HomeMy WebLinkAbout3211721420015-05052015Wim mesh, minfotcomeot cal:Mona') ErigInourincs fabric SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION Fabric anchorage Iforwri baolcrill wlito 'armed naltiral soft 6 Inch minimum . . • . . - 6 blob minimum MeIal or post or s1a,k0 Direcitott 04 tun:Arnow Naturalised! MAO; EllipenclIng upon, oonliguratIon, attach falart wtro mesh with hog tings, Steel pOSIs with tie- %Altos, Gr wood pools with stapres-.. Figura 6.34: Typtooi. InerIeflatkin for eilit Itiee Temporary Rock Construction Exit ttia6 " -15' Initial length -To front yard setback line after backfill "V: iggiltatt, " .1441:01141y41.3% jltg 4%U pt%7 t.73/1/..54-.04,C14 Non-woven geotextlle drainage fabric under Failure to install the Construction Exit before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Exit will result in enforcement action by the City. 0'. minimum thickness 1 1/2" to 3" washed rock 12' inn:thrum cO WORK HOURS: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday n IO WORK ON SUNDAY OR HOLIDAYS Conditions of Demolition/Moving 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1: I. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at a maximum, 10' on center. Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move - utilities abandoned at the property line with a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days of the building demolition/move. — Confirm property may be Redev Izel.prior de ortion 66 A d molition permit provides no Assurance of permitted future uses 01‘ t PCP :NK",.PECTIONS 9$52*.5 r,c),-\N I \\J V x, 0 ance TOP OF BLOCK ELk,V\----921 55 ENERAL NOTES: he bearing system used is assumed. lie location of the underground utilities shown :on, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO %-iTit Ferr,,, a . 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT ) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. -__, FFOGlliitiCianClii0 ;ite area = 12,154 square feet = 0.279 acres. _ ItiVatiginfpiting ' > his survey was made on the ground. F fill on survey. „Drywall ,,, , ation = 920.44 a Bench mark is top nut hydrant. Bench mark is top of nail. 4a:nryxFirepaice 1 i r ation = 915.30 'roposed ground elevations to be field verified tractor for proper drainage. .,, be existing top of block could not be physically _pied thus the elevations are estimates from uRAINAGE AND UTILITY _ liar indicators. iipervious area details. il Site Area: 12,154 square feet )1 Impervious Surface Area: 5,634 square feet ouse Area: 2,551 square feet aved Pool Area: 2,163 square feet ]rge Patio Area: 696 square feet eck Area: 224 square feet 'edit Areas: 150 (bonus) & 1,161 (4' pool meter) or 1,311 square feet .:ent of Total Site Area that is Impervious: 35.57% 5 LEGEND 0 • O 0,9r c)\ Vl' 0)1 oil ,9 ;,9 I 7 2 - -\ '1\1•, 89°11-iA.4" E; 7 -:l 25.00 _ \ l .. e' -... (3 ca („)< -... ,- --,P,___ (,?24)(911.4 --- <,) .--___ • -.- 1 A/I /EXISTING BUILDING/. /7 /// /// ; TOP OF BLOCKY ELEV.=916.7 NO TRESPASSING NO Excavating! NO Driving! SCALE IN FEET NO TRESPASSING on adjoining properties PERMT NUMER irtIct ADDR'ESS / 9)1 `O (bp., k4a1StrtiCtibti tntr (3, lo current title work was furnished for the ---- Taming ar taration of this survey, legal description, recordzi,.. Inrecorded easements and encumbrances are ject th revision upon receipt of current title wart7-insulaii6oND :levation datum is based on city data, benchm.Q‘Lilattl IRON \ 'BITUMINOUS qy 111c FOUND IRON SET IRON 0 LI X X X X Lx1 DLLI --- Found Property Monument Set Property Monument (Minn. Reg. No. 23677) Concrete Concrete Curb Fence Overhead Electric Underground Electric Overhead Telephone Underground Telephone Gas Electric Meter Hydrant Power Pole Guy Wire Anchor Gate Valve Air Conditioning Unit Deciduous Tree (Diameter in Inches) Coniferous Tree EASEMENT PER PLAT 918 2 / FINISHED FLOOR ELEV.=919.95 .s`o. X 0N.) / SET IRON 917.7 u-) o / a_ / . > / '/ w % /FINISHED FLOCW? :2°20 t , , FINISHED FLOOR q 0 va4: ELCV.=922..51 u • - tau- I IS_ j y‘ cLigioa .0, Loc. o5 0..0 0, ()I /, oa 1:1 rea. 0 Ct / / Q. Ld ZO Cr) _1 //, / ///: 'Cl, Nc6 o9 crl PROPOSED DEWAY>9 11 2 —fth \ , rid,' (0) „ /c‘f' 1 /--STEPS , - l< Cr3 / t (- / • n7) WALL \ ? 35.0 7>P) j (.0 (7), N")q \ \ >F \ , cb \ 7°6 '1 / .0 BITUMINOUS CERTII- I hereby certif was prepared and that I am under the law' I "35.2 76, • c9 >f-')\ B - 91 FINISHED. FLOOR - ELEV.,----916.38 FINISHED -FLOOR (2) ELEV:=921.13 , BUILDINCIMEWAR-T-ft 5-c9o ,sr-vx-A.T- 4-(7.E— MAY 0 6 /0 lb „ OF EDINA n. V 7 .2.1 42..