 4 ,,082 39958 7 ,,7185 Assessing 42,209 329045 55,089 53,359 59,826 Legal and court sesbces 25 ,,932 359802- 32,680 329019 33,520 Library 25,853 3„357 5280 51184 75,180 TOTAL GEMAL GOVEMM9 192,297 4 2399037 S 242,441 $ 237 ,)483 $ 2718530 Public Works Adadnistratiosn $ 15,448 $ 16,778 $ 19,967 $ 209185 $ 248721 Engineering 118,469 135,467 114,7773 124,)327 125,705 Supervision and overhead 64,151 649750 63,,234 65,258 85,890 Stgeet Xmiatemance 181,732 202 "615 2452 ,,516 2819870 298,230 Stgeet Lighting 50,3745 489423 56,,040 55 0782 58,100 Street Raw Signs 77,381 79 10,140 8 ,)532 7,820 Traffic Control 18,5776 209155 23,400 22 ,)695 26,700 8gidges 15,427 10,191 9,720 9 ,)394 5, V,00 Stour Drainage 25,209 36,978 21,000 22,335 22,800 Village Properties 12,505 22,095 32,200 308390 32,240 Capital Outlay 44,-820 23.382 22A00 21 74 33,,500 TOrAL PUBLIC WOES $ 5545,292 588 ,)218 $ 615,390 $ 652,649 721,046 Protection of Persona and PropeTt7 Police $ 289,588 $ 321 ,)526 $ 368,979 $ 3689512.$ WAN' Fire lk,7,345 161 ,)853 174,691 1720809 Civilian Defuse 1,581 28368 3,070 2y7759 3,627 Public Health 17,324 170466 21,, 3453 209698 25,4+17 Animal Control 13,218 139126 14 "700 14 ,)940 158000 Impaction 27,1459 __36,V693 39.196 39.222 4,,892_ TOTAL FRGrZCTXW OF Fus0 35 MD FftG?mT $ 495,165 $ 532o932 $ 621,979 618o940 0 M AU ` 111,61GE 0 MINA MHUAL MOST PAGE I SMU= 11 ccqatinuad GM AL FUHD(�copjjR:aed Mom-Departmental Expeaditurago Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessmnts an Village Property Unallocated Capital Outlay CapIta1 improvewants Gentval Services-Unallocated TEAL WON-DEPARTNENTAL EXPEMITMES TEL GMERAL FMM PARE F Administration Recreation welataftence Capital Outlay TOTAL PAM FUND PARS CCUSTRUCTIG',1 FUND OT MM TAX SU lF"'MS.T ED BLS MQB!',g =S bonds and lssterea c lupwoR1 88% Ftmd Park Sicking Fund Piro,os Relief Association Fire Pgatectioc Hemepin County Park Reseve District TOTAL G�py'H�qMg� TAX SUPPED Ye/lPheLdA I lJ RES TOTAL EXPENDITURES-ALL }FUNDS 10,122 $ 5,162 15,000 $ 5,674 $ 13,097 409 23 500 200 Soo 31,100 31e378 35,000 34,900 35,000 16,933 7,301 109000 9"6w 11,750 75,404 50,0008 100,000 1000000 100,003 19F,079 24 086 S 151QO47 $ 117,950 4 16025+00 $ 150„414 1 WaX7 $193939801 $19498913' $1,640,310 $196599486 $19897,007 $ 41,845 $ 429683 0 50,479 $ 49,621 0 65,707 371,826 39,453 42,800 41,735 45,190 58,633 74,153 78,835 799396 88,828 8£800 7r,497 7"500 7n276 127GO 147,104 $ 163D786 $ 179,617 $ 178,031 212,425 12,130 12 ©435 14,980 14,500 14,980 95,000 871, ®00 809000 809000 80,0000 $ 10,3L9 $ 10,620 $ 10,86,0 $ 10,750 $ 11„000 55,,997 371,197 51 ,,800 51„530 51,500 66,316 $ 67,817 $ 62,6W $ 62r,300 $. 62,500 3U694 49149 4,350 492OO &,700 10,696 11,296 13,000 12,800 149000 4,305 4200 $ 80x706 $ 83„262 $ 84,255 6 83„5GO $ 81,,200 $19728,741 $lnMn= $1,9992162 $2015¢,517 x 28:5n, 12 c7 n , �.� S D � , � a °' RLU-NGE OF EDINA e"AN QUA 5UDGE PAGE I Fa r� � - ...,.r...... — �s:�cl�ia:� Area A.ca. N®. GE14EELAL GENERAL COVERIJMIM I MAYO AND COUNCIL 21.100 SUMMARY 1967. 1968 BUDGA D ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED S 7,200 7,200 325 800 714 2,340 2,340 $_19, 0 $_10S79 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY LL s 7,200 400 800 2,823 $11.2220, 220 � COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division of Edina Village Goverment. The Council is composed of the Mayor and four trustees, all, elected at large for overlapping terms of two and three years, respectively. The Mayor is the official head of Village Government and is the presiding officer at Council greetings. The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Village Hallo C lEWrS Proposed expenditures are nine percent (9%) higher than last year ®s appropriation.. The below lasted derail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Conference and Schools $400 �- Central services 480 TOTAL $880 Fund ' r[SSLCEEo3 -- -�— Arco -- —, -- ALA. Ho. c:?3E3#i, GENERAL GOiYgRP23T I FliTOii 14�'Q�D COiii�TC3t1, 2:i ,100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL CC& Activity object Detail I Pr�sez�� present i I Recommended Budgeted 1, _ayov $ 2,00 $ 2,400 Trustee 4 800 L800 _ $ 7,200 $ 7,200 20 Conferences and schools 4w 30 Annual reports $ 400 $ 400 Nets Letter 400 400. S 800 _I $ 800 Sao General $ 360 $ 540 Village Hall 1�9a0 222800 S 2,340 6 S+ 2._82 - OdC►Le 1 "at'lS ®ta, e'fivD i j i i I I j f COUSCIL I 610„340 f I i i $11,220 j I i I J11.,220 i 1 I I 3 1= 17Ca__�_ - --- - -- i �Acf:. !'fit?. GENERAL € MERA .. (401TEMNENT L'lsANDING 2I o 13 Cl SUMIA RY raO�:'. �rrE d�'�'A i BiJ }ai d..3 V37 -. °the Eunction of a:he Pianaiing "Oepa- tmmenmt. is to provide staff se-yerv%ce to the `pillage Cauncilg P': um-ing Comissiont, to other Village depaznmcrti:s�, mid to the Village Managers aad to a UTdZed deb, -zee to other agencies, both public and pTivate, whose activIeles iniluence the physical developameat of the Village of rdizla. Staff services I'nC.`•lLSC.te off co operations, the udTik nis'incatt` =4 o' the various land use and dzvelopment ©g di-aa- aces, submission of recom endati ons on matters of zoning amd s9sb,621v sions before the Gmmci'l and Planning Commission; and the preparation and raevizu of overall development. plains. CMEINTS - Proposed ennpend tares are nineteen Percent (19% higher thwm Iasi year Is appropriation. About one half of the r xeasse represents a highe-r so1ary for 1:b.e planner. The belaw listed detail con-tributes to he inczens . AHMMIA � 1,650 c 10,500 6,239 1. PERSONAL SERVICES � 12,150 - 4 s665 6i211 2. CONTRACTUAL SER mCESS 5,100 235 260 1 CONPY!OWTIES 1,75 2,412 2,412 4. CENTRAL SFRIMCES 35.396 S. CA F'FAL OUT Urr 75 1.852 15 102 •?''aFALS 21 . X96.. raO�:'. �rrE d�'�'A i BiJ }ai d..3 V37 -. °the Eunction of a:he Pianaiing "Oepa- tmmenmt. is to provide staff se-yerv%ce to the `pillage Cauncilg P': um-ing Comissiont, to other Village depaznmcrti:s�, mid to the Village Managers aad to a UTdZed deb, -zee to other agencies, both public and pTivate, whose activIeles iniluence the physical developameat of the Village of rdizla. Staff services I'nC.`•lLSC.te off co operations, the udTik nis'incatt` =4 o' the various land use and dzvelopment ©g di-aa- aces, submission of recom endati ons on matters of zoning amd s9sb,621v sions before the Gmmci'l and Planning Commission; and the preparation and raevizu of overall development. plains. CMEINTS - Proposed ennpend tares are nineteen Percent (19% higher thwm Iasi year Is appropriation. About one half of the r xeasse represents a highe-r so1ary for 1:b.e planner. The belaw listed detail con-tributes to he inczens . AHMMIA Salaries and [da*es 1,650 Coal ereaces and schools 3,110 Tmses and subscA iptirons 30 lea;;zing enpease �5 Mileage 120 Uxafx:; ng supplies 200 Central s w- z. *i.ces 984 . Capl.tai. Gutlay 75 �- 9GINA1, _ T3, J4,tiz..+,,. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 Fund Functim � Area ®e2oi3 Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOITERNMEFIT I I PUNNING 21.110 EXPENDITURE DETAIL cods AcNVKY Object ®e2oi3 Present M, set Recommended Budgeted 1. Director $ 7,800 � 99300 / Secretary Q) 2D700 2 850 9 D 20 Conferences and schools I S 65 �^ 375 Dues and subscriptions 180 210 Professional service 4,000 4,000 i ,Meeting expertise 420 395 Mileage 120 $ 4,665 5,100 i 3. IAooks and pamphlets I $ 75 $ 75 Printing 200 I 200 Drafting supplies 200 i 475 4. Geaeval I $ 1,860 20760 Village Ball 552 636 $ 2,412 30396 5. Bookcase 75 I I i I I I �O TOTAL �I @T.G 1 85 2 $ 7, I 21� 19TOTAL I i $21 196 I OF A ^;f1iC$. Ni®. n GOTER ,L, GrI RA: GOVERNMI [ i ADi'gINISTiKM iii I 2 0 2t�Q ?967 BUOCETED ESTIMATED $ 45,180 $ 45,428 ' 6,280 V 9,840 500 A G 5,904 �+ Dp148 7,840 250 15 70.. SUMMARY d. PERSONAL SERVICES 2-. COINITkACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODI TIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOT ALS T ALS COWIEWARY 1_968 RECOMMENDED � BUDGETED $ 50, 170 - $ 47,670 175 13,800 500 72 : 5.823 y 19y5 13,800 500 960 F�'1U N 9` o°T 1,05 -- Tho management of the Village's administrati=re af£alre, the proper enecut.ion i of the policies adopted by the Couaralo and the enforcemipnt of local lags and � ordinanceso &revall the direct respoaasibility of the Village Ht ;ti ger. This account provides his offi.ee with. the n,-- essrary staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to .iW lemen2 his reoperosib lityo � CCHMOTS Proposed eupen ditures are fifteA. percent higher th- m last year's appropriatricam. About seventy percent of the increase Is fov a pwt -time intern„ and p "sion contributions carried in central service account. The below listed detail contributes to the increaSeo A-Wo hix Salaries and wages .,-No— Conferences said schools 32 Dues and subseript:icns 954 Legal adtiert;is -ing 25 central services _3n_960- TUAL IL 89 7 i a 4 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PA SE 6 Fund Function Amu Act. No. GENERAL GS AL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION , 21.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object WWI Present d � Recommended Sudg®ted 1. gee $21,000 $21x000 $21,000 fie= -fit 2,500 d�t�ist�ative Assistant 60750(A) 7,350(A ) 7,350(A illage Clerk 50400 5,850(A ) 5,850(A LeX eretar 5,400 5,160 5,160 Operator 4,080 4,140 4,140 �leak (1) 2 ®250 2,370 2,370 ummer help and �axti 300 1 800 1.800 $459180 $50,170 $47,670 20 Confa-emces and schools S 520 $ 488 $ 488 es and subscriptions 20185 3,139 1,735 Legal advertising 394575 3,500 3,500 Mileage 100 100 100 6,280 $ 7a227 $ 5,823 3. Printing 150 I $ 150 Books and pamphlets 25 25 S 175 $ 175 $ 175 4. General $ 5,760 9,120 Village Hall 30540 4+,040 qu aeration 54+0 600 $ 9084A $13,800 $13,800 I 5. Auto replacement S00 500 5 ®0 T®L AINTAISTRATICH $61,975 $71,2872 _ OAR , I 1 I (A) - $25000 Janur I ,y 10 a ,d $25.00 July, 1. I I I I I I V! e AGK F � ^tI 'a u� ..� uo R .� �\ d' -mil Fund GENE. .AL � Fenct°sor j Area GENERAL W1ERNMW I'INAWCE 1967 _. _ a BUDGETED ESTIM.ATED 35,100 a 35,849 2,745 /50 79248 10, ©00 55,1�3 29454 26 7s248 100,460 56,037 SUWAA Y OBJET 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. CC3Ml' ODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CA111T AL OUTLAY TOTALS MIMENTA Y _ 19 RECOMMENDED $ 39,995 2 97€16 50 99950 10,300 63953115 . PAGE 7 ,acct. No. 21.210 BUDGETED 39,995 2,530 50 9,960 10,300 e� 62.1135 Pahl"( TION The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Village. All revenue and expenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Department, A Centralized system of purchasing is maintained. Financial statementu and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance 0epr�-tmen:t. COMENTSS Proposed enpenditores are fourteen parcent (14 %� higher than last year's appropriation. SajaTy increases and a full time person requires for payroll preparation and peremael administration, Mich represents about two- thirds of the increase. The beloi.; listed detail contributes to the inerease. AMOBUT Sai.a$ies and wages qA,895 Ca 'eresae es and schools 25 EftiEs and subscriptions 10 Central services , 2871 Capital outlay 300 TOTAL `1' AL �7,9fs2 --- =_-tom GBi,Eal�� I GEn1 GOi1ER>rtii - I - -- FaiidG !I 21.210 I I � �Gdai Aci;;6h J Object D&TLIH pvc -sent = � G RC`,6?:aI°§&s Ncga, 10 Director $14:400 $15,900 Bookkeeper 5,880 6,249 Sectietaxy 5$30-0 6,240 Cashier 4,740 S,we Payroll Clem 2,550 � 2,55(1 4,800 Accountant. ` ) I _.