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1971 Annual Budget
F� I F"' 'L � , ) TABLE OF CONTENTS SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM SALARIES, ORDINANCE AND SUMMARIES Schedule of Maximum Salaries I -II -III Budget Ordinance IV -V Summary I - .Revenue by Fund and Source VI -"vii Summary 11 - Eitpeaditures by Fend and Function VIII -IX DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Government Village Council 1 - 2 Planning 3 - 4 Administration 5 - 6 Finance 7 - 3 Election 9 - 10 Assessing 11- 12 Legal and Court Services 13- lea Library 15- 16 Public.WorRs Administration 17- `18 Engineering 19- 20 Supervision and Overhead 21- 22 Payroll - Summary - Distribution_ 23 Street Maintenance `24- 25 m 26 Street Lighting 27= 28 Street Name Signs 29- :30 Traffic Control 31- 32 Bridges 33- 34 Storm Drainage 35- 36 Village Properties' 37- 38 Side -jalks and Ramps 39- 40 Capital Outlay 41- 42 Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection 43- 4.4 - 45 Fire Protection 46- 4.7 - 48 Civilian Defense 49- 50 Public Health 51- 52 Animal Control 53 Inspections 54. 55 Non - Departmental Expenditures Contingencies 56 Settlement of Suits 57 Special. Assessments on Village Property 58 Central Services - Capital Outlay 59- 60 Capital Improvement 61 Hmmen Rights Commicsion 62- 63 TABIZ OF CONTENTS CONTINUED Park and Recreation Administration 64- 65 Recreation Program 66- 67 - 68 Park Maintenance 69- 70 -- 71 Payroll - Summary - Distribution 72 Capital Outlay 73- 74 Other Tax Supported Expenditures Relief and Public Nursing 75 Park Construction - Capital Improvements 76 Bonds and Interest 77 Fire Protection 78 Firemen's Relief Association 79 Central Services General 80- 81 - 82 Village Hall 83- 84 - 85 Public Works Building 86- 87 Equipment Operation 88- 89 - 90 Other Data Schedule of Maximum Salaries and Wages A Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity and Pend B Analysis C Details of Conferences and Schools D Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Rate in Mills and Taxes in Dollars, All Funds E PAGE I December Zia 1970 VIUA. GF OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM SALARIES AIM WAGES FOR YEARS 1970 and 1971 GENERAL ADMINISI."RATION Director of Finance �and Treasurer Assessor Dusty Assessors Village Clerk ti Administrative Assistant Office Clerical- fiecal- secretarial: Clerical I (4) Clerical 11 (11) Clerical III (3) Legal Prosecuting Attorney Planning Technician Accountant - auditor PUBLIC SAFETY (E) POLICE Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Captains - 2 years service 1 year service First year *Detective Sergeants (School Liaison): 2 years service 1 year service First year *Sergeants- 2 years service 1 year service First year *Detectives -2 years service 1 year service First year *Patrolmen- 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Dispatchers -Desk Clerks Dispatchers -Desk Clerks (Hourly) FIRE Chief Assistant Chief * *Lieu tenents- 2 years service I year service First year u"lDrivers- Inspectors **Firemen - 4 years service 3 years service 2 years senTice I year service First year Off -dutjy calls 1970 PER MONTH $1,650 1,125 950 (D) 675(D) 750(D) 350 -450 400-550 500 -700 750 1,175 750 1,650 1,155 1,100 1,045 1,005 990 970 985 970 945 955 940 925 905 865 825 785 715 675 3.60 1,130 1,015 930 930 930 875 850 820 783 750 680 1973 PER MONTH $1,750 1,250 1,025 750 625 350-500 400 -600 500-750 750 1,275 800 3., 750 1,200 1,140 1,085 1,040 1,025 1,005 1,020 1,005 975 990 975 960 935 890 8.50 805 715 725 400 1,235 1,120 965 950 920 905 8€30 850 810 775 690 150'0 of a fire fig Mery Q_ regular hourly gate, ,,•situ a minim or: 2 hours for each cf7f -cuty call,, $4:,25 per drill:, PAGE II Schedule of Salaries and Wages Contitmede PUBLIC SAFETY CONTINUED Members of the Police Department shall receive an additional $35000 a month as payment for taking at least 30 hours off -duty training from the Fire Department in. fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of dares and for qualifying for Red Cross first nisi certificates. ** Members of the Fire Department shall be paid an additional $35,00 per month for such duties outside normel firemen's duties as may be assigned by the Village Mbnaager� * ** Off-duty police responding to calls and drills shall be paid the same as off -ditty £nremen, Part -time firemen shall be paid $7.50 per call up to 2 hours, and $4;,25 per hours thereafter. $4.25 per drill =CTION Judges and Clarks Chairmen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Pool Manager (a) As€aistan t Pool Manager (s) Concession Manager (s) Pool Cashier (s) Bathhouse - Concession Attendants (s) Swimming In,atructor (s) Life Guards (s) Pool maintenance (a) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) Baseball assistants (s) Hockey Coaches (s) Rink Attendants (s) Plaaygreund Leaders (s) Skating- Skiing Instructors (s) Park Keeper III# Parts Keeper II# Park Keeper I# Golf Course Business Manager Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerics (s) Arena -- tanager Arena-Assistant Manager Arena-Maintenance Supervisor Arena - (wards, Cashiers, Concession Attendants 1970 1971 PER MONTH PER MONTH $ 2.00 per hour $ 2,,25 per hour 2050 additional 3,50 additional $1,275 1,000 725 525 500 475 450 2 „15 2015 per hour 65 v° 1050 " 2,50 vv 250 2000 1.90 90 500 2. ,,00 2000 per hour 2.50 225 2.00 2,,50 2,25 °t 5000 Ienst.,Class 778 708 638 715 840 2„75 per honer 850 708 708 250 per hour $1,475 1,100 800(A) 525 475 2 „15 Per hour 1., 75 1„50 ” 2,50 250 2000 i8 525 2. ,,00 per hour 250 1Q 225 ro 2,,50 6 00 lnst-.Ckaatss 85O(B) 900 290 per hour 900 758 758 2,65 per hour UgUOR STORES Manager $1,250 $1 „350 Assistant Manager 870 935 Assistant Kinagers - stores 835 895 Clerks - regular 3.40 per hour 3,,55 per hour Clerks part-time 2 � 70 °' 2.90 ” PAGE 111 Sc hedule of Salaries and Wages Oontinued PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engiaeerivg 1970 1.97i INSPECTORS PER MONTH PER f 3)'_N'.! d Plumbing $ 950 1,070 Basil ding 1,000 1,070 Deputy Inspector 800 €AGO HffALTN 700 750 Health Officer $ 25 $ 25 Sanitarian 975 1,045 Laboratory Technician (1 /3 Edina's share) 750 850(6) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engiaeerivg $1,500 $1,650 Supervisor of Survey 1,000 11075 Supervisor of Design 1,000 1,070 Supervisor of Inspectioaa 1:,000 1,070 Engineering Aide 111 800 650 EnSimeering Aide 11 700 750 Engineering Aide 1 600 650 Superintendent, Public WorhG 1,175 1 <, 250 Sapper:intandent, water 1,000 11070 Forman- (Streeet:,Sewer,wete ,paarks,aand mechanic) 900 Heavy Equipment Operators 778 Light Equipmont Operators 703 Maintenance N.man 638 Mechanic 798 Mechanic's helper 708 Janitor 650 Sir -water Utility € an 708 - Starting rates may be 20% lease Ror the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (A) - $3500 January 1; $40.00 July I (;B) - $65,00 January 1; $70,,00 July 1 (C) - $50.00 January 1; $50,00 July I CID).- Salary adjusted mint -year„ (E) .. Members of malice ands Fire Departments are also ellgfble" for additianal re mruara.ticsn in accordance with Educational Pay Incentive Plan., d3FbDINA1�ICE NO. 16 -14 PAGE IV ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR LUE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR THE YM 19719 AID ESTABLISIENG TAX yUEVY FOR THE YEAR 1910 PAYABLE IN 1971 THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOVLOTWS: Section. 1. The Buidget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1971 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor, GELTERAL FUND GENERAL GOVER1*1ENT Mayor and Council $ 18, 140 Planning 31,055 Administration 89,754 Finance 86,250 Election 7,020 Assessing 73,387 14egal and Court Services 43,,410 Library 28,,"5 TOTAL GENERAL 00 ERML -00T $ 377,461 Administration $ 29,420 Engineering 344•, 550 Highways 760,206 IDTAL PUBLIC &CORKS 934,176 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $715,618 Fire 324,574 Civilian Defense 4,023 Public Health 31,005 Animal Control 16,848 Inspection 54, 752 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 1,146,820 NOD- DEPARTMTAL EKPENDITURES Contingencies $ 209000 Settlement-of Suits 500 Special Assessments on Village Property 55,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 7,299 Capital Improvements 108,328 Mm Rights Commission 10,200 TOTAL MISCELLA 0US AND CONTINGENCIES IES 203,327 TOTAL GENERAL FUND JL 6591.784 41 I Administration $ 96,617 Recreation 59,315 Maintenance 137,390 Capital Outlay 11,450 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 304,772 ORDINANCE NO. 16=14 Continued. PAGE V Section 26 Estimated Receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GEREML FUND Village shrarc—State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $140,;18 Liceoses and Permits 1086550 Alu.nieipal Court Fines 80:000 Department Service Charges 179,855 Other 94,350 Transfer from Liquor Fund 78,223 State Apporeicaments -Sales Tax 303,484 Library Rest Reaaepin County 47,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,031,646 PARK FUND Registration Fees $ 27,000 Other 750 a'ransf'er from General Fund 116,777 TOTAL PARR rMT 144, 52 7 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund 80,00 T!?TAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1.,256„ 173 Section 30 That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina, a tax rare sufficient to produce the amwunts hereinafter see forth: For General Fund For the Parts Fund For the Pbor Fund For the Firemen0s Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and Interest Section 40 This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its arloption and publications according to law. Adopted this 21st day of September, 1970. ATRSTo ,Signed) Florence B. Hallberg VILLAGE CLERK $1 €628,138 160,245 15,690 7,800 13,730 64,600 $1aS90 „203 ((Signed) Arthur Co Br _esen^ ,r„ NAW R - VILLACP S OF EDINA ANNUAL Ht;rU -KT PAGIS vi SUMMARY I REVENUES BY FUND AND SOUP£E Actuas 1 _ Budgeted Estimated Budrgeteed x968 1969 1970 1970 1971 � NERAL FUND Real and personal property taxes $1,160044 $1,389,890 $1,506,290 $1,481,101 $1,628,138 Other Taxes: Interest, penalties and forfeited tax sales 13,665 22,512 17,500 16,060 16,000 Mortgage registry 22,050 13,,553 20,000 18,226 19,000 Bank excise 1,295 (3291 18500 111500 11500 $ 37,010 $ 35,736 $ 39,000 $ 35,786 $ 36,500 Licenses and permits: Bicycle $ 29217 $ 2,113 $ 2,250 $ 1,955 $ 2,150 Beer and liquor 1,400 1,480 1,500 1,245 1,400 Cigarette 1,430 1,855 1,600 2,135 2,000 Dog and impounding fees 6,363 6,849 6,800 6,239 6,400 Food and _soft drinks 4,280 6,295 4,800 8,437 8,000 Gas pumps, tanks, burning permits, etc, 959 1,372 1,200 977 1,050 Bowling,, taxi, pinball,etco 4,302 4,653 3,250 3,976 3,650 Scaw-nger and garbage collectors 569 968 600 1,034 600 Building permits 81,682 75,107 55,000 47,853 55,000 Cesspool and sewer permits 2,741 1,896 2,500 1,053 2,300 Plumbing permits 29,992 23,613 18,000 12,645 14,000 Sign permits 362 4,636 4,000 3,120 4,000 Street openings 1,874 5,166 1,500 2,925 2,000 ]heating and ventilating permits 7,158 7,577 6,000 3,300 3,500 Other licenses and permits 986 1,633 700 1,269 1,000 Swimming pool permits 1,200 1 „450 1,500 $ 146,315 $ 145,213 $ 110,900 $ 99,613 $ 108,550 Engineering,clerical and searches 243,642 216,812 150,000 146,228 150,000 Police services 7,023 6,398 9,531 9,531 9,675 Equipment rental 15,237 577 500 200 300 Municipal Court fines 45,697 70,352 47,500 72,109 80,000 State Highway tax 43,140 46,909 (A) (A) (A) State Liquor and cigarette tax 126,017 132,727 132,004 129,,000 140,184 State sale and use tax 194,617 197,972 296,079 296,078 303,484 Planning fees 2,718 3,547 2,000 1,562 2,000 Charges to other funds 14,400 16,200 17,880 17,880 17,880 Contribution from active funds 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 275,000 Less transfer to Park Fund 93,606 119,498 126,611 126,611 116,777 Less transfer to Park Construction Fund 80,000 80,000 80,000 802000 80,000 $ 31,394 $ 25,502 $ 18,389 $ 18,389 $ 78,223 VILLAGE OF EDINA 113,568 $ MINUAL RE,VRT 118,667 $ 160,245 PtM._.._V1I_..,_._ ! 27,000 24,821 27,000 .. ............ _.. -�_ S sUMARY I contirtued Actual Btuh ted Eatimatod BUrlAetQa 1.968 1969 x.970 1970 1979 'GENERAL rUND (continued) Fire Protection 1 13,,935 1 13,900 1 16,900 1 16,562 1 Sales and rental of Bonds and interest 6 62,146 6 63,357 6 64,500 6 63,210 6 property $ 843 $ 37,378 $ 47,070 $ 36,216 $ 47,000 Special assessments-tree AND PERSONAL PROPERTY trimming TAX REVENUES , , 6,000 6,000 Other miscellaneous revenue 24,223 15,024 14,950 16,933 15,850 Transfer - Unappropriated 2 7 surplus 74, 752 Reserve for encumbrances 198,773 49,000 Income on investments 12,932 14,348 12,500 26,,609 18,000 Transfer - Library Fund 10,000 Fees -sale of auto licenses _ 8,500 18,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2,409,177 $2,403,585 $2,410,593 $2,395,735 $2,659,784 .PARK FUND Real and personal property tae $ Registration fees - swimming and activities Transfer from active funds Transfer from unappropriated 92,877 $ 113,568 $ 121,089 $ 118,667 $ 160,245 22,291 24,047 27,000 24,821 27,000 93;606 119,498 126,611 126,611 116,777 surplus 1,500 Unclassified 111 341 750 295 750 TOTAL PARR FUND $ 210,385 $ 257,454 S 275,450 $ 270,394 $ 304,772 POOR FUND Real and personal property tan 15,339 $ 15.404 $ 13,980 $ I3,700 $ 15,690 TOTAL POOR t'UND $ 15,339 $ 15,404 -$ 13,980 $ 13,700 $ 15,690 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from active fund $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 30,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 TOTAL PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVS -NU ES Firemen us Relief Association $ $ 4,651 $ $ 4,638 $ 6 6,000 $ 5 5,680 $ $ 7,800 Fire Protection 1 13,,935 1 13,900 1 16,900 1 16,562 1 13,730 Bonds and interest 6 62,146 6 63,357 6 64,500 6 63,210 6 64,600 70TALL OTHER REAL $ $ 80,732 $ $ 81,895 $ 3 37,400 $ 8 85,652 $ $ 86,130 AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUES , , TOTAL REVENUES - 2 7 Lam, FUNDS X g - i ( indicates rest figure Note A Q The allocation from the State Aid Fund for maintenance, a budget items in prior years, will be used for interest on b ®marls the aie�t few yearso i f i j� VILF,AGE OF EDINA ITI N UAL REPORT PAGE k7III , - s SU RY IX i EMPENDIsURES TOTAL GENERAL GOVERkWMT $ 286,232 $ 319,974 $ 339,804 $ 356,511 $ 377,461 Public Works: BY FUND AND FUNCTION Actual e ted Estimated Budgeted 23,238 1968 1969 1970 1970 1971 GENERAL FUND $ 29,420 Engineering 198,067 General Goverment: 144,685 144,156 144,550 Mayor and Council $ 11,253 $ 11;,197 $ 17,710 $ 17,560 $ 18,140 Planning 21,070 .238939 27,210 27,908 31,055 AdminiGtration 67,839 75,177 80,979 81,346 898354 Finance 64,576 61,804 64,590 70,985 86,250 Election 8,558 10,653 10,371 12,797 7,020 Assessing 59,125 66:135 74+,594 73,,407 73,387 Legal and Court services 39,867 4.351276 39,060 45,971 43,410 Library 13,944 25,290 26,537 280445 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERkWMT $ 286,232 $ 319,974 $ 339,804 $ 356,511 $ 377,461 Public Works: Administration $ 23,238 $ 22,711 $ 26,920 $ 27,062 $ 29,420 Engineering 198,067 185,151 144,685 144,156 144,550 Supervision and overhead 86,504 38417(A) 86,520 86,794 93,290 Street Maintenance 231,231 380,210 3568589 341,404 386,705 Street Lighting 60,408 91,148 79,600 75,576 865,270 Street Name Signs 10,521 22,202 18,724 18,549 19,882 Traffic Control 28,587 29,545 33,423 30,092 38,011 Bridges 2,157 12,419 10,650 98105 8,908 Storm Drainage 39,660 34,538 34,850 32,709 37,590 Village Properties 37,388 49,531 44,870 40,694 48,250 Sidewalks and Ramp 9,312 11,400 2,737 5,300 Capital Outlay 44,059 50p553 _33„000 32,875 36 000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 761,,820 $ 890,737 $ 881,231 $ 841,753 $ .934,176 Protection of Persons and Property: Police $ 453,507 $ 554,353 $ 612,342 $ 614,288 $ 715,618 Fire 210,613 276,362 264,372 264,;029 X24,574, Civilian Defense 3,312 3,390 4,085 4,099 4,023 Public Ift alth 23,900 18,526 289567 27,974 31,005 Animal Control 14,692 15,133 15,600 15,793 16,848 Inspection -- - 42„825 47,096 54247 - 545587 54732 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 748,849 $ 914,860 $ 979,213 $ 980,770 $18146,820 _1 VILIAIG.E OF EDINA AWL UAL RE, PORT PAGE IN SUMMMY II continued GMCRAL FWD (conticued) . Noin-Dopartmental Eaapend!tures: Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Unallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Human Rights Commission_ f Central Services- Unallocated Construction in Progress TOTAL NOW DEPARTKENTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Administration Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay TOTAL PARK FUND t POOR FUND s PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND OTHER TAR SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bonds and Interest: Improvement Fund Park Sinking Fused Firemen's Relief Association Fire Protection TOTAL OTHER TAR SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS 1968 1969 1970 1970 1 $ 5,829 $ 19,740 $ 15,000 $ 12,369 $ 20,000 500 150 500 38,151 48,053 50,000 56,872 55,000 5,843 32,867 50,845 48,794 7,299 100,000 50,000 85,000 85:,000 108,328 9,000 6,342 10,200 4,713 36,811 283,869 . 