HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-08 Planning Commission Meeting PacketsAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS FEBRUARY 8, 2012 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edina Planning Commission January 25, 2012 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Planning Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on this morning's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments today. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may modify times as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. 2012.0002.12a Lot Division Carl Nelson/Frank Sidell 4236 Lynn Avenue, Edina, MN 2011.0011.11a Final Rezoning/PUD FE 70, LLC 6996 France Avenue, Edina, MN VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS • Council Connection , • Attendance IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT 1 The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. Next Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission: February 22, 2012 9 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague February 8, 2012 2012.002.12a Director of Planning INFORMATION & BACKGROUND Project Description Raun Nelson and Carol & Frank Sidell are requesting to shift the existing lot line that divides their properties at 4236 Lynn Avenue. (See the property location on pages Al— A4.) There is no new lot being created with the request, it is simply a shift in the rear lot lines to sell land to the adjacent property owner. (See the proposed lot divison on pages A5— A6.) Parcel A, owned by Carol & Frank Sidell, would gain additional land to be similar in depth to the lots also owned by Carol & Frank Sidell, to the north and south. (See page A7.) The 4236 Lynn Avenue lot would be smaller in size, but similar in depth to the lots to the north and south. (See pages A6—A7.) Surrounding Land Uses The surrounding land uses are all single-family homes zoned and guided low- density residential. (See pages A3—A4.) Existing Site Features The 4236 Lynn lot contains a single-family residential home with an attached garage, a detached shed and gazebo. There are no alterations planned for the home at this time. Parcel A is vacant. (See page A4.) All of the properties to the north and south of Parcel A are owned by Carol & Frank Sidell. (See page A7.) Access to and from Parcel A would be from Little Street or Morningside Road. (See page A7.) Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-density residential Zoning: R-1, Single-family residential Primary Issue • Is the proposed lot division reasonable? Yes. The resulting lot line shift does not create an additional lot. These lots are oversized compared to the neighborhood. (See page A3.) As demonstrated below, the proposed lots would still meet the minimum lot size requirements in the R-1 Zoning District. Minimum Lot Requirements Existing Parcel A Existing Parcel B Proposed Parcel A Proposed Parcel B Lot Area —10,052 s.f. 17,920 s.f. 31,506 s.f. 29,420 s.f. 20,006 s.f. Lot Width — 50 feet 133 feet 100 feet 133 feet 100 feet Lot Depth —180 feet 934 feet' 286 feet 220 feet 200 feet "existing nonconforming condition Any new construction on these new lots would be subject to conformance with all of the City's rules and regulations regarding lot coverage, building height, setbacks and curb cuts. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the Lot Division of 4236 Lynn Avenue and Parcel A as submitted on the proposed lot division date stamped January 30, 2011. Approval is subject to the following findings: The existing and proposed lots meet all minimum lot size requirements. 2. The two lots involved in the lot division are larger than most lots within the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: All building activity on either lot must comply with all minimum zoning ordinance standards. Deadline for a city decision: March 28, 2012 2 City of Edina L0�01at Highlighted Feature NBuse Number Lobel. (nj005 1005 1000 0011 10051000 1°01,000 1f--+ 71001 Street Name Labels .0o1_I IOOt X007 1. - 17� oos s0a 1„T,LIop¢=i°oi�wof_�oQCip10- jl o°e oor,sa°Y N Clly Umlb IpIO wIfw1F w15 11 �1�(oft�o�s_�prs\/ j'✓ Creaks p l.R. N.m.. 1I(p�L,L�oIY-o-.7onwl°-<° o p15�4-I°�(�Bif-,p7B Lor^/ 1 14- -40 9-(p/1'Ip16_ M4024-021-022 11 UM. 40211077_.b71�J, ;710}f-1025'-111001 71 1101-T- ! r i IOif '• 0 Pare. 21 1 f'-1100 21 aor ren -..-.may' t 1100 sia Ilo3—/01 a `11aN aosiia Panels tl05-!It? ilt.. 'J' l] N/E tl tSrwrkl►w 21 j 411 Np�l i2 11 a"k17o N 41 ! 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Edina, 4t G, City of Edina 4213 4213 113 42142 tris 4218 21 tn7 Lopsnd i t"b11ybb0 feature 1413 4120 1141 IIH House Number Labels Illi IIM plW/ark. 11-1501450Is- Street Name Labels a0d 4106440 4370411 !< !20017!( fi)5 2024 213 CIQr Llmib " Creeks insS7 Lake Names 4200 201 11071700 32 IN 42134300 701 422 In7a1S 4705 42014111 Lakes 4201 1201 4305 4213 vlf14 09 Parke 420! 4211 1742 42fl 4206 4700 426 IMS ❑ Parcels 1716 IttS 1 4216 4213 4212 1213 Off 4217 Itis I7ff 1216 4218 1220 4416 41.41 1717 4120 1216 4170 1277 2;1 4217 4717 1210 4221 —4219 1224 1217 Ina 4721 1428 472 4218 Ittf I2P8 1474 1717 4 4141 4217 4:21 (221 ass 1226 9-4.25--t-4224-11 —4:25- 4232 227 4232 4227 4220 4227 71 4311 ItJt 42204231— 220. —49W- 244214 1733 4236 743 232 4271 2I4735 1231 236 -'..,.fir <_] 4231 123 271 4735 I< 24 4738 4219 210 210 211 Ing 4SY 242 243 4f45 22 (t' 21 422 242 t+s It44 244 f10 40 1746 Ilaof 1246 4141 !2H 4117 4112 4706 4101 118 H00 1750 1242 4140 1200 IIf ACAAWM5Ceg0 4501 421 u s Toy 4201 'q 2 1109 0 440] 31 171542 113091703 117/S Tif !lf 4111 206 1703 X213 4171 431: 430Y 401 206 1311 4207 4 1202 1301 4321 4311431 U00 1204 j211 :Iy 4501 —,,I 4770 )Is life 4313 4� 4334 44 wmvn 242 170l1207Q01R1a 21fJ 9470621 4214 H 172 STI] 207 1711Ni/ 17114207 ' usaas "a s44,44401 213 402 2020 42 291 1174100 4230 4130 flt 1120 1240 I3s1 /4013 `w /01/1101 ® 4254 IMI 4too 43 420; /leolrl0 �{{lToo W aadvaAVVscayy�KIrOG5G4 4220 x6111 4 f21 220 0 4f0M1 1101 4407 . PID: 0702824420097 4236 Lynn Ave Edina, MN 55416 G, 43 City of Edina 4217 420 (115 1117 4217 "Ismig 1115 ON House Number Lebea 4219 4218 4220 S4,et N,f05 L,beb Cia uTlaee 1711 1110 Gb, 4720 4217 4224 Less 1". 1271 Lame1719 . 4721 4217 422 a P•rL , 4211 422 O H75ea 4225 4231 111 127 1118 4215 Imus n 422 12]2 4277 1171 24 so_0 4271 3 42 t 24 3 IP3 fill M 413 111111 7I 413 113 an 115 42x 24 4279 4240 4240 4142 42" 4142 N 4244 4245 4244 (as 4244 420 4210 4240 4412 470► (400 4350 421e 4n,NARISMA0 4501 1. 4417 NIS at) dill 4308 4202 IMS 420) IM1 .715 121] 4300 4301 1108 405 "'0" 1101 4711 12/S ® 1]12 4205 YsaWtwkg85faryye�Cl�OrAOE]lrl 4201 O 11511 PID:0702824420097 4236 Lynn Ave Edina, MN 55416 • I^ "1�1`At • A- 43 VkT LOT SUBDIVISION � 6 I ' � Ily J. i —_—______— P I it ` � Ml r.0 T fim rY. r ij e+ I `• O'�EI[R: CMK SOTLL -1 r !� n I°i°RRI M S KLL I wu r , J I r 0 9w9x MS IANT Y C WnCER-IMT I � nrJ i ., r i oxui, I r9� I I �I I OTS STTE ADDRESS 4279 Lyn A— Edra Mw .53410 OWNER RAA NY - CONTACT R— N— (932) 9]9-9771 4239 Lyn Arww. LdML MM.wI. 35410 SURVEYOR H.V7 S. JYArn CL, — CONTACT I— H. ff (952) 994-3]41 0993 Lydr. Ar..A S.Wa. ON Mgtm Ml—t. $5420 P Aa WING DLPN TlMD1I' JAN 30 702 (1) I 1, 1,r ' 91Ofil N EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: qy >ptY�1 Allr.. ]MM r.wr..e YweNUI-w r Yr r W IL i.rlwl !L2> rM LYM1 4w w wYrl Uww4 M ..Y.1 r w w1 w N MM w IL 41.Ir1 als9 Ar !rY A, w Nru...l arer wn.! ..M w W Mrrlr rr.rr M .. tr. A', • r l..r x -nr.. Y a...r. aw �,�r.wM-lr.NlN .. wlNwYr1 . W W MA Yr wx ..w w f.ulww wrrr Y .W W 9r r.H r w .rr w.l Ar rxw w ], 9w.r Y o...Y..vtl Arxr•. 114A rx.� w rlrWr .;.... r w 9..r w r .r w 17. r w ..w. rrrd> r ..r •w A•. SCALE 7 INCE! 20 FEET CrA1..Y a. lU>IO NxrAr car} M.M...1. waw 1a 9rr x 'o... Y u...r. Y..1 A.4tlr• x. m 9r w4 r w IArr6 4..w rw REVdW 3 IwiYln�rt Y w 16 aM 9«u .1. w 4n.. 9-1 . p.rl . w °io [rl tl ..11 W 14 +Ywl .42> M SrM x.w w x.a.r �� xr..y a. r.r1 - w wA w r W W K MUM MrYrxr UI.nrM Yw` wr:Mr wnr xw..G rr w W NMy EW New4tr. Yr.x.rlrp. Srq wrda w Yl, M�.A r r4 tr. A'. 9.O.x Y0 41 rwI M w [w wrriW l4 N Y 6Mi x 'o.r� Y Q..L. Tww 4..�W 4x6AM XA 19!]!]> .I.nIiAM W14 YUrW PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: PA9lF1 Y leOrd x a..l.. Y G.wY. I.r A4911w Ir.yA. tr9 rM� wr xY w�i ww I iMA nn.xtl.. W W 1 w . VY WYWrN UI.M S+�awW A. M. [rl M rM W M rxrl K» rr s..N W 14 tlrl x. -L M..r.l-x.. s.tlwYw wrr..r l.r Zr. A•:rrA.rx4>.w Ya..r^. Er 6+n r w r.Wraywr AM.. rFrrlrlwY� x o.o.r Y rwwl. xw w >xn Gwr'.� 4.dM..W W 11. wN w w.w1l uwi�M M Wa calm er 1a N.rA x o.a.r a owdf. /..l AAAU. Ir..rn 1r -Ix LOT SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: SURVEY PROPOSED AREAS: For: ar w p..e x 0.110} .mtl. >4m.....r• r.l - n+a .+- RAUN NELSON GENERAL NOTES: rM w.w �nWll�-Iwl r-�wrw uu:ixef a' � rrr"iew .srml .�. - +•. 4239LYMNAVEMNES �....��..u�rrw w 1r�r•�•wl+ AOJAAxR W6`pMCll w• r• rr EO.IA. MO mmA HENNEPIN COUNTY LEGEND nr.err w....tl O m� i c.A+r. rxn A a swn rrw VICINITY MAP HARRY S. JOHNSON CO. WG MR LAND SURVEYORS 006] LydW Avrxr l.lAa ONwM.91.rr. IML Yc M TrL 90241645]41 F.03 1-3-8244 �---q-2012106 x01 10 99nC LOT SUBDIVISION SITS ApDRiS38 4238 1" A..xu• EdhA Ynx.Nla 55410 OWNER Rauh NN - CONTACT Roux NN.ax (952) 030-93» 4230 1" Avanu. Ed•a. ua — 55410 soxv4'voE Na S JW— Ca, t1a CONTACT Tam HW.R (952) 004••5741 9043 LMS• A7xvAu. $Yu1A. NornY.glm. Y...Yle 55120 EDWIN ING DEPAR1TAEAff ,ir^,P� 3 D 2012 S ! 1! iii' Ll.`)ilxv� EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 00.11 ..1 S.W M xr II.xYM orM ar«f. W Yr Yd.1 M.n.11-.Nm- a w'IY A'. N a O.a 1'C.W+ • G•.xi. �I•�N�IIr 6.« M .PMN « n. !«a IIu N W 1•.1 Pa.1 N W .Wtl 1W1 Aw NpnNf ■.,A z'or.w Srn 11.. N ♦W Y, 1>...a M rNx.r x.N.y Y W ,r A'. Pr 1, w 14 ar, 4 t..r.. i peri. fM A.fln.' PN >� 1M1 Pax N W .•..hf i....ON Ynt Crl 1r N W W 16 dN«I AZI MI Sma t-. or x.,•rN N,arC a e •.al « pa M1 ar N W W ,R ..W a6>1 I.tl 1a.M •wn N.. II.M«N r.e.I N....0 W Aro Wa •.N.N1N.NmN ,. _,..., Atl 111.1 [rl N . Yr W«n M a P.1.1 « w Saar YN. sl W eLo w, r1 •.. xr z.xn.w 1111 N W W « W •Ln. A'..iM11 1fA I.N F.1 M w. [rl AY 1 Wa a ''Gala i GrR. /Y.l AA91Ya'. Ca�aa«n�PR9C4S> xar.aa 9rN9 u1-...1. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: .Axe. L. ,>..N.11 Gr«e i G..df. I9N AOm.A x...a Cww1A Rw NW,f 111.1 o..4 N.1r Aw.x M.rNd«w .ua Yr, zrn M w x.a..N .r.r�'urra wu •.. Y.w PtN A.WI... I,aa.In 9a.1x 1RI1..rM. iwl M N a....Nr x1.1 Awr. tlP11nf 91..Y z G.../ 4 N W S.ua x11 N �W f>. wl x. rNa V uN.x« N ..H PARCO. k YY..r1. z G..•- . G—W. I l — 11 -..PN —.x SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: 1w wN Ya.w N pd. • .•ud n x tY. am ... i PROPOSED AREAS: �....« P.nd A 0.1 11 .N M 1.1 1.).. a- -. --f ",01 -.. moos .aw..., . a.N 1111 GENERAL NOTES: W. LEGEND .1a.Ar x...aax f..:Nr ia...r. • sN.uY 6 O xM..1 Cr.xe.n U.M VICINITY MAP .N Not m 1GIL SCALE: T MCN- 10 FEET ,1111 w., II `9 d 1— LOT SUBDIVISION SURVEY Fors RAUN NELSON snv 42300NNAVENUEd AO,Ofm10 W,I PARTIAL sow. Wx.EROTA HENNEPIN COUNTY HAM B. JOFWSON CO. WC. LAND SURVEYORS 99N L>1tlW Awnw 0wm mMM191a4 aN. 55471 T.n.fit.N•5Nl f«93bafa33N .r.d..rP..r. I-- 1OF1 --------: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --------- -------------------------- L it I ,J O�INER� CAROL 90EA1. ( �"- •'\ �� { c \ I S_2'54'18* W 220.00' \�, I 1 r l LTJ oNNER: PETER A KAREN GABLER I ' 2 ' y I y�••r� S 8964.18• W i'-------------- --- —_-0 tam - L' n f F c I A��� paa ,� abfd p ^ nt ( LI> 410, 1 ui I W 2 I' - I 1 . CAOMM-1111NT i O'rtQR: 809 swuLL O,1MR: NS HUNT m.r.ar rJ J 1 giti uo s���jjC� r r,\ �) LOTS I SITS ApDRiS38 4238 1" A..xu• EdhA Ynx.Nla 55410 OWNER Rauh NN - CONTACT Roux NN.ax (952) 030-93» 4230 1" Avanu. Ed•a. ua — 55410 soxv4'voE Na S JW— Ca, t1a CONTACT Tam HW.R (952) 004••5741 9043 LMS• A7xvAu. $Yu1A. NornY.glm. Y...Yle 55120 EDWIN ING DEPAR1TAEAff ,ir^,P� 3 D 2012 S ! 1! iii' Ll.`)ilxv� EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 00.11 ..1 S.W M xr II.xYM orM ar«f. W Yr Yd.1 M.n.11-.Nm- a w'IY A'. N a O.a 1'C.W+ • G•.xi. �I•�N�IIr 6.« M .PMN « n. !«a IIu N W 1•.1 Pa.1 N W .Wtl 1W1 Aw NpnNf ■.,A z'or.w Srn 11.. N ♦W Y, 1>...a M rNx.r x.N.y Y W ,r A'. Pr 1, w 14 ar, 4 t..r.. i peri. fM A.fln.' PN >� 1M1 Pax N W .•..hf i....ON Ynt Crl 1r N W W 16 dN«I AZI MI Sma t-. or x.,•rN N,arC a e •.al « pa M1 ar N W W ,R ..W a6>1 I.tl 1a.M •wn N.. II.M«N r.e.I N....0 W Aro Wa •.N.N1N.NmN ,. _,..., Atl 111.1 [rl N . Yr W«n M a P.1.1 « w Saar YN. sl W eLo w, r1 •.. xr z.xn.w 1111 N W W « W •Ln. A'..iM11 1fA I.N F.1 M w. [rl AY 1 Wa a ''Gala i GrR. /Y.l AA91Ya'. Ca�aa«n�PR9C4S> xar.aa 9rN9 u1-...1. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: .Axe. L. ,>..N.11 Gr«e i G..df. I9N AOm.A x...a Cww1A Rw NW,f 111.1 o..4 N.1r Aw.x M.rNd«w .ua Yr, zrn M w x.a..N .r.r�'urra wu •.. Y.w PtN A.WI... I,aa.In 9a.1x 1RI1..rM. iwl M N a....Nr x1.1 Awr. tlP11nf 91..Y z G.../ 4 N W S.ua x11 N �W f>. wl x. rNa V uN.x« N ..H PARCO. k YY..r1. z G..•- . G—W. I l — 11 -..PN —.x SUBDIVISION SUMMARY: 1w wN Ya.w N pd. • .•ud n x tY. am ... i PROPOSED AREAS: �....« P.nd A 0.1 11 .N M 1.1 1.).. a- -. --f ",01 -.. moos .aw..., . a.N 1111 GENERAL NOTES: W. LEGEND .1a.Ar x...aax f..:Nr ia...r. • sN.uY 6 O xM..1 Cr.xe.n U.M VICINITY MAP .N Not m 1GIL SCALE: T MCN- 10 FEET ,1111 w., II `9 d 1— LOT SUBDIVISION SURVEY Fors RAUN NELSON snv 42300NNAVENUEd AO,Ofm10 W,I PARTIAL sow. Wx.EROTA HENNEPIN COUNTY HAM B. JOFWSON CO. WC. LAND SURVEYORS 99N L>1tlW Awnw 0wm mMM191a4 aN. 55471 T.n.fit.N•5Nl f«93bafa33N .r.d..rP..r. I-- 1OF1 A-7 City of Edina Lopbnd 4212 1113 ata 4213 4217 Nigmipbtsd Feawrc 4213 4216 Nouse Number Labels 4216 4219 4220 Ureal Name Labels .! City limit$ 1117 4210 /V CrceRe 4720 4227 4221 Lal# Names 4219 024 Lalt6 Itt1 b 42T7 I210 � PaQe 42242 �� Ittf 4272 4232 av 1716 42242 � Parcell mus 111JLE37 42]9 4271 4727 11 4272 op" so.. 0 4271 ITN 21 4271 177] ale 4273 11 47742 1271 4276 I27D 21 � 1779 1140 1140 1742 4242 4242 24 - 4244 4213 4244 4409 4246 42!7 1720 Itle N12 4709 4400 1730 11142 IOIPAetAbOP/70 4501 > N1I NIS 1� 4417 INI 4313 4311 1309 l707 4703 4307 1701 1213 421) 1706 4203 4409 4405 1103 1101 1217 1713 4212 4395 Yaood«ThW9fq�rilC�l0eeG61011 1707 p 245# l' a n. ' P113:0702824420097 4236 Lynn Ave O Edina, MN 55416 A-7 '1I" ,t�. O e fi- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Originator Meeting Date Agenda # Cary Teague February 8, 2012 2011-011.11a Director of Planning INFORMATION/BACKGROUND Project Description FE 70, LLC is proposing to tear down the existing gas station at 6996 France Avenue and re -build an 8,260 square foot office/retail building. (See property location and surrounding land uses on pages Al—Aft.) The building would include a 3,000 square foot retail store (Vitamin Shop) and a 5,260 square foot financial office. (See the applicant's narrative, building rendering and plans on pages Al 1—A22; and the traffic and parking study on pages A30-A40a.) To accommodate this proposed redevelopment, the following is requested: Final Rezoning from PCD -4, Planned Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development; A Zoning Ordinance Amendment that establishes the PUD, Zoning District; and )- Final Development Plan. The City Council approved Preliminary Rezoning from PCD -4, Planned Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary Development plan for this project on December 6, 2011. (See approved preliminary plans on pages A23—A25, and the minutes from the meeting on pages A52 --A55.) The footprint of the building and the parking arrangement has not changed from the preliminary approval. The Zoning Ordinance Amendment that would accommodate the requested rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development can be found on the attached pages A7 --A10.) SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Southdale Galleria Offices, zoned PCD -3, Planned Commercial District and guided Office/Residential. Easterly: France Avenue and