HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-14 PacketMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Thursday, April 14, 2011, 7 P.M. Members In Attendance and Roll Call: Dianne Plunkett Latham, Sarah Zarrin, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud, M. Germana Paterlini, Surya Iyer, Karwehn Kata, Alma Pronove, Julie Risser, Keith Kostuch Absent: Susan Tucker Staff Present: Jane Timm, Jesse Struve, Scott Neal Welcome Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Latham. 2. Approval of Agenda and Topic Time Allocation The agenda was approved with changes in the order of the items. 3. Approval of March 10, Minutes The March 10, 2011 minutes were unanimously approved. 4. Community Comment None. 5. Staff Report Staff Liaison, Jesse Struve made a request to commissioners that all requests for staff go through the EEC chairperson and the EEC chairperson would consult with him to evaluate the request. He requested a one week turnaround time for any request. 6. GreenStep Cities Benchmark Chair Latham welcomed Mayor Hovland and Council Member Bennett to the meeting. Jesse Struve gave a short demonstration on the State of Minnesota B3 database. He entered the secure website and noted it was best to keep the database current by updating monthly. One concern was how much staff time would be necessary to keep the database current. It was also noted that the database through the State of Minnesota was free. Commissioner Sierks made a motion to recommend Katie Jones to work with Jesse Struve to input the B3 Benchmark data. Commissioner Iyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next demonstration was from Hara Software (an energy management service) by way of Webinar and conference call and was presented by Geoff Mohr. This was a shortened version of the demonstration done at the October 2010 EEC meeting. Greg Ackerson of McKinstry Company presented information about their mission and showed the commission work that they have done for both Eden Prairie and a pilot program for Brooklyn Park. Rick Carter of LHB Corporation and Project Manager for the State of Minnesota Urban Land Institute's (ULI) Pilot within a Pilot Program explained that maintaining an up-to-date B3 database is required to qualify for certain State of Minnesota grants. He gave a presentation regarding the features of the program. Commissioner Gubrud made a motion that EEC recommend to Edina City Council that the City of Edina hire the Urban Land Institute (ULI) at $5000 to apply their Regional Indicator's Project tool (also known as Pilot within a Pilot benchmark) to supply a benchmark for 2009 and 2010 as well as train Edina City Staff such that staff can institutionalize the tool and continue benchmarking from 2011 forward. The sectors included are municipal, residential and commercial for electricity, Page 12 gas, drinking water, waste water, municipal solid waste, recycling, vehicle miles traveled and carbon dioxide. Commissioner Sierks seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Chair Report Chair Latham announced that due to time constraints most items would be tabled to the May 2011 meeting. She reminded the commissioners of the Volunteer Recognition Reception Thursday, April 28, 2011, and asked for a motion for the commissioners to pay out of the EEC budget the required $20 fee for each of the four honored volunteers as well as the three commissioner sintroducing the honored volunteers at the reception. Commissioner Gubrud made a motion to pay $140 from the EEC budget for the volunteer recognition participants. Commissioner Sierks seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Energy Working Group Chair Latham told the commission there was a request from the Planning Commission's March 23, 2011, meeting for two members of the EEC to join the Solar & Wind Ordinance Amendment Task Force. Chair Latham nominated Commissioners Sierks and Iyer to the Solar & Wind Ordinance Amendment Task Force. Commissioners Sierks and Iyer accepted the nomination. Commissioner Risser made a motion to confirm Chair Latham's nomination of Commissioners Iyer and Sierks to join the Solar & Wind Ordinance Amendment Task Force. Commissioner Gubrud seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Solar Panel For City Hall/Fire Station Jesse Struve is meeting with City Manager, Scott Neal to discuss the Solar Panel for City Hall or the Fire Station #1. Jesse Struve will contact Chair Latham after the meeting. 10. Eco Yard and GardenTour Chair Latham asked the commission for input on the press release regarding the tour. Commissioner Risser suggested having energy efficient lawn mowers on the tour. Chair Latham will add the lawn mower demonstrations to the press release. 11. Education and Outreach Working Group Commissioner Thompson gave an update on Earth Day (April 22) noting that Edina High School would be having an Earth Jam from 7pm to 11 pm at The Depot. 12. Adjournment Commissioner Iyer made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Gubrud seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. May 12, 2011 at Edina City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thurs., May 12, 2011 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL (1 min) III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (1 min) IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA (1 min) A. Minutes B. Attendance Report V. COMMUNITY COMMENT (10 min) During "Community Comment, " the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Working Group member additions/deletions. See revised best practice list with WG membership (attached) (5 min). B. May 2 Commission Chair Work Session with Council — Filming meetings; Standard by-laws, agendas, minutes, meeting prep protocol; Working Grps/Task Forces; Commissioner orientation; Council Priorities; Websites. (5 min) C. Process for City Ordinance Amendments and Recommendations (10 min) — DP Latham (attached) D. Air Quality WG Rept (10 min) — J. Risser —Minutes of 3-24-11 (attached), 4-28-11 (awaiting approval); Engine Idling signs (3 alternatives attached) cost & possible grant funding; 4-21-11 MnDOT Wkshop report; Proposed letter to the Edina Sun Current Editor (attached); Next meeting May 26. E. 7-31-11 Eco Yard & Garden tour revised press release (attached) (5 Min) F. Green Corps Intern (attached application) (5 min) G. Update of EEC Website (attached) (10 min) Sage Steps website www.SageSteps.com — (in 3-10-11 packet) Bob Gubrud recommendation. H. GreenStep Cities (20 min) — See http:// resp.pca.state.mn.usibestPractices.cfm for updated practices as well as www.MnGreenStep.org; Comp Plan must be updated for city ordinance citations. L Energy WG — (5 min) Surya Iyer — Solar panel report with McKinstry consultants. Solar/wind ordinance amendments Task Force report; Minutes 3-15-11 (awaiting receipt) 4-15-11 (awaiting approval). Next meeting 5-17-11. J. Turf Management Task Force (5 min) - Germana Paterlini; K. Google Groups (5 min) — Germana Paterlini. L. 4`" of July Parade (5 min). Will EEC have a unit? If so, someone needs to register it. Handouts? AQ WG proposes a handout on wood smoke & engine idling, which would need to be approved at June EEC meeting and sufficient volunteers found to stuff the packets handed out at the parade. Handouts are possible even if EEC does not have a unit. M. Education Outreach Working Group Report — (5 min) Bob Gubrud/Paul Thompson; Next meeting 6/7/11 5-10-11 N. Water Quality WG — (5 min) Susan Tucker — Minutes of 3-23-11 (attached); Report on Blue Star Municipal Stormwater Mgmt Assessment. O. Recycling & Solid Waste WG (5 min) DP Latham —In lieu of an April meeting, RSW WG members attended the League of Women Voters meeting on organized hauling. In lieu of a June meeting a tour of the St. Paul Dist Energy is tentatively planned; Grant proposal for recycling bins for Weber Park VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS A. Commissioner badges (1 min) — DP Latham B. Vice Chair Election IX. STAFF COMMENTS - Jesse Struve (10 min) City survey; EEC budget balance; ULI benchmark report 2010 B3 data entry (CERTS, Katie Jones & MN Gm Corps); Report on compostable bag resolution. Next EEC Meeting — Thursday, June 9 in the Community Room. