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DATE 2 -3 -74 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACI'`IG All: CUR"' TO THE HOWRA31_E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF F'Gi;IA: The undersigned being owners of not less than rig: iri frontage of the real property abutting on tho T:)Ilowin.p $u'C'ts in Said (be rt N e be w ;an O n OA PAC 28 and (74, C batw <arn - - - -•— and -- between �—.�^ - - - -�— and_ n. do hereby pe-�ition that said portion of laic streCLS, be !- Droved by CONSTRUCTION OF PE +1AilEt ►T STREET SURFACING A:dO CURB n, and that the cost cf said improvement be assessed against ®:)utt;ny '�,roperty, as authorized by Chapter 398), Laws of !;innrasota, 1 1;3, as L,:nend�,,d. ^L OESUvIPi,ION S I G!JATURE Or 0`WNERS ADDRESS 3c= 12!Ro"? E�?�'`.` i 7/O Ile fe-WO IV A.., _ A2�k /-S At�ol -No r �.oTt / � 7'. This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOT�E -7-Hc Lai NAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS M. S I CNEO BY OUNERS OF 6O% OF ABUTTI Ili- F ZOi'ERT ! ES ±dHEMEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 DATE September 30, 1976 PETITION FOR PERIIA14EI-IT STREET SURFACING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDI1A: / G--1 The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said City: Bror Road between Valley View Road and Point of termination bett-acen and between and between and —between do hereby petition that OF PERMANENT STREET SUR improvement be assessed 398, Laws of t-iinnesota, SIGNATURE OW`iEitS � said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION FACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 1953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS OF PROPERTY _. 7029 Valley View R ad Lot5 1 & 2. Block 1. Dahlqui:at Addition This petition was circulated by Richard N. Reeves SPONSORS OF PETITIOdS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL—HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIC-NED BY 010NERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING. PROPERTIES tMENEVER POSSIBLE. R-74 /o/ DATE " -7 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AMD CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ED I °JA.: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said /City: A L " ✓i C- ".-/ .7 /7 &v / 7Z. "1 between and and —` between and between _ and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of !linnesota, 1953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE OF 04�NE�cS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY _.�... This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT ET 0 S BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 609 OF ABUTTING3 PROPERTIES l-IHENEVER POSSIBLE.- R -74 ,� ' � ' / ---'---'--' PETITION FOR F-ERXANXAT "TREET �U�FA[|]� �N] C6K� -^ �\ TO T:-E HN67C)A4 31-1- "'F TH,7, CITY OF�S|���� ' Tii und�~s;gne6 ta/n, ownerz of nnt lycy th;M. front�.x of 'ha real prr�ert� �bxt��n� uo �|/� f`lYow�rr ����`t� (o +L ``��� ------ -�.�����'�n----- --'---------'�c,�'--~^--' ----� --'-------------�utw~en-------'---------~---'—��.�|---------------------~~�' —'------------'--'------�etwee n---'-'—�—'---- --' ----��"[-�'--------------~-~~-~�~—~ do hcrcby F��ition that saiJ portlon of `aio, bc *r.�roved by COU8T7UCTU0N JF STREET SUKFACIHG AA3 CURF.. 1,~^-_-!n, an,' that thc. cost of i rnvcm�nt he �ss�ssm��agaln�� ��u'tt��� ,'o�arL�, as auti,ur!zan by C�apt�!r IVA, am Is ` This petition was circulated by �PONS0RS OF PET|TIOiIS PLEASE NOTE---f `.,TYr.rC_I 1 _ S.lCHE'j BY UUQERS OF 6O% OFA8UTT|[� !/HE,,'EVER POSSIBLE. `/ DATE q -( � = -gyp PETITION FOR PERJaANEIJT STREET SURFACI G AND CURB TO THE HOUP -RA3LE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: 7r ?7 The and rsigned being owners of not less than $ice in frontage of the real property abutting on the following struts in said `;ity: u�- b�t:ac,:n end betwaun and - ---- -- �_.... - --- between and_ —between � and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be iriproved by COISSTRUCTION OF PERHANENT STREET SURFACIWIG A.`-ID CURB therein, and that the cost of said Improvement be assessed against abutting nroparty, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of !Iinnesota, 1953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SI NATURE - 04MERS ADDRESS OF PiOPERTY 11 G�f f•�1�1�<' yyf�o This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF aETITIOJS PLEASE NOTE- THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT rETITIONS BE SIC-MED BY MINERS OF 60% OF ABUTTINM FROPERT!ES ±IHEaJEIlER POSSIBLE. R -74 DATE PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUINCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than $1% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said City: between nd betucen and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of !Minnesota, 1 953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE OF Off, +VIERS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIOidS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUTMIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 6o%.OF ABUTTING' PROPERT!ES 1,1HENEVER POSSIBLE. R -74 A/C/ � —;7 r, pG DATE PETITION FOR PER14ANENT STREET SURFACING AMD CURB TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abuttin on he following street said City: �-�— between and between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of ►4innesota, 1953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION S I GNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY71 Al. V— �/J� >_.,.G I �� %1� D �.