�_ 1565 �2alS i $35,3.00 `,19,995 $39,995 I 20 Conferences .sad Schools $ 445 a 470 479 ` Dues and subscriptions 50 6 60 ,annual audit � 250. � 20250 1 _ 4_�, $ 2 745 I S a _ 78fl I p 2 539 � a � 3. Books and pam� pla ets 50 I ,0 50 I 4. General $ 5,880 $ 3,400 Village Hall , ,36 3 %, sGQ _$ 7,246 _ i 9a� a0 i �' 9,96© f I 5. Accounting sys�;em � I with various Faeans ; j of ib pur. and high i jI speed ca mpik`e.'.Ption I i `113) ?10,000 6"10,900 Electric h :ypa-uniter i replacement i _ _ $ICS,0 ®0 _'x;30 '.2200 1- simo 1 I j i j I 1C7'Ai FINANCE j 5.143 $63485 j_$62_f35 I I I i i i ► i I GS OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 9 F Area Aca. No. GEHEML + GENE AL GOVERNMENT ; ELECTION j 21.400 I 1967 -- - _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED 1,250 $ 1,206 435 400 315 330 2,022 4 2,022 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. COM a RACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CEMTRA o SERVICES 5. CAPI OAdu OUTLAY TOTALS COlEW ARY 1968_ RCCO;i aF_E DED BODGE -1 ED $ 5, 108 $ 333 I 335 i i I 1,965 -7,785 7x785 I FUNCTION - — The Village Clerk is responsible for conducting all National, State, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Edina, C ENTS Proposed expenditiares are higher than last year's eupenditureso A primary and general election will be held during 19680 The below listed detail contributes to the increase. MOUNT Salaries and gages X3,858 Storage- rental 21G Custodians 12 Ploving charges 100 Capital Outlay TOTAL 3 03 ViL 'LA GG' OF MM"NfA ANNUAL RAGE t0 101-ITENDFil"U'RE" DZWL Cc4c-j AC�h';Ty O'bica, D, -2 i's i i GEZIETZAL GENERAL GOVERWHEM, ELECTIaM I 21 A00 101-ITENDFil"U'RE" DZWL Cc4c-j AC�h';Ty O'bica, D, -2 i's i i I? v -:!., e! i e C 6 51-vdgaied 1. Election judges $ 850 $J,828 Set-u-D t�.Ame 300 779 I� � 100 $1,250 VC51 IN 2. Sioraae-z(.-:4iZi! $ 210 (Custodians 25 37 M.oving charges 200 300 $ 435 3. Ballots $ 50 50 Printed E o?:Ms 325 325 375 -5 Installment -payment 10 - von ing machines 1_ TOTAL MUCT'IMI 032 $7.7 705 � � j ; I � I Sa039 5359 6 O7ALS 60,2a6 $.59� v The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and � preparati(m and mailltenance of -am vecovda of all properties TrAchln the Village. Special assessments levied for improvment3 are also computed ed spread on the ta-. rolls by personnel of the Assessit -,8 Department. i C5 . Proposed eupenditures are nine pe�reent (9 %,) higher than itst year,'s � appropviation. The below listed cLaitiatl contributes to the iz-Tease: SRlaTiC,3 acid � aT.3 `- Fund 542 Dues at:d subscripLian ; A 1e Z4 I Acct. �1� R. GENERAL � 0,150MRAL GOVEM*IFMI ; ASSESSING 210 500 100 General supplies SUmht Y Central, services 2 952 - 1967 _ _ _ E5�'!I�<�i'1•E0 OSE�' EE�G����:I�0E0 I3U43 GETEo) $ 43,710 _ . ___....._- $ 43„183 — 1. PERSONAL SERVICES .� — -- -- 46,650 946,650 2,821 1,654 2. OomaACTUAL SERVICES 1,88: 10581 350 315 3. COMMODITIES 53.5 435 8 * 208 8,208 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 11,160 11,160 S. CANTAL Oh MAY Sa039 5359 6 O7ALS 60,2a6 $.59� v The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and � preparati(m and mailltenance of -am vecovda of all properties TrAchln the Village. Special assessments levied for improvment3 are also computed ed spread on the ta-. rolls by personnel of the Assessit -,8 Department. i C5 . Proposed eupenditures are nine pe�reent (9 %,) higher than itst year,'s � appropviation. The below listed cLaitiatl contributes to the iz-Tease: TOTAL s I f SRlaTiC,3 acid � aT.3 .92,940 confereftcr's 542 Dues at:d subscripLian ; 2 IM- peeparing ai:plsesaments 400 Printing 0 Photographic supplles 100 General supplies 235 Central, services 2 952 - TOTAL s I f Vl"GE OF EMINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Fund Funaon I Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVEPJMM I ASSESSING 21.500 F.MNDITURE DETAIL Code A Activity O Object W WWI P Prese -a R Recommezided B Budgeted _ W 1, A AssessoT $ $110700 $ $12,600 Deputy Assessor 2 2,920 8 8,400 Deputy Assessor 7 7,260 8 89160(, Assessment Clerk (PT) 9 900 secretary 5 5,160 5 5,520 Appraiser Auditor 6 69650(A) 2 2,050(8 Assessment Clerk 4 4.320 4 4,920 i $4397181 $ $46,650 $ $46,650 2. C ConformcQS and schools $ $ 982 $ $ 440 $ $ 4+4+0 ' D Dues and subscript- � � Lons 8 89 9 91 9 91 IBM - preparing assessments 1 1,000 I I 600 3 300 Tax books and owner- ; ; ship records 2 230 2 250 2 250 Mileage I 500 5 500 5 500 $ 29821 $ $ 1,883 $ $ 1,581 3. P Printing $ $ 350 $ $ '300 $ $ 250 Photographic supplies 1 100 7 75 General supplies 1 135 1 110 $ 350 $ $ 535 $ $ 435 4. G General $ $ 6,300 ! ! 9,000 Village hall 1 1,368 1 1,560 Equipment operation 5 540 6 600 $ S 208 1 11 160 $ $11 -160 TOTAL A.SSESSIHG $ $55.089 8 860,226 $ $590826 (A) - $55000 Jap-11a - 1 1 an $ $40.00 July 3 i f VILE-AGE OF MINA AaNNUAL BUDGET PACE 13 F- G€aa Fuict:ion lore® � � A.cce. No. GEA3 RAL GER L GOVEMUMT LEGAL AND COURT SERVICES _ I 21.600 1963 _ BUDGETED - ESTIMATED $ 6,000 6,000 26o50O 25,839 180 2 80 180 � 019 SUMMARY OBJECT Y. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL. SERVICES 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 6,000 $ 26,500 1x020 $ 33_,_5.20 _ 133sSZO FUNCTITA l The Village requires the professional services of attorneys who are contracted on an amaal basis. They provide legal counsel amd prepare the necessary j `ordinances and resolutions required to Implements the t-Ashes of the Council. Xn addLtion, they defend the Village in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases 'arising out of violation of Village ordinances. CGOWTS Proposed eEpenditures are three percents (37,) higher than last: year ®s appropriation. The belcny listed detail contributes to the increase. AH(YJNT Board and room - prisoners $500 Hennepin County Court service charge 5o8 Central services 840 TOTAL — ARIL- GEE OF ED,4 A A i`•WAL I;FtJE3" E0 pAk'c E 14 ��nn pp,, a e�.aaa I pp��w+�� �.. //�� �.A/ny3;�p — �-_..— � qq �t fA. Ty (�p,�gy {, �7,�'7 gam. AC . �?�. IV'7.°aL� ?Se�.aAL '67ii9.bEIRA4 i3OV,tiiSi��f�Zb_tl � bdE`,aY7AL AND b ouili SERVICES 21.600 MICA H. 10 Prosecuting aetorney 6,000 $ 6,000 2. Hues and subscriptions 100 $ 100 ImIrogesssional fees 17$000 17,000 Boawd and roo-m- prisoners 2,500 I 3,000 Witness fees 900 goo Hennepin County Coons- I charge 6.,000 5 1500 n 1$26,500 ,26,50 3. iSeut ral iso 1,020 COURT SERVICES $3226 §iD ` ?33. 20^ $33,520 ! � { { i I I � I I � I � I I I ' I i � I I OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET F4:ra,,7 &U.VIC�Aon of I GENERAL GOVEREMENT SUMMED FSTIMATED 3,150 2,$26 1,431 1,946 700 412 i Si1M,`1t1ARY 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COM4VODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. SAP TiAL OUTLAY TOTALS COWAtENTARIF Luce UB1=Y Aca No. i 1968 RECOMIME.NDED -- BUDGETED $ 3,400 2,370 1,05® 360 _ �._ The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Ub;i: a:z'y are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina. Hennepin County supplies the books and :li.brsriens� � =14ms Proposed expendl -tunes are thirty-six percent (36 %) hig7her than last; year's appropriation. About U.£ty percent of the increase represents ti:he costa ol: aperatizig the library on Sunnyside Avenue, The below listed detail contributes to eh: a increase.., A -10U T Salaries and wages 250 7- Insurance 50 Contract: caork 50 React. 844 Repair ma€ exials 100 Painting -md decorating 50 Contingencies 200 Central s.eevices 3�60 TOTAL ki-a-900 Iry and Function ( Ases Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL G(AFER► T LIBRARY . � 21.700 EXPENDITURE DETAnL Cove Activity Object felgiJ Prosent Qudrok Recommended -` 8udgete is Custodian $2 ,,400 $2,,600 Payroll-Public Works 750 goo $3D150 $3 ,,400 2, eat j $ 600 $ 600 Light and p(n;er 480 4.80 star and sewer i service assurance -'fire contract work 5® ; 50 250 I 50 100 300 Rent 840 $10430 $2 ,,370 30 Cleaning supplies $ 200 $ 200 epair materials 100 200 Painting and i decorating 100 150 Contingencies I 300 500 $ 700 $1,050 4. General i 360 i I j i TOTAL UIERARY 25,,280 $7,180 P7.180 I f VILIkGE 0."", ENNA Fwid GENERAL Fu;iction PUBLIC WGIU(S BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 16,320 $ 16e332 740 25 2,532 350 $_19.967 696 29532 625 2 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECT PAGE 17 Amu Aca. Md. AMINISTRATHN 22.050 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENML SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY ___1968 RECOMMbiE 6ED BUDGETED $ 190680 $ 630 25 4e236 150 2rs .721 24.721 _ The supervision and guidance required by various departments, such as engineering, street, sewer and water, is furnished by Director of Public Boris. The cast involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. CiTS - Proposed eupenditures twenty -four percent (24%) higher than last year's appropriation. About two - thirds of the increase is made up of salary adjustments, and reclassification of part of the secretary's salary. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages $3,,360 Conferences and schools 275 Dues and subscripticns 15 Hileage 150 Central services 1,704 Capital Outlay 200 TOTAL 4,?� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 18 Fund Activity Function I Aced l Act No. IGENERAL Budgeted pUBLI0 WORKS � ADMINISTRATION I 220050 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail BPresent Recoeaa�r ended Budgeted 1, Directors $14,700 $16,200 Secretary 1,62O 3480 $16,,320 199680 20 Goaaf re ces and schools $ 635 $ 360 Dues and sub - scxiptlons 15 30 Mileage 90 240 $ 740 i $ 630 3. Books 25 I 25 4. IGeneral $ 1 ,,980 $ 3$600 village Fall 552 636 i � 2 ,,532 $ 4,236 5. Typewriter- replacement 350 Radio -phone 150 TOTAL ' I I AMUSISTRATION $19 969 24 721 $24.721 I i i i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 Fund Fueattflom Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WO ENGINEERING 22.100 SUMMARY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 879010 969644 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 105,600 $ 95,600 5,695 50405 2- CON'TPACTUAL SERVICES 51,295 4,295 4,5GO 61,479 3. COV1v4001T5ES 4+0500 4,000 13,668 131,668 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 219060 21,060 S. CAN TAL OUTLAY 3,900 21,131 750 750 114, 7 7 3 327 'TOTALS $, 137 a 205 X125.7705 COMMENTARY. The Engineering Department prepares plans0 specifications, and estimates for public construction projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers, stores sews watermains, and other structures and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordance with project specifications. The department maintains records and files an all above mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment. �C S Proposed expenditures are twenty pemrcent (20%) higher than last yeAr0s l eappropriatiom. About eighty percent of the increase is made up of salary mad justments o additional summer help and overtime, and a full time clerk - typist. The below listed � !detail contributes to the increase. I AMOUNT Salaries and urges $18,590 Conferences and schools 100 Equipment maintenmees 200 mileage 100 Blueprinting 500 Lumber and tools 5o Central services 78392. Capital Outlay 3,1549 TOTAL R11432 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAG" . 