HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-04 City Council Hrng Determine Need HRAMINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDkY, FEBRUARY ?i, 1974 Members answering rollcall were Council Members Courtney, Johnson, Schmidt and Mayor Van Valkenburg. MINUTES of January 21, 1974, were approved as submitted by motion of Council- man Courtney, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. LIBRARIAN HELEN A. YOUNG HONORED UPON RETIREMENT. retirement of Miss Helen Young, Councilman Courtney offered the following Resolu- tion and moved its adoption: Upon being advised of the RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION TO HELEN A. YOUNG WHEREAS, Helen A. young has served as Director and Assciciate Director of the Hennepin County Library System for twenty-seven years from 1947 to 1974; and WHEREAS, ov6r these ye$rkgrHelen. Young '6as"Tnstrumental in the continued growth and development of the Hennepin County Library System and was active in the planning and establishment of the Edrna Community Library and of the new South- dale Hennepin Regional Library located in Edina; and WHEREAS, after a service of thirty-six years to her community, Helen Young is retiring from her position in the Hennepin County Library System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, do hereby declare February 9, 1974, to be in Edina in honor of one of Edina's favorite residents and in honor of her long years of productive service with the Hennepin County Library System; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this resolution be presented to Helen A. Young at her retirement party. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and HELEN YOUNG DAY . ' carried unanimously. PAULA LARSON AND INSTRUCTORS COMMENDED. Councilman Johnson offered the follow- ing resolutions and moved their adoption: RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION WHEXEAS, Paula Larson has been a member of the Braemar City of Lakes Figure - Skating Club since 1965; and WEREAS, Paula Larson has successfully represented the City of Edina and Braemar Arena in Sectional and Regional Competition; and WHEREAS, Paula Larson has qualified as one of twelve girls in the United States to compete in the National Women's Singles Figure Skating Championship; and WHEREAS, Paula Larson has diligently performed her skating skills needed to accomplish this high level of competition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby commend for her hard work and her excellence in skating and wish her every success in her bid to become the Women's National Figure Skating Champion; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy of this resolution be presented to Paula Larson upon this auspicious occasion. PAULA LARSON RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION WHEREAS, Mrs. Eleanor Fisher has been a skating professional at Braemar Arena since 1965; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Vicki Fisher Binner has also served as a skating professional at Braemar Arena; and 1-JHEREAS, Mrs. Eleanor Fisher and Mrs. Vicki Fisher Binner have worked together tn training Paula Larson to perfect her style of skating; and IJHEREAS, Paula Larson has now qualified as one of twelve girls in the United States to compete in the National Women's Singles Figure Skating Championship; RW~J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mrs. Eleanor Fisher and Mrs. Viclci Fisher Binner be commended for their professionalism that they have displayed in instructing Paula Larson over the many years of preparation for this important milestone in her skating career. Motion for adoption of the resolutions was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and unanimously carried. 2/4/74 COUNTY ROAD 3-8/YALLEY-VZEV ROAD TASK FORCE REPORT APPROVED. Chaiiman of the County Road 18/l?alley View Road Task Force, introduced Nr. Richard Wolsfeld of Bather, Ringrose and Wolsfeld, which company had been retained by the City to assist the Taslc Force in making a recommendation on the design of the County Road 18/Valley View Road interchange. Wth the aid of the viewgraph, Mr. Wolsfeld reviewed the study flow chart indicating projected 1985 traffic, stating that the study area had included the area bounded by County Roads 62 and 18, Trunk Highway 100.and Interstate Highway 494. Mr. Wolsfeld said that the study had been made of projections of additional traffic caused by additional land development and reassignfaent of existing traffic. He said that the Task Force had agreed upon the following objectives: 1. 2. 3. Mr. Darrell Boyd, There should be good accessibility to the Edina industrial development along the West side of Highway 18. There should be good accessibility to the Braemar facilities along the East side of Highway 18. Valley View, Dewey Hill, Gleason, Tra'cy, Antrim and 70th Streets should not become corridors for traffic moving from outside the study area to other external locations, e.g. Eden Prairie to Southdale. This objective is considerably more important than providing accessibility to and from High- way 18 for all residents within the study area. It was brought out that the majority of the Task Force had agreed upon the following recommendations : 1.. A partial access interchange (per Figure 7 of the Bather, Ringrose and Wolsfeld. traffic analysis) be constructed near and South of the present intersection of Highway 18 and Valley View Road., . , A cul-de-sac on Cahill Road be constructed, as originally proposed in the mid-60's, South of Amundson to avoid the predictable significant increase of traffic on 70th, Valley View and Gleason Roads. Such traffic would pass by all of our schools within the study area. A half diamond interchange, providing access to the West, at 1-494 and Ease 05 Gleason be pursued with the Highway Department to provide a means for the Cahill industrial traffic to go around the residential port- ion of the study area. Valley View Road, North and [.lest of its intersection with Braemar Blvd., be cul-de-saced (per Figure 7 of the BWR traffic analysis) in the immedi- ate future. the revised loading that will take place on other'arterial streets, and it will bring into focus the relative importance of providing full accgss to and from Highway 18. accomplished, the subject of constructing the link between Valley View Road and the interchange (per the full access alternative of Figure 7 of the BRN traffic analysis) should be reconsidered. This would be for the purpose of evaluating the revised traffic loading on other arterial streets, and to re-evaluate the residents' desires for more accessibility at Highway 18 after living with (4) above for several years. tended redonsideration should be