HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-11 Park Board Minutes 1 EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MAY 11, 1999 ____________________________________ MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Herring, Andrew Finsness, David Fredlund, Floyd Grabiel, Bill Jenkins, George Klus, Chuck Mooty, John Murrin, Linda Presthus, Karla Sitek, Tom White STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Marge Ruedy ____________________________________ I. APPROVAL OF THE TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1999 PARK BOARD MINUTES Andy Herring MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 13, 1999 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Chuck Mooty SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. Keprios opened up nominations for chair. Bill Jenkins MOVED THAT ANDY HERRING BE THE CHAIR OF THE PARK BOARD. Chuck Mooty MOVED TO CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS David Fredlund SECONDED. Bill Jenkins MOVED THAT TOM WHITE BE VICE-CHAIR OF THE PARK BOARD. Andy Herring MOVED TO CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS Chuck Mooty SECONDED. III. WOODDALE PARK DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Keprios indicated that he doesn’t have a lot of new information to share at this time, however, he has another meeting with the committee next month. He stated that he has completed his research and one item he found surprising was in the agreement with St. Stephen’s Church who donated the parking lot to the City. They gave the City $100,000 and it’s assessed to the church over a period of 20 years. The agreement between the City and the church is that the City can do whatever they want with the parking lot and there are no encumbrances. However, there is very much a moral obligation to give them something for the $100,000 that they donated for the parking lot. The City maintains it and there are no stipulations for public parking. Mr. Keprios stated that the committee 2 will review his report as well as the research he has done and from there they will prioritize what they want done first, second and third. Mr. Keprios stated that only girls softball games have been scheduled at Wooddale Park this year; everything else has been moved to other parks. Mr. Keprios noted that he met with Jack Rice and he and his former wife have decided that they support the idea of moving the Greg Rice picnic shelter to Utley Park if that is what the community wants to do. He stated that when they get to the decision making process he will bring it before the Park Board. Mr. White asked if in essence the whole park is going to be redesigned or are they just trying to figure out a location for the comfort station. Mr. Keprios replied his recommendation is not going to be to redesign the park but rather decide on what kind of a building they want and what other improvements they would like, as well as, prioritize what they want done. He added that he thinks the playground equipment is pretty high on their list. Mr. Mooty asked where the dollars are going to come from to do this. Mr. Keprios replied there are dollars to do one but not both the playground equipment and the building. He then explained that the money is coming from the loan that was paid back from the Aquatic Center. We were actually going to use those dollars for the building but now the question is do they want playground equipment first or the building first. Mr. Herring asked if there is a portable toilet at Wooddale Park in which Mr. Keprios replied one will be put in once the girls softball games start. IV. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Keprios indicated that the comprehensive plan he sent out is still in draft form and is subject to change but asked if anyone had any questions or comments. Mr. Jenkins asked if this is done every five years in which Mr. Keprios replied yes. Mr. Mooty noted that there is one area where it talks about the relationship with the athletic associations and refers to minutes from a 1977 Park Board meeting. He noted that one paragraph states that the Park Board in cooperation with Edina Park and Recreation will administer and help each individual association plan, provide facilities and give professional direction regarding the operation of their association. Mr. Mooty indicated that his concern is do we really want to say that we are giving professional direction as a Park Board because he doesn’t feel we are nor does he think the Park Board should expose itself to that. Mr. Jenkins commented that he thinks professional direction has been the staff’s function and doesn’t feel it’s a directive to get into the nitty gritty of the associations. Mr. Keprios indicated that those minutes were from over 20 years ago and could be updated. Mr. 3 Keprios stated that we do provide professional advice as far as the philosophy youth sports programs, as well as, what we feel is best for the program as a whole and especially for the children. Mr. Mooty stated that his only point is he doesn’t think we need to say it and if we don’t need to say he would rather not say it. Mr. Keprios responded that he will rewrite it to reflect more of what the philosophy is today. Everyone agreed to have Mr. Keprios rewrite this section and bring it back before the Park Board. Mr. Mooty indicated that as far as financing goes there isn’t any mention of the appropriation of capital dollars which he feels is a big issue. Mr. Keprios commented that is a key point, however, the finances were intentionally left off because it is such a question mark right now. Mr. Mooty questioned if this is something that should be highlighted because it is a significant issue. Mr. Keprios