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1970 Annual Budget
d U. D'G E T 1970 ViL L AGE of EDINA �YABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF MILL I SALARIES, DRDINAME AND SUMMITS Stbedale of Xaxiwum Salaries I- It- IIf Budget Ordinance Iii -9 Saamary I Rereme by Vend and 3*urce VI -Vii Summary II A Expenditures by Paaud and Function dill -IX DETAILS OF EMW.i9MMS General C overmeut Ville Ccuncil 1 - 2 planing 3 e 4 Adminiseration 5 6 F inonce 7 - S Election 9 _ 10 Assessing 11 - 12 Legal and Court Services 13 14 Library 15 - 16 Administration 17 - IS Engineeriy% 19 - 20 Supervision and Overhead 21 - 22 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 23 Street Naintenasace 24 - 25 - 26 Street Lighting 27 - 28 Street Name Sins 24 - 30 Traffic C',Mtrol 31 - 32 Bridges 33 - 34 Storm Drainage 35 - 36 Village Propertios 37 - 38 Sidewalks 39 - 40 Capital Outlay - 41 - 42 Protection Police Protection 43 - 44 - 45 Fire Protection 46 - 47 - 4.8 Civilian Defense 49 - 50 Pablic Health 51 - 52 AW1=I Control 53 Insptims 54 - 55 Won- D:partmeEatal Expenditures C outivgcmies 56 Settlement of Suits 57 Specia9, Assessments on Village Xropart y 58 cerat -ral Sesviees e. Capital CaaLlay 59 - 60 € apital ;Cmprovemeat 61 &'Ma t ' Rigbts Commission 61 - I I TABLE ar, CONTENTS WNTItNUED Park and Eeemation Administration 62 - 63 Recreation Program 64 - 65 - 66 Fart MaI ntenarsce 67 - 68 - 69 Payrcu9l .- Sun ry - Distribution 70 Capital Outlay 71 - 72 Otter 'fax Smpported Ezpendi.tures Rolief and Public nirsing 73 Park: Construction - Capital Improvements 74 Bonds and Interest 75 Fire protectiom 76 Eiremnvs Relief Assoc Latic"'i 77 Central services General 7E - 79 - 80 Village Half. al - 82 -83 Public Works Building 84 - 85 Equip-meat Operation 86 - E7 e 88 othS27 Data Sege -3i:le Of DZ,3XiM= SalaTieo and US983 A Comparative Su=ary of Major Objects by Activity and Wand B Analysis C Mails of Conferences acid Schools D Comparative Assessed Valuations, Tax Date iu Hills eufi ` zmes in Dollars, All rands E ORDINIANCE NO. 16-13 ORD11MICE ADOPTING BUDGET. FOR !THE HE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR TEE YEAR 1970, AND ES aABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE MAR 1969. PAYABLE IN 1970 THE VILLAGE COMM OF THE VIi. IGF OF EDINA. HIMSOTA, 0035 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS- Section 1, Tha Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1970.is hereby adopted aG hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: GENERAL FUND $ 82,985 GENERAL GOMME T 56,155 Nayor and Council $ 17,710 Ping 27,210 A&dnistratic n 80,979 Finance 64"590 Election 10,371 ft,sessia% 74t,594 Legal and Court Serwices 39,060 Library 25„290 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERMENT $ 339,304 PUBLIC W RKS Aaxn3stratf;��.a $ 26,920 Fss 3neeri�g 144,685 Ei� g�aays 709„626 TOM -PUUIC WORKS 881,231 PROTECTEDN OF FERSONS, AND PROPEM Police $612,,342 Fire 264,372 Civilian fi®fanse 4,,085 %blic Health 28 "567 Asa m1 Control 15,600 Inspection _14 24i TOM, PROTECTION OF PERSONS AID PROPERTY 979,233 BW LS"° �tif.616A�iti�i`9L� ®t'l.h: iSY+�JI.f,Qd `7�.iW� Contingencies $ 15,000 settle mat of Suits 500 Spacial Assessments on pillage Property 50,000 Unaltocated Capital Cutltay 50,845 Capital Improvements 85,000 Zzman Rigbts (o mission 9 00 TOE MISCELLANEDUS AND COBTINGMCIES 210 3si5 TOTAL GENERAL FM 2 4I®,, 593 PM FUND Administration $ 82,985 Recreation 56,155 Va- Intenance 119,510 Capital Outlay 16 800 - T -All; PAM FUND 275,430 0R1➢:t:NPaNCE NO. 16 -13 Continued. Section. 2. Estimated Receipts other than General "Tax Leery are hereby established as hereinafter set Earth: GE0PW- FUND Village share -State Liquor and Cigarette 'faxes $132,004 Licenses and Per mit-s 110,900 Municipal Court pines 47,500 Departmental Service Charges 179,911 Other 72,450 Transfer from Liquor Fund 18,389 State Apportionments-Sales tat 296,079 Library rent - Hennepin Duty 472070 TDTAL GENERAL FUND $ 404,303 r - ter, Registration pees $ 27,000 Other 730 Transfer from General round 126,611 TOTAL PARK FUND 154,361 PARK CONSTRi30`d ON MD Transfer from General Fund SM00 TOTAL RECEIPTS g ESTIMATED Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set: xorth: For the General 'Fund For the Park Band For the Poor Fund For the Y' iremen's - Relief For Eire Protecrtina For Bonds and Interest Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption and publications according to law. Adopted this 29th day of September, 1969. ATTEST: Si&md) .. Florence B, HallbeKS i7ILLS1GE CLERK $1,506.290 12%,089 13,980 6,000 IG,900 64.500 A2728P759 Si ed- Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr. MAYOR personal property taxes $1,€38.3,116 $1,160,444 $1,414,0%, $ 1,412,018 $13506,290 Other tax-.!as: 236,832 243,642 160,000 161,487 150,000 Interest, penalties aad 6,408 7,023 :�m4362 9,041 9,531 forfeited tax sales $ 14,724 13,665 15,000 19,104 17,500 mortgage registry 16,I85 22,050 16,000 22,770 20,000 Bane excise 2,552 1 , 295 21,500 1.154 12500 State L3gxar a4 ClS arette $ 33,461 $ 37,010 $ 33,500 $ 43,036 $ 39,4300 Licenses raad permits: 122,288 126,017 126,080 127,364- 132.,004 Bicycle $ 2,476 $ 2,217 $ 2,200 $ 22285 $ 2,250 Beer and liquor 1,455 I,Iwo 1,500 1,.550 1,500 Cigarette 1A467 1,430 1,600 1,635 1,600 Dog and impoz ;udiag fees 6.766 6,363 7,000 6,914 6;,800 Food and sort drink 5,475 4,280 4,500 5,235 4,800 Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits, eta, 120 959 1,000 1,236 1,200 Bts39l inn, taxi, pt ball ,etc,, 4,297 4;302 4,200 3,312 3,250 Scavenger and.garbege collectors 710 569 556 650 600 Building pe -Mits 75,106 81,682 50,000 67 t 539 55,000 cesspool and seder 3r*rMits 2,871 2,741 2,750 2;671 2,500 Plumbing permits 21 ®all 299992 18,000 20,989 18b000 Sign permits 2 ®586, 362 3,500 39230 4,000 StTee t 09a2ings 1,275 1,874 1,200 1,575 1,500 Heating aril ventilate.- permits 4,620 7,158 5,500 7,377 6,000 other 11ceases and permits 1,661 986 700 690 700 swiming pool permits _ 900 1 150 1„200 _ $ 1312,554 $ 146.315 $ 103,100 $ 126,096 $ 110,900 Biagi aeering,Clerical. and setarehes 236,832 243,642 160,000 161,487 150,000 Police service 6,408 7,023 :�m4362 9,041 9,531 Equipmnt rental (912) 15,237 600 500 500 KUPialpal court fines 55,236 45 967 50,,,000 45,852 47,500 State EUShway tax 41,520 43,140 54,500 47,335 (A) State L3gxar a4 ClS arette eaz 122,288 126,017 126,080 127,364- 132.,004 Staff sale wd use tax, 194,617 194;,611 197,972 296,079 Manning fees 2,159 2,718 2,000 2,358 2,000 Charges to other funds 14,400 14.,4.00 16,200 16,200 17,880 Contribution fmm active funds 225 ,,000 225,000 225,000 225,000. 225,,000 Less transfer to Paste Fund 63,717 93,606 119,498 1199498 126,611 Maass transfer o•} Park Co str- y�,, action Fund G0m000 80�coo 80 ,000 891000 80,000 � 81,283 $ 51,394 $ ?5,502 $ 25,502 $ 18P3�l9 VI3a1&GE OF EDIWA AiMUAL MOR'T PAGE VII 1Z CoStigmed Sale and rental of property Special assessments-tree trimming Other miscellaneous revenue $ Transfer-unappropriated surplus Reserve for encumbrances Federal grant-library $ 843 $ 36,518 $ 36,215 $ 47,070 6,010 6,000 13,b64 24,223 13,350 16,259 14„950 nzr ,100 74,752 116,108 198,773 98,700 39,500 4 Income an iU=gtMnts 13,312 12,932 10,000 12,106 12,500 Transfer - Library fund 10.000 _ SAL 01f►NEW,3 $2,164,223 $2;403,177 $2,257,083 $2,320�843 $2,41 0,593 Deal and wsonal proveM tax Registration fees - swimming and activities Transfer from active funds Transfer frram, usapprapria ted surplus Unclassified TOE, PARR FUND al =d personal property t= 'efer f8em agave fund TOTAL PAEM CONSTRUCTION FM MML AND PERSONA€. s Relief Associa- tion, ViTe protection Bonds and Interest TOE OTERR RFAL AND FEWHAL 3 PRR_ TAX ffiUMISMS Q' a - Yr4ieaates red ftgure $ 85,886 $ 92„877 $ 114,147 $ 114,297 $ 121,089 22,399 22,291 27,1200 26,841 27,000 63,7.17 93.,606 119,498 119,498 126,611 6,060 1,500 1284 111 1,.000 750 750 $ 179,206 $ 210,383 $ 261,645 0 2619386 V 2759450 14.814 $ 15,339 980 $ 14,900 $ 13,$980 $ 14,824 $ 15;339 $ 14,980 +149900 $ 13.980 S 60,000 $ SO 000 $ _a 000 $ 800000 $ 80,,000 $ 80,0000 $ 80,W0 5 8€39000 $ 809000 $ 80.000 $ 4,370 $ 49651 $, 5E600 $ 5,500 $ 6,000 139076 13,935 !6,800 16,725 16,900 �62 „163 62,146 63., 62.200 500 79 609 - 00 732 t 4019 849425 8ia43� 358 714 $x.795.633 2 69,9 108 2 761.554 $2 X67,423 Note A - The allocation from the State Aid need for matiutenance, a budget item in prior years, Vill be used for interest on bozos 0Me M. Ht few "ars. VT-WaAft C17 MMA muM REMM E'EN V ill Si3MMM 11 RRIDITOM V1 FM Mid FUNIND D3 Gomm" Mw Administration $ 20,524 $ 23.238 $ 24,025 $ 23,200 26,920 Mayor Council $ 10:,276 11,253 11,400 S �g905{� $ g, Plarni�ng 12,967 21,070 24,772 26,258 27, Administration 63,036 67,839 73,333 75,774 60,979 Finance 55,993 64,576 61,070 61,377 64,590 41ect:ion 3,846 8,550 4,745 4,,493 10,371 Assessing 53,282 59,125 69,586 67.240 74,594 Legal and Court Services 35,622 39,867 36,460 41.556 39.060 Libras _ . ��x415 13,94.4 18 720 2b ,126 25,290 'MTA GENEEML GOVEPUTEN $ 239,437 $ 286.232 $ 300,086 $ 313,874 $ 339,604 IMblfc Works: Administration $ 20,524 $ 23.238 $ 24,025 $ 23,200 26,920 Engineering . z 214,410 198,067 192,495 198,054 144.685 Supervision and Overhead 71,636 86:,504- (A) (th) 86, 520 Sheet Maintenance 268,376 231.231 401,760 336,262 356,589 Sheet Lighting 53,669 60,408 97,776 96,480 79.600 Street Name Signs 7,565 10.521 14,700 15,246 18,724 Traffic Control 22,049 28,587 35,148 30,440 33,4123' Bridges 5,329 2.157 16,300 15,741 10.650 Storm Drainage 26,041 39,660 41,240 42,756 34,850 Village propel'.-ties 29,347 37,388 58,960 55,475 44,870 Sidewalks 14,812 11,4V 11,400 Capital Outlay 24J09 109 44,059 37.200 36,177 _33 06300 M PUBLIC WORKS S 742,855 $ 761,820 935.016 $ 917.243 S 881,231 Protection of Persons and Property: Police $ 368,232 $ 4.53, 507 a 567,634 $ 565.665 $ 612,342; `are. 170,822 210,613 236,980 275.268(13) 264,372 Civilian D6fense 3,030 3.312 3,392 3.427 4,085 Foblic Health 22,850 23.900 28,755 24,088 28.567 Animal Control 14,928 928 34.6.92 13,,600 13,501 15,600 Inspection 40,005 42,825 � 47,528 _ 47 455 542247 70TAL PR633.'RMON OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 619,86? $ 748,849 $ 900,083 $ 931,404 $ 979,213 9%1LAME CAF 9DWYA AMUAL REEVIXf PAGE 1X SIMMY 11 cantielled Ron - Departmental andi tires» Contingencies Settlemeut of Suits Special Assessments oft Village Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital ImprovMnent &man Rights Coomission Central Services- Unallacated Construction In Progress TOTAL NOF- DEPARWNTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL. GENERAL, FUND Administration Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL, PARK FUND W THER Td's SUPPORTED Bonds and interest: Impro c cent Fund Park S inLsU -4 Fund Firemen', Relief Association Fine Protection TOTAL! OTHER py�� HERTAX =={�77pSUPPORTED & TOTAL EXPENDITURES - .ALL FUNDS A - This account has been a; labor cost. to B - Includes total cost. of a in prior budgets Actual Bud etea Batimated 811 d3�eted , 1967 1968 1969 1969 1970 $ 6,158 $ 5,829 $ 15,000 $ 21,081 +�+ I $ 15,000 100 S00 156 500 34,601 38,151 40,000 48,053 50,000 7,903 5,843 _ 16,392 15,800 50,845 72,500 100.000 50,000 50,000 85,000 9,000 15,53€ 4,713 356„400 20,,869 $ 493,200 1 438,405 •$ 121 892 $ 13%090$ 210 345 .$2,095$359 $2,235,306 $2,257,083 $2,297,611 $2,410,593 $ 48,037'$ 64,062 $ 83,735 $ 83,026 $ 82,985 42.351 46,237 52,790 50,066 56,155 82,6tgt 100,670 110,920 110.622 119,510 _ 7,850 12:,656 14 »200 12,570 16 800 $ 180,882 $ 224.425 $ 261,645 $ 256,284 $ 275,450 11,402 12,722 14,980 14.268 13,980 80,000 80s000 80!,000 80,000 80.000 $ - 109723 $ 10,938 -- SL 62. 6£4t 4,500 $ 62,163 $ 62,146 $ 63,000 $ 62,135 $ 64x,500 4,370 4,651 5,600 5,650 6,000 13,076 1a935 161800 1650850 161,900 $ 79 80,732 $ 85,400 $ 84,635,$ 87,400 .2 447,252 $2,633,2185_52,6992108 2.732,798 $2,837,423 Jocated to operating departments based up©n estimated eeu aerial truck, part of which has been provided for VILLASIS OF ENNA ANNUAL DUDGE ° PAGE I 1969 WOMM WIMATOD 7,200 0 41 35000 400 45£1 3;,000 apSri SIU11-M.RV 1. PERSL SERVE 2. CONTPACTUA, SERMS 3. CO®DI'IFS 4. Cam" SERVICES 5. %AMAL OUTRAY TOWS "1 NTARY 1970 RMOMAIENDIED H $ 7,200 $13,200 350 350 600 600 3,360 3,360 FUNCTION The Village Council constik-atws the legislative or policy-waking division of Isdiva Village Goner Council nt. The Cncil is composed of the Mayor and four twsteas, all elected at large for Overlapping tees of two a-ad three ycars, respectively. i The Mayor is the official bead of Village Goverrment and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets can the first and third bbuday s of each wrath at the Village Nall s Proposed expenditures are three percent (3%) higher than last yeares appropriation. The increase is represented by a provision for social oecurity payment for coun.+eil meubers elected during 19630 A= AW •, fir(. GF3RERA. GENERAL GOVERkMEFT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 211100 1969 WOMM WIMATOD 7,200 0 41 35000 400 45£1 3;,000 apSri SIU11-M.RV 1. PERSL SERVE 2. CONTPACTUA, SERMS 3. CO®DI'IFS 4. Cam" SERVICES 5. %AMAL OUTRAY TOWS "1 NTARY 1970 RMOMAIENDIED H $ 7,200 $13,200 350 350 600 600 3,360 3,360 FUNCTION The Village Council constik-atws the legislative or policy-waking division of Isdiva Village Goner Council nt. The Cncil is composed of the Mayor and four twsteas, all elected at large for Overlapping tees of two a-ad three ycars, respectively. i The Mayor is the official bead of Village Goverrment and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets can the first and third bbuday s of each wrath at the Village Nall s Proposed expenditures are three percent (3%) higher than last yeares appropriation. The increase is represented by a provision for social oecurity payment for coun.+eil meubers elected during 19630 VILLAGE-1 OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGE4 PAGE 2 Fttd r on .Anti Act. No. GENERAL GSNEP,AL GOVEUR HT MAYOR AND COUNC11 21 n 100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Y bject ! Detail premat Budge Rccommended Budgeted to Mayor $ $ 3,600 Trustees /2,,`ai00 goo )2,400 800 7 600 $ 7,2€0 $ 7,200 $13,200 2o Corderences and �;cF nls 400 350 350 3. Anmal reports $ 400 $ 400 Neu$ letter 400 4,00. Ro0 $ Ba0 $ S00 I$ 4. General � $ 660 $ &,-0 Village Valli 520 —22340 „Q00 3 360 3J60 TOTAL WAY'0R AND r i I i I I� i r' E COUNCIL $11.400 $11.710 17.710 i VRIASE OF EDWA AiNNUAL BUDGET PAGE 3 COMMEMAY r waywi Tl,.:e f6action of t&-. Banning . Department is to provide staff service tb.t� Village &mnkil, PlanniOig (;#nissidn, to other Village departments, and to the Vil-Laige Hauagor, and t6 a I.imited degree to ' otker agen6ie�;, both public End yrivatdi,, wh6se activities Influence the physical dev6lop6aiit of the Village of Sta€;'� services in0i6ide' office operations, the addinis-trafton of the various land use aiaA devalopment drilin'an'ces, submissicm of redo 3idations on manors of edry'log' mad subdi-;,iisioiis befor;a the Council zind Platt-ning cmmission" 6r)A' the preparation aav T wwiew 61f oveTall developmnt plans are twelvo parcent (M) higher then last year's . Salary increases &.4 extra he4p, less a redaction iu progesslavial service ftes represents thfa increase, Salaries and cages Conferan'Ces and schools Wes'' amid �sbswrtfotions Prdfdss' ional services We age printing Central sevvidbs TOTAL. A VD U N'T $48120 15 37 1.'000 120 1100 1969 Aebt t0h (GENEML GENERAL GOVERMENT PDWING 210 110 COMMEMAY r waywi Tl,.:e f6action of t&-. Banning . Department is to provide staff service tb.t� Village &mnkil, PlanniOig (;#nissidn, to other Village departments, and to the Vil-Laige Hauagor, and t6 a I.imited degree to ' otker agen6ie�;, both public End yrivatdi,, wh6se activities Influence the physical dev6lop6aiit of the Village of Sta€;'� services in0i6ide' office operations, the addinis-trafton of the various land use aiaA devalopment drilin'an'ces, submissicm of redo 3idations on manors of edry'log' mad subdi-;,iisioiis befor;a the Council zind Platt-ning cmmission" 6r)A' the preparation aav T wwiew 61f oveTall developmnt plans are twelvo parcent (M) higher then last year's . Salary increases &.4 extra he4p, less a redaction iu progesslavial service ftes represents thfa increase, Salaries and cages Conferan'Ces and schools Wes'' amid �sbswrtfotions Prdfdss' ional services We age printing Central sevvidbs TOTAL. A VD U N'T $48120 15 37 1.'000 120 1100 1969 1970 BUD W W- M0.1Eq— ONE= 44 Y SUDGM $ 15,550 17,160 1. PERSONAL SEEP 19,670 2. COMMMAL SERVICES 3,935 3,,435 524 3. COMMODITIES 325 325 3 n960 3,96 1 0 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 3.,780 3,,780 1 CAMAL OUTLAY 27,710 TOTALS COMMEMAY r waywi Tl,.:e f6action of t&-. Banning . Department is to provide staff service tb.t� Village &mnkil, PlanniOig (;#nissidn, to other Village departments, and to the Vil-Laige Hauagor, and t6 a I.imited degree to ' otker agen6ie�;, both public End yrivatdi,, wh6se activities Influence the physical dev6lop6aiit of the Village of Sta€;'� services in0i6ide' office operations, the addinis-trafton of the various land use aiaA devalopment drilin'an'ces, submissicm of redo 3idations on manors of edry'log' mad subdi-;,iisioiis befor;a the Council zind Platt-ning cmmission" 6r)A' the preparation aav T wwiew 61f oveTall developmnt plans are twelvo parcent (M) higher then last year's . Salary increases &.4 extra he4p, less a redaction iu progesslavial service ftes represents thfa increase, Salaries and cages Conferan'Ces and schools Wes'' amid �sbswrtfotions Prdfdss' ional services We age printing Central sevvidbs TOTAL. A VD U N'T $48120 15 37 1.'000 120 1100 Vii ASE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAC- E 4 EXPEMWURE DETAIL Code Activity Object la � FuPd Eamaion Amu Act. No. GENE GOVEMEWT PLALvNLNG 21.110 EXPEMWURE DETAIL Code Activity Object la j De ad Budget $11v400(A) Recommended $14,180 Budgeted IDirector SeoreLary 3,150 3,570(18 Summer and extra I help 1 000 2 000 $15,550 $19,670 $19,670 2. Comforences and Schools $ 350 $ 365 $ 365 i saes and subscriptions 217 180 180 ftafessional service 4°000 3;,000 2,500 MeetiDIS enpense 150 ISO 150 iii .e e, 120 2410 240 $ 4,837 $ 3,935 $ 3,435 3. Books and pamphlets $ 75 $ 7" f 1 Printing 300 200 Draaf ring supplies . 