HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 08-06 Planning commission Packetsf -,, EDINA PUNT NIEG CO?�I,''1ISSION STAID' REPORT August 6, 1969 v- --35 Hedberg and Sons. R-1 Residential to R-4 Residential. Lot 1, Block 1, Hedberg Parkla a First Addition. Peyer to: Enclosed Flap The site in question is located on Parklawn, Avenue immediately oest of the Pitney Bowes building and south of the Oscar Roberts Property. It approximates two acres in size and would accommodate 45 R-4 snits if rezoued. Existing zoning in the area consists of R-3 to the west (the Pct:enhorat property which you only recently recommended for R-4); P.--1 to the north (the Roberts property for which a plan has recently been approved calling for 0-1 and R-4 adjacent to the site in question); and 0-1 both to the south and east. The moratorium on apartment remonings has been extended to October 1, 1969, which means that the Council will not be able to act on this utter until that time. Reco— endat:ion: The staff recommends approval of the rezoning subject to the lifting of the moratorium for the following reasons: III 1. Said rezoLing is consistent with the plan for the Robtrts property which calls for R-4 and office zoning north of the site in question. 2. Said rezoning is consistent with our recent recommendation to rezone the adjacent Rauenhorst property from R-3 to R-4. 3. The proposed use is consistent: with existing land usage in the area. 4. Said rezoning is a logical extension of the existing ^ultiple zoning to the west and oouthwest. PI:1IiI0AI FOR. ZOTTE CIIANGE Date: jurte 30, 1969x Applicant Hedberg & Sons Co Phorie: 926 271 _ Address _ 72 West 76th Street Status of Applicant: XX Owner Buyer Lessee Other Location: Lot 1 , Block 1 , Additions Hedberg Parklawn Pirst Addition Street Address: Parklatvm Avenue, 300' West of Prance Avenue Presently zoned: R1 Change to; R4 Reason for request: 1. We wish to build -approximately 45 unit apartment building on the site. 2. 3. HEDBERG & SONS CO. Sianat 're of 1:.fIplicant Johdberg, Secy _�reas Application received by: Date: Fee., $ % - How paid.- �'/ q ��/ Date: Planning Commission Action: :late: Village Council Action: Date: Comments: M * r EDINA PJ�A_NXJ s CC;MSSIGN STAFF loon August 6, 1969 7-69-3 ;t'i73 3 ild1 Inc 0--1 Office District to C-2 Commercial District. Lot; 1 & 2, 5ik. 1, Grandview Rts., and parts of Lots 9 & 109 Block 7, Ti?tgdale tiros. Brookside, plus contiguous vacated .:oadwny. Refer to:� :inclosed Map It is the inrcnt of the proponents to build a Johnny Carson restaurant between Highway 100 and Arcadia Avenue just south of the KI-lasw. City Life Offico building. The facility would sent 152 people, and would require 51 parking. spaces ,winos additional spaces for employee parkin;. One of the interchange ramps Will pass just south of the site., however, no access will be available to it From the restaurant. All access will be from Arcadia. Zoning in the area consists of 0-1 to the north and south, PIIS to the nest and C-2 Ccsnmerci.aJ to the northwest. As stated, the Kansas City Life building is to the north and highway 100 is to the cast. The new "Eden 100" office building is pre3ently under ccrstruction to the south and the Edina Public Works Building is to the west across Arcadia AV, -nue. Northwest is the Grandview shopping area. One thing that should bw broubht to the attention of the pro- ponents in the event the zoning is approved, is the fact that an 60 square foot: free standing sign is the maximum permitted by the sign ordinance. The sign shm7a in the booklet could appear to be s€ bste-ntiaz ly Larger. it1ac2MM'ndnzion: Tawe staff is of the opinion :hat the proposed use is G good one for the site. It has good e..posure and will provide a needed service in the Grandview area. It does not threaten creeping commercialis:a since it is sell contained by Highway 100 and e:>istfng efface, commercial and industrial developments in the area. The staff therefore recommends its approval for the following reaBonse I. The requested rezoning is as logical extension of existing C-2 zoning, to the r.orthweat. 2. as restaurant is an, appropriate use for the site in question and w.s ger+erF�lly in keeping with the more cay"mere-J al character, of existing development in the area. }L i- G �% a "MILLPOND PLACE. m o Ji 8 m 1( , i 7 2 ° W. �• �., zn /1t( r I: , { 49 1�5� 0 2 0. t� J� � I i , t• � c �'I r V1 , .� � "• 50 - 8 9 10 1 3 N 32 , 00, 88 _.G�` �p.�i';38 -- j�. 4 0 1 31'6 a\� i y t W.I/4 Ca. ' 5 30 �, i' I ( 17 13v N 4 16 _ 6 ei J 0 1 o } 5 14 Al 4 M 2 a 6^il I�r D 130 5 v I z 26 3sd 2 li��l�i 12 6 bJ 25 - 4 0 21 I ; •sem 7 a �108 - ---� -__- `J-- c 24 = 5 20 X1- 23 I 6 22 7 21 8 17 4 C °o 5. 20 ( 9 fOn 16 5 A 16 19 10 15 6 ? F - --- - 5 17 d 18it D I 14 7 • _-9''. ---- r: e° O 9 18 17 12 fYt I 13 8� 5 - D 19 —I6 13 -- - 12 9 0 20 a p 15 $� 14 s.o . II o 10 0 c. A • ..9 a aJ do �0 50 , lj�o'^ t TiSI' jcnovl �'l/o�e .. ��j0 , B i 8»_2' ....i ..` � •7 9 syr � • I lo- `3 �°Z3 � � i � � t2-� (q /. /5 Ac ti EDINA PhAhMNG CO:IISSiON STAFF REPORT August 6, 1969 Z--69--17 Housinig Inc. R--1 Residential District to R-3 Residential District Lots 6 and 7, Arden Parc and Part of Lot 7, Aud. Subd. 161. Refer' to: Enclosed Pap. Housing, Inc. has an option to buy approximately 2-1/4 acres of ?and on West 44th Street at the end of West 45th and is requesting a --ening change ;to permit the construction of 16 totanhouse waits. The property in question is presently zoned R-1 Reside=ntial District as are all surrounding properties. The area is totally single family residential in character. The parcel is substantially wooded and is a very desirable residential property. It has been the intent of the proponents to preserve as many of the trees as possible. t".ccording to the pre- linin.agy designs, very few of the quality mature trees will have to be removed to accomodate this 16 unit complex. The units themselves range from 2,000 to 3,000 square feet of floor area. Some have interior courtyards end others have open re=ar yard patios. They are two st=ories in height and will be effectively buffered from adjacent residential propert=ies. ie proponent=s intend to sell tither than rent- the units. All access will be from West 44th Street. The requested i'-3 zoning would permit 28 waits and, of course, uould peimiit apars ments to be built on the site. This would be a va'-7 inappropriate use for the site and, though I have faith in the developer's intent., it might be wise to impose some additilonaZ_ rosterict'.ions it the zoning is to be approved. Recommendation: The staff is of the opinion that the proposed 16 t o,ptihonse unites are highly desirable for the site in question. Were the Site to be developed in accord with the present Ted -1 zoning, it culd a.ccor oda.te as many as aline w=its and would eliminate most all of the trees. It is our feeling that R-3 soning, but limited to 16 units, is more appropriate than the present: R -J zoning. Furthermore, t=here is a substantial need in Edina for this type u. housing herein proposed (townhouses, individually (enied, in an R-1 setting). There is no such housing present=ly available in the Vi llace . ''Tousi-.;' Inc. SI -a-2 '` a'!'f Circ ge G;gut 6, 1969 rha staff therefore recom ends that the R-3 zoning be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. that a deed restriction be imposed by the owner which limits the development to 16 units. 