HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 05-07 Planning Commission Packets3�CUKY.NCv OF EDINA !%,!.�CVASSION REILD wjz.-m,m,;,mY, ,;,14�Y 7, 1969 EDINA V.11LUGE PALL A. 'Hiatt, Clif f Ceerge Nugpei ychusr.va, ch�,)rieq Clay and Sam �Iurzhezt 1, f 7r and Ka7:en Forensen S, ;: 4� I- .. t 2 19 o -m , 69 C 1,3 - i Oil Kinu ea. =.ova,�i that. tha Aprll 2, 1969 Commission W--nutes be apprcvyd ?Ir. .1ohnson Secouded th2motion. ;11 70 ed :eye.mlotioa CA!risd. ? V z F, VDz II(Disirs, ton repo rtse. that Mr- AIR ilf-tAs of 'Midwest Plannir�g* prope,ty, the Del Edge and Scstith ,.z jim V,,;:�kvinon� the Aev�F.A.oj. _r cf th� arjn,-_I. E-Itatza, a - tO is uzq tL %�pe, been mc-�,,­Ingr f,)r a 7 31 d tof t -he Pro,_;er,,_y. aper n(n7 felt that lie was reacly to Tim e ,sailt, 41 R :ent. plm,. for C -i ioll ie Z -V V - 'I" pre sente_z�, plan which in(If-CateS & dOubl,'! fhmlly ,:Ont of oskjaivm Ave-auz and along WP-st 72171d tzo um - - 'ii -ie a`T,I� c38L Of Bxir6t0l AlVd, to ,?t t(:� -,appprox, atrjy B-,-ictol Blvd - Office buildladi-s"trict in auggested. fo: office parking. I p-,,velopynaaat is emggeatej as R-3 and R-4 ,rop-_,rty ja c�he. center of t'W� ,� Ievt� lonminl; , "he .6avele-per proposes to congtruct as feace and tree buff-zx 16 11. !e n, el from Frzame to Bri,".Lol o ocreer, I -0- te Off ice a' f. arkln-g, '?"ram ;Ue Sir%4Je f;mil- a)m�m to thnorth. ", Mr. Hnrk�; not:ed that this is the ftrj,�4,. ,qzep among; many. 'U grzntt-d, -he oroper?-- y -�re to be platted and th,�, Votil(i ha 'Jri;L then R-4 , 1 -3 a la ti -Y, be ti -ort ,t, I - nd jkvcjjqe 3tated --hat be had 'ad been Ir".!ann -,t th-a -ravel op n 'i On h `2 tv Or 11, a -m, er- langth ct Zim-,�� UP- 'ndlCaLed that h-,�= ums anuioefz tO haVe the kit, 1 1. and that be hopt;.d the R -I a -,ea -would be devaloped I_irst, ­Ioz) nove' that :jUs wa!� tho ersi: ti.vic i!_- had aeen thi� late3t pro- -tp ls Blake, T." Y�.,� "%'. Ro'bern i.:3erly :LV, zon�:!a The Property 11-4:3 D 1.1 of llif4 1� n, !.T,' r1b,:'A by upi I ra t-J*.cj,-L it ttj I- 0-te 1".its, Mr. Robe-.L� no �:OFit.aljy 6evaqoped for RL -'t.. -n. p -at thFl present parking ot D'1�3' De that he T. Cil 011-1 CLy and z:!,4t R 3hou!6 be Ftopped. Traffic In out C�l the lirea. e� to ,Miz. Jim Ga67_Klxou 4:;'CaWd tll.A Mr. 7obert" w AV t e bave the or office r_-rlUig behln,5 the presk.nt of f ite site disr_tu;*lo-a, Mr. llol.r.-Alrq ton pointed out to those t";'Ht Ole- (Aznocloper hns 7-, to ank for -rezcning -us shown on the C,-Px.ml5sirjn and council. would ugree iin whole or in-ara i -.Mo plan ular, rot vj,.cS, pur k poae of uia meet? r ­ F, this evening. Thc. vas to pre.Eent tile propoar-j", to the Comm-fissionfor thej-r your coatmer.L. -s mov�--_d that t�e Coinsion accepttbe opo prell for study, _kL_Zh2_ -AyilMotion Carried. t �the motioal. Al! Voted XM 2, Mllei" j'?gaff Report 8-7-66) -cn-j vel -Ported tha- the px-operty undar disellasion is ..q::ej x the uoutjj%jeot quadrcrt cZ Vernon. Avenue a.- ng r Road. IM -C. 1141c-lrlilgtou Introduced David Beituett, architect for the developer. ?.tr. Ben.t�ett stai-.ed that he was before t',Ile Comle.sjcyn tel seek their fv� T _,�,,j-,jnnca on hcrw !;is client should p. occed on the project. In August, 1968, the 4-ndicated that. R-211 davulupment was more &Pplicable thall yz�­A, davelcpuent. Miles Ccqustru­tlor, Ca�pan- I - .7 wants some direction from the Commission abeut being wiliing to joollr, at R -L construction Gt�-.nderda wiaftll -":Ould 1,tealt la-gex buildings akid larSex units with 1r-31 iiransi'':Y. The purpose being "_-o hrree til -o units in fever buildings. 