HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-23 Planning Commission Meeting PacketsAGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS APRIL 23, 2014 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER 11. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edina Planning Commission April 9, 2014 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Planning Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the some issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on this morning's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments today. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Sketch Plan Review— 66 West Apartment for Beacon Interfaith Housing, 3360 66th Street West B. Sketch Plan Review— 7151 York (Senior Housing) C. Zoning Ordinance Amendment— Properties eligible for PUD, Planned Unit Dev. D. Tree Ordinance Discussion VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Attendance Council Update VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927- 886172 hours in advance of the meeting. Next Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission May 14. 2014. CITY OF EDINA MEMO w91NA City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com O 19UU Date: April 23, 2014 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review — 3330 66th Street (Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative) The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to remodel and expand the existing TCF Bank building, located at 3330 66th Street. (See property location on pages Al—A3.) The applicant proposes to remodel and expand the building into 39 units of small studio apartments for young adults who have experienced homelessness. The size of the units would range from 355-456 square feet. Each unit would contain a full kitchen and bathroom. The building would contain offices for on-site service providers and property management. There would also be a community area for residents; a fitness area; a computer lab and a laundry room. (See applicant narrative and plans on pages A7 A16.) The site is 39,204 square feet in size. The existing bank is 18,179 square feet. The proposed addition would be 11,888 square feet. The building would remain two stories. The remodel of the building would retain the existing brick, and the addition would be brick with metal panels. (See building renderings on pages A14—A16.) There would be 25 surface parking stalls. No enclosed parking is proposed. The applicants have indicated in their narrative that 16% of their residents would have cars. In similar Beacon project in other cities, 7% of their residents have cars. Therefore, they believe they would have adequate parking. They would anticipate about 8 parking stalls needed for residents and 6 for staff. Residents are expected to utilize the Metro Transit bus service available across the street at Southdale. A parking and traffic study would be completed with a formal development application. All of the 39 units would be considered affordable housing, and would apply towards the City and Met Council's goal for affordable housing. The Comprehensive Plan defines the site and area as RM, Regional Medical. The RM allows for senior housing on a case by case basis, however, does not allow other housing. Therefore, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be required. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 To accommodate the request, the following would be required: MEMO �gZNA, lA ow e ,:; �O IBeB A Rezoning from POD -1, Planned Office District -1, to PUD, Planned Unit Development. 2. A Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to allow housing other than Senior Housing in the Regional Medical District. This property is located within an area of the City that is designated as a "Potential Area of Change" within the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. (See page A3.) The Comprehensive Plan states that within the Potential Areas of Change, "A development proposal that involves a Comprehensive Plan Amendment or a rezoning will require a Small Area Plan study prior to planning application. However, the authority to initiate a Small Area Plan rests with the City Council." The City Council is therefore requested to determine if a Small Area Plan is necessary. Comprehensive Plan Only senior housing is allowed within the Regional Medical District. Below in red is the new language from the recently amended Comprehensive Plan: Nonresidential and Mixed Use Categories Description, Land Uses Development Guidelines Density Guidelines RM Hospitals, senior housing*, Form -based design Floor to Area Ratio - Per Regional Medical medical and dental offices standards for building current Zoning Code: and clinics, and laboratories placement, massing maximum of 1.0 for for performing medical or and street -level medical office uses. dental research, diagnostic treatment. Density for senior housing testing, analytical or clinical Pedestrian circulation shall be based on work, having a direct and open space proximity to hospitals, relationship to the providing amenities should be proximity to low density of health services. General provided for larger uses, utilities capacity, office uses are permitted. sites. level of transit service available, and impact on * Senior housing may include: adjacent roads. Other independent living, assisted desired items to allow living, memory care, and skilled greater density would nursing. include: Below grade parking, provision of park or open space, affordable housing, sustainable design principles, and provision of public art. The Comprehensive Plan was amended to allow senior housing in the RM District adjacent to the Fairview Southdale Hospital, as part of the 6500 France project. If the project is found to City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO A. �1 o 0 1 be acceptable, this definition could be expanded for "specialty housing" as deemed appropriate by the City Council, when specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are achieved. Below could serve as potential language for consideration. I Nonresidential and Mixed Use Categories RM Regional Medical Description, Land Uses Development Guidelines Density Guidelines Hospitals, senior housing*, Form -based design Floor to Area Ratio - Per specialty housing**, medical standards for building current Zoning Code: and dental offices and placement, massing maximum of 1.0 for clinics, and laboratories for and street -level medical office uses. performing medical or dental treatment. Density for senior housing research, diagnostic testing, Pedestrian circulation and specialty housing analytical or clinical work, having a direct relationship and open space amenities should be shall be based on proximity to hospitals, to the providing of health provided for larger proximity to low density services. General office uses sites. uses, utilities capacity, level of transit service are permitted. available, and impact on * Senior housing may include: adjacent roads. Other independent living, assisted desired items to allow living, memory care, and skilled greater density