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 5-10-11 ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2013 X X X X Iyer, Surya 2/1/2012 X X X X Kata, Karwehn student X X X Kostuch, Keith 2/1/2013 0 X Latham, Dianne 2/1/2012 X X X X Paterlini, Germana 2/1/2013 X X X X Pronove, Alma student X 0 X X Risser, Julie 2/1/2012 X 0 X X Sierks, Bill 2/1/2013 X X X X Thompson, Paul 2/1/2013 X X X X Tucker, Susan 2/1/2012 X X X 0 Zarrin, Sarah 2/1/2012 E X X X Best Practices Selected by Edina for the Green Steps Program GreenStep Cities - www.MnGreenStep.org and best practices page at http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/best Practices. cfm (See icon upper left hand side) 9 Required Steps for Category A Cities Counts as 10 Steps including 1 Floating BP (#24.4 & #24.5) May 9, 2011 - Draft GrnStep# Responsible Commissioner/Staff 1. Public Buildings & Lighting — Substeps #1 & 2 required plus 1 additional substep for Cat. A #1 B3 data base — Required — Complete for 2007 & needs update Germana/Jesse #2 Building Audit - Required (Long Term Goal) Jesse #6 Internal Loan Fund — Possibly Complete Jesse 6. Comp Plan — Substeps #1 and #2, required for Cat. A & B #1 Adopt a Comp Plan that is less than 10 years old — Required - Complete #2 Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the Comp Plan including having the zoning ordinance explicitly referenced in the Comp Plan — Required — Ordinance citations must be added. Ch 1 Intro; Ch 2 Vision, Goals & Objectives; Ch 3 Community Profile — NA Ch 4 Land Use & Community Design - Julie Risser Ch 5 Housing - Julie Risser Ch 6 Heritage Preservation — Arlene Forest Ch 7 Transportation — Jennifer Janovy Ch 7 Bike Plan — Kirk Johnson Ch 8 Water Resources — Susan Tucker Ch 9 Parks — Dianne Plunkett Lathan Ch 10 Energy & Environment 10.1 Introduction — NA 10.2 Climate Change & Global Warming — Paul Thompson & Bill Sierks 10.3 Energy — Surya Iyer and Bill Sierks 10.4 Solar Protection - Surya Iyer and Bill Sierks 10.5 Residential Energy Consumption — Bill Sierks & Bob Gubrud 10.6 Commercial and Industrial Energy Consumption — Germana Paterlini & Bill Sierks 10.7 City Energy Consumption - Germana Paterlini & Bill Sierks 10.8 Waste — Dianne Plunkett Latham & Sara Zarrin Mohtadi 10.9 Air — Julie Risser, Julie Mellum & Karwehn Kata Ch 11 Community Services & Facilities Police, Fire & Public Health — Bob Gubrud Schools & Libraries — Paul Thompson & Alma Pronove Information Technology, Communications Marketing — Germana Paterlini Ch 12 Implementation - NA 11. Complete Streets — Substep #1 required plus 2 additional sub steps for Cat. A — Transportation Commission (Jennifer Janovy) & Bike Task Force (Kirk Johnson). #1 Required - Adopt a Complete Green Street Policy that addresses street trees and stormwater and modify street standards accordingly — Possibly complete for arterials but could be expanded to side streets #4 Identify and remedy non -complete street segments by, for example, adding a bike lane or sidewalk #6 Traffic Calming measures on at least 1 street redevelopment project — Possibly complete but expand 12. Mobility Options — Required for Cat. A - Two sub steps are required — Transportation Commission (Jennifer Janovy) & Bike Edina Task Force (Kirk Johnson). le. Promote walking, biking and transit by an active living campaign in concert with your local community health board. 2. Launch a Safe Routes to School program with educational, public health and other partners. 4. Promote carpooling or on -demand ridesharing among community members, city employees, businesses, high schools and institutions of higher education. 15. Purchasing — Required for all cities — Substep #1 required, plus additional sub step for Cat. A #1 Purchasing Policy — Required — Draft complete GermanalKeith #4 Require Purchase of US EPA Water Sense Certified Products GermanalKeith 16. Urban Forests — Required for A & B cities with 2 Sub Steps for A Cities — Dianne & UFTF #1 Qualify as Tree City USA — City Forester Tom Horwath to apply for 2011 #4 Maximize tree planting on your main downtown street (50th & France) — Possibly complete #5d Enact ordinances to protect trees in the development process — Dianne and UFTF 17. Efficient Stormwater Management — Required for Cat. A — Susan Tucker & WQ WG, Jesse Struve, 9 Mile Creek Watershed District & Minnehaha Watershed District Complete at least one Sub step: #1 Complete Blue Star City stormwater management assessment & achieve a minimum threshold of specific activities detailed in the program — Draft complete #4 Create a stormwater utility, which uses variable fees to incentivize stormwater reduction and fund community stormwater infrastructure and assistance. #5 Adopt and implement design standards or guidelines for renovations or new construction in the city addressing at least one of the following: Rain gardens, Green alleys, Green parking lots, Green roofs with or without cisterns & water/grey water reuse systems #6 Adopt, with modifications as needed, the model Stormwater and Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance. 24. Benchmarks and Community Engagement - Substeps #1 & #2 required for Cat. A #1 Carbon Benchmark — Required — Updated for 2010 Germana Paterlini #2 City Measurement Reporting - Required Germana Paterlini #4 Energy efficiency Education Campaign (Floating BP) Paul, Bob & EO WG plus HES #5 Conduct community education, visioning & planning using a sustainability framework (Floating BP) Natural Step Framework - Complete 25. Green Business Development — Required for Cat. A & B cities with at least 2 sub steps — Dianne, Bill & RSW WG #2 Invite Assistance providers such as Minnesota Waste Wise, EnergySmart to conduct personalized energy, environmental sustainability, and waste audits with at least 5 businesses. #4 Support businesses using local waste products — Complete - City brush currently goes to St. Paul District Energy EEC's 6 Top Optional GreenSteps for a Total of 15 Steps Plus #24.4 and/or #24.5 For a total of 16 BP's (16 Required for Category A Cities) GrnStep# Responsible Commissioner/Staff 2. Efficient Private Existing Buildings & Lighting: (2 sub steps must be selected) #1 Work with local utility, tailor a utility conservation improvement pgm (CIP) for your city. Bill #5b Watering Ordinance, Conservation Rate Structure — Three -tiered ordinance is complete — Jesse 18. Green Infrastructure: - Choose 3 sub steps - Dianne P. Latham & Urban Forest Task Force #5 Park Management Standards for at least one of the following: a) Low Maintenance native landscaping b) Organic or Integrated Pest Management — Germana & Edina Turf Management Task Force c) Sources of Non potable water for irrigation — Complete - Braemar uses retired well #14 #6 Certify 1 golf course for Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary — Complete for Braemar & Richards #8 Develop a program that involves community in land restoration and stewardship 19. Surface Water Quality: — Susan Tucker & WQ WG, 9MCWD, MCWD, Jesse Struve - Sub Step #4 is required plus 1 additional sub step. #3 Adopt measurable lake, stream and wetland health indicators or improvement targets, work with private and non-profit organizations to support citizen education efforts and involve stakeholders in actions to attain the targets, and annually report successes and failures. Targets may include measures such as trophic state, pollutant levels, health measures, water levels, and recreational carrying capacity. #4 Adopt a shore -land ordinance consistent with MN Dept of Natural Resources rules as modified 22. Solid Waste: — Dianne P Latham & RSW WG, Solvei Wilmot -#2 Required, plus one of substeps #4 - #8 #2 Adopt & meet aggressive goals for the overall percentage diversion of currently disposed waste from city operations into recycling and organics collection. #5 Arrange for a residential organics collection program — Complete & provided by Vierkant Disposal #6 Organized Hauling — Dianne, Surya & RSW WG (long term goal) Invite MPCA's Peder Sandhei to give PowerPoint presentation to City Council Work Session, survey residents regarding their hauling preferences & work to amend MS I I5A.94. #23 Local Air Quality Julie Risser & AQ WG Complete at least 2 sub steps #2 Regulate outdoor wood burning, using model ordinance language, performance standards and bans as appropriate for at least one of the following: ■ Recreational burning ■ Outdoor wood boilers #3 Conduct one or more education/behavior change campaigns on the topics below and document: ■ Decreased vehicle idling in specific locales or by specific fleets ■ Increased sales by retail stores of low and no-VOC household products ■ Replacement of gasoline -powered equipment with lower polluting equipment. 