20 Fund Function Arco Ad. Flo..` GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22.100 81PENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity ®6gae$ Detail Present Budget Recommended RudgeW . 1. Engineer 11,500 $ 12,300 $ 12,300" Survey Chief 9,150 90840 .:99840 Aide IV (2) 15,720 160680 16,680 Aide III (3) 21,960 23,220 23,220 Aide II (2) 10,920 13 ,,080 13,080 Secretary 4,860 30480 3,480 Clerk- typist 49500 4,500 Overtime and suer help 23,000 22,500 12.500 t 87,010 $105,600 $ 95,600 2. Conferences and schools $ 210 $ 110 $ 110 Dues and subscriptions 35 35 35 Equipment main- tenance 200 Professional fees 5,,0000 5"000 4,000. IMileage 250 150 150 $ 5,695 $ 5 0295 $ 4,295 3. Blue printing $ 1,500 $ 2 "000 $ 1,750 Lumber and tools 1,500 1,000 1,000 General supplies 11500 11.500 1.250 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 4,6000 4. General $ 7,500 $ 14,400 Village ball 1,092 1,260 Garage 276 Equipment operation 4+ 800 5,400 $ 13,668 $ 21 "060 $ 21,060 50 Radio $ 600 Blueprint machine I 2,100 High obeyer level 700 Pertitionius 500 Drafting table S 750 � 3,900 750750 S 750 _$ 1 TOTAL I EMUZERING 1 1 $114,,773 $137,205 $125.705 I All Public Wcckss pws5onaael (other than Sngit eeTing) are un6er the supervision of %he Pasblic Works Superintendent,. Be, through this account., plains and coordinates his activities, wain.taim- cost and work records, r s , and provides the training and instruction ueecasssary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and afficiea tly.- "Paid Ler"e00 represents all vacation, sick, f-ti eralz otco leave used by all Ptublic Works ��p loyeeS o Soo. S _ Proposed eupeaditares are thirty-six percent (36 %) higher then laot ,year's - appropriation. About seventy percent (707.) of the increase repmaseutGss pension emtributio -ms. The below listed detail contributes to the iucreaceo - supertr38iou $ 2,475 Vusee$Eon ..,..._...�_...._._..__._' _.,....._ ._._.___.._.._..Ar2m..__._..___ Paid leave ! Accr. No. ' - -- GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND M EEM) j M100 fteB and subscriptions 5 —i— S4iMMAVY 50- - -- 16 l lit — 196 1968 ESTIMATED OBJECT REc6ivMMEM0£O � BUDGETED 37,060 $ 39,627 1. PERSONAL SERV ICOES $ 43,335 43,335 950 (47 2. CONTRUXTUAL SERVICES 855 855 3. CCJMIMODi'i`i So® 304 25,>224 25,224 k CENTRAL S'ERVPMES 41,400 41,,400 S. CANTAL CUTL4Y I TOTALS T, 86,095 _ MA-9© WaFiOMI E N TAR )r All Public Wcckss pws5onaael (other than Sngit eeTing) are un6er the supervision of %he Pasblic Works Superintendent,. Be, through this account., plains and coordinates his activities, wain.taim- cost and work records, r s , and provides the training and instruction ueecasssary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and afficiea tly.- "Paid Ler"e00 represents all vacation, sick, f-ti eralz otco leave used by all Ptublic Works ��p loyeeS o Soo. S _ Proposed eupeaditares are thirty-six percent (36 %) higher then laot ,year's - appropriation. About seventy percent (707.) of the increase repmaseutGss pension emtributio -ms. The below listed detail contributes to the iucreaceo AXOT a salaries and wages: supertr38iou $ 2,475 `lvainitng 500 Paid leave 3.300 Q qj 6,275 ad,ereaces and schools 100 fteB and subscriptions 5 `Raining aids 50- raiaral services 16 l lit — MAL §220256 �� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 22 -- Fund Function I Area Au. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVERHEAD 23.100 EXHMMURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Da dis Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 10 Supervision 1, Superintendent $11,400 $12,300 Cost Clerk ( %) 3,240 3,510 ccountant Q) 1,620 1,775 Overtime 600 1.750 e $16,860 099335 $19,335 20 6onferences and schools $ 365 $ 265 t Dues and subscriptions 35 40 ea minations 50 50 $ 450 $ 355 I $ 355 lPhysLeal ko General $23,160 $39v120 Garage 1,524 19680 Equipment operation 540 600 $25 f, 224 1 600 SAI.400 TOTAL SUPEMSICH $42,53k $610,090 $61,090 120 Training I to Payroll 3 1,500 1 $ 20000 $ 2,000 20 Conferences and schools 500 500 500 3o Training aids 50LA 300 $ 2,000 $ 39000 $ 2,800 SAL TRARMirw 140 Paid leave to Payroll $18 700 22 000 $182700 22 005 22.000 TOTAL P� LEAVE � i I i �I TOTAL SUMMISICA I I AND OVU I 63 23°s r36 090 SSS,SgO I I I I I i SJ ? `B /age U?D��,.1111 ". AA R g� `"'i' 5 ".°8y �•", Y 2.�:r_nv`.e.5F Yi.•i�` .k;sFJ L�.ci!v F.*s�� �Yd4blu i MARMT DIMIAMPS1M S Storm civaeLp x 19 u 190 .� . A Foreman 1 1 $700 $745 s 8,400 8,940 i Heavy Equipment Operator 7 7 637 655 53,508 54,760 's Sens ®r Sign Nan 1 675 8,100 r Light Equip rent Operat(rx 12 14 566 605 810504 101,W Utility Dien 2 566 13,5 Maintenance man 2 s 512 542 12,289 6,5o.", i I - ewora-ey Suffffiler Help 6,OW 4 6,800 i ovenime 19,396 21a722 e.._A.3. $194,480 $210,409 i Park. KaInt ena nce Payr oll 81,50 TOTAL 0 ,219 ,X09 Rg!�..gg ��++�zLy,p 7�BEsFTi �R Bd`8a3dd16XdiD l3 lf.�rl! i 'na 1� l�slL€� o Village � ropart less v supervision and ovezileads Turf and plant main - s 3.pe.xi.% teva"ca 6 ° Fairs Leave 22,000 Thee Q)00 8syeet Maint e-am ar.oso Lake, ind pond' ,u)airt- teS?tanco streets cleaning 20,000 S r�� V,,=ovatios 20,000 TOTAL PMI LIO F.IC,IMS X198,840 Curb and sidewalk repair 2,003 Snow and ice re-Mova4 30,000 iibvary 800) U a�i� Lighting 500 Charged to assemaed StTaet Name Signs 2 4, `310 projects 6,; 0&-) Traffk �:ars�raal� Charged Zo other funds 5,869 Traffic sigma 3,000 Ceatra1 Services; i Sig 1 �sa1a ze 500 Village ll 1,59(? Pavement OaLATID''s 2,500 OaraSe Guard ra3�.s� arcd 1arKiwdes ��i�cs��� ��a g��� .'�.c Tidgjay5l�i`;; u°1�,500 4,,500 s !1 ¢?BPS kq :,219,209 Storm civaeLp x - ViL GIZ-'�-'fir EDNA - GENERAL - ANNUAL BUDGET _ - - -PAGE. FU ti�r�s PUBLIC WORKS _ 1467 -BUIDGE T ED _r ESTIMATEO 1 $ 221400 X00 211774 21774 /ren CAPITAL OUTLAY SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTIWL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY rY#Y t - COMMENTARY Aco. No. 23.100 _ 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGET ED 33,500 Expenditures for $tws of equipment wtfta have a useful life of moge than one are classified as Capital Outlay. Two dump trucks are proposed to be purchased. One represents a replacement and the other unit is an addition to the fleet. The new unit is needed b=ause of the increasing street maintebance responsibility, particularly snow and ice - emoval. Balance of cost of traffic control unit is provided for in thin budget. One -third of the cost of a front -ond leader to replace a 195' tractor is included in this budget. I� A € weeper is receded to replace two old units, Vhich are zuwelihble and ex- pe;nsivre to operate, zee feel three sweepers can arc the job if they arse. In good i- yorking ccmdition. The sidewalk plms Is being budgeted on the asstwption, that the Village Council ill Initiate a sideb-alk snow p1m3ing program. The unit-would either be a track- (unit such as the "Bombezdle.'r ", or a rotary plow. f Within the neat two or three years,3 -;e will be in need of a fifty or sixty foot aerial ladder truck to mi+ntain trees, ornamental lights, traffic signalav, flood lights, etc.. The unit mill cost about X35, 0 V.11L AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 25 Fund Function Area Act. No. i GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL OAdc Activity Object Datail Present Bud get Recommended Bad ' ed 5. Replacement dunnp ' trucks $10,000 $ 50000 $ 5,000 Traffic- Control unit 3,000 30000• 3x000 Mobile radio 10200 Snow plow (2) 1,400 Truck leader unit 3s800 Front -end lcader(1 /3 3,0@0 5,000 59000 DuM truck -anew I 70500 7,500 Street steeper 100000 9,000 Sidewalk plow 53540 Aerial ladder tank 4 OW 4MOOO TOTAL CAPITAL GOTL.'AY $22,400 aJA0a0W _$33,500 I i i I i i1, 26 I � �h:, 1° d�� ms`� i An B � "�:: �'G'iiiCiY �6Sii4ib:7 i _. - -_--- �-r�ei'Ci�.��.__.--- - - - -- f.GC:�. �U. GMERA3_.� _ PUBLIC IJORKa- - -, - - -- STREET DlAIMM3.r1NCE I 23.200 1967 _ BUDGUED ESTIMATED 119,000 $ 123,618 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 9 n S480 259670 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60,100 613,566 3. COMLI��CDITIES 53,916 53,916 4. 4�E'MTRAR. SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY r 2152_ IL6 IS —2i 1!_, 1349 TOTALS COWAENTARY TFUN4aTION SL- Ihnw339 $294330 The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest poxtio n of the Public Works endeavor. As the word "raisinte ceB7 implies, the purpose of this account is to press. -Ave =d not necessarily to isyprove, the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing, oiling, and Installation of &- ainsge facili{ les,. are normally financed through an assessaient procedure and are, therefore, not included in Lhis Baca >ount. This account dc;e.ts provide for such waintenavza activities as patching , c$eauinS, sealing and sntmT p1mi ngo C(Ma s 1968 RECOMMENDED _ BUDGETED $ 132,000 $132,840 :33,000 32,000 780,850 72,850 60, V40 60,540 SL- Ihnw339 $294330 The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest poxtio n of the Public Works endeavor. As the word "raisinte ceB7 implies, the purpose of this account is to press. -Ave =d not necessarily to isyprove, the streets within the Village. Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing, oiling, and Installation of &- ainsge facili{ les,. are normally financed through an assessaient procedure and are, therefore, not included in Lhis Baca >ount. This account dc;e.ts provide for such waintenavza activities as patching , c$eauinS, sealing and sntmT p1mi ngo C(Ma s 1,oposeda expenditures are twenty -six pwceaat (26 °fo) higher then last: yeas °s appropriatiom,, Party pezcent (6 .07.) of the increase is repi esented by noatracted vepEaita to concrete streets at selected locations. These kepaaza V=e dentrac;ted for during 19679 The below listed detail contributes to the lmr^xaase0 A'ai%OZYN' �! Salaries and wages: .��.®. 