�'Li,.� `!L"{ �( � " 'Z��••s.c •�(%� �..ey /�i',K�<��%"2= This - petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIOiJS PLEASE NOTE'S SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING P R -74 RTI ES YHENEVER POSSIBLE. / -a Pr- 7"/ PETITION TO HAVE A HEARING ON STREET SURFACING AND CURB. (Form of 7/15/63) Date _1_0:7 ,9.779 PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE, OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: /'+ between � S' and WD between and between and between and between and - - do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUC- TION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and the the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS fj OF PROPERTY f T1 !VL/ Y, Z bT ). 3 This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60/ OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. (Form of 7/15/63) M Date o2- Z / , "�; '—� PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA. The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: ) PJ_Z� a� AW Gf% between �2C �O r between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUC- TION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and the the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. /� LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE4F OWNERS/ ADDRESS OF PROPERTY This petition was circulat SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHENEVER POSSIBLE. (Form of 7/15/63) PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB., TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: .. The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: h t9 b n and - between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUC- TION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and the the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 395, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SI NATURE OF O'0ERS ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 0,A C(V This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHENEVER PO BLE. 91 ( Form of 7/15/63) Date S— PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: All streets in ParXwQod Knolls 17th Addition between and between and between and between and between and do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERM AN! STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed aga ins abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 19531 as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPT OF PROPERTY w This petition was circulated by .SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY ._.OWNERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. (Form of 7/15/63) Date 66P PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: ft7wdW4f L)AOS it SdV* between and A/g 12g: 1, j&Lf between and Lt AeCAaN AW&W between and AAAMY . rV is l between and F between and do hereby petition that said,portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS )AI .. -may This petition was circulated by LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED,K O -DiERS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES WHEREVER POSSIBLE., -3,7 i '.OU.] �UU iM i,�. S OUJM DU I% (Form of 7/15/63) Date MAR-C4-1i- PI&I PETITION FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: The undersigned being owners of not less than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the following streets in said Village: Q:Gott�rS Gv G P-�- VjUG, MQ-ITS Aj AW VA MVLOG4-r�c2N OF Si3-Walft, car W4-,c -'M ,d c.v�v/; •,c.►ac ©i.v UR.itfB S70 ' 6r LOT I RLi. 14 ! between and � d/-1Q-J!L -Z -i4eAj ;4tc.L-S between and Sc'3Gt ?r.•t\ Anc�;-rcJrt� between and 1 between and between and i do hereby petition that said portion of said streets be improved by CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT: STREET SURFACING AND CURB therein, and that the cost of said improvement be'assessed against abutting property, as authorized by Chapter 398, Laws of Minnesota, 1953, as amended. SIGNATURE OF OWNERS ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IV ti •7 i i i I I This petition was circulated by SPONSORS OF PETITIONS PLEASE NOTE: THE COUNCIL HAS A3i'WD THAT PETITIONS BE SIGNED BY Chl;dc,iZS OF 60% OF ABUTTING PROPERTIES 'dHEREVER POSSIBLE.