made a matter of record in your Councll Neeting minutes so as to minimize any future misunderstandings. That the City protect the right-of-way so as to be able to construct this link, to achieve the full access alternate, if it becomes desirable at a later date. (See copy of Task Force Report attached hereto.) The'report stated, in summary, that all of-these recommendations are part of a total system designed to minimize traffic impact on all of the streets within the study area and to maximize accessibility of the study area to the surrounding street systems. %he objectives cannot be accomplished without adopting the total system. Council's attention was called to a resolution adopted by the City of Eden Prairie recommending the construction of a diam- ond interchange at the intersection in question, that Hennepin County should make all reasonable efforts to reduce the noise level to protect the adjacent residential area, and that the design of the interchange should allow for pedestrian and bicycle traffic between Eden Prairie and Edina. noted fromllr. Don Murray, 6904 Gleason Road, urging action as recommended by the Task Force. Department were also noted from Dr. R. E. DeCesare, 6809 Paiute Drive, expressing concern over noise levels in the Indian Foothills area, and from Nr. G. E. Lindberg, 6001 Erin Terrace, urging that Valley View Road b'e blocked of€ if it is necessary to build the overpass. Trail, was assured that there is no intention to upgrade Valley View Road, Gleason Road or Tracy Ave. to allow for additional traffic in the area. and Nrs. Deveny suggested that it would be better to construct an interchange at County Road 18 and Interstate 494 at this time. tion of such an interchange is a long way in the future. 2. 3. . 4. By doing this at this time, you will be able to simulate 5. At such time as all of the aforementioned recommendations have been This in- 6. A letter was Copies of letters written to the Hennepin County Highway Mr. John Deveny, 6805 Cheyenne He Xr..Dbnn said tha$ construc- Mrs. Ann Overholt, ganuary 24, 1974 Reference is made to pur decisions of May 78 x9?38 whereby YOU created a Task Force $or the purpose of sixtdying and XevkwAng the proposed Hennepin Caunky diamand intemhange at Highway 18 and VaZLey View Road, Specifically, you adifressed us .tu *;he queskions 0%: 1, Should the interchange be constructed? 2. If so, whae access if any, should be provided to: a. Braemar facilities b. Other parts of southwest Edina Upon studying these questions, the qask Force enZarged its scape to also include an evaluation sf all1 road systems wlkhin *he area bounded by County Road 18 on the west, Cuuslty Road 62 on &he north, T.H. 100 on the east, and E-494 on the SOUWL As we indicated to you at your CoUnciX meeting of August 6kh, the Task Fore& expressed the desirability of more proEessbna1 judgment on the anticipated txaffic vuXumes under various alternatives. The BRW firm was retained fax this purpose. The BRW traffic analysis of Ganuary 1974, cupiss of which. you a12 have received, summarized their evahations and indicated a p~e- Eerred aikernative, nmely the construction Q€ a ;Tux1 access * interchange. I It should be noted that other considerations such as environmental, economic or social were beyond the scope of Che BRW study. 'I.'" .,a- r- Task Force agreed upon the following objectives: 1. There should be good accessibility ku the Edina industrial development along the west side'of Hwy. 18. There should be good accessikiility to the Braemar facilities along the east side of Hwy, IS. #* 2. s . January 24, 1974 . ,. Page 2. I. 3, Valley View, Dewey Hill, Gleason, Tracy, Antrim and 70% Streets should nut become corridors for k'gaffb moving €mm outside the study area to other external locations, e.g. Eden Prairie to Southdale, This objective is considerably more important than pwo- viding accessibility to'and from Hwy. 18 for ail residents within the study area, Accordingly, the majority of secommendations: e Task 'Force agree upQn the following I. A partial access interchange, per Figure 7 of the BRW traffic analysis, be cwstructed near and south of khe present interseetian o€ &-y. f8 and valley view Road, 2. A cul-de-sac on Cahi1l Road be construced, as originally proposed in the mid-60ts, south of Amundson to avoid the predictable significant in- crease of traffic on 7Oth, Valfey View and Gleason Roads, within the study area, Such traffic would pass by all of our schools 3. A half diamond interchange, providing access to the west, at 9-494 and east of Gleason be pursued with the Highway Department to provide a means for the Cahill industrial traffic to go around the resi- dential portiovr of the study area. 4. valley View Road, north and west of its intersection with Braemar Blvd., be cul-de-sacedfper Figure 7 of the BRW traffic analysis)in the immediate future:. BY doing so at this time, you will be able to simulate the revised loading that will take place on ctther arterial streets, and it will bring ink0 focus the relative importance of providing fulZ access to and from Hwy. 18. 5. At such time as a11 of the aforementioned recommen- dations have been accomplished, the slilbject of constructing the Link between Valley View Road and the in-kerchange (per the.ful1 access alternative of Figure 7 of the BRW traffic analysis) should be reconsidered. This would be €or the purpose of evaluating the revised traffic loading on other arterial streets, and to re-evaluate the residents' desires for more accessibility at Highway 18 after living with (4) above for several years. This in- tended reconsideration should be made a matter of record in your council meeting minutes So as'to minimize any future misunderstandings. ? January 24, 19374. ., Page 3. That the City protect the- right-of-waypar> as to be able to construct this link, to achieve the ’ full access alterrrate, if i.t; becomes desirable at a later date. 6. In summary, all of these recommendakions are part: of a ketal system designed to minimize traffic impact on all of the streets within the study area and to maximize accessibizity of %he: study area ta *he surrounding street systems. without adopting the total system. Ous ohjeotives cannut be accomplished Another factor that was considered was the efgeck of the propased intersection on the €load plain in the immediate area. ~t is our recommendation that any final, plans be reviewed with %he Nine Mile Creek Watershed District fox their experkise and appxaval. Zt shouLd be noted that the partial access alternative might reduce the present fLood plain by as much as L7”fo. alternative might Eeduce the present flood plain by as much as 37%, This latter figure is more than the 2WA normally allowed