438,405 $ 191,319 L,210,345 $ 209,527 $ 201.,327 $2,235,306 $2,316,890 $2,410,593 $2,388,561 $2,659,784 $ 64,862 $ 82,698 $ 82,985 $ 82,899 $ 96,617 46,237 52,844 56,155 56,948 59,315 100,670 100,332 119,510 118,241 137,390 _ 12,656 14 ,205 16.800 17 143 11,450 $ 2248425 $ 250,079 $ 275,450 $ 275,231 $ 304,772 12,,722 14,348 13,980 13,700 15.690 80,000 80,000 80,,000 80,000 80,000 $ 10,938 _ 51„208 $ 51,,534 $ 64,500 $ 63.210 $ 64,600 $ 62.146 $ 4,651 13,935 51,534 4,638 13,900 $ 64,500 6,000 16,900 $ 63,110 5,880 17542 $ 64,600 7,800 a 80,732 $ 70,072 $ €7,4.00 $ 86„632 -13.4730 $ 86,130 _$2,6335.185 $2 „731„389A2367.423 $2.EVA 1.24 $3 346,376 Note A - This account has been allocated to operating departments based capon estimated labor cost. $3,417 represents unallocated portion, VILLAGE OF EDINA I ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 11. Fund Function Arco Acct. W0. GENERAL GENERAL GJVERMIENT MAYOR AND COUNCIL 21.1co 1970 BUDGETED ESTIMATED $ 13,,200 $ 13,200 350 800 3 ,,360 17,710 100 900 3,360 $_I?? 560 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. PERSONAL. SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES S. CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 3971 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 13,200 $ 13,200 350 800 4,140 18,490 1C� 4,140 $_L81140 FUNCTION The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy - making division of Edina Village Government, The Council is composed of the Mayor and four trustees, all elected at large for overlapping terms of two and three years, respectively,. The Mayor is the official head of Village Government and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council. meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Village Hall. C01,24ENTS Proposed expenditures are four percent (4%) higher than last year's nppropriation� The increase is represented by higher cost of Central Services., .-,.N VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 2 Fund Function Area Act, No. GENERAL GENERA. QDVEP T MAYOR AND COUNCIL 2101la EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Mayor $ 3,600 $ 3,600 Trustees 9,600 4 600 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 20 Conferences and schools .350 350 3. Annual reports $ 400 $ 400 News letter 400 400 _ $ 800 $ 800 $ .800 i 4e General $ 840 $ 1,320 Village Sall 2,520 2,820 3,360 $ 4 150 S 4-140 TOTAL MAYOR AND - i I i COUNCIb $17.710 $18 490 $18,140 110F. 71__iDHNIA FAIT 3 Fu ? 6 IF a ii c- �'k 13 "A ;a a Aw. GENERAL GSHERAT, COVERWNT PIJiNW, I NG 21.110 1970 B, U ti1 7 E D ESTHIVIP.T0 19,670 21,286 3,435 325 3,780 1 27,210 2,792 so 3,7SO A 27,908 SUMMARY 05307 2. CON'TftA.CTUAL SE%,V9CRS 5. CANTAL OU7LAV TOWLS C.0 'Mi M E, N TA KIIV LI E. U�' "Am 2 Nq 1) 1,-" D .3 U D Crll�'- IET '14-i D $ 2�-'.'325 $ 21.-.,525 3,030 400 3,900 03055 2,230 400 3,900 s 11-055 FUNCTION The kunction W the Planning Department in to provide w=aif service to We Village Council, Planning Corvn�_ssion, to other Village departments, and to the Village Manager, and to a limited degree to other agencies, both public and pwivate, Phose activities influence the physical development of the Vilinge of Wina, Staff services include office operations, the administration of the various Innd use and development ordinances, suimission of on matteye,� of toning and subdivisions befere the Council nnd Planning Commission, nAd the preparation and Yeview of overall development plans. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are twenty-fcur percent (20%) higher then Hot yeyr4 Proposed full-time intern is the principal renson Or the increase, TH below listed detail contributes to the incream. ANOUNT Salaries and wages $60655 Conferences and schools 25 Dues and subrc;iptions 50 Professional seTyices 300 Other Contractual services 70 con-mlodities 75 Central services 120 TOTAL 16,44,— VI ,AGE OF EDINA AMIUAL BUDGET 1PAGE 4 Fond Fanc�saf Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMENT PLANNING 21.110 EXPENDITUR2 DETAIL Cade Activity Object Detail � Preseet cese�5 Recommended Budgeted to YDirector r $14,100 $15,3! 0 $15,300 Secretary I 3,570 3,225(A ) 3,225(A) Summer and extra I help 2,000 i Intern 7 800 6.000 $19,670 $26,3 25 ! $24,525 20 Conferences and schools $ 365 $ 340 $ 340 Dves and I subscriptions 180 I 230 230 Professional services 2,500 2,090 1,200 Wa-Eting expense 150 160 ? 60 Mileage 240 310 300 $ 3,435 $ 33,030 $ 2,230 3, Books and pamphlets $ 75 $ 75 Printing 200 300 Drafting supplies 50 25 $ 323 $ 400 $ 400 4. General $ 3,000 $ 31000 Village Hall 780 900 i 3780 fi 3,900 $ 3.900 I i 'TOTAL FL-ANN114C $27,210 _ $33,653 $31,055 a i i j i I i i t i Note A ® $25.,00 Jarmaryl,, J and $25.00 July 10 WLLi,�'t'S-?(E OF EMMA ZV�,,I'Nluj,-�,L SUIDSDET PAGEE 5 Feql�i;on 'P 1� i\rjff T UITZ"RitL GENERAL C01r-, U1. 2 1, 2 0 0 2 970 U, D G E 1-1 1". D FSTII-AATED 0 5 IC, 7 R E r- 0 M M 1E,' D D B U G, E, 7 E D $ 58�,250 FERSOMAL SERVECES 65,1710, 7,609 7,2006 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVXES 9,204 300 69 3, CGIVIMODMIES 200 14,220 14,220 4. CENTPAIF. SERMCHIS 11, " 5so 600 600 80,,979 $_Q! �346 89,754 SM54 T'& M US COMMENTARY FUNCTION The manag.'ement of the Vil!;�.Ige's adminisincat-,,.ve aif,-Arc, the propc— eL-ecu-tion of the policies adopted by the Council, and the enforcement of !Ocnl la.'Ws --ind oxdinnnces, amre all the dizect responsi-b-ility of th. n V'I'll-age ManpZe-r, This accoLqnt provides office i•Yith the necegs-n-'r,-Y and fu.-nds t-C. prope.rly malmag.c- the administraPLA-ve orrani2ation needed to irmplement his responsibility, COME NTT Proposed ex»eyid itu --res are eleven t,P.r(-ena ('11%) higher thart ?.a at year"s- approprjation�, salary increases about eighty percent (80%) of incrense. , The balance is made up of cost of labor -relation consultnnt Lmd dues, to Hennepin County League, The below 1-isted detail cont-fibtutes to the increage, AVID UDIT Sal-aries and •7a&es $6,,920 Conferences and schools 179 Dues aud- sulbscript ions 874 Consultant-iabo-.r relation 9-00 Crurmnodi tips 100 Centr-n! Sez-vi.ces 260 TOTAIL $8375 VILL4kGE OF ED I ANNUAL BUDGET � PAr7E 6 Fund Function Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVEIUM T AlDMINISTRATION 21.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budge Budget B t Recor.mended Budgeted to Manager $26,000 $28,600(E) Administrative Assistant 7,920(A) 9,900 Village Clerk 7,380(B) 8,700 Secretary 69000 6,600(C) P9X Operator 5,040 5,400(D) Clerk (4) 2,610 29970 Sir help and overtime 3 300 M00 $589250 $65„170 "2o Conferences and schools $ 645 $ 466 Doses and subscriptions 3,314 4,188 Legal advertising 3,500 3,500 mileage 150 150 Consultant -Labor relation 900 7,609 $ 9,204 3. Printing $ 230 $ 125 Books and pamphlets 50 75 _ $ 300 $ 200 4. General $ 9,180 $ 9,360 Village Hall 4,440 4,500 Equipment operation 600 720 $14,220 $149580 i I 5. Auto replacement 600 600 I CAI. ADMINISTRATIOU 802979 289,754 $89.754 Note A - Salary was incre sed to $750000 per month effective July 20 B - Salary was ieacre sed to $675.00- per mo itb effective July 1. C - $25000 Jam ary 1 and $20000 July to D R $20000 Jam ary 1 and $20000 July 1. 2 - Present sa',.ary. Fund Function Are Accv. No. (MW. am. GENE1tAL MVERNMENT FINTANCE 21,27 0 1970 RUDGETED EWWATED SUMMARY 1971 OBJECT RCC©WAENDED BUDGETED 50,820 $ $ 57,109 a a. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 71,700 � 2,920 3 , 014 1 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3 3,100 50 6 62 3 3. COMMODITIES 5 50 10,800 1 10,300 4 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 1 11,400 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $_20,985 $ 86,250 $ 86,250 TOTALS COMM. ENTAR Y FUNCTION - The finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Village, All revenue and expenditure transactions are controlled by the Finance Department, A centralized system of purchasing is maintained. Financial statements and reports are prepared and issued by the Finance Department. CL3MENTS Proposed expenditures are thirty -four percent (34 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About eighty ,percent of the increase is represented by arditianal staff to handle the selling of auto licenses.,. This function was assumed by the Village July 1,- 1970, Revenues have been increased by $18,000; this represents the fees collected, Salary increases and higher central service cost reppresert the balance of the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. —MOUNT Salaries and wages (facto license dispensing $179040) $20,880 Conferences end schools 85 Dues and subscriptions 15 Annual audit 250 Central services 600 TOTAL $21.,660 MLAGE 01F EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 Nind Actfiv4 Area Act. NO. GENERAL GENEM GOVERNIONT FINANCE 21210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code. Actfiv4 Object Datuil present Budget Rccommelided 8z,,dgeted 1,, Director $19,800 $21,000 Secretary 7,560 8,340 Actountins Clerk 6,300 6,600 Payroll Clork 6,300 6,930(A) Cashier 6J20 6,720 Clerk-aute licensas 5,700 Accountant M 2-250 2,400 Accountiag Clerk 2,490 2,670 Part time help- auto licenses 11,340 $50,820 471,700 2. Conferences and schools 555 4.70 Dues and Gubscriptions 115 130 Aral audit 2.250 2,500 $ 2,920 $ 3,1-00-1-- 3. Books and pamphlets 50. 50 4. General $ 91.120 $ 9,600 Village Hall 1,680 1,800 SIO goo $11,4100 I 'MIAL FINANCE —64. 90 $86=150 S86<250 Note A - $25,.00 Jamiary I alul $25.00 July I. ViLLM EOF EMMA RAGE s; 1970 7,315 250 955 10,371 SUMMARY EMMATED OBJECT 9,171 1. PERSOsIAL SER,VU_-'S 646 2. CON` RAC TUAL &PRWES 3. COAAMODNIES 4. 'UNMRAL M"RiVECES 1,351 S. CANTAL OUTLAY i— 12,791 � TOTALS CAMMENTARY $ 3,394.5 $ 925 395 360 I_,-195 7, 020 7 __Q2 0, FMCTION The Village Cie,_rk, is fesponsible for conducting :tll Nlatio�_A, State,, aad W'Ala,ge elections that occur in the Village of COMTE N-1 S Proposed expend imr,,s are '11-or.,9er than Tast year's empemditunes., Only �l local e ection will be hold during 1971,, The voting regis�tication cards weice tranc'. -f erred to winch cads durim, 1970. Also 'Hie school 6istrict started te use the Village registra,tion cards during 1970 Lind will rel.mburse us -for one ha%'.UE of the cost of maintaining these files,, The below listed detail ccntribmtes to k-bL.' M.0UNT selay�ies 8nd wages $2,770 GENERAL .1ENERAL QMVEIRPIMENT ELECTION 21AOM 1970 7,315 250 955 10,371 SUMMARY EMMATED OBJECT 9,171 1. PERSOsIAL SER,VU_-'S 646 2. CON` RAC TUAL &PRWES 3. COAAMODNIES 4. 'UNMRAL M"RiVECES 1,351 S. CANTAL OUTLAY i— 12,791 � TOTALS CAMMENTARY $ 3,394.5 $ 925 395 360 I_,-195 7, 020 7 __Q2 0, FMCTION The Village Cie,_rk, is fesponsible for conducting :tll Nlatio�_A, State,, aad W'Ala,ge elections that occur in the Village of COMTE N-1 S Proposed expend imr,,s are '11-or.,9er than Tast year's empemditunes., Only �l local e ection will be hold during 1971,, The voting regis�tication cards weice tranc'. -f erred to winch cads durim, 1970. Also 'Hie school 6istrict started te use the Village registra,tion cards during 1970 Lind will rel.mburse us -for one ha%'.UE of the cost of maintaining these files,, The below listed detail ccntribmtes to k-bL.' M.0UNT selay�ies 8nd wages $2,770 Service Burecmp-wumch ca�'ds 750 Other cont i-actur-.11 servi-ces 75 Ballots 125 Fripted 75 S.L.arichion.r, 510 central semiceA .%60 Capital Cutil-ly 56 TOTAL VILLAGE OF EUMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE €0 Fund Fwaiors Area Act. No. GEN E . GFMRAL GOVER1VtMT ELECTION 21 ,.400 EXPEND TURE DETAIL Cede Activity 3blect Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted to Election judges $ 4,015 $ 1,475 Set-up time 1,, 100 320 Registration and � filing 2.200 1 750 $ 7,315 $ 3 "5!•5 2. Custodians $ 100 $ 50 Iving charges 150 125 Service bureau 750 $ 250 $ 925 i 3. Ballots $ 400 $ 275 Printed forms 45 120 Stanchions (40) 510 I! $ 955 $ 395 40 General 360 5, Installment paymout 10 voting machines 1,851 a.795 ---I i 1 TOE i LICTIO i 10 371 7 I 02O $7 x 020 SUMMARY � _ BUMMED 070 ESTMA a E® OBJECT $ 58y110 GF,Hh RWL. GENERAL GflVE RIR -R-NT - ASSESSING I 21 , 55,00 SUMMARY � _ BUMMED 070 ESTMA a E® OBJECT $ 58y110 54„493 1. VERSM AL SEM CEG 2,63: 4,709 1 COINT91ACTUAL SMIRCE5 470 574 3, CC,OMid3ODMES H,280 1.1 9 2 30 4. CENT RAL SERVECES 1., z300 2,351 .5. CAPITAL OUTLAY c 74,594 117 F �'�IIMON The assessin -6 .unction includes the Bete -i-Ta .?ani.o of the e prepnratiov a-i-A maintenance of tax. reco-rds of a!lz'ronert es w.i Specin! assessments leer ed for imgp!,avements are also c.0- m -Putcd t,m rolls by personnel of the 'A'sSessing Dapait memt„ Proposed eat e-9C2dilvwees a! :e :`il _�ific� 1� less than U as4: J'eax") r c below detail contributes to the de eerie.. J�YDTJ T Salaries and wages a 330 _lnd Schools € 33 Wes and subsc_iptions 11 Mail i ng- home s teac s 500 •'rz nt ilia, 300 Ptts✓tograph -it Supplies Ada General nupp v f es � central se�:v ces 10 Capital Outlay 197? 58y.,14'v $ 58,,440 2,462 2 ..4 +62 925 925 11,160 11,1160 195 400 73,782 73,387 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAC-E 12 o and FeElction Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL G0VERNMEN!' ASSESSING 21.500 EXPENDITURE D -27AI. Ccde Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budg` ?ed 1. Assessor $15,300 $15,000 DaInsty Assessor 10,860 12,300 Deputy Assessor 10,.860 99360(C Secretary 6,780(A) 7,680 Appraiser-auditor 5,310(() 7,500 Assessment Clerk 6p,000 6, 600 $58,110 $58,440 $58,440 2, Conferences and ( schools $ 1,718 $ 835 Dues and subscriptions 116 227 IMI preparing assessments 55/00 500 [[yye� tt 1 Hi iease 54.10 5_00 Mailing-homesteads 100 $ 2,835 $ 2,462 $ 2,462 3. Printing $ 200 $ 500 Photographic supplieE 100 250 General supplies 170 275 $ 470 $ 925 $ 925 4. Geaeral $ 9,000 $ 8,640 village Hall 1,680 1,800 ( Equipment operation 600 720 $11,280 $11F,160 $11,160 S. Automobile replacement 15900 Calculator 795 400 _ DIAL ASSESSING 74.594 73.,782 $73.383 J; Note A - $43000 Jamary I $40.00 July 1, S - $60.00 3ra aryl and $65000 July 1. I C ® $35.00 Jauuary l 3ad $40000 July 1. VF'J,4GE_- GENLRAIL GENERAL GOVERMMENT I LECAL AND COURT SERVICES 23,. ,6O0 sukiwainy 1.970 ESTIMATED OBJECT ig7i RECONIWEiNDYED 8 1 j PX 2� E, TE D 9,000 PEMSONAL SERV3KES0 9,000 $ '19,400, 36,111 2. CONTRACTUAL SERMICIS 33:,450 660 660 4. CF-MTRAL SPERVICES 960 S. CANTAL OUTLAY s39,060 '43 413 TOTALS C 0 M M, R 7 !',I, R i I FUMT ION The Village requires the sc.•vices o- attorneys -who c:--re contZ4.!Cted fo_ on ar, annt_,al basis, They provide legal counse-1 ame, prcrjexe tine ne'--essary ordinnnces and zesnlutinns required, to implemept -the `'Ashes, of the Cwncil,, 1n addition:, they defend the Village in all claims and smits and ;,rooecute all cases a:rising out of violat-ion ol' Vifl.-ge ordinn-Lices. COMMENTS Proposed explendi-tures are eleven percent (11-1.) h-i,'Yher i_-han -�_;znt y e avpprcpit'iatiop,, Increase in coslc of proff(esslonal and Hertrepin 'k)unty Cour'� nharges are principal reasons for the increase, Corm fine revemae also increased, The belm,,, listed detail c-intributes to 11-hp increase:: [A-tes and subsetiption-s J, 00 Profess onal fees Board and roomy vrisoriers 4250 !""it-ftess fees 100 Hennepin County Court: ch&rges, 866 Central se,_rvic_-G 3 0, 0 VILLAGE OF EDINd ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 14 Fled Fu= ion Area Act. No. GEDIER&L GENEW, GOVERNMENT LEA AND 0OURT SERVICES 2! ,.600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Actiaity Object Detail Pvesege Budged' Recommended Budgeted 1, Prosecuting attorney $ 9,000 $ 9,000 2. Dies and subscriptions $ 100 �I ft®fessional fees 2 €,500 $25,,000 Board and raawt- prisoners ,2,750 2,500 i witness fees 960 1,000 Hennepin County Court charges 4,000 4,800 Court reporting iS0 150 $29,400 $33,450 4. General 660 1 960 ®� E f TOTAL LEG i� i i � SERVICES � 39060 VILLek 0-,7R%"-`FLEDRMA !Hl\'-'NUA' BUE'GE PAGE GENYERAL COVE MI-EITT LIBRARY J I 21-.700 1970 M F."'GETE D ESTIMATED 13•0-m 10,504, 11"1"` O 14,163 1,500 -970 900 900 290 2b, 31 $ SUMMARY OBSECT �. PF�MOMAL SEMCES 2. CONT'RACTUAL SUMCES 4. CEENTRAL SERVECES 5. CAMAL OUTWI TOYALS COPAMDMARY i 9 'Ir 1, P E C 0 PA AA 11 N D 2 D BUDGZTED 1,200 !F'LR\TCT 10 N They building and grounds of the Edina B-ranch c7r the Rennepin COLMLy Library are flrnished and maintained by the Village of Edinan Rennepir Couaty :;iup-,.Aies the books and COMHOTS Proposed expenditures are twelve 7-ercent (12%) highei?-- flvsn -11.ast 'yeam's appropr-lat ion., The principal reason for the increase is _zc1ditional personal. set-vices and light and po-:,,,er costs, The belotly li-st'2d detail contril'--mtes to th,- Salaries and wages $.1,330 Heat 200 Light and pcwer i'500 HP-ter and sewer service 25 Contract wark 300 Laundry and -rug Gm-Aces 200 Conmmdities 300 Central services 300 TOTAL $31,155 VILLAGE, Or- EDIT►, ANNUAL BUDGET MAGE 16 Fund Faaefiicoa Area Act. No. GENERAL GENERAL GOVSRNtffild'r LIBRARY 210700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail 0 Present dget Recomm2nd_d Budgeted 1. Custodian $ 65600 S 7,080 Payroll-Public Works 750 900 Park— payroll 1,200 1,400 Extra help and overtime 2 500 3 000 $11,050 $12,380 2. Beat $ 2,400 $ 2,200 Fight and poorer 76000 8,500 Natter and sewer. service insurance -fire 150 450 175 450 Canizact work 300 Rest 840 840 Rubbish removal 200 200 Laundry and rug service 500 700 $110840 $13 ,,065 3. Cleaning supplies $ 600 $ 450 Repair materials 400 S00 Contingencies 250 250 Light bulb replacement 250 300 Supplies-sidewalk I cleaning 300 $ 1,500 $ 1,800 i 4. General 900 1,1200,- i TOTAL $LIBRARY '25.,290 $28,445 $28,445 VKJ GE OF EDINA AV1HUA? [BUD" E tl �A�s l7 A Fmid Furic&.