1-jr. I'llniaing"on riated that Mileo Constractlon Crx-;PIny Could begin c,c_-nsLructor) of an 'R-4 building Lame-diately or, Lots I. tl%raugh 5 if they 4q#,)uid 1.,wtkposa a deed. On property 1.imitit.1p, the itum ber of to 20The G'ouac,I and plelring Covw i a s ,'..o a he% -1ready approved R-4 -t,.oning `.f f, i7lin�- bjt 3illce Glhe restr3ction never becemie xe_zj-lty the -)rTInr-nce wx� not nzibli.:�had. Aft_ ­r a additional &k acu,-,,a ion, Mr. lliatt Moved that he would be -;_r,c_'ljrtcj to go along with fewer buil,3t.ig,� and more open Space. alb I: he nerved that the C.-,-madusion recommene R-3 density with LI -14 (V -ion. He sited would. "-ta0zfution oil Lot eco Add it. I — _tcoM ?_ _tz-. -the thia zoning to additionzl proverty, 1 M. CAKA"t the moticj,41, A I LA7 _-2!0_t eau , d not be in th t9'ithc lo,,.­,Assicn apn.croj�,r_ij any furthey p-:0-t!lrs th's Praject '4o e 71,diaa I7_;, r:a s:;. afr Cowmiosion Minutes -3- May 7, 1969 3. Halla I�i'Llrt4er�' Mr. Itoisington reported that the Halla property is located between Willson Road and T.H. 100 just south of Eden Avenue. He also noted that it had been indicated to the developers of the property that the Staff Would look favorably on a high rise type of facility, either multiple or office. Ile introduced Mr. Robert Cerney and Mr. The from Cerney Associates. Mr. Cerney noted that the site has some problems, one is its curious configuration and the other is the deep depression near the center of the site. Because of the depression, we would have the opportunity for underground parking. The proposal is for a 14 story apartment building with approximately 240 units. The request will be for R-5 zoning and there will be some setback variances needed. After some discussion Mr. Hiett moved that the Commission acre t the U:-oposal for study. Mr. Nugent_secanded the motion. All Voted Aye. motion Carried. III. STREET VACATION 1. Hnl.ifax Avenue. 14r. Hoisington reported that the Village is doing a great deal of work in the 50th and France area and we hope that what we are doing will be benefic±al to the whole area. WIQ.n we started this project, much couNideration was Given to Halifax Avenue and the traffic problems it has. As; %;e :see it, we have two ways to handle the problem: (1) we can close the street and cul de sac it, or (2) we can have a highly restricted intersection which will discourage its use by commercial traffic. Mr. Wells, 5124 Halifax Avenue, indicated that the closing of the street would eliminate a number of problems and he was in favor of its cicsaing . miss Holtaxa, 5117 Halifax, indicated that she was not against the closing of the street, but t.htit it would be inconvenient for the people who pick her up twice weekly. Mrs. Spaulding, 5121 Halifax, stated that she would be inconvenienced by the closing, but it would eliminate the heavy traffic and she would find other ways to get to the shopping area. Mrs. W. Hauck, 5029 Indinnola Avenue,, presented her reasons why she and tater neighborEa were against the closing of Halifax Avenue. The biggeut reason was t1 -.,a -i: it wtat3 felt that the traffic that went down Ilal._�.fax now would use Tndianoia Avenue and the street was a subresidential et_;reet .and could not hmandlw heavy-raffic• She nlso indicated that there was considerable traffic +cn 52nd and Indianola and that it would increase c4;.w;iderably with the closing of Avenue. a 4'e-1.11fan Avenue nesidant., srata-J that Halifax eras {t strn.