50 50 $ 425 $ 325 $ 325 4. General. $ 3;240 $ 3,000 Vill4e Ran 720 780 3 960 M80 3,780 I TOTAL ]13i1tMII3G 24 772 27 7l0 27 210 i f Vote A - Salary inc6ase �9 $100.00 per wnth uDt reflected in above figure. i Note B - $22050 Jau, ary l! and $10.00 July 10 '.1LLAGE OF EDINA A,.!; !UAL. BUDGET PAGE 5 Y MA F=:& -a ANG 8` =p- wv? GM, RAL GrumiAL GittTERiIMENT AWKIN :S?'RA`HON 21.200 1969 DUDGEIM0 EmiWTWID $5169 00 S 52,861 6,048 325 .4 9460 Goo 8,M 134 14,460 65 SUMMARY 1. PFRS 5 98 I COMIMCNAL Ste= 3. MMODMES 4. CEMTM SEW= So CAPUAL DUMV 1970 RECOMMENDED. BUDGEM - $ 58,550 $ 589250 7,859 7,609 350 300 14.,220 500 14,,220 600 79�,m� 3�3 _ 7557�� X1,579 .8O.979 TWAIS ..� TbZ managemnt of the Vi11ages s administrative of airs, the proper enec cation of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of local laws and ordanaetces, are all the direct responsibility of the Biliaga Manager. This acce°stne provides his office with the wcassary staff and fads to properly tuanage the administrative organisr ation needed to implement his respsmsibility. S Proposed experditnres are eleven percent (11T.) higher than lase year's appropriations. Salary ;increases represent about eighty Oarcent (8O %) of .increase, and balance is daces to Leagues of Wirmesota Hunicipalitleso The below liated detail contrihates to the ia•.crease. �s Salaries and -ceases $69650 conferences and "pools 207 Dues and subscriptions 2,354 Mileage 1.00 Mmelassifted 150 printing 25 central services 240 TOTAL B 24f� VILIAGE OF EDINA, ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE a EXPENDITURE DETAIL Corte Ftmcdaa Arco Act. No. ° G}gzNEW, GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION 21,.200 Ie Nanager $23,400(A) EXPENDITURE DETAIL Corte Activity Object Dowd Present Budget R_ecmruended Budgeted Ie Nanager $23,400(A) $26,000 $269000 As%ministrativls Assistant 6,000 7,9243 7,920 1 I village Clerk 6,720 7,380 7,380 Secretary 5;,700 6,000 6,000 PBX Operator 4,560 5,040 5,040 f Clem (4) 2,520 2,610 2,610 sunm help and overtime 3 000 3 609.. 3 300 $511,.900 $58,550 _ $581,250 2a 4onfereuces and schoolo $ 438 $ 645 $ 645 Wes and sub scriptions 1,960 3,314 3,314 Legal adve rtlsiu8 SOO 3,300 3,500 mileage ISO 250 150 Unclaesified ISO $ 69048 $ 77859 $ 7,609 3d Pt6intang. $ 275 $ 31DO $ 25C 00 { 1 $ 325 ; 350 $ 300 4U General $ 9,720 $ 9,180 Village Oall 4.9140 4,,440 r4mipmant Operation 600 X500 $14,460 $14,220 $14,220 ' 5 Auto raplacement 600 60O 600 $x3,333 81x579 80 979 ` I M"M AMIUSTRATIOIN Mote A - Salary iverease of $2600.00 for 1969 ut mflected in above f sgu `e e. i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 7 PMA Fay. Am IA40. He. GEMM 0ENMUL GOVEPPMENT F:o4 mes 21.210 SUMMARY 1969 -BUDGEMD ESTMAM OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1970 w6di S46,185 046,824 1. PERSOMa SWIM � 50,820 $501,820 3,(4f,,fl 2,,866 ?. CQKPACTUAL SERVICE 3,245 2,920 75 67 3. C0hWD@ c ES 50 50 125220 11,220 d. CENTRAL SERUM 100800 10,800 5,0 400 C01YAa OUTLAY 3n 64,915 .64 590 _ Taoa� A" - o AST TbO, Finance Department is responsible for the finauc:ial affairs of the Village. All a-rera a and ezpeadiiture traal.sactions are controlled by the Finance Department. A centralized system of purctkasang Is maintained. Finzu►uial statements and reports are prepared and issued by t1he Finance Doparmert. ' CONCSTS Proposed sxp�radituras are six percent (6 %) Mghor than last yeares appropriaticeno Salary iiiereaeas are the principal reason for the Incraasec, The below listed detail camtributcs to the i neermase, AMOUNT SalaTies grad wages $4,635 Conferemace;s and schools 175 Visas and subscriptions 30 Books and pamphlets 25 Central cervices 11120 Capital Qv.tlay 550 TOTAL 3 845 VILLA GE OF EDIN.A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 had Activity A rag 1 Act. Me. GENE GENE GOVEUMNT rIM� II 21210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object Detail Present Budgat RCeommendcd Bud -eted 1. Director $16,000 $19,800 Accounting clerk 5,590 (A) 6,300 Secretary 6,720QA2 7,560 0asbier , 490 6,120 Clerk $ �s Payroll lerk 5, 80(A) 6,300 Accountant � 2,025 2x,250 Acco untiag cle� k 2: 90 2 490 $46,185 $505€320 $50,820 2, Conferences an � schools $ 455 $ 630 $ 555 Mew ;-uW sub- . sCrfptions 85 115 115 Annual audit 2,500 2d 500 2,2 0 $ 3,040 $ 3,245 $ 2,920 3. Swks and pamphlets 75 so $ 50 4, Oetteral $ 9,600 $ 9,120 Vi ll age Hall 1, 620 1,680 $118220 $10,800 $10,800 7 :5. Electric typewriter replacexant $ 300 Desk and ebaar 250 _ I TOTAL MAKE $61,070 i 1 1 Note A - Present sa aries are fifteen dollars ('?15.00) per wonth hisher Haan presetted i , current budget. } I ANNUAL. UDGL1 PAGE 9 1069 BUDGEM EMMATED 1;762 132 173 520 650 1,903 1,908 SUMMARY OBJECT 3. PERSONAL SERVICM I C®NTUCTU AL SERVE 3. C"a1�f�T�ES 4.. CEO SERVICES 1970 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED -- X7,335 $ 250 555 1,853 $4o7 4L5= 0,371 s .R0m371. ��133is� 'rare Village Clark is xesponsible for canductirag all National, State, and Villago elections that occur in the Village of Edina, cmm S PmOyosed expenditures aza higher than last year's eApanditaares A primary and gzimeral election will be h6ld during 19700 Only a local election was held in 1969. The belau listed detail contributes to the Increase. *lwi salakies and wages $5,330 wstadians 88 wing Charges 30 Printed fog 75 Sta=Mons 510 Capital Outlay 57 OIT L1a Y5 n626 W� Av Arco,. R-4 GENERAL AL GEEFIRAL, GOVERN TENT ELECTION 1069 BUDGEM EMMATED 1;762 132 173 520 650 1,903 1,908 SUMMARY OBJECT 3. PERSONAL SERVICM I C®NTUCTU AL SERVE 3. C"a1�f�T�ES 4.. CEO SERVICES 1970 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED -- X7,335 $ 250 555 1,853 $4o7 4L5= 0,371 s .R0m371. ��133is� 'rare Village Clark is xesponsible for canductirag all National, State, and Villago elections that occur in the Village of Edina, cmm S PmOyosed expenditures aza higher than last year's eApanditaares A primary and gzimeral election will be h6ld during 19700 Only a local election was held in 1969. The belau listed detail contributes to the Increase. *lwi salakies and wages $5,330 wstadians 88 wing Charges 30 Printed fog 75 Sta=Mons 510 Capital Outlay 57 OIT L1a Y5 n626 W� VILAEME OF EDNA ANNUAL BUD GET E 10 Fund - -- _ Function Amu Act. No. GE,MML GENER , MVERN 91 NT ELECTION 21 � 00 EXPENDITURE DI-7AIL rude _._ Activity obpec6 DeWi8 Budget et ��scig Reeomme�sded Budgeted Lo Election ;badges $1,310 $4,015— — Set -up time 260 1, 100 Registration and filing 615 21200 $2y185 $ 315.�. 20 custodians 12 $ 100 MviLa charges 120 150 $ 132 S 2 !;a 3. Ballots $ 400 $ 400 Printed forms 120 45 Stanchions (40) 5nn 520 $ 955 I i S. iastallmcnt Payment 10 wting chines L908 1 851 BT �sCTF ®Iv �0 331 i. i i �I - I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL e3UDGM PAGE SUMMARY 1970 I RECOMMENDED BUDG .. _ $ 58,110 � $ 58,110 3,159 2,834 520 470 110280 11,280 1,900 1,,900 tom, 5 67.E 7 .,° 5'4 [I.,11 s 7a titA.13, 01M L�C�1d)Irl Vie assessing f inction includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and oaintenanee of tax records of all properties within the Village. Spacl&A assessments levied for Improvements are also computed emd spread on the toz Tolls by pers€ormel, of the AssessimS Department. cmamils RW.ased expan iitures are eight parcent (8 %) higher Chan last year's appropu- iationso The below Hated detail contributes to tha increase, 6.fi+�,lia i3rli Salaries and des $4 950 conferamos ana schools 1,303 Dues and subscriptions 25 Appraisal service 1,500 Gowral &applies 85 Central services ?.5380 Au bile replacement R90o TOTAL 1a383 AM ACO. Km GnEIML GMRAL GOOVMMUNT ASSESS X140 4.35 21.500 SUMMARY 1970 I RECOMMENDED BUDG .. _ $ 58,110 � $ 58,110 3,159 2,834 520 470 110280 11,280 1,900 1,,900 tom, 5 67.E 7 .,° 5'4 [I.,11 s 7a titA.13, 01M L�C�1d)Irl Vie assessing f inction includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and oaintenanee of tax records of all properties within the Village. Spacl&A assessments levied for Improvements are also computed emd spread on the toz Tolls by pers€ormel, of the AssessimS Department. cmamils RW.ased expan iitures are eight parcent (8 %) higher Chan last year's appropu- iationso The below Hated detail contributes to tha increase, 6.fi+�,lia i3rli Salaries and des $4 950 conferamos ana schools 1,303 Dues and subscriptions 25 Appraisal service 1,500 Gowral &applies 85 Central services ?.5380 Au bile replacement R90o TOTAL 1a383 $53,160 $ 50,410 30331 3;,662 4.35 508 32 ,,660 12,660 SUMMARY 1970 I RECOMMENDED BUDG .. _ $ 58,110 � $ 58,110 3,159 2,834 520 470 110280 11,280 1,900 1,,900 tom, 5 67.E 7 .,° 5'4 [I.,11 s 7a titA.13, 01M L�C�1d)Irl Vie assessing f inction includes the determination of the assessed values and preparation and oaintenanee of tax records of all properties within the Village. Spacl&A assessments levied for Improvements are also computed emd spread on the toz Tolls by pers€ormel, of the AssessimS Department. cmamils RW.ased expan iitures are eight parcent (8 %) higher Chan last year's appropu- iationso The below Hated detail contributes to tha increase, 6.fi+�,lia i3rli Salaries and des $4 950 conferamos ana schools 1,303 Dues and subscriptions 25 Appraisal service 1,500 Gowral &applies 85 Central services ?.5380 Au bile replacement R90o TOTAL 1a383 VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 12 Fund Fum c&a Area tact. Ida. I GEi EW, I GEA1i�MAL GOVERMENT ASSESSING 21..500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail preseeit Budget Recommended Budgeted I. Assessor $13A500(A) $15,300 I fleputy Assessor 9,840 10,860 Deputy Assessor 9,840 10,860 Secretary 6,000 6:,780(B Appraiser-Auditor 8,640 8,310(C: Assessment: Clerk- 5 340 6,000 $53,160 $58,110 $58,110 . 2O' �CC l�onfermces MW schools $ 490 $ 1,793 $ 13718 Da'e$ ava subscriptions 9? 216 116 IBM preparing assesmants 5tifl .500 Soo Tax books and Omer- bhip T"OC:OMIS :. 250 250 ,.0,. mileage .500 5w 500 Appraisal services 1.1500 $ 3:331 $ 3,159 $ 2s834 3. Printing $ 200 200 $ 200 I. ! Photographic sappy s 100 10o 100 General supplies . 135 220 170 A '113 5 $ 520 $ 470 4. G 4 Graf $10,440 9,000 Village Hall 1,620 1 "fiso Equlpmnt Operatirna 6GO 600 $12,660 $11,280� $11,280 5. Awwwhile f replacement: 1;, 900. 1 900 i j TOTAL ASSESSING 09.586 7�a 96�Y $74 .594 in6te A - SaIaTy l crease of $60.00 per mouth rot reffectad in above 1 figura U Note B - $40.00 Jeauary and $40000 July 10 K,�te 0 a , 60000 Jrt�Iluar 1 and $65.00 July l4 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL WDGET PAGE 13 SUMMARY RU 'MD 1969 ES'nMA.? OBJECT Aa. sue., GRNERM, GR M, RAL WVMUCHT LEGAL AIM COVIff SERVIC8S 2l o 600 SUMMARY RU 'MD 1969 ES'nMA.? OBJECT _ _ REC4A�' MEN® 1970 _ pubd k $ 6,000 F, 6,006 fl: PELSONAL SEA/= - -- - i 6,000 v 9,,000 29,500 349596 L C0WR=UAL SERVICES 30,300 29,600 3. COMMDMES 960 960 4. CE9 -AL SgE�RRV 660 650 B IS AY �fU 906 OUTLAY 36,960 x..39,060 70T/L(p e� COMMMART Ths Village requiries the professional sexvii�es of a tt6rneys who are contmacted Ror an an Einnuabl basis. They provide legal counsel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolutions regwired to implement the wishes of the Ccrincilo In a £vion", they defend the V llagd In all claims and suit s and prosecute all cases arisift cat of violation of Village ordinances. WMOTS Pzoposed expw.ditnres ars higher than last "s appropriations. The below liswd d6vt1l contributes to the increase. APMUHr Proaesslonal fee $2:0000 Marc and room-prisoners I'm epin Countyg6Csurt charge Sao Court =portin3 300 Ce®tr sl services 300 TOTAL ®-50Q- Vila AGE OF EIMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 14 Fand �Fmces�asj��T�ypry LEGAL //�����t77��A/re@ SERVICES 4 Act. i/ o. L I GENg {Ji1DlYiRAL GO VL'IiU��CdWA YJEGAL AND CQtl ! SERVICES 211,600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity object I Detail ?msen`r Budget Reeommanded Budgeted 1, prosecuting attorney $ 6,00o $ 6,000 $ 9,000 2. Duos and Butt? 7criptims 100 100 8 00 Professional fees 20,000 22,000 21,500 Board and raom- prisuuers 4 000 3,000 2,750 . witeass fees 900 900 900 �. Hennepin Comnty Court Charge 49500 4,000 4,000 G=rt reporting 300 150 $29,500 $30 ;360 41 General 960 660 660 TOTAL LEGAL AND COURT S99VICES $36.460 36 € 960 $39,060 i I VILLAGE OF EDINA AINNUAL SUPSET PAS 13 • Y4>TN Y� AccL —p/5 i'JY4aiG MbV GENERAL 0EMBAL GDVERIMONT LIBRARY 1 21 � 700 1969 j BU .- IED 8,230 511,042 7,890 11,269 1,200 1,735 1.,380 1,380 SUMMMY 1970 RECOMMENDED BUDGMD g 11,050 - -- _ $ 11,050 11,840 11,840 1m 1,,500 900 900 180.7 26,!26 25,690 7SD29Q MTALS LIZ 'Al V The building and grounds of the Edina branch of the Remiepin County Library are furnished and maintained by the Village of Mao. Hennepin Court, oupplies the books and CGNMTS F::•oposed expenditures are thirty-seven percent (37%) bigher than last year's appropelationo Me principal reason for the increase is additional personal services and light and poi -jer costs. The below listed contributes to the increase� AVINIU y Personal sera,-ices $2,, Light aa d power 3,400 Water and sewer service 50 Contract tgork Se Rubbish removal 50 Laundry and rug service Soo Cleaanins smPylies 100 Regairs��tarial� ISO Contingencies 50 Light bulb replaceament 400 C=tral services 480 TMAL �250 970 VILLAGE OF EDIK® ANNUAL BUDGET PACE 16 I Fund ii �easSti�n Object Area Present Oad��e � Ace. No. GENERAL I GENERAL G03aR19MM LaIBRWI Custodian � 21.700 EXPENDITURE OETAM Code�AcEivity t Object De eceW Present Oad��e RecQmmended Budgeted to Custodian $ 6,£100 $ 6,600 Payroll - Public s'oa'ks 750 750 Entra help and overtine 1,500 2,500 J PS.1 - payroll 1<200 $ 8.250 $11,050 $11,050 `j 20 Haat $ 2,400 $ 2,400 Light and power 3,600 7,000 'Water and semer service 200 150 Insurance-fire 450 450 i Gontraet ciork 250 300 Rent � 840 840 rsxbbisb removal 150 200 Laundry and mg, ea mice Soo.. $ 7,890 $11,840 $11,,84.0 3. Cleaning supplies $ 500 $ 600 $ 600 Repair matoaials 350 S00 400 Contingencies 3»0 400 250 I Ligb€ bulb re- f Platiemeng 400 250 $ i,200 $ 3,9003 $ 1,500 1 I 4. Generals $ 113180 $ 00 'f $ 1,380 $ 900 $ 900 i! i I !I f f !� 1 i `£,D'I'AL LIBRARY $18 120 J25 690 425 290 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL GUDGff PAGE 17 GEN.B, MLI0 WORKS AMIRISTUTIOIN 22 � ®50 1969 _ The supervision and guidance required by various departure rats, such 'as, engineering, street, --wasr and hater, as fur alsbed by Directors of Fbb'lic Works. The cost involved to fer'eish this service is accumlated in this account. Proposed expenditnres are emlve percent (12 %) higher than last year, °s appropz.iatimso Salary .inareases are the reasan for the increase. The below listed det211 aontributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salinas and wales 3,33® Conferences amd scbcoola 315 mile'gc 240 Central ,erviues 120 TOTAL 2X395 SUZY 1969 _ _..