2. that the units be sold rather than related. 3. that a deed restriction be imposed by the owner which limits the development of the site to townhouses in accord with the ordinance definition. '> a staff so recommends for the following reasons: �. 1n order to preserve the natural ameafties of the site, the proposed use is more appropriate than the use for which it is now zoned.. 2. This type of housing is non-existent in the Village (tow-ahouses, ind-Wietually osmed, R-1 setting) and this is ;ua ideal setting for such housing. 3. Such development will not adversely influence the neigh- borhood particularly since the value of the individual units are proposed to exceed the values of surrounding R--1 units. 4. Such rezoning conforms to our policy of locating higher density housing on major streets. West 44th is the principle east-w,esat street in the area and is a municipal state aid facility. r PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE Applicant Housing, Inc. Phocie: 333-6034 Address _ 630 Midwest Plaza, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Status of Applicant: Owner X Buyer Lessee Other Location: Lots 6 & 7 Arden Park and Block Nn. 161 Henn_ ro Minn lytig West of a that part of Lot 7 Auditor's Subdivision. drawn across said Lot 7 distant 100 feet Addition: _ West of and Parallel to the Fact iinc of said lot. Street Address: 4201 West 45th Strppt fllml W.e+ as+k C+.,.-.,+ r--- Presently zoned: R-1 Change to: R-3 Reason for request: 1. To provide zoning for a limited development of 16 deluxe nwnhnucp unite to be offered for sale, 2. The requested zoning classification would permit 22 such unit- hew vpr thp intent is to provide a plan more suitably adapted to the site in erd r tn 3. achieve maximum -benefit -from the amenties offered by a more restrictive- us p of the site. HOUSING, INC. By Signature of Applicant Application received by: Date: ?_ 3e --VS Fee: $ 75.00 How paid: �_.�, lr� Date: Planning Commission Action: Date: Village Council Action: Date: Comments: line y i z .. u If. II z 16 11 0I6 II 68 i 1; S 12 15 12 IS 12 6714 14 13 i .. on q 13 4. 6613 0 40 • c:7J j�i�a � „p MORNINGSIDE D ol L 3Grimes `o iI 0 do4 3sti a ��24 25 26 27 28 29 �St2 - N 9954 -- H6mest ad �,-7I07 89 10 11 121 13 14 : -r`.. I 6 p$ Q i. 7 to S 45 oil BTAQNSON % 5 4 ;S`b� b2? '21�1Q�0 19 17 C. i w 92 q. 1 Ch o S G \! 68 S3 G8 35 Vit; 7 6 45\P , `bcr a 13 12 11 10 �� 9 8 •5 ei 6 '\ -1 6 y .r,� ep�4 ., T Grp (/Ojs ` 16 10a Y f_41)sK.57..iL\S).fd\=.'.�111 �90 ` .. o „ w�O O Vo 00 eit o, c ';23 o rj 24 lJ� 00 16 41 4\h ?: 3 �.I ' i1 , 23 3 22 4 Y �0 e tls .co r? 14 0� _ 6 26 1 z� 7 S 13 4 .• 7 b It 8 'ev ~�- lj 0 0 , 'v 1: IO ,3, , `1,� 3IUD 45th r, e 4_ , II I�,,t Rt W64 ,1'urtof 294 it >.? 71 �� 30 �t $ P Gt�E 3 I I ° ;` 3 0N., 3 4 5 I' 16' 17 18 19 l' 20 21 22 ' w 4i �► 1 + 8 I iQ' I c` I i 31 wKt c 1 s1.� R, 3 as .� roc;+ I Dart c' 33 $1aJ rs4rd d� y FL Part of Lot 2 7d -Part of Lot / I s,; I Applicant cxppl�.<:r3r��d Gwaer Buyer Additioa Rt3i1E';u 3. by� 31L.+— ..•� � .. ............ ... � .�� Q:t: ''1.:7►:Q�'l' +.... _ ......e �:.t)i,�1.7.14°', a .�r.�.l•.!.,,.`.J�... � , .,fv114*A.`at.:.1.53@1�}.Cf)*A Cm'. fey; L" 4 r Wj/ ... NOI9NIYYooia JO A.L V) c C, 757 Jo OZ 000 vs As V �X lot < De oolryh, z '021 71� 1-7 Heath Glc -j L Kc Slv(�;--t Just wv�31: of jwutll t r:U1 11 Dio t. rct f"n 6C"'I 6_:ilei PI papL. "s Jots in tlt.!:,"3 Oil ;Irf-! ttic arta to th<-- vev,,t V,) f t of Lot () c1 lid L [_.[_« o J, C) p2' rild s -s :'1 01A t, o Cit O.Irt!:1! J. I J f- -.1 01 the z cil ftlr I^C.•:ii':3.u, a ;.I 1 'a, y 'e -h 'W ai 1, a', OO)l a L Q VC.; C to Inc that j'2c.c7)'S th YA. h(.s wo!1-4-e- i,(: Ov LUND. ERDALL & ECKHOLDT 'AYLOR & LUND (1951-1965) HAROLD R. TAYLOR (1890-1965) LAW OFFICES JAMES B. LUND 1026-28 SOO LINE BUILDING 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 July 8, 1969 Village Engineer Edina Village Hall tv,est 50th Street , Edina, Minnesota Re: 5440 Woodcrest Drive Part of Lots 8 and 9, Minnehaha Woods and part of Lot 1, Block 2, Shady Pines Addition, as more fully described in Exhibit A attached Dear Sir: On the sale of the above property on July 1, 1969, the following objection was listed by the buyer's attorney, stating that the following ordinances apparently are violated by the division into the description shown above, and a resolution of the Village Council approving the above as a separate parcel under the following ordinances is required. Said ordinances are: 1. Passed October 22, 1951, filed April 8, 1952, Book 641 of Miscellaneous, page 45 (No. 66 of abstract). 2. Adopted January 27, 1958, filed April 6, 1962, (No. 78 of abstract). 3. Adopted June 8, 1959, filed April 6, 1962, (No. 79 of abstract). 4. Dated January 10, 1966, filed January 19, 1966 (NQ. 80 of abstract). JBL/klm Yours very truly, James B. Lund 333-5467 333-8831 2 ' L g rvI I .' �. JL/ r'0• 1 1: 5vti� 3 (7 o 122.66 X22 -be �of'� t 'Nib dna Corn. Lufn. Ch. 4 �° r j39/��✓1` 5S3•,a E 'ZZ5.7� 1 M oq b� \+. !1111 r> 7 \� w %y'i22.51 i D.b4 nC. Ld _ 16 5 6 , S C 1 I $I ao 1 3 1. JJ Q 13_.0 2 n� 4 5 w Yj��I� ` v I "' IZ2.53 �1 IZ2 53 0 15 6 .o-�,.,'+, •^ qn is 6 �o 2� ..:� Lc E::si '57.53 Ie� i5a.62�.vi 135.04 --I JJ o ^ 4 S 1 n261.25 1 �_e y, fR 7 2 I1) 14 ( o 7 v 35 :55 v i V.;♦ g 10 Si. I 25.02 131 3q' 3030y `I it'Ir55. tl^ELNIVJOVtJ CI' r. 12 /%Ji? �'a�11 n• i101^1U1 i Le7w"i I. 134 g 'n ' 3 30 ✓�•/90 a 7 ------ �- 10 6.84°✓J� \ Z1S.2s 6 v 7 1/a �. �i2 ��i�7 '�.; :�/ 6 13 4 0 .° <9a 54 7 S-}- xD; 30 63.1 63.1 40 (5 103.1 a ^ 280.0" N 1 6.53 �,I 59 i n `= o 151.9 Ibo:� !40 r,: 2Gb.l LtA n IZ2.9$ 140.10 M.D� i w �, 4� �Jc 8 Y � • { � `� r.l�*rl'tJ y.n /�, ;$ �j ." 0 8 =`?e:` Ci 1 V ;vi �M11021 v ��1 - o a.yo•u ICL 60 53. 4'> 65.32 144.', J! f 7 U�,•..�� ,109-3 ,�"'4 4 s r \` 211.62 -- 142 3 „-�... i �Lpl lo• 50 IIS �J 0>jt34 w j - `� n 2 lS.t3'P ,{n �l jol _ 3 C) n 3 (I� 3 10 �y 1J 3 ^ Z `rM1- ° 11 IT. i ' v 233.11 i °1•',^•05 W )0- 6 , j 4 O �� 7G i5 \O.L.A;( lrr. 4y ? J WA �._... .i.... �E\`�. " '>� :0 417 3.5., �" 65.E 101.1 �. 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V° Shy2 107 mo,3q 40'4)33E i; 7 11 , ✓ a�`I// Sb \� " / O 1 yiJl•o°� � .', 0''d5/.'•O `\ fir. ,bbl.`/ v, 5.58 0� ;, �_ �'' 2 , . r 7 ;r,.:. / f � le ^ • o i.:,5 i , a i - 3 % �� 0 �� `oo \els / /_61` 3 i�' So o ao o • � 2 g �^ �3�.Sos� a� .a 51•'�.1`0ay.., e° o fy' 1. �., 4�\. J"ry� f, d 3 O91Y ^ °• "•.\ 4 �'• 3S'20• v 30 h^o = vl''CSaws�=J' m5^�0)a'o ! J 1.8 � 1 5.3 J� O 1 P,r �.i �ti SdZSrr 5 ,°moo2 ' 14Z %� \ 4 ti. B 0+ j 1 L 1; *1 \ ` 3 IIZZ 1 85 145+ 1h u h 4 i v .0 ) f a c , 1.53 2gr`t/brY„ q�� j"�ti10"4b.1oo o`''� s�SVc3Z to � � a�.r,•\ \ ',� y�i. 3`'L�`63. \1•�%ha34'�2' ..90?p` f. +✓ o y Sg�ri " oti�ll1 �/ i �\v,� Fi `�.a: s o YbO Vit- d •_�q S r a j / • -5.. k�,J' g �6 •''� „c'� j ",' iy'' �E'� � v �..,y',1.1.e �\o �t i, %0.0 , , � Y 7 . 4��'� qu - 'x •., i` e,,,,, �: 1':.-f,,,if Ic e6 , _k��1y l O � p•,.• 1 •r ....E . V -�•• 757E 7 �0 jr} q,t�)ej{°4..N«. 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V° Shy2 107 mo,3q 40'4)33E i; 7 11 , ✓ a�`I// Sb \� " / O 1 yiJl•o°� � .', 0''d5/.'•O `\ fir. ,bbl.`/ v, 5.58 0� ;, �_ �'' 2 , . r 7 ;r,.:. / f � le ^ • o i.:,5 i , a i - 3 % �� 0 �� `oo \els / /_61` 3 i�' So o ao o • � 2 g �^ �3�.Sos� a� .a 51•'�.1`0ay.., e° o fy' 1. �., 4�\. J"ry� f, d 3 O91Y ^ °• "•.