26. Renewable Energy: — At least 2 sub steps are required — Surya Iyer, Bill Sierks & AE WG #5 Install renewable capacity on at least one city -owned building, street light, speed display or chargeable message sign - ARRA grant to install solar panels on City Hall. 3 #6 Work with private/public partners to create renewable energy generation capacity with one or more of the following attributes a. Fueled by wind — Utilize WindSource Process Recommendation: 1. Each selected step and sub step has a Working Group or Champion to implement it. Every Commissioner volunteers for at least 2 steps/sub steps and drafts the report for at least 1 step or sub step using the template provided to report their (sub) step. Each report will include recommendations & establish an implementation schedule. 2. July 6, 2010 - The report was discussed at the City Council Work Session 3. July 2010 - Lay groundwork for the next step in the process, which will likely be that the City become a formal Green Steps community. Meet with counterpart GreenStep city commissioners — Never occurred. Counterpart staff met. 4. Sept. 22, 2010 — EEC final approval of the selected steps as well as prioritizing the optional steps. 5. Nov 2010 — Begin staff training and involvement — Nov. 9, 2010 & Feb. 7, 2011 NEMO water quality program. 6. Jan. 18, 2011 - Council adopted GreenStep Cities resolution. Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects Air Quality Working Group (AQ WG) — 4`t' Thrusday at 7:00 pm — Chair Julie Risser - Members Julie Mellum, Karwehn Kata Prospective Members — Laura Eaton (U. WI grad in Marketing Communications with sustainability interests. Also member of EO WG). Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — Yd Monday at 7:00 pm - Chair Susan Tucker — Members: Bill Johnson, Nina Holiday -Lynch, Jon Moon, Mary Jo Straub, Ryan Wilson (Does he still wish to be a member?) Prospective Member — Robert Skrentner — 30 years in the water/wastewater industry, first for the City of Detroit, then for a local MN consultant as a control systems engineer. Has BS and MS in Civil Engineering. Husband of School Bd member Lonni Skrentner. Todd Doroff — Former teacher currently on the Bd of Dir for the Non -Profit H2O for Life, which focuses on clean water in developing nations. Susan Danzl — BS & MS in environmental engineering & worked 5 yrs in water and waste water industry. Also has done some work in solid waste estimations and energy production from solid waste (waste to energy). Relocated from California 1 year ago. Energy Working Group (AE WG)— 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Surya Iyer — Commissioners — Bill Sierks, Bob Gubrud - Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Spanhake, John Howard, Bill Glahn. Delete: Renee DeVicino Prospective Members: Bradley Hanson — Has a consulting business in the solar industry. Delete Prospects? Alan Glotzman — Has a business Presswirte Printing in SLP. Has a commercial solar system providing a substantial % of his power, as well as extensive LED lighting. He the past President of the morning Rotary. Scott Weicht (Works in commercial construction that installs geo-exchange, solar systems, LEED certified buildings and invests/constructs biomass facilities as well as water treatment/waste water plants around the country. His home has a geo-exchange ground loop system for heating/cooling, and a rain water capture system for lawn/plant watering. The home is designed for future solar when it becomes more efficient). Has agreed to be on the 7-31-11 Eco tour. Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — V Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud — Members: Laura Eaton, Bob Genovese, John Howard, Wendy Morris, Alma Pronove, Todd Willmert. Prospective Members: Annie Berge ('07 Macalester grad with Environmental Science minor, apprenticed at an organic farm in Hawaii and managed professional development seminars); Scott Davidson - Works for HGA, Inc. in the health care industry. His background is in teaching and he is an architect. 4 Tim Jordheim Karl Juhnke - Regis Corp as Sr. IT Developer/Analyst with computer science degree. Sierra Club member with an interest in Dark Sky issues. Eric Strobel - Appointed to Construction Bd of Appeals. He has been a lawyer in the construction industry for 20 years and has an interest in green building codes. Carlin Struckman - Student at Normandale Community College with a Poli Sci Major. He is interested in transit and park issues. He is in Student Senate. Home Energy Squad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Project & Policy Group — Meets as needed - Bill Sierks, Surya Iyer Purchasing — Meets as needed - Chair Germana Paterlini, Staff TBA, Keith Kostuch Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — ls` Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham- Members Sara Zarrin, Michelle Horan, Tim Rudnicki, Melissa Seeley Turf Management Plan Task Force (TMP TF) — Meetings as needed over lunch hour - Chair Germana Paterlini (EEC) — Members - Ellen Jones (Pk Bd), Mary Jo Kingston (Community Health), Vince Cockriel (Staff); Ex Officio DP Latham and John Keprios Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Members - Joseph Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff) EEC Website Task Force — Commissioners Dianne P. Latham, Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser, Bob Gubrud — Members John Howard. Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force — Surya Iyer, Chair, Members — Michael Platteter (Planning) 2°d Planning Member (Name?) plus Energy Working Group. Process for City Ordinance Revisions or Recommendations to City Council 1. Working Group (WG) undertakes research on issues as directed by the Commission based on Council's direction, then the WG drafts a report to the Commission. 2. In place of the Working Group, a Task Force may be appointed from a subset of EEC commissioners, commissioners from other commissions and/or representatives of other bodies. Task Forces are used when a WG does not have the requisite knowledge/experience within their group, or if broader advice and support is needed. City staff may be asked to participate. 3. If significant public opposition to the proposal is expected, an education campaign and/or survey may be undertaken. 4. Issues may be referred to City staff or other Commissions and Boards for advice and/or direction. 5. The Commission may hold a public hearing on the issue, if requested by Council. 6. The Commission adopts a proposal and presents it to City Council in a Work Session. 7. The Commission's proposal is refined based on Council's direction and formally referred to City Council. 8. If an ordinance amendment is requested, there will be a first reading of the amendment at Council at which time Council can hold a public hearing. 9. A second reading of the amendment is required for ordinance amendments unless Council deems the amendment non controversial and waives the second reading. 10. Upon Council's approval by a majority, or in some cases a super majority, Council sets a date that the ordinance becomes effective. Prepared by EEC Chair, Dianne Plunkett Latham 5-10-11 Air Quality Working Group March 24, 2001, 7:00 pm Edina City Hall Mayor's Conference Room Present: Laura Eaton, Karwhen Kata, Julie Risser Absent: Julie Mellum 7:00 pm the meeting began with introductions. Discussion followed - improvements in air quality can be achieved by reducing or limiting activity in the following three areas Drive through windows • Outdoor fires • Auto engine idling Karwehn will have revised drive through window ordinances written by April 8 to be included in the packet for EEC commissioners.* One ordinance will prohibit drive through window operations on days that have an Air Quality Index greater than 101. The other ordinance will not include that prohibition. Julie will send Karwehn the relevant information gathered by Germana. A note will be sent to Diane about getting the ordinance on the books. Karwehn will also look at the ordinances for outdoor fires and engine idling with the goal of getting these ordinances into the packet as well. Julie and Laura will address engine idling. Laura will generate ideas for effectively communicating the "no idling" message to parents parked at schools. Karwehn will talk to a member of the school board about the possibility of a "no idling" dictate from the Edina School Board for all school campuses. Julie will investigate the possibility of announcing the Air Quality Index on the electronic billboard at City Hall. A written piece for the Edina Sun was discussed, dividing a possible article into three short parts. Julie and Laura will work on this. Julie outlined an idea for promoting electric lawn mowers. The City of Edina might consider renting or lending the equipment to residents on a trial basis, possibly drawing from a pool of available funds to incent purchases by residents. We need to propose this at the next EEC meeting The working group will meet the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 — 9 in the Mayor's Conference Room. *The AQWG was overly optimistic in this initial time table — review of the Setp 2009 change to the drive through amendment as well as incorporation of EEC recommendations need to be added to the draft. 