__ 0 tBUDG MT.T- � 08J RECD EROS® RUDGMD $189720 .117.852 1. FEW SEIVIC5 $ 22,050 $ 685 568 2. CONTRACTUAL SERV 130 a. COMMODMES 4,620 4,620 - 4Q�s '�D p 740 - 16® C@E►+p�$q g�g ¢�$ � /� $� S. CAPITAL P' L M 0 ��19 035. 23,a00 �: � .2G COMMENTARRY The supervision and guidance required by various departure rats, such 'as, engineering, street, --wasr and hater, as fur alsbed by Directors of Fbb'lic Works. The cost involved to fer'eish this service is accumlated in this account. Proposed expenditnres are emlve percent (12 %) higher than last year, °s appropz.iatimso Salary .inareases are the reasan for the increase. The below listed det211 aontributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salinas and wales 3,33® Conferences amd scbcoola 315 mile'gc 240 Central ,erviues 120 TOTAL 2X395 VI LAGF, OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 1s Fugd Fmc'rsn Area Act. No. GENEW&L PUBLIC W- RKSS ADMINISTRATION 22.050 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Active Object DPawiI edsr� hexer. g Recommended Budgeted Zo Di recto $15,000 A $18,000� Secretary 3,720 4,050 ' $18,720 $22,050 26 Conferences and Schools $ 415 $ 100 &tes 1Ad sub- scriptions 30 iii ll leage 21:,0 685 $ 130 I 4 Gar oral $ 3,-900 $ 3,360 Village Hall 720 780 Equipment ®z a ration 600 �} 1 620 44 740 IWTAL ADMMIST ATON $24,025 $26,920 $26,920 ff f i f VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 19 C M F —Mc®ran AMD Acet Mao ( MENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS TMOGII3l' MIG 22,,100 DU D UTMATO 00JEff 1970 RECOMMENDED _ BUDGETED $11F.sis 122,281 1: MWNAL SMIMS s 108,750 $ 107,750 36,460 35.697 1 CONTPACTUAL SERVIC5 4,300 3,800 5, s0. 8,17840�i� 5,500 5,500 27.99€0 27,.960 4. CENWAL Sifts 18,960 13,960 4,00 3,938 CAMS OUTRAT 8,875 8,675 192 �,t�9 �96 Y�, 68� ,���__., ineer•ivg Department prepares plans, specifications, and ectbmates for public cchstzaction projebtso This includes suet grading and surfacink.. sanitary severs, story seers, vatIermains, End ®the$ stractdres and improvements,' It �b-upervise s the construction of these g Tojects and provides the necessary anspectio.ri veered tc insure materiA16 and workmansh -ip are in accordance with p roject specifications. The dep#tm:d et maintains records and files on all above mentioned activities sand operates "mod maintains copying equi ent Proposed expandittares are tventy�-four pervert (247.) lower than last year's appropriations. No replacamm is budgeted for the position of engineer and a material reduction in professional services are: ftke main .reasons i'or the decrease, r're belm- listed detail 4 ecntributes to the decrease. AMUNT Salaries and rages 9,825 conferences and schools 110 Professional sevvices 31,000 Micage so Computer time 1,000 Central servicas 9,000 Capital Outlay ..-A� 6 5 TGTAL .... •6.6 110 VILLAGE CF EdINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 20 �u::d �uact fl� Area Act. No. CMERAI, PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity Object Desvi! i ?resent Bridget Recommended Budgeted 1 � Etigineer Supervisor of Survey Supervisor of Design $ 14x;100 101800 9,300 $ 12,000 12,000 $12,000 12,000 Supervisor of In- vpectian. 9y300 12,000 12,000 I d ide III (3) Aide 11 (2) Secretary ( ) 26;100 15,000 3,720 28,800 15,900 4,050 28,800 15,900 4,050 C14er - typist 5,100 Overtime and summer help 25J55 24 000 3 00 $1183575 $108,750 $107,750 2s Conferences a-id schools $ no $ 100 $ 100 D ? CS and Sub. scription� 50 50 50 Professional uC3Kvice i 350000 4,1300 3,5110 Mileage 200 150 150 Commuter tim - I GOO $ 3fitW S 4,3 00 $ 3,800 3. Blue printing 1:$ 2,500 $ 2,500` t Lumber and tools I 1,;.300 1,500 Gahekal supplies 1x00 i 500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 46; General $ 20;1140 $ 10,980 Village Hall I" sw 1,686 Equipment Operation 6,420 64300. 9 271s60 $ 18,960 $ 18,960 I 50 mplacement- i piclmp trucks $ 'J$50. 0 Of ice rniWre '500 $ ISO $ 150 Replacement: Survey truck 2,500 2,500 Pickup tauck 2,COO 2,000 Trausit 850 850 Calculator 600 600 Drafting teblew (2) 1,500 ( 1,500 Room dividere 1,200 I 1.000 Corereta C ; par• 7:: 75 4,,000 8 875 81L.675 TO"9°A1a Et1GMERING iA ! 192. x:95_ 146, 385' $144,685 l Fein _ Am Ac o. He. GpitiEML PUBLIC i23MS SUPERVISION AND 01r'I ERAD 23 � 100 SUMMARY 1959 _ ---- - -- - - - - -- _1970 _ _ BUDGES OBJECT RECO3�9MENDE® BUDG 0 47,565 $ 44:,562. ,4, 562 1. PERSONAL M"I S 433 770 $48,520 641 430 2w-CONTRACTUAL SERVI 590 540 250 260 a.-COMMODITIES 2513 200 44,280 (y4,,28.0 CENTUL SERVIM 37,260 37,260 CAPITAL CUMV . _. TOWS .Fomiw Al Riblic Vrorks persounel (other than Rtigiucaring) are under Vie supavvision of the Public Works Superintendent. Ho, thso-agla this account, plans and ca6rdSt tes his acti- elties, maintains cast and worts rec6rds, and provides the training :aad instraaction necessary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and efficiently. "Paid "Leave ll repzoscnts all vacation, sick, fdnaraf , etc. leave . used by all Public Works 1 ®pees„ j CO'T'S I Proposed anpanditures are sip: percent (6 %) lower than last year's appropriatl:idna. f The below listed retail contributes to the decrease, d IMUNT Salaries and €tdages: j Supesvision $ 395 Paid lmsuo 1 �60C� � $? �f35 I Conferences and schools 51 Contra! services 7,020 TOTAL This account was not ellocal ed to operating departments for 397€1, as it was done in 1969. VILLAGE CF E€ DNA ANNUAL BUDGES PACE 72 Ftsud reaction 1 Am Act. No. Gls ARtAL I PUBLIC LJORKS SUPERVISION AND OVLR3SAD 23 � 100 -- EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Data:! � Pi` `nt Budget Recommended Budgeted 110 Supervision 1, Superintendent $13,200 $14,10€3 $14,100 Gast Clerk (�) 3,990 2,820 2,820 Accountant M 2,025 25250 2,250 Overtieme and sarmmcr help 2,,350---- 2,000 1,730 $21,565 $21,170 $20,920 2. Conferences and I f SC60013 $ 301 $ 250 Du and sub- , Scriptions 40 40 Physical ex.mina- tions 50 50 $ 391 $ 34D $ 340 Sao General 1,700 $34 „680 Public Works ..980 1,,9813 Equipment oparaefon 600 600 $4[ ,280 $37,260 S37,260 TOTAL SUPERVISION $55,236 $58,770 $58,520 120 Tiaining 1. ( Payroll $ 3,000 $ 3,060 $ 3,000 i 2. Conferences and I cE�cr�l s 250 250 200 3. Training, zids 250 253 200 TMAL. TMINING $ 3.,500 $ 3,500 3,400 140 Pull l sa-,e 1f f, 1. Payroll $23,000 $_94,610 i I I TOTAL PAID LB0E 523.000 $24,60 s 0 � ` TAI, Su i I I :�JISI N AND 01MRSAD 11"135 86 .87 3 $86.520 VILLAGE' OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 23 PUBLIC HORKS PALL SUMIARY DISTRIBUTTOM Ti eman 1 1 $820 $877 $ 9,840 $ 10,520 for hiblic Works Ilan 10 10 720 768 86,400 42,160 lie Works Han 13 1E -• 650 693 101,400 116,424 porary Summer Help maintenance 5,500 25,000 6,800 7,000 rtime Mairteuance and repairs 1,000 37,000 19,764 18,714 500 24� 25 8.000 $224,204 $219 ,822 k Maintenance Payroll Charged to assessed 5,,C00 15000 16,500 500 Charged to other funds 6,722 3,000 TOTAL $239205 261,322 1'aablic k*ork- s: Supervision and Overhead: Training Paid leave Street Maintenance: General Ida in tenanc e Street Cleaning Street renovation Snm7 and ice removal Street Lighting Street. Name Signs Traffic Controls traffic S6gra:q Signal wairntenanceL Pavement marking Guard. rails and barricades Rridge Storm D.rainAge, Stare*; surer: maintenance. Te mperray y drainage a;ae3 culverts' DISTRIBUTION Village Properties: Turf and plant $ 3,000 eaintenance $ 6,000 24,600 Tree maintenance 10,000 Lake and pond 58,000 maintenance 5,500 25,000 Public Sidewalks: 2:,000 Mairteuance and repairs 1,000 37,000 Snow and-ice removal 1,000 500 TOTAL PUBLIC WORK $242,600 8.000 Charged to assessed 5,,C00 projects and others 4_,000 500 Charged to other funds 6,722 3,000 Central Services° 2.500 Village Ball 1,000 3,500 Public Works Building 1;000 Equipment operation 6=0 22,000 TOTAL $261,322 2 500 VILLAGE OF EDINA AM"lUAL BUDGET pASP 24 Fand vwxfiaz Am Aza X-14 GENEEAL PUBLIC 14ORICS STREET MAINTM17MCE 23„ 200 ru-NCTIoN T'he' maintenance of Villdg'e: 'sLteets constitutes the SpeAtest portion of' thrb Pablic LYQZxs, endeavor. ks- the word "maintenance the pas se of- this accculat is to preserve at.d.imt necessarily to improve, tliE 'Siireets withir. tho Improvements su6h as blacktoppinS, cLrbiug, oiling, and instal . lotion of dwaiaage facilities, are varmally financed througfi an assessmert proceditre and are., therefore, not in-cluded in this account.. � This account does provide. for. such mnivteinzwee activitlos as patching, cleaning, sealing and snetw plowiugo-, 760, VTT M W For the 1970 budget6 Suyiervisicn and Overlhead was not allocated to operating This represents a reduction of $62,400 in this acco.unt. Pro,pbsed anyeaditur('s for the baUmca of tbb 6ccount are si3t percent (6%) higher tax' I.-tot yearlia appropriations. The principal reasons for the increase are salary incren.;&es and additioaal camEcodities, less a reduction in. contracted seal coating. The belou listed detail contributes to the increase AYQL*T SUMMARY Salaries anti wages: 1969 Gerteral, maintecance $ 3,000 1970 Street cleaning BU DWI MD OBJECIf RECOMMENDED BUDGETEP S 131900 6 121,126 1. PEWMAL U&NIQRS S 144,000 $144,000 67,500 676223 2--00HM&1Mxe- SERVICES 64,000 64.000 500 76,253 3. COXV08MES 91,929 88,229 123,6060 123,1660 &ZEMWIL SE VICPS 660,360 60,360 Supervision General m aintenaupe 5. VM, JTAL MUM and Street clda&ng j01j 760 811a,6Z Street renavation 39 &LSD 589 Sam MA ice removal 1, 000 M X$ ru-NCTIoN T'he' maintenance of Villdg'e: 'sLteets constitutes the SpeAtest portion of' thrb Pablic LYQZxs, endeavor. ks- the word "maintenance the pas se of- this accculat is to preserve at.d.imt necessarily to improve, tliE 'Siireets withir. tho Improvements su6h as blacktoppinS, cLrbiug, oiling, and instal . lotion of dwaiaage facilities, are varmally financed througfi an assessmert proceditre and are., therefore, not in-cluded in this account.. � This account does provide. for. such mnivteinzwee activitlos as patching, cleaning, sealing and snetw plowiugo-, 760, VTT M W For the 1970 budget6 Suyiervisicn and Overlhead was not allocated to operating This represents a reduction of $62,400 in this acco.unt. Pro,pbsed anyeaditur('s for the baUmca of tbb 6ccount are si3t percent (6%) higher tax' I.-tot yearlia appropriations. The principal reasons for the increase are salary incren.;&es and additioaal camEcodities, less a reduction in. contracted seal coating. The belou listed detail contributes to the increase AYQL*T Salaries anti wages: Gerteral, maintecance $ 3,000 Street cleaning 3"000 Street renovation 4,000 Stow and ice T=Oval 3.000 13:;000 Contracted rapaiT 10,600 Trash ramo-#al 500 Contracted wb'rk-seal coat Contracted constructian--alleys 1,000 $20,929 commodit-3es. Supervision General m aintenaupe 10,695 and Street clda&ng 231 overhea '2 d 400 Street renavation 403 Sam MA ice removal 1, 000 1, 47 VIMAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BURET PAGE 25 Fct d i mrt�i�� Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAMTEMINCE 23„200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Pfe:,- n t fade Activity Object Detail Budget Rcecr mendad Budgeted 210 Geiicrai Maiutenauwe 10 ]Payroll $ 55,000 $ 58,000 58,000 2 Equipment rental $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Contracted repairs 5,000 15,000 I 6.1000 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 30 Fill material $ 2,000 S 383 ?a $ 2,875 Calcium Chloride 3'000 1„500 1,200 Salt . Coo 1,260 18000 Mphalt mix 15,000 ..7,,:200 17,000 t�l 'oil 2=,000 2,266 2,200 Concrete 500 1,500 1,300 y� Jacking material 1,000 � 3,000 2,500 ! ! joint material 500 1£020 1,020 1 ! General ;applies 500 1,200 1,000 Class V material .4>t OO 5..060 _ 4,500 $ 27�.60C $ 37,795 $ 34,595 � {� 4.6 Eoipmaut operatiat 171,640 17,340 17,340E I Sia$eaio�s rand overhead 26 28tD Ton, MLAL PAME14ANCIE W $132,,020 $12K.5397 $1253935 220 Stuleet Cleaning 10 Payroll S 22,0010 $ 25, am) 2o Trash. m =oval I 500 30 Brca"s $ coo $ 3,225 i Wearing shoes 750 800 Wet water sadd;itive 250 206 w $ 41, $ 4,231 43 Equiy=ant operation 13,,50: 13,;200 1 Supervision and I overhead 105380 T1.OwAL S1' , El •f MENNYING $ 49`880 $ 42 ,931 .$ 42,931 240 stkeet Renovation 1 Payroll ll. $ 29, 11 $ 24,000 $. 24 000 2 Contracted work- 60,000 0 s=hare y amts ok seal coat 1.15 300 Asp'?al.t min S 10. <_00a $ 11,06 $ 10,500 051 5g000 8,00 8,800 Grao.ular matavials 1..500 _6,1103 8,103 S 27:504 $ 27,903 $ 27,403 4� EquipLniqnt operatidaa 13:,920 13,,620 13,,520 Suparvision and vverhearl Ttti'. AL STJ1r4E'F - RENOVATION I y 85,960 $ 65,1521 $ 65, 023 VIILLAG_17� OF EMINA Allil\RJAL BUDGET PAGE 26 Ikild _ FwcHon Area Fact. No. L GENERAL PUBLIC MRKS STREET MAINTENANCE 23 n 200 EXPE DITURC DEPTAIL Code Activity Object Detail udga Budgef t Recommanded Budgeted 270 Snow and Ice Rewval 1. Payroll $ 34v0W $ 37;,000 2. Equipment rental 5,000 5x000 3. Salt $ 12,000 $ 32,000 Calcium Chloride 59000 3,000 Sand Ea 000 7.000 $ 21,000 $ 22,000 4. Equipment operation 16,200 16,200 Supervision and overhe-ad .169200 TOTAL S Y AND ICE UMOVAJ, $ 92.,400 $ 50,20® $ 80,200 a 280 Alley Construction 2, Contracted construction A 6e500 a S00 ` XAL AI, EY C0 sTRLTT:J()k1 $ 6390 $ 7,500 $ 7;500 290 Replacemants 2. ( Contracted TOTAL RE LAC construe !on hT`.i'S 35 000 35.000 S 35 000 35,000 35,000 i i i I i i TOTAL, STIZET INTENANCE 403 W 760 360 280 356 589 f VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 27 S0.lMS AIt6 1969 _ _ AMC . GENERAL FMLIG IiOUI S I STREET LIGHTING 236306 S0.lMS AIt6 1969 _ _ 19.70 RECOMMENDED 500 S 499 -1. PERSONAL SEVI - - -- � Soo 500 95,4,00 94,634 1 CONTMCTUAL SERVICE 88,500 77,500 !,000 471 3.. COMM= 1,000 1;,800 076 876 4 4�. 600 688 p S A iTAL Y OUTLAY 961"0 52 a j9,600 Ws"a'lsV= O GB. %1 FUNCTION The overhead street lighting system throughout the Village, with tha exception of orna oriental and special type units, is installed and maintained by Fo thorn States Power Gmpanyo The Village's obligation is to provide funds for C-ur fishing e'lectrical power to all lights and to waietain tL-- ornamental and special units. AT-53 For the 1970 budget, - %pervision and Overhead was not allocated to operating departm-enm, This represents a reduction of $276 in this aeccunt, Proposed ex - poaaitures for the balance of accounts are fifteen percent (15%) lower than last �yaaros appropriations. The principal reason for the decrease is reduction in tptevisiou for ornamental lighting, replacements, less increase in powe cast. ITh© belv4 listed detail contributes to the decreased" i i AMOUNT Power $ 2,000 Contracted repairs 500 Now units 2a�s88 Replacement units .".5 ,000 $14,988 Sup"- vlsiou and overhead 276 TOTAL JUJ76 VILAGE. OF EEDI&W, ANNUAL -3UDGFi PACE 2-fl Fwayd FemrSoai Area Act. No. GEMBAL PUBLIC WORKS STiiEEt LIGHTING M300 Code Activity Object De:mii � Budget j� Rcearremended Badge2ed 310 Opcaation and Main teamee lo Payroll $ 500 $ 506 $ 500 2. I Power $66;,000 $68 ",000 60,000 Contracted nepaiT,' 2 X7:00 2.500 20, 0 868:X0 $70,500 $70,000 3� Repair parts 1,b00 1,000 1,000 4 Equipment operation 600 600 600 supervision. and cve head 276 $70. 