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1969 Annual Budget
TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDLU OF MAXIICKM SALARIES, ORDWA CE AND SUMMARIES Schedule of Mabimm Salaries Budget Ordinance I -iI -III SuzmarY I -Revenue by Fund and Source IV- V Summary II - Esgenditures by Fiend and Function UZ °VII VIII IX DETAILS OF BXPENDITnES General Government Village Council planning 1 - 2 Administration 3 " 4 Finance 5 - 6 Election 7 - 8 Assessing 9 - 10 Legal and Court Services 11 12 Library 13 - 14 Public Works 15 - 16 Administration Ensineeri ug 17 - 18 Supervision and Overhead 19 - 20 Payroll - Suma ry r �. Distribution 21 - 22 Street Maintenance 23 Street Lighting 24 - 25 - 26 Street Nam Signs 27 - 28 Traffic Control 29 - 30 Bridges 31 - 32 Storm Drainage 33 m 34 Village Properties 35 - 36 Sidewalks 37 - 38 Capital outlay 39 - 40 Protection of Persons and Property 41 - 42 8olice Protection Fine Protection 43 - 44 - 45 Civilian Defense 46 - 47 Public Health 48 - 49 Aniaal Control 50 - 51 Inspections 52 Ran - Departmental Mrpenditures 53 - 54 Contingencies Settlement of Suits 55 Special Assessments on Tillage Property 55 56 Central Services- Capital Outlay Capital Imx:avement S8 ° 59 60 TABU OF CONTtE= CONTINUED Park end Recreation pAninistration 61 - 62 Recreation Programs 63 - 64 - 65 Park Maintenance 66 - 67 - 68 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 69 Capital Outlay 70 - 71 Other Tait Supported Eupenditures Relief and Public Nursing 72 Park Construction - Capital Movements 73 Bonds and Interest 74 Fire Protection 75 Fireman's Relief Association 76 Central Services General 77 - 78 - 79 Village Hall 80 - 81 a 82 Public Works Building 83 - 84 Equipment Operation 85 - 86 - 87 Other Data Schedule of M=. im m Salaries and Wages A Comparative Summary of Major Objects By Activity and Fund 8 Analysis C Details of Conferences and Schools D Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Rate in gills, and Taffies in Dollars, All Funds E VILLAGE OF EDINAA PAGE I October 7, 1968 SCBg ULE OF 14AXD4tJM SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEAR 1969 GMRAL tVWEIS'`BllaT10W Director of Ficaace and Treasurer Assessor Deputy Assessors Village Clerk tAlministrative Assistant Office Clerical - fiscal- secretarial: Clerical 1 (4) Clerical II (9) Clerical 111 (4) Clerical 19 (2) Legal ProsecutLng Attorney Planning Technician Accountant auditor PUBLIC SAFETY POLWE* Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Captains -2 years service 1 year service First year Detective Sergeants (School Liason): 2 years service 1 year service First year Serge2nts -2 years service I year service First year Detectives -2 years service 1 year service First year Patrolmen- 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Dispatchers -Desk clerks (monthly -two steps) Dispatchers- Desk clerks (Sourly) taM:r+: Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants Drivers Firemen 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Part- time PER MONTH $1,500 1,123 s20 560 600 420 4;65 50 610 500 950 700 (A) 1.500 1,050 1,000 950 915 900 880 895 a80 860 870 855 840 $20 785 750 710 650 550 3.00 1,025 925 845 795 770 740 710 675 615 $6.00 page cell up to 2 hours, and $3050 per hr. thereafter. $3.50 per drill. Schedule of Salaries and Wages Continued: PAGE II October 7, 1968 1'ilfiLIG SAFETY COOT' D. FIRM %,Of the total compensation for menbers of the Police Department $30.00 a tenth shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Dep=artment- in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extiuguishing of fire, and for qualifying for Red Crass first aid certificates. *::$30.00 per aonth of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties eutside normal firemen's duties as may be assipued by the Village manager. •* f*ff -duty police and paid €ireaen responding to calls and drills shall be paid the same as part-time firemen, (A) 1/2 of increase - -Jaz ary 1; 1/2 of increase - -J"ly 1. RUCTION PER XONTH Judges and Clerks $1.75 per hour Chairmen 2.50 Additional PARKS AND RECRRATION Director $18175 Assistant Director 025 Program Supervisor 575 Pool Manager (s) 490 Assistant Pool Eger (s) 425 Concession Neer (s) 215 per hour P000l Cashier (s) 1055 n Bathhouse- Concession Attendants �s) 1.25 Swimming Instructor (s) 2 6.40 .: Life Bards (s.) 2..40 e. Pool Maintenance (s) t .9® Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) 450 per month Baseball Assistants (s) 1o90 per hour Hockey Coaches (s) 2.615 Rink Attendants (s) 1o75 " Playground Leaders (s) 2:,25 Skating- Skiing Instiectors (s) 5000 lust. Class Park Keeper III# its Parr Reaper 11# Park Keeper I# 585 Golf Manager -• Pro 62s Golf Course Business Manager 656 Golf Course Saperintendent 160 Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Imuch Counter Clerks (s) 2i.40 per hour Arena - Nmager pro Arena a Assistant Ntanager 655 Arena - Maintenance supervisor 655 Arena - Concession Mrs er (s) 500 Arena - Wards, Cashiers, Coacession Attendants 2i,40 0 per hour Schedhale of Salaries cud Wages Continued: �FR1'�__STA,�,IRBS x liar ver Assistant Nauager Assistant Kauage:a - stages Clerks • Regular Clarks - PartY time MSPBCTORS Plumbing Building Deputy Inspector 12ALTH Health Officer Sanitarian Laboratory technician - (1/3 Edinaas share) (s) Sea: anal ` (A) 1/2 of increases - January 1b 1/2 of Increases -July 10 PUBLIC MRXS AND ENGMERING Director of Public W arks and Engineering Village E28imer Cbief Bsagin aevi2g Aide Rnginaeriug Aldo I® Englueerieg Aide III ftLueeriva Aide II 8ngineara sag Ai0e I Superintendent, Ptablic tiorks Superiuteadent, Hater Foreman • and mechanic) Office Clerk wavy Equipment Operators # Light Equipment Operators Maintenance M= � Mechanic N chanxc ° s helper # Janitor wer- cater Utility Man # # • starting mates may be 20% less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three muthso PAGE III October 7, 1968 PER MMTR $1,150 790 760 301x0 per hour 2055 It 865 900 700 (A) $ 25 1,000 700 $1,250 1,175 906! .775 7�S 625 530 1,100 925 920 665 718 648 585 718 648 660 648 ORDINAiNCE WO. 16 -P 12 PAGE IV ORDjNANICE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE VILEAGE OF EDINA FOR TIM YEAR 19699 AND ESTA:BLISH.LNG TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR ' 1968,, PAYABLE IIJ 1969 TR COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOSS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the 'Village cf Edina for the calendar year 1969 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and Rands are hereby appropriated therefor; GE30RAL i+iiND GENERAL GOVER M- 7 Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Court Services Library PUBLIC WRKS Administration Engineering Highways TOTAL GENERAL GOTMRM40T TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PRO`ECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal cvntzrol Inspection TOTAL PR0TECTION OF PERSONS ,AN-D PROPERTY NON- D.EPARTKEWTA,L EXPENDITUP.ES Contlingencies Settlemaut of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvements PARK FUND Administration Recreation Hai.nteusuce Capital Chiclay TOTAL 14ISCELLANEOUS Ab3D CONTINGENCIES "TOTAL GERRAL FUND TOTAL PARS; FL -ND $ 11,400 24,772 73,333 61,070 4,745 69,586 36,460 18,720 $ 24,025 192,495 718 *496 $567,634 235,980 3,592 28,755 15,600 47,528 S 15,000 500 40,000 16,392 50,000 $300,086 935,016 900,089 122,892 $28257.093 $ 83,,735 52,790 110,920 14,200 $ 161`645 ORD:i F ANCE M. 16-12 Continued. PAGE V Section, 20 Estimated Receipts other than General Taff Levy are hereby established as hereiaafter set forth: Village share -State Ugvor and Cigarette Taxes $1260080 Licenses and Permits 105,100 Municipal Court Lines 50,000 Departmental Service Charges 187,862 Other 73,150 Transfer from Liquor Nind 25,502 State Apportioaffients- Highways 44,500 State Apportionments-Sales Tax 194,617 Library rent - IIen:aepin County 36,219 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 6439029 • 14_ Registration Fees $ 27,000 Other 1,000 Transfer from General Fund 119 498 TOTAL PARR FUND 147,498 PARR WASTRUCTION MID Transfer from General Fund 802000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPT'S S1207OAS27 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable heal $nd personal pr©party in the Village of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set fortho For the General Fund For the Park Fund For.the Poor Fund For the Firemen's Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and Interest $1,414,05/4 114,147 14,980 5,600 115,.800 63,000 $1 „628 581 Section 4o This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publications according to law. Adopted this 30th day of September,;. 19680 (Signed) Arthur Co Sredeeen Jr. MA�'OR ATTEST: KSigMed Florence Bo Hallberg, VILLAGE CLERK S 1B9b Q.T3 6it7 77 Vt2A A!llf.77t AY C9^J V:11men SiD MY Y MVES BY FUND AND SOURCE GFN81Aia r-UN i Real and personal pgaperty taxes $932,950 $1,083,118 $1,1506596 $1,1368789 $1,4149054 Other Taxes-. 710 600 569 550 40,491 Interest, penalties and 45,000 66,235 50,000 2,612 2,871 forfeited tax sales 16,000 14,724 15,000 14,176 15,000 blortgage registry 16,573 16,185 15.000 16,199 16,000 Bank excise 1nS74 2,552 3,.000 1,497 2,500 State Highway can $ 34,,447 $ 33,461 $ 33,000 $ 31,872 $ 33,500 Licenses and permits: Bicycle $ 2,118 $ 2,576 $ 2,200 $ 2,233 $ 2,200 Beer and liquor 1,395 1,455 1,500 1,,370 1 „500 Cigarette 1,130 1,407 1,400 1,475 1,600 Beg and impounding fees 5,912 6,766 7,540 6.699 7,000 Food and drink 4,;775 5,475 4,500 4,680 4,;500 Gas pumps, tams, burning 222,000 225,000 223,000 225,000 225,000 permits, etc. 799 120 700 1,200 1,000 Bouliig, taxi, pinball, etc. 2.860 4,297 4,000 4,420 4,200 Scavenger and garbage collectors Building permits Cesspool and sewer permits Pluming 'pew is Sign permits Street openings Eeating and ventilating permits Other licenses and permits Swimming pool. permits 678 710 600 569 550 40,491 75,106 45,000 66,235 50,000 2,612 2,871 2,000 2,658 2,7503 13,926 21„811 12,500 23,562 16,000 3,514 2,504 3,200 2.726 3,500 1,950 1,275 900 1,454 1,200 4,116 4,620 3,500 5,867 5,500 325 1,661 1,400 627 700 900 $ 862631 $ 132,554 $ 90P,900 $ 125,773 $ 105,100 Hng,ineering, clerical and searches 152,108 236,832 125,000 185,799 160,000 Police service 7,067 6,408 7,600 7,790 9,062 Equipment rental 5,236 (912) 2,500 600 600 € unicipal court fines 46,326 55,236 45,000 50,686 50,000 State Highway can 38,833 41,520 43„000 43,140 54,500 State Liquor and Cigarette tax 110,142 122,268 127,200 127,127 126,080 State sale and use tax 194,617 ._194,G17 194,617 Planning .fees 2,657 2,159 2,096 2,459 29000 Charges to offer &nd-9 14,400 lzP'4,00 14,400 14,400 16,200 Contribution from active funds 222,000 225,000 223,000 225,000 225,000 Less transfer to Park P %nd 64,300 63,717 93,606 93,606 119,493 Less transfer to Par; Constriction Fund 87,000 60,000 80,000 80 "000 80,000 $ 70,700 $ 81,283 $ 51,394 $ 51,394 $ 25,502 1LAM 0117 ZDUM AMUAL MFORT PAGE V1 I ,MM"May I couzlmad Sale and rental of Property $ Special. zassessmentr --eree trisrMing Other miscellaneous revemm T k ac s f er- u nappropr iated 2,818 28,506 $ 13,66 --r $ 300 $ 876 $ 36,518 6,000 9,500 15,305 13,,350 surplus 114,100 Reserve for eucumbtances 7,400 1160100 Federal grant- librM 98,700 Income on invesments 1 s a" 13.312 X4 713 10.000 TOTAL GENERAL Fib 41,546 2085 ..,52;;1649223 $1,897,0071 $20000,060 $2,257,083 Real and personal property ME Realstratier. fees- swim�is�3 and activit €es Transfer from active farad TreesfeT frCM Un ropri& ted surplus Unclassified TOTAL PAM FUM it aVA Personal property tak TOTTAL POOR FUND P rCONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from active fund TOTAL PARR cONSIweTION FM E3'aAL AND PERSONAL $ 75r,307 $ 85,886 $ 93,329 4 929386 $ 114,147 20,773 220399 23,OGO 23,286 27,000 64,300 63,717 930606 93,606 119 ®4,98 1,000 6,000 1,500 x.,5043 1„284 1284: 10000 7654 11000 $ 162,664 $ 1790286 $ 212,425 $ 211x,542 $ 261,645 X29435 - -1ErJ3.e,, � _ 14n980 a4 830 $ 14;,980 $ 12,435 $ 14,814 $ 14,980 14+ 830 $ 14,,980 $ €17 9 004 $ -.901-000 $ 80 c'.00 $ 80,000 $ 80 y 000 $ 87,000 $ 80,000 $ 80, coo $ 80"00() $ 80.000 FiremnOs Relief Association$ 4,149 $ 4,370 $ 4,700 $ 4,653 $ 5,600 Fare Protection 11,296- 13,076 14,000 13,860 16.800 Bonds and Interest 67,817 62.163 � 62DSDO G1 875 63,000 TOTAL OTMR RHAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY- TAX REVEA3i9iS 83 „262 $ 792609 81,2430 $ 84£38€3 S 85;,600 TOTAL REVELNUE -ALL FWDS $2 391.1446 .2,35 $2,386.820 $2.,699,,108 9�i9 OF ENNA 3i L EONRT RA Yrr s � GENERAL FUND General Cove nment: Mayor and Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Cozsrt Services Li . TOTAL �q, Library RAg GOiERM 7 F�ab2ic E7oeaso Administratiom 8nalneering Supervision and Overhead Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Same Slgns Traffic Control Bridges Stour Dwainsge village °rcrperties Sidewalks Capital Outlay TOTAL PUBLIC WOMM Protection of Persons and Property, Police Fire Civilian Defease Public Health Anal Control zaspaetion TOTAL P BCTION OF PERWES AND PROPERTY swomy 11 01 ►. $ 10,643 $ 100276 $ 11,220 $ 10,660 $ ll,400 16,796 12,967 21,196 20,911 24,772 39,010 63,036 67,960 70,023 738333 52,270 55,993 62,035 64,334 61,070 0,306 3,846 7,785 7,605 4,745 52,045 53,282 59,026 59,779 69,536 35,802 35,622 33,520 361794 36,460 3,357 4,415 7,100 9,275 10,920 _ $ 239,037 $ 239,437 $ 271.530 $ 279,361 $ 3009006 $ 16,778 $ 20,524 $ 24,,721 $ 24,663 $ 24,025 135,467 214,410 125,705 198,143 192,495 64,750 71,436 05,090 06,410 (A) 202,615 260,376 293,330 2098632 401,760 40,423 53,669 50,100 56,739 97,776 7,334 7,565 7,020 9,546 148700 20,155 22,O49 26,,700 20,650 35,740 10,191 5,329 5,340 4,840 16,300 36,970 26,041 22,800' 33,153 41,240 22,095 24,347 32,,240 31,516 50,960 4,300 1,756 14,812 23.382 1811 109 - 33.500 - -- 33,,2L9 3F, 200 -- 588,218 $ 742,855 $ 721,046 $ 797,283 $ 935,016 $ 321,,526 $ 3688232 $ 447.017 $ 448,264 $ 567,634 161,753 170,822 2099131 209,634 236,9€0 2,363 3,030 3,627 3,543 38592 17,466 22,850 23,417 26,471 28,755 13,126 14,928 15,000 159195 15,600 36 693 9005 43,.892 43,917 472526 $ 552,932 $ 619,.867 $ 744,,084 $ 746,024 $ 900,089 MM" OF HDIFA ANN= REPOR$ PAGE IX SIRWARY 18 coutfmaed U M = MARUa42 1jan. Daps twntol ftpwdita res s CantiMencies settlemnt of Suits Special Assessmats on Village Property Ll�ilocated Capital Outlay Capital improvements Central Services - Unallocated Construction to progress- library TOTAL IM- DEPARTMENTAL B HDITORNS TWAL GMERAL FUND Administration Recreation Hal ateas a Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK WHD WS ana Interest: Improvement Fund Park Sinking Fund Firemen °s Relief Association Fire Protection TOTAL OTIOR TAX SOPPORTRD TOTAL $ 5,162 $ 6,158 $ 13,097 S 7,109 $ 15,000 23 100 500 .ISO S00 31.378 34,601 35,000 37,382 40,000 7,301 7;903 110750 9,696 16,392 50,000, 72,500 100,000 100,000 50,000 24,086 13.538 80.000 80.000 80,000 356,4+00 ,137 42.095,359 $1.897,007 $1,977,005 $2,257, $ 42.683 $ 48,037 $ 65,707 $ 65,455 $ 83,735 39,453 42,351 45,190 458269 � 52,790 74,153 829644 88,828 92,984 1109920 7 „497 7,850 12,,700 12481 14,200 $ 163,766 $ 180,002 $ 212,425 $ 216,189 $ 261,645 12,435 11,402 14,980 14.780 14,980 87.000 80,000 80.000 80.000 80,000 $ 10.620 $ 10,723 $ 11.000 $ 10,780 57,197 51r,440 511,500 51,095 $ 630000 $ 67,817 $ 62,163 $ 62,500 $ 61,875 $ 63.000 4.149 4,370 4.700 4,653 3,600 11.,296 138076 14,,000 13,860 16,800 $ 83,262 2 79,609 $ 81.200 $ .60„388 $ 85,400 y1,8444,620 $2,447.252 $2,285,612 42,368,362 52,699 .,108 Note A - This account has been allocated to operating departments based upon estimated labor cost. VHU.I.GE OF EDEMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1 ��srd Pw'setiQn ' Ama Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMNT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 21.100 SUMMARY 1968 OUDGE`TED — _ — ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 _ RECOMMENDED BUDWED ' 7,200 7,200 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 7,200 $ 400 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400 800 640 3. COMMODITIES 800 2,820 2,820 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3,000 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 11 220 s_30 -660 TOTALS $11F400 X11 400 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division of Edina Village Goveramen.t. The Council is composed of the Mayor and four trustees, all elected at large for overlapping terms of two and three yew's, respectively. The Mayor is the official head of Tillage Goverment and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets an the first and third Mondays of each twnth at the Village Ball. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are one percent (1 %) higher than last year's appropriation, The increase is represented by a large provision for Central Services. V! Li, S ` 0 --- DH, IA ANNUML Irr A E., F. 2 t' glad NE R40. GENERAL GOVERRHER19.1 Amu i MAYOR AN UNC D ODIL 1 21000 EXPENDIFURE DF.TAU, C., Id-2 Adaviij 0j"bic-C.'T Details L mayor 2,400 $ 2,400 Trustees -4- q000 4,800 7,200 200 4 Con gere nces and schools 400 400 j ! j W f Annual reports $ 400 000 News Letlter •00 400 i$ 800 i $--60 4. General i $ 140 660 Village Hall 21280 2040 I ( r � G y�6L9 � Y � 1000 TUTOL MOUR W I � COUNCYL i i i 19Fi8 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED ED 12,150 12,750 r 475 3,395 75 21,196 4,352 343 3,395 70 20,,911 SU.tAM A R OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE-': 3. C®MM0DMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. Vfi PITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMEWARY 1959 $ 15,550 $ 4,837 425 3,950 244772 $_M.2772 FUNCTION The function of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the Village Council, Planning Commission, to other Village departments, and to the Village Manager, and to a limited degree to other agencies, both public and private, whose activities; influence the physical development of the Village of Edina .Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various land use and development ordinances, submission of recommendations on matters of zoning and subdivisions before the Council and Planning Commission- and the preparation and review of overall development planso COZ40NTS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent (17 %) higher than last year's appropriation,. Salary increases and summer help represents most of the increases requested. The below listed detail contributes to the increases. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $3,400 Conferences and schools 25 Dues and subscription 7 Meeting expense 245 Commodities 50 Central services 564 Capital outlay 75 -- TOTAL, $3,576 Area I Accr. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING 21,110 19Fi8 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED ED 12,150 12,750 r 475 3,395 75 21,196 4,352 343 3,395 70 20,,911 SU.tAM A R OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE-': 3. C®MM0DMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. Vfi PITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMEWARY 1959 $ 15,550 $ 4,837 425 3,950 244772 $_M.2772 FUNCTION The function of the Planning Department is to provide staff service to the Village Council, Planning Commission, to other Village departments, and to the Village Manager, and to a limited degree to other agencies, both public and private, whose activities; influence the physical development of the Village of Edina .Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various land use and development ordinances, submission of recommendations on matters of zoning and subdivisions before the Council and Planning Commission- and the preparation and review of overall development planso COZ40NTS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent (17 %) higher than last year's appropriation,. Salary increases and summer help represents most of the increases requested. The below listed detail contributes to the increases. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $3,400 Conferences and schools 25 Dues and subscription 7 Meeting expense 245 Commodities 50 Central services 564 Capital outlay 75 -- TOTAL, $3,576 VILLAGE 0,11; EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4 FL: s Fuacfian Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMIENT PLANNING 21.110 FAPENDrIURE MAIL Code A Activifry O Object O O�antfl B Bud Preset R Recommended B Budgeted "ALLA E OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 5 Fund ! ustfian Area Aca. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION 21.200 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1969 BUDGETED $ 47,670 $ 48,801 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 54,000 $ 51,900 5,823 7,199 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,848 6,048 175 123 3. C0MMODITIES 325 325 13,800 13,800 d• CENTRAL SERVICES 14,460 14,460 500 100 5. CAPITAL OUTI..AY 600 600 :,67.968 70_023 TOTALS $ 76.233 7$ 3.333 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The management of the Village's administrative affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws and ordinances, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. This account provides his office with the necessary staff and funds to properly manage the administrative organization needed to implement his responsibility. COI MENTS Proposed expenditures are twelve percent (12%) higher than last year's ,appropriations. The principle reason for increase is salary increases and additional summer help. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. UNG1 Salaries and wages $6,33 0 Conferences and schools r0 Dues and subscription 1,025 Mileage 50 Commodities 150 Central services 660 Capital outlay 100 TOTAL 8 265 �? 1 F Ir Ef:��s ,= � � (� y 14 F's aa 02a ®i9 A0. No. GENERAL GENERAL C-OVEMIENT ADMINISTRATION S ION 21.200 EYTEIMIOa y URE M-TAIL Cock, Activiij obgace 02a ®i9 P7ason I Budget 1 ,�tMO�as�Ieaa$ed Q€�d;�s�ad 1. Pglaaaager $21,000 $23,400 $23,400 Administrative Assistant 7,350(A) 8,100(A 6,000 Village Clerk 5,850(A) 6,720 6,720 j Secretary 5,160 5,700 5,700 I P3-X Operator 4,140 4,560 4,560 �C1er4" (k) 2,370 2,520 2,520 ' St nme r help and I overtime, 1,800 3 000 3.000 ! ; $47,670 $54,000 $51,900 I lCongerences 2, and I I schools $ 488 i $ 438 $ 438 Dues and subscriptions I 1,735 i 2,760 1,960 j Legal advertising ; 3,500 ! 3,500 3,500 Mileage 100 150 150_ $ 5,823 $ 6,948 $ 6,048 I 3. printing $ 150 { $ 275 Books and 1pnophlets 25 j 50 $ 175 i $ 325 325 4. General $ 9,120 I $ 9,720 Village Hall 4,080 � 4,140 i Equi-pment operation 600 600 $13,800 $14,460 $14,460 � i 5:, Auto replacement TOTAL, ADMI €vIS R 101 500 $67,968 I 600 ; $76,1:33 I 600 $73n333 � I I (A) $50.00 January j I � and X50.00 i I July 1. I I � I I i � j j VI EDGE OF EDeNA A6'INUAg. BUDGET PACE 7 Fund Function Area Aca. Rya. GENERAL GENERAL r- OVEFiNMENT FINANCE 21.210 _ 1 g6E3_ BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 39,995 $ 41,365 7,530 50 9,960 10,300 62 835 2,677 32 9,960 10,300 $ 64,334 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SERVECES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1969 t1XOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 46,185 $ 3,040 75 550 61 , 070 $ 61.9070 TOTALS Y_ — COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Finance Department is responsible for the financ-'al affa, .--s of the Village. All revenue and expenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Oenartment. A centraliyed system of purche.sing is maninta:Aned. Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance Department. CCVjl\MTTS Proposed expenditures are three percent (3 %) lower than last year's appropriation. Salary increases and a half-time person. to help out during vacations and sick leaves, represents an increase of tern percent (10 %). No appropriation for the accounting system represents a decrease of twenty percent (20 %). The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $69190 Conferences and schools 15 Dues and subscriptions 25 Annual audit 500 Books and paffphlets 25 Central services 19260 Capital outlay 9750 TOTAL $1 765 VILLAGE OF EDI a ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 Fund Function Area Act No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT � FINANCE 2 i.210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Conde Actwob" Object Detail Present Budget Recosr waandzad Budgeted 1, Director $15,900 $18,000 Accounting.Clerk 6,240 5,580 Secretary 6,240 6,720 Cashier 5,040 5,490 Payroll Clerk 4,800 5,580 Accountant (4) Accounting Clerk { ) 1,775 2,025 2.790 $39,995 $46,185 2. Conferences and schools $ 470 $ 455 Tiller =d i subscriptions 60 85 Annual audit 2,000 2 500 $ 2,530 I $ 3,040 3o Rooms and pamphlets 50 75 41 General $ 8,400 $ 9,600 Village Hall 1,560 1 620 $ 9,960 $11,220 5o Accounting system with various means of input and high speed computation ` (1/3) $10,000 Electric typewriter replacement 300 $ 300 Desk and chair 250 10 300 $ 550 t � TOTAL. FINANCE I II j $629835 $61,070 $61,070 I VILLAGE Of EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 9 Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION 21.400 SUMMARY 1968 I BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 REC0MMENDED BUDGETED $ 5,108 $ 5,040 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,185 $ -337 250 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 132 375 350 3. COMMODITIES 520 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,965 1,965 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,908 7,785 $.605 TOTALS $ 4,745 $ 4,745 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village Clerk is responsible for conducting all National, State, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Edina. COMMWS Proposed expenditures are less than last year's expenditures. Only a local election will be held during 1969. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $2,923 Custodians 25 Moving charges 180 Commodities 145 Capital Outlay 57 TOTAL $3„040 VILLAGE OF- EDINA AaNMUAL 6W;G;2T E 10 GBENERIU, GOVEIRRAIENT 'EXPE'N'DITURF IDETAOL kea ELECTION me. 21.400 Cc&! Object Dewfl i t! jg I— sct RecolammPolea — 1. Election judges' 1 $3,828 $1,310 Set-up time 779 260 Registration 5,01 615 $5, 1. I $2,185 L Custodians $ 37 12 Moving chnrges 300 120 $ 337 $ 132 3� I Bal lot S $ .50 $ 6•00 Pr-Inted forms 325 120 520 5 Installwer't Daymeern.: I 10 -voting machi-!L s i 1,965 1 11 908 TOTAL ELEMON $7 765 4 745 $4.745 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET I PAGE lI Fund I=usetemn Area Acct. Na. GENERAL GENERAL G0VERNMENT ASSESSING 21.500 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMfVj6:RY 1969 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 46,650' $46,644 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 52,440 $ 1,581 1,570 a. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,331 435 4 +05 3. COWAODITIES 435 11,160 11,160 4. CENTRI AL SERdICE 12,660 S. CANTAL OUTLAY 59,626 59279 TOTALS q - 69 586 COMMEWARY EtNCTION The assessing function includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and maintenance of tax records of all properties within the Village. Special assessments levied for improvements are also computed and spread on the rolls by personnel of the Assessing Department. I COAMNTS Proposed expenditures are fifteen percent (15 %) higher than last year's ,appropriations. About sixty percent (600) of increase is caused by selary (increases. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $5,790 Conferences and schools 50 IBM- preparing assessments 200 Appraisal services 1,500 Central services 1,500 TOTAL $9 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Fund Function -7 I Arco Act. No. GU ERAL GENERAL GOVE %, MN'r I ASSESSING 21.500 EXPENDITURE Dl ii AIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Recommended Budgeted 1� Assessor $12,600 $13.500 413,500 Deputy Assessor 8,400 9,600 9,840 Deputy Assessor 8,160(A) 9,600 9,840 Secretary 5,520 6,000 6,000 Appraiser - auditor 7,050(B) 8,400(C 8,640 Assessment Cleric 4,920 5,340 5.340 $46,650 $52,440 $53,160 2. ;Conferences and I i schools $ 440 $ 490 Dues and subscriptions 91 91 IBM preparing assessments 300 500 Tax books and ownership records 250 250 Mileage ' 500 500 Appraisal services 1,500 I $ 1,581 $ 3,331 $ 3,331 3. Printing $ 250 $ 200 Photographic supplies 75 100 General supplies 110 135 $ 435 $ 435 $ 435 4o General $ 9,000 $10,440 Village Hall 1,560 1,620 Equipment operation 600 j 600 $11,160 $12,660 $12x660 TOTAL ASSESSING $39,826 Imo86 S69..586 c "A 5500 Januar 1 an� $40.00 July 1 i is$ $25.0€3 :Janus 4 1 anq $2500 Julys I i � (C) $75.00 Janeuar. I 1 an i � $50 00 July 1 I � j Vi' CE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 13 1 uyd Functimn Area Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT LEGAL, AND COURT SERVICES 21.600 SUMMARY 1468 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1969 BUDGETED S 6,000 $ 6,000 T. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 61000 $ 26,500 29,754 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29,500 3. C0MMODITIES 1,020 1,020 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 960 S. CAPITAL OUT UY 33,520 36,774 TOTALS $,36,460 $. .4 6 0 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village requires the professional services of attorneys who are contracted fnr on an swwal basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions required to implement the wishes of the Council. In addition, they defend the Village in all claims and suits and prosecute all cases arising out of violation of Village ordinances. Proposed expenditures are nine percent (9%) higher than last year's appropriation. iThe below listed detail contributes to the increase. MIOUNT Professional fees 3,000 Board and room- prisoners 1,000 Hennepin County Court Costs 1,000 Central services 60 TOTAL IL140 V L,�C E 04 EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PA SE 14 Fa^d FuncNen Area Act. No. GENERAL !� I MMERAL GOVERA:MENT i1GAL AND COURT SERVICES -- — 21.600 — FRVENDITURE 0ETAIL I Code Activi a object Detail Present Recommecded — Budgeted 1. Prosecuting attorney $ 6,000 $ 6,000 2� Dues and subscripti ®s $ 100 $ 100 Profesaional fees 17,000 20,000 - Board and room - prisoners 3,000 4,000 Witness fees 900 I 900 Fiennepin County i Court charge I 5,500_ 4,500 $26,500 $29,500 4. General 1,020 960 TOTER. LEGAJ, AND I � I I I i it COURT SERVICES t $33,52 0 I $36 460 $36.460 i I I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 15 Fund function Area Acct. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LIBRARY 21.700 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 3,400 $ 4,438 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 8,250 S 2,370 2,264 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,890 1,050 713 3. COMMODITIES 1,200 360 360 d• CENTRAL SERVICES 1,380 1,500 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,180 $ 9,273 TOTALS 18, 720 a 18, -�.= 0 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The building and grounds of the Edina Branch of the Hennepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Edina. Hennepin County supplies the books and librarians, ICOMMSNTS Proposed expenditures are one hundred sixty percent (160 %) higher than last 1year °s appropriation. The cost of operating a substantially larger library for a jfull year is the reason for the increase, AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ 4,850 Heat 1,800 Light and power 3,120 Water and sewer service 150 Insurance -fire 350 Contract work 50 Rubbish removal 150 Commodities 150 Central services 1.020 TOTAL $11,540 VILLAGE OF EDINA - ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 16 Fund Function Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT LIBRARY 21.700 EVENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present 8sdget Recommended Budgeted 1. Custodian $2,600 $ 6,000 Payroll-Public Works 800 750 Extra help and overtime 1,500 $3,400 $ 8,250 2� Heat Light and power $ 600 480 $ 2,400 i 3,600 Water and serer service 50 200 Insurance-fire 100 450 Contract work 300 250 Rent 840 840 Rubbish removal 150 $2,370 $ 7,890. 3. Cleaning supplies $ 200 $ 500 Repair materials 200 350 Painting and decorating 150 Contingencies 500 350 $1,050 $ 1,200 4o General 360 1,380 7,,180 $18.720 i I I TOTAL LIBRARY $18,720 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 17 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1968 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED Fund Function Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 22.050 SUMMARY BUDGETED 1968 ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED ' _ BUDGETED $ 19,680 $ 19,680 B. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 22,020 $18,720 630 577 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,685 685 25 20 3. COMMODITIES 4,236 4,236 4. CENTRAL SERVICES '4,620 4,620 150 150 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,721 I $ 24,663 25 24a025 $ COMMENTARY FUNCTION The supervision and guidance required by various departments, such as engineering,, street, sever and water, is furnished by Director of Public Works. The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account. 