0 Children Breathing your '00 A6 4k KIDS BREATHE HERE 0 �ar� AIII-I gone Air Quality - Letter to the Editor Although spring is arriving slowly, people are beginning to spend more time outdoors. The change of seasons makes the subject of air quality and reasonable actions people can take to improve it timely. Children, the elderly, people with asthma and athletes who exercise outdoors are hit particularly hard by increased levels of ozone, sulfur dioxide, fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, lead and mercury - pollutants generated by our cars, gas powered tools, and outdoor fires. Higher levels of air pollution are correlated with greater incidence of cardiovascular risk factors and cancer. On muggy days compromised air quality is actually visible - a haze builds up, making it difficult to see structures in the distance and also causing people to feel burning in their throats and suffer more asthma attacks. On these days the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency issues air quality alerts and encourages people to curb activities that create air pollutants. There is no need to wait for an alert. If Edina residents would integrate the following actions into their lives, we could all breathe a little easier: • Avoid engine idling, car exhaust compromises air quality • Avoid unnecessary car trips. • Replace a gas powered lawn mower with a push or electric powered one - this reduces air as well noise pollution. • Eliminate outdoor recreational fires - they are a significant source of fine particulates More information can be found at the following websites: www.epa.gov/oms/invntory/overview/12ollutants/index.htm www.epa.gov/airnow/aqi brochure 08-09.pdf www.americanheart.org/nresenter.jhtml?identifier=4419 Interested in joining the Edina Energy and Environment Commission's Air Quality Working Group? Contact Julie Risser 952-927-7538. 2011 Edina Eco Yard & Garden Tour — Sunday, July 31 from 1:00 — 5:00 PM Draft Press Release of 4-20-11 Contact: Dianne Plunkett Latham 952-941-3542 Dianne.Plunkett.Latham@Comcast.net 7013 Comanche Ct., Edina MN 55439-1004 The Edina Energy and Environment Commission (EEC) is sponsoring an Edina Eco Yard and Garden tour on Sunday, July 31 from 1:00 — 5:00 PM. The tour is unique in that will showcase examples of Edina residents' yards and gardens, which are outstanding examples of sustainability. This will include features such as drip irrigation, rain barrels, rain water capture systems for lawn and garden watering, geo-exchange ground loop systems for heating and cooling the home, solar panels, composting, and residentially grown organic food. Five yards and gardens will be featured on the 2011 Edina Eco tour. Proceeds will be used to support Edina park projects such as tree planting and noxious weed control. Tickets can be purchased in advance in person at the discount price of $10.00 in the Edina City Hall lobby at 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN55424-1394. Advance purchases can be made Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, except holidays. Make checks payable to the Edina Community Foundation with a notation for the Eco Tour. Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the tour for $15 at the featured tour garden of Dan and Dianne Latham at 7013 Comanche Court. The Latham site will also host a plant sale on the day of the tour to raise additional funds for EEC environmental projects. For more information call tour chair, Dianne Plunkett Latham at 952-941-3542. The four featured gardens are as follows. We request that the press does not reveal the address, phone number or e-mail address of the home owners to the public; the public will be informed of the site addresses upon purchase of a ticket. The contact information is solely for press purposes. Mark Campbell - 4421 Rutledge Avenue, Edina MN 55436 (612) 325-8852 CampbellMark@Mac.com Winner of the 2009 Minneapolis Star Tribune's Beautiful Gardens contest, this garden provides the owner with a bountiful supply of organically grown fruit, berries, vegetables and herbs. Mark apprenticed at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His garden is a study in environmentally friendly gardening. No chemicals are used in the yard. The price is a bit of purslane, common mullein, or crab grass, which Mark finds to be a worthy trade off. Mark uses an organic spray `Surround WUP' from Gardens Alive and composts all his yard waste. Kitchen waste is fed into his vermiculture (worm) box and the castings are used to fertilize the garden. Mark's perennials include low maintenance plants such as Peonies, Daylilies and Hostas. A member of the Hosta Society, Mark has 450 varieties of Hostas. He also has 50 varieties of fruit trees, vines & berries, including 3 varieties of apricots, in addition to plums, figs, currents, pomegranate, lime, chokeberry, cranberries, seaberries and nine varieties of apples. He even has jostaberries, a cross between a black currant and a gooseberry, both of which he also grows. Mark freezes, dries, bakes and makes jam. Some of his herbs include stinging nettles, lemon verbena and hops. He is the chef at Beaujo's Wine Bar & Bistro and uses his extensive knowledge of herbs in his culinary creations. He is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge of horticulture, so if you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. As to the swinging chair in the front yard, Mark says he has very little time to sit in it. Dan and Dianne Latham — 7013 Comanche Ct., Edina MN 55439-1004 (952)941-3542DAR.Dianne@Comcast.net Winner of the 2010 Minneapolis Star Tribune's Beautiful Gardens contest, Latham's mini botanical garden has over 400 varieties of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, shrubs and trees. Their neighbors call it "Latham Park" and it is complete with a gazebo and a lotus reflecting pool. Latham's garden features interspersing organically grown herbs, fruits and vegetables with ornamental plantings. Dan has a Honeycrisp espalier and many varieties of heirloom tomatoes, trying out different heirloom tomato varieties each year. There are many plants with berries and seeds for the birds, and over 45 varieties of Minnesota Native Plants. Clover is left in the lawn for the bees. Latham's backyard has been certified by the 1 National Wildlife Federation as a Wildlife Habitat. Dan installed 2,000 ft of drip irrigation with 4 zones to water the entire garden. The garden is mulched with organic mulches such as leaves, pine needles and coco beans. Latham's have a 40 gallon rain barrel to water Dianne's many hanging plants and containers. Hidden under the spruce trees is a 90 gallon ComposTumbler from A.M. Leonard's Gardener's Edge, which is used for kitchen scraps and some yard waste. Dan and Dianne sometimes use their reel mower, which will be on display. You can try it if you like. It's good exercise and is quiet. It's great when the ground is soggy in the spring and we don't want to beat it up with a heavy mower, or if the lawn is damaged and we need to be more gentle with that area. Dianne is Chair of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission (EEC) as well as Chair of EEC's Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group and EEC's Urban Forest Task Force. She is also a past President of the Edina Garden Council and member of the MN Native Plant Society, North Star Lily Society, Hosta Society and MN Water Garden Society. A plant sale will be held at Lathams to raise additional funds for the EEC's projects such as tree planting, and noxious weed control. If you see a plant you like, check to see if it is offered at the plant sale along the Latham driveway. Scott and Martha Weicht — 5608 Concord Ave. S., Edina MN 55424-1504 (952)922-3615SWeicht@comcast.net The Weicht's home has a geo-exchange ground loop system located in the back yard for heating and cooling. They also have a 2,500 gallon rain water capture system under the patio for lawn and plant watering. A low maintenance gravity fed filter system removes debris from the rainwater before it enters the cistern. For every inch of rain, approximately 500 gallons of roof water is captured. The water pump is similar to those found in lake cabins. The fiberglass holding tank came from a MN manufacturer and all componients were ordered off the internet. The