-i Area Aca. No. Gi NrRAL PUBLIC WORKS ADYTINISTPUk-TION 22X50 SUMMARY 1970 BUDGS TED ESTIMATED OBJECT 22,050 $ 22,056 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 130 66 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4,740 4,740 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 200 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 26,920 27,062 `d' ®TALE COMMENTARY 1971 RECOMMENDED BUDC -ZTED $ 24,150 $ 50 5,220 21.420 29.420 FUNCTION Ths supervision and guidance required by various departments, such as engineering, street, sewer and .eater, is furnished by Director of Public Works,, The cost involved to furnish this service is accumulated in this account„ COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are nine percent (970) hither than last year's appropriat?on, Salary increases are principal reason for the increase, The below listed detail contrilriites to the increase. AMDUNT Salaries and wages $2,100 Conferences and schools 50 Dues and subscriprions 30 Central services 4.190 TOTAL &=501L VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUDGET PAGE 18 Fund I'maction Aran Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 22,050 UPENDITURE DETAIL. Code Activity Object Detail ormnt Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Director. $18,000 $19,800 Secretary 4,050 4,350 $22,050 $24,150 2, Conferences and schools $ 100 $ SO Pass and subscriptions 30 $ 130 $ s0 4. General $ 3,360 $ 3,600 Village Hall 780 900 3tlnipment Operation 600 720 4,740 5,220 i I TOTAL ADMINISTRATION i 26a920 . 29 420 $290420 1970 €IUDGETED ESTIMATED 107,750 Aca. Mo. i= TJBB� T PUBLIC WORKS EVC-T EERING 22 � hGC 1970 €IUDGETED ESTIMATED 107,750 $ 105,672 3,000 4,043 5,500 6,781 18,960 18,960 8,675 8,700 144,685 144,156 SUMMARY 'd. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPETAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY REC0MM&ENDEO QUDG'TED �i12,070 112,070 3,,800 2,300 5., 50a 5, 500 21,750 21,780 3,350 2,900 146,500 $_14,1,, 550 y FUNCT ION The Engineering Department prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for public conotruetion projects. This includes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers;, storm sewers, wat:eroains, and other s€:ructu�es and improvements,. it €supervises the construction of these projects and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and workmanship are in accordance GYith p-"oJect cpecsficaLionso The department maintains records and files on all ahnvre mentioned activities and operates and maintains copying equipment., CaW -NT3 Proposed expenditures are one percent (1%) higher than last; year's pgropriat kon� Salary increases and higher allocation of central services are princirpal reason for the increase. The belts listed detail contributes to the increase, &VT,F9NT Salaries and wages $4, Central services 2,820 Capital Outlay 5 325 TOTAL', $1 -815 VILLAGE OF EDIKA ANNUAL BUDGE` FprOE 20 fMW F actka Area Act. No. GENERAL. PUBLIC WORKS ENGIMMRING 22.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Objee! Detail Present Budget Recemmeaded Budgeted 1s Supervisor of Surveys $ 12,000. $ 12,840 Supervisor of Design 12,000 12,840 Supervisor of Inspection 12,000 12,840 Aide III - (3) 28,800 31,200 Aide II - (2) 159900 18,000 Secretary (h) 4,050 4,350 Overtime and Summer help 23,000 20"000 $107,750 $112,070 $112,070 2. Conferences and schools $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 Dages and subscriptions 50 50 50 Profeseional serviced 3,500 3,500 2,,000 Mileage ISO 1S0 150. $ 3,800 $ 3,800 $ 2,300 3. Blue printing $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Lumber and tools 1,500 1,500 General supplies 1,500 1-500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 4. General $ 10,980 $ 12,900 Village Hail 1,680 1,,680 Equipment operation 6.300 7200 $ 18,960 $ 21;,780 $ 21,780 i 5. I Various $ 8,675 Replacement- sureey tzuck $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Calculator 850 400 8;,675 3,350 S 2.900 TOTAL ENGINEERING $1445,685 146,.500 S14 -550 VILLAGE OF E©INA ANNUAL BUDSGVE 3 PACE" 21. Fund Function Alrea Acct. No. CEVEMAL PUBLIC WORICS SUPERVISION AND OVRMTEAD 23 � 106 SUMMARY • 1970 BUDGE d'ED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1971 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 48,520 $ 48,611. 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 52,860 -$ 540 410 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 640 200 513 3. COMMODITIES 250 37,260 37,260 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 39,540 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 86,520 $ 86,794 S 93,290 93829Q TOTALS — COMMR4TARY M CTION All Public works personnel (other than E-mgineeeing) are under the supervision of she Public Works Superintenr ftnt6 fie., through this account, puns and coordinates his activities, maintains cost and work records, and provides the training and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most effectively and efficiently„ "Paid Leave" represents all vacation, sick„ funeral, etc„ leave used by all Public Works employees.. COMENT`a Proposed expenditures are eight percent (87.) higher than last year's appropria- Lion. Salary increases are the principal reason for the increase., The below listed detail contributes to the increase. TOTAL 6 7 ®0 A.M UNT Salaries and wages: Supervision $1,900 Training 240 Paid leave 22200 $4,34.0 Conferences and schools 100 Training aid: 50 Central. services 21 280 TOTAL 6 7 ®0 VILLAGE Sir" EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PArvE 22 Farad Fmcfloo Area Act. No. GMIERAL. PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND OVZttBBAD 23.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 110 Supervision 1. � Superintendent $14,106 $15,300 Cost Clerk 0) 2,820 3,120(A) Accountant (k) 2,250 2,400 Overt im and sayer help 1,750 2 000 $20,920 $22,620 20 Conferences and school $ 250 $ 300 Does and subscriptions 40 40 Physical examination a0 50 $ 340 $ 390 4. General $34,680 $36,600 Public Worts Build - ing 1,980 2,;220 Equipment operation 600 720 374260 39,540 TOM SUPERVISION $58,520 $62,750 120 Training I a .. I Payroll $ 3,000 $ 3,240 2. Confesewas and schools 200 250 3. Training aids 200 250 $ 3,400 $ 3,,740 WTAL TRAINING 140 Paid leave to Payroll $24,600 $25,500 TOTAL PAID LEAVE 24 6.0® 26 800 I i i TOTAL S RVI I0N AND OVERHEAD 86 52® 93 290 _ $93.290 VILLAGE CAP BDIR i Foreman i Senior Riblic Works Man IPublic Works Man i Temporary Sayer Help ! 0vertime Park Maintenance ance Payroll Public Works: Supervision and Overhead: Training Paio1 leave Street Maintenance: General Maintea°.,ance Street CYeanic�g Street renovation Saou and ice 0ecwval Street Lighting Street Nme Signs Traffic Control. Traffic signs Signal Maintenance Pavc=nt marking Guard rails and b arric &des Bridges Storm Drainage: Storm sever maintenance Iamparazy drainage anal Culverts ARIMAL PUBLIC MRY-S PAYROLL I 1 $877(A) $965 10 10 768(A) 832 14 14 693(A) 758 25 25 DISTRIBUTION PAGE e3 $ 10,524 $ 11,580 92v160 99,840 116,424 127,344 7,000 7 , 560 1€8,71.4 20,398 $244,8:2 $266,722 =� 16, 500 M460 _ 23,700 $261,322 $285.182 m Village Properties: `Kbrf and plant $ 3,240 maintenance $ 6,600 26,800 Tree maintenance 10,800 Lake and pond 69,200 waintenancse 5,900 27,000 E'eiblic Sidewalks: 23,700 Maintenance and repairs 1,000 4.0,300 Snou and ice removal 1,000 550 Parking ramp maintenance 900 c 8,600 ` DTAL PUBLIC 14ORKS $266,,740 5,400 550 Charged to assessed 3,200 projects and others 3,000 2 D 730 Charged to other Bands 6,442 2,809 Central Services-. Villese Hall 1,200 23,800 Public Works Building 900 Equipment operation 6,000 2,700 Library 900 `IDTAL Rote A - Pr3sc ®t rates are $10.00 to $15000 per =nth higher., 285,182 PAGE 2f- Acs, too. PUBLIC UORKS 5TRZT_,',,T MAIMENANCE MOO 1970 B U D Cx E T i'_.' DA ESTEMATED 144,1000 $ 148,719 64,000 88,229 60,160 57,930 74,395 609360 0 141,404 SUMMARVI 1301 EC16 T. PERSA6IAL SERVaCES 2. CONTIACTUAL SIERV",�CES, 4. CENTRAL CARTAL CATUM Y, TUTALUI CION01/11-247 tIVIIIII, 160,200 62,60-0 99,445 68,460 071 L3 Ij Z T E 0 160,200 S2,600 95,445 68,460 FUNCTION The maintenance of Village streets the greatest portion of the Bib c Works endeavoro As the word %Lintenance" implicso the purpose of this eccount is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streets within the Village. improvements such as blacktayVing, curbing, oiling, and instailatinn of drainage facijitieso are normMy finance6 Lhrough an assesement ptocedure are aq, therefore, not included in SO iccountr This 8ccount doeo Provide f0le such naintenance activities an patching, nenning, seMing and snow plouing., C 0141-ENTS , proposed are ton percent (10%) higher than last year"o The pyincipal veaso= Or the inzwesse awe nddit•onal IM011 0110cPHOnlo additiOnal provisions for and Rgher cosi- (-j-E e q -' l u i pneat operation, The below Mted detail contribates to the incieaGe,, Salaries and wages: ceneral maintenance Street cleaning Street xanovntion inly and ice removal Equipment restal Contracted Sep it Contracted vork�alley constructicn Contracted work-replacements Trash removal HuMMUes.. NOW Mnnaance Street winoystioki K ow and Q2 WeMOVO Central services TOTAL Aiiii IMT 2, Q0 1 '00o 10,000 7'soo 15,000 i0c VILLAGE OF ED MA ANNUAL OUDGE -r RASE 25 Fund Fu ctka Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET MAINTENANCE 23200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Actevil, " Object Detail Budget Budget Recas�zaaaeided Budgeted 210 General Maintenance 1. payroll $ 58.000 $ 69,200 $ 69,200 20 Equipment rental $ 110M $ 2,000 Contracted repairs 1St000 5,000 S 16,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 3. Dili materials $ 2,875 $ 3,375 Calcium Chloride 1,200 1,875 i I salt 1,000 1;,.200 Asphalt MIX 17,000 16,500 MCI oil 2,200 2;,200 Concrete 1,300 M 2,800 Jacking material 2, 500 3,000 Joint material 1,020 1,280 General .supplies 1,000 1,000 Class V� material 4,500 7,450 Select materials 4,,000 34,595 $ 44,0,80 4 E4utment Operation 17,340 I8 900 18,900 TOTAL GEN MAIWMANCR $125,935 $139,780 $135,780 220 Street Cleaning 10, Payroll $ 25„,000 $ 27,000 I 2. Trash removal 500 600 3. Broome $ 3,225 $ 3 „225 wearing shoes Soo 800 Rat water additive, 206 206 i I TOTAL IS 4. Equipmat ope rcition f.� CLEWING $ 4,231 13, 200 63,231 14 4.00 -p�-_ $ 42,931 � 46,,231 ` _g $ 46 231 2401 I Street Renovation to Payroll $ 24,000 $ 23.,700 3. Asphalt 4iaiu $ 10� 500 $ 12,320 i Oil 8.,800 8„870 Granaalar materials 8� 103 8,,094 $ 7,403 $ 29,284 _ 4. Equipment operation 13,620 14.940 $ 65 },023 _ $ 57,92 $ 67,,��4 i f i i TOTAL STMI RENOVATION ViL@AGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE. PAZE 26 Fund FarxNap f� Auer Act. No GENERAL PUBLIC IMRKS I STREET MAINITFIRANCE 23.200 EXPENDITURE DEWL Code Activity Object Detail Prm-nt Budget Recommended Budgeted 270 Snow and Ice Remo-val 1. Payroll ; 37,000 $ 40,303 20 Equipment rental. 5 &000 5_,000 3� Salt $ 12,000 $ 10,500 Calcium Chloride 3"000 3,750 sand 7 000 7,000 _ $ 22,000 $ 21,,250 - 4o Equipmant operation 16,200 20 220 $ 80,200 $ 86,776 $ 86., 770 `cMAL V A ID ICE RM4DVAL 1 280 Alley Constiuction 2. Contracted Construction 7 500 $ 7,500 a0° _ $ -0- WTI,, UIEY ONSTRf�'CTION 290 Replacements 2. Contracted Gap!struction 35 000 50.,000 A 35 000 3 $ 50 OGO $ 50,000 i i TOTAL `OTC., REPLAC STREET i f DIEUNTS MAINTE CE _s g'136 589: $390,,705 $386705 MLAGE (DPF E-OD A BUD`*'9.'iFF PAS E 2, 7 1970 U P G SIMB E- Wi � IM A7 ED 77, 500 1,000 600 S 7S 60O 74,3372 273 600 L_SL� 7 6 SWANLARY MECT PERSONAL SERMES CowrLmau.,LNIL mmas COMMOOMES 6. CENTRUAL SERWCES 5. CAPOTAL OUTL4Y OTALS CONUMENTARY B J D G-E T L, OD 550 $ 84,000 1,000 720 86,270 86 270 The overhead street lighting System throughout the village, <,?J_th I-tic exception (3rriamente.1. and special type units, is installed and maintained by Nnrtlt-leim States Power Company,, The Village's obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electric.]. n L, mwt�r to all lirlhts and to maintain the ornamental and special utit7-,,, PrcrK)sed expenditures are ei7ht percent (8%) higher than last year's avPronrintion.. Larger provision for paviye,? cost is tnain renson for incs!ense The beiaw lis-t-ed deta-LI connIbutc-'s to the decrease. A "tIJNT Salaries and wages T-50 Power 6,000 Contracted repairs 500 Central services 120 TOTAL L6,6M PUBLIC Wi-ORKS STRUT LIGHTING 23 300 1970 U P G SIMB E- Wi � IM A7 ED 77, 500 1,000 600 S 7S 60O 74,3372 273 600 L_SL� 7 6 SWANLARY MECT PERSONAL SERMES CowrLmau.,LNIL mmas COMMOOMES 6. CENTRUAL SERWCES 5. CAPOTAL OUTL4Y OTALS CONUMENTARY B J D G-E T L, OD 550 $ 84,000 1,000 720 86,270 86 270 The overhead street lighting System throughout the village, <,?J_th I-tic exception (3rriamente.1. and special type units, is installed and maintained by Nnrtlt-leim States Power Company,, The Village's obligation is to provide funds for furnishing electric.]. n L, mwt�r to all lirlhts and to maintain the ornamental and special utit7-,,, PrcrK)sed expenditures are ei7ht percent (8%) higher than last year's avPronrintion.. Larger provision for paviye,? cost is tnain renson for incs!ense The beiaw lis-t-ed deta-LI connIbutc-'s to the decrease. A "tIJNT Salaries and wages T-50 Power 6,000 Contracted repairs 500 Central services 120 TOTAL L6,6M VILLAGE OF EMMA ANANIJAL BUD F. RAGE 28 Fund Fein Am Act. No. GEM, EAL PUBLIC WOMS STREET LICH -TING 2:3 300 � EXPEND'ITU'RE DETAI Oa -d© Activity Object Detail � Present Budget Recorrmen ded Budgeted 310 Operation and, i Maintenance 1. Payroll s 500 $ 550 20 Pwoer I $68,000 $74,300 Contracted repairs 21,000 2x500 -70 000 $ 76,5x00 3. Repair parts 1D000 1,000 4. IF4mlpment operation 600 724 r $72n?00 $73,170 - i TOTAL DPERAT ON AND MAIN'IFNANCE 320 Ornemental Lighting 2, Contracted services! Replacements $ 7,500 $ 7,5G0 TOTAL DRNAMENTAL LIGHTING $ 7 a50O 7 _ TOTAi. STREET i I LIGHTING s79 640 186,270— 996, 97n P A G R.' Jrj Fund j,,CC4-- via. �aa GENERAL PUBLIC �;ORD73 STREET NAME SlIGNS 2 �j , 4. 0 SU M.M, AEff 1970 Ij D IG n 7 C, D E-3T HVIATED 8,000 7,660 5, 924-r 11900 18,724 9,089 1,800 Mirly I 2. CONTRACTUAL SERV'4110EE I COMMODMES CMENTIAL SERVECES CAPETAL OUT UAY 70TAII-S, ft LCO M M, E M D 2 D. BUDIGIMID 2,100 2 19. 2 T! t e Vi 11 i n s t :!'11 S a TO Ir, a - s', n ct i. ns a. 11 ,t-14e e t n am e s i g n s ., This for instaination Proposed expendit"res arc, SX rczceqL (6%) higher than Igst year's A program. of replacing p-resent street name signs *,Yith i t larger veflecto-,JLyeep sigrIn be continued dur-ring 1971,, .'.hr-, belov listed de tai7. contributes to '--Ile Akir t LM T Salarl-es and yes s 600 commodities 258 Central Serv-1-ces 300 '1012A.L, � I -,�L5 8 . . I VILLsk E OF EDI A NNUA . BUDGE Ct qS 30 Find Fumfion AmB Act No. GMER - L PUBLIC WORKS SM- HET WAME SIGNS 23,,400 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present �'Peser��t 8' Rec�i1T mended Dedgeted 1. _ Payroll $ 8,000 $ 8,600 Sa Signs and pasts $ 8,450 $ 8s690 Paint supplies 274 362 Gloves and brushes 200 200 $ 8>924 — $ 9,1G2 — I 40 Equipment operaftion L-8 2,100 =� MAL STRESI NAME SIGNS 18824 i i ' f ' i I r i I VILLA GE OF EDINA ANNUAL 0MGET PAGE 3 1 urLd Funciion Arco A.ca. mo. ,3I3NERAL PUBLIC WORKS' TRAFFIC CONTROL 23., 590 . SUMMARY 1970 BUDGFTED ESTIMATED ®BJWr 1971 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 11.000 8,581 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 11,850 $ 9,150 8,927 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,150 9,673 8,984 3. COMMODITIES 12,871 3,600 3,600. 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 4,140 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 332423 $302092 3890.1 38.011 TOTAL CCMMENTAW1 FUNCTION Although the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, such as signs, signals, pavement marking, and guar rails, is properly within the, jurisdiction of the Police Department, it is;, nevertheless, the function of the Public i.orks Department to install and maintain such devices. This account provides for installation and maintenance. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are fourteen percent: (14%) [nigher than last: year's appropriation. Additional traffic signs and marking paint are needed to control the increasing traffic. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, AMOUNT Salaries and wages: Traffic sign maintenance $ 400 - Traffic signal maintenance 50 Pavement marking 200 Guard rail and barricades 200 $ 850 Commodities: Traffic sign_ maintenance 1.484 Pavement marking 1,200 Guard rail and barricades 514 Central services 540 TOTAL $ 42588 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SILI ET PAGE 32 ; and Fa fioa Area Act. No. 6 EMERAL PUBLIC WRKS TRMFIC CONTROL M500 EXPENDITURE- MAIL Coupe Activity Object � Detail � Present Budget ftcccm Mended Budgets 510 Traffic Sign NainCenance 1. Payroll $ 5,000 $ 5,4.00 3. General supplies 5,000 6,4-84 TOTAL 40 rRAFFIG Equipment operation SIGN NAIIII-ENMCE 11,620 1,800 j $11,620 ss I $13,686 520 Traffic Signal Maintenance 1. Payroll � $ S00 $ 350 i 20 Power $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Co- .tracted repairs 2.,000 2,000 Coa.tracted services 1 '0o0 b OOO 9,000 -- $ 9,000 3. Repair materials 700 700 MAL 4� FRAFF11 Equipment operation SIGNAL MAIWSNMCE 480 $10,680 600 $10 "850 54.01 Pant Marking 1. Payroll $ 3,000 $ 3,200 2 -c. Equipment rental 150 ISO 3. Paint 1,.890 4. Rgeaipmaant operation x'80 �3,0i90 900 $ 3,820 i $ 7,34 -0 `YDTAL PAVENEff MARLING 570 Guard Rail and Barricades. io Payroll $ 2,500 $ 2,700 3. Guard rail materials 2,083 2,397 4. FApipmiat operation .720 40 S J03 _ _6,_137 TOTAL GUARD IL AND BARRICADE I 10TAL I I I i i +I I TRAPFI CONTMI, 33 423 38,,011 538 -011 A - 1970 Ei)UDGETED ESTIMATE0 1; 3,500 2.,750 4,500 4,000 2,050 1,755 600 600 10,650 9,105 SUMMARY 0B� =Ci E. FERSONAL SEEViGES 2. CZ)N`i'R ACTUAL S € =R'i ICES 3. C®MMOD971ES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES S. CA6 a aAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1971 BUDGETED $ 2,800 $ 3,000 2,388 720 1 �. 