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1972 Annual Budget
D G �7 F,^ r..d� 'E 3. TABLE OF COMMITS SCHEDULE OF MAX114UM SALARIES, RESOLUTION ARID SIR94ARXES Schedule of Maxim= Salaries Budget Resolution Summary I Revenue by Fund and Source Summary II a Expenditures by Fund and Function DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES General Goverment Village Council Planning Administration Finance Election Assessing Legal and Court Services Library Public storks Administration Engineering Supervision and Overhead Payroll o Summary - Distribution Street Maintenance Street Lighting Street Alamo Signs Traffic Control Bridges Storms Drainage Village Properties Si"wd lks and Ramps Capital Outlay Protection of Persons and Property Police Protection Fire Protection Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control Inspections Eton - Departmental Expenditures Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Central Services - Capital Outlay Capital Improvement &man Rights Commission I -3I -III 1 V -V vi-viI VIII -IR 1 r 2 3 0 4 5 0 6 7 m 8 9 10 11- 12 13- 14 IS- 16 17= IS 19= 20 21- 22 23 24, 25 26 _27- 28 29- 30 31- 32 33® 34 35- 36 37- 38 39- 40 41- 42 43- 44, 45 46® 47 - 48 49- 50' 51= 52 53 54- 55 56 57 58 59 0 60 61 62 a 63 i TABLE OF CONTEDUS CO1TIRTED Park and Recreation Administration i Recreation Program Park-Maintenance i Payroll - Summary - Distribution Capital Outlay 1 T6xs Sidppored'd. M-#d iditures Relief and Public Nursing Park Construction - Capital Improvements Bonds and Interest Fire Protection 'Fiaemence Relief Association Central Services General Village Hall Public Works Building Equipment Operation Other Date Schedule of Maximum Salaries and rages Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity and Fund Analysis ..Details of Conferences and Schools Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Rate in Mills and Tales in Dollars, All Funds 64- 65 i 67 - 68 69- 70 - 71 72 i TABLE OF CONTEDUS CO1TIRTED Park and Recreation Administration i Recreation Program Park-Maintenance i Payroll - Summary - Distribution Capital Outlay 1 T6xs Sidppored'd. M-#d iditures Relief and Public Nursing Park Construction - Capital Improvements Bonds and Interest Fire Protection 'Fiaemence Relief Association Central Services General Village Hall Public Works Building Equipment Operation Other Date Schedule of Maximum Salaries and rages Comparative Summary of Major Objects by Activity and Fund Analysis ..Details of Conferences and Schools Comparative Assessed Valuation, Tax Rate in Mills and Tales in Dollars, All Funds 64- 65 66- 67 - 68 69- 70 - 71 72 75 76 77 78 79 80- 81 - 82 83- 64 - 85 86- 87 88- 89 - 90 A B C D 0 PAGE I December 20, 1971 VIUACE OF EDINA SCHEDBi E OF IDMIMMI SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEARS 1971 AND 1972 1971 1972 GENERAL ADMINISIRATION PER MDHTH PER MD14`rH Director of Finance and Treasurer $1,750 $1,835 Assessor 1,250 1£340 (H) Deputy Assessors 1,025 1,100 (F) Village Clerk 750 790 Admici&trative Services Coordinator 875 1,000 Office Clerical -fiscal -secretarial: Clerical 1 (5) 350-500 375 -525 Clerical II (13) 400 -600 450 -650 Clerical III (2) 500 -750 550-800 Legal Prosecutiug Attorney 750 750 Planning Technician 1,275 1„105 (D) Planning Intern 600 Accountant - auditor 800 850 �E) PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE* Director of Public; Safety and Police Chief 1,750 $1,835 Captains - 2 years service 1,235 1,255 1 year service 1,175 1„1.85 First year 1,120 1,125 Detective Sergeants (School Liaison.): 2 years service ID075 1,085 1 year service 1,060 1,070 First year 1,040 1,050 Sergeants- 2 years service 1,055 1,065 1 year service 1,,040 1,050 First year 1,010 1,020 Detectives -2 years service 1,,025 1,035 1 year service 1,005 1,015 First year 990 1,000 Patrolmen- 4 years service 970 976 3 years service 925 929 2 years service 885 887 1 year service 840 840 First year 765 750 Dispatchers -Desk clerks 725 780 �I,) Dispatchers -Desk Clerks (hourly) 4,00 4.00 FIRE* Chief 1,235 Assistant Chief IJ20 Lieutenants - 2 years service 1,000 1 year service 985 First year 955 Drivers - Inspectors 940 Firemen - 4 years service 915 3 years service 880 2 years service 845 1 year service 810 First year 725 Part Time 150% of regular hourly rate, with a minimum of 2 hours for each off -duty call. $4025 per drill. Schedule of Salaries and Wages Continued: PUBLIC SAFETY C01MBUED PAGE II December 20, 1971 AMembers of the Police Department will receive an additional $45.00 a month as payment for taking at least 30 hours off -duty training from the Fire Department- in fare fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires and for qualifying for Red C'r_osa First Aid Certificates., **$20.00 per month to be paid represents compensation for the fact that Edina's pension costs and benefits are lower than cities which have independent fire pension funds, rather thins for duties outside normal fire department activities-, The Eire Department will, however, continue to do other work as assigned, **'Off -duty police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills shall be paid in the same spanner as part -tine firemen. ELECTION Judges and Clerks Chairmen PARKS AND RECREATION Director Assistant Director Program Supervisor Recreation Specialist Pool Ma eager (S) Assistant Pool Manager (s;) Concession Manager (a) Pool Cashier Bathhouse- Concession Attendants (a) Swismissg' Instructor (s) Life Guards (s) Pool Maintenance (s) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) Baseball Assistants (s) Hockey conches (a) Rink Attendants (a) Playground Leaders (s) Skating- Skiing Instructors (a) Park Keeper III# Park Keeper II# Paris Keeper I# ,Golf Course Business Manager Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks (a) .Arena- Manager Arena- Assistant Manager Arena- Maintenance supervisor Arena- Guards, Cashiers, Concession Attendants LIQUDR STORES 1971 PER HDNTH $2.25 per hour 3050 additional $1»475 1,100 800 (A) 525 (K) 475 1,180 2015 per hour 1075 (J) 11 1.50 ►" 2.50 2.50 2.00 525 525 2.00 per hour 2050 11 11 2,25 /1 11 2.50 11 It 6000 Inst,Class 838 11 768 "' 695 2020 850 (B) 900 2,90 per hour 900 768 768 2.,65 per hour 1972 PER MDNTH $2,25 per hour 3„50 additional $1580 (K) 1,180 (D) 860 (J) 600 57S 525 235 per hour 1095 i9 I1 1t,65 11 11 2„75 "" 11 2,50 "' B° 2020 575 2,20 per hour 2,75 "' of 2,50 " to 2,75 " of 6.50 Inst, Claas8 888 818 745 910 (J) 950 3:,25 per hour 965 (I) 818 818 2:90 per hour Manager $1,350 $1,450 (C) Assistant Manager 935 985 Assistant Managers - stores 895 945 Clerks - regular 3055 per hour 3-.75 per hour Clerks - Part time 2c90 11 is 3X20 Of It PAGE III # Starting rates may be 209 less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (a) Seasonal (A) - $35.00 January December 20, 1971 (B) 1971 1972 and $70,00 July l INSPECTORS PER WNTH PER M11TH Plumbing $1,025 $1,110 (F) Building 1,070 1,145 (F) Deputy Inspector 860 925 (I) KMTH (G) - $60.00 January 1 Health Officer $ 25 $ 25 1 Sanitarian 1,045 1,120 (F) Laboratory Technician 850 (C) 930 (D) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering $1,650 $1,770 (G) Supervisor of Survey 1 070 1,145 (F) Supervisor of Design 1,070 1,145 (F) Supervisor of Inspection 1,070 1,145 (F) Engineering Aide III 900 965 (I) Engineering Aide II 750 810 (J) Engineering Aide I 650 700 Superintendent, Public Works 1,250 1,340 (H) Superintendent, Water 1,070 1,120 Foreman - (Street,sewer,water,parks,and mechanic) 975 1,030 Heavy Equipment Operators # 838 888 Light Equipment Operators it 768 818 Maintenance Man # 695 745 Mechanic 860 910 Mechanic's helper # 768 818 Janitor 700 750 (E) Sewer -water Utility Man # 768 818 # Starting rates may be 209 less for the first three months of service and 10% less for the second three months. (a) Seasonal (A) - $35.00 January 1 and $40.00 July 1 (B) - $65.00 January l and $70,00 July l (C) - $50.00 January 1 and $50.00 July 1 (D) - $40.00 January 1 and $40.00 July 1 (E) - $25.00 January 1 1 and $25.00 July 1 (F) - $40.00 January 1 and $35.00 July 1 (G) - $60.00 January 1 and $60.00 July 1 (H) - $45.00 January 1 and $45.00 July i (I) - $35.00 January 1 and $30,00 July 1 (J) - $30.00 January I and $30.00 July I (K) - $55.00 January 1 and $50,00 July 1 (L) - $25.,00 January I and $30..00 July I PAGE -1V RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOP. -ME VILLAGE OF EDIN.A FOR YEAR 1972, AND E S' 1.ISMRZ TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1971 PA'R'ABLE Iii 1972. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS- Section 1. Thi Budget.for tfae Village of Edina for the calendar year 1972 is hereby, adopted as hereinafter set forth; and hands are hereby appropriated therefor: GENERAL FUND GENERAL -GOVER IENT Mayor and Cou6cil $ 18,780 Planning 28,604 Administration 97,578 Finance 95,526 Election 15,518 Assessing 79,772 Legal and Court Seravices 48,,120 TOTAL GLq%7ERAL GOVERMCNT $ 383,798 PUBLIC WORKS Administration Engineering Highways TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Fire Civilian Defense Public Health Animal Control Inspection TOTAL. PROTEMON OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NON -DEPAR MENTAL EXPENDITMS Contingencies Settlement of Suits Special Assessments on Village Property Umallocated Capital Outlay Capital Improvements Human Rights Commission TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND COMINGENCIES 44vWW9110 '• Administration Recreation Maintenance Capital Outlay 70TAL GENERAL FUND $ 31,667 159,371 837,148 $816,562 359,642 4,063 32,683 17,522 61,4►27 $ 20,614 300 70,000 4,659 659 50,000 102500 $112,077 64,829 134,598 9,200 1,028,186 1,291,899 156,273 $2,860,156 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 340,704 pl1GE V RESOLUTION CONTINW-D Section 2. Estimated Receipts other then General TAF Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FIEND Village share -State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $158,981 Licenses and Permits 115,050 Municipal Court Fines 105,000 Department Service Charges 184,145 Other 119,750 Transfer from Liquor Fund 545)155 State Apportionments -Sales Tax 578,170 Income on Investments 55,000 TOTAL GENERAL FM7D $1,370,251 PARK FUND Registration Fees $ 28,000 Other 750 Transfer from General Finn d '140,84 169,595 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund 80,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $l t§19 2845 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and pereonal property in the pillage of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amcwnts hereinafter set forth: For General Fund For Park Fund For the Poor Fund For the Firemen's Relief For Fire Protection For Bonds and Interest Adopted this 15th day of December 1971., ATTEST: QSigned) Florence B. Hallberg VILLAGE CLERK $1,489,905 171,109 17,500 5,000 13,980 73.000 $12768,494 Signed) Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., MAYOR GEMAL FUND Real and personal property taxes Other Taxes- Interest, penalties and frfeed ts, ieles . . Mortgage registry Ban excise Sur- if MMUM, BY FUND AND H0URM $1,389,890 $1,495,926 $1,628,138 $195959575 $1,489,905 22s5�2 $ 11,787 $ 16,000 $ 11,762 $ 16,500 13,553 20,)320 19,000 14,956 15,000 (329) 6,631 11,500 8,,320 5,000 $ 35,736 $ 38,738 $ 36,500 $ 35,038 $ 36,500 LiceEWeg and permitao Bicycle $ 2,113 $ 1,940 $ 2,150 $ 1,929 $ 2,100 Beer and liquor 1,480 1;,195 19400 1,400 1,450 Cigarette l "855 1,937 2,000 2,157 2,200 Dog and impounding fees 6,849 6,297 6,400 7,163 6,500 Food and soft drinks 6,295 7,;877 8,000 8,894 9,500 Gas paps 9 tanks, burning perc4tss etc. 1,372 1,027 1 „050 1 „100 1,150 Bawling, taxi, pinball,etco 4,653 5,,351 3,650 3,801 4,800 Scavenger and garbage collectors 968 894 600 762 850 Building permits 75,107 56,9028 55,,000 63,860 60,000 Cesspool and se&er permits 1,896 1,161 2,300 1,127 1,,300 Plumbing permits, ermit 23,613 14,674 143,000 15,496 17,000 Sign permits 4,636 930 4„000 520 1.,000 Street openings 5,166 3,578 2,000 3,608 2,000 Semting and ventilating permits 7,577 4,107 3,500 4,353 35,500 Oche -licenses and pe=its 1,633 1;,198 1,000 600 Swimming pool permits 1,500 1,550 1„700 $ 145,213 $ 108,203 $ 108,550 $ 118,320 $ 115,050.. Engineering, clerical and searches 216,812 107,446 150,000 110,561 1505,000 Police services 6,398 9.9531 9,675 9,750 9,945 Bquipmnt rental 577 (2,562) 300 (2,600) Iftnicipal court fines 70,352 106,467 869000 105,535 105,000 State Highway Tang 46,909 (A) (A) (A) 245,000 State liapnom and cigarette tax 132`727 134,592 1408184 138,456 158,981 State sale and use tax 197,982 296,080 303,484 337,226 578;,170 Flaming fees 3,547 2,218 2,000 2,502 3,500 Chargea to other funds 16,200 17,880 17,880 17,880 20,700 Contribution fram active funds $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 115,000 $ 275,000 ) V5,000 loess transfer to Park Fund 1198498 126,611 116,777 116,777 140,845 Less transfer to Park Construction Fund 80,000 80,000 00 „000 501000 801,000 $ 25,502 $ 18,389 $ 78.,223 $ 78,223 $ 54,155 Y VILLAGE OF EDINA ! WMMRY I contltmd Sales and rental of property $ Special assessments- .tree triming Other miscellaneous revenue Reserve for encumbrances Income on investments 76e6 -4ble 6f -4dib Aged driving licenses Transfer-unappropriated ted 37,378 $ 39,688 $ 47,000 $ 47,038 $ 4,600 6,000 15,0244 27,922 15,850 13,168 13,150 49,000 27,)700 386,000 14,348 34,692 18,000 31,296 .55,000 8,398 18,000 21,000 24,000 saarplus _ 256,000 TOTAL GMRAL FUND $2,403,585 $2,727,308 $2,659,784 $2,844,968 $2,860,156 EPARK FUND Real and personal property tax $ 113,568 $ 118,720 $ 160,245 $ 157,040 $ 171,109 Registration fees - swimming 15,404 $ 13,763 $ 15,690 $ 15,376 $ 17,500 and activities 24,047 20,203 27,000 26,278 28,000 Transfer from active funds 119,498 126,611 116,777 116,777 148,345 Unclassified I. . 341 6,182 150 650 750 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 257,454 $ 271,716 $ 304,772 $ 300,745 $ 340,704 POOR FUND Real and personal property tags $ 15,404 $ 13,763 $ 15,696 $ 15,376,$ 17,500 TOTAL POOR FUND $ 15,404 $ 13,763 $ 15,690 $ 15,376 $ 17,500 PARK COESTRUCTION FUND $ 4,638 $ 5,965 $ 7,800 $ 7,644 $ 5,000 Transfer from active frond $ 80„000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 TOTAL PARK CONSTRUCTIOM 63J57 63,305 64,600 63,300 71,000 FUND $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL. PROPERTY TAM REVENUES Firemn °s Relief Association $ 4,638 $ 5,965 $ 7,800 $ 7,644 $ 5,000 Fire protection 13,900 16,722 13,730 13,455 13,980 Bonds and interest 63J57 63,305 64,600 63,300 71,000 TOTAL OTHER REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAM REVENUES $ 812895 $ 85 „992 86,130 $ 84,399 $ 89:980 TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS $2„838,338 $321782779 $3.1462376 $32325,488 $3,388,340 Q) Indicates red figure Note A - The allocation from the State Aid Fund for maintenance, a budget :item in prior years, will be used for interest on bonds the next few years, 1IAIAGB OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDG T SUMMY II MUMMIYLTURES BY FUUD. AND .- FUNCTION Acteaal Bgdg- atad 20timted ja fttad 1969 1970 1971 1971 1972 GSDERAL FM General Goverment mayor nai Council Planning Administration Fine =e Election Assessing Legal and court services Library TOTAL GENERAL GDVERNH T Public Works: Administration Engineering Supervision and overhead Street Maintenance Street lightning Street name signs Traffic control Bridges Storm drainage Village properties Sidewalks and ramp Capital outlay TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Protection of Persons and Property: Police Dire Civilian defense Public health Animal control Inspection TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ 11,197 $ 16,803 $ 18,140 $ 18,074 $ 18,7€10 23,939 22,398 31,055 27,324 28,604 75,,177 81,721 89,754 87,980 97,578 61,804 68,733 86 250 '86,849 95,526 10,653 18 „577 7,020 8,390 15,418 669135 76,976 73,387 72,320 79,772 43,276 49,313 43,410 49,068 48,120 27.793 27.599 28.445 281.788 7,967 $ 319,974 $ 362,120 $ 377,461 $ 378,783 $ 333,798 $ 22,711 $ 26,943 $ 29,420 $ 29,399 $ 31,667 185,151 1439758 144„550 1439237 159,371 3,417(A) 92,553 93,290 92 „477 104,641 380,,210 324,705 386,705 385,265 424,108 91,148 68,903 86,270 85,241 95,655 22,202 14,831 19,882 18,809 20,628 29,545 31,466 38,011 36871 4194.~83 12,419 5,733 8,908 8,389 7,967 34,,538 27,014 37,590 36,335 39,,310 49,531 28,486 48,250 47,586 52,820 9.312 6,432 5,300 8,546 6,836 50553 54,025 36,000 39,516 _ _43,700___ $ 890,737 $ 824,849 $ 934,176 $ 931,671 $1,028,186 $ 554,353 $ 628,676 $ 715,618 $ 727,416 $ 816,562 276,362 277,088 324,574 325,537 359,64.2 3,390 4,246 4,023 3x929 4,063 18,526 26,186 31,005 30,911 32,683 15,133 15,806 16,848 17,(Y47 17,522 47,096 55.160 54,2752 56,494 61,427 $ 914,860 $1,007,162 $1,146,820 $1,161,334 $19291,899 VILLAM OF RMINX SUMMARY 11 contimwd AMUAL BUDC&T GECRAL FUED (cozatizued) Non-Departmental &tpenditures: Contingencies S 19,740 $ 15,462 $ 20,000 18,570 20 r0jj�L_:_,'_. Settlement of.suits 3m848 300 471 50, Op; 0". Special assessments on __Village -property 48,;053 "709 55L.000 72;k47 7 bo0 Unallocated Capital Outlay 329867 281,749 7:,299 6,284 4,659 Capital improvements 50,,000 850000 108,328 308,324 50,000 Rumn Rights Commission 2.637 10,200 5,600 1(9,;500 Central services-unallocated 36,811 821936 35,137 TOTAL WN- DEPARTMENTAL EXPMMITURES 191,319 _L_52_4L493 201,327 446J,133 4 156,273 ?DOTAL GENERAL FUND $2,316,890 $2,718,624 $2,659,784 $2,918,,621. $2,860,156 PARK FUND Administration $ 82,698 $ 81,919 $ 96,617 $ 96,566 $ 1123,077 Recreation 5285" 58,084 59,315 60,014 64,829 Maintenance 100,332 123,812 137,390 137,002 1.54,590 Capital Outlay 14n205 15,299 11,, 450 11- I -80 9=0 70TAL PARK FUND $ 250,D079 $ 279,114 304,)772 $ 304,762 $ X40,764 POOR FUND, 14,348 13,938 15,690 15,376 17,500 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 80,000 80,000 60,000 80,000 80,000 OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES Bonds and interest; Park Sinking Fund $ 51,534 $ 60,545 64,600 $ 63,300 $ 71,000 Firemenes Relief Association 4,638 5,965 7,800 7,,GV4 5"000. Fire protection. 13,900 16722 13 730 13,455 13 980 TOTAL OTWR TAX SUPPORTED EMNDITURES 70„072 $ 83 232 86,130 $. 84,399 $ 89.980 '5500M EXPrMITURES - ALL FUNDS $2,731,389 $3.174408 $3.146,376 $3 �LG3,1158_11.togz,240 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE PAGE i V I F��� GENERAL I G�hE RAL GOVERNs�I MAYO AND 01[Ti C L j 21.100 - -- - - 1 i OUDGMD MMATED OBJET - RECOMW DED BUMMED $ 13 ®200 �' 13,200 ii. E�� � - - -... 