would nursing. include: Below grade "Specialty housing may include: parking, provision of park or open space, affordable a housing need identified in the housing, sustainable comprehensive plan to serve a need in the City and also meet design principles, and development goals established provision of public art. in the PUD Ordinance. Consideration for housing in the RM District and at higher densities includes: proximity to hospitals, proximity to low density uses, utilities capacity, level of transit service available, and impact on adjacent roads. Other desired items to allow greater density for senior housing would include: Below grade parking, provision of park or open space, affordable housing, sustainable design principles, and provision of public art. A case could be made for allowing specialty housing in this location as it would reuse an existing building (sustainability); provide a 100% affordable housing development; be in close proximity to Metro .Transit; be located on a high visibility arterial roadway; and be completely separated from low density residential. Traffic impacts, further consideration of sustainable design and public art would be considered with a formal application. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO �gtrTA., lt?l owe .ao • �tG'Lxiroari� � ieuo The following are compliance tables that demonstrate how the proposed building would comply with the Regional Medical District standards and show residential densities in Edina. The use is currently not allowed in the existing POD -1 or RMD Zoning District. Compliance Table * Subject to Council Approval ** Variance Required Staff has some concern in regard to potential future lack of parking. While the proposed use may be able to get by with the proposed surface parking only. Any future conversion of these units for market rate housing would surely be short of parking. A stipulation in a potential PUD Ordinance would be to specifically prohibit the conversion of the units for market rate or senior housing without providing additional required parking. I City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Standard Proposed (RM, Regional Medical) Front — 66th Street 35 feet 42 feet (existing) Front — Barrie Road 35 feet 25 feet (existing) 40 feet (new) Side — North 20 feet 50+ feet Side — east 20 feet 25 feet Building Height 12 stories or 2 stories 144 feet, whichever is less Building Coverage 30% 30% Floor Area Ratio 100% 77% Density — Comp. Plan 30+ units max — subject to 39 units City Council Approval 43 units per acre* Minimum Lot Size 10 acres .9 acres** Parking Stalls 1 enclosed space per unit 25 spaces exposed* (Commercial District) + guest parking * Subject to Council Approval ** Variance Required Staff has some concern in regard to potential future lack of parking. While the proposed use may be able to get by with the proposed surface parking only. Any future conversion of these units for market rate housing would surely be short of parking. A stipulation in a potential PUD Ordinance would be to specifically prohibit the conversion of the units for market rate or senior housing without providing additional required parking. I City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 High Density Development in Edina MEMO Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200-20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240-60 York 260 29 Edina Place Apartments 7300-50 York 139 15 Walker Elder Suites 7400 York 72 40 7500 York Cooperative 7500 York 416 36 Edinborough Condos 76xx York 392 36 South Haven 3400 Parklawn 100 42 The Waters Colonial Drive 139 22 1 1- Y Rosland Park _ iN TF Etr 'tirot.0 = _._.- e ' Sale r I.v Price: 111 rT F.I. ,..I. '.4 S1 SalDate: 531 Stead: 1 �� E S S-"attl Tf Ecll 1 c. a. i Iti IRL, r7 EST !• l.F _ __ LJ F Pamela Park LI., r47 0,0A 11 -� '. I 5 1 n rt `y C'_- c a rR N 57S:GtT -M t r i >_ 2i 41 T rTFr. 17 t':T ' • 0000. ,.,.-.. _ �...__.:,. �_ .. ! 'y z tjTN 1TrTF.F7 orf T.� .FI t�� r - L l > y - i: 7. -- _iFEET t: EST drl - I W i .4Ek - 4 _i1 3'1'ST 11,%FFT i"r>1 -�.-. E 51. ST FEET J.'E ST w I 9 3 FiA:.1110 t1 F -7,A0 _ �IFLU T 1 TST 1 .I1 N. 5b5l. i.T hL::1... ,•, -1i p 1 TT•�� 1 1- Y Rosland Park _ iN TF Etr 'tirot.0 = _._.- e ' Parcel ID: 29-028-24-24-0030 A -T -B: Owner Twin City Fed Sav Market Name: Total: Parcel 3330 66Th St W Tax Address: Edina, MN 55435 Total: Property Sale r Type: Price: 111 rT F.I. ,..I. '.4 S1 SalDate: 531 Stead: a. i Iti IRL, r7 EST !• LI., r47 0,0A 11 -� '. ... y._. 1 n rt `y C'_- a rR N 57S:GtT -M i >_ 2i d -LL ' • 0000. ,.,.-.. _ �...__.:,. �_ .. ! 'y z tjTN 1TrTF.F7 orf T.� I V FE - L l > l IjH Th rT 4: k T 2 F 7. -- _iFEET t: EST drl - I W i .4Ek - 4 _i1 3'1'ST 11,%FFT i"r>1 -�.-. E 51. ST FEET J.'E ST w I FiA:.1110 t1 F -7,A0 _ �IFLU T 1 TST 1 ,- t WNL thrrT ell CST 1 p �{j Parcel ID: 29-028-24-24-0030 A -T -B: Owner Twin City Fed Sav Market Name: Total: Parcel 3330 66Th St W Tax Address: Edina, MN 55435 Total: Property Sale Commercial -Preferred Type: Price: SalDate: Non -Homestead Stead: Parcel 0.9 acres Sale Area: 39,339 sq ft Code: Map Scale: V = 1600 ft. N Print Date: 4/17/2014 Ah This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and - completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT© HENNEPIN COUNTY 2014 I , A Think Green! a�- 3425 kZ6: _tOUTHDVUE CENTfF A -T -B: Market Total: Tax Total: Sale Price: Sale Date: Sale Code: ha z+„ t�v Map Scale: 1" = 200 ft. Print Date: 4/17/2014 This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT© HENNEPIN COUNTY 2014 A Think Green'. Parcel 29-028-24-24-0030 ID: Owner Twin City Fed Sav Name: Parcel 3330 66Th St W Address: Edina, MN 55435 Property Commercial -Preferred Type: Home- Non -Homestead stead: Parcel 0.9 acres Area: 39,339 sq ft 3425 kZ6: _tOUTHDVUE CENTfF A -T -B: Market Total: Tax Total: Sale Price: Sale Date: Sale Code: ha z+„ t�v Map Scale: 1" = 200 ft. Print Date: 4/17/2014 This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. COPYRIGHT© HENNEPIN COUNTY 2014 A Think Green'. Figure 4.4 City of Edina Conceptual Land Use Framework: 2008 Comprehensive Pian Update --'' Potential Areas of Change Date of Aerial Photography: August 2006 Iv LJM 0 0.5 miles Edina Comp Plan Update 2008 Chapter 4: Land Use and Community Design 4-33 r Future Land Use Plan with ®�~= Cit of Edina Building Heights Y Southeast Quadrant 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Figure 4.6B Data Source: URS p os Miles A + s,+e 44TH & FRANCE DETAIL 50TH & FRANCE DETAIL 54TH & FRANCE DETAIL Legend R-1 Single Dwelfing Unit Mk I Ch rN R-2 Omblefteffing Unit ttist PRD -1 Planned Reidenee Dist. CRY Buildings Prmt. Sm - MPRN3 PRO -4 PRD -5 PCD -1 Planned C-nneni.l a,,j. PCD -2 PCD4 POO -1 Plan.ed()M.Ont 1`0o-2 RMO Regional Medial ()jj. PID Pf.