by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. possibly be offset by adequate ponding nurth of *he interchange (near Sioux Trail and McCauky Trail). With respect to the flood plain, we would further recamend that a11 ramps, the extension of McCaufey Trail, and the service road to Braemar be located as far west as possible, thereby reducing the effect of their construction, With regards to the environmental quality issues, me Edina Commission has concurreritzy been studying the proposed interchange and will issue a separate recommendation within the hear Eutuxe, The full access Part of this reductian could With regards to real estate values, it is the tax assessQr’s opinion that values may be negatively affected during cunstruction, but: they will return to normal kinds of values upon compLetion of the project, This, of couxset assumes that the present arterial stveets wiLi not= become corridors. Whereas the BRW study only evaluated three alternatives, the Task Force did consider a nuniber of additional alternatives, including: a. No interchange at all, b. c. A diamond interchange withaut a cross-over bridge, Other ‘designs of partial access intersections The three alternatives thal: we finally evaluated represented,in our opinion, the best compromise of khe various trade-offs, It should be €ur?=her noted *hac the BRW traffic anaxpis was based on certain land use assumptjons fox the curxenkLy undeveloped properties within the study area, our recummead&io~s am made on the basis of these same assumptbans, and the @aunt=Al. shm&d keep these assumptions in mind as they appmve future speciEk land-use proposals. 10 closing, the Task FQ~CC~ expresses their apgmw$.akiorr fax being given this opportunity to study the proposed inkexchange and fax the complete cooperation of &he various VilZztga afE&ciaFs that have been contacted during this p~ocess. 2/4/74 53 00 m w w *7 Overholt Pass and a minority member of the Task Force, questioned traffic projections made by Mr. Wolsfeld. Mr. Uolsfeld suggested that if his pro- jections should be low and traffic should impose a threat to the nkighbor- hood, the connection could be closed. Mrs. Overholt agreed that a partial inrerohange is the best solution since no corridor would be established, but suggested that Valley View Road should be blocked in a manner which would per- mit residents to drive to Braemar Park. She contended that the Western Edina Plan should be reviewed and that priorities on the use of undeveloped land should be re-evaluated. She added that six weeks is not sufficient time to make a decision on the interchange. be closed at this time, so that residents would have an opportunity to see just how important accessability is to the Indian Foothills area and which way traffic that will be going down Valley View Road will redistribute itself. He suggested that closing Valley View Road would put an additional 1,000 cars on Gleason Road each day. Mr. Boyd said that under the partial access plan recommended by the Task Force, only 17% of the flood plain area North of the Braemar Ball field would be affected, as against 37% with the full interchange. Mr. Boyd added that it is the Tax Assessor's opinion that, although property . values might drop during construction of the interchange, these values would return to normal values upon completion of the project. of Mayor Van Valkenburg, Mr. Dunn clarified that after Council has approved a preliminary plan, the County wi'll come back with final plans for further approval. Mr. Michael Buck, 6939 Valley View Road, identified himself as a member of REACTION, Inc., and said that the presentation of Mr. Wolsfeld did not take into account the location of the proposed Rauenhorst development which will be located in Minnetonka, North of the Crosstown Highway and West of County Road 18. He recommended that the D.M.J.M. Report should be compared with the Bather, Ringrose and Wolsfeld Report. Mr. Buck said that he agreed with Mrs. Overholt that the limited access is the least detrimental to Edina, but suggested that Valley View Road east of the interchange should be vacated and given to Braemar Park. would have easy access to Braemar Park. said that he is Treasurer of the Indian Hills Homeowners Association who approved a limited access at the interchange. Mr. Charles Partin, President of the Indian Foothills Association, said that a majority of his group opposed any form of overpass or interchange, inasmuch as the culLde-sac cuts off their access to Braemar Park by automobile and by bicycle, cuts them off from the rest of Edina and forces them to use service roads or circuitous routes in the Indian Hills area to ultimately reach Braemar Park. He said that stop signs at the intersection should be sufficient and eliminate any further need for an overpass. statistics that were given as to various routes to Southdale. that there would be 90,000 people living in apartments which will be built in Eden Prairie to the West of the intersection by 1990 and suggested that, if the intercliange is not approved, this development could not take place or that Eden Prairie could provide its own access to County Road 18. Mrs. E. C. Oliver, 7013 Camache Court, concurred with Mrs. Dunn and the Devenys and added that, with the Crosstown Highway and Interstate' Highway 494 running East and Nest, it is inconceivahle that additional travel along Valley View Road should be encouraged. Mr. Hyde recalled that the proposed interchange was approved in concept in 1969 and had been planned az. early as 1966 or 1967. response to asquestion of Mr. Robert Brockway, 6927 Valley View Road, Mayor Van Valkenburg expressed his concern about putting additional traffic on Valley View Road and said that he preferred the partial access proposed by the Task Force because that plan would keep more cars off of Valley View Road and pro- vide some access for residents so that they are not forced to use Gleason Road or Tracy Ave. He added that if cars cannot get to Braemar Park from County Road 18, they will have to use local. streets to reach the park. Mr. Robert Carpenter of Cherokee Trail, said that he would be willing to take a little more traffic now in order to protect the area from an influx of traffic from the West five years from now. while there is no ideal solution, he plt that Council should support the principle of the Task Force recommendation without being locked in to any specific plan on closing Valley View Road. in principle the recommendation of the Task Force for a limited access inter- change, subject to approval of the Environmental Quality Commission and the Nine Mile Creek Vatershed District. and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Johnson then offered the following resolution and c moved its adoption: P Mr. Boyd suggested that Valley View Road could In reply to a question He asked assurance that Indian Hills residents Mr. Arthur Morris, 6801 Dakota Trail, . Mrs. Caryl Dunn, 6921 Paiute Drive, disputed I She predicted In Councilman Johnson then said that, He then moved that Council approve Motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney RE S,OLUTION BE'IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council express its sincere appreciation to the County Road 18/Valley View Road Task Force for the time and effort it took 54 2/4/74 in i'ts preparation of an excellent report. tion was seconded by Councilman Courtney,and carried unanimously. Mrs. Dunn urged that Coundil make sure that the County would do everything possible to protect Indian Foothills by -installing substantial sound barriers and a heavy planting of trees: , She was told by Mayor Van Valkenburg that the motion had assumed that this wo'uld be one of the concerns of the Environmental Quality Comhission. in which the heaqing. had been conducted. Notion for adoption of the resolu- Nr . Michael '"Bugk complimented Council on the cooperative manner I ORDINANCE Nb." 811-A45 GRANTED* SECOND READING. Mr. Luce presented Ordinance No. 811-A45 for Second Reading as now required ,by State Statute, whereupon Council- man Courtney offered the following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: . ORDINANCE NO. 811-A45 AN ORDINANCE .&ENDING THE ZONING, ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY REQUIRING NOTICE TO ALL PROPERTY 'OWNERS 17ITHIN 350 FEET OF PROPERTY REZONED f* ' THE CITY COUNCIL 0F:THE CITY OF EDINA, B€INNESOTA, OF3lAINS: of Ordinance No. 811 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. "(g) regular meeting after' r,eceipt of the Planning Department's report and recommendation,.or after filing an appeal to it from a decision of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments set a date for hearing thereon, which shall be not later than 60 days after the meeting. place and purpose of the hearing on any amendment to this. ordinance shall be published in the official newspaper of the City at least ten days before the date of hearing. ring land from one district to another shall be mailed not less than ten days before the date of hearing to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property to which the amendment relates, insofar as the name and address of such owners can be determined by the Clerk from records available to the public. hearing the oral or written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a specified future meet- ing thereof. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the resolution was second on rollcall there were four ayes and no n ATTEST : Subparagraph (g) of Paragraph 6 of Section 12 (Administration) Hearing and Decision by the Council. The Council shall at its next A notice of the date, time, A simclar notice of hearing on any amendment transfer- After n Johnson and dl, j, &, 23 7LUL-Ld City Clerk MIRROR LAKES PLAT NO. 2 GRANTED PRE ARY APPROVAL. Mr. Luce recalled that Mirror Lakes Plat No. 2 preliminary plat had been continued from January 21, 1974, so that the question of a property line could be clarified. Mr. Ray Drake, representing Mr. Gerald Rauenhorst, said that this matter had been set- tled and that there would be no objections from property owners. Councilwoman Schmidt thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO NIRROR LAKE PLAT NO. 2 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Mirror Lake Plat No. 2", platted by Gerald A. Rauenhorst and Henrietta RaueAhorst, husband and wife, and presented at the Edina City Council meeting of February 4, 1974, be and is hereby granted preliminary'plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Johnson and on-rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. 0 INTERCOM SYSTEM FOR CITY HALL CONTRACT AWARDED. of eight bids received in response to advertisement for bids in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin. Tabulation showed Scan-Am Electronics low bidder at $16,619.00; Hauenstein & Burmeiser, Inc., at $17,530; Audio Electronics, Inc., at $18,258.00; Other Telephone Co. at $18,421.00; Electronic Design at $19,790.00; Blumberg Communication System at $19,985.00; Video Electronics at $22,687.00 and International Communications Services for video only at $3,625.45. Mr. Hyde advised that, as required by the staff, Scan-Am Electronics had agreed ko..a-&posit of.: $2,000 to be held by the City over a period of five years. Scan-Am Electronics was then seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. Mr. Hyde presented tabulation to be paid out to the contractor Councilman Courtney's motion for award of bid to 2/4/74 55 NEWPORT' DRIVE PdSIDENTS OBJECTION TO STREET LIGHTS NOTED. of a petition signed by residents of Newport Drive objecting to installation of street lights in the area, which lights had been petitioned by other residents of the neighborhood, Councilman Johnson's motion referring the petition for processing as recommended by Mr. Dunn was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. Upon being advised KIPLING AVENUE PEEWANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR PROCESSING. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Council- woman Schmidt and carried referring a petition for permanent street surfacing and curb for Kipling Ave. from I?. 41st Street to W. 42nd Street. for processing. NORMANDALE ROAD t?ATERMAIN PETITION REFERRED FOR PROCESSING. motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried referring a petition for watermain for Nonnandale Road from Payton Court to W. 66th Street for processing by the Engineering Department. Councilman Courtney's DANIEL, MA". JOHNSON, MENDENHALL STUDY APPROVED. Mr. Luce presented a resolu- tion as approved by the Planning Commission with reference to the Daniel, Mann, Johnson, Mendenhall Study, and zeplied in the affirqative to Councilman John- son's question as to whether this was the same matter that had been discussed at the joint meeting between the Council and the Planning Commission, man Johnson thereupon offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the City of Edina participated in a traffic and land use study with the City of Richfield, the City of Bloomington, Hennepin County Highway Department, the State of Minnesota Highway Department, the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Transit Commission; and WHEREAS, the result of this study was a recommendation for a three part thrust at solving the transportation problems for the City of Edina and that those three parts were a greater control of land use, an increase in transit rider- ship and improvements to the,existing highway system; and WHEREAS, that study has been reviewed by a task force comprised .of represene- atives of the affected governmental agencies, and the attached recommendations are the result of the efforts of that task force; and WHEREAS, the third element of those recommendations proposes additional study for developing an area transit service plan and that the need for transit is immediate and the need for additional study is less immediate; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall Study, as amended by the task force recommendations, be approved by the Edina City Council and that a.copy of this resolution be sub- mitted to all other interested and affected bodies, and that the Edina City Councills objection to continued transit study without increased transit service be. noted. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney, as amended by the task force, and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. Council- RESOLUTION JOSEPH ERICKSON PROPERTY NEW HEARING DATE SET. Being advised by Mr. Luce that an error was made in the legal description in the zoning hearing of the Joseph Erickson property on the Northwest corner of France Ave. at W. 66th Street, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried set- ting a new hearing date for February 25, 1974, for PRI)-5 and C-3 Zoning change to PRD-5. CITY OF HOPKINS BICYCCE PATH EASEMENT AUTHORIZED. Upon being advised by the City Attorney that the easement requested by the City of Hopkins for bicycle path purposes along the South side of Blake School is now satisfactory, Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RE SOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the EdCna City Council that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Bicycle Path Easement with the City of Hopkins along the South side of Blake School. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilw.aman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. SALE OF ROBERTS PROPERTY TO CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACE CONTINUED. Mr. Erickson advised Council that he had heard nothing definite from the Church of Our Lady of Grace relative to release of the easement across the former Roberts property which has been requested by Mr. LeRoy E. Balfanz. Ms. Helen Brooks and Mr. I David Brown, representing Mr. Balfanz, said that Mr. Balfanz would have preferred to ptkchase the property himself or to purchase enough of the property so that'he would have the two acres required for PID development. Ms. Brooks added that 2/4/74 - Hr. Balfanz now has a sale for his property based on the release of the ease- ment and said that the church would-have no need for the easement. that the easement be released before the property is sold to the church. Hyde clarified that the only reas-on that the release of the easement has not been pushed is that the City wants some control over the.type of development of the Balfanz property. property has not done any detailed planning as to the manner in which he pro- poses to develop the propertyvand that the existing,buildings are not in good condition and would probably not stand rigorous inspection. erable discussion, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried that the City Attorney check into the legality of retention of the easement by *the City. be guaranteed until building plans are presented for approval. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SS-309 EASEMENT CONDEMNATION AUTHORIZED. As recom- mended by Mr. Erickson, Councilmail Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:, She urged Nr. He said that the prospective buyer of the Balfanz Following consid- llr. Hyde told Bls. Brooks that no variances could ' RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby authorize the City At- torney to commence action of condemnation of an easement required for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS-309. 1-lotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. NORTHERN STATES POl7ER RATE INCREASE AUTHORIZATION COIITINUED TO MAY 6,. 1974. 31r. Hyde advised Council of rate increases proposed by Northern States Power -- Company for water pumping and street lighting. was then seconded by Councilman" Johnson and carried continuing approval of the net7 contract until 'flay 6, 1974, to see what action is taken by other govern- mental subdivisions. Councilman Courtney's motion BENTON AVE./T.H,' 100 LIGHTING BGFSE?3ENT APPROVED. Councilman Johnson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: As recommended by llr! Dunn, RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina enter into an agreement with the State of I flinnesota Department of Highlqays for the following purposes, to-wit : To maintain and provide electric energy for 3-400 watt mercury vapor lighting units at the Trunk Highway No. 100 and Benton Avenue inter- change in accordance with this Agreement, a copy of which was before the Council; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers hereby are authorized to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. Notion for adoption of the resolution was sehonded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. CAROL ELAINE HENNESSEY SUIT NOTED, Nr. Hyde advised Council of a suit being brought against the City by Carol Elaine Hennessey as the result of 'an-acci- dent in which she drove her autdmobile into a house which was being moved. The matter has been referred to the insurance company and the City Attorney. LEGISLATIVE ACTION CONFERENCE on Thuxsday, February 28, 1974, sponsored by the League of Minnesota Hunicipalities, the Netropolitan League of Nunicipali- ties and the Suburban League of Municipalities was noted by Nr. Hyde. action was talcen. No SUBURBAN LEAGUE OF ISUNICIPALITIES METING was noted by Mr. Hyde for Thursday, February 1 at Golden Valley City Hall, at 8:OO p.m. No action was taken. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA ~IUNICIPALITIES MEMBERSHIP TABLED. Mr. Hyde called Council'-s attention to a letter from the President of the League of llinnesota Munici- palities urging the city to continue its membership which will expire on Febru- ary 28. Mayor Van Vallcenburg told of meeting with other suburban mayors at ~hich meeting it had been 9uggestiM;tliattmemberships be continued for another year to see if better representation of the suburbs would be forthcoming by the League. Councilman Courtney pointed out a rule of the League under which any member of the Metropolitan League, the Suburban League or the Out-State League must be a member of the League of Minnesota Nunicipalities. ensued as to the League's lack of support of Edina's stand on the Highway Relocation Bill. Following some discussion, Councilman Gourtney moved that the matter of membership in the Lqague of Ninnesota Municipalities be tabled and that the City Manager reply to the President's letter. Coencilman Johnson and carried. Discussion >lotion was seconded by 2/4/74 5 '6 E? 0 Go M u w MANAGED GROWTH SEMINAR ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZED. Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried that a maximum of two representatives of the City be authorized to attend the Nanaged Growth Seminar in New York. PARCEL NO. 5 YORK AVENUE EXTENSION CONDEMNATION NO. C-1212 APPROVED. As recom- mended by Mr. Ericlcson, Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Council- woman Schmidt and carried authorizing payment of $3,570 for Parcel No. 5 of Yorlc Avenue Extension Condemnation No. C-1212. As recommended by Mr . Hyde , I METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD SAC SUIT APPEAL AUTHORIZED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councilman Johnson's motion that the City participate in an appeal of the Court's decision upholding the Metropolitan Sewer Board Service Availability Charges at a cost not to exceed $4,000 was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried. (See correction in Minutes of 2/25/74) ACTING WEED INSPECTOR APPOINTED FOR 1974. Councilman Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried for the appointment of Ilr. Eugene Davis as Acting Veed Inspector for the year 1974. WESTERN EDINA TRAFFIC STUDY TASK FORCE APPOINTED. was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried for the appointment of the follow- ing members of the Western Edina Traffic Study Taslc Force: and Phyllis Wohlrabe, Messrs. Darrel H. Boyd, Lloyd G. Cherne, Robert ICasbohm, Richard Kremer, Arthur Nelson, Lee Otis, Vm. J. Sime, Jr., James Thorp, Fletcher Waller and Jack Ziegler and Drs. 1~7illiam Dorsey and Lloyd Pearson. Councilman Courtney's motion Mmes. Phyllis Locke HEARING DATES SET FOR PUBLIC IIIIPROVEMENTS. As recommended by Mr. Dunn, Councilwoman Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 1. to the feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the form of improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, February 25, 1974, at 7:OO p.m. in the Edina City Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons inter- ested in said improvements. 3. placesand purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publication is to be not less than three days from the date of said meeting, and to mail notice to all affected properties in substantially the following form: The City Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as . Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY , MINNESOTA- NOTICE OF PUBLIC mARINGS PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB Sr GUTTER IMPROVEIGNT NO. P-BA- 198 , PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. P-E-29 , SANITARY SEWER DIVERSION AND RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-313, MEDIAN CUTS IMPROVEMENT NO. P-A- 173 , WATER MAIN IMPROVEmNT NO. P-WM-287 Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Monday, Febtuary 25, 1974, at 7 :00 p.m. , to consider the following proposed improvements bo be constructed under the authority granted to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. cost of said improvements are estimated by the City as set forth below: The approxFmate ESTIIATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: IMPROVEKENT NO. P-BA-198 $ 25,884.32 Brookview Avenue from West 58th Street South and West to West 59th Street cul-de-sac 2. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING IN THF, $ 6,497.55 FOLLOWING : IMPROVEMENT NO. P-E-29 Creek Valley Road cul-de-sac at East side of Edina- West High School property 5'8 2/4/74 ESTIlIAT&D COST (3. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: $ 14,400.74 IMPROVEMENT NO. P-SS-313 $305,681.52 Vest 65th Street from 150'2 west of Drew Ave. to 435' 2 due west; thence southwesterly 165' 2; thence westerly to 250' ?west of France Ave; thence southerly to existing trunk sewer manhole. correcting flowage easterly from Barrie Road to Xerxes Avenue. IEIPROVEMENT NO. P-A-173 Valley View Road for Southdale Office Centre Building No. 4 Also 4. CONSTRUCTION OF 14EDIAN' CUTS * IN THE FOLLOWING: 5. CONSTRUCTION OF CITY IIATER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE EQLLOIIING: IHPROVEZ.IENT NO. P-IM-287 $ 20,995.63 East Frontage Road Highway 100 from Payton Court to West 66th Street and Sherwood Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 1 above (Improvement No. P-BA-198) includes Lots 1 thru 12 incl:, Block 2; Lot 13, Block 2 and adjacent vacated street; Lot 13, Block 1 and adjacent vacated street; Lots 14 thru 24 incl., Block 1; Lot'24, Block 15 and adjacent vacated street; Lot 1, Block 15 and adjacent vacated street; all in FFirfax, Hennepin County, lSinnesota. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Portland Cement Concrete Paving under 2 above (Improvement No. P-E-29) includes Parcel 1800, South 1/2 of Section '5, Township 116, Range 21. * The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Acres; Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Southdale Acres; Lots 1 thru 5, Incl., Block 4, Southdale Acres; Lofs 1 thru 5 incl., Cassin's Outlots; Tracts A, B and C, R.L.S. 81214; Tract A, R.L.S. #1234; Tracts A and B, R.L.S. 81310; Parcel 5610'and Parcel 5210, Section 29, Townshi9 28, Range 24; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Town Realty's Edina Terrace 3rd Addition; Lot 1, Block 2, Town Realty's Edina Terrace 3rd Addition; Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 1, Cassin's Replat; Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 2, Cassin's Replat; Parcel 7600, Section 29, Township 28, Range 24. The area. proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed lledian Cuts under 4 above (Improvement No. P-A-173) includes Parcel No. 3245, Section 30, Town- ship 28, Range 24. The area proposed to be assessed for the'cost of the proposed Water Main under 5 above (Improvement No. P-WII-287) includes Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Nallard llanor 2nd Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, N.P. Benson Addition; Lot 4, Block 1, Loring Manor; Lot A, Registered Land Survey #3; Parcels #1763 and #1710, Section 30, Township 28, Range 24. - * under 3 above (Improvement No. P-SS-313) includes Lot 1, Block 1, Southdale I Fbrence B. Hallberg City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ON DENSITY AND BUILDING MIGIFTS REFERRED TO PLANNING COB@IISSION. bility of an amendment to the zoning ordinance on height and density. ing some discussion, Councilman