\ 4 �'• 3S'20• v 30 h^o = vl''CSaws�=J' m5^�0)a'o ! J 1.8 � 1 5.3 J� O 1 P,r �.i �ti SdZSrr 5 ,°moo2 ' 14Z %� \ 4 ti. B 0+ j 1 L 1; *1 \ ` 3 IIZZ 1 85 145+ 1h u h 4 i v .0 ) f a c , 1.53 2gr`t/brY„ q�� j"�ti10"4b.1oo o`''� s�SVc3Z to � � a�.r,•\ \ ',� y�i. 3`'L�`63. \1•�%ha34'�2' ..90?p` f. +✓ o y Sg�ri " oti�ll1 �/ i �\v,� Fi `�.a: s o YbO Vit- d •_�q S r a j / • -5.. k�,J' g �6 •''� „c'� j ",' iy'' �E'� � v �..,y',1.1.e �\o �t i, %0.0 , , � Y 7 . 4��'� qu - 'x •., i` e,,,,, �: 1':.-f,,,if Ic e6 , _k��1y l O � p•,.• 1 •r ....E . V -�•• 757E 7 �0 jr} q,t�)ej{°4..N«. J� rh^8 'S 3u '' wSA .J���q 1: 14 ^8,' o • �'c ' 14 Y1�F•:a�,a I.',i ° ;j�• yS `V,� ..w .tib`. 4 4 5 sd 2 .'cif t �1i0.1 �• 52.6 115 �s;>� -� 291.1 �f3 .O1� p �y� nn'' 2 L't� Q r 'GR,OV �= e 4 P 5 135 ,,;,;g �• �, =° «Q�l /•3p 3 � � ��, ice,,. /, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY � 6.4 • q 11'1 tl. Owl I:e' snr",r}Id Hennepin Ct)u)av ti77f)hebTtA1:- ,- anal placed ror, r u::)enr,, the pcir. s indicatrd•on the'above sketch anti that above sketch sc'curately re-pr"ents said sarvey. LEE Q. Mc NALLY RECIS"ITRED CIVIL ENGINEX p T.AND SUi;VEYOR. 308 7ENTM AVEN JE NaRTM Mi; jj j. Reg. HOPKINS, MINN. � ` S EXHIBIT #'.A" DESCRIPTION OF PREI0 fS ES '1'2t3,t kart of Loi $, lying Southeasterly of s straight line drama from a point on the front ll -.-e of said Lot S. 20 feet Northwest of the Northeast corns r :;�+ ::�!. ihrrc e extcnding ir. a Southwesterly direction to the South - east corse: c said :mot S, in Block 2. IAUl ".`"j HAHA �y00D S HENNli_PiN COMITYN Also all of Lot 9. Block 2. in NINNEHAHA WOODS HENN 1, C{ t. N T'.'. NONN. , except that part of said Lot 9 lying, Southerly of a lino running from a point on the Easterly lin` of said Lot 9 located 3.7 feet :crtherl y of the Southeast corner of said lot to a point on the West line of Lot 1. Slock 2. Sljady Pineaa Addition, located 18.2 feet Southeri y of the Northvvest vraer o said Lot 1. and that part of Lot 1. Block 2, Shady I.y ngt Northerly of a line: running from a point on the r t=, N HAHA WOODS, located 3.7 feet i Jf L©i 7� .":ALU tLi . A'.:i 13 - Easterly ' . .. ... Northerly of tat Southeast corner of said Lot 9, to a point on the West line o; L•lS6 :, %lock 2. Shady Pine &ddition. located 18.2 feet Southerly of the of said Lot i. July 21, 1969. F. L. Hoisington Edina Village Planner Edina Village Hall Edina Minnesota. Dear Mr. Hoisington: Enclosed letter dated'July 11, 1969 from my Attorneys Maloney, Carroll and Olson together with "Boundry Survey" conducted and prepared by Schoell & Madson, Inc. indicating a Sub -Division of my property located at 5131 Motor Street, Edina, Minnesota. Final closing selling the property in question will be made immediately following your authorization to Sub -Divide as indicated. Kindly give this matter your prompt attention and should you require additional information or my personal appearance, you can reach me as follows: Very truly yours, Eleanor E. Scheffman 5553 -42nd Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 PA 2-1107 Encl. 1 ` � July 21, 1969. F. L. Hoisington Edina Village Planner Edina Village Hall Edina Minnesota. Dear Mr. Hoisington: Enclosed letter dated'July 11, 1969 from my Attorneys Maloney, Carroll and Olson together with "Boundry Survey" conducted and prepared by Schoell & Madson, Inc. indicating a Sub -Division of my property located at 5131 Motor Street, Edina, Minnesota. Final closing selling the property in question will be made immediately following your authorization to Sub -Divide as indicated. Kindly give this matter your prompt attention and should you require additional information or my personal appearance, you can reach me as follows: Very truly yours, Eleanor E. Scheffman 5553 -42nd Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 PA 2-1107 Encl. < ' �n 6 6 r•- pry-_13� .. q ;'A `. 10 Z;; 7 .rw Cr ljo loo to �� '� a � �� •918 l«a r:,a � Ir0 ._ ,o � Filed �ro b+e� W. 4 h ouTLOT 1I1• .�VOC•S•14.65'� 66 TZd 6_2'15 $0- !ra p,.> '/Y� i .y7.°a q •• ,-••9 ')b•%� o too. /!�� ;Y o3,4R,Da� 1 A+ 10 2 �� IYIJ 1 ,So �I! .o�� ' 6.6 Iy 50 r1° I� V 59 f r~~ l79 c).°9 ST. 27 Z E o 2 r4 3 E �NW i+ r 1 � 1 4 13 `" SCHEFFMA �.s ° bSHQRT S7 Div. w o r, . P BOO E AVC.' ' f �l Uzi z19. 0 8 �. . ...ali3P 148.: �0 � • w 14 v 29 Bz °' ° l •.. 11 0 l2 i:: i v, -rte 3--� _ ZLg 6_ i'� � .. I Iq '�`3C �J .P• '. `� `1 1 { J 30 9 O sip ° I"' 15 `• u 1 j. - '6 _ •t, I I•� o �` 16 � < Il' I YYI � 31 � � y q �• r35 -._ m O N w �`' - n il`' - - -'- 16 +w o0 00 17 w cie rtl I - C) �} a cn Sp d I' 32 m o 0 0 _� v..+' -'��rT C' N 11 _ '-� __._..-.. __ r _� �•yo, jar _�hi L1.� P `? ''' .'� `P '`N � `+1• r-� 33 /Z riS8 . `o 4 sA ,.o l r: y` nr407 yp i Z 1 _414L ,-137- Q ,�:5•C� .f � ¢� `e riz� 50AUD. SUB. 34 7' e '�Q 3 acs$ s- c" r Y; I 21 20 J i9 44 o. lam- No. 1715 a'I . 35 6 �:k Wu I ��t 4• wll r,. AUD.SUB.No•176 b ; 3 J• u I„ LOT 43 22 t"• � �, `*' ; , o; �� r ../ ,•'Q.f' 4 �' p E� �+o� i O I <- �•.3 5vsli a 1; ° _ _ a. _ _ - T T vi 7� c'4 137I ,ti IIo i 24 0 I s• r�t1 I���� B I' A 1 ^" 1 ;d 's 6jI 3Y v �1. s " /v os / C 14,. o. rf o PAUL E. OLSON 11 �" ° [RC1 ; y F' 26 i ; Ji5 I �_ Port of Lot 25 �A& SON INC., a27 loo , 1 F i SUBDIVISIONIpL4 r ti e 2 ''"°;'. OOH LAN d 4I--- _° 5 4 3 yy 1 2 {, I I t c9 S o0 69 50 v �o �• y 1 _�- W.43thST. � _-- rl W. 48th �- ';5� s'o.•91.01I^ 51 � 9i•�' 91� ,>; ^° o q, .•C *. .o � ' 1: °f ;J I 4 � •S9 4 K; W I" 9z> a I. _6 t 5sys-3 �2 i 4 Pr g. 182 I +.I a I ° �^ s o � �• � � G i a 1 5 7 1` .81` 9-6I,! 10 111 12 t 6 .o 12q • f I:• 1." o: J -Il w ui . 5 I c • 1 2 7 '� '�' ° ' MILLPOND PLACE. a 15 If.; r- 10 �7 < I 110 I� 5� • ill 54•z5 O .' �. ,� � + �, 9 . oI • i f .6 y6 �n4 �3 w >` VAA!_O.NE Y, C, ACuf=;0La_ AND OL. SO " At Z.NEY i r NP7:.*,,, i ' �fd10ENEAP01..,. i •� i .TtT,iy 11, lG� ;` ..r. Doro :hy Moore 3 f)7 Wc'S';.50th Stree Minnesota 55,424 Dear Mt 8., Moore; Wo rctmrn th. Nurvey tclhich you sent with your lt:Hter of July Q. In the :,ale ,of the Scheffman properLy, the dcscx i�'..ion ..n is as follows: El' Lot;; 27 and 23, ;"Brookside 'Terrace", aCcordi��g , to tie recorded plat tl.ereof, . except the lest x91'feet of said lots, and except all that part of cl Lots lying EJa ste rly of tI.I& Southerly e;ct r_ IOic �r t,;:,c, VTest line of Lot Z, Blocic .4, 'A rrlt?y3 1 ni. d Addition according to the recorded pla.i ./,7.YC' premijer, a,re cornrt, yc, c: tcageTer u ith.F>n ec so - 1: .11r r:; of recon:. if the Vvell, which is close to 1 -he West line of the property bei::.