HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-09 Park Board Minutes 1 Minutes of the Edina Park Board October 9, 2007 Edina City Hall, Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray O’Connell, Randy Meyer, Todd Fronek, Linda Presthus, Jeff Sorem, Mike Damman, George Klus, Carolyn Nelson, Andy Finsness MEMBERS ABSENT: Howard Merriam, Karla Sitek STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Ann Kattreh, Susie Miller, Wayne Houle, Tom Shirley, Todd Anderson, John Valliere, Roger Glanzer, Jesse Struve I. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PARK BOARD MINUTES George Klus MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Linda Presthus SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed Well and Pump House Building at Bredesen Park – Wayne Houle, City Engineer and Public Works Director – Wayne Houle, City Engineer, gave a power point presentation regarding their proposal to install a well and pump house building in the southwest corner of Bredesen Park. Mr. Finsness asked if it wasn’t placed in a park where would it be to which Mr. Houle replied they would have to purchase property, however, they would like to keep it on the westerly side of Edina because they are lacking wells in that area. Ms. Presthus asked why the pump house is now needed. Mr. Houle replied the main reason is because they are down three wells. Ms. Presthus asked what effect the residents will see if the wells cannot work. Mr. Houle explained that if they were to have a break down in any of their wells they may have to go to a complete watering ban which means users would not be able to water their grass. Ray O’Connell MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Proposed Coffee Shop at Lewis Park – Carolyn Kohrs, 7444 Shannon Drive, went over the proposal that she sent to the Park Board. She explained that their vision is to capitalize on Lewis Park’s warming house and make it into something that is a community place. She noted that they are proposing to demolish the existing warming house and put in a new building in the same place, however it would be a two story building. She pointed out that it would be a place where people in the community can go to visit and drink coffee that would serve all ages. Ms. Kohrs stated that the format of their proposal matches the strategic plan for the City’s 20/20 Vision. 2 Ms. Kohrs explained that she is proposing to do a joint venture with the City that would be community led. She pointed out that private investors would provide the money to get the project designed, built and run. She indicated that the investors would ultimately be responsible for the success of the project. She stated that they would run the operations as an entrepreneurial venture with the caveat that all of the revenue goes back to buying the initial investment and recouping operational costs and once that is recouped the investors would donate the building and the revenue source to the city. She indicated that the City at that point could decide what it is that they want to do with it and added that there are a lot of great options. She stressed that the City would be able to get into this venture without any financial risk and all they would ask of the city is to provide a lot of support to make it happen as well as keep the property as a tax exempt status from property taxes. They would also ask for the city to release the footprint of that building, provide engineering services for the unstable soils and help come up with a design for the foundation that would be suitable to support a two story building. In addition they would also ask that the City contribute to the funding that’s already been allocated in the operation and maintenance of the current warming house that has already been set aside. Ms. Kohrs explained that the worst case scenario is that if it just doesn’t work, the city would not be under any obligation to purchase the building and it would be donated to the city at a loss to the investors. She stated that everything would be specified in a legal contract before anything was even started. Mr. Klus stated that he doesn’t think the city is in any position to have that piece of property taken off the tax roll and suggested to Ms. Kohr’s to investigate that further. He indicated that he also thinks there needs to be a neighborhood meeting before they proceed any further with this to see if it’s even something that the neighbors would want. Mr. Klus informed Ms. Kohrs he is not against what she is trying to do there, it is just more information they need. First, she needs to show that this is something that the people in the community want. Secondly, there would need to be a full financial showing on how they are going to cover all of the costs including the liability, rental and other items that are currently not shown because at this time it’s an incomplete report. Mr. Sorem stated that he is concerned what the layout of the building is going to be because the Park Board has discussed potentially bringing in a Zamboni to Lewis Park. He pointed out that Lewis Park is a very heavily used outdoor rink in Edina. Ms. Kohrs replied that the city would have input and they would make sure that everyone’s needs are being met. Ms. Presthus stated that Lewis Park is within very close proximity to the for profit businesses that have the same amenities that you are talking about and have had trouble making it. She stated that she is not sure why the City would want to give their parkland to a private business when the same business is right down the street. Ms. Kohrs replied that she views that commercial area is a different service that’s being provided. 