6,908 � .q FUNCTION `!'Fee purpose of this account: is to provide mainter ante for the s`v !nteen bridges ,within the Village. c0 1MWI S_ Proposed expenditures are sixteen percent (16 %) lower than last year'a appropriation, A.reduction in contracted repairs and lower allocation of personal services represents the decrease The below listed detail contributes . to the decrease. A19O UNT Personal services $ 760 Contracted repair 1,500 Coamodities 338 Central services 120 TOTAL ,IT- 74.2 Aca. No. 32NERAL PUBLIC WORKS BRIDGES 23 1..60Y, 1970 Ei)UDGETED ESTIMATE0 1; 3,500 2.,750 4,500 4,000 2,050 1,755 600 600 10,650 9,105 SUMMARY 0B� =Ci E. FERSONAL SEEViGES 2. CZ)N`i'R ACTUAL S € =R'i ICES 3. C®MMOD971ES 4. CENTRAL SERVOCES S. CA6 a aAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY 1971 BUDGETED $ 2,800 $ 3,000 2,388 720 1 �. 6,908 � .q FUNCTION `!'Fee purpose of this account: is to provide mainter ante for the s`v !nteen bridges ,within the Village. c0 1MWI S_ Proposed expenditures are sixteen percent (16 %) lower than last year'a appropriation, A.reduction in contracted repairs and lower allocation of personal services represents the decrease The below listed detail contributes . to the decrease. A19O UNT Personal services $ 760 Contracted repair 1,500 Coamodities 338 Central services 120 TOTAL ,IT- 74.2 VILAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE� 34 Ferri Fund ion Area Act. btu. GENERAL PUBLIC WRK3 BRIDGES 23.000 ; EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activate/ Object Detail Present Budget Reco,:amended Budgeted 1. Payroll $ 3,500 $ 2,800 2, Contracted repairs 4,500 3,O00 3. Paint $ 1,000 $ 1,188 Ltm)hera cable, bolts, I etco 1 050 1 200 2,050 $ 2,388 — 4o Equipment operation 600 720 i I I i i I E i i 70TAL BRIDGES YO 650 8 90E $8,908 Fund Function Ama 5 24,500 Acct. No. t;ENEItCxL, I PUBLIC WOI 8 STDRti DRAINAGE 4,750 4_,628 SUMMARY 1970 E,UD0STED ESTIMATED OBJECT 5 24,500 22,638 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 25000 1,843 2. CON' 10,ICTUAL SERVICES 4,750 4_,628 1 COMMODITIES 3,6G0 3,600 4. CENTRAL SERVECES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 34,850 32,709 ---- TO d AES COWIMENTARV 1971 RXO1v1sPA2N D 0 BUDGETED 26,500 $ 1,300 5,,650 4,140 _37,590 37.590 MICTi0N The Village maintains certa-In facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep damage to property by storm water at a minimum_ In those areas served by storm se-uers, Village Brews periodically check and clean these sewers. In areas not so served,, emergency measures in the form of pumping and te'4'iiSrSrary drains are provided during storms. C012C ITS Proposed expenditures are eight percent Q8 %) nigher than last year's appropria.tiona The principal reasons for increase are additional payroll and commodities, less reduction of televised inspections The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Ate UNT Salaries and gages $2.,000 Power 50 Televised inapection 750 Coimodi ties 900 Central sery --Ices 540 TOTRL $2 77 0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 Fond Finaction i Am Act. No. GENERA. PUBLIC WORKS I STORM DRAINAGE 23.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 710 Storm Sewer Maintenance 1. Payroll $22,000 $23,800 2. Poser $ 250 $ 300 "televised inspection 1.750 Y�Q 0 -- $ 2,000 $ 1,300 3 �. Pill materials I $ 500 S 500 Pipe 2,,000 2,000 Castings and cement 750 750 Concrete headwalls and spillways General supplies 750 1,000 6_50��=� $ 4,000 s $ 9t?Q 4. Equipment operation 2 880 _ 3,300 $30,EE0 $33,300 10TAL STORM MER MMLI ANNE 720 Temporary Drainage I 1. Payroll $ 2"500 $ 2,700 3. Hose 750 759 4, ffi,,1ipmant aperation 920 40 10TAL TENWR�ARY DRAINAGE 3„970 4 290 10VU. I I I I I i IS1O i INAGE MAW $37.590. $37 � 590 -T i V V— [A G,E �—,, F E.DINA AVNUA.k RUDIS)2T PAGE S7 Fund Eunctiolt Area Acct. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WURKS VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 1970 EUDGSTED ESTB,'dlATED SUMMARY 1971 OBJECT RECOMM7N1DED BUDGETED $ 219500 $ 20,854 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 23,300 1,800 2,864 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,300 16,170 119576 3. COMMODITIES 16,350 5,400 5,400 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 6,300 5. CAMT/AL OUTLAY 44,870 40,694 48,250 5.X50 TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION The function of the Village Properties account is to properly care for all Village owned properties; other than those used for Park and Recreation purposes., These Village properties are principally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, and sites used for utility facilities., The maintenance of these properties includes the cultivation and mowing of the turf, spraying and trimin,g of trees, establ,istunent and care of plantings,, and everyday housekeeping necessary to keep. these Village properties in aesthetic accord with our many fine privately awned residential properties, COMMCNTS Proposed expenditures are eight percent (8°lo) higher than last year's appropriation, Additional payroll,, higher cosec of weed control, and higher allocations of central services are the main reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. AMOOT T Salaries and wages: Turf and plant maintenance $ 600 `Free maintenance 800 Lakes and Ponds maintenance X500 $1,800 Contracted weed control 500 Commodities l80 Central services 900 70TAL §32380 Fund Fumcfw Area Act. No. G1-RA PUBLIC WORKS I VILLAGE PROPERTIES 23.800 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity 101jeeg Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 810 Turf and Plant Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 6,000 $ 6,600 20 Contracted geed Control 1,000 I'530 3. Fertilizer $ 400 $ 440 Teal replacement 200 200 Plantings 500 500 Sod and black dirt 1,200 1,200 Chemicals 300 300__ � $ 29600 � 2600 • TOTAL 4, WU1w AND Equipment operation PLAW YMIN ENA.1',CE 2. 220 __L,1920 $11, 520 $12,920 820 Tree Naintenance 1. Payroll $109000 $10,800 2. Contracted services 800 800 3. Hand tools,, ropes-. and saus $ 450 $ 4150 Spray 1.300 1 300 1x750 $ 1,750 4. Equipment operation 1_,80_0_ 2,100 -- 5149.350 $15,450 TOTAL TREE $AINTERAME 870 Lakes and Pontes Maintenance 1. Payroll $ S, $ 5,900 3. Cixmicals $ 6,320 $ 8,300 Rip -rap, headwall and special structures - 500 - - _y_t51So0 _.- V'LB�,VO j g�; 5829000= ! 4. Equipment operation. 1 680 x .980 � I9: 000 __ _ � 19, 880 iTOTAL LAMS AND PONDS MAINTENANCES $4x4,870 $48�2a0 SIaB_250 I I T(3TAY.9I PROPERTIES - - - -- - -- -_ s. Fund Function Area Acct. No. CEiVERt3L PUBLIC It SID?G•JALG S AND RAMP 23.900 1970 BUDGE -TED ESTIMATED SUMMARY 1971 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ 2,000 $ 1,041 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,900 $ 7,500 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000 796 3. COMMODITIES 1,500 900 900 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 900 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY $1_1 „400 $ 29737 $ 5,300 $ 5 300 TOTALS — COMMENTARY M- CT'ION The primary function of thi.a account is to develop a system of publicly constructed and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient movement` of pedestrians. The maintenance of parking ramps is also Q function of this Y account. COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are fifty -four percent (54 %) tower than last year's appropriation„ The main reason for decrease is reduction in provision for s-.de- walk construction. A provision !or maintenance of new ramp is included in this account. The below listed detail contributes to the increase„ AMDUNT Salaries and wages - Parking €damp $ 900 Contracted services 7,500 Sand and salt - Parking Ramp S00 TOTAL $6.100 New ramp opened July 1970 VILLAGE OF EDI AA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 40 Fund Foiction Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS SIDEWALKS AND RAMP 23,MO EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity abject Detail ;'resent Budget Recommended Budgeted 910 bwntenance and Rtpairs 1. Payroll $ 1,O00 $ 1e 000 3. Cement, patching materials Soo 500 4, Eguipaent operation 420 300 $ 1,920. $ 1,800 TOTAL WAINTUNME AND REPAIRS 920 Sam and Ice Removal 1, Payroll $ 1,000 $ 1,000 3. Sand and salt Soo 500 4„ Equipment operation 480 300 $ 1,980 $ 11800 TOTAL SNOW ICE MINOVAL 940 Construction 20 Contracted services 7,500 $ 7,500 S o0-- `DOTAL ONS TIAN 950 Parking Ramp. maintenance 1. Payroll $ 900 3. Sand and salt Soo 4o Equipment operations 300 t� 1 700 TOTAL 1:DEVAIKS ARKING RAW MAIMNANCE TOTAL AND RAMP S11 400 S 300 S5_3AA _ PAGE �eej Furzcfio a Brea Acct. Brio, G5NERAI, PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,100 SUMMARY 1970 1971 BUDGcNrD ESTIMIATED OBJECT RECOMMENDE0 BUBGSTED $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SEMIMES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 33,000 32,875 S. CAPITAL. OUTLAY 36,000 ,g 339000 329875 $ 36,000 $ r� Oran — TOTALS COMMENTARY FUNCTION Expenditures for items of equipment which have .a useful life of more than and year are classified as Capital C'utlay. WMMENTS Replacements for dump trucks are for 1963 and 1964. Amount provided for loader represents park of provision for replacement of 1952 loader, Tail gate sanders and snots plows are to replace items worn out. Pick -up is a replacement Ycr 1964 unit. The air compressor is needed to drive the street striping machine. The unit we have nnw does not have the power to do an adequate job. This unit will be retained to drive jack hanvers9 concrete breakers, etc,.,, Vacuum.street cleaner can be used for cleaning deers catch basins and manholes., icLing up wet and dry leaves, picking up heavy street sweepings, and )over .flushing of otreets, The total cost of unit is $339000,CO of which two-thirds will be charged to Public Works and one-third to Seeger Rental Fund, The unit would be ti�urchased sometime during 1972, We feel the :snit will help us do various jobs with less MEnpower and cost. VILLAGE CF EDINA ANNUAL RUDGM ''AGE 42 Flind Faection Area Act. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL OTMAY 230 100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coale Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 5. Replacement dump trucks M $11,000 $13,500 Front -and loader(1 /3) 59000 2,000 sweeper (1 12) 7,500 Replacements: lusting Hitch 600 Fail gate: sander 1,100 1,200 Snobs plows (2) 1,700 1,800 nick -taps (2) 3,000 2,000 Attachments for leaders Backhhohhoe 1,;500 Sidewalk sweeper 1,000 Sidewalk plow 600 .Air compressor 3,500 Vacuum street cleaver (1/3) 10,000 i i I � i I i I I MAL CAPITAL OUTLAY J33y0Q0 $36,000 $36,000 _ , i EST'WATED OBJECT 1.9;7 RFCON4MM D E D 3y t Ian , PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND I 1OLICE _�'RGT£:C x EOIG f 24 � � 0.0 $ 5502547 PROPER'i'� - -- — 20,222 SUMim AftY 1970 BUDGETED EST'WATED OBJECT 1.9;7 RFCON4MM D E D a 1 BUDGETED 466,738 $1565,162 - L PERSONAL SERVICES $ 5502547 $ 539,072 19„099 20,222 2. CONTR &CTUAL SERVICES 22,55? 22,287 1x,9116 3,960 1 C®MM009` IES ?. � 2S, 7 108,600 108,600 4. CENTRAL SERMES 1-29,420 129,420 15,959 16,3411 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY 21,992 21,992 � I2,31.2 _ 14,283 y 727,,n4, i COMMENTARY UINCTION The "vximary function o � police protection is to protect life and p'ropc -rty ',�,rhich includes irrveest'igation . o maj'roiJ c.times antl g,ubl�'c mo- -Pal offEenses., d3�'�<enses F���i:d.ch ha-ue to do with the maintenance of peace, and enie ' ee€ ent of traffic violations, °the authority to do 0119 is g-fa.n.ted to a 1a.-9 -2 extend: t:hrsu. -h cric:�inel r;ra c`v-il . codes, arid village, stage, cnnd feder-nj jegi.�'..1e'!d'?o ,'1£.eact— ;ng the pCtl•ile in gT +. newal, C4MMH S Proposed expenditures are nineteen percent (19`/0) highez. than 1.a,3t year's appropriation, Salary increases and three additional natrolmen represents about: t}iBC'ee - qua tens of the increase, he -aE`Xnf ipa;. x-r-as n rcr the balance ii S high -.3r Central service allocation Ci°L.i§'F4llCnfL ''i5i ich _'.S 113f0/. of total sa ,n:y), 'kt -,0 included in an electrof'ile system for quickc. access to records, so -wo may serve, the Public better: The below hired detaii co€it:r'a.butes to the inc'- zaase ADOUIRT Sala--ries anr;..';7ages $ 83,809 Pension suppizz nen 1 -00 9_ ConBe-eerces and schools 256 Teletype 923 ggpp y ryry s 4Urifo m till Y:^_, ;'•i .nd`l�l`'fl r�c.iLide� CdefiC'�c_ FJea'� 2,5000 Psy^^chlI.dz�.ogice�+l tl?s�t:ingv4v 2°09 r c� ot'heL cone --z-ac twa services Ammu il-� ti 0n AAd//.�.5yy 9 5V Jail and primier e:.pense 11175e Phot:ogra-p �i c supplies 20C General supplies 4,16 Other commodities to Cep ?ad e.ervi'ces 20,C-20 Ga`01-Lal outlay 6,Q ;31_.ry TC V-'..L 14 e1 5 (.301 ., VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 44 Fund Feaction Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 PROPERTY Director $ 16,830 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Prat Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Director $ 16,830 $ 17,850 $ 17,850 Captains (2) 28,368 31,032 31,032 Sergeants(7) 71,628 91,577 91,577 Patrolman (13) 110,032 150,364 150,364 Patrolmen (fie) 51,083 43,968 43,868 Patrolmen ( 5) 49,300 52£155 52,155 Patrolmen ( 3) 37,050 29,303 29„303 Patrolmen ( 3) 4,290 27,540 16,065 Detectives( 4) 464912 50,615 50,615 Dispatchers(3) 23,400 26,100 26,100 Dispatchers(PT) 8,985 11,232 11,232 Secretary 6,120 6,690( 6,690'(B ' Clerk- typist 50910 6,450(B ) 6,450(B Insurance 1,520 1,800 1,800 Overtime detectives 910 Filing Cleric (PT) 2,400 2,471 2,471 Education incentive pay plan 2.0W 1.500(A) 1.500(A $466,738 $550,547 2, Pension suppIment $ 9 6900 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Conferences and schools 1,640 1,,386 1,386 Dues and subscriptions 229 223 223 Teletype 540 1,463 1,463 Radar and drunkoneter 450 425 425 Laundry 40 40 40 Uniform allowance 5,900 8,400 8,150 Psychological testing 400 600 600 $ 19,099 $ 22,537 $ 22,287. 3. Ammnition $ 850 $ 1,000 Jail and prisoner expense 300 445 Photographic supplfe 300 500 First aid Mpplies ISO 150 Fire extinguisher supplies 60 80 GQneral supplies 256 672 $ 1,946 $ 2,847 $ 2,847 VILLAGE OF EDINA MANUAL BUDSU PAGE 45 Fund Activity Arne 4a. X40. !3 1 :?ROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY POLICE PROTECTION 24.100 I-XPENDI LUXE 0sET'AI Code Activity Object 0etail e�dx�e u Bdget t Recommended Budgeted 4. Geaeral $ 69,900 $ 84,420 villa '-6 Hall I 5.x100 5,220 Equipment operation 33,4600 39,780 $108,600 - $129,420 $129,420 I So `vehicles Pistols and ` $ 15,174 I $ 13,500 i shotguns Ito 110 Lockers 115 Combination PA and siren 210 Information system 350 Tape recorders 360 Protection screens 270 Vertical gun holders 252 Visible iilie system 7,500 15.95 2 92 S 21., 992 TOTAL POLICE HOT,CTION i 51 2 727,343 $715.618 Note P-�Incent.ive pay is Included with regular ay ire the pant Is i �. I j 8- $25.00 January 1 and $2500 my 1. i I I , i DIU Z�U 0 SPIE; 1 1970 B Ri ID. C, T L D L, S, T �, i A AT E D 206, 198 $206,,556 4,117 5,120 45,120 3,817 264,372 5,285 3,555 3,513 $1-64 - 01-19 �,, U ,'h t��,A, R y OBJECT L H'ilis,01MAL SEMCES 2. CONTMUCITUAL SERVIL(C-MuS 4. CMYRAL Kfi.%ICES 5. UkHTAL OUTRAY TUT"Alis COMMENTARY 1971 H 5, imf D Bui 5 F"! D $ 2 4 7 , 3 0`1 $ 243,001 5,773 `t,473 9,31-6 3,316 54V600 54, 600 Im 13,184 324, -d7l,, 34,, 4, 2 54 FUNCTION Basically the objectives of FiKe Protect.-ion r!Lee (1) to -zeve-nt fires from sm4tinfg,, (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case .) YL-e does st-art- (3) confine a fire to the Place of ur•gin; an i4) all fix-eo-, In geneiall, this involver, the pro%Ading of se:t:%rices -Em: both fl-E-e pzevention and fire zftghting� CONNHENTS Proposed expenditrur-ss are thirty percent- (301) h-.-her than last .ye giros appropriation. salaz-y inc-2e hi,72-h(-�r C00t 0.f T3inn-q:J_m..e -re,,---popse) ci - and full year of pay Eny ne-;y men hired dur-ing !'1.9,70 (Api,:-1.1, July, and Octolber) represent about fifty percent of increase., Higher allocation of Cent-ral scnrvicn costs (retirement 13AA on tot&!. salary) and Capital Outlay items, make up- the hal-ance- of incTease. 'rite below listed 4eta-1-il ccontributes to the lncrc-plseo ANDUNT Salaries and -,Aageo $4.1 ,1831 07ENMEAL PROTUCTI ON OF AM) FiRE HkOIECTION 24, 2 (11, 0 ,150-00 per year) PROPERTY Wrhei- contractual snrvices E, 1 1970 B Ri ID. C, T L D L, S, T �, i A AT E D 206, 198 $206,,556 4,117 5,120 45,120 3,817 264,372 5,285 3,555 3,513 $1-64 - 01-19 �,, U ,'h t��,A, R y OBJECT L H'ilis,01MAL SEMCES 2. CONTMUCITUAL SERVIL(C-MuS 4. CMYRAL Kfi.