- ' sold, is stil+ in e.:istence there shouldbe added to the descri ';.ion as F011o�*J.s: o mac: is also conveyers. with ;,aid premise tilt. F. p`%P srtcrest in a well as is described, iA Cc4-tip �r t*e of Title No. 42€;206 Isuit^d by the Re7tjstrar ' Of 'Titles of Hennepin County, : Minnesota. - jhere are actually restrictions of rr,.cord but the'r ez i t 5 ,- t'ht: easement which is ,-cferred to in over a 16 ft)ot strip runni g, i Nort1-L and. South on the West 191 feet of these lots, We d°oubt t'lat t. this easerrielit is actually used at the present time bY Mrs. ScI sffr_xa,r., t and we doubt that it will be used by the people vvho �.re t`ilyln� � `. tract . � irvol�r -{d in the present sale. :lie Yours MALONEY, C.f RROLL �jI SON , i frt that Til, . sciiefim�ln A. R. FREDRIKSEN 7001 DUBLIN ROAD EDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 July 29, 1969 The Planning Commission Edina Village Hall Edina, Minnesota` Subject: Lot Division of Lot 4 of Prospect Hills, Edina Gentlemen: According to a legal search conducted, there are no restrictions on the deed or Torrance Title to subdivision in principle on this particular lot. Late last year I appeared before your commission in regard to the subject and you sup- ported it favorably on the condition that my three immediate neighbors in Prospect Hills would go along with the proposal. Enclosed are copies of letters from my neighbors who all state that they have no objection to the subdivision and I would kindly ask for a favorable decision at your next meeting on August 6. If your action is favorable, I would then ask that the matter be passed on for the Council Meeting on August 18. Yours very truly, ARF :rj Enclosures - 4 7009 Dublin Road Edina, Minnesota 55435 July 21, 1969 Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Fredriksen 7001 Dublin Road Edina, Minnesota 55435 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Fredriksen: This refers to your plans to build yourselves another home on the east portion of your lot facing 70th Street and just west of Dr. Kim's property. Please be informed that I have no objection to your project and that lot being partitioned with a front of approximately 90 to 100 feet facing 70th Street. Yours very truly, Mrs. Faye Iron 7017 Dublin Road Edina, Minn-.:sota 5 5435 July 5, 1969 Mr. A. R. Fredriksen 7001 Dublin !toad Edina, Minnesota Dear Fred: - We just tyrant to reassure you in vriting, as we did orally today, that we would have no objection to your building yourself another home on the w portion of your lot, facing 70th St and j ust 9&etWEsT of Dr. Kim's property. It certainly would be of no harm to us# as you have outlined the proposal. ' As we stated, we dont know specifically what zoning restrictions may be against thus,'if any, but know you will work that out with the proper village authorities. Good luck. Cordially, William H. Hull Carol L. Hull 7000 Antrim Road Edina, Minnesota 55435 July 21, 1969 Mr. Audun R. Fredriksen ' Edina, Minnesota 55435 Dear Fred.- This red:This is to reassure you in writing - as we did orally some time ago - that we would have no objection to your building another home on the , east portion of your lot facing 70th Street and west of our property line. As we understrard, the lot will be between 90 and 110 feet wide, facing 70th Street, and go the full depth of your present lot. When sewer and water are brought up to your property on 70th Street, I would want to have a "Y" connected and be available for eventual partition.of my lot which would be the west portion of my present property. Yours very truly, Dr. ' Mark Kim Mrs. Bernadette Kim 0 rwl r� NI 41 0 3o 3c R. L.S IN E) _C1 Z 'l 44 325 D 5'n i E C T R K� z� 3 4 < cp z v AQ,•. 5 OAD , kl, 6 <) ZO 5, 6' Av ROAQ 7 tc 14 L,391. ZZ, 5028,.56 Z, 3Z4JS Cl) 56 co a 85 Aft IZ See tr". l5ee Ceri 3°' 7 f 4�' 74 30130 . 8 —7— :.35''33'43''E. 4— s0Y p 4 so Z50 227.24 t z S C HEE Y S 3F r rt> PAR K N 3 5� -*,-, i LE ib Zs E V 0 OUTLOT Zr.d 4 ADD.3 k4. .50 PROSOLd Lo- I AP Tv; -THIRD 4 A D 0 z 5 l `IJ D. Z73 5 36 I I I N, Arn 4.5 X C\l00 < Iti Z 17 Sc z o'er3-'S. 0 z 4 o 16 OUTLOT! U J. Ql( U FT r �J -�_'T -�y9 •S -_ i GUETZKOW DIV. <4 � 'C _J°1� (JO � �. 2J0 l, 11'_. 1 :•'r•D $ 78 53 'r 24 i ' t 1 44; i 21 rl. 6 :i �-----r-- — t . j 20 i 7 ' I I I 2 p ff j0 77 0� 54 0 49 15 30 � r l3 c� 2do 48 i 76 55 32 46 :I I 33 45 :I 34 fl 4 i 75 : i 56 43 99 63 5 # + 74 ; i . 5,7 tit i 37 � 8 c Y;M 41 C; 'E 6 i •I 73 58 40 39 i G® G ooi — I 7 72 59 'Do ZOO ; t 8 71 60 t9 9r ' 9 ��'i 1 70 61 ,1 ' Q 1 y 93 i Z LU 10 69 62 I i J Q j 12 67 64 13 66 65 ° JJ � Q✓.%P �. 200 I zoo -0 27 o_ 51 'r 24 I 28 0}, i 21 rl. 6 :i �-----r-- — t . j 20 i 7 ' I I 50 ��' 29 it �P i p 49 15 30 � r l3 c� 2do 48 31 47 32 46 :I I 33 45 :I 34 fl 44 35 43 42 i 37 41 38 40 39 0 G® G ooi — - 'Do ZOO ; ROAD ' O / --- - 00 00• too 95 o r-.,Lli I oo s>o 1 N n 9486 o V 79 rr oo ° J NIS �nl 82 �i S1 �) 814�10 N N` l9 J s. <° I eco /oo i2. r 84 83 I �r 93 il`(�12'j t3'14:+ I 1 0 asSS galp16! so N MLLJ ` I 1oti2•C v M1 90 17 15 UJ 92 91 R g �•— B 4 ,O _.. L •,I �'�.,�.,,� .. �. 1 �'� �...'�^.r,r 1`I 61.85\ ... � � 'a;, r�66 \ � �, r• � . .. .. , 0 25 p° 2 c 'r 24 23 I 4 22 5 i 21 rl. 6 :i �-----r-- — t . j 20 i 7 ' I I r i6 � Sr - 3 17 i 10 .. it �P i p 15 0 14 0l l Z00 l3 c� 2do ROAD ' O / --- - 00 00• too 95 o r-.,Lli I oo s>o 1 N n 9486 o V 79 rr oo ° J NIS �nl 82 �i S1 �) 814�10 N N` l9 J s. <° I eco /oo i2. r 84 83 I �r 93 il`(�12'j t3'14:+ I 1 0 asSS galp16! so N MLLJ ` I 1oti2•C v M1 90 17 15 UJ 92 91 R g �•— B 4 ,O _.. L •,I �'�.,�.,,� .. �. 1 �'� �...'�^.r,r 1`I 61.85\ ... � � 'a;, r�66 \ � �, r• � . .. .. , W _ 70 rH 577 Y /36. • ' 1Iz o ��. %36•x- r rV ,.o 63 IV Ce� PROPOSED -- CARIOLANE --ADD I TI ON ----8 L I X - REP LAT Owner: W. R. BLIX 5154 36th Avenue South Description: Lots 1,and•2, Block 20 Carolane Addition. Drawn by: APPROXIMATE AREA EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK Lot 1 - '17,000 sq. f t, Surveyors Lot 2 - 15',000 sq. ft. Lot 3 - 15,000 sq. ft. 2825 Harriet Avenue Lot 4 -X17,000 sq. ft. Minneapolis, Minn 55408 Lot 5 - 13,000 sq. ft. 827-1775 Dated: July 10th, 1969 PETITION FOR VARIANCE Applicant=" first Christian Reformed Church Case No. s-69-22 Home Address 2917 - 15th Avenue South, Minneapolis Phone Office 729-1846 Status of Applicant: Owner U Ag-nt Buyer Other Location: Lot _, Block Addition Tract A Plat 61017 Parcel 3,000 Street Address 4015 Inglewood Drive, Edina. Minn eso to 5541 Set back to be reduced from 50' to 20' along south property line. Requeat: 50' to 401 along_InZ] ewoQ— pziy- nt c) -n,-- �ojrt onto- Area requirement to be waived because parking for 150 cars or more provided rovided on property of Calvin Christian School by nt�t?anha(3 agreement.. Reasons: 1: :Ldeguate mark (l 50 nsr,1 n�T�; a�� A T; +�, Sc�hno-, mark; ng r facilities 99 year, lease. 2. Service to community would offset compl�Ej,g with fronxP-gP- requirements which are almost met. Signature of Applicant Plans submitted: �,- Checked by: Building Inspector _ Planning Direc.ar Date piled P.eceived by; �r Fee: $ �f Row paid: 0,�'Date: Board of Appeals Action Date Village Council Action Date Comments: as Edina Doan -d of :_p gals - 5 � Jua 19, 1969 �"' V!°i a�.6 �i ti �:.�. `:. w.� i.,t � n r.,. �,"...i.,_`.. �7. ��` �'"�..� �l. *'i [,?.� ��+n .9� 1�..... r••ii'.1,T, in.. r :+;:r:. C, 1:c..G:, ;+wt: v....� ..;:'.a 1„^+'La2._•,,.a,, r1i&`Y.it22Ce. - is ttla Edina U zi: oiz uu=e 5, 20,693 Cn01.-Ila i_l.7.n L ui: Ge .ii3� � ii, u�, c': :: 3ffii]:r2�:�.^iia 4:i�u%J1;C 1 aiad ordered plzccd Oa 'filo. Ti'L' « Y.�y[ w �l'. {CO�Y:u!!Ayy�ga., wt•«a.f+w til `tin C.cie-♦• ��_ U"' C.CG:nt Cu�CC:= 027 .J�,".fQ.is�3.C.' ,,ccs l .'_nd k�i'.i�'tt['..�-, .Y:/tn �4VU en 4-:..... •.n..w-J .JiMiu �? C�ry.irP/w L W�.S i��+i.wt'i .�.+sl^.£y.: cite. ._alv i.G:..'^._• :.�.%e �.' _. F't..a¢:.'r � i vl-`..C.ti._ ?Y:�..•.j• 6 "C%C i c..:tt f:Yw.. `'.`.iZ.,:o.. is A"JG:3%::.:i it E.:tie C+..I1t9F ��i'v'_VeJs.r d. .G Ci:, i"+i:.r.`.:� +.•��. y to :a i:a .^i(7'uni:w i:C t t%a :ii' L.t:v k^::. ..., L.`ii._:ix..,f.:.. G- .J.r.:'=!C3 d..:iU"A17 .. t* 61e a'''.^�:t: ciC E'v.`I.':: ro«r= a �-a: G.'..'+:"i PAi; uL`::IIG' �??i. t£i CiY C:1'x. G�.; �:^v.:: G'S� �.'`_s.T::':✓. n>. 1`'�`.. ;3.iC�:[;FiJ tc Y. zG by the V'_Ak,-C. i.ciC a:o VU -0 E'zcnosed CE.'11L Cti u i:C:. f'. �:� "s L<.i1r ?lzmd is "V .G.� IR -4. Til_- r o e t, � �s ^..�� 4hw�+ T I �'} �al� ( r �+ i/4ri IJV J4V .7i�[n �}. sit I. D Yom'' et from Lf 11' l ez-4 prop cr L-✓ , 40 Jfcet .h. c;- LSu Cr ln'-O.eu''�}.``�.d ctreei+ :. 1: F ? n d Paid.. ca e:»Cep-1 .'..o 167 1 A jw • c:Y a;.3.i'l� tb'.',Ztl �.� �� 'ii �. � 4 G''Qc`•:.'a wj t to ."s' '�GLSE:.^fi 1�zZ9ti?nuz. Sime 1010, wif'1,�ih on InS "Z �$ v 441. CL V i Lem e�o�4i �4i is 240 feet, some 60 feet less Vaca i d3.aca--e re u—ra ize s{v n)^'+A. is cC'.I_-ln..,i.t.1 Od about cv,xcnM ting .t✓a Ce Wi: lt'.', .l on `z'...xir .. Z.4J.7. Cf- a :.1.:•iVia. a:.. 4&waJl L. -11v la';Ce t is to pzov"i e c^;i:Zcvnn'a:G f3 e -a s-'3ace. Tho i uG:C'.,a- 01 .I:a'_a CL'<' d,,^.nn—a a rany be Gi:�.t^�.::.l !� cd :'C ♦�`!n �yienC^ �.Sis use a�j4}. 'de,/�T, tl�o/s, t(h% cIZI-•� r.0y� _�. r �+.. J' � V Cais li. ut'w 'wS �4.SC�'v Y.lwL iY irNeL Jv.JvL3 r�«.Z t sc,". S S a-rf.+ rx 'j Frye i � . A: M .y�I� ds + Y..: } � C.Yi.:S{ 17' Lr .V+ �G. WAY /V��. i.� �<�.Lvin. y_J. ((.��,...Y 11�4c'(ai�nJ� JCt .Lr[��.Si�ii�.'.. eper��M •r�}�lZ• C. .. �. Vr. and open op. -cc. The rloaxd nrast in evse-ace, 1.�c".S ida i - a ClaWzrc 3 :.s or is not cpp epriat+e for this site since if denied, the churc i a~cnaot be built ss proposed. n- i'a::. inTy rZollol' 1:V)' IAYAi: ea'CT1n�+k7Ue, :JE^._:CC:L'..M '.'��"fld 2: C e..:=rCh ':;Lou -'.T, st.;:a'`:Cd Ulat t:?av �Ci c %E�'y'uLiCa a..'.'..A Crus tlacy a=2 • : :o .:i-rfor tL'GG.a1-D Can't L ^Le L- 4 1llo""Cd in °ie CJti^. t`_.^ G4atJol Itilt' Eine plea n a basad on . cccizs and .-Cc.'^xdins to e?CT:, C:rdlnt is now p3 aaza-CGt V.°ri. ld Cnuse no �.�e:":;:3lem. DiSist c 'Che Ti',o le in %:t;o .-::La to this. cl-;al Ch and send C :.Es'zca to the school aad, tboy moved into the z eta because of the p?:G :oo_-._L Cbu cil in this ara . I At:'ri L'1 CCS i:63 fiCBt, c"2 a C It2 C2 112'ec C7.tu-3-a iii:. in :s-i(;7Z2 wrle Ca3—_CCtCl&- O C?e Ew ..,.u. YaG✓ad. 'aa is nl'o a soil.S y3e vi?'SCi3 ..^d .::e:ai' @'M k�3 r CGE;`»i '+►C�S�c'lY ii: )CS1u35 i3GCar€sZ3 ir�-� T1 G Gill Qe necdr^- d for tha proposed Si' i L CE 3'f.e , ILL;Gri Sih s!r t. d t aati f s l 1. '..... ..+�:.P.L.C�". a.E.u4 LO sG'`�.� ��.` Ctic3u l':-ce CS cVc "ZJ0iit_j is .Aiato oao c roes • Some L'onsid:",.<. a': ca s icz be SP<.vGt^_a to p" cce tt1."'. cl. z ` ch cza weiCe noz7th portion of t:hze pzx"° -T11%, to St. Z.Cuis �cZ Li Di .' -SJi3C:S sU':' •_^.GzCd that tae C%' Urch Contact Seca? District Scut. tt2eir pleas for the Narain'side &Zxcl. aU de --is .on racy have some beabia oa &aat is sono to tete Calvin Chris 4.16 sche yl. I i i .rr.ye� (� ��y}M Y�.++ff C ... W.v.i'. l!l1traJ .:.i;J ..fes .ia/.�-:3.,. �.. L•:�.«.J... :.tdJ U..{V�: .. w i 1.. ;._ r V'i.. 4: �+e ZZsti :� Vk tiw4 t.���v:ti 4J ly S.d{ V .. .. C"1..1.•�y� �Vi. 1r�iy �'.V ...v �i �.s ..- ��,...:1� Edina Board of Al�jcala I 's' i.G:1 bn.-�-.-. az3 Cw_t.I...,. .o0cif• r F.3_a srC T._o-� 0: Ii I� /6 .:. .:.$L 'ti� V.r .:�.^) �• Elia f:L. Cry t�Lr. c. Z�: �srL^i.trJic (gO t :.Ct:l ::? J 1C :tracatal✓. w. Ci cs ti u to "-0 i Eau"' � 'Limp.: 2 �:: eu v "a i". l:Ild on .St-i.{.'' at `rl'C t UC- . Tac e1 n� �.y G e1 � • ^~uU 4:i C.'Ca'�: C. ^..L v'.'cc e>�. to I� 4. .1.7.1c no: t% iii � �. ©:. U10 'i:lc Church CG": �?�.etel :f.L":. S^.�s:s3 D"%C�� C4e tCL'$g CCyJ ^::C p- S nS:`£ it C-c-a-Z-Ot o 3.� c-a {tc-,; C.YGt.' :G Silc—Cc .`.: FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH VARIANCE REQUEST RETURNED TO PLANNING CON12A Mr. Hoisington stated that a request from the First Christian Reformed Church asked that this variance request be returned to the -Planning Commission for reconsideration. Councilman Courtney moved that the request to appeal the variances be turned over to the Planning Commission for reconsideration. Councilman VanValkenburg seconded the motion and there were five ayesand no nays. Motion Carried. PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. PORTER LANE. PETITION RECEIVED. Councilman Johnson moved that the petition for permanent street surfacing and curb be accepted for processing in the usual manner. Councilman Shaw seconded and motion was carried. PETITION RECEIVED FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING. CODE AVENUE. GROVE STREET (IN MELODY KNOLLS 2ND ADDITION). Councilman Johnson moved that the petition received for permanent street surfacing, Code Avenue, Grove Street (In Melody Knolls 2nd Addition) be accepted for processing. Councilman VanValkenburg seconded and -there were five ayes and no nays. Motion Carried. SECOND ICE FACILITY APPROVED. Mr. Bob Sherman, President of the Edina Citizens Committee introduced Mr. George Master, speaking,on behalf of the Edina Citizens Committee explaining the data gathered in regard to a second ice arena and gave the following points to be considered: 1. How present - Braemar was being used, its income and expenses; 2. What were the demands and community support for a second ice facility; 3. What type of building would give the maximum satisfaction of these needs of the community at a minimum cost; 4. What would the estimated cost be of the new plant both owning and operating; 5. What the revenues would be of the new facility; 6. A re listic plan to finance the project. A written report was presented to the Council for the meeting. Mr. Master informed the Council and audience that the deficiencies based upon demand and usage. Mr. Swartz stated that they do not feel that a formula has yet been developed which is acceptable to them or fair to the other property owners. Mr. Russell Lund indicated concern over the cost$,but expressed confidence in the Council handling the future assessment equally. Mr. Warren Wer -R. representing Business Properties, which owns property on the southwest corner says he does not oppose the project but stated that until a determination is made on how the cost will be assessed he would desire to know what they will be paying. He is also interested in knowing about the control of parking in the area. Mr. Hyde informed the Council that the esti- mates are based entirely upon how many parking spaces an establishment of each of the kinds involved would have to have under the present zoning ordinances. He indicated additional studies would be made of actual parking conditions prior to finalizing the assessment formula . Mr. Hyde then presented the following l tabulations in response to Advertisement for Bids in the Construction Bulletin on May 22, 29 and June 5, 1969, and in the Edina Sun on May 22, 1969 for Project P-1: Magney Construction Company recommended low bidder at $309,340.00 with Watson Construction Company at $317,124.00; Berglund -Johnson, Inc at $318,441.00 and Northern Contracting Company at $42.1,560.00. Mr. Hyde also presented the following tabulations in response to Advertisements for Bids in the Edina Sun on May 8, 1969, and in the Construction Bulletin on May 8, 15 and 22, 1969 for Storm Sewer #114: Peter Lametti Construction Company recommended as low bidder at $165,437.63 with Northdale Construction Company, CYJ Inc., $191,094.00; McDonald and Associates, Inc., $200,773.40; Northern 2�J Contracting Company, $222,022.20 and Improvement No. BA -130: Bury and Carlson, Inc. recommended low bidder at $108,627.86 with Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., $125,166.21; Black Top Service Company, $128,609.13. The Land- scaping bid for Improvement No. BA -130 has been deleted from the total figures as listed above. Councilman Johnson's motion to award bids to