-edln&,,nWjDjst FUD PJamedWtDist. APD Aut—bile Parking Dil. -U. Edina Hedlage Landmark Dist PSR -4 Planned Senior=—Dist N MOD -4 M,,d Developrn,nt De. w E + MDc).s mcl�s s Plam n, lZt, KlovMW VALLEY VIEW & WOODDALE DETAIL 70TH &FRANCE DETAIL k - SOUTHDALE DETAIL 50TH & FRANCE DETAIL W54T W C FULL 1 Legend HOD _2 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 2 stories or 24 feet, whichever is less. HOD -3 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 3 stories or 36 feet, whichever is less. HOD -4 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 4 stories or 48 feet, whichever is less. HOD -8 Building height shall be determiryed by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 8 stories or 96 feet, whichever is less. HOD -9 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 9 stories or :108 feet, whichever is less. HOD-� Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 10 stories DO 20 feet, whichever is less. HOD -12 Building height shall be determined by required setbacks, but shall not exceed 12 stories or 1144 feet, whichever is less. � Church City Buildings Nn W+E I_•. Private School ��JJ J- PraihrngDecemb Public School i VALLEY VIEW & WOODDALE DETAIL LU LU a 'a a O w O z -� -� Y O a O O I. { m 62ND S A RE16HT E.e�w,O a s msxsu IILx n IDFf 3 •$ z S� s�� ''a d> ams x o� a " w � Lh41a St pA�r'�gyy� ��d➢ 3 .Iern Si.C. � r x f�� «e�`�}}�. Rr � )frn PL="5 l4tF L ` RR"R 4x Ykxl4. $CJ's . sl, n. 7 Yum. VMW � • r I. �0�5`n £ 2 ` r. ; '� �:i'�'; 6�: s; r�4s•" $ � � �� NORTH ' L. o Y x.' $ .mD P � x.'sr. f a sr. s, i ' REsrp .$ i g Mmdeud.ea.4 A' v a a LrR1 sr. S d Y zr.s, Q q J Sa, j V 0 1800 it 3600 fr $ q s ER a L i � 3 Y f34• s I! I6 a Y y ] �h Si..� 3 a Y e� " f f4 na si. ILL—e fi. s. :LV Si.L� � o �;". 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GEEu s xvR � v ; ■ )I j �E 1; 11. iKeK �• l 4 .t Y$ 4 cw a os "r csw, c y Y d• r P6 a ' A. Y� g � ezm 3 wx wDrtl R.R L�� LEGEND: Principal Arterial "N' Minor Arterial "A" Minor Arterial "B" Minor Arterial Collector (Reliever) (Augmenter) e , City of Edina Roadway Functional Classification 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update p p �gR•DRr�M� % Figure 7.5 �k 333066 th Street, Edina Statement of Proposed Use and Description of Project 66 West Apartments is 39 units of permanent housing for young adults who have experienced homelessness and is being developed by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (Beacon). Beacon has entered into a purchase agreement with the owners at 3330 66 Street West and intends to convert the existing building into a residential apartment building. The site is currently being used as a bank with a drive through facility. Designed as supportive, affordable housing, the building will contain units, as well as office and resident amenities. The building will feature 39 studio units, ranging in size from 355 square feet to 456 square feet. Each apartment will contain a full kitchen and bathroom. The building will contain offices for on- site service providers and property management. There will be a community area for residents, as well as a fitness area, computer lab and laundry room. The site is .9 acres. The project incorporates the entire existing 18,179 square foot building and also includes an 11,888 square foot addition. The remodeled building, with the addition, will have a 12,019 square feet building footprint and a total floor area of 30,067 square feet. The building will remain two stories, plus the existing basement. The design retains the brick on the existing building. Expected exterior materials on the addition will be brick and metal panels. The project site is bounded by West 66th Street to the south, Barrie Road to the west, and office buildings to the east and north. The site features two outdoor courtyards. The primary entrance is accessed off Barrie Road. The parking lot, as designed, has 25 parking stalls. Landscaping along Barrie Road could be removed and the parking lot expanded, should a future user require additional parking. Beacon believes 25 parking spots would be sufficient to serve the residents, guests and staff. In other Beacon buildings that serve a similar population, on average, 16% of residents have cars. In the most similar building, 7% of the residents have cars. Thus, conservatively, Beacon would expect no more than 8 parking stalls will be required for residents. In addition, the building is expected to have 6 staff people. There will be no facility vehicles requiring a parking stall. Beacon is prepared to conduct a parking and traffic study to verify the parking need for the proposed use. In addition, the project site is located across the street from the Southdale transit hub. Also, 2 high frequency bus routes stop immediately adjacent to the property— route G to Downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota and route 515 to Richfield and Bloomington. Thus, it is expected all residents can utilize public transportation reducing the dependency on cars. We would also expect that future uses would also take advantage of the proximity to public transportation. Finally, the project will include bicycle parking. Beacon, collaborating with Edina Community Lutheran Church, plans to seek funding from Minnesota Housing, Hennepin County and several private funding sources to make the units affordable to homeless young adults between the ages of 18 and 22. 66 West Apartment's units meet the Met Council definition of affordable rental housing according to the Livable Communities Act. Construction of these units will apply towards the City and Met Council's goal of creating 212 additional affordable housing units in Edina between 2011 and 2020. The project is consistent with policy as stated in the City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) and Greater Southdale Area Final Land Use and Transpiration Study Report (Report). The Report states in the vision that the "Greater Southdale Area is a place for people to live, work, play and shop." Thus, the area "is a vibrant mix of housing, jobs, commerce, health care, and entertainment." 47 "Development in the Greater Southdale Area can meet the housing needs of Edina with options that may not fit in other locations within the city..." (Page 3). The Land Use Plan, as outlined in the Report, "advocates a strong component of mixed-use in the Southdale Area... This approach has been taken in order to flexibly address future market opportunities and to balance traffic generation by mixing land use types and their resulting peak hour traffic characteristics." (page 32). The parcel, 3330 66`h Street West, is slated as "mixed use" in the final Land Use Plan Concept in the report. (page 33). The Comprehensive Plan, which postdates the Report, identifies the project site as Regional Medical. However, it identifies the Southdale Area as a "potential area of change." Thus, the plan acknowledges that Southdale appears to be an area "where change may occur during the life of this Plan." (page 4-30). The Potential Areas of Change were identified "as suitable areas to accommodate additional households and jobs... Because the City is fully developed, additional housing would have to occur through redevelopment." (Page 4-31). The project is supported by three Land Use Policies within the Plan. "1. The City will endeavor to accommodate private redevelopment in the Greater Southdale Area..." "S. In reviewing development proposals, the City will examine how land use and transportation are integrated to ensure that new development and redevelopment expands non -motorized travel options." And "7. _ The City will seek opportunities to increase the supply of affordable housing." (Page 4-34). �V ra. "tom. •' '" t r •�.yF K 1R -�• F r IR x t4+ AL Si- "e--"�+t�'v'�'as_ r . mom aS2 r .,�rw ----'^ y' —'— ._:: .: €' =.s' �,•r, ,. sem_ .i: -:,:. y � A r.. ....._.