13200 134 2. =°T UAL SWIM 100 Soft 600 �. �ll1A���'i 800 4 fl M 4,140 4. CENMA' SERYMES 4,,680 CAlU AL q LA 18 1 FUNCTION The Village Council constitutes the legislative or policy-making divioion of Edina grillage Goverameat. The Cauncil ae composed of the Mayor and four trusteeE, 811 elected at 2arge for overlapping terms of two and three years, re6pecti lye `Lie Mayor is the official head of Village Govermrant and is the presiding officer at Council meetings. The Council meets on the first and third Vx ndiays of each month at the Village Hall Prepased expenditures are four percent (4%) higher than lame year's The Increase is represented by higher cost of central services. ANNUAL BUDGE T Furd I Felon Area Act. Me. GEMS GENERAL GOVERM48 N`±< MAYOR AND GOURCIL -21,.100 EXPENDITURE DMIL Code Activity Object Detaeg hesent 4udge4 Recommended Budgeted 1. Ha.yor $ %600 $ 3,600 ss�ees 9,600 92600 $13;200. $13;,200 2 � Conferences and schools 100 3 o Annual reports $ 400 $ 400 L%WS letter 400 400 S00 $ 600 4. General $ 1,320 $ 21360 Village Fall 2,620 3,120 4,140 8 4�.,680 TOTAL MAYOR AND I i 1 i COLNGXII� � $18.,140 140 '18 780 $18,760 I I VILLAGC OF EDINA . ANNUAL BUDGET PAVE e7��iPFJRUStl - 1973 _ $ 24,,525 20,,323 1. g €MMES 2.,,230 2 ,,930 COWMU MAL 5U- VKM 400 181 3. COMMOMM 3,900 3,, 900.. ti °1x225 21.,030 I 2,970 2,170 600 400 5,040 5,004 8. 606 474,a1:.iShtllYlb GENERAL iJO CiiltilMI-T6 'P LGAMU.f NG e7��iPFJRUStl - 1973 _ $ 24,,525 20,,323 1. g €MMES 2.,,230 2 ,,930 COWMU MAL 5U- VKM 400 181 3. COMMOMM 3,900 3,, 900.. ti °1x225 21.,030 I 2,970 2,170 600 400 5,040 5,004 clWAIENTEARIT Tht finuction of the Planning Department is to provide staff service. to Lbe Village �C°oijzcil,, Planning Comission, to other Village departments, &-ad to the Village Mager,, and to a limited degree to other agencies, both public; Mr.d private, whose activities influence the physieal development of the Vill€ige of Edina. Staff sez -vices i =Rude ofiiea uperatiorns,, the administration of the z� -'Jar aus land us6 and deve2o rzt o dinaneas, ✓ubmiseion of recomiendation -s an -matters of Pming . and smbdivisioras before the Council and Planning Cramission,, sad the preparation and review of overall develoyme nt plans, Proposed expeadituges are six percent �6 %)) higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the itcre4ase� ANDUN Salaries and wages 300 Oocnfereacas and selmols 70 Professional Services 300 Reeting expense 20 Mileage T50 Printing 200 Central services L0 TEAL S1 780 8. 606 clWAIENTEARIT Tht finuction of the Planning Department is to provide staff service. to Lbe Village �C°oijzcil,, Planning Comission, to other Village departments, &-ad to the Village Mager,, and to a limited degree to other agencies, both public; Mr.d private, whose activities influence the physieal development of the Vill€ige of Edina. Staff sez -vices i =Rude ofiiea uperatiorns,, the administration of the z� -'Jar aus land us6 and deve2o rzt o dinaneas, ✓ubmiseion of recomiendation -s an -matters of Pming . and smbdivisioras before the Council and Planning Cramission,, sad the preparation and review of overall develoyme nt plans, Proposed expeadituges are six percent �6 %)) higher than last year's appropriation. The below listed detail contributes to the itcre4ase� ANDUN Salaries and wages 300 Oocnfereacas and selmols 70 Professional Services 300 Reeting expense 20 Mileage T50 Printing 200 Central services L0 TEAL S1 780 `r VILLAGE OF EMA ANNUAL BUDGET 4 Fund Function Amm Act. Mo. GENERAL GENERAL G(23iEURSN- ' PLANUi3 NG II 210 1 x 0 EXPENDITURE MAIL Cade Cade Actmty Object 0aimi8 � s� esasK� Budge €� Sssdgetcd 1, Director I SI5,300 $930500 $13,020(B) Secretary 3,225(A) 3,525�A) 3,59.0(0) .. Steer, and .a help 1,200 1,200 Isitsra 6000 6 000 34300., $24.,525 $24,225 $21,030 o Oc1nfarencess and schools $ 340 $ x,10 $ 410 i Dues erh subseri e- I I tons i 230 i 230 230 Professional servige 1,200 2,000 1,200 Meeting expense 160 � 180 180 Hi ledge 300 1:0 1W 2,230 1 2,970 _ $ 2,170 3, t i Books and pamphlets � � 75 I $ 7-5 $ 75 1. ! Printing 300 1 500 300 i i I Drafting supplies ! i 25 1 2. 25 - 1 1 $ 400 $ 600 I 4, General Village Hall $ 3,000 900 $ 3�180 � 1,020 $ 3,144 1,020 I F4uJrMLnt Operation. � .�.. 84,6 L 5.J0� Sei0 T. TOTAL PLAEWN 31,055 _ 32,835 $27,374 -ate A m $25o00 Jam. 1 dry I and $25,00 July 1.> �577 qq l,���g ° $40o 00 N1a pc�:y 6 �o Rq 1 '3A`i� Y"�OoO0 oUu$y I 0 - $25,00 J� ary 1 $2 ®a00..wally 1 f I I � l � VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PA G[- 5 19771 _ _ $� 65, 170 65,083 @. 20.90�4�L SIF"WM 9, 208 8S 267 2,. COMACTUAL SERVICS 200. 14,, 380 14,380 4. CAL SER 6O8D iTAL OW MAY DLO RECD AMENDS® BUDGMED GM%MRA% GEI R RAL GOVERNMENT ADMINTT 5T14A WO 211-2.00 19771 _ _ $� 65, 170 65,083 @. 20.90�4�L SIF"WM 9, 208 8S 267 2,. COMACTUAL SERVICS 200. 14,, 380 14,380 4. CAL SER 6O8D iTAL OW MAY DLO MIN The wami8ement of the Village's administrative .affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted. by the Caumib, an:d the eenforceMesnt of local laws and ardinaaces, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. `his acedunt. prdvides his ofkice with the necaosary -staff and funds to properly manaV the administrative organization needed to implement his respoac ibility. O0mm- Proposed expenditures are eight percent (819) nigher then lay t year's appropriation,. Salary 1wreases and higher co6t of central services are main Teazons for the lacrease. 'Me below listed detail contributes to the increase.. MUNT Salaries and wages $5990 Conferew-es and schools 1.51 Dua & and subscriptions 3$ Other contractual service 250 Printing 25 Central services .12200 TOTAL E1.111 RECD AMENDS® BUDGMED $ 71,160 72,090 9,265 9,015 225 225 15,780 15,648 600 600 9 a „0�0 s�.578 MIN The wami8ement of the Village's administrative .affairs, the proper execution of the policies adopted. by the Caumib, an:d the eenforceMesnt of local laws and ardinaaces, are all the direct responsibility of the Village Manager. `his acedunt. prdvides his ofkice with the necaosary -staff and funds to properly manaV the administrative organization needed to implement his respoac ibility. O0mm- Proposed expenditures are eight percent (819) nigher then lay t year's appropriation,. Salary 1wreases and higher co6t of central services are main Teazons for the lacrease. 'Me below listed detail contributes to the increase.. MUNT Salaries and wages $5990 Conferew-es and schools 1.51 Dua & and subscriptions 3$ Other contractual service 250 Printing 25 Central services .12200 TOTAL E1.111 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE6 Fund Ftsnihon Arse Act. No. G's .,RAL G- PAWERAL G'OVERi`Fi0YR ADD10TISTRATION 21.200 S EXPENDITURE URE DETAIL Codes Activity Object newel ot;dgat Rocom °oL -ndcd Budgaked I „ Manager $28,600 $30,6001`A) $30,600 Administrative Assistant I� . s _9,900 :�2 y00© 12,000.._:... Village Clerk + 8,700 9,450e.3Dd 9,480 C Secretary 6,600,M) dsO80`t;D. 6,360(0) , PBX Operator � 5,400(C) 3,880(c) 5,880(6) Clerk: 2n970 2,550 2,550 Summer help and overtime 3,000 $65,170 3,600 : $71, 160 54220 $72, 390 2. CoAferences and schools $ 466 $ 315 $ 315 Dues and subscrip- tions 4,188 4,150 4,150 Legal €advertisivg 3,540 3,500 3"500 1- aleage x.50 150 150 Consultant-Labor relation 900 900 900 Other 250 S 9,204 $ 91265. $ 9,015 3. Printing $ 150 . BcoLs and pamphlets 73 75 ! $ :200 $ 225 $ 225 �.. 4. General ti 9,360 $ 94960 $ 9,828 Village Hall 4, 00 4�y980 4,980 Equipment opa)s, aricn .720 640 640 _. $14,580 $13,760 � 5;: Ant® p:�� 604 6®0 600 OTAL .AMMINT STRETIO k ° , 754. �9 7.034 $97,578 -Notre A -. 1971 sal, xy Wow B -. $25..00 J aary I area $20600 _Fully I j Note G - $20.00 J• smeary 1 and $20.00 Julys 1 I € ote D c $2500 J =nary 1 amd $25.00 X�ly 1 i VILLAGE.®F EDINA Av NUAL BUDGE'' PAC ; 7 . Asm I Amt. . 0MRAL GE1EPWAL GOVERMENT � FINANCE+ 21c;210 SUWAART � 1971 Qum 0 EMMATER) 09MY 71©700 S 72,620 1. PERSONAL SWIM 3,1100 2"786 COR9 CTUAL SERA . >.. 43 4=.M0DM _ . . 11,400 119400 .41 CENYUL MY= ffAL CUTUY &A� S 78,9185 '578,990 3,010 3,010 13,560 I3o4 76 r 95605 955526. } WCTW19 rw Finance Department Is responsible for the financial affairs of the ni lnage, All revenue avA snpeaeditwre transactions are controlled by the Finance Deparmento A centranized system of purchasing is eaintained. Financial statements and ieporis are prepared and isc-aed by the Finamce Department. Proposed expendftmres are eleven percent 1111 %) higher than last year °s appropria- tion. Salary increases and additional staff to handle selling of auto arA drivi licensee represents about eighty percent (80%) of the increase. The balance beioS made up by higher cost of Central services, Tba below listed detail contributes to the increase. AND 0� Salaries and wages $75285 Conferences and schools 90 Central se cep 212160 TOTAL 9 355 VILLAGE OF EDMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 8 Fund FUM&L9 .. Amea Aefi. Mo. GENERAL GENERAL GOVERMWMT FINANCE 21.210 EXPEMDa URE DETAIL Code Actaviey Object Det ais Present €�esdgem � Recommesaded Budgeted I , Dirac tor $21 „000 $229200 $22 „020 Secretary 8,340 8,760 SI M Azeduntift CliBrk 6,600 6,906 6,900 Payroll Clerk 6,,930 7,380 78380(A) Cashier 6 „720 7,360 7„380(A) Clerks =zat® licenses �2) Accountant W 5 „700 2 „400 1199149 2 „515 11,760(8) 2,850(c), Accounting Clerizffl 2 „670 2,940 2,880 Par” tim help auto licenses 11,340 9,000.. 9.000 $71 ,,700 $789985 478,990 2,5 Conferences and schools $ 470 $ 380 Dues and subscr p tions 13€9 130 Anamal audit 2.500 2500. $ 3J00 $ 3,010 $ 3,010 3. Books and pamphlets 30 54) s0 4. General $ 9,,600 $11 ,,560 $118496 Village Hell 1 800 12"980 1.980 11, 400 Y3 560 $134476 TJDTAL F'IMi E 06,1250 $93,,605 .$95.526 Note A - $25.00 Ja mary 1, &a $20000 July 1 � B - $20000 Ja masy 18 and $20000 July l C - $25000 J nary 18 and $25000 July b V ILLAG OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE; 9 sunk y FUTA Fan i3 A O A ma'7 GENERAL GFIMRAL GOVERMENT BLECTRON 21.400 sunk y RECOMMENDED GUMMED 10, ?50 550 600 1,738 411I FUMMN ft`cj Village Clerk is respoaasib2e for coudaactiing all Hationall, Staff -4, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Zdiraa� 00mmm Proposed expenditures are more than mice the 1971 appropriations. During 1972 a,pjrimary and general election will be held, while only a local election was Meld auring 19710 The bell ©w lasted detail contributes to the Increase,. AMHJL Salaries and usages $7,20 c 5tediams 50 moving charges 555 Service burzeza 250 Comities 255 Central services 240 Capital Outlay 57 TDTAl Sn398 6 49600 X• Y65b"Sr7$$JRt+ziLls RVF1an65c7 925 1"23o R C 0 UAL SERVES 395 375. 360 360. CENTM SERVE 1,795 1,795 & CeffAL OMAY 42fl � RECOMMENDED GUMMED 10, ?50 550 600 1,738 411I FUMMN ft`cj Village Clerk is respoaasib2e for coudaactiing all Hationall, Staff -4, and Village elections that occur in the Village of Zdiraa� 00mmm Proposed expenditures are more than mice the 1971 appropriations. During 1972 a,pjrimary and general election will be held, while only a local election was Meld auring 19710 The bell ©w lasted detail contributes to the Increase,. AMHJL Salaries and usages $7,20 c 5tediams 50 moving charges 555 Service burzeza 250 Comities 255 Central services 240 Capital Outlay 57 TDTAl Sn398 J. Viand Fmc ion Amu A,--t. No. =W ML GENT RAL GQVERNI ME:tiT Budgeted 11 400 code Activity tiviActivity Object Detail Budget Recominwded Budgeted I& Election Judges $ 1,475 I $ 7 10 510 Set -asp ta*ae 320 I 700 Registration and filing 1x,750 .d :� 9flOO M17511 _ +b, 3,545 $10 2b Custi6Jdian3 $ 30 i0o Dbiving charges Service Bureau 125 750 680 1=0 925 $ 1,780 3. Ballots Printed forms General supplies 235 120 250 :300 i $ 395 $ 550 u 4, General $ I� 36 0 600 S. Installment payment 10 0ting Maebiw's 1...795 11735 ®� � I I 0 i � MTAL EAEt'UDt 7 0LO 15 418 S15 -418 � 1 1971 _ _ ESTIMATO BUDGETED S 580"440 GENERAL GENERAL GOVERDMINT ASSESSING 23 no 1971 _ _ ESTIMATO BUDGETED S 580"440 57,520 2 p 462 2,502 925 738 SUMMARY OBJEC? 1. "R N& SFAVICTS I Ct9t3MC'd U.JkL SE.RV S 3. COMMOD!`Ms REC04AR e0ED BURG D 3 61,770� -- y 52,202 213,232 13,232 900 900 ? 1 0" 160 l i p 16iA. 4. CEMAL SERVICES 13, 560 13,440 400 404 1 CAMAL OUTLAY &73 387 $.72X390.. s 1 79,772 TWALS COEMY FM,TION The assessing. fe action includes the detarminatic m of the as eiss'ed ��alu�s and pae•patation and m4intena .ce of tax records ® all properties within the Vill1 .I ; Sp6616l assassments levied for improvements Ore also computed and spread an the tsii r®lls by persainei of the Assessing D69artimexat.' commas Proposed exgeredi ture� are twenty -two percent (2,2%) higher than ]last y6.ag" 4 approoriationo Al�iat sixty percent (60 %) of i¢ecrea'se is for one half the-cost €-.zia ng a physical inspectign of all property, so as to check vralues. the baisii:e of increa€a is represented by =Uary l ncredsess, higher cost of confereac: s and schools, and Central sotvicesi, `e belcri listed detail contributes to the increase. AVOWT Saiaries and wages 4 3,3:30 Conferences and schools 750 Da", 6W subseriotions 20 Reassessment survey 1091000 Oom6dities 25- de ntncal deriyices 2,400 capfiltai O�taay 40a MUL 116a07-5 075 Vu ad _ FsRdfoi3 &.,—aa ! t e3 �. 1b. GENERA + GSn -THAI, GOVERNMENT ASSESSING f 21.,'00 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity I Object Detail ! Budget Recommerde:= j Budgeted _ 4 $16,500 $15;810(D) 1 � Deputy Assessor 12,300 13,.200 12L990(8), Deputy Assassac 9,36W(A�, 1Os290(p ) 10,14OW j Seeretary 7,680 7,620 78560 Appraiser-auditor j 75500 8A00 j Assessment Cleft ! 6600 5 760; G "I 51,700 I $58,440 � $61�770 $520200 2& Gouferences and I. sctwols 835 S 11585 Duet and subscrip- tions 127 14 IBM preparing assessmentW 5 0 S! Soo. j Mileage 500 1 500 Mailing homesteads 500 Soo P.eassosssent -Survey 2,462 $13,232 $13,232 36 Print iag $ 500 � $ Soo Phatagraplaie suppli General supplies 250 175 i0o 300 $ 925 $ 90.0 $ 900 4. General $ 8,640 $10,7ko $10 ,,620 i Village hall 1,600 1,980 1.,980 ; j Equipment operation 72o � ii,16ti 840 840 s $ $13,568 $13,440 Calculator 400 ' IftAL ASSESSING X73 3871 _$69 , 2 $79 -772 9 ' Note A - $35.00 Jan ary V a.Lid $40e00 July 1 � KOte B - W.00 JaUtlary I 11 { find $35.00 .Sulg 1 � Mate E'er - $20000 1 a£y 1� and $20.00 July 1 Note D - $43.00 Jahn ary 1 and $45.00 July 1 Note C - $30000 Jarauary 1 and $30.00 July 1 i ANNUAL EUDGET 4 SAGE 'i3 SvMMAW1 RUDGM0 ES'ftMAM OBJET RECOMMENDED 0WDSETED $ 9;006 GENERAL GEMRAL GOVEREMIT 9 „000 { LEGAL AND COUKr SER°I,=ICES i 21, 0600 SvMMAW1 RUDGM0 ES'ftMAM OBJET RECOMMENDED 0WDSETED $ 9;006 S 99000 !E3'MNAL SERVICES -- 9 „000 33,450 38,709 1 CONWAMA . SERVKM 38,100 � 3. CQAMDMFS 960 960 4. CENTRAL SUMCM 1,020 S. COWAL OWR AY 43 4Y0 49,068 � 48,120. C AAE MAY ©Id The Village requir66 thd profs ssiwml serevice6 of attorneye who are cd ntracted for on a6 au=al basis. 1Uy provide legal coursel and prepare the necessary ordinances and resolution6 required to implement the wishes of the Cbulicil. � In addition, they defend the Village in all claims and suits and pros cute all case; arising out of violation of #iIlaage ordinances. COMMM Proposed expenditures are elev a n percent 311 %) higher than last year's appropria- tion. Imreased cost of boiard and room for prisoners and Hennepin County court cacti is are main reasons for the ind rebse. Court fluee, are projected to be up thirty-oae p6raeQt (32%). The below lasted detail contributes to the increase., AMOU,RT Professional fees $19000 Board and taom-prisoxnars 1,500 Hennepin County Court costs 29200 Cirt reporting 50 central servIces 60 TOTAL 11 : -=4— VIIJAGE OF EMMA AMINUAL 3101" RAGE 14' E3fPENDITIIRE OFi'AIL Cade Activity Object � Dowii GENERAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL APT) COMT SERVICIES 21„600 t E3fPENDITIIRE OFi'AIL Cade Activity Object � Dowii Pre:Present B udget Plecmmr mIc.6, 3udgeted ----� _ ! Psaseczti g attorney $ 9,000 $ 9,000 20 Professional fees $25,000 � $26,000 Board and roam - pri,�3avers 29500 4,000 Witness fees 1,000 1,000 Henn.0pin County ecurt charges 4,800 7,000 Court reporting M 100 : ;,450 $38,100 4. General 960 1,020 TAL LUGAL AND Ci UM. ' SERVICES -4 3 4 0 8.,1� 20 343.17.0 1 I �_J i i 1 i � 'cad Fmaefian - !tea A =-t 110. O PLAL GENE. PAL 00VERTi Mr LIBRARY 21.700 1971 rMMATED $ 12V380 $12 Q80 13,865 13,699 1,80® 1,809 1,200 18200 28,445 28,788 S SUMMA v RECOMMENDED BUDGMD 2. COWMACT AL SERMB S. OMMODMES d. CEM& SEWED I CAPITAL OUVLAY MALS CQmmma The Village Library was sold to 11oww.,pin County during 1971. All operating cast of this building is the future ebligatieo of Hannepin County. 1L VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PA GE IG Fund Ftssr+ci e.r Arou stet, Ida. GENERAL ( GENE -T GC[ERNI ENT' LIBRARY � 21.,703 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Present cde Activi Iabjeet Detail Budget �c_:�'Me�cl:-d I Budgeted Io Custodian. $ 7,080 Payroll - Public marks 9O0 Park-payroll. 