recommended low bidder in all cases was then seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH VARIANCE REQUEST RETURNED TO PLANNING CON12A Mr. Hoisington stated that a request from the First Christian Reformed Church asked that this variance request be returned to the -Planning Commission for reconsideration. Councilman Courtney moved that the request to appeal the variances be turned over to the Planning Commission for reconsideration. Councilman VanValkenburg seconded the motion and there were five ayesand no nays. Motion Carried. PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB. PORTER LANE. PETITION RECEIVED. Councilman Johnson moved that the petition for permanent street surfacing and curb be accepted for processing in the usual manner. Councilman Shaw seconded and motion was carried. PETITION RECEIVED FOR PERMANENT STREET SURFACING. CODE AVENUE. GROVE STREET (IN MELODY KNOLLS 2ND ADDITION). Councilman Johnson moved that the petition received for permanent street surfacing, Code Avenue, Grove Street (In Melody Knolls 2nd Addition) be accepted for processing. Councilman VanValkenburg seconded and -there were five ayes and no nays. Motion Carried. SECOND ICE FACILITY APPROVED. Mr. Bob Sherman, President of the Edina Citizens Committee introduced Mr. George Master, speaking,on behalf of the Edina Citizens Committee explaining the data gathered in regard to a second ice arena and gave the following points to be considered: 1. How present - Braemar was being used, its income and expenses; 2. What were the demands and community support for a second ice facility; 3. What type of building would give the maximum satisfaction of these needs of the community at a minimum cost; 4. What would the estimated cost be of the new plant both owning and operating; 5. What the revenues would be of the new facility; 6. A re listic plan to finance the project. A written report was presented to the Council for the meeting. Mr. Master informed the Council and audience that the STAFF REP -MT July 2,. 1969 zonns r.,:, R -i to a-3:: Lots 3t 4 2nd 5, Block 4. B,-oo"z ,'a gefer to: Enclosed Map, blrTrones is requesting parmisriona to bniild a four unit townhouse structure on three vacant 'Lots nt t"'le southeast corner of lnterl=-hen Boulevard and Oxford Avenue, The site measures 162 feet wide by 130 feet deep and has an area of 21,060 -,quare feat,, All units have three bedrooms cnd are typicgily townbouse 14n Character. Ecch hau the bedromis ca the second level t.-ith living, dining and kitchen areas on the loaner level. Bach unit has front and rear entries with acceas to patio and cour-t yard araas,- Garages Ariz, at the rear of tile 3tt-ucture, The staff has been appzoaclhed on javerali occasions by variotif, indi-Viduals interested in builaiag, m� &partujeuj; or t410. eloubjer, ca t*tje three 54 foot toes. We have indicated to them that variances Vould be needed for teas doubles since the ord-I'Mance requiret; ".14,000 squzire :?eat per atructure. We have indicated also th*t such variances may net: bo granted because it tmuld be difficujs.- to r,1.2ca to -.o qus�.ity dollblas 01 this limited site (because of 30 foot required satPock i'rom Oxfor4 A-tro,", Since the lots were ol record aof the adoption of preoeat regulations" the site warrents title'issx-1-averc, o: building permitn for three single f =, V`�'Y hraw;ez , Of cfjursc, v� njculd bwve to be granted ZO bVild A hOUCC On the C---!RMCT 10L, i.mui. ,..a zonee, R..i on-, is occLm'iad t,,y Ging ti f SMUY home'!;' This towaFtouse ordinjuce 2.r, every resoact, Recoamiondation- The stqk97 .Lz o -F the opinion that th,-Ln proposal, --*,,(; e.n aPPrOPViatc' On' t-hc raosi.- site an"'A Yet it ofl"-Crs R-7. It the R-3 zznirts fra--s- 'U -Me k' Tilt., use '.-ilk"m that -"Z�ailch is pe-'m4.M4d by alae. F;`wCseLtk z-011ing, (thy�-'e Sinigic f0 --ally cuiterin in that it is located on cu faa-;01� artoi:izl is locaz-,�6- nt-ar s cnl- t1lan. thai-- ncr, C"ce7'- Z T V74 i I fl � 4 ii �i � -14 ratfl7l 7,3:5."Ics. ./r_11- k1r. HoisinGton ropari:ed t4at No% Troucs is rcrincotin,- permission to build a fow, unit townUouse otructure on three vaernt Lots at the southeast corner of Intarlachen Boulevard and On:Zord Aven'wa. 3 .. July 2, 196�� Edina Planning Caullaicsiou Mr. rnde a motion that aie Commission q2prove Ulis rezoning for the I• Roe Prq")03Cd Usti lzoxa trawl "'Int vkjiCZj is the pi-3-aent R --I 00aiII-Y (thi.-n-C 2. X;jjS site tracts np.j-ment critc%-a ;tha- is joeited on a major arCcrial street cul is xoGatesi nonr shopping (Q.-andvict-7). 3. The -0-ensity Woul(I be OnlY Orle thnn that permitted by the present voiiin,r; 4. T -be site provides an C;ccellcnt 00tt"O for P rluc"' needed type of housinO. in the Village. S. The rCZQUIU3 is consistcut x7ith Vant er'llacd to Mc. Folke Victorsen (P-4) north of I[ILCrL-C"7CU and east Of I-janj^,0rGOj3 taven-Lie e-xLendcd. After some discussion NAr. Hintt then VithdrCT-7 Ills M'3 -f 11 -r'c' Mr. Lewis suaCeSted that tile Con1jaissiou w-enibers mcke a trip oad lark at the location before teMng action. All agreed, A �� i MINUTES OF TEE REGULAR k0ETING OF 211E EDINA PLANNING CO?: 17:SSTON HELD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1969 EDIN.A VILLAGE HALT,. Hembers Fresh t: W. W. Lewis, Chairman; A. H. Hiatt, Robert Huelster and Sam Hughes. Staff Fresen�i grad Hoisington, Kasen Sorensen, Tom Loucks i. 11. . Hughes moved that the July 2, 1969 Commission Minutes be approved as tted. Mr. Huelster seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Ruder Trones. Jr. R-1 Residential District to R-3 Multiple District. Broohsi.de Heis;hts;(See Minutes 7-2-69). Mr. Hoisington reviewed the request of Mr. Trones by reporting that Mr. Trones requests permission to build a four unit townhouse structure ;on tree vacant lots at the southeast corner of Interlachen Blvd. and Oxfo d Avenue. Mr. Hoisington stated that the staff is of the opinion that the roposal is an appropriate one for this site and recommends approval for he reasons stated in the staff a:epcirt. Mr. huelster noted that he was not concerned about this type of b ldin; or the builder, but was concerned that multiples might be Fa cree ing development along Inte:rluchen Blvd. Mr. Frank Clausen, owner of one of the lots under discussion, statid that he felt the use was a. good one and also started that he had rece ved numerous calls about selling his lot for the purpose of shoving a hous on to it. Mr. Hiatt stated that he felt the building would enhance the neig boncood and would seg: no objection to its construction or the rezoning. After sore further discussion, Mr. Hughes moved that the sion recommend denial of the request for the following reasons: 1.. The proposed use is not appropriate because the surrounding area is totally dingle family in character. 2. The density wculd be greater than that permitted by present Zoning. 3. Such zonilig prould set a precedent for -further multiple e; :ozai.nge along Interlechen Blvd. Mr. �ueloter seconded the motion. All Voted Ayes Motion Carried. Ed.;.r-i: planai6a' conw-12si.on Alms: es -2-- J,ugu..