home is designed for future solar power. Scott will be available to answer questions and will have photos and literature available about the many sustainable features found in their home. Scott works for Adolfson & Peterson, a LEED certified builder of geo-exchange systems, solar systems, and LEED certified buildings. Adolfson & Peterson also invests in, and constructs biomass facilities as well as water treatment and waste water plants around the country. Jon and Yuko Moon — 6016 Schaefer Rd, Edina MN 55436 (952) 373-1636-JKMoon@rocketmail.com Jon has three kinds of rain barrels and will demonstrate how to set them up and utilize them. Jon waters his vegetable garden from the rain barrels and also uses them with drip irrigation in his front Hosta bed. He will also show visitors how two rain barrels can be cascaded together. His back yard has a naturally occurring rain garden where rainwater and snowmelt runoff pools and then infiltrates. His family uses many other environmental practices including hanging laundry out to dry. Jon is a member of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission's Water Quality Working Group, as well as the Conservation League of Edina. Greg & Cindy Nelson - 6120 Hansen Rd, Edina MN 55436 (952) 925-3613 gnelson@ehsystemsinc.com Solar in Edina? Absolutely! Solar is a great choice for Edina residents and businesses. We have as much sun as parts of Florida and Texas, and our cooler environment actually helps maximize solar production. Solar PV (photovoltaic) is a reliable, efficient and safe renewable energy source that has a life expectancy of over 40 years. A great way to produce electricity, PV Solar also reduces CO2 emissions, saves on energy bills, increases home values and will eventually help power electric cars. The 13 module PV Solar System installed on this residential yard shed supplies about 35% of the associated home's electrical use. The 4700 sq ft home was also remodeled with conservation in mind. Gas and electric bills combined average $160 per month. Federal, state, and/or local utility rebates are making solar very 2 attractive and affordable. In the near future, PV Solar Systems may also give you the ability to generate income through Solar Renewable Energy Credits. This system was designed and installed by Enhanced Home Systems of Eden Prairie, where Greg works. Solar can be installed in various locations such as roofs or on a freestanding, sun -tracking mount in your yard. Stop by this home on the Eco Tour and see how Solar can go to work for you. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St Paul, MN 55155-4194 "AN r8ki s Y Minnesota GreenCorps Host Site Application Program Year 2011 - 2012 Doc Type: Application Instructions: The Minnesota GreenCorps (MN GreenCorps) program is an AmeriCorps program coordinated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Please complete the application, answer all questions, and send via e- mail to mngreencorps.pca@state.mn.us. For more information, refer to the 2011-2012 Minnesota GreenCorps Host Site Application Guide. Applications must be submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday May 5, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Souter at 651-757-2749 or e-mail at mngreencorps.pca@state.mn.us. Letters of support/Board resolutions may be faxed to the attention of MN GreenCorps at 651-215-0246 if unable to include electronically as a scanned document. Please note, operation of the 2011-2012 program year is contingent on funding. Completed application checklist: ❑ All sections and questions answered. ❑ Board resolution from governing board and/or authorized representative (or expected timeline to submit it). ❑ Letters of support from any identified partners (either internal or external). ❑ For non-profit applicants: Proof of eligibility: 501(c) (3) status. I. Applicant and Project Information Name of legal applicant organization: Mailing address City: Edina 7450 Metro Blvd. State: MN Zip code 55439 City of Edina Utility Engineer & Staff Liaison to Main project contact: Jesse Struve Title: Edina Energy & Environment Commission Phone: (952) 903-5713 Fax: (952) 826-0392 E-mail: JStruve@CI.Edina.MN.US Web site: http://www.ci.edina.mn.us/ What type of host site is your organization (check one): ® New ❑ Renewing Renewing host sites are not guaranteed selection as a 2011-2012 host site. Performance during previous years of the program will be taken into consideration. Identify any partner organization(s) which would be involved in a MN GreenCorps member's project through this application: Contact information for authorized representative (individual responsible for signing legal agreements in your organization): Authorized representative name: Scott Neal Title: Edina City Manager Mailing address City: Edina 4801 W. 50th St. State: MN Zip code Phone: (952)826-0401 Fax: (952)826-0390 E-mail: SNeal@CI.Edina.MN.US Please indicate your organization type: 55424-1394 ® Government agency (local, regional, state, tribal, or federal) (Examples include cities, counties, tribal governments, park districts, regional planning organizations, watershed districts, etc.) ❑ School district ❑ 501(c) (3) non-profit organization (Note: you must submit proof of 501(c) (3) status with your application) ❑ Not for profit institutions of higher education How many MN GreenCorps members are you applying for? ® One ❑ Two Please specify the number of members you are requesting. For each focus area you may choose only whole numbers (e.g., 1 or 2). Applicants may not request more than two members. Refer to Application Guide for position descriptions. Members Members Position type requested Position type requested www.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats p-mgc2-02 - 3123111 Page 1 of 6 Energy Conservation 0 1 Waste Prevention and Recycling 0 Living Green 1 I Green Infrastructure 0 II. Narrative Questions Carefully review the pre -scoped position description(s) for which you are considering a MN GreenCorps member. Details of the member position descriptions can be found in the accompanying document Minnesota GreenCorps Host Site Application Guide 2011-2012. For each project for which you are requesting a MN GreenCorps member (if more than one), please respond to the following questions, in the provided text boxes. Project Scope and Proposed Member Activities Provide an overview of the direct service project you propose, and how the project fits with MN GreenCorps' pre -scoped position description. Include the project goals and objectives, and specific activities that relate back to the position description. If the position for which you are applying included a 'Track" option, please identify which track you are selecting (e.g., green infrastructure: stormwater or forestry). I. Living Green Intern IA. Living Green: Energy 1. Enter data in the B3 database 2. Communicate with ICLEI's midwest office in Chicago on a weekly basis. 2.1. Complete the report for ICLEI Milestone 1. Former City Manager Heather Worthington started this before she left.. This report is typically 70 pages and it would include a detailed analysis of the CACP data collected to date. 2.2 Provide a summary of ICLEI news that are relevant to the work of the Commission (ex: ideas on how to finance solar). 2.3 Use the 2009 CACP to enter data not included in the B3 data base, such as waste, water and Scope 3 (see below). 3 Collect Scope 3 data of GHG protocol. Scope 3 are emissions from city activities. There is some evidence in the literature (ex: CDP studies) that scope 3 emissions may be as great as scope 2 (i.e. use of energy). Specifically: 3.1 Measure emissions from employee commute. Collect survey data for 2011 and compare with the previous survey obtained in 2008 by a college intern as part of the CACP data collection. 3.2 Survey of City Fleet for behicle composition & fuel consumption. THe 2011 data will be compared with a survey done in 2008 by a college intern as part of the CACP data collection. 3.3. Measure emissions generated in the supply chain: i.e. footprint from purchases, suppliers, etc. This work will establish benchmarks for assessing progress by the city toward meeting its Green Purchasing Policy goals. 4 Attend Energy and Environment Commission (EEC) meetings as needed - Assist with implementing the GreenStep Cities steps # 1 Efficient Exitsint Public Buildings, #2 Efficient Existing Private Buildings and #24 Benchmarks & Community Involvement. 5 Attend EEC Energy Working Group meetings as needed and help identify opportunities for energy conservation and efficiency and to implement GreenStep Cities step #26 Renewable Energy. 