HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 02-05 Planning Commission PacketsNU 'IS U 76F .UU10 MEBTITC OF a�'�"ay 5, 1969 EDONA TULAGE HALT, 0y,I,VZ: WM, L2,r, Cbnjrman; George Nognat, Sam Hughes, Robert Hunliter And Cliff Johnion. Staff Preruao: Fred Poisiuntan nad Karen Sivensen UnnU`Ai o <",Jymy and Chairman Pro Tem ter. Nugevt nvd.nated Mr. Lewis as chaivman for the ensuing year. , Ir. U-gh'e's F"ecryonj the motion. Ali votac Aye. Mr. Nugent nominated nr. criancid an CLannat Pro Tem foz the ensuing YsarMr- Huelstcr uccuided the notion. All Voted Ne., 8 9069 CaQgi Inutef, irNugant =cved that the jeauary S, 109 COSWUH04 Minutes be UpprCV04 a3 suboUted. yy. johnavn soconend tLe notion. All Voted An. HoYon Carried. r -mob mr, Haisington reported that Mr. Hartwick has been granted n,,t,tj,, arjrnna appro,yj which Du p=it hi v to build an off1cf-- ,ujidin; ca che southnns; curnez Y Valle7 Vien and WOOddale- One , thc vayjaacea necesvw;7 at the praaent time is for parking within 10 goet of his nouth pToperZy line.. AnvtnOr is f0w a deficiency t& wak nuober of pa0ing swes, in un Wfurt to mize h1b variance requests and yet pro - vi& suBicieno building area za meet his nuedo, v&. Hartwick has Zaqunned 02 4"' feucath of and contiguous to his property. Re ncquiied it frcu Mv. Richard Palen whe in jeeding the remainder of ,42, L, th, 11,,, f0Z wlra� ponding purposes. With this a6ditto"al Unc, No. Hartwick VU._ be ,_bin to provids ample parking for his ploponcs huilfin;. since parking wr a exavcreis! use is not permitted in ar, k -a District, 00 requaca is to rerane rhw 40 fact strip to Automobile 01hou palki ig withput ertending the C -I an4tb bor0oz-, Ibu ,;LLAfi the onnind in �40 ntllr %Upvrt ,I too 0,, Pt �eaz moved that A -2 Ccrolcoic" vecczm_nu cna vcsonful NO Che 50110"Ag rea=s: 1, Depial of An rezoning vr&A require that parking suileneez be gynnted and that the proposed building rcenced A SiLt. 2. AnYIN; of the rezoning will nCL be detrimental to other properties in he area perticularly since we aTs coon to ovn the property abutting this 40 foot striP an the uouth and east. 3o Grasting c! the resoiNg will be consistent with the zonjzg ecneept and ?attcrn pTeoently in existence A, the area where anomobile pawking serves as a transition bnween !Q0nwwcjal and siAgle family residential areas. Nr. unnaotor ooccnded Who Eotion- hl! Aved Me- Motion Carried. Z-602 rdL Co. C-3 Commcreill DAntrict to 0-1 Office QuIldig of Cassin'S OutjoLs=_ mr, Hoisingtol not that W site in question is the wesceAV MAE feet of Cho Pa&rce Pr*PeryY on 66th Street and Xerxes T,j, ,aperty won razcnad in 195Q froo Open Davelopment cc %Qtiple Residenac DOWN. ho a result of Court 01STST.Asx , the pzapnmy wav Zc7sned to Ca VanNy Store District awc, I,L,, ,CjaSSe& C.3 ccmmzrrjaj DiRvAcr when Me Conneveial District ordbunrcur wura u#Uad. The cunrenz raq�vn is to rezone the westerly