noted that he will add a finance section. Mr. Herring asked if this report needs to be approved by the City Council and also asked when it is due. Mr. Keprios replied he has reached the deadline he was given but is not certain about the final deadline for City Council review. He explained that park and recreation is just one component of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Herring noted that it states the City of Edina will not sell or donate ownership of any park or open space acreage as a policy. He asked if that has to be put in there, do we have to limit ourselves. He explained that as an example is Fox Meadow Park really worth keeping as a park because there is no easy access and how much is that land worth. He stated that he thinks there are some issues. Mr. Keprios responded that is a policy that the City Council came up with, it’s not an ordinance, so if it’s something that this group feels strongly about then the Park Board should make a recommendation to the City Council to alter to policy. Mr. Herring indicated that he would also like to see the long range master plan for the Aquatic Center to include Rosland Park. He noted that when the renovations were done at the Aquatic Center one of the things that we looked at was a broader renovation that included some areas beyond the pool area such as the picnic area, sand volleyball area, etc. Mr. Keprios stated that it did include the outer perimeter of the pool with the volleyball courts but noted that he will put the rest of the park in there. Mr. Herring noted that it states we will utilize tax increment financing to construct a municipally owned Senior Citizen’s Center and he commented that he is not sure if he is ready to construct a building and would like to eliminate “to construct”. He suggested using the language “study the feasibility of constructing”. Mr. Keprios asked if the board was okay with that and everyone agreed. Mr. Herring asked about the pathway around Braemar in which Mr. Keprios responded that they are still waiting on easements, which the Engineering Department is currently working on. Mr. Herring asked if that can also be added. 4 Mr. White asked what is happening with the gun range property in which Mr. Keprios responded that it is currently being used as a storage building for public works and park maintenance vehicles. He indicated that the old gun range building is going to be torn down sometime this summer. Mr. Keprios explained that they haven’t completely given up on the idea of a consortium with other communities to build a multi-million dollar facility for police and fire training. He also noted that just last week he heard that Eden Prairie may have an adequate site to do the same thing. Therefore, we are not quite sure what the future holds for that site. Mr. Herring commented that on the networking factors of influence and recreational programming you omitted the Edina School District and stated that he feels this is actually our number one partner. Mr. Keprios responded Edina Community Services is listed in which Mr. Herring noted that we utilize the School District itself. Mr. Keprios indicated that he was referring to just program opportunities. Mr. Herring stated that maybe that is broad enough although community services is one sub part of the entire district and the School District does have programming for the youth. Mr. Keprios commented that is a good suggestion and he will add that to the report. Mr. Herring indicated that there is no mention about the Richards Golf Course in which Mr. Keprios replied that he will include that in the report. Mr. Herring noted that on the last page it states the City of Edina will offer active and passive recreation opportunities for Edina residents 35 years of age and older to a level that meets or exceeds demand. How was 35 picked? Mr. Keprios replied he thinks what happened is at that time they were lacking a senior center and more opportunities for seniors and this was the age group that was lacking at the time. That will be changed to read to residents of all ages. Mr. Herring stated that he absolutely agrees with Mr. Mooty in that it is a glaring omission to not talk about financing and how we are going to finance these policies. Mr. Keprios noted that he will include a finance section in the report. Mr. Keprios indicated that he will have an update at the next meeting of the Comprehensive Report. V. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Keprios asked the Park Board if there should be items put into this plan or if certain items should be taken out of the plan. Mr. Keprios asked the Park Board to look at the priority of everything listed. Mr. Mooty asked if the priority that is listed is driven by staff’s suggestion or by the previous Park Board. Mr. Keprios responded that it is by staff’s suggestion by what he 5 has been hearing from the community via phone calls, letters, previous Park Board meetings, visits, etc. He also indicated that this list is very open to change. Mr. Keprios pointed out that one of the first items is the $150,000 to be used for Wooddale Park’s playground equipment for the year 2000. He noted that he is taking the assumption that he thinks the committee is going to want the playground equipment before the comfort station. Mr. Keprios briefly went through a few items. He indicated that they are going to try to continue to add the electronic keyless entry system as we go. This will allow us to keep the doors open during the daylight hours. Mr. Keprios indicated that they also desperately need a new maintenance garage at the Courtney ballfields. Mr. Keprios noted that we need an improved entrance to the park at Arneson Acres. We need to relocate the park