6 Attend EEC Education & Outreach Working Group meetings as needed and assist with education on energy conservation practices (through campaigns, workshops, media, etc) to host site staff, other local organizations, or the broader community. Assist with Edina's implementation of Centerpoint & Xcel's Home Energy Squad program. 7 Apply for grants as applicable. 8 Document results and submit quarterly and final project report to MPCA, including lessons learned that can inform and benefit other communities. 1 B Living Green: Waste & Recycling 1. Attend EEC Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group meetings as needed. 2 Asist with implementing GreenStep Cities step #22 Managing Solid Waste. Step #22 includes a) Provide recycling bins in all parks (grants may need to be written for this); b) Reduce paper use & junk mail via reminders to city staff; c) Assist with the forthcoming RFP for city operations, which will include an organics component and the municipal operations will begin source separating organics at all locations; d) Assist with implementing a facility -wide policy to reduce the use of bottled water in municipal facilities; e) Assist with implementing a facility -wide policy that only compostable table ware will be used at municipal facilities. 3 Assist with implementing GreenStep Cities step GreenStep #25, which includes Inviting Assistance providers, such as Minnesota Waste Wise/Minnesota Energy Smart, the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program and utility assistance providers, to conduct personalized energy, environmental sustainability, and waste audits with at least 5 businesses. 4 Document results and submit quarterly and final project report to MPCA, including lessons learned that can inform and benefit other communities. 1 C Living Green: Stormwater Management & Water Conservation www.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats p-mgc2-02 • 3123111 Page 2 of 6 1. Attend EEC Water Quality Working Group meetings as needed. 2 Assist with implementing GreenStep Cities step #17 Efficient Stormwater Management . 3 Assist with implementing GreenStep Cities step #19 Surface Water Quality, which includes adopting a shore -land ordinance consistent with DNR rules as modified and water quality testing. Assist in mobilizing volunteers for water quality testing. Help implement best practices that are low-cost and reduce water usage at home, work and school and/or prevent or reduce surface water run-off and pollution. 4 Apply for grants as applicable. 5 Document results and submit quarterly and final project report to MPCA, including lessons learned that can inform and benefit other communities. 6. Assist in the creation of a pond management plan. 1 D Living Green: Air Quality Improvement 1 Attend EEC Air Quality Working Group meetings as needed. 2 Assist with implementing Green Step Cities step # 23 Local Air Quality. This step includes regulating outdoor wood burning, using model ordinance language, performance standards and bans. as appropriate. for at least one of the following: Recreational burning or outdoor wood boilers. It also includes conducting one or more educational/behavior change campaigns on the topics of a) decreased vehicle idling in specific locals or by specific fleets b) Increased sales by retail stres of low & No-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) household products c) Replacement of gasoline -powered equipment with lower poluting equipment. 2 Work with the Edina Transportation Commission and the Bike Edina Task Force, attending those meetings as needed to Encourage reduction of vehicle miles traveled and/or improved air quality through complete streets planning and practices, safe routes to school, use of multi -modal transportation and active living approaches. These will be implemented through GreenStep Cities step #12 Mobility Options. 3 Apply for grants as applicable. 4 Document results and submit quarterly and final project report to MPCA, including lessons learned that can inform and benefit other communities. 1 E Living Green: Local Foods 1 Edina established a Farmer's Market during summer 2010. Assist with resident surveys and determining if the offerings meet residents needs. 2 Apply for grants as applicable. 3 Document results and submit quarterly and financial project report to MPCA, including lessons learned that can inform and benefit other communities. 2. Provide an estimated and realistic monthly timeline of the member's activities. The Living Green Intern would begin with Energy benchmark issues. After that data in entered and analyzed, which would take 3 months (Sept - Dec.). In Jan - Feb they would work in the Recycling and Waste area. The focus of March - April would be Air Quality. The focus of May - Aug would be Water quality and Local Foods, which probably would not be full time, thus giving time to finish any of the other projects. September will be used to finalize and complete projects from all disciplines. This person will assist the Energy and Environment Commission with research and miscellanious work within their different working groups. 3. AmeriCorps members cannot displace or replace previously employed, striking, or laid off workers. Please clarify how this position is not a staff position. The interns do not displace a staff person because most of the intern's duties have not previously been done by anyone at the city. They will be assisting and working with current city staff. Community Need/Involvement 1. Describe why you chose this area, including a discussion of how the proposed project will have a positive environmental impact on the community(s) that your organization serves. Please indicate if the project will serve under -represented, economically disadvantaged or rural populations. The Living Green intern was selected because it was the best match for assisting implementing the GreenStep Cities program. 2. What opportunities do you see for broader involvement by community members, including mobilizing volunteers, with the MN GreenCorps project(s) you are applying for? www.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats p-mgc2-02 • 3123111 Page 3 of 6 The interns will be a big help in mobilizing the community for the Home Energy Squad, water quality testing, and land stewardship projects as well as assisting in educating the community on energy reduction, waste reduction and air pollution. If your member project requires support from other partners, either internally (e.g., other departments like IT, facilities maintenance, etc.) or externally (e.g., a school district), please list these partners below, and describe how the partnership will work. What actions will you take as the host organization to ensure that partners are fully engaged in the project? Provide letters of support with this application, as appropriate, to demonstrate commitment of these partner departments or organizations. IT will arrange for a computer and e-mail address. Facilities will arrange for a desk. Organizational Capacity and Commitment Please respond to the following questions about your organization: 1. In one paragraph, describe your organization's mission. Include a description of the community your organization serves, qualifications of your staff, the number of paid staff, and experience (if any) with hosting AmeriCorps members. Edina is a first tier suburb with a population of 47,941 and a city staff size of 275 full time employees. The City Council passed a resolution on 1-18-11 to join the GreenStep Cities program. To that end the city seeks to implement more sustainable practices. 