Partlen of W site QCZ KfAce use. Vmd nue in 1h, vr,, cu"sjnt of of2jce buildings to the ;, th, arth of york spenue, vacant C-3 land to the ond nummoreW U4as ky the souln acyoss Mac 66th stroet. A site plan 4as bcon sQuyi-tod which Wira=& 3",315 square Net of groLo fj,,, ,,, , h, 133,16& pCot rito, Tne plan meets U-1 require- Wn= bUt rhorc remains noun concern over the location and character ,p •,hj,,j,r e,trances poo the ubole site. The County must be consulted In thia rigard sinca lean 56th Strant is j cauuty facility. The staff 10coomende appony, oj Q& T=AnX Ar the reazons stated in the slafy ruporz. Mr. Boston 1AN ie Edina's %h3ic Safety Department had run any traffic rtudins in that socn, and if nnt, they ahould before nay buildinSs aye arcconj na rho pwopQrty. chnjj-�r jaTim oum, that Unno w0l be traffic problems 00- An 07n"W 0a Mo p7jpv!V ,T ,, 0,0 jin �,nj ion, my, � Qn: L avud that the., j,. ,, — T, C :7 �, : j �j Q1 ��4n ing v njaeL to the COUntfS Lq�rnvy! UZ V�;n S on- Ac &5=01 y7n 0-1 lovinn 4 0 Auq0l! axtensiWA af Wjcln.�'' GQ zoning to tha West. 2. SUO, nyrzaL Q in Lcocad with the Southdale pleal ;Mich im UnSUCCOSSEURY, to 1noRment, 3. The Propeacd Kfice Vve 1A compatible nud Q churactsr vith adjacunt Rad uses - N,, ..... d,d the motioa, AIL Yong Aye. Motion Carrie& iv, LOT DIVISIONS Jxt 3, T H.100 and W. 66th Street Mr. Hajoington reported Wat in 1967. Mrs. WPM= ;nquezzU this name division of her prOperLy. At thSt tKe, ShC Was nd0sed that the division bw handled with a registered land survey as , ,v,rnment lot LE not considerad an a pl=W 10t. She was advised tkz, there might be a dead restrietton prchibRing the division of h,, ,j if 9,, Lny acLjou tpon by the Council would be Walevann. submitted a Uertif jeate of TQ12 which j.,_, n h .a...... ;, j, now prorpezty id Vint the jovisjun can uncur. A zurvzy of the proposed division was submitted �51 zcvlaw. W. AWSK"non nQted that W two 10tu Vera of sufficient n0n, saver aid vaUr AeTc uvailable m te prcperty aud there wan no .,r -..wan Lo Aeny nhe diviricM Wor some discussion, hrWelater majed that the oval of the oropcoed,leyajared Und survey. A, Wrried. "otion. SUFDWHIONS Up.&T.y Uvjring�un noted that 14ja piry raceived preltninalrl fwar the Wvrit on October 28, 1963. Thu staff recowaen& ajUr,owni ..... h, q,t ,bject to filinq ol necessary restrictiOns ....... to, a Ynivany nn , of creak ancagano IO, C; : Qa: 700h Sorest. Os are S0,0V15cas "2 well as thosc­ Tv vzr�vjs creekbed restrictions. o f i An� �Tav iub i e �if e-isent rita and Ii c mc -i At LL -he —. i%!O---- i ") 11 . - C, - a-Zr` C, 1. i Y-4"13 - 0 Iq At t.Le January �I, 1-969 iavat ' .ng, thi.� CoDantission tabled -Isst--n had an opportunity to z�r-t;. (�v,, this a-ubdivis-'--on until °; h -3Com:. - VIC-;- Ule- prcperty, The jf!.eld was ?,A)rkulry 1. Ilse staff recommends zpprcval of thc, nas Dr� Hogay.