1,,400 Extra help and overtime 3,000 $129380 2. Beat $ 2,200 Light and power 6,500 Water and sewer service 173 nusurance- fire 430 f Rent 810 Rubbish removal 200 Laundry and rug service 700 3. Oleaning supplies $ 4430 Repair materials 3O0 � %ntingenciea 230 Light bulb re- placement 3001 Suppl ie5- sidewalk cleaving 300 71,60 40 General TOTAL LIBRARY 28,g445 f f e I 1 r t V[LL,AiGC-__0F EDINA AMINUAL BUDSU VAGE SUMMA -AY OBJEC17 1. FEMMAJ. SERVICO X CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I cowloora 1F.5 4. CE SERViM. & WITAL OMAY COMMENTARY PICOMMENDED BUIDG-EFED F) X6,220 `.323,433 50 so 6,180 6 132 � L 4S® ,..Ll 667 MICTION The supervision and guidance required by various departments, suet a; en,gineering, street, wear and water, is furnf shed by Director of Public Works. Ths cast involved to fu=43h this service in acc=ilated in thi6 account. COMMS 'Proposed expenditures are ten percent Q10%) hi'-gher than la-at year 9!s appropriation. Salary imcrease2 and higher test of central services are the reasons for the 1mcrease, The below listed detail cantribute!t3 to the increase. AMUMV SalariaN and rjaage6 $2070 Central Service4 960 110 TAL 11030 1971 SUDGM0 EmA� D- Axz W -GENERAL 50 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION I 22,050 SUMMA -AY OBJEC17 1. FEMMAJ. SERVICO X CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I cowloora 1F.5 4. CE SERViM. & WITAL OMAY COMMENTARY PICOMMENDED BUIDG-EFED F) X6,220 `.323,433 50 so 6,180 6 132 � L 4S® ,..Ll 667 MICTION The supervision and guidance required by various departments, suet a; en,gineering, street, wear and water, is furnf shed by Director of Public Works. Ths cast involved to fu=43h this service in acc=ilated in thi6 account. COMMS 'Proposed expenditures are ten percent Q10%) hi'-gher than la-at year 9!s appropriation. Salary imcrease2 and higher test of central services are the reasons for the 1mcrease, The below listed detail cantribute!t3 to the increase. AMUMV SalariaN and rjaage6 $2070 Central Service4 960 110 TAL 11030 1971 SUDGM0 EmA� D- $-2-4,150 ~ 6 24156 50 23 5v220 %220 29 P-11 20 4_39L SUMMA -AY OBJEC17 1. FEMMAJ. SERVICO X CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I cowloora 1F.5 4. CE SERViM. & WITAL OMAY COMMENTARY PICOMMENDED BUIDG-EFED F) X6,220 `.323,433 50 so 6,180 6 132 � L 4S® ,..Ll 667 MICTION The supervision and guidance required by various departments, suet a; en,gineering, street, wear and water, is furnf shed by Director of Public Works. Ths cast involved to fu=43h this service in acc=ilated in thi6 account. COMMS 'Proposed expenditures are ten percent Q10%) hi'-gher than la-at year 9!s appropriation. Salary imcrease2 and higher test of central services are the reasons for the 1mcrease, The below listed detail cantribute!t3 to the increase. AMUMV SalariaN and rjaage6 $2070 Central Service4 960 110 TAL 11030 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDGET Fund Function Ares fact. No. GENERAL PUBLIC WRKS ADMIKSTRATION 22.050 EXPENDITURE OEETAiL Code Activity Obgect Detail Present Budget t e�dS Recemmended Oddgeted 30 Director Se6retary $19,800 4,350 $21,600 4,620 $20,880 (,A) 4 57.E g)1 ,. , $a692a ®. $2.504-55 .. 2„ `..Conferences and 1 schools $ 50 $ -00 g0 4. General $ 3,600 $ 4,326 $ 46292 Village tall 900 1,020 1,020 .Equipment operation 720 846. 840 $ 5.6220 6,180 _ TOTAL ADMINZSTRAMON $79n420 3Z X456 3l „669 i Note A - $60.00 Ja wary $60.00 July l t i B - $25.00 Ja nary Ind $25.00 July l I MLAGE OF EDINA A1.111MUAL BUDGE PAGE :iq 1971 AMUNT $112"070 40,827 GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 22.100 1971 SUMMMY 1. PEMMAL. SWIM I COMTM=UAL SERVIRCE 3 COMODUMS CE NTM SEMCES M, ML MIA T 1972 AMUNT $112"070 40,827 2,300 1,4310 5"500 5,198 2.1j80 21,790 2,900 4,02.2 SUMMMY 1. PEMMAL. SWIM I COMTM=UAL SERVIRCE 3 COMODUMS CE NTM SEMCES M, ML MIA T 1972 AMUNT RECOMMENDED BUDGETED $117,74.0 $ 116,675 11300 11,300 5,500 %500 24,,240 -24,096 1,800 1,800 r160.3110 MAU P lh�A Engineering Department prepares plans,, specifications, and estinaate� for public construction projects. This imludes street grading and surfacing, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains, and other structures and impr6vement6< it supervises the construction of these projecto and provides the necessary inspection needed to insure materials and wortmanship are in accordance z-7ith projedt opecifications. The department maintains records and Viles on all above mentioned activities and operates and maintaias copying equipment. CoMeNts - Proposed expanditures are eleven percent (11%) higher than last year's appre-pria- tiomb About sixty percent X60%) of the increase is represented by the cost of a- traffic count which is required by Dlieneoota State Aid Division. Salary increases and higher cost of central sarvica6 represents the balance of the increase. The below listed detail contributes to the increase AMUNT Salaries and wages 5,670 Professional serAc6s 1'000 Traffic count 10,000 Central services 2,460 Capital outlay ---- L -R-00 VILLAGE OF EDINA GENERAL � PUBLIC WORKS ANNUAL BUDGH Area EtiG1�EA1�G EXPENDITURE DETAIL PAGE 20 Act. No. 22.100 Code Activity Object Detail Budget Budget Recommended Budgeted 1. Supervisor of e Surveys Supervis.0r.og Design, $ 12,840 , 12,V40 $ 13,620 'a3 „620, $ 13,530e\A) 13,530(A) Superviser of Inspections 12,840 13,620 13,530(A) Aide 111 (3) 31,200 33,0060. 32,800(B) Aide 11 (2) 189000 19,200 18,710(C) Secretary (4) 4,350 4,620 4,373 Overtime and ==er hemp 20,000 20.,000. 20.000 $112,070 $117.,74.0 $116,675 2. Conferences and o sebool s $ 100 $ 100 Dmes and stnbscriptions SO 50 Professional services 2,000 1,000. Mileage 150 150 Traffic, count 10,000 $ 20,300 $ 11,300: $ 11,300 3. Blue printing .$ 2,300 $ 2,500 Lumber and tools 1,500 1,500 . General supplies 1 .500 1,2500 9 5,300 $ 5,500 S 5,500 ko Gewral $ 12,900 $ 14F280 $ 14,136 Village Hall 1,660 1,860 1,860 i Equipment operation, 7 ;i 200 1 8 a lO0 9-100 $ 21,780 $ 24,240 $ 24,096 i 50 Replace mt- survey truck $ 21500 calculators 400 $ 1,600 Radio for survey truck 2 900 -1180G, Iq 9 -.inn $144,,550 $16M80, . Sum- 71 i TO EMI RIKG i Note A ® $40.00 Jannary 1 and $35000 July 1 B o $35000 Jai nary l and $30000 July l I C ® $30.00 Js I nary I and $30000 July 1 VILLM"PE OF EDIN ► ANNUAL EUDGET PAGE 21 Fwd Fwc a A-= I Ate. He, GEAT RAL PUBLIC WRRS SUPBRWSION MD OVER0AD I 23,,100 I 1971 U'Fii`T IU®cM® ESTIMATED 520860 52,307 60 530 250 zoo 39,540 39,540 SUMNAW aBJ 1972 REC®MWIENIDED C1 i3 s �► 5 56,160 5 56, 105 j I 640 640 260 280 47,640 47,616 i 93,,290 _ 92,477 10478720 �..�.., �, 104 COMMENTARY All Public Works personvel (ether than Engineering) are under the supe.rvisiom of the Public Works Superiutenden -L 6 Be, through this account , aid caordinates his activities, maintains cost and work records.,,, and provides the trzai�.u-iing and instruction necessary to ensure his men do their job most effectively a d efficiently. "Paid Leaua" represents all, vacation, sick, f - naral, etc, leave used by all Public 1works employees. Proposed expenditures are give percent (22%) higher than last year ° �s appropria- tion. Salary imreases and higher cost of central services are the reasons for the i€creasoa Tho below listed detail contributes to the increaser U'Fii`T Salaries and wages a Supervision $ 1,105 Training 193 Paid leave 2 2000 3,300 Training aids 30 Central services 8�_afDO yq TOTAL $l1 1430 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET Arm GE-MML i PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISION AND (ARRHEAD EXPENDITUU1 DE-TAIL I� 22 Acs. sec. 23100 Code Activity Object B Detail preswi Budget Recommended Budgeted 110 Supervision 1. Superintendent $15,300 $15,900 $ 15,610CA) Lose clerk (4j) 3,120 .3,39€3:. 3,54,0(3) Accountant . 2,400. 2.515.1 - ` —2,400- i Overtime and summer help 2, 000 2120 2, 120 $22r,E20 $23,925 $ 23,870 26 Conferences and Schools $ 300 $ 300 Dines and bubscrip- Physical examination S0 50 j $ 390 I $ 390 $ F 390 4,5 General Public Works Building Equipment operation $360 600 2£220 720 $43,9212 25850 840 $ 43,896 2,880 WAn 39 S40 847 ,- 6464•x:. i SS 4.7-616-616 MMM SUPERVISION $62,750 �%1�9�5 $ 71,876 120 Training to 25 Payroll Conferences es a d $ 3,240 $ 3,435 $ 3,435 schools 250 250. 230 36 Training aids 1 250 280 28n MING i $ 3,074.0 $ 3,965 $ 39965 i4o Paid Lease Payr®I I $26,600 $28,800 $ 28,800 i TOM, PAID MVE S26 L90 $27&800, . $ 28,800 $93 290 104,720 , $104.641 TDTAL SUMR SIDED AM lO Note A - $45.00 Jaiwary I and $4540 Judy l B e $20000 Jaa� tuary i i and $20000 July i f VILLAGE OF RDINA •�1p�aegMSmy�w�wpR¢nxteo�rew�n Cnnc- .�.aasLrau� 4�bSaLVaK l BUDGET PUBLIC WRKS PAYROLL SUMMARY * DISTRIBUTION PACE 23 Title Bmployees Monthly Salary AD ropriations 1971 1972 1971 1972 1971 -- Foreman = � i i. -- 1 $965 $1,030 $ 11,580((A) ss, Senior Public Yorks Man 10 11 832 888 99,840(A) P17,216 Public Works Klan 14 14 758 818 127,344(A) 137,424 [Temporary s r help 7,560 8,000 Overtime 20,398 16,202 25 26 $766,722 $291,202 Park maintenance payroll 18,460 22,,000 TOTAL $285,182 $313,202 DISTRIBUTION Public Works: village Properties: Supervision and Overhead: Turf and plant Training $ 3,435 maintenance $ 7,020 i Paid leave 28,800 Tree maintenance 11,990 Street Maintenance: Lakes and pond Gener6l maintenance 77,745 maintenance 7,820 ... Street cleaning 28,725 Public sidewalks: Street renovation 23,730 Maintenance and repairs 19,060 Snow and ice removal 42,718 Snow and ice removal 1,060 Street Lighting ` 575 Parking ramp maintenance 2x096 i Street name signs 9,190 Traffic Control: SAL PUBLIC WORKS $289,749 y Traffic signs 5,745 Signal maintenance 575 Charged to assessed Pavement marking. 3,445 projects and others $ 4,200 Guard rails and barricades 2,875 Charged to other funds 8,393 Bridges 3,000 Central services: Storey drainage: Village Hall 1,200 Stores sewer maintenance 25,275 Public Works Building 3,300 1 Temporary drainage and Equipment operation 6A360 culverts 2,870 $ 23,453 a TOTAL $313„202 Note A e Present rates are $6.00 to $10:,00 per month higher, 5 m 9 1972 $ ..12 3b0 . .. 1 VILLAGE OF ENNA ANNUAL BUDGET PAC—E 24 DUCOMD 1971 _ _ WIMATM Agee Ate. Ma. GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS S` MET MU- NTEMANCE 23 200 DUCOMD 1971 _ _ WIMATM 08M _ 1972 _ BUDG D $ 160,200 $ 158'-720 1. Rasa SERVEM $ 172,418 $172,918 62600 710637 2. roe,, 860 63,860 95,"5 86,4k8 3. COMMODMES 110,714 109, X714 68,660 68,,4 60 4. CMTRAsEmw 76„980 77a616 5. C'I'A. CUMV 384b 3S5 26§ %. x.4,24 08 FMCT -ION The maintenance of Village streets eonstiextes the greatest portion of the Public VbTks endeavor. As the word "maintenance" impliese the purpose of this acccaaant is to preserve and not necessarily to improve, the streets c -vithin the 'Village& Improvements such as blackeopping, curbing, oiling, and imstallaticn of draimse 2acilities, are normally financed through an assessment precedu e and are,, therefore, not Included in this acccuatci his acc6mnt doe�;3 provide fpr. Kueb maintenance activities as patching, cleaning, sealiop, and smw pldv?1r -;o, CMzMS Proposed enpenditures are teas percent Q10% higher than last year's .appropriation. Mm principal reasons for the 'Increase are additional payroll allocations, adds t:iot al cost of commoditleED and higher cast of equipment operation. 7he below lasted detail contributes to the Increase. M11 Salaries Fand wages: General maintenance $ 8,545 Street cleaning 1,723 Street rewvation 30 S and ice removal _L,4119_ $12,716 Equipment rental 1,700 Contracted repairs S00 Trash removal 60 C i2ies. Caveral maintenance ce 12,430 Strut clea;,niag 422 SMet renovation 322 Snow and ice removal 2,125 Cents n services 6,520 " 38 767 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE . 25 Feud Function Area Act. fpm. GWERAL FUELIC OR KS S°.MMET MAJ.RTENANCE 23 � 200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Cede Activity Oemil Present Budget Rccom anded Budgeted 210 General Maintenance 1 o Payroll $ 69.200 $ 77,745 $ 77,745 20 Equipment rental $ 2,000 ( $ 3,200 $ 2,200 _... _ . _.._... Contracted-re 5.000 Sq:500,..; 5,500_ ._. $ 7,000 $ 8,700 $ 7,700 3. Fill materials $ 2,875 $ 3,375 y Calcium Chloride 1£875 1,875 Salt 1,200 1,000 Asphalt mix 15,300 19,570 IW toil 2,200 3.,000 Concrete 2,800 4,080 Jac&.ing.materials 2„500 3,300 Soint material 1,260 19708 General supplies 1,000 1,342 Class V material 6D450 .89 50 Select materials 3.000 51080 $ 40.,680 $ 53,080 $ 52,080 I 4o Equigmnt operation 18 400 21 300 21.600 $135,780 $160,825 $159,125 MAL "MMEEMO NUNTEIRANCE 220 Streit cleaning I 1. Payroll $ 27,000 $ 28,725 $ 28,725 2. Trash removal 600 G60 660 3'0 Brooms % $ .3 %225 $ 3,55-47 wearing shoes 800 Boo Feet dater additive 205 226 $ 450231_ $ 4,653 $ 4,653 46 Equipment operation 14 1400 16.200 16.200 $ 46,231 $ 50,238 $ 50,238 T !STREET COMM 2401 Strut renovation 1. Payroll $ 23 „700 $ 236730 # $ 23,730 t 1, Asphalt mix i $ 12,320 $ 12,602 Oil 8,870 Grarolar materials I 6 094 "743 $ 29.x284 $ 2„ $ 29,606 4; F4mipment operation 14n940, 16 800 1 6 _ Re0 $ 67,924 f �$ 701,136 $ 70,136 i i TOTAL STMI REWVATIOR VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PA.SE 26 z " I Function Area pact. Plan. La GE7RAS I Pi LIC FORKS STET MAINTENANCE 23„200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Mail Present E ecromn, ended . Budgeted 270 Snow and Lee to Payroll $ 40,300 $ 42,716.. $.-42:,718 2. EiTaApment rental 5,000 5 " Soo 5"500 3, Salt $ 10,500 $ 11,550 Calcium Chloride 3,750 4,125 sand 72000 7 700 $ 21,250 $ 23,375 23,375 4. Equipment ope4a Lion 20,220 22,680 23,016 $ S&i,770 $ 94x273 $ 94,609 TOTAL w 2013 RMMVAL I280 Allay cams¢%uet£on 290 Replacements 20 Cdntracted Construction 50E,000 508000 $ 50.000 50 1,000 50 000 S 30_000 ,KOTAL 1EPLAC 2L1 S j I II I I I TOTAL � I WREET f I I .MIME W0E $386,,705 425,,472 $424.108 I I I VILLAGE OF EDIWk 1"W-1upd. SUDGET PAGE 27 GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS STREET IGII7 NG— A % Val. 23.300 197 *4 RUB_ ESTIMA " $ 550 928 84,000 82,928 1,000 675 720 '720 SUP!l, AARY E,1111f4 1. FERS HAL SCRIVIM P- CONTRACNAL SEAN 3. CAWAODITIES 4. CENTRAL SERW 5. CAPITAL OUTLAY RECOMMENDED 7U0GETED S 575— - - - -� — 93,140 2,'x00 840 d TOTAU �. COMMENTARY FUNCT-LO13 The or-atbead street light-ing system thrtvg1xmt the Villaga, is installed and valutai€ ed by Northern States Ear Company. The VIXUVe s obligation is to p tss ide (ands for farodshivS electrical pmer to all lights. COMMITS weed expenditures are eleven percent (11 %) higher than last years appropia tionb Principal reason for the increase is higher cost of power. The below ;11.Sted detail contributes to the increaseb Salaries and rages $ 25 Power 8,140 Contracted repairs 250 VILLAGE OF EDEN ANNUAL BUDGET E-: 28 turd i Function Are6 � Act. Rio. GLMR&% � PUBLIC W?t� f STREET LM �hBrIJG � 23..300 � EXPENDITURE 'DEETAIL Cade Activity Object Detao0 u Budget 8i�� Recommended Budgeted 310 Operation and mainizer-ance 1. I payroll $ 530 $ 575 2. Fever $74,000 $82,111-0 repairs L-Seo 2,750 $76,500 $E4 .,890 fContracted I 3. IRepair parts 1,000 1,100 4a EgtdyiSUat operation 840 TOTAL p� �r ! F�p/�pS, O S AL 4iP8'tP��C3 -ION AM LV 3:i1JeLY3'd�eE �'p(� X720 $ L V ., 6 70 $87,405 3201 Ornamental lighting 2b Contracted se b Aces a placemnts 7 500 $ 8,250 50 TOTAL qA*tM j g j / TOTAL BST L13MUMM I 11 I 1 I � 1 I I ! 4 f 06.n270 95 655 $95.,655 1 I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL PUDGET PAGE - 29 BUDGEM ESTIMATED 8fl.600 5 70934 9,12 6,775 2,100 20100 SUAAMPRY OBJECT 1. PERSOMAL HERVm I SERMAM S. CAPWAL MUT MAN RECOMMENDED aup mo s 0"190 12,538 2,400 $ 9,190 9,038 2,400 The Village Installs and maintains. all st=reet name sigms. 'Mis account Provides for limstallation and maintenmce6 COMERIS . Peoposed expenditures are twenty -aue percent X217.) WSher tlum last year's appal -ptlation. raze principal reason for the inemase is cost of reftectorized signs for main thu=u9hf3re§, TMs program was -started a few years aga, The baUu listed detall contributes to the increase. AT-10U 5g Salaries and wages 590 Commd1ties(SiSms and posts) 3,356 Central services 300 WTW. Pima NO. GERRAL FMIC WOOS STMET WW% SIGNS 23 AGO BUDGEM ESTIMATED 8fl.600 5 70934 9,12 6,775 2,100 20100 SUAAMPRY OBJECT 1. PERSOMAL HERVm I SERMAM S. CAPWAL MUT MAN RECOMMENDED aup mo s 0"190 12,538 2,400 $ 9,190 9,038 2,400 The Village Installs and maintains. all st=reet name sigms. 'Mis account Provides for limstallation and maintenmce6 COMERIS . Peoposed expenditures are twenty -aue percent X217.) WSher tlum last year's appal -ptlation. raze principal reason for the inemase is cost of reftectorized signs for main thu=u9hf3re§, TMs program was -started a few years aga, The baUu listed detall contributes to the increase. AT-10U 5g Salaries and wages 590 Commd1ties(SiSms and posts) 3,356 Central services 300 WTW. VILLAGE OF EDI A ANNUAL BUDGET PAW, a0 Y;.. EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object 1 Detail Fund Furx0an . Arco Act. No. GMEMAL PUBLIC WRKi S STREET MAKE $1075 23,4091 Y;.. EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object 1 Detail Budg Present e$ Budge t Recon, mended Budgeted Eo payroll $ 8,600 $ 9,190 $ 9,1190 30 -.Signs and posts. S 8,660 $12,027 ,..86527 Pain: supplies 302 11.1 311 Gla"_ss and brushes 200 200 206 $ 9,182 $12,556 $ 9,038 4, Equipment aperation 2.400 2A00 _&300 TOTALI STM, RM SIGNS 019,jQ82 IgL128 520 -628 i i i i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE- 31 IT Y �L A-XXL NMI -GENE= PUBLIC tvORIO TRUFIC C0MOL 21,500 SUMARY 19TH. X U _ - - ISTMTM ONEff _ _ 1972 _ RECOMMENDED BUDGETED 11"850 $12,215 H. P HAL SEW= $ 12,640 $ 9,150 8064 1COMMI AL SERVM 10,065 120871 11,862 3. COWAOMES 149150 4c,140 4,140 CE �Mvm 4,620 L CAMAL Cv ,41 MALS FU N Altbomgb the determination of need for, and the location of all traffic control devices, wch as sigwo signals, pavement marking, and ward rails, i q properly within the jurisdict£on of the Police Department, it is nevertheless, the function of dm Paabflic Mwhs Department to install and maintain such devices. his accotgnt Provides fir - installation ana Mantename. COMMM Prop®ced expenditures are wino percent Q97o) higher tt a last yearns appropriation. baqp allocatIM of payroll, highor cost of poFovr foe traffic signals, and higher cost of trefflc control signs. are the reasons for the increase,, The 6a10m listed dletall court bates to the icare.aseb AWNT Salaries and vases Traffic sign maintenaace 345 7raffic signal Mainte ce 25 Pint marking 245 award rails and barricades l73 790 Power 600 Contracted repairs and service 300 Equipment rental is f ti ®s Traffic sign Maintename 640 Traffic sigma1 maintena =e 70 Peat Marking 310 Gmerd rails and barricades 239 Central seavices 490 . TOTAL 13 472 Y+ rp> VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL. BUF1 PAGE 32 -Turd Faaaaci den Area Act. No. GENERALi PUBLIC WORKS TRUp10 CONTROL 23.500 EXPENDITURE FAIL Code Activity Object Detail P�oseret Budget Recommended Budgeted SiI® Traffic sign 1. PayrolY....__ .. ,. $ 5,400 $ 5,745 3e Gemesal supplies 6v484 7,132 4o Mpiyment operation 1 800 � 920 70 c siou wh$s 0z $13,684 $14,797 320 Traffic slV al ntew=e to Payroll $ 550 $ 575 2 3 FMMZ $ 6,000 $ 6,600 Contracted repair, 2,000 2,200 Contracted services 1 000 1 100 $ 96Q0® $ 9,900 3. Repair materials 700 770 4. :ZDTAL TM�10 Sl Equipment operation ML N M=rs 00 720 $10,850 $11,965 540 Pavemmt ag 1. Payroll $ 3,200 $ 3,445 2. SquIpment rental ISO 163 3. Paint: 3,090 3,400 i 4o Fqsipment operation 900 1"020 IZDTAL PAWDE = $ 7,340 $ 8,,030 570 Omard rails wd I barricades i to i payroll $ 2,700 $ 2,875 20 Goard rail materials 29597 2 ,,856 4Q Squipmnk operation 840 96£9 AL GUM D RM aV OMRICA3PS _ $ 6 137 $ 6,691 i i WTAI TRMFIC '38 011® 5�1, 483. A &I .,40 --tee r VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL SUDGM PACE 33 Fwa b-nMATO F=- SOW RECOM. IE DE' D SUDGEMD No. GEICRAL 1. PERSWL WNW PUYLIO WORKS BRIDGES ! 230609 SUMMARY DUDGMD b-nMATO 09JECT RECOM. IE DE' D SUDGEMD $2 ,,800 $ 2,419 1. PERSWL WNW $3,000 � $ 3"000 3,8W 2.500 3 j 000 1,500 29388 2,750 3, COMM. OONTNIES 2,627 2,627 720 720 R, CEWM& 9SERVi s 840 840 S. CMITAL Min r T &9 t .9671 i COMT Tbo pulse of this scot is to amide waintenance for the severateen bridges within the willage0 Proposed empeaditures am ein percent (6 %) higher khan last yeas o O appropriation. `Me be2wr listed deta l contributes W the increase AWUNT Personal services '' 200 ice¢ "'38 Lumber, cable,, bolea,, etc. 73 Rip -reap 1,200 Central services 120 TOTAL. S „559 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL, BUDGET `7 PASS 34 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity - ?el�ci. eIc�ct�C�:���F9ppdn�pp��p is6aLYlbRAL �t�n *Fu+.p��.11:p,}on�Tj�+ PUBLIC HORKS q�� pFg1�r�e�u ry BRIDGES pYVp�o,p.�i 23,, 600 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail li�adg Budget Recommended Budgeted to Paymll $2 ©WO $3,000 $3,000 2b i Contracted repairs 3,000 3,000 1,500 3b Paint $1,108 300 Lumber, cable, bolt etc. 1,200 1,127 RIP-'a rags 11,20 I $29388 $2,627 $2,621 4. Rquipmnt aperation 720 840 W1. 0 I i I I I WTAL 1 i 1 BRIDG ;S $8,,1908 9,467 57.967 i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGrff PACE 35 SUMMARY 1971 _ 1972 _ BUDGEM OBJECT RECOMMENDED $260500 $25,925 1. FERMNAL SE.NM -- $ 28,145 $28,145 16300 1,029 2. CONTUCTUI-1 SERIACES 330 330 51650 5,241 3. COMMODMES 6; 215 69215 4, 240 4, 140 A: CDnUL SEWA'`E,i 4,620 4.620 Sr CAMAL OUTLAY � 9:530 36,335 e39,310 IS 9e3 � ALS FTLON 2be Village maintains eartsin facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep doge to property by storm water at a minim =. In thoze areas seamed by storm sewers, Village crave periodically chew at:, clean these uewerz. In areas not so served, emorge=y mea -cures in the xoraa of pumping and temporary dram are provided during stormak, 0MOSM Propowd axpauditures are fire percent (3 %) higher t haavi laat year° "� apprapries. tion� Large allocation of payroll, higbar cost: of commoditisae, and higher cost of central services are the reissma for the increase,. The beles li 8t ad detail con- tribute® to the increaseL ANOWL' Amu $1,645 GMERAL I -- PUBLIC WORKS STORK DRAINAGE - 23.700 SUMMARY 1971 _ 1972 _ BUDGEM OBJECT RECOMMENDED $260500 $25,925 1. FERMNAL SE.NM -- $ 28,145 $28,145 16300 1,029 2. CONTUCTUI-1 SERIACES 330 330 51650 5,241 3. COMMODMES 6; 215 69215 4, 240 4, 140 A: CDnUL SEWA'`E,i 4,620 4.620 Sr CAMAL OUTLAY � 9:530 36,335 e39,310 IS 9e3 � ALS FTLON 2be Village maintains eartsin facilities and furnishes certain services in an effort to keep doge to property by storm water at a minim =. In thoze areas seamed by storm sewers, Village crave periodically chew at:, clean these uewerz. In areas not so served, emorge=y mea -cures in the xoraa of pumping and temporary dram are provided during stormak, 0MOSM Propowd axpauditures are fire percent (3 %) higher t haavi laat year° "� apprapries. tion� Large allocation of payroll, higbar cost: of commoditisae, and higher cost of central services are the reissma for the increase,. The beles li 8t ad detail con- tribute® to the increaseL 70TAL kl.-7-20- ANOWL' Salaries dW gages $1,645 Power 30 Televised inspection 3 0W, Commaditiss 565 Central services 480 70TAL kl.-7-20- E- VIL,L.AG� OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 36 Fund Fe8i® I Area Act. N ®. GENERAL PUBLIC NOOKS � STOMI DRAINAGE 23.700 EXPENOi' URE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail �eada�ee Budget Recommended M Budgeted 9 710 S xn sepy8 w�eer=AA 1 (yn o 800 Cj 2. Purer 300 330 Televised inspecti 1 000 1,300 $ 930 3 i;in cmatoriais 500 $ 550 Pipe 2,000 2,200 Castings and ceUnent 750 825 Conzrote beadvalls and spillways 1,000 1,000 General svpp3%es 650 GIs $ 4,900 $ 5,390 4b Egnipa--nt operation 3 3 ®0 3117,660.- $33,,30 0 $34,655 i !DTAL S S=R NUMMCE 720 Tamporary drainage 1b Pia l l $ 2,700 $ 2,87 0 30 lb---e 750 825 46 Equipment Operation 840 960 $ L,290 es 655 IM p MM ; 37 S90 39.310 sle_Ala0 i I I 2 DTAL Sm � i I i DRAX LAGE I s VILLAGE OF EDINA PAGE 37 AM GEM& PUBLIC WRM VILIAGE PROPERTIE S 13.800 x.911 sumbb y 08JECY 1. PEMMAL- SEMCM I COMMACTUAL SERVE 3. CONMDMIS 4. COMI' $MVM S. CAMAL OU79AT 1972 $ 23,300 6 23,661 2,300 28198 16,350 15,435 6,300 6,300 sumbb y 08JECY 1. PEMMAL- SEMCM I COMMACTUAL SERVE 3. CONMDMIS 4. COMI' $MVM S. CAMAL OU79AT X8,2 Ct 6 58 8320 52,��0 C'M.I . RY the fiamtion of the Village Properties account Is to property care for all Village cwt properties; other than those rased for Park and Recreatien purposes. 'use Village Ox-60erties are priccipally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, aw sites smai for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties I lode© the caltiv atlon and u-Wi� of the tFxrf, spraying and trimming of trees, astablisbment and care of plantings, and everyday hoaasehaepirZ anecessaay to keep these Village propeactfes in aesthetic accord with our many fizz privately owundl residential Properties. `tea Proposed eirpeod- ftures are thirteen percent (,13%) higher than last year ° s appropriation. Additional allocation of"Payroll. higher cost of co a�atiea9 ardd h1sher cost of central services are maim` reascns for tha increaaseo Salaries and wages,-, Turf hrA pliant maintenance $ 420 Tree maintGnance 1,190 Lam and ponds maintenance I „920 $3,530 Contracted weed control 150 ditfes o Turf and ;last maintenance 260 Tree maintenance ISO Lakes and ponds maintenance 1,200 Central services 780 W 6.070 1972 REC )MMENDED BUDGETED- $26,,330 $26,830 2,450 2,100 17"960 168810 78080 7,030 X8,2 Ct 6 58 8320 52,��0 C'M.I . RY the fiamtion of the Village Properties account Is to property care for all Village cwt properties; other than those rased for Park and Recreatien purposes. 'use Village Ox-60erties are priccipally, boulevards, triangles, public building sites, aw sites smai for utility facilities. The maintenance of these properties I lode© the caltiv atlon and u-Wi� of the tFxrf, spraying and trimming of trees, astablisbment and care of plantings, and everyday hoaasehaepirZ anecessaay to keep these Village propeactfes in aesthetic accord with our many fizz privately owundl residential Properties. `tea Proposed eirpeod- ftures are thirteen percent (,13%) higher than last year ° s appropriation. Additional allocation of"Payroll. higher cost of co a�atiea9 ardd h1sher cost of central services are maim` reascns for tha increaaseo Salaries and wages,-, Turf hrA pliant maintenance $ 420 Tree maintGnance 1,190 Lam and ponds maintenance I „920 $3,530 Contracted weed control 150 ditfes o Turf and ;last maintenance 260 Tree maintenance ISO Lakes and ponds maintenance 1,200 Central services 780 W 6.070 VILLAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDY.4ET 38 Fund Funciior firer Act. No. GMRAL PIMLIC 14ORKS VULAGE MPERTIES 231,800 EXPENDITURE "rz AIL Code Activity Object Dewil ?resent Budget Recommandcd Budgeted 810 lUrf anc plant: mainteamce 1C Payroll S 6,600 7,020 7,020 20 Cbn�i�ic im'iil 1,650 19300 3. Fertilizer 400 440 400 Toot replan- emend: 200.1 220 200 Plantftgs 500 550 Sao Sod and blaek dirt 19200 1,520 1"110 Chemicals 300 330. 300 2,600 2,860 2,510 4i, Equipmaut operation 2,,,220 2 460 2-460 $12,920 $13,990 $13,490 TOTAL TURF MD PUM NAMENrANCE 820 Ttea maintevante 1. Payroll $10,800 $11,990 $11,990 2. Contracted services Goo Soo 600 3.. Hand taoWs, ropes and ead-S $ 450 500 $ 400 Spray 1 300 1 400 1.200 $ 16750 $ 1,900 $ 1,9600 4,, Equipmnt operation 2 100 2,340, 2-340 $15,450 I $17,030 $16,530 7D TM TOE 1wHM1Ud= 1670 -L-as s and pates 1" Payroll $ 3"900 7,820 $ 7,820 3. Chemicals 8,500 S 9,000 $ O'no Rip-rap, hauadwall, and. special stirmetures i 3,j500 1 3.950 $12,000 1,no M1200 2f)280 012,700 1-290 k Equipment operation gg " 380 .,14ffi:�250 3J00 54.320 922-800 S32-820 IDUL� DMS VILTA AT-M PONDS WAIIIITHMM Z PROPERTIES VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 GMRAL. PUBLIC WO � SIDWALKS AND RiM 23.900 SUN%4RY 2. UAL. SERVICES . CEMYRAL SERVICES CAPUAL OUWAV 1972 2 -- S4 y216 1,600 1,020 c6�036 �C _ 836 Ute primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly constreacted and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient moor sit of pedostridins. %%e-r mainteamce of parkfrk% ramps is also a function of this p6ged expendiwres are thirty percent a30%) higher than last year0s appropaia- tiono fte principal reai;on for the increase is, the costa vE sexvicirZ the park-,?n& r=p an fall time basic. The below listed detail contribums to the lnmTease. AMUNT salaTies and wages, Sidewalks yd 120 Parking ram � a196 $1,,316 cmmladltiee 100 Central services 120 M l 536 1971 _ $26900 3,470 4,168 900 900 SUN%4RY 2. UAL. SERVICES . CEMYRAL SERVICES CAPUAL OUWAV 1972 2 -- S4 y216 1,600 1,020 c6�036 �C _ 836 Ute primary function of this account is to develop a system of publicly constreacted and maintained sidewalks to assure the safe and convenient moor sit of pedostridins. %%e-r mainteamce of parkfrk% ramps is also a function of this p6ged expendiwres are thirty percent a30%) higher than last year0s appropaia- tiono fte principal reai;on for the increase is, the costa vE sexvicirZ the park-,?n& r=p an fall time basic. The below listed detail contribums to the lnmTease. AMUNT salaTies and wages, Sidewalks yd 120 Parking ram � a196 $1,,316 cmmladltiee 100 Central services 120 M l 536 VILLAGE OF ED NA ,ANNUAL BURET FAGS 40 Fund F €4:--tiQee Avea AcN. Mo. G ERAL PUBLIC WORKS SIDEWALKS ANT RIAMP 23 a 930 EXPENDITURE DETA1 Code Acti ft Object Dowip Present Budget Recommen ended Budgeted 9 930 ninteamoe and 16- payroll . _. $1,000 $190.60.. 3. Cement aud patching i Materials 500 Sao fI 4. Equipmat operation 300 300 WTAL YiAE MG AND DEPAIES $1,,800 $ X60 920 Smau and Ice i removal a ., Payroll $1,000 $1,;060 3. Saner and salt Soo 550 4. Equipment operation 300 3€ 0 $1,800 $9.,910 TAL ,SADW AND IGE WMVAY., 950 P =king rMp a�te,ta I a Payroll $ 900 � $2,096 3. Sad and szl t 500 550 4. � Hquipmnt operation 300 420 20TAL PA IENG RA JW KUNMANCE L 700 $3,066 I %DTAL SIDWIr 8 #ND i I RAW 5,1300 26,136 i I i I ! i I t I VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGT PAGE 41 W ARY 1972_ �i 1. PM—M .L SEMMES 3. COAMDO) �. CANTRa SERV013 36 ,,000 39,516 S. CAMAL OMW 48,200 43, 75 0 8360000 3S1 !eM, TALIT FUNM0R enditures for items of equipment which have a useffil 1ffe of more chan cnm year are classified as Capital Outlay. Dump emch replacements are 1964 and 1966 models,, Both trucks have over 45,000 The �niYeao provision for lamer is a ze-placement for 1952 modal. Tall gate ganders and sham plows are to replace items worn ovt- ne trmWr with backhea is used for pleruirq sldcrualks, cleaning starm sewer outlets in easEments and private propereyo The 10,000 gallon bltmAmaus storage tams vibich will be heated i�- needed to store a tavk s age delivery of oil (8000 gallons). o At the present time, we need two tracks to pick up oil in the Savage area to keep the scaling cm- ;, busy. Savage is the ctase ;t araa where oil can be obtained„ We feel the tzWk can be paid for in revs years,. act GEMM PUBLIC WORKS GAP7,T11% OUTLAY � 23,,100 W ARY 1972_ �i 1. PM—M .L SEMMES 3. COAMDO) �. CANTRa SERV013 36 ,,000 39,516 S. CAMAL OMW 48,200 43, 75 0 8360000 3S1 !eM, TALIT FUNM0R enditures for items of equipment which have a useffil 1ffe of more chan cnm year are classified as Capital Outlay. Dump emch replacements are 1964 and 1966 models,, Both trucks have over 45,000 The �niYeao provision for lamer is a ze-placement for 1952 modal. Tall gate ganders and sham plows are to replace items worn ovt- ne trmWr with backhea is used for pleruirq sldcrualks, cleaning starm sewer outlets in easEments and private propereyo The 10,000 gallon bltmAmaus storage tams vibich will be heated i�- needed to store a tavk s age delivery of oil (8000 gallons). o At the present time, we need two tracks to pick up oil in the Savage area to keep the scaling cm- ;, busy. Savage is the ctase ;t araa where oil can be obtained„ We feel the tzWk can be paid for in revs years,. „2 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL 80GET PAGE 42 Fund Fug =@�Di m An�d� �.cs. N©. GEM Lg0 WORKS 0 P1 AL OUTUY M100 EXPENDITUR€ MAIL Code Activity Object ®eweg PQese�� Budget Recommended Budgeted S. Replacement cep .. ...... -- .:_ ....:_ �s _ °c�6: G-nd loader(lb) 2,0€30 5,000 58000 Replacementso Tail gate sander 1,200 2,400 2,400 I Swwplows (2) 1,000 1,800 1"800 Pack-apps (2) 2;,000 Airy compreesor 5,500 Vaemm street ` cleaneu (1/3) 10,000 Tractor with ba;ckhoe 9,000 4,500 Fitminouis storage tank-10,000 gallon a 5m�0® 15,000 I i } I , C I TOTAL CAPITAL Oil 36 000 $4,8,200 $43,700 l i i f . g i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGE 43 1971 EMMATE® A e A�4. W. 24,087 PROTECT10ii OF PERSONS MD 2n8v � cl�a> >Q OPE P ®sac PROTECTION 24.100 1971 SUMMARY 1. PERIL M, V 2. COMMM AL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIFS 4. MHTM SERVICM MAL 0MAY EMMATE® 537,272 $548,465 24,087 13,812 2n8v 3,853 129,,420 129,,420 21j,992 31,,866 SUMMARY 1. PERIL M, V 2. COMMM AL SERVICES 3. COMMODITIFS 4. MHTM SERVICM MAL 0MAY 11 $ 7 27 ► 829,098 .51111-562 FUNCTION The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crime; and public moral offenses, offense-a- which have to do with the maintenzance of peace, and emforeeme nt of traffic v:,olations, The authority to do this is granted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and. village, state, and federal legielation affecting the public in general. COFMMS Proposed eupenditures are sixteen percent (167.) higher than last year° o appropriation. Salary increases and additional per ssoxnnal. represents seventy percent (70%) of the increase. The balance is represented by higher cost of central a;ervices and higher cost of vehicle replacements. AM11NT SalarieG and rages $ 78,001 Pension supplewent 300 Conferences and schools 209 Danes and subscriptions 79 Teletype 35 Hadar and drunkometer 100 Um1form allowance 250 Psychological testing 400 Insurance 40 Cowwdities 94 Central services 22,200 Capital outlay 12,842 WRAC 113,480_ i '7 5 1972 _ REMMENOW BUDGETED 615,273 - $602,737 246430. 24,8330 2,942 2,941 151,620 151,620 34 n 8,e3 23,834 11 $ 7 27 ► 829,098 .51111-562 FUNCTION The primary function of police protection is to protect life and property which includes investigation of major crime; and public moral offenses, offense-a- which have to do with the maintenzance of peace, and emforeeme nt of traffic v:,olations, The authority to do this is granted to a large extent through criminal and civil codes, and. village, state, and federal legielation affecting the public in general. COFMMS Proposed eupenditures are sixteen percent (167.) higher than last year° o appropriation. Salary increases and additional per ssoxnnal. represents seventy percent (70%) of the increase. The balance is represented by higher cost of central a;ervices and higher cost of vehicle replacements. AM11NT SalarieG and rages $ 78,001 Pension supplewent 300 Conferences and schools 209 Danes and subscriptions 79 Teletype 35 Hadar and drunkometer 100 Um1form allowance 250 Psychological testing 400 Insurance 40 Cowwdities 94 Central services 22,200 Capital outlay 12,842 WRAC 113,480_ i '7 5 C�E't.i.f'Y A OF Pc.rlINA ANNUAI . : WGF ?7,!'are: . 44, Fund FwKewn FE De?a:l GENERA%, PROTECT' ON Or PERSONS AND PRDPEFVIY � T�� � � OLIO ROTECYSIOP �II^ ( 0100 EXPENDITURE DETAIL C Code Activity Object De?a:l present � ReCOMMcmdad �-Iudgeted I:3 Director $ 17,850 $ 18,870 i $ 18,870 Captains ((2) 31,032 32,928 32.,688 I Sergeants t7) 91,577 97356 � 96,636 Patrolmen C16) 150,364 3 9a, 11 .23 197,424 Patrolmen, 7) 43,868 8251 &7 70,640 Patrolwan 3) 52,155 33,395 32,965 Patrolmen 2) 29,303 21,368 34,082 li Patrolmen 16,065 Detectives (4) 50. 615 5 ,808 52,956 i Diffpatchers ';) 26,x.00 27,900 27,540 j Dispatchers (FT) 11,232 11,:058 11 =358 Secretary (2) 6,690i(B 13,800 13,680 I Clerk - typist 6,,450(B: Filing cleric (PT) 2,461 � 2,619 -0c 1 i school lieison officer"icamale 5,9�s ®Oo s Secretary' sv ing shift 6 „450 6,450 I Part time dispete.her High school student '3,)) 1 4,633 4,633 Educatiom incentive I I pay ple.n �.5M, A. 3 520 {f{ 2..89.5 f $537;,272 I $615,273 6602,737 i Pensiou Supplement $ 'r,0 „ ®00 , $ 10,300 j ` Conferences and � I schoals 1,386 1,595 Dues and f subscripticmw; 223 � 302 i i ! Teletype 1,463 1,428 i Radar and I I drunkoneter 425 I 325 f Laundry 40 40 urdfarm allaw ance , 8,150 8 -,00 I ftychologicall i testing 600 200 insurance 1,800 1,840 I i 1 $ 24,087 e $ 24o430 $ 24,430 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE, I 45 Fund ftocfio a Area � f Act. No. GENES PRO` E- CSIO14 OF PERSONS AND POLICE PROTECTION � 24.100 PROPERTY Ammunition $ 1,000 EXPENDITURE DF. FAIL Code Activity Object Detail Present Recommended f Budgeted 3. Ammunition $ 1,000 $ 1,200 Jail and prisoner _, .:...._ enpeuse 445 450 .:. Photographic supplies 500 550 First raid supplies 150 305 Fide extinguisher supplies 80 75 General supplies 672 361 $ 2.847 $ 2,941 $ 2,941 ' 4. General $ 84$420 $ 97,320 $ 97,320 Village ill 5,220 9,4ao 9,420 &Flpmant Operation 39A780 I 44 880 44.-880 $129,420 $151,620 $9.31-620 5� Vehicles 42) I i $ 13.;5fl0 $ 3 0£100 Pistols and shotguns 110 j 250 � Tape recorders + 360 I 300 Protection screens # 270 Vertical gun. holders 252 Visible file; system 7,500 Typewriter 360 Visible Me � 319 I IPA and siren unit: I :190 Pile cabinets 300 Fire eutinguishers 300 Gaga with enlarger 430 I I Tape r`cmrdiva syst dispatcher 11400 Code - A - phone 865 21,992 34,, 834 W I POLIO I PWTECTION $715,618 $829,098 $816_562 Note A a incentive 'pay is included with iegula� par i where the emunt is kmnm. I 1 B a $2500 Jauwary I I and $2500 July 1. I VILLAGE OF EDIMA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE orb yamd Fin A I Acd, 1.10. GPMRi1 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AN FIRE PROTECTION 200 8,316 7,288 54,600 54x600 1971 $261,,605 Zl ,49b. _ $242,241 $ 243,4+441 ..