%ICES 5. UkHTAL OUTRAY TUT"Alis COMMENTARY 1971 H 5, imf D Bui 5 F"! D $ 2 4 7 , 3 0`1 $ 243,001 5,773 `t,473 9,31-6 3,316 54V600 54, 600 Im 13,184 324, -d7l,, 34,, 4, 2 54 FUNCTION Basically the objectives of FiKe Protect.-ion r!Lee (1) to -zeve-nt fires from sm4tinfg,, (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case .) YL-e does st-art- (3) confine a fire to the Place of ur•gin; an i4) all fix-eo-, In geneiall, this involver, the pro%Ading of se:t:%rices -Em: both fl-E-e pzevention and fire zftghting� CONNHENTS Proposed expenditrur-ss are thirty percent- (301) h-.-her than last .ye giros appropriation. salaz-y inc-2e hi,72-h(-�r C00t 0.f T3inn-q:J_m..e -re,,---popse) ci - and full year of pay Eny ne-;y men hired dur-ing !'1.9,70 (Api,:-1.1, July, and Octolber) represent about fifty percent of increase., Higher allocation of Cent-ral scnrvicn costs (retirement 13AA on tot&!. salary) and Capital Outlay items, make up- the hal-ance- of incTease. 'rite below listed 4eta-1-il ccontributes to the lncrc-plseo ANDUNT Salaries and -,Aageo $4.1 ,1831 Laundi,!y 200 Clothing allovance (Increased ,150-00 per year) 1,4" 0 Wrhei- contractual snrvices E, Clothing rep aeement 766 Ld foam. ±, 5 PhotogT,aphic supplies 25 GeneTni supplies Central sar�rlces C �-npital ou-thay TOML VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUMEET PA-wF 47 FtMd Eamon Arm Act. Me. GEN�RIA, PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE. PROTECTION 24.200 Activity PROPERTY Detail Budget EXPENDITURE DETAIL Present Cade Activity Object Detail Budget Recommended Bedgeted 1. Chief $ 13,.560 $14,520 $14,520 Assistant Chief 12:,780 13,680 13,680 Lieutenants (3) 33,780 36, 144. 36,144 Drivers (3) 31„500 33N984 33,984 Fireman (6) 40,755 65,558 65,558 Firemen 0) 19,453 29,325 29,425 Firemen (3) 26,370 27,630 27,,630 Firemen (2) 12,240 4,3800) Firemen Part -Lire 14,000 20,000 209000 xv.surance 760 760 760 Education incentive pay plan 1,000 Clerical- Parvj time 800 � 800 _ $206,198 $247,381 _ $243,001 2 Confere=es and schools $ 1,376 $ 1,375 $ 1,375 Duos and � subscriptions 191 148 198 Laundry 700 J00 900 UrUfarea allowance il,850. 3X00 z nor► $$ 4,117 $ 5,773 $ 5,473 3. Clothing replacer meat $ 610 $ 1,376 � Liquid foam 535 650 Photographic supplie 225 250 First and supplies 450 450 Geasral supplie.,B 1,540 1,450 i Hose 11J60 3 ; 640 �- $ 5,120 $ 8,516 _ $ 8,316 i o General $ 30,300 $ 37,560 Village Hall 4,620 4,740 Equipment operation 10 .200 12,2100 $ 4.5,120 $ 5�� 8 GOO $ 54 8 600 i i I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAry ' 48 Fund Function Area Act. No. GEMERAL PROTECTION OF PEMSONS AND FINE PROTECTION 24.200 50 PROPERU $ 175 EXPENDrrURE DETAIL Code_ Ac @a 4 Olject MO Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 50 Hattress and beds(2) $ 175 Portable radio 650 $ 738 $ 738 Air pack tar& 330 210 210 i 500 gallon water IStank for pumper 1,700 Resuscaa Annie 297 Hydrant markers 465 Typwriter ` raplaceeaent 200 Radio receivers (25) 4,562 4,562 ft.,zles and valve 1,471 1,471 Si-,Pea and speaker 198 198 Radio change overs 525 525 Scott air masts 1,485 1,485 Pick up 2,200 2,200 Rri -pressure fire righting unit 1795 1,795 Reserve for pumper during 1973 15;000 3,017 28,184 S M184 a TOTAL FIRE I i PROUCTIOI 1264 372 53 2� 5 $324.574 A a 4o start Octo i i i r 1, f 970. 1 P 2 CENERAL 17�ROTE'CTION -OF PEIR.SONS, AND CIVILIAN 2 3 01 0 PROPERTV ISUMMARily 1970 D 3 O L11— I , 1971 2 970 3 602 3,150 650 470 2. C.0 N" Y TRAM Y UAL S E IR d C E 1.65 27 B. C 0 Svfi \%'Q D � T i E -S 4. .9. CALH171AL (OUTLAY 4,085- /1;,02` cY 11 =9 9 CO All. INI -_I- N 7.41, R-Y FU M. CIA 10N The Edina Civilian Defense organi' 5ttion mnitit:ins iiaiso". with local, skp.te anti federal agencies, in order to -xrovide the needed ---2sources to Tr.eeL emergency s "tiations of catastrophic natyur.2. Particula-r emphasis is lbeing placed upon, an effort to better integrate and c�-Ioxdinate the activities of p8id and volunteer eme =rgenc- y personnst, COWMENTS r�a Proposed expenditures are slightly lm,,,ter then last year"s appropri-atium., The below listed detail contribu!�es to the increase;. Salaries arid ;;rages Service-supply repincement .1 Wes and subscriptions CGimedities TOT'AiL A1,60 U V T $180 150 a 95 Vfi1A E OF EDIN ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 50 Fund Fwctien Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DEFENSE 24.300 PROPERTY Director $2,,970 EXPENDITURE DETAIL. Code Activity Object - Detail Present Budget Reco:s mEnded Budgeted 1. Director $2,,970 $3„150 2, Conferences and schools $ 40 $ 40 Dues and subscriptions 10 13 Leased liras for siren 300 300 Service supply . replacement 300 X150 $ 650 $ 503 3. Uniforms- reserves $ 325 $ 300 Amunition:.reserves 90 40 Radiological survey meter supplies SO 30 465 370 DOTAL CIVILIAN i i i i , DEFENSE 42085 4,023 $49023 Fsrd Ranctasn Awn Acct. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PER SONS AND. PUBLIC HEALTH 24,400 Central services PROI'E F.T`I Capital outlay 209 1970 EUDGE ED ESTIMATED $ 21,520 $ 21,304 1,383 1,156 835 894 4,620 28,567 FUNCTION 4,620 27,974 U MARY OBJECT 1. VEC60NA! SERVEQ:;5 2. WNTElACTUAL SERVECE5 3. �Ni�vB ®r�8T8E5 4. UNTUI SERVICES S. CAP&TAL OUTLAY TOTALS COMMENTARY ,�'l�'�An(�� �� 1971 yypp app _ RE'c �.YI'J1iVE'.. ND�D BU IGE E I �D $ 21715 $ 1,528 882 5,880 $ 31,005 $_11.005 The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing laws to preserve and promote the public health and safety, and to protect the life and Health of all persons vithin the community., COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are nLne percent (9 %) higher than last year's appropriation. Salary increases and additional part -time help represents the principal reason for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase, /`4igf� Salaries and wages $1,,195 Mileage 150 Other contractual services 5 Commodities 47 Central services 15,260 Capital outlay 209 TDTAL , 2 4438 VILLAGE OF EDIN A ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 52 EXPENDITURT- DETAIL Erode Activity Object Detail Fund Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PUBLIC HEALTH 24.400 $12,540 PROPERTY EXPENDITURT- DETAIL Erode Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Bud oted 1. Sanitarian $11,700 $12,540 Medical officer 300 300 Secretary Q) 3,570 3,225(B) Extra help 2,:550 2,850 Laboratory technician (1/3) 3,000 3,300([ Sumer help - laboratory (1/3) 400 S00 $21,520 $22,115 2, Conferences and schools $ 515 $ 500 Dees and subscriptions 68 78 Mileage 800 950 $ 1,383 $ 1,528 3. Test equipment and supplies (1/3) 835(A) 882(A 4. General $ 3,120 $ 4,140 Village Hall 780 900 Public Works Building 720 840 $ 4,620 $ 5,880 5. Glassware (1/3) $ 134(A) File 75 209 r i � I TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH 28.567 $31.003 $31p,005 Kate A e Represents one-third of the cost. The balance to a shared equally with Saint Louis Park and Bloo+ ington. B - $25.O0 January 1 and $25.00 July 1. C - $50.00 Janiary 1 and $50,00 July 1. VILLA G1- O1` EDINA ANNUAL QUDSET I'AGH 53 Fund I Function Ara® Acct•. No. GENERAL i PRCTECTION OFYPERSONS AND ANIMAL CONTROL 24.300 SUMMARY _ 1970 EUDGSTED ESTIMATED OBJECT 1. PERSONAL SEP.ViCUS 15,, 600 15,793 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMOD570ES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,600 $15 ,,793 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1971 RECOMMENDI.M 6UDG31* 0 16 ,,548 16,848 16.848 FUNCTION Animal Control is a function of Village Government designed to Protect life and property from the injurious activities of animals,, both wild and domesticated. The Village Council has,, by ordinance, regulated the leashing and licensing of dogs. VILLAGE ' re IEDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 54 Fard a s�s;t mc AF2i7 � Acct. No. GENERAL PR TECTIQ OF PE�iSO�yS AND PROPERTY INSPECTIONS 24600 SUP0MARY 1970 and wages $2,940 1.971 BUDGETED. ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMI -IN€ IED BUDGLTED $ 4.0,380 $ 40,462 1. F0SONAw SERVICES $ 43,320 $ 1,241 1,283 1 CONTV-.ACTUAL SERVICES 1,330 406 632 3. COMMODITIES 682 8,220 8,220 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 9,420 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 4; 54,247 $ 54, 587 TOTALS COMMENTARY 54,752 54,752 F014CTION The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke, building, plumbing and sign permits; enforce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances and codes; propose and revise building, plumbing anc' construction codes; establish house numbering; recommend condemnation and abatement of unsafe buildings; and inspect all building construction„ COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are one percent (1 %) higher than last year's appropriation, Salary increases and higher allocation of central services., less reduction in capital outlay are main reasons for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increased AMOUNT Salaries and wages $2,940 Conferences and schools 197 Mileage 108 Printed forms 226 General supplies 50 Central services 1,200 Capital outlay 4.—A00 TOTAL I 505 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE S5 Fund Function Area Act. No. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS 24.600 PROPERTY Building inspector $126000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail PPesent Budget Recommended Budgeted 1,, Building inspector $126000 $12840 Plumbing and heat - ing inspector 11,400 12,300 Assistant inspector 9,600 10,320 Clerk 5,460 6 ,,060(A Extra help 1j920 11,800 $40,,380 $43,,320 2. Conferences and schools $ 838 $ 1,035 Dues and subscriptions 113 115 Mileage 288 180 $ 1 ,,241 $ 1,330 3. Printad forms $ 239 $ 465 Coate books 75 75 General supplies _. 92 142 $ 406 $ 682 4. General $ 6,300 $ 6fl960 Village Hall 960 1 ,,020 Equipment operation 960 1 440 $ 8,220 $ 9,420 5. Plan storage rack $ 200 i Automobiles 3,800 4 000 0- TOTAL 114SPECTIONS SCs -752 $54.752 __$54j247 i ' t Note A o $25.00 January 1 and $20.00 July 1. A�S�A� Q��kLLAG Or- EDINA v PAGE 56 Fund Function Area Acct. 4o. GENEIVI NOW DEPARTMENTAL 317,PENDITURES CONTINGENCIES 26,100 Sl9AA.N+�ARY 1970 r,UDG;-:rED ETIMATED 004ECT a. PERSONAL SER@ ICaS 15,000 12, 369 2. CONTRACTUAL SE.ViCES I COMMIOF3MES 4. Cll- 'MTRAL SERVECES S. CAP SAL OMW $15n000 $ 12 „369 1971 TOTALS COMIMENTARV i'.rCOMM,ZMD' " :D BUDGETED 09000 20,000 y_40,000 20.nQ0 FUNCTION During the year;, unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has been no previous appropriation This account is a reserve for such contingencies. COMMENTS The additional provision for contingencies is for operating expense if second garage is acquired, and also furnishings and extras for new fire station. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL gUDGE i PACE 57 Fund . Function Arco Acct. No. GENERAL NON - DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES SETTLEMENT OF SUITS I 26:,200 SUMMARY 1970 1971 BUDGETED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMWNDED BUDGETED $ 1. PERSONAL. SERVICES $ $ 500 150 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500 500 3. COMMODBTIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 00-11— $ 150 $ 500 $ 500 TOTALS COMMENTARY ns filed against the Village. VILLAGE -3F EDINA ANNUAL BUDSET PAGE 58 Farad Functioc Area Acct. No. GENERAL NDN- DEPARMENTAL EXPLNDITURES SHCIAL ASSESSMENTS ON 1 VILLAGE PROPERTY 26J00 SUMMARY 1970 BUDGETED ES'I EMATED OBJECT $ p 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES. 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 50,000 56,872 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY r 50,000 56,872 TOTALS COMMENTARY 1971 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 55,000 55,000 $ 55.000 FUNCTION The Village owned properties are subject to special assessments for various improvement projects, This account proV'ides fends to pay these assessments,, COMMENTS The acquisition of additional lands for public purpose has caused the increase in cost of special assessments. VILLAGE OF EDINA I ANNUAL BUDGET I PACE s� Fund Function Area CAPITAL Acct. No. GENERAL WNQ DEPARTHENTAL EXPENDITURE CENTRAL SERVICES- OUTLAY . 26 � 500 1970 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY OBJECT 1971 RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $ $ 1. PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 50,D845 48,794 S. CAPITAL OUTLAW 6202019 7,299 $,SOn845 $ 482794 $ TOTALS 62,299 $ 79299 — COMMENTARY F'UIJC LION Certain items of equipment or improvements which have a useful life of more than one year, which cannot be allocated to any particular function, are classified in this account. C�GIMNTS The improvements to Village Hall are needed to partition the Assessing Department fo- more privacy. Also to rearrange and relocate various offices in the general offtce area. The equipment buildtng is needed for storing seasonal equipment and supplies,, VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. SUMER' PAGE 60 Fund Activity Feaction Area CAPITAL Act. No. GENERAL WN- DE PARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE S CENTRAL SERVICES OUTLAY 26.500 UPENDITURE DETAIL. Code Activity abject. Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted VILLAGE HALL 5o Improvement: General office $ 2;,000 $ 3,000 IDT'AL VILLAGE HALL $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $30000 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Bquipment storage sled- Robert ° s property $55,000 $55,000 Storage loft and racks 2,000 Emergency electrical hook -up to generator 11 0 1,.900 3OTAL PUBLIC 'WORKS BUILDING $47,000 .$56,900 $1,900 EQUIPMENT OPERATIO Tool replacements and renewals- various $ 1,845 $ 2,399 TDTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATION 1,845 2.399 52.399 I f I TOTAL CENTRAL VICE CAPITAL OUTLAY $50,845 $626299 $7,299 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDS"ET PAGE 6- Fund - FuncHon Area Aca. Flo. GENERAL WN- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVDIENTS 26,600 1970 BUDGETED ESTIMATED SUMMARY I i9%1 OBJECT RECOMMIL'INDED BUDGETED 1. FERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 85,000 85,000 5. CAPITA, OUTLAY 108,328 $ 85,000 85,000 108,328 $j08,328 -- --- TOTALS — — —�.r COMMENTARY FUNCTION This account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements, COAMNTS The additional appropriation will be used to complete the financing of the nee? fire station, VILLAGE Ob EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 62 Fund Function AJod No. GENERAL NON - DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 26., 700 . 1970 5SUDC5STED ESTIMATED 9,000 $ 9,000 6,342 S 6,342 SUMMARY OBJEECT 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERVICES 5. CAPOTAL OUTLAY 70TALS COMMENTARY 1971 RECOMWENDIED BUDGMTEO 8,700 1,200 �mo 10,200 10.200 VHJLAGE OF ED8A9A AN14UAL BUDGET 5IAGE 63 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object. Detail Fund Femction Area I Act. No. GEM RAL NON- DEPARTMTAL EXPENDITURES HLWN Rimrs comassioN, � 26.700 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object. Detail I Present Budget Recommended Budgeted I o Director- Part- timrz $ 6,000 Clerical -Part -time 2 700 $ 6. 0, $ 88700 20 Conferences and schools $ 500 Dues and subscriptions 100 Edmeation programs 600 tclassified MOO $98000 $ 11200 3. Printing and other 300 I I� i i i II I f I I 9 000 $10.200 $10.200 VILU-kGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 64 Fund Funcrawl Az, sa Ace€. Wo. PARK PARK AND RECREATION AD'KNISTRATION 47. 100 SU- MMARY 1970 SUDC-bTED ESTIMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED 1971 BUDGETED 56,920 56, 592 1. PERSONAL SERVICES 64,272 $ 1,830 2."206 2• CONTRACTUAL SERV CES 2,170 175 41 3. COWAODIVES 175 24,060 24,060 4. CENTRAL WE► CES 30,000 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY 82,983 82,899 96,617 $_96_.617 TOTALS — � COMMENTARY FUNCTION The Park and Recreation Department is responsible for the acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of the Village parks and recreation facilities, and the conduct of the recreation program. Providing for the administration of the party and recreation function is the object of this account. The Edina Park Board, as an advisory body to the Edina Village Council, assists in the plans and operation of the park and recreation functions COMMENTS Proposed expenditures are sixteen percent (16 %) higher than least year's appropriation. Salary increases and central services (retirement and social security) allocation are the main reasons for the increase., The belovy listed detail contributes to the increase„ AMOUNT Salaries and wages $ 7,352 Conferences and schools 150 Dues and subscriptions 50 Mileage 140 Central services 5,940 70TAL JIL632 VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDC-32T PAGE 65 Farad i -coon Area Act. too. PARK PARR AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 47.100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present �� t 6 Recommended Budgeted 1. Director I $15,100 $178700 Assistant director 12,000 13,200 Program supervisor � 8,250(A) 98360(B) Secretary 6.120 68870(C) Clerical 1,850 2,150(C) Paid leave 13,000 14,592 Training 400 400 $56.920 $64,272 20 Conferences and . schools $ 650 $ 800 Aces and subscriptions 100 150 Audit: 720 720 Mileage 360 500 $ 1,830 $ 20170 3. Printing $ 100 $ 100 Books and pamphlets 75 75 $ 175 $ 175 4. Gesoral $188720 $248180 Village Bali 1,680 iA740 ftblic Works Build- ing 1,980 2b220 Equipment operation 1.680 1 i,.860 124,060 30 000 i MTAL ADHIHISTRATION $ $96.617 $96,617 Piste A - $75000 Ja ary I and $75000 July 10 i S o $35000 Ja3mary I and $4OaOO July la I C _.