��� ... ..d �.s✓4 . - _ r.e s. a e= U"7"W RKS 66 West Apartments EDINA MN 1 04,15.2014 1 14-0016 Re4con CONCEPTUAL 2 SITE PLAN] /- EXISTING UTILITY AREA r I >\I i� EXISTING BUS STOP PROPERTY LINE I I I UNDERGROUND STORMWATER _ _ PROOF OF PARKING INFILTRATION SYSTEM '\ i` (33 PARKING STALLS \ 130a S�NjN 1; i .............. -- — — — — ----I-- — --�, 111 �I I ___ _—_—_—__�� ___ _ _. \ _L _ ---------------------------------- COMMUNITY _ _—_--—_ _ -� COMMUNITY I �t•,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROP. - - - - - ROOM 1� MGMT --------- --- 1 --- 12l1115<J SF 12t1150j 1 1 I _ „ r I COLLAB. ` EMPLO TRANS. TRANS. 11 PARTNERS STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO SPEC. COACH COACH LE MANAGER MI 074 SF 11513145F 1141374 SF 1131374 SF 1121374 SF UP I I 12<11505F 12611505E 1281150 5F I �I. 1224200 SF I ' o PROGRAM JAN - - -- ti MANAGER OFFICE EQ. TOILET} 6 1111AN G 1271 IM 5F 128167,6E , ! CIRCULATION CIRCULATION i �I 140 %9 SF 1a1 t 64 SF 25 PARKING COMPUTER11' STALLS LAB • 1J01 J87 SF liL 1 I 35' SETBACK I _ 1a PUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO JtICH 1355 SF 1031358 SF 1031353 SF 10413.58 SF .051374 SF 1061374 SF 1071374 SF 108 1 374 SF 1091374 SF 1101374 SF it11374 SF - - _- 1 I I, I 0 I a b� J JN — STUDIO OFFICE COMMON SPACE UTILITY/ STORAGE CIRCULATION 66 West Apartments UR9ANWORKS ,:T, „ Beacon CONCEPTUAL EDINA MN 1 04.15.2014 1 14-0016 --.... ...... """""""' 3 1 ST LEVEL PLAN ..._ 66 West Apartments URBpNWOR1C5 EDINAMN 1 04.15,2014 1 14-0016 N III UDIO STUDIO I STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO 1374SF M91374SF 2181374SF 2171374SF 2161374SF UD IO ' 1STUDIO 'STUDIO ' STUDIO ' STUDIO 1 STUDIO ' STUDIO 374 SF 21113748F 2111374 SF 2121374 SF 2131374 SF 1 2141374 3f 2151374 SF STUDIO E] OFFICE COMMON SPACE Beacon I I ❑ UTILITY/ STORAGE ❑ CIRCULATION CONCEPTUAL 4 2ND LEVEL PLAN I i I I F STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO 202178 SF 283178: SF 204 13S53F I I � L MULTI- LOUN E PURPOS CONFERENCE 211605 ROOM 23414n SF 3311433E I CIRCULATION 240 1 1057 SF 1 UNDR �i[-/ 11234 SF STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO STUDIC I 2051359 SF 2031356 SF 2071358 SF 2081356 S1 I I ..._ 66 West Apartments URBpNWOR1C5 EDINAMN 1 04.15,2014 1 14-0016 N III UDIO STUDIO I STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO 1374SF M91374SF 2181374SF 2171374SF 2161374SF UD IO ' 1STUDIO 'STUDIO ' STUDIO ' STUDIO 1 STUDIO ' STUDIO 374 SF 21113748F 2111374 SF 2121374 SF 2131374 SF 1 2141374 3f 2151374 SF STUDIO E] OFFICE COMMON SPACE Beacon I I ❑ UTILITY/ STORAGE ❑ CIRCULATION CONCEPTUAL 4 2ND LEVEL PLAN I I I 1 STUDIO 00114583E MAINT/ SECURITY 0041191 3F NIC'S CLOSET 0051^.1'5 SF I ER ELI ` LO w I I I I STUDIO STUDIO 0021438 SF 0031438SF LAUNDRY 9931413 SF CIRCLULATION WORKOUT ROOM MECHANICAL 01318475F 0121472 SF _ 66 West Apartments YRBGNWORKS EDINA MN 1 04.15.2014 1 14-0016 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ELEV EQUIP L RM WS 151 SF WATER SERVICE 0091103 SF I, i I I I LINE OF BUILDING ABOVE - - - - _ _ - _ .- _ - - J .. STUDIO OFFICE Illi Beacon p I I COMMON SPACE UTILITY / STORAGE CIRCULATION CONCEPTUAL 5 SUB LEVEL PLAN I I 44� I� I STUDIO STUDIO 0021438 SF 0031438SF LAUNDRY 9931413 SF CIRCLULATION WORKOUT ROOM MECHANICAL 01318475F 0121472 SF _ 66 West Apartments YRBGNWORKS EDINA MN 1 04.15.2014 1 14-0016 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ELEV EQUIP L RM WS 151 SF WATER SERVICE 0091103 SF I, i I I I LINE OF BUILDING ABOVE - - - - _ _ - _ .- _ - - J .. STUDIO OFFICE Illi Beacon p I I COMMON SPACE UTILITY / STORAGE CIRCULATION CONCEPTUAL 5 SUB LEVEL PLAN 66 West Apartments EDINA MN 1 04.15.2014 1 14-0016 c-70 Beacon o n .......... _........... CONCEPTUAL 6 WEST ELEVATION f URB"WC!R!NS . ........... . .. --------- -- ----- - BUILDING 66 West Apartments EDINA MIN 1 04.15.2014 1 14-0016 Beacon CONCEPTUAL 7 EAST ELEVATION URBANWOnKS CITY OF EDINA MEMO OZNA,l City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com p e' cn Date: April 23, 2014 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review — 7151 York Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to build a 100 unit assisted living building, west of the existing Yorktown Continental Senior Living apartments at 7151 York Avenue. (See property location on pages Al—A5.) The housing would include 70 units of senior housing with services and 30 memory care units. Ten percent (10%) of the units would be for residents below 50% median income level. (See narrative and plans on pages A6—A32.) The building would be four stories tall and would not be connected to the existing twelve (12) story 263 unit apartment building. The existing site is 5.85 acres in size; therefore, the density is 45 units per acre. With the proposed addition of 100 units; the density would increase to 64 units per acre. The property is zoned Planned Senior Residential District — 4, PSR -4 and guided High Density Residential. The Planning Commission and City Council previously considered a sketch plan review for a 76 unit senior housing project back in 2013. (See minutes from both those meetings on pages A33—A38.) The Comprehensive Plan describes High Density Residential as between 12-30 units per acre. However, density for senior housing may be increased, based on proximity to hospitals, proximity to low density uses, utilities capacity, level of transit service available, and impact on adjacent roads. Other desired items to allow greater density for senior housing would include: Below grade parking, provision of park or open space, affordable housing, sustainable design principles, and provision of public art. A case could be made for higher density in this instance: the building would be separated and screened from the single family homes to the east by the existing 12 -story building; there are adequate utilities to serve the site; transit service is available on York Avenue; below grade parking is proposed; and 10% of the units would be affordable. Traffic impacts, sustainable design and public art would be considered with a formal application. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 MEMO The following is a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would comply with the PSR -4, Planned Senior Residential -4 Standards. Compliance Table * Height of the building is estimated ** Subject to Council Approval *** Variance Required Based on the table above, the proposal would require a site plan review, with a Variance for the proposed Density. In addition, the City Council would have to approve the proposed density for over 30 units per acre. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Standard Proposed (PSR -4) Front — York 45 feet* 45 feet Front — Xerxes 45 feet* 300+ feet Side — North 45 feet* 75 feet Side — South 45 feet* 45 feet Building Height. 