376 $729640 $72,100 TOTAL O ITION AND 320 Or -nam -antal Mi4hting 2, Contracted services: NL,,;x units (200) $ 2, 500 Replacmients- units (100) 25.000 $10,000_L 7,500 27 .400 W1000 __L7.,,500 , TOTAL ORNAMENT LIGHTING I i QOM Ss ET L1 I HTTNG $9I , 776 82,600 79.600 I i I i i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 Ead c _ __ EMPJIA d E5 sue. GENEWI, PUBLIC WDIRM STREET HAM SIGNS 23 A00 su "ARC' 1969 19906MD _ __ EMPJIA d E5 ®85E 3970 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 5,000 6 7,O44 9. PMWHAL SERV9CES $ 8,000 $ 2. C0HTft=UAL 5ERVKZ $L59}0 4,042 3. colbllh€O, fflla 8,924 4,200 4,200 4, CENTM SMVICS 1,800 r 1.4._ ?00 15, 246 �mama.s � .,�,.. vma, WA LS q aam as crate 7 Village installs and maintains all street name signs. This account provides for installation and maintenance, COMMT:; Fo,r the 1970 budget, 5upemisiva and Overhead was not allocated to operating departrir-Antsa This represents a reduction of $2400 in this account. Proposed ex- pen?dituma, for balance of account are fifty -taro percent (52 %) higher than last yearns appropriations. A program of replacing present sfgas with larger reflectoorized signs repa-esents the reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and wages $3,000 Sits and posts 3,450 Paint: supplies _ 26 $6,424 Supervision. and Overhead 2,40(3 TOTS 54024 VILLAef OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDS PPe, ;E 30 Fend Fundbu Am Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET NAME SIGNS 23A00 EXPENDITURE WMIL Cod_ Activity Miec$ Demii Present Budget Recon, mended Sudge4ed 1. Payroll $ 5,000 $8,000 3, Signs and posts $ Se.000 $ 8,450 Paint supplies ..300 274. Gloves and brushes .200 200 1 4. Equipment operation $ 1,800 1"800 Supervision and overhead 2 ,,400 i j i� I TOTAL S i j , IGNS 34 700 18 m $18 724 VILLAGE '1a OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 31 fFA4 GCS. GFPERAL 1'€ BLIC WORKS TRA IC CONTROL 23.500 SUsI.l "11 1969 BU D ESTIMAM OBJET I970 R -EC &MM-- 6E- BUb i $ 10,000 $ 8,238 1. IPWAN . SEWCH $ 11,000 $ 8't,.00 7,797 8. CONTRACTUAL SFR 9.150 8,600 9,657 3.. COMODMIS 9,673 8,748 8,748 4. CENTM SERVICES 3,600 S. CAMAL OUIUY 5�',is -� 34D440 33,423 33,423 - - - -- MtLough the determination of need fora and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals,, pavement marking, aud guard rails,, is properly within the jurisdict-lon of the Police Department, it is, nevertheless, the function of the Public Works Oeparment to install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installation and mainten -anceo cl13namrK5 For the 1970 budget, Supervision and Overhead was not allocated to operating depa.rtneuts. This represents a reduction of $5148 in this account. Proposed expenditures for the balance of account are nine percent (9 %) higher than last yeaar °s appropriations. The balovr listed detail contributes to the increase. A--OUNT Salaries and wages $1,000 Potwar 500 Contracted services 100 Equipment rental ISO Cor�.c+ ®3taeso Sigual maintenance 600 Pavement marking 110 Guard rails and barricades 383 $2s823 Supervision mW Overhead —1 g 3 41S 'TL $2..32:5 VILLAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 32 !rand Fism aan Arty Act. No. CMqERAL PUTBL1C WOOS TRAFFIC CONTROL 23 � 500 EXPEMMFURE OETI AM Cade Activity 01jazt Detail Present Budgeted 510 Traffic Sign Maintenance is Payroll $ 58400 $ 5,000 3o Cenral supplies 5,000 5,008 4. Equipmut operation 1,620 1,620 SS`pervision and overhead 2,400 TOTAL T1 " IC S GN MAIN .'IiI3MCF $14,020 $11,620 1520 Traffic Signal Wainteuance I. Sayrall $ 500 $ 540 2„ Power $ 5,500 $ 6,000 Contracted repairs 2,000 2,000 Contracted ser -ice 900 1,000 $ 8"Im $ 9,000 3. 4. Repair materials $quipmut operation 100 480 700 480 ' Supervision and Overhead 276 $ 91756 $10, 690 I TOTAL TRI i FIC IGNT L MAINTMMICE i �,0 �r men 2 Marking to � ftyrol% $ 3,000 $ 3,000 2. , Es uiyment rental l54 3. Paint 2,000 1,890 4. Equipoent operation 780 ( 780 Srapervisiou aud avazrhead i a 752 $ 7,532 $ 5,820 WRAL PA NT MMING 5701 Gza rd Rail and 1 Barricades 1, Payroll $ 1,500 $ 2,500 i 3, Guard rail matorials 1,500 2,083 1 { 4. Hquipm sec operation Supervision and 720 720 overhead 720 TOTAL G€1 RAIL MD BARRICADES _�4 440 $ 5 393 35 748 $33.423 $33 ¢ 423 TOTAL TF , , IC CONTROL i I I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 33 Fy4d knelan I Am A=h H. GENERAL PUBLIC WRKS DRIDWS 23.600 SUMMARY 1969 1910 BUMTO _ $ 2,500 1,110 1. PMHAL SERVICES 3,500 3,500 10,000 10,000 3.: C'Oi rTUAL SEW= 5,000 4,500 2,0€ 0 2,031 S. COMMOW0 2,050 2 A 050 19F:0a 1,800 4. CENTM SWtM 600 600 S. CWffAL OMAY 36,300 359141 11,150 1 ®,650 TWALS e . purpose of this account is to provide mainte=nce for the seveateera bridges within the Village, For the 1970 budget, Supervision and overhead was not allocated to ap". 0ting deparments" This ropresen.ts a reduction of $1200 in this account. Proposed enpenditcsres for the balance of account are twenty-six percent (26%) lower thna last year's appwopriationso A reduction in ceatracted rapairs, less i .ncrease in gersc=l sorvicas represents the decrease. The below lasted detail contributes to the decrease. OP3� Salaries and wages $1,000 Contracted repairs 5,000 Comodities 50 $3,950 Supervision and Overhead 1�2G0 TOTAI 5 15O VILLAGE OF EDIM ,iii' NUAb BUDGET PAGE 34 Fund Fentio,a Amu Act. No. GENERAL 1 PUBLIC' NORMS BRIDGES 23.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted i . Payroll $ 2 v %G $ 3,500 $ 3, 500 20 0nutr acted repairs 10,000 5,000 4,500 3. Paint= $ 1,000 $ 11000 Lumber, cable, bolts d. 000 1 050 $ 2:,000 $ 2;050 $ 2,050 4 <: Equipment operation $ 600 600' 600 Supe-A.Vis -.10a and overhead 1,200 I "a' AL. BRIDGES §16,300 $11 150 10 650 VILLAGE OF EDINA A14NUAL BUDGET PACE- 35 IF- �� PUBLIC HORILS i , "M STOW DRAINAGE ` � 23.700 ` —j BUDGETED EMMATO $ 22000 21,044 2,200 2,206 3,,000 5,466 14:,040 & taD l4^0 W756. SUMMARY x.970 ®B� t REC0MMENDED BUDGETED. 1. PERWM SOX $ 24,500 $24,500 L CONI n 1 AL . SEW 2,500 2,000 3. MM®0WIES 5,500 4,750 4-C SEW 3:,600 3,600 S WITAL OUTLAY TMALS g 36,100;3 The Village maintains contain facilities and f+ r- nishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a minimum. in those areas served by storm sewers, Village er:ews periodi"lly check and clean these sewers. In are.-is not so served, emergency maasures in the form of pumping and temporary drains are provided during stows. COWMTS For the 1970 budget, Supervision and Overhead was not allocated to opera3titzg departments. This represents a reduction of 310,440 its this account. Pr6posnd expenditures for the balance of the account are seventeen percent (17 %) higher than last year's appropriatioa:so The principal reasons for increase are additional payroll. and comsoditles. The below listed detail contributes to the increaser, TOTAL lil 14 0 AMUNT Salaries and wages $ 2x500 Power 50 Televised! luspectian 250 Fill materials 500 Pipe 1,500 Castings and cement 250 Cone rate headwalls and spillways 1,000 Asphalt 500 2bse 750 5,300 Supervision and Overheard 19 4&0 TOTAL lil 14 0 VILLAGE OF MINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 Finid Faacfisa A� Act. No. GBIM-RAL pUMC WORKS SBORN DRAINAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL �nde Activity Object Detail Present Ba ,dg$g Race; nmanded Rudgete.4 710 Storm Seer Maintenance 1. $20,600 $22,000 $22.000 20 Power $ .200 $ 250 250 Televised inspection 2,000 i. .. 1,,750 $ 2,200 $ 2500 $ 2 ®OW 3, Mi materials $ S(3(1 $ 500 Pipe $ 1,000 2,500 2, 0aftan$s and ceyaent a ,000 750 750 Cencrete YgC3&C"twalls 6 and spillways 11000 750 $ 2;000 $ 4,750 ( $ 4D000 4. Equipment Operation 2118S0 2,890 ` 2,980 Supervision and 1 Overhead 9.540 ! . $36, 620 $32,130 $30,880 TOTAL S Rte! SM tR WAIY MANCEs 720 ry Drainage 1 Payroll $ 2 ICW $ 2,500 31. culverts $ 500 AB' Pha.dt 500 i Mee 730 .�. 4o Equipment Operation 720 720 Super v sic-2 and Overhead 9DO Tom 9th � o DRAINAM S 4_.620 3.970 —$3-9 0 E:1240 36 100 34S 850 i y i A7. ST TOT- m B EBACE - - -- f i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANOUAL BUDGET PAGE 37 GWERAL PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES � 23 800 t SUMMARY 1969 _ 1970 BUDGETED 09jxT REDO1MEkDED BUDGEM 21,000 $ 19,300. PMONAL SERViCO $ 21,500 $.21,500 12,000 12,140 1 CONTRACMAL SEW 1,800 1,800 10,600 8,675 3. COMMON= 16,670 16,170 15e360 15,360 CENTRAL SMVM 5,400 5,400 Cpl UAL OUTUY 559960 d5,47S mea ��q(y� g®p9/g�4p Py OTAL %. 45,370 X44,870 i FUNCTYON T T' T!,:e: function of the Village Properties account is to properly cage for all Village owned properties; other than those used for Park, and Recreation - purposes. These Pillage properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building safes, and sites used for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying And triuming of trees, establishment and care of plantings, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep these `Village properties in aesthetic accord with our many. fine privately owned residential properties. COi IN zS For the 1970 budget, Supervision and Overhead was not allocated to operating deparbr.entsa This represents a reduction of $9960 in this aecounto Proposed enpenditcures for the btalaece of the account are seven percent (7 %) lower than last year's appropriationso The reason for the decrease is no provision for contract work on lakes and ponds, less increase in comwdities for maintaining special structures. The below listed detail contribsates to the decrease. A1f0UT Salaries and wages. $$ .5003 Contracted weed control 500 Contracted seivice 300 Contract work 10,000 Commodities: %%vf and plant maintenance 30:3 Tree maintenance 450 Lakes and ponds maintenance 5,320 5 3,630 Supervision and Overhead 9,960 TOTAL 13 590. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 38 Fund Fv=Hon Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS VIUAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPE6dC9!TURE DETAIL C & Actift Ob;ecf Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 810 TUrf: and Plant Kaintenance 10 I Payroll $ 6,000 $ 6,000 20 Contracted *seed coutsrol 1,500 1,000 30 Fertilizer $ 300 $ 400 Tool replacement 200 200 Plantings 500 500 Sad and black dirt 1,000 1,200 Chemicals 300 300 $ 2,300 $ 2,600 46 Equipment Operation 1,920 1,920 Supervision and overhead 2J60 TOTAL TUT. AND PLANT HAIfNTENMCE $14,480 $11,520 $116520 820 Tree.-Maintenance 1 10 Payroll $1.0"000 $10,.000 i 2. Gantracted services 500 S00 30 Hand tools,, ropes and say's $ 100 $ 450 Spray 1,200 1,300 $ 1,300 $ 1,,750 46 Equipment Operation 1,800 1,800 Seapernision and overhead 4 000 f TOTAL T E' Y" M T8'D OCE $18,;400 $14 "350 $14 "350 870 Lames afad Fonds Maintenance l Payroll $ 52,000 $ 5,500 $ 5 "500 20 Contract Cfora 10,000 30 Chemicals $ 6,000 $ 6 "320_ $ 6,320 I R.i.prap, headwall, and special. structures 1,000 6,000 5,500 $ 7,000 $12,320 $11 "820 j 40 SquiPment Operation 1 1;380 1,580 1,680 Supervision and overhead 2,400 26 080 19,500 d9 000 TOTAL L S A PONDS 14AMENADICE f � t TOTAL VILU-M.12DPERTIES 158 960 45,370 4 870 VILLAGE*. OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE39 Rmd Fmmffm Am A=1 NO. GRIV AL PUHLIC WOW 1 SIDEWALKS 23.900 SUPUE19 AW1 1969 BUDG D _ AMATED O8XWF RECOMMENDED 1970 _ BUDGMD S 2,000 3 IV200 1. PERSONAL M; V= 2,000 $ 10,000 7,500 2. UAL SERA 7, 500 1,000 700 �ON7 g 3. C1S31YCo ODI tl O L000 1,312 1, 812 CENTRAL SERV 900 � S. W @Ads OUTLAY a y 11 p« m�m�cca COMMENTARY i' =810,1q Tho primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly constructed and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and caaaveuient movement ofed2stri.�r�s� COMOIS For the 1970 budget:, Supervision and Overhead was not allocated to operating departmuts. This represents a reduction of $912 in this account, Proposed ezp anditu res for the balance of the account are eighteen percent (1€ %) Unger than last year's appropriations. The reason for the decrease is ruction in Provision for sidewalk constructcfiaao The below listed deter con' tributes to the decrease& MOUNT Contracted services $2,500 Scportvision and Overhead 912 TOTAL jja412 VILLA-GE OF EMMA, ANNUAL BUDGET P,4(DE 40 IFund Fsm Ciw Arw Act. Pao. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SIDEHALKS 23.900 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object detail 'meat Diet Recommended - Budgeted 910 Kv.Wtenance and Repairs q 1. y Payroll aysoll �y 00 $ i'000 y 1 $ "000 3. Cement, patching i materials Soo 500 4. Equipment Operation 420 420 Supervision and Overhead &56 TOTAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS $ 2,376 $ 1,920 920 Snow and Ice Removal 1. Payroll $ 1, 1000 $ '1,000 3. Saud and salt 500 j Soo 1 . Egvipmnt Operation SmVervision and 480 480 Overhead 456 $ 2,436 $ 11980 `Mwa S ' V AM ICE RENDVAL 940 Consteaction 2. Contracted services 10"000 $ 7 5013 TOTAL CM.STRUCI ION $10,000 $ 7,500 I I I 1 II � I TOTAL S'i EVALK $14,,812 111,400.o L11,400 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET pAGE 41 FWd FFt1.6= Am Ac, Ma. GMRA£, rUnLi0 WORKS CAPITAL ©XYMAY 23 0100 SUMMARY 1969 1970 _ SUDG, MATED OBJECT Rf��+9gt4El�AE® �U�ta O $ 1. PWON AL S iCES — - - -- $ 2: COMTRACTUAL SERVC 3. COMMOIDMES 4, CCHTRAL SLWM 376200 36,177 5. CAPITAL OLITLAY 33,000 37,200 �. 36-177 33:,000 Expand itures for items of equipment which have a usual life of more than one gear are classified as Capital Outlay. Replacements for dump, trucks are for 1961 and 1962 units. -A=unt provided for leader represents part of provision for replacmaent of 1932 tractor.,, leper is being budgeted to provide for replacement of 1960 unit. One half of the amanut was provided during 1969. A mobile type sweeper is proposed,, Replacement of attachments for trucks are to replace items completely worn out. Pick-up replacements are for 1959 and 1961 units. The backhoe and sidewalk sweeWr and plow will be used on the small loader, This unit is used for w ^cavatinga cleaning snow from ar*mmd hydrants cans .sidewalks. VILLA OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 42 Fund Activity Famctim I Am Pro -erg h2adgeS Act. Edo. G-EMPrAL i PUBLIC FORKS I CAPITAL OUTLAY Replacement. dump 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Pro -erg h2adgeS Recommended aud3eged So Replacement. dump trucks (2) $ 7,000 $119000 Front-end lcadarCl /3) 2,000 5,000 Aerial ladder trac h- 6,800 Storm setiler € ainteu { ance truck 3,OW Oressualk striper 1.,080 Seven foot major 1,2W Oil distributor 12,OW sweeper 8 s) Replacements: 5"000 7,500 Eb sting bitch 600 Tail gate samAer 1,100 Sawa plows (2) 1,700 Pick-ups (2) 3,000 Attacbments for lam- ere Rackhoe 1,500 Sidewalk screeper $,000 Sidewalk. p1cw 600 i i. TOTAL 37 n 201) 33 M 33.000 VILLAGE OF EDEMA AMNUAL BUDGET pAr =E 43 FLA 1969 '— - -'- AW. tlo? CEMRa PRO ECTYON OF PERSONS AND POLICE PREUGTION 24.100 – - - -1970 RfCOA� AMDEO (PROPERTY $4:10,980 $ 407,541 SURY FUNCTION `''ice primary function of polices protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with tha maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations, The aut6rity to do this .is, granted to a large extent through criminal and civil cedes, and village, state, aad federal legislation affecting "she public in general. MDRMTS Fr000sed expenditutvs are nine percent (9 %) higher than last yearts epproprsrxtionsa Salary Increases are the principal reasoh for the increase. Tine below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Pension so+pplament. Conferences Sad schools Dues and subscriptions Lkiform allowance Psychological testiW9 Caps, leather Boads., badges First aid supplies Fire extinguisher supplies General supplies Central services Capital outlay a0Tsll ANDUNT $62,4`x8 1:,200 413 51 1 ®500 50 230 80 ail 35 6,316 S1AS98 1969 '— - -'- --- -- BL F'P _ MMIAT ® 001E? – - - -1970 RfCOA� AMDEO 3UDGEi $4:10,980 $ 407,541 1. MORAL SMM +— -$ 473,428 $466,738 g8Z' 585 16,665 �' COMMMAL SWI= 19,299 19,099 2,161 4,437 3.: COMMOO ES 1,946 1,946 115v416 115,416 4. COML SERVICS 108;600 108,600• 20;,492 21,606 5. CMUALotnuy, 15959 15,959 63.4 565r,665 X232 612 342 FUNCTION `''ice primary function of polices protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crimes and public moral offenses, offenses which have to do with tha maintenance of peace, and enforcement of traffic violations, The aut6rity to do this .is, granted to a large extent through criminal and civil cedes, and village, state, aad federal legislation affecting "she public in general. MDRMTS Fr000sed expenditutvs are nine percent (9 %) higher than last yearts epproprsrxtionsa Salary Increases are the principal reasoh for the increase. Tine below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages Pension so+pplament. Conferences Sad schools Dues and subscriptions Lkiform allowance Psychological testiW9 Caps, leather Boads., badges First aid supplies Fire extinguisher supplies General supplies Central services Capital outlay a0Tsll ANDUNT $62,4`x8 1:,200 413 51 1 ®500 50 230 80 ail 35 6,316 S1AS98 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 IFind Fc=Hcn Arm Act. No. GENEML PROTECTION 91. PERSONS M- 0 MICE PROTECTION 24,, 100 PROPERTY EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity abject Detail Present Budgat Recow mer ded Budgeted to Director $ 15;300 $ 16,830 $ 16,830 Captains (2) 25;200 28,368 28,368 Sergeants �6) 64;583 71,628 71,628 Patrolmen (10) W298 110,032 110,032 Patrolmen (5) 18.2665 51,083 51,083 Patrolmen (5) 43 $00 49,300 49y300 Fatrolmen. 4.1 850 37,050 37x050 i Patrolmen - New 231400 8,5W 4,290 Detectives (4) 41x356 468912 46,912 Dispatchers (3) 19,800 23,400 23,400 bis'patchers (FT-) 7,488 8,985 889850 I' Sect retfary 561M 6,120 6,120 Clark -t"ist 5,160. 