HomeMy WebLinkAbout3311721320036-10092015Artre mesh reinforcement (0PIrerial) or post or delta Direction of ninon Pew Engineeiing fabric SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION fab Oc anchorage trench bacidill wlIi tamped natural soil . • ;:•.° • :."?..47 Whin! sal • .• 3 ch minimum " loch minimum Note: Depending upon ocaliguration, atiaoh fabric te wire Mesh with hog rings, steel poste with tie wires, CST wood posts With staples. Figure 624: Typical Instailation tor Sift Wee IVOICE NO B.NO CALE: 1" = 84310 1083-56 20' Denotes Found Iron Monument Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage r°! , 77 meas lat 4°2k 0 / Picket Fence ,3) 12 ee 955. .5 If- No. 5816 / I -St-Frame Residential Temporary Rock Construction Entrance/Exit ‘ka.C><:c: V-6'. r: . . . . . . ,,.. . . " - - 'Or . ill" O 6- minimum thickness 4. 1112' to 3" washed rock Non-woven geotextlle drainage fabric under Failure to install the Construction Entrance before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Entrance will result in Enforcement action by the City. -15' initial length -To front yard setback line after backfill 12' minimum UUKNIEKS1 ONE WNSIKUL 1 IVIN Property located in Section 33, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota 5812 Bernard Place, Edina, MN Top Nut Hydran at Grove St. & Bernard Place Elevation = 956.80 feet Property Address: once and Constructio-n ting Benchmark: ndation VVall Reinforcing nciation Prelbackfill ming and &eathing flare/cover Lot area Building Garage gear Patio Shed Playhouse Total Percentage - 1 5,250 sq ft± - 957 sq ft± - 454 sq ft± - 132 sq ft± 332 -150 allowance - 271 sq ft± - 50 sq ft± - 1,974 sq ft± /2,32% Covered Stoop 72.5 Inc Lah D, :wail M• sonry Fireptice to pillar pillar No. 5808 2-St-Frame 1 in to maple 6 05" - P?ole X— X X tc) ower 1". ix Pole \ —s—fl X-- X-- X— X-- X--, L _ ‘7, • s cc ir) x (1 51 .5 z Landscape e 3d aging .- /./,' L3oulder Wall ......-.;m0050 ,-- / ,i i1/:: 177 i n oiti:5 Lr) tcc curbcut +bit e 950.95 Found Spike and Washer tcc curbcut +bit c 950.90 Landscape edging 20 95 No. 58 I 2 2-St-Frame ffe 955.0 8.0 / tob 957.4 "1 20.2 30 oak 956.5 -.: • , Overhead "T. Wires 95 24 oak, Wood Fence%<9... 89°-37_14" W 1 \ 143. — _ \•--- Landscape edging I tcc curbcut 951.23 tcc 951.02 tcc 95 I .G0 n cat to N 89°42'33" E 143\.38 meas Landscape edging Wood , Fence / / 4.0 8.2 The only easer4nts shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepar,--1 k`' rrw etc under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licem Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this let day of September 2015. Rev 5- I 5- I 5 neighbors stoop WORK HOURS: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm Saturday NO WORK ON SUNDAY OR HOLIDAYS 73.3 e /2 _ 6L-AN4,02 400°0 34' /930,e/ Lot 4, Block 2, CODES HIGHVIEW PARK Hennepin County, Minnesota Confirm property may be Redevel ped • emolition A d 2 olition permit provides no Ass rance of permitted future uses Conditions of Demolition/Moving V 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter C excavations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minim 9- I 6- I 5 pillar 14 7 5' posts buried l' and spaced at a maximum 10' on center. A( Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move — utilities abandoned at the property line with a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade anc seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days of the building demolition/move. INVOICE NO F.B.NO. SCALE: 1" = 84403 1083-56 20' • Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 Denotes Iron Monument El Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only / N ,.- Denotes Existing Contours / Denotes Proposed Contours x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation --oat— Denotes Surface Drainage 858.9 Proposed First Floor Proposed Top of Block Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Lowest Floor Type of Building Fullbasement 857.74 857.4 849.0 I PROPOSED HARDCOVER E3uilding = 2252 eg.ft Porch = 232 eg.ft Total Hardcover = 2514 sq. ft Area of Parcel = 15250 sq. ft Percentage of Hardcover = 16.45% —X —X •2'4ak a \ Gregory asc g') Basis for bearings is assumed The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 urtl-r4Jo-rs T_ertifir-ate Site Plan Survey for: CORNERSTONE CONSTRUCTION Property located in Section 33, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota Original First Floor = 958.0 Property Address: 5812 Bernard Place, Edina, MN Benchmark: Top Nut Hydran at Grove St. & Bernard Place Elevation = 956.80 feet No. 5505 2-3t-n-ame Covered Stoop 72.5 to pillar pillar LS ▪ n u-) kr) maple :5* 20'0" N 89°42'33" E 143\.38 meas n / I / I n Egress Well 2'0" \ • n- 2'0" • \ 0 N- 2'0" 3'0" 26 6 4'10" \ / / \ /1 N I F N CM \.7 / 30'0" cp *`- Egress Well post -C3'3576- 00.) 3– no, a. 6" 2'0" / vat 7.8% z , ,r Driveway SC°1 I z I z FI) • 8-9.Q3-7_14" W 1 N \ \ 143. - - _ U-1 i.e in L,) \ 0) \ I \-- Landscape edging I 1 I 73.3 OD1 1 —X —JkX —X X Wood Fence ///// /////// No. 5016 / I -5t-Frame tcc curbcut 951.23 tcc curbcut +bit e 950.95 Found Spike and Washer tcc curbcut +bit c 950.90 77 nneas,z\ lat BUILDING DEPARTMENT OCT -9 2015 CITY 9F E INA Minn. Reg. No. 24992 rrl 1 Rev The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 29th day of September 2015. File Name chp-4-2inv84310siteplan.dwg Drawn By .91 jiiwn/a-evn. Lot 4, Block 2, CODES HIGHVIEW PARK Hennepin County, Minnesota Signed