HomeMy WebLinkAbout3002824430072-10212015EXISTING DWELLING to Os N 89'57'37" E - -131.57- - (Ay, n5` .7 874.4 +65 a, iti 875. EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE EXISTING HOUSE AND ATTACHED GARAGE — 1899 Sq. Ft. LOT AREA — 13,393 Sq. Ft. COVERAGE — 14.2% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE EXISTING HOUSE AND ATTACHED GARAGE — 1899 Sq. Ft. PROPOSED ADDITION — 225 Sq. Ft. LOT AREA — 13,393 Sq. Ft. COVERAGE — 15.8% CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that lain a duly Licensed Professional Engineer and Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: cla/mAtu X. amkr2/7, Typed Name: James H. Parker Reg. Na.: 9235 Date: October 1,2015 LEGEND X874,2 DWELLING TREE & TAG NUMBER AIR CONDITIONER ELECTRIC METER ARGE AC ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No, 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 Fax (952) 225 0502 WWW.ADVSUR.COM 875.2 5 X 874•.0 SURVEY FOR: LAICELAND CONTRACTORS, LLC. SURVEYED: October 13, 2015 DRAFTED: October 13, 2015 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Block 2, Southdale Third Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Contains: 13,393 Sq. Ft. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6844 Oaklawn Avenue, Edina, Minnesota. X873,5 t k7 i33.9 - - —874._ FOUND IRON-, , PIPE • e872,0 \d'-> 73.1 SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the above legal description. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct, and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish shown on the survey, have been shown, 2. Showing the location of existing improvements we deetned important. 3. Setting new monuments or verifying old monuments to mark the corners of the property. 4. While we show proposed improvements to your property, we are not as familiar with your plans as you are nor arc we as familiar with the requirements of govertunental agencies as their employees are. We suggest that you review the survey to confirm that the proposals we show are what you intend and submit the survey to such governmental agencies that may have jurisdiction over your project and gain their approvals if you can before beginning construction or planning improvements to the property. 5. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site. We have also provided a benchmark for your use in determining elevations for construction on this site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown Ott the survey when determining other elevations for use on this site or before beginning construction. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: " e" Denotes 1/210 pipe with plastic plug bearing State License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise noted. FOUND IRON PIPE 37.4 \ X974,9 POWER-' POLE / CITY OF EDINA-1 ElEliClittlARKL TOP NUT HYDRAN T=873.93 - - -6/2- -PN _ DRAINAGE St UTILITY EASEMENT' 873,6) FOUND IRON-/ 2 PIPE C11 41) u clamor_ _ -- va 872.3 FOUND IR0,41 ,,,,' PIPE / _551 • 0.1- - LANE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 NM 044' Adc(W A • Dag • a4 40 ( IN FEET ) k \ 871,7 DIFG. NO. 151024 MK x873,5 63.8 .",.,...........fil s .>, ,875.0 o'.ss 874.9 CONCRETE 874.7 3.8 FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION-877.1 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVA1ION=875.4 X 874.9 873,,3 to 30 ADVANCE SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. tinny. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952)474 7964 Fox (952)225 0502 WWW.ADVSUR.COM SURVEY FOR, LAKELAND CONTRACTORS, LLC. SURVEYED: October 13, 2015 DRAFTED: October 13, 2015 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: tot 10, Block 2, Soullida(ft Third Addition. Hennepin County, Minnesota Contaimq 13,393 Sq. FL PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6044 ()Ala. Avenue, Nino, Minnesota, FIELD TREE INVENTORY LOG Pit0,1501144/46i 13AlEt Tree Suney el OM Ooltlean Memo, 10/01015 Edna TUE: IttOOMI coudy 55 Mgrem G TAO NO. TREE DIA. (N) OR MT. IFT) 8750108 CONDITION IMPY7 NOM 714 715 24. 40 344 000 Womb glue Spec* Goal Good 1 710 717 so 20 caw. mos tissues 0410,040 040. Spruce NW Good tr V 718 711) 20. IS 01020 0411 Swain ern Good Pak V V 720 721 10' 30 Game Ash Coloreds Nue 8prvra Good Good Y Y 722 723 13. 5. Ironwood Grim Ash Good Good Y Y 724 725 IF 12 Amt.. Elm Gran Mb Good Good Y 728 20 13 Colon,. Blue Spruce Fair TOTAL Y EATING TREES MENTOR. city or Edins Tree Insane, Cdterhs: GAWK. Trees HI WM a Mester MOM. Trees W • Oismeter, except the IMIcsdngt cdg Calyx Design Group Landscape Architecture WWW.calyzclesigngooDO•ccm 651.334.5400 nook, 0801 MM.. WO, 00,1060fl.fl Frun Troes. &Mu te, Manton listIngt Good • Full MepoY. No mgm MS.. er ttien Fslr• Most of Me unooy, Some Sams or ...MUM Poor • Slonticsnt GnoPY tam. Gt... N..... 01 S. UR Exam., cdg Calyx Design Group, Ilc e dame Architecture Su Minable Onion Ma ler Manning 0.0at000.:015,00 1,6010000 talc new astamstos Inlamot .10.1: AonG,ot,00e.hprn:n000wn Roviatosta, 10n1...71 Certification: 1.0.2 026201n•I 010 Os, 12•0.600. reprut.operana by ma undo, n, *I ...mt., a0:12411w 0.7 Yroz althea. of Warm.. 11.4 21.4 10221E'''.1.3 Lka”.1.4.1. 0±06)000 auto 22F2220220121161011.12222M20229072.12204 A92.122020n2322161./4212107 202172371.9702W21. 