$2So00 J ary I and $25o00 July 10 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAt�L 66 FuM Faa&a Am Acct. RM PAM PARR MM RECRUT1014 RECREATION PROGRAM 419200 SWAMARY 1970 _ _ 1971 BUDGMD EMMATO OBJECT RECOMMENDED _8100M., D S 38,480 $ 37,868 1. PERSCML SEW $ 40,`AO $ 8,500 8,425 2. COMTRACM 4L SF,I M 9,500 9'175 10,655 3. CA)MMOOMES 9,375 � .ONTRAL SERB= $. IYAL OUTI,AT 56J 55. 56,9 8 59,315 X5,9 3i5 TWAU 11010 I-Vi fiy_ -N� FUNCTION The Village, in addition to providing park facilities,- conducts a year around recreational program as a function of Village goverwaent. This program is the responsibility of the Park.and Recreation Department. It includes such activities as organised baseball, softball; bockey, swimming and tennis instruction; and a summer playground program for --=It children. Some of these activities receive financial- support from various service organizations, and in ctbers the participants themselves prey a portion of the costa ODMF�TTS Proposed expenditures are.six percent (6%) higher than last yearlo appropriation. Additional personal services, higher cost of bus and pool rental are the main reason's for the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages: Baseball and softball Skating and hockey Tennis instruction Playground Saisming instruction Teen _ program Miscellaneous and special ectivities Buis rental Rsol rental Commodities.- Baseball end.softball Skating and hockey Tennis instruction Playground Swimming instruction Teen program $ 40 600 270 500 550 500 500 $1,960 500 Soo 200 200 75 300 23 300 Miscellaneou@ and special activiti MOUNT VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE 67 Fund Fs =tion I Ages Act. Mo. PARK PARK AND RECREATION I RECIMATION FROGRAN 47 „200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code. .Activity Object Detail � paesent Budges Recommended Budgeted 210 Baseball and Softball to srapervision $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Coaching assistant 1 760 1,600 3,260 $ 3,300 3e Plates and bases 5 500 $ 700 Rats and balls 300 300 Catching equipment Equipment repair , 300 J 150 300 150 S 1,-.250 50 =LA. i $ 4,510 $ 4,750 _ I DTAL ASBB AMD SOFTBALL 220 Skating and Hockey 1. mink supervision $ 8,600 $ 9,200 Hockey coaching 540 540 $ 914,0 $ 9,740 3. Goalie equipment 200 $ 400 Goals 250 250 " 450 650 a 9,590 $10,390 TOTAL SKATING EOCKEY 230 Tennis Iestruction 1, Instraactor $ 660 $ 700 A;ssistdat Instructor), . 770 1.000 5 1,430 $ 1,700 i 3. `tennis balls 125 I I $ 150 I gets 250 300 Unclassified 25 25 400 J S 475 TOOL TEMI IESTRUCTION $ 1,830 $ 2,173 i 24to Playground 1. Leaders $10 ,,500 $11,000 3. Crafts $ 2,300 $ 2,000 Replace uts nad renewals 800 800 $13,600 $13,800 i i i f i e i i TOTAL i PLAYGE OMM VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BURG PAGE 6S Fund Fawdicrl i Area Act. No. � `PARS{ L PARK AND RECREATION XIEGREATION PROGRAM 47.200 Code Activity Object Detail s present Budget Recau-n:atended Budgeted 250 Swimming — i Iustruction 1. Supervisi ®n I $ 750 $ 750 Instruction Attendants 7,000 600 7,500 650 Registration 400 400 $ 5,750 $ 9,300 2. Sus rental i $ 7,000 $ 7,500 Pool rental 1 „500 2 000 $ 8,!ioo s $ 9,506 3. Unclassified 225 200 $17,475 $193000 TOTAL. SWif?fMI INSTRUCTION 260 Teen Program 1. Supervision $ 1.,000 $ 500 3. Equipment and Supplies PriatixnS iii $ 1;,000 51}0 $ 500 300 Unclassified 500 500 - 21000 1 A 1 500 T`IAL TRH E ROMMS $ 3,000 $ 2 000 270 Hir• � ®3lans and Special Activitie Ia Payroll i $ 23.200 l $ 2,640 Leaders I 2 200 2 2f30000 r 4,400 g j � o 1as'irn$a�g suumar bulletin $ S00 $ 900 j Children's summer i theam and PMPP tr)7 1+ Football , 1+50 200 Ur:elassifled 4140 0 200 TOTAL MCEILAMOUS AIM SPECIAL j !� ACTIVITIES $ 6x,150 � _7 jff® i i I I I 1 i MAL � REC09,TION PROM � $55 ^ 15S � $39,315 559.315 VILLAGE OF EDINA AoNHUAL SUDGhT PAGE 69 SUMMARY 1970 DUMEMD MrIMATED ON E= 1971 BUDGETED � PARK PARK AND RIN- REVEI ®N MAINTENANCE 47.300 ; SUMMARY 1970 DUMEMD MrIMATED ON E= 1971 BUDGETED � $ 80,200 $ 77,406 - -�. fR , 5MVWM - - -- 91200 6,750 8,101 CONTRACMAL SERVM 8,050 15,91w 16,114 3' COMMMES 19,000. 16,,620 16,620 4, CENTML SRVKM 19,140 CWffAL OUTLAY 119,510 118824 IWALS 137,390 COMAMM ® FUECTIDN Paark Maintenance Involves the care of all Village parks and recreation. facilities. Included In this budget acccmnt are only these properties designated as parks,, Other Village properties such as boulevards, islands, triangles, lift and pumping stations,, etc.., are maintained through other budget accounts, although the ground work is done by the park maintenance crew. The maintenance of parts Includes turf care, establish- ment and care of trees and plantings, litter removal, maintenance of part buildings, anC equipment and skating sinks. ORMTS Proposed empanditures are fifteen percent (15 %) bigher than last year's appropriations. Additional payroll (Golf Course- winter help and Arens r help) Ianal salary increase are main reasons for the higher appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages: ing Special turf care Plantings FarA trees Litter rival Parking area maintenance Building and e(:pipmernt Maintenance Skating rink maintenance Utilities Electrical wiring Commodities- Mowing Special turf care Litter removal Parking area maintenance Building and equip=nt Maintenance A14D0NT $ 4500 1,500 )1,000 800 1,000 20200 _J111000 $11,000 1, 500 200 25- 0 10 110 200 central services $2,520 VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGE` �) 70 Fpta�ee�d�y Activity Object Detail Act. 3�o. PARK ®ASV AND try� p7 PARK ADD h!L' CREAW10 4. 1u�p-���A���pw Amt�e tp7 MA NUTEA?A1�30�'E 470300 EXPENDITURE DIE A@L Code Activity Object Detail Present I Budget Recommended Budgeted 316 Hawing 1. P-ayroll $Z ��? 13,5 3a Repairs, Harts and hand' twwers 750 500 4. Equipment: operation 020 4,,620 $16,770 -�18,620 TOTAL NOVI RE0 320 Special Turf Catre la payroll $13°000 $14,500 20 Centracted work 9,800 1,800 3o Seed $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Sod 540 1,200 Fertilizer 1,600 1,600 Black dirt 1,000 600 Weed spray 450 200 $ 4,790 $ 4800 4. Equipment operation � 2,100 2,460 SAL SPECIAL TURF CARE $21 g, 690 $23,560 330 Plantings and Trees 1. Payroll $ 3p000 $ 6,000 20 Uqui ient rental 130 150 3. 40 I Plant material l� l quipmrt operation I x.,000 i A 620 1,000 11920 $ 7 170 I $ 9,070 TOTAL PLAN ?GS AND RS 340 i Litter Real 1. payroll $ 6n000 $ 6,800 i 3. Trash containers 500 600 4. TOTAL,LIT01 Hquipment operation lil@A VAL 1.260 1 1,440 $ 7,760 $ 8e840 3,901 Parking Area � s Maintenance: i 1. Payroll $ 2,300 $ 3,500 y Read oil 1 $ 1 },300 $ 2,300 i Sam 300 500 Unclassified 300 300 $ 1,900 1,200 _ $ 2,100 1.440_ 1 i j i 4. "i `T'AAL I PARKINZ I I i Equipment operation AREA MAINMMNCE y 5,600 _ $ 7,040 _ � VIUAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGdF1 PAGE 71 Furd Fe dio area tic?. No* PARK PARK AND RECFATION PMINTENANCE 4763€0 EXPENDITUR2 DETAIL Cede Activity Object Oefail Present R Budget Recommended � Budge2ed III — —�-- -- d 360 Boildie$ and � Equipment Hann ex aye l o 'Payroll ! $ 17,700 19,900 20 Utilities I 1,200 1,700 30 Lumber $ 3,250 $ 3,500 Repair materials i— 3.250 $ 6,500 $ D 1 k Equipment operatio =n j 2,100 2460 I _ MTAL BUILDIING AND EQUIPI - NT DLUNTEka GE $ 27,500 $ 33,560 370 Skating Rink i mainievmee 10 PayalI $ 24,000 $ 27,000 2. Electrical wiring 700 500 Power 700 90 flat_ 2.200 3,000 3,600 $ 4,400 A�Cllidps and fixtur,ye' ' 500yy {�3o 4. I Squipmeent oporatiola ),� �J6.1320 p� (�i��0fJ0 4 800 _ � 32.420 36 700 TDTAL SKATING RIM HAINTER: E 119 510 1 137 390 9337..390 i IITfTM MUNTSHANCE VILLAGE OF? EDXW "� 8d ._ _ _ _ - PAGE 72 PARK HAIPI fiM4CE PA` MLL OISY�tIBi�1'3 � S1T�i�R�! 1 ' lMQ3 HDAtbly Sala t Apgrop,riations Title 1970 1971 1970 1971 1970 1971 Park Foremen 1 Park Keeper III Bmildiag Engineer i 'Park Deeper II iTemporary Laborer, fSurmer) Overt me I Golf C.curse (Winter help) Arena (Sear help) spring Clean up help 4 1 1 $856 $945 $ 10,272 $ 111,340 1 l 76 8(A) 832 9,216 9,984 1 1 698(A) 770 8,376 9,u- -o 10 10 693(A) 758 83,160 90,960 Skating rink aminte nance 81;040 8,800 _ 91.200 6,000 6,600 Charged to Other funds: 6,240 9,096 13 13 3 „032 �3J36 4x000 $000 $153,,052 DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreation: Adminio tration: Traleaing $ 400 Paid leave 14,592 Recreatiou: Miscellaneous and special activities 23,600 Mote A - Present rates Maintenance: E evi� $ 13 a 500 are $10.00 to $24,00 Special turf care 14,506 Plantings and trees 8 month higtaer, 6,000 Litter royal 6,€300 Part area Maintenance 3,500 Building and equipment maintenas a 19,900 Skating rink aminte nance 27 n 00 _ 91.200 IO TAL PARK ANT) PXCREATION $108„792 Charged to Other funds: General - Public Works Building $ 1,200 General -.%- blic Works 18,4'60 General- Equipment Operation 2,300 Swimming Pool 4,500 .Golf Cagle 1 „800 Recreation %rater 11,060 waterworks 1,600 Sewer Rental 1;000 Village Hall 1,000 Libr ary 1X4.00 _ 44 260 TOTAL 15 052 VILIJ�GE OF EDINA A�NNUAL BUDGET PA,SE 73 - 197® _ � S 16„IIUD & 16 17®14x3 �13 ®1J' 1971 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 11,450 � 11D�50 L4:. LSO PUN TIDN lip —sn diteare's for items of eguipmat which have a usai:ul life of more thzin one year are classitidd as capital outlayb DDS Additional amount needed to acquire seven-gang mowsr to help take care of jinareaeing daziand for Vetter mmicured parks and additional acreage of moving. New truckster is weeded for ballfield maintenance and transportation for sir heloo propose to revamp flooding tanker so that outlying rinks can be Clooded with lens man pmmr and also obtalniaq better tee. Staation wagan will be for assistant director. His present vehicle will be retained for use as transportation for the maintenance crews. Station wagon will also be used for €trnisb8ug transportation for Paris Board members and visitors on Inspection ton ;ses3 0 Hose and nozzles and chain eau are replacements for veers oast items. Pi@nie tables are nee4ea'd for various park areas on week -ends and holidays. Rotary mmmr is meded for mowing vacant lots and other Grillage properties. AM e. kla P PARK RECREATION CPI OUTLAY � 4:•7oz ®�.� - 197® _ � S 16„IIUD & 16 17®14x3 �13 ®1J' 1971 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 11,450 � 11D�50 L4:. LSO PUN TIDN lip —sn diteare's for items of eguipmat which have a usai:ul life of more thzin one year are classitidd as capital outlayb DDS Additional amount needed to acquire seven-gang mowsr to help take care of jinareaeing daziand for Vetter mmicured parks and additional acreage of moving. New truckster is weeded for ballfield maintenance and transportation for sir heloo propose to revamp flooding tanker so that outlying rinks can be Clooded with lens man pmmr and also obtalniaq better tee. Staation wagan will be for assistant director. His present vehicle will be retained for use as transportation for the maintenance crews. Station wagon will also be used for €trnisb8ug transportation for Paris Board members and visitors on Inspection ton ;ses3 0 Hose and nozzles and chain eau are replacements for veers oast items. Pi@nie tables are nee4ea'd for various park areas on week -ends and holidays. Rotary mmmr is meded for mowing vacant lots and other Grillage properties. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDG 0 PAGE 74 Fund Fmtction Area Act. No. PARK PARR AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.100-5 EXPENDITURE MAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted S. MATE Sweeper $ 2,000 Four wheal drive pick rap 3,5W Sam blower 700 Jointer 5100 Seven,8ws er 7,000 i $ 2,,000 Replace mut -brom and wing steeper 1,000 Rotary zwver 500 ( 600 up truck � 2,000 ! eP,�mi�e,,ie Y cKster 1,800 Picnic tables 700 Fls edlvg tamer l"500 station Dragon 3r,000 Brush king 250 Chain s at 400 Adding whine 200 Replacement -hone and n�or2i @� i 00O � f I `TOTAL CAPITAL OU11Aa i §162800.. $11.450 911-450 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 75 Find Fmcftn I Ame AccL etc. P00R L RELIEF AND PUBLIC b=SING 90.500 2970 DIUDGE-Em EMMATED 13,980 13,700 SUMMARY 1. PERSONAL SERUM 2. ICOMMCTUAL 5ERVIM 3. COMMaODMES 4. CAT SERV-WZ L COML, OUTLAY _ 1971_ _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 15,690 �23�980� $ �3 700 13690 �.� WTALS COMMENTAW FUNCTION Represents Village cost of relief and administration, and shared cost of Rural Rtannopin County Horsing. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDEVET PACE 76 Pw I Fvgas I -- A � a CORSTRUCTION I I CAPITAL IHMV MMNT'S 1970 _ Dll E-MMA` 809000 80,000 SUMMMY 1 1371 _ � .ECowakm BU0Sr-a 80,000 00000 �0 n 000 80,000 80x000 's 8 �� CO ARV FUNCTION Represents emunt allocated from Liquor OaspeasaTy rand for Capital Im}wo nts. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 77 Fad Area AccL H& BADS AND INTEREST 1970 64 ®500 ES'I'tAAAi'dS S 639210 SUMMARY OBJECT 1. "WOM SERVICES 2 COHMC UAL SERVICE 3. COMODITO 4. CI:Im.a SERVICES & CAPITAL OUTLAY 1971 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGMD 64 ®600 64,;SW 63,210 64,600 666..600 . WALS FUNMON These farads are used to mans amoral payments on outstanding bonds. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDS H T PAGE 78 P� Eras Arse Att Me. FIRS PROTECTION 20.160 -9 =9= 1970 _ 1971 _ BUDGETED ES'fMATED OBJECT RECOMMENDED PUDGEYED $ 1. PERSONAL SOMM $ d 17 a 900 17,542 2. COWMCTUAL SEW 13,730 3. COMMOOMES 4. CEWRAL SEMIS S. COITAL OWLAT Q 17,900 � 17,542 13,730 1..Q ._ .�...� ASS Fi9Bi0TIDN Riapreswts amount of hydrant rental for fire protection paid to waterworks fund. TILLAGE OF EDIINA ANNUAL BUDGVi PAGE 79 Fwd Fawfiw Am . N% FIREMEN° S RUIEF ASSOCIATION I 20.2309 BUDGETED 6,000 1970 _ ESTIMATED S 3,880 SUMMITRY OBJECT 1. PERSOHAI. SWiCES 2, COMMCTUAL SERVIC S 3. C0A0=1TIES 4 CENTUL SEWICES 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1971 _ _ RECOMMENDED 6lJteGE�D 7,,800 ww*1 6 S�� q es 7,800 7.800 OTAL$ COMMENTAW r MIC i ION `C Represents the amount the Village contributes for retirement of volunteer f d remon ri VILLAGE OF ETA ANNUAL BUDGE? PAGE 80 _ 1970 252,360 7,200 273,530 7,338 SUMMARY 1971 I d—C 6 kDi6 BUDGETED 295,620 7,800 259,560 X280,868 61Q Z420 IWALS FUNCTION These eupenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments;, postage, equipment service contracts,; ac,A insurance premiums. Thee costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, biased on usage,, CCNzNTS proposd expenditures are eighteen percent (15° %) higher than last year °s appropriations !fit seventy -five percent (73 %) increase is represented by higher cost of retirement aped social security. Social security increased both the rate mW base salary. Hospi.talieation cost also assumes a gate increase &ri.ng 19710 The below listed detail contributes to the increase A -MUNT Telephone $ 1,350 Pension contrf1butions 034,,644 Postage 1,20O Liability instirance 4f,200 Workman's CoqasEasaation insurance 4,200 Employer's sbaare- hwspftalizaziaa . 8,736 Equipment venial -copy machine (2) 300 Office supplies 600 TOTAL I 6 86O �o 0 Acce, r R LVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL, 25. 1€30 _ 1970 252,360 7,200 273,530 7,338 SUMMARY 1971 I d—C 6 kDi6 BUDGETED 295,620 7,800 259,560 X280,868 61Q Z420 IWALS FUNCTION These eupenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, telephone, pension payments;, postage, equipment service contracts,; ac,A insurance premiums. Thee costs are allocated to operating departments and other funds monthly, biased on usage,, CCNzNTS proposd expenditures are eighteen percent (15° %) higher than last year °s appropriations !fit seventy -five percent (73 %) increase is represented by higher cost of retirement aped social security. Social security increased both the rate mW base salary. Hospi.talieation cost also assumes a gate increase &ri.ng 19710 The below listed detail contributes to the increase A -MUNT Telephone $ 1,350 Pension contrf1butions 034,,644 Postage 1,20O Liability instirance 4f,200 Workman's CoqasEasaation insurance 4,200 Employer's sbaare- hwspftalizaziaa . 8,736 Equipment venial -copy machine (2) 300 Office supplies 600 TOTAL I 6 86O �o VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 81 Fund Feactean Area Act. Bea. RMOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 250100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Rccommended Budgeted 20 Telepbna2 $ 13,620 $ 15,000 Equipment service contracts 20400 2,400 Pension contribution 164,616 1990260 Postage 85400 95600 Insurance: Liability 14,040 9,840 Workmen's compensation 21,000 250,200 Employer ° s share ' bospitaliaation 24,384 33,120 3quipment rentals 3,900 1 4.200 $2529360 $298,,620 30 Of-flee supplies 7.200 7,800 TOTAL GEMRAL 259 560 306 420 $306.420 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPBRATY G DIP DZM-. ANUM MQVMY $ 1,320 $ 110 Mayor and council Planning 3,000 250 Administration 9,360 80 Pinanca 9,600 900 Election 360 30 Asseaming Legal and court Se ce 8,640 960 720 80 Library 1,200 100 Pteblic Works.