HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-08 Park Board MinutesEDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. September 8, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Lord, Andrew Montgomery, Bob Christianson, Beth Hall, Paul O'Connor, Andrew Herring Pat Vagnoni Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Jean Rydell, Mac Thayer, Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, Bill Bach, Janet Canton Jay Jaffee, Robert Lund, Steve Rusk, Ralph Peter I. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 11, 1992 MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 11, 1992 MINUTES. Mr. Herring indicated that it was not clear from the minutes what the effect will be on park maintenance for not rehiring two maintenance men. Mr. Kojetin indicated there will be 80 hours of work per week that is not being done. As a result, there is a chance that the rinks will not be flooded on Saturdays and Sundays this year. Discussions are currently being held on this issue. Mr. Kojetin also indicated that there have been a total of seven positions in the city that will not be replaced. Mr. Kojetin also explained that another reason why the rinks may not be flooded and swept on the weekends is due to the fact that there is no longer $10,000 budgeted for the overtime that it takes maintenance men to work on the weekends. Mr. Kojetin noted that they are trying to figure out a way to keep at least some of the rinks open on Saturdays and Sundays. Mac Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. EDINA CHEMICAL AWARENESS UPDATE - JAY JAFFEE Mr. Christianson introduced Jay Jaffee to the Park Board. Mr. Jaffee works with the drug and alcohol program for the school district and for the City of Edina. Mr. Jaffee indicated that the Edina Chemical Awareness Committee suggested that he meet with the different boards to update everyone on what is currently being done and how everyone can tie their efforts together. Mr. Jaffee stated that the program is now in its third year. It was started in the summer of 1990 with money that was given to them by the Edina Rotary Foundation in an effort to collaborate with the school district programs. Mr. Jaffee explained that the schools and police department cannot take care of all of Edina's alcohol and drug problems, it's far bigger than that. Mr. Jaffee also noted that he cannot always get to the parents by just going through the schools. The Chemical Awareness Committee has decided to do something different this year and that is to focus on the adults. The program is not about prohibition but is about being responsible with alcohol. Mr. Jaffee explained that this fall they will again be having the red ribbon campaign and also responsible hosting. Mr. Jaffee informed the Park Board that he has a monthly column in the Sun Current and a cable TV show in effort to get the word out. Mr. Jaffee also stated that he felt the Baseball Association has a very good Drug and Alcohol policy. He noted that the parents also have to adhere to certain rules and both parents and participants need to sign the alcohol and drug policy. It was asked how the program is funded. Mr. Jaffee noted that the program was funded for two years by the Edina Rotary Foundation. That money ran out in June and the committee has been going to the community seeking money from service organizations as well as from the PTA, PTO, schools, etc. Mr. Jaffee did state that they are now going to the public asking for 3 year funding so that they do not have to go out constantly looking for funding. Mr. Christianson thanked Mr. Jaffee for coming to the Park Board meeting and bringing them up to date. Mr. Christianson asked how the other associations are coming on their policies? Mr. Keprios noted that they all have a drug and alcohol policy and for those that have not taken the time to write one of their own they live by the one that the Park Board recommended. Mr. Keprios noted that the Baseball policy is very restrictive. Mr. Fee asked if the Baseball Association's policy has been given to the other associations? Mr. Keprios noted that it has not. Mr. Fee suggested having the other associations see the Baseball Associations's policy in case they want to modify their own. III. EDINA MODEL YACHT CLUB Mr. Kojetin stated that what he would like to see accomplished is a recommendation from the Park Board to recognize the Edina Model Yacht Club as an Edina Association, just like the Historical Society, Garden Council, Hockey Association, etc. Mr. Bach stated that some of the Edina Model Yacht Club members have been working with Tom Erickson in putting together by-laws, rules and articles of incorporation to recognize them as the only boat club in Edina. This has been accepted by the State. Mr. Bach indicated that this is a very unique club. It utilizes Centennial Lakes in a way that is different from the normal activities of a large body of water which cannot be done at Centennial Lakes, such as swimming, etc. Mr. Bach introduced Bob Lund, Steve Rusk and Ralph Peter, members of the Edina Yacht Club, to explain a little bit more about the club and what it does. Mr. Lund indicated that he is sort of known as the resident builder of the club. He indicated that a lot of people were not aware that radio controlled sail boating was possible, much less that it was being done in the area. Since so many people did not know what was going on their first task was to instruct people on the construction of what is possible and available in building their own boats. Mr. Lund noted that their first event was a parade of boats which was held in June. Mr. Lund also stated that a group from Burnsville, which