-., 6204 BalTacri-. Lang, staLetd 'Chat the development of the property would cause congestion i-Fi the area. and Lhe types of hov.es wct.,Id not Irwe ccii,.parabk with those that iow exist,. Assesswents ozi the third lot would be less than thosi., surrounding It because it would ha -e Frontage cn a cul-de-sac. Yh,-, area residents wish the wc,,,J(4 POLve serlous coasid-erat-'.on bsfore deciding on appr�)Val or disnpprcval. _some discuqsinn., r. Nugent moved that the --C ry T)Ist. Mr. Huelster -tcx,;;�aand arnreval of Lhe pre Arrina C, (.1 e dA h e All VAILLye. MoAon C.ckr.r.-'.ed. 6 9 Th -is pr- ei:ty is, located on ilia sidct of France Ave-liue The i,, ea '-J-, the, south 1.9 zoned 0-1. of .11 to the wee.- is va,7r3 v: rI-I pxoperty �4nrl f- -, �-he -oorc-In is the Roberts Becao�-,O! t'1 e division of -iv', propc,',rty, a 6rive 11 have ?:c `0t1. F'ha-,-ed betweca Lots; 2 an 3. Th -s is a vetriance COrt3ie,aYati011 no.d w! 1.1 I,a--ze to b,:� b f.t bloeird Of Appeals. The staff -hat cor"Illort dri-le is a batter solution than two dxivy's approval of tile ,-,lCveJ L'he Cejrx,,Assl.,�)n recoirmend pre liminary "LT, .11 of the thl iniotion. All Voted *Hotioi� J -s locatci the COLTIer of rt�e J, JL j r C, " V-',, VIC! plot Llects Ot Al hes -- — -------- 1`"i+^. I':7 -1c, i r, re j t �'d p rellminary pial. of South - 17 '3141-in'3 fie stal"ed that the plan is a a.-nd "a -�7,vf-j thzl�: the rocamend approval -.e" ,j?Iary to Huels-ter seconded the ;n Motion Ca�:�Au�' llandbai,i. Courts in Planned District. r .-Ljingto-,.7, reported tliicL z:'aere are Soin Interested Ildivldunls Who 15"ke ;:o mat. same ha.ndc)-all courts in Edina. They Le, build L -he industrIal Diotrict and propose, tO build El �trV.C':Vre :n ^;t- �uulri be con-ertedto office space at a late y Thz,- would b*! use(, Only for ha-adba.11. The i-iow prov.-'ESL? for L:hit-, type of use iEt Lhe Planned and i,7ouldl require ,.r o-L-dinc-ace a?-tiendmeilt. The a !2, the lvitl-t t -he stlpu�- lwcon, th It six parking Chairman Lew's noted Lhrt the Cor-mLasim shotAd 1 -?view a -amved -d",-J. L -I -a tb.,,,, t.-saq-e Indu :trial DipLzrict and that. Sin , r)": r Coln I. -c vrSTV, o zd the motion 'Flar), c_d R e s I d L, ri t i i1 D-,qt�-4cL S h--:�, reviewed 'by dhe Vil'.Lag- ,v tj-.,.en protpor,�-";,.. Mr. I to tho a:-,'I'red ron the proposed the avurova, 1AEu t,ile- Huelv7ter Ea:zoaded the All Xo or. a 4. y r -le and r:he tie:d for a -'2dica-ad a -26 i1'Alas % -htheye will f�oou Le a davelorpirent ``:e f:h7s-i-tevieu. re-';c'ct:�d 1 -hat Yh,! Clc,.'-Icll would not to-.� Tin"'ry ,W, ' -y zj-11-11 tin lz pro -per ',I because of the "u: --Z5 "S t that Office Building in ".1 -1- A>' -'el'- -mrae. eut moved that tbc re-c"l-I o; Dal T)rjrf-rtv frola i d v F-; --l: i: J to OF<*;c d I DI. th�! mo o -,-t All. Vc�'—d Ayo- Mocion Carried. 01C-1 �7 ex v m n ocl'-. Wculn--cdav, 15' 9 a, -,.a I L� - g date JA eet Rc3v2ct-;FlATy -l'l-'li,--Iltvcd' Y