5,910 5,910 iqsu, g anee 1: t" so 1" 220 19520 Overtime- detectives 700 910 910 Piling Clergy. (PT) 2,i00 4800 2,400 Education inci'L ti4e pay plan 6;400 2,000-(] 2,000 $43.0�9E 0(A $473,428 $466,738 2a P6rsian supplement $ 1I'A 100 $ 9,900 $ 9,900 Conferences and schools 1;.;327 1,340 1,,640 Was and sub- scriptions. 179 229 229 'keletype 540 540 540 Rader and drunko- meter 450 450 450 Labndry 40 40 40 Unigam allowance 4'.,,500 6,000 5,900 Psychological tebt6 irk 450 4003 400 $ :8,585 $ 19,299 $ 19,099 I Ta ni t ioa $ 850 $ 850 Jail and prisoner e: rasa 300 30 caps, leather goods, badges •230 Motographic j supplies 306 300 j11 first Aid supplies 100 ISO Fire ertinguisher C supplies 90 60 General supplies 291 256 $ 20161 $ ' 1,946 $ 1,946 VNIAGE OF EDIWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 45 Pseud Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 I ROMERTY Genera'? $ 80 076 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activl§Ir Object Detail Present S�get Rccommendcd Budgeted 4. Genera'? $ 80 076 $ 69,96® Village Hall 4Y,740 5,1030 Equipment Operation 30"600 33, 600 $115;416 $108,600 $108,600 5. Vehicles $ 141MO $ 15,174 Pistols and shotguns 4014 .110 Lockers 40 115 Typewriter replace- ment 175 'ape recorder 9.85 Radio base station 4,500 cabinets :.390 PFili�,eg ^- G'ambinat bon FA . and S13L'3S 210 Info ation system 330 $ 24.92, i 5 959 15 959 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTIO14 567',634 96M,232 $612 %2 Note A - Salary ad ustma is were made after pr P--on of 1969 Budget, I i I Note B - Incentive � i pap 3 I included with regular pay where e amount i, knc�,OwI VILLAGE OF EDiMA ANNUAL SU®GF PAGE 46 f A Fmciho Am ACCL H& OENERAL PMOTECTI©N OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 REC0MMENDED PROPERTY 158,308 67-64,497 suhWARY 3969 AYE UNT Salary, and sages $60.130 Conferences and schools. BUDGEW.D EMMATO OWEC1' REC0MMENDED BUDGETED 158,308 67-64,497 PEm SERVWM 218,438 $206,198 3,351 4,478 2. COWMIPTM SERVIC S 4,567 4,117 3:,847 2 , 639 3. COMMOVITi 9 5,620. 3,120 47,820 47,820 C, CEWMAL SERVIM 45,120 45.120 23,654 55,834 . CE WAL OUMY 8,595 3,817 236.980 2T502f�8 282,3r }0 Q2640372 COAAMMTARY FUNCTION Basically the objectives of Fare Protection are (1) to prevent fires from starting; (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case a fire does start; (3) confine a fire to the.place of origin; and (4) extinguish all tires. In general, this involves the providing of services for both fire prevention and fire fighting. CM TS Proposed expenditures Are nineteen percent (19 %) higher than last year's appropriations. Three additional firemen and salary increases, less reduction in Capital Outlay, present the reasons for the increaseo The below listed detail contributes to the increase„ TQTAL $�e5 A 360 AYE UNT Salary, and sages $60.130 Conferences and schools. 491 Dues and subscriptions 25 Landry 400 Uniform allowance 300 Clothing replacement 36, Liquid foam 360 Photographic suplsl ies 100 General supplies 327 Rose 10020 Central services 2,700 Capital Outlay 15,059— TQTAL $�e5 A 360 VIIIAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 47 Fed For-ti9n I Arm Act. Quo. GENERAL PROTECTliON OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION 24.200 PROPERTY EXPENDITURE: DETAIL Erode Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted to Chief $ 12,000 $ 13,560 $ 13,560 Assistant Chief 10,800 12,780 12,780 Lieutenants (3) 19,800 33,780 33,780 Drivers (3) 28,080 31,500 31,500 Firemen (4) 18,120 40,755 40,755 Firemen (2) 42,758 719,453 19,453 Firemen (3) 11,070 26,370 26,370 Firemen -Neap (3) 24,,480 12,240 Firemen- Part -time 12,000 '14,000 14,000 lasurance 680 760 760 Education incentive Fray plan 3,000 1 000 1,000 $158;308() $218,438 $206,198 � G Conference ��.//���y1�ea rI�� Conference find schools $ 76,035 $ 1,526 $ 1,376 Dues and sub-- scriptions 166 191. 191 Lauudry 450. 850 700 u cifoam allowance 1 J00 2;'060 1,830 $ x;,351 $ 4,567 $ 4,117 3., Clothing replace- ment $ 644 $ 610 $ 610 Liquid foam :Fh6tographic I 275 635 835 �.: supplies 125 225 225 First aid sapplies 450 450 450 General supplies 1,413 1,740 1,540 Hose 940 1,960 1,760 $ 31847 $ 5,,620 $ 5,120 4. General $ 36,300 $ 30,300 Village Hall, 4+, 320 4,620 Egnipmnt operation 7,200 10 200 $ 47,820 $ 45,120 $ 45,120 i I i MAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 4,8 Fund Forms Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECTION 24 200 PROPERTY Reserve for aerial $ 17,533 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 5o Reserve for aerial $ 17,533 Mattress and beds(2) 175 $ 175 $ 175 Gras masks 1,,740 Salvage covers (12) 600 Smoke extractor 510 Pick-up replacement 1,900 Portable radio 657 650 650 0hairs (2) 170 Are welder i0O Gated wyes 269 Aar pack t=,& (6) 330 330 500 galleon water tank for Pumper 1,.700 15700 Resusca Armie 297 297. Hydrant Markers 930 465 Typewriter replac& Mont 200 200 Radio receivers :nor alerting eyatem(25) 4 313 23 654 8,595 3X17 TOTAL FIRE ! PROTECTION J23 6.9&0 212 s 340 372 i Note A - Salary n1justm ut:s were made after Freparation a 1963 budge o VILLAGE OF EDINA AliNNUAL BUDGE PAGE 49 Frrd ( ems - Am GENERAL 1 PROTECTION ?POF PERS0NS i CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24.300 5UK.'AARY 1969 R8 6 CID ES«y®q ±-M OBJECT _ 1970 _ D GETE_ D RECOMMENDED D 2 n 700 5 2 e 700 q a pEqOM SEW= (� 52 ,970 V42 577 2., CQHTQAf.7,WAL SMYMB 650 2503 150 3.. b'8?i�.�ODMES 465 S. COMAL OUTLAY JdJLG I< 9� -2 .1085 ---- -= ALS YOU IC"110"I - -- The Edina Civilian Befexase o rgani zztion maim: Bus liaison with local, state and federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to oeet emergency situations of catastrophic mature. Particular emphasis is being placed upon an taffort to better integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency spe sotmel o Pl:oposed expenditures are fourteen percent (14 %) higher than last year's appropvlationso Sme reasons for increase are salary inerease for director, and uuif*ra cost for zesermsa The belev listed detail contributes to the increase. MOUNT Salaries and wages $270 Conferences and schools 2 92 Service- supply replacement 300 Uniform- yeses 225 A=urAti.on�- reserres 10 TWI A L `E23 VILAGE OF CEMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PA,GF,50 Food i Fort P Riau Act. No. GENERAL 1 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND I CIVIMAN DEFENSE 2 40300 EXFEA80 TURD 0I'MA@l. Code Activity Object Detail fis° ro ersenQ Pre t Reeomoaeuded Budgeted 1. Director $2,6700 $2,970 20 Conte eaces and schools 332 40 Dues and sub- scriptions 10 10 Leased lines for siren 300 300 j Service- supply re- placement 300 $ 642 $ 650 30 Unifcrpas w reserves $ 100 $ 325 Amuniticn.re so, rves 100 90 Radiological survey meter Su7plies s0 50 250 65 'i'0'€'AL CIVILIM i i f ` DE SE �3 592 085 x005 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL 90M PAG2 Sl F• BUDGETED $ 20,450 1,640 510 5,,400 155 7FK�IffiR $ 16,796 477 936 5,400 679 SUMMARY 1970 Ara s GL'NF 1?R0TL'CT10N CP P1E?SS0NS AND PMLIC I3 "TH 24.400 835 PROPERTY 4,620 4,62+0 F• BUDGETED $ 20,450 1,640 510 5,,400 155 7FK�IffiR $ 16,796 477 936 5,400 679 SUMMARY 1970 RECOMMENDED _ _ $21,520 $21 „520 1,533 1,393 835 035 4,620 4,62+0 209 209 29755 2t -0 23,717 -567 TMALS FUNCTION The fisractioas of the Public Health'Departmdrit are to pkovide for the general welfare of the .Comunity by walking and enforcing.' Jaws to preserve .and promote the public health and safety, and to protract the lift and health of all persons within the commnity. Proposed enpanditures are loss than last yedr,'s appropriations. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease. Salaries and wages 4"010 c€anfoKecces and schools 120 Dues .mod subscriptions 23 mileage 250 'hest equipment and supplies 3a2o' Central services 780 capital €- atleag 546 €` FAL . 38 VILLAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 Fond Function Area Act. No. GEMRAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PUBLIC HEALTH I 24.400 1_ PROPERTY -- $12,000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Sanitarian $12,000 $11;,700 Medical officer 300 300 Secretary () 3,150 3,570 Extra help 1,800 2,550 Laboratory - tecIYnitlS (2/3) 2"800 3,000 Summer help- laboratory (1/3) 400 400 $20,450 $21:520 $21,520 2,, Cl9nY:t recces cad schools $ 395 $ 515 $ 515 Dues and sub- scriptions 45 68 68 1►�;ileage 1.200 950 800 $ 1 „640 $ 1,533 $ 1,383 3. Test equipment and supplies (1/3) 510(A) 835(A 835 4. General $ 3,960 S 3,120 Village Hall 720 780 Public forks Build - irtg 720 720 $ 5,400 $ 4,620 $ 4,620 S. Glassware (1/3) $ 267(A) $ 134(A Plastic Pr ®aucts(? /) 267(A) i Benches (1/3) 84(A) RefrigeTator freezer (1/3) 137(A) Pile 73 755 209 209 TOE PUBLIC f HEALTH S28.755 28A717 28 567 Note A - 1sipra:se'ntiE onemt ird of the cost, the balance to be shams � equally with i I Sai t Louis Pa& and Bla mingt ®spa V a A r m ®F E®9 ANNUAL DUDG A 53 2:969 _ IU® WtITHED 15 "WW1® ///ggam A m 15y501 SUMMARY OBECT 6W- MENDE® BUDS 15"600 1 S 600 I' Animal Control is a £unction of Village Government designed to protect life and property from the injurlous activities of animals, tooth wild and domesticated, The Village Council has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. GEHERAL PROaEMON OF PERSONS AND AMML CONTROL � 24 0 5600 PROPERTY 2:969 _ IU® WtITHED 15 "WW1® ///ggam A m 15y501 SUMMARY OBECT 6W- MENDE® BUDS 15"600 1 S 600 I' Animal Control is a £unction of Village Government designed to protect life and property from the injurlous activities of animals, tooth wild and domesticated, The Village Council has, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. W1 6 Ar—C nC �i� KIA 61ta1!�111A1 L�9infa`M noe�e; CV .®r, . .v. -V V�� s-�a Vo vvcab vsysrr,vs.a Sf4i�R6 Rod Y OBJECT 36,280 GENERAL PROTECTION, OF PERSONS ANY? ! IFISPECTIONS 24.600 L PROPERTY — — I — - -- 3. COMMOOMES SUMMARY 1969 DGM0 WIMA70 OBJECT 36,280 g 369956 1. PF.WMAL MWWM 2,553 1,973 3. CONTRACFUAL SWIM 625 906 3. COMMOOMES 7,,920 7920 4L CP,L SERVICES ISO 100 S. CAPITAL OUTUY .._ GALS _ _ RECOMMENDED 1970 _ _ BUDGETED 40,380 40,380 1,391 1,241 406 406 8„220 8,220 4,000 4,000 54,397 2.5 F=T10H The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke building, plumbius and slap permits; enforce building, ply mbang and zoning ordinances and codes; paQpose and nmiso building,, plumbing and. constweti.on codes; establish house bering; a:eccrmend condemnation and ababowent of unsafe buildings-, and inspect all building constmetion. CMWILINS Proposed expenditures are fourteen. percent (14`x) higher than last year's appropriations. The win reasons for the increase are salanj (increase, plash cost of two automobiles less nee &.jction in mileage allowance. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. A�'$i UNT Salaries and wages $4.100 Conforuaces and schools SIB Dues and subscriptions DES Mileage 1,632 Printed forms 236 Code books 2.5 General su3 plies 8 Central services 300 capital Outlay 3 , 850 TOTAL IL 869 V11 i A=T, n& FnflJA &WNIIAI- R1111997 PAGA 55 Paid Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND 114SPE6TIONS 24.600 P- WPERTY Suildir3 inspector $10°800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity ®bides . Detail Present Budget 6Rccommended Budgeted 1. Suildir3 inspector $10°800 $12,000 Plumbing and heating - Inspectoa 10,380 11,400 Assistant inspector 8 ®100 9,600 Clark 4,800 5,460 Extra help 2 200 1-920 $36,280 $4.0.380 $40,380 2. Conferences and schools $ 470 $ 988 $ 838 Dues and sub- scriptions 163 115 115 Mileage 11920 280 288 $ 2,553 $ 1,391 $ 1,,241 3. Printed fors $ 475 $ 239 Code books- 50 75 Gaueral supplies 100 92 $ 525 $ 406 $ 406 4. General $ 7,020 5 6,300 Village Hall 900 960 Equipment operati6n 960 $ 7,920 $ 8,220 $ 6,220 5. Test equipment $ 150 Plea storage rack $ 200 AntcrwbilES (2 ) 3.800 15€3 4=0 �O 000 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 47 528. '54 337 54 247 i I llei.vaAs� �aa l6waavre P'%l V2'4 %P r%U. MP%P wG 9 n A�n'9P % GENERAL WON- DEPARTIENTAL FAVENDITURES CONTINGENCIES II 26.100 1969 _ 15,000 21,081 S imar OBJECT CO ARC' RECOMMENDED BUDGE® 15"000 15.000 15.000 FONCTION Wring the year, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which thence has been no previous appropriation. This account is a reserve for such contingencies'. b 11 A P� r ^r =W52NM ?%Vq%'4Y. ^A 6 DW G63 nKWIS S7 Fwd I F Am GM.q..L IMN- OBPARMINTA1 EXPENDITUREE SETTL HT OF SHITS 260200 1969 MOM MMATED 8 6 Pr 156 SUMMARY CBJEU 1970 _ RECOMWIMDE® BUDGETED +1 900 — g I,Sb X00 X00 FURCTION Represents are appropriation to pay small clams filed against the Village. AM GENERAL WON. DEPARTHM- 11L EXPENDITURES I SPEgJ&t.E'FP2 f,-4 ON I, 26,300 SUMMMY 40,000 ma ewm 1969 46,053 � 053 1970 RECD IENDE® BUDGETED 50,000 DSO n 000 7'ION The Village craned properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects. This account provides funds to pray these assessments, 11 Fund Funem AM CAPITAL Acd- GENERAL NOWDEPART1�MTAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES OUTLAY 260500 1969 _ BUS® EMMATMM 16,392 15,800 16,332 15,,80 0 SUMMARY ii970 ®�� d RECOMMENDED BUDGMD -- 1. MWOM SECES -- . �. CONYMCTUAL SERVKZ 3. COM W 2S 4. CEM d GYM I CO AL OUTLAY 11 s 345 a 11 , 345 O�GK '�° FUNCTION Cert�ttin . items' of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year`' which cannot be allocated io any particular function, are classified in this account. COMENTS The improvements to the Village Hall is amount needed to relocate various offices for a better utilization of space. The equipment shed is needed for storing seasonal equipment and supplies. V43 2 .&Q_ w end MIMA Ah` MI lAl DAMM Gift r :s.._,- �cs�m we ,tarn, wa •a a m wa v.oa ow von ea vw oaa � e-wada -- F'uild Fmxtion Asp CAPITAL I Act. NO. GENERAL N N- DE'PART24MAL EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES OUTIM 260500 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted GM&RAL So Nicrof1.1m informa- tion systems Conera $ 1,500 Readers 5) 735 Printer-reader 1,350 Jacket reader - filler 1,475 Supplies 2,332 $ 7,392 I TOTAL GENE L VILLAGE 6t1ML Improvements- ! TOM VITA. • General office 10E - - HAU 2,500 $ 2 500 $ 2, 500 $ 2:500 $ 2,000 i PUBLIC WORD BUILDING Equipment storage shied-Robert's property $ 5,000 $ 51000 $45,000 Storage loft and racks 2 000 2,000 TOTJ I PUB C WORKS BUILDING $ 5,000 $ 7,000 $4+7,000 EQUIMENT OPERATION Tool replacements and renewals- various 1,500 1 . 8a5 $ 1,500 $ 1,845 $ 1,845 TOi EQUI Pan OPERATION i i i i i TOTAL CENTM LL SESR CES - CAPITAL OUTLAY 16, 392 lual=15== 50 45 _,_ 1969 _ MUM 509000 5(► 8000 50,000 so 000 SUMMay 5i 1970 _ EiEC�MMENDED IUD' 50,000 X00 n FUNCTION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvemnt s . 85,000 BSS, 000 far d3 P. . GENE-� S NON DEPARRMTAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL. I MVLVXXTS 26.600 1969 _ MUM 509000 5(► 8000 50,000 so 000 SUMMay 5i 1970 _ EiEC�MMENDED IUD' 50,000 X00 n FUNCTION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvemnt s . 85,000 BSS, 000 %ni i .A.A rll - rig 9?9] ahj%,3 QAE W sM D Aa r, v y u wa r .. v — .� C en& ' Y mc&n VP:Y41ai v c a".Yd W. GVEMBAL NON- DEPARMENTAL EXPRNDITURE HUMAN BIGWS IISSI0N 26.700 SUMMARY VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDGE • PADS 62 SUMP 9.969 BUDG _ ESTIMATED AM Aa& ft PAU 1 HM AM PXMIATION AMNISTRAT'ION 47.100 SUMP 9.969 BUDG _ ESTIMATED -- OBJECT - -- _ 1.970 RCCOl�tu9E1 RD BUDGETED $51,,350 $ 50,246 1. PEWHA =VICES $56,920 $ 56, 920 1840 1,842 2.. CWMACMAL SEtV'M 1,980 1,830 125 100 3.' C01WOMIES 175 175 30oSW 30,840 4 tMTML SERVICES U.060 74.060 WITAL T 83 o 735 026 83,135 8x,985 COWANKFART The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, development, operation and wi Intenance of the Village parks and recreatiGn facilities, and the coadmet of the recreation program. Providing for the adtimistration of the park awd recTeation function is the object of this account. The Edina. park girds 'as an advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation function. CMWWTS Proposed expenditures are mae percent (1%) lower than last year's appropriations. Main reasons for the slight reduction are decrease in central services, less salary increases. Th -e below listed detail contributes to the deciesFo AND0M" Salaries and wages $5,570 Ccmferences and schools 200 Mileage 360 Printing so Central services 6.,780 TOTAL LAM= VILLAGE OF E®i6�A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 63 w'efwd romQion Area Act. No. PARK PARK AND R€CPZkTION ADMINISTRATION 47.