Courtney's motion referring to the Planning Commission the possibility of a restudy of the zoning ordinance with respect to establishing narrower bans on density and absolute limits on building hetghts was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. EBENEZER SOCIETY REZONING REQUEST AND PLAT APPROVAL CONTINUED. with the referral of the Zoning Ordinance amendment to the Planning Commission, City Attorney Erickson advised Council that the zoning request and plat approval requested by Ebenezer Society could remain on the table until further action is taken in determining density and building heights. No further action was taken. llayor Van Vallcenburg requested Council's direction as to-the' pqssi- Follow- In accordance ORDINANCE NO. 434-A2 GRANTED SECOND READING. following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: Councilman Courtney offered the ORDINANCE NO. 434-A2 AN ORDINANCE AEIENDIKG ORDINANCE NO. 434 REGULATING THF, SEMI-PUBLIC 'CJHIRL'POOL BATHS AND THERAPEUTIC SFJIMNING 1~7HIRLPOOt.J BATHS AND THERAPEUTIC SI~II1*lbfING POOLS, AND POOLS, T*lHIRLl?OOL BATHS AND THERAPEUTIC SI.IIBMI.NG POOLS. CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC OR POOLS, REQUIRING THE LICENSXNG OF PUBLIC OR SEMI-PUBLIC ESTABLISHING LICENSE FEES FOR PUBLIC OR SEMI-PUBLIC SI;IIl*lMING 264174 59 THE CITY COUNCIL OP..THB CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: following definition thereto: Section 1. Sec. 1 of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended by adding the "Public or semi-public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool is any pool with a surface area not exceeding 150 square feet in which the water is agitated by the use of propellers, recirculating pumps, compressed air, or any other means, except when located within or adjoining a single family resideace, and available'only to the family or the householder and his private guests.'! Section 2. Sec. 27 (f) of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended to read as follows: , (f) annum for each swimming pool which is enclosed part or all of the year and $50 per annum for each outdoor swimming pool which is not enclosed at any time. Sec. 29 and .Sec. 30 respectively. follows : Pools. It be constructed and operated in accordance with the following provisions con- tained in the pamphlet entitled "Suggested Ordinance and Regulations Covering Public Swimming Pools," published by the American Public Health Association: paragraphs 7.1 through 7.6 and 9.1 and 9.2 of the suggested ordinance, and all of the regulations on pages 14 through 35. (b) placed on file for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk. (c) for the purpose of conducting pre-construction surveys, intermediate cons- truction investigations, and operation investigations. Such entries may be made at such times as may be deemed necessary to determine that the facilities are constructed in accordance with approved plans and maintained and operated in accordance with the requirements of the pamphlet described above. (d) No person, firm, or corporation shall operate or maintain a public or semi-public whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool without having obtained a valid license heieunder. The provisions of Ordinance No. 141 of the City, including the penalty provisions thereof, shall apply to all licenses required by this section and to the holders of such licenses. furnish the address of the premises where the whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool is situated or is to be situated. The fee for the license required by this section shall be $25 per annum for each whirlpool bath or therapeutic swimming pool. Licenses here- under shall expire on April 1, following the date of issue. (g) It shall be the duty of the Health Officer or his deputy to enforce the provisions of the section. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its pass- age and publication. Notion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded lwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no ATTEST : "The. fee for the license required by this section shall be $100 per Licenses hereunder shall expire on April 1 following the date of issue." Sec, 3. Sec. 28 and Sec. 29 of Ordinance No. 434 are hereby renumbered as Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended by adding a new Sec. 28 as "Sec. 28. Public or Semi-public Whirlpool Baths and Therapeutic Swimming (a) Any public or semi-public whirlpool or therapeutic swimming pool shall Three copies of said pamphlet, marked "Official Copy," have been The Health Officer and Building Inspector may enter upon any premises (e) In addition to his name and address, the applicant for a license shall (f) ORDINANCE NO. 124 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Councilman Courtney offered the following ordinance for Second Reading and moved its adoption: - ORDINANCE NO. 124 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS FOR YEAR 1974 TIG CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The salaries of members of.the Edina City Council from January 1, 1974, to December 1, 1974, shall be as follows: James Van Valkenburg, Mayor - $3,600 Annually C. Wayne Courtney, Councilman - 2,400 Annually Richard C. Johnson, Councilman - 2,400 Annually Jline A. Schmidt, Councilwoman - 2,400 Annually Willis F. Shaw, councilman - 2,400 AnnuaLly 6'8 2/4/74 Se . 2. The salaries of members of the Edina City Council from December 1, 1974 to January 1, 1975,' shall be as follows: James Van Vallcenburg , Mayor - $3,900 Annually C. Uayne Courtney, Councilman - 2,600 Annually Richard (2.- Johnson, Coundilman - 2,600 Annually June A: Schmidt, Councilwoman - 2,600 Annually llillis F.1 Shaw, Councilman - 2,600 Annually Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. . ATTEST: ORDINANCE NO. 112-A1 GRANTED FIRST READING: Upon being advised b$ the City Attorney that the following ordinance should be adopted in conformance with State Statute, Councilman Courtney offered Ordinance No. 112-Al for First Read- ing as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 112-A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 112 TO FIX THE DATE OF THE REGU'W CITY ELECTION, EXTENDING THE TERM OF THE COUNCIL 3IEtIBERS WHO WOULD STAND FOR ELECTION IN 1975, AND PROVIDING FOR STAGGERED TERMS OF THE COUNCIL IlEM3ERS ELECTED AT THE 1976 ELECTION - THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, IIINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 112 is hereby amended to read Section 1. Date of Election. biennially on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in every even numbered year, beginning -with the elction to be held in 1974. Sec. 2. Ordinance No. 112 is hereby amended by adding thereto a Section 2 as follows: Sec. 2. Extension of Terms of Council Members and Mayor. The terms of the mayor and the two council members whose current terms will expire in the year when there is no election to be held, I.E., 1975, are hereby extended up to, but not including, the first business day in January, 1977, and those offices shall be filled at the election to be held in 1976. 