4 stories or 4 stories & 45 feet 48 feet, whichever is less Building Coverage 35% 20% Density — Comp. Plan 30+ units max — subject to 363 units** City Council Approval 64 units per acre Density — Zoning 1 unit per 1,400 s.f. 363 units*** Ordinance of land area = 182 units Floor Area per 500-700 square feet (1 bedroom) Project would be code compliant Dwelling 750-850 s.f. (2 bedroom) Parking Stalls .5 exposed spaces 89 spaces enclosed .25 enclosed spaces 223 spaces exposed 1 space per vehicle 1 space per employee (12) (333 units not including memory care) 178 exposed & 83 enclosed * Height of the building is estimated ** Subject to Council Approval *** Variance Required Based on the table above, the proposal would require a site plan review, with a Variance for the proposed Density. In addition, the City Council would have to approve the proposed density for over 30 units per acre. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 High Density Development in Edina MEMO Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200-20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240-60 York 260 29 Edina Place Apartments 7300-50 York 139 15 Walker Elder Suites 7400 York 72 40 7500 York Cooperative 7500 York 416 36 Edinborough Condos 76xx York 392 36 South Haven 3400 Parklawn 100 42 The Waters Colonial Drive 139 22 The project would be located on York Avenue which is an arterial roadway with transit available. Traffic A traffic study would need to be completed to determine impacts on adjacent roadways. However, given that the entire site is zoned for Senior Housing, and the proposed addition is for assisted living and memory care, the site would not generate a significant amount of traffic compared to an all age apartment complex. This is an area of the City that could potentially sustain higher densities. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 PID:3202824210004 7151 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 MI City of Edina 6803 68126o 68116809 6812609 6812 8908 6873 6812 6809 Legend 24 6817 6820 6817 6810 6817 68206617 69208817682! 6810 6E77 f•:—.I Wilblighted FeaWre 7 . 'a 4 24 8806 21 682968 28 682S 68286825 68286826 6628 6825 6320 6820 6825 House Number 6825 33 6837 6836 6833 6838 6813 6836 6833 6836 6633 BB37 68366873 LabSurels latlels 3500 84168456844884168446841 6844 W41 6M0"16- — 6641 He". 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Lake X15206!20 56 a 7373 217 - - _. - ij - 3400 7400 7401 7407780 74012409. 74617400 7401 - 40117 -117-404 1406740! 7409 10574 74097408 74097408 74091406 74001406 74691406 7413 74167414 7416 7414 74157414 74157414 JO 4 40917 74157414 7419 74277420 74217420 { raA1ClAIM1NaVE 413741 74217420 74217420 74217420 74217426 742774?d 74277426 74277426 74277426 ten al ke ..k 42 7470 J4}37432 74337431 74737432 74337432 74377452 42974 74397438 7/797438 74397436 74397438 74767438 3451 7401 X4331438 74457444 74457444 74457444 74457444 74452600 7401 14 07pa 75017500 75012601 7507 PID:3202824210004 7151 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 MI City of Edina 4 _ 6812 6W9 6812 680 68126809681366126809 Lf3 end 4 6806 24 $820 6817 6820 68f7 60208817 60208817682188206617 Buff utdffg Home Number 68296828662548288625 68286825 682868256929982888y3 Labels %00 88293368376836683369266633 68366833 6439 6833 6827 $836 6833 House Number labels 69TH ST w 84168456844684168446041 68448841 6844 6a416845 8044 6941 69714 ST 69016000 6901 6900 69016926 69016900 69016900 9901 - Street Name Labels .1 City Limits 3503501 - OS 056909 6909 6905 6905 6909 6985 6808 6905 9121 6813 I'• ^/ Creeks 536917 6913 6917 6916 69736917 09136912 8913 Tf 6923 69216920 69176921 69278925 �2f 69Tb 6921 Lake Names 34803210 6928 6925 6929 286833 89296033 09296999 6929 69326829 lakes 3100 316941 6939 6933MI204D 6937 6943 6406945 6937 6041 6937 O parks 70TH S7 w 9456944 6943 6944 fi9616944 6945 6044 6945 Zomimg 70097000 00 20817000 2011 317 7001 70097008 .,'209 7 28272821 2 70097080 2805 APD Autawebft Partina i D=1i1 " — 7001-350f_33Q1 2$13 70157014 70192900 26302 0 70157014 70217020 70212838 70217020 702128042320 2316 A1OD•4ttlicod IIa !OEMs +r J 7000 7001 7020 2610 2500 2518 . t6Dp,94{fi�dI)-&Vm, tDftbicU 24 70193009300129111823281322092715® AfOO.B{!1'iwd Dnabpm' DEukt) 703? 3005 2915 2905 2001 2801 7043 2924 1914 2804 2824 2811 2800 2045 2800 ■ PCD4lpb-,dCanmwEt Diim-) 7101 5650 26P5 "^ ® PCa•26>bnna4C—.fta/Dftkt) !CW(pbMsdC..W- „ A7jolx' 301330112921 2023281328017"(01 300630012915 aWdrt) ® HA7-IMWRD 383 28162807 020 3008 2920 2916 ® PCD-eIP' ,9dCanmmffiImd'kt) 2824 2812 2WO 2711 2998 2808 3443 PID {9lmnedlmdr�A MALiJ. 655 3381 7171 7151 7 }5 7152124 287728611845 2809 2801 2713270f AUof%-.du.RDEu&tJ . 7134 7133 PCD -1 tPFemed ofr- iu.u-,-i) 7f442876 206D 2844 2814 2800 7139 1700 POD -2 (A=ned Oaks OLIN 24 7149 T100 7201 2200 TI01 2200 72077200 7101 9RD4 1plsncdRasrJm7fal Di w'# . 72097208 72097208 7200720E 726 ® PRD,2t%naedR,&-, t aktddj 7201 7214 72157214 72!57214 72157214 7215 7220 72217230 71217210 72217220 7221 ® PRnJ{%oeMRaacnOaY District) 7200 7226 72277226 72277226 72277276 7227 ,223$ 7230 ® PR01{P9mnedRadtentiniDk4zictJ 72337232 72337232 72337232 7233 ® PRO-5{JknadRwVa,*tlD'AAd) 7290 72457238 7239 7238 72397238 7239 7244 72457244 72457244 7245 . PV,4{pk—dimimmebf0) ,•; �101112616 '7P 1 61 Yd� -� 7134 7300 710!7300 7301 7300 7301 �.R4{9E04D•e6UnbJ ® R-2(amuids axd&q UM:) •• !2;'j 2 7 7702 'f , 7300 73097308 73W 7508 7309 �V,�",,ff�f09-4 •._ 6 ' C7 'n 73157314 73137314 73167314 7315 IOaatR piwwlLM)c10i.•t�dJ 13 1 7321 7320 73217320 73217320 7321 7326 73277326 parcbis El x �..• Y4. .81.1 14fd 9 51. 73277328 7327 7755 70203014300D 291029002818 '73337332 73337332 7333 292429112814 • e 9QJ- 0051 7332 73397338 73307338 7339 2812 215 203 201 38'93013 2923 2901 726473457344 73467364 7345 .,., '.2131.20t71�317' 7401 7344 40„"�4D074 7401700 7301.7400.. -7401 -7M -..-X012490... Zd01___.-.- • '�3d 1043E �J05. 7400 740 740•fr 74097408 74087406 74097408 74097408 -74007408- 7473 - ---- - 4 • J 4087408 74157414 74157414 74157414 74157414 74157414 7419 473741 T42f 2420 74217420 • 74217420 74217420 74217420 PARKLANWAVE 742177426 74277426 74277426 74277426 74277426 74251490 74337432 7 433 7432 7433 7422 7433 7432 74337432 74397438 74397438 74397438 74397438 74397438 \ 45.17438 74457444 74457444 74457444 74457444 74452600 u�ca.