794 'i- Proposed expenditures are eighteen percent (18`/o) higher than.last year's appropriation. Salary increases and employment of a management consultant are principle reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. UVR51WN Salaries and wages 2,340 Conferences and schools 55 Management consultant 2,000 Books 25 Central services 384 Capital Outlay __ 150 TOTAL $4,604 ` I UAGE OF EDITA ANNUAL BUDGEY 'PAGE 18 ti 8a6B7 Fmction A reu Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINIS'TMATION 22.050 EXPENDITURE DNAI e � Aetivkq ®bjeast Detail Budget s�t ��� Recommerded Sudg eW 1� Director $16,200 $18,300 $15,A00 Secretary () 3,480 3,720 3n720 $19,680 $22,620 $18,720 j 2� Conference 8 and schools $ 364 $ 415 j $ 415 I `Dues and I � subscriptions 30 I iii 30 mileage 240 240 240 H anagement I I consultant 1 tant ' 2.000 � I j I $ 630 2,685 $ 685 ' 3� Boos 25 4. General j $ 3,600 $ 3,900 I Village Hall �� 636 720 4,236 $ 4,620 $ 4,620 f$ 5, Radio -phone 150 I I I TOTAL A1�fIY1?S��lO I j I I I 24 721 $29,325 S24_025 I I I I I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED Fund Function Area Acct. too. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22.100 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 95,600 $120,379 a. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 118,575 $ 4,295 46,705 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,460 4,000 8,796 3• C0NLMODITIES 5,500 21,060 21,060 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 27,960 750 1,203 5. CA?ITAL OUTLAY 4,000 125,705 anz.143 TOTALS x,192,495 995 COMMENTARY FbNCTION The Engineering Department prepares plans,.specifications, and estimates for public construction projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and other structures and improvements. It supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordance with project specifications. The department maintains records and files on all above mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment, COMENTS Proposed expenditures are fifty -three percent (53 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About one -third of the increase is represented by .salary increase, overtime provision and summer help,: Another fifty percent is represented by professional service for special. cork and design of various projects. This is offset by a reverma item in equal amount. The belo49 listed detail contrihutes to the increase, TOTAL 66 790 AMOUNT Salaries and gages $22,975 Conferences and schools 100 Dues and subscriptions 15 Professional services 31,000 Mileage 50 Computer time 1,000 Blue Printing 750 Lumber and tools 500 General supplies 250 Central services 6,900 Capital outlay 3,250 TOTAL 66 790 VILLAGE 0y'- ENNA ANNWAL BUDGET pA -C- 20 Fund Function Ares Act. No. GENERA'S PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22.100 EXPEW 9 URE DETAH, Code Activity object Detail OcAget Recommended Budgeted � 1� Engineer $ 12,300 $ 14,100 i i Survey Chief IAide IV - (2) 9,840 16,680 10,800 18,600 1 Aide III- (3) 23,220 26,100 Aide II - (2) 13,080 15,000 I ! Secretary Q) 3,480 3,720 Clerk - typist 4,500 5,100 ! Overtime and summer I help 12 500 25,155 $ 95,640 $118,575 i I L (Conferences and schools Duets and ; $ 110 $ 210 I . I subscriptions I 35 ! 50 ! I Professional service6 4,000 I 35,000 Mileage 150 200 ` Compu to r time 1,000 $ 4,295 $ 36,460 j 3. Blue printing $ 1,750 $ 2,500 Lumber and tools 2,000 1,500 General supplies 1,250 1 500 $ 4,000 $ 5,500 4„ General 1 $ 14,400 $ 20,040 ! Village Hall 1,260 1,500 Equipment operation 5.400 6,420 ! $ 21,060 $ 27,960 I ! I 5� Drafting table $ 750 i j I i Replacement- two Pickup trucks I Office furniture I $ 3,500 _500 f i $ 750 ! $ 12000 $125 705 2 495 ;�19_, i TOTAL ENGINEERING !� � i t $192,4x95 t VILAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 21 Fsu:1d ! Function OBJECT Area Aca. Flo. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS 47,563- $ SUPERVISION AND 0VERHEAD 23.100 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 43,335 $ 44,573 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 47,563- $ 855 378 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 641 300 67 3. CO!AMODIT'IES 250 41,400 41,400 4. CENTRAL SEWCE5 44,280 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 335,3:0 �L86,4L18 9OTALS ,736 $_.L2.736 COMMENTARY All Public Works personnel (other than Engineering) are under the supervision of the Public Works Superintendent, U., through this account, plans and coordinates his activities, maintains cost and *.pork records, and provides the training and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and efficiently. '"Paid Leave90 represents all vacation, sick, funeral, etc. leave used by all Public Works employees Proposed enpenditures are eight percent higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL S6,846 This account has been allocated to operating departments based upon estimated labor cost, AMOUNT I Salaries and usages: Supervision $20230 Training 1,000 Paid leave 12000 $4,230 Conferences and schools 214 Training aids 50 Central services 2.,880 -- TOTAL S6,846 This account has been allocated to operating departments based upon estimated labor cost, VIUA6 'E" OF EDINA MMt,��,,UAL PAGE 22 I ��:3 I e �acge i `�s: I Arno �Xo. cm, IIS" "AL FOBLIC WORMS i SUPERVISION All,--; OVE'RHEAD 23.100 Cc A3 Object u dMfl at aecommended Ds;dqckasd 11,10 supe=-7islon i Superintendent $12,300 flit $13,200 Cost Clerk 3,510 3,990 Accountant Q) 1,775 2,025 Overtime and sumier help 1, 750 2 350 $19,335 $21,365 2, Conferences and schools Lies I $ 265 $ 301 and subscriptiono 40 40 !'Physical, examinatior-SL--io— so $ 355 i $ 391 4 General $39,120 $41,700 %bile Works Building 1,680 i 1,980 Equipment operation 600 600 4, 1 A 0 - . 0 J $44,280, _$66,236 $61,090 TOTAJ, SUIDERVISIGIN 1 1120 wratinin.- 1 Payroll $ 2,000 $ 3,000 Congerencea and' echools I 500 250 3� Training aids 300 250 TOTAL TRAINING i $ 2,800 i $ 3,500 11-4.0 Paie leave 1� IPayrall e;,)2 000 $23,00n TOTAL 13AID LEAVE '171U,000 j 23, j 2ND 0VERRIMAD i L 81 $ L 7a6 $92,736 _8 _ VILLAGE OF BD= AMA% BUDOT PAGE 23 BUMJC MORKS PATIMM S 1i 0 DISTlIM1011 Title 1®�=* amthlz 1960 1969, 1968 Sal 1969 re 1968 rintena 1ID69 F ®rya 1 1 $M Wo 8 Ge940 $ 9,8a Senior Public Works Han 7 10 675 720 56,700 86,400 Senior Sigh Man 1 675 8,100 55,000 Public Works Man 14 13 605 650 101,640 101,400 Maintenance Man 1 1,000 542 34,000 6,504 12000 TGmporary? Saaimer Help 500 Street Neme Signs 6,800 6,800 Overtiffis Traffic Control.- 21,725 19,764 246 24 500 Charged to assessed $210,409 $224,204 Pars tieinteneace P& roil projects and others 4,500 Gmaerd rails and barricades 1,500 8,800 15,000 Bridges 2,500 Central Services: TOTAL ,$219,209 $239,204 DISTRIBUTION - ?ublic Works; Village Propertiees Supervision and Overhead- Turf and plant Training S 3,000 maintenance $ 6,000 Paid leave 23,000 Tree maintenance 10,000 Street Maintenance: Lake and pond General Maintenance 55,000 maintenance . 5,000 Street cleaning 22,000 Public Sidrawalkw-o Street renovation 20,000 Maintenance and repair 1,000 Snow and ice removal 34,000 Snow and ice rival 12000 Street Lighting 500 Street Neme Signs 5,000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $220,000 Traffic Control.- Traffic signs 5,000 Signal maintenance 500 Charged to assessed Pavement Marking 3,000 projects and others 4,500 Gmaerd rails and barricades 1,500 Charged to other .funds 6,204 Bridges 2,500 Central Services: Storm Drainage: Village Hall 1,500 Storm sewer maintenance 20,00..0 Public Works Building 1,000 Teaporary drainage and Equipment operation 61000 culverts 2,00.0 TOTAL $239,204 Vd�L4%SE 1)17 , `. ANNU AL BUDGET PAGE 24 r- :,w' . l .. Fw-tction -- - - - - -- - - -__ _ acs Aca. No. GENERAL i PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENMCE 23.200 SWAKkRY _ 1968 BUDGETED _ ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1969 BUDGETED $130, M0 $130,235 1. PERSONAS. SERVICES $131,060 $131,000 30,500 30,170 2- CONTRACTUAL SERVIC25 78,500 67,500 72,350 68,587 3. CC!J1WM001T1ES 79,600 79,600 59,640 59,640 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 123,660 123,660 1 S. CA? s'sA OUTLAY ,29x3,330 $$!88,632 TOTALS 412,760 7 6O COhWENTARY FUNCTION The maintenance of Village streets constitutes the greatest portion of the Public: [fork:g endeavor. As the word "mai.ntenance01 implies, the purpose of this a.cemant is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streets within the Village., Improvements such as blacktopping, curbing, oiling, and installation of draivage facilities, are normally financed through an assessment procedure and are, therefore, not included in this account. This account does provide for mc.h maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, se&ling and snowy plowing. U=4EM Propr3sed expenditures are forty -one percent (41%) higher than last year's appropriation. Fifty-tFO percent (52 %) of the increase is represented by re- classification of supervision and overhead. Contracted construction for alley construction and replacement of streets and curb and gutter is the principle reason for the balance of thy. increase The below= lasted detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Contracted repairs Trash removal Contracted work -Seal coat Contracted Construction: Alleys Replacements Commodities: Street cleaning Street renovation Snow and ice removal Central service Supervision and overhead AMUNT $ 160 19,000 S00 25,000 7,500 35,000 ''51 3,000 3,000 1.,620 62.400 TOTAL $ 1.19 , 430 OF EDNA ANNUAL SUDGET FUE-W I Function I Aaea GEHEI AL 1 PUBLIC WOWS { STREET MAINTENANCE WEND17URE DETAIL PAGE 25 Act. No. 23.200 bode Actllyitj Object Dawfl ��dacd Recol"Imended Budgeted 210 General M�aintenance 1. Payroll $60',840 $55,000 2, Equipment rental $ 11000 $ 1,000 i Contracted repairs _ 24 000 5,000 a $25,000 $ 6,000 3.. 3:311 material $ 2,000 $ 2,000 I Calcium Chloride 1,000 1,000 Sa.l t 600 1 600 j i Asphalt Alias 16,000 15,000 j I DIC1 oil 2,000 I 2,000 I Concrete 500 500 ,Jacking material 1,000 1,000 � i .Joint material j 300 500 I General supp? i.es I 500 500 Clans V material � 3,000 4,000 $27,100 $27,100 I E 4, Equipment operation I 17,640 I 17,640 � Supervision and TOTAL GETeTE MA overhead 11TE11ANCE $..:30,580 26,280 $132,020 $132,020 220 Street Cleaning 1� Payroll $ 20,000 I $ 22,000 2 �, I Trash removal 500 3., Brooms $ 3,500 $ 3,000 Wearing shoed 750 I 750 Wet water additive � 00 250 $ 4,750 $ 4,000 j 4, Equipment operation 131,020 13,500 ' Supervision and � TwAr&" ST-ZT I C ' LE7 I overhead ING � _ y$ 38,270 I 109380 �$ 49,880 i $ 49,880 I 2401 St_reot Renovation I 1, Payroll $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 2. I Contracted v orki + 1 100,6300 square yard; I of seal coat 25,000 j 15,000 3. asphalt mix: $ 6,000 $ 10,000 I I 011 9,000 9,000 ' Granular materials 7,500 8,500 j $ 24,500 _ $ 27,500 $ 27,500 I I 4. Equipmnt operation I 13,500 13,920 13,920 Suvervision. and � overhead i I 9,540 9 , 40 { � TOTAL ST ff ET PEN { VATION -- $ 5B,(300 f�$ I I ` 95,960 $ 85,960 VUJ %GE OF EDINA ANNNUAL BUDGET PAGE 26 Fu d Fsllo."On — I— kx A0. No. I -- GEI3ERAI PUBLIC WORKS � i I STMET MAINTENANCE 23.200 y I EXPEN0i URE 0EML I Code lactia-My Object OeomslI Meet 3saeBded Budgeted 270 Snow and Ice —ego Removal 1� Payroll $ 30,000 $ 34,000 2. Equipment rental 5,000 5,000 3. Salt $ 7,000 $ 22,000 I IIII 1 c Calcium Chloride (send 4,000 _59000 5,000 4 000 1Equipment $ 16,000 ; $ 21,000 4� operation Supervision and 15,480 I 16,200 TOTAL SNOC� III AND I overhead :E REMOVAL I 16,200 $ 66,480 92,400' 1 $ 92,400 1260 Alley Construction 2� 1 Contracted i TOTAL ALLE CONS, Construction UCTION _ $ 71500 $ 6.500 $ -0@ I $ 7,500 2901 FzPla.cezants 21 i Contracted TOTAL RE MITMY Construction CS $ 35,000 35 000 $ -0. 35 000 I I i TOTAL STREIBT MAIINTENMICE i $293J30 $412.760 4012 760 WiAGE OF EDENA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 `EiRd iflielwfi n Area ACC @. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGhTIP3G 23.300 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1969 BUDGETED 500 $ 162 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 500 � 56,000 53,543 3. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 95,400 1,000 2,434 3. COMMODITIES 1,000 600 600 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 876 5. CANTAL OUTLAY 58.100 I $ 56 73 TOTALS $97.776 $ 776 COMMENTARY The overhead street lighting system throughout the Village, with the exception of ornamental and special type units, is installed and maintained by Northern States Power Company, The Village's obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electrical power to all lights and to maintain the ornamental and special units. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are sixty -eight percent (68 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Thirty percent (309,) of the increase is represented by additional power cost. The balance of the increase represents cost of 200 new units and 100 replacement units, The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Power $12,000 Supervision and overhead 276 Contracted services 274400 TOTAL $39,676 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGE` WAGE 28 Fend Functicaa Avea Act. loo. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET LIGHTING 23.300 EXPENDITURE DIMIL Cede Activity Object 6atcq@ Present Recommended Budgeted 310 Operation and Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 500 $ 500 20 Power $54,000 $56,000 i Contracted repairs 2 000 2 000 $56,000 $65,000 3� Repair parts 1,000 1,000 4. Equipment operation 600 600 I Supervision and TOTAL OPE 'ATION overhead WD MAINTENAIICE 276 $58,100 i $70,376 320 Ornamental Light- i ' ins I 2� Contracted services New units (200) $ 2,400 iteplacesceatt, I waits (100) 25,000 I TOTAL ORN gENTAL LIGHTING $ �_-0_ "- - - - - -- 227,400 TOTAL STREET i i 1 � I � LIGHTING I i $58,100 $97,776 $97,776 I f � VMAGE OP c.-DINNA. ANNUAL BW DGET PAGE 29 SUWIA€ Y 1968 0SUDGETSD ESTIMATED Area Acct. No. GENERAL I PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGNS 23.400 SUWIA€ Y 1968 0SUDGETSD ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 2, 500 5,731 9. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5,000 5 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,700 2,195 3. COMMODITIES 5,500 1,620 1,620 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,200 5. C PiTAL OUTLs1Y 7 , 820 _ 9, 546 TOTAL S 14, 700 1 — nn COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Village installs and maintains all street name signs. This account provides for installation and maintenance,. iBP�`"i'S Proyposed expenditures are eighty -eight percent (88 %) higher than last year's appropriation. One- third of increase represents reclassifications of supervision and overhead. Additional labor represents another third of the increase. Balance of the increase is represented by additional signs and posts. The below listed dotail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Signs and posts Paint supplies Central services Supervision and overhead ►;i' sliM9 $2,500 2,000 200 180 2,400_ TOTAL $6,880 - --- Pseud FcsctEan Arco Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC 14ORKS I� 1 STREET NAME SIGNS I 23.400 ---i EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity ObIca ®atail � Present Oudgelr RoconIMORded Budgeted to Payroll $2,500 $ 5,000 3. Signs and posts $3,000 $ 5,000 Paint supplies 500 300 Gloms and brushes 200 200 I $3,700 $ 5,500 I I 4. (Equipment operations iSupervision and 1,620 I 1,800 overhead 2.400 ITOTAL STREET 13 � I i i� I i I i I � slot S I �7 870 $14,700 $14,700 f ' I i I I I VILLAGE 0, EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 r"snd Function Amo Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23.500 SUMMARY 1968 1969 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 7,500 $ 8,872 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 10,000 $ 7,400 8,181 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,400 8,500 8,305 3. COMMODITIES 8,600 3,300 3,300 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 8,748 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 26,700 2� 8, 658 TOT $ 35, 748 $ 3S� 718 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guard rails, is properly within the jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Department to install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installation and maintenance. COMMENTS i Proposed expenditures are thirty -four percent (34 %) higher than last year's (appropriation. Fifty -seven percent (57 %) of the increase represents a reclassification {of supervision and overhead. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Vi UAGE OF F—DiNA I ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 EXPENDITURE DETAIL I�od © Activity (Object ATgn Act. Me. GENER L MBLIC WOWKS - -- 'i'P.AFFIC CONTROL f 23.500'- -- EXPENDITURE DETAIL I�od © Activity (Object Detail Presen udget Recommaaded Budgeted- - 510 Traffic Sign Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 3,000 $ 5,000 3 General supplies 4,500 5,000 C Equipment operation 1,380 1,620 i�pervisfon and overhead .2 ,400 $ 8, 880 $14,020 I TOTAL T � IC SF s �i_+?:FN T NANCE 520 !Traffie Signal I I ! maintenance f 11 1kayroll I $ 500 $ 500 ` 2, Pover $ 4,500 $ 5,500 Contracted repairs 2,000 2,000 I Contracted service 900 900 I $$ 7,400 $ 8,400 3, (Repair materials 500 100 4, Equipment operation 480 I 480 Supervision and i overhead I 276 TOTAL MAP I IC SUMAL, MAINTENANCE i $ 8, 8 80 $ 9,716 I ; I M Pavement Marking I 1..: Payroll I $ 2,500 $ 3,000 3, Paint 2,000 2,000 4, Equipment operation 720 780 Supervision and over head 1.752 $ 5,220 $ 7,532 I TOTAL FAVE14ENT r -2KING i 1370 Guard Rail and I I Barricades 1, Pa, roll i 1,500 $ 1,500 3„ Guard rail materials 1,500 1,500 Equipment operation 720 720 Supervision and overhead ! 710 TOTAL GU A D RAIL AND B.AiRRICADES 1__$_3 , 720 '_ $ 4 L440 ! ! I TOTAL TRAFFIC CONTM,f , $tea, 700 1 $35, 46 $35 x748 I � I I i I I I I I I 1 i i I I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 'AGE 33 i ESTIMATED ' 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED aeezd EuscBion Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC k�M BRIDGES 23.600 SUIdiMARY 1968 BUDGIETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 2,500 1, 913 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2,500 $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,000 2,000 2,087 3. COMMODITIES 2,000 840 860 4. CE6' TRAL SERVICES 1,800 5. CAN TAL OUTLAY 340 t1 4 TOTALS 16L300 516.300 COMMENTARY The purpose of this account,is to provide maintenance for the Seventeen bridges within the Village. CO?WNTS Proposers expenditures are two kindred percent (2007.) higher than last year's appropriation. A major repair to Browndale bridge is the principle reason for the .increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Contracted repair Central services Supervision and overhead AMOUNT $10,000 240 1,200 TOTAL $10,960 lk y a .n '�+ l�,nl: a E1 t• P9 E: 9 f fj aR, 5.�-" ,�,� P,A A 'JT YEN a.��' GE W �4.+� igjs i o- ,'kJtM ;yA 13UD a�+�E 5 GY'�',�Z' F WE,i� I �i43iLrs^3 u G�,Pi Rc I PUBLIC WORKS EXPE- IM.70CE DtFTAIZ Arev BRIDGES 23.600 j Coder w €a�ia6°� AF �e*,6 -- -- Ede ra "e �JL�ayes`7tl � Reco d9fiiepded — -Nudgetwd to Payroll $2,500 $ 2,500 2� 0ontracted repair 13,000 3: paint ! $1,000 $ 1,000 cable, bolts,Il Iimniber, lam!.. _J I.a,000 $2,000 I $ 2,000 41.. !Equipment Operation � 840 I $ 600 I I Isupervision and ! m-veeftead I 1,200 i ! I I 'I'(}MM BRIDGZS I � ! $5 0 i I $16 3 0 $16,300 _ � i I I i I I i I I i I I ! I I i I I I i I I i I I I I i ANNUAL BUDGE.1- PAGE 35 Furld F:STI€VATED Amu Aca. No. GENERAi. FOLIC WORKS STOM DRAINAGE 1 23.700 SUMMARY 1963 BUDGETED F:STI€VATED OBJECT 1969 _ RECOMMEND2D 8I - [FdEfED 14,000 $ 22,231 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 22,000 � 237 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,200 51500 7,335 3• CC.Ai".40DITIES 3,000 3,300 3,300 4. CENTfZAL SERVICES 14,040 5. CA ITAL OUTLAY 22.%00 33Il 153 TOTAL 41, 240 , k�i 8240 CO0bIPi'IENTARY FUNCTION The Village maintains certain facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a minimum. In those areas served by storms, servers, Village crews periodically check and clean these sewers. In areas not so served, emergency measures in the form of pumping and temporary drainv aro provided daring storms.. COAfA UTS Proposed expenditures are eighty -one percent (81%) higher than Fast year's appropriation Fifty -seven percent (57 %) of the increase is represented by reclassification of supervision and overhead:. Additional labor represents the balance of the increaoe, The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Power Televised inspection Pipe Culverts Asphalt Structures Central services Supervi:�ion an( WMAITAM $ 8,000 200 21,000 500 500 500 1,000 300 PAGF 36 ! Fund Af.em Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS S'TORT, D&AINAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL CCAS Octail -- S�d84t Recommended � Budgeted 710 Storm Sewer Maintenance ! 1. Payroll $12,000 $20,000 2- Power $ 200 I Televised inspection 2.000 $ 2,200 I 3, Page I $ 1,500 I $ 1,000 � (Castings Cement J� 750 1 150 1 750 250 II $ 2,500 $ 2,000 1 j 4 (Equipment op2ration ; Supervision and 2,580 2,880 overhead I 9.540 $17,080 I $36,620 > TOTAL STOPJ4 SEWE MAINTENANCE I 720 Temporary Drainage 1.. Payroll i $ 2,000 $ 2,000 3� Culverts I $ 1,000 $ 500 Asphalt straacrcurea 1,000 ®=.v.. 500 ,— - $ 3,000 ( $ 1,000 4� Equipment o P eration 720 720 Super-vision and I TOTAL 'a'Il RARF overhead I 900 I _ ° - -$- 5_1720 �. s., 620 IRAINAGE I I I I � ! I j i TOTAL STORE! DRAINAGE ! $22 800 $ 41 _1240 $41,240 I I i , I I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET . PAGE 37 Fund Function Area Acet. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23..800 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 15,000 $ 15,548 1. PERSONAL, SERVICES $ 21,000 $ 1,500 2,364 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,000 10,700 8,564 3. CO&LitODITIES 10,600 5,040 5,040 4. CENTRAL SERViC5 15,360 I 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY Y 32.240 $ 31 ° 516 _ TOTALS 58.960 $_18-960 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The function of the Village Properties account is to properly care for all Village owned properties; other than those used for Park and Recreation purposes. These Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the scurf, spraying and trimming of trees, establishment and cure of plantings, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these Village properties in aesthetic accord with our many fine privately owned residential properties. J COMMENTS Proposed expend$tures are eighty -three percent (83%) higher than last year's appropriation. Thirty-eight percent (389x) of the increase is represented by reclassification of supervision and overhead. Dredging of the Mill Pond and Lake Edina represents another thirty -nine percent (39%) of the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Stump removal Contract work Commodities Central services Supervision and overhead AMOUNT $ 6,000 500 10,000 100 360 9,960 TOTAL $26,720 V iLLAC E OF EDINA ANNUAL HUDGE i 4)AGE 38 Fund Fmr ion Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Activity Object Detail Present get Pres Prey et Recommeadsd I Budgeted 810 Turf and Plant Maintenance le Payroll $ 6,000 $ 6,000 2. Contracted weed control 1,500 1,500 3� Fertilizer $ 300 $ 300 Tool replacement 200 200 j Plantings 500 500 i ,Sod and black dirt 1,000 1,000 300 300 (Chemicals $ 2,300 $ 2,300 i 4. operation 1,800 1,920 (Equipment Supervision and TOTAL TURF &4D PLANT overhead MAINTENANCE 20760 $11,600 $14,480 820 Tree Maintenance 1� Payroll $ 4,000 $10,000 I 2� Stump removal i 500 3, Hand tools, roves and saws $ 200 $ 100 spray 1, 200 $ 1,400 200 $ 1,300 4� Equipment operation 1,680 1,800 Supervision and overhead 4.800 TOTAL TREE MAI NANCE $ 7,080 $18,400 870 Lakes and Ponds Maintenance to Payroll $ 5,000 $ 5,000 2� Contract work 10,000 3. Chemicals Rip- rap, headwalls $ 6,000 $ 6,000 and special structures 1 000 1,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 4e (Equipment operation 1,560 1,680 Supervision and overhead 2,400 I TOTAL (DIKES AND PONDS MAINTENANCE $13,560 -i $26, 080 1 TOTAL V111AGE 1 PROPERTIES I $32,240 $58.960 $58,960 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 :=und Furrtiaa Aeea :acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SIDEMALKS 23.900 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED 6UDGETE0 $ 2,000 400 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,000 $ 1,500 256 L CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10, 000 500 200 3. COMAODITIES 1,000 900 900 4. CENTRAL SERVICE5 1,812 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,900 $ 1,756 TOTALS $ 14. ,812 g 14.812 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The primary function of this accoaint is to develop a system of publicly constructed and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient movement of pedestrians. CMWNTS Proposed expenditures are two hundred two percent (202%) higher than last iyear's appropriation. The principle reason for the increase is contracted iconstruction cost, AMOUNT Contracted services $8,500 Sand and salt 500 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUMSET PAGE 40 Fund I Function Area Act. No. GENERAL I PUBLIC WORKS SIDEWALKS 23.900 I EXPEMDI T URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 910 Haintenance and repair 1. Payroll $2,000 $ 1,000 2v Contracted services 1,500 3. Cement, patching materials 500 500 4o Equipment operation 900 420 Supervision and overhead 456 $4,900 $ 2,376 1 TOTAL MAIMENANCE i AND REPAIRS 920 Snow and Ice removal 1. Payroll $ 1,000 3� Sand and salt j 500 i 4� Equipment operation I I 480 Supervision and Overhead 456 TOTAL SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL $ -0- $ 2,436 94.0 Construction 2. Contracted services $10,000 TOTAL CONS UCTI N w0- $10,000, I TOTAL SIDEWALK $4,900 14 812 $14.812 � � 1 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 41 Fund Function Area Acct. too. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 1968 BUDGETED 'ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1969 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 33,500 33,219 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 11 39,700 $ 37,200 33,500 $ 33, 219 TOTALS 39, 700 $ 3377..2200 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Expenditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more than one year are classified as Capital Outlay COMMENTS Dump truck is a replacement for a 1961 unit. Amount provided for loader represents part of a provision for replacement of 1952 tractor during 1970. The recommended appropriation this year, plus amount provided last year, represents one -half of the cost of the aerial bucket truck. The balance is recommended in the Park Fund. This unit is badly needed for tree maintenance and servicing overhead lights. A truck is needed to service storm sewers, which will be equipped with a hoist and radio. The proposed oil distributor is to replace an eighteen year old unit. Growing street renovation program and greater distance of hauling requires a more reliable vehicle. Sidewalk plow is being budgeted to provide for purchase of unit during 1970. Sweeper is being budgeted to provide for replacement of three wheel 1960 unit during 1970. A mobile type sweeper is proposed. VILL,P'\C E OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 42 Fend Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Dotaii B� f Recommended Budgeted 5. Replacement dump trucks $ 5,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 Traffic - control unit 3,000 Front -end loader(1 /3) 5,000 2,000 2,000 truck-new 7,500 (Dump Street sweeper 9,000 (Aerial ladder truck 4,000 6,000 6,000 Storm sewer main- -. tenauce truck 3,000 3,000 Crosswalk striper 1,000 � 1,000 i (Seven foot mower 1,200 1,200 'Oil distributor 12,000 12,000 Sidewalk glow Q) 2,500 Sweeper Q) 5 000 5,000 i I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I $33,500 $39,700 $37,200 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 43 and Enaction Area Acct. No. 1. GENERAL •PRMECTION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 412,104 PROPERTY 5,980 9,286 SUMMARY , 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 326,109 $ 321,547 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 412,104 $410,980 5,980 9,286 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,635 18, 585 2,059 4,558 3. COWAODITIES 2,161 2,161 100,080 100,080 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 112,620 115,416 12,789 12,793 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,492 20,492 447,017 4�?8�? TOTALS 555,012 $ 567,634 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with the maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations. The authority to d& this is granted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and village, state, and federal legislation affectfn,7 the public in general. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are twenty -four percent (24 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Four additional patrolmen are requested to maintain the present level of service. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. i AMOUNT Salaries and wages $18-5,995 Conferences and schools 197 Dues and subscription 2 Radar and drunkometer 50 Uniform allowance 1,950 Psychological testing 30 Commodities 102 Central services 12,540 Capital outlay 7,703 TOTAL $107,995 i VILLAGE OF EDINA . ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 44 Fund Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OFFYPERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 240100 to Director $ 13,515 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Objet €. Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted to Director $ 13,515 $ 15,300 $ 15,300 Captains (2) 20,400 23,520 25,200 Sergeants (6) 55,224 62,370 64,583 Patrolmen (9) 58,832 84,015 88,298 � Patrolmen (2) 39,806 17,950 18,665 Patrolmen (5) 35,952 42,726 43,800 Detectives (4) 31,152 39,676 41£356 Patrolmen (5) 22,868 40,539 41,850 New patrolmen (4) 13,632 30,720 239400 Dispatchers (3) 18,000 19,260 19,800 Dispatchers (Pr) 5,408 7,488 I 79488 Secretary 5,160 5,400 5,400 Cleric- typist 4,140 5"160 I 5,160 Insurance 1,,320 1,520 1,480 Overtime - detectives 700 700 700 Clerk-Filing-PT I 2,100 2,300 Education incentive pay plan ! 13.660 6.400 $326 "109 $412,104 $410,980 20 Pension supplement $ 11,100 Conferences and . schools $ 1,524 $ 1,327 1,327 Dues and I subscriptions 176 178 178 Teletype 540 540 540 Radar and drunkometer 500 450 450 Laundry 40 40 40 Uniform allowance 2,700 4,650 4,500 Psychological testing 500 450 450 $ 5,980 $ 7,635 $ 18,585 3. Ammunition $ 800 $ 850 Jail and prisoner expense 200 300 Caps, leathergoods, badges 220 230 Photographic supplie 300 300 First aid supplies 130 100 Fire extinguisher supplies I 120 90 General supplies 289 291 f $ 2,059 $ 2,161 $ 2,161 ViEAGE OF EDIT ANNUAL $1 GET - - PAGE -45 Fan%i erixteon Area Ace too. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTI0N 24.100 t PROPERTY General $ 68,220 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Prmnt Bridget Recommerded Budgeted 4� General $ 68,220 $ 77,280 $ 80,076 Village Sall 4,560 4,740 4,740 Equipment operation 27,300 30,600 30.600 $100,080 $112,620 $115,416 5. Vehicles $ 11,400 $ 14,800 Pistols -and shotguns 180 402 L*ckers 54 40 'Monitor 200 (Typewriter 175 175 (replacement Lights 120 Combination PA system and siren 210 improvements- dispatcher's office 200 Punch card system for records 250 Tape recorder 185 Radio base station 4,500 Filing cabinets 390 2 $ 1 789 20 TOTAL POLICE t I PROTECTION I $447 O17 $555,012 $567„634 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 4.6 =U.'Id a uncfe=c7 � Area i icc$. Na. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS L�FZD FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 $ 169,378 PROPERTY 2,776 3,446 SUMMARY 1968 GUDQTE® ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED 8Ui3MED $ 139,776 $ 138,443 43 1. PERSONAL SERVICM $ 169,378 $158,308 2,776 3,446 & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,351 3,351 2,174 2,583 3. COMMODITIES 3,847 38847 45,180 45,180 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 47,820 47,820 19,225 18,982 5. WI ALOUTLW 23,654 23,654 $_209,131 634 TOTALS 248,050 �L 236,980 COMMENTARY FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fire Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case a fire does start: (3) confine a fire to the place of origin; and (4+) extinguish all fires, In general, this involves the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. Cars Proposed expenditures are nineteen percent (19%) higher than last year's appropriation. About seventy -five percent (75° %) increase represents three additional firemen and salary increases. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $29,602 Conferences and schools 219 Dees and subscriptions 6 Laundry 50 Uniform allowance 300 Clothing replacement 195 First aid supplies 50 General supplies 488 Hose - 940 Central services 2,640 Capital outlay 4,429 TOT. $38,919 PAGE 47 r Fwnd Finacuacn I ATeo Act. No. II { GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSOWS AND I FIRE. PROTECTION 24.200 f I PROPERTY I i ►III EXPEMD F URE DrE W , Cade Activity objoct N-tta"I Prese-sk Budfl3a Recoran, eiijed Budgeted 1, Chief $ 10,428 $ 12,000 $ 129000 Assistanf-- .Chief 9,372 10,300 109800 Lieutenants (2) 26,712 19,800 19,800 Drivers (3) 42,240 28,080 28,080 Firemen (2) 7,771 18,120 18x120 Firemen (5) 15,327 421758 42,758 IFiremgn 7,30 66 (Firemen -new (3) ! 22,140 11,070 (Fireman part time 20,000 12, 00E3 12,000 I insurance 1 560 , 680 680 1 Educations incentive pay Plan i 3,000 3,,000 '139,776 i $169,378 - $158,308 2 � Conferences and ! I sctlools ► $ 816 $ 1,035 Dues and subscriptions 160 166 Laundry 400 1 450 Uniform allowance 1,400 1,700 I, $ 2,776 I $ 3,351 $ 3,351 � i 3 Clothing replacentent $ 449 $ 644 Liquid foam ! 275 I 275 Photographic: suppl.leir 125 125 � First aid supplies � 4� 450 General SupplI es yry00 25 ! ! 1,413 1 Fuse 940 � $ 2,174 $ 3,847 $ 3,847 4, General 1 $ 33,300 $ 36,300 I Village Hall ( ',200 4,320 Equipment operation � 7,680_ 7,200, I i ! $ 45,130 $ 47,820 $ 47„820 I ; 5, Reserve for aeriol $ 16,00 $ 1.1,533 iMattress and beds(2)i 150 175 ii Gas masks 870 1,740 j I ►Ladders 105 j I Automobile 2, L00 Salvage covers (17_) i S0� Smoke eR- tractor 1 Pick-up replacement 1,900 ► 1 Portable radio 657 i Chains (2) 170 j `Arc welder ( es Gated I � 100 269 I i �ry I I � $19.225 i ► $_23,654_ -- i - - -- -- -- - -; I TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION -- 1 i $209,131 I _ 1 $248, 050 r2lf. _ 9RO I n A ?a @a d Q Area i Acct.. No. i sENEBLP,�L RE,OTEOTION F' PERSONS IM I CIVI1.IM DEFENSE I 24.300 1 EROS RTY ; 1968 SL9 D E. b F ES` I.%-I'%'HpD � 2;,335 .3 2,358 17 505 32.5 i 50 500 500 P 3,67 3,543 SWAIMY 0 B J ECT 1. PERSONAL SEIMCES 2. CO W RAC 9 UAL SERVICEa 3. CO^..;io ODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICE5 S. CAPIII: AL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1969 REMAWN DE® BUOGNETE0 $2,700 A 642 250 %152 TIM -CTION The Edina Civilian. Dafense organization tunintains liaison with local, state land A'ederal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet emergency gitua.+tion€s of catastrophic nature,, Particular emphasis is being placed upon an i2Ffort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emerse.Vcy peroonnel MMMENTS The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. I AMUNT Salaries and wages $3E5 Conferences and schools 24:0 Dues and subscriptions 15 czrmodi ties 75 j Capital. outlay 500 i /'�y. TO �j AL 35 r 3�592_� VILLAGE OF EDEMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 49 Fund ► _ Function Amu � Act. Noe MNERAi, PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DEITENSE 24-300 PROPERTY Director ; WENDi T URE DETABL Code Activitil objed DsY ®69 i'resent Bud0et Recommended Budgeted 1, Director $2,385 $2,700 2,. Conferences and. schools $ 92 $ 332 Dues and subscriptions I 25 10 j Leased lines for sirens 300 I 300 i$ 417 $ 642 ` 3.: I Unifoms ®re serves I $ ;00 $ 100 Ammunition-reserves ! 100 I 100 Radiological survey meter supplies I 50 ( 50 General supplies 75 $ 325 $ 250 5, Siren � 50G 500 TOTAL CIVILIAN ! i I I ► DEFENSE I ► i $3.627 I $32592 I $3,592 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE So Fund Function Area Acct. No, GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PUBLIC iiMTH 24.400 $ 20,450 $ PROPERTY 1,494 P. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUMMARY BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 18,330 $ 19,058 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 20,450 $ 1,285 1,494 P. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,640 356 903 3. COMMODITIES 510 4,716 4,716 4 CENTRAL, SERVICES 5,400 730 300 S. CAPITAL OUMAY 755 ,x,417 26,471 TOTALS. �28®7�5. &18 7 COMMENTARY FIJPICTIOAT �T T The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persons .within the community. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent (1390) higher than last year's appropriation. Two-thirds of the increase represents salary increases and additional extra help. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Conferences and schools Dues and subscriptions Mileage Commodities Central services Capital outlay AMOUNT $2,120 60 5 300 154 684 25 TOTAL $3,338 PAS- -51 Fegd Activity Area Act. No. GENERAL I PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND I PUBLIC HEALTH 24.400 PROPERTY Sanitarian — EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Mail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted I 1- Sanitarian $11,100 $12,000 Medical officer 300 300 Secretary Q) 2,880 3,150 Extra help I 1,500 1,800 I Laboratory technicia (1/3) 2,550(B)I 2,800 Seer help= i laboratory (1/3) 4Q0 $18,330 $20,450 i I2.. Conferences dind a schools I $ 335 I $ 3395 Dues and subscriptions 50 I 45 Mile-age ` 900 1 200 $ 1,285 $ 1,640 i 3.o Test equipment and supplies (1/3) 356(A) 510(A 4. General $ 3,480 $ 3,960 Village Hall'- Mblic Works Buildi 636 600 720 720 I $ 4,7116 T $ 5,400 f 5,. Glass rare (1/3) Plastic products(1 /3 I $ 280(A)i 250(A)I $ 267(A� 267(A Ceiling laboratory (1/3) 2000) Benches (1l3) I 84(P 'Refrigeratormfree�c7� j TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTHI 137 A� $28°755 $ 730 $ 755 $25p4l7,__j 3. 8,755 to and I � i Note A Representj be shared _Bloomington. one - 0iird lequalily of the cost, thelbaiance with Saint Louis Pa.-It i B P $2500 3a scmry 1 end $25°00 .3L1y 1. i i I VII AI,--E Cie° EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 Fand Function Area Acet. Me. MHERAL PROTECTION OZ' PERSONS AND AMR" CONTROL. 24.500 PROPERTY SUMMARY i - - - 1968 _ 1969 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 15,000 15,195 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,600 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL, SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY vram.�a � se.maa®.mm $L15.0110 15 i 5 TOTALS 15,600 ! 15 A 600 COMMENTARY " .ASE ImBi� E��� ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53 Fund Fanction area Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS 24.600 $ 42,880 PROPERTY 2,466 2,749 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 33,160 S 32,942 8. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 42,880 $36,280 2,466 2,749 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,313 2x553 650 772 3. COMMODITRES 625 625 7,356 7,356 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 7,920 7, 920 260 98 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY ISO 150 43,892 %, 4,3,917 TOWS 5�4 x474528 COMMENTARY FUNCTION - I The functions of the inspection Dapartmant are to issue and revoke building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing and construction codes: establish house numbering; recomeand condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildings, and inspect all building construction, �CONTS Proposed expenditures are twenty-five percent (25 %) higher than last year's ,appropriatiomm. A mechanical inspector and salary increases represent the principle !! Ireasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to'the increase. I AMOUNT Salaries and cages $ 9,720 i Conferences and schools 96 � Dues and subscriptions 63 1 Mileages 880 j VILU- -; vE 0 EDIN °a ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE54 Fund Fwction Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERS014S AND INSPECTIONS 24.600 PROPERTY Building inspector $ 9,720 WENDITUEE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Bu d get ent Recommended Budgeted 1 Building inspector $ 9,720 $10,800 $10,800 Plumbing and heating inspector 9,300 10,380 10,380 Assistant inspector 7,050(A) 8,100(8 80100 Clerk 4,740 4,800 40800 Overtime 500 �' Extra help 1,850 2,200 2,200 Mechanical inspector � 6.600 $33,160 $42,880 $36,280 2. Conferences and schools $ 566 $ 470 $ 470 Dues and subscriptions 100 163 163 Mileage 1 1.800 2 680 1,920 $ 2,466 $ 3,313 $ 2,553 3. Printed forms I $ 325 $ 475 Code books 100 50 General supplies 225 100 $ 650 $ 625 $ 625 4. General $ 6,710 $ 7,020 village 11all 636 900 $ 7,356 $ 7,920 $ 7,920 i 5. Pile cabinets: $ 180 Level 80 { Test equipment 150 260 150 $ 150 TOTAL INSPECTIONS $43.892 $54,868 $47.528 i I I ` Note A - $25.00 anuary' 1 and $25.06 July 1. I Foote 6- $50,00 J i nary 1 and $50.00 July 1 i � VILLAGE OF EDINA - ANNUAL BUDGET - PAGE 55 Fund Function Area Ace. No, GENERAL. NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES 26.100 SUMMARY 1968 1969 .._. BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1, PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 13,097 7,109 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,000 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY ,�_ 097 S 7,109 TOTALS $ .15,000 $ L0000 COMAAENTARY I FUNCTION ` During the year, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has been no previous appropriation. This account is a reserve for such contingencies. f i f ° "A GE �1d' �� -NA ANNUAL BUDGET r�uaU Function GENERAL NON- DEPARMIENTAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Area SETTLEijENT OF SUITS PAGE 56- - Acct. No. 26.200 1965 SU6GETED ESTIMATED OBJECT ItECOMMENi)ED1969 EULhcETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES S00 150 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES S00 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS 5�. op .—. COMMENTARY 1FUN`CTION -- Represents an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the Village. I I I V IU AGE OF EDEMA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 57 Fund Fvncti*n Area Acct. No. GENERAL NW- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON 26.300 VILLAGE PROPERTY SUMMARY _ 1968 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 35,000 37,382 S. CAPITAL OUTLAY Y 35, 000 X37 , 982 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 40,000 $-.4o 100 $L-�-- 000 (� The Village owned properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects This account provides funds to pay these assessments. SUMMARY _ 1968 1969 SUDG` TED STIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1 11,750 9,696 5. Cfi,RiYAL OUTI_,►Y 16,392 6 11,750 9,696 TOTALS $ 16,392 116,39Z� COMMENTARY FUNCTION Certain items of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year, which cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this account. I C.� We propose to assemble the various information pertaining to a parcel of property in one location. This information presently is being filed in the assessing, inspection, planning and engineering departments. Parties interested lin property within the Village will be able to obtain most information regarding la certain parcel of property at this one location. We would hope that better jservice will be given the public by this procedure. The proposed microfilm •equipment and supplies will allow us to reduce and file the present documents is =all jackets in one filing cabinet. The equipment will also he used to film !documents, which vill be stored off the premises, in case the original records fare destroyed, The improvements to Village Hall represents a better utilization of opece on the main level by relocation of certain offices,. Also a larger office with more privacy for the Village Manager, The equipment shed is needed for storing seasonal equipment and supplies. Request appropriation will represent about one -half of the amount needed to construct the building, s gnd Function Arse CAPITAL Acct. NO. GENERAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES - OVn AY 26.500 SUMMARY _ 1968 1969 SUDG` TED STIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1 11,750 9,696 5. Cfi,RiYAL OUTI_,►Y 16,392 6 11,750 9,696 TOTALS $ 16,392 116,39Z� COMMENTARY FUNCTION Certain items of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year, which cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this account. I C.� We propose to assemble the various information pertaining to a parcel of property in one location. This information presently is being filed in the assessing, inspection, planning and engineering departments. Parties interested lin property within the Village will be able to obtain most information regarding la certain parcel of property at this one location. We would hope that better jservice will be given the public by this procedure. The proposed microfilm •equipment and supplies will allow us to reduce and file the present documents is =all jackets in one filing cabinet. The equipment will also he used to film !documents, which vill be stored off the premises, in case the original records fare destroyed, The improvements to Village Hall represents a better utilization of opece on the main level by relocation of certain offices,. Also a larger office with more privacy for the Village Manager, The equipment shed is needed for storing seasonal equipment and supplies. Request appropriation will represent about one -half of the amount needed to construct the building, VHUAeE 0,'-" 20�lv'; ANNUAL SUiIGE72 SAGE 59 Fund CE ORAL -I Functio a - NON: -DEPARTMENTAL- EXPENDITURES Area CAPITAL - —CENTRAL-SERVICES- - -- OUTLAY- Act. No. -- 26- . -500- Present Budget Recommended Sao Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted General 5. Microfilm information system: Camera $ 1,500 Readers (3) 735 Printer - reader 1,350 Jacket Reader- filler 1,475 i Supplies 2.332 j TOTAL GENERAL $ -Oa I $ 7,392 l j Village Fall Improvements I ! General office $ 2,500 Manager's office $ 600 Conference room 11150 _1` $ 1, 150- $ 2 , 500 f Public Works Building Make up air unit I $ 6,000 Hopper work 1,500 Equipment storage shed-Robert's property 5, 000 TOTAL PUBLIC WP.KS j BUILDING $ 7,500 $ 5,000 j Equipment: Operation Tool replacements 4 and renewals- ' various 2,500 $ 1,500, TOTAL EQUIPi -TENT OPERATION t 2.500 $ 1 500 $11,750 16 392 i i II IWAL CENTRAL SERVI ES - CAPITAL OUTLAY I $16,392 i j VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 60 Fund Fum ion Area Acct. No. ---GENERAL--- NON - DEPARTMENTAL - EXPENDITURES_ CAPITAL_- IMPRo- VEMENTS - - - - -- 26.600 SUMMARY 1968 1969 _ BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 100,000 100,000 S. WITAL OUTLAY 50,000 r 100,000 100,000 TOTALS 50,000 150.000 l.VirlYY16YV f Hp t FUNCTION This account was established for the purpose of accuaulating funds for Capital Improvements. u @MHz LJjGI CIT. E MINIA Atl~'''N UAL 0 U D G 2 T PAGE 69 Fund I Function PARK � F'AF..K AND RECIRZATION Aire- ADMIN3:STPATION � Acct. No. 47.100 k3FC0eLiMLrNDE® 1969 OUDGEaED $38,062 SUMMARY 968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED GBJEC ' k3FC0eLiMLrNDE® 1969 OUDGEaED $38,062 $37,780 d. PERSONAL SCI5` CES $ 51,350 1,360 1,466 2. CONT CTUAL SEMACES 1,420 125 49 3. COMMODITM5 125 26,160 26,160 4. CENTRAL SERMCES 30, 840 5. CbaORM"I OUTLAY $65,7(`7 065.t,55 n.._ 83,735 83,:73) TOTAI LS COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Park and Recreation Department Is responsible for the acquisition, eveloprient, oneration and maintenance of 1Che Village pnrks and recreation Fneili tiee, and the conduct of the rec ;.eat or prog"a*n. Providing for the adrmiinist- .ati..on of the --ark a-tiL recre tieln - unction is the object of th±s account- he Edina "Paris Boa-,6, as an advi" -ry nody to the Edina Village Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation funct-ion. MMMENITS Proposed e pendituxes Lire twsnty- sever. percent (27 %) higher than last yea_" s Forty p4)--cent (40A) of increase represents sa]! y of a program s€ i3ervisor to help with p eeent Program, and develop programs for teenua,ers. the below Usted 7etai.l contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and vat:es, $13,288 Audit C ent-ra i serv. -.ce3 680 'i OTILI, $18 s 0128 EXPENDITURE DE -Ti 5L � cae, e PARK � PARK AND RECREATION Amc ADMINTSTMTION Act. No. 47.100 �CE9 .SJ t Budget — Recd ??E9wi'9f' ed — j EXPENDITURE DE -Ti 5L � cae, e AcGivi$ f i o°6 -C-ci Decafl �CE9 .SJ t Budget — Recd ??E9wi'9f' ed — j - - -- -- 1, — ___ Director Assistant director $12,(300 9,900 $14;100 11,100 Program supervisor 6,900 Secretary ',,500 5,400 Clerical (1/3) 1.,300 :1,450 Paid leave 10,062 12,000 Training 300 400 � I $38,062 _ $51,350 2, I Conferences and f � schools $ 600 i $ 600 � Dues and subscriptions I 100 100 Audit 660 720 I I �$ 1,360 i� $ 1,420 3e Printing j $ 50 $ 50 Bo ©a and pamphiets I 75 75 $ 125 $ 125 i � 4,: General 1 $21,480 620 $25,620 village H1211 I 1,563 ' 1,620 i Public Works Buildi 1,680 1,980 � i Equipment operation 1,440 1 620 $262160 i a30 850 I I � I i I I j 'T %. ADi�?i�IS`'RATION I j I I $,7 07 6= =5 $63,735 83 73S j I I I j I i I i i i I � i VILLAGE 01F EDIN A ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 63 Fruna PARK Function P&RY1 AND REGREATEON A-mc RECRHNi ON— PRO -C AM A.ca. € o4 s- 7.,200 Baseball and softball 1968 BUDGETED ESTIlUlAMD SUMMARY 1969 OBJECT PECONAMENDED BUDGETED 30,940 $ 31,006 1. PERSONAL SE�3'` 1Q.