HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 HRRC MinutesEDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2006 7:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Mary Brindle Carol Carmichiel Betsy Flaten Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Debby McNeil Sharon Ming Andy Otness Wayne Prochniak Eileen Supple Members Absent Jim Campbell Idelle Longman Guests Kathy Iverson Emery Erickson Staff Susan Heiberg Kathy Iverson, representing the Edina League of Women Voters, visited the meeting to collect the surveys previously distributed to all advisory board and commission members. Based on information received, the League plans to educate Edina residents on the role of boards and commissions and how citizens can participate in local government. As a result, a report will be prepared and shared with the Commissioners. Ms. Iverson was thanked for her good work, which also encompasses the Edina Chemical Health Partners. Member McNeil introduced her neighbor, Emery Erickson, as a visitor and observer of the Commission meeting. Approval of Minutes Member Supple seconded Member Brindle's motion to approve the minutes of December 20, 2005; the motion carried. Recotmition Member Ming seconded Member Otness' motion that the Commission formally recognize and thank the retiring three Commissioners—Carol Carmichiel, Betsy Flaten and Eileen Supple for their years of service and their numerous contributions to the work of the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission; the motion carried. Appreciation Member Brindle seconded Member Supple's motion that the Commission formally recognize and thank Wayne Prochniak for his two years as Chair of the Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission; the motion carried. Slate of Officers Member Goetz seconded Member Flaten's motion to approve the following slate of officers as submitted by the Nominating Committee: • Chair, Mary Brindle • l' Vice Chair, Debby McNeil • 2' Vice Chair, Idelle Longman The motion carried. Anti-Bullyina Committee The discussion centered on tabling the Committee for the time being. There is no action that can or should he taken on behalf of the Commission regarding the issue of bullying in the community. By watching and being observant, the Commission might be able to seize the moment—benefiting from a window of opportunity to create an educational experience for the community. The Commissioners learned that the principal of Valley View had an all -school presentation on the issues of bullying. With no active projects at this time, the Commissioners agreed that there is no need for the Committee to continue meeting. Member Brindle seconded Member Frankfurt's motion that the Committee become inactive; the motion carried. Annual Award Committee Members Brindle, Frankfurt, Longinan and McNeil presented material that would promote a Human Rights Award in the community. It was agreed that nominees would have to live and work in Edina. The award might be a Incite paperweight with the City seal. Member Ming seconded Member Flaten's motion that the award become "the Tom Oye Award", with the approval of his family; the motion carried. A distribution list—including the Chamber, service clubs, school and the Sun-Current—will be created for the solicitation of award nominations. Member McNeil seconded Member Flaten% motion that there be a concerted effort to secure nominations in order to find out if the community is interested; the motion carried. Volunteer Recognition Reception Member Otness seconded Member McNeil's motion to discuss involvement at the Volunteer Recognition Reception at the February Commission meeting, the motion carried. "Great Conversations" Member Prochniak shared that the College of Continuing Education at the University of Minnesota provides a series of four events in 2006 entitled "Great Conversations." It is an opportunity to be in the Concert Hall on campus as an active listener during a dialogue between a University faculty member and a world-renowned expert on a particular issue. An upcoming pertinent dialogue is "The Future of Affordable Housing," which will be held on March 28' at 7:30 PM. It would be a conflict for HRRC Members to attend, as that is the night of the March Commission meeting. Member McNeil seconded Member Ming's motion to change the date of the March Commission meeting to Tuesday, March 21`, in order to accommodate Members who choose to attend "Great Conversations"; the motion carried. Edina School District Data Member McNeil shared that 13% of students enrolled this year in Edina schools are of color --a total of 988. Open enrollment has contributed to this increase. Housing Task Force Member Ming reported that the Task Force Members are still working on the draft to share with 12 readers in the community and six courtesy readers. She indicated that Doug Johnson, another Task Force member and Director of Community Education, is targeting April 27' as a collaborative venture for a community forum on affordable housing. The collaboration would consist of the School District, the City of Edina, the Affordable Housing Initiative and the Housing Task Force. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Member Ming shared that the County money allocated to the City's CDBG budget had not been cut after all. Instead, Edina received two to three percent more in funding, and the increase designated for human services will be distributed pro rata.. New Superintendent of the Edina School District Member Prochniak encouraged the Commission to consider planning a time to meet with the School District's new Superintendent Perhaps this could be a combined effort with another group or commission. The idea will be discussed at the February Commission meeting. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Prochniak, Chair Edina. Human Rights & Relations Commission WP/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 7:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENC ROOM Members Present Mary Brindle Jim Campbell Amy Frankfint Idelle Longman Debby McNeil Sharon Ming Andy Otness Wayne Prochniak Dan Rasmus Members Absent John Goetz Guests Two Boy Scouts Student Jennifer Watkins Staff Susan Heiberg Dan Rasmus, a newly -appointed Commission Member, was welcomed. He has lived in Edina for 13 years and has served on the Recycling Commission. Anuroval of Minutes Member Otness seconded Member Longman's motion to approve the minutes of January 24, 2006; the motion carried. Human Rights Award The press release for the newly -created Edina Human Rights Award went out at the end of January into the hands of the Sun -Current, the School District, City of Edina website, the faith community and the service clubs. The nominations are due on March 1". The committee, made up of Members Brindle, Longman and McNeil, will then select the recipient to receive the award at Volunteer Recognition on April 24r. Commissioners were encouraged to submit nominations on their own for any they deem worthy of receiving this award in the honor of the late Tom Oye. Volunteer Recognition The Commission discussed participating in the Volunteer Recognition Reception to be held at Edinborough Park on April 24�. In doing so, a particular person or people would be recognized during the program on behalf of the Commission. Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion to recognize Doug Mayo and Jennifer Watkins. After much discussion around the table, no vote was taken. Member Campbell seconded Member McNeil's motion to table the former motion in order to give the Commissioners until the next meeting to revisit the matter at hand; the motion carried. They were encouraged to bring names to the table in March. Orientation Packet The following are items to be prepared for an updated orientation packet: • Strategic Plan and Bylaws • Roster and Terms of Office • Section 140 of City Code and Term Limits Amendment • Annual Calendar and Projects Update • Bias/Hate Crime Response & Prevention Plan • Human Services Funding History • Commission Minutes Member Otness volunteered to help coordinate the update of materials for this packet. Housing Task Force Member Ming reported that the three consultants have been busy at work and that the editing group has readied the draft to take to the selected readers. The readers will respond to questions and report back with their comments by March 6'. At the next Task Force meeting, the work of a new committee—Outreach and Communications Group—will be discussed. Ms. Becker, one of the consultants, is putting together a budget and timeline for Phase II, with the understanding that there is $23,000 left in 2006. Fundraising may have to be undertaken. Joyce Repya is looking into the East Edina Housing Foundation as a source of funding to bring the consultants' work to completion. Now is the opportunity to discuss the report and pull it together for the City Council to review before the April 27' event:—when the report will be presented to the community. The entire process may not be wrapped up until September. The Task Force itself has been meeting since November of 2004. Essay Contest Member Longman shared that the idea of an Essay Contest was mentioned to the Connecting With Kids Committee and was well received. Another suggestion was to couple the contest with the Intergenerational Dialogue which had been a successful event last year, and also possibly connect with Edina Reads. Apparently, the contest would not be limited to a particular topic. Member Longman will research the last five topics of contests held by the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions. Joint Meeting with the School Board The Commission agreed that it is important to create a strong partnership with the School Board and to support the incoming superintendent while sending off Dr. Dragseth with words of appreciation. Member McNeil seconded Member Otness' following motion: • That a thank -you letter be sent to Dr. Dragseth referencing appreciation for his support and strong leadership; and • That a meeting be initiated by the Commission with Dr. Dragseth and the new superintendent before a School Board meeting to encourage a continuing positive relationship between the Commission and the School Board; and • That these back-to-back meetings—one with Dr. Dragseth and the new Superintendent, and the other with the School Board be held before June 30', at the discretion of Dr. Dragseth; the motion carried. Anti -Bullying Report Member Longman reported that a police officer from the City of Woodbury developed a program on internet bullying, safety issues and internet crimes. This might be an area for the PCN to tackle. Senior Expo Member Gess shared that the Edina Federated Women's Club, the Edina Community Foundation and the Edina Resource Center are sponsoring a Senior Expo on the morning of April 25' at Colonial Church. This event is an outgrowth of the Senior Study undertaken in 2003 by HRRC. Intergenerational Event In a tribute to Mozares music on his 250' birthday, Member Frankfurt shared that the Edina Chorale, the Concert