✓d Y+MW9•�PP�6nic1!DfSi66aloS 740 24 0 mas 75017500 73017301 2601 PID: 3202824210004 <1 t7y lk 7151 York Ave 5 ' 4; - Edina, MN 55435 .. ��tllxrt stkti ids 111UE1 0 0 nn C;3 WSABA CAPITAL Continental Gardens Senior Living Synopsis PARTNERS April 14, 2014 Continental Gardens on York is a proposed development to create a senior living campus on the 'front lot' of the Yorktown Continental Apartments at 7151 York Avenue. The Yorktown Continental Apartments is a 12 -story building of 263 one bedroom apartments for independent seniors. The site is within walking distance to the Galleria, Southdale Mall, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Cub Foods, Beryl's, YMCA, entertainment venues, and The Hennepin County Library Government Center. Bus lines are conveniently located in front of the site on York Avenue. The current parcel is 5.85 acres and zoned PSR -4, Planned Residence District. The parcel is planned to be subdivided and replatted during the City of Edina entitlement process. Overall Development Goals: • Create a sense of Community Pride • Provide a warm and inviting environment • Connection to Nature — indoor and outdoor 4 Sense of quality and dignity • Maximize the potential of the site The proposed building is four stories in height with underground parking. The 100 unit facility is being programmed and designed to accommodate a continuum of aging, including Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care Units. Our plan calls for at least 10% of the total units will be for residents below 50% median income level. The total square footage of the project is proposed to be 120,000 +/- NSF. The parking for the parcel is planned for 50 stalls enclosed below the Senior Housing project and 223 stalls on grade. Senior Housing with Services (70 units) Private apartments with full kitchens and laundry. Support services for those who have more complex care requirements. Staff is on-site 24 -hours -a -day. • Independent Living is for seniors who wish to eliminate the burden of home ownership for an apartment and facility offering numerous conveniences and amenities. • Assisted Living is for seniors who wish to live as independently as possible, yet may require assistance with some of the activities of daily living. Memory Care (30 units) The private memory care apartments at Continental Gardens will be secure and specially designed for those with mild to moderate memory loss from Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. The area is designed to bring comfort, peace and familiarity to the residents while providing exceptional care. Ar pn a MESABA CAPITAL Continental Gardens Senior Living Synopsis PARTNERS April 14, 2014 Proposed Building Features: • Congregate dining w/three meals a day. • Private dining room • Coffee Shop I Bistro • Lounge areas on every floor • Library & Computer Room • Craft Room • Fitness I Spa Facility York Streetscape Experience Our development is proposed to enhance the physical treatment of York Avenue by positioning our new Senior Living Building along the 'front lot' of the site. Our proposed street scape will include new tree plantings, site furnishings, lights, and sidewalks. Our goal is to create an urban style setting, fronting the first level of our four story stepped facade. This fagade will have a mixture of classic white angular stone and brick veneer seen in many of the residential Edina neighborhoods, on the first level. Above the precast stone sills of the second level windows, will be a mixture of siding broken up with semi -recessed balconies overlooking the street below. The fourth level will be set back and roof terraces to break down the scale. The west fagade will be warm and inviting while ensuring privacy for the residents. It is the intention to create an urban building edge which would help break down the scale of the existing residential tower beyond to the east. Propsed Building Exterior Materials: First Level: Cultured Stone (White angular style) Modular Brick veneer with colored mortar Precast Architectural Concrete window sills Insulated vinyl windows and patio doors (units) Prefab Metal Rail system for decks & Composite Material Decking Hardscape Patio & courtyard materials (tbd.) 2nd/3`d Level: LP Smart Siding Insulated vinyl windows (Units) Vinyl Patio Doors Prefab Metal Rail system for decks & Composite Material Decking Prefinished Metal sills and flashing 4th Level: LP Smart Siding Insulated vinyl windows and patio doors (units) Prefinished Metal sills and flashing Flat roof white adhered membrane w/ precast pavers as needed Sloped roof of 30 year Timberline style roofing Continuous Roof vent system Aluminum Gutter and Leader system Al -F- �W X r� U .X W A° CR . CU TS G Site Plan nn C7 NIESARA CAMTAL ADAM'S HILL PARK CITY OF RICHFIELD I I MATIO EXPOSED: 9 STALL ENCLOSED: 50 STALLS TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: 27 STALLS f? S A R C H 1 7 Z C T S N E CL O N } N c6 ttT U c� cn ca w U a Q a cn , cx RSP A R C H I T E C T S Mesaba Capital Development MISS �-s_!= C RSP A R c H I z E C r s Mesaba Capital Development Urban.Housing Streetscape Typology (Images of the following projects are not designed by RSP Architects.) 17 April 2014 17 April 2014 Mesaba Capital Development R s P a R c H i T E C t s cu .t.+ Q- M U c6 M a) k(� AM . -� - | . .. 4414111t- Aft 1;141 R S P A R C H| T E C T S Mesaba Capital Development N P3 1w f Al +---� 'tom". ..b_ ,��� �: a`:-�'ai+.:.:��'+_ �. ,._ '.i'��'_�K• s� s,.�' _.� � �''R"� _ :� !.. _ tai -4�5- N a C C! U CU CONNECTION TO NATURE - INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SENSE OF QUALITY AND DIGNITY nn C7 \tE5ABA C=APITAL 1 3 RS P ARCHITECTS >- ry Q COry J O V) W w LL LL 0 U O F— m 12 LU I— z LU U J Q LU w J 00 U z Q c� z 0 A07 f ri 3� 0 W FLT,9 ULM LO L) LU 1: _® \L F— D m I Z O co Q LU Z O F— V) J Q F - z O IV w O as N a yd1 I e 1 9 I 3 1 I o 1 �-------� w f -------i I MI 1 4 1 I O 1 1 O 1 L___J 0 ,t3.. Aj 3U Third Floor RC STRU nn C;3 MESABA CAPITAL � 1. 0 Fourth Floor ROOF BELOW 1 12 R S P A R C H I T E C T S d--\ 100 . • Survey date stamped: April 9, 2013. • Building plans/ elevations date stamped: A it 9, 2013. Jean ReKamp Larsen,)rchitect. Discussion Commissioner Potts asked Ms. L sen if they are planfing on re -using the existing foundation. Ms. Larsen said she doesn't believe so; owever at this gme that hasn't been formerly determined. Commissioner Forrest asked if the Ash e wod be removed. Ms. Larsen said she believes that three will be OK. Commissioner Platteter asked if drainage/asnsidered. Ms. Larsen responded in the affirmative adding that there is a French drain and de pacity between the structures. Public Hearing Chair Staunton asked if anyone ould like to speak to th' issues; being none Commissioner Forrest moved to close the public hear' g. Commissioner Scherer conded the motion. Public hearing closed. Discussion Commissioner Scher commented that he loved seeing that the buil 'ng wall was "broken" up, adding she supports the rest as submitted. Motion Commissioner Potts moved variance approval based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Carpenter seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. VII. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Sketch Plan Review —Continental Gardens Assisted Living, 7151 York Avenue Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission they are being asked to consider a sketch plan request to build a 76 unit assisted living building, attached to the existing Continental Gardens Senior Living apartments at 7151 York Avenue. The proposal is to create a "senior campus," and build the addition to the east side of the building. The units are Page 5 of 9 33 described by the applicant as "moderately priced." The building would be four stories tall and be connected by an elevated skyway to the existing twelve (12) story 264 unit apartment building. The existing site is 5.85 acres in size; therefore, the density is 45 units per acre. With the proposed addition of 76 units; the density would increase to 58 units per acre. The property is zoned Planned Senior Residential District -4, PSR -4 and guided High Density Residential. The applicant is requesting a Sketch Plan review to solicit comments from the Planning Commission and City Council. Opinions or comments provided to the Appearing for the Applicant Terri Cermak with Cermak & Rhoades Architects. Discussion Chair Staunton asked Planner Teague if this request was similar to the request reviewed and approved at 7500 York Avenue. Planner Teague responded in the affirmative. The 7500 Co-op partnered with Ebenezer to construct a similar facility. Commissioner Carr said at this time her comments concern landscaping, indicating if they proceed with an application they will need a landscaping plan and materials board to ensure' compatibility in exterior materials between the existing and new building. Carr said she wants the final outcome to look like it's designed as one, not piecemeal. Chair Staunton said it appears to him that the use is good; adding if the Commission agrees with the proposed use and increased density what the Commission needs to express is if the configuration of the new building is "right" and if the design is "right". Applicant Presentation Ms. Cermak addressed the Commission and explained the property owners are undertaking a large renovation project on the existing building that includes new windows, landscaping and walkability features. Ms. Cermak said the proposed new structure is designed to be a natural progression of the existing building. She explained a "skyway" is proposed to facilitate the movement of residents between buildings. Cermak said she believes the design of the new structure minimizes impact to surrounding properties because of the grade and buffer. She stated close attention would also be paid to the Richfield side of the property. Concluding, Cermak reported that interior space would be created to facilitate shared activities between buildings Page 6 of 9 Discussion Chair Staunton asked Ms. Cermak if the intent was for people to relocate between buildings as a permanent move or would they rotate in and out. Ms. Cermak responded at this time they are still doing the market analysis; however, they believe when one moves out of the" independent" living senior building their move to the new assisted living facility is permanent. Commissioner Platteter asked Planner Teague how Richfield would "hear about this". Teague responded they will be informed when/if a formal application is made. Teague explained a public hearing notice is sent to property owners (including Richfield) within 1000 -feet of the subject site. Richfield would then pass this notice on to their residents. Commissioner Carr asked Ms. Cermak if other designs were considered. Ms. Cermak responded that they are in the process of design; however, need to take a lot into consideration (windows mechanical) when tying the proposed building to the existing building. Commissioner Potts said that overall he appreciates the property owner coming before the Commission with the sketch plan adding he also likes the "residential" feel of the proposed building. Continuing, Potts suggested that they look at implementing sustainability measures either through Leed certification or working with Xcel on their energy programs. Potts said when -this comes before the Commisslorrfor#ormal review -he would like -to --see what measures were - - - taken to reduce energy consumption. Potts also noted this project is an increase in density. Commissioner Platteter commented when designing the new building the applicant needs to consider "what the City gets from this". He suggested looking for ways to create walkability, possibly implementing bike paths, landscaping, etc. to create a better pedestrian experience. Commissioner Forrest acknowledged the difficulty in working with an existing building and agreed with Commissioners Potts and Platteter that sustainability and walkability were important. Commissioner Schroeder said what's important to him is how the site is viewed and how to formulate a new pedestrian environment. He noted in the 1970's large buildings were setback from the street; however, over the past few years the Commission and Council have been working on creating more of a pedestrian centered corridor in the greater Southdale area. He noted there are new developments within the greater Southdale area that are now closer to the street, adding to the pedestrian experience. Schroeder also noted there is no sidewalk connection from this building to the street reiterating the goal of the City is to foster a greater pedestrian experience. Concluding, Schroder said he was curious how the new building would function if it was placed on the opposite side. Schroeder said placing the new building on the York side would lessen the scale of the very tall older building and may create a very good experience for residents of the buildings and the City. Page 7 of 9 - Ms. Cermak responded that was looked at; however, maintaining front yard setbacks would be a problem. Commissioner Schroeder explained there are ways to work with the City to allow construction of a building closer to the street and mitigate increased density. Schroder pointed out the CVS site; as a recent example of a redevelopment that also addresses the pedestrian experience. Chair Staunton also noted the available PUD zoning process which is one way to work with the City when a site has "issues" with the zoning ordinance. He added PUD is a tool that can be implemented to allow flexibility from City zoning requirements including density and setbacks. Staunton suggested taking a fresh look at this development by keeping sustainability in mind and trying to create a streetscape that services more than just automobiles. Commissioner Platteter commented that to him connectivity is important, adding he would like to see an area created where the pedestrian feels welcome. He pointed out finding a way to connect the subject buildings to the library and YMCA would not only be good for the pedestrian experience but it would be an important amenity to the residents of the building(s). Commissioner Schroeder suggested that the applicant look at this site as a clean slate that puts the pedestrian first with a design that challenges the City. Chair Staunton thanked Ms. Cermak for her time B. Zoning Ordinance Update— Residential Development VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Staunton acknowledged back of packet materials. Page 8 of 9 M Minutes/Edina City Council/May 7, 2013 VI.C. P IMINARY PLAT APPROVAL, 3909 WEST 49 ': STREET, FRANK HOLDINGS LLC/SPALON MO GE, RESOLUTION NO. 2013-43 - APPROVED 1 Mr. Teague prese ted the request of Spalon Montage to divide its property at 4936 Fr ce Avenue back into two lots fort purpose of potentially selling the new lot in the future. N new building was proposed at this tim The existing property and buildings would remain the sa This property was originally platted as tw ots. The proponent combined them a few years ago, b was now requesting to divide them back per the riginal plat. Staff and the Planning Commission re mmended approval of the proposed preliminary plat. The Council asked questions of Xr. Teague, City Attorney Knutson, and ity Engineer Houle relating to the encroachment agreement in plac for the side of the building. This dreliminary plat would not cause any changes to the encroachment agree)pent; the agreement would sti be in effect. Mayor Hovland opened the public hea Public Testimony There was none. Member Swenson made a motion, seconded b M ber Sprague, to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague^changes Swenson, Ho vl d Motion carried. Member Swenson introducedoption Resolution No. 2013-43, approving a Preliminary Plat at 3909 West 49'/: Streeta following dings: 1. The lots were original plased. 