builds electric boats, was also there. Mr. Lund informed the Park Board that there was a special needs day were people with special needs learned how to sail a boat. Mr. Lund stated that a lot of new people joined the club after seeing the parade of boats. There are approximately 50 members in this club. Steve Rusk explained the formalization of the club and also indicated that the number of people interested in this club is phenomenal and it just keeps growing. Mr. Rusk noted that other communities have been very interested in how to use a lake that cannot be used for the more 2 traditional uses of water. Mr. Rusk stated that the sport has really attracted a wide range of ages. Mr. Rusk also commented that Tom Erickson was very nice in helping them go through all of the Minnesota laws and charters so that the Edina Model Yacht Club is now a recognized non-profit organization. Mr. Rusk explained that one of the key things in the articles of incorporation is that if the club were ever to resolve it would revert back to the Edina Park Commission. Mr. Rusk noted that the boats are electric and sail powered so there is no combustion engine, therefore there is no noise. Mr. Peter indicated that he is the person in charge of all racing matters regarding classifications and rules. He has a lot of experience in racing and has been doing it for quite awhile. Mr. Peter explained that boats are put into classifications basically by size. The American Model Yacht Association has sanctioned two groups of boats. One is called the Developmental Class and the other is the One Design. The Developmental Class has subcategories and is basically a boat that a person can design themselves. The One Design class is adhered to specific standards and there can be no changes. The Edina Model Yacht Club has sanctioned three types of boats. Mr. Peter showed the Park Board what the different types of boats look like and how they each work. Mr. Peter indicated that virtually everyone in the club gets involved in the racing program. People are out there on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on Sunday afternoons. Sunday is known as the race day and Tuesday and Thursday are more practices for learning the rules, etc. They are in the process of setting up how they will be racing next year. Mr. Christianson asked what the total size of the fleet is? It was noted that there are approximately 35 - 40 boats. Mr. Bach noted that the City had four boats initially for rental and now have constructed 3 premier boats. Mr. Bach indicated that they use rental boats as a source of income as well as a recreational use of the lake. There was $5,000 budgeted this year to pay for the staff, rental model boats and batteries. Mr. Bach did indicate that they exceeded that amount a few weeks ago by renting boats out at $2.50 per half hour. Mr. Bach stated that the Edina Model Yacht club works out of Centennial Lakes but they are not restricted to Centennial Lakes. Mr. Bach also brought up the point that there will need to be a Radio Frequency Regulation otherwise problems will occur. Mr. Bach noted that rules, rights and a body of knowledge need to exist to make this a good recreational activity in Edina. The club is looking for some recognition to say that yes the Edina Park Board does acknowledge the Edina Model Yacht Club as an association in the City of Edina. Mr. Christianson wanted to be sure that the staff is recommending this. Mr. Kojetin indicated that is correct. Mr. Herring asked if this club would be subject to the $5.00 user charge fee? It was noted that this fee could apply to them if expenses warranted a fee. Mr. Christianson asked if there was any objection from the Park and Recreation Department? Mr. Kojetin indicated that he feels it is a great activity and Mr. Bach will be sitting in on their meetings. Jean Rydell MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE EDINA PARK BOARD RECOGNIZE AS AN ASSOCIATION THE EDINA MODEL YACHT CLUB AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF MODEL YACHTS WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA UNDER THE EDINA PARK BOARD. Mac Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3 IV V Mr. Keprios thanked the Edina Model Yacht Club for providing a special program for Edina's Adaptive Recreation Program. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISERS Mr. Kojetin indicated that there have been some discussions by some of the associations on the topic of fundraising. Some of the groups have indicated that they would like to meet with the Park Board to discuss this issue. Mr. Kojetin suggested having these associations come to the October Park Board meeting. Mr. Kojetin felt that since the Park Board has had a chance to review the fundraising survey, maybe this would be a good time to get all of the association presidents together to talk about the fundraising issue. Mr. Kojetin feels that the bottom line is that some of these associations would like to accept gambling money from different organizations. Mr. Lord stated that he thought the City Council already acted on this issue. Mr. Fee asked if this issue should now be going directly to the City Council. Mr. Christianson noted that the issue needs to go to the Park Board first and then a recommendation can be made to the City Council. After the October meeting this issue should be resolved. Mr. Kojetin noted that the problem these people have is the City Council indicated that they cannot accept money from an organization who received its funds through charitable means, such as pull -tabs, etc. Mr. Christianson noted that his recollection from the City Council meeting was that gambling