$;1.: da:!:Lr .lad armla was T:4t and that: was vhy 1= 'o;and as it (i -id. lie said that -mi ch of the traffic or. lar 9ii`a , cta� rcmi Hirm-!-spolis people a3 well as those who could travel F,?ol.i,: N', ?,7e'.f:a le. The road i -a' not Vide e=:aoF.lg'.h to kaccaii4modate he amollut C}: traffic. :"d' gener&cas and :.t shau$s-4 be closed. ;ir.. "„'am 5036 T9AIi:Nn, :atated that it would be quite irc�:>at •« � znt. 4•r~ lhim if t h,,i road were closed, bui. that he felt it wsa a g""cd iecmi exp, i he *-mile, fiad other routes to net to hie place of employment, After considerable di.ocvrmlon, Mr. lloisi gtov :Mated that the straft re:oye er_' �i R, canal.*:; of 't..:i.j.{ ax subject: to necessary easem nta being Nr, Y algY e'nt• moixef? `_hat. the CGmiss'l on L?LSA' ro—,? a the vacation of ;rani,, frrin the s--out:o line of dot 41, Auditor's Subdivision 172 and 55 fa^d: scutil, subject to easement: acqurya.i.tion. Mr. Johnson F.a ccn--,a 3d ths. Roll Call 'anted vas oaken: Mr. i.iatt, abstai ad; Mr. Clay, cannot iota; >. Nugent, ye; Mir. ,soh-nsan, alae; Mr. Hughes, Naar; Mr. Levis, Aye. 'gib:. '{73^;►:1 yta:i;that: t--,zreaa.on for his albstinalce was that he, felt -i.,oad gkoiild ro:;a:rain e pca P -s 1-1 is ncw tw 6ee how it functions. 111 .L;o? :, C} al co, hv'Wl -Ve3: ; i-"-Iat h3 ",=Id not vote + gainst Lhe closure. 7- ? 11%,- err:. t-:•-<<. R -I Re.^.,identiO District to R-2 Multiple UiEtrict_. _VfcCrmle ► Hei55�ht i.�V;.___ �1.� dition. PtA.ki.ing-Lor. not -ed i:hak'. the 'C"Cm.riss on bald approved R-2 21ta:Unu C;-� L'h " sots V`tll as iCivf= 3ti'ei' ac in the plat on Ntmemb�ar r .19 r) 'Ir' . Tha.:4: wmq n so as pts;?otia 1. .for Ar.. df:fice a3,�-vF+lvpment along Counter 'cad r. at that: ti.' -ma. The AL its pUIL 7 LC withheld zrm aag appr'Ci'Wc"itf1c! p?"&3p^cz j' between Yz,,2: &rut's Lane and NcCnaL le' (I -x. -I -a wi l;b.i ti..e.. taxi �t.:_,: ` £ rr. commeuds apltrot7al of 1:a:2 zoning on Iotas I rjA hMoe.;. s .<r3r -1 2, 31ock 4, Toto 1 , 2, 3. B lock 1, McCauley w,21.1 ,!s R-2 zcn:Wt,; v a .:Fiat areza bctsaTEy%t n Margaret's Lane Sited CiYk-:Ie :-`4.t_ c-c-cnz to Cc'u?.-dty Road li'. r k r� ar, �a, dig .ea si a.T T is is moved haat: the Commisajoa f'£ CCST i f:Ca Pi' -2 .;4itnlrmz ?ii the ?L Lr;e air2mad 10't3 as ,;:sal av fit• -2 zoning Zor that �?ndi McC,euleyr {`circle adjacent, to County Road IS ng rczucx,5� to -:hr.overall IaYid 11",:r.'_ i3 'sion i"iitlutes "3" May 7, 1.369 2. The proposed R-2 lots are ii=,ediatety adjacent to the county Road 1-8 sand Croas iowr, interchange develop - anent and well suited for do�:'ble bungalow development. 3. The proliosed R-2 lots are of sdequate size to accomodate good double butagnlow construction. 