3 as follows: as follows: The regular Cicy election shall be held Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 112 is hereby amended by adding thereto a Section Sec. 3. Staggering of Terms. Two council members shall be elected at each biennial city election. To effectuate this transition, the one council member to be elected in the 1974 election shall be elected for a term of four years, and, of the three council members to be elected in the 1976 election, the two receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for terms of four years each and the one receiving the lowest number of votes shall serve for a term of two years. There- after, each council member elected shall serve for a term.of four years. Sec. 4. passage and publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its TWFIC SIGNAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED FOR 66TH STREET AND YORK AVE. Councilman Courtney offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, plans for Hennepin-County Project No. 7245 providing for the construct- ion of full traffic actuated traffic control signals on County State Aid Hi&- way No. 53 (66th Street) within the limits of the City; and, plans for Hennepin County Project No. 7330 providing for the construction of a signal interconnect system along County State*Aid Highway No.,53 (66th Street) within the limits of the City have been prepared and presented to the City together with the specifications and special provisions for these projects: NOV, THEREFORE, IT IS %?SOLVED that said plans, specifications and special pro- visions be in all things approved. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Johnson and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. 2/4/74 6'6 LL c, 00 ra7 m w HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT legal requirements, Counci moved its adoption, noting UTHORITY HEARING DATE REAFFIRMED. TO fulfill all 1 man Johnson offered the following resolution and also that the bill for elimination of the word "blight" will have first hearing this week, in the House of Representatives: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A HEARING TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO FUNCTION IN EDINA, MINNESOTA TJHE~AS, the Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Act, Chapter 487, Minnesota Session Lam of 1947, creates a "Housing and Redevelopment Author'ity'' in each city, village and borough, and provides that such an Authority shall not transact any business or exercise its powers until the governing body of the city, village or borough by resolution shall determine that there is need for an Authority to function in such city, village or borough; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota : That on the 4-th day of March, 1974, at 7:OO o'clock p.m., at the Edina City Hall, 4501 IJ. 50th Street, Edina, Ninnesota, being the time and place of the regular meeting of the Edina City Council, this body shall determine: ' (a) Whether substandard areas exist in- Edina, Minnesota, which cannot be redeveloped without government assistance; Whether adequate housing accommodations are not available to veterans and servicemen and their families; or Whether there is a shortage of decent, safe and sanitary dwelligg accommodations in Edina, Minnesota, available to persons of OW income at rentals they can afford. That at such meeting a public hearing will be held on these matters. That all interested persons be and hereby are invited to attend said hearing and p;esent evidence to this body. That the Clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause this resolution to be published forthwith after the adjournment of this meeting in the Edina I_ Sun, a newspaper qualified to publish ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays and the resolution was adopted. (b) (c) 10,000 GALLON GAS TANK BIDS TO BE TAKEN. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Council- man Johnson's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney and carried author- izing taking bids for four 10,000 gallon gas tanks which will be installed adjacent to the Danens property. GOLF RANGE GOLF BALLS PURCHASE APPROVED, As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Council- man Johnson's motion authorizing purchase of 800 dozen Uniroyal golf balls at $3.75 per dozen was seconded by Councilman Cburtney and carried. 1,000 AMP SERVICE QUOTATIONS APPROVED. Courtney's motion was seconded by' Councilman Johnson and carried authorizing taking quotations for 1,000 amp service for the City Hall. As recommended by Mr. Balen, Councilman ELECTRICAL FIXTURES QUOTATIONS TO BE TAKEN. As recommended by Mr, Dalen, Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried, authorizing taking quotations for electrical fixtures and supplies for the City Hall. ELECTRICAL SERVICES QUOTATIONS TO BE TAKEN. Councilman Courtney's motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried, authorizing taking quotations for electrical services (labor) for the City Hall as recommended by Mr. Dalen. TREASURER"S REPORT as of November 30, 1973, was presented by Mr. Dalen, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Council- woman Schmidt and carried. TRAFFIC MARKING PAINT PURCIUSE WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Councrli.ioman Schmidt's motion was seconded by Councilman Courtney- and carried, authorizing purchase of 600 gallons of white and yellow traffic marking paint through Hennepin County Purchasing. ASSISTANT CHIEF BURESH CONMENDED. Councilman Johnson commended Assistant Fire Chief Robert Buresh on articles written by him which have appeared in various magazines on fire fighting procedures and on fire prevention. 62 I 2/4/74 c CLAD-IS PAID. Notion of Councilman Johnson was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt for payment of the following claims as per Pre-List: General Fund, $70,266.80; Construction Fund, $2,563.00; Park Funds, $70,859.66; Water Fund, $Ii,?Z7.62;, Eiquor, Fund, -$96;~0@n$l:: $eQer:>FuQd; $3,073.39; Improvements, $107,261.26; Poor and PIR, $450 .OO ; Total, $359,158.34. I The agenda's business having been covered, Councilman Johnson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Councilwoman Schmidt and carried. Adjournment at , 1o:oo p.m. 10 1 City Clerk d c ,