the Galleria; zoned PCD -3, Planned Commercial District and guided CAC, Community Activity Center. Southerly: 70th Street and a BP Gas Station; zoned PCD -4, Planned Commercial District and guided Office/Residential. Westerly: Southdale Pet Hospital; zoned PCD -3, Planned Commercial District and guided Office/Residential, Existing Site Features The subject property is 27,702 square feet in size, is relatively flat and contains a full service gas station. (See pages A3—A6.) Planning Guide Plan designation: Office/Residential (See pages A27 A29.) The property is located within and area designated as a potential area of change. (See page A27.) During the Sketch Plan review of this project, the City Council determined that a Small Area Plan would not be necessary prior to redevelopment of this site. (See page A60.) Zoning: PCDA Planned Commercial District (See page A26.) Parking Based on the proposal for 3,000 square feet of retail space and 5,260 square feet of office space, 47 parking stalls would be required by the City Zoning Ordinance. The site plan demonstrates 34 parking stalls available. However, the parking study demonstrates that these uses would generate the need for 29 parking stalls. (See page A38 of the parking study.) Therefore, 34 parking stalls would support 3,000 square feet of retail space and 5,260 square feet of office space. However if the retail uses become a bank, coffee shop, or bakery/bagel shop, the parking would not be adequate. (See page A37,) Therefore, those uses should not be allowed on this site, Additionally, if the office space were turned into retail, the mezzanine would have to be converted into storage. In doing so, that would turn the building back to a 6,600 square foot building. If the building were entirely occupied with general office uses, the site would contain adequate parking; however if the building were entirely occupied by medical offices, the site would not contain adequate 0) parking. (See attached memo from WSB on page A40a.) Based on that WSB memorandum dated February 3, 2012, only a 7,950 square foot medical office could be supported by the site's 34 parking stalls. Therefore a portion of the mezzanine could be utilized by medical office space. A restriction on the size of medical offices should therefore be added into the PUD Ordinance requirements. Site Circulation Access to the site would be from France Avenue and 701h Street. Exit from the site would be onto 701h Street only. (See page Al 8.) There would be surface parking behind the building. Loading to the building would take place in the parking lot during off peak hours. A walking path would be located around the building and along France and 701h Street. (See page A19.) The city engineer and fire marshal have reviewed the proposed site circulation plans and found them to be acceptable. Landscaping The existing site contains virtually no landscaping or green space. There is one tree existing in the northwest corner of the site. This tree would remain. The applicant is proposing 15 new overstory trees. In addition, a full complement of understory landscaping would be provided around the building and green space added along all four sides. This would all be an improvement over the existing conditions on the site. (See page A19.) The property owner to the north has expressed a willingness to remove the pine trees on their property near the north lot line. (See attached emails on pages A64—A65.) The applicant believes that these trees would not be impacted during construction of the new building Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined on the attached page A63. A developer's agreement would be required for the construction of the proposed sidewalks within the right-of-way. The fire marshal reviewed the proposed plans and is requiring that a fire hydrant be installed on the northeast corner of the property. It should be located on the north side of the proposed driveway entrance on the west side of the sidewalk. (See page A62.) This shall be made a condition of approval. 3 Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, as they are the City's review authority over the grading of the site. Building/Building Material The proposal is for a stone building with large windows. (See rendering on pages A15 -A16.) The applicant will have a materials board for the Planning Commission to review at the Planning Commission meeting. The City's chief building official has reviewed the plans and provided provide comments on page A61. These comments and conditions shall be made a condition of approval. A construction management plan must also be submitted subject to staff approval. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 850.04. Subd. 4 D provides the following regulations for a PUD: ?. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; 4 d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; L preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and L ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. The proposal would meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most of the above criteria would be met, The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential -- OR," which allows for limited retail. The applicant is proposing to use the site for office with limited retail. Through the PUD rezoning, the City has the ability to specifically limit the uses on the site to be consistent with limited retail uses per the Comprehensive Plan, and to ensure that the uses can be supported by the parking provided. The proposed vitamin store and financial office uses are more consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, than the existing gasoline service station. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property. The building would be pulled up close to the street, with sidewalks in front, and separated from the street by green space to promote a more walkable environment. Landscaping and patios are also proposed in front, with store fronts opening toward France Avenue. Traffic generated from the site would be less than the existing gas station site. The proposed building would be a high quality stone and glass building. The site circulation would be improved with a right -in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. The applicant will also remediate contaminated soils that exist on the site today from the service station. As demonstrated on page 9 of this report, the proposal meets several goals and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 5 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. Ali permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in Section 850 of this Title shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. Property currently zoned R-1, R-2 and PRD -1 shall not be eligible for a PUD. Because of the Comprehensive Plan designation of"limited retail" and the potential for a parking shortage depending on future use, the proposal should be limited to uses that will not create parking problems. (See page A37 of the parking study.) The Zoning Ordinance amendment on pages A7—A10 lists the uses that would be allowed on this site. The uses allowed are based on the traffic and parking analysis done by WSB and Associates on pages A30—A40a. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following., i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. Because of that land use designation, uses allowed within the PCD -1 District would be appropriate, as the PCD -1 is the City's least intensive commercial zoning district. (See pages A41 --A42 for a list of uses allowed within the PCD -1 District.) Per the preliminary approval, the applicant is agreeable to those uses. Uses were added as part of the preliminary approval including; catering, clothing store over 2,500 s.f., department store, dry goods, electrical and appliance store, furniture store, office supplies, paint and wallpaper, and sporting goods. Uses that should not be allowed, based on the parking study, would be a bank, coffee shop or a bakery/bagel shop. (See page 37 of the parking study.) on As mentioned above, there is concern over the number of parking spaces provided on the site. According to the parking study, the parking that is proposed would support the initially proposed uses. However, should these uses change in the future; the site could be short parked, depending on the new use. Therefore, as a condition of a change in use, such as the office space turning to retail, the mezzanine would have to be converted to storage area, so the use would meet the parking requirements. If the site were entirely occupied with general office uses, the site would contain adequate parking; however if it were entirely occupied by medical office, the site would not contain adequate parking. (See attached memo from WSB on page A40a.) Based on the WSB memorandum dated February 3, 2012, only a 7,950 square foot medical office could be supported by the site's 34 parking stalls. (See page A40a.)Therefore a portion of the mezzanine could be utilized by medical office space. Again, these provisions would be written into the Ordinance that rezones the site PUD, and would be adopted into the City's Zoning Ordinance. (See draft of the Ordinance on pages A7 -A10.) A any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; As mentioned above, the proposed uses would be office and limited retail, consistent with Comprehensive Plan. A single land use on the site would meet the limited retail use or office designation of the Comprehensive Plan. iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and Parking requirements would limit the uses that would be allowed on the site. If approved by the City, the building would be limited in size; and the use of the building would be limited by the number of parking spaces on the site. The building would not be allowed to be entirely occupied with 8,260 square feet of retail. Should the office space turn into retail, the mezzanine would have to be turned into storage. 7 iv, the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The following page shows a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would comply with the PCD -1 Zoning Ordinance Standards. Should the City decide to rezone these sites to PUD, the proposed setbacks, height of the building and number of parking stalls would become the standards for the lots. Please note that several of the City Standards are not met under conventional zoning. However, by relaxing these standards, the purpose and intent, as described in #1 above would be met. The site layout would be improved by bringing the building up to the street, providing front door entries toward the street, and including sidewalks to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment along the street. The design of the building is of a high quality stone with large windows. The building is consistent with the small scale buildings on this block. The development would incorporate improved landscaping and green space, a decrease in impervious coverage, and an infiltration area. The applicant will also be cleaning up contaminated soils on the site through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Traffic would be improved in the area with a right -in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. Compliance Table PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for the following reasons: The proposed uses would fit in to the neighborhood. As mentioned, this site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. The applicant is proposing to use the site for office with limited retail. Through the PUD rezoning, the City has the ability to specifically limit the uses on the site to be consistent with limited retail uses per the Comprehensive Plan, and to ensure that the uses can be supported by the parking provided. 2. The building is relatively small and in scale with building within this area on the west side of France. 3. The existing roadways would support the project. WSB conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and concluded that the 9 City Standard (PCD -1) Proposed PUD Building Setbacks Front - France Avenue 35 feet 14 feet Side Street - South 35 feet 9 feet Side - North 25 feet 40 feet Rear - West 25 feet 70 feet Parkin[a Lot Setbacks Front - France Avenue 20 feet 10 feet Front - 701h Street 20 feet 5 feet Side - North & West 10 feet 5 feet Building Height Four Stories One Story + Mezzanine Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1000k 37% Lot size = 22,210 s.f. Gross s.f. = 8,260 s.f. Parking Stalls 47 34 stalls (Based on 3,000 s.f, retail & 5,200 s.f. office) Parking Stall Size 8.5'x 18' 8.5 x 18' Drive Aisle Width 24 feet 24 feet PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for the following reasons: The proposed uses would fit in to the neighborhood. As mentioned, this site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR," which allows for limited retail. The applicant is proposing to use the site for office with limited retail. Through the PUD rezoning, the City has the ability to specifically limit the uses on the site to be consistent with limited retail uses per the Comprehensive Plan, and to ensure that the uses can be supported by the parking provided. 2. The building is relatively small and in scale with building within this area on the west side of France. 3. The existing roadways would support the project. WSB conducted a traffic impact study based on the proposed development, and concluded that the 9 traffic generated from the project would be less than the current use on the site. (See traffic study on pages A30—A40a.) 4. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto -oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. • Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front fagade. • Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. b. Movement Patterns. • Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. • Limit driveway access from primary streets while encouraging access from secondary streets. • Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian -scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) • A Pedestrian -Friendly Environment. Improving the auto -oriented design pattern discussed above under "Issues" will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. c. Appropriate Parking Standards. Mixed use developments often produce an internal capture rate. This refers to residents and workers who obtain goods and services from within the development without making additional vehicle trips.*Parking ratios for mixed use development should reflect the internal capture rate and the shared parking opportunities this type of development offers. d. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. 10 5. The proposed plans are the same as the plans that were approved in the Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Site Plan. • Is the PUD Zoning District appropriate for the site? Yes. Staff believes that the PUD is appropriate for the site. As highlighted above on pages 4-8, the proposal meets the City's criteria for PUD zoning. In summary the PUD zoning would: 1. Ensure that the building proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 2. Limit the uses allowed on the site to ensure that there would be adequate parking. The uses allowed would be specifically listed in a PUD Ordinance that would be reviewed and approved as part of the Final Development Plan stage of the project. 3. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan, Staff Recommendation Final Rezoning to PUD & Final Development Plan Recommend that the City Council approve the Final Rezoning from PCDA Planned Commercial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; adoption of the Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance to establish the PUD Zoning District; and Final Development Plan to construct an 8,260 square foot retailloffice building at 6996 France Avenue for FE70, LLC. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed land uses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposal is consistent with the approved Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan. 3. The site layout would be an improvement over a site layout required by standard zoning; the building is brought up to the street, provides front door entries toward the street, includes sidewalks to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment along the street. 4. The design of the building is of a high quality stone with large windows. The building is consistent with the small scale buildings on this block. 5. The development would incorporate improved landscaping and green space, a decrease in impervious coverage, and an infiltration area. 6. The contaminated soils on the site would be cleaned up. 7. Traffic would be improved in the area with a right -in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. 8. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; a. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto -oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. • Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. • Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. • Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front fagade. • Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. b. Movement Patterns. • Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. • Limit driveway access from primary streets while encouraging access from secondary streets. • Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian -scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) • A Pedestrian -Friendly Environment. Improving the auto -oriented design pattern discussed above under "Issues" will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. 12 c. Appropriate Parking Standards. Mixed use developments often produce an internal capture rate. This refers to residents and workers who obtain goods and services from within the development without making additional vehicle trips. Parking ratios for mixed use development should reflect the internal capture rate and the shared parking opportunities this type of development offers. d. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. Final approval is subject to the following conditions: 1) Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped January 6, 2012. • Grading plan date stamped January 6, 2012. • Landscaping plan date stamped January 6, 2012. • Building elevations date stamped January 6, 2012, 2) Prior the issuance of a building permit, the following must be submitted: a. A final landscape plan, subject to staff approval. Additionally, a performance bond, letter -of -credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures. b. A construction management plan. 3) The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies. 4) Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. 5) Compliance with the conditions required by the chief building official in his memo dated January 10, 2012. 6) Compliance with the conditions required by the city engineer in his memo dated January February 3, 2012. 7) Compliance with the conditions required by the fire marshal in his memo dated January 28, 2012. 13 8) The contaminated soils must be cleaned up per the requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 9) Adoption and compliance with the PUD Ordinance for the site. Deadline for a city decision: May 1, 2012 14 11 City of Edina r4l+ebN - o7r1 pe/1d ,,7 ¢•� c,,,s f°'$,4 4705 a;>sa.N TN IBl6 Naar ttumwrl.aMls lbFaa ' J bta%t clra a7rl�!T "17 Rt7 C1r4 ra0 47144, nsma bawls .1 ciyumtb Y� t7 N40 lh^6 a.� T weir S I N1tr 4:40 ` teat 6w �. Iw ro Creaks © trka tNflgra rbcsF �Mtt etoe 67ta --. �..•>..�..�•,». Paha � Parka Paruis tYOa , 40t7 tN0} batt "orbwb tNt7 base E.x ra 7! 64N HJfaI.t�p 1�6la0 tali s 4Me n %,T.. N 7 atlf'y� � /�^"Zgit � 400! �'� 1+� hn tsar •. icrl r p}77 ~x p7M 7r aW �y]l paT pi) sa0r7 00a1 bort J I t 4 aDN X17 NH i 7 1 021 tarrta.b '�c774tba 6770�0}d � 1 1 ra7l�ffi TOT! 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Ilrl ally toll ?130 "m 69N 5561 ` nor aSpS 6970 11A `" 11 6911 tell ...,.,..., ..�...^-+. 641r 6050 w "No N,l ..., . __.�,. too IS a9NN 1910 14311 14 1A x � 3171NlfN 7coo ml ..,,..1000 1001 _. 5401 — 0 toot tOP: !q tm 1001 room M ,,....,. ._...,... 1001 700! 1001 T000 ,.- . , � tool ml im ml 1014 RMI Tall roll toll 1016 loll rota JOII 1000 roto I1lvlti;lme y 1101 loco -toot 1101 F Not 1010 /170 Mv'es1 P"a '� -41 RIlffi.itMNP tilt MI w�.r*r..nx c�.w+re�.rrscwun i"M1 PID: 3002824440001 �✓, O Q rel 6996 Prance Ave S p Edina, MN 55435 Aa A3 �T 1 - -PO *- t 14 0 ?RbftkeTy To T1}E so UT H AL <, DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 2012 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AT 6996 FRANCE AVENUE The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Subsection 650.05 is amended to add the following: 858.06 Districts. For the purposes of this Section, the City shall be divided into the following zoning districts: Single Dwelling Unit District (R-1) Double Dwelling Unit District (R-2) Planned Residence District (PRD and PSR) Mixed Development District (MDD) Planned Office District (POD) Planned Commercial District (PCD) Planned Industrial District (PID) Regional Medical District (RMD) Automobile Parking District (APD) Heritage Preservation Overlay District (HPD) Floodplain Overlay District (FD) Ouilding Height Overlay District (HOD) Planned Unit Development District (PUD) Section 2. Subsection 850 is hereby amended to add the following Planned Unit Development (PUD) District: W 11 19 ;aa# A. Legal Description.* -#71 - o o— County r Existing text — XXXX Stricken text — XXXX Added text -- XXXX "� B. Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the FF 70 LLC plans received by the City an January bf 2012, including the building pians, except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2012-_, on file, in the Office of the Planning: Department under file number 2011 011.11a. C. Principal Uses: All principal uses allowed in the PCD -1 Zoning District, except drive-through uses, bakeries, coffse shops, and banks, Catering Clothing stage over 2,500 s.f. Department store Dry goods Electrical and appliance store Furniture share Medial offices up to a maximum of 7,950 square feet total for the site Office supplies faint end wallpaper Sporting goods *If the entire building is occupied by retail uses, then the mezzanine shalt be turned into storage space, and shall not be used for retail. D. Accessary Uses. Cuff -street parking facilities Existing text Y- XXXX Stricken text — XYAX Added text —XXXX M Produce stands pursuant to permit issued by the City Manager. t. Conditional Uses; Buildiou Setbacks Front — France Avenue 14 feet Side Street - South 0 feet Side - North 40 feel Rear - West 70 feet Parking 9_t,§g_thajk_s Front — France AvOoue 10 feet Front — 70"' Street 5 feet Side — North & West 5 feet BuildJ09 Heigh�f c�O�Voq MaxJrNm Floor AreOWO 37% G. thrive -through uses., coffee shops, Wkkerles and banks"I medical office over 7,960 square feet and retail Space over 6,600 square feet shall be prohibited. Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Existing text — XXXX Stricken text- XXXX Added text — X)(Xk C ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2012, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2012. City Clerk Existing text — XXXX 4 Stricken text —XXU Added text — XUX A Ib Cary Teague, Planning Director Planning Department Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Project: Retail & Office Development Location: 6996 France Avenue South 333 Washington Avenin North, Suite 210, Union Plaza. Minneapolis, MN 55401 T 012.678.2700 F;612,676.2796 vmw.djr•inc,wrn PI WIT b"AR Pi t Subject: Response to Suggested PUD Language for the site & City Council Minutes Upon review of the minutes from the city council review of the proposed project and the rezoning of the site to the PUD, the Developer is requesting the following amendments 1 clarifications to the proposed language, 1. Remediation of Site will be to the state Environmental Protection Agency standards. 2. The proposed office tenant is a financial services office tenant. References to financial services should be removed from the prohibited or conditional uses for the site. We suggest banks should be used instead as a prohibited use. The proposed tenant is TD Ameritrade. 3. Our understanding, based on the city council minutes is the permitted uses on the site are: a. The retail or office uses as outlined in the planner's summary of PCD -1 and select PCD -2 uses, not including the high traffic uses discussed in the parking study. b. Retail uses up to 6,600 square feet would be permitted uses, presuming the mezzanine space is storage only. c. Office uses of up to 8,260 square feet would be a permitted. Please forward these requests in the informational packets to the planning commission and city council for consideration for the Final Review of the PUD application, Cordially, Sheldon Berg, AIA, LEED AP Associate P.Mjr.arch12011X111.0027 - General Realty • Edina, MN)Word00signlZoning & Planning\Rezoning Applicationli-etter of Response - PUO language,doc 0 A1'MckN T Natimut 333 Washington Avenue NonSuite 210, Union Rai&, Minneepobs, MN 55401 T 6;26762700 F 612 676.2786 wwwv d)r4ne eom Cary Teague, Planning Director Planning Department Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424�� E1tJ� Project: Retail & Office Development Location: 6996 France Avenue South Subject: Preliminary Development Pian & PUD Narrative This presentation for Preliminary Development Plan & PUD review illustrates the redevelopment of the Sinclair Gas Station at 6996 France Avenue South - the NW corner of France and 70th Street to a 6,600 square foot retail development with associated site improvements. Current Use & Reasons for Redevelopment: The current use for the site is a gasoline filling station with vehicle repair, constructed in approximately 1960. The building is showing signs of its age. As with most filling stations, there are contaminants in the soil as established in a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment. In addition, the three curb cuts at this location — two on 70th street and one on France Avenue congest traffic flow in the area. Proposed Development: The project proposes a single -story retail and office building with associated parking and landscaping improvements. The building will be 8,260 square feet in size and be sited toward France Avenue and 701, Street with parking in the rear and side of the building. The developer has two tenants to fill the building. City & Neighborhood Betterment: The proposed retail development will benefit the City of Edina and the project's neighbors in the following ways: Create a pedestrian -friendly development with the building oriented to the street and sidewalk with parking to the side and rear of the building, supporting these initiatives from the Comprehensive Plan. Improve traffic in the area with a right -in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut further to the west. A traffic study has been ordered to evaluate any impacts on the neighborhood, but our impression is that this will be negligible. • Remediate contaminated soils on site. • Create a greener and more environmentally friendly development improving storm water rates and quality through storm water retention and rain gardens or vegetated swales. • Replaces unsightly auto repair and filling station in a prominent location of the business district and main thoroughfares of the Southdale Area. • Provides small scale neighborhood serving retail and office uses. • Add new businesses to the Edina tax base. Rezoning and the Comprehensive Plan: The project proposes to change the zoning of the site from PGD -4 to a PUD based on the PCD -2. The change from PCD -4 to PCD -2 is a less dense district than the zoning of the adjoining properties to the north and west which are zoned PCD -3. The current comprehensive plan indicates OR use in this area with limited retail and the Greater Southdale Area Final Land Use and Transportation Study Report identifies the area as a Mixed Use area. Though limited, the west side of France Avenue does have some notable 41X 6996 France Avenue South — PUD Narrative 9/12/2011 retail uses in the near area including: Room & Board to the south and the Edina Diamond Center to the North. The proposed use is consistent with neighboring uses and reinforces the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan by siting the building to address the street, engage pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. Impact on Surrounding Properties: The new building will improve neighboring property values and improve the streetscape of the neighborhood. No negative impacts are anticipated. Land Use Impacts: The proposed project will yield an FAR. of .37 well within the FAR set forth in the PCD -1, which is 1.0. At the same time the use is dense enough Traffic Congestion or Traffic Hazards. The removal of the curb cuts and relocation of them away from the corner should improve traffic movement at the site for the neighborhood. f Conformance with Zoning Code: The PUD is proposing the following variances from the PCD -1 standard to be incorporated: Building Setbacks: • Front Setback -- Change from 35 feet to 14 feet • Side Street South — Change from 25 feet to 9 feet Parking Lot Setbacks: • Front —France Avenue —Change from 20 feet to 10 feet • Front — 701" Street — Change from 20 feet to 5 feet • Side - North & West — Change from 10 feet to 5 feet Provides a Proper Relationship between the Proposed Improvements, Existing Structures, Open Space and Natural Features: The building siting reflects the relationships of building and parking to the street, which enhances the pedestrian environment and improves the city's streetscape. The building size and scale are in proportion to adjacent properties for the size and scale of the site. The existing site was entirely paved. The proposed development incorporates landscaping and setbacks which are much friendlier to the natural environment by incorporating the infiltration of rain water, landscaping of the setbacks and decreasing the amount of impervious coverage of the site. Uses: In addition to the foregoing required considerations, the development is requesting the following uses be allowable in the PUD standards for the site. PCD -1 Uses will be allowed in addition to the additional uses from PCD -2 listed below: 1. Catering 2. Clothes stores exceeding 2,500 s.f. 3. Department Stores 4. Drygoods stores ,n 5. Electrical and Househould Appliance Stores fi 6. Furniture Stores 7. Office Supplies Storesm, 8. Paint and Wallpaper Stores 9. Personal Apparel Stores 10. Sporting and Camping Goods Stores 2 M 6996 France Avenue South — PUD Narrative Cordially, Sheldon Berg, AIA, LEED AP Associate 9/12/2011 P.\djr-arch\201 At 11-0027 - General Realty Edina, MN\Word\Design\Zoning & Planning\Rezoning Application\Summary Letter doe 0011\11& �ry r °LSIt1 A1+ M c AS- �j rci ------- - ---- - ---- A 10 • .t LAUD ..p � Y i taw t !� FRAace.w 6 SOU M • r err fi "ri gid 111 i I fj 1E t c Ii F]usma CONDITIONS AO X NYId 3118 11� i tl,tl�f Ntgvt 7guo�v Irm,u •ew �is} jp �roiau �aNw� t tuoe !ltliiii H1nos 3nN3A d 3a VH -4 51 VI tit 111,11 mt 6 y • • � t � � `Uw`=n le � • �� H1nos 3nN3A d 3a VH -4 51 VI tit 111,11 mt WFST 70TH STPEET LANDSCAPE PrOUM IVIA ;!�� -V--k z � NVId "IOULNOD NOISON3 V ONIOVNfl 1' . +! a r § �r1� ws7kuu+'rwpf {fls!J </ tdr4s r I 3NM 910 - aj IR YIV19H 3ONVHd 3 MOL 33 f ► I< @ rMalfill i anN3A M 3ONVY-4 Aab W �h 5,; r. kdl ar3t` aarilaaitwa"�r ,, •"•• c -w- w w w.+...