4. R-2 development of the aubject lots would not adversely affect the use and enjoyment of nearby R-1 pro?erties. Hr. rhraon seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Piotion Carried. i-69-8 Rauenhorst_Construction. R-3 Multiple District to R-4 Muj.t District, Tract !4. R.L.S._ 1129. Mt. 111o: rsing�ton repo'cted that the site La question is located north of Parklanmi ,Avenue., approximately 60C Feet west of Franca: Avenue and is contiguous to th!R Oscar Roberts property. It could accommodate 11.7 axnits tander R-4 zoning. The property is affected by ':he &partment rezoning moratorium wh-lch wi11 not br� Lifted until. August 1, 1969. The staff recommends approval of the xezontug. subject to ra rrond easement being provided some - within me - within the all -le connecting the Robarta property to Paarklawn arid se:blect to the lifting of the moratorium. Mr. Ray Drake, representing Rasuenhorst Corp. noted that R -W would seem to be appropriate because of the >ropoased aT-4 development in the Roberts area. He also noted that he was aware of the moratorium which was in effect, t, beat wanted to get the Conaaisaion's action so that plans could be started for the project. Mr. 11oicington pointed out to t'he Commission and to Mr. Drake thr.t at the time the Bertelsen *regi was zoned, there was an orderly dcevel.opa- =Cnt. off: xxe.lt:i.ple.vr faaai. R-4 to the south of parklawn Avenue, R-3 to the north .arid possibly -2 and P,!--1 on the Roberts property. It might be advisable to take tikia matter until the Roberts property development plan 4X con -r lot ed. A.Ftar oome di. =c aziozsNr. Hus hes moved that the Commisefon_ P'�na:J.d.. hake xio Via-: xtlon on this re uest until tae Roberts proep rty dei elaoo- a'nn.i iz�Dn i.c czrac ec�...Fr. iu ent the motion. All Voted �iye i c:t ossa C.ar 4e�i. V. TUf DrrivisicNS Lotsi and 2g Black 2, Ardq! .-i Park I'l Addition - Mr, lioial.n, %rGTn ac,: zn ted the", thl n :wed is to be continLed `6-- Ifi:iy V . 1969 Lo I- —hock A5.Normad?Cic"?le Al'�ion. - �Ni.s lot is located on the caauthwast corner 4,: Sherwocd Avenue r:.= 'nzs` 64"-h Str>:et> firs. Sigver:t:een Lo p,:cpoaing to divide her pr p,-,. ty intc two ryarca s; the northerly lot would he 56 facet by 122 f(lct <,ne'. € he soot rarly* lot: would dY;r e a fr'ant:age of 63 feet. The northerly I.C3.. %�ould i7teed lot, 1vidth, lot area and setback variancen in order to a d nll.ing; on it. The staff recommeneio denial of the division. A 4pokeuman for Mrs. Sigvertsen stated that if the property were mai_ divided, Mrs. Sigvertsen would have to sell the h(mise and wove as the it., aznti.hle to support the property becnuee of the higher tax rate. YL�i�€�jverav��t t ci tbct be felt if the Comm) sermon granted this div i of on .i.tt in the area. resulting cots wotA:i be;,n.-�vider bly legs Z hon ord: Arements allow and moved z tl1dini €fork hc. ce.!i as i14 -r. Hughes seconded the motion. All Voted t w Wt cion CaTriieedy:_ _ 3. E. Willson. Rich: and Drive. This property is adj arert to T.H. 100 end Richmond Drive. In 1967, a slivi.si.orr wtia made on the usaaterly portion of the property and Air. iJiJis on retained the -Mmainder of €.he property. leis home is bein tz`_ea for highway develog.asent: anti he nav rusks for a division of that whlzrh will remain from that: which will be trkers for the highway. The nlwx y created lot; would be 30 feet by 1.35 feet acrd meets all ordinance requirements. 'rise staff recoame-ads approval of the division. Mr. llinttt moved that the Commission recommend approval of the dr=at i on, }fir. H; ibes secondedthe voti.on.� All Voted Aye. I�iC7rit;Yt CarrCd. S'211-68-20 V11L- O l q.�,areq io t ,hdslit<:t on. This eight lot plat located on the west:. side of Gleason R, ad, north of St, Albe s's Church recai,ed preli.-mincry Council approval on .