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL code. Activity Object Detail Present $fidget Reccramended 8096 ted 41. Director $14,100 $15,,300 Assistant Director 11,100 12,000 lragrm supervisor 6,900 8,256(B) Secretary 5,400(A) .6,120 Clerical (1/3) 1,450 1,850 Pald leave 12,000 13,000 arainIng 400 400 $51,350 $56,920 $56,920 2. Conferences and schools $ 600 $ 800 $ 650 Braes and sub- scriptions 100 100 100 Audit 720 720 720 - mileage 360 360 $ 1,4,20 V1,930 $ 1.830 3. Printing $ 50 $ 100 Books and pamphlets 7.5 75 $ 125 $ 175 $ 175 4. General $25620 $18,720 Village Ball 1,620 1.680 Public Works Building 1,980 1,980 Equipment Operation 1 620 1,680 30 €d40 24,060 124,060 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 483.735 8,3&135 $2 , 985 I Note A - Salary c^adiustma t of $/1yp5�0yR for year ire reflected n above bu to Note B - $75b&737 Jai. art' ; $ 5.00 cult' Au . VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Fw PARK I PARK AND RECREATION RECREATION PROORM 47.200 SUM-MARY 1969 _ 1970 _ DUDGMD Skating and hockey OBJEff RECOMMENDED BUDS O $ 35,690 $33,928 1. PERSONAL S IBCES $ 39,380 $38,480 8,000 7,500 2. CONTRACTUAL SER9f B.'500 8,500 9,100 8,638 �. COMMO E=S 9,275 9,175 7. ,0 Temis instruction 4. CENTM SERVIM HLscellanems and special activities 300 $. CUrfAL GUTIAT k, n365 X790 �gaO£i6 X57,155 s s+ 51, TOTAUS S YL{7:ir d 10DI Tim Village, in addition to providing park facilities, conducts a year around recreational program as a function of Village government. This program is the xesponsibility of the Parr and Recreation Department. It includes Wch activities as organized baseball., softball, hockey, swiming and tennis fOsmctlon; and a user playgrour -d program for small children. S=2 of these activities receive firancial suMrt: from various service orgatxnizations, and in others the participants themselves pay a portion of the cost. CIMOSIM Xlzopased expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher than last year "s appropriations. The principal season for the imrease is additional personal services The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOUNT Salaries and vagesg Baseball and softball $ 160 Skating and hockey 600 Tennis instruction 130 Playground 500 Swimming instruction 1x300 Miscellaneous and special activities 800 $3,690 500 ��Beu���s,,�,��QTental leii'i►i odities Shating and hockey 7. ,0 Temis instruction 75 HLscellanems and special activities 300 TOTAL k, n365 MADE OF EDIN ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 65 Fun4 Fn a= A= Act. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATION RECREATION PROGRAM 47,,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade Activity C�Bect Detail Present Budget Rccommended Budgeted 210 Baseball and Softball 1. Supervision $ 1,500 1,500 Coaching Assistant 1 600 1.760 $ 3,100 $ 3,260 3. Plates and bases $ 500 $ S00 Bats and balls 300 300 Catching equipment 300 300 Hwaxpmut repair 150 ISO $ 250 1.25C TOTAL BOISE ALL AID SOFTBALL $ 4,350 $ 4,510 $ 4,510 220 Shating and Hockey 1. Rink supervision $ 8,000 $ 8,800 8,600 Hockey coacbirS 540 58400 pp $ 8,540 8 X540 $ Q 7 , 340 P I $ �q J , 140 3. Goalie equipment $ 400 $ 200 Goals 250 250 650 450 4 450 TOTAL SKATING Mi.) IDCIY $ 9,190 $ 9,790 $ 9,590 230 Tennis Instruction 10 Instructor $ 600 $ 660 ( Assistant instructor 700 770 $ 1,300 $ 1,430, 30 Tennis balls $ 125 $ 125 wets 175 250 Unclassified 25 25 325 I 400 i TOTAL TEM S rNSTRUCTION $ 1,623 $ 1,830 $ 1,830 240 Playground to Leaders $10"000 $109500 3. Crafts $ 2,300 $ 2,300. Replacements and renewals 800 800 $ 3100 a 3,,100 _ TOTAL 1 1' N)UND I $139100 $13,600 $139600 VILLAGE OF EMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 66 Feud Fazeilon Are® Act. No. PAM PARK AND REC0ATION RECREATION PROGRAM 476200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cade AcWty Object Detail Pmseat Budget Recommended Budgeted 250 Seri erg Instruction 10. Supervision $ 650 750 $ 950 Instruction 6,500 7,500 7,000 Attendants 500 600 600 Registration 300 400 400 $ 7,950 $ 9,250 $` 82750 2. Bus rental $ 61 500 $ 7,000 iiwl rental 1,, 500 1,500 0;,000 $ 8,500 $ 81500 3. Unclassified 225 225 225 TOTAL SWINUNG I'll STRUCTIANi $165175 $17,975. $17,275 260 Teen Program 1 10 Supervision $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ' 3o Equipment avA I supplies $ 15000 $ i'Wo Printing 500 Soli unclassified 500 S00 a 000 A 2;000 TOTAL TERN PRO $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3 e 000 270 Hiscollaneous and Special Activitiep 1. Paull $ 2,000 $ 2,400 $ 2,200 r Leaders ING00 2M200 2.200 $ 3,000 $ 4,600 $ 4,600 3. Printing sumer bulletin $ 650 $ 800 $ Soo i ChiltdrenDs sumer thea wro k and Puppetry 350 4w 400 f Football 150 iso ISO i Unclassified 1100 500 400 1,550 1.050 TEAL HISCIUJAVE US AND SPECTAL A TIVITTES 5,350 6 6.50 6F1150 TOTAL REC93ATION 1 PPDGRAN4 52,,790 §560135 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE E 67 SUMMARY 1969 �s Salaries and wages: `l�0 PARK PARK =D RECREATION KAAINTERANCE 47.300 SUMMARY 1969 AMUNT Salaries and wages: `l�0 Special turf taro.' RUDGMD ES MAM OBJWT -- RECOMMENDED - — BUDGETED $ 72 300 $ 70, 792 �. PL SEet $ a0, 200 $ 80"200 66350 8,478 1 CONTRACTUAL SMV= 6,750 6,750 16.'190 15,272 I'COPAM-OW 10 16,440 15,940 16,080 1690849 4 CE SERVWM 16,620 15,620 S. CMUAL OU=V 110920 11 ®,622 � 12.0,010 '''jjjjjj A S10 8 t® __ .. . FMICT ION Party Maintenance involves the care of all Village parks and recreation facilities, Included In this budget account are only those properties designated as parks. Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pu*inz stations, etc., are maintained through other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the park maintenance credo The maintenance of parks includes turf care, es3tdblish- meeat and care of trees and plantings, litter remavaa1, maintenance of park beaildtings, and equipwnt and skating rinks, a TS Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8 %) higher than last ,year's aappropria= tionso Additional payroll is the gain reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the iencream. AMUNT Salaries and wages: Special turf taro.' $1,500 Plantings and trees I"000 Buildings and equipment maintenance 3,,400 Skating rink maintenance 2,000 $7,900 Utilities and power 400 Weed spray ISO Trash containers 100 Central services 540 TOTAL j9,090 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGEW PAGE 68 Fund rwction Area Act. No. PARK PARK.. AND RECREATION NAINTENANCE 47,300 S(PENMURC DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detail Presen? Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 IO Wn19irs 1. Payroll $ 12,000 $ 12,000 - 3. Repairs, parts and 4. brand- Mo-aars I Egaip wnt operation 750 3,,,900 750 4 020 TOTAL M fING $ 16,650 $ 16,770 $16,770 ,320 Special Turf Care flu Payroll $ 31,508 $ 13,000 .2. Contracted work 19600 1,80000 3. Seed $ 1,200 $ 1,200 i sod 540 540 ! Fertilizer 1,600 1,600 Black dire 1,000 I,Oco Weed spray 300 450 $ 4,640 $ 4 "790 4. Equipment Operation 2..040 2,100 MAL SH CWL IURF CARE $ 19,980 $ 21,690 $22,690 330 Plantings and Trees 1. Payroll $ 4,000 $ 5,000 2. Egmiymeut rental 150 ISO 30 1 Plant materials 1"000 1,400 4. Equipment operation .1 ,500 1 620 TOTAL PEdOWINGIL AND TREES $ 6,650 $ 7,770 $ 7,770 340 Litter Reel 1. Payroll $ 6,000 $ 6,000 3. Trash containers 400 500 4. Equipment Operation 1,200 l 260 TOTAL M `TFB F J WDYAL $ 7,600 $ 7,760 $ 7,760 1350 Parking Area F13i�te� re 10 3. Payacll Road ail $ 2 "500 $ :19300 $ 2,500 $ 1,300 1 Sane] 300 306 uncl"- sifted 300 300 $ 1,900 $ 11,900 1 1 40 &Vipment Opar�atior 1 200 1,200 I i TOTAL PARKING MEA MAINTENANCE $ 5,600 $ 5,600 $ 5,600 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 69 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Fund Phalan Aim But. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATION HAINTENAPNCE 47.300 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 360 Buildings: and Equip- ment Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 14$300 $ 17,700 $ 17,700 2, Utilities 1.,000 1,200 1,200 30 ?cumber $ 3,500 $ 3,500 3,,250 Repair materials 3n500 3,1500 3,250 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 6,500 =A1a Bi 4. L DTNGGS Equipment Operation AND EQUIPMENT 2,040 2 100 2 100 MAIMMANCE $ 24,34:0 $ 26,000 $ 27,500 370 Skating.Rink Dwn tenance 1. o Payral l $ 22,000 $ 24: OGO 2, Electrical, wiring $ 700 $ 700 Pamr 500 700 Heat 2 200' 2 200 $ 3,400 $ 3,600 3. Lamps .and fixtures 500 50]0 40 py Equipment Ope ation 4,200 4,320 TOTAL S TING RINK MAINTENAKE 304100 32,420..,- 322420 � TOTAL MAI 2VISM I i CS JIM920 120 010 $119J10 VUJAGR OF ZDMA AwUAL BUD= PAGE 70 PARK PFLiUMAI PAYROLL J DISTRIBBMON 0 SAY longs Tigle 1959 1970 Hoathly salen. 1969 1970 ra 1969 riatione - 1970 Park Foreman 1 1 $810 $856 $ 9,600 $ 10,272 Pram Keeper III 1 1 720 768 8,640 9,216 Building Engineer 1 698 8,376 Park Keeper IR 9 10 650 693 70,200 83,160_ remp©rary Laberer(Bummer) 7,000 8,000' Dvert ime 5.000 6,000 Polf Course(Vinter Help) 5,000 6,240 pries clean 0'p Help 4,760 3,736 11 13 S11On200 13ss000 DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreations Administration - Tar€tft AnH $ 400 Paid leave 13,000 Recreation- Miscellaneous ar-d special activities 28400 Maintena;ce Yawing $ 12,006 Special turf care 13,000 Plantings and trees 3,006 Utter removal 6,000 Park area maintenance 2,500 Building; and equipment maintenance 17,700 Skating rink maintenance 24,000 x,80,200 TOTAL PARR AWD RECREATION $ 95,000 'barged to Other Funds: General- -%blic Works Baildizrg $ 1,200 Geveral4 Fabli.c Forks 16, 500 General-Equipment Operation 1,600 swimming 12,001 3,760 Golf Warse 1,400 Recreation Center 10„300 V8tGrV0% -?XS 1,400 Suer I1enUI 800 Villages Hall 900 Library 11,200 392000 TOTAL §135 000 VILLAGE OF EDINA. ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 71 FmA FUSS Am Acct. He. PARK PARK AIM RECiiUTION CAPITAL OUTIAY 476100-5 SUMMARY ` 1969 _ _ 1970 owwr RE BUDWED 2. CONTRAMAL SEW 4. MTHAL SEA 14,200 12,570 1 CAPITA. OUTLAY 17,800 g7® 9S0 Experiditures for items of equipment which have a useful life of more than oU6 yeas are classifies as capital outlayi, Turf sweeper is pulled behind a. tractor,� it is used to rage leaves, cans, page 00 It will help to mechanize the department, so as to keep the labor cost dosmF3 The four -im ,eel drive pickup will replace they jeep which was .acquired in 19616 It is used for plowivg in winter and eased control in the s9amnero The present ,deep l is eupensiv-e to a aintain, The snow blear is used an �ha tractor for re=vel of snore Ai hockey rinks and skating areas. .pointer is used in the carpentry shop, The sevnc -gang ewer is needed to maintain the additional areas required to be mwed L '9 he brow and ring are replacements for the sweeper. Tho rotary mwer will be used for muing rough areas, and weed control. The picImp truck is for this foreman., His present truch will he retain-ad and used for transportation, and other work dutle:so VHJ AGE OF EDINA. ANNUAL BUDGE" PAGE 72 Food Fw -dion Area Act. Me. PARK PMK AND RECREATION CAPITAL OM AY 470100 -5 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Objact Detail PPmeat Budget Iteeommendad Bud eted 5. Aerial bucket- 5.er (1,-) $10"000 Csasbman scooter 1,300 Automobile ?,500 Air compressor 400 Turf sweeper $ 2,000 FOUT- heel drive Pickup 3,500 Snow blower 700 Jointer 100 Seven -gang mover 0,000 7,000 Replay ement= bro and Cain& sweeper 1.x000 Rotary omwer S00 PicIMg truck 2 � 000 f I I i TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY _J14 ,200 $17,1800 $16.800 4 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 73 Femd Am AccL Me; POOR RELIEF AND PUBLIC NURSING 9005610 SUMMARY 1959 _ BUDGMD OBJECT S 1. PERSONAL SEWCES 14,960 14,268 2. CONMCTUAL SERVIOU 3. COAA OMTIES 4 CINTRa SWICS S. OPffAL OUTLAY 1 4� 14,268 ALS _ 1970_._.- ...._., RECOMMENR® 3UCG 14,980 130980 X4.980 80 FUNCTION Represents Village Cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Hennepin County Kursing� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 74 ff �� Am M& PARK CONSTRUCTION VITAL IMPROVDZNTS 1969 __ $ 6 80,000 Q 80,000 SURF ' �b YT(6"rr' sfl6rn0 _ 1970 _ -. _. _..___ RECOMMEW_ XD- g b MOM Represents amount allocated from Mquor Dispensary Fund for Capital VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 1969 _ ESTIMATED 63,000 62,135 63,000 62,135 BONDS AND INTEREST SUMMMY 1970 _ __ OBJECT AECO NDED DUDGEiD SWIGS 64,500 64,50 3 CDB�� 4. CEO MVI 'ifs OWMAY W®DS �yg� pia 500 �. 64 x a D ['.r` {L,;J At.gik= FUNCTION Those funds are used to make avxual payments on outstanding bonds. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGES' PAGE 76 Fad Ams AW. FIRE PROTECTION 20 160=9 1969 _ ®U E,STIMA 16,300 16,850 I - ". ��i6.,8tJ0 S 1650 SUMMARY 1970_ RECOMMENDED' BUDGMD 17,900 17,900 6174 900 &M 900 FUNCTION Represents amount of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to waterworks fund. V BLLAGEE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET FAQ 77 _ 1969 _ V 5,600 5,650 &L60O 5„650 SUMMARY COMMENTARY __ —ED,- 1970- RiC _0W, EHb, BUDGE® 6,000 6,000 86,000 , 00 FUNCTION Represents the amount the 'Village contributes for retirement of volunteer firemen, kc� ArcL b. 1 FIlu3M'S RELIEF ASS00INI!ION 200230 -9 _ 1969 _ V 5,600 5,650 &L60O 5„650 SUMMARY COMMENTARY __ —ED,- 1970- RiC _0W, EHb, BUDGE® 6,000 6,000 86,000 , 00 FUNCTION Represents the amount the 'Village contributes for retirement of volunteer firemen, Eund I � rVincoon Area Aca. No. M� ;I?L�pJN, CEPi°1'RAL SERVICE MINERAL 25,. 1001 5UMMARY 1969 BUDGETED ESTIMATED MJECT $ L. PERSOINIAL SERVICES 307,536 31'', 882 2. CON c ftACTUAL $ERVICES 7,200 6, 74.2 . COMIM IMS . CEMI WkL SERMES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 314 336 $_1321- 624 TOTALS COMMEW ARY 19:0 RECOMMEMDED BUDGETED 252.,360 7,200 $- 259,260 253 560 I: Ea CTION These expendituies represent costs which are :incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension. payments, postage, equlipment seruice contracts, and insurance premiums. These costs sre± allocated to operating departments and other funds manthly, based on usage„ COPDiENTS Proposed e.Lpenditures are eighteen percent (10 %) less than lass: year's appropriation. TNe reason for the decrease is redaction in pension contributions. The below listed detail contributes to the decrease, A14OUNT 'e 1, eph.one 900 Equipment service contracts 480 Pension contributions ©5L ne 1 "500 Liability insurance 3,120 Employer's share- hospitalization 1,284 Equipment rentals -copy machine(2) - -- 600 TOTAL VY.e AGE OF EDINA AN, IJUAL BUDGE PAGE 79 Fund Fanckim Area As z. ids,. REVOLVIEG CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 25.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cado J\�etiveky Object Datail present Budget i Recommended Budgcked 2., Telephone $ 12,720 $ 13,620 EgUpment service contracts 1,920 2,400 Pension contribution 227,676 164,616 I Postage 6,900 I 8,400 Insurance: I Liability 10,920 14,040 Uorkmeu ° s Compensa- tion 21,000 21,000 Employer's share- hospitalization 23,100 24,384 Equipment rentals 3 300 3 900 F $307.536 $252,360 3. Office supplies ! 7,200 7 200 TOTAL MERAL 31� 736 $259,560 $259.560 DISTRYEL1T1014 ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEP ►R7MEM- ANNUAL MONTHLY Mayor and Council $ 840 $ 70 Planning 3,000 250 Administration ( 9,180 765 Finance 9,120 � 760 Assessing I ' 9,600 I 750 Legal and Court Sa 'Ce 660 55 Library :,00 ► 75 Public Workao Administration 3,360 280 Engineering 10,980 915 General , 34,680 2,890 Police � 5„825 Fire I 30,300 2,525 Public Health ► 3,120 I 260 Inspections I I 68900 575 Pillage Ral* . Public Works Buildling Equipment Operation 720 , 4,620 60 385 + I $197,580 $ 16,465 f VILAGE Oi EMMA ANNUAL BUDGE' PACE 80 Fu,ad Activity ���c� � I - -- Areco - — P -esent — Budget Act. NO. REVOL'1lIN CENTRAL SERVICES i GENERAL 23.100 EXPE DiTURE DETA11 Code Activity Objets Oet aai - — P -esent — Budget Recommesd?ed Budgeted -- ALLOCATED TO OTHER FUNDS: ANNUAL MONTHLY. Suisrming Pool $ 300 $ 25 Golf Course 7,800 650 Recreations Cente 4,440 370 Park 13,720 1,560 Watemorks 11,400 950 Serer Rental 8,160 680 Liquor-50th Streit 3,900 325 Liquor- Southdaie 3,660 305 Liquor- Grandview 3,600 300 $ 61 980 5 165 TOTALS k259.260 21 630 � i i I 1 I , � � ; VILLAGE OF EDINA A14NUA MGM' PAff 81 F O6d AMOUNT Salaries and wages AWN W RMLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VW AGE HAM 25.200 1969 WIMATO 10,,700 $ 110809 11,320 ll ,,204 2,700 2 ,,511 f 6. PERSONAL SERYWES a. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 1970 RECOWMDW 89 12,300 11,335 3,605 1,620 1,620 CEWRAL SERVICES 900 ffAL OUTLAY ci $ 27, 144 2 J40 2��= MALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION `ibis account provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village Hall Operating costs are allocated to departments on the basis of space occupied. CONMTS i Proposed expenditures are seem percent (7 %) higher than last year's appropriation. The amount allocated from Park payroll represents part of the salary of an employee to service the various mechanical equipment in Village owed baaildimgso its below listed detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL $1 „8 AMOUNT Salaries and wages $1,600 mat 200 Watoa and sever services S0 Insurance 215 Electrical and furnace service 50 Air conditioning service Soo Contracted service and repairs 100 Paper supplies 150 Genaral supplies 155 Replacement- light bulbs 100 Paneling-hall, side entrance 700 Central services 720 TOTAL $1 „8 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 82 Fund F ®mctiow Area Act. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 11 Custodian $ 7,200 $ 7,800 � tetra help and overtime 2,000 2,600 Public works payroll 1,500 1,000 Park- payroll 900 $10,700 $12,300 20 Mat $ 2,000 $ 2,200 Light and power 5,200 5,200 Water and sewer service 300 250 Insurance 410 625 Rubbish service 600 600 Laundry service 660 66.0 Electrical and furnace services 700 750 Air conditioning service 800 300 Contract service and repairs 650 750 $11,320 $13.,335 3. Cleaning supplies S 500 $ 500 Paper supplies 500 650 General supplies 550 705 R®pair parts and hardware 250 250 Carpenter materials and paint 500 500 Replacement-light bulbs 400 300 1 Paneling-hall., side 1 entrances 700 i i $ 2,700 $ 3,605 4. General 1,620 900 l i f TMAL VILIAGE $289140 P6,340 28 140 VILLAGE OF EDIT . ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 Fund Function Aar Act. No. REVOLVING I CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL 25.200 EXPENDITURE DiTTAIL Cade ActMty Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 9 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OpERAT NG - DE ARTMTS o AMDAL MI IAMY Mayor and Coianci . $ 2,520 $ 210 Planning 780 65 Administration 4,,440 370 Finance 1:680 140 Assessing 1„680 140 Public Works Administration 780 65 Engineering 1,620 135 Police 5"100 425 Fire 4,620 385 Ptablic: Health 780 65 Inspection 960 80 $24,960 $2,080 AI,YJ=TED TO OTHER MIDS: Park $ 1,680 $ 140 Waterworks 780 65 Sewer Rental 720 60 3 180 265 I I i TOTAL g28,,140 42,345 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAG E 84 Fond Falleim Am AM?,. 001 REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLTC UORKS BUILDING 25,300 1969 1970 WAVE M. ommva GMT Recohimmim. SUDGM 7,000 6,877 1• PEWNAL SERVKM 3 8,200 13"050 12,533 L CONTRACTUAL SEP.VWZ 12,380 2,,090 2,622 S. CDMMODMES 2,340 1,440 1,640 4. CENTRAL SMYWA 720 'W41W MIT .11KAM, 23,580 44.72 23.640 $-2 TOTALS The function of the Public Forks Building is to provide as shelter for equipment wafttemance operations, stockroom, and office area for public tmrks persotmel. The amunt allocated fran Park payroll represents part of the salary of an employee to service the varicus mechanical equiWent in Villege owned buildings. The below listed detail contributes to the slight increa,,sa. Salaries evA wages Light and power Rubbish hauling Contract work Cleaning supphies Central services TOTAL AMOUNT $1,200 400 200 60 530 250 72i? VILLAGE OF EMNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 83 Fund Fmxtioa Area Act. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC €FORKS BOILDING 25300 €XNENDBTU RE MAIL Code Activity Object Detail udge@ asdg Bet Recommended Budgeted 1. Custodian. $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Public works payroll 14000 1"000 Park- payroll 1,200 $ 7,000 $ 6,200 2. Feat $ 42600 $ 4,600 Light and paver 5;,400 5,000 Insu rsnce 300 500 ftbbish hauting 600 660 Sewer and water service 450 450 Contract work 1,500 970 $13,050 $129360 3a Gleaming supplies $ Soo $ 750 General supplies, hardware and repair parts 1,240 1 "240 Replacement light bulbs 350 350 $ 2,090 $ 2,340 4. General 1,440 720 1 ,.440 720 TOTAL PUBLIC NORMS . BUS ILDING 23 560 223,640 $23,640 DYST RIBdnT-T-on IALLOCATED TO OPERATING DEP MFT'.CS: ANNUAL. KQNTEii;Y (Health $ 920 $ 60 Public Works � v980 165 quipmen.t operation 18,240 10520: $20,940 $ 1,745 ALLOCATED TO OTHER P xNDS o IPaTh $ 1,980 $ 165 19aaterworks 360 30 Sauur Ra ntal 360 30 2 7700 22.5 TOTAL %(�23,640 1,970 `M ASS: OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 66 Fend FURCHM AM AC&I No, RAiT0UING CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIFMM OPERATION .25,6400 1969 Salaries and wages 1970 Radio service S00 Contracted repairs _ 37,940 $53,848 9. PERSONAL SJRM8 $ 39 "900 19Dew 22,843 8. Wed' ACTUAL SERVICES 22,000 71,000 72,604 34 COMMODMES 74,400 25,,080 25,080 4. CENT PAL SUViCES 22,860 I $. CAM AL Y AL OU tl Rai &1g2 920 17 17 �aa.r9 7" V TWAU [- 141,11MMI — HA it FUNCTION This account provides for oporationa and, maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance equipment, and purer tools. Costs of equipment operation are charged to operating depaartmnts and other funAs on the basis of aseo I CO WaS Proposed expenditures .are four percent (4%) higher than last year's appropriations, The belolu listed detail contributes to the ircreasez AWWMIP 70TAL jkJ40 Salaries and wages $2„060 Radio service S00 Contracted repairs 1"500 Insurance 1,00€ Replacement of tools Se0 Stock materials 2,000 Gasoline and fuel oil ` 1,400 Lubricants 5o0 ` Tires wd tubes 1,000 i. Accessories and parts 2,400 Central cervices 2— 70TAL jkJ40 VILLAGE OF ED184A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 87 I FwA Fazntion Area Aa. No. f SDI: LAG CENTR& SERVICES EQUII'WNT OPBRN..l ION MOO EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity abject Detail Budget Present Budge � Reccmmended Budgeted 10 Mechanic foreman $ 9,120 s 9,758 Mechanics (2) 17,280 18,438 ServicGman (night) 8,100 8,577 Serviceman 7,800 8, 320 Public Ifis rkeLpayroli 6,000 6,000 Parts Clark W 3,990 2,820 Parts and Golf Course payroll 3,200 3,,500 Overtime 2 35/0 2 4 8, � $ 57's-'10 @ Y 59,900 2 a Radio service $ 5,000 $ 51500 Laundry 1,500 1,500 Contracted repairs Insurance 6,000 6t500 7,500 7 500 $ 19,000 $ 22,000 3. Replacement of tools $ 2,000 $ 1,500 Stock materials 4,000 6,000 Welding supplies 1,000 1,000 410 Gasoline and fuel oil 258000 24,000 420 Tires and tubes 6,000 7,000 430 Lubricants 3,000 2.,500 4410 Accessories and parts 30n000 32.8400 $ 71,000 $ 74,400 4-- General $ 6,900 $ 4:8620 Public Works Build- iv's 180,180 l8 2 240 23 080 22,860, ' II I TOTAL SQUIPY'ENT OPRRAT70x1w 2172 920 g79,162- 179 160 I M AGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 88 F-mid Fm0im Arw Ace. No. R"OLVIN CLRTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OPERATION 25,400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Obj=t Detail PP °ten¢ Sudget Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION AZ AXATEO TO OPERAT NG D3 TWITS s ANNUAL MWTH.Y Administration $ . 600 $ 50 Assessing 600 50 I Public b'orks o Administration 600 50 E nearing 68300 525 ! Suporigieaon. anq Over Sad 600 50 # Street Maintm ee 60x,360 5,030 Shag L gbta; 600 50 Sheet Nye S s 18800 150 Traffic Contzo : 3,600 300 Bridges 600 s0 Storm Draiv age 3,600 300 Wila8e Properties 5,4:00 450 sidevaik 900 75 Police 33,600 2,800 Fire 10,200 850 Ir'spectims 960 80 $130,320 $ 10,860 AUMATED TO OTER FUNDS: SeaiimiV.g Pool $ 840 $ 70 Golf ccurse 129000 1,000 Reematiov. Center 2,700 223 Parma 18,300 1,525 Waterworks 6,600 550 Semr Rental I 3,900 325 GanGerection assed projects) 4,1500 375 48,840 4.070 I TOTALS 179 160 14,930 PAGES A August 28, 1969 VILLAGE OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF MAXI SALARIES AND WAGES FOR EARS 1969 AND 1970 1969 1970 GMRAL ADMINISTRATION PER MONM PER M)NTH Director of Fin@nce and Treasurer $1,500 $1,650 Assessor 1,175 f{E) 1,275 Deputy Assessors 820 903 Village Clerk 560 615 Administrative Assistant 600 660 Office Clerical - fiscal. - secretarial.! Clerical 1 (4) 420_ 350-450 Clerical 11 (9) 465 400-550 Clerical 111 (6) 540 500-700 Clerical IV 620 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 500 500 Pimning Technician 1,050 (E) 1,175 Accoun:ta-at- auditor 700 (A) 750 PUBLIC, SAFETY POLICE* Director of Public Safety and Police Ciaief 1,500 1,650 Captains - 2 years service 1,050 1,155 1 year service 1,000 1,100 First year 950 1,01!5 Detective Sergeants (School Mason), 2 years service 915 1,005 1 year Service 900 990 First year 880 970 Sergeants- 2 years service 895 985 1 year service . -S&0 970 Firs? year 860 94.5 Detectives -2 years service 870 955 1 year service 855 940 First year 840 925 Patrolmen o4 years service 820 905 3 years service 785 865 2 years service 750 825 1 year service 710 785 First year 650 715 Dispatchers -Desk clerks (monthly -wo steps` 550 675 (8) Dispatchers -fish clerks (Hourly) 3000 3060 FIRS?* Chief 1,025 1,130 Aastf scant Chief 925 l o0i5 Lieutenants 845 930 Drivers 795 875 Firemen - 4 years service 770 850 3 years service 740 820 2 year services 710 765 1 year service 675 750 First year 615 680 Parttime'4- :: $6.00 per call up to 2 hours, $7.50 per gall up to 2 and $3.50 per hr. thereafter. tars. and $4.25 per hr. $3050 per drill. thereafter-. $4.25 er ,gill. Schedule of Salaries and Wages Contivued: PAGE A August 28, 1969 PUBLIC SAFETY CONT ° D„ I'Of the total compensation for mom' bars of the Police DeparWent $30.00 a month shall be considered as payment.for tatting at least 30 hours off ;duty training from the Dire Department in fire fighting techniques , for aiding in the extinguishing of fires and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certcificates *'$30.00 per month of the c©wl yensatian paid firemen shall be considered ass payment for such duciesti outside eno'rmai fire'menes duties as cosy be assigned by the Village Hauagaes o L;,k. ff -duty police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills shall be paid the same as part -time firmer. ELECTION Judges and Clerks Chairmen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Pdol Namager (a) Assistant Pool Massager (u) Concession Manager (s) Pool Cashier Bs) Sathhouse- Concession Attendants ys) Swimming Instraea;•tor (s) Life Guards (s) Pool Maintenance (S) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) Baseball Assistants �s) Hockey Coacher, (s) Rink Attendants (s) Playground Leaders (s) Skating - Skiing Imstrasctors (s) Park Keeper III Park Kemper 110 Park Keeper It Golf manages W Pro Golf Course Business Hanager Golf Curse Superintendent Golf Course Rangers, Starters;, Cashiers., Lunch Counter Clerks ( s) Arena - Nonager Arena - Assistant Hamager Arena Nalatenauce supervisor Arena Concession Mmager (a) Aroma , Guards, Cashiers, Concession Attendants 1069 PER MONTH $2.75 per hoar 2050 Additional 1970 PER MONTH $2.00 per hoax 2050 Addtn'l $1,175 $1,275 925 1,080 575 725 (C) 480 500 425 450 2,15 per heur 2,15 per hr. 1055 0° 1065 le 1.25 00 1n50 11 2040 °° 2.30 t7 2040 °° 2,50 Q0 1.90 °' 1090 11 450 Soo 1090 per hear 2.00 per hr, 2015 °! 2.50 0/ 1.75 9t li 2.2 5 11 .2y000 2 ,25 e9 5.80 Inst.Class 5000 Ins.Clo Ila 768 648 693 585 632 625 650 715 760 84.0 2.40 peer hour 700 655 655 500 2.40 per hour 2075 per hr. 675 (D) 707 707 500 2,50 per hro ScheduZe of Salaries and Wages Continuedt LIQUOR STORES Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Managers - stores Clerks Regular Clerics .p Part-time PAGE A August 28, 1969 1969 1970 Pik. MONTH PER PMNTH $1,150 $1,250 790 €370 760 835 3.10 per hour 3040 per hr., 2,55 " 2,70 INSPECTORS Plumbing $ 865 $ 950 Building 925 (E) l "000 Deputy Inspector 700 (A) 800 HEALTH Health 0ffcicer $ 25 $ 25 Sanitarian 1,000 975 Laboratory Technician, "3.J3 'Edina °s share) 700 750 PUBLIC UORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Norks .and Engineering $1,325 (E) $1,500 Village Engineer 1,175 Supewisor of Survey 1,000 Supervisor of Design 12000 Supervisor of Inspection 1,000 Chief ExegicMerin3 Aide 900 Engimp.ering Aide IV 775 Engineering Aide 111 725 800 Ingineering Aide 11 625 700 Engiu�aering Aide 1 550 600 Superintendent, Public I•larks 1,100 1,175 Superintendent, Water 925 1,000 Foreman • (Street,sewer,water,parks and mechanic) 820 877 Office Clerk 665 Heavy Equipment Operators# 718 768 Fight Egaipment Operators# 648 693 Kaintenance Nanf- 585 632 Mechanic 718 768 Keehan:ic ° s helper 0 648 693 Janitor 600 650 sorer water Utility Fang 648 693 a Starting rates may be 207. less for the first three months of service and 10% lass for the secoad three Months. (S) Seasonal. (A) 102 of increase-- january 10 1/2 of increase --July 1. (l3) $75600 January 1; $50o0C July 1. (C) $75.00 January 1; $75000 July 1. (0) $100.00 January Iy $75.00 July 10 (E) Salary was adjusted mid-year. CMAPARATIVIZ SMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND FOR YlBUS 1970 MD 1969 Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Ar-tivities Services and Seboole .Otbar cenera3 :e aeial Services Outlay Total GENERAL GOVE MLNT: Mayor and Council: 1970 $ 7,200 $ 350 $ 800 $ 3,360 $ 11,710 1969 7,200 _ 400 800 32000 11 400 Increase - Decrease* $ -0- $ 50* $ m0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 360 $ -0. $ 310 Planning: 1970 $ 19,670 $ 365 $ 3,570 $ 25.0 $ 75 $ 3,780 $ 27,710 1969 15,550 350 4,487 350 75 3.960 24 772 Increase - Decrease* $ 4,120 $ 15 $ 917* $ 100* $ m0- $ 180* $ 2,938 Administration: 1970 $ 58,550 $ 645 $ 7,214 $ 300 $ 50 $ 14,220 $ 600 $ 81,579 1969 51,900 _ 438 5,610 275 50 14,460 600 738333 Increase - Decrease.* $ 6,650 $ 207 $ 1,604 $ 25 $ -0- $ 240* $ -0- $ 8,246 Finance: 1970 $ 50,820 $ 630 $ 2,615 $ 50 $ 10,800 $ 64,915 1969 46,185 455 .2,585 75 11 220 $ 550 61,070 Increase- Decrease* $ 4,635 $ 175 $ 30 $ °0- $ 25 $ 420 • $ 5504' $ 3,845 Elections: 1970 $ 7°315 $ 250 $ 955 $ 1,851 $ 10,371 1969 2,185 132 520 1,908 4 745 Increase- Decreaso;:: $ 5,130 $ -0- $ 118 $ °0- $ 435 $ a0- $ 57*.' $ 5,626 Assessing: 1970 $ 58,110 $ 1,793 $ .1,366 $ 520 $ 11,280 $ 1,900 $ 74,969 1969 53,_160 490 2,841 .4.35 12„660_ 69,586 Increase- Decrease* $ 4,950 $ 1.303 $ 1,475:, $ 85 $ $ 1,380�'� $ - -- -1,900 $ 5,383 Legal and Court Services; 1970 $ 6,,000 $ 30,300 $ 660 $ 36,960 1969 6,000 _ 29,500 960 36,460 Increase - Decrease; $ -0- $ m0- $ 800 $ °0-• $ �0- $ 300* $ -0- $. 500 Library: 1970 $ 11,050 $ 11,840 $ 1,500 $ 400 $ 900 $ 23,690 1969 _ 8_,250 7,890 850 350 1 380 18,720 Increase° Decrease* $ 2,800 $ -0- $ 3,950 $ 650 $ 50 $ 480* $ -0- $ 6,970 TOTAL GIBI ERA*; GOVEP,:IMNT: r, 1970 $218,715 $ 3,783 $ 57,155 $ 2;570 $ 2,330 $ 45,000 $ 4,351 $333,904 1969 190,430 2,133 53 045 12910 1.870 47.640 3,058 300,086 a Increase - Decrease* $ 28,285 1,650 4,110 $ 660 $ 460 $ 2,640', $ 1,293 $ 33,818 Activitlem PUBLIC WORKS: Administration: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease* Engineering: 1970 1969 increase - Deerea. se * Supervision and Overhead: i970 1969 increase Decrease- Street Maintenance: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease* Street Lighting: 1970 1969 Increase'~ Decrease* Street Nam Signs: 11_970 x969 Increase Decrease* Traffic Control: 1970 x969 I ncreasemDecrease* Dr-id SOS 1,70 1969 Increase- Decrease* CMIPARATIVE SAY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY MID MID �C•INVI D) Contractual ScirvAe69 Cities personal r2lonferemoo supplies Central Capital services Qmd School S Other Oomeral sweial services outlax Total $ 22,050 $ 100 $ 30 $ 4,740 $ 26,920 18,720 415 270 4,620 - 24,025 -- $ 3,330 $ 315` $ 240* $ =0- $ -0. $ 120 $ -0a $ 2,895 $108,750 $ 100 $ 4,200 $ 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 18,960 $ 8,875 $146,385 118.575 210 36A250 4,000 1 500 276960 4„000 192.,4•95 $ 9,825* $ 110* $ 32,050 * $ _0 -` $ _0•, $ 9,000* $ 4,875 $ 46,110* $ 48,770 $ 500 $ 90 °. $ 250 $ 37,260 $ 86,870 47,565 551 90 250 44 280 92,736 $ 1,205 $ 51* $ -0- $ -0- $ -0 - $ 7.:020* $ -0- $ 5,866* $144,000 $ 64,000 $ 71,375 $ 20,554 $ 60,360 $360,269 131,000 672500 612600 184000 61.,260 339,360 $ 13,000 $ ®Oo $ 3,500% $ 9,775 $ 2,554 $ 900'+ $ -0- $ 20,929 $ 500 $ 80,500 $ 1,000 $ 600 $ 82,600 500 95x400 1:000 600 97,500 $ n0. $ -0. $ 14£900* $ ¢0- $ -0- $ ®0- $ n0= $ 14,900* $ 8,000 $ 8,924 $ 1,800 $ 18,724 51000 5,,.50'0 I S00 12,300 $ 31000 $ °0- $ -0. $ 3,424 $ d0,: $ x63- $ m0- $ 6,424 $ 11,000 $ 9,150 $ 6,890 $ 2,783 $ 3,600 $ 33,423. 