•w„w w;;�;. � y#nog enuand aauea:J 9669 a """ .. GY— L- w ME pq r g NMIa US � i. t ' N surpt 3rN3nr j5xraA taco � r�i '{ ,� � • a 1t V w R R y 11V13H33NVtl:1-1N1QL � it It i i als i t� �^ lie I ss � Hs -- -- -- r3rrs — �ta� ..arra - naa ac +s o.n.rascs�m.r,.»s �.n�tcarmucavc w:r v.,y I� .,,, �a,�''�i���� ��3i�����"ir;�s'i1.�r"'�►v3%.wr;�r:. IN of Edina Fjollromelp'll,= ! � a9rr ent !oa! Soso � eros RDrI ai! !!WO 1!M pu wro wm � 4977 aor nn aA 4trr 024 MY It4t for {9r: }'� Hn 6m {921 SSto e! 1973 ARM Oat1�Y ttJr aorS tgra on St" 014 $913 Qtr 47t7 trq {SN 4105 4201 {037 4915 Sots 04t O {rN 1717 no Ora rpNo7w Uperw Homs U."her Lbers Stiri 11w o "bale Cft Wmft c"Um LOUS Dparts 4Mo JYOr A►DN•a�++w►+W Ds�r toot rose 7001 tow r t Orn Orn utr eCDYiYM•M Gmrwr orIR11 res roe rcD 4t►r.«4 Dea•4an�r6r1a11 mot Im t00•!I►anttexaowa root Oa0.11M•�0 aeWe•W D�1 M0 aipw.4411oM•MYI8r+a1 MD•l1MwM W�{e•u:r O-okm rt uu Ora 4rm Ora � roar ram i ra9t toot S i If r'i Piro►I{ roar lett rota Torr nlr�rtDn m rra trot ro15 mn rmo 01t IN 77107 1 rrm 0100 1 a rra rra p F�•' k4 a f •-1 yr AJC Uperw Homs U."her Lbers Stiri 11w o "bale Cft Wmft c"Um LOUS Dparts &Ring A►DN•a�++w►+W Ds�r rDDalrrowwnwrar•al Mo"tum" DwwNn...r Dual MDo•ecb�t D..ve+�.r o.uar rco•ttaw..►G�sea.a( eCDYiYM•M Gmrwr orIR11 am,nw ►coal►ea.eDe�+or,ai rcD 4t►r.«4 Dea•4an�r6r1a11 q)rl Srw p0 itlY1•M Mt•rArD.f•ri t00•!I►anttexaowa ►OD71vfw•�t 01Drew•+D Oa0.11M•�0 aeWe•W D�1 M0 aipw.4411oM•MYI8r+a1 MD•l1MwM W�{e•u:r O-okm IS A0l •NaWsMtl0aw11 . MD!(M•N Ya4MYt.Owear eril�lOb.•d WwoWnl D•1{SiyyOw:•►Wtl i D•YIOw►LDrie+a W4) NMO(oft Mnol DWAW If r'i Piro►I{ AJC tlguie 4A City of Edina Conceptual Land Use Frameworks 2008 Comprehensive Pian Update Potential Areas of Change DateofAerial Photography., August ZOOS n --n--1 O OS Afiks Edina Camp Plan Update 2008 Chapter 4: Land Use and Community Design P-7 4-33 LA Nonresidential and Description, Land Uses Development Guidelines Density Guidelines Mixed Use Catqorles _ NC Small- to moderate -scale Building footprints Neighborhood Neo commercial, serving primarily the adjacent neighborhood(s). generally less than 20,000 sq. . (or less ft Floor to Area Ratio -Per Commercial Generally a 'node' rather than a for individual current Current examples: corridor.' Primary uses are storefronts). Parking zoning Code: • Morningside retail and services, offices, is less prominent than maximum of commercial core studios, institutional uses. pedestrian features. 1.0* • Valley View and Residential uses permitted. Encourage structured 7.3 Wooddale Existing and potential parking and open units/acre • 70th & Cahill neighborhood commercial space linkages where districts are identified for feasible; emphasize further study. enhancement of the pedestrian environment. OR Transitional areas along major Upgrade existing Office -Residential thoroughfares or between streetscape and Floor to Area No current examples higher -intensity districts and Many building appearance, improve pedestrian Ratio -Per In City. Potential residential districts. existing highway -oriented and transit current Zoning Code: examples include Pentagon Park area commercial areas are environment. maximum of and other 1-494 anticipated to transition to this Encourage structured 0.5 to 1.0* corridor locations more mixed-use character. parking and open 2 - 3 Primary uses are offices, space linkages where units/acre attached or multifamily housing. feasible; emphasize Secondary uses: i the enhancement of the pedestrian and service uses "big box" retail), limited environment. Industrial (fully enclosed), institutional uses, parks and open space. Vertical mixed use should be encouraged, and may be required on larger sites. 0 This designation allows for Provide Office professional and business offices, buffer/ transition to Floor to Area generally where retail services adjacent residential Ratio - Per Current examples do not occur within the uses. Use high quality Zoning Code: include the office development unless they are permanent building Maximum of buildings on the west accessory uses that serve the materials and on-site 0.5 side of TH 100 between 701h and needs of office building tenants. landscaping. Vehicle access requirements for Encourage structured 77th Streets. office uses are high; however, parking. traffic generation from office buildings is limited to morning and evening peak hours during weekdays. Office uses should be located generally along arterial and collector streets. _I Edina Comp Plan Update 2008 4-28 Chapter 4: Land Use and Community Design Future Land Use Plan with City of Edina Building Heights 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Southeast Quadrant W` Figure 4.6B Data Source: URS () 0 015 Mia M A WSBInfrastructure a Engineering a Planning ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Sulte #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 & Asawkors. hW Tel: 763 6414800 Fax: 7635414700 Memorandum DATE: October 2S, 2011 To: Mr. Cary Teague, Planning Director Mr. Wayne Houle, Public Works Director City of Edina FROM: Charles Rickart, P.E., PTOE RE: 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 1686-23 Background The purpose of this study is to determine the potential traffic impacts the proposed redevelopment of the 6996 prance Avenue site has on the adjacent roadway system, and determine the anticipated parking demand for the proposed redevelopment. 'Che site is located in Edina in the northwest quadrant of France Avenue and 70'h Street. The existing site contains a full service Sinclair gas station. Access to the existing site is currently provided at three (3) driveway locations; a right-in/right-out on France Avenue, a right-in/right-out and full movement on 70'h Street. The project location is shown on Figure 1. The proposed site redevelopment includes reconstruction of the site with a new retail/office building. Access to the site will be provided at two driveways; a right -in only on France Avenue and a full movement access on 70'h Street. The current plan provides 34 parking spaces for the site. Two redevelopment alternatives were considered for the traffic and parking analysis. Alternative 1 provides for a mix of 3,000 sf of retail and 5,260 sf of office, where Alternative 2 provides for 6,600 sf of only retail use. The proposed preferred alternative (Alternative 1) site plan is shown on Figure 2. The traffic impacts of the existing and anticipated development were evaluated at each site driveway as well as the primary impacted intersection at France Avenue and 70`l' Street. The parking demand was determined based on the proposed uses and City Code. The following sections of this report document the analysis and anticipated impacts of the proposed redevelopment. A36 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 2 of 9 Existing Traffic Characteristics 'I"he existing lane configuration and traffic control include: France Avenue at 700' Street — Traffic Control Signal SB France Ave approaching 701h St — one through / right, two through, one left NB France Ave approaching 70th St — one right, three through, one left EB 701h St approaching France Ave — one through / right, one through, one left WB 7CPSt approaching France Ave — one through / right, one through, one left Site driveways — Stop Sign Control France Avenue RI / RO access — one lane in, one lane out 70h Street RI / RQ access — one lane in, one lane out 701h Street full movement access — one lane in, one lane out AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts were conducted at each site driveway on September 15, 2011. Although 70'h Street was under construction west of Valley View Road at the time of the count, the total traffic entering and exiting the existing site should not have been greatly affected. Pervious counts conducted at France Avenue and 70'h Street were used in the analysis to determine the background traffic levels on the roadways. Site Trip Generation The estimated trip generation from the proposed redevelopment is shown below in Table 1. The trip generation rates used to estimate the site traffic are based on extensive surveys of the trip - generation rates for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers D-ip Generation Manual, 8th Edition. The table shows the total daily, AM.peak hour and PM. peak hour trip generation for the existing Gas Station use on the site and two proposed redevelopment alternatives. As indicated previously, traffic counts were conducted at each site driveway during the AM and PM peak hours. This was compared to a typical gas / service station trip generation from the ITE Trip Generation Manual. As shown below in Table 1 the potential trips that could be generated from the site is significantly higher than the actual counts. In order to took at the worst case condition, tile ITE site generated traffic was used for the existing no -build analysis. Two redevelopment alternatives were considered. Alternative I provides for a mix of retail and office on the site, where alternative 2 provides for only retail uses. Alternative I has a higher AM peak hour generation while Alternative 2 has a higher PM peak hour generation. However, in both cases the total traffic volume anticipated for the redevelopment will be less than what is currently generated by the site and significantly less than what a typical gastservice station could generate. A31 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 3 of 9 Table 1 - Estimated Site Trip Generation Land Use Size Unit I ADT AM Peak PM Peak Total In I Out I Total In Out Total I In I Out Existing Site Counted 9/15/2011 Gas Station 7 Fueling Stations NA NA NA 24 13 11 46 25 21 Existing Site (ITE Gas Station) Gas Station 7 Fueling Stations 1180 590 L590 85 44 42 98 49 49 Redevelopment Alternative 1 Retail 3 1000 sf 129 64 64 4 3 1 11 5 6 Office 5.26 1000 sf 58 29 29 9 7 2 8 1 7 Total Alternative 1 187 93 43 1 13 10 3 19 6 13 Redevelopment Alternative 2 Retail 6.6 1000 sf 283 142 142 7 5 2 25 12 13 Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, $th Edition Trip Distribution Site -generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on the population distribution relative to the site and the travel sheds for the major routes that serve it. The Trip Distribution was assumed as follows: 30% north on France Avenue 40% south on France Avenue 20% west on 701" Street 10% east on 70th Street Traffic Operations Existing and forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the intersection of France Avenue at 70th Street and each site driveway. This section describes the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations. �a 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 4 of 9 Analysis Methodology The traffic operations analysis is derived from established methodologies documented in the Highivay Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM). The HCM provides a series of analysis techniques that are used to evaluate traffic operations. Intersections are given a Level of Service (LOS) grade from "A" to "17" to describe the average amount of control delay per vehicle as defined in the HCM. The LOS is primarily a function of peak traffic hour turning movement volumes, intersection lane configuration, and the traffic controls at the intersection. LOS A is the best traffic operating condition, and drivers experience minimal delay at an intersection operating at that level. LOS E represents the condition where the intersection is at capacity, and some drivers may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through an intersection controlled by traffic signals. LOS F represents a condition where there is more traffic than can be handled by the intersection, and many vehicle operators may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through the intersection. At a stop sign -controlled intersection, LOS F would be characterized by exceptionally long vehicle queues on each approach at an all -way stop, or long queues and/or great difficulty in finding an acceptable gap for drivers on the minor legs at a through -street intersection. The LOS ranges for both signalized and tin -signalized intersections are shown in Table 2. The threshold LOS values for un -signalized intersections are slightly less than for signalized intersections. This variance was instituted because drivers' expectations at intersections differ with the type of traffic control. A given LOS can be altered by increasing (or decreasing) the number of lanes, changing traffic control arrangements, adjusting the timing at signalized intersections, or other lesser geometric improvements. LOS also changes as traffic volumes increase or decrease. Table 2 - Intersection Level ofVervice Ranges Source: FICNI 433 Control Delay (Seconds) Signalized Un -Signalized A � 10 :5 10 B 10-20 10-15 C 20-35 15-25 D 35-55 25-35 E 55-80 35-50 F 1 >80 >50] Source: FICNI 433 6996 Trance Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 5 of 9 LOS, as described above, can also be determined for the individual legs (sometimes referred to as "approaches") or lanes (turn lanes in particular) of an intersection. It should be noted that a LOS E or F might be acceptable or justified in those cases where a leg(s) or lane(s) has a very low traffic volume as compared to the volume on the other legs. For example, improving LOS on such low-volume legs by converting a two-way stop condition to an all -way stop, or adjusting timing at a signalized intersection, could result in a significant penalty for the many drivers on the major road while benefiting the few on the minor road. Also, geometric improvements on minor legs, such as additional lanes or longer tum lanes, could have limited positive effects and might be prohibitive in terms of benefit to cost. Although LOS A represents the best possible level of traffic flow, the cost to construct roadways and intersection to such a high standard often exceeds the benefit to the user. Funding availability might also lead to acceptance of intersection or roadway designs with a lower LOS. LOS D is generally accepted as the lowest acceptable level in urban areas. LOS C is often considered to be the desirable minimum level for rural areas. LOS D or E may be acceptable for limited durations or distances, or for very low-volume legs of some intersections. The LOS analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic. • Synchro, a software package that implements Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies, was used to build each signalized intersection and provide an input database for turning -movement volumes, lane geometries, and signal design and timing characteristics. In addition, Synchro was used to optimize signal timing parameters for future conditions. Output from Synchro is transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model. SimTraffic is a micro -simulation computer modeling software that simulates each individual vehicle's characteristics and driver behavior in response to traffic volumes, intersection configuration, and signal operations. The model simulates drivers' behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It outputs estimated vehicle delay and queue lengths at each intersection being analyzed. Existing Level of Service Summary Table 3, below, summarizes the existing LOS at each driveway and the intersection of France Avenue and 70"' Street based on the current lane geometry and traffic volumes. The table shows that all intersection are operation at LOS C or better during both the AM and 'M peak hours. At the France Avenue and 70`" Street intersection the northbound left turn in the AM peak and the southbound left turn in the PM peak are currently operating at a LOS E. At the full movement driveway access to 70`" Street the southbound left turn is operating at a LOS E. All other movements are operating at LOS D or better. A31 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 6 of 9 Table 3 - Existing Level of Service C = Overall LOS (F,);= Worst movement LOS Forecast Traffic Operations Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. A capacity and LOS analysis was completed for the France Avenue at 701h Street intersection and each site driveway for both redevelopment alternatives. The results of the analysis are shown below in Table 4 and Table 5. All of the intersections are expected to operate at the same level of service after the redevelopment as before the redevelopment. Table 4 - Alternative I Redevelopment Level of Service AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Intersection Delay Delay LOS (sec/veh) LOS (see/veh) France Ave at 70`" Street C (E) 23 C (E) 28 France Ave Rl/RO Driveway A (A) I A (A) 2 701h Street RVRO Driveway A (A) I A (A) 2 70" Street Full Movement A (A) 2 A (E) 3 DrivewaX C = Overall LOS (F,);= Worst movement LOS Forecast Traffic Operations Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. A capacity and LOS analysis was completed for the France Avenue at 701h Street intersection and each site driveway for both redevelopment alternatives. The results of the analysis are shown below in Table 4 and Table 5. All of the intersections are expected to operate at the same level of service after the redevelopment as before the redevelopment. Table 4 - Alternative I Redevelopment Level of Service C = Overall LOS (E) = Worst movement LOS source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 5 - Alternative 2 Redevelopment Level of Service AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Intersection Delay Delay LOS (see/veh) LOS (sec/veh) France Ave at 70th Street C (E) 23 C (E) 27 France Ave Right In Driveway A (A) I A (A) 2 iO-W'-Street Full Movement A (A) I A (E) 3 Driveway C = Overall LOS (E) = Worst movement LOS source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 5 - Alternative 2 Redevelopment Level of Service C = Overall LOS (F!,) = Worst movement LOS AW Source-. WSB & Associates, me. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Intersection Delay Delay LOS Lse eh) LOS (sectvehl France Ave at 70"' Street C (E) 23 C (E) 27 France Ave Right In Driveway A (A) 1 A (A) 2 -70"Strc`ct Full Movement A (A)1 A (E) 2 I Driveway C = Overall LOS (F!,) = Worst movement LOS AW Source-. WSB & Associates, me. 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 7 of 9 Parking Demand The parking demand for the site was analyzed based on each redevelopment alternative and potential uses on the site. For the office use either a general office or medical office was evaluated. For the retail use a variety of uses were evaluated from general shops to bagel or coffee shops. The parking generation rates used to estimate the parking demand is based on surveys of the parking generation for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual, 4h Edition. Table 6 shows a summary of each of the potential uses and what the anticipated parking demand would be for each for a weekday and weekend. Table 6 - Site Alternative Use Parking Demand PC ITE Parking Generation Manual Weekday Weekend Use Rate Spaces Rate Spaces Size Office.........S,Z6 sf .................. - _ -- --------------0 ...-- ...................... General ------------------------------------------------- 3.45/ksf -------------------------- 19 180/ksf 10 Medical 4.27/ksf 23 4.27/ksf 23 Retail _ 3,000 sf ----- Shopping ... ---- -----•----. 3.16/ksf ------------ --- 10 3.40/ksf .............. 11 Auto Parts •----------------- 2.47/ksf -- 8 -- 2.74/ksf .............. 9_ ------------------ Storc ................... 2.98/ksf __.......- - 9_ ___ 2.55/ksf -•.._---- . 8_ _ Drug Store •.. .. _---._._ ------_-__-. 2.92/ksf ----------------- 9_..__ f 2.94/ksf _._-___-__---- 9 _--... Video Store ---------------- 2.76/ksf ------------ - - ,9_- _ __3Y04/ksf ...--•• ., __ 10 ................. ...•------- Bank ---- 5.67/ksf 18 4.66/ksf 14 _- Copy/Print Store__ __________________ 3A0/ksf --_9___ 3.00/ksf ------ -_-_ Coffee Sha _17.33/ksf - ..._.. 52 __ _17.33/ksf --------- ,-__52 Ba el Sho 8.00/ksf 24 9.78/ksf 30 Retail6,600 ..................................... sf General Shopi�i ..................... _ -------------- ----- Auto Parts ....................• 2.47/ksf ------------ .,.._t7._._ 2.74/ksf -------------- - 19 y ----------------- - Liquor Store -------------------- 2.98/ksf ------------ 20 ___ _ 2.55/ksf_ 17 Drug Store -----------------•... 2.92/ksf ............. _ 20 2.94/ksf .............. 20_..__ Video Store 2.76/ksf ---------.._... l9 3.04/ksf ---._ 21 - .......... ...................-----..._--------- Hank5.67/ksf 38 4.66/ksf 31 Copy/Print Store - ... _ 3A0/ksf 20 3.00/ksf_ 20__.._ _._.. -. 17.33/ksf ..........._. 115 ---------------- 17.33/ksf 115 Ba el Shop8.00/ksf 53 9.78/ksf 65 PC 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 8 of 9 The current City Code would require a total of 47 parking spaces for Alternative I and 42 parking spaces for Alternative 2. Currently the proposed site is estimating 34 parking spaces available. The developer has indicated that based on the proposed site plan (Alternative 1) and the anticipated uses a parking demand of 33 spaces would be required. Reviewing the ITE Parking Generation summary in Table 6, parking demand for Alternative I would range from 27 to 75 spaces needed depending on the use. For Alternative I the parking demand would range from 17 to 115 parking spaces needed depending oil the use. Table 7 provides a summary of the parking demand for the proposed redevelopment plan. The shaded area under each alternative indicates the uses or combination of uses that would not meet the available parking based on ITE estimates. In general any type of high turnover drive up use such as a batik, bagel shop or coffee shop will require more parking than available. Table 7 — Parking Demand Summary Parking Available City Code Developers Estimate Alternative I General Office / General Shopping General Office / Auto Pails General Office / Liquor Store General Office / Drug Store General Office / Video Store General Office / Bank General Office / Copy Print Store General Office / Coffee Shop General Office / Bagel Shop Alternative 2 General Shopping Auto Parts Liquor Store Drug Store Video Store Bank Copy Print Store Coffee Shop Bagel Shop 34 (Alternative 1) 47/42 (Alternative I / Alternative 2) 33 (Alternative 1) 29/21 Medical Office / General Shopping 33/34 27/19 Medical Office / Auto Parts 31/32 28/18 Medical Office / Liquor Store 32/31 28/19 Medical Office / Drug Store 32/32 28/20 Medical Office / Video Store 32/33 37/24 Medica! Office / Bank 41/37 28/19 Medical Office / Copy Print Store 32/32 71162 Medical Office / Coffee Shop 75175 43/40 Medical Office / Bagel Shop 47/53 21/23 17/19 20/17 20/20 19/21 38/31 20/20 115/115 53/65 AP xx/xx = Weekday/Weekend 6996 France Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina September 30, 2011 Page 9 of 9 Conclusions / Recommendation Based on the analysis documented in this memorandum, WSB has concluded the following: * The proposed site redevelopment is anticipated to generate less traffic than the current gas / service station use and significantly less than what a typical gas / service station could generate. • Traffic operations at the intersections of France Avenue and 70x' Street will remain the same with or without the proposed redevelopment. ■ Traffic operations at each of the proposed site driveway will operate at overall LOS A. The existing movement from the 70't' Street full movement access will experience minor delays during the PM peak hour. This will not affect the operation of traffic on 70a' Street. ■ Although the available parking does not meet the City's Code, based on ITB parking generation estimates the 34 parking spaces would be adequate for Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 with non drive -up high turnover uses. Based on these conclusions no additional improvements other than those shown on the site plan would be required to accommodate the proposed site redevelopment. �3� w+ Y `h l tii , ` >. • � � ter �, Y t j �d '! � y +•yl-�,:`: '� a �V 7 a'. * 00 ' f� " y e , �i' r, e I�Y ! 1� $ t"'tr r Pra,jec`Taeat�c A frl t 6996.Ta nce Avenue F.. 7Qtli Street 01V 1A + # a, � ,sem � ��' �";, .,;• } � '�L� p � Jet k •� 7 ST ew.R5. W=g 'a I �I Y if 4 � a! a + v , w <, a low Aw & p allisa FF Q r �� t 70TH & FRANCE RETAIL i p ¢R I 6 s1 11 6999 EWANCE AVENUE SOUtN py6 - jt CB�NA, MINNESOTA F A L'a 2 I SITE PIANNt/ A Size �j�f Weekend /1 SB infrastructure a Engineering r Planning s Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Rate Suite #300 Office Minneapolis, SUN 68416 Tel: 763 641.4800 Pax: 763 6414700 Memorandum DATE: February 2, 2012 TO. Mr. Cary Teague, Planning Director Mr. Wayne Houle, Public Works Director City of Edina FROM. Charles Rickart, P..E., PTOE ;RE: Supplemental Parking Analysis 6996 France Avenue City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 1686-2.3 A Traffic and Parking Study was completed in October 2011 that reviewed two primary alternatives for the land use on the site. The alternatives included: I) a mix of office (5,260st) and retail (3,000sf), or; 2) all retail (6,600sf). The results of the study concluded that the parking being proposed (34 spaces) was adequate for both alternatives with no drive up high turnover uses (i.e. bakery, bank, bagel shop or coffee shop). However, the analysis did not include an alternative that assumed all office (8,260sf). In order to provide the developer with flexibility in filling the new building the 100% office alternative was also analyzed. The parking generation rates used to estimate the parking demand is based on surveys of the parking generation for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual, 4"' Edition. Table 1 shows a summary of the potential office uses and what the anticipated parking demand would be for each for a weekday and weekend. Table 1— Office Use Parking Demand The results of this supplemental analysis conclude that the available parking would be adequate for a general office use. However, should a medical office use occupy the entire building there would be a shortage of parking. Assuming 34 available parking stalls the maximum size of medical office space that could be accommodated is 7,950sf: UCN Size Wee ay Weekend hate Spaces Rate Spaces Office 8,260 sf _ General _---_... ................. 3.45/ksf 29 ......s. 15 Medical 4.27/ksf 36 4.271ksf 36 The results of this supplemental analysis conclude that the available parking would be adequate for a general office use. However, should a medical office use occupy the entire building there would be a shortage of parking. Assuming 34 available parking stalls the maximum size of medical office space that could be accommodated is 7,950sf: UCN City of Edina - City Code. CITY CODE Section 850.16 - Planned Commercial District (PCD). Subd. 1 5ubdlstricts. The Planned Commercial District shall be divided Into the following subdistricts: Planned Commercial (PCR -1) District - i Planned Commercial (PCD -2) District -2 Planned Commercial (PCD -3) District -3 Planned Commercial (PCD -4) District - 4 Subd. 2 Principal Uses in PCD -1. Antique shops. Art galleries. Art studios. Bakeries, provided the room or rooms containing the preparation and baking process shall not have a gross floor area in excess of 2,500 square feet. Barber shops. Beauty parlors. Bicycle stores, including rental, repair and sales. Book and stationery stores. Camera and photographic supply stores. Candy and Ice cream stores. Clothes pressing and tailoring shops. Clothing stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Clubs, lodge halls and meeting rooms, offices and other facilities for non-profit organizations not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Coin and philatelic stores. Day care. Drug stores. Dry cleaning establishments and laundries. Employment agencies. Financial institutions, but excluding drive-through facilities and pawn shops. Florist shops. Food, grocery, meat, fish, bakery and delicatessen stores, Garden supply, tool and seed stores. Gift shops. Handball courts, racquetball courts and exer;;cii�s++e and reducing salons. Vi"T' Page 1 of 11 http://w,vvw.ei.edina.mii.us/CityCode/1,5-01 _CityCodeSect0850.16.htm 8/8/2011 City of Cdiva - City Code Page 2ofil Hardware stores. Hobby shops for the sale of goods to be assembled and used off the premises. Household furnishings, fixtures and accessory stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area, Interior decorating establishments. Jewelry stores. Launderettes. Leather goods stores. Liquor stores, municipally owned, off -sale. Locksmith shops. Medical and dental clinics. Music and video sales and rental stores. Musical Instruments stores and repair shops. Newsstands. Offices, including both business and professional. Optical stores. Paint and wallpaper stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Personal apparel stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Picture framing and picture stores. Repair stores and "fix -It" shops which provide services for the repair of home, garden, yard and personal use appliances. Restaurants, but excluding "drive ins" and drive through facilities, other than as allowed In Section 850,07, Subd. 14.F. Schools. Second-hand stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area, but excluding pawn shops. Shoe sales or repair stores. Sporting and camping goods stores not exceeding 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Tailor shops. Tobacco shops. Toy shops. Travel bureaus and transportation ticket offices. Variety, gift, notion and soft goods stores. Vending machines which are coin or card operated, but excluding amusement devices. 