- Administration 3,600 300 ` 8nginwesiva I 12.900 1,073 General 36,600 3,850 i Police J 84,420 7,035 Fire 37,560 38130 Public Health 4,140 343 Inspections 6,960 $80 Village gall 1,260 105 Pbblic marks Builftng 1,.140 95 Equipmmat operatiom 6.240 520 $2299260 $ 19,105 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PASE 82 Fund Faction Arco Act. No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERMC ES GSNMAI, 25,100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Budget Budget et Recommended Budgeted ALLMMI) TO OTOR Ss MMML MQNTBLY Sing Pool $ 420 $ 35 Golf Course 9,300 '175 Recreation Center 5,400 450 Pack 24,180 2,015 Waterworks 13 ©260 1,105 Sewer Rsautal 9,660 805 Liquor -50th Street 6,180 515 Liquor- Southd ale 4,080 340 Liquor- GranMew _ 4,680 390 77,160 6,430 f i' II %OAS $306,420 25,535 VILLACZE OF EDI ANNUAL Bl�DG� �'��� �� F bra R LYING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE HALL _ M"200 S°�AAAAAR�P _ 1970 OUDSMD UTIMA` ED OBJECT 12 6 300 $12,624 �. PE A$Ai� smvm -- 116335 100180 COMA@CTUAL SEMM 3,605 3,085 g�. e7a ®6®09i Cleaning supplies 900 4. CINTPAL SERVEM ISO Gemral supplies S. MMAL OUTLAY 28 0140 26 789 TOMS __ iFCO WAENDID BUDGETED $13,600 11,420 3,360 i� F 'j ,260 &_29.640 FMMTION Thi's &--count provides for the operation and maintenance of the Village U -2116 Operating costs are allocated to departmnts on the basis of space occupied,, COFi HIS Proposed empcndi€ures are five percent (3%) higher than Iast ye8r °.s apprtopriationb SaRary increases and allocation of additional personal services repriesoaats tha principal reason for the increase. ANDS Salaries and wages $1,300 Utilities SO Insurance 35 Laundry service 240 Electrical and fOr:nace service I50 Contracted mmlce and repairs 10 Cleaning supplies 160 Paper supplies ISO Gemral supplies 95 Repairs, paT03 aud bardrrare 50 Carmnter materials and paint 300 Replacement-light bulbs 100 Pamlisag©hall side entrance 7001 Central services 360 807 ALILLC -`ems � s tc a a�a��e� ^�s"'__- VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 84 L',fld Aegivity Amu Act No. REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES VILLAGE Fi&L 25 2 ®0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Aegivity Object 0etae9 Present Budget Recernmeoded Budgeted 1. Custodian $ 7,800 $ 8,400 Entra help and overtime 2,600 q 3,000 Public works- pzyroll 1;,000 1,200 Parkwpayroll 900 11,000 $12 &300 $139600 2. Heat : 2,200 $ 2,300 Light and pwar 5,200 5,000 tester and sever service 250 300 lasmrraance 625 660 Rubbish service 600 600 Lezftdry service 660 900 Slectricsal and furnace aerrvices 750 600 Air conditioning seance 300 300 Contract service and repairs 750 760 $11,335 $119420 3. Cleaning supplies S 50o $ 650 Paper supplies 65€9 500 General Supplies 705 800 Repair parts and barftare 250 200 Cctgnnter materials and paint 500 Soo Rople- cement-1 ight i bulbs 300 400 n P Emel ing-hall side entrance 700 �3 3x605 $ 3,360 4. General 900 1.260 t i MM VULAGE IUI,ru S28 140 � 640 $29.640 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 85 Fund Function Area. Act. No. REVOLVING OENTPAL SERVICES VILLAGE Hf&Li 25.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted . DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATED TO OPERATING DB TMNTS: ANNUAL MDNTHLY Mayor and Council $ 2,820 $ 235 Planning 900 75 Administration 4,500 375 Finance I 1,GOO ISO Assessing 1,800 1.50 Public Works: Administration 900 7S Engineering 1,680 140 Police 5,220 435 Pare 4,740 395 Public Health 900 75 Inspection 1,020 85 $26,280 $25190 ALLOCA79D TO OTHER Ss Park $ 1,740 $ 145 waterworks 840 70 5eerer Rental 780 65 3,360 280 I l TTAL 29.640 $2.470 VILLAGE OF EDINA! ANNUAL BUDSET PAGE 86 FWA U [xMb GDa�� I __— Ages �ia`esl'3� 61 & R13VOL�iYAIG CED IMAL SERVICES � PUBMIC 170RKS S3BZMING 25.300 tDU0Hll7dd8 Rtl 1970 $4644 Light and pwrer 1971 _ �'U _ 13TlMATED OBJECT _T RECOMMENDED BUDGE�i D 80200 S 9,955 1 AMMOM SEMI 9A840 12,300 13,444 2, CONTRACTUAL SEMM 12,960 2,340 2J99 3• 2,700 720 720 4. CEO SMYCIM 1, 140 I CAPITAL %A'f &13o6,10 26 0918 26,640 _ 2,5.6 O fumtlon of the Publie Wosrks Building is to provide a shelter for equipment leaintemance operations, steep ua,; and office area for public works pertsoa i,, tO imposed expenditures are thirteen percent (13`0) hisher than last year °s appropriation. Salary Increases, allocution of additional personal services =d higher retiremnt costs are the L*e ason: for the imreaseo The below listen detail carkeributes to the increase. n `ui Salaries gaud Wagas $4644 Light and pwrer Soo Other contractual services so Cleaning supplies ISO 0eneral suppUes, hardware aud repair parts 260 Repiacesent -'Ught bulbs SO Central Services 420 TOTAL 3 ®QO VIL sSE OF EDIINA ANNUAL BADGE' R, 87 Fund — _ F iaa i Area I Act. Me. REVOLVING COMM SERVICES PULIC, WDEKS BU)JELD IG + 2S.-M EXPENDITURC DETAIL Cede Active Object 1 Detail PPe BL det a Recc -amendcd Budgeted I.' Cmstodian $ 6,,000 $ 7,740 Fablic Works-payroll 1,000 900 Park- paymil 1 200 1.200 8,200 $ 9s84,0 20 Heat $ 4,830 $ 4,800 Light and power 5,000 5 F, 500 Insurance 900 S00 Rubbish lunldag Seuer and water 660 660 service 450 540 j Contract work 970 1.000 _ $12,380 $12,960 f 3. Cleaning supplies $ 750 $ 900 Gemeeral supplies, har&aare and repair parts 1,24.0 � 1,500 II Replacement-light bulbs 350 ' 300 _ $ 2,340 $ 2,700 4. General +� 720 1,140 MTAL PUBLIC 1VORKS BIaLDING 123 640 26- &,0 $26.640 I DISTRIBUTION L TO OPERATING DEPM116HTS o Aar KITH ,Y - $ 840 $ 70 i aTth Public Works I 2,220 185 FqUipmat Operati€ n 20,400 1,700 $23,460 $1955 ALLMUD TO OTHER I M park $ 2,220 $ 185 waarogwrls 480 4" Sir Ramtal 480 40 $ 3380 9 f I)` ^26- 640 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 88 F"d Farm AMo Aa . w, BIJ ED MMAM OBJECT 25.1100 RRMVIM CENTRAL SETIVICKS XQOIPIZHT OPERATION �" S 65.000 SUMMARY 1970 AMOUNT $ s.100 Radio service 1971 BIJ ED MMAM OBJECT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED. � $ 590900 8 59,465 1. pER5ONa SMVIM �" S 65.000 226000 38,366 2. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33,500 749400 800262 3. COMMODiilF.S 82,460 22,860 229860 'L C.E14TRAL SERVICES 26,640 L C"ITAL OUTIA7 179,160 2009953 �� 20 0 207..600 -. WTI.. FUNCTION This account provides for opevation and maintenance of all vehicles, maintenance egtaipment0 and pour tools. Cones o2 equipment operation are charged to operating departments wW other funds on the basis of nee. COi+�A3lS Proposed mpanditures are sixteen percent (167.) higher then last year's apprepriat3ou. Salary increases, radio service, insurance costs, various commodities and central sezv3ces are the principal reasons for the increaseo roe below listed detail contributes to the increase. Salaries and wages AMOUNT $ s.100 Radio service 1.500 Insurance 8,500 Car wazbes 1,500 Replacement of tools 50® Suck waterial 1.000 Welding Supplies 540 Gaeolim and fuel oil 4,000 Tires and tubas 1,500 Lubricants 16000 Accessories and parts 1.600 Central services 3,780 WTAL JIL440 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 89 - - Object Oetcil Frond FU=Nca Area Act. No. i® CENTRAL SERA -CES EQUIPI�€ NT OPERATION 2566,00 Code Ackkity Object Oetcil Present Budg et Reccmmeedcd Budgeted I. Mechanic -2arema. $ 9,758 $ 30,740 Mechanics (2) 18,4.30 20,232 Serviceman (night) 5,577 9,345 Sez iceman 59320 9,0p9 y Public works-payroll 6y,000 �6 6,000 Parts Clerk flara 2v82O 3012O(Ar park and Golf 0eursen payroll 39500 4:,000 overtime 2,487 2,464 $ 59,9O0 65,000 20 Rio service $ 5,500 $ 7,000 Lmadry 1,580 l ,. 500 Cmeracted repairs 7,500 7,500 Insurame 7,540 16,000 CaT washes 1 500 $ 22,000 $ 33,500 -- 30 Raplac t of tGol� $ 1,500 $ 1,000 Stock materials 6,000 7,000 waldf a supplies 1,000 460 Gas ®lize and fuel ail 24 „000 "2580330 Tires wd tubes 7,000 8"309 LubrIcants Accessories and 2,500 3,3C0 parts 32, 500 34a00O 749400 .4, 52,460 4. General I $ . 4,620 62O $ 6 e 24O 14iblie Works i Building 15 240 20,400 � =22 560 640 r _. _26 MAL EQUIPMNT OPERATYON 179 160 207P,600 Note A - $25600 J ary 1 $20.00 July 1. VILAGE OF EMMA ANNUAL BUDGES PAGE 90 IFund —_ Fanctccn Area acct. lid. f R`iiLVING G T SERVICES Ed�IJIP�ff�NT OPE AMN � 25 !.00 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Mail present Budget Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION A `, D FTWMO OPE XG E Z PAR o ANLTAL N3i�'7 LY v Adminisenation 720 $ 60 AsSeSSIM3 720 60 Ftahlic Works: Administratiou 720 60 Engineering SuYervis3ion cl Oise w1ad 7,200 720 600 60 street Maintetawe 68,460 5,705 Streit Lighti 720 60 Street Nam S1.8us 2,100 175 Traffic Contr l 4,140 345 Bridges 720 60 Storm Drainage 4,140 5 Village prove : gag 6,300 525 sidewalk 900 75 Police 39„700 3,315 Fire 12,300 1£025 Inspections 1,440 120 $131,080 $12,590 ALLOCATED `M 01W i Fi3N Swiming Fool 900 $ 75 Golf Course Recre,nlon Cent) Parks , r � I 13,200 3,120 21,000 1'100 260 1,750 j waterworks 7,500 625 SGMT Ramtal 5,400 450 CAMStIOCtiOn (ASSeGG ;,ro jects) 5.x±00 450 a 56 52® 4,110 I i TOTALS $207,600 $17.300 PAGZ A A"guot 21, 1970 VILLAGE OF EDIM SCHEDULE OF MMDM SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEM%S 1970 AND R971 GENEML AMIINISTRATIO14 Direceor of Finance and Treasurer Assessor Depaxty Assessors Village Clerk Administrative Assistant Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial: Clerical I (4) Clerical II (11) Clerical III (3) Legal Prosecuting, Attorney Planning Technician Accountant- auditor PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE* Directors of Pdblic Safety and Police Chief Captains - 2 years service 1 year service First year Detective Sergeants (School Liaison): 2 years service 1 year service First year Ser;eants- 2 years service I year service First Year Detectives -2 years service I year service First Year Patrolmen -4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 'I year service First Year Dispatchers-Desk clerks Dispatchers -Desk Clerks (Hourly) FIR13 Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants Drivers- Inspectors Firemen - 4 years service 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First Year Part Times --: - . and $4 25 per hr.. $4 ,,25 per drill, 1970 1971 PER MONTH PER MONTH $1,650 $1,750 1,125 1;250 950(D) 1,025 675(D) 750 750 (D) 825 350-450 350-500 400-550 400-600 504 -700 500 -750 750 750 1,175 1,275 750 600 1,650 15750 1,155 1,235 1,100 1,175 1,045 1,120 1,005 1,075 990 1,060 970 1,040 985 1,055 970 1,040 945 1,010 955 1,020 940 LOOS 925 990 905 970 865 925 825 885 765 840 715 765 675 725 3.60 4000 1,130 1,250 1,015 1,100 930 995 875 935 850 910 820 875 785 81.10 750 805 680 X30 150% of a fire fighter's thereafter:, regular hourly rate„ with a minimum of 2 hours for each .off -duty calf $4 25 per drill Schedule of Salaries and Wages Continued: A August 21, 1970 MBLIC SAFETY CONY D. 1110i the total compensation for members of the Police Department $30,00'a mouth shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off -duty graining from the Fire Department is fire fighting techniques,, for aiding in the extiagaishing of fires and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates,, 30.00,per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside normal firemen's duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager, '-**Off -duty police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills shall be paid the name as part-time firemen, ELECTION Judges and Clerks Chairmen PARKS AND R9CRBAT10N Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Pool Manager (n) Assistant Pool Manager (s) Concession Manager (s) Pool Cashier Bathhouse - Concession Attendants (s) Swimming Instructor (s) Life (wards (s) Pool Maintenance (s) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (a) Baseball Assistats (s) Hockey Coaches (s) Rink Attendants (s) Playground Leaders (a) Skating - Skiing Instructors (s) Park Keeper III* Park Keeper II# Park Deeper I# Golf Course Beasiness Manager Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks (a) Arena-Manager Areas - Assistant Manager Arena- Haintenance supervisor Arens - Guards, Cashiers., Concession Attendants 1970 PER MONTH $2 „00 per hour 2.50 additional $1,275 1,100 1,000 800(A) 725 475 500 2 � 15 per hour 450 1., 50 IA 215 Per hour V n65 11 IA 1.50 11 it 2.50 01 00 2.50 2025 OG Aa 1'n 9® a0 11 500 758 2000 per hour 2.50 Ga it 2n00 01 AI 2025 it it 5000 In st Class 778 708 638 715 840 2.75 per hour 850 708 708 2 o 5O per hour 1971 PER MONTH $2.25 paper hour 3,50 additional $1;,4x75 1,100 800(A) 525 475 2 � 15 per hour 1 � 75 1., 50 IA as 2.50 el !A 2,50 IA !A 2,.00 91 la 525 2.,00 per hour 2050 11 AI 2025 OG Aa 2.50 ' ! A of 6,00 Inst XIass 832 758 688 8.50 (B) 900 2,,90 per hour 900 758 733 2,65 per hour August 21, 1970 Schedule of Salaries and Wakes Continued.- A (s) - seasonal, (A) - $35.00 Jantuary 1; $40.00 July 1. (B) - $65oOO January 1; $70.00 July 1. (C) - $50.00 January 1; $50.00 Julys 1. (D) - $Salary was adjusted mid -yeaxo 1970 1971 LIQUOR STORES TER MNTH PER MONTH Manager _ $1,250 $1,350 Assistant Manager 870 935 .. Assistant Managers - stores 835 895 Clerks - Regular 3.40 per hour 3,55 per hour Clerics - Part -time 2.70 °1 " 2.90 ee ee INSPECTORS Plmnbing• $ 950 $1,025 Building 1,000 1,070 Deputy Inspector 800 860 HEALTH Health Officer $ 25 $ 25 Sanitarian 975 1,045 Laboratory Technician (1/3 Edina °s share) 750 850(C) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering $1,500 $1,650 Supervisor of Survey 1,000 1,070 Supervisor of Design 1,000 1,070 Supervisor of Inspection 1,000 1,070 Engineering Aide III 800 850 Engineering Aide II 700 750 Engineering Aide I 600 650 Superintendent, Public Works 1,175 1,250 Superintendent, Water 1,000 1,070 Foreman- (Street,sever,water,parks,00d mechanic) 900 965 Heavy Equipment Operators# 778 832 Light Equipment Operators# 708 758 Maiutenance Man# 638 688 . Mechanic 798 854 Mechanic °s helper # 708 758 Janitor 650 700 Sever -water Utility Man # 708 758 # - Starting rates may be 20°61 less for the first threes months of service and 10% less for the second three monthe o (s) - seasonal, (A) - $35.00 Jantuary 1; $40.00 July 1. (B) - $65oOO January 1; $70.00 July 1. (C) - $50.00 January 1; $50.00 Julys 1. (D) - $Salary was adjusted mid -yeaxo COMPARATIVE S13MARY OF N&liOR OBJECTS BY -ACTIVITY AND FtYND YOR YMR.S 1971 AND 1970 coritoacteal SGEVIC06 O s itiQ@ Personal Con €erencee Supplies central Capital Activitleo Services and Schools Other evener al SR®ciel SQxvica© OaAtlax Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayor and Council: 1971 $ 13,200 $ 350 800 $ 4,140 $ 18,490 1970 13,200 350 800 3,360 17,710 Increase- Decrease* $ -Q- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 780 $ -0- $ 780 Planning: 1971 $ 26,325 $ 340 $ 2,690 $ 325 $ 75 $ 3,900 $ 33,655 1970 19,670 365 3,070 250 75 3,780 27,210 Increase- Decreaae * $ 6,655 4 25* S 380* $ 75 $ -0� $ 120 $ -i?- $ 6,445 Administration: 1971 $ 65.170 $ 466 $ 8,738 $ 125 $ 75 $ 14,580 $ 600 $ 89,754 1970 58,250 645 6,964 250 50 14,220 600 80,979 Increase - Decrease* $ 69920 $ 179* $ 1,774 $ 125' $ 25 $ 360 $ -0- $ 8,775 Finance: 1971 $ 71,700 $ 470 $ 2,630 $ 50 $ 11,400 $ 86,250 1970 50,820 555 2 „365 50 10,800 64,590 Increase - Decrease+ $ 20,880 $ 85* $ 265 $ -0- $ -0- $ 600 $ -0- $ 21,660 Elections: 4971 $ 3,545 $ 925 $ 395 $ 360 $ 1,795 $ 7,020 1970 7,315 250 955 1,851 10,371 Increase - Decrease* $ 3,770* $ -0® $ 675 $ -0- $ 36014' $ 360 $ 56* $ 3,351* Assessing: 1971 $ 58,440 $ 835 $ 1,627 $ 925 $ 11,160 $ 795 $ 73,782 1970 58,110 1,718 1,116 470 11,280 1„900 74,594 Increase - Decrease* $ 330 $ 883* $ 511 $ 455 $ -0- $ 120' $ 1,105* $ 812* Legal and (court Services: 1971 $ 9,000 $ 33,450 $ 960 $ 4-3,410 s 9 i 0 9 ;,000 29 p 4OO 660 39 R 060 Increase- Decrease* $ -OQ $ -0- $ 4,050 $ -0- $ -0= $ 300 $ -0- $ 14,350 Library: 1971 $ 12,380 $ $ 13,065 $ 1,550 $ 250 $ 1,200 $ 28,445 1970 11,050 _ 11,840 1,250 250 900 252290 Increase- Decrease* $ 1,330 $ -Ob $ 1,225 $ 300 $ -Oa $ 300 $ -0- $ 3,155 TOTAL, GENERAL GDVERN?4ENT.