Choir and the Chamber Orchestra will be performing together on March 19' at the High School. Edina Chemical Health Partners (ECHP) ECHP is asking that a representative of HRRC join them as a replacement for retiring Member Flaten. Their meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 AM at Davanni's. The Commissioners were asked to consider this for discussion at the March Commission meeting. Edina. Unplugged The Commissioners were reminded that Edina. Unplugged was happening on March 13. with the hope that families will spend time together rather than going to meetings, practices and doing homework. Its purpose is to consider the impact of over -scheduling on families and children. Forum on Teen Parties An additional reminder for the Commission was the forum on March le regarding teen parties, alcohol and the law. It will have a panel of experts—Police, attorney, chemical health coordinator, and a social worker. April Commission Meeting Member Prochniak seconded Member Longman's motion that the April Commission meeting be changed to April 180'to allow participation at a fonim with the Health Commissioner on April 25*; the motion carried. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM. . Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission MB/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2006 7:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Student Mary Brindle Jim Campbell Jennifer Watkins Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Idelle Longman Dan Rasmus Debby McNeil Andy Otness Sharon Ming Wayne Prochniak Minutes of February 28, 2006 Due to lack of a quorum, the Commission minutes of February 28, 2006, could not be formally approved. Therefore, it will be included with this set of minutes for approval at the next Commission meeting. Dr. Dragseth and the New Superintendent A letter will be composed to the School Superintendent, Dr. Ken Dragseth, before he retires from the District On behalf of the Commission, he will be thanked for his years of leadership with the hope that his predecessor will continue the strong partnership forged with the Commissioners. Member Longman will connect with Dr. Dragseth to see about arranging a meeting with the new Superintendent It will be helpful to ask Dr. Dragseth what value he sees in HRRC working with the School District Annual Award and the Volunteer Recognition Reception At Volunteer Recognition on April 24' at Edinborough Park, the Commission will present the first Tom Oye Human Rights Award to Mary Ellingen. The Commission will also have the opportunity to recognize the three retirees—Members Carmichiel, Flaten and Supple— and to thank the Commission's student representative, Jennifer Watkins. Housing Task Force Member Ming reported that the community kickoff will be on Thursday, April 27�, entitled "Community Conversation about Housing in Edina". It will be held at St Patrick's Church at 7:00 PM, and the Task Force will provide a presentation and facilitate roundtable discussions—encouraging guests to participate by asking questions, sharing comments and voicing concerns. Human Services Funding Process The process for soliciting proposals for 2007 human services funding was reviewed and discussed. The following Tuesdays were identified: • May 2r - Providers are assigned to Commissioners for connection and follow-up. • June 27' - Commissioners review and discuss all the proposals. • July 1 e - Providers attend the formal hearing. • July 25' - Commissioners draft a 2007 human services budget to present at a hearing with the City Council. • City Council hearing date to be announced. Essay Contest Member Longman provided a list of topics collected by the State Department of Human Rights Commissions for a community essay contest The Commission determined that no action needs to be taken at this time. There might be an opportunity to combine this event with Edina Reads. Elders' Wisdom. Children's Sona Member Ming reported that she was one of four "adopted elders" from the community to participate in a program with 5�-grade Countryside students combining the collection of oral history with the teaching of song -writing and poetry. Member Ming told her story to them, and, as a result, the students were inspired to create a song about her, which was presented at a program on March 2. Countryside had been chosen to participate in this project— sponsored rojectsponsored by WMEP—along with six other elementary schools within the west metro area. Edina. Chemical Health Partners (ECHP) With Member Flaten having retired from the Commission, there is now an HRRC opening on ECHP. The meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 AM at Davanni's. Commissioners were encouraged to visit the meetings. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2006 7:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Mary Brindle Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Idelle Longman Debby McNeil Andy Otness Wayne Prochniak Members Absent Sharon Ming Dan Rasmus Guest Mary Ellingen Student Jennifer Watkins Staff Susan Heiberg Recipient of Tom Ove Human Rights Award Mary Ellingen, the first recipient of the Commission's Tom Oye Human Rights Award, was welcomed. As a volunteer lawyer with Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Mary has participated in fact finding missions regarding women's human rights in Poland, Tajikistan and locally. As a result, she has prepared recommendations to bring laws into conformity with international human rights standards. Tajikistan is in central Asia, located north of Afghanistan and west of China. Mary reported that Minnesota—specifically the Duluth model—is in the vanguard of the domestic abuse programs. She was thanked for the incredible work she is doing. Approval of Minutes Member Longman seconded Member Otness's motion to approve the minutes of February 28, 2006; the motion carried. Member Goetz seconded Member McNeil's motion to approve the minutes of March 21, 2006; the motion carried. Diversity Dialogue Planning Chair Brindle reported that Edina Reads, the Edina Community Foundation, Connecting With Kids and the Commission will collaborate to sponsor a diversity dialogue on Saturday, November 11", from 9 AM to 1 PM. Jim Gamboni will be the moderator, and he plans to meet with the planning group and the students to develop a dialogue around the topic of immi�gr-a .on. With 23 languages spoken in Edina, this should be a relevant topic. A tide has already been created: "Edina Without Walls: Embracing Diversity in 2006—What We Think and What We Know." It was suggested that the Commission prepare a table -top presentation board for the event to display its role in the community. The objective of the dialogue is to look at the level of diversity in Edina At the next planning meeting of the dialogue group, Chair Brindle will find out what would be the most helpful thing for the Commission to do and how to participate. Housing Task Force Presentation Member Otness seconded Member Frankfurt's motion that the Housing Task Force be invited to make its presentation to the Commission at a continental breakfast on either Saturday, August 5�, or Saturday, August 12, at 9:00 AM; the motion carried. Grant Proposal Process The Commissioners will have the month of June to study the proposals for 2007 human services funding. At the meeting on June 27�, each proposal will be reviewed and questions prepared for follow-up. The date of the hearing is Tuesday, July 18", and one week later— July V is the meeting to draft a proposed budget for consideration by the City Council. To prepare for discussion at the June 27' meeting and for follow-up with the providers, the following Commissioner assignments were made: • Senior Community Services - Brindle • Cornerstone - Otness • VEAP - Brindle • Women in Transition - Prochniak • The Bridge - Frankfurt • Minneapolis Mediation Program - McNeil • Normandale Center - Brindle • Store to Door - Prochniak • Neighborhood Partnerships - Goetz • Walk -In Counseling Center - Otness • Chrysalis - Longman • Bridging - Frankfurt • Family & Children's Service - McNeil and Prochniak • Charaka - Ming and Rasmus Regarding follow-up, it was recommended that visits be made to providers with first-time proposals, whereas a phone call would suffice for connecting with the providers currently being funded. Senior Expo Member Otness reported that the Senior Expo was a resounding success and that 150 people attended. It was held at Colonial Church on Tuesday, April 25�, from 9 AM to noon. It had been planned and launched as a result of the Senior Study conducted in 2003. The vendors who participated indicated that it was an excellent use of their time. Overall, the follow up was constrictive and complimentary. Essay Contest Member Longman shared the winning essay from the State League's Essay Contest, which was written by a Falcon Heights middle school student The writer's work measured up well to the judges criteria for consideration -clarity of thought and expression; explanation of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination; and reference to the Bill of Rights and the Minnesota Human Rights Act. League Conference Member Longman reminded the Commissioners of the 35' Annual Conference of the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission. It will be held at the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center on Saturday, September 30', from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The title is "Huddled Masses, Hard Choices: The Human Rights Challenge of Immigration." Detailed information is forthcoming. Farewell to Jennifer The Commission's student representative, Jennifer Watkins, will be graduating from Edina High School and in the fall attending Tufts University in Massachusetts, majoring in international relations and French. She was congratulated on a successful senior year and thanked for her generous contribution of time and talent to the Commission. Rachael Pream Grenier, High School Program Supervisor for Youth Development/Youth Service, will be contacted regarding a new student representative to replace Jennifer. Adiour orient There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission MB/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2006 7:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Emery Erickson Amy Frankfurt Debby McNeil Andy Otness Sharon Ming Wayne Prochniak Dan Rasmus Members Absent Mary Brindle John Goetz Idelle Longman Staff Susan Heiberg First Vice Chair, Debby McNeil, introduced and welcomed Emery Erickson, who was recently appointed to the Commission by the School Board. He will fillJim Campbell's unexpired term which ends January 31, 2007. Approval of Minutes Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion to approve the minutes of May 23, 2006; the motion carried. Review of Proposals Each proposal for 2007 funding was discussed, and questions raised will he fielded back to the providers by the Commissioners for clarification before the hearing on July 18'. Member Ming shared that next year's RPC funding could be used in support of housing in general in Edina, or that it could be earmarked for an update of the demographic study originally done in 1993. The Commissioners were asked to be prepared for determining the recommended use of 2007 funds for RPC during the break at the hearing on July 18'. It would then be folded into the proposal presented to the City Council for the funding of human services next year. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Debby McNeil, 1` Vice Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission DM/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2006 6:00 PM - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Staff Mary Brindle John Goetz Susan Heiberg Emery Erickson Sharon Ming Amy Frankfurt Dan Rasmus Idelle Longman 5,000 Debby McNeil 4,750 Andy Otness 4,000 Wayne Prochniak 3,600 Chair Brindle announced that instead of a Commission meeting, on August 2r there would be a tour of the Edina. Resource Center's new location in the Welcome Center on the fust floor of the Community Center. She encouraged the Commissioners to be there at 4:00 PM when Val Burke would be the hostess and show off the new office space. Funding Proposals for 2007 Member Longman seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the following proposal at a slightly under three -percent increase in the amount of $86,350 for the City's 2007 human services budget Senior Community Services 27,800 VEAP 17,500 Cornerstone 15,100 Normandale Center 5,000 Minneapolis Mediation Center 5,000 Women in Transition 4,750 The Bridge 4,000 Store to Door 3,600 Chrysalis 3.600 TOTAL 86,350 The motion carried. Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion that a pro rata reduction be applied overall if the total approved for 2007 is two percent; the motion carried. Member Prochniak seconded Member Otness's motion that the Edina Resource Center receive a three percent increase in funding, for a total of $35,061 in 2007; the motion carried. Chair Brindle reported that the intended amount of $23,886 for 2007 funding of RPC had already been reduced by $12,245 to finalize the work of the Housing Task Force. As a result, there is a balance of $11,641 remaining for RPC. For the record, the history of RPC and its fimctition in regard to the work of the Commission was discussed. RPC is the mechanism designed to address the research, planning and coordination of human services in Edina, demonshaiing a process and structure that is responsive to the community's need for responsibility and accountability. RPC's mission is to ensure that the human service needs of Edinans are identified through research and planning and, where possible, met through the coordination of service providers. The goal is to work cooperatively towards creating an environment in which individuals are empowered to identify their needs and use the resources of the community to their benefit—ultimately aiming towards community action. Since 2002, $85,684 has been spent in professional services coordinating citizen participation and creating a task force, having determined the need to focus on affordable housing in Edina.. Today, the Housing Task Force has launched a draft report entitled "Housing Succession Plan for Edina's Future." After sharing this report with the community for reaction and input, the Housing Task Force will present it to the City Council for approval in the fall. In absentia, Member Ming—the RPC representative of HRRC—has recommended that, with an expected three percent increase, 2007 funding for RPC be devoted to updating the housing chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan based on the work of the Housing Task Force. However, the amount would be the balance after designating $12,245 to complete the 2006 work of the Housing Task Force. Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion that the remaining amount of the 2007 RPC budget—$11,641—be devoted to the updating of the housing chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, based on the work of the Housing Task Force; the motion carried. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission MB/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 7:00 PM - COMMUNITY ROOM Members Present Mary Brindle Emery Erickson Debby McNeil Sharon Ming Wayne Prochniak Members Absent Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Idelle Longman Andy Otness Dan Rasmus Guests Val Burke Lee Canning Carol Mork Staff Susan Heiberg Approval of Minutes Member McNeil seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve three sets of Commission meeting minutes—June 27, 2006; July 18, 2006; and July 25, 2006—the motion carried. Commission's Annual Calendar The following things were confirmed for the annual calendar. • Small group meeting with Joyce Repya in November to discuss the upcoming CDBG budget • Small group report and discussion in December regarding the CDBG budget • Article in the Sun Current in January regarding nominations for the Tom Oye Award • Deadline in February for submission of nominations for the Tom Oye Award • Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan update in March Housing Succession Plan Val Burke, the Edina Resource Center Coordinator and member of the Edina Housing Task Force, was welcomed. Carol Mork, another Task Force member, was welcomed, as was Lee Canning, a member of the Edina Housing Initiative. The PowerPoint of the Plan was presented and favorably received. Ms. Burke indicated that the Plan was the result of two -years' work, evolving into a strong plan. The Commissioners responded