5ubd. 3 Principal Uses In PGD -2. Any principal use permitted In PCD -1. WE littp://www.ei.edina.mn.us/CityCode/1,5-01—CityCodeSect0850.16.htm 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code Page 3 of 1 l Amusement and recreation establishments such as amusement arcades, commercial bowling alleys and pool halls. Animal hospitals and kennels, but excluding establishments with outside runs. Automotive accessory stores, but excluding repair and service garages. Blueprinting, printing and Photostatting establishments. Business machine sales and service shops. Catering establishments. Clothing stores. Clubs, lodge halls and meeting rooms, offices and other facilities for non-profit organizations. Commercial kennels as defined by Subsection 300.01 of the City Code. Currency exchanges as defined In M.S. 53A. Department stores not exceeding 40,000 square feet of gross floor area. Dry goods stores. Electrical and household appliance stores, including radio and television sales and service. Exterminating offices. Fabric stores. Frozen food stores including the rental of lockers in conjunction therewith. Furniture stores including upholstering when conducted as an Incidental part of the principal use. Fraternal, philanthropic and charitable institution offices and assembly halls. Furrier shops including the storage and conditioning of furs when conducted as an incidental part of the principal use. Home repair, maintenance and remodeling stores and shops. Hotels, motels and motor inns. Household furnishings, fixtures and accessories stores. Laboratories, medical and dental. Office supplies stares. Orthopedic and medical appliance stores, but excluding the manufacturing or assembly of appliances or goods. Paint and wallpaper stores. Personal apparel stores. Pet shops. Photography studios. Post offices. Public utility service stores. A �3 http://www.ci.ediiia.iiin.tis/CityCode/L5-01s CityCodeSect0850.16.htm 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Cade Page 4 of 11 Rental agencies for the rental only of clothing, appliances, automobiles, cartage trailers, and household fixtures, furnishings and accessories, excluding pawn shops. Schools for teaching music, dance or business vocations. Sporting and camping goods stores. Taxidermist shops. Telegraph offices. Theaters, but excluding outdoor or "drive -In" facilities. Ticket agencies. Trading stamps redemption stores. Undertaking and funeral home establishments. Subd 4. Principal Uses In PCD -3. Any principal use permitted In PCD -2, except offices requiring the Issuance of a conditional use permit. Department stores or shopping centers exceeding 40,000 square feet of gross floor area. Transit stations. Publicly owned uses. Sexually oriented businesses. Subd 5. Principal Uses In PCD -4. Automobile service centers. Car washes. Gas stations. Subd. 6. Conditional Uses. A. PCD -1 and PCD -2. Multi -residential uses. B. PCD -3. Automobile agencies selling new, unused vehicles. Boat or marine stores or agencies selling or displaying new, unused boats. Multi -residential uses. Offices except offices allowed as a permitted accessory use. All non-residential uses that Increase the FAR to more than 0.5. Subd 7. Accessory Uses in PCD -1. Off-street parking facilities. Buildings for the storage of merchandise to be retailed by the related principal use. Not more than two amusement devices. Drive through facilities, except those accessory to financial Institutions. A restaurant may have a drive-through facility subject to the requirements In Section 850.07, Subd. 14.F. tt tt'' 4 `t' http://www.ci.editia.mii.iis/CityCode/L.5-01_,CityCodeSectO850.16.htili 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code Produce stands pursuant to a permit issued by the Manager Subd. 8. Accessory Uses In PCD -2 - All accessory uses allowed In PCD -1. Drive-through facilities. Amusement devices. Offices accessory to a principal use. Subd. 9. Accessory Uses In PCD -3. All accessory uses permitted in PCD -1 and PCD -2. Automobile or boat and marine stores or agencies selling used automobiles or boats, if (1) such a use is accessory to and on the same lot as a related principal use selling new automobiles or boats, and (11) the total floor area and lot area devoted to the accessory use does not exceed that of the principal use. Repair garages for servicing motor vehicles, if such a use is on the same lot as an automobile agency. Offices accessory to an allowed principal use. Subd. 10. Accessory Uses in PCD -4. Accessory car washes. Retail sales of convenience goods. Gasoline sales accessory to a car wash. Subd. 11. Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks and Height. A. Maximum Floor Area Ratio (subject to the requirements of Subd. 12 of this Subsection) PCD -i 1.0 of the tract PCD -2 1.5 of the tract PCD -3 1) North of West 70th Street: 1.0 of the tract provided that non-residential uses may not exceed 0.75. 11) South of West 70th Street: 0.5 of the tract. PCD -4 0.3 of the tract B. Setbacks (Subject to the requirements of paragraphs A. and 8. of Subd. 11 of this Subsection). Page 5 of 11 littp://www.ci.edina.inn.us/CityCode/L.5-01 __CityCodeSect0850.16.htni 8/8/2011 interior Front Side Side Rear Street Street Yard Yard PCD -1 35'* 25'* 25'* 25'* PCD -2 35'* 25'* 25"` 25'* PCD -3 North of 70th 35'** 35'** 35'** 35'** Street South of 70th 50'** 50'** 50'** 50'** Street PCD -4 35' 25' 25' 25' All other uses45' 25' 45' 25' A `T ' Page 5 of 11 littp://www.ci.edina.inn.us/CityCode/L.5-01 __CityCodeSect0850.16.htni 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code Page 6 of 11 *or the building height, if greater. **Subject to the requirements of Subd. 11 of this section. C. Maximum Building Height. PCD -1 -- See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD -2 -- See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD -3 -- See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. PCD -4 -- See Section 850.22, Building Height Overlay District and Appendix A of the City's Official Zoning Map. Subd. 12. Special Requirements. In addition to the general requirements described In Subsection 850.07, the following special requirements shall apply: A. Established Average Front Street Setback for PCD -1 and PCD -2. When more than 25 percent of the frontage on one side of the street between Intersections Is occupied by buildings having front street setbacks of greater or lesser distances than hereafter required, then the average setback of the existing buildings shall be maintained by all new or relocated buildings on the same side of that street and between the intersections. If a building is to be built or relocated where there Is an established average setback, and there are existing buildings on only one side of the building or relocated building, the front street setback of the new or relocated building need be no greater than that of the nearest adjoining principal building. If a building is to be built or relocated where there Is an established average setback and there are existing buildings on both sides of the new or relocated building, the front street setback need be no greater than that which would be established by connecting a line between the most forward portion of the adjacent principal building on each side. B. Interior Side Yard and Rear Yard Setbacks. Interior side yard and rear yard setbacks Including parking setbacks and loading facility setbacks apply only when the side or rear lot line Is a Planned Commercial District boundary. C. Setbacks for PCD -3. The minimum building setback required by Paragraph B of Subd. 11 of this subsection shall be increased as follows: 1. In the area bounded by France Avenue an the west, York Avenue on the east and W. 70th Street on the south, the minimum building setback shall be Increased by 1/3 foot for each foot that the building exceeds 50 feet In building height. For purposes hereof, only those portions of buildings which exceeds 50 feet in building height need provide the additional setbacks required by this paragraph. 2. In all other areas, the minimum building setback shall be equal to the building height for buildings taller than 50 feet. Notwithstanding the requirement of this subsection, the City encourages 1) ground level retail and service uses that create an active pedestrian and streetscape environment and ii) pedestrian connections by way of skyways and tunnels. The City Council will consider exceptions to setback requirements for these purposes. A http://www.ci.ediiia.iiin.tis/CityCode/l,5-01 C ityCodeSect0850.16.htm 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code D. Travel Demand Management. Final development plans for any office use In the PCD -3 subdistrict which requires the issuance of a conditional use permit shall Include a travel demand management (TDM) plan prepared by an Independent TDM professional. The plan must document TDM measures and performance measures to be Implemented. Approval of the TDM plan by the City shall be a condition of the Issuance of the conditional use permit. E. On Site Sanitary Sewage Retention System. This paragraph applies to properties served by Metropolitan Sewer Interceptor No. i -RF -491. Final development plans for any new buildings or uses in the PCD -3 subdistrict that require the Issuance of a conditional use permit shall Include plans for storage tanks and other facilities designed to retain on-site sanitary sewer discharges during peak flow conditions that would otherwise enter the City's sanitary sewer system. Such plans must be prepared by a licensed professional engineer acceptable to the City. The plans must provide for facilities designed to prevent discharges to the sanitary sewer system during peak flow conditions, In amounts and volumes that exceed discharges that existed prior to construction of the buildings and uses proposed by the final development plans. Approval of the sanitary sewer retention system shall be a condition of the conditional use permit. In lieu of constructing a storage tank, a cash fee equal to the cost of constructing the storage tank may be paid to the city. The fee shall be placed in a dedicated fund to pay for the cost of reducing inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. A credit against the fee shall be given for any expenditures made to reduced Inflow and Infiltration on-site. Section 850. 16, subd. 12, paragraph F of the Edina City Code is repealed effective the day that the capacity of Metropolitan Sewer Interceptor No. 1 -RF -491 Is improved to increase Its capacity by at least +/- 69%. F. Proximity to R-1 District. The following minimum distance shall exist between buildings in the Planned Commercial District and the nearest lot line of an R-1 District lot used for residential purposes: Building Distance to R-1 District Height H- 6 storlesTwice the building height of the building In the Planned Commercial District. 7 - 8 stories Four times the building height of the building In the Planned Commercial District. 9 or more Six times the building height of the building stories in the Planned Commercial District. G. Storage. All materials, supplies, merchandise and other similar materials not on display for direct sale, rental or lease to the ultimate consumer shall be stored within a completely enclosed building or within the confines of a completely opaque wall or fence capable of completely screening all the materials from adjoining properties, The wall or fence under no circumstances shall be less than five feet in height. H, Displays. Merchandise which Is offered for sale may be displayed outside of buildings in the PCD -1, PCD -2 and PCD -3 subdistricts, provided the area occupied by the display shall not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the building or portion thereof housing the principal use. No displays shall be permitted within that half of the required front street or side street AIL-7 II Page 7 of 11 http://www.ci.edina.mn.us/CityCode/1,5-01_CityCodeSect085O. l6.htm 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code setback nearest the street, nor within any required side yard or rear yard setback. Agencies selling automobiles or boats, as permitted by this Section, may display automobiles or boats outside of a building If the area used for the displays shall comply with all the standards for a parking lot including construction, setbacks, landscaping and screening as contained in this Section. I. Minimum Building Size. The minimum size for any building housing one or more principal uses in the PCD -1, PCD -2 or PCD -3 subdistricts shall be 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within the first story. J. Outdoor Sales, Tent Sales and Trailer Sales Prohibited. Except for the dispensing of motor fuels and the use of drive-through facilities permitted by this Section, all sales of products and merchandise, and dispensing of services, shall be conducted from within the confines of a permanent building totally enclosed by four walls and a roof. The sale of products and merchandise, and the dispensing of services, from a motor vehicle, trailer, tent or other temporary structure or shelter, or outside of a permanent building as above described, is prohibited. K. Building Design and Construction. In addition to the other restrictions of this Section and of Section 410 of this Code, the use, construction, alteration or enlargement of any building or structure within the Planned Commercial District shall meet the following standards: 1. All exterior wall finishes on any building shall be one or a combination of the following: a. face brick; b. natural stone; c. specially designed precast concrete units If the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture; d. factory fabricated and finished metal framed panel construction if the panel materials are any of those noted above; or A% Page 8 of 11 littp://www.ci.edina.ntn.us/CityCodcIL5.01_CityCodeSectO850,1 d.litm 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code e, glass or preflnished metal (other than unpainted galvanized iron. 2. All subsequent additions, exterior alterations and accessory buildings constructed after the erection of an original building or buildings shall be constructed of the same materials as the original building and shall be designed in a manner conforming to the original architectural design and general appearance. L. Performance Standards. All business operations shall conform to the performance standards established by this Section for the Planned Industrial District provided that the performance standards shall be applied, and must be complied with, at the boundaries of the lot on which the business operations take place. M. Maximum Business Establishment Size in PCD -1 Subdistricts. No use in the PCD -1 subdistrict shall exceed 12,000 square feet of gross floor area or the lesser gross floor area as is Imposed on the use by Subd. 2 of this Subsection 850.16. N. Drive -In Uses. Except for the dispensing of motor fuels, drive -In uses shall not be permitted. Nothing herein contained, however, prohibits accessory drive-through facilities where permitted by this Subsection 850.16. O. Automobile Service Centers and Gas Station Standards. 1. Minimum lot area: a. for an automobile service center, 20,000 square feet, plus 5,000 square feet for each service bay in excess of three. b. for a gas station, 15,000 square feet. ATO Page 9 of 11 http://www.ci.editia.inn.us/CityCode/LS-01_CityCodeSectO850.16.litm $/8!2011 City of Edina - City Code 2. Maximum lot area: 60,000 square feet. I Hydraulic hoists, pits, lubrication, washing, repairing and diagnostic equipment shall be used and stored within a building. 4. Interior curbs of not less than six inches In height shall be constructed to separate driving surfaces from sidewalks, landscaped areas and streets. 5. No automobile service station on a lot adjoining a lot in a residential district shall be operated between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. 6. All driving surfaces shall be constructed and maintained in the same manner as prescribed for parking lots by this Section. 7. No merchandise shall be displayed for sale outside a building except in that area within four feet of the building or within pump Islands used for dispensing motor fuels. 8. No motor vehicles except those owned by the operators and employees of the principal use, and vehicles awaiting service, shall be parked on the lot occupied by the principal use. Vehicles being serviced may be parked for a maximum of 48 hours. 9. Body work and painting Is prohibited. 1o. No buildings, driveway surfaces, parking areas or other Improvements shall be located within 110 feet of any portion of a lot in a residential district which Is used for residential purposes if separated from the lot by a street, or within 50 feet if not so separated by a street. Page 10 of 11 http:/hvNvty.ci.edina.mn.us/CityCode/L5-01__CityCodeSccIO850.16.litin 8/8/2011 City of Edina - City Code Page I 1 of 11 11. Pump Islands shall maintain a front and side street setback of at least 20 feet and an interior side yard and rear yard setback of at least 25 feet. 12. Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection 850.08, driveways and drive aisles need only provide a setback of not more than five feet from all lot lines, subject to the requirements of subparagraph 10. of paragraph L. of this Subd. 11. P. Car Wash Standards. 1. A car wash shall be subject to the same standards as specified herein for automobile service centers. 2. All waste water disposal facilities, including sludge, grit removal and disposal equipment, must be approved by the Engineer prior to installation. 3. Not more than one point of Ingress and one point of egress shall be allowed from any one public street to the car wash. Q. Standards for Sexually -Oriented Businesses. 1. No sexually -oriented business shall be located closer than 500 feet from any other sexually- orlen ted business or licenses day-care facility. Measurements shall be made In a straight line, without regard to Intervening structures or objections, from the nearest point of the actual premises of the sexually -oriented business or licenses day-care facility. 