4emeral maintenanc e 5'G00 Stvw,t d l eaningj 3,f"DO Sti°eet renovation 2,000 Curb and sidewalk ra..aintawnze 1,000 Snow and ice removal m $131,000 Contracted repairs 23,0140 Trash removal 503 Aspheltt mix 6,000 ..yy C V laso Mater .Silk 2"003 Ja ck-Ing mate -vital 250 Street cleaning -er - aditises Soo S =eet 1"0019 So%; and ice removaa €- aomwdities 8,500 Central services 6,, 24 TOTAL $61,874 - -- VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 Fund Function Aveo � Act. No. GEMEEAL PUBLIC WORKS STRELIT, HAINTMI ME i 23.200 MENDIT RE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Recomm e9ded Budgeted 210 General Naimtenmee 1. Payroll $ 55,000 $ 600600 $ 60,,840 2. Equipment rental $ 1,000 $ ,,8000 1"000 Contracted repairs 2"000 251,000 24.000 $ 3000 $ 260000 $ 25 "000 3. Fill material $ 2 "000 $ 29,000 $ 2 "000 Calcium Chloride 1 "000 10000 1,000 Salt 600 i 600 600 Asphalt. rein 12 "000 18,000 16 "000 14C1 oil 2,000 2:400 2,000 Concrete 500 500 500 Jacking material I 1 "250 If090 1,000 1 Joint material 500 500 500 i General supplies 500 500 500 Class V material 2,000 41,000 3 „000 $ 22,350 $ 30,100 V27 "100 4. Equipment operation 16,480 l7 6W 17 ,,640 $ 96 "830 $1330740 $130 "580 TOTAL GEHM1 MAINTSMAHM 220 Street Cleaning la I Payroll $ 17 9000 $ 200,000 2. Trash remmal 500 3. Brooms $ 3 "000 $ 30500 Wearing shoes 750 750 Wet water additive 500 500 $ 4 "250 $ 4,750 4. Equipment operation ll 760 I 13020 $ 33 "010 �$ 380270 $ 38 "270 TOTAL CLEM1.0 24.0 Street Renovation 1. Payroll $ 18 "000 $ 20$000 3. Asphalt min $ 7"O00 $ 800GO 011 8,000 90000 Granular material 7,500 "500 $ 22 "500 $ 2A,500 4. Equipment operation 10 560 13,500 i $ 51,060 $ 58f,000 58"000 f TOTAL STIIE RENOVATION 250 Curb and Sidem1k I Maintenance I to Payroll I $ 1 ®000 $ 20000 , 20 Contracted service 1,500 10500 3o materials i 504 500 4. ipment operation j 8b 0 900 'TOTAL CURB D SIDEq I I MAIMM.MCE I I " 3,840 $ 4,900 $ 4 "900 VILAGE OFF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 28 rand Funaloo I Awea Act. No. GE14ERAL PUBLIC WORKS S` RE99 14AINTIMANCE 23.200 EXPENDITURE OEAOL Code Activity Object Dark s@ Present 3cdge$ Recommended Budgeted 270 Snow and Ice Removal 1. Payroll $ 28,000 303000 $ 30,000 2. Equipment rental 5,000 5,000 5,000 3o Salt $ 5,500 $ 100000 7,000 Calcium Chloride 2,500 4,000 4,000 Sand 2 a 500 54000 5.000 $ 10,500 $ 190600 $ 16,000 4. Equipment operation 14n276 15f480 15X480 $ 57,776 69 480 s �� -/�►� TOWAL SHOW IMD ICE ;OVAL I I I 'DOTAL SMEE I i i MAINTENANCE I i $242n516 $3041,390 I I I I i '•t HU-. J:3,2 F MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 �e'S°'!A 397 dSS9C'n @�C2 i Area I Aco. No. 00MAL I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS ; STREET LIGHTOG 23.300 SUMMARY 1967 _ BUDGETED ESTWeED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 500 397 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 500 51a „000 545314 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 56a000 j x. 000 531 3. CQA- MODITIES 1 "000 .540 5 d. CENTRAL SERVICE S. AIN° AL 001. 56,040 SS a$2 �• �� �, �a� "�- 8100 MWNTARY The overhead street: lighting system throuahout the Village.., with the exception of ornamental and special type units, is installed and maintained by Northern Steres Powers Company. The Village's obligation is to provide funds for fU=i hiU9 electrical power to all lights wd to maintain the oraammtsl and special units. CQOMITS Proposed eupenditures are four percent (fit&) higher than last yn=*s appropriation. The below iiated detail contributes to the increase. Power $2,000 Centr ai services 60 TOTAL $2.060 VILLAGE OF EDINA, ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 30 Fupd Function Area Act No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGMNG 23.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity object Detail Present Budget Recommended Hadgeted 1. Payroll $ 500 $ 500 20 Power $52,000 $54,000 Contracted repairs 2 000 2.000 $54,000 $569OW 3. Repair parts 1,000 19000 4. Equipment operation 540 600 T®iAL i STREM LIGRTI 56 040 $58,100 sS8.1nn i I � I I I I I VILUk&E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE Fund Faacflon - Area _ Acct. No � G 1E A1. PUBLIC WORKS � STREET N SIGNS I 23. � 00 SUMMARY _ 1967 _ 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 6,000 5,007 2,700 20085 1,440 1,440 $_10,140 $_8 v532 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITA. OUTLAY TOTALS $ 20500 $ 30700 1,620 $ ?e820 7,820 COMMEWARV...��_�_ �.. IBC�I(� The Village Installs and maintains all street name signs. This account provides for installation and maintenance. { � CME S Proposed cxpendittwes are twenty -three percent (33X) less than last year ®s i appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. + ANOUNT Salaries and wages $3,500 a Signs and posts 1�0� Central services TO'T'AL $2n.320 I I VILLAGE OF EDONA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 Fund Function AF= Acs. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGNS 23.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Payroll $ 6 "000 $ 26500 3, Signs and poses $ 2 "000 $ 3,000 Paint supplies 500 5 ®0 Gloves and brushes 200 200 $ 2"700 I "� 30700 4. Equipment operation B 440 ! I 620 arAL STEERT wpm i � I I I I SIGNS i $10,140 7a820 $7.820 � VILLA AE OF EDONA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGI° 33 Fund. FweeNos I Area ( Aca. Flo. - - GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS i TRAFFIC IC CGHROL I 23.500 y .iS!69 BUDGETED ESTWATEO $ 6,500 $ 6 ®382 6,900 6v"2 7,000 6 0851 3,000 3,000 $.L3.400 9� SUMMARY OBJECT i. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1966 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 7,500 $ 7940 8,500 3 ®3W $ 26, �tIO 26 p 700 FOw Although the determination of need fors and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signsm signals, pave mat m =king, mead guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is, neverth.elesss, the function of the Public Works Depwtment to Install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installations and maintenance. COiMWTS Proposed expenditures are fourteen percent (14%) higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, AMOUNT Salaries and wages: Traffic sign maintenance ; Soo Pavement marking 500 $1,000 PO&, M Sw Traffic sign a aintenameaganeral supplies 1,00O Pmt marking -paint Soo Central services _ 300 TOTAL �, V1'iU.A'E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE V, - -- Fmaai . Act-vbgy - -- l aatcHt+;a ----- - - - -I— — Avea � Pceaesat Budget T Act. Mo.� GrI EP-4L 10 PUBLIC WORKS i TPIPIC Cot -TEROL 23.5GO coda Act-vbgy Object O ,-,%, a fiI Pceaesat Budget liec®mmendod Budgeted -- 10 Traffic Sign Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 2,500 $ 3,OD9 3. General supplies 3,500 4v5CD Sao Equipment operation 1 200 11380 ; 7,200 8C,880 TOTAL T 7C SIGN H9 =WAWC& I520 Traffic Signal i Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 500 500 20 Power Contracted repairs DMo 2,000 $ 4,500 2,000 Contracted :service 900 900 60900 ° 79490 3. ; aepair materials 500 500 4. Equipment operation 480 480 8,380 ;� 8X880 � TOE, TWF C SIGNAL &°j'Effi�'''B X a,P%o I Pavement Harking 1 1, Payroll $ 2,000 I I $ 20SOLO I 3. Paint 1,500 2D000 ` 4. EquiposaL opezation 660 720 I $ 4r,160 T 1-5 , 220 IOTA, PKVM91U MARK&W I 1570 Guard Rails and , . ( Barricades 1, Payroll $ 19500 1 3. Guard rail materials 1,500 1,5= Aso Equipment opzcaLion I 660 720 _ $ 3,,660 � � 1,720 TOTAL. GUAPJD RAILS AM BAIM- ICA ES TOTAL TUFFIO C+tMOL X23 400 26., ?i30 $26.700 � i i I 1 I i I ' 'Y1LAGE OF"'' EDINA AiNNI.JAL BUDGET PAGE 1 Euu3 - - -- �tsr�rfaa�o i Amc � Aret. too. GMERAL 5 ,9000 PUBLIC WORKS y BRIDGES i 23.600 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 3,000 3,221 5 ,9000 4a500 1,000 953 720 720 7� fl F 20 9�+..._ � 3RD SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMUMODI' @ES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 28500 $ 2,GW 840 x,5,340 5m340 C7."%ON The purpose of this account is to provide maintenance for the sin eery bridges within the Village. ccmmms PFoposed empendictwes are forty -five perceut (457.) lover thm last year °s appropriation. The bed. ow listed detail contributes to the decrease. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ 500 Contracted repairs 5,000 Paint Baer, cable, bolts, etc. Central services 120 TOTAL m® VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEF PAGE 36 Fund Function I Area Act. No CEMERAL PUBIXC WORKS I BRIDGES 23.606 EXPEND17 URE DETAIL Code Activity Objets Datai1 PFC-Se"t Budget Recomraeoded Budgeted 1, Payroll $39000 $2,500 20 Couegaceed repairs 5,000 3, Paine $ 500 $19000 Dumber, cable, boles etc, 500 1 000 $1 ,,000 $26000 4. Equipment operation 720 so I II i EFJIDG S I. $9n720 5 2a0 $5.340 I I I ILL -AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 30 F Easmda Fu:acOW1 Area Acc . 190. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STORY-1 DRAINAGE � 23.700 SUMMARY 1960 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 12,000 $ 159150 6,000 4®386 3,0130 3o000 OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY COMMENTARY 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED I $ 149000 5950@ 39300 &228800 22,800, The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain seTvi.ces in an effort to steep damage to property by storm water at ag minimum. In those areas sued by storm sewers, Village crews periodically check and clew these sewers. In areas not so seaved emergency measures in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided during storms. CCMM -TS Proposed expenditvres are ,nine percent (9 %) higher than last yeara8 appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wagers Storm sewer maintenance $69000 Teeporary drainage and culverts 1 D $2$000 Hose 5uo Central services �s 300 �s Vi LAGS OF EDNA AiNNUAL BUDGET PAGE 38 Fund Function Area I Act.. Me GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STOM JIMMI AGE 233.70 6 EXPENDITURE DEMIML Code Activity ®bjeci 6a€�ia present -- Budget -- itseerssae�aec�sEed Budgeted � F10 Storm Sewer Maintenance to Payroll $ 6;,000 $12,00 3. Culverts and pipe $ 1,500 $ 10500 Steel grates 750 750 i 4. Cement i Equipment operation 250 $ 2,500 1,500 250 $ 2,500 2.5M TOTAL STOM I SMER F-AMkUMME $10,000 $175050 620 , Tewporary Drainage an J and Culverts 1. Payroll i $ 6,000 � $ 2a @500 3. Done $ 500 Culverts 1,000 ti 1,,000 Asphalt i 1,000 1,1800 i j Structures 1,1000 1101 $ 3D500 $ 35,000 r-- j 4. Equipment ope a ion 11500 720 'YOT.L TWO ARY DRAMAGE AND CULVERTS 1l'! GW 5 729 1 1 TOTAL I i STORK DRAW S2 j I 61,,060 j � $22"800 � I 1ILLACED" OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE secs� Acct. Pao. GL'i +IEE iI. PUBLIC WORKS j �3�80CPb SUMMARY _ 1967 _ ESTIMATED OBJET' 13:500 129583 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 5,000 50000 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,200 80313 3. COMMODI IES 4,500 4v500 4. CEN tl RAL SERY iCES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 15,000 $ 15,000 69500 1,500 10,700 10,700 5,0 5,,040 !�_12, 200 -39s TOTAIS s 37 240 Sa o CWALMDMAW The function of the [pillage properties account is to properly care for all Village owned properties; other than t1wee used for Park and Recreation purposes. These Village propesties are principally,, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilities,, The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying and triffiaivag of trees, establishment and care of plaratings, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these Village properties In aesthetic accord with our many fine privately owned residential propextieso Proposed e=pexd1twea are sixteen percent (267.) higher than last ye ° s appropriation. The Mora listed detail contributes to the increase. mom Salasles and wages: Turf and plant m- Arevenance. $ 500 _ Wee maintenance X1,500 Contracted weed control 1,500 Chemicals 1,500 Central services 540 rL _ 5,Oy 4 FfGQ LAGEE OF AM; WAL BUDGET PAGE 40 �e Ka4d S"il'lfititfiSa � -- kES Act, No. I GENEl PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROP J�'w 230800 Z "OE 90ITURE DETAIL C'ct3e Activity Object Dovig Peese:ai 8e�d8e$ � Rec+smmcWed sudgued 810 Turf and Pliant Maintenance 1, Payroll $ 5,500 60000 20 Contracted weed control 3c Fertilizer 300 300 Tool replacem Alt 200 200 plenti;ass 500 ad3S3 Sod anad black. dirt Chemicals 1,000 3€30 1"000 3063 2,300 2030 I 4. Equigmaat aparation 12620 1 i "� 9,420 X110600 $119600 I TO ii I TURF AND PLAFT VMt;T .MCE _ 820 Tres Maintenance la Payroll j $ 3,0130 s� 4,,WO 30 Hand tools rmpeu I I I j and .a $ 200 ! .W 8p� °sg 1,t= 1 201 $ 1,400 107800 TO 4. TREE Equipment op=aikion INTEMANCH 1..,440 1 686 _ ; 5'8/'L0 $ A80 $ 78080 870 Lakes and Ponds maintenance 1. Payroll 5'000 50€00 $ 5,000 20 Contract. ruanI: � 59000 50 000 3. Chemicals ! $4,500 $ 6i Rip -reap, hecdwallsb and special struettes qq /q�y�/� 1,000 ��,ppFF,yy�� 1900 0 �$ 5,500 7 2,000 , 4a Equipment opeh ation 1 4 410 1 560 1,560 M` S I AND PAS � dE ANG �g6 0940 $18J69 $13.560 �q,t4 yf32g20 i _app I� ocYew r ,f9 $32,240 I t��r��* S i77M1SLI I @��Ei I � saue�eg7� g��. S'EaOPEHR ES � VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 41 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS Ally POLICE PROTECTION 24. 