identification sign and create a little better left turn - right turn entrance to that park and stripe in a left turn lane for west bound traffic. The Engineering Department has already drawn up a plan for this and it really looks good. Mr. Herring asked if this is a safety issue in which Mr. Keprios replied it’s a combination safety issue/aesthetic issue. Both the Historical Society and Garden Council are strong proponents of this being done. Mr. Keprios indicated that the pathway work is on the top of the list and some of this we will possibly be able to do internally within our operating budget. Mr. Herring asked how are the pathways prioritized in which Mr. Keprios responded basically by which one is worse off. He noted that the Engineering Department will hopefully be working on figuring those out. Mr. Keprios also commented that parking lot repairs have long been and continue to be a challenging issue. Mr. Klus indicated that people have asked him about the drinking fountains at the parks and noted that the drinking fountains that are out there are not working. Mr. Keprios indicated that right now three of the drinking fountains are being changed out so they are in the process of being installed and made functional. Mr. Klus then asked if there are any plans to put in anymore drinking fountains at some of the ballfields where there are not any. Mr. Keprios asked where specifically? Mr. Klus suggested Highlands and Weber. Mr. Keprios indicated that is a good suggestion and noted he will include that in the plan. Mr. Mooty asked about the loan that is being repaid back by the Aquatic Center. He asked which one is that referring to the $140,000 or the $204,000. Mr. MacHolda replied that the $140,000 was for the play structure and he is not sure how the $204,000 was agreed upon. He stated that the $140,000 for the play structure has been paid back in full. Mr. Mooty asked if the $140,000 is then designated to be utilized as taxable expenditure dollars or is there a process it needs to go through to be available for capital expenditures. Mr. Keprios replied that it is supposed to be for “referendum money” which is capital dollars for Park Improvements. Mr. Mooty asked if that would be the same for the 6 $204,000 in which Mr. Keprios replied that it is supposed to be paid back to the Developer’s Fund where it came from. Mr. Keprios explained that the Park Board went to the City Council because they didn’t have enough money for the big play equipment at the pool. The City Council stated that even if they don’t have the money, they need to find a way to get it done. Therefore, it was considered a loan to the Aquatic Center in which the money came from other park projects that did not get done. Mr. Keprios then explained that when the referendum money was spent there was $140,000 of things that didn’t essentially get done in the referendum. Therefore, the $140,000 that was spent on the pool and now has been repaid back should go to continue working towards the referendum spending plan. Mr. Keprios explained that the $204,000 was literally borrowed from the Developer’s Fund on a loan basis that is going to be paid back through time. Mr. Herring asked how will that get paid back? Mr. Keprios explained that it will get paid back out of the profits from the pool. Mr. MacHolda noted that last year was a very good year. Mr. Herring asked Mr. MacHolda if he will share the finance information from the pool for last year at next months meeting. Mr. Mooty noted that his understanding is we now have $140,000 that is available for capital expenditures and that the $204,000 is going to be repaid back to the Developer’s Fund which traditionally was a fund that could be tapped for capital expenditures and not have to be repaid back. Mr. MacHolda stated that in the past the Developer’s Fund was more for a rainy day and not for the Park Department to rely on as capital year to year. Mr. Keprios commented that we strive to manage the enterprise facilities to cover their own capital expenditures. The Art Center relied on the Developer’s Fund to complete construction of the Peggy Kelly Media Arts Studio and was not considered a loan. Mr. Finsness asked what fund is the Developer’s Fund? Mr. Keprios explained that whenever there is a development in town by ordinance they either have to donate a certain percentage of land to parks or give cash in lieu of land which is about a 7 percent. Mr. Mooty asked at what point do you know what has been either provided for or granted as far as capital improvements. Mr. Keprios indicated that he typically finds out through the budgeting process in September, however, this is a document that changes annually. Mr. Mooty noted that he is trying to get a census of when you know whether you are in the ball park or not in the ball park. Mr. Keprios explained that typically the capital plan has been right around $120,000 a year, however, there hasn’t been one for the last three years because of the park referendum and budgetary constraints due to levy limits. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Herring asked if the Park Board would like to have the different facilities managers come to a Park Board meeting to discuss how they operate and some of the issues they are faced with. He noted that perhaps each facility could set up a fixed time and have their 7 presentation last no more than 10 minutes. Mr. Herring also asked if the Park Board would be in interested in having the presidents of the associations give a presentation and talk about their issues. This could be done over a period of a few Park Board meetings. Mr. Mooty expressed that he thinks this would be very helpful because he doesn’t know as much as some of the Park Board members who have been serving for awhile. Mr. Finsness commented that he agrees it would be great. Mr. Klus also agreed. Mr. Herring asked Mr. Keprios to schedule these and to make sure the presentations are kept to approximately 10 minutes. Mr. Keprios asked the Park Board how they would feel about holding the Park Board meetings in the new shelter buildings. He noted that he would send out a mailing to the neighborhood telling them when the Park Board will be meeting in the shelter building at their neighborhood park so they can come and voice their opinion about the park. This is an effective method of receiving input from the community. He asked the Park Board members to think about this. Mr. Keprios indicated that the June Meeting will be held at Centennial Lakes, we will play putt-putt golf, have dinner followed by hopefully a light agenda. He then informed the Park Board that for the July Park Board meeting they are having the Braemar Inspection Tour, which is 18 holes of golf and a nice dinner. He noted that the Park Board will not convene unless there is an issue that needs to be addressed. Mr. White asked when is the park tour scheduled in which Mr. Keprios noted that will be in August and he would like everyone to start thinking about what they would like to see included in that tour. VII. OTHER A. Rugby - Mr. Klus earlier had asked what is the situation with Rugby at Highland Park. Mr. MacHolda explained that currently the programs that are offered are being expanded and noted that there is a shortage of facilities. He indicated that soccer continues to grow as well as there is now LaCrosse and Rugby. He stated that because these sports are not varsity or intramural the school doesn’t want to recognize them and because they are not an athletic association the city doesn’t want to recognize them. Mr. MacHolda stressed that we do not have enough facilities to cover our own teams let alone adult clubs and private clubs with Edina residents looking for space. Mr. MacHolda stated that when he talked to the parent manager of the boys rugby team they decided to use the space between the softball field and soccer field for their training in which they paid a user fee like everyone else and this space was also going to be used as a game site. However, nobody knew they were going to have the turnout like they did which was at least 200 people. He pointed out that Highlands park doesn’t have the parking capacity to accommodate a game like that. Therefore, Steve Dove, the athletic director at the high school, is going to try to facilitate the last couple of games at McCarthy. The long and short of it is we are short facilities. 8 Mr. Mooty asked if they could use the green space South View and the Community Center in which Mr. MacHolda replied that the School District is concerned it gets too much use because that is where they hold their outdoor phy-ed classes. Mr. Herring asked who are the participants in which Mr. MacHolda commented that they are all Edina residents, both high school students and adults. It was asked how many are on a team in which Mr. MacHolda noted there are 15 on a team, so 30 on the field at one time. Mr. Klus commented that there are clubs all over town that come here to play as well as Edina goes to other communities to play. Mr. Jenkins asked Mr. MacHolda if he is receiving any complaints from residents in which Mr. MacHolda noted that he had one resident call him and stop by because he was concerned about the parking and didn’t like participants walking through his lot. Mr. Jenkins asked why don’t theses sports become an association in which Mr. MacHolda replied he thinks they are closer to becoming a varsity sport. Mr. Klus commented that this is a fast growing sport right now in the Twin Cities area. Mr. Keprios explained that looking at the bigger picture he would like to focus on the issue of who gets access to the public facilities, who is first, second, third, as well as, what stipulations need to be met. He noted that he will get this information together and in the next couple of months it will be on the agenda for the Park Board to discuss. Ms. Presthus indicated that she noticed the summer shades program that they are running a basketball clinic at some of the city’s basketball courts in the mornings. That means that no one else can use them from 8:00 a.m. until noon and asked if this is normal procedure. Mr. Keprios replied that was something that was not supposed to happen and they had already publicized the program when it was realized what had happened. The School District did not secure a park permit and therefore, for this year only we are letting them do that. Otherwise, no, that is not a standard procedure to be able to reserve basketball courts. Mr. Mooty suggested that a topic for a future meeting could be to have a better understanding of how facilities and fields are scheduled as well as the percentage of use, etc. B. High School Stadium - Mr. Murrin informed the Park Board that the booster clubs and a lot of the alumni of Edina High School are actively seeking to renovate the high school stadium where the football games are played. He noted that it is still in the formative stages right now but asked if anyone has an opinion or input regarding this to please let him know. 9 C. 20/20 Meetings - Mr. Finsness asked if the Park Board will be getting any feedback from the 20/20 meetings as far as any items that may apply to this board. Mr. Keprios noted that as he receives minutes from those meetings he will pass them on. VIII. ADJOURNMENT George Klus MOVED TO THE ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:45 P.M. Chuck Mooty SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED.