HomeMy WebLinkAboutPETITIONS_PERMANENT STREET SURFACEi �d J DATE November 7, 1977 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACI'IG AND CUR? TO THE HOi C)-V6LE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FD I NA: The undersigned, being under contract to purchase and develop at their expense not less than 51% of the 5c #�aic�c�zexaamxxf�xx�txxk�xxxco frontage of the real property abutting on the f -)llowi,­c strc >,tx in paid Scriver Road extens'FA -vi an . the east and west Jdt lines of Lot 36, Aud. and do hereby F.o;ition that said port;on of sai,j stre�_ts ba ir;iproved by CONSTRUCTION OF PER -M-N SIT snEHT SURFACIiIG A;JD CURrs t; �r� n, anJ that the cost of Baia improvement be assessed against a:7iltt�r.q _­oparty, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Niinnasota, 1 as �:7endcr.1, subject to satisfactory final approval of "Taft Addition" ^L. Di:SC- IPiIOiJ S I GHATURE OF 0.iN ER AU Ca: i`5 y _ _ JF PR_OPERV.' 5&c5 �6=P_r-Tfh`bt Y36, Auditor's Subdivision NumFe r = This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PET I T I OdS PLEASE NOTE -THE C,: (i'J HAS ASKEC THAT E-T T ONS BE SICHEC• BY OWNERS OF 60% (?F ABUTTII;I= PIONEni!Es t1HEiIEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 DATE 2-1- PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND) CURB (N(9 r-Ve&) OV- pG-TM0Vdl2. NAS TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ED I ,'dR.: Op,roai qF c -jae ma Vo cvmg W"ev gLgs bme S✓13 •ti1"gab. The uneersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets In said City: d1.1 Qty between and bC:tlJGc-n and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 15"53, as amended. SIGNATURE OF MIMERS ADDRESS This petition was circulat SPONSORS OF PETITIOidS PLEA SIGNED. BY O,INERS OF 60% OF ABUTTIM'Z PROPERTIES !IHEPdEVER POSSIBLE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LO T's 13 - 1f P: () 2-1 1 u -rte (,A CAell) 41 LL,S R -74 a 9� DATE, PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COU,ICIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abu"tting'on the followingg streets in said City: -7 4_�. ns " 17 _ between and bat!•eeen and _ between and ~� between and �a~ between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1D53, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTIO'rJ SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY /l2__ This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIOdS PLEASE NOTE : THE COUNCIL HAS'ASOKED THAT Minns 0 S BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 6o% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES ±41­!EMEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 2 � G DATE /�13 -3 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACIING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FDI ;NA: Tile undersigned being owners of not less than > i in frontage of the real property abutting on the tni lowing strc is in said `;ity: between and between and between and - -�� between � + and�'— do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be lr)proved by CONSTRUCTION OF PEROAiIVIT STREET SURFACING A:JD CURB th-Irein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting )rop -arty, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of ±iinnasota, 19,53, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE OF O`.. ai RS ADDRESS OF PROPERT`! This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITFOiIS PLEASE NOTE: THE UUJILAL HAS ASKED THAT S B SIC-MED BY OVIINERS OF 60 %'_.OF ABUTTII41i- PROPERTIES +.IHENEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 !1./0 Mrs. Florence Hallberg, Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 December 27, 1968 Village Clerk Fie: Robert E. Hanson Edina Masonic Lodge Property facing Cross -Town Highway between Old Highway 169 and Gleason Road Dear Madam: The writers are property owners of the property referred to above. We are writing you to point out the urgent public necessity for the installation of a service road from Gleason Road running Westerly adjacent and to the South of said property over to Old Highway 169. Hennepin County owns the property for that purpose, and it is believed that such a service road would indeed serve the public need. It would undoubtedly carry a great deal of traffic out of and away from what is already an established residential area. Since this service road extension is than private, it is anticipated the born by the public. generally.- We therefore respectfully urge that together with the State and County, concerning this question. Very ruly yours, G Robert E. Hanson Master, Edina Masonic Lodge Ch rman o of Directors Edina Mason U odge more of a public benefit cost thereof should be the Village of Edina, make some determination ;Z7 9__s- DATE p1 - PETITION. FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said City: between_ and between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMAMIENT STREET SURFAC I iIG &ND CURB therein; and, that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as'authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended: SIGNATURE OF OIAMIERS ADDRESS` LE AL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /L This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIOidS PLEASE NOTE: c t r SAS ASKEC HA 0 S BE SINEO P 0llIJERS Or 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES 9HENEI/ER POSSIBLE: R -74 (Form of 7/15/63) Date tamb t1. \a-t3 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE H0140RABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 5110 in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: between "IOTN SM�egR' and 711 between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUC- TION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and the the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 395, Laws of Minnesota, 1i53, as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS C�& J!!�44 /// LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS OF PROPERTY C QCM This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAf PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 2r 3/'d (Form of 7/15/63). Date y PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51J in frontage of the real property abutting on'the following streets in said Village: 4; .g between - and ,p between and ' between and _ between. and . between and do hereby petition that said portion.of said streets be improved by CONSTRZJC- TION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING ZMEEAW therein, and the the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS WSVI-MIMIAMIMI.d- "n. ADDRESS i r 1 I. LEGAL DESCRIPTION i. ✓a !� 2� / Lam' '1 This petition was circulated by . n ATE: SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NO THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 605 OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES I- MENEVER POSSIBLE. -7�/ DATE PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA.: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said City: between ��', and between and between and -- -- between_ and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT.STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of !Minnesota, 1353, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY T A This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIOiJS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT rETITIONS-BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING' PROPERTIES 9HEMEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF VILLAGE OF EDINA ALLEY PETITION TO VACATE SWAff DATED Ap.r.6, 1974 c- The undersigned represent that they are the majority of owners of real property abutting on the line of Lot 3 Block 7 La Buena Vista K=XX alley from Lot 2 -Block 7 (north) to Brook Drive south and petition that said portion of said be vacated. The facts and reasons for this appli- cation are as follows: SEE STATEMENT ON REVERSE SIDE alley In consideration of vacating the mxxwt as herein petitioned the undersigned hereby jointly and severally waive any and all claims for any damages resulting from the vacating and discontinuing of said x=cel. alley. g CIL SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY This petition was circulated by Mary Ann Putnam Lot 3 Block 7 La Buena Vista Facts and reasons for vacating alley easment: Properties adjoining and abutting the rear 30 feet of lot 3 Block 7 of La Buena Vista neither use or maintain this portion of alley and the other end of the alley hhs previously been vacated. Tr-c•sole purpose of this petition is to enable Lot3 Block 7 of La Buena Vista to Maintain and provide improvements as necessary to his portion of alley for a private driveway.