100 $ 330,125 PROPERTY 5,179 50455 SUMMARY 1967 SUDGETED ESTIMATED 08)ECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 289,644 288 o 890 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 330,125 $326,109 5,179 50455 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE S 6 ©430 5,980 2,022 19946 3. COM11"AODITIES 20309 2,059 60,960 600960 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 100,080 100,080 11,174 119261 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 13x539 12,789 368,979 A512 $_168 TOTALS 1,4520483 $447 ®017 COMMENTARY >CTiON The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to do this is granted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and village,, state, and federal legislation affecting the public is general. �Casmus Proposed expenditures are twenty -three percent (23 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Three additional patrolmen are requested to maintain the present !level of service. Also about forty -five percent (45 %) of the increase is mainly pension contributions. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. i AHODU Salaries and wages $40,481 Conferences and schools 451 Radar and drunkometer 200 Uniform allowance 100 Psychological testing 500 Commdities 287 Central services 39,120 Capital outlay 2,365 TOTAL M650 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE T PAGE 42 �uc�d FEMcks Area Act. No. GEAiER�II. PROrECTION OF PERSONS MD POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 PROPER Chief $ 12,240, EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Bridget Recommended Budgeted 1, Chief $ 12,240, $ 136515 $ 130515 Captains (2) 19,200 202,400 20,400 Sergeants (6) 42,720 55,224 55,224 Patr6lmen (7) 94,891 58,832 58,832 Patrolmen (5) 30,167 39,566 39,806,. Patrolmen (4), 14,558 34o992 35,952 Detectives (4), 24 ®696 30,,192 31,152 Patrolmen (3). 20,412 22,148 22,868 .. Nerd patrolen (3) 20.448 13,632 Dispatchers (3) 16,344 18,000 18,000 ! Dispatchers (PT) 4,376 5,,408 5,408 ., Secretary Clerk -typist 4,860 3,900 5,160 48140 5,160 43140 Insurance 1,280 , 10400 1,320 Overtime- detectives 700 700 $289,644 $330,125 $326,109 ' 2. Conferences and schools $ 1,323 I $ 18774 $ 1,524 Dues and SubntTip- tions 176 176 176 Teletype 540 540 540 Radar and drunkometer 300 500 500 Laundry 40 40 40 Unifom allowance 2,800 2,.900 2,700 Psycholoical testin g 500 500 $ 50179 $ 634,30 $ 5,980 3. Ammunition $ 750 $ 800 $ 800 JAil and prisoner i ! eTense 350 300 200 Cars, leathergoods, I ba dges 140 I 320 220 Photographic supplies 300 300 300 First aid supplies 76 130 130 ! Fire extinguisher I ! supplies 120 120 120 General supplies i 286 339 289 $ 2,022 $ 2,309 $ 2,059 I 4o General $ 32,340 $ 68,220 Village Hall 4,020 4,560 Equipment operations 24 600 27 300 $ 60,960 0100,080 $100,080 i IPROPERTY GENERAL 1'ROT TI OF PERSONS MM POLICE PROrEeTY -00 � ?_,0 100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity objcn� Detail � Present Sedgaz -- cocaa�rssaeded aJ Budgeted 5. Vehicles 83809 11,700 $ 119400 Pistols and shotguns 270 Lao 180 Idle cabinet 100 Radio 700 Lockers 254 I 54 5 � Monitor 300 ' 300 200 Adding machine � 250 J i ,Dictating machine 250 Improver-ants-range ants 250 ryImprover- dypeu S%Nae ° j replacewo, I 175 175 Eights i 120 120 Combination PA ; system and siren 2l® 210 i Improwements- dfspovehE:Tls office 300 200 Pouch card system for records 500 250 13I 3 S 12_789 TOTAL POLIO PR09ECTRC114 $368;,979 a� 52, 483 3 a +7 9017 J I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AM PROPERTY FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 SUMIVWY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1968 BUDGETED $134,700 $ 132,174 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 1390856 $139,776 2,663 3,533 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30076 2,776 2,786 29930 3. COMMODITIES 2x474 2,174 25, 320 25,320 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 45,180 45,180 jappropriation. About fifty percent of the increase is because of pension con - 5. CAPITAL OUTLW j ladder truck and salary adjustments. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. 9,222 89852 219225 19,225 174,691 $ 13'29809 TOTALS ,2119811 X209.131 _ COMMENTARY FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fire ftotection are Q12) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case a fine does start; (3) confine a fire to the place of origin6 and (4) extinguish all fires. In general, this iuvolvtes the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. i CAS i Proposed expenditures are twenty -one percent (21%) higher than last year's � jappropriation. About fifty percent of the increase is because of pension con - tributions. The balance is an amount to be set aside for reserve for aerial j ladder truck and salary adjustments. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT ' Salaries and wages $ 5,156 Conferences and schools 113 � uniform allowance 300 Clothing replacements 183 Liquid foals 55 jHose replacement First Aid supplies 50 General supplies 500 Central services 19,860 i Capital Outlay 12003 TOTAL $37„120 i VILIAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE - 45 Fund Function Axe Act. NA. �° 3EiiAT� PROTECTIOR OF PERSONS MW FIRE PROTEC91ON 24.200 PROPERTY Chief $ 9x720 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended � Budgeted 10 Chief $ 9x720 $ 100428 $ 10,,428 ssistant Chief 9,300 99372 9,372 ieutenants (3) 25 ,,272 268712 26,712 iremen (5) 47,556 429240 42,240 iremasn, 7,484 7,771 7,771 ireman 14,,808 15,327 15 ,,327 ireeman I 7,366 7.366 art -tim firemen 20,000 208000 1 20,000 nsurance 560 640 560 t $134870 0139,856 $1398776 2a. Conferences and I schools $ 703 1 816 $ 816 Dues and subscriptions 160 160 160 Laundry 400 400 400 Uniform allowance 1,,400 1, 700 1-400 $ 20663 $ 30076 $ 2,776 3, lothing replacemnt; $ 366 $ 549 $ 449 Liquid foam 220 275 275 Hose replacement l "000 Photographic supplies 125 125 125 First aid supplies 450 400 400 General supplies 625 1 125 925 $ 2 ,,786 $ 2o474 $ 2,174 4. General I $ 14.760 $ 33,300 Village Hall 38660. 4,x00 quipwat operation 6,,900_1__ 7 ,680 $ 25.320 $ 450180 $ 45,180 5. Reserve for aerial I $ 78500 I $ 18,000 $ 16"000 Scott air tanks (6) 358 Portable radio 400 i Desk and chair 225 i ttress (2) 150 150 150 (Ladders Gas mask i 870 105 870 105 Automobile � 2,100 2 ,,100 Various 589 $ 9,222 $ 21 125 8 19.,225 TOTAL VIR9 PROT IM $174,691 $211 811 $209,131 f WLIJ -ZE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 46 Y Sind Fuse Amm Aca. ado. � GENERAL PR09ECTION OF PERSONS MD I CIVZLIAN DEFENSE 24.300 SUMMARY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1968 BUDGETED $ 2,160 $2,255 1. PERSONAL. SERVICES $2s,385 $2 a 385 415 404 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 567 417 495 100 3. COMMODITIES 325 325 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAP ITAL OUTLAX 10000 500 3�O�A 2�„a59 TOTALS 4,,277 COMMENTARY CTImq The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the weeded resources to meet emergency situations of catastrophic mature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an effort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer urgency personnel, CCHMMS Proposed expenditures are thirty -sine percent (39 %) higher than last year ®s appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. ANOMIT Salaries and wages 225 Conferences and schools 152 Commodities 170 Capital Outlay 1000 TOTAL 1 O7 VILLA OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE `a! — Fund Function, Arm Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS Mkt CIVILIAN DEPE ISE 24.300 PROPERTY EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object ®eflni6 Prrusent ffiu�dge� Recommended Budgeted 1. Director $ 20160 $ 2,385 $2,385 20 Conferemes and Schools $ 90 $ 242 92 Dues and sub - scriptions 25 25 25 .eased lines for i II I sirens 300 �0 . 300 I $ 417 3. Unifo - reserves $ 100 $ 100 Ammmiticmm- reserves i 100 100 Radiological survey meter supplies 100 50 +eval supplies 195 75 $ 495 $ 325 $ 325 5. Siren 500 $ 500 Fa=gency operating eeater- Southdale _500 TOTAL CIVILIAN j I j f I i; WENSE 3,070 $ 4,,277 83..627 � i � I i I III I I I I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL_ BUDGET PAGE 48 Yi3ia i - -- €Cif. fei �!T!saVd"aEAAL - �( y�FY�.f?�4t+ 1R�g�p P '^4/.881LTIGNoL"i"ii�PERSOi'►Fi S AIM PUBLIC �7Q�g PUBLIC dHEAL � /No. cA 24.400 $ 19 o 330 $ 189330 1,135 1 s 135 SUMKARY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 16,,280 $ 15 ® 654 1. PERSONAL SERVICE $ 19 o 330 $ 189330 1,135 1 s 135 1 CONMCTUAL RRVICES 1,885 10285 400 398 3. COMMODITIES . 356 356 2,748 2op4g 4. CEt�d'F'R�O�. SERVICES 4 9716 4,716 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 780 763 730 730 , 23___ _-__343 $—`20n698 TOTALS COMMENTARY CT1G The fimztions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general velfaare of the city by snaking and enforcing laces to preserve and prorate the public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persons within the cons pity. COYAM. S Proposed eupeaditures are twenty fuser percent (24%) higher those last year's appropriation. Seventy percent of the increase is made up of extra pact -ruse help,, pension contributions and large cost of garage anaicatenance assigned to laboratory. The belaw listed detail contributes to the increase. z 1 Salaries and wages $3,050 Conferences aced . schools 100 Mileage 300 Contract work 250 Vest equipment and supplies 41f. Central service 1s96S Capital outlay _ AL ti5.,0 ?� VILLAGE AGE O EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 49 Eland Fe action Area Act duo. GENERA% ' ZON OF PERSOOS MD PUBLIC HEALTR 24.400 _ PROPERTY Sanitarian I EXPENDITURE DETAOL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Recommended Budgeted 1, Sanitarian $10,200 $118100 $11,100 Medical officer 300 300 300 Secretary Q) 2,700 2,880 2,880 Extra help I 1,080- 29500 1.500 Laboratory techni- cian (1/3) 2,000(k 2,550 8 2,550(E) $16,280 $19,330 18,330 20 Conferences and I schools $ 235 i $ 335 ` JDues and subscrip- ( tions 50 I 50 IMileage 600 1 900 Electrical and f plumbing at labor- atory ; 250 1,135 1,$285 1,285 3. Test equipment and I supplies 400(A) 356(A ) 356(A) 4. General $ 1,920 $ 3,480 Village Hall 552 636 Garage 276 600 $ 2,748 $ 49716 4,716 5e Wall cabinets(2)(1 13 $ 160(A) Drawer un tss(6)(1 /3y 330(A) Sink units (2) (1 /3) 190(A) Counter tops(5�(1 /3) 100(A) Glassware (1/3) $ 280(A� Plastic products(1/3 250(A Ceiling ilaboratory(1 3 200 Al, $ 780 1 730 1 730 I I TONAL PUBLIC HMTM I 21.343 0,26 417 $25A417 a i Note A - Represents) equally W1.6 one -t Smf ird of the cost, the'balance t Louis Park and Bloomington. to be i shared I I I 8 - $25000 -Jan ry l I I I and $25.00 July 1. I VILLASE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE SO 1rupd Ftwc Ares Beet. no. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS P.f30 ®�ERTY MIML CO24TROL 24.500 3UNWARY 1967 1968 BUDGET ED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED SUDGETE® $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 15,700 14,940 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,600 150000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $_j4.700 $ 1kA940o ` OTAIS g 15.600 $ 13 M-0 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Animal Control is a function of Tillage Goverpment designed to protect life and property from the injurious activities of animals, both wild and domesticated. The Village Council has by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. ViLLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 51 Fund Function Am Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION CP PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS 24.600 $ 349,410 PROPERTY 2,280 2,216 SUMMARY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED RUDGETE $ 30,,664 $ 31,019 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 349,410 $ 33,160 2,280 2,216 2- COSd` PACTUAL SERVICES 2,666 2,466 425 494 3. COMMODITIES 850 650 5oO52 5,052 4• CENTRAL SERVICES 7,356 7,356 775 441 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 260 260 3 9,196 39,222 TOTAL 5 $�,3�59 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The functicas of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce buildings plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing and construction codes; establish house numbering; recommend condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building construction. CCMENTS Proposed expenditures are sixteen percent C16%) higher than last year's appropriation, Sixty percent of the increase is represented by salary increases, additional overtime and part -time help. The below listed deteil contributes to, the increase. TOTAL 6s6 ANOgiAiT Salaries and wages $39746 Conferences and schools 219 Dues and subscriptions 33 mileage 200 Printed forms 325 General supplies 100 Central services 2,304 Capital outlay 515 TOTAL 6s6 VUAGE OF MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 ! � FEmd — -- -- Area mfr. M®. GENER L I PROTECTION OF PERSONS tMMD INSPECTIONS 24.600 I a Building inspector $ 9,000 $ 9,720 EXPENDITURE DEPTAIL Cade eAdivity Object Nftdi? Present Budget Recommended Bud eteG I a Building inspector $ 9,000 $ 9,720 $ 9,720 Plurabimg and heating inspector 8,700 9,300 1 91,300 Assi.stm� t inspector 6,450 (A ) 3,050(Al 7,050(A) Clerk 4,500 4,740 4,740 Overtime me 500 1,000 500 Entra help 1.514 2 600 1.850 i $30,664 $34,410 $33,160 2, Conferences and schools I $ 3's7 $ 566 $ 566 j lauQS and I subscriptions 133 i p Mileage �.1,So $ 2,280 10a 2,000 $ 2,666 l00 1,800 2,466 3. Painted forms i § 150 i 475 $ 325 i code hooks I 10o 3.00 I 100 General supplies 173 7-75 225 $ 425 $ 850 $ 650 4. General $ 4,500 $ 6,720 Village Hall 552 636 f� $ 5,052 $7,356 $ 7,356 5. I Desk and chair $ 200 0i1e ca6i.awts I 300 $ 380 Adding machine 275 Level � 8fl $ 775 J 260 S 260 f I `DOTAL INSP8CTIMI5 I $39,196 $45.542 $43.892 I $25000 Janua�y i VJJd � $25.00 Jul; 1, i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Fund Funabn APB Acct. No. GENERAL NON-DES AL EXPENDITUnS CONTINGENCIES 26.100 SUMMARY A467 1965 EUfl^$E'CED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSOM SERVICES $ $ 15800fl 50674 2. COBdMCTUAL SERVICES 15 ®000:: '. 138047 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY r $ 5 674.. TOTALS � 1�A�® $13.047 COMMENTARY During the year, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has been no previous appropriation. This account is a reserve for such contingencies. m VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 54 Fund 1=sct lon Amu Acct. Nn. GENERAL MCN-DE! AL M(PENDITURES SETTLIRMT OF SUITS 26.200 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTI ED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 500 200 2, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 3. COIAMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $-A0-0 % 200 TOTALS $ 5 COMMENTARY Fu=10H Represents an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the Village. V�LLWM OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 55 Fuld Func @ions PECIAL Aran ASScssi r S Acct. No' GENERAL IION-DEPARTMTAL EEPENDITUUS ON VILLAGE PROPFMY 26.300 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CON T RACTUA! SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 35,000 34,900 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 35,000 35,000 S 34 a 900 T®TAU � � X35 8000 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village owned properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects, This account provides funds to pay these assessments* VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 56 . Fund Function Arco CAPITAL Aec$.,No. GENERAL VON -DEPA TAL EXPENDITURES CENTS SERVICES- OUTLAY. 26.500 SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ q. PERSONAL SERVICES $ a. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 100000- 99600 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 12x250 110750 10, 000 9 TOTALS 2S � 114 7 COMMENTARY CTIOi� Certain items of equipment or improvements which have a usefol life of more than one years %Rich cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this account. C01TS We propose to remodel the large conference room off the manager °s office. The modeling should include carpeting, drapes, repainting, movie screen and additional chairs. V41.LASS E OF E D I N A ANNIUAL BUDGET PAGE 57 Nod - - - -- Fi?SdCtB€i7 A58f CAPITAL I �'. Ml. GENERAL NON OEP AL EXPEODI EJ CE !a AL SERVICES- OUTLAY 26.500 EXPEN01 7 U DETAIL C Aetiviiy objet Detail B Recommend d 0149efe� Village Half. 5. Improve ts- .14anageras office $ 750 $ 750 S 600 Conference roam 1 500 11150 TOT-AT, VULAGE HAU $ 750 $ 20250 $ 1,750 Garage Make up aiv mat I $ 6,000 6v0 Storage loft I 800 � Lights and outlets 400 Storage Tacks 150 Extend water and I air line 150 Hopper work 11500 TOTAL GAUGE $ 7,500 I B 7'M $ 7,500 Eqni nt Operation Tool replacement and renewals-various 1,750 $ 2,500 i $ 1,750 $ 2 -Sao $ 2,500 TOTAL E aMR= OPERA' (M I TOTAL CMTRAL S I VICES ' w CAPITAL 0UTWf \ $10,000 I 021250 i i I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE SE t °und Function Amu � Acct. No. � GENERAL RON-DEPAHTMTAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EQ9.tPROV MENTS 26.600 SU"W 1967 196E 0U'tDuE e E® ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES � $ 2. CONMCTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 100,000 100,000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 100,000 100 uW0 100 000 TOTALS 100 p 000 �100.OQ4D COMMENTARY FUN This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital xu'provnts, CCMUNTS We propose a transfer from the Liquor Dispensary Fund of $50,000 into a reserve account for the purpose of constructing and equipping a second fire station and nLw public library, Another $50,000 is provided for replacement of curb And gutter, street surfacing and other improvements. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 59 ca qd Faarxtio a Area I t- w. too. PAMC PARK AND CATION AM41HISTEIATIO 47.100 1267 BUDGE7E® ESTIMATED SUWAARY 1968 OBJECT RECOMMENDED SUDGET'E6 $ 34,102 330289 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 380 ®62 1 a 3619 1 0413 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1, 3659 125 30 3. CCP�iMODIT MS 125 14,892 14$892 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 26,160 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY SO X479 X 49„6210 TOTALS &65 , 7®7 65,707-, � COMMENTARY 1 CTION The Park and Recreation Depart is is responsible for the acquisition, development, operations and maintenance of the Village parks and. xe=eation facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program. Providing for the administration of the park and recreation function is the object of this account. The Edina Park Board, as an advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assists in the playas and operation of the park and recreation function. IC S Proposed expenditures are thirty pereent (30%) higher thm last year ° s appropriation. Central services represents about seventy-five percent (75 %) iof the increase, with pension contributions the principal reason., The below listed detail contributes to the increase. i MOW Salaries and ,wages $ 3,960 Central services 11,268 I TOTAL 15 228 OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PASS 60 Fund Function Area � Act. No. PARK PAS MM RECREATIOM A&NIMST+RMIGN 47.100 EXPENDITURE D�'AIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Raadsaee Recommended 8ua�geted 1. Director $10,500 $12,000 Program supervisor 9,000 90900 Secretary 4,200 49500 Clerical (113) 1,260 10300 Training 200 300 Paid le ve 8,642 30.,062 $34,102 $380062 2. Conferences and I j schools $ 600 I $ 600 Daces and subscriptions 100 100 Audit 660 660 $ 1,360 $ 10360 3. Printing $ 50 $ 50 Books and pamphlets 75 1 75 $ 125 $ 125 4. General $10,680 $210480 Village Hall 1,366 1,560 Garage 1,524 1,680 Equipment operation 1,320 LIAO $14,892 $26,160 I i I TOTAL AMMISTRATION � I $50,479 $65,707 $65.707 I I I MLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 F lid Fenctaoo Arw Acct. No. pt= PARK MD RECREATION RECREATION PROGRM 47.200 SUMMARY _ 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1968 BUDGETED $ 29,400 28,536 d. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 31,440 $ 30,940 7.250 6,650 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71500 7v500 6,150 6,549 3. COMMODITIES 6,750 6,750 Pool rental 250 4. CENTRAL SERVICES Baseball and softball 100 Playground S. CAPITAL OUTLOY Miscellaneous and special. 42 1 r's 00 $ 41 5 T&ALS 45 -190 COMMENTARY T� The Pillage, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a yeanr around recreational program as a functions of Village government. This program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department. It includes such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, sxAmming and tennis instruction; and a sir playground program for stall children. Some of these activities receive financial support, from various service organizations, and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. COMMS Proposed eanpenditures are seven percent (7%) higher than last year °s appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, MOUNT Salaries and wages: -- Baseball and softball $ 50 Skating and hockey 40 Tennis instruction 150 Playground 400 Swimming instructions 10200 Miscellaneous and special activities 200 2,540 Pool rental 250 Commodities: Baseball and softball 100 Playground 300 Miscellaneous and special. activities j Fund L °,��d' @L�jl A T Act NO. PAEUK ' AKU A145 RCRENiIM I — gFORITEATION PrWGWAN 47.200 - I �S�G� L °,��d' @L�jl A ®r`J�d�y ��Y��� €use snt i 210 Baseball and Supervision � 1,2L�3 $ 1,200 Softball �'.Oaching Assistant a i k-50 L500 . 2,650 $ 2,700 �. _ 30 Plates and bases .^A 450 500 Bats and balls 300 300' �atchiug equipment ( 300 300 j f quipment repair _100 IP 150 — -ISO 1.250 _ +:0$AL BASEBALL A,li� SOFTB � L fi 3,800 I $ 3;950 � 5,950 220 SPza� ing and Mackey - 1, �. Wt supervision s,960 $ e,GO0 ockey coaching -_—� � 500 i —. - - -94 -- $ 7,560 .