2. Describe how your organization's current efforts and activities reflect the commitment and expertise you can provide to supporting a MN GreenCorps member. Include examples as appropriate. Prompts for each focus area: • Energy conservation— status of data collection (e.g., 63); commitment to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) (ICLEI, mayor's climate pact, etc.); current outreach efforts. • Waste prevention/recycling — current status of recycling/organics program; how your organization will measure progress in waste reduction/recycling. • Living green — experience with environmental campaigns and outreach efforts; recent efforts in working with the public; budget for materials/supplies for public outreach; community assets available. • Green Infrastructure — organization's level of support for forestry and/or stormwater program; Tree City USA standing; inventory status (for trees or stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs); current outreach efforts related to stormwater (e.g., Blue Thumb) and/or forestry (e.g., Arbor Day). Edina is a member of GreenStep Cities and ICLEI. It has applied for Tree City USA and has completed the Blue Star City Stormwater Management Assessment. Several years of B3 data have been entered by previous interns. Edina uses the ULI tool to benchmark Waste, Water and Energy. EEC has a $10,000 budget for its projects including Education and outreach. Edina participates in Arbor Day each year. 3. A host site supervisor must be able to provide at least 0.08 full time equivalent (FTE) per member, which equates to a minimum of 3.2 hours each week to review member activities, provide guidance, and set future goals. The supervisor should be a FTE, or close to full time, employee of the host site or a partnering organization. Please provide the contact information, and background/qualifications of the staff member(s) in your organization who will be responsible for day-to-day supervision of the MN GreenCorps member(s) from September 2011 through August 2012. Information for primary on-site supervisor: Focus area: Livin Supervisor name: Jesse Struve Title: City Utility Engineer E-mail: JStruveQa CI. Edina. MN. US; Telephone: (952) 903-5713 Describe the background and qualifications of the supervisor: City Utility Engineer and EEC Staff Liaison Information for primary on-site supervisor (if applying for a second member): Focus area: Supervisor name: E-mail: Describe the background and qualifications of the supervisor: www.pca.state.mn.us p-mgc2-02 • 3123111 Title: Telephone: 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats Page 4of6 4. Minnesota GreenCorps is a program that offers individuals professional, educational, and civic growth, particularly in the environmental field. Potential members may not necessarily bring highly specialized skills to their position. Describe how you will support the member in terms of on-site training, professional development, staff support and expertise, etc. The City of Edina has a large professional staff. Support will be available from not only those staff members listed above, but many others. The city also has many commissins, working groups and task forces with many dedicated community volunteers who will look forward to working with the GreenCorps interns. 5. What financial and/or material resources will your organization make available for MN GreenCorps member(s) projects and activities, should these be needed? The City will provide all necessary resources to complete the projects given to the intern. 6. Describe the office space (with approximate square footage) the member will occupy and the equipment and services that will be made available to allow them to carry out their work (computer, telephone, email address etc). Work space from a desk. Equipment includes computer, e-mail address, phone. The HR department may be able to assist with housing. There is not a lot of affordable housing in Edina but sometimes residents are looking for a house sitter or have a room to rent. If housing can be located close to City Hall, the interns may be able to bike to the office or walk. Working Group, Task Forces and Commission meetings are typically in the evenings; members can offer a carpool ride. There aren't many busses in Edina. 7. Is your organization able to assist your member in securing local affordable housing? (not required) ❑ Yes ® No 8. Transportation requirements for member service activities: Please keep in mind that some of our member applicants may not own a personal vehicle. ❑ An organizational vehicle is available for service related activities. ® Personal vehicle may be necessary for member tasks and host site can reimburse mileage. ❑ Personal vehicle may be necessary for member tasks and host site cannot reimburse mileage. ❑ Public transit and/or a bicycle is adequate for the MN GreenCorps member to complete his/her tasks ❑ Bus passes/tickets for member service activities are available from the host site. ❑ Service activities will not require much if any travel. Note: Transportation for member service activities is not required by host sites. Outcomes Review the overall program performance measures, as well as those associated with the position descriptions your organization is interested in. (See the Host Site Application Guide) 1. What are the estimated results of the member's service activities? Help to make steps to achieve GreenStep Cities Certification. 2. Describe how the results identified above will contribute to the overall program outputs and outcomes, as well as the specific position description. Enabling Edina to make steps toward completing our identified steps in the GreenStep Cities program 3. What methods and tools will be used to measure project effectiveness? Completion of the above listed GreenSteps as well as its benchmarks Sustainability 1. How does this project fit into your organization's long-term goals? GreenStep Cities Certification is an indicator of Edina's sustainability efforts 2. How do you see this work continuing after the MN GreenCorps members complete their service? www.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats p-mgc2-02 • 3123111 Page 5 of 6 Demonstrating successful completion of the above objectives will encourage staff and commission volunteers to continue their efforts. Current or past Host Sites only 1. Identify the program year you participated in, focus area, number of members hosted. 2. Describe evidence of effectiveness of your current or past member projects, including environmental results, and how you might build on these results if awarded another member. 3. Describe any improvements you plan to make in terms of project oversight, member supervision, implementation, and results. Note: For current or past sites, site performance, including timeliness of in-kind and member reporting, site visit reviews, and communication with MN GreenCorps program staff may be taken into consideration. III. Board Resolution/Letter(s) of Support If your organization is governed by a Board, please provide a Board resolution in support of this application, indicating your organization's commitment to host MN GreenCorps member, and willingness to enter an agreement with the MPCA should your site be select (see example). If the Board resolution cannot be provided by the application deadline, please provide an explanation below and the date when it will be submitted: Due to a clarical error, it did not make the May 3 Council agenda, but will be approved on the May 17th Council Meeting, and a copy will be forwarded to you on May 18. Note: A Board resolution must be obtained before an agreement is executed, if applicable. Please also provide letters of support from other partner organizations or even internal departments that MN GreenCorps members may provide substantial service to. www.pca.state.mn.us 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats p-mgc2-02 • 3123111 Page 6 of 6 Updates for EEC Website 5-9-11 I. On the City of Edina Home page, the search keyword box is at the very bottom of the page, causing users to need to scroll down to find it. If you don't happen to realize there is more information on the page and scroll down, you never find the search box. A search box is generally at the top of the page on the first page of a website. Please move it to the top of the page. 2. Remove all icons and video links from the l" page. Establish a link to a page for each Working Group, to which the current first page icons will be moved as indicated below. 3. Residents frequently complain that they cannot find the link to Boards and Commissions. This is because you must click the City Council Link first and few realize this. Move the Boards and Commission link to the same level as City Council so that it is more visible----------------------- Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New 4. Update the text on the EEC home page as follows: Roman, 12 pt The Energy & Environment Commission was established in April 2007 to help the City stay on the forefront of issues of sustainability. Duties of the commission include: Examining and recommending best practices for energy conservation for Edina's residents and businesses, including recommendations for a "green" building code, use of Energy Star appliances and other energy - reduction targets. Examining and recommending changes in City purchases and operations to conserve energy. Evaluating and monitoring the provision of a residential recycling program. Evaluating and monitoring the provision of a privately provided solid waste program, as well as a reduction in municipal solid wastes. Evaluating and encouraging improvements in air and water quality. Educating the public about energy issues, reduction, conservation, reuse, recycling and environmental protection. eneouFage residential enefgy off:..: The ten -member Edina Energy and Environment commission includes Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham, Bob Gubrud, Surya lyer, Keith Kostuch, Sarah Zarrin Mohtadi, M. Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson, Susan Tucker, and two non-voting high school students. `xlef4ing Groups Rf tThe Commission, which advises the City Council, have several Working Groups, which advise the commission. The Working Groups are Recycling and Solid Waste, Education and Outreach, Air ualit and, Water Quality, Purchasing, and trema v, Energy. The ^lte.. ative Enef....T,ark4ng r_.oup has Working groups generally meet monthly for one to two hours on weekday evenings. Edina residents, including high school students, who are interested in volunteering on any of these impeftant tepiesWorking Groups, should express interest by sending an email to edinamail@ci.edina.mn.us, or calling Deputy City Clerk Jane Timm at 952-826-0409 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Potential volunteers may also write to Energy/Environment Commission, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN 55424. When expressing interest, volunteers should rank the Working Groups in order of their preference, and explain how their background would benefit the working group(s) of their choice. (Note: The title of each Working Group will be listed on the EEC home page with a link to that group's page. The working group pages will contain the following.) LINK to Air Quality Working Group— Evaluate and encourage improvements in air quality. Areas of study include fine particulate matter, engine idling, wood burning smoke and second hand smoke. Link to engine idling PSA Link to Smoking in Parks PSA (super girl) Links from medical or scientific groups? LINK to Education and Outreach Working Group - Educate the public about energy issues, reduction, conservation, reuse, recycling and environmental protection. This group works closely with Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy to promote programs that encourage residential energy efficiency. Move the following icons from the home page here: Participate in the Minnesota Energy Challenge. More details at www.MNEnergvChallenge.org to do our part to reduce global warming. Icon - Cool Tips Hot Ideas for Home and Business Icon - Home Energy Squad.net Icon - Be Cool — Learn More About Saver's Switch Icon - Learn More about Rebates for CenterPoint Energy Customers Icon - Refrigerator Rebate PSA (Bob and Paul to recommend more links here, if needed) www.SageSteps.com —Centralized resource for individuals and families to measure their environmental impact based on their actual usage of electricity, natural gas, water and fuel. Bob Gubrud to evaluate whether EEC should include this link. LINK to Energy Working Group —Recommends best practices for energy conservation for Edina's citizens, municipal facilities and businesses, including recommendations for a "green" building code, use of Energy Star appliances, and other energy reduction targets. Promote the establishment of targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the City's buildings, equipment and operations. Examine and promote renewable energy options for transportation, heating, and cooling, and other energy uses. Recommendations are also made for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Move the following icons from the home page here: Participate in the Minnesota Energy Challenge. More details at www.MNEnergvChallenge.org to do our part to reduce global warming. Icon - Cool Tips Hot Ideas for Home and Business Icon - Home Energy Squad.net Icon - Be Cool — Learn More About Saver's Switch Icon - Learn More about Rebates for CenterPoint Energy Customers Icon - Refrigerator Rebate PSA Icon - Renewable Energy — It's a Breeze (Surya and EWG to add more links here if needed) www.SageSteps.com — Centralized resource for individuals and families to measure their environmental impact based on their actual usage of electricity, natural gas, water and fuel. Bob Gubrud to evaluate whether we should include this link. LINK to Purchasing Task Force - Examine and recommend changes in City Government purchasing and operations to conserve energy and generate less waste, while recycling more. (Germano and Keith to recommend some links for this page) LINK to Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group — Evaluate and monitor the provision of a residential recycling program. Evaluate and monitor the provision of a privately provided solid waste program, as well as a reduction in municipal solid waste produced by Edina residents and businesses. Move the following icons from the home page here: Link to Choose to Reuse from the Energy Events page RethinkRecycling.com (recommend more links here?) LINK to Water Quality Working Group - Evaluate and encourage improvements in surface water quality and in stormwater management. Move the following icons from the home page here: Water resources link (PSA with the guy in the bath tub) Link to Piece on Coal Tar (where did this go — couldn't find it) Link to 9 Mile Creek Watershed District Link to Minnehaha Watershed District (more links here) 3 City of Edina Water Quality Working Group Energy & Environment Commission Minutes of March 23, 2011 7:00-9:00pm Edina City Hall — Community Room Present: Laura Eaton, Bill Johnson, Jon Moon, Mary Jo Straub and Susan Sheridan Tucker Guest: Jesse Struve, Utility Engineer, City of Edina We welcomed Laura Eaton to the group. Laura will also be working with the Education Outreach Committee of the EEC. Laura has a background in Sustainability Management and has a broad knowledge of water issues. February 23 Minutes approved by Committee A brief report presented by Susan to update the group on EEC activities: • Edina is continuing its participation with the Carbon Disclosure Project wherein we keep track of progress as it relates to reducing Edina's carbon footprint. As work on the GreenSteps City program progresses, there will be more substantive information to convey in future reports. • Edina is continuing its pursuit of a solar panel project demonstration project for the top of City Hall. The goal is to provide education on the benefits of solar use. It is not expected that the project will yield monetary savings, but it will help reduce the City's carbon footprint. • Recycling & Solid Waste Committee is recommending that the proposed legislation to repeal the required use of compostable bags be opposed officially by City Council. • Official worldwide "Lights Out Day' is March 26 from 8:30-9:30 CT. Edina approved official proclamation • Seeking an official proclamation for Earth Day April 22. Committee welcomed Jesse Struve to the meeting to discuss the Blue Star Award Program. Jesse completed the initial assessment. With the points totaled, Edina did not make a passing grade. The committee went through the entire questionnaire consisting of approximately 60 questions, taking note of areas where Edina could likely earn higher through some education/ordinance changes and marking questions for additional review before submitting the document to the program. We spent the balance of the meeting reviewing the assessment. Jesse and Susan will work together before April's meeting to make necessary changes and bring it back to the committee for approval. FOCUS OF WATER QUALITY WORKING GROUP GreenSteps City Program — BMPs - Water Quality Working Group Efficient Storm Water Management #17 Step 1— City of Edina completing the Blue Star assessment (this is a new addition as of 9.6.2010) Step 4 — creating fee plan to incentive less water usage. Step 5 — researching design & guideline standards for rain gardens, green roofs, and green parking lots. Step 6 — Adopt/modify Stormwater Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance. Surface Water Quality #19 Step 3 — Assemble a reliable working group to monitor the water quality of Arrowhead and Indianhead Lakes. Step 4 — Adopt a shoreline ordinance consistent with Department of Natural Resources (DNR). FUTURE MEETING SCHEDULE All meetings will be in the Community Room at City Hall, unless otherwise notified. Monday May 16, Monday, lune 20 Monday, July 18 Monday, August 15 Roll Call Date: 5- l ",—)— / / Commissioner Gubrud °*' Commissioner Iyer "6 Commissioner Kata Commissioner Kostuch Commissioner Paterlini Z/" Commissioner Pronove /JO Commissioner Risser Commissioner Sierks Commissioner Thompson Commissioner Tucker Commissioner Zarrin Chair Latham �.- Revised 2-8-2011