to the presentation with the following suggestions: • That a resolution of support be prepared for the City Council - Members Prochniak, McNeil and Erickson will have a resolution ready for the next Commission meeting. • That a press release be developed regarding the Plan on the City's website • That additional signed resolutions of support be acquired from community organizations • That a table be added to the PowerPoint presentation with the number of affordable housing units per income category in Edina • That a resolution of support be presented to the School Board emphasizing the need to focus on the concept of attracting young families to Edina for the sake of the schools • That an editorial in the Sun Current be considered after the Plan is presented to the City Council • That, for the sake of the Council, the Plan's positive impact become more visible throughout the community Intergenerational Dialogue on Diversity Chair Brindle reported thatJim Gamboni will again participate in the upcoming Intergenerational Dialogue to be held on Saturday, November 11', from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM at the Community Center Auditorium. The Commissioners agreed that we should have an expanded view of diversity, looking at and leaning from diverse groups. Budget Follow -Up At the City Council's budget hearing on August 1`, a summary of trends regarding human service needs and services was requested. As a result, this was prepared and submitted to the Council Members and shared with the Commissioners. There was agreement that it would be advisable to plan a meeting with the City Council in the future. In the meantime, an agenda of discussion items could be developed. Essay Contest Chair Brindle reminded the Commissioners that an essay contest had not been coordinated after "Edina Reads" in August The State League of Human Rights Commissions has provided topics to consider. Chair Brindle offered the following for consideration: "If Edina was a person, what would he/she look like? What would his/her values be?" It was suggested that the event be scheduled in conjunction with Martin Luther King Day in January. Another thought was to connect with Rachael Grenier, the High School Youth Development Program Supervisor, and to look at a May -term project Youth Commissioner Chair Brindle reported that a High School junior is considering appointment to the Commission as a student representative. As a result, she could serve for two terms until she graduates. According to the Commission Bylaws, the student Commissioner is a voting member. Adiournment There being no finther business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission MB/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2006 7:00 PM - COMMUNI'T'Y ROOM Members Present Mary Brindle Emery Erickson Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Idelle Longman Debby McNeil Sharon Ming Wayne Prochniak Dan Rasmus Members Absent Andy Olness Guest Max Lantz Staff Susan Heiberg Max Lantz, a senior at Benilde-St Margaret's High School, was introduced as a guest Approval of Minutes Member Longman seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the Commission minutes of September 26, 2006; the motion carried. Human Rights Day in Hopkins Members Erickson and Longman attended the Human Rights Day in Hopkins where they received, on behalf of the Commission, a DVD on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which highlights the 30 universal human rights. The Declaration, whose principal architect was Eleanor Roosevelt, was ratified by the United Nations in 1948. Youth for Human Rights International created the DVD, and the Hopkins event included three panelists who discussed their first-hand experiences in Egypt, Israel and Lebanon during the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel in the summer of 2006. Housing Succession Plan Member Ming seconded Member Goetz's motion to approve an edited Resolution by the Edina. Human Rights and Relations Commission regarding the "Housing Succession Plan for Edina's Future" drafted by Member McNeil; the motion carried. A copy of the resolution will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Additionally, this resolution will be shared with the School Board. Member Erickson seconded Member Prochniak's motion to publish in the Sun -Current an amended press release regarding the Housing Succession Plan; the motion carried. A copy of this press release will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Member Ming and Housing Task Force Member, Scott Massie, will present the Housing Succession Plan to the Planning Commission on November 1`, and the Edina City Council will receive the presentation by Task Force Member, Carol Mork, and Chair, Doug Mayo, on November 6�. School Board Appointees to the Commission Chair Brindle announced that a press release was placed in all the schools' newspapers for people to apply to the School Board for the two vacant Commission positions. At this time, there are five possible candidates being considered. Student Commissioner Catherine Elliot has declined consideration as a student member to the Commission but is willing to help provide names of other students who might be interested. Member Longman will connect with her and follow up on any progress made in this endeavor. Edina Community Council In her recent appointment to the Community Council, Chair Brindle shared that it is beneficial to have Commission representation on this Council, especially in the dialogue concerning unmet needs in the