� __- .3 Goalie equipment Qso£x ..a I 250 _ 400 2S0 ®a650 _ "t4'l'AL SKATING MD _ 7-E � SO HOCKEY 6,150 1 8,190 5,190 930 Tennis ListLLli, Lion '.;Snir ".mlctor 550 I Y 600 �Issi scant. instructo 500 - -- _— 60€3 .acv 'g e-nnis balls iJ 125 I M a4t 1755 un- class Pied I 23 -325 25 i 325 �S j 3P3CI, ! uj RC 1 —�' I INSTRUCTION � 1,375 $ 1,525 1,525 240 I Playground , 1, f_.eec�e�-s � $ 8,600 $ 9,000 30 bTafts I $ 2,ica ; 4 2, 3€ O � I plepi nceluents and I I � 1t �fl-Ti �7 , - -- � 3 UM� , PLAYGROUND I .�[r0`�r� 0�_ I V13LLAGE OF EDI NA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 63 Farad Function — Area Detail � Ac ?. No. PARK PARk AND RECREATION RECREATION FR0GM4 Sing Instruction � 47.200 EMEN®6` URE OETML Code Activity object Detail prewni ss38e$ Recommended Budgeted 250 Sing Instruction 1, Supervisor $ 500 $ 600 $ 600 e Instruction 5,100 6,000 5,500 Attendants 400 500 500 Registration 200 300 300 $ 4200 $ 7,400 $ 6,900 20 Bus rectal $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Pool Rental 1 250 1,500 $ 70250 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 i 3. Unclassified S 225 $ 225 ff I $ 225 225 $ 225 TO!F -4L S'dMMM INSTRUCTYCH I $13,675 $15,125 $14,625 270 iscellaneous and Special activities 1, Payroll I $ 2,0" $ 2,000 Leaders 1;,6,00 1 600 I $ 3,400 $ 3,600 3. Printing .s a er - bulletin $ 630 $ 690 Children ®s sayer theatre I 200 300 Soccer 180 100 Unclassified I ZO® 200 1.000 $ 1,200 TOTAL NKSCELLANEOUS AD SM i ACTIVITIES 4 IM $ 4800 4,800 I I I I �OGBAPI I $42,800" $45,690 $45 r 190 I I i =snd Function ^ - - -- Aeeesa I Acct. No. PAM PARK AND RECREAn(Xi 14AIMMMNCE I 47.300 SUMMARY 19�a BUDGETED ESYIP TE® OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED _ BUDGETED $ 49,918 $ 50,876 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 56,878 $ 57,178 40800 4,,044 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 52100 59100 11,340 11,696 3. COMMO ®IT'isS 12,690 12,690 12,780 12,,780 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 139860 139860 250 Weed spray 5. Ch71TAL OUTLAY Trash containers 100 789838 qti 79 396 TOTALS �8 28 �v889828 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Park HaLutenence involves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget accoanat are only those properties designated as parks, Other Village properties such as boulevards,, islands, triangles, lift and pu.¢ping stations, etc., are maintained tLT -ougb othcw budget accounts, although the gvound work is done by the park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parks includes turf care, establish - anent and care of trees and plantings, litter removal,, maaiutenan a of park buildings„ and equipment and skating rinks. cchmws Proposed expenditures are helve percent (12 %) higher than last year's appropriad .tion. One additional man is requested to maintain the present level of maintenance. The belota listed detail contributes to the increase. 1 TOTAL mom Salaries and wages -o Howing 990 Special turf care 19530 Plantings and trees 200 Fitter removal 300 Parking Area maintenance 470 Building and ecreipment maintenance 620 Skating mink maintenance &850 $6,960 Equipment rental S® Utilities 250 Weed spray 100 Trash containers 100 Road oil and sand 350 Repair mm?ateriaile 800 Central aervices 12080 TOTAL flL 6,GE OF EDINA AN.NW -1 BUDGEq PAGE 65 FUr, :; _ FuPettion Area � Ao. Kle. PAEUC PAPS MD RECREATI(XY1 HAINTE14FstTCE t 47.300 i EXPEZ309TURE DETAIL 8sdgat 310 Moving 1, Payroll $ 9,480 $103,470 30 Repairsl pares and hand mowers 75® 7503 .4o Equipment operation 1 3,14-4 3,480 _ $13,374 $14,700— $14,,700 TOTAL MWING 320 Special € Cake 1. !Payroll I $ y9/0�4 $ 9,43��0 20 I �tYr.ar.. e work g7 11600 119600 3. Seed $ 10200 $ 1,200 Sod 540 .540 estllizer 10300 16300 Black dire 1,000 IDOOO Weed spray 100 200 $ If,--o $ 4,240 4. Equipment operation 1.650 12860 � OM SPECIAL TMP CARE $15,3 2.0 $17,130 $17,130 330 Plantings and Trees 1. Payroll -$ 39300 $ 3,500: 20 Equipments rental 100 150 3e Plant materials 1j,000 1,000 4o Equipment operation It,,200 1.320 TOTAL PLANTINGS AM TEES $ 5,61D0 I $ 5,976 $ 5,970 340 Litter Removal 1. Poll $ 5,100 $ 5,1000 3. Tr&sh containers 200 300 46 Equipment operation 900 i,020 6,2090 $ 6,7203 $ 60720 TOTAL LITTER REMOVAL l—$ Ir 350 Parking Area t3aintenance 1p Payroll $ 1,65€9 $ 2,R20 3, mad oil $ 112030 $ 1 500 Sand 250 3030 Unclassified 100 ;� 1003 IS 1,550 $ 1,900 i 6. Zgai>pment operation 840 9080 t TOTAL PMKINM A ILUNTENAMCC, $ 4"04.0 I $ 4,920 I $ 4,920 VILLAGE OF EDINA MMAL BUDGE' PAGE 66 Fend Functacn Area Act Na. PARK PAER AND RECREATION HAINT0ABIOE 47.300 EXPENDS 7 URE DETAIL Cade Activity o6iect WWI � 8u �'-4 Recommended Budgeted 360 Building and Equip - ment Maintenance 1. E':o;yvol l $10, 3244 $10,944 $1.19244 20 Utilities 400 450 450 3. Lwnber $ 2,100 $ 2,100 Repair materials 1 200 2,000 $ 3,300 $ 4,100 $ 4,100 4. Equipment operation 1m440 1,620 1 620 I TOTAL BUILID15G AIND E6 Pd W' MAINTENANCE $150464 $17,114 $17,414 370 Skating Rink Maintenance to Payroll $129164 $15,014 2, Electrical wiring $ 600 $ 600 Porgy 400 I 400 Beat 1 700 1.900 $ 2,700 $ 2,900 3. Lamps and fixtures I I= 400 4. Equipment operation 3 576 3 660 TOTAL SEATS RINK HAZTERANCE ;18"840 $21a974 $21 976 T6W'AL NAMENABOE i $78,838 $88P.528 8880828 i Park Form 1 1 $690 $735 $ 8,280 $ 8,820 Paris Meeper 11 5 5 567 605 34,020 36,300 Park Keeper 1 4 5 512 542 24,576 320520 Temporary) Laborer Special Turf care 9„430 8,184 8 2400 `OrALS 10 11 $75„060 $86 ,2040 DISTRINTICH Park and Recreation; Administration. Training $ 300 Paid Leave 10,062 Recreation: Miscellaneous and special activities 2,000 Maintenance: Ong $10 ,2470 Special Turf care 9„430 71antiengs and trees 3,500 Litter Removal 5,400 Payk Area Naia esn=ce 2 ,2120 Building and equipment maintenance- 11,244 Skating rink maintenance 15,2014 $5Z? „ 178 TOTAL PAM AND 1 8UT2(9 $6%540 Charged to Other funds: Gewwal ® Public Honks $ 80800 rs gal - Equipment operation 1,000 Swiming Pool 2,700 Golf Course 1 200 Recreation Center 1,200 Wataxworks 1,000 Seater Rental 600 X16 ,2500 TOTAL 86 040 0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 68 F=und Hess Area Acct. No. PARK DARK Alm RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.100c5 SUWAARY 1967 -BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ S 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 7 D500 7,276 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 12"700 x.500 $ 7 „276 TOTALS X12 0 700 $ 12.700 COMMENTARY Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more than one year are classified as capital outlay. CCHKE14TS Present jeep is no longer capable of plowing rinks in the winters but is used to spray weeds in the sumer. The new vehicle is needed to plow the rink areas as well as Summer transportation of mowing crews. New tractor is needed to maw the additional area added by the cross -tom highmW. it it also needed to replace one street tractor that is presently used Sn winter rink maintenance and sweepLag. The &n*ing and burning area in Braemar Park will soon be used for other purposes. A chipper will be needed for brush at that time. It will also speed up tree and brush removal and decrease hauling, costs. V!L LAGE OF EDINA AiMMMAL BUDGET pAGE 69 Fund FUNC000 Area Acre Me. i PARK Pr�� �Ci4€:A'�'100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47 0100 -5 M[aWTURE MAIL Cede Activity Object Defoa Preseut Budget Recommended € udgeted - 5. Jeep nth p 1rra $ 3,200 PLenic tables $ 500 500 Tractor with cab=ei rooted flail- .sweeper 5,500 Brush -chipper I 3,,500 Replacement-two trucks 5"000 FlaLl mower g2➢ 196€ 0 Scaffolding 300 � Nursery hand truck 100 i I i I I I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,%500 $12,700 $12,700 I I I MLAGE OF ENNA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGEE 70 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $14,980 $ l4o 500 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $14,980 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY :1.14 p 980. 14 ''EAIaS 1ta980. 980 C;®MMID NTARY FUNCTION Represents Village cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Henzepiu County Nursing. Amu Acct. No. p00R RELIEF AND PUBLIC riTRS7f W 90.500 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $14,980 $ l4o 500 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $14,980 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY :1.14 p 980. 14 ''EAIaS 1ta980. 980 C;®MMID NTARY FUNCTION Represents Village cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Henzepiu County Nursing. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 71 A `suad Psst�� Area Acct. No. Ci STRUCTION CAPITAL FRONT S SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATE® O33ECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 80,000 80,000 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 800000 '80�'000 80o00fl TOTALS 80D00080 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents amount allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Improvements, C5 Represents amount as proposed by Park Board during 1962 to set up improvement schedule approved by Council during the awe yeas. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET IMAGE .72 Fund Function Are fleet. No. BONDS AND INTEREST SUMMARY 1967 1948 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGE'I°ED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 62,600 620300 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62,500 3. CO.'AN110DITIE5 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CO- ITAL OUTI -W o 62 a600 $ 62„300 TOTALS 500 COMMENTARY FUNCTION These Bads are used to snake annual payments on outstanding bonds. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 Fund Pima Amu Acct. Rio. DIRE PROTEOTIOM 2001609 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 13,000 12 ®800 2. CONMCTUAL SERVICES 140000 3. COMMODITIES 4., CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CQ "ITAL OUTL -.Y 138000 X12 ®800 T ®TAgS{1ds9009 COMMENTARY FOICTION Represents amount of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to waterworks fund. V LASE OF EWMA ANNUAL BUDGE T PAGE 74 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BNIOGs7'E0 ESTIP ATF-0 09JECT REC®Mb ENDED BUDGMD $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES � a 4,350 4,200 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4"700 3. CO q?MOD9TO 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTEUAV 2QQ TOTALS 19 4 700 • a itm.waamaiaaw. . -.v.�P COWAEN AR0 FUNCTION ION . -- Regresentg the a -mount the Village contributes for retirement of voltw eer f lxvemea Amu Ace$. No. FIRMEN a S RELIEF ASSOCXA ION 20.230 -9 SUMMARY 1967 1968 BNIOGs7'E0 ESTIP ATF-0 09JECT REC®Mb ENDED BUDGMD $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES � a 4,350 4,200 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4"700 3. CO q?MOD9TO 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTEUAV 2QQ TOTALS 19 4 700 • a itm.waamaiaaw. . -.v.