- -1Q99 1.10 25Sp,60 2 €x;61 h q 6n 42R ��,�� A a (° 2,92.E $ 1 6. A,6w3 $ IN 0 �ir,eCu A A OtoA .y,8>� � 3rAA A O yt�V,cile�i 1970 227,415 3,633 55,003 2,220 2,160 45,000 4,351 339 804 Increase- Decrease* 32,345 $ 1,172* $ 8,120 $ 705 $ 533+ $ 2,700 $ 1,161 $ 41,002 Activitlea _ T[7BLIC WORKS: Administration: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Engineering- 1971 1970 Increase- Dacrea e* Supervision and Overhead- 1971 1970 Imrease- Decrease* Street Maintenance- 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Street: Lighting- 1JlA ,"7^ V Increase- Decrease* Street Name Signs: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Traffic Control: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Bridges: 7.971 1970 Increase- Decrease* COMPARATIM SUMMMY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY A.UrIVITY MD FUDID (CONV D) Contractual Services cmMmo€it.100 gerconal ConferGaacea Supplies Central Cagiial Seavices and Schools Other Geneval S'aecial SeE vicar Outhay T'owl _ $ 24,150 $ 50 $ 5,220 $ 25,420 22,050 100 $ 30 4.740 26,920 $ 2,100 $ 50* $ 30* $ -0- $ -0- $ 480 $ -0- $ 2,500 $112.070 $ 100 $ 3,700 $ 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 21,780 $ 3,350 $1468500 107,750 100 - -$ -- 3_;,700 4,000 1,500 18,960 8,675 144685 $ 4,320 $ -0 -- -0- $ -0- $ °0- $ 2,820 S 5,325* $ 1,83.5 $ 52,860 $ 550 $ 90 $ 250 $ 39,540 $ 93,290 48,520 450 90 200 37,260 86,520 $ 4,340 $ 100 $ -0- $ -0- $ 50 $ 2,280 $ -0- _ $ 6,770 $160,200 $ 62,600 $ 90934 $ 8,511 $ 68,460 $390,705 144;,000 649,000 80,478 7,751 60,360 356.569 $ 16,200 $ -0- $ 1,400 $ 16,456 $ 760 $ 8,100 _ $ -0- $ 34,116 $ 550 $ 84,000 $ 1,000 $ 720 $ 86,270 300 ! / 1 500 1 f 000 600 79 � € 00 $ 50 $ -0- $ 6,500 $ -0- $ -0- $ 120 $ -0- $ 6,670 $ 8,600 $ 9,182 $ 2,100 $ 19,882 8,000 8,924 11800 18 724 $ 600 $ -0- $ -0- $ 258 $ --0- $ 300 $ . -0- $ 1,158 $ 11,850 $ 9.150 $ 9,574 $ 3,297 $ 4,14+0 $ 38,0111 11,000 99150 6,890 2,783 39600 33123 $ 650 $ wo- $ -0- $ 2,684 $ 5141 $ 540 $ -0- $ 4,588 $ 2,800 $ 3,000 $ 1,188 $ 1,200 $ 720 $ 8,908 3,500 4,500 _ 1,000 1,050 600 10,650 $ 700* $ -0- $ 1,500* $ 188 $ 150 $ 120 $ -0- $ 1,742* w _ Activities PUBLIC WORKS GONV Do Storm Drainages 1971 1970 Increase- Dccreaso* Village Properties: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Sidewalks and Ramp: 1971 '970 It1CtC'r'1ie° 7i�:i�L35t�:: Capital Outlay: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* (PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Police Protection: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease Fire Protection: 1971 1970 Incre se- Decreasp* Civilian Defense; 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease' COHYARMIVE SUMMARY OF WOOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONVD) Coneractual Services Gorsroditiee Perconral Conferences Supplies Central Capital Services and Schools Other General S22cial Services Osstley Total $ 26,500 $ 1,386 $ 1,300 $ 2,650 $ 3,000 $ 4,140 21,992 $727,343 $ 37,590 24,500 17,459 -- 2,000 2,000 2,750 32600 612,342 $ 83,1309 1 34,856 $ 2,000 $ . -0- $ 700* $ 650 $ 250 $ 540 $ -0- $ 2,740 $ 23,300 $ 2,650 $ 2,300 $ 3,850 $ 12,500 $ 6,300 1,376 $ 48,250 21.500 2,215 2,905 1,800 45,120 3,850 3,817 12,320 $ 4 +1,183 5,400 1* $ 1,657 44,870 $ 1,500 $ -0- $ 500 $ -0- $ 180 $ 900 $ -0- $ 3,380 $ 2,900 370 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 900 610 $ 5,300 2 2000 $ 7,500 4,085 500 $ 500 $ 900 $ -0- $ 11,400 $ 900 $ -O- $ 7,500* $ 50u $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 6,100* $ 36,000 $ 36,000 33,000 33,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,000 $ _ 3,000 $425,780 $ 700 $166,140 $122,378 $ 31,758 $154,020 $ 39,350 $940,126 3932320 650 170,270 107 „642 295854 419675 8.81,231 $ 32,460 $ 50 $ 4 „130 $ 14,736 $ 1,904 $ 16,200 $ 2,325" $ 58,€395 $550,547 $ 1,386 $ 21,.151 $ 1,402 $ 1,445 $129,420 $ 21,992 $727,343 466,738 1,640 17,459 796 1,150 108,600 15,959 612,342 $ 83,1309 $ 254•x' $ 3,,692 $ 606 $ 295 $ 20,820 $ 6,033 $115,001 $247,381 $ 1,375 $ 4,398 $ 2,650 $ 5,666 $ 54,600_ $ 28,184 $344,254 206,198 1,376 2,741 2,215 2,905 45,120 3,817 264,372 $ 4 +1,183 $ 1* $ 1,657 $ 435 $ 2,,761 $ 9,480 $ 24,367 $ 79,€382 $ 3,150 $ 40 $ 463 $ 370 $ 4,023 2,970 40 610 465 4,085 $ 180 $ -0- $ 147* $ -0- $ 95* $ -0- $ -0- $ 62* W COMPARATIVE SLMARY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONVI D) nacz -iv J1 _4-ea PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY CONY D, Public Health.- 1971 1370 Increase- Decrease* Animal Controls 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease Inspections: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease= NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: Contingencies: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease* Settlement of Suits: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease= Special Assessments on Village property: 1.971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Cant actual sesyica® Co se��dtie� Personal GonferrenceG Supplies Central Capital Serrvicea and Schools Other General . Spseicil Services Outlay Total $ 22,715 21.520 $ 1,195 $ 500 $ 1,028 515 868 15* $ 160 $ -0- $ 882 $ 51880 $ 31,005 835 4,620 $ 209 28,567 $ 47 $ 1,260 $ 209* $ 2,438 $ 40,000 $ $ 16,848 15,000 15,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 25,000 $ °0- $ -0° $ -0° $ -0- $ 25,000 $ 16, 84 -8 500 $ 500 15,600 inn 15,600 $ °0° $ °0- $ 1,248 $ °0- $ °0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,248 $ 43,320 $ 1,,035 $ 295 $ 142 $ 540 $ 9,420 752 $ 54,752 40.,380 838 403 92 314 8,220 $ 4.000 54,247 $ 2,940 $ 197 $ 103 $ 50 $ 226 $ 1,200 $ 4,000' $ 505 $867,113 $ 4,336 $ 44,183 $ 4,194 $ 8,903 $199,320 $ 50,176 $1,178,225 737,806___ 4,409 37,681 3,103 5,669 166,560 23,985 979,213 $129,307 $ 73* $ 6,502 $ 1,091 $ 3,234 $ 32,760 $ 26,191 $ 199,012 $ 40,000 $ 40, 00- 15,000 15,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 25,000 $ °0- $ -0° $ -0° $ -0- $ 25,000 $ 500 $ 500 500 inn $ -o- $ _o. $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ _O: $ 55,000 $ 53,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 $ 5,000 of COMPARATIVE Si.I�11+1 RY OF MAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT" D) Contractual Services Commodities Personal Conferences Supplies Central Capital Activities Services and Scbmolc Other General Special Servicea outlay Total LION- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CONY D. Central Services - Capital Outlay: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Capital Improvements: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Ibman Rights Commission: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL NON- Mi PARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease* PARK FUND: Administration: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease*, Recreation: 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* Maintenance: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease* $ 52,299 $ 62,299 50,845 50,845 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 11,454 $ 11,454 $108,328 $108,328 85,000 85.000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 23,328 $ 23,328 $ 8,700 $ 11200 $ 300 $ 10,200 - _ - - - -- - - .9,000 9,000 $ 8,700 $ 7,800* $ 300 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,200 $ 8,700 .0,, $ 41,700 $ 300 $ -0- $ -0- $225,627 $276,327 24,500 185,845 210,345 $ 8,700 $ -0- $ 17,200 $ 300 $ -0- $ -0- $ 39,782 $ 65,982 $1,561,353 $ 7,497 $315,148 $129,797 $ 42,306 $401,040 $318,343 $2,775,484 1,355,541 8,692 287.456 112.965 37,703 349,380 255,856 2,410,593 $ 202,812 $ 11195 $ 27,692 $ 16,832 $ 4,603 $ 51,660 $ 62,487 $ 364,891 $ 64,272 $ 800 $ 1,370 $ 100 $ 75 $ 30,000 $ 96,617 56,920 650 _ 1,180 100 75 24.060 82,985 $ 7,352 $ 150 $ 190 $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,,940 $ -0- $ 13,632 $ 40,440 $ 9,500 $ 9,375 $ 59,315 38,480 8,500 9.175 56,155 $ 1,960 $ -0- $ 1,000 $ -0- $ 200 $ -0 -. $ -0- $ 3,,160 $ 91,200 $ 8,050 $ 16,400 $ 2,600 $ 19;,140 $137,390 80,200 6,750 12 „940 3,000 16,620 119,510 $ 11,000 $ -0- $ 1,300 $ 3,460 $ 400* $ 2,520 $ -0- $ 17,880 PARK FUND CONT"O.: Capital Outlayo 1971 1970 Increase- Decrease* TOTAL PARK 17UND: 1971 1970 Increase - Decrease CMeARATIVE SLW4ARY OF MAJOR OB.ZCTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (Ct ETO D) C<;antu ey-4al Seuyicec Cc aaditioe Personal Canfereace8 Suppliee Central Capital Services and Schools Other Gamral Special Services outlay Total OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: $ 11,450 16,A00 800 $ 11,450 16 ., 800 $ -0- $ . -0- $ -Oa $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,350* $ 5,350* $195,912 $ B00 $ 16,920 $ 16,500 $ 12,050 $ 49,140 $ 11,4,`50 $304;772 175,600 650 16,4+30 13,040 12,250 40,680 16,800 275,450 $ 20,312 $ 150 $ 2,490 $ 3,460 $ 200* $ 8,460 $ 5,350* $ 29,322 OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: Relief and Public nursing: 1971 $ 15,690 $ 15,690 9.970 13,980 13,980 Increase - Decrease* $ -0- $ a 0- $ 1,710 $ -Oa $ -0- $ -0- $ -Om $ 1,710 Park Construction =Capital Improvements: 1971 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 1970 809000 80,000 Increase- Decrease* $ -0- $ -0m $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- Bands and Interest: 1971 $ 64,600 $ 64,600 1970 64,500 -- - -- _ 64,500 Increase - Decrease* $ -0® $ -o- $ 100 $ -0- $ -Om $ -0- $ -0- $ -- 100 -- Firemen°- Relief Association: 1971 $ 7,800 $ 7,800 1970 6 000 6,000 Increase - Decrease* $ -0° $ -0a $ 1,800 $ -0- $ _ -0° $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,800 Fire Protection: 1971 $ 13730 S 9.3,730 1970 - -- 16,900 162900 Increase - Decrease* $ -0a $ -0- $ 39170* $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,170* TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES: 1971 $101,820 $80,000 $181,820 1970 101x380 80,000 181,380 Increase - Decrease* $ .0. $ -0- $ 440 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 440 Percent of Increase - Decrease* Over Last Year: 14.54% 11019% 7056% 16.10% 8.81% 15.41% 16.20% 13;76% w COMPARATIVE SUMiulARY OF MAJOR OR.TSCTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND (CONT' D) Contractual Services Comoditiev Personal Conference& Supplies Contral Capital Activities Services and Schools Ocher General S2scial Services Outlay Total TOTAL ALL FUNDS: 1971 $18757,265 $ 8,297 $433,888 $146,297 $ 54,356 $450,180 $409,793 $38262,076 1970 1 534.141 9,342. 405,266 126,005 49,953 390,060 352n656 2,867 x+23 Increase- Decrease* $ 223,124 $ _1,045 $ 30,622 $ 20,292 $ 4,403 $ 60,120 $ 57,137 $ 395,653 Percent of Increase - Decrease* Over Last Year: 14.54% 11019% 7056% 16.10% 8.81% 15.41% 16.20% 13;76% w OF 1,L)JOR P1 :a'ORfS 'i RUUT1KG TO 1F4C wrASz IF RECOvVn0D3D EXPENDITIPRES ,FOR 1971 PA, GE C rublie Works: Adminastrati0n Claosifte ation 2,100 2,100 Engineering and Other Additional Additional Salary 26,040 _1MSONAL SERVICES Adjustmats Overtime Personnel zucreas@ Total Planning; $ 570 ivilial DeRense $ 5,800 $ 1,425 $ 6,655 Iminist:ration 1,440 $ 300 1,195 5,780 6,920 Lneace 300 xwn Rights ^omission, 17,0 •0 3,540 20,880 Election 3,770 Administration 90 3,770 ssessing 1,200 Recreation 980 1,530 330 Lbrary 4,860 300 550 480 1,330 rublie Works: Adminastrati0n 3,000 2,100 2,100 Engineering General 3,996 1,,934 2,520 17,590 26,040 Police 5,130 27,5!•0 51,139 83,809 ire 121)240 10,180 16,763 41,163 ivilial DeRense 180 ISO Public Health 570 400 1;,365 1,195 sspections 180 120 2,800 2 , 9 50 xwn Rights ^omission, 8,700 8,700 r arks o Administration 90 1,592 5,670 7,352 Recreation 980 980 1,960 Maintenance Las 800 4,860 8,028 11,000 318ry348 $m2,734 X73,272 $_:,2_8 TOTAL INCREASE - PERSONAL SERVICES 223,124 NTR `! CTUAL SERVICES - OTHER Planning- Professional services $ S ".° Administration: MeG- HSUnepin County League $ . 476 Duea- Minnesota League of Municipalities 296 Consultant-Labor relations 900 � 1,672 Finance-meal audit 250 Election - Service Bureau (Processing cards) 750 Assessing - [ailing homesteads S00 Legal and Court Services.- Professional fees $ 3,500 Court charges 800 !x74300 Library-Light and poser 1,500 Public. Works-. Street Maintenance: General maintenance - contracted repairs 'Ao'000 General maintenance-Equipment rental 1,000 Alley Construction-contracted services R.2placemats- Contracted construction 151,000 j ,�60 Street Lighting: Pager $ 6,000 Contracted repairs 500 6$,530 Bridges- contracted repairs 1,500 Storm Drainage., Storm Sewer Maintenance- televised inspection v5 Tillage Properties - Contracted weed control S00 Sidewalks and Ramps: SidevalTz- Conatraaction- Contracted service 7,,5 0 ?AGZ II MALYSIS OP MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIUMEINO TO DIGF SE IN RECOARMDE3D 0XPENDITURES C 1-OR 19!10 2olices uniform allorrance Teletype ' Psychological testing Pire. Uniform allowance Lwndry Animal Control ^©ntingencies kman Rights Comiasion(Reclessified to Personal Services) _'arlk 1%041 Administration - mileage Recreation Bus rental Pool rental Maintenance Building and Equipment Maintenance- Utilities Skating Rink Maintenance -Heat Relief and Public Nursing 'firemen °s Relief Association _'ire Pratectioa- (Hydrant use for fire fighting) other SALARY INCREASE TOTAL $ 2,500 923 200 $ 3,623 $ 1,450 200 1,650 1,248 25,000 7,800 140 $ 500 500 1,000 TOTAL INCREASE— r7ONTRACTOAL SERVICES -OTHER CENTRAL SERVICES General: Telephone Pem ion contributions Postage Insurance- liability InEarance- Workmann °s Compensation Employer's share - hospitalization Equipment rentals Office supplies Tillage halls t� 800 1,300 1,710 1,800 3,170 101 Salaries and wages- (Increase in rate $600) $ 1,300 Central services 360 Other (Contractual services and comities ICAO Azblic Works Building: Salaries and wages (Increase in sate $540) $ 1,640 Light and power 500 Cleming supplies 150 General supplies 260 Central services 420 Other 30 Equiliment Operations Salaries and wages (Increase in rates $3252) $ 5,100 RaCio service 1,500 Iasarance (liability) 8,500 Car washes 1,,500 Stock materials 1,000 Replacement of tools 500 Welding supplies 5 sad 530,622 $ 1,380 34,644 1,200 4,200 4,200 8,736 300 600 $46,860 1,500 3,000 ?AGE III ' AIJALYSIS OIL MAJOR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING `M INNCREASE 114 RECOMMENDED EMNDITURES FOR 19710 Central Services (Cont'do) Equipment Operation Coat °d, Gasoline and fuel oil Tires and tubes Lubricants Accessories and parts Central'sery ces Distribution: Budgeted accounts Other Funds `i'OTAL INCREASE - CENTRAL SERVICES SALARY INCREASE ZEAL $ 4000 1,500 1,000 1,600 3.780 528,440 "x79 $60,120 19,680 C TOTAL $79,800_ DETAILS OF IdFERENCES AVD SCHOOLS_- 1971 PAGE D mayor and Council: National League of Cities - Bbrolaalu- Mayor or trustee $ 350 Plen ing: National meeting - IIew Orleans - Planner $310 Local meeting - Bloomington - Planner, 30 340 Administration: National Meeting - Miami Beach - manager $361 League, school and local meetings- Pager, Clerk, and Administrative Assistant., 105 466 Finance: National meeting - New York - Director $295 league meeting and school - Director mad Auditor 75 local meetings (MFOA AND SRA) Director and Auditor 100 _ 470 Assessing: National meeting - Boston - Assessor $375 Special course - University of Minnesota - Deputy 270 Assessors school - University of Mimnesoru- Assessor and Deputies 160 League meeting- Bloomington 30 635 Public Works: Administration: League meeting and school - Director 50 Engineering: League meeting and various schools 1130 Supervision and Overhead: National meeting-Philadelphia - Superintendent $300 In service training -all parsonnel 250 550 Police Protection: Rational seeting; - Anaheim - Director $310 VBo10 Re-training Conforeaces-UnknowaxHina. Captain of Detectives 70 Public Defenders Captain 50 Tri State Crime Conference -South Dakota-Two Detectives 146 Recruit School -new men 260 Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Abeting- Pistol Team 340 League meeting W school - Director 40 Trauma Horkshap - two officers 90 Cther local meetings SO I 1,,356 DEMILS OF CONTEPYINCBS AND :SCHOOLS 1971 (COST" D) Fire Protection: Wa.tional meeting - St, Louis - Chief $307 Fire Department Instructors Conference - Kansas City - Lieutenant 188 State Dire School - St. Paul - Four personel 160 State Meeting - Unknown- Three personnel 100 Trawma Workshop - Four personnel 120 Tuition - Metropolitan State Junior College 500 $1,375 Ci�.-Ilian Defense: State Conference - H - Director 4.0 Public Health: Fational M eetinG - New York - Sanitariaii $400 Eational Meeting - Bedford, Mass. - Laboratory Technician(1 /3) 100 500 Inspections: Fatisnal meeting - Long Beach - Building Inspector $530 National meeting - Unknown - Plumbing Inspector 375 League meeting and school - Three inspectors 105 Local monthly meetings - All inspectors 125 1,035 Park Administration: Rational Recreation and Park Association - Houston - Director and Assis, amt Director 800 TOTAL $8,297 D VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL REPORT COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX RATE IN MILLS, AND TAXES IN DOLLARS ALL FUNDS COMPARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION Levy of Collectible In Real Personal Total 1961 1962 $26,545,764 $2,483,913 $29,029,677 1962 1963 30,652,814 2,423,348 33076,162 1963 1964 31,916,098 2,300,580 34,216,678 1964 1965 33,,666,989 2,300,415 35,967,404 1965 1966 35,250,135 2,436,976 37,'687,111 1966 1967 41,002,999 3 156;601 44,159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,,490 46,640,204 1968 1969 53,585,438 3,499,045 57,084,483 1969 1970 56,680,044 3,856,784 60,536,828 .1970 1971 77,703,550 3,956,784 81,660,334 TAR RATE IN MILLS TAXES IN DOLLARS PAGE E Bonds Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other Total 1962 23068 1098 1:.52 1014 28032 1963 22024 2,00 1,38 102 26,64 1964 22056 201 196 109 27.62 1965 ' 23086 2.00 1<86 X88 M60 1966 24080 2 00 1080 ,86 M46 1967 2483 197 1,42 084 29.,06 1968 24064 2.00 1.,34 873 2871 1969 2475 2,00 1.11 067 2853 1970. 24073 1099 106 061 M39 1971 21,,35 1-:96 49 046 2456 TAXES IN DOLLARS PAGE E Note A - The Sales '.fax Replacement Fund will pay the Village about $275,500 for 1968; $287,700 for 1969; and $296.,100 for 1970, B = Estimated. Bonds Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other Total 1962 $ 687,423 $ 57,479 $44,125 $33,094 $ 822,121 1963 735,448 66,152 45,480 34,069 8818149 1964 771,928 68,776 67,065 37,296 945,065 1965 858,,074 71,926 66,891 31,647 1x028,538 1966 934,,640 75,374 67,837 32,411 1,110,262 1967 1,096,483 86,994 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1,149,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,339,040(A) 1969 1,412,841 114,169 63,364 38,247 1,628,621(A) 1970 1,497,076 120,468 64,169 36,927 1,718,640(A) 1971 1,743,838 160,245 64,600 37,220 2,005,903(B) Note A - The Sales '.fax Replacement Fund will pay the Village about $275,500 for 1968; $287,700 for 1969; and $296.,100 for 1970, B = Estimated.