money, whatever its source, cannot be accepted. It was also noted that other issues to be addressed at the October Park Board meeting will be the increase in the field maintenance fee and the resident/non-resident issue. RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS IN YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PROGRAMS Mr. Keprios indicated that the football association was approached by some St. Louis Park kids who wanted to play football in Edina because there was not enough interest in St. Louis Park to have a team. Mr. O'Connor asked if the Park Board was the proper group to be discussing this issue. Mr. Keprios noted that it is appropriate for the Park Board because it's tied in with tax supported publicly owned facilities. Mr. Christianson noted that Edina Yacht Club has non -Edina residents. Mr. Keprios then added that the Edina Swim Club as well as the Edina Figure Skating Club also have non -Edina residents. These are associations that are an exception to the rule. Ms. Rydell asked if there is a difference in fees for residents and non-residents at the Edina Art Center. Mr. Kojetin indicated that there are two separate fees. Mr. Keprios indicated that this group already addressed the resident/non-resident issue with regards to our own park and recreation programs. He stated that the issue at hand here would be these independently incorporated athletic associations that use City of Edina owned facilities. Mr. Keprios noted that hockey is governed by their own district, state and national rules and they have to play within their own "natural hockey community," which the Edina Hockey Association defines as the Edina City limits. 4 Another issue brought up was the open enrollment. Can people who live outside of Edina but go to an Edina school through open enrollment participate in an Edina program. Mr. Lord asked if this issue should be left to the decision of each individual athletic associations. Mr. Keprios indicated not really because not every association should be allowed to invite any number of non-resident participants to register in their particular sport. The City of Edina cannot offer and maintain facilities to run programs with the majority of the people coming from St. Louis Park or Golden Valley, etc. Mr. Christianson indicated that he felt non-residents could participate as long as it does not deprive an Edina resident from participating. Mr. Kojetin noted that it is hard to say when you can and cannot accept non-residents. Mr. Fee indicated that he felt non -Edina residents should not be able to participate in the football program because it opens up a whole can of worms for all sports. It was asked if non-residents are allowed to participate would they be charged a $5.00 maintenance fee. It was basically felt they would pay the same amount. Mr. O'Connor asked if other communities have addressed this issue. Mr. Keprios indicated that other smaller communities have formed larger based associations which encompass more than one community. Other local youth athletic associations use school district boundaries depending on their situation. Mr. Lord felt that the Park Board should wait and see what the different associations have to say on this issue. Mr. Keprios stated that he thought it would be worth talking about now so that the Board can start thinking about it. Mr. Montgomery asked if the St. Louis Park kids are playing football in Edina. Mr. Keprios noted that the Edina Football Association has denied all non-resident requests to date. VI. RECREATION REPORT Mr. Keprios gave a brief report on youth and adult programs that are currently going on and what programs are coming up in the near future. VII. OTHER A. Petition From Arden Park - Mr. Kojetin indicated that he received a petition from residents who want a playground program at Arden Park. Mr. Kojetin stated that he has been talking with some of the residents about this issue and found out that some of the residents want the program and some do not. Mr. Kojetin will be having a neighborhood meeting to see if he can resolve this issue so that it will not need to be brought up at a Park Board meeting. There are 20 signatures from parents and 31 signatures from kids that want a playground program at Arden Park next summer. There are two families who have objected to this saying it is a safety issue because of the creek. Mr. Keprios noted that later he did find out that these two families live across the street from Arden park. B. Pool Closing - Mr. Montgomery indicated that one person did complain to him about the pool closing considerably early. Mr. Kojetin noted that this issue will be brought up at the November Park Board meeting. Mr. Kojetin will also have some financial data and attendance figures on the pool at that time. 5 C. Arden Park Hockey Rink - Mr. Montgomery asked what the status is for the hockey rink at Arden Park. Mr. Kojetin noted that they still have not decided what will happen. Mr. Montgomery asked when a decision will be made and Mr. Kojetin explained that he does not have a specific date. Mr. Kojetin explained that if they fix it up like last year it will take a couple of days and if they build a new rink it will take approximately two to three weeks. It would cost $12,000 just for the materials for new boards. D. Senior Center - Mr. Christianson noted that the picture of the Park Board will be put up in the Senior Center for their open house which is Saturday, September 12th from 10:00 - 12:00 and everyone is invited. VIII.ADJOURNMENT Mac Thayer MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:05 P.M. Paul O'Connor SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 3