- .6,233 59,220 8,316 7,288 54,600 54x600 13 x184, 13 x302 aP574 i aye SUMMARY 1. P'EMMAL SERVES ?, COMMMA L SEW 33. MMODITIL" .01. CEMMAL SERVICES S. CUM OUTLAY Ma 1972 RECOPd1WENDRD BUDGETED 272,840 $261,,605 Zl ,49b. 12,494, 5,191 5,121 59,220 59,220 28,702 21,202 37 *,359,6432 Basically the objpctiVes of Fire Protection aTe a1q to prevent ffike� i°r(It. startin8ig (2) to prevent loss of life and property in case of fire; W coaffine a fire to the place of origin; and Q4) extingmish all fires. In general, this involves the providing of services Car both ffira prevention and fire ffighting.. �F�1�7CS Proposed expenditures are seventeen percent ,f17 %) higher than last }rear" s appropriation. About s3aity percent (60e) of the increase is repr6se nied by m9ary increases, e" additional fireman and higher east of pare -time firmena SiEty sin hundred ($6600) of increase Tepresents estimated cost of operating the ne-a fire station. Balame of increase' is represented by higher costs off central services mW provision for one-half cost of new pumper. The below lister detail cogntr3butes to the iancraase& AMU° Salaries and wsges $30,599 Conferences and schools 311 Dues awe subscriptions 40 Umadry 200 Uniffam allowance 150 Insurance 440 Utilities 5,200 Clothing replacement 905 uquid! foam 200 Pbotographic supplies 200 First aid supplies X47 General suppliee 200 Rose 3,440 Supplies-building 1,000 Central services 4,620 Capital outlay 15"ns ` WAL W 803 V'Und Y OA Arzu f Act Na. 1 GE'z3;R&L PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTECT ( 24.200 III 1. PROPEWFf 14,52€ $ -6,120 EXPENDITURE- 0ETAIL S Code Activity Object Mail � Present Budget 3CP'QY:P % ended _ oudgeti3d 1. Chief 14,52€ $ -6,120 $ 15 "660 Assistant Chief 13,680 -.;5E'O36 14,416 Lieutenants (3) :36, 144 382821 38,461 � f 0rivers P,2) :3,984. a "600 35,640 Firemen (6) I 65,558 70;200 58,200 Firemen (3) 29,925 ( 33'525 33,120 ri.rem n C3) 27,630 � 31,84,0 31,393 Fireman (1) I 10,338 40,215 Fireman+ -neiu 4 9°360 Fireman,- Part- t:iwu, 20,000 24,000+ 24,000 Clericals Part-time 840 $242,241 , $272,840 _ 5261,603 2� Conferences and schools $ 1,375 $ 1,686 i Dues and subscriptions 198 158 f Laundry 900 l n i t30 Uniform allowance 3,000 3,150 4nsurar 760 1,200 Utilities _ 5,,2®0 i 6,2:3 $ 12;494 $ 12,494 3b lClotbing replacement) ` 1,376 S 471 II f Liquid foam I 650 � 450 I Photographic supplies 250 450 i ! First aid supplies 450 4100 General supplies 1„950 2,150 ibse 3,640 200 ! Supplies-building I i 000 8316 a 5,121 $ s, 124 -� I 4a General $ 37,560 I $ 44,460 $ 44,460 Vinaga H91.1 4,740 j (lire Statiov, � I Equipment operation 12,300 i4 , 7_cf9 1 &.- 766- ! i I I I � f 1I i $ 54,600 I ! f� $ 59,220 $ 53,220 I VILU,.GE OF EDINA psi }9NUAL ����� ✓kr! ' � : s EXPENDITURE I)E` IL Code Activity object Mad Fund Fasssctiuss Aeau Act. NQ. GENERAL PROTECTMN OF PERSONS AND FIRE PROTE0TIOIv I 2111,200 $ 425 PROPEM i EXPENDITURE I)E` IL Code Activity object Mad Pvesent L Budget Recomfne"Aed Budgeted 5. Portable r:a.die $ 738 $ 425 $ 425 Air pack tank y 210 Radio receivers s25) 4,5€2 Nozzles and vafvas 1,471 Siren. and speaker 198 21.0. 210 Radio eha>ge over 525 Scott air masks 1,485 Pfck4ctp 2,200 EM-pressure- fire fighting Uni VILLAGE OF EDINA G=RAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND CIVILIAN DuE NSE � 24.300 -PROPERTY . . Ipil 3 ©150 83J56 503 523 370 250 * _ ,02 SUMMARY can, CT ncomwm_m auDGMD . PERSWAL W ' $ 5,330 $3,150 i 1 COMMACTUAL SEWECES 353 353 3. COMAODrm 560 560 4. 'aAL SWIM S. CAPITAL Duy". TWALS ri MM 10 b The Edina Civilian Defense organization maintains liaison with local, state avd federal agencies, in order to provide the needed resources to meet emerger y sa tuations of catastrophic nature. Particular emphaslas is being placed :upon. an effort to better Integrate and coordinate the activities of paid and volunteer emergency person to CUD Proposed expenditures are five percent ?3 %) higher than last year's. apprcpriationo Salary increase is the pri=ipal reason for the increase,, °ta below listed �Qtailt contribiutes to the increase. AVIDURC Salaries ISO Service supply replacement 00 Uniform- reserves 130 A: unitien-rceserves 40 110TAL $ &E.-0 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE, PAGE 50 Fund pot ion AS-M Na. GENERAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS MD I CIVILIAN DUE NSE 24300 PROPERTY $3,150 $3,330 EXPENDITURE DETA& code Activily Object Detail Budget RecorAwnded 0-adgeted 11. Wrector $3,150 $3,330 $3,150 2. Conferegces and Schools i $ 40 $ 40 Dues and subscriptiall"s 13 13 T.,eaGed lines for �;Iran 300 300 Serv'ice supply -replacement ISO $ 503 $ 353 $ 353 j ; 30 Uniform-reserves $ 300 4150 A smun- it, i o r, � - r a 6. er ve, s 411 80 adiological survey Meter supplies 30 30 $ 3.70 $ 560 560 MAL CIVIL MN MEMO $4.,023 $4,243 �s 063 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUPDGER� P "A( 51 ^� F=2 _3 Gd'tP .ritb�E. 3i':ui G M PRO�CT PB�k'T ERSONS AND i PUBLIC HEALTH 24A00 &3L,OID5...9� SUMMARY O5S' 1. HWIMAL SE[WIC 2. CONVACTUAL SERE 3. COW40offla 4. GENT. So S. CUUAL OWMAV Wo MU . . ® ESTIMATO $ 22,715 22,700 1,528 1,338 882 993 5,880 5,880 &3L,OID5...9� SUMMARY O5S' 1. HWIMAL SE[WIC 2. CONVACTUAL SERE 3. COW40offla 4. GENT. So S. CUUAL OWMAV Wo FUMMON The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing laws to preserve and praluoxe t�'e public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persons within the commnity. Commum Proposed expenditures are slit percent (67.) higher than last year °s appropriation. Salary increases are the main reason for the increase. The belaw listed detail ecnerfbutes to the increase,, Salaries and wages $1,550 Dines and subscriptions 2 mileage 25 `Pest equipment and supplies 43 Capital outlay 217 TOM _U A837 RECOMMENDED BUDG D 24,265 $24,130 1,555 1,555 925 925 5,880 5,856 217 217 3� 232 FUMMON The functions of the Public Health Department are to provide for the general welfare of the community by making and enforcing laws to preserve and praluoxe t�'e public health and safety, and to protect the life and health of all persons within the commnity. Commum Proposed expenditures are slit percent (67.) higher than last year °s appropriation. Salary increases are the main reason for the increase. The belaw listed detail ecnerfbutes to the increase,, Salaries and wages $1,550 Dines and subscriptions 2 mileage 25 `Pest equipment and supplies 43 Capital outlay 217 TOM _U A837 Fund Function Area Acz-. Pao. GENM" PROTECTION Or, AND PUBLIC HEAiI TH 24a 4.00 BPERSONS Sanitarian $12,,540 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail ! Present lt I Budget Recomrh6nded Budgeted 1. Sanitarian $12,,540 $13,320 $13,230(E) Medical officer 300 '300 300 Secretary Q) i 3,2553B) 3,525(g) 3,510(F) Extra help 2,,850 2,9$0 2,950 Laboratory technician (113) 36300(C) 3,"67 D, 3,640(G) Suer help -:, laboratory (1/3) 500 5.00. m 500 $22,715 $25,265 $24,1^x0 2. Conferences and schools $ 500 $ S00 Dues ' and subscriptions 78 80 Mileage 950 d i $ 11528 $ 1,555: $ 1,555 3._ Test equipment and supplies (1/3) 882(A)I) 92 (a 925(A) 4.. General $X3,140 $ 3j 80 $ 3,756 viil�ge Hall 900 1,020 1,020 ' Public Works I .. $uilding 340 11,080 ... ....t..ON . $ 5, 580 $ 5,880 $ 5, 853 �� S. Stereo- microscope (1/3) 2'17RA ° : 217 I� TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH 832. f+l _13L'—'()05 balance to I ngton. -132,842' ie sharer) iequally Nate A Sepressntslone with -t Sai ird of the costa The it Louis Park and Bloc. B® $2:500 Ja ary 1 and $25000 July 10 C-0.0.00 Ja ary.1 and $50.00 July 10 D° $50.00 Jamiary i.and $35.00 July I& E- $40.00 Jarmary 1 and $35.00 July 1 F- $25.00 Jam ary 1 and $70.00 July I i G- $40.00 Jamary 1 and $40.00 July I { VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 53, FUM-a Ace' erg GEMM PROUCTI ®N OF PERSONS AM ANIMAL CONTROL 24.C500 PE/MPER+OftZ SUMMAK-11 71971 _ — - -- — _ _Y9 ?2 _ _ 16, i 37,047 2. CONTPACTUAL SEMS 17,522 3. MIOD O A— CENTRAL SERVICES �s 9 fAL GUWAY 160043 7ID047 22 97 5221 FGNCN Animal Control is a fmnotion of Village Goverm ent designed to protect lmfe and property from the injurious a ceiv .ties of animals,, bath wild and domesticated. the Village Council has® by ordinaace£ regulated the. leashing and licensing of dog�o VILLAGE OF EDINA ACS r °UAL BUDGET A' S Rma F E. RZ fth Z A.-ea I A-eel. No. Gpkzp,,AL PROTECTION OF FE SONS AM INSPECTIONS I 24-.600 PROPER SUZY 1971 -_. —1972 _ QUDGEM _ _ ESMATED 088ECT RECOMMENN2.O — — BigMi 0 43,320 $45,004 —L PERWRAL SERVICV —.. � 53,280 � 47,980 1,iMO 1245 CONTRAMA , SERVICE 1,629 1,629 682 825 & COMM0D ES 865 865 98420 9,420 � CENWIAL SERMS 10 f"t,0 10, "0 I 'ITAL OUTRAT $1.3 K3 5GU�� 56 6fs i 76 fil- 27 IMAM The functions of the Inspection Department are to issue and revoke buildivkg, plumbing a;h sign permits; enSorce building, plumbing and zoning ordinances amd codes,, propose and revise building© plumbing arts const-zvctaarz codes; establish use bering; recommend condemnation 1 abatemi ent o€ unsafe buildings; and inspect all bulidleg constructla COMMMS .Pr®posed expenditures are tuenty-two percent (22`x) higher than last gear °s appropriation. Addstioml entrEa help for mechanical inspection is tU main reason for the increase. The bFalarxe is represented by salary it:ca:eases and higher central service costsb The below bisted detail contributes to the increase. AMA Salaries and wages 9,960 Conferences and schools 38 Dues and subscriptions 40 mileage 297 Printed forms 250 Coda books 25 General supplies 92 Central services 1,5220 Capital outlay 513 IDTAL ll 975 r VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE! 55 '! EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coge ffoagteon AFm Act. No. GPIEF.AL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND INSPECTIONS 243 600 PROPERTY Building inspector $12„840 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coge Activity ®bjee6 Detail Present Budget Recommended Budgeted. To Building inspector $12„840 $13,620 —J $13,530 Plumbing and beat:i .g iresg�ec�o$ 12 0300 13„060 12,990 Assistant inspector 10"320 I.M800) 10,920 Clerk 6,060(A) 6,600(0) 6,310 Entra help 18600 9 coo $43 „320 553,280 447,980 ' 2 b Comferemces amd schools $ 1,035 $ 997 Dues and subscriptions 113 1�5 Wileage l80 477 $ 14330 $ 1,629 $ 1,629 36 Printed forms $ 465 $ 315 Cade boolks 75 100 General supplies 142 50 $ 68? $ 865 $ 863 pro General $ 6,960 $ 7,620 Willage Hall 1,020 :.,14.0 Equ pmeut; operation 1,440 1 680 . $ 9,420 $10,440 $10,440 5. jPlan users S 31:3 f Equipwnt and tables, 200 4.0- 513 9 SI INSPECTIONS 22L,752 966 727 .6.27 Note A - $25000 Ja IMary 1, and $20.00 Daly 10 B = $40.00 J wary I and $30000 July lia I C - $25080 J fI I arp l and $20.00 July 10 VV OLLAGE OF EDIN A ANNUAL BLIDGFF PAGE 36 Feffad Ate. Na, MWERAL I K09- BTPARTfiiBUTAL .P E�vli� R S CGN'CUTGEDMIES f 6,A00 SUMMARY 1971 SUDGMD FSTIMAM OBJECT P &WHAM, Vr- 2010000 18' 37® 2. MMAMUAL SERVIM 3. C®aAMOES A. CEMAL SEW ICES I CAWAL OUnAV 18V-S. 10 RECOMMENDED BUMMED 25,000 20,614 23?000 10 614 IUWH Buying the gear© unanticipated but necessary expenditures may occur, for which there has been no previc" appropriation. This account is a reserve for smch contingencies. The �OiTS additional provision for cantiagencies is for remodeling the old fire department area. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNIUAL BUDGET RAQvZ 57 SUMMARY 1971- DU CC-19M _ UTIMA70 OBJECT 1972 _ RECOMM DED BUDGEM GENERAL I MN-DEPARUMNTAL EXPENDZ. .7 -11E EWT OF SUITS 26.200 SUMMARY 1971- DU CC-19M _ UTIMA70 OBJECT 1972 _ RECOMM DED BUDGEM $ :$ 1. PERSONAL SEW= - -- S Soo 471 2. CONTRA AL SERVWB Soo 3. COMMOM i ME 500 S—= IWALS F Tion Represents an appropriation to pay small claims filed against the Village, VILLAGE OF EDWA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 58 .. __ 26.300 _—{LB AGE—PR �Md 197 -- -�— - -- — DUEM AMA OEUEC7 RECOM EN U D BUS® 1. PE We" SERY105. 2. COMTELACTUAL, SE'IMM 3. COM. MOM 19S A. CEWMAL 5011 35a000 72,447 S. CAPUAL SAY 70,000 SS o00 ®.. S 72 &447 70 000 70, 00 MAU r'-go mig=,- FUNMON The Village ocmed properties are subject to special asseseme ntcs for various Improvement projects. This account .provides funds to pay these assessmentsm fOMB Me acquisition of additional land for public purpose has caused the increase In cost of special assessment90 Rmceim A AFM I I At ol Ma. GENERAL I ItT N-DEPA M04TAL EXPENDITURES S SPEGITAL ASSESSMUS Oil 197 -- -�— - -- — DUEM AMA OEUEC7 RECOM EN U D BUS® 1. PE We" SERY105. 2. COMTELACTUAL, SE'IMM 3. COM. MOM 19S A. CEWMAL 5011 35a000 72,447 S. CAPUAL SAY 70,000 SS o00 ®.. S 72 &447 70 000 70, 00 MAU r'-go mig=,- FUNMON The Village ocmed properties are subject to special asseseme ntcs for various Improvement projects. This account .provides funds to pay these assessmentsm fOMB Me acquisition of additional land for public purpose has caused the increase In cost of special assessment90 VILAGE OF EMMA AC15"UAL BUDGET PAGE 59 GE.NERAL MU-MPARWXMAL RMI T M -S + C BAL SERVICES- OUIMAY ( tFsoo I SUMMARY 19 71 - -- _ _ 192 _ BUDGMD S{ , OBJE ex—O MENDE® 6UDGM ¢5 2. CON TRACTUAL SERVIC S 3. CWMODMIS A. UNTO SERMB 7,299 6, 28 S. MAM 0MAY 4,655 Ta®H Certain Items of equipme it of improvements w1 ch have a uselEul life df more than one yearD which carrot he allocated to amy particmlar function, are classified in thkS account. CGMM Ue improvements to Village Hall changes receded after rewdeling the fire MLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGM.Y Fued Activity Object Ama . CAPITM Na. GENERAL ro N-DEPAR M INTAL EXPEUDMURES CENTR&L SERVICES Wrldff EXPENMURE DETAIL Cc& Activity Object Dataii Recommended Budgeted trillage Hall 5. Improvement: General- office -L3---0M r $3.000 TOTAL MLAGE HALL $3,00 $3,000 Public Works Building urgency electrical hook-up to Seneratox $1 900 TDTAL PUBT-21C HORKS EMLDIXG $1,90,0 -0- Equipment operation Tool replacements and renewals - ' varxcus 399 LL, 659 -MTAL EQUIRIENT OPERATION $2,399 $i1'.,,5,59 TDTAL CENTRAL II SERVICES- CAPITAL OUT0-,Y $7299 659. 9 S i VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGE' PAGA 6� SUMMARY i 1978,....... _ _ 1972 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BU0G 0 � u. PERSON" SERVI CO ACTUAL SEA: 2S 4. CANUM SER4f 108D328 308,,324 WITAL GUTLIAT 50,,000 � x'3211 S 308 fl X24 -41iB00 25- � s 000 - COMARWARY 2his account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements. COMMENTS appropriation for capital improvements will ba used to Esquire the American Legion property adjacent to our property. 4D GEMAl� 4P m II P�Lt Ai I� � �' S (t�PI' , DIPROT-1N.WTS 26.600 SUMMARY i 1978,....... _ _ 1972 OBJECT RECOMMENDED BU0G 0 � u. PERSON" SERVI CO ACTUAL SEA: 2S 4. CANUM SER4f 108D328 308,,324 WITAL GUTLIAT 50,,000 � x'3211 S 308 fl X24 -41iB00 25- � s 000 - COMARWARY 2his account was established for the purpose of accumulating funds for Capital Improvements. COMMENTS appropriation for capital improvements will ba used to Esquire the American Legion property adjacent to our property. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANMAL BUDGET PAGE, 62 � Ra �OtD 1,200 300 summay GENERAL KON- DUAR ".-AL EXPENDITMSI. MAU RIGHTS COMMISSION I 26.700 � Ra �OtD 1,200 300 summay IO 20O 5..6.E c 0 300 .. . MALS RECONWIENDED. BUDGETED 4,941 PEMML SERVIC5 8,100 $6,000 55e 1 UAL SWIM 4,200 43,200 102 3. MiMODMES 300 300 SERV 5. CAPITAL OU`IAT IO 20O 5..6.E c 0 300 .. . MALS V@L.LAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE, 6S Fund Fu=�ico Area Aa. No. G� IMBI- EPAR N� EA I�� URF,S SAN RICERS WIMISSION 26,70Q >EXPEWTUREQ DETAIL Code Activity Object Detai; Present Budget Rec@�s7emen4ed e Budgeted _ 1, Direenor ©Part -time $ 6'.000 6,000 6,,000 Clerical-Part- art- f:ivlw 2 H -Q. os. �P1�o —1211,110-0 �a 20 Conferences and &Chool i $ 500 32.E Dues and subAscrlptions Wo 75 ` Akcation Programs 600 3,200 3. i Printing and othxar I :300 WO 300 TOTALf, Bulmom RKLUS I I i I 1 I I i I ' I � Ij l f I i � I I 1 1 I i 1 ; I i I i I ` I1 I 1 i i I j I 4' 1 I I 1 ffi ...W l + f W 1 i�Qlf 8'.hd79 �., e.... VILLAGE OF E®INA ANNUAL BUDG U 64 VMd 1PMMt;M . A I A. '. k,M PAM PAM MD aEC T10W ADMINISTRAVION I 476100 SUMMARY 1971 MGM EMMATED OWECT - -- —- RECOMMENDED -- - -- BUDGETED $ 64 a M $ 64,153 3. PERSONAL SWIM — - — 74,604 $ 74,000 -4-316 P. CONTRACTUAL SERVIGH 1,950 - .. _ l"950 175 94 3. X06 3$ 1775 30,,000 30,000 & M"'t SERVO 36,240 35,952 The Park and Recreation Deparwent is responsible fear titre acquisition, demldpurevlt, operation aiidl maintenance of the Village parks and re reetiov facilitle66 and the conduct 46f the recreation program; Providing for the admi ni 'stratib€a of the park gaud recreation function is the object of this aceaazan t'. The Edina Park 1$oard.6 es an advisory body to the Edina Village iL assists in the plans and operation of the parh acid recreation frj =tion6 Proposed expeaditurdis are seventeen percent (17 %) higher than last yyead ° s apprepriati®ffi. The a° eclassifieation of recreation specia )li�;t frnz-,@b clerical Irepre4ents thirty percent (30 %� of the increase. The batance of ienf-,regse is represesnted by9 salary indgeases and higher cost of Central cervices. beRouv listed detail contributes to the increase. AMMT Salaries and wages $10,332 Audi i 130 mileage 350 Camtral selvices 6,240 IDS M16 V' ILC.d"31r E OE' EDMA ANNUAL 65 %aana3 I �'aa.�ri�ien � ��g� v !! Pict. Na. PARK I PARK AND RECREAUCH ATMMIS`1"I,li`I•ION { 4�701�J0 EXPENDITURE SST UL Code Aetirity Object Detail " Present 9 dget Rccoian, ended Budgeted 16 Director $17,700 $ 18,780 18,660CE Ausistant Director 15,200 15,040 13a920�F 1 Program supervisor 9,360(A) 10,50D C, 10,140(G Secretary 6,870(B) x7,3.84 D) 7,380((D Clerical 2,150(8) 900 900 Recreation capecialist 7,200 7,.200 Paid leave 14,592 15,500 15,500 Training 400 300 300 $64,272 $ 7G,6M, $ 74,400 20 Conference*.