2. There are no immediate rhanges in use o he property or existing buildings. Member Brindle secondedthAyes: Bennett, Brindle, Spra, Hovland Motion carried. Vll. COMMUNITYCMENT Mary Ames, Parishioner f St. Richard's Catholic Church, 7650 Penn venue South, addressed the Council. VIII. REPORTS / ECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. RESOLU ON NO. 2013-41 ADOPTED - ACCEPTING VARIOUS D NATIONS Member Ben tt introduced and moved adoption of Resolution 2013-41, Accepting Various Donations. ember Sprague seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: nnett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Mot' n carried. VIII. B. SKETCH PLAN, 7151 YORK AVENUE Community Development Director Presentation Mr. Teague presented the Sketch Plan for 7151 York Avenue. The proponent proposed to build a four- story 76 -unit assisted living complex attached to the Continental Gardens Senior Living apartments at 7151 York Avenue. The proposal was to create a senior campus: and build the addition to the east side of the building. The building would be four stories tall and would be connected by an elevated skyway to the existing twelve -story 264 apartment building. The existing site was 5.85 acres in size; therefore, the density was 45 units per acre. With the proposed addition of 76 units, the density would increase to 58 Page 7 437 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 7, 2013 units per acre. The property was zoned Planned Senior Residential District — 4, PSR -4 and guided High Density Residential. The units are described by the proponent as "moderately priced." There was discussion on the cap for High Density Residential in the Comprehensive Plan, of 30 units per acre, noting that assisted living units would have less demand than other high density uses for transportation and parking while having the same demand for in -ground utilities. It was noted that EMT service was well positioned for this area, and police service for this type of development would be in low demand. Mr. Houle provided the Council with information on sewer and water capacity in relation to the Metropolitan Council. He advised that the Comprehensive Plan projected 20 to 30 years into the future, was approved by the Metropolitan Council, and included a high-density land use in the Greater Southdale Area, as well as housing in commercial areas of the City. Those numbers were taken into account by the Metropolitan Council in determining the size of the relief sewer that was built through Richfield. Proponent Presentation Terri Cermak, Cermak, Rhoades Architects, answered questions of the Council relating to affordability, anticipated number of staff, layout and amenities, and transit connections. Comments from the Council for future discussions on the plan were: the importance of the percentage of County Elderly Waiver Units that would be guaranteed, revising the plan from a second -story skyway to a first -floor connection, creating a circle on the south end of the site as opposed to widening the space between the buildings, including a sidewalk extension to the street, the importance of "pedestrian friendly," and completion of a market study with penetration rates. Staff was directed to provide the Council with additional information on the density cap relating to senior plans in PSR Districts, including why the cap was set and how this project related to the cap. IX. CORRESPONDEA CE AND PETITIONS IX.A. CORRESPONDEN Mayor Hovland acknowledg the Council's receipt of various corres ndence. IX. B. MINUTES: 1. ENERGY & ENVIR MENT COMMIC TES, MARCH 12, 2013 2. VETERANS MEMORI COMMITTEMARCH 15, 2013 3. ART CENTER BOARD UTES, MA3 4. PLANNING COMMISSIO INUTE013 Informational; no action required. X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS — ceived There was discussion on Safe Routes to Sch I lating to Concord School. Students that live across the street on School Road we/enbeing req red to a the bus to school due to there not being a sidewalk in place to access the schas note that pedes ian focused improvements have been completed at other schools in the City.ptions hat had been p ented to the Council in the May 2012 Franchise Fee Feasibility Study wereses ent split of 25/25/5 etween the City/School District/Residents for sidewalk construction frc rd School to Normanda Road; and, B) assessment split of 50/50 between the City/Schoolfor sidewalk construction fr Ruth Drive to Concord School. It was noted that the residents ot be assessed for the propose idewalk project in accordance with the current policy. Moved ber Brindle, seconded by Member Sprague, approving that Option A (sidewalk construction fncord School to Normandale Road) of the May 2012 Franchise Fee Feasibility Study be upda presented to the Council for consideration. Page 8 43� Interactive16725 York Avenue, Edina j Find a PID or an address on the map Welcome Results PI®: 290202431 0003 6725 York Ave S Edina, MN 55435 Owner/Taxpayer Nha Birmingham LIG Owner: Et Al Taxpayer: School Dist: 280 Sewer Dist: Watershed Dist: 1 Parcel 3.33 acres Parcel Area: 145,096 sq ft Legend Measure Al -�-�,., �� .,�� ��. � _ �: _ �y.�.,..�. 9 41 )-1 1. 4, :1 W,11,4 "U'llIMM ILSON RD & EDEN AVE DETI GRANDVIEW DETAIL CAHILL RD & 70TH DETAIL a Zoning Map City of Edina Hennepin County, Minnesota 50TH & FRANCE DETAIL A member who misses four consectutive regular meetings, or attends less than 75% of the scheduled meetings, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the planning commission. Liaisons: Include this report in the Planning Commission packet monthy. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "V under the month on the meetings' line. Type "V under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "ll" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "V under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "ll" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "ll" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting* Type "ll" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "ll" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "ll" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "t" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is