10.000 8,400 7,000 126fl0 3,600 30,600 $ 1,000 $ =0- $ 750 $ 110% $ 1,183 $ m®® $ m0- $ 2,823 3,500 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 19050 $ 600 $ 11,150 2,4500 104000 1,000 1.,000 600 15,100 $ 1,000 $ ®0_ $ 59000* $ $ 50 $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,950* _ Activities PUBLIC noMS � Storm Drainage: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease* Village Properties: 1970 1-969 Increase Decrease* Sidewalks 1970 1969 Increase Decrease* Capital Outlay: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease* CAB. PUBLIC WORKS- 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease' PRWIECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1990 1969 Increase- Decrease* Fire Protection: 1-970 x969 Increase - Decrease* Civilian Defense: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease, CMIPARATIVS SONY OF P9AMOR OBJECTS BY ANCb'1 drITY AND MW (E:ONT' D) Coutweetwel Services Commaities parsonal Gonfewencsa Supplies CGaera? Ccapitmi aaary lzaa =,A Sch avle Othor Gaur"Wal Sgazial Servicce cutlay Total $ 24,500 $ 1,740 1 ,,327, $ 2,500 $ 2,000 $ 3,500 $ 3,600 15,959 20. 0'492 $619,232 567,634 $ 36,100 22,000 $ 301 $ 2� 2200 $ 1,000 $ 6,816¢' 2 *000 4,533, 3,600 $218,438 $ 1,526 30,800 $ 2,500 $ »0- $ 300 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ Po0® $ Q= $ 5,300 $ 21,500 1,859 47.820 $ 1,800 $ 3,850 $ 12,820 $ 5,,400 $ 427 $ 45,370 _ 212000 $ 15,059 $ 45,360 12,000 $ 3.100 $ 7500 5 p600 $ 465 A9000 $ 500 $ =0, $t 10,200* $ 750 $ 56.320 $ °0° $ -0= $ 3.,630* $ 2:000 $ 7,500 $ 500 $ S00 $ 900 $ 11,400 2,000 I0.000 500 5C0 900 13100 $ °0° $ oo $ 21500* $ =0® $ .0. $ °0, $ mOb - $ 28500* $ 33,000 $ 33,000 - -Y0- 3 37,200 °0' $ °0° $ o0a g m0a $ $ 4£200 $ 4,,200 0 $394,570 $ 700 $174,770 $ 98,539 $ 43,957 $137,820 $ 41,875 $692,231 378,,860 -___ -- x,176 - 242,110 83,050 34L000 154,620 41 200 935.016 $ 15,710 $` 476�� $ 678340 $ 15g 489 $ 9a 957` $`� 16,800* $ 675 $ �. 42,785* $473,428 410,930 $ 1,740 1 ,,327, $ 17,559 17p258 $ 796 781 $ 1,150 18380 $108,600 1159416 4 15,959 20. 0'492 $619,232 567,634 $ 629448 $ 413 $ 301 $ 15 $ 230, $ 6,816¢' $ 4,533, $ 51,598 $218,438 $ 1,526 $ 3,041 $ 2,415 $ 3,205 $ 45,120 $ 8,595 $282,340 158,308 15035 2,316 -- - _Z�9o8 1,859 47.820 23,654 236,950 6 60,130 $ 491 $ .725 $ 427 $ x.,346 $ 2,700* $ 15,059 $ 45,360 $ 2,970 $ 40 $ 610 $ 465 $ 4,085 2,,700 332 310 9%n 2 Mal =0° S -0® 493 cry a COMPARATIVE SWOMY OF NCR ®WSMS BY ACTIVITY MD PHTlr1D (CUNT 0 D) O�r�� ®1 Soaen C�.��itie® ftesonal Caaferences Central Capital Activities sew leas and 8ehoals othar Gamral :dial Soryieez Outlay Total PROTL5CTI0W OF rbKbONS AN'J "® PROPERTY CONT ° Da Public Health? 1970 1969 IncreFasea Decrease * Animal Control: 1974 1969 Increase- Decrease* Inspections: 1970 1969 Sncrease- Decrease* TOTAL FROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1970 1969 Increase- Decrease* NOR DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES.- Contingencies! 1970 1969 Increase- Decreaasev. Settlement of Suits: 1978 1969 Special Assessments an Village Propertyo 1970 1969 lncreasc- Dscreaso* $ 21,520 $ 515 $ 1,018 $ 835 $ 4,620 $ 209 $289717 20,050- 395 1„245- -- 510 5.400 755 28,755 $ 1,070 $ 120 $ 2275 $ 325 $ .730* $ 546* $ 38* $ 15,600 $ 15,600 15 600 1 600 5 (} pp- � 1 -V j/� Y -0. $ -Rm /� -0. $ Q0= �� $ -0- $ O0° $ 405380 $ 988 $ 403 $ 92 $ 314 $ 8,220 $ 4,000 $ 54,397 361260 470 2,083 100 525 7,920 150 47,525 $ 4,100 $ 518 $ 11680* $ 8* $ 211* $ 300 $ 3.,850 $ 6,869 $7569736 $ 4,,809 9 B $ 388231 $ 3,303 $ 5,969 $166,560 38AU 2%869 4 524 176 556 581* $ 434 $ _1:445_$ 9,996 $.15,000 ®0' $ ®0- $ d0- s $ 500 °(� $ °Oo - e� $ °0� $ doe $ 28,763 $X,004,371 , a'Yf! "y S V'@, $ 15,000 15,000 0, $ .0.. $ - 500 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 40,000 40,000 10.000 $ 10,000 Per WARATI919 SWWAY OF KAMR OMECTS BY ACTIVITY AWD MID (CONTO D) utractual seriicen %albs: romal Co®gemnees ftypt ies central Capital Activities 8e ce � Se6agtaa owwr Gap -oral ,s iol ftrViecas 22tlox Total RON- DEPARDIENTAL EXPENDITURES GJL`7VDo, Central Services- Capital Outlay: 1970 $285,656 349n467 1870 $ 11,345 $ 1A, 345 1969 Inareaso- Mcranso* $ 172,013 16,392 16,392 Increase- Decrease* oQa d ®w oQa $ -0. .0. $ 0 $ 5,347. $ 3,04., 7'.'�P e Vii Capital improvements: gncr�aaso�Bacrease� $ 5, 570 ryes Recreation: 820 1970 $ 39,390 1969 $ 505000 $ 50,000 1969 Maintevaam: ®Oa $ 50,000 50o- 000 500 $ 00„ $ -o.. $ .0- $ �,� $ -0- $ -0 $ $ TOTAL NON- DEPARTMENTAL $ 6,750 $ 13,390 EXPENDITURES: 3,050 $ 16,620 $120,010 1370 $ 15,500 $111,a4 5 i126,845 1969 = - - 13,500 -- - 1061392 123, 592 1RcrouseaDocrea9o* $ ©o ®o. $ -Ow $ '0. 6- $ aee $ 4,953 $ 4,953 TOTAL GENE MD: $285,656 349n467 1870 $19370,021 1963 1,198,.008 Inareaso- Mcranso* $ 172,013 PARR FUND: $ 11,862 Administration: $ 9,367 $ 100,262 1970 $ 560920 1969 5 gncr�aaso�Bacrease� $ 5, 570 ryes Recreation: 820 1970 $ 39,390 1969 35 690 Increase- Decrease* $ 3,690 Maintevaam: ®Oa $ 1970 $ 80,200 1969 72.300 I3aoreaso« Dacreaso* $ 79900 $ 9,292 -- 6,868 $285,656 349n467 $104,412 87,829 $ 52,256 40394 $349,380 378,816 $186,334 $2,357,351 195,701 2 J57 083 $ 2,424 $ 63,811* $ 16:583 $ 11,862 $ 29,436•;: $ 9,367 $ 100,262 $ 800 $ 11180 $ 100 $ 75 $ 24,060 $ 83,135 600 820 a0 75 ID_Atha Aq 7 -Aq y avu 9 -7 -V- 0, /2341'': 4 Ou" bou $ 8,500 S 9,275 $ 57,155 9.000 92100 52,790 ®Oa $ 500 $ =Oa $ 175 �$ .0. 0- S 4,365 $ 6,750 $ 13,390 $ 3,050 $ 16,620 $120,010 6,,350 13240 2 ;.95016„080 110,920 o� $ 400 $ ISO $ 100 $ 550 $ ®04 $ 9,090 Ga t�� CMPARATME SMARY OF kW MR OBIS BY M.Mlff MD WIND (CONTO D' .��tia ceas$ ®reMas Stpplles Central GOVIta1 AA�$Qf$iG$C3q a 3u 1s ®thaw Sir Cam outlet/ Total I?tu,K FUND COM' Do capital Outlay: 1470 $ 17,800 $ 17,800 1969 1b,200 W.200 Increase - Decreases`- $ �0- S -0- ®0, $ ®0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,600 $ 3,600 TOTAL Pmt VMTDs 1970 $176,500 $ 8000 $ 16,430 $ 13,490 $ 12,400 6 40,680 $ 17,800 $278,100 1969 159,340 600 15 X70 - 131290 12,125 46,920 149200 261,645 increase - Decrease* $ 17,160 $ 300 $� 1,260 $ 200 $ 275 $ 6,240* $ 3.,600 $ 16,455 OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EUHNDITURR5: Relief and Public Nursing: 1970 $ 14:980 $ 14,980 1969 14,980 14,980. Incrcese- Decrease* $$ °0- $ °0' $ °0. $ ®0-- $ .Qo :3 "�" $ °o- Park Construction- Capital Improvements,. 1970 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 1969 t�0 000 S�J Y 000 Increase- Decreasou $ ®O• $ ..g® $ -0- $ m $ �0= $ a0• $ Om mDe Bonds and Interests 1970 $ 64,500 $ 64,000 1969 63,000 63,000 I1Icrease- Decrease $ -0- $ .0. $ 11500 $ -0- $ °0• $ °0. $ 1E500 Firements Relief Association: 1970 S 6,000 $ 6, 1969 5R600 600 5 0 Increase- Decreasa* -0- 0- $ 400 $ m0- $ -0® $ .0a $ °0- $ 400 Pare Protection! 1974 $ 17,900 $ 17,900 1969 16,800 - 165800 Increase - Docsease* $ a0 $ .0. S 1,100 S =Om $ so. $ o0 S bgo $ 1,100 TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EUENDITURXS ; 1970 $103,360 $ 80,000 $183,380 1969 100,380 80a ©00 ISO 380 Increase - Decreases $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,000 $- eo. $ ao $ -0G $ --0. $ 3,000 Gamma mfi Services CQ==UU@O 26rccaaai confe =Meg Supplies Cnaral Capital Activities services lmd Scheele Other Gmorel S . let Sonvicog Onttev Total RV -1 y. is 11 2970 $1,546,521 $' 10,092 $405,466 $117,902 $ 64,656 $390,060 $254,134 $2,513.,831 1969 1,357,348 75468 465,017 101E119 52j19 42L7�, 3, 6 ,239,901 2,699,105 Increase- Decrease 139 173 2,624 59 551 $ 16 763 12 137 3S 675 =s k 5 767 *$ 119 2 723 Parceat of increase- Decrease* ever Last Year 13093% 35013% 12431% 16660% 23.11% 5.38% 1099% 4 44% ANAI ISIS OF 1514JOR FACWRS M1,1 'RIEUTIN0 70 INCREASE PACE C IN REC4`'41R MED E MMS FOR 1970 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES n OTHER Planning - Professional services Clsaes�ific�tA®� $ 1,000 t�ds�ix�:�stratimn: and ather Adddielanal Addifl®cal Salary 5 M SMICES Ad ustmnts Overtime Personnel I=a+s05,3 Total Planning $1,290 Glection - Custodians $ 1,000 $ 1,830 $ 4,120, Administration 3,350 600 2,700 6,650 Finsuce 165 Professional fees $ 4,470 4,635 Election 1,000 5,130 Court charges 5,130 Assessing 721 Court reporting 5,670 4,950 Library 2,200 600 2,800 Public Norms. Laundry and rag service 300 3,900 lminis3tration 900 2,430 3,330 (Engineering 240 $1,155 19,200 10,530 9,825 General 765 1'oo 8,516 15,501' 22,205 Police .2,€363 Street Naintenance: 11,280 48,305 62,E Fire 3,070 10,000 37,550 - 19,510 60,130 Civilian Defense Contract work d seal cleat 270 270 Public Health 1,410 1,000 750 1,730 1,070 Inspoetions 780 Aroffic Control: 280 3,600 4,100 Parks: $ 500 Contracted repairs Administration 70 Equipment rental 1,000 4,500 5,570 !Recreation 3,300 1 390 3,690 Mainteumace 7n79G 1,000 7,292 7,404 7,900 '1x797 $In205 559,138 $12_ 9,443 TOTAL INCREASE o PERSONAL SERVICES $189,173 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES n OTHER Planning - Professional services $ 1,000 t�ds�ix�:�stratimn: Dues- Kinaesata League of Municipalities $ 1,367 Hileage 100 Unclassified 150 1,617 Glection - Custodians 88 Is;sessing M Appraisal services 1,500 Legal and Court. Services: Professional fees $ 21000 Board! and rocs - prisoners 1,000 Court charges SP Court reporting 300 800 Library: Light and power $ 3,400 Laundry and rag service 300 3,900 Public Works: Administration m mileage 240 Engineering,.- Professional service $ 31,000 Computer service 1,000 32,000) Street Naintenance: Contracted repairs $ 10,000 `rash ramoval 500 Contract work d seal cleat 15;5301` Contracted constrcctlou - alley 1,000 3,500 Street Lighting Aroffic Control: Power $ 500 Contracted repairs 100 Equipment rental ISO 750 Bridgers - contracted repairs 5,000 PAGE C Paige 11 biRALYSIS OF MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING i1D INCREASE IN RECQ%M1 DED ERPENDITAES FOR 19M Public Works (Contld)6 Storm drainage � televised inspection Village Properties: Contracted Teed control Coastr`;cted service ccatTact T-Tork Sidevalks - Contracted repairs ftlice: Uniform allaraaace Pension supplement Fire: Lz=dry service Uniform allowance Civilian lfsefensemaercaace- ,ply placement Poblic E%alth - Mileage Inspectimis - Mleage Park: Administration - Mileage Aecreation - Bus rental Kaiateraarce - Utilities and power Boads and interest: Fir n °s Relief Association Fire Protection Other: SALT INCREASE TOTAL $ 250 $ 500 300 10,00,1 10,200 2,500 $ 1,500 1,200 300 k M1 300 700 300 7 c:, 1,6 2 9T.W 500 400 1,500 400 1,100 206 TOTAL DECREASE - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -OTM � 599551 CEN3RAL SERVICES General-. Telephone Equipment service contracts Ptansion contributions Postage lnsuTance liability Employer °s share - hospit:al.ization Squipmnt rentals Village Mill: Salaries and wages N (Increase in rage 000) Fuel lusu :e: Air conditioning services contracted service and repairs Various supplies panelins -hall, siege antPance Central services Garage: Salaarics and wages Light and pouar lasukrance Cleanirq3 supplies 4yaTltral Services Other (increase in rage $600) $ 900 480 63DOGO 1,500 3,120 1,284 600 $ 55,276 $ 1;,600 200 215 500 100 205 700 x:720 1,800 $' 11200 400 200 2`30 720 60 60 PAGE C Page ill MALY: 7S O£ MAJOR FACTORS CCINTRIBUTIM TO INCREASE 1N RIECO INDED EXPEN DITMS FOR 1970'. Central. 5e ;ces (Cant °cis ) Equipment ®pera+L-iauo Salaries and wages (Iderease in rage $3 b 148) Radio service Contracted repairs Iusuracce Replacement of trials Stacy materials Gasoline and Excel ail Lubricants Tires and tmbee Accessories and parts Castral services Distr. i titation Budgeted accounts Other fuDds SALARY INCRUSE TOTA►, TOTAL DECREASE - CENTRAL SERVICES $ 2,060 PTO 1 "500 1,000 S00 2,O00 l,QQ0 Soo 1 AGO 2400 2,220 $ 6;,240 $ 47nO6?6 $ 35,676 11,400 TOTAL 7.076 WftAILS OF CON RIDIC0 AM SCi LS 1990 PAGE D Nayor and Council Oational leavae of Cities W Atlanta - Mayor or trustee $ 350 Planning: National meeting a New York w Planner $295 Kcal meeting - Dulu h a Planner 50 League school 9 University of Iiivnesota A Planner 20 365 Administration: National meeting - Sara Diego - flan.ager. $430 &eaVe, school and local mzetings ;. Manager, Clerk, and Administrative Assistant 215 645 Finance- National meeting m Miami m Director $375 League meetir�% and school v Director and Auditor 155 Local meet:irgs (BOA and SRA) µ Director and editor 100 630 Assessing: National meeting 4 LasVegas - Assessor $370 Special course - University of Micuiesota 4 deputy 150 Assessors school - University of Hinuesota v Assessor and deputies 150 Appraiser's school a two weeks - Athens.. Georgia - Johnson 713 Appraiser's school - two weeks r Chicago - Swanson 420 1,743 rablic Vothse Administration. League meeting and scowl a Director 100 Engineering: In service training - all personnel 100 Supervislon and Overhead: National meeting - St. Louis -. Superintendent $250 In service training ® all personnel 250 Soo Police Protection: I<aticnal meeting - Atlantic City - Director $250 F.B.I. Re- training 'Conferences - unknown, Minnesota, Captcain, of Detectives 190 Police - School Liaison Conference - Flint - One Detective 120 Science and Tech, Institate - Chicago - Captain of Detectives 350 Recruit School W new men 200 lurnesota Police and Peace Officer °s Meetin - Pistol team 200 lasgue meeting ana school - W rectory 65 Local meetings - three officers 95 Sound film strips and training keys 470 1,740 PAGE 1D DETAILS OF CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS 1970 (Coot °d) Fire Ptrotectieno Rationa'i meeting - Seattle N Chief $372 Fire Department Xnstructort's Conference Kansas City- Lieutenant 188 State Fire school - University of Mi nesota - four personnel 140 Ca se and Origin of Fire and Explosions - Chicago - Inspector 236 Fist Aid Wark Shop - Four personnel 90 Tuition - Metropolitan State Juno for College 500 1,526 Civilian Defense: State Conference - Duluth - Director Public Health: 0 National meeting - Las Vegas a Sanitarian $415 Mational meeting w Cincirmati w Laboratory technician (113) 110 515 Inspectioins- Hation al meeting - Portland - Ei3i.lding inspector $335 National meeting -'hest Coast - Plumbing inspector 368 League Eweti.ng and sehnol - three inspectors 100 Intraiaaing crunases - all inspectors 120 Local wnthly meetings - all inspectors 65 988 Park Administration: National Recroatcion and pains Association - Hou York Director and Assistant Director S00 TOTAL 10,092 VILLAGE OF EX DNA tuTIU4L REPORT PAGE E COMPARATIVE ASSESSES VALUATION, TAX RA79 IN HILLS, MD TAXES I13 DO AU FUNDS COMP =TIVE ASSESSED VALUATIOU ?,e-2x of Collectible In 18201 Ptmanal Total 1960 1961 $24,728,149 $7,531,359 $27,259,508 1961 1962 26,545,764 2,483,913 29,029,677 19V 1963 30,652,814 2.,423,348 33,076,162 1963 1964 31,916,098 2,300,590 34,216,678 1964 1965 33,666,989 2,300,415 35,967,404 1965 1966 35,250,135 2,436,976 37,6870111 1966 1967 41,002,999 3,156,601 44,159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,490 46,640,204• 1968 1969 53,583,438 3,499,045 57,084,483 1965 1970 56,704,187 3,,840,215 60,544.,402(3) TAX RATE IN HILLS TABS IN DOLLARS Bonds Collectible To, Goueral Parks And Interest Other total 1961 _ 24019 1099 1059 .93 28.70 1962 2368 1098 1052 1.14 28.32 1963 22024 2000 1038 1.02 26064 1964 22.56 2001 1.96 1,09 27062 1965 23086 2000 186 088 28060 1966 24080 2000 1080 �86 29.46 1967 24,83 1,97 1.42 �84 29.06 1968 2464 2.00 1 34 �73 28°71 1969 24075 2.00 1011 067 2&53 1970 2499 2000 1007 .,64 2870(H) TABS IN DOLLARS (A) w The Sales Tar. Replacement Food will pay the Village about $275,500 for 1968 and $283,400 for 1969 in lieu of levying taxes (B) - Estioata& Bonds Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other Totes 191,01 659,,408 $$ 54,246 $43,343 $25,351 $ 782,348 1962 687,423 57,479 44,125 33,094 822,121 1963 735,448 66,152 45,4130 34,069 881,149 1964. 371,928 68,776 67,065 37,296 945,065 1965 858,074 71;926 66,891 311607 1,028,538 1966 93*,6440 75,374 67,837 32,411 1,110,262 1967 1,09G,483 36,990 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1,14+9,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,339,040(A) 1969 1,412,84+1 114,169 63,364 38,247 1,628,621(4) 1970 1,513,166 121,089 64,500 38,880 1,737,635(11) (A) w The Sales Tar. Replacement Food will pay the Village about $275,500 for 1968 and $283,400 for 1969 in lieu of levying taxes (B) - Estioata&