2. No sexually -oriented business shall be located closer than 500 feet from any property in the R-1, R-2, PRD, PSR or MOD District, or any residentially zoned property in the city adjoining the City. Measurements shall be made in a straight line, without regard to Intervening structures objects, from the nearest point of the actual business premises of the sexually - oriented business to the nearest boundary of the R-1, R-2, PRD, PSR, or MDD District. R. Standards for residential dwelling units. 1. No part of any dwelling unit shall be located in a basement or on the first story of a building in the PCD - 1 or the PCD -2 subdistricts. 2. In the PCD -1 and the PCD -2 subdistricts, the floor area of that portion of a building used for multi - residential purposes shall not be included for the purpose of calculating the maximum floor area ratio allowed by Paragraph A of Subd. 11 of this Subsection. 3. In the PCD -3 subdistrict, the floor area of buildings or portions thereof used for multi -residential purposes shall be included for the purpose of calculating the maximum floor area ratio allowed by Paragraph A of Subd. 11 of this Subsection. 4. In the PCD -3 subdistrict, the maximum floor area ratio allowed by Paragraph A of Sund. 11 of this Subsection may be increased by .25 by including the floor areas of dwelling units classified as affordable housing units pursuant to an agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina. 451 littp://www.ci.edina.nin.us/CityCode/L5-01_CityCodeSectO850.16.htm 8/8/2011 Dec. 6, 2011 Edina City Council Regualr Meeting; Minutes M'ar Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. No one appeJWd to comment. Member Swenson de a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, to close Ayes: Bennett, Brindl Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. public hearing. Page 4 of 15 Mayor Hovland stated the 201%budget would be considered awe December 20, 2011, Council meeting. VIX. 2012 LIQUOR LICENSE FEESVorlicen City Clerk Mangen explained State 1public hearing be held after a 30 -day notice to license holders of the City's intention to raiIiees. To date, na comment had been received from licensees. Ms. Mangen indicated stnding a slight increase in On -Sale Intoxicating License and Beer License fees to cover the Cive and enforcement costs. Mayor Hovland opened the public hear' g at 7: Public Testimony No one appeared to co Member Brindle madAa motion, seconded by Member Sprag to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, 8 die, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion ca "I Member enson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, toad t2012 liquor license fees. Aye ennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland carried, VI.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2011-127 ADOPTED — PRELIMINARY REZONING TO PUD & PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 6996 FRANCE AVENUE FOR FE 70, LLC Ar" littp://www.ci.eclina.rnn.us/CityCouncil/CityCouncil_MeetingMinutes/20111206Reg.litm 1/30/2012 Dec. 6, 2011 Edina City Council Reguair Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 15 Planning Director Teague presented the request of FE 70, LLC, for preliminary approval of a rezoning from PCD -4, Planned Commercial District, to PUD, Planned Unit Development District and Preliminary Development Plan. The proponent was proposing to tear down the existing gas station at 6996 France Avenue and rebuild an 8,260 square -foot office/retail building that included a 3,000 square -foot vitamin store and a 5,260 square -foot financial office. He noted the added mezzanine for the financial office had increased the square footage but not changed the footprint of the building. Mr. Teague presented the recommendation of the Planning Commission, from its November 9, 2011, meeting and unanimous recommendation for approval. He explained that should the entire building be utilized as retail, the mezzanine would have to be turned Into storage space and not utilized as retail space. It was also concluded that parking was adequate for the intended use but would not support certain other uses. The PUD rezoning would assure this was the building constructed on the site and if approved, the ordinance amendment would be finalized with the second phase of the project. The approved plans and parking standards would be Incorporated into the zoning ordinance with principal uses listed. Mr. Teague indicated the staff and the Planning Commission recommendation was subject to the findings and conditions as listed in the staff report. Proponent Presentation Dean Dovolis, DJR Architecture representing the developer, stated this building would create a good transition between the commercial and residential uses and anchor the corner with retail and office. He hoped it was the first step to transition the area. Mr. Dovolis stated he thought the PUD process worked well. The Council asked about the traffic movement on 70th Street, as referenced in the traffic report conclusions and recommendations. Chuck Rickart, WSB & Associates, described the left turning movement from France Avenue to 70th Street that had the most delay during the PM peak hour. He agreed that certain uses needed to be prohibited due to peak parking need. it was noted the available parking was felt to be adequate for nondrive-thru uses. The Council asked whether a drive-thru use should be prohibited in the PUD. Mr. Teague answered in the affirmative. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 7:48 p.m.. Public Testimony No one appeared to comment. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2011-127, approving a Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan for FE TO LLC at 6996 France Avenue, as revised to list drive - AS 3 http://wWw.ci.edina.inn.us/CityCotincil/C.ityCouncil_Mee(iiigMinutcs/20111206R,eg.litiii 1/30/2012 Dec. 6, 2011 Edina City Council Regualr Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 15 thru uses as prohibited and restrict the mezzanine level from retail use, and based on the following findings: 1. The proposed land uses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The site layout would be an improvement over a site layout required by standard zoning; the building is brought up to the street, provides front door entries toward the street and includes sidewalks to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment along the street. 3. The design of the building Is of a high quality stone with large windows. The building is consistent with the small scale buildings on this block. 4. The development would incorporate improved landscaping and green space, a decrease in impervious coverage and an Infiltration area. S. The contaminated soils on the site would be cleaned up. 6. Traffic would be Improved in the area with a right -in only access on France Avenue, the elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection and narrowing the curb cut farther to the west. And subject to the following conditions: 1. The final development plans must be consistent with the preliminary development plans dated September 13, 2011, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. 2. The final landscape plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Section 850.04 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined In the City Engineer's memo dated November 3, 2011. 4. Final rezoning is subject to a Zoning Ordinance amendment creating the PUD, Planned Unit Development, for this site. Member Swenson seconded the motion. It was noted this project would result in the loss of the only full service station in Edina; however, it was a viable business and not a forced sale. The Council discussed the application and whether a change in use should require reconsideration by the Planning Commission and City Council even If the new use was permitted. Attorney Knutson recommended listing the two uses requested (vitamin store of 3,000 square feet and financial office of 5,260 square feet) as permitted uses and all other uses as conditional uses. The Council discussed whether to permit all office uses without a square footage restriction since available parking would be adequate. It was indicated that retail use, up to a certain square footage, could be a permitted use conditioned on the mezzanine being restricted to storage use. Should a new use result in a change from either retail or office, or a combination, then it would be a conditional use and require reconsideration. Member Bennett made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, amending the motion to revise Resolution No. 2011-127 to include three conditions: S. Drive-through uses $hall h2 RrQhIblted 6. Permitted uses are the two uses re (vitamin store re feet and financial v€ office of 5,260 scivare feet • other retail uses gp to 3 040 s uare feet other retail uses over 3 000 square feet c nd nemezzanine used for storagei f up to 9,26Q sguare feet. 7. ALothe uses are conditional uses http:liwww.ei.edina.mti.tts/CityCouncillCityCouncil_IvMcetingMinutes/20111206Reg.htm 1/3012012 Dec. 6, 2011 Edina City Council Regualr Meeting Minutes Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion to amend carried. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion as amended carried. Vn. COMMENT Page 7 of 15 Paul Smith, 480 Xlywood West, stated his concern with the number of aggressive votes in Edina and reported a coyot ad attacked his small dog. Police Chief Long indicated Edin as leading the way with coyote manageme and would be hosting a training session for policy mak and animal control officers throughout the met area. Chief Long stated the Polic/e-e nt wou work with residents and the ultimate goal was to ducate the community on the being c otes. Wayne Carlson, 523 Cov try Lane, asked when his vast for pets would be considered. Mr. Neal indicated the Council had irected staff to reassess thed determine if new Information had been provided to change staff's commendation on Mr. Cast. A letter had been mailed today that provided staffs recommen tion to not support recon Sheila Rzepecki, 6617 Norman\Hues oad, expr ed her concern about the speed of traffic on 66th Street and Indicated residents would like ed spee of 25 mph on the frontage road. She also commented that activity resulting from renting Pavi ' n to aver 2,000 people in May was driving people away from the pa rk. Emily Sever, 6713 Normandale Ro , s%sewalks orted the statements of Ms. Rzepecki and indicated that to provide safety there was a need for cro alksand flashing lights on 66th Street. Vill. REPORTS f RECOPMENDA TIONS VIIIA. RESOLUTION .2011-119 ADOPTED AC Mayor Hovland ex fined that in order to comp) adopted by Resol ion and approved by four favor Member Benne introduced and moved adoption Member Brin seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bgfinett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland carried. VARIOUS DONATIONS State Statutes; all donations to the City must be votes of the Council accepting the donations. Resolution No. 2011-119 accepting various donations. EDINA ART CENTER REouEST FOR PROPOSAL DISCUSSED AS5- http://%v%vw.ci.edina.mn.usICityCouncil/CityCouncil_McctitigMinutcsl2011l2O6Rcg.htin 1/30/2012 Chair Grabiel No one spoke to the the public hearing. Commissioner Carpenter n'lbved to close tlidpublic hearing. Commissioner Platteter seconded the motion. 11 votolaye to close the public hearing. Commissioner Carpenter said in opinIsQthe request is reasonable and if parking was addressed as a condition approval hi6wpuld support the subdivision. Co=iffigionAepdarpenter moved to recommend prep nary nary plat approval based the on sl ngs and subject to staff conditions inch di additional condition h He that s��-ewparking cross easements be filed and recorde ith Hennepin County le time at t�A time of plat approval. Commissioner Potts secondiNedt motion. All voted am& motion carried. Vil. REPORTSIRECOMMENDATIONS Sketch Plan Review 6996 France Avenue South, Edina, MN Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission is being asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to redevelop the property located at 6996 France Avenue. The site is currently zoned Planned Commercial District -4 (PCD) and is an existing Sinclair Gas Station. The applicant would like to rezone the site from PCD -4 to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Teague noted that the present zoning only allows automobile service centers, car washes and gas stations. Teague explained that the subject property is located within an area of the City that is designated as a "Potential Area of Change" within the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for "Office Residential — OR" which allows for limited retail use. Continuing, Teague said because of that land designation uses allowed within the PCD -1 zoning district would seem more appropriate here. Planner Teague explained that the proposal requires a rezoning whether it is to PUD, PCD -1 or to PCD -3. Therefore, the decision to require a Small Area Plan shall be made by the City Council. With graphics Teague presented a compliance table of City standards for the PCD -1 zoning district. Page 4 of 8 14 IST'6/ Planner Teague concluded that the proposal would be an improvement over the existing building and use on the site. Staff would have a concern however in conventional rezoning (PCD -1 or 3) of the site without a specific use proposed. You may recall the building that was approved as part of the Conditional Use Permit at 69th and York; In that case, initially two small retail buildings were proposed up close to the street, similar to the proposed building. However, after a year of the site siting vacant, a CVS went into the site, in a single building that looked nothing like the originally proposed buildings. However, through the use of the PUD zoning, the City could provide some protections in ensuring that the building �roposed is actually constructed. The PUD Ordinance was not available when the 69t & York Site was approved for development. Appearing for the Applicant Dean Dovolis Discussion Commissioner Platteter asked Planner Teague his reason (if rezoned) for recommending a PCD -1 zoning classification vs. a PCD -3 zoning classification. Teague responded his preference would be PUD; however, if only rezoned a PCD -1 zoning classification would be best. Limited retail would tie in with the newly configured West 701h Street and would also maintain limited retail west of France Avenue. Chair Grabiel clarified that this issue is for site plan review; no action from the Commission is required; just comments and ideas. Planner Teague agreed adding that the applicant can go before the City Council with the sketch plan review on September Aoolicant Presentation Mr. Dovolis addressed the Commission and illustrated the vision of a possible redevelopment of the existing Sinclair Gas Station. Dovolis said this vision compliments the pedestrian friendly reconstruction of West 70th Street, Continuing, Dovolis said the project would be a single -story 6,600 square foot retail building with parking to the rear. Dovolis said the building would be oriented toward France Avenue and West 70th Street with the parking tucked behind. Dovolis said the goal was to create an evolution; noting this is a strong corner that needs to be redeveloped correctly. Concluding, Dovolis said that leasing for this project would not be an issue; interest has already been expressed if the project moves forward. Commissioner Carpenter asked what the buildings were to the south of the subject site. It was reported that the buildings to the south were an office building and bank respectively. Chair Grabiel asked Mr. Dovolis if he has any thoughts on a PUD designation for the project. Mr. Dovolis responded that