�w?ival y 6, 1969. lgie '.1at: meets all ordin;gLnce requirements and the staff '=fir:. Hiatt moved that the Co-=inaion rear:ou need approval of the plat subject to street o.=echmi� . Mr. Jolin3c-a aecorrded the motion. � Eli n Car��i.etrt..�._ .� �:7:x�!ii ,I.r t !!.ddi tion rrr. " e; .sin -Lam r_ portad thus: this olive lot plat is .Located on O '77ilalc:e A -VT;22P- Vio t h of i`?F.'kt,.mirn AvL:rae, lot- I and 2 of –hick :is t s w Cf:a ice "icUl. tI ng Di8vr.3 a.t 0-'. 4:ts-�* plat -meeto all ordinance ',ac.) : i:a• a -final, iappr.,-t .'Dl. 6,:v:iszi icl fi�.T:uzes �% Ma.'N ��b9 Mr. NjIg tat MOVOO d that the CM-MiS_310n rec�X:IMcr)d_f final. _ Council. wr. '3ughon seconded t. ze moti�-�siaAll Voted _ sc. iiot J. i:arriad. :s ;.?- 6cJ-4 5oulhadaie R.L.S. :his property is located east of York- Avenue and south of elect 66th Street . It is the combination of thrae parcels into one laargs parcel. The staff recommends approval. of the registered land survey. Piz. Johnson mored th t the Commission reco=end final a,3fresval. Ma:. tai:ttt seconded the action. A-11 Voted Ave. Motion Carried. _a_s .___._w_ _ --- VI OTHER BUSINESS 1- 50th and France Street Lighting. Ho.isingtorl pre en.ted the artists sketch of the proposed street lighting to be erected abound the 50th and Prance area. tie noted that ;:lie. Counc.t.1 vould take action on the proposed l igh Ung at their May 19 2 . Caurtv goad 18 and Valley Vim'Rond. Interchange Plan. ;K t, Hoisington reported that there had 'seen some changes made in r -he interchange at Valley Vies; Road and County Road 18. This was ilecesszitated because of the 2ndustri&-1 development at that location. Tie noted that' Lhe Council will take action on the proposed changes at their Rtt xa meeting. No 6CLion taken. V111. SPECIAL KETTING Ti -,,e Commission Set Thursday, TUy 22, 1969 int 7.30 P.M. as the sspecial- mee :i.n 5 cute to discuss -3 Edina Realty's development plana. Ifi journn;2nt. nt 10a30 O.M. Re.a pectfull.y submitted, ?brazen Sorenaen, Secretary A C E A D A Edina planning Comission Special Meeting Edina village Hall I. Z0111"m ggur"sm Thursday. May 22, 1969 7:30 P.M. Z-69-9 Edina Realty Co. R-1 Residential District to Gfiice Building District 0-1. Southwest Corner France Avenue and West 51st Street. 11. Autonahile Parking District. A:,iend ordinance to provide for parking raraps . 11. SUBDIVISION'S S-59-11 `,liking Hills III Addition. IV. FIELD TRIP Lot division cornea Brook Drive and Hillside Lane. EDTYA PI-X;NZNG COMIISSiON STAFF REPORT May 22, 1969 Z-69-9 Edina Recaty. Request rezoning from R-1 to 0-1, southwest corner of 51st cod France Avenue. Refer to: Enclosed map. Edina Realty has an option to buy a 31,400 square foot site south of the proposed ring route (W. 51St) on Prance Avenue. The site has an average depth of 150 feet and frontage on France of approximately 225 feet. It encompasses four existing home sites, one of which was made vacant by removal of the structure. Edina Realty wishes to build a 13,200 square foot, two story office building on it with parking at the ground level. The plan calls for the building to set but 10 feet from the front property line and for a five foot depression of the parking at the south end of the building. A retaining wall is proposed along the south end of the site and a screen wall is proposed along France Avenue. The intent in moving the building forward is to hide, as Bauch as possible, the parking area beneath. Variances will be necessary if the zoning is approved. As