HomeMy WebLinkAbout3211721120048-111320141\1 0 20 40 60 EXISTING HOUSE 4,0 9' 43-e 1I?,/ V. GFE=938. 1 NWt 7' ,d"1, .955 55•5.— \ V1-4S' 41/ ." qs1 a 4.) FFE=940.3 FFE=94 EXISTING/ HOUSE 4-v <o^* 459* 455' 0 45)1 NO 91 5 01•°- STRUCTURE HARDCOVER EXISTING HOUSE = 2650 SF DECK = 400 SF —150 SF AHC TOTAL = 2900 SF/116% 40`q 45° - ,/ tplE- r,,s0vos‘-‘ \ -0 ei,§> /0 /\.(e t'41 O 19 50 n • 'ffb- Cs1 --- est qao,- „sec-c .0: 0 `gu_i 0 '5> q)0 .3 1,) ° D z E L0- z ;cow 0 It) 451' 2 'bENcA-1I.4ARK TN ELE 939.4 Reg;03 „ 0c. 48,2 I / /----142.-16—AIE— AS 7 EXISTING 140.0 PLA r Fipr.sE N 6°25' W SCALE IN FEET EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION. = PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION = DIRECTION SURFACE DRAINAGE OHL = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE GFE = GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION FEE = MAIN FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION LFE = LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH HOUSE PLANS VERIFY ALL SETBACKS WITH CITY c(A- ag,i4.0 Ts-76)T /a/0 3,z /17 zt LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 11, BLOCK 2, VCTORSEN' S ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS, HENNEPN CO, MN. ADDRESS 5505 MERMTT CIRCLE PID#32-117-21-12-0048 LOT AREA = 21300 SF/ 0.49 AC X 25% = 5425 SF HC ALLOWED SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER TITLE OR EASEMENT INFORMATION Fabric anchorage french bockfill with famped natural sole Direction of runoff Dow Vara mesh reinforce (optional) Metal or post or stake Engineering fabric SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION .....: 4,-..... : :-;•.: „.;"' ,,0:1 1 _ I -flinch minimum - r .4 ' Natural soli ' , er - . -. 0. 2 e. J. : *. • : 6 inch minimum Note; Depending upon configuration, attach fabric to wire mesh with hog rings, &WM poets with tie wires, or wood poste with raves. Figure 6.3-2: Typloar instagation for sill fence r7"C\ ?s5') -15 Initial length -To front yard setback line alter backfill 6'. minimum thickness 112" to r washed rock For..-;° and Conotruction Entrance FindatonWall Reinforcing _Foundation Pre-bac:1611 _Framing and Sheathing _Insulation _Lath _Dry\ivall Masonry Fireplace _ Final Residential Temporary Rock Construction Exit Non-woven geotextlie drainage 12 minimum ,‘ fabric under Failure to install the Construction Exit before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Exit will result in enforcement action by the City. Confirm property may be Redeveloped prior to demolition A demolition permit provides no Assurance of permitted future uses Conditions of Demolition/Moving 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at a maximum 10' on center. Enclose stockpiledsoils with properly installed silt fencing. Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move — utilities abandoned at the property line Nvith a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days of the building demolition/move. MOM@ NO TRESPASSING NO Excavating! NO Driving! NO TRESPASSING on adjoining properties WORK HOURS: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday NO WORK ON SUNDAY OR HOLIDA1 MATERIALS, DUMPSTERS AND PORTABLE TOILETS SHALL NOT BE STORED IN RIGHT-OF-WAY