-S .�� 35,690 � 7,500 7 , 300 2. CONTRACTUAL SE€ VEICES 8"000 5,750 6,963 3. C®ybtMOdMES 9,100 4.. CEN tl FIPAL SER ilCES S. WI8` AL GUMAY [5,390 Z 45,269 $_52,790 $ �e2,790 -- - -- - 707ALS -- COMMENTARY I-VN CT 10 N The Village, in addition to providing pa)A facilities, conducts a. year around recreational - program as a function of Village government. This program is the responsibility of the Park and Recreation Department„ It includes such activities as organized baseball, softball, hockey, shimming and tennis instruction; and a surmier Playground program for small. children., Some of these activities receive financial support from various service organizations, and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cosh C01-124NNTS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent higher than last year's appropriation. Thirty percent (30"0 of the increase represents cast of teen- program., The below listed detail contributes to the increasel, A14OUNT Salaries and wages: Baseball and softball $ 400 Skating and hockey 1,000 Tennis instruction 100 Playground 1-,000 Se ✓:1rming inf3trurtion 1,050 Teen program 1,000 Miscellaneous and special acrivi ties 200 $4,750 Bus rental 500 Good; t *_` e s s Teen program Mi8cellaneous Lnd special. activities 350 TOTAL 6�0 OF DMA Qi - -IUA .. BUDGE' 'PAGE 64 Fumd Functty n Aces EIE Act. Ma. PARK ?ARK AND RECREATION RECREATIOiv_i'R,0GR�1�7 I 47_.200- EXPENC1i'F URE Div 99 € L Code Acthity ®��ecrr � Octal t'Pesent Recommewded Budgeted 210 Baseball and Softball 1. Supervision $ 1,200 $ 1,500 I Coaching Assistant 1,500 1,600 $ 2,700 $ 3,100 3. I Plates and bases Bata and bails I $ 500 I 300 I $ 500 300 Catching equipment ' 300 i 300 ' I Equipment repair 150 150 $ 1,250 1 $ 1,250 , $ 3 , 950 I $ 4,350 I TOTAL BAS ALL A�vD SOFTB U.L j I 1220 Skating and Hockey , 1. Rink Supervision $ 7,000 I $ 8,000 Ho-ckev co aching I 5f40 5^4/p�, ; I I 3. Goalie equipment $ 400 $ 400 I i Goals I 250 250 $- 650 ! $ 650 TOTAL SKA ING AND HOMYI $ 8,_ 9 90 $ 9,190 1 230 Tennis Instruction 1, (Assistant Inatructor Instructor. $ 600 500 I $ 600 I 700 1 ' $ 1,200 $ 1,3CO j 3. Tennis balls I $ 125 � $ 123 j I j Nets Unclassified 175 25 175 � 25 , � ' I I T=OTAL TE� INSTRUCTION � $ 325 $ 1,525 $ 325 I $ 1,62 5 i 2x01 ,IS Playground 1� Lenders j i $ 9,000 ! $10,004 I i I I 3., I Crafts $ 2,100 j I j Replacementa and renewals 800 Soo I ! I $ 0�� $ 3 ,100 I TOTAL PLA GROUNDS I � I $12,100 i I j $1.3,100 I ! V'SUASEE OF EDHHA AHiNUA L 0,PJb" GET PACE 65 Esovd I Function I Avea I Act fro. EXPENDITURE D a AID. Code Act*wity Object Det -ail ESP @5ee5i[ p�� - Recommended i Budgeted i 250 Swimming _ Instruction l. Superyr3vor $ 600 $ 650 Instxuction 5,500 6,500 Attendants 500 500 � Registration 300 300 $ 6,900 $ 1,950 ;Bus rental $ 6,600 $ 6,500 j2, ;Pool rental i.500 11500 $ 7,500 $ 8 ,0 i i TOTAL SI-1114 Jc I�iSTRUCTI IUnc3 _asz,if ed ®y I 225 i— $14,625 225 $16,175 1 260 I teen Progx'am 1 � Supervi sio. I $ 1,000 3o Equt .pment and I ' 1,000 � 1 Printin i 510 j11Yclasaif i ed 500 $ - ?_ 000 TOTAL TEE N1 PROGR A- i $ -0- I $ 3,000 270 Miscellaneous and � Special activitiesl 1', Pays? l $ 2,WO $ 2,000 Leaders 1, 600 1� 8�9i3 I• $ 3,600 $ 3,800 l i 3� T"'X'7.ati°e.?.Qy Bulmei' I - j bulletin ; 600 $ 650 Children's eummer I theatre. and puppets � 300 350 !soccer 10;9 � , i Football i � 150 Unclassiiied 200 400 j TOTAL M'1SgET.L.ANE'6US AITO SPECIAL 200 i- 1.550 ACTIVITIES � _$ 4,600 _ I�� 5,350 I TOTALi RECREATIM! MOGF_Azra Y��S 190 �52� $52x790 i i i i i _ I - -- -790 I I VHLU" GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDSIRT PAGE 66 FUM I Function MRK PARK AND MCREATION AFea AC u. Ko. MAINTENANCE 47.300 Salaries and xyange93- SU3111101AAFIV 1968 D L, D G- r-- T E D ESTIMATED 0 D j E C T $57,178 $ 57,882 1. PERSONAL SERMES 5,100 7,926 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,690 13,316 3. COMIMOOMES 1..3, 360 13,860 4. CENTRAL SEA MES 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY Y 88,,828 �� 92,9M TOT ALS COWOENTARY 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDG12TED $ 72,300 $ 6,350 16,190 16,080 . 110.920 E LN - �Ti ON, Park Maintenance involves the care of nil Village parks and recreation facilities. Included in this budget account are only those 1p-ope-:c•ties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, trianglas, lift and pumping stations, etc,, are maintained through other budget accounts, although the ground T"York is done by the park maintenance cr•T•,, The maintenance of parks includes turf care, establish - ment tnd care of trees and ptantings, litter removal, maintenance of Park 'buildings, and equipment and skating rinks. Proposed a-mpenditures are twenty -five percent (25%) higher than last year's n e-M p-ropriation: About two-thirJs of the increase -.rp,r sents salary incressas and clitiona). part-time help, The below, listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and xyange93- M07,ying $ 1,530 Special turf care 2,070 Plantings and trees 500 Litter rew,,:Pva! 600 Parking area maintenance 380 Building and equipinent maintenance 3,056 Skating rink maintenance - -6, 986_ $15,122 Contracted --vork 200 Utilities and heat 950 Electrical wi?:iag l00 Fertilizer and sYeed spray 400 Trash containers 130 Lumber t,400 Relpa-ir materials 2 and IfiRtures 100 Central sere cen 2, 220, 11n rMw (1�q 7 VILLAGE - ®P EDIT - _ _ ANNUAL - BUDGET PAGE 67- - - - Fund PARK Function PARK_AND_RECREATI0W Area trAINTENANCE Act. No. 47 -300- Present Sudgat Recommended EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detuffl Present Sudgat Recommended Budgeted 310 Mowing 1. Payroll $10,470 $12,000 3. Repairs, parts and hand mwmra 750 750 4. Equipment operation 3,480 3,9W TOTAL MOWING � $14,700 $16,650 320 Special Turf Care 1. Payroll $ 9,430 I $11,500 2. Contracted work 1,600 1 1,800 1, Seed $ 1,200 i. $ 1,200 Sod 540' 540 Fertilizer Black dirt I 1,300 1,000 I 1,600 1,000 Weed spray 200 300 $ 4,240 $ 4,640 4. Equipment operation 1.860 2,040 TOTAL SPECIAL TURF CARE $17,130 $19,980 330 Plantings and Trees 1. Payroll iI I $ 3,500 $ 4,000 2. Equipment rental 150 150 3. Plant materials 1,000 1,000 4. Equipment operation 1,320 1 1,500 TOTAL PLANT NGS AND TREES $ 5,970 I $ 6,650 340 Litter Removal 1. Payroll $ 5,400 $ 6,000 3. Trash containers 300 400 4. Equipmnt operation 1 020 1,200 TOTAL LITTER RE10VAL $ 6,720 $ 7,600 350 Parking Area Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 2,120 $ 2,500 3o Road oil $ 1,500 $ 1,300 Sand Unclassified 300 100 300 300 $ 1,900 $ 1,900 4. Equipment operation 900 1 200 I TOTAL PARKING A MAINTENMCE Ii f $ 4,920 I $ 5,600 j VILLAGE OF 'ENNIA ANNUAL SUPYGET IPAGE 5€ MENDI T URR DETAIL Code `!'i ?tSl'.ii4DSA - -- � P[iI ATB iECATaMPARK ----- -- - - -- A"4:Q- --- --- I MAINOMAN ?CE P4sY. 7�.o. - -- 47.300 I Present — - -- 360 MENDI T URR DETAIL Code Aaivi�y Ditaai I Present i BReca -m Bepded gadgetod 360 _ Building and � �rl Equipmeat Mfaintan- mace l,. Payroll $ 11,244 $ 14,300 2,. Utilities 450 1,000 3� Lumber I $ 2,100 $ 3,500 Rapair materials I 2 000 $ 4,100 3,500 $ 7,000 � j 4� Equipment operation 1 ?620 21040 � I �._ � j ` OTA1,. 6UTL ING A7D EQUIPMENT MiAIi4 aN NCE $ 17,414 I $ 24,340 370 Skating, Rink Maintewace 1" Payroll $ 15;014 $ 22,000 2� Electrical airing $ 600 $ 700 I Power 1000 500 ! I Heat ? , gOT1 $ 2,900 200 $ 3,400 j 3 � L mps and fixtures 400 500 4,. Equipment operation 3,660--1 ,, 200 21,974 j $ 30, iaa I J TOTAL JlciiT P7G RI MIEsIR7TEWAD10E I $ 88 828. I $1102920 � I� I I j I f i`O'iM. FMT13'i`ENAMiCE I $110,920 � I � i i PAIK ii,T PAGE 69 A Temporary Laborer(Samer) 8 Egg1®ye®o tbly Salary AVDrffriations 5,000 TWO Lug 1468 13 1961 1968 1969 rte, 186,040 $ $110,200 a 'Perk Foreman 1 1 $735 $800 $ 8,820 $ 9,600 1� Training $ $ 400 Perk Maeper III 1 720 8,640 jPark Keeper II 'j 5 9 605 650 36,330 70,200 Park Keeper I 5 542 Special turf care 1 32,820 Plantings and trees 4 4,000 Litter removal 6 6,000 A Temporary Laborer(Samer) 8 8,400 7 7,000 Overtime 5 5,000 lGolf Course (Winter help) 5 5,000 Spring Cleats 6p Ralp 4 41760 i 11 li 1 186,040 $ $110,200 . DISTRIBUTION Perk and Recreations Admiaistrations Training $ $ 400 Paid leave 1 12,000 Recreations Miscellaneous and special activities 2 2,000 ! Maintenance: t sag $ $ 12,000 Special turf care 1 11,500 Plantings and trees 4 4,000 Litter removal 6 6,000 Park area maintenance 2 2,500 Building and equipmnat maintenance 1 14,300 Skating rink maintmance 2 22,000 Charged to Other Funds: Gewral- Pablic Works Genneral- Equipmnt ©peratiou Sw%iug Pool Golf Course Recreation Center IVAtertorks Sever Rental 72,300 CAI. PARK MD RECREATION $ 86,700 $ 15,000 1,200 3,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 700 $ 23,300 TOTAL 110 200 PARK FARK AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY � 147. DOr- 5 _ 1968 BUDGETED WNW11 ED OBJECT d. PERSONAL SEERVECLS 3. WN&IMODa u GAS 4. Cm 4 RAL SERVEIES 12,700 12,431 S. QUIRbALOUTLAY C 2, 700 i.,G 9 � }�.E. 1959 PIC-COMM"""M DIED BUDGETED 1 `:•y 200 $"__ 14, 200 $ I ti, ?_930 MICTION Bnpendi.twreN for fters of equipment which hwre e useful. 1 ;.fe oia more than one year are Clash- ie'd as capital outlay., CCII IFN S •mo ®��¢erialL bucket truck 2s needed for maintenamce -if about 6000 Ert'_rk and �'Oule' ar'_"" trees. Ore -half ZT the cost vill be provided in the Ni.Sbli �,Yorkn budget. Cushman scooter is a replacement kor cold scooter. This vehicle is the chesspast fF9n: , cnf suvm!er trarFportatRon for ,--York cre-ws can ballfiO.ds_ Antomobi?e Is Ear the d reactor, his iwaxiel truck !ri.1.1 loo 'Vi en to the irt.Anterance crew to -'ej V_CE? utility r'kh-n'1 ; wMI—cle -which is completely - /,or 1 out, VILLAGE OF EDINA AINNUAL BUDGET PASS 71 Fld6Bd PARR FflItBC$iU3 a AWC- ANR_RLCRBATIOR� APE® - PITAL- OUTLAY- - Act. N®. 47 -100- S— PrMent Budget EXPENDITURE SAIL Code Activity object Detail PrMent Budget Recommended Budgeted B 5< Jeep with plow $ 3,200 Picnic tables 500 Tractor with crib -raid umated flaail steeper 5,500 Brush chipper 3,500 iAerial bucket- truck (4) $10,000 j Cushraan scooter 1,300 Automobile 2,500 i Air compressor 400 j t I i TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $12,700 14 200 S14.200 i I I � V! L L", -.,' I- -OF E DIJ N A PuNi�WAL B1U11'1G-'1':T PAGE 12 9 P. U vll� �'_; E T ECG' @Y n8C 14,780 SUNWARY 0B 3 IL7 C T 1. PBSONAL SEERVECES 2. CONTIA.C40"UAL SERVECES 3. COMA1110MMS 4. CENTPAL STRIVICES 5. CAN TAL OUTLAY TOTALS C ().ki hA, E Mr k' 16 1969 BOST �D 14,980 14,980 14,980 FUNCTION Rearesents Village cost of re=lief and adminiatration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing, e, ,14,980 Acct MO. Ij POOR RELIEF AND PUBUC NURSING 90. W 9 P. U vll� �'_; E T ECG' @Y n8C 14,780 SUNWARY 0B 3 IL7 C T 1. PBSONAL SEERVECES 2. CONTIA.C40"UAL SERVECES 3. COMA1110MMS 4. CENTPAL STRIVICES 5. CAN TAL OUTLAY TOTALS C ().ki hA, E Mr k' 16 1969 BOST �D 14,980 14,980 14,980 FUNCTION Rearesents Village cost of re=lief and adminiatration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Nursing, e, ,14,980 P "l C i�. f" wra- ��iFr- 111 - G-E. OP, E�I�6 A PAGE Y3 SUNN A RY 1963 GUS -7—TED E5 T NMA -lT-,D OBJECT $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERMES 2. CONIT ,, CTUAL SERVWSS 3. COMMODI46ES 4. CENTRAL SEMCES 80,1,'00 80,000 S. CANTAL OUTLAY S"), (too 30,000 COPA EN u"ARY 1969 rTOM K. DIED 6'u®rJ -T iF G ,0110 S SO „ 000 ��s�sl -- - -- FL - -- - - - - -- ,ices �,�c�. 1'40. ` PARK CONSTRUCT—ION IMPROVEMENTS SUNN A RY 1963 GUS -7—TED E5 T NMA -lT-,D OBJECT $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERMES 2. CONIT ,, CTUAL SERVWSS 3. COMMODI46ES 4. CENTRAL SEMCES 80,1,'00 80,000 S. CANTAL OUTLAY S"), (too 30,000 COPA EN u"ARY 1969 rTOM K. DIED 6'u®rJ -T iF G ,0110 S SO „ 000 ` iLLAG E Gs EDINA L Fu,dd 1 Eaac'Hon Area ?�1 I Acct. No. I BONDS D INTEREST f SUMMARY 1968 S UDGETED E'S T I M lll�ull D 013SECT RECOIN MR41DED 1969 _ BUDGET0 $ 1. MRSONAL SERVICES 6 2 , 5tj0 6 1 ., 875 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMES 5 � » t�0(? 63,000 3. COMMODME-S 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CANTAL OUTLAY Ye_ 62, 500 6 y 875 4, 63 , 0'00 o w 63 o GQO TOTALS — COMMENTARY These funds 8--re t2seel to riaake ammura! pralymsmts, on outstanding bonds. A:'ll-IGE Off° EDIN 4 `aSVNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75 Fund Function A�e� Acct. Igo. I II F'IM ROrlEGTION s 20. i Go -9 SUs`UlNWRY 1969 _ BUDG�I ED ES`f; EMIATED OBJECT E'IM01 IN- t11,NED BURG ` D 1. PERSONAL SERMCES 14, 00a 13,860 2. C®NMACTUAL SER FECES 16,300 16,800 & WMNIODMES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. @sAPOTAL OUTLAY 1 960 s 16, 800 4 - - - -- - - -- TOTALS - -- - -- __ CO MM EN TA RY Repre-3entg n2munt of: hj%6l7°ant rcmtal. I®i fire protect -ion paid to ,vate m,*rk hind. III VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL EuDGE`r PAGE 76 Fund Function Area Aca No. FIa2EMEN' S RELIEF ASSOCIATION 20,230-9i 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED 4,700 4,653 +,700 & 4,653 SUMMARY OBJECT i. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES - 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS 1969 RECOMMEINDED BUDGETED 5,600 5,600 5, 600 $_5a600, COMMENTARY FUNCTION Represents the amount the Village contributes for retirement of volunteer firemen. VI"GE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Turd Function Ana Acct. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED i BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 267,840 264,943 2. CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 304,740 307,536 6,600 6,752 3• C4 NLMODITIES 7,200 7, 200 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLIkY 274,440 $ 271695 TOTALS 311,940 14x736 COMMENTARY FUNCTION These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments, postage, equipment service contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, based on usage. COHMENTS Proposed expenditures are fourteen percent (14 %) higher than last year's appropriations. Ninety percent (90%) of the increase is caused by employer's retire- ment contribution being determined on total payroll instead of on a maximum of $6000, and contributions paid on current basis instead of eighteen months later. This change was made by the 1967 legislature. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Telephone $ 1,320 Equipment service contracts 300 Pension Contributions 34,020 Postage 300 Liability insurance 1,200 Workmen's Compensation insurance 900 Employer ®s share - hospitalization 2,460 Equipment rentals -copy machines (2) 600 Office supplies 600 TOTAL $37,500 V!,LLASE, OF EDIN A ANNUAL SUMEC PAGE 78 Eun� - - Furte$aow Avas Act Nc. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES I GENERAL 25.100 EXPEPdOg URE DETAIL Cc-do Activity Object Detail f aeses>3 - Bridget Uyomme?ded Budgeted 20 Telephone $ 11,400 $ 12,720 $ 12,720 Equipment service contracts 1,620 I 1,920 1,920 Pension contributions 190,860 (A 224,880 227,676 Postage 6,600 6,900 6,900 I Insurance I Liability 12,120 10,920 10,920 Workmen's Compensa- tion 21,900 I Employerus share- 21,000 21,000 hospitalization 20,640 23,100 23,100 Equipment rentals 2,700 3,300 3.300 5304,740 $307,536 $267,840 3. Office supplies 6,600 7,200 7 200 TOTAL GENERAL $274,1440 311 940 $314.736 Note A - Includes c�+)ntrib IAssociation and tions to bona Public ployeLs Retirement United States Government for social security. DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OiERATI ! G DE P TENTS a P1 ?UAL MONTHLY Mayor and Council S 660 $ 55 Planning 3,240 270 i I Administration 9,720 810 { , Finance 9,600 800 Assessing 10,440 870 ` Legal and Court Services Library 960 1,380 80 115 Public Works: l Administration 3,900 325 Engineering General I 20,040 41„700 1,670 1 3,475 Police Tire Public Health 80Y076 i 36,300 3,960 6,673 I 3,025 330 I I I Inspections (village Hall Garage Equipment Operation I � 7,020 � � 1,620 1,44 , ®900 $238,956 585 � 120 575 I � I ' $ 19,913 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 79 Fund Function Aver Act. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES _. GENERAL - - - 25.