00110761.0221M21,9020122.01.PIWORKIDEIRE201,212.0 020.1.220A02.2.1/22a012,1220.212FCAPY2/,220512221120. 119M1.1.7112209011200.20612430wo22,A16.12422102(12K.,00. 0 TYPICAL TREE PROTECTION DETAIL law SSOIV 01.00.00005150 o.c. INN MONS OW Or 01.2221.1021 227221021.17011i0.11011. 72,21.071012111EAN f"rit'pA, EX. TURF AREA 714 FOUND IRON PIPE POWER POLE 0725 N9Iee & UTILITY EASEMENT coke • 37.4 Tree Preservation Notes: ExIsting boundary. locialon. topographic, and utility Information ehown on thls plan Is from 0000 survoy by Advance Survey end Engineering, Inc. • Do not begin tree clearing work until Pee prolecUon moesurea .10 10 Noce and to tha permit approval of the CHy of Sdlno Forester hes been granted. • Cdtical Rool Zone: testa high density pehrethylene wifely Gime, An, high. International orange. 01 1110 Drip Lino or el the Critical Root Zone whIchevor le greeter, of trees to be preserved per &dell. prior to commencement of earthwork acilvity. FleichstakIng 01 02 fence location(s) subject to City of Edna approval. • Where Mb fence end proposed tree protection lance overlap. place 010 1,.. protection fence on the outolde ol the 601 fence. double-slaked el the break-poInt. • Refer to Tree Prolecdon 0004 1. • The contractor WIWI prune the canopy of oxIsling 11040 ,0 remain whole the canopy Is In Nopordy of damage due to the new improvements shown1 ills recommendad lhat the 000110001 0,02 cerliflod arborist to perform the pruning. Any branches broken during constructIon shall be larnedialeN Mmmed end wounds painted to prevent Anther damage. • Pedcom work W accordance will, Me lows, ordinances, ruler, regulations, end orders of public authodly having jurisdiction. Secure and pay for permits, govornmental fees end Ilcenees memory for the proper exacuflon Al the demolition work. • Provide protective covorings and enctosures as necaasoly to prevent damage to existing work that Is to remain. S101410100,11 to romaM may Include ham such .1 trees, shrubs, lawn, sidewalks, drives, curbs, Willgos, buildings endlor other obuctures 07 01 adjacent 1*1110 demoggon she. Provide temporary lamas and banked. as required for the sole and proctor execution of the work and the p0100000 *7 Person0 ond property. • Remove debris, waste, end rubbish promptly from the site. Onaille burial of debris Is not permIlled, Burn no debris on Um Salvego material not °thaw's° indicated to be mood shell bosom° the Conirecterft property and Is to be removed promptly from the ate end disposed of In ealci accordance with at applicable lawe, regulation., nrollor statutes. • Buildings, feature, surfaces. End When descriptive referencoo churn on Ns drawing ore for Informational purpoeee only. Field verily EU Infomadlort relevent to Ihe project prior to ixoceedIng with the work. 11100 00 olio and &domino 04 010 conditions and Words. • 71,10 plan ls a guide cot, Ihe engdpeled amount of dleturbance expected due to proposed Improvements. The controctor Is expected 10 1010 all necessary precautions to ensure trees noted remaln aro not damaged durInft construction. Do not sloro maledel or drive within Inc drip Eno of exisgog bees to remain. Se aware of overhead branches for clearance of materiel and equipment. • This plan Is rote guarantee Not existing trees will ourvNe doting/post construction, but rather a Oda to help °ewe thotr protection end greatest chances of mini.' et the swine laver. Further protection measures outside lids soap could Med. ecologist.. foresters end arborists. • Notify iho Owner's Rapresentativa and Engineer noon bee protecUon rending Is taken down to pertain, work In con/unction with No new hmlovemords noted In this plan eel. The contractor Is responsible far rmerocang rho tree Notedly, fence ftemodlotaly after No work Is compleie, when 0V8I passible • DE03 shown as existing to remain (be preserved) that Ore demaged / killed as a result of constr.-lino actIvIlee am sublect to replacement per the City of Edina Tree Replacement penally. Replacement trees are 10 be pald for et no addlgonal expanse to the Owns, • Toe Trimming: Trim branches of ettlellng trees to remain with branches overhanging We work zone to a height of no less Wan 10 above erode. General contractor shall hire a state certglad arbodst to Wm bees End shall not Irlm Qualms sp during pdme oak will season, per Sty code. 00 101 disturb Oaks between April-July. TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION PLAN NOTES, SCHEDULES AND DETAILS: ,-OVERHEAD UTILITY EX. TURF AREA TREE PROTECTION FENCING PER DETAIL 1, TYP. N 89105737" E — —131.57— — FOUNDIRO% PIPE ceivoo,p ON C R E TE CU R B Tree Preservation/Replacement Data: Total Significant Trees Inventoded: 13 Significant 001 )12, Hardwood Trees tabs Removed: 0 Significant 20 Tell Conifemus 'Retain be Removed: 0 Total TWOS to be Removed: 0 Portal Sire (AO: 0301 %Of Trees Iternuved: (10, Number of Replacement Trees Regain-di 0 FOUND IRON PIPE 5 72 EX, TURF AREA - - - —90.8 76.5A, 00 EX. CONC. PATIO EX. TURF AREA ft EXISTING DWELLING FIRST FLOOR ELEVAT(ON.877.1 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION.875.4 EX. GARAGE v--44.33 11,--55A.°1 EX. TURF AREA TREE PROTECTION FENCING PER DETAIL 1, TYP. LANE FOUND IRON PIPE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 1 05 MCP )