�P COWAEN AR0 FUNCTION ION . -- Regresentg the a -mount the Village contributes for retirement of voltw eer f lxvemea VELLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75 fFund , rumcflml Arw Acct. No. �- H$ PIN COUNTY PARK RESERVE DISTRICT — SUMWARY 1967 �9f BUDGETED ESTIMATED 031CCT RECOMIMENDE® BUDGETED $ $ a. PERSONAL SERVICES $ � 4a 3 ®5 4,305 Z CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,664 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY 49305 `, 4 a 3 05 TO°CA9 _ILL �i64 m0e V v COMMENTARY Represents Village share of cost of County Park System computed on the basis of facer -tenth of one mill. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 76 Fund fsscci Area Aca. No. REVOLVING CE AL SERVICES GENERAL ! 25.100 SUMMARY 1967. 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $140,280 $ 151,463 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 267 8840 $ 6,600 60780 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6o600 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY e .B-0— $_L%-e2&1 TOTALS 274,440 $_ 4 COMMENTARY FUNCTION These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment service contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds mthly, based on usage, CQMENTS Proposed expenditures are eighty -seven percent (87 %) higher then last year's appropriationso Contributions to employees pension playas represents better than eighty -five percent (85) of the increase. The large increase vas caused by a change in retirement laws during the 1967 legislature, The below listed detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL 27l_4 56� AMOUNT Telephone $ 900 Pension contributions 109,860 Postage 1,200 Liability insurance 7,440 Workmen's compensation 3,900 Hospitalization 3,360 Equipment rental -copy maaehineA 900 TOTAL 27l_4 56� VU-AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fund Function Area Act. No. MO VING CENTRAL SERVICES OENESAL 25.100 EXPENDITUEZE OETAM CodeActivity !! Object DOW Present Budget Reeommenled i Budgeted — 10 telephone $ 10,500 $ 110400 Equipment service contracts 1,620 1,620 Pension contributions 819000 190,860 (A) Postage 5,400 61600 Liability 4,680 12,120 Workmen9s Compensa- tion 18,000 210900 Employer's share= - hospitalization Equipment rentals 17,280 1800 200640 2,700 L $i40,280 $267,840 r 3. Office supplies 6x600 6.600__I TOTAL 0ENEt1AL $146 fl 880 -14 27Aa 440 L$274 8440 - _ Notre (A) Includes Associat contributions on and to botch Public United States Gover Employees nt for social ketirwent security DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERAT4G DEP T MTSo AMUAL MONMY ( mayor and Council $c x540 $ 45 Planning 2,760 I 230 Administration 9,120 760 Finance 8,400 700 Assessing 93000 750 Legal and Count Services 1,020 85 Library i 360 30 Public Works: I Administration 3,,600 300 I Engineering 14,400 1,200 � General 39,120 3x260 I Police 68,220 5,685 I Fire I 33,300 2p775 Public Health 3,480 290 � Inspections 6,720 560 Village dale. 1,260 105 Garage I 900 75 i Equip is Operatio _ 7 560 ! - 0209 630 1 0760 Fund Acli-M Y Ame Act. No. present -- CHNITU.1 SEFt ICES I GEf ERAL 25.100 EXPENIDI a URE DEETML Code Acli-M Y Object DeBe'� present -- — Ec san ended — Bndqev �rBcdcaa ALLOCATED TO OMa FUNDS: ,F1PdT3UAL MMITH .Y �I Swimming Poo: $__600 S 5Q Golf Courae 6,900 575 Recreation Center 5,280 440 Park 21,480 1,790 Waterworks 10,020 835 Saver Rental i 7,320 610 Liquor-50th Scree ' 4,620 385 Liquor-Southdale Liquor- Grandview I 4,260 x.200 355 350 I. 6_ 680 S 5 39Q i I i TOTALS S I $274s Gk I 22870 I I i � I I i ' i I � I I I VULLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 : Furctio�a Area Acct. No. � ®I.�iIPiG V Cr MT$AL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25.200 SUMMARY 1967 BUDGETED - ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 RECOMMENDED BUDCET'E® 8,440 90755 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9,668 $ 10,093 10,982 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE5 10,955 2,287 2,363 3. COMMODITIES 3,017 900 900 4. CENTRAL SERVICES l ® 260 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY n 720 $._ TOTALS 24a900 2A X00 COMMEENT'ARY FUNCTION This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hallo operating costs are allocated to departments oaa the basis of space occupied. CYSTS -- Proposed eapendituxes are fifteen percent (15r higher then last year's appropriation. Ogee -halt of the increase represents repainting of capper level offices. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Utilities Rubbish service Lmmdry services Electrical and furnace service Air Conditioning service oeneral supplies Carpenter materials and paint heplaacemant -light bulbs Central services AMOUNT $19228 150 140 222 200 150 130 550 50 360 TOTAL $3x180 II BUDGET f �3E ui: °�Siiv 'its Areu Bu �sIefi Y I y Act. Na } 1,E ;90LV 4C C<9101-R- Al. SERVICES � VILTUCE .MILL Custodian i 25.200 Cede' Object Bu �sIefi Y ftecomi- ileRded ��d8s�ed 1. Custodian $ 6"21,0 $ 6,720 Custodian 5,160 5,520 Entra help and Overtime 2x,424 36E�6€3 $13,824 $15,300 Allocated to other departments,. Library S 2,400 $ 2,600 Casrecge 9=6 384+ 1 _7J32 $ 7,440 $ 8o168 Public Works payroll SNOW 1 500 _ $ 8,440 ..C„668 2. lHeat $ 2,400 $ 2 400 Light crud pox -= 4,600 4,800 Water and sewer service 300 250 Insurance 425 425 Rubbish service 400 540 Laundry service 618 8 Electrical and furnace services I 400 601.) Air conditioning I service 450 600 � Contract service and f repairs 500 500 $10i,€�93 _� .110s955 i f i 3. Cleaning supplies S 660 $ 660 i Paper supplies 410 � 410 ; Gemeral supplies 320 450 Repair parts and haxq'dwame 247 i X? Carpenter mawes;ials aad paint 200 750 Rep lacemsat- light bulbs 450 ! _Soo �i I I 2,267 3,01 d;o General i 3Cc0 :� X260 _i _r a� TCRXAL ®11,11 ,,,E V. L ., -. 23 720 � � 24+ 900 - == -� - M.900 � VILAGE OFF EMMA AMPIUAL BUDGET FIAGE 81 Cc& Activity Objccit € OE -aal _ —R.. VOLVING CENTRAL SMVICES — VILLAGE HALL__ — 25.200 Cc& Activity Objccit € OE -aal PTwen Recow"nea ded ksdgeted DISTRIBUT tM ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DER UMEN S o ANNUAL MTHLY, Nayor and Council � $ 2,280 I � 190 Planning 636 53 Administaation I 4,080 340 Finance 1,560 � 130 Assessing I 1,560 130 Public Works: Administration I 636 � 53 Engineering I I 1,260 I 105 ! Police 4,560 + %R0 Fire 4,200 350 Public Health 636 53 Inspections I. -- 636 53 $22,044—mM ALLOCATED TO OTHER WDS e , Park $ 11560 $ 130 Wateruorks 720 60 Sever Rental 576 _48 _ S 2,,856 238 ! TOTAL � E $24 900 S 2,,075 i ! VILLAGE OF EDIyNA ANNUAL BUDGEE7 Pe4Gv-: 82 Fund Function Affen AW. No. REVOLVI CF°.l RAL SERVICES GAHACE 25.300 SUMMARY 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 59184 4,836 a. PERSONAL SERVEC ES 5x732 $ 10,252 11,128 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 11, 350 2,252 1,962 .1. COMMODITIES ID998 840 840 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 900 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 18 528 $—!L o Ti 66 TOTALS. COMMENTARY The function of the garage is to provide a shelter for equipment maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public works personnel. CMS Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8%) higher then last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the fncremseo Salaries aid wages Utilities Insurance Rubbish hauling Contract work Supplies Central services TOTAL iitW" 548 400 38 180 480 254 60 1,,02 „ VILLAGE OF EDINA AMMUAL BUDGE T PAGE 83 Fond Activity Objgd wets Act. No. moose mesaded Budgeted CRYMAL SERVICES GARAGE 25.300 EXPENDITURE M iL c ®de! Activity Objgd David — Present - -- moose mesaded Budgeted to Custodian $ 3,984 $ 48532 Public Works- payroll 1,200 1 200 $ 50184 $ 5832 2. Beat $ 4,800 $-4D800 Eight and power 4,000 43,200 Insurance 312 ; 350 I � Rubbish hauling 420 600 Seer and water 1 service i 200 400 Contract work I �� 520 I $10,25$118350 1 l 000 � j � 3o Cleaning supplies $ 400 I $ 350 General supplies, hardware aad repair parts 10552 1,348 Light bulb - replacc at 300 300 i $ 2,252 $ 1,998 4. General 840 900 TOTAL GAGE $18.528 $19 980 $19.980 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATF DEP TS a AMMAE Monluly Health $ 600 $ SO Public Works 10680 140 Equipmeut operatio 5 420 1 285 IALLOCATED TO OTC F S*. � Park ! I $ 1,, 680 $ 140 I watenrorks Sewer Rental, f i 300 300 i 25 _ 25 ! I 22222280 $ 190 TOTAL 190980 $1,665 � i I VILLIPlern OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 84 " (IISiCI I ��e9�'g #t�Y! - - - -- -- E= aPe{] - -- I r.CC$. No— REVOLVING i CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 0PE..RA3-1W I 25.400 SUWAART 1967 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1968 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 47,720 $ 43,163 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 53,000 $ 16,500 18,117 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,200 65,500 66,775 3. COW."»DIT @ES 69,500 17.196 17,196 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 22,980 5. CANT AL OUTLAY ;: 1469 � TOTALS 163 -680 COMMENTARY This accoaant provides for operation and maintengnca of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and poser tools. Costs of equipment operations are charged to operating departments and other funds on the basin of arse. CM&NTS Proposed expenditures are eleven percent (11%) higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. MOUNT � Salaries and %,ages $ 5;,280 � Radio service !46 Laundry 296 Contracted repairs 700 Insurance 900 j Replacement of tools 500 j Stock materials 500 j N_nrnnl�r�n n1ft 9 fe1a1 ft-:1 14 _f1m V�U?-.ASE OF ENNA ANNUAL € UDGE ' PAS E 85 Ftiss - - - - -- Faa€s:3 - - - -b c. - - -+ 23AVO VIpI CEELLh: 4, SERV CES p- I E-QU M- N nee�VSER T- I N 2e'5coe0.90 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity object Detail Pee��m� Budget Recomimenered Budgeted -- I L lachanic foreman $ 7,860 $ 8,700 Mechanic (2) 15,120 16,200 i erv3cemmn (night3 6,,780 7,440 erviceman 6,780 7,200 blic storks- payroll 6,000 5,000 time 2,000 2,150 arts clerk Qai1) 30,180 I 3,510 ark and Golf Course- payroll 2.800 $ t�.7s720 $ 53,000 20 dio segvace $ 4g196 $ 4,000 unC1 ontracted repairs 9 3 6,,300 1,200 7,000 aserance 51100 6,Q00 $ 16,500 $ 18,200 3, eplacement of tools $ 18500 $ 2,000 mock materials I 42030 4,500. I supplies 1,000 1,000 jelding asollne and fuel. oil 22,000 25DOOO ubr cants 3,500 3,504 ices and tubes ecessories and parts, ' 5,0 CE0 28 500 5,000 28J00 $ 65,508 I $ 69,500 4. 'enewal $ 2,820 S 7,560 Garage 1 1.1 376 15 420 17 196 $ 22 980 I i I i 1 I I I II I I I 0iE1'1F1',d I I i I I i I 146,916 $163,680 $163680 I I I V!LL AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PASE 86 Fund Activity Function I Avea - -- I Act. No. -- REVOLVIN Budgeted — CMURAL SFAVICES I EQUIPM OPERATION ( 25.400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted — DISMBUT2ON ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEP S s A lAL MONTHLY Adainistration $ 600 $ 50 Assessing C-00 S0 Public Works Englueering 5,400 450 Supervision and Overhead 6000 50 Street Wntena ce 60D540 5,045 Street Lighting 600 � 50 Street Sam Sig vs 1,620 135 Traffic Control 3,300 275 Bridges 840 ' 70 Storm Drainage 30300 275 Village Properties Police I I 59040 279300 420 2,275 Fire i 7.680 640 $1172420 $ 9,785 ALLOCATED TO OTHER JUNDS.- Swiming Pool $ 8o $ 70 Golf Course 12,900 1,075 Recreation Center 720 60 Parks ! 159300 1,275 Waterworks 60300 525 Sewer Rental 4,200 350 Construction (Ass :ssed yo jects) 6n000 1 i I $ � // 6,260 pp500 855 TOTALS $163,680 I $13,640 i I 1