in his opinion the PUD classification was logical, Page 6 of 8 AT7 adding working with the City to the guide the project would be beneficial. Dovolis reiterated that this is a strong corner and any redevelopment needs to be done right. Commissioner Potts asked Mr. Dovolis if he thinks the proposed parking on one side only of the building could be a detrimental to retail. Mr. Dovolis responded that the market is starting to become more open to the 2 -door building. Mr. Dovolis said the proposed building would have both rear and front entrances/exit. A discussion ensued on parking and circulation with the following comments. Controlled intersection -acknowledge there would be periods when stacking would occur •Right in only access on France Avenue and elimination of the curb cut nearest the intersection. *Acknowledge that potential for vehicles to navigate the proposed round -about and circle the block. Commissioner Forrest said that she has a concern with amending the Comprehensive Plan; however, was comfortable with handling this redevelopment through the PUD process if the project moves forward. Forrest pointed out that currently what's proposed is a "no -no; it doesn't meet the Comprehensive Guide Plan for west of France Avenue. The discussion continued focusing on the proposed change in retail use from a full scale service station to limited retail and the impact that change in use would have on traffic. It was acknowledged that even without seeing any traffic counts a limited retail use would generate less traffic than a full scale gas station. Chair Grabiel said he was familiar with the service station; adding that although the Sinclair site wasn't a Holiday or SA it still generates business. Commissioner Forrest commented on the building design and asked Mr. Dovolis if he believes the proposed building could be easily adapted to an office building if the need to do so arose. Mr. Dovolis responded in the affirmative. He said the building foot print would service both. Commissioner Staunton said he would like to echo Commissioner Forrest`s concern on the Comprehensive Plan and retail west of France Avenue. Staunton also acknowledged the reference in the staff report indicating that this redevelopment could trigger a small area plan, adding he is a little uncomfortable with that. Continuing, Staunton said the Commission should proceed cautiously with any redevelopment west of France. Chair Grabiel noted that retail is the primary use along France Avenue, adding if one looks at the plain language of the Comprehensive Plan this redevelopment works. Planner Teague informed the Commission that this project would not be an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan — limited retail use is a permitted use on this site. Page 6 of 8 5t Mr. Dovolis added that he believes limited retail is the appropriate use for this site. Commissioner Forrest commented that in her opinion reviewing this project as a PUD would be useful. Commissioner Carpenter asked Mr. Dovolis if the rendering of the building presented to the Commission would be what was built. Mr. Dovolis responded in the affirmative, adding what was indicated on the drawings would be what's constructed. Continuing, Dovolis reiterated the importance of this corner, adding the design presented is specific to this corner. Concluding, Chair Grabiel and the Commission thanked Mr. Dovolis and the development team for bringing this concept before them. The general consensus was support for the project and that the upgrading of this corner was a good thing. Approaching this redevelopment through the PUD process was also reasonable. Vill. CO Chair Grabiel ack ledged receipt of the Council Connection. IX. CHAIR AND COMM ION COMMENTS Commissioner Platteter aske canner Teague for an up to on the chiller at York Gardens. Planner Teague repo d that the City Cou approved the new chiller location and also directed York G ens to immedi ly install noise reduction materials. Commissioner Staunton asked Planner a if the sports dome gets the "nod" would the Planning Commission review the pia . eague responded that both the Commission and Council would heart ' as a onditional Use Permit. Staunton commented that keeping abreast of ure City p s is of benefit during the Grandview Small Area Plan process. Commissioner Staunton upd d the Commission on th ongoing Grandview Small Area Plan process, adding. at work continues on develo ' g a work plan and retaining consultants. Staunton s ' a different approach was taken i retaining consultants. Consultants were dire d to provide the Executive Committe ith a 6 -page or less narrative. Staunton id from the responses the Committee ho s to cobble together a good team. Staun n reported that the Committee meets again t orrow evening (8/18) to hamme ut the details. Page 7" of 8 .+5A Sept. 6, 2011 Edina City Council Regular Meeting Minutesl Page 5 of 7 2. Pa edication fee of $7,100 Is due prior to ty's release of the signed Final Plat mylars for recordin h Hennepin County.000 3. A shared par agreement must be eroded between the two lots. Member Bennett sec o ed the motio Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, u?,4nson, Hovland Motion carried. Vii. COMM;1 MMENT Wayne Carlso Coventry Lane, aske a Council to reconsider his request to have four dogs at his resident a Council accepted the submitt nd referred the request to staff for investigation. Vill. REPORTS j RECOMMENDATIONS VIIi.A. SKETCH PLAN REVIEWED — 6996 FRANCE AVENUE City Planner Presgntation Mr. Teague presented the applicant's proposal to tear down the existing automobile service station at 6496 France Avenue and build a new 6,600 -square -foot retail building. He also presented the request of the applicant for a rezoning to PUD or PCD -1. Mr. Teague referenced the Planning Commission's comments, noting it was currently undertaking a Small Area Plan with the Grandview District and did not believe this proposal would rise to the level of requiring a Small Area Plan. It was noted that while the Planning Commission was concerned with the Comprehensive Plan and limited retail west of France Avenue, It was comfortable with a PUD rezoning on this site. Mr. Teague indicated this proposal would require a rezoning; therefore, the Council was being asked to determine whether to require a Small Area Plan and to provide general comments on the site plan. Pro meat Presentation Dean Dovolis, D1R Architects, presented the sketch plan for a small building containing office and retail tenants at the corner of the site with parking to the rear. Construction materials would include a combination of stone, glass, and copper with signage on raised corners and create a transition to the 70Th Street green corridor between the roundabouts. Mr. Dovolis explained how the project would address the street and pedestrian nature of the Southdale area, create a gateway to the 70th Street reconstruction project, and positively impact future development in this area. The Council discussed the sketch plan and asked questions of Mr. Dovolis relating to parking and pedestrian pathways. Mr. Dovolis advised that the sketch plan, as proposed, identified 34 parking spaces, four spaces short of the ordinance requirement and explained why underground parking would not be feasible on this small -sized lot. It was noted that use of the right-of-way corridor could ease access off 70th Street by the day care location. Mr. Dovolls indicated he would determine whether easement rights existed; however, using that option might impact several parking spaces. The Council discussed its support for the presented sketch plan and building renditions that Incorporated a front glass curtain wall. It was noted this type of building appeared appealing and would revitalize that corner with a use that was compatible with the Galleria. Mr. Dovolis Indicated the project would incorporate storm sewer practices such as pervious pavers in addition to green building techniques. The consensus of the Council was to favor the use of a PUD, that the request does not reach the threshold to require a Small Area Plan and that the sketch plan was reasonable. Vl11.8. RESOLUTION NO. 1-87' ADOPTED — ADO IIMINARY 20'12 TAX LEVY AND OPERATING BUDGET Mr. Wallin presented t>draftso Ing the maximum proposed 2012 tax levies and indicated that if approved, the 1.8% ine maximum property tax increase the City could levy. He stated the ltttp://Nvtvw.ci.ediiia.ntn.us/CityCOtincil/CityrCotincil_MectingMinutes/20110906Rcg.litm 11/3/2011 Cily d I'Aditlll MEMORANDUM TO: Cary Teague, Planning Director FROM: Steve A. Kirchman, Chief Building Official DATE: 1110/12 SUBJECT: Planning Case 2011.0011.11 A, 6996 France Ave S I was asked to comment on plans for a proposed building received from DJR Architecture, Inc. and stamped PANNING DEPAltTMENI JAN 06 2012 CITY OF MINA. I have the following comments: • The proposed mezzanine may be tip to '!2 of the floor area of the room below provided the building is of type I or ll construction, is fully fire sprinkled and is equipped with an emergency voice/alarm communication system. • Manual flush bolts are not permitted on double doors. The following should be included as a condition of approval: • In order to provide for timely, accurate plan review, the architectural design team shall schedule 30%, 60% and 90% incremental code compliance meetings with the Inspections Department as plans are developed. H;1DocumoIs\Mcmos& RpIs\PIwningt6996I;fanceAvc&dnc City Halt 4801 WEST 50714 STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 jAr4 I www.CityofEdhm.c:orn 952-927-8861 FAX 952-820.0390 1`TY 952-820-0379 -Cary Teague From: Tom Jenson Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 12:42 PM To: Cary Teague Subject: 6996 France Ave S Iii Cary, Here are my comments for the proposed project by DJR for 6996 prance Ave S. 1. A fire hydrant shall be installed on the northeast corner of the property. It should be located on the north side of the proposed driveway entrance on the west side of the sidewalk. Let me know if there are questions on this. Thanks, Thomas Jenson, Fire Marshal 952-826-03371 Fax 952-826-0393 lJonson0d.edina.mmus I www,CltyotEdina.com/Fire We're I do tuval WaNny to llwKo the heaNly chola; 01c easy Choice, 91t3A, `fit O e f MEMORANDUM -- Plan Review '•.,�,aa.^""' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA DATE: February 3, 2012 TO: Cary Teague — City Planner FROM: Wayne Houle -- Director of Public Works 1 City Engineer SUBJECT: 70t" & France Retail 6996 France Avenue Engineering has reviewed the preliminary plans for the above stated project and offer the following comments: Q A Ninemile Creek Watershed permit will be required. O All storm water from this site shall be treated on-site; no off-site pond expansions are available within the sub -drainage area. tO A developer's agreement will need to include any work completed within the right-of-ways for sidewalks and at grade pedestrian improvements along West 70'h Street and along France Avenue. O Sidewalk easements will also be required at the intersection of France Avenue and West 701" Street for future at grade pedestrian upgrades. The extent of these pedestrian upgrades will be determined within the next few months. Sheet — C2: 1. Provide a "Do Not Enter" sign on the landscape peninsula located on the northwest corner of the building. This will indicate to vehicles to not exit at France Avenue, since this area is a one-way "In only" access point. 2. Show the updated improvements along West 70h Street, such as the center median. 3. Show directional pedestrian ramps, versus a mid -radius pedestrian ram. 4. Revise sidewalk at the northwest corner of West 701h Street and France Avenue to accommodate ADA requirements; meaning expand sidewalk to accommodate these requirements. Sheet — C4: 1. Indicate on the plans the word "private" next to any onsite storm sewer, water services, and sanitary sewer services. 2. Due to this area being within a moderate to high vulnerability zone for the City's Well Head Protection Plan the storm sewer infiltration system will need to be revised. The revision should include pretreatment of all surface water prior to being infiltrated; the proposed system does not meet this requirement. 3. Revise connection to City water to connect to the 12" CIP that is located on France Avenue. No excavation will be allowed on West 701' Street. 4. Provide Fire Hydrant at the northeast corner of the site along France Avenue. Staff will require a more detail review of the Civil Plans if this project is approved by the City Council. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this review. Thanks A3 G V VMMN1COMMIEXTERNALMNERAL CORR BY STREETST StfutsNOMPranoe Avenue120120203 review O69W France Aoe dom Jackie Hoogenakker a From: Mike DeMoss, <1awreview@rnac.corn> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 12:45 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker; Cary Teague Cc: Mike DeMoss Subject: Fwd: 6996 France case # 2011.0011.11a To: The City of Edina and the owner/contractor/developer of the property at 6996 France Ave S., Edina, MN We are the owners of the property adjacent, and to the north of the proposed development. We have no objection to the development, but we do want to make sure the owner/contractor/developer is aware of the retaining wall (at the south end of our building at 6950 France) that is at the north end or the 6996 France Ave property, It is important to make sure that the construction does not damage this retaining wall because it is necessary to have this undisturbed because it is an emergency exit at the south end of our building. We have sent a previous email (attached) discussing the Air Conditioners and the pine trees, etc. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks, Michael C. DeMoss Attorney for Southdale Galleria Offices, Inc. 6950 France Ave S Suite 100 Edina, MN 55435 952-920-0300 Begin forwarded message: From: Cary Teague <PJeaque0-)ci.eding,mpLs:, Date: November 2, 2011 12:06:16 PM CDT To: Mike DeMoss <lawrevleW(CDrnac,com> Cc: Jackie Hoogenakker <JHoo(-ienakkerO-r-i.jeAina.mau§> Subject: RE: 6996 France case # 2011,0011.1 la Mike, I will forward your concerns to the applicant, and let you know how they would handle them should their project be approved, Thankst Cary Cary Teague, Planning Director W 952-826,04601 Fox 952-826-0389 1 Celt 952-826-0236 d cteaqMqftinann.us I www.CitaofEdina.com/Plannina e.; Doing Business ...Vor Livia;, L&araitig, 161, � & Vqc'so a (to tovin wolKing to mak . tilt= heallfly choim tilt,- easy Choice, k4q Jackie Hoogenakker From: Mike DeMoss <lawreview@mac.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 201111:47 AM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Cc: Mike DeMoss Subject: Re: 6996 France case # 2011.0011.11a Please be advised that we are the owners of the property at 6950 France Ave S (two story Office building adjacent and to the north of the above described project). Please notify the developer of the existence of the large (pine?) trees that are at the south end of our property. These trees, or their roots, may be partially on the developer's (gas station's) property. There is also a lower level exit door at the south end of our building (and air conditioners) that we need to make sure that the developer does not damage or impair. It may be best to have those trees removed by the developer rather than risk damaging them (root wise?) or having them fall onto our building during construction. Let me know what is the best approach to take. We are agreeable to their removal if that is the best and safest alternative. Please keep me informed of the development (which we approve of). Thank you, Michael C. DeMoss, Attorney for Southdale Galleria Offices, Inc. (owner) 6950 France Ave. S. #100 Edina, MN $5435 952-920-0300 office 952-920-3883 fax 952.913-7048 mobile AS-