HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-06 Council Special Meeting MINUTES
DECEMBER 6, 2014
10:05 A.M.
Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. in the Fireside Room of the Edina Senior Center.
Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Member Sprague was absent.
Staff attending the meeting included: Scott Neal, City Manager; and Jane Timm, Deputy City Clerk.
Mayor Hovland welcomed and thanked citizens for attending. Mayor Hovland stated the purpose of the
meeting was to allow citizens to share their views and concerns with members of the City Council in a less
formal setting than during regular meetings.
Lonni Skrentner, 7510 Cahill Road, #208B, addressed the article in the Star Tribune giving kudos to the City of
Edina regarding the sidewalk policy. Ms. Skrentner also asked how the council planned to balance future public
good with the present demands of businesses and residents' desire to keep things as they currently exist.
Richard Pfohl, 5716 Deville Drive, expressed concern about who would be responsible for maintenance of the
proposed sidewalks.
Jennifer Janovy, 4016 Inglewood Avenue, stated that at this time under Edina City Code residents are
responsible for shoveling and the repair of city sidewalks.
Susan Clark, 5812 West 61St Street, stated she understood that the Grandview project had been approved
public/private and was concerned about how much was deemed public and how much was deemed private.
Bruce Kieffer, 5405 Edenmoor Street, stated he went to the Grandview Development meeting last week and
most of the people in attendance wanted a community center and green space.
Connie Carrino, 4509 Garrision Lane, expressed concern for the amount of garbage trucks going through the
neighborhoods. She stated fewer vendors would help with noise pollution. She also stated that since
residents pay for street reconstruction it would reduce traffic on the streets therefore less deterioration.
John Alt, 7602 York Avenue South, #7311, expressed concern for the amount of advertisement he has
received from the Edina Liquor Stores and the cost of that advertising.
Heather Beal, 4236 Crocker Avenue, had a follow up question about the liquor stores asking what other
advertising sources the city uses to advertise the municipal liquor stores.
Andy Brown, 5512 Park Place, suggested a tax on liquor in Edina to help pay for enterprise facilities.
David Frenkel, 4510 Lakeview Drive, asked if the City had ever considered selling the Edina Liquor Stores.
Barbara La Valleur, 7621 Edinborough Way, #2110, Chair of the Public Art Working Group, suggested a
Percentage of Art Policy be considered instead of a Percentage of Art Ordinance. She also noted that Edina
was too restrictive with their signage ordinance.
Andy Brown, 5512 Park Place, stated he was in favor of the Dan Patch Commuter Rail.
Harvey Turner, 7315 Glouchester Drive, asked if he could invest money in Edina's road reconstruction and
whether it was an option for other home owners to invest. He also suggested that City Council consider
"Villages Within a City". His example was citizens living in the Southdale area, working in the Southdale area,
and shopping in the Southdale area. He wanted everything accessible by sidewalks. He stated he had a goal of
Edina becoming the#1 First Ring City in the United States.
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Minutes/Edina City Council/December 6 2014
Troy Paulson, 5116 Juanita Avenue, was concerned with the Living Streets policy and thought that narrowing
of streets was implemented before residents could give feedback. He wanted to know if there was a threshold
of what residents preferred versus dictatorship by City Council regarding narrowing of streets.
Heather Beal, 4236 Crocker Avenue, stated her support of "Village Within a City". Ms. Beal stated that the
details of Living Streets implementation would be important, and that narrower streets could increase idling by
trash hauler trucks.
Jane Fuegner, 5225 Kellogg Avenue, asked about "The Lid" and whether it was being fostered locally, by
Metropolitan Council or another source. Mayor Hovland gave a general overview of"The Lid" concept.
Mark Chamberlain, 7004 Bristol Blvd, asked why residents were assessed for streets when everyone used
Jane Fuegner, 5225 Kelly Avenue, asked about the use of speed bumps. Ms. Janovy and Ms. Skrentner
responded this would not slow traffic and could hurt people with back and neck issues.
Carol Carmichiel, 61 12 Brookview Avenue, expressed concern about outdoor lighting. She explained she lived
next to a resident that has a sports court with bright lighting and wanted to know how the lighting ordinance
was enforced.
Jennifer Janovy, 4016 Inglewood Avenue, asked for an update on Weber Woods and noted she would like to
keep it as natural as possible. Ms.Janovy also asked what the next steps were in the process.
Lori Grotz, 5513 Park Place, expressed concern regarding storm water management. She stated the city must
get tough with the builders regarding storm water management. Ms. Grotz stated new development should
handle storm water on its own property, not send it to neighbors.
Gene Persha, 6917 Cornelia Drive, noted his concern for the planning process and asked the council members
to sit down individually and talk about changes to the planning process for the City of Edina.
Bob Stewart, 6147 Arctic Way, reminded citizens in attendance to fill out the Vision Edina online survey.
Connie Carrino, 4509 Garrison Lane, applauded the Planning Department and City Council for their work.
Julie Chamberlain, 7004 Bristol Boulevards asked how seriously the City Council considered resident feedback.
Dan Petrosky, 7204 Oaklawn Avenue, stated he had road traffic concerns with all the new building
construction on France Avenue.
Colleen Wolfe, 4408 Gilford Drive, urged the City Council to slow down with the big changes in the city. Her
concern today was with Fred Richards Golf Course and 7200 France. Ms. Wolfe stated residents need to be
engaged with the processes not pushed out of the process.
Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 12:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane . Ti Deputy City Clerk
Minutes approved by Edina City Council, December 16, 2014
James B. Hovland, Mayor
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