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Badg g Recommended Budgeted ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: ANNUAL MONTHLY Shimming Fool $ 480 $ 40 Golf Course 8,460 705 Recreation Centex 5,820 483 Park 25,620 2,135 Waterworks 12,360 1,030 Seger Rental 8,460 705 Liquor -50th Stre t 5,520 460 Liquor Southdale 4,560 380 Liquor - Grandview 42500 375 $ 75,780 I $ 6,315 I I i I I i � i TOTALS I 1314 736 $26.228 ' i � I i i VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE So Fund Fun cvsn Ij— - -- Are I Acct. No. REVOLVING CEPf`EM SERVICES j VILLAGE HALL I 250200 SUPS WIRY 196E BUDGETED EST'IMA'TED OBJECT 1969 RECOMMENDED IIUDGEM 9,668 11,794 1. PERSOML SERVICES 10,700 $ 10,955 11,018 L CONTRACTUAL SERVICE; 11,320 39017 2,536 3. CC'MIOODI'TIES 2,700 1,260 1,260 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,620 Paper supplies 90 5. CANT'AL OUTLAY 100 a 248900 26,631 TOTALS _26 -ILO e'�� COMMENTARY FUNCTION This account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hmll„ Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. COMNTS Proposed expenditures are sips percent (6%) higher than ,last year" s appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to -the increase, ... Salaries and Wages 1,032 Heart 400 Light and power 400 Uater and sewer service 30 Insurance 15 Rubbish service 60 Laundry service 180 Electrical and furnace service 100 Aid conditioning service 200 Contract service and repair 150 Cleaning supplies 160 Paper supplies 90 General supplies 100 Repair pants and hardware 3 Carpenter materials and paint 250 Replacement -light bulbs IOU Central Services 360 TOTAL 1,440 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 81 Fund Function Areu Act. -No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE MLL 25.200 EXPENDFrURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object Detail Dudgd Recommended Budgeted to Custodian $ 7,200 $ 7,200 Custodian 5,520 Extra help and overtime 3,060 2,000 $15,300 $ 9,200 Allocated to other departments: Library $ 2,600 Public Works Bldg. 4 532 7,132 -0- $ 8,166 $ 9,200 Public works payroll 1 500 1.500 $ 9,668 $10,700 2, heat $ 2,400 $ 2,000 Light and power 4,800 5,200 Water and sewer service 250 300 Insurance I 425 410 Rubbish eervice l 540 600 Laundry service I 840 660 Electrical and furnace services 600 700 Air conditioning service 600 800 Contract service and repairs 500 650 $10,935 $11,320 3. Cleaning supplies $ 660 $ 500 Paper supplies 410 500 General suppliers 450 550 Repair parts and hardware 247 I 250 Carpenter materials I I and paint 750 500 Replacement - light bulbs I 500 400 $ 3,017 $ 2,700 4. General 1,260 1 620 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL 24 900 26 340 $26,340 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 62 Fund Function Aeen Act: No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HAIL 25.200 EXPENDITURE i'IETAM Code Activity Object Detail Pmesesnt Budget Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION ALIDCAATED TO OPERATING DEP 92i NTS: ANNUAL MONTHLY Mayor and Council $ 2,340 $ 195 Planning ► 720 60 Administration ! 4,140 345 Finance 1,620 135 Assessing 1,620 135 Public Works* Administration 720 I 60 Engineering 1,500 125 Police I 4,740 395 Fire I 4,320 360 Public Health 720 60 Inspection 900 75 $23,340 $ 1,945 ALIOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: Park $ 1,620 $ 135 Waterworks 720 60 Sewer Rental 660 55 31000, $ 250 1 TOTAL $26.340 2J95 � I 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 Uaad 1 Function Am Ac a. No. REVOLVING 1 CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 25.300 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1969 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUNETED $ 5,732 5,634 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 7,000 � 11,350 12,675 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICI5 13,050 1,998 1,524 3. COMMODITIES 2,090 900 900 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1,440 5. CAPITAL OUTUY 11 19,980 20x733 T�TA� & 23 580 S 23 COMMENTARY FUNCTION The function of the Public Works Building is to provide a shelter for equipment maintenance operations, stockroom, and office area for public works personnel. COP2A4E TS Proposed expenditures are eighteen percent (18 %) higher than last year's appropriation. The custodian will be used on a full time basis at the Public Works Building. As he is not needed on a part -tip basis at the library, as in past years, this represents about one -third of the increase. Increase in poser cost represents another one- third. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. I MOUNT Salaries and wages $1,268 Light and power 1,200 Insurance so Seder and water service 50 Contract work 500 C1e, ning supplies 150 General supplies, har&sare and repair parts 108 Light bulb replacement 50 Central services 340 TOTAL 6 V9LLAGE 0i' EMNA, ANNUAL BUDGET pAGE 84 Fzm'd I Fultc any: I Aoec Act. Me. -- R- ?.VCLVIN,, I MNIERAL SERVICE. � - - -i— PUBLIC X -JQRKS BUILDING -- --- 25 >300 -- EXPE-NO! d U METML wc& Activity — - obj"t Doi ©1a I tr'�es�s�k ��° �Q$ Recommended sadoetzd — 1, Custodian $ 4.,532 $ .6,000 Public Works payrol 1 200 1,000 $ 5,732 $$ 7,0/00 r� i 2 . Heat $ [4, 800 `$ 4,800 Light and parer 1 4,200 I , 5,400 , Insurance I 350 , 300 Rubbish bauling 600 600 Sewer and water I service 400 450 } Contract work 1 „000 1,500 $11,350 $13,050 3. Cleaning scapplies $ 350 $ 500 General supplies, j hardware and reprai I I i pares ILight bulb i 1,348 1,240 I replacement 300 350 _ $ 1,998 _ $ 2;,090 Go General 900 1,440 i TOTAL 7 IC T/� 80gS.L RML WORKS BUILDING I 819 980 2 3 580 $ 23.580 i I DI.STRIPUTTON I I ALLOCATED TO OPER.%T T G DEPfiM12MTSo I ! �PiNiFAL � A;flN?'HL�I -a°- ----- I I &a1th i $ 720 $ 60 i Public Works I I Equi ent operati In i i 1,980 � 18,180 I 165 1„515 $20,880 li_ $ 1,740 1 ALLOCATED TO OTHER. UIiD„ . S o I i I Park $ 1,980 i $ 165 Waten.yor s I 360 30 Sewer Rental I i 360 30 $ 2,700 225 f I ! I TOTAL I I$ 23 � 580 $ 1 965 a � tl _ @!IL AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8.5 Fund I Function A -C1 Aca. NO. REVD —VING � CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION 25.400 SUMMARY 1968 BUDGETED ESTIMATED ONECT 1969 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 53,000 $ 50,022 9. PERSONAL SUERVECES $ 57,540 18.200 17,959 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,€100 59 � 500 68,719 3. COMMODITGES 71,000 22,980 22,980 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 25,083 $__163 , 68 0 b59,68Cr S. CAPBTAL OUT LAY TOTALS COMMENTAIRY 172,920 fi72.920 This account provides for operatLorr and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equi. vent, and power tools- Costs of equipment operation are charged to Operating departments and other funds on the basis `i use, ' Proposed expenditures are s -;; percent (6 %) higher than Inst year's appropriations. The below listed datail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries ;and 'wages $4, 840 RadiO S"el -ViCe 1,000 1.,aundry 300 Insu rance 500 Contracted repairs 1,000 Stock arat2rials 530 Lubricants 500 Tires and wbes 1,000 !accessories and parts 1,500 Central services TOTAL $--,!L, 0 VKLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 86 Fund 1 Area Age. No REVOLVING CUTa SERVICES � EQUIPMENT 011ERMON 25.400 I EXOMM0ITURE DETAM � Code f ctaiiy object _ ~1 Detail Present Budget Recommended , Budgei -ad I � Mechanic forea2an $ 8,700 $ 9,120 Mchanic (2) 16,200 17,280 Saxvice n• {Bight) 7,440 8,100 Serviceman 7,200 7,800 Public Works- payroll 5,000 6,000 Parts Clerk (3) 3,510 3,990 I Park and Golf C ®;.arse j I payroll 2,800 3,200 'Overtima 2,150 2 z35 $ 53,000 1 $ 57,840 2,. Radio service 1 $ 4,000 1 1 $ 5,000 Laundry I 1,200 i 1,500 Contracted repairs 7,000 6,000 Insurance 6,000 6,500 $ 18 ;200 $ 19,000 i i 3� Replacement of tools' $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Stoc k materials 4,500 4,400 Belding supplies i 1,000 1,000 1 Gasoline a.ad fuel i oil 25,000 15,000 Lubricauts 3,300 3,000 Tires and tubes 5,000 1 6,000 Acceawries -, I sand parts Q 28, 500 j 30 ,0 00 $ 69,500 $ 71,000 4. General $ 7,560 � $ 6,900 , i Public Works I j I i Building _ 15,420 j 18 ,180 �- i $ 22,980 �i 25.080 j TOTAL EQUI -M f I '1 i j � OPERATION X63a680 1 $172,920 $172.920 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET I PAGE 87 Fund I Function Acec Act. No. REVOLVING F CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION 250400 EXPENDITURE DET%ML Code Activity Object ®,tail I Budget Recommended Budgeted DI. STRI BUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERAi NG DE ARTMEN'PS o ANNUAL MONTHLY Administration $ 600 $ 50 Assessing 600 50 Public Works: Engineering 6,,420 535 Supervision and Overia ad 600 50 i Street Kainten ce 61,260 5,105 Street Lighting 600 ++ 50 Street Name Si s 1,800 I 150 Traffic Control � 3,600 300 Bridges 600 50 Storm Drainage 3,600 300 Village Properties ► 5,400 450 Sidewalks 900 75 Police 30,600 2,550 Fire 7,,200 600 $123;,780 $ 10,315 ALLOCATED TO OTHER 7 , DS : Swimming Pool $ 840 $ 70 Golf Course 11,460 950 Recreation Center, 2,700 225 Parka 17,700 1,475 Waterworks 6,600 558 Suer Rental 4,500 375 Construction (As -ssed trojects) 5,400 4-10 9, 140 4 -,095 14 TOTALS i 172s�920 14 410 I i ' i ► i I VILI AGE OF EDINA PAU, A AUGUST 23, 1968 SCiIEDULS OF NAX=;;! SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEAR 1966 AND 1969 MRAL AM4UgISTBA` X0V Director of Flawme =d Treasurer Assessor Deputy Assessors Village Clark Admi nistrative Assist:eoe Office Clerical— fiscal seeretariaal a Clerical I tt4s� Clerical IY (9) Clerical III (4) Clerical I® (2) Legal Prosecuting Attorney Planning Technic.ida Aacouataaot a mditar UBLIC SAMW POLICE* Director of %bile Safety Police Chief. Captains Detective Ses°gpa nts Sergemts Detectives Patrol ma 4 yearn service 3 yeers service 2 years service 1 year service First, year Dispatchers o Desk Clarks (aar►athly) Dispatchers - Desk Clerks by urly ) FIREfe 1968 1969 PER Xs:TNTfl PER MONTH $9.,323 1,050 700 560(A) 62S(A) 39� 430 520 see 3 92S 600QA) 1,325 9�3 023 8005 780 730 700 675 640 600 S00 280 — Chief 900 Assistant Chief 823 Lie teoaots 767 Driver 729 Firemen 4 ye�iTs service 704 3 yeeira service -"6 V 662 2 years service 640 i Year service 615 First Yeaar °''�a�w.s'" 56 a Fart�tiwe'+ $5,00 per call up to 2 hours, and $3,00 per hour thereafter. $20,65 per drill. $1,3011 1,123 Soo S60(A) 673 420 465 548 620 So0 950 700(A) 1,300 980 883 865 833 780 750(B) 720(b) 68`$QB ) 640(B) 333 3.00 1,000 900 825 780 75+5 23(B) 695(B) 6600) 6150) Qper call 5.50) Qper hr. 3.25) (pif drill 2080) *-4)£ the total compensation for gibers of the Police Departmena $30,130 a mdut6 shall be Oasidered as pay ment for taming at leash 30 houIrs off -duty tram° from the Fire Depart - eat in fire fi.ghtl.ag fecimiqumsa for aiding in the exttinguishimg 69 fins and for lifying for Reel (*ass first aid cartifica so 300018 per amth of the compas�saation paid firemen shall be Considered as psgment for uch duties outside nok&ai fireariem s duties as €a?.ay be assigned by the „Vill'age Manager. _'- f-aff-dxty police End p id firemen responding to c,alls and drills sha.11 be paid the Sawa as part-time firemwo A t of Inc gse J ary 1 g t of iwraase July .I (B) $20000 per mouth will be added to each step for present employees until m2ximmm rate Is reached. A Schedule of Salaries and Wages Ccu.tivued August 23, 1968 ACTION Judges and Clerks Chaimen ARKS AND RECREATION Director Program Supervisor Peal Manager (s) Assistant Pbol Harmer (s) Concession Nmmger (s) P601 Cashier (8) Bathhouse - Concession Attendant (s) Sulming Insauctor (s) Life (beards (®): Teal Raintemace (s) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) Baseball Assistants (s) Hnkayy Coaches (s) Rink Attendants (s) Playground Leaders (s) Shsti Sl&iieg Instructors (s) Park Keeper ® 11 Park Meeper ® I Golf VAUWT ® Pro Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rags, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks Arena ® Pier Arena m Assistant Nanager Arena - Maintenance Supervisor Golf Course Business manes _IQWR STDRES er Assistant Kanner Assistant stores Clefts m regular Clerks m pert- time L" R3 plumbing Building Deputy Inspector TH Health Officer Sandtarien a) Seasonal RA) % of increase Jewry lg k of increase July 1 1968 1969 PER YAWN PER NUM $1050 Per hr. 2.30 addl. $1,000 825 "5 415 2,00 per hr. 1045 per hro 1010 per hr, 2.25 per tar. 2,15 oar hr. 1.75 per ht. 430 per me 1075 per hr:, 2.00 Far hr. 1,60 per hr, 2,10 per hr. 3.00 InstoClass i0S per me. 542 per %W o 625 per vw„ 700 per moo 2.23 per hr. 683 603 603 600 $1,075 725 700 2085 per hr. 2.40 per hr. $ 773 810 600 $ 25 925 $1.73 Per hr, 3.00 addl. $1,175 925 480 425 2.15 per hr, 1.55 per hr. 1.25 per hr. 20430 per hr. 2040 per hr. 1.90 per hr. 450 per Mo o 1090 per hr. 2.15 per hr. 1.75 per hr. 2.23 per hr. 58.000 Class 650 per so. 587 per no. 625 pew zo 760 per uo. 2040 per hr. 700 655 655 650 $1, 11+0 790 760 3010 per hr. 2.53 goer hr. $ 865 950 700(A) 1,®dO A teduls of Salaries and Wages continued August 23, 1968 1968 1969 PER MON= PER Holm PBLIC WRES WO BN6I G Director of Fablic War" and Br4lueering $1,350 $1,525 Civil Engineer 1,025 1,175 Chief Engineering Aide 835 900 Engiaseiisg Aide IV 720 775 Engineering Aide III 660 725 Rngineering Aida 11 571 625 Engineering Aide I 500 550 Supsriatendemt, Public Works 1,025 1,100 Superintendent, beater - 865 925 lroraman - (Street, ewer, water,, parka and mechanic) 745 820 Office Clerk 585 665 Neavy Equipment Operators 675 720 Light Equipaeeat Operators 605 650 Maintenance Neal 542 587 to following mininum rates shall be paid: HuM &pipmeat Operators - $595 mthly for not more than the first si= maths° service $ 625 Light Equipment Operators v $545 mthly for not store than the first eis worth ®e service 575 Maimtasance Man _ $430 wnthly for not more than the first 44S threes months' services and $465 mthly during the fourth, 490 fifth, end sjuth maaths of service ffiachasic 0 675 720 Mechanic helper 0 605 650 Janitor 360 600 Samr -Hater Utility Rata 605 630 i - starting crates maybe 20% less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three sonths. COMPAiRATIVS SUIMY OP )WOg OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND PUND FOR YsAW 1969 AND 1968 Contractual Services Comodities Personal Coalerences Supplies Central Capital Activities Services and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total s Mayor and Council: 1969 $ 7,200 $ 400 $ 800 $ 3,000 $ 11,400 1968 7.200 400 800 2,820 11.220 Increase - Decrease* -0- -0- -0- $ -0- -O- $ 180 $ -0- 180 Planning: 1969 $ 15,550 $ 350 $ 4,487 $ 350 $ 75 $ 3,960 $ 24,772•.•• 1968 12.150 375 4,725 400 75 3,396 75 21,196 Increase- Decrease* 3,400 $ 25A $ -•238* $ 50* $ -0- $ 564 $ 75* $ 3,576 Administrations 1969 0 54,000 $ 438 $ 6,410 $ 275 $ 50 $ 14,460 $ 600 $ 76,233 1968 47,670 488 5,335 150 25 13,800 500 67,968 Increasa- Decrease* 0 6,330 $ UP $ 1,075 $ 125 $ 25 $ 660 $ 100 $ 8.265' Finance: 1969 $ 46,185 $ 455 $ 2,585 $ $ 75 $ 11,220 $ 550 $ 61,070 1968 39.995 470 2,060 50 9,960 10.300 - 62 835 Increase - Decrease* 0 6,190 $ 15* 525 -0- 25 $ 1,260 9,750* $ 19765 *' Elections: 1969 $ 2,185. 132 $ 520 $ 1,908 $ 4.745 1968 5.108 337 375 1,965 7,785 Increase - Decrease* 2.923* $ -0. $ 205* $ -0- $ 145 $ -0- $ 57* $ 3,040* Assessing: 1969 $ 52,440 $ 490 $ 2,841 $ 435 $ 12,660 $ 68,866 1968 46,650 440 1,141 435 11,160 59,826. Increase - Decrease* • $ 5, 790 $ 50 $ 1,700 $ -0- $ - 0- .. $ 1,500 $ -0- $ 9,040 Legal and Court Services: 1969 $ 6,000 $ 29,500 $ 960 $ 36,460 - 1968 6.000 26,500 1,020 33,520_ Increase- Decrease* -0- -Or 3.000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 60* $ -0- $ 2,940 Library: 1969 $ 8,250 $ 7.890 $ 850 $ 350 $ 1,380 $ 18,720 1968 3.400 2,370 550 500 360 7,180 Increase - Decrease* X. 85` $ 4 $� _ - $ 3 520 11,020 $ 300 $ 150* $ $ .0. $ 11,540 TOTAL GMRAL GOVENHENT: 1969 $191,810 $ 2,133 $ 53,845 $ 1,910 $ 1,870 $ 47,640 $ 3,058 $302,266 1968 168,173 2,173 42,468 1 535 1,825 42,316 12 840 271 530 Increase- Decrease* Z3,031 4uw 4 11,J11 > ao Actiyiti ®e PUBLIC WORKS: Administration: 1969 1968 Increase- Dacrease* Engineering: 1969 196E Increase- Decrease*• Supervision and Overheads 1969 1968 Increase- Dacreasn* Street Maintenance: 1969 1968 Increase-Decrease Street Lighgings 1969 1%8 Increase- Decrease* Street Yuma Signs: 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Traffic Control: 1969 1968 Increase= Dacrease* Bridges: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* CIMIPAVATIVE SAY OF HWOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY MD FUND (COW ° D) . Centrattmal Service® Comadities pareeml Conferewee Supplies Central Capital Services and Scale Other General Special Services Outlay_ Total $ 22,020 $ 415 $ 2,270 600 $ 97,500 500 $ 4,620 11000 $ 29,325 19,680 58,100 360 $ 39,400 -270 °0= $ 9 25 39,400 4,236 $ 150 24,721 $ 2,340 $ 55 $ 2,000 $ -0- $ 25* $ 384 $ 150* $ 4,604 $118,575 $ 210 $ 36,230 $ 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 27,960 $ 4,000 $192,495 95,600 110 42185 3,000 1,000 21,060 730 125,705__ $ 22,975 $ 100 $ 3210065 $ 1,000 6 500" $ 6,900 $ 3,250 $ 66,790 $ 47,563 $ 551 $ 90 $ 250 0 44,280 $ 92,736 43.335 765 90 300 41 &00 85.890 4,230 $ 214* $ -0-: $ -0- $ 30* $ 2,880 $ -0- $ 6,846 $131,000 $ 78,500 $61,600 $ 18,000 $ 61,260 130.3440 30.500 . 