community. This brings up the importance of re- establishing RPC—research, planning and coordination of human services. RPC will be placed on a firiure Commission agenda. CDBG Funding Because 15% of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget is considered human services, the City Council has required that HRRC review this portion and respond to City Planning staff before the proposed budget is drawn up for formal presentation to the Council. Members Ming and Emery have agreed to meet with Joyce Repya, the City's Associate Planner, to help prepare for the January Commission meeting. School District Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan Member Rasmus agreed to connect with the School District regarding the status of its Response Plan and report back to the Commission. Commission Brochure Members Frankfurt and McNeil agreed to look at ideas for the creation of a Commission brochure. Edina Chemical Health Partners (ECHP) Chair Brindle shared that ECHP is seeking a Commissioner to serve with its membership. The group meets the third Thursday of each month. The mission of ECHP is to reduce youth alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by strengthening individual and community initiatives through education and advocacy. Upcoming Events Reminders were given to the Commission of the Intergenerational Dialogue on November 11' with Jim Gambone and Global Warming Solutions with Will Steger on January 11'. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Mary Brindle, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission MB/sh EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION Members present Mary Brindle Amy Frankfurt John Goetz Idelle Longman Debby McNeil Sharon Ming Dan Rasmus TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2006 7:00 PM — COMMUNITY ROOM Members absent Emery Erickson Andy Otness Wayne Prochniak Guests Luis Bartolomei Lindah Mhando Introduction of Guests Luis Bartolomei and Lindah Mhando introduced themselves and spoke about their respective backgrounds and interests. They each applied to the Edina Board of Education to fill two open positions on this commission. Their School Board appointments will be ratified at the December 19th City Council Meeting. Their terms would begin in January 2007. Everyone welcomed them. Nominating Committee The Commission voted unanimously to appoint the following three members to the Nominating committee: Wayne Prochniak Emery Erickson Andy Otness Alternate: John Goetz (to serve if one of these members cannot) The Nominating committee's job is to recruit a slate of candidates for chair, first vice - chair, and second vice -chair for 2007. The committee should present its slate at the next meeting on January 23, 2007. Essay contest This project needs a commissioner to move it forward. Needs assessment The commission was advised that the Edina Community Council will conduct a needs assessment to determine human services needs through the Edina Resource Center. This led to a discussion about possible future plans for Research, Planning, and Coordination (RPC) funds. The commission has already recommended to the City Council that 2007 RPC funds be used to help compensate the Housing Task Force consultants, and to help defray the costs of updating the housing portion of the city's comprehensive plan. Sharon Ming agreed to make a presentation on the RPC at the Feb. 27, 2007 commission meeting. A commissioner is needed to oversee RPC when Sharon Ming's term ends in January 2008. (2) Tom Oye Award Idelle Longman and Wayne Prochniak (with the help of Mary Brindle) will take responsibility for all aspects of this year's award. Human Rights/Relations Commission brochure Debby McNeil will draft an HRRC brochure for commissioners to review. Communication with City Council and Board of Education Mary Brindle advised that HRRC meeting minutes are sent to these two groups. She suggested that there should be some liaison activity among the HRRC, the City Council, and the Board of Education. CDBG Funding Sharon Ming distributed a two-page summary of CDBG funding by the city since 1992. She advised that Hennepin County has terminated its contract with the Greater Minneapolis Day Care Association, one of Edina's longtime CDBG recipients. A different daycare services organization is likely to be identified by Hennepin County. Sharon will follow up with Val Burke of the Edina Resource Center, to learn more about this. At the January meeting, Sharon will present a proposed CDBG budget for 2007, with suggested percentages for funding of different groups. Announcements The commission still needs a representative to Edina Chemical Health Partners. That group meets at 7:30 AM on the fourth Thursday of each month. Idelle Longman reported that she and Andy Otness attended the Minnesota Dept. of Human Rights annual conference on December 1. She described some of the conference highlights. Mary Brindle announced that Will Steger will speak on January 11, 2007 from 7 — 9 PM at St. Patrick's Church. The topic is global warming. Edina's mayor will also speak. The event is open to the public. Mary Brindle also informed the commission that the Edina Community Foundation sponsors "Edina Dialogue", a vehicle for discussion of any issue of general interest. The Foundation sponsored the intergenerational dialogue held on November 11. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. Submitted by: Debby McNeil Date: Dec. 14, 2006 Next meeting of the Commission: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:00 PM