• and ochool: $ 80D $ 800 Due& and sub�icrlp :. tioatC3 150 150 Audit Mileage 720 5€30 t 850 150 $ 1,170 $ 11930 $ 1,1930 1 111 3. Printing $ 100 $ 100 Booke and pamphlets 75 75 $ 175 $ 175 $ 175 ' C Genercil $24,180 $ 28,140 $ 27,852 Village Hall 1,740 3,120 3, 120 Pab1 is Works Building 2,220 2,880 26880 EguiWnt operation Lt 21100 � 2,1100 30 €30tD :; 36 24ti 8 35.952 I I ',MTA& ADiaNIS` PA911O $96.617 $11,2,969 $1121,077 I Note A - $35,00 Janigry I aaud $4.0000 Jody I Ii to B - 25000 Ja ery l and. 25.00 July l i Note 0 - 50.00 JS ary 1 and 50.00 July '1 Iota: 0 - :25.00 Jeamary I and 20.00 July I P - 35000 Jamary 1 Mw 50.00 July I { F - 40.00 Jury l a ad 40000 July 1 I 0 m 30000 J7& i ry 1 aid 30.00 July l I 't ;:✓ VILLAGE W EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET 66 1971 _ J 40,440 $ 40,132 9DS00. _.,...99 650 ,._, 9,375 10,232 1. PE HAL WYMM I GO6brZACTUAL SERMS 4. CENTM SERViCES WTALS COmmmitay 1972 _ RECOMMENDED SUDSET 90800_- - 10,173 The Village, In addition to providing park iagcilities, conducts a year around recreational program ae a fesamtion of Village goversmeantd This program is the r©eponsibility of the Park and Recreation Oepartmast. It Includes such activities as orgmf2ed baseball, softball, hockey, swiaming and tennis instruction -, and a ewer plaaygreund program for small children. Some of these activities receive flnancial support from various service organizations, ns, aced in anthers the participants ithemQelvea pey a portion of the coat.. i -1ES Reposed eWeaditores are rdne percent (9%) higher tbamm last year 's appropriation. H181pr cost of pereamal services and additional comodities are =are ree5oans for the i =ra@se.. The below listed detail cosfatri.butee to the iamcrre:ace" SalaariQe and wages- Baseball and softball $ 330 Bhoting and hockey 9745 Timis hast uction 570 Playground 1,000 SWI=ing instruction 940 Hiacellanevuv3 and special aactivitiee 600 $4, 414 OU63 rental 300 Goalie equipment 100 Gym motel and basketball S00 Gir115 gymnautic.a 200 dicla sa3fied 200 Prianting®bullatiras 100 Bete TOTAL 5 Sg4 PAM PARK AM I=RMUON i RECREATION PROGRAM 47 � 200 1971 _ J 40,440 $ 40,132 9DS00. _.,...99 650 ,._, 9,375 10,232 1. PE HAL WYMM I GO6brZACTUAL SERMS 4. CENTM SERViCES WTALS COmmmitay 1972 _ RECOMMENDED SUDSET 90800_- - 10,173 The Village, In addition to providing park iagcilities, conducts a year around recreational program ae a fesamtion of Village goversmeantd This program is the r©eponsibility of the Park and Recreation Oepartmast. It Includes such activities as orgmf2ed baseball, softball, hockey, swiaming and tennis instruction -, and a ewer plaaygreund program for small children. Some of these activities receive flnancial support from various service organizations, ns, aced in anthers the participants ithemQelvea pey a portion of the coat.. i -1ES Reposed eWeaditores are rdne percent (9%) higher tbamm last year 's appropriation. H181pr cost of pereamal services and additional comodities are =are ree5oans for the i =ra@se.. The below listed detail cosfatri.butee to the iamcrre:ace" SalaariQe and wages- Baseball and softball $ 330 Bhoting and hockey 9745 Timis hast uction 570 Playground 1,000 SWI=ing instruction 940 Hiacellanevuv3 and special aactivitiee 600 $4, 414 OU63 rental 300 Goalie equipment 100 Gym motel and basketball S00 Gir115 gymnautic.a 200 dicla sa3fied 200 Prianting®bullatiras 100 Bete TOTAL 5 Sg4 VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 Fund Function abject Area Act. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATION 210 RECREATION PROGRAM 47.200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL wede Activity abject Detail Present Budget R-cc.nin, ended 3z.,d3.eted 210 Baseball and 1. Supervision $ 3,500 $ 1,650 softball Coaching assistant 1 800 1.1,980 $ 3,300 $ 3,630 3. Plates and bases $ 700 $ 700 Bats and balls 300 300 Catching equipment 300 300 � Equipment repairs 150 1:0 � l 450 $ 1.450 5 4,750 $ 59080 70TAL BASEBALL SOFTBALL 220 Skating and Hockey to Rink supervision $ 9,200 $10,120 Hockey coaching 540 594 $ 9,740 $109714 i, Goalie equipment Goals $ 400 250 $ 500 250 650 a 750 =TOTAL SKATING AND HDCKEY $102390 $11846k 230 Tennis instruction 1. InL3tructor $ 700 $ 770 Aartistant instrw- n-ntors 1 000 1.500 $ 1,700 $ 2,270 3. Tennis balle $ 150 b 150 Diets 300 4.00 Unclassified 25 25 $ 475 375 $ 2,175 $ 2,)845 TOTAL TENNIS INSTRUCTM19 124;0 Playground I. Leaders $11"000 $12,000 3<, Crafts $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Raplacezent K and ravewals S00 800 $ 2800 2,800 $13,800 800 $14, 800 10TAL PLAY UND VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET EASE 68 Fund Function Area Act. No. PARK PARK AND RECREATIO14 RECREATION PROGRAM 4.7 � 200 EXPENDITURE- DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail present Budget Recommended Budgeted 250 Swimming inetructiom 1. Superrision $ 750 $ 825 Instruction 1,500 8,250 Attendants 650 715 Registration 400 450 $ 9,300 $10,240 20 Bus rental $ 7,500 $ 7,800 Pool rented 2. 000 2.000 I $ 91500 $ 99800 3. Unclassified 20,0 200 TOTAL SWIMING 103TRITMON $199000 $208244 260 `Peen Program 1. Superviaion $ 500 $ 500 3„ Equipment and supplies $ 500 $ 500 Printing 500 500 Unclaoaified 500 500 11500 1,,500 TOTAL =H PR0GRA4 $ 2,000 $ 29000 270 Miscellaneous and special activitte° 1. Payroll $ 21600 $ 3,000 Leaders 7,300 2 50O i 1 $ 4;900 $ 5,300 3. Printing surer and winter builetins 900 i $ 11000 Children's theatre aatd puppetry 500 S00 Football 200 200 Unclassified 700 S00 Gyve rental nand basketball S00 Girl's gymastics 200 2 300 2,900 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECUL A V1TI S $ 7 ,200 8,400 TOTAL REC I TLON GRAM $59,315 $64"829 $64„829 VILLAGE OF EDNA ANNUAL BUDGET PASER 69 1971 s 900 S 90,526 ...............09798 "..., 19,000 10,538 10, 140 19J40 Suzy 1972 _ 3. P AL SERVICES $107,704 �— 102 a 128 I CM00MES 21,,100 22,100 & CEMML SS' IMM 21,,420 21,,420 , LA.33 39O 6,13? L, 30`d A 60 0 � 7 1 9S Park MaInteestmoc ftwkwas the cares ®f all Village paths and recreation fracilitiee'. � 1 =leaded ib this budget: acceumt are emly those properties des:lgnated as parks Other `7i1? gage pmpartiao such are boulevards, ls� ds, triangles, lift: and ptampirZ stations, are ma$ataa3 s threes to other budget acccu eat ;> although the grai -un a�z i a r1a by the park aaaintema"a cress. The mainterdam*e of pav", includes turf care, estahlish- IMnt and eSre Of tr6e0 alld pl=tiVgs£ flit tOr TGMGVIaI, MICteWAace Of Park haaillr`diage, aud equipmot and Aating rlvkk 3mp®eed "- panditures are saveanteen percent (17 %) higher than last year's a appropriiatioaa. Additional payroll (Spring clean up heap and one additional man), salary increases �asd higher cost of central services, are reasetts for they increrase � AMO SalaarieB and wages: � Centrals Services $ 2,280 { raw, ins $ 2,000 special turf care 20500 Plantings ond trees 1,000 WTAL $2217� litter r ovslL 200 �° Parking area maintenance 1,000 Building aged eeP3p srt intenance 2,100 PARR PARK MD RECRM 0H MATMEMAIME 47.3GO 1971 s 900 S 90,526 ...............09798 "..., 19,000 10,538 10, 140 19J40 Suzy 1972 _ 3. P AL SERVICES $107,704 �— 102 a 128 I CM00MES 21,,100 22,100 & CEMML SS' IMM 21,,420 21,,420 , LA.33 39O 6,13? L, 30`d A 60 0 � 7 1 9S Park MaInteestmoc ftwkwas the cares ®f all Village paths and recreation fracilitiee'. � 1 =leaded ib this budget: acceumt are emly those properties des:lgnated as parks Other `7i1? gage pmpartiao such are boulevards, ls� ds, triangles, lift: and ptampirZ stations, are ma$ataa3 s threes to other budget acccu eat ;> although the grai -un a�z i a r1a by the park aaaintema"a cress. The mainterdam*e of pav", includes turf care, estahlish- IMnt and eSre Of tr6e0 alld pl=tiVgs£ flit tOr TGMGVIaI, MICteWAace Of Park haaillr`diage, aud equipmot and Aating rlvkk 3mp®eed "- panditures are saveanteen percent (17 %) higher than last year's a appropriiatioaa. Additional payroll (Spring clean up heap and one additional man), salary increases �asd higher cost of central services, are reasetts for they increrase � AMO SalaarieB and wages: � Centrals Services $ 2,280 { raw, ins $ 2,000 special turf care 20500 Plantings ond trees 1,000 WTAL $2217� litter r ovslL 200 �° Parking area maintenance 1,000 Building aged eeP3p srt intenance 2,100 dkatirs rin iaintena e 7-704; Utilities 900 Equipment Kentaal 230 OMtractm forester 650 Conmez. t WVTh 100 iQ iesS Kwins $ 1063 Special turf cam 1,400 Pll @atings and trees Parsing area Maiffiteaeance 600 Boildisng and equipment mt °cei; S00 y L.n AVU a VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET Fund Fe notion Area Ace. No.. } PARK PARK AND RECREATION MAMENANCE 47.300 EXQENDIl'UR!-: DETAIL Code AeeMly Object ®kill Present Budget Recommended Budgeted 10 ftwiag 1. Payroll $ 13'500 $ 156500 $ 14,230 3o Repairs, parts and hand mowers 500 600 600 4. Equipwnt operation 4.,620 3J60 5.260 $ 18,6e20 $ 21,260 $ 20,010 TOTAL M1 W 320 Special turf case to Payroll $ 14 -'500 $ 17,000 $ 15,720 2,, Contracted work 1 " 800 1'900 .1,900 36. Seed $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Sod 1'200 1,200 PertillEer 1"600 2,000 Slack dirt 600 1,600 Weed spray 200 200 $ 4-'600 $ 6,200 $ 6,200 4. Equipmng operation 2.460 2J60 2„760 23,560 27,660 $ 26,610 9DTAAL SPE YAL TURF CAM 330 Plantings and trees 1� Payroll $ 6,000 $ 7.000 $ 5,750 2, Equipment rental I50 Contract forester 650 650 i 3. Plant materials 1,000 500 ,500 4e Equipmnt operation '1 920 2 160 2,160 $ 9,070 $ 10,310 S 9,060 `i'Dc PLAI MWzS AND TMS 340 Meter re al 1. 2c, gPya�.y�rgo��ll A6uch m-ntal $ 6,;800 $ 7 "`0.'00 400 $ 5,7p5�p0� e100 30 Tra -sh container 600 600 600 4. EgUIiYM'a nt operation 1.,44,0 1,620 1,620 $ 8,840 $ 9.620 $ 0.370 TOTAL LITTER RMOVAL 350 Parking area Maintenance 1. Payroll $ 3,500 $ 4, 160 3. Road oil $ 1,300 $ I'M i Sand 0 640 Daulassified 300 300 $ 2,100 $ 21700 4o Egnipmnt operation 1,440 1 620 $ 7,040 $ 0,320 $ 8,820 70`fAL PARUNG MM MMUMNANCE VILLAGE OF EDINA ANK--UAL BLI'DGE PJ %C—E 11 Fund Fu=tion Area Act. No. PARK PARK AND REOREAEWN Sud!)eted 47 � 30+0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Detail Prasent Budget Recommended Sud!)eted 360 uilding and Equ ipmant Maiia- ten:ance 1 16 payroll $ 19,900 $ 22x000 $ 22,000 ; 2j0 1:7/00 1j�900 1,900 3 O QUtilli��ties 1J18L1 be Y1 $ 3,500 $ 3, 500 Repair materia13 6,000 .6 ,500 4� Equipment operation( $ 99500 2,460 $ 10,000 2., 760 $ 10,000 2..760 1OTAL BU"I ING I ND EQUIPI ENT. MAI I 'PIA= $ 33560 $ 36,660 $ 36,660 1370 � SkatL ng rink maintenance 1; PayM11 $ 27,000 $ 34,704 $ 34,128 26 Electrical wiring 500 500 Power- and telephone 900 � 1,100 Heat 3,000 3, 500 51-100 $ 5,100 3. Lamps and fixtures 300 � 540 500 i 4. Equipment operation 4,300 5 310 5,,340 TOTAL SMUNG RINK MAIMMIN'AIMR 36 .. 700 S 45-068 1 $137 390 m $160.174 S1S4 -S9S i I . I I , TO01 MAINTERAt+SOE I I I I I f i t Park Foreman Park Keeper III Building Engineer Park Keeper 11 Temporary laborer( er ) Duert w Golf Coursse(vinter hells) Arena (ar help) Spring clean -up help PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY 1 1 $945 $1;,010 1 1 832 888 1 1 770 51.8 10 11 758 818 1313?14 DISTITBUT10N Pam. mW Recreations 9,984 A&iniatratlon: 9,240 Training $ 300 Paid lama 15,500 Recreation,. 0peraz' On Miscellaneous and special activities 3,000 Mai me uancea 8 3,,032 ?bVing $ 14t,250 Special turf care 15"750 Plantings and trues 5,750 Litter removal 5,750 Park area maintenance 4,500 Building amd equipment maintenance 22,001 Skating rink. maintenance 34.128 $102,128 TOTAL PARK AND RSCREATION _1120,928 $ 11y340 $ 12,120 9,984 10,656 9,240 9,St6 90,960 107,976 8, swo 10,0M 0peraz' On 2,500 9,096 9,20,0 3,,032 2 "500. Recreation Center 11 x,00 i Waterworks 2,009 11J3 j 052 �.. � s 169 X125....,.._._. 1,200 Charged to Other Funds: General -Public Works 13IMCJIVl& $ 2,009 Geuereal.- Public Work!u 22,000 Canera'r.-;ra:v t 0peraz' On 2,500 Swimming ?C't 4 4, no G*1f Caurssa 2 "500. Recreation Center 11 x,00 i Waterworks 2,009 Sewer Rental. 1,200 Village. Hall 7DTA1 . 169t 828 ...� VILLAGE OF EDINA ANINUAL BUDGET PAGE 73 F=J Fmaction I -Azeu Aw. , � PARK PARK AND RECREATION i MPIU1. OUWWAY 47„300--5 GUY 1971 _ BUDGED ESTIMATED 05a1; v $ 1. PERSONA SUVICZ 2. CONTRA PilAL SERYK0 5. COIA DIPES 4. CENTRAL SERVICS 11,450 319180 S. COITAL OUTIAY 11,450 11,180 MASS 197 2_ RECOMMENDED BuWrfM. 14,200 &3 �, 9A2QtD Xxpenditures for items of equipment which have as use-201 life of mere then oar ye.,= are olassifa,ed as capital outlay. COMMNIS One—ton dump truck with dual wheels is nae&d for additional transportation end general park maintenance work. Tractor with loader and aide wmnted rotary gor wee -,,d mawing and general. park work. TM tractor should have cab and sam bucket for winter work.. Garden tatted with per attachmut . is for nursary and garden Bork. Triplex mower to replace 195E modal, ]gill presN Is for general carpenter work. Rose and noa'zle replacements are needed for rink flooding area - summer uatkerins. One radio for 01th8r the director or asoiotant director for better com unicatiou. VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL RUDOU I R. 74 Fund' f Fua%0ou Area Acs. No. PARK I PAM AND RECREATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 417.100- EXPENDITURE DE'R'AIL Fresen? Cade Activity Object Detail Budge Recommended Budgeted S. Ss-4en gang mower $ 2,000 Rotary per 600 Trucksater 1,800 Picnic tables 700 Plooding tanker 1,300 Station wagon 3,,000 ! Brttsh king 250 cylisin SW- 400 Adding wwhlne 200 Repiacemntm hose and 0ozzle;� 1,000 7 IL, 0-00 $1,600 0M ton d=p truu.k 4,500 2,000 Tractor with lo&der e,v2t9 aide murated rot-ary 4t, X00 2,,000 Tiller 1,000 1,000 Triplex mower 1,900 1,500 Drill preGs 300 300 Radio Sao $DQ Mi ,'ds.00 ! a14 200 X9,,20/ r I 1 I� l f 1 TOTAL VlKIa.t'L 0V 1,.1A7 1! 1 war�s.�c I VILL-OZE OF EDINA 75 Arc) Azml i.-6. RMAET AMM MBLIC NURSING i 90115tki SkIM-114W.R7 ro d. 2. CORTRACTUAL SWIM COM, MODMT; CeNTRAL SEAipm CAPUAL WRAY 1-0,500 1972 'OfKTION Vewtvantg Villase cast *i relief ozd a&dnlsltration, ard cehaj7ad cost of 2Z - 'Xial &-u- —icq- VILLAGE OF EDINA AINNUAL BUDGE' Po-t,CVC 76 P FD 1 Fmcfigm i A= I lka . SUMMARY BUCGMD ESTIMATED 1. FMONAL SE 2. CMIACTUAL SERVICES 3. C$MIVSC33?MES 4. CENT M SEKVKM 80 v ow 80,000 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 801"l & S _ 1972 RECOINW €NDED RUDGVED 80, 000 *--&I'= 6-AL TION Raprmseffits . amca nt allocated from Liquor Dispensary Fund for Capital Imprcvem -p-ts o VILLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET PAG!- 77 Awc I Nv. BONDS AND INTEUST I SUMMARY 614,600 63,300 1 CONTRAaM SERVW I COMWDMES 4. CBMAL SERVICES .5. CANTAL OUTIUY rte_ $-ill 300 TOTS REICOMMEMMSD BUDGETED Ti —ic " 0 L, c ()0P i 0 These fun4s are used to make annual payments an oul.-staudirZ borAsu VILL-AGE OF EDNA A NINN!JAL W0SET 70 suffivEm C-STIMATIM 13n730 13,4.55 SUMMARY osim? 1. PIRSMAL SWICES 2. CON.MCT"L SERVICES 3. commr=Es 4. CENTM SEWIM 5, CANTAL GU __. 302 RECOMMENDED BUMMED 13,980 13, 30 -o'geo Reprpsents amount.oll hydrant rental for 'Lire protection paid to wateruarks :-Fund, Amm Ac� Xa. PROTE07f ON suffivEm C-STIMATIM 13n730 13,4.55 SUMMARY osim? 1. PIRSMAL SWICES 2. CON.MCT"L SERVICES 3. commr=Es 4. CENTM SEWIM 5, CANTAL GU __. 302 RECOMMENDED BUMMED 13,980 13, 30 -o'geo Reprpsents amount.oll hydrant rental for 'Lire protection paid to wateruarks :-Fund, F52ceew Are.,; FI Miv °S BELIEF ASSOCIAT100 ( 20.230 -9 SULLMkAW 1971 BUDGE BMATED 7,800 7,644 1. PERSONAL SMWES 2: CONTRACTUAL CRYXM 3. COMMINTFS 4. Cwt ate! SERVICES S. CAMI AL OILY REC®Mh4ENDFD 6660�D 5,,000 7,800 7,644 000 TWALS s'iy11��i3I� Repro-senzs the amount he Mlage contributes for rekireu =.ent of volunteer VILLAGE ti's EDIMA JM"U i pp9��y���rrgg 1971 D7O�LO VN �lyflaS �3 ®ID�iL'a.17 1972 RECONiMEMI0"sD BUDGET ED 298,620 316,032 1 CONTMICTUAL SEAMS 339,540 338,628 7"800 7,721 1 COKMODITl5 7,800 7,800 4. CENTRAL S£R iM MAL OUT LVI S.306,420 TOTAAS COMENTARY These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, teleplaone, pexasYon payments, postage, equipmnt aervi ce contracts;, and insurance premiums. These casts are allocated to operating departments .an' other -funds moa'thly, used on Usage. CC MENTS Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent ,FI3 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About fifty percent (50%) of the increase is represented by highe cost of retirement and social security. Hospital.i.zatian, life and #aria term dssabil.i'ty in- surasce premiums represent: the major share or the Bala =a of the increase. Telephone and postage cast increased about Lvelver percent over last pear's Appropriation. The below listed ue_ai1 contributes to the increase. AIMt<NT Ulepiaane $ 1,200 Pension contributions 20 "220 Postage 1,800 Workmen's Compensation insurance 3,,240 Employer% 4hare- Hospitalization, group lire and long -teas disability Insurance 15,060 Equipment rental -copy ma,ebi.ne �2) ;CJ , Equipment service Contracts 300 RBVOLVINC- C$IeTM SERVICES GENERAL 7..5.3100 JM"U i pp9��y���rrgg 1971 D7O�LO VN �lyflaS �3 ®ID�iL'a.17 1972 RECONiMEMI0"sD BUDGET ED 298,620 316,032 1 CONTMICTUAL SEAMS 339,540 338,628 7"800 7,721 1 COKMODITl5 7,800 7,800 4. CENTRAL S£R iM MAL OUT LVI S.306,420 TOTAAS COMENTARY These expenditures represent costs which are incurred periodically, such as office supplies, teleplaone, pexasYon payments, postage, equipmnt aervi ce contracts;, and insurance premiums. These casts are allocated to operating departments .an' other -funds moa'thly, used on Usage. CC MENTS Proposed expenditures are thirteen percent ,FI3 %) higher than last year's appropriation. About fifty percent (50%) of the increase is represented by highe cost of retirement and social security. Hospital.i.zatian, life and #aria term dssabil.i'ty in- surasce premiums represent: the major share or the Bala =a of the increase. Telephone and postage cast increased about Lvelver percent over last pear's Appropriation. The below listed ue_ai1 contributes to the increase. AIMt<NT Ulepiaane $ 1,200 Pension contributions 20 "220 Postage 1,800 Workmen's Compensation insurance 3,,240 Employer% 4hare- Hospitalization, group lire and long -teas disability Insurance 15,060 Equipment rental -copy ma,ebi.ne �2) ;CJ , Equipment service Contracts 300 VILLAGE OF ED1 '+ ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 61 Fund rnnetion Ares � Act. No. SLHi?LVMG CENML SBRVICES G . RAL 25,1 00 EXPEIVDI' URE DETAIL Coda Activity Object I?e WI Present DUO get ftwa nmendbd nud3dSred 2, To3episrntc $15,000 $ -16,200 4 ":' %;16 200 I co!:Omient service contr=ts 2,400 2,700 Pensions- contributions 199,260 21.914.0 215,964 Postage 91600 11 ,400 ti4bility 9;ia0 9e840 Ti%sbmzen° 5 co aasaetic�a 25,2 °x$,440 .: =2 ,4,40 Oigbyer ° s share hospitalization'' 339120 :4,1.81. Equipment rentals 4 200 :z3 30'0' 3 30o 4298'620 $3,39,540 `` Office, supplies 7 s3Q0 ;67 8QB T 306 420 347 340:: 346,42F TOTAL GENERAL DlBTIil MOf3 AWCA D TO OPEr3A �B'EG O.E Aitl, UAL MW1`MY ' -_ tggar and Council : t*MANTS: $ H' $ 130; .. . Plaianing I 3 D 44 262'.. Administration 9,828 819 Finance `' 21,496 958 .. , . Election l: , 600 50 Assessing I. 1 01620 885 Legal and Court sirvice `� 4,020 85 Public Works: Administration i 4,272 355 Engineering !: 14,136 + 1,178 i ! General + 43,896 3,,658. Police 91,3201 89110 Fire 44,460 3,705 Public Eoaaltb I 3,756 313. Inspc3etaons 7,620 635 Village Hall 2,028 169 Public Works Building 1,260 105 E4mapment operatf a 6 IS0 515 .