54.600 17.750 59.640 7, s- $350,360 57,030 $ 500 $ 95,400 $ 11000 $ 600 $ 97,500 500 56,000 11000 600 58,100 $ -0- $ -0- $ 39,400 $ -0- $ °0= $ -0. $ =Om $ 39,400 $ 5,000 $ 51500 $ 1,800 $ 12.,300 2,500 31700 1,620 7,520_ $ 2,500 $ -Ob $ _ $ 1,800 $ 00. $ 180 $ -0- $ 4,480 $ 10,000 $ 8,40.0 $ 7,000 0 1,600 $ 3,600 $ 30,600 7.500 7.400 6.500 2,000 3,300 _ _ 26.700 $ 2,500 22500 $ 10,000 $ 1,000 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1.000 600 840 $ 15,100 5,340 !� -0- $ -0- $ 10,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 240* $ -0- $ 9,760 w Activities PUBLIC WORKS COMP'D: Storm Drainage: 1969 1968 -- Increase- Decrease* Village Properties: 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Sidewalke s 1969 1968 Increase- .Decrease* Capital Outlay: 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Fire Protection: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease Civilian Defense: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* CO KPARATIVS SUMMARY OF IWOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT° D) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferesaes Supplies Central Capital Serviaee and Schools Other General Special Services Outlay Total $ 22,000 $ 1,327 $ 2,200 $ 750 $ 2,250 $ 3,600 $112,620 $ $ 30',800 14,000 -11524 4,456 1.250 4,250 3,300 - 1002080 22,800 $ 80000 $ -0- $ 2,200 1,852 500+ $ 2,000* $ 300 $ -0- $ 81000 $ 21,000 $107,995 $169,378 $ 12,000 $ 2,700 $ 7,900 $ 5,400 $ 1,859 $ 49,000 15.000 23,654 $248,050 139,776 1,500 816 2,700 8,000 5,040 1.450 724 32,240' 6,000 -0- $ 10,300 $ -0- $ 00* $ 360 $ -0- $ 16,7.60 . $ 2,000 2,640 $ $ 10,000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 900 310 $ 13,900 2,000 1.500 $ 3,592 2.385 300 900 325 0 4,900 $ -0- $ -0- $ 8,500 $ 500 -Om $ -0- $ -0- $ 91000 75* $ -0- $ -0° $ 500* $ 35* $ 39,700 $ 39.700 33,500 33,500 °0- $.,. -0- $ -,0- $ -Om $ -0° $ - Oa:.,; $ 6,200 $ 6 ;200 $382,160 $ 1,176 $255,110 $ 83,050 $ 34,000 $154,620 $ 43,700 $953,816 333,455 1,235 101,445 72,750 35,825 141,936 34,400 721,046 $ 48,705 $ 59* $153,665 $ 10,300 $ 1,825* $ 12,684 $ 9,300 $'232,770 $412,104 $ 1,327 $ 6,308 $ 781 $ 1,380 $112,620 $ 20,492. $555,012 326,109 -11524 4,456 839 1 220 - 1002080 447 OI7 85,995 $ 197+ $ 1,852 $ 58* $ 160 $ 12,540 _12,789 $ 7,703 $107,995 $169,378 $ 1,035 $ 2,316 $ 1,988 $ 1,859 $ 47,820 $ 23,654 $248,050 139,776 816 1.960 1.450 724 45,180 19,225 209,131 $ 29,602 $ 219 $ 356 $ 538 $ 1,135 $ 2,640 $ 4,429 $ 38,919 $ 2,700 $ 332 $ 310 $ 250 $ 3,592 2.385 92 325 0 75 250 500 3,627 315 $ 240 15* $ 75* $ -0- $ -0° $ 500* $ 35* to 1 CM4PAPATIVE SAY OF HAJOR OWNCTS By ACTIVITY AND POND (CONTe D) Actild9fi aye- , - PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY CONT ° D, : Public Health: 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Animal Control: 1969 1968 Increase° Decrease* Inspections: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1969 1968 Increase - Decreases' NON - DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: Contingencies, 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* Settlement of Suits: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* Special Assessments on Village Property: 1969 1968 Increase- Ptreewl Supplies Central Capital and a0hopml 0 Otter Genoral SMaia1 Services Outlay Total $ 20,450 $ 395 $ 1,245 $ 510 $ 5,400 $ 755 $ 28,755 18,330 335 950 356 _4 716 730 25,417 $ 2,120 60 $ 295 $ a0- $ 154 $ 684 $ 25 $ 31338 $ 15,600 $ 151600 15,000 15,000 ° 0- -0- $ 600 $ -0- $ _O_ $ -0- $ -0- $ 600 $ 42,880 $ 470 $ 2';843 $ 100 $ 525 $ 7,920 $ 150 $ 54,888 33,160 566 1500 225 425 7,356 260 43,892-. $ 9,720 $ 96* $ 943 $ 125* $ 100 $ 564 $ 110* $ 10,996 $647,512. $ 3,559 $ 2 .8,622 $ 2,869 $ 4,524 $173,760 $ 45,051 $905,897 519,760_ 3,333 240 591 2,589 21975 157,332 33,504 744,084 $127,752 $ 226 $ 4,0311 $ 280 $ 1,549 $ 16,428 $ 11,547 $161,813 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 13,097 13.00 $ °0' $ m0- $ 1,903 $ -0m -0° $ ®0- $ °0- $ 1,903' $ 500 $ 500 500 500 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 35,000 -0. _O_ $ " 0° -0- $ "0° $ -0. $ 5,000 .351000 .. $ 5,000 w COMPAVIVE SMMMY OF DWOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FWD (CMW D) 1969 1968 Inc reaasa- Decrease* Capital Improvements.- 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL HOPt- DRPARTMNTAL EXPENDITURES 1969 1968 Increase - Dacreaaga* TOTAL GENERAL FUND.- $ 169392 $-169392 11,750 11,750 $ -0- $ -0. $ .0- $ -0- $ -0. $ _o. $ 4,642 $ 4!642 642 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 100,000 100,000 $ m0- $ - =0� 9 -0- $ m0, $ m0° $ m0. $ 50,000* $ 50,000* $ 15,300 $106,392 $121,$92 13 597 146,750 160 347 GO- $ -0= $ 1,903`- $ -0- $ -0- $ - =0� $ 409358* $ 38,453* 1969 $1,221,482 $ 6,868 $353,077 $ 87,829 $ 40,394 $3765020 $198,201 $2,283,871 1968 1,021,388 6,741 182,101 76.874 40,625 341,784 227,494 1,897,007 Increase-Draerecsca* $ 200,094 $ 127 $170,976 $ 10,955 $ 231* $ 34,236 $ 29;293 *$ '386,864 PARR FUND: Administration: 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* Recreation.- 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* Maintenances 1969 1968 Increase- DacreRase* $ 51,350 $ 600 $ 820 $ 50 $ 75 $ 30,840 $ 83,735 38,062 600 760 30 75 26,160 65,707 $ 13,288 $ -0. $ 60 $ -0= $ ®0= $ 4,680 $ -0- $ 18,028 $ 35,690 $ 8,000 $ 9,100 $ 52,790 30.940 7,500 6.750 45,190 $ 4,750 $ ®0= $ S00 $ =0= $ 2 350 -0- $ 00= $ 7,600 $ 72,300 $ 6,350 $ 13,240 $ 2,950 $ 16;080 $110,920 572178 5,100 10,140 22550 132860 88,828 $ 15,122 $ =0= $ 1,250 $ 3,100 $ 400 $ 2,220 $ ®0- $ 22,092 to COMPARATIVE SUl4dOY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT° D) ActivitiesL PARR FUND COAT°D.s Capital Outlays 1969 1968 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PARR FUND; 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Contractual Services Comwditlesa Personal Ceafereaces ftpplies , Central Capital - Services and Schools Other General Special Sew cosh Outcry Total OTHER TAR SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: Relief and Public Nursing: 1969 1968 Increase- Dacrease* Park Construction - Capital 10prov ants 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Bonds and Interest; 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* Firemen's Relief Associations 1969 1968 Increase- Decreaase* Dire Protections 1969 1968 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES.- $ 14,980 $ 14,980 14,980 � 14.980 $ °0- m0- -0- -0- -®- $ -0- -0- -0- $ 80,000 $ 80,000 80,000 80,000 -0- nom g -o- -o- -o- S -0. $ oo- $ ®0- $ 63,000 $ 63,000 62,500 62 500 -0- g oO $ 500 $ -0- -0. $ -0- $ -0. $ 500 $ 5,600 $ 5,600 4,700 4,700 -0°' $ -Od $ 900 -N $ -N $ -0. $ 900 $ 16,800 - - $ 16,800 14,000 14,000 -0- 00= 2,800 $ -0- -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,800 1969 $100,380 $ 80,000 $180.380 1968 96.180 80,000 176 180 Increase - Decrease* oQo -0- $ 4,200 $ -0- $ =0- $ -0� $ °0= $ 4,200 w $ 14,200 $ 14,200 - - - 12,700 12,700 $ -0. $ -0= -0- $ ®0. $ m0- $ 1,500 $ 11500 $159,340 $ 600 $ 15,170 $ 13,290' $ 12,125 $ 46,920 $ 14,200 $261,645 126,180 600 13,360 10,190 9,373 40,020 12,700 212.425 $ 33,160 $ -0- $ 1,810 $ 3,100 $ 2,750 $ 6,900 $ 1,500 $ 49,220 $ 14,980 $ 14,980 14,980 � 14.980 $ °0- m0- -0- -0- -®- $ -0- -0- -0- $ 80,000 $ 80,000 80,000 80,000 -0- nom g -o- -o- -o- S -0. $ oo- $ ®0- $ 63,000 $ 63,000 62,500 62 500 -0- g oO $ 500 $ -0- -0. $ -0- $ -0. $ 500 $ 5,600 $ 5,600 4,700 4,700 -0°' $ -Od $ 900 -N $ -N $ -0. $ 900 $ 16,800 - - $ 16,800 14,000 14,000 -0- 00= 2,800 $ -0- -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,800 1969 $100,380 $ 80,000 $180.380 1968 96.180 80,000 176 180 Increase - Decrease* oQo -0- $ 4,200 $ -0- $ =0- $ -0� $ °0= $ 4,200 w J COVAEATIVE SUMMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (Cap D) Percent of increase over last year 20.33% 1.73% 60.69% 16.14% 5.04% 10.77.% 8.68% k.. 19.26% w rereonal confereacea Supplioa Central Capital Activities Services and Schools Other General Sveeial Services Outlay Total TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1969 $1,380,822 $ 7,468 $468,627 $101,119 $ 52,519 $422,9.40 $292,401$2,725,896 1968 18147,568 7,341 291;641 87,064 50.000 381,804 320,194 2,285,612 Increase* Decrease* $ 233 254 $ 127 $176;986 $ 14,055 $ 2,519 $ 41,136 $ 27,793 *$ "0,284 Percent of increase over last year 20.33% 1.73% 60.69% 16.14% 5.04% 10.77.% 8.68% k.. 19.26% w MALYSIS OF MMOR FACTORS COFMUNING TO MC ASR 113 BBCOMRM= =MDITURRS FOR 1969 PAGE C Cg�ai4ieaticaa =W. Otbar Additional .93RSMIAL SnVICES Hjusemmte Overtime Additiewl parsamal Salary Increave Total Plain $ 630 ■ $ 1,000 $ 1,770 $ 3,400 khainiratration 2,400 1,200 2,730 6,330 ?mantra 180 2,790 3,220 6,190 Alections 2,923 2,923 �Ssessing .5,790 5,790 4brary 4,850 4,850 ?ublic Works: Administration 2,340 2,340 Engineering $6,855 5,800 10,320 22,975 General 1,361 7,365 17,386 23,390 malice: 9,571 - 32,820 43,604(A) 85,995 `Tire 675 14,140 .14,787(B) 29,602 :ivilian Defense: 315 .315 .bblic Haalth 700 1,420 2,120 Zr!epaaetiona 500 6,950 3,270 9,720 'Ark: Administration, 6,900 4,350 11,250 Recreation 4,200 550 4,750 kaintenaance _ _ - -- -- - -- 6, 360 10"800 17,160 513,456 $4,994 $92,152 1122,652 TOTAL INCREASE m PERSONAL SERVICES 233 254 ;A) Includes education incentive pay plan in unt of $13,660 Includes education incentive pay plan in an.t. of $3,000 OONTSACTU®L SERVICES OTHER Alwinistraation; Dues- liannepin County League $ 800 lines- Kinnesotaa, II�zsgue o£ Hmnicipalities 225 $ 1,025 'mace- An�aal audit 500 �� ®ssingo IBM - Preparing 'aseessments $ 200 Appraisal service 1,500 1,500 Qgal and Court Servicesm Professional fees 3,000 ,.ibgaryo Utilities, including rubbish rival $ 5,220 Insurgmee 330 5,570 nblic Workaa Aoministratioul-Man.agemm't consultant 2,000 Rngineerings Professional` services $ 3,1,000 Computer time 1,000 32,000 Street Maintenances Contracted a p�i,rs $ 19,000 Contract worh� seal coat 25,000 Contract construction - alleys 7,500 ,.Contract construction-replacement 35,000 48,500 Street Lightiu�s Bwer $ q p 12,000 Contracted skervices 279400 39,400 Traffic Control= Per 1,000 Bridges- Gontracttd repairs 10,000 Storm Drainasg�Televised inspection 2,000 Village Propertie�La kes and ponds - Contract work 10,000 Sidevalks- Contracted Construction 10,000 RAGE II ANALYSIS OF MWOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INCREASE IN MR 1969 ?olicL- Uniform allowance Contingencies "ire Protection ►ther EXPENDITURES SALARY INCREASE TOTAL INCREASE - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES o OTHER U TRAL SERVICES General: Penaiom Contribution Employee" s share Of hoepitall2ation Ineurancaa: Worhman,s Compensation Liability Egmlpmnt rental -copy machine and equipment service contracts Telephone Postage and office supplies Village Hall: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $480) Utilities and rubbish hauling Laundry service Contracted services Cooditi.es Garage: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $420) Utilities and rubbish hauling Contract words Cdities Equipment Operation: Salaries and wages (Increase in rate $3240) Laundry Insurance Stock materials Lubricants Tires and tubes Accessories and parts dstribution: Budgeted accounts Other funds TOTAL INCREASE a CENTRAL SERVICES $ 900 1320® G TOTAL $ 1,950 1,903 2,800 3,538 $176,956 $ 344,020 2,460 1,100 900 1,320 900 $ 37,500 $1,032 110 180 435 317 1,714 $1,265 1,250 4;50 92 3,060' $4,840 300 500 :il!ij 503 1,000 1,500 7,1410 $ 449L411 $ 41,136 8,278 TOTAL $419 , 4414 PAGE D DETAILS OF CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS - 1969 Mayor and Council: National League of Cities - San Diego - Mayor or trustee $ 400 Planning-. National meting - Cincinnati - Planner $275 F.B.I. Ea- training Conferences - Rochester, Minnesota ;, Local meting m St. Paul - Planner 55 250 League School University of Minnesota - Planner .20 350 Administration.- Recruit School - new seen 80 Hational meeting - New York - Mmager $300 League meeting and school - Director League, school and local vxmtings - Manager, Clark, and Initial urgency Care Conference - 3 officers 60 Administrative Assistant 138 438 Finance: National meeting :'Toronto - Director $255 League mwting and school - Director and auditor 95 Kcal meetings BOA and S11Aj - Director and auditor 100 455 Assessing: National meeting - Denver - Assessor $300 Assessors school - University of Minnesota - Assessor and deputies $100 Special course m University of Minnesota - Deputy 90 490 Public Worts: Administration: National meeting -New York - Director $300 League vwating and school - Director 25 Local meetings - Director 90 415 Engineering: League meeting and school - Engineer, Surrey Chief, and inspector $110 In service training - all personnel 100 210 Supervision and Overhead: National meeting - Cleveland - Superintendent $255 League meeting and school - Superintendent and foreman 46 Ie service training -cold personnel 230 531 Police Protection: National meeting - Miami Reach - Director $285 F.B.I. Ea- training Conferences - Rochester, Minnesota ;, Captain of Detectives 250 Folico School Liaison Conference © Flint - One Detective 120 Juvenile Officers Institute - University of Minnesota- Detective 117 Recruit School - new seen 80 Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Meeting - Pistol teams 200 League meeting and school - Director 65 Initial urgency Care Conference - 3 officers 60 Correspondence Course - All personnel 150 1,327 DETAILS OF CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS - 1969 CONT °D. Fire Protections 0 National meeting - Chicago - Chief $226 Dire Department Instsmctoras Conference - Lieutenant 220 State fire school - University of Minnesota - four personnel 142 State meeting - Alexandria - Chief 112 First aid work shop - three personnel 85 Tuition - Metropolitan State Junior College 250 $1,035 Civilian Defenses National meeting - Seattle - Director $292 State Conference - Director 40 332 Public Health: National meeting - Houston - Sanitarian $302 National meeting - New York - Laboratory technician (1/3) 93 395 Inspections: National meeting - Salt Lake City - Building inspector $320 League meeting and school - three inspectors 50 In training courses - all inspectors 50 Local monthly meetings - 811 inspectors 50 470 Park Administrations National Recreation and Park Association - Chicago - Director and Program Supervisor 600 TOTAL g7r.468 VIUAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL REPORT PAGE E COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION. TM RAS IN HILLS, MD T=5 IN MLLARS ML OS LW0 Collectible b Am• Real pare' C+ .. :11481tz 1959 1960 $23,054,939 $2,356,778 $25,411,717 1960 1961 24,728,149 2,531,359 27,259,508 1961 1962 26,545,764 2,483,913 29,029,677 1962 1963 30,651,814 2,423,348 33,076,162 1963 1964 31,916,098 2,300,580 34,216,678 1964 1965 33,666,989 2,300,415 35,967,404 1965 1966 35,250,135 2,436,976 37,687,111 1966 1967 41,002,999 3,156,601 44,159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,490 46,640,204 1968 1969 53,574,318 3,499,365 57,073,683(A) TAX RATE IN MILLS Bonds Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other Total 1960 23.13 2.01 1.83 .91 27.88 1961 24.19 1.99 1.59 .93 28.70 1962 23.68 1.98 1.52 1.14 28.32 1963 22.24 2.00 1.38 1.02 26.64 1964 22.56 2.01 1.96 1.09 27.62 1965 23.86 2.00 1.86 .88 28.60 1966 24.80 2.00 1.80 .86 29.46 1967 24.83 1.97 1.42 .84 29.06 1968 24.64 2.00 1.34 .73 28.71 1969 26.16 2.00 1.10 .66 29.92(B) TEAS IN DOERS Bonds Collectable In General Parks And Interest Other Total. 1960 $ 587,773 $ 51,078 $46,503 $23,125 $ 708,479 1961 659,4103 54,246 43,343 25,351 782,348 1962 687,423 57,479 44,125 33,094 822,121 1963 735,448 66,152 45,480 34,069 681,149 1964 771,928 68,776 67,065 37,296 945,065 1965 858,074 71,926 66,891 31,647 1,028,538 1966 934,640 75,374 67,837 32,411 1,110,262 1967 1,096,483 86,996, 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1;14x9,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,339,040(A) 1969 1,493,060 114,147 63,000 37,380 1,707,587(B) (A) The Sales Tax Replacement Fund will pay the Village about $277,,207 of this &mount in lieu of levying t=es. (B) Estimated