stated, the building will encroach on the required front setback to the extent of 25 feet. Furthermore, while the floor area ratio is but .42 (ordinance sets maxiumum of .50), the lot coverage require- ment is exceeded (30% m�:ximtm coverage) because the office floor area is all can one letrel. The staff feels both variances are Justified since we are dealing with a commercial situation (lesser setbacks to north, higher cost land, etc.) and not a typical office building (rak land) situation. The intent of the ordinance would be met in all instances. We, of course, intend to acquire a portion of the site in question for the proposed new road. We are negotiating with the ow,-ner to buy 5,400 as}uare feet and he is interested in having the zoning matter resolved before we complete the transaction. This is the principle reason for this special meeting. Zoning in the area is R. 1 on three sides and C-2 on the north (Hauschi?d Bldg.). If you will recall, a C-4 request was reccatly denied by the Planning Co=ission and Council for this same si.tw, min=us the south 66 feet. Z-69-9 Staff Report May 22, 1969 Edina Realty has no intention of building this year. They would PTefez only to get the zoning, remove the structures and use the site for parking during the period of ramp construction. Needless to say, this will help relieve the parking problem we know still exist during construction. Recce me.•ndatlona The staff reccmends approval of the rezoning for the following reasotw : I. Stich rezoning could be very much an accord with our policy of transitional zoning between existiug commercial and residential areas. 2. Such rezoning would help implement the plan for the 50th and France area. f?h a W 3O': U 0 4 • lfl C .yrs >?. •r P`•�� `� ' 3 h (b ;;��y7yc art�'�.n I C...•� � 00 _.� D 4 ®i S7 r, i. 1 �, i•��1yr,:4,1 ^ ` Ji l I ..a 115 2 90 2 -5 22c Il0 - a� .44 W. 51 St es JJ 7 �ZQ r, r _ ... __..I r3' .. .✓o o.'S .. 3. i- J L^'1�1.' f ,Gi ,CS i r ,q5 � 'j �•r JJ a. rn" ij 51 .SI Jin q n rI ,5 'in iG, 3': -- r J ( r n r � U � 1� Lu Icy 15 r f r -i i 1 4 r 1'. �. r YYti d:� ; ..✓ . d �':�.✓ tir I ' — 3z 59 I z 3 ' r C j4 J r ti^ • r 1 Gi qui G3 Z 16.q Q al i �r I Sc r c� In5 So ;__ jc . i-� iu qq ���cl I r �C r O ! tie , - ' �-5 � .1 � .•� r• ' - -' t 35 3 5; 7 37 iy 36 tl� 33 32 2C7 iJ �1 q R otib �1 < 5�•y 3i w 9 33 �" ; . 30 i0 t. i I 1 v vc"i. ci �` it 27 -- J J. I,: II �! 'S" Zj n y fr ^� i Z5.. : .10 May 22$ 1969 MM10 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Fred L. Hoisington SUBJECT: Automobile Parking District Ordinance Since m are embarking on the construction of a parking ramp in the 50th and France area, it would seem appropriate that we modify our outdated Automobile Parking District regulations to permit a parking structure to be built. The present regulations permit ground level parking only and are sadly lacking in standards. He would, therefore, recommend a camplete revamping of the District as follows: Section 6 Automobile Parking District 1. Objectives of Automobile Parkigg District. The purposes of this section are to insure the preservation of existing off-street parking facilities; to provide accessory parking for commercial, office, medical, residential, and municipal uses without extending the parent district's boundaries; and to serve as a transitional use between high and low intensity uses of land. 2. Boundaries of Automobile Parking,,District. The Automobile Parking District shall include the following described lands: Same Descriptions. 