$263,196 $ 21,,933 I i V11AGE OF EDINA ANNU.M. BUDGES' PAGE 82 Fa Rd Function A:ea � At t. N' o. RIZVOLVING CMRAL SE$YE.CES GL�ii . 1 2.50100 EXPF1 DTTURE DETAIL Code AcHWey object DetaiB Present Bead af g Recommended 6aadge,,Yed AL1aC IRD TO OTER UNDS i A< MONT Y Ssimtrag Pool $ 240 $ 24 6sa1. Course 10,200 8a0 ]Radraatiom Center 6,606 Pdri 21;852 Z,1 3 WMkivorks 14- €40 1, 221d Sea�'r'. Aefltai 9;06ti ? 755 3.� a iOZ'• SOth Stree 6 'aii 545 &3guii •gouthdaale ZS60 i 380:. l;i`giadk- Grandview C140 365 83 2na S 61936 i i i I I I I I i !}! TOTAL .,24=6,4M i I I i 28,869 V1UA(*,-'-r- OP EDINA AMMUA2. BUDGU PAGE 83 . Faza -- REVOLVIN C; L CENTRAL SERVICES I VILLAGE W.0 .2.5.100 sut"611111 1971 DUDGEM ESTU"TO OBJEU OUDGE �,ED S 13;600 $13,715 1. PERSOM SUViCIES $ i48�580 $14,692 1 2. CONTRACTUAL SEMM .L.,420 12,248 11 0,405 12,,405 3tj360 2,164 3. COAAMODMES 3,3;95 3.395 ..lj260 1,26© .;CEN TRA-L SEA 2,028 CAPMAL OUTLAY TOTAS IC 32¢,5213 COMMEWs-ART r. OTMON Thls . account provides for—tiie operation and maipunance of the Villa3e -Hal-116 Operating costs are allocated to departmeats all the basis of space accupied. dommks Propod6d expenditure-i are ten percent (M) higher than last year's appropi1ationo taiary increase for custodian; additional provision -AlEor overtime an-d eya I ra hel-ku, increas'sd cost foT heaC6 light and power, aud eentral set-vices, are the reasoLis"for:. th-e indreas.s. The below HsKeA detail contributes to the increase, AMU101-Ir Salaries and wages $ -i,080 Heat. 200 Light and pmer 500 Water and sever service 75 Rubbish service 75 Insurance 15 Laundry service 100 Sir conditio-ning service UO Contracted service and repa--irs Centr'al igeti-rices 780-- ZDTAL 12 180- ViILLAG � OF WINA ANBNUAL DUD)GET , 0;1 FuRd Activity ~ Funaicw A= I sec4. "No. REVOLVING SM53 ed CMIT W\L SERVICES VILLAGE MALL I 25,,200 EXPENDff URE DENAIL Code Activity Object Detail R(jc(;.-"reitd ad SM53 ed 10 : Custodian $ 8,400 85880 8,850 Ektra help and overtime 35000 3,600 3,642 Public works-payroll In200 1. 200 15200 Park-payroll 1 1-6000 000 1.1000 3,600 -45680 $14,692 20 Hdat 2,300 $ 2,500 Light and power, 5:'000 5:,500 wlditr and sever service 1 00 375 insurance Riibbish service 660 600 675 675 LauirLdry service 900 1.,000 Meatrical and furnace services 0100 600 Air conditioning service AM 680 Contracted service and repairs 760 400 $11,420 812,405 $12,4E 36 Cleaning supplies 's 660 5 660 Paper supplies 50C 535 General supplies 800 coo Repair parts and hardware 200 200 Cdrpay.ter materials and paint 600 800 RepUcement• light bulbs 400 400 $ 3,360 5 3,395 $ 3,395 40 General 1 260- .2 040 229 40 S32'520 S32_520 THAL VILLAGE Mk"- ViLL,4Sf,-: (W- EDINA ANNUA,L [URSH 85 Fund Area No. REVOLVING CEIVERZAL SERVIdES VILLAGE Hrll 25,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Code Activity Object Deicdsi Present Budget Recommended Budgeted ALLOCATED 7.0 OFERATI.NG DERARTMNTS: AWUL MONITBLY Mayor and Council $ 3,120 260 plannivg 1,020 85 Administration 4,980 415 1,980 165 Asssicsg 1,480 165 works: Administration 1,010 85 Engineering 1,860 155 F61ice 9,420 785 Public Health 1,020 85 Inspection 1,140 95 $27,54-3 2,29525295 ALLOCATED M OTHER N Park 8 31120 260 War-ermrks 960 so Seu6r Rental 900-- 75. 4,980 S: 415 TOTAL �32,520, 2 710 I �1 � 1 VlLLIk-GE OF E®INA A.101UAL 31;0630' PACE- 86 BUDGMV ESTIMATED S 9,8x+0 5 11,951 12,960 2,700 1,140. 16,682 3,2136 1,140 SUMMAXI 081EC' 1. PEW?" SEvvras 2. COMACnIAL SERVIM 3q. COMMODITIES & CENTRAL SEXY 5:, CAW At, OUYIAY 13!x20 $13,580 �7�JuD 17,080 3j3.Z0 3,120 18260 1,260 �. 2 33 d 059 '� 3E 8. Q 35 F MCTIO the fmaction oil the Public Works &AIding is to, provide a shalfi.:er for equipman, maintenance operations, s_ockro©iR, and office area for public nark persona-eld, WINSEi'M Proposed expeaditures are thirty-one percent <31%) higher than' last year's appropridtion,. °ire strain reasom for the imrease is because of additional Sarage: space acquired during 1969 and no provi.si*n made for AL-he current year. The belmu listed detail contributes to the :increase. G3➢Ti1iYE`:KA /u Salaries and wages $30680 TI-a-at 2,200 Light and power Ve- VOAtNIW I CRi�F'i'RAL SERVICES 300 PUBLIC WORKS # UILDVIG 23.300 - BUDGMV ESTIMATED S 9,8x+0 5 11,951 12,960 2,700 1,140. 16,682 3,2136 1,140 SUMMAXI 081EC' 1. PEW?" SEvvras 2. COMACnIAL SERVIM 3q. COMMODITIES & CENTRAL SEXY 5:, CAW At, OUYIAY 13!x20 $13,580 �7�JuD 17,080 3j3.Z0 3,120 18260 1,260 �. 2 33 d 059 '� 3E 8. Q 35 F MCTIO the fmaction oil the Public Works &AIding is to, provide a shalfi.:er for equipman, maintenance operations, s_ockro©iR, and office area for public nark persona-eld, WINSEi'M Proposed expeaditures are thirty-one percent <31%) higher than' last year's appropridtion,. °ire strain reasom for the imrease is because of additional Sarage: space acquired during 1969 and no provi.si*n made for AL-he current year. The belmu listed detail contributes to the :increase. G3➢Ti1iYE`:KA /u Salaries and wages $30680 TI-a-at 2,200 Light and power 1,500 Insurance 300 Rubbitgh tcazaling 120 Cleaning supplies ?0o General supplies6 hardware and repair. tarts 220 Replacement -4aght bulbs 100 Central sarvices 120 qDTAL M340 VOIAGE OF EMNA - ANNUAL rJur-CM-7 PAGR 87 Fciad Foas�*fea �a Qaa'ti;i BEMVING C8 SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDMG 25.'300 OTEM'05TUM, MAM Code Activity Object Qaa'ti;i i've�r�li Nd et Recommended , Budgeted 1.. Castodian $ 7,740 8,220 $ 8,00 blic works payroll .900 3,300 303..00 Farpayrol3 r 1.200 2 008 '2a000 $ 9,84.0 .$13,52 0.; $13,580 2, Reatc 4680 $ 7,000 Light and pamr 31'M 71000 • I�sarance 50ti 80td labbish hauling Sevier amd water service 660 500 780 500 Contract work 1 coo 1 000 $12,960 017,080 017,080 3. Cleaning supplies $ 900 $ 1,000 General supplies, ` hardware and repair j parts 1,500 1,720 Replacement- 13gbt bulbs 300 400 ,700 3,120 3,120 4. General 1,140— 1 260 1 260 26 640 134,980 980 .35 0 0 L Pi LI J MORKS BUILDING DISTRIUMIGN MWANg TO OPSBATIG D8 ARMEM. A :tONTHLY Realth S 11080 $ 90 Public Works i � 2!,886 240 squiymnt operati6a 2&766 2,230 $30,720 2,560 ®i MUD TO OVER FUNDS; j Pik I $ 2,880 $ 240 waterworks 720 60 Sever Rental ! 720 60 4a320 360 i i i TDTAL Q5,040 2 920 IREVOLIVING CENTRAL SUIVICE5 EQUIPbTNT €1P- 17MITION 25 ,,400 SUMMARY 1971 1utiaTm _ ESTIMAATED 08JEa _ RECOMMENDED 1972 _ _ i 8 U' G t 1 iD $ 65"000 58,116 1. PERS' HAL SEBti/I M 69,810 $ 70,386 � 33,500 42,816 815 2. CONTRACTUAL SERYM 39,700 39,700 8294 -60 91 ,,666 3. COMMODITIES 89,930 89,930 26,640 26,640 �L CENTRAL. SERb3 32,080 � 32,940 6 5. CAHTAL OUTLAY si9 Cnd�O 2�9,23� 23 232�,95b WTALS FONCTION This acco- -anst provides for operation and maintenance cif all vehicles, maintevance equipatent, and power tools. Costs of equipment operation are chzirged to operating departments and other 'vuinds on the basis of use„ COMENTS Prop6sed ei.pendi.tures are twelve percent: X12%) higher than last gear es appropria- ti.ond Salary increases, radio service, contraceed repairs,.. insurance cos tso various commodities and central services are the principal reaaons for tbb inerea.ve ;, The bolow listed detail contributes to the increase. !iT Salaries and wages $ 4610 Radio service 12200 Contracted repairs 2,51}8 Insurance 2 a SE10 Replacement of tools 25 Stock asaierials 2,000 Walding supplies 220 Gasoline and fuel oil 2,500 Tires and tubes 1n5Qo Lubricates Accessu$ies and parts 2,000 Central services 6.240 TOTAL. R11, 7 ?0 P.A"Gw 89 Fund Fum&n Arw Art. Pao. � REVOLVING CENTRAL SERVICES EQII1PIONT OPERATION 25;,-400 WENDITURC DETAIL Code AaWhy ®bjecf De€ fl Presenk Budget.. Recommended Budgeted 1: tsecha -zd'c foreman $ 10,740 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 Wiechani.cs (2) 20,232 23,576 21,576 Serviceman might) 9,348 10,656 10.056 Serviceman 9,096 9,816 9,816 Public; works - payroll 69000 69360 6,360 Parts cleric Q) 36;i20�A .. 35390�A) 3,360 Fark`aud golf caurse . g5groll 49000.% 4,000 4,000 Oz- ime 2 ;464 C-.1612 -gin $ 65;000 $ 69j, 810 _a $ 90,386 i 2e ; Radio service $ 7;000 $ 8,200 � Laundry 1-,500 1,; 500 i Contracted repairs i;.soo 10,000 i Ez3surance 16 "000 18,5000 I Gar washes 500 .. 1x500 i _1 $ 33 „500 $ 39,7€30 €� 39,700 n i $e lacement of L'oD s J ©00 $ 750, _.Stack materials 7"900 90000,. ! I Welding supplies 4GD � 680 f 254410 -3 tGasoline and use., I coil 286000 30,500 2 b420-3 Tires and tubes 8500 1 10,000 L-ulbricants 3v560 3,000 I Acdessories and i I pares 34,000 1. .36 000, $ 82,1x60 $' 89,930 $ 89,930 ' + 1. 1 46 1 General $ 6;,240 $ 6,180 6,180 s i Public Works I Ivnzi 1dirzg L 400. 26 300 _ 26,76@ G40 1A 32,880 3 32,.910 f Th %` EOP'i:z.. �3PETI ®Iv 247 6£33 $232,3�{i 52,956 mac=e A $25000 Ja ivary 3; and $20.00 July 2a I i I I i • VULLAGE OF EDINA ANNUAL BUDGET FADE Farad Activity Famctiaa Detail Area Asi. Me. REVOLVING OLVING Cl AL SERVICES PQUIMS T OPERATION � 25.400 . EXPENDITURE DETAIL Coda Activity Object Detail Budget. Recommended Budgeted DISTRIBUTION ALWCaMD TO OPEM DM ARTMEMS: Planning $ 840 70 Administration 846, 70 Assessing 840 70 Mbl is Forks: Administration 840 70 Engineering 8,180 675 Supervisi ©n and over1A ad 840 70 Stmt emmisnte 77,616 6,,468 Street lighting 840 70 Street naQ sta s 2,400 200 Traffic control 4,620 385 Bridges 840 70 Store drainage ! 4,620 385 Village propert'iDs 1 7,380 590 Sidewalk and ranp � 1,020 85 police 44,880 3,740 Fire 14,760 1,230 Inspections f 1 680 140 $172,656 '$I4,388 , ALLOCATED TO OTHER MS r Swiming pool ' 1,026 $ 85 Golf Course ! 14,100 1,175 i Recreation centO f 3,540 295 Pa e ! 23,520 1,960 Waterworks 8,400 700 i Sewer Rental construction (Ass ssed �rojects) 6,120 3 600 510 300 60,300 50025- �. J& 32 956 I9 413 i I I t 1 GALS 0 August 27, 1971 VILLAGE OF EDINA SCHEDULE OF MA.XDRM. SALARIES AND WAGES FOR YEAitS 3971 Ah-D 1972 1971 1972 GENERAL AMINISTRATION PER MNTH PER MTH Director of Finance and Treasurer $1,750 $1,850 Assessor 1,250 1,375 Deputy Assessors 1,025 1,100 Village Clerk 750 800(E) Administrative Assistant 625 1,000 Office Clerical - fiscal - secretarial; Clerical I (5) M -500 3750525 Clerical 11 (13) 400-600 450 -650 Clerical III (2) 500 -750 550 -803 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 754 750 Planning Technician 1,275 1:125 Accountant- auditor 800 850(8) PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE* Director of Public Safety and Police Chief 1,750 1,850 Captains - 2 ye=ars service 1,235 1,310 1 year service "s,175 1,355 First year 1,123 1,185 Detective Sergeants (School Liaison): 2 years service 1,075 1,125 1 year service 1,060 1,110 First year 1,040 1,090 Sergeants- 2 years service 1,055 1,105 1 year service 1,040 1,090 First year 1,03.0 1,060 Detectives -2 years service 1,025 1,075 1 year service 1,005 1,055 First year 990 1,01,0 Patrolmen -4 years service 970 1,020 3 years service 925 975 2 years service 885 935 1 year service 840 890 First year 755 800 Dispatchers -Desk clerks 725 775 Dispatchers -Dusk clerks (early) 4,,00 4,25 FIRE'.* Chief 1,235 1,310 Assistant Chief 1,120 1,135 Lieutenants - 2 years service 1,000 1,050 1 year service 985 1,035 First year 955 1,005 Drivers-Inspectors 940 990 Firemen - 4 years service 915 965 3 years service 83€1 930 2 years service 845 895 1 year service 810 360 First year 725 775 Part Time - 150% of a fire fighter's regular dourly rate, with a minimm of 2 hcurs for each off -duty call o $4-25 per drily Schedule o: Salaries and Wages Con.tiruea; A August. 27, 1971 PUBLIC SAFETY CONTINUED *Of the total compensation for members of the Police Deparment $30000 a Tonth shall- be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off -duty training from the mike Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires and for crjali.fy°ing for Pad Cross first aid certificates. *x`.$20,00 per month to be paid represents compensation for the fact that Edina's peasion costs and benefits are ?over than cities which have independent fire pension funds, rather than for duties outside normal fire department activities. The Fire Department wH1 a however continue to do other work as assigned. ***O f -duty police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills shall be paid the same as part-time firemeno MI. 19 72 ELECTION PER MONTE PER MONTH Judges and Clerks $2,25 per hour $2025 per hour Chairmen 3,50 additional 3„50 .addit<iona? PARKS AND RECREATUON Director $1,475 $1,565 Assistant Director 1,100 1,710 Program Supervisor 800 (A) 900(C) Pool Manager (s) 525 575 Assistant Pool Manager (s) 1c75 525 Concession Imager (s) 2,15 per hour 2,35 per hour Pool Cashier 1,75 ft If 1095 17 fJ Bathhouse - Concession Attendants (s) 1050 it Gf 1065 la It Swin�nirg Instructor fra) 2 � 50 tl tf 2y � 7O/S�� Gf G! Life Guards (s) 2050 17 Gt 2150 Pool Maintenance (s) 2„00 fJ Gf 2,20 It tJ Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) 525 575 Baseball Assistants (s) 2000 per hour 2,,20 per hour Hockey Coaches (s) 2150 1: Gt 2075 81 to Rink Attendants : "s) 2025 1: it 2050 Playground Faders a) 2,50 Gt f9 12 2075 19 Skating- Skiing Instguctors (s) 6.00 Inst.class 6050 Park Keeper 111# 838 888 Park Keeper IT# 768 818 Park Keeper Ir 695 745 Golf Course Business Manager 850(B) 925 Golf Course Superintendent 900 950 Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, YAinch Counter Clerhe (s) 2 090 per hour 3.25 per hour Arena- tanager 900 1,000 arena- Assistank Manager 768 818 Arena- Maintenance supervisor 768 618 Area— Guards, Cashiers, Concession. Attendants 2,,65 per hour 2.90 per hour A Schedule of Salaries m-td Wages Continued: $1,650 A posit: 27, 1'971 Supervisor of Survey 1971 1972 1lgWR STORES PER MONTH PER iMN:� Manager $1,350 $1,430 Assistaat Manager 935 991 Assistant: Managers o stores 895 950 Clerks - regular 3.55 per hau;: 3.90 per hour Clerks - Part time 2,90 per hour 3.20 per hour INSPECTORS 1,070 1,135 Plumbing $1,025 $1,090 Building 1,070 1,135 Deputy Inspector a60 930(G) &XALTR 695 745 Health Officer $ 25 S 25 Sanitarian 1,045 1,110 Laboratory Technician 850(c) 935 i?) PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering $1,650 $1,800 Supervisor of Survey 1"070 1,135 Supervisor of Da -sign 1,070 1,135 Supervisor of Inspection 1,070 1,135 Engiree.ring Aide 111 900 955 Engineering Aide 11 750 8300 Engineering Aide 1 650 700 Superintendent, Public Works 1,250 1,325 Superintendent, Water 1,070 1,135 Foreae an - (Street,cewer,uater,-parks, and mecharnic) 975 1,025 Heavy Equipment; Operators # 838 888 Light Equipment Operators 768 818 Maintenarxe Man 695 745 M-echsaic 860 910 MeehanicOs helper 4� 768 818 Janitor 700 740 Sewer-water Utility Man 768 8318 t= St:art3ag rates may be 20% less for the first three .nnths of service and 10% less for the second three Months (s) Seasonal ,iA) — $35.00 January 1, $40.00 July 1n (B) a $65.00 January 1" $70000 July 1<, (C) - $30.00 January 1, $50000 July 1c (D) - Salary was adjusted mid -year. (E) - $25,0€ Jamiary 1, $2500 July 1 r, �F) - $40.00 January 1" $35.00 July 1,, (G) - q, 4O.00 January 1„ $30.00 July 1. (H) - $50.00 January 1" $3500 July 1. COi��1'.�IVE.. Sri- AR$ OF %tWOR CBJEC'i'8 BY ACTIVITY AND rUt�a€n Von VMS ? e372 M 197:i Planning: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* Administration: 1972 :1971 Increase- Decrease* Finance: 1972 1971 Increase Decrease* Elections: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease Assessing: 1972 7.971 Legal 1972 1971 increase- Decrease* and Court Services: $ 24,225 Contractual. Services emmorlities $ 2,560 $ rcrsonal G-onfere=es - Sapplieo Cantgal Capital Activities SarvlcaG and Schoclo Other Ganerg 8 acia' Serviaeg OrsLa�� Total C-QME &L GDV3MWT: 1,890 325 wr and Council: 3,900 3.972 $ 13,200 $ 100 $ 800 $ 4,680 $ 1€,789 1971 13_,200 $ 800 4 x4.10 181,140 increase - Decrease $ •0-y $- 100 $ -0. $ -0. $ °0w $ 540 $ w0- $ - 640 Planning: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* Administration: 1972 :1971 Increase- Decrease* Finance: 1972 1971 Increase Decrease* Elections: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease Assessing: 1972 7.971 Legal 1972 1971 increase- Decrease* and Court Services: $ 24,225 $ 410 $ 2,560 $ 525 $ 75 $ 5,O40 $ $ 32,835 241,525 _340 1,890 325 75 3,900 31,055 $ 300* $ 70 $ 670 $ 200 $ -0- $ 1,140 $ -0- $ 1,780 7�,.s© 315 $ 0,950 Is0 75 $ 15,780 $ 603 $ 97,030 E�5,IN _.. „5,990 x;66 Fi,�38 __ � _- 125 � 7S � &rS80 600 $ '15.1 $ 27.2 25 $� -0» $ 1,200 $ -0- 7,276i�Ys $ 78,935 $ 380 $ 2,630 $ 50 $ 13,560 $X35,605 712700 470 2x630 50 11,400 86,250 ,$ 7,265 $ 90-, $ AOw $ - ® $ v0- $ 2,160 $ -0- $ 9,355 r $ 10;,750 $ 1,780 $ 550 $ 600 $ 1,738 $ 15,418 _ 3,545 925 395 360 1;795 7,020 $ 7,205 $ _0•• $ 855 $ •-0- $ 155 $ 240 $ 57* $ 8,398 61,770 $ 1,585 $ 11,647 $ 900 $ 13,560 $ 89,462 58,4,40 835 -12627 925 11,160 $ 400 739387 $ 3,330 $ 750 $ 10,020 $ 23ti $ -0- $ 2,400 $ 400 $ 16,075 S 9,000 $ 38,100 $ 1,020 $ 48,120 9,000 33,450 960 43,410 Increase-Decrease $ »0- $ -0_ $ 4,650 $ -0- $ -0- $ 60 $ -0- $ 4,710 Library: 1972 1971 TOTAL 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease* GENE ML (y0VMR MENT: $ 12,380 $ $ 13,065 $ 1,550 $ 25A $ 1,200 _ $ 28,44.5 $ 33,380 $ -Op $ 1,,065 $ 1,550 $ 250 $ 1,200 $ -0- $ 28,445: $269,090 $ 2,790 $ 65,667 $ 1,575 $ 1,550 $ 54,240 $ 2,338 $397,250 257 960 2,111 622325 2,925_ - _1,645 47,700 21795 377,461 Increase-Decrease 11,1.30 $ 679 $ 3,342 $ 1,350* $ 55* $ 6,540 $ 457h $ 19,789 -� 0 COM- Fliq.ATIVm SUP"-,Y OR it -AJOR flBJ1BCTS BY ACTZiIV2 AND M4D (CONTID) Engineering: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease Supervision and Overheads 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease:. Street Maintenance: 1972 1971 Increase - Decraase* Street 'sighting: 1972 ±971 Increase- Decrease* Street Name Signs: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* Traffic Control: 1972 1971 Increase.-Decrease Bridges: 1972 1971 Storm 1972 1971 Increaase- Decrease * Drainage: $117,740 Contractual sorvices Oomzadit eu $ 11,200 $ Personal Conies-eBcoo Sta�3�Sieo � Central Capital 24,240 Activ� ties So %m eae and Schools other Gereval rectal So -ices OLtlny Total �?tBLIC RK+S�: 2,200 4,000 1,500 AdrriniJt cBY.ian: 211780 2 „900 144 550 $ 5,670 1972 $ 26,220 $ 50 9,000 $ 6,180 $ 32;,450 1971 24,150 50 2,460 5,220 "1.9,420 Increase- Decrease* $ 2,070 $ -0- $ -0- $ a 0- $ -0- $ 960 $ =0- $ 3,030 Engineering: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease Supervision and Overheads 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease:. Street Maintenance: 1972 1971 Increase - Decraase* Street 'sighting: 1972 ±971 Increase- Decrease* Street Name Signs: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* Traffic Control: 1972 1971 Increase.