-t 6, 1969 15 HedbexP� Sons Co. po-3. Ices ldent ial_ District to -R-4 Multiple District.t. Hedberg Parklawn First Addition. _ Air. Hoisington reported that the site is Located on Parkluam Aven me i=ediately weet of the Pitney Bowes building and south of the Oscar Rob its property. The property is approximately fro acres in size and would accommodate 45 R-4 units if rezcnad. Existing; zoning in the area Consists of R-3 to the west, R-1 to the north and 0-1 both to the south and east. The moratorium on apartment rezonings has been extended to October 1, 1969, which means Council could not act on this matter until that time. The staff recraamends approval of the rezoning for the reasons rata esd in the staff report. tfr. Huelster mowed that the Commission reccmmend approval of the proposed R--4 zoning for the following reasons: 1. Said rezoning is consistent: with the plan For the Roberts property which galls for R-4 and office zoning north of the site in question. 2. Said rezoning is consistent with our recent recommendation to rezone the adjacent Rauenhorst property from R-3 r:o R --v. 3. The proposed use is consistent with existing land insane in the area. 4. Ssid rezoning is a logical extension of the existing multiple zoning to the gest and southwest. Por. 'Hughes seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. a.--50 -].b Edinaui�c�i.a�, Yrs. 0€€icc tai ci na, �str3ct ar�l to C--2 Commercial Die-trirt. Arcadia ?venue It 3s the intent of the proponents to build a Johnny Carson res aura nt betweeaa Highway 100 and Arcadia Avenue gust south of the Ksn ae City Life office building. The facility would seat. 152 people and wog: d require 51 par ting spaces plus additional employee parking. One of the interchsan.ge ramps ;gill pass just south of tine site, however, no access WlUt be -available at � from .he xeatziurant site. Ail access will be fro a -Arcadia Avenue. e4oning in the area consists. of 0--1 Lo the north and south, PHighwaylr ued Industrial Diotrict to the west rand C--2 Commercial to the northwest. .{ ,0 ,t.s to :11 -he a6%t- Mr. A143 r., Jr_osa moi o -d _:jat tia; re sc;ould be one condition s.mposed a�ldthat ..ca tRie fact ;:i.t ar, 80 square fort frek. 'Landing sign is the Maximum pe f.tted by t11e s>i. a v d::etrax.ca, ai.i th1.s f<icL :YAnuAd he made known to the pro poiAeut,; } icnrtiig Ccm:isuion Minutes -3- august 6; 1969 Air. Hoisington also noted that the staff is of the optnion thatl: the proposed use is good for the site. It: has good exposure and will prow de a needed service in the Graudvieu area. It does not threaten cree ing commercialism since it is well contained by Highway 100 and exis'ing office, commercial and indtw trial developments in the area. The staf recotrmends approval of the proposed rezoning for the reasons stated in t e staff report. After some discussion, Mr. Huelster moved that the Commission recommend approval of the proposed rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The requested rezoning is a logical extension of existing C-2 zoning to the northwest. 2. A restaurant is an appropriate use for the site in question and is generally in keeping with the more comrjerc!al character of existing development in the area. Mr. iatt seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 3,3 Ho:asxn Inc. R-1 Residential. District to It -3 Multi le District. W.W. 44th Street. (See Minutes 7-2-69). Mr. loisington reported that the proponents are requesting a zontag change to permit the construction of 16 tmmhouse units on property loc'ted on West:. 44th Street at the end of Wast 4 -5th Street. The property is pre ently zoned R--1 as are all surrounding properties. The parcel is sub tantiral.ly wooded and is a desirable residential property. The proposed uni s are two stories in height and range from 2„000 to 3,000 square feet of loon area. All access will be from West 44th Street. The requested R-3 zoning, would permit 28 units and would permit apalItmerts to be constructed on the site, however, it might be raise to impose additional restrictions if' the zaaing is to be approved. The staff is of he opinion that the proposed 16 townhouse units are highly desirable for,the site and is more appropriate than the present R-1 zoning. The staff recoamends that the R-3 zoning be approved subject to the conditions stated in the staff report and for the reasons staled in ,the staff report. Messrs. Bud Peterson and Dick Williams, architects for the pro'ect, stated that, the project would be limited to 16 units as this would be " batter use of the land and most of the trees would be saved. Renderings of he proposed development and units were: presented for the Commission's fh . Ron Michw el.9on, 413;. W. 4.5th Street, stated that he rep eseno-ed tribe neighborhoeCt residents, e pica er�c c�i the reasons why the nei' ,Lor Hood is opposed to the proposal. r Edina Plsnni6 Commission Minutes -4- August 6, 1969 After considerable discussion, Mr. Hiatt moved that the �omgisslon recommend approval of the R-3 zoning subject to the following conditions: 1. that a deed restriction be imposed by the owner which limits the development to 16 units. 2. that the units be sold rather than rented. 3. that a deed restriction be imposed by the owner which limits the development of the site to townhouses in accord with the ordinance definition. for the following reasons: 1. In order to preserve the natural amenities of the site, the proposed use is more appropriate than the use for which it is now zoned. 2. This type of housing is non-existent in the Village (townhouses, individually owned, R--1 setting) and this is an ideal setting for such housing. 3. Such development will not adversely influence the neighborhood particularly since the value of the individual units are proposed to exceed the values of surrounding R-1 units. 4. Such rezoning conforms to our policy of locating higher density housing on major streets. West 44th is the principle east -west street in the area and is a municipal state aid facility. Mr.'Huelster. seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 2-6 S John Monahan. R-1 Residential District to R-2 Multiple District.___ Heath Glen Addition. Continued from Harch, 1968. Mr. Hoisington noted that the Commission accepted this proposal fo study in March, 1968. The request is for R-2 zoning on Lots, the so th 120 feet of Lot 6 and the south 110 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Heath Glen and permission to construct two doable bungalows on three lots. At th't time, no sewer or water was available to the property, however, thecae services are now available. Hr. Hoisington suggested that the C€umission recomend R-2 zo ing oa all of Lots 6 and 7, Black 2, Heath Glien for the reasons stated in the March staff report. Mr. -5- 4: iMr. flue ss; er moved -.hat the z.-1-';ni-r,L,, Qn of 6 rmle, 7, Moc*X. 2, Hsath Glen "'Eor the fol`owins L. The lata in qu,.istim Tgould appear to be difficult to re -11 for -�qiagle family purpooes due to i;idustrial exposuze. Such disadvar-taSe r,-.--Iy be offtet by the income potential of double bungalwes. 2. To :�ezire :;his area R-2 res.1-dep.tial conforms to our past development policy of zoning lands in similarly critical Locations for this uce. The intent of this policy has been to create a reasonable transition between non- compatible use and, again, it sees appropriate in this Situation. Hush_-- seconded the -motion. All Voted Aye. Hotion Carried. lax-tes Lvnd. Mnnehaha Woods mid Shady Pines Addition. Mr. Hoisington reported that this division occurred several yea: s z -,So -ne3tio-a d a quhas ccme. up About its legality. The proponent ao k th&,t -- portion of Lot 8, Block 2, Hinnehaha Woods be added to Lot 9, 0 31 k 2,; Minnehvha Woods and n portion rif Lot 1, Block 2, Shady Pines Add t icii be td'e'j to 3-Ot 9, Diock 2, Kinuehaha Vloods. 