3 Mr. Finsness stated that if he understands this correctly it would be more than a coffee shop; it would be a satellite community center coffee shop. Ms. Kohrs replied that is correct, it really is a gathering place. Mr. Finsness commented that maybe the Park Board needs to decide in concept whether or not to support a satellite community center if it could be worked out to everyone’s agreement. Mr. Meyer stated that at this point he doesn’t think they have enough information to make that decision. Ms. Presthus stated that she would like to go on the record as saying she still has a problem with us using the City’s public park land to compete with a similar private enterprise business that’s just a few feet down the street. Mr. Fronek stated that he would be fundamentally opposed to this particular idea of giving up this land for a private enterprise not in general but for the reason that Ms. Presthus gave. He noted that he just doesn’t see that this should be something that the city should entertain at this time. Mr. Klus stressed to Ms. Kohrs that if this is going to work at all she needs to have the neighborhood support, which he is not hearing tonight. Randy Meyer commented that further study needs to be done to ensure that there is adequate space for this proposed facility. He noted that there are additional code requirements, such as ADA, that come into play when you build a two-story facility and as a result it may not be feasible for that type of building in that location. Randy Meyer MOVED TO TABLE THIS AND BRING IT BACK IN A MONTH OR TWO ONCE THEY HAVE GATHERED ADDITIONAL DATA AS SUGGESTED BY THE PARK BOARD. Jeff Sorem SECONDED THE MOTION. Ms. Presthus stated that she would also like to hear input from the businesses in the area other than just the residents. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. 2008 Fees and Charges – Mr. Keprios pointed out two minor changes on the fees and charges. The first one is a typo of page 8; the Edinborough Association Members Daily Pass should be $5.50 and not $5.00. Secondly, on page 8 the half day rental for the Braemar Shelter was inadvertently left out and it should be on there with a rate of $25.00 per half day. Mr. Klus added that on page 3 for Braemar Arena it states hourly rate (as of 9/95) and stated that it should be probably read (as of 9/2008). Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios how much he thinks the revenue is going to improve by these fees and charges; and are we looking at significant dollars. Mr. Klus commented that it seems to him like they keep nickel and dimming people every year. He noted that some of the rates change every year and asked if they could 4 change it to a level where it could at least stay consistent for more than a year. He indicated that to him it would make more sense to raise it a few dollars and then leave it so the residents in the community know at least from one year to the next it’s going to essentially be the same. Mr. Keprios responded that the intent is not to set the fees and charges at a level to create a large surplus pool of money. They try to stay competitive in the market place, stay affordable and try to keep pace with inflation. He commented that it seems to be a little more palatable to their customers to bump them up a little more each year. Mr. Valliere added that he finds a good deal of his clientele will accept a small increase annually because they know the cost of living is going up around 3% where he knows they would bock at a sizable jump that would stay static for three or four years. Ms. Presthus pointed out that on page 5 the 18-hole patron is $27.00 and is highlighted. She asked if that is supposed to be an increase or not. Mr. Valliere replied that is an error, it should state $28.00 for 2008. Ms. Presthus suggested that under Centennial Lakes instead of saying full evening it could state a six hour rental to which Mr. Shirley agreed. Mr. Meyer suggested that the words “annual pass” be added onto the Edinborough park play park fees so as not to confuse it with the play park punch pass for 10 uses. Mr. O’Connell asked at Edinborough Park what the percentage is for residents versus non-residents to which Ms. Kattreh replied it’s approximately 75% non- residents and 25% residents. George Klus MOVED TO APPROVE THE FEES AND CHARGES WITH THE AMENDEMENTS THAT THEY’VE MADE. Jeff Sorem SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. D. Enterprise Facilities Capital Improvement Plans - Mr. Meyer asked if the $30,000 they are looking at spending at the Aquatic Center for upgrades and replacements are dollars in addition to the revenues created by the facility or are dollars being spent irrelevant of what the revenues are from the facility. Mr. Keprios replied that all of their dollars for the capital improvement plan come from their fees and charges generated at the facility. He added that they are currently at a cash flow positive. Mr. Fronek asked where is the money coming from all of the other projects or all of these are paid for by the facilities themselves. Mr. Keprios explained that each of them are supposed to be covered by the revenues from each of their own facilities, however, in some cases they can’t quite make it to which there needs to be a transfer from other funds. 5 Mr. Keprios pointed out one small change. On page 2 under the Golf Dome the Propane Back-up Inflation System should be $20,000 and not $15,000. Mr. Klus MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE PARK BOARD APPROVE THE ENTERPRISE FACILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS WITH THE ONE NOTED CORRECTION. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. E. Change Edinborough Park’s Private Rental Policy – Ann Kattreh, Edinborough Park Manager and Susie Miller, Assistant Manager gave the Park Board a power point presentation that explained the background and logic behind their proposal to change their current private rental policy at Edinborough Park. Ms. Kattreh noted that they are proposing to eliminate private rentals of the facility on Friday and Saturday evenings in lieu of more private birthday part rentals and general public park hours. Mr. Finsness asked what was the intent of the Great Hall when it was built to which Ms. Kattreh replied that when it was originally built it was a multi-purpose space. They used to have a lot of volleyball leagues and basketball tournaments and did some private rentals as well as some City of Edina functions. However, the majority of the area was used for general open play. Mr. Finsness asked Ms. Kattreh if she is projecting $75,000 this year for rentals what was the high. Ms. Kattreh replied that in 2004 they were generating approximately $140,000 in revenues. However, part of the decrease is due to the fact that they have eliminated winter rentals as well as their prices are a little on the high end. Mr. Finsness asked how far out in the future they are booked to which Ms. Kattreh replied they are currently booked with events through October of 2008 to which they would honor those rentals. Ms. Presthus asked if they eliminate private rentals what Edina functions would need to be eliminated. Ms. Kattreh replied they would need to eliminate the Edina Scholar Breakfast and the Edina Volunteer Reception as well as this year they are hosting an Edina Foundation Gala Event in November; however, it’s typically just those two events each year. Linda Presthus MOVED THAT THE PRIVATE RENTALS BE ELIMINATED FROM THE EDINBOROUGH PARK. Todd Fronek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. F. Edinborough Park’s Short-Term and Long-Range Park Improvement Plans – Ms. Kattreh and Ms. Miller gave another power point presentation that went over what they believe to be the short-term/immediate and long-range needs for Edinborough Park. They stated that changes need to be made in order to keep up with the needs of the park. Ms. Kattreh went over the long-range plans pointing out that they are basically an addition or expansion of the short-term plans. 6 Mr. O’Connell asked Ms. Kattreh how much money she anticipates it will cost to accomplish the whole package that has been put together. Ms. Kattreh replied she could give an estimate for some of the indoor needs but as far as an addition to Edinborough Park she has no idea. Mr. Fronek indicated that he thinks it’s a great idea. However, some of the things appear to be at odds where the track and weights seem to be more for the adults whereas some of the other items seem to be more kid driven. He noted that maybe the vision for the park as a whole should try to encompass all of the 2-12 year-old items and focus primarily on that age group rather than all age groups. He added that it’s just a comment on the overall vision as far as moving forward with this. Mr. O’Connell asked Ms. Kattreh what she thinks the time table would be for this from start to finish. Ms. Kattreh replied some things she can see implementing as soon as next year and there are items that could potentially require different sources of funding which could take a bit longer. Ms. Kattreh noted that if they could achieve some of the short-term goals within a five year time frame that would be ideal, the sooner the better. Mr. O’Connell stated that he would like to see a concrete time table. Mr. Keprios explained there is no easy, quick answer to the timing of this. Mr. Keprios noted that what he would like to ask the Park Board is if they like the direction and vision that his staff has put before you then he would like the Park Board’s approval to take it to the next level. Mr. Keprios pointed out that if the Park Board agrees with the concept and vision, then they can start to look at financing options. He noted that this could be part of a bigger picture for the Park and Recreation Department as we begin to address all facility needs as a whole. Ray O’Connell MOVED TO ACCEPT THE DIRECTION OF THE PROPOSAL. Todd Fronek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. OLD BUSINESS A. Bike Edina Task Force Update – Todd Fronek – Mr. Fronek informed the Park Board that the Comprehensive Bike Plan is now done and complete. He noted you can download a copy of it on-line at bikeedina.org. He noted that this will be part of the overall comp plan for next year. He stated that it’s a great document and really provides some great vision for biking throughout the community. IV. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. Chowen Park Picnic Shelter - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that this project was awarded to Blue Valley Builders and that they just started the renovation today. 7 B. Carnival of the Arts Festival - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the Edina Art Center’s Carnival of the Arts Festival special event was on Sunday which was very successful and well attended. Congratulations to Diana and her staff on this outstanding special event. C. Open House – Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that on Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. they will be having an open house for the two city gyms at the Community Center campus. Meeting Adjourned at 10:05 pm