-Decrease Bridges: 1972 1971 Storm 1972 1971 Increaase- Decrease * Drainage: $117,740 $ 100 $ 11,200 $ 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 24,240 $ 1,800 $160,580 112,070 $ 200 $ 100 $ 1,720 Q' 2,200 4,000 1,500 211780 2 „900 144 550 $ 5,670 $ -0- $ 9,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,460 $ 1,100x" $ 16,030, $ 56,. 160 $ 550 $ 90 $ 280 $ 47,640 $104,720 52,860 550 90 250 39,540 93x290 $ 3,,300 $ -0- $ m0- $ d0- $ 30 $ 8,100 $ t-0- L $ ''1,430 $172,910 $ 64,860 $101,053 $ 9,661 $ 76,980 $1.125,11,72 160 200 62.600 86 934 8,5i1 68,460 386 705 ' 12,718 $ -On $ 2,260 $ 14,119 $ 1,150 $ 8,520 $ -0- $ 38,767 $ 575 $ 93,140 $ 1,100 $ 850 $ 957655 550 84.000 1,000 720 $ 25 $ -0- $ 9,140 $ -0- $ 100 $ 120 $ -Oe $ 9,385 $ 9,190 $ 12,538 $ 2,400 $ 24,128 8,600 9,182 2,100 19,882 590 $ m0- $ -0- $ 3$356 $ -Om $ 300 $ -0- $ 4,246 12,640 $ 10,065 $ 10,532 $ 3,626 $ 4n620 $ 41,483 11,$50 9,150 9,574 3.297 4,140 38 „011 $ 790 $ -0- $ 915 $ 958 $ 329 $ 480 $ ®0- $ 3,472 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 300 $ 2,327 $ 840 $ 9,467 2,800 3,=0 lrl88 - 1,200 720 8,908 $ 200 $ -0- $ -0- $ 888 $ 1,127 $ 120 $ ©0- $ 539 $ 28,145 $ 330 $ 3,015 $ 3,200 $ 4,620 $ 39,310 26,500 1,300 2,650 3,000 4,140 37,590 Increase- Decreasa* $ 1,645 $ -0. $ 970 $ 365 $ 200 $ 480 $ -0- $ 1,720 Q' E�ctsi ties T,YEI.l'C 14ORKS COMM: Village Properties: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease Sidewalks and Ramp: 1972 1971 7.acrease- Decrease., Capital Outlay: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease-" PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: CO IPMITIVE SMI -1AR}1 OF MUOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND 'w-UND (CONTrD) Contractual. Service„ Co d Figs vi: u771w1 c3aiCocri+'itCaE c:.}.2tral Capital Se-,6vicee and 8ebools Othar Goneral _ Scrvicca�entlm .,. .�.i.°otal M 26,830 $ 1,686 $ 2,450 $ 4,210 $ 13,750 $ 7,080 28,702 $378,379 $ 54,320 232300 L375 4¢.858 2,300 2,650 3 850 5,666 12,500 6x300 324,574 $ 30,599 48,,50 $ 3,530 $ -0- $ ISO $ 360 $ 1,250 $ 780 $ -0- $ 6,070 $ 4,216 333 $ $ 1,100 $ 500 $ 1,020 40 $ 6,836 2 , 900 370 3,000 500 $ ISO 900 -0- $ 5,300 _ $ 1,316 $ -0.. $ -0- $ 100 $ -0a $ 120 $ -0- $ 1,536 $ 925 $ 5.,880 $ 317 $ 32,842 22.715 500 $ 48,200 $ 48,200 882 5,880 31,0 $ I,550 $ -0- $ 27 $ 36x000 36,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ .0- $ -0- $ -o- $ -o- $ 120200 $ 12,200 $457,634 $ 700 $185;135 $136.,748 $ 35,9444• $176,460 $ 50,000 $1„042x621 4258780 700_ 1642640 118,378 31„758 154,020 38„900 934,176 $ 31,854 $ -0- $ 20,495 .$ 18,370 $ 4,186 $ 22,440 $ 11,100 $106,443 Police Protection: 1972 $615,273 $ 3,595 $ 22,835 $ 1,291 $ 1,650 $151,620 $ 34,834 029,098 1971 537..272 1.n386 !2,701 1,,,402 1,445 129,420 21,992 715,618 Increase- Decrease* $ 78,001 $ 209 $ 134 $ 111'x: $ 205 $ 22,200 $ 12 :842 $113,480 Dire Protection: 1972 1971 Increased Decrease* Civilian Defense: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* Public Health: 1972 1971 Animal. 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease* Control: $272,840 $ 1,686 $ 10,808 $ 3,000 $ 2,121 $ 59,220 $ 28,702 $378,379 24.2 -241 L375 4¢.858 2,650 5,666 54.600 13.184 324,574 $ 30,599 $ 311 $ 51950 $ 350 $ 3,545" $ 4,620 $ 15,518 $_33,803 $ 3,330 $ 40 $ 333 $ 560 $ 4,243 _ 3x150 40 463 370 4.023 $ ISO $ -0- $ 150 $ -0- $ 190 $ -0- $ -0 - $ 220 $ 24,265 $ 500 $ 1,055 $ 925 $ 5.,880 $ 317 $ 32,842 22.715 500 1,028 882 5,880 31,0 $ I,550 $ -0- $ 27 $ 40- $ 43 $ W0- $ 217 $ 1,837 $ 17,522 $ 17,522 16,848 16,848 a, Increase - Decreases $ -0- $ -0= $ 674 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 674 G MPAI;ALIi E SUPWIRY OF INAJOR OBJECTS BY ACTIVITY AND FUND ' (CON`S' D) . Actiyitios PR70TECTION Or PERSONS AND PROPERTY CONT °D, Inspections: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease', TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES- Contingencies: 1972 197I Increase- Decrease* Settlement of Suitul 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease: Special Assessments on Village Property: 1972 1971 Central 1972 1971 Capital 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease• Services - Capital Outlay: Incroase- Decrease* Improvements: _ couteac teal services comedities Fersanal Conferences supplies r� Central Capital 8etvicee and schoolG _ otharcano l r 8p all __LL = 3�b��:rao On�18� a ®Eaai $ 53,280 $ 997 $ 632 $ 50 $ 815 $ 10,440 $ 513 $ 66,727 43,320 _ 7.,035 295 142 540 9,420 54 752 $ 9,960 $ 38 $ 337 $ 92 $ 275 $ 1,020 $$ 513 $ 11,975 $968,988 $ 4,818 $ 53,165 $ 4,341 $ 6,071 $227,160 $ 64,266 $1„328,809 _8le8,698 4,336 4.6,193 4.194 8,903 191320 35,176 1,146,820 $120,290 482 $ 6,972 $ 147 $ 2,832* $27,840 $ 29,090 $181,939 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 _ 20 000 20000 $ -0- $ -0- $ 5,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ °0- $ °0- p$ 5 000 a $ 500 $ 500 /� 500 - j'J - 500 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -O_ $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ ®0- $ 70,000 $ 70,000 55,000 55,000 $ --0- $ -0- $ -Ow $ =O- $ -0° $ -0- $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 4,659 $ 4,659 - 72299 -0- $ -0- $ -Q- $ -0- $ -0- $ -O- $ 2,640* $ 2,640* $ 50,000 $ 50,000 108,,328 1082328 Increase- Decrease* $ -0- $ -00 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 58,328* $ 58,328+ C%gP1,P.&TIVBs Smi:_i RY 01A! 111A DR G'Birs'OTS BY a- LIMIT ;:ID L"iJo (CON TD) Activities NON- DEPAR`3.`1MENTAL EXPENDITURES COIQT'D. I;�l.man Rights Ccrcunission: 1972 197 Increase - Decrease TOTAL NON- DFS'LIRTMENTA1L EXPENDITURES: 1972 1971 TOTAL 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease GENERAL FUND: PARK FUND: Administration: 1972 1971 Contractual gm- less Co M.0ditice Parconaa Conferances Supplies Centael Capital Sarvcus and 801wa .s Othor General 8 cial Services Cut &V Total 8,+00 $ 4,200 $ 300 $ 12,600 8;700 1,200 300 _ 10,200 $ 600* $ =0= $ 3,000 $ -O -On $ -0- 4 $ -0- $ °0® $ 2,400 $ 8,100 $ 29,700 $ 300 $124,659 $162,759 6,700 219700 300 170 „627 201,327 $ 600* $ b0- $ 8,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 45,968` $ 38,568* $1,703,812 $ 8,308 $333,667 $142,964 $ 43,565 $457,860 $241,263 $2,931x439 1,541E138 7,147 294,858 1.25,797 42,306 401,040 243 49.8 2,659, - Increase - Decrease* $ 162,674 $ 1,161 $ 38,809 $ 17,167 $ 1,259 $ 56,820 $ 6,235 $ 271,,635 Increase•Decrefase„ Recreation: 1972 1971 7� IncreEase-Decrease* Maintenance: $ 74,604 $ Boo $ 11150 $ 100 $ 75 $ 36,240 $1125969 64,272 800 $ 12370 100 75 30,000 96,617 $ 10,332 $ -0- $ 220* $ -0- $ 40® $ 6,240 $ -0- $ IG,352 $ 44,854 19,1140 $ 9,800 1372390 $ 10,175 $ 162504 $ 64,829 _ 40,440 $ 1,900 9,500 2,600 $ 9,375 $ 59,315 $ 4,414 $ -0- $ 300 $ -0- $ 800 $ -0- $ -O- $ 5,514 1972 $107,704 $ 9,950 $ 19,000 $ 2,100 $ 21,420 $160,174 1971 912200 8,050 16,400 21600 19,1140 1372390 Increase- Decrease* $ 162504 $ 40- $ 1,900 $ 2,600 $ 500 $ 2,280 $ -0- $ 22,7873 Capital Outlay: 1972 $ 14,200 $ 14,200 1971 11,450 11,450 Increase - Decrease* $ °0n $ v0- $ .0= $ -O� $ -0- $ .0- $ 2,750 $ 2,750 TOWL PARK FUND: 1972 0227,162 $ 800 $ 20,900 $ 19,100 $ 120350 $ 57,660 $ 14`200 $352,172 1971 1952912 800 18,920 16,500 12,050 49,140 11,450 3042772 Increase - Decrease* $ 31,250 $ -0- $ 1,980 $ 2,600 $ 300 $ 8,520 $ 2,750 $ 47,400 C0�4FARATIVE ISTLia -W'-MY OF MAMOR OBJECTS BY T ±VI Y. AND YUND (CONT D) a Activities I)T'= M 3UPPORTE D I'7 a_TFMMI UMS Rei ie g and Public Nursing: 1972 1971 Contractual €loxvices Cr 0itiQG Powsonal conferancee Supplies Caantrral Capital 80TvieON and schools other CenaraH smelal soryica€a own la, Total Increase - Decrease* Park Construction - Capital Improvements: 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease* Bonds and Interest: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease* F iremen° s Relief Association: 1972 '1971 Increase - Decrease„ Fire Protection: 1972 1971 Increase- Decrease: TOTAL OTHER TAX SUPPORTED EXPEIIDITURES 1972 1971 Increase - Decrease* TOTAL AU FUNDS: 1972 1971 $ 17,500 -0- $ 1,810 $ -On $ $ 17,500 15 690 40° $ -0- $ 11810 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 80 000 80 000 -0� $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -Oo $ 71,000 $ 71,000 64.600 64.600 -0- $ -0- - $ 6,400 y -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ oaf., $ 6,t•00 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 -__ 75800 7, 800 $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,80O* $ -0- $ -0- $ °0° $ -0° $ 2,800' $ 13,980 $ 13,,980 _ 13,730 13¢730 -0- $ -0- _ $ 250 $ °0- $ °0- $ °0° $ -0- $ 250 $107,480 $ 80,000 $187,480 10l,820 80,000 181,820 -0- $ -0- $ 5,660 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0® $ 5,660 $1,.9309974 $ 9,108 $462,047 $162,064 $ 55,915 $515,520 $335,463 $3,471,091 _ 1,737,O50 7,947 415,598 142,297 54,356 450°180 3382948 3,146,376 Increase- Decrease* $ 8193,924 $ 1,161 _ $ 16.449 $ 19,767 $ 1,559 $ 65,340 $ 3,485 $ 324,715 n Percent of I crease- Decreaase* -- Over Last Year: 11.16% 14.61% 11.18% 13.89% 2,87% 14.51% 1.02% 10.32% RE Y 9 'C� `�• ^3' T� t 1 c'li �: ..r . a �.. °lL0 aj: � �-! 1 =4 P U $13„x+24 $3��OC $67,821 $1?6,487 TOTAL INCREASE- PERSONAL SERVICES $193,924 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -OTHER Planning- Professional services Administration - Other Election: Moving charges Service Bureau Assessing-reassessment survey Legal and Court Costs: Board and roam - prisoners Court costs Library-total for 1971 Engineering: Professional services Traffic Count Public Works: Street Maintenances General Maiptenance- equipment rental General maintenance - contracted repairs Snow and ice removal-equipment rental Street lighting: Power Contracted repairs Contracted services- repl3cement8 Traffic control: Traffic signal maintenance- power Traffic signal maintenance- contracted Storm drainage: repairs and services Storm sewer maintenance - televised inspection 5 800 250 $ 555 250 805 10,000 $ 1,500 (� /� _2,200 3,700 5J ;,0Ci� $ 10,000 9,r,00 $ ia200 500 500 2,200 $ 5,140 250 750 9,140 600 300 900 ,,Goo Classx fz.cation and Other A ditionaL Add Salary BERSONAL SERVICES Adjustments Giver -rime sersounel Increase TO,:,I 1 Plainni. %g $ 219Z5 _ 1.200 $ 1.,x.25, `? -30 Administration 2,120 600 3,270 5,990 Finance 490 3,060 3,745 7 , 285 Election 7,205 7,205 Assessing 540 3,870 3,330 Library 12,,3000 Public Works: Administration 2,070 2,070 Engineering 5,070 5,610 General 1,685 $4,20k") 12 843 '13,794 74,124 Police 16,435 17,041 44,525 78,001 Fire 105 13,360 17,744 30,599 Civilians Defense 180 180 Public Health 10034 1,550 Inspection 120 7,200 2,640 9;,960 Daman Rights Commission 600 {:f. 7' Parks: Administration 5G6 6,758 4,140 10,332 Recreation 370 4,04.4 4°414 Maintenance , ?_30 400 10.,E:64_ r 7„920 - 16:.j504-- - $13„x+24 $3��OC $67,821 $1?6,487 TOTAL INCREASE- PERSONAL SERVICES $193,924 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -OTHER Planning- Professional services Administration - Other Election: Moving charges Service Bureau Assessing-reassessment survey Legal and Court Costs: Board and roam - prisoners Court costs Library-total for 1971 Engineering: Professional services Traffic Count Public Works: Street Maintenances General Maiptenance- equipment rental General maintenance - contracted repairs Snow and ice removal-equipment rental Street lighting: Power Contracted repairs Contracted services- repl3cement8 Traffic control: Traffic signal maintenance- power Traffic signal maintenance- contracted Storm drainage: repairs and services Storm sewer maintenance - televised inspection 5 800 250 $ 555 250 805 10,000 $ 1,500 (� /� _2,200 3,700 5J ;,0Ci� $ 10,000 9,r,00 $ ia200 500 500 2,200 $ 5,140 250 750 9,140 600 300 900 ,,Goo 7 cml Mlil L. 8 7 Villa"'e Properties: T u -o -- and pplant ma? atenance-cr-atracted, rjeed cuntzal Penoion supplement Radar and drumItometer Unifo= allowance Psychological testing Fire: Laundry uJaiform alit-dance invirance Utilities Axvlmal Control T-nspection-mileage H=am Rights Cu ission! Edimation program E-Apense allowance Park Fund: Administration2 Audit mileage Recreation program: Swimming inset-Iction-bus rental Maintenance: planting6 aad trees: Ecruipmernt reveal Contract-forester Litter removal truck rental Building and equipment maintenance-utili-ties Skating rink maintenance: Pcr�er and telephone Heat Relief and Public h%irsing Banks and interest Firenvenos Relief Association Fire Trotection Other — TA)TIa. $ 300 160 250 21,09 so 200 i5o 440 5,200 5:,990 6T4 297 5,000 $ 2,600, 600' 3 , 2 00 DO 220 300 $ 150 650 8 500 400 2100 $200 500 700 .k,800 250 Big MTAL IMCM&SE-CON.—MCTUAL STMVICES-aEHER 4:4 CENTRAL SERVICES General -. Telephone Pension Contributions Postage Wortucem's compensation inburance disability Eqijpment rental-copy machine (2) Ecril-pment sere -Eae contracts greup life and lore -temu i TL tiu r a vxe $ 1,200 20,220 1,800 3,240 1.5,060 i' Y ,' 'a 1 1 1,. ,`E• �� �y�,���, ;�'4 � ���'• 0c�T FOR 197:10 PC vs.��.y �'! If-I (Wont'(. ) SYiq.Clco Vi'-0-age Iffal l : `alga es and wages (Increase in rate $4GO) y1,0S0 Utilities 773 Laundry service t04 Other (Contractual services sad cemmdi.ties) 3.[:•5 Ceatxal services 730 $ 2,660 Public Forks Building: Salaries and wages (increase in rate $430) $3,530 Heat: 2.,200 Light and Wa.7er 1,530 Insurance 300 Rubbish hmiling 120 Commodities 420 Central services 120 a 6,340 Equipment Operation: Salaries surd sagas (Increase in rate $3000) $t;a310 Radio sem-,Lce 1,200 Contracted repairs 2,500 Insurance 2,500 Stuck materials 2,000 Other supplies 30 Gasoline, fuel oil and lubricants 2,070 'wires and tubes 1"500 Accessories and part6 2.000 Central services 6240 24 , 720 `WAL INCREASE e C'ENTR1L SERIF'CTrS $ 76,364 l Distribution: Budgeted accaunt $ 65,340 Other funds 11.520 TOTAL $ �G, F360 DETAILS ;Y CONFI SH &LCOS ITID '310EDG IS - 1972 Mayor and Council: Local meetings, conferences and schools $ 100 Planni a : National meeting - Detroit -- Planner $350 Local meeting Rochester - Planner 60 410 Administration: National meeting - Minneapolis - Manager and Admiaistrative Assistant: $100 League, school azad local meetings =Manager, Clergy: and Administrative Assistant 215 325 Finance: National nueeting - Denver - Director $225 League meeting and school - Director and accountant 75 Lacal meetings (I+ , A and SRA) Director and accountant 80 380 Assessing: National meeting - Dallas - Assessor $400 Special course - University of Minnesota - De -Duty 270 Assessor's School. �, University of Minnesota - Assessor end deputies 175 League meeting - Rochester 90 Special course - AmricFan Institute of Appraiser - deputy - various locations 650 1,5€35 Fublic Works: Administration: League meeting and school - Director 50 Engineering- League meeting and various schools 100 Supervision end Overhead: National meeting - Philadelphia - Superi nteadent $300 In service training - all personnel 250 55( Police,Frotection: National meeting - Salt: Lake City - Director $275 FBI Re- training Conferences Milwaukee - Captain of De t'� C i:3ve s 150 Public Defenders Institute - Minneapolis - Uni.forra Captain sq Juvenile officers Institute - Liaison officers 200 Recruit School - new men ISO Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Meeting-Pistol teams 3130 League meeting and school - Director 60 °.trauma Workshop - two officers 100 Other local schools and meetings - various officers 240 1,595 N DZ%NIIam OF A:O SCdD...d+.d 1972 (CVl:'],' D) Fire Pro%ection: National meeting - Cleveland - Chief $34 National meeting - Philadelphia - Assistant Chien 327 State Fire School St. Paul - Fire personnel 173 State meeting - Un"o�:n - "-wee personnel 200 Trauma Workshop - Two personnel 145 Tuition - Metropolitan State 3uaior College ago $1,586 Ci ii tian Defense: State Coaference - Unknown known - Director 40 Public Health: National meeting - New York - Sanitarian $too National neeting - Atlanta - Laboratory technician (1/3) 100 Soo Inspections: National meeting - Kansas City - Building Inspector $317 National meeting - Unknown - Plumbing Inspector 395 League meeting and school - Three inspectors 105 Focal monthly meeting© - All inspectors 180 997 Park Administration: National Recreation and Park Association - ©nahein - Director and Assistant Director 800 TDTAL $9,108 ` 11M AE21011. CGMPARATIV9 ASSESSED Vf3LUA`.fMN, TAX 33ATIf IN MILLS, AND FAXES IN 3 OLLA -,.Q. AL,I, FUNDS MWARATIVE ASSESSED VALUATION tee of Colleetible Ira Raal Peroaaal Total 1962 1963 $30,652,814 $2,423,346 $33,076,162 1963 1964 31,916,896 2,300,580 34,2,16,618 � 1964 1965 33,666,989 2..300,415 35,967,404 1965 1966 35,250,135 2,436,976 37,687,111 1966 1967 41,002,99" 3,1560601 44,159,600 1967 1968 43,338,714 3,301,490 46,640,2048 1968 1969 53,585,.433 38499,045 57,084••,40.613 1969 1970. 56,680,046:_ 31856,784 60,536,828 1970 1971 77,145,878 4,344,906 31,4.93,784- 1971 1972 80,143,659 5,410,845 85,556'- -'04 TAX RATE IN MILLS T=S IN DOUAM Collectible In Cemral Parks Bonds Other Total Collectible In General Parks And Interest Other 'dotal + 1963 22,26, 2000 1.38 1,02 26064 1964 22056 2M 1,96 1,109 2 ?062 1965 23.86 2,00 1086 .88 2860 1966 24.80 2,00 1 80 .86 29,46 1967 24.83 1.97 1„42 .84. 29<.06 1968 24.64 240 1'.34 .73 26.71 1969 241,75 2.00 1,111 <,67 2&53 1970 24073 1.99 1.,06 .61 28.39 1971 19098 1.97 �80 ,47 23,22 1972 21.30 2000 .83 .43 24.,56 T=S IN DOUAM Collectible In Cemral Parks Bonds Other Total AA-ad Interest 1963 $ -735,448 $ 66,152 $45,480 $34,069 $ 881,149 196/4 771.928 68,776 67,065 37,296 945,065 3965 858;0740 71,926 66,891 31,6457 1,028,53€3 1966 934,640 75,374 67,837 32,411 1,110,262 1967 1,096,483 66,9945 62,707 37,094 1,283,278 1968 1,149,215 93,280 62,498 34,047 1,339,04.0(A,� 1969 1,412,841 114,169 63,364 38,247 1,628.,621(A) 1970 1,497,076 120,468 64,169 36,927 1,?°Y8,6< {0(A)} 1971 1,628,626 159,926 65,312 38,352 1,33s)2 ,216(A) 1972 1x822,583 171,109 71,000 36,480 2,101,172(B) Nate A _ The Sales tax Replacement Funs will Pay the Village about $277,200 for 1968; $287,700 for 1969; $296,100 for 1970 and $300,€300 for 1971, B ® Estio atedo