11:.. Hiatt no ed that the lot: division be approved. Mr. Huelster see stdcd the iuction. All 'Voted Lye. Notion Carrid. i_ E. �cl e:Ffmar- Lo, t: 27 and 2.13,_jrookaide ,Terrace . division ict located sout:h of vacated Motor Street, east of Br;:�Clcoide S�.Venue Zile-, norzb;�:tzt of the creek. The division concerns Lots 27 and 28, Yrook-side Terrace e..-ert the 'est 191 feet. It is the proponents intent; tis; di. -"Tide the pzarcej. in. tuo ruid thus to create em additional buildable lot. st2,if denial the division in accord with the Mir�leh-nl-a District coa%;ultaut's recomm-existion. Tr-, to a queotion (rota the prospective buyer of the "wast ha'al-," Of tile pproperty a thrae parcel division so that the easterly two parc'.. 10 could be 0011d to abutti-,? property oiwmners, Mr. Poisington. indicated that he would rec-,:mme-nd stir -'n F divilsft.on. This would zillow the two --nid tc,- t';ja of -Lni�s I azid 2 4, r u Block A. d e u �'7 ou, 1 �7' C - I' S L" o c c- � c t �-, u c t -1 o -, i o f an a d d i t 1. o n a I LCL:" a ".1"e '-e. recauix-end approval of C. thre--1 �—Uvi- -s-: °,?jnn ti -ie ea -it: ctr-ly two -pas cels sold to abutting sacended the m)UO n 1 t d e. Vo e Aye. Mntio-n IV. c ulpissio;n Md.netes --6- August 6, 1969 . ip A. ?rcdrikseni. 3.ot 4s Prospect ills. Mr. Fredriksen is proposing to divide the east 120 feet from hii lot in order to create another lot on West 70th Street. The punning C ss.?on, in November, 1968, indicated that if the surrounding property cx-n eLs Indicated that they mould not oppose the division, the Commission pro ld r`cc=end its approval. Mr. Fredri.ksen has the approval of the suounding property owners and requests that action be taken on his tar used log.: division. Mr. Hiatt moved that the proposed division be approved. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried, 4. Gerald Guetrkow. Flornlr.�rside Addition. Mr. Hoisington reported that Mr. Guetxkow would like to di ide hie property into two parcels. One lot would be 55 by 140 and the otter 60' by 105' deer at the street, 50' at the rear and several variances wo ld be necessary to make the rear property a buildable lot and it thus wold not be the most appropriate division in the area. The staff recommends de ial of the proposed division. After some discussion, fir. Hughes moved that the Commission reommend denial of the proposed division. Mr. Huelater seconded the motion. Al Voted Aye. Motion Carried, -16 Kesler Addition This three Scat plat is located on -the zouth side of Valley Viev road Just east of Dakota Trail. The lot ditTizion was approved by Co oil in November, 1967. Mr. Kesler would noes like to aeplat the property in a different m znner. The teal lots pan the easterly end of the property are to be pleated in an eastfwesL manner with 25 feet on the easterly side to be dedicated for road purposes. Immediately adjacent property owners eo cur with Hr. Keslea:'s proposal. Mr. Luelster moved theft. the Commission recommend approval of pre!; 1sed plat. Mr. Uatt: rie:corded the moti.oz. All Voted. Aye. Motion 1.3 Re lat Bloom 2, Carolane Addition.. p� PrK limiinedy c-pproz;eU of this plat ;gas given by Council in ,7uy, 1965 6uhj-2c€� to installation of aeaer Arid waver and. the lifting of ce tin d. eed re_t i.cti.ons. '� ar-. services are now available and the plat now in i,catcs fives lots rather <:`_'Sd ri !.-ha four previously approved. The deed re'tri.ctions have been lifters and sigacd by those affected. The plat meets vii h ordinance and s a -f requirzments. August 6, 1965 fluelster moved that the Co=Assion recommend pre lminery a% F o. -al of the pro'osad plat. ter. Hughes seconded the action. Ail Voted Aya Ncti.on Carried. Si-- 9-17 Oscar Raoherts First Addition. This plant is located south of W. 72nd Street and gest of Prance Avenue, east of Oaklaian Avenue and north of Parklaurn Avenue. It conforms to the plan for. the Roberts property and the staff recommends preliminary Mr. Huelstea: no7ed that the Commission recommend preliminary 1 of the plat. Air. Hughes seconded the motion. All noted Aye. Carried. SF --$9-7 Clawson fifth Addition. This three lot plat is located south of Vernon Avenue just wes of 'Gleason goad. The Council granted final approval on the plat on Jul 21, 1969. tlr� Hiatt moved that the Comission approve the final plat. Xlr. Huelster seconded the motion. All Noted Aye. Motion Carried. SF -69•-13 dial -Doxy 2nd Addition. This four let plat is located on the west side of Virginia. Apse tie and south of West 64th Street. The Council granted final approval of the plat at its July 21, 1969 meeting. Mr. Hiatt :roved that the Commission app crde the final plat. Fr.. Ruelster secondee the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. , V1=R B 1. 1 50th and France Hoisington presented preliminary proposals for the north of W. 50th Street, The plans include another parking ramp plus some t yard arranzements and beautification of stores in the area. The idea presented to tho Chamber of om.erce and we are waiting for some trace ft -ow. its membership. mh(-� s�lan aizag €cmc o; ; too indicated that they felt somethixz ld Fa w done u. 41 :?. the north zi i.de of 50th Street 1 .ilice the south side 3. a the process of being oii-crijFar!;* im :uved. Mr. .aoisington indicated Plan L _3' rova l wc�u d be oo .� ;ht ar a Nater date. No action ta',:en. EJ i n'a P Ccmmission Mluutes -8- August b, 1969 2. 1' S. E. Edina Mr. Hoisington reported that the Commissions of Edina and Bloomington met to discuss the development of this general area. It was decided Lit the meeting that both municipalities should get together with th Jletropolitan Council and the State and Couaity Highway Departments bef're a Final decision is made on roadways. The plan now is conceptual an'there are meny things yet to be resolved. lie indicated that he would li the Commission to approve the scheme and hold a public hearing in Sep ember. In the meantime, meetings would be held with the State and Coax ty Highway Departments as well as the V&tropolitaa Council. After some discussion, Mr. HueLster moved that the Commission app ova the general plan concept and hold a public hearing at the next mee ing. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 3. I', First Christian Reformed Church Variance Appeal. Mr. Hoisington reported that this request was denied by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and was subsequently appealed to the Couicil which referred the matter to the Commission. A representative of the Church indicated that there was a. possibility that property could be purchased from the City of Rtinneapolis and asked that the Commission with - holo action until it was knownif the property could be purchased. After some discussion, Mr. Iiuelster moved that the matter be tali ed. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. All 'Doted Aye. Motion Carried. Western Edina. . Mr. Hoisington reported that Edina, Hopkins and Minnetonka wer getting together with the highway department to discuss the placement of nterchanges along County Road 18. It was hoped that a reasonable Sol tion could be reached so than we might proceed with the adoption of a Wes ern Edina Flan. Adjournment I! at 9:50 F.M. Respectfully submitted, Karen So er een, Secretary