3. Specific Uses Permitted in District. In the Automobile Parking District only the following structures and uses shall be permitted: a) Princigal Uses. (1) Street level parking lots. (2) Parking structures or ramps not to exceed a height of four stories above the average surrounding ground level. (3) Drive-in backing facilities t4hich are located outside the principal structure. 4 restrictions or Uses Permitted wiehin the -Automobile Parking District. a) Structural Setbacks. No parking ramp may be built closer than 50 feet to a R-1 Single-family Residential District boundary. b) Parking Design Standards. All parking facilities shall be surfaced and maintained with ra hard, all weather, dust free surfacing material. All parsing facilities shall be designed In accordance with the standards established in the Zoning District to which this district is accessary, regarding striping, screening., setbacks, 'length and width of stalls and isle widths. FLU/dc I -LI -NU ES OF.�..s�% n.1 �`� ifs �e.:� .`i.Ci.�i~�Sd i7 .v C4 HE ED�L74A}ila-k: k ^' r�: w•YS EDINr c? ALL 14Asnhcra Present: W. W. Lewis, Charles Clay, David Griswold, A. U. Hiatt, Sam Hughes, George Nu -cat and Cliff Johnson. Staff Present: Dred Hoisington 1. ZONINC' REVUES i ' Z--69-9 Edina Realtg,_ R--1 Residential District to Office Building District 0-•1. Southwest Corner 14. 51st Street and France Avenue. Edina Realty has an option to buy a 31,400 square foot site south of the proposed ring route (W. 51st) on France Avenue. The site has an average depth of 140 feet and frontage on France of approximately 225 feet. It encompasses four existing home sites, one of which was made vacant by removal of the structure. Edina Realty wishes to build a 13,200 square !Foot, two story office building on it with parking at the ground level. The plan calla for the building to set but 10 feet from the front property line and for a five foot depression of the .parking at the south end of the building. A retaining wall is proposed along the south end of the site and a screen wall is proposed along France Avenue. The intent in moving the building forward is to hid% asmuch as possible, the parking area beneath. Zoning in the area is R-1 on three rides and C-2 on the north (Hauschild Bldg.). A C-4 request was recently denied by the Planning Commission and Council for this; same site, minus the south 66 feet. The Staff recoamends approval. After considerable discussion as to where commercial and office development should strap, and about our policy of containment of commercial development in the 50th and France area, the matter was continued to the June 4 regular sleeting. II. AUTOMOfILE PARKING DISTRICT AMENDMENTS Mr. Hoisington_ presented the proposed amendments to this ordinance and asked that the Planning Commission review thea for consideration at the next meeting. M. SL3DIVISIONS S-69-11 Min Hills_M Addition. Mr. Hoisington indicated that Viking Bills, located north of Highway 62, south of Vernon Avenue and West of Gleason Load eras approved TQ"� AWKOAry Q . � "Aa z V. WO � � .0 !�v 12, AM' out son _lx wqwin xup "m mmul apruaval Q ttomyn IT7� qp�ojjtd 41d nhe 207. Agnst :Y, 'm Vln,� An &P�Vwnrn rpommand final. OPPISYN. CO. fhyhl�; �:�. ��Zd Liz . �40n. W: Von! ;7n. MWAVU KIM&. Ronpecumlly Oubmicled2 frad ROTOWItan, Sawrannny